#Gwen my fav is adorable
luukka · 5 months
Cursed Princess Club is so good dude. Like, if I had to say, it's my comfort story, and it's not finished yet
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robstarsupremacy · 2 months
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princekirijo · 1 year
Watching Spiderverse again and god Gwen's whole character arc fucks me UP someone give that girl a hug PLEASE
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spiderfunkz · 2 months
hi! i’d love to know abt your fav headcanon(s) for tasm!peter and maybe a little oneshot of said headcanon(s)?
peter parker falls in love HARDDDDD!! i love him and his nerdy ass like aaaaghhhhhh. he's so cutesy and skrunkly i just wanna throw a rock at him 💕
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peter parker is the type of person to go head over heels when he likes someone!! the type of person to steal a glance every time you're not looking. the type of person to secretly hope he'd get partnered up with you during class. the type of person to practice in front of the mirror before finally talking to you.
he's the type of person to notice every little thing about you. the pins on your bag of your favorite artists? he can name five songs. your favorite flowers? he walks past the flower shop every morning, hoping to buy you some one day. the way you always have that one mood ring on your finger, he finds it adorable.
he goes so flustered whenever you catch him glancing at you. his face turns all red and he starts giggling actually, your probably the reason he skips to school everyday, hands in pockets, twirling around in pure joy and excitement.
he'll brag to his friends on how he talked to you when in reality it was him saying happy birthday and you replying with a thank you along with a smile that surely gave him a cavity.
to summarize it up. peter parker doesn't just like someone. he loves them. pure admiration, adoration, infatuation, smitten. you're the light in his heart, the butterfly in a field of wildflowers, the red tulip in a field of white tulips.
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peter has liked you for a while now.
it was a long day of classes, he could've just skipped but aunt may found out he was doing that too much and got pretty mad. besides, it's just one more class. a class he never really had to try in. should be easy right?
yes, but no.
you just switched classes to biology. sitting in the only empty chair, just two chairs away from peter. he saw you, and that's when he knew.
you were never late, unlike peter. every time he comes in you're already there, smiling awkwardly at the situation as mrs. moore lectured him. but what's the point? peter wasn't listening, he was too busy figuring out what emotion was on your mood ring, and spoiler alert! it was love.
it took him a lot of convincing and reassurance from gwen, but he finally got the courage to talk to you. not about how the weather is, or the same old "did you do the _ assignment yet?". he was going to ask you out on a totally friends-only, platonic date ( that goes so well it will end up with you and him holding hands! ).
"hi!" peter smiled, his hand playing with his hair. "hey, peter." he seemed nervous, you were too.
"um, so, i was wondering if you.. would.." he looked everywhere but your eyes, "..that if we could, maybe, um.. hangout? together? if you want to. obviously, you don't have to but um-"
"no yeah, i would love to peter!" you smiled. was it hot? it felt hot, your face felt hot, does peter notice? he probably does.
peter's heart was racing through a field, it was winning first place. "okay, good- great! i could um. pick you up? i'll text you. you have my number right? i could just um- you know..." he played with the hem of his jacket.
you nodded, "yeah i do." — "okay, we could meetup somewhere.. maybe the park? is that boring? the cinema? anything you'd like, i'm fine with anything you know. or we could just.. hang.."
you smile, "sure."
"yeah definitely, either one. or we could do all of them, i've got nothing to do." — "okay, that's super! super- cool.. super cool. i'll text you, is that okay?"
you nodded, "of course."
"okay, i um- i'll go now. i should go now. i'll see you? later?" peter asks.
"yeah okay!" you wave happily as he walks backwards towards the exit, nearly bumping into 2, no, 3 now, students.
"text me!" you yell out.
peter nodded eagerly.
he walks out, knowing gwen is not gonna hear the end of this.
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weemssapphic · 1 year
ohhh, first of all: HIII i adore your writing. The visions fic in particular? easily one of my faves. ("favs, say favs" [i cannot not hear Gwen say that whenever I say/write faves]) Anyway haha, I was wondering if you could maybe write a female potions teacher/ Larissa fic where you borrow the concept of Amortentia and when they brew it in class Reader realises she's utterly and hopelessly in love with Larissa (and maybe Larissa is also there as extra supervision bc it's such a "dangerous" potion?"... and she also smells smth that reminds her of the reader?)
Amortentia: Fated Attraction
aw thank you so much! favs, say favs hehe that made me giggle :D thank you for the request <3 this was so much fun to write and i hope it lives up to your expectations! ao3 link in title, as per usual.
thank you to @afeatherformills for editing and to @sapphicsbeloved for letting me pick your brain (now you have more context hehe) <3
words: ~2.2k
warnings/content: none really, just kind of fluffy / admitting feelings for each other, kissing
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“Who can tell me what we’re brewing today?” 
