sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
So this is an odd request, but could you do Eddie where the reader picks at the skin, or bites their nails, and Eddie goes on a rant about DnD to distract them? It's just an idea I've had and your writing is amazing, so I was wondering how it would turn out!
My boyfriend actually has dermatillomania and I have severe OCD that leads to a similar issue so I get this one on a deep level. Happy to fulfill this one for you, lovely, thank you for the kind words❤️
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My hands flatten against the wooden picnic table in front of me, desperately trying to avoid the gazing at and obsessing over the skin around my nails. My knees bounce up and down as my ears tune into every sound around me, waiting for Eddie to show up so we could get this over with and so I can have my much needed distraction.
"Hey." I jump, turning around in my spot to watch Eddie approach me with a shy smile, shaking the metal lunchbox at his side and he wiggles his eyebrows. "Ready to buy some drugs?" I snort, shoving my hands in my lap to avoid him asking why my hands are so red and beaten up, my knuckles and fingernails looking as if I was in a horrible fight.
But instead, it's just a fight with myself.
"More than ready. I need help calming down." I huff, shivering as my fingers instinctively fiddle with one another, my eyes watching Eddie's brows pull together in gentle concern.
"Why? Everything alright?" He slides down onto the seat across from me, elbows resting on the table and his chin sitting atop his fists. He looks over me, almost looking for physical injury but what he can't see is my intrusive thoughts eating at the inside of my brain as my fingers scratch at my cuticle line.
"Just on the uneasy side today. Fidgety." My eyes instinctively close at the word, hating myself when I use it to vaguely describe my issues but having no other choice, knowing the other option would be to explain the actual obsessive issue.
"Well, hey- I mean, we could smoke it together and get your mind off of things." He offers kindly, his voice dropping the normal sarcastic, playful tone and he takes on more of a worried and protective vibe. My lips fan out into a smile and I place my hands on the table, watching his eyes flicker over my fingers. He just nods silently, not bothering to say anything or ask any questions that I know he wants to. "I don't mind. I don't have anything else to do other than sell weed to the prettiest girl in Hawkins." My eyes lower down to the table and my smile only grows, his flattery making my heart ache sweetly.
"Yeah, sure." I nod, watching him eagerly open the lunch box and immediately get to work. And that's when the words start falling from his pretty lips, his stories of his recent journeys and campaigns in DnD, the literal only object of his affection. I've heard him talk about the game before in some of our meet ups like this but never in this amount of depth nor passion.
The way his eyes light up and he grins proudly when he recalls beating Dustin and the other boys for the fifth time in a row, his campaign just too good for their 'mortal brains'.
"Sorry, I'm rambling." He suddenly says and waves himself off, passing me the joint and I begin to notice that I didn't even think about harming or picking at my skin the whole time he was talking. A relieved sigh leaves me as I take a deep, long hit, my eyes never leaving his as I shrug.
"Keep talking, it seems to be working better than the drugs."
-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex–awesome–22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane2828 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy @steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi @crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the-heart @vampviolets@haylee-e@popehaywardssecretgf @honee-chai-tea @lokiandbuckywife @smoke-and-fire @officiallyunofficialperson@heyaitsklaudia@rosepetalsparks @bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx @double-shot-of-tequila @1dluver13xx @colbysbrocks @iamasimpingh0e @smoke-and-fire386 @loveshineslikethesky @id-3-kbro @diorsitgirl @errorfound101-allideasburnedout @neverwillknowme18 @ellyskey @taylors-folk @loversjoy @myaloveee @thyris-is @lagataprrr @aaaaslaaaan @minjix @luvrosee
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hii can i have a ship from stranger things?
i'm a 17 year old brunette bisexual genderfluid (afab) with short, black hair and brown eyes. i'm on the taller side and have an hourglass body shape (and unnecessarily thick thigs). i have a septum piercing and i really like wearing jewelry. my style could be considered grunge and i like wearing oversized stuff. my hearing is quite damaged because of listening to music with a very high volume. i unfortunately vape and smoke pretty often :/
i'm a little shy when meeting people at first but i get more comfortable each minute passing by. people usually tell me that i'm funny and a tad sarcastic. i'm a little short tempered and very emotional. my toxic trait is that i never back up from a argument, even if i'm the wrong side (typical entp i guess). i'm a big people pleaser though, i do my best to keep everyone happy. i have a pretty bad relationship with my parents, which is why i've gotten used to spending the whole day in my room. i'm a huge procrastinator and my grades arent the best, but hey, i try my best to fix myself! i'm a little ditzy, a bimbo, if you will. i'm a picky eater and i like my food done in a certain way or else i can't eat it and stuff. i trust very quickly and i crush on people easily too, but i'm very very loyal. i absolutely hate talking about my future (what college i want, what i want to major in etc.) and talking about my problems make me very uncomfortable. i usually choose just to bottle them up inside. i choose to distract myself with my hobbies, which are listening to music and reading or drawing. oh and, i absolutely love baking and doing DIY stuff!! i love gifting my baked goods and crafts to people i love, and if they react positively it always makes me very happy!
my favorite song is Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na) by My Chemical Romance but if we were in the stranger things universe it would definitely be Ever Fallen In Love by The Buzzcocks!
my ideal date would be going to the movies then baking cookies with my date and then eating them while listening to music and chatting.
I got a little carried away there, sorry about that! have a good day!
Very solid choice on the favourite song my friend! We're all here for getting carried away, don't worry<3
I ship you with Steve Harrington!
At first, no one really expected you two to get together, least of all you and Steve. The person over there that never talks to people outside their friend group (which they defend loyally to everyone who dares to wrong them) and school's most popular boy? Not so much
But then, the year after Nancy you run into him at the store. You were there buying flour and baking soda (someone forgot to stock it up and you were craving some sweet sweet cupcakes) and Steve was doing God knows what. And because he was flustered because he ran you over and occasionally lost the mind-mouth-filter, he blurted out a compliment on your jewelry. Which confused you into actually answering normally and somehow sparked a conversation that led to you promising him a sample of your cupcakes.
From then on it's history. You start bonding over your sweet baked goods and the fact that Steve doesn't know shit about them but happily consumes them, never shy of a compliment. The best way to someone's heart is to the stomach - or at least that applies to you two.
Unlike you feared, Steve doesn't even comment on your eating habits, he actually accommodates you whenever you two are not eating at your place. He learns how you prepare your favourite dishes and surprises you on your first anniversary with a homemade meal and a movie marathon of your choice. As long as you two are together, Steve doesn't need the big swooping-off-of-your-feet kind of dates or really anything associated with the high school standard of relationships. You both know that you're in love and you show each other in the ways that are meaningful.
Join the celebration
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tojasosbigmek · 3 months
I don't know why it doesn't let me post, but imma be mad if it doesn't post this either.
This lunar eclipse in libra pretty much helped me to dive deep in, and to understand what's going on inside me.
I have problems with believing I'm loveable, cuz I believe I'm not. It has multiple reasons why. My mother never accepted me for having emotions, expressing them, she made me feel like I'm wrong, bad, and made me feel shame and to apologize to her. I never could "win" a debate or argument, never could prove my point, never could fight for myself, my needs, because she always punished me and I could just never get on top. She also didn't believe what i said. My feelings never mattered to her. She never cared enough to see the whys, the reasons, she always just wanted my suffer to end, but it's because it was a burden. She shouted, punished me, blamed me for feeling.
So, I never had a chance to be me, to keep up being me, to prove my point, to be strong and independent as my own person, to have that normal confidence putting myself out there.
Also, I was a shy kid, and what i needed is patience, kindness and attention. But i got to be told I was "mutistic", so I was always introduced as someone that's not from the normal, from the ordinary, that I was weird. Even that she told them the reasons, teachers didn't like me, and acted bad with me, were not fair with me, made me feel like they hated me, made me feel scared of them. I didn't understand why. With time, I started to get left out of communities (school classes, groups of people), made me feel like there is something with me that i didn't know, and didn't understand.
If i had a romantic interest or a friend, these relationships ended with leaving me there. Even if they were actual, meaningful and lovely connections, they still ended, they still let me go, they still left me.
So, with all of that experience of rejection, in the outside world and even with my mother, also my dad left us, left my mother traumatized, alone, and put it's weight on me from the start, like if I had to compensate for what my dad did but it was never enough, why would it not be valid to think that something is wrong with me and i'm not loveable???
Even the ones I care the most about, I felt the happiest and the most content with yet, just let me go that easily, like I wasn't that important ever, but it felt like I was. Also, my first love relationship told me they loved me and made me believed that, though I didn't feel like it, and later it turned out they didn't love me. Left me. Which is like, after all, I'm glad cuz I don't wanna be with someone like that. Even tho we have a healthier connection with mom now, we got distant from each other and even I'm the one, the hurt one, that got her almost whole life damaged, that still wanna love her and help her, but I can't and it is actually not my thing to do so. But it hurts still.
My boyfriend is the only one I have right now, but he cannot express his love that way I would express mine. We prolly have different love languages, but connection could solve everything. And, I don't feel like he engages with me enough, like we spend a lot of time together but we are mostly just next to each other, not really talking, or doing boring, repetitive things, not talking enough. And I'm scared to love him, because I'm scared I would not recieve that love back. Even right now, I don't know if I can believe that he loves me.
It's like, if I basically never got it, how would I believe I will get it once?
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lady-of-the-spirit · 7 months
I don't have a faceclaim for Joan yet so the answers for cast related questions will be Vague or just how I imagine an actor playing her would be.
how they’d be introduced
After Nile dies for the first time, the others are all dreaming about her. In the middle of flashes of Nile on screen, there are also flashes of another woman, far away, dreaming of Nile as well. She's the first person shown waking up and there's a lingering on her face as she gasps, clutching her neck, clearly confused. Cut back to the gang waking up and knowing immediately what's happened.
who the fandom ships them with
I mean Joan is aroace so hopefully no one? At least romantically? I know fandoms can be shitty about that but I feel like TOG fandom is chill enough, at least the majority of it. Platonically I can see her and Booker and her and Nile being very popular friend ships for her (bc that's how I've imagined canon anyway).
why the fandom loves them
She's the Relateable One. She's not a warrior, she's not a soldier, she's just a normal person trying to live as normally as possible while struggling with the whole immortality thing - the day to day struggles, the wondering Why Am I Here - as much as the rest of them. Plus she's canonically got anxiety so add that to relatability.
She's quiet and shy and gets nervous in situations but she's not gonna be a pushover about it. She's snarky when it's least expected. She has a lot of inner turmoil. I think the fandom would have fun with her.
why the fandom hates them
Probably because she's boring? Like as complex as she is, she's the normal one of the group, comparatively anyway. She's not always running around trying to save the world like the others (she does but in a different way than they do). She's just trying to live her life.
what the cast relationship would be like
I would HOPE for fun times just bc of Joan's story being so much about found family. And it sounds like the actors are close?
what was their audition scene
Idk how acting works so I'm gonna choose this one scene I've imagined a lot, where Nile and Joan are talking about their families. I think it's a good scene because (in my head) it's a scene where Joan both shows the grief she Carrie's around inside of her but also the strength she's had to develop to keep going.
dependent upon the fandom, who they’d be on a press tour/at comic con with
Did the TOG cast do comic con? I have no idea.
if they spoil things
Yes. But in "spoilers with no context" ways. On twitter she'd post a picture of an iron skillet, a plane ticket, the Ben Affleck exhausted smoking pic and nothing else.
if the show/movie has ended, are they happy with their character’s ending and the ending at large
2O2G has yet to release and so has the 3rd and final volume of the comics so I cannot answer this rip (yes Joan's canon splits from canon canon but whatever happens there is a foundation nonetheless)
OC if they were Canon
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petit-coquelicot · 4 years
Homecoming by Girl In Red gives Sydina vibes, there, I said it.
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24hlevi · 2 years
Hello author! If you don't mind, may I request jealous Nam-ra headcanons and/or drabble if that is okay with you? I love your writing! <3
thank you so much! i love this req sm
also i did hcs and a drabble for this
Jealous Namra HCS + Drabble
Choi Namra (All Of Us Are Dead) X Gn!Reader
Summary: What Namra would be like when jealous
Warnings: Language
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- one thing you're gonna have to learn pretty fast into your guys's relationship is to never get namra jealous
- even if it's a joke or you're fucking with her, she'll act the same as if you weren't so just do your best to avoid it in any way
- when she's jealous, she gives you the silent treatment even if you weren't the one that caused it, and will probably ignore you for a few hours until she's normal again
- but if you were to keep asking her what's wrong and if she's mad at you she would eventually tell you that she was jealous but she hates admitting it because she knows it's stupid to get jealous
- if someone were to be flirting with you and she was with you, she would most definitely speak her mind which is probably going to be insults towards that person
- sometimes she thinks it's her fault that these things happen like people flirting with you which result in her getting jealous because of how reserved she is and is shy plus unknown to the whole relationship world
- but she'll never let you know that though it's noticeable because she's even quieter and has this look of hollow sadness in her eyes
- if you were to confront her on that ^ then she'd probably deny it a lot of times before eventually cracking and most likely breaking down because of it
- please hug her and tell her it's ok if not she literally won't think that and will continue to think it's her fault 😭
- namra does care about you a shit ton, she just has no clue how to show it, but she does get better over time and learns to voice her thoughts and feelings because it's better to do that then be petty
- but if she were to get really jealous to the point she's angry she will make it known that she's with you and kiss you to prove it
- then she'll be an embarrassed mess afterwards when she comprehends what she just did but it's so cute
The First Time Namra Got Jealous:
the first time namra got jealous was at the end of english class, one that you shared and knew pretty much everyone else in the class. no one even knew that you two were dating with how on the down low you both were about it, but that's the exact reason this happened.
the bell rang, and most of the students grabbed their things and quickly rushed out to go to lunch and while you were waiting for namra to get everything, gyeongsu walked up to you.
"hey, y/n!" the boy smiled at you. "i was wondering if you were free to do something tonight?"
you turned to look at him and replied with, "oh, will the other guys be there?"
gyeongsu then shook his head, "uh no, that's uh, why i'm asking you that. you know like a...date?" he said the last word slowly.
namra obviously had been listening, and she could feel something bubble inside that she didn't know what it was. when she heard gyeongsu's last word, she abruptly stood up and stood next to you, "sorry gyeongsu, but they're hanging out with me tonight. a date, if you will." she told him before grabbing your hand and storming out of the classroom.
you were so confused as to what the hell just happened just as was gyeongsu who was left in the classroom alone until you finally realized what namra had said. "did you just tell gyeongsu that we're going on a date tonight?" you asked your girlfriend who was still dragging you across the school.
