#Councilman Jayce
mollysunder · 8 months
Where Does Viktor Fit in Zaun? What Kind of Message will the Herald Bring?
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We all know Viktor's headed to Zaun next season, but I've genuinely been wondering what he'll actually do when he gets there. The obvious answer would be that based on previously canon lore Viktor will become the Machine Herald and preach the path toward Glorious Evolution through cybernetic augmentation. But when I look at the state of Arcane, I just can't see that happening. So much of Viktor's story so far has been entwined with his relationship with the arcane and his own mortality which only becomes more complicated as he feeds the hexcore his Shimmer enhanced blood.
While Viktor started out as an engineer, Viktor's work became more associated with a combination of Arcane study and biological experimentation. More often than not, Viktor’s future as the Machine Herald is teased with biological imagery.
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When Viktor visits Singed, the equipment that frames him in the shot above is similar to his staff, but more importantly, Rio's silhouette resembles the shape of the Machine Herald's mask. The outline of Rio's body resembles the the 3-pronged shape of the Herald's mask as it appears on Sevika's tarot card. The mask on the card is actually different compared to all of Viktor's existing skins, the three spikes are designed in a way that resembles a crown.
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The cave where young Viktor first meets Singed, is covered in holes that resembles thousands of pained howling faces, surrounding both Viktor and Singed. Is it to represent the suffering Singed and/or Viktor will create in the future? Could they represent creatures of the Void, calling out to break free? Maybe the faces represent the already existent suffering of Zaunites who choke and perish in caves similar to the one they stand in?
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What's more interesting is that the entrance young Viktor reveals himself to Singed with has the image of ghastly hooded figure carved into it. At first I thought this was supposed to represent inhabitants of the Void. Later, I realized this figure more resembled Zaunites suffering from Shimmer addiction like Huck.
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It all feels like the story has been steering Viktor toward Shimmer and the complications of the Void rather than using cybernetics avoid human vulnerability as he did in previous canon. And when you think about Zaun in the context of Arcane, Zaun doesn't need the Machine Herald to promote his augmentations. Cybernetics have already grown in use and popularity in Zaun. After the time skip there's a stark contrast between Vander and Silco's gangs, many members of the latter from Sevika to Ran use augments. It's so prevalent that even members on Piltover's Council know about it. Sure they don't follow the original philosophy of the Glorious Evolution, but Viktor himself doesn't have the foundations for what was originally introduced to League either.
If anything, the visual hints in Arcane lead me to believe that Viktor will become some kind of prophet to the Void. Think about it, so much of what Viktor has done has brought him closer to magic and he's only become further ensnared once Shimmer was involved. From the little that we see of the Shimmer corrupted hexcore, it's likely sentient and it's influence on Viktor will only progress further once he's been completely alienated from Piltovan society.
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What does this mean for Zaun though? Well I think Viktor's presence will be a positive presence in the long term for Zaun. The brief moments we see real unobstructed reference to the Machine Herald, hhappens when the design of Viktor's various masks are integrated into the design of the water treatment facility he was implied to have made. The image of the Herald also appears as the the Magician tarot paired with the Death tarot (Jinx) to win Sevika's card game. I previously concluded that the card scene forshadowed that Viktor and Jinx would be the major factors that will win Zaun its independence. On top of that, no matter what universe you stick Viktor in, he fundamentally wants to help others. That drive hasn't stopped in Arcane, and won't stop next season.
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Despite Shimmer's justifiably sketchy reputation, it earned it Silco's hope and Singed's interest on it's ability to both sustain life and change it. Outside of being a strength enhancer, Shimmer was shown to effect the rate and longetivity of plant growth in the background of season 1. I think Viktor will be the one to further explore this aspect of Shimmer's effects to make positive impacts in Zaun next season.
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I have such confidence because one, Viktor’s research with hexcore and Sky's own note focus on the impact hextech has on biological matter. And two this one shot from Zaun's post-time skip music video.
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In the shot above, we see two men with masks and staffs designed in a similar style to the original Machine Herald, stand guard for the building behind them. To the left of these masked men is a sign that reads, "The Herald's Palace". Lofty name aside, what could these men be protecting? If you look into the window behind the two patrons getting their shoes shined you'll notice the outline of broad leaf plants. The masked men are guarding a cultivair! In Zaun, cultivairs are essentially greenhouses only the wealthiest of Zaun can afford to maintain, they're the only sources of fresh air located within Zaun so they have to be well protected. Cultivairs also double as public parks for Zaunites when chembarons want good PR.
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The sneakiest possible hint is the design on the wall where "The Herald's Palace" sign is framed, it foreshadows who could have backed Viktor for his rise in prominence in Zaun. It's Jinx. This will make sense, trust me.
First, the swirling patterns of the wall design resemble the smoke cloud tattoo patterns Jinx has around her body. The use of the neon lights in the shot make the swirls appear a similar blue to the real tattoos.
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Second, this isn't the only time the artists of Arcane used Jinx's swirly tattoo pattern to refer to her influence. Another time that happened was in the Firelights' music video opening. In the montage, we see bullet casings engraved with cloudy swirls in front of Eve's mask, after Jinx killed her.
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Jinx doesn't actually engrave her bullet shells, that's for rich people like the Kirammans. Those engravings are for the audience to know that Jinx was responsible for Eve's death, the early draft even shows the artists were thinking of invoking Jinx's impact by applying her more childish doodles on the shells.
Not only has Viktor and Jinx’s future partnership been foreshadowed more than once in the show, she's the only character outside of Singed I can see betting on Viktor. There's no real reason for Sevika to be interested in Viktor, because when Viktor's reputation is dragged through the mud, even other Zaunites will be wary of him. Sevika also already has a source for her augments in Chembaron Smeech's gang, the Scrap Hackers. What would Sevika want to do with a clearly unstable scientist that not only looks like he's been loyal to Piltover most of his life, but his own experiments killed a fellow Zaunite colleague? How would Viktor not come off any better than Jinx to her?
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Jinx will likely be the more empathetic party to Viktor and the disaster he created for himself, she can relate to it. And in related media, like RiotxArcane, he's one of the few people that extends empathy towards her character. She'd be one of the few that probably wouldn't flinch at the line of logic he'll follow in the next season as he continues to double down on the hexcore and the Void. I can only guess, but based on how Viktor reacts in other alternate universes, he'll probably push to further integrate Shimmer into the physiology of its users. Viktor would see it as a means to embrace the necessary change needed to survive the harsh environment of Zaun and the world itself. Who better to pitch such an idea to than one of the more successful Shimmer mutants like Jinx, and probably the extremists who really like her.
Tldr: To understand how Viktor will find his niche in Zaun, we need to understand that Viktor isn't defined by robotics. Viktor's defined by his devotion to helping others no matter how unethical. It's a mixture of his genuine empathy and compassion to those in need, and in his characterization in Arcane, the fact that he sustains his self worth from his ability to create and innovate. So it doesn't matter what kind of world he's placed in, a gothic cowboy world, a psychic soldier battlefield, or a world that worships death he will embrace the most extreme elements of his world and turn it back against the obstacles that put the common people down. Even if his solution is off-putting.
Sidenote: I didn't know where to fit this, but the one concept art that had Viktor's Machine Herald silhouette only further convinced me that Viktor doesn't actually become the Machine Herald like in League.
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Thanks to @MPiltovian on twitter for the sketch outline we can see in concept that Viktor's transformation is so stark he looks to be at least a full 2 ft taller. And I know that Arcane's a scifi-fantasy setting, but that's just not how prosthetics work. There's no way that even his full body could support the weight of all that metal, plus a giant laser claw on his back. Viktor probably completely fortified his body using Shimmer and the hexcore to strengthen it and is wearing an exoskeleton on the outside. Honestly, how does anyone single-handedly even turn themself into a full-conversion cyborg anyway?
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writerblue275 · 6 months
Jayce finding out about your relationship with Viktor.
Inspiration: Part of my pet name headcanon (HERE) for Viktor! I just had to. The thought of this cute little interaction from the pet name “my most esteemed colleague” was just too good.
Character: Arcane!Viktor
Genre: Headcanon
Category: FLUFF (Ft. Jayce being a bit of a silly goose. 😂.)
Gender: Gender Neutral Reader!
TW: Small mention of alcohol. Swearing (because I swear lmao.)
Important context: Based on what I wrote in the pet name headcanon, I’m writing this with the idea of the reader being a professor at the academy (any subject). Also timeline-wise: this is before the end of the timeskip. Obviously HexTech exists, but Jayce isn’t a councilman yet or anything.
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You and Viktor have only been dating maybe a couple months at this point. Your relationship is extremely new.
Not many people in your lives know. Not because you both aren’t happy or excited about this new relationship. It’s quite the opposite, in fact.
You two have never been so happy, but both of you are just fairly private people. Neither of you feel the need to be extremely obvious about your relationship in public. You’re both happy to save affection for those quiet moments alone together.
Someone who surprisingly does know? Heimerdinger. He knows because he’s the one who introduced you to Viktor at the academy holiday party last year. It was only maybe a couple months after you joined the faculty.
He immediately noticed you and Viktor both trying to discreetly check each other out during academy meetings.
“Discreetly” lmao you two were halfway to making heart eyes at each other already, let’s be so fucking for real. But he thought about it and realized you two would actually be really good for each other.
“Viktor, my boy, I’d like to introduce you to one of our newer colleagues here at the academy, Professor (Y/L/N). Professor (Y/L/N) teaches [enter subject] and is already responsible for some incredible projects. Professor, I’m pleased to introduce my former assistant, Viktor. He’s now working in our labs with Mr. Jayce Talis on HexTech.”
You couldn’t help but smile shyly at the tall young man who seems only a bit older than you are. He’s really quite handsome. And his EYES. You were pretty sure you could get lost in those amber eyes forever.
You realized you’d been quietly watching for a moment instead of responding, causing you to blush and stammer out a response.
“V-Very lovely to meet you, Viktor. I’ve asked Professor Heimerdinger to refer to me as (Y/N). Since he still won’t, I hope you will? I find Professor (Y/L/N) too formal for me, at least among colleagues.”
Viktor gave you a smile that made your heart flip. “(Y/N) does seem a lot more fitting, I agree. Happy to call you whatever you’d prefer (SMOOTH VIKTOR 😉). Now, while we were talking, I see they’ve set out the champagne. Would you like me to bring you a glass?”
“I’d love that, thank you! Once you return, I’d love to hear more about the intricacies of HexTech. Your work with Mr. Talis is fascinating and I’d love to understand it better, especially if I can hear from an expert.”
“Happy to talk about it, as long as I can hear more about [subject you teach] and your projects. I admit it’s not a topic I’m extremely familiar with.”
You smiled. “I’d love to tell you about my work, though I can’t promise it’ll be as attention holding as yours.”
Heimerdinger stepped in here, “You sell yourself short, Professor. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed our conversations about your projects. Now you two go enjoy yourselves. I’m going to go make sure people aren’t causing any trouble.”
The yordle had been alive long enough to know when two people have excellent chemistry. He noticed the intense sparks between both of you IMMEDIATELY and he figured it wouldn’t be long before the two of you were together. (Surprise surprise he was correct.)
You’d never had so much fun at a work function before that night.
You and Viktor ended up talking together the rest of the party and he walked you home. Turns out the two of you live fairly close to each other.
You and him quickly became friends, and it only took a couple months for him to ask you on a coffee date, which you happily agreed to.
And once again you and him ended up talking together for hours. It was the most enjoyable date you’d ever had. You’d never felt so naturally comfortable with someone before.
And Viktor wasn’t even upset about being away from work for so long (though he did have to create some random excuse to appease Jayce’s curiosity).