Dozens of arms shot into the air, the students’ curious eyes trained upon the cauldron on your desk. You grinned, knowing the hints you had dropped in last week’s lesson had worked and your students were going to be engaged in today’s little experiment. 
“Yes, Bianca?”
“Amortentia. The world’s most powerful love potion.”
“You are correct.” Your grin grew wider. “Can anyone tell me what Amortentia does? Wednesday?”
“Amortentia causes a powerful infatuation to form for the person who drinks the potion. It smells different to each person, according to what most attracts them,” the raven-haired girl deadpanned.
“Someone clearly did her homework. Thank you, Wednesday. Now-” your lecture was interrupted by a loud knock.
The door to your classroom opened a crack and Larissa popped her head inside. “I’m sorry, my meeting just ended. Am I too late?” Your heart skipped a beat at the sight of the stately blonde. 
“Not at all, we were just getting started. Class, Principal Weems will be joining us today. Bianca was right - Amortentia is the world’s most powerful love potion, which can make it quite dangerous, and we thought it best to have an extra adult to supervise you. Don’t let her presence phase you.”
You shot a teasing wink at your students and waved Larissa into the room. She stalked over to your desk, hips swaying, and somehow you knew it was you who would be phased by her presence, more so than any of the kids.
“Principal Weems,” you leaned back onto the desk, scooting closer to her until you were nearly thigh to thigh, deciding you were going to make the most of the rare occasion of having her in your classroom. “Do you think you could tell the class what ingredients we’ll need for our potion?”
Larissa raised a perfectly sculpted brow, ruby-red lips pursing at the challenge, icy gaze piercing yours. For a moment your pulse quickened, you worried you had overstepped. Then her lips quirked up in a soft smirk and she turned her head to address your students. 
“We will be needing rose petals, peppermint, moonstone and, most importantly, pearl dust.”
You shot her a grateful smile, trying to ignore the way your heart fluttered when she returned that smile, and turned to the cauldron sitting on your desk where you had already neatly prepared all the ingredients. Normally you would have your students make their own batch of a potion, but you and Larissa had both agreed when coming up with your lesson plan that giving a bunch of horny teenagers the world’s strongest infatuation potion was a recipe for disaster.
Once you’d gotten a small flame burning under your cauldron, you turned back to your class, hyper-aware of the many pairs of eyes burning holes into your skull. Even Larissa was watching you with interest. 
“Come on guys, you aren’t normally this engaged in class,” you teased with a chuckle. “Now you can come up here - don’t push each other - just fill in the back there… perfect.” 
Once the kids were gathered around your desk and the cauldron was bubbling to your satisfaction, you began to add the ingredients, chatting to the class about the history of love potions. 
Every so often, you caught Larissa’s eye from across your desk and she gave you an encouraging nod, a soft smile. She seemed to be hanging onto your every word and it made your heart beat just a little faster than normal, though you couldn’t quite place why. 
You did have a bit of a crush on your boss but it was harmless, really. The two of you were good friends. You’d been working at Nevermore together for years now and had built up a friendly rapport, knowing you could trust each other with both workplace and personal matters. You frequently met up for coffee at the Weathervane and shared the occasional bottle of wine in her office to let out your frustrations about students and other staff. So what if you sometimes got lost in her cerulean eyes, or imagined what she looked like under her designer dresses? So what if you pictured yourself holding her hand in the hallways or taking her out to dinner? It was just a harmless crush.
The potion began to develop its characteristic mother-of-pearl sheen and your lips curled up in satisfaction. Spirals of steam rose from inside the cauldron and several students began to push forward, entranced, trying to get a whiff of the concoction.
“‘Amortentia smells different to each person, according to what most attracts them’,” you quoted Wednesday’s earlier words. “Anyone care to share what they smell?”
Tentative glances were shared between the students, many suddenly too timid to speak. It was Enid who raised her hand first.
“Yes, Enid?” You nodded at the young blonde, hoping you sounded soft and encouraging.
“I smell lavender... cool night air… and, um, Wednesday’s hand sanitizer.” A blush crept up her neck at the admission and Wednesday elbowed her girlfriend in the ribs, shooting daggers at her with wide eyes.
“Thank you for sharing, Enid,” you smiled reassuringly at the girl, honestly just grateful that someone had participated in your lesson.
“What do you smell, Ms. Y/L/N?” Wednesday looked up at you through dark lashes, her words an open challenge, a smug smile tugging at the corners of her mouth as she tried to make you squirm. You rolled your eyes - you should have known this would happen.
“Ms. Addams, I hardly think it is appropriate-” Larissa began, but you interjected before she could finish.
“It’s alright, Principal Weems, what’s the harm in answering a simple question.” You shot her a playful wink and ignored her dangerous look.
