#11 pm thoughts
Jed and Octavius would totally get their ears pierced at Claire’s together
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witofretard28 · 6 months
Do you have that friend who is not your best friend per se but is your best friend silently. The one with whom you don't talk to everyday or meet or share the smallest of things.
The one you meet once in a while, if both can fit it in the schedule and never really talk over the phone and it doesn't feel weird. With whom it's comfortable being around with even if you haven't seen each other in months. You pick up the conversation right where u left it. When you say, " Remember I was telling you about ..." and they do. They listen. You have gala time and get on with your life, until next time.
They are your best friend in silence. The ones with whom you share and confide in about things. The one who never forgets to invite you on important occasions but may or may not remember your birthday. But still you know, for sure, that this person only have best wishes for you. They make you happy and warm and you feel blessed to have found this person.
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legitimatesatanspawn · 4 months
Sometimes official merch can be hilarious.
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Like I bet the idea for this one was "hey we accidentally ordered too many office clipboards. What should we do with them?"
"Stamp the ShinRa Logo on it. Hell, let's do it with business card wallets and those extra lanyards. Oh while we're at it let's do it with some umbrellas too. Memo holders, eyeglass cases, pencil cases... just stamp it on anything."
"Sir, no one will buy this stuff. ... why did it sell out?"
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snowtst · 6 days
so many friends !1!1
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brainrot-stitch · 2 months
The urge to headcanon sabre and rainbow as queer platonic vs the urge to headcanon them as a cute little romantic couple vs fve urge to headcanon them as absolute mfing besties r going to war rn also sos I'm typing thus w just my thumb this id hell
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The sad realizations that:
One, not all your mutuals have the same opinions as you
Two, a lot of people on the earth have extreme opinions
And three, your mutual is openly sexist to your gender and just didn't know who you were when they followed you
Is very sad
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taintedcries · 1 year
modern chiscara hc that they met in highschool in an alleyway so it basically goes like
childe : deciding to take the fastest route going to an alleyway & cause he's silly liek that :3
scara : beating up some people
childe : this is it. that's the guy im marrying
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nocturneblight · 19 days
Isn’t it so much better to overly enjoy something rather than hate? Yeah sure, it’s annoying to some folks when you blabber on and on over whatever series or thing you adore is about but like, That’s literal proof that your enjoying existence, I think that’s quite rare honestly. When’s the last time you scrolled social media without seeing someone complain or jest about how terrible life is? It seems more and more lose sight of what they hold dear the more life progresses, so absolutely, with all your meaning. Enjoy what you like, be ridiculously overt with your enthusiasm, if you make yourself happy then dude, You don’t need to focus on what others think of you, Your winning the game of life itself! Doing a feat that absurd amounts of other humans can’t do!
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nymphapunkcake · 7 days
Un poco de chocolate caliente cuando hace frío le hace bien al cora 🤎🍫
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acorn4848 · 21 days
Why does Robin's quote "It's raining dads!" remind me of the song "It's Raining Men" by The Weather Girls? Maybe cause he sang that line, I honestly don't know
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cringe-human · 1 month
I think that part of our souls are made up of the memories and auras of people we have met or loved in our lives and as we get separated from them either due to death or any other circumstances, a part of our soul gets lost and we can never be the same. It is as if when something breaks and we try to fix it, there always remain some cracks or some small holes just like our souls in the process of losing people.
But we can never forget that part of ourselves and do everything in our power to hold on to the memories, just grasp it a little.
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witofretard28 · 5 months
Revenge bedtime procrastination: Decision to sacrifice sleep for leisure time due to lack of free time during the day.
Ofc we sacrifice sleep for the little time we have to be ourselves. The time where we can finally listen to our own thoughts loud and clear and less jumbled, when we don't have to pretend, when we won't get any work related calls or calls from people in general, when we can breathe, sing if we want to or puff our eyes out crying ugly, read our favorite book, sit and stare at the wall if we want, put our legs up the wall and listen to music, let our skin breathe, not worry about how uncool we look and feel, how sexy we are, stalk our exes. It's the only time we choose not to worry about future and let go. Live and breathe!
