#( since he is always wrestling with this he came to her to ask about it.)
ripleylove · 1 day
Mami,tu eres solo mia.
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inspired by the video down below!
pairing: Dominik Mysterio x fem reader.
genre: fluff
summary: even while doing an interview, Dominik always defends you,no one disrespects his mami.
A/N: oh hell yeah I love jealous and respectful latinos like whatever you say beautiful 😍😍😍😍
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Dominik was always going to defend you,always,not letting anybody talk badly about you.
And you got another demonstration of this while he was doing an interview.
Being a backstage worker at raw,you two always managed to meet each other,and both of you knew that you liked him and that he liked you. So one day,he mustered enough courage to ask you out,and since then you all didn't even split.
Today you couldn't be at his side in the spanish interview,since you had to stay home because you weren't feeling really well,but you still watched it on youtube.
At the beginning,Dominik and the interviewer talked about all that wrestling stuff,about the judgment day and about Dominik's relationship with his father,the usual.
Until,the interviewer started asking your boyfriend about you. How did you two met and how did you two get together.
Dominik was so overprotective of you,and he wanted everyone to respect you. That's why he was almost going to punch the interviewer when he said you were "rica" which means "hot" but in a kinda disrespectful way.
Your eyes widened,already feeling pity for that interviewer.
"What did you say?" Dominik asked,daring the man in front of him to say it again. (he looked insanely hot while doing that you must say).
"No,no,but it's with respect." The interviewer tried to defend himself,shaking his hands in front of himself,but Dominik wasn't having it.
"With respect to whom?"
"To you,obviously. And to her too." The guy said while acting confident.
Oh you were fearing for his life.
"But I want you to say it one more time. What was it?" Dominik asked the interviewer, and said guy looked at the staff behind the cameras,trying to escape form this situation.
"I said that she's pretty,she's good lookin-" The guy got interrupted by your boyfriend.
"No,no,no. You said the word that starts with an R. C'mon,say it again,I didn't hear you." Dominik got closer to the guy while having a plastic red cup of water,and you already knew what he wanted to do.
"I said r-rica" Poor guy even started stuttering,while Dominik stood up from his armchair.
"Don't even dare talking about my mami like that ever again,saying that she's hot and she's pretty. Know your place and stay there,pedazo de mierda." Dominik said while still standing up,and after he finished talking,he throwed the cup of water on the guy,wetting him and the microphone.
"Don't even think about inviting me or my girl for an interview ever again,understood?" The interviewer nodded,while trying to remove the water that got in his eyes.
Dominik glared at him,and he started walking away from the set,ready to go home to his mami.
At home,you watched the whole thing and your mouth was wide open.
"Damn,that was hot."
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It was 1 a.m. when you heard keys giggling and the main door opening,and you already knew Dominik came back home.
"Mamacita! Where are you?" Dominik shouted from downstairs,you assumed he was in the living room,and you got up from your shared bed to greet him.
"Mami! Did you see the interview? I destroyed that dumbass with punches after they finished recording." He said while smiling,as if he really had fun.
"Dom,you're insane!" You exclaimed while giggling,and your boyfriend came to you and gave you a soft kiss.
"I had to defend my mami,didn't I?" He asked smirking,while holding your waist with his huge hands.
"Oh,you had to,DomDom. That was one of the papi-est things you ever did." You said chuckling,while wrapping your arms around his neck.
"Oh,yeah mamacita. Tu eres solo mia,mami."
taglist: @stellakiddsblog @bibibi-tchx @p-mp
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stankycowboy · 7 months
“ severen , there are some things you will never understand.” from grandma
Dark brows draw toward one another, an almost childish display of frustration at this gentle chiding. He of course knows the truth of what she says, even his human knowledge is limited; anything beyond an even deeper mystery. But that does not stop his wanting to understand. That which alludes him in this place seems to be ever increasing and it irritates him. So close to the borderlands of the supernatural world and yet never crossing into them properly. He wants to be like them, of this place, instead of an extraneous inclusion due to fortuitous happenstance. A stranger to these parts. The desire to have this same innate belonging is as painful a gnawing as the never closing chasm of his lost family. A near desperate need to be a part of something now that all other connection is severed.
With a heavy, nearly exasperated sigh hissing through his teeth-- though he is sure to keep his manner respectful around the ancient woman -- Severen sits back from the fire they are gathered around, casting his eyes around the open forest as if it held the secrets he so hungered for. Were that anything so well guarded be so readily disclosed. "Why", is all he can come up with in response. It isn't a question, more demanding, whether he has any right to be so forward. His upturned palms lifted in placation toward his elder, expression miserable, despondent. "Why can' I unnerstan', why's it gotta be difficult?" He seeks a bridge, either to the past or to the future, feeling lost in the present. Where is he supposed to be? Where does he belong in this world of light and dark? Evermore in twisting shadows. There is nothing given freely in this world. Her face remains implacable, an impenetrably placid smile-- he wonders if this trait is genetic. "Granny..." he sighs again, finding it hard to maintain his indignant frustration, not toward her, the one who has been warm, welcoming-- perhaps beyond reason with how insensible the savage brute could be. The crone seems unmoved by his moodiness, even charmed at his earnestness, but she is as outwardly unknowable as the surrounding trees. Even understanding this he strides forth into the depths anyway, risking sanity for the sake of discovery. "What c'n I know?" It is a better question, in response all he receives is a soft, snorted laugh. There is a show of uneven teeth in her well meaning smile, gnarled hands working along the walking stick Severen has never quite determined the necessity for. "You'll know it, when you do". Comes the answer like every fable he has ever heard since boyhood. His head and shoulders sink with the weight of his disappointment. It renews her mirth. Like all old mothers the world over, she turns the conversation to one of appetite, finding him underfed-- if possible with his over eager ways-- encouraging him to go out and find a group of hunters she knows that have been skirting the edges of the more habitable sections of the endless wood. It might make for good sport. The suggestion feels mildly dismissive, but he has good sense not to press. If she has seen fit to be done with him, it is time to move on. There will always be another time around the fire. Another time, until they pass; like all else, into memory.
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moonstruckme · 2 months
HII I LOVE YOUR WORK SM!! I literally can't stop reading them 😭 I love you so much for making all of them !!
May I ask if we could get more of shy Remus?? As soon as I read the first one I immediately fell in love !
Thank you so much!! 🫶🏽
Hi lovely, thank you! Sorry this took me so long, I've wanted to write it ever since it came into my inbox but it took me forever to come up with an idea </3
cw: very vague implication of smut
shy!Remus x fem!reader ♡ 1k words
Remus looks surprised when he opens the door, and immediately after that embarrassed. For what, you never know. 
“Hi,” he says, lips curving into a smile as if of their own volition. “Um, I haven’t missed anything, have I?” 
You laugh. “No, you’re fine. I was just nearby and thought I might return your jumper.” 
It’s a half-truth. You’re ambushing him and you know it, but Remus’ reticent disposition means you know next to nothing about his life and after weeks of dating you’re really itching for a peek behind the curtain. You’ve brought chocolate muffins to make up for it. 
“Oh, that’s thoughtful of you.” Remus’ voice is soft as always, that adorable smile still playing on his lips until you both hear footsteps bounding down the stairs inside. He glances behind him, moving a bit more in front of the door. “While you’re here, maybe we could go have coffee or—” 
“Who’s that?” 
The voice seems like a sound of much dread for Remus, if his expression is anything to go off of. He ignores it, speaking only to you. 
“Or there’s a park just down the way—”
“Remus.” It’s a different voice this time, yet the effect upon Remus’ countenance is the same. “Who do you have there?” 
“Hi!” you say over his head, mutinous. 
“A girl?” Remus’ entire body seems to sag in resignation. “Remus Lupin, stop hiding her from us immediately.” 
“Sod off.” He says over his shoulder, as brash as you’ve ever heard him. It’s a bit thrilling. 
“I will not. Reveal your secrets, you dirty dog.” 
You actually do feel quite bad for Remus, a blush spreading all the way up to the tips of his ears, but he lets go of the doorframe, letting himself be wrestled out of the way. 
“Hello.” A dark-haired boy weasels his way into Remus’ place, giving you a salacious up-down. You raise your eyebrows at him, delighted. So this is who Remus associates with when he’s not with you. “My, you’re a pretty thing. And you’re here to see Remus?” 
“I am,” you confirm. “I’m here to bring back his jumper.” 
“Which would lead one to believe, “a second boy appears behind the first, both of them keeping Remus from reclaiming his spot at the door, “that you’ve seen him before.” 
You laugh. “I have. We’ve been dating a few weeks now.” 
“Remus!” The second bellows, eyes blowing comically wide behind his glasses. “Weeks? Weeks, and you haven’t said a word. How could you?” 
“I don’t suppose you have a bit of time on your hands,” the first boy says smoothly. 
“I’ve…” You check the time. “I do, actually.” 
He grins, wolflike. You’re not sure who the prey is. You worry it’s your date. 
“Yes!” The one with the glasses is effervescent, brimming with eagerness. It’s contagious, you find; you’re smiling too. “You have to come in, please.” 
You’re dying to, but you peer past them, locking eyes with Remus. He looks to be wishing for a swift and painless death, but he gives you a soft smile anyways. Nods. 
“Sure,” you say, “I could join you for a bit.” 
Some of the boisterous energy settles as they usher you inside, the need for urgency vanquished now that they’ve got you in their clutches. Begrudgingly, Remus introduces you, and the other two hassle him about taking off your coat and showing you where to put your shoes before he gets a chance to do either. Soon you’re settled comfortably in the armchair they tell you is Remus’ favorite. 
“Can I make you a cuppa?” Remus asks, and James and Sirius both oooh as he rolls his eyes. You nod at him, eyeing the other two amusedly. 
“He must really like you,” James says, “if he’s offering to make you tea.” 
“Hence why you’re not getting any,” Remus says over his shoulder as he stalks for the kitchen. 
“Prick,” Sirius calls after him. “We didn’t want any anyways.” But he crosses his arms, sulking back against the couch cushions. James, on the other hand, leans towards you. 
“So,” he says severely, “what are your intentions with our Remus?” 
A quiet sound of distress comes from the kitchen, but you all ignore it. “Your Remus?” you ask. 
James nods self-assuredly. “We’ve known him since primary school. If you two get married, I’ll be the one giving him away.” 
You raise your eyebrows. Remus’ head pops out of the kitchen, glaring daggers in a way you didn’t know he knew how. “You will not.” 
“What?” James looks gutted. 
“That’s not the point.” Sirius waves both of his friends off, though James looks like he would very much like to continue on the topic. “Tell us about you two, gorgeous. Where did you meet, how long have you been dating, has Remus told you where he hides his chocolates?” 
“Alright, that’s enough,” Remus says, coming back with your tea. He passes it to you carefully, handle out, and both you and James hiss at him for holding the hot part. 
“We haven’t even gotten her to answer anything yet,” Sirius complains. 
“It’s not her fault you haven’t given her the chance.” Remus perches on the armrest of the chair. It's probably so he can avoid sitting next to his nosy friends, but pride swells in your chest anyway at being chosen. You take his hand, and he squeezes your fingers in response. 
Sirius coos. “Only a few weeks of dating and he’s already holding her hand. I’m so proud.” 
You grin up at Remus, knowing what you could say to really shock his friends but not wanting to embarrass him further. He’s already flustered enough that his scars stand out in stark contrast against his flushed skin, but his look softens as he meets your eyes. Something about him eases, a small smile curving his lips. 
You decide it’s permission enough. 
“You’ve been a bit bolder than that, haven’t you, handsome?” 
James and Sirius erupt in hoots and hollers. Remus looks like he might well fall off the edge of the chair for how stiff he’s gotten. 
“Sorry,” you whisper, leaning up to kiss him on the cheek. It’s burning. “I’m not trying to torment you. We can go be alone in your room, if you like.” 
“No-o.” James waggles a finger at you. “Now that we know what you’re up to, you won’t be getting him alone in our house. You’re set on corrupting him!”
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singmyaubade · 10 months
The Girl We Love
Poly!Marauders x Female!Reader
A/N: Hello! Long time no see; this came to me out of nowhere, and I just wrote it off the top of my head; I hope you enjoy it! <3 P.S. I have no idea what to think about this story.
Summary: Can all of them handle loving you at the same time?
Warning: Containing cursing, soon-to-be-smut, etc... Viewer discretion is advised.
The boys were enjoying their summer, basking in the hot sun and the chance to go in the pool anytime they wanted. Although it was just Remus, Sirius, and James, that was all they needed. Unfortunately, Peter was in France, but 3/4 Marauders was better than none.
"James, Sirius!" Euphemia yelled as James and Sirius groaned, not wanting to go downstairs due to their laziness, "I know you boys can hear me, and I am giving you five seconds," She yelled louder as the two boys looked at each other in fear as they both lunged to the door, James pushing Sirius into the wall.
"5..4...3.." The boys had rushed downstairs before two to see their Euphemia setting the dining room, "Why is Remus the only helpful boy in this house?" Euphemia huffed as Remus set down the dishes.
James ignored her, noticing the fancy table mats she would only bring out when people came over, "Uh, Mum, what's going on?" James asked, scratching his head, confused.
"Yeah, we never use this table unless James forgot he's human instead of dog," Sirius joked as James smacked him in his stomach, earning a groan.
Euphemia sighed, "Ms. L/N and Y/N are coming for dinner," She answered, setting the plates over the tablecloths.
James's mother and your mother were best friends, practically inseparable when you all were younger. Even when they didn't see each other, James would see her writing letters to your mom.
"Why?" James asked as Euphemia glared at him, "I just mean that we haven't seen her in so long, like since we were like thirteen,"
"You mean when you all would rough house and were into wrestling and Quidditch?" Euphemia hummed.
"The good old days," Sirius added, looking up in dramatics.
"Yeah, when you would tackle her and throw mud on us all," Remus muttered.
"Um yeah?" Sirius responded, "The good old days!"
Having you over was like having another brother around when it came to James. You always loved watching Quidditch and would yell with him when your favorite team won, chest-bumping each other.
You would always dress like the Marauders, wear whatever trend they were following, and play with whatever toys seemed remarkable to them.
You all ate like absolute slobs, and Euphemia and your mother would constantly reprimand all of you, but you didn't care because if you all did it, it was incredible.
When your parents divorced and you went to France with your Father, they all hadn't realized the switch in your presence as much. They would mention you sometimes but would only give it a short conversation. They were just kids; They didn't know much until later.
"This might be nice, you know?" Sirius said, "We haven't seen Y/N in so long, and I do miss having another one of the guys in the house," Sirius wrapped his arm around James's shoulders.
"Y/N is a girl," Remus corrected.
"You know what I mean," Sirius said, sitting in his seat.
"Wonder if she still plays Quidditch," James added, sitting beside Sirius.
"Can't wait to kick her arse in it," Sirius said, putting his hands together tauntingly.
Euphemia shushed them, "Enough of this talk, they should be arriving any minute now, and I expect the most from all of you," She tsked, moving near the door.
"She's talking about you two," Remus said, smirking.
"Oh shove it, Moony, you aren't a saint," James teased.
"Yeah, we know of your unspeakable acts in the bedroom," Sirius joked, winking at Remus as he bit his tongue.
James could hear voices from the front door as you stepped into view, hugging Euphemia, and he couldn't believe what he was seeing; none of them could.
Of course, you were different; the years did you well, but your hair grew past your shoulders, not the usual bob. You were wearing a lavender dress, a step away from your tomboy outfits. From what he remembered about you, your nails were painted in your favorite color, and you no longer wore a retainer everywhere you went.
Your dress hugged your waist perfectly, and none of the Marauders were perverts, but none of them could hide the fact that they were staring at you.
You looked at them with a grin, going over to James first as he stood up from his chair like a statue, "Jamesy!" You squeaked, the childhood nickname sounding different now.
You embraced him in a tight hug, your boobs pressing against his chest as he grew flustered. You pulled back, looking at him, "I missed you so much," You excitedly said, returning for a hug.
James could feel how soft your skin was, like a rose petal coated in shea butter. He had never felt something so gentle in his entire life like it wasn't real.
Once James squeezed you back, you moved over to Sirius, giving him a tight hug. His hands stayed on your back as your lips were on his neck accidentally. Sirius was never the type to blush, but somehow, you succeeded.
Sirius could smell home when he was near you, like cinnamon and hot chocolate, like a long day of Quidditch on the grass and Euphemia giving him a cold glass of Butterbeer kind of touch.
You pulled back, giving him a smile instead of words because moving over to Remus, pecking him on the cheek, and moving to a hug, "Remsy, long time no see," You giggled, giving him a hug as he smiled, trying not to let his thoughts get to him.
Remus could feel your happiness like sunlight as if it was glowing. When he hugged you, he felt happy like never before; it made him forget every stormy night or memory.
They all could feel your presence like a lightning bolt with each embrace, and it was hard to hide when you were up against them.
Euphemia and your mother were still chatting at the door, so you decided to talk with them about their social life as much as possible.
"I missed all of you so much," You cheesily said, sitting across from them all, "Please tell me how all of you have been," You looked at Sirius first.
You had developed a slight French accent, but only people would notice if they genuinely heard you.
Both Remus and James side-eyed Sirius, who looked shellshocked, "Well, I've just been focusing on school since graduation and just been enjoying summer," He awkwardly laughed, not knowing what to say, "I made Quidditch Co-captain with James,"
Your mouth fell open, "Oh my god, I am so proud of you guys; congratulations," You said happily.
"Thank you," James and Sirius said in unison as you laughed.
"What about you, James?" You asked, looking at him.
"I've been focusing on Quidditch and maybe becoming an Auror in the future when I'm done with my Quidditch career," James responded.
"I remember you always talking about being an Auror; I'm glad you still want to do it," You responded kindly, "What about you, Remus?" You looked at him.
"I've been focusing on becoming a healer or professor since I enjoy helping others," He said as you beamed.
"Well, considering you did help me when I cut my knee on the concrete when we were ten, I would say you are perfectly trained," You joked as Remus grinned.
"What about you, Y/N? What have you been up to?" James asked.
"Well, I hope to become a journalist or a write since it is a dream, but I was going to move back to London with my boyfriend," You said as all of the boys mentally punched themselves, "But then he cheated on me so I might just be alone," You said as the boys grinned from ear to ear.
"Yes!" Sirius said as you raised an eyebrow, "Yes, what an awful thing for him to do; I am so sorry, Y/N," Sirius said.
"Agreed, he must be a bloody fool," Remus added.
"I'm glad he's out of your life," James said, "Uh because, he's a horrible person,"
"Thank you, guys; I am glad I found out before I moved with him here," You said with relief.
Your mother and Euphemia approached the table, your mother sitting next to you and Euphemia sitting across, "I apologize, Fleamont couldn't attend; he has business matters in Rome," Euphemia said in a sweet voice.
"That man always focuses on business," Your mother tsked as Euphemia smiled before your mother looked at the three boys, "Oh my, how you guys have grown," She smiled dearly.
"You don't look like a day over twenty, Ms. L/N," Sirius winked as Remus elbowed him, causing the air to fall out of his lungs.
"Why thank you, dear," Your mother said genuinely as Euphemia glared at Sirius.
"First course is ready!" Minnie said, snapping her fingers to a variety of foods. Your eyes shot in amazement at the different dishes, even some being French.
"Thank you, Minnie," Euphemia said, nodding to the elf as Minnie bowed, disappearing.
"Y/n, how have your studies been at Beaubaxtons?" Euphemia asked, grabbing some potatoes.
"Delightful," You responded, "I know that it seems like a reform school for young girls, but I actually do enjoy it there, and we always watch Quidditch, surprisingly," You said as Euphemia grinned, "I do wish we had our own team though, I would love to play,"
"I'll play with you, Y/N," James said as the table looked at him, "If you ever need a partner," He whispered, digging into his chicken.
You cheerfully looked at him, "I would love to,"
James smiled to himself as Sirius side-eyed James, "And if you ever need another partner, I am here as well," Sirius added, making James kick him from under the table.
