awakefor48hours · 9 months
It messes with me so much to remember that these guys are the same age
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pinkikiwi · 14 days
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@marichatmay 2024 Snow in may + Angelic/Demonic
Kissing statues under the snow...
I thought a lot of possible scenarios for this paiting, like why chat noir is a stone? why is snowing in may? Marinette know Chat Noir before he was turned into a stute and she love him but never confess, you know, the kind of stuff you think while paiting a posible AU.
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queenlypirate · 1 year
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Nighttime routine with a girl and her contracted demon
more about the au in this tag here: https://queenlypirate.tumblr.com/tagged/demon%20chat%20au
also my friend @fragileizywriting has a fic series on ao3!!
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mochinek0 · 11 months
No one from Françoise Dupont High School expected Marinette Dupain-Cheng to walk into the ten year reunion. As far as they knew, she hadn't been invited. Marinette strode in, with her head held high, and walked right up to Lila Rossi.
"I want to thank you for being such a bitch to me, Lila." Mari smiled, "You changed my life for the better."
"E-Excuse me?" Lila questioned.
'There' no way that forcing her out of school and isolating her gave her an amazing life!'
"That whole shit about telling people what they wanted to hear." Marinette began to explain, "I got really tired of defending myself and being told that I had to 'love you' to make you a better person by the staff. I got tired of being stacked with doing shit for free: all that babysitting I never said I would do, the banners, uniforms, clothes, fundraisers! It was exhausting for a fifteen year old."
Mari smiled, "Once you turned everyone against me, I realized how much free time I had! I signed up for homeschooling and worked extremely hard to graduate early. I even skipped a couple grades. It turned out that my husband's family were huge fans of my designs, so they offered to pay for my schooling if I moved."
"Husband?" Lila asked, concerned, "I didn't realize you had gotten married."
"Yeah." Marinette stated, "We met when I was seventeen and got married when I was nineteen; we have two kids."
Lila looked up and down at her arch-rival. Aside from a growth spurt and a larger chest, Marinette didn't look like she had changed at all. She looked like she was in her early twenties!
"So, thank you for bullying me." Marinette continued with a smile, "It was the best thing that could have happened to me."
Lila stayed silent. She didn't know what to say to that. None of her other victims had ever thanked her. She could feel eyes on them. She knew people were listneing in on their conversation. If she started to make a scene, it wouldn't end well.
"We'll, I'm married too!" Announced Lila.
"Oh, congrats." Marinette smiled, "Where is the lucky person?"
Lila spotted a tall, dark, and handsome man walk into the venue.
"There he is." Lila smiled.
Lila watched as her prey came towards them.
'Just a few more feet and I'll be able grab him. I'm sure he wouldn't mind playing along for a few minutes.'
Lila reached out a hand to grab him, when he put his arm around Marinette's waist and kissed her.
"Hello, Habibiti." he spoke.
"Everything okay without us at the company?" Mari asked.
He sighed, "Yes. It was just Grayson being himself."
Marinette giggled, "I'm sorry, Lila. This is my husband, Damian Wayne. Where were you saying your spouse is?"
Lila plastered a smile on her face, "They just stepped out. They had their cellphone out. It must be an important client. We're both models."
'There's no way she is married to this guy! The sooner she leaves, the sooner I can tell everyone I recognize him as an actor.'
Lila couldn't believe her luck. Adrien had just walked though the doors.
'Marinette was obsessed with him for years! Her fake marriage will be exposed and I can get the guy to stay with me. It doesn’t matter how much she paid him. I'm sure I could pay him more.'
"Marinette!" Adrien shouted.
He was quick to run over and hug her, pulling her away from her husband.
"Agreste, put my wife down." Damian growled.
Adrien turned his attention to Damian and froze.
"Hey, Wayne." He smiled, before looking around, "Where are the kids? Where's my neice and nephew?"
'Kids? They're really married and have kids?'
"They're with my parents, Adrien." Mari answered, "I'm sure they're being fed sugar and will pass out soon."
"So, is that an invite?" the model asked.
"To my parent's place for sweets?" Mrs. Wayne questioned, "You live here! They call me like once a week saying you were at the bakery!"
Adrien chuckled, "No. What about my time with the kids?"
Marinette looked to Damian, who shrugged. She turned to Adrien and shot him a look.
"Tell you what, you can see them in two days." she replied, "A whole day with Uncle Adrien."
