hempoilfrog1 · 4 years
CBD Oil For Menopause: 8 Menopause Symptoms CBD Could Help
Women deal with a fair share of health issues and inconveniences which come across as a sign of being healthy but can be painful and disturbing. One such function of the female body is the inevitable menopause.
A stage that comes during aging, menopause is when the female body starts to diminish its reproductive abilities with the long period of menstrual cycles coming to an end.
Sounds convenient?
Think again.
Menopause induces various changes in the body that can be quite difficult to deal with. Beyond the reduction of hormone production such as estrogen and progesterone, menopause comes with various side effects. Read Here: CBD Oil for Allergies: Does CBD Oil Help With Allergies?
Unfortunately, you should know that the medical system is usually unprepared to deal with menopause symptoms. Previous generations of women were quite about these changes that the medical system is now just waking up to the needs of post- and per-menopausal women.
Thus, like many other women, you might feel turning to the traditional herbal medicines— such as CBD oil for menopause— for support, since our great-great-grandmothers must be on to something.
So, can CBD oil really work for menopause?
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Menopause and Estrogen
You are probably familiar with the estrogen story:
Women are born having millions of immature eggs inside their ovaries. Once puberty hits, the body is pumped filled with estrogen every time an egg matures which happens approximately once a month.
Over the years, however, the egg supply drops. And once all the eggs are gone, the monthly period stops and that estrogen bursts go away, which then triggers menopause.
However, for years before menopause or more commonly known as per-menopause, the estrogen levels swing unpredictably low or high before the final plunge. And it is not just estrogen goes on this roller-coaster ride— there’s also a full-supporting cast of hormones that maintained a smooth operation of the body over the years also starts to rebel.
Countless molecules in the body, controlled by these hormones, also fluctuates. Then the brain neurochemistry also changes and the body starts to produce inflammatory molecules. From bone reabsorption to fat accumulation to brain functions, menopause changes the inners workings of the body.
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CBD Oil For Menopause: 8 Menopause Symptoms CBD Could Help
CBD Oil for Allergies: Does CBD Oil Help With Allergies?
CBD Oil for OCD: How to use and Dosage?
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Cannabinoids: How It Works?
The body has its own endocannabinoid system (ECS), consisting of cell receptors throughout the body in order to maintain homeostasis.
The body can produce its own cannabinoids but our ECS also responds to external cannabinoids like those that came from plants.
Now, the cannabis plant (both marijuana and industrial hemp plant) contains over 100 cannabinoids. The most studied cannabinoids in the cannabis plant right now are CBD or cannabidiol.
So, what does it has to do with menopause?
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Estrogen plays a crucial role in the ECS since it regulates FAAH (fatty acid amide hydrolase), breaking down several endocannabinoids. Thus, if there’s a lower level of estrogen in the body, it can affect your ECS, which can partly explain some of the effects of menopause.
Thus, it would make sense the cannabinoids can help with such symptoms. The problem is that we are still learning about how cannabis works in the human body. And conducting clinical research is still challenging.
With that said, preliminary research looks promising for various issues associated with post- and peri-menopause years.
8 Menopause Symptoms CBD Could Help With
We will explore how menopause triggers brain chemistry changes and inflammation— which are the root of most menopausal symptoms— and discuss how CBD can actually help ease those symptoms.
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1) Aches and Joint Pain
You might think that your body hurt more than it used to because of your old age. You see, without estrogen, the body produces a higher level of inflammatory molecules or specifically known as the TNFαor tumor necrosis factor.
This only means that your arthritis symptoms could increase during menopause. As a matter of fact, over 60 percent of women aged between 40 and 64 suffer from pain in their joints and muscles.
Thus, it is important than ever to reduce the inflammation in the body during menopause. CBD has scientifically proven anti-inflammatory properties. In a mice study, researchers found that CBD is anti-arthritic, lowers the level of inflammatory TNFα, and protects the joints against inflammatory damages.
2) Night Sweats and Hot Flashes
Night sweats and hot flashes may be a frequent joke for some; however, these are no laughing matter. Night sweats and hot flashes can disrupt your sleep patterns and daily routines, reducing the quality of your life.
Such vasomotor symptoms are caused by changed neurochemistry in your hypothalamus which is the thermostat controller of the body. In simpler terms, the cooling system of the body— sweat response and blood vessel dilation— gets switched on too easily.
  In a lab test, women suffering from hot flashes are triggered when the body temperature increases even by only1.5 degrees. Meanwhile, other women’s bodies do not switch on the cooling system unless the temperature increases to almost 3 degrees.
Since hot flashes and night sweats have a neurochemical basis, some anti-depressants and SSRIs can help in relieving these symptoms. CBD oil for menopause, although there are no studies specifically tested it for hot flashes, has the ability to influence your serotonin system which could be one of the many reasons why some menopausal women swear by its benefits for these symptoms.
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CBD Oil For Menopause: 8 Menopause Symptoms CBD Could Help
CBD Oil for Allergies: Does CBD Oil Help With Allergies?
CBD Oil for OCD: How to use and Dosage?
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Reasons Why CTFO Is one of the best CBD MLM Companies
3) Depression and Mood Swings
It is quite common for menopausal women to experience depression or anxiety. The progesterone and estrogen influence the activity of the serotonin and other neurotransmitters in our brain, directly affecting the mood.
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So, as the levels of these hormones become more erratic and eventually dropping, the neurochemistry also changes. CBD has been shown to help with symptoms of anxiety and depression. In a 2010 mice study, it turns out that this compound can activate your serotonin receptors, just like how buspirone, an anti-anxiety drug, works. CBD may also help in stabilizing mood in humans.
4) Diabetes and Weight Gain
Hormones play a vital role in our bodies on so many levels, including managing and controlling our metabolism. Without estrogen, the body
burns fewer calories, even during sleep, as well as burning less fat even when working out.
And even if you reduce your calorie intake and maintain a stable weight throughout menopause, the hormonal shift tells the body to trade the lean muscle mass for the abdominal fat. Unfortunately, this pattern of fat storage increases your risks to insulin resistance, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes.
  Several population studies revealed that adults using cannabis products have smaller waist circumferences and lower insulin levels. This is because CBD could contribute by switching on the genes for healthy metabolism via the PPAR-γ receptor.
Not only that, CBD oil for menopause can also help buffer the activity of natural endocannabinoids such as the 2-AG,  which is associated with insulin resistance and have an increased production during menopause. 
5) Osteoporosis
The body constantly moves calcium and other minerals in and out of the bones. However, as you enter perimenopause, the net result is usually bone resorption, a process where more bone is taken away than being added. This is because of the lower levels of estrogen which lowers your bone density and increasing your risks for fractures.
Osteoclasts are special cells involved in the breaking down of bones. And bone loss occurs when the osteoclast activity becomes aggressive, which happens with the reduction of estrogen production.
Osteoclasts have several GPR55 receptors that stimulate these cells too much and cause bone loss. However, research indicates that CBD can actually interact with these GPR55 receptors and inhibit their actions, thus preventing bone density loss.
In addition, new studies reveal that inflammation caused by arthritis and other conditions might also be the biggest culprit for bone resorption. Once again, the inflammatory TNFα is the main culprit at telling the body to increase your bone resorption.
  Fortunately, the same anti-inflammatory properties of CBD oil are an excellent remedy for arthritic symptoms which also prove useful for bone health.
  In fact, in a study of rats suffering from periodontitis, CBD oil can lower the TNFα level and help prevent oral bone loss.
Still, human evidence for CBD oil for this application is still lacking, thus, we encourage you to use medical resources that are proven and available if you have been diagnosed with low bone density.
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6) Genitourinary Syndrome
Bladder control and sexual health during and after menopause may seem like 2 separate subjects, however, since they are so intimately related, they are often lumped into a single medical condition— genitourinary syndrome. It causes vaginal dryness, atrophy as well as serious bladder management.
Estrogen helps in maintaining blood flow to your pelvic region to deliver fresh oxygen to the tissues of the sexual organs and urinary tract. This keeps things healthy and elastic. Now, when menopause arrives, you will need to give your pelvis some extra attention and love in order to keep up the blood flow.
In addition to regular sexual activity, topical lubricants that contain cannabinoids such as THC or CBD— which are potent vasodilators— can help boost blood flow to your pelvic region.
This keeps the tissues healthy while moisturizing the vaginal canal. Not only that, Topical CBD for menopause can also fight inflammation, calm pain-perceiving nerves as well as relaxing the muscle in the vagina and vulva. 
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7) Memory Loss
Memory loss is often blamed on age, however, even younger women who go through surgical menopause may also experience rapid memory loss. The hippocampus, the brain region which is responsible for emotion, learning, and memory, is a hotbed of synaptic plasticity.
Now, hormones such as progesterone and estrogen encourage neurons in the hippocampus to create new connections. Thus, our memories might suffer without these important hormones.
  Today, researchers and scientists are actively studying and investigating CBD oil for encouraging neuroprotection and synaptic plasticity, especially in the hippocampus.
Still, there’s solid evidence for its recommendations, yet. So, we suggest that you protect this important brain region with other proven ways and methods.
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CBD Oil For Menopause: 8 Menopause Symptoms CBD Could Help
CBD Oil for Allergies: Does CBD Oil Help With Allergies?
CBD Oil for OCD: How to use and Dosage?
Is Network Marketing a Good Career for Anyone?
Reasons Why CTFO Is one of the best CBD MLM Companies
8) Sleep Disturbances
Most post- and per-menopausal women have trouble getting quality sleep. And sleep deprivation can wear you down which also triggers fatigue and a wide variety of other health issues.
Menopause can disrupt your sleep in various ways including increased depression and anxiety or night sweats and hot flashes.
People of all ages and genders report that CBD oil can help them get restorative sleep. This benefit will depend on the source of your sleep disruptions. The influence of CBD on anxiety and neurochemistry can help improve sleep for women experiencing disruptive night sweats of insomnia.
  In addition, a 2016 study on people with PTSD showed that CBD can help reduce generalized anxiety and sleep disturbances, allowing them to get a good night’s sleep.
Thus, it may be possible that CBD oil can help in treating sleep disturbances relating to menopausal symptoms like anxiety and depression.
CBD oil has also been documented to have an anxiolytic or anxiety-inhibiting property as well as relaxing effects that help support a more restful and deeper sleep.
Final Thoughts
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When nearing your menopausal ages, it is important that you observe the changes currently happening within your life and body. Progesterone and estrogen shouldered a lot of responsibilities within your body and maybe getting some downtime after all those years.
Fortunately, there are many resources, including CBD oil for menopause, that can help you through and beyond this natural process and successfully say that you survived menopause!
Although CBD oil for menopause is still young and research is still being conducted for its alleged applications, it already has promising results that may one day help every ailing menopausal woman.
The post CBD Oil For Menopause: 8 Menopause Symptoms CBD Could Help appeared first on Sell CBD Oils.
from https://hempoilfrog.com/cbd-oil-for-menopause/
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hempoilfrog1 · 4 years
CBD Oil for Allergies: Does CBD Oil Help With Allergies?
Allergies— they can be a real pain, both in the metaphorical and physical sense. Most of us will suffer from some sort of allergy, whether seasonal, chronic, or as a reaction to some foods.
In general, allergies are usually looked upon as an inconvenient disease and nothing more. However, did you know that allergies are the 6th leading cause of chronic illness in the United States? Read Here: CBD Oil for OCD: How to use and Dosage?
As a matter of fact, over 50 million Americans are suffering from allergies every year, according to the American College of Asthma, Allergy, and Immunology. Seeing stats like these, there’s no wonder why people look all over the place for fast and reliable treatments.
And one of the potential alternative treatments that people are discussing right now is CBD oil for allergies. So, in today’s article, we will explore what CBD is and the role (if any) it may play in treating allergies.
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Allergies: What Is It And What Causes It?
Allergy symptoms are an overreaction of the immune system. This response is crucial since it is the job of the immune system to protect us against real health threats such as harmful viruses and bacteria.
However, for some people, exposure to even the seemingly harmless particles in the air or foods can result in their immune system going haywire, leading to the pesky allergy symptoms.
Some of the most common environmental allergens include:
Pet dander
Dust mites
Mold Pollen
Cigarette smoke
In most cases, these allergies can worsen during certain seasons such as spring when trees and flowers are blooming. These allergies are known as seasonal allergies.
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Symptoms of Allergies
Additionally, the activation of the immune system also causes an increase in inflammation all over the body including nasal passages, eyes, throat, and skin. Allergy sufferers often experience:
Nasal congestion
Runny nose
Hives and itching
Now, for people with asthma, allergy symptoms can even worsen breathing issues.
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CBD Oil for Allergies: Does CBD Oil Help With Allergies?
CBD Oil for OCD: How to use and Dosage?
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Reasons Why CTFO Is one of the best CBD MLM Companies
Does Hemp Oil For Stretch Marks Really Work?
Traditional Treatment for Allergies
1) Anti-Histamines
When you are exposed to an allergen, it triggers the immune system and activates the defense survival mode. AS mentioned before, the immune system consists of mast cells that release histamines.
These histamines attach to receptors in your blood vessels and cause larger blood vessels. Also, these histamines can attach to other receptors which can cause swelling, redness, and itching.
With anti-histamines, it blocks these histamines from attaching onto nearby receptors and preventing these symptoms from worsening or occurring. Some of the most commonly used antihistamines are:
Although these anti-histamines can help in easing some of your symptoms over time, there are some side effects associated. These include:
Dry mouth
When the immune system becomes activated, it releases various chemicals such as the histamine by mast cells. These histamine and other chemicals are mainly responsible for the allergic symptoms that people experience.
Blurred vision
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2) Decongestants
Decongestants can help relieve congestions caused by allergies. You can find decongestants in several forms including nasal sprays, eye drops, pill forms, or liquids. The common decongestants include:
Visine eye drops
However, like any drug, decongestants also have side effects, including:
Rapid heartbeat
High blood pressure
CBD Oil For Allergies: The New Anti-Allergy Miracle Drug?
Allergy sufferers are now experimenting with using CBD oil for allergies with many promising positive results.
However, can this new drug really help allergy sufferers?
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CBD: What Exactly Is It?
CBD is one of the many compounds found in the cannabis plant species. Unlike the more prominent cannabinoid THC which is found in the marijuana variety of the cannabis plant, CBD is the non-psychoactive compound, meaning it does not produce the feeling of high.
CBD is now having a breakthrough in the medicinal industry, thanks to it a number of promising health benefits.
The main researched applications of CBD oil right now include:
Controlling epileptic seizures
Pain management
Stress and anxiety
Neurodegenerative diseases
Heart health
Alleviating Cancer-related symptoms
CBD Oil and The Immune System
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Probably one of the ways that CBD can help alleviate your allergy symptoms is the reduction of histamines released into your blood vessels.
As mentioned before, histamine is released and triggered by the antibodies. So, if the histamine is reduced or prevented from being released, then it can make a huge difference.
A 2005 study on the cannabis anti-inflammatory properties suggested that CBD can help in preventing an increased histamine response. Researchers revealed that the compound can help reduce the activation of the mast cell, thus preventing the release of histamines which triggers allergic reactions.
Another 2005 study found out that cannabinoids can also impair T-cell activation. T-cells are a type of white blood cell which boosts antibody activation and response. And activated T-cells means increased histamines. So, impairing the T-cells can also help in reducing your allergic symptoms.
Furthermore, whilst studying the immune system and CBD, researchers have also started to study the terpenes present in the cannabis plant. And a 2014 study found that a specific terpene (alpha-pinene) found in the cannabis plant can help in the reduction of antibody levels in mice.
Although more research is certainly needed to come to a conclusive indication, there is mounting evidence that the interaction of CBD with the immune system could actually help in reducing your allergic symptoms.
CBD as an Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Microbial
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Beyond its crucial role in balancing your immune system response, CBD and its anti-inflammatory property can also be useful in reducing allergic symptoms.
As a matter of fact, a 2011 study showed that CBD helps in reducing inflammatory pain in rats. It affects the way pain receptors respond to a stimulus.
Meanwhile, a 2015 review at the University of Massachusetts Medical School Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, revealed that CBD helps reduce inflammation through various pathways in the body and can potentially be an excellent treatment for a range of conditions that are characterized by inflammation.
Lastly, a 2017 rat study showed that CBD can significantly reduce acute inflammation in joints characterized by osteoporosis.
So, why does it matter for allergy sufferers?
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Inflammation is a crucial factor in allergic reactions. Allergic inflammation can cause discomfort and joint pain. For instance, spring allergies can cause the swelling of the nose lining or protective tissues surrounding the eye. Now, as a compound with great anti-inflammatory properties, CBD can help with such inflammations caused by these allergic reactions.
In addition, many allergens make you more prone to infection. The good news is that CBD and a few terpenes which are common in full-spectrum CBD oil have antimicrobial properties. Thus, it can help your body in fighting off a true and more serious infection that attempts to set in during an allergic reaction.
While CBD oil for allergies may not be a recommended treatment by physicians and doctors, there’s scientific evidence that it could help in alleviating allergy symptoms.
CBD Forms and Dosage For Allergies
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CBD comes in various forms such as:
Capsules Oil in tinctures and sprays
Infused water
Gummies or edibles
Vape oils
Lotions, balms, creams, and topicals
Shower gels, shampoos, bath bombs, and bath salts
The form of CBD oil for allergies depends on what symptoms you’re trying to control. If you’re trying to treat itchiness, redness, or dryness of the skin, then you need to look for topicals, lotions, and creams infused with CBD to relieve these issues.
For the general allergy treatment such as inflamed sinuses, nose, and eyes, then you look to other forms such as vapes, sprays, or tinctures to provide quick relief. Oils and capsules, on the other hand, can help offer long-term relief.
In terms of the dosage, there’s still no scientifically outlines dosage of CBD for allergies or for any disease, in general.
The dosage can depend on the ailment that you are trying to treat as well as your body weight, the CBD form and so much more.
Clinical trials, however, have shown that CBD can be taken in hundreds of milligrams a day without causing adverse effects. And the average CBD supplement pill can have 10 – 40 mg.
However, it is always recommended that you start from the lowest possible dosage for a few weeks and gradually increasing until the desired effect is achieved. Also, always consult with a professional before taking CBD oil for allergies.
Risks and Side Effects of CBD
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The side effects of CBD are largely insignificant and uncommon. Short term side effects may include:
Mood changes
Appetite change
Dry mouth
Long terms side effects are still unknown since studies on CBD have only recently begun. Other than the side effects mentioned above, taking CBD oil for allergies may also cause you to fail a drug test.
Drug tests search for THC and its metabolites. And since CBD oil can contain trace amounts of THC, a false positive result can be obtained from taking CBD, so you need to be cautious when taking CBD oil for allergies before doing a drug test.
As mentioned before, it is important that you talk to your doctor before taking CBD oils or supplements to alleviate your allergy symptoms. This is because CBD can interfere with other pharmaceutical drugs that you might be currently taking.
CBD, in particular, can inhibit the cytochrome p450. Like any other medication, CBD oil is metabolized in the body by the enzymes of the CYP450 system. Competing for these enzymes, taking CBD can reduce the metabolism of other drugs, raising the blood levels, and having an inhibitor effect.
Also, CBD has adverse interactions with the grapefruit warning on some drugs.
The Legality and Regulation of CBD
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Up until recently, all variety and forms of the cannabis plant species fall into the Schedule I drug category. This means that it is illegal on a federal level to sell or buy within the US.
However, with the 2018 Farm Bill, there is now a legal distinction between the various strains of the cannabis plant— the marijuana plant and the industrial hemp plant.
The main difference between these 2 varieties of the cannabis plant is that hemp plants have lower levels of THC. Legal CBD and hemp products are derived from the industrial hemp plant and should only contain less than 0.3 percent of THC for it to be legally sold and bought in all 50 states of the US.
At this time of writing, the FDA doesn’t regulate CBD products, so quality standards can vary between manufacturers.
So, when thinking about purchasing CBD for allergies then make sure to do some serious research into the company and make sure that they use 3rd party testing and only have high-quality standards.
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CBD Oil for Allergies: Does CBD Oil Help With Allergies?
CBD Oil for OCD: How to use and Dosage?
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Concluding Thoughts
So, can CBD oil help with allergies?
Yes. It may help in relieving allergy symptoms; however, it is not a conclusive cure for allergies. CBD will not eliminate or cure your allergies completely and only helps in alleviating symptoms.
In addition, because human trials are lacking, it is hard to draw a solid conclusion. Although more research is needed, the results look promising enough for you to try CBD oil for allergies.
  And given its legality, minimal adverse side effects, and good safety profile, CBD for allergies is worth a shot in easing out your pesky allergic symptoms. But before you do so, as always, we recommend that you consult your doctor first.
Replacing your allergy medication with CBD oil is not recommended without medical supervision since severe allergic reactions and symptoms can be life-threatening and trying out medicine with little scientific evidence to back it up is never worth it.
The post CBD Oil for Allergies: Does CBD Oil Help With Allergies? appeared first on Sell CBD Oils.
from https://hempoilfrog.com/cbd-oil-for-allergies/
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hempoilfrog1 · 4 years
CBD Oil for OCD: How to use and Dosage?
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, or better known as OCD has been a topic of jokes, but in reality, it is never a laughing matter. And it is more common than most people think.
A study conducted by the National Institute of Mental Health revealed that 1.2 percent of all adults in the US have been diagnosed with OCD, out of which over 80 percent are seriously suffering due to this condition. Read Here: Does CBD Oil Really Help Anxiety And Relieve Stress?
Fortunately, there are various medications available for those suffering from it. And recently, there has been a growing interest in the potential benefit of CBD oil for OCD. In this article, we shall dive into the possible benefits and use of CBD oil for OCD.
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OCD: What Exactly Is It?
Looking at the records, 1 in 40 adults and 1 out of 100 children have OCD. And since the 90s, the number of cases only kept on expanding, leading to extensive research in this area.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is a form of anxiety disorder that involves frequent and recurring obsessions and thoughts. It usually causes an individual to develop a strong urge to do things compulsively or repetitively— often called tics.
The urges and obsessions of those affected can become highly disruptive to their normal life, making changes in routines, social interaction, and productivity more difficult than normal.
Most people with OCD have compulsions and obsessions in combination together, while a few others only experience one of these conditions.
Common Obsessive Thoughts
Each person has various obsessive thoughts. Most of the time, however, for those suffering from OCD, they usually include:
Order and symmetry or the idea that everything needs to be “perfectly” aligned
Daily stress and angst
Superstitious or the excessive attention to something that’s considered unhappy or happy
Excessive concentration on moral or religious ideas
Violently intrusive or sexually explicit thoughts and images
An increased concern of losing control which causes harm to self or others
Fear in contaminating oneself or others with dirt and germs
Harmful thoughts toward yourself
Fear of forgetting an important date
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Reasons Why CTFO Is one of the best CBD MLM Companies
Does Hemp Oil For Stretch Marks Really Work?
Does CBD Oil Really Help Anxiety And Relieve Stress?
Common Compulsive Behaviors
Compulsive behaviors, on the other hand, are used in an attempt to reduce the anxiety that an individual feels from their obsessive thought. A person will often repeat such behaviors which can help reduce their levels of anxiety, but only temporarily. The most common compulsive behaviors include:
Waste collection such as empty containers or old newspapers
Excessive organizing or sorting of things
Self-induced required activity
Spending a lot of time cleaning or washing
Excessive checking of things such as switches, appliances, and locks
Tapping, counting, or repeating of certain words or nonsense
Checking loved ones repeatedly to make sure they’re safe
Counting things over and over
Clearing throat more frequently
Skin-picking or excoriation
Nervous ticks such as muscle spasms or blinking
Hair pulling or trichotillomania Gambling addictions
The Causes of OCD
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Anxiety and fear are both normal responses. We use such responses to cope with threats for our survival, such as coming face to face with threatening animals.
Feelings of anxiety and fear should be short-lived and only appropriate for the situation. Thus, the level of stress and anxiety that we experience should be enough to offer us an advantage for running away or getting out of danger, for instance running away or fighting off a threatening animal, but not too much that will make us freeze in fear.
Now, once the danger or threat is gone and we are back to safety, the feelings of stress and anxiety should also subside.
However, when the stress response becomes dysfunctional in various ways, then it can lead to anxiety disorders like OCD.
So, what are the signs of dysfunctional stress response?
An excessive intensity of the stress response for the level of the danger involved
Stress response lasts too long
The stress response activates more often that you need it to
Any issues with your stress response can result in problems over time which is referred to as poor stress adaptation. Meaning, your ability to adapt and react to stresses is no longer working properly.
Anxiety is the common term for this form of neurological disorder, however, there are several conditions associated with a dysfunctional stress adaption including:
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Post-traumatic disorder
Panic disorder
Social anxiety disorder
General anxiety disorder
Medications For OCD
There are some psychiatric medicationsthat can help in controlling OCD. Most often, the antidepressants are the first to be prescribed.
Some of the medications for anxiety and OCD approved by the FDA include:
Anticonvulsant (Clonazepam)
Partial 5-HT1A receptor agonists
Tricyclic antidepressants (Doxepin, Amitriptyline)
Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (Khedezla, Pristiq)
Serotonin reuptake inhibitors (Prozac, Lexapro, Celexa, Zoloft)
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (Emsam, Nardil, Marplan)
Benzodiazepines (Librium, Klonopin, Xanax)
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CBD Oil for OCD: How to use and Dosage?
