#(hell sometimes I still want to send them anons because they still intimidate me)
thelioncourts · 4 months
if people used anon the way it was intended -- sending notes of adoration to people that intimidate you -- then half of our problems would be solved
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dragondemoness · 2 years
Hi it's 🌼 Anon! I was wondering if I could have Akane, Ryoma, Mondo, Chihiro, ultimate imposter, and Nekomaru with a S/O thats like Komi from Komi can't Communicate? I've started watching it and I'm on the third episode 😊. I really like it so far! I was spoiled by my friend but I don't mind spoilers tbh
Komi is super popular for someone with severe socal anxiety. Both girls and boys are in love with her to the point that one of her classmates kidnaps her first friend and they find him in a closet. The girl has photos of her everywhere 💀 super creepy as hell tbh. She even eats a peice of her hair- 😭.
But in the first episode or the second, the main character says he'll help Komi complete her dream of having 100 friends despite her socal anxiety. And the main character realizes that Komi may come off as intimidating but she just has a very hard time communicating with people. She has these super cute hiccups 🥺 and she has almond shape eyes that are purple 😍 (she's hella pretty) in one of the episodes I watched, Najime (everyone in the animes childhood friend) sends her to get a drink from a cafe and she makes it there but because she's too nervous to talk, the barista(?) Gives her the wrong drink and she just takes it because she can't say it's the wrong order 😭. Then she starts tearing up when they take it out of the bag and it's the wrong one 💀 (the main character uses they/them pronouns for Najime so I'm doing the same lol)
Sorry if that's super long I really like it 😭 I wanna cosplay her so bad but I need money 😡
Hope your day is going good!
Hello 🌼 anon! I am so sorry this took forever, but I do hope you enjoy this!
Akane, Ryoma, Mondo, Chihiro, Ultimate Impostor and Nekomaru with an S/O Who’s Like Komi Shouko (Komi Can’t Communicate)
Akane Owari
She finds it cool how you’re so popular, despite your social anxiety
She is a little concerned about how everyone is in love with you, but as long as they don’t do anything weird, she isn’t too bothered about it
News flash: Someone did something weird!
She found you terrified because your friend was locked in a closet, and someone eats a piece of your damn hair-?
Yeah no, Akane is done
She knocks the mothereffers out and sends ‘em straight to jail
Damn Komi’s a player
Now she keeps a close eye on anyone who gets too close to you
She finds your 100 friends goal to be a little weird, but she’ll help you achieve it if you want
When it comes to your social anxiety, she doesn’t mind helping you, but she does want to help you step out of your comfort zone
She’ll push you a little on some occasion, but not too much
It’s only because she loves you, after all
When you came back from the coffee shop, teary-eyed because the barista gave you the wrong order and you couldn’t say it was wrong
She did comfort you, but she really wants you to work on it
But she still loves you all the same, don’t worry
Ryoma Hoshi
So you’re popular, cool
He’s honestly impressed you’re so popular despite your social anxiety
He also wants you to step out of your comfort zone, but he’s alright with helping you
He doesn’t always have a lot of patience though
It’s a little uncomfortable that so many girls and boys are in love with you, but he can tolerate it as long as they’re not creepy about it
Well, until they are
Then he’s sending them straight to jail
It pissed him off, honestly 
He also finds your goal to be weird, and he’ll try to help you, but he can’t promise to do a good job
Like I said before, he really wants you to step out of your comfort zone
Sometimes, he’ll straight up not help you to encourage you to talk to people
My dad’s done that to me before
Sometimes it does more harm than good
But he’s doing it out of love
The day of the “coffee shop incident,” he was a little irritated that you couldn’t tell the barista your order was wrong
But he understands it’s not easy for everyone
He still loves you all the same
Mondo Owada
You’re popular, which is cool I guess
He feels like being popular would get exhausting and annoying, but you do you
About your social anxiety, he doesn’t have any issues with it, but he also wants to push you out of your comfort zone a little bit
I feel like almost everyone would, honestly
Like Ryoma, he also doesn’t have the most patience
But anyway
He’s not a fan of so many people being in love with you, but he can tolerate it as long as they’re not weird
But then they are
He won’t hurt them if it’s a girl, but he’s still gonna get their ass arrested
He’s never gonna let that happen again
When they coffee shop incident happened, he found it a little silly, but understands it takes time
And he’ll help you however he can
Chihiro Fujisaki
He thinks you’re really cool and pretty
He wouldn’t want to be popular himself, but he loves that you are
If you enjoy it, of course
He gets a little insecure sometimes, what with having boys and girls in love with you
Makes him wonder if he’s enough for you
But you assure him that he is, and it makes him smile and hug you
But the day you had that incident with your friend and an obsessed weirdo, he was horrified
Was literally tearing up and clinging onto you
Now he has Mondo keep the creepos away from you
But anyway
He’s pretty shy himself, so he understands your struggles with talking to people
He doesn’t have social anxiety per se, but it can be difficult sometimes
He will help you the best he can though
On the day of the coffee shop incident, he just felt so bad for you
He’s had wrong orders before, but was often too shy to ask for a change
So he just held you and comforted you
He really does want to help you, because he understands how hard it can be
He just loves you so much~
Ultimate Impostor
He’s a little jealous of your popularity honestly
Due to his talent, he’s not the most popular person out there
But he’s not too bothered by it
Your social anxiety is a little frustrating though
He’ll do his best to help, but he wants to push you sometimes
For the most part, he doesn’t mind that so many people are in love with you
He does get a little self-conscious, but as long as you still love him, he can tolerate it
Except for the “friend-in-closet” incident, which pissed him the eff off
He had them arrested, and vowed to never let that happen again
Now like we said, he can get a little frustrated with your social anxiety sometimes
Like the coffee shop incident, but he didn’t get too angry about it
It can be hard, but he does want to help you
Even if he pushes you, it’s only because he loves you
Nekomaru Nidai
He thinks it’s cool that you’re popular
It did surprise him that you had social anxiety, but it doesn’t bother him
He doesn’t mind helping you, and he has much more patience than Mondo or the Impostor
He does push you sometimes, but he is gentler about it
He doesn’t mind that people are in love with you, as long as they don’t try anything
When they do, he is not happy
He’s not throwing hands, but he is throwing them in jail
Never gonna let that happen again
After the coffee shop incident, he couldn’t even be upset with you
It just made him want to help you even more
Because he loves you
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roosterforme · 9 months
okay, so... Emily... i don't interact with you as much as i'd like bc you intimidate me (in the best way. you're like, too cool), and sometimes i do it on anon, but today is the last straw. you get familiar-me because i like you a lot, and i'm fucking finished with these anons.
this last chapter of AEOY (is that it? i'm terrible with acronyms, i'm so sorry)... Roo and Baby Girl... Chapter 9. you know what i mean... THAT chapter was a lot on my heart. but it's autobiographically-tinged fiction (i know that, and i love you) and these little BITCHES need to take SEVERAL seats and calm THE FUCK down. i'm single as hell, but i can't tell you what i'd give to be in a relationship where we loved each other so much that we just wanted to show each other how much we love each other. SEX IS OKAY. SEX IS GOOD. AND IT'S PART OF (most) RELATIONSHIPS (i'm trying to be aro/ace inclusive, i swear). so if you don't like Roo and Baby Girl fucking... FUCK OFF. and when things don't go as planned, the blame game is easy to slip into, regardless of communication, regardless of how well-adjusted (or not) we are as adults. we, as human beings, are DEEPLY flawed creatures. that is going to be reflected in EVERY relationship, platonic or romantic or any other kind. it's not toxic. fertility struggles and infertility are WILDLY common, but there is a MASSIVE stigma around it, so it's not talked about NEARLY as much as it should be. it makes people feel alone. feel like shit. feel unloved, unworthy, and plenty of other crappy ass feelings. shit, i might have endometriosis, which can affect fertility, and even though i'm not 100% i want kids, that shit still has me fucked up. so if ANYONE has ANYTHING negative to say to or about you or your writing, they are cordially invited to get fucking wrecked. i haven't addressed my anger issues with my therapist yet, and i've been looking for an outlet. (ง'̀-'́)ง there is no reason to inundate Em's inbox with negativity. you don't like her stuff? KEEP SCROLLING. it costs NOTHING to move on. you're literally WASTING energy shitting on her FOR NO REASON. so leave her the fuck alone and get a fucking grip.
love, a fucking cunt
Anya! Next thing I know, you'll be in my DMs. Thanks for this message. I'm pretty sure the anon just couldn't handle the subject matter and warnings listed on my fic masterlist. Which is fine, but I don't need to hear about it. Just excuse yourself quietly.
Having (consensual) sex is healthy. Not having sex at all is healthy. Being in an established, long-term relationship and having frequent sex is sometimes necessary. Also, this is a FANFIC and those parts are fun to read and write.
I'll send you a little smooch, because even if you don't like kids and don't intend to have them, any sort of fertility struggle can really mess with your head, babe. I'm trying to write this from experience. The feelings of isolation and blame are so strong, and not just for BG but also for Roo. You want to feel helpless? Realize that there is nothing else you can really do to help the one person you love most when they start shutting down.
I don't know why there is SO MUCH nasty anon hate in this fandom. And truly, the anon I got was nothing compared to what I have seen before in my inbox and on some other blogs. But it's really uncalled for. And Anya will kick your ass.
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shirophantomvox · 3 years
“Longing for Attention” Illumi x Reader
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Hello anon! Thank you for this awesome request! This story consists of a little angst and fluff towards the end. I can truly say that this story is the closest to Illumi’s canon characteristics. If you all did not know, I am celebrating my 100 follower goal! If you’d like to participate in this event, click this link. Please note that requests for this event will close on July 15th at 12 AM EST. The post will have all of the rules and prompts!
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👁 👁 👁 👁
“I swear I’ll haunt you in your sleep, Zoldyck! ‘Ya hear me, boy?!”
A body thudded as this man’s speech was cut short. A tired Illumi Zoldyck came calmly walking towards his target with the straightest face ever. Even at the sight of blood, darker than any he had seen, his lips remained neutral and his eyes remained half-lidded as they were. The sound of the mini heel on his green loafers echoed as he continued to approach the deceased man before him. The ballroom was completely empty, leaving Illumi all by himself for who knows why and what else could happen.
Being a bounty hunter was challenging in itself but being a bounty hunter and dating an assassin is a totally different story. Criminals began to spread the word of your alliance with the Zoldycks and formed many gangs to retaliate against you both. Both of you have been shot at, stabbed a few times, and even been robbed! After being robbed at gunpoint and dealing with trauma, it nearly made you quit your job because of the stress and life endangering events faced almost everyday but for Illumi, it didn’t phase him at all. Not in the slightest. After being robbed of his engagement ring, he simply went to another jewelry store and bought another. He did not cry, quiver, or shutter.
After Illumi phoned his father and gave him a brief overview of his success, he proceeded to the exit. The light flickered, giving the impression that an eerie figure stood at the end of the hallway. Electricity hummed the closer someone approached it, sounding like a fly trying to find its way back outside. An atmosphere like this one did not bother Illumi in the slightest but he did not like being there no longer tha needed.
“Y/n! Y/n! I know you can hear me!”
“Now is not the time to play around. We need to vacate the premises immediately,” He thought to himself. He began to bang on doors, opened them up, and yelled your name to the heavens trying to find you.
“Oh! I know,” he said out loud, snapping his fingers.
He opened a tracking app on his iPhone that displayed all of his contacts that had recently shared their location with him. Once he began the search, it revealed that you were 400 kilometers away. Tracking your phone was something he did every time he could not find you. At times it was adorable and sometimes it was weird and intrusive. Illumi’s intrusive behavior stems from his mother, Kikyo and no matter how you put it, it is very unhealthy. Caring can easily turn into an obsession that can make you do unsound things.
“Illumi! I am in the bathroom. Can you give me a second,” you ask, slightly irritated, washing your hands quickly. You did not want to keep him waiting any longer. It was always a mystery if it was his anger or anxiety that prompted him to bust the door down just to make sure you were safe. Poor Illumi Zoldyck. His expression of love and how he cared for others was rather odd and unusual. It is safe to say that you were the best thing that has happened to him.
As you open the door, he stands with his long arms crossed in a huff, his long legs creating an upside down “V” shape gazing at you a slightly angry about your disappearance halfway through the mission.
“Where were you,” he asked, moving closer to you. “While I had to complete both of our jobs, you have been playing around in the bathroom.”
“Illumi, you’re—“
“Shhh—“ He placed his index finger over your mouth, bending down at eye level, and smiled devilishly. “—I’ll still pay you but you owe me a favor.”
“—But I wasn’t playing in the bathroom!”
As you were pleading your case, Illumi nonchalantly typed away on his phone. He quickly showed you his screen that listed your every step within the last few hours. It displayed where you were, the longitude and latitude, who you spoke with, and if you took any pictures. You had no idea that a smartphone could disclose so much personal information and since you have shared your location with him, he has access to it all.
“—Care to tell the truth?” Illumi raised his left eyebrow, using his somewhat intimidating tactic used when he was a child.
“Fine. Ugh! Why do you have to be like this?”
“Like what?”
“You’re…too overprotective. Give me some space sometime! Hell, you might be pleased to know where I was.”
“Pleased?! I nearly had a heart attack when I realized you were not by my side! Are you satisfied that my heart weakens everyday?”
“You’re so dramatic. You might want to take up acting, you know.”
“Ha, ha, so funny,” he said flatly.
As you roll your eyes in irritation, Illumi closes the leftover space between you two. Still bent over at eye level, he places his large hand on your cheek, blinks twice, while his straight face remains. His cold hearted personality seemed to always overshadow his body but all of his warmth seemed to be omitting from his palm.
“I care about you deeply. I cannot have you running away doing God knows what while we are on a dangerous mission like this one.”
“Illumi, I—“ He places his index finger over your mouth again, shushing you as he continues to, as they say, pour his heart out for once.
“I understand that you are a bounty hunter, but if I’m being honest it is a much different line of work than being an assassin. It is my job to care for you while I complete some of the harshest tasks on Earth.”
“I’m not a child, Illumi. Do you want to know what I was doing? Those longitude and latitude readings are very wrong, by the way.”
“Huh? Ok…where were you then?”
Still, your face was placed in his palm, his large eyes staring in yours somehow made you feel lost. Your delayed answer made his palm involuntarily tighten.
“I bought you this pocket sized white teddy bear…?” This statement was propositioned as a question rather than a statement because you were afraid of how he’d react. He was already startled and giving him a plushie would only make it worse. Instead of reacting calmly he would assume that giving him a plushie would imply that he was weak.