'Uncle Adrien?'
"Really?" Adrien cried out, happily.
"But, you got to plan it." she answered.
"Disneyland Paris?" the Agreste heir suggested.
"Fine." Marinette growled, "But if you lose one of my kids, again, I will hurt you."
Adrien glanced towards Damian.
"Adrien, if you think my husband is scarier, just because you have seen his sword collection, you're wrong." Marinette Wayne declared, "You lose one of my children, I will hurt you worse than my husband could ever imagine."
"Got it." Adrien smiled, "Plan awesome VIP experience for the kids!"
"Great!" Mari smiled back.
"Man, you moving really toughened you up." the model winced.
"I punched my brother-in-law the first day there because I thought he grabbed my ass." Mrs. Wayne spoke.
"That is still one of my best days ever. No one has underestimated you since." Damian stated, before kissing her head.
"So, what are you doing here?" Adrien questioned, "Didn't you graduate like two years before us?"
"Oh, I just wanted to thank Lila for bullying me and getting me homeschooled." Marinette smiled, "It sucked that she bullied me, at the time, but if she hadn't done that, I wouldn't be with Damian and we wouldn't have our kids."
Adrien quickly turned to Lila, "Thank you for being a bitch to my best friend. I love my niece and nephew. Marinette, do you think we should get her like a fruit basket or something?"
Mari laughed, "We have dinner plans so we're gonna head out. Enjoy the reunion, Adrien."
Adrien took a step back and eyed Marinette's dress. It was a short black bodycon dress with puffy transparent sleeves. He eyed the black heels, warily.
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"Dressed like that?" he questioned.
"Eyes on my wife's face, Agreste." Damian growled.
Adrien rolled his eyes, "She's all yours. I don't think I've ever seen you dressed like this, is all. You think you'll be able to take care of the kids dressed like that?"
Marinette answered, "They are staying with my parents tonight." before walking away.
Adrien watched as Damian placed his hand at Marinette's waist, likely making sure she didn't fall in those heels.
Adrien smiled, evilly, "Hey, Marinette!"
The designer turned to look back at her friend.
"I want another neice or nephew!" he shouted.
Marinette's face morphed from shock to embarassment, before she quickly glared at her best friend. She squeaked as she was quickly lifted into her husband's arms.
"Damian, you put me down!" she snapped at him.
"No." her husband responded.
"Why not?" she growled.
"Adrien won't get his wish if you're in jail for harming him." Damian smirked.
Marinette buried her face in her husband's chest and remained silent.
Adrien laughed as Marinette was carried out of the reunion. Nino walked up to him, confused.
"You….You kept in touch with Mari?" he questioned.
"Of course!" Adrien smiled, brightly, "I helped her with her math sometimes and she talks with Father about designing. She's my best friend."
"Designs?" Rose asked.
"Marinette is a fashion designer in the states." he answered, "Her husband's family runs an international company. She occasionally designs for their clothing line, but they do other stuff, too. Marinette has an office in their building, but she mostly does custom work. I think last year someone asked for a wedding dress. It was around $25,000."
"Seriously?" Alya asked, full of surprise.
"Oh yeah!" Adrien smiled, "She's an amazing deisgner. A lot of her dresses and suits have been coming out on runways and red carpet events."
"You're forgetting that she bullied Lila!" cried Sabrina, "She was mean to her! How can you be friends with her?"
"Actually, it was the other way around." Adrien stated, "Lila once claimed that Mari pushed her, after school, so hard that she injured her knee and was forced to walk home with a limp. I tried to tell you that Marinette couldn't have done it; Marinette had been with me the day before. You told me I was just confused. You never let me speak. You just decided Lila was right."
The class just stared at him.
'Had they really done that? Had they ignored Adrien when he tried to defend Marinette?'
"You never listened to me or Marinette when we told you about Lila being a lying bitch." he shrugged.
"But you're married!" Kim shouted, "How can you choose Marinette over a model?"
"I didn't. I'm bi and dating a male model from my father's company." Adrien announced, "Lila was fired when she was sixteen. Wasn't Lila held back a grade? Why is she even here? You didn't graduate with us or even from this school."
"It was a computer error!" Max spoke up, "Lila said that-
Adrien rolled his eyes, "Her mother called Natalie and declared she was owed a meeting with my father. She said we ruined Lila's future by forcing her to model. She threatened to sue the Gabriel brand until we showed her the 'signatures' on the forms. Turns out, Lila forged those so her mother's hands were tied. Her mother started shouting how she should send her to boot camp, back in Italy, as the left the house."