"it wasn't a lie, was it?" namra responded, continuing to walk before suddenly stopping and looking at you, "did you not want me to?" she questioned, now looking confused.
"what? no, no that's not what i meant." you said while shaking your head and free hand, "i mean i'm just...surprised, is all. i didn't think you would actually say it."
she looked at you even more confused for a few seconds until she realized that she literally just gave away that you two were dating and even worse, to gyeongsu of all people, who would immediately tell his friends and then it would go around and the whole class would know. a light blush made it's way on her face when she did realize and she looked at the ground in attempt to hide it, "i don't even know why i said it, if i'm being honest. i guess i was just mad at what gyeongsu said."
hearing what namra said make you finally understand what had happened and why, making a chuckle escape your lips which caused her to look back up at you, "were you jealous of gyeongsu asking me out?"
"what?" she asked immediately after, her eyes widening as she shook her head. "no! i was not jealous. jealousy is stupid."
you started to laugh at her response and you wrapped an arm around her shoulders, "you totally were, but don't worry baby, you're secret's safe with me." you grinned at her.
"fuck off." she rolled her eyes and pushed you away but the small smile present on her face said otherwise.
"you know you love me!" you teased, following after her when she started to walk away.
"yes, i do."
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bangchanbabygurl · 3 years
The Devil ( L. Know)
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Member: Lee Know
Request: No
Genre: Smut/Angst
WARNINGS: Choking, Praise Kink, Dominant, Submissive, explicit language, degrading kink, pet names, unprotected sex, & aftercare.
(most of my works come from my dreams I just jolt them down, enjoy.)
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I always thought romance would come running towards me instead misery came, my fantasies of heart-shaped chocolate boxes and dozens of roses melted when my gaze met his. My dreams of love at first sight was replaced with intoxication and addiction of his lingering touch, to live a normal college life only to be brought into the world of luxury and riches. I never wanted to be know as the devil's little princess, if none of this had happened then maybe the bimbos at parties wouldn't be spatting their jealousy. Maybe if he met one of those bimbos then I would be living a normal yet boring college life, maybe my fiery yet lust filled romance would probably never happen.
A soft sigh escaped my lips as I closed the bedroom door behind me, I squat down holding my head in my hands. "Calm down, they're just filled with nothing but jealousy." I mumbled to myself but maybe it wasn't jealousy maybe it was just their greedy hatred that was eating them up every time they saw me with him. I was lost in my thoughts that I didn't hear the door open, "Are you alright?" his voice sent chills down my spine. I stood up turning to face him with a forced smile, "Yeah I just needed to get away from all the fancy people." I stated as I let out a huff of breath. The dress felt nothing like me, it was a silk black dress with silts on both thighs. My hair wanted to breath instead it was straighten and tossed into a high ponytail, my face covered in heavy makeup and a dark red lipstick that I grew to hate.
His hand clenched my jaw lightly, staring into my soul. "Be honest with me baby girl," He said his voice making me feel putty inside. "Was it the Hunter sisters?" He asked rolling my eyes as he mentioned the bimbos, he let out a chuckle. His hand rested on my waist giving gentle strokes. "You shouldn't let them crawl under your skin, remember they only talk because they don't have what you have." He said I sighed at his reply. "Exactly, Minho I'm nothing like them, I'm not used to this new fancy life. I've spent most of my time in my shared apartment studying, working and I don't feel like myself. I feel different, a completely different person." I spoke in a worrisome tone.
His eyes darken as his grip on my waist tighten, "What are you implying?" Minho asked. I gulped at his sharp words, "I'm not used to these things, they're all new to me." I stated keeping my gaze locked with his. Snaking his arm around my waist he closed the gap between us, "There's a reason to why I try my best to make you feel use to it, what exactly is it that's making you feel this way?" he asked. A small sigh escaped my lips but I didn't dare to look away from him, "It's...overwhelming to me. Minho, my past relationship was nothing as to what we have." I said the corner of his lip twitched. "And it's honestly a good...thing." I mumbled feeling my cheeks heat up, my eyes fell on his tie feeling shy to look into his eyes.
I could already sense his devil like smirk was plastered on those pink lips of his, "Why is it that with the smallest thing you do, you manage to excite me." his breath was harsh against my ear. I could feel the bulge in his pant as he pressed himself against my thigh, my eyes stared into his once again. "Hmm, you know I would love to help but we're-." unable to finish my sentence as my back was pressed against the door, my hands gripped his arms as I felt defenseless. "Don't forget that this is my house, so I can fuck you in any room. Maybe even downstairs in front of everyone but I wouldn't want everyone to see how gorgeous my princess looks while getting railed." His voice was deep and raspy, it didn’t help at all as I could myself getting wet as he stared down at me with hungry eyes.
My breath got caught in the back of my throat as he used his knee to part my thighs from each other, "There's my little slut, getting all wet." he pressed his lips against my neck. My hands sliding down to his belt, only for his hand to caught my wrist. "Too soon for that princess." he whispered as he grabbed my hands pinning them above my head with one hand, his mouth covered my own in a fierce kiss. He knew he was driving me insane from all this, he began to pressed his knee closer to my core. A muffled moan escaped into his lips, he dragged his tongue across my bottom lip. Clenching hands in a fist fighting the urge to escape his grip and ram my fingers through his hair, his teeth graze love bites down my neck. Biting down my lip to prevent my moans from leaving, Minho tugged at my bottom lip "I want to hear your pretty moans sweetheart." his voice sent a throb of heat to my core. He smirked as his fingers hooked on my panties ripping it apart, "Beg for me princess." Minho whispered against my ear feeling his hand pressed against my throbbing core. I mewled as his voice sent chills down my spine, "Please" I mumbled. "Please what kitten?" he asked as his lips made their way onto my chest, "Please, fill me up with your cock." I begged arching up into his hand.
My legs were wrapped around his hips, as he was deep inside me. "You're my little cock slut aren't you?" he asked I nodded my head as my fingers clenched onto his shirt, "Use your words babygirl." He grunted. "Yes yes, I'm your little cock slut." I moaned his thrust becoming more harsh. I let myself get lost in his brown eyes, "fuck." I mewled. "That's my little slut, you're doing such a great job taking in my cock." Minho said as his breaths became fast pants, a laugh manage to past my lips as he gripped my throat with his hand. My pupils were probably already dilated, my grip on his shirt getting tighter that my knuckles were a pale as he kept hitting the right spot. "You look so pretty taking my cock. Mmm my little slut is such a good girl." He purred, softly biting my lip.
"Fuck fuck" I groan feeling myself getting close, "Minho, fuck. I'm close," I mewled throwing my head back against the door. "Cum for me kitten," He moaned. Choking on my own moans I find myself reach my climax, clenching around his length, my body tingled and crashed with my release. Feeling dizzy and fuzzy as he thrusted one last time before he filled me up with cum, "You were such a good slut princess." he whispered as his heavily breaths became calm. My chest falling heavily as he helps me, "shower with me love." Minho said. I felt a smile form on my lips as he lead me into the bathroom, maybe I could get used to his devil ways.
I mean, I did fall in love with him because of how kind of a person he is. Maybe love is the devil and well he appeared like the devil to me when we first met.
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dragon-kazansky · 3 years
Made with love | Helmut Zemo
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Chef Zemo AU! 👨‍🍳
Gender neutral reader
Collage by @realremyd
[Previous chapter] - [Next chapter]
Part 2
The next morning, after finding somewhere to grab some breakfast, Escorpión Morado not being open until later, you had explored some more of the city. You managed to cross off a few other places on Wanda's list.
There was a really pretty park in the middle of a residential area that you took a walk through. It looked so different from the rest of the city, it was nice.
There was something so homey in this city. Bakeries where the smell of warm pastry dragged through the doors, families walking and laughing in the streets. When you returned to the square, there were stalls set up, and many of the shops around were open. You decided to browse and see, maybe you could find a souvenir.
There were all kinds of trinkets and gadgets on the stalls. You spent most of the time just admiring them.
One stall, rather close to Escorpión Morado, had lots of small trinkets on necklaces. You stood over it and admired them, one in particular catching your eye. You pick it up and admire it.
It's a coin. An old coin. You turn it over in your hand, running your thumb across it.
"It's an old Sokovian coin."
You turn at the sound of the voice, smiling when you saw it was Helmut. He was smiling handsomely at you, you hoped it wasn't showing on your face that you were thinking that.
"It's quite pretty," you say, looking back at the coin.
Helmut hands the stall owner some money, you want to ask what's he's doing, but it's quite obvious as to what he was doing. He turns to you and takes the necklaces from your hand.
"Turn around."
You do as he says. Helmut puts the necklace on for you. You look down at the coin hanging over your chest.
"There you go."
"You didn't have to do that," you say, looking back up at him. He shrugs and looks at you, seemingly quite smug that he had spent money on a stranger.
"You said it was pretty."
"It is, but that wasn't code for 'buy it for me.'"
He chuckles.
"Would you like some coffee?" He asks, completely ignoring your statement.
"Uh, sure."
He gestures to the open doors of his restaurant. You thank the stall owner and walk with Zemo into Escorpión Morado. He leads you over to a table and then leaves your side to go behind the bar.
You get comfortable and watch as he makes some coffee for you both. It's quiet right now, so you assumed he didn't mind doing this.
Zemo returns. He places a cup in front of you and sits down opposite you. He smiles and looks at you intently. You narrow your gaze at him, but understand he's waiting for you to try the coffee. You pick up the cup, blown it lightly, it was freshly made after all, and take a sip.
You smile at him.
"Well?" He asks, grinning.
"That's good."
"Just good?"
"Amazing. The food, the coffee, the atmosphere, everything here is so good," you chuckle.
Zemo looks pleased with your answer.
"I'm glad to hear that. I do my best to impress," he winks at you. You glance down, feeling rather shy, and sip your coffee again.
You have no idea why he made you feel like a teenager with a crush. This man you hardly knew and have only known two days has all the power to make you feel shy.
Wanda was only teasing you yesterday, right? Of course she was.
Helmut placed his arms on the edge of the table and leaned forward a little bit. You were fighting to not look at his arms which were on view again, trying not let how strong they looked get to you.
"How is my country treating you?" He asks, sounding genuinely curious. Though you supposed he was used to speaking like that. He seems like someone who has ease getting along with others. He must meet so many different people every day.
"Sokovia is wonderful. I'll be sad to leave it when I go."
"When do you leave?"
"I'm only booked in for two more nights, then I'll be on my way to see more of Europe."
"What a shame that your stay is so short," he says, rather solemnly.
"My intentions are to travel as much as Europe as I can. Though I will be returning home soon. I'm here for my friend."
"Ah yes, you did say as much."
You drink what's left of your coffee, missing it already. Everything this man makes leaves you wanting more.
"Would you like another?"
You look at your cup.
"Maybe just one more," you say shyly, biting your lip. It was as if he was able read your mind. He chuckled and took your cup, going to make you both another cup.
Since it was so quiet in here right now, you hoped me wouldn't mind you speaking up to chat with him. Normally you would be so anxious to do that.
"I hope I'm not being too much trouble for you. It's quiet now, but I'd hate to be keeping you from your work."
He smiled over at you.
"No trouble. I am always happy to have at least one person in here. Though with the market in town, I am sure to be busy later."
"I'll be sure to be out of your hair by then," you say, smiling.
"No need to rush off," he comes back, two freshly made coffees in his hand. He puts one down in front of you, just like before, and then sits down across from you again.
"I could spend all day in here," you tell him, unable to admit that to him while looking him in the eye.
"You are welcome to," he sips his coffee.
You watch him for just a moment.
"I'll only get in your way."
"Nonsense, you?"
"Yes, of course I will. Sitting here, taking up a table. You expect to be busy, don't you?"
"I do, but you can sit up at the bar."
"You sound like you want me to stay," you laugh softly.
"Is that so bad?" He asks, eyebrow raised and grin on his face.
"Isn't it weird? We met yesterday. Are you like this with everyone you meet?" You narrow your eyes at him.
"I told you yesterday, only with the interesting ones." He finishes his coffee and sits back in the chair, hands resting on his knees as he looks at you.
"Flatter me all you like, it's not working," you say, drinking the last of your coffee and standing up.
"You'll be back."
"We shall see," you grab your things, leave some money on the table, and make your leave.
He watches you go.
Sam comes out from around the back, adjusting his sleeves. He sees Zemo staring at the open door, two empty cups on the table in front of him.
"Missing them already?"
Zemo turns his head and looks at Sam, his expression unreadable. Slowly, he rises from the chair, tucks it back under the table, and grabs the two cups.
"Mind your own business Sam, we have things to do today."
Sam would resist mentioning that despite that statement being true, Helmut had literally just sat down with you chat and drink coffee.
Zemo took the cups into the back to clean.
You walked across the square and decided to head back to your hotel room for a bit.
Wanting to prove the handsome chef wrong, you didn't go back to the restaurant the next day, and almost didn't go the day after, but changed your mind. Your flight was in a few hours, you would be leaving Sokovia behind.
You had taken many photos for Wanda. She would be pleased with seeing her country again.
Now it was your final day and the least you could do was say bye to him. He had been so friendly to you.
You enter the restaurant. It's busier today. The staff are working hard to see to everyone. You don't see Helmut out front, he must be in the back.
This wasn't really a huge deal anyway. You grab a a piece of paper from a notebook you keep on you, and scribble out a note. Nothing too long, just a little thank you. A man comes over, asking if he can get you something.
You smile at him. He's tall, dark hair, blue eyes. Does everyone who works here look this good?
"I'm good actually, could you give this to the owner for me?" You hand over the folded note, Helmut's name written neatly on it. The man takes it from you and nods, putting it in his pocket for now. You thank him and leave.
You felt a little sad you didn't to see him, but he was busy. It wouldn't matter anyway. He would soon forget you, and you would probably forget about him in time.
Your flight leaves on time and you're on your way to complete the last of your trip.
Zemo is sweating when he exits the kitchen, wiping at his brow with a towel. He steps out back for a bit of fresh air. The cool breeze is a welcome feeling as he takes a deep breath. It has been non stop today.
You hadn't come in the last couple of days. He had noticed. Helmut had been keeping an eye on who was coming and going just in case you came back. He wanted to talk to you some more. He hadn't realised just how many days it had been.
Bucky pushed open the door and looked around, upon seeing Zemo standing there, he approached him, letter in hand.
"This was left for you."