"Thank you, Sirius, I would love that as well," You said, still smiling.
Euphemia noticed the two boys rolling her eyes, "And your mother has told me you enjoy reading; Remus might know a thing or two about that," She said.
"I've needed a reading partner. The girls at Beaubaxton read, but they don't have much variety," You chuckled.
"Well, I can assure you that I do," Remus jokingly said as both James and Sirius glared at him, causing Remus to clear his throat.
"That's great! Considering I will be staying here, that sounds incredible," You said as James nearly spit out his dragon fruit juice.
"The cat seems out of the bag," Your mother said, eating another piece of meat.
"Oh, I apologize; you hadn't told them?" You said, looking at Euphemia.
"Not yet," Euphemia said with a slight smile, "Y/N and her mother will be staying with us for the summer,"
They all felt like they were in a dream that felt like reality; Sirius was close to pinching himself.
If they were thirteen again, they probably would've considered this a chance to have another Peter around, but now, it was entirely different.
You were sweet, still enjoyed Quidditch, and read while being entirely yourself.
You were like a dream.
"Trust me, they are all excited," Euphemia told you as the boys snapped out of the trance.
"That sounds amazi-" Remus started.
"I am so glad-" Sirius beginning.
"I can't wait to-"
They all said simultaneously, making you giggle, "I am excited too."
From then on, the conversations were light with laughs and banter, moving through the courses until Euphemia decided that all the kids needed to go to bed, to which James and Sirius protested.
They were all instructed to guide you to your room, to which you followed them up the stairs until they led you to a room with lavender walls and blue and white bedding.
You stopped them at the door, grinning ear to ear at the room, "Thank you all for leading me to my room," You said as they all said you were welcome at the same time.
You giggled, "I missed you guys so much," You said, hugging all of their tall figures with a kiss on each of their cheeks, "Goodnight, I will see you tomorrow,"
They all stuttered a goodnight as you closed the door.
And the Marauders didn't know they could ever want something so wrong.
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jockfootstories · 7 months
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Billy semi-hated his sisters new punk boyfriend. There was just the cocky attitude about him that he didn’t care for not to mention that he was only 5’10 and his sister’s boyfriend Luke was 6’4, always towering over him. The only thing Billy was drawn to was the 19 year old’s size 12’s and his foot smell. Every time Luke took his shoes off, the smell would fill the room. His sister had complained a couple times on it but Luke didn’t seem to take notice or change his behavior.  The three of them were in the den area with Jenny, Billy’s sister, coming in and out of the room to help their mom in the kitchen. Billy was originally on the couch watching some movie when Luke came in and sat down opposite of him. He had slipped off his shoes and after a short while, after Jen had exited the room, lifted his big bare feet up, and plopped them in his lap.  Billy could already smell them after the shoe were slipped off but it was now more apparent as they were right under his nose. Luke lifted one foot up, pushed it against Billy’s chest some, and said,”Hey, my feet are kinda tired. I need a foot massage.” The smell already getting him exited but he couldn’t blow his cover, responded,” Hell no, I’m not rubbing your rank feet.”  Luke grinned, easily lifting one foot up, and pressing it against Billy’s face. Billy watched the hulking foot press against his nose, pushing him back into the armrest as he heard Luke sarcastically say,”Awe, you mean this foot? Guess you want me to rub them in your face then since you don’t want to give them a massage.” Billy pushed the huge foot away but Luke quickly brought it back, lifting his other one up, pressing both against his face. Billy felt the pressure and his nose rub against the soles as his view was engulfed. He breathed in the baked foot smell of the HS senior as he felt the bare soles rub over his face. Billy grunted out and Luke responded,”How do my feet smell?” Billy managed to pull one of them down and croaked out,”Fucking stink.” He then saw his sister come back into the room and grab a chair. Billy tried to put up more of a fight against the huge feet as Luke wasn’t letting up. She looked over at Luke had said half teasing,”You know your feet stink and you’re going to make him sick right.”  He responded,”Hey, he didn’t want to give me a foot massage so he opted for this instead.”  Billy wrestled with them for several more minutes and managed to keep his feet down in his lap just as their mom popped her head in asking for Jenn to help her with their neighbor next door. Jenn looked over at Luke and said,”Give me like 15 or 20 min then we can go.”  She got up and followed her mom out as Billy slightly relaxed. Luke turned his attention back to him, quickly shoved his 12’s back into his face, and said,”Keep smelling.” The soles consumed his entire face, covering him in foot odor as he lay there letting the bottoms rub against his nose. Billy inhaled as Luke rubbed his toes against his nostrils. ”Yah, fucking like that don’t you? Like my foot smell all in your face.” Billy got momentarily scared and tried pushing one foot away, stammering,”I don’t…” Luke quieted him up by covering his face again. “Shut up. Anyone would have bolted from the couch by now but you’re just staying there taking it. You’re loving this.”  Luke rubbed his bare feet into Billy’s face more persistently waiting for confirmation. When he didn’t get one, he squeezed Billy’s nose with his toes, and asked again. “Yes,” Billy reluctantly answered. Luke laughed at him and moved one set of toes down, slightly pushing them against Billy’s mouth. “Lick.” He licked between the punks toes, tasting the saltiness of them. Luke continued teasing him for several more minutes till he ordered him to put his shoes on. As Billy did, Luke said,”Looks like I got myself a new slave.” Luke stood up and looked down at him and ordered,”Get down and kiss my feet good bye.”  Billy knelt down, replying ‘yes master’ , and gave each shoe a few kisses. “Good slave boy. You’ll be worshipping them again soon.”
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heart4reigns · 1 year
Could i request a roman and afab reader imagine, where she’s like a sexy badass bitch and she’s been his like valet/girlfriend ever since he returned as the tribal chief. A lot of people think she’s for looks and can’t fight, then during a promo with the judgement day she beats Rhea’s ass. It like shocks everyone, and roman’s just like hell yea that’s my girl and loves it. Lol thank you!🩷🩷🩷
TROPHY WIFE, roman reigns.
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warnings: curse words, blood, pet names
tags: locker room talks, everyone teases you, slight age-gap, bloodline bonding moments, dominik calling you 'papi', sexual innuendos teehee, judgement day teasing YOU non-stop
summary: you’re not useless at all
GROWING up, you were always interested in the wrestling. but you couldn't imagine being in the ring without any experiences. that led you to training on your own. to your luck, your boyfriend–roman, was the undisputed champion of the wwe. ever since his big comeback as this chief-like figure, it made you easier to be on stage without talking. you just stood by his side, staring down at the other party, trying to intimidate them for the views.
no one actually knew that you were going to debut soon as one of wwe's new wrestler, except for the bloodline. for now, you were only a 'trophy wife' for the tribal chief. everyone in the locker room teased you about being there as his silly little girlfriend, you were only there for the looks. "morning!" you greeted the twins, before sliding inside the ring. "one more show before your debut, how you feeling?" solo asked.
"i'm excited." you stretched your body, preparing for the fight with jimmy. "i'm not, i don't want to get my ass beat by you." he shook his head. "oh come on, i don't hit hard." you chuckled. "girl, you hit harder than anyone else here!" jimmy complained. "that's because she's been doing this longer than us." your boyfriend stood outside the ring, winking at you. "right, now let's go!"
and everyone in the gym knew that you were going to beat jimmy's ass in a quick sparring. "good fight, baby!" roman was pumped up. "see, i told you. jimmy's gonna be limping for the next two days." jey ruffled his twin's hair. "shut up, get inside the ring with her now." "oh, i don't want that, i have a family!" he shook his head. "GET YOUR ASS HERE!" you grinned with excitement.
work came and you were mentally preparing to face the judgement day. they were nice people but there were two people that got into your nerves; none other than dominik and rhea. they were around your age, of course they would tease you non-stop. "hey papi." he winked at you when you enter the locker room. "shut up." you rolled your eyes. "awww, you look so cute being alone." rhea chimed in the conversation. "i'll whoop your ass, rhea." she smirked at your response. "the trophy wife can fight?" "come on, that's enough." damien came in to stop the teasing.
as much as you wanted to tell them that you were going to be in the roster, you couldn't. creatives were holding you back from spilling the news. a lot of people loved you, but some thought you were useless. you were just there to look pretty. "you alright, baby?" roman noticed your annoyed expression. "dominik and rhea situation." he chuckled. "don't mind them, they're jokesters." you nodded in agreement.
before walking out, roman quickly kissed your forehead. "let's do this, baby." he muttered. the crowd roared with excitement as they heard roman's entrance song. you pulled off your usual smug facade, ready to face whatever dominik and rhea throws at you. as the four of you walked towards the ring, you heard several people calling your name. "(y/n)!" you threw a wink at them, causing them to go frantic. "god, she's so badass, i wish she was a wrestler. just imagine her in a wrestling gear." one of them said, you were trying your best not to chuckle and break character. oh, they would be very ecstatic to know what's coming, you thought.
to say the least, this was the 'feud' with the judgement day was fun. the new storyline on how you were taunted to join them was a breath of fresh air for the fans. when you first heard about it, you were also excited. they seemed like good people to work with, oh how wrong you were. knowing that you couldn't 'defend' yourself, everyone loved pranking and teasing you. "so, this is the tribal chief?" finn had the mic. "and you should be thankful that he is here in person, to see you all." the crowd cheered as they heard roman's response. "with his wiseman, his silent cousin, and his trophy wife, what a deal!" rhea yelled into the microphone.
"we're still waiting for everyone to betray you. the next time you'll see us, your little trophy wife will sign our contract. or give us your titles. loyalty doesn't exist." rhea smirked, the crowd boo-ed as she waved the papers. you had the mic and you stared down at the opposite group. "i won't be joining you, and you said loyalty doesn't exist? that's right. let's ask who created your group? is he still here?" several 'oooh's dropped as you saw rhea's eyes lit up. another strong girl in the ring, she thought.
the locker room smelt like sweat. you were used to it. "god, i'm so tired." you complained to solo, who was putting on his shoes. "can't wait for you to complain after every match." he chuckled. "you know, it's such a shame that your mic skills are being wasted, could've been an amazing wrestler, papi." dominik came inside the room, all sweating. "stop calling me 'papi', jesus." you chuckled. "i'll stop calling you 'papi' if you hang out with us soon." solo couldn't help but to laugh at dominik's sentence.
the remaining week was spent inside the gym. you were training non-stop for your debut. at one point, you had probably beat all the guys inside the gym, leaving roman last. everyone gathered around the ring, waiting for you to charge at him. "COME ON (Y/N), GIVE HIM HELL!" jey yelled. sure he was a loving boyfriend, but in the ring? another different person.
"baby, hit me with your best shot." roman was challenging you. "don't go soft on me." you warned him. "oh, i won't." your boyfriend smirked. you gritted your teeth, trying to find a spot to attack him first. before he lunged at you, you step aside to avoid him. you weren't stronger than him, but with your figure, you were obviously faster. he landed on one of the ropes, turning his back, facing you again.
but before he knew it, you attacked him with a spear. "DAMN GIRL!" jimmy shouted. you tackled roman to the ground, breathing heavily as he tried to switch places. "did you just speared me?" he asked. "i just did." roman clenched his jaw, trying to find a spot to attack you. you dodged it once again, going to the ropes. "you're going nowhere, baby!" the entire gym was pumped out.
you stood up on the ropes, ready to attack again. "FROG SPLASH HIS ASS!" you heard solo's voice. "OH WE'RE NOT GOING TO DO THAT AGAIN!" roman looked concerned. "DO IT! DO IT!" the twins chanted. "I'M SORRY, BABY!" you apologized before your attack. his entire body bounced back. "what a sell, baby." you chuckled. while being distracted on how he looked, which was very hot and sweaty, he took the chance to flip you over. "aw hell no." you muttered.
roman was on top of you, you struggled to move your body–but like usual, you were faster than him. you licked your lips, ready for another attack. "shit girl, you never run out of energy do you?" solo asked, analizing your stamina. the fight was almost done, you just had to make him tap out. with your agility, you could tell roman was getting tired. "how are you so fast?" roman was gasping for air. "you taught me that." you winked at him. the gym whistled over your answer.
"i can't believe you made me tap out." he chuckled, snuggling closer to you. the two of you were already home, chilling on the bed. "hey, you might be bigger than me, but i can definitely flip you." you rolled your eyes. "and that's what i love about you, you're fearless." he kissed your forehead. "god, i can't wait till tomorrow is over." you confessed. "nervous, are we?" he asked. "course i am." you sighed.
"i don't know, what if people don't care about me? like what if i'm only meant to just be a pretty face." his eyes softened. "baby, you know that everyone loves you right?" roman held your hand. "you'd be the brightest superstar out there, love." even in the darkest times, his words made you smile. "on the good side, we're gonna spend more time together. i look forward to it, baby." roman patted your head, trying to calm you down. "i love you, thank you for believing in me." "i'll always believe in you, baby."
you saw fans lining up outside the venue. paul thought it would be a good idea for the bloodline to go out and meet some fans. so there you were, with the other four, interacting with fans. "(y/n)!" one of them greeted you. "hi hello! thank you for coming today." you passed her a water bottle. "(y/n), god, when are you debuting? i'd love to see some ring action." one of them asked you. "i'm not a wrestler, babes." you told him, giving another bottle of water.
roman was holding your hand the entire time, not wanting you to let go. "wait i gotta take a pee." he said. "go piss girl." you chuckled at your own response. your boyfriend rolled his eyes and excused himself. you entered the locker room with your heart beating faster than usual. no one was inside, you arrived early to change to your new gear. you put on your usual black shirt, covering the gear for the surprise. "sup, papi?" dominik's voice startled you. "oh, good evening to you too." you greeted him. "got the script for today it says get ready for a special surprise attack, damn papi... are you the surprise?" he asked.
"well, let's just see."
you went over to roman's locker room, seeing him gearing up. by gearing up, he was taking off his t-shirt. you whistled your way inside. "you single?" you teased him. "depends who's asking." he teased back. "you look good." you complimented him. "i always do. let me see your gear." he winked at you. you took off the t-shirt and he returned with a whistle. "red and black is definitely your color, baby." he held your waist and kissed your lips. "it's your pick, handsome."
"damn, hope i'm not interrupting something, but we're up in 10." and that moment was ruined by none other than jimmy uso. "(y/n), your gear looks amazing!" roman glared at his cousin and closed the door. "give us 5 more minutes!" he yelled from inside the room. "now where were we?"
the crew ushered you backstage. you felt adrenaline rushing in your veins, you were no longer nervous. this is what you've always wanted and you had the privilege to pursue it. the judgement day went up first, rhea and dominik casually messing with you. "can't wait for the surprise!" dominik chuckled. "oh fuck yourself, mysterio!" you smiled at him.
"the bloodline!" smug face mode on, you thought. the 6 of you walked towards the ring, hearing the crowd go wild. you were the one holding roman's belt. he offered a hand and you gave him his belts so he could make his signature pose. as you stepped inside the ring, rhea was already holding the papers.
the promo started. "so, you're either gonna give us your trophy wife or your title, your pick, tribal chief." rhea mocked him. "your time is up, give us your trophy wife now." she continued. "we are not gonna give you anything." roman replied. "either you walk away or we walk away. leaving you standing here, embarrassed. having nothing in your hands." he was in his character and he looked so hot.
"see, there are 3 things that i love in life." the crowd chanted 'what?' as roman spoke to the mic. "first is (y/n). i wouldn't trade her for anything. second is my titles. third is seeing people like you thinking that you could get away with anything you want." he smirked. "and we're not signing your goddamn papers." he dropped the mic. it was your cue to walk away now.
as you walked hand-in-hand, rhea went over her lines. "walk away! like you always do! a useless group with an even more useless advocates!" roman looked at you, giving you the biggest smile that the camera couldn't capture. "go, babygirl." everyone was still walking back but you turned around. you caught everyone's attention.
roman's song changed to yours. "what is this? why is (y/n) running back to the ring?" the commentator said. the crowd roared as you ripped your shirt, revealing your gear. "what? that's a wrestling gear! can you believe it? the trophy wife is in a wrestling gear!" you slid inside the ring, quickly attacking the first person you saw. finn. he was practically grinning from ear-to-ear, excited.
you jumped and punched his jaw, avoiding certain spots that could damage him. the judgement day had an excited expression plastered on their faces; especially dominik and rhea. "bring it on, trophy wife!" dominik yelled. you quickly speared him outside the ring, causing him to fall on his back. "and you're fast!" damien smiled, trying to take a hit on your shoulders, only having you avoid it. "i am!" you smirked, using roman's iconic move–superman punch, against him.
rhea stood in the middle of the ring, ready to attack you. "so you're not useless at all, huh?" she stared down at you. "is she going to attack rhea? how is she going to survive her?" the commentator yelled. to your luck, you were able to dodge multiple hits. rhea tripped a bit, giving you several seconds to spare. you quickly picked her up and slammed her on her back. you looked over her, she gave you a small nod, indicating that she was okay.
your song played and there you were, in the middle of the ring–with a grin plastered on your face. "did we just witness the debut of the trophy wife?" one of the announcer said. "and there she is, the long-waited debut... what should we call her? the trophy wife? (y/n) (l/n)!" everyone cheered and stood up from their seat. you were gasping for air, raising your fist up. "(y/n)! (y/n)!" the crowd chanted.
"that's my babygirl!" roman yelled as he ran back to the ring and tackled you with a hug. roman picked you up on his shoulders, showing you off to the crowd. "i love you." you mouthed. "and i love you too." oh his expression is gonna end on a 'top 10 times roman reigns breaking character' video, you thought. nevertheless, this was only the beginning for you.
a/n: SORRY IF THIS IS QUITE LONG I GOT CARRIED AWAY... HOPE YOU ENJOY IT <3 feedbacks are appreciated and requests are always open for any other wwe wrestlers!!
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cho-aaacho · 2 months
I looked at you, I thought it was love
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Summary : "I talk as if I know all about love, and I act as if I'm going to cry, saying I was truthful back then and saying it hurts me too. I'm sorry."
Warning : Angst
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A weary sigh escapes, audible when that name is uttered. Satoru doesn't turn around; instead, he remains silent, sweating, as if weighed down by something.
After three years of his absence, you found yourself summoning the courage to meet with your ex-boyfriend. 
Though you hadn't planned on it, a single thought lingered in your mind: you should meet him. You wanted to explain everything and clarify your relationship with him.
Your voice echoes, calling once again with a slightly emphasized tenderness, puzzled by Satoru's lack of response. He had never been like this before; he always cared about you and loved everything about you, making it clear that you were his. 
You could always feel the tenderness of his love, the smoothness of his lips on yours, the gentle kiss on your neck, and the way he hugged your presence within his warm body.
Also, there are the tranquil eyes that imprint the soul, the serene quartz that clouds your thoughts, and the soft strands that evoke memories, most of which you wish not to forget.
But when did he change into this? Maybe when that woman came into his life—his old friend, he claimed—the one who had been involved with him since high school.
You couldn't wrap your mind around how someone like him could betray you. Even though you heard it from others and denied it at first after seeing him embrace that woman gently, kiss her in public, and boldly announce her as his new girlfriend, everything around you seems to fall.
You both were still young at the time, you knew that very well. Such things often happen in young love.
Satoru inquires, "How did you find me?"
"Haibara-san mentioned your art gallery; it looks like I'm the only person you haven't informed about this," you respond.
As you tried to compose yourself, you noticed a faint smile on his face. It was the same smile you'd always seen, yet there was something different about Satoru's eyes...
...they seemed
He chuckled, shaking his head. "I didn't expect you to come here."
He seems to be trying to not care and hide the truth that he yearns for you, eagerly awaiting your return, longing for your sweet scent and the lovely endearments as in the old days. 
"It's been three years; how's your day, Satoru-kun? Are you still with her?"
"My day?" He chuckled. "Not as good as when you're around."
The void is engulfed in silence, hanging thick in the air as Satoru wrestles with his tears, battling to keep his emotions in check. A painful flashback hits him like a tidal wave when he sees you.
Looking back on it only fuels his frustration, leaving behind a pain that leaves no visible scars on his fragile heart. 