“…Valentine’s Day is a few days and I know you’ll be in Las Vegas handling business so I decided to buy you something that will remind you of me while you’re away.”
The small plushie was a white teddy bear holding a heart. It’s eyes were as big as Illumi’s. Before you could hold it up to him, he grabbed it rather gently, stood up straight, and held it in front of his eyes for examination. He turned it around a few times as if it was on a rotator. He placed his index finger inside of the keychain loop and finally smiled. He placed this small object against his heart just before he bent down to meet your eyes once again.
“I always think of you. Come to think of it, that must be why my shots have been off.”
His face scrunches in a humorous way. As usual, his smile fades away and returns to his neutral look. Illumi’s silence signaled that his mind was running a million miles a minute. So many questions and feelings begged to be released but something was preventing him from doing so. You could tell by the look on his face that he wanted to suffocate you with a bear hug but he wouldn’t do it. He has been trained to think that assassins do not need friends, cannot express their feelings, and can only do what is needed to get the job done. It’s ironic; the Zoldyck children are not allowed to have friends but they are allowed to have lovers only so they can reproduce and keep their legacy alive. Love has no part in their marriages; they are only contracts, literally. As in love as Kikyo and Silva were (and still are), it would seem like they’d emphasize the importance of love to their children. As a result, they all have adopted an odd way of showing affection for others.
In this instant, Illumi’s face appeared to be more endearing than before. His face had darkened significantly, his cheeks were fatter like they were stuffed slightly, and his eyes twinkled. You smiled as you have truly found the key to his heart. All this young man wanted and truly desired was to be loved not for his abilities or job, but for him and only him. Your warm hands, now on his cheeks, felt overwhelmed with warmth. Just the sight of him at that moment was breathtaking. The flickering power, the unrest souls in the next room of his targets, and the eerie atmosphere seem to fade while you gazed into his eyes. Pressing his cheeks together, puckering his lips was indeed both an amusing and cute sight to behold.
“You are so adorable, Illumi. Did you know that? This “bad boy” behavior and clutching a teddy bear is too much to take in. I might just send a photo to your mother. She’ll screech and tell the entire world.”
“You wouldn’t dare do that ,” he said, words muffled; lips still puckered. He seemed to flush more and more every time you’d remind him of how vulnerable he is right now.
“Try me!”
“Mother would just embarrass me, you know that!”
“I know. Then I’d be able to see the sweet, soft assassin that I see now. All warm and cuddly. I’m sure you just want to sit in the back seat of your Dodge and just fall fast asleep, am I right?”
“I plead the 5th,” he said flatly.
“I was right! Ha, ha!”
“Would you pipe down already?”
Illumi’s right hand was placed directly behind his torso carelessly pressed against his lower back. He appeared to be in pain but made no mistake. If asked about it, he’d lie just to debunk any statements about him being weak.
“What is in your hand? Let me see it.” Your demanding tone turned into one that a mother has, specifically Kikyo.
“It’s nothing,” he said, slightly wincing in pain.
“Let me see it now, Illumi or I swear I’ll—-“
“Fine! Fine! Just don’t make a big deal about it, alright?”
A promise is a promise; that is what you said to Illumi as you agreed to not over react once you saw his hand. A healed bruise nearly scarred the entire base part of his hand. A light red dotted cut looked as if someone took a exacto knife and grazed it. You gazed back into his eyes. He looked hurt; longing for attention for a cut that had already healed. As childish as it may seem, just the slightest bit of attention is something he craved, even if something like this had been healed a long time ago. Him wincing was something he conjured up to grasp your attention. He raised his hand in front of your mouth, leaving it bent for you to grab.
“Do you want me to kiss it and make it feel better?”
“Please,” he replies, smiling slightly again.
The touch of your soft, moist lips made his smile grow larger, his cheeks flushing yet again. A few overlapped lipstick stains remained on his hand, something he might get tattooed so everyone knew who he belonged to.
“Why can’t you be this way every time we finish missions? We could have sooo much fun.”
“If I have too much fun, I’d abandon my remaining missions and father would not like that at all. He might even put out a contract on me.”
You sigh somberly. Illumi had his moments of anger, roughness, and kept his distance but moments like this, where he wasn’t afraid to allow his softer side resurface made you feel content as if you completed a mission of your own. Gazing into his eyes one more time, they sparkled greatly.
“At least I can enjoy this while it lasts.”
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silky-stories · 3 years
Hi!! Maybe headcanons or some kind of literature with either vampire garcello x reader or mermaid garcello x reader?? You could do both or one or the other. You're the one writing it after all. Thanks!
Oh. Ohohohohohohoho, now we’re talking >:)
Anon I am going to let you in on a little secret, so anyone who isn’t anon look away >:(
...okay now that it’s just you and me, one of your suggestions kind of predicted a oneshot I’ve been working on that I’m going to be posting soon. So because of that I’ll be going with the other option. Hope you enjoy ;3
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Parched. {Vampire Garcello/Reader}
Genre: Suggestive
Words: 2027
Related Song: Arctic Monkeys - Do I Wanna Know { slowed + reverb}
Summary: When your boyfriend gets home from a long day, it’s only polite to fix him a drink, don’t you think?
Disclaimer/s: Steamy content, swearing, blood
Notes: Garcello speaks in red this time, Reader speaks in blue ;) [Also, monster character x reader or character x monster reader is my absolute jam, feel free to send in requests like this more often-]
Your boyfriend was, to put it lightly, a little bit on the odd side.
He work dark clothes on hot days, didn’t like the sun very much, had an uncanny sense of smell and hearing, and liked his meat pretty rare. To the outside world he was a weird shut-in that was probably goth, but you knew a hell of a lot more than that.
The two of you had met late at night in a rougher part of the city. You were on your way home from picking up a few essentials at the nearby 24-hour convenience store when you heard some rustling coming from an alleyway. Then some banging. Then some yelling. Then silence.
Well that was ominous as hell.
Time to investigate.
You made your way down the dreary alley, groceries in hand, preparing yourself to see a murder scene or something of the like and...
...you honestly weren’t that far off.
You found yourself watching as a man pinned a guy to a wall, his head lowered to his neck. At first you felt yourself getting embarrassed, figuring that you had walked over and unintentionally interrupted a passionate moment. You quickly realized that wasn’t the case when you watched the guy go limp in the arms of the larger man.
After a few moments of you being the quietest you’ve ever been in your life, standing and staring in shock, not knowing what would even be the right course of action for a situation like this, he pulled away. The guy that had previously gone limp slowly slid down the brick wall, deep red trickling down his neck and pooling in the crook of his shoulder. The aqua-haired man let out a sigh as he wiped his mouth with his gloved hands, still unaware of your presence.
Your mind was blank when you spoke up, it had to be for you to do something so bold yet stupid.
“Is he dead?”
The man flinched, hard, and whipped around to lock eyes with you. You were met with two bright red dots staring back at you, stunned, you began to unintentionally study his face.
The dark crimson that you had seen on the possibly-dead man’s neck was also identifiable as a smear on this guy’s face, starting at his lips and trailing off along his cheek where he had tried to wipe it off. His lips were slightly agape, revealing a set of sizeable fangs, as well as other teeth that seemed sharper than a regular human’s teeth should be. Looking down further you noticed that his gloves were fingerless, presumably to allow the sharp claws of nails that he had to stick out.
Other than all of that though he looked like a pretty normal guy. A pretty normal guy with very pale skin, but normal nonetheless.
“I... huh..?”
You were so busy taking in his clearly inhuman appearance that you actually forgot what you had initially asked for a moment, but restated your question when it came back to you.
I mean, what was there to lose at this point? It’s not like running seemed like a very smart option.
“Him. Is... is he dead?”
You pointed at the man that was currently almost falling over in his slump to emphasize your point. The man in front of you took a double take between you and what may have been a dead body before responding, clearly taking in the absurdity of the situation, similar to you.
“He’s... no he’s... passed out I...”
He paused, blinking a few times as he tried to process what was even happening. You took the moment to look at the body a little more critically and, surprise surprise, noticed that he was actually breathing.
“I didn’t... I didn’t take much so he’s just...”
Didn’t take much?
Oh shit.
Suddenly the whole ordeal just clicked in your brain as you finally understood what it was that you were looking at.
“You’re a vampire!”
The words left your mouth before you could stop them, shocked and questioning, almost accusatory as your eyes went wide.
He didn’t seem to like that though. His brows pulling together tightly in sudden concern as he frantically looked around for any other possible witnessess. When he reinitiated eye contact he appeared quite a bit more panicked than before, more like someone that had been caught doing something arguably wrong. He looked threatening for the first time throughout the encounter.
“You... what do you plan on doing..?”
Plan on doing? Like what you were going to do after this? Knowing that vampires did in fact exist and at least one lived in your city?
“Do you... ever kill them?”
He shook his head warily.
“Then... I don’t... think I care?”
He was surprised to hear that, to be fair though, so were you. You figured you would care more about catching a literal vampire in the act but... he wasn’t killing anyone so was it really any of your business?
“You... you don’t care that I just drink some of his blood???”
“I guess not?”
You let out a chuckle of disbelief at your own statement, any ounce of a threatening or intimidating expression had left his face.
“He’s not gonna, like... turn into a vampire or die of disease or something later, right?”
“No that’s uh, not how it works...”
“Then just like... I don’t know, make sure he gets cleaned up and home safe and this stays between us I guess.”
He let you know that that’s what he did on a regular basis and after a few more awkward moments you were on your way.
That definitely wasn’t your last interaction though.
He didn’t trust you to keep your word, you honestly couldn’t really blame him, and you ended up catching glimpses of him watching you from alleyways or tops of buildings at night. It was kind of worrying at first but eventually it got to the point that you would just smile and wave if you saw him.
Eventually he would wave back.
Sometime down the road and you learned his name. Months later and you found an odd friendship forming, starting with you asking him to come in on a particularly rainy night.
Even later and you found yourself developing feelings, getting to know who he really was. His personality, his struggles, his fears. He really wasn’t a bad guy, he just had no other choice since regular food did nothing for him.
After half a year of your strange friendship you found yourselves together, he had happily moved into your apartment and you had started to acquire blood bags for him to use instead of people. That didn’t stop him from drinking straight from the source every now and then... although, the source he used had definitely changed.
“I’m home.”
You leaned out of the kitchen to smile at Garcello, he returned it with a warm grin, shucking off his coat and tossing it to the side to land on your shared couch.
“Welcome back! How was your day?”
You greeted him with open arms as soon as he meandered into the kitchen, he swiftly took up your non-verbal offer and swept you into his strong arms. He buried his face in the crook of your neck and inhaled, sighing deeply through his nose as he melted into the embrace.
“It went fine, certainly not my job of choice but I think the interview went alright.”
You hummed in acknowledgment and nuzzled your head against his, pleased to have him back in your arms after half a day without him.
“I made sure to get bread and milk like you asked.”
You chuckled as you spotted the brown paper bag he had set on the counter.
“Thank you.”
He continued to hold you like that, peppering your cheek and jawline with a few kisses as he told you more about his day. Although, there seemed to be a shift in his attitude somewhere along the way. He suddenly went from sweet and giddy to much quieter, giving shorter answers when you asked him a question as he let you lead the conversation.
You decided to bring it up, just in case there was something wrong.
“Hey, are you alright?”
“You just... you went kinda quiet so I just wanted to make sure.”
He was perfectly silent as he thought over his answer.
“Yes, but... are you... working on anything right now?”
His tone was anticipatory, eagerly awaiting your response. You found yourself suspicious of his intentions.
“Well, no, I was just putting away some dishes that I was washiNG-!”
You were caught off guard by his tongue dragging across your neck in a smooth motion, tightly taking hold of the back of his t-shirt as he did so. You felt him smirk against your neck afterwards.
“That’s good... you see, I have a bit of a problem.”
You flinched as he brushed one of his fangs against the top of your shoulder.
“The thing is, I’ve had a bit of a... craving today.”
One of his claw-like nails came up to trace along your sternum...
“It’s been just... driving me mad.”
Your collarbone...
“Itching the back of my brain...”
Your sternocleidomastoid muscle...
“Funny, right?”
Stopping and hovering just above one of your carotid arteries.
“Yeah... f... funny...”
His smirk grew in response to your reactions, nuzzling your neck affectionately with a huff.
“I guess what I’m trying to ask is...”
He tilted his head up to whisper in your ear.
“...would you mind if I had a little taste?”
Your eyes fluttered shut as you leaned into him, not even having to speak for him to know what your answer was. He had waited for that cue though, just like usual he would never drink from you unless he was certain that you were fine with it. Even then, you both had a very clear safe word that you had used in the past if anything went wrong or you changed your mind.
You didn’t really have to worry about that though. You knew you were safe in his hands.
He purred in response to your willingness, slowly walking you back and gently pinning you to the wall.
“God you smell good right now...”
He lowered his head back down to your neck, finding the spot that he had traced up to and licking a small stripe along it, pinpointing the location of your pulse.
“...bet you’d... taste even better though...”
He was gentle as always when he bit down, it only felt like a pinch until the aphrodisiac kicked in, immediately erasing any sense of pain you had. Being guided by one of his hands that had tangled itself in your hair, your head lolled to the side as he drank from you. A gentle moan erupted from your lips as your grip on his shirt went slack, your arms falling limp beside you as bliss took hold of your thoughts.
“F... fuck...”
He purred louder as you gave clear indication of your enjoyment. The hand that he had propping himself up against the wall fell and came to rest on your hip, gripping tightly as the hand he had on the back of your head made soft contact with the wall instead.
He cut himself off a little bit sooner than usual, pulling away just enough for you to watch him lick his lips and fangs clean.
He chuckled as the hand that raked through your hair slid down to cup your cheek.
“...I was right, you taste amazing...”
His expression didn’t lose it’s smugness though, usually when he was done he would take a much softer turn and patch you up immediately.
“Although, I think I might have put a little too much aphrodisiac in your system sweetheart...”
He was right, you felt like a rag doll right now, nearly putty in his hands as the only thing keeping you standing at the moment was his grip on your torso. Your eyes had glazed over slightly and you were practically panting at this point.
“...let’s do something about that, hmm~?”
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costellos · 3 years
❥ ┋ ❝ gojo, nanami, & the things that make them flustered!
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anonymous said: blush with gojo and nanami! // nanami + blush for the valentines game // blush with nanami + gojo? also ur writing and characterization is amazing 💗💕
a/n: damn u guys really wanna see these dudes embarrass themselves, huh. it would be a shame if I... embarrassed them w u..... (also, I’m sending besitos to the last anon. thank you for the kind words, friend!)
tw: none.
ask game: 💌 15 valentine’s day questions (closed!)
disclaimer: I’m anime-only outside of the prequel, so apologies if my character interpretations aren’t accurate.
