#“The safest sport” they said
theprophecys · 7 months
slashed in the neck today at fencing. there’s a red line on my neck now
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sctumsempra · 4 months
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androgynous summer snape save me
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jjkamochoso · 3 months
How JJK Characters React to You Describing Them as Your Type When Todo Asks
Warnings: none
A/N: pretend you’re in a huge group with all of the students present when this question was asked :) also, I went with the anime adaptation of the characters rather than the manga, just fyi!
“Y/n! What kind of man is your type?”
“Yeah y/n, we wanna know!” Yuji said, excitedly. You figured there was no harm in sharing, Todo and the group were just looking for fun to distract them for a little bit.
“Okay, well I like guys that are average height, not too tall or short. Super strong, of course, with a cute, goofy smile. Oh, and colored hair is always fun too!”
“Oh man, he sounds so cool! If I find any guys that look like that, don’t worry, I’ll send them your way!” Shaking your head and laughing, you got into a conversation with Megumi while Nobara yanked Yuji out of your earshot.
“Yuji! Don’t you realize what y/n said?!”
He rested his chin in his fingers, deep in thought for a few moments before he answered.
“No? Should I have?”
Nobara didn’t hesitate to whack him on the top of the head.
“They literally described you, idiot! Don’t you own a mirror?!” Yuji’s mouth opened in a big smile. This was great news since he had a big crush on you!
“Y/n! I have to talk to you!”
“Y/n! What kind of man is your type?”
You sighed. You didn’t want to join Todo’s antics but you had no choice.
“You don’t have to answer him. It’s a stupid question anyway.”
Megumi’s voice came unexpectedly from behind you. You smiled inwardly at his protectiveness.
“I appreciate that Fushiguro, but I might as well. Let’s see. I like moody boys on the lankier side with dark black hair and dark blue eyes. He has to love animals too.”
You looked at Megumi to see if it registered that you were talking about him. All of a sudden, he sported a deep blush and excused himself from the group. Todo gave you a hearty smack on the back for your response.
“I’m proud of you for baring your soul like that to the one you love,” he said, tears rolling down his face. “Y/n, go get your man!”
You turned to look at your friends who all just shrugged their shoulders. Looks like you’re off to find Megumi then!
“Y/n! What kind of woman is your type?”
You had no hesitation answering this question, you loved to talk about things like this, gossip and crushes and the sort. Besides, it was time Nobara knew how you felt!
“I thought you’d never ask! I really like short girls with short hair. If it’s a vibrant color, that’s a plus. Spunky personalities are the best and I need someone who’ll keep up with me when I go shopping.”
Looking over at Nobara, you saw her jaw drop and you knew she understood what you were getting at.
“Y/n! You liked me and you never told me?! This whole time?!” she shouted, running towards you. You didn’t know whether she was going to hit or kiss you so you took off running as well. Gotta love the feisty girls!
“Y/n! What kind of woman is your type?”
“This stupid question again?” grumbled Maki. You were a bit nervous to reply to Todo. You had a huge crush on Maki but she was, well, intimidating, to say the least. To be fair, so was Todo, and you heard what happened to Fushiguro so you went with the safest bet.
“I like girls who are on the taller side and insanely strong. Light eyes, dark hair. Straight to the point, always. And uh… glasses.”
Maki hadn’t moved a muscle and you cringed, fearing the worst. Best case scenario, she would ignore you ever said that. Worst case, she’d beat you up. When she came over and grabbed you by the collar of your shirt, you gulped.
“Y/n. We’re talking about this somewhere else.”
(Spoiler alert: when you were somewhere else, you kissed🤭)
“Y/n! What kind of man is your type?”
Todo was on your last nerve. Sure, he seemed nice enough, but why should you be expected to tell everyone your personal business like this? In front of both schools’ students, no less! When you were filled in on what happens when you don’t answer truthfully, you resigned to the fact that you were exposing your true feelings to everyone today, whether you liked it or not.
“I like shorter men, preferably with medium length blonde hair, and bright purple eyes. He doesn’t talk much but more than makes up for it with his top tier sense of humor.” You noticed that Inumaki never broke his gaze from you as you spoke. You shuffled over to where he was sitting to explain yourself, but this time it was you who couldn’t find the right words.
“Mustard leaf?” Inumaki broke the silence first, basically asking you what was wrong since you marched over there and hadn’t said a thing.
“Look, Toge, I’m sorry if I—”
He tugged on your sleeve, stopping you. In his hands was a note that read, “I like you too” with a little smiley face at the end.
“Y/n! What kind of man is your type?”
You weren’t sure how to answer Todo. On one hand, you didn’t want to expose your crush on Yuta. On the other, would be it so bad for the truth to be out there? He was a kind person that wouldn’t drop your friendship if he didn’t feel the same way.
“I really like average height guys with longer dark hair and big, dark blue eyes. Personality wise he has to be extremely loyal and caring. Oh, and good with a sword.”
“Sooo… Yuta?” questioned Panda, and you nodded in agreement, your face warming with a blush.
“Wait, me? Really?” Yuta’s eyes lit up as he broke out into a hopeful smile. You nodded again.
“Oh man, that’s great!” he exclaimed, and then sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. “I’ve liked you for awhile too and I just thought maybe you didn’t feel the same but you do! Which is amazing!” You laughed softly at his rambling. This school year just got a whole lot better!
“Y/L/N sensei! What kind of man is your type?”
“Todo, isn’t that wildly inappropriate to ask your superior?” you answered, a joking tone present.
“Maybe, but we’re curious! Please, sensei?”
“Yeah, sensei! It’s just for fun” Yuji chimed in.
“And it’s a team building exercise to know something so personal! You’re always saying we need to communicate better,” added Nobara. You rolled your eyes playfully.
“I meant that to be an exercise among you children, not me. But I will entertain this for only a moment, so listen carefully,” you told the group and they cheered like their favorite baseball player hit a home run. As you were about to spill your secret, you spotted Satoru leaning against a wall, clearly interested in the secret you were about to spill.
“I like super tall men who are lean but extremely strong. He has to be very funny and goofy but with a kind heart. White hair and striking blue eyes are also a must.”
Maki’s eyes almost popped out of their sockets as she exclaimed, “You like that blindfolded idiot?!”
As the kids clamored at the newfound information, Gojo took that time to approach you and the students.
“Excuse me everyone, but me and my new lover must depart,” he announced, taking your hand dramatically while leading you away to laugh at what just happened.
“Y/n! What kind of man is your type?”
You groaned. You really didn’t want Noritoshi to know about your infatuation with him. It was no secret that he had more important things to deal with than schoolyard crushes so you were afraid to confess in case it made him uncomfortable—or worse, dislike you!
“You don’t have to answer the immature question, y/n,” Noritoshi spoke up when he noticed your discomfort. You were grateful for him but you wanted to keep the peace among your classmates and judging by the death glare Todo sent to you two, you’d better start talking.
“Thank you Kamo, but I value harmony among friends so I will answer this for Todo’s amusement only. I like tall men with a bit longer dark hair and gray eyes. Having an honorable character and being good with a bow is the way to my heart.” You felt Noritoshi tense up next to you and you refused to look at him out of fear of rejection. He took you by surprise when he leaned over ever so slightly to whisper to you.
“I was caught off guard by your confession but I can’t say I don’t feel the same. Can we discuss this later?”
“Y/n! What kind of man is your type?”
Your eyes went wide when Todo’s booming voice reached your ears. You were super into him but no one knew. You knew you couldn’t fool him with a fake answer, though, and if you were going to feel his hand for the first time, you’d rather it be from holding it with your own than having it curled in a fist and connecting with your face.
“Um… I like men that are extremely tall and buff. Dark hair, tan skin. And passionate, of course.”
“Hm! That’s a great answer! He sounds hot,” replied Todo, smirking, “but unfortunately for that perfect fake man, I’m taking you on a date first because you’re my type!”
You definitely weren’t expecting this!
“Y/n! What kind of woman is your type?”
You rolled your eyes. This big oaf is going to jeopardize your friendship for sure. You really liked Mai but you figured she wasn’t into dating and all the lovey dovey stuff.
“Do I have to answer?” you asked, praying Todo had a change of heart.
“No, y/n, we all wanna know. What’s your type?” Mai chimed in, a sly grin on her face. You gulped.
“I… like women that have short, dark hair and dark eyes. If she’s taller than average that’s cool, and I love a snarky personality.”
“No way!” exclaimed Momo when she realized who you were talking about. You refused to look anyone in the eyes out of embarrassment and fear. What you weren’t expecting was Mai grabbing your hand and leading you somewhere else. Hopefully it was to talk and not get beat up!
“Y/n! What kind of woman is your type?”
You huffed in annoyance. There were always some sort of antics with this guy! You had liked Momo for awhile now but she was like an enigma to you. You could never get a good read on her so maybe telling her how you felt outright would be a good thing?
“I really like girls with blonde hair and blue eyes, and short, too. Having a cute personality is a plus as well,” you answered, hoping that was straightforward enough.
“Wait a minute, that sounds exactly like me!” Momo exclaimed, blushing slightly. You sheepishly nodded your head.
“Because it is. I have a crush you.”
The whole group erupted in a chorus of “aww’s” and “how adorable.” You were nervous that you had accidentally made her uncomfortable but your fears disappeared as she came over to sit next to you. When the students were distracted by another topic, you felt Momo’s hand rest over so slightly on top your own and you knew you made the right decision to confess.
“Y/n! What kind of woman is your type?”
Before you spoke, you met eyes with Miwa. It almost seemed as if she was anxious to hear what you had to say!
“Girls with dark blue eyes and are average height are my type. I also really like girls with kind hearts and are down to earth. Blue hair isn’t too bad, either,” you finished, smiling nervously. Both of you were blushing messes while Mai scoffed “Get a room!” Your classmates were just happy that the secret was out in the open—they were tired of you two dancing around your feelings for each other!
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mswyrr · 6 days
kanthony thoughts: rivals to lovers done right
I usually prefer Enemies to Lovers to Rivals to Lovers. What is the difference I see there, you might ask? Enemies are on opposite sides of a serious, life and death conflict, and rivals have issues with each other, but their rivalry takes place within the realm of everyday life. For me, I can forgive bad behavior within a serious conflict more easily than if the Rivals to Lovers couple goes over the top in a less serious situation.
I said all that to say: Kanthony is Rivals to Lovers done right. Below are the reasons I see for why.
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1- The writers keep putting them in situations where everyone around them is feeling competitive - horse racing, the yearly Bridgerton pall-mall game, the hunt. If everyone around them has their blood up and is vying with each other, it's understandable that the situation brings out the competitive energy and Belligerent Sexual Tension they're both feeling for each other. They don't seem to be going over the top because of some inner excessive pettiness; they're caught up in the spirit of the thing and it's unleashing their repressed feelings for each other.
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2- They are both competitive but also "good sports" - they conduct themselves honorably in these scenarios. No cheating, no getting too personal in their swipes at each other. They both love to compete and to win and hate to lose and they're bubbling over with repressed passion for each other, but they'll accept defeat without being childish or over the top mean. They maintain a sense of perspective, even when they're being passionate.
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3- Their banter is either sincere or appropriately artful. Example: at the soiree, after Kate hears Anthony talking about ladies as chattels to the other men, she takes a huge risk in confronting him about it- this is a very rich and powerful man and she is a smart person, she knows keeping her secrets close is the safest and best way to do things in her situation. But she cares about him and hates that he'd talk like that - so she speaks up. She longs to connect with him, to understand why he could say such a thing. For his part, he cares that she's so hurt by what he said, he cares about her opinion of him. They matter to each other. This is the "sincerity" category of banter.
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Kate saves her sharpest words for when they're alone, communicating two things (1) she likes this man enough that she's willing to risk being alone with him and tell him her truth and (2) he's eager to interact to the point of being willing to take that from her. He's willing to say "why do you hate me?" and truly want to earn her good opinion.
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The other kind of banter, the appropriately artful kind, is told indirectly through the competitive games they play. For example: at the horse race she uses talking about horses--and how Anthony has simply chosen the one everyone is choosing--to criticize him for seemingly choosing Edwina simply because the Queen has named her the diamond of this season. But their byplay is all indirect - neither is aiming to wound or publicly humiliate the other. They want to win, but not destroy.