You leaned over the potion, closing your eyes and letting out a contented sigh as you took a deep breath, allowing the scent of the potion to wash over you.
“Mmm I smell… fresh laundry…” At first you smelled freshly washed sheets, one of your favorite scents, even since childhood. But then you smelled red wine. Cinnamon. Conditioner - but not your own. Your brows knit together in concentration. 
Who was it that you were smelling? You didn’t even really like red wine yourself. The gears in your mind turned as you racked your brain, you were sure the whole class could hear you think. Oh. Your stomach dropped.
“Ms. Y/L/N?” Enid’s voice shook you out of your reverie. Your eyes fluttered open and you swallowed thickly. You realized with a sinking feeling that your students had all borne witness to your internal struggle and were now watching your face flush in real time. The pit in your stomach grew when your eyes made contact with Larissa’s. Sapphire pools stared back at you in concern, brows furrowed in confusion. 
It was her. The smell. The occasional Friday night you shared in her office, strictly as coworkers, sipping red wine by the fire. Sitting close enough to smell her conditioner, her perfume, a sweet scent with notes of cinnamon that sometimes, in your tipsy state, made you wish you could bury your head in her neck and stay there forever. You were in love with Larissa Weems.
“You have a crush on someone.” You couldn’t help but glare at Wednesday, who grinned as if she had won a bet. Knowing her, maybe she had.
For the rest of the lesson, you pointedly avoided the gaze of a certain principal, who was watching you with curious eyes, unable to place your reaction at smelling the Amortentia.
When the bell rang, you were grateful to have a free period to collect your thoughts, and you ushered your students out of the classroom as quickly as you could. You shut the door behind the last one and clicked the lock, closing your eyes and leaning with your back against the door, letting out a frustrated groan.
“The world’s most powerful love potion,” Larissa’s voice made your eyes snap open and your heart drop into your stomach - you’d thought you were alone. The silver-haired woman was leaning over the cauldron, face partially obscured by wispy spirals of shimmering, pearl-colored steam.
“Well, technically, a true love potion doesn’t exist. Love can’t be artificially created. It would only cause a strong infatuation for the drinker.” You stepped forward to meet Larissa at the cauldron. This time, you immediately recognized the scent emanating from it, leaning in involuntarily. How could you not have known?
“That’s what makes it so dangerous,” Larissa’s eyes were focused on the bubbling of the potion as she worried her bottom lip between her teeth, she seemed lost in thought. You came around to her side of the desk until the two of you stood shoulder to shoulder. As you stepped closer, you saw the loose wisps of Larissa’s silver curls coming out of her usually perfect updo, sticking to her forehead from the steam rising from the inside of the cauldron. Even so, she was perfect to you.
“What do you smell?” You whispered, nudging her playfully. You were playing with fire…
Larissa stole a glance at you, hesitating for a moment, then closed her eyes and sniffed at the swirls of steam rising from the cauldron. Her nose wrinkled lightly and it took everything in you to suppress the sigh of adoration threatening to bubble forth from your chest as you watched her, her eyelashes fluttering against the rosy apples of her cheeks, brows crinkling at the center in thought.
She hummed as the scent of the potion reached her nostrils. Freshly brewed coffee. Okay, so she was more of a hot chocolate drinker herself… The scent of burning herbs. Kind of reminded her of the potions classroom… A flowery perfume. Why did it smell so familiar? 
Larissa felt a heat rise in her cheeks as her brain connected the dots. She drew back, opening her eyes but refusing to meet your gaze, instead using her hands to steady herself on the desk in front of her. How had she not realized it before?
“Rissa?” You breathed, ducking your head in an attempt to get the taller woman to make eye contact with you. 
Your use of her nickname had the desired effect, but her eyes were filled with uncertainty and fear. 
You hoped this meant she had smelled you, just as you had smelled her. Your palms began to sweat, heat coiling in the pit of your stomach. An electricity buzzed in the air, pulling you almost magnetically towards the woman in front of you. You stepped towards her until you had to crane your neck back to look up at her face, your heart pounding erratically in your chest. 
Larissa’s pupils widened imperceptibly, her lips parted as she straightened to her full height, now towering over you. Her breath ghosted across your face as she leaned closer, stopping just short of your lips, hesitating as she hovered over you. Her tongue darted over her lower lip, eyes glassy and swirling with emotion as they flickered nervously between the both of yours. 
It was you who closed the distance. Your lips met, hesitantly at first. Larissa was still against you and, for a moment, you considered drawing back, now unsure whether the kiss was truly wanted. Just as you were about to pull away, you felt a strong hand grasp your waist, another thread in your hair as Larissa’s lips began to move against yours, soft and wanting.