Soon one date turned into more, and before too long, the two of you were officially in a relationship.
This brings us back to the present.
Viktor always gets to his lab so much earlier than you arrive at the academy.
To the point you sometimes wonder if he’s slept there. (The answer is sometimes yes.)
But anyway, one Wednesday night when Viktor decides he isn’t going to sleep at the lab, he comes over to your apartment for dinner. And while you two are chatting, he can’t help but complain a bit about the coffee machine in the lab not working.
And while of course you are being a supportive partner and listening to him, it is kind of hilarious, but also concerning, to realize how much this man depends on caffeine to get through his day.
Like you knew he drank coffee. You were not aware how much coffee he consumed since he mostly consumed it in the lab.
As the two of you sit together on the couch, chatting while Viktor goes over notes and you grade assignments, you can’t help but muse out loud a little bit after another round of tired grumbling from him.
“Tomorrow is my light class day. I could bring you coffee and breakfast? Since I know you’re already at the academy before the local cafes open.”
He perks up at the thought.
“I don’t need the breakfast, just the coffee, my dear.”
That earns him a mock stern stare from you.
“Ah ah ah, I’m going to make sure you actually eat breakfast, damnit. Even better, I’ll eat my breakfast with you. I rarely get to see you in the mornings, so it will be nice.”
He can’t help but smile. It would be nice to see you in the morning, especially when he’s tired. You always brighten his day whenever he sees you.
You’ve been visiting him and Jayce in their lab occasionally since you and Viktor became friends, but due to both of your recent schedules, it’s been a while, like since before the two of you made things official.
“That sounds nice, yes. When should I expect you?” His voice is happy as he laces his fingers with your hand that isn’t holding a pen.
You can’t help but blush happily at the little gesture. Viktor becoming more and more affectionate with you in private has been such a lovely surprise.
“I usually get to the academy around 9 on Thursdays. Does 9:15 work for you?”
He nods. “You know my order, yes?”
“Of course, Vitya. But, I also want to go ahead and at least grab coffee and pastries for Jayce and Sky. Do you know their coffee orders?”
After noting down his lab mates’ orders, you happily go back to grading papers, now enjoying companionable silence with Viktor.
Once he decides to get home for the evening, you send him off with a gentle peck and a “I’ll see you tomorrow with breakfast, love.”
He’s blushing so hard on the way home omg. You made him so happy calling him love.
And so the next day, you walk into work with one of those drink carriers, a big bag with pastries, and a smaller bag with your and Viktor’s omelets.
After dropping off the non-essentials in your office, you make your way over to the lab section of the academy.
You knock on their lab’s main door before opening it, just to give them a little heads up someone is coming in.
As you walk in, you’re greeted with a happy, but tired, “(Y/N)!” from Jayce. You and him have become friends too since you became close with Viktor.
“Good morning, Jayce! I’ve brought the lab some treats since I heard the coffee machine is currently out of commission.”
“Did Viktor tell you? Oh my god, you’re my fucking hero!”
Speaking of Viktor, he’s nose deep in textbooks at his desk, but the second Jayce says your name, he looks up and smiles at you, getting up and making his way over to you.”
“Ah! There’s my most esteemed colleague! Come to save the day.”
You can’t help but giggle at the silly little name.
But out of the corner of your eye you see Jayce looking a confused and maybe even just a little bit hurt that Viktor reffered to you, someone he’s only known like six months, as his most esteemed colleague and not him, the man he literally founded HexTech with.
Not that Jayce doesn’t respect you. He’s thinks you’re incredibly impressive, but after all they’ve been through, damn Viktor that hurts a little.
Realizing that you have to be the one to smooth over Jayce’s misunderstanding somehow, you meet Viktor in the middle of the room, smiling as he takes the coffees.
As soon as he takes the coffees and the smaller bag with just breakfast for you two, you lean up and gently peck his cheek and offer him a “Good morning, my most esteemed colleague. I hope you haven’t been caffeine deprived for too long, Viktor.”
“Nothing that can’t be fixed by your generous gift and presence, my dear.”
Now out of the corner of your eye you see Jayce’s eyebrows immediately go up in surprise, and he definitely doesn’t look upset anymore. In fact, he looks super excited for both of you, sporting the largest grin.
He even calls out a, “Ah Viktor, they really are your most esteemed colleague, I see.”
You smile at Jayce as you go over to give him the pastry box while Viktor gets a little pink on his cheeks.
“Those are for everyone, Jayce, so I better hear that Sky got some too. Anyway, I suppose I am. He is mine as well! Careful of teasing though. I’ve given Viktor all the coffees to pass out, so he might decide to keep yours for himself.”
Viktor smirks at you as Jayce lets out a tired whine.
“Ah, I like the way you think, my love!”
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed! Ahhh this was so fun to write. As soon as I put “my most esteemed colleague” as a “slightly silly but still plausible and cute” answer on the list of Viktor’s pet names for his partner, this idea immediately came to mind and I just had to write it. Having been in university, and then grad school, I’ve been colleagues with some pretty cool people. I also loved including the little first meeting and matchmaker Heimerdinger for this Professor!Reader AU! Shoutout again to my friend from college who is my beta reader for Arcane things because she also loves Viktor basically as much as I do (lmao I love my friends)!
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redr0sewrites · 22 days
Sub!Jayce x reader Hcs
incredibly influenced by this convo i had w ellie ( @bigfatbimbo ) urgrhgrhrhrhr hes soooo
🥀Cw: smut!!!, sub!jayce, dom!reader, humiliation, sub top, exhibitionism kink idk what its called
🥀minors dni
🥀Character(s): Jayce Talis x reader
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this man is suuuuch a sub, but he wouldn't admit it, at least not until he meets you
jayce is a very confident person, and you'd assume that would carry over into the bedroom, but nooo. the first time you were both intimate he was so pathetically unsure of what to do that you just had to take control for him. he tried to act dominant and in-control, but the second he started thrusting into you he was a needy mess.
he was so confident leading up to it, but he just gets so flustered :(
jayce is so embarrassed about how submissive he is, and is probably a little shy at first. he definitely needs some coaxing to "get out of his shell" per se, and would probably muffle his moans and be a little awkward in general
this man is a WHINER i just know he's so loud in bed and he can not control it. his voice gets all hoarse and raspy from panting, and he has the neediest wanton moans, it genuinely sounds like he's in a porno because of how loud and lewd they are
his volume has probably led to you two almost being caught on multiple occasions, he genuinely has no control but gets SO embarrassed about the thought of getting caught. it turns him on a little, and the fact that it does only makes him more embarrassed
more than once he's fantasized about you fucking him in the council room, risking it all just for the thrill of possibly being discovered
jayce would be SO flustered if you teased him about it, if you began whispering in his ear about how you coincidentally forgot to lock the door to your room, and how just about anyone could just walk in? he's already whining, and he'll cum within seconds
"aw, how would the council feel if they saw you being fucked like this?imagine if they could all see you like this, all needy and pathetic for me," type of shit, he'd fold in seconds
jayce is definitely kinky too, but he takes his time discovering himself. he isn't super willing to try new things at first, however over time he becomes more and more confident in doing kinkier shit, especially with someone he trusts
guys. sounding with jayce. HEAR ME OUT. he'd be SO embarrassed, like he knows how anatomy works and all, but he never really thought of something like that, and he'd probably be cocky too, thinking that it wouldn't even feel that good. imagine using a vibrating sounding rod on him and double tapping him too, irgrhrrhrgrhrrh he'd be so needy and fucked dumb
he never tried anything with anal/pegging before you, but he can't deny that he isn't at least curious. he'd mention it offhandedly, hoping that you'd get the hint, but don't make it that easy for him. fluster him, make him say it aloud and admit that he wants you to fuck him like that, and then praise him for being so sweet about asking while fucking him absolutely senseless. whether you have a dick or a strap he doesn't care, jayce would love it regardless
this is kind of a random hc, but he probably masturbates a lot. i mean, it's natural, he's pretty stressed most of the time, and even when he's with you he has an insane libido and would probably still masturbate a lot. however, his favorite form of getting off? pillow humping. don't ask me how i know, i just do, because i'm right. imagine the mighty councilman talis, the man of progress himself, humping a pillow like a bitch in heat because he's too needy to wait. sometimes he'll imagine that it's you beneath him, and he'll moan your name as he cums, thinking you can't hear. this leads to you both discovering that this man has a major kink for dry humping, he loves either sitting in your lap or having you sit in his and just getting off fully clothed. i also think he'd enjoy lap dances too, and would ride your thigh too. i ALSO think jayce would enjoy it if you rode his thigh, i mean.... c'mon who wouldn't want to
ok but like... sub!top jayce. me thinks yes. making him top you as a punishment and forcing him to fuck you. you take care of him all the time, shouldn't he return the favor? jayce desperately wants you to take control, flip him over and fuck him senseless, but your silky words and sweet praises make him want to make you cum even more. he would definitely manage to make you cum, he knows what he's doing, but he's really whiny and needy about it and would need some reassurance
look me in the eyes and tell me he wouldn't like being manhandled a little. you can't because your wrong. he totally would. jayce is used to people giving him what he wants and he's absolutely the type to get off to being pushed around. he wouldn't mind being folded into deep sex positions or even being slapped a bit, as long as you praise him afterwards
PRAISE KINK!!! i do think he has a degrading kink too, but it's definitely mostly praise. he gets a bit insecure sometimes, and the only way to get out of his own head is to be fucked silly and senseless by you while you whisper the sweetest words in his ears. he wouldn't mind a healthy mix of degrading/objectifying and praise tho, if you called him your "pretty slut" he'd think it was hot but if you started genuinely degrading him he would probably cry and get really clingy afterwards
i think his biggest kinks would be PRAISE, oral fixation (absolutely will elaborate if asked. please ask.), hair pulling, DRY HUMPING, somnophilia/sleepy sex (again, ABSOLUTELY will elaborate), breeding kink (👀), and obviously exhibitionism. i also think he'd have a little bit of a hand kink/fetish but would not admit it. if he saw you wearing a lot of rings, or if you're hands just look really nice in general, he would get a little turned on but won't say why. he thinks your hands look really nice around his neck too... 😇
"fuck- hngh-" Jayce bit down hard on the back of hand, attempting to muffle his moans as you rub his cock. you were seated on his lap, your hand wrapped around his thick girth as you jerked him off. within the confines of your shared bedroom you could be as filthy as you liked, yet it seemed Jayce was still too shy to fully let out his moans yet.
"aw, poor baby," you croon, speeding up the pace ever so slightly and paying attention to the tip of his leaky cock. his dick twitches against your palm as your thrusts quicken, Jayce's hips jerking upwards in response to the stimulation.
"hic- plea- please," he gasps, his hand hovering over his mouth as he throws his head back. "well, since you asked so nicely~" you tease, slowing down to painfully slow thrusts. Jayce lets out a sob, tears prickling at the corner of his eyes with each of your ministrations. he had lost count of the times you had teased him to near-release, only to ruin his orgasm at the last second. his abs clench with each stroke of his cock, and you can tell your pretty boy's patience is wearing thin. he really was too cute!
"Jayce," you murmur, speeding up again to catch his attention. his glossy, fucked out gaze meets yours, and you begin to jerk him off faster. with a gasp, his hand flies to your wrist, whether to push you away or to hold you there you were unsure. "s'too much!" he babbles, a few tears streaming down his cheeks as the coil in his abdomen tightens.
"aw, don't you want to be good f'me? you can take it, can't you?" Jayce nods, his dick twitching eagerly witth each thrust against your palm. you can tell he's close, and you decide to reward him. "can i- can i please-"
"you can cum, Jayce." with your reassurance, Jayce throws his head back, not even bothering to smother his moans as he cums so hard he swears he sees stars. his thighs shake as he coats himself in his own cum. as he comes down from his high, you gently massage his shoulders, tethering him back to reality as he steadies his breathing.
