#Don't read the site's comment section.
satoshi-mochida · 1 year
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth launches in early 2024
Gematsu Source
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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth will launch for PlayStation 5 in early 2024, Square Enix announced. It will ship on two discs.
Here is an overview of the game, via Square Enix:
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is the second entry in the Final Fantasy VII remake project, which retells the story of the iconic fantasy game that redefined the RPG genre in three distinct games.
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth picks up with iconic heroes Cloud, Barret, Tifa, Aerith and Red XIII after they escape from the dystopian city Midgar and sees them embark on a journey in pursuit of Sephiroth, the vengeful swordsman from Cloud’s past who was thought to be dead.
In this standalone adventure, players will explore an expansive world, all brought to life with a new level of graphical fidelity, developed specifically to leverage the power of the PlayStation 5 console.
As players unravel a gripping narrative rich with mysteries to uncover, they will also witness the personal journey of each party member and strengthen their bonds to work together and face off against powerful enemies.
“We’re honored to bring Final Fantasy VII Rebirth to players around the world early next year,” said producer Yoshinori Kitase in a press release. “In the next installment of this thrilling tale, Cloud and his friends—both new and returning—will embark on a new adventure, so all players can enjoy this story, even those without any familiarity with the previous title or the original Final Fantasy VII. The entire team has worked fervently with love and adoration for the world of Final Fantasy VII to deliver an unforgettable experience for new adventurers and longtime fans alike, reaching new heights of cinematic storytelling, immersive and fast-paced combat, and rich exploration across a vast world. We can’t wait to share more details later this year.”
Square Enix also shared a number of developer comments on the game’s official Twitter account leading up to today’s announcement. Here is the full compilation:
How is development progressing on Final Fantasy VII Rebirth?
Yoshinori Kitase, Producer: “Development is progressing smoothly and according to plan. We are currently working on nailing down a release date for the game.”
How will players journey through the world outside of Midgar in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth?
Naoki Hamaguchi, Director: “Players will be able to journey across the wide and multifaceted world with a ahigh degree of freedom, experiencing a myriad of different stories along the way.”
What are some of the key things to look forward to in the Final Fantasy VII Rebirth story?
Kazushige Nojima, Story and Scenario (Stellavista): “Players will witness a chain of narrative developments that lie at the very heart of the Final Fantasy VII story while discovering each character’s destiny.”
Do I need to play Final Fantasy VII Remake to enjoy Final Fantasy VII Rebirth?
Motomu Toriyama, Co-Director: “No—we have made preparations—so that players who did not get a chance to play the first game can fully enjoy Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.”
Has the battle system changed from Final Fantasy VII Remake?
Teruki Endo, Battle Director: “In Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, new comrades will join you in battle and you can cooperate with other party members in even closer ways than before.”
Will Final Fantasy VII Rebirth have new original music?
Keiji Kawamori, Music Supervisor: “Many new tracks have been created for Final Fantasy VII Rebirth and we will be making some new arrangements of tracks from FINAL Final Fantasy VII Remake as well.”
Watch a new trailer below. View a new set of screenshots at the gallery.
Summer Game Fest 2023 Trailer
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suiana · 11 months
✎ yandere! loser headcanons . . .
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✎ warnings . . .
― stalking, manipulation, delusional yandere, mentions of p0rn, slight nsfw, stockholm syndrome (?) etc.
(gn! reader x male yandere! oc)
✎ yandere! loser who's basically a shut in, rarely coming out of his apartment except for compulsory lessons at university. he's a huge loser, shit talking others during games, messy apartment, dark eye bag circles, always ordering delivery for his food... he's practically the embodiment of the word loser! if it weren't for his rich parents he would not survived a day past his 18th birthday.
✎ yandere! loser who sees you as his salvation, the only hope in his dark life. through your streams he found purpose in his life - to be with you. and when he found out you went to the same university as him? he just knew that you were meant to be with him! why else would you speak his username so lovingly every time he donates to you?
✎ yandere! loser who's obviously a big virgin. I mean, what would you expect from a guy who hasn't held a girl's hand since he was 5? plus he doesn't even come out of his apartment! the most experience he has is from the pornography he used to watch. don't worry! he doesn't watch it anymore! because now all he has to do is imagine you sucking him off and he cums instantly. he's a true loser. but he's your loser, yours! :D
✎ yandere! loser who stalks you both online and physically. at this point he knows more about you than all of your friends do, maybe even you yourself! he's also the type of guy to like something you posted 69 weeks ago just because he liked how you looked in it. but does one post from long ago matter when he literally spam likes everything you post?
✎ yandere! loser who tries to rizz you up with tips and tricks he read online from sites like Reddit. he read all those success stories in the Reddit comment section so surely it must work out for him too, right?! wrong. because when he tried to pin you against a wall and call you 'baby', you only snorted in laughter, calling him funny and walking off with your friends. why didn't it work?! it was from user @/masterrizzler3000 on Reddit so it should've worked! he's sad now :(
✎ yandere! loser who isn't actually that bad looking. if he put in some more effort into his appearance he would've been a solid 10/10 in your opinion. but unfortunately he doesn't and that brings him to a 6.5/10. don't worry, there's something about his loser self that makes him cuter :) and that's when you decided to give him a chance and go out with him. best worst mistake of your life.
✎ yandere! loser who's actually a pretty good gaslighter and manipulator, so good that you actually agreed to date him. though he isn't aware that he's actually manipulating you so to him, you're falling for him because you genuinely love him. looks like religiously watching monster and death note worked for him. and that kids, is the story of how I (21m) landed myself a solid 100/10 with my loser self!!! -him, probably.
✎ yandere! loser who believes wholeheartedly that you and him are meant to be. sure, you may be a little more lifeless than you used to be, he's not sure why, but you love him! you tell him that every morning after you wake up in his bed! the soft 'i love you's' and 'im yours' from your sweet mouth are practically proof that you love him too, right?! fret not, for he loves you too ♡
✎ "please! I'll die without you-! you... you won't let that happen, would you? haha... of course you won't. you love me after all ♡"
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olderthannetfic · 6 days
hi, as someone who is tragically gen Z and only ever read AO3, can I ask: what was so great about LiveJournal? Like, I know that there were fics posted there (and I've even read about the "purge", so I get why it isn't used anymore) and that it was sort of a forum-type thing. But what I don't understand, wouldn't Tumblr fill in the latter function? How was that site any different? I see a lot of people reminiscing about it and I'm confused
A big factor in LJ's greatness is timing and nostalgia.
