#'oh can we steal their photo?' and i said 'well we can definitely just print screen it and take it' and i
parameddic · 6 months
my boss was nice to me again i love working here this is horrible (i probably need to quit next year)
#kdfjlsdkfj#we were talking about taking photos of the business for the google business profile and i found the google maps street view and he said#'oh can we steal their photo?' and i said 'well we can definitely just print screen it and take it' and i#print screened and opened it in paint and cropped out google's overlay and he#LAUGHED so loudly oh my god#''aster ... It's very refreshing working with you. I like the way your mind works#I have the impression you're extremely bright.''#george 🙈 you can't just SAY things like that my ego won't survive. it will inflate so much it pops#he recruited me to talk to his website-development company with him and then asked my opinion directly and i told him#that i thought they were a waste of $400/month when we don't need the service they're offering and we can do things without them#and he was so right in so many ways about. he was right i DID want to talk to them it was good fun#also right that i had an opinion i wanted to share but hadn't found a spot in the conversation for#and! he agreed with me!#i don't know man. i love working for this guy. he's good fun and he pays me all the way through lunch (even an hour's lunch) he's so#good#he is 76 and working for him forever is not practical and also i have life plans and goals but#..............................................................................................#i do love working here yknow#aster talks#tbd#(tell me 'he sounds so cool!' in the replies if u have spoons. i want to agree with you loudly if you want to agree with me loudly)
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moemammon · 3 years
An MC that steals clothes to the point where they have more of the boys clothes than the boys do
Big Boyf hoodies
The Demon Bros react to MC Stealing their Clothes!
You have ten seconds before you're subjected to a vibe check
Jk, Lucifer MIGHT be okay with you wearing his clothes, depending on his mood. If he's got things to do, you'd best leave his stuff alone
Otherwise, the sight of you walking around wearing that huge fur coat of his is enough to put him in a much better mood for the rest of the day. Maybe he won't beat Mammon's ass today after all? 🤔
As long as you keep his fancy coat clean, he's happy. He might even start "accidentally" leaving things out for you to get to, and his ego inflates tenfold when he sees you've found them.
He'll tease you a little bit about it, asking "Did you miss me so much that you had to wear my clothing?"
Bruh???? Where the hell did his jacket go-
He tossed it in the dryer and now it's gone! Time to destroy his room in the search-
And that's when he sees you walking around wearing it, like it's no big deal. You haven't even spotted him yet but boy is he staring
He doesn't even have a CHANCE to think about being mad at you, because you chose to wear his clothes specifically. His ego? Through the roof. Definitely considers buying you things to match what he wears.
Now everyone knows you're HIS human! He'd never let anyone else wear his stuff, after all! "You're the one that's been takin' my jacket?? Well.... I guess it's only natural that ya wanna wear the Great Mammon's clothes! S-so don't go takin' it off, ya hear?!"
The normie??? Is wearing HIS clothes??? Specifically the Ruri-chan shirt he sleeps in?????
The fact that you went out of your way to get them... He doesn't know if he's horrified or honored, but he's definitely somewhere in the middle considering the look on his face. And honestly he's so damn shocked that he thinks his heart might explode.
This is LITERALLY an epic gamer anime moment. When the male protagonist finds his lover/love interest wearing one of his oversized shirts.... m-moe...
He can't even look at you directly, so he has to do it through his camera lens. Did you really think he wouldn't fill up his entire phone's memory bank with photos of you? Think again. Maybe if he leaves some cosplay out, you might wear that too..?
"Wh-Huh? O-o-of course I knew you took my shirt! There's no way I wouldn't notice. B-But you don't have to take it off! I mean... you can keep it if you want... I have three more."
Satan doesn't know how to wear a coat properly anyway so it's no wonder you took it, to show him how it's done one sleeve wearing ass
It didn't take detective Satan very long to find out where it'd gone, because he soon spots you wearing it.
You're sitting in an armchair with his coat draped around you, clearly content and comfortable with your newly acquired clothing.
And he pauses, just outside of your line of sight so he can compose himself. He’d be lying if he said his heart didn't skip a beat when he saw it draped over you. It made him want to gather you up on his lap and keep you there forever.
Instead, once he's calmed down, he rounds the corner to question you about it. "If you were cold, why didn't you tell me? Here, let me sit next to you. Ah, you can keep the coat on. It suits you."
This is literally all he's ever wanted tbh. He's not even surprised that you want to try on his clothes, because?? They're HIS.
But he's gushing about it forever. He's so quick to snap a million photos of you and posts them to devilgram, sets it as his home and lock screen, maybe prints a couple of photos to keep-
You never hear the end of it. Whether you were trying to be covert or not, he's got you and he's never letting go.
He'll literally give you the clothes he thinks will suit you best, and gushes over the say they compliment you.
"It's like having my own doll to dress up! You don't know how happy I am to put my clothes on you~! Shall we buy matching outfits? Or maybe... you prefer that they belong to me~?"
Beel can be a little forgetful, so sometimes he misplaced his jacket. He always finds it in the end, either through his brothers or his own means, so he's completely stumped when he's looked everywhere and STILL can't find it. And he's starting to get hungry again, so now he's more interested in going to the kitchen.
Then he finds you exiting your room, rubbing the sleep of your afternoon nap from your eyes. You don't seem to notice him and just quietly wander past, wearing Beel's jacket.
He doesn't even stop you, just watching you go before he's suddenly forgetting all about his hunger pains, and more interested in quietly following you like a dog.
You both end up in the kitchen, and he's still watching over you happily while you eat some chips. Don't mind him while he uhhhhh picks you up and takes him to his room so he can hold you lmao
"MC.... did you have my jacket this entire time? I was looking for it. Oh, I'm not angry or anything, I like seeing you wear it. You should do that more often."
He realizes that you took something so fast-
Belphie may be able to sleep anywhere, but he has to be comfortable enough for it. That comfort usually comes in the form of his jacket, so when he discovers it's missing and has looked everywhere, he gets a little agitated.
Grumpy boy goes to find you to force you to take a nap with him until he feels better, and discovers that you're guilty. But his annoyance is replaced by pride when he sees how comfortable you look, napping away in his jacket.
He's not letting you keep it of course, but he's sure there's something else he can let you wear instead. Part of him is convinced you're only wearing it because it's comfortable, while the other part wonders if you're wearing it because it's his...
So he pokes your face until you wake up, and demands an answer. "You took my jacket without asking, huh? I couldn't sleep a wink because of you.....If you wanted to feel like I was with you, you should've just went to my room. Scoot over, I'm joining you."
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baroquebucky · 3 years
apartment warming
in which you help give some life to Bucky’s Brooklyn apartment
a/n: hello hello !! here is a quick little headcanon of housewarming w buck !!! I’m working on one shot rn but it’s taking longer than expect hehe pls look out for it ,,, i hope you guys enjoy !! feel free to request !
almost every time since you and Bucky had met you had gone back to your apartment, and you didn’t mind
You were more than happy to invite him to your home, you figured he had spent enough time in his and didn’t want to spend anymore cooped up
Once you had started dating you told him how you wanted to see his apartment, he had always talked about how it had almost nothing in it
“surely it isn’t that bad angel”
“no, no it is” he has spoke, even calling Sam to tell you how empty his place was
“oh yeah his place looks dead, it’s horrible y/n i don’t know how you can be with such a man” Sam had said, you rolled your eyes- they tend to be over dramatic
and then you saw his apartment
“you don’t even have a couch?” You spoke, eyes wide, Bucky simply stood behind you, rubbing his neck
“alright, cmon” you smiled, excited to decorate his apartment “i know exactly the places to go”
Bucky was shocked, you were gonna help him?
“what” “we’re gonna warm up your apartment, you know get you some photos printed, some cute little plants, decorations”
“a couch?” “most definitely”
Bucky thought he would be miserable he hated shopping
correction, Bucky hated shopping without you
Oh my god Bucky had the time of his life
Going Store to store, watching you jump for you hoy as you found things he would love and placing them in the cart after getting buckys approval
“I didn’t even get to decide the aesthetic” he pouted at checkout and you rolled your eyes
“you didn’t know what an aesthetic was until an hour ago when i told you” he only giggled sheepishly
You had gone for a darker green and white aesthetic, adding pops of color here and there with artificial plants and flowers.
You printed out a couple pictures of Bucky with Steve, the howling commandos and even a rare one with Sam
You had them all framed, placing one of you and him on his nightstand
And then the couch, god you were so happy he had a couch, you were going to be sure he used it because god did it take so much talking to get a good price
Bucky easily moved it in, not even breaking a sweat, you however were dying, plopping yourself on the couch and letting out a moan
“oh yeah this couch is heaven” you stated, calling Sam and telling him to come try the couch out
“Buck i am gonna steal your couch” he spoke and bucky glared at him, throwing a small fake plant at his head
“Play nice im gonna finish fixing everything up” you stated, glaring at them and giving Bucky a kiss on the cheek
You unpacked some books and placed them neatly on a bookshelf he had, adding a small book holder to the end that had a little figure of a dog
You set down an hour glass and a couple other things along with more fake plants smiling as the book shelf was filled
Books that he had read, that he wanted to read and that you loved
Sam had left halfway through, and Bucky was just watching you with a soft smile
the final item was a small globe you found at an antique store, placing it on the tv stand.
“done!” You shouted, a satisfied smile on your face as you looked around
“go look!” You urged him, following him around as he took everything in.
he was quiet and you were worried, did he hate it?
“y/n i-” “it’s bad isnt it? I can take it down just give me-” he shut you up with a kiss
It was tender and thankful, he smiled into it before pulling away, wrapping his arms around you and you holding you to his chest
“I love it so much baby, I’m never gonna change it” he whispered, kissing the top of your head
“really?” you smiled and he kissed the top of your head again before pulling you away to look at him, “really” he spoke
he marveled at how well you had put everything together, things he was sure would be out of place fit seamlessly with everything else
“now we can come to your place more” you smiled and he nodded, leading you to his newly furnished room to cuddle the rest of the night
“your kitchen is next” was all you said and his eyes went wide
“what?” he questioned and you replied without even opening your eyes
“i am not allowing my boyfriend to have two plastic plates and some shitty pans” was all you said before falling asleep on his chest
Bucky smiled, he couldn’t wait to build up his apartment with you
And he especially couldn’t wait to build a life with you
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The Conspiracy Job
I made a post about the “Eliot’s semi-famous identities” conspiracy here and @what---i-dated-a wanted a fic, which got my muse going. So, here it is, and also on AO3
An amazing version of the same concept by @copperbadge was linked in the notes and I recommend you all read that too! The Job Interview Job
The Conspiracy Job
“Oh, not again!”
The others, busy drawing up plans for their latest con, looked over at Hardison. 
“What is it?” Sophie asked.
He brought his display up on the large screen at the front of the room. 
“Someone’s just searched a bunch of Eliot’s old aliases, all at the same time.”
Parker frowned as she looked at the screen. “That doesn’t sound good.”
Eliot was on his feet immediately, concern clear on his face.
“Who is it? CIA? FBI? KGB? Mossad?”
“Give me a second,” Hardison said. “No, I don’t think so. They’re not being flagged on any databases. Someone’s just googling them.”
Eliot relaxed slightly and rolled his eyes. “It’s not those damn conspiracy forums, is it? I thought you got rid of those.”
“I did! They haven’t posted anything, they’re just looking. Oh, they’re here in Portland.”
Eliot tensed again at that, but Hardison shook his head.
“Relax, man. It’s a family house; a couple of dentists and a fifteen year old. If they post anything I’ll take it down, nothing to worry about.”
On the other side of Portland, Julia stepped into her friend Marcie’s bedroom and her eyes widened as she took in the scene before her. Marcie was connecting red threads between grainy, printed-out images on her corkboard and empty bottles of Gatorade littered the desk.
“You have to cool it with this, dude.”
Marcie turned to face her, her hair a mess and her eyes red from lack of sleep, and Julia sighed.
“You look like freaking Charlie Kelly!”
“There’s something here, Jules. I’m sure of it.”
“It’s a couple of athletes and a singer who happen to look similar. It’s hardly the scoop of the century.”
“Look similar? Look similar? Julia, they are completely identical! There are exactly three possibilities.” She held up three fingers in her friend’s face as she counted them off. “Triplets, clones or one ridiculously talented guy.”
“Okaaay, and which one do you think it is?”
“I don’t know,” Marcie answered, turning back to her board. “Triplets? Why would they have different names and hide it? One guy? He’d have to be able to sing and play guitar, baseball and hockey. Why wouldn’t you own up to having that kind of talent? Why go to different places with different names? Clones? I’m leaning clones.”
“Clones? Come on, Marcie.” 
“It’s the most logical explanation.”
“You think someone cloned a human being just to create a one-hit-wonder country singer and some short lived athletes?”
Marcie shrugged. “It could be a trial run or an experiment or something. And you remember that anything I ever said on the forums would mysteriously vanish? I went to look after Jacques Labert turned up and every single forum post was gone! Every one! Doesn’t that sound like a government conspiracy to you?”
“It’s weird,” Julia admitted. “But I think you might be taking this a little too far. If the government were making clones, why would they let them get famous so people could discover it?”
“But they weren’t that famous. Think about it, what were the chances that someone would connect them? There were only ever a couple of us posting on the forums. If I hadn’t happened to be visiting my uncle in Palmerston when Roy Chappell was playing and then gone to Saddle and Spurs for my birthday, I’d never have known.” 
Her eyes widened as a horrifying thought occurred to her . “Then Jacques Labert turned up in my city! What if I’m the connection?”
She swung back to the board and began to write her own name. Julia grabbed her hand.
“Marcie! You’re not the center of a government conspiracy! Besides, who’s this fourth guy again?” She asked, tapping one of the photos in the corner. “You didn’t have anything to do with him, did you?”
“No,” Marcie conceded. “And I told you about him, remember? He’s an animal rights activist who was on the news in San Lorenzo a couple of years ago, talking about dog fights in the Presidential Palace. And he’s Canadian. That’s why it’s so exciting that, after almost two years of nothing new, Jacques Labert, Canadian hockey player, suddenly appears. Was the guy on the news Jacques Labert? If there really is more than one of them in the first place!”
Julia grimaced, increasingly worried about Marcie’s obsession with this wild conspiracy. “He was on the news where?”
“San Lorenzo. It’s this tiny European country. Here look.” Marcie sat at her desk, tapped the name into Google and turned her laptop towards Julia. 
Julia scrolled through a few pictures of the idyllic Mediterranean island, then stopped suddenly and pointed at one of them. 
“Wait, who’s that?”
“Oh, that’s Rebecca Ibañez. It’s a tragic story,” Marcie explained, as she clicked on the link and showed her some clearer pictures. “A couple of years ago, the same time maybe-Jacques Labert was there, there was an election and her fiancé won. But, just as the results were announced, supporters of the former president tried to assassinate him and Rebecca stepped in front and took the bullet for him.”
“She was assassinated?”
“Yes, isn’t it awful?”
Julia shook her head. “She can’t have been.”
“She’s my brother Zachary’s acting teacher.”
“Yeah, I went to see his play last week and I met her. Her name’s Sophie Devereaux and she’s definitely not dead.”
Marcie looked at her in amazement, a grin breaking out across her face . “And she was in San Lorenzo at the same time as Jacques-Roy-Kenneth! There might be even more to this than I thought!”
Julia, almost as invested as Marcie now that her brother’s odd director was mixed up in this, pulled up a chair and looked on excitedly as her friend brought up another google search. 
Back at the Brewpub, the crew were working out the kinks in their plan while waiting for any sign of the internet sleuth trying to share their ideas about Eliot’s multiple identities.
When the computer pinged again, they all turned to see which of his aliases had been flagged this time, only for their eyes to widen in horror as the search term flashed on the screen.
“Rebecca Ibañez” “Sophie Devereaux”
Sophie gave a gasp that almost turned into a choke. “Wha- wha- what?”
Eliot turned to Hardison, furious. “Oh sure, just dentists and a teenager! Fix. This.”
“I’m trying!” Hardison said. “I can’t find any connections to anything. They look clean.”
“Then look harder!”
Wait, I have something. It’s the kid’s computer.”
“Who’s the kid?” Nate asked.
Hardison pulled up a Facebook page. “Marcie Taylor. She’s a sophomore. She used to post on those stupid Eliot forums that I had to take down every week after Memphis. It was pretty harmless, but I’ve no idea why she’s suddenly looking at Sophie’s aliases.”
He scrolled down the page looking for any kind of hint, when Sophie called out to him to stop.
“Who’s that with her? She looks familiar.”
A few more clicks and Hardison had a name.
“Julia Gutmann. She’s in the same class.”
Gutmann?” Sophie groaned. “I know why she’s familiar. That’s Zachary’s little sister.”
“Zachary? Your acting student Zachary?” Nate asked disbelievingly.
“Yes, she came to our play last week.”
Nate shook his head. “I told you to use an alias at that theater.”
“But I wanted to do this as me,” Sophie protested.
Eliot turned back to Hardison. “So, let me get this straight. The aliases and digital trail that you set up to be uncrackable by international governmental organizations are about to be blown apart by a couple of high schoolers?”
Hardison glowered at him. “They’re only looking at old aliases and they were all burnt when we had to leave Boston anyway. It’s not that bad.”
“Sophie’s still using Sophie,” Eliot argued, nearly yelling now. “And I was only just Jacques Labert and in this city. Now they’ve tied me and her together. How did they even do that? That’s way more than some fifteen year old girls should be able to accomplish on Google.”
“Okay, okay. Don’t panic. They were looking at photos of San Lorenzo. That’s how they found a picture of Sophie."
Sophie glared at him.
"Hey!" he protested. "You're the one who jumped in front of the cameras! I can't control the entire internet you know, and I think the people of San Lorenzo would have noticed if every image of their martyred heroine suddenly vanished.
“It’s just bad luck that Julia had met you. But why were they looking at…” Hardison groaned. “They found that video of Eliot and the puppy somehow.”
“Why didn’t you take that down?” Eliot snapped.
“It’s a thirty second feature on the news from two years ago in a country smaller than Iceland! It wasn’t my top priority!”
“Dammit, Hardison!”
“So, our cover’s going to get blown by kids?” Parker asked, incredulously. 
“No,” Nate insisted. “Well, maybe. But we can manage this. Hardison, don't let them post anything. Sophie, call Zachary. Let’s go steal ourselves some silence.”
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lilyrachelcassidy · 3 years
Birthday Cake
A/N: Suprise folks!!! *me laughing maniacally* The whole scenery for this fic somehow appeared in my head and I just COULDN’T let it slip away, so... My biggest inspo for that was @drawlfoy!! Remember her posting the fic where Draco and Reader work at McDonald’s and are total suckers in their job (arguing with the customers; preparing wrong orders; etc.)? Dee unfortunately, deleted this precious, but it’s stuck to my head ever since (lol lol, it’s the moment where Dee wants to get rid of something, but I kindly remind everyone it existed). Therefore I present to you the next Draco x Reader fic related to our fav fast-food rest. This time, however, they’re not working at the same workplace but... I'm going to stop here cuz I don't want to spoiler :P
**The second thing that triggered me to write this fic is the YouTube video I recently saw with a lady who orders the 'specials' appearing to be out of the menu list of McDonald’s, through the Drive-Through. She asked for a birthday cake, was laughed at a few times, but eventually got what she wanted. Applause for the attitude!!
About the fic (context, my bitches): ofc it’s the modern AU, non-magical world. Draco’s the worst boyfriend ever but always manages to turn things into their righteous place. 
Summary: The birthday is upcoming, and Draco is in a rush to think up an idea for a perfect gift. His ingenuity fails, however, and leaves Y/N very unsatisfied with a disaster that has been forged. 
Word Count: 3.6k
Warnings: my brain playing a total psycho, language, alcohol, sexual undertones/allusions to sex, Pansy being too much of her self... deal...
Tags: @drawlfoy @eltanin-malfoy
Such an unrestrained desire to strangle somebody you hadn't felt in a long time.