Good "Screwball Comedy" era films (1930s-40s) did Rivals to Lovers this way too - the couple would banter *over something* with subtext going harder but the surface not being too personal - that's the art to good Rivals to Lovers, the delicate balance. It can't feel too much, too mean, or too little.
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4 - They are quick to have empathy and compassion for each other. They try to truly listen and see things from each other's point of view. The best example of this, to me, is the end of the pall-mall game - sure, they've been competitive. But Kate shares that she sees herself as a guardian for Edwina, like Anthony is for his sisters. And Anthony not only respects that - he says he sincerely wishes to earn her good favor. For her part, when her parting shot of the ball goes awry, landing near Anthony's father's grave, Kate senses something wrong and cares - she tries to understand how Anthony is feeling and why. She regrets if she "crossed the line" and went too personal - she's aware there IS a line and their rivalry doesn't justify wounding him deeply, even unintentionally. Anthony treats her with the same consideration as well.
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This point is VITAL to cross from rivals to lovers - they both want to understand and have compassion and empathy for each other. As they learn more and connect more, the rivalry part wanes (though they'll always love being competitive together - in a sportsmanlike way!) and the desire to connect and understand intensifies. It feels organic as the shift happens because both components have been part of things all along - the urge to compete and the urge to care and understand.
5- They are explicitly paralleled as similar people who have hurt the same way (and tried to cope with that pain similarly). This is true of my favorite EtL ships: the baddie is often symbolically representing part of the goodie or a dark mirror of them etc. RtL often foregoes this so the rival is, like... just some random jerk?? But when they're mirrors or connected on a deeper level, compassion and empathy for the other is compassion and empathy for themselves too - vitally important with two people who don't "listen" to their own hearts like Kate and Anthony. They've buried them deep - but they can "hear" by listening to each other and caring. They can process their own feelings that way and learn self-compassion and self expression.
It's really good and if more Rivals to Lovers was done this well I'd love it! The writing here is certainly a template I'd turn to for inspiration if I ever write an RtL pairing.
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whatitshouldvebeen · 6 months
Scream Three Times
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[Part 1/2] [Part 2/2 (smut)]
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Synopsis: You didn't think you had a chance at Billy or Stu's affection, but one night at Stu's Halloween party proves otherwise.
Pairing: MMF Ghostface (Billy Loomis & Stu Macher) x reader
Word count: 2,852
Warnings: None so far
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Thanks to the surge of murders in your hometown of Woodsboro and the newly enforced curfew, your mom spared you from your usual duty of accompanying your younger sibling for trick-or-treating around the neighborhood.
Your best friend, Jenna, invited you at the last minute to Stu Macher's Halloween party instead. However, her excitement waned when you stumbled upon an old Ghostface mask in the closet and answered the door wearing it.
"It's in really poor taste," Jenna said, crossing her arms over her nearly exposed chest. She was wearing a skimpy cheerleader outfit, likely to appease her new boyfriend, Anders.
"Well, it isn't like Ghostface wears skirts, fishnet tights, and knee-high boots. I think she's safe from being mistaken for the killer," Anders commented, his dark eyes appraising you. Your response was a scrunched nose and a disdainful glare he couldn't see past your mask.
Anders—the latest object of your best friend's affection—attempted to pull off the dark-haired, leather jacket bad boy look. But you easily saw through it. He was nothing more than a tool.
However, Jenna made you promise to be nice, so you refrained from telling him off for ogling you. You wrapped your dark robe around your cut-off black top sporting cute little glow-in-the-dark ghosts before following Jenna to her boyfriend's truck and climbing into the back seat.
The gathering was taking place at Stu's big farmhouse, and plenty of people were coming, so it did seem like the safest place to be. When you arrived, you hopped out and followed Jenna and Anders up the front porch.
"Well, hey there." Stu's delighted grin greeted you at the door as he held it open. "Great costume."
"Thanks, Stu," you replied, grateful that the mask concealed your flustered expression. He was wearing a velvety red robe over a beige sweater, but it was always his smile that he wore best.
Though you were aware of Stu's relationship with Tatum, you couldn't deny the magnetic draw of his outgoing personality. Still, you weren't the type to go after other girls' men.
Because if you were the type to tread that path, Billy Loomis's bed might have been your destination. Poor Sidney had to have some idea how much of a player her boyfriend was, but she was unaware of the fact Billy had come onto you on more than one occasion. Resolute in avoiding the same bad-boy trap your best friend fell into, you steered clear.
Squeezing past Stu, whose blue eyes shamelessly traced your every move, you navigated into the party. While Jenna and Anders settled on the couch for the scary movie marathon, you made your way to the kitchen to get some beers.
With your back to the room, you heard your name and spun around, coming face to face with Stu.
"I knew that was you under that costume. Damn, you look really cute," he said, his eyes lighting up as he bit his lip.
Ducking your head slightly, a nervous giggle escaped as you thanked him.
"Whassamatter?" Stu leaned in so close that your black mesh-shrouded vision was consumed by him. "You gettin' flustered, girly?"
Shoving him back with a hand still clutching a beer, you playfully muttered, "Quit it, Stu. You have a girlfriend."
"Yeah? And what if I told you I'm planning on leaving her for you?" he said in a low tone, capturing your hand on his chest. His head dipped, and piercing eyes seemingly locked onto yours through the mask.
"Uh-" Your mouth went dry, and your thoughts scattered into the far corners of your mind.
Fuck. A little flirting and you could already feel your body heating up. Stu would leave his girlfriend for you? You hated the fact your thoughts were already consumed with the idea of stealing another girl's man.
But was it really stealing when he suggested it? Attempting to maintain the façade of a good, mostly innocent girl, you grappled with the growing heat in your core.
"There you are!" Tatum's voice cut through your brain fog.
"Thanks," Stu said, taking the beer from your hand and winking before turning to face his girlfriend, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, and leading her back toward the living room. He glanced over his shoulder before disappearing from view, blowing a kiss.
You grabbed the last beer in the fridge and reentered the living room, passing two bottles to your best friend on the packed couch and opening one for yourself before settling on the armchair in the only available seat, beside Tatum. There were at least twenty people sitting around the TV, which was playing the movie 'Halloween,' but the moment you felt the back of the chair settle, the only thing you could focus on was the warmth of Stu's body radiating from behind you.
His girlfriend was beside you, but she knew how Stu was. She didn't think anything of it when he set his arm—still holding the beer—around your shoulder. Your breath caught. Your best friend shot you a look, but you couldn't bring yourself to care. The tension between you and Stu was building, and you weren't sure how much more you could take.
"You're lucky Sidney couldn't make it," Tatum said from beside you, gesturing to your mask. "You and the others would have scared her shitless. Honestly, it's pretty rude."
You were about to respond when Stu interjected.
"Don't be a bitch, Tatum," he chided. "It's my party, and I'm not gonna enforce a dress code because Sydney is paranoid."
The doorbell rang, and Stu yelled, "I'll get it!" before unceremoniously falling off the back of the chair and popping his head up over the back. "Yo, babe, mind getting us some more beer?" He handed her his empty bottle with a charming smile.
She huffed. "What am I, a beer wench?" Despite her complaint, as Stu headed for the door, she stood up and left for the garage, leaving you alone on the armchair. 
Stu returned shortly, Gail Weathers and Deputy Dewey in tow. You glanced down at your almost empty beer worriedly before Dewey waved it off. "Nah, I'm not gonna bust you guys for having fun."
Gail stood suspiciously by the TV before going back to Dewey, her best reporter smile plastered on her face. Stu approached the armchair and plopped down beside you, grinning. You wanted to reprimand him for the way he cuddled up next to you when his girlfriend could be back any minute, but Stu was known for being touchy-feely, and no one said anything when he wrapped his arm around you with an exaggerated sigh of contentment.
You immersed yourself in the remainder of the movie, nestled against Stu's side, momentarily forgetting Tatum as you tried to quell the racing beat of your heart. As the credits rolled, another knock echoed through the door. Stu gently brushed your hair with his hand before standing and answering it.
"Has anyone seen Tatum?" You heard Dewey ask. You shrugged, still collecting your things. 
Jenna approached you, looking suspicious. "Did you only agree to come cause you think Stu's hot?" 
"What?" You acted like you had no idea what she was talking about, but she saw right through you. 
"You two were so cuddled up I thought you'd climb onto his lap and start making out any second," she said. "He's taken, you know."
"Not for much longer," you said. 
She shoved your arm. "No way?" She whisper-yelled, her eyes growing wide.
You shrugged. "He said he was going to leave his girlfriend for me. They're over with."
"Shit," she muttered, rubbing her arm. "Then… Well, congrats, I guess. I can't judge. Anders left his girlfriend for me."
"Girlfriends, you mean?" You said, your lip curling. Anders had been dating two girls and Jenna before he finally "settled" on her, but not before sleeping with all the girls to 'see if they were compatible'. This fucker was playing games with your best friend, and you never trusted him for a second. 
"Speaking of Anders, where is he?" You asked, trying to change the subject before she could start defending him.
Jenna looked over her shoulder. "I dunno. I'll go find him. Wait for me?" She said, to which you nodded. You kept your mask in hand and approached the front door, spotting Stu talking to Billy. 
"Is Sydney here?" Billy asked Stu, who shook his head. "Fuck. Well, at least she wasn't here to kill the party. She's such a drag nowadays." 
You figured Billy was not the type to dress up for Halloween, and you were correct; he was wearing a plain white shirt with a blue plaid dress shirt.
Billy's eyes slid to you as the rest of the partygoers filtered out around him. "You didn't tell me she was coming," he said to Stu, shoving his chest and stepping through the doorway. 
"Ow! Jesus! I didn't know she was coming, I thought she had to babysit!" Stu griped, holding his chest with an affronted expression. Billy ignored him, coming to a stop in front of you. 
His dark eyes glinted behind strands of black hair as he looked over your costume, grinning when he spotted the mask gripped on your hand. "Not worried that the killer is gonna get ya for stealing his look?" He teased. 
"The killer could be a girl," you countered.
"You think so? Is it you?" He inquired, his smile growing as he leaned closer, enjoying the way you flustered under his gaze. 
You shook your head. "No way. I'd pick different targets if I were to kill people." 
"Yeah? Like who?" Stu asked, peeking over Billy's shoulder. 
You thought for a moment. "I dunno, maybe someone like… Gail Weathers?" You said. "I can't think of someone I'd be happier to see gone than her."
Stu giggled, and Billy nodded thoughtfully. "That's a good one." 
"She was here with Dewey earlier," Stu said offhandedly.
"Dewey was here?" Billy said, cocking an eyebrow.
"Yup. Guess they're amping up security." Stu makes an exaggerated shocked face from behind Billy, causing you to laugh. 
"What the fuck!" You heard Jenna yell from the back yard. Billy, Stu, and yourself all whipped to attention, and headed for the back door. Not wanting to reveal yourselves yet, you peeked around the corner, with Billy over your shoulder, and Stu leaning over him. 
What you saw was Jenna with her hands on her hips, looking out onto the porch at her boyfriend with a very drunk girl still hanging off his arm despite his efforts to loose her from his bicep. 
"It's not what you think!" Anders said, finally shoving the girl away. "She came onto me!"
"And you had your hand down her pants to what? Help her find her keys?" Jenna scoffed, then threw the rest of her drink at him. A sopping wet Anders continued to appeal to Jenna, but she wasn't having it. "Just get out of here," she spat, pushing Anders's soaked chest until he gave up and retreated around the side of the house, the drunk girl following him. 
"What's going on here?" Dewey asked from behind you and the boys, making you all jump. 
"Jenna found Anders knuckle-deep in another girl," Billy said with a wry grin. 
"Shit," Dewey said under his breath, leaving the group and heading to Jenna. You broke off from the boys and followed him. 
"You okay, Jenna?" Dewey asked, snapping her attention to him.
"I'm fine," she growled, clearly not. Her eyes flicked to you. "There you are," Jenna said, grabbing your arm. "I don't want to be here another second. Let's go home," she said.
