#‘you grab the barrel of the shotgun and pull it up and on the other side- you see- strapped to it- a chainsaw’
my-craft · 1 year
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So. Prime Defenders episode 28 huh?
234 notes · View notes
yeonzzzn · 3 months
stuck with me: park jongseong
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pairing: jay x afab!reader word count: 26.2k
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synopsis: in the middle of the apocalypse, you and jay find each other in a situation of life and death, using the protection of each other to get to the next safe zone. unfortunately for the both of you, things take a turn once secrets get revealed and the fight for survival becomes greater.
genre: enemies to lovers, zombie apocalypse!au, blonde jay, smuggler hyung line + smuggler txt, riize members + jungkook and namjoon make appearances, smut.
warnings: swearing, blood, weapons(guns and knives), drug mentions, make-out session, multiple unprotected sex, fingering, oral (f. rec), gun goes pew pew, mentions of d**th, MINORS DNI, lemme know if I missed anything ♡
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“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” Jay said, the barrel of his shotgun pointing straight ahead, his heart rate racing faster than just a second ago, index finger twitching as his whole hand shook. 
You stood across from him, pointing your pistol right back at him, aiming directly for the middle of his forehead. 
Unfortunately for you, you had three other shotguns pointing directly at you. 
Your glare didn’t relent as you eyed each of them. 
“You’d be wise to drop your weapon,” you darted to the one who spoke, his dark red dyed hair hung slightly over his eyes, a sure sign that he didn’t trust you. Which was fair. You didn’t trust them either. 
“Four against one,” one smirked, his natural fangs showing, “Be smart, girl.” 
“I was here first,” you snapped, eyes darting between the four of them, “Find another place to ransack.” 
Jay glanced to his left as Jake took a step ahead of him, “As if! Drop your fucking weapon!” he yelled at you. 
You scoffed, raising both hands up, slowly backing away. Vampire fangs was right, it was four against one. There was no scenario where you would win this fight. Not when four shotguns were being pointed at you with the low amount of ammo you had left. It was a loser situation. They slowly lowered their guns slightly, obviously still on edge. 
Jay watched you carefully as you backed away. Watching as your long-sleeved shirt forsaken you, revealing the white bandage wrapped around your forearm with blood soaking through. His heart raced faster, eyes widened. 
“She’s been fucking bit!!” the redhead snapped, all four of the boys' weapons locking back into place pointing at you. 
“Shit,” Jay hissed. 
You lowered your pistol back at the blonde, gritting your teeth. 
You stuffed your mouth with the extra shirt from your backpack, biting down as hard as your jaw let you, and rolled up your sleeve to your elbow, the bite mark on your forearm still looking as gross as ever. 
The bottle of medical alcohol you found at the hospital sat to your left on the counter as you dangled your bitten right arm over the hospital's sink. 
You grabbed the bottle and took a few massive deep breaths in before pouring the alcohol down onto the bite. 
Your grip on the shirt tightened as you hissed in pain, doing everything you could possible to keep your groans to a reasonably quiet level to not alert any living or undead beings that could be stalking the hospital to your current location. 
Once the last of the alcohol dripped from the bottle and onto your arm, you grabbed the paper towels and gently dabbed your skin then tossed the towels behind you. You then picked up the tube of ointment, spreading enough on your fingers to rub gently on the bite. Adding the finishing touch of wrapping the white bandages around the bite and securing it tight. 
You got lucky to have found all these supplies when you did or else you’d be dead soon due to infection and loss of blood. 
You quickly pulled your long-sleeve back down then tossed your extra shirt, along with your newfound medical supplies, into your backpack and threw it over your shoulders. 
In all honesty, besides just being lucky enough to have found these supplies, you were lucky to still even be breathing. 
It’s been three years since this hell started. Since the so-called “cure” for some wack-ass disease was created for treatment that ultimately backfired and turned anyone who took it into a man-eating monster. And as the world failed to contain the outbreak, if anyone who was affected by the treatment bit or even scratched someone else, it too turned them into man-eating monsters. Or zombies if you will. Maybe even runners, clickers, or bloaters if you played the famous “The Last of Us” video game before the world went to shit. The walking dead, walkers, lurkers, the infected. Basically, any term you can think of for zombies is literally what was happening. 
Before the world knew it, everyone was thrown into this universe of kill or be killed to survive. The strong-willed were the only ones who survived. Or unless you were lucky and packed up with others. Or even extremely lucky and live inside one of the safe zones and not have to worry about leaving it. 
Unfortunately for you, you were all the above, minus not getting to leave the comfort of the safe zone. 
The safe zone you lived in was small and quiet. Not a lot of people, maybe a little over three hundred. So when supplies ran low, teams were sent out to gather more. Your safe zone wasn’t lucky enough to have military aid, and even when the military did come by to give supplies, it never was enough. Guess they saw your safe zone as a waste of time. 
You’ve ventured out of the safe zone multiple times for supply runs, so when you were picked to be a part of the team to head out, you thought nothing of it. Thought of it as just another scouting and supply run…but it wasn’t. Clearly. 
Your luck had to run out at some point, and that day just so happened to be where the luck ended. 
Your team was stuck between a rock and a hard place, quite literally, actually. The rock technically being a wall and the hard place being the undead had your team surrounded with no chances of escaping. Two of your team members were already killed, one got bit and killed themselves to spare the pain of changing, leaving just you and four others. One got scratched on the leg and had no other chance of escaping. Bless that man because he used his last bit of flares and bullets to part the sea in a chance to let you and the others make a run for it. 
You held onto the hand of your best friend as you both booked it on the small clear path. And once the sea started to close, you knew it was over. Your friend was ripped from your hand, her screams filling your ears along with the others who were being torn apart. You wanted to give up. You should have given up. You were surrounded, and the smell of death from the unliving as they were only nearly inches away from you. But some spark of hope kept you moving forward. Some unrelenting force pushing you towards the window. Your best friend yelled at you to keep going. If you were honest, her voice wasn’t the only thing that gave that hope. Something else was drawing you to stay alive, and what could that have been? You didn’t know. But you wanted to find out. 
You guarded your neck and face with your arms as you jumped through the window, the sound of breaking glass being loud enough and the smell of your blood that now ran down your arms surely alerted any other zombies in the area. But you kept moving once your feet touched the ground and started sprinting. You kept moving even as the tears streamed down your face as you left your teammates behind. 
You were the lone survivor. 
It didn’t take you long to notice the bite on your forearm just above your wrist once you got to a water stream and soaked your cut and bruised arms from breaking the window. You thought you were done for. That everyone else’s sacrifices were all for nothing. You wouldn’t be accepted back at the safe zone if you even made it back to the safe zone. Once you’ve been bit or scratched it takes roughly twenty-four hours before you start turning. The safe zone was two days away. You wouldn’t make it. 
Except you did. 
It’s now been a month since you’ve been bitten and nothing about you has changed besides the fact you have a random ass zombie bite mark on your arm that is slowly, but surely, healing. It will be one hell of a scar. 
You knew returning back to the zone wouldn’t work. They’d kill you on the spot. Or if they let you back in and notice you’ve survived a bite mark…you’d just become an experiment. Just like in every zombie video game and movie. 
So you took to the life of being a lone wolf. Doing everything—and meaning everything—you needed to survive. 
You continued your search of the hospital, gathering more medical supplies and any food left behind. Along with more ammunition(even if it was just a few bullets) for your pistol and any other weapons to add to your arsenal. As you passed by a window, you noticed just how low the sun was setting, meaning you needed to either get to a safe place within the hospital or attempt to find a nearby building or house that was safer. 
Because let’s be honest, who knew who or what was in this hospital still. And you sure as fuck weren’t going to be sticking around long enough to find out. 
You lifted up your sleeve to check your bite, seeing a small amount of blood staining the bandage. You quietly cursed, knowing you had to leave as soon as possible before something detected your blood smell. The only thing that sucked about the bite being slow healing, is the fact it still bled and was still infected. You needed to get treated, but that came at a cost that wasn’t worth it. 
You quickly and quietly slipped out the same way you came in, darting into the overgrown nature the world was now, your pistol in hand and knife strapped at your thigh. 
“Are you being serious right now?” Jay scoffed, staring down at Heeseung as his hands, and parts of his face were stained red. 
Heeseung smirked as he looked up at his younger friend, “Obviously.” he chuckled, “We are in the zombie apocalypse, If I want to dye my hair red, I will dye my hair red.” 
Jay stared down at the hair supplies surrounding Heeseung on the floor, “Where the fuck did you even find all this?” 
Heeseung shrugged, “I found them a couple of months back the last time we left the zone. Only just now decided to put them to use.” 
Sunghoon let out a low laugh. He was sitting at the kitchen table with an old Polaroid camera in his hands. The old thing was broken, but that didn’t stop Sunghoon from wanting to fix it and use it, “You’d think being in the zombie apocalypse, dying your hair would be the last thing on your mind.” 
Jake agreed, “We should be stealing supplies that are needed.” 
“And this was needed!” Heeseung rolled his eyes, “Who says fashion had to die with the world?” 
Jay always loved how positive his older friend was. How unaffected he was by this fucked up world. But with the way his world came to an end, Heeseung kind of had no choice but to grin and bear it. To shove the past away and live in the now and for the future. Also being the oldest and taking up that mantle to be the sole source of happiness and good vibes for the group, he was better than the rest of the boys living in this cabin. 
Jay knelt down beside Heeseung on the floor, eyes wandering between all the supplies, “Damn you used up all the red.” 
Heeseung just smiled, “Want me to dye your hair?” 
Jay lifts his hand to run it through his black hair, debating if it even would be worth it. It would add some fun to his life. But ultimately he declined, “We are going out.” 
Jake groaned, and flopped himself down onto his bed, “Are we seriously sneaking out tonight?” 
Sunghoon leaned back in his chair, draping his arm over the back, “What are we smuggling out?” 
Jay shook his head, “It’s what we are going to smuggle in.” 
Heeseung kept his eyes pointed at the small square mirror he had propped up against a bike of old books on the floor as he continued to run his red dye-stained hands through his hair, “What could we possibly be smuggling in?” 
“Drugs, obviously,” Jake said, rolling onto his stomach, “What else could we smuggle into the zone that isn’t allowed to be here?” 
Jay shrugged, “I got a tip that a building about an hour south from here, someone from a neighboring safe zone dropped the drugs off there. We smuggle that in and sell that shit, we’d have enough money to last us for months.” 
“And who the fuck tipped you off?” Sunghoon scoffed, hands going back to fiddling with his camera. 
“I swear to god if you say Yeonjun,” Heeseung said with a click of his tongue, “Man is higher than a kite half the damn time.” 
Jay just smiles, “Nah, it wasn’t from Yeonjun or his crew.” 
“Then who?” Jake asked with pure confusion on his face. 
“Probably Jungkook,” Sunghoon guessed, “He’s the only other person who would care enough about smuggling drugs into the zone. He probably got someone in the jail to run their mouths to even pass on this information.” 
Jungkook was one of the local police officers in this safe zone. He wasn’t a dirty cop or anything, he just understood that sometimes people need a getaway. That getaway is either hard-core drugs, or even the lesser ones. Ones that either get you fucked up, or higher than a kite like Yeonjun is half the time. Either way, Jungkook allowed these four to sneak in and out of the zone as they pleased as long as they didn't get caught or bitten. Because once they got caught, Jungkook would hold no power to protect them. 
Jay just nodded and stood up, “We leave in an hour. Like I said, it would take us an hour to get to where we need to go.” 
“Oh, good!” Heeseung cooed, “That gives us plenty of time to bleach your hair.” 
Jay scrunched his nose, looking at the box of hair bleach sitting beside Heeseung. 
“There’s a pretty cool blonde color you can use, I sure as hell won’t use it.” 
Jay rolled his eyes and sat down beside his friend, “Make it quick.” 
Jay, Heeseung, Jake, and Sunghoon all carefully walked into the small village that is said to have the drugs. 
Each of the boys kept their eyes open for the building that was described to them, guns locked and loaded and ready to fire in case of any trouble. 
The moonlight and the few shitty street lamps that still somehow worked were the only source of light they had to light the village. 
It was quiet, a bit too quiet for Jay’s liking but a blessing nevertheless. The last thing he needed was having to actually fire their weapons and alert any zombies their way. 
“Where the fuck is this building,” Jake softly snapped, “I do not like being out here.” 
“That makes two of us,” Heeseung agreed, “I don’t like the vibes here.” 
Most of the world has been overgrown with grass, plants, vines, etc etc etc. Each city or town or village outside the safe zones wouldn’t be well kept and taken care of. But this place? The grass was cut. Only a select few houses and buildings had vines covering them. Someone or a few people were taking care of this place. Jay could only imagine it was whoever dropped the drugs off here. Or so he hoped. 
You also found the small village, taking a mental note of how clean it was when it shouldn’t be. You didn’t like it, but you needed to eat, clean your bite, and sleep. This place would have to do until the sun comes up. 
Most of the houses or buildings were locked or covered in vines, and since the undead stalked around more freely at night, you didn’t want to risk breaking a door or window and settled for finding one that was already broken into. 
You found your way into a building where the door was barely holding onto its hinges. You walked in, seeing that it used to be an old convenience store that was yet to be raided. 
Your heart quickened at the sight, wasting no time to pile what food, medicines, and other supplies you could into your backpack. It was like you hit the jackpot, your luck showing off. 
Your luck brought you an old tin box sitting on a small shelf under the register (that unfortunately had zero money in it). You gently shook the box, hearing what sounded like a plastic bag shifting about. After opening the lid, your eyes widened at the contents.
Drugs. Hard ones. Ones that would knock you on your ass and get you high as fuck. You dug through the plastic bag, seeing some of the drugs were for pain in high dosages, which was perfect for your bitten arm. God damn were you lucky. 
You shoved the tin into your backpack, ready to find a place to sleep when a noise coming from the back of the store jolted you to a stop. Your heartbeat quickened and your breathing became unsteady. Your hand on your pistol tightened, shaking as you quietly walked towards the back. You prayed and prayed it was just some animal, or the wind blowing through the broken windows. 
You turned the corner towards the bathrooms, only to be met face-to-face with an undead monster. 
The thing hissed and groaned as it saw you, lunging forward, arms stretched out and drool dripping from its opened mouth. The smell of rotting flesh was enough to make you want to toss up everything you’d eaten that day. You only had enough time to take a few steps back before tripping over your own feet falling completely on your ass. 
You haven’t felt fear like this since you and your old team members got cornered. The flashbacks of watching your friends get eaten and torn about filled your brain. You started to panic, thinking this was it until that sparkle of hope filled you once again. You raised your pistol up, aiming at the zombie's head, and pulled the trigger twice. 
“Please tell me you all heard that too,” Heeseung whispered, the sounds of a gun being fired echoed across the village. 
“Yeah,” Jay took a deep breath in, “I heard it too.” 
The boys quickly went in the direction of the sound, eyes glancing in every direction to keep watch of any trouble until they found the building they were looking for and found something they weren’t expecting to find—you.  
You barely got to your feet and turned around when the four men approached you, shotguns aiming directly at you. 
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” 
And that’s how you all ended up here, guns pointing at each other with every intent to kill. 
“She’s been fucking bit!!” Heeseung snapped, all four of the boys' weapons locking back into place pointing at you. 
“Shit,” Jay hissed. 
You lowered your pistol back at Jay, gritting your teeth, “It’s not what you think.” 
“Like hell it is!!” Sunghoon yelled, “I should put a few rounds into you right now!” 
Jay couldn’t explain it, but something felt off about this, about you. Your wrap was soaked in blood, but you can clearly see the blood has darkened in some areas of the wrap. Usually, a person who has been bitten turns within twenty-four hours. Your wound looks older than that. 
You whipped your weapon back to vampire fang, narrowing your eyes, “Shoot me and I’ll sure as hell make sure to get some rounds into you too.” 
“Sunghoon,” Heeseung sternly said, “Stand down.” 
Sunghoon locked his jaw and took a few steps back. Heeseung noticed it as well. The longer he stared at you, the more he could tell your bite looked too old. 
“Hoon, Jake,” Jay said, barely turning his head to look at the younger too, keeping his weapon pointed at you, “Go find what we came here for so we can leave, I don’t want to stick around long enough to find out if she has more friends here.” 
The younger too nodded, slowly backing away and then turning on their heels, running in different directions to find what they came here for. 
Heeseung and Jay kept their eyes on you. You knew once they got whatever they came for they would leave you here or kill you. 
You preferred the first option. 
“Fuck!” Jake yelled, finding the whole place empty, “Nothing is here!” 
Heeseung and Jay narrowed their eyes at you, you could read it all over their faces that they came here for what you found and shoved into your backpack. 
“Fucking bitch, plan to take those drugs to knock your ass out while you change? Maybe kill yourself in the process?” 
You showed your teeth, “What is it to you?” You snapped, “I found it first, fuck off!” 
Jay took a step closer to you, and you took two back, “We have a lot—and I mean a lot—of money riding on those drugs, hand them over before I kill you and take them myself.” 
“Might as well just kill her,” Heeseung scoffed, “It’ll be a blessing compared to what she’ll feel once the change takes over.” 
“It's not what you think!” you yelled again. 
Heeseung wasn’t listening, not really caring either. He’s had enough. They needed those drugs, needed that money to keep his brothers alive. So he stepped toward you quickly, sliding his shotgun tied to the strap behind his back, one hand gripping your wrists and the other at your backpack. 
He was too quick for you to process or make a move. It was obvious at the way your pistol left your hands and was kicked to the blonde, the way his knee bent into the back of yours buckling you to the ground, that his man had done this plenty of times. Has been in plenty of fights and probably killed multiple people. 
But you’d be damned if you were going to go down this easy. 
You slammed your weight to your back, to knock his hand off your backpack, then moved to the left, putting all your force into his side to push him off you. But his grip on your left wrist was unrelenting, his fingers held just above your wrap, slowly sliding it off. 
You managed to get him off you, sending him to his ass. You quickly stood to your feet, only to be met with your pistol touching your forehead, the blonde's eyes like fire burning into you. Jake and Sunghoon standing back behind him, pointing their guns at you again. 
“Heeseung,” Jay said, “You good buddy?” 
Your eyes darted to the redhead, watching as he stood up, eyes piercing. 
You looked back at the man in front of you, raising your hands back up, “Take the fucking drugs, this shit ain’t worth it.” It really wasn’t worth it. Even if you got away these four would chase you down until they got the box and killed you. You needed to survive for the sake of the friends you’ve lost. 
You kept your eyes locked with the blonde as Heeseung was now at your back, digging into it to pull out the tin box.  
Jay was about to pull away when his eyes darted back to your wrist, seeing the bite. Without thinking his free hand gripped your bitten wrist and pulled it forward, lowering the pistol to lift your sleep up higher. 
“Shit,” he hissed, “Guys, come look at this.” 
You were now surrounded by the four of them looking at your wound, every single one of their eyes widening. 
You also glanced down at your bite, it was obvious it was infected from it not being taken care of, but it was healing. And it was obvious that it was. 
“You’re immune?” The redhead said, his eyes now lifting to examine your face, “How is that possible?” 
Jay locked eyes with you again, then with his friends, “What the fuck have we gotten ourselves into?” 
Sneaking out of the safe zone with four people is one thing. But sneaking back in with four people while SMUGGLING another life and illegal drugs is another. 
The safe zone might be one of the biggest in the world, but everyone knows who Jay, Heeseung, Jake, and Sunghoon are. So with you standing in the middle of the four as you all climbed up through a hole that leads into an abandoned broken-down home and the face of a military officer staring back at you, your heart sank. And the looks of the four boys around you were evidence enough that you all just got caught. 
“What the actual fuck is going on?!” the officer snapped, his eyes filled with such a fire that I made you want to duck under the boys and back down to the hole and escape into the free world. 
“Jungkook,” Heeseung said, raising his hands up, letting his shotgun dangle from his chest, “Listen, man, we didn’t plan this either.” 
“You know they keep count of every mother fucker in this safe zone!” Jungkook snapped
“We know!” Heeseung snapped back, “But you’re going to want to see this.” 
Heeseung whips around to you, reaching his hand out for you to take it, nodding his head to move closer to him, “Come here, YN.” 
You glare at him, shaking your head. You still didn’t trust these four boys, why would you willingly hand over your secret to a military officer? 
Jake nudged you forward, stumbling over your feet and reaching for Heeseung’s hand anyway. 
Jungkook crossed his arms over his chest and it made your heart sink even more. The man was BUFF. His big strong arms flexed naturally and the tattoos that ran from his hand and up his right arm made him seem even more scary, like this man could snap your neck without breaking a sweat. 
Heeseung barely lifted your sleeve up to expose your bite and Jungkook was five steps back with his pistol drawn out towards you. 
What’s with everyone pointing guns at you today?
“You brought an INFECTED here?!” he yelled, the hell fire burning in his eyes raging more, “I should kill each of you right now for bringing her here.” 
Heeseung rolled his eyes and pulled your sleeve up further, “Fucking look!” 
Jungkook stared down at your arm, his gun slowly falling to the floor, “How can that be possible?” 
A question for you. 
You just looked down at the bite, shaking your head, “I don’t know.” 
Jungkook silently looked between you all, “Fuck!” 
He shoved his pistol back into the holster at his hip and paced back and forth, running his hands through his hair. 
“Get her back to the house, NOW!” he growled, pointing a finger at all four of them one by one, “Do not let anyone see her, you understand?” They all nodded, “Good, and make sure she fucking bathes and gets that wound cleaned up and wrapped. I’ll come by when I get my head straight.” 
You now walked even closer in between the four boys than what you were earlier, wandering your eyes to every person you walked passed, scared you’d be discovered. That feeling eased up a bit as they led you down an alleyway, then across another street before quickly shuffling you inside what you assumed was their home. 
Once the door was closed and deadbolted, you scanned their home. It was small, but big enough to house the four of them. 
There weren’t any rooms, so their four beds lined up against the west side of the house, with a couch across from it with a small table and a radio beside it. 
Their kitchen on the east side of the house was also small, fitting enough space for the normal kitchen essentials and a table for eating in the middle, a bathtub sitting in the corner. 
You were scared for a second about how these four use the bathroom but noticed outside the kitchen window an outhouse. 
“This used to be a storage house,” Jake said, dropping his body onto the couch, “The four of us fixed it up and made it our home. It’s not much, but it’s something.” 
It was definitely better than the places you’ve been sleeping in recently. 
Jay was now handing you a clean pair of clothes, “Wear these after you bathe, we’ll find you some that fit better tomorrow.” 
You thanked him and walked to the tub, dropping your backpack into a chair at the table. You stared at the tub with excitement. You’ve been without a proper bath since being bitten and the thought of getting a warm bath made your heart sink. 
You turned the hot water knob, watching as the clean water flowed into the tub. Most safe zones were lucky if they had clean running water and basically electricity. The bigger zones obviously are the luckier ones. Yours, on the other hand, had no electricity and water was so scarce there were designated days when people were allowed to bathe. 
Without another thought, your hands went to the hems of your shirt and slowly started lifting. 
“Woah woah what the fuck are you doing?!?” Sunghoon snapped, his heart racing at the sight of barely seeing your belly. 
“I’m fixing to bathe? I stink?” 
“And you are just going to strip in front of us?!?” Jake said, the clear blush settling in on his cheeks. 
You scoffed, letting out a laugh, “The world is ending as we know it and you’re worried about seeing a female naked? Shouldn’t you be glad to see it?” 
Jake sat in silence, his eyes now wandering to Heeseung and Jay, who kept their eyes on you, their reactions haven't changed since you first met them. 
“Well, I’m not about to be labeled as a pervert,” Sunghoon said, rushing back to the front door, “I’m going to sit outside.” 
“Yeah same here,” Jake jumped from the couch, following his best friend out. 
Heeseung finally looked at Jay, who was already staring back at him. 
You watched as their eyes communicated with each other in a silent language that you didn’t know. Then with a nod Heeseung turned and followed Jake out, closing the door behind him. 
Jay’s eyes were back on you, his facial expression still not changing. 
“What? Not going to follow your friends out?” 
He shrugged, “Someone has to make sure you don’t steal our shit and make a run for it.” 
You glared at him and scoffed, “I survived for months with less than what you have here, my safe zone didn’t have anything and I made it perfectly fine even after I was bit and couldn’t return back. I have no need for your stuff.” 
Which was true. You survived perfectly fine without the gifts the bigger safe zones had. And then with you having to hunt for your food and survive on less than your safe zone. You didn’t need his shit. You were perfectly fine. 
Jay just shrugged again, crossing his arms behind him as he kept his eyes on you. And you took it as a challenge. 
You slid your shirt from your body and let it hit the floor, keeping eye contact with him as your fingers went to your jeans, unbuttoning and dropping them to your ankles. 
Jay was completely unfazed as he looked at you with nothing but your sports bra and panties on. He was more focused on the scars that covered both your arms. 
“What are those from?” he asked. You already knew where his eyes were looking. 
“Happened the same day I was bitten,” you said, now looping your fingers into your sports bra and pulling it over your head, “I had to jump through a window before I got killed by our lovely undead friends outside the safe zone.” 
Jay wanted to ask about how you even got into the situation that led to getting bitten and jumping through a window. Shit had to have been rough. 
Jay continued looking over your body, eyes stopping at your breasts and then back up to your eyes. You smirked at him, “Not going to turn around?” 
He once again shrugged, “Like you said, I have bigger things to worry about than seeing a naked woman in front of me.” 
You quickly scanned him up and down, not seeing any signs that your almost completely naked body was affecting him, “Does it not bother you?” 
“It’s just skin, YN.” 
Fair enough. 
You dropped your panties to the floor and climbed into the tub, stinking your body in completely, letting the hot water fill you with warmth for a few seconds before turning the knob to stop the flow of water. 
Jay watched you relax, watched as your hands rubbed up and down your scarred arms. He wanted to press more about them, to ask how it was possible you even survived whatever happened, mostly with how your bite is clearly infected from not being taken care of properly. 
“Are you going to keep staring at me or what??” 
“Would you rather I sit down and whip my dick out?” he narrows his eyes at you. 
“Fucking prick,” you scowled. 
“Don’t ask stupid fucking questions then.” 
“We just met and you’ve already seen me naked and it had no effect on you yet you keep staring at me. I think I deserve to ask the “stupid” questions.” 
You just stared back at him, trying to read his face but getting nothing. 
To be honest, sex was the last thing on Jay’s mind. He’s been through way too much bullshit to let some random woman and her cunt affect him that easily. It’s not even that he was disinterested in sex, he had plenty of women around the safe zone that would drop to their knees so fast for him. Plenty of women he’s taken to his bed and pleasured them all night long. But sex wasn’t something he needed to survive like how so many other people in safe zones act like and turn to in a way to forget that the world went to shit. Jay couldn’t afford to let that happen with him. 
Plus Jay didn’t even know you and wasn’t some asshole to force you into sex with him all because you stripped in front of him. 
You eventually looked away from him, giving up on trying to read him, “Can I have a washcloth and soap?” 
Jay walked to one of the cabinets, pulled out a new bar of soap, a washcloth, and some old shampoo, and then handed them all to you, you mumbled out a thanks. 
You all of a sudden felt guilty, thinking maybe Jay possibly had a girlfriend or even a wife and you just bared yourself to him. But then wiped that thought off the table, there was no way. Because if he did he would be with them, not some smuggler. Then another thought came into your head and it was so simple: maybe he just didn’t find you attractive. 
You felt your self-esteem plummet and any confidence you had was out the window. You already figured you had a fair body, curvy hips, and busty breasts. The boy back home you used to fuck around with was always finding ways to bend you over. It boosted your ego, but maybe it boosted it too high if some random stranger’s dick didn’t get hard at the sight of you stripping in front of him. 
Jay read your expressions like a book, getting more confused than anything at why you’d let what he thinks affect you. You clearly were strong-willed and a survivor, already proving enough that you didn’t need the fancy things to keep surviving. So why let those small stupid thoughts affect you that way? 
Jay went to confront you, but the knocking at the door pulled him back, turning his head slightly to listen, “Jungkook is here,” Heeseung called from the other side of the door. 
Jay looked back at you, “You can go deal with whatever that is,” you said as you ran the washcloth over your arms, “I promise I won’t steal anything or go anywhere. Don’t know my way around this zone anyways.” 
Which was true, you were so focused on not being seen that you wouldn’t remember the way to sneak out. 
Jay just nodded, turning around and heading for the door, “Just so you know,” he said stopping at the door, “I might seem like a pervert for saying it, but you do have a sexy body, and don’t let anyone tell you differently or make you think differently. Don’t take it not affecting me personally, I truly have more important things to worry about than getting laid.”  
Then he slipped out the door, leaving you alone in the house. 
Jungkook stood on the grass with his hands on his hips, eyes wandering everywhere, making sure no one else was about to hear what he was fixing to speak about. 
“What’s up?” Jay asked, standing beside Heeseung. 
“Her bite mark,” Jungkook started, “It looks about a month old, ya?” 
All four men nodded, “It’s what she told us too, on the way here,” Jake said, “Don’t know how true that could be though.” 
“There’s been some rumors—strictly just rumors—that there’s been a few others that have been found immune,” Jungkook said barely above a whisper, his eyes continuing to dart around the area. 
“How is that possible?” Heeseung asked, “Three years and there has yet to be a cure to stop this madness and now you’re telling me there are others like her that are immune?” 
“There were others like her,” Jungkook sighed, “They either were killed before they got to the capital or killed themselves before being taken there. But again, it’s baseless rumors. No proof, until her.” 
Sunghoon scoffed, “Can we please get to the point of all this?” 
“Hoon,” Heeseung said with a warning. 
“I contacted the capital and told them we found an immune,” The four men stood in silence, staring at Jungkook, not knowing what to say or expect next, “So,” Jungkook was smirking now, “I have a job for you four.” 
Jake chuckled, “You’re fucking crazy, man.”
Jungkook shot him a warning look, a silent reminder of who he was and what his rank was, “At least hear my offer first before calling me crazy,” Jake crossed his arms and waited for Jungkook to continue, “One million. Each. If you drag her across the country to the capital.” 
One million. Each. That’s four million dollars. They would be fucking set, no longer having to worry about fighting for money to buy food and survive. No longer having to leave the safe zone to smuggle shit in and out for money. They would be safe to finally just live. But the problem lies in the trip. And that trip wasn’t worth it. 
“Nah,” Jake laughed, “You got me fucked up. I am a smuggler, not an escort. Make the government come pick her ass up. Not my circus, not my monkeys.” 
Everyone’s eyes were back on Jungkook. He shrugged, “They have other things to worry about besides making that trip to pick up one individual. Plus it would make a scene if they flew in here and just took her. It would make it obvious that there are immune in this world. It would cause a panic, give the people false hope for a cure.” 
Jay watched as each of his friends shook their heads, saying how it wasn’t worth it to drag a stranger across the fucking country to hand you over just for the possibility of a cure being found. 
They all talked over each other, Jungkook trying to convince them with all the money they would have, and the three others not accepting it. 
“Fucking hell, I’ll go alone,” Jay said without even realizing he was opening his mouth. 
“Jay, no!” Heeseung snapped, “That bitch ain’t worth it! We stick to our normal jobs!” 
Jay looks at Jungkook, “If I take her alone will we still get four million total?” Jungkook nodded, and that’s all Jay needed. 
“You’re fucking stupid, man!” Sunghoon hissed, “What are you thinking?!” 
“That we would be fucking set and not have to beg ever again for food or work our asses off in this stupid prison for money and food. To never have to worry about stepping foot outside this zone. To remain safe,” Jay didn’t realize he was holding his breath as he said that, taking a massive inhale in and clenching his fingers against his biceps, “When would we leave?” 
“Tomorrow night, It’ll give me enough time to let the capital know you accepted their offer and to gather enough weapons and materials for your journey.” 
Jay just nodded, “I am doing this, and you can’t stop me.” 
Heeseung gritted his teeth, “And what if they kill her the moment you hand her over?” 
Jay just shrugs, “Not my circus, not my monkeys. But at least we’ll have four million dollars.” 
You covered your hands over your ears, closing your eyes tightly. Your breathing was uneven as you heard your heartbeat in your ears, Jay’s voice was muffled and drowning out of the sound of your heartbeat and the screams of the undead surrounding the area. 
“YN!!” he said loud enough for you to hear him but quiet enough for the undead to not hear him, “YN, calm down!” 
You couldn’t hear him, you just knew he was speaking to you. The memories of being cornered in the building resurfaced. The sounds of your friends screaming, the smells of the dead, and the blood dripping from everyone. The visions of you feeling your best friend being ripped away from you. Everything was replying over and over. 
You started to hyperventilate, your every breath loud enough to draw the undead in your and Jay’s direction. 
Jay grabbed both of your wrists, trying to pull them from your ears, him repeating your name over and over again but nothing worked. 
“Fuck,” he hissed, taking a look around. The two of you were in a safe enough spot that the zombies wouldn’t be able to reach you, but once they found where you both were hiding…it was over. 
Jay placed his hands on top of yours, “YN, look at me.” But you didn’t respond, your breathing getting worse as the time ticked by. 
He was running out of ways to calm you down and get you to be quiet. His heart was racing faster as fear was overtaking him and his options running low. 
Jay slides his hands to your cheeks, his thumbs rubbing over the back of your hands at your ears. Without another thought, he moved forward. 
Jay forced you to get as much rest as possible to be awake enough for the start of the journey to the capital. 
Jungkook said it would be a five-month walk there if everything went smoothly and no hiccups on the road on the way there. Or ya know, the two of you don’t get killed. 
The moment Jungkook knocked on the door to the house, Heeseung quickly answered, swinging the door open to let him slip in before anyone could see. 
He carried two backpacks filled with food, medicine, and weapons and ammunition. 
“This should last you both the five-month journey,” He said, pushing his tongue into the side of his cheek, “That's if you ration the food and the ammunition. Just don’t put yourselves into situations to have to use too much.” 
Jay scoffed, sliding the backpack onto his shoulders, “Don’t you know who you’re talking to?” 
Jungkook chuckled, pulling him into a quick hug, “Safe travels.”
Jungkook didn’t say another word as he darted out of the house, Heeseung closing and locking the door behind him. 
“You don’t have to do this,” Jake said with a shake of his head, “There’s no need to do this. We’ve survived perfectly fine before.” 
Jay has been weighing out his options ever since agreeing to do this. Always leaning toward taking this trip. He didn’t want to watch his brothers suffer anymore. Yeah they all weren’t struggling, but they would be so much better off once that money was in his hands. 
The amount of food they would have to fill their bellies, not having to worry about rationing. Not having to shove money away just to save up for the food, more clothes, and the other bills this safe zone forced on the residents here. They wouldn’t have to smuggle ever again. Jungkook could get off their backs about certain jobs. They would be free. 
“I have to do this,” Jay breathes, “I want to do this.” 
And hey, who knows? Maybe giving her off to the capital will make a cure and the world could be saved. Maybe. 
Sunghoon pulls Jay’s shotgun from the hidden closet, “Just don’t do anything stupid, ya?” 
Jay chuckled, “I’ll leave the stupid here with you three.” 
Everyone laughed but you and Heeseung, who stood at the door still and leaning against the wall, arms crossed and his face filled with worry. 
You have only known these guys for a short time, but you can tell each of them rely on each other for everything. Whatever terrible things these four had to endure before the outbreak and even after…they became family. Inseparable. Bonded for the rest of their lives. 
Jay pulled the younger two into hugs, saying how he’ll be back within a year. 
Heeseung pushed himself off the wall, dropping his arms to pull Jay into a hug, the older locking his jaw when he looked at you, “You come back in one piece, got it!”
Jay rolled his eyes, “You know I will Hee.” 
Heeseung pulled away, finally looking away from you, “She better be worth all this fucking trouble,” he whispers, eyes quickly darting to you to see you adjusting your backpack on your shoulders, “What will you do if they actually kill her the moment you get there?” 
Jay just shrugs, “Not my problem once the money is in my hands.” 
Heeseung sighs, “She’s still a human being. I can only imagine how life has been since finding out she was immune.” 
Jay tilted his head back to look at you, to look at the wrap that barely stuck out of your long-sleeve shirt. “She probably has been through hell to keep it a secret.” 
You look back up at them, “Ready to go yet or are you two going to make out before we leave?” 
Heeseung rolled his eyes, “Good luck with that attitude man,” 
Jay sighed, “Yeah. I’ll need it.” 
It didn’t take the two of you long to leave the house and quickly and quietly make your way back to the same tunnels and escape route you used to get into the safe zone. 
Jay helped pull you out of the manhole then kicked the metal plate back over it and locked it tightly. 
He swung his shotgun from his back to his front, positioning his hands in the right places before walking ahead of you, “Come on, let’s get this over with Miss Immune.” 
You snarl at him but follow behind anyway. 
This was the last thing you wanted to happen. To be turned into the capital. To be used as some experiment and plaything for scientists to gock over. 
“Might as well just kill me and get it over with,” you scoffed, keeping your eyes on the ground, stepping over everything Jay was, “They will just kill me eventually.” 
Jay shrugged, “You’re worth four million to them, they can do whatever they want after they have you in their hands.” 
“Such a gentleman,” you teased, “Did your mother ever teach you how to treat a lady?” 
He chuckles, “My manners went out the window the moment you pointed a gun at my head.” 
You glared at the back of his head, “Says the one that surrounded me with four shotguns and then pointed my pistol directly to my forehead.”
Jay said nothing in return and kept walking forward. Eventually slinging his gun back around his back, shoving his hands into his pockets. 
Neither of you spoke for hours as the night pressed on. The woods were quiet, a bit too quiet for your liking and the only thing making you feel at ease was the fact Jay kept his gun resting on his back and hands shoved into his pockets. He obviously knew these woods better than you. He was a smuggler, after all. 
Even after all the sleep you received back at the house, drowsiness found you anyway. You yawned and rubbed your eyes, “Can we find somewhere to sleep?” 