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gojo satoru.
Gojo gets flustered when you go out of your way to repay him.
he stops by a specific café anytime he handles a mission downtown. it’s nothing extravagant, just a little shop run by a lovely couple whose kids have all left from home. their specialty lies in cookies. because most of his missions are downtown and because he always brings you back something, it wasn’t hard for you to find a favorite flavor.
Gojo, however, is more of a mystery. his tastes fluctuate on the regular. sometimes he comes back with matcha white chocolate for himself, sometimes with red velvet. it depends on his mood, he says.
the truth is, though, Gojo and you share the same favorite flavor. your favorite is the café’s most popular. because his missions typically run in the evenings, he often catches the couple right before close. it’s rare that they have more than one cookie left of that type. hence, he always saves it for you.
you didn’t realize it until you stopped by the café yourself during an early-morning mission. the wife mentioned it to you in passing while ringing you up, commenting how sweet your partner is. that’s when the lightbulb switched on.
you present a paper bag to him once he gets home later that day. he recognizes the label immediately. and while he expects your favorite and something random for himself, what he finds instead is a bag filled with that special cookie. there’s at least 10, far more than he could’ve asked for. but not just in cookies — the thought itself. it’s something so small yet... so significant to him. he responds by pinching your cheeks, scolding you for spending so much money on him, before easing his grip to cup your face in his hands. he leans his forehead on yours, partly to hide his blush, but mostly to allow himself to be close to you. ↳ “that was really dumb, you know that? don’t repay me like this again. hell, just don’t repay me at all. I do this because I love you, stupid.”
nanami kento.
Nanami gets flustered when you stand on your tiptoes to kiss him.
it doesn’t take a genius to recognize that he’s a no-nonsense man. he hates wasting his time. moreover, he hates having to put more effort into a task than what’s necessary. he says all that he needs to say, never more, never less. it’s not a lie to say Nanami intimidated you before you really got to know him.
when you did get to know him, you quickly found that Nanami is much warmer than he lets on. you took him for the kind of person who just... wouldn’t compliment you. and that’s true, to an extent. he offers praise only as he sees fit. with you, that’s always. he frequently mentions how lovely you look, how efficiently you handle missions. when he isn’t complimenting you, he’s doting over how much sleep you got or if you’re eating properly.
he keeps the relationship professional in front of other sorcerers. in private, he’s so much more open. there’s still a little edge to him, but it’s since rounded out. he’s so much softer than you ever took him for.
that softness makes itself apparent anytime you kiss him. there’s an evident height difference between you and him. and sure, you don’t have to stand on your tiptoes to reach him. you can comfortably kiss him if he just bends down. but something about reaching for him from the balls of your feet, so desperate to touch him, makes it so much more satisfying.
maintaining a calm image never seemed to be that difficult for Nanami. not until he met you, that is. a low huff comes from his nostrils every damn time you do this. not because he’s annoyed, but you always make him feel so...  lost. not in a bad way. the kind of way where nothing makes sense, but where everything feels okay. lost, not adrift. ↳ “you know I hate wasting my time. but I want you to know that never includes you. so please, go slow with me. I don’t want to rush this.”
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like this piece? here are some similar works! 🌑 🌒 🌓
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Hi! If it wouldn't be too dark, could we perhaps have something about m!eden accidentally killing (or almost) the pc? Thanks; your blog is my newest fav🌸
Thank you anon 🥺. I'm a big fan of dark content, I'm always happy to write it.
TW for asphyxiation (decided to go for almost killing the PC here, might do actually killing later on). Extremely unhealthy relationship.
Eden hates how panicked he feels walking into town to find you. One day. He promised to let you have one day, and you've been gone three.
So many bad things could have happened. You could have been taken by someone else, been hurt. Or worse, you were avoiding him on purpose. He even has a sketch of you he keeps shoving into people's faces as he hunts for you.
People avoid or cower from him, but he doesn't care. He just needs to find you and drag you home.
He does find you eventually, walking down Oxford Street in your school uniform - laughing with someone. Letting that someone push you in a joking matter. You look so at ease with them. You're never that happy around him.
Eden's anger climbs and climbs as he approaches, and your friend notices first, face dropping.
"What the fuck are you doing?" he growls out, snatching your wrist up and yanking you away from the other student.
"Eden? What are you doing here?" You're shocked, he can tell. Eyes wide, voice going high.
"Looking for you. How long did I say you could stay away?" he leans down and gets in your face as he questions.
"I-I'm sorry, but if I missed any more school the police-"
"Bullshit, you just wanted to spend time with them instead of me, didn't you?" he nods to your friend, who seems equally scared as you.
"What? No, Eden, listen-"
"Enough. We're going home."
You're given no choice as you're dragged off, sending Robin an apologetic glance as Eden takes you away.
The walk home is tense. Eden doesn't let you go, his grip is bruising, but you dare not complain. You know how he can get when he's mad.
As soon as you're back in the cabin, he shoves you onto the floor and moves over to a familiar drawer. The leash comes back out.
"You're staying on this till you learn your place again."
You sigh and let him secure the stupid thing back around your collar. Like hell were you paying that £200 to get it removed.
"Eden, please let me explain," you beg, getting up on your knees.
"Explain what? That you're a whore who'll sleep in anyones bed?"
"I'm not a whore," you spit back at him, his anger fueling your own.
"Then who the fuck was that you were with?" Eden crouches down so you're eye level, but he's no less intimidating.
"That's Robin. They're another orphan, we've been friends for years. There's never been anything other than that between us."
Eden goes silent for a second, running your words through his head.
"Doesn't matter. I saw how they looked at you, it's obvious they-"
"For fucks sake Eden!" you plead, throwing your head back exasperation.
He doesn't like that, tugging on your leash to get your full attention. "Do not take that tone with me."
"Or what?" you laugh out, "What, you'll spank me again? Rape me again? Go ahead, I'm used to it by now."
Eden's face grows dark at your words, but you're too caught up in your rant to notice.
"I'm my own fucking person Eden! I have a life, I have people I care about, you can't just expect me to be some blank slate you can make into your perfect wife, that's not-"
Your sentence is cut off by his hands around your throat. You're pinned to the floor, clawing at the hunters fingers to no avail as he kneels over you.
The clicking noises your throat make as you try to beg, try to breathe are horrible to hear. Eden looks like an animal right now. There's no emotion on his face, just a deathly calm to him as he keeps tightening his grip.
"I'm going to die," you think over and over, "I've pushed him too far, I'm going to die."
Eden isn't sure when the haze that had come over his brain lifts, but he's aware of your hands, once clawing at him, dropping to the floor. Of your skin going blue and your eyes being unfocused and full of tears.
He immediately let's go of your throat, shocked he went so far, and feels relief when you start coughing and gasping for air.
Staying hunched over you as you curl up on your side, sobbing hard as your recover from almost dying, Eden wants to pull you into his arms and stroke your hair to comfort you. He shouldn't have hurt you like that, that was too much.
But when you flinch at his touch, he pulls away. After a moment of consideration, he risks you fighting back and scoops you up, moving you to the bed. You don't stop him.
Not knowing what else to do, Eden goes into the kitchen and starts making tea. One that'll help soothe your throat. When it's done, he tries to give it to you, to press it into your hands, but you're still too upset to take it, so he places it down and just silently stands watching over you.
"I'm sorry," he finally gets out. He hopes you can even hear him right now, because he is. But you make him so angry sometimes. There's no response, if you do hear him.
Sitting next to the bed, he waits for hours for you to calm down. He can see the bruises forming already, and makes a note not to tug on the leash too hard when bringing you around during chores.
You cry yourself to sleep, and Eden eventually climbs into bed with you, pulling you into his arms. At least in your sleep, you shuffle closer to him. He'll put some salve on your neck and make some new tea in the morning. You'll work past this, you have to.
Eden can't lose you. He needs you. Never again will he let himself get that mad.
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rocorambles · 4 years
Pairing: Ushijima x Reader
Genre: NSFW, Fluff and Smut
Warnings: Slight Size Kink
Summary: When you find out Ushijima is a virgin, you offer to be his first and help him out. But in reality, you might be the one who needs some help.
Requested by Anon
There’s a comfortable quiet atmosphere between the two of you as Ushijima hands you a clean towel while you pant for breath. Technically speaking, there’s no reason why the two of you need to be together today on one of the few days the Schweiden Adlers had off, but you had a soft spot for the pro-athlete, so when he had asked if you wanted to go workout together at the team training gym, you agreed. You couldn’t deny you needed some exercise. Being a team manager didn’t mean you worked out much yourself, so you looked forward to sweating some extra calories. But you really should have known better than to expect just a normal workout with Ushijima sternly overseeing your routine. 
“Ushijima, you do realize I’m not a pro-athlete like you, right? You can’t expect me to keep up with you.” 
“Anyone can do anything if they set their minds on it and work hard enough.” 
You roll your eyes before fondly looking at the tall man beside you. Was he a little dense and a little too blunt? Sure. But you saw the heart of gold and genuineness within him. You’d always wondered why the man was still single. You know he’s sometimes an idiot when it comes to social cues and can’t hold small talk to save his life, but you’d seen far worse and less deserving men end up tricking some poor damsel into their spider webs. Surely you’re not the only one who sees the diamond in the rough that Ushijima really is? 
You don’t realize you’re intensely staring at him until he uncomfortably shifts. “It’s rude to stare.” You blush and quickly turn away from him, opting to chug your water as a distraction. Checking your phone, you gasp when you realize how late it is. “Shit, sorry, I really need to run…” You trail off and Ushijima narrows his eyes at you as a mischievous grin spreads across your face. He’s all too aware that the look doesn’t mean anything good for him. 
“What are you doing tonight?”
There’s a long pause before he grunts out “nothing” and you suddenly seem more intimidating than any opponent he’s faced across the net when your eyes light up and your head moves until it’s only inches away from his own. 
“Cool! So you’re going to a party with me then.” 
He blinks once at you before completely shutting you down with a resounding no. But really, after knowing you and working in such close proximity with you almost every day, he should realize how relentless you are once your mind is made up. 
“When’s the last time you talked to anyone outside of the team, coaches, trainers, and managers? And Tendou doesn’t count since he’s still technically volleyball related.” 
Ok, so maybe you had a point there. 
“We don’t even have practice for the next few days! So you’ll have time to rest up and recover and be totally back to 100% for the next practice.” 
You smile when you see his determined look slip a bit, but your jaw drops at his next words. “I’m not going to a party where you’re just going to ditch me to have sex with someone and then either complain or brag about it to me the next day.” 
You frantically cover his mouth with your hands as you nervously look around to make sure no one around had heard him. “USHIJIMA! I tell you these things because I expect you to keep quiet about them. Not just blabber it out for everyone to hear.” 
He impassively stares at you and you sigh as you remove your hands from his face before determinedly looking at him again. “But actually since you’ve already brought it up, I noticed you never have any spicy stories to tell me! It’s not fair if I’m the one who’s always sharing. When’s the last time you even had sex? It has to be stressful to not let off some steam in a more enjoyable way than volleyball.”  (Although you secretly wonder if Ushijima finds volleyball more pleasurable than sex. You wouldn’t doubt it.) But you squint as he suddenly seems less stoic than usual and...are his cheeks pink? 
“Ushijima, are you embarrassed? I literally tell you about all my sex exploits and you’re embarrassed by me just asking you when the last time you did it was?” Your voice trails off when a suspicion begins to form and your eyes soften as you more gently nudge him. “It’s okay if it’s been a long time. I know how busy you are. It’s not a reflection of you, I promise. But isn’t that more reason to come out with me tonight?” He mumbles something and you lean in, unable to make out the words, but when he repeats them, you freeze. 
A virgin? Ushijima was a virgin? 
You know you should say something instead of just staring at him like an idiot, but shock numbs you and only when he makes a move to get up and leave do you hastily grab his arm. Your mouth flounders as you try to come up with a response, but when you observe how vulnerable and sensitive the topic seems to be for him, your heart goes out to your friend and you shake the lingering surprise from you. 
“Hey, it’s not a big deal. I think it’s kind of sweet actually. Your first time should be special, with someone you really care about. You shouldn’t ever feel ashamed about the fact that you haven’t done it. Hell, I wish I hadn’t been so quick to lose my virginity to some asshole in college.” 
You smile when you see his shoulders straighten and maybe it’s the slight upturned twitch of his lips or maybe it’s the way dark olive eyes glow when they look at you, but you don’t even register the words that come tumbling from your lips until they hang heavy in the air. 
“I could be your first if you wanted.” 
You are a fucking idiot. You scramble to figure out a way to take back those words, already preparing for Ushijima to angrily end any friendship the two of you had, already dreading how you’re going to manage a team when one of the starters hates you. Your mind is reeling so hard from the dark future you’ve painted for yourself in your head that you almost miss what Ushijima says. 
Suffice to say, all plans to go to your party fly out the window and you send an apologetic text to your friend. Ushijima and you go to your respective locker rooms to wash up and freshen up before trekking back to your apartment. The walk isn’t uncomfortable per se, but there’s an electric energy radiating between the two of you as you walk silently next to each other. And shit, you’re not the virgin, but why is your heart beating so hard and so fast that you think it might literally explode from your chest? You scowl at yourself as your hands tremble when you unlock and open your front door and when Ushijima’s back is turned to you as he removes his shoes, you mentally slap yourself to get it together. 
With renewed confidence, you firmly grasp his larger wrist and tug him along to your bedroom where you gently push him onto the bed. You take a moment to revel in the power you feel from being in charge of the stronger, larger man underneath you and arousal stirs within you from Ushijima’s submission and willingness to let you have your way with him. It’s the most vulnerable you’ve ever seen him and your heart warms as you lean down to softly kiss him, smiling against his lips when you feel him tentatively reciprocate. Kissing Ushijima feels like what you imagine completing a satisfying day's work on the farm feels like. You can almost taste the sturdiness, the comforting warmth of a fireplace burning as you return from the fields, and the authentic, humble roots on his lips. There’s no frills, no pretenses. It’s purely Ushijima and you love it. 
