#I feel like we brushed past this wayyy to quickly
my-craft · 1 year
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So. Prime Defenders episode 28 huh?
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Backstage Blues
Confessions of a Modern Day Gr*upie: A Blurb
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Description: This is a blurb, a non-chronological piece of my story that I think is relevant to share regarding what happens when you're scouted to go backstage to drink with the band and when to trust your gut when things go sour.
Warnings: Topics involving alcohol and sex will be mentioned. Definitely recommended for those 18+.
I wasn't even planning to go to this show. But of course, it's those last minute decisions, those completely spontaneous tickets you buy at the door that end up leading to the most... interesting nights.
I had some friends from out of town visiting my city and they wanted to go to a show at a small venue down the street from me. Personally, I never say no to a show, so I agreed. It would be fun. What's hilarious about this show was that we actually went to see the opener, because we discovered them through a separate band we had seen quite a few times. In fact, I had never heard of the main band before. Last time I checked their instagram they had around 100k followers. We were seeing them for their North American tour.
Misconception about being invited backstage is you have to put hours into your appearance. This is fully false. This night actually I had so much going on that day that I barely had time to get ready at all. In 20 minutes I quickly ate a few bites of pad thai, touched up my makeup and added liner, and threw together an outfit consisting of an old black skirt, black flowing top, and knee high boots. My hair was fully just tossed into one of those messy buns (I'm cringing at this fanfic term bye) because I didn't have enough time to style it.
Getting to the venue that I arrived late to, I bought my ticket at the door and scanned the crowd to meet my friends who were already there for some time. I had been to the venue before, it was one of those old timey ones that have been around for years and years, which gave it a lot of character. Once inside, I began looking for my friends, taking in my surroundings while making my way through the small venue. While I counted the lingering stares from people as I walked by I immediately noted I was probably a little over dressed for the crowd/ fanbase (again, we were there to see the opener, so I had no clue what the crowd would be like for the main act). I didn't mind it though. I'm a firm believer in wearing whatever you feel good in. If you feel good, your energy is right, and your energy is what attracts others to you. It makes you magnetic.
Another misconception about being invited backstage is that you have to be front row. It's funny because my experiences have been quite the opposite. And once I tell you it makes a lot of sense. When a band is on stage they have no way of keeping track of you, they have other things to worry about, obviously. On their end, they don't have the opportunity to be the ones to invite you backstage. In a case like this, it's all up to you, aka being at the stage doors or waiting by the tour bus to catch the artists while they're not working (more of this type of story to come in my other writings). But no, this is not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about being scouted to go backstage. Completely different. And much more... spontaneous? Much less... effort? Much... different, to say the least.
So, no. I was not front row for this show. Once I finally met my friends we stayed in the wayyy back of the venue the duration of the show (after we pushed our way to a decent spot to see the opening band). We actually were by the merch table, close to the bar where we were able to get a few drinks. I was honestly vibing to the music and we all were dancing and just having a good time. It was nice to experience a show with low stress since we genuinely were experiencing this band the first time.
As the night went on, I became distracted by this man who kept brushing past me and running around throughout the venue, tending to the merch table behind us, etc. I honestly at first thought he was a roadie, but I'd soon find out later in the night that he was the band's manager, the main act. I tried not to be too concerned by him as we listened on to the show. He, however, also noticed me, probably from the amount of times he may or may not have purposely brushed by me in his mysterious haste.
"Here, put this on, we love free advertising," I hear a voice from behind me, the manager, offering me a beer sleeve with the band's logo on it for me to slip my White Claw into. I laugh and thank him, accepting the sleeve and putting my now almost-empty White Claw into. I didn't think much of it at the time, my friends and I laughed at it and continued on with enjoying the music. He probably had it lying around and noticed my group having a good time in the back and just handed it out. It was 5 bucks after all, I checked the merch stand.
Not 20 minutes later I get another feeling that his eyes were on me again. Out of the corner of my eye I see him approach me the second time and I'm curious to find out what he'll come up with next. More free merch?
"You finished your drink?" he shouts over his band's music, noting I'm no longer holding onto the logo decorated beer sleeve I had slipped into my bag after downing the rest of my seltzer. I laughed and told him I did.
"Want me to get you another drink?" He says to me. Is this guy hitting on me now? I push this thought away for the moment because, obviously I will never say no to a drink. The bar was right behind us anyways, so what's the harm?
"I'd love that," I reply.
"Great, come with me backstage we'll get you a shot. You can bring your friends," he instructs me as he already takes off towards the back of the venue, expecting me to follow. Why was this dude always in such a damn rush for fucks sake?
I barely had time to grab my friends, tell them what was going on over my shoulder, and drag them with me as we weave through the crowd following Manager Man towards the restricted areas. It had become official. We were going backstage. Like I said before, half the time you're scouted to go backstage, it happens when you least expect it. Let's review so far though, what I've learned:
Wear what you feel most confident in, because you'll feel your best.
Being front row for this specific situation does not matter.
Enjoy yourself and your energy will attract others around you.
Manager Man lead us through a series of restricted areas, moving security ropes, and breezing quickly by signs screaming AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY, until we finally made it to the green room where the sounds from the stage all became a dull muffle. Taking in my surroundings it was as I expected any green room would appear. Instrument cases were haphazardly stacked in the corner of the room, clothing garments strewn on the floor, and every inch of tabletop space of the vanities were covered in half-eaten sandwiches, cracker boxes, water bottles, and various handles of alcohol. Super glamorous.
He poured us each a shot of Jameson served in red solo cups which I happily accepted, letting the brown liquor warm me from the inside out. My friends were chatting over the opening band's performance as Manager Man pulled me aside.
"So, you have any plans after this?" he muses. I told him not as of now (since literally 3 hours ago I wasn't even going to this show in the first place).
"Well, you can come out with us after. Hang on the bus with the guys and drink with the band," he says to me before taking a sip of his beer and allowing me to mull over his offer. I knew exactly where this was going at this point. I guess managers are in charge of much more than bookings and merchandise... they're even in charge of recruiting women to entertain the band after the show. This was where my first yellow flag came up, because truthfully, I didn't even know this band existed a week ago. Prior to this, all times I've hung out with bands I had spoken to them before, or we had at least followed each other on social media.
But, at this point, Manager Man needed me more than I needed him. He wanted dive bar recommendations for us to all go to after, and, it being my city, I knew every place they could be interested in. So for now, I thought we'd entertain the idea. After we said we were down for the after show, Manager Man gathered up our passes to wear so security wouldn't harass us when we stayed after the show.
We chatted a bit more. He told me he liked my name. He told me I reminded him of someone he knew. He handed my friends and I our passes and as he walked us out he again said my name a few more times to himself like he liked the way it rolled off his tongue.
After being lead back to the crowd, before we knew it, the band had finished up their encore and the concert goers began to clear out. We watched the roadies scurry about the stage, packing up the equipment as we chatted amongst each other while the venue cleared out. Security took note of our passes and looked between us and Manager Man, silently putting the pieces together. As the crowd thinned, I took note of other girls lingering with passes as well. Damn, more recruits? Manager Man definitely was a busy man. I had to give him props.
It was only when we were ushered outside by Manager Man and corralled to stand by the tour bus parked outside the venue where I really started to see what was going on. We really were there for the band members to pick and choose to join them on the tour bus. Other fans without passes who had gathered outside the venue in hopes of seeing the band too were also taking notice. It was at this point my friends and I really were getting turned off by the entire thing. Manager Man kept coming up to me in between his runs back and forth between the venue and loading the bus to check in with me, asking if we needed anything, and making sure he knew the bar I recommended to him from earlier in the night. He sure did cover his bases this dude. And one by one, I watched each of the band members load onto the bus.
That's when I saw him. One of the guitarists from the band, who was chatting with two guy fans about their set next to the bus. He was hot. I honestly was staring a little longer than I should have, and right when I was about to look away was when he noticed. He locked eyes with me as the fans continued to chat to him, and he also didn't look away. I then watched as his eyes slowly scan the length of my body and was almost shocked by how bold he was with it. My friends even took notice at this interaction.
That's when another girl, bolder than me, went right up to him and within 5 minutes they both went onto the bus together to join the rest of the band. Could I have done the exact same thing and have gotten onto the bus, leaving the rest of my friends behind? Yes. Would it have been worth it? No. Because clearly in this case, it doesn't fucking matter to these guys. In the case of living up to a certain image of being surrounded by women as the expectation of men in successful bands, clearly these guys were... dare I say... desperate. I saw right through it. And I know my worth.
I knew where they were going on their tour bus. I was the one who told them which bar to go to. Could we have gone to the bar anyways and have met up with the guys then? Sure, if I really wanted to see things through with the guitarist. I think it's okay to go to certain lengths to get the things we want from this scene, but I also think it's more important to value ourselves as individuals and the morals we have. And this situation just felt ultimately gross to me at the end of the day. So, my friends and I ended up leaving. I wished Manager Man a wonderful night with his guys as they head of to the bar I sent them to, and we want our separate ways.
Oh, and the guitarist followed me on Instagram a week after the show.
AN: Hellooooo babies! This was a longer one... Not quite how you expected it to end, right? Well, don't worry, my success stories are well on their way. I think these side stories/blurbs are important to share because they're more or less lessons I've learned along the way of things that I've experienced in this scene. I want you all to be as informed and prepared as you can. Much more to come! xx
As always, my asks and messages are always open! <3
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How about some Rigger Donna👀? Headcanons or scene whatever you prefer~ Would the hallucinations play a role when the lovely Lady has her fun? Would they get stronger or change?
I feel like this took wayyy too long for me to write 🤣 But I do hope you guys will enjoy it! Some soft but possessive dominant Donna at your... service 😏  
There was a slight hum upon her lips, a simple melody resonating deep within her throat as Donna finished yet another knot against your willing flesh. You had never seen her look so relaxed before - so calculated - with each line of rope meticulously placed with absolute precision. The warm lighting from the fireplace reflecting beautifully off the small patches of skin that resided between them - casting intricate shadows across the length of your body. The doll-maker’s calm movements almost hypnotic as she moved from one section of rope to the other
Her voice was quiet, yet fierce - completely in control.
She nodded, “And are you comfortable?”
“Quite, ma’am.” 
It had been almost a month since you had arrived at House Beneviento. Abruptly taken from your spot at the castle to help the quiet doll-maker with the upkeep of her manor. With only a few words shared between you on those first nights, you never would have guessed you’d be in the position that you were in now. Settled on all fours in front of her - legs spread - completely bound, and at her mercy. Tangled elegantly in nothing but rope and the unmistakable feelings that you held for her. 
Donna hummed in response, her long fingers tracing smoothly over the knots that now perfectly decorated your body - tugging on each one as she went down the landscape of you. The tea she had given you earlier slowly beginning to take its effect - soft edges around a world normally sharp as you as the room around you began to blur, washing you in a warm feeling. The wetness between your legs steadily building - your desire for her growing. Desperately longing for her touch - for the dexterous fingers of the one and only Donna Beneviento to grace your eager body with their presence - sweeping across your skin like an answer to every prayer you’ve ever had. 
“I must say, diletta…  you are a vision all wrapped up in pretty black rope.” 
Without even seeing it, you knew there was a deep smirk painted across  her lips. A low chuckle in her throat as she returned to her place behind you - the heat of her proximity instantly rolling over you, warming the exposed parts of your skin. 
“And quite aroused already, I see.” 
You shuddered as she slid a single finger down the front of your core.
“Mmh.. yes, ma’am.”
You felt her breath as she leaned over you, her fingers wrapped firmly in your hair as she gave it a slight tug back. 
“Let’s stick with Mistress for tonight, shall we?”
“Ah-! Y-yes,, Mistress.”
Donna released her grip just as quickly as she had taken it, forcing your head to fall forward with a sight gasp. 