Jay didn’t realize how tired he was either until after hearing your voice, a yawn escaping his lips as well, “There’s a small shed we’ve used when our smuggling routes take a couple of days, we can stop there to eat and sleep.”
“How far is it?” you asked, not knowing how much longer you could actually go. 
Jay looks at the surrounding area before he answers, “About another hour.” 
You groaned but accepted it. Soon enough the small shed came into view. It was overgrown with vines and weeds but still stood strong. 
Sleep hit you the minute you dropped into the dusty cot, not caring enough to clean it. Jay did the same. 
The moment the sun started to shine through the shed, Jay woke you up and started the journey again. 
The whole day passed in silence, only speaking when spoken to and only stopping for food, bathroom breaks, and to rest. 
A week has passed when the two of you approach an old factory building. A long chain-linked fence surrounded the area. 
“Shit,” Jay scoffed, “We’ll have to cut through.” 
“Can’t just, like you know, go around?” it was such a simple question, yet Jay looked at you as if you asked the stupidest question in the world, “Fine!” you snapped, holding your hands up in defense, “You’re the one who knows better, right?” 
“We’d waste time going around,” Jay locks his fingers around the holes of the fence, “Every second counts, plus this place might have materials we can gather.” 
And there he goes, climbing up and over the fence, carefully dropping himself back to the ground and turning to face you, “Well?” he raised a brow, “Get your ass moving.” 
You roll your eyes and attach your fingers and toes of your boots in the loops, lifting yourself up, crawling to the top, and swinging your leg over the top, “Catch me?” 
Jay narrowed his eyes, “You survived by yourself for god knows how long before meeting me, and now you’re acting like you need help?” 
“I’m scared of heights,” 
“You’re fucking joking.” 
You smile, clearly loving how he reacts to your teasing, “Yeah I’m fucking with you,” you dropped down to the ground, Jay’s hands quickly resting on your shoulders to keep you from losing balance, “Learn to live a little, okay?” 
His glare was unrelenting as you walked past him, “I lived plenty before the world ended.” 
You watched as he hurried past you, wanting to ask what he meant. To know some part of how he was before the world went to utter shit. You were stuck with him for five months, might as well get to actually know him, right? 
You opened your mouth to ask him, only to be met with his hands now on you. One covering your mouth and the other pulling you to his chest, backing the both of you up against a truck, “Keep quiet, we have company.” 
Your eyes wander to where he was looking, seeing the few undead friends that lurked around the entrance to the factory. 
You pulled his hand from your mouth, catching your breath and assessing what to do. 
“We need to find a way around without alerting them.” 
“I already know that, YN,” he whispers, “The question is how.” 
Jay searched the area, pinpointing every safe spot that led to the door. 
“Okay,” he released you from his grip, “Stay on my ass.” 
You followed on his heels, holding your breath the entire way until his hands touched the handle of the factory door and pushed it open. 
You glanced around at your undead friends who stalked around, their bodies bunched over as they slowly dragged their feet with each step they took, grunts leaving their mouths. 
Jay peaked into the factory, the only light showing was from the windows, barely giving off enough light for him to confirm the opening at least, was clear. 
He carefully and quickly slid between the doors, reaching back out to pull you in behind him, closing the door and locking it for extra protection. 
You both took in the factory. It was a complete mess. Tables, papers, machinery, torn clothes, and everything in between covered the floors. The smell of this place was disgusting. The mixture of oils, grease, blood, and dead things—probably both humans, zombie, and animals—filled the air. 
You tried to not throw up your lunch, covering your mouth with your hand, “I don’t like it here.” 
“That makes two of us,” Jay said softly, “Taking a flashlight from his backpack, “Let’s get moving, and keep quiet, we don’t know what’s in here.” 
You followed behind him at a distance, eyes wandering over everything possible, looking for any material that could aid you both. But so far, nothing. Everything was either broken or just couldn’t be used. Nothing of help or a service to either of you. 
Jay had a bad feeling about this place, like whatever happened here was a lot worse than the remnants of this place give off. It was way too quiet to just be abandoned. His gut feeling told him to look for anything—and everything—possible that would stick out. Things that shouldn’t be here. He swallowed hard, flashing his light down to the floor, seeing scratch marks going in every direction, dried blood staining the tile. 
Then it clicked in his head. Everything made sense. 
This whole factory was a trap. 
This place wasn’t abandoned. Not even close. It was purposely left like this to lure in survivors, making them think they found a safe place to hide. Whoever ran this factory obviously wasn’t here, or else something would have already gone wrong. “YN,” he whispers, “This place is a trap.” 
“I know,” you said with a shaky breath. Jay was alerted to the tone of your voice, whipping around to see the tears swelling your eyes. He traced his eyes down, seeing the cord you’ve stepped on, “Something clicked when I stepped on it,” you tried to hold back the tears, to look brave in front of him, to look like a survivor. But you failed, the fear washing over you too quickly, “Jay,” you cried. 
“Shhh, no, hey,” he quickly gets closer to you, placing a hand on your shoulder, “Calm down, let me figure out what to do.” 
You nodded, feeling a tear slide down your cheek. Jay lifted his hand and wiped away the tear, cupping your face and tracing his fingers along your jaw as he walked away from you, following where the cord led. It was plugged into one of the machines. He wandered his eyes back to the other end of the core, following it back to your feet, and then continued to where it was plugged into the wall. Jay wasn’t stupid, he knew if he just unplugged the cord it would make the machine react. He and Jake have rigged multiple machines to still set off if unplugged. The only way would be to cut the cord completely. 
Jay knelt to his knees, setting the flashlight to the floor and sliding a folded knife from his pocket, whipping it open. He took a deep breath, counting down from three before folding the cord and cutting it. 
You cry out and drop to your knees, covering your hands over your ears at the ringing alarm that Jay set off. 
“Fuck!” He screamed, quickly standing back to his knees and rushing to you, “We need to fucking go, NOW!” 
Whoever this bastard was that rigged that trap was a damned genius, an absolute asshole, but a genius. To rig a machine to set off an alarm when cut? The more Jay thought about it as he dragged you back up to your feet, the more he realized the alarm would have been set off either way. Cutting the power in either way would have set the alarm off. 
The two of you barely took a few steps when the sounds of the undead surrounded the factory outside, because, of course, it would. That damn alarm just alerted whatever was outside—and inside—this factory. He needed to get that alarm off, and now. 
Jay dragged you with him to what looked like the office of the building, not wasting time checking for a button or way to turn it off. He whipped the shotgun around and sent bullets into every control panel until the alarm went silent. 
But unfortunately, Jay letting some rounds into the panel only sent whatever dead friends that were in the building to their exact location. 
Jay grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the office, running as fast as he could and praying your legs could keep up with him. This wasn’t the first time he’s had to run from these monsters, or even hide from them. It wasn’t a skill he wanted to mark off his checklist of survival but had no nevertheless. You’ve only had to run from them the night your friends were killed while you fled. Your legs felt like they were led to the memory coming back. 
You started to lose your breath, the fear covering every inch of you as you tried to focus on Jay’s back, on the warmth of his hand wrapped in yours. It worked for a bit as he dragged you down every hallway to find an exit. Worked until you both ran past a door, that just so happened to have zombies crawling inside it, who watched the two of you run back. 
You heard the crack of the door first, Jay heard it the second time. His head whips around to see the wood of the door barely breaking and see them pile out of the room. 
Jay acted fast, shoving you into an office room he prayed was safe. His eyes worked their magic, scanning as quickly as he could and seeing the room was in fact, clear. His hands only left you for a few seconds to close the door carefully, praying they didn’t hear it. But obviously, and because why would they not, heard the shut of the door anyway, alerting them in this direction. 
They ran past, obviously not knowing which room you two snuck into, but their loud groans, hisses, and whales were loud enough to send every zombie on this side of the factory toward this hallway. 
Which is how you ended up here. Back pressed to the wall, hands to your ears as you hyperventilate. 
He was running out of ways to calm you down and get you to be quiet. His heart was racing faster as fear was overtaking him and his options running low. 
Jay slides his hands to your cheeks, his thumbs rubbing over the back of your hands at your ears. Without another thought, he moved forward. 
He connected his lips to yours, taking in every breath you let out. You opened your eyes quickly, seeing him staring back at you. You focused on the brown of his eyes, focused on the way his lips felt against yours. Your heart rate slowed, and the shaking of your hands stopped. It wasn’t even like he was kissing you kissing you, he just held his lips to yours, unmoving. 
You waited for him to pull away, to pull away and tease you for being a scary cat. But he didn’t. 
His eyes slowly closed, quickly removing his lips and connecting them again, pressing his lips harder to yours. You also closed your eyes, kissing him back. Your hands at your ears, slipped down to his wrists, squeezing them tightly as he shifted his hands to the edge of your jaw, fingers gripping the back of your head. 
Jay doesn’t know what came over him, he only planned to kiss you once and have it be long enough to steady out your breathing. But something drew him in and he couldn’t stop. 
Jay licks your bottom lip, waiting for your mouth to open and let him inside. His tongue explored every inch of your mouth as you sucked on the muscle, savoring the taste of him. 
His grip on your face tightens as he softly groans into your mouth, clearly losing himself. Knowing he needed to stop but not being able to. The feel of your lips being addicting. 
You need to stop, you need to stop, you need to stop. 
The sounds of the zombies outside the door faded, the world finally becoming quiet and it was enough to make him stop. 
Jay quickly pushed away from you, sliding himself across the floor and to the other side of the office, completely out of breath. He brought his knees to his chest in hopes of hiding the raging boner in his pants, dropping his face into his palms, then running them through his hair. 
You took a few deep breaths, not taking your eyes off him. 
“We will give it time before leaving, to make sure everything is clear to leave,” he said, doing everything he could to not look at you. 
You nodded as if he could see it anyway. And not another word was spoken. 
It’s been two months since he’s kissed you. Two months' worth of him doing everything to not look at you, to not touch you. He barely has been able to even speak to you. Reminding himself over and over again what his true mission was: to hand you over to the capital, get paid, and get his ass back home. Nothing else mattered. 
You dropped to your knees, wiping the sweat from your forehead, “Jay?” he ignored you and kept walking forwards, “Jay!” silence, “ASSHOLE!!!” 
Jay turned around, piercing holes into you with his eyes that were also on fire at you calling him an asshole. At least it finally got his attention. 
“I am tired,” you breathed, wiping the sweat that was already recollected on your forehead. 
“Okay, and?” he said calmly. If it weren’t for the fire burning in his eyes you would have thought he was actually calm. But Jay couldn’t afford to be nice to you, not when he’s fighting every demon within himself to not press his lips against yours again. Not when he has four million dollars waiting for him. 
You glared back at him, “I need rest? We’ve been walking for days straight and only took a couple of breaks to sleep for an hour.” 
“How the fuck did you survive alone for so long?” he questioned, starting to think maybe you just hid the entire time before they found you, “what happened to that attitude when we first met?” 
You stood back to your feet, quickly walking past him and shoving your middle finger in his face, barely grazing his nose, “Want my attitude? Here it is asshat.” 
Jay smirked as he watched you walk ahead of him, eyes without his permission moving from the back of your head down to your hips, watching the way they sway. Jay scoffed at himself, quickly dropping his eyes to the ground and rushing after you, “Smartass, you don’t even know where you are going.” 
You stopped walking, staring straight ahead. 
But Jay didn’t stop, and ran right into you, almost knocking you over completely, his hands quickly grabbing your shoulders. His rage settled in again, “What the fuck! Don’t just stop wa—“ 
“Long time no see, Jay Park.” 
He moved on autopilot, hands rushing to your waist and shoving your behind him in the same motion of wiping his gun from his back to front, finger itching to pull the trigger, “Same to you, Choi Soobin. What are you doing so far out from your zone?” 
The blonde smirked, “Was on a smuggle run, but shouldn’t I be asking you that question, Jay?” 
 A laugh from behind, “Yeah, aren’t you the one who is a little too far from your zone?”
You pulled your pistol from its holster, facing your back to Jay’s and pointing it at a blue-haired man. 
Jay narrowed his eyes, snaking one hand behind him to grab your shirt, pulling you closer to him, back to back, keeping his shotgun aimed at Soobin, “I am also on a smuggling run, Huening Kai, just passing through.” 
“You know,” a voice to his right, “This is our territory, there is just no passing through here.” 
Jay was barely able to glare to his right, seeing Beomgyu pointing a rifle at you and him. 
Then another laugh to the left of him, his eyes darting to see Taehyun walking closer, also pointing his rifle, “Jay, did you really think we wouldn’t have seen you two when you got close to our zone?” 
Jay just chuckled, not because of the fact they were even close to another zone, but because he let themselves get close to another zone. He was so caught up in trying to ignore you and push down his demons that he didn’t realize how close he pulled you both here. But he kept laughing, “What I think is Yeonjun is missing out, isn’t he? My feelings hurt that he isn’t here.” 
Soobin just smiled, “You think my brothers would just leave me behind?” Yeonjun said, finally making his appearance from behind Soobin, “That wounds me.” 
Jay just rolls his eyes, “Are we done here? I have important shit to do.” 
“Like what?” the blonde leader asked, his eyes darting behind Jay to look at you, “What are you smuggling, exactly?” 
You pressed your back harder against Jay’s, feeling his hand tighten at your shirt. 
Soobin just tilts his head, his smile growing wider, “Don’t tell me it’s the girl.” 
Your heart stopped and Jay kept quiet, not having a damn thing to say as a comeback. The only thing on his mind was to protect you, to keep you so close to him that he could fuse with you if possible. 
But Jay knew telling the truth, or well parts of it, was the only way to get around when it came to these five. Jay has dealt with them enough in the past to know how they work, “I’m taking her to the capital.” 
“Jay!” you snapped. 
“Shut up!” was his reply to you, “She’s important to the capital and I have been tasked to get her there. We honestly were just passing through, it’s my bad we got too close.” 
Soobin looked between the eyes of each of his brothers, each of them giving him nods and shrugs, “It’s getting late, don’t want you getting caught up with our…walking dead at night. Stay in our zone for the night.”
Jay wanted to say no, to say they were fine. But the death truth was they were running low on supplies. Needed clean clothes and showers. Your bite mark needed to be cleaned, which is why Jay thinks you’re been more out of it the last few days than normal. He knew you also needed some proper sleep and not being able to find any safe place in days to actually give you that rest killed him, “Fine. We leave at first light.” 
You wanted to protest, turning around completely to yell at him, to reject their offer for him. But all he did was grab your waist and pull you to his side, lowering his gun over to his shoulder and giving you the look of warning to keep your mouth shut. So you didn’t fight him. You needed to stay alive anyway, who knew what would happen to Jay, Heeseung, Jake, Sunghoon, and Jungkook if Jay failed to get you to the capital. And you didn’t want to think about it. So you clung to his side as everyone walked forward, Beomgyu and Taehyun standing at yours and Jay’s side as Kai stayed behind you, and Soobin and Yeonjun leading the way. 
“Where are your three stooges at?” Yeonjun asked, barely turning his head around to smile at Jay, “Not used to seeing you as a lone wolf.” 
You tuned out their conversation, keeping your eyes locked off into the distance, biting your lip to keep from talking. You don't know how Jay knew these five or why they obviously seem to be on bad terms, the last thing you needed to do was open your mouth and make it all worse. 
Huening Kai kept eyeing you and Jay, looking for anything possible to tell him more about what was actually going on with the two of you. Jay isn’t ever by himself without the other three. And Jay isn’t the type of person to smuggle a human, drugs and weapons were more his and his friend's forte, so why did he have you attached to him as if they were going to rip you away from him? 
“Ahhh,” Kai giggled, there’s feelings involved. He kept his eyes wandering, barely glancing over to your arm and back up to your shoulder before tracing them quickly back down, seeing the bandage peeking out from your long sleeve, “Haha! Holy shit guys! She’s been bit.” 
Just as quick as the five of them turned to face the two of you, pointing their weapons, Jay was pulling you to his chest and snapping your pistol from its holster at your hip and pointing it straight ahead at Soobin and Yeonjun. 
“Holy shit is right, man,” Yeonjun laughed, “No fucking wonder you’re out here alone, Jay. Going to the capital, my ass.” 
Fucking Huening Kai.
The grip on your waist tightened, Jay snarling at each of them, “It’s not what you think it is.” 
“Oh? It’s not?” Soobin hissed, his friendly cute persona being replaced with his cool, hard, leader persona, “Give me a reason to not kill you both right fucking now.”
“Because she was hurt,” Jay said quickly, “We’ve been traveling for two months. We had to climb a fence and she got herself caught. That’s it.” 
You could hear how fast Jay’s heart was racing in his chest, how hard his body went the moment Kai opened his mouth. He pushed you even closer to him, leaving no room between the two of you. 
The rage Jay felt course through his body was scaring him. The thoughts he had in his head on the ways he would kill all five of them just by pointing a gun at you. It was scaring him at the things he was willing to do to protect you. Scaring him because he didn’t understand why. 
“What does the capitol want with her then?” Soobin asked, clearly not believing the story, “What’s so special?” 
Jay just shrugged, “Beats me. And nor do I care to know. All I know is I’m getting a fat paycheck for getting her there.” The hurt you felt at his words when his actions towards you right now were the opposite. You felt confused. First, he kisses you the way he did back at the factory, then turns completely cold and now he’s got you pressed to his chest, grip unrelenting as he points your gun at the threat in front of him. Maybe all he really did care about was the money. 
To Jay’s surprise, each of them lowered their weapons, “There’s the Jay I know,” Soobin teased, “Let’s just get back in the zone before the dead decide to get us to join them.” 
Everyone walked in silence the rest of the short walk to the safe zone and to your surprise, they didn’t sneak back into the zone, their military guards just…let them in? You looked up at Jay, him already answering you in a whisper without looking back at you, “This safe zone is full of smugglers and corrupted police, it’s how they survive here. The normal citizens and police don’t know how corrupt it is. They are very very sneaky. It’s one of the most dangerous zones right now.” 
You didn’t answer. Just put your eyes back in front of you as you all entered the zone. Jay pulled you closer to him again, his eyes darting to every person who looked his way, who looked your way. 
“We have one room available for you two to share,” Soobin said pointing at the small building to his left, “We will come by tomorrow to let you back out of the zone. Until then I suggest you stay inside, or at least keep her inside. There are clean clothes and some fruit in there too.” 
They still don’t trust us. 
Jay pulled you along with him, the other five watching as the two of you entered the building. 
“What are you thinking?” Soobin asked Kai, who had his arms wrapped tightly across his chest, blue hair blowing in the wind as he narrowed his eyes at the building. 
“If she wasn’t bitten, then what could be so special that Jay protected her like that? Besides the obvious attraction, he feels. But something is off. The caption doesn't want just anybody, not anyone from this side of the country at least,” Kai took his chin between two fingers and looked up at the dark sky. Picturing the way your bandage was wrapped around your wrist, there was no way you weren’t bitten. It was wrapped in a way to hide what was there, not to cover up some wounds…unless, “She is immune.” 
Jay let you bathe first, him keeping his eye pointed out the window as he popped a grape into his mouth. He didn’t trust the five boys either, not when they stood in a circle in the same exact place, clearly discussing what to do about the two of them, “If you keep staring at them you’ll just give them more reasons to not trust us, we just need to get through the night.” 
Jay looks over at you, seeing the way you dangle your arms over the bathtub, resting your chin on white porcelain, “Neither I nor them trust each other and you’re worth a shit ton of money, I’ll keep him eye on them if I want to,” without another word, he looks back out the window. You sigh and resume your bath then get out and quickly change, letting Jay now soak in the tub. 
You fell asleep faster than you thought and it pissed Jay off. How could you sleep so easily? But the more he looked at your sleeping body, eyes darting to your bite mark, the wound no longer continued to bleed or be filled with pus but now red and irritated. The longer he looked, the more he relaxed, realizing you’ve been through enough shit. You deserved some actual rest. 
Jay couldn’t afford to rest though. He left the room, breaking the doorknob once the door was shut, securing a way no one else could get in to hurt you. Shoving his hands into his pockets, he left the building in search of food and other materials to replenish what you and he had used over the last two months. 
He hated being here. Jay spent enough time over the last couple of years smuggling shit in and out of this place. It’s the main reason why Soobin and his dogs don’t like him and his friends. One major rule of smuggling in this world is to stay out of other smugglers' zones. But hey, if the money was good, Jay and his team did it. 
Jay was barely able to walk away from a stall selling canned food when he ran into Yeonjun, “Was wondering if I’d run into you,” he smiled, folding his hands behind his back, “Should have known you’d be out restocking your supplies.” 
Jay just rolls his eyes, “What do you want? I have sleep to catch.” 
“Hmm,” Yeonjun hummed, following behind Jay, “I want to ask you again about your girl.” 
“She’s not my girl,” Jay hissed, “Just someone I am taking to—“
“I know she’s immune.” 
Jay turned on his heels quickly, pointing a finger into Yeonjun’s face, “Shut the fuck up! Keep your fucking mouth shut!” 
But he only smirked, “So our suspensions are true?” 
“No!” Jay scoffed, dropping his hand, “You can’t just throw around the word immune without it causing chaos, you know this, you dumbass.” 
Yeonjun shrugs, “You’re willing to turn your girlfriend into the capital so easily? When she has a gift everyone would kill to have? She isn’t safe out there.” 
Jay narrowed his eyes, trying to read Yeonjun’s face for any hint of what he was trying to pull. But then it clicked with him. Soobin is the one who usually is the head of the battle. The first to step up and say or do anything. Yeonjun is also attached to Soobin as his second. But the fact Yeonjun is here right now…without Soobin…Jay’s heart nearly stopped. He slowly backed away. They were planning something and Yeonjun was being used as a distraction. 
“You know the capital will kill her, Jay!” he chuckles, “They will kill her the moment you hand her over. Your precious love will die.” 
Jay stopped listening as he made a full sprint back to the room. 
Jay didn’t continue breathing until he stepped foot into the room, seeing you sleeping peacefully. 
He took a couple of deep breathes, placing a hand on the wall to steady himself, giving him only a few seconds of deep breathing before pushing off the wall and packing up both backpacks, “YN,” he calls to you, his heart rate increasing with each second longer you stayed here, “YN!!” 
You jolted awake, slowly lifting yourself from the bed and seeing Jay rushing around the room in a hurry, “What?” you barely were able to get the words out without a yawn creeping out afterward. 
“We need to go. Like now.” 
You didn’t like the desperation in his voice, and you sure didn’t like the way he was rushing around to gather all your things into the backpacks. Something was wrong and it made your stomach drop, “Why? What happened?” 
Jay told you about the encounter with Yeonjun, and how he thinks they are planning something, explaining how Soobin and his team work. You didn’t understand it. 
“How are you so sure they are even planning anything?” You asked, now following him around the room as he paced to gather everything, “They let us stay here?” 
Jay stopped pacing, his hands immediately grabbing your face, “They know you’re immune. And they are smugglers, YN. I know how they think. They are going to keep you here and probably sell you to the highest bidder, the thing those people would do to you…” Jay didn’t even want to think about what those nasty people would do. The worst thing is to use you as experiments to find a cure on their own without the capital which will result in killing you, or them using you as their own plaything, forcing you to produce offspring in hopes of more people being born with the immunity. Either way, he wasn’t going to let it happen. 
He couldn’t let them take you from him. Couldn’t let them harm you in any way. He was going crazy just thinking about it all. He stepped away from you, “Get your boots on and quickly.” 
You did as you were told, slipping your feet into the boots and taking your backpack from him as he walked to the door, peeking out the windows before waving you to follow him. Jay already secured an escape route. He’s slipped in and out of this zone enough times to know every escape route possible. 
He kept you tugged tightly to him as you both left the building, quickly slipping into the alleyway. To say you were scared was an understatement. You still didn’t fully understand what was going on, mostly on Jay’s side. He seemed so ready to hand you over for the money, what difference would it make if he just left you here? Why go through the trouble of getting you out of this place? 
“Jay,” you called for him, but he ignored you. Just gripping your arm tighter as he led you in and out and around different buildings and alleyways. Stopping anytime someone walked by or got too close, Jay held his breath every single time as if it would help hide the two of you. But before he knew it, you both were approaching the fence, seeing the hole he and his team has used to get in and out was not patched up, “Fuck,” he cursed under his breath. 
Jay ran his hands through his hair, then grabbed your arm again, pulling you down the fence line. Eyes searching for an opening. Every safe zone had one. A little door in the fence that would lead out in case of evacuation. You’d need a military card to get access for it to open, but Jay had ways to break it. 
You both finally reached that door, the keycard scanner blinking green, showing it was working. Jay dropped the backpack to the ground, pulling out some tools. 
“What are you doing??” You whispered, eyes darting to her surrounding area, “What if you set off an alarm like last time?” 
Jay chuckled, “I’ve done this before, the factory was rigged from the start.” It was the first time even talking about the factory. Jay used the screwdriver's flat end to pry open the lid, looking at the series of wires, “Time to get to work.” You watched as he cut wires and replaced them, the little flashing green light turning red, then flashing back to green and the door unlocked and slowly opened, “Magic.” 
You rolled your eyes, “We don’t have time for this.” 
Jay threw the tools back into the backpack, quickly standing up and reaching for your hand. The two of you were barely three steps out of the zone when five figures with tickets pointing directly at you two appeared. Jay flung you behind him, aiming his shotgun at Soobin. 
“Should have known you’d try to escape,” the blonde boy hissed, “Couldn’t leave well enough alone, could you?” 
“I’m NOT letting you keep her here,” Jay barked back. 
Taehyun chuckled, “Why does it matter to you what we would do with her here? Don’t you only care about the money she’s worth?” 
“I don’t see four million dollars in your hands, Kang,” Jay snapped, eyes burning holes into Taehyun’s chest but kept his gun aimed at Soobin, “And since I don’t see the fucking money, we’re leaving.” 
“Just think what the capital would do,” Yeonjun said, “Far worse than her staying safe here.” 
Jay gritted his teeth, “You wouldn’t keep her safe. You’d use her!” 
The smile on Soobin’s face told him everything he needed to know. They were going to use you in any way possible and you weren’t going to survive it and if you did, you wouldn’t be the same. 
The five of them took one step closer and Jay felt like he was about to combust, “Take one more fucking step and I’ll shoot!” He yelled, darting the barrel at each of them. 
“It’s five against one,” Kai teased, taking another few steps forward, “What the fuck are you going—“ 
One moment Kai was standing, the next he was on the ground, blood pooling from his thigh. His hands were quickly covered in his own blood as he put pressure on the wound, his blue hair sticking to his face from the sweat he had just broken out in. Teeth gritting and eyes that could kill were staring right back at Jay. 
Kai’s four friends rushed to him, each of them now looking at Jay as well, “I fucking told you to not take another step. I’ll kill you all if you so much as lay a finger or come near her!!” 
Soobin’s smile was gone and replaced with pure rage, “Get the fuck out of my safe zone before I blow your brains out and feed you to the zombies out there.” 
You locked your jaw, gripping the barrel of Jay’s gun and forcing him to drop it, “Let’s fucking go!!” You snapped at him, fingers gripping the sleeve of his shirt, and pulling him away. 
“You’re going to regret your choices, Jongseong Park!” Huening Kai yelled, his voice echoing into the woods, “ROT IN FUCKING HELL!!” 
Jay stopped listening as he was now the one gripping your waist and leading you into the dark dangerous woods, the sounds of Kai’s screams and yelps becoming a distant noise. 
Once Jay felt like it was safer, he removed his hand from your waist, and quickly walked ahead of you, “What the fuck was that, Jay?” You asked harshly, moving your legs to keep up at his pace. 
“I told them to not take another step, and he did. He’ll suffer for his actions.” Jay didn’t know what you wanted to tell you, he did what he had to to get you out of there and he didn’t care if you agreed or not. 
“You could have killed him!!” Jay just shrugs and keeps on walking. You clenched your fists at your side, digging your fingers into the fabric of your jeans. 
“This is life as a smuggler,” Jay finally said after a few moments of silence, “You sometimes have to pull the trigger to survive.”
“We could have just run out!!” 
“No,” he hissed, “They wouldn’t have allowed that! I did what I had to!” 
“And it was wrong!” 
Jay stopped to turn and face you, the clear desperation and anger still on his face, “I don’t regret doing what needed to be done in order to protect you. I wasn’t going to let those assholes hurt you.” 
You tried to read his face and look for any signs of the truth. There was more to this than him just protecting you for the money. You were filled with more confusion as you looked at him, trying to read his cold eyes, but still found nothing. Jay quickly turned away from you and continued walking. You tried multiple more times to get him to explain his actions, but he kept ignoring you. And you eventually gave up for the night. 
To say over the next few days you’ve wanted nothing more than to bash Jay’s skull into the next tree you see would be an understatement. His attitude towards you got worse. He started to ignore you even more and only spoke to you to ask and make sure you were okay, if you were hungry, tired, or needed any rest. Outside of that? It’s like you didn’t exist. 
You tried asking a few times about his actions at the previous safe zone, to see what even prompted him to make such a choice when you could have just run out. The gate was already open, so shooting Kai wasn’t needed to survive. There could have been another way. 
Jay tried to fight off every feeling he felt. Specifically towards you and the other five back at the zone. Half of him wanted to go back and kill them all for so much thinking about using you, the other half of him wished he didn’t have to pull that trigger. He struggled to understand his feelings for you, the protectiveness he felt, the need to hold you close to him and keep you in his eyesight the entire time, the want to kiss you again, to feel your warmth. Everything mixed so deeply within him and confused him. Where did the lines blur? And where did they not? Is he wanting to protect you for that fat paycheck he’ll receive? Or is it because he actually wants to protect you? Does he want to keep you close because he wants to close or because to make sure you’re safe and unharmed once you’re handed off to the capital? Does he want to kiss you again because he hasn’t felt that sort of affection in a while, or because he actually wants to? He couldn’t wrap his head around it. Or maybe he just wanted to shove the feelings away. 
Jay was still deep in thought when something wet landed on his face. He stopped walking to glance up at the sky. You also looked up, a sigh leaving his lips, “Looks like it’s fixing to downpour.” 
“We need to get somewhere safe,” you said, looking back at the man in front of you, still trying to read his face. 
Jay just nods, then looks at the surrounding area, “There should be a cave around here. Let's go.” 
You wanted to ask him how he just knows that there is a cave nearby. It makes you question how many smuggling missions he’s gone on. How many times he risked his life out there time and time again? From his attitude and cold demeanor, it’s obvious he’s done this more times than he probably wanted to even count. 
You followed him nonetheless, followed alongside a mountain that eventually a tall chain-linked fence got attached to, leading to a gate that was already opened with vines and grass growing around it. 
“Was this a safe zone?” you asked, “it looks abandoned.” 
“Because it is,” Jay sighs, “It was a smaller one, could only fit a couple hundred. It’s a shame what happened to it.” 
You followed him past the gate and slowly to the hole in the mountain where a massive steel door stood at the entrance of the cave, “What happened?” 
There was a panel on the wall beside the door, showing that it needed a code for the door to open. You were about to lose hope, thinking you’d have to find another place, but Jay reached his hand to the panel, pressing 0428, and the door slowly opened. 
“How do you know the code?” 
“Used to make smuggling runs here when it was still an active zone,” he doesn’t so much even glance at you as he walks inside, “The people who aren’t a part of zones, who are against the government and zones altogether, a band of them came through here, tearing the place apart and left no survivors.” 
Your eyes dropped to the cave floor, “How could humans do such a thing.”
Jay sighs, “I wish I knew. I’m not any better, being a smuggler and doing my fair share of…anyways, what happened to these people, to this zone, it haunted other smaller zones, forcing them to leave and join the bigger ones or flee to the capital.” 
You watched as the cave floor turned from rough stone to polished stone, your eyes lifting back up to take in your sleeping stop for the night. Jay hovered to the right of the wall, finding the power box and flipping the switch. Small lanterns covered the walls and ceiling. Multiple areas of the cave held beds lined to the wall along with showers, tubs, toilets, and kitchen appliances. There were a few areas that were for the children, toys lying on the floor and tables, and some of the beds. 
Children were murdered here. 
You grasped your hand over your chest, feeling how your heart clenched at the sight. 
Jay turns back to look at you, his cold eyes softening, “It was terrible. Heeseung and I got here just in time to see the bandits leave. It took everything for us not to fight them ourselves,” the look in your eyes told him enough how badly this place affected you already.
You took more glances around, “Why does it not look like—“
“Like it was torn apart?” Jay finished for you, dropping his backpack to the floor in front of one of the beds lined to the wall and setting his weapons onto the bed, “Because my team came here and cleaned it up, hoping someday it can be lived in again. We come back every so often to make sure everything is fine and clean.” 
You watched as he sat on the bed, dropping his face into his palms. The rain finally touched down and thunder sounded, the lanterns flickering softly. Jay sighs and quickly stands back up, digging through a drawer to light a couple of candles in case the power does indeed go out. You continued to watch his every move. How can this person be so confusing? So cold and so selfless and full of love all at the same time. You could see it in his eyes how it hurt talking about what happened here. Jay was barely able to sit back down on the bed before you started talking. 
“Why did you shoot Kai?” 
Jay rolled his eyes, “Can you shut up about it? There’s that cold again. 
You shook your head, “No! I need to understand!” 
“What is there to understand, YN? I warned them what would happen if they took a step closer, and look what happened.” Pure rage filled his eyes once again, his jaw locking tight. 
“There had to have been another way! We could have just left!” You took a deep breath, clenching your fists, “You could have killed them!” 
Jay scoffed with a smirk, shaking his head, “I could have, should have.” 
Now you were pissed off, “Why? Huh? Explain that to me. I am NOT worth killing over!” 
Jay shot to his feet, pointing a finger at you, “Don’t you fucking say that! You’re worth—“
“Four million dollars, I fucking get it, Jay. All I am worth is that four million,” he swallowed, not saying a word and he flexed his fists at his sides. It was your turn to scoff and smirk, “Not worth anything more than just to get your damned money.” 
“STOP talking like that,” he snapped. 
“Why should I?” You scoff again, “You’ve done nothing—NOTHING—but tell me and everyone else how much money I am worth. All you fucking care about is the mon—“ 
Jay couldn’t take it anymore, couldn’t think straight as his feet dashed to you, hands cupping your face and lips attaching to yours, slamming his body into yours with such force that it startled you. His lips moved quickly against yours, brows furrowing and eyes closed tightly as he was trying his damndest to slow his heart rate, to not take out every emotion he had into kissing you, but his body failed him as he stayed connected to you, your hands slowly reaching up to touch his wrists, and it was enough to send him over the edge. 
“You’re worth so, so, so much more,” he said between kisses, his hands dropping to your waist, “I can’t hold myself back when it comes to you, I want you near me all the time. It’s taken everything in me to not jump your bones every second of every single day.” 
You leaned more into him, accepting him and his truth that he was finally spilling to you after so long. 
“I don’t give a fucking shit about that money, the capital can fucking keep it. You’re worth everything to me and I am so fucking crazy about you.” Jay slid his mouth from yours and down to your neck, leaving small bites as he trailed down to your shoulder, his hands now under your shirt and quickly lifting it up and over your head. Your hands rushed to pull his shirt from him, needing to feel him skin-to-skin. 
You barely had his shirt on the floor when his chest connected to yours and lips back on yours, “I can’t get enough of you,” he whispers, “I can’t stop feeling for you. I want you. All of you. Please give yourself to me.” 
Jay never was able to call someone his own. He’s had girlfriends and flings, yeah, but never someone that was actually his. Someone he could protect and love with every ounce he had. And it took kissing you in that factory for everything to make sense. He met you for a reason, whether that was some wack chance of fate or luck. He was meant to go through the hell he did to find you. And he wasn’t going to let you go now. 
“I’m yours,” you whispered back, “I am all yours.” You’d be lying if you said you didn’t have feelings for him. That you longed to feel him kiss you again, to touch you, hold you, and everything in between. He’s driven you crazy since day one, you should have known how hard you would have fallen. 
Jay deepened the kiss even more, slowly pulling you back with him until reaching one of the beds against the wall, one hand reaching back up to your neck, then the other wrapping behind your back as he swiftly turned you around and laid you on your back, “Say it again,” he asked, his fingers tracing down your shoulders, pulling the straps of your bra down then sliding his hands underneath to unclasp it and toss it off to the floor, “say it again please.” 
You swallowed, staring up into his eyes. And for the first time, you were able to finally read him. He wanted you in every way, “I’m yours.” 
He slides his hands down to your jeans, unbuttoning them and looping his fingers between the fabric of both your jeans and panties and your skin and pulling them down, “Again.” 
You bit your button lip and smirked up at him, “Should I?” 
Jay stood on his knees, slowly unbuttoning and unzipping his pants, “If you want this dick, I suggest you do.” 
You watch him with lust in your eyes as he slides out of his pants and boxers, his hand wrapping around his cock as he leaned back to hover over you, pumping himself slowly, “I said again.” 
“I am yours.” 
Jay tucks his bottom lip between his teeth, hands going to your thighs and lifting them up, wrapping them around his waist and lining his cock up with your cunt. 
“You’re mine?” he breathes. 
Jay slides his hands up your body, clasping his fingers around yours tightly, pushing his hips forward until his cock is buried deep within you, “Mine, all mine,” he whispers into your ear, slowly sliding out and pushing back in. 
His lips kissed down to your neck as he picked up his pace, using your hands pressed into the mattress as his leverage to kiss your cervix with the tip of his dick, grinding into you hard. Your moans sent chills down his spine, edging him to fuck into you faster. God, you felt so good. He only dreamed what your pussy would feel like wrapped around him. It was as if your pussy was made for him, made to fit and take his cock so fucking good. His. All his. 
“Jay,” you moaned out his name, your hands now tangled in his dyed hair as one of his hands grasped your thigh, and the other on your face, “Are you mine, too?” 