A soft whimper escaped your throat, causing Larissa to hum in satisfaction and tighten her grip on you, pulling you flush against her. Your hands snaked around Larissa’s neck, raking your fingernails lightly along the skin at the nape of her neck, eliciting a low moan from her. 
When you parted, you were both panting. She dipped her neck down to press her forehead to yours and you enjoyed the feeling of her warm breath on your cheek.
You couldn’t help yourself - you let out a hearty chuckle, and Larissa shot you a quizzical glance, gently and almost instinctively running her thumb along your jaw.
“And to think you almost didn’t approve of brewing the Amortentia,” you grinned lazily, leaning into her touch.
A gorgeous blush bloomed over Larissa’s cheeks. “Yes, well, had I known this would happen, I would have approved it much sooner.”
“Sure,” you murmured, capturing Larissa’s lips in a sweet, lingering kiss.
“Any other dangerous potions you’d like to try out, Ms. Y/L/N?” Larissa teased, backing you into the desk, regaining the upper hand. 
“Wouldn’t you like to know? Perhaps we could discuss this more, tonight over dinner?” You were hopeful.
Larissa’s smile was genuine when she hummed in delight. “7 pm sharp. Don’t keep me waiting.”
A final, bruising kiss was placed firmly on your lips, Larissa nipping slightly at your bottom lip and soothing it immediately with her tongue before pulling away. There was an extra sway in her hips as she sauntered out of your classroom, and you couldn’t help the smile that spread across your face as you realized you’d just scored a first date with the woman of your dreams.
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nightowl374art · 30 days
-So I'm very excited to write this 'cause I've been meaning to do it for a while now. So yah here I go...
-I just love your art so so much! Like fr bro you give me so much joy with your fanarts. I haven't felt this attached to an artist and certain art style in a while but you bring it all back with what you're doing and I'm so extremely grateful. So y'know... Thank you deeply from the bottom of my heart.
-I love every piece you've made so far but I gotta say ... That one with the remake of the amazing Spider-Man 2 graduation was just out of this world. Andrew's spiderman is my favorite of the live action trio and I love that one part so much! But I gotta say... Take this as an idea lol... So there's one more part of that movie I deeply love. It's the part where Peter makes the "I love you" on a bridge and then takes Gwen and they make it up to each other... Can't help but see miles and Gwen do that as well. Like in the end of beyond like them getting together or like maybe Miles proposing like that IDK! Take my idea 💡!
-Ok so that's my fav fanart but I'm absolutely in love with their beautiful family! Their kids look so beautiful and them being together is something I treasure a lot! I love how you made the kids different then the comics and also the way you made Miles and Gwen! They look so good! I love Gwen's side braids and Miles haircut it's like... I don't see him doing it BUT I freaking love the spider detail in the side! I even told my friend that if I had my hair like Gwen someday I would add that detail! It looks so good! So perfect like chef's kiss! Also the first art I saw of their kids was that one with Peter B calling Miles and Gwen for having kids and them all just being like:
Max and Charlotte: who the hell is this dude?
Miles and Gwen: What the actual f-
Miles (dad): Idk who the hell you are but please don't touch my kids...
-I also love miles 42 and Gwen 42 art... It looks so cute and she looks hot as hell btw. I also find it very funny when they are having a double date with miles 1610 and Gwen 65. They look adorable ... So different but very refreshing I really like it!
-Look like I mentioned I'm beyond have and grateful that you're making art like this... It's not just the art or the art style but the impact it made me! You're very talented and special! I can't wait for more beautiful art from you. I hope you're getting all the support you deserve and that you're doing well! Never stop smiling and have a nice day/night!
-Hope you get to read this soon and sorry for being so long! But this is just a fraction of what I was meaning to tell you so yah....
-Thank you for everything and for your time! Bye❤️🌻🫂🕸️
I am always amazed when people say these kind of things to me. It means everything to me to know I can bring even just a little bit of joy to someone through my passion, so I would like to say thank you to you 💕.
Agreed. Andrew is my favorite version of Peter, the vibe of his movies really speak to me. I love the scene you’ve mentioned, but it breaks my heart because of Gwen’s fate. However I would love to do that for Miles and Gwen. Right now I’ve got a lot of pieces in progress, so don’t expect it right away, but if I find a chance to do it I will ✨
I really enjoyed drawing their kiddos and had every intention of drawing them differently from the comics. I wanted to do my own interpretation of their kids since the spiderverse style if different from the comics. I actually based Gwen’s braids on some of her concept art, I loved that look (it’s viking-ish which I dig) so I wanted to do something with it.
Though Miles and Gwen 42 are not exactly canon, I still love the idea of them and so I’m glad you have enjoyed what I have made.