Is Network Marketing a Good Career for Anyone?
Reasons Why CTFO Is one of the best CBD MLM Companies
Does Hemp Oil For Stretch Marks Really Work?
Does CBD Oil Really Help Anxiety And Relieve Stress?
CBD Oil For OCD: Is It Effective?
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First off, let’s understand about CBD.
CBD or cannabidiol is a cannabinoid compound derived from the cannabis plant (both marijuana and hemp varieties of cannabis). It is the non-psychoactive sibling of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), meaning it will not give you the feeling of high, separating CBD from other controlled substances.
CBD has also been legalized across all 50 states of the United States, thanks to the 2018 Farm Bill. Thus, people are allowed to consume and buy CBD products in the US. Still, it is recommended that you check with the laws of your state before purchasing CBD-infused products.
So, what makes CBD popular?
Its numerous potential health benefits!
CBD is being studied for its potential ability to reduce pains and aches, control epileptic seizures, neuroprotective properties, improving heart health, and relieving anxiety and depression among others.
Although there have not yet been any specific studies published on the potential benefits of CBD for people suffering from OCD, there has been plenty of research that highlights its benefits on anxiety, in general.
In a 2015 preclinical study understanding the potential treatment of CBD for anxiety disorders concluded that CBD demonstrated efficacy in reducing the anxiety behaviors relevant to several disorders including OCD, PD, GAD, SAD, and PTSD, with its notable lack of anxiogenic effects.
The benefits of CBD oil for OCD and anxiety as a whole include:
Enhancing the endocannabinoid system to regulate the activity of the central nervous system
Regulating serotonin levels in order to support mood
Improving symptoms of OCD such as muscle tension and insomnia
Increasing the GABA levels in order to produce a calming effect on your mind
Most of the studies conducted on CBD investigating its effects on anxiety have discovered and successfully mapped out some of its specific biochemical processes to produce such benefits.
CBD activates the TRPV1 or the vanilloid pain receptors
CBD interacts with the ECS (both CB1 and CB2 receptors)
CBD activates the 5HT1A or the serotonin receptors
All these receptor systems have been shown to be playing a major role in the regulation of fear as well as other anxiety-related behaviors.
By supporting the dysfunctional stress-response system, we can relieve the underlying cause of OCD as well as other anxiety disorders. The main goal is to lower the excessive or inappropriate stress reactions and help the stress-response mechanism to shut down faster after the stressful episode.
And CBD studies shows that it can help with the goals. Although more specific studies are needed to explore the benefits of CBD oil for OCD, current findings already look promising.
Risks and Side Effects of CBD
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In general, CBD is considered safe. However, some individuals who take CBD can also experience some side effects such as:
Changes in weight
Changes in appetite
In addition, CBD can also interact with dietary supplements and other medications that you are taking. It is especially recommended that you exercise caution if you are taking blood thinner medications which come with the “grapefruit warning”. This is because both CBD and grapefruit interact with the same enzyme which is crucial to drug metabolism.
One mice study showed that CBD-rich cannabis extract can also increase the risk of liver toxicity. However, take note that in the study, mice were force-fed large doses of CBD.
In addition, you should not stop taking any medications that you are already using without consulting with your doctor first. Using CBD oil for OCD can help, however, you could also experience withdrawal symptoms when you suddenly stop your prescription medications.
The symptoms of withdrawal include:
Getting Started With CBD Oil For OCD
If you decided to try out CBD oil for OCD, then here are some things you need to follow.
60-Day Open Bottle Money-Back Guarantee
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Why Buying CBD Through CTFO
1) 60-Day Open Bottle Money-Back Guarantee
2) Full Spectrum Products
3) Isolate Products
4) Organic and Grown in the U.S
5) Packaged in the U.S
6) GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) Certified, and non-GMO.
7) 3rd Party Lab Tested for Quality
1) Choosing A CBD Product
CBD products come in various forms.
There are capsules, tinctures, oils, topicals, and edibles. Each one has its own set of pros and cons and is not all are suitable for every individual. However, the most common choice is CBD oil. CBD oil can be added to your beverages or food, consumed directly via the tongue, used in
aromatherapy via oil diffusers, and smoked via vape pens. IT usually comes with droppers for you to measure your own dosage.
However, edibles and capsules are also both excellent forms of CBD since they are a less obvious way of consuming CBD. Furthermore, they make dosing even easier since they come pre-measured for specific doses.
Topicals which include creams and lotions, on the other hand, can be applied directly to the skin. However, these forms of CBD are mostly recommended for treating underlying skin conditions such as inflammations that cause eczema and acne.
2) Research and Read Reviews
Once you have decided on the type of CBD product that you want, it is time to search the market for high-quality manufacturers and sellers.
Not all CBD products are the same.
Since the CBD industry is still unregulated, there are lots of cheap and poor-quality CBD products that do not contain any CBD at all or contains only artificial ingredients.
Make sure to do your homework and research through various companies and manufacturers. Have a look through reviews of the companies and products that you are interested in buying then compare in potency, price, and overall quality.
Check out their website and see if the company offers 3rd party lab testing of the CBD products to ensure their efficacy and potency.
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3) Assessing The Optimal Starting Dosage
Everybody reacts to CBD differently. Some individuals will only need a small dose to feel its effects while others need a bigger dosage for its effects to be felt. This all depends on your genes, weight, and the specific set of symptoms you want to relieve.
Thus, there’s no single dosage that we can recommend.
Generally speaking, individuals with moderate to mild OCD report medium to low strength dosage is enough to offer relief of their symptoms. However, for the more severe OCD sufferers, a higher strength might be needed to deliver the same benefits.
Below is a chart that lists the general dosage requirements according to the desired strength and weight. Keep in mind that these are just guidelines.
The dose can still vary a lot from one person to another. Thus, always start with the low dosage, gradually building up to a higher dose once you know how it affects you individually.
Daily Dosage of CBD Oil for OCD by Strength and Weight
Weight by poundsLow StrengthMedium StrengthHigh Strength10010mg30mg60mg12513mg38mg75mg15015mg45mg90mg17517mg52mg105mg20020mg60mg120mg22522mg67mg135mg25025mg75mg150mg
Read More:
CBD Oil for OCD: How to use and Dosage?
Is Network Marketing a Good Career for Anyone?
Reasons Why CTFO Is one of the best CBD MLM Companies
Does Hemp Oil For Stretch Marks Really Work?
Does CBD Oil Really Help Anxiety And Relieve Stress?
Final Thoughts
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There are still no specific and dedicated studies that understand or investigate the use of CBD oil for OCD. Thus, we can’t conclusively say whether or not CBD oil helps with OCD.
However, there are plenty of studies published on the benefits of CBD for general anxiety. And since OCD is a type of anxiety and involves many of the same symptoms and underlying pathologies to other kinds of anxiety, it is highly likely that CBD oil supplementation can improve the symptoms of OCD.
Should you choose to use CBD oil for your OCD, make sure that you find only the highest quality product from reputable companies and manufacturers. Follow our above guideline on the recommended dosage and how to use CBD oil. Lastly, in order to get the most out of your CBD supplementation, it is recommended that you consult with your doctor first.
The post CBD Oil for OCD: How to use and Dosage? appeared first on Sell CBD Oils.
from https://hempoilfrog.com/cbd-oil-for-ocd/
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hempoilfrog1 · 4 years
Is Network Marketing a Good Career for Anyone?
Did you know?
That there’s a business model where you did not need to create your own product? A business model where you could just sell someone else’s products and make a profit every single month?
It’s called networking marketing.
You might ask:
Is network marketing a good career for me? Well, network marketing is indeed a good career, but only for a select few. For most others, it can be a waste of time.
So, is it for you?
Find out in this comprehensive article about network marketing.
Free CBD Oil Business
“Hemp CBD Sales Projected To Hit $1 Billion In 3 Years.”
Fantastic product prices
60-day money-back guarantee
Full-spectrum Products
Isolate Products
Organic and grown in the U.S
Packaged in the U.S
Free of herbicides, pesticides, and heavy metals 3rd party lab tested for quality
Understanding Network Marketing
Network marketing is a business model that requires you to network to make sales. It is quite similar to affiliate marketing with one major difference: YOU will do the selling with an MLM and not just drive traffic to the affiliate link. Read Here: Reasons Why CTFO Is one of the best CBD MLM Companies
Most often, this is carried out with a salesperson bulk-purchasing product from the manufacturer and then selling them on their own, often to their friends and family. This business model exists in numerous production fields including popular companies selling products such as clothing, makeup, and household goods.
Read More:
Is Network Marketing a Good Career for Anyone?
Reasons Why CTFO Is one of the best CBD MLM Companies
Does Hemp Oil For Stretch Marks Really Work?
Does CBD Oil Really Help Anxiety And Relieve Stress?
Top 5 Benefits Of Hemp Oil For Weight Loss
The 2 Types of Network Marketing and How They Work
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There are 2 ways that network marketing organizations work. You will need to understand both before deciding to pursue an opportunity in this industry.
The first way is how equitable and successful network marketing organization work and is how all companies try to represent themselves. Secondly, it is the reality of a majority of the network marketing companies and it is crucial to make sure that you’re not actually joining this 2nd type.
The ideal makeup of a reputable network marketing company is one in which high-quality services and products are sold to the salespersons who then sell those products to people for a profit. For the company to work in this matter, it is crucial that the products fit a hole in the market. They also need to be sold to the salespersons at prices that allow for markups while still making a profit.
In companies like this, the salespersons can be their own boss and control their own hours. Meanwhile, on the organization’s side, they can benefit from externalizing the sales force by reducing the marketing costs, since it is usually up to the sellers to promote their events and products.
  Most network marketing organizations don’t meet the same standards as the above structure. More often than not, the majority of the sales will come in the form of marketing and selling starter packages for new salespersons. Meaning, after buying in with the starter purchase, most participants will either lose money or make money by selling the starter packages of their own to new salespersons.
Thus, creating a system where most of the profits are directed to only a small percentage of the early adopters, whereas the rest of the new salespersons end up struggling to earn money or more often losing money.
3 Things To Look For In A Legit MLM
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AS you can see, not all MLMs are created equal. So, if you want to be a part of the legit ones, here are 3 non-negotiable things that an MLM company should offer you.
1) Sell Online
If the MLM company prohibits you from selling their products online, then the growth of your business is going to be limited— primarily to your family and friends. It is not impossible to grow a local MLM, however, it will be so much harder to do so.
So, before you sign up with them, check the restrictions. Are you allowed to run ads and drive traffic in other ways? Are you allowed to sell the products online?
These questions along will determine how successful your network marketing business will be.
2) Have Your Own Online Store
Now, if the MLM allows you to sell products online, you need to have an online store. Most MLMsnow let you create an online store on their own platform.
With an online store, you can control the experience of your customers and allows you to build your own business easily without being too closely tied to the organization. You can grow however you want to grow, use sales funnel, and build a legit business more easily.
3) Earn High Commission
Find out how much commission you get for each sale.
This is the core of a legit and good network marketing organization. You need to be able to afford various types of ads and still make a profit when someone purchases.
The higher commission, the better.
60-Day Open Bottle Money-Back Guarantee
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Why Buying CBD In Mobile Through CTFO
1) 60-Day Open Bottle Money-Back Guarantee
2) Full Spectrum Products
3) Isolate Products
4) Organic and Grown in the U.S
5) Packaged in the U.S
6) GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) Certified, and non-GMO.
7) 3rd Party Lab Tested for Quality
Read More:
Is Network Marketing a Good Career for Anyone?
Reasons Why CTFO Is one of the best CBD MLM Companies
Does Hemp Oil For Stretch Marks Really Work?
Does CBD Oil Really Help Anxiety And Relieve Stress?
Top 5 Benefits Of Hemp Oil For Weight Loss
Is Network Marketing A Good Career?
So, let’s go back to the main question:
Is network marketing a good career for you to try?
Well, it can be contingent on a few factors. These include:
The Effort You Make
Most people have the illusion that network marketing can make quick money. After a few weeks and months of dismal results, they either become inactive or quit. Even worse, they write off their experience as a scam.
  Fact: MLM is a small business.
  And just like any other business, you need to work hard for years before you start seeing results. If this is not an option, then a network marketing business, and any business in general, is not suitable for you.
Your Tolerance To Volatility
In any business, income is never stable nor guaranteed. As a starting MLM entrepreneur, you might experience months of decent earnings then followed by nothing. The business will not produce reliable passive income for several years.
Such volatility can be emotionally draining and stressful, particularly for those with such high expenses. You need to be prepared for swings in your earnings and have money management skills.
3) How You Spend Your Earnings
It is common to spend your earnings in your network marketing on training packages and upgrades. Most companies will encourage you to do, claiming it as an investment for yourself.
While it is true, most people often go overboard. They will dump most of their earnings back into the company and leaving little for themselves which can often dry you buy.
Consider investing in activities that can have direct produce revenue. For instance, hosting a recruitment seminar instead of spending on sales training, thinking that the skills you learn will be worth it.
4) The Right Company
The market is filled with MLM junkies— people hopping from one network marketing company to the next. They are the ones abandoning their former company every time a shiny new business appears.
  This frequent jumping ship can preclude you from spending time on your venture and growing a business. You need to find and stick to the right firm.
Tips To Succeed In Network Marketing
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Since succeeding in network marketing firms is challenging, every edge and tips you can get will be useful to the success of your journey.
Consider Your Passion
When you enjoy what you are doing when selling products, you are not only happier but also means that your business will go well. When you have the passion or love for the type of products that you are selling, then it is easier for you to advocate for them and make more sales.
Go With Quality Products
It is crucial that you find the products that both you and your audience or customers can believe in. Choosing high-quality products that
people will want to buy is crucial to position yourself for success as a professional in network marketing.
Research, Research, Research
There’s no phase of looking for a good company to work with that’s more important than serious research. The more data and information your find about various companies, the more effective you’ll be at choosing the one worth your money and time.
So how do you find the right one?
Offers good service or products
No hidden costs
Quality marketing
Well-established systems
Legally compliant
A good compensation plan
Talk To Sellers
When you have narrowed down a list of the best companies, consider speaking with multiple sellers who are already working for the MLM company and not trying to sell you the starter pack.
Removing the financial incentive of pitching, it allows you to get an honest assessment of their experience with the organization. Also, try to search for online reviews to see how contented and happy other salespersons are.
Determine Where The Sales Come From
Probably the most crucial distinctions between a fraudulent operation and a viable sales opportunity are where the sales go.
If profitable salespersons are getting the most of their sales from new salespersons buying into the company, then that’s not a successful business. Avoid that organization.
Success under such a structure requires you to find family or friends to fund your business and stops with a level of sellers who take the losses. You do not want that for yourself or anyone, so you’re better served by finding a stronger and more reliable opportunity to pursue.
Understand Upline Policies
Most network marketing firms include complicated upline policies where a part of your sales is paid to the person who recruited you to the company, continuing up the chain to who they joined under.
In this case, business is very lucrative for those at the top. Newer salespersons, on the other hand, struggle to make money since they are always missing out on a portion of their sales without the corresponding payments to offset their loss. So, always seek out a firm where you can success on the strength of your sales alone.
Advantages of Network Marketing
Work with the products you believe in: With various types of network marketing companies, you can find a field you are passionate about, allowing you to make it easier for you to sell.
You’re the boss: Although the company may set rules on how you sell or market their products, you have the freedom of how you make a sale. You have the flexibility to work as little or as much as you want.
Fun sales parties: Probably the most popular methods of network marketing is party hosting where you show off products you have for sale, typically to family and friends. They are a fun way to show off the products you sell while also spending quality time with others.
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Disadvantages of Network Marketing
Slow sales build intense pressure: If you struggle to sell products, then it can become a stressful financial experience for you.
Uncomfortable for some: Holding the event of a sale with your family and friends can be enjoyable, however, for some it can be uncomfortable since the attendants can feel pressured to buy the products you’re promoting.
Not easy money: The exact success numbers for the network marketing companies can vary. However, the majority have low success rates. You will have to work really hard in order to start seeing results.
Most MLM companies misrepresent themselves: Today, it can be difficult to tell a legit opportunity from the unreliable one, since most companies with low success rates tend to obscure information. Most companies will display their data creatively, highlighting a few nice information, and removing the negative elements.
Final Thoughts
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Network marketing can be a great career to pursue. If you build a team of hard-working individuals, then you can do quite well and the passive income that can be produced will look promising. Plus, it is a great way to reach financial independence.
However, MLM has its own pitfalls. Perhaps the most common is people being convinced that network marketing leads to easy money, only to be disappointed afterward.
In conclusion, network marketing is a good career if you can make an informed decision and work hard towards success. However, if you can’t commit to these, then you need to look elsewhere.
The post Is Network Marketing a Good Career for Anyone? appeared first on Sell CBD Oils.
from https://hempoilfrog.com/network-marketing-a-good-career/
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hempoilfrog1 · 4 years
Reasons Why CTFO Is one of the best CBD MLM Companies
Although there are numerous MLM network marketing products and companies out there offering some great affiliate programs, the CBD business is taking the spotlight for its explosive growth!
A recent Forbes article predicted that cannabis sales will increase by up to 700 percent by 2020. And this industry is unlike other MLM network marketing companies that you might have done or seen.
While other network marketing companies have great products, the truth is, the market is already flooded and oversaturated with them. With the growing popularity of CBD, people will want to buy them, but can’t always find high-quality products anywhere. Read Here: 15 Tips on How to Deal With Your Coronavirus Anxiety
Thus, you do not have to beg people to buy or try CBD. If people know you’re offering high-quality CBD products and a part of a reputable CBD multi-level marketing company, they will come to you and become repeat customers.
Now, amidst this explosive growth of the CBD industry, there is one CBD multi-level marketing company that’s taking the CBD industry by storm— CTFO!
Free CBD Oil Business
“Hemp CBD Sales Projected To Hit $1 Billion In 3 Years.”
Fantastic product prices
60-day money-back guarantee
Full-spectrum Products
Isolate Products
Organic and grown in the U.S
Packaged in the U.S
Free of herbicides, pesticides, and heavy metals 3rd party lab tested for quality
CTFO: What’s it all about?
Short for “Changing the Future Outcome”, CTFO is a US-based CBD multi-level marketing company. Originally, it was called “Chew the Fat Off”, a weight loss MLM launched in the year 2015. Maybe that company did not work well, thus Stuart Finger and Steve Finger, founder and CEO, respectively, re-branded the company and called it CTFO and started selling CBD products recently.
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This is because of the massive upward trend of CBD oil products with more and more people becoming more aware of the potential benefits of CBD. Thus, lots of startups are focusing on this growing industry.
What Makes CTFO One Of The Best CBD MLM Companies?
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Broad Variety of Products
The product line of CTFO consists of drops, creams, edibles, and oils that are rich in CBD oil. The CBD oil from CTFO apparently has zero THC, meaning it is compliant and legal throughout all of Canada and the US. This CBD multi-level marketing company offers a range of CBD products divided into 4 main categories:
CBD For Health
This category consists of CBD oil and drops for general wellness and health benefits such as decreasing anxiety, increasing energy levels,
boosting the immune system, improving digestions, helping with pains and aches and so much more.
These products may also come as CBD-infused lotions and creams or tinctures that can help reduce inflammation in the body, reducing stiffness in your joints as well as cell regeneration, promoting relaxations, focus and concentration.
CBD For Nutrition
The CBD nutrition product category offers oral sprays, probiotic protein shales, capsules, and edibles designed to help improve your physical and mental well-being such as losing weight, reducing stress, and even preventing insomnia for a good night’s sleep. The oral sprays also offer anti-inflammatory properties as well as boosting nutrient absorption and stimulating feelings of relaxation.
For the capsules or supplements as well as edible gummies, they help in reducing nicotine cravings, aiding digestions, weight management, relieving anxiety and so much more without being too obvious that you’re taking cannabis.
60-Day Open Bottle Money-Back Guarantee
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Why Buying CBD In Mobile Through CTFO
1) 60-Day Open Bottle Money-Back Guarantee
2) Full Spectrum Products
3) Isolate Products
4) Organic and Grown in the U.S
5) Packaged in the U.S
6) GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) Certified, and non-GMO.
7) 3rd Party Lab Tested for Quality
CBD For Anti-Aging
The anti-aging products of CTFO consist of specific products from anti-aging serums and hair growth treatment to facial cleaners and skin creams and lotions. These products help clean and protect your skin from sun damage, preventing long and short-term damage, reducing wrinkles, skin aging, dark spots, and soothing inflammation.
These products also have powerful antioxidants that help reverse aging, reduce dry skin, as well as restoring natural firmness and elasticity of the skin. There’s even a massage CBD oil that can help soothe pains and aches.
Not only that, but their CBD-infused beauty products also include CBD bath bombs that can help relieve muscle tension and rejuvenate the body. CTFO also offers overnight formulas, eye, facial and body creams that help accelerate skin regeneration and improve your overall skin health.
CBD For Pets
CTFO also offers sprays, drops, treats, and CBD-infused pet shampoos aimed at reducing stress and anxiety and helping your four-legged family member living a healthier and happier life.
These CBD products for pets can help in reducing anxiety and stress, managing mood, treating joint and inflammation pain as well as reducing dry skin, irritation while promoting a healthy coat and fur.
2) High-Quality and Legit Product Line
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So, CTFO has lots of CBD products to offer for a variety of purposes, but are these items legit, and can they actually help your health issue? CTFO claims that not all CBD products are created equal and that they are some of the few reputable CBD MLM companies to have CBD products of the highest quality.
Over 67 percent of current CBD MLM companies and their CBD products have been tested to have zero CBD or most of the ingredients that their labels say they have. However, CTFO CBD products really contain all ingredients listed on their labels.
  All their products are manufactured in the US in a registered GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) facility. This means that the facility has a system of manufacturing practices that are regulated by the US government and guarantees the reproducibility of product quality to the verifiable specs. Plus, these products are manufactured in a cruelty-free facility, meaning there is no animal abuse or testing done.
In short, the federal government has completely verified that you are getting what you are paying for since they have confirmed what is on the labels of CTFO products.
Secondly, to ensure the highest quality of CBD products, CTFO also uses non-GMO, organic, pesticide-free ingredient. CTFO promises to use only the best and purest organic hemp plant for its CBD products.
Furthermore, this CBD multi-level marketing company claims that they do no use any high heat processing or any solvent which can reduce the efficacy or potency of the CBD compound and only uses CO2 Extraction.
Speaking of potency, CTFO also claims to use a combination of both Full-spectrum hemp oil and CBD isolate which gives their product a much higher potency of CBD while also maintaining more than 120 other cannabinoids, offering extra healing benefits.
CTFO promises CBD products of the purest and highest quality CBD plus over 400 other nutrients that are in an easy-to-absorb and easy-to-use form.
3) Excellent Compensation Plan
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CTFO hides nothing and outlined the ways and how much can their associates earn money within the business opportunity. As with most multi-level marketing companies like CBD MLM companies, this stuff can get confusing and problematic.
Not with CTFO, though. They have a simplified compensation plan that is designed for those at the bottom to make it and making sure that everyone can succeed here at CTFO. Unlike other CBD MLM companies, or any multi-level marketing companies in general, that requires a hefty registration fee, joining CTFO is 100 percent fee.
With this CBD multi-level marketing company, you can earn 20 percent commissions on any sales that you make, without ever needing to qualify or upgrade further. They also have the easiest qualifications in the CBD Multi-level marketing industry.
  The Basic Introductory Rank is called Associate. As an Associate, you’re given a free CTFO website. Also, customers who don’t sign up as an associate but only want to buy products at discounted online prices can also receive a free CTFO website.
In addition, as you grow your downline of other affiliates and customers, and even if you do become inactive which means that you don’t have a purchase volume, you still get to earn. Thus, making it a fantastic opportunity for individuals who require flexibility when building their business.
Beyond that, CTFO also offers sustainable and realistic income. Here’s how it works:
Unilevel Pay
It allows you to earn a 20 percent commission on all personally-enrolled affiliates and customers. Plus, there’s an additional 4 percent down 4 levels in, as long as you’re an active associate.
Regenerating Matrix
This is composed of all associated within this CBD multi-level marketing company and works on a 3 x 21 structure. You get this along with the uni-level pay, as long as you’re active. It pays out 1 percent for the first 5 levels, 10 percent on the 6th and 7th levels, and 1 percent on the 8th and 21st levels.
Profit-Sharing Positions
This works as an extension of the regenerating matrix. Instead of placing a 4th person under you, they’re placed in a new matrix with you at the top. AS the matrix fills up, then it gets repeated. These are known as profit sharing positions where you are free to gain, and the payout is based on the rank. There are no requirements that need to be met in order to keep them.
Infinity Pay Bonus
This is for those who have reached the last 8 ranks available in the business. The amount will come in the percentage from your entire team’s commission volume and offers unlimited depth.
Also, this is a 3 – 5-year plan which allows CTFO associates to retire wealthy. Here, you are looking at anywhere between 3 percent plus 1.5 – 3.5 percent unless you have hit the Top Gun which is plus 8 percent of the entire commission volume pool of the company.