“Sweet mia cara.. always so obedient, hm?” 
You shivered as the tips of her experienced fingers lingered from one patch of skin to the next. Your flesh, supple - plump between your secured restraints - eager beneath her teasing caresses. The soft black velvet of the chaise lounge was comfortable against your hands and knees, holding up your perfectly bound body - keeping it taught. 
“For you, Mistress, always.” 
The doll-maker hummed in response before leaning back. The distinct sound of simple fabric shifting was all you needed to hear to know that this goddess of a woman was slowly dropping to her knees behind you. An image that would send anyone’s mind reeling - that could force a heat in you so profound that you immediately went weak in the knees, feeling your core clench around nothing but the thought of her. You blushed at the sheer vulnerability to it, and her unwavering ability to always surprise you. 
“Hush, diletta.. Your Mistress wishes to taste you.” 
You whimpered as you pulled against your restraints, your whole body jerking in response. An inherent and profound heat rolling off of her - charging the cool night air between you. It was raw - all inhabiting, incomparable by nature- washing over your body like a warm bath. Electrifying it like a thunderstorm. A whisper of her lips upon your skin as she adjusted herself closer in, The content hum upon her lips telling you that she was likely enjoying the view. 
“You smell divine.”
You blushed fiercely at her praise - every bit of bound flesh engulfed in fluster beneath the soft black rope that so perfectly restrained it. 
“Ah.. Thank you, Mistress.”.
Your breath hitched - stuttering in your throat as the tip of her tongue slid ever so slowly up the center of your core. 
“And do you know what you taste like, mia cara?” 
“Ah-! W-what, Mistress?” 
Utter possessiveness ringing through the otherwise smooth tones of Donna’s voice as she  forcefully took you into her mouth. A deep moan reverberating through your desire, seeping into your wet folds as she tasted you. Her fingers curling around the ropes that securely bound your hips, using them to hold onto - to force your backside straight back into her eager mouth. A prompt gasp from your lips as she slid the length of her tongue all the way up your entrance and over your clit. The warmth of it licking over every inch of your aching core, leaving no part of you untouched. Tugging firmly on your restraints as she pulled you closer still, thrusting her tongue deep inside of you. 
There wasn’t a single part of you that wasn’t completely overcome with some sort of sensation. A rolling heat sweeping across your body -  rivaling the cool air that surrounded it - causing goosebumps across your skin. An internal remnant of warmth - complements of Donna’s special tea - enhancing the world around you and everything within it. The feeling of your tongue tracing over your bottom lip as Donna worked her own into you. The slight bite to it as she found your clit, circling the width of it repeatedly over it until she ripped a cry straight from your lungs. 
“That’s right.. let your Mistress hear you.” 
Her words were indulgent, muffled into your needy flesh before she took your dripping core back into her mouth, deep thrusts as she lengthen her tongue as deep into you as it could go. Warm juices dripping down her chin like the most indulgent of honeys. Her hands firmly on your ropes, holding your body in place as she kept her tongue merciless inside of you. A slight spin to your surroundings as your body became more and more enveloped.. overcome by want.. by need.. by the absolute and unwavering desire that barrel rolled over you like a fever dream. You cried out again, your entire body shaking. 
“Ah-! Please, Mistress.. I want to feel..more of you.”
You whimpered as she paused - seemingly mulling over your request - as if she knew how often your mind wandered to the feeling of her fingers deep inside you as you went about your daily duties. How your core grew wet at just the thought of them against your skin. And how, when you were sure she wasn’t looking, you would watch her dexterous fingers as she worked them long into the midnight hours. But.. of course the wise doll-maker had seen you. Of course she knew. Catching a sharp glint from your eye as you stood quietly by the staircase, making sure not to make a peep. Blushing with each precise movement that her fingers made.
You let out a prompt curse at the feeling of them exactly where you wanted them to be - teasing against your entrance. Your core clenching at the mere proximity of them. Your desire for her now dripping steadily from your core in the absence of her tongue. 
“Is this what you want?” 
She asked the words once before sliding three indulgent fingers deep inside you.
“Mmph! Fuck… yes… thank you, Mistress.” 
Donna hummed quietly as she rose to her feet, leaning over you to give herself full access to the rest of your body. Her fingers still deep inside your core - stationary - filling you deliciously as they teased you. The brush of her lips ghosting over flushed patches of skin, moving eloquently between each one. A sharp inhale as she took your flesh between her teeth, nipping at it in the most delightful of ways, sweeping over it with her tongue. You wondered if you’d ever be given the chance to return the favor - to be allowed the ability to explore her body like a goddess that she was. You whimpered uncontrollably at the thought, at the profound heat that had set so deeply into your body that the entirety of it jerked - moaning as she  slowly slid her fingers out of you only to thrust them firmly back in..
“Tell me who you belong to, diletta.” 
Another thrust of her fingers, the sharpness of her teeth sinking back into your heated flesh.
“Ah-! You, Mistress! I belong to you!” 
She purred against your skin, relishing in the utter control that she had over you.- holding your pleasure in her hands as she drove her fingers harder and harder into you. The addition of a fourth finger immediately sending your mind reeling, forcing a desperate cry from your lips - your center stretching perfectly around her in a most profound heat. The length of her fingers curling deep inside you with each precise thrust that the doll-maker gifted you -  roughly driving them inside you. You moaned.. screamed,.. whined.. begged your Mistress for more. For her to claim you in every way possible - to wholly wreck you. Your desire dripping down your thighs, soaking the soft fabric beneath you at just the thought of it.
“Have I ever told you how much your obedience pleases me? How it makes my core ache in desire for you. 
The word spun through your mind unhindered, sweeping past your conscious thought and straight over your lips. To think that this immaculate being - this insanely gorgeous creature of a woman, with her fingers stuffed as deep inside of you as they could go - was standing there as calm as the water’s edge, with a core just as wet as one. And it was all because if you.
“Mistress.. I…”  
“Mia cara, if you can still speak… then your Mistress must not be doing her job properly.” 
The tone of Donna’s voice internally sparking something primal in you - setting your soul aflame as she began to firmly thrust her fingers inside of you. Her pace relentless, forcing your desire to gush freely from your core. Slicking over her fingers and down your soft skin. A guttural cry - a jerk of your hips - her other hand joining in, circling generously over your clit as her fingers continued to work you mercilessly. Your restraints  taught against your heated flesh as you pulled on them, every inch of you vibrating in desperation..  in an utter and absolute need for release. A supreme heat rolling over you - a tidal wave in nature - engulfing your body in a way that made you positive that the soft rope against your skin would burst into flames at any second. 
“Ah-! Mmp.. . Mistress.. I’m so.. close…”
She thrusted her fingers even firmer inside you, ripping a prompt cry from your lips.
“Then come for me, diletta… show your Mistress just how badly you desire her.” 
You could barely mutter a moan - hitch out a whimper - before the intense feeling took over you. It was all encompassing - a white hot pleasure swiftly spilling over every last cell that your body inhabited. Fireworks blinding behind your eyes as your whole body shook.. shuddered … jerked against the threads of fabric that securely bound you. Warm juices spilling out - dipping all the way down your Mistress’ wrist and almost down to her elbow.. Keeping the pace of her fingers steady until every last whimper was ripped from your breathless lips.
Your body limp against your restraints as you felt another surge from the tea spill over you. Covered deliciously in bite marks and sweat. Shuddering as she slid her fingers out of you - a most exquisite sound dripping from your core.
“You did so well, mia cara.” 
You could feel the world around you beginning to dim as a deep exhaustion started to take hold of you. Donna’s voice sounding incredibly close yet muffled.. more and more distant with each word. You forced your lips to move,  to murmur a soft ‘Thank you, Mistress’  before allowing the profound slumber to take over you - feeling the brush of her lips for just a moment before it swiftly pulled you under.
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sugako · 3 years
after dinner special
bokuto x f!reader x hinata sum: after seeing the way his teammate looks at you, bokuto comes up with a plan to help all parties cw: 18+ only minors dni i am begging you, established relationship (bokuto x reader), slight manipulation (?? reader/bo make a secret plan to seduce hinata and he wants to so not really but idk what else to tag it as), oral (f!receiving), double pussyjob, nipple play, orgasm denial, D/s, spit roast, unprotected, hinabo if you squint extra hard wc: 4.2k a/n: finally back from the dead with this wayyy overdue fic ive been thinking about/writing for months, no edits or beta bc i'm too impatient and haven't posted in so long
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Above all else, Bokuto was incredibly perceptive to other’s emotions. Among other aspects, that quality had really drawn you to him even if it wasn’t as extraordinarily overt as his confidence and enthusiasm. His perceptiveness didn’t end with you, of course, he was well-connected with his teammates, which meant when he saw the way Hinata’s eyes just barely glazed over when he met you he knew there was something more happening in his head. He watched the burning grow in Hinata after he had witnessed the two of you had, quite obviously, snuck off to another room during a get-together at Meian’s, spit still drying at the corner of your dry, puffy lips a week prior.
Even he wasn’t sure what exactly his plan was as he started up in the locker room a couple weeks later, oversharing every little detail he could recall about your body, namely when it was under him. Ignoring Atsumu and Kiyoomi’s groans for him to stop while Shugo and Oliver snickered to themselves reminiscing about their own escapades from a handful of years ago, he focused on Hinata’s reaction.
Shōyō remained uncharacteristically quiet as he rambled on about how cute your soft tits were, only speaking to quietly excuse himself to the bathroom. He was careful, but not careful enough to hide the tent in his shorts.
Not one to keep a secret, the words came tumbling from his mouth when he burst into your shared apartment.
“I think Hinata likes you!” He managed, tearing off his shoes to stumble into the hallway to wrap you in a tight hug like he did nearly every day.
“I-...what?” You choke, wrapping a tentative arm back around him and peeling away to look at him in the eyes. “What do you mean?”
“Not like… I don’t know, I think he wants to fuck you.” The smile on his face doesn’t waver, only confusing you.
“I’m not sure how to take this.” You deadpan, brows just short of knitting together. “Why…?”
“Well if you would like that I certainly wouldn’t mind.” His teeth graze over your skin as he pecks messy kisses all over your cheeks and neck.
“You wouldn’t mind?” You blankly repeat back, holding his back by his muscled shoulders to make him look you in the eyes. “Because not minding something and wanting something are very different and I just want to make sure whatever we’re about to talk about we’re just being really clear.”
Bokuto inhaled a massive breath, squeezing his eyes shut tight as he collected exactly what he wanted to say to you. Before he could, the smell coming from the kitchen distracted his senses, leaving him to weakly exhale and blink his eyes open. “Talk over dinner?”
The long talk over the dinner table was eventually fruitful. After he collected himself and stuffed his rumbling stomach, Bokuto was better able to explain what he had seen in Hinata. It made you recall every time you had seen him and you would be lying if you said you didn’t see it too. He wasn’t exactly a subtle person.
When it came down to it, you certainly weren’t opposed. Bokuto certainly seemed interested in the prospect of sharing you, especially with his favorite prodigy as he liked to class him. You recognized that Hinata was attractive and you had to admit that the concept of being squished between the two thick, bubbly men was alluring as long as he was truly interested.
Before the full invitation to come over for dinner - specially prepared by you - had even slipped from Bokuto’s mouth, Hinata was eagerly accepting. Part of you dreaded the entire ordeal, anxieties bubbling up about the lead up and the talking beforehand that you had foolishly agreed to do most of. Over dinner you stayed a little quieter than usual, trying to gauge Hinata’s expression and body language.
When he politely excuses himself to use the restroom after finishing, Bokuto grabs your hand across the table, rubbing a thumb over your knuckles.
“If you’re nervous we can stop right here.” He whispers, grinning softly.
You can’t help but smile back, shaking your head. “No, I’m okay,” you assure him, “I am a little nervous, but I really want to.”