“Oh, baby,” he groans into your neck, “I’ve been yours.” 
Thunder crashed outside, flickering the lights a couple of times before shutting them off completely. The candles are the only source of light. But it couldn’t have been more perfect. Yours and Jay’s moans mixed with the sound of the rain. His cock works against your sweet spot and nails dig into the plush of your thighs. He was going dizzy at the feeling of you, of the emotions you’ve made him feel. Your sex felt like heaven, you felt like heaven in this hell. 
“I’ll never let anyone hurt you,” he kisses your neck, “Won’t let anyone touch you,” kisses your jawline, “I’d kill for you,” finally kissing your lips, “You’re mine. All mine.” 
You kissed him back harder, pulling him as close as possible to you as you reached your climax, squeezing your legs tighter around his waist. 
“Fuck,” he hisses, “I’m gonna cum too,” he pumped into you faster, “call me yours, say my name, f-fuck, please say I’m yours.” 
You tightened your legs around him, kissing from his lips to his ear, “Jay, you’re mine. Mine, mine, mine.” 
He clenches his jaw and squeezes his eyes shut as he cums, “Shit, baby,” he slowly lays on top of you gently, breathing in your scent, and wraps his arms underneath you to hold you against him. He took a couple of deep breaths and chuckled, “I am so glad you stole our drugs that day.” 
you lay in his arms as he traced his fingers up and down your bare back, the rain still crashing down to the earth, it being the only sound you could hear besides the beating of Jay’s heart in your ear from laying against his chest. 
Jay leaned against the wall the bed connected to, his eyes scanning the empty safe zone, trying to remember how much life was once held here. How life sits here now. Jay let his brain wonder about the different possibilities and outcomes of this zone, debating what to do and how to do it. His train of thought derailed when you shifted yourself up further, laying your head into his neck, “I thought you were asleep?” 
You gently shook your head, “I don’t want to sleep and miss out on this moment.” 
Jay chuckled and leaned his head against the top of yours, “You need some rest, I’m here and won’t leave you.” 
“That’s not what I’m worried about, I just want to savor the moment for when you go back to being cold towards me once we leave here.” 
Jay chuckles again, “Baby, I won’t. I was cold to keep the lines from blurring and my heart from feeling, but look how that turned out?” 
You giggled when he slid his hands under the blanket you two shared and squeezed the fat of your ass, “Didn’t think you ever felt anything for me besides the money, you confused the hell out of me, Jay.” 
He pressed a kiss to your forehead, “I know, I am sorry.” You shivered, so he pulled the blanket up higher on your naked body, running his hands up and down your back to help warm you. 
Even though you’ve spent enough time with this man to know how he is, you still don’t know a lot about him besides the things he’s willingly shared with you. And since curiosity consumed you, mostly now that he’s accepted his feelings for you, maybe he’ll be more inclined to talk. Here goes nothing, “What did you do before the outbreak?” you softly asked while still treading on eggshells, “How was life for you before it?” 
Jay takes a deep inhale, holding his breath for a couple of seconds before letting it out and wrapping his arms tighter around you, “Heeseung and I were best friends before all this. Grew up together actually. His family lived across the street from mine, and being the only child, I attached myself to Heeseung fairly quickly.” 
You could see it. With how Heeseung and Jay relied on each other back in their home zone and even when they cornered you when you stole the drugs they were supposed to smuggle, the two of them stuck to each other. 
“He became like my older brother, and I am a younger one for him. When the outbreak first happened, Heeseung and I…” he took another deep breath in, and you felt how tense his body became under you. So you reached a hand up to his chest, feeling that tension loosen, “We were fucking around with a few other kids in our town, shooting hoops at the court while passing a blunt between each of us. I was actually supposed to be grounded, I smart-mouthed off to my parents. I stuck out my bedroom window and jumped into Heeseung’s car and we went off to the basketball court. We were there for roughly thirty minutes before the first bomb dropped to take out the infected.” 
You remembered the bombs very well. Remembered the sirens going off. People were going crazy to try and leave town to escape it. Only very few were lucky to get out. And since the two of you were lying here together, it was obvious you two were part of the lucky ones. 
Jay continued, “Heeseung and I never ran back home so fast, only to see our street was completely…gone. We lost our families, and if we didn’t sneak out…we wouldn’t be here right now. The only thing that kept me alive to this very day was Heeseung. If I didn’t have him…” 
“Jay,” you whispered, lifting yourself up to press the side of your face to his, “you have him, don’t think about what could have happened. You have him, and always will.” 
He took a couple of deep breaths, leaning more into you, “I know. I’m lucky to have him as a brother. Same to Jake and Sunghoon.”
“How did you meet those two?” 
Jay laughed, “We found them in an abandoned grocery store.” 
You tried to not giggle, but let it out anyway, “Are you serious?” 
“I am being so deadass,” he laughed more with you, you falling in love with how he smiles and the sound of his laugh. This Jay right here, this was his true self, “It was roughly about four months after the outbreak, so still before the safe zones. Heeseung and I were running low on food and we stumbled into a grocery store praying for food but finding Jake and Sunghoon with every food item possible shoved into the back corner of one of the offices hoarding it all for themselves.”
You just nodded, “Yeah from the small amount I know about them, that sounds about right.” 
Jay agrees, “It was a sight to see that’s for sure. It took them everything to not kill us. They were held up there for a couple of weeks before we found them. But eventually, we got them to share their food and they just…followed us out of the grocery store when we left a day later. The four of us have been together since then.” 
“Sounds like you guys found each other at the right times. They say you always find the people you need for your life at the right time regardless of the situation.” You slid back down, lying your head back on his neck, “Just like how you found me.”
Jay squeezed you tightly, “I have to agree with that statement. It’s like I am your god or something.” 
You playfully slapped his bicep, “Oh shut up! You needed me just as much as I needed you.” 
“I did, I needed you so bad and it took me meeting you to realize it.” Jay now slid down the bed, lying his head on the pillow and pulling you fully against him, resting his forehead against yours, “The four of us traveled for days to get to the safe zone we are at now. It was still newly built and just redeemed safe to let people in. Been there since, obviously, and eventually, we are where we are now. Being smugglers to keep our place and food in our bellies.” 
You looked into his eyes, seeing all the hurt and pain he’s been through and even put himself through to continue to survive. To keep breathing. Jay kept fighting to stay alive for his brothers and kept going for someday finding more of a reason to keep his heart beating. He found that reason the moment he saw you. Even though you were pointing a gun to his head. 
“You’ve fought long enough, Jay,” you whisper, brushing your lips against his, “Please take the money when you hand me over.” 
Jay scoffs, “YN—“
“No,” you interrupted, “Take it. It would help you and the others. You all don’t need to fight anymore.” 
Jay just looks back at you, wondering how the fuck could he just take that money and run. To leave you with the capital. He couldn’t do it. He won’t do it. 
“I’ll find a way to get the money and bring you back home,” it sunk your heart hearing him call his safe zone your home. You had a home again. With him, “That way we can be set and I don’t have to leave you.” 
You softly kissed him. Moving your lips so gently against his. His hands moved from your back to your waist and pressed your body against his. 
Jay was home. Jay IS home. And you’d take up his mantle of fighting to protect him now. To keep him safe. Jay deserves it more than anything. 
To both your and Jay’s surprise, the next three-month journey was actually really smooth. Jay didn’t know if he should be worried or relieved that everything had gone smoothly. He’s tried to keep a positive mind, to push out that smuggler mindset he’s been in for years, wanting to be a better man for you. But Jay knew even if he wanted to drop that life, he was going to have to keep up that fighter persona. That protectiveness. There’s no doubt Soobin and his dogs already ran their mouths about you being immune, spreading the word to anyone and everyone they could. Probably more than likely putting a bounty over Jay’s head because of him shooting Kai. Jay had to start thinking more clearly about his future, about yours, if he wanted to keep the both of you alive for that future. Because he can’t live without you now, and he refuses to let anyone take you from him. 
You walked ahead of him, your palms facing outwards, brushing your fingers over the flowers and grass that grew tall, loving the way it tickled your hands. To say you’re happier than before would be an understatement. Jay finally confessing his deep feelings flipped a switch within you, like you have something more to live for besides just simply surviving for your fallen friends. At the start of this journey, you refused to let the capital take you, to use you as a curse for everyone else. But after meeting and falling in love with Jay…knowing that if he somehow gets bitten one of these days…the cure that would come from you would save him. You didn’t care about saving everyone else, just as long as you could save him, that’s all that mattered. 
You glanced up ahead, and the building you assumed was the capital, came into view. It looked like an old hospital. Overgrown with vines and weeds. If you didn’t know what to look for, you would have assumed this was just like any other normal old abandoned building like the rest of the world. But Jay gave you details on what to look for. 
“Looks like we finally made it,” You said, turning to look at Jay. He looks at you, then at the building, giving a nod. You started to shake, the fear of going inside taking over. You didn’t know what to expect. How will they treat you? Would it be filled with old doctors or politicians who think they know what is best for the world? Many more questions rolled through you and it took Jay taking your hand into his for your train to derail. 
“It’s going to be okay, I won’t let them hurt you, I promise,” And Jay meant it. He will stand beside you every step of the way. Letting the capital take what was needed then getting the hell out of there and back home. 
Jay leads you to the entrance, staring up at the camera that hangs from the ceiling above the door. Jay waved a hand at the camera, “Hello?? How do you expect to get people in and out if there’s no way to fucking knock??” Glad to see Jay didn’t completely go soft on you. You giggled at his straightforwardness, squeezing his hand. 
The door sounded with a click and opened. Jay squeezed your hand back before taking a step in, leading you in behind him. The entrance was dimly lit halfway, completely colored gray with hospital signs hanging to the walls. If you didn’t know any better, you would have figured this place was a disaster waiting to happen, that no soul would be living here. But that changed once the entrance expanded out into what looked to be the lobby of the hospital. The gray turned to white and bright lights filled the room. You didn’t have time to process the new brightness when seven men appeared in front of you and Jay. Not like magic or anything, your eyes just couldn’t adjust to the bright lights in time to see them approach. 
Jay gave each of them a nod, “Nice to see you again, Shotaro, Sungchan, Wonbin, Sohee, Seunghan, Eunseok, and Anton. Been awhile.” 
You followed Jay’s head movement to each of the seven of them, taking in their names and faces before looking over at Jay confused for a solid few seconds before remembering that Jay has been to the capital a few times in his life, of course he knew the people here. 
“Pleasure to see you, as always,” Shotaro said to him, giving a nod back, “See the trip here didn’t kill you.” 
Jay just chuckles, releasing his hand from yours, “It’s going to take a lot more than some zombies to take me down.” Jay knew joking with these people would be the best way to fit in and get things done. Shotaro and his crew were different from Soobin and his. Two different types of personalities here. 
“I am assuming this is the immune one?” Sungchan asked, tilting his head. His eyes scan your body up and down then stop at the bite mark on your wrist. You ditched the wrap and long-sleeve shirts back at the cave zone, the summer weather being too hot to keep up with it. Your bite was pretty much healed, no longer infected, and just looked like a normal wound in healing. 
“I have a name,” you growled at him, “I’m not just some “immune one” or whatever.”
All seven of them smirked at you, making you cling to Jay’s arm, “Feisty one, isn’t she?” Wonbin chuckled with a raise of his brow, “You sure know how to pick’em, Jay.” 
Jay just tried to give them his best smile, “This is YN. And yes she’s the one Jungkook called and talked to Namjoon about.” 
“Joon is busy in a meeting,” Sohee sighs, “He told us to apologize on his behalf and welcome you into the capital.” 
Seunghan added, “He had to step in the moment you walked up to the door. He truly wants to meet you two here.” 
“We were expecting seven more of you though…” Shotaro said with his eyes scanning the two of you, “Where are your other six?” 
Jay shrugs, “They had other important matters to take care of, so I volunteered to make the trip myself.” 
“Ahhh,” Eunseok cooed, “I sometimes forget the seven of you are the best smugglers down in the southwest.” 
“Best of the best,” Jay awkwardly smiled, wanting to get this small talk over with, “Are we going to stand and wait for Namjoon to finish his meeting or???” 
Shotaro bowed a bit, “My apologies, you two must be exhausted from your long trip,” He stood back upright, “Anton, please take our friends to their rooms.” 
“We’ll share one, thanks for the thought though,” Jay was quick to say. 
Shotaro just looked back and forth between the two of you, and then the realization hit, “Ahh! You two are a pair. That’s…interesting considering Jay was a lone wolf when it came to mating.”
Jay just rolls his eyes at the comment, “People can change. You’d know if you left the capital more.” 
Shotaro just keeps his wide smile on display, “Anton.” 
Anton nods, waving the two of you towards him, “We saved the best rooms possible for you,” Jay leads first, dragging you close behind him, “We’ve also given you badges with access to every floor and room in the building. Given as a thanks for your sacrifice, YN. You’re doing the world a massive favor by coming here.” You just nod, confident that you’re only doing this for Jay to protect him, “We have a meeting set up for you to keep with one of the doctors later this evening, to kinda help ease your mind about all this.” 
You didn’t care and stopped listening to Anton explain everything. All you cared about was getting to the room to shower off the outside smell, dirt, and grime. To get in fresh clothing and get a much-needed nap before this place runs you left and right with tests. 
Anton finally let you into the room, handing off the badges to Jay, and with a nod, he left, closing the door behind him. The room was obviously small, being that it was an old hospital room. But it was still cozy, very bedroom-like. Paintings hung on the walls along with a medium-sized dresser with a mirror atop sat in the middle with the queen-sized bed right beside it and the bathroom sitting off to the left of the room. You made your way to the dresser, opening the first drawer to see plenty of clean undergarments for all genders, the second drawer was sleepwear, and the third and fourth drawer was filled with normal everyday shirts and jeans. You pulled pieces of clothing from each drawer and rushed to the entrance of the bathroom but stopped. 
“Can I shower first?” you asked, turning to look at Jay who was sitting at the edge of the bed, holding an envelope, “Jay? What’s that?” 
He looks up at you, “It was slipped under the door after we walked in. It’s the money they owe me for bringing you here.” 
You swallowed, watching as he opened the envelope and pulled out the cash. Jay felt like his heart nearly stopped at the amount of money he held in his hands, fingers slipping through each bill to make sure it was real and the actual amount they said they would give. And sure enough, it was. 
Jay looked at the cash and slowly put it back in the envelope. You could see the gears turning, “Don’t you even dare think about not taking it.” 
He looks at you, was he that obvious? “YN, baby, I can’t take it.” 
You quickly rushed to him, grabbing the envelope and shoving it deep into his backpack, “You came all this way for this, don’t back out of it now.” 
Jay stood to his feet and pulled you to him, “I don’t care about the money! I’ve told you before that you’re worth so much more than money.” 
You cupped his face, “You and the six back at home need this money, think about the life you can give them once we go back. Please don’t give it up.” Jay knew you were right. He made this trip in the first place all for his brothers and the money that would help give them a better life. So he nods, giving you a soft smile and picking you up into his arms, carrying you to the bathroom. 
“We’re both stinky, let’s wash off, ya?” He said, placing kisses all over your face and kicking the bathroom door shut. 
The rest of your day was filled with following around one of the seven boys to multiple different stops with Jay close on your heels. The first stop was the cafeteria for lunch, eating the best chicken sandwich you think you ever had. The second stop was to one of the labs for some doctors to draw your blood and give you some juice and five minutes of sitting before sending you on the way. The third stop was the meeting with the doctor who explained the procedure of the blood being drawn from the first stop and how taking from the bone marrow during the procedure and then talking about somehow mixing other things to create the cure? You were no scientist nor a doctor and you couldn’t remember how they find cures in all the horror and survival movies you’ve seen in your life to even get close to knowing how it would work. Jay looked just as confused as you did. At least you all were on the same page. Somewhat. The fourth stop was back at the room, where you and Jay cuddled and took a good hour nap before Sungchan knocked on the door saying it was time for dinner. 
You two ate with the seven boys, them explaining how Namjoon was once again tied up and couldn’t make it to the meal to greet us. Jay just waved it off. He didn’t care about any more meetings, he just wanted to eat and go back to the room. The day was tiring, the whole trip was tiring. Tomorrow would more than likely be another busy day and all you wanted to do was change into your pajamas and hit the sack. The seven of the boys talked a lot, made a lot of jokes, and continuously teased Jay for being in a relationship as if it was such a hard thing for their minds to process. You tried to laugh at everything, to understand the jokes. You weren’t sure if it was the nerves or your exhaustion making it hard to play along. Thankfully dinner finally ended and you found yourself back in the comfort of your temporary room. 
“There’s only silk lace gowns in here?” You sigh, digging through the whole drawer to find a pair of pajama pants and a shirt, “Why are there ONLY silk lace gowns???” 
Jay peeked over your shoulder, his hands reaching around you to pull an emerald green gown out of the drawer, “I mean this is the capital, everything here is probably fancy in some form.” 
You take the gown from his hands with a sigh, “It’ll have to do I suppose.” Jay just gives you a small smile and nods as he backs away and sits on the bed, untying the laces to his boots. 
You glanced back at the silk gown on your hands and up to Jay. Maybe you were reading a bit into it, but why did he choose this color? Out of all the pretty colors in that drawer, his eyes went to this one. You tried to push down the thoughts, remembering the time back at the safe zone when he said your naked body was just skin. How he didn’t have time to deal with these types of things. But he was also in a relationship with you now? The two of you never discussed what you were after sex that one night. He’s made love to you multiple times since then but still never once said what you both were. Maybe he was just bullshitting when he saw you naked the very first time, but then again he didn’t see you in that light before. Maybe again you were just overthinking it. He’s never seen you in such clothing, so maybe that’s why he chose this color, maybe he wanted to see you in it. 
You decided to stop thinking too much about it and slowly stripped out of your clothes, dropping them down to the floor with a thud, causing Jay’s eyes to lift up to you as he started on his second boot. You kept eye contact with him as you slid the straps of your bra down your shoulders and unclasped the back, holding the bra in place on your breast as you pulled your arms through the loops. Jay’s eyes left yours and went to your breasts, watching as you dropped the bra to the floor. His body tensed. You had him wrapped around your finger. His eyes shot back up to yours, his face still so calm and collected. You finally pulled the laced emerald silk gown over your head and onto your body, fitting strangely well to your frame and tight in the right places. 
You slowly crawled into the bed and laid down, his body shifted to face you as you got comfortable on the bed. Jay was losing his mind and was fighting his demons to keep from jumping you and ripping that pretty little gown off your body. His mind wanders to all the things he wants to do, where he wants his hands, and where he wants his mouth. He stood from the bed, sliding his feet out of his boots, and pulling his shirt from his body. You bit your lip at the sight of his torso, how his tan muscular skin moved as he reached for the button on his jeans, the tint in his pants was enough to tell you that you did affect him. That this color was chosen on purpose. 
Jay dropped the jeans to the floor then crawled onto the bed and hovered over you, “You look way too damn good in green, you should wear it more often, baby,” all you could do was nod and rub your thighs together. Jay glanced down at your legs, a smirk falling to his lips, “Want me so bad you can’t form a sentence?” 
“Jay,” you whispered, “Please.” 
He bent down and kissed you, his right hand already touching the ends of the gown, “You’re so sexy,” he breathed between kisses, “You know that?” You didn’t have time to respond as his lips left yours to trail down your neck and then to your shoulder, biting softly at your skin, loving the way you squirmed underneath him. His hand was now under the gown, slowly riding up your thigh. His moved down lower, leaving opened-mouth kisses down to your collarbone, between your breasts, and down your stomach, both his hands were now under the gown and sliding up and up, bunching the gown at your waist, “I’m craving dessert, and you look just like something I want to eat.” 
You gasp at his words, feeling your slick pool in your panties. Jay slid down to your heat, spreading your legs apart, clicking his tongue at the wet spot, “Already so wet for me? I haven’t even touched you yet.” It was driving him crazy seeing you already soaked for him. How much more perfect could you get?? He rubs his knuckle against your folds, pushing the lips apart as he digs his knuckle further in, “So wet for me, baby,” he coos, licking at his bottom lip. Jay didn’t think he could wait much longer, he needed your taste in his mouth. To devour you. To make you cum against his tongue. God, it’s all he wanted at this moment. Jay looped his fingers at the hems of your panties and you lifted your hips up as he slid them down and threw them to the floor to be completely forgotten about. 
Jay lifted your legs onto his shoulders as he settled back between your legs, using his index and ring fingers to spread your cunts lips, “fuccckk,” he groaned, loving how some of your slick was slowly dripping out of your cunt. Your hands flew to his hair when you felt his tongue press flat to your heat, licking up and stopping at your clit and wrapping his lips and tongue around the sensitive bud. 
“Shit, Jay!” you moaned, gripping his hair tight between your fingers. His hum of pleasure vibrated against you, making your toes curl into the sheets. With his other hand, he slid two fingers into your hole, pumping in and out of you slowly. Jay could get lost in your pussy, could stay here for hours if he didn’t need oxygen to continue breathing, licking up every ounce of your juices you could offer to him. You clenched around his fingers and gripped his hair even tighter, letting out soft moans at the feeling of him on your clit and cunt. 
“Be louder, baby, I want to hear you,” he breathes, taking a few deep breaths in before attaching himself back to your clit, sucking on it softly and pushing his fingers in and out faster, keeping your lips spread with his other fingers. You were getting dizzy at the sensation, brain clouding and his fingers and lips being the only thing you could focus on as you chanted out his name over and over. It was magic to his ears, truly. The best sound he’s ever heard next to your normal voice. 
He detached from your clit and replaced his fingers in your hole with his tongue, reaching so far into you that his nose was now rubbing your clit along with his middle finger. The knot of your climax was about to snap. You tried to hold on for as long as you could, waiting to savor this feeling but also wanting the sweet release it would give you. Jay wasn’t giving you much of a choice, not with how he worked his tongue in your cunt and his finger on your clit. His whole job here was making you cum on his tongue, and he wasn’t going to stop until he got what he desired. So you gave in, letting the knot snap in two and your body shuddered. Jay moaned against your cunt, licking up every last drop of your cum with his tongue, “Fuck you taste so good.” 
He left soft kisses on your heat and both your inner thighs before hovering back over you completely, “You’re such a good girl for me, my sweet, continue being good and take this cock, ya?” you quickly nodded, reaching for his boxers to slide them off him. He chuckled as he helped you remove the last bit of his clothing, “impatient are we?” 
“Jay, just please fuck me already, I need you.” 
He clicks his tongue, smirking at you, “Gotta give the lady what she wants, right?” 
Not another word was said as he slides into you, fucking you already so hard and fast it made your overstimulation way worse. But it was so—so—good. He kisses you, forcing his tongue down your throat, getting a taste of yourself as you sucked on his tongue, wrapping your muscle around him in a perfect dance. Jay wrapped your legs around him and pinned your hands above your head, squeezing them tightly as he continued to rock his hips against yours, kissing down from your lips to your ear, “You’re stuck with me, understand?” he breathes, his breath sending chills down your body, “I love you, YN. I am so in love with you.” 
Tears filled your eyes as you wrapped your legs and released your hands from his and wrapped your arms tightly around him, squeezing him so tight against your body, wanting to feel every inch of him against you, “I love you too. Oh god, I love you too.” 
Jay moved faster, “Say it again, tell me you love me again.” 
You did, you chanted how much you loved him over and over until he was spilling his seed deep within you. So out of breath but continued to kiss all over your face and slowly rock his hips against yours to chase out his high. If this is what it felt like to be in love with Jay and be loved by him, you didn’t need any other emotion ever again. 
Jay rolled over, stretching his arm out on your side of the bed, surprise took him when he didn’t feel you there, running his hand up and down the spot you should be in. He fluttered his eyes open, the early morning sunlight shining against the paintings on the wall and the gray wallpaper. Jay lifted himself on his forearms and elbows, the cool air sending chills down his bare back as the blanket slid down to his waist. He looked at the spot you slept in, tracing his hand back over it and realizing the sheets were cold. You’ve been gone for a while. 
“YN?” Jay calls, thinking maybe you were in the bathroom, seeing that the door was closed, “Baby?” 
No answer. Jay lets out an uneasy sigh, clearly not liking the silence of the room. He sits up and pushes himself to the edge of the bed, pulling his boxers off from the floor and stepping into them, and snapping them at his hips, “Baby?” He tried calling again, walking to the bathroom door and carefully knocking, “YN, this isn’t funny.” Jay quickly opened the door, seeing the bathroom was empty. 
Panic started to settle in. 
Jay tried to keep calm, hoping you were just at the other labs the doctors and other officials of the capital have said. But all the hope was gone when Jay turned around, barely catching his naked top half in the mirror, seeing the red and irritated skin at the edge of his back right under the shoulder, the small puncture wound still clear and visible. He was drugged. And you were taken. 
Jay quickly rushed back into the room, pulling his clothes onto his body and picking up his backpack from the floor, noticing yours was still sitting in the same spot. Jay felt the panic deep in his core. You wouldn’t have just walked out of the room without telling him or bringing him with you. Jay’s suspicions only got confirmed after seeing the weapons from your and his backpack was missing. 
“Shit,” he mumbles, looking in the corner to see his shotgun was also missing from where he placed it against the wall. Jay dumped out everything from the backpacks and drawers, trying to find any weapon possible that they might have overlooked. But everything was gone. The only thing he found was the snacks and other foods and water the two of you had been carrying the whole trip and the white envelope with the money in it. Jay wanted to tear the money into pieces, to burn this whole place down from them taking you from him. He was going crazy and needed to find you, and fast. He pulled everything back into the backpack, combining your stuff with his. Jay took one last look at the envelope and then shoved it into the backpack. 
It was one problem after the other when he tried to walk out of the room to find the door was locked from the outside, “FUCK!” he screamed, taking multiple steps back and rushing to the door, connecting his shoulder to the wood. Step back, ram the door, step back, ram the door. repeat. repeat. repeat. Jay shook out his hands and arms, giving it one last final shove and the door pushed open, the locks and doorknobs falling to the floor. 
The hallway was dark except for the sunlight peeking through the windows. Not a damn soul was around. It was so silent you could probably hear the tectonic plates shifting within the earth. Jay treaded lightly, locking his jaw and clenching his fists as he slowly walked down the hall. This hospital was so full of life just yesterday, and now it’s like everyone is gone. This place once again looked abandoned before the capital officials took over. Jay figured it was before everyone knew the minute he woke up and saw you gone, all hell would break loose. Jay should have known. Should have listened to everyone who told them what would happen once he got you here. They were going to kill you. And he needed to stop it. 
First, he needed his weapons back. Following the signs on the walls leading him to the armory. There were two guards on watch when he reached it, “Fucking typical,” he whispered to himself, “All for little ole me?” Jay knew Namjoon was more than likely on high alert, knowing what moves Jay would be making and how he’d make them. Jay and his team aren’t the best smugglers around for nothing. He crouches down, slowly inching himself to the guards, assessing them before making another move. They both had knives and pistols attached to their hips with rifles in hand. Jay didn’t have a lot of time to come up with a solid plan and acted quickly. All the years of surviving had led to this. All the years of killing before getting killed. Learning how to be sneaky and how to lie through his teeth as he stole and picked pocketed his enemies. The person he had to become because of this apocalypse. All led him here. Once Jay was close enough, he quickly stood and broke out into a sprint. The first guard didn’t know what was happening by the time Jay reached him. His hands wrapped around his head and twisted, his body going limp at the crack of his neck. Jay worked fast before the guard's body hit the floor, stealing his knife and shoving it into the other guard's side between his ribs. 
“Now you will give me the information I seek out, got it?” he hisses, “Or you will end up like your friend over there, ya?” 
The guard trembled in Jay’s hands, his eyes darting to his now-dead friend on the cold hospital floor, “What do you want?” he tried to snap back, but it was not having any effect on Jay whatsoever. 
“Where is she?” Jay growled against the man’s ear, “Where. Is. YN?” Silence. Jay pushed the knife in further, the guard gritting his teeth to not scream at the pain, “Where the fuck is my girlfriend?!” Jay was yelling now, no longer playing these games. 
“Second floor, last room on the right side,” the man grunted out, “But it’s too fucking late,” Jay’s heart stopped, “They already began the procedure before sunlight even came, busted in right after you two slept,” you’ve been gone a lot longer than he thought. His panic sank further, “They took from her blood until she passed out and drugged her to stay asleep,” the guard chuckled, “She was a walking cure factory.” 
Jay shoved the knife deeper, “Is she alive?” The man groans in pain, “I SAID IS SHE STILL ALIVE!?” 
“YES!” he hissed, “But not for long. Her blood was only doing so much. They are going to go for her bone marrow now. Going to use every last drop she can give until she’s no longer breathing.” 
The man started to chuckle, but those chuckles changed into gurgles and he gasped for air before tipping over to the floor. Jay’s hands were trembling as he looked down at them, seeing the dark red tint staining his skin and the pool of it now covering the floor where Jay shoved the knife into the side of his neck. Jay swallowed and released a few deep breaths, recollecting himself and noticing his clothes now stained red. Jay sized up the first guard, thank god he looked to be about the same size as him. 
Jay was quick at changing into the guard's uniform, stealing his pistol, knife, rifle, and keycards. Always take the keycards, you never know when you’ll need them. He rushes into the armory, finding your pistol, his shotgun, and both your knives, shoving the smaller items into the backpack, and sliding his shotgun over his shoulder. Before Jay realized, he was stepping over the two dead guards and was up the stairs, making his way to the second floor. His legs shook all the way down into his boots. Trying to push out the images of the two lives he just ended. Jay has killed before during smuggling runs, but it never will get easier or something he’d get used to. This world created all this chaos and turned everyone into monsters. No one had a spot in heaven. Hell was the only final destination. 
The jitters left once both feet touched the second floor, and the rifle pointed upwards. The only thing on his mind now was you and praying he wasn’t too late. The floor was silent until he reached the corner of the building, where four guards were stationed outside the room. This was it. You were just behind those doors, hopefully still breathing. Jay didn’t want to think about what would happen if he went in there and saw you dead. The things he’d do…
You barely blinked in and out of consciousness, the bright lights shining on you from the ceiling were blinding, only being able to see white and the blue of the two doctors' lab coats. They talked between each other, not being able to make out any of the words they spoke. Your body hurts. Your head spun. Were you fixing to die? Where was Jay? Why did you feel so cold? Why did they take you from him the way they did? So many questions piled up in your brain. Jay is the main source of the questions. The main one was that he was safe. That he takes the money and runs so far away from here. That you died for this fucking cure in hopes if anything happened to him he wouldn’t turn into the undead outside. He could survive and have a better life than before. Your thought process was interrupted when both doctors looked down at you and asked a question. You didn’t know if you answered them or not, or couldn’t remember if you did. There was a poke on your wrist, and everything went fuzzy and your eyes closed. 
“She’s asleep again,” one said, setting the syringe down on the table behind him and checking your vital signs on the monitor, “Vitals are normal and steady, we can—“ the doctor stopped speaking, whipping his head to the entrance of the room. 
The other doctor looked at the one across from him, then turned to look at the door, then back to him, “What's wrong?” 
“You didn’t hear that?” he asked, his eyes widening. 
“I think you’re being paranoid, let’s continue.” 
He didn’t take his eyes off the door. Nor did he even have time to think about what happened next as Jay kicked the door open, his rifling pointing directly ahead. The doctor barely had time to see the dead bodies as the door closed behind Jay. Blood coated Jay’s face, hair, and clothes. 
“Joon said he’d be out the whole fucking day!” the doctor closer to Jay shouts, reaching for the surgical knife on the small tray table. 
“Don’t fucking move!” Jay snapped, “Back away from her!” 
The two doctors moved, their hands raised above their heads. Jay looked at you. Your skin was pale and your lips purple. Bruises covered your arms and bare legs, proof enough that you didn’t go down without a fight. You were hooked up to multiple different types of IVs. Jay tried to find any sign that you were breathing, eyes whipping to the monitor, watching as your vitals dropped. All Jay saw then was red. You were dying. He was losing you by the second. He couldn’t waste any more time. So he pulled the trigger. Their screams and voices were muffled out by the buzzing in his ears from the anger and the fear of losing you. He can’t lose you. 
He dropped the rifle to the floor once the room stopped spinning, his legs dragging him to your side, hands immediately grabbing for you. Your skin was cold to the touch. He hissed out from the pain in his chest, the pain of his heart clenching thinking you already were between the lines of life and death. Praying you weren’t. 
“Baby,” he whimpered, tears swelling his eyes, “Come on, YN, please wake up.” Jay softly shook you, placing his ear over your mouth, feeling your breath push out. It was weak. So, so very weak. “Baby don’t leave me, please.” Both his hands cupped your face, thumbs stroking your cheeks, “I can’t live without you, please.” Jay searched the room, removing himself from you to pull open all the cabinets and drawers in search of some drug to get your heart pumping normally again. Anything to get your vitals back up. He found what he needed and rushed back to you, with an empty syringe, “Forgive me, please,” he begged, pulling out the drug with the syringe needle, and filling it up, “Forgive me for bringing you here. For gambling your life like this. I am so so so sorry.” With shaky hands, he finds a vein in your wrist, “I love you,” and gently pushes it into your skin, injecting the clear liquid into your body. Jay whips his head to the monitor, watching your heart rate pick up and your vitals start to normalize. He drops the syringe and falls to his knees, running his crusted red-stained hands through his blonde hair. 
He doesn’t know how long he sat there like that. It wasn’t until you shifted on the table that he jumped back to his feet, coming back to reality and needing to get you out of there. Jay removed the IVs from your arms, bandaging them up and brushing your hair from your face, “Baby?” you fluttered your eyes, still too out of it to really open them. You knew Jay was finally with you, or that you were dreaming. Or even dead. You felt the warmth of his touch, heard his voice, and were barely able to make out his face. But he was here, nevertheless. Jay pressed a quick kiss to your forehead, “Let’s get you out of here.” Jay found your clothes and redressed you with them, tossing the hospital gown across the room. Jay took a final look at the room, seeing the vials filled with your blood and other chemicals. There were at least thirty of them. All were marked with tape that said “cure”. “Those bastards.” he hissed in his brain. But the longer he stared at them, the angrier he got. 
He carried you in his arms, rushing down to the ground level of the hospital, looking for a quick and easy way out. It was easy. A bit too easy. It was unsettling for Jay, something was off. It shouldn’t be this easy. 
“Jay?” you softly whisper, feeling his strong arms squeeze you tighter. Finally becoming more aware of the drugs slowly wearing off. 
“Shhh, It’s okay baby, I’m right here,” he whispers back, eyes darting in every direction, waiting for something to happen. And then it did. 
“Leaving without so much as a goodbye?” 
Jay stopped walking, his jaw clenching. You both were almost to the door, so close to leaving. But he turned anyway, seeing Namjoon standing there with his dimpled smile and hand folded behind his back. Shotaro, Eunseok, Sungchan, Seunghan, Wonbin, Sohee, and Anton standing directly behind him with guns pointing at Jay and you. Jay gritted his teeth, “Nice to see you finally made your appearance.” 
Namjoon chuckled, “I am a busy man, what can I say? Being the leader of this operation is very time-consuming. My apologies for not being there sooner.” Jay just stared at him, holding you tighter to his chest, “I believe you have something of mine,” Namjoon said with a sigh, stepping forward, “Give it back, please.” 
Jay barked out a laugh, “She doesn’t belong to you. Or anyone for that matter. And we’re leaving.” 
Namjoon inhaled, held his breath for a few seconds, and then released it, “You don’t understand what’s going on here, Jay.” 
“Oh like the fuck I don’t!” Jay yelled, taking a few steps back, “You’re killing her!!” 
“A sacrifice that I am willing to make,” Jay hated the straight face Joon was making. Hated how he seemed to be okay with ending your life, “She is special, Jay. She is so important to finding a cure.” 
“Then go find someone else that’s immune!” Jay snapped, “Leave her out of it!” 
Namjoon smiles, “She can save so many lives. Think about the people we can save, at her sacrifice. Think how the world can and will heal because of the sacrifice. Everything can go back to normal and she will be so worth it.” 
Jay clenched you tighter, “The world can fucking burn. She’s worth more than whatever righteousness you think you have by doing this to someone innocent.” 
“We aren’t innocent,” Joon sighs again, “This world made us into hunters, killers, and survivors. No one is innocent.” Jay didn’t want to hear it anymore. He wanted out, now. So he took more steps back, giving his glare locked on Namjoon and the seven guys behind him, “You’re making a mistake,” Joon said, following Jay, “Just give her back…” 
Jay quickly shifted your body to his side, pulling out the pistol at his hip, “Take one more step and I’ll fucking kill you.” 
“Like you did to my guards?” 
Jay said nothing, his fingers going numb from the grin he had on your belt loop to keep you pressed against him. You whimpered, the pain finally settling into you as the drugs wore off more. You clenched your arms around his neck and wrapped your legs around his leg, trying to hold yourself up against his hold, “I’ll kill who I have to to keep her safe.” 
Namjoon could see the desperation on Jay’s face, and just gave him another smile, “Go then. Just know you’re a wanted man the minute you walk out of those doors.” 
“Joon!” Shotaro quickly said, earning Namjoon to hold his hand up to silence him, then waving Jay to go forward. He slowly took the steps back, waiting until his back touched against the doors, and pushed it open, the pistol still pointing directly forward. Namjoon continues smiling even after Jay closes the door, leaving them in the lobby alone. Namjoon had enough samples of your blood to create copies. He also knew Jay would be heading back to his safe zone quickly. Namjoon will get you back. But this time by force. 
Jay slid the open window carefully, using his strength to push and pull himself up through the kitchen window, carefully climbing his way into the house. Jay barely touched his feet to the floor and turned around to see Heeseung pointing a gun in his direction, “What the fuck! It’s just me!” he whispers, “Watch where you point that thing!” 