One by one they turned to look at Lila.
"i-I wanted to see everyone." she whispered, weakly, "I missed my friends."
"Thank for stopping by." Adrien stated, "You can leave now."
"Adrikins!" Chloe shouted.
"Chloe!" Adrien called back, "I missed you. We loved that spa treatment. You're the best!"
Chloe smiled and pulled Adrien away from the rest of the group to socialize with the other students.
"You still talk to that trash?" they heard Chloe ask.
"Rossi?" Adrien questioned, "Nah. You missed Marinette by a couple minutes. She came here and thanked Lila for being a raging bitch. The rest of them were still trying to kiss ass."
"The queen, herself, and I missed it." the Bourgeois heiress teased.
"Date night." Adrien quipped, "She brought Damian and the demon brigade."
"I missed the little ones?" she screeched.
Adrien laughed, "They're with her parents. Better book your time with them before they leave again. Oh, and Mari is already threatening bodily harm if anything happens to them."
"You lost one last time!" Chloe cried.
"I said I was sorry!" Adrien rebutted.
Chloe scoffed, "You're lucky you didn't die that day."
"I know." Adrien sighed, "Would it be weird if I put them on one of those kid leashes? I feel like they would fuck with me and purposely try to get lost to see me sweat, again. Honestly, I don't know if it's a mini Damian or mini Marinette. Don't get me wrong, Damian is frightening and he could probably work in the CIA torture room, but seeing Marinette pissed off, scares the living crap out of me. She's creative and could probably make something specifically to hurt me."
Chloe looked up from her phone, "I bought you the leashes. They'll be here tomorrow. You're welcome."
"Chloe." Adrien replied, "You didn't answer me."
"I was frenemies with her for years, Adrikins." Chloe answered, "Mari will find some way to hurt you and she wouldn't need her godly husband to do it. You have every right to fear for your life for pissing her off. Look at what happened to the idiot brigade: they believed a liar and bullied her. None of their dreams came true. The Waynes own half the companies those idiots wanted to work for. I wouldn't put it past Damian to rat those losers out to his family and have them blacklisted. You have seen how overprotective he is of their kids; he's the same way with her."
"True." Adrine sighed, "He still yells at me when I hug her."
"Idiot." Chloe declared, rolling her eyes.
The class looked at each other before pulling out their phones. They looked up Marinette and the Wayne family. The class shifted nervously as they realized what Chloe had said was true. The Waynes and Marinette owned their jobs. They were all comfortable with their jobs, but they weren't anything to brag about. They had all wanted bigger and better things at thirteen.
None of them were the doctors, rock stars, DJs, journalists, environmentalists, or the Olympians they thought they would be. They worked desk jobs or became something close to what they wanted. Lila knew she would never model again when Gabriel told her that he was going to blacklist her. The Waynes owned everything from food to biolabs to steel to shipbuilding and aerospace. Lila silently left the reunion as everyone came to terms that their dreams ended long ago.
TAG LIST: @animeweebgirl @a-star-with-a-human-name @meme991001 @vixen-uchiha @abrx2002 @alysrose-starchild @fandom-trapped-03 @dood-space @moonlightstar64 @saltymiraculer @marveldcedits20 @09shell-sea09 @icerosecrystal @animegirlweeb @insane-fangirl-of-everything @blueblossombliss @nickristus-dreamer @megawhitleycalderonpaganus @missmadwoman @meira-3919  @princessdaisysolosyourfaves @blep-23 @fangirlingfanatic @darkhinauniverse @ravenr22 @im-a-satanic-ritual @ravennm84  @bianca-hooks123 @a-slytherinish-gryffindor @starling218
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chiefatticcreator · 2 months
Naughty studying (Closed RP with @a-den-of-demons)
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Artist pixiv
"What? Noooooo, MOM! Don't let him come upstairs! I'M not ready yet! I haven't changed from..."
Marinette sighed s she saw her classmate enter her bedroom door, turning around to stand facing him, looking at him and fighting to not blush immediately.
"Well... Uhh.. Hi, Setsuna." she smiled.
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sidedoodlez · 2 years
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A model, just like his father
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lily-drake · 11 months
Master List Part 1
I finally have my own laptop so now I can officially do this!