"you still with me, Counselor Talis?" Jayce grumbles, pulling you in close. "don't call me that. to you, 'm Jayce. nothing to else." you giggle, melting into his embrace. "lets get you cleaned up, hm?" you ask, and he nods, wordlessly following you like a lost puppy towards your shared bathroom. you both know damn well that this is probably going to lead to another round of steamy shower sex, yet he follows you in with the smallest smirk on his lips. what a man.
i will always be the number one jayce defender i do not CAREEEEE he's trying his best. i know nothing about leavue of legends lore and im basing this solely off of arcane, but i genuinely sympathize w him and idk why people hate him sm
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cannibal-nightmares · 11 months
Lost With You
Viktor has a bad pain day that Jayce helps him through. Jayce considers their present and future together. Set sometime in the middle of season one.
Arcane (League of Legends) - Jayce x Viktor (SFW) // whump, sickfic, fluff, chronic pain, non-verbal Viktor, medication, bathtub cuddles, discussion of losing a loved one, domestic, angst
Word count: 3,777 -- [AO3 link] -- [Viktor Spotify playlist]
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Something about a winter’s chill in the air made drifting light seem crystalline upon morning’s wake. Jayce gently raised his eyes to the tall window parallel to his side of the bed, noting the beautiful shade of slate gray of the sky, flickering with a jolt of blue as a Hexgate out of frame powered up, activated, and sighed to rest again. Every glance outside was a reminder that they were on a path to something great and greater still; as quickly as their ideas collaborated and conjoined, there were never any telling signs as to what would come to their minds–and, consequently, the reality of their lives–next. With a small grin of childlike wonder, Jayce put his hand out behind him to search the sheets for his partner, rolling over to find his usual space empty.
A beat, and the councilman sat up with only a slight start. It wasn’t unlike Viktor to get up early on his days of study and projects, but, disoriented, Jayce had to take a moment to figure out what the date was. Was it the weekend? After instances of very clear overwork, Jayce–with the crowbar-help of Viktor’s doctors, of course–had convinced his partner that days off were just as necessary as the days kept over a grindstone. They were both fully aware of how “time wasted” frustrated and frightened Viktor, but with some persuasion of simply suggesting spending time together convinced him enough to take a day or two off every week. This eased Jayce’s mind from picturing his lover collapsed in the lab again.
Talis slipped on the t-shirt that was draped over the headboard and threw his bare feet to the cold floor, padding curiously to search the dead-silent condominium. Delicate steps through the darkening hallway, and Jayce peered around the corridor into the living area to find Viktor sitting propped up in the close corner of the couch under a light but functionally warm blanket.
“Hey,” Jayce spoke softly as to not startle him. He met his fingertips to Viktor’s shoulder. “What are you doing out here?”
Viktor was barely awake as much as he was barely asleep, so the gesture didn’t take much to stir him.
“Hm?” He hummed, dazed. “‘Couldn’t sleep. I didn’t want to wake you.”
“You didn’t sleep much the night before, either.” Jayce got down on his knee to convey his intended demeanor. His partner’s voice, too, was so low he had to focus hard to understand him clearly. He tenderly held the hand that peeked out from under the throw, which was warm with sweat.
Viktor closed his eyes, resisting a furrow, and let out the smallest of faux-amused huffs. “The cold weather is not treating me kindly.”
He didn’t have to speak. There were enough signs for Jayce to know exactly what was going on.
“Let me get you your medicine. Have you had it yet?” Talis wanted to react with haste, both to get his beloved exactly what he needed as soon as he possibly could get it, but also to hide the glimmer of concern he was all too aware was growing across his face. He knew, too, that sudden movements should remain out of the equation; Jayce took his time in standing upright again, taking a single step towards the kitchen.
“No,” Viktor’s gaze fluttered open again in the smallest of panic. “No, it needs to be taken with food–” He started to protest, but conjured a coughing fit, which he had to sit up to stifle with his arm and meticulous breaths. He paused, waiting, and sank ever-so-slowly back into the sofa.
“On second thought,” his small voice returned, “maybe that would be a good idea…”
There was not much Jayce could say to comfort him, and he tried to keep his heart together, regarding. Before walking away, he leaned from his height to kiss him on the forehead, his hand meeting the brave scientist’s jaw caressingly.
Viktor gently took his wrist for a moment before it could slink away. “Could you add some naproxen to my cocktail?” He chuffed with a half-attempt at reassurance.
“Of course. Just take it easy. I’ll be back with everything you need.”
Jayce passed into the kitchen, retrieving and sitting out a mild-flavored protein shake and began preparing an ice bath for a washcloth. It didn’t matter how many bad days they had together, his hands were still trembling as he flipped on the stove to heat a warm water bottle. Viktor asking for specific medication paired with the careful ways he was moving meant he undoubtedly had a migraine, often brought on by his already excruciating pain, and loop: Body pain meant headache meant more body pain. Jayce didn’t know soldiers who would put up with the torment that his lover did, but Viktor would not hear of it. He did not like to be praised and cooed over for something he had to endure. What he couldn’t see, though, was himself in the picture of his work; in other words, Viktor saw his completed projects and his name on their patents–he acknowledged the hours put in, but couldn’t consider the inherent physical struggle it took him to even make it to his workbench every day. No one could tell if it was pride or selflessness in this variant of supposed ignorance.
“We're going to get you right.” Jayce said with a hopeful smile. He rolled a standing lap table to the couch, set with a plate of plain bread slices, a rinse cup of several differently coloured capsules, a pre-opened protein shake, and a glass of water. In tow with Jayce was a bowl of ice water and a small towel over his shoulder.
Viktor utilized familiar microexpressions to express a more genuine appreciation than his voice allowed. He would have normally made some sort of argument or joke, but he now did not think to move.
“Thank you, Jayce.”
“Are you able to comfortably sit up?” Talis almost felt his words falter in his throat as he asked the question.
A slow exhale, and Viktor gestured from under the blanket for Jayce to gently pull it off of him. Anyone who has experienced a migraine before would know that even such a forgiving instance of touch like that felt like fire and ice picks all at the same time. He put his hands behind and underneath him, redistributing his weight to move his legs off the sofa, but he unintentionally drew in a sharp and raspy groan in response.
He was done putting up a facade.
Jayce took care in sitting next to him–hardly even on the edge of the cushions–being mindful, too, of the walking crutch that was revealed to have been lying next to Viktor.
“Tell me about your current pain. Let me help you.” Steady now, Jayce.
Viktor managed a hand to cover his brow. He couldn’t afford to cry, trying to prevent it from exacerbating the panging in his head he was pretending not to have in the first place. Without looking up to him, he reached out his other hand to meet the side of Jayce’s neck. His palms were hot with fever, yet he was very obviously holding back shivers. The contact shattered Jayce’s attempt at a calm demeanor of his own and his jaw went weak with surprise. Regardless, he knew his lover well enough to understand what he was trying to convey.
“Okay,” he started, becoming teary-eyed, “it’s okay, I’ve got you.”
Jayce doused the towel in the ice water and rang it out, bringing one firm hand to Viktor’s shoulder and dabbed the chilly washcloth with the other to the side of his cheek.
“Zmrd!” (pron. “zmehrt”) He hissed and winced, but let go of his strained countenance as fast as it had arrived.
“I know, I know,” Jayce hushed. He honed his focus on the task at hand, surely what the man in front of him did every day. How did he do this every day?
Eventually, Viktor let the arm holding his shielding fingers go limp to the couch, breathing in deep concentrated breaths of the scent of his caretaker. If you had asked him a year ago, there was no one Viktor would have allowed himself to be this vulnerable around, but his trust in his friend-become-high-councilor-become-lover far surpassed his ability to shade his ever-raging illness. He felt a shard of guilt in his chest, but quickly knew Jayce would have shut it down with any mention of it. They loved each other, after all. It’s what people did. Right?
The headache ebbed in waves, and it took a great deal of concentration to get the timing right to do anything without feeling like there were fingernails on chalkboards from the inside of your skull. This was all, of course, entirely disregarding the usual and incessant ache in Viktor’s leg and spine–he tried to pass it by himself as “the usual business,” but the migraine was only making it all worse. He had been honest from the start: The winter weather has always been a notorious catalyst for pain.
As the current wave momentarily subsided, shivering took its place. Jayce noticed immediately, and scrapped his previous considerations for being cautious about haste and paced across the room to start up the fireplace. When he turned back around after several beats, he felt a twinge of relief to see Viktor taking sips from his glass–albeit, that of which a hummingbird could have competed with.
“Is this melatonin in my medicine cup?” He tried to humorously tsk. The more tired he was, the thicker his accent paralleled.
"I figured we could cover all our bases." Jayce’s statement was genuine, but didn't expect to be called out on it. He hoped he hadn't offended him in some way.
"Probably best thinking." Viktor said shortly. Simply by the way he ended his sentence, it was obvious he was intently keeping his remarks brief. He used his current energy to his advantage by downing the capsules as quickly as he could, although generally uncomfortable, unable to maintain holding his water glass in tandem.
Jayce gracefully rushed over in one movement to help him. Once complete, he returned to patting the cool towel to his partner’s forehead.
“Don’t you have a council meeting today?” Viktor side-eyed him with the tiniest of smirks.
So it was Friday, afterall. Jayce shook his head. “They’ll have to have it another day. This is more important.” A realization made him sit upright from his task and tilt his head to search the man’s avoiding gaze. “You’ve never missed a day of work before. As much as I am proud of you for staying home, what is different this time?”
Viktor reached for and hesitantly fiddled with the shake on the tray. “Let’s just say vomiting from pain isn't in highest regards for productivity.” At first he chuffed at his own remark, but a sort of angry emptiness took over the shine in his eyes. He brought the bottle to his lips but sipped so minutely it seemed like nothing was happening at all.
“How long has it been like this?”
“Enough with the interrogation.” He gritted.
“I’m serious, Viktor.” Jayce held his ground sternly. “If there’s anything we can tell your doctors that may be relevant to your care–”
“There is no ‘we’ in this, Jayce.” He met his eyes with a familiar fury. “What is happening to me and my body is up to my discretion. Pity and dead-end medicine is not how I want to spend my time.” He took just a second to hear his own words and corrected himself. “Today is a setback shorter than what someone might force me into, otherwise.”
Talis held his tongue, taken aback. The message was received. As Viktor untensed with a concealed exhaustion, Jayce traded the cloth between his hands and swept hair out of his partner’s face.
“I would never let anyone make you do something you didn’t want, even if I didn’t understand.” It ached him to add the latter words. “It’s your fight, yes, but I will always be in your corner rooting for you.”
Viktor closed his eyes and nodded smally. “I should know this.” Upon calmly opening his heavy lids again, he continued. “I am sorry for snapping at you.” A quiet and deliberate inhale, and he leaned his weight into Jayce’s shoulder, gripping at his own right thigh to prevent it from acting up with the movement.
“I know.” He sighed with a reassuring smile. “There’s no need to apologize. I know.” The councilman took bread from the plate and brought it to Viktor’s free hand. “Here. Eat a little more while I draw you a bath.”
Surprised, he lit up. “A bath? You know how I don’t like to be babied.”
“We all deserve to be babied sometimes.” Jayce grinned as he repeated the wording. He rubbed Vik’s back before gently standing and stepping off into the other room.