You think you could spend all night just kissing him if you wanted to, but you remind yourself of tonight’s mission. You trail your fingers down his chest until you reach the hem of his shirt which you begin to roll up until it reaches the top of his torso and he helps you fully remove it. Sitting upright on his thighs, you can feel yourself salivate as you take in the broad expanse of his upper body on display for you. You’ve seen it before, but in the dim light of your bedroom and splayed across your bedsheets, it’s mesmerizing and you can’t help the way you unconsciously run your hands across every inch of taut muscle and kiss random lines across chiseled lines. You smirk when you feel Ushijima’s groin thrust up when you coyly flick a nipple with your tongue and you stare at him as you begin to suck on the hardening bud, drinking in the sight of the usually reserved man letting out breathy moans as you continue your ministrations.
You want to tease him more, coax more sounds out of him, but the feeling of something hard prodding your stomach keeps you moving on and you pointedly tug on the waistband of his pants until he gets the memo and raises his hips to allow you to remove everything until he’s completely bare before you. And any confidence you had built up shatters. 
If you’re entirely honest, you’d had your fair share of wet dreams imagining what Ushijima was hiding underneath his shorts, but when faced with reality that’s somehow even larger than anything you had even dreamt of, you bite your bottom nervously as your pussy clenches at the thought of trying to fit him inside of you. You’re not sure if it’s lust or nerves that has your stomach twisting as you wrap a hand around his impressive girth. Probably both, you think, as your throat goes dry and your thighs squeeze together when you see how your entire fist barely covers less than half of him. 
Your attention is brought back to the man underneath you when you hear a low groan as you stroke your fist up and down his shaft, giving some extra attention to the leaking slit at the tip. Your other hand reaches underneath your panties and circles your clit. You’ll need to be absolutely drenched before you can even think of trying to take him. But it’s not hard for your cunt to become a sopping mess when you stare in awe at the way Ushijima writhes underneath you, releasing low breathy pants and grunts that you can feel rumbling throughout his body. Already feeling a wet spot seeping through your clothes, you affectionately kiss him once more before briefly getting up to quickly strip down. His eyes hungrily devour the sight of your naked figure as you crawl back above him and adjust your position until you feel his tip nudging at your entrance. 
You close your eyes and moan as you slowly lower yourself onto him, but even as wet as you are, you can barely take half of him inside you as he stretches you far beyond any person or any toy has. Yet, despite the discomfort and borderline pain of the stretch, you feel even more of your arousal dripping down your thigh as you continuously lift and lower yourself, always pushing slightly harder, slightly further than where you’d been before. Your eyes roll back from the feeling of being so full and your nails dig into Ushijima’s shoulders as you desperately continue to work his entire length into you. But you reach your limit and you swear you can feel him inside of your womb even though there’s still about a quarter more of his cock waiting to penetrate you. You take a deep breath and exhale as you try to sink further down, but you let out a broken moan when fingers twist and tug your nipples. 
Ushijima intensely observes you as he kneads your fleshy mounds, playing with your hardened nubs until he sees the tiny furrow on your forehead smooth out. He sits up and bends his neck to soothingly kiss you. A primal instinct in him had been entranced at the sight of your much smaller figure struggling to take just a part of him and he had to use every bit of will power he had to not instantly cum at the feeling of your warm and wet walls squeezing around him. But when he saw the hints of pain you tried to push past written all over your face, a desire to make you feel only pleasure had overtaken him. 
He continues running his fingers across your chest as your tongues twist and turn against each other and you moan into his mouth as you reach a hand down to furiously rub against your clit until you feel another surge of arousal and more fluids run down your inner thigh. You guide his hands to your waist before continuing to rub your clit and you urge him to help you as you clash your lips against his once more. But you tear away from his mouth in a silent scream as he grabs you and forcefully pushes you down and down until your lower bodies press tightly against each other, any space between them removed. Ushijima’s eyes are glued to your face and he takes in the way your eyes widen and your jaw drops open as you claw at his arms, leaving angry red trails as your body tries to adjust to literally being stuffed full. He patiently waits until your nails stop their frantic clawing and he drops his forehead to your shoulder with a groan as you begin to rock your hips up and down. 
He can feel the sloppy mess you’re making as you continue to flood the sheets underneath with your seemingly never ending arousal, but he can’t bring himself to care as your pace speeds up until you’re practically bouncing in his lap as you desperately chase your end. You scream when he tightens his grip on your waist and assists you, slamming you down and easily picking you up before slamming you down again, perfectly matching your rhythm until everything blends together and you don’t even know who’s doing what anymore. All you know is the feeling of Ushijima’s cock sliding and pressing against every inch and every crevice of your pussy, filling you so well you wonder if you’ll ever be satisfied with anything else inside of you after this. 
You can’t even bring yourself to feel ashamed by the wanton wail you let out as you reach a higher peak than you’ve ever reached before and your entire body shakes with pleasure as Ushijima continues to lift and lower your body even without any support from you until he harshly pushes you down one last time and holds you still as he releases thick spurts deep inside of you, so deep that even in the haze of your orgasm you’re grateful you’re on birth control because you’re sure he’s coating your actual womb with how far inside he seems to reach. You slump into his chest and let yourself be maneuvered by him until the two of you are lying side by side, facing each other, your lower bodies still intimately connected. 
The two of you lay there for a while and you instinctively nuzzle your face into his chest as his arms tenderly wrap around you, pulling you even closer to him and you both take quiet comfort in the sounds of your heavy breaths filling the air. But when your heart beats slow and your breathing evens out, you cringe in embarrassment. 
“Ushijima, I’m so sorry. This was your first time. I should have been the one taking care of you, but you ended up needing to step in and take charge.” There’s a stretch of silence before you feel one of his arms move and a hand lightly nudges your head up to look at him. Your heart flutters when you see the most gentle smile you’ve ever seen on his face.  
“Wakatoshi. Call me Wakatoshi.”
You see a flash of uncertainty in his usually confident eyes as he hesitantly inches his face closer to yours, but you grin as you meet him halfway and your lips slot against each other like two puzzle pieces perfectly connecting. You close your eyes and relish the peaceful moment for a bit before using the element of surprise and pushing against him until he’s on his back underneath you once more. You playfully clench your pussy walls and smirk at the way he throws his head back and hisses at the feeling. You can feel him begin to harden once more inside of you and when he looks back at you, you shoot a wink his way. 
“Let me redeem myself, Wakatoshi.”  
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derryqueenx · 3 years
Home invasion please?
Home Invasion.
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Word Count: 2504
TW: None except the author's hatred of her own story because i dont really know how i feel about this one but i just really struggled with this prompt hey??? I don't know whyyyyyyy. Sorry if it's shit. I promise i'll make it up to you anon. (lol what a horrible way to get people interested in reading this hey?)
Send through your prompts and any NoelJulian related characters (if you have one in mind! If not I’ll just write whatever I feel works best for said prompt)! The Free Prompt square is if you want me to write a fic based on something that’s not already written! You can send them in and just say it’s for the ‘free prompt’ bingo. Let’s cause our favourite characters some hurt (with small comfort. I’m not a monster.)
A small groan of frustration in response. Some fluttering eyelids that don’t dare go any further than that because there is no way in hell that it’s actually morning already and Howard needs his beauty sleep, yes sir.
“Howard!” It comes a bit louder now but still remaining a whisper, more desperate as hands squeeze his arm and shake him roughly. “Oi, Howard!”
Another groan, this one also louder just to show how annoyed he is as Howard rolls onto his back, eyes snapping open and ready to shout before a hand firmly lands over his mouth, silencing him and forcing him to just lay here and stare up at Vince’s wide eyes.
“There’s someone downstairs..” He whispers, Howard now able to sense the panic in his voice as he tries to remain quiet.
Vince was at the side of his bed, clearly fresh from a slumber himself as his hair stood out on all sides untamed, standing there in just his boxers which was his interpretation of pajamas.
Howard shook his head lose, Vince’s hand releasing him to speak freely as he stares deadpanned up at his raven haired roommate. “It’s probably just Naboo and Bollo.” He says, apparently much louder than Vince wanted as his eyes widen even further, his hand shooting back up to cover the northerners mouth.
“Shhh!” He presses down harder unintentionally. “S’not, I thought so too but it don’t sound like them.. I woke up when I heard em, I think they’re robbing the shop or something.”
Howard simply rolled his eyes. Vince tended to have an overimagination sometimes, and would conjure up crazy stories and tales from nothing. This was probably just one of them. He probably had too many licorice bootlaces before bed and was daydreaming. “I’m telling you, it’s nothing Vince, now go to sleep.” Howard gripped the top of his blanket tightly, pulling it up to his neck and tucking himself in to get comfortable again, rolling onto his side and away from Vince to indicate to his friend that he wasn’t going to be playing these games with him right now. He was going to sleep.
Then, there was a crash.
Howard jolted up, the blanket forgotten and falling limply into his lap as he stared out the door and into the dark living room where the stairs would be. He couldn’t see anything in the darkness, but the crash definitely came from downstairs.
“Shit.. Go check it out, Howard.” Vince insisted, hand placed on the top of Howard’s back as he nudged him forward a little, but Howard didn’t budge.
“What?” He turned his hair to now stare wide eyed back at his friend. “Why me?”
“You’re the Man of Action! Plus, I’m not very intimidating, that’s the whole point of my look, I got to be approachable. Your look is made to send people running the other way from you, you’ll scare em off!” Vince explained, voice still not going any higher than a loud whisper.
Howard just stared in bemusement back at him. “Well, I don’t think I should be going alone..” He argued. “You should at least come with me!”
“Keep it down!” But before Vince’s eyes could go any wider or cover Howard’s mouth in another attempt to reason with the other man, they both heard the voices from downstairs.
“Oi you hear something?”
“I think there’s someone upstairs.”
“You said this place would be empty!”
“Well he must have left a house-sitter or something behind, I dunno.”
“Let’s go check it out.”
They were certainly voices that Howard didn’t recognize, and he wasn’t really in the mood to find out who they were under the many circumstances that were running through his head. “Shit..” He finally whispered, now that it didn’t matter as they’d already been caught out.
“What do we do?” Vince stared in panic at Howard, waiting for the man to come up with a plan like he always did. Vince hadn’t relied on Howard in a long time now that he was almost distracted by the concept itself instead of on the intruders just downstairs.
The sound of heavy footsteps starting to make their way up the stairs indicated that they didn’t have a lot of time to work with, so If Howard was going to do something he had to do it quick. “Get under the bed.” He ordered, saying the first thing that popped into his head. When you’re put on the spot like this, it’s hard to come up with in depth escape plans, and sometimes you just settle on whatever works at the time. Tonight, all Howard had to work with was beds, so that will have to do. “And stay quiet, alright?”
Vince didn’t argue or need to be told twice, he scrambled immediately, lifting up the blanket that was hanging over the side of Howard’s bed and crawled his tiny frame under the wooden beam. Howard quickly followed suit, sliding himself under the bed (although it wasn’t as easy for him) and squeezing in, shoulder to shoulder, beside Vince, pressed between the wooden floor and the mattress above them as they looked out to the floor ahead of them and waited.
An eerie silence filled the flat that was only broken up by the sounds of loudening footsteps approaching, and Vince and Howard’s breathing. Being this close to the other man he could practically feel the rise and fall of his chest as his body moved with every inhale.
Soon enough two pairs of black leather boots trekked into their room, but that was all they were able to see from their angle on the floor. Howard held his breathe, too scared to be heard now they were in close proximity, and waited.
The shoes stood still for moment, and Howard imagined the heads that belonged to them were scanning the room silently for the voices they’d just heard. He didn’t dare take his eyes off them in fear he’d lose them like a spider he was tracking to kill, and watched as they then started moving further into the room until they were stopped right in eyeline of Howard.
His breath hitched in anticipation, and now with his own breathe out of the equation, he was able to hear just how loud Vince’s was. The smaller man was breathing heavily, eyes also glued onto the shoes, and Howard nudged him as subtly as his could, shooting him a stern look that silently told him to be quiet, a vast turn in their positions from earlier on.
Vince simply returned the look with another one that said he was trying, but they were both once again distracted when the footsteps began again.
“I don’t see nothin.”
“They’re probably hiding you moron.” There was a pause in the air as Howard anxiously waited for the next sign of movement. It came soon enough when the second voice spoke up again. “Come out wherever you are.. We won’t bite.” He said in an almost sing song voice, as one would when trying to coax a child out from their hiding spot in hide and seek. “Maybe you can help us, yeah? We heard a wizard lives here. We just want some his magic is all.. Help us out and no one will get hurt.”
The tone in the mans voice hinted very much the opposite of that fact, and Howard was now instantly regretting his decision to hide in such an obvious spot. No one would be dumb enough to not check under the bed. Surely sooner than later they’d be found and who knows what would happen then, but there was nothing they could do now except wait for the inevitable.
He felt Vince’s body start to move more rapidly, and when he glanced over the smaller man was practically on the verge of a panic attack with how heavy he was breathing. He wasn’t sure if it was due to fear or simply the just trying to remain still and quiet, which was an impossible task for Vince, or maybe both. Either way, his breathing was going to draw attention to them if he didn’t sort it out.
Once more Howard nudged Vince, more urgently this time, but before Vince had a chance to silently respond past another hard glare, the men spoke up.
“Oi, I heard something again.”
Shit. They were seconds away from being caught and knowing their track record it would probably then result in them being threatened in some manner, and Howard just wanted one week where he could go the entire time without fearing for his own safety. Fearing for Vince’s safety. Because he would deny it until the sun burns up but he worried for his friend. Too many people seemed obsessed with him, and they’d had too many close calls for Howard to be comfortable with, and he knew one of these days it could very well turn into something more serious. Every encounter Howard always fears that this will be the one. This will be the time Vince can’t talk his way out of it, or Howard won’t distract them from their target on Vince.
One day it could happen.
But it wasn’t going to be today.
As quickly as he could whilst staying as quiet as possible, Howard pulled Vince until they were practically pressed up against one another as tight as can be, and clamped a firm hand over his friends mouth, forcing the heavy breathing to settle, and doing his best to delay the inevitable.
Vince seemed to naturally want to fight back from the intrusion on his airway, but when he followed Howard’s eyeline to see the footsteps moving closer to the bed, he froze. They were standing directly in front of their faces. All they had to do was crouch down and it would be over.
“I don’t hear nothing..”
Howard held his breathe. Vince held his breathe. Time slowed down as they were forced to just wait for the next sign of what’s to come as they laid on the cold wooden floor, frozen. Never sure what was going to happen, or who was even in the room with them, and that’s what was the most nerve-wracking part. The Hitcher they’d dealt with before, they’d at least be prepared. Old Gregg was the same, they knew how to deal with that. Anything familiar they could handle, just as they had done previously. But this was new. This was uncertainty on what they would have to face. Who they were about to deal with.
When suddenly, “Yeah, must have been a bird or something.”