Master List Part 2
Siblings Don't Shake Hands...: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Stay With Me Now
Happy Birthday Tim!
Hiding in the Blue
Let's Play a Game
Red is My Favorite Color
Hide and Seek: Part 1 Part 2 Bargain: Part 1 Part 2
Ditched and Hitched: Part 1 Part 2
The Bird's Baby Bug: Part 1 Part 2
Happy Birthday Jason!
You Think We're WHAT?!
Peter and His Pixie: Part 1 Part 2
Unexpected Discoveries Lead to...: Part 1 Part 2
It's a Learned Trait
One of Us Has to Die
The Floor is Out to Get Me
Kiss the gir-NO!
The Blessed and Cursed
Who Do You Think You Are?!
Robin Hood and His Treasure
Found Family
Fear Me: Part 1 Part 2
Betrothed: Part 1 Part 2 (What-if ending [non-canon])
The Demon's Queen: Prologue Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25
Mommy, Daddy Look! BioFamily!Daminette:
Grumpy Cat/Fairytale
Stab or be Stabbed
Why Can't Bats Rest in Peace? Part 1 Part 2 Surface Pressure: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Trust Must be Earned: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 LettersPart 8 Part 9
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 year
Dp x Dc x Miraculous: Deified Siblings AU Pt. 1
Based on 2 Prompts.
One is the Deified Batman AU , which you can read here
The other is a Prompt where Danny, Damien, and Marinette are raised together in the League of Assassins. I can't find it at all, so I will go over the gist of it here. (Edit: Found it!, thank you to the person in Replies who linked me)
Danny is the oldest, about 3 or 4 years older than. The other 2. He is the favorite child.
Danny is 10, Damien and Marinette are 6
Damien is seen as the spare, Marinette is seen as the unfortunate addition.
As the Prompt goes, Danny wants to escape the League and takes his little siblings with him. Damien, fully brainwashed by the Leagues ideals, stabs Danny in the back and drops him off a cliff into a River below, thinking he killed him. He tries to take Marinette back, but she backs away and runs.
Damien returns, tells the League that Danny tried to run away and got himself and Marinette killed in the process. Damien only survived because he wasn't stupid enough to try and leave the League.
Damien stays in the League for a while, before he is eventually taken to his father, The Batman when he is 10
Danny survived his murder attempt, but he lost all of his memories and washed up on the shore of the river miles away. He was found by the Fentons, who were in Europe on a research trip, and was adopted. Canon goes the same for him.
Marinette ran away, using her skills to get all the way to Paris before managing to get adopted by a loving couple. She becomes Ladybug at 13, the same as in Canon.
This is where the Deification happens.
Lets go Oldest to youngest.
Danny became a God the moment he died. As a Demigod, he was already partially Divine. When he lost his Mortality, he became what was essentially a God with no Domain. So, he built one up.
He became known as a Protector Spirit, as a Winter Spirit, and after defeating Pariah, as a Death God.
By the time he was 16, he was a fully fledged God.
This did help his amnesia a little bit, and he did have a vague sense of what his life was like before he lost his memories, as well as some flashes. But he knew that he preferred his new life, so he never really looked into it.
Damien is the only one who would eventually ascend to God-Hood through Natural Growth.
Damien takes the Mantle of the Robin. And as such, he links himself directly to his father's source of Power, and creates his own Legend, his own Myths. He becomes his own God at around 14.
He is a Vengeful God, one who is Violent. But at the same time he is an Animal God, one who takes care of the abandoned Animals around him. Probably a carry over from his Dad's Protector God Domain.
Marinette became a God last. She had it easiest though.
Marinette was born as a Demigod, and later became Linked with Tikki, who is basically a Small Part of the Goddess of Creation tied to the Miraculous.
Her own fledging Divinity mixed with Tikki'a Divinity and helped her Acsend to God-Hood after about a Year as Hero when she is 14.
She would have done so anyways as a Hero, but without the Gotham Pantheon to attach herself to, it would have taken many more years for her to grow enough to Ascend.
She became a Minor Creation Goddess. She also became a Goddess of Creativity, and Protection as well.
If you are worried about the Balance between Creation and Destruction don't worry, Adrien also becomes a God soon afterwards. His Ascension is mostly because he is a being made of Magic (as a SentiMonster) who was linked with a God through his Miraculous.