He opens his mouth to say something else, but is cut off by the sound of the bathroom door closing and the soft pad of Hinata’s feet down the hallway. Clearing your throat, you give a reassuring smile to Bokuto, and stand to face where Hinata soon pops out of.
“Hinata, would you-”
“Shōyō is fine!” He interjects. “Sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt.”
“That’s fine,” you smile, ghosting your hand down his arm and resting your palm against his elbow. “Shōyō, would you mind helping me wash up in the kitchen. I feel bad asking the guest, but Kōtarō has something for you and you’ll get to it faster if I finish this.”
Hinata can feel his heart pounding behind his rib cage so hard he worries you can hear his pulse reverberating. You look so sweet with those pleading eyes staring at him, the warm touch of your fingertips sending heat to his chest.
“Of course, I don’t mind.” He nods, letting you lead him a room away to the kitchen.
“Great, thank you, this is such a big help.” You grin while placing the dirty dishes in the sink before you and handing him a dry towel. “You can just dry and put them in the cabinet in front of you.”
“Okay,” he says quietly, eyeing down your low-cut shirt as you squeeze your arms together and lean down to grab the first bowl. His eyes roll to the back of his head when you turn the tap on a little too fast and water splashes all over the front of your thin, pale dress, making the black lacy bra underneath pop.
“Whoops!” You exclaim, smiling a little too happily, feeling how his feet shift beside you. “This tap is a little loose, I always get messy and wet trying to do anything.”
He has to bite down hard on the inside of his cheek to keep from groaning, glad that your gaze is in the sink and not on his flushed face. He doesn’t want to feel this way about his friend’s girlfriend, but it’s so hard when you’re standing so close - did you take a step toward him? when did your hip start brushing against his? - and you look so pretty.
“So, Shōyō…” you start, handing him another dish, “Kōtarō talks about you a lot, you know.”
“Really?” His voice is pitched and strained, stopping short of choking on his own words.
“Yeah, he thinks you’re great. He was so excited when you joined the team. He, uh, he pays attention, a lot more than some people give him credit for.”
Hinata nods, carefully placing the bowl in the cupboard. “He’s great, I’ve always loved watching him play.”
“He’s fun to watch,” you agree, “You know he thinks….actually, can I just ask what your type is?” The words tumble out quickly as you try to gain confidence, a small bit of worry creeping into the back of your head.
“My type?” He repeats back, pausing in his drying motions. “I don’t know if I really have one. Just anyone I feel good with. Why?” When he turns to look at you again you’re turned to face him, a small smile lighting up your features.
“That’s a good way to look at things. I only ask because, well Kōtarō seems to think you have some kind of interest in me.” You force the words to come out casually, keeping your eyes on him. Hinata sputters and chokes on his own words, the way your hand comes down over his doing absolutely nothing to help him compose himself. “There’s no good way to say this, but he was thinking you could, uh well take what you’ve been thinking about, if you want to.”
Taking a deep swallow, he took a short deep breath to clear his mind. “And what do you think?”
Tension dissipates from your body at his question. “I think I would like you to do whatever you want. Touch me, kiss me, anything. Only if you want to.”
His fists clench and unclench again, gears turning in his head as he realizes this was planned. All those stories Bokuto told, the glint in his eyes for the past few weeks, the way you put yourself on display for him all night with that sly little smirk - it was all part of some plan. A little worried voice in the back of his head told him this was too good to be true. But you were offering yourself up to him, angled forward so your tits would pop and watching him so carefully as though he were a scared animal ready to run, and he knew it had to be true.
The timid, apprehensive look he had been sporting slowly drained from his face, replaced with a much more confident and delighted one. His hands moved from his sides to dig into your waist, lifting you up onto the counter behind you.
“Don’t tease me.” He whispers hoarsely, lips ghosting over the pulse of your throat. The loose dress Bokuto had purposefully picked out for you to wear for the evening rode up as Hinata settled his thick body between your welcoming knees.
“I’m not,” you pant, “Kōtarō really wanted this.”
A shuddered sigh comes from his chest as he rests his head against your shoulder, just barely kissing the soft spot between your neck and shoulder. You fidget restlessly, trying to pull his still body closer to no avail.
“Wanna know he wants this.” He says eventually. “I trust you, I just…”
“No, no, I get it.” You say a little too abruptly, fishing around for where your phone was tossed onto the counter. With shaky hands you hurried to click it open, immediately going to your messages, scrolling to the most recent chat with Bokuto where he depicted how much he wanted to see you fucked out on his and Hinata’s cocks in vivid detail. You push the phone into his hand. “You can scroll wherever, he mentioned it before that one’s just… yeah.”
“Oh, wow.” He breathes, glancing through a few other messages from earlier in the week. Gently, he sets the phone down beside you before pulling your hips to the edge of the counter. His lips collide with the base of your throat knocking the air right from you.
You wind your fingers up in his hair as he pressed harsh kisses straight down your front, his rough hands pushing the skirt of your dress up even higher, leaving the tops of your thighs completely exposed. He keeps journeying lower until his cheek is flush to the hem of your panties. When his nose presses up against the slowly growing damp patch leaking his shoulders heave as though to hold himself back.
“And he doesn’t want us to wait up…?”
Truthfully, you didn’t know completely. Bokuto had asked to make some kind of subtle move on Hinata in private, he figured it would be less stressful for the both of you, but he hadn’t said how far to go with him, and you weren’t really sure what he was doing in some other part of the house, and Hinata’s fingers were so hot against your skin…
“No, it’s fine.” You pant, desperation evident in your voice. He doesn’t need much more, hand moving to pull the stretchy fabric you had purposefully worn to the side, his wide tongue darting out to lap up the wetness seeping from you.
With an aching whine, you lean into his touch, massaging his head and bringing him closer to you with every burning second that passes. Not that you had expected him to be inexperienced by any means, but you hadn’t expected him to be so good. He was loud, moaning against your cunt as he buried his tongue inside of you, nose tapping against your pleading clit.
The sound of your breathy whimpers and the loud slurping squelches drowned out the steps coming down the hall or the kitchen door swinging open. Bokuto stood there for a moment with a small smile, admiring how pretty you looked like this, even if he wished it were him, but he couldn’t let the moment pass him by.
“Puppy,” he sighed. The first syllable was enough to make Hinata pop off of you and stumble back to turn around, eyes hazy and drunken of the taste of you. Ignoring the hardened look in Bokuto’s eyes, you pouted sweetly, spreading your legs a little more to let him see your soiled panties.
“You’re being greedy, don’t you think, puppy? Going ahead without me like that.” He imitates you with a fake pout, the look never quite meeting his blazing eyes. You can feel what’s coming and make no more attempt to argue. Hinata is taking in the interaction, still halfway in his own daze. “She’s great, huh, Shōyō? Pretty little pussy and she makes the best noises, especially when she’s crying for your cock.”
Hinata swallows hard, absentmindedly palming over his pants where he’s quickly grown half-hard. “Yeah, she’s, yeah no, uh she’s really great. This is still okay?”
Both of you nod quickly, reassuring him, but you remain silent for now, trying to settle before you know what’s to come.
“Totally okay as long as you’re okay.” Bokuto drops the edge in his tone to carefully watch him for a moment, assessing.
“Completely.” He agrees with a dreamy sigh.
Nodding again, Bokuto approaches the two of you. Refusing to meet his eyes you stare just ahead at the door.
“Oh, don’t look so sad, puppy, you know you’ll get what you want in the end anyway.” He jabs as he scoops you over his shoulder and gives you a gentle pat on the back of your thighs. “Let’s at least go to the living room.”
You glance back at Hinata, mouthing a silent whoops, while Bokuto leads him around the corner. Bokuto plops into the corner of the couch, back propped up by the plush arm, and maneuvering your pliable body to sit comfortably in his lap with your back pulled up flush to his chest. You’re gently pushed forward so he can peel the dress off and unclasp your bra. He’s calm for now, at least on the outside, but you can feel his heart pounding through the thin fabric of his shirt.
“Don’t need these anymore,” he hums, latching his fingers in the sides of your underwear and motioning for you to lift your hips to let him slide them off. Hooking his elbows under your knees, he pulls your thighs to your chest, high enough so that he can palm your breasts. Quietly whining, you turn your head away so you don’t have to look directly up at Hinata - not that he’d notice your face with the way your cunt was glistening under the low, soft lights of the room. “Shh,” he directs at you before glancing back up at Hinata, “go ahead, but don’t let her cum.”
With a warm grin he gets on his knees between Bokuto’s spread legs. You almost felt too exposed, all power taken from your hands, splayed open like this. Bokuto slots his chin against your shoulder and presses the softest kiss to your cheek in stark contrast to the way his rough hands are kneading and pinching your sensitive breasts.
Hinata eagerly gets back to it, lavishing your cunt with softer licks than before, making your hips shake as they seek out more friction. While your neediness grows so too does Bokuto’s grip on you.
“So pretty,” he coos, eyes glued to where Hinata was firmly pressed against you. Pride bloomed in his chest at the sight of his teammate sloppily eating out his favorite girl so enthusiastically, appreciating you so much as he should.
It’s impossible for him to not get rock hard with the way you’re grinding down into his lap and the crude, wet sounds and groans vibrating from the back of Hinata’s throat.
“Taste so good.” Hinata grumbles, pulling back and forcing his tense hips to stop rutting into the couch cushion. He feels himself making a mess in his pants, hoping that he isn’t leaking through to your nice furniture, but he can’t quite bring himself to stop either. Both Bokuto and you watch the string - you’re not sure whether it’s his spit or your own wetness - that stays connected between your slit and his puffy, glossy lips.
“Good...good job.” Bokuto sighs. You’re not sure if he’s praising you or Hinata, but you don’t have much time to think too hard about it before he releases your legs and wedges his hands under between himself and you to pull his straining cock from his pants. Mind buzzing, still a little hazy from the feeling of Hinata’s tongue, you grab out from him, pulling on the band of his pants. Truthfully, he’s not quite sure what you’re asking for but he does know how tight his balls are and how inviting your cunt looks.
Just as Bokuto is settling his cock between your ass, Hinata’s pants are slipped off, thrown to the ground. He dips his head down to take one of your breasts into his mouth, moaning around you and pressing in close so his tip catches against your clit. At your whiny cry and keening, Bokuto lets out a low, single chuckle. “Don’t let her have your cock, not all the way. You were being so greedy earlier puppy, I don’t think you deserve it yet.”
Hinata keeps his mouth firmly planted on your chest and reaches down to perfectly slip himself between the top of your folds, acutely aware of Bokuto’s heavy head just barely bumping against the base of his own cock. They’re both so thick and heavy as they rabidly hump against you, Bokuto maneuvering your body for you back and forth across both of them. Everything is warm and wet between Hinata’s mouth on your chest and Bokuto’s lips kissing down the side of your neck.
The tease of release that’s been creeping up on you for so long draws closer and closer. Hinata’s cock is catching so exactly on your swollen clit and Bokuto’s tip keeps threatening to slip past your entrance, slick dripping past your thighs.
“Gonna, ahg, cu-cum!” You manage out, hips already bouncing on their own accord against them.
“Go ahead.” Bokuto says with a shaky breath, squeezing you as tight as he could between his body and Hinata’s. One more roll of their hips has you crashing down, pleasure rolling through your body. All you can feel is warmth and overwhelming satisfaction as you twitch between their arms, creaming across their cocks. “Good girl, good girl…” you faintly hear Bokuto coo into your ear as you slump back against him.
The buzzing, quiet moment is quickly squashed as he hoists you out of his lap and onto all fours. He’s talking to Hinata and you know you should be listening, but your pussy is still throbbing and you’re trying to catch your breath.
“...okay, baby?” You catch the very end of his sentence and blink hard, desperate to refocus.