Today was your birthday, which you had been widely announcing for almost a whole month to people you might have accidentally forgotten about it. Having your boyfriend, Draco, on your mind in particular.
You doubted he would have the guts to omit your big day, though as repeatedly as he had done for a few years back. But something between foresight and the second sense of prevention told you to keep reminding him every day of the upcoming event, with a heap of birthday-themed emojis and uppercases in the messages.
Everything was planned out in your head: him picking you up from your house with the sharp-red cabriolet that he used only for special occasions; him driving the two of you to the fanciest restaurant he could find in town; him bestowing you with a nice-looking, golden necklace or a different piece of jewelry you had been suggestively pointing out in the store's exhibition; him booking up a hotel room for you two to celebrate.
Either way, that was much beyond your expectations, as it turned out. And now you were sitting in the front yard of your house, waiting for him to show up.
'If he was going to at all.' This thought invaded your mind for the last hour, try as might to subdue it. An hour you had been sitting tight, hoping it was only a delay caused by a traffic jam or other irrational explanation he could come up with. But you were deceiving yourself, you eventually presumed -- you had been checking up your phone every one minute, only to see if any message notification popped up on the screen, other than birthday wishes from friends who actually cared for you.
2.02pm: Nothing.
2.03pm: Susan 'Happy birthday bitch!'
2.04pm: Instagram notif. (Someone liked your photo, which you had posted before leaving your room, posing in front of the mirror in the best cocktail dress you could find in the wardrobe.)
2.05pm: Nothing yet again.
2.06pm: Still... Peace and quiet.
"Fuck it...Enough," you muttered under your breath, an annoying disillusionment falling like a heavy mile stone on your chest. Tears suddenly started sprinkling in your eyes at the regret, and you were very reluctant to admit that your friends were right -- Draco Malfoy was an egoistic, negligent, self-absorbed pri--
"Hi." You heard the raspy, panting voice says. "Sorry for the delay."
You blinked slowly, stupidly. You raised your head to assure yourself it was him. That his expression actually corresponded to his words and showed some kind of remorse for standing you up. But no... There he was: standing in front of you, plainly confident and unashamed, with his cocky smirk provoking you to slap him.
Oh, how much you craved to slap him right now. "Where to the fuck have you been?"
"I've tried to pick this up," he explained, simultaneously lifting up the paper bag he'd been carrying in his hand. The big, exclaiming letters 'McDonald's' with the brand's logo were printed on its exterior, and it was fully stuffed with something inside.
Not quite comprehending, you furrowed. You attempted to hide the venom in your voice, but somehow it found its way to leak out. "Couldn't you do that in advance?"
"Nope..." It was his turn to furrow, looking almost shocked with the question. And thanks to all those years of your relationship, you knew it was his piss-poor estimation of time taking over. "It was a last-minute surprise."
"Sounds like it," you commented irritably. "What's that?"
"Your birthday present, sunshine," he drawled happily, ignoring your remark. He sounded positively delighted and satisfied with himself at surprising you with that because he saw a slight crease of shock painting on your forehead. "Here you go."
You took his deposit out of his grasp, still quite unsure. What if his gift would only make a situation worse? Can it get any worse with Draco's total lack of tact? Yes. But it was only one way to find out.
Without even stealing a second glance at him, you ripped off all of the packaging that had been folded around, protecting the contents. You tried to do it carefully and without any impact of emotions revealing the way you felt inside, but your hands were shaking with rage, and you couldn't quite contain yourself. You had been highly aware you shouldn't have expected much from him, but still...
You wondered if the universe was playing against you.
There was a moment of tense silence as you struggled to deal with all the wrappings. Rather unfortunately, you wished you hadn't put so much effort in opening your so-called 'gift' because as you finally did, it only angered you more, seeing as the disappointment laughs at your face. And yes, as a matter of fact, the universe was against you today...
"Are you kidding me?" you asked in disbelief, fury reappearing in your eyes. "A birthday cake?! From McDonald's?" Ugly, little cake with the creepiest smiley face of a clown. It wasn't even fresh, you realized, when you smelled it and felt a musty reek of a freezer, it probably had been kept in. A confusing sense of sadness in your chest couldn't reach any higher at this point.
"Don't you like it?" he asked, detecting the wrath in your eyes. At that, you felt the dumbest urge to laugh and never stop. "I thought it'd be something original."
"Oh, I love it," you said sarcastically, a faint voice of hope telling you it was only a very bad joke was still lingering in your head. But it wasn't a joke.
"It's not just--" He struggled to form a coherent sentence. "I've been asking Blaise and Theo about any ideas. I told them, what you had said to me -- 'you didn't want anything fancy.' So we decided it's... something."
"Of course I didn't tell you I want anything, you dolt!" Your voice raised up almost two octaves, and the pulse sped up so fast it entailed a headache along. A neighbor from the opposite garden who was watering the flowers looked at you, startled, and eyes widened your exasperated tone. You didn’t care. "It's how it works: you don't tell other people you expect them to buy something!"
"But I'm your boyfriend. You shouldn't -- er-- feel uncomfortable to tell..."
"Exactly! As my boyfriend, you should have known!"
"Well... I didn't. If that's what's bothering you, we can...we can..."
"Stop." Listening to him and his pathetic excuses was the last thing you were going to do now. "What – why would you even – " You sputtered out, unable to process or express exactly what you were feeling. There was definitely anger and indignation. Curiosity, for another, as to why Draco would even fall for such foolish and ill-considered idea, and -- to the top of it -- hope it would make a good fit. And possibly, the last and most satisfying part, was the wicked impulse to throw the cake directly into his arrogant face, letting him taste his own medicine he had been serving you for years on each failed birthday.
"You know, for once, you could pay more effort and try doing something nice for me," you told him firmly, deflating to calm down your buzzing nerves.
"I've been tr--"
"Do you realize how much it costs me to pretend to be happy when you forget about me? Last year, I organized a big-ass party for your birthday, inviting over all of your friends and buying the best booze I could find to celebrate it properly," you said harshly and pretentiously, as you intended. "The best part is, you didn't even thank me." You stared at him, wringing your hands and expecting to perceive any trope of shame in his eyes. For the first time, you actually did.  
"Listen, about that--" he calmly attempted to cut off your monologue.
"No, you listen..." Did you really want what was upcoming next? Maybe it was about time. "Today, I decided I'm standing up for myself. So, for the last time, get out from my porch."
He bristled, the thunderstruck air hanging around him. "Because of the stupid cake?"
"What?! No! It's just... I feel like you don't give a damn about me anymore." Gulp formed in your throat, and the tears finally left your eyes at the consciousness of what was happening. "I think we both deserve some time."
Your eyes moved to his, and you almost wished you hadn't looked. He was watching you, with pursed lips and a pure mixture of every emotion: anger, sadness, resentment, pretension, dejection. The faintest of his flustered blushes appeared on his cheeks, and you suddenly wished you could hug him. "So you are putting us..." His finger pointed at him and you as if expecting clarification. "...on a break? Is that what it is?"
You were truly torn, to be honest. Becoming single on your birthday was the last wish you had for this day, but you felt a strong sense of adequacy and pride for building up the boundaries of tolerance. Besides, seeing as it was heading nowhere, it was only a matter of time that your relationship came to an end.  
Although, it hurt. A lot. "Yes."
You darted your eyes from him, not wanting to study his reaction in case it caused you to meltdown and jump to his embrace, apologizing endlessly for your words. You loved him. But you didn't regret what you had just said.
Something like a dry chuckle of disbelief escaped out of his mouth. "Is that what you really want?"
'No,' your thoughts prompted you instantly before you could even contemplate. 'I want you to say so many things you're never willing to say. But you don't know.'
So instead, you lied: "Yes."
All expressed, you spun around without peeking back and rushed into your room, already knowing there was no more sense in strives to make this day any better; all of it would bring only bad associations. It would be depressing, even more than it already was.
God, was it how the break-up pained? Because if so, you wanted to be deceased. The world spun suddenly, and you sank to your knees, shaking madly and doing your best to find your way back to your bed, located a few mere meters from you. Part of you felt numb, but your head was wide awake and alarming you that something in terms of a disaster had just happened. Because it did. The clutching in your chest was unbearable, and tears were dashing out of your eyes like a living waterfall, which made you bury your face in your hands. Never have you ever wanted to be so drunk before.
And so many questions rung up in your head at once.
Did you make a good decision? What if you are going to miss him, yet knowing you could never call? What about college -- are things about to get awkward?
No answers.
But you knew someone who would be able to reply to them.
With the blurred by tears vision, you struggled but managed to find your phone in the purse, and then clumsily scrolled through and tapped in your list of contacts before holding the phone to your ear.
Please answer, you begged. Please, please…
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Pansy's voice roared from the other side of a line, as always, enthusiastic.
"Pansy." You tried to sound less brokenly than you were, feeling marginally worse at the reminder of your birthday. "Is Daphne around?"
"Ouch, you're a really nasty bitch sometimes, you know. I'm not goin' to point out today, but since you didn't let me end my wishes, I'll note that for the future reference." You were sure she was grinning at the teasing, seeing as much as she liked that. Normally, you wouldn't mind, but... "How--"
"Pansy, please..." you sobbed out, almost desperate to have someone to consult and share emotions with. Daphne -- contrary to Pansy, who could be very judgy sometimes -- was someone you had especially on mind now. "I need to talk to her."
You heard her sigh; the kind of sigh she used to either prove her resignation or concern. But, as much as it surprised you, she suppressed her curiosity and, without a second word, obediently handed the phone over to Daphne. At least, that's what you assumed because you heard a pause and subdued mutters in the background.
"Y/N?" the milder tone spoke up, and you felt suddenly very strange as if submerged in water of relief; relief to hear the familiar voice. That released you from keeping a distant attitude, and yet again, a sadness washed over you, triggering a loud wail to come out of your mouth. "Y/N, is everything alright?"
"No..." you sniveled, unable to collect yourself together. "I-I... We br-brok-e up."
"You and Draco?" Daphne asked, astonishment evident.
You nodded but then remembered she couldn't see you nor read your expression. So instead, you forced your vocal cords to work again. "Mhm..."
"What happened?"
Restoring the story in your brain again, you told her everything, still tearfully but much more coherently this time. You avoided the details, briefly skipping from one utterance to another, as your conversations had gone, and you were very much thankful she didn't press for more information about the prospect of the situation. If it hadn't been her sporadic gasps or loud inhales of breath, you would have almost presumed she wasn't listening. However, she was, and as soon turned out, Pansy was as well.
"That's bananas!" Pansy shouted somewhere from the back as you had ended, and despite your gloom, you giggled quietly at her comment.
"Shush," Daphne tried to silence her, covering up the fact she had put you on the speaker. You didn't mind because you knew Pansy, who would definitely expect Daphne to cite the whole conversation if needed. But knowing Daphne as well, you could bet she flushed more than she would want to at that point. "So it all started because of the cake?"
"And the delay," you added. "But it's not just about that, obviously. It feels like... he completely stopped caring. And I don't want to be stuck in a relationship where everything is about sex and having fun only. Draco wasn't looking for a commitment, which..."
"Sucks,"ended this time Pansy unhesitatingly, who wasn't now screaming from the other part of a room but openly participating in the discussion.
"Yeah," you agreed.
"As for me, I think he might love you more than you know, Y/N." It was Daphne talking again, and she sounded positively convinced about her view as for someone who had hardly exchanged any word with Draco for the past few years. As if reading your thoughts, she continued. "I've observed you a lot. I know he might seem unemotional, but it's you who discovered him. That must require a lot of trust, you know."
You contemplated, and some of the memories and images from your first encounter run across your brain, try as might to suppress it: spotting each other at the party; binging some whisky shots together; flirty teasing; the very masculine scent of cologne; and then... more spicy recollections -- eager lips pressing against each other; against each others' necks; against other parts of the body; stripping off the clothes in the passionate haste...
Receiving a long moment of silence, Daphne took a second chance and asked. "And what's with you? Do you want to end it?"
It felt like standing before the oracle of truth. Therefore, you couldn't deny it in front of yourself. "No."
"So what're you still doing there?" commented Pansy impatiently, and you could imagine her rolling the eyes. "Get out and find him!"
She was right. You will.
"I thought I'd find you here..."
No. Actually, you didn't. 
You had tracked Draco's phone with your own one with some help of an app that, as the two of you had established still in the relationship, would be a good idea in case of an emergency. That in itself proved to be more than helpful, believing that your argument may be pinned as something in terms of an emergency, right?
So having access to his location, you had found out he was in the park where he had taken you on the first date, shortly after dinner, to watch the sunset that, as he had described, 'was a typical cliche from every romantic movie.'
But you had fallen for that. So much.
You hadn't been aware the place had actually some meaning for him until now, and that... God, that he had even remembered it. Time showed, however, that it indeed did, to which your heart reacted with a happy jolting. But also with a nasty sting of nostalgia following shortly after.
Yet, that only had encouraged you to make up your mind and go looking for him, which hadn't been such a difficult task per se. He was sitting on the bench, in the shade of a tree, and hiding his a little too delicate skin from the sun rays. As soon as he had heard your voice, his gray eyes flew up to see you standing a few meters away.
"What are you doing here?" was the immediate question that tumbled out of his mouth. He arched his eyebrow, and to your surprise, he didn't even look angry or sad with you. Nothing near the edge; actually, almost something like the amusement was painting on his face.
"Aren't you mad with me?" you asked intrigued, completely forgetting about his question.
He frowned. "Why would I be?" His tone was so mild that you weren't sure if he was referring to the double meaning; but then he smirked playfully and said, "Besides, I knew you were coming."
"Wha-- How?" you asked, eyes dilating a fraction, in shock.
He smirked, pointing at his phone in an explanatory manner. After a moment, you finally figured out what he meant: the app must have registered he had been tracked and that your phone was trying to find his. At this notice, you reacted with a wave of flush, suddenly regretting your previous lie. His smile only widened at your expression. "Wanna sit? It's plenty of room here."
"Mhm..." You nodded, pleased to accept his offer, and walked over to the bench, doing your best to hide the evident embarrassment on your face. You felt strange he had taken you with such ease, seeing as merely two or three hours ago, you had burst at him like a cram-full volcano of unspoken emotions.
Draco shifted a package from his side, making more space for you to sit, and it took you a moment to realize it was a McDonald's cake from earlier. Everything started from that -- a stupid, little piece of cake which stood up between...
You shook the thought away, taking a seat next to him, close enough to smell his sandalwood cologne. "You didn't answer my question," Draco reminded you. "What's so important to make you track my phone?"
"I'm sorry, okay?" You rounded your face to him, flustrated, leaning at the backrest of a bench. "That's why I came. I wanted to apologize."
"Oh... Couldn't you call?"
You sighed. "I figured you wouldn't want to talk to me after...you know... our quarrel," you said half-despondent, half-desperate, watching your feet as if it were the most interesting thing to peer at now. "I didn't mean what I said earlier."
"I know," he said. Out of nowhere, he was gently grasping your palms which forced you to look up directly into his intense gaze. His eyes were swirling like molten silver at you. "But I should be apologizing, love. I made a mistake, okay?" His hands traveled all across to your tense shoulders, squeezing them lightly. "I know I should be more... affectionate with you. And this was...dumb. A dumb mistake. With that cake. But I'll try to be better if you give it another shot."
He looked so serious that you instantly believed him. You wanted to actually, with all force of longing, which grew up too rapidly in you when he wasn't around. Draco was a fool, you could easily say. But he was your fool, which was a thing you couldn't be more proud of.
Peeking slowly in the other direction, you asked, out of the topic, "You remembered the place?"
"Of course," he puffed jokingly, smiling. "Our first date. Officially our place from then on."
"Right..." You smiled back.
Honestly, the mere fact that he had called this spot 'yours' warmed up your heart, and you felt yourself grinning at his never-before-discovered emotionality. To assure yourself you weren't the only one caring, it was all you needed to hear.
The whole moment was intense, and now, you realized, is when you should have hugged him. Kissed him. Said something back at his sincere endearment.
But instead, spotting plastic cutlery next to your 'gift', you asked, "So what's the taste of the birthday cake?"  
And you knew he had caught the subtext of your playful inquiry. And you knew that soon you would work things out again. But, as for now...
"I thought you would never ask."
A/N: Looooooool. Such a drama-comedy, right? And I could easily say It feels like 50% Draco-x-Reader / 50% Draco-x-BirthdayCake... But whatever (2am is working like a drunken bud, folks). Happy beginning of August :)
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babyjamiebarnes · 3 years
Part Ten
Featuring: Bucky x Stark!reader, dad!Tony, Peter Parker, Steve, Sam
Warnings: mentions of smut (bondage, anal play, breeding kink, slight voyeurism), language, mentions of arson
Summary: Now that reader is stuck back at her apartment, she can finally feel safe again — until that safety is completely compromised. And more than her physical safety is put on the line.
Author’s Note: I’m so fucking stoked for this chapter!!! This is when it starts to get wild!! I hope you all like it! If you even read this, you should let me know who you think the person in question is (you’ll know what I mean when you read it lol). And as always, feel free to buy me a coffee if you want!
Tags: @amourmarvel @fangirlvoice @kennedywxlsh @devilswaldorf @what-the-hap-is-fuckning @alyispunk @fredweasleysbitchh @wearegroot @sunflowerbebe107 @prestigious-tea @brckenmemories @angelbabymed
Series Masterlist
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Spending the next two weeks sequestered in your apartment wasn’t terrible, but it just cemented your assumption that you couldn’t even pretend to be normal anymore. At least when you were at the Tower, you felt like another face in the crowd compared to the Avengers.
Accommodating your work from home setup wasn’t easy, but you all made it work. Peter worked with you when he was back for a weekend. He even helped you go through more of your fan mail, if you could even call it that. There were some parcels that were genuine fan mail, people wishing you well and young girls saying you inspired them to pursue STEM careers; there were some death threats that you had to send to local law enforcement to investigate; there were mostly creepy letters from men you could only assume were older than your father. One man wrote that he wanted to find out if you smelled as beautiful as you looked. Cringe. Another wrote about how he wanted to suck on your toes until they were wrinkly. Gag. The worst was a man who said he wanted to be sandwiched between you and your dad. Barf.
Steve and Sam used the scanner your dad made to check all your mail before it was even brought upstairs. None had been poisoned or set to explode, but some contained explicit items that you were more than happy to not see.
It was still slightly traumatizing when Steve waltzed in with a package in his arms and said, “Hey [Y/N], I didn’t toss this one because it doesn’t look like it’s from a person. Did you order something from… Romantix?”
You paused mid-chew as you, Bucky, and Sam all sat in your living room enjoying a nice Saturday lunch. Bucky wasn’t fazed, continuing to eat his food; Sam, however, busted out laughing.
“What’s in it, Steve?” Sam asked loudly, clearly trying to rile you up.
“Uh, all the scanner showed was a couple small golf balls -- I think -- and what looked like a top? And a remote.”
Sam kept giggling to himself, Bucky and Steve both looked confused as hell. You moved to grab the box from Steve but Sam beat you to it, tutting at you as you reached for it again.
“Uh-uh. We should open it to make sure everything is safe,” Sam teased.
“Everything in there is safe, I promise,” you swore. When you tried to steal the package back, Sam yoinked it further from your grasp with a devious smile. Your cheeks were burning hot at the thought of the inevitable. Sam was going to open your box, Steve was going to turn red as a tomato, and Bucky was… well, hopefully he was going to take you to your room for the rest of the day.
And before you could try to snatch the box away again, Sam ripped the packing tape off and pulled out the first item: kegel balls.
“What are those?” Steve asked.
“Don’t worry about it!” you shouted, grabbing the vacuum-packed, heavy silver balls from a still giggling Sam. He reached back into the box and you realized you may just have to suck it up and let him have his show-and-tell.
“Here’s that ‘top’ you were talking about,” Sam joked. And in his hands sat… the butt plug.
“Sam, stop! Literally no one here needs to see this except me and Bucky,” you whined.
“In that case, I’m curious. What else is in there?” Bucky asked, leaning forward to peek inside.