"Wait, before you go, has anyone seen Tatum?" Dewey asked. 
"She was a lil upset when I broke up with her," Stu said, shrugging. "I think she left."
Dewey gave Stu a confused look. "What? You broke up?"
Stu shrugged. "Yeah. I realized I have feelings for someone else. It wasn't her fault, I just didn't want to break her heart," he said, his eyes drifting to you. 
You heard a truck start up and peel off the asphalt.
"Fuck," Jenna groaned. "I don't have a way home, we came here with Anders."
"That's alright. I can take you home," Dewey offered. "You need a ride too?" He asked, turning to you. 
"I can take her home, officer," Stu offered. 
"Uh…" You bit your lip and looked at your best friend, at Stu, then Billy. You didn't want to leave Jenna if she needed you, but Stu had been working you up all night, and now that you knew he was single, you didn't really want to go.  
Mercifully, Jenna caught on. "It's fine. Stu, you take good care of her okay?" She said, to which Stu gave a thumbs up, nodding enthusiastically. 
"Alright, I'll drive you home. You'll call me if Tatum turns up, right?" Dewey asked, still sounding worried. 
"Scouts honor," Stu said, his hand over his heart. 
Dewey and Jenna went to the front, and Billy closed the door behind them before turning to face you. The partygoers were all gone by now, leaving you alone in the house with Billy and Stu. 
"So. Stu, huh?" Billy said, stepping closer to you. 
You nodded a little, unable to meet his eyes. 
"What makes him better than me?" Billy asked, pouting. 
"Everything," Stu interjected, wrapping an arm around your waist with a smug look. 
You laughed. "Well, for one, he broke up with his girlfriend."
"Is that all it takes?" Billy tilted your chin up and captured your gaze. "Consider it done," Billy said, a dark intensity in his eyes. 
"What?" You loosed a nervous laugh, unsure if he was fucking with you. Your eyes flicked to Stu, who's nostrils flared. 
"Hey! You knew I wanted to date her for months, now you're gonna try to swoop in and take her from me? Not gonna happen, bro." Stu pulled you possessively against his side. 
Billy looked back at you. "Why don't we let her decide? After all, you haven't officially asked her out yet anyway, right?"
Stu rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand. "Well, no, but I was gonna-" 
"Then she's free to pick between us," Billy said, crossing his arms and waiting expectantly. Stu kept his hold on your waist, but watched you with anticipation. 
You felt a wave of uncertainty wash over you. You'd been drawn to both of them at different points in your life, but you never expected that you'd get a chance with either of them. You chewed on your bottom lip anxiously. 
"Poor baby," Billy said with a pout. "We're putting too much pressure on you, huh? You need help making your decision?" 
He stepped closer while Stu watched him with curiosity, still holding onto you. You shrunk under Billy's scrutiny, warmth pooling in your core. 
"I know," Billy said, taking a step back and clapping his hands. "Whichever of us fucks you better gets to keep you."
"Ooh," Stu said gleefully, squeezing your side. 
Your heart skipped a beat. "W-what?"
Billy chuckled. "Don't act innocent. I can tell you want it."
You blinked rapidly, your eyes flicking to your feet. You did want it, but you were not prepared to be in this situation whatsoever. 
"Don't worry, I've got a way better dick," Stu said proudly. "You'll definitely be mine by the end of the night." 
"Longer doesn't equate better," Billy scoffed. "I'll prove it."
Your face was on fire, and your hands were trembling as you wrung them. You couldn't believe the situation you'd gotten yourself into. 
"Aww, she's nervous," Stu said, rubbing your shoulder comfortingly. "It's alright babe, if you don't want to you don't have to."
Billy shrugged. "Don't worry about it, I just thought it'd be fun."
You took a deep breath, finally mustering the courage to speak, though your voice trembled. "It would be fun," you admitted. "But… won't you both think I'm a slut?" 
Stu snorted. "If you plan to date either of us, and we both are cool with it, then you're no more of a slut than anyone who participates in a threesome." 
"Besides," Billy said, "sluts can be hot, especially when they're trustworthy." He paused, his gaze intensifying. "We can trust you, can't we?"
You swallowed the lump in your throat and nodded. 
Stu beamed. "Fuck yeah," he said, pulling Billy in with his other arm. "You wanna go to my room, or my parents? My parents bed is bigger, but my room has a better vibe-" 
"Your room smells like weed," Billy griped. 
"Duh," Stu said, giving Billy an incredulous look. "That's part of the vibe."
"Your parents room, maybe?" You offered, still feeling some trepidation. 
"Cool, let's go!" Stu said, letting go of you both and turning toward the stairs, tripping up them in his rush to lead the way. Billy sighed and held out his arm, gesturing for you to go before him. When you reached the top of the stairs, Stu had opened the door, and bowed exaggeratingly low. "Ladies first."
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romanoffsbish · 1 year
I Love You / I Know
Mob Boss!R / Escort! Natasha Romanoff
Warnings: Angst. Forbidden Love. Jealousy.
Smut:Daddy (R), Slut/Whore (N), Rough!!! Oral/Fingering(N), Double Sided Strap, Blood, Bondage, Choking, Degradation.
18+ | Minors DNI | Labeled/Please Don’t Report.
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You asked Natasha to come to your place.
She said yes. You sent a driver.
A familiar pattern made for the dead of night.
Natasha got into the matte black SUV, with the rear windows so tinted no one would see her, and so that she couldn’t see out. With a raised partition just as dark, it was like being in a cage. Where you live was not her business.
She was safest that way.
When she entered the car all service was lost, and her belongings given over to the driver.
Natasha knew it was safe. Your men knew better than to slight the redheaded beauty.
She leisurely walked into your mansion that you lived in alone, well besides for Rocco, your free range soft brown cat. It was unique.
Mostly modern decor, mixed with rare old timed pieces to create an unsettling vibe. Natasha knew the layout like the back of her hand, and where to find you, but she stalled.
Letting anticipation simmer in her belly for what to expect when she walks beyond the red door. Into the space with red leather couches, with the king size bed in the center of the room besides a chest full of unique toys and gadgets.
Natasha’s thighs clench at the thought of what could be in store for her the closer she gets. There’s a faint metallic scent in the air, only being overpowered by the smell of ammonia.
It must have been a rough day. She’s excited.
Natasha follows the rules, she removed her clothes, folding them and leaving them on a chair near the room. She wasn’t wearing a bra, but she lastly removed her red silky thong, she deposited it into the drawer you made for that.
As soon as she walked into the room she’s slammed back into the door and kissed with a force that made her bite her tongue. The taste of copper caressed her tastebuds before your tongue slid over them. You moaned as you tasted her blood, it was inquisitively sweet.
After your tongue left her mouth you pulled away completely with her lower lip between your teeth. You ground them sideways and she yelped, a slow stream of red dripped down her chin and you moaned, satisfied by the taste and the mess you were making of her pretty face.
You released her lip, and gripped her by the throat. Natasha’s eyes rolled slightly as you cut her breath off in beats of three seconds. On and off. Just as soon as she caught her breath you took it. Then you held her for six, her vision spotting as you drag her over to the mattress.
You tossed her onto it, her body bounced as she gasped for air. Distracted by instinct as you hurriedly went through your chest. You’d already been stripped down to your boxers. Sports bra still on as well. You exchanged the soaked grey for a double sided strap. You slid the significantly smaller end into you, then you fastened the harness and returned to the bed.
Natasha peered up at you as she leaned on her elbows, dried drool mixed with blood holding strands of her hair captive to her face.
“You look so beautiful like this,” you husked, “My perfect little slut, a fuck toy to abuse.”
Natasha bit her lip, wincing at the reminder that you’d marred her. A slight gush of blood rolls down her chin, a rather bright crimson to marvel the darker splotches of a prior stream.
You stalked closer to the mattress, the weight of your strap resting on the end of it and her eyes grew wide as the light cascaded over it. There was an unfamiliar girth to it that both frightened and aroused her. Her mouth went dry as her pussy dripped with arousal.
“You like daddy’s new toy honey?” She gulped before nodding timidly. “I-It’s kinda big.”
You chuckled darkly, “Oh, it is, daddy’s going to stretch you out baby, ruin you for anyone else.” Natasha grimaced, you knew.
The sweet date she went on with a lifelong friend, Wanda. Of course you knew. She couldn’t see you, but you always saw her.
You knew it didn’t mean anything. Just a social obligation to keep up appearances. At the end of the day her heart only beat out of sync.
Love was something she never had much of growing up. Besides with Yelena and Tony. Her family. So now when she found it she clung to it; even if it wasn’t healthy—especially then…
Natasha raised her hands obediently, you tied them together behind her back then laid her down. She frowned as the rope dug into her wrists with the added pressure of her body, but she quickly changed her tune as you nudged the tip of your strap into her clit. She cried out.
You grinned like a devil, eyes locked in on your soon to be corrupted victim. “So reactive…” Natasha fisted the sheets when you lowered to your knees and pulled her closer to the edge by her calves. “Daddy needs a sweet treat first, then I’ll fuck your desperate, whorish pussy.”
The redhead groaned huskily at your promise.
Natasha’s thighs trembled beneath your lips as you moved up them. Biting and sucking on her plush skin, varying shades of red being left behind, darkest in places where teeth imprints could be found. Once you reached her cunt she was whimpering in need. Her entire body flinched when you gave her what she needed.
Your tongue lapped at her folds, nose nudging her clit in a way that had her choking on her breath. Russian curses you’d familiarized yourself with left the redheads parted lips.
Natasha imagined the cocky smirk she could feel pressed against her cunt, her core burned with a need you felt against your lips, heart racing as her hole fluttered around nothing.
After that you gave in, lips moving up to attend to her clit as two of your fingers slid into her molten heat. Natasha shivered and sighed.
You always felt so good inside of her. No one else would ever compare to you, there was a gruffness to you, paired with rare softness.
Like now, you only gave her a second to adjust before you pulled out, just to thrust back in. Setting up a brutal, uneven pace. She went from stuttering to moaning, overwhelmed by your fast pace and slow swirls on your clit.
Then your fingers slowed, she went to cry but as you pulled out they curled, her walls fluttered with appreciation as you pressed into her innermost sensitive spot. Soft lips wrapped around her clit at the same time as you plunged your fingers back in, and as you curled them again, even slower now, you sucked on her clit.
Natasha came hard, pussy sucking your fingers even deeper as her thighs stiffened around you to keep your head locked in place. You swiftly removed your fingers, her whimpers of protest ignored by you as you used this time while stuck in place to clean her up with your tongue.
Without the use of her hands she had to use her shoulders and core to shimmy away. You chuckled against her as she failed to budge. Tongue entering her and swirling around to ensure you’d gotten it all before pulling away.
“You’re pathetic,” you sneered, it was heatless. “You must know I’m far from done with you.”
You untied her wrists, bringing them up to your lips to kiss the raw skin, you swirled your tongue all around, and she hissed in relief. Directly contrasting your previous tone.
“Play with your tits before daddy fucks you.”
Natasha put on a show for you, hands slow as they trailed her fingers across her abdomen. They swept over the swell of her breasts, swirling around her nipples before she pinched them. Mouth falling agape with a dramatic flair as she moaned lowly, your cunt twinged. She continued on, switching up her touches.
Once you were satisfied you stopped her hands forcefully, leaning in you kissed her sloppily. She did her best to keep the pace, but the pain of her hands awkwardly pushed into her chest made it near impossible. You preferred it that way, gave you more control of the pace.
Natasha moaned when the head of your strap slid passed her slicked up entrance, leaving it with a squelching pop that made you shudder.
You pulled away affectedly, holding yourself up by your arms you stared at her while catching your breath. Her smile was too much, far too tender, holding onto a love as toxic as lead.
With strong hands you manhandled her onto her stomach, pushing her knees up and out so you could slam your cock into her. Natasha’s body froze up as you made it a third of the way in, two of your fingers swirled over her clit and she slackened wholly. You continue the pace and soon you were bottomed out. Both of you were panting now, you leaned your forehead against her back for a moment of calm.
The way the redhead looked at you told you what you already knew. Natasha loved you.
You loved her too. But it would never work.
