#...aaaaand done!
spacebubblehomebase · 4 months
(ALL) 🌈 "R stands for Robin." 🤍
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"Had you asked us when we were younger about who we think we'd grow up to be, none of us would have answered who we did end up becoming. Someone bigger than ourselves. A symbol beating in different hearts. Each coming from unlikely origins. A partner to Batman and a fledgling that would soar higher and shine brighter than any other. They think we've divided this mantle, but no. Each of us made Robin WHOLE. Afterall, light refracts into multiple colors, right? And birds of a feather are stronger TOGETHER."
R is for Righteousness.
R is for Rebellion.
R is for Responsibility.
R is for Respect.
R is for Redemption.
R is for Revolutio- NO. It's a Reminder.
(Fun Fact 👀: If you look closely, you might notice how each Robin wears the color of the one that comes after them. Except for Duke who wears the first Robin's colors to tie them all together again. Proving they're better as a set. Speaking of, these drawings were sold at a booth in my school and the Batgirls were particularly popular! XD) -Bubbly💙
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tagerrkix · 6 months
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cinematicnomad · 15 days
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9-1-1 ▸ 7.05 you don’t know me ↳ eddie & bobby heart-to-hearts (6.4/6)
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caliblorn · 8 months
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Who wouldn't look this smug with a God's helmet on their head? ;) Commission of Nilonii Telvayn and Sotha Sil for @gingernutbiscuit!!
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mocc-tok-flip-flop · 5 months
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The submas brainworm is only getting stronger, so I have drafted a whole-ass comic for a new AU idea! One where Chandelure gets to take center stage and become the main character she was always meant to be~
The gist of the AU is that Chandelure has a ghostly soul-bond with Ingo, which essentially means that his soul is under her protection and he sorta registers as a ghost to other pokemon. Basically protects him from other ghosts trying to put their sticky paws on her trainer and also gives the two of them a bit of an empathetic connection. Not quite telepathy, but able to transmit complex feelings and lets them check how badly they're hurt.
Naturally, this means that when Giratina (who was honestly just trying to play around. They were given the tedious task of just opening rifts and looking through all those peep holes made them curious. So when they saw a soul that had a beautiful ghost bond, they became fascinated) snags Ingo and drags him through, Chandelure immediately feels when Giratina's power accidentally tries to overwhelm Ingo's soul and she absolutely loses her shit. Through psychically screaming and using her protective aura to try and bash Giratina, the distortion god acts like a dog that's done something they shouldn't and tries to hide the evidence of their messing around (Ingo getting fucked up via soul and getting not too gently dropped off a mountain).
I have more ideas, especially relating to how Emmet is taking his brother's ace losing her mind and how her actions affect the investigation, but if I keep going down these tracks I'm going to end up with another 90k WIP fic like i did with Naruto. (Though if people wanna see the AU written out...👀... I could absolutely be convinced. I'm very weak...)
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fenfyre · 2 months
Forbidden Fruit - Part XVIII
Part I
Without thinking about it Chilchuck reached out to cup a pale cheek with his hand, feeling the rough scratch of stubble against his palm and fingertips. Laios leaned into the touch as if he were starving, lashes fluttering as his eyes slipped closed. Despite his wide shoulders and impressive build he looked fragile. A frail, breakable, helpless little thing in Chilchuck's hands.
"Alright, we will do this once, stick to the plan, and then never speak of it again. Do you understand?"
Chilchuck felt his stomach turn, a sour taste on his tongue.
Laios would have agreed to anything at that moment and Chilchuck had been happy to accept his blind agreement. After all he thought it the quickest way to get rid of these distracting thoughts and scratch an annoying itch. As for Laios, well ... he had a little crush. It was innocent, fleeting. Puppy love. Nothing to write home about. Nothing that would stay.
Except that it was and it did. It would.
The proof had been in every second they spent together tonight. In the way Laios had looked at him, touched him, held him, kissed him. It was in the way he knelt for him and curled into him right now, savouring every little touch he could get. Knowing this was almost over and he had to take in what he could.
Chilchuck had never wanted to but there was no denying he held Laios' beating heart between his palms.