Howard felt the pit in his stomach start to fill.
“Yeah, maybe…”
They were giving up?
“Shit, its nearly sunrise, we gotta get out of here!”
“But we don’t have what we need!”
“Wizard’s gone all week, remember? We’ll just come back tonight. Come on, let’s go!”
And just as quickly as it began, it was over. Both men promptly left the room, the sound of their footsteps getting softer as they sped down the stairs, and the jingling bell on the shop door indicating their departure.
They were gone.
Today wasn’t the day. They’d made it through another one. Howard let out a sigh of relief, only just now aware of how fast his heart was pounding as he relaxed his grip on Vince’s mouth.
“You okay?” He whispered, unsure.
Vince just nodded. “Yeah.. Yeah.” The first one sounded as unsure as Howard felt, but the second one carried more certainty, as if Vince was trying to convince both Howard and himself that he was indeed okay.
“Come on..” Howard groaned, shimmying himself out from under the bed, then reaching down to grab Vince’s hand and help him as well, not that it was needed, but Vince didn’t resist. Once they were both up, Vince quickly wiped off the dust that had collected on his pants and chest, and smoothed out his hair, before looking up at Howard with concern. “Are you okay?” He questioned softly.
“Nope.” He admitted with a soft side smile, being honest. “That was… something else.”
Vince nodded in understanding. “Yeah… We should call Naboo, right? Tell him about everything. They said they were gonna come back tonight.”
“Absolutely we’re going to call Naboo. I don’t know about you but I don’t exactly feel qualified enough to Home Alone our apartment.” Howard joked, an attempt to lighten the mood as best he could as he and Vince immediately started preparing to pretend like this never happened, as they always did.
“Yeah.. same.” But something in his voice seemed distant, like he was thinking and moving on autopilot. Then, his eyes snapped to Howard’s with intent. “Thank you for, ya know.. helping- I guess.” Howard understood why Vince felt awkward thanking him because Howard felt awkward taking the thanks. Vince never thanked him. For anything. That just wasn’t in their friendship agreement.
“Oh, uh.. that’s okay..” He stuttered out.
After a few seconds of uncomfortable silence, Vince thinned his lips together and huffed out a sigh, before walking off to the door out of Howard’s room, stopping just before he took a step out and turned back to face Howard. “Could I actually, maybe, stay in here? With you?” He stared down at the floor, fluffing up the back of his hair in a nervous habit as he bit into his cheek. “Just in case, you know..” He didn’t explain what the ‘just in case’ was for but Howard didn’t dare ask him to elaborate. This was as close as they’d been to the old them in a long time. A rift had come between them recently, that was obvious for anyone to see, and they hadn’t been the same as they used to be, especially back in the Zooniverse. They shared that hut and slept on the floor and did everything together. Now? Now Vince found any excuse to be anywhere else and insulted Howard every chance he got. Howard tried not to let it show that it was affecting him but it was. He was losing Vince, he knew that. And just like any day now he feared would be the one where Vince would get himself into trouble, Howard feared any day would be the one Vince decided he didn’t need Howard anymore.
But it wasn’t going to be today.
“Of course you can, Little Man.” He comforted, and Vince visibly relaxed.
Tonight was a roller coaster of emotions that was enough to give Howard whiplash from how quickly they were changing, but this was one he was happy to be riding.
There were so many ways Howard feared losing Vince because he genuinely didn’t know what he would do without the younger man by his side. But he had him for the meantime, and he didn’t plan on letting him go easy.
Whether it’s a duo of burglars or Vince himself, Howard would fight whoever tried to get in the way of that.
Again, don't know how i feel about this. Ehhhhhhhh. I've just had a mental block these last few days whilst i've been dealing with some mental health stuff, so i'm gonna blame it on that, k?
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shotofire · 3 years
hello ! how are you ? i liked so much the oneshot modern levi, that was so cute>\\\<, i would like another oneshot modern levi, when their girlfriend prank him with the challenge "call your man the wrong name" ( i think his reaction will be hilarious 😂) thank you admin-chan we love ya 💜
Oh my gosh hi friend! Your requests have brightened my day so thank you so much! I’m glad you enjoyed it because it was lots of fun to write. Honestly I love you more anon :) <3
•Warnings: cursing
•Season: not set within the show
!Not Proof Read!
You weren’t big on trends and neither was Levi. Both of you didn’t have any kinds of social media, it kind of brought both of you down mentally to see how other people may live their lives. The two of you were happy the way you were and wouldn’t want to have it any other way.
Then there was your close friend, Angel, who just loved to send and show you every video she found entertaining. She was a big social media person and kept up with almost every celebrity there was. You never understand the hobby but it wasn’t your life so it’s not like it affected you. Plus some of the things she showed you actually made you laugh, and sometimes you’d want to branch out to social media.
A few days ago Angel came to visit you while Levi was off running errands. The two of you watched some movies and caught up, talking about all the somewhat interesting things happening in your adult lives. Although she was much more out there than you were.
Of course before you were with Levi you were crazy just like her, but now you were settled and had fun in your own way. Besides, you found getting drunk on your days off with him and laughing about random things incredibly fun. Angel was just more of a go out and party type of girl.
It didn’t take long for her to start showing you videos she’s rounded up for this visit. Some made you laugh, others she had to explain because you didn’t understand it. You watched one of the videos and had no idea what the point of it was.
“Why is he getting mad at her for calling him Mike?”
Angel laughed out loud at your question and you started to feel a bit out of the loop. This happened sometimes and it made you feel old, but you had to remind yourself that you weren’t past thirty yet.
“It’s cause it’s not his real name,” she says like you should’ve known, “and he’s like,” her voice deepens, “who is Mike bruh?”
That’s when you laugh. Her explaining it was a lot more funny than the actual video was.
“Imagine if you did that to Levi, he’d totally freak,”she squealed.
You pondered the thought. Wouldn’t it be cruel though? You could only imagine the way your heart would feel if he said someone else’s name, but you couldn’t help but want to try it out. It was like a harmless prank, right? He’d find out almost as soon as it happened that you were joking and he’d probably tickle you as a consequence.
“Yeah he probably would,” you laughed.
She left a few hours later and you were alone with your thoughts. You wondered if you should do it. The video you watched were teenagers, was it immature to do? Well of course it was, but you were dying to see his reaction.
You grabbed your laptop and searched up, “Calling your boyfriend by the wrong name prank.” Tons of things popped up and you watched video after video. Each one made you laugh with the different reactions people’s significant other had.
The sound of keys at your door make you shut the laptop quickly and set it back on the table. Levi open the door with a small smile on his face and grocerie bags in his hands.
“Hey princess,” he said as he shut the door behind him and set the bags on the kitchen table.
“Hello,” you sang and followed him.
He started to take one thing after another out and you helped. You each alternated who ran errands so the other person could have some alone time. You lived together so having some time to yourself was extremely important. The idea was what contributed to you two being together for so long.
“What did you do today?” He asked as he started placing things in the fridge.
“Angel came over and showed me a million videos, and I cleaned a bit,” you answered.
The most cleaning you did was sweep and wiping the countertops, but you wanted to sound more productive. You couldn’t tell him about the videos you watched by yourself for the past hour and a half.
“Was going out alright? I know the store can be crowed on weekdays,” you say feeling kind of bad.
You’d been contemplating pranking him all day while he ran around and did things for you. Hey you still wanted to go through with it. Were you being soulless? Definitely.
“No, it was fine, don’t worry about it,” he smiled.
Levi reached into one of the bags and pulled out your favorite candy and laughed as your eyes widened. You did a little happy jump and grabbed it from him. He always liked to surprise you with little thing, it was something else that kept the relationship going.
“Thank you so much,” you can’t believe you were about to say it, “Mike!”
Yes, you went with calling him Mike. It was just the first thing that popped in your head because of the first video Angel showed you. You somewhat panicked last second as well so you didn’t have time to be creative.
His eyebrows automatically pressed together as his mouth parted in a scowl. He shut the fridge door and stared at you for a second as if he wasn’t sure you had just said some random name he’d never heard before.
“Um,” he takes a step closer to you, “who the hell is Mike?”
It was so hard not to laugh. His stance was so serious and his voice had reached a lower octave. Oh and the face he made was absolutely priceless and you wished you could’ve taken a picture.
“What?” You asked completely confused, as if you hadn’t just said Mike.
His nose crinkled in annoyance and he shook his head. He didn’t say another word, only grabbed more groceries and put them away. He’d convinced himself that he misheard you. It’d been a long day and he’s been moving non stop, and it was just his mind playing tricks on him.
“I was thinking of making grilled cheese and tomato soup for dinner, does that sound good to you?” He asked with a smile.
You were confused now. Had he not heard what you said? Well of course he did, he asked you who Mike was. Maybe he thought he heard you wrong, that had to be it. You nodded at his question with a smile and helped put everything else away.
Later as he was making dinner and you two talked about random things you decided to try it again. Him not giving you a better reaction earlier kinda bummed you out. You felt even more immature to try it again but what was the worst that could happen?!
He wasn’t the jealous type whatsoever. There was no need to get worked up if he knew you were his, and had been for some time now, and he was yours. But deep down you knew if you pressed the right buttons he’d act different.
“The food smells so good Mike! I can’t wait to eat it!” You said in a cheery voice.
He pressed his palms against the counter top across from where you were sitting. His eyes are narrowed this time with his eyebrows already being knitted just like before. Teeth bite the inside of his cheek as he just looks at you with intimidating eyes.
You becomes antsy under his glare. You’d expected him to say something by now but he stayed silent. Was he observing you? Thats what it seemed like.
“Mike?” He finally questions.
In that moment you couldn’t hold it in anymore. He’d never reacted to anything like this before and it was priceless. His foot had even started to tap on the ground as the jealousy and anger started to bubble up inside of him.
Laughter pushed past your lips and his face had never looked so lost.
“What’s so funny?” He asked with an annoyed tone.
You wrapped your arms around your stomach as you laughed even harder. Levi leaned further onto the counter to become eye level with you, his features were basically asking you, ‘Are you crazy?’
“Oh my-“ you were cut off by more of your own laughter, “Your face, It was so funny! I can’t believe i actually got you!”
He started to understand, you were trying to mess with him and it totally worked. He started to pout and turn away from you, arms crossing. You giggled at his action and got up to wrap your arms around his middle.
“I was just joking,” you say while still letting giggles out, “I love you lots, not Mike. I promise.”
He ruffles your hair and hugs you back, finally letting himself laugh as well. You were going to have to give him lots of a lot for how much you’d just scared him.
“What even provoked you to do that?” he asked with his arms still around you.
“Angel showed me some video of-“ “Yep, she’s not allowed to come here anymore,” he says jokingly.
You looked at him with a frown and he only laughed more. He pecked your nose with his lips and you scrunched it up before kissing his chin.
“You owe me a better kiss than that!” He says with a shocked expression.
You scoff and press your lips to his, he could be such a softie. You may have to try some of the other things Angel had shown you, but Levi might just have a heart attack.
His fingers started to attack your sides and you squealed, this was your punishment.
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Cotton Candy
» Katsuki Bakugo x gn!reader (no pronouns used)
» Fandom: My Hero Academia » Genre: Fluff » Requested (by anon): Hi there. Your writing is amazing, I love it! Could I suggest Bakugou knowing how to get he wants and how to make you weak at the knees. Sorry if it doesn’t make sense » Warnings: swearing, mentions of death » Words: 1.8k
You can find a link to my Masterlist in my bio
Please check my bio for the status of requests before sending something in
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A mild breeze brushed over your face as you inhaled the familiar scent of the funfair that was popcorn and cotton candy mixing with the smell of the warm spring day. The many booths spread across the field provided shadow, keeping you cool as you strolled around the fair midst the many people who had been drawn to the same spot by the inviting smells and sounds. The crowd’s chatting was drowned by joyful screams and laughter whenever you passed by one of the rides, adults and children alike seemingly having the time of their lives.
Bakugo and you blended into the crowd perfectly. You had cotton candy in one hand, the other held onto your boyfriend’s right one as you passed by the booths. 
It was your first date in a while. The new boarding school system at UA put many restrictions on your free time, as well as on how you were allowed to spend it. You had gotten the permission to go to the funfair by All Might, who had given in after a few days of you begging him nicely and Bakugo threatening to blow stuff up if he didn’t let you two go on this date. Any other teacher would have probably said no after the recent events of Bakugo and Midoriya sneaking out, but after all that, your boyfriend still managed to convince All Might. He knew how to get what he wanted at all times.
Most of the time, that was achieved by excessive yelling and him trying to intimidate the other person, sometimes even setting off small explosions and threatening to kill them – which was more terrifying to anyone than only intimidating – but it always worked. Though, there were some rare exceptions. And you were one of those. 
Before you had started dating, and before you even became close friends, Bakugo used to try to get his way by yelling at you too, only to be met by a blank expression and you immediately brushing off his demands. It frustrated Bakugo to no end, to the point where he just gave up on that tactic. Asking nicely was what had worked out with you in the end, and it was what Bakugo had stuck with ever since, even though it felt humiliating - Bakugo could have walked around UA naked and he would feel the same. But if it was a way to get what he wanted, he would do it.
You got Bakugo’s attention by tugging at his shirt lightly. “Look!” Bakugo’s eyes followed the direction you pointed with your cotton candy and landed on a booth with a simple game – though what had caught your attention was not the game, but the prizes, specifically the stuffed animals. 
“Huh?” Bakugo looked back and forth between you and the booth. “You want one?” You smiled and nodded silently. A frown formed on your boyfriend’s face as he continued looking at you. “Seriously?!” “Come oooon, Katsuki!” you whined. “Please? This is a date after all!” He seemed to consider your words for a moment before he sighed. “Ugh, okay, fine.” Letting go of your hand, he approached the booth and you followed him close behind.
The game was simple: you had to throw a ball at a target to win a prize. Bakugo dug his hand into his pocket and slammed some money onto the counter. “One throw.” The man behind the counter exchanged the money with a tennis ball. Without looking at you, Bakugo yelled over his shoulder, “you want this one, right?” he pointed at a huge teddy bear dangling over the counter. “Yeah!” 
“Young man,” the guy behind the counter started, “I’m afraid you’ll need more than one thro-” “Shut the hell up!” Bakugo began cracking his knuckles while eyeing all the targets in front of him.