“W-wait, what? Sorry, I just-”
“It’s okay, puppy,” he rubs a soothing hand down your back, slowly bringing you back to reality. “Need a second?”
You shake your head, the last of the fog slipping away. Before you, you see Hinata, his rigid cock slicked up by you only a few inches from your face. “I’m okay now, can you just say that again?”
“‘Course,” he grins, teasing your entrance, “I said I’m going to take your pretty pussy from back here and Shōyō is going to use your mouth. If you want.”
Wiggling your hips back to meet his and craning your neck up to look at Hinata you give a deft nod.
“I do, I want that.” You sigh.
Trembling with excitement, already so riled up from feeling you cum against him, Hinata shuffles the last bit forward. He’s pretty and much thicker than you had imagined. The tight strain of scattered veins and his heavy balls tell you all you need to know about how pent up he obviously is. Reaching out with palms still a bit shaky, you helped to reel him in the rest of the way with welcoming, parted lips.
You wrapped your fingers tightly around where you couldn’t quite reach, sloppily taking more and more of him with each bob of your head. His salty precum meshed with what was leftover of your own mess, the taste making you moan around his length.
Bokuto was trying to move slower now, recognizing that you were easily slipping, but the way you rocked your body back and forth bumping against his sensitive, reddened tip, he couldn’t hold back much more. Digging his fingers into your hip, he eased the motions of your body, lining himself up, resisting from plowing into you at full force.
“Ready?” He asks, nearly whining. At the sound of his voice, you pull off from Hinata, letting your quickly tiring jaw grow slack.
“Uh-huh.” You barely heave out before wrapping your lips around him again. So sure you can take both at once and not falter, you ramp back up to your original pace, slobbering down his cock, the click of your quick motions echoing around your head. Unfortunately for your ego, you’re dead wrong.
Bokuto wastes no time drilling himself into you, setting a bruising pace straight from the beginning. It’s all you can do to loudly moan around Hinata’s cock, still stuffed in your mouth by the slight pistoning of his hips, the way Bokuto is ramming you forward only forcing him deeper down your throat.
As you gag, sputter, and moan down his length, drool dripping onto the already soiled cushions below, Hinata feels the pressure building and building in his core. Electricity tingles down his limbs, aided by the fucked out look in your pretty eyes. He doesn’t even have to move now with the way Bokuto is railing you against him. He wonders if you realize he’s close when you suck a little tight, cheeks hollowing as you take a little more of him, the hand that had been working his base coming down to lightly hold his swollen balls.
You don’t know. At this point, you’re moving on autopilot, simply trying your best. Your brain doesn’t know where to focus - Hinata filling out your mouth or Bokuto as he purposely alternates between hitting against your spongy spot and deep inside of you. It’s all a mess of spit, sweat, and cum, but you don’t think you’ve felt the rush of pleasure that comes with being used so well by more than one person.
Bokuto doesn’t know how much longer he can last. You’re clamping around, cunt fluttering each time his digs in a little deep or Hinata’s cock twitches against your tongue. He can tell by the scrunched up expression on his friend’s face that he can’t last much longer and he doesn’t blame him. Between fucking against your pussy and being wrapped up in your pretty mouth, no one really could. He’s determined to hold out though, a little spark of competition lighting up his chest. When Bokuto’s strokes suddenly slow you groan again, the vibrations dragging a stuttered moan from Hinata’s pretty lips.
“Gonna, hngh, uh gonna cum.” He sputters out, hips quivering as he tries to hold back from fucking too far back into your throat. At that, Bokuto’s hips speed up again, forcing a little whimpered cry, muffled by the cock in your mouth, from you. Still, you force yourself to focus on Hinata, sucking him dry as soon as the first spurt of cum hits the back of your throat.
He cums fast and hard and a lot. It’s seeping out from your lips, making him messier than he already was until he’s pulling his softening length from your mouth and flopping back against the couch, gently rubbing your arm while he catches his breath. With a heavy grin, Bokuto shoves a hand between your shoulder blades, knocking you into Hinata’s lap. Somewhat in vain, you try to clean him off between the pitchy mewls and cries that you breathe out while Bokuto chases his own release.
In no time, he’s there again, his own pressure built up as high as it could just before he burst inside of you. He fucks himself raw, your tight hole sucking him in, his cum only making it easier to slip in and out of you. Knowing he’ll finish when he’s completely spent, you lie limp in Hinata’s lap and he lazily wraps a hand around the back of your neck, soothing the leftover tension. You recognize Bokuto’s nearly done when his cock stops twitching and his hips slot against yours with some finality just before he slumps over you.
Whining when he slips out, even soft his cock is still a tight squeeze, you fall all the way against the couch, legs giving out at last. He falls back against the back, moving your legs to sit on top of his thighs and massaging them with great care. Completely spent and drifting half-asleep you just barely hear him.
“So,” he starts, head lolling toward Hinata who’s still lightly working his fingers against your upper back, “Dinner next week?”
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whoree321 · 3 years
yo can i get some tech x chaotic gender neutral reader headcanons?
(fuck yeah bestie you understood the assignment. also i kinda went on my own interpretation of chaotic so if you had something a little different in mind lmk and i can make adjustments!)
tech x chaotic!gn!reader headcanons
ok so here’s the thing about tech
he is literally surrounded by/related to some of the most chaotic individuals in the entire galaxy
like wrecker? crosshair? talk about a hot mess express
and let’s not act like he doesn’t have his own little chaotic streak festering beneath that rigid hairline
so long story short, when you come along in all your chaotic glory, it really isn’t a big adjustment for him
he might be a little surprised after he first meets you (how could someone so alluring and attractive also have that personality??) but overall your presence is simply an addition to the pre-existing insanity of the bad batch
he notices right away how well you fit in with his brothers (matching wrecker’s rambunctiousness or crosshair’s quiet nefariousness or both in your own special way) and tbh he’s a little jelly
and by a little jelly i mean he’s 100% super jealous
he watches how you joke around with them and plan pranks with wrecker and make dark commentary with crosshair and how your antics get a laugh out of echo and sometimes even hunter and how well your energy matches theirs and part of him absolutely hates it
(the other part, of course, is too busy being enamoured by the music of your laugh and the mischievous twinkle in your eye and the electric brush of your shoulder against his armor when you move past him in the cockpit of the marauder to really form an opinion on your relationship with his brothers)
despite his envy, tech is not the type to allow his emotions to derail positive outcomes (on missions or in personal matters)
he’s not gonna spoil y’alls fun or even let you know he’s upset about it. if there’s one thing tech thinks he can do it’s keep his emotions in check
when chaos ensues, he regards you with the same familiar condescension and snark he uses with wrecker (although you realize quickly there’s an amusement in his gaze when he mocks you that’s absent when he speaks to the others)
as much as he loathes the current situation, he ultimately also recognizes that it’s no ones problem but his that you are more compatible for individuals with personality types more like wrecker or crosshair
(little does he know you’ve had your eye on him and only him pretty much the whole time)
before your relationship, tech is the unsuspecting victim of a lot of your tomfoolery
you tend to mess with him the most (totally not bc you have a crush on him or anything nononono)
hiding a tool or his data pad when he’s not looking? a classic
“tech i have no idea where your wrench is i don’t even know what it looks like” “y/n you play this practical joke approximately 3.7 times a standard week I know you are lying”
stating completely made up facts about different things or places with full confidence and arguing with him when he corrects you? tried and true
“fun fact: loth cats actually have a secret fifth leg tucked up underneath them and it only comes out in extreme emergency circumstances” “that could not be more untrue” “ok well have you ever checked” “…no, but..” “see tech there’s just some things you can’t know from book learning” “*deep sigh*”
the best is when you flirt with him tho
it is bold and brash
“I need something sharp to cut through this” “just use your jawline ;)”
“the system we are traveling to is known for its extreme heat and rough terrain” “hot and rough? sounds like you in the bedroom ;)”
he chokes and blushes everytime
despite the constant torment and how much he acts like it’s a nuisance, he secretly loves all the attention you give him (even if it’s at his expense)
knowing our sweet boy he is wayyy too socially awkward to make the first move in this situation (or to even recognize there is a situation tbh)
tech is pretty confident you view him as strictly a friend and an easy target for your shenanigans
like even if you basically admit to liking him, he’s gonna think it’s another joke. plotting and scheming with the other boys to make him step up (a classic “i’m gonna pretend to make a move on them to force your hand” for example) will not work
you have to very directly confess to him and it has to be very very genuine and away from the rest of the boys in order to get it into his exceptional mind that you seriously have feelings for him
once he gets that you mean it tho, he’s over the moon
and once youre in a relationship? the rest of the batch should be WORRIED
now your focus is no longer on messing with tech, and you have a super genius on your side
he may have enjoyed being a casual observer and constant victim before, but now that you’ve allowed him on your team it’s a totally different ballgame
he’s still happy to take a backseat and let you do your thing, but he also loves to be a background player in all your hooplah
you wanna play a prank? tech is scheming and building shit and looking at diagrams to figure out the best way to execute it
hunter gets mad at something you did? tech has already figured out a way to pull focus off of you and onto one of the other boys
OR EVEN BETTER a non-batcher (a reg, a superior, a random streetgoer) takes an isssue with you? tech is launching into a full rant with them about something completely unrelated and giving you time to scamper away before they can even begin to reprimand you
tech is the kind of boyfriend that isn’t gonna overtly match your energy, but can keep up and will balance you out
you still mess with him, but now he has the confidence to mess with you right back
this also creates a really spicy sexual dynamic (I won’t go too into that but def a lot of teasing, brat taming kinda stuff)
overall i actually think tech would be really good with someone more chaotic and wild bc he can seem so rigid but isn’t actually like i think that type of relationship would really suit him
you bring out his playful side and he keeps you grounded, out of trouble, AND acts as a top notch audience/partner in crime
rip hunter tho now he’s got tech to worry about on top of all the rest of you (except echo he’s a perfect angel who could never cause trouble for anyone <3)
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gojoscloset · 3 years
“Hello, I just read your writing d**k appointment and I like it very much. And suddenly, I saw that you open the request NSFW dialogue prompts. Would you please write prompt 60 “Looks like someone wants to be a dad/mom” with Gojo or Megumi please 🥺”
Bahaha omg I’m so sorry I’m late as hell I’ve been busy with a lot mentally cause I have the attention span of a goldfish.
Please please enjoy, thank you so much for requesting lol. I’m back on my bullshit ✨
60. “Looks like someone wants to be a mom/dad”
Reposted from previous account
Smut obvs.
Breeding kink???? (if you squint)
Cream pie
Mentions of Pregnancy
No proofread??
Tumblr media
“Looks like someone wants to be a mom.”
You didn’t dare look away from what you thought had to be one of the cutest pairs of baby shoes you have ever laid your eyes on.
“Hmm? What do you mean? I just thought they were cute!” you lifted the pair of shoes up and gave your boyfriend a grin.
But Satoru was no idiot.
You see, these past few months have been filled with nothing but waves of emotions and ideas that you would have never thought you would have contemplated this early in life, but a pregnancy scare earlier in the year shook your world and turned it on its axis.
Of course you had imagined a life with Satoru, possibly married in the later years, and a potential family way wayyy down the line. However, you were content with where you two stood. A strong and healthy relationship, 2 consenting adults in love. But you also had to remember you were 2 powerful sorcerers in love. So even with your line of work, kids at the moment seemed really out of the question. Hell, even being in a relationship with someone like Satoru was a blessing with the lives you two lived. So even the idea of bearing his child seemed like you were asking for a lot from the universe.
When your period came late, all your little fantasies and thoughts of having a family took a step closer to becoming reality, you melted at the idea of becoming a mother and all your fears and doubts were thrown out the window.