Truthfully, Jayce was terrified, and, strides away, the fear that he hid exploded to his unwitnessed face. Would he really let Viktor make his own decisions to the bitter end? Talis wondered just how far he would let it get before inevitably needing to intervene. Viktor was stubborn, but was today proof of some reasonable leniency towards himself? Jayce fought against the thought–like many-a-loved one might, he considered–that hard love would one day need to be pressed against his will. While Viktor fought a battle against his illness, Jayce held a burning ember of wits. He had to give over his lover his own difficult choices, even if that decided his fate. It was his life, afterall. As much as they wanted there to be, there really was no tangible concept of “we” in the circumstance. One day too soon he would lose his Viktor.
The bath had been drawn, warmness steaming the room along with an alluring aroma of calming lavender. Jayce lost himself in the white clouds and rippling water, skating his fingers back and forth over its surface. He snapped himself out of it when he heard his partner coughing  down the hall, becoming attentive again and collecting himself.
“Fallen asleep yet?” Jayce light-heartedly joked as he returned to the living room.
“Hm,” Viktor muttered with an ever-so-slight pep in his voice now that only someone close to him could notice. “Not quite.”
Talis delicately picked up the shake bottle to feel what of it remained, but once he observed that there was still about half of it left, he noted he had no idea how to suggest to his patient to drink more of it without stepping on his toes. The boundary lines were blurring, he dared to realize, in Viktor’s times of struggle.
“Your bath awaits you, sir.” Jayce playfully extended a strong hand gallantly to his partner, provoking a chuckle. Some of the medicines in his cocktail–his words–were rather fast-acting and were already apparent to be helping.
Or so they thought.
Viktor swung his crutch over his lap and took a deep breath before committing to hoist himself up. Jayce stepped near to guide him, and it was with good timing, too, as Viktor’s leg gave out from under him and he shouted in what Talis wasn’t sure was surprise or pain, if not both. Jayce caught him under the other arm; vertigo seemed to have clobbered him over the head on his right side, and Vik leaned hard into his walking stick whilst accidentally grabbing onto the back of his lover’s shirt.
“Are you alright?” Jayce asked with his hand firmly to Viktor’s collar, keeping him generally upright.
“Yes, sorry, I–” he hesitated. He was startled by the timidness in his own voice. “I just felt dizzy all of a sudden.”
“It’s what I’m here for.” Jayce lended his confidence to him while he nodded away his instinct to search the man’s eyes at any sight of concern.
Viktor accepted his help into the bathroom, where he ended up leaning his crutch against the wall and slipped himself out of his sweat-soaked shirt; Jayce hovered his hands around his waist to ensure his balance. Before sitting on the edge of the tub to remove his pajama bottoms, he gave an unshy eye to his talisman.
“Will you be joining me?”
Jayce was immediately flushed. “Would you– Are you offering?”
“Well, you didn’t let me finish what I was saying earlier. I am grateful it is you I have to baby me.”
Boldness was not out of character for Viktor, but his advances always managed to surprise. Jayce copied him in taking off his own clothes and what followed were gestures of non-verbal planning in how they were both going to fit comfortably–and safely–in the tub. Talis stepped in and guided Viktor by his hands which he put his weight into with full faith; as Jayce sat down in the water, Vik led with his good knee and his shoulder into his partner’s chest to keep from slipping. They giggled about how silly it was for the both of them to be in the bath together, and, for just a moment, they forgot the whole reason why they were doing this in the first place.
Tiredness was then quick to hit Viktor–be it the comfort of his partner, the soothing water, or his medicines–and he sunk all of his weight and trust into Jayce’s arms. The pain in his hip seemed to dissolve in the warmth.
“You didn’t put any bubbles in.” He quietly joked.
Talis scoffed at the comment, amused. “I’ll try to do better next time, your highness.”
Viktor held back a few coughs as the floral oils stung his throat momentarily, to which Jayce rubbed his shoulder in reassurance as his body shook. After it steadied, he stared closely at the water. There was something particular about being so close to someone whilst not able to look them in the eye and resting on his stomach made him feel like a lost boat at sea. Jayce hummed a familiar song in his ear:
“Dear friend across the river My hands are cold and bare Dear friend across the river I'll take what you can spare I ask of you a penny My fortune it will be I ask you without envy We raised almighty towers Our homes are built of stone So come across the river And find the world below…”
“I don’t think you’re the one supposed to be singing that song.” Viktor slurred teasingly.
Jayce only grinned and hid his face in Viktor’s hair. They both knew he was reciting a familiar tune for the sole purpose of being comforting. It was kind of surprising he knew all the words. Half-awake, Viktor’s expression melted into a genuine but darker quandering.
“How much do you think about what little time we have left?”
Though Viktor couldn’t see it, Jayce shook his head, taking a glance to the ceiling and anxiously to the wall with the thought.
“Simultaneously not as much as I should and far too much entirely.”
They shared a silent moment of listening to their echoing breaths against the porcelain.
“I’m not going to insult you by asking how often you think about it.” Jayce dared to say honestly.
“I try to not make expectations of an otherwise predictable ending.”
They were both painfully aware of the intense reservations the great scientist had towards his fate and what progress on his work he’d make before the matter. It drove him mad. Even though Viktor writhed to readjust how he was resting, sleep was becoming more and more inviting.
“I am so lucky to have you. I wish I could return that luck to you.” He murmured.
“Nonsense. You already have.”
It would have been easy to assume that even a loving partner would have had to grasp for straws in an exchange like this, but Jayce’s dismissal was true. Viktor taught Jayce appropriate patience–when to wait and when to demand more. He taught him persistence and skillful haste; empathy and hard love. He showed him a new value in hard work and attention to detail–how to expect nothing nearing mediocrity. Jayce’s work as a councilman and inventor, alike, wouldn’t have achieved their levels of greatness without his partner’s collaborations and  perspective. Above all, though, Viktor taught Talis the grace it took to simply be human, whether he was aware of it or not.
They eventually lost track of time, and Jayce only figured it was time to get out by the cooling temperature of the water and the pruning of their fingertips. By this point, Viktor was snoozing deeply on the rise and fall of Jayce’s rhythmic breath and he was slightly worried about attempting to move him, though kind of curious to find out just soundly he was asleep. He was unfortunately notorious for all-nighters and early mornings, so Jayce knew any amount of rest was going to do a world of good for him in one way or another.
As quiet as one could be getting out of the water, Jayce adjusted his body to snake his arm under his loved one’s knees and stood with one near-effortless motion. He stepped carefully over the tub wall and around the corner into their bedroom, lying Viktor’s frame on his side of the bed where the sheets were already pulled back from earlier that morning. Jayce swiftly changed into the clothes he had left in the bathroom and respectfully covered Viktor’s lower half with a soft towel, despite being partners; he wasn’t going to attempt to dress him with his tender leg in mind. He brought the sheets and a duvet to his neck then fetched the rolling table and warm water bottle from before, sneaking it under his partner’s thigh. Finally–Jayce sighed with relief–he set a chair next to the bed and laid a cool damp cloth on Viktor’s forehead.
Coming to a rest in the chair, Jayce took Viktor’s hand. There was no way he could convince him to believe the same, but he almost considered for just a moment that it wouldn’t have even mattered if the walls of Piltover came crumbling down in that very instant. What mattered was the spark they cared for in each other and the efforts they reasonably made for their people, which is already what they pressed forward to do. Time would continue on with or without them, the infallible rule. It was perfect.
Viktor was perfect.
[AO3 link] -- [Viktor Spotify playlist]
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aikoiya · 1 year
Arcane AU - The Princess of Zaun
I kinda want an Arcane-style Prince of Egypt story.
Just a Zaunite mother somehow manages to get her daughter to Piltover where she's taken in by a wealthy family. A Councilor, maybe? I'm thinking that the mother's sister might've been the Councilor's wife. Though, either said Councilor wouldn't have known his wife's heritage or he believed that she was an exception to the rule. And, I think I'll make the wife have died a few years before the start of the story. Maybe the daughter hit her head & doesn't remember her life prior to Piltover?
I'm thinking of naming her Sabina.
Anyway, she grows up unknowing of the hardships endured by the Fissurefolk.
Maybe she studied pharmacognosy & phytoremediation at the Academy? So, both botany & medicine.
Anyway, then when HexTech kicks off she eventually meets Viktor & thinks that he's familiar.
Turns out that he'd been her friend as a child.
Something happens, she learns of all the shit the elite of Piltover, the Council, & the Enforcers has put her people through, asks her father, the Councilman, who is apathetic of the death toll of Fissurefolk, begins to remember her early life, specifically her mother's name & her friendship with Viktor, & runs away from both Piltover & Zaun. Maybe to Shurima.
Years pass & Sabina gets a message from Janna herself to free Zaun from Piltover & help it prosper.
She returns & slowly makes a name for herself doing good for the people of the Undercity before going up top to meet the Council & bargain with them for Zaun's freedom.
Make her a force for good in Zaun with the drive needed to get shit done.
I also want a full Plagues montage.
One of the plagues will definitely be all the water in the River Pilt lowering & receding until the Pilt is dry.
Another causes all HexTech in Piltover to be entirely depleted of magic. So, the Hex Gates are done.
Another causes all the water remaining in Piltover to become as toxic as what is in Zaun.
Another will be the air becoming as toxic as Zaun's as the sky is blotted out by smog & acid rain falls every day from then on.
I also have a scene in my head for a different scene for the Plague of the First Born. In it, Sabina tells her supporters living in Piltover to keep a Janna rose or a blue bird feather (not a bluebird feather, a blue bird feather; a bird feather that happens to be blue; but it has to be naturally blue, not a feather that has been dyed blue) on their person. Or for those who were forgetful, to hang one or the other from their door. Doing so will protect them from the disaster to come. A feather or rose held would protect the individual, but a rose or feather upon a door will protect an entire household.
On the day that it happens, Sabina stands on the Zaun end of the bridge & lifts her staff into the air. The wind begins to blow... Then, there's a sound like a train approaching & on the horizon rises what looks to be a blue wall. Hearts sink as it rises steadily only for all to realize that it isn't getting taller, but closer. It's a tidal wave. And it's approaching speedily... As it closes in, the wind gets stronger. Yet when it is finally upon the cities, a great vortex of wind covers Zaun & keeps even a single drop from falling upon the undercity. However, Piltover is submerged. Hours pass as the water slowly lowers until it's returned to a normal level.
Piltover is devastated. Despite this, only the first borns of every family that didn't have a Janna Rose or a blue bird feather upon their door or hadn't kept one or the other on their person, had died. All others had suffered & experienced a prolonged feeling of drowning, yet were kept alive.
Those who did carry a rose or a feather were blanketed by a protective wind that sustained them. Meanwhile the houses with one or the other upon their door were equally shielded.
Piltover is left broken & weeping.
Though, I definitely see Jayce as being the type to try & convince both Viktor, Mel, & his mother (who'd already have one on her at all times) to hold onto a feather (and failing that, would personally pin one to their doors the literal day of), as well as encouraging everyone in Piltover to pin one to their doors as well. Unfortunately, not many of the upper class would do so, the most who would, would be Piltover's middle & lower classes. This, in turn, would end up saving a lot of lives & creating a lot of believers.
This results in him being seen as a hero.
Now that I think about it, I kinda wanna make her the result of a one-night stand with Silco from before he was betrayed by Vander. Either he's entirely clueless to her existence or he'd gotten scared when her mother told him & he rejected her.
Now, I can't stop thinking about her with Silco's eyes & hair color.
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But, anyway, she wasn't just told to free Zaun, she was also told to clean it up. Meaning, get rid of Shimmer, get rid of the pollution, & instate a constitutional republic rather than the industrial oligarchy that it has now wherein the Chem-Barons (who, besides Silco & even then it's a bit dubious, don't honestly care one whit about Zaun's overall health & well-being so long as it keeps them in power) are the ones in-charge. (By comparison, Piltover is an aristocratic oligarchy where only a handfull of the rich are in-charge & make all the decisions.) Which means going up against the Chem-Barons & specifically Silco. And possibly even learning that he is her father.