It was genuinely great, but it wasn't quite as great as all of the Lo, shall the Golden Age ne'er come again? posts suggest.
LJ arrived at a pivotal time in the development of the internet both in terms of technical stuff and how many people had access. Many fans who are now in their thirties to fifties first discovered fandom through LJ and many were at a time in their lives when they were feeling energetic and up to making lots of new friends—and to figuring out how to make a site work for them.
I got on LJ in 2002 when it required invites. Fandom arrived in droves in 2003, first via coordinated campaigns to get invites to key people and then when LJ opened up free account creation to everyone. Back then, LJ's features sucked. It was impossible to search properly, among other things. At its height (2005-7, let's say), there was a reasonable site search, and fans had developed all sorts of community resources for finding each other.
People often remember this phase but not the early days of suckitude.
This development parallels how Tumblr used to not have that private chat feature and how a lot of fuckyeah[whatever] type tumblrs have helped curate the site and make it much more usable for fans. Fandom draining away from LJ after strikethrough also parallels people draining away from Tumblr after the purge.
There are people who talk about Tumblr the way my cohort talks about LJ...
And to the shock of no one, they are people who came of age on Tumblr, who found fandom via Tumblr, who were on Tumblr during pivotal times in their lives and ones when they had energy to make friends and figure out how a site worked.
Those same Tumblrites are now making all the same geriatric-sounding posts we LJers do about how other sites lack the required features to be good for fandom while missing that 90% of tumblr's "features" at its height (2012-2016, let's say) were actually fan-created and were basically the same as any fandom newsletter or links page or all the versions of this kind of personal curation stretching back to long before the internet existed.
What life phase you hit a site at matters.
With all of that said, no, LJ was not a forum. It was a blogging site with threaded comments.
The key point to understand is that conversation was always happening in a specific person's space. Unlike on a true forum, people were in the comments on a particular post in a journal owned by another fan. (On a forum, there's the first post in a thread, but it's still more of a communal space with less of a hierarchy.)
Overall, the LJ format can have a feeling a bit like you're over at someone's house for tea. There's more of a sense of intimacy and also behaving yourself in front of community members.
Tumblr being obscure and impossible to find anything in does give it some of the same vibe relative to Twitter, but it's still part of modern social media that tries to shove every rando into the face of every other rando.
But it wasn't just vibes: LJ also had robust privacy features where you could lock a post to this or that group of friends. You could moderate your comments section properly. Tumblr has far fewer controls to force people to behave or leave on a technical level.
The biggest thing many people miss about LJ is the threaded comments. At least by late LJ and on Dreamwidth, you can expand and collapse threads, making it far easier to deal with a massive comments section. But more than that, things are properly threaded with multiple levels of hierarchy that are all easily visible in the same place.
On Tumblr, it used to be extremely difficult to find all of the actual commentary on a post. Nowadays, it's far easier, but you still have to scroll chronologically, and multiple versions of a post with a long chain of commentary may be much more divorced from each other than what would happen in a LJ comments section.
But could we use Tumblr pretty much how we used LJ?
We could.
I do.
The key things that people tend to miss about LJ, aside from the younger and more excited version of themselves or the friends they've lost since then, are:
Heavily text-based
It may sound odd on the modern internet, but there are a lot of people whose brains don't like or handle an image-heavy site well. They were everywhere in SF book fandom. They were everywhere on the early internet. Today, they're hanging out on Dreamwidth and still going to their SF cons. They're usually not on Tumblr.
You could follow the discussion
Threaded comments help, but a lot of it is about having some place you can check for updates. It wasn't actually that easy to follow big LJ discussions unless you were subscribed to comments and reading along as things were happening instead of coming along after the entire mass of comments had been left.
The tone of the discussion is intellectual and one's enemies are "idiots", not "problematic"
All this requires is a penchant for longwindedness and an itchy blocking finger to remove anyone slinging ad hominems from the comments section.
On tumblr, it's as simple as conversations happening in the replies on a popular account and that person not tolerating suibaiting and threats.
(And make no mistake, a lot of LJ discussion was in the comments on popular accounts, not spread equally between everyone's.)
It does require that multiple people like that tone and want to engage in that way, but lots of people do want to.
These days, I interact with tumblr by checking my askbox and reading my activity page. The vast, vast majority of my posts are ones where I'm the OP, so if I block someone, they're booted from the discussion entirely.
For me... yeah, Tumblr functions almost exactly like LJ.
Also like LJ, while I'm hosting the conversation, if you hang around, you'll see the same people again and again in the comments. They may or may not also host that kind of conversation in their space, and there's a larger pool of lurkers who have some notion of which people count as regulars. Other people are watching from the shadows, enjoying or deriding the takes of the usual crowd.
People presumably do like reading my lengthy commentary or they wouldn't be here, but my tumblr wouldn't be popular like this without a healthy pool of other people who chime in regularly. It's not just that there are more people: it's that you see the same people over time. There's a bit more sense of place and community than on some parts of the internet.
So, in my opinion, the failure to just recreate LJ fandom on Tumblr was a skill issue.
Threaded comments were great, but LJ culture came from mailing lists, and mailing lists had the same issue as tumblr with the diverging threads.
We solved that back then by clipping out only the parts we wanted to respond to (you'd write "snip" around the quotation to show it was incomplete). We solved the smaller LJ issue by linking to other posts we were referencing and doing discussion link roundups. We solve it on tumblr by, again, linking to what we're talking about and even quoting multiple reblog chains in our own reblog of just one chain.
Tumblr's technical features and even general crap-ness aren't really the problem. 90s and early 00s sites regularly went down for periods of time unthinkable today.
The missing piece is people.
When one is in an active fandom with others who curate or with friends who let one know what's up, a site with imperfect features is easy to figure out and retrofit for fandom's needs. When one already feels out of touch and is between fannish passions—or at least fannish passions anyone else cares about—seeing the potential in a new site is hard.
Threaded comments are different and better.
LJ's built-in way to see everyone's blog in your own style was better. The automatic timestamps and the ease of seeing a paginated archive of an entire blog was better than tumblr's endless scroll and lack of clear date labeling. But some of that can be fixed with xkit or knowing your way around tumblr well.
A lot of it is nostalgia for the lj era and a refusal to take the time to figure out how to use tumblr in an oldschool internet way.
So by all means, people, weigh in about what made LJ great or how the culture felt at the time...
But if I see one more god damn response going "You can't have a conversation on tumblr!" in reply to my tumblr, which contains nothing but conversation, I am coming for you.