Just so you know, I’m very moved by what you said and all your heartfelt thoughts about my art. It’s lovely to hear what you think and how it has given you joy. It’s all I could’ve asked for as an artist so I hope you know how grateful I am 🩷
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Spider-verse, but Nightwing
OK I once saw a comment somewhere which went along the lines of...
"I wish Dc would give us a animation-like Spiderverse of Nightwing"
and at first i kind of ignored it- cuz idk, i don't really care about Nightwing- I mean, i love him! He's great, but not one of my favorite batfamily members.
so, here's what i think a Spiderverse movie would be like,
(If the plot was similar)
Nightwing- Obv he's Miles Morales, the main character!
Gwen- OK, the love interest. So we have three main competitors for fan favorite ships! Dick/Wally, Dick/Barbara, and Dick/Kori! Now one of them is already cancelled by default, because Dc is a coward, so we only have Barbara and Kori left! and well, Barbara fits Gwen's personality much more than Kori, and that paired with the fact that DC favors DickBabs in general, WE HAVE A WINNER!
SpiderVerse- okay, this is where it starts to lean a bit away from the movies and a bit from the comics; Spiderverse is now the Court of Owls! My headcannon is that for some reason all vigilantes (minus Batman and one other person, u will find out) join the court of owls thinking it has the right idea, and then BOOM its not actually that good (it kills people it can't control). BUT its not that wrong either. When it figures out what its doing wrong, it starts helping the vigilantes against the real evil, which is...
Spot- The league of assassins :)) YES I KNOW, IT ISN'T REALLY A MAIN VILLAIN of Nightwing's, but STILL, it's too good of a opportunity to give up seeing Ra's and Talia in the movie.
Miles Parents- Bruce and Selina, obviously. I think Jefferson's personality as a parent is PERFECT for Bruce-emotionally-constipated-dad! Selina is Bruce's wife, obv, BUT there is one change here...Y'know that scene where Rio gives Miles that 'your un-grounded" talk? I think it would be Wally giving Nightwing a super cool heartwarming speech (it won't be the same though) and then turned out Selina was listening to it all and at the end is just like "sigh, ok, you're ungrounded, come back soon, i'll deal with Bruce."
Tim Drake- DRUM ROLL PLEASE, Hobie Brown! Hobie's smart, and while his personality might be a bit too much....It's still perfect for the role Tim would be playing. Hobie doesn’t trust the Court, and at the end he’s the one who had everything prepared for when they realise that the Court Of Owls is wrong!
Stephanie Brown- AND SHE'S GOING TO BE OUR FAV CINNAMON ROLL, Pavitr Prabhakar. And as much as it pains me as a Pakistani to remove his Indian heritage, it must be done. He's goofy, he ships the two main characters, and is just adorable, he's perfect for Stephanie, and will definitely give her justice.
Cassandra Cain- Sadly, Cass is going to have a less prominent role in the second movie, but hopefully she shows up more in the third; Margo Kess! the scene where she lets Miles go is perfect, because she can detect body language and would understand that Nightwing is right, and Miguel is planning on hurting him.
Damian Wayne- FINALLY MY FAV CHARACTER, but this one is more of a original character instead of a already made character in the movie; Damian is going to be the person Dick has to save. Because i love their dynamic. So, Damian is probably being manipulated by LoA, and idk maybe Ra's is trying to use him as a body vessel without Damian knowing, and the court of owls needs him dead because "HES A WILD CARD" but Dick just NEEDS to save him "BECAUSE THAT'S MY BROTHER, DAMN YOU, IM NOT LETTING ANOTHER ONE DIE" and cue everyone fighting LoA and then a wholesome Dick and Dami scene; Feel free to elaborate on it.
Jason Todd- I had to think a lot for this, but i have a PERFECT answer; Uncle Aaron. ITS SAD AND WILL BREAK HEARTS BUT ITS PERFECT, HELP- The relationship with Jefferson? check. Dies? check. What more do we need?
a happy and alive Jason
Hey! Maybe he comes back when hey go to save Damian! Actually, yes, that is 100% the plot. They find Jason revived at the league and save him :3
Duke Thomas- I CANT FIND A CHARACTER FOR DUKE BUT HE HAS TO BE HERE DAMN IT- please either come up with a original character for Duke or find a already made character PLEASE.
Peter B. Parker- Must i explain why? No, no i do not. its perfect.
Mayday- Jon Kent :))) Because why not///
MJ- (Peters wife and Maydays mother) Obv Lois Lane.
Miguel- Random court of owls leader (any idea's?).
SpiderWoman- Can't think of anyone...let me know what you guys think in the comments!
Peni Parker- Kori!! She's perfect
Pig Spiderman- Beast Boy lmao
Black and White Spiderman- Meme version of Raven.
Roy Harper- Just another original character who i need in the movie.