“Bucky! You’re supposed to be on my side!”
Sam shrugged and handed the box to Bucky so he could rummage through it instead. You couldn’t really complain as much now that your boyfriend was doing the snooping instead.
“What the -- oh,” Bucky said as he lifted the next item: a remote… tied to a pair of thin black panties.
“Why would those come together?” Steve asked. You weren’t sure if he was serious or not because he may have been born in the early 1900s, but he would’ve had to have checked out modern porn and kinks by now, right?
“Do you want to tell him or should I?” Sam asked with raised eyebrows. His lips were quirked in an annoying smirk. Bucky sat with a similar expression; at least you knew he had brushed up on modern sex.
“They’re vibrating panties,” you deadpanned. Steve fortunately didn’t look too surprised, he just raised his eyebrows and nodded.
“What’s next, Buck?” Sam prompted him to continue unpacking.
“Oh -- oh -- oh yeah. We can have some fun with this,” Bucky laughed as he lifted up the collar and ball gag.
“Damn, [Y/N]. You’re a freaky freak,” Sam laughed. Bucky didn’t even deny this; he just laughed with his friend before continuing with the last items.
“And…” Bucky started to explain. He quickly cut himself off when he saw what was in his hands -- and covering the bottom of the package. Dozens of pieces of lingerie, from skimpy little lace pieces to a loose-fitting satin teddy to a sheer black robe. “Oh, that’s for my eyes only,” he finally said.
Sam and Steve grumbled in response but didn’t push it. They probably realized getting a full reveal of the shit you and Bucky wanted to mess around with was more than they would’ve gotten if you had your way.
And just as you hoped, Bucky took you to your bedroom for a few hours. You found out you didn’t love the plug and the ball gag made you drool, but the collar had a little leash Bucky was able to pull on while hitting it from the back... you liked that one.
From that day on, you made sure to tell the boys when you’d have a package coming in. Bucky definitely perked up at the mention of more mail like that coming his way.
Two weeks after the Romantix debacle, Peter was back in town and stoked to help you go through mail again. He didn’t like all the creepy letters, but he was really good at making you laugh at them instead of constantly cringing and gagging. Bucky and Steve even sat to help, but Sam said if he was going to keep cooking for everyone, he didn’t have to sort through mail. And none of you wanted to pass up on his classic New Orleans recipes.
You all sat around your dining room table with your small dining TV playing old episodes of “Criminal Minds” as background noise. The amount of mail you received definitely dropped with time, but you’d still have a hefty pile at the end of the week. The creepy letters were shredded but you liked responding to the nicer letters, so there was a “shred” pile and a “respond” pile on either side of the “open next” pile.
You were all working in near-silence aside from the quiet dialogue on the TV and the occasional clink of pans from Sam in the kitchen. With four of you working, you’d be able to read through everything in about half an hour. As you neared the bottom of the pile, you grabbed a large manilla envelope and felt the weight of whatever was inside. It couldn’t have been dangerous because the boys scanned everything, but you carefully tugged it open nonetheless. You held it upside down and gently shook out the contents: a letter, a smaller envelope, and a DVD. A few people sent mix CDs or fan videos on DVDs and flash drives, so you were initially excited about this one… until you started reading the letter. The choppy typewriter print quickly turned muddled as your blood froze in your veins.
My darling [Y/N],
Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? No, I don’t think I shall. I’ll cut to the chase instead: I’m the reason the world knows who you are. Guess I’m a little loose-lipped. Oops! But I needed you to know I’m serious somehow. Or else you wouldn’t see this as a true threat.
I know your little secret. I’ve seen more than I originally planned, but you gave me plenty to work with in my free time. You look beautiful while you sleep; you look even more beautiful in the throes of passion. But I’m not looking to have your body.
Unless you get $2,000,000 to your little doorman Matthew to bring to me by the end of the week, the enclosed pictures will make their way to the desk of daddy dearest. And we both know he won’t appreciate seeing who is penetrating his daughter.
And if that $2,000,000 doesn’t find me by the end of next week, the video on the DVD will be released to the world.
I look forward to our next interaction.
Your hands shook as you tore open the envelope to see what pictures this person allegedly had of you. At first, they were just creepy candids of you walking down the street, nothing the paps wouldn’t have. Then they turned into photos of Bucky escorting you through crowds… and then photos of you in your apartment.
You were sleeping in your bed in one. Then standing in your kitchen making breakfast in one of Bucky’s shirts. And then a shirtless Bucky was cradling your face and kissing your forehead.
The next picture was of Bucky standing behind you in the kitchen. His pajama bottoms — the pair you got him for his birthday — were pooled at his feet. One hand was pressing you to the counter, the other was hoisting your leg up to the granite as he drove into you.
“Oh my god,” you whispered, unable to speak. As you frantically flipped through the rest of the photos, your eyes flooded with tears and your breathing grew more erratic, grabbing Bucky’s attention, then Peter’s, then Steve’s.
But their concern meant nothing to you as you processed the images before you.
You on your knees with Bucky’s dick clearly between your lips. Bucky on his knees with his face pressed between your thighs. Your legs wrapped around Bucky’s torso as he moved you on his cock. Bucky’s hand wrapped around your throat as you rode him on the couch.
All the images looked like they were taken through your windows, like someone was somehow standing outside your apartment despite being stories above the ground.
“What’s wrong, doll?” Bucky asked softly. He gently touched your arm, drawing your view from the distressing imagery to his attempted comfort, though it unfortunately did nothing to calm you down. Not this time.
You looked up at him with tear-filled eyes but couldn’t bring yourself to speak. All you could do was shake your head and push the letter to him. You watched his eyes quickly scan the words before reaching for the photos. He didn’t snatch them away from you or even try to take them. He just held his hand out and let you shakily hand them over.
And then you saw the pacific blue of his eyes turn dark and stormy, his jaw clenching as he flipped through the pictures of you — you and him. His breathing grew more and more ragged the more he saw, until he threw the photos to the table with a loud, “Fuck!”
Seconds later, Sam dashed into the room as Steve sifted through the photos. Even Steve grew irritated at the sight. Peter and Sam quickly followed suit, only glimpsing a few pictures before getting the gist of the rest.
The room was silent aside from your quiet sobs. You and Bucky both stared at the disc lying between you until your eyes met. His usually pale blue irises were nearly black.
“I’m scared,” you whimpered. Despite being scared himself — and angry and frustrated and confused — he reached out to pull you into his lap and hold you. Keeping you close always made him feel better, even when it felt like the world was crashing around him.
“Close the curtains,” he demanded gruffly. Steve and Peter immediately jumped up and started pulling all your curtains shut, throwing your usually bright apartment into near darkness.
Bucky held your face between his palms, forcing you to look in his eyes.
“I know you’re scared, but we need to see what’s on that DVD.”
“I can already guess what it is,” you said through your tears.
“Yeah, me too,” Bucky agreed. “But we have to make sure.”
You simply nodded. He leaned in and pressed a kiss to your forehead, helping your breathing slow at the reassuring gesture. He led you into the living room with the DVD in hand. Steve and Sam stood in the living room, Peter sat on the couch. They all looked concerned for you, but tried not to show pity. You could tell they were all upset about this too.
“You can leave the room if you don’t want to see what I’m sure we all know is on this,” Bucky said. His voice was deep and gravelly, almost like his morning voice, but… mean.
You and Bucky sat together on the sofa across from Peter, all eyes trained on the TV as the screen faded from black to a slightly fuzzy shot of your bed. Seconds later, you and Bucky came on screen. And there was audio.
You giggled as Bucky’s body pushed yours to the mattress. “What are you gonna do to me?” your voice sounded.
“I’m gonna put a baby in you,” Bucky’s voice growled. “I’m gonna cum inside this tight pussy until you can’t take it anymore.”
“Jesus,” Sam grumbled. You would’ve laughed if the situation wasn’t so serious.
Bucky only let it play until clothes started coming off. That’s when he knew they actually had a sex tape of you two, especially considering the nearly two-hour time frame on it. Sending explicit pictures of you and Bucky to your dad was one thing, but releasing a non-consensual sex tape of you two was something else entirely.
“What are we gonna do?” Peter asked quietly. Your tears had finally stopped, but the concern in his voice almost sent you over the edge again. He was such a sweet kid and he didn’t deserve to deal with the stress of this with you. But you also knew he was your best friend — practically a brother — and he wasn’t going to let you fend for yourself through this, even with Bucky by your side.
“We have to give them the money,” Sam replied. “We can find out who the door guy gives it to and arrest them or track the bills, but we have to get the money.”
“I don’t have the money,” you confessed. Everyone except Bucky seemed surprised. “I make $200,000 before taxes. Before I got this new role, I made half that. Even if we don’t deduct taxes and the expenses I do pay for, I wouldn’t have even close to two million.”
Everyone went silent again until Steve finally spoke up.
“We need to talk to the doorman.”
Bucky stormed out of the elevator, rushing ahead of everyone with murder in his eyes. He gripped the front of Matt’s suit and shoved him against the wall, shaking the letter in his face.
“What the fuck is this?” Bucky was seething.
“What?” Matt squeaked. His eyes were wide as saucers. He was clearly not expecting this confrontation. Bucky just shook the letter again to draw the doorman’s attention.
“Wait. You got one too?” Matt asked. Bucky’s grip loosened as he stared at the shorter man in confusion. You instinctively looked at Peter, who looked just as baffled as you. “I-I got a letter like that. In my locker. This morning.”
“Show us,” you demanded. Bucky released him but Matt’s eyes saw the posse of Avengers behind you (save for Peter, who he probably assumed was either a friend or boyfriend — secret identity and all that) and he rushed all of you to the locker room.
It was a small room since there were only a dozen doormen in your building, if that. He opened his locker and revealed a letter that was nearly identical to yours, but with no mentions of his looks and a much different threat.
“They’re threatening arson?!” you nearly shouted. Bucky and Steve read the letter before handing it to Sam and Peter to check out as well.
“They included pictures of my mom and sister,” Matt explained, clearly scared of what might happen to him and his loved ones. “They know where I live and they know who I live with. I-I would’ve taken this to th-the police but I didn’t want to risk it.”
“They have the later date listed for him,” Sam said. “You had one week to get the money or they’d tell Tony, two weeks or they release the tape. Now we have two weeks to save his family.”
Everyone in the room fell silent once again. Eyes fell on you as Peter quietly repeated his earlier question: “What are we gonna do?”
Despite all eyes on you, you turned to Bucky, who continued to study the letter. His jaw flexed as he thought and if this had been any other time, you would’ve kissed the tension away.
“We’re gonna tell Tony.”
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“That’s the third story this month,” Tim said, putting aside his plate. “What is it this time?”
“It’s more rumors about the company,” Bruce said, passing over the newspaper. “And you.”
“What now?”
“You appear to be embezzling, Master Timothy.” Alfred pulled Tim’s empty plate from the table and replaced it with a platter of bagels. Tim pushed the tray away from his seat. He had eaten enough already. 
“The fact that it is untrue will not stop them from printing it.”
“Yeah,” said Tim, while he glanced over the article. “Yeah, I know.”
Stealing, it said, and money changing hands. Tim missed the next minute of conversation, vaguely aware of Bruce, Alfred, and Damian talking around him, but not processing what they said. 
Tim should make a joke. He knew that. There was a nasty article about him in the paper, and he should make a joke. That’s what they all did, in situations like these. 
Tim was getting fed up with situations like these. He took a few deep breaths, pulled a pen from among the hodgepodge of case files and breakfast plates, and scratched at the edge of the newspaper to see if the pen worked. 
The pen did not work. Well, Tim thought to himself. Well, that was the last straw.
“Are we doing emotions today?” he asked.
The rest of the table fell silent. Bruce put down his glass of orange juice. 
“Emotions. Do I get to be angry?”
“Yes,” said Damian. 
“Yes?” said Bruce.
“Cool.” Tim took another deep breath. “I’m angry.”
Damian leaned forward, folding his arms on the table. He rested his chin on top of them. “Angry about?”
“This.” Tim waved the article in the air. “The bad PR. The lying. The… it’s slander, right?
“It’s libel if they write it down.”
“Libel then.” Tim felt his face starting to heat up. “I hate it. I shouldn’t live in a world where cameras watch everything I do, and I definitely shouldn’t be reading about myself over breakfast. When I didn’t do anything. This is all nonsense.”
Tim stood up, suddenly anxious to move around. He looked down at the article in his hand again, reread the headline, and snorted.
“I’m embezzling?” said Tim. “I’m committing fraud? I’m bribing and conniving and stealing my way through this shitshow? Please, do tell.” 
He threw the paper down onto the table. “I am just… so tired of these journalists, these blogs, these— I don’t know— these instagrams insulting me and bending over backward to find mistakes I didn’t actually make. Obsession. They idolize me. They hate me. Which one do we get today?”
Tim paced away from the table, towards the center of the room. “Yes,” he said, kicking at the corner of a rug. “Quote me in pastels on your, your whatever— your social media. Post every photo of me that exists online. Take the pictures of my family that I take, run them through a filter, and insult us on your way to exploiting everything we do. Love it!”
Tim paced back, stopping. “Damian?” he asked.
“What else am I mad about?”
“Not right now.”
“The dating stuff?”
“Oh, yeah.” Tim threw his hands in the air. “Oh yeah! If I ever have to read anything ever again— much less answer questions— about who I’m dating, or who my family is dating, or if I’m dating my family, I’m going to lose it. I’m going to lose my shit. How many times do I have to say this?” 
Tim slapped a hand onto the table on his way past. Everyone in the room jumped at the sudden sound as Tim walked away again, hand stinging from the impact. 
“I will not write your trash headlines or your terrible stories. No, I will not answer your questions, and I will not bend my personal boundaries for your fantasies. I do not exist for you, personally, to receive favors, because—”
Tim floundered for a moment, gesturing vaguely. “Because I just, I just owe it to everyone, don’t I? That’s what I’m for? To do you a solid? To help you out? To make you feel better about your life by giving you my time and effort?”
“Tim,” said Bruce.
“And then everybody on the planet thinks I’ll do it again!” Tim clenched his fists. “And again, and again, and again, because now I have to. That’s my job now.”
“Yes ma’am,” Tim said to his right. “No, sir,” he said to his left. “Absolutely. Yes. What can I do for you? What do you need? Oh I am—”
“Tim,” Bruce said, softer this time.
Tim heard himself getting louder and louder, but he didn’t try to stop. He didn’t know if he could stop, actually.
“I am so tired,” he spat, “of smiling while I get screwed— and if I, if I do anything about it? Then I’m petty, and I’m harsh, and I’m the one at fault, and I’m no better than they are. Moral high ground my ass! I’m tired.”
“Yeah. Yeah,” Tim repeated. “I’m just here to give favors, but anytime I need something, anytime I ask, or even when I don’t, I’m expected to fall on the floor in gratitude. Oh thank you, my Lord and Savior, for blessing me with the human decency you should have been exhibiting this entire goddamn time.”
Tim kicked at the carpet again. “I’ve been working for seven days straight. I haven’t slept. It’s not cute, and it’s not fun, and it feels like dying, but here I am doing everything on Earth because it’s all my responsibility. The whole thing! All of it! So I’ll be—”
He raised a hand above his head with a lifting motion, rolling his eyes. “—I’ll be over here playing Atlas while everything I actually want to do goes down the drain. Fine! Used to it! I’m used to being stuck here because nothing— nothing ever goes right. It just doesn’t.”
“Be obedient,” Tim said. “Be polite, be perfect, be— I’m tired! I’m tired, okay? I’m tired, and I’m angry, I’m so angry that I’m going to scream. I am screaming! God! If everything could take a break for half an hour so I could just stop—”
Tim cut himself off, out of breath. Shit. He turned fully around and found the three of them staring back at him in varying stages of alarm. Damian appeared more interested than anything else, while Alfred’s eyebrows furrowed in concern. Bruce, of course, remained inscrutable. 
“And, um,” Tim added, suddenly self-conscious. “And whoever is hoarding all the good pens is getting written out of my will.” 
“Isn’t me,” said Damian, shrugging. 
“You’re already written out.”
“That’s valid.”
“I’m going to go now.” Tim pulled his backpack out from under the table. “I’m fine, don’t worry about it. See you.”
He marched out of the room, very aware of three pairs of eyes behind him. 
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avengerscompound · 4 years
Catch and Release - 5
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Catch and Release: A Captain America Fanfic
Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing:  Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers x F!Reader
Word Count:  3289
Rating:  E
Square filled: @star-spangled-bingo​ - Steve's Apartment
Warnings:  Smut (MMF, oral and vaginal sex, overstimulation)
Synopsis: When you overexert yourself on a mission with Steve and Bucky, the boys admit to having fantasies that involve you.  Fantasies that you share.  But with one Super Soldier needs intimacy and the other is still dealing with being touch starved, exploring those desires without anyone catching feelings is a little tricky.
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Chapter 5: Lying in Wait
You knocked on the door to the apartment that Steve and Bucky shared.  They'd asked you around for dinner, which meant dinner and experimenting with their sexuality, and you were more than a little excited.  The dice game had gone over really well and for a couple of days after they would each come and tell you about what parts they liked the most.  You knew that they’d want to take it further and try more things.  Especially given Steve hadn’t technically gone ‘all the way’ with you.
You were very excited too.  This whole thing had not at all been what you’d expected.  The whole idea of a down and dirty three-way that was all about sex and just getting that release at the hands of the two super soldiers was definitely one that you’d visited alone a lot of times.  Somehow this was even better.  Steve and Bucky were such good friends, and this arrangement you’d come to was both exciting and safe all at once.  They might be finding out more about themselves, but this was your opportunity to find out more about yourself too.
Steve answered and greeted you with a kiss on the cheek.  It was funny really, you’d seen him on and off all day, but that was Cap.  Steve was a whole different person in a lot of ways and so even though you’d only seen him half an hour ago, this was the first time you were seeing him all day.  “Come in,” he said as he held the door open for you.
“I bought wine.”  You said holding up the bottle of merlot you’d ‘stolen’ from Tony’s cellar. 
“Trying to get us drunk are you?”  He asked taking it from you.
You chuckled and followed through the apartment to the table.  Their place was a weird mix of old and new.  There was a blue velvet wingback couch sitting next to a black leather recliner that had speakers in the headrest.  An old cabinet style record player sat next to a large flat-screen TV and had a PS4 sitting on top of it.  A set of nesting tables sat in front of the couch and each one was littered with art supplies and Steve’s shield was propped up against the couch.
The walls were decorated with artwork of vintage motorcycles and photos of family and friends.  One entire wall was boxed shelving, and each shell was full of books and vinyls.  There was no clear theme to any of it.  A boxed set of Harry Potter novels sat next to books on military tactics.  The Wizard of Oz series was there in its entirety but each volume was sitting on a different shelf.  The Wizard of Oz was next to a book on guided meditation.  Ozma of Oz was beside some vintage Captain America comic books.
Bucky was in the kitchen cooking.  He had his hair pulled back and a floral apron on.  The kitchen itself was quite modern and clean compared to the living room.  The benchtops were black granite and the fittings were all brushed chrome.  Bucky smiled when he saw you and came over and kissed your cheek.  “Everything is nearly ready.”  He said.
“It smells so good,” you said.  “And you look amazing.”
He pinched your hip and went back to his cooking.  “Steve, did you put your shit away?”
“Yes,” Steve lied, going straight to the coffee tables and bundling up the art supplies.
“That means your shield too,” Bucky said.
“It’s away,” Steve said.  He shoved the drawings and pencils into one of the gaps on the bookshelf before grabbing his shield and shoving it into the hall cupboard.
You chuckled and took down some wine glasses.  “It doesn’t matter how much time has passed, I will never get over the fact that he’s the messy one.”
“He’s always been the messy one,” Bucky said.  “Drives me crazy.”
“Can I help at all?”  You asked as you poured out three glasses.
“There’s a salad in the fridge.  You think you can take it out to the table?”