And even though the thought terrified him to no end and left him sick to his stomach ... there was no part of him that did not want to treat that heart gently. Even if it would leave him shaking every step of the way.
"Hey there", he mumbled, voice thick as he reached out with the other hand to cradle Laios' other cheek, pulling him just a bit closer as golden eyes fluttered open. "Don't look like that, stranger. This was ... fun. I wouldn't mind doing it again."
A flurry of emotions danced across Laios' features. Confusion, disbelief, hope, longing, doubt...
"But ... but you said..."
"I know what I said. But I think ... I changed my mind."
Even more emotions, more confusion, more disbelief, more giddy excitement.
Chilchuck's stomach was twisting but he owed Laios gentle hands and honesty. Also bluntness.
"I can't promise you anything", he said firmly, freezing Laios' expression in careful attentiveness. "But maybe we can start by ... forgetting about the whole never speak of it again thing?"
"Yes", Laios agreed immediately, eyes wide as he nodded. "Yes I ... I would love to speak of it again! I would, uh ... love doing it again! I ... I really like..."
"I know", Chilchuck interrupted him quickly. He could not hear it yet. Knowing was already enough to almost make him throw up. "I know and that's ... alright. I just need time, yes? We have to take it slow."
Considering his words Laios gave a slow, thoughtful nod.
"Yes, of course." Then an almost imperceptible smile snuck onto his lips, a glint in his eye. Sly and mischievous. "Half-foot steps."
"Do you want to die?", Chilchuck roared but his brief puff of anger disappeared with the first sounds of Laios' laughter ringing clear and carefree between them, cheeks scrunching up below his palms.
"Sorry, sorry", Laios said, raising his hands to cup Chilchuck's much smaller ones. "Slow sounds good. Anything you need."
"We need to figure out how to navigate this. Especially when it comes to the party. I won't let this impact our work."
A hum, a nod of agreement.
"You will figure something out", Laios said, complete trust in his words. "We do whatever you need us to do. But..."
"But?" The question was somewhat distracted as Chilchuck's brain began ticking away, already trying to wrap around this strange, new situation and how to best work with it.
"But can that be a question for tomorrow? I want ... I don't know. Can we just be ... close? For a bit longer?"
Watching Laios fumble through his needs was way too endearing. Chilchuck could not help but open his arms for the bumbling idiot.
"Come here."
As Laios shot up to wrap strong arms around him and bury a gleeful grin against his neck the only feeling left in Chilchuck's stomach was warm, bubbling contentment.
The End
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aislinceivun · 11 months
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Concept art for my fic "courting death" (18+ and kinky! Be warned!)
Death is always reaping subconsciously. When a life is in mortal danger, the life-thread floats close to him; when death is imminent, it connects with him. Puss often gets himself in danger as a way of "summoning" Death. There are knots on his thread because it's been cut and subsequently re-tied 8 times. Death can recognize Puss' thread by feel alone.
Not an actual scene from the fic, but I wanted to play around with the thread imagery😄
I made sort-of-nsfw art, too, for the fic, but I'm not posting that here. It's embedded in the text on AO3, so be warned I guess
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weirdcursedvaultkid · 3 months
since merula likes thoughtful gifts I’d like to share my hc that merulas develops a lil baby crush on mc ever since the Christmas sq where mc gifts she the song book
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holocene-sims · 4 months
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next // previous
august 16, 2021 11:00 p.m. grandma ong's house
there’s a strangeness to a quiet enclave in a bustling metropolis, unexpected in the same manner as grant and henry’s long, unbroken brotherhood. nothing about the baseline rustle of neighbors carrying in paper grocery sacks and kids kicking a soccer ball resembles the eternal merry-go-round of life–max-capacity subway cars, clueless and loud tourists, and locals who drift through their day–just down the road. and yet above this neighborhood–and the entire sprawling city–hangs a common thread, a bluish hazy night sky.
“that was wild,” henry says, suppressed laughter bursting forth from deep in his chest, “all day everyone’s defaulted to speaking english because, well, look at you, and you even had me fooled. i actually forgot you kind of speak basic korean."
