#'whos this annoying brat'
arkos404 · 2 years
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i think its hilarious and love how ritsu's rightfull suspicion/dislike of reigen bc of his worry about him manipulating mob in the original is translated into ritsu having beef with a 14 year old in the ageswap au
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lollytea · 9 months
Matt really was the Golden Guard in this whole idealized Emperor's Coven simulator Kiki created at Hexside huh
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imuncreativesorry · 7 days
When referring to Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damian:
Batboys doesn’t work cause that includes Duke
Robins doesn’t work cause that includes Steph
So I propose a new and improved name:
~The Assholes~
It’s straightforward, it’s classy, it rolls off the tongue, it’s in character for all of them
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk
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nightfayre · 10 months
okay but the fact that He Tian always knows he can call his brother for any small issue or crisis because He Cheng will always drop everything to answer and (usually) give him what he wants/needs is not being talked about enough
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skitskatdacat63 · 7 months
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Stop flirting....
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cantdealwiththisnow · 2 months
Part 2, tinyass RID2015 3x25 screenshots continued. because I mean just LOOK at Percy, he's definitely killed a man before
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manda-kat · 2 months
Looking at Wish, I just keep thinking of the people who called Frozen a 'lazy movie' because they used really similar face shapes for Anna, Elsa and their mother.
Look at the ice and snow effects in that movie. Listen to the music. Enjoy the comedy. Remember that it isn't even close to the beauty of Disney's best and yet it still remains a work of art.
Now look at Wish as the monkey's paw curls. Hey- at least they use different face shapes.
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wayward-wren · 2 months
Actually no. Anyone who doesn't like Adric clearly doesn't have a younger brother.
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caitlynmeow · 5 months
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Cassandra might be a little shit but she actually respects Bela. In this regard, it's actually Daniela who's a little shit because she often argues with Bela and thinks that rules don’t apply to her.
Like, Cassandra would wait for Bela. She would stop and wait for her big sister and just... Really does respects her and it's just so clear.
Daniela doesn't really do that. She argues with Bela and even when she got Ethan- Cassandra would wait for Bela because she gets to decide what to do to him. But Daniela? Doesn't do any of that. She was just eating him having the catch for herself, she is absolutely not going to call her big sister any time soon.
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grandcovenant · 4 months
i know everyone wants the legendary stalker to be cool but i'm obsessed with the fact that besides being like, badass or whatever, the only things we know about her is that she a) liked fancy wine, and b) was rude to a kid. PLEASE if we ever see her let her be the most competent stalker of all time AND a disaster as a person. just unpleasant vibes all around.
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sailforvalinor · 10 months
Someone please tell me to stop trying to read YA, I go in hoping “maybe, just this once, it will be good” and every time I come out a worse person. I don’t want to be a hater, but have you considered stopping making it so easy
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randomnameless · 1 month
Thinking about one of Nopes's most harmless retcons -
Indech forging the sacred weapons instead of Macuil is a retcon because in Claude's FE16 paralogue, per the "official biography made by the church", Macuil was the one who was skilled with his hands and became a blacksmith, and forged weapons for Seiros's army (the jp version has "セイロスの戦いに貢献したんだそうな" so it's less he made weapons for Rhea's army, but it was his way to contribute to the fight in general? Like Birdie making weapons for those dumb humans fighting with them?)
But then comes Nopes and Indech is the blacksmith - who got his forge and was admired by his totes not niece.
So why was this retconned?
To make FE16!Claude look like a clown because even if he researches stuff on his own, he can't get things right, or to make the Church sus, because they lie (they BaD) about which lizard had the role of the smith?
Given how Seteth, when Barney replies Macuil, goes "ah yeah people believe it was him but it was actually Indech the two worked together" this wasn't something that happened because no one gaf about FE16's plot like Leopold's Major Cichol Loincloth, but it was done on purpose.
Idk, maybe Rhea thought if she told the truth to people they would bother Indech to ask him to craft more weapons and he would either "have fun meddling" with them and accidently kill them, or she wanted to piss Macuil thus put his name in the records, so maybe when he was still around, some humans would ask him to forge weapons and since he doesn't like to be around humans he would be pissed?
