#Chai Oat Milk Ice Cream
jellorat · 2 months
Chai Oat Milk Ice Cream
I completely forgot about this post while I was removing from surgery. Just totally left my mind. I wrote this about mid to late March 2024. However, I think the ice cream was great so I am still posting it! I would love to be out in the garden starting for this year, but I had surgery at the beginning of March. It’s really thrown me for a loop, so while I recover I have been puttering around…
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bunny-xoxo · 10 months
Being on my period while I’m sick is rough because even thought toast and soup is almost too much for my tummy, I really really want homemade brownies and yummy Starbucks 🫶
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sixftmp3 · 1 year
i loove assigning characters a coffee shop order. its my favorite headcanon.
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blkwag · 1 year
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redbleedingrose · 7 months
This idea popped into my head while making my coffee this morning. How do the batboys like their coffee? Do they like the specialty drinks or just a good cup of coffee?
I could honestly go both ways. Like some morning I just want a cup of coffee with some cream and sugar but some days I want a specialty drink that will give you a cavity by just looking at it lol
Coffee/Latte Orders of the Bat Boys and Vanserra Bros
I think it depends on the day but Rhys gives me Cold Brew vibes. He needs the espresso for sure with all his high lord activities! But he absolutely adds oat milk to it, because he does not want plain black coffee.
I don't think he likes the actual flavor of the cold brew, he def drinks it in the morning because he needs it to function, but later he would drink homemade caramel cappuccino.
And I think he wakes before you, so he will make you a cappuccino as well. He always sits himself at the edge of the bed, watching you sleep peacefully for a couple of minutes while sipping on his cappuccino, thinking about all the things he is grateful for, before leaning down to brush your hair out of your face and pepper kisses all over your face.
Once you wake up, and you give him his "proper kiss," he will leave you to continue his work, your piping cappuccino set on your beside table for when you're ready to start your day.
Cass does not give me a cuppa joe kinda male. He likes his water and fruit juices and smoothies.
He drinks water throughout the day, especially because of the amount of training he does. He has one of those huge water bottles that has all the water he is supposed to drink in a day, and he carries it around religiously.
He def gets one for you and will check in on you throughout the day and remind you to drink your water, especially if you are behind on your water intake. He is the kind of male to make it into a contest between you two, just to make sure your competitive ass gets enough water.
He also appreciates putting strawberries, lemons, cucumbers, pineapples in his water so that the fruit can infuse its vitamins into the water.
And the smoothies are his morning meal. He adds protein powder, fruits, and greens into these and he loves them. He feels super refreshed by them, and will try to convince you (and his brothers) to give them a try, and they turn out to be pretty good when he makes them. If you attempt to make them, they kinda taste like grass in water.
Az screams black coffee. He drinks his coffee hot, plain and simple. He uses this dark roast blend that is very traditional to the Illyrian mountains. His mother used to drink coffee like that, and I think it would remind him of her, and thus, he drinks his coffee black. He is proud of it too, smh.
I think it helps him poop, poor male is chronically constipated from stress
When he meets you, he teases you for adding milk and sugar to your coffee, but once he gets a taste of your coffee, he may or may not sneak in a sip or two from your mug when you aren't looking.
You both like to start off your days sitting on the balcony, steaming cups in hand with Az's wing wrapped around you to keep you warm, and you watch the sunrise together.
It tends to be really quiet in the morning hour, and it is a special time for you and Az to kinda soak in the peace and allow for your mating bond to glow as the bright as sun.
Luc is for sure an oat milk chai latte girly pop.
He also appreciates a matcha latte here and there. I think he likes the earthy flavor, so if he is not feeling chai (which is very rare), he will go for the matcha. If he is feeling extra spicy, he will drink it iced.
I think the spice of the chai latte really brings him back to all the good times in his childhood, when Eris would sneak little five year old Luc some caffeine through the chai.
I think if Luc were to drink coffee, it would be a caramel apple flavoring that comes around only during the fall seasons in Day Court.
I feel like Lucien would be the kind of male who wants to support small businesses, so he would go to different cafes throughout the court to try their chai lattes and would bring you home a fresh pastry and warm coffee. It's especially fun for him when you wake up early and join him.
Er's coffee order is interesting and complex, just like the male himself.