You still felt compelled to hear it. Even if if hurt. The pain reminded you you were alive.
“Tell me how much you love me!” You pleaded, tone demanding. “More than anything daddy!”
You thrusted harder. “Say it!” Natasha pushed back into you with a satisfied sigh, “I love you.”
Her voice was timid, emotions reflected clearly.
You tweaked her nipples in retaliation, she choked on a moan. “You love daddy’s money.”
You knew it was deeper, Natasha’s silence was apparent. Even her moans had nearly muted. But you needed her to agree, to take some of the pressure off of your heart. You needed her love, but you also repelled it with precision.
“Admit it slut!” You stilled your hips, she whined in disapproval so you slapped her ass. “Drop the attitude, now!” Natasha breathed out of her nose angrily, but she followed it up with a timid whisper, “I love you for your money.”
“That’s what I thought,” you growled, picking the pace back up, but a tad more brutally. “Sweet girls like you could never love a monster like me, we’re designed to corrupt.”
Natasha’s mind was screaming that wasn’t true, but with your strap hitting her in the spot that makes her brain go fuzzy she couldn’t speak, she could hardly even breathe. Dirty moans were interrupted by a shallow gasp as you swirled a digit around her neglected clit.
Her thighs began to tremble, you fucked her into the mattress with thrusts meant to bruise. Natasha’s thighs burned, her skin numbing as your thrusts never dulled. Both of you were teetering off the edge together. Your grunts having picked up indicating that to her.
Natasha felt you stutter, she faintly heard as you bit back a moan. She closed her eyes and imagined it a few decibels higher. Her entire body warmed as the coil within her burst.
Just the thought of you releasing because of her was all she needed to cum. Your ability to have picked the pace back up in mere seconds helping push her through it and it didn’t stop.
You kept going, increasing your attention on her clit as you thrusted sloppily. Her wetness gushing onto the satin sheets beneath you. Natasha came again with a screech that she’d never released before. Her body convulsed, you continued to thrust slowly, edging yourself because when she whimpered you stopped.
You didn’t want to hurt her that badly.
“It’s okay, you’re okay,” you did your best to reassure her. Your tone was permanently rough. It had to be if you were gonna survive.
Natasha found your weight atop of hers to be more grounding than your attempted comfort.
She appreciated the effort though.
Her breath began to even out, you were about to pull out but she wrapped her legs around you, loose enough for you to break free, but tight enough to hope you’d stay. You did.
She looked at you with glossy eyes, her hands cupping your cheek. You flinched, but settled into the hold anyways. Fighting your need to run for just this fleeting moment. Her lip trembled, as did her voice. “I love you Y/N.”
You smiled down at her, painfully so, your eyes flashed with a vulnerability before steeling. A heavy sigh fell from your lips as your eyes shut, you were closing off. “I know.”
Your warmth left hers swiftly. You were tender only in the way that you pulled the strap out with consideration to her wellbeing. You moved hastily, breaking her. Why couldn’t she have just one more tender moment with you?
You were dressed. Natasha stared at you from the edge of the bed, sheets haphazardly wrapped around her, but you could see the dark marks you’d left behind. Angry red lines trail down the side of her neck, and hips. They match the way she feels beneath the smile.
You see right through her cordial facade.
To the hurt, and to the doomed hope.
Loving you was pointless; a bittersweet curse.
You couldn’t quit her, so you exploit instead.
You handed her a single black rose, the only part of the routine that stays the same.
A tainted affection.
The wad of cash is similar too, but each time it becomes a harder burden to carry.
She felt used, her mind now fracturing.
You walked away put back together.
Natasha walked away knowing you knew.
You knew that she meant it. That she loves you.
She loved you with adoring eyes and soft lips.
You loved her with black and blue mementos.
Her love was warm; inviting and pure.
Your love was cold; demanding, and desolate.
She loved you —— You knew.
The Han Solo to her Princess Leia. But only ever tragic. The best stories always are.
2,348 Words
❤️ Kaitlyn 💔
(Not a Star Wars fan myself, but please do enjoy the reference)
Picture from Pinterest
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bobacupcake · 2 years
Hi, I'm a guy standing by the doors of a convenient store that you frequent. It's 10pm and you're out because your wife needed Sprite and Gatorade because her tummy hurts and you'd do anything to make her life easier. Anyway I'm asking you something.
"Hey excuse me, can I ask you a question?"
You say no but I keep talking because I have a very obvious script in my head and you're messing it up so I ignore you.
" I'm not trying to bother you but I noticed your rims are dirty. I clean rims as a side hustle. It's 3 rims for $15."
" You only offer a three pack?" You say visibly confused.
" Well no I can do all four but that’s $20."
"That isn't a deal then if every rim was already $5 each, you know that right?"
"Uhh umm"
I'm stumbling. No one has ever talked to me this long.
"So do you want your rims cleaned?" I’m hopeful.
" No. it's 10pm and we're at a Dollar General. You don't have water or soap or anything."
"Uhhh ummm I can do it some other ti-"
You cut me off.
"And why don't you clean the entire car? Detail all the outside and maybe the inside? Wouldn't that be a better business model?"
" Uhhh well i-"
you cut me off again
"I have to go inside now."
You make a show of locking your car doors. You walk to the entrance and look back and I've disappeared.
You're at the drink aisle and they’re out of your wife's Gatorade that she likes. She's very picky and only likes the light blue one. They only have yellow one. You opt in for Powerade instead, she doesn't like the blue Powerade one so maybe the red one is the safest choice. She does like fruit juice so why wouldn't she like fruit punch flavor? Oh why didn't you have her write an entire essay on her opinions on sports drinks! You're kicking yourself but you grab the bottle and go to the fridges in the back to get a bottle of Sprite. They changed what the bottle looks like again. It looks like every other bottle. God damn these corporations making everything look palatable to everyone. The green bottle kicked ass. You grab the bottle and double check to make sure it's not Sprite Zero because all the bottles look the same and you've made that mistake before. Your wife pretended it was fine and took a baby sip of the soda in front of you to make you believe that it truly was okay then she put it to the side and never touched it again. You threw the full bottle away two days later when you cleaned the house.
Everything checked out so you head to the cash register, walking slowly to look at all the candy hanging in the aisle. “Maybe I should get some gummy sharks” you think but it's already 10pm and they close at 10:30pm. So it's best you just keep walking and not waste time. The lights flicker above you as you walk. You put your items on the conveyor belt and the cashier asks
"Did you find everything okay?"
What? How? It's the same man from outside but he's wearing different clothes and he's smiling so big it looks like it hurts.
"Um yeah I did thanks." You say as calmly as you can. 
You pay with your card but the machine isn't processing it.
"Push the card in more" he says.
"Okay yeah."
It works and the payment goes through. You walk fast to your car and get in and drive home. You’re shaken. You wish that your home was farther from that place than it was. You realize it's an easily walkable distance to your home. Something I could easily walk and find your car and its dirty rims. You almost run a red light.
You make it home and it feels nice outside. Feels nicer here than it did there? It's only a 3 minute drive apart. How is that possible? You walk inside and give your wife her drinks. It's clear you made the wrong decision by getting the Powerade. But she drinks the sprite. You take off your shoes and put on pajamas. You don't sleep that night. You think about me and my terrible business I'm running.
The next morning you go outside to clean your rims. They are indeed dirty and maybe I had a point when I said they needed to be cleaned. You make your pathetic little soap mixture and sit down to get to work. With soapy rag in hand, you see a little smiley face etched out of the dirt on your driver front rim. You spend too much time scrubbing away the dirt. After an hour, you get up tired and wet and think "maybe that was worth $20"
m;y wife doesnt drink soda
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rxsilabeth--er · 3 months
could i get a regulus black and male reader, modern au or just a muggle au? (up to you tbh) where the reader is ghostface and regulus finds out. i would like to ask of it being suggestive or to where you limit your nsfw requests, but if you're not up for it you could change it up to however you feel fit! (..i may send more regulus requests because i'm severely deprived-)
:: Oh please be with me tonight, Mr.Ghostface!!
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Now calling......author: "Hello? Yes, this was a bit hard to write, I will admit cause I'm not sure about Ghostface....But I love my Reggie and he deserves love..."
Now calling......synopsis: "...Through the night, Regulus finds himself running through the forest followed keenly by a certain someone he knows...and when he's caught...may god help him..."
Now calling......warnings: "Stalking, blood, murder, running through forest, Male!Reader, sexual content (not smut), ghostface, Reg has a mask kink? Don't know, degradation...Anyways, tell me if there is something I didn't add...Modern!AU. Trans!Regulus.. This is so shitty.."
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Paying for it, she quickly pulled a newspaper, reading the top news, "...Wow, second murder in the city..No wonder they're sending us home early..." Dorcas said reading the newest case, sighing as she walked beside Regulus who nodded with her. Barty, Evan & Pandora's houses were on the opposite side, thank god Dorcas's house came in the same direction as his..It was getting dark..
As he and Dorcas parted ways and he reached home, he removed his shoes and began taking off his tie as he sat on his bed, sighing. Changing into his home clothes, he looked at his phone, a message from Barty:
"Hey Reggie, do you mind coming home to tutor me for a while? Dad approved of you, ma is out of town?? :>"
Regulus contemplated a while since it was nearly dark outside and the city wasn't really the safest after dark and Barty lived on the near outskirts of the city, which is more often than not goes through a bit of a forestry area...But he couldn't really refuse if Barty needed help. Sighing he figured he'll bring some shit to protect himself, he isn't an idiot..
Sighing, he texted Sirius,
"i'm going out, don't make dinner." and texted Barty as well,
"Alright. I'm staying over though cause it's fucking dangerous outside."
Before he simply walked out of his house, putting on some sport shoes, a taser in his pocket, softly fiddling with his keys softly. Walking, it started out normal, the sunset was actually rather pretty with it's splashes of pink, orange and blue, it made him feel happy, but he hurried his steps through the sidewalk. Greeting the florist lady, from whom he regularly took flowers for his friend group, with a sweet smile and a nod...
Walking with his hands in his pockets, he held the taser tightly as it began to get darker with the orange and pink turning into a dark blue and black..the further he walked, the more deserted it got, until Regulus was walking with his keys in one hand and the taser in there, alert at even the most minor sound.
The looming sound of the night is never something that doesn't scare a person. It's not the darkness that scars the person, it's what insides that scares you, but Regulus won't be one to say he's brave enough, cause he's truly not... Walking softly on the highway, pulling up the hood of his hoodie, as he walked. The bridge wasn't too far away, just crossing that and a bit more walking before reaching Barty's house.
a strange aura filled the highway, something looming over, his gut telling him to turn over and run, yet his brain tried to stay rational and stay calm, he had his taser and it would be easier to reach Barty's home than turn over...God, why was Barty's house to far away? It's not his fault though...
Walking as he walked down the road to the bridge, it was totally pitch black in the sky, the weird feeling not going away and only getting stronger, his breath becoming heavier for no absolute reason, the bridge and the area reeking of danger and desperation...
Softly walking, his steps fast yet he was making sure his steps didn't make much noise, no idea why, his gut told him to do so..walking closer to the road under the bridge, he heard pants, and the sounds of deep breaths and metal rubbing against stone along with the smell of wet metal...Getting closer and closer, he had no idea why his body refused to obey him now, he was gonna get killed! He leaned over softly and his stomach twisted into knots..
Blood everywhere with a body laying there, a black figure over it with a ghost face mask holding a hammer dripping with blood..Shitshitshit..Talking a few steps back, Regulus tried to make sure he wasn't breathing as if his single breath could get him killed tonight...
Just as he turned, his hand slipped as his taser fell with a cling on the floor
Regulus didn't even realize how he legs carried him down the road down to the edge of the forest, running as fast as his body and legs would allow him, but the sight of the figure following him was enough to tear him up from the inside as he ran through the forest, not knowing where he was headed...sounds of the dried leaves crunching underneath his feet as he ran with a towering figure's shadow covering him as he ran with the person behind him..
How long had he been running for? It did not matter as his legs started to cramp up, but he couldn't possibly stop now..No...He continued to use his hurting, tired legs to run until finally his heart twisted...Dead end.
