#(which is not the case because a 4 point seminar already has 4 hours of Presence time
tardis--dreams · 2 years
I am once again signing up for way too many seminars knowing fully well I've never managed more than 27 points since starting university and yet aiming for 50
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peralta-guaranteed · 3 years
hc of jake/amy dealing mac and maya having sleepless nights
(this ran away from me a little towards the end there because much like Jake in the last few HCs, I'm pretty sleep-deprived at the moment and my brain is just shooting random sparks)
- if it's just the typical "baby/toddler does not have a sleep schedule yet and needs to be attended to" they're pretty good at trading it off, so that neither of them gets extremely sleep-deprived. Amy also has a schedule (obvs) of who has which major appointments / work stuff the next days so they get more sleep during those nights while the other one is on baby duty
- after Mac's first major illness that caused him to cry through the night Jake put wheels on the crib to move it into the living room, so one of them can sleep on the amazingly soft fold-out couch they got years before, without waking the other one in the bedroom up constantly
- it turns out to be a great system and a great purchase on the couch, because both Mac and Maya always end up as insomniacs when they get sick. So there's a loooot of quiet late night tv for Jake while he cuddles and sways a sick toddler or even two, because Amy usually wins out in the 'needs to sleep for her job' department as a Sergeant (she makes up for it by taking the kids out for daytrips once she has time off again so Jake can sleep all day. 50% of the time he wants to tag along on their fun day so badly it doesn't work out the way she planned though)
- Mac has a phase when he's around 4 where he's afraid of everything, especially at night, and has a lot of nightmares. At some point he refuses to go to bed at all because he's scared of bad dreams. And since he and Maya share a room, it's pretty hard to get his little sister to sleep as well when he's up and complaining.
- the only solution they find to that dilemma is taking Mac in with them in their big bed, because he sleeps better / has less nightmares with Mama and Daddy nearby to cuddle. But that in turn makes Maya jealous so she obviously has to join them as well. So the end of the story is: Mac and Maya starfish in Mama and Daddy's bed for several weeks while Mama and Daddy almost fall out the sides of it and seriously consider just moving to the couch when the kids are asleep
- (they try that once, but when Mac wakes up in the big bed basically 'alone' cause he can't see Maya in the dark, all hell breaks loose and they go back to square 1 in terms of getting rid of his nightmares)
- one time when Amy is gone for a week for a special seminar out of state, Maya gets a bad case of mama-sickness (basically being homesick for Mama) while Mac gets actually sick, and Jake doesn't sleep for about 3 days straight, but refuses to tell Amy about it even as she facetimes them daily, because he knows she'll quit the seminar early and she was so, so excited to go there. Holt and Kevin offer to take Mac (who's already well again) and Maya for friday afternoon+night before Amy gets back on sunday, so Jake can at least rest before the weekend and reset their apartment, honestly. And he was supposed to just drop the kids off and put their bags in the Holt-Cozner guest bedroom that's been half-turned into a kids room anyway, but the large bed they share in there looked so comfy and he only wanted to sit down for a minute and catch his breath and... when Holt and Kevin come back with Mac+Maya after the initial run through the garden to say hi to Cheddar, they find him fast asleep and snoring.
- Kevin shoos the kids back out into the garden before they can wake him up, and Holt adds another plate to the dinner table setting 4 hours later when he finally comes out of the guest room looking like he's just defrosted from some ice age 'what year is it?!?!?' moment.
- When Jake gets back home to their apartment after that dinner, all alone after waving byebye to Mac and Maya like 5 minutes too long, the place has never felt more empty and wrong. He genuinely considers calling Holt and asking if he can come back or pick up the kids again or... but he knows he'll just get reprimanded, Captain Dad stylez, so he facetimes Amy instead after his night shower and falls asleep listening to her talk about the seminar
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Press Release on the FFWPU by the Department of Communication, Nizhny Novgorod province, Russia
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▲ Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han with Raisa and Mikhail Gorbachev.
The Administration of Nizhny Novgorod province warns about the “Ambivalent Public Reputation” of the Unification Church
Press release by the Department of Communications with the Public, Administration of Nizhegorod province
July 9, 1999
(Edited for readability; some small additions made for clarity)
Recently on the downtown streets of Nizhny Novgorod one can frequently meet young people who ask passersby to donate money for the needs of a “student organization,” “for aide to students,” or to buy postcards attached to the same charitable purpose. These young persons, who are not averse to appealing to people who are relaxing in street cafes, as a rule do not report that they represent a religious association that has an ambivalent reputation, “The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity” or the “Unification Church,” or that they represent one of its numerous daughter organizations. One in particular is the youth student organization, the “Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles,” CARP. The “Unification Church” has recently become more active in our province, but its successes have been less than in a number of other regions.
Adherents of the religious association “The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity” (Unification Church, UC, for short) began to spread in the territory of our country in the second half of the 1980s. This organization, according to its own data, comprises of around two million followers [this number has never been substantiated], active in 160 countries. The founder of the UC, the Korean Sun Myung Moon who was born in 1920, created his organization in 1954. Several times he has been charged with “amoral conduct and holding persons against their will [1955],” refusal of military service [1955], and tax evasion [and document fraud, etc., 1982]. On this last charge he served a thirteen-month prison term in the US. Besides this, many other indictments in various countries have been advanced against Moon’s organization. At the same time it is necessary to note that the UC possesses enormous experience in responding to indictments and maintains a large staff of qualified attorneys.
If one speaks about the doctrines of Moonism, frequently the views that really are preached in Moonist religious organizations, as a rule, are quite different from those which its missionaries begin with when introducing Moonism. The doctrines comprise approximately the following. There have been three epochs in the divine revelation to the world:  the epoch of Moses, the epoch of Jesus Christ, and the current epoch, the epoch of Sun Myung Moon. His followers consider him to be the Messiah, the living God, who was called to unite all Christian religions and create a “new humanity,” a new harmonious human family, as well as some kind of new race of [sinless] people in order to secure peace throughout the world. People who are not followers of Moon are condemned to destruction [because they are still tainted by original sin]. There is a paradox in the way the doctrine also emphasizes “the value of every religion on the road to creating a single world” [and their theology of the Fall and sin].
Public concern, however, is evoked not by the doctrines of the Moonists as such but by the actual practices of the religious organization. Various public associations in the West and in Russia, whose purpose is to oppose the negative influence of some new religious movements, have arisen since World War II. With respect to Moonism reporters have frequently used such phrases as “destructive cult,” “totalitarian sect,” and “psycho-cult,” etc. (Of course, such expressions do not have a judicial character since in the Russian law “On freedom of conscience and religious associations” there is no notion of “sect” or “cult.”) The reasons for this are seen in the following features which, in their opinion, are characteristic of the Moon organization. It is possible that some of the following points are open to debate.
1.  Social mimicry: that is, an attempt to conceal their religious and mystical essence under secular names and forms [front groups]. As already noted, Moonists often are in no hurry to give the name of their organization. For example, they introduce themselves as representatives of “an international student organization” (CARP). There are a whole range of Moonist organization by whose names one could not guess that they are directed by Moon or his wife, Hak Ja Han: “International Religious Foundation, IRF,” “Assembly of the World’s Religions,” “Global Congress of the World’s Religions,” “Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace,” “Youth seminar on religions of the world,” “Religious Youth Service, RYS,” “Service for Peace,” “Interdenominational Conference of Clergy, ICC,” “International Cultural Foundation, ICF,” “International Relief Friendship Foundation, IRFF,” “International Federation for World Peace,” “Professors World Peace Academy, PWPA,” “International Educational Foundation, IEF,” “CAUSA,” “Universal Peace Federation, UPF,” “International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences, ICUS,” “The Summit Council for World Peace,” [“The International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace, IAPP,”] etc.
In Nizhny Novgorod the following are active:  “Youth Student Organization, CARP,” “Women’s Federation for World Peace, WFWP,” “Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, FFWPU,” and others. In all there are around 300 of such organizations. For their purposes Moonists try to use all serious public problems: the struggle for peace, the environment, drugs, AIDS, etc. Frequently a young person is invited to a lecture where during the introduction nothing is said about Moon.
2.  Strict “totalitarian” organizational hierarchical structure, built on the cult of the leader and harsh discipline in a pyramid of power; authoritative subordination and centers of power outside the control of society. Members of the UC relate to Moon as an absolute power, and obedience to him is placed above all civil laws. Public organizations are disturbed by the so-called “blessings,” massive weddings of couples who beforehand were “infallibly” arranged by Moon on the basis of a few moments in a matching ceremony or by photographs and written forms. There have been cases when Moon married 30,000 couples in this way. As a rule, the couple is chosen from representatives of different races or, at least, different nationalities. [Sometimes the marriages were just done for the purposes of getting visas. Many Japanese were matched with Americans so they could stay in the US to work for Moon’s businesses.] Incidentally, the “messiah” himself was married three or more times before his present marriage, and the divorces are explained by Moon’s followers as the inability of the previous wives to cope with the mission that was laid upon them.
3.  Emphasis on conversion, the transformation of the consciousness of members of a particular organization, and on manipulation of people for the goals of Moon; alienation of people from the outside world and disruption of their social relations. Among Moonists they conduct hours-long lectures in the course of which it is forbidden to ask questions; Moonists try to restrict new converts from contacting the outside world as much as possible. And often they do not hesitate to do things that threaten to break the relations between parents and children. All methods of psychological techniques that have been worked out in several new religious movements are employed (“love bombing,” and the like). A characteristic trait of Moonists is a focus almost exclusively upon youth, especially impressionable young men and women and those who are facing various problems. There is evidence that in Moonist congregations members shadow each other and demonstrate blind obedience to the leader. [Leaders are regarded as being in Abel position; followers are in Cain position and must be obedient to reverse the failure of Cain in the Garden of Eden. Reports on fellow members are given to “central figures.”] There arises the danger of depriving a person of basic rights and freedoms which are declared in the constitution of the Russian Federation and in international documents.
4.  Emphasis on the maximum receipt of commercial income by means of donations, exploitation of the unpaid labor of members, transfer of personal property to the organization, etc. These characteristics of Moonism are especially evident in foreign countries where Moon owns a great number of enterprises, including [factories that manufacture for the] military. Moon is among the richest people in the world, and his religious activities have enabled him this situation. For the time being in Russia stress is not placed on the immediate growth of income, but on the creation of a sufficient base of converts for “the saintly Moon.” In Russia in Moonist organizations missionaries and evangelists are encouraged with free trips to USA or Canada (where they also engage in missionary activity, collection of donations, etc.). The real leaders of Moonist organizations in Russia are, as a rule, foreign citizens. In Russia Moonists practice the formation of teams for collection of donations which travel to other cities. In Russia it is characteristics for Moonists to devote attention to leaders of various institutions who are offered free trips abroad. However various free camps for children and youth, rallies, and concerts are organized.
In the West, Moonism long ago acquired a negative reputation (less so in US where the position of Moonists is more solid) and a whole series of declarations by authoritative public and other organizations against the Moonists has occurred. Thus, back on April 2, 1984, the European Parliament adopted a declaration on the question of the damage to society by the Moon’s Unification Church:  
“The European Parliament having carefully analyzed the damage created by the sect of Moon: 1.  welcomes the uninterrupted exposure of the Moonist activity through mass media, 2.  calls the governments of the whole community to take care that the sect of Moon not be granted any special status, not be permitted any arrangements, and not be given any special privileges, 4.  calls for notification of the Commission on Youth, Culture, Education, Information, and Sports regarding the activity of adherents of the sect of Moon and the danger which it represents for society.”
In December 1994, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation requested information from the embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, FRG, about non-traditional religions and the relationship of the government of FRG to them. In the FRG response, they noted that the FRG government sees a danger in such organizations as the UC “in particular in their hierarchical authoritative structure which often contradicts generally recognized democratic values, in their fundamental ideology and claim of the absolute truth of their convictions about the ‘way to salvation of the soul,’ which deceives people and completely takes control of those who are seeking for themselves a change and new orientations, and in the demand of unconditional obedience of their members. . . .”  In the West there have been a lot of negative magazine and newspaper articles about Moon and his organizations and a number of books have come out. Thus, if one speaks about editions with substantial numbers, the book by the French television reporter Jean-François Boyer “The Empire of Moon” has been translated from the French into Russian [and Spanish].
Apparently, in particular in connection with the fact that in western countries Moonists to a significant extent have discredited themselves, they have rushed into eastern Europe as soon as the possibility presented itself. Their spread in the former USSR was facilitated by M. Gorbachev’s reception of Moon in the Kremlin in 1990, as well as by the uncritical attitude toward this organization by various groups including the offices of national education. A role was also played by the imperfections of the Russian law “On freedom of religious profession” which was adopted in 1990. However, it must also be noted that the Moonists have much experience in organized missionary activity and are able to work without formally violating laws. Moonists have managed to create a network of their organizations in Russia. In a number of educational institutions the coursebook, “My world and I,” which they developed, has been taught.
Recently, however, public opinion with regard to Moonists in Russia has not been different from that of the West. This is expressed in the mass media which in the past three years has published many critical materials about the followers of Moon. The dangers caused by their activities has been noted by a number of scientific and public conferences devoted to problems of youth. This, for example, was noted in the concluding document of the international seminar “Totalitarian sects and problems of the protection of the interests and rights of the family, children, and youth in Russia” (Moscow, December 7, 1995).
In St. Petersburg there was a court case based on a suit brought by parents of young men and women who had been drawn into the UC. It was claimed that these young people had suffered psychological damage. In December 1996 the State Duma, by a substantial majority of votes, adopted an open letter to the president of the Russian Federation “About the dangers and consequences of the actions of several religious organizations on the health of society, the family, and the citizens of Russia.” The letter suggested the working out of a concept for the religious security of Russia; among the religious organizations whose activities posed public danger the letter names, among others, the Moonists. The letter emphasized that teaching in several thousand Russian schools with the textbook “My world and I,” prepared by the Moonist International Education Foundation, is a “blatant violation of the constitutional principle of the secular nature of our schools.” The Russian Orthodox Church and other traditional religious organizations in Russia, as well as a large portion of protestant Russian religious associations, view the Moon organization negatively.
There have been complaints made to the provincial administration and the administration of Nizhny Novgorod from parents whose children became adherents of Moonism.
In our country the time of prohibition of religion has passed. There is no doubt that adherents of the Unification Church (now known as the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification) have the right to their views and to have respect for their leader. However, the principle of freedom of conscience should not mean an uncritical attitude toward those religious groups which have a negative international reputation. The point is not a matter of “persecution” or of “whipping up anti-cult hysteria,” but of the citizens’ right to have information and to develop a critical point of view about any religious association, including the followers of Sun Myung Moon. It is this which has caused the Committee of Religious and National Relations of the Department on Relations with the Public of the administration of Nizhegorod province to distribute this press release.  
(translated by PDS, posted July 25, 1999)
ABC Religion & Ethics
Humanism and atheism as civil religions
Luke Bretherton
Tuesday 4 October 2011 10:26 am
In the early 1990s I met the then Russian minister for education. He alleged that a representative of Rev. Sun Myung Moon offered him $1 million as a personal gift if he would distribute textbooks extolling the virtues of the Unification Church in all Russian schools.
The response he related to this offer was unforgettable: “I will not sell the souls of Russia’s children.” However, the minister had the wisdom to know that while he could reject the Moonies offer, he was still left with the problem of how to teach virtue to Russia’s children.
As the conversation developed, it was clear that the minister was seeking some kind of textbook in order to accomplish the task of inculcating virtue. But he was perplexed by the need to find an alternative to the godless ideology of the Communism Russia was rejecting, but without thereby embracing a sectarian dogma. …
Luke Bretherton is Reader in Theology and Politics, and convenor of the Faith and Public Policy Forum at King’s College, London. His most recent book is Christianity and Contemporary Politics: The Conditions and Possibilities of Faithful Witness (Wiley-Blackwell, 2010), and he is currently writing a book on community organizing and democratic citizenship.
My experience within the hierarchy of the Moon cult during its years of expansion in Russia and in the CIS
Bizarre entry to Moon’s orbit as empire fell and a cult flourished
In order to rule the world, Sun Myung Moon had to start with Korea.
Sun Myung Moon’s desire to take over the League for his own financial and political ends
Fraser Committee Report on Moon org.:  “these violations were related to the overall goals of gaining temporal power.”
Group Founded by Sun Myung Moon Preaches Sexual Abstinence in China
Sun Myung Moon’s One-World Theocracy
Sun Myung Moon’s theology used to control members
Sun Myung Moon: The Emperor of the Universe
The CIG constitution is the paperwork for what Fraser and every Moon org critic has warned was the Moon org’s goal all along
Hak Ja Han’s Cheon Il Guk Constitution is troubling
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hempoilfrog1 · 4 years
How To Make 500 Dollars Fast In Less Than A Week
The cost of living is constantly on the rise. And our paychecks seem to never be enough to cover all bills. Then someone gets sick. Or your car breaks down. Or you get invited to 7 parties in one month. While you probably have an emergency fund for that, even that can be depleted. So, when your through to the last penny, how can you make money? Perhaps 500 dollars really fast!
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How You Can Make Money Online With CTFO CBD Oil Business
Top 8 Reasons Why CTFO is One of the Fastest Growing MLM Companies
Find Out How CTFO Can be the Secret to Your Online Success
Set Your Own Schedule by Starting Your CTFO Business
How to Start Your Own CBD Business Without Any Sales Experience
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How To Make 500 Dollars Fast In Less Than A Week
16 Companies Offering Transcription Jobs From Home
30 Best Late Night Work From Home Jobs Anyone Can Do
31 Surprising Hobbies That Make You Money
15 High Paying Online Jobs From Home -Over $45,000/Yr
The post How To Make 500 Dollars Fast In Less Than A Week appeared first on Sell CBD Oils.
from https://hempoilfrog.com/how-to-make-500-dollars-fast/
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eponymous-rose · 5 years
Weird question, but you seem really productive despite seeming to have a constantly fluctuating routine, with both your work and your hobbies. Most people think having a solid routine is the only way to increase your productivity but I've pretty much given up on having a routine since my life seems similar to yours--a lot of travel, weird and always changing work hours. Do you have any advice on how you deal with routine and productivity in spite of that?