“I’m assuming this is the main prize and that I’d have to hit more than one target for it?” “Correc-” “Are there any other rules?” “No, there are n-”
A wide grin appeared on Bakugo’s face. “Then step back, old man.” The man looked confused but did as he was told. You took a step back as well, already covering your ears. Bakugo let his knuckles crack one more time before he winded his arm, aiming at one of the targets. Even though you were protecting your ears, the explosion that came simultaneously to Bakugo throwing the ball made you flinch a little. It was not a huge explosion, just enough to blow away every single one of the targets and to make everyone else who was around turn to face you, which might also be because Bakugo had shouted “die” while throwing.
The back of the booth had been blown away by the explosion, particles of dust and smoke as well as pieces of wood flew through the air. The older man behind the counter fell into a state of shock and was only able to nod when Bakugo pointed at the big teddy bear once again, asking if he could have it now.
“There you go.” “Thank you so much, Katsuki!” You landed a kiss on his cheek before welcoming the stuffed animal with open arms, earning a huff from Bakugo. “You jealous?” You teased with a raised eyebrow. “Tse, dream on.”
You took one last look at the hole that your boyfriend had blown into the booth before you took Bakugo’s hand once again and continued walking, the teddy bear in your arm.
You came across some more booths, bought some sweets for your friends and went on almost all of the rides together.
“There is only one ride left,” Bakugo pointed out. “Yeah.” You slowly approached the Ferris wheel that was towering over the funfair, cabins slightly shaking every once in a while, whenever an evening breeze caught them. 
“Come on, let’s go!” Bakugo started walking but was held back by you. You remained right where you were standing. “Hey! Why aren’t you coming?” Your boyfriend looked at you a little confused. “I-” you started, avoiding his eyes. “I’m not sure about this, Katsuki.” “Huh? The Ferris wheel?” You shook your head. “It’s getting late, y’know?”
Bakugo took a quick look at his phone and groaned. “Who cares if we come back a little too late, this is my date and I make the rules.” This came as a little surprise to you. Bakugo was usually the first to go to bed, at eight in the evening, and never a second too late. If someone tried to stop him, he blew them up. “Mister Aizawa might get mad at us,” you argued. “Who cares?!” Bakugo repeated, louder this time. “Let’s go, Y/N!” He made another attempt at pulling you towards the ride, but you did not budge. Your boyfriend let out another annoyed groan before he turned back to you.
He tilted his head to the side, a frown on his face. Before you knew how to interpret his expression, it changed again. This time, into a sly smirk. Bakugo knew how to win. He always knew. 
One of his hands grabbed your wrist, pulling you closer until you were only a few inches away from him. His breath fanned over your cheek as he let out a short chuckle. With his other hand, he lifted your chin, made you look into his eyes. Your heart skipped a few beats as you stood there, stunned, and surprised by your boyfriend’s sudden change in behaviour. The places where Bakugo’s fingers were touching your skin – light and gentle, like feathers – tingled pleasantly and sent signals through your veins. Your legs – no – your whole body felt like putty in this exact moment while your brain was filled with nothing but cotton candy.
“You know,” he started, voice low and quiet, “If anyone says anything about us being too late, I’ll kill them. Let’s enjoy this moment. Together. Just you and me. Come with me, Y/N. We have all the time in the world.” Heat started rising to your cheeks and you wanted to turn away in embarrassment, but all you could do was stare at him. “Take my hand,” Bakugo continued in the same tone as he took your hand in his, that had been holding your wrist just a second ago. He intertwined your fingers and took a step back, though his other hand lingered beneath your chin for one more moment before he let go.
When he started to walk again you followed him closely, legs barely working yet carrying you by themselves. Your mind was still clouded, and the state only began to fade when you sat down in one of the open cabins.
The wheel started to move not soon after and you pressed the teddy to your chest as you started to rise off the ground and into the sky. It took a while, but soon you were able to overlook the whole funfair. The farther away from the ground you rose the quieter it got, and soon the laughter and the screams were nothing more than faint sounds barely reaching you. You came to a stop exactly at the top.
“Look over there.” Bakugo nudged your side. You tore your eyes away from the ground and instead looked at what your boyfriend wanted to show you. Your eyes widened at the scene in front of you. The sky was painted in bright orange and golden colours, the clouds shone in a soft yellow. The cities and fields in the distance were bathing in the warm colours of the evening sun, like a sea purely consisting of light. 
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Bakugo put an arm around you without looking away from the sunset. “Yeah,” you whispered. The light was dancing on Bakugo’s face as well, making his hair appear in a rich gold. You leaned against him and rested your head on his shoulder. A kiss was pressed to your forehead and you turned your head to receive one to your lips as well. It was a sweet one that faintly tasted like cotton candy. Bakugo lingered there for a while before pulling back with a smile on his face.
The whole spectacle only lasted a few minutes before the orange was replaced by a crimson red that faded into deep blue. Slowly, the Ferris wheel began turning again.
Once you had landed back on the ground, the lights of the fair turned on one by one, blinking and flashing in the rhythms of the music that was playing.
You shivered and walked a little closer to Bakugo when you made your way across the field, past the booths, and back to UA. “You cold?” Without even waiting for a response, Bakugo put his arm around your shoulders again. It was not a lot of protection against the cold, but warmth spread through your body anyway.
“I had an amazing day,” you told him after a while. “I’m glad.” “Do you think we’ll get yelled at?” “If someone tries to, I’ll kill them.” You only chuckled and leaned in for another kiss.
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pappydaddy · 4 years
Opposites (s.h.)
  A/N: This is for the request asking for a Steve x Reader where the reader was like Jade West from Victorious (also known as one of my bi awakenings). I am sorry for the delay, this Thanksgiving was crazy (I’m Canadian) and there was so much to do! I tried my best to write the reader like Jade without having her not vibe with the kids bc we all know that the kids come first with Steve. Now, without farther ado, here is the request! Hope you like it lovely Anon!!
Edit: I changed the name bc there are so many fics under the name Opposites Attract😅.
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
show/movie: stranger things 
warnings: fluff??
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  Opposites attract. Something everyone has heard before. It can be applied to magnets or to relationships. While there was no denying that when it came to magnetic pulls, opposites did indeed attract, but Steve was never too sure about it in a relationship sense. He had always gone after girls who fit his lifestyle. Parties, the popular crowd, the girls who fit in to societies expectations. It wasn’t until he had met Y/N that he had realized that maybe everyone was right. Just like magnets, opposites attract did apply to relationships as well. He could not think Robin enough for introducing the hard headed, sometimes (all the time) scary girl who Steve would have never approached. A goofy guy such as Steve paired with the rocker chick who intimidated nearly everyone? Steve had never thought that would be possible outside of the movies. 
 Now, here Steve sat on Dustin’s couch as he bounced his knee, the party bickering all around him as they tried to figure out what they were going to do today. “Why would we watch movie’s all day, we always watch movies, Dustin!” Lucas exclaimed from where he sat on the floor next to Max. Dustin looked up from the pile of VHS tapes he had already selected before hand. 
  “Because movies are awesome and clearly the best option right now,” Dustin answered as if it was obvious. “Nobody can agree on one place, so the logical solution is to stay here and watch a movie.” He shrugged, shuffling through the tapes once again, ignoring Lucas’ groans of protest. Steve tuned them out the best he could as he watched the front door, willing for it to open revealing the two missing members of the party. 
  “Dustin has a point, Lucas.” Max piped up, not even looking up from watching the titles of the movies Dustin was debating on. 
  “Why,” Lucas asked simply, turning his head to face her in an exaggerated fashion. “Just why,” He repeated. “Why do you think it’s better to sit here and watch movies all day as opposed to going to a bowling alley?” 
  “I’d rather watch movies than go to a bowling alley, but we are clearly forgetting the best option brought up,” Mike inserted himself into the conversation again, banging his pointer finger against the coffee table before continuing. “The Arcade. There is a huge re-opening deal and a ton of new games!” 
  “We’re not going to the Arcade, it’ll be too crowded to have fun as a group!” Dustin turned Mike’s idea down once again. 
  “And sitting in a dark living room all day watching movies will be a fun group bonding experience?” Mike snapped back, sending the three boys into a tailspin of bickering. Steve and Max both heaved out sighs at the same time just as the front door opened, Robin walking in first followed by Y/N. The two girls ceased their previous conversation, blinking at the chaos ensuing. 
  “Finally, what took you two so long?” Steve leapt from his spot on the couch, rushing over to the pair, his eyes wide with relief. Instantly, he wrapped Y/N in a tight hug. The girl tensed for a second before melting into his hug, patting his back with one had. She wasn’t much for hugs, not being an overly affectionate person in general, but she couldn’t help but to lean a bit closer to Steve whenever he was affectionate towards her.           
  “Sorry, Stevie-boy,” Robin apologized half-heartedly, plopping herself down in the spot he once occupied. “Y/N got caught up trying to decide which Stephen King book to buy and then she saw the Stephen King display they had put up.” 
  “Ended up getting Cycle of the Werewolf, it came out a few years ago, but I was too wrapped up in the release of Cujo to focus on his book releases,” She told him, not even waiting for him to ask. She pulled out of his grasp, reaching into the bag she carried to hand him the book. Steve shivered slightly, not understanding how she could read or watch Stephen King’s books without getting the slightest bit scared. “But I couldn’t pass on the great deal they had on, they had Danse Macabre for half off so they could get make room for another shipment.” She pulled the second book out of the bag, walking passed Steve who read over the back of the book he held, eyeing the words as if they would jump off the page at him. 
  “That’s great, Y/N, but we need you and Robin to help us decide what to do for the rest of the day,” Dustin interrupted the girl, earning a glare from her (which he ignored). Y/N sat on the middle cushion beside Robin who dug through her own bag to retrieve her own book: Dark Companions. “Lucas wants to go to a bowling alley-”
  “I would rather stab my eyes with rusty scissors then go to a bowling alley.” Y/N cut him off, flicking through the pages of her new book. Dustin laughed in victory as Lucas gave Dustin a warning look in return. 
  “We didn’t get to hear what Robin thought.” Lucas pointed out, hoping that Robin would be his saving grace, but his hope was quickly shot down. 
  “I’m with Y/N,” She stated, looking up from her book. “I hate those places, they are a cesspool of germs. Kids pick their noses then use their booger covered fingers to pick up a ball.” She turned her nose up at the idea. Lucas slumped back in defeat, Max sending him a sympathetic smile despite her internal happiness that she didn’t have to go to the bowling alley. Steve hid his own excitement as he sat down on the other side of Y/N, slinging his arm over her shoulders as she began to read her book. 
  “How about the Arcade, huh? You guys can watch us play awesome games and not touch anything!” Mike brought up his idea, trying to sell the girls on it. Robin shook her head instantly. 
  “Arcades are my personal hell,” Y/N grumbled, flipping the page. “Kids running around screaming and the noises from the games. It’s nauseating.” She cringed at the thought of it. 
  “So that leaves watching movies here then.” Dustin smiled brightly, showing his still missing teeth. Mike and Lucas groaned, flopping back on the floor dramatically, missing the way Y/N’s face twisted into a scowl and Robin’s nose turned up once again. 
  “Sitting here all day watching movies?” Robin asked. 
  “I would rather stuff myself into a wood-chipper.” Y/N commented once again, her eyes never lifting off her page. This prompted Lucas and Mike to shoot back up, smiling widely at Dustin’s defeat. 
  “Hey, isn’t there that band stopping by to preform a little outdoor concert, super low-key and free?” Max finally brought up the idea she had been sitting on the whole time. She knew that Robin and Y/N would have backed her up, but the boys would have shot the idea down immediately. Y/N and Robin slowly lifted their heads, intrigued by Max’s idea. 
  “So? What band would be coming to Hawkins to play a free show? Are they even worth seeing?” Mike lifted his upper lip in a grimace as he got ready to shoot the idea down. 
  “Yes, they are,” Max narrowed her eyes at the boy. “It’s a relatively new rock band, kinda like Def Leppard meets Guns N’ Roses meets AC/DC. They are playing free shows in smaller towns to build a name for themselves, all their earnings come from their merch sales.” 
  “Now that,” Y/N finally closed her book, setting it on the coffee table as she uncrossed her legs. Leaning her elbows on her knees, she clasped her hands together and pointed her pointer fingers at Max, a smirk playing on her dark painted lips. “That sounds awesome.” She unclasped her hands to high-five Max, the red-head beyond happy that her idea was chosen.             
  “It does sound really cool,” Robin nodded, sharing a look with Y/N and Max. “I’m down.” 
  “You know what,” Steve finally spoke up, bobbing his head, a goofy smile on his face as his eyes gazed at Y/N as she leaned back under his arm, looking up at him. “I’m in too. I could use a good concert.” 
  “You’re just agreeing because your girlfriend wants to go!” Mike accused, earning two glares from Y/N and Steve. He shrunk back under Y/N’s hard glare.
  “Come on, guys,” Steve encouraged. “You guys could actually like their music, you might even find a new interest or meet some new people,” He tried to sell the reluctant teen boys. They hummed, actually listening to him. “There really isn’t any harm in going.” They nodded, muttering their lack-luster agreements in choosing the concert. 
  “Forget all that mushy, positive shit,” Y/N waved her hand at Steve’s sappy selling of the concert. “Just go and live outside of your comfort zone, taint your innocent, pure souls. You will thank me later, trust me.” 
  “Are you corrupting my kids?” Steve asked her as the boys all hollered ‘yeahs’ and hopped around the room as if they were tough. Max and Robin rolled their eyes at them, but Y/N looked back up at Steve, a sparkle in her eyes. 
  “Yeah, someone had to undo all the goofiness you instilled in them - make ‘em cooler.” He smiled down at her, pressing his lips against hers softly as the boy’s continued on. The roudiness melted away as they shared a loving kiss. As their lips pulled away reluctantly, parting the sweet kiss. Steve was never more sure that they were living proof of opposites attracting.         
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loser-writings · 4 years
Hi! I’m a big fan of your omegaverse writing! I’d love to see some omega Shoto stuff but I have a lot of personal HCs about it if u don’t mind me sharing a bit? I feel like when Sho first presented as an omega endeavor was annoyed cuz they’re considered ‘weaker’ so he probs got Sho on suppressants early & didn’t let him openly present or do typical omega things like nesting, maybe even made him present as alpha/beta until Sho sorta broke from his control a bit? So he’s still figuring it out? -🦇
      Hey Bat-Anon! I promise to write some Omega Shoto soon, but for now I should say that I actually have to agree with your HC (Please send in more I adore hearing other peoples headcanons) but I think Endeavor would take it to the extreme. EDIT: I also have to apologize this became a LOT 
     Like I said in my Aizawa story, Omega males have less testosterone than the average male in order for their reproductive system to stay fertile. Women can become Infertile if they have too much testosterone, so once Shoto even starts presenting as an Omega, he starts the process of changing that in an instant. Monthly testosterone shots become something normal in his life and he quickly gets over his fear of needles. 