Helmut looks up and narrows his gaze on the letter. He takes it from Bucky and opens it, looking at the rather rushed handwriting. He could tell this was written last minute.
Dear handsome restaurant owner,
How sad I am that I missed you, but you were working away so hard in your kitchen. I must say it was thrilling to see your restaurant so full of people.
I return home today. I was hoping to see you once more before my flights, but alas, it was not meant to be.
Thank you for making me feel so welcome in your country and for sharing your wonderful food. I will tell all my friends about it.
I don't know if or when I'll be back, but I hope that if i find myself in Sokovia again, I'll be finding myself at your restaurant.
See you, maybe.
He smiled at your letter. You had been here and he missed you because he was busy cooking. He almost hated how that worked out. He folds your letter and tucks into his pocket. Bucky doesn't ask about it as he goes back inside.
Helmut chuckles to himself.
He can only hope fate brings you back his way. His new favourite customer.
Wanda was at the airport to pick you up after your European trip came to an end. She hugged you tightly as you got closer to where she was waiting. She was smiling. Wanda had missed you.
"You have to tell me all about it!" She insisted.
"Where do I even begin?" You chuckle, looping your arm with hers as you walked to the car.
"Sokovia, obviously." Wanda takes your bag and puts it into the car. You climb in and wait for her to start driving before speaking.
"I went to several countries before I got there," you chuckle.
"But Sokovia is the most important. I want to hear about that man you met," she smiles, eyeing you from the drivers seat.
"What about him?"
"Exactly, tell me everything. I want to know about your little romance."
"There wasn't a romance."
"Well, whatever it was, I want to know."
"I made a friend. That's all. I told you about him. Helmut Zemo, he owns his fathers restaurant now."
"Ah yes, you didn't answer my question properly. Was he cute?"
"Yes. Cute, handsome, charming. This man has it all."
"And he can cook," she grinned. "Husband material."
"Shut up, Wanda." You shake your head at her, smiling softly.
Your hand raises to the necklace you were wearing, remembering him fondly. You were missing him.
You were missing a perfect stranger.
@namethathasnotbeentaken @belle82devart @cathrin2405 @lieutenantn @wilder-fangirl @latenightartist-author @lucky-luck-lucky @hb8301 @charistory @thatoneartgalsstuff @thesuitkovian @malkaviangirl @zemosimp420 @realremyd @the-chaotic-cow @lostghostgirl94 @zafiro-draco @lazygurl05 @pinkcutiepiee @goddessofmischief03 @whovianayesha @myybebe @awesomesauce-abbie @that-stupid-head-tilt-thing @zemo-is-my-muse @nonamec0s @apparrio @scuttle-buttle
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kakaxhi · 3 years
Kakashi Hatake | Finally
Pairing: Kakashi Hatake x Reader Warnings: language, mentions smut Word Count: 1.6k A/N: sorry this took a little longer then usual, I struggled a tiny bit. Also, I'm sorry this isn't a full smut fic, (I'm not the best as writing that) but it gets the point across. (headcanons changed to fic with requester's permission)
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You could feel his eyes on you again.
You chalked it up to him watching over you on this mission, but had an inkling of a feeling it was something more. There were plenty of times where you caught him staring, and he catching you. You couldn't help yourself, your feelings growing for the Copy Ninja with each passing day.
And now, here you were at the end of a long mission getting to spend every moment with him. Normally, you wouldn't mind spending so much time with him, but your feelings for the man made focusing on the mission difficult. You would've gotten severely hurt if Kakashi hadn't stepped in at the last second.
"Thank you, for saving me back there I mean."
"You got distracted during an A-rank mission. Don't let it happen again."
He kept walking, leaving you standing there dumbfounded. He's never used that tone with toy before. Shaking off the thoughts, you ran to catch up with him, only to keep your distance as he was still slightly pissed.
You finally reached the gates of Konoha. You ended up turning in the report, letting Kakashi go home and cool off. You stepped into the Hokage's office, bowing slightly before turning in your paperwork.
"I'm surprised Kakashi is not with you."
"I told him to go home, we ran into some trouble but things ended up going well thanks to him. If that'll be all, I have to get some things done."
With nothing else needed, you left with a respectful bow and made your way to Kakashi's home. Your knuckled rapped on the door quickly; only waiting a few minutes before he opened the door. His forehead protector was off, and even after knowing him all this time, seeing the Sharingan was a little intimidating.
"You wear that mask in the shower too?"
His expression hardened, "No. Why are you here, [Y/N]?"
"I just came to apologize. Can I come in?"
He sighed, stepping aside to let you inside. He shut the door behind you, watching you as if waiting for you to speak up.
"You want to tell me what got you so distracted you almost screwed up the mission? That's not like you."
"Well, it's not really something I want to tell you, 'Kashi."
He rolled his eyes at the nickname, but the pink on his cheeks gave away his true emotions.
"You have lost nickname privileges until you tell me what happened."
"Fine, but you have to tell me why you got so mad."
Kakashi stared at you as if you had a second head.
"You're serious, right? [Y/N], you could've died! What would I have done then?"
"Finish the mission."
He hated how matter-of-fact you sounded. He sighed, hand wiping the stray strands of hair from his eyes.
"Okay, yes. Even then, I'd have to come back and tell everyone I couldn't save someone I care about again. And yes, it's part of the life we lead as shinobi, I get it. So let me rephrase my question. What would I do if you were gone?"
You shrugged, "We all lose people, Kakashi. You know that better then anyone. You'd get over me eventually."
"How can you say that when you're one of the most important people I know?"
Embarrassment filled your veins, causing you to look away from him. His hand reached up out of instinct, and it was then you realized just how close he was.
"Please, don't turn away from me."
Tension filled the air between you, his hand still gently resting on your cheek. You stared into his eyes, your body moving before you could process it. Your fingers went to the edge of his mask, tugging slightly. He nodded, not even thinking of stopping you as you slowly pulled off his mask.
"Are you going to just stare?"
"With a face like that, how could I not?"
His shy smile made you swoon, but it wasn't until you felt his smooth lips on yours that your heart beat faster. Your arms loosely wrapped around his neck as he pushed you against the wall. His lips left your own, trailing over your cheek and down your jaw. It was when he got to your neck you slowly pushed him away.
"Do you want to stop?"
You shook your head, "Bedroom, now. Please."
He nodded, kissing you again before leading you to his bed. He gently laid you on the plush blankets before taking off his shirt. Your eyes roamed his upper body, lifting a hand to trace the scars along his chest and torso.
"Still find me attractive?"
You nodded, leaning up to kiss him again. Nothing was more intoxicating then feeling him against you. Your fingers tugged on the waistband of his pants.
"Take these off, Kakashi."
He obliged, leaving him only in his boxers. He looked you over, a teasing smirk on his lips.
"Seems as though you're overdressed, baby."
Kakashi couldn't keep his eyes off of you as you stripped off every layer. His lips met yours in a heated kiss once you took off the last item.
"Holy fuck, you're gorgeous."
He kissed you once more before sliding off his boxers. Your eyes widened slightly at his length slapping against his stomach. He chuckled, leaning down to kiss along your jaw.
"If you wanna stop, we can."
"No, no. I'm fine. Please, continue."
He eyed you carefully, making sure this is what you truly wanted. You placed a hand gently on his cheek, rubbing the bone with your thumb.
"If I wanted to stop I'd tell you. But I don't. I want this, I want you."
He leaned forward, lips meeting yours in another passionate kiss. His hips moved against your own, feeling his length pressed against your thigh. He pulled away from your mouth slightly only when he ran out of air.
"Okay, but if you change your mind you let me know. I want you to be comfortable."
"Same goes for you, 'Kashi."
Pink tinted his cheeks but he quickly covered his embarrassment with a sassy remark.
"I think it's kinda evident I don't want to stop."
A long, loud groan left him as he finished. His forehead rested against your own, chest heaving with each deep breath. A small moan left him as he pulled out, still sensitive to touch. You whimpered at the feeling of being empty, Kakashi gently rubbing your thigh as he got up.
After getting all cleaned up, Kakashi relaxed next to you in bed. You were too tired to form a coherent sentence, opting to gently rub his chest before turning over. The last thing you remembering is Kakashi pulling you against his chest before falling asleep.
When you woke up the next morning, Kakashi wasn't in bed. The smell of food cooking fully woke you up. You grabbed the first shirt you saw on the floor, tossing it on before walking into the kitchen. Kakashi stood in front of the stove in just his boxers. And you could see his neck was bare, meaning he wasn't wearing his mask.
"Good morn-" He paused when he saw you, "is that my shirt?"
You looked down, "I guess it is. Sorry."
He chuckled, "For what? Keep it on, I'll wash your clothes for you when we're done eating."
You sat beside him, silence filling the void before he spoke up.
"So, about last night. Do you want to talk about it?"
"Do you?"
He chuckled, "Yeah, that's why I brought it up."
"I don't know, you're not the best at talking about your feelings, Kakashi."
He nodded, "Yeah, that's true. I guess I mostly just want to know where you stand. If you want to forget the whole thing, I'll understand. I just - I couldn't control my feelings for you any longer."
"So, that's why you got pissed at me on the mission."
"Well, yeah. I've cared for you for so long. But I never acted on it because I didn't know how you felt towards me and I couldn't risk losing you. I've lost too much already."
Your features softened, "Kakashi, you big dope."
"Hear I am pouring my heart out and you're calling me names."
You laughed softly, hand cupping his cheek so he could look at you, "Do you know how long I've had feelings for you?"
He looked at you dumbfounded, "What?"
"Shit, you are so cute. You really didn't know?"
"No, I didn't want to read to much into it. I wish you said something sooner."
You chuckled, "You and me both."
He took your hand in his, pulling you against him. He smiled as you instinctively placed your head against his chest.
"So, what happens now? Because after last night, and especially after what you just told me, I don't think I could ever be just friends with you."
You placed a hand on his chest, just above his heart, "We take it one day at a time, no need to rush things. As long as I get to kiss you again."
He chuckled, placing his lips on yours, "You can do that whenever you want, love."
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whaleofatjme1920 · 2 years
~Red, cp fandom, they/them, 19, romantic, first letter~
Also thank you Elsie for doing this, it’s very kind of you.
Hi Ben,
I don’t really know how to say what I want to say, I think it’s too much to write and far too much to ever comprehend.
I hate you. I hate you so much. For being the only thing in my life that brings me so much joy, and yet you’re never there. I despise how you’re the sole reason for my happiness, and how thinking about you brings me so much pain.
I love you more than I’ve ever loved somebody, and it seems so silly and naive of me. You’re the only one capable of making me feel this way. I feel stupid for adoring you like I do but I can’t stop. It pains me to think of you, you’ve carved a hole in my heart that you can’t even fill.
It seems like normal disappointment every time I wake up and I haven’t shifted to you yet. I ask myself what I could possibly be doing wrong, but I think it’s something else. I’m so scared of you not loving me back like I do you. I don’t think my heart could handle a break like yours.
When I’m alone, I like to think of you. I like to imagine things we could do together, or things you would say to me. I imagine what your voice sounds like, and how your hands would compare to mine. I think about touching you warmly, and finally getting to feel your embrace.
I go to sleep listening to the song of unhealing because it reminds me of you, and it’s the only thing that comforts me so much. I never take off a ring that I got that I tell myself we got married with, it’s nice to fiddle with. At least I have something real to think of you with.
I even got a tattoo of a little game controller, on my wrist, so that every time I write I think of you. It’s a reminder and a comfort that you’re right there. And I smile and trace over it, and I wonder how you would react to it. It’s even got red and green, because those are our colors.
I feel so helpless in love, not stupid. Because I don’t even know why, I can’t explain. Oh what I would give to be able to hold you in my arms, and finally kiss your lips. You could never imagine the sacrifices I would make for you.
You really are a ghost, easy to love but imposible to touch.
I hope to see you soon, whenever I can bring myself to shift
I love you, red
[Disclaimer: Letters To Those You Hold Dear (Valentine's Edition) is a special event I'm holding from February 13th - February 23rd 11:59 PM. Find the guidelines HERE so you can send a letter or two to those you hold dear <3.]
[AN: You don't need to thank me!! Lovely lil letters require no thanks <3]
Dear Red,
I wish I had the proper words inside of me to actually address everything you've written to me here. I am admittedly a guy of few words, as vocab has never really been my thing. Even now, I find I don't know what to say - much like you - but it isn't because I don't love you or don't care, but because I often find my self speechless around you. The way you make me feel is unlike anyone else, and I mean that in a good way.
Around you, I feel lighter, happier, like I have a reason to do and be better. Being in love with you has been the best thing to ever happen to me, and from the way I write, you depend on me like I depend on you. You've been mine for longer than either of us can remember, and I'm not shy to say that. I can't believe that someone like me would actually have this much of an impact on your life. I can't believe that someone like me would be the reason you get up in the morning, the reason you smile and cry, the reason you... The reason you do so many things. Your love and effort to someone like me - it makes me choke up a bit. Not in a bad way either!! But in a way that's so sugary sweet that my tongue can still taste it days after I've had it.
Y'know, I wear a ring too? I don't actually have it on my hand because I've never been big on jewelry when I'm working, but I keep it on a little rose chain around my neck. The rosy hue reminds me of your name, and you in general. And when I miss you, or when I think of you, I have gently hold it in my hand. It's draped right over my heart, just a little reminder of where you'll always be to me. I don't have any tattoos, but I doodle you in the margins of my pages. They're not as beautiful as you, nothing can really compare to you, not by my hand or any artist, but I think of you. And I think of you often. I really love you.
Hope to be seeing you soon. Realities apart or not, I will always be yours.