He likes to drink Autumn-spiced mocha lattes. It is an espresso with steamed goat milk, chocolate, cinnamon, and other spices. It actually is incredible, and he gets it every morning with a warm almond croissant for breakfast.
He likes his goat milk. I don't know why, but he does. Fucking sexy ass weirdo
Later in the day, he will have a honey cream latte which is an espresso with steamed goat milk and honey. His afternoon drink is not because he needs the energy, but I think he likes to have a warm drink in between lunch and dinner.
You usually join him in the office, warm latte in hand with your own drink, and you sit together on his green velvet couch, his free arm around your shoulders playing with strands of your hair as you discuss your day and plans for the night.
When you're done with your drinks, you will take his empty mug back to the kitchens, but not before he kisses you.... and attempts to bite your cheek off.
he loves your cheeks, what can I say?
Masterlist which severely needs updating
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polutrope · 9 months
Nolofinwëan caffeine habits
Fingolfin: freshly ground quality beans in an ornate french press every morning with homemade cashew milk, no sugar. Only buys coffee out when someone else invites him, then usually orders a cappuccino because it’s what Finwë drank. Pays for the other person, tips well. 
Fingon: six cans of cola every day. Laughs every time Maedhros tries to suggest this is a bad habit. When he goes out for coffee, he orders fresh-squeezed orange juice or something that no one even realised was on the menu. Always orders a couple snacks and insists on sharing. Tips a normal amount but brings the staff random gifts like boxes of chocolate. 
Turgon: Four shots of espresso from the same place every morning at 7:10am. The staff have it waiting for him, he breezes in, says “good morning”, pays and tips, leaves. If he’s had a really long night he’ll add sugar, otherwise none. Often buys a few treats to go (they’re for Elenwë, Aredhel, and/or Idril; after Eärendil is born he buys a cake pop every single day). 
Aredhel: depends on the day, but enjoys treating herself to a large mocha with whipped cream. Seems to “deserve a treat” most days. Continuously drinks yerba mate on journeys (from a thermos in cold climates, iced when not). 
Argon: Monster energy drinks. 
Idril: Oat milk latte (thanks @swanmaids). No dietary reason, just likes the flavour. Rarely gets it to stay, but takes about 15-20 minutes to leave because she’s making the rounds catching up with staff and customers. Keeps saying, “I better get going!” and doesn’t. Enjoys a cup of tea with milk and the pastry Turgon brought her in the afternoons. 
Maeglin: says he doesn’t consume caffeine but eats chocolate covered coffee beans like popcorn when he’s trying to get a project done. When forced to go out he orders mint tea and lets it go cold. Pays for the other person but does not tip. 
Eärendil: at sea he drinks super sweet instant coffee that is somehow foamy despite being from a packet. When in Sirion, orders authentic chai from a stand in the town square mostly because Elwing likes it and the guy who makes it laughs at his jokes. When shipbuilding, drinks from the barely-functional coffee maker Círdan has had since the Great Journey. 
Fëanorians | Arafinwëans
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alexxncl · 11 months
how the obey me characters like their coffee
brothers, dateables + luke, and side characters
resurgence of my coffee obsession has me thinking thoughts
and i'm right bc they all told me this themselves
masterlist | more drabbles/hcs
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i feel like he likes his shit sickeningly sweet...like you can barely taste the coffee
so much creamer it almost looks like milk, so much sugar that your teeth will fall out just by looking at it
it used to help him stay awake, but he's immune to it now. he just drinks it to drink it
he doesn't care for iced coffee that much. he had a sip of mammon's and almost gagged
the blackest coffee you've ever seen, extra espresso shots, whether it's hot or iced
y'all know how pedro pascal and jaemin from nct like their coffee? yeah...nasty
if he hasn't had his coffee, don't talk to him
unless you're mc or luke. then you have a pass
he drinks it before he leaves the house, while he's walking to RAD, while he's in class, while he's at lunch, while he's in detention, while he's-
you get the picture
but he won't admit that he's addicted
he likes chai tea 🫶🏽
coffee never sat well with him, it made him more anxious than he already is
he likes the taste but he can live without it
he drank a bunch of it once while pulling an all-nighter with mammon before an exam...never again
luci and mams keep a very close eye on his caffeine intake
no cream or milk, but a shit ton of sugar
"bitter like my soul" headass
he doesn't drink it often, but he's particular when he does
doesn't like hot coffee because he can't drink it right away
either makes it himself or asks asmo to do it when he's too tired
more milk than sugar with a pretty design on top
an oat milk girlie
strongly prefers hot coffee but will drink either
he just has a knack for creative stuff, y'know?