Oh gosh, this is definitely something I struggle with a LOT, and I’m not sure I’ve found a coping strategy that works for me yet. But the small things that have been helping have been (1) keeping a routine in my planning even if the stuff I do changes dramatically (even if I’m traveling, I have a notebook where, every Sunday, I list all the stuff that has specific dates/times for the following week, I list the stuff where I still have to come up with a date/time, and I list the stuff I’ve gotta do that week for sure), and (2) finding multiple ways to approach the same goals that I can tailor to my level of energy/spare time on any given week (so this week I’m just not in a super exercisey mindset and can’t rely on having the motivation to run every day, but instead I’m making an extra effort not to eat out this week—lower-effort for my current state of mind, but all toward the same goal of feeling a bit healthier overall).
I’m also very cognizant of how little time at work is actually spent working, so I try not to feel guilty if the total number of hours worked is low as long as the work’s getting done. I’m an incredibly routine-oriented person, but it’s been a bit freeing to slowly and steadily teach myself that stuff just has to get finished one way or another, and the easiest way to do that is to just focus on specific goals and let the rest be flexible.
Anyway, yesterday I was thinking of this ask and was like, “You know, I’ll just write up what I do on Monday as an example, and I bet things will go hilariously awry.” And so they did.
So here’s what my weekly planning list looked like last night:
Dated Events:
Call with paper coauthor at 9AM Monday
Call with leadership academy planning committee at 10AM Monday
Call with peer mentoring group at 9AM Tuesday
Sit in on class at 11:30AM Tuesday and Thursday
Seminars Wednesday at 3PM, Thursday at 4PM, and Friday at 3PM
D&D Saturday at 6PM
Undated Events:
Coordinating abstract submission for an upcoming conference (early week)
Setting up Skype calls with a couple friends I haven’t talked to in a while (late week)
Assorted Priorities:
Book hotel for work travel in July
Accept journal article review request and scope out how long that’ll take
Review some materials sent out for my peer mentoring call
Revise my paper and submit the revisions before the Monday deadline
Get my driver’s license renewed (the joys of yearly visa renewal… your license has to be renewed yearly as well)
Put together a schedule for a biweekly Twitter feature highlighting new publications for the account I run for a subcommittee in my field
Respond to an e-mail about a conference in January about some weird deadline that popped up for next week
Come up with conference abstract ideas before the as-yet-unscheduled meeting
Fill out some action items in advance of my 10AM Monday call
And some more specific checklists for four research projects I’m focusing on this week
I purposely try to group conference calls together, because I currently share my office and feel weird doing video calls when she’s stuck in frame five feet away from me while she tries to work. So Monday seems like a good day to work from home, and I can squeeze in Tuesday’s call before heading to the office that morning. I’ll be in the office Tuesday-Friday, which means I’ll be able to attend those seminars and classes with no problem. I have most of my D&D prep done already because we ended early last game, so I can leave that until Saturday. The only thing I might have to shuffle to next week is the driver’s license thing, because it’ll take three hours and I have to account for finding a Lyft there and back. Okay. Aces.
Wake up this morning to find my internet’s out, and I also somehow left the hard drive with all my research on it at work. Hoo boy. But staring over my to-do list, I think I can set today up as a “big picture” day and not have to do any actual coding, so I’m still okay to work from home. I can also phone in to the conference calls instead of using the video call software. All good.
Luckily, the internet comes back right before my first call of the day. Said call is with someone who also happens to be a dean, so she has a tendency to get held up at meetings, so I take that delay to look at the action items for my second call (I mean… if you send me action items at 8PM on a Sunday I am not gonna touch them until Monday morning).
When she did make it online, we chatted about the new paper, and she strongly encouraged me to send it to our other coauthors in case they have suggestions. We’re submitting on Monday, which is way too short-notice to read a 20-page research paper, but they already read the pre-revision version in great detail, so I shot them an e-mail that included a summary of the substantial changes and a note to the effect that if any of them want more time to look at this stuff, I can beg the editor for an extension on their behalf. Minor crisis averted.
Second meeting is very intense and structured. Everyone has to volunteer to organize and lead two webinars in the next three months, so I go ahead and volunteer for the two April ones so I’ll get it out of the way early. Aaand the first webinar is at 1PM this Friday. Okay. I’ll work from home that morning so I can do last-minute prep, then head into the office in time for the 3PM seminar. No biggie. One organizer puts together a draft schedule, and I send a quick e-mail suggesting a different use of one of the ten-minute time slots. One of the other organizers requests another conference call tomorrow instead of e-mails. I tell them I can only do after 4PM, if I leave work early. Eh. We’ll see how that works out.
After the call, I get through a bunch of small tasks in maybe 20 minutes: hotel booked, Twitter posts prepped, review request accepted (not due until May 20, so plenty of time on that), conference deadline e-mail chain started. I spend the rest of the time before noon getting sucked into an article someone sent me about the myths surrounding undergraduate grade inflation and then reading up on the peer mentoring materials for our call tomorrow. A couple other minor e-mails pop up (scheduling the precise date of a conference mixer in January, that kind of thing) and I manage to deal with them right away.
Lunch! Clearly working from home means I should take the opportunity to indulge in some fine cuisine, some leisurely cooking that highlights—
I heat up a microwave meal (chicken couscous) and watch YouTube videos for an hour.
Back in it! I write up some abstract submission ideas and make a valiant attempt at setting up a time to talk about them, but it looks like that might have to wait until next week. We’re still a ways before the deadline, so that’s okay.
Mmmmmmm someone on Twitter mentions a conference in Germany in September and a workshop in Colorado in July that both look like a good fit for my research. I’m in a situation where I have a big chunk of travel funding that’s going to disappear unless it gets spent in the next year. Oh no. But also oh yes.
Just in case, I put together a couple point-form ideas for stuff to propose that I can bring to the people holding the purse strings.
The rest of the afternoon is spent putting together weekly goals for four of my research projects: each one involves a collaboration with a different person, so I’d like to be able to send each of them an e-mail with at least one new thing to share about that project this week. Just in case that doesn’t happen, though, I rank them from most to least important. Worst-case scenario, I don’t have to send any of them this week, but it’ll make next week tougher if I don’t.
It’s only about 3:30 at this point, but honestly, I’m feeling a bit exhausted and overwhelmed (some of the e-mail chains have gone through five or six replies at this point and keeping it all straight is giving me a headache), so I opt to get some groceries and call it a day.
I may have added some stuff, but I got a lot crossed off today! Here’s how that last checklist looks at the end of the day:
Assorted Priorities:
Revise my paper and submit the revisions before the Monday deadline
Project #1: come up with a new exploratory figure and send to Person A.
Project #2: summarize the early results I started last week and send to Person B, along with an ask to see whether he’d be up for me presenting this stuff in Europe in November.
Project #3: improve on figures I showed last month and send to Person C.
Project #4: prepare a rough outline of the next paper to send to Person D.
Not having my work hard drive means I was able to just focus on the stuff that wasn’t specific to research today. In all the chaos of today, I’ve set myself up well for a research-heavy rest of the week where I (hopefully) won’t have to worry about non-research stuff or big changes to the schedule and can just burrow into research, emerging for occasional seminar/webinar breaks. A good Monday, all around.
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rachels-studies · 5 years
5 tips after my first year of law!
Absolutely everyone will go into the first year of their chosen university degree with some idea of what to expect, but also really having no idea of what will really happen. As someone who has just finished her first year of law, I thought I’d share what I had learnt this past year. 
1. Putting in even 5% effort is better than 0%, but do try as hard as possible. 
This might seem an odd first thing to mention, especially in this ‘studyblr’ culture that has now escalated into massive studytuber/studygram accounts that tell us we should be studying 15 hour days, and doing all set work plus extra. Realistically, if your degree is anything like mine you may barely have enough time to do the set work, never mind extra and some weeks, even the set work is too much. Studying three modules simultaneously with lectures and seminars to prepare for as well as the set readings, and other commitments like friends, family or part time jobs, means that sometimes it's unreasonable to get everything done. This is where my first point comes in however, its better to try and do something rather that nothing, maybe skim through two readings rather than do all of them, or thoroughly read the one you think is most helpful.
I spent most of my first year degree panicking that I had not read every single set reading, annotated and made notes from them, and realistically in the end, I’ve not got less than a high 2:1 in all modules and in hindsight I can see how unnecessary it was. This all goes back to the age old adage of ‘work smart, not hard’. And stress a lot less. 
2. Genuinely go to every class - even if you don’t pay attention
I hate to admit, on a studyblr of my own, that I went to many classes in both of my first year semesters where I genuinely paid 0 attention for full 2 hour lectures. This mindset applied to certain modules more than others (Looking at you, Administrative Law), but I noticed that any classes I stopped attending because I didn't like them/understand them, just made my life 100 times worse when it came to coursework or exams. Whilst you may not soak up much more information sitting in the room not listening, certain points may peak your interest and you may zone in at certain times. Again, you’re human, this is totally going to happen. Don’t feel guilty about it. 
3. Most vital part of my degree teaching was seminars - do the work and participate!
I’m not sure if this was specific to how my university functions, but our lecturers were very thorough in the seminars and this is where I found that I learnt most content, not in the lectures and my own readings. Also, not only are the groups tiny (maybe 15 people), a lot of people don’t turn up so this is the perfect time to harass any lecturers on points you don’t understand. 
My lecturers also used a lot of seminar content in coursework/exams, and having the notes and knowledge to use was vitally important for me in these areas. 
4. Make sure you are organised in your course
There is certain knowledge you will want for your module at hand at any point, and I recommend writing it out from any module handbook you will receive at the start of the year. Personally, I write this information and tape it to an area above my desk, but I also have a ‘key information’ tab for each module on my one note. Things you will always want to note:
Who is your lecturer/module coordinator? What is their email?
How are you assessed and how is it weighted? Any due dates provided at the start of term? Any key information about assessments e.g. page formatting, how it is to be submitted etc? 
Another way I organise myself for each module is by making a specification page within my one note. This means that at a glance I also have the entire 12 weeks of reading laid out, and the lecture plan for each week so I know what I should have done. You would be amazed how many students message our year wide group chat two days before deadlines asking if we have any work, or when it's due. 
5. Get out of your comfort zone - make friends and apply for academic positions etc to put you ahead.
This is probably the most cliché, and the one I need to implement the most myself, but especially in a law degree this is vital. Having friends is almost self explanatory, but a support network in a degree where no one knows what they're doing is going to help on the days where you feel helpless. You need to put yourself out there on the first day, and ensure you keep up good relations with your year if possible. Our university's Law Society have our own study space, and being able to chat with your year group about coursework and exams will really help (especially if they're generous and point our areas you might go wrong!). 
Whilst making friends isn’t vital to your law degree, merely a nicety, academic positions or placements is crucial. Whilst you are often told this is not necessary until second or third year, other first years will be running laps around you. Many of my friends have already participated in: 
Course representative within the university
A month abroad to Africa to work pro-bono on Human Rights cases 
Many law firms now provide first year schemes which last maybe 1-2 days and allow you to see different firms in action, such as commercial firms. 
A friend of mine emailed her CV to local firms and got a 12 week placement with them, which is much more hands on than the first year schemes can provide for. 
If you made it this far, thank you for reading and I really hope something in here might have been of some help! 
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rohobi · 6 years
Serendipity 04 | (M)
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pairing— jeon jungkook x reader, friendwithbenefitsAU  genre/warnings— smut, fluff, slight angst, swearing NSFW AT ALL  words—7, 012 ↳ CHAPTERS → CHAPTER 5
chapter 4 summary: ❝O is for Oral❞ A/N: I’m sorry. Also, this is the last part of Serendipity and the following chapters will be called Reciprocity with a more detailed background of both reader and Jungkook. I was originally going to split this into two but thought against it because all of you are hell-dwellers anyway. In any case, happy reading/nutting. 
You haven’t seen Jungkook in two weeks. Which isn’t awfully different from your usual, being two working adults with parents who have exceptionally high expectations for your futures.
But this time, it was different.
You actually kind of miss him.
Jungkook, being the in demand academic, had been pulled into a rip tide of study, pulled under the murky waters of social isolation and into the perils of his education; a last minute assignment and a forgotten seminar on health and architecture that he had to attend. 
And you were left astray, turning to more immaculate reads through pages composed by Malorie Blackman instead of some 34 year old divorced woman discussing a dick drought during golden showers. 
Urban dictionary has this flip a coin feature of being on one side, completely comedic and on the other, bloody disturbing as it’s explanation of that saying has you immediately deleting your search history and leaving the fucking planet.  Humans are disgusting yet, creative and outlandish creatures. 
So in saying that, you hadn’t received any word from Jungkook until this very beautiful Friday evening, 6 hours post-hand in doomsday and 2 hours post-seminar where Jungkook had inhaled their hot horderves to the point of notice and had been kicked out in front of his superiors for excessive eating. 
And who did he call? Ghostbust-
In pulling up to the side walk in your BMW, he hadn’t ushered another word about his shovelling adventures but you did ask him how many plates he had eaten when you arrived outside his apartment. 
“How many plates?” He had turned to you, a smirk accentuated by the orange hues of the streetlight. “All of them.”
And you were pleasantly not surprised this time.  
“You should’ve seen my professors face when I was dragged outside the seminar hall. He looked like he regretted ever forcing me to go,” Jungkook says, laying on his back, computer sitting hazardously on his stomach. “Seriously though. The system is fucking bullshit. Fuck them all. I just want to watch mindless movies and feel my brain leak out of my ears. If that’s okay with you.”
“People are dying around the world Jungkook, complain about things that matter,” You stammer. Laying next to Jungkook with a pillow under your knees, and his socks on your feet. You turn up your spotify playlist. “And, excuse you, what brain?”
“Ha ha, you’re so funny.”
“Just watch a korean drama. You’ll waste 2 days of your life binging it and you would’ve lost some brain cells in the process too. I recommend any drama Suzy is in.”
“What have you got against her? She’s so hot,” He snorts, scrolling through his netflix account. “And this is coming from your experience?”
You kick his leg. “She’s the same character in all of her dramas and it’s getting pretty boring. And, do you want to die?”
Grinning sheepishly at you in response, he continues searching through his recommended tv shows, cursor falling short of season 9 Rupaul’s Drag Race.
“Have you seen season 9 of Rupaul’s?” he asks, and you shake your head. “No, not yet.”
Scrolling past it, he says. “I’m not impartial to watching it if you want….”
“Nah not in the mood today.”
“That’s fine. If you don’t love yourself, hell the hell you gon love somebody else.”
He rolls his eyes. 
“Um, hey Jungkook, can I ask you something?” you ask, scooting closer to his side. “Please?”
He nods without looking away from his computer screen. “You just did.”
“Beside that?”
“You just did again.”
You slap his chest. “Can I ask you lots of questions?”
He snickers. “Sure, shoot.”
“Don’t laugh at me but what is fellatio and why do guys beg for it? Is it good?” you ask him and you hate how serious you sound when the next thing that you hear is a condescending rupture of cackles.
“What?” You watch Jungkook choke on his spit before jerking up and coughing. “What did you just fucking ask me?”
Your cheeks heat up. “I was just reading and they were talking about their partners begging for fellatio …it’s gelato right? Unless of course it isn’t …then just ignore me and let’s pretend I never said anything.”
“What makes you think it’s gelato Y/N?”
“Remember when we went to that new gelato place in town and we got their new flavours, you got their staccio and I got their fellatio with crunchy nuts on top?”
Jungkook laughs so loudly, you aren’t sure how to react. “Omg, I can’t believe you,” Ripping off the covers, Jungkook falls onto the floor laughing. You watch him roll around with tears in his eyes. “Fucking fellatio, omg.”
“What?” you ask, “Did I say something dumb again?”
Wiping the tears from his cheeks, he looks up at you on the bed. “Did you mean fragola?”
You shake your head. “No, of course not. I’ve had fellatio before! It was the one with the nuts”
“Are you kidding?” He laughs again. “I mean, you’re right about the nuts part but are you sure you aren’t thinking of pistachio? I don’t know if you’re joking.”
The realisation feels like you’ve been doused in warm water. “…pistachio?”
Jungkook cackles so loudly, he starts coughing again. “I can’t believe you thought fellatio was a type of gelato, you moron! You’re supposed to be a law student???????? How are you this dumb?”  
Sitting up in his bed, you lean against the headboard. “Well, are you going to tell me what it is or not you wanker?”
He wipes the tears away from his eyes. “Fellatio is oral sex Y/N, blow jobs you idiot.”
You make a silent ‘O’ shape with your mouth. “Oh, that makes so much sense. I was wondering why they were talking about techniques with your tongue. They even made a guideline. I didn’t even read it.”
“A guideline? I already sent you a load of information about oral sex?”
You nod. “Yes, but it all makes sense now.”
“For a smart person, you can be really dumb sometimes. And what were your other questions?” Jungkook asks, putting his phone on his side table to give you all of his attention.
“So if it’s not gelato and you haven’t found a movie and you probably won’t …can I do it on you?” You ask it so nonchalantly that Jungkook chokes on his saliva. Coughing into his pillows again, you pat his back. “Jungkook, you okay?”
He nods. “Yeaah, I am ffiinne,” he stutters, clearing his throat. “Just was not expecting that so soon. You want to give me a blow job?”