Heeseung groans, “Why the fuck are you climbing through the window!!” He snaps, pointing to the front door, “You know how to use that right!!” 
Jay just looks at his brother up and down, being able to tell he’s lost weight since he’s been gone. The three of them all probably lost weight. Heeseung’s red hair was now completely washed out, leaving some patches of a soft pink color and some blonde streaks. Cuts and bruises covered Heeseung’s arms. He looked rough, and Jay could only imagine how the other two looked, “You’ve been struggling, haven’t you?” 
Heeseung scoffed, “Yeah, no thanks to you, Mr. Wanted man,” Jay raised a brow and Heeseung just sighed, “We know what happened at the capitol. I’m sorry for what they did to YN. We all should have gone with you.” 
Jay just shakes his head, “No. I almost lost her. I wouldn’t know what to do if I lost her AND you three.” Jay didn’t want to think about what could have happened. He was back home and was safe and that’s all that matters. Jay asked Heeseung how they found out. Namjoon apparently wasted no time in radioing to Jungkook. Which Jay already figured, hint why he climbed through the window. But Jungkook was furious. The whole safe zone went on lockdown for a few months, but when Jay didn’t return directly after five months, everyone assumed he was either dead or not coming back. Jungkook limited the access Hee, Hoon, and Jake got to outside the zone. Not giving them many smuggler missions and even halving their paydown. The three of them struggled all in terms of punishing Jay. 
Heeseung sat at the table and Jay sat across from him, “Where is YN?” 
Jay took in a breath, “At the caved safe zone.” 
“That’s where you’ve been for half a year?” Heeseung didn’t mean to add the venom that came out when he snapped at Jay, “You settled down with your girlfriend and decided we weren’t worth it?” 
Jay slapped his hands on the table, “That’s NOT what happened!” Jay looks over to Sunghoon and Jake’s bed, seeing them still sleeping, and relaxed in his chair, “I knew they’d be coming for me. And I needed to protect her. Needed to give it time before leaving to come back to get you three.” 
“Get us?” Heeseung asked, folding his arms over his chest. 
Jay nods, “I already figured this place would be on a tougher lockdown. Had to find our other secret way that even JK doesn’t know about. Mostly after I saw our main hole was drilled shut,” he sat back, “I kept the money they gave me to take her there. And I stole all the vials they filled with her blood for the cure. I have plans, but I need you guys with me. Those two months in that cave were only to help YN recover better. The three months of getting her to that cave were hell on her. After what they did.” 
Heeseung nodded, only being able to imagine what you went through, “So you want us to leave and go back to the cave with you?” Jay nodded, “Why did you even leave her alone?! What if Namjoon finds her?” 
“She knows how to use a gun,” Jay quickly said, “We both know that. I showed her all the exits and safe places to run to just in case. It was a bigger risk bringing her with me than leaving her.” 
Heeseung thinned his lips in a line, staring at the table and weighing out the options, “What’s this plan?” 
“We sell her cure blood to those in need. Sell all we have and keep our refuge in the abandoned zone a secret. We use the money we have from the capital and from selling her blood to use for goods, clothing, weapons, and whatever we need. We find another zone to smuggle for, probably with Soobin and his team, and just survive.” 
“Just like we always have,” Heeseung softly says, looking at Jay, taking a few more seconds to think it over, “When are we leaving?” 
“Right now,” Sunghoon said, dropping his backpack to the table, “You guys really don’t know how to fucking whisper.” 
Jay chuckles, seeing Jake right behind him with his backpack, “About time we spread our wings from this hellhole,” Jake joked. 
You stood outside the metal door, rocking back and forth on your feet, it’s been months, they should have arrived already. You walked in circles, then went back inside just to walk in more circles around the cave. You cleaned up a bit and laid down to take a nap, just to barely close your eyes but not fully being able to sleep. 
You stood back up with a sigh and walked back outside. Standing there for what feels like forever until you see them. You couldn’t hold back the smile as Jay, Heeseung, Sunghoon, and Jake walked past the gate. You broke out into a sprint. Jay dropped his weapons and backpack to the ground, bending his knees and spreading his arms out, catching you as you jumped onto him. His arms squeeze you tightly and his lips connect to yours. 
The smile his brothers gave you two makes your heart feel warm. Jay sets you down and pulls his three friends into a big hug before snapping orders for everyone to get inside. 
These people were your home now. Your family. Jay gives you a smile as he tangles his fingers with yours, after everything you two have been through, he was worth it and more. It was just your luck that you stumbled into his world. 
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—tags: @alvojake @simpjaes @itachisloverlol @minseongsworld @heeseungshim @allysluvsworld @nyxtwixx @jjaeyunist @in-somnias-world @zeeloveshee @sunpov @xiaoderrrr @butterflywonie @sundoie @cmoundiamante @jentlecoeur @reign-reads @parksunghoonsgf @sparklovespink @wannieepisod @crimnalseung @ilikekpop-c @capri-cuntz @jwnghyuns @kimsunoops @blackhairandbangs @jjongswannabebae @lazy-miya @m3chigo @en-happiness @wonniethepoo @ikeuverse @woninluv @desistay @erehkinnie30 @peachystels @jinspinkflipphone @abysofsteel @randommmmmmvheusbs @minjaexvz @soobywiththebooty @wonryllis @shinrjj @star4rin @iheartjayke @0ctav1asstuff @jakeswifey @hanjisunginc @jinspinkflipphone @jungwonsbabygirl
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archesnalleyways · 3 months
you should really expand on the thought of having to suck rick’s cock at gun point like I’m salivating thinking about it
Teehee 🤭
requests are open, we are so back
Warning: contains guns, other weaponry, non-con/dub-con
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You’ve moved away from your basecamp alone, in desperate need for some cans of food. The supermarket looks pretty bolted up but you spotted a inconspicuous window high up on a wall and decided to try your luck. Some shelves were tipped over, some broken, but as you worked your way through you found a storage room.
Your eyes spotted a cardboard box and in your hungry, desperate state you just dropped your gear and started to rummage through it. In the damp box there was a load of tin-cans, some leaking but multiple intact. Beside you on the floor you started to pile up the useful ones, trying to read some of the drooping labels.
But then you hear a gun click behind you. The blood freezes in your veins and one hundred scenarios flash before your eyes,
“Drop the cans” a husky voice states.
Your hands instinctively let go of the food, brain jumping from the fear of being shot, to your weapons being three feet behind you, to the hunger residing in your gut. Lifting your arms up in the air the show that you’re unarmed.
“Now turn around, slowly.”
You start to rise up but you hear the man behind you tut.
“Stay down.”
The pang of humiliation is faint in contrast to the fear, but it’s still there. But you listen and spin around, still on your knees, and turn to see a tall man pointing a gun straight at you. There’s a shotgun slung over his back, multiple knives strapped to his body and his blue eyes trained at your every movement.
“Aren’t you a pretty lil thing?” He says with a southern drawl, looking you over once before focusing on the box slightly behind you.
An old, ragged tote is thrown to your knees as he uses the mouth of the gun to point at you and then the food.
“Pack everything edible in that bag, now.”
Your hands made quick work of piling the cans, sorting out the already opened ones onto the side. Your eyes leave the food for a second to look over at the man again. He lifts an eyebrow at you, taking half a stride closer to examine your work. As the last can is placed into the bag you twist your body to place it by his feet.
“Put your arms behind your back.”
You move instantly as he glances into the tote and nods approvingly.
“You take orders so well, darlin” the man says, with something dark glittering in his eyes.
He walks up the few steps toward you, gun still aimed at you, as he grips your chin. His calloused thumb drags against your bottom lip before grabbing your cheeks, forcing your face into a ridiculous pout. As he let go slowly your tongue darted out to wet your lips, completely involuntarily.
He groans and moves his hand to his groin, massaging the bulge there. Your eyes widen as you started to put together what was gonna happen. The mans salt-and-pepper beard moved as he smirked popping open the button on his jeans.
“It would be such a waste to let you go now, doll-face” he says as his hand returns to his dick that is hardening in a rapid speed, “especially since you are so good at taking orders, right darlin’?”
His whole face darkens and his eyes bore into your own, as he leans down slightly.
“If I even feel a hint of your teeth I’ll empty the fuckin’ clip” the man hisses at you, pushing the barrel of the gun firmly against your head.
You nodded softly with your heart beating out of your chest, and lifted your hands to pull down his jeans. The cock that springs out is undeniably pretty and perfectly red over the tip. Paired with the rugged good looks of its owner this experience might’ve been enjoyable for you. But then you’re reminded of the weapon and ushered to get to work.
Your tongue darted out to lick at the underside, lips wrapping around his tip. You taste the hint of precum before taking half of his length into your mouth, tentatively bobbing over the first couple of inches.
“Good, that’s good” he grunts, dick twitching as he sees tears starting to roll down your cheeks from the strain.
Hollowing out your cheeks you decide to take in some more of him, desperately trying to make this the best blowjob of your life. Saliva starts to gather at corners of your mouth as you dare to look up at him for the first time, but not before stealing a glance of the gun in his hand first.
“Pull your top down, wanna see your drool over those tits”
With a quick yank your boobs spill out, nipples already pert from the cool air and, despite the circumstances, arousal. The man groans in appreciation.
A big hand splays over the back of your head and you have time to anxiously dart your eyes up to his before he starts to thrust into your mouth, and subsequently down your throat.
The sounds of his pleasure and your gags blend as they ring out into the store, one of your hands resting at the base of his cock and the other landing to cup your clothed pussy.
“Ah, fuck it!”
The curly-haired man seemed to get lost in his pleasure since he decides to fasten his gun into his holster to free up his hands. Grabbing a chunk of your hair to maneuver you over his massive cock, pushing you down until your nose was pressed into the patch of hair at his base. You gargle around his member, more drool bubbling from the edge of your lips.
“That’s it, doll” he moans, “choke on it.”
He lifts his hips slightly to get the very last of his dick stuffed into your mouth, your eyes rolling into the back of your skull. When he pulls you off a string of saliva lands on your chin before it drips down onto your exposed chest. He places his dick over your face, pre-cum and your spit leaving sticky trails onto your nose and forehead.
“Aren’t you perfect stress relief?” He asks rhetorically, lifting his cock to slap it over your face a couple of times, “found me food and takes cock like a slut.”
Despite everything you feel your face flush from his words and humiliating actions. He chuckles at you, almost cooing softly before pushing you down onto his cock.
“Too bad I don’t have time to test your other holes, I’m sure they’re lovely” he groans out, thrusting deeper and deeper.
His grunts starts to increase in both volume and frequency, warning you that he’s about to cum, and you begin to mentally prepare yourself for swallowing when he pulls his cock out.
“Stay still, darlin’” he murmurs, eyebrows knitted together, as the hand not jacking himself off with pulls at your hair to put your face in the perfect angle, “I’m gonna paint a pretty picture.”
The last syllable morphed into a groan as he came, hot load landing in ropes over your face. His eyes glittered darkly as he covered you and the utter filthiness of it all made his dick twitch one last time. A few spurts landed on your tits and you keep your eyes trained onto his, mouth slightly agape. He tapped the last drops of cum onto your lips before pulling his pants up again.
He picks up the bag of food you packed and stopped for a second to take in the state of you. Tits out, eyes irritated from tears and face covered in cum. Truly a sight for sore eyes.
“Bye-bye sweetheart, I hope I’ll run into you again” he says with a wink and leaves.
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ghost-proofbaby · 1 year
so scarlet (it was maroon)
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in which eddie gets everything he dreamed of - except you. based off of "maroon" by taylor swift.
→ warnings: smut, severe angst, hurt/no comfort, 18+ minors dni
→ pairings: rockstar!eddie x fem!reader
→ wc: 11.3k+
→ a/n: don't mind me, just trying to see if tumblr will let me finally post this. this is cross-posted from ao3 (and wattpad)
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"When the morning came, we were cleaning incense off your vinyl shelf 'cause we lost track of time again. Laughing with my feet in your lap, like you were my closest friend"
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“You’re fucking with me,” Eddie sits up to stare at you, lit joint still dangling between his ringed fingers and the last of his latest hit lingering in a ghost of white smoke on his lips. 
“I’m not,” you laugh at his reaction, tilting your head forward just enough for where you were sprawled out on his bed to get a better view of him, “I’m scared to take cold medicine now.” 
“There’s no way you got high off of the recommended dose!” he cackles, shaking his head in disbelief, a hand coming down on your shin to ground himself. You watch his shoulders shake with laughter, how his curls come down to curtain around his reddening cheeks and his reddening eyes, how his doe eyes are pinched shut and crinkled in the corners.
A map of a million lifetimes, branching out from the corner of those eyes. A million lifetimes, a million possibilities, a million futures. And every single one of them begins and ends with Eddie. 
If you stare for too long, you’re going to say something you regret in your high, so you sit up as he had in order to snatch back the joint, “Stop babysitting. Aren’t you the one who’s always chastising me on ‘puff, puff, pass’?” 
He feigns offense, mouth wide open and face scrunched up adorably so, as you take a delicate hit. The smoke enters your mouth quickly, wasting no time as it barrels down your throat and curls into every crevice of your lungs. Your chest aches slightly at the intrusion. 
His eyes never leave yours. He watches the glaze continue to intensify over them as you slowly exhale. His thumb begins to trace gentle arches over the bare skin of your leg as his warm palm shifts upward, inching until it’s over your knee and resting on your thigh. “You’re fucking ridiculous.” 
“Learned from the best.” 
“That you did, sweetheart. That you did.” 
He holds his free hand back out for the joint, and your fingertips brush as you return it to him. 
“So what? Was it better than this kind of high?” he teases before bringing it to his lips. They’re pursed in preparation, and you only lose your concentration for a moment before remembering to answer him.
“I dunno, Munson. You’ve got some good shit here but… Dayquil might be giving you a run for your money,” you mock, tilting your head and leaning in closer to him. He’s grinning again, looking up through shy lashes before he takes his hit. 
This time he doesn’t exhale immediately into the cloudy air of the room. Instead, he takes you off guard as he shifts on the bed and pulls you closer. Soon enough he has you in his lap, draping one arm around your waist as he takes the hand not holding the joint and gingerly grabs your jaw. 
You already know the drill. You’re familiar with the process of his shotguns as his fingers tap your cheeks and you let your mouth fall slightly open, leaning to meet him halfway. He still doesn’t exhale, not until his lips have grazed over yours lightly, teasing before he finally seals the two of you together. The kiss is messy, as it always is with him; your tongue can’t differentiate between the taste of him and the taste of the smoke as he presses the kiss deeper. You’re not even sure you breathed in enough to capture any of it, but none of it feels like a waste as he’s biting your bottom lip, hands pulling your hips impossibly close. The joint is eventually discarded on one of the ashtrays on his bedside tables as you lose yourselves into each other. His nose presses itself into flat against yours between hot breaths. 
“We can’t-” you pull back, a trail of saliva chasing you before Eddie follows, capturing you in another kiss that you pull back from, “The joint-” another interruption with another desperate kiss, “The incense-”
“The incense will be fine, baby,” he insists, pouting slightly, “It’s not going to burn the house down.” 
He kisses you once more, wasting no time to fall backwards into his pillows and dragging you with him. For a moment, you’re straddling him, hovering over him, but he quickly turns and presses your back into his sheets before he’s rolling over on top of you, caging you in. You don’t mind it. You never mind him taking up your space, your breath, your mind. 
A hand comes up to rest on your neck as you take a moment to press both hands into his chest, forcing distance. His eyes snap wide open, and they’re shining like a dozen moons at once, even with his pupils blown out. 
“And if it does? It if does burn down the house?” you whisper, hands beginning to wander, one finding its way up and around the back of his neck, toying with the curls in its path. The other smooths over his shoulder, prepared to pull him back in impossibly close even without an answer. 
He’s looking down at you with all the love in all of Hawkins, in all of the world, as he smirks and answers, “Then I say let it burn.” 
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"And I chose you, the one I was dancing with in New York, no shoes. Looked up at the sky and it was maroon."
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Within a year of graduation, Eddie had made it very clear he wanted to get out of Hawkins. Corroded Coffin had been slowly but surely crawling their way to popularity outside of Hawkins, and when the moment was right, he came to you with an offer you couldn’t refuse. 
“Come with me. Move to New York. I know, it’s insane, but-”
“Absolutely. Was it ever really a question, Eddie?”
He was it for you, and so when he’d been prepared to beg you on his knees to move with him, it had been a no-brainer. You packed up all your belongings without second-thoughts, said goodbye to the town that never really deserved either of you, and started your life in a big city. 
The apartment was small and impossibly cramped, but the first night you two arrived, it didn’t matter. It didn’t matter if it was in the dingier part of town, or that you two were going to be penniless the next several months as you barely scraped by with rent. The moment you walked into that one-bedroom apartment, you knew it was yours, and you knew with certainty then that you had done it - you had escaped the bleary town and come out the other side. 
“Holy shit,” he sighs as he places down one of the last few boxes you’d brought with you amongst one of the several piles littering the living room. You’re sitting on top of one particularly sturdy stack of boxes, the top one serving as a seat most likely filled with your books from home. 
“Yeah,” you breath, looking around, completely stunned, “Holy shit.” 
Eddie turns in a full circle, almost as if he was drinking it all in, before he faces you once more. His face is a blank slate only for a second before the serendipity and sudden gaiety takes over his features. He’s unexpectedly running in your direction, arms wrapping around you and lifting you off the boxes as you squeal, swinging you around effortlessly. 
“We fucking did it!” he cheers over your giggles. When he finally finishes spinning you, letting your sock-clad feet find stability on the hardwood floors, he still doesn’t let you go. He only pulls you into his chest tighter, “We did it. We’re in New fucking York.” 
You smile brightly, pressing your cheek painfully against his t-shirt, nodding as you echo, “We did it.” 
The moment pauses as he pulls away as suddenly as he had picked you up, still radiating happiness.
“Hold on, wait here. I’ve got an idea.” 
He jogs over to one of the stacks of boxes at the entrance of the kitchen as you just laugh, “Not like I’ve got anywhere to run off to, Munson.” 
“You better not!” he calls over his shoulder, digging for whatever his brilliant idea was. 
You disobey him indirectly by wandering across the living room, steps slow and careful as you approach the large window offering a lackluster view. All you could see, for the most part, was the large brickwall of the neighboring apartment building. It was old and faded, scattered marks of paints from clear graffiti at random intervals. The city had clearly tried to wash away the few remnants of whatever art the random city vigilantes had covered it with, but the reminders of what once was remained. A nod to the fact that sometimes, no matter how hard you try to wash away things, their legacy lingers stubbornly. 
You don’t even hear Eddie setting up one of his old boomboxes with a favorite mixtape of the two of yours until it begins to play from the speakers, probably a bit more loud than you should have if you were attempting to be considerate neighbors. 
But neither of you cared. 
When you turn, you find Eddie approaching you steadily to the beat of the song playing. He takes a step with each beat, swaying his hips in clear exaggeration. 
He’s only several paces from you when he holds out a hand, grinning like a fool as he says, “Dance with me, sweetheart.” 
You take it, immediately. There’s not a trace of hesitation as you let the boy who held the sun in your eyes drag you across the barren living room, not even dancing to the beat but growing dizzy with love regardless. You let your own happiness mingle with his. As he spins you for the hundredth time, dipping you low and dramatically, you imagine that this is it - this is as good as it could possibly get. Because you’re with your boy, and you two are dancing to your own beat as the mixtape ends, and there couldn’t possibly be a more perfect person than him. 
He brings you back up to him as he stands up straight, and not a word is passed as lips crash together. An eager kiss, all teeth and revelations and silent promises of forever. It’s saccharine sweet as his tongue passes over your lips, begging for more closeness. Your chests are so tightly pressed together that with each breath he gasps in, you’re forced to exhale. 
“I love you,” he mutters, pulling back momentarily and staring into your eyes. His arms cradle you so carefully, as if scared that when he lets go, you’ll completely disappear from him, “I love you so goddamn much, it hurts. I can’t believe this is real.” 
“It’s real, so you better believe it, rockstar,” you reassure him, “Now shut up and kiss me.” 
“Don’t have to tell me twice,” he mutters, already so close to you that his lips brush against yours before he’s back on you, hot and heavy. 
You’re not sure how exactly it happens, or who first starts encouraging the steps taken towards the hallway, but you end up with your back against the wall as Eddie leans completely into you. You both feel drunk on each other, giddy on your current reality. After a particularly harsh tug on his hair, in sync with a yearning squeeze on your hip, he whispers ‘jump’ into your kiss. Hands find the back of your thighs, molding them into his knuckles as he carries you into the bedroom. 
The room is only filled with a few artifacts: boxes of both of your clothes, Eddie’s prized guitar propped up in one of the corners, and a mattress on the floor only covered in a comforter and no sheets yet. The afternoon light is golden as it flutters in through the open window, the sounds of the city muted by your breaths. 
He’s impossibly gentle as he lowers the two of you down onto the mattress, careful as he lets you unwrap your legs and flop back. Even with his carefulness, you find your own eagerness causing your movements to be too rough, bouncing back slightly and bumping noses with him. You both take a break to laugh. 
“Careful, you klutz,” he warns, balancing himself up on his forearms as he looks down at you in adoration. You don’t respond, instead lifting yourself to capture his lips in yours, pulling him down. Your teeth clash with his as you both continue to giggle into the open-mouthed kiss. 
He gives in, hands roaming as they slip below your tattered shirt you’d worn for the occasion of moving. His warm hands find home on your chest, squeezing softly and thumbs flicking your already pebbled nipples in order to pull gasps from you. He lets his head drop to your neck, his messy curls tickling your nose as he presses wet kisses down your jugular. Each kiss is in sync with the heavy beating of your heart. 
He stops when his path leads him down to your collarbone, sucking and nipping before releasing blooming skin to glance up at your face, twisted in euphoria. “This is real, isn’t it?”
His voice is so soft, you almost don’t hear him. But you look down at him, a boy made of contradictions - of sunshine and moonlight, of passionate and tender actions - and can only smile in serenity. 
“Yeah, it is.” 
It’s the only encouragement he needs to continue his worship, leaving no patch of supple skin unkissed. 
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"The burgundy on my t-shirt when you splashed your wine into me, and how the blood rushed into my cheeks. So scarlett, it was maroon."
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It could have been hours later or days when you’d finally tired yourselves out. It took an impossible amount of willpower, but eventually, you two had untangled yourselves from each other, leaving the warmth of your comforter to continue unpacking.
Or rather, you were unpacking. Eddie had taken to stretching out on the bed, back propped up on the bare wall behind him with his guitar in his lap, strumming mindlessly as he watched you begin to pull your clothes from one of the boxes. You took your time, smoothing out any wrinkles that had formed during the move, focused as you hung your shirts on hangers and put them away into their home in your new shared closet. 
Eddie pauses whatever song he had been practicing when he catches sight of a particular shirt you pull from the box. 
It’s a white t-shirt. Nothing impressive, but what piques his interest is the splotch of once-red-now-maroon painting the center of the fabric. It’s faded, feathered at the edges, but he knows the story behind that stain all too well.
“You really kept that shirt? Even after I ruined it?” he chuckles, shifting his guitar off his lap, scooting towards the edge of the bed. 
You hold it up, laughing as well, taking in the stain that refused to wash out, “Yeah. Sentimental value or whatever,” you tease, looking down at him. You take his breath away like this, in nothing but his Judas Priest shirt that barely reaches your thighs, nothing but underwear on underneath, hair in tangles from your previous activities. But you’re glowing, a glow that he’s been lucky enough to witness on multiple occasions, and it takes everything in him to keep his hands to himself, “Never really wear it, though. Guess I should get rid of it, huh?” 
“No,” he answers you far too quickly, “Never. Keep it forever. We can frame it, hang it in the hallway.” 
You know he’s not serious, but the thought still makes you smile. You’d never really get rid of it, far too attached to the memories it held, even two years later.
Another Harrington party. Another sea of almost-adults getting far too drunk, far too rowdy. You’d been to your fair share of them, but they never really got easier.
There’s an excitement in the air you can’t place. Maybe it was from graduation, still nearly six months away but on the horizon nevertheless. Or maybe it was simply from the holiday - Halloween. Whatever it was, it buzzed through the air and across your chilled skin. 
Your costume was last minute. A half-assed attempt at a pirate costume. It had been thrown together with things you could already find in your closet, for the most part - one of your more flowy white t-shirts, black jeans you’d taken scissors to the knees of in an act of temporary rebellion, heavy boots originally bought for hiking. The only real clues as to what you were had been aiming to disguise yourself as were the cheap eyepatch and doltish pirate hat you’d bought when shopping with your friends for the occasion. But you’d long forgone your eyepatch as the alcohol impaired your vision well enough without the loss of use in one of your eyes. 
The hat was a cheap velvet-texture, deep maroon in color and an extravagant black feather barely holding on by the factory glue used to secure it. 
Your friends had long since abandoned you. One of them went off with a jock who had caught their eye, the other getting dragged into a very serious game of beer pong. It hadn’t bothered you too much - it had left you to your own devices, nursing a cup of whatever punch had been spiked in a dark corner of the kitchen. You watched your classmates trail in and out for their own dose of alcohol without much interest. Until he walked in. 
He was glued to the side of the host himself, Steve Harrington. You overheard a couple of scolding sentences coming from Steve’s lips, something about ‘cutting him off’ and how he needed to ‘compose himself’. It was entertaining, at the least, to watch the boy fumble with himself. 
“C’mon, you’ve got to have more whiskey around here somewhere, pretty boy!” he whined, leaning into Steve as he lost his balance momentarily. 
“No, Eddie! I mean it, you’re cut off! Now stay here or so help me God-” Steve appeared irritated, but was far more patient than you would have been as he carefully guided his friend to lean on the counter across the room from you. He left the room in a hurry, and you snickered under your breath as the predictable happened right before your eyes - once Eddie was left alone, he immediately began to pilfer for more alcohol. 
It takes him a second, to your amusement, before he reappeared from the lower cabinets he had crouched in front of, letting out a loud ‘Aha!’ with a bottle of red wine in hand. He wasted no time in digging through multiple drawers as if it were his own house before he found a corkscrew, and the entire time, your eyes continuously flickered to the entrance of the entrance, waiting until Steve returned and would catch his friend red-handed (literally). 
He never did, though. Eddie has enough time to begin struggling with the cork, curses and mutters falling from his lips as you watched on. You’re only pulled from your watchful gaze when you hear a loud pop, and hear a triumphant ‘Fuck yeah!’ from the boy. 
Maybe you thought you should intervene, considering you were clearly not as far gone as Eddie, but you weren’t quick enough. You’d walked up behind him, about to announce yourself and stop him, when he turned suddenly, a red cup in hand that was nearly overflowing with red wine. 
Eddie hadn’t expected you to be so close, hadn’t even realized he wasn’t alone in the kitchen. Immediately, the cup collided with your chest and the red wine sloshed down the front of your shirt. 
You gasped, jumping back slightly, as he cursed, “Oh, shit! Fuck, I’m so sorry.” 
Wide, brown eyes found yours, looking sincere in their apology. 
He looked around before grabbing a random kitchen towel, unfortunately also a starch white, and began to try and dab at your shirt clumsily. 
“No, no, it’s okay,” you insisted as you felt your cheeks begin to burn. He continued to attempt to rectify the matter, clearly panicked. You have to eventually grab his wrists, pulling him and the now-ruined towel away. He looked back up.
It was almost like slow motion. His eyes met yours and you felt time stop. Your fingers stay pressed into his wrist, feeling the beat of his pulse, for far longer than necessary. 
“It’s fine,” you said once more, finally prying your grip from him. You might have been a little too drunk to care, and you’re sure that sober you would be disappointed in the comfortable t-shirt now being collateral damage, but for now, it didn’t matter. 
“I had no clue you were there. I’m- Fuck, I’m drunk. I’m an idiot. Sorry,” he slurred, looking down at you. 
You shrugged, playing it off, “Shoulda announced myself sooner. Don’t be sorry, it’s a problem for sober me.”
You really had liked that shirt. It was a shame. 
“You know, if you really wanted more alcohol, they still have punch left,” you jabbed a thumb over your shoulder, in the direction of the crystal bowl on the counter you had just been leaning on.
Eddie’s face scrunched up in disgust immediately, “Ew, God no. That shit’s way too sweet.” 
You bit your lip to fight laughter, “And wine is any better?” 
“It can be, when shared with someone as pretty as yourself,” he has a shameless, flirty grin on his features, raising his eyebrows suggestively at you. You broke, laughing softly and shaking your head. 
He had a point. The punch wasn’t very good. 
“Alright, then, mister ‘you’re cut off’. I suppose I’ll join you in your antics,” you turned to the sink, dumping the remnants of your punch before turning back to him and reaching for the bottle of wine he still held. 
His hand flew out of reach, tsking immediately, “Nope. Allow me.”
It wasn’t a good idea, but you let him take your now-empty cup regardless. He put it down on the counter and focused intently on filling it, nearly emptying the wine bottle as he topped it off just as full as his own had been. 
“Jesus, you’d make a shitty bartender. You’re definitely overpouring right now.” 
“Hush,” is all he replied as he finished the task at hand, setting down the empty bottle once he poured the last few drops into his own cup, attempting to make up for what was now soaking your shirt. It had started to dry, becoming cold and uncomfortably sticky, but you were too distracted with the boy in front of you to care. “M’lady,” he finally handed back the cup, looking far too proud of himself for not making another mess. 
“Thank you,” you teased, giving a messy and exaggerated bow, careful to not spill the wine. 
Once your glass is back in your own hand, his began to fumble into the pockets of the leather jacket he wore. It led to him spilling some more of his wine onto his own shirt this time, and you considered how lucky he was that he was wearing black. 
“Here,” you gave him no choice as you gingerly took the cup from his hand, freeing him up to find whatever it was he was so desperate to find in his pockets. You take the moment to glance over his costume: he was wearing black jeans, a black t-shirt, and a black leather jacket. On his face, a pair of small, circular sunglasses were perched haph-hazardly on his nose, the lenses a barely opaque red. You noted the obnoxiously long necklace swinging against his chest, a large silver cross at the end, “What are you even supposed to be dressed up as?” 
He yanked a pack of cigarettes successfully from his pocket, grinning like a fool, “Ozzy Osbourne. Duh.”
“Duh,” you mimicked, handing him back his cup of wine before turning more serious,“From Black Sabbath, right?” 
His eyes lit up. “You know Sabbath?” 
“A little bit,” you shrugged, but that was enough for Eddie. 
He slung an arm around your shoulders, cheesy grin and all, as he rattled the pack of cigarettes against your ear. “Say, you smoke?”
You didn’t, but for him, you did. “Yeah, yeah. I could use some fresh air anyways. Lead the way, rockstar.” 
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"When the silence came, we were shaking, blind and hazy. How the hell did we lose sight of us again?"
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“Eddie, you have to call them back and tell them you’ll do it!”
“No! I can’t!”
“You can and you will.”
The fight had started over Eddie’s casual mention of a phone call he’d had earlier that day. It had been six months of New York, of bliss, of living in a pattern of waiting. Every day, you were both waiting; waiting for the next show Corroded Coffin would book, waiting for the next chance he’d have to send off yet another demo to another record label, waiting for the shimmers of what could be his big break. It had been comfortable while it lasted - the two of you were still wrapping your head around having your own routine. Of having something that’s yours. 
The phone call today was the end of that waiting game. 
The management of a slightly larger band, extending an offer to Corroded Coffin - they wanted them to be the opener for their next tour. It wasn’t an overly large one, it hardly spanned over three months and most of the venues were painfully small compared to what you believed Eddie should be playing, but it was an offer. Gigs, travel paid for, an opportunity for exposure right at his fingertips.
He had told them no. 
“I’d have to leave. I’d be on the fucking west coast until December. I’d miss your birthday!” Eddie continues to argue. The two of you were standing in your living room, finally filling out. Shelves had collected framed photos, small knick-knacks that partially came from you and partially came from Eddie. You finally had a couch. It wasn’t a nice one, but it was a couch and it was yours. Something that belonged to both of you.
“You’d be playing shows! Selling merch! Gaining fans! This is your chance. Who cares if you’re not here for my birthday? We can celebrate over the phone, who cares?” your voice was breaking from frustration, not understanding how Eddie isn’t more excited. Instead of the joy you had expected to find on his face when he revealed the news to you, all you could see was fear. He was petrified. You finally drop your voice, taking on a soothing tone as you step in front of your boyfriend, taking his face in shaking hands, “Eddie, I’ll have other birthdays. But this? If you don’t do this… there might not be other tours.”
You could feel tears building up, some from exasperation, but most for the boy in front of you. This was his chance. He was your entire world, and you couldn’t let it pass him by. 
He has tears mirroring in his own eyes, searching your face frantically, “I… I don’t want to be away from you. Not right now, not when we’re just figuring all this shit out.” 
“I’m not going anywhere,” you tearily laugh, “Where would I even run off to, huh? No, stop this bullshit - don’t be an idiot. You go pick up that phone right now and tell that band they have an opener, and a damn good one at that. Right now.” 
He’s frozen, leaning his cheeks into your touch, eyes fluttering closed. He just wants to live in this moment. He doesn’t want to think about the enormity of the decision in his hands - he just wants to stay here, in your arms, in the space you two had come to call home. 
When your thumb swipes one of his escaped tears from his cheek, he caves. His voice is a ghost of a whisper. “Okay.”
“Yeah, I’ll go call them. But- But when I get back, we’re celebrating the hell out of your birthday, do you understand me? Fuck Christmas, Jesus has had, like, thousands of birthdays. When I get back, all I care about is you.” 
You believe him. You believe him with your entire being, never once worrying about him missing something as trivial as the celebration. 
“We sure will. Now go on, rockstar. Catch your big break.” 
He finally smiles for the first time since he broke the news.
At the moment, all you saw was a world full of beginnings for your boy. This was it, the moment you’d been waiting for, and you couldn’t have been happier for him. The rose-colored glasses never gave you the chance to see it was the beginning for the two of you - the beginning of the end. 
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"Carnations you had thought were roses, that's us. I feel you, no matter what."
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“I miss you.”
Those three months couldn’t have dragged on slower if they tried. But Eddie kept good on his word; every night, like clockwork, he called you. The two of you would take about anything and everything: he’d tell you about the latest crowd that included people who seemed to actually enjoy Corroded Coffin’s set, you’d tell him about the takeout you had for dinner after nearly burning your shared kitchen down, he’d mention the names of cities you could only dream of visiting, and you’d indulge him in theatrically stories of your latest customers from Hell at the small dinner you waitressed at. 
“I know you do. I miss you too, Eds,” you sigh over the line, curled up on his side of the bed, even though it had finally stopped smelling like him. Long gone were the scents of late night cigarettes and woodsy cologne, replaced by a nauseating sweetness of your own shampoo and perfume. You hated it, but you’d never let him know that. Not when he seemed to actually be so happy. His breakdown over the offer seemed to fickle now, as it was clear he was enjoying himself. He was living out his dream. Something neither of you had fully processed yet. 
“Hey, just two more weeks, right?” you whisper, eyes staring into the shadows across the room. Two more weeks. Fourteen days, and he was all yours once more.
It was your birthday. And it had been the most lonesome to date - a few coworkers had convinced you to go out for drinks after closing up the diner, but the entire time, you had just been anxious to get home and prepare for your phone call with Eddie. Just as the two of you had said, you had committed to somewhat celebrating over the phone. 
“Do me a favor. Go into the kitchen real quick,” his voice instructs over the line, and you perk up slightly. 
“What? Why?” 
“Just trust me, sweetheart.”
You do as he asks, making your way out of the bedroom and down the hall. The apartment is dark, and a bit cold, but you don’t pay it any mind as you make your way to the kitchen. 
“Okay, I’m in the kitchen. Now what?” 
“The drawer to the left of the fridge. Open it.”
“Our junk drawer?”
“Yes, the junk drawer,” his tone is teasing, never growing irritated with your endless questions, “Open it.”
You hadn’t really touched the drawer since Eddie left, normally only discarded random pens and junk mail filling it. But you're shocked when you find the drawer more organized than you remember it - and in the center of it is a pack of candles.
“Candles?” you ask softly, a smile playing at your lips as your free hand reaches down to grasp the package. You flip it around in your palm, heart warming at the notion, but still feeling confused, “Babe, I appreciate it, I really do, but I don’t exactly have a cake, or even a cupcake, to put these in. 
“You don’t? Damn it. If only I had thought of that,” he hums in a teasing tone, making you lower the hot phone from your ear and glare down at his caller id that illuminates the screen, “Well. What a shame. Hey, do you know the time by chance?” 
“Munson, I’m gonna kick your ass,” you mutter, turning to look at the clock over your oven, “It’s 7:59. What’s your game here?” 
He doesn’t answer, leaving you further puzzled, instead mumbling what sounds like to himself, “Three, two-”
“Why are you counting down?”
A loud knock echoes through the apartment, causing you to jump. 
“Okay, what the fuck is going on?” you hiss over the line, gripping the candles impossibly tight. 
“Go answer the door.”
“If you’re on the other side of it, I’m kicking you straight in the-”
“It’s not,” he interrupts, “I wish it was, sweetheart. It’s not. But just trust me, yeah? One last surprise, promise.”
You grumble your entire way to the door, still holding the package of candles as you stop in front of your front door. You pause, taking a deep breath. 
“That doesn’t sound like you’re opening the door.”
“Give me a second. Jesus, for all I know, you hired a hitman and I’m about to be brutally murdered when I open this door,” you bite back, and you can hear his guffawing laughter over the line. Your chest burns, wishing you could hear it in person instead, imaging the glee on his face in the moment. 
“Not a hitman. That’s for after we have life insurance, baby,” he drawls, and you finally muster the nerve to reach out and twist the knob. You swear you can hear chattering on the other side of the door. 
It takes you some struggling as you refuse to let go of the candles, but when you finally swing the door open, you gasp. 