Why does everything feel so bad? So agonizing? Even the surroundings seem out of place and surreal.
Satoru asks softly. "Are you seeking revenge? By leaving me and going with him? That's what you want to tell me?"
You laugh amidst tears. "Look at yourself before speaking."
"Are you here because you're marrying someone else?" he asked. "I couldn't care less about that man, but why are you here to inflict such pain? Am I the one at fault? Tell me."
You bite your lower lip. "Well, you're the one who dumped me back then, aren't you? You chose her over me. Did you think I didn't know? For a long time, I held onto faith in you, but you shattered my trust. So why are you causing me more pain when I couldn't do the same to you?"
There's a pause, and you continue. "I'm sorry if my actions have caused you suffering; yes, I know, I can't forgive what you did. But I need to heal my heart now, and unfortunately, you're not the one to do that. I'm sorry if that sounds naive or perhaps cruel."
"I hope I still love you the way I loved you in the past, but unfortunately everything has changed. I don't want to lie to myself." You added and peeked at the wedding invitation on the table where your name and Geto Suguru's are on it.
Is it all right? All of this? Did you really want this? 
He stood up and reached out to you, wrapping his arms around you, pulling you into his embrace, and hugging you from behind, keeping you by his side for a while. You could feel him crying, trying not to let himself be swept away by the sensation, and convincing himself that all of this was just a dream. 
He bit his lower lip, checking if it was a dream or reality, only to realize that he was hurting himself by doing so.
He leaned down, placed his chin on your shoulder, and whispered, "I'm not afraid of you leaving; I'm afraid you'll forget me. I don't want to die with us hating each other. Please, come back to me, I'm sorry."
He continues. "Could we still meet, even though the world we tread upon doesn't allow us to meet each other? Will you always be the love of my life?"
But why now? 
Why, after you've found another man who's willing to heal your heart? Why did this happen to you?
Was Satoru just acting? Or were all the things you saw in the past just illusions? How could Satoru act in such a way and make you feel at fault?
Was he trying to manipulate you?
You never know.
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apomaro-mellow · 8 months
Wrong Number 3
(2:21 am) I just realized something (2:21 am) Ur a cooking teacher (2:22 am) Who can't fry a egg (2:23 am) You're a fraud 🫵
[7:29 am] I can fry an egg just fine I just can't make the yolks runny. It's too hard to time it right. And why are you up thinking about eggs at 2 am?
(7:47 am) I was up thinking about you at 2 am
Steve felt his stomach flip as he sipped his coffee and set his belongings down in his classroom. Eddie didn't play games. He always said exactly what he was thinking. And it drew Steve wild.
(7:48 am) And about how your students might clown on you for not being able to scramble an egg
[7:49] Aww you're worried about me?
(7:49 am) Kids can be little monsters (7:50 am) Actually how old are the little monsters you teach?
[7:51] Youngest is 6 and oldest is 14. Speaking of, they'll be arriving soon so...
(7:52 am) Godspeed you academic warrior
Eddie didn't typically text so late on weeknights. Not since learning Steve was a teacher. It was just that he truly HAD been up and thinking of him. Steve drove him crazy and he thought he was doing a good job keeping a lid on it. 2 am texts were what happened when the lid got loose but Steve didn't seem put off by it.
At about half past three, Steve called him. Eddie was glad he made that leap with his first call. The sound of Steve's voice never failed to warm him through. Eddie was in the middle of collecting axes for sharpening at the end of his shift.
"What's cookin' good lookin'?", Eddie greeted as he picked up.
"Today was good. Had a really riveting conversation about meatloaf versus pate with the kids", Steve said.
"Meatloaf rocks and pate is just cold meatloaf for rich people. End of discussion."
"Well, we talked about it for like fifteen minutes. Had a real interesting tangent on forcemeats in general."
Eddie paused. "Excuse me?"
"You'd be surprised at what kids are into. This one I taught last year was really into rice-"
"I need you to backtrack just a bit. 'Forcemeat'?"
"Yeah it's-oh grow up", Steve chided while shaking his head. He had just gotten home and was taking off his work clothes for something more comfortable. He thought about what Eddie might think he'd look nice in. "Not even my 12 year olds are this childish."
There was something about the way Steve talked about his students. Like they were his actual children. The conversation continued for a few minutes more before Steve suddenly had to hang up. Eddie tried not to think much of it, but it wasn't the first time that it had happened.
Steve ended the call just as Robin came into the apartment. She narrowed her eyes at him, then looked to the phone in his hand. Steve hid it behind his back and winced at practically telling on himself.
"You're hiding something."
"No I'm not."
"And now you're lying to me."
"No I'm not!"
Robin pounced and wrestled him for the phone. It wasn't a real fight of course. Steve could've pinned her in seconds but a part of him was tired of keeping the secret. And obviously, she knew how to unlock his phone.
"Who's Eddie?", she asked, sitting on his back triumphantly.
"A guy."
"Thank you, I had no idea it could be a man's name. You've been texting him aaaaaaa llllllllllllot."
"Are you reading them!? Robin!"
"Where did you meet him?", Robin said as she got up, continuing to read through their conversations.
"I um, technically, haven't. Yet."
Robin gave him an odd look and Steve spilled everything to her. To her credit, Robin listened to the full story before throwing one of the couch pillows at him.
"Stephen Elliott Harrington! Did no one teach you stranger danger? You just kept texting him? And calling? And I saw the pictures you sent. You know he can find out where we live? What if I came home to your skinless corpse??!"
It went on for a while like that and when Robin was finished, she collapsed onto the couch. Steve sat across from her on the coffee table. He waited for her to silently process it all.
"You think he's cute?"
"What I've seen of him, yeah."
Robin sighed. "I can't believe you're turning into the guy who has a internet girlfriend."
Steve rolled his eyes but then balked when she started to read through his messages again.
"And I can't believe you haven't even started flirting yet."
"I've been flirting with him the whole time!" Maybe not the whole time but-
"You're giving him Diet Steve. Why are you holding back?"
Steve shrugged, looking sheepish now. Now Robin was rolling her eyes.
"Steve, we're getting you a date."
"But he's-"
"A virtual one. Jesus is he an axe murderer?", Robin said as she looked to one of the texts.
"No, he just works with them. Axes! Not murderers."
Eddie was about to sit down to a movie when his phone buzzed.
[5:17 pm] Thinking about you.
Oh. Now that was some text to get.
(5:18 pm) Oh yeah? (5:18 pm) What about me?
Steve looked to Robin. They were sitting cross-legged next to each other on his bed.
"What do I say?"
"Be honest, duh."
"If I'm honest I'm gonna talk about his hands."
Robin shook her hands at him like she wanted to wring his neck. Steve got the idea and decided to put himself out there.
[5:21 pm] Your hands. I think about them a lot actually
Eddie had not given his own hands much thought. But knowing that Steve admired them, he gave them a second look. He thought about them gripping Steve's thighs.
(5:23) You're gonna make me blush (5:24) What would you do with my hands Stevie?
Steve panicked and looked to Robin. "Are we sexting? Is he getting me to sext?"
"That's the idea, dingus. I said I was getting you a date. Now tell him what you want him to do."
"I don't know I'd....I'd want to..." Steve trailed off, looking at his phone while the fingers of his other hand brushed against his lips.
Robin stole the phone from him again and started typing. "'First...I'd suck..on them'."
"Is that not what you want?"
Steve shrugged and Robin continued. "You've got me on the clock for five more minutes before I go out. You dictate, I'll type."
Steve hated how much he liked the idea. Especially when he heard the ping of Eddie's reply. "What did he say?"
Robin cleared her throat. "'Yeah? You wanna suck on them? I bet you got a beautiful mouth.' Oh he's good."
"Yeah", Steve breathed out. "Really good." He thought about Eddie sticking his fingers in and pressing down on his tongue, his rings tasting metallic and so nice.
"'I wanna choke on them'", Robin said out loud as she typed. "Is it too soon to call him Daddy?"
"What?!" That snapped Steve out of it.
"Oh come on. Tattoos, the hair, his job. He wants to be called Daddy."
"Robin don't call him Daddy."
Steve took his phone from her and looked to Eddie's reply.
(5:30 pm) I'd only choke you if you were being bad (5:30 pm) Are you gonna be bad baby?
[5:31 pm] Maybe. I can be good too. So good.
(5:32 pm) Lemme call you baby wanna hear you
Steve dialed without hesitation just as Robin was leaving. Her work was done.
"Don't get murdered while I'm out!", she shouted just as Eddie picked up.
"Hey pretty baby", Eddie said.
"Hey. You said you wanted to hear me?"
"Yeah. I wanna hear you say those things with your own voice."
"Like how I wanna choke on your fingers? Among other things?"
Steve could hear Eddie let out a breath on the other end. The power he felt right now was intoxicating.
"Bet you'd look so good on your knees."
Steve hummed while pressing his fingertips to his lips. If Eddie asked, he'd suck on them. Let the wet noises fill his ears, let Eddie know how good he could be.
"Darlin' you went quiet."
"I'm thinking", Steve said, laying down on his bed. "I wanna show you, Eddie."
Eddie swallowed. This man would be the death of him. He'd nearly jerked off to just a picture of his fully clothed lower half. If he saw more...if he saw everything-
"Eddie! We've got a Code Red!"
"Jesus! Knock!"
Steve sat up quick at the shouting coming from Eddie's end. It sounded like someone had barged in.
"Sorry. Sorry Steve. I gotta handle something. Um, call you back? Please?"
"Eddie, I want to video call you."
"Yes. I wanna see you. Please."
"Yes. Yes, a thousand times-hold your horses! Uh, tomorrow? It's Saturday, so you're free, right? Can we make it a date?"
"A date", Steve nodded. "I'll see you then. I'll be thinking of you."
"And I'll be counting the seconds. 1-one thousand, 2-one thousand, 3-one th-ouch! Okay! Damn!"
Eddie hung up and Steve still had the phone to his ear, smiling. He had a video call date. He had a date with Eddie!
Shit what should he wear?
Part 5
Tag Team (CLOSED)
@anne-bennett-cosplayer @estrellami-1 @newtstabber @omletlove @ifyoudonlysurrender @rehfan @morganski-19 @corvidcantina @dragonmama76 @just-ladyme @tinyplanet95 @goodolefashionedloverboi @idoquitelikebread @kittydeadbones @manda-panda-monium @rhapsodyinalto @paintsplatteredandimperfect @keylime-green @ihavekidneys @samsoble @honorarybrit81 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @aizawa-emma @deleataecount @thesuninyaface @fromapayphone @justmeinadaze @hbyrde36 @queenie-ofthe-void @resident-gay-bitch @bestwifehaver @dangdirtydemons @ellietheasexylibrarian @perseus-notjackson @pyrohonk @holysteddie @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @mrsjellymunson @geekymagicalpotato @notaqueenakhaleesi
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loose-angel · 1 year
My Princess | Neteyam
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pairing: Neteyam x na'vi! reader summary: What happens when you suddenly realize your feelings for your childhood best friend, Neteyam Sully? tags: fluff, miscommunication (a tiny bit), just cute stuff :3, childhood friends to lovers w/c: 1.8k notes: aaaaaa i hope u guys like this T T took me sooooo long to write,, i still have crazyyyyy writers block but im doing my best to make the best shit for this community <333 anw enjoy the read!!
You had grown up incredibly close to Neteyam. Watching as his youthful features had turned sharp, watching as he filled out his body, shoulders broadening, voice deepening, and muscles forming. Truth be told, you had not entirely noticed the change. You saw him everyday, it was almost a routine to be around one another, whether you’re dining with the Sullys, or Neteyam (and his siblings) dining at yours, you two were attached by the hip. Inseparable. So it came as a surprise to you when one day, you suddenly noticed just how much your best friend had changed. 
He greeted you in the morning, just like every morning, both him and Lo’ak offering you flowers they picked out on the way to your house. It was more of a brotherly-love action than anything else. Though you noticed something different.
“Good morning princess,” Neteyam smirked as Lo’ak bowed, offering his flower obnoxiously.
Was Neteyam’s voice always this low? Did his smile always make you feel fluttering in your stomach? Since when did his arms get so big?
“Morning losers,” You cleared your throat, bashful, you looked away, letting your braids cover your eyes. “Thanks for the flowers.” you grab the flowers out of their hands and place them in a vase along with the rest of the flowers they had gifted you this week.
“So what’s the plan today?” You ask.
Lo’ak throws an arm around you, pulling your body into his, “No idea, why don’t you play dolls with Kiri or something.” You rolled your eyes.
“Yeah, you know what? I’d rather spend time with Kiri than your sorry asses.” With that, you began sprinting towards the Sully home. As you ran, you hear similar steps behind you. You turn around and are met with the sight of the two Sully brothers chasing after you. You squeal. You picked up the pace, light on your toes.
Your fear dissipates as you approach the entrance to the Sully household, you were a few feet away when you felt a heavy impact on your body. You fall to the ground with a grunt. 
You look up at your attacker, hissing. 
“So sorry princess,” Neteyam fusses, pushing himself up to make it so that he is hovering over you, instead of putting his entire body mass on your small frame. This was usual between the two of you. You guys always wrestled and more often than not, Neteyam wins those sessions. So why is it now that you flush under his gaze? Before you approach your conclusion, Neteyam waves a hand in front of your face.
“Get up lazy skxawng!” Lo’ak snickers as he passes the both of you. You push yourself up and dust your loin cloth, clearing your throat. 
You hated how you were so affected over his little nickname for you. Neteyam (and Lo’ak) have been calling you princess ever since you three learned how to talk. Again, it was more of a brotherly-love kind of thing, especially because you grew up with no other siblings after you. So they decided to become your brothers, yet now, you can’t seem to feel anything less than a crush on your mock ‘older brother’.
Kiri steals you away from her brothers the moment you step foot in their home, dragging you into a rather isolated corner. 
“Y/N! I feel there’s something you’re not telling me,” She grinned, peering up at you cheekily. There was nothing to hide from Kiri, you told her every single thing that has ever happened to you, and she does the same. 
“I’m not hiding anything.” You muttered. You hid nothing except your raging crush on her older brother, but she didn’t need to know that.
“Are you sure?” Kiri leans in, “Are you sure you’re not gonna tell me about your crush on my older brother?” You gasped, hands flying to cover her mouth. How did she find out? You could’ve sworn that you didn’t tell anyone, at all!
Kiri licks your palm, forcing you to let go. “So my suspicions were right,”
“Kiri rutxe, don’t tell anyone, especially him,” You nod in Neteyam’s direction, the both of you look over. The eldest Sully has Tuk on his hip, bouncing around and whispering jokes into their youngest’s ear, it’s an endearing sight. One that has your heart clenching and mind racing. One that lets your mind wander into the life of a family with Neteyam. 
“I won't, but your ogling heart eyes won’t help hide it.” Kiri interrupted your thoughts, rolling her eyes, falling onto her side. Your eyes shift from the siblings to the na’vi girl. You bit your lip. 
“Yeah, yeah, okay, I’ll try to hide it better.”
A few days had passed, and in this time span, you decided to completely hide yourself from Neteyam, which was a pretty difficult job. He had gone to your house for the first two days, and you had kindly asked your parents to turn him away with the lame excuse that you were sick. 
On the third day, Lo’ak comes knocking at your door.
“Lo’ak, why are you here, I told mama to not let Neteyam in.” You sighed, eyeing down the na’vi boy who now leans against the entrance to your ‘room’.
“Yeah tsmukan, not me, skxawng.” Lo’ak plops himself into your hammock, pushing against your limbs rather roughly. You scooch over and he lays next to you, throwing an arm over your waist. 
“So why are you avoiding us?” He hummed, leaning to look over at you. You turn your head to avoid his gaze. 
Over the course of your isolation, you pondered over your feelings. Coming to accept that you simply couldn’t live a life without Neteyam. You tried imagining a life with the other clan members but nothing felt the same. Hell, you even tried imagining Neteyam with another mate, and your mind simply couldn’t conjure up an image. You didn’t want to tell anyone. If news spread that you, a simple Omaticaya girl, had great feelings for Neteyam, the future olo’eyktan, the whole clan would laugh at you. Yet you couldn’t bring yourself to lie to Lo’ak.
“I needed time to think,” You mumbled, hoping your answer would stave off his curiosity for the time being. Lo’ak only hummed, waiting for you to continue. “I needed to figure out my feelings.”
“For tsmukan right?” You audibly gasped, did Kiri tell him? 
“Don’t go crazy, I figured it out on my own, it’s not like it wasn’t blaringly obvious anyway.” You groan and tuck your face away from the world. How many more people have noticed?
“You better tell him soon, or some other girl might snatch him.” Lo’ak sing-songed, placing a foot on the ground to rock the hammock from side to side. 
“Fine, fine, you convinced me,” You rolled your eyes, “I just want to get it over with anyway.” Just as you said, you hoped that you can get these feelings behind you as fast as possible and return back to normal. Truthfully, the past few days were absolutely miserable without Neteyam’s presence, but you simply couldn’t bring yourself to hang out with him. It was difficult to just look over your new found feelings for your best friend and you actually felt like it was unfair to him for you to do such a thing, taking advantage of him not knowing about your feelings for him for some kind of gratitude.
Though, today was different. Today you were going to meet up with Neteyam, tell him how you feel, you’ll laugh at it for a minute or two, and resume your normal lives, nothing could go wrong. 
After a few hefty minutes of searching, you finally find Neteyam in a calmer, less dense area of the forest. You make no effort to conceal your presence as you approach him. He’s turned away from you, yet his ears tell you that he’s well aware that it’s you who is nearing him. 
“Ma’Neteyam,” You greet softly, reaching out your hand, you run the tips of your fingers on the side of his arm, the muscle tensing underneath your touch. 
“Ma’Y/N,” He turns to you, gaze hardened, “My princess, where have you been?”
Your ears flatten against your head underneath the boy’s gaze. You knew it was wrong to basically cut contact for a few days but you had to! There was nothing else you wanted to do at that time but to get to the bottom of your feelings, and now, you know. You know that you’re so deeply in love with your best friend that it pains you to imagine him with someone else, though there is not much you could do about it.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to –” Before you could continue, Neteyam wraps his arms around you and pulls you into his chest, nuzzling his nose onto the top of your head. The both of you sink into the hug, muscles gradually relaxing. Although you would love to stay like this, in his arms, until the end of eternity, you still needed to come clean to Neteyam.
After a while, you pull your head away from his chest.
“Neteyam,” You called out, peering up at him through your eyelashes. “I must tell you something.” 
He hums and says nothing more, opening his eyes, his soft gaze meeting yours.
“I promise you’re gonna laugh your ass off after hearing this, but here I go,” You take a breath, “I like you, Neteyam. Hell, I love you even! I spent the last few days away from you because I needed to figure it all out, I just suddenly felt. . . everything for you.” You shift your eyes away from his own towards the end of your confession. You wait a beat or two, waiting for a chuckle, a laugh, anything.
“I don’t want anything from you ma’Neteyam, I just wanted to get this off my chest and we can go back to normal.” You look back up at the boy, now nervous over his lack of reaction. He’s just looking at you. You try to decipher what he’s thinking, yet his eyes tell you nothing. His ears are flat against his head, and his tail is swinging wildly behind him, but he has yet to say a word.
“Are you serious?” He muttered. You gulped nervously. 
You had prepared yourself for a scenario that Neteyam wouldn’t find any of this funny and your relationship with him would fade away as you know it, yet all the preparation in the world won’t save you from the intense heartache that you feel rising. 
Before you could say anything else, Neteyam picks you up into his arms. 
“Princess this is great!” He grins, spinning you around, you squeal in shock, hands tight on his wrists as he continues to spin you. 
“I thought you had begun to hate me, I’m so glad you like me too Y/N, you have no idea how long I’ve waited for you to feel the same about me!” Neteyam is rambling at this point, his hands still holding onto your waist even after he sets you back on the ground. 
“You like me too?” You trailed off, you could barely process what was reality at this point. Though the warmth that bubbled in your chest suggested otherwise.