(I don't like the stories where Adrien is mistreated for no reason, so here he at least gets to be Ladybugs Equal)
This is the basic premise of the Prompt. I am planning on writing out the potential Story in a Part 2, but until then what do you think?
(Honestly looking at this after finishing writing it, it feels absurd. 3 different Fandoms, plus 2 different Dp x Dc Prompts. You need to be DEEP in the Crossover Fandoms to really understand this. Imagine a casual fan finding this! It would look like Pure insanity!)
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nobodyfamousposts · 7 months
This is totally random and out-of-the-blue, but with how much more genuinely God-awful Marinette’s life has gotten since the time you wrote it, have you ever thought of expanding your Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun-inspired fic into more than a one-shot? The one you wrote a little over three years back? The idea of Demon!Uncle Jagged and Familiar!Fang is both funny and awesome, and I seriously love how you handle your fix-it fics, with the Lament Series being my most recent favorite.
Thank you very much!
And I'm debating it? Maybe if I ever get back in the mood.
Admittedly the original plan for Marinette in the Demon World was for all of the Miraculous cast to be demons she meets there (except for Lila, who causes enough trouble as a human as it is).
With Fu being the Headmaster of the school. Tikki and Plagg as teachers with Plagg in Kalego's place of being turned into Marinette's familiar....only he enjoys it.
Plagg: (In lil kwami form) Oh no! I've been summoned! Looks like I can't go to work today. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Tikki: Plagg!
Marinette: I'm so sorry!
Marinette meets the classmates and makes friends. Maybe eventually becomes the Demon Queen and rules the world with kindness and fashion!
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It’s the way derision is a legitimately awful episode for me
Hello, Hey, how y’all doing, I’m still grieving Luka, And it’s time for another miraculous episode review!
And lord I fucking hate this one!!!
So Marinette and Adrien go on pool date, and Marinette keeps having panic attacks over it, until she’s almost akumatized and has to dig deep in memory lane to not get Akumatized (and this is where the majority of this episode takes place)
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So. I hate this with all my heart! This motherfucking show. Really just said “yeah guys, so all of Marinette’s creepy stalker behavior? Yeah guys it’s Chloe and Kim’s fault she’s like this it’s trauma and therefore she’s fine!”
…so let’s unpack this.
With Chloe, this is nothing new, the show keeps demonizing her and taking away from any nuance or chance she has at redemption, and the show needs us to some reason believe that Chloe (and Lila) is worse then the little abusive father terrorist in this show! Because they are probably planning on making her the next Lila in the show as Lila becomes Hawkmoth!
To the fucking point they decided to take her bullying from random mean comments and hun on a sit in season one, To fucking roaches in lockers and panic attacks!
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And before you ask, no I don’t believe that every single character needs to be redeemed and complex (some people really do just suck) but the show takes that to an extremist degree! The show needs viewers to believe Chloe is more evil then literal monarch because if she got a redemption or had dimension (as she had in season 2) marinette by comparison looks awful and creepy!
To put a long analysis short, I don’t hate Chloe for being bitchy because I think everyone should be complex, I hate her for being bitchy because the show only does this to make marinette look like a saint in comparison, to the point that they will make child abusers look better then her, just so marinette can stay “the good guy”.
“Oh yeah kids ever wondered why marinette broke into Adrien’s house, harassed him, sniffed him, stole his schedule and personally belongings and information, hurt anyone that was a rival to her, broke into his house on multiple occasions, and literally got so many people akumatize from her selfish behavior? It’s because she was traumatized by Kim, who’s suddenly cruel, and it’s all Chloe’s fault!”
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And it’s just… so fucking upsetting!
Not only did the show demonize Kim (and everyone is just fucking buying it) out of nowhere to be this asshole (this is not the misguided himbo I know and love and I fucking hate it) the show basically erased every mistake marinette ever made under the guise of trauma, when it’s so fucking unfair and biased!
Like, by the show’s logic, if Marinette is justified for all the literal crimes she committed because of trauma, why not Chloe? You can easily just argue that her mom not being there is justification to committing literal crimes!
But the show won’t do that, because Marinette needs to be the good guy and can’t be wrong.
The show had to literally demonize and change characters entirely (boy in Lila episodes and specifically this episode) just to absolve marinette of any fault, and it’s just bad writing!!! The show doesn’t want to admit that marinette is frankly an awful person and will morph the plot around her to prove it!