i feel like he worked as a batista for a while and does little pop up shops for his fans :(
he doesn't drink coffee like that. it doesnt do anything for him
but he likes sweet things, so he asks belphie to put flavored creamer or sweetened almond milk and a lot of sugar in it whenever he does drink some
he started drinking it to get closer to luci and mams, but he never made a habit out of it like the two of them
asked asmo if he could learn how to make it so that mammon wouldn't run out during the day and is actually really good at it
do NOT give him coffee
he hates it
it's nasty and it makes him jittery
he'll make it, and he's almost as good as asmo, but he won't drink it. absolutely not
never really got the hype until he had some of lucifer's
only drinks his coffee that way now
he still prefers tea, but a little caffeine every now and then won't hurt
he tried black coffee and hated it. you know he loves his sweets
drinks it on occasion but will lie if you ask him about it
he's THE tea demon, yk? can't let the title be for nothing
if he makes some for diavolo, he'll drink it however dia likes it
if he's just making it for himself, he likes it with a little sugar and no creamer
spiked (sometimes, when he's not writing) and black
mainly because he doesn't want luke to drink any and thinks this is the best course of action
also because it keeps him awake
(he's like lucifer, coffee doesn't do anything for him anymore. it's a habit atp)
spiked and sweet
he's too old and too tired
but it's only ever spiked with top shelf, aged, hard shit bc he's extra
tried it black and spiked and hated it
please don't give the baby coffee
11 year olds don't need coffee
he kept asking to try it, so mammon gave him some of his (much to simeon's disdain) and he quite literally almost died
he'll never touch it again bc why is it so BITTER
he won't admit to it but he cried
mammon has proof - videos and pictures
tried it once and threw it away
likes his black like mammon, but way less espresso
only likes iced americanos
also likes them extremely watered down ??? idk man he's weird
another tea drinker but he likes his caffeinated
can't stand the taste of coffee, he doesn't know how simeon drinks it so often
tried some of simeon's - before he started spiking it, mind you - and threw it away bc he thought it was disgusting
simeon did not in fact cry (yes he did)
it depends on the day, but she's a mocha girlie 99% of the time
when just wants coffee or she's having a really bad day, she gets her usual
if it's a really good day, she gets something different
iced or hot, she doesn't care
a very specific order and only gets hers from a very specific mom and pop shop in a run-down area of the otherworld
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TBB Coffee Orders-
Hunter would probably drink black coffee as his usual, (#DivorcedDad) but every once in a while he will up and order a large vanilla iced latte with a mountain of whipped cream and sugar and cinnamon on top and an extra shot of sweetener and you know what he deserves it-
Tech's alternating between a large hot Cappuccino and large iced Chai. At least three different kinds a day. He definitely orders it with oat or almond milk because "it is by far much easier for humans to digest compared to normal milk-" and he definitely gets teased for it by his brothers. He gets a shot of coconut or cinnamon syrup in his Cappuccino and churro or pumpkin in his Chai <3
Crosshair likes iced Macchiatos, but he refuses to stir it all together. He likes the different layers of milk, espresso and vanilla, and he drinks them separately -much to his brothers disgust - and will inconspicuously suck the foam and caramel off the top all at once when no one's looking.