There in the threshold stands your friends from Hawkins. Robin Buckley, Steve Harrington, Nancy Wheeler, and Johnathan Byers. It’s clear that Nancy and Steve are mid-argument when you open the door, but Robin stands there, proudly showcasing a birthday cake in front of her, shit-eating grin on her face. 
“Surprise!” she yells, capturing the attention of the rest of the gang that you and Eddie had left behind. Everyone faces you now, beaming, as you immediately go teary-eyed. 
“Oh my God,” you gasp out, dropping the phone and candles to the floor, in shock. Steve steps in first, chuckling as he pulls you into a hug. It’s only then that you notice the bouquet in one of his hands, cellophane crinkling from how tightly he’s holding you. He shuffles the two of you out of the way just enough so that everyone else can enter. 
“Your face! God, Munson was right, that was so worth it!” Robin barks as she steps up to the kitchen table and sits down the cake. She’s the next to hug you, yanking you out of Steve’s grasp and nearly crushing you, “Happy birthday,” she whispers happily into your ear, swaying the two of you as she continues to embrace you. You catch sight of Steve over her shoulder, wearing a look of amusement, chuckling and shaking his head. 
Jonathan is the one with half a mind to pick up your abandoned phone and candles at the sound of muffled yelling over the line. He wastes no time, putting Eddie on speaker.
“Hellooo? World’s best boyfriend here, remember me? Wow. Can’t believe you’ve already forgotten me. Guess I’ll go fuck myself.” 
You laugh as Robin finally lets you go, reaching up to swipe away the tears of jubilation.
Nancy rolls her eyes. “She’s in shock. Give her a second, Munson.” 
Jonathan continues to hold your phone as you’re passed into Nancy’s arms and then his. Each whisper their own soft ‘happy birthday’, rubbing your back gently until your focus is back on the phone.
“Edward Munson-”
“Ah! There she is! She lives! And remembers me!”
“Fuck off,” you half-sob, half-laugh. It may not have been as good as him standing there, on your doorstep and embracing you, but it was damn good, “You’re so dead when you get home.” 
“Dead? Wow. Weeks of planning only to meet my demise,” he sighs dramatically, “I suppose it’s a good way to go. At the hands of the most beautiful girl I’ve ever laid eyes on. Beat that, Harrington.” 
“Way to stay humble,” Steve chimes at the mention of his name, still grinning. He suddenly remembers the flowers in hand, suddenly thrusting them in your direction as he says, “From Eddie, by the way. He told me if we didn’t get you flowers, he’d castrate me.”
“And I meant it! That’s still on the table if you guys don’t make this her best damn birthday ever.” 
“I’m sure he would,” you sniffle, reaching out and gripping the flowers. Your heart cracks slightly, not knowing how to tell him that despite how absolutely endearing the surprise had been, it’d be impossible for them to make this your best birthday.
He wasn’t here. It could only make the top of the list if he were here. 
You feel no resentment, though, as you bring the flowers to your nose, smiling until your cheeks ache. “Red carnations. Pretty,” you hum, lost in the moment. 
There’s a beat of silence before Eddie’s voice rings out across the room.
“Carnations? Harrington, I said red roses. You’re a dead man walking.”
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"And I lost you, the one I was dancing with in New York, no shoes. Looked up at the sky and it was maroon." 
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Once Eddie returns home, it’s just as he promises - he almost doesn’t even make it through the door when his lips find yours at 3 AM, his suitcase thrown off somewhere to the side of your entryway. He’s too busy to care about anything else but you at the moment. 
“Fuck,” he gasps between kisses, “I fucking missed you. God, I missed you.” 
You’re silent as you nod in agreement against him, just eager to feel his touch once more. You’d waited three months too long for this moment, ever since he first left through that door for the tour. 
“Needy, baby?” he teases, just as breathless as you are when the two of you finally pull apart, him kicking the door shut behind him. Your hands are grabbing weakly at the lapels of his jacket, too eager to be embarrassed, “God, always so needy for me. Just how I fucking like you.” 
He’s always talkative, even during sex, but you have no patience for it tonight. “Shut up.”
“Aw, now that’s no way to greet your boyfriend you missed, is it, baby?” he eggs you on, looking down at you and your swollen lips with a wicked grin. 
You open your mouth to snark back, but he refuses to give you the chance before he’s picking you up, lifting you up and throwing you over his shoulder.
“Eddie!” you shriek, but laughter laces the protest. Your hands grip the back of his t-shirt as he begins to walk down the hallway, and you start to kick your feet out of defiance, but a sharp smack sounds through the quiet apartment as he playfully slaps your ass, putting an end to the kicks.
“Yeah, you better warm up those vocal chords,” he chuckles. The moment you’re back in your bedroom, he’s quick to toss you onto the mattress, finally mounted on a frame. The comforter flares around you, your head sinking into a pillow as Eddie is quick to remove his jacket and shirt, climbing up the bed between your legs, “Gonna have you chanting my name like a goddamn prayer, sweetheart.” 
He removes your pajamas as he has a thousand times before, but it still doesn’t feel fast enough. You find yourself squirming, trying to help him pull off the flannel pants and t-shirt you’d stolen from his side of the closet, but he stops all movements immediately.
He shakes his head, hovering above you, his hair like a curtain around the two of you as your top lip brushes his bottom one and his mint breath fans over your face. “Slow it down for me, yeah? Wanna enjoy this,” he murmurs. 
You obey, stilling below him save for your chest, rising and falling rapidly with waiting breaths. He finally dips down, his pick necklace tickling your collarbones as his mouth covers yours. 
A culmination of three long months is spent into the kiss. All the restless nights, long phone calls, endless yearning. You can tell that he had missed you, longed for you, just as much as you had him. 
It’s languid, the way your body reacts to each of his touches. As far as it was concerned, no time had passed. He does as he had said, taking his time, savoring each kiss he presses down your throat and over your breasts. He’s memorizing each crevice of you, every soft curve he’d dreamt of for 91 days. 
Your squirming resumes when his hot breath reaches your navel, but he doesn’t scold you, bringing his hands to your hips and pressing them down into the mattress. “Let me show you just how much I missed you. Let me take care of you, baby.” 
He’s enjoying it, the sound of your whines a better soundtrack than any of the music that had damaged his eardrums during the tour. His fingers dance over your bare skin, skimming right over the band of your underwear and tracing lines down your thighs. It’s agonizing - the waiting is terrible. 
Terribly worth it, as it turns out.
When he finally decides to speed up his teasing, bringing a finger to brush across your clothed slit, you gasp. Your hands twist into the sheets at each side of you, but he isn’t having it. 
“Now that’s not where those belong,” he mumbles, a hot breath over your panties sending shivers down your spine. He’s quick - his fingers suddenly hook into the waistband, and he’s pulling them down and off over your ankles with an eagerness finally matching your own. He throws them aimlessly to the bedroom floor, joining the rest of your discarded clothes recklessly. Neither of you care - you won’t be needing them the rest of the night. 
He settles into the mattress, a leg thrown over each of his shoulders before he grabs your hands and guides them to tangle into his hair. He’s still taking his time, sucking his way up your inner thighs and leaving flowering bruises in his wake. Once he reaches where you want him to most, where you’re aching for him so pitifully, he pauses.
He repeats his earlier words, “God, I’ve missed you.”
He takes you by surprise as he dives right in, tongue flattening and licking a long stride up, starting at your entrance. His nose bumps over your clit before his tongue begins to dance circles, painting a secret language between the two of you over the sensitive bundle of nerves. One of his hands joins him, middle finger circling your entrance slowly before he presses in. He sets a pace quickly, pumping the finger a few times, tongue working magic, before he adds a second one. They curl with intention, pressing into the spongy spot of your walls that he knew like the back of his hand. It’s the exact spot that makes your back arch off the bed.
He pulls back his mouth, fingers continuing to pump and curl vigorously as he looks up at you dreamily. He eases one of his arms over your hips, pressing down, holding you in place. 
He’s a dream. A goddamn dream. He’s finally here, looking up at you, grinning like a Devil as he watches you unravel at his hand. 
“So pretty. Always so, so beautiful, but especially like this,” he says more to himself, but you hear him, a moan falling from your lips. His mouth returns to you, lips latching onto your clit, sucking harshly. 
“Fuck,” you breathe into the still air of your apartment room, not caring if the neighbors hear but your chest too heavy to grow much louder, head fuzzy and all-consumed by him, “Eddie.”
He was right. His name falls from your mouth in pants, chanting to him as if he were your God. 
It only spurs him on, fingers working expertly as he alternates between sucking and lapping at your clit. You can hear how wet you are for him, how close you are before the knot forms in your abdomen. 
“Oh my God- Oh, fuck. Right there,” your hips buck involuntarily into his face, and he loosens his grip on your hips, letting you, “I’m gonna…G-Gonna…”
“Gonna cum for me, pretty girl?” he encourages, fingers curling harshly, “Cum on my face, baby. Do it.”
He puts his tongue back to work, You force your eyes open to catch sight of him, buried in your pussy, admiring how pretty he looked from this angle. The sight of his tousled curls, twisted tightly in your grip as you yank mercilessly, is all it takes for you to finally come undone. 
A broken prayer, repeated over and over as a warmth rushes over you. Your vision goes white, eyes tightly screwed shut, toes curling and thighs clenching over his ears. It doesn’t phase him, continuing his assault until he’s sure you’ve come down. You have to tug on his hair, more intentional this time, to pull him away from you due to how sensitive you grow. 
He rises, letting your legs fall limply against the mattress as he wears a boyish grin on his slick lips. Slowly, he makes his way up to you, back to the virtues of patience as he takes his time to finally kiss you. You can taste yourself on his tongue, a bitter sort of sweetness, as he cradles your face. 
“You good?” he gently asks against your lips. You can barely move, nodding lethargically.
“So good,” you croak, a smile breaking out. Your eyes crack open to see him looking down at you with pure adoration, “I missed you.”
You start to run your hand down his chest, reaching the zipper of his jeans before his hand stops you.
“No, not yet. We’ve got plenty of time for that. Just wanna hold you right now, baby,” he nearly pleads. You can’t deny him, not with his eyes shining like that, so you allow him to fall into place on his side of the bed before you curl up against his bare torso. 
The two of you stay that way for what feels like hours, his arms wrapped around you as he traces out constellations on your bare shoulder blades. Just outside of your solace, a bubble you’ve trapped yourselves in, you can hear the faint call of the city. Honks from cars on the street, shouts from pedestrians, the occasional siren. It’s all background noise to this moment. 
“I have something for you,” he suddenly whispers as you teeter on the edge of sleep. You hum in response, lifting your head lazily. He pats you gently, signaling for you to let him stand before he walks to his discarded jacket by the door. When he returns to your side, he's gripping a small, white box, tied with a scarlet ribbon. 
“A gift?” you ask, excitement helping wake you up as you sit up quickly, “For me?”
“For you,” he affirms, taking a seat beside you. Your knees bump as your hands fumble to take the box from him. A soft glow from one of the restaurants on your street floods between the curtains and into the room, a soft neon pink illuminating your features as you carefully unravel the red ribbon. 
As the silk falls, you hardly can contain your excitement before lifting the lid off the box. 
A necklace. 
Your eyes trace over it, already fawning with appreciation for your boy, but then you catch sight of exactly what the necklace is. 
“Your mom’s ring?” you can’t hide the emotion that shakes the timbre of your voice. It cracks into a million pieces. 
At the end of the delicate silver chain, sits his mother’s ring. The one you hadn’t even noticed missing from his barren right hand. 
“Happy birthday,” he whispers, pulling you in and pressing his lips into your temple. You’re still too stunned, too overcome with a million and one feelings all at once.
“Eddie… I- I can’t… this is-”
“I want you to have it. I think she’d want you to have it, too,” he insists, taking the box from your grasp and lifting the necklace from its cotton cushion, “I know it’s not a lot, but I just… I wanted to get you something that let you know how important you are to me. Something for you to always have as a reminder that I’ll come back to you. You’re it for me, sweetheart. This is- this is real to me. The kind of real that lasts forever.” 
You can tell he’s growing emotional, too, as his feather light touch brushes your hair to the side, bringing the necklace up around your neck and clasping it securely. When the ring falls to its new home at the base of your neck, cool against your skin, you can feel tears falling. He’s quick to swipe them away, his own watery irises peering into yours. 
“You’re everything to me,” he says this with vindication. With such assuredness it terrifies you, burrows into your bones and claims you. 
In this moment, you know he has forever stained you. There was no washing this mark he has left you off - there would forever be a piece of your heart occupied by the brown-eyed boy in front of you. 
All you can do is lean forward, hands gingerly threading through his bangs as you push them back to plant a kiss on his forehead. A crimson blush spreads across his cheeks and neck at the act of tenderness. 
When you pull back, he immediately lifts his fingers to the necklace he’s just gifted you, fingers careful but determined as they tug you back to him, kissing you with everything in him. He pours his soul, his body, and his heart into it. 
“I love you,” you exhale against his swollen lips. 
“And I love you.” 
You believe him, because he believes himself. That’s the thing about endings - no one sees them coming. 
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"The mark they saw on my collarbone, the rust that grew between telephones, the lips I used to call home. So scarlet, it was maroon."
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The next year proves you right. After that tour, Corroded Coffin became a phenomenon. A record deal falls into the boys’ laps quickly, multiple one-off shows selling out locally before the news finally comes that they are officially in the position to record their debut album. 
The two of you celebrate with cheap wine, but it’s as sweet as champagne in your contentment. 
The recording of the album is brutal. Night after night, you attempt to wait up on Eddie, eventually falling victim to drowsiness before he would wake you with his arrival from the studio in the early hours of the morning. You never minded, only happy for his warmth as he crawled right into bed with you, collapsing into you and letting the world melt away. 
Long gone are the days of struggling paycheck-to-paycheck as the boys’ can hardly keep up with printing enough shirts for their shows, merchandise selling out in the handfuls. 
You catch sight of a young girl wearing one of their shirts one day in the grocery store, and can’t help the flood of pride that overtakes your chest. Your boyfriend, your Eddie, was finally having all of his dreams come to fruition; the world was finally seeing him as the rockstar you’d nominated him as since that first night. 
You can tell that it’s tiring. Eddie is exhausted by the time the album is finished, but you can also sense the satisfaction he felt at finally completing it. When the first demo arrived, he wasted no time in electing you to be the first to listen to it. It was an entire ordeal - the two of you ordered your favorite take-out, curling up on your couch and pressing together as the same boombox that had played that mixtape on your first night in your home now plays his songs. 
Your reaction was exactly as he had expected, as he had hoped for. 
You had always been his number one cheerleader through it all. With each new song, you were gushing to him with admiration and reverence. Pointing out lyrics that tugged particularly taut on your heartstrings, praising the guitar solos and vocals he’d worked tirelessly to perfect. You don’t leave a single stone left unturned, claiming this was your new favorite album.
“Careful, sweetheart. You’re really stroking my ego here,” he warns, but his smile shines as brightly as your own. 
“Eddie, this is… this is… it’s fucking incredible!” you cheer, completely at a loss for words. You weren’t exaggerating - to hear all of his hard work paying off, to have watched him grow from covering Metallica in a stuffy garage to this left you starstruck. You were in absolute awe. 
He blushes, playing with his hair and bringing it up to hide his emotional reaction. 
The album could fail. It could become nothing more than a whisper in the night, but the fact that you liked it was all that mattered to him. 
You look at him earnestly, taking his cheeks in your warm and soothing palms, “I’m so fucking proud of you, Eds.”
And you were. You continued to be. The album was a hit. 
It climbed the charts with ease, just as you expected. Local alternative stations played it on loop. You were sure to hear it at least once during taxi rides, and had even heard it playing softly over the speakers at the gas station on the corner by your apartment complex. Eddie had been with you, and took pleasure in getting to inform the cashier that it was his song playing, his band was on the radio. 
It was New York, so the cashier couldn’t have cared less, but it made you glow with pride. 
But with a hit album came a new slew of responsibilities for the band, including a headlining tour.
The night that the band’s manager called Eddie, informing him they were set to start planning the tour, he’d run into the room, so frantic you were worried something bad had happened. 
“Holy shit!” he yells, causing you to shush him once you recovered from the scare he’d caused you. He ignores you, grabbing you off the bed, lifting you up and spinning you, just like the very first night, “Holy shit! We’re going on tour! A headlining tour! I’m going to be a goddamn rockstar!”
Once you process his news, you become just as animated in his arms, “What? No fucking way!”
“Yes fucking way!”
“Oh my God!”
“I know!”
You hear banging on the wall from the neighbors, probably shouting at the two of you to quiet down, but neither of you can contain your excitement.
“I’m going to be a goddamn rockstar, baby,” he laughs deliriously, placing you back down so that you’re face-to-face with him, “A rockstar.” 
“You’ve always been a rockstar, pretty boy,” you giggle, cheeks sore with elation, “The rest of the world is just finally getting the memo.”
The planning takes a while. Part of you is grateful, selfishly drinking in and enjoying the time you have left with him before you’re sure he’ll have to leave for an extended period. The names of cities you had never had the pleasure of becoming acquainted with once again enter conversations, talks of how far and wide the band would travel becoming Eddie’s favorite topic. 
You’re proud of him, you really are. But reality seeps its way into the crevices. 
What starts as the possibility of a brief, three month tour - something the two of you had already faced and defeated triumphantly - quickly turns into six months. And it doesn’t stop there. Six months could become eight, easily, with adding in a few pit stops to radio stations to guarantee continued radio-play. There’s talks of signings, of meet and greets, of music festivals. The more time given to planning, the more time given for the band’s popularity to grow even more. 
The entire thing expands without consideration, lifting Eddie right up with it, right out of your reach. 
The night before he’s set to leave for tour, your anxieties are getting the best of you. You had helped him pack, going over the list of necessities with him three times too many. He had everything he needed, packed tightly into a suitcase - everything except you. 
That night, you sit on your side of your shared bed, watching Eddie pace with excitement. You feel guilty that your own anticipation can’t quite match his. All you can think about is how long he’ll be gone: eight months, two hundred and forty five days. Five thousand, eight hundred and eighty hours. Over three hundred thousand minutes. You’d done the math. 
“Fuck,” he sighs, finally throwing himself down onto the bed beside you, “I still can’t believe this is happening.” 
You can’t bring up your insecurity, your fears, to him. Not when he’s so happy. Not when he’s finally getting everything he’d dreamt about for so long, worked so hard for. No, it would be selfish to share your unease at the time and distance about to spread between the two of you.
Besides, you had done it once before. Not on this scale, of course, but you convinced yourself it would work out all the same. He would call as often as he could. He’d be coming home to you. It would pass - it would work out. 
“It’s real, so you better believe it, rockstar.”
An echo of the past. A time that felt so far away from the two of you now. This time around, as you say them, you don’t feel the same joy coating your tongue. 
Your tone is supportive, so Eddie doesn’t taste any of the disdain. Later that night, as he’s kissing you, hips rolling to meet yours in a sacred promise, fingers intertwined in yours as you pant each other’s names back and forth, he still doesn’t taste it. All he tastes is euphoria. And he brings you right to it with him, over, and over, and over again. 
Euphoria tastes metallic by the end of it. 
He leaves bruises painted up and down your neck, covering your collarbones and chest like an art piece hanging in the Louvre. You can’t help but wonder how long it will take for his marks to fade, for the physical reminder that he was here and in your arms to disappear from your grasp. 
As he makes love to you, it begins to feel like a goodbye, because it is. 
He doesn’t mean for it to happen, but it does. 
The first month follows similarly to how his first tour did. Nightly phone calls, whispered love confessions and discussions of each other’s day. For a moment, you convince yourself that all of your fears and anxieties had been silly. They almost recede from your mind completely, fading with his love marks on your collarbone. 
But then it begins.
Phone calls become less frequent. Every night because every other night, until they’re eventually weekly. At some point, you only have the privilege of hearing his voice over the line monthly. It is a slow burning fire, turning everything you had built with him to ashes. Conversations that once could drag on for hours turn to ten minute discussions that end in him rushing off the phone, someone on the other end of the line demanding his attention more urgently than you did. 
You can’t even fight it. You need him, but they need him more.
You know you’ve lost him when he stops saying he loves you. It’s subtle, you don’t even believe he’s noticed, but one night’s phone call is cut particularly short, and the end arrives.
“Hey, baby, I’m sorry, but they need me for soundcheck,” he says, the line staticky with white noise, making it hard to hear him. 
He’s never felt farther away, and they’re not even on the west coast leg of the tour yet. 
“Oh,” you whisper, disappointment gripping your lungs, “Oh, that’s fine! Go, they need you.”
“Yeah,” he chuckles. You miss hearing that in person, that soft laughter in the shell of your ear over inside jokes and one too many glasses of wine. “Rockstar duties and all. We’ll talk more later?” 
“Of course. Go give ‘em, Hell,” you keep your tone light, but the tears have started to build up across your waterline, “I love you.” 
The line goes dead before you can even finish your sentence. The dial tone echoes back to you, and it doesn’t matter how hard you strain, no words of affection can be deciphered in its deafening ringing. 
That’s when you break.
The flood comes, tears racing down your cheeks as you roll over and clutch the pillow that you’re not even sure was once his. The bed no longer has a clear boundary, a side that belonged to him and a side that belonged to you. It’s all muddled together now. You’re not even sure you’d recognize the smell of his cologne now.
A heart has never broken so quietly. The sobs are there, but no sounds escape your mouth as you whimper. You had always known it would be hard, everyone had warned you, but you had always assumed you could take it, because Eddie would be by your side, hand slotted with yours as it was the two of you against the world. But now you stood in the storm, and the space beside you was eerily empty. It was all a bit much. A gaping hole forms in your chest that night, gory as it bleeds scarlet red for a boy a world away, and you know that there is not a single bandage in the world to heal it.
He doesn’t call back after that, and the hole tears larger. 
There’s a few texts here and there. But none of them ever say the three words you so desperately crave from him. You feel like strangers. 
After two months of radio silence, save for two text messages from him, you’ve made up your mind.
He never calls, so you never tell him. You gather what belongings can be called solely yours, which isn’t many, and you write a letter in your cowardice. You find an apartment on the other side of town. There’s a nice job waiting for you, something that pays better than waitressing. 
You leave your key on the kitchen counter beside a vase with wilted carnations. 
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"I wake with your memory over me, that’s a real fucking legacy (it was maroon)."
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Six months later, the ache never fades. He calls. When he returns from tour to find an empty apartment, cursive letter calling it quits, he calls. You almost consider changing your number at one point. 
There’s a flood of text messages. Small letters on a shining screen filled with all the words you needed to hear so many months before. All of the things he should have said, now revealed too late. 
You don’t reply, because if you reply, you’ll change your mind.
You tell yourself it’s for the best. That in order for him to achieve what he’d wanted, he couldn’t have someone back home weighing him down. You were a road bump on his path to everything he was destined to be, and this was for the best. 
At some point, he gets the message. You wish he hadn’t, selfishly so, but he does. The phone calls stop. The text messages don’t light up your phone at midnight anymore. You keep up your end of the lease on your once-shared apartment, sending checks to pay your half of the rent until the lease agreement has ended. You have no clue if he moves. Returning to that side of town would simply hurt too much. 
A new normalcy is found. It is a lonely one, but it is one all the same. Sparse phone calls are still exchanged with your friends from Hawkins, but none of them ever bring up Eddie. You’re sure they know, that he had told them, that they had witnessed the aftermath (if there had been any). They were always his friends first, though, and so when the calls dwindle, it doesn’t surprise you. 
It’s a year later when someone mentions his name to you. You had kept up well enough with Corroded Coffin, the last remnants of your past life being something you couldn’t get rid of. You knew they were thriving; they were in the talks of releasing a second album, and going back on tour soon. His name is mentioned when a coworker brings him up. 
They ask you if you want to attend the Corroded Coffin show with them next week. They have a spare ticket and would prefer to not go alone. 
You lie and say you have plans.
But the only plans you have on that bustling night are the ones spent in your apartment. Your one-bedroom apartment is in a nicer part of town, better views out of the window now. When you pull back the curtains, you don’t find a brick wall forever tainted by what once was - you can see the entrance to a music venue that’s sign currently advertises tonight’s show. 
You avoid the window at all costs as you get yourself ready for bed that night. Neighbors had already off-handedly warned you it would be a noisy night, claiming you’d feel as if you were at the show yourself based on proximity. On your way home from work, you bought earplugs. 
But the night grows older, a chill in the air as the clock strikes ten, and you can’t help it. You’ve been laying in bed for hours now, earplugs in, only feeling the faint thrumming of intense bass for less than an hour when you finally stand up. You approach the window timidly, scared of what you find. Maybe a ghostly reflection of him, standing in the street, holding up a boombox playing a mixtape of your favorite songs. 
It’s a bitter hopefulness that is full of childish dreams. 
When you stand in your window, curtains pulled back and earplugs finally disregarded on your nightstand, Eddie Munson isn’t standing on the street. All that is there is the neon glow of a red sign that shatters crimson shadows across your cheeks. 
He’s not on the street. He’s too busy on the stage inside, being the rockstar he had always been destined to be. The one he could be now that you had let him go.
All that you see as you look out the window is your own tired reflection, donning nothing but a wine-stained t-shirt and a delicate, silver chain around your neck, a ring you couldn’t bring yourself to return resting heavily between your collarbones. 
"That’s a real fucking legacy to leave."
reblogs, likes, and comments appreciated! <3
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angelsanarchy · 11 months
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One Long Weekend: - Clyde/YN One-Shot Series CH 03
"I'm not a serial killer he says.." "To be fair, I said I wasn't a stalker."
FRIDAY, 11:00PM (TW: Drug-use)
The place looked a little worse for wear but still very livable. A lot of decently priced places in the area were about the same. People hung outside, in the hallways and just sort of congregated from apartment to apartment like a college dorm.
"Welcome to my humble abode." Clyde left the door wide open for whoever to come and go. Y/n took in the general state of the apartment and chuckled catching his attention.
"Hey...no judgements. I'm a man. Men live like this." Clyde defended.
"Yeah? I didn't realize men didn't own a trashcan...or a laundry basket." Y/n held up some random boxers resting on the coffee table. Clyde had spun around with a shotgun pointed at her making her freeze.
"You were saying?" Clyde teased.
"I'm not a serial killer he says...and yet here he is holding me at gunpoint." Y/n carefully placed his underwear on the barrel of the gun.
"To be fair, I said I wasn't a stalker." Clyde corrected flicking the underwear off the gun.
"Damn...well you got me there." Y/n put her hands up sheepishly and Clyde smirked.
"Does that make you scared?" Clyde might be a lot of things but scary wasn't one of them.
"Is that what you're trying to do? Scare me?" Y/n stepped towards the end of the rifle and Clyde's eyebrow went up.
"Not particularly." Clyde shifted. Y/n took the end of the shotgun into her hand and appeared to be inspecting it.
"Good because I don't scare easy." Y/n turned back towards the couch and plopped down, taking her jacket off and tossing her bag on the floor. Clyde lowered the gun and laughed.
"Oh yeah? What does scare you then?" Clyde plopped down in a chair facing her.
"You first." Y/n challenged.
"Easy. Goats." Clyde's quick answer with his very serious face made y/n snort out a laugh.
"Goats? Why the hell are you afraid of goats?" She tried to say without crying laughing.
"They're aggressive little fuckers who like to head butt, scale fucking mountains and scream in your face. They're like kids on crack. They're the fucking worst." Clyde explained pulling his phone out and showing y/n a clip of a goat climbing on the side of a mountain awkwardly.
"That...that is pretty startling to say the least. Goats...cannot be trusted." Y/n shook her head trying to rationalize Clyde's fear but in all her years in Nevada, she's never even seen a goat.
"Your turn. What scares you? Clearly not guns." Clyde pointed out.
"This is Vegas. If you haven't been held at gunpoint, can you even call yourself a resident?" Y/n shrugged.
"That's actually super true. I've been shot at way too many times to count." Clyde admitted.
"That's...not shocking at all." Johnny cleared his throat and they looked up.
"Let me snag the keys, I'm going to get some food. The guys and I are starving." Clyde dug in his pocket for the keys and tossed them up to Johnny.
"Do you eat meat?" Clyde asked earning a nod.
"Grab us food too. I'll take it off your gas cash." Before Johnny could argue for money, Clyde was quick to make a food for gas trade. The others filled out after Johnny and shut the door leaving the two sitting in the middle of the room.
They sat in silence for a minute adjusting to being alone together.
"So do you live here alone or does everyone just kind of crash around?" Y/n took in her surroundings. There was only one bed, if you can call it that, that sat on the floor with a bunch of blankets, a big bean bag chair in the corner, the raggedy couch and an armchair that's seen better days. It was a lot more furniture than she would have expected for one person.
"Nah I kind of consider it a bit of a halfway house. Everyone's going somewhere but we all need to crash for a bit. The guys have a room at the end of the hallway and then one across the hall for any girls they bring home for-" Clyde made a hand gesture and y/n laughed.
"You guys have a fucking apartment? Yikes, the smells alone from that room would give me chills." Clyde shook his head.
"I honestly wouldn't know. I don't really frequent that room. It stays pretty occupied anyway." He laughed. Y/n took in a mental note that Clyde didn't seem like someone who brought a lot of girls back to his place for fucking but almost like he was providing sanctuary.
"Oh I have no doubts. Plus you look like a wine and dine kind of guy. Big activities, good music, decent food. A real gentlemen." Y/n turned her body towards him.
"Absolutely. I'm a real Casanova and you're in for a treat." Clyde walked over to his nightstand and rummaged around inside of it pulling out a tray and a lighter, shimming over to plop down next to y/n on the couch.
"The only activity of the evening is to get decently high...if you're cool with that." Clyde hadn't bothered asking but took in her face to make sure he hadn't offended.
"I mean it sounds more like a 3rd date but since you've been stalking me for a minute, I think this will work just fine." Clyde rolled his eyes at her, bringing the blunt to his lips to moisten. The two sat with their knees touching, Clyde rolling at least three blunts knowing that the moment the guys got back, they would want dibs and like clockwork the door swung open and a bag was tossed at y/n.
Clyde merely held up the two blunts and Johnny snatched them with a cheeky grin before bounding back out of the door. The fries in the bag were soggy and the burgers looked like they had been thrown against a wall but y/n wasn't picky. She held out a french fry to Clyde's mouth as held the blunt between his fingers unable to put it down yet.
Something familiar and comfortable settled between them like they had done this for years.
"Jesus what the fuck happened to that?" Clyde gestured to the burger y/n was trying to pick up.
"I'm going to assume it was run over but I'm honestly starving so I'm going to eat it anyway." Y/n didn't hesitate taking a bite and Clyde lit the blunt between his lips. He watched y/n look for a place she could find a napkin and he ran to the bathroom, retrieving a roll of toilet paper and putting it down on the table. She tried not to laugh as she unrolled some to wipe her hands.
Clyde passed the blunt to y/n who took a small hit making sure she didn't choke and embarrass herself, knowing she would deserve all the teasing from Clyde because of his cigarette disaster earlier.
"This is decent weed." Y/n commented.
"Are you surprised?" Clyde asked.
"Kind of. Do you work or do you come from money?" Y/n's question was genuine but Clyde seemed offended.
"What does that matter?" He scoffed.
"That wasn't meant as an insult. I'm just trying to figure out if you're crushing it as a hype man or if you're secretly the son of one of the current Strip residencies." Clyde seemed to simmer.
"I can assure you I am not the son of Vince Neil." She handed him the blunt back and pushed the hair from his face.
"No shit. You would not be this cute if your dad was Vince Neil." Y/n's compliment brought Clyde's mood right back up.
"Aw all I had to do was feed you and get you high and now you're back to trying to have my babies again." Clyde teased nudging her.
"I'm a simple girl. I like simple things." She gave a cheeky grin as his laugh turned into a cough.
"Oh so you like me because I'm simple? Should I be hurt by that or-"
"I'd hardly call you simple. You barrel rolled out of a club, tried to fight a bouncer that was three times your size and brought home a girl you've had a psychic connection with just to point a shotgun at her. Khakis are simple. Grilled cheese is simple." Y/n's explanation of her thoughts on Clyde thus far made a warmth grow in his stomach.
"Man you're really going to hold the whole shotgun thing against me huh? Would it help if I said it wasn't loaded?" Clyde offered.
"That would be so pointless. You literally keep your door open and unlocked with decent weed and at least a few hundred dollars worth of stuff. If it's not loaded, I'd say you're stupid." Clyde passed the blunt back nodding.
"You make a valid point." Y/n turned her body towards Clyde, holding the blunt in her hands but not bringing it to her lips.
"I could probably get over the whole shotgun thing if you let me give it right back." Clyde looked confused. He wasn't sure what she meant or if she was too high to make sense.
"I'm not up for being tasered while being high. I think that would definitely kill the high." Clyde whined weakly
"Open your lips." Y/n instructed. Clyde watched her put the blunt between her lips backwards and lean towards his face, putting her hands on his cheeks. Clyde almost forgot to breathe before she started exhaling the thick smoke between his lips, letting her bottom lip graze his. She was shotgunning the smoke so well, Clyde had to stop himself from super sucking the blunt into his mouth.
When she pulled away to pull the blunt out of her mouth, he laid back into the couch feeling the warmth that was in his stomach turn into a burn that was quickly spreading through his veins.
Y/n knew exactly what she was doing to Clyde and she had no regrets. This was the most relaxed fun she's had in a long time. Something about spending time with him made her feel free.
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radisprettysick · 5 months
Sukuna x Reader // A game of russian roulette
TW// guns, violence, mentions of death, mentions of drugs, p in v, mentions of blood, dubcon,
please let me know if i missed a tag
You were scared out of your mind. But that was part of the reason you were here tonight. You couldn’t help the attraction to danger and adrenaline. Your heart was beating out of your chest to the loud rave music.
You had heard about this club while high out of your mind with probably the worst people to be vulnerable around.
                “Sign here.” You are greeted with a brusque voice handing you a clipboard with a piece of paper attached to it. General Release of Liability. Great. You pick up the attached pen and sign away your rights. You are lead upstairs of the underground club. The pounding of the music somehow got more intense as you climbed the old metal stairs. At the end of the hallway upstairs there was an office door with the blinds shut tight. As you got closer you could see splashes of red peeking out from behind the door. A reminder of how stupid you were being right now. But rent was due in a week, and you needed the money.
                The security guard who was guiding you opened the door for you. “Good luck.” Before leaving, he attached two wires to your chest.  In the middle of the room was a pool table without any of the balls or sticks. White lines were drawn over it and next to the table was a defibrillator along with an IV stand. The rest of the room was too dark to see past the table. There was a chair in front of you on one side of the pool table, so you took the seat and waited for your opponent to arrive.
                After what seemed like 10 minutes, a door in the back of the room opened and closed. You could hear footsteps approaching you and the pounding in your chest returned with every heavy step. He reached the opposite end of the table before stopping. You brought your eyes up his stomach, his chest and finally to his face. This man was huge. Covered in tattoos. And another reminder of your stupidity.
                “What’s a pretty little thing like you doing here? Just so you know, I am not going easy on you just because you’re a girl sweetheart.” His voice definitely matched his aura. Something about him made you feel uneasy. Besides the fact that you were about to put your life in his hands, he made you feel a deep anxiety. Something you couldn’t quite place.
                “I-I don’t expect you too.” Your voice comes out so much weaker than you intended. This was not the first time you ever risked your life but something about him added so much more fear into your system.
                “Oh, you poor thing. You sound so scared already” He let out a light chuckle from your fear. “The rules are simple. I load the bullets in a random order without looking and we each get a turn to fire either at ourselves or the opponent. If you shoot yourself with a blank, you get to go again. Got it?”
                You had a feeling he didn’t really care for an answer, but you gave one anyway. “Yes.”
The middle of the table opened up and a shot gun along with 3 bullets next to it appeared. One bullet was red and the other two black. He grabbed the shotgun and the bullets and proceeded to fill the chamber.
“Since you’re a cute little thing you can go first.” He grinned and slid the gun across the table to you. With shaky hands you held it and contemplated whether you should shoot yourself or him. It was a 66% chance that the shot was a blank. There was a higher chance that you could shoot yourself with a blank and get a second chance for a 50/50. With a deep breath you held the barrel under your chin, closed your eyes and silently hoped for a blank.
With a pull of the trigger, you heard a click. Nothing happened. You got a blank.
“Someone’s lucky.” You look at him and see him grinning with no hint of fear in his eyes. It doesn’t feel like he is even a tiny bit scared of you possibly shooting him. More confident this time, you aim the barrel at him and pull.
Another click. It was a blank. And now it was his turn. The only one remaining was a real shot. You were going to be shot. You slowly put the gun back in the middle and felt your heart drop to your stomach.
                “Ah maybe not.” He picked up the gun and with ease aimed at you. “I did warn you I wasn’t going to go easy on you.” He pulled and the barrel let out a loud bang.
                I really should not have come tonight. This was how my life ended. In a shitty club playing Russian roulette with a guy who could most definitely end my life with his own hand if he wanted.
                You felt a huge shock and woke up coughing on the floor in front of the door. You heard the man laughing at your patheticness. You grasped at your heart when you felt the wires that the man had attached earlier placed. Ah. So that is how the game advanced. If you got shot, you would be brought back with a shock to your system.
                “You ready for round two doll?” More bullets rise from the table, and he again grabs them to start filling them. While sitting back down and still coughing, you notice a screen on the side of the table displaying the score. ‘Sukuna: 3 // Guest: 2’. So, he was already up by one. You felt your body start to focus up more as the pain from being shot wore off a little. You knew you would feel this tomorrow, if you made it that long, but right now that didn’t matter. You had to win. For the prize money. You gave him a silent nod and with that round 2 began. This time it was 3 red and 2 black. There were more real bullets than blanks this time. “You are first again.”
