#Fuck Up
harkthorn · 3 months
And there it is, very cool, thanks guys. Especially since we can't delete our work and deny them access, thanks to it existing in reblogs. Fantastic
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im-fckn-threaded · 1 year
I can‘t believe, I managed to cast on/knit three socks and fuck up all of them!!!!
One has a mysterious hole after wet blocking, the second pattern changes direction (unintentionally, I mean it would be fine on purpose, but I want spiral ☹️) and the third is just too tight, I can‘t fit my foot through, because yes, I have a heavy hand and cable is my archnemesis. Look at this shit:
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Also yes, I‘m in my diagonal rib era.
Pile of shame
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rosebancroft · 28 days
My Mirage:
In the twisted maze of my psyche, there lurks a spectral figure, born of the darkest corners of my imagination yet possessing a disturbing semblance of life. It beckons to me with a seductive allure, its presence both captivating and unnerving. With each passing moment, its ethereal form envelops me, its ghostly touch sending shivers down my spine as if tendrils of madness are weaving their way into my very being. Like wanting to wrap themselves around me like relentless vines, yearning to sink their tendrils deeper within until my blood drips, suffusing me with a sensation akin to drowning in a sea of turbulent yearning and intimicy to what cease to exist.
I belive that this enigmatic entity is a paradox, a symphony of chaos and beauty that both entices and repels within my soul. It feels as though this essence is a whirlwind of conflicting emotions, stirring within me a maelstrom of longing and dread, a tumult that persists despite the grandeur of the external world unfolding before me, threatening to rend me asunder in the face of what should be. And yet, despite the fear that courses through my veins, there is a strange comfort in its presence, a twisted kind of solace found only in the embrace of my madness.
In the depths of my delirium, I find myself drawn inexorably towards this phantasmal being, unable to resist its siren call. It is as if we are kindred spirits, bound together by the threads of insanity that weave through our shared existence. And though I know that to succumb to its allure is to risk losing myself entirely, I cannot help but be captivated by the deranged beauty of this spectral companion.
Deranged, I may be and no doubt in my mind that I am. A tempest rages unabated, an acknowledgment of my own mind, an acceptance both unsettling and oddly comforting. Despite its propensity to fracture my being, my mind serves as complex comfort, a realm where I delineate my essence through actions, thoughts, and intricacies beyond the grasp of the mundane. It is a realm both alien and enthralling, frustrating yet strangely gratifying.
Many have questioned the peculiarity of my existence, the disconnect I seemingly harbor from the world around me due to falling and yearning such entity. Yet, the root of this perceived detachment lies not in estrangement but rather in an overwhelming attachment to the minutiae of existence. So fucking wrong they are. I'm just too much, too far in body and mind but the yearning for the man was more than close to my truth. Now it is an attachment that suffuses every fiber of my being, binding me to the essence of life itself.
Within the recesses of my thoughts, I find refuge amidst the chaos, crafting narratives that weave through the fabric of reality and transcend the limitations of perception. It is here, in the interplay of shadows and light, that I forge my identity, my half, embracing the enigma of its own existence with a fervor that borders on obsession.
But amidst the solace of introspection, there lurks a shadow – a lingering doubt that gnaws at the edges of my consciousness. It is the fear of disillusionment, the dread that my fervent imaginings may prove to be naught but illusions, mere phantoms conjured by a mind teetering on the brink of madness. Oh, I so hope for not to be true.
Perhaps, it's plausible that my mind harbors a collection of imperfections, perhaps as a subconscious endeavor to bind together a sense of completeness.
And yet, even as the specter of uncertainty looms large, I cannot help but cling to the tantalizing possibility that my visions may transcend the boundaries of reality, that somewhere amidst the chaos of the cosmos, there exists a soul attuned to the symphony of my thoughts, a kindred spirit who shares my yearning for connection amidst the vast expanse of the universe.