But alas, the joy left just as fast as it came you were back on your regular schedule the day before your doctor's appointment. Relieved of course, but things weren’t the same.
Day after day you caught yourself indulging more and more in the idea of what your life would be like with a child. Would your first child be a girl or a boy? Whose features would they take on the most? Oh how you prayed to the gods that they would look more like Satoru than anything.
Would you be a good mother? Would Satoru be a good father? There was no doubt in your mind that he would be.
Don’t even get started on the names.
Your gaze would linger when you would pass up children and their parents at a park. Or when you would pass up baby clothes at the shopping strip, you would stop in your tracks and imagine your future child wearing that outfit.
Secretly you would shop for clothes online just to ‘see what they look like’ Or secretly read first time mom forums on breddit just to ‘See how it feels’ but it was so much more than just a passing curiosity.
And of course, You weren’t the only one who noticed the change.
You and Satoru have been in the love game for a respectable amount of time, and have spent the seconds, hours,days,weeks,months,years, in each other's presence. He would absolutely be able to acknowledge when you’d turn your head in the kids section or when your gaze would linger on the little girls in princess dresses at the market, corners of your lips curling just a little.
Or when a toddler at the grocery store handed him a fake phone,in which he pretended to answer with such enthusiasm you would almost believe he was actually on the phone with someone,he could visibly see how your heart melted at the sight. You looked at him like you wanted to marry him on the spot for the rest of the day. A personal favorite memory of his.
Satoru was a dumbass, but he was not stupid.
You didn’t know how much he loved seeing these little things, the little changes in you. Behind his tinted shades and through his long lashes, he would carefully watch your duality go from powerful sorcerer to something maternal.Something you never did in all the time he has known you until after the scare.
It made him want to jump your bones on the spot and put a baby in you every time, but you never brought up the topic despite seeming to be interested in motherhood, and respectfully he left it alone. But you had been caught red handed almost always.
Satoru held himself back when he had various opportunities to talk about it, do you know how hard that is to do as Satoru?
He wanted to press on. He wanted to pry and ask you all kinds of questions regarding the sudden change, but he knew that there was a time and place for everything, and now was definitely not the time nor location.
“Hey, not bad!” He allowed his glasses to slip off the bridge if his nose ever so slightly to get a better view.
“I would wear these if they came in my size”
He joked, you smacked his arm playfully and laughed.
“Cmon lets g-“
You were about to place the shoes back on the rack but he stopped you before you did. He pulled out his phone and snapped a few photos of the shoes and tag.
“I was being serious” he stated plainly, earning another laugh from the both of you.
The rest of the day went on as normal, for the most part. The little interaction at the store replayed not only in your mind but Satoru’s as well.
‘Did I make it too obvious?’
‘Did I overdo it with the shoes?’
‘Is it time to talk about it?’
‘Toru..’ you whined but that didn’t stop him from continuing to bend you like a pretzel while plowing into you.
“Don’t be shy now, you look so good like this. ...And those faces you make....” he licked his lips reaching out to grab your jaw, thumb running across your lip.
Even though you were whining about the embarrassing positions he kept putting you in, your body was on fire and didn’t want this to end.
With every position he managed to go deeper and deeper, hitting places only he knew how to hit. He utilized the curve of his dick just how you liked it, grazing your favorite spots with every thrust.
The way your walls fluttered and clenched against his made them his favorite spots too.
It was crazy to you how Satoru knew your body like nobody else did. He knew every curve, every dip, every corner. He knew what made you weak in the knees and what you disliked with a passion. He knew what made you cream, what made you wet, what made your back arch and your toes curl.
“You like that Hmm?” He bucked his hips, folding your legs up, pushing your knees as close to your chest as possible.
He gazed into your eyes, watching the way your face wrenched in pleasure. He needed that, he loved that. Being able to see your expression contour and twist because of him, god it got him off.
He looked down at you, his usually spiky hair now flattened with sweat, strands sticking to the side of his face. He bit his lip, and gripped your hips with force, bruises were guaranteed.
He brought you closer, you slowed your breathing to control the ride. You two had been fucking long enough to know the Cues, the way your body twitched and the little sounds you would make when you were close triggered the muscle memory and he moved in the way he knew would push you over the edge.
“D..Don't slow down!” You commanded, throwing your head back into the sheets, the familiar tingling sensation starting at your core, his pace picking up, hands trailing down your abdomen, fingers circling around your clit, wet with its own slick.
He couldn’t help but suck on his own bottom lip watching your body rock in rhythm with his, the way your breast bounced, he couldn’t help but grab a handful.
“That’s right baby….” he spoke softly, voice just above the lewd sounds you two we’re making. The squelching, skin slapping skin, the gasping sounds when he would thrust back into you.
He was getting carried away, letting the words just spill from his lips. “Mmmm fuck yeah baby, you feel so fucking good.” He groaned “fuck around and put a baby in you-“
You had been with this man for many many moons, had been through thick and thin, but nothing had prepared you two for that awkward moment.
All movements ceased the second he stopped talking. Both of you pulled away and just looked at each other, embarrassment demonstrated on both of your faces.
Both of you seemed to think about the Barget incident, and then every other incident which made the dirty talk hit different.
“Sorry” Quickly he spoke, in hopes of somehow saving his ass in case things went south.
“W-what for?” You continued to try and mask your feelings about the situation(s), but nothing could get past his eyes.
He was no idiot, you knew that, but you still tried him, because sometimes he lets your shit slide. But not this time.
“Please y/n, I’ve seen the change in you.”
The air was thick, momentarily, but the smile on his face gave you clarity.
“The lingering looks, the shoes at the store… I’ve noticed” his large hands cupped your face, thumb brushing calming shapes against your cheek.
“Is there something we need to talk about?”
He released you from your position and sat up straight.
“Toru…do you really wanna talk about this now?????” Sheepish under the circumstances
“Don’t give me that. We’ve been together too long for you to try and play this game with me.”
His hands found their way to you once again. Pulling you by the wrists, he sat you up and made you look at him as he continued to speak.
“Communication remember?” He was soft, yet stern.
“You haven’t been the same since the missed period incident.” Your jaw dropped, he was on it even with the timing.
There was no sense in hiding anything anymore, this man knows all, this man sees all.
“I’d be lying if I said you were wrong….you see..” you began to pour your heart out, trying your hardest to keep eye contact with him.
“The pregnancy scare heightened the want for a family with you, Satoru. I envision a lot of things, and you being in my future for a long long time is one of them...”
He held your gaze while looking at you like you were the most beautiful thing in the world. He listened intently like you were whispering the secrets of the universe to him.
“But I never brought up the topic of family because we’re-“
“Sorcerers” He finished the sentence for you, the small smile he held earlier now turned into a flat line.
The speed in which he did was almost enough to make you flinch. Bittersweet in a way,at least this confirmed that he too thought about a family with you at one point but considered the circumstances.
A“Exactly..” you continued. “And the scare made me realize what I want in life..with you. But it’s out of reach and it’s not something I wanted to project onto- “
His large hands placed themselves in either side of your face and Satoru showered you with kisses.
“I. Love. You. So. Much.” He spoke in between kisses.
“I love you too, but- AH!!! What are you doing??!”
Satoru pulled you by your ankles, placing himself in between your legs once again.
“Putting a baby in you, that's what.” He gave you such a sweet and loving look, it didn’t match the words that spewed from his lips.
“T-that’s not funny…” Quickly, you covered your entrance before he even thought about it.
“Exactly, because it wasn’t a joke sweetheart.”
“Wait, but what about-”
“We’ll be fine, i’m the strongest, remember?” he gave you a playful wink and grabbed your wrists, playfully prying your hands away, he wasn’t going to do anything though, not without your consent, but seeing how flustered he could make you fed the already enlarged ego he owned.
“Now tell me, do you want a boy or girl? Ooh, what about their names?”
“ Satoru… wait… are you sure? Don’t you wanna think about it a little more?”
He let out a playful laugh and pointed a finger dramatically at you, “Are you sure?”
Without missing a beat you nodded, you wanted this so bad, and by the looks of it, so did he.
“That’s all you had to say, let me take care of you, my pillow princess”
The sultry night was young.How many times have you came already? It didn’t matter.
His arms were wrapped around your entire body, holding you in place as he bounced you up and down his shaft.
“My pretty girl… my sweet sweet princess.” He whispered against your skin, tongue grazing from your collar bone up to your jaw, tasting your sweat. He wanted to breathe you in, and make you his air. The words replayed in his mind as he fucked you senseless.
“and you being in my future for a long long time is one of them...”
“Toru…” Your breathing hitched,, his praise made your walls twitch around him. He got the hint and immediately went to work. In a swift movement you were beneath his form. His skin glistening with a layer of sweat.
“ How do you want it?” he groaned, draping your leg over his shoulder while grabbing the other one, spreading you wider. You were grateful for the change of position, you have been wanting to touch him for a while now but the grip he had you in earlier was not letting it happen.
Your hands hungrily made his way to his chest and arms.
“As long...as I get it…” you managed to mutter through moans. His thrusts became erratic, a sign that he was coming undone as well.
“Look at me..tell me how you want it....tell me how you need it” he licked his lips with desire. You managed to look at him through half lidded eyes, giving him exactly what he wanted, he always did the same for you.
You lifted your hips up some, grinding harder against him, letting more of him fill you up, you could swear you felt his head kiss your cervix. You did a kegel, walls giving his dick a hug.
The actions earned you a breathy moan, he almost lost his cool, it threw off his pace momentarily but when he picked back up, the speed was doubled.
“You like to play dirty, hmm? “
“The only way I like to play…”
“Very well then” he said through grit teeth, finger moving to where you were connected, rubbing your clit in circles without mercy. You were pushed over the edge quickly, mouth Ajar, and body convulsing against him, his movements did not falter.
“That’s my good girl”
He lowered his body down mouth to cage you between his arms, droplets of sweat falling onto the sheets as he tried to avoid sweat falling into your eyes.
“Are you sure?”
He asked once again, not moving an inch until you gave him the go.
You simply stared up at him, goofy grin he always carried on him plastered onto his handsome face.
You gave him the go once again and he bucked his hips.
This particular moment was sweet sweet bliss. Normally Satoru would be careless with his movements when it came to chasing his orgasm, but not this particular one. His touches would linger, fingertips burning themselves into your skin with passion, making their way from your hips to your hands, large fingers filling in the gaps between your own.
His kisses were oh so immaculate. Sweet and soft, but most importantly, abundant.
And the way he spoke your name. Only Satoru could make his words come out like they were coated in honey.
His hips snapped and he gave your hand a squeeze, face in the crook of your neck, the hot breath against your skin forced chills down your spine, with you
“I love you so much…” he groaned into your ear. With a few more bucks of his hips you felt his seed spill into you. You were running on fumes at this point, overkill with the overstim, but that’s how you liked it.
You felt your clit throb, your walls still fluttering against him from your previous climax like they were sucking every last drop of out of him.
He looked down at you silently, but the look on his face, the calm waters in his eyes said everything he needed to say. You couldn’t tear away your gaze, you were already high off the blue dream.
His eyes moved from yours to your lips, they looked needy to him. He bent his head down and planted a kiss, despite the scenario, it was chaste. Innocent. Refreshing.
“I love you.” He repeated, though he had no doubt you felt the same. “I know you do...there is not a single doubt in my mind...and I love you oh so very much, more than I could ever put in words.”
There was another comfortable silence, however, the small smile that was on your face quickly turned into a flustered look when he pulled out of you and spread your legs open, looking at the mess he made inside of you.
“W-what the fuck are you doing?!!”
You laughed nervously and tried closing your legs, but he held them open, too strong for you to try and fight against it.
“I just wanted to see the masterpiece I made. Plus-“ he positioned himself between your legs again
“I’m not done, I want to make sure I get the job done right.”
He gave you a wink, and immediately you knew you were in for a long night.