I have a theory that since the Pearl of the Moon is used to ward off Voidkin, that it must have an effect on them. So, it could possibly be used to make a medicine that helps to alleviate some of the negative effects of Shimmer.
I also feel like, upon taking in & becoming attached to Jinx, Silco would sometimes wonder about the child he'd sired but had rejected & can't help but feel that he'd betrayed them.
Which, in turn, would cause some mixed feelings from him at learning the child he rejected was the one to save Zaun. And even more mixed feelings at her dismantling all he'd built.
I'm also thinking that Sabina eventually ends up with Viktor.
Arcane Masterlist
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embershroud108 · 1 year
Do you think the show will have Jayce be more determined to truly improve himself as councilman or will Jayce be more driven with vengeance against Zaun?
I kind of think both? Although, he probably won't think of it in terms of being driven by vengeance against Zaun, but rather more in terms of doing what needs to be done to save the city by committing atrocities. I think he will take a mix of lessons from his experience during the shimmer factory raid and then Jinx's attack right on the eve of peace, and not necessarily the right ones. I think he'll become more bureaucratically effective and less passionately impulsive, while at the same time becoming more amorally ruthless. So, technically a better politician and leader, but a worse person overall. I actually kind of get chills when I think about where Jayce's character arc could go. I've seen people make comparisons with General Ironwood from RWBY and I think that's somewhat apt and Jayce could have a similar corruption arc. But thinking about future Jayce for some reason, maybe weirdly, reminds me more of Gul Dukat from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
Something about the monstrous dictator who deludes himself into thinking he's a noble peacemaker while blaming the entire conflict on the exploited and colonized....
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insomniiyac · 2 years
Good Thing
“𝕀 𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕨 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕨 𝕨𝕖 𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕨
𝕎𝕖 𝕔𝕒𝕟 𝕞𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕘𝕠𝕠𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕜𝕖𝕖𝕡 𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕖𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘”
— “Good Thing” by Sage the Gemini (ft. Nick Jonas)
Pairing: Jayce x Ekko
Warnings: none
Word count: 704
A/N: Jayce faces a dilemma.
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Jayce always had his doubts when it came to his relationship with the Firelight Leader. He knew it was wrong slinking away from his Council duties and lying to the other councilman about his whereabouts. Going to see him with all the risks involved was more trouble than it was worth. So why did he continue doing this?
The truth was, he had a really good thing going down in the Undercity. Being with Ekko was a different, fun, daring experience. The thrill of being with him made him feel alive (despite being the one to rein him in when things get too crazy).
His youth, his brilliance, and the freedom he allowed for himself and his Firelights were all so awe-inspiring. A part of him found himself wishing he was born in the Undercity to fully immerse himself in the culture and to get more of an understanding. But giving him that taste… just a little taste had him craving more. Had this poor man willing to throw it all away if it meant Ekko would finally take this relationship to the next level.
That was why Jayce was going to break up with him today. He was dangerous for him. But when he came down in full Councilman wear- no oversized hoodie to hide his identity- and came face-to-face with Ekko, he choked.
“‘Sup Piltie.”
“I… I uh…” Jayce lowers his head, surveying the camp.
“…Yes?” Ekko raises an eyebrow.
“We’re not good for each other!” He blurts out, red-faced.
“…Well duh, that’s obvious. I don’t really fuck with Pilties like that anyway.”
Jayce opens his mouth to speak, but is left bewildered by Ekko’s nonchalance. Did he… did he not realize what was going on? Did he not care?
“Is that it?”
“Ekko… I’m… what I’m trying to say is,” Jayce gestures with his hands. “I’m… I’m breaking up with you-“
“Psh! Why?”
“It’s just… this is dangerous. Being down here isn’t good for me. Hell, it isn’t good for either of us.”
“So…” Ekko begins to pace. “You’re letting me go.”
“I… I don’t want to, but… I’m terrified.”
“So don’t.”
“You’re overthinking it.”
“No Ekko. I’m not.”
“So what is the truth?”
‘I’m in love with you’… was what Jayce would’ve said if he was brave enough. No, he couldn’t burden Ekko with those feelings- nor could he burden himself.
“Look,” Ekko starts, snatching the man from his thoughts. “Do you enjoy my company?”
“Of course, I do,” he answers, confused.
“Do you leave here happier than before? Or do you always feel miserable? You can be honest.”
“Ekko… you make me so happy…”
“Then why can’t it just be what it is?”
“Two guys enjoying each other’s company. We can make the good shit keep happening, y’know?”
Jayce sighs, fingers to his temples. “You say it like it’s so simple.”
“Because it is, bozo,” Ekko teases, reaching up to poke him on the forehead. “Look, I’ll be honest,” he pauses, crossing his arms. “I’ve never felt the way you’ve made me feel. I’m letting my guard down, so it’s only fair if you let yours down too.”
There goes that intense gaze Jayce loved so much.
“Ekko… I’ve fallen for you. And honestly, I don’t know if I ever want it to stop,” he confesses.
The Firelight Leader laughs light-heartedly.
“And there’s the truth,” he smiles, sauntering closer to him and getting on his tiptoes to kiss his jawbone. “Feel better?”
“You act like I was sick.”
“You were, especially coming down wearing that shit,” he gestures to Jayce’s clothes. “You’re a brave one, I’ll give you that.”
“Ha ha,” he laughs sarcastically.
“Seriously, never wear that shit around me again unless you want me to rip it off you.”
“Is that a challenge?” He raises an eyebrow.
“Not a challenge,” he shakes his head. “I’m dead serious.”
Ekko eyes Jayce as a smirk begins to creep on both of their faces.
“…You want me to ruin your suit, don’t you?”
Ekko lets out a devious little chuckle as he pushes the man towards his apartment.
Maybe Jayce really was better off just enjoying the good shit. A little danger never hurts, right?
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nightlilly0110 · 1 year
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There's a traitor in our ranks...
One Black Mask (kinda) Jayce to go with my Phantom Thief Viktor. Might do a Detective Prince/Councilman version later
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caw4brandon · 2 years
Regarding Jayce Talis
2021 surprised the League community and League Cinematic community with the release of the Netflix series < Arcane > as it was demanded by the fanbase but one of the most interesting things that they do aside from creating the vibrant city of Piltover and Zaun is their characters.
There are countless amounts of video essays and posts about the psychology of Powder/Jinx, the relationships between certain characters and about the world itself but today, I want to focus on Arcane’s own Iron Man Figure.
Spoilers ahead for < Arcane > You have been warned!
- Jayce Talis of Piltover -
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Jayce comes from family line of notable tool makers and was renown in Piltover for their invention of the collapsible pocket wrench. As mentioned in one of his quotes;
“My father put hammers in the hands of the people, and they build this magnificent city.”
When he was a child, Jayce and his mother; [Ximena] got caught in a terrible blizzard. On the brink of death, a hooded mage happened to pass by and casted a teleportation spell. Bringing them to the safety of a warm flowery field. Upon receiving consciousness, the mage gifted Jayce the used up crystal as a momento for that very day.
Since then, Jayce became obsessed with uncovering and harnessing the power of magic. He made it his life long mission to discover the ways of the arcane by using certain crystals which he believes could hold the powers he once saw.
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Jayce is also close with his partner, [Viktor] who assisted him with his quest to uncovering the potential of his research which they eventually coined the name of their invention; [Hextech] Jayce is also sponsored by the Kiramman Clan and became close with the family’s leader; [Caitlyn Kiramman] and considers her as his own sister.
Jayce is both studious and capable with his own hands. He is seen in the forge, hammering away through burnt metal to relief stress. This suggests that, when situations get bad. Jayce is not afraid to become a solider himself to get the job done. With his weapon of choice, a giant hammer in hand to defend the future.
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Personality and appearance wise, Jayce is a very handsome and charismatic man at parties. He sees a bright future with his technology that would lift the burdens of Piltover’s yesteryears and become the city of the great progress. 
Put simply, Jayce is a futurist. Always looking forward by glancing into the secrets of the past. With his contribution, Jayce was seen by Piltover as a their beloved wonder boy which also attracted various leaders for political gain. Jayce has also attracted several lovers but the one whom he was serious with is a fellow council member; [Mel Medarda]
Despite this, Jayce is only human. Like how all future thinkers are, time is against him which makes Jayce more eager to make his dream a reality even more in his lifetime rather than after. But like all dreams, when he realized that his vision could result in bloodshed, Jayce reached a complexion and took it upon himself to be its safeguard.
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The moment when Jayce learned about the true weight of his power was during his first raid against [Silco], where he accidently killed a child from Zaun with his hammer’s bolt cannon. It taught him that his power is far too dangerous even in his own hands. 
Jayce recognizes that war is never the solution to bringing Piltover forward and this realization also made him consider a more diplomatic approach to talk to Silco and come to an agreement to ensure peace between sides. This was however, rendered moot.
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When we talk about futurist characters, this is often times the complication with them. There is an imbalance of want but the slug of time and the unintended dangers which would cause them to turn and become paranoid.
What Jayce has become over the season, is a complicated thinker who is pulled from his dreams into the reality that perhaps, may not be as bright as one may think. Overtime, Jayce learns to try different approaches to his goal but will it be successful? That’s up to season 2 to decide. Regardless, this is the lesson from Jayce. Our dreams are a lot harder to be made into reality but what matters is that one must be willing to act and get it done.
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With that said, Happy 2022! Its been a long while I did a “Regarding” post but here’s one more. There will be more writings in the future so keep your eyes peeled! Until next time.
Thanks for reading
- Caw4B -
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mollysunder · 5 months
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I took some screenshots of Arcane's season 1 draft skeleton they showed on Bridging the Rift. Some of the notes were more character related, others had unused ideas, and some were just straight up hilarious.
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Here's a section called "Character Attributes: ??? To LoL Honor Players"
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A little closer I can actually read some the attributes.
Vi: ????; ????; Short Fuse; ????; Good Heart
Jinx Obsessed w/ Vi: Wild Child; Mayhem; Assorted Weaponry; Smarter than Alex
Jayce: Mercury Hammer; Inventor; Cap'n 'merica; Opposed to Viktor
Viktor: <3 Machines; Glorious Evolution; "Cyborg"
Caitlyn: British ???; Sniper; Cop (Not LAPD); By the Book; Stiff, Formal
Singed: Chemist; Poison Trails; Must Flip Somebody; Bald, Bandages
Ekko: Punk, Rebellious; Daredevil; Not Afraid of Pain; Genius (? ? ?)
Heimerdinger: ??? Inventor; Yordle; ??? Goggles; Quirky
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Here's a plot point that didn't happen, "Marcus Frames Vi + Caitlyn Piltover" but I would have loved to see Marcus try! How do you frame a Councilman's kid, I imagine crime is legal for them.
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This took a while to get since it's so blurry, but I managed to guess read, "Vi wants to save her sister. Jinx fights her. Doesn't want to be saved".
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"Jayce reveals he's learned about Marcus at the end of the scene. Silco drops a hint about Viktor". (0_0) What an insane dropped plot point!!!!!! Even though this didn't make it to the show could Silco still have known about Viktor's history with Singed? Did Singed tell Silco? Who else in their circle may have actually known about Viktor's very specific connection to Zaun's most notorious? Sevika? Jinx? Other chembarons?
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Here's a set of general plot cards that seem to have or haven't happened yet.
Top Left: Viktor's daily struggles. Life is difficult for him, but he handles it well. Tease his worsening condition.
Top Right: Heimerdinger makes a great speech.