Looking for anything as he reached the wall of another high-way bridge, he had no where to run as his vision was covered with shadow of black and red as the figure stepped closer and closer, a laugh spilling from the person's mouth... Regulus had no where of going...
The figure walked closer, inches apart, they banged the hammer beside Regulus's head, a hand snaking to wrap around his throat, pressing down softly, making Regulus's breath hitch as he lost his breath,
"Oh, sweetheart, sorry you had to see that.." a voice said, deep and clear, said clicking his tongue, making Regulus look down. the hand wrapped tightly around his throat, pressing down more making Regulus look up as both his hands wrapped around the person's wrist, blood has started to stain down his throat and cheeks from the blood of the person's earlier victim...
There was something messed up about himself.. Regulus felt, his cheeks warming up as the man wrapped his hand around Regulus's throat...
"Now why don't you try to forget what happened back there? Hm...?" the man asked, leaning close making Regulus's breath hitch, was it excitement, nervousness, fear, arousal, or something in between?! He could not tell!
Why was this happening?!
The man applied more pressure on Regulus's throat, his knees becoming weak and were about to buckle beneath him and give out, arousal had begun pooling in his stomach or was it his clit...? He couldn't tell, why was this turning him on!? This shouldn't turn him on! The man dropped the hammer, the pressure on the throat not allowing him to breath softly loosened as the man's voice came out in a mocking laugh,
"Regulus?...Regulus Black?! From school?" the man said with a mocking laugh making Regulus whip up, as he tried to struggle out, which only resulted in him being pushed against the wall more with the man's body pressing against his, their knee in between his thighs, brushing softly...fuck
The man angrily wrestled him to the ground, trapping his arms in their own muscular arm, before the man tied them behind his back with their belt, now completely forcing him down as the man clicked his tongue,
"You're fucking lucky I know you so well...You won't be recognizable and they wouldn't even find half your body...You're truly lucky, sweetheart." the man said again wrapping his hand around his throat, turning him on his back,
"Now, struggle again and you won't move a muscle again." the man said threatening, tightening his grip around his throat...Regulus could not understand who this man was, he understood they went to school together, but who was it..?
Regulus's mind wasn't working, all he knew was this guy was pinning him on the ground, his arms were tied behind his back, this guy was probably gonna kill him, this man had a hand wrapped around his throat, this guy had his knee in between his thighs pressing against his clit and Regulus was getting wet...
This was messed up...fuck...Not only that, Regulus could tell this guy knew what he was feeling on his thigh which was pressing against his cunt.
Embarrassment pooled in his stomach, clouding his mind as he squeezed his eyes shut... As if reading Regulus's mind the man laughed softly, the hand wrapped around his throat loosened as it snaked up to his jaw and his cheek, cupping his face roughly.
"Open your eyes." the man ordered, refusing to obey this or open his eyes due to the major embarrassment Regulus felt, the man squeezed his cheeks more roughly,
"I said open your eyes or your pretty skin will be stained with blood not that idiots but your own now." The man whispered calmly but the words were alarming, making Regulus open his eyes softly to stare at the Ghost face mask above him, the man sighed softly,
"Aren't you fucked up? Is this how you feel when someone holds your life above your head, you whore yourself out, Regulus?" The man said chuckling, his other hand rubbing up and down his side,
"Aren't you from a esteemed family, from a rich and respectable family? And you're here being a cheap whore to someone who might just take your life in a matter of seconds?" the man asked with a mocking laugh, his hand going back from his cheek to his throat,
"I can feel your cunt on my thigh, you're getting wet, aren't you?..Tch" the man simply clicked his tongue, "Keep this in your mind, Black. If my name gets out about being a murderer, your body won't ever be found if it's the last thing I do." he whispered before taking off his mask to reveal..You.
YOU?! You, the great, respectable, sweetheart, chaotic person he liked from high-school but never had the courage to talk to?! You, you kill people?...That's so fucked up...yet why was it turning him on more when you glared down at him...
He felt himself throbbing now..this was not good...
"oh, getting excited, are we? Tch...stupid slut." you said clicking your tongue as you leaned down, cupping his cheek while the other hand rubbed his side softly, as your hand cupped his cheek roughly, softly painting his cheek with red..
Oh how good it looked against his pale skin, you just wanted to bruise him and see how pretty he'd look... You sighed, pulling him up to peck his lips softly,
"..Fuck, pretty boy...guess you're gonna be a bit late to where you headed this late..Huh?"
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© This writing work belongs to me, rxsilabeth--er, Aurelia, Rosilabeth, Cerine. Reblogging is appreciated, but plagiarizing or copying my works is forbidden, thank you for reading this and if you like this check out my blog!
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scintillyyy · 9 months
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robin #9
first off, no, you don't like it, tim, that's a bald-faced lie and the only reason you can say that with a straight face is because you have the redbird already. there's no way a car guy like tim would ever like this car. a van usually has a 6 cylinder engine. they're not fast lmao. for reference, my husband's first dodge challenger was only a 6 cylinder engine and according to him: "it only looked like a sports car" (it was such a disappointment he had to upgrade to a better dodge challenger a few years later).
second off, jack. you were hoping for something sportier for tim. are you serious. aside from the fact that most parents, when trying to get their kid their first car, filter by 'safest car ever made ideally under $50' and definitely don't get a sports car that the kid will inevitably drive into a mailbox in about two weeks, i can only imagine the look on your state farm agent's face if you had said "hi, i'd like to insure this mustang for my 14 year old boy it's totally cool he has his provisional license" (i imagine he gets an agent of the year award for having the client with the largest premium of all time or something). jack is clearly still in his "i have to make up for years of boarding school and the fact that his mom died with material goods that will ensure he likes me again" phase.
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justjensenanddean · 1 year
Jensen Ackles Solo Panel | JIBCon 2023 (February 25, 2023)
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‘Yes I do make my kids listen to radio company… they haven’t called CPS on me yet!’ (x)
Jensen: “I do force my children to listen to my music” They really like Cannonball. They haven’t heard all the new album yet - which just dropped & is doing really well! Steve keeps texting him w updates about it being like #3 on the country charts (!) (x)
Ok. JJ has her own playlist that she makes Jensen play on the way to school. It has Taylor Swift, Harry Styles (which led to some woooooooo and a Calm Down!! From Jensen) and some song about a sunroof. (x)
Jensen: arrow can hear a song and then play it on the piano. #jib11  (x)
Jensen: his 6yo daughter Arrow has taken to the piano. She hears a song & goes & picks it out by ear! For now they’re just letting her have fun with it. Thought about having her take lessons but they don’t want it to become un-fun for her when she’s just 6 (x)
Jensen talking about his daughter JJ: she’ll grab his phone & have it for “seconds - seconds!! And everything’s changed! I don’t know how to get it back! & I ask her to change it back & she’s like, No.”  She’s been making her own playlists on spotify & apple music on his phone (x)
Jensen never thought he would get to do music, so he is very grateful to all of us for the support shown to Radio Company (x)
Jensen: they're hoping to see where the Radio Company shows are going but they "don't know yet. We'll see" (x)
Q about JA now seeing more of the production process. JA: turns out getting a show on the air is a monumental feat. So many pitches, the odds are so stacked against it. Safest thing a studio exec can say is no.  (x)  JA: “It is a hard business to be in. It is a business of rejection.” Been in the development process now for half a dozen different shows, & Winchesters is the only one that launched. (cryptic description of one other that had “big players”, but “timing wasn’t right”) (x)  (very thoughtful response on this whole issue btw - I failed to capture it all - clearly he’s been thinking about it a lot, about how to launch new shows) (x)
JA can’t find his phone  He wants to look something up to answer a fan q  (x)
Q about fight scenes: did you have any experience w fighting technique? JA: No, never trained in any of the fighting disciplines. But has done a lot of sports, thinks of himself as “fairly athletic”, so what he does is ask an expert what they’d do, then try to mimic them  (x)
opening fighting scene in Atomic Monsters ep (15x04) is favorite fighting scene of Jensen, and it wasn't even scripted! He just wanted to do something fun, so they added it into the ep  (x)
Jensen's stunt double, who he worked with since Dark Angel, went on to become Jason Momoa's stunt double when he [the stunt double] "got too famous"  (x)
The stunt coordinator on #TheBoys was so impressed by Jensen's great input that he started calling him "fight coordinator"  (x)
JA on stunts/fights: On The Boys, there are way bigger fights than SPN. On the Boys he rehearsed 2 wks for 1 fight scene (on SPN set it was like 20 min). Got to come up w different moves, even had some creative input. Stunt guy used so many of JA’s (x)  suggestions that he started calling JA the “fight coordinator!” Then when he landed the Big Sky role, The Boys’ stunt coordinator guy called up Big Sky’s and said “you’re getting one of my best fight coordinators”. & Big Sky then made him a hat that says “Fight Coordinator” (x)
Jensen about thinking his son threw up in his mouth: just swallow it, swallow it and you can have some water (x)
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( Sue_Bcn )
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604to647 · 3 months
Hat Trick (Safest with You AU)
1.7K / Modern AU Retired Mob Enforcer!Din Djarin x fem!reader
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Summary: Din takes you to a hockey game for date night. Hat Trick = when a player scores three times (goals) in a game.
Warnings: 18+ content (MDNI please), No smut but smut adjacent, established relationship, possessive!Din if you squint really hard, thigh riding/grinding in public, dirty talk, light degradation (whore, affectionate), pet names as usual (pretty bird, baby, sweetheart, etc.), use of hockey terms.
A/N: My beloved Canucks are leading their conference (woo!) and they’re playing tonight so to wish them luck, here’s a little one shot with our Safest with You couple. There’s a little more characterization of reader in this one in that she’s a big hockey fan, hope that doesn’t stop anyone from enjoying the story! 😘 Also, the term "puck bunny" is used but is not intended in any actual derogatory or sexist way; it's completely light-hearted teasing because we, reader and Din, all know that shaming female fans is not a thing and we can happily let woman enjoy sports any way they want🏒🐰
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“These are great seats, Din!” you beam, as you take off your jacket and look around; you’re seven rows up from the ice in the lower bowl, right behind the goal.  Perfect seats.
As soon as Din sees your sweatshirt, he laughs at the bright team colours and large block letters in the front that read “I just hope both teams have fun.”  My sweet girl, he thinks.
Turns out, you did not want both teams to have fun.  Turns out, you wanted the visiting team to eat ice shit.
The first time your team’s defense crushes someone against the glass with devastating precision and you roar your approval, he looks over, stunned.  While he knew you loved hockey, he hadn’t expected you to get so into a live sporting event.
And he knew you had a mouth on you, but he’s never heard it at this volume, your hands cupping around your mouth in a makeshift bullhorn to amplify your trash talk:
“PUT HIM IN JAIL!!!!” When the ref doesn’t call for the tripping of one of your players.
“Don't get too comfortable!!! Don't even sit down!!” When the opposing team opts for a two-man advantage for their power play by pulling their goalie.
“How was that fucking slashing?!  He barely touched him!! What is this, soccer????”  When your team captain is put in the penalty box.
“Get it together!! I've seen more organization at the zoo!!” When the teams fight for the puck against the boards, the other team attempting to clear.
“This isn’t cake, stop icing!!” When the other team does clear the puck.
You’re equally as vocal with your encouragement and praise:
“Shoot it!  Shoot it!  Atta boy!!”
“Let’s go defense, let’s go!! Yesssssssss!!”
“Fucking look how smooth that line change was!!”
“Get it, get it, you got it!!”
You cheer loud and earnestly for every save your goalie makes, face-off won, and glove dropping fight.  Each home goal is celebrated out of your seat, reverie extending to Din and your seat neighbours via hugs and high-fives. Your energy is infectious and Din hasn’t had this much fun at a hockey game in years.
During the second intermission, just when the two of you are musing if it’s worth the line-ups to get a bucket of popcorn to share, you hear a familiar voice say your name.
“Jessica?” you squeal in delight, throwing your arms around a petite blonde, “I haven’t seen you in forever!”
“I thought that was you! Derek and I have been debating it over the last two periods, and I finally said I would just come over and find out for myself,” she points up in the stands a couple of sections over and a few rows up, and you see her husband waving wildly with both arms and you wave back enthusiastically.