He also once caught a whiff of Techs churro-Chai and his jaw nearly dropped - now he gets a hot version of those whenever he's by himself (<3)
Wrecker likes lattes, except he orders them with extra sweetener and flavor and barely any espresso - at this point they're just essence-of-coffeed chocolate milks. His usually gets a mocha, but he once tried a blue raspberry-white chocolate-coconut latte (??) and nearly died in euphoria (his brothers gagged at the thought of it) . He calls it his "special one" and saves it for times of celebration
Echo gets a straight double-shot of espresso or a black coffee filled to the brim with cream, which most people don't understand at all. He doesn't bother with any sort of sugar, grumbling about how he hates sweet things, but if it's available he will get an unsweetened shot of raspberry or dark chocolate. He definitely has his own nice espresso machine and is an absolute connoisseur when it comes to coffee. One of his favorite hobbies is collecting and trying out all sorts of fancy coffee brewing equipment
Omega likes lattes like Wrecker, but she hates espresso and very sweet things so her drinks are essentially just flavored iced milk. She also likes milk tea and Chai because they're easier on her stomach but she definitely gets whipped cream and wants to try every single flavor possible - her favorites are the bright fruity ones like raspberry, blueberry and lavender, and some unusual ones like iced donut, cinnabon and lemon bar
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afropearl · 9 months
fall scent profile series pt 1: cinnamon girl ☕️
description: freshly baked cinnamon rolls with icing, sweet, sugary goodness, the air of a coffee shop during rush hour 🍂
body wash ♡
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these two body washes smell divine ! cinnamon chai (also cinnamon buns by philosophy) gives that perfect vibe for when the temperature and leaves change and we’re shifting into cozy comfort. cinnamon dolce is a literal treat and pairs perfectly with the next products *drumroll pls*
scrubs ♡
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these two scrubs are perfect cinnamon-y contenders. cinnamon dolce keeps us more sweet while pumpkin spice latte (which i’m so happy they brought back this year) turns us to more a spicy and complex scent with its clove note
moisturizer ♡
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now the fenty holiday butta drop is god tier okayyy! it literally smells like the cinnamon pretzels you smell while walking through mall and the shimmerrr. it’s such a cute touch and i feel so girly and cute and edible when i wear it lucky for y’all the tree hut sweet cream moisturizer they just came out with? total dupe ! smells the exact same with notes of vanilla bean, coconut cream and marshmallow fluff <3
perfumes & misc ♡
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i have a perfume, body mist and deodorant here and i think these all capture that cinnamon girl aura! sol de janeiros 71 is like fall in a bottle! our weather hasn’t changed for the better so i’d recommend this for when it’s cooler outside (it is a fall scent after all) native’s oat milk latte deodorant has clove, chocolate and a splash of milk perfectly cozy, warm and sweet. finally, chai epice really lives up to her name. le gourmand says it best, “this fragrance will make you want to grab the perfect chai latte, a soft blanket, and spend a cozy night in” and the reviews also hail to its sweet and spicy scent :3
thank you all for reading, if you have any of these products or try them out in the future, let me know what you think of them ! 🍂🍮
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fangirlandtheories · 7 months
I have worked at Starbucks for over 2 years now and I make the chalkboard signs for my store. While searching for inspiration on Pinterest, I discovered that someone made a Stranger Things chalkboard designating different drinks to different characters. While the artwork was great, the drinks just didn't match according to my opinion so I wanted to make my own. Without further ado, a baristas guide to Stranger Things drinks:
- Steve Harrington: We're starting off with one of the more simple to order drinks. There's no mods or alternatives, just a pure, sweet drink. Steve is a Caramel Ribbon Crunch. He's layered and multifaceted the same way the drink has separate layers. He's sweet, sometimes too sweet for his own good, but he's cool as ice. Served drizzled and well topped (if you know what I mean 😉)
-Eddie Munson: My best friend Maya works with me and introduced me to this drink and I can't think of anything better for Eddie. You get a cup of lemonade, add some ice, pour a blonde espresso shot on top, and voila: The Cigarette Butt. It's got a sweetish smokey flavor, a little sour, a little weird. People either love it or hate it without giving it a try.
-Nancy Wheeler: I wanted to do something sensible for Nancy but something that would also be strong for a badass like Nancy. We often say that Iced Americanos are the hot girl drink so I knew I wanted it to be and Iced Americano. As for the extras, I wanted it to be blonde ristretto. Blonde Ristretto shots are the BEST kinda shots so it fits one of the best characters. As for cream: Almond Milk. She's giving lactose intolerant but in a "I prefer almond milk to soy milk" kinda way. She's not pretentious about it, but maybe a little.
-Robin Buckley: I was going back and forth with Robin. I had multiple ideas but narrowed it down to two. Number 1. Iced Vanilla Matcha with coconut milk OR Number 2. An Iced Chai with brown sugar syrup and oat milk. Either way, both scream Queer and Quirky. I also get a sort of library soft vibe from her. I'm picturing tans and old books, soft pastels, those kinda things. Arguably that's more a Nancy vibe as well but Robin is light academia and Nancy is dark.