“the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma.”
henry rolls his eyes dramatically but in the same split second, throws an arm around grant’s shoulders.
“i was afraid that soup was going to fly out of your mouth.” grant returns the gesture, though it requires him to lean down so as to not smother henry’s face instead. “too close for comfort.”
“well, in my defense, i was not expecting you to reply to my grandma asking me, “daehyun, i haven’t seen your friend since your wedding. how did you meet again?”
grant shrugs. “we met on a playground twenty-four years ago.”
“on my very first weekend as a resident of the semi-good ol’ US of A. in the opposite situation. i remember being so pissed that my parents made me go out to ‘make friends’ that weekend. not moving, mind you, but making friends. i guess they were psychics, though, because apparently, it didn’t bother you that i didn’t speak your language for at least a couple weeks.”
“people say i could talk to a wall.”
henry laughs again. “you could. you’re very chatty.”
“did it bother you that i wrote you some really, really, really shitty letters in korean in the early days based on online translations i found?”
“no, that was sweet.” no question about it–the joy in henry’s eyes is determined. “they were definitely horrendous, but it’s the thought that counted. you could do better now. oh, and i think i still have all those letters. i should. i did box them up when i moved out of my parents’ house.”
they were, all things considered, never very much alike, beyond the fact they both liked cats but weren’t allowed to have any. henry’s mom was allergic, but grant’s parents despised pets. otherwise, they were polar opposites. grant always liked math and science, wanted to work with airplanes, and preferred to spend his free time with others playing tabletop RPGs and computer games; henry always liked art and history, wanted to be a photographer, and preferred to be left alone to his vintage film camera and pottery. grant’s parents raged when he selected aviation over medicine; henry’s parents and grandparents, all artists, were delighted by his dreams of photography. moreover, grant selectively speaks his mind, while henry rarely minces words.
and still–
the shrill honk of a car off in the distance disturbs grant’s thoughts.
“you really could talk to a wall, but hey, why did you approach me on the swing set that day? you were already busy hanging out with your sisters. and your cousins. why me?”
and still, the two have fused into one. the world turned upside down; grant paints these days, henry has long been a willing dungeons and dragons player, and separation from one another is like losing half your body. if henry walked away now–ended this messy half-hug early–grant would turn to ash.
“well,” grant begins, drawing out the suspense with an exaggerated sigh, “first of all...”
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dawnthefluffyduck · 7 months
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Happy (very late) Halloween 👻👻 Made this one too smol, spare me by not zooming in haha
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nenyabusiness · 7 months
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@hellghoulweek Fun Sized Day: 100 word drabble.
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burning-academia-if · 5 months
going for my go-to ROs🤭🤭
Rook + Snowball fight (I think this will be cute!!)
Lars + Fairy lights (yes, I'm a sucker for soft Lars🤤😩)
Btw, happy holidays em!! Hope you had a good one!!<33
Happy Holidays and New Years!
Here's Lars + Fairy lights and Rook + Snowball fight
Lars + Fairy lights
            “Is…is that a gift?” You sit perched at the edge of your bed with your legs criss-crossed. Seeing Lars in your dorm is weird. He exists in meeting rooms and lectures and blurred out in the dark of night. Not in a cramped room where the ceiling suddenly didn’t look like it was tall enough.
            Said gift wasn’t wrapped or anything. It’s why you knew what it was. Fairy lights. You’d been mentioning getting them forever, but passed on buying some every time. Lars probably got them more as a gift for himself, so he wouldn’t have to hear you bring it up for the millionth time.
            He eyed the room, and you hoped he wasn’t judging it too harshly, “For Christmas. Where do you want them?”
            Lars and Christmas didn’t go together. He had the frost of deep winter, not the cheer of any holiday. It took your brain too long to process what he’d said before you arrived at a halting conclusion, “I didn’t get you anything—”
            “You’ll make it up to me later.” You…didn’t like the sound of that. “Where do you want them? I have somewhere to be soon.”
            “Oh, um. Around the desk, maybe?” Though you scrambled to your feet to help, his raised eyebrow and blank stare made you sit right back down. Not sure what to do with yourself, your hands folded themselves in your lap. It was the pose a kindergartener took during story time. His smirk was telling enough.