Because reality is? Shit isn’t black and white! Even if marinette had this awful experience (which I will not minimize) it doesn’t justify the constant hurting and awful things she did to others, just like Chloe’s extremely bad childhood doesn’t justify her hurting and bullying others!
The show yet again just demonized and morphed the plot and characters to justify marinette, in order to make sure she’s always good and always in the right, so that they don’t have to change anything about the story, so they can drag on this show forever to make lots of money.
And frankly? I’m fucking tired of it.
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(Also Adrien is officially nothing more then love interest, he’s out-of-character threatening murder on Kim because “marinette deserves people will kill for herrrr”)
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sfigatino · 8 months
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cringetober Day 4: Angel x demon! How could I not do felinette, I’m really happy with how this came out!
full cringetober list here
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juchioris · 13 days
3 fanfic-ideas 📚
I don't have the time or motivation to write all of those. Maybe one at some point. If anyone feels inspired, you are free to use them.
BNHA fic: Toshinori and Inko get together while Izuku is in his early middle school era. Izuku has no idea that his mom's new boyfriend is his favourite hero and, like many kids when a parent dates some new person, he is a bit skeptical of him at first - but he comes around. Big surprise later, when he finds out that his father figure is All Might.
Star Wars fic: Anakin doesn't become a Jedi and stays on Naboo. He tries to get closer to Padme, but it is a big hindrance that she is the queen and he is just a commoner. To get his crush's attention Anakin competes in the next election for the monarch against her - with a program that is partly copied from Padme and partly right-wing populism - and gets actually on her bad side with that - and wins the election - and becomes king. Padme begrudgingly becomes his advisor, to ensure that he doesn't ruin Naboo.
Miraculous Ladybug Crossover Ship Crack fic: Instead of living in the world of Demon Slayer, Zenitsu Agatsuma exists in Ladybug's Paris. His first appearance in Marinette's life is in Ep. 1 when he overhears her ranting about wanting to marry Adrien in the park, he rushes over there and volunteers himself that she can marry him instead. Of course he gets rejected. Soon after that, Alya is on her quest to find out who the superheroes are and she suspects that Zenitsu is Chat Noir, because he looks similar enough, is never seen during Akuma attacks (because he is hiding well, he is very scared of them) and is known for sappily and tactlessly flirting with girls. While Alya tries to expose him, Marinette, who buys the theory, tags along and tries to protect his (nonexistent) secret. During this arc Zenitsu falls in love with Marinette and as she can't reject him hard enough out of fear he could get akumatized, she has to put up with his fawning from there on: inappropriate compliments, simping, begging, crying and him ecstatically screaming "MADEMOISELLE MARINETTE", because he thinks adding "Mademoiselle" is cute. But he also has better moments sometimes and grows on her. Long premise short: Marinette gets a suitor who makes her feel the high levels of cringe/exasperation/second-hand-embarassment she sometimes made me feel when I watched her show. They're sharing three braincells, but one of those is only for anxiety and another is only for yearning. The one who has currently the common sense/intelligence brain cell shakes his/her head at the other one who is struggling with one of the other two. I think that would be funny.
If you made it this far and want to read even more:
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inimoo · 1 year
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sm i wonder if ppl think this is the height of my artistic career, its not, but it is the height of my writing career
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adeva-eira · 2 years
Happy Halloween from our Angel and our Demon!
Dick: Come on Baby bat...you look great!
Damian: This is humiliating...
Marinette: No it's cute. Come on....for me?
And that's how we got this pic. Legends say Jason, after laughing about Damian for hours and getting chased with a katana by said boy, was never seen again. Bruce put the picture in his Office AND in the batcave.
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Coming soon. . .
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“Maman! Do I look pretty?”
Sabine didn’t know what she expected, probably not this. Maybe she expected another pillowcase dress, with loose stitches and ragged hemline. Maybe she expected the finished product of the teal scarf Marinette had crocheted with Gina. Oh no it wasn’t any of those.
Behind her stood her daughter, her head nowhere near the top of the table. Floating just above her blue locks sat a tiara of flames, it’s tendrils licked against her hair. Her dress’ bodiece was black but encrusted with sparkling red gemstones and the skirt was a gradient of glittering dark reds.
Even at the dear age of five, Marinette always found new and creative ways to surprise her.
“Yes darling, as always, you are beautiful.”
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editorofeverything · 11 months
Damian and Talia sort some things out before heading to the Order of Guardians. Things don't go the way either of them expects.
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