- Jonathan Byers: This is a man that listens to good music and spends his day taking photographs and getting high. He's a sweater and slacks, a wallflower, the quiet calm in a chaotic storm. He's a London Fog, specifically with soy milk. Underappreciated and sometimes forgotten, this is a true pillar in every way. Teas have always been there and always will be, much like the steady reliability of Jonathan. The flavors are gentle and when paired with the vanilla it creates something complex and delightful.
- Argyle: This brochacho does NOT need coffee. He's bright and colorful, slightly overwhelming at times, but full of zest. When thinking of him, I wanted to choose the brightest, most colorful drink I could. He's a Mango Dragonfruit Lemonade with peach juice and pineapple pieces. This drink is the Starbucks ocean of flavor, but the pineapple comes freeze dried in a bag. Remember: Try before you deny.
- Hopper: I was going to leave this as just the Fruity Six, but I can't resist. Hopper is the McDonald's Dad. Hopper is a cup of black coffee.
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heartsoji · 1 year
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SAWAMURA DAICHI - regular hot drip coffee, probs with a bit of ordinary cream/milk
SUGAWARA KOSHI - iced brown sugar oat milk latte with light ice
AZUMANE ASAHI - a bottle of apple juice but then he gets laughed at so he puts it back and orders a hot honey citrus tea
NISHINOYA YUU - grape frappuccino with extra whipped cream and pistachios on top
TANAKA RYUNOSUKE - bro gets a chocolate croissant and an iced water usually, but sometimes he'll get hot chocolate with extra whipped cream and a warmed cheese danish with strawberry jam on top on the side when he's in a good mood
KAGEYAMA TOBIO - blueberry milk tea latte with cheese foam and tapioca is his fav but sometimes he can't speak properly and just orders a cup of steamed milk
HINATA SHOYO - strawberry acai refresher with extra berries and one of those cheese and grapes and crackers boxes
TSUKISHIMA KEI - hot oolong tea with honey usually, but he'll also get the occasional twice-a-year java chip frappucino
YAMAGUCHI TADASHI - vanilla creme frappucino
KUROO TETSURO - hot black coffee
KAI NOBUYUKI - hot hazelnut soy milk latte
YAKU MORISUKE - peach green tea (switches if he wants iced or hot based on mood and weather) with 2/3rds of a sugar packet or half a pump of cane sugar
YAMAMOTO TAKETORA - prides himself in having never gotten an overpriced cafe drink
KOZUME KENMA -large strawberry creme frappuccino with extra extra whipped cream, extra strawberry syrup, extra freeze-dried strawberry powder, and an extra pump of simple syrup
FUKUNAGA SHOHEI -lemon tea (changes if he wants iced or hot based on his mood)
INUOKA SO - mango dragonfruit refresher with strawberry base, light ice, extra dragonfruit bits
HAIBA LEV -says"i'll take whatever your favorite drink is!" then records it, and doesnt give it to the worker and just keeps it (he never understood the vids where they would give it to the worker. hes just like bro why'd u order it if u werent gonna drink it)
SHIBAYAMA YUKI - strawberry frappucino with extra freeze-dried strawberry bits
OIKAWA TOORU - vanilla creme frappucino or iced sugar cookie latte in the winter (will scream at u if u call him a basic white girl)
MATSUKAWA ISSEI - homie goes to the convenience store across the street and gets some weird cheesey beef sandwich with relish on top and a giant slurpee
HANAMAKI TAKAHIRO - homie goes with matsukawa to get a nasty pork sandwich with mustard but then runs back to get an extra hot quadruple shot upside-down caramel macchiato with soy milk
IWAIZUMI HAJIME -hot soy latte
YAHABA SHIGERU - espresso con pana
WATARI SHINJI - iced peach green tea lemonade with no ice
KYOTANI KENTARO - gets nothing when with the group but comes back after to get a pinkity drinkity with cold foam
KINDAICHI YUTARO - pistachio frappucino with a shot of espresso
KUNIMI AKIRA - hot soy half-caff pistachio/hazelnut latte with caramel drizzle at 120 degrees
BOKUTO KOTARO - either a unicorn frappucino or a chocolate cold brew
KITA SHINSUKE - a hot americano
OJIRO ARAN - a hot matcha latte
AKAGI MICHINARI - iced matcha latte
MIYA ATSUMU - pink drink with extra berries and no ice
SUNA RINTARO - hot caramel macchiato
MIYA OSAMU - hot chai tea latte with pistachio foam and a warmed brownie
KOMORI MOTOYA - iced matcha latte with strawberry jam
SAKUSA KIYOOMI - a single shot of espresso
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jianghushenanigans · 1 year
Nie Mingjue doesn’t like the taste of coffee and so refuses to buy it when they go out, because once you’ve added enough syrup/sugar/etc it’s not even coffee any more so what’s the point in wasting the money on it. He does however need coffee to wake up early: he drinks one cup of instant coffee every morning and hates it.