“I always did Yawne.”
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borathae · 10 months
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“His touch is electric, making you sigh. “Relax, princess”, he whispers, running his hands along your body, “I’ll take the greatest care of you”. You close your eyes and fall into him. Falling is so goddamn easy when you know that it’s Yoongi’s hands which will catch you. And they will always catch you, no matter when or where he won’t ever let you collide. Alternatively: You ask Yoongi to take your anal virginity and he is more than willing to grand you this wish.”
Pairing: Vampire!Yoongi x Witch!Reader
Genre: established relationship!AU, Slice of Life Fluff, Smut
Warnings: soft Dom!Yoongi, sub!Reader, the tension in this makes me weak, they are so in love!!, first time anal sex, he is so gentle with her, lingerie, body worship, strength kink, a lil bit of thigh riding, praising & loving petnames, oral (f.receiving), rimming, he fucks her hole with his monster tongue help, gentle biting, anal fingering, use of a buttplug, hand holding, hair pulling (m.receiving), use of a vibrator, he fucks her gently at first then she wants it harder, gentle spanking, he cums too soon but keeps fucking her, creampies, using cum as lube, dirty talk, edging (f.receiving), multiple orgasms for both, squirting, belly bulging, his stroke game is insane, the most loving aftercare, honestly their connection should be illegal, I came outta this smut feeling like someone threw me against a wall, like hoLY FUCK Yoongi is gonna kill me, and the worst thing is that I actually think he’s like that irl, please help me
Wordcount: 9.1k
a/n: I need five business weeks to be able to talk to people again. This made me weak. And weak isn’t a strong enough word to describe the amount of weak it made me feel. It’s like my body felt the gravity twice as strong and I couldn’t get up. I’m talking shit rn, which is yet another indicator of how deeply this shit affected me. Be strong besties, you need that 🧡 
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You haven’t been home in months. You counted the days. It’s been seventy eight days since you last saw your bedroom. Your plants are well taken care of by the others. You haven’t seen them either, except for phone calls and texts. You miss them, but you know it’s for the best. 
You are safe here, in good hands. You aren’t completely alone here. 
Yoongi is with you. He took you in one of the cars and is staying with you. Meredith called and offered the two of you her guest bedroom to stay, her library to study and her shed to practice. Of course you said yes. There aren’t many opportunities to practice with such skilled witches and it was an opportunity to go on a lovely summer holiday with your dearest love. 
The days are hot and sunny. It’s been summer ever since you came here and it will stay summer for a long time still. You love the weather here, while Yoongi whines about the bright sun on more occasions than one. 
Meredith offered you an opportunity to choose from all the different guest bedrooms, but you and Yoongi decided to take the one you had all those many months ago. Violet walls and mahogany furniture, with its window overlooking the garden and ocean. This room has seen so many of your most impactful memories and will therefore always feel like home to you. 
Yoongi agrees. He loves this room and on most mornings you have to be the one to wrestle him off of you in order to get out of bed. Truly, Yoongi is such a clingy kitten when it comes to morning cuddles. 
You love life here. You love knowing that you can wake up to the smell of the ocean and the sounds of the waves. You love knowing that your fellow witches will be downstairs with breakfast and that you can chat with them about the garden, magic and life here. You love their house because it felt like home and you love knowing that you can experience all of this with Yoongi. 
You spend a lot of time practicing your magic with him. Obviously as this was the main reason for this trip. Yoongi wanted to help you with learning perfect control and Meredith’s place was the perfect place to do so. Next to practicing, you also had a lot of free time with him which you spend doing the most amazing things imaginable. On Sundays the two of you take the car to the market to shop for next week’s dinners. He always insists on carrying the heavier bags while you are busy carrying flowers (he insists on paying for them and never takes no as an answer). Whenever you finished practice earlier and the witches were busy with coven duties, Yoongi took you to one of the many restaurants along the coastline. You shared so many lovely evenings in little restaurants, chatting over food for you and coffee for him. You have been getting to know each other even better because of it. Speaking of talking, you do that a lot. Whilst driving around, visiting the market, eating at restaurants or walking along the beach. Also in bed. Be it after a passion-filled night, a lazy evening or a cozy morning. You truly talk a lot and it’s never getting boring. 
Yoongi also spends a lot of time playing the guitar. It’s during those nights after practice and dinner and you agreed on healthy alone time, where you can watch him sit with his guitar by the beach or somewhere in the garden. Sometimes the wind blows just right and carries over his melodies while you relax on the patio with a good book. You like those nights as they are filled with tranquillity and somehow the cuddles you share afterwards feel a hundred times better. 
You also spend a lot of time swimming. Yoongi not so much, because he hates getting into the water, but you really enjoy it. You spend most of your late mornings swimming in the ocean and sometimes one of the witches will join you and you will chat over life there. 
Yoongi would either play the guitar sitting cross-legged on his towel or he would be somewhere inside, most definitely chatting with Jelena. 
You like Jelena. She is lovely and sweet and her very obvious interest in Yoongi is still topic of many teasing comments you throw at him. He always whines and pouts, which results in you giggling. He never acted on her interest. One night you dared to suggest that he was allowed to act on them if he wanted to, which resulted in Yoongi genuinely getting mad at you and staying out all night. You made up the next day and he made you promise him to never ever suggest something like that again. You never did again and hugged him for a good hour before you left bed.
Said night was already forgotten and forgiven these days and life has been great. Truly and genuinely great.
 You were in the shed. It was only an hour until sunset and the shed was flooded with golden light. The witches aren’t home today and won’t return until tomorrow. Coven duty somewhere in the mountains. A werewolf pack was attacked by werewolf hunters last night and the witches were called for aid. The hunters weren’t from the coast and still haven’t been located.
You and Yoongi stayed back. You for practicing and Yoongi for making sure the house stayed safe. The last time you saw him, he was in the kitchen with his lower arms covered in flour and his waist accentuated by an apron as he baked too many loaves of bread. That was a few hours ago.
A knock on the shed door makes you lift your head.
“How’s it going?” Yoongi asks. He is wearing a white button up and blue jeans. His arms are clean and the apron is shrugged off.
“Good. Did you finish the bread?”
“Yeah, they’re cooling down”, Yoongi says and walks to you. He sits down on the rattan chair next to you, resting his elbows on his knees. He reaches out, patting the top of your head, “show me what you got”, he says as he caresses the back of your head.
Yoongi gave you the task of practicing focus by painting flowers by using nothing but your magic.
You focus hard on lifting the brush and tipping it into the paints. You draw a small flower next to the one you practiced before he came inside. Then you end it with a heart in which you write his initials.
Yoongi chuckles fondly, rubbing the nape of your neck.
You place the brush back onto the ground, turning your head to beam up at him.
“And? That was really good, wasn’t it?”
“It was perfect, my love”, Yoongi praises.
You giggle, turning in your position so you were facing him. Like this, you are sitting on the ground in front him, cross-legged and with your eyes sparkling just for him.
“I’ll be an artist if I continue being that great, right?”
“Of course”, he smiles fondly, caressing your cheek, “you’ll be the greatest artist.”
“You’ll buy my art, won’t you?”
“Of course, my sweet princess.”
You wiggle your shoulders because he makes you feel good. He studies your face with love drunk eyes.
“Hey, Yoongs?” you ask.
“Yes, my love?”
“You know what we talked about on Sunday?”
“Of course. Why?”
“I thought about it and I think I want to do it tonight.”
Yoongi widens his eyes for just a second, before his fond warm gaze returns.
“Are you sure? You don’t have to do that for me, you know?”
“Yeah, I know. I’m not doing it for you. I want to try it”, you say, reaching out to feel up his shin mindlessly, “when you put your fingers up there, it felt really good and you’re always so gentle. And the witches aren’t here tonight, which means we can be loud. Yeah”, you feel your cheeks heat up, “I wanna try it.”
He smiles gently, caressing your chin as he has it between his thumb and pointer finger. His head tilts to the side, his eyes lower fondly.
“Then we gotta do it”, he says, “princess’ orders, yeah?”
You laugh, nodding your head. Yoongi chuckles and places his hand on the back of your head to tilt it up and kiss your forehead.
“You’re so cute”, he says, guiding his kisses down along your nose until he can claim your lips in a kiss.
You sigh, hooking your arms behind his head and getting to your knees instantly. Yoongi’s body follows your movements instinctively and just seconds later, you are on his lap without the kiss ever turning awkward.
Yoongi runs his big hands up and down your body. He feels up your legs, butt, hips and back, he lingers on your cheeks and switches up between touching you and hugging you against his chest. It feels so good. He feels so good.
By the time, you break the kiss for the first time, your hips are squirming on his thigh and your breathing is quickened. Yoongi looks up at you warmly. His chest heaves up and down as well, his hands are on your hips.
“You got me so good”, you say and giggle.
“I know, princess love. I can smell it”, Yoongi says, smiling fondly.
“God, embarrassing”, you say, hiding away in the crook of his neck.
“Why?” Yoongi says and chuckles, patting your butt, “I like it. Why’s it embarrassing?”
“Because I can’t even be secretly horny with you.”
He laughs, “why you wanna be secret about it? Don’t hide that from me”, he says and grabs your butt just so he can tug you snug against him. You gasp because of it, writhing from the sudden pressure on your warmth, “I love that smell, don’t you dare tryna keep that from me”, he rasps, moving your hips back and forth.
“Yoongi”, you sigh, feeling deep tingles in your tummy.
“What’s wrong, love?”
“Feels good.”
“Mhm, I know”, he whispers and stops even if you whine in complaint.
“Don’t stop.”
“Mhm”, he hums, getting to his feet with you in his arms, “let’s get you inside. It’s getting too cold.”
You know what will come soon and it makes you press yourself closer to him.
“But you have to go somewhere else when I get cleaned. It’s embarrassing”, you tell him.
“I promise. You can have all the privacy you need.”
 Yoongi goes downstairs as you get cleaned. Of course he does, because when he promises something he actually means it. You don’t feel stressed or nervous about getting yourself ready for him, because you know that he will give you all the time you need.
You don’t bother to put on clothes once you are happy with the result. Instead, you pick out a set of lingerie with matching stockings and the necklace Yoongi got you. A droplet of his blood was infused into a blue gemstone and the purest gold frames it in a delicate heart shaped pendant. Knowing how much such a present meant with him makes you want to cry each time you put it on.
You feel really pretty, making your way downstairs with a skip in your steps.
You find Yoongi in the kitchen, humming to himself as he listens to music through his ear buds and washes the tomatoes he picked from the garden. He will make dinner with them later.
You close the distance between you and him, snaking your arms around him from behind.
“Mhm”, Yoongi lifts his head and presses back into you.
He dries his hands, takes out his ear buds and touches you.
“Don’t mind me”, you say.
He turns in your arms, showing off the smile he sports. It grows as his eyes land on your body.
“Oh, princess”, he says, picking you up just to lift you on the kitchen counter, “look at you. You shouldn’t have dressed up.”
“Why not?”
“Because”, he presses his hips against you, feeling up your lower back, “now I gotta rip this off of you. You are so beautiful, fucking shit look at you.”
You laugh, feeling your heart flutter.
“Do you like it?” you ask, posing for him.
“I love it”, he says, running his hands over the fabric of your panties and stockings, “where’d you hide that from me? It’s fucking beautiful on you.”
“In my suitcase.”
“Mhm princess”, he purrs, running his hands up your torso until he can trace your bra, “I should spank your cute butt for keeping this from me for so long.”
You draw closer, tangling your fingers in his long hair.
“Fuck it instead”, you whisper.
Yoongi’s eyes flit to your lips. His tongue darts out to wet his lips, a lopsided smirk tugs at the corner of them a second later.
“Deal?” you ask, gazing at his lips.
“You already know my answer, princess”, he rasps, drawing closer until his kiss is just a tilt of your head away. The tension twists your stomach addictively.
“I need to hear it”, you sigh.
“Fuck, don’t tease”, he rasps with heavy eyes. One more second without your kiss will kill him.
“I’m not. Say it”, you whisper, feeling dizzy from denial.
“Deal”, he breathes, placing his hand on the back of your head, “now fucking come here and let me seal it.”
You let him pull you in with a moan of his name and your legs closing around his waist instantly. He growls deeply, picking up from the counter to carry you with one arm. His hand never leaves your face, except for when he feels up your torso hungrily. 
He knows the way upstairs, using his senses to walk safely while his lips are lost in you.  
He nudges the door closed with his foot and carries you to bed. He doesn’t stop kissing you as he lays you down on it, claiming the emptiness between your legs for himself. Your legs are over his thighs, his knees are digging into the mattress. Like this, he can grind his clothed cock into you. The dent in his jeans is so unbearably noticeable to your sensitive pussy.
Yoongi breaks the kiss to instead dance his lips over your jawline and neck. His hands are feeling up your legs.
“You feel so good”, you sigh, writhing under him sensually. Your hands are on his chest, trying to open his shirt. 
“I can’t get enough of you, princess”, he whispers, changing sides of your neck, “my beautiful love, fucking look at you.”
His fingers play with the hem of your panties and slip inside. Not in the front but at the side of your hips, where your skin is so sensitive. He tugs slightly.
“Don’t rip them”, you say, squirming away, “I really like them.”
He smirks against your neck. 
“Fine”, he says and without warning picks you up just enough that your butt is off the mattress and he can pull down your panties.
You laugh, writhing in his hands with your eyes glued to his face. You get so giddy whenever he shows his strength. It’s so nice to know that you are in such strong and safe hands with him. 
Yoongi chuckles, “cute.”
“It’s so hot when you lift me.”
“I know princess, I can smell it”, he says and guides your panties to his nose to take in your scent. He growls playfully, flashing his eyes ruby, “so sweet”, he lulls, letting the panties disappear in his front pocket a second later. 
“Touch me”, you choke out, feeling lightheaded. There won’t ever go a day by where this shit doesn’t ruin you. 
“Patience. I gotta savour you”, he says, placing himself over you again. He lowers himself to your collarbones, touching your sides, “I’d be a fool if I didn’t”, he adds in a whisper before he runs his lips over your skin.
The touch is electric, making you sigh. You close your eyes and fall into him. Falling is so goddamn easy when you know that it’s Yoongi’s hands which will catch you. And they will always catch you, no matter when or where, he won’t ever let you collide. 
Yoongi lifts his lips when he is between your clothed breasts. He glances up at you, finding heaven in how blissed you look. 
“You’re so beautiful”, he says honestly and lowers his lips to your soft breasts to kiss them, “so fucking beautiful.”
“There…” you sigh, arching your chest into him. 
“There?” he whispers, sucking on the spot of before. The one which made you arch so cutely and which makes you arch even cuter right now.
“Yoongi”, you squeak in a giggle, writhing between his hands.
“Why? What’s wrong?” he asks in a smile, feeling up your sides. 
“It’s just…good.”
“Cute”, he says, changing the paths of his kiss to feel up your tummy instead. There is no other tummy on this earth which is as perfect as yours. Yoongi loves every single inch of it, memorising the paths of it with his eyes closed and his tongue tasting your skin hungrily. 
By the time he reaches your lower tummy, your skin isn’t the only thing wet. You already were before, but now you are soaked, filling Yoongi’s nose with the sweetest scent. 
“Your scent, holy fuck”, he murmurs into you as he buries his face in the softness of your inner thigh. 
You reach down and twist his hair, bucking your hips up. His eyes open, meeting your gaze. 
“Please”, you beg.
“Don’t rush it”, he whispers and switches legs, “relax princess, I’m getting there.”
“Oh god, I need it so bad”, you whine, tugging on his hair. 
“Mhm, me too. Need to taste you so bad”, he lulls, running his tongue down your thigh. The contact is wet and hot, leaving you to throb around nothing. 
He turns his head. 
“Ah”, you moan without needing to be touched. The aspect of it is already enough to turn you weak. 
“So fucking sweet”, he rasps, letting the words swirl over your pussy.
“Please”, you beg.
“Mhhm”, he purrs, drawing closer until you can feel his warmth radiate of his lips.
“Yoongi”, you moan, tugging on his hair.
“Cute”, he rasps, putting distance between you and your sweetest pleasure.
“No, back”, you beg, trying to push him down but he is stronger.
He chuckles, “you’re so cute”, he rasps, doing the unthinkable of sitting up.
Your fingers slip from his hair this way, gripping his belt loop instead.
“Please don’t”, you beg. 
“Patience. I’m just getting the toys.”
“I just wanna be touched, please”, you whine, knowing that it is fruitless to beg.
“You’re adorable”, he says as he is busy with retrieving the bag.
Waiting for him to get the toys from his suitcase and return to bed is torture. You need his touch so bad. 
Yoongi sits down next to you, opening the toy bag to look through it. Not that he has to do a lot of looking as he has all the toys sorted into their own compartments. He is organised like this. It’s so attractive that he is.
He opens the buttplug compartment and takes out the silicon toy. You eye it and gulp.
“You can stop this anytime you need to, yeah? I won’t be upset with you”, Yoongi says, who watches it happen.
“I don’t wanna stop. I’m just really excited.”
Yoongi smiles, “I’m excited too, my love”, he says shimmying down your body with the plug and lube equipped. 
You open your legs without needing to be told to, looking at him with a racing heart. 
The lube bottle opens with a click. Yoongi makes sure that he covers his fingers thoroughly.  
“Relax”, he says and connects his lubed up fingers with your hole. 
“Fuck. Yoongi”, you get out, closing your legs in reaction. They fall open again a second later, your hips squirm needily. 
“You’re so perfect, my princess”, he praises, rubbing slow circles. You whine in reaction and buck your hips up. Yoongi understands instantly. It’s time for him to take the next step. With a little bit of pressure, he lets his middle finger slip inside. 
You inhale sharply, releasing it as a shaky “oh god”, a second later. Your eyes fall closed and your nose scrunches up.
“There we go. All relaxed around me”, he praises, pumping his finger in and out slowly, “you’re doing so well.”
“It feels really good.”
“Yeah? It feels good for me too, princess. You’re so soft inside”, Yoongi says, curling his finger. 
“Yeah, please. I’m horny”,  you giggled the last words, earning yourself a soft chuckle from him. 
“Gladly”, Yoongi says and pushes his ring finger inside. You tense up, whimpering softly. He places his hand on your lower tummy and rubs slow circles on it, “relax your muscles, you’re too tense.”
“Sorry, it surprised me”, you say and follow instantly, shuddering because of how good it feels to relax. His fingers are filling you out so well, giving you just enough of a stretch that you are experiencing a constant wave of warm tingles. 
“There we go, that’s so much better”, he praises and begins scissoring them carefully, “you’re doing such a good job, my lovely princess. Relax, my love, so good”, he talks you through the amazing sensation, switching his fond gaze between your wet pussy and glowing face.
“It’s so good”, you sigh, “I like it so much.”
“I love it too, princess”, he says and slips his thumb to your clit as a reward for being the most perfect.
And there you go, tensing up again. But this time for different reasons. You mewl, tilting your head back as your hips buck into his hand. All the teasing he did before left you feeling so sensitive that this simple touch is already too much.
“Relax for me, relax”, Yoongi says softly, rubbing your clit slowly. 
“It’s hard when, when you m-make me wanna cum”, you stutter, writhing on the sheets. 
“Cute”, Yoongi says, slipping his thumb from your clit even if that makes you whine for more.
“Edging noo, is…no”, you mumble, cracking him up. 
“Whiney baby”, he teases, slipping his fingers out. 
“Yoongi noo”, you whine, “I don’t have to cum, I lied.”
He laughs, “yeah sure. Relax princess, I’m getting the plug. Yeah?”
“Yeah”, you say, glancing down at it, “oh god, I’m so horny.”
“Me too, love.”
He rubs lube on it and connects it with your hole. He places his hands back on your tummy, sending you a comforting look. 
“This will stretch you more than my fingers, but I believe in you”, he says and smiles, “but you can stop whenever, don’t forget that.”
“Just push it inside, please”, you beg, opening your legs wider. 
Yoongi lets his eyes flit down to your middle. He applies pressure and after a second of struggle, the toy slips inside. 