Business Builder Pack: The Fast Start Pay
This option offers you the chance to sell business packs for a fast start bonus. In order to qualify, you need to buy at least 1 builder pack (either platinum, gold, or silver) and sell 3 to 1 of your direct members.
You can also earn this from someone that is down your line across 21 levels. For the platinum pack, you can earn $100 for 1 – 3 packs and $400 for over 4 packs. For the gold pack, you can earn $50 for 1 -3 packs and $200 for over 4 packs. For the silver pack, you can earn $25 for 1 – 3 packs and $100 for over 4 packs.
CTFO Business Builder Packs and Pay
Business Builder Pack: The Team Pay
This option lets you earn bonuses as your team sells business builder packs. The type of pack that you are selling will determine the amount that you earn and how many levels you unlock.
If your team is selling the silver packs, it unlocks 7 levels of team pay, with gold unlocking 14 and the platinum unlocks 21.
To give you an idea of what it looks like, here’s a sample:
The first 7 levels of the silver pack offer you an extra $5, while gold offers $10 and the platinum offers $20.
If you have unlocked all 21 levels, then you can earn an extra of $75 for the silver pack, $150 for the gold pack, and $300 for the platinum pack.
What’s more, is that it is paid out on all packs which are paying out in the business builder: fast start pays revenue stream.
Join Business Builder Pack
Final Thoughts
Without a doubt, CTFO is definitely one of the best CBD MLM companies today. There product line up is diverse, lab-tested, made of the purest and highest quality, and is quite affordable, so it should not be too hard to find an interested buyer.
They truly care for their members and helping them start their own business by offering them all the promotional materials needed to advertise their business while also providing you with a free website, so your business is essentially set up for you from the get-go.
Then, there’s the excellent earning and compensation plan with 6 revenue streams, one of which offers you a 20 percent commission on all sales made by your associates or customers, so it should be really easy to become an active member while also attracting buyers.
These are just some of the best reasons as to why CTFO is a legit and sustainable business that you should definitely try!
The post Reasons Why CTFO Is one of the best CBD MLM Companies appeared first on Sell CBD Oils.
from https://hempoilfrog.com/best-cbd-mlm-companies/
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hempoilfrog1 · 4 years
Does Hemp Oil For Stretch Marks Really Work?
With more and more people moving towards the naturopathic remedies as well as clean living, most are now trying and turning the growing cannabis industry for their everyday health.
Since now that both medical and recreational cannabis use is becoming legal in more states, we are now seeing more research being done in these areas and their possible applications.
One of the most hyped trends in the cannabis industry today is using hemp oil for stretch marks. More and more manufacturers of hemp oil and CBD are adding stretch marks removal on their hemp oil benefits.
But, how true is it?
Free CBD Oil Business
“Hemp CBD Sales Projected To Hit $1 Billion In 3 Years.”
Fantastic product prices
60-day money-back guarantee
Full-spectrum Products
Isolate Products
Organic and grown in the U.S
Packaged in the U.S
Free of herbicides, pesticides, and heavy metals 3rd party lab tested for quality
Stretch Marks Defined
Often described as the indelible proof of the strength of mothers or compared to the stripes of the mighty tigress, stretch marks even though surrounded by a string of poetry and positivity, remain for most as unsightly streaks that we don’t really need.
These scars ranging from purplish red to pearly white, take up the formerly smooth space on the belly, thighs, hips, chest, and buttocks. Then, they become wavy with time and can start to dog small furrows on the skin. Sometimes they even feel sore or itchy.
With almost no one immune to these lines, they commonly appear after or during pregnancy or after a sudden weight change. Also, they tend to occur in adolescents who are growing at a fast speed.
Although stretch marks are not dangerous and often disappear over time, some people might be embarrassed to wear their bikinis with these lines showing up.
Read More:
Does Hemp Oil For Stretch Marks Really Work?
Does CBD Oil Really Help Anxiety And Relieve Stress?
Top 5 Benefits Of Hemp Oil For Weight Loss
Hemp Extract Benefits, Side Effects, Types & How To Take It
Hemp oil vs. CBD Oil For Dogs: What’s The Difference?
What Causes Stretch Marks?
Stretch marks are a result of the skin stretching too much as well as an increase in cortisone levels in your system. This hormone is produced by the adrenal glands, and too much of it can cause your skin to lose its elasticity.
Stretch marks often appear in the following situations:
Pregnancy. The skin stretches in order to make room for the developing baby. The continual stretching and tugging can cause stretch marks.
Weight Changes: Stretch marks can also appear when you suddenly lose or gain weight. Teenagers, in particular, can notice stretch marks appearing after a sudden growth spurt.
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Marfan’s syndrome, Cushing’s syndrome, and other adrenal gland syndromes can cause stretch marks since they can increase the amount of cortisone in the body.
Corticosteroid lotions, creams, and pills can also cause stretch marks since they reduce the skin’s capability to stretch.
Hemp Seed Oil Defined
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Hemp is a non-psychoactive variety of the Cannabis plant. It was mainly used for the textile and clothing industry, but now making a name in the medical industry, thanks to its CBD content.
This CBD among other cannabinoids works with the ECS or Endocannabinoid System which is responsible for recovering from stress, regulating blood pressure, pain, muscle tension, and other physiological processes.
Unlike its sibling, Marijuana, hemp has less THC. Short for tetrahydrocannabinol, THC is the substance that gives the feeling of high, which is the main attribute of marijuana. While marijuana can have over 0.3 percent of THC, hemp plants can only have less than 0.3 percent of THC.
Read More:
Does Hemp Oil For Stretch Marks Really Work?
Does CBD Oil Really Help Anxiety And Relieve Stress?
Top 5 Benefits Of Hemp Oil For Weight Loss
Hemp Extract Benefits, Side Effects, Types & How To Take It
Hemp oil vs. CBD Oil For Dogs: What’s The Difference?
Hemp Oil VS. CBD Oil: What’s the difference?
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Hemp oil and CBD oil are often used interchangeably. However, they’re slightly different from each other. Hemp oil and CBD hemp oil comes from the same cannabis plant variety which is the hemp. However, they are derived from different parts of the plant.
Hemp oil is derived from the seeds of the hemp plant. CBD oil, on the other hand, is derived from the stalks, leaves, and flowers of the hemp plant.
Additionally, hemp oils only contain a trace amount of CBD and offer essential nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids suitable for a nutritional supplement. CBD oil, on the other hand, contains more potent cannabidiol to treat specific health problems such as pain management and epileptic seizures.
Hemp Oil For Stretch Marks: Does It Work?
Packed with fatty acids, gamma-linolenic acid, and vitamin E, hemp oil is believed to offer many health benefits, particularly for the skin. In fact, it is being studied for acne treatment and other skin conditions. But, how true that hemp oil for stretch marks work?
Here are some possible explanations as to how hemp oil for stretch marks could work: Essential fatty acids are needed by the body for good health, however, we can synthesize them naturally. Thus, we need to seek them from an outside source.
Hemp oil contains these essential fatty acids. It contains both Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acids that can help in boosting the suppleness of the skin and keeps you looking great.
These fatty acids also contain key amino acids that can help generate elastin and collagen. This can help in improving your skin’s elasticity and texture, which can help you get rid of stretch marks as well as cellulite.
In addition, hemp oil also contains potent antioxidant attributes, fighting free radicals and can help slow down the process of aging, while also reducing the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and, yes, even stretch marks. 
Also, hemp oil is also known to give you moisturized and dewy skin. It locks in moisture to rejuvenate the skin and protecting it from dryness and dehydration which can cause stretch marks and fast aging. Plus,it is non-comedogenic, so it is effective for all skin types.
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Is There Any Scientific Study That Backs Up The Benefits of Hemp Oil For Stretch Marks?
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Most beauty websites will claim that hemp oil and lotions can be used in the prevention of stretch marks, especially during or after pregnancy. However, there’s no proven way that it can prevent or remove your stretch marks. Some large companies did conduct studies on hemp oil for stretch marks.
While most of these companies claim that their hemp oil products can indeed reduce the appearance of stretch and even prevent it, these studies are rarely double-blinded clinical studies. So, they are not completely reliable.
So far, there are no hemp oils, lotions, or products that have been proven to be any more effective in the prevention and treatment of stretch marks. The FDA also has not approved any use of hemp oil for stretch marks.
Hemp oil can, however, possibly work with other studied plant oils for stretch marks including coconut oil, argan oil, rosehip oil, and shea butter oil.
Hemp Oil And Pregnancy: Is It Safe?
Pregnancy is the most common cause of stretch marks. Some women swear by using hemp and CBD products for their pregnancy symptoms. They say that these products can help with their morning sickness, pain, anxiety, and even stretch marks. Read Here: CBD Oil and Pregnancy – Facts Mommas Need to Know About It
The only problem is that there have not been enough studies and research to confirm that using CBD or hemp products in any form while pregnant is actually safe.
Also, according to the ACOG (American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology), the use of hemp oil or CBD oil is not recommended during and after pregnancy, including medical marijuana and all its byproducts.
While hemp oil and CBD oil may not be harmful to the mother, it can be harmful to the unborn child.
Some studies have found that the THC content (even at trace amounts) in hemp oil crosses the placenta and produces fetal plasma levels of about 10 percent of the maternal levels after exposure.
In addition, studies also revealed that kids exposed to the cannabis plant in utero have lower scores on tests of visual-motor coordination, visual problem solving, and visual analysis than kids who were not exposed to cannabis.
The long-term effects of hemp oil and CBD oil on babies are difficult to research since there are many complicating factors that make the research and studies difficult to perform.
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Is There Any Way To Use Hemp Oil During Pregnancy To Prevent Stretch Marks?
No. Although you might find anecdotal stories and evidence on blogs and websites by women who used hemp oil through their entire pregnancies and even throughout breastfeeding and have not noticed any side effects on their kids, the problem is that this is not a piece of conclusive evidence.
And although hemp oil-infused cosmetics are all the rage today, don’t even think that these products are safe for everyone.
The possible risks of neurological development side effects on your infant and unborn child are not worth the potential relief of symptoms or to make your skin stretch mark-free that you may experience with the use of hemp oil.
  Thus, you might have to wait to use these hemp oil moisturizers and serums until after you are pregnant and already finished breastfeeding. Furthermore, the benefits of hemp oil for anything other than specific forms of epileptic seizures have yet to be proven, clinically.
Best Ways To Prevent And Lighten Stretch Marks
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Get into the habit of drinking lots of water in order to keep your skin soft and hydrated. Soft skin are less like to develop stretch marks as much as dry skin does. The current suggestions for daily water intake are 72 ounces for women and 104 ounces for men.
Another thing that you can do to prevent having stretch marks— whether you are pregnant or not— is maintaining a healthy weight. AS mentioned before, stretch marks can appear when the skin pulls apart quickly because of quick weight gain or weight loss.
For pregnant women, you can prevent stretch marks by gaining pregnancy weight steadily and slowly. Make sure to work with your doctor or healthcare provider to find an exercise plan and diet that can help you avoid gaining too much weight while also providing you the proper nutrition you need to nourish both you and your unborn child.
Creams and lotions, especially those with ingredients that have proven stretch mark erasing capabilities like almond, shea butter, argan, and rosehip, can also help with the skin’s production of elastin and collagen. Using them liberally on your body where the stretchmarks are can be a great step in prevention. It is also becoming more and more common to consult a plastic surgeon for the removal of these annoying streaks.
Laser treatments using the light of highly sensitive lasers can help lift the microscopic layers of the skin surrounding the stretch marks. The concept here is that when it is finished, the body will create a new layer of healthy skin in place of the original stretch marks. In short, laser therapies spur your body to heal the stretch marks itself.
This treatment, however, is out of the financial reach for most people. And although it is growing in popularity, results of such therapy can vary significantly and sometimes less impressive.
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Does Hemp Oil For Stretch Marks Really Work?
Does CBD Oil Really Help Anxiety And Relieve Stress?
Top 5 Benefits Of Hemp Oil For Weight Loss
Hemp Extract Benefits, Side Effects, Types & How To Take It
Hemp oil vs. CBD Oil For Dogs: What’s The Difference?
Final Thoughts
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Hemp oil and other CBD-based products are popping up online and physical stores everywhere. AS a matter of fact, in some states where cannabis is legal for both medical and recreational use, hemp and CBD oils and by-products are becoming available even in local pharmacies and health-food stores.
Remember that even though hemp oil-infused creams and cosmetics are now being sold to the general public, it does not mean that it can provide the benefits listed on the box and is generally safe for all.
The post Does Hemp Oil For Stretch Marks Really Work? appeared first on Sell CBD Oils.
from https://hempoilfrog.com/hemp-oil-for-stretch-marks/
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hempoilfrog1 · 4 years
Does CBD Oil Really Help Anxiety And Relieve Stress?
CBD has been the buzz lately. It is suddenly being stocked on the shelves of every health store and it seems like manufacturers and producers have no shortage of creative and innovative ways to mix CBD into drinks and foods.
Well, according to them, it can treat a long list of health problems. And that’s to include anxiety and stress. Read Here: The Best CBD Oil for Anxiety Relief
So, are they right?
In this article, we will take a look at the evidence on CBD for stress and anxiety relief.
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Anxiety VS. Stress: Are There Any Difference?
“I’m feeling stressed out”.
We all say it once in a while– before a practical exam or an important, nerve-wracking event. Sometimes, however, family demands, a hectic day at work, or just barely surviving an unexpected event in life may feel like a constant test.
If this imminent sense of adversity seems like never-ending, then it might be an indication of a chronic anxiety. Thus, you will need professional medical intervention to reboot your stress response. 
From the outside, it can be difficult to spot the difference between anxiety and stress. Both can cause sleepless nights, lack of focus, excessive worrying, and irritability,
Even their physical symptoms such as muscle tension, rapid heart rate, and headaches can impact both individuals experiencing stress or anxiety disorder. However, for a short and simple definition:
  Stress is generally a short-term experience and is your body’s reaction to a trigger. Stress can be negative or positive. When stress kicks in and allows you to pull off that tight deadline you thought you won’t meet, then it is positive. However, when stress results in poor concentration, insomnia, and the inability to do the things that you normally do, then it is negative stress. Simply put, stress is the body’s response to a threat in any given situation.
  Meanwhile, anxiety is a sustained mental health disorder that can be triggered by extreme stress. Anxiety does not fade into the distance once the threatening situation or event is mediated. It will hang around for the long haul and cause significant impairment in occupational, social, and other important areas of daily functioning.
How Anxiety Becomes Chronic
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In general, 1 in 4 Americans suffer from anxiety disorder in their lifetime. The feelings of unpreparedness, dread, and impending danger and threat happens more frequently, which leads to racing physical reactions and thoughts.
But, where do such unstable feelings actually come from?
Well, the primary contributor to this is genetics. The small variances in our neurotransmitters and hormones can have a huge impact on how we react to the stress. Other factors include lifestyle and environmental toxins which can affect your neurochemistry.
However, the biggest probable cause of chronic anxiety is, in fact, stress itself. Stress will train your brain to always feel anxious. In short, it wants you to always remember or recall so that you can expect (and hopefully avoid or prevent) more stress.
  Once upon a time, when we’re still running and living free in nature— trying to avoid those quicksand and wild animals for survival— this response could help us survive. However, today, we are required to walk into frustrating and stressful situations all over again. Then, every time we need to bring ourselves without actually “remembering” that we would be better off going and staying at a tropical beach.
  Chronic Stress and Anxiety Damage To The Body
The small spurts of stress hormones are telling the body to be prepared for a certain “fight or flight” event. However, the body is not intended to handle the constant state of panic.
Thus, the persistent high levels of your stress hormones, especially cortisol, can wreak havoc in the whole body that can cause:
Heart disease
Deteriorating immune system
Weight gain
Digestive problems
Endocannabinoid imbalance
Muscular tension
Stress And How It Messes With The Brain Chemistry
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Other than damaging the body, stress can also rewires the brain, telling it to “always focus, don’t feel too much, and always get ready”. When such message is not turned off, the brain will have to make significant modifications in order to turn it off.
Although researchers are still learning about the numerous layers of variations taking place because of the constant stress, they found out that it includes both the brain’s chemistry and structure.
There are certain areas of the brain becoming hyperactive, while some areas atrophy and shrink. In addition, the neurotransmitter levels as well as their receptors change.
And even if you succeed in de-stressing, these changes will continue along with the negative impacts they have on the rest of the body. Fortunately, there are available treatments that could help improve your symptoms and relieve the feelings of constant stress.
Cannabis and Its Secret Anxiety-Blocking Ingredient
If there’s one thing that people know about Cannabis, it is the “high” feeling that it offers. Remember those movies where character smokes weeds and they will either sit back and feel euphoria or turn into a twitchy and paranoid mess?
  This unpredictability and high feeling come from the variations in the ratios and quantities of the phytocannabinoids and their synergistic terpenes. THC or the tetrahydrocannabinol is a compound found in the Cannabis plant that overstimulates the CB1 receptors of the body.
  Meanwhile, the non-intoxicating sibling of THC, CBD or cannabidiol has been found to indirectly and directly neutralize the anxiety disorder that individuals experience from getting too much THC.
Marijuana or Hemp?
Marijuana is what most people think of when talking about cannabis. However, it is actually just one of the many varieties of the cannabis plant. And yes, Marijuana is the cannabis plant variety with high THC content, causing the high feeling.
Hemp, on the other hand, is another variety of the cannabis plant, grown and produced for industrial use such as making clothing and paper. Unlike marijuana, hemp has not been specifically bred to produce high levels of THC.
Most of the CBD oil sold today for both recreational and medicinal use is extracted from the hemp plant to ensure a trace amount of less than 0.3% of THC.
So, does hemp oil help with anxiety?
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CBD Research on Relieving Stress and Anxiety
Outside the rich testimonials of people who successfully cured their anxiety with hemp oil or CBD oil, there’s also ever-increasing science-backed evidence that CBD actually works in soothing stress and anxiety.
1) Generalized Anxiety
For GAD or Generalized Anxiety Disorder, the NIDA or National Institute on Drug Abuse says that CBD has been shown in reducing stress in animals like rats. 
The subjects of the study were observed as having lower behavioral signs of anxiety. Also, their physiological anxiety symptoms like increased heart rate are also improved. Still, more research needs to be done, especially on humans and GAD.
2) Other Forms of Anxiety
CBD can also benefit people with other kinds of anxiety such as PTSD or post-traumatic stress disorder and SAD or social anxiety disorder. It can even help treat anxiety-induced insomnia according to some research.
A study conducted in 2011 found conclusive evidence on the positive effects of CBD on people suffering from SAD. The participants were given an oral dose of 400mg CBD or a placebo. Those who received a CBD dosage experienced an overall decrease in anxiety levels. 
Meanwhile, several recent studies revealed that CBD can help in easing PTSD symptoms including replaying negative memories and nightmares. These studies have looked like CBD as both a supplement to traditional anxiety treatments like CBT or cognitive behavioral therapy and medication or as a standalone PTSD treatment.
3) Other Neurological Disorders
The effects of CBD has also been studied in relieving other neurological disorders. A literature review on the effectiveness of CBD in alleviating psychiatric disorders published in 2017 has concluded that there is not enough evidence to tout CBD as a reliable and effective treatment for depression.
However, the authors did find some hard evidence suggesting that CBD can actually help with anxiety disorders. These studies, however, were uncontrolled. Meaning, the participants were not compared to a separate group that might not have received any treatment or received a different treatment.
  Based on the review, more human tests are required in order to better understand CBD and its role for anxiety, the correct dosage, and if there are potential hazards and side effects.
  However, in a 2016 study, CBD has been shown to have anti-psychotic effects in people suffering from schizophrenia. Furthermore, CBD does not cause any significant weakening side effects caused by some antipsychotic drugs.
  CBD in the Fight Against Stress and Anxiety
So, how exactly does CBD fights anxiety and stress? CBD has over 65 goals on the body, making it challenging to accurately locate the actual sources of its different healing properties. However, studies suggest that CBD oil can counter anxiety through the stimulation of the neural regeneration and neurotransmitter systems.
Here are some of the evidence:
1) Serotonin
While most people think of serotonin as synonymous with happiness, the role of this particular neurotransmitter is highly complex. Also, its effects can depend on what it actually binds to and its location.
And more serotonin does not equate to better functioning. Dysfunction can come from high or low serotonin levels and from malfunctioning with its receptors.
This neurotransmitter has up to 14 receptors. However, CBD, in particular, binds to the 5-HT1A that’s believed to have the biggest role in stress and anxiety disorder.
Buspirone, an anti-anxiety medicine, also binds to and works with this specific receptor. This can explain the CBD oil’s anti-anxiety effects on rats that were exposed to a stressful situation.
2) Neural Regeneration
Constant stress can also damage your neurons or even shrink the brain. However, there are particular areas of your brain that can still regenerate. Throughout our lives the brain continues to grow, constantly forming new neurons and making new connections. And apparently, CBD can boost this process.
CBD can help counterbalance brain damage that is caused by stress. Several studies have already proved that CBD oil encourages neural regeneration, especially in the hippocampus. As a matter of fact, the ability to decrease anxiety in mice that are chronically stressed comes from the CBD’s attribute to stimulate the neuron growth.
3) Endocannabinoids
Our bodies naturally produce cannabinoids to be used throughout the brain and body in our endocannabinoid system or ECS.
However, this system can be dysfunctional under chronic stress. CBD is proven to restore the balance to the ECS, by preventing the over-stimulation of the CB1 receptors and boosting the endocannabinoids production.
Experiments on rodents have shown that CBD eases OCD as well as other anxious behaviors and tendencies by acting on the ECS that is a part in forgetting and processing our fears– a crucial component of extinction learning.
Read More:
Does CBD Oil Really Help Anxiety And Relieve Stress?
Top 5 Benefits Of Hemp Oil For Weight Loss
Hemp Extract Benefits, Side Effects, Types & How To Take It
Hemp oil vs. CBD Oil For Dogs: What’s The Difference?
Full-Spectrum Hemp Oils vs. CBD Isolates – What’s The Difference?
CBD Dosage For Anxiety and Stress Relief
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In terms of the right CBD dosage for stress and anxiety relief, it is most recommended that you talk to your doctor since they are the ones who can help you figure out the right starting dosage for you. But, for this guide, we can also recommend the dosage used in CBD studies for anxiety.
In a 2018 research, CBD was given to make subjects before undergoing a simulated public speaking test. The results reveal that an oral dosage of 300mg administered one and a half hours (90 minutes) before the simulated test, was enough to reduce anxiety.
Meanwhile, members of the placebo group and subjects who received only 150mg saw little to no benefit. The same was true for the subjects which received 600mg of CBD.
The study, however, is small and only looked at 57 subjects. More research is still needed, including the studies in female subjects, in order to properly determine the right dosage for people with anxiety.
As a general rule, it is recommended that you use CBD in small amounts for a few weeks and gradually increase the dosage until desired effects are achieved.   
Take note:
  The non-profit NORML (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws) said that only a few commercially available products contain adequate CBD in order to replicate the therapeutic effects seen in the clinical trials. So, when purchasing CBD oil, make sure that you choose the high-quality ones.
  The Side Effects of CBD
In general, CBD is considered safe. Some people, however, may experience some side effects such as:
Weight changes
Changes in appetite
Fatigue Diarrhea
Dry mouth
In addition, CBD can also interact with other dietary supplements and medications that you are taking. In particular, you need to take extra precautions if you are taking medications like blood thinners which come with the grapefruit warning.
Grapefruit and CBD both interact with enzymes that are crucial to drug metabolism. In one mice study, researchers found that being force-fed CBD-rich cannabis extract can increase the risk of liver toxicity.
When it comes to choosing your current medication and CBD, never stop your medication without talking to your doctor. Using CBD oil can help your anxiety, however, suddenly stopping your prescription medications can also cause withdrawal symptoms including fogginess, nausea, irritability, and dizziness.
Is CBD Legal?
Hemp was removed from the Controlled Substances by the 2018 Agricultural Improvement Act. Meaning, hemp and all its derivatives including CBD are not illegal substances under federal law. However, it can still be illegal under some state laws. Meanwhile, Marijuana-derived CBD products are still illegal on a federal level, however, are legal under some state laws. Make sure that you check the laws on your state and those anywhere you travel.
The FDA has the complete authority to regulate CBD oil and other hemp-derived products and firmly said that they will be vigilant regarding the therapeutic claims of CBD manufacturers and products which haven’t been approved by them.
The FDA approved a new drug named Epidiolex in 2018. This medicine contains CBD compound and is able to treat seizures effectively caused by 2 serious and rare forms of epilepsy. At this moment, this is the only FDA-approved medicinal use of CBD.
In addition, the CBD in the said drug is of pharmaceutical grade with each dose closely controlled.
Take note that most CBD products currently available today are not actually regulated in such a controlled manner and there have been lots of reports that the CBD amount in the products and doses may vary. 
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Buying CBD Oil
In some parts of the US, CBD products are only allowed for particular medical purposes including the treatment of epilepsy. You may need to get a prescription from your doctor in order to buy CBD oil.
Now, if cannabis is approved for medical use in your state, then you might be able to purchase CBD oil in special cannabis dispensaries and clinics or online.
How To Ingest CBD?