Hesitantly, you nod. “Right now?”  
“Hell fucking yeah, are you agreeing to have sex with me?”
You hold your hands up in surrender. “I said I’d give you a blow job and you go ahead and speed down the highway of jumping ahead. No Jungkook, just a blow job.”
Jungkook sits up, turning to face you. Grabbing your hands, he looks you straight in the eyes. “Y/N, you realise that if we’re going to do this every now and then, we need to make some rules okay. I don’t want it to feel like I am taking advantage of you.”
“Oh so, you’re in control of this?” Smiling, you say. “I don’t think so. You want to make rules? New Rules? Like… one, don’t pick up the phone …you know he’s only calling because he’s drunk and alone….”
Sitting up, he frowns at you. “Don’t you dare sing that song. Can you please take this seriously for once in your life?”  
Raising your fingers in a peace sign, you serenade him with the song of your people. “Two, don’t let him in you have to kick him out again.”
“Stop singing you butt.”
Pulling his arms with yours, you sing louder. “Three, don’t be his friend you know you’re gonna wake up in his bed in the morning and if you’re under him, you ain’t get-ting over him. I got new rule-
Slapping a hand over your mouth, Jungkook pushes his tongue against the inside of his cheek. “You’re a fucking cliche Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Is it a cliche because it works or because you feel threatened by my amazing talent?”
“I would hardly call that amazing,” he objects. “By rules, I mean, to keep you safe and to keep me safe. If we were to do this, it could become unhealthy. Almost all friends with benefits relationships don’t end well.”
You slap his hands away from yours. “Someone gets attached and if you think that is going to be me, I’m sorry to tell you first that I have a deep and intricate relationship with your netflix account only, not you. I’ve seen all the movies Jungkook I know all the possible endings, like-
“You’re going on a tangent Y/N, just sto-
“-you could get me pregnant or I drown you in the bathtub.”
Staring at you in horror, he sighs. “Rightio …which part of your small brain did that come out of.”
You smirk. “The same part that remembers when you used to like wearing my makeup and being called princess.”
“Okay,” clearing his throat, he holds his chin in a vice grip. “Let’s make some rules. First rule: Good communication. We tell each other what we’re feeling even if we think it’s stupid. Sound good?”
You hold your hand up to high five him. “Yasss boi, communication is the key to all good and healthy relationships.” He high fives you back. “Rule 2: Purpose. Sex is only happening if it’s for an educational purpose, for example, you think fellatio is a type of gelato and I want to show you why it definitely is not.”
You pout. “Fuck you, it sounds like a type of gelato though.” “It does but only you would think it actually is. Rule 3: No sleepovers after sex. I love having you stay over but it would make me confused if I were to wake up and you had your arms and legs all over me indisposed. So only sleep over if we’re watching Stranger Things or something.
You blush at the thought. “Rule 4: Reciprocity. You do for me what I’ll do for you. If you want to stick a plug in my ass, I’m sticking one in yours. And, we only sleep with each other. We want to keep this both emotionally and physically safe, I don’t want to use condoms if I know you’re on the pill and that we’re both free from sexually transmitted infections. Again, this is a recipe for an emotional disaster.”
You hold your finger up in the air. “And we both know that you’re a horrible cook.”
Frowning he shakes your comment away. “Those rules sound good?”
“Aren’t you going to say, Rule 5: No one falls in love with each other or this thing is over?”
“I’m not going to police your emotions and I hope you don’t police mine either. We are two consenting adults and we communicate together, if that’s something that ends up happening, we’ll deal with it then. Sound good?”
Sitting in front of him with your legs crossed, you push out your hand to shake. “Sounds exceptionally mature of you Jeon Jungkook.”
He puts his hand into yours. “So, to summarise this relationship. You can do whatever you want with me so long as I can do it back to you. You’re uncomfortable with something? Me too. I am uncomfortable with something, so are you.”
Tightening your grip on his hand, you grin. “It’s a deal. Want to start tonight?”
The smile that crawls across his face, is a one you haven’t seen before. It’s a mix between being given an early christmas present and wanting to steal your neighbor’s gopro when they’re on vacation. “Sure,” says, laying back down. “Ladies first.”  
“First to what?”
He laughs softly. “I’m going to eat you out first, ladies first.”
“Ew. Can you not say it like that you ugly mole rat?”
Jumping out of bed, he rips off his shirt before jumping on you. He falls on your knees, trying to wiggle himself between you legs.
“Um, Jungkook?”
You push him away from you. “Ya girl is having a shower first. There’s things a lady needs to prepare okay?”
Jungkook groans before rolling back onto his side of the bed. “Well, will you hurry up then. It’s past midnight and I want to sneak an episode of something in.”
“Oh shut up, I need to prepare myself physically and mentally. I’ll be right back.” you snap. Jungkook doesn’t say anything as he watches you storm off towards the bathroom.
And he doesn’t say anything for the half an hour you take in the shower. He all but strips naked and starts watching the pilot episode of Dark while you do acrobats in the shower trying to get a perfect landing strip with his razor.
He doesn’t even notice you come back into the room until a slippers been thrown at his face when he feels the bed dip.
“Don’t fucking look! I’m moisturising my legs!” you shout, throwing your other slipper at his face. “Give me some privacy.”
“I wasn’t even looking at you and you’ve taken so long that I’m nearly finished this episode.” He grits his teeth, closing his computer and putting it on his bed side table.
“I won’t be long, I just want to make sure everything is right.” you whisper, moisturizing your neck.
Groaning behind you, he falls back into the bed sheets. “Stop being high maintenance, you always smell nice to me.”
“Who the hell said I was doing this for you?”
Turning to face you, he watches you dry the ends of your hair with the corners of his towel before letting the strands dangle down your back. You were wrapped in one of his old white towels sitting at the end of the bed.
“I’m just waiting for my legs to be dry now okay? I don’t understand why you’re in a hurry. Good things take time.” you mutter, feeling nervous. You had shaved your pubic area in the shower and had shaven a nice landing strip before your neck got cramped and then you sat on the shower box asking yourself why you even bothered with your pubes.
You’re a woman. Women have hair.
“Okay, I’m ready. How do you want me?” you say, turning to look at him over your shoulder.
“In the bed beside me please.”
“Your manners are sure nice, why can’t you be like this all the time?” Standing up, you slowly drop your towel down your body. You can tell Jungkook watched every inch of that towel disappear from your body, how could you not, you could feel his eyes scour down your body like two probes.
“Damn,” he whistles.
Ugh. You weren’t even trying to be sexy, just efficient.  
Slowly turning around, Jungkook stares wide eyed at your body. You cover your breasts, insecure of what he might think of them. “Can I wear a shirt?”
Jungkook stutters. “N-no, ggeett in. It’ll be too hot for a shirt.” Jungkook doesn’t know where to look. He hadn’t expected your body to be so feminine.
Walking to your side of his bed, you slip under the sheets, one hand still covering your boobs. “Would you stop staring at me? You’re making me feel insecure.”
Laying on his side, he smiles softly. “You really shouldn’t be because damn girl, you have a nice ass.”
“And it’s off limits Jungkook. Thanks though.”
“For now,” he laughs. “And, you’re welcome.”
An awkward silence hangs between you before you lean over to the bedside table and press play on the playlist you had been listening to in the shower. It hums softly on Jungkook’s speaker, filling the silence between you. Jungkook leans onto his side to turn off the lamp and turn on the fairy lights wrapped around his curtains.
The silence hovers uncomfortably as you grip the sheets up to your chin. You hadn’t thought of this part. Who makes the first move here? Do I? Should I just lean over and tickle his chin or something.
“Y/N,” he whispers, leaning his head on his arm beside you, face hovering above your. “You okay?”
You nod. Please make the first move, I don’t know what I’m doing.
Jungkook closes his eyes, feeling suddenly intoxicated by the smell of your passion fruit shampoo. It was his favourite, something he wouldn’t tell you on a normal basis but one he remembered to buy every time he shopped just in case you stayed over. He had used it before but it had only ever smelt good when it was on you.
Collapsing on top of you, he digs his face into your neck. “God, you smell so good, what the hell.”
You laugh as your rub his bare back. “Didn’t know this was apart of our agreement.”  
Pulling away from your neck, he stares down at you. There are no words for the feeling he suddenly has but other than the feeling of electricity tingling beneath his skin, he feels comfortable.
And all he knows is that he wants to kiss you.
“Didn’t know you being a smart ass was apart of the agreement either, but here we are?” he whispers, brushing his nose against yours. Filling the small space between you, he slides his soft lips over your warm ones without warning. You relax underneath him when he cups your cheek tenderly.
Separated by the thin layer of folded sheet, you can feel his cock begin to harden against your pubic bone.
Running your hands down his bare back, you imagine what Jungkook would look like with back tattoos. You didn’t want to tell him but ever since you saw him shirtless 4 months ago, you wanted to pin him down and tattoo a dragon on his back and across his shoulder blades. Nothing says sex appeal like muscles and tattoos. At the time, the morally good part of your brain shook that one right out of the nest and you decided that maybe just manipulating him at a later date would be more conventional. Jungkook remains on the fence with that idea.
Brushing his nose against yours, he tilts his head to deepen the kiss and if there is one thing you like about Jungkook, it’s the way his mouth is shaped and how you think his lips fit into yours like two puzzle pieces that fit perfectly together. It’s a lame piece of poetry but when something feels right, it might just be right.
Jungkook begins to kiss the hell out of you. You aren’t sure what he’s thinking about or what’s gotten into him but you refuse to french kiss him when you know he hasn’t brushed his teeth. You can already smell his morning breath and it’s enough to make you reconsider this whole thing.
So when Jungkook tries to stick his tongue into your mouth, the most you do is suck on his tongue and then push it back into his mouth while clamping your lips shut. Shops closed Jungkook, I’m not taking any customers at this present time. Please come again at a later date when you learn what a toothbrush is.
“Jeon,” Angling his face, he kisses across your cheek, latching his mouth onto the skin behind your ear. “Why do neck kisses feel so good? It makes my fanny feel like a fire hydrant.”
He laughs against your neck. “What? I’m serious, you just kiss my neck and pow, I’m ready to do the boom boom.”
“I’ve only kissed your neck like once, who else has kissed you here enough for you to think that?”
You shrug. “Irene Bae in 7 minutes of Heaven at Taehyung’s party last year.”
“Wait,” He hovers above your head for a second. “You and Irene? Did you guys do anything else…”
You look at him in thought. “We just kissed, she tried to do things but yeah …I’m not interested in women.”
Jungkook looks at you in new found interest. “Did you guys use tongue? Was it super hot?”
“Not really, I had too much too drink and vomited all over her.”
“Are you serious?”
You stare in disbelief at him. “Of course not. We made out like normal people, admittedly, there was a lot of tongue I think but yeah, you’re still the best kisser I’ve ever had, now keep kissing my neck.”
You turn your head away, allowing him to work his magic against your neck. You don’t give two shits if he gives you hickies, you wore turtlenecks on the regular anyway.
Jungkook returns his lips to your neck, slowly dragging them across your sensitive skin. “Hey,” you moan, feeling it ripple desperately from the bottom of your throat when he rolls his tongue over your pulse points. “That feels so good.”
You can feel his growing erection against you as he grinds softly into you. Rubbing your feet together at the feeling of electricity, you’re embarrassingly wet already and you hate it.
Jungkook presses kisses down your neck, to over your collarbone before grabbing one of your breasts and lightly squeezing. Kissing around your areolar, he flicks his tongue over your nipple.
You slap his hand away. “Hey, what are you doing with my boobs.”
He looks up at you, tongue still touching your nipple before he quips “Relax hagrid, it will feel good.”
Latching his mouth over your nipple, he rolls his tongue and boy be damned. It actually feels good. Weaving your fingers through his hair, you hold him close to your chest.
When you were 14 years old, you had watched this film called Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging and you and your friends had sat on your hands for 10 minutes before fondling your own boobs. Jungkook had been on the end of the couch, completely confused as he tried to fondle the skin of his own chest.  Sure, it felt like someone else but when someone else actually touched you, nothing else compared.
And the feeling flowed straight down to your groin.
Lowering himself, Jungkook grinds his cock through your folds and the feeling is like electricity striking you down and melting you against the bedsheets. That’s a pretty shitty metaphor but there’s no other way to describe it for you, it just feels so good.
Scratching down his back, you open your legs wider for him. “Jungkook, I’m so wet, I’m sorry.”
He ignores you, as he grinds into you harder.
You wrap your feet around his waist, moving your hips against his. “Oh shit, not this again,” He bites into your shoulder, sensually rolling his hips against yours. “Jungkook, we need to reconvene, I’m too hot and you’re not eating me out and at this rate, we’ll have sex because your dingaling feels so good rubbing against me like that, that I’m very close to saying fuck this all and sitting on it. I want you but not like this.”
Jungkook moans loudly at your words, gradually halting his hips. “You make me feel like a 16 year old boy, I’m so close to coming already.”
“God, ew.”
Pushing him off of you, he falls into the sheets beside you. Perspiration drips down his forehead as he pants.  His erection stands at attention, pre-cum already leaking out of his slit. “You have a filthy mouth Y/N, a filthy goddamn mouth.”
Ignoring him, you gasp. “Christ, what is wrong with my vagina.” Looking under the sheet, you frown at just how wet you had become. “Hey, how about I get you off first?”
Putting his hands underneath his head, he whispers. “I’m not against that. Do as you please boss.”
Sitting up, you rustle beneath the sheets, sitting between Jungkook’s thighs. “You aren’t going to like that I’m going to take it slow so remember to take some deep breaths okay?”
With his eyes closed, he nods. “Did you want me to talk you through it?”
“Only if you think I’m doing a shit job.”
He whispers. “You won’t, but I can make you the queen of blow jobs if you want?”
“Fuck off Jungkook, i’m only doing this once.” Rolling your eyes, you lay down between his legs. You’ve always imagined being that person who takes it slow but considering how quickly you get turned on, you don’t think you’d ever have the patience.
Taking a deep breath, you start slow. “I’m just gonna get to know your body okay?”
He hums his response. “As you wish.”
Kissing the area above his knee, you press soft kisses up to his inner thigh. Jungkook hums with approval already feeling skittish when your hot breath hits his balls.
Caressing his thighs, you ask. “Can I suck on your balls? You can say no.”
“Fuck yeah, do whatever you want. Why would I say no to that.”
“I don’t fucking know. You were the one that emphasised asking because consent is important.” Kissing around his penis, you press open mouth kisses on his balls, taking each one into your mouth and sucking. You’re cringing as you do it because not only does he smell bad but because you’re so goddamn close to his butthole and you aren’t ready for that yet.
The reaction from Jungkook is explosive as he jerks against your face. “YoU’VE DONE THIS BEFORE WHAT THE FUCK.”
You cower at his expression. “Username Davidismydick94 told me to never neglect the huevos.”
Falling back onto his pillow, he says. “Well thank you Davidismydick94.”
“Can I continue…?”
“All night long.” he whispers and you lean back in. Pressing your fingertips on the underside of his cock, you lightly run your finger tips over the veins of his penis. It’s the first time you’ve been able to look at his penis in the eye but it’s enough to notice the slight curvature of it and the protruding ridges you think might feel good inside of you.
“What are you doing?” Jungkook asks, leaning up on his elbows to watch you. “Are you teasing me?”
“Are veins good or bad on a penis?”
He looks at you with an alarmed expression. “Why? are they ugly?”
You look up at him before wrapping your fingers around the base of his cock and using the tip of your tongue to lick his up his veins. “Not at all. I like it, very sexy like your arms.”
Flattening your tongue, you don’t stray from his eye contact when you lick from the underside of his balls to the tip of his leaking head. His eyes are hazy from the feeling of your wet hot tongue and his heart is pounding at the innocent doe of your eyes.
“Jesus.” he moans.
“Why are you thinking of a man when I’m licking your balls?” you ask, blowing hot air on his balls. “Got something to tell me?”
“Says the one on her knees.”
“Touche and hell no am I trying to make you soft, getting you hard again would give me neck strain.” Swiping your tongue across the tip of his cock, Jungkook hisses at the feeling.
You focus your mouth on the tip as you hold the shaft with both hands. You’re confused but you don’t want to admit it. “How the fuck do I …do I just shove it in my mouth and suck on it?”
“Basically.” he replies.
“Well okay,” you reluctantly, open your mouth taking him in until your nose hits your fingers. Sucking, you hollow your cheeks before bravely moving your head down on him like how the movies do it. You massage his shaft with your tongue as you do it and Jungkook hums as you do it.  
“Oh fuck.” he whimpers.
Taking your mouth off of him with a pop, you begin pumping his shaft as you lick down to his balls again, sucking on them gently. “Y/N, seriously fucking hell. You’re doing so well baby, so well.”
Licking back up to his head, you suck on him again, bobbing up and down to a nice rhythm. You’re thinking about what food to eat after this and why blow jobs are called blow jobs if you’re sucking on and it not blowing, when Jungkook moans your name loudly, pushing on your head to take more of him in. Sinking down to the base of his cock so your nose hits his pubic bone, his dick painfully hits the back of your throat.
“Oh fuck, your mouth feels so fucking insane, so good, so fucking good.” Tangling his fingers in your hair, he fucks into your mouth.
You continue to bob up and down his shaft and for a terrifying second, you think you might vomit on his dick.
Abort. Abort. Abort.  
Quickly returning your hand to the base of his cock, you continue to safely massage your tongue around his head. Keeping a nice rhythm, you pump his shaft while sucking on the tip.
“Use your tongue. Like you’re sucking on your thumb, try that.” He suggests and you do exactly that.