A very very long night.
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wheresmybuckyhoes · 3 years
Fuck you Roger Taylor
Summary: Roger has always hated you even though your best friends with the other members of queen. But one night he decides to let out his frustration in a different way...
Pairing: Roger Taylor + female reader
Warnings: Smut (obviously), 18+ only please, angst, oral (m receiving), pet names, swearing
Note from me: this is my first fanfic and I know it’s terrible but I wanted to have a go. Let me know what you think xx
‘Ah fuck’ you sighed as you tried to reach the zipper at the back off your dress. It was the night of Freddie’s big party after their final show of this specific tour, and you knew there was going to be some sexy boys for you to play with. You had bought a stunning red dress which barley reached below your bum, and hugged every one of your curves as if the dress was made for you. The only problem was that you were in a hotel room alone and had no one to help you zip up the dress.
You stumbled out of the room and hurried to room 604 which is the room number Brian May (who was basically your best friend) had written down on your hand. As you reached the room, you knocked at the door and almost fell in as it opened instantly. You stumbled in as you looked at the ground and began mumbling about the zipper and asking if Brian could do it up and how you were sorry about disturbing him because you knew he was busy getting ready. However, you suddenly stopped and looked up to see Brian sitting in an old armchair with Roger standing next to him staring at you. Well, he wasn’t really staring at you more than staring at your chest.
‘Roger what are you looking at’ you snapped at him, embarrassed. ‘Nothing y/n, you’re to flat to have anything to look at’ he snapped back. Although his words hurt you, you knew it was coming from the piece of shit named Roger and quickly came up with ‘How strange then that I get more girls then you’. That shut him up as he knew you got just about any boy or girl that you wanted. ‘But you still can’t get me’ he smirked cockily before Brian stood up and told both of you to shut it. You felt Brian’s strong hands spin you around by the waist and gently zip up the dress. You thought you felt his long fingers linger for a second longer than necessary, but you probably just imagined it.
As you spun back to face him, Brian mumbled ‘you look beautiful, y/n’. You looked him up and down and slyly remarked ‘not too bad your self, May’. You saw him smile geniounly and turned to leave back to your room to get your buzz started, as you heard Roger call you an ugly bitch followed by Brian telling him to shut the fuck up.
As you got to your room and shut the door, you found the small bottle of vodka in your suitcase and poured out 3 shots lined on the small wooden table by the bed. Just as you were tossing back the third one, there was a knock at the door. ‘Come in!’ you shouted as you gave up on self control and poured out another 2 shots.
The blonde drummer came in and shut the door behind him, followed by what you must have mistaken for the sound of the lock. ‘What the fuck do you want, Taylor’ you snarled as you took down a fourth shot. Roger walked up to you, as you turned to face him angrily, slightly wobbling from the vodka. He reached around your waist and picked up the last shot you had poured, expertly tossing it back down his throat before grabbing the bottle and talking a few good gulps.
‘Get out Roger’ you said hatefully. ‘You’re already drunk, y/n? Pathetic. Coudn’t even wait till we got to the party’ Roger replied snarkily.
You both turned your heads as Freddie’s voice soared through the corridor. ‘ROGGER DARLING, Y/N, STOP FUCKING EACHOTHER AND GET DOWN HERE THE PARTY IS STARTING’ he screamed with his elegant flare.
You raised your eyebrows in shock. ‘I would never fuck you’ you exclaimed in shock ’I hate you more than I hate myself’. ‘Why would he think I would fuck a bitch like you’ Roger replied. But you coudn’t help but notice a small smile play on his face for just a second.
You tried to shove him away and move over to the door but ended up tripping on Roger’s leg and falling towards the floor. But before you face planted, you felt 2 strong hands grab you by the waist and pull you back up. He pulled you close to stabilise you, so your body was against his, breathing heavily. ‘I don’t need your help’ you said breathlessly as you felt his hands move down your waist to your ass, giving you butterflies. ‘Bitch’ he breathed into your face. ‘C..cunt’ you said lazily as the alcohol took hold of you. You knew he was a bit tipsy, but you were literally pissed as your tolerance for alcohol was wayyy too low.
Roger moved his head past your face to your ear so his lips gently brushed against it. ‘Since your such a pathetic bitch, how about you get down on your knees like the good slut you are and show me how much you ‘don’t need my help’’ he whispered hoarsely. You felt yourself grow wet between your legs as the butterflies in your tummy began to grow, feeling your legs go jelly as Roger roughly kissed you, pushing you against the wall. He stuck his knee between your legs, pushing against your core and causing you to breathlessly moan into his mouth. He stuck his tongue in your mouth, earning a louder moan as you began to grind against his leg. You felt him begin to harden, and earned a sexy moan from his mouth. Suddenly, he pulled away, causing you to help at the sudden lack of friction. ‘You’re not getting any pleasure from me until I let you. Now get on your knees, princess’. That was the first time he actually called you something nice and it made you feel all tingly and weird. This is Roger, the cocky, selfish areshole who you’ve always hated. But as they say, there is a fine line between love and hate...
You fell to your knees and quickly pulled out his already semi hard cock, rubbing it with your hand gently. You gave it a tiny kitten lick receiving a small groan from Roger as he gathered your hair in a makeshift pony tail. You continued to gently kiss his tip which already glistened in anticipation, but felt him pull your hair roughly, causing you to yelp. ‘Stop teasing, slut’ he said as he pushed in hard and deep with no warning, causing you to gag. He thrusted in faster and faster, forming tears in your eyes as you felt him twitch with pleasure. You dutifully bobbed your head up and down, speeding up when you heard him moan when he was close. As you kept up the pace, you heard is rusty voice say ‘y..y/n I’m gonna cum. F...fuck’ . You massaged his balls tenderly as you pushed yourself to the limit and got his huge cock to hit the back. He came in the back of your throat as he moaned, and by god was it the most attractive sound you had ever heard from a man. You gently took your lips off his cock with a quiet pop and looked up at him through your long eyelashes as you swallowed quickly.
‘Now then let’s go we’re going to be late’ Roger stated as he zipped up his jeans and headed to the door. ‘But.. Roger... what...’ you tried to say as you stood up shakily. ‘You’ll get your turn after the party, if you behave yourself. If I see you with any other man I’ll punish you, princess. Now let’s go’ he said matter of factly and left the room. ‘Fuck’ you groaned.
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willowistic22 · 3 years
ok im gonna say it, what taylor swift song is romeo besides love story
Haha was waiting for this one actually. Can’t believe I can’t use love story grr. but yeah i get it. though plsss gimmie the chance to add a little bit of love story? I just love that song yknow. And jfc when I say ‘love’ it doesn’t always mean the romantic kind, aight? N e wayyys lesgo !
Love story. Pretty self explanatory actually. ‘We were both young when I first saw you’ I feel that him being a hopeless romantic started pretty young. He was young dumb but in love and that’s basically how he is when he’s in love. He loves the feeling when he first falls in love, when a love is still young. You don’t really know what you’re doing but you still act like you are because you can’t help it. Romeo mostly embrace the the whole being young and in love just because he loves the feeling and believes that PDA isn’t as bad as ppl might think. Well, not entirely but just enough yknow.
Invisible String. The song is basically the soulmate trope in a song form. And he does believes in soulmates. Let me crack into the... angsty stuff heheh >:). He has a long history of loving himself and sometimes doubt that there are ppl out there that would actually like him yknow. So he pretends there’s like this invisible string that connects him to others. Like destined to meet these few certain ppl. That’s what has kept him afloat all this time. Not many ppl would know it but it’s the truth.
Wonderland. ‘Didn't they tell us don't rush into things?’ and also ‘We found Wonderland, you and I got lost in it’ Now this one is more towards his mentality in stuff. Sometimes when he’s clouded with love (romance or otherwise, take your pick) he gets too easily excited like ‘woah!!! someone likes me!!!’ and goes a bit too quickly. Many ppl were scared off by how clingy this kid can get. Romeo has learned to calm himself yknow, but sometimes he gets too lost and forgets all about it. The second one is mostly because, in plain simple words, he thinks the world is full of shit. His mental health has been hit hard and some days just seem so plain and boring and he’s tired and he didn’t even know why he got up that morning. Sometimes he closes his eyes to pretend he’s somewhere he wants to be. Where he’s wanted and it’s acceptable to cling on ppl. Where he’s not tired and the world around him is in fact wonderful to be in.
Blank Space. Some ppl will describe him of having an endless list of ppl he was once associated with. Call it lovers, friends, whatever. Mostly they get scared bcs the more time they spent with Romeo, more of his true colors are being shown. Some impressions Romeo left them was ‘annoying’ ‘clingy’ and ‘too serious in stuff’. It’s only because Romeo just wants to find a connection. He likes stuff with meaning behind it. Not those meaningless relationships or small talk. He wants to find someone to give his all. Obv these ppl has shown him that when Romeo is proper and polite, just like the way he usually presents himself towards strangers, they like him but not when he’s being his passionate self and so they don’t deserve his heart. ‘Got a long list of ex-lovers, they'll tell you I'm insane’ Lots of ppl misunderstands his passionate self as ‘crazy’. But that’s just how he feels his feelings. Whether he’s sad, happy, or angry. It’s all because he has all this passionate energy to use up. Now here’s the kicker: he doesn’t give up to find that connection. He knows he’ll most likely get his heart broken again but he’s resilient. 
Lover. Yes, yes, we’ve made it perfectly clear that he’s a hopeless romantic. But this song specifically resonates with him. ‘Have I known you 20 seconds or 20 years?’ Romeo never half asses anything when it comes to getting to know others. He will go out of his way to listen to your laughter and sorrows because he loves the human personality. He thinks it’s so complex and amazing. Sometimes in one conversation he can really get a lot of information from someone. ‘With every guitar string scar on my hand, I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover’ After all that disappointment he is still determined to love. Like I said before he’s resilient when it comes to these things. ‘Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close forever and ever?’ Once you got his love he will stick with you forever. This might be in a way calling him clingy and maybe he is. But that’s just how he shows his loyalty towards someone. And the rest of the song is basically what it’s like for Romeo to be in love and to be loved by Romeo. Beautiful and at peace, like you’re floating on clouds and everything in the world doesn’t matter anymore.
...Ready For It. Haha yes this sounds like a stretch but bare with me. ‘But if he’s a ghost, then I can be a phantom. Holding him for ransom, some’ I feel that despite the ‘bad impression’ he’s given ppl that left him, he did left some form a good mark on them too. Some have tried to insert themselves back in his life, realizing that maybe Romeo isn’t as bad as they thought he was. Of course, there are others that don't, which is always fine for Romeo’s end because he does understand that he’s ‘not for everyone’. ‘In the middle of the night, in my dreams. You should see the things we do, baby’ Despite his openness to love anyone, he does have his own standards. A vivid version of the kind of ppl he would like to share his heart with but he doesn’t over stretch himself to get them to like him other than maybe the usual meeting a person for the first time.
Don’t Blame Me. ‘Don't blame me, love made me crazy. If it doesn't, you ain't doin' it right’ Let me tell you that when it comes to forming a connection/relationship, it really brings out Romeo’s true colors. And I’ve said before that that’s when ppl start leaving him bcs he doesn’t like his passion being executed in a lot of aspects of his other personality. He’s considered ‘crazy’ for that. ‘Lord, save me, my drug is my baby, I'd be using for the rest of my life’ But when it comes to connecting to the right ppl, he will shine and thrive. Maybe he’ll use this opportunity to finally be himself without fearing that these ppl will leave his as well. ‘For you, I would cross the line’ and then there’s the priceless loyalty towards those ppl that I've mentioned. Yeah, Romeo will do anything for the ppl he loves.