CBD comes in different products and forms so you have a variety of ways to take it. These include:
Drops / Tinctures
You can even get a shot of CBD in your latte. Unfortunately, since these products are not regulated and monitored by the FDA, there is no uniform labeling system, or the seal of approval to make sure that these products are actually safe.
Will It Show Up On A Drug Test?
This will depend on the amount of THC in the CBD oil you take.
The usual drug test will check for THC. IF the amount of THC in your system exceeds the test threshold, then you will have a positive result. Even CBD products with less than 0.3% of THC can show up in drug tests, especially if you’ve taken a higher dosage than usual.
CBD Oil For Anxiety: Should You Try It?
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CBD burst onto the scenes as the supposed miracle cure for a broad range of health conditions including stress and anxiety relief.
The research on CBD for stress and anxiety does look promising, however, the limited sample size and the lack of information questions its effectiveness for the long-term. Thus, we need more research to know for certain whether it’s actually effective and safe.
In addition, due to its sudden popularity, CBD became so easy to find and buy, with more sellers and manufacturers only producing low-quality CBD products for money. Also, be aware that most CBD products available are not well-regulated, so the amount of CBD and ingredients on the label may not match what is in the bottle or that gummy bear.
Plus, the legality of CBD is also fuzzy, so you might want to do serious research on the laws in your state about its use and possession.
CBD as an Integrative Treatment For Anxiety and Stress
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With so endless sources and causes of stress, more and more people are looking for a more rounded approach to healing anxiety. As a matter of fact, even doctors have also started recommending to combine pharmaceutical treatments and traditional psychotherapy with relaxation and calming techniques such as meditation and yoga.
If chronic anxiety and stress have rewired and made changes in your brain, then it can take time and work to reverse the significant damage it caused. Eventually, you will need to change how you think as well as helping your brain neurons to rebuild and grow with medications.
And if you want to try out CBD oil to cure your anxiety, then it will work best as part of comprehensive stress and anxiety treatment plan.
Once again, we like to encourage you to talk with an experienced medical professional first. Particularly, if you are currently taking prescription medications.
A doctor can also help in ruling out any deficiencies as well as other troublesome health issues for a smooth and overall successful healing.
So, there you have it!
We hope that this article has provided the answers you are looking for. We wish you only success on your long journey to your body and mind’s deep healing.
The post Does CBD Oil Really Help Anxiety And Relieve Stress? appeared first on Sell CBD Oils.
from https://hempoilfrog.com/does-cbd-oil-help-anxiety-and-relieve-stress/
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hempoilfrog1 · 4 years
Top 5 Benefits Of Hemp Oil For Weight Loss
Cannabis is currently making waves in the medical industry. This is all thanks to that one natural compound found in cannabis plant– CBD, short for cannabidiol. And we’re not talking about the high-inducing marijuana-derived CBD (although some States already or looking to legalize it for medical and recreational use), we’re talking about its calming sibling, the hemp plant. Read Here: 15 Easy Ways to Lose Weight for Lazy People
The hemp plant has long been used by the clothing and industrial industry. And now, it is taking the spotlight in the medical industry, promising lots of health benefits and symptom-relieving attributes. From reducing anxiety to fighting acne, CBD, or hemp oil has been dubbed as the miracle worker. Currently, researchers are also looking at the possible benefits of hemp oil for weight loss as well as reducing their risk of experiencing problems connected with a weight such as metabolic disorder and diabetes.
So, are there any benefits of hemp oil for weight loss? Or is it just another fast weight loss scam? In this article, we shall discuss the possible benefits of hemp oil for weight loss, including whether or not science and research actually back up the hype.
Let’s discuss the basics, but befor check this out
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Hemp and CBD: What Are These?
Hemp is one of the many varieties of the Cannabis plant. As mentioned before, hemp has long been used in the industrial and clothing industry. Unlike the more popular known Cannabis variety, Marijuana, hemp does not make you high and addictive.
Both cannabis variety contains cannabinoids. However, marijuana contains higher amounts of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) than hemp, which is the main cause of its high-inducing attribute.
Hemp, on the other hand, has a higher concentration of CBD (cannabidiol). Unlike THC, CBD doesn’t contain any psychoactive effects, so it won’t cause you to be twitchy addicts. Instead, it affects the body in other ways and is believed to stimulate particular receptors in order to reduce anxiety, pain, and inflammation.
  This compound is also believed to stop anandamide breakdown, a chemical known as the “bliss molecule” in the brain. It allows anandamide to stay in the system for longer and helps in relieving pain as well as boosting brain functioning.
Not only that, but CBD also helps in regulating the production of cytokines– inflammatory molecules– thus reducing pain and inflammation. In addition, CBD is also being studied for its ability to help treat symptoms of anxiety and depression as well as epileptic seizures.
Read More:
Top 5 Benefits Of Hemp Oil For Weight Loss
Hemp Extract Benefits, Side Effects, Types & How To Take It
Hemp oil vs. CBD Oil For Dogs: What’s The Difference?
Full-Spectrum Hemp Oils vs. CBD Isolates – What’s The Difference?
15 Tips on How to Deal With Your Coronavirus Anxiety
Are There Any Benefits of Hemp Oil For Weight Loss?
Cannabidiol has been purported to improve other aspects of your health. Today, it is even believed to help promote weight loss.
But, are the claims true?
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1) Possible Metabolism Boost And Food Intake Reduction
Initial studies on CBD suggest that hemp oil or CBD may actually reduce food intake while boosting metabolism, which are key factors in promoting weight loss.
In animal studies, CBD has shown significant effects on the weight by interacting with the CB2 and CB1 receptors in the brain and lymphoid tissue. These receptors are through to play significant roles in food intake and metabolism. 
  Meanwhile, in a 2-week rat study, subjects were injected CBD every day at doses of 2.3mg and 1.1mg per pound of weight (5mg per kg and 2.5 mg per kg). Both doses did produce a dramatic reduction in weight, with the higher dosing having the most visible effect.
Take note: It was injected and not orally given.
In another study on rats, CBD has to lead to a dramatic reduction in food intake compared to other cannabinoids, including cannabinol and cannabigerol. While such results and benefits of hemp oil for weight loss seem promising, there are not enough human studies to support these findings, and more research is required to establish its efficacy.
2) May Burn Fat
Another claimed benefit of hemp oil for weight loss is that CBD can actually melt away fat in the body by breaking down your fat and eliminating it from the body as waste.
A 2018 research helps explain this claim. There are 2 types of fat in the body– brown and white fats. White fat is the most dominant form, responsible for the storage and supplication of energy while also cushioning and insulating your organs. This is also the type of fat mostly associated with chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes when accumulated in excess.
Meanwhile, the brown fat is responsible for generating heat by burning off calories. It is known that individuals with healthy weight have more brown fat than overweight individuals. You can convert white fat to brown fat by getting enough sleep, exercising, and exposing yourself to cold temperatures. Interestingly, studies show that CBD can aid this process.
A study found out that CBD causes the “browning” in white fat cells and even enhanced the expression of particular proteins and genes which promote brown fat. However, human research is still required to confirm these effects.
3) Reduces Risks of Metabolic Disorders
Another 2018 research revealed that there’s a close link between obesity a few metabolic disorders such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes.
Overacting CB receptors in the body can be partly responsible for this. For instance, overacting CB1 receptors in the fat tissue in the body can contribute to metabolic risks and obesity. CBD can help block off CB1 receptors, which also means reducing the risk of obesity.
  In addition, A Cannabis and Cannabinoid REsearch review also noted some highlights of past studies surrounding metabolic factors and CBD, mainly in animal models.
  For example, a CBD treatment has reduced the total cholesterol of obese rats by 25 percent. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of CBD also appeared to reduce blood sugar levels as well as increasing markers for liver health.
4) Marijuana Use is Associated With a lower body weight
Although most people think that marijuana use means higher food intake, those who use and addicted to marijuana products tend to weigh less than those who do not.
For instance, a research review in more than 50,000 people noted an obesity rate of 14 – 17 percent among those who used cannabis such as marijuana and hemp at least 3 days a week, compared to the 22 – 25 percent of those reporting no marijuana use in the past year.
Since CBD is prevalent in marijuana, it is likely involved in the relationship, however, it is still unclear how. With that said, scientists and researchers believed that the cannabinoids as a whole, including CBD, affect metabolism, appetite, and other weight-related functions of the body.
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Considerations and Risks
While preliminary research results on the benefits of hemp oil for weight loss put forth some promising suggestions, there are several things that you need to carefully consider.
CBD, like most other supplements, compounds, or drugs, is not a treatment for obesity. These compounds and supplements don’t replace regular exercise and a healthy diet. An individual who likes to add CBD to their comprehensive weight loss plan without eating healthily and exercising regularly may not see any results or benefits at all.
At best, individuals can consider CBD and hemp oil as a complementary therapy. In addition, not all individuals are the same, and each may need a different dosage. Someone who regularly takes cannabis or has more bodyweight might need a higher dose. Meanwhile, someone who is highly sensitive to CBD or cannabis might only need to take small amounts of the compound to be effective.
Lastly, it is crucial that you work directly with a doctor when considering CBD or hemp oil for weight loss. You might also want to discuss any other medication that you might be currently taking since CBD can cause adverse interactions with other drugs.
What To Look For In CBD or Hemp Oil?
Here are the factors you need to look for when shopping for CBD.
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1) Full-Spectrum VS. Broad Spectrum
Make sure to look for CBD products made with broad or full-spectrum hemp oil instead of isolate and distillate in order to get the full scope of benefits.
Full-spectrum hemp oils contain all the cannabinoids in the cannabis plant, including both THC and CBD. Don’t be worried about the THC content as it is required by law for manufacturers to only include less than 0.3 percent of THC so as not to induce the feeling of high.
  If you do not want any THC contents in the hemp oil, then you can consider the broad-spectrum type since it contains most cannabinoids without the THC. However, research revealed that CBD and THC can work better when taken together than when taken alone. This phenomenon is called the entourage effect.
Not only that, both broad and full-spectrum hemp products are also less processed. This helps in the preservation of some of the volatile organic compounds of the plant such as terpenes.
2) US Grown, Organic Cannabis
In addition, you also need to look for products that are made from organic, US-grown hemp plants. Cannabis grown in the US is subjected to agricultural regulations and cannot contain over 0.3 percent of THC. In addition, organic ingredients meant that you are less likely to consume pesticides, herbicides, and other chemicals.
3) Lab-Tested
Lastly, and most importantly, you need CBD products that are lab-tested by a third-party. Since CBD products are not currently regulated by the Food and Drug Administration or FDA, a lab-tested product ensures safety and compliance.
This should allow you to see exactly what you are putting into your body, and verifying that the product actually contains what it says on the packaging.
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Top 5 Benefits Of Hemp Oil For Weight Loss
Hemp Extract Benefits, Side Effects, Types & How To Take It
Hemp oil vs. CBD Oil For Dogs: What’s The Difference?
Full-Spectrum Hemp Oils vs. CBD Isolates – What’s The Difference?
15 Tips on How to Deal With Your Coronavirus Anxiety
Forms of CBD Products
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Edibles are a discreet way of trying CBD. You can find various CBD edibles today including truffles, gummies, cookies, and even mints that do a great job of masking that “weedy” taste.
However, there are several caveats with edibles. Studies revealed that eating CBD subjects the compound to “first-pass effect”. During this process, CBD is broken down by the digestive tract and the liver. The result, the CBD can take an hour or two before it kicks. Not only that, since it is broken down, but you will also be able to absorb at least 20 – 30 percent of CBD. 
Sublingual Products
Most edibles contain preservatives and sugar. So, if you don’t want additives, then you might want to consider sublingual CBD products. These products including tinctures, lozenges, oil, and sprays, are designed to be absorbed under the tongue. Letting the product absorb under your tongue instead of subjecting it to your digestive tract can preserve more CBD, thus faster results.
CBD topicals are made to be applied directly to your skin. You can find hemp oil-infused lotions, creams, balms, gels, transdermal patches, and salves available today. Topicals are a great choice in terms of treating localized pain or some skin conditions such as eczema.
A 2015 study on rats showed that CBD gels greatly reduce joint swelling which offers promising results for people with arthritis and other joint-related problems. Although studies on topicals have not given a bio-availability estimated, we do know some things:
The permeability of the skin is pretty poor relative to mucous membranes such as sublingual tissues. This means that when using topical products, you will need to choose one with a higher concentration of CBD and generously applying it to your skin.
Topicals are not subjected to the first-pass effect, providing concentrated relief to a specific area.
Take note:
Using products that contain extra analgesics including camphor, menthol and capsaicin can even bring more potential therapeutic benefits to the mix.
Smoking and Vaping
You can now also smoke high-CBD cannabis flowers in a joint, inhale CBD concentrated such as sugar waxes with any vaping pens with a chamber for concentrated, or use a vaporizer with a cartridge that contains hemp oil.
Smoking and vaping allow the CBD to go directly into the bloodstream so that you will feel the effects much faster than other methods. In just 10 minutes or less, you will be able to absorb 34 – 56 percent of CBD.
However, there are a few things to note:
Smoking cannabis can actually expose you to carcinogens. Although vaping can circumvent this by heating up the cannabis to just below the point of combustion, its safety is still questionable.
If you go the vaping route, consider avoiding CBD vape cartridges that are made with thinning agents or carriers like MCT, vegetable glycerin, and propylene glycol. A 2017 study revealed that these compounds can actually damage the lung tissue.
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7) 3rd Party Lab Tested for Quality
Talk To A Professional
Although there are many ways for you to take CBD, there is no best or right way. It is important that you try different methods and see what will work for you. However, before you even try any CBD oil products, you might want to talk to a professional first, particularly if you are currently on any medications. AS mentioned before, CBD can interact with prescription medications such as blood thinners, antidepressants, antibiotics, and more!
Should You Try Hemp Oil To Lose Weight?
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Although the benefits of hemp oil for weight loss is still unclear, it has been shown to improve your health in other ways. Plus, it is relatively safe with a little risk of side effects.
More research, particularly in humans, is needed to determine how hemp oil products affect the weight and whether it can help in losing weight. The findings and research that exist are relatively inconsistent and weak, however, they do show promising results.
So, instead of relying on the benefits of hemp oil for weight loss alone, it is best to try other scientific-proven weight loss methods, or if you want, incorporate CBD with these methods.
3 Science-Backed Ways To Lose Weight
Search for the keyword “weight loss” and you will be flooded with millions of results of how-tos as well as fad diets promising instant results. With that said, most diet plans will leave you unsatisfied or feeling HANGRY (it’s short for hungry + angry, btw).
If you really want to lose weight, you might want to follow the scientifically-backed ways. That and incorporating CBD oil in your weight loss plan can actually reap effective and satisfying results. 
1) Cutting The Carbs
The first and most important step to lose weight is to cut back on the starches and sugars or carbs. Doing so will keep your hunger levels down, so you eat fewer calories. Read More: Ditch Dieting and Calorie Counting with CBD Oil for Weight Loss
Now, since you have lower carb consumption, the body will need to find a new source of energy. The body will start to burn stored, stubborn fats for energy. Another benefit of reducing your carb intake is that it helps in lowering your insulin levels, which causes the kidneys to shed excess water and sodium.
As a result, it reduces bloating as well as unnecessary water weight. Research suggests that a low-carb diet can help in reducing appetite, resulting in eating fewer calories without feeling hungry.
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Top 5 Benefits Of Hemp Oil For Weight Loss
Hemp Extract Benefits, Side Effects, Types & How To Take It
Hemp oil vs. CBD Oil For Dogs: What’s The Difference?
Full-Spectrum Hemp Oils vs. CBD Isolates – What’s The Difference?
15 Tips on How to Deal With Your Coronavirus Anxiety
2) Add Veggies, Fat and Protein To Your Diet
Each one of your meals needs to include a fat source, protein source, and low-carb veggies. Also, try eating 2 – 3 meals per day. Now, if you find yourself hungry in the afternoon, you can add a 4th meal. By constructing your meals this way, you should be able to reduce your carb intake for up to 20 – 50 grams a day.
Evidence suggests that eating lots of protein can boost your calorie expenditure by up to 80 – 100 calories a day. High protein diets can help reduce your obsessive thoughts about food and cravings by up to 60 percent, reducing the desire to snack at midnight by half and making you feel full. When it comes to losing weight, you need healthy protein sources. These include:
Plant-based proteins such as soy, legumes, and beans
Eggs Fish and seafood such as shrimp, trout, and salmon
Meat such as lamb, pork, chicken and beef
Do not be afraid of fats. Fats are essential for overall body functioning and can help in losing weight. Some of the best sources of healthy fats are:
Avocado oil
Coconut oil
Olive oil
IF you really want to lose weight, do not be picky about your veggies. Not only are they packed with nutrients but you can eat a huge amount of veggies without going over 20 – 50 net carbs a day. A diet based mostly on veggies and lean protein sources contains all the necessary vitamins, fiber, and minerals you for a healthy body.
Some of the best low-carb veggies include:
Brussels sprouts
Swiss chard
3) Lift Weights 3x A Week
By lifting weight, you can burn lots of calories and preventing your metabolism from slowing down which is an annoying side effect of losing weight.
Research on low-carb diets shows that you can obtain a bit of muscle while also losing good amounts of body fat. You can try going to the gym 3 – 4 times a week in order to lift weights. You can even ask a trainer for some advice.
If you don’t like lifting weights, then you can just do some cardio workouts such as jogging, walking, cycling, running, or swimming. Both weightlifting and cardio can help with weight loss.
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Top 5 Benefits Of Hemp Oil For Weight Loss
Hemp Extract Benefits, Side Effects, Types & How To Take It
Hemp oil vs. CBD Oil For Dogs: What’s The Difference?
Full-Spectrum Hemp Oils vs. CBD Isolates – What’s The Difference?
15 Tips on How to Deal With Your Coronavirus Anxiety
Final Thoughts
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So, are there any benefits of hemp oil for weight loss? Well, the initial results of studies into hemp or CBD oil and weight loss are promising. However, it still requires more research into the connection between them. Remember, CBD or hemp oil may be helpful for people looking to burn calories, lose weight, or suppress appetite. However, it is important not to overstate these claims.
Until more research is done, it is best to rely on other more scientific-backed methods including plenty of exercises and a healthy diet in order to lose weight. You can also incorporate CBD with a comprehensive weight-loss plan which might cause faster and more effective weight loss results.
Lastly, CBD or hemp oil should not be used to replace any other medications that a person is taking for chronic diseases. We always recommend that you talk to your doctor before using CBD for any reason including weight loss, as it can interact with your current medications.
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hempoilfrog1 · 4 years
Hemp Extract Benefits, Side Effects, Types & How To Take It
As cannabis becomes more extensively studied and widely available, we’re starting to realize the true therapeutic power of these plants and their healing derivatives.
However, they can still generate a lot of confusion. So, today in this article, we will be clearing up the murkiness around cannabis products, the different types, their benefits and side effects, and how to take it.
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Cannabis Varieties: An Intro To Hemp And How It Differs From Marijuana
The Cannabis sativa plant has so many varieties, all of which contain varying amounts of cannabidiol (or CBD, the non-psychoactive compound), Tetrahydrocannabinol (or THC, the psychoactive component) and other cannabinoids.
The varieties of cannabis with over 0.3% THC are more commonly known as Marijuana. Meanwhile, hemp is a variety of Cannabis that contains less than 0.3% THC. Thus, ensuring that you won’t get high and have an episode of extreme euphoria.
  For so many years, scientists were only concerned with studying the psychoactive component THC concentrated on marijuana. In the past decades, however, they have become interested in the therapeutic benefits of the other major compound in both varieties, CBD.
Take note, however, that although CBD and THC are the most study-focused components of the cannabis plant, there are other chemical compounds found within the plant including CBC (cannabichromene), CBG (cannabigerol), THCV (tetrahydrocannabivarin), cannabinol (CBN) as well as flavonoids and terpenes.
And while past studies claimed that using CBD alone offer greater benefits, recent studies discovered that a whole-plant hemp extract with all other compounds is much more beneficial due to the phenomenon known as the Entourage Effect. In this process, all other compounds of the extract support and amplify the healing attributes of one another, for faster and more effective results.
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Hemp Extract Benefits, Side Effects, Types & How To Take It
Hemp oil vs. CBD Oil For Dogs: What’s The Difference?
Full-Spectrum Hemp Oils vs. CBD Isolates – What’s The Difference?
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Hemp Oil and Its Types
With the popularity of the hemp plant, you will it in various types and names which can be quite confusing for the first-timers. We’ll clear this one, too!
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1) Hemp Oil Extract
Hemp oils are extracted from the seed and/or stalk of the hemp plant, mainly for its beneficial compounds. Unlike CBD isolates, hemp oil extract is a whole-plant extract. Thus, it contains a blend of various phytocannabinoids, flavonoids, and terpenes, all of which working together to impart the entourage effect.
2) Hemp Seed Oil
As its name implies, this type of oil has been extracted only from the seed of the hemp plant. Unlike a full-plant hemp oil extract, hemp seed oil has little to no CBD and is instead extracted for the healthy fatty acid profile.
This is generally used for culinary purposes as well as promoting healthy nails, skin, and hair.
3) CBD Oil
This is an isolated extraction of the phytocannabinoid called cannabidiol. This means that it contains potent CBD and will not provide an entourage effect. In states where cannabis is legal, the CBD oil can be made from hemp or marijuana. However, in some states where cannabis is illegal, CBD oil should be extracted from the hemp plant.
4) Extraction Methods
The extraction process involves using a solvent to extract the oil from the hemp plant. There are various solvents used, all of which have their own pros and cons.
CO2 Extraction
In this method, the hemp is subjected to low-temperature and high-pressure CO2 gas. This helps in isolating and preserving the cannabinoids in the oil. The only disadvantage of this extraction is the slow process and high production cost. Thus, you can expect that these products have a higher price tag.
Olive Oil Extraction
Olive oil, on its own, is cost-effective, safe, and even comes with its very own health benefits—from enhancing immunity to supporting inflammatory pathways. In this extraction process, the hemp plant is heated with olive oil in order to extract the cannabinoids.
Ethanol Extraction
Ethanol is non-toxic and safe in small amounts. The only problem is that ethanol can destroy the plant waxes, which may have added health benefits.
Hexane or Butane Extraction
These solvents are great at extracting cannabinoids from the hemp plant, however, some residues may remain after the process which can cause potential harm to your lungs.
7 Hemp Oil Extract Benefits and Uses
 Hemp and CBD oil extracts are gaining momentum in the wellness and health world, with several scientific studies and current research confirming its varying health benefits.
Here are 7 hemp oil extract benefits that are backed by scientific research and evidence.
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1) Pain Relief
As far as 2,900 BC, cannabis has been used to treating pain. In recent years, researchers found out that certain components of the cannabis plant, mainly CBD, are responsible for its pain-relieving attributes.
The human body has a specialized system known as the ECS, short for endocannabinoid system. This system is responsible for the regulation of a variety of functions including appetite, functioning of the immune system, sleep, and pain response.
The body naturally produces endocannabinoids— neurotransmitters binding to cannabinoid receptors in the nervous system. Research has shown that CBD in hemp oil can help in the reduction of chronic pain by impacting this endocannabinoid receptor activity, interacting with the neurotransmitters, and easing inflammation.
In one rat study, CBD injections reduced pain response to surgical incision. Another rat study showed that oral CBD can significantly reduce sciatic nerve inflammation and pain.
Meanwhile, several human studies of hemp extract benefits found that a combination of THC and CBD is effective in treating the pain associated with arthritis and multiple sclerosis.
As a matter of fact, an oral spray named Sativex containing both CBD and THC is already approved in several countries to treat pain associated with multiple sclerosis. A study of 47 individuals suffering from multiple sclerosis examined the effects of taking the said drug for a month. The participants experienced improvements in pain, muscle spasms, and walking. Read Here: CBD Cream for Pain – Everything You Wanted to Know About & Where to Buy It.
Another study found that the same drug has significantly improved pain at rest, during movement and sleep quality in 58 individuals with rheumatoid arthritis.
2) Neuroprotective Properties
Scientists believe that the CBD in hemp oil can act on the ECS and other brain signaling systems to provide benefits for those with neurological disorders.
As a matter of fact, one of the most studied applications of CBD is in treating neurological disorders such as epilepsy. Through research in this area is still new, several studies have already shown promising results.
A study subjected 214 individuals suffering from severe epilepsy with 0.9g – 2.3g of CBD oil per pound of body weight  (2 – 5 g/kg). Their seizures were reduced by a 36.5% median.
  Another study revealed that CBD in hemp oil can significantly reduce seizure activity in children suffering from Dravet syndrome, a complex childhood epilepsy disorder.
  Another studied hemp extract benefit is its potential effectiveness in treating other neurological diseases. For instance, a few studies have shown that CBD treatment improved sleep quality and quality of life for people suffering from Parkinson’s disease.
  In addition, test-tube and animal studies have shown that CBD can decrease inflammation and aid in the prevention of neurodegeneration connected with Alzheimer’s disease.
In fact, in one long-term study, scientists gave CBD to mice that are genetically predisposed to Alzheimer’s disease. The study found out that CBD helped in preventing cognitive decline.