Top Center: Jayce (obscured) investigates Shimmer. Discover it has roots in Hextech. (Hmmm)
Bottom Center: Viktor ? ? ? ? ? ? ? in Piltover but ? to Zaun
Bottom Right: Viktor turns into Super Viktor (lol)
!!!!! For a while, I've theorized about the connection between shimmer and hextech, and in general, the connection between the arcane and the void. I wonder if this potential plot thread was completely dropped or some version is still used for next season.
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thescreaminghat · 3 years
arcane act 3 thoughts on accountability (in terms of viktor and jayce)
I like how Jayce and Viktor are forced to take accountability for their own actions as a result of what they do in act 3. There’s no silly drama where the two miscommunicate and then yell their ideologies at each other. Rather, the conflict comes from the two being put into positions where believable external influences are forcing them to challenge their own personal moral boundaries. Jayce is pushed to the edge by having to deal with the responsibilities of being a councilman while trying to do what’s “right” in his own mind, but his experiences as a relatively privileged person in Piltover and exposure to the violence done by Jinx imposes a lens of prejudice against Zaun as a whole, which leads him to group “all Zaunites” into one category without fully understanding why the undercity has this hatred for Piltover. Viktor, on the other hand, is also being pushed to the edge by his sickness and his frustration at not being able to take more meaningful steps to launch improvements for Zaun. This reaches a breaking point in his relationship with Jayce when he realizes that Jayce has become the one thing that Viktor, from his experiences as a poor kid from Zaun, has actively worked against: a reactionary willing to listen to a council of the rich and weaponize tech to hurt the oppressed. Both are being wound up by stressors to do stupid things and cause destruction where they least want it, and their methods are neither completely wrong nor right (though I do feel that Jayce has more of the responsibility for the consequences of his actions given his position of political power).
And Act 3 delivers on that. Jayce realizes, after accidentally shooting a kid with the Mercury Hammer, that it wasn’t the existence of the hammer itself that “weaponized” Hextech, but his own choice to act like a toxic “macho” anime protagonist and use police violence against a factory of poor and mostly child labourers. Vi also makes a great point in that for someone like her, this kind of scene is common - enforcers and the undercity’s toxic gasses are killing children every day, but people like Jayce never had to see the violence. So whatever attention is directed to Jayce’s emotional response to the child’s death is redirected to feeling for the people of Zaun; the scene essentially reminds us that Jayce’s feelings of guilt should not be the main focus of this kind of tragedy, because it erases the suffering of the victims. Rather, this should be a moment for learning and taking accountability. Jayce’s moment of development is thus well-balanced, because his personal guilt (still as a privileged man with power) doesn’t overshadow the violence that has been done to the people. 
Similarly, Viktor comes to realize that he has lost a part of his ideology of protecting and helping others by obsessing over the Hexcore. Again, I don’t think it’s inherently wrong to want to continue to live and cure yourself of a wasting disease---and the way Viktor cries out in both anger and relief after being able to run is something I will never be able to get out of my head---but in the Hexcore’s case, it’s coming at the expense of other people. Honestly Sky is such a sweetheart (and her adorable crush on Viktor is what 100% of the fanbase would experience if we ever got the opportunity to be in proximity to this man), and I understood her death not just as “Viktor losing an opportunity for romantic human connection,” but also as “Viktor realizes that even if he is tormented mentally and physically by his own death, seeing an innocent person die, even accidentally, as a result of his desire to live goes against everything he has worked for as a scientist, a human being, and a child of Zaun.” His desire has always been to help others, and I don’t think this ideology makes him a martyr; the opposite is true---he is an active, empathetic person who wants to work to improve and preserve life, because he knows he cannot control the failings of his own health. And to take away life and autonomy from others or put their bodies through that kind of pain and fear of death is the antithesis to his moral values. So when he reads Sky’s notes and cries in grief, we’re seeing the response of a man who realizes he did something that took away from the humanity he would otherwise die to protect.
And I think it’s so important that Jayce reciprocates the act of saving Viktor from suicide (beyond just the shipping aspect), because both of them realize in this moment that they have responsibilities on their shoulders, that they are still accountable for their actions, and that they still need to live and face those mistakes in order to fix and prevent them. When Viktor says that “in pursuit of the great, we forgot to do good,” and Jayce agrees instead of trying to justify or downplay the destructiveness of his actions, it shows an amazing level of maturity. These two are still good in their hearts, and they don’t see people as means to an end. They made stupid choices, but they realize that the choices were still theirs (which is exactly what I needed to see from the series to address the lack of agency that Viktor had in Act 2), and they will continue to live and work in order to correct those choices and meaningfully live out their ideologies. 
And it is even more tragic knowing that Jinx, someone who was so badly hurt by the systemic exploitation of both Piltover and Zaun, and the trauma of her upbringing, made a horribly destructive choice that will inevitably drive people like Jayce and Viktor apart and into more reactionary states of mind, thus leading them to make bad choices that, this time, may not be resolved with a unified turn towards humanity. 
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How about a little cuteness, with a Child! Victor and Child! Reader, where the reader thanks Viktor for the gift by giving him a harmless kiss on the cheek...
Boats| Viktor
Reader: fem
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"What's your name?"
"Momma said Im not supposed to give it out to strangers."
He thought, "I'm Viktor! See I made this boat!"
Y/n looked down at him she from the big city above the ashes.
"I'm Y/n."
He smiled, "Do you wanna play? Sorry we cant play tag...Im uh...not that much of a runner."
Y/n looked back, she had time. Looking back down she nodded at him with a smile and carefully made her way down and infront of him.
"I don't like tag much either." Y/n told him.
He nodded, "Wanna play with the boat?"
She nodded with a smile.
The two played with the boat the whole day, happily watching as it went down the small streams. Building a small bridge over the stream as well with trash near by.
"Hey look!"
Viktor looked up from winding his boat back up.
"I can be the dashing knight!" Y/n smiled an old bucket on her head and a trash lid as her sheild, but the bucket proved too big and fell ontop her head blinding her.
He only laughed as she laughed as well pulling the bucket off her head she tossed it back in the pile of rubbish.
"Y/n! Y/n where are you!"
Y/n frowned, "I've gotta go."
"Its okay." Viktor smiled.
"We should play again!" Y/n cheered, "maybe you can come over to my place next! I don't have alot of toys though. Momma said I should focus on studying...we could play with my beetle collection!"
"Uh...up...there?' He questioned poiting from where Y/n came from.
"Yeah! Why not?' Y/n asked.
"Y/n! Where are you!"
"Im coming!" Y/n shouted back, then turned back to her new friend.
"Im not allowed up there." He spoke
She frowned.
"here. Incase we can't see each other again. You can keep it." Viktor spoke handing her the boat.
Y/n took the boat and nodded, "I'll make sure we see each other again! I promise! Then we can build a big one together on the bay!"
He smiled and she rushed off to the wall to climb again, but paused, quickly rushing back his way and hugging him, accompanied by a big kiss on the cheek causing Viktor to go red.
Rushed off towards the wall and climbed up it with ease, calling for her mother who had been calling for her.
Y/n never did see Viktor again, she had come home covered in dirt and mud and reaked of trash. Her mother furious stuck her in the bath as quick as possible and forced her daughter into her studies 24/7.
Y/n kept the boat from childhood to adult hood, it sat on a self she filled with achievements, and was much of a eye sore compaired to the others.
She worked under councilman Salo and Hoskel. Two self absorbed men that her vaules very much went against. They liked her to look a certain way, hair done, usually straightned or curled, depending on which she was forced to accompany, both often tried to pull her onto there hip during parties or occasions where she had to be next to them, whispering details to them.
"That new councilman is a joke." Salo argued feet kicked up, while Y/n worked at the side a small desk, doing all the paperwork.
"Councilman Jayce Tails. They just let anyone on the council now."
Y/n didn't respond, working diligently. It was only when a hand fell on her shoulder did she tense.
"Pull away from that paperwork doll. Im needy-"
"These papers aren't assigned to you but to Councilwoman Mel. They're quiet important. I will go."
And like that Y/n was up and gone, angering the councilor as she rushed to Mel's office with the said paperwork.
"Council woman Medarda!" Y/n called knocking on the door.
"Come in! Come in!"
Y/n walked in quickly papers in hand, "ah Y/n." She smiled.
"Y/n? As in House of Blossoms Y/n?"
Y/n turned her head to look at the man, "Ma'm mixed up paperwork."
"No big deal." She spoke taking them into hand, "Y/n this is Jayce, house of tails. Jayce I presume you know Y/n already."
"Top of her class at the academy! Its an honor!" Jayce spoke sticking out a hand for her, yet Y/n kept her hands behind her back.
"Its alright Y/n he was pull on you." Mel told and Y/n listened, shaking his hand firmly, "Y/n doesn't talk much besides formal work. You may go if you please Y/n."
With orders given she walked away going for a cup of coffee first.
"Ms.Y/n! Ms.Y/n"
She stopped and turned her head Heimerdinger rushing her way.
"There you are my girl! I wanted to ask a favor of you!"
"Yes of course sir."
"Very well! Come this way!"
Y/n followed keeping pace with the councilor.
"I am working on some upgrades of some medical braces and equipment." He informed.
Y/n listened, to the profile, young man early thrirties late 20s with a leg brace and a back brace. Decficentcies in muscles and in bone.
When they made it to the lab Y/n opened the door for him. He thanked her and Y/n followed in after him.
"Viktor my boy!" He called, "I've returned with an expert! This is Y/n."
There was no comment between the two but rather Y/n got to work fairly quickly. She sketched his back and how it sat on his skin. Desgining something potentially much simpler and easy going on his back. And then it was onto his front side.
"Do I know you?" Viktor questioned looking at her.
"No. Not many people know me." Y/n responded.
"You work for two of the Concilors don't you?" Viktor asked.
Y/n nodded, "Yes."
It was sad, the two once had become such good friends in a short matter of time in there youth and now nothing but strangers working themselves to death.
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queerenteen · 2 years
Arcane reaction
episode 1-3 (Welcome to the Playground, Some Mysteries are Better Left Unsolved, The Base Violence Necessary for Change)
Started arcane, came for the sapphics but the gays and their crazy science hijinks intrigue me
The sapphics are still my favs though there's just something about a tragic romance that really appeals to me y'know
Man I can already tell that Vi and Powder and going to make me very sad over broken sisterhood
Like seriously how does the rift between them grow so much? They adore each other (looking back this hurts)
Damn that councilman with the gold flecks over her cheeks is so hot
I feel like you can tell a lot about me from how excited I am by the mad science in this show
Nothing gets you to spill your guts faster than people thinking you're an idiot when you know you're not
Damn is Vi going to inherit those badass gauntlets?
Come for the badass warrior sapphics, but also discover the mad scientist gays, best of both worlds
Now that I think about it, there are a couple of parallels between the four already, I wonder how it will pan out
,,, she's going to lose her father figure, isn't she?
The shift from trauma to science husbands left me reeling okay
It took him literally five minutes to go 'our dream' boy you're gay is showing
'Wait this isn't my bedroom--" fucking cackling at the implications of that
Yee they floaty
Holy shit Powder you really should have just stayed put
No no no not the father figure sacrificing everything including their most deeply held morals for their kid dammit it hasn't even been three episodes and I'm going to fucking sob
No please no please don't turn on each other no no no
I know you needed space but this a fucking villain origin story guys come on
Oh no even when she resents Powder she's still her little sister and she immediately goes to help her even when it would kill her
That's why Jinx exists, she thought that her sister abandoned her but she didn't, she loved her so much she had to be dragged away from her and I'm a fucking mess rn no one touch me
'She left me' No she didn't please someone stop this is like watching a car crash in slow motion
'She is not my sister anymore' That was a stab at the heart man
Jesus fuck the similarities between Silco and Vander and Jinx and Vi, god it hurts
Dammit Marcus if you hadn't dragged Vi away--
I am literally three episodes in and this show is giving me so many feelings what the fuck
,,, I'm going to binge this entire thing in like a day huh
episode 4: Happy Progress Day!