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slashersins · 4 years
You've made a few posts about getting stoned with Michael in the past,, how do you think it'd be with some of the other slashers?? And like, which ones do you think would be into it and other ones that maybe aren't sure about it but would try it if they knew you liked it? and which ones would not smoke or take anything EVER? I'm just very curious to hear your take on this !! I mean... don't think you've made any previous posts about this?
okay so , lets break this down into categories ! they’re pretty well spread out , so here we go !
the ones who would smoke
michael myers . big surprise here . big boy likes to get high . however , he prefers editables . if you want to smoke , that’s fine , he won’t take a hit . pass him a brownie . also , be prepared , this man gets lazy and hungry and very touchy . he’s a fucking cuddle monster when he’s high . kind of like a needy kitten who wants pets in the middle of the night and will lay across your face , only to jump off and eat food as loud as they can before coming back for more loving . michael is exactly like that . also , if you want high sex , you’re gonna have to take charge and ride him , he’s just gonna enjoy his high and pleasure while you do the work . 
vincent sinclair . it’s one of his favorite ways of relaxing . he’s done it since he was a teen . bo discovered booze , he discovered weed . he’s no less intense when he’s high , still staring at you , still touching you , only his movements are slowed and less delicate . he wants you close , in his lap , against his side . he’ll play metal music in the back ground , letting smoke swirl around the both of you . expect a lot of smoky kisses and long gazes from your man . he’s high as fuck and you’re the only thing important to him right now . a living breathing work of art . 
carrie white . carrie ? our sweet girl ? doing the weed ? it’s more likely than you think ! while she might take some convincing , her deep need to rebel against her mother brought on by the courage you give her has this good girl shyly taking a hit . she will cough . give her water and praise and tell her it’s all okay . it happens , you can take it slow . and please do . let the high slowly seep into her skin and lungs and let her feel light and relaxed . she’ll want to cuddle , and you should stroke her hair and just talk . you’ll smoke and talk for hours , never getting so high that you’re both far gone , but getting high enough that everything is slow and hazy . you might even get some shy kisses from your sweet girl , and she’ll giggle and hide in your chest , feeling free for once . 
the ones who would rather drink 
bo sinclair . everyone knew he’d be on this list . the man drinks so much he should have a beer gut and how he doesn’t is beyond everyone . whether it’s a beer after a days work , a couple after a rough day , or an entire pack after a bitch ass week , this man usually has at least one a day . he likes the buzz he feels . he likes how in some ways he can forget about shit . but mostly he just wants to get fucked up and sleep . while he can be a bastard when sober , he can be one when drunk too , running his mouth . but he also tends to get a little more emotionally open when drunk , so you might end up hearing him say things he will pretend not to remember in the morning .
lester sinclair . another beer drinker in the sinclair home , only he’s a lot more casual about it . he’s like a social drinker , only having two or three . he’s a goofy drunk , stumbling around and laughing and chattering on . vincent and bo find it hard to be upset after a rough week if they have lester over to get drunk . it’s also funny to them that their baby brother is such a light weight . he gets really embarrassed when he does get drunk enough that he’s making a little bit of a fool of himself , but he’s so cute that vincent and bo can only tease him . 
thomas hewitt . while this big country boy wouldn’t mind a ice cold beer , he doesn’t drink all that much . maybe once a month or so , sometimes once every two . and he rarely if ever gets drunk . he’s seen charlie / hoyt drunk too many times , and had too many run ins with drunk as fuck bastards when the slaughterhouse was still open . he doesn’t want to be like that , so he keeps himself to no more than two beers at one time . he doesn’t mind the taste of beer , and it really is more of a social “you earned this” type of deal for him . 
the ones who would do both
jesse cromeans . this man drinks only the most expensive , oldest scotch , whisky , bourbon , and wine . he drinks casually , he drinks socially . but he does not drink to get drunk . no . he tries his best not to actually . which is surprising to most , as he was considered a bit of a play boy party boy back in his earlier rich boy days . but while he doesn’t get wasted on booze , he does enjoy getting high as fuck . he’ll only do it in the comfort of his own home . relaxing and smoking and watching old videos of his . might jerk off a little , might snuggle up to you . might pull you into his lap and laugh with you as you both watch stupid videos on the internet . one time you laughed at a picture of a blurry paper bag for two hours . jesse won’t leave the house until his high has completely worn off . he doesn’t wanna be caught off his guard .
billy loomis . he’s a bad boy . what can i say ? he’ll drink , he’ll smoke . as long as it’s with you and stu and he’s having fun ? who cares . billy is a messy drunk , getting naked and wanting to bite and kiss over you and stu , even if it doesn’t lead to anything else . it’s just too hot for clothes and he wants his babes close . he’s a munchie having , giggle gremlin when he’s high , however . while its more snickers than giggles he will almost laugh at anything , wanting to be the one cuddled and coddled while he eats chips and shakes with laughter . 
stu macher . loud and handsy drunk , however if he drinks too much he gets a bit violent towards others . which is why you and billy know when to cut him off . when he’s just normal drunk , he’s wanting to touch and talk and talk and talk . he won’t know he’s being too loud , just spilling out words and nonsense for fun as he lays across whoever is closer . as a high boy , he’s almost completely quiet . he’ll just lay and stare and watch with his mouth open in awe . sometimes he’ll start giggling but then he’s back to dead eye staring . he’s also gonna be cuddling things that he thinks are you and billy but aren’t . like a pillow . or his cat . 
the ones who would never do either 
brahms heelshire . this man will only drink sparkling grape juice . he doesn’t have the pallet for booze and he doesn’t like the smell of weed . he has no issue with you drinking , as long as it’s fancy whine , chardonnay , etc . you have to be classy , like mummy and daddy were , if you drink . he might take a sip , but he’ll prefer his juice , thank you . 
jason voorhees . he’s highly against all things booze and drug related . he literally kills people who show up on his land , he makes double work of them if they do either of those things . he’s a good boy , momma raised him right . if you do either , he’s conflicted and a bit upset . you’re his special person , you’re good , why are you doing bad things ? if you explain to him that it’s just a small glass with a meal during like , thanksgiving or christmas , he might relent . and if you tell him the weed is for pain and it’s legitimate , he will be less inclined to be upset with you . but still , he doesn’t like it . 
bubba sawyer . bubba doesn’t like the way booze and beer make people act . he doesn’t wanna act like that . he got drunk once , and he hated it . it’s the same with weed . he has a strong sense of smell and his little nose hates the way weed smells . which is why he babbles at chop top to call him stinky . if you drink , he might be a bit skittish , thinking you’ll try and hurt him like so many others have . it’ll take a little bit of patience to calm him down , and tell him you’d never . he would like it if you didn’t drink , but if it’s only a little and you aren’t being mean he’s okay . as for the weed , he might pout because now you smell like chop top , but the way you giggle and act is cute . so he doesn’t hate it as much . 
jacob goodnight . no . just no . hard no . no drugs . no booze . not you . not him . he just can’t . years of religious abuse have ingrained some roots that are too deep to pull out . and for jacob both of those things are a no .
martin ( 1977 ) . martin doesn’t do either . he already feels off as it is when he hasn’t fed recently . and he has no need for drugs or alcohol . why would he ? besides , he doesn’t want to make any mistakes while intoxicated or high . it’s just that simple . he’ll say no politely if offered . if you drink or smoke he might make a mild complaint about how you don’t need those things , about how it makes you taste off and he likes it when you taste like you . the only drugs you should have inside of you are the ones martin gives you to sleep . 
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Serva me, Servabo te
save me and I will save you
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pairing: photographer!Taehyung x f.reader
genre: smut, angst, slight enemies to lovers
word count: 10.5k | reading time: 60 min
chapter summary: The two of them spend their day on good terms for the first time, but still manage to find something to rile them up
warnings: switch!tae, switch!amy, oral f&m receiving, face sitting, dirty talk, teasing, a lil bit of orgasm control? some name calling (bitch), light spanking, hair pulling, unprotected vaginal sex, riding, praise, squirting, also some spooky stuff, i don’t remember what else ahh
A/N: I know absolutely nothing about photography, so if you do and you read this and think to yourself nothing is making any sense, you are right and I am wrong. Please just enjoy this as best as you can lol
All chapters | Masterlist | Read on AO3
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Chapter 7: Love is just a form of possession
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The place was definitely haunted. But perhaps it was in a good way. Perhaps it was magical.
It felt that way when you slowly opened your eyes to find a snoozing Taehyung just inches away from your face. His expression set in a natural pout as he had his arms snaked around your body like he was afraid he would lose you in his sleep. You bit your lip as you inspected his resting form better; his ruffled hair, his soft but dehydrated lips, his naked shoulders that were peeking under the blanket. Last night you had moved on the couch, struggling to fit on it at the same time but managing to entangle your limbs just right so that he wouldn't fall over. You had a light rug that you had found in the room over your bodies, as well as Taehyung's sweater on to keep you warm, although the heat from his bare body was all you needed.
And the fireplace. You heard it crackling before you raised your head to look over at its direction and confirm the fire was big and strong once again. Yep. This place was definitely haunted.
Taehyung's arms tightened around you, pulling himself nearer until his face was buried in your neck. "Don't go," he mumbled in a way it was hard for you to understand, with his voice heavy from his slumber. He had felt your body move while you were trying to look around the room and without even opening his eyes, his reaction was to hold you closer.
You ran a hand through his hair, smiling to yourself. "I'm not going anywhere."
Rain was still falling, not as heavy as the previous night, but it was just enough for the rhythmic melody it created by hitting the windows. That meant you were stuck in the house for one more day. Not that you had any interest in leaving, in even getting out of that room or that couch. Not only was it warm in there, in Taehyung's embrace, but it was safe, too. Perhaps, on any other occasion, you would hate yourself for just how nice you felt at that moment, but you were starting to believe that being by his side wasn't just appealing, but also necessary. You wouldn't last another day in that Manor otherwise.
"What should we have for breakfast?" you heard him whisper, right before he started stretching so much he almost fell over.
"Oh, um..." you mumbled, thinking about it. "Is it my turn to cook?"
You felt his smile against your neck, a low chuckle being produced at the back of his throat. "It is. What will you feed me?" You took a couple of seconds to think, and his smile grew. "You know, you could just offer me your cunt right now and I'd happily have that as a meal."
You groaned. "Tae!" you whined, pushing him on his chest. "You're disgusting!" He had certainly ruined the romantic atmosphere that the room was painted in. But that's just how that man is, isn't it?
He was laughing as he was trying to catch himself from falling, grabbing the sweater you were wearing and the arm of the couch. "Oh, come on," he said once he found his balance. "You can't tell me you're still shy after everything we've done."
But you rolled your eyes at him. "This isn't a matter of openness, it's just very inappropriate."
He looked up at you, licking his lip slowly as he watched your eyes. "So, you're turning me down?"
For a moment you tried to get up, but he held you tighter. The truth was that the way he was looking at you was almost making you cave in, but thankfully you could think better in the daytime. Even though you didn't have much of a reason to, anymore, you still didn't feel quite comfortable just casually doing stuff like that with him. It was too much already that you had woken up cuddling him as if he was your boyfriend.
"I need to go shower," you said, both replying to him and changing the subject in a way. "I'm so nasty from last night."
"You and I both. Do you want to shower together?" He made his proposal by reaching up a bit and kissing your jaw. It made you drop it, not to give him better access, but because his words were making you flustered again.
"No- why would we- we..."
"I'm just saying; it's cold and it's raining. There might not be a lot of hot water. We should be frugal."
Since you hadn't stopped him exactly yet, he took it as a sign to keep kissing you. Up your jawline and down your neck. And now forming a coherent thought was even more difficult. Your body squirmed around like you were being tickled, and you wanted to block him but at the same time not at all.
"Now, you're just making up excuses," you snorted, trying to sound austere but the smile he had managed to get on your lip served the exact opposite mission. "Do you want to have me for breakfast that bad?" you teased since he wasn't the only one able to do that.
But Taehyung pulled slightly away, biting his lip and looking at you through his lashes with the most innocent face he could muster. "Actually, I was hoping that if I eat you out, you might return the favor and help me out with this morning wood." And with that, he pressed upon you more, so that you could feel exactly what he was talking about. Your eyes widened and you gasped a bit, realizing that the hard thing nudging your thigh wasn't actually his knee like you thought.
"Oh..." you mumbled.
"But you don't have to!" Taehyung was quick to say when he saw your surprised reaction. But it wasn't so much surprise as it was a feeling of guilt; the man had done everything to please you the past couple of days, and you hadn't had the chance to do much for him in return. And there he was, with a pout on his lips and his dick begging for attention.
When you kissed him, you didn't do it just because you felt a sense of duty to do it, but mostly because the idea that he needed you turned you on so much, and so fast. You kissed him hard, not wasting any time to slip your tongue in his mouth, and your chest filled with pride when he started moaning. He was moaning more and louder than usual, probably being less interested in controlling himself since he still hadn't fully woken up yet, and you hadn't even touched him yet.
The rag slid down your shoulders as you moved over him, changing the position that had you both on your sides, to one where Taehyung was lying on his back and you were straddling him. You didn't have anything on other than that sweater, and so when you ground on his hard-on, it was easily gliding between your folds, making the man growl harder.
"Shit, Amy," he moaned and his voice was higher in pitch than normal. "I feel like a goddamn teenager. You're- shhh- you're gonna make me cum just like that."
You found his little voice cracks so adorable. You didn't know -could have never guessed- just how needy, desperate, whiny, and loud Taehyung got in the mornings. He always put on that facade of being in control, when in reality, deep down, all he wanted was to pleasure you as best as he could; all he was waiting for was a chance to be good for you. And then he was at your mercy for his own release. It was obvious in the way he hung from your lips, clawing at your sweater. Completely dependent on you and your moves.
"You can't cum like that, baby," you reminded him, pressing his chest down and sitting up, keeping your lips out of reach to make him whine more. You weren't used to this exactly, but damn, torturing this poor boy felt so good. Perhaps because you still wanted to hate him, so now that he was hooked on you and you were in control, you wanted to make him suffer; make him beg. Just like he had the audacity to do to you. "You can't cum before I tell you to, alright? If you do, I won't let you touch me again for the rest of our days here."
Taehyung cried out, his hips rising involuntarily to grind on your core more. "Stop," he breathed out. "Don't do that."
You laughed. Was he trying to order you around when his whole face was pink and he was panting, unable to compose himself? That was bold. Especially since what you were telling him seemed to turn him on even further.
You let two fingers run down his chest toward his belly. "You will finish in my mouth, okay? Nowhere else." Just to test him, you pushed down on his dick more, almost letting him inside you, and he crushed his head back, groaning.
"Amy- I'm so close already," he complained. "Just- just..."
You clicked your tongue, withdrawing both your hands and your hips from his body. "I don't like your tone, mister."
But he just looked at you with pitiful eyes. "I won't last if you don't..."
"You want me to suck your dick?" He nodded frantically. "You have to ask nicely."
"Son of a bitch," he sighed, biting his lip. And you could see him twitch all alone underneath you. It made you smirk.
"That's not nicely, baby," you cooed.
Taehyung's forehead started glistening as he got a little sweaty. And he groaned once more. "Amy..."
He panted. "You don't even need to do much, just let me cum," he hummed.
And you chuckled. "Man, you really don't know how to ask politely, do you?" Then you snorted. "Well, what did I expect from someone like you."