3) Depression and Anxiety Relief
Depression and anxiety are common mental health disorder which can have devastating impacts on your well-being and health. According to WHO, depression is the single largest contributor to disability in worldwide with anxiety ranking 6th. Read Here: Healthy Benefits Of CBD Oil
Depression and anxiety are typically treated with pharmaceutical medicines, which can cause various effects including agitation, drowsiness, sexual dysfunction, insomnia, and headache. What’s more, medications such as benzodiazepines can be addictive and result in substance abuse.
Hemp oils, on the other hand, has shown promise as a treatment for both anxiety and depression. In a Brazilian study, 57 men were given either a placebo or oral CBD 90 minutes before they were subjected to a simulated public speaking test. Scientists found that a 300mg dose of hemp oil was the most effective at reducing anxiety during the test.
Meanwhile, the placebo group, the 150mg dose of CBD group, and the 600mg dose of CBD group have little to no effect on anxiety. In addition, another study has shown that hemp extract benefits children suffering from PTSD, treating their anxiety and insomnia.
In several animal studies, CBD has also shown anti-depressant-like effects. These qualities are connected to the CBD’s ability to stimulate the brain’s receptors for serotonin, the neurotransmitter regulating social behavior and mood.
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4) Alleviate Cancer-Related Symptoms
CBD can help in the easing symptoms associated with cancers as well as the side effects associated with cancer treatments like pain, vomiting, and nausea.
A research studies the effects of THC and CBD components of hemp oil in 177 individuals suffering from cancer-associated pain, who didn’t experience relief from prescribed pain medications.
Those treated with the hemp extract containing both compounds experienced a dramatic reduction in pain, compared to those who only received the THC extract. CBD can also help in easing chemotherapy-induced vomiting and nausea.
A study of 16 individuals undergoing chemotherapy found that a one-to-one combination of THC and CBD administered through a mouth spray has helped reduced chemotherapy-associated vomiting and nausea better than the standard treatment alone.
Some animal and test-tube studies have even revealed that CBD may have anti-cancer properties. For instance, a test-tube study revealed that concentrated CBD helped induced cell death in human breast cancer cells.
Another study has found that CBD also inhibited the spread of aggressive breast cancer cells in mice. Take note, however, that more studies in humans are required before a final conclusion can be made.
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Hemp Extract Benefits, Side Effects, Types & How To Take It
Hemp oil vs. CBD Oil For Dogs: What’s The Difference?
Full-Spectrum Hemp Oils vs. CBD Isolates – What’s The Difference?
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5) Heart Health
Recent studies have linked hemp extract and CBD with several benefits for the circulatory system and heart, including the ability to lower your high blood pressure.
High blood pressure is connected to higher risks of a number of health conditions such as heart attack, stroke, and metabolic syndrome. Research shows that CBD and hemp extracts benefit people with high blood pressure.
A study treated 9 healthy men with a single dose of 600mg of CBD oil, which resulted in the reduction of resting blood pressure, compared to the placebo. That same study also subjected the men to stress tests which increase blood pressure. The single dose of CBD caused the men to experience a smaller increase in blood pressure than normal in response to such tests. Read Here: CBD And Blood Pressure: How CBD Can Lower Your Blood Pressure Levels
Scientists think that the anxiety- and stress-reducing properties of CBD helped in the lowering of blood pressure. In addition, some animal studies have demonstrated that hemp extracts can reduce cell death and inflammation related to heart disease, thanks to its powerful stress-reducing and antioxidant properties.
For instance, a study revealed that CBD treatment prevented heart damage and reduced the oxidative stress in diabetic mice suffering from heart disease.
6) Acne Reduction
Acne is one of the most common skin conditions, affecting over 9% of the world’s population. This skin condition is caused by several factors including bacteria, genetics, and underlying inflammation and overproduction of sebum. Based on new scientific research, hemp extract benefits those suffering from acne, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties and the capability to reduce the production of sebum. Read Here: Could Hemp Oil for Acne Be the Secret to Clear Skin?
A test-tube study revealed that hemp extract stopped the sebaceous gland cells from over secreting sebum, provided anti-inflammatory actions, and stopped the activation of pro-acne agents such as the inflammatory cytokines. Another research had similar results, concluding that CBD can be a safe and efficient way to treat acne, mainly because of its anti-inflammatory effects.
7) Other Potential Benefits
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Hemp extracts have been studied for their role in treating a number of health issues other than the ones mentioned above. Although more studies are needed, CBD oil is thought to offer the following benefits:
Hemp-derived CBD has been shown to change the circuits in the brain associated with drug addiction. In a rat study, CBD has been shown to ease morphine dependence and heroin-seeking behavior.
Research shows that CBD can help people with schizophrenia and several mental disorders by easing psychotic symptoms.
Treatment with CBD in diabetic mice reduces the incidence of diabetes by up to 56% and reducing inflammation.
In animal and test-tube studies, CBD oil has shown anti-tumor effects. In animals, it prevented the spread of prostate, breast, lung, colon, and brain cancer.
Hemp Extract Side Effects
Although there are various hemp extract benefits and CBD is generally considered safe and well-tolerated, it can still cause an adverse reaction in some individuals.
Side effects noted in the studies include:
Changes in weight and appetite
Dry mouth
Low blood pressure
Withdrawal symptoms such as insomnia and irritability
In addition, CBD is also known to interact with various medications. So, before you even start using CBD oil, make sure to discuss it with your doctor to guarantee safety and preventing harmful interactions.
This is particularly important if you are taking supplements or medications that come with the “grapefruit warning”. Both CBD and grapefruit interfered with the cytochromes P450, an enzyme group that regulates drug metabolism.
Furthermore, a mice study showed that CBD-rich hemp extract can cause liver toxicity. Take note, however, that some mice in the said study were force-fed with extremely large doses of the hemp extract.
How To Take Hemp Extracts?
Hemp extracts may come as powder or oil. These are then mixed into gels, creams and other topicals to be administered directly on the skin. They can also be put into capsules and orally taken or even rubbed on the skin.
Some hemp extracts come in sprays that are sprayed as a liquid into the mouth. Others come as tinctures which you need to drop under your tongue. You can even find hemp edibles such as gummies, cookies, and biscuits that contain hemp extracts.
How hemp extracts should be used depends largely on what it is being used for. Consider talking to your doctor before using hemp extracts since most hemp products are not approved by the FDA for any medical uses and may cause side effects.
Finding The Right Dosage
Once you get your hands on quality hemp extracts, the next thing you need to think of is the right dosage. You can ask your doctor for the ideal dosage, however, since CBD is still not recommended for medicinal use, finding the right dosage can be tricky. Regardless, here is a guideline to finding the ideal dosing:
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Ideal Dosage According To Studies
Since FDA has only approved CBD for treating specific forms of epilepsy, doctors and medical practitioners know little about the right dosage. However, in clinical studies, scientists used various oral CBD dosages ranging from 100 – 800mg daily.
There are some studies that used higher dosages. In a review, a person reported improvement in psychosis after taking a 1,200mg of CBD oil daily for a few weeks. Another study in people suffering from schizophrenia reported positive benefits after taking an increased dosage of 40 – 1,280mg of CBD daily for 4 weeks.
  Meanwhile, a study in individuals suffering from Parkinson’s disease and psychosis, the 6 participants showed dramatic improvements in symptoms with a 150mg CBD daily.
Here is a simplified list of the ideal dosage and administration of CBD that researchers used to study its therapeutic effects on various medical conditions.
Medical ConditionFormCBD DosageAnxietyOral300mg – 600mgType 2 DiabetesOral100mg 2x dailyBowel DiseaseSublingual5mg 2x dailyParkinson’s diseaseOral75mg – 300mg dailyPain due to cancerOral50mg – 600mg dailyHuntington’s diseaseNasal sprayUp to 12 sprays daily
Factors Influencing Dosage
Several factors can influence the ideal CBD dosage. Depending on the condition you are trying to treat, they will need varying dosages. Some individuals will need smaller dosages for anxiety while some require high dosages to control epileptic seizures.
Weight is another factor that you should consider. In most clinical trials, doctors calculated a dose per kilo of body weight. Thus, people weighing less can take lower dosages than people weighing more.
Alcohol and other CNS depressants can increase the sedation effects of CBD. Thus, people using other medications that cause drowsiness should lower CBD dosage or avoiding it altogether. You also need to consider the dosage in each hemp extract form. A capsule of hemp extracts has a particular dosage, however, the dosage from oral solutions depends on the volume.
The Safe Dosage
Although research in human and CBD remain limited, research suggests that CBD has low toxicity. In a monkey study, CBD has no bodily function or behavioral effect unless the animals are subjected to dosages higher than the 150mg/kg intravenously or 30mg/kg orally daily for 90 days.
  Meanwhile, in a human physical dependence study, scientists gave individuals 1,500mg of CBD daily for 4 weeks. The participants didn’t go through withdrawal after the 28-day trial. In another study, doses up to 1,500mg of CBDdaily were well-tolerated. 
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Hemp Extract Benefits, Side Effects, Types & How To Take It
Hemp oil vs. CBD Oil For Dogs: What’s The Difference?
Full-Spectrum Hemp Oils vs. CBD Isolates – What’s The Difference?
15 Tips on How to Deal With Your Coronavirus Anxiety
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Final Thoughts
In spite of safety concerns and lack of enough data, it is undeniable how a lot of people are choosing CBD and hemp extract products over the pharmaceutically-approved ones for the treatment of various diseases— both mental and physical.
This is mainly because of the fewer side effects experienced and the next to no chance of overdosing. Plus, the promising results of various studies of CBD treatment and applications already made CBD and hemp oil quite famous and even dubbed as the “miracle medicine”.
Research on the potential hemp extract benefits on health and overall well-being is still ongoing, so new therapeutic uses for this natural compound are sure to be discovered, ultimately saving humankind against numerous chronic diseases and health issues.
The post Hemp Extract Benefits, Side Effects, Types & How To Take It appeared first on Sell CBD Oils.
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hempoilfrog1 · 4 years
Hemp oil vs. CBD Oil For Dogs: What’s The Difference?
For both humans and animals, medicine tends to have a high-tech trend. And one of the most promising drug therapies incorporates ingredients derived from the Cannabis plant.
Given the recent positive publicity of medicinal cannabis in human medicine, it is a natural progression to want to provide the same benefits for ailing fur-babies, particularly those with painful illnesses.
So, we have put together an in-depth guide about the use of the cannabis plant for dogs for all the dog parents out there! First off, let’s clear some confusion about the Cannabis plant.
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Cannabis Plant: Marijuana or Hemp?
The Cannabis sativa plant has been used for millennia. Although most people think of the Cannabis plant as Marijuana, it is in fact, just a variety of the Cannabis plant. Another cannabis variety, the hemp, has also been used to produce clothing and rope throughout history, but now getting more popular in the medicinal industry.
Both plants contain CBD and THC among other cannabinoids, working on the endogenous cannabinoid receptor system. This system is responsible for helping the body to recover from stress and regulating muscle tension, blood pressure, and other physiological processes. Read Here: Full-Spectrum Hemp Oils vs. CBD Isolates – What’s The Difference?
What makes marijuana and hemp different are the CBD and THC levels. CBD is the non-psychoactive substance of the cannabis plant while the THC or tetrahydrocannabinol is the substance that provides the high feeling that we attribute with marijuana.
Marijuana contains over 0.3 percent THC while the hemp variety only has less than 0.3 percent THC. CBD from the cannabis plant has shown evidence of efficacy in managing behavioral and medical disorders in both humans and dogs.
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Hemp oil vs. CBD Oil For Dogs: What’s The Difference?
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Hemp oil vs. CBD Oil For Dogs: What’s The Difference?
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The next confusion would be between hemp oil and CBD oil. Although these terms are used interchangeably, they are slightly different than each other.
CBD oil and hemp oil come from the same cannabis plant– hemp. However, they come from different parts. Hemp oil is extracted from the seeds of hemp plants while CBD oil is extracted from the leaves, stalks, and flowers of the same plant.
In addition, they have very different compositions. Hemp seed oils only contain a trace amount of CBD and are mostly used as a nutritional supplement. Meanwhile, CBD oil contains more cannabidiol in order to treat certain health problems.
This means that both oils are great for your pet. However, CBD oil is much better. While your dog can benefit from the omega-3 fatty acids and other essential nutrients of the hemp oil contains, CBD oil can provide far more health benefits for your doggo thanks to the more potent cannabidiol content.
CBD And Its Effects on Dogs
Human studies revealed that CBD can help in reducing pain, inflammation, and even tumor size while also lessening severity and seizure frequency. CBD influences numerous neurological and physiological processes within the CNS (central nervous system) of mammal via the endocannabinoid system.
While studies into how CBD can affect dogs are still lacking, humans and dogs have the same endocannabinoid system. So, in theory, CBD can work the same on dogs. Take note, however, that dogs may have more receptors which make them more sensitive to CBD than us, humans.
Is It Safe For Dogs?
CBD is now hailed as a wonder drug. But is it safe for your furry friend?
Well, CBD is generally considered safe for both animals and humans, and dogs respond in a similar way to humans. Initial studies have suggested that CBD is indeed safe for dogs, although further studies are required in order to establish a firm fact. AS mentioned before, dogs can be more sensitive to the effects of CBD, thus you will need to speak with your vet first.
Benefits of CBD for Dogs
So, now that we have covered the basics about CBD, it is time to find out what CBD can do for your pooch. Although studies into CBD as a treatment for dogs is limited, there are several benefits that can possibly be extrapolated from human studies.
  Also, CBD or hemp oil is not yet approved by the AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association) because of the lack of supporting scientific research. However, anecdotally CBD offered some strong positive results. Here are some of the benefits of CBD for your furry friend.
1) Treating Epilepsy and Seizures
One of the most common neurological illnesses that vets see in dogs is seizure with seizures being distressing for both fur-parent and dogs alike.
In 2017, the AKC or American Kennel Club and CHF or Canine Health Foundation launched a CBD research drive to improving knowledge in this area. Studies revealed that CBD can reduce the frequency of seizure.
In some cases, those suffering from epilepsy have entered remission from a seizure while taking CBD. A research group is currently investigating the use of CBD oils in epileptic dogs and obtaining positive initial results.
2) Relieving Pain
Probably the best uses for both medical marijuana and hemp is its pain-relieving attributes. CBD is an active component in the suppression of inflammation and pain. Human studies don’t have conclusive proof of the pain-relief in clinical cases yet.
However, the PCR or Phytocannabinoid rich CBD oil has been shown to reduce inflammation by reducing the inflammatory cytokines in your pup’s body. This less inflammation can help in reducing pain and preventing disease in your pooch.
In addition, pancreatitis can be a potentially fatal disease for dogs. One component of its treatment is pain control which tends to be challenging in severe cases. CBD can provide another pain-relief modality for vets.
A study in mice revealed that CBD treatment has reduced enzyme activity in cases of acute pancreatic inflammation. Despite the less positive clinical evidence supporting CBD, pre-clinical trials have seen promising results in both humans and animals.
3) Prevent and Fight Cancer
Cancer is another disease that proponents of medical marijuana and CBD claim can be treated. A 2016 study of cervical cancer therapy has shown that purified CBD can cause an increase in the death of cervical cancer cells.
This is coupled with the results from another study in 2014, showing that cannabinoids can increase the destruction of lung cancer cells, thus suggesting the possible anti-tumorigenic effects of CBD and other cannabinoids.
4) Reducing Stiffness and Arthritis
Probably the most painful and common diseases in aging dogs are arthritis. And most of the recommended medications for pain management can have a nasty side effect on dogs, especially on their kidney and liver.
In a recent study conducted by Cornell University revealed that CBD given two times a day can help improve the mobility and comfort of dogs with naturally occurring osteoarthritis. The same study showed that 55% of other studies involving NSAIDs caused adverse effects. While CBD reported no side effects, making them a better alternative treatment option.
5) Easing Anxiety
Some dogs tend to develop severe separation anxiety, leading to distress and behavioral problems when left alone. Human research in social anxiety disorder revealed that CBD has some anxiolytic properties with patients reporting lower anxiety levels after being treated with CBD or hemp oil.
Now, you can find CBD-infused dog treats that claim to have the same anti-anxiety effects, however, conclusive evidence has yet to be published.
6) Treating Auto-Immune Disease
Although studies have yielded positive results of CBD in cases of chronic pain and inflammation in cancer patients, more recent findings have shown that it can also be useful in treating auto-immune diseases like multiple sclerosis.
These studies may be in their infancy, however, there are some promising results being published that can help sufferers of autoimmune diseases including dogs.
7) Prevention of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Another common disease in both dogs and humans alike, gut inflammation can be helped with NSAIDs in reducing the associated inflammation and pain. However, in dogs, NSAID can cause diarrhea and upset stomach which is quite counter-intuitive.
Part of the pain-relieving attributes that these medicines offer is the anti-inflammatory properties, which CBD also possesses. A study in 2008 shoes the CBD can selectively reduce inflammation in mouse intestines, indicating another possible application of CBD in dogs.
8) Ensuring Cardiovascular Health
CBD has been shown to protect against damage to blood vessels in diabetic people. In fact, CBD has shown positive results in reducing acute damage caused by a heart attack in rats.
Further research is still ongoing but the positive initial results mean that it is more likely applicable to dogs and humans.
9) Protecting the Nervous System
Dogs tend to live longer now than their ancestors, thus we are seeing more cases of possible neuro-degenerative disorders or senility in aging dogs.
Prevention and management of such disorders need more extensive investigations in dogs. However, there are promising signs for using CBD in treating and protecting the nervous system.
For one, Alzheimer’s disease has been studied extensively with some research revealing the CBD offers protective activity on neuronal tissues.
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Side Effects of CBD on Dogs
1) Tremors
Some pets may experience tremors or extreme shaking after taking CBD. You will need to consult your vet is you see this sign, particularly if you’re using CBD or hemp oil to control your doggo’s seizures.
2) Gastrointestinal Distress
Diarrhea and vomiting are some of the most common side effects that you will see when feeding your pup CBD. This is particularly true if your dog has a sensitive stomach. If so, make sure to use the smallest dosage at first to see how your pup copes.
3) Dry Mouth
CBD has also been shown to reduce saliva production. Thus, you might find yourself always filling up your dog’s water bowl more frequently.
4) Drowsiness or Lethargy
Dog parents using CBD to reduce their dog’s anxiety have found that their pups become lethargic or sleepy at higher doses.
5) Low Blood Pressure
CBD in high doses has been known to cause a significant drop in blood temperature temporarily. In dogs, this could create a brief feeling of light-headedness even in small drops.
Tips To Choosing The Best Hemp or CBD Oil For Your Dog
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1) Go Organic
As possible, you need to go with organic CBD oil to make sure that there are no pesticides or herbicides that can harm your dog. If you cannot find an organic CBD or hemp oil, then make sure that there are no additives or artificial ingredients added to the supplement in order to reduce the risks to your pet.
2) Verification and Analysis
The CBD or hemp oil should have a list of all ingredients used in the product. Also, you should be able to check the manufacturing site for the certificate showing how much CBD levels are in the oil. Also, make sure to take a look at 3rd party, independent testing results to ensure that you are giving only the highest quality product to your fur-baby.
3. Palatability
Finding a high-quality product for your dog can be daunting, especially for the picky eaters. Commercially available treats may contain lots of additives for taste and very little CBD.
The good news is that you can find different forms of CBD available including tinctures which are potent and highly concentrated forms of CBD you can mix or add to your pet’s favorite treats or meals.
Introducing CBD and Hemp Oil To Your Dog
CBD and hemp oil for dogs come in various forms. These include:
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1) Oils and Tinctures
The most common form is in potent oil and tincture that allow you to control the dose by a single drop for your pup to ingest or mixed in your pup’s food. Your dog will not even notice the addition of CBD or hemp oil to their water bowl or kibble.
2) Capsule
Capsules containing CBD oils are another way to introduce your pup to CBD. These can be trickier, particularly for smaller pooches. Your dog can bite and break the capsules, creating mess and waste of the contents.
Also, getting your pet to take the capsule by actually placing it into your dog’s throat can be quite stressful for both you and your pooch.
3) Topicals
For painful skin problems, topicals infused with CBD oil is a great option. These massage and cream oils can be massaged onto your pet’s skin. Just make sure that the ingredients of the product are safe for ingesting since your pooch will most likely lick and get a taste of what you’re rubbing onto his body.
4) CBD Treats
Lastly, commercial treats can offer you an easy and convenient method of providing CBD oil to your dog.
These are tasty morsels that your dog will surely love and will often do anything to get a bite. If you have a picky pooch, then CBD treats can help entice them to try CBD, starting with one treat per day depending on your dog’s weight and size.
Finding The Right Dosage
It is always recommended that you speak with your dog’s veterinarian before giving your dog CBD oil or hemp oil. Research conducted to date has shown that dogs have more CBD receptors into their CNS, making them more sensitive to the effects of CBD. This means careful and accurate dosing is even more crucial for your pooch’s safety.
It is always recommended that you start at the lowest dose possible, working up to a dose that offers the desired effects on your pooch. Like humans, dogs react in various ways to CBD, so you also need to factor in your pup’s size and weight.
  However, if you have a sensitive dog, then you do not even need to use too much dosage as it will immediately show results. Otherwise, you can slowly increase the dose that you are giving over a few weeks. If you notice any negative side effects then you need to reduce the dose or stop it altogether.
One company suggests that you give your dog 1mg – 5mg per 10 pounds of weight during the first week. So, if your pet has never tasted any CBD containing products, then you can start at the lowest end of this range. If there’s no ill effect after using it for a week, then you can increase the dosage.
Meanwhile, studies on using CBD for treating seizures and arthritis in dogs use between 2mg – 8mg per kilo of weight, with most papers using the lower side of that estimate, at least 1mg 2mg per pound of body weight, two times a day. This dosage is considered safe and effective for just the conditions studied.
Now, if you’re using CBD to treat painful conditions of your dog, then you can give it at least 3 times per day. However, you need to start with once a day dosing, taking up to a number of weeks to reach the recommended therapeutic doses for dogs.
The Dangers of CBD Overdosing in Dogs
There are many claims saying that it is impossible to overdose on CBD. However, it is actually possible to overdose on anything, including water.
FDA states that if you think you overdosed your dog with CBD or hemp oil, then you need to contact your vet immediately. THC and CBD can cause fatal toxicities in huge amounts, especially for your already-sensitive pooch.
 Thus, it is always recommended that you only use the non-THC containing hemp oil or less potent CBD oil when treating your pup.
Some of the signs you need to watch for that indicate an overdose include:
Restlessness or agitation
Depression or lethargy
Strange behaviors like unusual aggression or staring at the walls
Increased drooling
Can Vets Prescribe CBD For Dogs?
A recent online survey conducted by the Veterinary Information Network found out that 2/3 of respondents said that clients ask about the use of CBD oil and hemp oil for pets at least once a month.
There’s quite the mystery surrounding cannabis products and their possible applications in animal therapy. This is mainly because cannabis is, federally speaking, an illegal drug. Access and funding to cannabis have been limited for research because of the legal minefield around it.
Thus, the AVMA or American Veterinary Medical Association can’t take a firm stance on CBD use in pets without such research with some vets risking their medical license by just discussing CBD’s possible therapeutic indications for dogs.
US vets are still forbidden from dispensing or prescribing CBD and can’t instruct or encourage clients to purchase CBD products for dogs.
  They can now, however, freely talk to you about the potential benefits and risks of a treatment plan that you may have devised on your own. So, if you’re considering giving your pooch CBD, then make sure to speak to your vet as well to a vet with experience in CBD.
  Also, in February 2019, the AVMA published a document entitled “Cannabis: What Veterinarians Need to Know”. This document help vets advise their clients if asked about CBD oil and hemp oil for pets. It also contains more information in treating pets who may have exposure or intoxication to CBD.
Read More:
Hemp oil vs. CBD Oil For Dogs: What’s The Difference?
Full-Spectrum Hemp Oils vs. CBD Isolates – What’s The Difference?
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Final Thoughts
CBD oil and hemp oil for humans are still at the early stages of research. And its application for dogs is farther away to conclusive evidence, providing g efficacy and safety in treating ailments. With that said, these early indications are all returning positive and there’s anecdotal evidence of CBD oil and hemp oil efficacy in both humans and dogs.
Further research is still required to provide more precise information for vets and healthcare professionals to advise their clients about their dog’s health and a solid role of CBD in treating a wide range of conditions and diseases. Check our shop now
The post Hemp oil vs. CBD Oil For Dogs: What’s The Difference? appeared first on Sell CBD Oils.
from https://hempoilfrog.com/hemp-oil-vs-cbd-oil-for-dogs/
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hempoilfrog1 · 4 years
Full-Spectrum Hemp Oils vs. CBD Isolates – What’s The Difference?
In recent years, the public profile of CBD has soared with users using it to treat all kinds of conditions and ailments. It can be consumed in several ways, ranging from the simple oral consumption to topical usage and even vaping.
Now, for those just getting into CBD, the terms “CBD isolate” and full-spectrum” might cause confusion. This comprehensive article shall clear the confusion and help you make an informed buying decision.
First, let’s discuss the basics.
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Cannabinoid: What Exactly Is It?
In order to understand how hemp oil products work in your body, you first need to understand the ECS, short for endocannabinoid system, which is a part of the mammalian central nervous system.
All humans (even your furry family members or other animals) have ECS. This is believed to play a crucial role in most bodily functions including sleep, appetite, mood, and even injury mitigation.