This Is Me Trying. It’s how I think Romeo in his low would look. I’ve mentioned before that his mental health sometimes hits very low that he can barely do anything. It looks more like everything that he does is so tiring and all he can do is just stay in bed. He wants someone to know that he’s trying his best to get up just to brush his teeth or get some food. He wants someone to know that he’s trying his best. As much as he wants to, he can’t get through a day like that all alone. He needs someone else to be the one telling him to do things because days like these are usually when Romeo can’t bare to listen to himself. A simple ‘I’m proud of you’ from someone else can be enough to get him to other things that seems difficult. But hey, he’s trying.
To quickly sum it up: Love story is how he views love to be (young, beautiful, yet stupid in the same way) and he proudly embraces it. Invisible String is how he believes in soulmates to cope with the disappointment he faces from ppl that don’t like his true colors. Wonderland is how he tends to get over excited when it comes to ppl that show any form of attention towards him that can be viewed as affection plus how he likes to pretend to be in a world where it’s okay for him to be clingy. Blank Space is how his passionate soul somehow turns him into a crazy person that can’t make a connection with others last. Lover is for how he feels/looks when Romeo does love. ...Ready For It is for how he leaves different kinds of marks on the people he had once connected in the past. Don’t Blame Me is for how the people he wants to connect to brings out his true colors and how he will thrive when the person he connects with is the right one. This Is Me Trying is how Romeo looks like when he’s in his lowest moment and needs someone to support him.
If this doesn’t make any sense then I’m sorry just ignore this pls:)
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12yeahiminluvwu · 4 years
Bad Enough For You
pairing - pop-punk!jj x pop punk!reader
summary- JJ wants you all to himself, and he’ll do anything he has to to make that happen, even if it means reverting to his old ways. 
word count- 2,265
warning(s)- swearing, mentions of alcohol, mentions of drugs, 
From the wings, JJ watched as the girl he had shamelessly obsessed over for months sang her lungs out and jumped around the stage like she owned the place. He could tell that this was her element. The stage was where she belonged. From where he stood, he could see her chest moving up and down as she fought hard to breathe but you wouldn’t know by the way she hit every note like it was second nature to her. He watched the way she got down on her knees, reaching out for the crowd and singing right to them. She was fucking good at this. It was no question why they were the most popular band in the little college town. 
Y/n was somewhat of a mystery to JJ, even after all this time. He couldn’t figure her out, no matter how hard he tried. He watched countless guys come and go, none of them fitting her standards- of which he had no clue what they were. 
He was always nice to her- which was his first mistake. Y/n wasn’t into the nice guy type. Unbeknownst to JJ, she liked her boy, and girls, as bad as they come. Her last boyfriend was a drug dealer from the southside of town who looked like he definitely had killed someone before. She never bothered to ask though, it was just better that way. His second mistake was trying to get her attention. She didn’t give it to anyone she knew wanted it, except for fans on stage. So there JJ was, shit out of luck. It wasn’t until one night after a hopeless encounter that he decided he’d start trying to be someone she would pay attention to. That had been a few weeks ago now. JJ knew how to be an asshole. He’d done it most of his teenage years back home on the island. 
As the band was coming off stage, Y/n waited for the typical “Hey good job out there!” from JJ, but all she got was a cold shoulder. He didn’t even acknowledge her, even if all he wanted to do was spin her around and tell her how amazing she’d been. He had to be the bad guy now, because that’s the only way he’d get to her. She brushed it off quickly and made her way back to the green room, whereas JJ and his boys made their way onto the stage. 
“Anyone know The Band CAMINO?” JJ asked and the crowd erupted in loud chants and screams. The tune to See Through filled the bar and the crowd got even louder. She didn’t know it, but Y/n was the inspiration for the band singing this song tonight. 
Now it was Y/n’s turn to watch from the wings. She kept her gaze on the blond bassist, silently wishing he would stop trying so hard to get at her. 
The air in the bar was damp and smelled like sweat and cheap beer. It was packed wall to wall, for sure violating some type of fire code, but who really cared anyway. The only sound you could hear from here all the way down the block was the live music being played. Lights shined on the boys, illuminating every inch of their skin, making them look like absolute gods. JJ, as usual, had ended up taking his shirt off a few songs into the set, making everyone in the crowd go crazy. Y/n had to admit, the boy knows how to work an audience. He knows exactly what to do to drive them crazy, and if he wasn’t such a kiss ass off stage, she might give him a chance. She just wasn’t into the kind of guys who would drop everything and come running. She liked the chase. She liked feeling like she had to earn the attention of someone, she didn’t like when it came easy. 
“Rebound feeling like a rerun, everything that we've done, funny how it all played out.
You're good at looking at me like I'm see-through but I gotta see you, I shoulda learned by now.” The vein in JJ’s neck was straining as he poured his heart into the song. In that moment, with the crowd roaring and the sweat dripping down his face, he felt like he was flying. He felt invincible, and for a moment- he forgot about Y/n. But only for a moment, because as soon as the next verse fell out of his mouth, her image came flooding back into his mind like a tidal wave. 
“How do I get your attention? How does it feel to always have mine? How do I address this tension? How you're looking through me every time? Got me out here, got me thinking what I would do, got me in my head, got me wishing I was with you. God, I'm wishing I was with you.” Quickly, JJ glanced over to where you stood and before you could notice, his eyes shifted back to the crowd in front of him. 
Post gig was always JJ’s favorite time because he got to hang out with his boys and revel in the high that was performing live. The air was still thick from the events tonight but the boys didn’t care. The afterparty had moved from the bar to the band’s shared apartment and Y/n’s band was here too. JJ did his best to keep his gaze off of her, but her smile lit up the whole room, and he couldn’t ignore the way he felt when she was around. But he knew that if he showed any of that at all, it would send her running for the hills. 
There she was, standing with a drink in her hand, laughing with the lead singer of his band and driving him crazy. He tried to focus on the music playing and the conversation he was having about how good Ashton Irwin’s solo music was, and how his album is going to be a huge hit, but he found himself drifting back to her every time. Excusing himself, he walked into the kitchen to make himself a stronger drink. He stopped cold when he saw who was standing at the counter, back facing him. Shaking his head, and ignoring the hitch in his throat, he brushed past her, reaching around the counter to find what he was looking for. 
“You’ve been pretty quiet lately Maybank… any particular reason?” The girl asked from beside him. He looked over at you quickly, simply shrugging his shoulders. That was all he gave you, hoping it would be enough to keep your attention a little longer without looking too interested. You gave him a once over before continuing on with your night. 
JJ had left you wanting more, believe it or not. You suddenly wanted to know why he detached himself from you. Was he losing interest in you? Or using reverse psychology to get your attention. Either way, it made your mind race. The more he drew away, the closer you wanted to get. This was the chase you wanted. 
By the end of the night, you were drunk off your ass and had somewhat attached yourself to JJ. He paid you no mind other than keeping you from falling over every once and awhile. 
“Do you need a ride home?” He asked as people started to clear out and head home. He hadn’t ended up drinking as much as he thought he would, and was completely sober. 
“Probably…” You giggled and laid your head on his shoulder, wrapping your arms around his middle, attempting to pull him closer to you. On the inside, he was freaking out. His heart was permanently beating at a million miles an hour, his palms sweating and breath caught in his throat, but to anyone looking your way, he looked cool as a cucumber. No one would be able to tell that he was freaked out by the girl of his dreams hanging off him like they were in love. 
JJ looked around and saw that your whole band had left and that you two were the only ones left in the living room. 
“We should get you back home…” He trailed off, walking the two of you over to the couch and sitting you down so he could grab your things before helping you back up and out to his car. He reached across to belt you in and gently shut the door. Starting the car, the quiet hum of Bad Enough For You by All Time Low filled in the silence between the two of you. 
“You know…” Y/n started to say and JJ glanced over at her before returning his gaze to the road. After looking at her ID for her address, he made his way through the streets. 
“I actually think you’re really attractive, but you made it wayyy too obvious that you had a thing for me so I pushed you away… because it scares me when people show an interest in me… be-because usually people just leave in the end anyway…” 
JJ was quiet for a moment. Had you just admitted that you liked him? 
“Why, don’t we talk about this tomorrow when you’re sober?” He asked, parking his car in front of her apartment. Coming around the side of the car, he helped her up out of the seat and walked her to the door, grabbing her keys from her to open the door. 
“Will you stay?” She slurred and he hesitated. 
“I don’t know if that’s the best idea Y/n…” 
“Please? We don’t have to do anything, I just don’t want to be alone when I wake up…” The look on her face was enough to make him do anything she asked him to. His heart melted and he nodded, walking behind her, hands intertwined, to her bedroom. She shimmied out of her skinny jeans and took her bra off under the baggy band tee-shirt that had been tucked into the pants, plopping down on the queen mattress. JJ kicked off his docs and shimmied out of the jeans he’d been wearing before climbing into bed next to her. She tucked herself right into his chest like it was her own little spot and was out in seconds. JJ, on the other hand, took a little longer to fall asleep. He started down at you, your cheek pressed up against his chest, hair all over the place. He’d never seen you look this peaceful, not even on stage. Slowly, he brought his hand up to brush the stray hairs out of your face.  He just couldn’t get his mind to shut off. But eventually, his eyelids fell heavily closed and sleep took over him. 
When morning came, you had trouble remembering where you were, and who you were with… Looking up at the person you were laying a slight rush of releifewashed over you, but then you started to worry about what happened last night and lifted the blanket in hopes that your clothes, and his, were still intact. Thank fuck, they were. 
You felt JJ take a deep breath and closed your eyes, pretending to be asleep still, doing your best to ignore the pounding headache that resided at the base of your neck. You could tell JJ had a mini freakout, similar to yours, when he opened his eyes. But then his memories of last night came back. Yours came back in pieces, while his came back in a rushing wave. You remembered suddenly wanting all of his attention and doing your best to get it, until your bandmate kept handing you vodka sodas and before you knew it you were hanging all over him the rest of the night. If that wasn’t embarrassing enough, you somehow got him to stay the night with you. And now here you were, tangled in your bedsheets. 
Slowly, you looked up at him, trying to gage the situation. He looked down at you, the smallest hint of a smile ghosting across his lips. You found yourself staring at them. The feeling of his fingers trailing up your arm sent shivers down your spine, and heat rushed to your cheeks. 
“Uh, hi…” You trailed off, absentmindedly tracing shapes along his abs, sometime last night his shirt had come off, leaving him in his boxers. 
“Hey.” He smiled. His voice was deep and scratchy due to the lack of use overnight, his nerves didn’t help any. 
“Coffee?” You asked after a pause and he chuckled lightly, nodding his head. You nodded back at him before pushing yourself out of bed and making your way to the kitchen. JJ wasn’t too far behind you, taking a seat on the other side of the island. 
“So… last night was interesting…” He began, trying to get the conversation flowing. 
“Yeah, uh. I was pretty fucking drunk so. I don’t really remember anything I said…” You admitted from where you stood at your keurig. 
“Well, to sum it up, you told me to stop being such a try hard and you think I’m hot.”
“That sounds like something I would say, yeah.” The two laughed and another moment of silence fell on them. 
“Well, I would be down to go out if you are…?” She said and JJ did his best to contain his excitement. 
“Yeah, that’d be cool.” He said and she smiled, realizing she’d been right about him just faking the hard ass act to get her to like him.
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• First Kiss •
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My Hero Academia
Characters: Mirio Togata & Tomura Shigaraki
Genre: Fluff
Type: Scenario
Warnings: None unless you don't like kisses
Description: Your first kiss with your boyfriend
Check Pinned Post for Request Info!