“Oh? Oh yeah that hah”, you chuckle and drop your head in the pillow.
“Too much?”
“Don’t stop, I’m good. It’s new, but I’m good”, you say, pushing into him. The toy slips deeper into you, faltering again when you reach the thickest part.
“Just one more time”, he encourages you and pushes gently.
“Yoongi”, you get out and then you reach for his hand to hold. He intertwines his fingers with you, looking at your face with his brows furrowed in concentration. 
The plug slips inside, filling you out completely.
“Oh fuck”, you press out in a whisper, squeezing his hand. 
“It’s bigger than my fingers, isn’t it?”
“Yeah?” you get out and mewl.
“You’re doing so well taking it that easily. I can take it out if you want.”
“No just…let me get used to it.”
“Okay”, Yoongi says and places himself over you. Like this, his hands are on each side of your head dimpling the pillow and his black hair hangs into his face. “I’m so fucking proud of you, princess love.”
“Yoongi…kiss me”, you plead, feeling how deeply affected you are by his praise. You relax around the toy and your tummy tingles like crazy, “I’m, I’m serious if you don’t kiss me soon I’ll, I’ll start cry-”
Yoongi interrupts you by kissing you deeply. Your brain turns off, your body shudders in relief. You are kissing him. You are kissing your Yoongi. And it’s paradise. 
You reach for him with a whimper of his name, twisting the front of his shirt. Yoongi lowers himself to his elbows, bending his arm in a way which allows him to cradle your head and play with your hair. The kiss to your lips breaks, but he litters your face with kisses and that makes up for it. 
“Don’t cry, princess”, he whispers, “I’m right here”, he promises, nuzzling into your neck. Neck kisses feel like heaven on normal days, but he’s got you so charged that you could cry out for him right now.
“Yoongi”, you whimper, grabbing a bundle of his hair. 
“Keep me close, princess”, he sighs, kissing a path to your cheek, “you’re doing so well with everything, I’m so incredibly proud of you.”
You spill tears. They were happy tears. Yoongi doesn’t notice them, kissing a path to your lips. He claims them, swallowing the whimper you let out. His right hand smoothes over your hair while his left arm snakes under your back. With a small show of strength he lifts your upper body, pressing you against his chest. He uses enough pressure that you can feel how all those tight knots in your chest burst. You didn’t even know that you had them, but feeling his warmth on your chest in a gentle and constant pressure relieved you of stresses you had sitting deep inside you.  
“I love you”, you press out because this is all you get out. Yoongi smiles against your lips, kissing his way back to your neck.
“I love you too, princess.”
He lowers you back to the sheets and slips his left hand to your side instead. 
“I love you so much”, you press out and sob softly.
“I love you so much too, princess”, Yoongi says, kissing his way down to your tummy. 
You don’t like that he stops cradling you like this, but you can’t even complain because he is worshipping your tummy. His big hands are gliding over your waist, holding you safely, while his tongue and lips take the paths they already took before. But unlike before, it makes you twist the fucking pillow in desperation. 
“I’m gonna go insane, princess”, Yoongi lulls, “you smell so fucking sweet. You know that?”
“Please don’t pull away again”, you beg, writhing in his strong hands. He is mere inches away from your pussy, “if, if you pull away I-I’ll cry.”
He chuckles, “you’re so cute”, he says, “relax, my princess. I won’t pull away”, he whispers and buries his tongue between your folds. 
“Oh my god! Yoongi!” you squeak put, closing your legs around his head and grabbing his hair with both hands. 
Yoongi purrs, pushing your legs apart gently. He keeps his hands on your shaking thighs to rub them, purring around your clit as he sucks on her slowly.
“Yoongi!” you mewl, digging your head into the pillow as you arch your back. Your legs slip over his shoulders and kick his lower back. 
“Mhm”, he grunts, punishing you by burying himself deeper. 
“Yoongi please, holy fuck”, you sob, tugging at his hair to both push him closer and pull him away. You have no idea what you need more. A break or for him to never ever stop. And he barely even does anything. He merely purrs and sucks on your clit, includes the occasional lick and squeezes your thighs. Yoongi could eat your pussy differently. Trust, that he could be very different right now and yet this mere appetiser of what he could do is already enough to make you act like a pleasure dumb idiot. 
“Yoongi”, another mewl of his name comes easy to you. 
Yoongi answers you by breaking away from you and forcing that addictive fire in your pussy to die down again.
“Why?” you croak and sob, “Yoongi why?”
“You’re so cute, holy fuck I gotta fucking put you in my pocket, you cutest princess”, he babbles as he kisses a path down to your plugged hole. 
He wraps his fingers around the base of the toy and with a kiss to your buttocks pulls it out of you. It feels warm and makes you moan. The girthiest part doesn’t hurt at all and the sensation of your hole closing up in sync with the toy getting thinner is unfamiliar but fucking addicting. 
Yoongi wastes no unnecessary time. He is a smitten man on a mission. A mission to make his dream girl scream on his tongue. He dismisses the toy and grabs your hips. With just a little bit of his strength, he picks them up and tilts them so he can bury himself between your legs. 
Your hole is still relaxed enough that he takes the opportunity to slip his tongue inside. He lets it grow until it’s a little longer than the plug was and it fills you out so well that he can feel your muscles trying to fight him.
“Yoongi”, his name slips off your tongue again and Yoongi feels your walls pulsate around his tongue. Your taste is richer than that of your pussy. Yoongi has to hump the mattress because of it, growling into you as he fucks you with his tongue.
“Oh god, holy fuck”, you moan, panting like crazy.
This feels as if you are getting the wettest and hottest toy stuck into you. You thought that getting your pussy fucked with it feels intense, but this is on a whole other level. You are so stretched out like this. Even more than you were when he plugged you. It doesn’t hurt at all. The kisses and touches and sweet licks made you so incredibly relaxed for him, his praises did the rest. So having his big, long tongue fuck your hole doesn’t hurt and yet it still feels as if you can’t do it. You shouldn’t feel like this. You shouldn’t be allowed to feel so goddamn good. Your legs shake and try to close on him, but Yoongi shakes you off, burying himself deeper until the tip of his nose is buried in your pussy.
“Fucknmgn”, the curse is muffled by your body, but it still reaches your ears. Your scent is quite literally suffocating him and Yoongi lets you know just what this does to him by wiggling his tongue quickly and using his neck muscles to grind his nose all over your pussy.
“Why are you doing this?” you keen, throwing your arm over your eyes, “please stop, Yoongi. Please stop, please.”
“Hey”, he is off of you instantly, “hey, what’s wrong? Did I hurt you?”
“Please don’t do this, please just fuck me”, you beg, spilling tears, “I can’t take this anymore. Please just fuck me, please.”
Yoongi relaxes, slipping your legs from his shoulders to caress them instead.
“Don’t talk like this princess, I was so scared that I hurt you”, he whines, nudging you.
“It’s so good, I can’t breathe”, you whimper, sending him a blurry look, “I’m sorry, please don’t be mad.”
“Never”, he says, leaning down to kiss your tummy, “fuck, I just really fucked it for me.”
“What do you mean?”
“Now I know how you taste in both holes”, he chuckles deeply, “fuck baby, don’t expect me to be normal from now on. I’m gonna fucking live between your legs from now on.”
You mewl, “please fuck me. Please!”
“Are you sure?” he asks as he nibbles on your inner thigh. He is so close to your pussy that he brushes against you every now and then, “can’t I taste you more? Please?”
“I, I’ll cum if you do”, you stutter.
“Mhm, you’re torturing me”, he rasps and bites you just hard enough that you squeak.
“Please”, you giggle, twisting his hair.
He chuckles, kissing the sensitive spot, “fine, I’ll get ready.”
Yoongi breaks away from you to undress. Finally his tight jeans stop squishing his swollen cock. Yoongi throws them on the ground angrily. They were so painful to be stuck in. He steps out of his briefs and slips his shirt off. Then he runs his hands through his long hair. It falls prettily, framing his features.  
“Jeans are products of demons, no fucking joke”, he says, climbing back on bed, “I think I bruised my cock.”
You snicker, “oh no, I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine, just glad to be with you again”, he assures you, connecting himself with you by caressing your hip, “let me fix you, yeah?”
Yoongi lifts you and places you onto the mattress with you resting on your side. He pushes the leg, which rests on top, up the mattress, making sure that it’s bent by the knee. He runs his hand along your stockings and then up to your ass at the back of your leg.
“There we go. That’s better, isn’t it?” he speaks softly.
“Yeah…” you croak, twisting the sheets. You need him so bad that it hurts. 
“Tell me when you need a pillow”, he says and breaks the touch for the sake of getting his cock ready. 
“I’m comfy”, you say. 
“That’s good. Fuck ___, I’m so fucking hard you have no idea”, he lulls his words and a wet squelching sound fills the air. He is definitely jerking himself off with the lube. The thought makes you leak.  
“You won’t grow, will you? I don’t think that I can handle this yet”, you ask shyly.
“No princess, I won’t grow. Don’t be scared”, he assures you.  
“Okay, thank you for telling me that”, you say and turn your head. He is close enough that you can reach behind yourself and touch his hip, “please don’t hold back anymore.”
He smiles and lets you tug him closer, placing his hand on your hip. 
“I love it when you’re acting this way”, he says, holding his cock by its base so he can guide it to your hole. He pushes at your hip, fixing your position gently. Like this, you are exposed to him. Yoongi stares at it with ruby eyes, rubbing his wet cockhead against your hole. 
“So pretty”, he lulls, licking his lips, “can’t believe I had my tongue in there. You’re so goddamn pretty.”
“Please”, you beg, arching into him. 
“Yes. Please.”
“Perfect. You’re fucking perfect", Yoongi says and pushes into you. 
The breach doesn’t hurt, but it’s unfamiliar. His cock is definitely bigger than any of the other amazing things you took up your ass tonight. His fingers were nice, the plug intense and his tongue maddening, but his cock is filling. The word isn’t the sexiest, but it’s the truth. You feel so whole now that he is slipping inside. Like a part missing has finally returned to you. You whimper and tense up, reaching for his hand instinctively.
“Hurts?” he asks.
You shake your head, giving him a pleading look to please keep going.
Yoongi smiles and squeezes your hand. His eyes flit back to where he disappears. 
“Relax. I’ve got you”, he says and pushes deeper. His tummy tenses, and his brows furrow, “fuck. Relax my love, yeah? Relax”, his voice is shaking just a little.
“Yoongi, I’m so stuffed”, you mewl, looking at him with teary eyes. You are so glad that Yoongi filled you with his tongue before he did it with his cock. You don’t think that you could have handled how it is to truly feel him if it wasn’t for his tongue giving you the most intense sneak peek of it.
“Breathe for me, love. B-breathe oh fuck”, he falls to his hands, letting out a shaky moan. His hair falls into his face, “breathe. You gotta, gotta b-breathe.”
You can’t stop staring. His brows are furrowed, his lips curled back as he shows his fangs in a grunt. Being filled up by him starts to feel a million times better instantly. Which means a lot, because it already felt like heaven before that. 
“Breathe baby, fucking breathe”, he gets out and moans, filling you with his last inch. “Mhngn”, he lets out, scrunching his nose up, “breathe”, he squeaks.
“Are you okay?” you ask. 
“Mhm yeah, I’m fine. You just have the tightest ass ever, I’m fine”, he says in a pitched voice, making you laugh.
“Oh god, this is so funny”, you say.
“Don’t laugh, holy fuck”, he croaks and moans, grabbing your hand just to slam it into the sheets and pin it down. He rolls his hips into you in an involuntary thrust, his throat produces a little whimper.
“I can’t help it. I’m taking your cock, I’m happy”, you say between giggles. 
“Fucking fuck, you’re gonna fucking kill me”, he presses out under his breath and somehow forces his eyes to open. He turns his head, looking down at you, “you’re such a fucking goddess. Holy fuck.”
You squirm, clenching around him. You try to reach for his face, but can’t as he pins you down. So you end up holding his wrist with your other hand, mewling his name as you tense around him again.
“Wanna move”, he lulls.
“Please move.”
Yoongi pulls out halfway so he can roll into you smoothly. The sensation feels electric, forcing an honest and loud moan out of you. 
“Yes princess, keep moaning for me. I fucking love it when you do”, he encourages you, ending it with a small whimper again, “I’m gonna fucking cry. You’re so tight, holy fuck”, he whispers under his breath, chasing you in deep rolls of his hips. 
In and out, in and out. Feeling each of those movements so quickly after the other is a whole other experience. When he played with your hole or stuffed it, you didn’t have this constant change. But now you do and it’s making you gasp for air. 
“That’s it, princess. Keep breathing”, his voice is hoarse from exhaustion, “I’m gonna have to fucking nut soon, but don’t mind me.”
“God, don’t tell me that, you’re making me laugh again”, you say, having to crack up.
“Yeah fuck, it’s happening”, he says and groans, letting his mouth fall open. His hand squeezes yours as his cock throbs deep inside you, “you’re so fucking mean”, he whines, shaking atop of you. 
“Yoongi”, you gasp and moan, “Yoongi, holy fuck. Are you actually?”
“Yeah…baby”, he purrs. 
It sticks to your insides warm and wet. He is actually cumming right now. Two minutes and he is a goner. The thought that it is your ass which broke him so soon, makes you dizzy. You chase him with rolls of your hips, tensing up at the feeling. You’re so tight and now you're spreading his cum all over his cock, getting messy in the process. He slips in and out of you so much better, filling your veins with ecstatic pleasure.
“Yeah, yah, mhm”, he lets out, lowering his head to kiss your cheek, “fuck”, he chuckles, “sorry for that, I’d have died if I didn’t let go.”
“It’s fine. Just…I want more.”
“Don’t worry, I’m good now. Fuck princess”, he straightens up, grabbing your leg to bend it and open you up for him, “imma fuck that bred, little hole until you’re screaming”, he rasps, finally moving his hips. He starts off in a slow, yet deep rhythm, spreading you open for him with a strong hand pushing down on your hip and therefore keeping it tilted just for him. It gives your muscles a gentle stretch and opens you up so well for him that you can feel how you move around him.
“Yoongi”, you mewl, tilting your head back as your mouth falls open. 
“Does it hurt? I can slow down”, he speaks with a deep rasp on his voice. You know that overstimulation is keeping his cock sensitive, but because you’re dating a literal maniac he uses the pain as motivation to get you off. 
“Don’t slow, please faster”, you beg.
He speeds up, putting a smooth roll of his hips into the movements. His fingers dimple your flesh, his naked thighs collide with the back of your legs and his cock shapes your creamed hole. Like this, his hair slaps into his face each time he moves, forcing him to keep his eyes closed in order not to the get it all in them. He grunts each time he bottoms out, giving you glimpses of his fangs whenever he pulls his lips back.
“More, I need more”, you beg.
“Yeah? Reach into the bag, there’s a vibe in there.”
He doesn’t have to tell you twice. You know exactly where to look. You used the toy on too many occasions to count. With trembling fingers you turn it on and press it to your clit. 
“Yoongi”, you mewl, writhing under him.
“That’s it, princess. Make yourself feel good. Fuck, you’re so fucking perfect”, he praises, using the grip he has on your thigh to pull you onto his cock. He meets his own movements in the middle, rolling his hips into you. 
“It’s a lot”, you mewl. 
“Yeah? I’ll slow down”, he assures you, but you start rutting back into him instantly, “fuck princess”, he is laughing lazily, “stop whining ‘bout it bein’ too much when you don’ mean it”, he lulls, connecting his hand with your buttock in a gentle spank, “so fuckin’ naughty.”
“More”, you beg, “you’re making me cum. More.”
Yoongi spanks you gently, gripping the flesh afterwards to part you and stuff you with his cock. His creamy cum is leaking out of you and covering his cock. The quick movements of his hips turned it all white and milky by now. Yoongi fucks it right back into you, covering your stretched rim with it and parts of his dark pubes. The view motivates him to fuck you deeper, harder, better.
“You’re so fucking perfect being all bred by me. My own perfect cum goddess”, he pants, slamming into you so hard that his balls slap your ass.
You mewl for more, clenching around him. And so Yoongi gives it to you. He spanks your ass, holding you open afterwards to watch his cock disappear inside your tight hole. 
“Now”, you croak and yelp up. 
“Yes fuck”, Yoongi growls, burying himself to the hilt and staying right there so he can feel you pulsate and throb, “you’re so fucking perfect, shit princess so perfect.”
“It feels so good”, you mewl, shaking like crazy as your body fills with warmth, “Yoongi, it feels so good.”
“I know baby, I know. Keep it right there, you’re not done yet”, he says and begins moving again. Slowly at first because he is aware that you never experienced cock up your ass so soon after your high. You are tight. So goddamn tight that if Yoongi hadn’t climaxed already, he would have done so right now. He grinds his teeth and growls deeply, dimpling your flesh from gripping you so tightly, “keep breathin’ baby, I’m not done. You gotta get fucked more, my perfect woman.”
“Yoongi”, his name leaves you like a prayer. You push back into him, thanking yourself for doing so as Yoongi uses the opportunity to tug you into another position. Resting on your tummy and with your hips held up by him. You use zero strength, shaking in his hands as Yoongi keeps pulling you onto his creamed cock. 
“Such a pretty princess, you’re made for my cock. It’s fucking insane how good you feel”, he praises and moans in a deep growl. His hips are angled differently this way. 
“What are you doing?” you mewl, kicking the sheets. You try to writhe away from him for the sole reason of being scared of how hard you are falling. You can feel his cock hit your g-spot this way. You know that he is still in your ass, as you feel stuffed to the brim, but he is still hitting your g-spot. He shouldn’t be able to do this to you and yet he is. You can’t handle it, it’s too good. You can’t handle it. “What are you doing?” you sob, barely holding onto the vibrator by now.
“Keep the vibe there, princess”, Yoongi orders you, eyes glued to your ass. He can’t believe how beautiful you look when he fucks you. 
“What are you doing? Yoongi please”, your voice is pitched in pleasure, your legs are shaking like crazy.
“You know what I’m doing. I’m giving it to you how you fucking deserve it. Feel how I give it to you?” he says, slamming his hips into you. Your ass is filled to the brim and your g-spot gets hit. 
You moan his name, arching into him. This is going to break you into a million pieces. 
“Yeah you do. You’re such a perfect, fucking woman, you deserve everything. Fucking everything. Fuck”, he growls the last word, throwing his head back as his body falls into the sensations. His hair tickles his shoulders this way, reflecting the deep shine of your bedside lamp. His lips part, glistening in the lights and looking especially pink.
Not that you can see any of this as you are falling right with him with your face buried in the pillow, moaning like crazy as he scrambles your insides in the best way possible. Night has been kissing the earth for way too many minutes to count and yet you haven’t noticed yet. He makes you see the brightest colours behind your closed lids. A warm summer rain has started to fall on the earth and even that you didn’t notice as all you can hear are Yoongi’s ecstatic grunts and your bodies connecting in sinful movements. Also the hum of the vibrator and it’s fucking taunting it. Your clit is going to burst if you keep pressing it on there and yet you don’t want to take it away. You rub a small circle, regretting instantly as you feel how this forces your body to fall even harder.
“You’re making me cum”, you mewl with your pussy throbbing around nothing and his cock drilling your ass so good it feels like he is rewriting your definition of pleasure.
“Don’t hold back, love. Fall into it, I’m right here. Fade into me, baby”, he encourages you, fucking his cock into you as deep as possible and hitting your g-spot exactly where you are the most sensitive.
“Yoongi!” you yelp, breaking around him. 
“Yes princess, that’s what I want from you”, Yoongi growls, picking you up even if you are shaking like crazy. He sits back onto his heels and bounces you on his lap. You are kneeling, barely holding your head up straight, “you perfect fucking goddess, cum for me”, he spits and presses his hand into your tummy with just enough pressure that you can physically feel how he is squeezing your g-spot against his cock. 