Jinx has a solid handle on her personal brand and I respect that
God no, more flashbacks to the past I couldn’t take it the first time and I still can’t
The intro is fucking fabulous
Jayce and Caitlyn’s sibling bond is precious
Science husbands really revolutionized the world huh
I get what the professor means, the gemstone is raw power and we already saw how badly it has affected people
I hate Caitlyn’s cap with a burning vendetta
The music score for this is amazing
No no what did they do to Vander’s bar?? It's nothing like it used to be
‘You should come with me. We’re partners.’ He’s so earnest about him, it’s so sweet.
That tiny floofball is adorable
Fickelty of fame
Is Viktor going to go up on stage? I feel like that’s where this is heading
Oh, he just, doesn’t unveil it. Wasn’t expecting that
Every time I hear a childish voice, I assume it’s Jinx behind it
Look who was right
Caitlyn. Muscles. Me gay
Wait isn’t Marcus the one who saved Vi? Where is she?
Oh, is she in the prison?
Welp, I wasn’t expecting straight up murder
I guess not straight up murder then but that is 100% Vi
I am loving the tattoos that Jinx and Vi have
Well that caught me in hook, line and sinker
episode 5: Everybody wants to be my Enemy
I appreciate the similarities and yet stark dissonance in Caitlyn and Jinx’s fighting styles
Like even how they learnt shooting is so completely different from each other
One is completely on the lawful side of the spectrum and the other is on completely the chaotic
I really liked Grayson’s character; really sad that we didn’t get to see more of her
What are you shooting for?
It’s going to come completely full-circle with that line, isn’t it?
I think Marcus feels like he’s following in Grayson’s footsteps and maintaining peace with the undercity but he’s really not
Viktor wants revolution to reach the undercity too, I wonder what happened to him there
Oh, shit his health is getting worse, how the fuck has no one else noticed
Vi parkouring over the rooftops and Caitlyn is just slowly scooting her way
Should Caitlyn really be wearing her enforcer uniform here?
‘Are you sure this is safe?’ ‘Of course not’ I’m cackling
Oof loved the parallels to Jinx and young Vi
Mel knows exactly how to manipulate people to get how she wants
A brothel? Wasn’t expecting that
You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this line
*presses her up against the wall* So man or woman?
So many platonic implications
Her smirk when she sees that Caitlyn chose woman. *they seem to be very good friends*
So, we went from science husbands to political couple. Really?
Blood being the key is very interesting
Silco definitely sees a lot of himself in Jinx
Oh, that was a clever screen cut between Mel and Viktor
The prosthetics in the undercity remind me of upgraded automail
‘I’m an excellent shot’
‘But you’re so sweet. Like a cupcake.’ *pterodactyl screeches*
‘She’s back’ ‘From the dead?’
Fuck yeah she’s back
episode 6: When These Walls Come Tumbling Down
We’re getting some Viktor backstory, I’m very curious to see what made him believe in magic and Jayce when no one else did
Rio looks like an axolotl
‘Viktor saved my life once’ I’m not crying, you are
‘He’s like my brother’ And there’s the sound of my ship drowning
Jinx is the embodiment of chaos, it’s great
Caitlyn: We can look for a safer way to get down—
Vi: *makes her way down a cliff with a stab wound*
Caitlyn: *no longer has an excuse*
Fuck you Sevika
Lmao Jinx just sneezed in her face
Oh, he faked Vi’s death; did not expect that
When Vi is hallucinating and seeing Powder and says 'I should never have left' and Caitlyn thinks that Vi is talking to her and is vulnerable in return?
When Caitlyn hugs him? That was really sweet
I mean, the whole reason Jayce is doing all of this is for Viktor, and no matter how you view their relationship, I hardly think that counts as greed or arrogance
I feel bad for the professor
'Easy easy easy' omfg that was so soft i think I'm going to cry
Caitlyn, honey, we need to improve on your people skills
caitlyn: *tries to shove the giant sign with all her weight and it doesn't move* vi: *cracks it in a single punch*
he was extracting something from rio? that is so fucked up
'i understand now' please viktor no--
wow i really wish caitlyn hadn't shown up
jinx and vi fighting back to back is something that can be so personal
jinx's quiet 'vi?' at the end broke me
episode 7: The Boy Saviour
Caitlyn screaming for Vi, they didn’t have to do that to me first thing on a Monday morning but here we are
‘I missed you little man’ I’m not crying, you are
‘Jayce will understand’ Boy, if he doesn’t imma gonna beat him up myself
‘First, I have to save Viktor’ Then get on it!
Mel is so hot, why is everyone in this so hot
Silco really cares for Jinx and I don’t know how to feel about that
Like the part where he says he thought Vi was Vander’s prodigy but Jinx surpasses anything he could have thought of? Impeccable
Ekko managed to build a safe place in the Lanes for kids like Vander had done for him—
Fuck, that mural is stunning
When someone says ‘partner’ I can never tell if they mean professionally or,,, y’know,,,
‘My hero’—
‘It’s inspired’ God can someone write the au where Viktor finds Jinx instead of Silco, that would great
,,, are they going to go from science husbands to vigilante duo?
‘It’s been real, Cupcake. Thanks for everything”—
Woah those firelight bombs were insane
No no Ekko please be okay
They just, keep touching each other’s faces so often, there is no heterosexual explanation for this
This showdown is fucking epic
Oh shit, he can’t do it because it’s Powder, no matter what he’s been telling Vi
Ekko please be okay—
episode 8: Oil and Water
Holy shit, Mel—
I feel so conflicted every time I see Silco and Jinx because on one hand, he absolutely adores her but on the other, well…
One thing that is really well done in this is how every character had a line that they weren’t willing to cross when they were younger but now, they will. First Viktor, now Mel
‘This is Vi’
Caitlyn telling her mother that she was wrong, that the entire council was wrong, was so powerful
It worked?? Good for you
Your *pause* friend
Silco’s panicked ‘Jinx!’ hurt, okay?
‘She won’t die Doctor. She can’t’ *sobs* I didn’t think going into this that I would have so many feelings about this but I really fucking do
‘I too, once had a daughter’
‘Jinx gets a whim, and suddenly his spine is jelly.’ You know what, it really fucking is
Vi is just, waiting for Caitlyn in her bed *such good friends*
‘No monster is going to get you when I’m here’ jfc how many times are you going to make me cry
*gentle face touch* so soft, I adore them
Caitlyn being the literal face of Jinx’s nightmares because she thinks she’s going to take Vi away from her—I came her for the gay, and now I’m losing my mind of traumatised sisters
The professor looks like a lost puppy wondering around the undercity like that
Omfg Mel’s mom is like, the antithesis of Mel
You know, most political discussions probably take place with clothes on
‘Oil and water’ I mean, there are emulsions (I’m just going to show myself out now)
No no why??
Viktor saving himself and running under the stars—I have many feels about this scene
Did,,, sky get vapourised?
Out of all the possibilities I thought of, Jayce and Vi teaming up was not one of them
Really sticking to that hammer aesthetic huh?
Oh fuck the kid
In an abrupt tonal shift, we now have shower thoughts: gay edition
Why,,, is your fucking shower knob made of gold that is insane
Is Jinx in her shower, I mean, boundaries man
episode 9: The Monster You Created
Jayce, she was already ridiculously strong and now she has hextech gauntlets, you aren’t going to win
I get where Jayce is coming from, but Vi has a point. He had the privilege of never being part of the undercity. You can’t just walk away from it and hope it disappears
The designs of the undercity characters are so unique omg
Holy shit the Medardas are a fucking mess
‘In the pursuit of great, we failed to do good.’
‘I still believe in loyalty’ I did not expect that
Silco was ready to dismantle his entire fucking empire but not give up Jinx
Wait is that a statue of Vander?
‘Is there anything so undoing as a daughter?’ She was the vulnerable point for both Vander and Silco
‘That’s my girl’ Why must you play with my emotions like this??
‘But he didn’t make Jinx. You did.’ This episode just keeps throwing out the emotional sucker punches
‘You’re the reason I’m still alive’
I don’t even have words anymore
‘Are we still sisters?’ ‘Nothing is ever going to change that.’ *cries*
This scene gives family dinner from hell a new meaning
‘I’m not that crazy’ I mean, evidence says otherwise Jinx
Silco’s like, only redeeming quality is his love for Jinx; and he’s pretty fucking consistent about it
‘You’re perfect’ Just stab me in the heart, why don’t you?
This has consumed me omfg
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ilovefictiontoomuch · 2 years
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Like you've got Piltover's elite genius golden boy but he also plays video game terribly in his spare time and his totally-not-boyfriend-Viktor occasionally comes over and absolutely destroys the boss Jayce has been struggling with in like 3 hits before vanishing again.
I feel like chat would love the cryptic boyfriend who only a quarter of Piltover actually knows exists, and even less know how much of Jayce's work is actually the work of both of them.
Anyways, have fun with that au.
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darling-i-read-it · 2 years
In An Hour
Viktor x fem!reader
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: arcane spoilers, sickness
Author’s Note: this is sadder than i intended it being im gonna need to write one thats much happier than this lmao
Summary: Viktor has been pining for you for years and only gets up the nerve to tell you when he learns he’s going to die soon.
Genre: angst but not like heart wrenching im gonna die angst ig
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif)
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Viktor was sitting, rather annoyed at the fact Jayce had decided not to talk about the other projects that the two of them had been working on. They were ready to be out in the world, that was why Hextech was created. He was furiously writing something down, though his train of thought was loose. He didn’t want to talk to Jayce. He didn’t talk to anyone. He could be petty in peace.
“Viktor?” you whispered, opening the door to his room. He turned around in his seat, eyes softening. He could talk to you.
“Hello,” he muttered. His room was a mess, papers and pencils littered everywhere, different equations half heartedly written on things. He was working only by the dim lighting of his work station lamp. It was like a sunset glow on the tips of his hair. “Can I help you?”
“Can I come in?” “Of course.” He gestured for you to come inside. You did so, shutting the door behind you. You walked up by his desk. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” he questioned, looking up at you. You sat down on the edge of his desk, crumpling some papers as you did so but he didn’t stop you.
“Just checking in on you.” He dropped his chin a bit, giving you a narrow look through his eyelashes. You smiled, shrugging. “I’m allowed to check in on my friend aren’t I?” Friend. How Viktor had grown to detest that word. You had met through Hextech and grown close, arguably closer than him and Jayce. He had been pining for you ever since. He was unfortunately almost certain you were in love with Jayce. He couldn’t blame you; Jayce was perfect in a lot of ways that Viktor lacked.
“Yes, I suppose you are.” He leaned back in his chair. “Any particular reason?” “No, I told you, I just wanted to see you.” You shuffled the papers he was working on aside and leaned your neck to the side to see what he had been writing. “What are you working on now, smartypants?” He chuckled and gestured to the papers.
“You tell me.” “Oh no no. I am not the scientist in this friendship,” you said, laughing. You picked up one of the papers. “It’s like you’re speaking a whole other language,” you whispered, genuinely trying to make sense of the scribbles and notes.
“You know, I could teach you,” he suggested. You rolled your eyes.
“Yeah right. It would take me a whole lifetime to learn even half of what you know,” you said honestly. You handed him the paper. “But why don’t you try, hmm?” He gave you a doe eyed look. He could talk about this for hours. He knew you didn’t care but the offer was standing and it made him smile weakly.