So what if we wake up next day feeling like shit...we atleast had a bit of heaven in the night when we sacrificed our sleep.
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Sometimes it's like "honey where's your shirt/armor you must be cold and you're unprotected from enemy weapons" and sometimes it's like "this character is dripping in sexual undertones to the point its blatant overtones".
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queen-astras · 4 months
this may be a problem (serious).
🚩Rant 🚩
I want to preface this by saying I strongly believe that humans are humans and should be treated as such and with respect regardless of financial status, race, skin color, gender, who they love, or physical and cognitive ability. However, some of what I say below might seem to contradict that.
Background: our school has a freshman transition program, where freshmen at the school learn the customs and rules through once-a-month sessions. However, recently I think it’s began to take on more of a different stance. I do respect what they are trying to teach but I think this is the line.
Today’s lesson was about empathy and gender identity. Now, those two things are very different but they happened to be in the same lesson.
We did this activity where the leader said a statement and we had to step forward if it applied to us. Now, there were some generic statements like “do you play a sport” and such, but one that stood out to me was “have you ever witnessed an act of homophobia or sexism?”
Nothing special. But.
In all those questions about accepting differences and noting acts of disrespect towards certain communities, not a singular one was about disability awareness.
The closest one would probably be “would you actively stand up for the rights of people different than yourself” and that too is a very broad statement.
They proceeded to have this lesson about gender identity with a little empathy sprinkled in - which I feel like was hardly necessary to spend one and a half hours on this singular topic that I’m sure many of the students have heard about through social media. I know I have - but that’s beside the point.
I feel like… there’s a lot of emphasis on the queer community nowadays. Don’t get me wrong at all, I do respect what that community has gone through in being accepted and having basic human rights. But as I said, everyone is human and deserves the same amount of spotlight on their struggles. The. Same. Amount.
You want to talk about being empathetic for people who are different! Teach the kids about disabilities. Teach the kids that we’re not weird or lesser because our eyes or ears don’t work or our brains function a little differently. Teach them how to make your world more accessible. Teach them how to help us. Highlight our struggle too. No one ever does that. June is always filled with rainbows and pride but not an October goes by with the same enthusiasm.
My pera? She got kicked out of ILS (intensive learning) for making too much noise. They got a handful of classrooms in the back corner of the school with little to no air conditioning. They were given some dirt and told to make a garden. Whereas there are so many open opportunities for others. “Visit us in the mental health center!” “Join our club to show more support!” “Here are flyers and posters!”.
I’m going to stand on this hill with my mobility cane raised like a sword until we get the same amount of recognition regardless of whether anyone stands with me or not.
Or maybe I’m just irrationally angry…
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uzumakiheart · 8 months
sns holding hands frolicking through a sunflower field kissing getting married drinking tea being in gay love together sleeping like otters holding each other’s hands
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Turns out I'm staying up late to see the northern lights, so let's make another post about Lemon Demon for the heck of it
Recently I saw a post defending artists commonly seen as dumb tiktok cringe shit. Fair point, this music isn't that bad. But it still came from the standpoint of Lemon Demon being something from tiktok, which just isn't correct
Neil Cicierega has been makin music for the internet for as bout as long as people have done that. He's got four albums under his own name. Seven albums and five ep's under Lemon Demon. And more music released pre Lemon Demon under the name Trapezoid. He's the inventor of animutation. He created The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny, Harry Potter Puppet Palls, Brodyquest, Ariel Needs Legs, and songs for Gravity Falls. He's also an armature filmmaker and lead member of Guaranteed video*
He's not something from tiktok just cause tiktok discovered Fine and decided it sounded "better" sped up
Mini sleep deprived rant over
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