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blueskittlesart · 7 days
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idk if anyone else has gotten the beta for the new communities feature but these features in particular are a little bit concerning to me. i haven't tested this, but it looks to be an entirely separate comment section that's hidden from the post's op if they're not in the community, meaning you're removing a creator's ability to moderate the comment section surrounding their work. this is especially concerning for me as a creator who produces content related to transness and gender identity--moderating my comments is often a constant daily struggle to keep bigots from having their way with my posts, and this seems like it has the potential to remove or at least significantly impair my ability to moderate who engages with my content and how. Also, on a site that's had major problems with transphobic and racist harassment in the past, i can see this very quickly devolving into a way to dogpile on certain users or even organize the kind of harassment campaigns we KNOW certain people on this site are prone to engage in with no way for any outsiders to even WITNESS what's going down. At the very least i think the op of a post reblogged into a community needs to have access to the community comments (which may already be a feature--like i said i haven't tested it yet but this explanation reads to me like they don't) but on a larger scale i think the devs for this site NEED to think about the potential for misuse when putting out new features like this because this just looks like a nightmare waiting to happen to me
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kavaeric · 2 years
Tumblr Field Guide is now available!
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Hi! If you're from Twitter, welcome to the hellsite! I've managed to compile a fairly comprehensive guidebook on the in and outs of Tumblr and its etiquette written by myself and some long-time Tumblr veterans.
When I say "Tumblr veterans", I mean that we've been on this site in some capacity for around 10 years each now, if not more (I myself have been here on and off since around 2011). We're happy to see new people discover the unique nature of what is effectively our digital hometown.
That being said, this unique nature is chalked up to the way that Tumblr has been something of a haven from the corporate and influence-based culture that has seemingly enveloped the rest of the internet. While we're happy to welcome you here, we also wish you respect the fact that this has been a safe haven from corporatisation and influencer culture, and we ask that you help us keep it that way. You can find an explanation on the etiquette and taboos of Tumblr in the guide linked above.
For a summary guide, keep reading...
This place is great if you are an artist, or member of a fandom, or enjoy fanworks or fanart of all kinds, or all of the above. If you identify as any/all of the above, welcome! I do hope you enjoy your stay here.
We, however, are very protective of its "indie" feel and has strived to keep advertisers, "influencer culture", and capitalist interests away.
In a sense, Tumblr takes the well-worn advice of "be your authentic self" and turns it into a moral imperative that is expected of newcomers as well lest you'll be shunned; we don't want the relative safe haven nature of Tumblr, away from corporatisation and influencer culture, to be ruined. Hence, there are a lot of cultural mores, taboos, and expectations that are treated not as polite but as a moral responsibility to ensure the "sanctity" of Tumblr as a space away from said culture of advertisers and influencers.
In short:
Reblog stuff liberally. Don't just focus on posting your own stuff/freeloading, that's just being an arse. You'll also look like a bot. Don't look like a bot.
Don't try to be an influencer, and don't try to peddle. This isn't to say you can't promote your comms or store if you're an indie artist; just again don't be a freeloader or seek attention for its own sake. Help your fellow artists and community members out.
Seriously, reblog stuff, that's the crux of this site's interaction.
Understand the ways in which people comment including commenting in the tags, there's a whole section in the guide dedicated to this.
Don't engage in drama or dunking, leave that shit behind on Twitter, I don't want to see it here.
Absolutely do not engage with brand accounts, not even ironically or to dunk on them or whatever.
Tumblr is otherwise a very cosy and creative space that is at once expansive and rich but also nuanced, social, cooperative, friendly, and intimate. Follow the etiquette and help us protect this space from the onslaught of advertiser interests and infleuncer culture and I'm sure you will have a wonderful time on our happy little hellsite.
And, yes, please read the guide!
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ao3commentoftheday · 2 years
Video description: a tiktok video discussing AO3's new comment blocking feature.
The video begins by showing a tweet from the Ao3_status twitter account. The tweet reads, "Comment blocking is now live! 🍾" and is responding to the tweet linking the AO3 News post announcing that comment blocking is coming.
The narrator then goes to the comments section on one of her works and points out that there is a new button available. On comments from other users, you can now see a button labelled "Block."
She taps on the Block button and it takes her to a confirmation page. The confirmation page outlines what blocking will do: stop a user from commenting on your works and stop a user from replying to your comments elsewhere on AO3. It also outlines what blocking will not do: hide that user's works or bookmarks from you, delete or hide their existing comments on your works, hide their comments elsewhere on the site.
She confirms that she wants to block the user and then returns to her comments section. The button that formerly said "Block" now says "Unblock." She says you can remove the block on a user by pressing that button again or by tapping on your username at the top of the page and selecting My Preferences from the dropdown menu that appears.
On the My Preferences page, there is now a button labelled "Block users." After tapping that button, she goes to a new page. On that new page, you can see the user she just blocked and a button next to their username that says "Unblock."
She taps that button and it takes her to a confirmation page which outlines what will happen if she agrees. Unblocking a user will allow them to comment on your work or to reply to your comments elsewhere on the site. She confirms.
The screen goes back to the Blocked Users page found in My Preferences, and the narrator explains that you don't need to find a comment from another user in order to block them. If you'd like, you can type their name into the text box provided and block them directly from that page.
Not shown: you can also block a user from that user's profile page.
If you'd like to know more about more blocking and muting features that are planned, read the News post linked above.
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Title: "Smoking hot" (18+)
Sanji x ftm reader
Warning: mentions of smoking, a bit (?) toxic idk, mentions the word 'boy cunt' or 'boy pussy', porn with plot, Sanji relieving his sex drive, feminine terms, mentions of 'boy tits' pre-surger. Nipple sucking. The chances of gender dysphoria are quite high, didn't proof read nor use a grammar site to fix this, straight (?) Sanji using your body with consent.
Author: y'all, I'm bored and I just wanted to make a Sanji x FTM reader. I'm a Sanji simp, sadly. Idk wtf I made, I called it a day.
Like, comment, or/and reblog! Thank you!
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You joined the Strawhats when Luffy crashed into your house and just demanded you to come after learning about your skills, baking and swift skills with weapons.
You were always quick in your feet when it comes to making desserts along with matching your skill sets with the main cook, Sanji.
You loved Sanji but he wouldn't love you.
He loves women, girls, every kind of lady he will nose bleed without any hesitation.
You, a man, well a transgender man in fact, don't see yourself as a woman and would rather have him treat you like any other man then fawn over you like he does with Nami and Robin, both girls.