                You grabbed the gun, still with trembling hands, and debated silently whether to fire at yourself or Sukuna. “I’m curious of why someone like you is playing this game. Here.” You brought your eyes up to meet his. His eyes were red. And now you realize why he made you uneasy. He didn’t feel human.
                “I needed the money. Plus, I’m an adrenaline junkie.” You started to point the barrel at him, deciding that you would take your odds of the first shot being a real one. You pulled the trigger and heard a click.
“Hahaha… you know there are drugs to give you that rush right? Hand that over to me doll.” He reached for the gun as you slid to the middle. Without wasting time, he pointed it up at himself and grinned like a maniac. He pulled the trigger, and it went off.
He shot himself. Your eyes went wide, and you felt your heart stop. You stood up from the table to try and get a look at him before you heard a huge gasp of air and some coughing. He got back up and into his chair like nothing happened. Still smiling like the fucking devil.
“Shit luck. Your turn.”
The rest of the round went on until you shot him after the blanks had been used up. ‘Sukuna 1//Guest:2’ You actually had a chance at winning this. Bullets once again rose from the table and this time it was 5 red and only 2 blanks. And he started the round.
He held the gun in his hands and thought for a moment. “You know…it’s been so long since I only had one life left. Say what… if you win, I’ll throw in some extra cash. But if I win…. I want something in return.” What was he doing? He was on his last life right now. There was no way he could get two shots on you without getting one himself. “What do you say cutie?” You hesitated before giving him an answer. “Sure. But what is it you want?”
“Oh, you’ll find out when I win.” He then aimed the gun at himself and pulled. Click.
No fucking way. There was only one blank left, 5 real shots left, and now he gets a second chance. He then aimed the gun back towards you. Sukuna pulled the trigger and the barrel exploded. You once again felt a shock while regaining consciousness on the floor. You struggled for air and pulled yourself back into the chair to continue playing. ‘Sukuna:1//Guest:1’. With a rush to get the game over you grabbed the gun into your hands. If he can get lucky, maybe you can too. Your hands were shaking, you still couldn’t quite catch your breath, and you could feel your heart in your ears. You pressed the gun right under your chin and with one last breath pulled the trigger.
You felt another shock you your chest and was once again on the floor. You lost. You felt so fucking stupid for risking that chance.  You sat on the floor. Now that the game was over you started to realize what position you were in. You were just shot three times. Why did you do this? Why did you play this game?
Sukuna laughed as he stood up from his chair and walked around the table towards you. He crouched down to be closer to face-to-face with you. He raised his hand up and you instinctively flinched. He put a piece of hair behind you ear and held your chin in between his thumb and index finger. “Aw you poor thing. You lost… well that means I get my prize now.” He moved his hand from your chin and further down your body until reaching the edge of your mini skirt. “I see you came dressed for the occasion.” His grin grew even larger and now you really felt like an idiot. Your brain went numb slowly realizing what was about to happen. Your heartbeat started to drown out the noise of the club, your palms were coated in sweat, and your chest felt like it was going to explode at any moment.
His other hand reached for the wires on your chest and tugged them off of you without care. While the hand teasing the edge of your skirt moved on to gripping your exposed thigh. “It is really a shame you lost.” You heard the desire in his voice more than the actual words themselves. He was toying with you the entire time. This was never a fair chance. Why else would he make a bet with you?
His hand moved further up and started teasing your clothed slit. “Ooo well I guess you aren’t too sad about losing. Your pussy is fucking dripping.” He was right. You weren’t lying when you said you were attracted to danger. And this entire night has been nothing but that. This man in front of you was practically the devil himself. He pushed your back onto the floor and that is when it really clicked in your brain what was happening.
“Wait no please” You started to actually cry for your dignity. All the dumb stuff you did in life this had to take the cake. He used his thumb to wipe your tears before groaning to himself.
“Fuck baby, I barely touched you and ya already cryin? Just wait until I actually get started.” You tried to stop him from pulling your skirt and underwear down but there was no stopping him. His arms were probably bigger than your legs. “Shit doll you really were waiting for this huh?” He started to rub your clit with his fingers before using his other hand to unzip his pants.
His cock was huge. There was no way he was fitting. You started to cry even more and still attempted to push him away. He was still smiling at your pathetic state. Such a dumb little girl wandering into a place like this expecting to leave without giving up your body to him. Without bothering to actually prep you, he shoved his cock into your pussy in one go.
You let out a high-pitched scream at the sudden entrance. It felt like you were splitting open. It was too much. He wrapped his hand around your throat and started to move inside of you. “Such a dramatic little doll… don’t worry I’ll fill you so you’ll be begging for more.” With a loud groan he lifted your leg up and pressed you into your own body. The hand on your throat moved to rip your top and bra off leaving you nothing. “Fuck you’re so sexy. I knew your pussy was going to be tight from the second I saw you.” His thrusts eventually started to feel good. And you hated it. You hated that you liked this. Your body was actually enjoying this older man violate and use you. Against your wishes, you let out an involuntary moan and that was the end of your act.
“Let me hear more of how much you like being used like a good slut.” He had something over you now. You were his toy and you had to obey him, no matter what you thought. You continued to scream for him as he shoved his cock further into your pussy, hitting your sweet spot.
“Fuckfuckfuck ple-please don’t stoppppp” You were really dumb. But you were perfect for him. So easy to take control of. He loved it. He started rubbing you clit for you with his hands while continuing to bully your poor pussy. You could feel your stomach start to tighten up at the added stimulation.
“Come on why don’t you give me my prize now sweetie?” And with that, you squirted all over his dick and stomach and leaked out onto the dirty office floor. He flipped you over, giving you zero time to recover, shoved himself back inside of you. Spanking your ass and pulling you up by the throat. “Fuck I’m gonna make you mine.” He practically growled in your ear.
You could no longer think coherently with him inside of you. You could barely feel anything besides pleasure. Pleasure that only existed because of him. This man who could easily end your life. The man who was currently cumming inside of you just like he promised. He pulled out so he could watch his cum leak out of your abused cunt onto the floor with the rest of your juice. “I guess we both ended up lucky tonight.” You felt him stand up and heard a zipper before you felt a piece of clothing thrown on you.
“Put this on and come meet me in the back room.” And with that he walked away into the back leaving you completely alone.
You were stupid, but lucky. Because you had just found the embodiment of danger. And he wanted you too.
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sashaisready · 2 months
I'm Still Here - Chapter Three
Lee Bodecker (The Devil All The Time) x Femme Reader
In late 60s Meade, you’re married to Sheriff Bodecker, pregnant with your first child. On paper you’re the perfect couple – the respectable Sheriff and his homemaker wife. This should be one of the happiest times of your life…so why are the two of you living like ghosts? And is it too late to bridge that gap? Especially when your husband is playing a dangerous game.
Series Masterlist
Warnings: Violence, suggestions of potential violence towards pregnant character, guns, general bad guy stuff. Please forgive any technical errors in my knowledge of 60s police/guns!!!
Wordcount: 1.5k
Sorry...this was initially going to be one part but it grew into something larger than expected! So there will be a follow up to this chapter...and there should be one more after that. Thank you for reading! As always reblogs and comments are so appreciated ❤️
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You found yourself back at the sink again. Not even doing any dishes. Just…standing. You rubbed your stomach as baby kicked and you gazed out into the world. Not much going on. This was always a quiet time of day as most of the wives on your street went over to Mrs. Brennan’s place to play Bridge. They sometimes half-halfheartedly asked you to join, and you would smile and say you’d think about it - even though you all knew you wouldn’t. Still, you did the dance.
With the wives out at Bridge and the husbands mostly at work or off out doing their business, it was always a nice break from the curtain twitchers and nosy drop-bys.
Your mind wandered to Lee, and you thought about what sketchy shit he could be up to at this time of day. You knew he wasn’t really at the farm. Did he really think you didn’t know? That you didn’t see those extra bills in his wallet? Didn’t hear his hushed voice on the late night calls? Hadn’t noticed the extra pistol he’d stashed at the back of the closet? Honestly, Lee. This was you.
You pondered on Lee for a moment before the speeding truck pulled you from your thoughts. You watched curiously through the window as it barrelled down the street. 
Huh. That was unusual. You didn’t get much traffic in Brewer Heights. And certainly not like that.
It sped by the houses, screeching slightly as the driver slammed the brakes. You raised a brow as it came to a stop..right outside your house. 
You immediately went rigid, something long dormant inside you now suddenly wide awake. Danger. Danger. Run. Your could hear your heartbeat in your ears.
But why…? This could just be a maintenance worker or someone who took a wrong turn. Why did you think-
You watched as two men left the vehicle, one burly, the other shorter but radiating authority. Both carried themselves with an air of men not weighed down by petty things like legality or morality.
And they were heading straight towards the house. 
You knew immediately this was to do with Lee. You just knew. God only knows what shit he’d got himself tied up with. But the fact they were here now suggested something had gone horribly wrong. You briefly considered calling the station, but there wasn’t time. Your stomach swam with dread as you thought about where Lee might be...what condition he could be in...
...But you couldn’t think about that right now.
You had to protect yourself and baby.
You saw the men begin to stroll up the driveway and you broke into a sprint straight up the stairs. Adrenaline soared through your veins. You flung yourself into the spare bedroom and grabbed Lee’s shotgun. Then you clumsily keyed in the code to his gun safe and snatched the bullets he kept in there. You grabbed his knife in its sheath for good measure and stashed it in your brassiere. 
They were banging on the front door now, but you knew they’d let themselves in soon. It wasn’t locked. You didn’t have long. 
“Mrs Bodecker…you home?” Someone yelled through the door downstairs. 
You loaded a bullet into the shotgun chamber and pushed the loading flap up. You repeated this until you had a full magazine and pumped the gun to ensure it was ready. 
You took a deep breath and quietly moved behind the door, raising the weapon and tightening your finger over the trigger. Pointing the barrel towards the hallway, you waited. 
You never thought you’d be back here again. But then life always works in strange ways. Thank god for muscle memory, at least.
You waited. 
You rubbed baby.
And you thought of Lee.
Deputy Lee Bodecker studied the Wanted poster carefully, leaning in closely to look at the face of the young woman in the grainy photograph.
“A cutie, huh?” Sheriff Finlay laughed as he approached Lee’s desk. “Hard to believe she’s got several felonies under her belt”.
“Sheriff, sir” Lee nodded as he sat up straight. The sounds of the busy police station echoed around them.
Sheriff Finlay grinned. “At ease, rookie. I don’t bite. Now, did the boys fill you in on the details of today’s operation?”
“Yes, Sheriff. We have promising intel on the notorious Cypress gang, lead by Bill Glover - alias Billy The Kid” Lee explained. “They’ve committed numerous crimes across the state…and beyond. Robbery. Arson. Grand larceny. Assault and battery…Uh…murder”.
The Sheriff smiled. “That’s right. The feds are all over them too. But if we’re the ones to take them in, that looks great for us. Good press. Commendations. Maybe some extra funding if we play our cards right”.
Lee nodded. He knew what a big deal this would be. He hadn’t been on the force very long, and this was the perfect way to make his mark and show he was more than just the rookie. This could firmly place him on the path to becoming Sheriff one day.
Finlay tapped his finger back down on the Wanted poster.
“And this one…well, we don’t know her real name. But she goes by Honeybee. We think she might be a runaway, but we don’t have much on her. Don’t let her youth fool you, Bodecker, she’s a mean shot. And a meaner mouth. Some of our guys have underestimated her before. So keep your wits about you, alright?”
“Yes Sheriff. I won’t let you down, sir”.
“Good to hear, rookie” Finlay patted him on the shoulder and headed to his office. “See you out there”.
Lee nodded and looked back down at the image. Honeybee.
Well...he would be careful. 
But she certainly was pretty.
Your body dangled precariously out of one of the Volkswagen bus windows, firing at the cop car that was hot on your tail. 
“Eat that, fuckers!” You shrieked as you blew out one of their tyres. The others hooted and cheered behind you. 
You watched the police car jerk and swerve violently across the highway before finally veering off entirely. Its siren fading as it soon began to shrink into the horizon.
You sighed and pulled yourself back inside, reloading the pistol and placing it back in your holster.
“Great work as always, Honeybee” laughed Billy, his voice proud.
You gave a mock bow and the two of you shared a smile in the rear view mirror. His long blonde curls blew in the breeze from his open window, emerald eyes locking onto you. 
“Anytime, baby” you replied. “I love you”.
Billy beamed back at you. “I love you too, Honeybee”.
Cosmo jeered and Violet scoffed but you ignored them like always. All that mattered was you and Billy. You’d do anything to make him happy. 
“FUCK!” Sheriff Finlay yelled as the squad gathered round. 
“That’s Cooper and Palmer with a blow out twenty miles back. Plus Stevens is in the back of an ambulance after the bastards left barbed wire out on the tarmac”. He shook his head and wiped his damp brow with a handkerchief.
Lee inhaled. He’d never quite been on the job like this before. It wasn’t like the traffic stops and bar brawls he’d cut his teeth on. He moved closer and tried to suppress his nerves. 
Palmer gestured to the large farmhouse they all stood in front of. A rusty VW bus was haphazardly parked across the overgrown yard. 
We think they’re holed up in here” Finlay explained. “We’ll split in two - group A - take the upstairs, B the downstairs. Keep your weapons drawn and your backs covered”.
Minutes later and Lee was guarding the rear of group B, with Sheriff Finlay leading the charge. The house was long abandoned, but there were signs of life - a few crumpled blankets, food packets and beer bottles strewn over the floors. Someone had definitely been sleeping here recently. 
They were creeping through the dusty dining room at the back of the house, a man covering in each direction, when a flash of something flew past the doorway, immediately followed by the sound of feet crashing on wood.
“Go, go, go!” Bellowed Finlay as the men surged forward, guns raised. He motioned for them to go and turned to Lee.
“Bodecker! We’ll take this. Get back to the cruiser and call for back up”.
“Yes Sheriff” Lee said quickly as he rushed back through the house. He could hear Finlay shouting as the others chased the gang out into the yard.
He was vibrating with adrenaline as he sprinted back towards the front door, he got to the hallway just as-
“Not so fast, deputy”.
He froze, but his hand tightened around his pistol. He turned to find you pointing a gun right back at him, a smirk creeping across your face.
You were even prettier in person.
“Honeybee” he said quietly.
Your smirk morphed into a full blown smile. “Oh, so you’ve done your homework, huh newbie?”
He nodded. “As much as I can, anyhow.” His lips curled a little at the edges. If he was scared, he hid it well.
Your smile widened. You didn’t recognise this one, and by now you knew all of Finlay’s boys. You found yourself strangely drawn to his expressive blue eyes, though. His big, broad shoulders. That little smirk on his face. There was…something about him.
“And you are?”
“Got a first name, Deputy Bodecker?”
You grinned at him, your finger hovering near the trigger. “Deputy Lee Bodecker, I'm pleased to make your acquaintance”.
“Likewise ma’am”. He nodded.
Sorry…I had to split this chapter into two as it was longer than planned! But I’m very excited to reveal more about how they got married and Honeybee’s life changed ☺️ And what goes down at the house of course! Will let get to her in time?
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aloneinthehellfire · 10 months
Chapter Six: Don't Trust The Voices
Gates Of Hell Masterlist
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Word Count: 3824
Warnings: swearing, gun use, mentions of death, descriptions of gore, horror elements, this is a very creepy one guys
[A/N: dropping this chapter unannounced then disappearing k bye.]
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Don't Trust The Voices
Plan A: Find Hopper at the cabin.
Plan B: Grab the car without being mauled to death.
Steady breaths were silent against the wind, two beating hearts staring into the high school parking lot, trying not to make a sound.
One heart no longer beating, laying on the ground with no purpose left but to be a supernatural creature’s dinner.
“How are we meant to get through all of that?” You whisper, tearing your eyes away from the man beneath a hungry demodog.
Steve didn’t have an answer. The plan you and he had come up with was simple; get the car. The threat of danger had diminished any thought of expanding that. From now on, it was pure improvisation.
“We need a distraction.” He replies, just as quiet. You were closer to him than usual, a faint scent of perfume on your neck prominent to his senses. “A pretty god damn big one.”
The abandoned cars in front of your school were in a sea of demodogs, the creatures circling the building like soldiers guarding the front gate. Steve was glad he had gotten you out of there when he did; one demodog had turned to one hundred in the past 24 hours.
A sudden thought strikes his mind, frowning. “Hundreds of demodogs.”
“Huh?” You look to him, careful not to shift too much against the fallen tree trunk you currently hid behind.
“I think there’s a gate in there.” Steve shares, exchanging your fearful glance. “Why else would there be this many of them?”
“Maybe they’re protecting something.” You suggest, wincing as your eyes drifted across another body in the slaughter. “Aren’t these gates pretty noticeable? I don’t ever remember seeing one in there.”
You scrunch your brows, thinking back to the previous day. There had to be something you had missed, something important. But, as you try to relive that memory, all you see are the same images burned into your brain; a caved in head, a hallway of blood, her soulless eyes…
“I don’t know.” Steve sighs and you blink back into reality, “Whatever’s going on, it’s not good. And it’s looking impossible to get down there without being ripped apart.”
Scanning the area, you find yourself staring at the different cars. Steve’s BMW was separated from the flock of vehicles, resting further behind. Then, with a little jolt of an idea, you knew what you had to do.
“A big distraction, you say?”
Steve turns to look at you, hearing the smile in your voice, and does a double take. You had grabbed your shotgun, resting it against the trunk and manoeuvring it to aim, biting your bottom lip.
“What the hell are you doing?” He whispers harshly at you, eyes flickering between you and the hoard of monsters, “You can’t shoot all of them. First shot rings out and they find us immediately and then we’re being mauled-”
“I’m not shooting them.” You pull away from the gun, nudging your head. “See those other cars?”
“Do we think the owners are coming back for them?” You ask and he looks at you suspiciously, squinting his eyes.
It was a good guess, considering as some of those ‘owners’ were permanently seared into Steve’s brain, covered in blood from a massacre he was too late to see.
Rather than reply, you give a curt nod before returning to the shotgun, closing one eye. He keeps his mouth shut, silently praying that you were a secret genius and not a spontaneous idiot who was about to get you both killed.
You take a deep breath, finding your target. Here goes nothing, you think as you pull the trigger, the gun biting back into your shoulder as your first bullet is released from the barrel.
Demodogs turn to the sound and Steve’s breath hitches.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” He panics, but you’re not reacting. Instead, you’re smiling. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
Silently, you hold up three of your fingers. You close each one as if it’s a countdown and Steve can’t believe you’re doing this right now.
“Boom.” You whisper out as you close the last finger into your palm.
Steve almost jumps out of his skin as a huge blast rips through the air, head whipping to the noise.
All the cars that had been parked together were in flames, screeches from the creatures nearest to the explosion. You had successfully shot a bullet into a gas tank. And, within a matter of seconds, the demodogs were dispersing from the area, frightened off by a girl and her shotgun.
A girl who was now grinning, standing from the hiding place.
“Okay, let’s go.” You say, hopping over the trunk before Steve can even react. “Come on.”
“Jesus fucking Christ.” Steve mutters, standing on shaky legs as he tries to keep up with you.
That was the first time he realised you were a lot more dangerous than you looked, and it wouldn’t be the last.
Your footsteps were fast against the concrete, eyes set on your getaway car. You weren’t sure how long it would take before the demodogs returned, but you weren’t about to make assumptions. Steve had caught up with you quickly, running in time with your steps with his baseball bat gripped tightly in his hands.
He hated being out in the open like this. His eyes were constantly darting around, trying to ignore the large fire you had caused as you run past, the heat blaring onto him. He made a mental note to never underestimate you again.
“See anything?” You ask breathlessly as you both reach the car, searching the environment around you. It was all quiet. A little too quiet for your liking.
“Not yet.” Steve replied, gritting his teeth as he ran over to the driver side. His hands shake as he tries to open his car door.
“Hurry up!” You hiss, feeling more and more exposed the longer it took.
“I’m trying!” He snapped, successfully slotting the key into its slot. “Okay, I gotta slide in and unlock yours.”
You give him a quick nod and he throws open his door, sliding in and shutting it behind him. He readies the keys in the ignition so he can pull away as soon as you’re in. Reaching across the passenger side, he pulls the handle and the familiar click opens the door.
“Okay, let’s go.” He says, returning to his seat and gripping the wheel. Steve looks over, but you’re not sat next to him. “Y/n?”
As he peered through the window, he realised you were no longer stood there. Or anywhere.
“Y/n?!” He tries again, climbing out of the car as his heart thumped harder in his chest.
Hand resting on the roof, he searches around, gulping back the bile of fear. You were just there. You would’ve made a noise if a demodog had got you. No, you would have shot it first.
Running to the passenger side, his breath hitches in his throat as he stares at the ground.
Steve scoops the shotgun into his arms, frantically looking around for some kind of sign. But it was useless. You had disappeared.
“Y/n!” He tries one last time, hoping that you’d come running to him with a rational explanation. No such luck.
A screech blares in the distance, familiar shapes returning from the shadows. He couldn’t stay here. But there was this gnawing feeling in his gut knowing he’d have to drive away from all of this. Alone.
“Shit.” He breathes, running back to the driver’s side and slipping back in.
The engine welcomed him back as he turns the key, watching as the demodogs latch their sights to the new sound. He didn’t want to leave. He couldn’t. There was no way he could just go when anything could have happened to you-
Something starts banging on the window and he jumps in his seat, whipping his head to the passenger side. He lets out the biggest sigh of relief.
“Jesus Christ.” He puffs out, reaching over and opening the door. Within a second, you’re sliding into the seat and slamming the door shut. “Where the hell were you?”
“Drive!” You point above the dashboard to the arriving demodogs and he nods vigorously.
“Okay, shit, hold on.”
Steve grabs hold of the gear shift and reverses out of the spot, turning the wheel to angle it onto the road before slamming his foot down and tearing away from the high school.
A few demodogs try to chase, but Steve is driving faster than he ever has before, leaving nothing to chance in this game of life and death. When he’s sure he’s gained enough distance, he returns to the speed limit. It wouldn’t do much, but it would make the car a little quieter on the road.
“Okay.” Steve sighs, slumping back as he passes the Arcade, a jolt of sadness hitting him hard. He prayed that Dustin was with Hopper, safe. “Wanna explain what happened back there?”
You had been quiet ever since getting in the car after your strange but short-lived disappearance. Usually, Steve would take your silence as a blessing. But the reality of it felt concerning.
“I thought I saw something.” You simply reply, staring straight ahead.
“Saw something?” He repeats and you nod, still not looking him in the eye. “So you just went to investigate? Without your shotgun, why- who the hell would leave their weapon behind?”
“I didn’t think I needed it.” You shrug, but Steve felt exasperated.
“I thought I saw a girl.” You explain, still avoiding his eyes. “I didn’t want to make any unnecessary noise so I placed it on the ground just in case she needed help. I was wrong. I’m sorry.”
Steve frowns. Of all the explanations, never would he have guessed that it would end with an apology. He rather expected an argument. This was different.
“There was no girl?” He queried and this time you looked at him with a thin smile.
“Not alive.” You wince slightly, turning back.
The moment of eye contact felt different this time also, that glint of fire you usually held now diminished. Maybe you were just recovering from what you had seen. But that didn’t make Steve any less hesitant about your story.
“This girl…” He continues, turning onto the next street and barely resisting his indicators. “Would I know her?”
“Don’t think so.” You shake your head, eyes still glued to the road.
“Right.” He nods slowly, thinking he might know what was happening. “Did, uh… did you know her? Or, maybe, thought you knew her?”
“Mhm.” You sound, looking uncomfortably still in the passenger seat. Steve lets out a sigh. It was time for him to ask that burning question.
“So, remember our deal?” He asks, glancing back over and you snap your head to him, wide eyed. You quickly nod and he swallows his guilt. “Okay. Question time. Who… who, uh- who was the girl? Was she… was she the one in that photograph?”
“Photograph?” You blink and Steve bites his lip.
“Yeah. The one you took back at the cabin. It was you and Hopper, and a little girl, I don’t know. She had pigtails, blue eyes-”
“Oh.” You hesitantly laugh, waving your hand in a way that looked mechanical. “Yeah. Just, like, a cousin. Haven’t seen her in years.”
“Huh.” He frowns, squinting his eyes. “I thought… nevermind. So that girl you saw-”
“I don’t wanna talk about it, Steve.” You say, a persistence in your voice that told him you weren’t answering any more questions.
“Right, sorry.” He squeezes his lips shut. Everything felt uneasy in the car. Not exactly awkward, but definitely not normal. It was like you had been spooked by something. You hadn’t even snapped at him, really.
A wave of dread floods his body as he grips the wheel tighter. There was an ache in his stomach, a twist of his guts, that always alerted him when something was wrong.
“So?” He prompted after a while of silence and you glance at him quizzically. Steve frowns. “Our deal?”
“Oh, right.” You say hesitantly, nodding slowly. “Um… I won’t do it again?”
Another wave of dread hits and he sets his jaw. Something was very wrong. “Good. Good.”
You seemed satisfied by his answer as you returned your stare to the barren road, hands resting between your lower thighs. Steve notices a pothole in the road coming up, eyeing it with suspicion. He’d ridden this street many times, always avoiding it. But he had a gnawing thought in the back of his mind that made him turn the wheel ever so slightly to the left.
Once the wheel is caught for a mere second, the car jolts and you lose your balance, reaching your arms out to balance yourself against the dashboard.
“Oops, sorry.” Steve comments, looking over. His blood ran cold.
You had returned to your previous position as quickly as you had lost it, staring out onto the road without a comment. But you weren’t as fast as you thought.
Steve isn’t sure what to do, but he knows he can’t go further. He eyes the bat as his feet, gulping.
Because the bony hands covered in black veins that had gripped onto that dashboard didn’t belong to you.
“Hey, Y/n?” Steve calls out and you shift your eyes to his. “Can I ask you just one more question?”
“Okay.” You say, emotionless.
“When we get there…” He begins, turning left. “What are we gonna tell your dad?”
“About what?” You question, still looking out of the window like everything was fine. Like you hadn’t noticed Steve had turned onto the road towards Merril’s farm. Away from the lab.
“Us.” He continues, “You know… dating?”
“Oh, yeah.” You smile, nodding. “I guess we just tell him that. Sound good?”
“Perfect.” He grits his teeth.
Steve grips the wheel until his knuckles were white. Then, he slams his foot down on the brakes until he’s almost thrown forward at the abrupt stop.
“You’re not Y/n.” He whispers out, turning to the passenger seat. And this time, he wasn’t staring at you.
The cold veined hands had spread out across the dashboard once again, nails scratching an ear-splitting melody. The rest of the body was covered in black ash, a bony figure lurched over in the seat. Long black hair was clinging to the skin, a long stretch of heavy breathing fogging the windscreen.
Steve slowly reaches for the door handle, other hand already gripped on the bat. As soon as that familiar click sounded in the car, he regretted it.
The creature snaps to him, hollowed-out eyes meeting his. Then, the jaw unhinges displaying rows and rows of unnatural teeth.
“Where are you going, Steve?” The voice sounds from the gaping mouth. Your voice.
It screamed, a long and agonising scream that had him covering his ears to stop the noise. He groaned, bursts of pain thumping in his head. He had to get out of here.
Just as it lunged for him, Steve pushes back on the door and rolls out, slamming the door back shut by kicking it from the ground before it could escape. It screamed and thumped against the window as Steve scrambles onto his feet.
He’s searching the ground, fully aware of the bat he left behind in there. His foot brushes against something as he steps back and he’s spinning around, letting out a gasp.
The car door bursts open, the creature lunging out of it and finding him, crawling towards him on all fours.
Steve readies the shotgun, trying to remember those hunting lessons he had when he was 12. But it wasn’t the same. He didn’t have his father shouting at him this time, telling him what to do. And it wasn’t a deer in front of him, it was a monster.
So, instead, he remembers you. How you held it. How you shot it. He slowly raises the shotgun to aim and cocks it, trying to steady his shaking hands.
Once the creature realises what was in his hands, it slowly stands up, raising its arms in silent surrender.
Then Steve watches as it transforms, the black veins retreating and the hair shaping clothes. In front of his very eyes he saw it turn into you, looking at him in shock and hurt.
“Please, Steve.” You say, shaking your head as tears run down your cheeks. “Don’t shoot. You don’t want to shoot me. Please.”
Steve swallows his fear, aiming to what he hoped would be its heart. He couldn’t bear to look at you- it. Not when it was the image of someone he knows he could never hurt.
“Steve, please.”
Squeezing his eyes shut, he pulls the trigger.
Steve stumbles back with the throbbing pain in his shoulder, breathing heavily. He reluctantly opens his eyes and feels numb. It wasn’t right. None of this was right.
It was you led on the floor, but the shotgun wound to the chest was leaking out black blood. So, once again, he watches it shape shift, returning to its original visual and lifting a weight from Steve’s aching heart.
Rubbing his shoulder, Steve wastes no time in running back to the car, climbing in and locking the doors. He tries to control his breathing, resting his head against the wheel.
He thought the worst of the apocalypse would be the Demogorgons. Or the people that walked around like zombies. But this? This was worse. This was terrifying.
The only thing even more terrifying was the thought that you could be dead.
“No.” He whispers to himself, sitting back up and taking a shaky breath.
Steve refused to believe it would end like this. He swore never to underestimate you, and that’s exactly the promise he’s gonna keep.
Turning the ignition, he checks his mirror, the body still led there in a pool of its black blood. He was going back for you. The real you.
He prayed he wasn’t too late.
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“See anything?” You ask breathlessly as you both reach the car, searching the environment around you. It was all quiet. A little too quiet for your liking.
“Not yet.” Steve replied, gritting his teeth as he ran over to the driver side. His hands shake as he tries to open his car door.
“Hurry up!” You hiss, feeling more and more exposed the longer it took.
“I’m trying!” He snapped, successfully slotting the key into its slot. “Okay, I gotta slide in and unlock yours.”
You give him a quick nod and he throws open his door, sliding in and shutting it behind him. You’re shuffling your feet, eyes darting around for any sign of movement. The air felt colder than usual, lining goosebumps along your spine. It was like something was breathing down your neck.
You snap your head to the noise, peering into the forest. It sounded familiar…
You feel your shoulders slump, mouth parting in surprise. Hopper. It was definitely his voice, calling out to you. Had he been searching for you? How did he find you? Why couldn’t you see him-
“put the shotgun down.”
There should have been a warning sign in the back of your mind, red flashing lights to alert you of danger. But you do as the voice of your father tells you, placing it by your feet. It was only when the weapon was no longer a weight in your hands that you snap back into reality, noticing Steve’s shadow in the window beside you reaching over.
Suddenly a cold hand wrapped around your face and you’re being pulled back into the trees without a sound, hearing the distant click of a car door opening.
You thrash about as much as you can once you realise what’s happening, catching your foot on an exposed root in the ground. It pulls you away from whatever had grabbed you and you’re rolling in the dirt and leaves.
Groaning, you push yourself off the ground, searching through the trees for your attacker. You needed to get back to the car immediately.
Steve’s voice calls out and you look over to see him climbing back out of the car, a scared expression on his face.
You begin to shout for him, but the same cold hand is muffling your voice, pulling you further away to throw you against a tree, shocking a blinding pain into the back of your head.
Blinking against blurry vision, you can just make out the silhouette in front of you, crawling over. You try to move.
“Shh.” It hushed. You could feel its bony fingers digging into your skin as it cups your chin, the other hand resting atop your head. It felt like it was studying you, rotten breath invading your space the closer it examined.
It suddenly retreated, standing up and looking off into the distance. By then, you were just starting to focus your eyes, noticing the dark features on its face. As it rolled its head back to you, you found yourself staring into hollowed-out eyes, nothing but an endless darkness.
Then, piece by piece, it started to change. Sneakers donned their feet as pieces of its long, straggly hair shaped them, pulling together an outfit on its ashen body. It wasn’t until it wove together a familiar hoodie that you realised what was happening. It was becoming you.
Slowly, you shift your hands to rest behind your body, searching the space between you and the tree for something sharp. As you did, the creature completed its transformation. All but the hands.
“What are you?” You ask, not expecting any kind of answer. But now you were staring at yourself, an unsettling sight.
“What are you?” It mimicked your voice perfectly and your eyes widen. It was ready to replace you.
It lunged forward and wrapped its hands around your throat, squeezing tightly. Before you could react, you’re slammed against the tree trunk once again and thrown to the ground, barely bracing yourself on your hands.
You expected it to kill you. And you suppose it would have done if it weren’t for the sound of an engine echoing from the parking lot. You manage to crane your head against the dirt, catching a glimpse of Steve’s car.
Your view was obstructed by your sneakers, crunches of leaves becoming distance noises as the creature walked to him in its new body. You tried to yell out, to warn him. But you felt dizzy. And you felt tired.
The last thing you remember seeing is the car driving away, demodogs occupying its deserted space.
Then your eyes flutter shut, and you’re left laying there in the dirt, helpless.
Plan A: Find Hopper at the cabin.
Plan B: Grab the car without being mauled to death.
Plan C: Find Y/n.
Chapter Seven: Surviving Is Fantasy ->
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taglist: @manyfandomsfanvergent . @sheisjoeschateau . @kthomps914 . @curled-hair-red-lips . @nix-rose . @palmtreesx3 . @kryztalglear . @sattlersquarry . @hey-barnes-stole-a-jeep . @sadslasher13 . @80saestheticismyfav .
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nervousgardenerkid · 2 years
Why don't I do it for you?
a/n: it's finally here!! the moment you've all been waiting for! i'm so so happy with out this turned out and i really hope you all like it! i'm thinking of changing the title but i honestly don't know what to LMAO idk "the other woman pt.2" sounds bland i need some zest i hope you guys enjoy reading this cause i definitely enjoyed writing it! read part one here! credit to the gif owner! enjoy the story yall <3 why tf they look so good in this gif i'm BARKING bruh
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Steve watched you in the ammunition store playing around with Dustin, you both stopped deciding it was time to be serious before bursting into another fit of giggles. He let out a sigh grabbing a bottle of gasoline and put it in the shopping cart roughly causing Robin to flinch.
“Are you okay?”
Steve chuckled and nodded his head. “yup. just peachy!”
Dustin ran up to Steve and Robin with a wide smile on his face. “Guys check it out! y/n gave me a bandanna and tied it like eddie’s! pretty sick right?” Dustin asked while doing a pose. Steve smiled then looked around the shop, his eyes frantically looking for you in the big store.
“Hold on, where's y/n?”
You cocked the shotgun, a small smile on your face at how easily you handled it.
“How much is this?” You asked the man working the counter.
“$120.99, but I'll throw in twenty rounds buckshot for you.”
you smiled at the man and nodded while inspecting the gun that was in your hands.
“Hey, can I see this pretty 357 please?” you heard a familiar voice ask. the blood in your veins ran cold and you shivered. you turned your head and let out a curse when you saw Jason Carver. You quickly look back down at the gun trying to shield your face as best as you could, your breathing picked up a bit as you gripped the gun.
“y/n l/n.” you heard him say. You close your eyes and let out a sigh. you forced a smile as you looked at him.
“I didn't expect to find you here.” he said while holding a gun in his hand.
your heart was beating out of your chest and the only thing you could think to yourself was please don't let them find eddie.
“yeah, well it's just, scary times.” you say while looking at him. Jason wasn't the best looking guy in your book, but he also wasn't the ugliest. You took this time to study him. He had dark circles under his eyes and his skin looked a shade paler than usual.
“I'm sorry,” you began. “about um, Chrissy.”
He nodded his head at you and put down the gun he was carrying. “Want my advice?”
The word no was on the tip of your tongue. You could say it but the minute he stepped closer everything you once knew fled your mind.
“Shotguns aren't good past anything besides killing birds,” he said standing up straighter. He took a step towards you.
“I mean they have power, sure, but not much range.” He was up close now. You could see the bloodshot red color in his eyes and sweat dancing along his forehead.
“That's just gonna force you into close-up combat, and someone can just grab the barrel like this,” he grunted out as he grabbed the barrel of the shotgun. You let out a gasp as he pulled you toward him.
“And redirect it,” he said. You glared at him and tried snatching the gun back, but you were unsuccessful.
“You know Eddie, right?”
“Only because I tutor him.” you lied.
Jason smirked and shook his head. “I don't buy it, I've seen you come to school with him and even eat lunch at his table. You're one of them, aren't you?”
Your breathing picked up. “What are you talking about?”
“Where are Henderson and Munson?”
“I don't know.”
Jason’s eyes scanned your face. “you're nervous.”
“Like I said, scary times.”
“Everything okay here?” Steve asked, coming up behind you. Jason let go of the gun barrel and looked at Steve.
“Harrington didn't expect to see you here either.”
Steve nodded his head and pushed you behind him. “Yeah well, when your girl wants to protect herself, who are you to stop her?” he said with a tight-lipped smile.
It took everything in you to not roll your eyes at him calling you his girl. Jason’s eyes darted around the store and you prayed to whatever greater power was out there that the rest of the group left the store.
“Nancy with you?”
Steve stood straighter. “Why?”
“Her brother, he's in that cult right?”
Steve made a face. “Mike?”
“Mike…is he here?”
You pushed past Steve and stood in front of Jason, all fear left your body and was replaced with anger. You were angry at Jason for wanting to bring harm in the kid's way, you were angry that the whole town thought Eddie Munson was capable of something like this, and you were mad at Steve. You were mad at him for coming in and acting like your knight in shining armor, and you were mad at him for calling you his girl when you're the furthest thing away from it.
“No, he isn't,” you said in a firm voice.
Jason nodded his head not even looking in your direction. “His friends here?”
Steve opened his mouth ready to say something but you beat him to it. “Jason, if you know what's best for you, you'll leave me and my friends alone. Are we clear?”
Jason’s eyes met yours and if looks could kill you'd both drop to the ground in an instant. The customers in the store suddenly disappeared and you drowned the noise out.