It feels like there is no barrier between him and your favourite spot. You scream up, dropping the vibrator. At least you try to as before it slips out of your fingers, Yoongi takes your hand and presses it back against your clit. He hugs your waist this way, slamming his hips into you so harshly the room fills with loud sounds of skin slapping against skin and the bedposts croaking for help.
“Don’t stop”, he growls, “you perfect woman are gonna keep that pressed there until you’re wetting my fucking thighs.”
“Yoongi, I can’t”, you sob, reaching behind yourself just so you can grip him. You manage to grab a bundle of his hair, twisting it painfully.
Yoongi moans against your neck, squeezing you closer by your tummy. The pressure in it grows, now it actually feels as if he was fucking you without any barriers. But you know that he is. You know because your stretched hole has been convulsing around his cock ever since he started drilling you this way. 
And you can’t take it anymore. The vibrator on your clit hurts so much, the pressure in your tummy is too much and his cock is ruining your ass. And there is this addictive feeling of having his naked, sweaty and hot body pressed against yours.
You break apart, screaming his name as you almost rip out his hair. And Yoongi growls like a fucking animal, fucking and squeezing and holding you hostage until you finally act how he wants you to act and you wet his thighs in harsh, strong spurts of warm pleasure. 
“Yes princess. Fuck, ___”, he moans and fills you with his cum. You smell so good and feel so tight around him, Yoongi just has to make sure that the last thing your hot walls feel is his creamy cum marking you as his’. They should remember who can stretch and fuck and drill them so good. Moaning and panting like crazy, he fucks you both through your highs, milking your bodies dry until they can’t give any more.
“No more, please. Actually stop”, you beg once the fire of pleasure turned into the painful burn of overstimulation and his cock feels painfully big in your tight ass.
“You’re already done”, Yoongi speaks gently, turning off the vibrator and throwing it to the side, “take a deep breath, I’m lifting you.”
You follow, releasing it in a loud gasp as he slides you off of him. His cum squirts out of you instantly, ruining even more of his lap. 
“Sorry, oh god”, you whimper, trying to clench.
“It’s okay, let it happen”, he soothes you, “you did so well, my love. Don’t worry about the mess, just relax”, he says and places you in the sheets as gently as possible. 
He drapes his arm over you, resting on his hand so he can nuzzle into the side of your face and kiss you.
“I’m so proud of you, you did amazing”, he praises.
“I’m, I’m”, you stutter, shivering like crazy. 
Yoongi presses himself closer, warming you with the naked skin on skin contact. 
“I’ll get something to clean you and then you can already slip under the sheets, yeah?”
You nod your head, looking up at him with teary eyes. He dries your cheeks, holding your face safely.
“Does anything hurt?” he asks. 
“No”, your voice is hoarse, “Yoongi?”
“Yes, my love?”
“I felt you against my g-spot.”
He smiles, “I know. Did you like it?”
“Yes”, you whisper and giggle. 
“I loved it too, my princess”, he says and kisses your forehead, “you did fucking amazing for your first time. You took me so, so well.”
“It was the best first time ever”, you say, wiggling happily, “you’re the best person ever, Yoongi Boongie.”
“Mhm”, he pecks your cheek, “no, you are. Now excuse me for a moment, I’ll clean us up, yeah?”
“Yeah. Thank you for taking care of me.”
“Of course, my love.”
“I’m so happy with you.”
Yoongi feels his tummy flutter, “I’m so fucking happy too, you have no idea.”
He cleans your bodies, brings you water and changes the sheets. He talks about the experience with you in great detail as he does all those things, listening to your words with great interest and speaking his own with a warm sparkle in his eyes. You both come to the same conclusion that you really needed to do it again in the near future. Afterwards, he tucks you into bed and plays with your hair because you asked him if he could. And you feel so well taken care of that you could burst into the most colourful of fireworks.
The rain is loud on the roof above your heads, filling the room with a constant pitter patter. His face is mere inches away from yours as you share a pillow. Your heads are almost hidden under the blanket, looking out just enough that you can still breathe. He is still caressing your face and head. You are this close to falling asleep, but don’t want to close your eyes. You don’t want to miss out on his face. His hair is all messy, but in a pretty, breathtaking kind of way and his features are looking so pretty in the dim lights. He is truly the most beautiful person ever and your heart races like crazy when you think about the fact that he is yours.
“Should we buy a house here?” he breaks the comfortable silence in a soft spoken voice.
“What do you mean?” you answer him with your voice lowered as well.
“We could buy a house here. With a view of the ocean and a sun flooded kitchen overseeing the garden”, he says, “let’s buy one that needs renovating, so we can do it together. I have ideas for the living room. I’m thinking conversation pit with a huge sofa to cuddle on. Maybe mould it outta clay, paint it blue, but you’re better with colours so I need your advice on that. And I want a bathtub in the bathroom, a big one so we both fit.”
“You wanna buy a house with me?” you ask in a trembling voice.
“I’d buy a castle with you, but we already have one”, he says, making you giggle and sniffle at the same time. He chuckles, booping your nose with his pointer finger. 
“Yoongs, I don’t know what to say”, you get out, blinking rapidly.
“Yes, maybe?”
“You know my answer already, my beloved.”
“Please say it, it’ll feel so good.”
You smile, spilling tears, “yes Yoongs, let’s buy a fucking house here and get a goddamn conversation pit in the living room and a huge bathtub in the bathroom and, and let’s plant food in the garden and goddamn build a path to the beach. Goddamn it.”
Yoongi smiles, tearing up without ever spilling them.
“My love”, he whispers, cupping your cheek and running his thumb over your skin, “you’re my fucking everything.”
“You’re my fucking everything too, my love”, you say, closing the distance between you and him to kiss him. 
Yoongi wraps his arms around and rolls you to your back, getting lost in the kiss with you as happy giggles rumble in his chest.  
Days here at the coast are good. Great. Perfect. The days here are perfect.
501 notes · View notes
stay-dazed · 9 months
stray kids as dads
notes: female reader, and you're married here. so sorry if anything came out repetitive!
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chan: chan, as anyone would have expected, is an amazing father, thanks in part to raising 7 other men for a living. you're so happy to see your husband and your son taime bond together over the years, especially over chan's favorite thing - music. he takes taime to the studio fairly regularly, where uncle jisung and changbin are so excited to see him that they barely get any work done. and when chan works from home, taime joins him by sitting on his lap and asking him tons of questions about how all the colorful tabs on his laptop works.
chan patiently answers all his questions, even if he's answered some before, since taime's only 7 years old and he doesn't always remember what chan's told him. making music is pretty complicated after all. but taime still shows a ton of interest, and always says he wants to grow up to be a singer just like his appa.
chan really is a great dad. he's very patient and always willing to help his child when he needs it, although he doesn't always make problems just go away. he may just try to guide taime through it so he can learn to make good decisions for himself as he grows. he's also very playful with taime. they love to play-wrestle, play any sport together since chan grew up incredibly athletic himself, race each other, and so on.
actually one of chan's favorite ways they race together is when they come home from running an errand or from picking taime up from school, and they run inside to give you a big hug. you just love it when they do that, because it makes you feel so loved and appreciated. the hug may catch you off guard while you're busy working around the house, and it may almost knock you over now and again, but you wouldn't ever miss a hug from your favorite boys.
"okay, buddy, ready to see who can give mom the biggest hug first?"
minho: while minho wasn't initially expecting to be a father, at least not anytime soon, he still became a great dad to your daughter, jimin. she's 3 now and absolutely has minho wrapped around her little finger, though he'd never admit to that. she loves to play dress-up with her appa, adding clips and bows to his hair, messily painting his nails, and putting shaky lip tint onto his lips. and the entire time minho just sits there patiently, smiling at jimin's excited expression and encouraging her with," i'm sure i look very pretty, sweetie. thank you." his face drops if he ever catches you laughing, though.
jimin also loves having lazy days, and minho never argues with that on the days he gets off from work. they'll both stay in their pajamas all day, watch cartoons, eat sweets for their meals, and take naps. actually the lock screen on your phone is a photo of them sleeping together; jimin in her little pink pajama set laying on her appa's chest comfortably, a little pigtail in both of their hair.
but what makes minho happiest is watching jimin play with the fuzzy trio - soonie, doongie, and dori. she'll take one of the feather toys and play with them for hours, if they have the energy. and minho could watch the entire time, sipping on his coffee and taking a couple videos. he's just so happy she loves the cats as much as he does.
"jimin, baby, can you look at the camera? hi pretty! can you smile for me?"
changbin: changbin was so ready and so excited to be a father. he just knew he'd be a great dad, with how understanding and good at listening he is. and sure enough, he became a rock for your 4 year old daughter nari. whenever she's crying over things important to her, like spilling her juice or missing her favorite show on pbs, he listens closely to her while wiping her tears away with his thumb. he then reassures her that he understands exactly why she's upset, and that things will be okay. he'll just refill her juice or put on another show she loves.
changbin really is nari's superhero. you can just tell how much she looks up to him already. like the time she accidentally tripped and hit her head against the leg of a chair. she cried and ran to her appa, holding her arms open for changbin to pick her up, which he did immediately. he held her safe against his chest and looked closely at her head to make sure everything was okay. after confirming it just left a bump, he rocked her back and forth, saying softly," it's okay aegi, you'll be okay." you came in from the backyard to see him rocking her in his arms.
she looked up at him with starry eyes, slowly calming down. eventually, she actually fell asleep in his arms, completely forgetting about the pain. you smiled watching them. he's a superhero to you too.
"want me to kiss it better, aegi?"
hyunjin: you could tell just how ecstatic your husband was to have a little baby girl, only a month old by now. hyunjin holds joon in his arms as often as he can, of course without taking her away from her time with you. he has a gentle, adoring look in his eyes as he watches her sleep, all swaddled up and comfy. he'll sit in silence for a bit before expressing a random thought like," she has your nose, love" and "do you think she's dreaming right now? what do babies dream about?"
he's told you before about how he's nervous if he'll be a good father or not, but you have full confidence in him. he's such a patient and loving person, as well as so protective of your little girl. and you can just see so clearly the excitement he has when doing simple everyday things, like helping you choose her clothes every morning and buckling her up in her carseat, babytalking to her the entire time. you can also see how he's especially happy when showing her off to people. he just beams with pride as they coo over her and say sweet things like," oh she's so beautiful, just like her eomma."
it's the best when watching the members argue to see who can hold joon first, and who she'll consider to be the best uncle. you and hyunjin both relax against the couch, leaning against each other and fighting the sleepiness that creeps up after many sleepless nights. you watch chan hold joon, cooing at her while jisung looks over his shoulder and makes silly faces. joon will be raised surrounded by so much love and support, and you couldn't be more thankful
"my mom picked out the socks she's wearing. aren't they so cute- changbin, make sure you support her head. i know you know, i'm just reminding you."
jisung: jisung was so nervous to become a father, wondering if he could really raise a child well. but even then he couldn't hide his excitement. he just couldn't believe he actually had a son of his own that would be looking up to him. junseo, who's now 2, is truly the light of jisung's life. (besides you, of course.) both of you, like many parents, had to learn through trial and error, but jisung is honestly just the perfect father in your eyes.
he's patient and loving, and lots of fun. your son can be heard giggling all day long as jisung plays with him and bbama, or tickles him just to hear that happy sound. he does the exact same thing in public. anything silly to make his baby boy laugh, even if people may look at him weird. you can just tell jisung's anxiety, while never fully gone, has decreased significantly since becoming comfortable as a father. he's no longer nervous ordering for himself and his family at restaurants, and he takes junseo to his doctor appointments on his own when you're busy visiting a friend.
he still panics just a little whenever junseo falls and scrapes his knee or catches a cold, but even then he's fantastic at fixing him up. jisung will carefully clean out and put a bandaid on the owie, and of course kiss it better, and he takes time to learn to cook meals that help battle a cold. jisung is just growing so much and you're so happy and grateful to be there to see it happen.
and like chan, he takes his son to the studio with him in order to raise him around music. it's a little more difficult to concentrate than with chan's son since junseo is still really young and needs more attention to avoid him getting himself into too much trouble (which he gets from jisung, let's be honest.)
"hey junseo jagi, could you please not climb on the back of appa's chair? thank you. ... wait- no no, don't pull the wires!"
felix: felix knew since he was in highschool that he wanted to be a father. especially of a daughter, since the thought of having his own little girl had always appealed to him for some reason. and after a long and complicated birth process that occurred a month early, you both welcomed your son theo into the world. felix could do nothing but hold his tiny miracle baby, his teddy, in his arms and cry happy tears as you recovered in bed.
now theo's 5 years old and while he's smaller than other boys his age, he's still a little spitfire with enough energy and curiosity to last him a lifetime. and felix is still absolutely head over heels for him. on his days off, felix spends time with theo by watching cartoons with him, dancing to stray kids' songs with him, and baking with him which of course always leads to some sort of messy outcome. but at least they're really cute, right?
felix really is such a great father in your eyes, so gentle and amazing at teaching. the moments you catch them in just make your heart swell with so much happiness and gratitude. for example, the time you were watching out the kitchen window as felix showed theo a bug as they were playing outside, to encourage him to always be curious about the world he lives in.
or like right now. 8:30, theo's bedtime before starting his first day at kindergarten tomorrow. you find felix holding him safely in his arms, telling him a story in korean that his mom used to tell when he was theo's age. it's sentimental, as well as teaching theo to appreciate the cultures coming from both his parents. felix, just like you, is nervous about sending his baby to school tomorrow, but you know they're both so capable.
"okay teddy bear, time to go to sleep. you need to be well rested for tomorrow. i love you, son."
seungmin: similar to minho, seungmin never expected to be a father. like at all in his entire life. but when it happened unexpectedly, he was supported by family and his closest friends, and he gradually developed more confidence in himself. as each day with his little girl chin-sun passed by, seungmin felt more and more love and comfort. chin-sun brought him comfort.
she still does to this day, as she grows closer to turning 3 years old. you can see the comfort seungmin feels in the way he picks your little girl up to playfully spin her around, or the way he lets her wear his shirt after bathtime even if it's the size of a tent on her. the way he kisses her forehead every night after she falls asleep, and the way he sings to her at least once every day.
like right now, as it's cleanup time in chin-sun's play room before dinner, you can hear seungmin singing. it's a little distant over the bubbling of the food on the stovetop, but you know it by heart and hum along to yourself anyway. it's called "the cleanup" song and seungmin made it up himself to encourage your little girl to have fun while doing things she's supposed to do. there's songs for bathtime, bedtime, driving to grandma's house, and so on. it's so creative, and one of the cutest things you've ever seen your husband do.
you know that some people who don't know him well may find seungmin blunt or standoffish, but you know how he really is. he'd do anything for his two favorite girls, and he becomes a better dad day by day, if that's even possible.
"okay silly, time to go eat. you did a great job singing! you'll be just like your appa one day, right? i already bet your eomma that you will so."
jeongin: jeongin honestly never thought much about kids or having them. but the day you announced you were pregnant, he was immediately filled with determination to take very good care of his wife and child. he worked so hard right off the bat, like reading books on pregnancy and birthing or calling his dad to ask for advice on being one himself. of course as you were farther along in your pregnancy, the more protective jeongin got. he hardly let you do anything, because all he wanted was for you to relax and stay safe.
the day your son haneul came along, jeongin was just beaming with pride, and he told you multiple times how thankful he was to you for providing him with something so precious. that night in the hospital that you were kept in overnight just to be safe, jeongin once again promised himself to be the best father and husband he could ever be before dozing off in the rickety old chair placed right next to your bed.
now, a year later, haneul really is just one happy little boy. always smiling and giggling, and he absolutely loves giving people hugs and kisses. jeongin was never the overly affectionate type, but now all he loves to do is give his son some hugs and kisses. his uncles absolutely adore it as well and love to babysit him when possible. basically, haneul just has a way of making everyone around him happy.
you're so thankful your husband spends these happy moments with your son the most. little things like seeing jeongin pick cute little designer shoes for hanuel's outfits, or seeing him patiently let haneul climb all over him as he sits on the couch. it's just so sweet to see. jeongin really did turn out to be the amazing father he promised to be, didn't he?
"having fun, son? yeah? ah hannie, lift your leg a little bit, you got appa's hair."
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 2 months
Can you please write an Kenny Omega X Fem Reader Story(smuty/flirty), Reader is the younger sister (by 10 years) of Matthew and Nicholas. Reader and Kenny always flirts and teases each other because they have an thing for each other but Matt and Nick are the overprotective big brothers and don't let them alone together, but on one night reader sneaks out of her hotelroom and to Kenny's and they start to make out and ending up having passionate sex
No one has to know
Kenny Omega X young bucks sister reader
@saramusazzi99 @swaggybae asked to be tagged :)
Warnings: Smut, breeding kink, unprotected sex
Kenny Omega Masterlist Main Masterlist (word count 2k)
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I was getting tired of the games Matthew and Nicholas were playing. I get that they were my older brothers and they only wanted ‘what’s best for me’ but what they claimed was best for me was complete BS. It’s no secret that Kenny and I have feelings for each other. Everybody knew about it, the sexual tension between the two of us was deadly. Despite everyone thinking we fucked I have never even got the chance to kiss that gorgeous man. Why? That’s because for years my brothers have done everything in their power to keep the two of us apart. They even went as far as hiring a private investigator to follow me around to make sure Kenny and I didn’t have a secret relationship going on. I don’t think Matt and Nick even understand all the harm this is causing. All I wanted was Kenny and all he wanted was me. Keeping us apart was just making us fall harder in love with each other. It’s hard seeing all of my friends get married and have kids knowing I probably won’t get to experience that due to my stupid brothers. I tried to date other people, I tried to accept it and move on but I couldn't. No one came close to Kenny. Everything about him was perfect, I loved every inch of him. He was the love of my life and I knew I wouldn’t give up on him, I wouldn’t give up on us. 
Kenny’s pov
Ever since I turned 40 I have looked at life differently. I never wanted to get married or have kids. I didn’t even like the idea of being in a relationship. Wrestling was always my number one priority. That was until I started developing these feelings for Y/n. I’ve known Y/n for as long as I can remember. She was the little sister to two of my best friends Matthew and Nicholas Jackson. I don’t know when I developed these feelings for Y/n, one day I just woke up and I realized I was in love with her. Sure she was younger than me, almost 12 years to be exact but neither of us seemed to mind the age gap. She was gorgeous, whenever she entered a room everyone turned, everyone smiled. She just had the aura that made everyone want to get to know her. I know she hated it, she was oblivious to the fact that everyone was head over heels in love with her. I remember her telling me she hated all the attention, how she wished she could hide and have five minutes to herself for once in her life. I always made sure to keep an eye on her, I wanted to keep her safe from all the weirdos who dared to lay eyes on her. I was always jealous of how I couldn't have her. Matt and Nick won’t allow us to be alone in the same room together. I understood that they were protective of their little sister but come on. I think I was the best fit for Y/n. No one would keep her safe and love her forever like I would. 
Although this back-and-forth flirty game of us not being able to get to first base has been happening for years the moment I turned forty I decided now was enough. I was done playing games. I was tired of all of this. I didn’t want to give up on us but something had to change. 
That night when I got to the arena the first thing I did was march into The Bucks office. I slammed the door and began letting out all my pent-up anger from over the years. “You two realize that you are ruining Y/n’s life right? You claim to know what’s best for her but the truth is you won’t accept what’s truly best for her. Or should I say who’s best for her? I’m sick of the two of you getting involved with Y/n and I. You know I would do fucking anything for her. You know that I would make sure nothing bad ever happened to her. I would love her to death. Tell me again why is it that the two of us are forbidden again? Is it because I’m your best friend and she’s your sister? I’m the best one for Y/n and you know it! You’re telling me you don’t even care that guys like Adam Cole and CM Punk are literally obsessed with her! You would rather have your sister go out with someone like PUNK, you know the guy we all got in a fight with and fired, over ME!!!!” I didn’t even know what I was yelling about. I just kept on screaming. Matt and Nick did nothing, they just sat there and let me get everything out. 