King-Pin- Mr. Freeze! his goals match up pretty well with Kingpins anyway.
The rest of the villains Miles faces will be random Rogues from Batman's gallery.
The rest of the Spiderman's in Spiderverse will be random Justice-League members (OMG I LOVE THIS)
And, well, the first movie takes place when it's only Dick and Jason adopted (Before Jason's death, and then a bit after, when Dick is dealing with the grief)
Feel free to add more stuff in reblogs/Comments! Really want to see what you guys come up with :3
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the-kr8tor · 2 months
I might try that aha- just gotta wait tho so I can be able to do all these assignments... Daily Hobie HC! I saw a video of some guy petting a wild peacock in India so I got this idea from there- I feel like whatever dimension he goes to, whether you're a spiderperson or not, he likes to see if he can bring back a little souvenir for you. Like- what if once when he was first visiting Pavitr's dimension, Pav was simply just taking him around the streets as they got food and just talked. All of a sudden the two just stumble upon a peacock, and after some weird frolicking between boys (aka Hobie doing a terrible impression of it and somehow getting chased) At the end of the day, he'll swing back to you with a peacock feather (that he found on the ground ofc cus it's painful to pluck it straight from the bird) and give it back to you. Mind you this is not a small gift since peacock feathers are BIG..I should know, I have one lol. Maybe another time he was in another dimension, maybe Gwen's, perhaps he brought back a watercolour pressed flower (obviously your fav) Hobie will always see if he can try bring back a little souvenir from every dimension for you, especially something that describes the atmosphere/style of it. A little gift from his crazy adventures<3. - 🐦‍⬛
Good luck on your homework!! I cannot wait to see what you've cooked up! 🫶
Hold on I've got a fic almost like this here!! But it's the reader who gives him the souvenirs!
Great minds think alike 😉 The peacock feather is so romantic 😍😍😍 I'd take care of it and hang it on my wall 🥰 also the imagery of Hobie running away from a peacock is hilarious 😂 he doesn't even think about swinging away bc the peacock has paralyzed him with fear 🤣
Adorable 💕 I'd give him so many smooches as a thank you 😘❤️
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deetealeaf · 2 months
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hi and welcome to my blog! stay awhile, if you'd like<33
this blog is a proclaimed @florsial fan blog!!!! anyone who dares to be rude or mean will be lightly murdered <3333
About me-
my name is dee! im alright with nicknames tho, so go ahead
im queer, i go by she/her but will adore you forever if you sprinkle in some they/them
im mostly unlabeled when it comes to sexuality and gender, but i do use certian labels to make it easier for others to understand
i am a cancer sun, child of apollo, if you're into that
i am a minor, please dont be weird- i have a block button and im unafraid to use it :)
i love people, so talk to me if you'd like! dont be scared to start a convo<3
Things i like-
Music ->noah kahan, maisie peters, renee rapp, baby queen, beth mcarthy, conan gray, taylor swift, boygenius, lucy dacus, julien baker, hozier and tons more! but i mostly listen to specific songs, not specific artists.
Fandoms -> the marauders era, heartstopper, the batfam, harry potter(fuck jkr btw), percy jackson, heathers the musical
Books -> one for all by lillie lainoff, frankenstein(tho im not done reading it), dracula, the perks of being a wallflower, solitaire by alice oseman, as you wish by chelsea sedoti, kween by vichet chum, the gentlemans guide to vice and virtue by mackenzi lee, gwen and art are not in love, and so much more that im not remembering(i also love book recs btw ;))
My tags-
dee's reblogs- stuff i think is important or just super cute
go to sleep dee challenge- mostly used at the unspeakable hours of the morning, basically shitposting
dee's music- rarely used, self explanatory i think
dee's gender- used when i need to panic about my gender on main, also very rarely used
dee's art tag- it is the tag where i art.
dee talks too much- new tag!! text posts
best ivan tag- tag for my lovely moot ivan<3
my fav dragon!- tag for my dear moot dragon<3
My blog-
right now i only have this blog, which doesn't really have a theme, but ive been toying with the idea of a writing(vent tbh, not really writing) or art sideblog. ill tag it here if i do create it!!!