            As always, he worked quickly and efficiently. Although you called out instructions, you mostly watched. It didn’t take long before they were set up, a steady glow now warming your desk space. Throughout it, Lars’ expression had softened.
            When he stepped back from his work to look at you, you couldn’t read him, “Well?”
            “It’s…it’s pretty. Thank you.” He nodded once, looking ready to leave as quickly as he’d arrived. “Wait, what do you want?”
            You had no idea what to give someone like Lars. He never mentioned wanting anything, but he had said you’d make it up to him. He paused, thinking. The silence was always his thing and you pressed your lips together to stop yourself from saying something you’d regret.
            Finally, he said, “I’ll think on it.”
            “I have to get going anyway.” It must have been the new lights, which made his features softer. The warm glow eased away the normal edges heightened by hard shadows or bright lights. For a second, you almost thought he wanted to stay around you just a little longer.
            You shook the thought away, “Right. Yeah. I’ll walk you out. Thank you again.”
            Even with him gone, you still felt his presence. You traced the way your new lights dangled, and wondered if you’d ever be able to figure out Lars and what he even felt towards you.
Rook + Snowball Fight
“You were never a good friend. How could you make me a human shield?” You shook off your jacket, where half melted snow slid off in a steady trail. Ahead of you, also brushing off a collection of snow, was your one and only childhood friend and the menace himself.
Glancing back, cheeks red from the cold and bringing out his usually dull freckles, Rook’s grin was grand, “Who else was going to be my partner in crime?”
“One of your other millions of friends.” Your voice was flat. His grin only grew wider.
The series of events was you’d been walking back to the dorms. Right before you could enter said building, however, a person had skidded to a halt in front of you. Rook, obviously. Shouts were following him and you’d seen the decision in his eyes, probably before he even realized what decision he’d came to. And so, you’d been pelted with snowballs and dragged into a snowball fight which Rook had started. Rather a fight, it’d been a war. It always astounded you just how Rook seemed to know everyone on campus, and how it felt like every single one was after him. By the time it was over, both of you were made of ice and draped in snow.
He reached out and ruffled your hair, causing whatever remaining snow to fall off and splat on the dorm floor. You scowled at him, but his expression remained light, “You’re the only one I trust.”
“Who knows. Maybe when you walk out the dorm tomorrow I’ll be waiting with an ambush.”
“You wouldn’t.” He dramatically placed a hand over his chest, spinning away from you. “Have all these years meant nothing to you?”
“Have they meant anything to you?” You asked back, before a shudder ran through you. The chill wasn’t quiet going away. You and Rook’s downfall had actually involved both of you collapsed on the ground, breathing hard from running around. Your clothes were damp, and it was making it impossible to get warm again.
Despite having turned away from you, it was like he could tell, “They mean the world to me. Which is why we should hurry up so you can change clothes. The last thing I need is for you to die from the fucking plague.”
“You get the plague from rats, not from the cold.”
“Actually, the plague came from the fleas on the rats, which the rats gave to us—”
“Congrats on remembering tenth grade history.” Another shudder zipped up your spin and this time Rook was turned towards you. He frowned lightly, and you had another sarcastic remark at the ready that was quickly whisked away by him promptly unzipping his jacket and all but throwing it at you.
You scrambled to catch it, “Take that until we get back to my place. You left some spare clothes there.”
Leaving a spare change of clothes at each other’s dorms had become a just-in-case kind of thing over the past few months. You hadn’t really thought much about it. But hearing him vocalize it made your brain imitate a record scratch. Old feelings of being young and dumb hit you. Specifically, long vanished feelings of being fifteen and almost having a crush on Rook. Almost.
You shrugged the jacket on, frowning the whole time. It smelled like him, but you weren’t about to acknowledge that to yourself either. So maybe you had spent the past few months stopping old feelings from surfacing. Ever since you started at Vales Grove, it felt like old times, always being in each other’s atmospheres.