You didn't really come out yet, nor are you ready anyways.
You knew they wouldn't judge at all, most definitely Luffy. He would mostly be curious but as long as you are cool and strong then he won't care.
You just weren't ready so you kept it a secret for a while until a doctor, Chopper found out later on when you were injured.
He scolded you a bit for tightening your chest too tight until you gave him your reason.
He understands, of course, he is a doctor, he knows these types of things.
He thought of a different solution and something more healthier but it would be hard to find that type of material, he is willing to help and keep your secret.
Months gone by—fights, parties, adventures, etc.
You finally got the material Chopper promised, a binder. It was comfortable and makes your chest look like a man's chest. The only rule is you only have to wear it for 8 hours, you can't sleep in it.
Which is another challenge since you sleep in the boys deck.
So Chopper thought to just have you sleep in the doctor's quarters.
Some of the boys along with the girls question, except Chopper, however they just choose to ignore it thinking it's probably hard to sleep in the men's room.
Nami found that understandable as she would've done the same thing.
Sanji fawned over her just thinking of the girls sleeping in the same section as the men—he got punched by Nami.
It continues on, your secret still kept in along with Chopper checking up on you.
You really need to tell them someday, just not sure how or when.
Until now.
It was your turn for the night, Sanji was up making you food for the night while you were getting ready to take a shower.
You didn't think too much of it so you just chose not to lock the door...a bad idea.
Sanji, the man he is, walks in without even knocking as he thought it was a good idea to just dump the food on top of the sink carefully since you were both 'men'.
Sanji looks at you in shock, trying not to nose bleed by your feminine figure as you try not to cry out of embarrassment.
Of course, Sanji being the gentleman he is, apologized as he takes the food and runs out of the bathroom closing the door behind him.
It was never mentioned again after that.
It was awkward.
You couldn't look at Sanji straight nor Sanji as well.
He tried to treat you like he treats other men in the ship but it was hard for him, kinda.
Of course, he knows you see yourself as a man but your body, your chest, those woman parts. He couldn't. So he just chooses to just insult you then hitting you to balance it out.
It continued on until another situation happened again.
Luffy stops at an island so it was only you and the cook watching over the ship.
Sanji did complain how he would rather be with the ladies to protect them but got pushed down by Nami saying we need someone strong to watch over the ship which swooned him again.
Nami did mention you as well but you weren't that offended, honestly you knew you were not that strong as those monster trio so you just shrugged off.
You thought things would be normal.
You thought.
You moaned as a high sex drive Sanji slammed into you with hard thrust making both of your legs wobble. Your clit was going through the hard thrust as you smell the smoke hitting the air.
"Fuck, I needed this so much. Your boy pussy is pleasing my dick so well..."
His voice, deep and raspy making you shiver as he continues on fucking you. His hands reach through your jiggling chest from the harsh thrust, grabbing and squishing it.
"Fuck, even you boy tits are moving is so sexy. What a fuckin pretty boy, I'll miss these..." He takes off his cigarette and places it on top of your lips, indicating you to hold it.
You took the cigarette from his fingers with your mouth as you watched Sanji lean into your chest and started sucking hard onto your hard nipples, making you moan, tasting the ash into your mouth.
You reach the cigarette from your mouth, taking it out as you continue on moaning.
He stops sucking your nipples as he stares at you.
"You're going to be my personal sex toy, this boy cunt belongs to me, you got that?"
You just nodded as he took out his dick as the semen spurted into your thighs. Your clit clenching into nothing as you whimpered from the emptiness.
"Look at that...your boy pussy really wants another round, aye?" His fingers touch your puffed clit, feeling the wetness from his fingers.
"let's go again, after this other smoke. I still feel horny, you think you can take all of that away, baby boy? All of these women couldn't get a chance with me but you, a man with feminine body parts, you are perfect..." He lines his dick again into your puffy cunt as he slams again making you moan louder.
"I wonder if this makes me gay....whatever."
I got like thousands of drafts (16+ drafts) ummm y'all ill lock in UHHHH...
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ryanyflags · 7 days
A List of Gender Terms !
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So I disappeared for 2 months, but I finally completed this project! :D (Though I've been making some random posts talking about it, so it's not like I was really gone, or what I was working on wasn't obvious.)
It started off as me having trouble keeping track of a couple gender terms (and also not knowing they existed before, since I've never really seen people talk about them), then I thought I should make a list, and if I was going to do that I might as well post it to help other people too. Which I started out trying to make that list on Tumblr, but I found it too limiting so I moved to google docs, which I also found too limiting (I just couldn't achieve my vision, if you will), and now I know html and css.
As usual, I kinda overdid it, but I think I should be a little proud of myself. I had 0 knowledge of html and css, and 2 months later I've made my own website. (I could have made it much quicker, but I often had to take breaks, a bit overwhelmed by all that new stuff.)
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Anyways, it has a ton of terms on there.
I have sections for nonbinary, abinary, midbinary, atrinary, midtrinary, androgyne, agender, neutrois, maverique, ilyagender, aporagender, outherine, kenochoric, and xenogender.
For 7 categories (sex terms, adult, general term, child, gender quality, gender-quality-in-nature genders, and spectrum / viagender spectrum).
And they all have sources on both Archive Today, Wayback Machine, and if still existing, the original post too. (At least to the best of my abilities, and there are a couple of exceptions that I couldn't figure out.)
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I did put effort into this, but it's possible I missed something. So if I made a mistake anywhere, or if anyone has any extra information to add on, or if you just have some comments, you can tell me. My ask box is open, but comments on this post would probably be fine too.
Also, I checked on a couple of different browsers, mobile too, and read up on web accessibility and checked and all that (I tried using a screen reader, I'm not a pro at it though, so it's possible I may have missed something obvious), so I hope the website itself is useable. But if there's any bugs there, just tell me (it'll be appreciated).
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I'm also thinking of making another compilation, but for flags (for all of the terms listed here), and maybe orientations too, but maybe later haha
I also don't know how to write a image id for the top picture, if anyone wants to write to one I'll add it.
Below the cut is a short little video scrolling through the site.