HAHAHAAH IVE DONE IT!!! I created an art blog, but if yall wanna find it, ill make a post or something :)) just ask!!
have a wonderful day friend, and thanks for stopping by! i wish you the best<33
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canonically47 · 3 months
I'm curious as to your absolute favorite part of each Total Drama season and each Disventure Camp season.
aw thanks for this ask!! i find it really sweet :3 let's see if my memory can hold up to the task!
total drama
season 1: it may be just because i haven't watched this season in a while, and because it's definitely not my favorite if i had to pick, but i think what stuck with me the most were the duncney first kiss scene (which was sooo adorable i miss them sm <//3), gwen accepting to go on a date with trent (i miss them.. sob....), harold's little >:3 after courtney got eliminated, and gwen and geoff's entire arc in geoff's elimination episode. if i had to choose between all of those, i'd pick the latter. it was such a fun dynamic that unfortunately was soon forgotten.
season 2: a lot of justin scenes are iconic but in the end i have to go with a harold scene, which would be the one in which he punches duncan in the face. yeah that's my favorite part always. what a great guy i love him sm. i also really like the entire dynamic of duncan-harold-heather-leshawna as a group they were AMAZING and even without leshawna in that one episode they SLAYED i love that silly trio
season 3: so since you didn't ask for a specific scene but just for a part, i'll just have to say the entire aleheather arc was amazing. they are such a well-constructed ship and i adore them. i cannot picture them with anyone else but themselves. my favorite scene to come out of the entire season also comes from them: when they're dancing on the train, singing "you are the worst, why must you torment me?" oh god they have it so bad for each other
season 4: roti is so forgettable which is sad because it has so many great characters.. i'll have to go with something related to jo since she's my fav and made the season better, i really liked her bickering with brick and anne maria. she's truly a bisexual enemies-to-lovers icon. i love the scene in which she and brick meet up and start ranting about who ran the most
season 5: that season didn't exist wdym?? but in all honesty aleheather dating was awesome and i miss them sm.. when chris said 'are you two DATING??' something in me shifted he was so funny for that idek why
season 6: ugh i hate you so tdpi.. shawn and jasmine dodging the lasers was pretty dope tho
season 7: hard to say because ridonculous race has a lot of GREAT moments but i just loved the dynamic of the cadets in general. i love how macarthur softened up after breaking sanders' arm and how much she cared for her. i also think the step-brothers were awesome and one of my favorite total drama scenes ever is when they realize how much they have in common. i miss those two goobers! the goths were also iconic and i love every moment they are on the screen, but when they came back to the show dressed in even more hardcore goth i LOST IT /pos
season 8: the rajbow kiss. come on. did you think i'd say anything else? the rajbow kiss was ICONIC
season 9: the fact that it ended... that was the best part. but in all seriousness, i really liked ripaxel. i think this is a hot take at this point. even though they were very rushed, they were such a healthy, happy couple. i was scared for them when axel said that awkward goodbye to ripper but i was so relieved for them in the finale. ripaxel definitely made the season better for me
season 10: i love the scene where damien- oh what's that? season 10 is entirely in my head? oh i would've spoiled TD:TBBG? my bad chief
disventure camp
season 1: i will never forget when i actually teared up when miriam and jake opened up to each other... besides that when alec and fiore started plotting together i became a different, better person. i miss them :( please come back to me lovelies :( i also really loved the tomjake kiss but. yeah we all know what i feel about them now. i miss them so fucking much it's not even funny
season 2: kai standing up to yul was so funny to me because why did his hair go like that /pos i remember i had a doodle in one of my notebooks that was kai going haywire the way he did in that scene and i scribbled the following words by him, with an arrow pointing towards him: 'same guy who goes namaste n shit'. also jaiden... save me jaiden... they were definitely my favorite part of the season :3
season 3: i'll definitely update this after the entire season comes out (october btw. yes i calculated. i put it in my agenda and everything /srs) but the villains alliance is by far the most promising and amazing part of the season. i can't wait to see where it goes next!
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svvy2003 · 10 months
@a-strange-inkling's fics are perfect. They did Hellcheer more justice than the Duffers. The Ohu is canon idc. Gwen is one of my fav OCS in the fandom. The Munson sisters are adorable. They gave Vickie so much depth. I just love everything about their fics.
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robstarsupremacy · 24 days
gwen appreciation post
i love her sm shes my fav
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jakowskis · 2 months
Day 2 - Who’s your favorite Torchwood member? (And if it’s not one of them, who’s your favorite character?) Why are they your favorite? Do you have any secondary favorites (maybe a one-off or minor character that really stuck with you)?
owen, infinitely. i could write essays on why i love owen - hell, i have written essays. and at this point, you know when a character means so much to you there’s not even words for it anymore, they’re just kind of a fundamental part of you? Yeah. but nonetheless, i guess to majorly sum it up, he’s just one of the most utterly broken and fascinating characters i’ve ever had the pleasure of coming across. there's just a visceral sadness and anger to him that immediately reeled me in and i don’t think i’ll ever get over it, like he actually haunts me. and he made his way into my top 3 characters of all time in just a few months, which is pretty damn impressive. something just kinda clicked there. (and i highlight how fucked up he is, but then he's also complex enough that he's got a silly/dorky side too, which im super endeared by as well. i love his complexity. perf character for me, hes got like 30 things going on and im intrigued and compelled by all of them. i love him endlessly.)