The two of you catch up quickly and when you introduce Din to your friend, she looks thrilled, “Do you play as well?”
Din looks confused, so you proudly answer for him, “Din’s a boxer.”
“Ohhhhhh. Sorry, you just had the look of an enforcer, but that makes sense.”  You have to keep yourself from laughing at the double meaning Jess definitely didn’t intend.
The two of you chat a little bit longer before your friend has to leave if she’s to make it back to her seat before the third period starts.  As you say goodbye and promise to see each other again soon, you look up to wave to Derek as well, and Jess says, “Oh, yeah, Russ is here with us too.” The man sitting next to Derek locks eyes with you and waves back, same as his friend.
Starting up the stairs, Jess says, “Nice to meet you!” to Din, a sentiment he returns, and to you, “Nice to see you’re branching out,” before she winks and runs away as you roll your eyes good naturedly.
When the third period gets underway, Din leans over, “What did she mean, branching out?”
You feel your cheeks get hot, and you avoid Din’s eye by keeping yours locked on the game, “Oh… well, I used to almost exclusively date hockey players…”
“Like…. a puck bunny?”
Dropping your jaw, scandalized, “No!! Not like a puck bunny!! That’s not a thing!” And as Din laughs, you feel the need to explain, “I wasn’t trying to date hockey players.  It just turned out that the people I dated also happened to play hockey.  Like, when Jess set me up with Derek’s friend, I didn’t know they played on a team together!”
“Oh, that guy over there?” Din looks up at where Jess has rejoined her husband and sees the man next to him looking over at the two of you.  You shrug and nod, turning back to the game, “So anyways, it was kind of like this joke that if I dated someone, they would coincidentally turn out to play hockey.”
Puck bunny, you mutter under your breath, and Din grins and throws his arm around you, kissing you on top of your head to placate you.
After the end of an exciting final period where your favourite right winger almost scores a hat trick, you and Din file out of the arena with the crowd, Din’s arm casually draped around your shoulders as you practically bounce out of happiness at your team’s win.
While walking to the subway, you spot Derek’s head peaking out above the crowd and he smiles big when he sees you and starts to make his way over.  Your two groups converge near the subway entrance and it’s another happy reunion. You haven’t seen Derek since you last saw Jess and you’ve always found him to be hilarious, laid back and kind; perfect for your bubbly friend.  Even seeing Russ again is nice, although there isn’t really any reason it wouldn’t be; the two of you had dated for a bit, but your long work hours and his away game schedule had prevented it from getting too serious, and the two of you had parted amicably.  If he stares at you while the five of you chat and revisit your favourite moments from the game, you don’t notice.  Derek and Jess invite you to join them at the sports bar they’re heading to, but you and Din politely decline, saying you have to get back to Al.  Only Jess and Din catch Russ’ look of disappointment before you part ways.   
While waiting on the subway platform, Din asks to know more about your friends, and you tell him everything: how you and Jess met at a baking class, Derek’s courtship and their wedding, and also about your and Russ’ brief relationship.
When you get on the subway, it’s too packed for you to find seats, so you end up standing right next to a pole by the door, with Din hovering protectively, ready to catch you if you lose your footing while the subway moves. 
“You know… I know how to play hockey too,” he’s looking at you with a silly, pouty face and you can’t help but giggle.  “Not ice hockey, but we’d sometimes play street hockey in front of the gym when we were kids.  Stopped after Paz broke a car window and it turned out that car belonged to a Hutt and nearly started a damn street war.”
“Omigod,” you chuckle, imaging a young Din and Paz running around the street with hockey sticks. 
“So… your streak isn’t broken… puck bunny.”
“Ugh!” you playfully swat at Din’s shoulder, “I told you!! It was a coincidence!”
Din leans in, pressing your back into the pole and whispers, “Ok, not a puck bunny… but you’re still my bunny.”
You gasp a little at the possessive tone lacing his words and can’t help but squeeze your thighs together, squirming slightly and hoping no one on the subway notices.
Din notices, though, “Is my pretty bunny feeling needy in front of all these people?  You need something between those legs, baby?”
You nod, whimpering just a bit, and pull Din closer by tugging at the bottom of his jacket.  Very subtly, he steps between your legs and bends his knee slightly so the angle slopes right at your core.  When the subway makes a tight turn, all the passengers jostle and Din’s leg bumps up into you, giving you a jolt of electrifying friction.  You close your eyes and have to bite you lip to stifle a moan.  Feeling cocky, Din whispers hotly in your ear, “Let them hear you, pretty bird.  Let everyone in this subway car know how dirty you are, getting off on daddy’s thigh in public.”
The subway goes over a bumpy stretch of track and you’re knocked right into Din’s chest, pressed up against his body, practically sat down on his leg.  You don’t bother to upright yourself, instead letting the rolling movement of the subway rock your needy pussy back and forth against Din’s thigh, slowly warming the ball of pleasure within you.
You’re practically humming with need in Din’s arms; just before the subway jerks to a stop, he growls in your ear, “Do you think you can come like this, baby? Or do you need me to fuck you in front of all these strangers, so they can see what a pretty whore you are?”.  The screech of the subway brakes cover-up your moans, and you’re only slightly relieved when Din withdraws his knee, but continues to hold you close against his chest.  As the train starts to move again, you look up at him with your lust hooded eyes, and quietly whine, “Daddy.”
Din chuckles and leans down to press a chaste kiss to your lips, “No one gets to see you come but me, okay pretty bird?  Now can you be a good girl and be patient for daddy?  Just two more stops and I’ll give you that hat trick you deserve when we get home.”
Smiling dreamily at the promise of multiple orgasms, you nod, “Okay, I’ll be good.  As long as both teams get to have fun,” and as you snuggle deeper into Din’s arms, you feel his whole chest vibrate with laughter.
Part 2 (The Playoffs)
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onboardsorasora · 7 months
in honor of a maxiel second row for the mexico gp…what if Enchanted AU update? (On your own time frame tho 😅)
Hi Nonnie! I woke up to this and said 'they're absolutely correct'. I'd started something a few days ago but didn't know where I wanted to take it. And this prompt along with yesterday pointed me in this direction. I hope you like it! Its also unedited, so hopefully it reads well and has no mistakes lol
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Part 1 | Part 11
Part 12
Daniel cackled gleefully as the wind blew through his long curls. They were driving through the hills, like Max pinky promised they would, and he was having the best time. They've been cruising for what felt like hours and when they got to empty strips of road; they’d floor it like a drag race. 
Daniel’s favorite part might be when Max grabs for the hand hold overhead. He always enjoyed making his Dad do it, Michelle was harder because she knew his driving style by now. Max had been a whole new challenge, being a race car driver used to high speeds. But Daniel had been excited to learn that all it took to break Max was drifting around a blind corner going down the mountain road. 
It was exhilarating.
Daniel pulled off to the ridge that had a bannister and bench– boasting a lovely view of the sunset over the city.
He all but jumped out of the sports car positively vibrating with happy energy. Chelle would call it his zoomies. He needed to sing, he needed to run with a horse! He wanted to tear his shirt off!
"Don't do that." Max came out of the car, catching his breath.
Daniel's mouth snapped shut, apparently he was singing. A bird flapped its wings overhead and landed in his curls. Daniel bounced from leg to leg, the wide grin set on his face like clay.
Max eyed him consideringly, a small smile on his face. He armed the car and slipped the key fob into the pocket of his pants.
"Hey Daniel?" It was comical how quickly Daniel's head snapped over to his direction, his brown eyes were wide and sparkling.
"Yeah Maxy?" Daniel bit the cuticle on his thumb, waiting for Max's next words. He didn't expect them though.
"Race you!" Max yelled and then he was off like a bullet. Daniel squaked in outrage before apologizing to the bird on his head and running off after the race car driver.
Max lead him into a short copse of trees where they zig zagged through the foliage in an approximation of tag. Daniel laughed joyously, waving to the different animals that came to watch or lead them in different directions. Obstacles were added by a deer that knew a "better path". And a family of rabbits wanted Daniel to win!
Before long they collapsed in a sunny spot, giggling intermittently. Max's face was flushed from exertion and Daniel couldn't look away. He knew he was equally flushed and sweaty, but Max was lovely.
"Where did you learn to drive like that?" Max broke the silence first.
"My dad taught me. I wanted to run with the horses but it wasn't the safest idea, he'd said. So we drove his truck alongside the herd." Daniel preened, Max liked his driving.
"You learned to drift because of horses?" Max's disbelief was clear. Daniel cackled.
"No!" He sang. "I taught myself to drift to scare Papa. He was always so cool and calm so I wanted to ruffle him a little. It was Joey's idea to scare him. Joey's an alpaca."
Max nodded with a snort. He could see that. Joe was always the silent luker in his calls with Michelle. Like he was watching and waiting for any slip ups. He was very protective. Max supposed they truly needed to be. 
He'd only just gotten back into good graces after the video incident.
"You could've been a racer." Max said offhandedly and Daniel's eyes widened comically. 
He'd been playing with the grass by his hips and before he knew it he found himself on his back with an armful of Daniel. He was hugging Max so tightly.
Daniel leaned backwards a little, hovering over Max with the widest grin, so wide his eyes almost disappeared in their crescents. Daniel positively glowed and his tattoos that had been merely fluttering in the afterglow of their playing were moving almost wildly. Wings fluttering, petals blooming, legs dancing– the works.
"Thank you Maxy. That means a lot." Was all Daniel said and Max knew that there was more to it. But he wouldn't focus on that right now. Not when Daniel was looking so lovely above him, glowing under the rays of the sun.
Part 13
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notjustjavierpena · 3 months
Hi, can I ask you why you specifically chose Frankie x disabled!reader?
Hiya Anon, what a great question! 
I have a few reasons why I chose Frankie Morales. I’ll try listing them without turning my answer into a whole thesis on the importance of using your experiences to normalize certain things that are somewhat taboo. I started out thinking that my choice of character was random but as I started writing, a few things became evident:
I have little to no relationship with writing Frankie which allowed me to have a blank canvas and therefore not be influenced by previous reader and Frankie dynamics.
From what I know about Frankie, he has an open, boyish, and down-to-earth attitude. He is often portrayed in fanfiction as serious when need be, kind-hearted, and emotionally intelligent which are traits that I would feel comfortable with if I were to be intimate with a stranger I meet at a bar (spoiler alert). He seems like the kind of character who takes things as they come - without the womanizing demeanor that Javier has and the tall and brooding attitude that Joel sports - and is an open communicator.
A few days ago, I jokingly made a post about not seeing myself represented in mainstream self-insert and that Joel should carry me in his big and strong arms. In all honesty, not seeing disabled readers does not bother me much but it might be a result of not even getting the bare minimum in general media either. The post resulted in a few fics being gifted to me. I love that. It’s a beautiful thing that we want to do these stories for each other. 
It would be a lie if I said half of me writing this one now is not wanting to do even better. It is a very vulnerable position to put especially wheelchair users in to describe their sex lives when you are an able-bodied person. I still don’t know how comfortable I am at times with able-bodied people writing disabled characters because I fear they won’t put in the effort, time, and research. 
Able-bodied people will never understand how intimate and sexy our sex lives are. Being close to a person who you trust is always beautiful but it is quite special for us. I will have to trust you 100% to be intimate with you because I have so limited mobility; I need readjusting along with my long and slow kisses. We can’t get away from you, and isn’t that equally gorgeous and terrifying? And who else could portray that better if not us?
However, despite it all, it also feels frustrating to know that I get three fics to see myself in (some written by me!) and others start non-confrontational wars that flood my dashboard about physical descriptors (e.g. leaning up for a kiss) when I cannot even walk. Perhaps that is overstating it, and obviously, everyone can feel upset in their own way about anything, but if I want entertainment tailored to me, I cannot and if I want a shred of an audience, I need to exclude myself (and I honestly don’t mind).
Anyway… Frankie simply makes me feel safest.
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yrluvjane · 2 years
To be disappointed
I just feel sad, so everyone has to feel sad. Warning: Angst
"JAMES! FLEAMONT! POTTER!" The boys' very angry girlfriend shouted as she stormed up the stairs, pushing a terrified Moony and Wormtail to the side.