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lindwurmkai · 7 months
hey, have you heard that pillowfort has ✨ drafts ✨ now? (as in, the ability to save your posts as drafts.) they're still working on the queue feature (update: it's done!), but drafts are a big step forward!
in case you missed it so far, pillowfort is like a cross between tumblr and dreamwidth/livejournal, with a simplified dashboard reminiscent of old school tumblr and some classic livejournal features such as communities, threaded comments, and the ability to make individual posts followers-only or mutuals-only.
what are communities? basically, central hubs for posts about any subject you want that, unlike hashtags, can be moderated. they may have rules, such as "[subject matter] must be tagged" for example. you can post directly to a community or reblog existing posts to it!
since the site is currently experiencing some financial trouble, i thought i'd help out by spreading the word once again.
edit: the fundraiser was a success! crisis averted! i knew we could do it :D
why you should give pillowfort a chance:
no ads
no venture capitalist funding
no spying on the users
completely free to use except for optional premium features
nsfw is allowed except for sexual depictions of minors. if you're unsure what exactly that means, their tos may help
communities and the privacy controls mentioned above are excellent features
great community, low drama compared to other websites (so far)
the site's features themselves encourage genuine connection and good-faith conversation over endless "discourse"
every blog can automatically be filtered by original posts only or reblogs only
reasons not to join:
if you enjoy algorithmic social media. there is no algorithm at all
if you want to post or look at machine-generated art. they're still finalising the wording and personally i hope some exception will be made for models trained on ethically sourced images, but basically an anti-AI rule is in the works (update: finished!)
if you cannot live without reblog additions (reblogging with comment). all discussions on a pillowfort post take place in the comments section, and only your own followers see your tags. this has its pros and cons for sure! a similar feature to scratch that itch may be implemented in the future, but it will never be exactly like on tumblr.
if you need everything to be an app. the website works fine in a mobile browser and a progressive web app will hopefully be released soon (basically it's like an app in your browser and on mobile these can be added to the homescreen like real apps i think? they have push notifications!), but there's not going to be a native app available through official app stores due to the restrictions of those stores.
other factors to consider:
yes, the userbase is still small. depending on your interests, activity may be very slow. but we can change that! and on the plus side, reblogging your post to a community is a good way to easily get more eyes on it; way more effective than simply adding tags imo
the site culture is a bit different than on tumblr. many people read everything that's been posted since the last time they were online and don't follow more users/communities than they can keep up with. it's still somewhat lacking in shitposts and heavy on "essays" but don't be afraid to post whatever 😅
there are no blog themes like we have them on tumblr as yet, but you can customise your blog's colours and use html/insert links and images in your blog description
likes literally do nothing except to let OP know you enjoyed their post. you can't look at a list of all your likes. beware!
the staff is small and development is slow. some highly anticipated planned features other than the aforementioned queue include: - multi-account management - dashboard filters/reading lists - post bookmarking (since likes don't work that way) but we don't know how soon any of those will be implemented.
there is a user-developed browser extension (well, a userscript) called tassel available that adds additional features much like tumblr's beloved xkit :)
✨ okay, so how do i sign up? ✨
if you're interested but confused by the sign-up process or still under the impression that you need to pay to sign up (false), i'll put some clarifications and invite codes under the read more below. plus a note on donating, premium features, the paypal issue etc.
in a nutshell:
it's free
signing up without an invite code is possible, but you may have to wait a short while - supposedly less than an hour atm. just submit your email to the waitlist
if you don't feel like waiting, you can either use an invite code from an existing user or pay $5 to sign up instantly
every user gets plenty of invite codes and we're all willing to hand them out at the drop of a hat. they're really not hard to come by
some invites to get you started (just click the link):
invite 1 ▪ invite 2 ▪ invite 3 ▪ invite 4 ▪ invite 5
invite 6 ▪ invite 7 ▪ invite 8 ▪ invite 9 ▪ invite 10
invite 11 ▪ invite 12 ▪ invite 13 ▪ invite 14 ▪ invite 15
invite 16 ▪ invite 17 ▪ invite 18 ▪ invite 19 ▪ invite 20
i'll try to periodically check if any have been used and cross those out.
...paypal issue?
ok so paypal doesn't like working with sites that allow nsfw. as a result, you need a credit card in order to donate to pillowfort, buy one of those insta-registration keys, or subscribe to premium features*. i personally happen to have a credit card and would be willing to help out anyone who trusts me enough to send the money to me via paypal, but i realise chances are only my friends will do this.
some users are currently organising various activities for the purpose of letting people who only have paypal contribute to the site's survival. it's not super relevant for new users and won't get you access to premium features, but i thought i'd mention it anyway in case someone loves the concept of the site so much they want to support it immediately. a fundraising community has been created to collect posts of that nature!
*premium features are strictly limited to two categories of things:
fun little extras that no one truly needs
higher image upload limits, because obviously big images take up bandwidth and are therefore a reason for increased costs
you will never need to pay for vital accessibility features or anything of the sort. :)
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sonicenvy · 2 months
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I was inspired by a post that I saw here that I was tragically unable to reblog because it suddenly disappeared from my dash on mobile when it decided to do a refresh to create this event. Essentially what the Fic Read & Comment Exchange is is a way to share fics that you love with others and encourage everyone to comment on fics. This is going to be shared here on tumblr AND on r/fanfiction. This is open to any and all fandoms.
Here's how it'll work:
You'll fill out the two forms, the reader preference form and the fic submission form. You cannot participate unless you fill out both forms. So I can make sure that you've filled out both forms, please be sure to use the same contact info on both forms.
I'll continue to accept submissions for the exchange until April 30, 2024.
After April 30, 2024, I will go through all of the submissions and pair everyone who's participating with TWO fics. You'll receive your two fics via the contact point you specified (here on tumblr, via email or through your reddit). These should go out some time during the first week of May. If you filled out the forms and don't receive a contact by May 12, 2024, please feel free to DM me and let me know!
Once you've received your "reading list" you'll need to go off and read the fics you got. For each fic, make sure to leave at least ONE comment on the fic. The comment should ideally be thoughtful, at least 2-3 sentences in length and address something specific about the fic (ie: lines, character interpretations, plot, worldbuilding, mood/tone, etc.). This is not an invitation for concrit. This is about the positive power of comments.
The Rules:
Do NOT submit ANY AI generated fic. AI generation of fanfiction stands in complete opposite of what fandom and fic writing culture is and should be, and generative AI tools are built using stolen creative works, and uncompensated labor of creatives. I will ban you from this exchange if I see you do this.
Please only submit fics that are hosted on either ff dot net or AO3. Do not submit fics on wattpad or other sites.
You MUST fill out BOTH forms to participate.
You will submit FOUR fics. Three of them MUST be fics written by someone who is NOT you. You are allowed to submit ONE fic that you wrote -- but be sure to indicate if a fic was written by you in your form. Try to submit less popular, less interacted or less well known fics, so we can share the love far and wide.