“I’m sorry Kenny but it’s still a no. I’ll admit you’re a great guy and all but I won’t let this happen-” I cut Matt off before he could finish his sentence. “You do realize she hates you right? I can’t blame her, you guys are literally out of your minds! Y/n is a grown-ass woman, I think she is capable of deciding who she dates!” I still don’t get why I can’t be with Y/n. Did they think I wasn’t good enough for her? Me? Really? Have you seen the other guys who are after her??
Just as Matt and I were in the middle of a screaming contest Y/n walked into the room. “Well look who it is!” I told Matt “I think Y/n should decide whether she wants to go out with me or not!” “You know I want to go out with you Kenny. You know I feel the same way about you that you do for me” she told me “See!” I told them, still they wouldn't buy it. 
“I don’t care about what either of you says, you will not get my blessing!” Matt yelled, 
“I hate you!” Yelled Y/n before she stormed out of the room. Nick called after her “Don’t go too far, you have a match tonight!” 
That night I liedy in my hotel room alone once again. I hated this, I hated everything about this. The Bucks didn’t approve of this relationship but never told us why. Just then I heard a faint knock on my hotel room door. I looked at the time and was curious on who would be at the door at this hour. To my surprise I found Y/n standing there wrapped around in a hotel robe. I quickly pulled her inside, locking the door behind me before asking “What are you doing?” 
“You know exactly what I’m doing. I’m going insane without you. I need you, I need you so bad” The look in Y/n’s eyes was one of pure desire and lust. She knew what she was doing. 
She let the bulky hotel robe hit the floor, revealing a black silk robe. I knew what that meant. She pulled me close as she began to passionately kiss me. All of this felt so wrong but so right. I had waited years for this moment, there was no way I would let it slip through my fingers. I kissed her back with such passion I didn’t know I had. 
We took our time with everything. This was our first time together, we wanted to savor every moment in case it didn’t happen ever again. I carefully removed her silk robe to reveal a gorgeous black lace lingerie set. “I don’t deserve all this,” I told her as I blushed. “Yes you do, I wanted to do something special” She replied. 
We were tangled in each other, fighting for dominance. I found myself lost in the moment, oblivious to what was going on around me. I had Y/n pinned underneath me. I kissed and nipped my way up and down her body before ending above her navel. Just before I was about to go any further I felt as if reality set in. “Shit” I whispered to myself. “What? What happened?” Y/n called out. “Give me a second, I need to find a con-” Y/n cut me off “I don’t want that,” she said. “What?” I replied shocked, “I was hoping you would get me pregnant tonight” I froze at her words, I didn’t know how to respond. “What do you mean by that?” “You do realize if I was pregnant with your child they wouldn’t keep us apart right? They hate us together but would hate us even more if we had a child out of wedlock. They would force us to be together after that”
 She had a point. Didn’t know if I was ready for a kid right now but I was too turned on to care. “Fuck it” 
I can’t explain how I felt. I just felt at peace, I felt like I had found my home. I felt safe inside her. It was like I found the missing puzzle piece. The two of us fit perfectly. I had never made love with such passion and love. It was emotional, tears were shed. Not tears of pleasure or pain but tears of overwhelment. Everything we waited for was finally happening. I still couldn't believe this was happening. “I love you Kenny” Y/n whispered as we met each other’s thrusts, our fingers intertwined with each other’s. “I love you too Y/n, more than you could imagine” I responded. 
My body was on fire, all my senses were overstimulated. I was close and so was Y/n. “Are you sure you want this? Are you sure you want me to fuck a baby into you?” “Please, I never wanted anything so bad” If that wasn’t the confirmation I needed Y/n wrapped her legs around my waist. Forcing me closer into her. 
I continued to fuck us both through our orgasms. I’ll admit I had never cum so hard in my life. I could feel my load paint her walls, filling her up to the brim. I collapsed on her chest as the both of us tried to catch our breath. After a while I carefully pulled out of her, making sure not a drop of my cum spilled out of her. “What are you doing?” Y/n asked giggling as I carefully lifted her legs above her head. “We can’t afford to waste a single drop if you want to carry my baby”
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Txt's favourite Christmas traditions with their kids
note: sorry it's so short! happy holidays, whatever you celebrate!
Yes, it ends in a mess, and yes, half of the sweets are gone before they've really started decorating the cookies—he'll blame the kids, but he helped in more than just adult supervision. Truth be told, most of the time and energy is spent being silly, singing Christmas songs and dancing, but it's quality time. Quality time and a heavy dose of sugar. But when they decide to be determined at the task, they're focused on their efforts. The older one stands on a chair of her own, while the smaller of the two sits on Soobin’s lap and guides the spoon he's holding, laden with icing. They eat their creations while Soobin does the dishes, a Christmas movie and the music of his little girls' laughter playing in the background.
Yeonjun's favourite thing about Christmas with his kids is watching their eyes lighting up when they see all the brightly coloured packages under the tree on Christmas morming. He gets so excited about it that he wakes up early like a kid himself. If his kids aren't up, he'll sneak in and wake them. He plays up his own reactions as they unwrap each gift, eyes and mouth wide as they turn excitedly to show him every toy they find inside the paper, a growing stack of toys he's going to have to wrestle out of the packaging afterwards. There are no fights over any of the presents because, of course, Yeonjun spoils them all, even though Santa gets the credit.
Despite not liking the cold, Beomgyu always bundles up the kids (and himself) and takes them to the Christmas parade, always getting there early enough to get a front row seat. It's worth it for how much of a great time they all have. He waves along with the kids at the actors and dancers, smiling when they turn around to point out their favourite floats. By the end of the parade, there's always one kid in his lap, worn out from all the excitement. Before heading home, there's a stop at a cafe for hot chocolate—with marshmallows, his daughter is persistent in reminding him from the car ride to when he places the order, tugging on the sleeve of his jacket.
He loves going to the school Christmas concert. Watching the kids on the makeshift stage, singing along with their class to the carol, he watched them practice numerous times at home. Nodding along encouragingly for his daughter, who's little shy in front of the audience. Beaming when his son is one of the kids who the sings clearest of the mumbling group. When they run into his arms after it's over, he showers them with praise, and on the car ride home, they have their own mini concert singing along to the carols on the radio. Taehyun's kids are his pride, and he loves the holidays so much more since they came along.
Huening Kai
He wants to have a photo of his little ones with Santa every year until they're too old to believe. His oldest daughter, who has always been very inquisitive for her age, baffles Santa with the questions she asks, not satisfied with simply giving him a list of things she wants for Christmas. Kai helps to answer them, holding back a laugh as she watches the man scramble. When his youngest isn't sure, still at an age where he's funny about people he doesn't know, Kai sits beside Santa with him on his lap, showing him it's okay. After that, the kid waves to Santa every time he sees one, even on TV.
written by mapofthemazeinthemirror - do not repost my work in any form
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plentyoffandoms · 1 month
what about hook x fem reader any plot u want with tons of fluff and cute moments
Check Yes or No
Hook x f/Reader
Main Masterlist ♡ Wrestlers Masterlist ♡ Hook Masterlist
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Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Warnings: none. Just some major fluff
Gifs & photos do not belong to me. 1st gif @bloodycowboyclub
Requested by anonymous. Hope you like it.
WC: 1055
I am so nervous.
Why am I nervous?
I mean, we have been together for such a long time, and I knew I loved her before we even got together.
I felt a hand clasp my shoulder, making me jump a little, but I could tell by the chuckle, it was my Dad.
"You seem nervous, Tyler." He teased.
"What if she decides she doesn't want to be with me. That this has all been a huge mistake, and." I started to spew out the thoughts I have been having since I woke up this morning.
"Tyler, that girl loves you, and you love her. You have ever since the third grade."
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The first memory I ever had of her came rushing back to me.
It was the first day of school, and they just combined the two elementary. I was running around on the playground with my friends, and I heard this laugh.
I turned my head, and it was like staring at an angel. I actually ran into the goalpost. I was knocked out for a few moments, and I woke up to her staring down at me, with a worried look on her face.
I fell in love, and I didn't even know it at the time.
I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, and I pulled it out of the inside pocket of my jacket.
I saw that it was from her. "I love you, baby." Short and simple, and filled with so much emotion behind it.
This brought me back to when I first asked her out.
It was the first dance of grade 8, and for the first time, my friends and I were not going as a group, but asking people to do the dance.
Every single time I tried to ask her out, I would get tongue tied and turn around, walking so fast that she would be calling my name.
It was the night before the dance, and we were in history class.
I spent that class trying to come up with to ask her, but I knew I would just chicken out.
So I grabbed a spare piece of paper and wrote, 'Will you go to the dance with me? - Tyler.' With two boxes, one for yes, and one for no.
I folded it up and tossed it onto her desk. I held my breath as she opened it. She looked over her shoulder at me and then back at the note.
She grabbed her pen and did a checkmark, and folded it back up. She waited for our teacher to turn around, and she handed me the note.
I opened the note and couldn't stop the smile from my face as she checked yes.
That was the first of many dances for us.
We went through high school together. She was there for all my lacrosse and wrestling events, and I was there for her.
We voted the couple to most likely be married. We were voted Prom King and Queen.
We didn't go to the same college, but we talked every day and saw each other whenever we could.
Then, when I decided to become a wrestler, she was there, supporting me no matter what.
When I was having doubts about following my dream, and I was about to have my first wrestling match on TV, I was pacing back and forth in my hotel room.
I kept questioning all of this when she came up behind me, wrapping her arms around me, and I instantly calmed.
"You, Tyler Senerchia, are going to be wonderful. Everyone loves Hook and has been waiting for this moment."
I started to doubt myself once more. I turned around to face her. "No buts, Tyler. Everyone will be cheering for you and only you." I kissed her, putting all my heart into it.
And, of course, she was right. She always has been. She was and is still my number fan, and I am hers.
To travel with me, she started to write. She has a very popular travel blog, but with our wrestling friends and their favourite spots to shop and eat.
During one of those times, she was out for her research with Skye in Chicago, I picked up the antique engagement ring from my grandmother.
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I was waiting for the right moment, but just like the 8th grade dance all over again, so I did what I did then.
I wrote her a note.
'Will you marry me?' and two boxes labelled yes or no.
Nothing over the top, and I knew this would be perfect for us.
I left the engagement ring box on the bed, and the note on top of it. I heard her call my name, as she walked into our room, me hiding in the bathroom.
She called my name, but she trailed off as she grabbed the note. I heard her gasp as she read it.
By this point, I was behind her on my knee, holding a bouquet of her favourite flowers.
I cleared my throat, and she turned around with the box and the note in her hands.
"Babygirl, I just need to know."
"Yes, a thousand times, yes."
I grabbed the box from her hand and opened it as quickly as possible to put the ring in her finger.
She cupped my face as I started to stand and kissed me.
We broke apart as we hugged on another.
"You didn't check a box."
"Tyler!" She said as she slapped my chest playfully.
I shook my head to clear it from all the memories I am having, and I looked at my friends and family as the music started.
Everyone stood and turned to look at my beautiful bride, stunned at how gorgeous she looked. This is my first time seeing her in her dress, and it all became too much.
I could feel tears start fall.
She gave me a concern look, but I just mouthed I am okay.
She smiled at me and blew me a kiss.
"Who gives this woman away?"
"Her mother and I do."
The moment her hand was placed in mine, I couldn't stop myself.
"I love you."
"I love you too, Tyler."
"Now that we have that out of the way, let's get you two married."
Tag list: @lghockey @nicoleveno14 @legit9thlunaticwarrior @hooks-martin @wwenhlimagines @melissahausen @faerieofthenightcourt @tahiri-veyla @crowleysqueenofhell
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heart4reigns · 1 year
Is there anyway I could request an imagine for either Rhea Ripley or Roman Reigns? Where the Reader is a new star getting a really big push because they feel they have huge potential, and she’s a literal ray of sunshine. She’s always smiling and happy and colorful, and it shocks others that they are together. Then she ends up joining their faction, but the crowd just can’t hate her and even the announcers can’t hate her. <3 :) :)
PUSH AND PULL, roman reigns.
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warnings: curse words
tags: tension between roman and rhea, you realize that i love making up stage names so... more stage names!
summary: it’s all sunshine and rainbows with you
"THE sunshine, (y/n), how are you feeling tonight?" you were backstage, doing a quick interview. "hello, hello! we're feeling great tonight, how are you?" you returned the question. "feeling good as well. so, how are you adapting to your new environment?" she asked, referring to your transfer from nxt to smackdown. "it's going well, i can't help but to thank all the people that support me! although i kinda miss the dark lighting, it's too bright here." you cracked a joke.
"right, any invitations to any factions?" she continued the interview. "no, but i'm open to any invitations. i'd love to work with anyone." she couldn't help but to smile at your reaction. "this has been (y/n), sunshine! it was so great talking to you." you nodded and gave her a hug as the camera stopped rolling. "thank you, you did a great job!" "you too, (y/n). it was so nice talking to you!"
the walk back to the locker room was filled with people greeting you left and right. you were well-known for your kindness. people grew comfortable with your presence. "yooo!" you saw one of your new locker room best friends, jimmy. "what's good, man?" you hugged him. "watched your promo earlier, you killed it!" your ears perked up in excitement. "really? god, i'm embarrassed!" you were blushing. "nah girl, you're killing the game. now let's go eat before we go back to the hotel." he gave you a huge grin.
"hope you don't mind but i asked roman to join us, not solo though. dude's been mia since this morning." you nodded at jey's sentence. you always loved meeting new people. this was also the first time you were going to meet roman. "i've always wanted to meet roman! this is gonna be fun." you grinned. "damn girl, are you always this positive? people are intimidated by him, yet you're excited?" jimmy parked the car. "nah man, i am only scared of paul. i swear that guy knows everything." the three of you laughed.
to say the least, people who met you thought that this positivity image was only for the cameras. but they were wrong, you weren't going to lose anything by being nice. denny's seemed like a good idea at 3 am in the morning. "yo man!" as the three of you entered the diner, roman was already sitting there–playing with his phone.
"hi! i'm (y/n)!" you sat in front of him, offering him a huge smile. he looked up from his phone, returning your expression. "hello." just a simple 'hello' made your heart flutter a bit. "i'm roman, finally glad to meet you. i heard so much about you from the twins." "they can't stop shit-talking me!" you frowned, lightly smacking their heads.
you always looked up to him. as the two of you came from the same background, a long reigning wrestling families. you were the only daughter of your family, so you had to continue the family business. "so wait, sorry. lost track of time, you just got drafted from nxt?" roman furrowed his brows. "yeah! i'm very very new." you chewed on your pancakes. "how come everyone has these locker room stories about you?"
"that's because she's different man." jimmy slung his arm over your shoulder. "no, no. those locker room stories are just exaggerations!" you shook your head in defense. "nah, she's too humble! she bought donuts the other week you were off. god, i swear, you're a blessing (y/n)." roman couldn't help but to smile at your little arguments with his cousins.
the 'locker room talk' was just a compilation of people admiring you for your kindness. "shit dude, gotta bounce." jey looked at his phone. "and where are you going?" you asked him. "bro and i haven't packed, y'all packed yet?" jimmy stood up from his seat, leaving only you and roman sitting down. "oh, yeah. packed earlier." "me too!"
"then, we'll leave you two. i trust her in your hands, bro." jey gave roman a fake warning, acting all 'big bro' moment. "she can beat your ass if she wants to!" jimmy continued. "okay shoo now! i'm trying to make friends!" they left and you continued your conversation with roman. "tell me more about yourself, (y/n)." his eyes sparked an interest in you. "really? you want to hear about my boring life?" you tilted your head in confusion. "there's no way your life is boring, you're a (l/n)."
and so the conversation went on and on. the two of you decided to leave denny's and drive around town together. it was never quiet. the entire ride was filled with laughter and jokes. "i actually look forward to my future. i'm excited for what life has planned for me." you parked in a random parking lot, still enjoying your talk with him. "and i'm excited for you as well, you're a good person, (y/n)." roman said, facing you. "i guess it's in my nature to treat people with kindness, i mean... it doesn't hurt anyone."
when the two of you went back to the hotel, you saw familiar faces going downstairs for breakfast. "and where have you been pretty girl?" you saw a certain black-haired girl greeting you with a sly smirk. "been around town with roman!" you hugged her, feeling her height towering you. "oh you're taking my girl now, reigns?" rhea raised a brow at him. "you're dating her?" roman was hella confused.
"oh no, it's a joke! i always call her my work wife!" you giggled, clearly not seeing that she was interested in you. "see you on the bus, wifey!" you waved at her, entering the elevator. "better watch it, bro." rhea whispered as roman followed you. he made a mental note that everyone was protective over you. being the new girl, your family thought that you'd be intimidated by the older talents–but in reality, everyone loved you.
it was clear that several talents took an interest in you, but being the friendly person you were, you saw everyone in a platonic way. "can i perhaps," he paused for a second. "get your number? you're a very fun person to talk to." you grinned and exchanged numbers. "if you need anyone to talk to, don't hesitate to call or text me!" you parted ways.
and on that day, the roman reigns too, took an interest in you. "fuck." he whispered, realizing that he was soon going to develop an actual liking to you.
you were sharing the ride with several stars in the second bus. road trips were always exciting, whether it's cody singing on the back of the bus, or seth trying to do a backflip while becky stops him–not wanting him to throw up, it was always a magical moment seeing your fellow wrestlers without their strong tv persona. "hey." rhea greeted you, sitting on an empty seat next to you. "this empty?" she asked. "indi is gonna be pissed to know that her seat is taken. but, it's empty." you replied.
"where did you go yesterday?" rhea couldn't help but to terrorize you with questions. "with roman? we drove around town, shared stories. we ate with the twins earlier, but they left because they haven't packed." you recalled the moment. "i see." she shortly replied. "there was a picture of you two circling around twitter, you looked very close." rhea pulled out her phone, showing you a picture of you laughing with roman. "aw, i look so happy!" she couldn't help but to smile at your cluelessness. before she could say anything, seth pointed at you. "BACKFLIP CHALLENGE?" "IT'S ON!"
you heard from the fans that the second bus was the party bus. everyone was always on their highest spirits. the seat next to you was empty, as rhea was dragged to the back by dominik. that left you space for you to stretch your legs. you were about to watch a movie until you saw a notification popped up.
unknown number: how's your bus?
(y/n): sorry, who is this :)?
unknown number: oh it's roman
(y/n): HIIIII :)
roman: and why are you up? everyone's knocked out here
(y/n): sorry to say but the second bus is the party bus! we're still going :)
roman: damn that sounds fun, the only entertainment we have here is jey freestyling
(y/n): that's sounds amazing!
(y/n): gotta bounce, rhea wants to watch a movie with me n dominik :)!!
roman: okay, see you at the arena
(y/n): :)
the arena was swarmed with fans. some of them were holding signs and pictures of you. one of them said '(Y/N) JOIN THE BLOODLINE!' and some said 'JUDGEMENT DAY IS WAITING FOR YOU, SUNSHINE!'. you took some pictures of the sign and posted them on your twitter. you talked to several fans, trying your best to greet everyone.
"you're quite popular." a familiar voice startled you. "roman!" "hi." everyone was looking at the two of you. "how was your trip?" you asked, still signing some pictures. "knocked out cold, can't stand solo's snores though." you chuckled. "mine was filled of seth jumping from seats to seats." he was obviously not surprised by one of his friend's antics. "you should ride with me, we can judge jey's freestyle together." you nodded in agreement. "that sounds fun!"
you walked away with roman, still chatting up. little did you know, people were still looking at the two of you. "they look cute together." one of your fans said. "nah man, she's with rhea." "nah, that's a long-running joke. (y/n) is obviously single." and they were right. you were single and maybe, ready to mingle.
you were hanging out in your hotel room with your manager, ethan. ethan went over your schedule. "you got quite the boost here, (y/n)." he muttered, still looking at his phone. "hmmm?" you tilted your head. "you and roman now?" he asked. "why does everyone keep on asking me that? we're friends!" you chuckled. "because everyone is apparently 'shipping' you guys now." "oh please, they ship me with everyone i interact with! remember when they 'shipped' me with balor? because we went to the gym together?"
tonight, you were fighting against dakota kai. you always looked forward to dance in the ring with her. of course, the company was going to make you win this fight. "good luck, sunshine." she hugged you as the training ended. "see you tonight, love!" you hugged her back.
the locker room was hyping you up. "LET'S GO, (Y/N)! LET'S GO, (Y/N)!" you were stretching your body, matching the energy of the locker room. your true hypemen were there; the twins. "go kill it, (y/n)!" jey said, patting your back. "thanks, i will do my best!" as the crew called your name, you went outside the locker room.
everyone was busy doing their job. you passed several crew, waving at them. you saw a similar face and immediately ran to him. "roman!" your high-pitched voice caught his attention. "(y/n)! you're up in 5." a crew said. "i'll be there!" you replied. "good luck." came out of his mouth. "i'm rooting for you." he joked, knowing well that he already saw the script. "thanks big boy." you jokingly punched his chest. "cheer for me!"