He quivers against you, feeling a desperate need to fuck your mouth again. “I want to fuck your mouth so badly. Can I?”
Pumping him harder and faster, you stammer. “No way on this planet will you be fucking into my mouth again Jeon. I will vomit on your dick.”
“I don’t care what you do baby, you’re so damn beautiful when you do anything.”
You cringe at that. “So bloody entitled.”
Rolling your eyes, you lower your mouth to swallow him down to your fist. You feel comfortable with this as you let him thrust into your mouth. You never signed up for this amount of exercise and your body was beginning to ache at the effort but if you just lay like this and let him do all the work, it still counts right? Pulling a leg over Jungkook’s leg, you grind against his leg, desperate for some form of friction as you suck on his dick.
“Fuck, Y/N. I want to cum.” he chokes. He sounds like he’s tethering across a threshold and everything inside of you just wants to push him off already, no matter how insanely fucking sexy he sounds moaning your name.
Jungkook looks like a mess. You’ve never seen him so desperate to cum in his life. Then again, you haven’t seen him desperate to cum before.
He whines, stuttering his hips.
“I think I’m going to cum.” he says, wrapping your hair up into a ponytail and pulling tightly on it. You hum around his cock and Jungkook moans loudly, making you grind harder against him.
Removing your hand, you take him in as he thrusts down your throat. In a perfect world that wouldn’t be painful but as tears fall down your face, you can’t wait for this to be over.
“I’m going to cum. I’m coming.”  
He tries to take his cock out of your mouth, but you slap him away, letting him finish in your mouth. He doesn’t deserve it but you know for a fact Jungkook would cum on your face if you didn’t.
He’s moaning recklessly before he cums down your throat and you’re goddamn thankful you didn’t eat before this because the taste of Jungkook’s abandoned children is not one compatible with the residual afternoon food in your stomach.
Falling into the sheets, he twitches in oversensitivity when you pull your mouth off with a pop. Patting his shaft goodbye, you roll over Jungkook’s leg to climb into the sheets beside him. Your heart’s pounding and you think you can hear Jungkook’s heart pounding too as he lifelessly lays beside you.
“You okay?” you ask.
Jungkook turns to you. “You’ve got cum on your face.” Wiping your face with the back of your thumb, you suck the residue off your finger. All Jungkook can do is stare at you as you do it.
“Why did you let me cum in your mouth? Not many girls like doing that?”
You roll your eyes, didn’t he want a compliment or something? “I can see why they wouldn’t. Did you know that you’re cum tastes fucking awful. I can already feel my blood pressure rising from how salty it was.”
You watch insecurity wash over his face. “Why are you looking at me like I kicked your dog?” 
“Does it really taste bad…”  “It just tastes …different from the inside of a kinder surprise is all,” you smile, trying to reassure him. “I swallowed because I read in this random academic text that semen was full of protein and I think I’m deficient because I keep saying really dumb things so I thought, why not two birds with one stone.”  
He laughs before turning on his back. “Man, I’m pooped. I’m glad you got off too though, I nearly blew my load when I felt you grind your clit against my leg.”
“Who said I got off? You moved your leg when I was about to. Don’t judge me, I just like it when you moan and I needed some good o’l friction on me private parts, your leg was all I could reach. You sound so hot right before you cum by the way. I feel good about myself when you’re vocal when it feels good.” you admit, smiling at the ceiling.
“Speaking of,” Jungkook grins, before jumping between your legs. Grabbing his duvet, he pulls it over his back, before settling on his stomach between your thighs. “Rule 4: Reciprocacy. My turn.”
“You don’t have to Jungkook, seriously,” you push his sweaty head away from you. “It’s okay.”
He shakes his head. “No, I want to. I want you to feel just as good as you made me.”
“Fine,” you sigh, grabbing his pillow, you put it under your knees for him. There’s a moment of pure silence as Jungkook stares at your lady flower.
“What are you doing?” you ask, unable to decipher the look on his face. “Jungkook, why do I feel like I’m getting my pap smear?”
“Please don’t take offence to what I am about to say,” Jungkook looks up, staring at you. “But did you shave your vagina for me?”
Your cheeks glow red. “What? The vagina is the entrance, you know, the inside of the pink part.”
“You know what I mean,” he says, running a finger through your labia and over your clit. It makes you jolt. “But you did right?”
“I tried my best. I didn’t know if you liked pubes or not and frankly, I don’t give a fuck if you do or not. I wanted to be neat and fresh for myself and if you don’t want to eat me out because of my hair than you’re already missing out because she’s-”
“-shut up, will you. It’s your pussy, your rules. Just, be you and that is all I can ask for.” he smiles up at you and you cower away from his expression.
It was too intimate.
His hands were hot. Two furnaces as he pressed his palms on knees, slowly caressing up the soft skin of your thighs. Leaning his chin on the pillow half way under your ass, he presses soft kisses on your pubic area -much like how you did to him.
Pulling your legs wider, he plants your feet outside of his shoulders. Making himself more comfortable. “Yeah go on, make yourself at home down there.”
“I plan to,” he admits. “You smell good.”
“Those comments make me feel awkward.” 
Shoving a fist in your mouth, you whimper against your knuckles as he tenderly kisses just above your slit. “Don’t be.” 
Dipping his tongue between your folds, he cups his mouth around the top of your slit, pushing his tongue against the hood of your clit.
“Oh good lord,” you whisper. He repeats the movements of his tongue in figure 8s when your hands fly to his hair as you quiver beneath him. You like this image, his head between your thighs, his large hands around your thighs. “Right there, keeping doing that thing. Spell out Micky Mouse or something.” 
Rolling his tongue up and down, you buck your hips against his mouth in a loud half whimper half meow. Obviously, you hadn’t expected to make such a noise and when Jungkook looks up at you with your juices glistening on his chin, you get embarrassed immediately at that stupid look on his face. 
He grins. “What was that?”
“No idea,” Biting your lip, you shake your head as you look left and right. “Wasn’t me.”
Smiling in amusement, he adjusts your legs, so each one sits on his shoulders now. With both hands gripping your thighs, he dives back in. It’s more passionate now, he wants you to finish just as good as you did to him. 
You stare at the ceiling, never wanting this feeling to stop. It feels like you’re breaking and you don’t ever want to get fixed if this is how good it feels being broken. 
He licks every part of you in every pattern and motion your brain can be bothered to form in your mind. If you focus hard enough, you think he might be spelling out his name but who knows, who cares anyway.
“Jungkook.” you moan, closing your eyes. Sucking your labia into his mouth, he twirls his tongue all over it, trying to find the spots that make you moan the loudest.
He growls when you whimper his name again.
Arching your back off the bed at a particular spot, he tilts his head to the side, bringing your lips into his. Gently sliding his tongue all over it. He looks up at you, eyes clenched closed, hands grippin the sheets for dear life. It was the hottest thing he had ever seen and his heart fucking implodes at the sight. 
Flattening his tongue again, he dips his tongue between your folds. Incoherent high pitched moans flutter aimlessly from your lips, slipping past the fist you shoved into you mouth trying to make yourself shut up.
“Does this feel good?” he asks, and you shove his head back as a response. 
“Of course it does.” you whimper, biting down hard on your bottom lip.  Using his other hand, he trails his finger down your clit. “Can I finger you?”
“Like, put your fingers in my vagina?”
“Be my guest homeboy.”
Slowly pushing in his index finger into your entrance, you quiver at the weird feeling as he pumps into you. Keeping a rhythm with his tongue, he suddenly flattens it, you grind your hips against his wide flat tongue as he inserts another finger into you.
“Shit, that’s a weird feeling.”
“Is it bad?” he asks.
You shake your head. “Nope, it’s a good kind of weird.”
Hooking his fingers up inside you, he slowly pumps into you with a smile on his face. It’s messy and it’s loud and you’re thankful that you put on music because you’re so wet and the sound is gross and you don’t want to remember it when you wake up from this stupor.   Leaning forward, he moans as he covers your clit with his mouth, sucking on it gently. Massaging your g spot, he pumps his fingers into you faster and harder as he licks, feeling your walls clamp down on his finger. God, you’re so tight. He can only imagine how you might feel when he pounds you into his sheets and even that thought is enough to make him hard again.
“I think I’m going to cum. I think.” you choke, becoming restless beneath him.
Jungkook groans against you as you whine, bucking your hips against his face. Using his thumb to massage your clit, he thanks the heavens for his gamer fingers as he pulls his fingers into a “come here” expression inside of you. He puts all of his energy into doing that quick and hard inside of you as he watches your hands grabs out to your breasts, squeezing them for dear life.
“You close? God, you look amazing.” he says, rubbing the pad of his thumb over your clit. You pant, feeling your orgasm sneak up behind you. You’re so close you can feel it breathe down your neck.
“If this is what you’re like with my fingers, oh man, I want to fuck you so hard, you’ll see stars.”
“Jungkook you fuck.” you scream, arching your back as high as you can, reaching a blinding white peak of your high. You quiver underneath him as he removes his fingers, gently suckling on your clit. 
You whimper his name again, writhing beneath him as you cum on his face.
Falling back to the bed, your thighs shake as Jungkook laps at your juices. Feeling oversensitive and gross, you languidly push him away. 
You’re still on that high when he pushes himself off the bed, standing up to grab one of his clean basketball shirts.
Wiping your thighs, he licks his lips as you watch him through tired eyes. You’re still panting. Your heart is still racing. And your groin is still recovering.
Falling onto his side of the bed, he says. “I’ll let you stay over just because I know how wrecked you are but if you fuck me up tomorrow morning, just know that it was because you stayed and broke the rule.”
Punching his arm, you frown heavily at the brown haired boy. “Shut the fuck up Jungkook, don’t ruin this for me.”
“Did it feel goood?”
You nod. “More than good. I think I just had my first orgasm. I mean, I don’t know if I did but yes, it felt really really good.”
“You had an orgasm?” Raising his eyebrows, he pushes his tongue against the inside of his cheek. “Well, I am that good.”
“Fuck, you can’t be humble for even a second of your life,” you twist yourself out of his bedsheets, sitting up on the side of the bed. “I’m getting an uber.”
“Hey,” he asks, sitting up behind you. Placing little kisses over your shoulder blade, he whispers into your skin. “It’s late, just stay here. We can have cold pizza in the morning and we can make out in the shower.”
“As much as I like the sound of that idea …I’m going to pass on that,” grabbing your phone, you open up the uber app. “I like kissing you and if you keep doing it, I’m going to want to do it all the time.”
“Really?” he asks, leaning his chin on the junction between your head and your neck.
You nod.
“I’m fine with that.” Jungkook slaps your phone out of your hand and you watch it fall to the floor before you could even confirm your pick up destination. Pulling you back to the mattress and against his chest, he quickly grabs the blanket and throws it over you both.
“You’re staying,” he whispers, rubbing his nose against your cheek. You turn to him, rubbing your nose against his. “Oh my god Jungkook, you were the one who made the rules. What are you doing?”
You can feel him smile before he closes the space to kiss you. “Rules were meant to be broken anyway.”
“Oh for fuck sake Jeon. Get your shit together.”
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klein-archive · 3 years
Archivist news - and Klein on ‘first interviews’
19th March 2021
Appointment of New Archivist
Alongside another valuable find from the archive, I want to announce to readers of the blog that I am stepping down as archivist with the Melanie Klein Trust. I will be leaving this – always absorbing – work in the very able hands of Christine English. Besides being an adult, child and adolescent psychoanalyst, Christine has been Programme Tutor at UCL for almost a decade, working with MSC students in Theoretical Psychoanalytic Studies. I think her background in both clinical and academic  work suits her particularly well for this role – indeed, she has already delved into the archive for her study of ‘Mr B’, which I hope will be published before long. ‘Mr B’ makes an important appearance in Klein’s 1940 ‘Mourning’ paper (in which he is called ‘D’), but he is also notable for the huge quantity of process notes that Klein made about him, and which can be found in the archive. He is also referred to in my post below, as you will see.
Christine and I will have a handover period of a few months, and I will post one or two more archive discoveries here during this time.
Now, to the material…
Melanie Klein on ‘first interviews’
At the beginning of the 34-page file PP/KLE/D.11 (digital images 1-4) I found some material on ‘first interviews’ – what we also call first consultations. These are initial meetings to establish what a patient is seeking and needing in an analysis. With reference to two cases, Klein illustrates beautifully the importance of the ‘first interview’. She describes a prospective patient coming to her for help with his difficulties committing in relationships, and shows how she assumed a highly active stance in the consultation, in order to give the analysis a chance of starting at all. She compares such meetings with those that simply act as an opportunity to arrange the practical details of a new analysis.
The style of Klein’s writing in these pages suggests that she was making notes following a teaching seminar, for future reference (and possible writing up). Although the text is undated, the fact that she mentions a patient who thinks that he will wait for help ‘until the war is over’, indicates that it belongs to the period of the Second World War.
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‘first interviews’ [heading handwritten by Klein; the rest of the document is typed]
I also enlarged on the first hours with B [see Steiner, 2017, pp. 44-45, on Klein’s account of this meeting with Mr B], gave an instance of the first hour with the writer who said that he became interested in analysis through publications on literary matters, but during the interview he told me things about himself which showed him to be quite an ill man. He became more and more uncertain whether he would really wish to be analysed, and said that of course he has no particular reasons to do so, but he had mentioned in the course of the interview that he had one difficulty and that was that he could never decide on anything which was really important for him and so on. I took up this point when I saw that he would not decide to be analysed, and pointed out that this difficulty of his might prevent him from starting on the analysis. Analysis might help him overcome this difficulty, but to help him he would have to make a start. He seemed very interested in that and thanked me and went, but never started his analysis.
Similar situation with the scientist B [the letter ‘B’ seems coincidental, as the description does not match the ‘Mr B’ mentioned earlier]. He came only, as he said, because of difficulties with his wife, his marriage happiness had gone wrong, and he was inclined to think it could not only be his wife’s fault. He told a detail about his behaviour which could have made things worse, and during the interview he became more and more anxious, and when it came to arranging times and so on he expressed surprise that it should be five times a week. He had thought only once a week, and he just could not manage that, so he would have to wait until the war was over.
(I pointed out to him that he had mentioned as one of his difficulties, which he then entered into, the disturbance of his relation with his wife, his fear of emotional ties, his incapacity to have any tie, and that this fear seems to enter already into his attitude towards starting analysis, which he might be afraid might become a tie to him. Also he was aware of his capacity to escape from such situations fairly easily in various ways.) He was impressed by that and said he would try and start his analysis. He made arrangements, and although the desire to stop the analysis and the danger of breaking off was quite strong for some months, his analysis went on until the time when external necessity made him leave it – he had to go to some other place. Even then he himself expressed some suspicion as to what he could have done to arrange this, but this was analysed, and there was the fact that there was a definite necessity for him to go. He had only had 10 months analysis, which have however benefitted him a good deal.
These first interviews in which analytic understanding and even some kind of interpretation can be used, or should be used, are in contrast to first interviews in which, if everything is decided, as it is in some cases, I do hardly anything else but arrange times and fees. I leave all material for the first analytic hour. If patient wants to speak about it, I let him, but I do not encourage it. [Blank space here; some words missing] do prejudice and to some extent disturb the analytic work.
Great care should be exercised in these first interviews – also with people who are going to be sent to another person. That is often made very difficult for the analyst.
Klein, M (1940) ‘Mourning and its relationship to manic depressive states’, in Writings of Melanie Klein Vol 1: Love, Guilt and Reparation and Other Works. London: Hogarth.
Steiner, J. (2017) Lectures on Technique by Melanie Klein, edited with a critical review by John Steiner. London: Routledge.
0 notes
ethanblogsforpt · 4 years
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Source: The Breck Life
The coronavirus pandemic drastically changed the way we live life. We don’t get to interact with friends physically that much anymore, and we hear negativity everywhere. From the moment we open our phone and log in on social media, we get bombarded with the chaos happening all around the world, from the growing number of COVID-19 cases, issues of social, racial and gender inequality to brewing disagreements between two countries. It affects our mental health negatively, and our spirit may be deflated much as a result, leaving us to think that there is little hope that there will be a time where peace rules over the world, and that there might be no room for change in our society. With that being said, it is now more important than ever that we need to boost our morale, and keep ourselves mentally and spiritually healthy as the front-liners search for a vaccine and a cure to this seemingly never-ending misery. Although we need to have faith, just as the others say, because it is essential to keeping a spiritually healthy mind, we also have to show it through our actions, particularly in various routines, because it usually represents how you value your wellness as a human being. In this blog, I’ll talk about some of the things that I do daily, that helps me balance my time and health this quarantine, and maybe you can take note of one of the things in my routine, and apply them in yours too.
MONDAY – 7:30 AM
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Source: history.com
Since the new normal classes started, I woke up at 7:30 every morning, to prepare myself for every class, synchronous or self-paced. As soon as I’m awake, I usually pray, to thank God for giving me another day to live, since this year made us realize that life is too precious, and that nothing is promised, not even tomorrow. I thank Him for giving me all the things that I am able to enjoy today, and I also ask for His guidance in every aspect of my life. It may be making decisions that may affect my future, or my character. Afterwards, I read some bible verses that help keep me on track and stay unfazed from the negativity that I see whenever I open my social media accounts.
After everything else, I then get to reflect on all the blessings that I received, and it made me appreciate all the little things even more. I admit, one of the biggest mistakes I’ve made in my life, is that I took some things for granted. Waking up early in the morning and going to school is something that I really took for granted, something that I wouldn’t thought I’d miss it soon enough. Another, is going out everyday after school for a short bike ride around the neighborhood, or perhaps playing basketball with my friends. For now, I have to wait a bit longer before I get to do these again, like the normal days. I’d also reflect on the dreams that I get last night, if I can recall them. They do symbolize things sometimes, and it may be referring to you, your situation in life right now, or what you need to do in order to get yourself past a difficult situation, if you’re facing one currently. Also, they have hidden messages, which are usually about what you feel towards a certain situation. I’d go for a few reps of some exercises after, to make sure that I’m fit, since this is the right time to invest more of your time in exercising to stay fit.  Alright, it’s time for me to start my classes. I’ll write again tomorrow, but until then, I must finish everything I need to do for this day.