She slammed the door open and there sat with Sirius both sporting a frightened expression. "I can explain!" James shouted with his hands up in surrender.
"You can?!" She shouted outraged.
"...Sirius can explain!" He shouted as the other shouted in reply, "Prongs!" He hit James's chest.
"It was an accident!" James said, as he and Sirius slowly backed away.
"Accident?!" She shouted outraged.
"Yes?" Sirius said weakly as James hit him on the back of his head.
"Let me get this straight, you accidentally set fire to the astronomy tower?" Y/n said angerly, raising an eyebrow.
"Yes! Total accident!" The two said. They watched as Peter and Remus watched from the door way with terrified expressions.
"And this had nothing to do with your stupid fued with the Slytherins?"
"Okay! That 'fued' isn-" Marlene began but stopped short when Y/n faced her with a look that could make Dumbledore step back and the faces of Sirius and James motioning 'No' with their mouth and hands.
"POTTER! BLACK!" Professor McGonagall shouted as she angerly made her way up. "OUT of my way, Miss McKinnon!" She said pushing Remus and Peter stumbling back.
"Professor!" Sirius said hopefully but stepped back when he saw her rage-filled face.
"Don't "Professor!" me, Black! What were you bloody thinking?!" She shouted as she stepped next to Y/n.
"According to them, it was an 'accident'." Y/n said, dangerously calm.
McGonagall head snapped to them, "Accident?! You call that ! An accident?!!"
Both boys mentally decided to stay quiet, knowing it was the safest options.
"Professor McGonagall, it was an accident. And since it was an accident they should personally and publicly apologise to all the Slytherins and Ravenclaws for both disrupting their class and endangering their life. And instead of detention, they can assist the Slytherins and Ravenclaws with any educational problem they have considering they were responsible for burning their notes." Y/n said as both the boys' face's contorted into disbelief, plead and shock.
Professor McGonagall stared at the girl in approval, "That is an excellent punishment, Miss L/n." Both boys stared at the Head of their House in shock and pleading face's.
"However-" Both boy's looked at her in hope. "I'd like to add a punishment of my own. 50 points. . .Each." McGonagall said watching Sirius and Jamss make a pained sound, before turning on her heel and leaving.
"Y/n..." James began but she only raised a finger and shut him up.
"Ah! I don't wanna hear a sound out of you. Either of you. Have you two gone insane?! There were people in that tower! Someone could've died! This Slytherin-Gryffindor fued needs to stop! We are graduating next year! There is an upcoming war! People are already dying. I know that wasn't an accident and I know that you were planning on setting Snape's hair on fire...I'm very disappointed in you. You promised me you'd end this! You promised..." She ranted angrly but at the end her voice fell and tears began to form, which made both boys look down in shame.
"..Y/n.." James began but she stepped back and wiped away any traces of tears. "You have a speech to write and it better be a good one." She said, she then faced Remus and Peter.
"I'm disappointed in you two, as well. I could've expected this from Sirius and James, maybe even Peter with peer pressure but not you Remus." Y/n said softly her face filled with disappointment as all four boys looked anywhere but her heart-breaking face.
"Anything you wanna say?" She asked the four as she sniffled. "No? Okay." She left.
Should I make a pt.2?
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agentrouka-blog · 5 months
Hey! Do you have any thoughts on the Alleras - Sarella theory or what that might mean for the story going forward? I recently came across the theory and it looks very mysterious with the whole “the Sphinx is the riddle, not the riddler” quote but I am not sure how it will play out. Obviously, if Sarella is Alleras, she might have a big hand in the Dorne- Aegon plot, but in what way? But if not, what could be Alleras’s story? Because he is clearly mysterious and knowledgeable and has more story to be in.
Hi there!!
I think it's a pretty foregone conclusion that Alleras is Sarella. <3
There otherwise no accounting for the fourth elder Sand Snake when the presence of Obara, Nymeria and Tyene is so emphasized in AFFC, while their absent sister is described solely through these lines:
"As my prince commands." His heart was troubled. My little princess will mislike this. "What of Sarella? She is a woman grown, almost twenty." "Unless she returns to Dorne, there's naught I can do about Sarella save pray that she shows more sense than her sisters. Leave her to her . . . game. Gather up the others. I shall not sleep until I know that they are safe and under guard." (AFFC, The Captain of Guards)
"My uncle brought me here, with Tyene and Sarella." The memory made Arianne smile. "He caught some vipers and showed Tyene the safest way to milk them for their venom. Sarella turned over rocks, brushed sand off the mosaics, and wanted to know everything there was to know about the people who had lived here." (AFFC, The Queenmaker)
Nym would sometimes join them in their sport, and Sarella was forever pushing in where she didn't belong, but for the most part they had been a company of five.  (The Princess in the Tower)
Inquisitive, determined, bold Sarella, who is busy at "games" and...
Nym laughed. "Yes, she wants to set the torch to Oldtown. She hates that city as much as our little sister loves it." (AFFC, The Captain of Guards)
Nymeria is not describing Tyene who has no stated connection to Oldtown, so... that leaves the widow-peaked, slender "riddle", who describes themselves as "no lord's son" whose "mother was a trader".
Not to mention, she would be following in Oberyn's footsteps, who also forged links at the Citadel.
(That said, the riddle of this sphinx is so easy to solve that it mostly points to the presence of a similar, different riddle in the books. The Sphinx being the creature who posed a riddle to Oedipus, a prince who did not know his true parentage, killed his father and married his mother. Something that metaphorically works with Jon and his paternal and maternal Houses.)
I suspect GRRM has several aims with Sarella. He's managed to give her connecting points to almost every single plotline outside the Riverlands. She could be relevant almost anywhere.
But since GRRM made her the key insider that Samwell can trust at the Citadel (and immediately removed Marwyn from the premises after rounding out the Targ Prophecy Exposition), she is likely going to be the westermost point of an axis of information, connection and travel for our little politician Samwell in the South. From the archival riches of Oldtown (and the Ironborn threat) to his home in the Reach, to the way Dorne and Aegon's reconquest interact with it, to Jon's probable interaction with the South in the name of the North, which is where that riddle will come in handy.
Sarella and Obara are the Sand Snakes more likely to survive, since they don't openly advocate for the murder of children and have emotionally significant maternal backstories, and both connect to Oldtown in contrasting ways. I expect there to be some kind of arc of healing on Obara's end, which may or may not end up connecting to Sarella's political/diplomatic potential in the larger picture of the humanitarian crisis shaping up in Westeros.
(If my sentences are unintelligibly long, please forgive me. I am Very Sleepy today.)
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ameagrice · 1 year
chapter seventeen | the red thread of fate
percy jackson x fem reader
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The two people connected by the red thread are destined lovers, regardless of place, time, or circumstances. This magical cord may stretch or tangle, but never break.
In the height of summer, you found yourself in Australia. Sydney was a pretty place, and your dad’s new holiday home settled overlooking the beach was your paradise. Surfing became the new daily sport. Evenings consisted of calling your friends and completing online courses your dad signed you up for, since you’d missed way too much schooling.
Your appearance home had been jarring. Not only had you been labelled as missing to the police, but your dad revealed he knew, above all else, what you really were, and who you really were. He’d known since the day you were born, settled on his doorstep in a cream-color blanket.
After all, how could you have literally popped in to existence, appearing with no trace of somebody leaving you?
He promised you could be wherever was safest for you to be. When September started, you’d go back to camp. For the summer, though—
“Dude, you should see my skin,” you lifted your arm and inspected it, holding the phone to your ear with the other hand. You nodded slowly. “I’m glowing.”
“Just don’t get sick if you’re out all the time,” Percy’s voice came through the other side of the phone, all the way in Manhattan. Apparently it was storming there. “I don’t want to visit you in the hospital.”
You scoffed. “Why not? It would be the only time I’d be quiet.”
“Which is why I’d be traumatised.”
“You’re weird.”
“Says you.”
“Whatever,” you leaned down on the window ledge, resting your chin on your hand. The crystal-clear waters glimmered with every crash of the waves. “This is pure heaven. You should come down for the summer next year.”
“That’d be good. Maybe we could bring Annabeth, too.”
Annabeth. Your sister. Your man-stealing, attention-taking sister.
“Yeah!” You faked a happy tone, as if you thought his suggestion was a good idea. “That would be fun.” Fun to shove her in the sea.
“Have you made your mind up about September yet?”
You noticed, though you hadn’t seen him for three months, that his voice had deepened. You only imagined how much he’d changed in person.
“Yeah, yeah I have. I’m going back to camp. Dad said as long as he sends me school work from Cranwatts, it’ll be fine. It’s funny how things work when your parents know certain people.”
“Can you do that for me? My mom’s sending me to another school.”
You laughed and he sighed. “Good luck with that.”
By seven o’clock, you would usually be finished on the phone to Percy. By eight, your phone would ring again.
You’d pick up the receiver with a coy smile, and hold the phone to your ear with a careful, “Hey.”
“Good morning, lady,” Travis’s voice would float through the phone in a terrible Australian accent.
“If this is the guy from the surf shop, you can get lost,” you replied, twirling the phone cable.
You could practically see his face drop. “Surf guy?! Hey, tell me about this surf guy!”
“Sorry, since you’re not him it’s pretty confidential stuff. Try again in a few years.”
“Uh—no! This is important shit! You gotta tell me about this kind of stuff.”
You giggled. “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t know you’re secretly a girl, Travis.”
“We can talk girl stuff!” His voice was high.
You nodded, rolling your eyes. “Yeah, sure. Wanna talk about pad sizes?”
He retched and you burst out laughing. “I’m Travis again.”
You faked a sigh. “Oh, thank god.”
“Which one.”
“My mother?” You shrugged.
“Reasonable. So, you coming back to camp this year?”
September came around quicker than you could have imagined. On August 31st, you took a plane back to the States, and then a full night on a train to get back to camp. A taxi to Halfblood Hill was paid for and organised before you arrived, and you ignored the weird look the cabbie sent your way as you climbed out in the middle of nowhere, a white duffel bag on your shoulder and two cases in each hand at your side.
“Thanks!” You waved, shutting the door. He took off quicker than you’d ever seen anyone drive. Maybe he thought you were some kind of junkie.
The woods were all dried up, the mud under your sneakers dried and cracked. Sunlight streaked gently through the trees and blinded you with every movement until you passed over the threshold to camp. A certain tree looked a little droopy, the one right by the border. Probably the summer heat.
It came to life all of a sudden.
The grass under your feet was a familiar and blinding green, healthy and soft. The smell of strawberries filled your nose, and the sound of kids yelling or laughing further away could be heard clear as anything.
A couple of campers waved or called out to you as you walked to your cabin. Once inside, you found the usual scene of tidiness and people either writing or reading or talking. Your bed was unmade, left exactly as you’d left it, and you dumped your bags in the middle of the room to get on your knees and begin pulling out your pillows and covers from the cupboard at the end.
So far, only yourself and two others you’d never so much as talked to before inhabited the cabin. It gave you enough time before others arrived to get your bed sorted and your bags unpacked.
Before Travis came knocking, that is.
“Ladies,” he drawled in a joking manner.
“Get out, Travis. I’m not interested,” one of the girls sitting against the back wall sighed.
“Don’t worry, Mavis. I’m not here for you.”
Oooh, you thought. That was embarrassing.
“Hey, Scout.”
Percy had Bambi. Travis called you Scout. And both were just as endearing to you.
You turned where you knelt, a coy smirk coming to your face. Travis walked slowly across the cabin, hands stuffed in the pockets of his jeans. His hair had grown out, hanging curly over his forehead and short on the sides, blended.
“Like the haircut,” you teased, standing to do a handshake with him. Travis’s hand was warm and bigger than yours, boyishly thin while yours was softer-looking.
“Glad you’ve grown yours out.” He nodded.
Your perm. It was still curly, but it had dropped a considerable amount now, and grown out to a little past your shoulders.
You nodded. “Why thank you. When’s dinner?”