Oh well, given how Nopes!Claude ended up, I think Nopes in general took a deliberate turn against it -
even if -
Linhardt understood who Turtle was, but Claude doesn't make the link between Birdie and Macuil, which is kind of a letdown when we consider his route is the only one where the truth about Nabateans is revealed, but that would have implied giving more than half figs about them and we can't have that
(Nopes gave negative figs)
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whump-n-comfort · 2 months
when you read a fic that gives you a hyper-specific whump scenario that you know would either A.) take forever to find in another story or B.) hasn't been written at all so the obvious conclusion is that you have to write it yourself
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#whump meme#~my stuff~#my brain hates me sometimes lmao#i just want a story where two characters are stuck in a broken down car in the middle of winter and having an argument#which leads to one stomping outside in some petty attempt to 'find help' while the other person doesn't realize#what is happening at first. they think their friend is just taking a quick second to catch their thoughts. not the best idea in a snow stor#but the other option is them tearing each others heads off so a little separation is fine. but then their friend starts walking away#and keeps going. so now they have to chase after them to corral them back into the car#because yeah its broken but its still somewhat warm unlike this suicide mission you are attempting!!#and then theres a big blow up because they have kinda been the shit-stirrer so their friend just is#im fixing it!! im being not annoying/useless/something related to whatever they were arguing about!!#so now they get slapped in the face with the fact that they've been taking out their bad day/week on their friend#who was simply being themself and trying to cheer them up/be nice#and when they eventually get back in the car the friend now feels like shit because they not only wasted heat from the car#but they also dragged their friend outside just bcuz they were being a brat so didn't they just prove the other person's point?#so now the two are just in a guilt huddle apologizing for being idiots as they inevitably wait for their rescue#bonus points if the rescue involves their rescuers trying to separate them and the other person just *refuses* to let their friend go#because they have a need to keep the first person warm after feeling like they essentially forced them out into the cold#is that too much to ask?? (i could turn this into an A talks to B scenario... also thinking about my OCs but when am i not lol)
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wittywallflower · 2 years
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 OFMD modern AU where Stede Bonnet, middle aged divorced dad who recently came out, starts dealing weed on the side because he thinks it will be a great way to help him make new friends. Through a comedy of errors it actually works. He has a whole crew now.  He even managed to snag himself a smoking hot leather daddy boyfriend with chronic pain. 
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lord-squiggletits · 9 months
So for anyone who doesn't know, in IDW1 Trypticon is actually a really interesting character. Earlier in the timeline, he's basically just an ancient evil monster that gets awakened and used as a fighting force by the Decepticons (covered by the events of Monstrosity and Primacy, although I'm not sure if he made an appearance earlier in terms of the comics' release order).
Later on in the IDW1 comics, Trypticon becomes a character with his own personality and desires as written by Barber in the Dinobot trilogy (not the phase 1 series but Punishment, Salvation, and Redemption). Basically, Trypticon is very aware of the fact that people see him as a violent monster, but he decides to abandon Cybertronian society entirely because he's tired of being used as a vehicle for others' violence. By the end of the trilogy, he actually has a new hotspot inside of him and is nurturing the next generation of protoforms within his own body. He's literally done a 180 from being a source of destruction and death to being a protective, nurturing, life-giving force. And this is interesting because, although Trypticon DID have a personality before Barber wrote him, Barber's take on Trypticon gave the "big scary Decepticon titan" a much more 3D personality that made him a person with his own goals, disinterested in the plots and schemes of others. And that's really cool!
So what ended up happening Trypticon in the finale of IDW1, Unicron?
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He gets killed off. In the background. With no one giving a shit about it. Because Barber decided it was more important that, IN THE FINALE OF THE SERIES THAT WAS ENDING IDW1 AND WOULD BE THE LAST ISSUES HE WOULD EVER WRITE, we as the viewers be subjected to a Literally Who OC that no one cares about crying and bitching about how Optimus Prime is a tyrant and a fascist. This entire panel is almost literally shot in a comedic way, like the trope of "person monologuing while something crazy happens behind them that they're completely clueless to."
Trypticon got an interesting characterization that made him more than just a monster, but I guess it was more important to kill him off in the background of a panel so that Miss Literally Nobody can waste an entire page of the LAST SERIES OF THE CONTINUITY being a whining bitch about Optimus, which by the way is what she's been doing literally this whole time since she basically exists just to complain about Optimus.
Oh and by the way, Trypticon was carrying the next generation of protoforms inside of his body, and Cybertron (plus every other colony) got destroyed during the Unicron finale, so I guess an entire fucking generation of new Cybertronians also got slaughtered in this panel. How fun and exciting! I guess putting in that really depressing character death of "man changes his ways and gets to live happily but gets killed off for shock value" was really important to put in the ending of the series to make us readers feel satisfied about our beloved story ending! Oh but not only does he die, he dies IN THE BACKGROUND PRACTICALLY AS A FOOTNOTE so that a different character no one cares about can talk about her feelings, wasting crucial time bitching about how much she doesn't like Optimus while TRYPTICON IS LITERALLY DYING BEHIND HER BUT I GUESS SLIDE IS SO MUCH MORE IMPORTANT FOR US TO BE CARING ABOUT.
This is what happens when you're more concerned about huffing your own farts Writing A Theme, Man than you care about creating a satisfying ending that fans will actually enjoy lmao. Who cares about Trypticon and possibly his children that we got attached to as a result of the previous comics dying? This literal nobody who no one cares about needs to have her time in the spotlight monologuing about shit that doesn't matter while everyone around her is fucking dying.
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purpleandstarlight · 4 months
"And if you eat the soul of every traumatized boy with an aunt that was a serial killer who worked with a death goddess, and a twin brother who came back wrong from the dead ultimately fucking up his life and a few of his closest friendships, then who's gonna make for a good TV Show for years to come, Sebastian?!"
"Oooh no you can't say that!!"
"No, in the sense that-"
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