"and her contender for tonight, the rising superstar–sunshine!"
roman was looking at the monitor from his locker room, which was practically empty. "should watch her match tonight man, it's gonna be crazy." jey passed him a bottle of water. "watch this." jimmy pointed at the screen. the crowd went wild when they saw you do your signature move. with your colorful gear, you were definitely the centre of everyone's attention.
he saw immense talent coming straight from you. "this is wild as hell." roman commented. "you sure she's new here?" he asked. "i think creatives landed a goldmine when they decided they were going to push her." paul commented. seeing you do a super kick clicked something inside of him. "i want her in."
you were exhausted as you lifted your fist up in the air. you helped dakota from her position and took her hand. "you did amazing!" you mouthed. "you did great, girl!" she replied. you won but it was all because of the help of your opponent. the walk backstage was kind of painful as you were limping from your injuries. the smile on your face was still there, you didn't want to show people that your leg was hurting.
"you okay there, (y/n)?" as you took off your hand-wrap, the voice from earlier greeted you again. "you again?" you teased him. roman was also sweating from his appearance. "can't help but to see you limping." roman chuckled, sitting on the bench next to you. "i'm good, kinda botched the last move, but i lifted my leg so dakota won't land on her neck!" you explained. "you did that to save her?" "hey, i'll take a bullet for anyone!"
the next following days were filled with more road trips and endless training time. "(y/n)!" you were in the gym, staring the red punching bag. "hey, ethan! what's up?" you asked him, cracking your knuckles. "you have time?" "just say whatever you want, i can multitask!" you started your work out. "so, you're gonna want to hear this." punch. "yeah, what's that?" punch.
"you're going to be in the bloodline." another punch. "i am going to be in the what?" the punching bag fell on the floor. "I AM TURNING HEEL?" you grinned with excitement. sometimes people around you wonder about what goes on in your head–like your stage name, you were always the sunshine of the room.
"you heard the news?" roman and you were eating lunch together. it became a routine for the two of you. everyone couldn't help but to notice the two of you becoming closer than before. you shared the same brand, but you were never one to eat lunch with the tribal chief. "yeah! god, it's so thrilling... me? finally joining a faction? couldn't ask for more!" you took a sip of your water. "a bit too cynical for you?" you shook your head. "i can fit right in!" you pulled off a fake smug face. "okay, you don't fit this evil-like image."
as it became a routine, you took a liking to the champion. he was nice, returning the energy that you had for everyone. he also took you to several 'lunch dates' that ended on the two of you gaining more feelings for each other. there was definitely something going on between you. "are we going to the dog park this weekend?" you asked him. "whatever you want to do, princess." he smiled. "i'll bring my dog! god, a dog park date, that sounds fun!" your cheeks flared up as you mentioned that it was going to be a date.
"is it a date?" he teased you. "shut up, i didn't mean it like that!" you blushed. "damn, i'm disappointed." he 'cried'. "or do you want it as a date date?" you teased back. "i don't mind, princess." roman replied. the constant flirtings, the never-ending dates, or phone calls when the two of you weren't together, it was obvious that romance sparked in between. tension was there. he slung his arm around your shoulder, your bodies colliding with each other, it was already a muscle memory for the two of you.
even the staffs noticed that the kindness you gave roman was different. "but i don't mind if you consider it as a date, i'd love that." you confessed. "i'm gonna take you on as many dates as we can, baby." he smiled. "sorry for bothering you, but your gear is done." you looked up and saw the costume staff approaching you. they altered your gear to fit the bloodline's aesthetic. "oh really? thanks!" you replied.
"you wanna see it?" you asked roman. receiving a nod from the tribal chief. "let's go!" you took his hand and went to one of the locker rooms. "dude, this is amazing!" black and red–the bloodline colors. "wait, go out! i'm gonna change." roman quickly went out the locker room. "are you done?" "YES! GOD, THIS IS SO COOL!" roman went inside the room and saw you with the bloodline gear. you looked amazing, he thought. "y- you look good." he stuttered. "AND I FEEL GOOD!" he was really thankful that the two of you were going to work together.
there you were, in the backstage, with the bloodline. "how you feeling tonight?" solo asked you. you were jumping up and down with adrenaline in your veins. "SO EXCITED!" you spoke louder, due to the loud music. none of your fans knew that you were turning heel, it was the company's secret. the crowd was kind of worried because they didn't hear from you for days. it was going to be a huge surprise.
"the bloodline!" you huffed out the air, waiting for the grand entrance. as you walked out, carrying one of roman's title, you could hear gasps coming from the crowd. "is that- is that sunshine with the bloodline? why is she with them?" you expected everyone to boo at you, but they did the opposite. the crowd popped.
as soon as you got inside the ring, roman started speaking to the mic. "i know y'all are wondering about why sunshine is here." he spoke. "and you guessed it right, our newest member of the bloodline, my personal pick, sunshine." roman winked at you, only to receive a huge smile that didn't match the persona of the bloodline members.
maybe, just maybe, turning heel and being in the same ring as your crush was going to be a fun rollercoaster ride.
a/n: hi!! thank you for the request, sorry if it’s a bit underwhelming, but i hope you enjoyed it!! i decided this request would fit roman as i already have a similar draft for this… so yeah :) i have 2 more requests coming up, but requests are still open!!
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cupidsfaerie · 11 months
hey-a! i was wondering if you could do a roman reigns imagine where R is part of the bloodline, but doesn’t wrestle and she’s Roman’s wife. She kind of sets up all his appts and accompanies him to the ring like Paul. Then she enters the Rumble at 30 since they’re short a woman, and accidentally wins and the guys are proud of her. She gets a shot at the title at Wrestlemania and wins the title, basically solidifying she can hold her own without the guys. Plus if there’s like build up and promos about them not really believing she could do it, and she wants to prove them wrong. Thank you! ❤️
the woman of the hour ✧.* | roman reigns x reader!
roman reigns x fem! reader
summary: in which roman's wife is a surprise entrant in the royal rumble match and earns the opportunity of a lifetime.
genre: fluff <3
a/n: this fic idea was so so good, i wanted to make sure this one came out exactly how i pictured it! i hope you all love it.
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y/n was a well known figure in the world of wrestling. being the wife of the man who ran the entire business with his title reign was something that she never minded taking pride in. y/n was not only a manager for her husband, but she was the definition of a hard worker. she never wanted to just be a trophy wife, she herself did her best to book everything for her husband. she took her job as a manager the way every person should.
she was someone who had a routine in her life. she made sure everything was perfect for the bloodline as a whole, and always kept things under control for the men that held the group together. what she didn't expect was for her routine to be changed when she received a call from her a call from her boss, triple h. hunter called her with a surprise she had never expected in the morning before work.
as hunter's name popped up on her screen, she answered quickly. always managing her business as she should. "hello hunter! this is a nice surprise." she answered, "good morning y/n! i was hoping i would get a response from you." he said excitedly. to say what y/n heard next was unexpected, would be an understatement. "so what's going on, should i be worried?" she asked, curiously. she could hear hunter chuckle through the phone, before answering her question.
"well, y/n. i have a proposition for you." he replied, she looked around confused, her husband wasn't home as he was out doing his morning workout and training. "what would that be?" y/n responded. "now y/n, i know what i'm going to ask might sound scary. however, if you say no i completely understand," hunter said, before continuing. "with all the current injuries, and short staffing, i was wondering if you could step in and take one of the open positions in the royal rumble match coming in two weeks", he stated.
y/n was completely taken aback by what her boss had just said to her, but she took her job seriously, and would never want to disappoint the people who took care not only her career, but her husband's as well. "wow, hunter. i have no idea what to say." she chuckled nervously as she thought about the decision she should make. "i know it can be a lot, and i know that you aren't a wrestler. however, i can assure you that if you do decide to do it, we have the people to help train you and get you into that ring. so what do you say?" he questioned.
she knew that this was a big decision, and definitely one she should ask her husband about first. she also knew that she was independent, and could make her own decisions. "you know what, hunter? i'll do it! to be honest i am completely shocked you chose to ask me, but i really am grateful for any opportunity." she said, confidently. "that is amazing, y/n. you are honestly a true gem of this business." he said, before adding, "as for training, with it being two weeks from now, after you get back from smackdown tonight, the trainers at the performance center will be ready for you in florida by monday. be there at seven in the morning, and they can teach you everything. if you have any questions, don't hesitate to stop by my office! thank you again, y/n. and hey, good luck out there! you never know what could happen." he said. the two ended the conversation, and y/n thought, how would she explain this to her husband?
y/n hadn't realized how much time she had spent in her own thoughts until she heard the door click, and saw her husband walking through the door. "hey baby." he said, walking over to her and giving her a kiss. "hi, honey," she said, roman knew she was thinking about something. he knew her too well, knowing instantly she was deep in thought about something. "what's up? what've you been thinking about?" he asked her, as he sat down on the bed next to her, rubbing her leg as he awaited an answer. "when i tell you, you have to promise to not be mad that i didn't ask you first." she started, causing roman to look confused. "you know i never stay mad, what is it?" he questioned, curiously.
y/n sighed, before starting to explain herself. "well, hunter called me this morning. he asked me to step in for the royal rumble." roman was surprised, but not upset. why would he be? "that was it? baby, are you kidding? honestly, that's kind of insane." he chuckled, he grabbed her hands, before looking in her eyes. "baby, you're literally the only person i know that is amazing at everything. however, my only worry is that you've never wrestled before." he added. y/n smiled, not expecting her husband to be so comforting about the news that her boss had left her with. "hunter actually told me that i'll be training at the performance center for the next two weeks, starting sunday." y/n smiled, causing her husband to smile. "that's amazing, y/n. i wish i could be there while you trained this coming week." he said, disappointed, knowing he had live events to work the following two weeks.
y/n smiled at her husband, and kissed his cheek. "baby, you'll be there on the royal rumble, you get to see it happen. i get to surprise you with my talent." she chuckled, causing roman to laugh. "well, good. just know if you need anything, i'm here. you know that." he said, giving her a kiss.
for the next two weeks, y/n had spent her entire time training for the royal rumble event. she hadn't seen her husband, and she was definitely missing him, especially seeing him on smackdown without her. roman spent those two weeks calling her each day, giving her words of advice and helping her throughout all of the stress. she spent everyday focusing on taking hits, falls, and selling moves. she knew that if she dedicated herself to this, she would be able to do her best, and for her that is what was most important to her.
day of the royal rumble:
it was finally the day that she would see if all of her work had paid off. at the end of her training weeks, hunter had came in to see how she was doing, and he told her that he was impressed with what she could learn within those two weeks. to say y/n was proud of herself, was definitely something she felt.
roman and y/n were finally back together, and were walking hand and hand into the arena, along with jimmy and jey. "how we feeling, y/n?" jey asked y/n, curiously. she was nervous, and three men around her could sense it. "you already know," she answered, chuckling. the three guys shook their heads, and jimmy replied to her, "listen, you know you're gonna do great. hunter had you training with the best trainers and wrestlers out there. and trust, if you didn't impress him when he came to check out your progress before tonight, he wouldn't have you going out there tonight." he said, causing the other three to nod in agreement. "he's right, baby. you're gonna kill it tonight, now let's go get your gear and get you ready." roman said, excitedly.
y/n had just finished up getting ready, and was mentally preparing for her match in roman's locker room. pacing around, and warming up. "calm down, baby. you got this, trust me." he said, walking behind her. "i'm gonna be watching, you know that." he added, before hearing a knock on the door. the two looked over, and roman went to open it, seeing hunter. "hey you two, glad to see you're dressed and ready y/n! i just wanted to stop by and give you your entry number. you're entering at thirty, which is definitely a great number. with that, i say good luck, and do your best. you've impressed me with your work the from the last two weeks. good luck again." he said, smiling before walking out.
y/n was now watching the match that she was about to enter anxiously, as she waited in the gorilla. she was on in the next 15 seconds, feeling like the time of the match had gone by so quickly. roman had reassured her multiple times before the match started that she would do fine, before she knew it the final 5 seconds of the countdown was going off. once the beep had gone off and the fans were anticipating who was coming out, nobody expected to hear a remix of roman's song come on, a theme song she had been given when she started managing her husband.
fans were screaming, some confused, some excited. the voices of michael cole and corey graves shocked when they heard the music hit. "could it be! roman reigns wife is entering the royal rumble!" michael cole yelled. y/n slid into the ring, faced with asuka, rhea ripley, and liv morgan. to say she was anxious was an understatement as she faced the three women in front of her. she felt her confidence rise as she heard the crowd screaming, "holy shit!" she smiled, before running up to liv and attacking her, using the moves she had learned over the few weeks. she fought hard, before doing something that drove the fans crazy. she hit rhea ripley with a superkick, and completed the scene by hitting asuka with a spear, an ode to her husband.
she smiled as the crowd was roaring. before she knew it, asuka had been eliminated. she looked at the two women in front of her, smiling at rhea and liv. she knew that she probably wasn't going to win, but the adrenaline she felt was something she had never felt in her life, and she loved it. "you think you can come in here? this is my ring!" rhea yelled, before both rhea and liv attacked y/n, working as a team as they had many times. while y/n was down, rhea and liv started fighting each other. y/n watched as liv got eliminated. as soon as she noticed rhea was occupied with dumping liv out of the ring, she took the opportunity to throw rhea out of the ring, something her and rhea both did not know she was capable of.
y/n's jaw dropped as she realized what she had just did. she just won the royal rumble, something she thought would be the last outcome of the night. meanwhile, backstage roman and hunter were clapping in excitement knowing that y/n just did the unthinkable. the crowd was filled with jaws on the floor. some people upset, and some people surprised by her performance. y/n celebrated, as the usos came out to support her, as her husband's match was next. she smiled the two came behind her, holding her up, and pointed to the wrestlemania sign, causing the fireworks to go off. she was excited, but now. how was she going to win the match at wrestlemania that she didn't expect to happen?
after finishing her celebration, y/n went backstage, and ran into her husband's arms. "i am so proud of you, baby. you killed it." he whispered in her ear. "your spear? amazing." he added, smiling widely. y/n smiled, looking into her husband's eyes, "thank you for believing in me. now, go kill it out there so we can celebrate." she smiled, giving him a kiss, before roman had to leave for his match. backstage, people were congratulating her, giving her hugs, and words of props. y/n soaked it all in, enjoying her moment.
over the time leading up to wrestlemania, y/n spent more weeks training for the biggest match of her life. what took the fans by surprise was her choice of choosing to wrestle charlotte at wrestlemania. she knew that regardless of her decision, it would be a tough battle. every week, there would be constant trolls saying that she was a fool for thinking she could wrestle her at wrestlemania. with her not fighting each week, people did not know what to expect from her at wrestlemania. fans did not believe in her, but with the kind of woman y/n was, it gave her fuel. she spent her time training, and when she would come out to accompany roman, fans would always chant, "she can't wrestle." it was getting under skin, she wanted to prove everyone wrong. regardless of what roman and everyone who trained her would tell her, she wanted to prove these fans wrong, she wanted to be confident in her own abilities.
day of wrestlemania:
y/n had spent months preparing for this moment. the day of wrestlemania. she had been to the event multiple times, but never did she think it would be for own match. people had no idea what to expect from her. they had no clue if she would win, lose, or even put on a show for that matter. at the current moment, she was in her husband's locker room, preparing for her match. it was the first day of wrestlemania, meaning he would not be wrestling tonight. she not only wanted to make him proud, but she wanted to make the entire bloodline proud. she looked at herself, happy with the gear that had been made for her for this moment.
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she looked at herself in the mirror, before putting on one of her husband's shirts that she had cropped. she was ready, and regardless of what everyone had to say, she was ready. roman smiled at her as he watched his wife prepare. he had taken a couple of weeks off throughout the months to attend trainings with her, and he knew she was ready. he just wanted her to be as confident in her abilities as he was. "you ready? you're on after this match." he said, causing y/n to get nervous butterflies in her stomach. he grabbed her two hands, looking at her in the eyes, "i believe in you, you are going to be amazing. fuck what the fans say, fuck what anyone says. you have been working your ass off, and trust me when i tell you, you are honestly a natural wrestler." he said, smiling.
y/n didn't realize how much she needed her husband's words at that moment, she was ready, and she deserved to be in this match after the work she had put in. "you're right, i'm ready. i want to make everyone proud, thank you for everything. you are forever the most amazing husband ever." she said, causing roman to smile widely. he pulled her into a hug, before they heard a staff member knock and yell, "y/n! get to the gorilla, your entrance is up in five!" she turned to roman, feeling nervous again, and he gave her a kiss. "you've got this, let's get over there. did i mention, paul will be accompanying you? you're the first woman to have paul with you, trust me, you got this." he said, before they walked over to the gorilla.
it was time, her entrance was up. she knew regardless of what happened, this was something she should be proud of. she heard her music hit, and paul smiled widely, "let's do this." y/n made her entrance, hearing a mix of wild cheers, and a few boos hear and there. she loved the adrenaline of knowing she had some people who didn't believe in her because she wanted to prove them wrong. as she waited for charlotte to make her entrance she made sure to keep a confident face, just like her husband had taught her.
the match began, and she pulled out every move she had learned. from the most perfect clotheslines, to superkicks, she showed off what she had been taught. the usos made sure to give her the perfect technique on a suicide dive, which caused the crowd to go insane. the amount of this is awesome cheers fueled her up. roman watched in the back proud, along with his cousins, he didn't expect to watch his wife to pull out her very own superman punch, smiling even wider when she watched her talk shit to the camera, another thing he taught her. he nodded in pride, as her and charlotte went back and fourth.
the final stride of the match came in, with charlottle having y/n in a figure eight. y/n felt like it was time to give up, she knew regardless of if she tapped out or not, she put in her all. the match had already gone on for twenty-two minutes, but she felt the adrenaline kick in once more. she somehow managed to get out of the figure eight, finding a way to kick charlottle in the face in the process. she looked up, knowing this was her chance. she ran up to charlottle, hitting her with a spear, and the crowd went wild. she looked up at the fans jumping up and down, and smiled. she knew what she had to do to finish this match off. she found her way up to the top rope, and did her very own uso splash, and knew this was it. the fans didn't though. y/n went for the pin once charlottle was down, and the referee started the final count.
one. two. three!
y/n went crazy as she heard the three. she didn't even get up, she sat there in the middle of the ring feeling all of her emotions. pride, happiness, and everything she had worked for coming to a final stop. she felt her tears come down, and watched as paul walked up to her with her new smackdown women's championship. once she heard the announcer say she was the winner, she smiled, raising up her title. she heard the fans cheer even louder, and looked over. roman and the usos were coming out to celebrate with her. she smiled as she looked at her husband, who grabbed her title, and put it around her waist for her.
"you deserve this, go to that rope, you did it." he whispered, as y/n went up to the top rope, and smiled looking down at the title that was around her waist, hearing fireworks go off all around her. the three men smiled as they watched her. as she came down, the three guys pulled her into a group hug, and the fans roared in you deserve it chants. and she did, she deserved it because she put on one hell of a match. and that, is how y/n became the woman of the hour.
the end.
this was so fun to write, my apologies for taking so long to get to all requests! i hope you guys enjoyed. <3
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