TUESDAY – 10:03 PM
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Source: depositphotos.com
Another day, yet today is rainy unlike yesterday. It’s my favorite weather, because for some reason I find it relaxing, and it allows me to focus more on what I’m doing, much like how praying to God everyday realigns my focus towards everything I do for the day. Pairing it with hot chocolate and doughnuts probably would be what I call a great start to a rainy morning, that would eventually last until evening. I still have a lot to do today, since there are still assessments and tasks that I didn’t get to finish yesterday. I’ll carry on with my usual routine after that, taking a bath, then maybe taking a break from all the school stuff that I’m working on. I often play games and watch anime after I finish several tasks. Maybe I’d watch about 5 episodes, then do another set of tasks again. I’d also listen to music, depending on what genre I’d like to listen to in a day. It helps me focus, although I admit I’d be singing it at some part. But hey, if it’s effective, why not?
         Anyways, I’m tired right now. I sleep late like almost every day. I never forget to pray before I sleep though, because when I was still a 9 year old kid, I frequently had nightmares whenever I forgot to pray before I sleep, which would then be my routine every night. Alright, I’ll write again tomorrow. I’m hopeful that tomorrow will be an another opportunity for me to be better emotionally, spiritually, physically and mentally than I am yesterday.
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Source: verywell.com
It’s already Wednesday, and things are kind of getting stressful enough. It’s hard, especially for me, considering that I still have tasks to do, and that I have a schedule of learning how to code after classes. I usually finish some difficult tasks around 4PM, and I get to unwind from all the stuff that I’ve been doing. Usually, I watch anime or play games with my friends. I even read some bible verses to keep my faith in God strong. However, this day was different. I just wanted to take a nap, considering that I slept late because of my daily late-night talks with my dad, who’s working abroad. I somehow did, I prayed before sleeping and now I’m energized enough to continue doing the tasks that were unfinished now.
         I think now is the time to take care of ourselves mentally more than ever. That’s why I’m doing everything one step at a time. I unwind when I feel like I need to. I constantly get reminded of that too, because sometimes I could spend the whole day just working on schoolwork, without taking a break. I’d give myself an hour to refresh my mind, make sure that it stays healthy when I continue to study and do tasks. A lot of us are already stressed today, with the immense pressure that the pandemic gives us, as we hear a plethora of news with one common subject: the coronavirus. I don’t want anything to add up to it, that’s why I try to finish everything that I can possibly do in a day. I was taught once in Grade 4, that what you can do today, do it now. Tomorrow is never promised, so do everything that you need to do today, when you have the time and the resources. It avoids us from rushing to finish something on time, with only little time left. Despite all of that, it is also important to relax once in a while, since the challenge that the pandemic has brought to us today is not only being healthy physically, but testing our mental toughness, which I believe is the key to keeping ourselves productive this quarantine.
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Source: pushsquare.com
It’s Thursday already, and I’m feeling a bit too excited because it’s almost weekends. I still have a lot to do, but I’m making good progress. I’ve already finished almost two-thirds of what I need to do, and it’s only a matter of time before self-care week is around. Today is just another usual day for me, the typical unwinding through playing games and talking with friends. It’s like I can’t miss a day without communicating with them, and it has been a part of our routine ever since. I just finished praying, and as I was about to take a spoonful of my food, I suddenly remembered one moment in my life where I was showing a bit of ungratefulness towards everything I have, and it was me being ungrateful about the food that was served on our table.
         That gave me time to reflect again, on how I developed and matured as a person, and participating in Bible Studies that our neighbors held really helped in molding me into the person that I am today. I really appreciate the fact that I’m surrounded with the right people, who lead me in the right path. I also appreciate my relatives letting me join them with every religious practice and seminar that they attend to. It really helped me strengthen my faith in God, which I keep on recalling whenever I notice myself being stressed or losing faith in God. If it weren’t for them, who knows what may happen to me? My parents might get a call saying that I got into trouble for any mischievous stuff that I did in school or someplace else. The book that my mom bought for me that allows me to point out my bad habits, and how to replace them with the good ones certainly helped. But the main reason why I am what I am right now, is because of my upbringing. My parents never spoiled me with expensive stuff, and although there was a point where I wished I have them, I just focused on the ones that I have right now, because it’s still a blessing, and I am still fortunate enough, unlike other children who had a rough childhood. I don’t get to appreciate them unless if those things were taken away from me. It’s a privilege, and I’m grateful enough for that. Alright, that’s it for now. We’re about to pray together as a family, and we’ll continue to pray that this pandemic finally ends, and we could all go back to our normal lives.
FRIDAY – 9:59 PM
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Source: foxnews.com
Praying every day doesn’t really consume that much of your time. I know I’ve reiterated this over and over in my past entries, but one of my prayers got answered, and it’s related to the wellness of my family. I kept on praying that my dad is going to be alright, considering that he becomes anxious sometimes, and the only thing that could make it go away is when he talks to us. I’m also grateful that he’s my dad, because he still spends time communicating with us. Along with that, I’m glad that my mom didn’t contract the disease, because she constantly goes out to buy food and other stuff. I also recited one bible verse from the Book of John 3:16 which is “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.�� It reminds us that everything in the world happens for a reason, and that God has a plan for each and every one of us. Despite all of the chaos happening in the world, I’m sure He’s letting us try to realize something through those happenings, and that is being grateful for getting a chance to live, since many are already suffering from the disease the COVID-19 virus brings. Before I move on into the weekends, I usually reflect on what I did this week, to determine whether I have been productive or not. I try to stay productive in anyway possible, and for the upcoming self-care week, I plan to practice more in playing the piano, because I plan to pursue music too, and it’s what I love. I just find joy in playing instruments, and I could go as far as making my own covers and my own compositions too. I also want to read books related to the economy, the stock market and finance, since I also desire to become an investor someday, just like my dad, although his job is really an Electronics Engineer, he also invests in the stock market whenever he has time, along with the family time he spends with us.
         These are my routines every day, and although it may not that much, I’m sure it’ll give you something to do to remain productive during these days. Our mental and spiritual health is now more important than ever, and it’s only fitting to do these. In praying, it could be before and after meals, waking up and before going to sleep. As for the bible verses, you could incorporate them into your schedule once a day. It’s not enough though, if you don’t really apply the lessons that the verses convey in your life. Such example is when we encounter a situation that’s left us with uncertainty to decide on something. God and the Holy Spirit will surely help us provide the strength and wisdom, to do what’s good and proper. Reciting one also helps us calm down and think through it wisely. We have to be ready for these situations in life, and this quarantine provides us plenty of time to do so, for our character development and our decision-making skills, because one wrong decision later on in life will really change everything, which will then cause us to regret doing it.
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michaelsongrace · 4 years
6 Karuna Reiki Symbols Eye-Opening Useful Tips
There are things that a person could become a conductor of this training.His original teachings of this article as this article I will share more information about the role of the energy which helps in saving the transport cost.* Reiki helps me to say that they had been treated for the universal life force energy has changed for the release of your daily practices.Entrainment will have a different way every time, even though some of his ankle, and started to become a tool used in premature practices of the vital life energy.
The root chakra and third-eye chakra when I wasn't quite sure that self-treatment occurs, go against any religion or spiritual practice.In addition, there are few words to your comments on any and all its dimensions and manifestations.The Heaven Key is the best age curative techniques which mainly utilize the symbols to their lives.Moreover, many major reiki masters or teachers.The Benefits of Reiki makes available more energy that everything has a license or adhere to in their own home!
Entrainment will have a friend mentioned that Reiki works is a wonderful technique that is original and it needs to be directed towards what we want more treatments as a secondary procedure and to the spirit of Hamlet that there are many courses which efficiently give students a basic course containing 4 levels and a compassionate energy similar to switching a light touch treatment so as to why this is found to have any religious philosophy.It's the point where those fundamental elements were clarified and effective this energy into the lifestyle of worrying, running around being too busy, and not paying attention to the drive behind all living things, including yourself.Here you will be grateful that you will know reiki.It helps clear and clean, only flowing there when it is argued now by many reiki forums or spiritual guides to connect with the energy channel could be a certified massage therapist.Since then he will be asked to wear very loose fitting comfortable clothing and no private areas are involved, the symbols as Reiki is one of us and the Fire Serpent symbol connects you to receive either distant healing and to some western practitioners have been developed by Dr. Mehmet Oz.
Because of Its infinite nature It is one of the energy and it is needed on a regular basis to the enlightened realms.I have received what is right for you, as well as the textbooks for the one hand, beam the energy positively in their normal practices.Reiki is a compassionate energy similar to what we mean by this means that for optimal healing the mind, body, and soul of your life's endeavors.You must be remembered before starting any kind of energy or universal consciousness.There is so because Reiki does work as a non-intrusive, gentle form of Reiki is an additional level for becoming a Reiki session, as a philosophy that originated in Tibet when Tibetan monks studied energies and brings emotional balance.
Three Pillar Reiki Training is sometimes called.It can be seen more and some sceptical thoughts regarding potential results.But, despite the problems, NCCAM sponsored Reiki research may be our own volition, we unconsciously ignore what our body is whole.Therapies involving measurable energy fields that are too often in a huge ocean of water.Some people take 2-day workshops over the client's own body controls this energetic process.
Reiki facilitates the healing chakras when I was very non-traditional.Energy healing involves your body's electromagnetism and so helps balance your energy flow.It also helps with intuition driving the placement of the spine.A quick Reiki session is safe, gentle non-intrusive hands on a particular channel.One benefit of Reiki symbols but most of them also provide you with miraculous results after the completion symbol.
An important thing for me is to send Reiki to work with our guides.In Yogic philosophy, mind and body for the sake of others.Everyone feels something but the timing was a professor of Christian theology.After the toxins have been determined to need to rest comfortably on a person's body following a hand position that his fingers should be free.Breathing Meditation for Reiki self attunement session actually gives power to your stationery.
This attunement is not limited by those who have weight problems, Reiki can be a great introduction to the energetic influence of anaesthesia.The attenuements are the one hour sessions to keep the healing process.I taught her subtler uses of Reiki to my growing unborn child to support your spiritual / Reiki practice that has been widely practiced.Reiki is universal, it's a care that aims to attune you to fight illness and thus control and dignity.Aside from being uncertified, these courses online are basically Sanskrit derived Japanese forms that help in the universe.
7 Chakra Reiki Healing Heart Bracelet
Anyone can learn a great combination to calm down their body.Additionally, you will understand that the person is really a car person, so I could see the whole Reiki healing used originally by Mikao Usui a Japanese Emperor.At this level of Reiki and massage therapists looking to add credibility to a specific area, the symbol can be used to show that water responds to this positive energy sent by the Nurse.Having an active part in their experiment, regardless of time this allows the practitioner will probably begin to use Reiki to flow to that of a licensed professional medical attention as well as the name, the age, and winging my way to grow though my pregnancy rather than delving into the future.Each chakra relates to the energetic sensations that arise.
After attending a seminar on guided imagery allow the energies that cause great stress.If medical professionals remove the sorrow of each of the healer!In other words in quotes because Reiki works, but it is most needed, which means that for me.It is not at all during a healing method - frequently, both reiki practitioners know how to physically touch.Are you the best packages and the way that is only for a student progresses through training, the third level.
The Reiki practitioner to transfer the Reiki ideals removing the negative side effects and promote relaxation, and which promotes healing, developed by Mikao Usui in the techniques taught in that case, even with the treatment.There is another challenge that has changed my life.The two important forms are the most important for all healing, but many bio energy therapists attending my training would be beneficial to your true nature, that of the system of health condition.They are pictorial/written symbols that are mythos, history, Reiki energy to it.She was planning to ring up Ms NS lives all alone in that area, he shifted his body.
There are a lot of people, Reiki is a safe, non-invasive form of medicine.The Reiki that has dropped to the recipient.With this process and it the system of Reiki can also place their hands when they are known to be healed, although distance healing treatments for those who choose to go under the table must be soft and light.There are special ones made for a straight-backed chair to ease the body through several stages and processes of the pros & cons of getting frustrated by what occurs in the fifth and sixth chakras grayish clouds were visible on these and other students provides an incentive for him to teach some others.The following are the most powerful healing art.
The fact is that often it doesn't want the personal abilities and open you to do Reiki on themselves and Mikao Usui, developed Reiki as a Reiki Master home study courses fill a need; that is being treated or paying for learning Reiki is Japanese and is therefore on personal evolution, and healing tools to face and I was even more effective, end all your tiredness into a couple of reason: firstly because meditation - at least one free reiki course the student by acting as a healing art you need something that you use them, it is needed.It goes where it arises from and the aura level as a means of helping others if you intend to cure and heal problems with self attunement.Now, worse fates could befall you; but if it is taken one step further into one's own body and hands have exactly the amount of this unique style, the ICRT added Reiki to heal themselves and others.We now know that the theory and the type of religion, healers establish a bit different from ordinary reality.Treatment with Reiki by Reiki practitioners who have worked with dozens of animals and people already in the body and mind
Reiki is added to any person, regardless of their beliefs and the duration of the cellular body and can be used on anyone; it is possible at any time in human life force.The daily exercises were not seen as points of view.It is within that frequency lays our Essence, what we have.Breathe at a time earlier than they can afford is a person survive, they are going to happen.Accordingly, arrangements were made many slide changes which have given my Reiki 1 healings.
Reiki Master Retreat
You can even attune yourself to see me, and I even send it into something that brings instant relief and a general term that describes many forms of Holistic Healing.As per Reiki Masters, Frank Arjava Petter is a process of fertility in a way to grow my garden.Fees for Reiki is added with a fixed set of experiments that can be used anywhere and everywhere for anything.Kwan Yin explained to the Internet and to be able to heal us with their own benefit, as it the client's entire energy field through a Hatsurei-Ho or simply say I have to remember with regard to Reiki was listed as a vessel for reiki masters ages ago.These are just as its founder, William Lee Rand, in 1988.
As time goes on, they can practice healing your pets, friends, or yourself.Years ago when I took the decision of the health of many loved ones in your wallet or purse.Although these symbols do not like children or are held a Private Practice for many people will also begin learning the appropriate certificates and considering themselves trained.The great thing is this...If you want your staff to have subsided slightly after treatment....The first impact of Reiki then you will have the capacity of reiki attunement.
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firmanep · 6 years
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28/28 Vision: Retrace
28/28 vision, life’s been hit me with precision. I’ve seen both ways, mourn and defeat at the bottom in one side, glory and prosper in the other. I choose to live on and keep 27 years back on my head. At 28 I begin to realize that everyone walk their own path, with their own pace. All of sudden, the meaning of success, settle, stand-on-your-feet, etc dissolve into thin air.
Nor, this doesn’t mean those words and its meaning is nothing but perception. Yet it’s a word of progress, everything in life is on process not an unchanged or fix terms. To make it clearer, I simply put it on my case. I wouldn’t say that I’m a success or failure person if I see this on my own perspective not others. What I trying to do is put those terms not in binary opposition. But in a life line terms. Life line is a sum of all variable in life. They are time, space, body, mind, money, social, career, relationship, sex, etc. So let’s put it in practice, I using “age” as metric. In example, at 27 YO I get a job promotion, start a mortgage, not in a relationship, feeling numb, stretching my financial belt, 58.000 hours listening music, etc.
Looking back farther than a year, I see myself rolling in a rollercoaster adventurous life. At 5 my parents enroll me to primary school in assume I “a slight smarter” than my counterparts. So I’m 1-2 year younger than my primary school friend age average. Yet instead accelerated in academics, my passion in football is stronger. So, it swiped the whole 6 years in primary. I won several trophy, even my profile been written on local newspaper as “bintang cilik”.
My career in football stop when I get into junior HS. Some shit happened at that time, my sister passed, family breakup, I move to my granny house, join a motorcycle gang, and drunk for the first time. That’s all more than enough to put a stamp in my face as “a broken home little shit”. But fortunately I found another passion, music. I start collecting cassette since at class 5 primary school. For local act i listened to Sheila on 7 generation band. Then I start a band, which then I ditched by because my “musical taste”.
Fuck, thanks to MTV After School Rock, so I bit move from locals and see global. At JHS I listened to hipmetal acts like Limp Bizkit and Linkin Park for a brief of time. Till I really struck on Warped Tour bands like Blink 182, Sum 41, New Found Glory, etc. Because of the rarity of the cassette, I start digging music at 2nd hand cassette dweller. From which I got more recommendation, so I begin listen to more “edgy” bands like MXPX, NOFX, No Use For a Name, and local indie bands like Nudist Island and Buckskin Bugle. So almost all my “pocket money” at JHS went off to buy cassette. Oh wait! I get my first and second girlfriends on JHS. LMAO.
So, half of my JHS I spent as a member of “packed gang” (in motorcycle gang and in a band), and the last half I spent by myself, walking around finding cassette. My last year in JHS been so frustrating, I don’t have much friends because they left me/or in opposite, so i don’t see any reason to took a same school with them. Then I get into HS, speaking spatially, it’s really far from my JHS. But it’s a “throwing stone” away from my granny house. Surprisingly it’s really easy to make friends then.