Nie Huaisang shows up late with a Starbucks always orders elaborate iced lattes with oat milk, three shots of syrup and whipped cream, or iced chai with an extra shot of cinnamon, or iced matcha with vanilla, or etc from his local independent cafe. The staff at first hated him but he tips well and is always really polite (to them: he’s very good at scaring away rude customers).
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seeminglydark · 3 months
Hey Jules! I got to know, has Johnny used his batista skills to determine which drinks fit his friends based on vibes/personality? Thank you for all the peeks of your characters, I adore them. Have a great day!
HI sorry about the delay, i kept thinking to answer this one but then thinking how my brain would implode by having to think. or something. ANYWAY
Yes, he would! So this will be what HE assumes about them and not necessarily what their actual drink would be, though hes not so far off actually-and mostly they all order Barista's Choice cuz they know he will give them something tailored to their likes. this is how he shows love.
Caro: Large double shot hot caramel latte with lowfat milk, extra shot of caramel and 2 extra shots of vanilla with whipped cream with caramel drizzle
Maddie: Large iced chai with a dash of maple syrup for sweetness and a sprinkle of cinnamon on top, and sometimes pumpkin whipped cream he makes for the pumpkinspice bitches in the fall (everyone at brew is a pumpkin spice bitch)
Mick: medium hazelnut latte with almond milk, extra hot! like mick.
Reggie: a tea drinker, like john. iced matcha with vanilla simple syrup and oat milk
Rose: cappuccino with a little extra foam, a single shot, and a cute design to try and make her crack that mad-girl face. like a skull or the flames of a thousand suns.
Avery: black coffee with one single brown sugar cube depending on the day
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suzy-queued · 8 months
🍂Weekly Tag Wednesday🍂
Thank you for the tag, @deedala. Tag games are the best!
Name: Deena
Age: Old enough to buy reading glasses
Favorite color: Orange
What emoji best describes your current mood? 📣
What season is it where you are right now? Fall! This is what my town looks like right now:
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Were you up before or after the sun this morning? Before
Are you currently in possession of a pumpkin? A fresh one? Nope.
Do prefer to carve or paint your jack-o-lanterns? Carve. 🔪
Do you have a favorite pumpkin-spice flavored treat? If so, what is it? Pumpkin muffins with cream cheese cinnamon icing.
What's your favorite season and what's your favorite pie that you associate with it? Fall and pumpkin pie.
We're having a pot-luck, what are you going to bring? I like to bring trays of fresh vegetables and fruit, because that's a nice balance for dense casseroles and crock-pot meats.
It's chilly outside and you need a hot drink in your hands, what are you drinking? Chai! With oat milk.
Will you be wearing a costume for Halloween? Is it ready? I think so, but I'll slap something together using the costume pieces we have in the attic.
Finally, what's something you've made or done recently that you're proud of? I love love love this Kinktober art I made.
I'll tag ... @sweetbee78 @francesrose3 @silvanshadow @mikhailoisbaby @creepkinginc @crossmydna @energievie @stocious @ohkate @tsuga-of-mars
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valkriii · 2 years
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❝ What I think the boys would order from Starbucks as a Starbucks barista ❞
Leo’s a bitch boy for his tea—
Is getting any latte with tea thrown at the end of it (chai tea latte, matcha tea latte, royal English breakfast latte, London fog latte)
His favorites tend to be the Chai and Matcha
Gets bullied for the Matcha cause Mikey said it tastes like grass, Raph agrees
Will happily sip his Chai, likes to get them iced
Gets venti, looks like the smallest size in his hands
Dude drinks the shit in TWO SIP—
Get this dude an ice cinnamon oat milk chai or a steamy earl grey and he’ll love you forever —
This dude K N O W S his coffee
Only actual coffee drinker in the house due to his heavily unhealthy caffeine addiction
Goes for Americanos or cold brew/nitro cold brew
*insert his brothers staring at him like he’s a fucking psYCHO*
Sometimes he’ll throw an extra shot or two in to spice things up when he isn’t feeling like sleep.