You could tell all he really wanted to do was anything you asked of him; he just didn't like the fact that you were doing it on purpose. And if he just let you see exactly how desperate he was for you, then it would be a lot harder to establish himself later when he would need to again. But when one of your hands traveled south and wrapped around the base of his cock, there was truly little holding him back.
"Amy, please!" he squeaked, his voice cracking again. "Please, what do you want me to do? I've been as best as I could to you."
The words made your stomach do a flip, and you smirked, slowly running your fist up and down his length. "Yes, you have," you whispered. You lowered your head to his dick and stuck your tongue out. Taehyung watched you with wide eyes as you lazily brought the tip of your tongue on his head, gathering up all the precum that had leaked out. And he took a sharp breath in through his teeth. "You've been so good."
"I'm gonna cum," Taehyung announced, dropping his head back.
But you held him tighter. "Not yet." And you dropped your mouth entirely onto him.
Taehyung's mouth fell open in a silent cry as he did his best to control himself. This was torture. Sure, he had asked for it, but he had already woken up so close to his orgasm with the kind of dreams he was having, that all it would need to spill his seed out would have been a couple of strokes. It would have probably served him better to just go to the bathroom and deal with it himself. Now, he had this pretty girl with her warm, wet mouth all over him, sucking him off hard, and it felt so good he thought he would explode. And yet he couldn't. He had to wait.
"Amy, please," he choked out when you brought him deep enough to hit the back of your throat. "Ugh, please, let me cum."
You had never enjoyed giving someone a blowjob as much as you did at that moment. Besides the fact that Taehyung's dick was straight-up delicious, the sounds he was making and the way he was begging had your head spinning. It had you rubbing your legs together, bopping your head faster, and sipping him up harder as if you were trying to milk him. And you would have kept on doing that for so much longer, until your jaw was in too much pain, if it weren't for how his cries made you feel sorry for him.
So you popped him off your mouth just enough to say these words: "Coat my mouth with your scum, baby. Let me taste it."
You didn't have to touch him any longer; your words alone drove him over the edge he had been dancing on for a while now, spurting his seed on your offered tongue, his hands holding your head for the first time to keep you still. He gave you a couple of pumps, some of them missing the target and hitting your nose before he groaned and dropped back down. Panting and sighing, pulling his hair away from his face and whipping the sweat that had formed on his forehead. You stayed still, not sure if you wanted to spit or swallow, but since you couldn't immediately think of where you could do the former, you gulped down all that he had gifted you.
From your point of view, Taehyung had never looked hotter than he did at that moment; completely exhausted and dried up, probably without a single thought in his head. And all because of you. If you hadn't just made him finish and his dick go soft, you would have already jumped to sit on him, not even waiting to wear protection. Your core itched with want, too, and since he looked ready to go right back to sleep, you needed to go take that shower you had mentioned right away. And by shower, you know what I mean.
You went to get off the couch. But Taehyung's hand wrapped around your wrist instantly, keeping you back. His head foggy from his orgasm but still super aware of you and your movements. "Where are you going?"
"I'm gonna go take a shower. Like I said." Your voice was a lot lower than before, much of your confidence having left you the moment that scene was over. In contrast, Taehyung seemed to be gaining his old self back little by little, considering the way his eyes were piercing you.
"Not before I'm done with you," he rasped, pulling your arm until you lost your balance and fell over his body. "Come sit on my face."
Your eyes popped open wide. "Wha- no, I'm fine."
While licking his lips, Taehyung snaked his free hand down your sides and cupped your pussy, a finger immediately sliding between your folds as if he was trying to gather up all your juices. "You call that fine?" he asked smugly as he made sure you could hear just how soaked you were. A moan caught in your throat, trying to hide how much you needed him. He smiled sweetly at you. "What, you thought I'd just leave you hanging? Come on, babe, turn around and sit that pretty ass of yours on my face because I don't have the strength to get up right now."
It would have been hard to say no to that when you could both feel the way you gushed out at his words. So you moved around until you were facing his feet and kneeled over his head. One of his arms wrapped around your hips, his other hand still playing with your folds. You hesitated coming down to him, that being a position you weren't used to, but he was pulling at you until his tongue managed to replace his fingers, licking a stripe from your clit to your entrance. You moaned, your legs shaking a bit as he gave you kitten licks to see the way you squirmed over him.
And then you felt a strong smack on your ass.
"Bitch, I said sit on my face, not hover over it!" Taehyung scolded.
"Ah!" you cried, a sound that sounded like pain at first but turned to more like thrill later. Your head whipped back, trying to see the man lying beneath you. "I am sitting," you insisted.
"If I can breathe while you do it, you're not doing it right." And then he gave you another smack on the ass, making you yelp again.
"Ah, stop! You'll suffocate."
"Good." His hands kneaded your buns strongly, waiting for you to move. But you were still uncertain. So he exhaled and raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong, Amy? I thought you hated me, yet you don't even want to choke me with those thighs? I thought you wanted to kill me?"
It was a cheap trick to rile you up. Cheap, but it worked. You let yourself drop down completely, not holding any of your weight back. It felt weird at first, you felt pretty self-conscious, but then Taehyung's arms secured you around him and his tongue slipped inside you, and you didn't have the right mind to worry about anything else. You pushed even further down, trying to get him even deeper. He squeezed and pinched your things, moving your hips as best as he could to get you to grind on his face. And once you felt how nicely your clit rubbed on him, it was hard to do otherwise.
You held onto his hips for leverage to thrust against his tongue, as you could feel the feeling inside your tummy growing rapidly. And you moaned his name like a prayer. He pushed you off him just for a second enough to take a breath before he was pressing his mouth on your sensitive bud. His tongue flat on you to let you move against it in the way it felt best for you. Voice getting higher and higher as you got closer and closer, Taehyung smacking your ass again to make you scream. And with just one more hit, you were gushing all over his face, legs, and hips shaking violently as you fell over on him.
He remained lapping at you, cleaning you up, until you got so sensitive you had to pull yourself away. You got up and suddenly remembered to check on him. "Are you okay?"
He gave you one of those boxy grins, his eyes almost closing completely by how hard he was smiling. "Couldn't be better."
"Your face is all red." He looked like he had nearly died from asphyxiation. But he kept grinning.
"To be completely honest, I did forget for a moment to breathe. But that's not your fault. It was just too good to stop." With that he sat up and swung his legs to the side, in front of you, looking up at you.
You had to laugh. His whole approach to the moment, and even his bright red face with his hair all chaotic framing it, made you feel a lot more at ease. He seemed so happy for what he had just done. Almost like he had enjoyed it more than you.
"I have never met anyone who likes this so much as you," you admitted with another giggle.
Taehyung got up finally, looking around the room to find the discarded clothing items and get dressed. "Well, you have been dating all the wrong guys then," he said matter-of-factly before he found his briefs and jumped into them. He turned to look at you again. "See, this is what happens when you have standards and won't go for someone like me."
"I'm with you right now."
"Yeah, but you still won't date me." His words made you frown momentarily. Because they sounded slightly like a complaint. Or like a wish in disguise. But before you could have the chance to think twice, he cleared his throat and started putting on his pants, the eye-contact over. "Let's go shower and then eat something. This doesn't count as breakfast."
The atmosphere was awkward, only for a little, because then you occupied yourselves enough with dressing up, and going upstairs, and getting in that shower. You didn't shower together, chose the separate bathrooms instead. Which, you thought, was for the best; he might have already seen you naked but that was only while having sex. You didn't know if you were comfortable enough to be in your birthday suit and just... exist like that around him. But you still couldn't stop thinking about him. About what he would look like with all the water hitting his face. How you would like to shampoo his hair just to be able to hold him more intimately like that. Or for him to help you scrub your back and brush your hair. Generally, showering with someone else was another one of those things you didn't do much.
You heard the doorknob turn, and it brought butterflies to your stomach, thinking he had come to find you after all. But no one came in. You peeked your head around the curtain and the door was still closed. The shadows moving on the floor betrayed someone had just walked by, but he was still not entering.
"Taehyung?" you called but got no answer. Had he changed his mind?
You finished that shower alone. When you returned to your room, you found your phone was on your bed. You blinked at it, confused as to how it could be in such plain sight, and yet you still hadn't been able to find it yesterday. You grabbed it to see if you had any more notifications, and found a couple more missed calls from Yoonji. Oh, she would kill you for not responding earlier. Thankfully, you found just enough signal -you still hadn't been able to predict when or how that happened- and you called back. But she didn't answer. And when you called a second time, she still didn't answer. There was no way Yoonji was anywhere away from her phone; she must have just gotten mad at you for not calling earlier and ignoring your calls. But what would you even say? That your phone magically disappeared and reappeared today? And that you were too busy, what with fearing for your life and the sex and all?
"What did you want to talk about?" you sent her a text. Whatever. If she can hold a grudge against you over this petty thing, then it couldn't have been anything too important. Let her reply whenever she wanted to.
Taehyung had already served some breakfast when you got down, but at least this time it wasn't anything too extravagant, had simply opted for some toasted bread with marmalade, a boiled egg, and orange juice. You talked about his work and your studies, almost like making small talk. Like you would if you were meeting for the first time. Which is so odd; the two of you really just do everything the other way around, don't you?
What was making things uncomfortable was the fact that the two of you weren't fighting anymore. You certainly weren't used to that. But at the same time, you weren't exactly okay. Sure, you talked and spent your time together, you cooked and ate your breakfast and lunch, you played games and even cuddled sometimes. But it was all a little tricky. Because you had to be careful not to enjoy yourselves too much and let any emotions slip and show, or be too weird and ruin what you had managed to get. You almost felt guilty for liking being around him. But at the same time, you almost didn't want your days there to end.
You didn't want to go back to your reality, to your routine. Back to where you didn't talk and hated each other. But that would require you to admit it out loud first, and you definitely weren't about to do that.
"Amy?" Taehyung called for you after he had gone upstairs to get something and you had parted ways for a good five minutes. Five minutes and you already wanted to be in the same space again.
"In the kitchen," you shouted to let him know where you were. You were making both of you some afternoon tea since you had liked it last time. And yes, you wanted another excuse to keep him around you.
The photographer came jogging into the room with a grin on. "Look what I found!" he exclaimed, raising his hands to reveal a camera. A very old-looking camera.
"That's not yours?"
He shook his head excitedly. "No! I found it in that room with all those antiques!" With two steps he appeared right next to you, showing the tool around like a little kid that had just gotten a new Lego set. "Loot at this baby! It's a Japanese Arsen from the 1940s! This is insane, I don't think they realize how good this is if they just have it laying around here."
You chuckled. You had never seen Taehyung so enthusiastic. You knew, of course, that he must love photography and the such, but he always seemed more of a show-off about it than having a genuine passion for it. And seeing anyone talk about their passions, even if you don't understand a word about them, is sure to make your heart warm up.
"And get the best part," he went on. "I have a film with me that I think can work with this!"
"You do? You just carry around old film with you like that?"
Taehyung started picking the camera apart, opening up things you didn't quite understand to check whatever he needed to. "I am in the middle of using different models of analog cameras for a festival of 100 years of photography that we got going on in two months. So, yeah, I have a variety of films with me right now." He finally set the machine on the counter and looked back at you. "I don't have the exact film this would normally take, which would be a Vest Pocket film that's black and white, right? But I do have a Rera Chrome 100, and they're both 127 format films, so it should work." You were just staring at him with a confused smile. "This is the only 127 film with color, too."
You felt like a grandma listening to her grandchildren talk about technology you didn't understand. But you were happy for him. "That's all very amazing!" you finally said. "Are you gonna take pictures?"
"Yeah, I was thinking we could try to. The camera seems good to me, I think it should be working," he mumbled more to himself, taking another look at it. "You wanna go catch fairies with this thing?"
His words caught you a bit off guard. "What? Fairies?"
"Well, you know, the rain finally stopped and they always come out afterward, like snails." You were pretty sure he was messing with you. But he did take your hand to pull you out of the kitchen. "All we need is a pretty bait, which is where you come in. You will sit between the flowers in the garden, I will take your pictures with this, and then when we develop them we can see if we managed to recreate that famous picture with the little girl hanging out with the fairies."
You chuckled. He was definitely messing with you about the fairies, but he still seemed pretty serious about the photoshoot.
"I thought fairies were bad," you responded right as he threw a coat over your shoulders to push you out of the front door.
"Depends on who you ask," he told you with a wink.
Everything outside was still damp, even the atmosphere somehow. There was the distinct smell of the rain and the fresh air probing your senses, and for the first time since you got there, the environment felt nice. Like anything bad had been washed away. The plants glowed a bit brighter, the trees swinging around more rhythmically. You almost felt like an intruder when Taehyung guided you through the garden. But he was great at making you feel more relaxed and confident to pose for him; helping people like that was part of his job, after all.
He shaped and forged you in all those different positions, steering your body, or your face and your eyes in the direction he needed, before snapping the few pictures the film provided. Always kissing you in between. Every time his lips hit yours, you almost got too distracted to remember what you were up to. But the cold breeze brought you back each time without fail. It was sad that you couldn't see the pictures right away; Taehyung swore they were gorgeous yet you were doubtful. You would have to wait to go back in town to prove him wrong, though. And that was only if you even talked again after that.
The afternoon carried on calmly. This time you didn't occupy yourselves with work or studying at all. The days that you had left there were getting fewer and fewer, and it was no secret that you wanted to enjoy each other's company; even if you would never admit it. So you just had that tea you had forgotten, played some more games, talked about this and that. It turns out you had a lot more in common than you would have guessed. And the conversation was easy as long as you didn't fight.
"Any ideas for dinner?" he asked you once it had started to get somewhat late.
You nodded immediately. You had already thought about this beforehand. "Yeah, pizza!"
You nodded again. "Yeah. You know, I used to date an Italian-American guy and he taught me the easiest way to make good pizza," you explained while you started walking towards the kitchen. "It's so easy even I can do it."
"Oh," Taehyung mumbled before following behind your step. "Used to date? Like, how long ago are we talking about?"
You chuckled at his clearly annoyed reaction, then peeped at him over your shoulder with a smirk. "Why do you care?"
He was quick to shrug. "I don't care," he insisted as he started engaging himself with anything he could find on the counter that had no real use. "It's just a little suspicious that you would just casually bring up your ex like that."
You were torn between laughing at him and rolling your eyes at his behavior. "Yeah, I brought him up because of the pizza. If I had just said I'll make us pizza I'm pretty sure you would have complained that I don't have the skills for that, so I offered an explanation."
Taehyung snorted. "It was unnecessary."
"Are you jealous?"