So, how do they work?
Generally speaking, ECS can be thought of as the body’s regulatory committee. Whenever things get unbalanced, the ECS steps in to bring order, known as homeostasis.
The body produces chemicals known as endocannabinoids.
The body has 2 networks of cannabinoid receptor:
CB1: Found in connective tissues, organs, gonads, and throughout our nervous system.
CB2: Mostly found through the immune system and its related organs.
Take note, that both receptors can also be found in a broad range of bodily tissues.
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Full-Spectrum Hemp Oils vs. CBD Isolates – What’s The Difference?
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Understanding Phytocannabinoids
Moving on, we have the phytocannabinoids. These are chemicals contained in hemp plants and are somewhat similar to the endocannabinoids produced by our bodies. Thus, they too, have a significant effect on our ECS.
There are over 80 known plant-produced cannabinoids. All of them are known to effectively mimic the endocannabinoids 2-AG and AEA which are produced in our bodies.
These phytocannabinoids are cannabinoid acids which synthesize during production (by a heating process called decarboxylation) into the recognizable compounds such as THC and CBD. Now, let’s move on to the most common plant sources of these phytocannabinoids.
Hemp VS Marijuana: Understanding The Difference
The terms are often used interchangeably. Although marijuana and hemp are both varieties of the Cannabis sativa plant, they are not the same.
Marijuana is usually cultivated as a horticultural crop and has long been thought of as a drug. Hemp, on the other hand, is an agricultural crop and has been used for hundreds of years in various applications such as industrial and household products.
And today’s very popular CBD oil products are also derived from hemp which is grown at an industrial scale, exacting strict specifications to ensure its legality and maximizing the potential healing properties of its cannabinoid profile.
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Legal Talks: Is Cannabis Legal?
That is one complicated question. You see, the legality of cannabis will depend on the plant type in question. For years, federal law has lumped the hemp plant in with other cannabis plants which were outlawed effectively in 1937 under the Marihuana Tax Act then made officially illegal via the Controlled Substances Act of 1970.
The US DEA (the United States Drug Enforcement Agency) has designated the marijuana plant as a Schedule 1 substance. Meaning it has no accepted medical use at the moment and has a high potential for abuse. That definition is still up for debate, but until it occurs at a federal level, then expect that all marijuana products are illegal. Read More: Is CBD Oil Legal In All 50 States All You Need to Know!
Technically, it is against federal law to grow marijuana varieties of the Cannabis sativa plant and to ingest or consume any products made using that plant. However, in recent years, many states have already legalized marijuana at various levels, either for recreational or medical use. AS of the first month of 2019, medical marijuana is legal in 33 states while 10 states allow recreational marijuana.
Then, there’s the hemp plant in which growers can now cultivate legally, because of the 2018 Farm Bill. Also known as industrial hemp, this variety of the cannabis Sativa plant can’t contain over 0.3% of THC so that it won’t make you high.
All hemp and CBD oil products are legal to ship to all 50 states thanks to the lower THC levels. However, take note that individual state laws can actually vary, so make sure to check whether it is legal in your state or not. The fully federally legal products include full-spectrum hemp oil products like tinctures, capsules, edibles, salves, and balms.
The Extraction Process
As you know, all CBD products are extracted from the Cannabis plant, usually the hemp variety, using solvents like CO2. During the extraction process, all the terpenes, cannabinoids, and flavonoids are stripped from the plant and then dissolved in oil in order to make it easier to store and administer.
Depending on the final product’s purpose, companies can decide to use a different cannabinoid spectrum, from various strains. Now, what actually happens with the cannabinoids after the first extraction process determines if the extract is full-spectrum or CBD isolate, or the less common choice broad spectrum.
Each term refers to the degree that the product was processed. In this article, we will only focus on two: full-spectrum hemp oil vs CBD isolate.
Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil Defined
This is the product that most people will find when looking for CBD oil. Full-spectrum hemp oil is an extract containing all compounds found naturally occurring in the Cannabis plant including essential oils, terpenes, and other cannabinoids.
The full spectrum of terpenes, cannabinoids, and essential oils extracted from the plant harmoniously work together to magnify the therapeutic benefits of each cannabinoid. This is commonly known as the “Entourage Effect”. In the past decades, it was believed that CBD in its isolated form was far effective than full-spectrum hemp oil. In 2005, this theory was debunked by the Jerusalem Lautenberg Center for General Tumor Immunology.
In the study, researchers revealed that the test subjects treated with a full spectrum CBD reported a much higher relief, compared to subjects treated with only CBD isolate.
Additionally, the results showed that a full spectrum CBD offered enhanced effects in higher dosages, while CBD isolates maintained consistent effects even with increased dosages.
Full Spectrum Hemp Oil: How Is It Made?
Full-spectrum hemp oil is extracted from the aerial parts of the plant which are the flowers and leaves.
Its production starts with drying the stems, stalks, flowers, and leaves of a fully mature hemp plant. The entire plant is then mashed into a fine powder. Then, using a gentle extraction method, the oil is extracted from the powder.
This process leaves the phytocannabinoids as a whole, ensuring all the potentially-beneficial compounds are delivered in the extracted oil.
Pros and Cons of Full Spectrum Hemp Oil
There are several reasons why full-spectrum hemp oil is the preferable option. For one, it features a full combination of all chemical compounds that makes it a potent solution.
Some of the additional cannabinoids in full spectrum extracts include:
CBDV (Cannabidivarin)
CBG (Cannabigerol)
CBN (Cannabinol)
CBDA (Cannabidiol acid)
CBC (Cannabichromene)
Some of the additional cannabinoids in full spectrum extracts include:
Secondly, it is scientifically proven that cannabidiol works best in synergy with other cannabinoids and terpenes, and partially loses its beneficial properties when isolated. Then there’s the most pleasant benefit: the nice subtle scent of terpenes, which provides full-spectrum hemp oil a better taste and aroma than other extracts. However, terpenes are more than just making your oil smell good.
There are over 200 terpenes in cannabis that also bind to different receptors in your body to offer a wide range of potential health benefits including gastrointestinal issues.
Now, because of the potency and benefits of extracting the entire plant, full-spectrum hemp oils are priced higher than CBD isolate. Plus, it is also more challenging for manufacturers to maintain a consistent ratio, which again increases the overall cost of these oils.
Full Spectrum Hemp Oil: Who Is It For?
Individuals living in states where the use and consumption of Cannabis is legal
Individuals with more severe conditions that CBD isolate can’t alleviate
Individuals who were recommended a specific CBD to THC ratio
Tips When Taking Full Spectrum Hemp Oil
In order to get the best effects from full-spectrum hemp oil, you need to select the correct dosage and potency. If you are new to using these products, then it can take time to find the correct amount you need.
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Low Start
You might be eager to take hemp oil to address a chronic or nagging condition, but make sure that you don’t take too much at first.
You will need to start at the lowest dosage possible and then keeping a journal to track how you are feeling with every application or dose.
Since everybody is different, each individual will have different reactions to hemp oils.
Gradual Increase
If the lowest dosage does not seem to be benefitting you, then you can start increasing it. Since it takes some time for these products to build up and affect your ECS, you can raise the dosage amount gradually.
Take the same dose for a few days before you take a higher dosage.
Try A Different Delivery Method
There are various ways to use, consume, or ingest full-spectrum hemp oil, depending on the desired effects.
Full-spectrum hemp oil is typically found in easy to swallow liquid tinctures applied under your tongue with a medicine dropper for easy measurement. They are also available as capsules. Both of these delivery methods allow you to ingest the oil orally where it enters the digestive system and then metabolized by the liver.
In general, CBD oil under the tongue offers a quicker delivery since the constituents of the oil get to bypass your digestive system and liver metabolization. Instead, the oil is directly absorbed into your system so you can experience the benefits of hemp at a much faster rate.
CDB oil can also be added to your favorite drink or food. It is not only an easy way to use hemp oil, but it can also improve how well you absorb CBD. Fatty acids found in some foods can serve as carriers for the compounds, allowing them to move through your body for quicker processing.
Vaping hemp oil is also a great way to ingest or consume full-spectrum hemp oil. Vaping offers you a lung-friendly method for inhaling cannabinoids, allowing it to be absorbed through the large absorptive surface area of the lung before being diffused into your bloodstream.
Then, there’s also the salves, balms, and lotions with hemp oil as the main ingredient. The active ingredients will never enter your bloodstream but rather absorbed into your skin to interact with cells near the surface of your body. Thus, full-spectrum hemp oil topicals are more focused on outer relief and can provide benefits to the health of your skin.
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Consult a Healthcare Professional
The internet is filled with medical information, some factual and some having no scientific basis. To get real answers, there’s no substitute for actually talking to a healthcare professional.
Whatever problem you hope to ease with cannabinoid, a doctor or other medical professional should be able to tell you the doses to take and the most effective delivery method for you.
Full Spectrum Hemp Oil Potency and Dosage
The potency of hemp oil is categorized into three types. Doctors cannot prescribe full-spectrum hemp oil or other cannabinoids dosage and can only make recommendations based on your symptoms.
Further complicating this issue, there is no universal dosage or recommended daily CBD allowance to act as your guide. There are also different variables including your metabolism, weight, product consistency, and diet that make it even harder to pinpoint the right dose.
This is why recommended that you start with the lowest dosage possible.
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Low Potency: 2.5mg – 15mg per serving
Also called micro-dosing, low doses of hemp oil can be effective for people with active ECS. A small dose every day can be used to maintain a healthy lifestyle and ease health issues.
Medium Potency: 16mg – 33mg per serving
Doubling the low potency dose is effective in most cases. The way your ECS works and the severity of the problem you’re treating will determine how many doses you will need every day.
High Potency: 35mg – 50mg per serving
Research is still underway to see how high-strength doses of hemp oil can be used for various ailments and health problems.
CBD Isolate Defined
Scientifically speaking, an isolate is defined as the purest form of a compound, produced by singularity extracting the said compounds from its environment and completely isolating it from all other compounds.
With that said, a CBD isolate is defined as the purest form of CBD. It is produced by removing all other compounds in the Cannabis plant including flavonoids, terpenes, other cannabinoids, and plant parts.
CBD Isolate: How Is It Made?
In order to get the CBD out of the hemp plant, it will go through an extraction process. From the initial extraction, it must go through a more complex extraction process where several compounds of the hemp plant remain in the extracted oil. The final product is called full spectrum or broad-spectrum hemp oil.
From there, it will again undergo additional processing to remove any residual plant material and the unwanted compounds. After that, the extracted oil goes through a second purification process where any remaining plant material is then filtered out.
After the filtration process, the extracted oil will go through winterization. This process is an alcohol washing,
which involves soaking the CBD extract in alcohol and then freezing it. The process will separate the pure CBD from all other residual products that remain in the CBD oil.
After winterization, the product will undergo several rounds of rotary evaporation to remove any remaining residual material that may still be present in the winterized oil. The extract then undergoes decarboxylation and converted into crystalline powders.
The result? Crystallized pure CBD!
4 Types of CBD Isolate
The versatility of an isolate makes it attractive to CBD users. With isolate, you will find a broad range of products from the pure isolate to a broad variety of products developed with isolate as the star ingredients.
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1) Powder / Crystals
This is the most common form of CBD isolates available on the market. This CBD isolates powder or crystals are created by pulverizing a slab.
2) Slabs
When CBD is processed from a full spectrum extract, the resulting product comes as a slab form. This form is then broken into smaller chunks. IT is preferred by some users since it is easier to vape or dab.
3) Isolate-Based Products
CBD isolate as an ingredient in CBD products is common. Thus, you will find CBD isolate-based products of nearly every type of availability today.
4) Terpsolate
In order to fight the loss of all major cannabis compounds, some companies will often add marijuana or hemp-derived terpenes back into the CBD isolate. The resulting is an aromatic product that also provides additional health benefits thanks to the terpenes.
Pros and Cons of CBD Isolate
One of the main reasons why CBD isolate has become a favorite by some is because of its zero THC.
Although some people think that CBD products do not contain any THC, in most full-spectrum hemp oils, there are still some trace amounts of THC which can be as low as 0.3%.
Although this small THC amount is not enough to make you high, it can show up in your system, which can put you at a disadvantage when undergoing regular drug tests.
CBD isolate is also a great choice for anyone who is sensitive to even the smallest amounts of THC or other cannabinoid compounds. In addition, CBD isolates also have easy-to-measure dosage since there is nothing else to account for aside from the pure crystals.
However, since it only contains, pure CBD compound, CBD isolate can have a weaker effect than full-spectrum hemp oils.
CBD Isolate: Who Is It For?
First-time users who may be hesitant about other cannabinoids
Individuals with sensitivity to other cannabinoids or THC
Individuals who were recommended to take high doses of CBD
Individuals who prefer no flavor or light flavors
Individuals living in states with strict THC laws
Individuals who regularly undergo drug screening tests
Final Thoughts
So there you have it. You should now have a good understanding of the differences between the CBD extract. To summarize it all
Full-spectrum hemp oil contains all compounds found naturally occurring in the hemp plant which includes essential oils, terpenes, and other cannabinoids.
CBD isolate, on the other hand, is the purest form of CBD available.
One type is not better than the other and it will depend on several factors including your medical needs and history, weight, your chemical makeup and so much more.
For some, the pureness and high potency of CBD isolate can do the trick while others can benefit from the all-inclusive effects of full-spectrum hemp oil. Regardless of which you choose, CBD is indeed a vital component in the future of medicine.
Offering dozens of health benefits, CBD has the potential to positively impact the lives of countless people. With consistent research and studies, a healthier and brighter future could be right around the corner.
WE hope that this article proved to be informational and help shed some light on the ever-confusing subject of CBD. Don’t forget to share this article with your friends and families!
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hempoilfrog1 · 4 years
15 Tips on How to Deal With Your Coronavirus Anxiety
It is important to note that everyone reacts differently, feels varying levels of emotional intensity, and copes with stress in unique ways. The following tips are general guidelines that may help you when you are feeling lonely, sad, anxious, or apprehensive about COVID-19 and the future. 
We are in a time of uncertainty. For the vast majority of us, this has us feeling apprehensive and fearful about our daily lives. We wonder when things will get back to normal and what our future will hold for us when we get there. Check Out Here: CTFO 10x PURE Ultimate Multi-Vitamin & Mineral Supplement
As we are urged to physically distance ourselves from one another in the wake of COVID-19, our daily routines, our workplaces, and our methods for coping have become unfathomably disrupted. Coupled with the constant barrage of news, it is only natural to feel overwhelmed, stressed, and anxious.  With this said, we have 15 tips to help you manage both your physical and mental wellbeing during this unprecedented pandemic.
Read More:
15 Tips on How to Deal With Your Coronavirus Anxiety
Top Reasons Why CTFO is One of the Best Affiliate Marketing Programs
Make Money Taking Surveys and Tips for Avoiding Scams
The Ultimate CBD Edibles Guide
How To Make 500 Dollars Fast In Less Than A Week
1) Reach Out & Socially Connect With Loved Ones.
While it is important to keep ourselves physically distanced from everyone but those within your nuclear household, this does not mean that you have to cut off all social interaction. Engaging in complete social isolation is actually going to have a very detrimental impact on your mental health and cause you to view your current situation in a much darker light. Instead, use electronic means to reach out to your friends and family members on a regular basis. For some, this could be every few days and for others, this could be on a daily basis.
Use your smartphone to call your family members,
Use your smartphone to text your friends
Use your smartphone to FaceTime, Skype, or video chat with others.
Use a laptop or desktop to play online games. If video games do not suit your taste, there are other options like virtual card games, pool, and more.
Use a laptop or desktop to watch Netflix, rent movies, or engage in other virtual activities that have a social component to them.
It is important to note that while social media can help you feel connected, this doesn’t give you that one-on-one time that you may need to feel personally cared for. Social media can also suck you into a loop of negativity, so minimizing this and engaging in the above ways, is a better option.
2) Keep Yourself Physically Active.  
How often we choose to exercise can have a direct impact on how good or bad we feel. With the inability to have contact with others, it may feel easier to just stay inside and sit around watching television or movies.
While this is okay in moderation, it can lead to unhealthy behaviors that make you feel worse. Instead, get up and move around the home, jump on the treadmill, or go outside for a walk while maintaining physical distancing measures. Pair this with eating healthy meals and drinking lots of water!
3) Give Yourself Permission to Acknowledge Emotions.
Rather than pushing away the anxiousness, fear, or stress that you are feeling, acknowledge it. We are in an unprecedented situation that has massive negative ramifications for the world, so it is natural to feel a wide range of emotions.
Some of us are missing out on weddings, graduations, and planned trips, while others are praying for loved ones that are immunocompromised.  Understanding why you feel the way you do and then drawing it back to the bigger picture will help keep the situation in perspective.
4) Put Boundaries in Place.  
Due to most countries shifting to only having essential businesses open, a lot of individuals are faced with working-from-home. This new reality can be very difficult when you have a spouse and children in the same space as you, 24-7.
It is important to set up a dedicated workspace and place boundaries around your work hours. Having your family respect your boundaries so that you can be productive during the day, will help you combat the fear surrounding financial matters. For those who may not have a job, you still need an area where you can decompress, relax, and get away from the stress.
You may want to look for a job online, get away from the always-on television, or get some peace and quiet from your family. This is okay. Create a dedicated space for you, so that you can work, recharge, or plan ahead.
5) Use Acceptance to Keep Fear in Check.
Ever think about the worst-case scenario? A lot of us have a tendency to over-catastrophize or overthink our situations. We may find ourselves constantly worried about catching COVID-19 or incessantly checking up on our parents, grandparents, and loved ones because our imagination is stressing us out.  One way to get around this barrage of fearful thinking is to actually engage it.
Take a few minutes to think about what the worst-case scenario is for yourself or your life, acknowledge it, and then let it go. This enables you to become emotionally prepared for the worst without looping you into a negative feedback cycle. How to confine it? Give yourself a limited amount of time.
Read More:
15 Tips on How to Deal With Your Coronavirus Anxiety
Top Reasons Why CTFO is One of the Best Affiliate Marketing Programs
Make Money Taking Surveys and Tips for Avoiding Scams
The Ultimate CBD Edibles Guide
How To Make 500 Dollars Fast In Less Than A Week
6) Have a Routine? Keep It!
One of the major issues that people are currently facing as a result of the coronavirus is not having a sense of normalcy. This lends itself to feeling lost, disorganized, and perhaps a little chaotic since life as we know it is much different than what it was two months ago. To help deal with this, stick to your daily routine as much as you can.
If you regularly work out in the mornings or the evenings, block this time out in your daily schedule and stick with it.
Find a home routine that is engaging, uplifting, and upbeat and pair it with a playlist of all your favorite tracks.
Eat dinner at a specific time in the evening, keep it.
Meal prep on Sundays? Do this!
Take the dog out to park on Thursdays? Maybe simulate this in your backyard.
Most of all, keep your sleep schedule the sam
By taking a look at your daily routine and locking in the components that you can keep the same, you create a sense of normalcy for yourself. This maintains feelings of control, happiness, and predictability.
7) Understand That What You Control Has Limitations.
There is only so much you can do. Read that again. You have the capability to control your situation by practicing physical distancing, washing your hands, and taking precautions when being outside or going to work, but it is also important to practice acceptance.
Acceptance in that you are doing the best that you can give the circumstances you are in and that there is only so much that you have control over and can do, both for yourself and for others. While it may be hard to imagine that this will come to an end, this will pass and, in the meantime, just keeping doing what you are doing. By practicing this type of acceptance, you keep yourself in a calmer frame of mind.
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8) Do Not Engage With Negative Peer Pressure.
A major source of stress and anxiety stems from other people who may choose to ignore health guidelines. They may call you up and ask to come over or they may negatively engage with you in discussions that go against current recommendations. Please understand that engaging with negative peer pressure not only puts you and your family at risk, but it creates a lot of rifts between individuals. If someone asks to come over, simply tell them that you are practicing physical distancing and that, while you would love to see them, you cannot do so at this point in time. If someone engages with you in a negative way with regards to a discussion online or over the phone, stick to the facts and stay positive. End the conversation before getting defensive or political. Remember that everyone is fearful, stressed, and anxious right now which may cause them to act irrationally.
9) Distance Yourself From the News.
One of the things that many of us do in times of emergency, overloads ourselves with information. This is because we like to find solutions and be prepared, but when we have a steady stream of information, this can work against us.
Not only is staying on top of updates by the hour, exhausting, but it can also cause a lot of stress and impact your ability to work, relax, and take care of yourself.  It is highly recommended that you check the news once per day, that being in the morning.
Shut the news off 1-2 hours before bedtime.
Shut the news off and all social media feeds while eating your meals. Why?
Stressful news during mealtimes can cause you to consume more which may have a negative impact on your physical and mental health.
Everything that is urgent or pressing will either be irrelevant the next morning or will be broadcasted in the morning.
10) Re-evaluate the Small, Fun Things & Do More of Them!
A fantastic way to manage our emotions is to engage in activities that brighten our day. Spend some time focusing on your favorite hobbies or pick up something new. For example, if you love reading but rarely get the change, now is a great time to jump into the series that is collecting dust on the bookshelf.
Or, maybe you have an instrument sitting in the corner of the study, pull it out and pass the time with some good tunes. If you want to learn something new, there are plenty of tutorials and online courses that can be found for free or you can attend the numerous live music concerts being broadcasted online.
The trick here is to list out all of the small, fun things that you used to love doing and schedule a time to do them more while you are isolated at home. Not only can this spark inspiration and a new-found love for old hobbies, but it can also bring a lot of joy to your daily routine.
Read More:
15 Tips on How to Deal With Your Coronavirus Anxiety
Top Reasons Why CTFO is One of the Best Affiliate Marketing Programs
Make Money Taking Surveys and Tips for Avoiding Scams
The Ultimate CBD Edibles Guide
How To Make 500 Dollars Fast In Less Than A Week
 11) Take a Day to Become Prepared.
If you have been laid off from work, have become sick, or have to look after your children due to school being out, take some time to prepare yourself for the immediate future. Talk with your employer about getting your record of employment so you can apply for employment insurance, understand if you qualify for sick pay, or see if you qualify for emergency aid. By understanding what benefits you qualify for, you can combat the immediate anxiety you feel about your financial situation.
 12) Choose to Only Consume Information From Reputable News Sources.
While staying informed is critical to your health and wellbeing, it is also important to only consume information from reputable news sources. Acting on inaccurate information can be dangerous, so it is best to take some time to choose the news sources you want to receive updates from. By doing this, you can focus on only the facts and the guidelines that you need to know in order to keep yourself safe.
 13) Consider Setting Yourself Up for Telemedicine.
As much as we would like to have an end-date in mind for this pandemic, the truth is that we just don’t know how long it will take to subside. With this said, if you haven’t done this already, consider setting yourself up for telemedicine services with your doctor.
Telemedicine applications allow you to receive virtual care when you need it without going into your doctor’s office or hospital. Not only does this minimize your exposure to healthcare staff, but it keeps you away from hospitals, emergency departments, and those who are ill.
 14) Reach Out About Your Concerns!
If you find yourself stuck with some major concerns or negative thinking patterns that you cannot break, reach out about your worries with those that you trust. Not only can this help them, but it can help calm you down and see that you are not alone. If reaching out to a family member or friend isn’t a possibility for you, consider reaching out via a helpline instead. They will listen to you without judgment and point you in the right direction.
 15) Slow Yourself Down & Practice Mindfulness or Other Relaxation Techniques.  
It is very important to slow yourself down and pay attention to the present moment. Hearing, understanding, and acknowledging your thoughts, feelings, and the world around you will help you understand yourself better and your current place in the world.
In being mindful, you will understand what drives your emotions and behavior, find new ways to reconnect with your sensations, and become clearly aware of yourself from moment to moment. When you are more aware of yourself within the moment, you have the ability to see your thought patterns and, in turn, learn how to deal with them and let them go in a productive manner.
This awareness can help reduce stress and anxiety. Consider practicing mediation or breathing exercises to aid in this mindfulness pursuit. While there is a lot of fear, uncertainty, and apprehension at this time, there is also an opportunity to reconnect with yourself, your loved ones, and the activities that make you happy on a daily basis.
Take this time to prepare yourself, strengthen your mental resolve, and engage in a lifestyle that is healthy for you. Physical distancing does not have to be dreadful, lonely, or isolating, but instead can be fun, enlightening, and insightful if we can learn to understand and manage our emotions.  
Read More:
15 Tips on How to Deal With Your Coronavirus Anxiety
Top Reasons Why CTFO is One of the Best Affiliate Marketing Programs
Make Money Taking Surveys and Tips for Avoiding Scams
The Ultimate CBD Edibles Guide
How To Make 500 Dollars Fast In Less Than A Week
The post 15 Tips on How to Deal With Your Coronavirus Anxiety appeared first on Sell CBD Oils.
from https://hempoilfrog.com/tips-how-to-deal-with-your-coronavirus-anxiety/
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hempoilfrog1 · 4 years
Top Reasons Why CTFO is One of the Best Affiliate Marketing Programs
The degree in which someone is able to enjoy their life, remain healthy in both their emotional wellness and physical wellbeing, and sustain a level of comfort, contributes greatly to how happy they are. While most of us do pursue a high quality of life, that is we try to stay physically fit, we pursue jobs that provide us an income, and we socialize enough to maintain connections, it still isn’t quite enough.