also, okay, i’ve observed my favorite characters tend to unintentionally fit certain criteria, like when i look back at all my favs i can sort them into three categories. namely, it's 1) characters that make me lose my mind bc theyre so interesting (and/or endearing), 2) characters i relate to, and 3) characters i’d smash. fhdjkf. i tend to visualize it as a venn diagram, and most characters sit in one or two of the circles - owen is, i believe, the absolute only fav i’ve ever had who’s firmly in the middle. which probably has something to do with why he’s top 3. dhfdsjk
as for secondary favs… well, i absolutely adore the rest of the team, especially ianto and the girls (including suzie!!!!!!!! my girl suzie). i’m not sure why, gwen’s become a particular favorite. she gives me like cuteness aggression HFKSDF i wanna squish her (lovingly). she’s so fucked up n interesting, but also a lil gremlin to me. i love her playful side she’s such a love.
one-off characters… actually, quite a few have stood out to me and made an emotional impact. torchwood has had some wonderfully talented guest actors who really managed to get me attached to their characters, despite having so little screentime. carys, eugene, and beth all come to mind. i think about beth a lot. and maggie, ohhhh maggie. ill talk about aditd a bit tomorrow, ff.
also the episodes with mothers, oh g-d. eugene’s mom, and jonah’s, and jasmine’s. all really heart-wrenching, and damn good actresses. i always get emotional with plotlines about parents + their kids, fff. parental pain + fear just hits diff idk. i used to watch a ton of criminal minds and that was about the only place my empathy jumped out fhsdkfjd.
i also love the various romantic interests - john, diane, mary, lisa, mark (cough), katie, tommy. rhys!! i love you rhys. torchwood is such a character-focused fixation for me like g-d i just adore every character sm. so many good ones. AND HOW COULD I FORGET MY FAV GUY OF ALL - ANDY!!!!!!!! ily pc andy <3 <3 <3
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earlgreyinpajamas · 1 year
do you have any modern magic fic recs?
here's my previous rec list, and some more recs:
Rainbow is the Colour (the Red Thread Remix) by Clea2011
Merlin likes working for Prince Arthur. At least, he does until the day that King Uther has his worst idea ever and uses magic to locate soulmates for Arthur and Morgana. It's a terrible idea. Everyone tells him as much. But Uther wants grandchildren. And anyway, when did Uther ever listen to anyone else?
pissing off uther is my fav trope
2. in losing grips on sinking ships, you showed up just in time by kingdom_keys
When you're young, you just run, But you come back to what you need, This love is good
After an assassination attempt gone wrong, Merlin discovers that he has magic, that Atlantis is real, and that he is the prince of this hidden magical community. Unbeknownst to him, his magic soul-bonded him to Arthur. Three years later, as the soul bond is rejected, Merlin begins dying.
ack they're so cute
3. The Boy in the Bauble by Camelittle
When Arthur wins a bauble at a Christmas exchange party, he gets more than he bargained for. First, he discovers a wonderful world of protective anti-ex-boyfriend support among his sister and her friends. Second, he develops a taste for Negronis, thanks to Gwen's skill with a cocktail shaker. But most importantly, he frees a celestial being from a curse - a being who expresses his gratitude in a large number of nonangelic but exceptionally satisfying ways. Happy Christmas!
sfjksadkj why is everyone (save mordred and cenred) so adorable here
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lady-of-imladris · 8 months
Thank you so much for tagging me babe @starlady66 <3 <3
Rules are easy, make a collage out of your fav things with this template (under the cut)
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Shout-out to my cat Gwen for being such an adorable model!
No pressure tagging @somebirdortheother @deadlymistletoe @thesolarangel <3
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pealeii · 1 year
now that you've seen it, thoughts on astv????
When I say I was shaking, I was shaking.
It feels like I’ve waited my entire life for this sequel and it absolutely blew everything out of the water.
It is an absolute blast of passion. EVERY SINGLE FRAME just bleeds and bursts with intensity, detail, life, and blessed, needed creativity.
Like in the beginning when Gwen hugs her dad and there’s a blush of pink 🥺🥺🥺 Bro I cried. The whole design of Gwen’s universe is GORGEOUS. The watercolor aesthetic!! And just how light bounced off things—like how light came out of the police car headlights. And I love the rhythm of the opening—with Gwen talking over her drumming.
My sister said something like: since its so fast paced, when they hold a frame for even a second, it is so impactful. You know it’s important.
I LOVED the themes of parenting—whether that be Peter B. Parker, Gwen’s dad, Miles’ parents. I absolutely adored the scene where Miles’ mom talks to him, and every scene with Gwen and her Dad was so good. (And ofc I love Peter B he has always been a fav 🥰🥰🥰)
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