"No, why would I be jealous?" He was avoiding your eyes while you decided not to stall any longer and start getting the flour and the rest of the ingredients ready. "I'm just saying-" he kept talking behind you, "-people usually talk about their exes when they still have feelings for them. And if this is a recent relationship I don't want to get caught in between. I don't want any Italian-American dudes showing up, wanting smoke."
You couldn't help but chuckle, your tongue pressing on your cheek, and you finally humored him by glancing at him. "Tae, that's not going to happen. Don't worry, I'm not like you when it comes to relationships."
He didn't say anything else, simply helped you with anything you needed for dinner. He helped you with rolling out the dough, and cooking the sauce, and shredding the cheese. You were always thankful for the moments you were cooking or eating, because no matter what was going on with the two of you, these were moments of reconcilement every time.
You made two big pizzas and a smaller one. The crust was a bit thin, but you argued that it was the way Italians make it. In one of them, you played safe and simply used sauce and mozzarella cheese. On the next one, Taehyung got to decide the toppings, and he went with pretty much anything he could find that would work on a pizza. And on the smallest one, you had minimal sauce left and no cheese, so you just improvised with some spiciness and pepperonis. You really didn't know if you would be able to eat them, but Taehyung never complained.
The photographer fixed up the fireplace a bit so that you could go eat next to it again. And you're not sure if the food was actually pretty good or if you were just very hungry and in a good mood that couldn't be ruined easily, but you both ate everything fast until there wasn't even a crumb left. And you felt so proud of yourself. Treating Taehyung made you almost blush before you reminded yourself that he wasn't it; that he wasn't your boyfriend and all of this would be over the moment you left this house. That you shouldn't be feeling this way. Just because you liked the sex didn't mean you had to start liking the man, too.
"Wanna play beavers?" you asked him once you had finished and you didn't really have anything else to do. I mean, you did, but you couldn’t just ask that yet.
But Taehyung was busy with his phone, not even glancing at you. "Give me a second."
He had been on his phone for the past half an hour or so, on and off, and you had never seen him so glued to it before. It made you frown in curiosity. "Are you talking to someone?" you asked.
Taehyung nodded. "Yes, Jimin." His face was way too serious to be texting his best friend, and it made you worry a bit.
"Jimin?" you murmured, leaning closer like trying to peep at his screen, although that's not what you did. Was something wrong? Did Jimin know about you? Had something bad happened with Yoonji; is that why she wanted to talk to you? "What are you guys talking about?" you finally asked. Taehyung's jaw moved around as if he was chewing an invisible gum, and you weren’t sure what to do because you had never seen him like that. You leaned back away, feeling a little off. "Tae?"
"You," he said then.
It took you a second to realize what he was answering. "What?"
The photographer dropped his phone next to him, looking at you in the eyes at last. His scrutiny making you cower a little. "We're talking about you."
You gulped. "You told him what happened between us?"
He shook his head. "No. I didn't say anything." But it was clear that from his stance and his words, he was still not making any sense, so he carried on. "He is the one talking about you."
Somehow, that statement was worse than the one you had expected. You didn't know what Jimin could possibly be telling him, but it was certainly not anything good, given Taehyung's serious face. And suddenly your blood went cold, trying to think of anything wrong that you might have done. And you were so scared, and you didn't even know why. Were you scared of disappointing him? Of ruining the little that you had with him? Why did the idea of Taehyung being mad at you, make you feel so bad?
"Wha- what is he saying?"
He clicked his tongue. "Can I ask you something…?” he mumbled, straightening his back and rubbing his chin. “You keep saying your not like me when it comes to relationships. And you’re still mad about what I did three years ago. But what did you do then?”
You gulped. You had no idea what he was referring to, but somehow you already felt guilty. “What do you mean? What did I do?”
Taehyung leaned in closer to you. “I mean, you obviously hated me. How did you handle that? Very… maturely, like you constantly try to pretend to do?”
You huffed. “Just get to the point, dude. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
The corner of his lips twitched, almost like he was about to smile, even though it was clear his mood was anything but cheerful, while his eyes bored into yours dangerously. And he took his time replying, either waiting for you to admit whatever it was he wanted to hear first, or simply to keep you sweating. And then he finally sighed. “You made up a rumor about me, didn’t you?”
It wasn’t what you suspected he would say, and for a split second, you frowned, confused by his words. “What? What rumor- what are you saying? I’ve never done such a thing.” You didn’t get all the way defensive like you normally would because even though you couldn’t understand what was going on straight away, you still felt that guilt in your stomach.
The photographer chuckled in the darkest way you had ever heard. “Oh, so you’re telling me you didn’t spread around that I had the smallest dick ever?”
You choked. “Wha- no, I- I didn’t…”
“Oh, please. Yoonji said so herself.”
You couldn’t lie; you knew exactly what he was referring to. Had you said those exact words before? Yes. Had the rumors spread around so much that everyone on campus knew about them and they eventually reached back to you? Also yes. But had you intended for that to happen? Absolutely not. You had simply told a friend of yours and then Taehyung’s reputation did the rest; he was in the spotlight, everyone was talking and wanting to know more about him.
“I wasn’t trying to spread any rumors,” you tried to excuse yourself. But the boy was already shaking his head at you, not exactly seeming to want to listen to you. “It wasn’t my fault. I just told one girl and then she-”
“But you didn’t even know!” he interrupted you with a bitter laugh. “You never saw me, you just straight-up lied. Why would you tell anyone something like that?” He didn’t sound hurt, nor angry. He mostly sounded disappointed and that was so much worse.
You definitely didn’t like fighting with Taehyung when you were clearly the one at fault. “To be fair-” you kept talking even when he wasn’t paying any attention to you, “-when I said you had a small dick, I meant metaphorically. As in you had small dick energy. 'Cause you were a cheating little shit.”
He scoffed. “You know I don’t actually care about that.” Saying that, he got up and you were immediately on your feet as well. “I never cared about those rumors, we both know how fake they are.” He paused and leaned closer to your face. “What I care about is that you started them,” he whispered, and it was so much worse than if he had chosen to yell instead. “That you keep pretending you’re oh-so-perfect and I’m the asshole who deserves nothing but hate. When all this time you were just as guilty.”
Your entire face burned, your fists so tight you could feel your nails digging in your palms. All because he was right and you hated being put in that situation. “I said- I didn’t actually mean to-”
“Tell me, if my dick’s so small, why can’t you get enough of it?”
Your jaw dropped dramatically. “I-”
“And you can’t stop screaming my name when I fuck you?”
You were pretty sure he was just trying to rile you up, and you shouldn’t just let him succeed that easily. But, god damnit, he was good at everything he was doing. Whether that was getting on your nerves or turning you on. “Gosh, I hate you!”
He laughed at you. “If you hate me so much, why can’t you keep your hands to yourself?”
He had gotten so close to you, starring down at you with a smirk, and at that point, you weren’t even sure what his mood was. Was he angry, trying to make you so, too? Or was he trying to get something else out of you? You pushed him back, the proximity choking you. “I’m the one who can’t keep my hands to herself?” you mocked. “Might I remind you who was begging me to touch him this morning?”
Taehyung licked his lips as he looked away. “Might I remind you who was thanking me for making her cum so hard last night?”
You snarled, stomping your foot on the floor. “And might I remind you who tried to get in the shower with me ‘cause he still hadn’t had enough?”
His smile faltered. And then he slightly frowned. “Not me.”
“Yes, you!”
But Taehyung shook his head, keeping up the amused look on his face. “I only joked about it, I didn’t actually do it,” he mumbled with his frown still on, confused as to why you were bringing it up. “It doesn’t count.”
Yet you pressed on. “Oh, come on, you didn’t just joke about it, you did it!”
“Did not.”
“Did too!” you insisted. “I heard you when you tried to get in the bathroom while I was showering, Taehyung. You can’t lie to me.”
Taehyung lost his smile completely. And he looked at you seriously, his frown deepening. “You heard what?”
“The doorknob,” you announced, with a smug look.
But the photographer’s expression didn’t change. “Amy, that wasn’t me. I didn’t go anywhere near the west wing today.”
The arrogance left you within a second, your face turning pale and your eyes wide, as they stared into his very similar ones. “Stop,” you murmured.
“Stop playing!” you whined suddenly in a high-pitched voice.
But Taehyung raised his hands defensively. “I’m not! Amy, I swear, I’m not joking. I don’t know-”
Before he had time to finish his sentence, you threw your body on his, gripping his shirt tightly in your fists, holding onto him like your life depended on it. Perhaps it did. "Tae!” you cried. “Someone tried to get in the bathroom while I was showering! Taehyung, there was someone-”
“Are you sure?” he simply asked you, his eyes searching yours with worry. You knew he wasn’t lying by the way he was genuinely concerned, too. By the way his arms wrapped around you like he was trying to protect you.
You nodded frantically. “Yes! Tae, I’m telling you, someone turned the doorknob to get in, but then didn’t.”
“Maybe you got confused and thought that’s what happened, but…” Taehyung tried to say. He wasn’t saying that to invalidate your words or doubt you. He, too, was trying to think of a logical explanation as you were freaking out in his embrace.
“No, I’m 100% sure. I heard it, I saw it! Someone was outside the door, Taehyung, and they tried to get in!” Before you knew it, you had tears threatening to fall down your cheeks. “I thought it was you, I called your name. But no one responded.”
His fingers brushed your hair behind your ears as he talked in the most soothing voice he could muster. “Alright, alright. I believe you, Ames.”
“There was somebody, or- or something in here!” you continued wailing.
“Maybe it was a cleaning lady-”
“What cleaning lady, Tae?” you shrieked. “Have you seen any ladies in here?”
But he held your face firmer, forcing you to look into his eyes. “It must have been. Maybe she wanted to get in the bathroom, realized you were inside, and left.”
You sniffed at him, looking over your shoulder to check the room as if you would find anything out of place. “That’s just wishful thinking and you know it.” Then you buried your face right into his chest, your grip tightening. “This place is haunted! This place is haunted and we’re gonna die!”
He let you go just so that he could grab your wrists and pull your hands away from your face so that he could look at you. “Amy, no,” he rasped. “No one’s gonna die.”
“I want to leave,” you whined again, your tears blocking your view and unable to meet Taehyung’s concerned eyes. But you could still feel his thumb caressing your cheek, whipping those tears away. And it still calmed you down as much as possible.
“Hey, okay,” Taehyung mumbled before he started walking towards the door while pulling you with him. “Okay, okay…” he kept repeating under his breath as he led you through the corridor and toward the main hall. You were confused as to what he was doing until he reached for that old phone sitting on a small coffee table.
“What are you doing?” you asked. “Are you calling the owners?” Your sniffs and sobs died down, seeing more clearly now as you watched Taehyung roll in the number that was written on a card next to the phone without looking at you.
“Yes, we need to get to the bottom of this,” he stated as he raised the phone to his ear.
“Tae, why are you calling the people at this hour? You will disturb them,” you almost whispered.
But he shook his head sternly. “No, it’s more important that you feel safe. Plus, they did say we could call any time.” Before you could say another thing, Taehyung started speaking on the phone. “Good evening, I’m sorry if I’m disturbing you. Yeah, no, everything’s alright. I was just calling to ask you about the housekeepers. Yeah. Do you know if they came in this morning?”
The conversation was making you a little uncomfortable; you were never the kind to confront people at work. But just the act on behalf of Taehyung was already making you feel better. “What’re they saying?” you mouthed, and he glanced at you, his hold on your hand getting a bit stronger as though to console you.
“No, nothing’s lost. We just had a situation; we didn’t see anyone here and I wanted to know around what time they’re here.” He was nodding along to whatever the woman on the other end of the line was telling him. And while he listened, his thumb started drawing circles over your hand absentmindedly. “Yes, I think one of them tried to get in the bathroom while my friend was there- No, no, nothing like that. She was just curious to know if it was one of them. Yes. Yes, I understand.” Taehyung gave you another look, noticing how your teeth were digging into your lip, and smiled at you. “Could you? Thank you, that would be great. Yes, thank you. Have a nice evening.”
And with that, he hung up. And he turned completely toward you and smiled brighter. But he wasn’t saying anything; just looked at you like he was admiring your beauty like he forgot you were still anxiously waiting for the results of the conversation. “So?” you asked.
Taehyung leaned in and gave you a peck on the lips, holding your face with both hands. “They were here this morning and the lady said one of them probably tried to get in the bathroom to get some cleaning supplies. She said she will ask and tomorrow morning they will talk to us, okay?”
You chewed on your lip as you watched his face so close to yours. This all sounded so ridiculous suddenly; they had seriously called in for something like that? But Taehyung didn’t once make you feel like you were overreacting. He didn’t see it like that. He thought you had every right to be scared, you had every right to feel panic. And he would do anything to calm you down, to make you feel protected, as well as actually protect you if he had to. His whole stance and presence made you feel at ease.
You wrapped your arms around him and hugged him tightly. “Yes. Thank you,” you murmured against his neck.
You heard him take in a deep breath like he was trying to take in all of your aroma as if it would be his last chance. And then he sighed as he exhaled. “Don’t go anywhere, Amy. It’s more dangerous for you to leave right now.” It was a long way home on a muddy road with no lights or anything close-by for help. Late at night, with rain threatening to pick up soon and a terrible signal. Of course he didn’t want to let you go of his arms.
You shook your head a bit, still buried in the crook on his neck. “I know. I won’t leave.” You had managed to calm down a surprisingly good deal. Even though you had nothing more of an answer as to what was happening in that Manor than you did earlier when you were just guessing, it felt good enough. Taehyung was there, ready to help you in any way he could, and it was enough.
“We should just forget about this and go to sleep,” he whispered before pulling away to look at you. “Then we can see what happens in the morning, okay?” You almost started to get nervous again, your fingers gripping his shirt immediately. Without having to say anything, the photographer noticed the change in your eyes. “Don’t worry, nothing is going to happen. Nothing is going to hurt you, I will be right here to keep you safe all night. Okay?”
You pouted. “You won’t leave me alone?”
He immediately shook his head. “No, not at all, baby. I won’t leave you from my sight for a second.”
He led you to his room on the east wing, a bigger and darker room than your own. Yet somehow it felt safer, too. Perhaps because Taehyung’s energy was all over the place. A pretty and slightly scary at first room, but once inside, it’s inviting and better than the rest. That was definitely Taehyung’s energy.
He had you seated on the king-sized bed with the raven covers while he locked the door, then pushed a dresser in front of it as well, for good measure. He drew the curtains in front of the balcony door and lit up a couple of lamps around the room to make sure you would have light even after switching off the main one. And after having affirmed time and time again that you felt as safe as possible in there with him, he came to meet you in the bed. To give you another peck on the lips and hold your face a few seconds more. Looking at you like it would be the last time he would be able to.