The two of you in the snow, breathing hard, with Rook laughing and yelling at his friends to stop, had sent you back. Maybe you’d been staring when his eyes darted to you, crinkled a bit from his wide grin. Strands of hair had fallen in his face and you’d had to fight back the urge to push it back. It felt like the last straw.
Mercifully, it didn’t take long to get back to his dorm. You slipped into the bathroom to change, throwing the jacket back at Rook before you did so. You needed a moment.
You hadn’t gotten over your old crush. It made you grimace. Of all the times to notice, it was during a stint of his usual mayhem. Not to mention him using you as a human shield. You couldn’t fathom how many snowballs you’d been pelted with. And yet, when the two of you had gone down he’d thrown an arm out to cushion your fall. You’d been pressed close to his side as a result, his heartbeat loud in your ears. For a second, it felt like you belonged there.
With a steady gaze, you stared at yourself in the mirror. This was fine. It’d be fine. If Rook hadn’t noticed when you were teens, he certainly wouldn’t notice now. You kept telling yourself that as you walked back out.
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velnica · 6 months
🎄 Happy Starlight 2023! ✨
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Thank you for all your support this year as I expand my OC & bard boys lore. It’s been a blast and a half, so let’s have even more fun next year!
Love ~ Vel, Fjora, Cora and the bard unit
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After the Final Days were thwarted and the various contingents returned home, the populace—soldiers and civilians alike—needed something positive to cling to. Not just hope on the ephemeral Warrior of Lights, but also something nearer and dearer to their heart: a return to normalcy. Thus for Starlight this year, the bard unit had been roped into performing on stage, and Sanson asked for every one of his team to join him and Guydelot.
They were supported by Fjora, Cora, and Haurchefant, who had settled—for now—in Gridania. To Sanson's shock and Guydelot's amusement, Commander Vorsaile had raised his hand to join the festivities, and who was Sanson to reject the chance for more merriment? Group assembled, they took to the stage, ready to share some Starlight cheer for one and all.
Individual photos and bio of the bard unit under the cut 💖
The following character bios are written to fit into my WoL's canon timeline and therefore will not reflect the game's information. Edit 25 Dec: I have updated some of their ages to a few years younger, to explain their absence from being conscripted at Carteneau.
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Warrior of Lights:
Fjora Swiftmane: A Rava Viera of fourty-eight summers who left Golmore in search of freedom, only to find it eventually trampled under Garlean ruthlessness. She joined the Dalmascan resistance for a time, though Livia sas Junius' massacre ended her involvement. Fjora left Othard with anger and grief in her heart, and Hydaelyn's calling to be her champion was the start of her healing journey. She is an Uhlan, a heavy-infantry lancer whose skill is now augmented by her Dragoon training.
Corentin Arceneaux: A Wildwood Elezen bard of twenty-five summers, born to antique trader parents in Othard. He became a ward of Rasho and Tansui after his parents were murdered by the Garleans for being undercover Resistance financiers. Cora stayed in the Ruby Sea until the liberation of Doma, when he decided to travel with his long lost sister/close family friend Fjora. His weapon of choice is his giant Hingan bow and his magic-imbued Sanshin. At present he is entangled in some kind of strange relationship to one Hancock Fitzgerald, to whom he owes money for breaking a priceless vase in his collection.
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The Twin Adder Bard unit:
Sanson Smyth: A young Midlander lancer who captains the Bard unit. He is steadfast with a strong sense of morality and justice, a trait that often puts him at odds with his Adder superiors. Yet with the support of Guydelot and Vorsaile, he vows to stay true to his conviction and lead Gridania to a better future. At twenty-two years of age, he still thinks himself inexperienced, despite the accolades that he is fast accumulating on his mantelpiece. He is in a long-term relationship with Guydelot.
Guydelot Thildonnet: A talented, wilful Wildwood bard who was infamous for his truancy and recalcitrance towards any kind of authority. In recent times he's seen a marked improvement in his attendance, and one might even say he's turned a new leaf into the straight and narrow, all under the stern command of Captain Sanson Smyth; a feat backed by the medal tally that the man cared little about. What most people do not know, however, is that the twenty-four year old bard owes this change to his genuine interest and commitment to this unit... and to Sanson himself.