This is because a lot of us are either stuck working jobs that we dislike or ones that don’t pay enough, suffer from everyday aches and pains, are unable to chase our dreams, or find ourselves unable to take action and/or participate in the life events that come our way.  When we are stuck like this, it can be difficult to understand how to make the change that we need, even though we know that better health and more wealth is the answer. 
This is where Changing Your Future Outcome (CTFO) comes into play for hundreds of thousands of people, as it provides an avenue for individuals to live a pain-free and healthier life, gives individuals the ability to help others, and provides one of the highest paying affiliate programs that is free-to-start and is backed by sustainability.
Free CBD Oil Business
“Hemp CBD Sales Projected To Hit $1 Billion In 3 Years.”
Fantastic product prices
60-day money-back guarantee
Full-spectrum Products
Isolate Products
Organic and grown in the U.S
Packaged in the U.S
Free of herbicides, pesticides, and heavy metals 3rd party lab tested for quality
What Is CTFO All About?
Changing Your Future Outcome, also known as CTFO for short, is a United States based network marketing company that offers affiliate marketing programs or online business opportunities for those who want to get into the cannabis market. 
The company is free-to-join and has a wide range of CBD and non-CBD supplement products for affiliates to sell through their own online website.  All of CTFO’s products come with lab-backed tests, so you know exactly what you are selling to others and you are able to show buyers that the products are reliable, safe, and will do what they are advertised to do.
What Type of Products Do They Offer?
With over 80+ products available to their distributors, the product range is quite massive, yet very affordable. Instead of listing out every single product, we are going to break them up into four main categories for you.
1) They Have CBD Products Aimed at Health.
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In health, the category is products for general wellness. This includes both mental and physical wellness, as you will find products that are for increasing energy levels throughout the day, products for boosting your immune system, products for aiding your digestion system, and even products that help reduce anxiety.
They also have a lot of CBD-infused creams that help reduce general aches and pains, decrease inflammation in the body, and helps reduce stiffness in joints. Other health benefits that come from using the CBD Health Products include cell regeneration, enjoying a sense of serenity, skin hydration, promoting relaxation, and increasing concentration and focus.
2) They Have CBD Products for Anti-Aging
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In the anti-aging category, you will find products for cleaning one’s face, protecting one’s skin from sun damage,  increasing hair regrowth and anti-aging serums. The health benefits of these products include preventing short and long-term sun damage, reducing dark spots, skin aging, and wrinkles, soothe inflammation, provide powerful antioxidants for healthy skin, reduce dry skin, reverse aging by restoring natural elasticity and firmness, and they even have massage oil to soothe aches and pains.
  CTFO also has CBD bath bombs to relieve muscle tension, facial toner to moisturize skin, facial cleansers to deep clean out pores, eye creams to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, body butter for smoothing out dryness, and overnight formulas for accelerating skin regeneration.
3) They Have CBD Products for Nutrition Purposes
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In the nutrition category, you will find products like oral sprays, edibles, capsules, and probiotic protein shakes. With the oral sprays, you have five options all of which are aimed at doing different things. There is a pain relief oral spray that has anti-inflammatory properties,  a weight loss oral spray for boosting nutrient absorption, a focus oral spray to boost concentration, a sleep support oral spray to fight insomnia and promote good sleep, and an anti-stress oral spray for calming the body down and stimulating feelings of relaxation. 
The capsules, on the other hand, are for relieving anxiety, aiding in digestion, reducing nicotine cravings, and inhibiting cancer growth, while the edible gummies are for relieving anxiety, aiding digestion, boosting your immune system, and reducing cravings. The probiotic shake is low-carb and is for weight management. 
4) They Have CBD Products for Pets
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In the pets category, you will find products like CBD-infused shampoo, pet treats, and orals sprays or drops for general wellness.  The treats are for reducing stress and anxiety, the shampoo is to reduce dry skin, irritation, and promote silky fur, while the oral sprays are to help manage your pet’s mood and treat inflammation/joint pain. 
All of CTFO’s CBD-infused products are sourced from cruelty-free, organically grown, American industrial hemp farms. They back up their high-quality CBD statements by only using hemp farms that isolate their CBD through C02 extraction and crystal precipitation. This means that the CBD used in CTFO’s products are pesticide-free, non-GMO, and are presumably of the highest quality possible.
Why is CTFO One of the Best Affiliate Marketing Programs Available?
The nutrition and health industry are a multi-billion-dollar industry that has brands, companies, and numerous multi-level-marketing businesses within it. All of these compete for your attention, your money, and your time, promising to give you access to programs that generate significant wealth and programs that benefit your health.
While there is a lot left to be desired with some of the companies currently on the market, CTFO hits all of the best upsides you could ever want from  affiliate system, and reducing cravings. The probiotic shake is low-carb and is for weight management. 
Why is CTFO One of the Best Affiliate Marketing Programs Available?
The nutrition and health industry are a multi-billion-dollar industry that has brands, companies, and numerous multi-level-marketing businesses within it. All of these compete for your attention, your money, and your time, promising to give you access to programs that generate significant wealth and programs that benefit your health.
While there is a lot left to be desired with some of the companies currently on the market, CTFO hits all of the best upsides you could ever want from affiliate marketing programs.
1) The products are tried, tested, and true
They are high-quality, give actual results, and are sourced from the best hemp available in the United States. When getting into affiliate marketing for beginners, the products you are selling must be of high caliber if you want to make a serious go at creating a sustainable business. CTFO offers this with its organically sourced hemp, non-GMO products, and C02 extraction process. See Here For More
2) Promotional Material is Free & Copyrighted
When you sign up as an affiliate, the starter kit that you get is free of charge and includes tons of digital promotional content. The eCommerce website that you are given is set up for you, is free of charge, and requires no coding or hosting on your end.  Plus, CTFO’s digital content is all copyrighted, so you can go into business knowing that no one else can rip off what you put out there.
3) Their Products Are Extremely Affordable
One of the main issues that individuals run into when trying to sell products as an affiliate is that the product price point is too high for the target market and so they have trouble making sales. CTFO products range anywhere from $24.95 to $120.00 with the average price being in the $49.97 to $79.95 price range. When you take a look at similar products from other affiliate marketing programs, you’re spending quite a lot more; anywhere from $50-200+ more.
Their Compensation Plan is Incredible
CTFO offers affiliates numerous ways to get paid on a weekly basis through uni-level pay, a regenerating matrix, profit sharing positions, infinity bonus pay, and two business builder packs. We will talk more about this compensation plan below in the why start your CBD affiliate program section.
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What Makes CTFO Different Than Other Affiliate Marketing Companies?
While Changing Your Future Outcome is another affiliate marketing company, how it operates and what it’s manufacturing process is like is much, much different than other companies in the industry. Here are 10 reasons behind why CTFO is one of the best affiliate marketing programs and what makes them different, with a major bonus at the end!
1) They Have Organic Products
As we continue to learn about how chemicals in the food processing industry are harmful to our health, it is important to step away from products that contain these chemicals. If you want to take charge of your health and wellbeing, opting to consume organic and non-GMO based products is key. Changing Your Future Outcome uses only organic hemp in their manufacturing process, so there are no chemicals present in the final product iteration.
2) They Are a Certified GMP Company
Changing Your Future Outcome is one of the very few companies that are qualified to stamp all of their products with GMP Certified. This stands for Good Manufacturing Practices and means that their entire production and manufacturing process is monitored and done in GMP certified facilities. This means that they are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration and is why they can say that their products are of the highest and purest quality. What is in the bottle is exactly what is on the label. No fillers and no additives present. When they say that you are getting all-natural ingredients that are non-GMO, you can rest assured that this is true.
3) They Have a 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee
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Changing Your Future Outcome believes wholeheartedly in their products’ quality, purity, and bioavailability and as such, offers a 60-day money-back guarantee. The kicker with this is that it is an “empty bottle” policy, so even if you used the product fully, you can get your money back. There is no risk in trying any of the products from a CTFO distributor because of this money-back guarantee. Plus, two months!? The industry standard is 30-days. Shop Now!
4) They Are Lab Certified & Transparent
All of CTFO’s skincare and beauty products are cruelty-free. No animal testing is done for any of their CBD or non-CBD products. Read More Here
CTFO’s Products Are Full-Spectrum
CTFO offers full-spectrum products that are rich in CBD, CBN, CBG, and CBC. This is because they use pure Phyto-cannabinoid rich hemp oil. This also means that you do not need to refrigerate or shake your products before consumption.
They Have a Patented Delivery System.
Changing Your Future Outcome is the only company to hold a worldwide patented and exclusive delivery system for their hemp products.  The 10XPure delivery system ensures that individuals are getting all the health benefits from their products and that the body is able to utilize these health benefits efficiently. How? By enabling each product to have maximum bioavailability.
Keto-Friendly Products Anyone?
While many people might view the ketogenic diet as another weight-loss fad diet, research, studies, and anecdotal evidence from hundreds of thousands of people illustrate that it works, and it works well. Luckily, Changing Your Future Outcome provides keto-friendly (low-carb) products for those who are being mindful of their carbohydrate intake. CTFO offers an ExtremeShake which is a probiotic protein shake that has 3 grams of net carbs per serving, is GMO, Soy, and Gluten-free. It aids in weight loss, reduces sugar cravings, and supports fat burn.
Their Affiliate Program is Free to Join.
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Unlike other multi-level-marketing affiliate companies, you do not need to buy anything up front. If you want to become an independent associate with the company, the starter package that you receive is free of charge and gives you all of the digital marketing content that you will need to promote your CTFO business.
In addition to this, the eCommerce website you get is free as you do not need to do anything with regards to hosting it or upgrading the site.  You do not need to code the website or learn how to do copywriting. Everything is done for you; all you need to do is share the information. Affiliate marketing for beginners cannot get any simpler than what CTFO offers.
Almost No THC Whatsoever in Their Products! 
If you are worried about getting addicted to the “high” that THC provides, you don’t need to fret with CTFO products. The government guideline is 0.3% or less for products that are advertised with zero THC and all CTFO products come with 0.000% and 0.2% which is way under the guideline.  Read here for more info
Bonus Point
Most MLM’s end up being “scammy” in that all the work you do to bring people into the company ends up making serious profits for those above you while you miss out on most of the compensation.
CTFO does things differently in that all executive leaders have their own income that is built off of commissions like everyone else. This means that they are not salaried by your work; they must earn the dough too! Plus, the company does not have a binary compensation plan, meaning there are no “legs” or “trees” to stand on, so if you become inactive for any reason, you can still earn an income because you DO NOT lose your downline.
Why Start Your Own CTFO CBD Affiliate Network Program for Free?
One of the major reasons why many individuals choose to start up with CTFO and their affiliate program is because of the sustainable income that can be earned. Unlike other MLM companies, CTFO allows you to earn a 20% commission-based income without ever having to buy any products from the company. 
In addition to this, as you grow your downline of customers and other affiliates, if you do become inactive, meaning you do not have a purchase volume, you can still earn. This is fantastic for individuals who need flexibility while building up their business. Beyond this, CTFO is a company that offers realistic and sustainable income and here is how it works.
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Watch The “Get Started FREE Video”
Unilevel Pay
Allows you to earn a 20% commission on all personally enrolled customers and affiliates plus an additional 4% down 4 levels in so long as you are an active associate. The unilevel pay system can be infinitely wide
The regenerating matrixIt is composed of all associates within CTFO and works on a 3×21 structure.  You get this in addition to unilevel pay in so long as you are considered active. It pays out 1% for the first 5 levels, 10% on levels 6 & 7, and 1% on 8-21.
The profit-sharing positions
Work as an extension of the regenerating matrix and instead of placing a 4th person under you (you have max 3), they are placed in a new matrix with you at the top. As this matrix fills up, it gets repeated. These are called profit sharing positions, are free to gain, and payout based on rank.  No requirements need to be met to keep them.
The infinity pay bonus
Its for those who have reached the last 8 available ranks in the business. The bonus amount comes in a percentage form from your entire team’s commission volume and has unlimited depth. This is a 3-5-year plan that lets CTFO associates retire wealthy.  You’re looking at anywhere between 3% plus 1.5%-3.5% unless you’ve hit Top Gun which is plus 8% of the entire company’s commission volume pool.
The business builder pack – Fast Start Pay
The option gives you the opportunity to sell business packs for a fast start bonus.  To qualify for this, you have to buy at least 1 business builder pack (silver, gold, or platinum) and sell 3 to one of your direct members. You can also earn this from someone further down your line across 21 levels. For silver, you earn $25 for packs 1-3 and $100 for 4+. For gold, you earn $50 for packs 1-3 and $200 for 4+. For platinum, you earn $100 for packs 1-3 and $400 for 4+.
The business builder pack – Team Pay
The option allows you to earn bonuses as your team continues to sell business builder packs. Depending on what type of pack you are selling determines the amount earned and how many levels you unlock, with platinum earning the most.
If your team is selling silver business packs, this unlocks 7 levels of team pay, gold unlocks 14, and platinum unlocks 21. To give you an example of what this looks like, the first 7 levels on silver give you an additional $5, gold gives $10, and platinum $20.00. If you have all 21 levels unlocked, you earn an additional total of  $75 for silver, $150 for gold, and $300 for platinum. The power of this? The business builder pack team pay is paid out on ALL packs that are paying out in the business builder fast start pay revenue stream.
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Is CTFO One of the Best Affiliate Marketing Programs for Beginners?
CTFO is definitely one of the best affiliate marketing programs for beginners as 99% of the work is done for you with regards to being given the promotional materials you will need to advertise your business.  Take this plus the free eCommerce website that is ready-made, built for you, and requires no coding or hosting on your end, your business is essentially set up for you.
All you need to do is funnel traffic to your website and sign up as many customers and associates that you can.   There’s no cold calling, no creating lead pages or marketing funnels, and no need to have any purchase volume to start the business. In addition to this, with 6 revenue streams, one of which gives you an initial 20% commission on all orders made by your customers or enrolled associates,  it should be pretty easy to become an active member.
If you do not have the money to make a purchase yourself, save up your 20% commissions from sales and use that to become active and unlock the other 5 revenue streams. What this means for beginners is that you do not need any of your own capital to start this business and you can snowball the income or funnel it back into the business as you grow. This is what makes it a sustainable business.
Beyond this, the product line up is so diverse, quite affordable, and high in quality, that it shouldn’t be too hard to find an interested buyer. Everyone wants to feel good, be healthy, and make money, so CTFO’s affiliate marketing program is definitely an attractive business model for those who want health, wealth, and sustainability.
The post Top Reasons Why CTFO is One of the Best Affiliate Marketing Programs appeared first on Sell CBD Oils.
from https://hempoilfrog.com/affiliate-marketing-programs/
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hempoilfrog1 · 4 years
Make Money Taking Surveys and Tips for Avoiding Scams
Your Opinions Need To Be Heard From Paid Online Surveys.
Hempoilfrog is passionate about finding websites that reward members for sharing their opinions by taking surveys, along with completing other online activities. If you want to make money taking surveys, you cannot fall for the same height that so many other websites offer you. Read Here: How to Make Money Selling CBD oil with Changing the Future Outcome – CTFO: The Ultimate Guide
Paid surveys are an excellent opportunity for people with all different skillsets and schedules all around the world to make some extra money or build a second income from home. In order to find the top paid online surveys, however, you need the type of in-depth information you can find here at PaidSurveys.net.
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Paid online surveys come directly from companies or organizations that want honest information from a variety of people. There are many platforms out there that claim to give you the best lists but fall short when it comes to actually signing up and trying to make money taking surveys. The last thing you want to do is waste your time with nonpaying or suspicious survey sites.
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How can you make money taking surveys?
You make money with paid surveys because the company or organization who wants the data provides compensation for your time and effort. If you qualify for a particular questionnaire or study, you should answer all of the questions honestly to the best of your ability. This provides a high degree of value to the survey creator. Paid online surveys keep paying only if they get the information they want.
You can make money taking surveys by choosing and signing up for reputable companies that attract the survey creators to provide the highest levels of compensation. The process is simple. You answer a few questions to see if you qualify, complete the paid surveys honestly, wait for verification, and then get paid the agreed-upon amount.
How do you get your earnings from paid surveys?
The companies and platforms that offer paid online surveys send you the earnings in a variety of ways. In general, you may either get actual money through a payment processor website like PayPal, an electronic or paper check or earn points that you can trade for gift cards and other valuable prizes. Most of the paid surveys sites have a minimum payout amount you must reach before they send you any money or gift cards.
It is important to understand that not every platform that offers paid online surveys does so to all countries. Of course, most focus on the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia primarily. Others extend to only a few countries in Europe, while others cater to an international community. If you want to get money or any type of compensation from paid surveys, make sure they offer it for the country where you live.
Tips for doing paid online surveys
Paid surveys give a wide variety of people the opportunity to earn money from home. You do not need any fancy equipment, higher education, or any unique skills or knowledge. However, if you want to make as much as possible in the least amount of time, you do need to understand these excellent tips for doing paid surveys on the Internet.
• Sign up to only the most reputable paid surveys websites. • Fill in your information completely and keep it honest. • Double-check to make sure you can make money taking surveys with that company. • Sign up for the newsletter, notifications, or an app to get immediate access to the best. • Do as many paid surveys as you can. • Cash-out as soon as possible after reaching the minimum level.
Tips for avoiding paid surveys scams:
Unfortunately, there are a lot of paid surveys scams on the Internet today. It is far too easy to set up a quick website, create a survey, and claim to pay a large amount of money or hand out gift cards. These illegitimate websites limply want to get your personal information and email address for their own purposes. Some even tried to make you pay them money for the opportunity to earn. This is a serious red flag you should avoid completely.
In order to protect yourself and make money taking surveys online, follow these tips to avoid scams.
• Only sign up at reputable sites with good reviews like those who will find here. • Avoid paid surveys with exceptionally long qualification processes. • Never pay out any money for the opportunity to take a survey. They should pay you. • Do not do paid online surveys with unachievable minimum payouts. • Remember, if something seems too good to be true, it probably is.
We research the web to find the companies that conduct market research themselves or will connect users to survey panels that do at no cost to members.
The sites we research must offer:
Free membership • Simple sign up process • A good user experience • Offer surveys to complete • Offer rewards in the form of cash or redeemable points • Must have a Privacy Policy • Must have a Terms of Service • Must have a way to unsubscribe from mailings • A way to contact support
The last tip on that list is probably the most important. In order to avoid being taken advantage of, you need to use some common sense to determine if a particular website or platform is a good choice. If they promise too much, they are probably lying. No company or organization is going to pay you $100 to fill out a 10-minute survey.
Paid surveys are a great way to earn a little bit of extra income to improve your quality of life, pay down debt, or fund your retirement or other ventures. They are not get-rich-quick schemes. As long as you approach all the paid survey opportunities realistically, you can have a great time adding to your bank account or wallet.
Read more:
Make Money Taking Surveys and Tips for Avoiding Scams
The Ultimate CBD Edibles Guide
How To Make 500 Dollars Fast In Less Than A Week
16 Companies Offering Transcription Jobs From Home
30 Best Late Night Work From Home Jobs Anyone Can Do
Many claims state that you can earn tons of money with paid online surveys, but they do not tell the whole story. Paid surveys can not replace your income completely. However, when you have the best information as you find on this website, you can make money taking surveys that will improve your quality of life. Build a second income in less time than you think and without any special skills or secret formulas.
We strive only to list the best-paid survey sites. We ask site contributors to share their research and personal experiences to help you make an informed decision when signing up with a website where you can earn rewards by becoming a member for free.
The post Make Money Taking Surveys and Tips for Avoiding Scams appeared first on Sell CBD Oils.
from https://hempoilfrog.com/make-money-taking-surveys/
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hempoilfrog1 · 4 years
The Ultimate CBD Edibles Guide
Also known as cannabinoids, CBD refers to hemp content contained in the cannabis plant. Along with other cannabinoids, CBD takes the lion share of the cannabis herb. People can use cannabinoids in various ways when it is extracted from the cannabis herb, but this depends on what it contains. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and CBD are the famous cannabinoids, and each has different effects.
The Difference between THC and CBD
THC edibles differ from CBD edibles in a few ways. First, CBD edibles are legal according to federal law. However, CBD edibles may sometimes contain low traces of THC, but it should not exceed 0.3 percent, which is the required threshold. Contrary, THC is known for its high effect, which people often associate with Cannabis Sativa, a plant species under the family of cannabis plants. Another plant species under this family is hemp. CBD doesn’t induce the body and high mind-altering effects that are associated with THC. Instead, CBD extracts are obtained from the hemp herb, which is legal in many states. You can either vape, take orally, or put CBD topically.
The exciting thing is that CBD doesn’t come with the psychotropic effect that THC is known for. The impact of THC on the mind and body are quite different, and state and federal law prohibits growing in many places. Though a few countries have already legalized the THC aspect for recreational purposes, many states are still yet to approve it.
CBD edibles are associated with energy and mood uplift. Edibles such as CBD cookies and chocolates are known for relieving stress and a variety of ailments. CBD edibles are a viable option for people with chronic conditions, where constant use of pain killers can impact their health negatively. It isn’t associated with the addictive qualities that various pharmaceuticals, such as THC contain, and it can even be used as a remedy for someone addicted to THC. Research has so far found little side effects of CBD edibles, and the benefits of its medicinal purposes are unmatched. In essence, CBD edibles are a natural option to relieve a set of mind and body-altering ailments.
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The Ultimate CBD Edibles Guide
How To Make 500 Dollars Fast In Less Than A Week
16 Companies Offering Transcription Jobs From Home
30 Best Late Night Work From Home Jobs Anyone Can Do
31 Surprising Hobbies That Make You Money
What are the Uses of CBD Edibles?
You can use CBD edibles for various reasons. One way is that it has been used as a remedy to ailments such as inflammation, epilepsy, nerve pain, chronic pain, depression, symptoms of anxiety, and insomnia. Whether it is in the form of edible, vape as an oil, or take it topically as a lotion, CBD can be administered in different ways. CBD edibles are available in a wide range of forms, including cooking oils, baked goods, and gummies. The popularity and rise of CBD continue to grow as people enjoy its benefits.
How Can Someone Enjoy CBD Edibles?
There is a set of different options for administering CBD edibles. It can be taken in the form of baked goods, capsules, pill, oils, or gummies. CBD edibles are safe for humans and pet purposes. Here are a few ways of taking CBD edibles.
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CBD Capsules and Pills
Capsules and pills are similar to taking prescription drugs, and it is a great route to consider if you have no issue with CBD edibles. CBD pills and capsules intake occurs in the same fashion as with capsule and medication vitamins. Just take the tablet or pill orally and give it time for its effects to manifest. Check our shop here for more:
CBD Gummies
Taking CBD in the form of gummies is one of the best ways to enjoy CBD edibles. Plenty of CBD gummies flavors are available, and some are reminiscent of the candy that you grew up enjoying. Buy Now!
CBD Cooing Oil
Not all CBD oils are taken through vaping. Some come in the form of oil, where users can put a few drops in the mouth and consume them orally. Others are in the form of cooking oil, which people can use for cooking sweet dishes and savory.
CBD Edibles for Pets
CBD Oil For Cats
Injecting puppies and kittens with CBD hardly comes to our thoughts. However, recent studies have found that CBD edibles can improve the health of dogs and cats immensely. That’s because animals have the same endocannabinoid system like the one found in humans, and binding it with CBD edibles can help relieve anxiety and pain in animals as well. Pet owners whose dogs have been ailing for a while should consider administering CBD oil to help alleviate the pain and speed up recovery.
CBD Oil For Dogs
Of course, we crave for baked cakes, and CBD cookies come in that form. Get treats such as brownies and cookies to take your CBD experience to another level. Buy Now!
Tips for taking CBD Edibles
Here are a few tricks to keep in mind when taking CBD edibles.
Beginners should start with a low dosage to assess how their bodies will react to it.
Then try to increase the dosage slowly as you monitor your body’s response.
Take time to research the oil or edible that you buy and confirm its potency and purity level. Keep off any CBD that has traces of THC, and shop around to find the best CBD for you.
Give the CBD time to work after having a heavy meal.
How to Choose the Right CBD Product or Edible?
Finding the right CBD edible is all about needs and preferences. It is up to the users to decide how quickly they would want the effects of their edibles to manifest. For example, CBD taken in an edible form can take longer to kick in because it depends on the kind of food and your digestion, but its effects are quicker when it is taken as a pill. It is up to you as well to determine whether you want something with fewer calories and sugary such as cookies and gummies.
Another thing to consider when shopping for CBD is that the dosages of some edibles are higher than others. First, find out about whatever ailment you are trying to alleviate before picking your edibles. Some edibles or dosages work better for anxiety than others, while others are ideal for chronic issues and muscular pain. CBD lotions, Salve, and Cream are other options for taking CBD. You can apply Salve and Cream on a swollen or injured body part for alleviating pain.
Though this is an alternative to utilizing CBD in edibles, capsules, and vaping, it still bears fruits when applied as stipulated. It is an option that users can use daily to alleviate chronic pain and handle stretch marks that are ailing them. Researching the available CBD products and which works the best for you can enable you to make the right decision for whatever CBD product or edible you would want to use.