The table was already partially set.  The plates and silverware were out, as was a loaf of crusty bread.  You took the salad out and by the time you were sitting with Steve and taking your first sip from your wine glass Bucky was bringing out a serving platter piled high with risotto.
“So,” you said, as you all started filling your plates.  “What shall we do tonight?”
“Oh, uh…”  Steve said, almost dropping his fork.  “We thought dinner and if you wanted we could watch a movie…”
“Really?  That’s what you want to do?”  You teased.
“He’s being polite because he doesn’t want you to feel pressured to do anything,” Bucky said.
“Oh, I know.”  You said playfully, putting your hand on Steve’s.
“I just want to make sure you know that your friendship is important to me too,” Steve said, giving your hand a squeeze.  “I don’t want to put the sex above that.”
Bucky smiled and leaned over the table and kissed him.  Not that you could blame him.  You could practically feel your heart swell up.  When Bucky sat back in his chair, Steve looked a little love-struck himself.
“Then we should hang out as friends sometime,” you said as everyone started eating.  “Like we used to.  But I am wearing really expensive lingerie and I’d really like to show you it.”
“And I would definitely like to see it,” Bucky said.
“We were talking about just…”  Steve stopped mid-sentence and froze like he had forgotten the word he was looking for.  “You know… normal.”
You and Bucky looked at each other and bit back laughter.  “Ah yes, normal threesome style, Stevie.  Just the way everyone who has threesomes does it.”
Steve looked at Bucky deadpan.  “You know what I mean.”
“Well, yeah.  I do ‘cause we talked about it before.”  Bucky teased.  “What he means is because part of this is him getting to do some things he hasn’t done before, we’d like to focus on you and it just be…”
“... vanilla guy on girl sex.”  You finished.
“That’s the one,” Bucky said tapping his forehead.
“Gonna run the train,” you said and took a sip of your wine.  “Nice.”
“Is that okay?”  Steve asked.
“More than.”  You said.  “Hey, can I ask you something?”
“Of course, anything,” Steve answered.
“And just to be clear here, I’m talking to Cap.  Not Steve.”  You added.
“Oh,” Steve said, his posture stiffening.  “What is it?” 
“No,” Bucky groaned.  “Don’t invoke the Captain in here.”
“Just for a second.  I promise.”  You said.  “What happens if the others find out about what we’re doing?”
Steve’s jaw tensed and twitched at the corners as he thought.  “I don’t think we should go around bragging about it,” he said.  “But this is our personal business  We aren’t breaking any rules.  If the find out, they find out.”
“Besides, if Tasha doesn’t already suspect, then I don’t think that’s Natasha and we better find out where the real Natasha is,” Bucky added.
You laughed and nodded.  “True.  You know if Tony finds out he’s going to give you hell for it.”
“What’s new?”  Steve said with a small shrug.  “Besides, like he can talk.”
“Also valid.”  You said.  “Alright.  I just wanted to make sure.  I agree.  I don’t want to go telling … well anyone, but like Bucky said, Nat figures this shit out, and I don’t want to be lying to our friends.”
Steve reached over and rubbed your arm.  “I would never ask you to do that.  You aren’t our dirty little secret.  You’re our friend.” 
“God, Steve.  Saying all the right things tonight.  I’m gonna fuck your brains out.”  You said.
“And I’ve got second,” Bucky added, reaching over and taking Steve’s hand.
The three of you finished up dinner and cleaned up together.  Steve had been right.  The three of you needed to nurture the friendship too.  This was how this started after all.
When the kitchen was practically sparkling Steve came up behind Bucky and wrapped his arms around his waist and kissed his neck.  Bucky closed his eyes and hummed softly.  He held out his hand to you and you took it and let him pull you into his arms.
His eyes opened and he blinked slowly, as he gazed down at you.  “Ready, darlin’?”
You smiled up at him as Steve’s arm snaked around you and he pressed his large hand to the middle of your back.  “As I’ll ever be.”
Bucky leaned in and ghosted his lips over yours.  You reached up and tangled your hands in his hair and pulled him into a hungry kiss.  Steve kissed and nipped at Bucky’s throat as the two of you kissed and pulled you a little tighter against Bucky.  You could feel Bucky start to harden against you and you pulled back with a quiet gasp.
“Bedroom?”  He asked.
“Bedroom.”  You agreed and Bucky put an arm around each of you and the three of you made your way down to the bedroom.
The room was painted sage, with gray trim.  The floor to ceiling windows on the far side looked out over the East River and beyond that, Brooklyn.  There were more shelves against one wall, though they mostly held little knick-knacks.  Things like a signed baseball, a Build-a-Bear dressed as Captain America, and model spaceships - the kind you built yourself.  Next to it was an antique drafting table with more art supplies and sketches littering it.  There were framed prints on the one bare wall above the bed, each one held different black and white photographs of the New York skyline over the years.
The bed was a king and had been made.  A crocheted quilt in dark red and white lay folded in half at the foot over the gunmetal quilt.  The bedside table on the left was clean and neat with a digital alarm clock, a dock for a Stark phone a worn copy of Dune.  There was also a basket with condoms and lube, the same as you had set up when they’d come to your place.  You wondered if he’d decided to steal the idea from you.  You couldn’t imagine that they were still using protection like that with each other.  The bedside table on the right was a mess of water bottles, notebooks, dog eared novels, colognes, and random scraps of paper.
You looked around as you unzipped your dress.  Bucky and Steve began to undress too.  “I’ve never seen your room before.”
“So many firsts tonight,” Bucky said playfully.
“Your bed is big enough to fit us three and Thor too.” You said dropping your dress and revealing the black lace push up bra and thong you were wearing.
The two men looked you over like hungry wolves.  “Two super soldiers not enough for you,” Bucky teased, stalking over to you and hooking his arm around your waist.  “You gotta include a god too?”
“Hey, I’ve been single for ages.  Let me have my fantasies.”  You joked, as he pulled you to him and lifted you, carrying you to the bed and dropping you on the mattress.
You lay back and arched your back as both Steve and Bucky crawled up with you.  Both had taken their shirts and shoes off, but while Steve was down to his boxers, Bucky was still in his jeans.  “You’re giving us ours, if you want to share yours with us, we’ll see what we can do.”  Steve rumbled as he kissed your neck and collarbone.  His hand ran down between your breasts and over your stomach, making your skin break out in goosebumps.
Bucky kissed the other side of your neck and tangled his hand in your hair.  “Threesomes are the most common fantasy you know?”  You half moaned.  “And they’re more common to have the older you get.”
“How do you know this stuff?”  Steve asked as he moved his hand to your cunt and he slowly began to palm it.
You moaned pushing up against his hand.  “It was in a documentary.  You guys are over a hundred.  So bringing Thor in would be good for you.”
Steve snorted while Bucky broke down laughing.  “We’ll keep that in mind, dork.”  Bucky teased and kissed you.
As you kissed, Steve kissed lower.  He paused at your breasts and sucked and bit at your nipples through your bra.  You reached behind you and unhooked it Steve slid it down and pulled your nipple into his mouth.  Bucky joined him at your other breast and they both sucked and bit your breasts as Steve’s hand slipped into your panties and he started to finger your clit.  You moaned and squeezed your legs around his hand as you writhed under them.
Steve moved down lower, pushing your legs apart and pulling your panties down.  He nuzzled at your cunt and flattened his tongue running it up your folds.  You put your feet on his shoulders and pushed your hips up into his mouth.  Bucky’s hand caressed your throat as he continued to suck and bite at your beasts.
The sounds you made got louder and louder as Steve became more and more focused.  You could tell he hadn’t done this before, but the way he moved was almost like watching him in the field.  He’d stop and cock his head to the side while his tongue flicked over your clit or his fingers moved inside of you, when you moaned just the way he wanted, he’d focus on what he’d just done.
As they brought your apart with just their hands and mouths, they kept touching each other too.  Stroking each other’s backs or legs.  While you moaned and bucked, your orgasm right there on the brink, they held hands.
Steve corkscrewed his wrist and sucked hard on your clit and you came, arching hard up off the mattress and crying out.  “Fuck, yes!”
Steve sat up, a proud little smile on his glistening lips.  Bucky got up on his knees and kissed him hungrily.  You wrapped your legs around Steve and began to grind against his erection as you unfastened Bucky’s jeans.  Bucky pushed Steve’s boxers down and began to stroke his cock and Steve groaned into Bucky’s lips, his cock jumping in Bucky’s hand and leaking precum onto your pussy as you rubbed against him.
Bucky broke the kiss and began to nuzzle at Steve’s neck.  “You gonna fuck her, Stevie?” He whispered.
Steve groaned and grabbed your thighs.  “Yeah, Buck.  I want to.”
“She’s so wet and warm, Steve,” Bucky whispered as he grabbed a condom.  “You’re gonna really like it.”
Steve closed his eyes and caressed his fingers over your stomach and cunt.  You reached up and cradled his jaw as Bucky rolled the condom down over his shaft.  Steve looked down at you, his blue eyes blown out with lust.  With a snap of his hips, he sunk deep into you.
You both gasped and you arched back as he lifted your hips up to him.  Bucky kissed Steve again before leaning down and sucking on your breasts against.  His metal fingers went to your clit and rubbed it as Steve started to slowly rut his hips against you, each thrust accompanied by a roll, so it felt like he was touching every part of you.
You felt like a live wire.  All your nerves were raw and stimulated as they made you the center of attention.  Steve fucked you slow and deep, filling you completely.  You gripped his wrists and rolled your hips with him.  Pleasure swirled through, starting in your breasts and cunt and meeting in your core.  It pressed down on you and radiated out until it was all you knew and all you wanted to know.  Your core clenched and you came hard, bucking up under them.
Steve was far from close though.  He picked up his pace, fucking you harder and a little more erratically.  Bucky began to massage the base of his cock and balls while his thumb rubbed your clit.  He switched from one breast to the next, keeping you right on the edge as Steve fucked you.
Steve’s eyes stayed locked with yours and his jaw tensed.  You jerked up suddenly as another orgasm tore through you, and with a hard snap of his hips, he came.
Bucky sat back as you relaxed down panting and Steve slipped from within you.  “How’re you doing there, darlin’?”  He asked as he ran his hands up Steve’s chest.
Steve kissed Bucky’s neck and got up, removing his condom and tossing it out.  “Really good, Buck,” you hummed.  “You gonna fuck me?”
“It would be my pleasure,” Bucky replied, grabbing one of the condoms and sheathing himself.  You sat up and stretched a little and Bucky sat opposite you.  You climbed into his lap and lowered yourself down onto his cock.   As you began to bounce on his cock Steve moved up behind you and sat with his legs on either side of you and Bucky.  He kissed your neck and ran his hands over the two of you.  Caressing skin.  Pinching nipples.  He rubbed your clit and massaged Bucky’s base.
You and Bucky kissed as you moved as one.  Your lips moved from lips to neck and back again and the sounds of your moans combined with each other’s and filled the room.
Sweat began to bead your skin as heat flowed through your veins, burning you up from the inside out.  Steve hardened against your back as you moved.  You began to feel fuzzy and high.  Steve’s fingers worked your clit as you bounced faster and faster.  It wasn’t long before you came again, and Bucky broke the kiss with a strained groan, gritting his teeth as he tried not to be dragged along with you.  It was no use though, his hips jerked and he came just after you.
You stayed joined, slowly rolling your hips as his cock emptied.  Steve ghosted his lips up the side of your neck and nipped at your earlobe.  “You up for more?”  He said in a soft growl.
“Mmm… I could go again.”  You hummed.
Three and a half hours the three of you spent switching from one to the other, the only break you got was to rehydrate.  By the time you called defeat you wondered if you were ever going to learn your lesson about trying to keep up with the two super soldiers.
You lay panting on the mattress as Bucky and Steve both lay back, the sweat running down their chests in rivulets.  You cunt ached and your legs felt weak. You had a vague feeling like you should get up and pee.  Get dressed.  Go home.  You didn’t think you’d even be able to get up.  You could barely even think straight.  It was all soft-focused.
You struggled up too sitting and blinked around the room.
“What are you doing, sweetheart?”  Steve asked, putting his hand on your hip.
“Gotta go home,” you mumbled.
“You’re exhausted.  Just stay.”  Steve reassured you.
“Yeah, darlin’, you liked cuddling with us when we were camping,” Bucky added.
“If I sleepover, then they’ll know.”  You tried to reason.
Steve sat up and kissed your shoulder, wrapping his arms around your waist.  “So they know.  We’re adults, we can do what we want.  Now lie down, you’re exhausted.”
You let yourself collapse back down, unable to think of one possible argument.  They both wrapped you in their arms and you were asleep before the blanket was even pulled over you.
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ootori-sibs · 3 years
Kyoya's second shot
Episode three: Return of the bully
"What are you doing here?"
"I'd like to request Tamaki."
The twins paused, sharing a glance before looking at the girl once more. "You're blacklisted, remember?"
"No I'm not." She crossed her arms, looked like he'd have to step in.
Kyoya was at the twins side almost instantly, book in hand. "She was blacklisted last year yes, but this year she's done no wrong. You remember Tamaki's philosophy don't you?" He glances down at the twins, watching them frown and shrug, wandering around.
"The boss is weird, we don't trust her." They left to return to their post, disagreeing but conceding.
Kyoya looks down at Seika, his gaze crueller then she could ever manage. "Just tell him your banishment has expired, he'd be happy to welcome you back."
"Using Tamaki's philosophies against him?" She raised an eyebrow. "Aren't you a manipulative little homo~."
"Our agreement shall not be spoken of here, keep to yourself, princess." Kyoya gives a fake bow, gesturing towards Tamaki's table. "Have fun."
She approached Tamaki's table, Kyoya sighed and went to sit down, staring at the numbers on the screen. He glanced around for a moment before taking out his phone.
Shadow king: Eclair, have you spoken to that woman yet?
Woman: No, I've been busy. I don't see why I should talk to her when you're not even dating Rene yet.
Child: Who?
Woman: You'd know him as Tamaki.
Child: ah
Shadow king: It won't take that long, and convincing that dreadful woman will.
Woman: Ugh, at least get some progress done before you start hounding me you bitch.
Bitchboy: Speaking of which, my article is ready to print.
Shadow king: Send me a PDF.
An email arrived in Kyoya's inbox, with a link to a pdf file. He opened it, scanning down the page with a critical eye, opening a seperate application in order to edit it. No basic spell check, at least this fool knew how to spell and use grammar. But Kyoya did need to edit out most parts that painted gays in a bad light, making the story focus more on Haruhi and Renge and less on the fact that they're both women. He even attached an image of the duo holding hands, knowing full well that holding hands can often be platonic, but the girls at this school are basic, and will do anything to believe a scandal. He sent an email back, with the new link, and sent a message to the chat.
Shadow king: Post it.
At lunch, Haruhi complained that her new phone had none of her photos, she was sad to have lost all those memories. Kyoya had to sympathise with her there, he'd sort of assumed she used the cloud. Then her complaints changed when she realised her lunch box was missing from her bag- it had been stolen. As expected, Tamaki instantly rushed to her side, promising to buy her lunch for today, and she agreed, apologising as they left the club room. Huh. Tamaki didn't ask Kyoya to join today…
But it was ok, he was alone now. He made his way to Tamaki's bag, it contained two cards, Tamaki's own money, and the club's budget. Kyoya had the details memorised of course, that wasn't why he needed it. He quickly snuck over, and slipped the card into Haruhi's wallet, next to her own. He smiled cruelly, ready to play his part. He'd spent all night thinking about what he would actually do in that situation, so he's more than prepared for his starring role. Of course he'd prefer to not have the starring role, but he is the one who's in charge of finances, he has to react like he actually would.
He sits back down at the table, he needs a reason to ask for the card… he looks on his laptop, finding a little cafe in town that sold custom food platters, entirely customizable… oh, Tamaki did suggest a commoner food theme, maybe a customized platter for each host would be a good idea, and he and Tamaki could even go in person. Oh it was all coming together now! Kyoya had wanted to try some new makeup things, he'd mostly been doing the same face every day, it wasn't exactly catching any eyes by the second week. He should do something special for their day out.
Kyoya was practically bouncing in his chair, clicking his pen as fast as possible when he heard the door quick, scrambling to look busy, and normal. The other hosts entered the room, getting to their seats and doing the usual finishing touches to their appearances before the door opened. Kyoya watches Tamaki comb his hair carefully, his hair almost sparkling in the light. He called over to the king, "Tamaki! Get over here, I want to show you something."
Tamaki hurried over, leaning over Kyoya's shoulder. "What is it mon ami?" He looked at the screen, then glancing to Kyoya. Kyoya smiles softly, switching his window to the website of the little commoner store he'd found.
"Remember when you mentioned that commoner food theme? We could get customised platters for each host?" He suggested the idea, looking at Tamaki closely for his reaction. Tamaki's face lit up, clearly finding the idea a good one.
"Ooh that's perfect! Weldone Kyoya!" He pats Kyoya on the head gently, condescending but oh did it make Kyoya feel actually proud. Funny how that works. "We can all go! A club day out!" Ah. Kyoya's moment of joy evaporated at the king's words, he definitely didn't want that… but Tamaki seemed to notice how Kyoya defeated, looking at him in slight worry. "Is something wrong?"
"Well…" he started, sighing when he realised how stupid it sounded, "I'm sorry Tamaki, I was under the impression we would go alone, it does seem like a more behind the scenes type action as opposed to something we want everyone there for." He wasn't sure exactly what he was saying, he just definitely didn't want to spend time with all the hosts outside of school, that would almost definitely overwhelm him.
Luckily, Tamaki seemed to understand, he smiled, nodding. "Oh of course! It's been so long since I've spent some good quality time with my bestest friend in the entire world." He chuckles and hugs Kyoya, pressing his cheek against Kyoya's face. Said shadow king's face was heating up, feeling a pit drop at the word friend, but feeling still proud to be Tamaki's favourite person, he can ignore Haruhi's existence for a second for bliss.
"If we're going in person," Kyoya began, knowing exactly what his lines were, "you should probably get the club credit card out of wherever you've hidden it." He looked up at Tamaki, watching the recognition spark on the king's face.
"Oh! It's just in my bag, I never take it out." He hurried over, searching through his bag, Kyoya's phone had vibrated so he checked it.
Bitchboy: We're having trouble with the printer, it should be fixed by tomorrow?
Shadow king: Alright, post it tomorrow then.
He looked back over at Tamaki, smiling when he saw the colour drain from the monarch's face. "It's gone!" This caused all the other hosts to look over at him, he looked around at all of them in turn. "The club's card! The one with access to all the club funds! It's gone missing!"
Time for Kyoya's starring roll, his eyes widened, and he spun around in his seat as fast as he could. "What do you mean it's missing? How idiotic to you have to be to loose the club's money!?" His words, or at least the way he'd said them, seemed to spark panic in the other hosts, if Kyoya was worried then surely they should be too.
"Where did you last have it??"
"Doesn't Kyo-chan handle the money?"
"Did you check again?"
Words from the hosts echoed around the room, everyone was sent into a bit of a tizzy. Only shutting up when Mori speaks, quietly, but speaking nonetheless. "Calm down, check your bags and pockets, it may have been dropped and picked up by someone else." Oh, he was a voice of reason, when he managed to find that voice. Kyoya might be head over heels for Tamaki but he can't help but admit that that voice makes him a little weak at the knees.
The hosts do as he tells them to, searching through bags and pockets, Kyoya does so only to keep suspicion away from himself. He was listening for it, he knew it was coming, "oh…" and there it was. He glanced over, to see Haruhi holding the little card, and looking extremely confused. Kyoya got to his feet and was by her side in an instant, plucking the card from her fingers, face contorting into a look of disgust, one he'd cleverly practiced all night.
"So you're a thief now too?" His voice was cruel, and if any of the hosts weren't looking before, they were now. Haruhi looked up at her, eyes widening by the second. "I know you live in squalor but please, don't take us for fools."
"Wh- what?? Senpai, you know I wouldn't do that! I'm not a thief!" Clear panic on her face as she glanced around, realising that Kyoya's word ranked above her own. Kyoya knew this too, but he also knew the other hosts adored Haruhi completely, so time to take a better tone.