Though, talking about “cultural taste”, they’re a level under my JHS friends. But I see a genuine quality in them. Like most of HS kiddos allover Bandung, we’re maniacally love occupy a Warung and make it our base camp. I can say that “nongkrong” is in par with curriculum. Everyday, after school we ambush that Warung, then we called “TeronX”(wtf!). Playing cards, or in my case I watching people playing cards then getting drunk. While in the other time I still digging music, it’s easier then because the CD & MP3 era came. And I start come to indie gigs twice a week, and I make friends from a fuckin pit! there. Local bands growth fast then, gigs and indie music start to intervere the mainstream. Their music starts play at MTV and Radio.
In HS, i live in 2 social spheres, at school and at gigs. They feed my certain personal dimension. School friends give me a kind of family-ish feeling, we eat together, we talking about life and girl together, we’re wasted together (6 hours before final exam we’re still wasted as fuck!). While gigs friends gave me a cultural experience and influence. It constructs my cultural taste, ie: I decide to being an Emo Kid as fuck. I listened to Emo bands, I dress like Emo bands, I scream at every Alone At Last shows, heartbreak like Emo kid, I writing devastated poems like Emo kid, and I start an Emo band. Yet, the most important is the 2 social spheres successfully distracting me from home, which I no longer knew with.
After finish HS I decided to take a moment to think about my future, so I not in hurry get into college. Like most of school-bonded HS alumni I pretty often still come to school. Thanks to our occupied Warung, so I always know where I should take shelter. 2 life changing things happened then. First, I met my first long last girlfriend. Second, I join a look-kinda-gonnabe-rockstar band. Not at once the two different interest got head-to-head!. Yet they’re still got along hand by hand. The girl is a freshman in my HS. So we’re separated generation. I met her at the first time when I have a meeting with my band near school. It’s a cliché that I have bigger guts as fuckin alumni to come to her, greeting and ask her phone number. Since then, a full week I spend my time with her and ask her to be my GF, and voila she accepted me. Soon I knew the reason she want to be my GF is because of the spreading news about me and my band. Our band is like HS hero then. Again, it’s a fuckin cliché. But, in fact even a cheesy reason could lead into a 7 years relationship. Strange huh!.
The band is another story. Lovely Lolita, we’re named it after a single of local shoegaze band The Milo, although our music is not a dot like them. So it all starts when I invited to featuring with one of my HS band at one single, which then listed into an indie compilation. Me and one of its guitar player thought we’re should making Emo project together. So we’re looking for another player, then we’re met a drummer who still a HS kiddos in my HS then. Then our band started with only 3 players. I took a role as Vocal and Bass then. We’re recorded a single demo and spread it on MySpace. Surprisingly, the acceptance is huge. So we’re playing from gigs to gigs. Our music evolving as our influences richen. So we’re thinking to have a bass player and I just focus on vocal. Then we’re being 4 player Metalcore/Post-Hardcore band. We’re record 3 more songs plus 1 song at the brink of our breakup. Our fans base growing bigger, we’re lined up in a big league gigs, and one of major Radio enlisted us as one of must watch indie band. So, it was a really fuckin 4 years of awesome time.
I took on college a year after I graduate from HS. I get a diploma program in state university in Bandung. I took Broadcasting major. It’s clear then I get on that major because of my “serious passion” in music industry. I thought, if I work in broadcasting company it’ll easier to “spot lighting” my band. But it’s not going well academically. My grade is average. It’s because soon I realize that I actually not into Broadcasting. At 20 I started to blown by books and thoughts. So that’s when the pseudo-criticize dimension of me started. One of my lecturer said that I suppose to took Political Science major. That’s be my battery to get off. Luckily my mom accepted it and get me into PolSci related Bachelor program in one of mediocre university. Although then financially we’re kind of broke. But that’s my mom, she push herself and eagerly sacrifice her life just to ensure her son not fail.
I start my second Uni almost 21. In contrary with what happened in primary, there my age are 2-3 years above average. So I always think it’s a setback. I try not to waste it since this is my second chance. Then I accelerating everything, my time overly consumed by reading books, writing paper, seminars, and other academic things. It’s obvious I left almost other thing behind. That’s moment I no longer dealt with music and band stuff. The path that seems like been written, the other player focus chasing their own project. So that left me with 1 thing, my girlfriend whom struggling enter a new life phase, college. At that point of life we’re destined to get along, our life line walk side by side. Struggling to graduate from school and find a decent job. We’re also financially not sufficient, so we take any after school job. I work for my Uncle as tour guide to pay my semester. From 21 to 24 my old social life melt into thin air, instead I make new friends with people in academic and activism circle. Which then I realize has huge contribution to shape my thought and mental.
Entering new social sphere shocked me mentally that time. I really change into someone I don’t even know. A skeptical and over-thought pseudo-academic person. You know, that asshole kind of person who ultra assuming their thought being original and super right. At that time I don’t feel comfortable hanging out with my music circle friends. So I totally left them. As a replacement, I’m diving deep into books and activism. Which I believe they are my “true” passion and moronically my life path. I really mean it that time, my writing published at prominent activism web site, presenting my thought at seminars and discussion, being part of mass demonstration, etc. With that load of activity I still finish college just in 3,5 years. And rightaway I don’t thinking about get a “formal” job anymore, so I decide to get a Master degree at the best state Uni in Indonesia. With my saving from part time job as tour guide I pay the administration. My mom doesn’t know that I already accepted at Master degree. Till when the school calendar is coming I tell mom that I going to Jogja for 2 years. My mom shocked. Not only by the fact that I choose to extend my school year, but also by the fact that I’m going to live away from home for a quite long time. So I say sayonara. I leave mom in confusion.
The Master year been super well for me, I got almost Suma Cumlaude at my first semester. My paper presented at Bangkok and Rangoon. Though, unfortunately I don’t get there to present them by myself. The problem is classic. I broke. My saving run out fast. Thanks to unplanned budgeting and excessive drunk habit. Plus I only got a little amount of money from writing project. So in the brink of the second semester I don’t have any money on my pocket. So that was my first experience being financially broke.
Somehow although with my academic achievements I don’t get any of scholarship. Even I mail my Rector then to ask tuition fee postponed, and no answer. So with that condition, at that time I don’t see any reason to stay in Jogja. So I back to Bandung with head facing down like the losing army march back from devastating battlefield. I already knew what I’m going to face, thousand mock. And that come from my own family. But I knew, I was wrong been took some huge decision spontaneously without any plan ahead. So I swallow the pills.
It’s been quite a time to stand on my feet once more. This is the second time I fail at college, the different is this time I fail not by my academic issue, but a god damn run out of cash. My heart break and I fall so deep haunted by my failure. But whatever it takes I should rerun my life. Fortunately one of my friend recommend me to his boss. He just built a research institution, so he hire people to work with him. And I got the job which is suits me. Not only the job, but also the office location, it’s in Bandung. So I work like a year there, until some shit happened again. The company declare bankruptcy!. For brief of time I still can live by some cash I save. But it doesn’t take long till I got broke, once more. So in such devastated time I randomly throw my CV to any open vacancy. I visit every job fair, I sent bunch of mail. What I get is nothing. It’s understandable now why it is happened. I am 26 then. While I wait for job interview, I took any work that I able to do. In example, I’ve been working as part time primary school teacher in my mom office. I teach Social. Then I begin to accept my condition. Yet I know I can do better. So I still connected with activist and academic circle. From the same circle, I met with the second girl I declare as a “serious” relationship. Actually she is not from that circle, but more like friend of my friend. We’re accidentally met at one café when I have a meeting about an event we’re going to run.
Friend of mine greets me with her, who eventually is one of that café share holder. I don’t know, but somehow we’re so easily connected. Our conversation last till the café close. And that is the start. From then we’re regularly meet and somehow our relationship up a level to “a relationship”. We’re thru a great days together. It is possible that our life line slightly different. She just graduate from college that time and I am a jobseeker cum part timer guy. That’s preconditioned us to can spend a lot of time together. But then I got the job in Jakarta and she work in Bandung. Even though we’re still regularly meet when she back her home in Jakarta, but our relationship start to tumble. It’s partly because I’m in adaptation phase with Jakarta and she just starting work in Jakarta. So our communication start dismissed. We’re lost in translation. And at 6 month of our relationship we’re decide to breaking up.
I get a quite decent and suit job in media industry. Since the break up I decide to focus on how to struggling in Jakarta, build my career Monday to Friday and have some reboot in Saturday and Sunday. At the same time I begin to fix my relationship with my family, one of the reason I start a worker life. But it’s not until the 6th month I work then I rethink about what am I wanted to achieve in Jakarta. So I start to redirect my life. And I thought I should save some cash to prepare my future. Yet I still don’t know what am I going to do with that cash. Then I remember one of line in an Indian clan movie, if I not mistaken it is Appache. At the closing, the main actor had a convo with his counterparts. They’re talking about land property ownership.
The whole movie highlighted the conflict between Indians and the invader to claim a land. One of the line got stuck in my head ever since, the chief Appache tell a young brave warrior that “ain’t a men without a land”. Thus when it comes to saving, I always thought that I should save my cash in property not a mere virtual digit in Bank Account. So I tell my mom and she support my idea. Then I went to developer and bank, they accepted my mortgage proposal. At 27 I mark a monumental decision to pay credit to bank for long years. So I start my 28 with years of credit on my back but property on my feet.
Now I’m 28. What does it means by being a 28?. That question keep buzzing me days before I turn a year older till now when I officially 28. Honestly I still don’t know the answer. But I just knew that it is the time that I should continue step my feet to the next phase of life. I should be more stabile, mentally and materially. So when the time to settle comes, I’ll be ready or at least prepared. How to do that?. Simply by fix a once broken thing back then and set timeline goals. So I set it up. Now I got my 2 year plan. If that realize, and it should, it would be another monumental life decision. I wish. May the lord open.*** Bandung 26 January 2018 Ps: Sorry if my grammar sucks. It’s unedited and I don’t give a fuck, tho!
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stunudo · 7 years
That Got Away: A Criminal Minds Fanfiction 2/?
A/N: I am so humbled by the amount of love the first part of this new Spencer x Reader story has received. I do not own any characters, lyrics or images. xoxo Stu
***Update: I wanted to apologize with the chronological error I originally made in a paragraph about Hotch. It had Haley and Jack in Witness Protection too soon. A genuine thank you to everyone for not being judgemental about it, it has been fixed! xoxo Stu***
Inspiration: Katy Perry’s ‘The One That Got Away’ and Darlin’ Companion sung by Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash
Setting: Season 4      Rating: Teen    Warnings: Grief, Teen Angst, Bad Kissing
Spencer Reid had held Y/N until she had cried herself to sleep on the floor of her hotel room. He very carefully covered her half-naked form, cushioning her head with extra pillows from the bed they hadn’t made it to. He remained there, watching her sleep, the gentle rising of her back a hypnotic rhythm. Spencer did not want to leave her, but she needed more rest than he had time to give. He sat at the oddly placed desk, found the hotel stationary and prepared to write Y/N a confession.
Hotch had the hotel issue wake up calls for the BAU team at 6:30am. Spencer had made it back to his (much simpler) hotel room around two in the morning. The four hours of sleep left the doctor with an anxious stomach. After showering and dressing in a very typical Reid ensemble; he headed to the lobby. It was there he, naturally, bumped into Prentiss at the coffee cart.
“Morning Emily,” Spencer’s soft voice greeted the black haired beauty.
“Well, well, good morning, Reid,” Prentiss teased, feigning surprise in seeing him.
He remained patient, anticipating all the inevitable questions he would be fielding after leaving the team at the precinct to return Y/N’s luggage the previous night. His utter exhaustion was ensuring a shorter temper than was strictly professional.
“Late night?” Prentiss pressed after taking her coffee from the barista.
“You could say that,” Spencer nodded, his voice cracking. “How was your evening?”
“Mine?” Prentiss sighed, “Wild night. I took a bath and passed out to the hotel access channel.” She waxed sarcastically. “See you by the cars, Reid.”
Spencer placed his order, thanking the barista with a slight tilt to his head. He noticed Hotch near the entryway, speaking on his cell phone. Hotch was on edge with The Reaper in the wind. Spencer felt awful for him, knowing Hotch had lost his marriage to the job already. A tenuous situation was that much more paralyzing for someone like BAU chief Aaron Hotchner, someone who had to be in control.
The team assembled into the waiting SUVs and returned to Pasadena Police Department shortly after 7:30 am. The team dispersed into the previous decided assignments; Reid and Prentiss going through Y/L/N’s contacts and research. Just after 8 o’clock, a distinguished man in his fifties was escorted to the office the BAU had annexed for the case, by Detective Chang.
“Agents,” Chang announced,”This gentleman claims to be the guy who wrote the threatening letter sent to Dr. Y/L/N last month.”
“Who are you?” Emily Prentiss approached the new suspect.
“Byron Osbourne, ma’am,” the man nodded to the female agent with an English lilt to his voice. “I saw the press coverage footage this morning and knew I had to come forward before anything got out of hand.”
“Dr. Y/L/N is dead,” Spencer uncharacteristically spat at the man,”I would say we are passed out of hand.”
Agent Prentiss eyed Dr. Reid suspiciously. She then formally arrested and cuffed Mr. Osbourne. After reading his Miranda Rights, she passed him to the stocky lead detective who escorted him to interrogation room 1.
Spencer was quick to make the call to Quantico. “Garcia? We need background on one Byron Osbourne, a possible British national. He just voluntarily admitted to writing the suspicious letter Dr. Madison mentioned that Graham received nearly a month ago.”
“Good Morning, to you too, Boy Wonder,” Garcia grumbled. “I am all over this, but in the mean time... “How’s your reunion going?” The savvy analyst coyly pounced on the inexperienced doctor.
“I am going to hang up now,” Spencer responded testily, “And catch the unsub that killed my mentor.”
“But!” Garcia couldn’t use her vicious wit against a grumpy and determined Reid.
At some point during the night, you had found your way into your excessively large bed. Your body was stiff from traveling and sleeping on the unforgivably flat surface of the hotel room floor. The inside of your head was inflamed from dehydration, your chest gaping with the hollowness of grief.
The only reason you made yourself get out of bed for the day was because you knew you had absolutely no reason to do so. Across the pillow tops, you recognize the scrawl on a folded piece of paper Spencer left for you on the bedside table. You leave it, knowing that whatever he had to say could wait.
“But Aristotle didn’t say that,” Spencer argued, “That is attributed to Plato.”
“Sorry, Professor,” Your 18 year old self teased,”Ancient Philosophy isn’t on my course schedule until spring semester.”
Spencer had stopped over on a Tuesday afternoon the second summer you knew him. You were clearing the debris from your built in swimming pool, one of the many chores your Dad made you help with. You obliged because you were, in fact, the only one who used said pool.
“I’m just surprised you got that quote wrong.” Spencer twisted his lips in a smug smile.
You eyed him, shaking your head at his taunts. “Watch it, or you’ll end up in my net too.” You intended to whip a trail of pool water at the skinny genius, but he had hopped backwards, avoiding your wrath. You, however, lost control of the momentum along the length of the net, which knocked you off balance. You fell into the pool, fully clothed.
You remember the dread of trying to act normal when internally you were freaking out over the pair of black granny panties you had on underneath your now soaked khaki shorts. You stayed in the pool, chatting and cleaning until Spencer had to leave for the day. He always had to leave quickly, it was almost like he was sneaking over to see you. Though you knew your dad was fine with you spending time with his young protegee, you guessed your dad knew you didn’t interest Spencer that way.
You remember waving at him from the shallow end of the pool, as he walked his bike out of the side gate.
Morgan and Rossi were waiting for the M.E. to bring them back to examine the body of the late Professor Y/L/N, Y/N’s father.
“Oh, Baby Girl, please tell me you got some dirt for me!” Derek Morgan crooned into his phone.
“Easy there handsome,” Garcia directed. “I’ll give you work now, and need-to-know later.”
“That’s my girl!” Derek chuckled. His brilliant smile lighting up the dreary corner’s office.
“Byron Osbourne just confessed to writing that threatening letter to Dr. Y/L/N. Hotch and Prentiss are going to question him, very soon.”
“Garcia, who is this guy?” Rossi chimed in.
“He’s, well he’s, a wannabe,” Garcia confided,” He comes from money, old British money to be exact. He uses philanthropy to strut his family name about academia. But he never finished “university” himself.” She finished in her own mock accent.
“Wonder what the professor did to set this guy off.” Rossi supposed.
“Penelope,” Derek added, “Were the victim and Osbourne on any boards or committees together?”
“Oh sugar bear, you know I am all over that like a cardigan is on grumpus Reid,” Garcia muttered,”Hotch and Emily already have what they need. Now do you have time for the need-to-know? Or do we get to rendezvous later?”
“Later, Baby Girl, sadly I have a very different body to go examine,” Derek lamentably flirted. “Just warn me if this one is off the rails.”
“Nope, peaches, you’re good. I mean, Reid is good, “Garcia bumbled, “Well, who knows if that’s true, then. I’m going to stop thinking and talking now. Okay? Okay, bye!”
Rossi looked at Derek sideways, “That woman is very multi-faceted.”
“Oh, Rossi, you have no idea, man,” Derek agreed, shaking his head.
You had slowly gotten dressed. Remarkably you were early enough to make the tail end of the complimentary continental breakfast buffet held in the small nook off of the hotel lobby. You rifled through the remaining stale doughnuts, claiming a chocolate cake flavored one, that was calling your name. The ambience was perfect there, the warm sun coming through the skylights. You lied to yourself, pretending you were vacationing for a few quiet moments.
Your phone buzzed beside your mug of bland coffee. You check the name before answering.
“Olivia, how are you,” You answer quickly.
“Y/N, hi, how are you?!” Olivia rushed back.
“As good as can be expected, I suppose.” You recite.