“Let me give you something more comfortable to wear,” he offered when he noticed your jeans and how neither of you had thought about making a stop to your room before coming here.
You pointed at the shirt he was wearing. “Can I have this?” You didn’t want just anything, you wanted something that had his scent still all over it. To make you feel like you were being hugged by the boy himself.
Taehyung nodded. There was no way he would say no to you, and it wasn’t even because of the panic attack you had had earlier. In actuality, he had more or else been treating you like that from the beginning of your days here. Like deep down it was the only way he wanted to act around you; even if he liked to tease or rile you up every now and then. He probably only did that just to play into your idea of him and not scare you away with his affection.
Taehyung took off both his shirt and pants, getting in bed just with his briefs on. “I hope you don’t mind,” he said, licking his lips. You didn’t mind, but it did make you a bit flustered. Ridding yourself from your clothing too, you put on his shirt and joined him.
He immediately turned you into the little spoon, snaking his limbs around your body and caging you against his. He nuzzled his nose in your neck, giving you a couple of kisses right under your ear, but other than that there was nothing sexual about his advance. He simply held you close to keep you safe like he had promised. Cuddling into you like it was something so natural, like you had been doing it for years. And his breath on your skin felt like company, his heartbeat on your back like a lullaby, his warmth and entire presence like a shield.
It almost ached you how good you felt at that moment. Good because you loved being with Taehyung, and ached because you wouldn’t be with him for much longer.
You cleared your throat, the sound filling the quiet room entirely. “I’m sorry I spread rumors about your penis,” you whispered, hanging your head low.
A low rumble of a laugh was heard muffled from behind you. “It’s alright,” Taehyung reassured you, holding you tighter. “Even with rumors like that, every girl still wanted to fuck me. And then they could be met with a pleasant surprise, right?”
You rolled your eyes as you could tell he just wanted to make you say it. “Right…” you admitted, without going into further detail about how big he actually was. “But still, I shouldn’t have talked bad about you just because I was mad.”
He continued chuckling, clearly finding your apology amusing. Maybe because he didn’t actually see the need for one, had already moved past the subject. “It’s really fine. Plus, they only lasted a couple of months before I completely disproved them.”
You rolled your eyes again. “By fucking the entire campus.”
“You have to do what you have to do.”
You knew it was a joke but it still served as a pretty good reminder of the fuckboy he really was. Of how different the two of you really were, on a fundamental level, even if staying in that house together had overshadowed that a bit.
“You haven’t been in an actual relationship since I’ve met you, have you?” you asked, not sure why.
Taehyung ran his nose up and down the slope of your neck for a couple of seconds like a predator circling his prey. “No,” he admitted then. “Relationships aren’t really my thing.”
“Not surprising.”
“What about you?” His hands were stroking your body, not in an erotic way, simply just feeling you up while he still could.
“I only do relationships,” you replied. “One-night-stands aren’t really my thing.”
See? Fundamentally different. Even if you didn’t have everything that was already holding you back, you would still probably never work. And no, the one week on vacation here doesn’t count. Because when you are trapped away in a Victorian Manor, with no other communications, in a world so contrasting to your actual routine, with a promise that when it’s all over, it really is… all over. Then you are bound to act some type of way. You are bound to seak the other’s company, you are bound to forget about the rules, you are bound to give yourself in for a romance with an expiration date. Right?
“I’m glad you made an exception for me, then,” Taehyung whispered in your ear. And you couldn’t help but turn to look at him.
Exception. Because this wasn’t a relationship; this wasn’t going to last. Whether it would end tomorrow or the day after that barely even mattered. What mattered was that the photographer and you were a one-time thing. A one-in-a-million thing. A thing that would never, ever repeat itself. And if you liked kissing him and wanted to do it for a bit longer, you had to keep it to yourself. And if you didn’t even want this night to dawn so that you never had to leave, you couldn’t admit it aloud. And if you wished you were his exception instead, you had to just accept you weren’t.
You closed the tiny gap between you and kissed him; softly. Because this might be your last chance to do so. And he let his lips be guided in your rhythm, dipped a hand through your hair to pull you as close as you wanted to be. You couldn’t entirely see the point of indulging in an act that made your stomach rouse like never before, when you knew how it would end. Why would you let yourself get used to something so sweet, when you know you’ll only ever be chasing that high from then on? Then again, you couldn’t stop. You kept kissing him, deeper and firmer, because why wouldn’t you indulge in this while you could?
Even as your kiss became more passionate, your bodies squirming and pressing against one another more desperately, this continued to be the softest you had ever been with him. Almost like there was something more than lust at play there. And even though you could feel his dick hardening on your hip, and your panties soaking up in your wetness, even though you both clearly wanted more, neither made that move. Your lips and tongues were enough; you wanted to take your time to memorize exactly how that alone felt.
And when you had plenty of that, you straddled him gently to press down on his erection with your wet core.
“Ah, Amy,” he moaned, his mouth dropping open. “Fuck me.” It was a kind request, the man’s brain having rotten from desire and you appearing like his sole savior in the moment. His hands traveled down your body, to hold your thighs as you ground on him, sneak under his shirt and pull it over your head. Then they reached your breasts, massaging them like a kid messing with playdough. “Baby, use me.”
You growled as you pressed down on him harder, throwing your head back. Your fingers ran through his hair and you pulled it, making him whine. You loved those eager sounds he made so much. You couldn’t imagine never hearing them again.
You didn’t want to waste any more time. “Do you have a condom?”
He sighed, biting his lip with a pained expression like he just remembered, too. “I- I don’t. Only had one in my wallet, didn’t exactly think I’d get some here.”
It was clear he felt bad, thinking that meant you would stop. And he was ready to accept it. But you were too far gone for that. You couldn’t give two fucks if you had protection or not; there was nothing stopping you from feeling him where you wanted him tonight.
“It’s okay,” you said, surprising him a bit. And right away, you pulled his briefs down to free his cock that stood hard against his lower abdomen. “Just tell me before you cum.” And, with a swift movement, you pushed your panties to the side and lined him up with your entrance.
Taehyung, still somewhat processing what you were doing, widened his eyes and growled when his naked head brushed on your wet pussy. He quite literally howled as you started slowly sinking on him, spasming from how good you felt around him. And you were close to doing the same. You weren’t sure if it was the rawness of it, the intimacy of your treatment earlier, or the adrenaline from even before that, but Taehyung inside you felt so good you almost orgasmed before even bottoming out, your eyes rolling to the back of your head and your lips digging in your bottom lip.
“Gosh, princess, I love— this so much,” Taehyung moaned once he could feel all of you, his dick curved inside and pressing straight on your cervix. “Fuck yourself on my cock.”
As by his order, you started rocking up and down. Arching your back to move back and forth smoothly, and in circles, and in any way that made your man make those delicious sounds. His hands held you like you were something to worship, a goddess, as he helped you in your movements. Until you were dripping sweat and your knees hurt so much you fell forward to crush your body on his. That’s when he hugged you and started thrusting up inside you, all while kissing your forehead sweetly. You ground on him, trying to get your clit to rub against his pubic bone in order to build up your climax.
“Good girl,” Taehyung purred in your ear. Because he knew you were close, and he knew how much his words and his voice affected you. He wanted to push you over the edge with just that. “You make me feel so good, baby.” You whined in response. “You and your perfect, little cunt. Feels so good wrapped around me like that.” And you whined again, picking up the pace of grinding against him, chasing your high. “I want to feel you cumming on me, princess. Want your cum all over my bare dick.”
In his attempt to make you orgasm, his thrust became deeper and harder, and they were immediately attacking your g-spot. You cried out loud, the sensation of it along with the constant stimulation of your clit being a little too much. Your pending climax suddenly felt like so much you tried to hold back. “Tae-” you whined, trying to push back.
But his arms held you down on him more firmly. “No, no, don’t fight it. Give me everything you got.” And he continued to hit that spot inside you, pressing two fingers on your clit as well. And you had an orgasm building upon orgasm, and it was getting uncontrollably big. “Give it to me.” Your mouth fell open in a cry as you reached beyond the point of going back, yet still tried to hold it in. But Taehyung kept thrusting, kept begging. “Please, baby, please cum on me.”
How could you refuse that? You spilled on him before you could understand what was happening, screaming his name at the top of your lungs as more and more spurt sprayed out of you and onto his stomach, like it was never-ending. The high you were ridding was never-ending. A high you had never experienced before, a high you didn’t want to get off, a high sure to make you fall in love.
“That was so hot-” It was the first thing you heard after who knows how long. After you managed to recollect your mind and see in front of you again. And then you realized Taehyung was no longer inside of you; he had pulled you off him and released his own cum against your ass while you were blacked out.
When you looked down, it was a mess. You quickly got off him. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry!” you said.
“Princess, what are you apologizing for?” Taehyung grabbed your arm to pull you back close to him. He kissed your lips softly. “You looked like you had such fun, never apologize for that.
You bit your lip as your eyes were still glued on his glistening belly. “I… I think I… Did I just squirt?”
Taehyung smiled at your innocent and shocked expression. “You did. And I liked it so much.”
“Oh. Wow.”
“Was that your first time?” he asked when he saw you were still processing everything. And when you nodded shyly, he pulled you in for another soft kiss. “First of many to come,” he said.
Almost like he was promising he would be there to make sure that was the case.
The bed was big enough for you to lazily clean yourselves and roll to a drier side to sleep. Taehyung wrapped his arms and legs around you again, the same way he had done before, nuzzling into you like you were a teddy bear. And you closed your eyes and allowed yourself to melt and mold against his body in a way that it would be the perfect fit.
The fear of the haunted Manor forgotten. The only thing on your minds being each other.  
Next Chapter
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liyawritesss · 4 years
AAAA i found another shinsou lovebot why r we so rare 😭 anyway, i saw ur sleepover post so i was thinking... how would he set out to ask the reader out? like who would he go to for advice, would he panic or be completely chill about it, would he bring a gift while asking you out, etc! i love ur blog so far! ❤️
Shinsou Asking You Out Would Include...
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Yes I am a proud shinsou lovebot😊😊 and I'm glad we can agree that this sleepy boy deserves all the love!!
Synopsis: shinsou develops some feels for you and doesn't know what to do with them. Naturally he'd like to keep them inside, but the people he surrounds himself with are just too good at reading him.
Warnings: shinsou fluff, fem!black/poc!reader x shinsou, aged up!2nd years
The moment shinsou is able to distinguish that what he feels for you is something different from what friends should normally feel for one another, he immediately goes "shit" to himself
He did NOT intend to fall for you, at all
It either hits him like a block of bricks, or it sneaks up on him, there is no in between.
The first one to point out his slightly weird actions is Denki
Blonde boy's like "yo shinsou, you're looking at (y/n) kinda weird bud"
Denki lowkey be thinking he hates you sometimes from the looks he gives you
But then Aizawa points it out is like "yes, my son, you've got a crush"
Shinsou doesn't go straight into pining you, he has to sit down and actually understand these emotions himself
Because damn aizawa dropped a nuke on him
Over time, the more he accompanies you, the more these feelings grow, and he's suffocated by those feelings, and he has to distance himself from you
And then you start to think "is something wrong? Did I do something?" And that would start a huge misunderstanding between you two
Shinsou makes the biggest mistake and goes to Denki to figure out what he should do
And of course he tells him to just go for it
"Its like taking off a bandaid! The faster your rip it off, the less pain you feel! So you just tell her and the worst thing you can get is an "I don't like you", no harm no foul!"
Yes Denki its all the fucking harm !!
Mistake no.2 he goes to Aizawa, ft Mic eavesdropping
"Perhaps you could-"
"JuST tElL ThEM sHinSoU!"
Istg these mf blond think shif be sweet
So now Shinsou's thoroughly confused, and in the end he ultimately follows his gut, albeit with sweaty palms and a racing mind.
He asks you to meet him after-school, saying he wants to explain why he's been acting so weird lately.
Once you two meet up. He immediately tells you that his words are going to be all over the place, they're going to be jumbled, so please bare with him
You may have to guide the poor baby through his confession because at some point he's gonna go off topic because of the anxiousness in him
At the end he asks you out to the movies that weekend, and you agree, and he may not show it but he's so so sooooo happy you said yes to him
BONUS: On the day of your date he brings you an amethyst crystal necklace because he thinks you look really pretty with purple 💜
Lord the way I can write a novel on this boy, it makes no SENSE!!! Thank you for the request @shoutafilms I hope this satisfies you!!
If you enjoyed, please leave a like, comment, and reblog for others to see! And don't be shy to send a request!
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perspectivestarters · 2 years
Perspective's Sentence Starters; Misc. girl in red songs (Part I)
"You look so pretty."
"I love this view."
"We fell in love in October."
"Admiring from afar?"
"You will be my girl.
"You will be my world."
"Don't bother looking down."
"We're not going that way."
"I am here to stay."
"I spend all my days trying to forget her face."
"She's so hard to erase."
"I don't think she can be replaced."
"She stole my heart and ran away."
"I don't understand."
"I spend all my days thinking of her embrace."
"It slowly changed."
"Some things will never fade."
"I hate this dance."
"I'll just go home."
"I have no chance with you at all."
"I hate this dress."
"Picture myself with you on the dance floor."
"I want you for myself tonight."
"You won't look into my eyes."
"I guess you're out of my league."
"Would you be into someone like me?"
"I don’t know why I'm so shy."
"I normally hate to keep things inside."
"I don't care what the results might be.
"No matter what, you'll be my queen."
"Find me in the crowd."
"Grab my hand and run around."
"There's no mistletoe above our heads."
"I'll kiss you anyway."
"I don't have a lot to give, but I would give you everything."
"My only wish is one more year.
"I want them all."
"The closer, the better it gets."
"Let's stay right here."
"We've only just started."
"In my head, I see a place."
"It looks like the fairytale."
"I hope to be there some day."
"Maybe I'll see your face."
"It's only you."
"There's no looking back now."
"I'll stay here."
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sincerely-raine · 4 years
Lovesick (Todoroki Shouto x Reader)
in love, or missing the person one loves, so much that one is unable to act normally.
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(Kinda short, also one of my first 'x reader's)
Almost everybody has a voice, whether they use it or not. Kouda? He uses it to talk to animals. Tokoyami? To communicate with Dark Shadow. And Shouji? He's never been one to talk much, but he likes to converse once in a while.