His voice sunk into sounding hurt, he was in charge of the money of course, but he was still a friend. "Haruhi please, you don't have to lie to us. You know if you needed money, you could have asked Tamaki, he'd be more than willing- as would most of the others." He glanced to the side, the others were nodding, Tamaki looked hurt as he rushed to her side.
"Are you ok Haruhi?? Is anyone threatening you into paying them money? If you're having troubles we can help you! We would always help you!!" He clasped her hands in his own, eye full of sadness and pity.
"Senpai… I really don't know how the card got into my bag I promise, I wouldn't steal from you guys…" She looked slightly annoyed, but it was clear there was panic behind her eyes. Kyoya was about to say something more, put another nail in her coffin- when the twins spoke up.
"Maybe it was princess Ayanokoji, she loves to bully Haruhi." They spoke in unison, frowning, hands tilted just a little. They weren't wrong, they just didn't quite get it, they were close though, and that scared Kyoya.
"Oh yes," Tamaki stood up, his pondering clear, "she recently told me her blacklisting had expired…" He looked at Kyoya, with eyes that unwittingly make the shadow king's hands shake, "was that something we wrote into the rulebook?"
Kyoya swallowed dryly, nodding once. "Yes," he gestured vaguely, "you said something about redemption and growth whilst we were discussing the club back in the planning stage, so I wrote it into the rules. I'm surprised you don't remember." Yes, that was a good idea, put the spotlight on Tamaki, what kind of a king doesn't remember his own rules.
The twins spoke again, "there's a rulebook?" They frowned at Kyoya, ugh, idiots.
"I gave everyone a copy when you first joined, the big binded file? With the colour coded ribbon?" It was true that he had given everyone a rulebook, and he was quite insulted they couldn't remember, he'd spent a whole week on those.
"Oooh," Hikaru began, a look of recognition on both faces as Kaoru finished, "yeah we threw that out." Kyoya was incredibly angry at that, but simply turned to go and sit down, clicking his pen in a more negative manner, he couldn't lose his temper, he couldn't lose his cool. Not right now.
14:25 - the card was found in Haruhi's wallet, the twins saved her. They don't care one bit for any effort I had put into the rule book, it seems my efforts are an expectation for them.
"That wasn't a very nice thing for you to do, Kyoya had worked hard on those rulebooks. I watched him bind those folders himself, there was glue everywhere!" He could hear Tamaki scold the twins for him, feeling a little better for all Tamaki cared.
"I never got a rulebook when I joined senpai?" Haruhi spoke, clearly sounding slightly shaken.
"Oh!" Tamaki exclaimed, clicking his fingers, he didn't even need to say anything else, Kyoya knew what to do.
"...I'll send you a pdf." He said flatly, going through his google drive, he was going to have to make an edit or two…
Halfway through the session, a sound was heard. Kyoya glanced over to see Tamaki coughing and spluttering, from what little he heard, it seemed Haruhi had put salt in his coffee, or rather Seika had switched the sugar for salt, he knew this was true by her smirk as she watched Tamaki scold Haruhi for being so out of it today. To Kyoya's surprise, Haruhi actually sounded stressed out when she responded. When the session ended she didn't stay behind to help clear up, she just grabbed her bag and hurried off to class.
Tamaki sighed, "I'm worried about her… she's so out of it, I wonder if she's feeling alright."
"She got caught stealing," Kyoya began, not meeting the king's eyes, "only got saved by the twins, got scolded for screwing up something as simple as coffee and didn't even bother to help clear up? Sounds to me like she's trying to spite you for something."
Tamaki paused, looking at Kyoya in clear interest, Kyoya refused to let Tamaki peer behind the curtain like he had so often done. "Are you mad at her? Do you really think that?" Oh great, he'd done it. Once again, Kyoya was angry at this man being able to see straight through him.
"Well, she did try and steal our hard earned funds, you can forgive me for being on edge." It wasn't a question, he wasn't asking to be forgiven, and Tamaki knew that. But Tamaki didn't care, he just sighed. Kyoya didn't stop, "it seems to be like there's something else on her mind, something opposing you." He didn't want to mention Renge, cause he feared that might lead Tamaki to realise he had something to do with the upcoming news.
Tamaki frowned, looking genuinely worried, "she has been distant lately…" Oh, and there was the sound of Kyoya's heart breaking, as much as this was his goal, he hated seeing his love in pain. He sighed, putting his laptop down, throwing his own pain away.
"Hey, I'm sure it's fine Tamaki, even if she is hurting you, you are so far above her, it's only natural she'd seek to lash out." He smiles softly, taking Tamaki's hand in his own. "You've got nothing to fear."
"So… you're saying she's lashing out because she feels inferior?" Tamaki tilted his head slightly, looking confused, Kyoya sighed, sure, that was close enough, he nodded. Tamaki frowned, "oh… she shouldn't, I should think of something to cheer her up. Perhaps I'll take her on a date this weekend!"
"Not before our day out?" Kyoya frowned, hating the outcome of this situation, becoming confused when Tamaki chuckled.
"Oh of course not Kyoya, don't worry." The king smiled, reaching up and ruffling Kyoya's hair. "I missed spending time with you, even if you can be a little demanding at times."
Kyoya had to chuckle at that, feeling reassured that Tamaki was still going to prioritize him. "You're one to talk, remember when we first met?" He didn't even need to elaborate to have Tamaki laughing, knowing full of what Kyoya had referred to.
There wasn't a hosting session at the end of the day, there'd been too many accidents that Tamaki had decided to hold an impromptu meeting. Haruhi was late, so where the twins but that was irrelevant. Kyoya frowned as she walked in, crossing her arms. "A thief and a truant? Are you planning on playing the delinquent this year?"
"Shut the hell up Kyoya!" Hikaru snapped at him, causing Kyoya to all but squeak in alarm, he hadn't been expecting resistance. "She's being bullied if you hadn't noticed, and your stupid comments aren't fucking helping!" Kyoya glanced around the table, it seemed he'd gone a little far, but no one cared about what he'd said, in fact he was being completely ignored in favour of their precious Haruhi being bullied.
"You're being bullied??" Tamaki stood, looking so very worried. "What happened?"
Haruhi didn't say anything in response, choosing only to sigh. It was Kaoru who spoke up, "someone spray painted on the window outside the classroom, essentially calling her a gay whore."
"Oh ouch." Wait shit, did he say that outloud? The other hosts were looking at him, at least they'd stopped ignoring him?
"Yeah…" Kaoru began, letting Hikaru finish, "we stayed with her to talk to the teacher."
Haruhi went to sit down, burying her face in her hands. "I just want to go home and take a nap…" God, Kyoya hadn't expected to feel for her, but Ayanokoji had gone way too far, this was disgusting.
Child: cranky cause you're also a gay whore aren't you?
Shadow king: You're like 13 shut the fuck up.
Woman#2: You told me to make her life hell, that's what I did.
"It's ok Haruhi, you can leave if you want…" Tamaki started, frowning, eyes full of sadness. But he paused, looking down at Kyoya, "who are you texting?" Uh oh.
Kyoya spoke plainly, not letting the other's see his eyes behind his glasses. "I'm putting Seika Ayanokoji back onto the blacklist, at least until she proves it wasn't her." He pauses, noticing how Tamaki appears to approve. "I will also have a talk with her about why she was removed from the blacklist, and how she can get back off of it."
"Hm, good idea Kyoya." Tamaki nods in approval before turning back to Haruhi and going to hold her, she lets him for once, but doesn't reciprocate.
Shadow king: I've put you back on the blacklist for the time being, the hosts are on to you.
Woman#2: But our agreement???
Shadow king: Is only valid if you're actually useful.
So try being useful.
Everything but the graffiti was alright.
And don't forget the school has cameras.
Woman#2: Don't be such a baby.
Shadow king: Don't be so insolent.
He sighed, leaning back in his chair. Tamaki glanced at him, clearly on edge, and Kyoya decides this silence is too unbearable to stand. "Well, I think this meeting has been enlightening. But I'm sure we're all tired, so, Tamaki?" He didn't have the power to dismiss the hosts, but he had the power to ask Tamaki to do so.
And who was Tamaki to refuse him? The king nodded, sighing and curling a lock of Haruhi's hair in his fingers. "Of course, you're all dismissed, you may leave if you wish."
Most of the hosts got up and left, mumbling condolences to Haruhi as they did so. Kyoya began slowly packing his stuff away, he could feel Haruhi's eyes were on him. He didn't feel shame, only pity. He stood up, slinging his bag over his shoulder. He glanced down at Haruhi, "I hope you have a better day tomorrow," he spoke curtly, almost mocking her in a roundabout way, but genuinely meaning that, the news story won't affect her nearly as much as the graffiti, and at least she'd get a reprieve.
Shadow king: Before I forget, don't go after her tomorrow, the article will be enough.
Woman#2: So much for making her life hell, you coward.
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mochifics · 4 years
❝  something special  ❞  |  one.
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•  pairing:  im jaebeom x reader. •  genre:  romance, really slow burn, fluff. •  word count:  2.5k. •  summary:  it’s 2018, and got7′s hard carry 2 has begun filming. the company assigned you to tend to the two eldest members in the group all throughout the season, and you didn’t realize that being around them would be so... difficult.
author’s note:  another chapter?? with a new look?? u bet!! this chapter kinda coincides with the first episode of hard carry 2, in case you feel like watching that first (or after) reading the chapter. (-: i have so much muse for this, so i plan on updating it pretty often so sorry if it’s a lil short. <3
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It was raining.
Your eyes continued to admire the gloomy clouds scattered across the morning sky as the crimson cable car worked its way up a steep incline. The cameras were currently rolling as the members were on their way to their first photo mission stop in one of Hong Kong’s famous landmarks.
Heavy eyelids slowly fluttering shut, they abruptly open again upon hearing Yugyeom and BamBam belt out to what seemed like their own rendition of a song about roller coasters. The rest of the members were amazed by how high the cable car was going too, which caused you to laugh quietly to yourself in your seat. 
Things were going okay so far. Aside from the sudden rain, everything was still right on schedule, and the members seemed to be having a good time despite the weather.
Letting the plastic hood of your rain poncho hover over your eyes, you allowed yourself to relax again. But before you know it, you felt a soft nudge on your knee, causing your eyes to open once more and shift to the source. It was Jaebeom, who you almost forgot was sitting by himself on the long seat right across from yours. 
“Are you having fun?” he asked you warmly, which was more than enough to catch you off guard. What happened at the hotel was still engraved in your mind, and even the slightest remembrance of the mishap made your skin crawl in embarrassment. 
Nodding your head, you reciprocated his smile, even if you were feeling something completely different. “I am. Are you?”
“You sure? You’ve been looking like you’d rather be somewhere else,” he quipped in return. 
Hearing that had you rolling your eyes playfully, your hand hovered over your mouth to refrain from loud laughter. “Mr. Im, were you watching me?” But before he could say anything, the cable car came to a full stop. With the cameras off, the production crew announced for the members to step out, so Jaebeom only glanced at you and shrugged his shoulders as a response, a sly grin eminent across his lips. 
And with that, he was out of your sight.
After a small trek through escalators in glass enclosures, you finally arrived at the top of Victoria’s Peak. The weather’s finally decided to clear up at this time—skies were still riddled with gray clouds, but at least the heavy downpour’s stopped. You take a deep breath to admire the fresh air, allowing for the cool breeze to trickle your skin. 
“No, we can’t take the photo here—we have to do it down there,” you heard Jackson tell the members gathered up in a small area from afar. You quickened your pace to catch up to the platform that everyone was settled in, fixing the straps of the emergency backpack you were assigned to carry around.
Though before you could even stand still for one second, they were on the move again. “Isn’t it right here?” you heard Mark call out as his figure made its way down another pair of steps before the others followed suit. The camera crew quickly shuffled to catch up to where the members were standing. 
They didn’t exactly need you while they were taking photos, so you decided to wander off on your own for the time being. There was a fairly empty section not too far away, so you walked over to the area and stay there for a bit. Your palms rest on the cool metallic raining as you take the time to admire the view of the city before you. It was gorgeous. Even with the air littered with a light fog, you were able to bask in the scenery’s beauty. You then reached into your bag to grab your Polaroid camera to take a souvenir photo of the view.
Aligning the camera perfectly to your eye, you pressed the button. The camera’s light flashed and the photo printed soon after, and you take it between your fingers and shake it. 
“Need some help, intern?”
The words startled you for a moment, but you were able to regain your composure quickly. Turning around, your gaze met with Mark’s, who was standing right behind you, hands coolly tucked into the pockets of his coffee-colored slacks. Immediately you respond with a “no, I’m okay, thank you!” while waving your empty hand to emphasize your words. “Aren’t you supposed to be with everyone else?”
“We finished the mission, so everyone’s just taking pictures of each other,” he reassured with a half-grin. “But seriously, let me take a picture of you. Here,” both of his hands reached out to you, insinuating that he didn’t mind providing the extra help. 
It was one of those weird situations where both outcomes could be very good, or very bad. You didn’t want to be a bother by having Mark go out of his way to do something, but at the same time, you were afraid to hurt his feelings by constantly declining. So, you bit the bullet and handed him the camera.
With a satisfied smile against his lips, he began to take a few steps back to find the perfect distance for the view. Bringing the camera up to his face, he gave you a thumbs up, signaling that he was ready to snap the photo whenever you were. 
You didn’t want to showcase the flustered feeling taking over your entire body, so, you decided to try to act as relaxed as possible. You quickly remove the hood that was covering your head and quickly fix your hair before posing with a smile. Mark took it as a cue to slowly countdown, snapping the photo afterwards.
“I think you blinked,” Mark frowned as he took the newly printed photo, before giving it a shake. “Let’s take another one just in case.”
You wanted to protest, so badly, but didn’t have the heart to speak up and potentially cause unnecessary conflict. Then get fired for it. So, you murmured a quiet “okay” before leaning back against the glass barrier and posing again.
The camera flashed one more time, and Mark removed the second printed photo before shaking it. “Do they look okay?” you asked as you approached him. “Ha. I was right, you did blink in the first one,” he let out a laugh and showed you the final product.
You immediately groan at how bad you looked upon snatching both photos from his grip. The second one however, surprisingly was nice. It caught the view of the city perfectly, and you looked happy to be there. “Oh god, I’m just going to throw this one away—”
“Wait!” he interjected before you could even take one step forward, hovering over you from behind to quickly steal the photo again. “…I’ll keep it. It’s a waste.”
Failing to take it back, he was already being called by the other members to join them. The cameras were about to roll again as they prepare for their next stop, so Mark only looked back at you with a smile and waved goodbye, then running over to join the rest of his friends. 
And you couldn’t help but wonder over and over, why?
-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 
The trip to the next few mission stops were a blur. 
Shooting turned chaotic when the group reached the heart of the city for the second, third, and fourth stop. From the midlevel outdoor escalator to the infamous clock tower in In Harbor City, the crew wanted to film everything quickly to avoid drawing in a big crowd.
In some instances, it was too late. You spent most of the time out becoming this literal human shield—arms spread across as wide as you could while you kept up with the pace of both the crew and the members walking through the city. 
You didn’t think you were going to have to play security for a bit and act as a blockage that allowed space for the members to safely film without being bombarded by the fans. At times you even had to give a friendly push for the ones who eagerly insisted to get closer pictures of the group, and despite earning malicious glares from them, you did what you had to do. 
“Welcome to Disneyland!” Jackson’s cheery greeting was enough for you to snap out of your train of thought. Everyone finally arrived at the last mission spot for the day, which also happened to be your favorite. You’ve always loved visiting Disney parks. Despite you being there for work, you were still grateful for the opportunity.
“Where’s Iron Man?” BamBam added, glancing around his surroundings. You recalled that one of their tasks involved taking a photo with the famous Avenger, so everyone made their way to the area that held the Stark Expo. It was the area that held the Iron Man ride, as well as the meet and greet with Tony Stark himself. Apparently, the goal for the photo op was to have everyone pose like Iron Man, while BamBam posed like Black Panther.
After taking some time to navigate around the amusement park and Jackson asking many employees nearby for directions to their needed stop, everyone finally reached Stark Expo. An employee was there in the front to help accommodate GOT7 inside, giving them the perk to cut in line and instantly hop onto the ride.
“Do you want to come ride with us, intern? There’s room in there for you,” Jinyoung asked you as they waited for the camera crew to set up, arms folded across his chest. He always looked so chic, even in the most normal setting. 
“Yeah, join us!” Youngjae chimed in before you could even answer. He slung an arm over Jinyoung’s shoulders and looked at you expectantly. “You’ve spent the entire day running around with us, we want you to have some fun too.”
“Ah... If I wasn’t working, I’d definitely tag along. But you can tell me all about it later,” you said nicely, as an attempt to lighten the mood. You were instructed by the crew to stay outside and wait with everyone else, but was touched by the invitation anyway. 
Both Jinyoung and Youngjae frowned at the response. But as they were about to say something, they were being pulled inside the building. 
“We’ll say hi to Iron Man for you!” you heard Yugyeom call out last minute with his head poking out before going in, and it made you smile.
And just like that, the afternoon flew by. 
After spending the rest of the afternoon completing photo missions in the theme park (meeting Iron Man along with Mickey and Minnie Mouse), filming the first episode of Hard Carry was drawing to an end. To end the episode nicely, Jaebeom suggested for everyone to ride the most intense roller coaster in the park.
In the end, most of the members decided to go on.
“Man... just watching it makes me dizzy already,” Youngjae commented with a laugh. You, along with Youngjae and Jinyoung were resting right by the roller coaster the other members were riding, which gave the perfect view to see them when they pass by. 
“I bet we’ll be able to hear Jackson’s scream the most,” Jinyoung snickered before taking a small sip of the water bottle you bought for him prior. He then proceeded to rest his elbows on the wooden fencing in front.
“Mr. Wang doesn’t like roller coasters?” You wondered aloud, though not expecting a response from either of them. Your eyes were busy being fixated on the view of the ride in its entirety in before you, watching the carts zoom through the rails—its speed enough to have air waft through your hair each time they pass by your area.
“You know what, I’m actually not so sure where he stands with rides,” Jinyoung answered back, which earned a laugh from both you and Youngjae. “He doesn’t mind going on them, but when it starts, he literally loses it. So, I don’t know… Maybe.”
As Youngjae opened his mouth to add another comment, all your heads turned upon hearing the screams of very familiar voices. At a distance, you could make out the rest of the members on the ride. Yugyeom holding for his life, Jaebeom and BamBam flailing their arms out, Jackson holding onto Jaebeom for his dear life, and Mark casually laughing in the back. Both Jinyoung and Youngjae were laughing hysterically at this point, and it was incredibly contagious. It was hard not to join them in on the laughter.
A few minutes have passed since the sighting of the members, and the rest of the group along with the crew were finally reunited where you and the others were previously waiting. 
“Can we please go on another ride?” You heard Yugyeom endlessly plead to their management, even when filming has already wrapped up for the evening. “Just one more! Just one more and we’ll be done, we swear!”
“Yeah, I want to go on the scariest one in the park,” Jaebeom added in hopes to help the younger’s case, his frame leaning against the railing with his hands in his pockets. 
One thing’s for sure, you could already tell it was hard to resist to their charm. Judging by the look of their manager’s face, he was already close to giving into what they wanted. Besides, they deserved the break. They’ve just finished their world tour, and needed to enjoy their time in Hong Kong before flying back to Korea tomorrow night.
You watched the group go back and forth between their manager afar for a good five minutes, awkwardly standing as you waited for someone to give you further instructions on where to be for the evening. Soon enough management agreed to their cries, and gave them two extra hours to do whatever they wanted in the park before meeting back on the bus. They all celebrated their victory with loud cheers all around.