*gets scolded by Leo*
*gets 1/2 decaf instead*
Mikey choked out when he tried to steal a sip of his coffee
Donnie will chug a Trenta black cold brew in seconds uninterrupted
Always on 100 for N O R E A S O N
Raph is the type of person that likes a side of coffee with his cream and sugar
He L O V E S his white mochas, iced and iced only
Blazing hot, iced white mocha, freezing balls, iced white mocha
The type to add extra caramel drizzle and the vanilla sweet cream cold foam
April showed him the concoction and he had been hooked ever since
Definitely gets laughed at by Donnie
Raph never admits it but his secret second drink is a pink drink
Raph enjoys his fruity and coffee drinks, pink drink being the go to when he isn’t feeling coffee
Get the pink drink EXCLUSIVELY ALONE.
Walks around with vanilla sweet cream mustache constantly
Mikey has never looked at any other part of the menu except for the frappuccinos.
This baby has never touched any actual coffee in his life
Has damn near tried every frappuccino on the menu
Caramel Slut
E X T R A C A R A M E L (will pout if he doesn’t get the extra caramel)
Loves the caramel, vanilla bean, and caramel ribbon crunch.
Always tries to order Trenta’s knowing damn well he can’t
Will always try anyways
Will openly double fist two frappuccinos if he can’t make up his mind
*getting shunned constantly by Donnie and Leo*
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lowlights · 1 year
Since my fyp is full of Pedro's starbies order, can you pls fill it with the orders of his characters? Also, why does Ezra get something piled with cream and caramel?
Thank you, get well soon angel!
Literally, nothing would make me happier. Let's dive in.
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Din - If Din could walk into a Starbies, he would get an Americano with a splash of heavy cream. More indulgent time-wise than a simple little coffee, but still quite utilitarian.
Joel- Joel would love a cold brew, I think. Just straight up, nothing added. He would roll his eyes at the people in front of him with a complicated order.
Dieter- Speaking of complicated orders. Dieter would be the one most likely to try whatever drink is the latest "hack" on tiktok. He doesn't care how stupid it sounds to order it, bc he always makes an assistant do it. If he's doing his own ordering, I think he gets Pedro's drink.
Javi G- Javi G loves a seasonal drink. In the winters he is going for a chestnut praline latte, and in the summers he likes an iced macchiato. He does not like pumpkin spice lattes.
Marcus M- Marcus wants an iced dirty chai no matter what time of year it is. In a very reasonable size, though. Never a venti.
Max Lord- Max is the cappuccino sort- fancy, to the point- but he does bring you all the white mochas you want. This is a take that was for @coastielaceispunk and it is now my canon.
Frankie- I think Frankie would get a sweet cream cold brew. It's straight forward enough to order but would feel like a little treat. The guys might give him shit for it, but he doesn't care. His daughter always gets a steamed vanilla oatmilk.
Dave York- I think Carol would turn Dave onto the Strawberry Acai Refreshers and he would never look back. He gets them made with water, though, not lemonade. Too sweet.
Ezra - Caramel frappuccinos all the way. Extra toppings. He always moans sinfully when he gets one, no shame.
Jack- Our cowboy is going to order an Irish Cream Cold Brew and then drop a little bit of whiskey into the cup while he winks at you. Truth be told, he likes any good, strong coffee.
Javi P- "Whatever is brewing behind you that's strongest." He is not fussy in the slightest.
Pero- Pero thinks the menu is stupid and too big. He likes ordering the pastries while you pick out the drinks. You have found that he likes plain lattes, matcha tea lattes, and hot chocolate. He won't admit to the last one.
Max P- Max is getting a pink drink, all the way. It's ridiculous and he doesn't care. Let the office plebs drink shitty, breakroom coffee. Max is living his best (un)life.
Marcus P- I get big-time London Fog vibes from Marcus. Very cozy, very warm. Marcus has morning vibes, I don't know any other way to put it.
Oberyn- Our sweet Prince is getting a Golden Turmeric Latte. Oat milk, perfectly light espresso, and a mix of warming spices sweetened with honey. It's sunshine in a cup.
Zach- I really love the idea of a Flat White for Zach. It's special and comforting without being fussy or sweet, which I think is what he would like. He deserves whatever he wants, though.
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