Please fill out both forms by April 30, 2024. Any submissions after 4/30/24 will not be counted.
This is not an invitation for you to provide concrit or to harass anyone. Do NOT provide concrit in your comments.
If you are submitting one of your own fics, please look over your fic before submitting it to make sure that your fic is properly spaced, uses paragraphs, and (if on AO3) uses the AO3 delimiter objects rather than a line of characters to delimit section breaks. These things ensure maximum accessibility and readability of your fic.
Have fun! Commenting on fic is fun, positive and helps build community. It supports the fic gift economy and fights against the "content creator" and "consumer" roles.
Let me know if you have any questions! Please share this event (and this post) far and wide, because this event will only be successful if there are participants!
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satoshi-mochida · 2 years
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RWBY: Arrowfell will launch for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC via Steam on November 15, developer WayForward announced.
Here is an overview of the game, via WayForward:
Featuring an in-continuity story by RWBY writers Kerry Shawcross, Miles Luna, and Eddy Rivas, RWBY: Arrowfell puts players in control of Team RWBY—Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, and Yang Xiao Long—shortly after they’ve become fully licensed Huntresses in RWBY Volume 7. Players will be able to switch instantly between characters as they battle the Creatures of Grimm and other foes using the heroes’ signature weapons—Ruby’s Crescent Rose, Weiss’s Myrtenaster, Blakes’ Gambol Shroud, and Yang’s Ember Celica—in melee and ranged combat. As they explore locations across Atlas, Mantle, and the surrounding wilderness, Team RWBY will complete missions for familiar characters such as General Ironwood and the Ace Operatives (as well as everyday citizens) while uncovering clues about a mysterious new threat lurking in the shadows.
Players will also put Team RWBY’s Semblances to use both in and out of battle. Ruby’s Petal Burst lets her avoid attacks and dash to distant locations; Weiss’s Glyphs create usable platforms that can burst into offensive shards; Blake’s Shadow manifests a doppelganger that can attack and activate pressure plates; and Yang’s Burn unleashes a ground punch that inflicts damage and destroys obstacles. By combining Semblances, players are able to solve increasingly complex environmental puzzles, and each character’s Semblance can be upgraded to become even more effective. Additionally, by collecting Skill Points, players can customize and enhance Team RWBY’s attributes, including melee attack, ranged attack, defense, and energy regeneration.
Complementing the action are voiceovers from RWBY‘s original cast (including Lindsay Jones as Ruby, Kara Eberle as Weiss, Arryn Zech as Blake, and Barbara Dunkelman as Yang), all-new broadcast-quality cutscenes, an atmospheric soundtrack by composer Dale North, and a brand-new vocal theme song by Casey Lee Williams.
Key Features
Play as all four members of Team RWBY—Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang—each with their own weapons and abilities! Switch between them on the fly!
Use each character’s Semblances to get an edge in combat and solve puzzles!
Featuring the talents of RWBY‘s original vocal cast, plus a new theme song by Casey Lee Williams!
An all-new canonical story set during RWBY Volume 7 from RWBY writers Kerry Shawcross, Miles Luna, and Eddy Rivas!
Explore a variety of nonlinear environments in Atlas, Mantle, and the surrounding areas!
Interact with familiar characters such as Penny, Winter, General Ironwood, and the Ace Operatives, as well as new faces like Team BRIR!
Collect Skill Points to power up Team RWBY’s stats!
Watch a new trailer below.
Release Date Trailer
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octuscle · 3 months
I follow this guy on twitter and hes a total package, muscles, sexy, an engineer. Its just not fair. Do you think you could dumb him down to balance things out for the rest of us?
Well, I don't think you'd mind if we swapped a bit of brains for brawn with your crush, would you? I mean, more muscle is always a good thing.
The first tweet of the day from him comments on a decision to demolish a post-war building and replace it with historicizing architecture. There really aren't many things you could care less about. Houses should protect you from rain, cold and heat. And inside there should be electricity and stable internet. What do you care about the rest of the shit?
Your crush is sitting in a café, reading the feature section of the New York Times and getting worked up about modern urban planning. Maybe it's better to read something more relaxing. He's looking for the sports section. Shit, the sports section of the New York Times is also just a feature section with other content. He pulls out his cell phone and studies the results of the latest NHL games. His other hand lands in his lap and he scratches his balls.
He looks at the construction site and has to go back to the office. He has forgotten his wellies. His Tesla whirs through the city into the underground parking garage. In the elevator, he sends a tweet about the last Florida Panthers game. He greets the receptionist with a "Good morning, babe!". She looks after him in astonishment.
Before he picks up his boots in his office, he has to take a piss. His cock is in a urine-yellow jockstrap. He takes it out. His best piece lies heavy in his hand. A colleague stands next to him at the urinal. Your crush stares at his colleague's cock and starts to wank. His colleague asks him if he's totally crazy and takes off! The uncircumcised cock feels so good in his calloused hand. Your crush doesn't need long to cum. He posts a selfie on Insta with the caption "First shot of the day". You don't follow him on Instagram yet. His Instagram account is new.
He takes off his mud-splattered wellies straight away and leaves his stuffy loafers at the office. He gets into the elevator. The other people wrinkle their noses a little. Yes, he hasn't showered this morning. But he's been on the building site all day. As he gets into his van in the underground parking garage, he checks his reflection in the rear-view mirror. Yes, his hair is a bit greasy. But nobody will notice it under his helmet afterwards. And nobody cares anyway.
Shit, he doesn't know what it is, but the first thing he has to do on the construction site is go to the porta-potty. Damn, the chili from last night is coming back. Phew, the poor sod who has to visit the loo after him. But the stench somehow makes him horny. A short time later, he posts his next selfie "Second shot of the day". Cool picture, the beard looks really good!
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Finally on the building site. If he has to go to the office, it's a punishment for him. Tailcoat wearer and smartass… Has to do the work indoors. On the building site, a man is a man. Here you can fart, burp, wank and fuck. And check out dates for the evening.
I wish you every success in wooing the cock-driven airhead. I admit, cock and body are worth all the effort.