“Intern!” you lost your train of thought as you heard someone from their management call for you. Quickly, you look up and gave them your undivided attention as they explained where you’d be going for the rest of the evening. “The members are splitting up because they all wanted to go someplace different... can you look after Mr. Im and Mr. Tuan? Just make sure that they don’t get lost and arrive at the bus safely on time. Bring them to a nearby gift shop and have them change into different clothes and wear a mask, okay? See you all in two hours.”
Even though filming has wrapped and you were technically done for the evening, declining their management would definitely make you look bad. 
So, while you preferred heading back to the bus and taking that nap you desperately needed, you agreed.
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twinkle-320 · 4 years
Pairing:  Drake x MC (Riley Nevin Walker)
A/N:  I wrote this for something fun and lighthearted.  I am currently working on a TRR AU that has me stuck and feeling sad so I needed some fluff in my life.  Baby showers are perfect for fluff.
Warnings: Language
Word Count: 2513
Tag list: @kingliam2019​ @batgirlassociationofgothamcity​ (If you only wanted to be tagged for mood boards, let me know.)
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Rain pelted against the glass ceiling of the solarium in Valtoria, where Riley sat surrounded by her friends trying to keep up with their chatter.
“It should definitely be an apple theme,” Hana said in her usual calm, gentle tone.
“Oh please,” Olivia scoffed. “Practically every woman in Cordonia has a ridiculous apple themed baby shower. At least try to be original.”
“Well, do you have any ideas?”
“I think...”
“Don’t say knives,” Savannah interjected.
“Don’t be such a simpleton. I was going to say axes...you could make that work with apples if you must.”
“How about we ask Riley what she wants...it’s her shower,” Savannah suggested.
All eyes turned to Riley, who was staring out at the rain, lost in thought. Olivia snapped her fingers practically right in Riley’s face. “Riley...earth to Riley...are you still with us or did the baby get the last of your brain?”
“Hmm...what? I’m sorry, what were you asking?”
“Themes,” Hana said. “For your shower.”
“Yes, because that’s what good ‘friends’ do, we ask you to plan your own shower,” Olivia quipped.
“Oh, umm...well, I love Disney,” Riley said.
Olivia looked at her disgusted. “Disney? That god awful amusement park with the oversized rat and screaming demon children? Sure, that would definitely be better than axes.”
Savannah rolled her eyes at Olivia. “Disney could be cute and if Riley likes it, that’s what important.”
“Guys, I’ll be fine with any theme you want, really. My only request is that we have games.”
“You Americans and your games,” Olivia scoffed.
“Games and Disney. Don’t worry, Riley...we’ve got this. It will be perfect,” Hana assured her.
As Riley inched closer and closer to her October due date, the day of her shower finally arrived. Everything had been planned with her knowledge so she could be prepared. It wouldn’t due to have a Duchess show up to her own shower in leggings and a hoodie. Select members of the press would be in attendance and a photo shoot was planned. Hana had helped Riley select an elegant, ivory lace maxi dress that perfectly hugged her bump. Her hair cascaded down her back in elegant waves and she wore rose gold flip flops to accommodate her swollen feet.
When Riley stepped into the gardens behind the estate, she was in awe. Soft pastels of pink, blue, green, and yellow accented the clean white color pallet. There was a giant balloon arch featuring all the colors set up over the dessert table. Hana had worked with a local baker on not one, but two perfect cakes. One was a two-tier cake in soft pinks and blues with Mickey and Minnie accents. The other was a nod to Riley’s favorite princess; a small replica of Cinderella’s coach also done in pink and blue. Elements of Disney were subtle and tasteful including Mickey silhouettes made of branches, vines, and flowers. Each table was named after a Disney character and featured lush centerpieces with hidden Mickey’s, lanterns with glittery rose gold Mickey heads hand-painted on the glass, and a Disney story book for those at the table to sign as a guest book. With over twenty tables, all the books would be the perfect start to a baby library. Tears sprang to her eyes as she took in the beautiful work her friends had done. All that was needed now was for the guests to arrive.
Drake spent the morning working in the nursery away from the hustle and bustle of party set-up. Once her classes had wrapped for the semester, Riley finally settled on decor and gave Drake a to do list a mile long. Rustic woodland animals was the chosen theme. Riley thought it would be easy to add to after the baby arrived; floral elements if it was a girl or more woodsy elements if it was a boy. The walls were a soft ecru with an accent wall done in reclaimed barn wood. When Drake finished assembling the simple white crib Riley had chosen, he moved it into position against the wood wall and admired his efforts. In his pocket, his phone chimed, alerting him it was time to get ready for the party.
Once he was showered and changed, he headed to the gardens and found Riley standing over the dessert table. Sneaking up behind her, he wrapped his arms around her and her growing belly. “Lay off the cookies, Nevin. Those are for the guests.”
Riley jumped and giggled. “Cookies weren’t my idea, Drake...Bean wants one.”
“Just like Bean wanted ice cream and s’mores last night?”
Riley turned in his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck. “This little one has a sweet tooth, what can I say.”
“Like mama, like baby,” Drake laughed. “So, this looks pretty awesome out here,” he said, turning to take in the set-up.
“Right?!?” Riley exclaimed. “It’s fucking amazing.” 
“Duchess Riley...language!”
Riley turned in the direction of the voice scolding her and wasn’t surprised to see Bertrand and Savannah approaching with their arms full of gifts.
“Holy shit guys, did you buy out the store?”
“You just can’t stop yourself, can you?” Bertrand asked.
Riley shrugged. “Nope. And no one’s here yet to hear me so stop fretting, Bertrand. Drake, don’t just stand there...help your sister,” she said, nudging him forward. Once the gifts were safely placed on the gift table, the group stood together chatting as other guests slowly started arriving.
“You and Hana did an amazing job,” Riley said to a beaming Savannah.
“I thought Liv helped too?” Drake asked. 
“She did...a little,” Savannah replied.
Riley laughed. “Should I be looking for hidden daggers in addition to the hidden Mickey’s?”
“No, we managed to keep daggers out of the decor. She had proposed a sword wielding Mickey ice sculpture but thankfully the sculptor refused for trademark reasons. We ended up putting her in charge of the food.”
“Great,” Drake groaned. “Can’t wait to see what kind of fancy crap she planned.”
Bertrand groaned and shook his head, looking like his head was about to explode. Savannah wisely took his hand and led him away to their table.
Ana de Luca quickly took their place at the happy couple’s side and ushered them deeper in to the garden for a quick photo shoot and interview before the festivities began. Riley was able to approve the digital proofs on the spot and an elegant black and white of her cradling her belly was chosen for the Trend cover.
When they arrived back at the party, nearly all the guests had arrived and things were in full swing. Drake was pleasantly surprised to see the buffet spread of comfort foods. There was a carving station with whole roasted chickens and herb crusted filet, and sides of garlic mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, and steamed vegetables. Olivia’s personal touch was obvious due to the chefs wielding larger than necessary ornate knives for carving.
Hana was the perfect hostess, keeping things orderly as each table took their turn through the buffet. As guests filled their plates, she announced the first game...a Disney match game matching Disney characters to their parents. There was a print out at each place setting and guests could complete it at their leisure to turn in by the end of the meal.
Riley had taken a plate with a little bit of everything and promptly ignored it while she turned to the game with hyper focus.
“Nevin...are you gonna eat?”
“Huh...oh, yeah, I will. I just wanna get this done first.”
“Are you even allowed to play the games at your own shower?”
 “Of course I am, silly!”
When the meal was over, Hana had everyones game sheet and tallied the answers. “And the winner is...Duchess Riley,” she announced to the crowd.
 Most in attendance cheered or applauded politely but Riley heard the groans among her friends at her table.
Guests took the opportunity to mingle while Hana got set-up for baby shower bingo. Mingling was the perfect opportunity for the ongoing game of “Don’t say baby”. Each guest was given three clothes pins when they arrived. If they said the word baby at any point in a conversation, someone could steal one of their pins. Whoever had the most pins at the end would win a prize.
When Hana called for everyone to take their seats, Riley returned to her table with at least twenty-five pins clipped to the ruffle of her dress. Savannah and Maxwell sat giggling while Olivia rolled her eyes. “Really, Riley...you can’t be serious? You’re competitive nature is occasionally admirable but this is bordering on ridiculous,” Olivia sneered.
“What?” Riley said sheepishly. “People can’t help saying baby to the pregnant lady, that’s not my fault!”
“I somehow doubt it was as simple as that.”
“Well, I may have practiced saying nothing but Bean or infant for the last week but still...I won these pins fair and square.”
After everyone had a chance to fill out their bingo boards with baby items, Hana began calling out items at random. It only took seven items before Riley was on her feet, holding her belly while she jumped up and down yelling ‘bingo’. The groans that had been contained to her friends earlier now rippled through the other guests. Olivia forcefully grabbed the bingo board as Hana made her way to the table.
“Riley...I um...I think maybe you should give someone else a chance to win the game prizes,” Hana whispered hesitantly.
“Blossom, Hana’s right,” Max said gently.
“For once, I agree with these fools,” Olivia interjected, still clutching Riley’s game board.
Riley pouted as Drake put a comforting arm around her shoulders. “You and Bean get to leave with all the presents, let the guests have the prizes, Nevin.”
“Ok, fine,” she conceded.
Hana turned back to the crowd. “Duchess Riley has graciously forfeited her win so we’ll continue with this round.”
Two items later, Liam stood and called out Bingo.
“You’re welcome,” Riley whispered as Hana handed Liam one of the bottles of whiskey Drake had selected as ‘manly’ prizes.  Liam smiled at her affectionately and laughed.
Two rounds later, Kiara and Emmeline had each won a prize and Hana announced it was time for presents.
Riley sat on a throne decorated with vines and flowers with gifts piled all around her. She took care to read each card and announce the gift giver and show her appreciation. There was everything from the simple: blankets, layettes, and plush toys; to the extravagant: tiaras, crowns, scepters, and crystal rattles. It felt endless and overwhelming in the best way possible. Riley was sure she had opened something from everyone in attendance but there was still a large pile unopened.
“These are from your family,” Hana explained. “Since they’re visiting when the baby arrives, they couldn’t make it today but they sent these over.”
Riley resisted the urge to steal one of Hana’s pins as she smiled gratefully at her. Her heart swelled with each gift she opened; her family knew her so well. There was a baby book that matched her woodland theme that had pages already filled in for her side of the family tree, complete with photos and memories about her mom, whom Bean would only know through stories. Riley felt the tears pricking at her eyes and they finally broke free when she opened a blanket that her dad had custom made out of some of her mom’s clothes. He took care to chose the softest sweaters in colors that would compliment the nursery. It was the closest Bean would come to feeling the embrace of their grandmother and it took everything in Riley not to ugly cry.
After a minute to compose herself, she moved on to the next gift. It was from Drew. The card said that he wanted to get something just for her because he knew that Bean would be getting more than enough. When Riley opened the box she began to giggle through her tears; it was just the humor that she needed.
“What is it?” Drake asked.
“I’m not sure I should show it to everyone,” Riley laughed. “There doesn’t need to be a picture of this in Trend.” 
“Just show us then, Blossom.”
Riley’s friends moved behind her and she lifted out a t-shirt with the front facing away from the guests. It was red with short sleeves and in bold white print it read ‘I’m a drop the F-bomb kind of Mom’.
There was laughter among her friends as Liam said, “Well your brother certainly seems to know you well.”
“Is that really the kind of thing you should be advertising?” Hana gasped.
“I see no problem with it,” Olivia stated matter-of-factly.
“It’s definitely funny, but Nevin’s gonna be watching her language once Bean arrives.”
Riley dropped the shirt and turned to Drake with her mouth agape. “Do you know me at all?” she exclaimed.
“Come on, Nevin. You don’t want him or her copying you.”
“Bean will just have to learn what I did growing up...do as I say, not as I do; no copying Mommy.”
“I hope its that easy, Nevin.”
“It will be,” she assured him as she pulled him down for a kiss.
With the last of the presents opened, guests were invited to enjoy the dessert table and the party began to wind down. Gladys and a few members of the staff started taking the presents in to the nursery and Riley made a beeline for the cookies she had been eyeing.
As the sun started to get low in the sky, they said their goodbyes and made their way into the estate.
“Why don’t you go up and get comfortable...I’ll make us some popcorn and we’ll watch a movie,” Drake suggested.
“Sounds perfect.”
When Drake finally got upstairs, he found Riley standing in the doorway of the nursery, clutching the blanket from her dad to her chest. “You okay, Nevin?”
Riley nodded and wiped away a stray tear. “I just can’t wait to hold our baby, Drake, and...and I hope I’m a good mom.”
“You’re gonna be a great mom, Nevin. An amazing fucking mom.”
Riley turned to him with a big smile on her face. “Ssshhhh, language Daddy.”
“You’re a piece of work.”
“I am,” she shrugged. “But you love it.”
“Damn right, I do,” he said as he pulled her into a passionate kiss and guided her to their room.
Exhaustion took over and Riley was a sleep in minutes. Drake ate the popcorn and watched Riley’s chest gently rise and fall as he rubbed her belly. “Hurry up and get here Bean, we can’t wait to meet you.”
The once grumpy commoner felt the last of his walls break down when his loving words were rewarded with a kick. Everything he never knew he wanted was right there in his arms...a family of his own to love and protect; all because he walked into her bar.
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haderberkman · 4 years
Will You Dance With Me
Dave X F Reader
Warnings: None
Y/N/N = Your Nickname
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Requested by: @blueeyed0713
(This was probably different than what you requested, but I was inspired by “Photograph” by Ed Sheeran.)
Y/N wasn’t a big party person. She would much rather be outside, taking pictures of her friends and nature, or curled up on the couch looking at her photo albums. But when her best friend and crush asked her if she down to go, of course she said yes.
When she heard someone knock on her door, she ran to open. She was met with Dave’s smiling face. He grabbed her hand and dragged her to Rico’s van. They climbed in, and Y/N greeted the rest of the crew.
They drove for about ten minutes, then they arrived at a house with loud music playing. They piled out of the van, and Dave immediately wrapped an arm around Y/N, which wasn’t uncommon for him to do, leading them into the house.
Once they were in the house, the crew split. Rod and Denise went to the kitchen, Rico and Kevin went toward the back yard, and Dave lead Y/N to the living room where people were dancing.
“Hey, I’m going to get a beer. Do you want one?”
“Yeah, sure.”
Dave left her standing awkwardly in the living room Ashe made his way to the kitchen. Y/N watched as people danced to the music playing. She smiled as she thought about how Dave liked to dance.
Y/N had been in love with Dave ever since the day she joined the crew. She took pictures of Rod doing stunts for his website and stunt fliers. While she enjoyed taking pictures of Rod, her favorite person to take pictures of was Dave.
She thought he was absolutely handsome, and he always looked amazing in her pictures. She had a cute Polaroid picture of them cuddled on her couch together, but she has no idea what happened to it. She was pulled from her thoughts when she felt someone tap her shoulder.
“Here ya go.”
“Thanks Dave.”
“Don’t sweat it Y/N/N.”
They stood there laughing and watching Kevin and Rico dance to the up beat music. The up beat song need and a slower one began. Y/N noticed that the song was “Photograph” by Ed Sheeran. She turned to Dave with a huge smile on her face.
“This is my favorite song.”
“I know it is. Hey, will you dance with me, Y/N?”
“Yes, of course.”
Dave stuck his hand out, and Y/N grabbed it. He walked them out to where other couples were dancing and put his arms around her waist. She put her arms around his neck, and they started swaying to the song.
‘Loving can hurt, loving can hurt sometimes
But it's the only thing that I know
When it gets hard, you know it can get hard sometimes
It is the only thing that makes us feel alive’
Y/N sung along with the song as her and Dave continued to dance. She laid her head down on his shoulder, and Dave heard her singing the words.
‘We keep this love in a photograph
We made these memories for ourselves
Where our eyes are never closing
Hearts are never broken
And time's forever frozen still’
Y/N thought about all the pictures she had of Dave that she loved. She had pictures of him working on his garage, at stunts, and him lounging around her house. She thought about how she kept her live for him hidden in her pictures.
‘So you can keep me inside the pocket of your ripped jeans
Holding me closer 'til our eyes meet
You won't ever be alone, wait for me to come home’
Dave pulled back slightly causing Y/N to look up at him. She could read the expression in his face, but she could tell he was thinking about something.
“What’s a matter, Dave?”
“Can I show you something?”
She nodded her head, he moved one of his hands and reached into his front pants pocket. He pulled his hand out and in it was a picture. He handed it to Y/N, and noticed that it was the Polaroid picture she was missing.
‘Loving can heal
Loving can mend your soul
And it's the only thing that I know (know)
I swear it will get easier
Remember that with every piece of ya
And it's the only thing we take with us when we die’
“I’ve been looking for this picture, and you’ve had it the whole time?”
“Yeah, I’m sorry I took it. You have all these pictures of me, and I just wanted one of you.”
They continued to dance as thoughts ran through Y/N’s head. She couldn’t figure out why Dave would want a picture of her, and why did he kept it in pocket.
‘We keep this love in a photograph
We made these memories for ourselves
Where our eyes are never closing
Hearts were never broken
Times forever frozen still’
“D-do you want it back? Because if you do, you can-“
“No, Dave. You can keep it. Like you said, I have plenty pictures of you.”
‘So you can keep me
Inside the pocket
Of your ripped jeans
Holdin' me closer
'Til our eyes meet
You won't ever be alone’
“Why do you want a picture of me?”
“Because you’re beautiful, and when you’re not here, I can still see your pretty face?”
“Why do you keep it in your pants pocket?”
“Because of this song.”
‘And if you hurt me
That's OK, baby, only words bleed
Inside these pages you just hold me
And I won't ever let you go’
Y/N was stunned. She couldn’t come up with anything to say, so she pulled her closer to Dave as they continued to sway to the song.
‘Wait for me to come home
Wait for me to come home
Wait for me to come home
Wait for me to come home’
‘Oh you can fit me
Inside the necklace you got when you were sixteen
Next to your heartbeat
Where I should be
Keep it deep within your soul’
“Can I show you something, Dave?”
“Yeah, of course.”
She pulled back slightly and opened the heart that was on her necklace, revealing a picture of Dave.
‘And if you hurt me
Well, that's OK, baby, only words bleed
Inside these pages you just hold me
And I won't ever let you go’
Dave moves one of his hands to Y/N’s face and placed his lips against hers. She kissed him back, matching the amount of passion Dave showed. When the need for air became to great, they pulled back, and Y/N rested her head on his shoulder.
‘When I'm away
I will remember how you kissed me
Under the lamppost
Back on 6th street
Hearing you whisper through the phone
“Wait for me to come home”’
As the song came to an end, Y/N looked up at Dave noticed that he was already looking at her. He wanted to tell her how he felt, but he couldn’t find the right words.
“Y/N, this probably isn’t going to make any sense, but I need to say it anyways. I love you, and I’ve been in love with you since the day we met. I never had the courage to tell you because I didn’t know how you felt about me, but seeing that little picture of me in your heart necklace let me know that you felt the same way. I-“
Dave was interrupted by Y/N placing her lips on his. She moved her hands to cup his cheeks as his gripped her hips. She pulled away and grabbed his hand, leading them outside to the van.
They got in, and Y/N dug through her bag, looking for her Polaroid camera. She found it and smiled at Dave. She moved closer to him and extended her arm with the camera in her hand.
“Look at me for a second.”
Y/N turned her attention to Dave, and he put his lips on hers again, extended his arm to push the button on the camera. He successfully pressed the button and the picture began to print. Once it was finished, Dave grabbed it, shook it, and looked at it with a huge smile on his face.
“Yeah, this is definitely my new favorite picture of us.”
Y/N smiled at Dave as he continues to look at the picture. She knew that she was going to have to find a way to steal that picture from him because now, it was her favorite too.