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The Ultimate CBD Edibles Guide
How To Make 500 Dollars Fast In Less Than A Week
16 Companies Offering Transcription Jobs From Home
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31 Surprising Hobbies That Make You Money
How CBD Edibles Work
You first have to understand how the endocannabinoid system in the human body works to know how the effects of CBD edibles kick in. Also known as ECS, the endocannabinoid system is a biological system within the human body, and it comprises of lipid-based neurotransmitters. Its role is to bind to the receptors of cannabinoids that are scattered throughout the central nervous system.
The endocannabinoid system produces cannabinoids to regulate different aspects of the nervous system as well as inflammation in human beings. It can help regulate ailments, epilepsy, and pain. Cannabinoids occur in our bodies naturally, but boosting our organs with an external cannabinoid from CBD edibles can increase the positive effects within the endocannabinoid system.
The role of the endocannabinoid system isn’t only to respond to internal cannabinoids, but the external cannabinoids as well. Response to external cannabinoids that come in the form of CBD edibles can help mediate inflammation and chronic pain. Science and different studies back up the benefits of CBD edibles, and it is one of the few available natural remedies.
Edibles vs. Vaping CBD
CBD products are also available for use in vaporizers, but that depends on personal preferences. Some people prefer smoking while others use to take their CBD products in vape pens. Others may want to control their CBD intake by smoking instead of taking in the form of edibles. Taking CBD products in vape pens allows the effects to hit in a little quicker than taking them in the form of edibles. Vaping is a viable option for someone who would not want to wait for minutes or hours for the effects of CBD to kick in after eating. However, both edibles and vaping are discreet in a way, and the CBD will have the same results as long as the dosage remains the same
Incredible Benefits of CBD Edibles
Long-Lasting Relief
CBD edibles have several benefits over gummies and CBD inhaled with vape pens. It can take a while for CBD edibles to take effect, but the results can last longer than vaping or smoking. CBD edibles combine the active compound of cannabinoids with other foodstuffs for better results. The digestive system releases CBD slowly as digestion takes place. The results might take longer to manifest, but they are long-lasting.
Non-Psychotropic Effects
Of course, CBD is a compound of the cannabis sativa plant, but many people are surprised to find out that its psychotropic effects aren’t as high as THC. Instead, it offers users a sense of alerted energy and mellow mood uplift. Given its long-lasting nature, cookies and brownies infused with CBD can provide prolonged relief from everyday stressors and mild pains. It is an excellent option for anyone who would want to enjoy the effects of cannabis without any side effects.
Easy to Make
Though some prefer making infused cooking oils and cannabutter, CBD edibles such as brownies and cookies are simple to make. You can even add CBD extracts to baked and cooked foods for an antioxidant boost. However, note that the effects of isolated CBD are less effective compared to the cannabis plant. You can now find CBD crystals made with isolated and purified CBD online and in access points. CBD edibles are easy to dose and can give a user more control over their CBD intake.
Less Risk of Lung Irritation
Vape pens have become popular than ever, but their long-term implication is still yet to be determined. Thinning agents such as polyethylene and propylene glycol are also present in many vape pens. Research suggests that heating these thinning agents to temperatures above 224℃ can produce toxic carcinogens. Vape pens that don’t contain these thinning agents are available, but CBD edibles are an excellent option to avoid poisonous compounds.
General Remedy
Researchers suggest that care physicians can use CBD in medicine. Several CBD-infused drugs have already proved successful in treating ailments, epilepsy, and pain in clinical trials. CBD doesn’t benefit people with chronic conditions only, but anyone else who consumes it as well. However, it may not work well for people with ailments related to first-aid. Research has found that some CBD edibles work the same as over-the-counter remedies, and their side effects aren’t as harsh as some of the pharmaceutical drugs.
Some CBD forms are impractical or cumbersome. You could be using a large vape pen, and pulling it out in public may sometimes not be convenient. People who would want to boost their focus during the workday or relieve pain during a long flight can consider bringing with them a CBD gummy.
Available Online
Online availability is another benefit of CBD edibles. Though regulations on CBD products are a little strict, online CBD vendors across the United States can sell their products online and ship them anywhere. You can also find CBD products in a handful of European nations. Those edibles that are sold online are derived from the hemp plant. People often refer to cannabis when discussing a variety of plants that can produce THC. Shop Now!
The hemp plant was used for seed and fiber, but it is now being applied to low-THC and high-CBD cannabis cultivars. Any cannabis with as low as 0.3 percent THC, which is the required threshold is considered hemp in the United States. Hemp products sold online contain less than 0.3 percent THC.
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The Ultimate CBD Edibles Guide
How To Make 500 Dollars Fast In Less Than A Week
16 Companies Offering Transcription Jobs From Home
30 Best Late Night Work From Home Jobs Anyone Can Do
31 Surprising Hobbies That Make You Money
The post The Ultimate CBD Edibles Guide appeared first on Sell CBD Oils.
from https://hempoilfrog.com/cbd-edibles-guide/
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hempoilfrog1 · 4 years
How To Make 500 Dollars Fast In Less Than A Week
The cost of living is constantly on the rise. And our paychecks seem to never be enough to cover all bills. Then someone gets sick. Or your car breaks down. Or you get invited to 7 parties in one month. While you probably have an emergency fund for that, even that can be depleted. So, when your through to the last penny, how can you make money? Perhaps 500 dollars really fast!
Wait, what?
500 dollars in less than a week?
Yep, making 500 dollars is easier than you think. There are methods that require little to no work and you should be able to earn it as a teenager. What’s more is that the ways listed below can help you generate quick cash not just for today but for months, once you put in the extra work.
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How To Make 500 Dollars Fast In Less Than A Week
16 Companies Offering Transcription Jobs From Home
30 Best Late Night Work From Home Jobs Anyone Can Do
31 Surprising Hobbies That Make You Money
15 High Paying Online Jobs From Home -Over $45,000/Yr
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20 Ways To Make 500 Dollars Fast
1) Take Surveys
Probably the easiest way to earn 500 dollars fast is by taking surveys. Most of us spend a huge amount of time strolling about on our phones and doing random stuff online.
So, why not get paid instead?
Survey sites such as SurveyJunkie, InboxDollars, and Swagbucks allow you to answer a few questions and get paid. The more surveys you complete, the more money you can make. It will not make you rich, but it is a simple way to make some nice cash. Completing a survey can take at least 5 minutes each and you can earn from $0.50 – $10. Plus, there is no cost to be a member or join and you get paid when you do the work. These sites will pay you through PayPal which is easily accessible and super convenient.
Our Nr1 Recommendation:
Swagbucks Get paid by answering online surveys, and games, and shopping through this portal. Good referrals will also earn some good cash for free at Swagbucks. Don’t miss your $10 signup bonus here.
Swagbucks member benefits:
Create an account (100% free) in less than a minute
Earn free cards when you answer surveys
Be rewarded with free gift cards when you watch movie trailers and more!
Get free gift cards and cashback when trying special offers
Receive 10% of your referrals earnings
2) Dropshipping
Dropshipping is where you become a middleman— selling a manufacturer’s product to a customer, but the supplier stores, packages, ships and delivers the product to the customers. With DropshippingMart, you have access to millions of products that you can add to your store without having to worry about the hassle of logistics, inventory management, shipping, and delivery.
It is probably not the quickest way to earn 500 dollars, but once you build your dropshipping business, you will be able to earn a nice flow of more than 500 dollars. Read Here: How To Start A Drop Shipping Business With Little Cash
3) Reselling Digital Services
If you need aside hustle that pays well, then nothing beats the digital services nowadays. More and more businesses are looking for services for web design, social media, SEO, graphic design, digital marketing, virtual assistants, app design and video production. And even if you do not have the skills to do these, you can always be a reseller. You buy these digital services and then resell them to businesses in order to gain profit. Reselling business is a great way to earn some quick cash, especially if you are already working in the digital service industry. Read Here: Reselling Business: How to Make Money Reselling Digital Services
4) CBD Oil Business (Trending)
With the Hemp Farming Bill passed, the hemp industry is definitely booming. And it has become a lucrative business, even for the new entrepreneurs or for some looking to make some extra cash.
So, how can you profit in this industry?
Becoming a reseller is probably the easiest way to get started in the CBD business. By making a small business and purchasing products from a wholesale vendor, you can make profits by marking up the products that you sell.
You can also grow hemp, yourself. Without the farmers growing the hemp, would CBD even exist? So, if you have a green thumb, then you can try growing this plant and sell it to manufacturers. Another way is to promote CBD affiliate products and earn a commission for selling these products. You can even create a YouTube Channel about CBD, reviewing products, talking about its benefits, seminars and just about any topic about CBD. Read Here: How to Start Your Own CBD Business Without Any Sales Experience
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Read Full Review Here
5) Review Websites
Did you know that when you review websites, you can earn cash? Websites like UserTesting believes that great customer experience always starts with human insight. Thus, they allow users to sign up to test, review and provide feedback on various websites, In addition, bigger sites like eBay, Adobe and even Facebook have partnered with UserTesting, utilizing the service of “testers” to gain feedback and improve their websites. Here, you can get paid for $10 for every website review.
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How You Can Make Money Online With CTFO CBD Oil Business
Top 8 Reasons Why CTFO is One of the Fastest Growing MLM Companies
Find Out How CTFO Can be the Secret to Your Online Success
Set Your Own Schedule by Starting Your CTFO Business
How to Start Your Own CBD Business Without Any Sales Experience
6) Apply For A New Credit Card
Earn a fast $500 by applying for a new credit card. Most credit cards have sign-up bonuses where you’re rewarded with cash and points upfront.
This option works best only if you know that you have an upcoming big purchase. This is because most of these credit cards allow you to have access to these cash rewards after spending a certain amount.
Some of the best credit cards with initial sign-up bonuses and rewards are:
Chase Freedom: $150
Capital One Quicksilver Cash Rewards Credit Card: $150
Wells Fargo Cash Wise Visa Card: $200
Bank of America Cash Rewards Credit Card: $200
Wells Fargo Propel American Express Card: $300 cash redemption value or 30,000 points
Ink Business Unlimited Credit Card: $500
Chase Sapphire Preferred Card: $750 toward travel or 60,000 points
Just remember to manage your finances properly and always payback in a timely manner once you have a credit card so you do not have to die from paying high-interest fees!
7) Become A Driver
If you own a car, then becoming a driver is another option to earn some extra cash. Uber and Lyftare nice options to get you started. These apps work by paying the drivers a percentage of the fee that is charged to customers. Additionally, drivers can also earn more tips.
Becoming a driver is a nice option since you will be able to choose the days you want to work and the jobs that you want. Money earned can vary from city to city, but it ranges from $8.55 – $11.77 after expenses. You can increase your earnings by taking in more jobs and taking advantage of the peak hours. The extra jobs can add up fast and allow you to earn an extra 500 dollars in no time!
8) Do Deliveries
Another great choice to make money if your own vehicle is to do some deliveries. You can sign up through sites such as Amazon Flex that allows you to have flexible working hours and pays you $18 – $25 an hour for deliveries. Other websites to look for are Postmates, Uber Eats, Seamless, and Instacart.
9) Rent Out A Spare Room
Renting out your spare rooms can help you earn a quick 500 dollars. Sometimes, however, it is not always easy to get tenants. In order to make the process easier, you can just list your spare room on Airbnb and start diversifying your source of income. Once you have a tenant, you can start making for more than $2,000 per month in some cases. Check the other listings in your area to see your potential income and make a listing of your own.
10) Blogging
Probably one of the most profitable jobs online, with some determination and hard work, you can make a 6-figure extra income from blogging. However, it is not a get a rich quick job. You will be putting a lot of effort, time and patience to make it work. However, once you do, it is worthwhile. Once you get the hang of blogging, you won’t have to worry about making 500 dollars in an instant, because you’ll be making more than that.
Read More:
How You Can Make Money Online With CTFO CBD Oil Business
Top 8 Reasons Why CTFO is One of the Fastest Growing MLM Companies
Find Out How CTFO Can be the Secret to Your Online Success
Set Your Own Schedule by Starting Your CTFO Business
How to Start Your Own CBD Business Without Any Sales Experience
11) Playing Trivia
Do you like playing games or enjoy trivia questions? If so, then you’ll be glad to know that you can earn fast 500 dollars with this. If you ever saw the TV Show Cash Can, this is like it and you can earn big bucks for every answer. And the best part? You can simply Google the answers you don’t know.
12) Sell Photos Online
If you are a budding photographer or just love taking pictures on your phone, then you can make money by selling your photos online. You can get paid a lot depending on the quality and type of photo that you have. This is a real passive income since you can work with some stock photo websites. You can just upload your photo once and get paid every time someone downloads it. You can check out Pinterest to see the most common images are and recreate something similar. To get started with selling photos online, check out Deposit Photos.
13) Teach Kids
You can make money by teaching kids in Korea and China on how to speak English. Websites like VIPKIDS helps connect kids and teachers. The platform has already over 70,000 teachers and more than 600,000 students. You can earn up to $22 an hour and you get to pick your own schedule.
14) Get Free Money With The Nielsen App
The Nielsen app allows you to earn money by just using the Internet. And I bet you use the internet every day. So, that’s all there is to it. You get paid in doing something that you do anyway. No extra time, no extra jobs. Just register your computer or phone and start making some money. You can earn at least $100 just by doing nothing and that’s passive income at its finest.
15) Rent Out Your Car
If becoming a driver is not an option but you have a vehicle, then you can try renting it out. This can be done on weekends or holidays or anytime that you will not be using the car. This might be a bit of a sacrifice on your end, however, most times making extra income requires a small price to pay.
If you have plans, for instance, a trip out of town and do not involve the use of your car, then think about renting it out and earn extra. You can try Getaround, an app that connects people with you and everything from scheduling, booking and exchanging of keys is done through the app.
Read More:
How You Can Make Money Online With CTFO CBD Oil Business
Top 8 Reasons Why CTFO is One of the Fastest Growing MLM Companies
Find Out How CTFO Can be the Secret to Your Online Success
Set Your Own Schedule by Starting Your CTFO Business
How to Start Your Own CBD Business Without Any Sales Experience
16) Use The Rover App
For pet lovers, the Rover App can help you earn that much-needed extra cash. It connects you with pet owners looking for people to walk their pets and pet-sitting. What’s even awesome about this app is that you also get to set your own rates and fees for watching pets. If you don’t know how much you should charge, you can check out the rates of other dog walkers and pet-sitters in your city or town. Rates can range from $10 – $100 per day, depending on the required tasks.
17) Lose Weight
Yes, you read it right! You can get paid to lose some weight. Sites like HealthyWage allow you to earn money while losing weight.
It works like this:
You bet money on how much weight you can lose. How much you get paid will depend on how much weight you lose and how much you bet. And there are several options you can choose from including getting your friends together for a team weight loss challenge, making a personal weight loss bet or competing at a corporate wellness program.
18) Read Emails
Vindale Research allows you to get paid by opening emails. The app will pay you for doing various tasks online, however, opening promotional emails is the easiest one there is. Read Here: Vindale Research Review – Legit Paid Survey Site or Just a Scam?
19) Open A New Checking Account
You can earn an extra $150 by just opening a new checking account with Chase. Having an extra checking account not only helps with organizing your finances and with money management, but it also helps have quick cash.
20) Free Stock On Robinhood
With less than 5 minutes of work, you should be able to earn free and random stock with a value ranging from $2.50 – $200. You just need to sign up at the Robinhood app, receive your stock and wait for 3 days to sell it and cash out.
Read More:
How To Make 500 Dollars Fast In Less Than A Week
16 Companies Offering Transcription Jobs From Home
30 Best Late Night Work From Home Jobs Anyone Can Do
31 Surprising Hobbies That Make You Money
15 High Paying Online Jobs From Home -Over $45,000/Yr
The post How To Make 500 Dollars Fast In Less Than A Week appeared first on Sell CBD Oils.
from https://hempoilfrog.com/how-to-make-500-dollars-fast/
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hempoilfrog1 · 4 years
16 Companies Offering Transcription Jobs From Home
Got a job, but the pay seems not enough? Looking for some ways on how to earn some extra money? Thinking about using some of your free time to earn some? Well, here is a small solution for you— home-based transcription jobs. It is a form of job where you can earn money, sitting (or even lying on your bed) at home with some knowledge of hearing and typing what you hear on-screen. With easy comfort of your laptop or computer with an active internet and sharp ears and brain. If you’re interested in hight paying online jobs then here are a few companies that can give you home-based transcription jobs.
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16 Companies Offering Transcription Jobs From Home
30 Best Late Night Work From Home Jobs Anyone Can Do
31 Surprising Hobbies That Make You Money
15 High Paying Online Jobs From Home -Over $45,000/Yr
15 Legit Companies to Find House Sitting Jobs
1) Quicktate
Probably one of the best legal companies offering home-based transcription works to freelancers who like to make some money. The payment from the organization is made via PayPal every first working day of the week.
Working at Quicktate is relatively easy and convenient since there are no time limits for the work you want to do, but the pay is a bit low compared to others. You get paid from $7 – $10 an hour or equivalent to $0.00025 – $0.005 a word. Be a Quicktate transcriber now.
2) AccuTran Global
AccuTran encourages every person who’s searching for home-based transcription jobs since they deal with many streams of transcription. In order to join, there’s a simple test you need to take. Once you passed the test, you can start earning.
AccuTran Global gives monthly payout via Wire transfers or Check every 15th of the month. Their pay rate ranges from $0.005 – $0.0066 per word for the beginners. Be an AccuTran Global transcriber now.
3) Verballnk
Another great company offering home-based transcription jobs, Verballnk is for the more professional or experienced individuals. Unfortunately, the company only hires people who are based in the US and there’s also a really hard test you need to pass for you to be qualified. For this company, you will be using a headset and a foot pedal.
The company also requires a detailed resume plus a cover letter. If they see that the applicant is eligible, then they would hire them with an immediate job. You also need to state clearly the work hours you can give to the company, There are no particular hours to be done, however, your suggested time should be filled up to meet the deadline.
Being a stricter company, Verballnk does pay a bit higher than most transcription companies for the beginners. So, it’s safe to say that the toughness to enter is worth it. Payout with Verballnk is through PayPal every Fortnight and pay rate can be $5 – $8 an hour or equivalent to $0.00025 – $0.005 per word. Be a Verballnk transcriber now.
4) AppenScribe
Appenscribe is a company that looks for those with fluency in several languages. In order to have a clear earning with this company, you will need to have an account and needs to get through 2 small different levels. As mentioned before, fluency in multiple languages is preferred, however, they also accept those with single language fluency, allowing you to earn some good money. Later, you will have an option to choose the various languages you can understand after getting selected through the two test levels.
Appenscribe not only offers transcription jobs, but also other fields such as web search evaluation, linguistics, translation and more. So, this could help individuals with other qualifications instead of writing only. If you’re someone who’s good at analyzing content and meaning of something, then you can try linguistic. Or if you have the skill to write an audio file in several languages, then you can try translation. In short, the company gives more individuality than some. Pay rate here ranges from $2 – $10 an hour and payout via Skrill or PayPal every Fortnight. Be an AppenScribe transcriber now
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5) Rev.com
Rev.com is another company that offers home-based transcription jobs to individuals with the eligibility of their hearing and typing skills. You will need to apply for the job online and complete a test in their particular software. After that, you will need to send the document to the company.
An email of results will be sent after 5 working days. If you passed the test, you’ll have a job offer. Otherwise, you’ll be asked to try again after 45 days. So, you will have a second chance of attending the test for their home-based transcription job. They only pay you via PayPal and have a pay rate as low as $3 up to $25 an hour. Be a Rev.com transcriber now.
6) Scribie
Used to be known as Call Graph, Scribie is another great choice. To join Scribie, you need to apply. Once your application is approved, you should receive an email that notifies you of the same. You will be put on the waiting list for the test. Their test can take only 3 – 6 minutes long. If you fail it, you can retake it for at least 10 times. Unlike other transcription companies, Scribie pays you to transcribe these very test files.
Their audio files are short, suitable for beginners and your given 2 hours to transcribe a 6–minute file. Their pay rate ranges between $5 and $20 an audio hour and pays through PayPal every Monday. Also, if you transcribe over 3 hours of transcription in a month, you will have a bonus of $5. Be a Scribie transcriber now.
7) Tigerfish
Probably one of the companies that offer the highest quality of works, Tigerfish is a flexible and friendly company offering home-based transcription jobs. Like the others, it requires you to pass a test and an application needs to be sent through mail only. Receptions will not answer any calls regarding your application.
The work here is progressive and the project itself can take weeks. So, this is better suited for the people who have a lot of free time and can take a handful of jobs. Payout is via PayPal every Fortnight and the pay rate is up to 5 – 7 cents per line. Be a Tigerfish transcriber now.
8) Transcription Hub
With this company, you do not have to be experienced in order to start with them. However, you’ll need to take an entry-level assessment. Your score will then determine the level of pay and work that you will receive. You can either be a Bronze, Silver or Gold worker. After passing the test, you also need to estimate the amount of work you can handle a week. Payment is once a month via PayPal, mailed check or direct deposit. Be a Transcription Hub transcriber now.
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9) CastingWords
Yet again a reputable company that hires people for transcription jobs, CastingWords is one of the most diverse organizations out there. It features a FAQ segment on their site, advising a really long list of the different countries they hire. The pay rate depends on the quality of the media file. The poorer the quality you can transcribe, the more you’ll be paid. Typically, payment here is up to $0.30 – $1 a minute of an audio file. You can payout via PayPal every Friday. Be a CastingWords transcriber now.
10) British Creek Communication
This one is for the more experienced individuals and for those looking for full-time since British Creek Communication deals with a massive stream of transcriptions jobs from Immigration, Veterans Affairs, and Corporates and Social Security clients. Although they are ready to hire just about anybody. Like any other, they have a test you need to pass and will offer you a job through email. The company is quite strict on the application process and made it clear on their website that you need to send them all requirement via mail.
After that, they will decide whether you’re eligible or not. Their working hours should be specific enough. The payment should be made via the files you wish to transcribe. The tougher the file is the higher your payment. Pay rate ranges from $7 – $10 an hour or the equivalent of $0.00025 – $ 0.005 per word which you can receive through PayPal every fortnight. Be a British Creek Communication transcriber now.
11) Speakwrite
You should be able to earn up to $3,000 per month with Speakwrite. If you have the experience and from the US or Canada, you should be able to start immediately as a contractor for them. This company deals with various sectors such as the government, law enforcement, and other private sectors. Pay here can go from ½ cents per work for the beginners to at least $12 an hour for the more experienced transcribers. Be a SpeakWrite transcriber now.
12) GMR  Transcription
The motto of this company is: “Transcribe Better, Earn Better”. Their pay range can go from $1,000 to $3,000 a month based on your transcribing skills. The difference in the amount depends on the difficulty of your tasks while the time limit remains the same.
To attend a test, there are certain rules you need to follow. All processes will be mailed to you and that you need to go through every line in order to make sure to follow their terms. Then, you will have to download an audio file they sent to you, transcribing it and sending it to the same email address. Pay here can be $10 – $14 per audio file. Be a GMRTranscription transcriber now.
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13) Ubiqus
Ubisqus mainly look for English accent individuals or UK-based workers. However, they also encourage all kinds of people all over the world with good writing and hearing skills since they offer a variety of voice transcription. The company also ensures to provide the most basic verbatim transcript of any meeting. And they only hire those with accurate, fast and attentive skills. The company also have a set of procedure to follow when applying and working. Pay rate can start from $0.0058 – $0.0065 per word and payout via Work Market every fortnight. Be an Ubisqus transcriber now.
14) CrowdSurf
The company encourages any individuals with or without experience to apply for their transcription job. Unlike other companies, CrowdSurf offers basic training and supports you to get started to be a home-based transcriber. CrowdSurf offers 3 steps to get enrolled. First, you will need to signup, join the company and start working. The payment and hiring procedures will all be made through the work market every Monday and you can earn 5 -7 cents per line. Be a CrowdSurf transcriber now.
15) 3PlayMedia
A computer software and technology firm, 3PlayMedia offers captioning, transcription, subtitling, account systems, translation, and processing services. It seeks to make a more accessible platform for people globally. They also offer an interactive transcript, video clipping, archive search, clip-maker features, and video SEO. The company pays you for your hard work and requires 99 percent accuracy. Even the most complex content or the poorest audio file will require good accuracy and offer you bigger pay. 3PlayMedia offers at least 3 -7 cents per line with payout via Skrill or PayPal every Monday. Be a 3PlayMedia transcriber now.
16) Daily Transcription
If you prefer mail conversations instead of the telephonic ones, then this company gives you just that. The pay range here is comparatively less than the others. To get hired, you need to pass through their transcription test. Once you passed, you need to specify your working hours and strictly follow them. If you need to change your schedule, you’ll have to inform them immediately. Daily transcription pays up to 75 cents a minute of an audio file and pays you via Work Market or PayPal every Monday. Be a Daily Transcription transcriber now.
Ready To Be A Transcriber?
So, there you have it! You have 16 legitimate options to choose from and try a home-based transcription job. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced transcriber, these companies should help you earn an extra income. We hope this list helped you find the best company you can work with and add some extra bucks to your account monthly.  
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