“Are we clear?” you asked again, stepping closer to Jason.
“Crystal,” he said with a smile.
“What the hell was that?! You get a gun in your hand and all of a sudden you stand up to a guy who's three times your size?!” Steve exclaimed while running towards the mobile home. You ran in behind him letting out a sigh of relief when you saw that everyone was safe.
“Just drive Steve!”
Eddie stood up from his spot. “What's going-”
“Your old friends are here!” Erica told Lucas once she settled into her seat.
Steve starts the vehicle and drives off in an instant. You're sitting in the passenger seat looking out the window when you lock eyes with Jason who's standing outside of the store. None of your eyes leave each other until you're out of each other’s view.
“Hey, hello! Are you gonna answer me?” Steve asked while looking at you before he focused on the road again. You let out a scoff.
“Jason isn't three times bigger than me.”
“Really? That's all you got from that?”
You turned your body to glare at Steve.
“What about you?”
He furrowed his brows. “What do you mean?”
“When my girl wants to protect herself, who am I to stop her?” you mocked him. “I didn't need you to step in, I had it handled.”
“Didn't look like it to me,” he muttered under his breath.
You took a deep breath. “I didn't need you, Steve.”
“I'm just saying, you look scared-”
“Stop. I didn't need you. I don't need you.”
Steve took a glance at you. “Are you serious? Now? You wanna do this now?” he asked, slightly raising his voice.
“I'm not some pathetic girl who needs saving Steve! I'm fine! I can handle my own shit.”
Steve rolled his eyes. “Yeah right.”
You unbuckled your seat belt ignoring Steve when he asked where you were going.
“Last time I checked it was always you who came crying to me. I had to save you, Steve! Countless times, and never once did I hear a thank you. We're done, Steve. Whatever the fuck kind of relationship we have, it's over.” your voice was cold and quiet as you stormed to the back of the mobile home and you sat the furthest away from everyone.
Nancy made her way to the passenger seat and took a seat. She cleared her throat and looked at Steve.
“Trouble in Paradise?” she asked quietly.
He led out a dry chuckle. “Yeah, you could say that,” he said while sniffing and wiping at his eyes.
Nancy looked back at you and smiled when she saw you tossing candy into Max's mouth. “She doesn't mean it you know, she's just upset right now.”
Steve shrugged his shoulders. “It doesn't matter, you heard what she said, we're done.”
“You'll both be fine Steve, just give it some time.”
Steve chuckled and shook his head.
“It's silly but, I actually always had this dream that I’d have a really big family. I'm talking like a full brood of Harringtons, like maybe five or six kids.”
Steve smiled. “Yeah, six little nuggets, three girls, three boys.” he felt tears begin to prick his eyes and he swallowed the lump that was forming in his throat. “Every summer, I figured all of us Harringtons, we’d pack into something like this,” he said, waving his hand around to gesture to the mobile home. “and we’d just see the country. You know, the Rockies, the Grand Canyon, maybe Yellowstone.” He looked in the rearview mirror, his heart clenching when he sees Eddie tying a matching bandana around your head, your smile as bright as ever.
“We’d end up in some beachside town in California, spend a week parked in the sand…” he wiped away a stray tear that fell down the left side of his face, and focused back on the road. “I'd probably learn to surf or something.”
Nancy smiled. She wondered if Jonathan ever thought about a future with her like Steve has with you. The only difference is that Jonathan knows he's talking about Nancy. “That sounds nice.”
Steve glanced at her then back at the road. “Yeah?”
“Yeah, except for the part about six kids.” Nancy decided to play with fire.
“I don't think y/n would have that many.”
“Sounds like a total nightmare!” she exclaimed while looking out the window and laughing.
Steve rolled his eyes and pointed to the kids in the back. “If only I had some practice.”
“Fair enough.” Nancy laughed out. A comfortable silence was shared between the two of them before Steve decided to break it.
“Hey, I have a question.”
Nancy let out a hum and closed her eyes.
“Did you mean everything you said?”
Her eyes opened and she looked over at him. “When?”
“When we broke up.”
Nancy cleared her throat and she sat up. “I don't know…I was upset about what happened to Barb, and I still am,” she said in a hushed tone. “but that didn't give me the right to take it out on you. I'm sorry for that.”
“Did you ever love me?”
Nancy’s gaze dropped down to her hands as she nervously played with her fingers. “At times.”
Steve nodded his head. “But not all the time, right?”
“I'm sorry,” she whispered.
Steve wasn't sure what hurt more. Was it that Nancy never really loved him as much as he loved her? Or was it the fact that you had your head in Eddie's lap trying to get some sleep, his leather jacket draped over your upper body acting like a blanket? His hands gripped the steering wheel, knuckles turning white when he saw Eddie gently tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. You peeked one eye open and smiled at him letting out a giggle that Steve only seemed to hear.
Steve stopped driving the car noticing they were near an empty field. You let out a squeak at the sudden stop and blushed when you felt Eddie's arm on your waist.
“Careful there, I know you're falling for me but don't take it literally,” he teased.
You rolled your eyes, sat up, and handed him his jacket. “Yeah right, you wish Munson.”
You all stepped out of the vehicle letting out groans as you all stretched your muscles out. Everyone went to their own area of the field. Robin and Steve stayed near the home while filling empty bottles with gasoline and stuffing rags in them. Max and Nancy went a little further out. Nancy was sawing off the barrel of the shotgun you bought while Max watched.
“Is this legal?” Max asked her while holding the old ice chest and the end of the shotgun still.
“Actually, I think it's a felony.”
“Right,” Max said, nodding her head.
“But it guarantees one thing, I won't miss,” she said before she knocked off the barrel with the saw.
Dustin and Eddie were making shields that had nails facing the opposite direction. You let out a giggle when you saw the pair play fighting, both of them trying to make the best out of a moment like this.
You sat with Erica and Lucas, making your own versions of spears for everyone. Erica tried telling you about what she found under Lucas’ bed but he kept screaming every time she mentioned it. Eddie walked up to the three of you with a smile on his face.
“Sinclairs, y/n.” he greeted. “How are the spears coming on?”
Lucas gave him a thumbs up before Erica rolled her eyes at him.
“Flip that damn thumb around.”
Lucas glared at her. “What?”
She handed you the spear she was working on and took Lucas’. “It's too loose Lucas. This isn't a basketball game where they blow the whistle when your shoes fall off.”
You giggled and looked up at Eddie when you saw he offered you a hand. You stood next to him listening to the siblings bickering.
“Okay, for the record my shoes never fell off.”
“Okay, for the record it's kinda hard for your shoes to fall off when you're riding the bench.”
That made Eddie snort.
“And yet for some reason, you show up to every game!”
Erica let out a questionable hum. “Except for the one that mattered, plus mom and dad forced me.”
Lucas shook his head. “Bull! Mom and dad can't force you to do shit!”
Erica smirked. “Well, even though you're a bench riding loser, you're still my brother. Just the facts.” she finished before handing Eddie the spear. You handed her her spear back and ran towards Dustin who was playing with the shield.
“These look sick, dusty!” you said while picking one up.
“Thanks! Eddie was talking about if we had some paint it would look even better.”
You nodded your head trying to figure out what they'd paint on their shields.
You held the shield up in the air and made a surprised noise. “It's light.”
“And durable,” Eddie added. He grabbed the shield from you and handed you the spear Erica gave him.
“No more retreating from Eddie that banished,” he said to himself. You placed a hand on his shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze.
“We're gonna clear your name, don't worry. Eddie the banish will soon be Eddie the hero.”
Eddie smiled at you and dropped the shield, crossing his arms over his chest. “You think we'll win?”
You shrugged your shoulders. “I've only done this three times, so sorry if I seem a little cocky.”
Eddie chuckled and brought you into a hug. “Never change l/n. Promise me that.”
You pulled away and narrowed your eyes at him. “Only if you promise to stop talking like you're gonna die.”
“I just don't get it,” Steve said under his breath.
“Get what?”
Steve looked at robin and furrowed his brows. “He graduated like two years ago.”
“So he's in college, which means he was visiting on spring break and fast times was returned like…I don't know, a week ago?”
Robin looked at Steve in disbelief and rolled her eyes.
“Unless she has like, I don't know some horn dog brother that we didn't know of. Which is possible, or she's just really into-”
“Steve!” Robin said, cutting him off mid-sentence.
“I don't care!” She put down the bottle she was holding, giving her full attention to Steve. “And I don't understand why you do either with everything that's going on! Honestly,” she said with a sigh. “This feels like the perfect time for that little pull of the rug because in the face of the world ending the stakes of my love life feel spectacularly low.”
Steve looked at her and gave her a small nod. “Yeah, I mean I get you there but I still have hope,” he says while taking a glance at you and handing the bottle he was holding to Robin. A small part of him wants to give up. He wants to let you go and give you the space you need and have you come back whenever you're ready, but there's a much bigger part of him that refuses to let you go. Steve knows he's lost a decent amount of fights, but he will not lose the fight when it comes to you.
He has so many questions running through his head like why does ignoring him hurt him more than the breakup with Nancy did? And when the hell did you and Eddie get so close? He's never even heard you talk about Eddie!
Robin took the bottle with a smirk. “Not everything has a happy ending.”
“Yeah, yeah believe me I know.” he steals another glance at you, rolling his eyes when he sees Eddie throw you over his shoulder while Dustin chants: banish her! Banish her! Banish her!
Robin lets out a breathy laugh and follows Steve's gaze to you.
“I'm not talking about failed romance,” she said with a roll of her eyes. “I just, I have this terrible gnawing feeling that…it might not work out for us this time.”
Steve looked at her with fear and confusion visible on his face. “You think we shouldn't be doing this?”
Robin paused, trying to think of the right thing to say knowing they were all a little in too deep now.
“I think we're mad fools, the lot of us,” she said, pouring more gasoline into the bottle. She let out a sigh looking at all of the people she loved and considered her closest friends. “but if we don't stop him, then who will?”
They both chuckled when they saw Dustin fall to the ground, you hopping over him like a game of leapfrog with Eddie not too far behind. Erica and Lucas twirled the spears around and made stabbing motions trying to get used to the feeling of it in their hands, while Nancy practiced aiming the gun Max gave her suggestions here and there.
“We have to try, right?”
Steve gave her a slight nod, his gaze finally meeting hers. “Yeah.” He held up a bottle and tilted it toward her.
“To killing Vecna,”
Robin had a smile on her face as she reached behind her to grab a bottle, clinking it against the one Steve had. “Slash Henry,”
“Slash one.”
taglist <3 :
i tried tagging everyone but tumblr couldn't find all of y'all for some reason :( im sorry i hope y'all can still see it tho! <3
@drxwstxrkxy @steveismyboi @555stargirl555 @fujiihime @stevesdick (i love your @ it makes me giggle) @hcloangcls @louweasleymalfoy @kiki17483 @sweetcreatue98 @spideyjass @keerah19 @freezaz123
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emjiroki · 1 year
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Zombie Apocalypse Au! Touya Todoroki x Reader
WARNINGS: graphic depictions of violence, blood & guts, explicit scenes and language, unprotected sex, mentions of suicide (they don't do it! It's just plan C), Touya has a prince albert piercing
word count: 1.5K
A/N: Hey everyone! I'm back with another collab piece! For the lovely @medusashima and her ☆Rise of the Dead☆ event, thanks for letting me join! (Sorry it was a bit late) This is the first time I've really done any pieces for Touya besides my Heatstroke fic and I had a lot of fun writing for him again; hope everyone enjoys 💚
💚 Likes, comments, and reblogs much appreciated 💚
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Your calves and thighs were screaming from the exertion of running, your breath coming in heavy pants as your heart thudded rapidly as the sunlight faded rapidly behind you.
"Come on, don't slow down, they're right on our ass" Touya shouted, wrapping his hand around your forearm and tugging you forward to run halfway in front of him. He was right, the rotting ghouls closing in faster and faster as you both tried desperately not to slow any. It felt like your body was on fire, like your veins were scorched and you could taste blood. The convenience store sign that bloomed over the tops of the trees had your hope soaring. 
"Touya! Through the parking lot, doors are probably unlocked" you said breathlessly. He must have seen exactly what you had, his boots thumping the pavement harder as you raced across the parking lot's asphalt. Touya rammed his shoulder against the door, it opening with a soft chime of the bell, before dragging you inside and shutting it behind him, keeping the doors closed from the onslaught of zombies piling against it as you finally got the deadbolt turned. 
"Fuck, find something I can jam against the door for more secur-". He was interrupted by the glass shattering around the grotesque hand punched through, the flesh in taters and oozing sticky blackened blood. The dead man's fingertips were split to the bone and shredded down to the base of his hand as he fisted the thick glass to tear it away, attempting to shove his face through the hole to snap at you two as you backed away; stomachs twisting at the sight of his cheeks ripping and separating from his jaw bone to showcase cracked and rotting teeth. Touya produced the spiked bat from the makeshift leather carrier he had hand stitched, a piece of bone that had been lodged into the thick wood from the last encounter you two had had with a pair of unsavory characters falling out onto the floor as cracked the weapon down against the zombie's head, it’s skull busting open to leak soupy brains onto the linoleum. The violence only seemed to send the remaining four into a frenzy, their tattered fists banging against the glass. 
"This door won't hold much longer, get behind the counter" Touya instructed, pressing a hand against the door handle with the other on the lock, "gonna take these fuckers out". You went to grab your handgun but thought better of it, only having four bullets left. Touya always told you to keep two in case of emergencies, one for you and one for him; it was always plan c and thankfully with you two working together you rarely ever had to resort to plan b. You quickly looked beneath the counter, joy shooting through you at seeing the shotgun still held in a small mounted gun rack. Touya turned the lock and stepped back from the door the moment you mounted the gun against your shoulder, your cheek smoothing along the stock as you lined your eye up with the sight and planted your feet. The shot rang out and rattled your teeth when you pulled the trigger, buckshot ripping through the first zombie that came barreling through the door. Your ears were still ringing as you racked the next shot, waiting with a pounding heart as Touya smashed through two of the others, sticky blood splattering across the shelves next to the entrance and coating the nails embedded into the surface of the bat; you heard a handful of the deadly ends breaking off and falling to the floor and knew that bat wasn’t going to hold up much longer. The last ghoul had ahold of him, its teeth snapping and desperate to get at any flesh it could as he held it off, a heavy grunt spilling past his lips at the effort of keeping the creature off of him. 
“Touya, sweep its leg! I'm ready!” You shouted, the barrel aiming for its head. Touya didn’t think twice before stomping his boot against its tibia and splintering the bone before shoving it to the ground. The last shot wasn’t near as deafening as the first even though the gore was multiplied, brain matter and sludge smeared across the floor. You both were breathing heavily, hearts pounding as adrenaline broke sweat out across your skin. Touya dropped his bat to the floor with a clank, coming around the counter to you as you set the shotgun to the side. You frantically checked him over, shifting his jacket around to check his arms and his throat. 
"Are you okay? Did it bite you?" You asked.
"I'm fine"
"Are you sure? It didn't scratch-"
"Doll," He said, cutting you off with firm hands against your cheeks, looking you in the eyes, "I'm fine, quit worrying and kiss me". You didn't have to be told twice, the adrenaline sizzling through your bloodstream surging you forward as Touya groaned against your lips, his tongue breaking through the seal to match with yours in fervency. He pressed you back against the counter, caging you in with his hips as you felt him hard through his jeans. You smirked a little against the kiss, Touya pulling back for a moment to nuzzle his nose against your cheek and murmur,
"It's the adrenaline, need to feel you". He moved his hands down to grip your ass and thighs, lifting you up swiftly to set you against the counter. His long fingers quickly undid the buttons to your jeans and tugged them down to your ankles but never all the way off in case the need for a quick escape arises. Touya groaned at the feel of your wetness seeping through your panties, all for him and he was always so greedy. He pressed the fingers damp with your essence against his tongue and the growling whimper that escaped him had your toes curling and breath hitching in your throat; how could he be so perfect and not know it? He wasted no time pulling his hard cock from the confine of his jeans, piercing still proudly shining just like the day you had held his hand to get it even if he denied actually needing the support. The head was flushed a pretty red as it wept a pearly drop that dripped and ran its way down the expanse of his shaft, his own breath catching as you traced the shining line with your thumb and rolled the piercing delicately. 
“No time for teasing,” he chided positioning the head at your entrance and sliding it along your slit, “Wanna fuck you through this rush, clear this place of everything, and hit the road”. 
“T-Touya, fuck!” you exclaimed as he bottomed out in one fluid motion, the feeling of his piercing rub against your walls making your mind numb and pleasure race up your spine, your nails digging into his arms braced on either side of you. He was acting so coy with his lips barely brushing against yours, his pretty smirk shaking you to the core as he pretended to lean in and connect your lips only to pull away at the last second to leave you chasing him until finally, you tugged him by his hair down to your mouth. The bite you gave against his lip only seemed to spur him on, a soft chuckle warming your tongue as he thrust harder into you, your arousal slickening his cock and gathering creamy at the base.
“Pussy so pretty for me feels so fucking good” He moaned, his forehead leaning down to your shoulder so that you were moaning and sighing almost directly into his ear, nails dragging crescents against his pale skin as he fucked you with pure abandon. You could feel your body heating as he nudged that pleasurable spot deep inside, feeling like his cock nearly reached your throat.
“Touya I-I’m-” a deep groan cut you off, your legs beginning to shake.
“Cum for me, be my good girl” He growled, hissing into the flesh of your neck as you tightened around him with a shout, cumming so hard you nearly forced him out. That last convulsion of your walls gripping around him was his undoing, pulling his dick from your soaked walls and splattering his cum across your legs though he hated the waste, his fist shaky as he squeezed the last few drops against your puffy clit and rubbed it around until you were trying to jerk away in overstimulation. You grabbed an old discarded shop rag next to the register and wiped away the mess, Touya helping you pull your underwear and pants back up before lifting you from the counter and setting you on your feet. 
“Let's get these fuckers moved against the door so we can head out the back” He suggested, kicking one of the bodies with a disgusted grimace. 
“I agree, let's grab everything we can too, bet there's an extra bag around here somewhere to pack up”. Touya nodded in agreement, looking around at the stocked shelves. 
“There better still be some jerky and chocolate left”.
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ventiswampwater · 1 year
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sawn off pump-action
bo sinclair x afab!reader
rating: explicit
wordcount: 1.2k
Reader POV. Go on and bring him his gun, sugar. You ain’t got nothin’ to be scared of. 
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So, I know this was from a prompt which literally ONLY asked me to tell you what I’d write HYPOTHETICALLY for it. But then I fell into a fugue state and stumbled out covered in blood, clutching this filthnasty in my evil little hands. Sigh. Here we go again, I GUESS. 
Thank you @languidcryptid​ for the brainworm!! Mwah!!💕
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⚠️ Canon-typical violence. Gun kink. Stockholm syndrome. EXTREMELY dubious consent. It’s heavily implied that the reader is actively assisting with/participating in the murders. Religious imagery and symbolism. Weird prose. Odd tenderness. Biting (Bo receiving). A blowjob in Doc Sinclair’s office. Light sprinkling of daddy and mommy kink. ⚠️
Using this fic as an opportunity to plug A Gun is a Lonesome Creature by @visceravalentines!! If you’re in the mood for IdiotMan™ being nasty with his stupid shotgun, this is required reading!! A fic of all time!! 
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God tastes like sweat and gunpowder in your mouth.
Love tastes like that too, sometimes. Not always, though. Sometimes it’s the queasy swirl of your stomach you had as a child when you ate too much, too fast. 
When you think about it, you’ve always been hungry. You’ve always wanted something in your mouth.
Bo’s hand is on the crown of your head, fingers lightly combing through your hair. 
You can’t remember what you’re celebrating—which anniversary is this, anyway? The one with his hand around your throat or the gravel cutting into your knees?
You run your tongue along the barrel of his gun.
Maybe it’s the other one, when he shook you awake and sat you on his lap on the porch. You were shivering in the early morning chill, watching another day spill out from the clouds. His hands had slipped under your shirt, stroking up your waist. You always stay in moments like that for too long, leaning into his touch. That’s your fault, really. 
The sun was cresting over the tree line when he kissed your neck. He told you that this was the only place left in the world for people like the two of you. 
What kind of people?
Sinners, angel.
You lick at the muzzle, circling your mouth around it. He’d made you bring him the shotgun shells. Held them in his palm and asked you to kiss them. Once for luck, once for love, once for the road. 
The safety’s been off this whole time.
Go on, baby.
He’d promised that he wouldn’t hurt you. His promise doesn’t mean much. Once, he’d promised that you’d always hate him.
Ain’t it funny how these things turn out?
His mouth hangs open as he watches you take your death between your teeth, swallowing your lips around cold metal. 
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There’s a ghost in this room and it looks like a fissure of broken glass hanging in a frame on the wall. You can’t prove anything to ghosts, they’ll never listen. They don’t see things like you do. 
That won’t stop him from trying.
When he’s had his fill of watching your lips slide up and down the gun, he eases it out of your mouth. You watch as he sets it down on the desk.
The chair creaks a bit when he sits in it. He beckons you over and you go to him, watching him loosen his belt. Lowering yourself onto your knees, you scoot forward. 
You’ve bled for him. He’s seen you kill. Sometimes the blood was yours and sometimes it wasn’t. It washed off all the same. 
Impulsively, you reach forward and grab onto his arm, pulling it towards you to peer at his wrist. His skin is corded there, ringed in a thick band of shining scar tissue. 
You close your eyes as you drop a ring of kisses along it. You kiss him like you’re asking a question, each press of your lips begging if it’s good enough, if he likes it. He doesn’t seem to have an answer for you, but he doesn’t pull his hand away. 
“Doin’ it all gentle.” He mutters. “I’m not made of glass.”
You hesitate for a moment before you raise your lips to the side of his hand. Experimentally, you open your mouth wider, teasing your teeth on his skin. He hisses out a breath when you nip at him, a light hum at the back of his throat. It almost sounds like contentment, but you know better (don’t you). You soothe the bite with a lick, tracing the ident of your teeth with the tip of your tongue. 
“Sweet thing.” 
You bite him again, harder this time. He flexes his fingers, shifting slightly in the chair. 
“Does it hurt?” You whisper. 
He chuckles, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. 
“You can’t hurt me, baby. You’re too soft.”
Soft isn’t you. That’s just the skin of your thighs. But then again, you don’t expect him to know the difference. The bruises on them ache as you lean forward, rubbing against each other. 
He tugs his hand away and you pull him out of his boxers. The gun is on the table behind you. It feels like it’s aimed at the back of your head. He thought of you! That’s sweet of him.
You wrap your lips around him with a moan. 
He feels better when he isn’t made of steel. Craning your head forward, you trail a long lick up the underside of his cock. Sometimes it feels like you’ve known him forever. Often, it’s like he’s the only person you’ve ever known. He twitches against your tongue, huffing out a sharp breath. 
You love him enough that you’d shoot him once in the chest, right under his heart.
You pull back, lifting your mouth off his cock.
You want him wheezing on the ground, cradled in your arms. That’s what love is—watching someone die. He shouldn’t have taught you that if he didn’t want you to dream about it.
“Is it good?” You ask, wetting your bottom lip. “Do you like it, daddy?��
Your prayers are sloppy things, but he’ll take them. You’re not sure who you’re even worshiping at this point. God, thick and warm in your mouth? God, a killing thing on the desk? God, in the thoughts inside your head?
You could ask whose jewelry you’re wearing, but you don’t have to.
“Yeah.” He murmurs. “Keep goin’, mama.”
And you do, because this is the only thing you want (other than the killing, and you’ll have to wait for that). 
You get lost in motion, in heat, working your head up and down. Saliva pools in your mouth, running down his cock. The pressure of his hand at the back of your head feels like security.  
Most of the time, the belonging doesn’t seem to go both ways. Not in this town, not even for sinners. You’re his, always, no exceptions. But he’s hardly yours (if he’s anyone’s at all). You listen to the uneven hitch of his breathing, stroking your hands up his thighs. Heat coils low in your belly, pooling wet and anxious between your legs. He shudders as he fucks up into your mouth. 
He lets out a strangled groan as he cums. Head tipped back; eyes closed. This is when he’s yours. He can’t be anyone else’s.
You can feel him softening in your mouth. You pull back slowly, sucking gently at the tip. You won’t waste a drop. Unlike him, you keep your promises. He chokes out a shaky breath, his hips jolting forward as you bob your head. His fingers tug roughly at your hair.
You can’t hurt me, baby. You’re too soft.
You’d like his lips on you next, his tongue. He’d tell you that was selfish. But maybe he should close his mouth if he isn’t hungry. 
You could take the place of the gun on the desk. Push the papers off the edge, knock the books onto the floor. This is only his house as much as he’s willing to prove it. And when you’re stuck performing for the dead, how much can you ever truly own?
Taste me and tell me if I’m like the barrel of a gun, or the cold metal of the blade in your back pocket, or the morning dew on the grass when you use my skin to keep you warm. 
He can leave more marks on your thighs, bite you hard enough that he gets your blood in his mouth. He’ll have to kiss you after, though.
Sinners share things here.
You can be the one made of metal for a bit.
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sourwolf-sterek32 · 1 year
The Chief’s Daughter
Summary: It had been six years since your father left you behind in New York. However, now that your mother was gone, you had no choice but to drive to Hawkins to find him. That's where you meet Billy Hargrove, who turns your life upside down... literally.
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: language, violence, mentions of past alcoholism 
Chapter 26-
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The Warzone was bigger than you expected and a lot more crowded than you thought it would be.
Billy and Eddie remained hidden inside the Winnebago, Dustin and Lucas choosing to stay with them while the rest of you all got out and entered the store. Guns, knives, you name any kind of weapon, it was there.
How or why all this shit was legal and easily accessible was beyond you, but right now, you were glad that it was.
"So much for avoiding angry hicks." Robin commented as you all came to a halt in the doorway, taking in everything.
"Let's be fast." Nancy instructed and you all nodded in agreement before peeling off in search of supplies that you needed.
You pulled your headphones back over your ears, Running Up That Hill playing while you looked around the store. You weren't entirely sure what you actually needed. The others all seemed to know what to grab as they wheeled around shopping carts and loaded them full of stuff.
You walked through the store, eyeing the creepy stuffed deer on the wall before you saw the gun stand at the back. You weren't sure what would kill Vecna, but a shotgun would at least slow him down, right? Plus, you kinda needed a new shotgun since Eddie dropped the other one in Lover's Lake.
There were so many guns on the rack behind the counter and you had absolutely no idea which one to get. Hoppers was a double barrel break-action and you liked it, it worked. But, it only shot two shells before it needed reloading and with the break-action, that took time. Time that you guys did not have with Vecna.
"Can I see your cheapest pump-action?" You asked, walking up to the counter and hanging the headphones around your neck.
"What kind?" The worker asked.
"12 gauge." You answered, hoping that was what he was asking because you had no idea what else to say. What other kinds of shotguns were there?
The older man nodded and turned to the rows and rows of guns behind him. His eyes scanned over weapons before he picked up one of the wood grain wrapped shotguns and handed it to you.
You carefully took the weapon and raised it towards the wall, pressing the butt of the gun into your shoulder and resting your chin on the stock. You rested your finger against the trigger guard as you looked down the barrel through the sights before nodding in approval and lowering it.
"How much?"
"$120.99, but I'll throw in 20 rounds of buckshot for ya."
You nodded, already pulling out your credit card and giving it to the man before a familiar voice spoke up from beside you.
"Hey, can I see this real pretty .357, please?"
Oh, God.
You glanced to your left and found Jason fucking Carver leaning against the counter a few metres away in his Hawkins High jacket. Shit. You quickly turned away, hoping he wouldn't recognise you.
It wasn't like the two of you ever interacted at school, so maybe he won't?
"Y/N Hopper."
Damnit, spoke too soon.
Slowly, you turned to face him to find Jason now looking straight at you, pointing the .357 revolver in your direction as he spoke. "Wouldn't expect to find you here."
"Yeah, well, it's just scary times." You answered with a shrug, still holding the shotgun.
Jason nodded, staring at you for a moment before he put the pistol down on the counter and closed the distance between the two of you, until he was standing right in front of you.
"Want my advice?"
Not really, but you figured he was going to say it anyway, so you remained silent.
"Shotguns are not good for much of anything past killing small birds. I mean, they got power, sure, but not much range. And that's just gonna force you into close-range combat, then someone can just grab that barrel like this..."
His hand suddenly shot out and grabbed the barrel, trying to yank the gun from your grasp, but you were already holding onto it tightly and he smirked. "You look nervous."
"A guy I barely know is in my personal space and tried to take my gun. I'd say I'm more pissed off than nervous." You responded, keeping your voice calm and level.
"Mmm, that's fair." He replied, but he didn't remove his hand from around the barrel. "Now, your boyfriend... he here with you, by chance?"
Jason nodded, "Billy."
"I only ask because he's a suspect for the murders, isn't that right? What about Eddie Munson? You know where he is?"
You felt your blood starting to boil at the false accusations but forced yourself to remain calm. Getting riled up and angry at Jason was not going to help anyone.
"Let go." You ordered forcefully, glancing down at his hand on the barrel. "I won't say it again."
His fingers only tightened before he leant closer, his face inches from yours. "Where are Billy and Eddie? You hiding them?"
"Make no mistake, Carver. If you come after my boyfriend or Eddie Munson, I will rip you apart." You warned, your voice ice cold as you glared at him.
"Is that so?"
"Don't push me. I get my temper from my father."
"Your dead father?" He asked, knowing he hit a sensitive spot and grinned.
"Say another word. I fucking dare you." You hissed, your voice low, not to draw attention, but he heard you loud and clear.
Nancy suddenly appeared beside you and Jason glared at you for a few more seconds before he removed his hand from the shotgun and stormed off.
"You okay?" She asked, watching him leave.
You nodded, "we need to get the fuck out of here."
"Yeah, let's go."
After paying for all the supplies, you all hurriedly got out the store, making sure Jason and his friends weren't following before getting back inside the RV.
"What happened?" Dustin questioned as you rushed inside.
"Your old teammates are here." You said, glancing over at Billy who frowned in confusion before realisation washed over him.
"Shit. He's still after Eddie, isn't he?" Lucas asked.
"Yep, and Billy now too. Harrington, you should probably drive us out of here, so they don't see Billy in the front seat." You suggested, glancing over at the other guy who was now sporting a new shirt and brown leather jacket.
In hindsight, you probably should have bought Billy a new shirt or jacket. But too late now. You were not going back in there. He was going to have to make do with Eddie's leather jacket and no shirt. Not that you were exactly complaining with the view of his broad bare chest and abs because apparently, he didn't want to zip up the jacket and you weren't about to tell him to.
Steve quickly got behind the wheel, the rest of you ducking down in the back as he slowly pulled out the carpark and drove away from The Warzone.
Eventually, the Winnebago came to a stop, and you all stepped outside for some needed fresh air. You were surprised to find that Steve had parked off the main road and beside a large green field, out of the public eye.
You all went over a plan, going through the details before preparing the weapons and supplies for the fight.
The Sinclair's were tying large Bowie knives to the ends of sticks to create makeshift spears which you thought was actually a good idea. Dustin and Eddie were busy hammering nails into garbage bin lids for shields while Steve and Robin made Molotov cocktails.
You had given Nancy the shotgun, telling you that you wanted it back once this was all over and she promised she would return it. Her and Max then got to work in sawing the long barrel off to make it more powerful and easily moveable.
"I still don't like this plan." Billy mumbled from where he was leaning against the side of the RV, overlooking the field and watching the others.
"I know." You said gently, glancing over at him. "Vecna uses my memories against me. but only the darkest memories. Same with Fred and Chrissy. It's like he only sees the darkness in us. So, I'll just run in the opposite direction. Run towards the light and maybe he won't be able to find me there."
"How exactly do you plan on doing this?"
"I'm not sure. But it's my mind. Not his, right? So, I should be able to control where I am. I just need to push him away, find a happy memory and hide there. Hide in the light."
"You got a memory in mind?"
You stared at Billy and smiled, "yeah. There was a time when I was... the happiest."
He glanced over at you, "was I there?"
"Wouldn't you like to know." You replied causing him to chuckle softly. "But, yeah, you might've been there."
Billy nodded, leaning his head back against the RV as he stared at you, his blue eyes shining brightly under the sunlight, and you found yourself unable to look away from him.
"The second you start to lift, I'm calling in Kate Bush though. Deal?"
He held his hand out towards you which you took with a smile and shook it, "deal."
"No wedgies! No wedgies!" Dustin’s voice shouted, drawing your attention away from Billy to find Eddie and Dustin trying to tackle each other out in the field.
You snorted softly in amusement and watched them. Lucas and Erica joining in while they fake played with their spears and shields together.
"You guys ready?" Steve asked, walking over to you.
"Not really." Billy admitted, folding his arms across his chest and Steve nodded in understanding.
"We got this." You reassured, looking between the two of them with false confidence. "We'll be fine."
It was clear Steve saw straight through your words, but he set his jaw and nodded before glancing over at the others and shouting at them to get in the RV. It was time to get started.
The drive across town to Victor Creels old house was tense and silent.
You sat between Billy and Eddie on the back couch. The Walkman was on and playing music through your ears, but you could tell nobody was talking. Billy's hand found yours, your fingers lacing together in his lap as he held your hand tightly.
Sooner than you would have liked, Steve pulled the Winnebago over in front of the Creel house, but nobody moved.
Lowering the headphones down around your neck, you stood up, pulling Billy along with you before Eddie called your name.
You paused and glanced over your shoulder, "yeah?"
"Be careful." He said, his eyes filled with worry causing you to smile softly.
"You too, Munson."
Billy squeezed your hand before you stepped out the RV, Max following behind as Steve leant back in the driver's seat to look at the group of you through the open door.
"Don't die, okay?"
You chuckled, "we got this, Harrington. Just focus on killing Vecna."
Steve nodded and Max closed the door to the Winnebago, and you turned around, staring at the large old building as the RV drove off.
You glanced over at Max and Billy, both meeting your gaze with a questioning look and you simply nodded, slipping the headphones back on before you walked up the front steps towards the house.
Shoes were taken off and lanterns were switched on as the three of you entered the building. The floorboards creaked under your feet causing you all to wince hoping that Vecna couldn't hear it, but with your shoes off, it made your footsteps nearly silent.
The three of you split up and walked around the house with your lanterns trying to locate Vecna.
It was nightfall by the time Max located him on the second floor and you all stood around your glowing lanterns before she pulled out her notepad and quickly wrote something down.
'Phase One?'
She held the pad towards the two of you and Billy silently nodded. Max glanced over at you, giving you a reassuring smile before she walked out the room to initiate Phase One and let Nancy, Robin and Steve know that you guys had found Vecna.
You and Billy sat by the window, watching Max across the road by the old playground waiting for the others to show up in the Upside Down.
You pulled out your notepad and scribbled down a word and held it towards Billy who sat opposite you.
He smiled softly and whipped out his own notepad.
'Hi :)'
'I'm glad you're here'
'Me too'
It felt like you were back in Mrs. Clicks History class passing notes behind the teachers back. You missed those days. You missed not having to worry about the Upside Down or the end of the world. You missed being a normal high schooler that was angry at Hopper for something stupid and sneaking out to go to parties with Billy. You missed those days and would give anything to go back to that.
Billy wrote something down on his notepad and held it up.
'Movie Friday?'
'Depends on the movie'
'Top Gun or Aliens?'
'Fuck Aliens. I've seen enough monsters to last a lifetime'
Billy smiled at your response before writing something else down.
'You just want an excuse to see Tom Cruise'
You rolled your eyes, biting back a laugh as Billy grinned when suddenly Max started shining her flashlight at the two of you from across the road. The smile instantly vanished from Billy's face. Time for Phase Two; distracting Vecna.
He picked up his own flashlight and shone it back at Max through the window before he turned towards you with a questioning look.
You gave him a small nod, pressing pause on the Walkman and lowering the headphones around your neck. You stood up and walked over to the flickering lantern on the ground, your own lantern dangling in your hand.
"Hey, asshole!" You shouted into the empty room. "I'm here. No more music. No more games. Do you hear me?! What are you waiting for? Come on, do you want me or not?"
The lantern on the floor suddenly faded out and a second later the one in your hand began to buzz and glow brightly. You followed the light up the stairs, Billy right behind you moving silently as Vecna led you up into the attic. Of course, it was the creepy attic.
Suddenly, the lantern in your hand died down causing you to frown in confusion. Where did he go?
You glanced over at Billy who was hovering a few metres away, but he just shrugged his shoulders having no idea what was going on.
"What are you waiting for, asshole?" You asked aloud. "I'm right here. I'm right here!"
A few seconds of silence ticked by, the lantern showing no signs of glowing. Did Vecna know you were trying to trick him? Did he know about the distraction?
"I know you can hear me. I know you can read my thoughts. Even the worst ones. Maybe mostly the worst ones." You began to say, putting the lantern down in the middle of the attic before unclipping the Walkman and taking the headphones off your neck, placing them on the ground too.
You took in a deep breath, sparing one last glance at Billy. He was already looking at you, those blue eyes filled with so much worry and fear. You gave him a small smile, trying to reassure him before you sat down on the ground in front of the lantern.
"I thought about what you said." You began to say before you started to ramble, trying to draw Vecna in. "About how I wanted my father to die. I thought that you were just trying to upset me. To anger me. But you weren't, were you? You were just telling the truth."
You could feel Billy's eyes on you, but you refused to look at him.
"Hopper, he couldn't handle Sara's death. So he started drinking and then one day, he just abandoned me. Left me and mum to fend for ourselves... and then my mum died, and I was stuck with him. So, sometimes... when I would lay in bed at night, I would pray that something would happen to him. Something awful. So, I imagined that it was him in my mother's car the day she crashed. I imagine that it was him that died. I just... I wanted him out of my life. Forever. I wanted him to disappear."