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alright friends here we go. @goodlesson tagged me (thank you 💙) so we are doing this. all 73 questions!!
on a scale of 1-10, how excited are you about life right now? 4, fuck you coronavirus
describe yourself in a hashtag? #yeet
if you could do a love scene with anyone, who would it be? no. can i just get a hug or maybe steal a hoodie from dan smith or tom holland
if your life was a musical, what would the marquee say? it’s a disaster but hopefully you’ll love it anyway!
what’s one thing people don’t know about you? one time i won a spelling bee and it was so traumatizing that i swore i’d never do another one ever again
what’s your wake up ritual? wake up, pretend i don’t have to do anything, remember that i do actually have to do stuff, start school. and breakfast happens somewhere in there
what’s your go to bed ritual? snack and tumblr and music
what’s your favorite time of day? i’m a big fan of golden hour because photography. also midnight, i dig it
your go to for having a good laugh? john mulaney
dream country to visit? besides all of them? the czech republic or new zealand!
what’s the biggest surprise you’ve ever had? signing to run in college? i know i did it, but i surprised myself with it honestly
heels or flats/sneakers? yes.
vintage or new? new styles purchased at thrift stores
who do you want to write your obituary? i’ve written my own epitaph six times and i don’t even want a gravestone
style icon? shailene woodley, taylor swift
what are three things you cannot live without? trail running, music, sweet tea
what’s one ingredient you put in everything? parmesan fucking cheese. i said what i said
what 3 people living or dead would you want to make dinner for? oh no who from bastille do we kick off the dinner invite
what’s your biggest fear in life? rejection in any form 
window or aisle seat? window cause i like my views
what’s your current tv obsession? working my way very slowly through NCIS
favorite app? pandora
secret talent? i can sing the entire Hamilton sound track. any part. from memory.
most adventurous thing you’ve ever done in your life? i ate a mango with cayenne pepper on it in panama. i did this knowing full well that i a) hate mangos, b) hate cayenne pepper, and c) was already sick. aside from that, it was the best trip i’ve ever taken!
how would you define yourself in three words? adventurous, cynical, smart
favorite piece of clothing you own? chacos baby
a must have clothing item that everyone should have? sneakers. with arch support.
a superpower you would want? i’d love to be able to move undetected
what’s inspiring you in life right now? oh god. um. all the people giving us access to livestreams and musicals and arts in general. and not just the artists - the organizers, the computer people who are making it functional, you are all doing amazing jobs and i adore every single one of you.
best piece of advice you’ve received? sometimes it’s better to ask forgiveness than permission
best advice you’d give your teenage self? when people invite you places, go. you’ll like it more than you think you will
a book everyone should read? the immortal life of henrietta lacks
what would you like to be remembered for? trying new things and being kind.
how do you define beauty? if it makes you happy, it’s beautiful. no one else gets a say in what makes you happy
what do you love most about your body? i’m really good at running and i wouldn’t be able to do that without my legs or my lungs. so.
best way to take a rest/decompress? music, read a book, cup of tea
favorite place to view art? outside always. if you take me to a sculpture garden i’ll love you forever
if your life was a song, what would the title be? "Is This My Decision Or Am I Just Following Everyone’s Advice”
if you could master one instrument, what would it be? can i say singing? i wish i’d joined choir so much
if you had a tattoo, where would it be? possibly my back?
dolphins or koalas? why would you make me choose
what’s your patronus? penguin
best gift you’ve ever received? my grandma gave me my grad present early and it’s a quilt made of all my old tshirts!
best gift you’ve given? i gave my grandparents prints of some of my photos and they loved them!
what’s your favorite board game? i... honestly don’t love board games that much. i love cards against humanity but that’s cards so
what’s your favorite color? teal
least favorite color? orange
diamond or pearls? diamonds
drugstore makeup or designer? drugstore always
blow-dry or air-dry? air-dry bc i’m lazy
pilates or yoga? yoga
coffee or tea? yes
what’s the weirdest word in the english language? hippomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is both improbable and ironic
dark chocolate or milk chocolate? milk chocolate but i love them both
stairs or elevators? hi, future collegiate cross country runner here, i’m that jerk that literally runs up every flight of stairs
summer or winter? winter
you are stuck on an island, you can pick one food to eat forever without getting tired of it, what would you eat? ice cream
a dessert you don’t like? lemon anything ew
a skill you’re working on mastering? i’m trying so hard to practice drawing but i am struggling so much and i’m not getting much better and that doesn’t help motivation. but i’m doing my best!
best thing to happen to you today? running in the rain!
worst thing to happen to you today? ap calc test that i will surely fail
best compliment you’ve ever received? this lady that i absolutely idolize from my church told me that she was amazed by the depth of wisdom i possessed and i definitely cried
favorite smell? cinnamon
hugs or kisses? HUGS ALWAYSSSSSS
if you made a documentary, would it be about? effects of climate change in developing countries and how they are fighting it because no one talks about them enough
last piece of content you consumed that made you cry? legitimately i never cry at anything. but i just got done watching Help Me Chase Those Seconds and since it’s late and i’m already emotionally compromised, i came pretty fucking close.
lipstick or lipgloss? lipstick
sweet or savory? sweet
girl crush? shailene woodley or bea miller
how do you know you’re in love? um
a song you can listen to on repeat? the entire wild world album
if you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be? des linden
what are you most excited for about this time in your life? moving to college if covid clears up in time
tagging: this is so, so long so definitely don’t do it if you don’t want to. @prismaticheretic @atrophicgalaxy you’re up!
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Prom Night
Ride Or Die- Chapter 14 (prom) from Colt's POV
Colt x MC (Ellie)
Words: 3650
Warnings: NSFW
Complete Master List
This was requested by the lovely @desiree-0816 a couple months ago, if not more, and I'm finally posting just in time for RODAW
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Colt stands on the porch of Ellie’s friend’s house smirking. “So, are we doing this or what?”
Coming out of her trance, Ellie yanks Colt inside and slams the door behind him. “Colt, what are you doing here? The Brotherhood already got Salazar and…”
“Forget the Brotherhood.” He interrupted. “I’m not afraid of them. You said you want to go to the prom. And I missed mine last year, so…screw it. Let’s go to prom.”
  She looks at him, confused. “I thought you were out for revenge”
Ha. Always. But not tonight.
Colt shrugged. “Revenge can wait. I want to be with you tonight.”
She grinned, launching herself into his arms. “You have no idea how good it is to hear you say that. I just can’t believe you’re here.”
Colt chuckles lightly. “Honestly, me neither. I don’t dress up for just anyone, you know…And besides, I won’t let the Brotherhood take this from us. I’m not gonna let them control our lives, are you?”
“No. I won’t either.” She pulls away, kissing his cheek lightly.
Damn I missed these lips.
“Is this the famous Colt I’ve heard so much about?”
Colt glances up the stairs, seeing a brunette wearing a purple dress.
Ellie nodded. “Colt, this is Riya.”
Ahh so I finally meet the famous Riya. The friend constantly disapproving of Ellie’s life.
“You don’t mind me stealing Ellie away, do you?” He asked, not giving a shit either way.
Riya scoffed. “I do if you steal her before she gets dressed. Get up here Ellie! You have to finish getting ready. Colt, she’ll be right back!”
Colt rolled his eyes as Ellie bounded back up the stairs, whispering as soon as she gets to the top. He waits impatiently. He never wears a suit. If a job requires it, sure, but…a dance? A school dance? He barely recognizes himself right now. What the hell has this girl done to me?
Several minutes later, Ellie finally steps back onto the stairs. Colt rakes his eyes up and down her slim figure as she descends, wearing a light pink dress with lace at the top. He inhales sharply.
Holy fuck...that dress is going to look amazing around her feet… I can’t believe this beautiful creature is actually going on a real date with me. We’ve really come a long way.
Colt’s eyes lock onto her, mesmerized. “God Damn.”
Ellie laughed as she reached the bottom, doing a little twirl. “Should I take that as a compliment?”
Fuck yes, you should.
“Take it however you want.” He plays off the way his heart is hammering in his chest and offers her his hand. She accepts it and he leads her outside to the limo he’d rented for the night. She gaped at him and he shrugged, thankful it was dark out and she couldn’t see the blush he felt on his face.
“I figured, if we’re gonna do this, we should do it right.”
“You didn’t steal it, did you?”
Goddamn she knows me well. Maybe even too well.
He grinned at her. “I thought about it. But this is legit.” He holds the door open for her. “Hope it’s not too over the top.”
“It’s perfect.” She breathed as they settle into the backseat. “You didn’t wanna drive us yourself?”
He shook his head. “I thought you might want to get behind the wheel, speed demon.”
“I’d rather sit back here with you.” She teased, trailing a finger along his inner thigh as the driver pulls out and gets on the 10, and a short while later, the skyscrapers of downtown are all around them.
“Hey, we should make out!” Ellie slides closer to Colt until their legs are touching. “Hi”
“Hi” He responded with a smirk. I’ll do a hell of a lot more than just make-out if given the chance.
She wraps her arms around Colt, capturing his lips with hers.  He deepens the kiss, taking advantage of every inch of space in the stretch limo, laying her down in the seat, running his hands along her body before she pushed him up and straddled him, pulling his bottom lip with her teeth. She grinds on his lap, smiling at the effect she was having on him.
"Fuck, El...You are magnificent. Don't stop"
"Mmm sorry, handsome. Looks like we're almost there."
Colt groans, noticing that they're pulling up to The Palms, an upscale hotel in the heart of L.A.
But then he takes a good look around. Damn. I bet there’s lots of cars here…this is seriously upscale. I bet the regular clientele have a whole lot of inventory available in the parking garage…
Colt takes her hand as they walk toward the front entrance. “Looks like a place we can get in trouble.” He states as they enter the hotel ballroom together.
“Wow” She gasps, looking at all the strung lights and golden décor.
“It is everything you imagined?” He couldn’t help but ask. He was pleased with the look of joy on her face.
She turned to face him. “Honestly? Not in the slightest. Definitely didn’t think I’d have a date at all, let alone a wanted criminal.”
Colt wraps his arm around her waist. “Let’s see if we can keep defying expectations.”
“Oh look, they have a photo station over there!”
Oh come onnnn, so cliché. I’m not a cliché. “Ellie…”
“Please?” She begged.  “We don’t have any nice pictures together.”
“You really think you’re irresistible.” He half joked. The truth was, he was the one thinking she was irresistible. Right now, he was willing to whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted.
“Aren’t I?” She trailed a finger down his hard chest.
He found himself simply nodding in agreement. “Alright then. Lead the way.”
She pulls Colt behind her, and the two of them take their place in front of the camera.
“You ready?”
She grins, and in that moment, he feels more comfortable than he ever has before. This is incredible. I probably only have a handful of pictures of myself from my entire life…and suddenly here I am…at a fucking high school prom, smiling like an idiot.
The photographer snapped the picture. “Great, here ya go. Next!” He hands Ellie the printed picture, and she shows it to Colt as they step to the side.
He glanced at it, then did a double take. “We look so…happy.” He observed, completely floored. What the hell? My photos are few and far between, but I have definitely never smiled like that in any of them.
“I’m going to treasure this forever.” She beamed, clutching the photo to her heart.
“You got your picture. Was having me in the flesh not enough?” Play this cool. I’m not lovestruck, I swear.
She ruffled his hair. “This way, I can have you even when you’re not there.”
He runs his own fingers through her hair, tilting her face up to look at him. “I’ll always be there” He said softly, his eyes dropping to her lips before looking past her to the dance floor, where her classmates are awkwardly pairing off for a slow song. “Wanna get out there?”
“You read my mind.”
Really not that hard, sweetheart.
Colt laces his fingers with hers, and leads her onto the dance floor, pulling her body flush against his, savoring the feel of her warmth. He can practically feel her melting into him. After a moment, she spoke again.
“Colt, the night we met…did you hate me?”
Oh boy. Well. I’ve never lied to her and I’m not going to start now. “At the sideshow? Will it kill the mood if I say yes?”
“Uh, kinda.” She pulled slightly back, her eyes narrowing.
He cupped her cheek in his hand. “It wasn’t personal. I guess I hated everything. Always felt like me against the world.”
“And now?” She whispered
He grinned. “Now it’s us against the world.”
Forever, baby.
She sighed, stepping back into his space, beginning the slow dance again. “I hate that I haven’t been able to be there for you…after your dad.”
Colt stiffened a bit at the mention of his father. He’d harbored so many hard feelings for him throughout his life, and just as they were finally getting to know each other, finally starting to trust each other…he sacrificed himself for the crew. In front of his very eyes. With Ellie sitting behind him on the motorcycle, her arms wrapped around his waist tightly.
Ellie, his one saving grace in this lonely world he’s been a part of. “But you have been there. You’ve been in my head, every waking moment. Every idea, every plan, every move I make…It’s your voice I have guiding me.”
She pulls his face toward her, so he looks her in the eye. She kisses him softly, holding him close as he tightens his hold on her waist. After a moment, they break apart, smiling.
“I hope there’s more where that came from.” A lot more.
“There just might be.” She kisses him again under the spiraling galaxy of lights on the dance floor. Slowly dancing, they suddenly bump into someone.
“Ugh, could you please watch where you’re going?” A snide voice sounded. Colt and Ellie startled, looking at the inconvenienced couple before them.
The blonde boy glared at Colt. “Do you even go to this school?”
Really, dweeb, that’s what you’re going with?
Colt calmly cocked his head to the side. “Do I look like I go to this school?”
He smirked as the boy seemed to shrink back into himself. Colt could tell he wasn’t expecting such a smooth response, was expecting some sort of confrontation.
Such a tough guy. God, I do not miss high school.
“Wait, are you two here…together?” Ellie stared at the couple in surprise as the girl draped her arm around the guy.
“Jealous?” The bitch’s voice rang out.
What Ellie said next completely blew Colt away.
“Blow it out your ass, Ingrid.”
His eyes were wide as he attempted to smother his laugh. The skittish girl he met weeks ago was gone, replaced by a sexy, confident woman. Well fuck. If I wasn’t in love before…I most definitely am now. Crap, now I gotta tell her.
“Excuuuuuuuuse me?” Ingrid responded in shock.
“Do you only have one insult, Ellie?” Her boy-toy shot back.
Colt watched as wide smile crossed Ellie’s face. “Yeah, and you can blow it out your ass too, Brent.” She takes Colt’s hand and walks away, leaving Ingrid and Brent staring at them before turning and arguing with each other.
Colt’s curiosity was definitely peaked.  “So, you and that girl…you have a whole thing, huh?”
She rolled her eyes and laughed. “It’s extremely not important.”
That’s the point Colt realizes he’s never smiled this much in his life. He’s thankful he never went to his prom. There’s no way anyone can possibly compare to Ellie. A faster song starts up, and Colt spins her around so her back is against his chest. He holds her close as they sway to the beat, his hot breath on her ear.
“Do you have any idea how badly you make me want you? How badly I need you?” He thrust his hips forward, letting her feel exactly how hard he was. A quiet moan escaped her lips. “Don’t waste your moans now, Ellie. I’m going to need you screaming later.”
“Ellie! Arm’s length apart!”
“Sorry Mrs. Clark!” She and Colt spring apart.
He chuckles, running a hand through his hair. “I guess we’ll have to continue that away from prying eyes.”
Colt sees Riya is dancing with some friends and waves Ellie over.
“How was the limo ride?”
“Amazing!” Ellie gushed
Colt smirked. “A little slow if you ask me.”
Riya’s eyebrows shot up. “Deets later?”
Ellie nodded. “Obviously.”
Riya leans closer, so Colt can’t hear, whispering to his girl. A second later Ellie nodded and turned back to him. “Colt, I’ll be right back!” She grabs Riya’s hand and leads her to another guy. Colt keeps glancing over, wondering what they were all doing. Then Riya and the guy started dancing, and Ellie was back at his side with a smile.
“What was that about?” He asked
She shrugged, still smiling. “Just…fixing another mistake. One that actually wasn’t made by me!”
Colt starts laughing, but it dies instantly as she flashes something in front of him. Oh my god, is that…
“Riya gave us a room. We were supposed to share it, but then you showed up…” She trailed off, biting her lip.
Hell. Yeah. Thank you, Riya. Sorry if I ever dissed you in the past. Like, just a couple hours ago…
After finding their room, Colt makes sure it’s locked and glances around the room mischievously.  So many places to fuck. Nicest hotel room ever.
“Riya suggested this? You’re sure it wasn’t your idea?” He teased.
“I swear.” Ellie laughed.
“Well…I’ll have to thank Riya again later.” He reaches for her, but instead she wanders over to the balcony and gazes out at the city. Colt follows, leaning his forearms on the railing.
“You like it?”
Colt looks right at her. “I like the view.”
She playfully shoves him. He grins, then looks out at the city lights. “The land of opportunity…”
She places her hand on top of his. “What opportunities do you see out there?”
“It’s hard to tell.” He responded. “Because every plan I make, I want you there with me.” His eyes find hers, hoping she sees the truth in his words. He really can’t imagine a future without her. He doesn’t even want one without her.
She looked at him sadly.  “I’m back in school, Colt. I’m going off to college soon.”
Ouch. “A regular path, a regular life? Ellie, you’re too good for that…” He paused a moment. “You’re too bad for it too.” He smirks.
Her mouth falls open. “Don’t you think you’re a little vulnerable right now to be sounding this ambitious?”
Oh Ellie, Ellie. It’s time you know.
“Only thing making me feel vulnerable is you.” He murmured, his eyes piercing hers. “I love you, Ellie.”
He was met with silence, before she croaked out, “What?”
“You heard me”
Don’t play dumb. You definitely heard me.
She stared at him a moment. “No you don’t”
He furrowed his eyebrows. Not exactly what I was expecting... “What? You can’t just say someone doesn’t love you.”
“But you don’t.”
He sighed warily, feeling defeated. “Please don’t say I ‘just love the idea of you.’”
That’s probably the worst thing in the world you can possibly say right now.
She chewed her bottom lip. “We barely know each other, Colt. You love…this dream of us defeating everyone who ever doubted us, side-by-side. But love isn’t like that. It’s not about winning. If you loved me, you wouldn’t need any of that. Love is no matter what.”
We barely know each other?? How can she even say that??
“But Ellie, this is no matter what…And I’ll prove it to you.”
“And how do you expect to do that?”
“I’ll do anything you want. Name it, and it’s yours. Right now.”
She placed her palm on his cheek. “Oh, Colt… Come with me.” She says softly, and pulls Colt towards the bed, falling onto it together. They lie side by side, her fingers gently stroking his.
It’s so good. So right. How can she doubt this? Maybe if I show her…
“I want you Ellie. I want you more than anything…” He murmured.
She gave a small nod. “I want you too.”
Thank God.
Colt immediately presses his mouth to hers. She rolls over on top of him, straddling him, and leans down to kiss him again. He starts chuckling against her lips.
“Why am I not surprised you take charge?” Colt lightly trails his fingers down her arms, feeling the goosebumps erupt as he went. “No rush. We’ve got all night.”
And I mean alllll night.
“That sounds good to me.” She agrees
He stopped his hands at the fabric at her waist. “But…I have been dreaming about getting you out of this dress since I first saw it.” Quite literally at your feet.
She stands up, so Colt can reach behind her. Slowly, tantalizingly, he pulls the zipper down on her dress. She lets it slide of her shoulders and pool at her feet.
“Ohhhh my godddd.” What a beautiful body. Look at those tits. The curve of her ass. I’m the first man ever to touch them. He licks his lips at the memory of making her cum inside his car weeks ago. He can’t wait to do it again. And then again, and again.
“Am I everything you imagined?” She asked nervously.
“And more.” He reassured. So much more. Fuck, she’s perfect.
Her lips turned up in a smile. “Glad I can live up to your dreams.”
“Ellie…You are my dream.” Colt kisses her stomach tenderly, and she rubs a hand through his hair. I always dream of you.
“But I want to touch you too.” She winked.
Colt eagerly tugs off his jacket. She pushes him onto his back. “Let me.” She climbs on top of him and unbuttons his shirt. She undoes his tie and pulls him up to meet her lips. Then she helps him push the shirt off and start working at the button of his pants, tugging them down. She rakes her fingers over his toned abs.
He involuntarily bucked his hips, moaning lightly at the shiver that ran through him. He grabs her hands with his own, staring deeply into her eyes. “This is how it starts. The two of us. Nobody could stop us.”