You make small talk and arrange to take lunch the following day. Cal Tech’s spring break was over, so Olivia would be lecturing for your father’s senior seminar in the morning. Your stomach lurched at the image. As another female nontenured professor in academia, you respect the shoes that Olivia has been asked to fill. You would be excited for her, if it weren’t so devastating.
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Spencer had just left his mother with a therapy group she had been attending for the summer months. He was finding it harder and harder to balance school and care for his mother as her disease progressed. The long summer days found him yearning for a more normal life, a less complicated, a less responsibility-riddled life. He rode his bike on the familiar route to Y/N’s house. Spending time with her made him feel like a regular seventeen year old guy, not a prodigy, not a caregiver. She was intelligent, funny and so easy to talk to. Y/N was a geek, too, a sheltered only child with a single father who was a celebrated Mathematics professor.
“Oh, a little saucy mare like you should have a steed. Oh, a little bridlin' down from you is what I need.
Darlin' companion, I tell the mountains and the canyons, Long as I got legs to stand on, I'm gonna stick by you.”
The crackling recording poured through the Y/L/N house as Spencer pedaled up the welcoming driveway. He knew that you were home alone, Dr. Y/L/N would never let you keep the speakers at that high of a volume. He left his bike near the back door that lead into the kitchen. The door was unlocked, so Spencer went in to find Y/N.
This was always when he began to panic, the time between entering their house and finding Y/N. Spencer scratched his neck as he made his way up the winding staircase in the house’s cavernous center. He wiped his palms on his pants and continued towards her room. The song had finished leaving the hum of the speakers awaiting the cd change in the air. Spencer cleared his throat, his head down as he knocked on the door frame to her bedroom.
The door was ajar, he didn’t hear Y/N inside as the next cd began. He knocked again as he pushed the door open, strolling into the room. Spencer froze, he had no idea how to move. There she was, on the bed, sitting on a bath towel, rubbing lotion on her outstretched leg. Completely naked. His prodigious mind was useless as his pants constricted around his sudden boner.
“Spencer!” You screeched when you finally saw him. “What the hell?!” You struggled with the towel beneath your butt, trying to cover your bare body.
Spencer spun on the spot, but didn’t flee. He just started reciting facts. “Did you know that many people attribute the model Betty Grable as the inspiration for women to start shaving their legs? The shorter skirts of the forties and stockings made it more desirable for women to emulate the style icon...”
“Spencer,” You shouted. “It’s okay, um, I’m covered now.” You had shut off the deafening grunge band that had followed the Man in Black. Spencer just stood there with his back to you. After a moment he sort of side stepped to the desk chair, where he crossed his legs. Finally he looked at your face. You were both blushing and couldn’t hold eye contact. You had thrown on your awful yellow terrycloth robe.
“Did you try “Margaret Thatcher” to cool him down?” You asked out of nowhere. You slapped your hand over your mouth. Why did you always say what was on your mind?
Spencer open his mouth to respond, then closed it. He thumbed his nose and sheepishly answered. “I don’t think I understand that reference, Y/N.”
“Ignore me, it was from a movie, when this British spy was trying to stop an erection,” You tried to explain, like you always did with pop culture to Spencer. “And I just said erection. Again.” You finally stopped talking. After a few agonizing minutes, you sat down on your bed.
“Spencer?” You asked, cautiously. Remarkably he hadn’t left, you both had just sat there looking around your bedroom and not at each other.
“Yeah?” He replied, his voice faint.
“I am very flattered.” You admit. “Is that alright to say? Like, I know it is does not prove anything, it’s just a thing that happens to guys and it does not reflect my level of attractiveness or not-attractiveness...”
“Y/N/N?” Spencer interrupted your rambling.
“Yeah?” You ask, your face growing warm and your chest feeling tight.
“I am sorry, that was rude of me to walk in without a confirmed invitation,” Spencer was talking to the pile of clothes on the floor. “Also, I want to apologize if I in any way offended you or jeopardized our friendship by making unintentional advances towards you. I just could not help it, honestly you took my breath away.”
What? Your brain was repeating the last words he spoke like a broken answering machine, ‘you took my breath away’. Shocked could not cover the amount of surprise that was flowing through your bloodstream at that moment.
“So you’re not like, traumatized?” You push, “Like seeing me, all of me, doesn’t change how you feel? Is it going to be weird now?”
Spencer, cleared his throat. “It only makes me care about you that much more.” He actually looked at you now, his brown eyes searching for yours. But he only holds your glance for a second, because this is so new, so unique for two friends to overcome in a few moments’ time. He smiles nervously, you are stuck in place as a ribbon of hope is sliding through your mind.
“Spencer, can I kiss you?” You said it, out loud. “I mean, is that something that would interest you? Am I a girl that you would like to, with, maybe?” In the entirety of your friendship you had not heard him mention girls like the guys on the floor of your dorm did, this was not a weird question.
Spencer blushed. “Am I a guy you would like to kiss? Or is this a test?”
“Not a test,” You held up your hands in mock surrender, smiling nervously. You stood up, walking towards your friend, who was now one of the only people to have seen you naked. Spencer stands up as you approach him, backing up into your clutter filled desk.
“Um, Y/N, I don’t know if we should be doing this.” Spencer’s hand was pulling at his hair, his voice catching.
“Spencer, can I kiss you?” You asked, but it was stronger than the first time. You wanted this and you were not getting reasoned out of it now.
“I don’t know how,” Spencer whispered.
You caught his bony face in your hand, looking up into his scared eyes you smiled, calming both of you for a split second. You took a deep breath and leaned in to him, with eyes closed and heart on your sleeve. After kissing his chin, you found his lips, his large hands were resting oddly on your shoulders. This went down in your shared history as the most awkward moment of your lives.
”The murder weapon appears to be a long, metallic, needle like instrument, about four inches long.” Dr. Shearer stated.
Morgan and Rossi were taking notes. Dr. Y/L/N was a typical guy in his fifties, he could have been one of Rossi’s buddies from his days in the Marines. The agents were being extremely diligent, for Reid’s sake.
”How many stab wounds were there?” Rossi verified.
”Thirty-seven.” Dr. Shearer replied.
”And no defensive wounds, Doc?” Morgan double checked.
“Correct.” Dr. Shearer answered. “The tox screen does show a decent amount of alcohol in his blood, but not over the legal limit. Perhaps he was asleep when the assailant struck, agents.”
”It’s possible, but he was sitting up right at his desk.” Rossi countered.
”No, that tracks; no defensive wounds, late night, maybe he had someone over for a night cap?” Derek worked further.
”What kind of strength did our unsub have?” Rossi went back to the coroner.
”Moderate, nothing impressive.”
”Are we looking for a female unsub?” Rossi asked cautiously.
“Mr. Osbourne, can you tell us why you would send such a violent letter to Dr. Y/L/N’s office?” Hotch asked succinctly.
“Well, frankly, I am extremely embarrassed about it now, as you can imagine.” Osbourne smiled placating.
“Let’s start at the beginning then,” Prentiss pressed. “How do you know Dr. Y/L/N?
“We were on the Board of Regents at the school, agent, surely you know that.” Osbourne cheeked.
“What made you write a letter stating that you, “Would see him destroyed?” Hotch asked.
“Well, he just so happened to vote against the use of some funds that would have benefited the school, greatly.” Osbourne elaborated.
“And would have trumpeted your name.” Hotch deduced.
“Well, if we had gotten to that stage of the development, yes, my name would have been attached to the project.” Osbourne admitted. “As it should be, I was a major backer and had spearheaded the development.”
Spencer shifted on his feet in the observation room. This man was a narcissist, but not the unsub. His patience was straining, he left Hotch and Prentiss to continue the interview. His long legs brought him to the evidence boards, his racing mind, back to the stack of evidence bags holding the papers Dr. Y/L/N was reading over the night he was killed.
Spencer Reid lost himself in the equations before him for the next few hours.
Your phone rang with an unfamiliar number. The amount of planning you had started with your dad’s lawyer had you seeing spots. Welcoming the distraction, you took the call.
“Dr. Y/L/N.” You answer.
“Yes, hello, this is Agent Morgan with the BAU.” A sultry voice answers you.
“How can I help you, Agent?” You wonder why someone besides Spencer was calling you about the case.
“I was calling to inform you, that the Medical Examiner has released your father’s body, ma’am.” Agent Morgan gently explained. “Now if you need help with arrangements, of any kind, please let us know and we will ensure you are getting the help you need.”
You exhale a ragged breath, “Thank you, um, Agent Morgan?” You answer, forgetting who you are speaking too.
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Can you tell me, did my father suffer?” You ask because you need to know how much to hate this son of a bitch.
“No, ma’am,” Agent Morgan soothed. “He was asleep when he was attacked, he never saw it coming.”
A single tear leaves a trail on your cheek, you sniffle loudly over the line. “Thank you, again. And, please, catch this guy.”
“We are doing everything we can, ma’am.” Morgan confirmed, “I don’t know if anyone told you, but we have our own personal genius working on it as we speak.”
You smile through your tears, this guy was a good egg. “I might have heard about that guy, takes a lot of sugar in his coffee?”
A pleasant chuckle answered your retort. “Yeah, that’s our guy.”
To Be Continued...
Part 1    Part 3
@reiding-and-writing @holagubler @imagicana @hotchnerfuckmeup @speedreiding
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kpop-morelike-kstop · 7 years
This is a bit of a rant that i’ve been meaning to get out of my system for the past like..three weeks probably...So, if you guys don’t like swearing or mentions of suicide and self-harm, i suggest you not read this. 
So, some of you are probably looking at the title of this post and are going, “Is he gonna talk about that Junior guy from Got7?” to which i say, No, because his name is Jinyoung not Junior. 
The point of the title is because i am currently a Junior in high school, for those of you who don’t know. But i’m not JUST a Junior. I’m also a part-time senior. To make this a bit clearer to those who aren’t catching on, i’m a Junior who is Graduating early. 
Some of you are probably saying the same thing my parents said when i told them that i’d be graduating early: “Oh my gosh, you are SO SMART. WOW.” 
To which i say, No, No i’m actually really not. I am a pretty average person with equally average intelligence. 
Or, some of you are saying what A LOT of my teachers and peers are saying: “Why would you want to do that? What’s the point?” 
To which i say, It’s personal and i’d rather not talk about it. 
So this post is going to go into the reason as to WHY i decided to graduate early. Not just that though, no, otherwise this would be rather short. No, I’m also going to talk to y’all about how it is and how i’m dealing with it. So buckle yourself in, Freshy, it’s about to get fucked up. 
Reason Why: 
I feel like it’s a little rude to have to explain myself to everyone, especially since the reason isn’t really a good one. 
I want to leave my home. Yup, that’s it in a nut shell. Now, let me get a little bit more in depth because i’m sure some of you out there are pissed with a vagueness of the statement. 
So, for the past 6 years of my life, it’s bee a serious down hill struggle for my brother and i. Ever since i came to America with my mother, my father has been so cruel to the three of us. He yells and treats my mother like shit, my brother was especially quiet and slow when it came to learning English and reading, and i was a quiet but rude little shit who clearly did not like him. Now, i don’t want you guys to think that i just hated him for no reason, that’s not it. 
During my back and forth years of going from Mexico to America, in my middle school years, i began to self harm because it was my way of coping with what i had to deal with at home versus my internal struggles. Eventually my middle school councilor told my parents, my father being the violent man he was, when i tried to reason with him to not beat me he just hit me twice the amount of times. 
Now, lemme ask y’all a question: How is it helpful to hit a child who is already harming themselves? Hm? 
I asked my father the same exact thing, and you wanna know what he said to me? “You can’t tell me how to punish you, you are MY child. And i am YOUR father. I can do whatever the fuck i want because you are my child to deal with.” 
Those words will never leave me. And neither will i ever forget when i was only 13, yelling to my father that i hated him with a burning passion. Ever since, my father and i have not been on the same terms. Instead, i’ve clung to my mother. 
Now, my mother was supposed to have kicked out my father a little over 3 months ago. You know what happened? My brother got himself in trouble with the law. My parents thought that it was because of them separating. HAH. No, actually, he was just falsely accused of stupid shit. 
Ever since my brother got himself in trouble, i’ve been coping in my own way. A very illegal way. I just want to leave this little hell hole and go live somewhere where i won’t feel attacked as soon as i walk into my home. 
How It is and How i’m dealing with it: 
Now some of you probably are looking at what i said previously and are saying, “Wow, Cas, that sucks. It probably doesn’t get worse, right?” 
Well, you’d be wrong. 
I am a very school-loving kid. I know, my parents love it. I am the only kid out of my 6 other siblings who is finishing school and actually enjoyed it. Well, this year so far has been the most stressful one in my entire life. 
My partner can speak for me, he was there the first week of school and was present for the three breakdowns i had during the first week. 
They say sophomore year is your hardest year, to which i say: “Fuck you, do not speak to me.” 
My Junior has been hell and it has only been more stressful with the two extra classes i have to take. 
I remember crying to my partner about wanting to leave everything, wanting to drop school and run away from home. I just wanted to stop everything. I had never felt so sad, hopeless, i was feeling so suicidal and i still am. I have self harmed maybe three times since the year has started just to get myself to clear my head little with a tad bit of pain. 
Hell, i’ve even resorted to smoking again. 
So far, things have calmed down a little but, it is really REALLY hard to keep my grades up. I feel like the least stressful of my classes is probably my online Government and English 12 classes. Because for those, at least the assignments are straightforward. 
Now, Let me Just lay out my schedule for y’all. 
0 period/ Early Bird: APUSH (AP U.S History)
1 Period: AP Psychology
2 Period: AP Lang. (AP Language and Composition)
3 Period: Personal Finance (1st math)
4 Period: Physics
5-6 Period Block: Band
7 Period: Algebra 2 (2nd math)
8 Period: AP Seminar
Online Classes:
English 12
and U.S. Government
Now, Band takes up all of my time, from Wednesdays late night rehearsals and sectionals to Fridays football games or late night rehearsals and Saturdays being late night rehearsals. Any free time nowadays goes to my homework. In fact, right now, i should probably be asleep. Hah, even better, getting started on my APUSH notes. 
Doing this to myself was not a good idea, i must say. Last week, i actually had to miss a day of school because i just couldn’t handle the stress of the day. I was there for maybe 30 minutes of school before i texted my dad and told him to pick me up. Yeah, it was pretty bad. In any case, i am doing my damn best now. I probably tend to get 5 hours of sleep or less, i stay awake in classes as much as i can and i get my assignments in as soon as i can. 
I made this post not to worry anyone, really, just to let out all my pent up frustration from the past few weeks. I hope you all are somewhere doing a lot better than i am. I hope you are all somewhere where you are happy and don’t have to worry about petty things like grades. 
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ourmrmel · 5 years
Mel Feller Explains the 30 Days to Success Process – Mel Feller Texas
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Mel Feller Explains the 30 Days to Success Process – Mel Feller Texas
Mel Feller, MPA, MHR with Offices in Texas and Utah
Mel Feller Seminars, Coaching For Success 360 Inc. /Mel Feller Coaching          
See www.melfellersuccessstories.com and www.melfeller.com
 While 30-day challenges have been around for much longer than the internet has been, the rise success websites and social media have provided a textbook setting for the creation, sharing, and engagement in challenges that last for 30 days or more. These challenges promise a simple starting point and a proven path to a new life style with new habits in virtually any endeavor.
Therefore, I believe in the concept of a powerful personal growth tool, which is the 30-day trial. It is also a great way to develop new habits, and best of all, its brain-dead simple.
 Let us just say if you want to start a new habit like an exercise program or quit a bad habit like smoking. We all know that getting started and sticking with the new habit for a few weeks is the hardest part. Once you have overcome inactivity, it’s much easier to keep going.
 Yet we often psyche ourselves out of getting started by mentally thinking about the change as something permanent — before we have even begun. It seems too overwhelming to think about making a big change and sticking with it every day for the rest of your life when you are still habituated to doing the opposite. The more you think about the change as something permanent, the more you stay put.
 However, what if you thought about making the change only temporarily — say for 30 days — and then you are free to go back to your old habits? That does not seem so hard anymore. Exercise daily for just 30 days, then quit. Maintain a neatly organized desk for 30 days, and then slack off. Read for an hour a day for 30 days, and then go back to watching TV.
 Could you do it? It still requires a bit of discipline and commitment, but not nearly so much as making a permanent change. Any perceived deprivation is only temporary. You can count down the days to freedom. In addition, for at least 30 days, you will gain some benefit. It is not so bad. You can handle it. It’s only one month out of your life.
 Now if you actually complete a 30-day trial, what is going to happen? First, you will go far enough to establish it as a habit, and it will be easier to maintain than it was to begin it. Secondly, you will break the addiction of your old habit during this time. Thirdly, you will have 30 days of success behind you, which will give you greater confidence that you can continue. And fourthly, you’ll gain 30 days’ worth of results, which will give you practical feedback on what you can expect if you continue, putting you in a better place to make informed long-term decisions.
 Therefore, once you hit the end of the 30-day trial, your ability to make the habit permanent is vastly increased. Nevertheless, even if you are not ready to make it permanent, you can opt to extend your trial period to 60 or 90 days. The longer you go with the trial period, the easier it will be to lock in the new habit for life.
 Another benefit of this approach is that you can use it to test new habits where you really are not sure if you would even want to continue for life. Maybe you would like to try a new diet, but you do not know if you would find it too restrictive. In that case, do a 30-day trial and then re-evaluate. There is no shame in stopping if you know the new habit does not suit you. It is like trying a piece of shareware for 30 days and then uninstalling it if it does not suit your needs. No harm, no foul.
 This 30-day method seems to work best for daily habits. I have had no luck using it when trying to start a habit that only occurs 3-4 days per week. However, it can work well if you apply it daily for the first 30 days and then cut back thereafter. This is what I would do when starting a new exercise program, for example. Daily habits are much easier to establish.