Tears were burning in the back of your eyes, but you refused to let them spill as you continued talking.
"I've tried to forgive myself for those thoughts. I've tried, but... I can't. I can't." You sniffed, wiping your eyes. "So now... when I lay in bed at night. I pray that something will happen to me. That something terrible will happen to me. So that's why I'm here. Because... I-I just want you to take me away. And I want you to make me disappear."
"Is that all true? You wanted the Chief to die?" Billy suddenly questioned, breaking the silence.
Your head snapped over in his direction, but Billy was just staring at the wall, his body completely still.
"Why are you talking?" You whispered.
He turned his head towards you, "you ever have thoughts like that about me?"
"What?" You asked, unable to believe what you were hearing before you quickly got to your feet and walked over to him. "No, Billy, never."
"Normal people don't fantasise about killing other people, Y/N. You realise that, right?"
"Billy, please-"
"I thought you were getting better. But, you're not, are you? You are sick." Billy responded, his bright blue eyes now dull as he took a few steps towards you, and you instinctively took a few steps back and shook your head.
"No, Billy, you don't mean that."
"Maybe it's good if he takes you. Maybe it's for the best. In fact, I'm glad it's going to be you. You'll be the chosen one."
Suddenly Billy's voice started to change, getting deeper as he continued walking towards you.
"The fourth. The final sacrifice." He finished, his voice no longer his own. "It's going to be you that breaks the world."
Your blood turned to ice, and you took a few more steps backwards. Your heart now beating out of your chest.
"Where are you going? Don't be scared."
"Stay away from me." You ordered, hating how your voice trembled, revealing just how terrified you actually were.
"Y/N, I thought you said you were ready. Ready to disappear!"
You reached to your left, grabbing the nearest item which happened to be a metal bucket before you slammed it against not-Billy's face.
"I said, stay away!" You screamed, running out the attic.
Taking the stairs two at a time, you rushed to the ground floor before sprinting down the corridor to the front door and yanking it open, only to realise that it was boarded up shut.
Shit. You were trapped. 
Previous Chapter / Next Chapter 
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haddonfieldwhore · 2 months
together - peter strahm
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peter strahm x younger! agent! oc part 2
summary: as strahm and mitchell get closer to solving the jigsaw case, they also get closer to eachother
warnings: violence, mentions of death, implied smut, age gap (45 and 27, guns, blood, plot differs from saw 5 slightly, language, i probably missed something
word count: 4.8k click here for part one
strahm quickly checked his phone for signal, finding no connection, and switched on his flashlight from his belt.
“what’s going on?” mitchell asked aloud, getting out her own flashlight and reaching for her gun again.
“just stay close to me.”
looking around the room, strahm found a door outlined in glow in the dark paint. he did a quick check to make sure the corridor was safe before reaching in and grabbing a tape record that was hung from the ceiling. he looked at it for a moment before pressing play.
“hello agent strahm,
if you’re hearing this then you’ve finally found what you’ve been looking for. but is the discovery of my body enough? or will your insatiable hunger to uncover the truth push you deeper into the abyss?
heed my warning.
do not proceed. for this room can either be your sanctuary, or it can be your grave.
the choice is yours,”
“peter….” mitchell spoke nervously.
“let’s go,” he ushered her into the dark corridor despite the tapes warning, muttering a ‘fuck you’ to jigsaws dead body before he followed close behind her. his hand lingered on the small of her back unintentionally, and she missed it when his touch left to corner check. someone snuck up behind strahm wearing a pig mask and stuck him in the neck with a sedative, and mitchell screamed.
“run, mitchell!” he croaked as the assailant dropped him to the floor, and she raised her arm to shoot the masked attacker. before she could, he swatted her arm aside, causing the bullet to lodge in the ceiling above them. her attacker wrestled the gun from her grip, and whipped her upside the head with it, causing her temple to split open. she fought back hard, but she felt the person grab the side of her head and slam it against the concrete wall, knocking her unconscious and sending her body to a crumpled heap on the floor next to strahm.
mitchell awoke though she couldn’t see anything, a blindfold over her eyes and her one arm shackled to the arm of the chair she sat in, and the other attached to something else. she dare not move. her head was spinning from hitting the wall, a trail of dried blood down the side of her face.
“strahm?” she spoke out loud, foolishly hoping he was in the same room as her. no response came.
she heard a door open, and she felt the blindfold get ripped off her eyes, and they stung as they adjusted to the light; she thought she must have a concussion. the masked assailant stood in the room in front of her, holding a tape recorder. the chair she was strapped to had a shotgun attached to it, her finger on the trigger and the barrel under her chin.
“where is agent strahm? let us go!” she yelled, but the figure said nothing, instead pressing the play button on the device and setting it on the table before walking out of the room, locking the door behind them.
“hello agent mitchell,” jigsaws voice greeted her, although it sounded slightly … different? “you’ll have to forgive my lack of preparation, as i was expecting agent strahm to come alone. but no matter, you will have a chance to play as well. agent strahm is being tested as we speak, but i will tell you this; he will fail.”
no… she thought, and tugged at her restraints again, her wrists and ankles securely strapped to the frame of the chair.
“but you have the option to save him, in exchange for your own life,” the tape went on. “pull the trigger, and he will be spared. would you give your own life, in exchange for a man who will never want you in the way you want him? simply let go of your life, and his will be spared. but know that he is running out of time. you have 60 seconds to decide.”
a timer lit up on the wall, and panic flashed through mitchell’s body. she didn’t want to die. there were too many things she hadn’t done with her life, things she wanted to see.
but then she thought about agent strahm - peter.
it was her job as an agent to protect her partner, and while they had not always seen eye to eye, it was her duty to keep him safe.
she would have been lying to herself if she had said that was the only reason, and it seemed that jigsaw - or whoever this accomplice was - had figured it out too. maybe even before she had. she had grown fond of agent strahm in the months she’d spent working with him, despite everything.
he had done everything he could to push her away, had rarely shown her basically human decency, nevermind kindness. when he had it was when no one else was looking, like it was a shameful to be friends with her.
she had already taken a life to protect him, and now she was faced with the choice - to take her own or to let him die. she didn’t have time to think about it much. she didn’t need to.
she couldn’t live with two lives on her conscience. not when she could have saved one of them.
hailey mitchell closed her eyes, and pulled the trigger on the gun.
she opened her eyes cautiously, and looked up at the clock on the wall. had she been too late?
2 seconds remained on the clock, not changing. was this some kind of sick joke? had the gun malfunctioned? had it even been loaded?
she dared not pull the trigger again to find out.
a circular beam of light streamed into the room; a peephole in the wall. someone had been watching.
“we had a deal! you promised! get me out of here!” she yelled, careful not to jostle the gun too much.
was he alive?
if she was alive did that mean…
she heard multiple sets of footsteps outside the room she was in, and wondered if any of them were his.
“police, open up!” a voice called from the other side of the door - not the voice she wanted to hear.
“i can’t - the door is locked from the outside and i’m restrained,” she explained through the door.
“identify yourself!”
“special agent hailey mitchell, fbi.”
the door was kicked down, and multiple officers with guns entered the small room.
she was safe. she was alive. she had been prepared to die, and she felt like a part of her had.
but she was alive.
she just wondered if he was so lucky.
agent mitchell was in a state of shock as she sat in the back of the ambulance, getting checked over. she would get a full examination and properly checked for a concussion at the hospital, but for now her head was bandaged to stop the bleeding. the emotional damage was far worse than the splitting headache she had. maybe that was what jigsaw had wanted all along. maybe he was just trying to break her.
hoffman had survived - she had seen him talking to the other police officers. it seemed that officer rigg had not been so lucky, as she heard hoffman say that no one else had survived.
“we got a live one here!” a voice called, and mitchell looked up to see strahm being wheeled to another ambulance in a gurney. she wrapped the blue ambulance blanket tighter around her shoulders and got up a little too quickly, stumbling a bit as she walked over to meet the paramedics outside the emergency vehicle.
“is he alright?” she asked, and strahm gave her a halfhearted thumbs up. his hair and face were soaking wet like he’d been underwater, and there were bloody bandages on a wound on the front of his throat.
“are you riding with him?” one of the paramedics asked, and she nodded.
“yes, he’s my partner,” she explained, and she was helped into the back of the vehicle after him.
“hey,” she said softly to the older agent, who winced as he nodded in acknowledgment. she hesitated, but placed a hand on his forearm.
“we made it.”
after a few hours of tests and a much needed nap, mitchell awoke in her hospital bed, her head pounding slightly less than she expected thanks to the pain killers she’d been given.
where was agent strahm?
she cursed herself for her first thought being about him. she hadn’t realized she had become so attached to him until she was faced with losing him.
the police got her report on what had happened, a little confused by the tape they found in the room she had been held.
“the timer was stopped at 2 seconds. why?”
“because i pulled the trigger. the gun wasn’t loaded,” she explained.
“the gun we found in the room you were in was loaded, but only with one shell,” the officer told her, and a chill ran through her body.
“so i guess i got lucky then?” she said dryly. she’d been given a 50/50 chance to die.
after her questioning, she asked about strahm and perez, and was met with an answer she had been dreading.
“agent perez didn’t make it, i’m sorry,” the officer broke the news. “agent strahm is in her room now. you can go join him if you like.”
she thanked him and tied a hospital robe around herself, before making her way down the hallway until she found perez’s room number.
she knocked softly on the door, and strahm turned his head to look at the source of the noise.
“hey,” she whispered. “i’m sorry about perez.”
“yeah, me too,” he muttered. there was a bandage on the front of his neck, where mitchell heard he’d performed a tracheotomy on himself to survive his trap.
“how are you doing?”
“you don’t have to do this,” he shook his head and she walked closer to him.
“do what?”
“the whole ‘how are you?’ ‘i’m here for you’ thing. i’m fine-“
“she was your friend. you’re allowed to be upset about her death-“
“you think i’m not upset?” he rasped, and pain shot through his throat.
“that’s not what i meant. i’m sorry, just please don’t hurt yourself,” she urged him, and she was suprised that he didn’t argue.
“are you alright? what happened after i was drugged?” he asked her, and she took that as an invitation to sit in the chair next to his. she spared a glance at the empty hospital bed, blood soaking the pillow where perez had been.
“i got my head whacked against the wall and woke up in a trap,” she explained, pointing to the bandage on her head, the bruising slightly visible peeking out from the edges of it.
“how did you escape?” he asked.
“i got lucky,” she said, and he looked confused. “jigsaw - or whoever - didn’t expect me to be there-“
“sorry to interrupt,” hoffman greeted as he appeared in the doorway, and strahm sat up straighter, not realizing he had leaned towards mitchell as he listened to her. “i’m really sorry about agent perez.”
the air in the room changed completely, peter obviously not buying hoffmans whole hero story.
“she said your name you know,” strahm said bitterly. “last thing she said was ‘detective hoffman’. why’d she say that - why’d she say your name?” mitchell hadn’t realized that peter had been there when she died.
“i don’t know.”
“no? how did you walk out of that building?” strahm continued as hoffman stayed quiet.
“how did you?” the officer countered, and mitchell tensed in her chair. she had never been a huge fan of the detective, and if strahms suspicions were correct, it was highly likely that he was somehow involved with jigsaw.
“on a gurney with a fucking hole in my throat!” peter croaked, coughing slightly in discomfort after, and mitchell placed a hand on his shoulder before retracting it.
“what about her?” hoffman pointed to mitchell, and strahm glared at him.
“what about her?” he defended, and mitchell appreciated it. she wouldn’t have minded explaining everything to strahm, but she didn’t want to have to recount the story to hoffman.
“look at you - couple of scratches and a story about how your arm straps broke. jigsaw doesn’t make mistakes.”
“if this you theorizing again? cause jigsaws dead,” hoffman replied.
“i’m not talking about him i’m talking about you and your whole crooked department.”
“my departments gone, they’re all dead. there’s no one left.”
“besides you,” mitchell pointed out, and strahm looked at her like he was about to say the same thing.
“i’ve been chasing jigsaw from the beginning. and i got him. so unless you’ve got something else to say, back the fuck off,” hoffman spoke. “read the papers; i saved that little girl,” he said, in reference to the young girl he had rescued from the building. with that he left the room, and strahm let out a heavy sigh, which obviously caused him some discomfort.
“what an asshole,” mitchell mumbled, more to herself than anything, but strahm smiled slightly nonetheless. she realized how handsome he looked when he wasn’t scowling.
“we agree on one thing,” he joked, and she smiled back at him.
they were interrupted by their supervisor special agent erickson entering the room.
“i’m sorry about agent perez,” he greeted, and you figured it would be something both you and strahm would be hearing a lot for the next little while. “shouldn’t you be resting?” he asked peter. “both of you,” he added.
“i’m fine erickson,” strahm said, but a cough betrayed him.
“no you’re not, peter. that’s why i put you on medical leave. mitchell, you too.”
“sir-“ she began to argue.
“i was supposed to die in that trap,” strahm said.
“you two never should have been there without backup. who’s idea was that?” erickson asked, and strahm looked at the floor, answering his question. “did you drag her with you?” he gestured to mitchell.
“no sir,” she replied. “i wouldn’t let him go alone.”
“while i have to say i am happy to see you two finally working together, this isn’t what i had in mind.”
“i wanna talk to jill tuck, one last time,” strahm said, walking closer to erickson.
“you’re no longer handling the case, peter,” erickson said, handing him a folded piece of paper. “that goes for you too, hailey.”
“what?” strahm asked.
“read it,” erickson instructed. “over a dozen dead bodies were discovered at the scene - two of which were cops.”
“jigsaws dead - how many lives did i inevitably save?” strahm rasped.
“by endangering yourself, and others. including mitchell. i told you to look out for her, not put her in danger,” erickson argued, and strahm glanced over at her, their eyes meeting for a second. she felt guilty. “you’re both off the case.”
“on who’s orders?” strahm asked.
“mine,” erickson said with finality, letting both the agents know that it was not up for discussion. “i’m sorry peter, it’s over,” he said, before exiting the room after one final glance at agent mitchel, who sat with her hands folded in her lap.
“i’m sorry,” she mumbled, and peter walked over slowly and resumed sitting next to her.
“i’m not giving up that easily,” he grumbled. “not now.”
“help me,” he said, his hand resting on her shoulder.
“okay,” she nodded, her eyes staring up into his. “but we work together.”
“deal,” he sighed. “i’ll see if i can grab some files from the office and meet you later.”
“i have a few files at my apartment - we could meet there?” she suggested, and he gave her a confused look. “i was doing some homework,” she admitted. the jigsaw case had taken over her life almost as much as it had taken over his.
“text me the address. i’ll call you when i’m on my way,” he instructed, and she nodded.
“we’ll find this guy, peter,” she assured him.
“i know we will.”
the two agents were nearly an hour into sorting through what little files they had at mitchell’s apartment, sat next to eachother on the couch with papers spread across the coffee table, when strahm thought of something.
“you never did tell me how you got out of that building?”
“like i said, i kind of got lucky. i don’t think jigsaw - whoever - thought i would be there so he didn’t have a trap ready. i don’t know honestly,” she explained, and strahm could tell it was difficult for her to relive it all so soon.
“hey, you’re okay,” he placed a hand on her knee comfortingly.
“i woke up strapped to a chair with a shotgun under my chin and my finger on the trigger. the tape said i could either let you die or give my life to save yours,” she was zoned out, staring at the table in front of her.
“i thought you were dead,” she admitted. “i pulled the trigger but nothing happened; it was just a trick i guess. i thought i let you die- i thought i lost you,” her eyes became wet with tears, and she cursed herself for getting emotional in front of him.
“you were ready to die for me?” he asked.
“you’re my partner. it’s my job to protect you.”
“hailey-“ he said her name again, and she finally looked up at him. “thank you,” he said, and without thinking he wiped a tear from her cheek with his thumb.
“come here,” he whispered, and pulled her into his lap, their foreheads pressed against each others.
“i thought you hated me?” she said softly, his large hands sliding up her hips as she straddled his lap.
“it was easier to pretend that i did. but i can’t anymore. not after everything.”
mitchell leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on his lips.
“fuck hailey-“
“we’re not officially partners anymore,” she pointed out, and he couldn’t fight it anymore. he connected their lips again, savouring the taste of her lip gloss that lingered on her mouth. her fingers traced through his hair, and he leaned back against the back of the couch, holding her close.
“use your words,” he groaned as she rocked her hips against his. “tell me what you want.”
“i need you,” she replied, and he kissed her deeply, picking her up in his arms and following her directions to her bedroom.
hailey’s eyes adjusted to the light, poking through the curtains in delicate beams of sunlight. arms tightened around her waist, and she hummed as strahm peppered soft kisses across her bare shoulder, and she snuggled into the crook of his neck.
“good morning,” he whispered, his voice deeper from sleep and his injured throat.
“good morning,” she kissed the underside of jaw gently, her eyes still barely open. for someone so tough on the outside, he had been so gentle with her, cherishing every touch she gave him. there was a subtle but not unwelcome ache between her thighs when she adjusted her position, their legs tangling together beneath the sheets.
“how did you sleep?” he asked.
“better than i have in a long time. you?”
“me too,” he kissed her lips softly, and she smiled. “i haven’t slept in this late in years.”
mitchell glanced over at the clock, which read 8:30am.
“you call this sleeping in late?” she laughed, and he smiled; a genuine smile. it looked good on him. he tried to sneak out of her grip, but she didn’t let him, and he sighed, though there was an amused look on his face.
“hails,” he sighed, and her heart skipped a beat; he had given her a nickname. “we have work to do.”
“five minutes,” was all she asked for, and he couldn’t bring himself to say no to her.
days of following hoffmans trail were leading the two agents closer and closer to cracking the case, but it felt like they were always one step behind him. it seemed as though hoffman had been helping jigsaw for longer than strahm had originally thought, as the uncovered more and more evidence that pointed to his involvement, all the while hoffman was setting pieces in place to frame strahm as the accomplice.
“just stay close,” he instructed as he and agent mitchell walked through another abandoned building. they reached a room with a glass coffin in the center, and a tape recorder sat inside atop shards of broken glass.
“strahm be careful,” mitchell urged as he reached toward it, grabbing the device from inside and pressing play. this time it was clearly hoffman’s voice on the recording - no voice modulation.
“hello agent strahm. if you are hearing this then you have once again found what you’ve been looking for - or so you think. your dedication is to be commended. but i ask you: have you learned anything on your journey of discovery? as the old saying goes, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.
the situation you find yourself in is one of trust. so i ask you agent strahm, have you learned to trust me? the only way to survive this room, is by entering the glass box before you. pain will be incurred, but you have a chance of survival.”
“get out of here, mitchell,” strahm said after the tape had finished.
“absolutely not-“
“hailey don’t make me ask you again. this is between me and him - i see that now,” he put his hands on her shoulder, his eyes pleading with her to for once just listen to him.
“i’m not leaving without you,” she argued, and her fingers gripped the front of his leather jacket. “don’t push me away; not now,” she begged.
“i need to know that you’re safe-“
“what about you? huh?” she pressured, her doe eyes wide as she stared up at him desperately. “i won’t lose you.”
he kissed her long and hard, pulling back to rest his forehead against hers.
“please hails,” he begged her, and she shook her head.
“i can’t.”
“this is very touching, albeit a bit unexpected, but it does put a wrench in the plan so unfortunately i’ll have to ask that we cut this moment short.” hoffman spoke as he entered the room slowly. strahm immediately tucked mitchell behind him, and drew his gun on hoffman. a fight broke out between the two men, and mitchell was kicked hard against the wall as she tried to help strahm.
enraged, peter wrestled hoffman into the coffin and slammed the door, the man trapped inside pounding to get out.
strahm picked up the tape recorder off the ground, his finger pressing the play button again as he did, and the message from before continued.
“however, if you decide not to, you will never be heard from again. your body will never be found. you will simply vanish. i ask you, have you learned enough to trust me? heed my warning, for if you do not, this room will forever be your tomb. and my legacy will become yours.
make your choice.”
strahm and mitchell looked over to see hoffman looking far too pleased for someone who was supposed to be trapped, and the two agents looked at eachother in a panic as the door to the room slammed shut.
“strahm…” she said nervously as he helped her up off the floor, her head pounding from where it struck the wall.
“are you alright?” he asked, and she nodded. she took a step and heard a splashing sound beneath her feet.
the room was beginning to fill with water.
“tell me how to stop it you son of a bitch! i know who you are! i know!” strahm pounded on the door to the coffin, but hoffman just stared back with a shit eating grin.
“peter what do we do?” she asked, the older agent also realizing the predicament they were in, hoffman grinning at them all the while as his coffin sank safely into the ground.
“don’t panic, okay. i’m not gonna let anything happen to you. just breathe okay? we need to work together if we want to get out of here,” he managed to calm her down, and she nodded. he was right. there was a few inches of water on the ground now, and despite using both of their strength, the door wouldn’t budge. mitchell grabbed the tape recorder off the floor before it got too wet and then managed to send a text with their location to headquarters so maybe someone would at least find their bodies. it wasn’t long before she needed to use both arms to keep herself afloat in the rising water.
“up there,” strahm pointed to a grate in the ceiling, and mitchell nodded. “once the water gets high enough, i’ll hold you up while you kick out the grate.”
“what if that doesn’t work?” she asked, and strahm didn’t reply. “right, she took a deep breath. soon the water would be over their heads. they were running out of time. strahms hands lifted her above him by her waist, and she kicked at the rusted grate with all her strength. it moved slightly with each kick, but the water was over their heads now and she knew strahm wouldn’t be able to hold her up much longer.
thankfully with a few more desperate kicks, it broke free, and mitchell was able to use the last of her air to pull herself up through the gap. she choked out some water and reached out a hand to pull strahm up after her, and his body collapsed on top of hers as they both caught their breath.
they’d made it.
jigsaw had once again made the same mistake; thinking that mitchell would let strahm go after him alone.
“i really wish people would stop trying to drown me,” strahm said, and mitchell choked out a laugh.
“that makes two of us.”
“put your hands in the air!” a familiar voice called as erickson came across the two agents, who feebly complied.
“erickson? what are you doing here?” strahm asked, coughing out some water as he sat up with a groan.
“i could ask you two the same thing. i thought i made it clear you were off this case.”
“what if we told you we know who the accomplice is?” mitchell breathed heavily.
“what if i told you that there’s a whole lot of evidence in that room down there that tells me it’s you, peter?”
“that’s not possible,” mitchell defended. “plus we have this,” she pulled the tape recorder from her pocket.
“what is that?” erickson asked, lowering the gun slightly as he walked over to the two agents.
“proof that detective hoffman is the jigsaw accomplice we’ve been looking for. and there’s more evidence at my apartment, if you let us show you.”
“you better hope that tape still works,” erickson said, gesturing for the two agents to come with him.
strahm helped hailey up off the floor, and they stared at each other for a second before she threw her arms around his neck in a crushing hug. his arms circled her body and held her tight, and he kissed the side of her head, her hair wet and dripping water onto the floor. they separated, erickson looking at them strangely as they followed after him, but he didn’t ask.
“wait, hoffman is still here somewhere,” mitchell pointed out.
“we’ll worry about him later. if what you say is true, he won’t lay low for long. if he knows you have evidence against him i’m sure he’ll crawl out of the woodwork soon,” erickson replied. “right now i need to get you two somewhere safe.”
“sounds good to me,” strahm said, his hand reaching for mitchell’s once erickson wasn’t looking. hailey smiled up at him, and he returned it.
they had done it.
everything would be okay.
as long as they were together.
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atomicbird101 · 10 months
FO3 Companions Reactions to Dukov Being Gross to the Lone Wanderer.
Content warning ⚠️ themes of sexual assault!
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This guy slaps your gf ass, wyd?
Butch sees red and immediately punches him square in the jaw.
"Get the hell away from them, you sick bastard!"
He doesn't go further than that — although he gladly would — but he leaves it up to Lone to decide what they want to do about this.
Charon deftly slips behind the pig, and before he can say, "You must have sat in some sugar, because you've got a sweet ass," there's a shotgun barrel against the back of his head.
"Your hand or your head. Your choice."
"Alright, alright, big man," Dukov says as he raises his hands in surrender.
If Lone gives the order, Charon will eliminate the problem with neither hesitation nor remorse.
In one fluid motion, Clover slices his hand clean off with her sword, and will decapitate the fucker if Lone chooses not to stop her.
She practically crushes his arm in a grip of steel, fingers leaving dark bruises on his wrist.
"Nineteen years ago, I swore to protect this child by whatever means necessary. Do I make myself clear, Mr. Dukov?"
"Fuck! Yes, now let go, you crazy bitch!"
"That's Star Paladin Cross to you, civilian."
She wrenches his arm away before turning back to Lone and asking if they're alright while using her power armor-clad body to shield them from Dukov's wandering eyes and hands.
Dogmeat growls and bites the hand that grabbed them before Dukov kicks him away. If Lone does not step in in defense of their dog, Dogmeat will go for his throat and it's anyone's guess who wins that fight. Dogmeat is quick and tough, but Dukov is a renowned gunslinger, booze be damned.
"My friend... I would advise against that if I were you."
His hand wraps around Dukov's entire head and he lifts him off the ground as he speaks. Firm pressure is applied; not enough to crush his skull, but enough to get the point across that he so easily could.
Although Dukov is a quick shot, Jericho is quicker and sober. A speedy and precise bullet to the wrist is all it takes to make Dukov regret his life choices.
"Damn, and to think I was starting to like this place."
Before Dukov can even think of using his other hand to pull out his gun, Jericho shoots a second round through his head and steps past the body as if he were stepping past a fresh pile of centaur dung.
"You okay, kid?" Jericho asks, holstering his weapon.
RL-3 turns towards Dukov with a whirling buzz blade and three red eyes. An astute eye would notice a brighter flame as he peers at the despicable sack of flesh before him and asks his owner:
"What are your orders, Commander?"
31 notes · View notes
lala1267 · 1 year
Chocolate and Vanilla (Part 5 final part)
Summary: Elvis has now claimed you as his own, nothing will take him from you. Bad ending.
Warnings: yandere Elvis, cheating, marriage, reader isnt really allowed to have a choice or opinion, r3pe, fainting, exploitation, domestic violence, age gap.
Note: this is a very violent and sensitive chapter, read at your own risk.
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It was the 70s. I was 25 and Elvis was 32. I had been living with Elvis since the day that he saw me and brought me back to graceland. I loved Elvis but I didn't love his personality. He had major mood swings, one minute he would be kissing and hugging me and the next he would be shouting and yelling at me.
I hadn't seen Lana in years, and I missed her terribly, I just wanted her to come and save me. I wasn't allowed to get out of Graceland since Elvis didn't want anyone knowing that he was dating a black girl. But you can't keep a secret forever. Soon, the public found out, the press was going crazy. In every newspaper I read, the title would be, "Elvis is dating a black"
"Elvis presley likes the blacks"
"Black girl loves Elvis" and etc. I learned to live with paparazzi following me everywhere I went. I would be outside in the front lawn with Elvis when I saw some of the press sneaking through the Graceland gates. Elvis let his temper get the best of him as usual. He went inside and got his double barrel shotgun. He walked back out, shooting at the poor people until they ran off. Elvis was an angry man. He was violent to others when he was angry and sometimes even to me. But he was quick to apologise after he had put his hands on me. I just wanted him to love me, like when he took me to Graceland for the first time and looked after me.
I had to start getting ready for Elvis's show. He always wanted me to be at his shows, so he has a pretty face to look at. I put on a red glittery dress that hugged my figure perfectly, I had on knee-high red boots with white bows. I wasn't a baby anymore, my boobs were bigger, my hips were wider, I was a woman now. I had straightened my hair like usual, Elvis wanted me to start straightening my hair and doing my makeup. I could never say no to him since I didn't feel like crying myself to sleep. I was like his doll. If he didn't like what I was wearing, he would pick an outfit out for me. If he didn't like my makeup, he would send me back to the bathroom to do it again. He could dress me and say anything to me, i would do anything he wanted. My makeup and hair were already finished, I had began to put some things in my handbag when I felt large hands aggressively grab my waist. I turned to see who it was. It was Elvis. I just turned back around and continued placing items into my designer handbag. He pulled my hips into his pelvis, he moved his hand up and down my body. He tried to unzip my dress, but I stopped him. "Elvis, not now" I said with a fed up tone. Elvis pushed me forward, causing me to fall onto the bed. He looked at me with disgust before replying to me.
"You never wanna make love with me anymore, do you even love me?"
"Just because I don't want have sex doesn't mean I don't love you"
"Well if you loved me then you would make love to me"
"Don't be stupid Elvis, no means no" Elvis's face went red and his fists were clenched, he always got his way and he wouldn't take no for and answer. He grabbed my body and lifted me up, so I was standing in front of him with my back to him. He ferociously unzipped my dress. He ripped it off my body. I was now standing with my back to tall man with just a bra and panties on.
"Elvis I said no!"
"You ain't gonna tell me no, I get what I want!" He pushed me onto the lavish bed. He was about to rip my pants of when his freind Jerry walked in. Jerry's face made a frown as he saw what was happening, he wouldn't be able to tell Elvis to stop because he would probably shoot him. Jerry stood there for a second before announcing, "uhm Elvis you need to be on stage now" Jerry said awkwardly before giving me an apologetic look. Elvis looked at Jerry with anger in his eyes. He turned back round to me and whispered in my ear, "Ya got lucky this time, honey." he got off me, he smiled at Jerry and walked out of the door like nothing happened. Jerry mouthed the word "sorry" to me before he also left the room. I had to stop myself from crying as I put my clothes back on and fixed my hair.
I was in the audience watching Elvis on stage, I saw nothing, he meant nothing to me, i sat there with no expression. I wasn't pleased, I wasn't sad, I wasn't angry, I felt nothing. Elvis had robbed all of my personality, life, freedom, and feelings. That was the day that I realised I didn't love him and that I felt nothing for him. He danced and sang all while looking at me. He expected me to clap and smile, but I just sat there motionless. My heart was stone grey, and my brain was dead. Elvis sang songs that had the most sweet lyrics. He was singing it to me. I was sitting there staring into his cold soul. A single tear dropped from my eye and rolled down my cheek, I didn't even bother to wipe it off. The press and some of the audience had noticed how strange I was acting. Cameras were flashing but not at Elvis, but at me. I snapped out of my thoughts to see paparazzi crowding me and taking pictures. The lights flashed, almost blinding my vision, I didn't realise that I had tear dropps all down both cheeks, my mascara ran down my face. I had been too stuck in my thoughts to realise. When Elvis finds out about this I would be punished severely, I could already hear his voice in my head, "God dammit, why the fuck were you crying, now its gonna be in every newspaper your an embarrasment!" A million thoughts rushed through my head, the crowd only got bigger, my breathing quickened, the room started spinning, my vision got blurry. The last thing I saw was Elvis on stage looking at me with disgust. I fell off my chair onto the ground, I was unconscious. I woke up in the bed that I shared with Elvis. My back ached. I looked down at my body to see my panties on the floor, I was only wearing a bra. I quickly got up to get some clothes on. I put some shorts on and a crop top. I already knew what had happened. Elvis had made love to me without my permission. Whilst I was unconscious. Tears fell from my eyes onto the carpet as Elvis walked in. He immediately ran to and said, "Whoa, why are you awake"
"Don't worry I know what you did to me"
"I didn't do anything I was-"
"That doesn't explain why my back is aching and I am half naked!"
"Don't raise your voice at me lil girl!" I emediantly shut up.
"Get ready we are going shopping" Elvis said through his teethe.
I had put on a short dress and some small heels. We were walking through the mall when Elvis told me, "Wait here I need to go to the toilet" I nodded in agreement as he walked to the toilets, I stood there when I saw a magazine shop. I looked through the magazines. My face dropped in horror as I saw pictures of me passing out at Elvis's show. I still hadn't gotten a punishment from Elvis since that happened yesterday, I figured that him r#ping me was my punishment. I looked at the titles of the magazines, 'Elvis's girlfriend faints at his show'
'Elvis's girl collapses'
"Elvis's girl gets raped?!" I whisper yelled to my self as I read the title. I instantly looked at the image that followed. It was me getting sexualy assaulted by my boyfriend, the picture seemed to have been taken from the bedroom window that must have been accidentally left open. Elvis was on top of me while I was unconscious, he was thrusting into me. My ears began ringing and my head began aching, I didn't even bother to stop my tears because it was already to late. Elvis was behind me looking at all of the magazines in horror. He grabbed my wrist and escorted me out of the mall. He put me in his car and we drove back to Graceland.
We got home and Elvis looked furious. He picked up a vase with flowers in and threw it at the wall, glass went everywhere. He threw a lot of items around until he locked eyes with me. He stomped towards me before gripping my straightened hair. I yelped. He pushed me onto the ground as he shouted, "It's all your fault!" My blood was boiling. This man could kill me if he wanted to. I knew I had to do something. He was on top of me ready to hit me when I kicked him in the chest with my heel. He rolled of me, yelling cuss words. But he was quick to get back up. As I was trying to run away he grabbed my hair and said, "You ain't never getting away from me." he dragged me all the way up the stairs to our room. That was where he left me.
Since that day I was just his fuck buddy. He used me for sex, and when he was done he would ignore for the rest of the day. He would sneak girls in the house at night. He was a bad man. But I was trapped here in this house forever. I missed Lana, my freedom, and my life, but he had robbed all of that from me. I was here forever.
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thatorigamiguy · 2 years
Thing of Beauty
Ruby gaped as she put eyes upon one of the most beautiful super shotguns she’d ever seen in her entire life. It was called Morning Glory, and it was given to her as part of payment from one her teams outings after they helped defend a merchants convoy moving through several settlements. Unfortunately, as much as Ruby loved him Morning Glory didn’t fit her or any of her teams style at all. But it would be such a shame to waste such a beautiful weapon, if only there was someone who would make better use of it.
And that’s when hit her. It should have been obvious, who else needed it more than her fellow leader and sorely lacking in a firearm Jaune! It might be a little cumbersome, but Jaune was adaptable and Ruby was sure that he would be able to work it into his fighting style. Yes, it was a beautiful gun for a handsome man- uh, she meant a great gun for her friend! Yep, totally just a friend! Nothing more!
...She couldn’t wait for Jaune to try Morning Glory out, and today was the perfect day for it! It was warm without being too hot, clear blue sky, and she would be shooting guns! With her cru- best friend!
Ruby: Biting her lip “...the only thing that would make this better would be...”
Jaune and Ruby were outside Beacon on Ruby’s custom range. Jaune was standing near a table that was littered with firearms and dust rounds with Morning Glory firmly on his left shoulder in the unhinged position and a bandolier of shells wrapped around his right.
Oh, and he was completely shirtless. Something that confused him greatly, but that Ruby had been very insistent about.
Jaune: "Ruby, while I'm more than happy to shoot guns with you, is there a reason I'm doing this shirtless?" Jaune’s question was met by a look of complete determination on Ruby’s face. Ruby: "ABSOLUTELY JAUNE! I need to see you shoot shirtless for uh... weapon related reasons!" Jaune’s confusion quickly turned to suspicion as he shot her with a narrowed eye look. Jaune: "...Weapon related reasons?" Ruby: "Uh-huh! See Jaune, Morning Glory is a custom made piece and it’s way stronger than your average super Shotgun! I need you to shoot shirtless to, uh, see how it will affect any other possible custom weapon I might have to test out later!" Jaune found that statement to be... rather contradictory, because he had tested out nearly ever other one of Ruby’s custom pieces while fully clothed. He felt compelled to question Ruby’s logic, but seeing the dead serious look on her face made Jaune decide to drop the matter... for now. Instead, Jaune internally shrugged it off before grabbing Morning glory and placing two shell into it’s barrels and closing it off with a satisfying “click.”
Jaune: "Alright, whatever you say Rubes. You ready then?" Ruby’s face nearly lit up like a dustmas tree, before she regained her composure and rushed over to her handmade catapult. when he saw she was in position, Jaune shouldered Morning Glory, before glancing over to her. Jaune: "Ready?"
Ruby nodded, before giving him a confident smile.
Ruby: "Ready!" Jaune: "PULL!" Ruby pulled back the lever, and watched as her target of choice was launched out at high speeds. Now usually Ruby would use Clay Pigeons when doing tests to shoot targets out of the air, but today she readied a couple special targets for today...
Water balloons. 
Now typically when shot and popped, gravity would quickly take hold and water would drop harmlessly to the ground and no one would get splashed on. However, Ruby calculated the wind trajectory for today and launched the balloons at just the right angle So that when Jaune shot the balloons... Two shots rang out and both balloons popped in quick succession at direct hits. Jaune smiled in satisfaction as he ejected his spent shells, before he yelped in shock as he ended getting drenched in the falling balloon water. the sun peaked out at just the right moment to add a shine to the now wet Jaune, his tight and corded muscles glistening in the suns rays as water trailed down him in what could only be described as slow motion. He whipped his head back and forth to get the water out of his head like a dog shaking to dry him self, while holding firmly onto Morning Glory as smoke trailed out of the barrels only adding to the emphasize the scene.
after managing to get most of the water out of his hair, Jaune huffed out an annoyed breath before he turned to address Ruby.
Jaune: "Gee, Thanks for the shower Ruby. If we’re going to keep using water balloons, maybe try and angle it away a little more?"
As Jaune looked over to confirm with Ruby, he was greeted with the sight of her biting her lower lip, a trail of blood leaking down her nose, and her face flushed as red as her namesake. She didn’t sound the least bit apologetic when she said.
Ruby: "I'll make sure my trajectory isn't off next time Jaune...~"
This was something I wrote long ago in the Archives of Madness (AKA @noneatnonedotcom​ and I’s Discord) and it was inspired by shotgun I saw a few years back, that of course, lead into a shitpost. I hope you all enjoyed this piece, and I’ll be working on getting the next big piece out soon enough.
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