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helioselene · 2 years
so youve migrated from writing twt to writeblr -> what now?
the following is my masterpost on the ins and outs of navigating the writeblr landscape! while it can be scary to deep-dive into the world of writing on tumblr for the first time, there are a few actions you can take to make it a lot easier to interact and share your writing.
psa: this is neither an extensive nor complete list of writeblr tips! but i hope it can help :)
interacting with others is one of the most important aspects of writeblr. im going to be splitting this section into a number of sub-sections because there are several topics relevant to creating a system of communication with other writers on here.
likes and reblogs; unlike twitter or other social media sites, likes do not hold the same weight on tumblr. as well as liking a post, the most important step you can take is to REBLOG. reblogging will share a post to your blog and thus your feed. in doing this, your followers and anyone who checks out your blog are going to see the post, rather than if you just like or comment. reblogging allows more people to interact with a post. content creators (including writers) can be motivated to continue posting when their posts are reblogged because it shows there are enough people interested in their works. the same goes for you! the more you reblog other people's works, the more likely your own posts will be reblogged, thus gaining more traction for all your hard-earned efforts.
taglists; you might be asking: what is a taglist? a taglist is usually featured at the bottom of your post when you share your writing. it includes people who have shown interest in your works - all you do is simply @ them. it means that people who are keen won't miss out on seeing the things you post about your wips! it is essentially an opt-in type deal, where people can choose to be added or removed from being notified about updates, excerpts, and the like.
don't abuse your taglist. don't tag them for every little thing you post about your wips - try to keep it to major posts like excerpts or new art, etc.
**** A HANDY HINT: writeblr etiquette states that you should never just add people to your taglist. only add them if they specifically ask.
tumblr tagging system; the tumblr tagging system is going to be your best friend as a writer. tags allow you to manage your posts + can act as a navigation system for your blog.
when tagging, make sure to not replace characters if it's for a trigger warning. 'assault', for example, should never be replaced with '@ssault'.
if posting an excerpt from your wip, i would suggest the following tags as the bare minimum: 'WIP NAME', 'WIP NAME EXCERPT'. if you're posting it as part of an event, you may also wish to include 'EVENT NAME'. you can also have a specific tag for things your friends write, for resources you may find helpful, etc. the possibilities are endless. a hint: the first five tags are the only tracked tags. the most important tags you want to add should be your FIRST FIVE TAGS on a post. furthermore, only the first twenty will show up in the search function.
tags are a good way for you to interact with other writers! when you reblog a post, OP will be able to read your tags where you can add how much you loved their work, etc.
do; - add trigger warnings to your posts if they contain sensitive topics. - add a plot, characters, etc. other writeblrs want context for your wip beyond just a number of dot points about tropes. - put your post under a 'read more' if it is a long post. - tag any nsfw content. - add a transcript of any photos/images under a 'read more'.
don't; - use any sort of fonts beyond the regular when writing a general post. using the 'chat' font, for example, reduces accessibility to your posts and makes it difficult for people to read. - just post dot points of your wip. - plagiarise. - use other people's posts as a place to self promote.
this is one of the biggest differences between tumblr and other social media sites: pinterest is. not. an. art. source. the truth is that people aren't going to care if you post a moodboard with nothing beyond a few random photos of a castle and a knife, etc. sure, they may look pretty, but don't do it for a number of reasons.
first, you should always post art directly from a credited source (e.g. unsplash or picrew).
second, it doesn't show enough about your wip! people want context! not just random photos!
thirdly, most photos or art on pinterest do not CREDIT their sources. this is theft and this is bad. which leads me onto the next topic.
CREDIT ALL ARTISTS. if you use any sort of artwork, i swear to all things holy, give credit to the ORIGINAL sources. pinterest, as mentioned, is not an art source. most artwork on that site is stolen or posted without credit, which, funnily enough, is a form of theft. if you're going to post any form of photo or art, please give credit. it doesn't matter what form it takes; link to the original artist or photographer in a way that is not hidden.
one sad truth about being on tumblr, as with a lot of social media sites, is that your posts will gain a lot more interaction if you use some form of graphic or photo along with your writing. graphic making may seem daunting but it doesn't have to be! they don't have to be complicated or anything more than a few photos - as long as they have relevance to your wip. moodboards are not necessarily a bad form to take when making graphics for your posts. however, if it just features a random collection of photos that tell your audience nothing about your work, they're not going to care. writeblr is all about actually imparting information about your wips, rather than just vibes. ****as mentioned, any form of artwork or photography needs to be credited to the original source. however, etiquette is also to not repost art without express permission from the artist. if you don't have permission to use someone's art, DO NOT put it in your moodboard or graphic.
tumblr is a really great site for expressing yourself through your blog, especially if you use custom themes! if (like me) you're terrible at javascript and any form of http coding, there are a number of blogs you can search for to find custom made themes that are easily adaptable for your needs.
but why use a theme beyond expression?
one of the best aspects of using themes is the navigation aspect. most writeblrs have some form of navigation page (beyond just simply using the tumblr tagging system) to allow their audience to find information about their wips, writing resources, and the like! it makes going through your blog easier for both you and others.
also: make sure to include information about yourself on the blog (but of course, not to the point of doxxing yourself). most tumblr users, especially those on writeblr, will think you're most likely a bot if you dont include at least some things about yourself. the most common things to add are name, age and pronouns! also a dni can be used.
titling your wips by @crtalley
plot structure by @nouveauweird
how to blurb by @yvesdot
notion templates for writers by @atelierwriting
the tropes guide by yours truly
so you're missing a plot by @seasteading
novel length by @serpentarii
thank you to everyone who helped me in writing this post! love you all <3
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katsu28 · 8 months
kait's book corner & cafe
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update: this celebration is now closed!
note from me to you: hello friends! the time has come again where i must be sappy. i know, i know, just bear with me, okay? i truly cannot comprehend that there are over two thousand of you lovely souls here now. i appreciate every single one of you who have taken time out of your own lives to join me in my delusions, more than you'll ever know. every like, every comment, every reblog with an indecipherable keysmash—i cherish them all. you all are what push me to grow as a writer, and to keep writing. thank you, thank you, thank you <3
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navigation, characters, guidelines
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you don't have to be following me to send something in! this celebration is open to anyone and everyone!
you can send in as many celebration asks as you want, but please only send one request per ask.
as always, please pay attention to my writing guidelines, and please be patient with me!
for one shots, please stick only to characters on the list of ones i write for. please also include the actual prompt and which list it's from, not just the number. this makes things much easier for me!
this celebration will last until halloween—so today, october 15 to tuesday, october 31 at 11:59pm pst.
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so without further ado, welcome to my cozy little bookshop. pick a book, settle in, and enjoy 📚
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feeling hungry? thirsty? i know i always need a little beverage when i read. we've got something for everyone. come on over to our cafe counter, take a look at our menu!
send ☕ along with a prompt from any one of the lists below and a character of your choosing, and i'll write you a one shot to satisfy your craving!