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Karinae Béringer: Sanson's second in command ever since he was made Captain, Karinae is a skilled Duskwight lancer who's ready to defend her friends and comrades at any moment's notice, no matter when or where. Usually you would find the twenty-three year old in the Druthers, hustling free drinks out of any poor souls with her captivating charm—except for Dietrich.
Perinnault Deschamps: A novice bard with brilliant aim and a keen sense of tempo who joined Sanson's unit before the liberation of Ala Mhigo. At twenty and one summers, the Wildwood Elezen is eager to learn everything there is about being a bard, and is improving markedly with every mission that he undertakes.
Dietrich Eltz: Despite his splendid marksmanship, the twenty year old Midlander is a sensitive soul who is prone to crying at the drop of a hat when overwhelmed. His voice had been likened to the sweetness of a spring bloom, and his good looks had won him the admiration of many; yet all he wants is to learn how to become confident in his own skill, and to be admired by the merit of his battlesongs.
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Minh'to Zhwan: A twenty-three year old Keeper of the Moon lancer who was temporarily assigned to Sanson's unit just after the Ballad of Oblivion quest, Minh'to gained the utmost respect for the Captain after they survived and routed an Ixali skirmish. He asked to be transferred permanently and is now thriving under Sanson's leadership, which allows him to learn a myriad of combat skills from their joint Alliance training. He is fiercely protective of his twin sister.
Aemi Zhwan: Stuck in a rut at her previous unit with no pathway to improvement, the twenty-three year old Keeper of the Moon conjurer eventually asked for a transfer to Sanson's unit at the insistence of her twin brother just before Ghimlyt. After surviving the bloody battle, she vowed to support her newly-found comrades in any way she could, having been awed by Guydelot's prowess in the field. She was a sickly child growing up, and Minh'to stepped in to be her protector.
Dya Nakhiri: A studious conjurer, the twenty-four year old Highlander can often be found sequestering themselves in the corner of the Nest, surrounded by books on conjury and battle tactics. When the bards joined Sanson's unit, suddenly their horizon was expanded and now they are deep into research on how to better align the bards' songs with the conjurers' healing spells. Despite their stern countenance, Dya is quietly warm and welcoming once you endear yourself to them.
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Supporting casts:
Haurchefant Greystone: Stolen away by accident to the First at the moment of his death by Crystal Exarch, Haurchefant had been living and training there for nigh ten years, all to better support Fjora when she finally comes to save them all. After a harrowing reunion, they decided to rekindle their relationship, though the plan went awry when Haurchefant became tempered by Fjora's absorbed Light. After an intervention by Hydaelyn before she departs, his soul becomes stable enough to be housed in a Hannish simulacrum, crafted personally as a gift for the Warrior of Light. He now travels with her and Cora, ever ready to defend his friends and family once more. Counting his time in the First, he is now thirty and eight summers old.
Vorsaile Heuloix: The High Commander of the Twin Adders is no stranger to challenging authority, a trait that had served him well during his mercenary days. Ever since the affair with Gylbarde's Journal, the thirty-five year old Wildwood had taken a shine to Sanson and his upstanding integrity and despite not being his direct superior, he's been mentoring the Captain to be his protégé—in defiance to every Adders protocol that keeps him employed. He still grimaces when people affectionately calls him 'Vorsie' though he might be warming up to the nickname at the slowest of snail's pace.
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forget hot girl summer imma bout to have busy girl autumn and stressed girl winter
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bredforloyalty · 4 months
maybe the true detective.. was the turbulent gay romance spanning nearly two decades we made along the way
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drawnecromancy · 3 months
OC in 3
Tagged by @jezifster ✨✨
Rules : Post three pictures or images you feel relate to a character. They can be face claims, famous artworks, photos, or anything you think fits the Vibe™.
Eleanor Ridgen
(she's on my mind <3)
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Tagging : @logarithmicpanda, @the-lightbulb-and-the-octopus (it's almost like making a moodboard but with 3 pics !), @queerlilchinchin, @lee-thee-bee and open tag!! join in if you want to i like to Look ! Im just bad at tagging !!
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