That summer was a strange one. At the announcement of another quest—one you were, once more, not mentioned in—it was time for Percy to take off once more to fix things. Thalia’s tree that guarded the border to camp, was dying. Annabeth was constantly upset, kicking things around the cabin or sitting quietly and thinking to herself. Percy looked stressed. Luke had been weird.
The camp’s defence was down. And after Percy and the others left camp with a promise to try to get in contact with you as often as possible, everyone was on a rota for defending camp. Mondays was Athena and Apollo. Tuesdays was Ares and Hermes. Wednesdays was Demeter and Aphrodite. And then it repeated from the start for the remaining days.
It began to grow harder to sleep. Everyone had to be in their cabins by dark, messing up the schedules. Doors were firmly locked to keep monsters out—though you wondered why they couldn’t just smash a window.
Sometimes, creatures could be heard around or in camp, howling, whistling, or crawling. You’d throw the covers over your head and curl and just I think the fuck not.
You’d wake sweaty, still tired from a restless sleep, and hungry.
Percy returned. Percy was poisoned. Like disappeared. And Thalia was alive.
The girl looked incredibly out of place. She was mean, straightforward, and besties with Annabeth. Thalia had a lot to get used to, looking like a child still. She’d missed out on years upon years of life, almost seven.
Even Chiron looked moved every time he saw her.
Percy complained.
Annabeth was never in her cabin.
Travis thought he broke his elbow.
Travis did, indeed, break his elbow.
And the world carried on.
Camp was protected by the Golden Fleece, glowing 24/7, keeping the borders up.
You’d thought your adventures were over for now. You could focus on school work and fighting techniques.
Horribly wrong.
The car jostled with the fierce wind throwing it. You held on to the handle on the ceiling like your life depended on it, sitting on Annabeth’s knees.
“Why are you so bony?!” She ground out.
“Ew!” You’d call, yelling every time the car swerved in the snow storm.
“Shut up!” She’d call.
Your sister and yourself had a strained relationship.
Thalia was in the front seat. Percy on the right. Sally Jackson’s car only had four seats. Finally, you all opted for being completely squished over Annabeth apparently being in ‘pain’. You’d air-quoted the word as you mumbled. She hit you with her hat.
“Percy was such a cute baby,” Sally Jackson fawned at the wheel. Thalia grinned wickedly, turning to give Percy a look. He pulled a face and looked back out the window. You laughed mockingly and he told you to shut up. “Seriously! And such a foodie, too, I mean seriously he never stopped.”
“Were you a chunky baby, Percy Jackson?” You teased. “Little chunks?” Even Annabeth laughed along now.
“Mom would you shut up!”
Westover Hall came to into sight after an eight hour drive. You’d gone to Percy’s from camp for winter break, and decided to come along on this one. After all, there were three of you now. Chiron couldn’t tell you off for this. And besides, you’d turned fourteen over the summer. You were more mature now.
“Oh, yeah,” Thalia said, wiping the window with her sleeve. “This’ll be fun.”
Thalia took some getting used to. In many ways, you shared the same sarcastic, brutal personality. In other ways, she completely obliterated you with harsh words. She didn’t like you. Thalia was a rocker, all black and metal and goth. You were beaches and sunshine, sarcastic with flawless lipgloss. She called you a Barbie doll the first time you met her. So you called a dead b—
“Are you sure you don’t want me to wait?” Percy’s mom asked.
“No, thanks, mom. I don’t know how long it’ll take,” Percy declined.
“But how will you get back? I’m worried, Percy. I always worry about you.”
“It’s okay, Mrs Jackson,” Annabeth bumped in. You rolled your eyes; suck up. “We’ll keep him out of trouble.”
Thank god you’d dressed for the occasion. You’d managed to wrangle your curly hair into a bun at your neck, and shoved a multicoloured bobble hat on top, covering your eyebrows. With a pair of leggings, high Converse, a tee, sweater and a walking coat you were sure to be warm enough.
You discovered on the walk up to the school that Thalia did not like to take about her family.
In your inside pocket was a dagger. You’d sheathed it, but there always was a worry that you’d somehow get stabbed. You’d picked it out over the summer. A sword was too much of a risk to take with you somewhere casually. But a dagger you could carry around, prepared for anything a monster threw at you.
You’d thought it was just the three of you.
Then you heard a bleet.
It was like deja vu.
Inside, you closed your eyes, sighing. “Guys! Hey, you’re here!”
You plastered a smile to your face. “We made it!”
Grover had grown a little taller and had sprouted a few more whiskers, but otherwise he looked like he always did when he passed for human—a red cap on his curly brown hair to hide his goat horns, baggy jeans and sneakers with fake feet to hide his furry legs and hooves. He was wearing a black T-shirt that took me a few seconds to read. It said WESTOVER HALL: GRUNT. You pulled a face when you saw it.
Nonetheless, Grover was nice to you. “How was your birthday?” He’d asked.
“Not bad!” You nodded along. Not bad at all. It was spent surfing, sunbathing, and being surprise visited by your family.
“So, what’s the emergency?”
Grover took a deep breath, his vibe changing. You picked up on the drop quickly. “I found two.”
“Two half-bloods?” Thalia asked, amazed. “Here?”
Grover nodded.
Travis had told you about Grover’s job. He would search for demigods all over the states, going out of the country if need be. Finding them these days was the hard part, however—they were just getting harder and harder to spot. Whether it be be because they lived in remote areas, or such big areas that scents mixed together and made them hard to discern.
“A brother and a sister,” he said. “They're ten and twelve. I don't know their parentage, but they're strong. We're running out of time, though. I need help.”
“One.” Grover looked nervous. “He suspects. I don't think he's positive yet, but this is the last day of term. I'm sure he won't let them leave campus without finding out. It may be our last chance! Every time I try to get close to them, he's always there, blocking me. I don't know what to do!”
“Right. These half-bloods are at the dance?” Thalia confirmed. Grover double confirmed so.
“Then let’s dance,” she suggested. You grinned. Perfect chance to wind up Percy. “Who’s the monster?”
“The vice principal—Dr. Thorn.”
There were black and red balloons all over the gym floor, and guys were kicking them in each others faces, or trying to strangle each other with the crepe-paper streamers taped to the walls. Girls moved around in huddles, the way they always do, a way you were familiar with, wearing lots of makeup and spaghetti-strap tops and brightly colored pants and shoes. One girl wore a pair of heels easily over six-inches, you applauded her. The typical scene of teens arguing with teens, kids high on sugar, and girls bitching filled the scene.
A scene you were very much comfortable in.
Percy, on the other hand?
“Oh, cheer up, Perky,” you cooed, pinching his cheek. He jerked away and playfully smacked your hand. “What’s so bad about this?”
Music boomed and the multi-color lights streamed around the room from fixtures on the ceiling. This was your scene. You’d nabbed a plate of sugar straws in neon coloured plastic casing, and a clear plastic cup of cola. Percy’s hands were in his pants pockets as he looked around awkwardly, as if he wished to be anywhere else at all.
“There they are.”Grover nodded toward a couple of younger kids arguing in the bleachers. “Bianca and Nico di Angelo.”
Bianca, the girl you guessed was twelve, wore a floppy green hat low, like she was trying to hide. In a skirt and jacket, she stood out among the other kids. Her brother, the shorter, younger-looking boy at her side, wore pants and a sweater. He talked animatedly, waving his hands about, and shuffled cards between his fingers. Bianca looked to be reprimanding him.
Annabeth said, “Have you told them?”
Grover shook his head. “You know how it is. That could put them in more danger. Once they realise who they are, their sent becomes stronger.”
He and Percy shared a look.
“So let’s grab them and get them out of here,” Percy said. He started forward, but you firmly put your hand on his shoulder to stop him. Over by the door, the vice principle had slipped in. Dr. Thorn headed over to the Di Angelo’s. One of his eyes seemed to glow.
You’d met him when you entered the school. A tall, thin man with a terrifying vibe. A wrong vibe. And he watched you five carefully. You figured coming along this time may have potentially ruined things. Your presence, the additional two of you to a three-man job, was throwing things off.
“Don’t look at the kids,” Thalia ordered. “We have to wait for a chance to get them. We need to pretend we’re not interested in them. Throw him off.”
“And for some reason I don’t think that’s gonna work…” you mumbled, eyeing the kids.
Thalia’s attention twisted on you. She practically glowered. You weren’t her favorite person in the world by any chance. “And why’s that?”
You leaned on your hip casually, folding your arms. You waved a hand as you spoke. “Because he already knows we’re here. He knows what we’re trying to do. Best chance we have at getting them would be to—”
“Look, I know what I’m doing. We’ve got a good chance of things going our way first time round if we just stick to the plan.”
Maybe. Maybe not. You couldn’t help the resentment that crawled up your spine. Why wouldn’t she just listen to you? You didn’t like her either, but for the sake of the kids, you were willing to work together. It seemed she wasn’t.
Thalia looked away. Annabeth shifted on her feet. Percy sighed at your side.
“We can’t keep standing around like this,” Annabeth voiced. “We’ve gotta do something. Go talk to people, act casual,” she waved a hand in your direction. You sipped your cola.
“Come on, Perky,” you put down your plate. “Let’s get you a drink.”
Grover, Thalia and Annabeth went straight into the crowd while yourself and Percy skirted around it. The cafeteria doors at the back showed tables of food and drinks, where a few students talked and helped themselves. Percy settled for a cup of lemonade. Back out in the main room, you tried not to slosh your drink everywhere as you pulled Percy to the middle of the crowd.
Now he was wildly, visibly uncomfortable.
When a certain song began to play, your eyes widened.
Percy looked like he wanted to die.
“You’re not missing this one!” You called, pulling him out to the edge again to dump your drinks. I’m gonna live out my highschool dream!
Percy groaned. “Look, I’m not a dancer. I’ve never done it—”
“It’ll be cool! I’ll lead!”
“But that’ll make me look—”
Your heart pounded, but he didn’t need to know that. And your stomach filled with butterflies battling, but he didn’t need to know that, either.
Your mind went into overload as he clutched your hand in one and placed his hand very lightly on your hip. You’d have been jealous if he’d solely been watching Annabeth over to the side, but he frowned, and moved his hand a little. He was trying to do it right.
Your cheeks burned badly. Thank god it was dark.
It was like something out of a movie, or a lovey-dovey book. Dancing with your crush at a school dance. Percy stepped on your foot twice or thrice, but you managed to laugh it off. If not for the sake of making it easier for you, but to save him the embarrassment too.
“How was Australia?” He asked, looking at you directly.
He’d grown a considerable amount over the summer, but then, so had you. You wanted to whack him for making it at least an inch taller.
“Good,” you nodded. “I really think you’d like it there.”
“Are you gonna stay there, like, permanently?”
“Probably. It’s pretty. And hot. Both of them together is…yeah.”
Though you smiled, Percy looked like he was struggling to hold his up. It faltered a little.
His eyes shifted. His expression dropped.
“They’re gone.” He hissed. “The kids. They’re gone.”
“Maybe they’ve gone to the restroom,” you muttered absently. He wore his camp necklace outside of camp.
“No,” he dropped his hands. You sighed through your nose. “Thorn’s gone, too. Look, stay here; I’ll get Annabeth and Thalia.”
Annabeth and Thalia. You smiled tightly, nodding. Percy ran in to the crowd.
Leaving you on your own.
Who needed Annabeth and Thalia when you were here? You could’ve worked together, but…
Nah. You were just as capable of them. If Percy couldn’t see that, you’d prove it to him.
Pushing through other students, you made your way to the sideline, in line with the double doors. One swung gently, the way it would when someone pushed through it.
They’d gone that way.
Waiting for Percy would mean waiting for a plan to be put in place. The kids could be in danger and long gone by then.
And since you were just standing…
You took off after them.
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First chapter of part two! Nothing terribly exciting. That stuff comes next. Fun fact: Cranwatts is an actual school heheh.
Any predictions?
@bl6o6dy @embersparklz @lilyevanswhore @rottenstyx @hawkeye12 @rory-cakes @i-am-scared-and-useless-bisexual @marshmallow12435 @luckydragontriumph @lantsovheiress @distinguishedmakerpandapatrol @bugsys-bubble @twsssmlmaa @gayandfairycore
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