In the labyrinth of my psyche – a sentence I use too fucking much, I navigate the tangled web of my own consciousness, embracing the chaos with a fierce determination born of an insatiable thirst for understanding. For in the crucible of introspection, I find not madness but meaning – a purpose that transcends the limitations of the mundane and elevates the essence of my being to realms yet uncharted and a piece I wish the world to put me together.
Another maybe, In the unfathomable expanse of infinite universes, where the fabric of reality strains against the weight of boundless complexities, there lies a domain where a facet of my being resides—a realm where the intricacies of thought do not threaten to unravel the delicate tapestry of consciousness. Here, amidst the swirling chaos of cosmic existence, she moves with a serene grace, her focus unwaveringly fixed upon the immediacy of the present, untouched by the tumultuous currents of introspection that plague her counterpart. In this alternate reality, the burden of unattended thoughts is but a distant echo, drowned out by the symphony of existence unfolding before her, leaving behind the weight of frustration and guilt to wither in the shadows of possibility.
Ah, but such grace remains elusive to me, lost amidst the tangled web of my desires, each strand tugging relentlessly at the fabric of my soul. I am a wanderer in a world of yearning, my heart aching with an insatiable longing for that which forever dances just beyond my grasp. Despite my fervent wish to be seen and accepted for who I truly am, I am haunted by the knowledge that the depths of my being may forever remain veiled from prying eyes. With my lips pressed tight and a heart heavy with unspoken truths, I tremble at the thought of inadvertently inflicting pain upon those who dare to approach, my soul a tempest of conflicting emotions. Oh, may the gentle embrace of the divine God shield them from the storm that rages within me. I am no one, undeserving, sinful in soul and body, unwhole.
So it is, perhaps, that the world may yet unveil my counterpart, even if it be at the cost of my very existence. For even in the face of mortality, there lies a certain allure in the notion of discovering my other half, a kindred spirit whose presence resonates with the deepest recesses of my soul. Oh, how I am drawn to the sweet melody of such a prospect, even if it be shrouded in the shadow of death.
My mind, a beast of its own making, tearing at the delicate fabric of my being like a savage predator rending flesh. It burrows deep within my skin, seeking refuge within the confines of my own body, for I alone have embraced its sinister fate. There are no battles waged, no cries of defiance; only the subdued moan of acquiescence as it ravages me from within. Each rip and tear, executed with a perverse elegance, leaves me undone, yet strangely satisfied. Death, that tender lover, caresses me with kisses of agony, its embrace as intoxicating as it is lethal, as it savors the ecstasy of my tearing flesh and breaking bone.
Ah, perhaps once more, it is my soulmate, my counterpart, my other half. Despite the macabre beauty of its affections, I find myself unable to protest, for in its embrace, I am made complete. It is for me, after all, this intricate dance of love and gore, this twisted symbiosis that forms the very essence of my being. In its tender violence, I glimpse the reflection of my true self, my mirage made flesh, my soul laid bare and my body...his.
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muxas-world · 15 days
We shuld normalize blaming graziano and stafenia for alll of vale problems 🤗
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voidexperience · 4 days
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soykichaa · 13 days
Esto si me gusta (Nuevo contenido gallavich) 😘✨
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dangkst · 2 years
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lispenardlover · 8 months
“a little life is ableist”
as a disabled person when i read “people who had been made disabled felt they had been robbed of something” i had to put the fucking book down and recollect BECAUSE HANYA GOT IT SO CORRECT SO SHUT THE FUCK UP
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unstableshadowgirl · 2 years
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tuta-hua-saaz · 4 months
fuck-up february
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killedbymylove · 2 years
I miss how caring and gentle you were before you found out that I'm not worth it...
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a-library-ghost · 4 months
any local fuck ups really feel for ithan holstrom
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buckarooxbanzai · 2 years
Being an unlovable fuck up isn't easy, this shit takes effort
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thelonelyfirefly · 1 year
I don’t know the context, but still 🫶🏻
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musicaddictt · 2 years
I'm such a fuck up and a failure. I just wanted to be happy. I guess I don't deserve that.
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