     The side effects of the testosterone are something Shoto doesn’t even realize. His chest is always sensitive, he has horrible headaches, his voice drops causing him to become insecure due to the random voice cracks, the increase in muscle, and god the body odor. That last one really gets him because no matter how much Enji will try, he is an omega at heart. He absolutely hates his body odor type scent, so he showers a LOT. His scent also seems to have switched from what was like Cinnamon and Peppermint depending on the sides, to something deeper and more musky.
     Of course the other members of his family are oblivious to this and the one time Fuyumi caught Endeavor giving Shoto one of his monthly testosterone shots, Endeavor just claims that it’s just some medicine. It doesn’t hit her until later in her life what was happening, and she still regrets letting it happen to this day.
     Every nest he ever made was quickly destroyed by his father, which only caused more trauma for the abused Omega because he had no clue why he wanted to nest all of the time. He didn’t even know what nesting was! All he knew is that sometimes his mom would sneak in and slowly help him build a “Make shift bed” In his closet for him to sleep in after the really hard days. Those were always his favorite because it meant his mom would hold him in the nest while he slept.
     Shoto was actually quite scared when he entered UA. He was most intimidated and afraid of Bakugo since he reminded him so much of his father. He never really attempted to make friends or be social, and the first time he truly showed who he really was, was during the sports festival against Deku. He broke down in the middle, but was very content overall. His fight with Bakugo was a different story. He gave his win to Bakugo and just gave up. It honestly pissed off both his father and Bakugo, but he didn’t care in the end.
     Aizawa and Hizashi were both quick to notice how the man showed all of the signs for an Omega on testosterone. His scent, the chest pain he would randomly get, sleepiness, back and joint pain, trouble sleeping, and his mood swings. Both teachers approached Nezu before confronting Shoto about it, only for Shoto to suddenly get really dizzy. Luckily Hizashi grabbed him before he could fall and carried him back to Recovery girl.
     That’s when he learns about Aizawa, a pro-hero who is an Omega on T. Aizawa quickly finds this bond between them and quickly takes him under his wing. The whole time he is talking to Shoto, he is holding his hand in an attempt to keep the boy grounded and calm despite his own anxiety. That’s also when Aizawa learns about Endeavor, how he treated him and his family, and that “He didn’t want me to be ‘almost perfect’ since almost isn’t perfect.”
     Trust me when I say this led to the teachers, even All Might, having a deep anger towards Endeavor. Aizawa cannot fucking stand being around him and will growl if he is on TV. Hizashi may seem calm, but he really wants him to pay for what he did to Shoto. Toshinori will straight up confront Enji, grabbing him and threatening him despite his frail body. None of this even phases Enji though until he takes the spot as #1 and slowly realizes how fucked he is.
     When they get dorms, Aizawa and Hizashi are over in an instant with nesting material for Shoto. Some old band shirts of Hizashis, a couple of Aizawas’ hoodies, and blankets like none other. Once they get inside, Aizawa teaches him how to make a nest and explains why they’re important to Omegas. He also gave him some of his and Hizashis’ clothes just because he noticed how calm he is around the two, as if they were really his parents. Shoto often wears those in his room or to bed since they make him feel safe and honestly, very loved too.
     And that’s how Aizawa and Hizashi accidentally adopted Shoto Todoroki. He has their numbers in his phone (And texts them way more than he does Enji) and even trains under them. After the Midterms, Aizawa decides to teach him some skills he learned along the way. Hizashi actually taught him how to work at his radio station, showing him what plays what song, the commercials, and even the room where he does his morning show. Hell, he even gave Shoto a launchpad and one of his computers so he could try making music himself. It never fails to make Hizashi smile when Shoto stays after class to show him the newest song he worked on. Aizawa doesn’t show favoritism in class, but he does go out of his way after to make sure that Shoto understood the lesson, if not, then he would be welcome in his classroom during lunch or they could discuss it after school.
    Okay okay this is all I’ll spill for now, but yes. Your headcanon is so good, and I agree completely
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Can u do head canons for Travis with a s/o that he’s been best friends with for a long time and ends up dating // like he introduces him to the gang and they’re just like ... yeah wow your definitely straight bud // I’m tryna write a whole fan fiction on the concept and wondered what lil things other people would say about that idea // I would deffo give u credit for helping me get my head around the concept :)
Alright, Anon, I'll try to help, but for Travis, I always pair him with my OC, BISO (Big Intimidating SO), who will be officially named in this post (but probably still affectionately referred to as BISO (he's growing up so much, my baby OC)) Also, this may not exactly come out in headcanons. When I really get going, it turns into an imagine. I hope you're alright with that. And you better tag me! I wanna read what you write 😅.
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(I was trying to find intimidating boyfriend gifs. Did it work?)
Disclaimer: this ficlet is based off of a character(s) and setting from Sally Face (© Portable Moose). It is fictional, and moreso, fiction filtered through an individual imagination. Any likenesses to IRL people are purely coincidental. If you are triggered by it, or it's not for you, sorry, send in an ask, and we'll figure out something!
Travis Phelps had a secret. Well a couple of secrets. Sal Fisher had figured out one of them, but for some reason he kept good mouth shut. When Travis had asked Sal why, Sal had replied with a simple, "It's not my news to share." And no more. Sometimes the peace that radiated from Travis' old crush infuriated Travis blindly. Other times, it was comforting.
A new boy had moved to Nockfell, a tall, muscular intimidating new boy. Travis had been drawn to him, like a moth to flame.
Whenever the new boy had walked through the halls, his classmates parted to create a path for him with uneasy faces. Poor Travis, only having had one crush (and it luckily was on the nicest boy on Earth), didn't know how to even approach the handsome leviathan, much less ask him in a date. So Travis tailed him, sure he'd work up the courage to speak to him.
It took days, but the new guy had noticed Travis' continual presence and his failure to even introduce himself. Thinking that this was some type of new kid hazing since he'd heard that Travis was the resident bully, he'd had enough and caught Travis off guard after fourth period.
His large hand closed around the collar of Travis' fuchsia sweater and gripped it. Then the new boy lifted Travis from the ground by it in order to bring Travis face to face with him. Travis froze in his grip, feet dangling, as the guy must have stood to be six foot five or six inches.
"What the hell is your problem dude?!"
Travis was left to dangle, mouth opening and closing like a guppy. He was so embarrassed that he felt like his face was going to suck out of the back of his head. He'd thought he had meant the words "Shame swallows me whole" when he'd written them to Sal, but he felt it now twice as strongly.
"I-I wanted to introduce myself. Was trying to get the courage" Travis confessed, and flinched then, eyes squeezing shut, head turned away, waiting for a punch that didn't come.
Once Travis noticed that the side of his face wasn't about to be caved in, his small confession grew branches and they sprouted from his mouth, "The first time I saw you, I wanted to know you better. Maybe we could hang out... Like on a date or something?"
Travis looked up from the spot on the floor his eyes were burning a hole through, into the new kid's face. The boys expression softened and he sat Travis on his feet. Travis looked down and kicked the toe of his foot into the ground, so he missed when toys bear of a guy just envelopes him in the most tender hug. One moment, he's staring at the floor, the next, he's in strong muscular arms and staring into to an equally muscled chest.
Intimidating as he may have looked, the new boy was actually the biggest sweetheart. He saw Travis' flinch and it broke his heart that someone could expect pain that unprovoked. Sure he'd snatched him up, but he hadn't offered much violence. Only gotten Travis' attention. He'd wanted to hug that flinching away, so he tried.
He pulled away from Travis a little, looking down at him, "Do you want to know my name before or after this date?" They didn't share classes, he only knew Travis' name from whispers about him in the halls.
Travis was already blushing, and now he was turning a deep crimson, completely out of his comfort zone, "I'm, I'm sorry, where are my manners? I'm Travis."
"It's okay, you were working up the courage to introduce yourself, remember? I'm Will."
The two were practically inseparable from that moment on, together whenever they were out of class, but at school, and frequently after too. They had their date, a twilight picnic at Wendigo Lake. Sal had started asking Travis to try hanging out with the Gang™ and told him that he could bring his new friend, though his demeanor was knowing, like he knew Travis and Will had become a couple. No words had exchanged been Travis and Will about their status, but them they didn't need to talk about it. They were just... Together. They had, started to hold hands in private places, even had their first kiss, and more, riding high on the excitement of young love.
So Travis had accepted Sal's invitation to hang out at Larry's place after school and extended the invitation to Will, who of course accepted. Larry let them in, body language stuff, but Sal was there to meditate, and frankly, Travis just didn't feel like fighting with Will around him. Will exuded the same peace that Sal did, but instead of getting annoyed by it, Travis basked in it.
Sal led conversation, made small talk, and eventually everyone relaxed enough to have a worthwhile conversation. Ashley, Todd, Todd's boyfriend Neil, and a guy Sal called Robert had joined the four of them and conversation was flowing, Larry, Sal, abs Robert talking about music.
"You two should check out Soundgarden. The lead guitar is killer" Robert was saying.
"Oh, yeah, man, Cornell is a god" Will piped up as he laced his fingers with Travis'. Then he leaned over and kissed Travis' lips, a quick peck.
You could have heard a pin drop. Everyone but Sal, and strangely Today and Neil, were looking at Will with shocked faces.
Will's brow furrowed in confusion, "What? Ya'll look like you got poked with a cattle prod."
Everyone was still shocked, so Sal took the liberty to explain. "I think they're surprised because they didn't know either of you were gay."
Will laughed then, a deep rumbling laugh that turned into a guffaw "You mean you were still in the closet? With your friends?"
"You know my situation, Will. Can you blame me?"
Will squeezed Travis' hand, showing that he was sorry and there, "Not a bit."
"We won't judge you guys" Larry said, "You gotta do what makes you happy."
Travis nodded, his golden brown skin a little paled out, "Thanks, Larry."
"Anytime, man, what are friends for?"
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a little jealous
A/N: this was requested by anon, I hope you enjoy, let me know what you think!
request: Could you write a fic post it chapter 2 where Richie and Eddie start dating, but then Richie starts to feel jealous of Eddie with an attractive coworker?
warnings: a few curse words, a very brief mention of homophobia, a bit of self doubt
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They’ve been officially dating for two months when Eddie invites Richie to join him on a work related business party. It’s not the first one Eddie has had to go to, but up until now he had always made up an excuse so that he only had to stay for about an hour, not nearly long enough for Richie to tag along to.
The difference between this one and the others he has already been too, is that this time he needs to stay to the end. Eddie might be up for a promotion if his boss takes a liken too him, which is why he is determined to make a good impression. If Eddie gets turned down, he’ll probably leave his job and search for another one, Richie thinks, since Eddie had been going on none stop about quitting.  
Richie has been to his office before, on more than one occasion, when Eddie was so stressed he forgot his lunch, so it’s not his first Rodeo. He knows a few people that will attend, like Anisa who is the secretary on the bottom floor, Emmet who is Eddie’s coworker and works in the office adjacent to his, and Karen who is about as much a pain in the ass as Eddie’s mom, but Richie loves to fuck with her.
Anisa is his best friend in the office, well of course besides Eds, but whenever he stops by, he always leaves some form of candy on her disk, a references to the first time the two met, when Richie accidentally dropped all the candy he was planning to surprise Eddie with. It had been Halloween, and even though Eddie didn’t celebrate it, none of the losers actually, Richie still felt the need to do something. They hit it off straight after, especially when Anisa confided in him that she had never seen Eddie smile as much as when he got together with him.
Emmet is a bit of a hardass, work till he drops, party till he drops kind off guy. Full-on in everything he does, which sometime is a little of putting, but it can also cause hilarious comedy gold moments, which Richie has used multiple times in his sketches.
He’s pretty sure his winning Karen over aswell, since he has even managed to get a small smile out of her, which is a hell of a lot more than he ever got from Sonia.
The others he knows only vaguely by the nicknames he gave them, ranging from boss man to toilet man, the latter spending all his time on the toilet if Eddie is anything to go by.
Still, Richie is very excited when he gets permission from Eddie to go with him, so much so that he’s practically bouncing on his foot whilst he gets ready. Eddie is less keen on going tonight, but that has nothing to do with the fact that Richie is going.
Ever since returning from Derry, the two of them don’t go out much. They meet up with the losers, but apart from that they usually spend their time inside of the confinements of their home, either fighting over he gets the remote, cooking, working or annoying the shit out of each other.
Neither of them want to either, they enjoy each other’s company, and those of the other members of the losers club. When they do go out, they always seem to run into someone they know giving them shit about being gay. ‘Oh Eddie, I thought you were still married to your wife?’ or ‘If it isn’t the trashmount with a boy. What happened couldn’t get enough girl anymore?’
Most of them don’t mean bad, and Eddie nor Richie are ashamed of their love, they’re just tired of having to explain over and over again, so they stay in.
Work parties are the worst for Eddie, who doesn’t even like most of his coworkers to begin with, but sometimes they are mandatory, and he has no choice but to drag his ass over there.
So Eddie grumbles his way through getting ready, shaving and brushing his teeth with a stern look on his face, picking out his and Richie’s cloths. ‘There’s no way I’m letting you dress yourself, you’ll look like a walking Christmas tree.’
They lose some time while they get ready because Richie tries to cheer Eddie up a bit, by threatening to dose him in cold water, welcoming the snappy warning Eddie sends his way.
By the time they make it to Eddie’s workplace, where the party is going to be held, it’s a quarter past nine, while they were supposed to be there at nine.
This does not do any wonders for Eddie’s mood, who’s scowl turns impossibly bigger. He almost trips over his own two feet in his haste to make it inside, but before they do, he tugs Richie aside by the hem of his sleeve.
‘Please act normal, I need this job alright?’
‘My Eds, you wound me. You think I would throw away your honor just for a few laughs from a couple of lads, I could never.’ Richie’s British voice thick his words with an accent, having the intended effect. A smile tugs up the sides of Eddie’s mouth, even when he desperately tries to hide it, rolling his eyes extravagantly.
‘See that’s what I mean dickhead, don’t do the fucking British guy or I’m dumping you.’
He’s clearly joking, so Richie doesn’t dignify it with a response, though he does snort a little in amusement. ‘Sir, yes sir.’ He calls out long after Eddie has turned his back, cackling when Eddie flips him the bird behind his back. Fondly, Richie follows him through the long corridors, first turning right, then left, left again to eventually enter a massive open space, not to far from the bathroom Richie always uses when he comes to visit.