A strange look crossed her face before she spoke again. “Forget everyone else. I love your ambition, I do, but I want this to be you and me.”
Colt runs his fingers up and down her arms again, smiling sheepishly. “Don’t you know? That’s all it’s ever been for me.”
She grabs Colts face and brings him to her, kissing her deeply. “Colt…I…”
“I know…” Colt’s hand trails down her stomach, where he pauses on the waistband of her underwear. He stares at her in question.
“I need you now.” She whispered.
Colt slides off her underwear, taking his time. Her breath is already ragged.
“I’m just getting started.” He promised.
“I know you’re more experienced than me. I might not be any good.”
She serious? Nah she can’t be serious.
He shook his head. “Nothing could be better than this. Besides, we’ll learn each other’s bodies.”
Her face lit up. “Together…just like we do everything else.” She holds him close, cupping his cheek.
He searches her eyes, before flipping her, so she was beneath him. He rolls to the side, sliding his fingers down, tweaking her nipple, bringing it to a tall bud before closing his mouth over it, sucking and gently biting.
“Oh my god, Colt…” She breathes as he moves his hand down her stomach to the apex of her thighs. He groans when he feels how wet she is.
“You’re soaked Ellie…Have you been this wet all night?”
“Mmmmm” She responded, writhing her body. “Touch me more…”
He slipped a finger into her tight hole, moving slowly to warm her up before circling her nub and making her shiver with anticipation.
“Take me, Colt…I don’t want to wait anymore, take me now!” She begged
He took a shuddery breath as he hovered over her, lining his cock up. “You and me forever, Ellie.” He promised. They lock eyes as he slowly enters her, and he admires how her mouth opens as she takes all of his length inside her pussy. When he’s all the way in, she wraps her legs around his hips.
“Oh god!”
“Are you okay?” He whispered hoarsely.
She nodded. “Yes. I’m more than okay.”
He starts moving, thrusting softly and she claws his back as she cries out in ecstasy. He kisses her passionately, increasing his speed as she encouraged him along.
“Yes, Colt, I need it…I need you…god, yes!”
“Ellie…El…you feel so fucking good. Holy fuck. You like me inside you?”
“Yes” She whimpered
“How much?” He thrust harder, causing another cry to escape her lips.
“So much!”
“I’m gonna make you cum so fucking hard.”
He moved fast, grunting as he claimed her as his own. He felt her begin to quiver, and he didn’t/t break eye contact as she toppled over the edge. Moving through her orgasm he felt the familiar tightening in his balls, knowing he’s about to explode.
“Ellie…Where should I…”
Before he even asked the question, she crashed her lips against his, grabbing his ass and pulling him deeper inside her. He came hard, harder than he ever has in his life, his fluid shooting up fast, her pussy squeezing every last drop from his dick.
They stayed connected, neither wanting to part, sharing lazy kisses. I don’t want to leave this place. I don’t want to leave her.
“Ellie…I love you. Even if you don’t say it back…I just need you to know that I mean it. I’ve never been more sure of something in my entire life. We can run this town, Ellie.”
“We would be quite the power couple.” She mused.
He smiled down at her. “Is that a yes?”
She laughed, gently pushing him off of her and curling up into his side. “I love you too, Colt. But I am going to school soon. Across the country.”
“You could stay.” He pointed out.
“Or you could come.” She countered.
Hmm…She does have a point…maybe I could even apply to her school…
 “Hold me.” Her voice cut through his thoughts.
“I’m not going anywhere. I told you…I was the first man to ever make you cum. And I’m going to be the last. You’re my driver forever, Ellie.”
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@annekebbphotography @gardeningourmet @zigortega4life @eileendannie @thequeenofcronuts @drakewalkerfantasy @friedherringclodthing @coffeebeandragon @drakewalker04 @jlpplays1 @desiree-0816
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Hi!! I saw you were still doing ships and was curious who you'd see me with out of Queen and the Bo Rhap cast. I'm a Korean girl with straight, dark brown shoulder length hair with bangs and blackish, dark brown eyes. I'm pretty short at 5'3 and I love music (mainly classic rock) and art. I play violin, piano, and dabble in guitar, and I love drawing and photography. Btw, I absolutely adore your blog and writing! Looking forward to your new posts! Much love xx
hiiiii THANK U FOR THE LOVE ahhhh!!!
i had some trouble deciding between two of them for the queen ship but i think i’m just going to choose one and go w it 
ships r below the cut :))
For BoRhap, I ship you with Gwilym Lee!
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Yes, yes, the height difference, I know! 
But I think that Gwilym would absolutely adore the height difference just as much as he would adore everything else about you.
Gwilym is 100% the type of boyfriend that is posting videos of you noodling on the guitar, or just idly playing tunes on the piano. But the reason you two had met was because of your photography.
He was looking for some new pieces to put up in his home, and had heard there was going to be a sort of freelance art market happening downtown, and your photography/artwork had caught his eye first. But when he looked up to see who was behind the stall’s table, he suddenly turned into a blundering schoolboy with a hopeless crush again.
“Beautiful work,” he’d commented, making you smile as you came around the table to see which piece he was looking at. He easily towered when you got next to his side, but it didn’t seem to bother either of you as you smiled up at him, receiving a charming smile in return.
"Thank you! Which one is your favorite?”
“I think I favor this one the most.” He pointed to a beautiful landscape photograph you’d blown up onto a bigger canvas, watching as you scanned it for a moment, familiarity running through your eyes. “The color is phenomenal.”
“That’s one of my favorites too. I have it hanging in my apartment,” you’d replied, looking up at him again and admiring the way he was so responsive to all of your words, right from the jump. It showed you he was listening, and it was rare to find a man at these markets that absolutely respected your craftsmanship and didn’t try to mansplain your own work to you.
“Oh really? Where at?” Gwilym asked, intrigued that you both found a favorite in the same piece. His eyes twinkled with curiousity, and you found that your heart was racing as you raised an eyebrow at him teasingly.
“That’s quite a personal question to be asking before you even get my number first.”
He began to apologize profusely, his cheeks turning pink as he smiled sheepishly. “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be nosy! I was just looking for some work for my house and-” 
“I’m just joking, no worries,” you giggled, giving him a gentle nudge. “I know these things can get a bit stuffy and seem too serious, so why don’t I do this?” You walked back around the table, pulling out one of your cards before uncapping a pen and and writing a note on the back, then handing it to him. “If you’d like to buy the print, here’s my card so we can talk more about sizes and pricing.”
Gwilym smiled as he took the card, putting it in the breast pocket of his button up as he chewed on his lip, trying to single out whether you were flirting or not. “For business discussions, right?” he asked, although the way he smiled said otherwise.
“Oh, absolutely,” you agreed with the same smile, and then you were off to talk to a new possible customer as Gwilym walked away, reading the note you’d left on the back of your card along with your cell.
It’s above my piano, if you’d really care to know. :) xxx-xxx-xxxx
Once you two had finally started dating a few months later, Gwilym found any excuse to make you play the piano. Sometimes, he actually even pretended he wanted you to give him lessons, which consisted more of you playing and Gwilym watching you with complete ardor in his eyes.
“Wait, I missed that last part - play it again,” he’d insisted one time, smiling sheepishly as you rolled your eyes playfully at the obvious attempt to get you to play again so he could record it.
“If you miss it one more time, you’re in trouble, mister.” With that, you restarted the brief piece you’d just played, Gwilym sneakily holding his phone up to record you from over your opposite shoulder while your fingers moved expertly over the keys, not missing a single note. 
When you finally stopped and realized it wasn’t just his hand on your other shoulder, you laughed and grabbed at his phone, which he retracted quickly and shoved into his pocket as you wrapped your arms around his neck, trying to stop him from running off. But he easily just pulled you up off the bench with him, and you had to ride all the way over to the couch dangling off of him and laughing.
Finally falling back on the couch, he landed with a small ‘oof’ as you fell on top of him, giggling. “I ought to get you for that one, Gwil.”
“You’re too cute to be threatening,” he murmured, giving you a wide grin before quickly kissing your nose. Your hair fell down over his face just slightly, so he tucked it back behind your ear as you tried to look grumpy with him, failing miserably.
“You’re too cute to be mad at, that’s so annoying,” you sighed dramatically, moving down a bit to rest your head on his chest as you pouted. But Gwilym’s hand running back through your hair soon made you forget why were were upset with him, and you were about to ask him if he really wanted to learn piano when an Instagram notification popped up on your phone, making it buzz in your pocket.
Pulling it out of your pocket, you saw Gwilym had tagged you in something, and you opened it to see the video of you playing, the ending showing you laughing and grabbing for the camera before it went dark.
“You turd!” you gasped melodramatically, pretending to pin him down as you attempted to look as mean as you could. “I’m going to get you for that one for real this time!”
But Gwilym’s hands quickly subdued you when they went to your sides and started to tickle relentlessly, his lips matching the frantic pace of his fingers as he peppered kisses all over your face, making you squeal and giggle in pure delight. 
For Queen, I struggled between Roger and Brian, but I officially picked Roger Taylor! 
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Although I think you would fit just as well with Brian, I wanted to pick Roger for the reason that I think you have some similarities, but you possess differences that would make a perfect pair that learns from each other!
Seeing your similarities with Brian, I actually think that you would originally meet Roger through Brian. We’ll say that you helped Brian on his solo project, and when Roger needed some help on his concerning some keyboard parts, you were the first person Brian recommended.
What Brian didn’t count on was Roger pretty much stealing you from him - as soon as you two met, you hit it off, and you spent more and more time around Roger, which took away from the time Brian usually had to shoot the shit with you and smooth things over after studio hours. 
But when he saw the way you were around each other, Brian seemed not to mind as much anymore.
“Oh, that was beautiful! Play that again, and put a little-” Roger made a gesture mimicking a slam of a single chord, “at the end, to round it off.”
“Yes sir, Mr. Piano Expert,” you teased, and Roger laughed as he waved off your playfully patronizing of him. Brian was watching from one of the chairs in the booth, where he was fiddling with a guitar that Roger needed him to play a few riffs on for one of his songs.
Brian couldn’t help but notice the way Roger watched your face instead of your hands when you played. Sure, he glanced at your hands every once in a while, but he was increasingly focused on your impressions as you played, and when he realized that Brian had noticed, he sent him a quick middle finger behind your back while you began to finish up. 
When you played the single slam chord to end it, Roger cheered, giving you a quick kiss on the cheek before starting to babble on about how he couldn’t wait to hear your parts on the songs after final production.
When final production had actually taken place and they had their end product, Roger invited you over to his place to take a listen. 
So you curled up on the couch together, listening to his album with a bottle of wine and a Polaroid camera, which you kept taking pictures of Roger with. Although he was no stranger to the lens, he kept insisting that you should be the one in front of the camera, not him. To keep him from stealing the camera from you, you’d sat at the other end of the couch.
“Oh, you’re full of it,” you laughed, raising the camera to your eye before taking another pic and pulling it out once it had dispensed fully. Climbing to your feet, you sat the camera down carefully before you tiptoed over to the drawers on one of his cabinets, setting the photo in it and closing it so it could develop properly. 
Before you turned, you could hear the familiar click of the shutter and the grin on Roger’s face when you turned said it all as he sat the camera back down, then stretched out on the couch with the developing photo. “I bet you look so cute in it.”
“I bet it’s blurry,” you teased, coming back over and crawling back onto the couch with him, letting him curl up around you and grabbing your glass of wine again as he did so. “Could be a bum shot.”
“Oh, it was definitely a bum shot.” You groaned as you realized the double meaning too late, and you reached back to give him a very gentle smack on the shoulder as he cracked up at himself, making you roll your eyes playfully. 
He got comfortable as he wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you close while occasional chuckles still shook his body. “You are something else, Roger.”
“It was funny, admit it,��� he giggled gleefully, pressing kisses to your shoulder as he went back to listening to his album, rubbing circles on your tummy with his thumb. “You love me.”
“If you say so.”
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simpleboox-blog · 5 years
We’ll Always End Up Here
Part 2: Ghost Hunting
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Pairing: Dean x reader
Warnings: Language, lil bit of angst, dean being a sweetheart
Word count: 1,600 - 1,700
Pt 2 of ??? This fic might end with a happy ending, but don’t worry there’ll be more after this!
Master List Here!
Part 1 here!
Dean’s P.O.V.
“So any new information about ghosty mac ghost?” I asked Sam, checking my gun to make sure it was loaded. “Yeah actually. Check this out…” He said opening his laptop. Cas and I leaned over to see. “All his victims are female. All between the ages of twenty one and thirty. All fairly attractive. All slit wrists.” He said, bringing up photos of the victims. “So dead dude out for hot young chicks. Got to give it to him..” I said with a grin. “Anyways. He definitely died in this building, but get this..” Sam continued. “He was cremated.” He said. “So his spirit is tied to an object of some sort.” I said. “Exactly.” Sam replied. “But what is it?” Cas asked.
“Well, the guy used to be a regular at this very bar, and it turns out.” Sam said clicking an article. “Two hundred year old watch found at local bar. Believed to have been owned by James Candem Ness. Which is our guy!” I said reading out loud. “So he’s linked to a watch. Which is in this building.” Cas said. Sam nodded. “But I’m guessing by all our other encounters, we can’t just stroll up and burn the watch. So we need a distraction.” Sam said. “A distraction?” Cas asked. Sam gestured to the girl asleep on the chair. “We can’t ask her to be bait!” I exclaimed. “Why not?” Sam asked. “Because! What will we even tell her?” I said. “The truth?” Sam said.
“Oh yeah. And how does that normally play out Sam?” I said crossly, folding my arms. “We have no other choice Dean.. And she’s right there. She’s pretty. She’s under thirty but over twenty one. He was probably going to kill her next anyways!” He said. He did have a good point though. This girl was exactly the ghost’s type and she was probably his next victim anyways… may as well kill the bastard. “Alright. I’ll wake her up.” I said.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
I was awakened by someone shaking my shoulder. “What?” I groaned. “Get up. You’re coming with us.” I heard someone say. I opened my eyes and Dean was standing over me. I looked around and I was in the bar. It took my a second but I remembered what had happened. I checked my watch, it was one in the morning. I had been asleep for half an hour. “No I’m not.” I said standing up. Dean grabbed my arm. “Okay. We need you to come with us. We’re trying to kill this thing. A ghost actually. And we need you as..” I cut him off. “Wait. Wait. Wait.” I said, removing my arm from his grasp. “A ghost?” I asked. “I know it sounds crazy but it’s true. He died here around two hundred years ago. He’s been killing ladies working in this bar.” Dean said quickly.
“Oh, that kind of makes sense now that I think about it.” I said quietly. “It does?” Dean asked. “Yeah, well, unusual deaths. Weird noises. It checks all the boxes.” I said with a shrug. “I thought I might have to, well, persuade you more?” He said. “I have an open mind Dean.” I said. “Okay. Well, we need to use you as bait..” Sam said coming up behind Dean. “Wait what!? No way!” I said taking a step back. “Hey. It’s okay. We’ll have your back.” Dean said with a smile. “No. No. He could kill me. I could die. We could all die..” I said. I felt my chest sort of clench up and my breathing become quick. Dean clearly noticed and he stood a bit closer to me “Look at me. What’s your name?” Dean said softly. Sam left and went back over to Cas. Dean placed his hand on my arm.
“(Y/N)…” I said quietly. “Okay. (Y/N).. You’re scared. It’s okay. I understand.” He said. Still in a soft tone. “For someone who held a knife to my throat less than an hour ago you’re being awfully nice.” I said. He laughed. “That was a misunderstanding. You held a knife to my throat as well.” He said. I smiled. He reached down and took my hand in his. “We need you to do this one thing for us okay? Nothing will happen to you. I promise.” He said, giving my hand a squeeze. I nodded. “Okay. I’ll do it.” I said.
“Hello?” I said. It was fifteen minutes later. Cas had located the watch in the back room behind the third shelf. Right now, I was in the other back room. Dean was standing at the door, gun filled with rocksalt ready. I was shaking. Sam and Cas were going to grab the watch while me and Dean distracted it. To be honest, I have no idea why I agreed to this. Just the way Dean’s green eyes looked at me, I guess I just trusted him. Which was kind of a bad idea. He did break into the bar. But whatever.
“Uh. I’m here to.. get more ice!” I said loudly. I turned around and looked back at Dean. Nothing was happening. “Pretty..” I heard a deep slurred voice say from behind me. I whipped my head around and a big man was standing there. His eyes were bloodshot and he had two marks on both his wrists. He must have been killed that way. I saw Dean signal to Sam and Cas and I stood my ground. “Umm. Thanks?” I said. I was shaking even more. I took a step back as he took a step forward. “Pretty..” He said again. He reached out a hand to touch me, and that’s when I heard a massive bang. I fell backwards as the ghost disappeared.
Dean came into the room then. My breathing was heavy and I was scared. Dean helped me up. “Hey sweetheart. You okay?” He said. I nodded but then I noticed a big silhouette behind him. “Dean watch out!” I shouted as I stepped aside. “My girl!” The ghost said bringing down a knife beside Dean, he just dodged it. He aimed the shotgun again, ready to fire, but that's when the ghost dropped the knife and began to go up in flames. “No!” He wailed, as the rest of his body caught on fire, eventually all of him going up in flames.
Outside in the bar again, Dean handed me a beer. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to steal these. I can pay if you want?” He said taking a seat beside me. “Nah it’s okay. You probably saved my ass and many other people’s as well.” I said with a grin. I drank some of the beer and wiped my mouth on the back of my hand. I shivered and yawned at the same time. Dean chuckled. “Here. You look cold.” He said, draping his leather jacket around me. “Thanks.” I said. He smiled. “Good work tonight.” He said taking a swig from his beer. “Yeah.” I replied.
“So is this what you guys do for a living?” I asked. Dean nodded. “Pretty much yeah. Sammy over there was studying law in Stanford. But that was ages ago.” He said. “What about Cas?” I asked. “Cas is actually an angel. Well, a fallen one. He’s kinda useless but he’s part of Team Free Will so..” He said with a smile, taking a drink again. “Team Free Will?” I said with a laugh. Dean shrugged and grinned. “Me, Sammy and Cas against the world.” I took a drink of my beer and leaned back in the chair. “So, there’s a fallen angel, an ex law student.. what are you?” I asked.
“Me?” He said. I nodded. “I’m, I’m the broken one I guess.” He said. Almost sadly. “Broken?” I asked. He nodded. “The things I’ve done. The people I’ve..” He trailed off. I think I kind of killed the happy, celebration mood. “Well then that makes two of us.” I said with a grin. “Team Free Will 2.0. A fallen angel, an ex law student, and two broken sons of a bitches who have done too much.” I said. Dean laughed. “Amen to that!” Sam shouted from across the bar. “Amen to that.” Dean said.
I walked outside with them. Outside to their 1967 Chevy Impala. “Nice ride.” I said. “That’s Dean’s baby right there.” Sam said with a laugh. “Yeah.” Cas said as well. “Hey can you guys give us a minute?” Dean asked. Sam and Cas nodded and Dean walked over to the entrance of the bar again. “What is it Dean?” I asked. But before I could say anything else his lips were on mine. His hands around my waist. It was unexpected but I kissed back. It was amazing. He pulled away and used one of his hands to cup under my chin. “Great job tonight sweetheart.” He said. I nodded. He let go of my waist and began to walk back to his car. “Bye!” I said with a wave. And that was the last of Team Free Will. Or so I thought.
Deans P.O.V.
Three months later.
I almost flipped a table when I saw the article in the news. (Y/N) (Y/L/N) missing. Last seen walking home from a bar yesterday in West Minnesota. No sign of abduction, or struggle. If seen, please ring your local guards. A picture of her was beside the print. She was beautiful in it. I still remember our kiss, how she kissed back. “Sam!” I shouted. “Yeah?” He replied from across the room. “Pack up. We’re going to Minnesota.”
Part 3 here!
Loved this one! Hope y’all enjoyed
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