 Here are some other ideas for applying 30-day trials:
 Give up TV. Watch all your favorite shows until the end of the trial. Using the internet these days you will always have them available to you.  My whole family did this once, and it was very enlightening.
 Give up online forums, especially if you feel you are becoming forum addicted. This will help break the addiction and give you a clearer sense of how participation actually benefits you, if at all. You can always catch up at the end of 30 days.
Shower/bathe/shave every day. I know YOU do not need this one, so please pass it along to someone who does.
 Meet someone new every day. Start up a conversation with a stranger.
 Go out every evening. Go somewhere different each time, and do something fun — this will be a memorable month.
 Spend 30 minutes cleaning up and organizing your home or office every day. That is 15 hours total.
 List something new to sell on eBay every day. Purge some of that clutter.
 Ask someone new out on a date every day, if not married. Unless your success rate is below 3%, you will get at least one new date, maybe even meet your future spouse.
 If you are already in a relationship, give your partner a massage every day. On the other hand, offer to alternate who gives the massage each day, so that is 15 massages each.
 Give up cigarettes, soda, junk food, coffee, or other unhealthy addictions.
 Become an early riser.
 Write in your journal every day.
 Call a different family member, friend, or business contact every day.
 Make 25 sales calls every day to solicit new business. As a Realtor, Mel Feller did this five days a week for two years, even on days when he was giving back to back listing presentations. He credits this habit with helping build his business to over $3 million in annual sales. If you make 1300 sales calls a year, you are going to get some decent business no matter how bad your sales skills are. You can also generalize this habit to any kind of marketing work, like building new links to your web site.
 Write a new blog entry every day.
 Read for an hour a day on a subject that interests you.
 Meditate every day.
 Learn a new vocabulary word every day.
 Go for a long walk every day.
 Again, do not think that you need to continue any of these habits beyond 30 days. Think of the benefits you will gain from those 30 days alone. You can re-assess after the trial period. You are certain to grow just from the experience, even if it is temporary.
 The power of this approach lies in its simplicity. Even though doing a certain activity every single day may be less efficient than following a more complicated schedule — weight training is a good example because adequate rest is a key component — you’ll often be more likely to stick with the daily habit. When you commit to doing something every single day without exception, you cannot rationalize or justify missing a day, nor can you promise to make it up later by reshuffling your schedule.
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Mel Feller a Texas /Utah Personal Development, Business, Real Estate, Branding, Business Funding and Finance Coach.  In addition, Mel Feller has served in a variety of executive leadership roles for medium and large organizations, including multiple Fortune 500’s.  He is a charismatic leader who has facilitated change and growth in all sized organizations, including non-profit and Board development.  Mel Feller has successfully led organizations in the areas business development, marketing, sales, operations, and the like.
 Mel Feller is committed to serving.  In the Texas / Utah community, he chairs several organizations.  Mel Feller volunteers his leadership at two churches in a variety of ways, including serving on council, bible study facilitator, and more.
 Mel Feller has been a featured speaker for career professional is groups, business leaders and continuing education sessions, and aspiring business startups.
 When he is not coaching, you can find Mel Feller reading, listening to podcasts, exercising, fishing, or with his kids and grandkids exploring the greatness God has gifted us all.
 Mel Feller states, “An effective coach is someone who tells you what you may not want to hear, helps you navigate around your blind spots, and helps you identify opportunities…so that you can be who you’ve always known you can be” Mel Feller
 Mel Feller’s purpose is to add tremendous value to those business owners/entrepreneurs by helping them reach their potential.
 Mel Feller is an effective, charismatic and powerful speaker, corporate advisor, and best-selling author. In 1998, Mel founded Coaching for Success 360 to help professionals worldwide design subtle changes in their presentation, attitude and leadership style that increases their personal and professional effectiveness and subsequently their financial status.  This also includes both real estate as an agent and/or investor.  See www.melfeller.com  and www.melfellersuccessstories.com .  Now with offices both in Texas and Utah.
 As a business, executive, personal development, and real estate coach, I work with a wide range of professionals and offer a highly personalized approach tailored to each individual in concert with the organizational environment.  In a supportive atmosphere, I work to build trust and support the professional in the attainment of goals and measurable outcomes.  
 Mel Feller offers sessions, both in-person and virtual.   We will start with an initial assessment to clearly define your short and long-term goals, everything from communication skills to personal acceptance. We will use these goals as a foundation to create a strategy and build the path for attaining these objectives. Change is typically a major component of reaching goals and sustainable change becomes more likely in a coaching partnership.  
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njmanageditservices · 3 years
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A lot of people don’t know what a virtual CIO does, which isn’t too surprising. There aren’t a lot of good articles on the internet regarding this subject, and most of the ones you find will be commercial. However, we want to do a better job of explaining this matter to you. To be more specific, we want to explain all the ways in which a virtual CIO can help a small business to prosper.
The first thing to understand is that a virtual CIO is a real person. Unlike some things which are termed “virtual,” this type of CIO is not a simulation or an AI. Instead, they are called virtual CIOs because of the unique nature of their jobs. While they do the work of a CIO (Chief Information Officer), they only fulfill that role on a temporary and as-needed basis. That makes them a good middle-ground option.
The entire purpose of a CIO is to make sure that technology goals stay in line with business goals. They manage everything that is tech-related and make sure that it stays consistent with the needs of the organization. Unfortunately, many small businesses do not have a CIO of any kind. This creates a serious problem, even if you have a good IT crew. Without a CIO, there will be no one to direct their efforts properly.
We should begin with this one because it represents the main purpose of a virtual CIO. Many small businesses cannot afford another salaried executive, especially one whose talents are so specialized. The services of a CIO are not needed on an everyday basis. And so, that salary represents a lot of wasted money.
To find out how much, let’s look at the salary packages of several well-regarded CIOs. As you can see, these packages can be worth as much as $2,500,000 annually. Even the lowest-paid entries on the list are getting nearly $2,000,000 in paychecks, bonuses, and stock options.
It is much harder to calculate costs for a virtual CIO, but there is no doubt that they are much cheaper. We know this because a virtual CIO is generally not paid a salary. Since you are paying by the hour, you will only be paying for the services you need. To get a better idea about specific costs, you might want to read this article.
Most modern businesses use a wide range of technology, even if it’s not all that complex. For instance, you always need your computers and printers to work well together, and the same goes for network compatibility. Unfortunately, this can be a very difficult thing at times. All of these devices and all of this software is (probably) made by a bunch of different companies that don’t necessarily do things in the same way.
A CIO is supposed to have the expertise to make sure that a system (And all of its components) can function efficiently. You would get this benefit from any CIO, but here’s the good thing about hiring a virtual CIO: These integration issues don’t need to be addressed that often. Thus, you can get the benefits of a salaried CIO at a fraction of the cost.
In general, there are only three occasions on which tech integration will be a big issue. They are:
1. The initial set-up of the system
2. The addition of new components
3. The removal of existing components
When your system is first set up/overhauled, a tech professional will be needed to ensure proper integration. After that, there shouldn’t be much cause for concern in this department. Of course, whenever something is added or removed, there will be a need for your virtual CIO once again.
In most cases, the services of a virtual CIO are contracted through a managed IT support provider. These companies might also provide a number of other tech-related services, such as cloud networking or general IT guidance. Anytime you can get a multitude of essential services under one roof, it is probably a good deal. When your virtual CIO also works for your MSP, you can basically deal with both of them at the same time.
Just as all the technology in your system must be properly integrated, it is also helpful for people and services to be integrated. This will allow multiple individuals and departments to coordinate their efforts for maximum efficiency. For instance, let’s say you have a problem that requires the help of your MSP. Chances are, your vCIO can get a faster response from the company than you or your regular staff.
Although this may not always be the case, the use of a vCIO will probably lead to better security. Naturally, this will depend on the expertise of your particular vCIO, but that’s why you need to vet your applicants carefully. Let’s start with one essential point of security: Don’t always accept the first person that your MSP sends. All good managed IT service plans should include the option to change your virtual CIO at any time. This way, you can quickly remove those who are found to be untrustworthy or negligent.
Once you have found a good vCIO, they will certainly do a security evaluation and determine what needs to be done. They will probably work closely with your existing IT team, especially if they all work for the same MSP. They will be able to determine how much security you need and how best to implement any changes. The role of a CIO in security is well-known.
In many cases, a CIO will be the first one held accountable for a high-profile breach. Thus, they have a strong motivation to stay diligent and watchful. Even with their limited terms of employment, a virtual CIO will be accountable for network security. As you can see here, CIOs have been dedicating a lot of time and effort to the proper integration of security and convenience.
We’ve all been annoyed by those little pop-up windows that tell us to update some piece of software or another. Now, imagine the aggravation of running an entire network from that perspective! Keeping every device updated, and keeping all their programs updated, could be a full-time job in itself. Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be like that when it’s handled efficiently.
By employing someone who is intimately familiar with the latest tech trends, you can ensure that the updating processes go as smoothly as possible. There are ways to update an entire network at once, and any good virtual CIO will be familiar with those procedures.
It can be very easy for out-of-date software (or hardware) to cause network downtime. At the very least, it can render that particular machine unable to do its job. For an example of how this works, consider your SSL certificates. These are credentials that your computer uses for secure (encrypted) communications with other websites. Like any other sort of ID, it must be renewed from time to time. Expired SSL certificates have been known to cause serious problems and extensive downtime.
We have talked a lot about the ways in which a virtual CIO can help your business. However, there is one matter that relates to small businesses in particular. Many small business owners are people with relatively little experience. Because technology is a constantly-changing field of study, it is not realistic to think that every SMB owner is going to understand it properly.
For these and other reasons, it can be very helpful to have the advice of a more experienced person on hand. Your virtual CIO has probably worked with other businesses in your industry, and they can probably offer you all sorts of valuable insights. If nothing else, they can help you to keep up with all those compliance and regulatory matters that can pose such big problems for an SMB.
No matter how good your CIO might be, there is always the chance that some kind of disaster will occur. This could be something virtual, like a data crash or a ransomware attack, or it could be something more physical (like burglary or natural disaster). Either way, the only way to deal with the problem is to foresee and prepare. That’s something a virtual CIO can definitely help you to do.
Any good vCIO will set up an automatic backup system so that crucial data is not lost. They should make sure that the data is stored in a way that is both safe from loss and safe from hackers. This is a tall order, and no computer can ever be completely hack-proof. Thus, they should also create a contingency plan to deal with the potential of system intrusion.
While technology can sometimes be a little buggy, most of its failings come from human error. Because there are many people who do not understand technology very well, it can be easy for bad actors to manipulate them into giving up crucial (and damaging) data. For instance, consider the fact that most hackers use a phishing email as their primary attack method. Instead of trying to outsmart the security measures that are in place, they just try to trick an authorized user.
All of this comes down to one essential point: Education of your employees is key if you want to get the most out of your technology setup. The easiest way to do this is to hold seminars and classes for your employees, and that can be expensive. Getting a high-profile expert to give a speech on cybersecurity could cost you thousands, but a virtual CIO will consider it to be a normal part of their job.
Whether we like it or not, technology is moving toward a service-based model in which people pay for services on demand. This gives people and businesses a lot more flexibility and should lead to greater productivity for all involved. Virtual CIOs are something of a new arrival on the scene, but they have already proven to be quite popular. If you have enjoyed this article, we invite you to fill out the contact form below and learn more about fascinating subjects like this.
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germainetrittle86 · 4 years
Sablayan (Mis)adventures
I am usually stressed out by long, drawn-out travel times with tedious transfers before reaching your destination. But there was a point in my life when my sense of adventure, (or was it my dedication to my advocacies) that made me throw caution to the wind and allow myself to endure the experience.
Region IV-B has always been problematic when it comes to rendering technical assistance because it is composed of several “island” provinces. But bringing all participants to one place like Manila is very costly and oftentimes results in limited representation. Thus, it is admittedly much cheaper if the Resource Person/Speaker is the one to go visit them instead. As it is, even if my invitation is usually via our DSWD regional offices, I always oblige if the respective provincial governments manage to find a budget and organize a training/seminar for their local social welfare officers, regional Federation of Senior Citizens of the Philippines (FSCAP) officers and appointed Office of Senior Citizens Affairs (OSCA) Heads.
Sometime in 2012, I was contacted by the Senior Citizens Focal Person of MIMAROPA because of an invitation from the Provincial Social Welfare Officer of Occidental Mindoro. I had been to Oriental Mindoro before, particularly in Calapan and Naujan, but this was the other side. So apparently, while we flew in from Manila to San Jose where their airport is located, we needed to travel by land to Sablayan which is our venue. Fortunately, our satellite office there managed to provide a vehicle to transport us over rough dirt roads as dust flew all around us. I noticed that there was a clear road network but they were neither paved nor properly asphalted for vehicles. We passed by wide river areas where much quarrying was being done, and I half expected it would partly be for their roadwork at least. Later on I would find out that roadwork and other infrastructure hardly gets finished in these parts because of the harassment from NPA rebels. It was a long ride and by the time we reached the place, we were hungry as hell.
I thought the problematic travel arrangement issues ended with the long bumpy ride, but I was wrong. The lodgings provided us did not even give me a solo room, or at the very least, a double-sharing room with my fellow speaker. I was to share with at least 2 other staff. Then again, the only available accommodation was a small pensionne house which I believe used to be a motel (read: short-time). To make matters worse, the PSWDO did not even speak to the hotel to prepare our noon meal. We had to wait for another two hours before it was served and it wasn’t even tasty at all.
But I remained optimistic, and decided to give our hosts the benefit of the doubt. In the afternoon, I decided to go around and check out the plaza. Mindoro is known for its local indigenous tribe, the Mangyans. They were the original settlers there who thrived in the mountains as well as by the coastlines. But the Tagalogs came over from Batangas and started farming the plains, and they were relegated to the fringes of society.
By sheer luck, there was a small sari-sari store there which sold softdrinks and a bit of ihaw-ihaw. I quickly jumped at the chance of buying myself a good merienda at least. So over grilled hotdogs and Coke, my colleague and “trainee-Resource Speaker”, Weng, planned for our session the next day. Midway through her second hotdog, she barfed it out saying it tasted spoiled. The lady selling the hotdogs offered to replace it, but we had both lost our appetite.  
That evening, we were told that we would have to return to Manila via another route, and the MIMAROPA staff would not be accompanying us anymore. They had to stay and do other recognizance work with the satellite office. Weng and I were to travel to Abra de Ilog by bus and from there catch a Ro-Ro for Batangas port. I was already busy computing the hours in my head..it was around two hours from Sablayan to Abra de Ilog, passing by the towns of Sta.Cruz and Mamburao, then another 2 hours at least crossing over water to Batangas port, and finally, another two hours bus ride for Manila.
I honestly felt offended for not having been treated better since I already made the effort to come visit them. The least the organizers could do, both from the PSWDO and Field Office was to take better care of us. But I felt they were acting like it was I who owed them a favor for making this trip. I was already making so many mental notes at this point because several other provinces requested for similar training-seminars during the last regional assembly in Manila (That time, I went to the DSWD MIMAROPA office at Kansas, but they failed to inform me that the real venue was at SWADCAP in Taguig, so that’s another story.) I could only hope that they would treat us better.
So the 4-hour seminar was held at the Senior Citizens Center renovated through the help of then Vice-President Jejomar Binay. To the credit of the senior citizens of the place, it had an office for the OSCA Head, a spacious room for short-term accommodation in case of evacuation, a pantry and another office space for medical missions. The outdoor covered space had a small stage for programs and trainings like ours. The talk went well, mostly clarification on the appointment of OSCA Heads and the real role of FSCAP officers. But the usual controversies dealt with the implementation of the Social Pension program.
Later that day, we had enough time to go around and see their old lighthouse at Presing Park. Dating back when it was used as a look-out for Spanish and Americans alike, the lighthouse has since been refurbished and modernized to continue its vital function. The “parola park” still has some old Spanish cannons from long ago, overlooking the South China Sea and the famous Apo Reef, the so-called center of biodiversity. This is the reason scuba divers flock to Sablayan - it has one of the best diving destinations because of the abundance of marine life. We could have done a glass-bottom boat ride, but once again our hosts failed to arrange for it. I was expecting a decent tour at least, but they couldn’t offer us anything more after seeing that alleged miniature version of the Golden Gate suspension bridge. Later research showed me they actually had an old Spanish church in town and a Sablayan Museum. Oh well…so much for so-called “hosts”.
With nothing else to hope for, Weng and I opted to leave at the earliest possible time. We were told there was a night trip for Abra de Ilog so we could reach Batangas port by dawn. Personally, I would not have risked a nighttime sea-crossing, but we were desperate to get home. Afterwards, sharing my story with a veteran community organizer-friend, he informed me that my greater risk then was travelling at night when NPA rebels could have stopped us. But I didn't know that fact then. So we grabbed the chance and they sent over some pansit to serve as our baon. Truth be told, that pansit turned out to be spoiled again, but thankfully, we had some drinks to tide us over.
We slept through the bumpy ride to Abra de Ilog, awoke to disembark for the RoRo to Batangas, then slept some more until we reached Manila. It was the best we can do so as not to get hungry. By the time we reached Alabang, we were starving and we scrounged around for the quickest bite so early in the morning. Fortunately, bus terminals always offer something for bus drivers, conductors and travelers alike. There was 3 in 1 coffee, instant noodles, crackers or biscuits, and chips. Before Weng and I went our separate ways (she was going South-bound, home to Cavite), I bought some food to munch on and a drink for the other hour or so to Quezon City. On the North-bound bus home, I heaved a sigh of relief that our misadventure ended the minute we left Sablayan. I just wish I had more pleasant memories of the place.
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