✤ list a ✤ list b ✤ list c ✤ list d ✤ list e ✤ list f
we all know it, we all love it, it's the reason why many of us are here on tumblr to begin with. welcome to the fictional section, home to blorbos and brainrots. if you've ever wanted to know more about a character, here's your chance!
send ✏️ along with a character of your choosing for my headcanons for them. these can include characters i don't write for, but you think i might know.
send 🖊️ along with a character + a concept/thought about them and i'll expand on it. (nsfw thoughts are allowed, but please be 18+ if you do send one in)
wander on over here to the nonfiction section next, friend! here you can read about anyone's life story.
send 📝 along with a short description of yourself (appearance, hobbies, things you enjoy, etc.) and your fandom of choice from this list, and i'll pair you with a character and tell you why!
come along right this way to the romance section! this one's my favorite because it allows me to spread love and appreciation for the people on this lovely site.
send 💌 along with any fics, blogs, or folks you want to give a little extra love to today!
maybe you're more into a little bit of mystery and adventure in your stories? well you're in luck, because we've also got a section for those too!
send 🔎 along with any ask game you can think of (ama, cym, fmk, this or that, would you rather, etc.) and i'll gladly give you the answers you seek.
oh look, you found the bookstore cat nestled in the stacks! murphy only lets a few lucky souls pet him, so here's your chance! (moots only please!)
send 🐈 for a handwritten love letter from yours truly and a song that reminds me of you <3
tagging some lovely moots (signal boost if you'd like, but absolutely no pressure <3): @inkluvs @starryeyedstories @sunlitide @roosterbruiser @headkiss @familyvideostevie @stevebabey @maddipoof @yellowjaxxx @bradleybeachbabe @buckysprettybaby @spideystevie @sokkigarden @alwritey-aphrodite @sunshinesteviee @witchwyfe @astermath @brettsgoldstein @fanboyswhore9 @crappymixtape @annab-nana @boneblushed
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olderthannetfic · 6 months
Sometimes I like to give myself a reality check on fandom wank by imagining how I'd explain it to my parents.
My dad likes to read blogs and news websites but don't know anything about fandom. My mom can barely check her own email without help.
Some fandom problems would be easy for them to understand -- online scams and harassment and bullying are things dad would recognise from comment sections on news sites, and mom would understand by analogy to the offline versions. The plagiarism side the Cassandra Clare mess is the same no matter if the internet or fandom is involved at all. Any instance of someone mistreating another person is easy to make sense of no matter if it's happening within online fandom or not.
But other stuff fandom spends all day arguing about, like top/bottom wank, problematic ships, or women writing m/m? I would have to explain so much fandom history for my parents to even grasp what's going on there, and in the end they'd be like "I don't get it, why is that a problem?"
I did once explain some of the fujoshi wank to my dad and he was shocked that people get away with telling women what they're allowed to read these days.
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rhymeswithchronic · 6 months
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Art by my sister-in-law and one of my best friends, plebianplant! I realized that, while I post a lot of art and chapter updates for this story, I never actually explained what What This World Has to Offer was! So, here's an introduction post for it! I'd like to do it for some of my other fanfics, too, but we'll have to see :3
“The Reign of Giants will come and go Shipwrecked will he, we'll never know When finally, the end of lives Begins with the fall of five”
A world fraying apart from the seams would do anything to save itself. If that means damning innocent souls to a neverending Hell, then so be it. The Host, The Young Heir, The Martyr, The Sister, and The One True Heir. The Host of Their Master The Young Heir to a Throne of Shadows The Martyr Who Gave Up Everything The Sister of the Monster in the Dark The One True Heir to a Kingdom of Bones Don't be afraid. This is what is meant to happen. This is what you're meant to be. After all, it's all happened before, and it will all happen again.
Part 1 - Reign of Giants: Chapter 1-50 Part 2 - The One True Heir: Chapter 51-67 Part 3 - The King’s Gambit: Chapter 68-? Part 4 - ?
What This World Has to Offer is posted by Pokemaniac5000, Moonweaver50, or Pokemaniac7000 depending on which site you read it on. It is a Don't Starve longfic with an estimated 109 chapters in all. At this point in time, 90 of these chapters have been written and posted, totaling roughly 294k words. Each part in this story has a different set of plotlines, but all follow the same characters, the same timeline, and the same story. Part 1 - Reign of Giants is largely episodic, focusing on events that only span a few chapters at a time instead of anything that requires longer sections of writing to cover. In this part, you can expect a lot more of the game elements to be explored such as sanity, seasonal changes, and of course, as the name implies, the Giants! This section also features the least content warnings, although the later chapters lean much closer to the darker subjects of the later chapters. Expect to see a whole lot of Webber, Wilson, and WX-78, and just a little bit of Winona at the tail end. Part 2 - The One True Heir features Webber and Wilbur almost exclusively and explores a bit of Shipwrecked and the Archipelago. This is when many of the content warnings lean towards mental health issues. This is the shortest part in the entire fic. Part 3 - The King's Gambit introduces and explores Adventure Mode, with a twist to the formula to make it unique from your own playthrough of it. While this is the darkest part of the story, this section also focuses a lot on concepts like love, friendship, and found family. Expect to see the worst angst but the lightest fluff. Part 4 - Dust, The Void, and Them is the current arc. Details I can reveal are sparce as I have just begun posting it :3 The original story was written back in 2015 and finished in 2016 by a plucky 13-year-old with no concept of story or character growth, so many may recognize it from its original version. The rewriting process started in 2017, and as such, earlier chapters tend to be shorter with less descriptive writing. I expect to finish the rewrite by the end of 2024, although it might be earlier than that if my intense excitement for the story continues the way it has. If you are new to WTWHTO, welcome and I hope you enjoy! It is certainly a bit of a commitment, but I hope you find it worth your time nonetheless. Expect lots of random art, a writer who is so scared of drawing humans that she avoids drawing them like the plague half the time, and a story filled with angst, hurt/comfort, and found family. If you are one of the poor souls who read the original version back in 2015, welcome back! I assure you, much of this story has changed in the past several years and there is so much more for you to explore as you reread. Also, uh, yeah, Winona's in this now! Enjoy! My inbox is always open for any questions or comments you may have! Read on Archive of Our Own, Fanfiction.net, or the Don't Starve Forums! Archive of Our Own Fanfiction.net Don't Starve Forums
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