Todoroki has always been quiet. Even quieter around you. You never understood why. 'Is he shy?' You thought, 'Though he seemed fine talking to the others? Maybe I'm out of his league...he is Endeavor's son after all, and a handsome rich kid too, why would he need a normal person like me in his life to be anymore than just another fan?'
You wouldn't let that get in the way of making new friends. Whether he likes it or not.
But the truth was...your thoughts were completely wrong. Little did you know, his feelings for you were so strong he may as well take the world record for being the biggest lovebird to live.
Everytime you were around, he got so nervous, felt so fuzzy inside, he couldn't bring himself to speak. Caught up in his head, thinking about how beautiful you are, how adorable every expression you made was...how you were so nice towards him, even before the sports festival. He would be so blatantly rude to you, block you off, straight up tell you he didn't need friends, yet you still tried to invade his social life.
You're so persistent, and thoughtful, and understanding...once the sports festival was over...he couldn't stop thinking about you.
How he wished he could speak to you. Everytime you said something, he would just stare into your eyes with an expression so hard to read.
"She probably thinks I'm not interested in her...but how can I show my true feelings when all I can do is stare?" He murmured to himself before sitting up on his bed.
He looked over to a notebook sitting on his desk. That was it! He can write to you! Surely, that'll work!
He sighed once he made it to your dorm. All he needed to do was slide the paper under the door, that was all! 'Who cares if they don't replicate your feelings, right?'
He was shaken from his thoughts when he saw your door open. You were standing there, 3 inches apart from him, with bedhead and adorable pajamas. Barely even awake.
"Hey, Todoroki," you said ever so quietly with the cutest blush,"Need something?"
"Todoroki? Hello? Anyone in there?" you giggled at your own reaction as he just stood there. "Well uh...it was nice playing stand infront of someone's dorm room with you, but I really should brush my teeth now. Gotta stay hygienic! Bye-bye!" he watched as you walked towards the elevator. What was he doing? Who cares. He was so close to you...he could smell your sweet, natural, cotton candy scent. He could almost touch you, hug you, even kiss you.
Wait...the letter! He was supposed to give you that love letter! And you were gone. Well, nothing's stopping him from giving you a late love letter...maybe even checking out your room? No...that's creepy to do that without permission...but it's not creepy if they don't know.....
He reached for the door handle and turned it, opening the door to reveal all the things you love in one dorm.
All the equipment and gear for the sports you love to play, every doodle and sketch you've ever drawn, a twin bed covered with multiple blankets and pillows with your favorite fandoms on them. He looked over to the corner of your bed and saw a journal with a lock on it. Your diary? Maybe so. And you were even foolish enough to leave the key right on your pillow.
He set the letter down and used the key to unlock the diary, and read anything he found interesting. He hoped you wouldn't walk in on him reading your book of secrets.
Over the past 5 minutes, he's already learned so much about you. Your pet cockatiel you had to leave at home to abide dorm rules, your older sister who you missed so much, all your past crushes and friends, and even enemies. And finally he got to the one page he needed to read.
And he read every last word.
"I always wondered why he never talks to me...did I say something? Am I annoying? And why do I have to like him? The one person who doesn't even bother to speak to me. I wish I never had the ability to feel, I know this will end in heartbreak and our relationship being even more awkward than before. It always does.
But I won't stop talking until he makes me. It'll teach both of us something! He'll learn to use his words instead of waiting for someone to use their mind reading quirks and I can work on whatever he tells me to!"
Were you talking about him? Who do you have feelings for?? He didn't know what to think.
He closed and locked your diary, left the letter and closed the door behind him. Walking back to his dorm, he was lost in his thoughts, hoping he'd get answers.
"My legs hurt..." you whined, plopping onto the couch. "You'll get used to it!" Mina chimed in,"I always felt that way after playing Dance Dance Revolution but it gave me dancer legs after a while, and cool moves~" you giggled at her once she started doing the strangest dance she could think of.
"Thanks for taking me to the arcade, guys, it really did take my mind off him for a while."
Kaminari sat down next to you,"Don't worry bout it, but hey, if you just mentioned him, doesn't that mean you're thinking bout him right now?"
"Why don't you just ask him what's up?" Kirishima chimed in.
"Yeah, and keep asking over and over until he gives in."
You stood up "Sero, if I do that I'll just annoy him so bad that I'll have an even lesser chance to hook up with him...but thanks for the idea?"
He shrugged in response. "I'm gonna go to bed, sleeping will make Saturday come faster."
"Goodnight!" Uraraka said as you walked by. "G'night, chako."
You opened your door and saw a piece of plain, lined paper sitting in the middle of your bed. "Did I leave this here?"
You gently picked it up and laid down.
"Dear (Y/N),
I'm sorry if I upset you with my silence. I don't mean to leave you hanging all the time. But your presence makes me so flustered, I get lost in your words. I can't even use my own words to talk with you.
You make me lovesick. It's impossible to function as a normal human when you're around.
Everytime I see your sparkling eyes, my heart skips a beat. Everytime I hear soft voice, I feel like I'm listening to music. When I smell your sweet scent, I could faint.
I love you so much it's unhealthy.
Please forgive me for being so rude.
Your secret admirer, Todoroki."
Okay, for one, it's not secret when he tells you his name?
You were so shocked, you were expecting him to confess, but you weren't expecting a love confession! Not that you were mad, you were anything but mad. You didn't think you'd visit the arcade, come back, to try sleep, then get hit with a love letter from the one guy who acts like he hates you! (Even on accident!)
That night, you dreamt of red and white.
Part 2? Maybe? Possibly?
And don't be scared to let me know if I made any mistakes or give me suggestions!
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castleofclouds · 3 years
7 Days A Week.
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Genre ; Fluff, Slice of Life, Humor
Warning ; I'm writing this in the middle of midnight and I'm trying my best to used my last brain cells.
Summary ; A Story About you (fm reader), and your 7 dorks!
Part 1 ; Nostalgia.
Today is a normal day, nothing too different than the yesterday, except the way you started isn't by cliche way in which another character would wake up at exactly 7 AM in the morning to go to class.
Nope, you weren't doing that!
In fact, you are on your bed lying down, actually not really on top of your bed, kinda like a tent that was make with a blanket and pillows build just for the eight of you.
Yup! It's a slumber party! Surprise! How is it? Isn't it great to start it with a slumber party?
Anyway that...
"Can you stop talking?" Jeno said, currently getting irritated by how the narrator never stop telling things.
"Yeah! Like we don't need to hear it just get the spotlight down here!" Renjun remarks.
Those bastard! Anyway since the narrator felt attack I will leave it to you, take care of it.
"This is much more better!" Haechan exclaimed, feeling relief after the narrator leave.
The story telling was just too much for him.
"Anyway, how's you guys been doing?" You asked trying to change the topic.
"We been doing things that you do, except we are doing it our own way." Jisung said, being sarcastic as he should, Jaemin gasped.
"Did this baby just insulted someone?!" He overreacted, trying to tease Jisung.
"Can we stop with the baby joke? It's becoming to boring." Jisung said, even though he doesn't want that to stop, he love getting attention.
"Shut it!" He shouted to the narrator at the corner of the room.
"We've been playing things like jenga and even that penguin escape." Renjun explains showing all the jenga and the penguin escape game being left alone in the corner of the tent.
"We should play something to take care of our boredom.." Mark sighed, he gets bored sometimes, but sometimes he doesn't understand how he is already 20 still love to make a tent and playing a card game, pretty sure he's just childish.
Seeing his child, Jaemin come up with a solution, it's sound like there's a lamp effect going around on top of his head.
"Aha! I got an idea!" He chirped happily, the 7 pair of eyes are lit by it.
"What is it?" You ask excitement going around your eye, you can't help it.
"Yeah yeah what is it?" Chenle said as excited as you, he hold your hands the both of you waiting for the great idea that Jaemin has.
"How about we talk about our high school life?" He said, thinking that it was the best idea he ever had.
Renjun sparkling eyes losses it's spark, now he's ready to throw some hands.
Poor boy was so happy, and either Chenle, he just want some fun, what should he hope for? It's Jaemin, Jeno best friend pretty sure Jeno teach him how to be a boomer like him.
"Seriously?! Are you being serious now?" Renjun said, getting annoyed.
Jaemin tilted his head, he thought it was a great idea, sadly not much people in here understand his efforts.
"Fine! Then come up with something nice!" He exclaimed, then Haechan start to act as if he's Sherlock from Sherlock's Holmes books series.
"Hmm... How about we talked about embarrassment that we had back in high school!" He shouted, giving his almost the same kinda idea that Jaemin just gave.
Jaemin was ready to complain how his idea sounds just like him but then he heard a lot of agreement going around.
"Not you to Jeno!" He said disbelieved how Jeno was quick to betray him.
He should have thought much before he make a deal with all of this dumbass.
"I'm sorry Jaemin, but Haechan Idea seems very interesting!" Jeno said, Jaemin felt the urge to choked his friend but he try to calm.
He isn't Renjun who are always thirst by blood and will always be the one who ready to pick a fight, he had an image and he need to keep doing it, because it's his Ninja Way! As in Naruto.
"Jaemin everyone can hear you thoughts." Renjun said, which made the boy flustered.
"Sorry, my bad." He said, excusing himself to the toilet feel ashamed.
"You don't need to go, we just start the story." You said, didn't want Jaemin to miss any of the great story that are waiting to unfold.
Jaemin who found out that you cared a lot about him, move pass Haechan who previously sit next to you.
"Hmm.. YN finally give me the attention that I deserved!" He exclaimed exclusively, while cling onto your arm like there's no tomorrow.
You pushed his head a little bit, you don't really like skinship, you are fine with some of them, but sometimes Jaemin way of affection is too much, let alone Jisung who had to endure it everytime he met Jaemin.
"How is it feel?" Jisung asked you, more like a whisper.
"Not fun, thank you." You stated calmly, while still trying to get away from Jaemin, the boy tightens his hold to your arm, his other arm are already at your waist.
Well, you gave up in the end.
"You can't get out mwaahaha!" He shouted while laughing evilly.
"Anyway let me start!" You said, taking all of the attention you get inside the room, even the narrator going closer.
What could be the interesting story you has?
"So.. I knew how all of you were very sensitive about this topic, well not really if you aren't Jaemin." You explained, Jaemin ears perked hearing his name.
"Oohhh.. What is it?" Haechan who heard the summary of your story is very excited.
"Remember how, back when we were an elementary students there are a new substitute teacher for our class?" You continue, everyone nodded their head.
But then by the power of Mark brain cell, he discovered it way faster than the other, when it comes to elementary school there's a lot of embarrassment going around the 8 of you.
And that thing is one them.
"Don't tell me.." He mumble.
"Yup! How can I forgot Miss Kang? That one teacher who made Mark, Jeno and Haechan going berserk, or you can say first love?" You smiling evilly seeing how the three mentioned boy getting shy, their ears turn to red.
"Miss Kang? Ohh yeah yeah! I remember!" Chenle chirped happily, of course he remembered.
"Yeah I knew.." Jisung whispered.
"Wait I forgot how Jisung falling for Miss Kang, it's very cute I swear!" This time you went overboard.
How back in the day, Jisung would always smiling everytime Miss Kang give him a compliment, even Mark who hated math learn it just to get noticed by Miss Kang.
Haechan would always try to point his hand toward the air, just to asked a question, and acting like he doesn't know anything when he's always the first one who knows how to finish math homework, Jeno the typical nerd he is always try to be the best students, just so he can see how Miss Kang proudly talking about him in front of the class.
And Renjun, the one who are being oblivious, that guy would always prepared an apple just for Miss Kang exclusively from his uncle farm.
Chenle in the other hand, doesn't understand a thing back in the day, he just follow everything that his friends doing, pretending like he do have a crush to while in fact he wasn't.
"Omg! Really? they did that?!" Jaemin gasped, and while getting second hand embarrassment when he heard about the story.
"Yeah, sadly you have can't join us to see how cute and naive they were, Jisung is the cutest one, poor boy was so happy because he got 97 in Math Exam to impress Miss Kang, but doesn't know that she's already married at that time." You said, ruffled Jisung hair who looked very gloomy.
"It's not my fault, I don't know that, Mark didn't tell me about it." He protests, Mark eyes turn big.
"What?! It's not my fault, Miss Kang was so beautiful I can't help to fell for her." He said taken aback.
"Anyway that was pretty fun, seeing how naive you guys were." You said finishing your story.
"Wait wait, you guys remember how Jisung literally almost burned down the laboratory?
"Omg yes!" Haechan shout happily, he remember every part of it.
"Yeah, we almost burned it if it weren't because of Jaemin smartass we would already getting sued."
That time, in a chemistry class, Jisung, Renjun, You and Jaemin were partnered to do some experiments but because of Jisung clumsy hands.
The laboratory almost burned to the ground, thankfully Jaemin who are fortunately know how to stop the fire before it become out of hands.
"Yeah yeah, I remember how literally Renjun just watching it while shouting about how he's afraid of the fire, Jisung already crying and Yn is the only one who help Jisung calmed down." Jaemin explains about the situation.
Probably that's why the 8 of you always labeled as the trouble maker back when you were still in elementary school, you know how basically every teacher hope the 8 of you ever getting transferred to another school.
Even how Mr. Ben always try to make you guys got expelled because the man are too tired to babysit, how Mark always chewed a gum on his class, even Jeno who are very obedient sometimes get out of his comfort zone because of how the 7 of you always whispering evil plan to his ears.
Anyway there's still a lot of story being told that night, you stayed up late as always other than Jisung who already falling asleep on top of Jeno shoulder.
"Well I guess we should be sleeping at this hour, Jisung seems very tired." Jeno said, while looking at his left side of shoulder.
"Yeah we should, I want to sleep next to YN jinx!" Chenle exclaimed, you nodded your head, he bopping his head excited.
Not even an hour later, the eight of you are already falling asleep, being in the most comfortable position ever.
Good night!
The narrator leave the room.
Previous / Next.
A/N ;
Okey I found this being one of the cutest thing I ever wrote, anyway, it's already morning.. Actually afternoon but you don't hear it from me, I always love this type of story actually.
Btw this story has a concept of like how the tv series showed? Like episode 1 might not be the same like how episode 2 will be so yeah, there's a whole new story everytime, and I take request.
This has something to do with NTC story, the difference is based on how this is basically a spin off, how they are best friend with you and that's is the main focus of the story.
Prepare for more fluff and humor I try my best to include it, but yeah anyway not everyday is a happy story.
See you next time! 😃 ps. I probably will upload more of 7DAW than NTC because of how I got a little bit confused on NTC.
Tag ;
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