“I’ll bore you to sleep.” You shook your head, laughing gently.
“You could never. I could listen to your funny accent for hours.”
“Funny accent?” he teased. You opened your mouth to say something else when the door swung open. The two of you turned to see Jayce, standing straight in his councilman attire.
“There you are Y/N,” he said. “I told you to meet me twenty minutes ago.” You got off the desk and stood up straighter.
“Sorry, I lost track of time,” you admitted. “I was just asking Viktor about the new things you guys are working on. It looks complicated and-”
“I don’t have time to talk about that right now,” Jayce said quickly. Viktor’s face fell. He was reminded of how Jayce had acted recently and he didn’t like it. You nodded slowly. If you liked it or not, Jayce was your superior. You turned to Viktor.
“You get to bore me later,” you said, with that small hint of a smile on your face. He nodded once and purposefully did not make eye contact with Jayce as the two of you left.
You ran your hands through your hair, walking through the corridor. You breathed evenly, peaking in the window of each room in hope to find Viktor. You hadn’t spoken to him much the past few days because you had been so busy helping Jayce with the council. The last couple of weeks have been busy. You haven’t had more than a couple moments to yourself. The longest moment you had was in his room the other day.
Where was Jayce? He should be going with you to find Viktor, talk to him about everything that has been happening. The fact that he was on the council now and making decisions but didn’t show the other creations must have rubbed Viktor the wrong way. It had rubbed you the wrong way and you weren’t the sciency person, you were just the moral support. You had meant to bring it up to him but hadn’t had the time.
You knocked on the door to the room Jayce and Viktor did most of their research. Last you checked Viktor had been messing with the possibility of Hextech being able to adapt and grow. You were betting that’s where he was.
There was no answer. You opened the door anyway.
“Viktor?” you whispered. “Jayce?” Your eyes scanned the room and quickly landed on Viktor who was collapsed on the floor. Your eyes went wide with shock. “Viktor!” You rushed up to him, kneeling beside him on the ground. He was on his side. You shook him, trying to see if he was awake. There was blood on the counter, as well as oozing down his chin. “Viktor?” You looked around. “Help! Somebody!” You looked around the room and then down at him. Panicked, you moved his hair out of his face so you could see him clearly. He was still breathing. “I’m gonna get help. Don’t worry Vik. I’m gonna get help.”
“Where the hell were you?!” you yelled at Jayce, finger against his chest. “You’re supposed to be helping him with that damn thing!”
“Where was I? Where were you? Aren’t you supposed to be there at our beck and call?” Your mouth fell open.
“And I am! I haven’t seen Viktor in days because I’ve been helping you,” you explained. “I’ve been at your side endlessly and you don’t even need me! You use me as a crutch Jayce!”
“Because he doesn’t do anything when he’s with you, you’re a distraction to Viktor.” You shook your head.
“Jayce Viktor is in a hospital bed right now. I’m exhausted of you. Come to his damn beside or don’t but that’s where I will be.” You walked past him into the hospital bed, refusing to put up with him any longer. You sat down in the chair beside Viktor’s bed and grabbed his still hand. You could hear Jayce’s voice outside the room, muffled and mixed with the Mel’s. “Oh Viktor,” you whispered, putting your head on your intertwined hands. “Don’t die on me now, we haven’t even had the chance to live yet,” you whispered.
“I’ve lived plenty.” You put your head up quickly, looking into his weak eyes.
“Viktor!” You tried to stand but he was using his entire strength to keep your hands locked together. Your face softened.
“What did they say?” Your gaze fell and the tears you had been fighting suddenly welled up in your eyes.
“They said you were dying, Vik.” He was silent. You looked up at him, his face serene, only slightly unnerved. He sat in silence. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there,” you whispered. “For whatever happened. I kinda told Jayce off for not letting me be there.” “Good for you my darling.” You met his eyes. He was looking down at you with his careful gaze like he was saying ‘why not now?’ You squeezed his hand.
“Don’t you do this to me when you’re dying.” “I’ve been dying for a very long time,” he said.
“You’re supposed to be letting that settle in. You have to figure out how you’re gonna fix this dying thing, not confessing your love for me.”
“Who said I confessed my love?”
“Should I take back my last sentence?” He paused.
“No.” You nodded and got up, sitting on his hospital bed beside him. You brushed his hair out of his face, a pained look across your features. “I don’t expect you to love a dying man out of pity.”
“Can I love one because I want to?” you asked softly, your voice so low it was breaking. He smiled ever so slightly. With whatever he could muster he raised your hand in his and kissed it.
“I couldn’t let you.”
“Well then I guess I’ll have to force you to let me.” You leaned over him and kissed his forehead. Your lips hovered over his skin. You moved your head down slowly and stared into his eyes. He was pleading with them, gently, always gently. You kissed him. His lips were soft and yearning. When you pulled away his eyes stayed closed. “Now you can’t die,” you demanded.
“What if I force you to let me?” he questioned. You held his frail hand to your chest.
“You don’t have the strength.”
“Rude,” he joked. Jayce walked in the room solemnly. You both turned to look at him. For what it was worth, he did read the room the moment he walked in. He had been hoping you and Viktor would finally get it on after all these years.
“I wish you two didn’t confess your annoying love for each other like this,” he muttered, sitting down on the chair. Viktors face fell with more mixed emotions than he had ever had.
“So do I,” he whispered. “Believe me.”
“I’ll figure this out,” you whispered.
“You already said you weren’t the scientist,” Viktor said.
“I lied. I’m gonna figure this out. I will figure this out,” you promised. You looked him in the eyes and tried to force him to believe you. You stood up straight.
“Jayce, I quit. I’m gonna go figure this out now.” Before either of them could speak you stood up but Viktor grabbed your hand, holding you down. You turned to him.
“Figure this out in an hour. Please, don’t go yet.” You stared at him and nodded slowly, sitting back down.
“In an hour.” He gave you a kind smile.
“In an hour,” he repeated.
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insomniiyac · 2 years
Edge of No Return (Pt. 1)
Ekko’s distrust of Piltover always made being in a relationship with him difficult for Jayce. Especially being a Councilor, gaining his trust was like going three steps forward and two steps back.
Pairing: Jayce x Ekko
Warnings: slight cursing
Word count: 1.1k
A/N: When what was meant to be a one-shot turns into a two-parter. 😭 Enjoy!
Link to Pt 2:
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Ekko’s distrust of Piltover always made being in a relationship with him difficult for Jayce. Especially being a Councilor, gaining his trust was like going three steps forward and two steps back.
It wasn’t like Jayce was any better though. Sure he was less obnoxious, but the moments when he’d spit out a disparaging remark about Ekko’s people from the Undercity cut deep.
This divide in ideologies came to a head one day when Jayce was expected to come to a Firelight Community event and didn’t show up. Jayce was called to an emergency meeting by the Council, leaving Ekko wondering where he was.
Ekko sat up on the tree by the entrance while Scar and the others handled the intricacies of the event.
He heard Vi’s footsteps approaching him, then a figure taking a seat by him.
“You okay?”
“…Yeah. I’m fine.”
Vi puts a hand on his shoulder.
“He’ll show up. I’m sure he will.”
“I’m beginning to think he won’t. He hasn’t even texted me back nor called. Caitlyn managed to show up. You’d think they turn up together since they’re close or whatever.”
“Well he is a Councilor, Ekko. No offense to Cait, but it’s a higher position.”
“I guess,” he sighs. “It’s just… he knows how much this means to me. He promised-“
“Just give it time. He’s probably just late,” Vi suggests, sheepishly.
“Mm… okay.”
He wanted to join the others. He really did. But he couldn’t help but stay planted in that one place hoping… waiting for him to come…
Jayce waves off the other Councilors before gathering his notes and leaving.
As he makes his way down the hallway, he feels a figure bump against him. He looks down to see Mel wearing her usual beautiful relaxed smile.
“Nice job, Councilman Talis,” she remarks teasingly. “Hopefully we can take Hextech to the next level for Piltover soon.”
“Ah yeah, thank you,” he blushes.
“By the way,” she walks forward and spins around on her heel, blocking his path out of the double-doors. “You’ve been ghosting often,” she leans in to whisper. “There’s rumors about you frequenting the Undercity.”
Uh oh.
“Oh? Well I have to go down there to, uh, keep an eye on them y’know?”
“Eye on who?” She raises an eyebrow.
“Just uh… Silco’s crew. And stuff.”
Jayce was a terrible liar and she knew it. He hoped she wouldn’t press it further, especially considering that he was already late to the Firelight Event.
But now that she and others were on to him, it was gonna be very hard to go down there.
“Mmhmm. Be very careful Jayce,” she warns. “You just became a Councilman. The last thing you want is a scandal. Even if you’re Piltover’s Golden Boy.”
“Yup, will keep that in mind, thanks,” he gulps.
“Have a good day, Councilman,” she pats him on the arm before taking her leave.
Jayce lets a huge exhale escape his lips before heading home to change into his Undercity clothes.
He checks his phone. Seven missed calls and text messages.
He winces. Ekko was certainly pissed at this point. As much as Jayce wanted to give him a call, Ekko had a nasty temper and little patience when it came to him. Maybe shooting a text would suffice?
[Jayce: Hey babe, I’m on my way.]
And with that, he pockets his phone and heads out again.
Ekko had finished helping one of the Firelights pack up the food stand when he heard the door to the base open. He seemed to know who this was, turning away and heading towards the back.
“Ekko,” the footsteps become louder.
“Ekko,” he flinches when feels a firm hand on his shoulder, causing the other Firelights to jump to attention.
He turns around, wearing the dirtiest scowl- though raising a hand to signal the others to stand down.
Jayce surveys the scene half-heartedly. He was too late. Way too late. He exchanges glances with a worried Vi and Caitlyn before returning his attention to Ekko.
“Ekko… I’m-“
“Not here. Let’s go,” he cuts him off sternly, pointing to the tent that was off to the side.
Jayce’s chest felt like it was saddled by the heaviest of rocks as he followed his clearly upset boyfriend to the tent. He was relieved that he loved him enough to not let the Firelights tear him limb for limb, but with the look on Ekko’s face as he turned around, maybe that wouldn’t be so bad.
“Seven missed calls, Jayce. Seven.”
“I was in the middle of a meeting. You know I can’t miss those. It’s important-“
“It took eight hours?”
“I-I had to get everything together, Ekko,” he stammers.
“So you didn’t think to call me? Or at least send a message that you were gonna be late? Or did you forget?” his voice rises.
“Listen, there are other things to worry about. I have a city to run and I can’t afford to run around waiting hand and foot for you-“
“When have I ever asked you to do that for me?! All I ask for is your time and you act as if that’s a bother to you!”
“It is! Do you realize how much danger I put myself in to come down here?!” Jayce's voice rises as well, alerting some of the others outside.
“Oh! So you admit it? I’m a fucking bother to you?” His voice trembles as he says this.
“You know that’s not what I meant-“
“No, fuck you. The amount of times I’ve risked being beaten by Enforcers to come see you and all you’re worried about is a hit to your reputation!? You’d rather have me risk dying than to have someone see you come down here? Are you serious?”
“I am a Councilor, Ekko! Unlike you, I don’t get to run around and do whatever I want. I have rules I have to follow and I break them for you every single time. What more do you want from me?”
“And you wonder why y’all can never get shit done. At least we actually make changes- what the fuck have you done other than make our lives a living hell-“
“I’ve done a lot more for this city than your people can ever dream of-“
He stops, noticing the wild, but hurt look in Ekko’s eyes.
“Ekko… I didn’t mean…”
“Get out.”
“I said get out! And never come back.”
“Tch!” Jayce grits his teeth, turning to leave the tent.
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