‘Hey, if you want to get out of here, just use the word salmon for whatever, than we’ll skoot on right out of here, Eddie Spaghetti’, Richie whispers inconspicuously to Eddie, trying to avoid being heard by somebody else. He hopes he succeeded, but by the looks of it, he did.
Eddie shakes his head fondly, his hand interlocking with Richie’s with a warning squeeze.
‘Shut up you idiot’, he mumbles fondly, the look in his eyes radiating nothing but love for the man in next to him.  
They spot Anisa first, the sour look on her face melting away when she sees the two of them entering. She grabs two more drinks, balancing a total of three drinks in two hands, and offers it gracefully to them.
‘What took you guys so long?’ The voice of Bon Jovi booms through the room, originating from a djs-table in the left corner, making it hard to understand what she’s saying.
‘Mister clean over here had to be completely dosed up for this occasion, I think he changed cloths like three times, isn’t that right Eds?’ to be fair though, Eddie looks horrendously handsome, it’s almost criminal. His suit accentuates all the good features of his body, which is everything, his dress shoes make a squeaking noise every time they walk over the floor, and his hair is neatly combed back, making him look even more attractive than he already is daily.
A huff is forced out of him when he feels Eddie’s elbow dig slightly into his side. Eddie glare is turned up to a hundred.
‘Do you know how unsanitary it is to not wash every day? Do you know how many germs are transferred onto your hand by just touching a doorknob? If I didn’t wash up you know statistically speaking I have a 40% change of catching a disease? You know this asshole, why would you need to-‘
He’s intercepted by Anisa; ‘you two are so cute together’, and Richie couldn’t agree more. He takes a sip of his drink; which is champagne apparently, and is seconds away from asking Eddie who his boss is supposed to be, when a man Richie has never seen around the office makes an appearance, sliding in front Eddie’s left to give him a tight hug. By doing so, he breaks the link that Richie and Eddie hands still had, rudely shoving Richie slightly back.
He frowns, but does nothing as he waits for Eddie to introduce them. Anisa, who is still standing with them, looks to be as flabbergasted as he is.
‘Eddie, look at you. Handsome as always’, the man compliments while pulling back, his eyes shamelessly raking over Eddie’s form.
Eddie laughs politely, thanking him while reaching for Richie’s hand again. ‘Yeah, good to see you to Seth, this is my boyfriend Richie Tozier’, Eddie explains when the guy, Seth, makes no move to introduce himself.
Seth forces a curt nod towards Richie, not so much as a hello. It irks Richie to no end, but this might the one Eddie’s trying to impress, and Richie is not enough of an asshole to ruin Eddie’s chances because he’s annoyed.
‘I’m going to find Emmet, I’ll see you guys later’, Anisa tells them, as she turns around and walks off, something Richie would love to be doing now too.
He stays rooted to his spot though, trying to make himself as big as possible. It must look a bit ridiculous, but he can’t help it, there’s something about this guy.
‘So, have you managed to talk to the boss man yet? The guy really likes fresh workers.’ He tries to joke, but it falls flat, and Richie can’t help but feel smug and a little sympathetic towards the guy, so he laughs a bit awkwardly. It’s better than not responding at all, he argues, but then Seth levels him with such an annoyed look that Richie can’t help but feel a little intimidated by.
He hasn’t seen that sort of look since Sonya, and for all his joking about her, he really was terrified that she would manage to convince Eddie to stay away from for good. Uneasiness sweeps it’s way through Richie’s body, the only thing keeping him slightly calm and stable, is the hand he’s holding.
Richie tries to change the subject, to distract himself from how weird he finds the guy, by asking how he and Eddie know each other.
‘We collaborate on projects from time to time, Seth works for one of our client companies.’
‘Yeah, and we wouldn’t be coming back to the same firm if it wasn’t for Eddie over here,’ he gestures to Eddie as if Richie didn’t know who the fuck that was, ‘I’ve never had a more dedicated, ambitious, articulated, clever –‘
While he continues to dish out compliments, Richie reaches his arm over Eddie’s shoulders, pulling him flush to his side. Obviously it’s wonderful to hear compliments, and god knows Eddie deserves nothing but that, but it’s quite off putting that the same guy keeps praising him at every turn, and not even acknowledges his boyfriends presence instead being rude.
Eddie response by pressing a kiss to Richie’s cheek, which is a lot of PDA for him, maybe to sooth Richie, maybe because it was an automatic reflex, either way, Richie takes a deep breath and manages to hold his tongue till the guy is finished talking.
‘Yep, that’s my Eds, nothing but the best. I’m lucky to have him.’
He looks up from Eddie’s face to smile brightly in Seth’s vicinity, not even trying to compete with him, just being brutally honest.
‘He’s just as ambitious at home by the way, you should see the poses he can bend into when we’re-‘
‘Beep beep, Richie’, Eddie’s voice, sharp as the edge of a knife cuts in. ‘Don’t you dare finish that sentence you prick. And don’t call me that.’
Richie cackles, gripping his stomach with the one hand that isn’t occupied to stop himself from doubling over, Eddie’s angry face only making it worse.
‘Why do you call him Eds? He told you he doesn’t like that.’
Richie’s head snaps back up again, and this time, he feels actual anger. It’s one thing to flirt with Eddie in front of him, or be rude to him, Richie can deal with that, at least on the outside. But insulting their nicknames? He knows for a fact Eddie only tells him to stop calling him that out of habit, Eddie having admit to that himself, but this guy had no right commenting on it.
Eddie himself seems agitated now, in a truly fashion, one that he has never used to talk to Richie, but before he can say anything, another man steps their way, extending his hand and waiting for Eddie to shake it.
‘Mister Duke, how are you sir?’ Eddie asks a little nervously, and Richie lets his arm drop down. He refuses to let Eddie be denied this opportunity by homophobia, even if he isn’t sure that the man is homophobic, he’s not ready to take any changes.
With a gesture over his shoulder, Eddie follows who Richie presumes is his boss over to a table with man who looked like they stepped right out of the TV show suits, but Richie declines to walk with him.
Eddie needs a chance to prove himself, and Richie was just going to support him from where he was standing.
For a minute, he forgets Seth is still standing with him, until he opens his mouth again.
‘You know you’re only dragging him down right?’ He asks cruelly.
Richie frowns at him, his hands closed in fists, trying to lure himself away from his breaking point.
‘He would do much better with me. What do you have to offer? Money? I’ve got plenty of that, and at least I have status. Some small town comedian who flunked at his show that one time, and still hasn’t made a comeback yet. You look about as disheveled as a homeless men, and I can’t say I see much love between the two of you. You annoy him, and you might find it funny, respectable people don’t. Leave him before you ruin him like you ruined yourself. I could take better care of him than you ever could.’
After his monologue, he stares Richie down with a cocky expression, seemingly daring Richie to respond. When he doesn’t get one in ten seconds, he trudges on, probably to on to the next person to bother.
Richie feels like all the bones in his body have turned to liquid as he struggles to stay upright. For a moment he gazes around the room in shame, because it seems like a scene from a movie where everyone looks on to the bully annihilating some nerd, as that is the exact same emotion Richie comprehends, before he realizes that everyone is caught up in their own conversation, and he too walks off, going to the bathroom.
He knows Eddie will search for him when he’s done with his conversation, but for a moment that thought is put on the back-burner as he starts to get a little faint. It takes longer than it usually does to reach the toilet door, in the meanwhile he’s had to shrug Emmet of and ignore Anisa’s callout, but none of that matters when he finally gets there.
As soon as the door closes behind him, a loud sob leaves his throat. Only one sob is allowed to leave his lips, he argues with himself, so he resumes to silent tears only after that.
Overreactor, his traitorous mind hisses at him, and he knows it’s right, but he can’t help how he feels. He survived a fucking clown alien attacking him, and even that didn’t make him cry until he thought Eddie might have died.
However, he knows that Seth had a point, Richie is really not good enough for Eddie. And maybe Seth could be, at the very least, he did have a stable job, and he thinks highly of Eddie, maybe he was right, and he should leave Eddie so he can grow to his full potential.
Some times goes by while he’s thinking it over, and in the meanwhile he has moved to wash his face by the washing bins, scrubbing the area around his eyes to make it appear like he wasn’t crying. As he’s doing this, he hears Eddie call out to him. ‘Hey dickhead, you in here?’
The door whips open, clashing against the wall with a loud bang so hard that Richie flinches for a moment. A worried looking Eddie is standing in the door opening, his tie undone atop his blazer, and his frantic eyes searching the door, calming down slightly when he sees Richie.
‘Hey, why are you taking so long, you fall in the toilet or something?’ Eddie tries, a futile attempt at ignorance, Richie can clearly see how perturbed he is, but he’s kind enough to let Richie come to him.
Instead of telling Eddie the things that are on his mind, Richie tries to force a way around the topic, by using humor and creating a joke. ‘Well Eds, I was just about to call your mom, to declare my love for her.’
‘Richie’, Eddie sighs, running a hand over his face like he’s trying to mentally prepare himself? By the tone of his voice, Richie understands that Eddie is asking him to tell the truth, to speak what’s on his mind, but that can be so hard sometimes, so in lieu of having a conversation with Eddie, Richie starts to cry.
A hand pushes it’s way up to his mouth, trying to desperately to muffle the cries of despair, shame was again white hot present in his mind. Eddie looks shocked for about a second flat, before rushing over to Richie, grabbing his neck and pushing his head against the crook of his shoulder, rubbing his own hand up and down Richie’s back, and the other one through his hair.  
‘Rich, it’s okay. You can talk to me dumbass, that’s what boyfriends are supposed to do.’
There’s nothing but silence for a few minutes, which Eddie grants Richie, just trying to get him to calm down.
‘do you ever doubt our relationship?’ Richie finally asks, feeling the way Eddie’s entire body freezes up as if he was told Pennywise was back.
Richie hurries to continue. ‘I mean, if I’d had to choose between me and Seth, I’d pick Seth too. He has a good job and I might be out of one after waiting so long to go on stage again, and I look ridicules, and I push your buttons,’ Richie takes a break to gulp in a large gush of air. ’I’m just saying, I’d get if you would want to break up with me.’
Yet, when Eddie pulls back slightly, Richie panics before letting him get too far. Eddie laughs again, still close enough that their noses are pressed together with Richie bend down the way he is.
‘Hey Rich, you’re really fucking stupid you know that?’ Eddie says with a voice so incredibly soft and fond, Richie nearly melts to a puddle. He’s still stroking curl after curl on Richie’s head, comforting him best he can when they’re in a public bathroom.
‘You’ll have a job. You’re so good at being funny Richie. Even if I don’t say that enough. Besides, let’s say you don’t, you will but just hypothetically, I don’t care about that. I only want to spend time with you. You dress like a toddler, but I like that, it makes you look goofy, just like your personality.’
With a smile that’s showing his teeth, Eddie presses a quick kiss on Richie’s mouth, pulling back fast and firing two more in rapid succession.
‘I love you Rich. Not fucking Seth, Fuck that guy. I could never want to be with him, ever. I mean it when I say I love you dickwad, despite my questionable decision, I choose you.’
Richie giggles, hearty when Eddie stands on his tippy toes to kiss his forehead, and for a moment he feels like he’s five years old. He’s glad to have Eddie, and he’s even more satisfied that Eddie wants him back. Not amnesia could stand in their way, he’s so idiotic to believe a guy from Eddie’s fucking job could.
‘Now, come on. First I have to kick Seth’s ass for making my boyfriend cry. I have to set an example here. Then we’ll go home and cuddle okay? We'll clean the salmon or whatever the fuck sentence I'm supposed to make with that and skoot on home’
Richie shakes his head negatively, ‘what about your job promotion?’
As if suddenly remembering so, Eddie grins like a cat that go the cream.
‘Don’t worry about that, I got the job.’
When they cuddle at night in their bad, after a heavy make out session, and a small skype party with the losers in honor of Eddie’s promotion, Richie falls asleep, safely knowing that Eddie was with him, and he no matter what, he wasn’t leaving.  
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shelby-love · 3 years
A marvelous milestone
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Holy hell you guys! Why are you still following me, you crazy people?! Joking, joking! Keep following me. :))))
I’m glad you decided to follow me, and if I’m honest I don’t know how I lived without you all before. You all mean so much to me and I thank you all dearly for giving me your ideas and allowing me to write them. This has been an amazing start of the year and I hope we continue through it like we did just now.
Honoring this amazing achievement I will do something I didn’t get to do last time - a sleepover! I want to interact with you guys because I didn’t have the guts to do so before (I’m incredibly shy). I hope you will join me in your PJs! ❤️
All rules are below - this sleepover starts now and ends on Friday, February 5th! 
💫 Let’s collect opinions!
Send me something. Anything! A scene from a movie, a character... Is he/she good or bad? What about that scene? Let’s open a discussion for everyone to take part in! For fandoms in my writing list.
🥀 Ask me any question!
Sweet roses in my ask followed by a question and I will answer! Make it as random as you want, just don’t cross boundaries. Any kind of uncomfy questions will be ignored, eek!
💐 Fic review!
I’ve been reading a bit more fanfiction than usual nowadays, since school doesn’t really allow me to buy a 7 part book series to read smh. Let’s leave out smut and more than one part stories, alright? I’ll tell you what I think of it, share it and most likely bombard you with compliments!  
🔥 Need a hand?
Though I don’t think of myself as the next big writer, if you’d like for me to give you a hand in your writing, let me know, and we’ll go through it together. This line of work can be tricky, and it’s good to get a fresh set of eyes to check it out now and then lol! 
💋 Kiss, marry, kill!
Send me three characters/celebrities of your choice and I will share with you my answer (a truthful one). You might even find out if I have a type! Characters can be sent for all fandoms! 
⚡ Let’s play a game!
Would you rather, Never Have I Ever…, This or That. Whatever you want, give me a lightning, and you’re on! 
⭐ What do you think of me?
You can be honest with me even though I’m a bit sensitive. What kind of person do I seem like? Is my writing telling a different story about me? 
🍾 Let’s spill!
Me after you. What’s something not a lot of people know about you? An embarrassing story? Awkward one? Let’s spill!
🌠 Recommend!
From fics, to music, food, books, movies and whatnot - let’s all share recommendations. You can ask me to recommend you something, or you can share something with me! I’ll check it out, I solemnly swear ;)
You can tick the anon box at any time, I, for one, know how intimidating and nerve-wracking asks can be sometimes. It’s the primary reason as to why I’m horrible at interacting. But hey! It’s 2021 and there is 1.1K of you! I’d love to know you all... If you’d have me of course. ❤️❤️
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