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Mirio Togata
Smiling up at Mirio, you lightly squeeze his hand while walking past UA's school gates. "(Y/n)! Mirio!" Nejiro ran over while dragging Tamaki with her, "You two took so long to get here." You laughed nervously and scratched the back of your head. "We wanted to take our time today, it is a half day!" Mirio explained with a sheepish smile. "Pftt, okay, lovebirds~" She teased, finally letting Tamaki's arm go. "We're here now, so let's go..!" Feeling your face burn, you wrapped up up the conversation and tug Mirio's hand to let him know. He lightly chuckled and began moving, everyone quick in following.
"Sooo, there's this carnival in town for the next few days..." Nejiro paused for a moment before exploding in excitement, "You two should go there for a date!" Mirio laughed, "We're going there after school!" Tamaki let out a quiet chuckle, "Figures." We enter the school and make our way upstairs to our classrooms. You try to let go of Mirio's but he held on a little tighter. "We'll be in the classroom!" Nejiro announced as she bounced away with Tamaki. "What's up, Mirio?" Looking up at him, you see him brightly smiling at you. "I love you a lot, (Y/n)." He lowered his head and layed a gentle kiss to your forehead.
"I love you too." You reach up and cup his cheeks before brushing your nose against his in an eskimo kiss. "I'll see you after classes." The two of you unwillingly part, walking away to your classrooms. Once entering your class, you sigh and slip into your seat. "Miss him already, (Y/n)?" Your classmate, Emi(not an actual character btw) nudged your desk as she spoke. "Of course, he's just- he's so bright." You laughed a bit, covering your face as it warmed up. "Wrap up your conversations! It might be a half day, but we still have some work to do." The teacher clapped her hands and eased us into today's topic.
Once the last school bell rang, you hurried to put your books and supplies into your bag. "Calm down, woman!" Emi laughed and picked up your pencil and eraser from the floor after it fell. "Sorry, my nerves are just going haywire." You apologize and take your things from her. "(Y/n)!" Jumping, you snap your eyes to the door. Mirio stood there with a wide smile. "Got something planned? He's wayyy more happy than usual.." Emi mumbled. "We're going to the carnival, I have to go now. Thanks, Emi!" Stumbling to the door, you put your bag on. "Be careful, sunshine." Mirio wrapped his arm around you as you left the classroom.
"I'm just really excited for the carnival." You tell him as the two of you walk down the stairs and toward the exit. "I'm glad! During break, Nejiro and Tamaki helped me look up more about the carnival." He slipped his arm off your shoulders and held your hand, lacing your fingers together. "Really? Guess you'll have to show me around, then." Nudging his side, you lightly giggle. "Mhm!" He squeezed your hand as you walked down the sidewalk, the teacup ride peeping out from above a building. It only took a few more minutes to get there and pay for entry.
Strolling in, you notice the cotton candy immediately and accidentally gasp. Covering your mouth, you smile. "Want to get some?" He asked turning to you. "Well, I don't want to have you pay-" He snickers and tugs you over, "Come on!" Letting out a laugh, you watch as he quickly grabs and pays for a large twist one. Mirio pulls you over to a bench in the shade, opening the bag around the cotton candy. "Thank you, Miri." You smile at him as he plucks a piece of cotton and places it in his mouth. "Make sure you get some, I don't wanna eat it on you!" He practically sparkled as he plucked a piece and hovered it in front of your lips.
Opening your mouth, you take the cotton from him and beam at him, "I know we haven't done anything yet, but this is already amazing." You watched as his eyes softened, it looked like he melted at your words, "I'm glad you feel that way, sunshine." You leaned over and placed a quick kiss to his cheek, almost jolting back when he grabbed your face. Looking into each others eyes, you smile and lean into his hands. "I love you." He tilts his head slightly and brings his head forward, closing his eyes as his lips hesitantly brush against your own. A laugh bubbles in your throat as you tug him into your arms, holding him close, "I love you more, Miri."
Tomura Shigaraki
To say you were touch starved was an understatement. Your boyfriend wouldn't even look at you. You know he doesn't want to hurt you with his quirk, but knowing that isn't enough. So you made it your mission for the day. Get some sort of loving response from Shigaraki, weather it be a blush or a small nudge. Walking into the hideout, you stroll up to the bar and slide onto a stool, training your eyes on Shigaraki as he listens to Kurogiri. You take a deep breath, clenching your hands together. He wouldn't appreciate the affection as much if there's a lot of people around. You needed to do this before Dabi, Toga, Spinner, and Twice arrived.
Standing up, you stretched and popped your back. Covering your mouth as you yawn, you quietly stroll behind Shigaraki and pretend you're leaving the room. "Heading off to research, (Y/n)?" Dammit, Kurogiri! You hold back a groan, turning around with a small smile, "Mhm." Glancing over to Shigaraki, you notice he hasn't moved a muscle, almost like he stopped breathing. Kurogiri took note of your glancing and nodded to you, "Good luck." Attempt one: failed. You still had the rest of the day though, so you had some hope left.
1 2 : 0 0 PM
Lunchtime. What could you do during this time? Get him something to eat? That might work... but you'll need to be quick. Grabbing your jacket, you hurry out of your work room and down the stairs to the main area. "Whoa! Where you heading off to, (Y/n)?" Spinner announces your presence when you practically zoom by him. "Grabbing some food, want anything?" You offer as you slide your bag off the bar counter. "Ooo! Then can you get some chips?" Toga chimes in. "Can I get a sub?" Spinner asks with a smirk as he slaps an arm around your shoulders. An almost inaudible growl from the bar reached your ears, causing you to look over. Shigaraki's eyes basically burned holes into Spinner's head. "Alright, be back in a bit." Smiling, you leave the hideout.
Reaching the store, you immediately head to the fruit section after grabbing a basket. "He likes strawberries and watermelon... right?" You whispered to yourself as you peered through the fruit, trying to find the best ones. After a minute, you find a good pair of watermelon slices and a small bowl of strawberries. Placing them in your basket, you head over to the snacks isle. You grab baked potato chips and gently place them down. You make your way over to the deli area and wait in the small line. Feeling your phone vibrate in your pocket, you fish it out and check the message.
- | Shishi | -
(Shishi)- Be safe.
I will, love you 💕 -(Me)
(Shishi)- Mhm.
You couldn't help but be upset when he didn't say it back. "I can help whoever's next!" Looking back up, you realize you're next and began ordering Spinner's sub. "Cheese, mayo, lettuce, and tomatoes toasted, please." The employees were quick in making it so you put 300 yen in their tip jar before walking to a cashier to pay for everything. Once paying for your items, you hurry out of the store and down the street. You bumped shoulders with a few people, which ended up with just you apologizing or you and the other person to apologize. Glancing around, you slip into the alleyway and start taking the path back to the hideout. Knocking the code on the door, you open it and slip in.
"You mad or something?" Dabi grumbled toward you as you sat at the bar. Placing the bag beside you, you slumped forward and whined out a response, "...too many people." Dabi hummed in understanding and left you alone. "Shigaraki, welcome back." Kurogiri greeted him as he cleaned a glass with a rag. Grunting, Shigaraki shuffles over to the bar, lightly ruffling your hair before sitting. Smiling, you almost bounce when you stand. Opening the bag, you take the food out and set them all aside except the fruit. You walk over to Shigaraki, sliding him the fruit as you lean down. Shifting his father's hand, you place a lingering kiss to his cheek before moving back. Attempt two: Successful!
"Kurogiri, can you let Toga and Spinner know they're food's here?" He nods his and takes out his phone. You walk to the stairs so you can continue researching, but only make it a few steps before getting turned around. "..wait." Shigaraki lets your wrist go. Raising his hand to his face, he removes his father's hand before moving his face toward your own. His shaky breath fans over your lips before he lightly presses his lips against yours. Pushing your lips to his, you gently cup his cheeks and smile. Double success!
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berri-hopefulspouse · 3 years
-- Moonstone --
Fandom & Characters: Danganronpa, Emotionally Hopeful [Makoto X Ren], Kyoko Kirigiri, Aoi Asahina [Mentioned], Yasuhiro Hagakure [Mentioned]
TW: Suggestive Themes [Mostly implied], Flashbacks, Hallucinations, PTSD, guns, injury, 
Word Count: 9.9k words
Summary: It’s been over three years since the events of the original Killing Game...and Makoto has to ask himself; is he ready to take that next step with his partner?...And if so; can he set up the perfect date for them?
AN: This is one I’ve started to write since like...early November. Thanks Executive Dysfunction. Anyway, big story time!!! ;w; This took wayyy too long but I hope yall enjoy it! <3
The rain had always found a way to calm them down. 
It was something they had known for a long time, even with their memories getting erased. Something about the somewhat gloomy atmosphere, the sound of the rain tapping gently against the windows… It stopped their thoughts, at least for a short time. 
It was why, at the time, Ren had been sitting by one of the windows of their apartment, head rested on the windowsill and watching the sky- a softer shade of pinkish gray- swirl as the shower lightly tapped at the windows. For the first time in a while, their thoughts were quiet, just focused on the little patters outside. Part of them wanted to stand outside, take in the rain...but well, not like it was particularly safe. With so much pollution in the air, it made for really bad acid rain episodes. Without some form of protection, it could get someone really sick. And it HAS gotten them sick, numerous times.
...So maybe that wasn’t the smartest idea. Sitting by the window and letting the lack of thoughts bring them peace of mind was enough for them, anyway.
Sitting up a bit, trying not to doze off at the windowsill, they stretch their arms over their head with a drowsy little yawn, tossing dark brown locks out of their face. It had been a long while since they dyed their hair- hell, it had been a while since they even cut it...maybe they should contact Asahina about helping with their hair later that day.
What interrupted that train of thought, though, was the sound of the door behind them closing- getting a smile out of them.
“Koto!” They got up from their chair, headed over to meet their boyfriend at the door- messy brown locks falling into their eyes as they peered around the corner- earning a little laugh from him.
“Well, hey!” Seemingly surprised at their energy, Makoto barely had time to take off his work jacket before feeling their arms wrap around his torso. Chuckling some more, he ruffled their hair a bit before returning the gesture.
“Welcome back...Did everything go well today?” Their tone was quiet, yet sweet- it was the one side of them no one else really got to see but him. He was thankful for that much, and he nodded quietly.
“Yeah, the plans are going well...Everything’s going according to schedule, and if we’re lucky- the school will be open again in another year or so.” Makoto responded, brushing back their curls to lightly kiss their forehead with a smile, “I still can’t believe you of all people talked me into doing this.”
Sticking out their tongue, they pout a bit.
“What’s that supposed to mean?!”
Dropping the topic with a light little snicker, the two went further inside- Ren returning back to their little spot by the window, and Makoto headed to grab a coffee from the little kitchenette area. For a couple minutes, there was quiet- the rain and the sound of coffee brewing being the only noises that went through the apartment. Soon enough, though, Makoto walked back over and leaned over their shoulder- watching the rain outside for a moment before raising an eyebrow.
“Penny for your thoughts?”
“Hm?” Looking over their shoulder to him, they flustered a bit before quickly looking away again with a slight pout, “N-Nothing, jeez. For once, it’s...quiet.”
“Really? Huh.” Makoto gave a bit of a smile at that, arms wrapping over their shoulders- a mug gripped in his right hand, “Is it the medication?”
“No,” They shook their head, leaning back into his touch with a soft sigh, “It’s just the rain…”
“Is that why you like rainy days so much?” He asked, out of curiosity, and they nodded quietly. For another few moments, there was quiet- occasionally Makoto taking small sips from his coffee mug and Ren just staring off out the window, lost in the silence and their partner’s arms.
“Things finally seem to be calming down, huh?” They asked, after a couple minutes, “The biggest threats have been dealt with, the world’s...starting to rebuild itself. Big-stakes missions are finally slowing down...it’s finally almost over.” 
Makoto didn’t really think much about it before, until they had pointed it out- but it was true. It had been almost 3 years since the events of the first Killing Game had taken place, and for the most part since then the two had been working at Future Foundation up until the last 6 months or so. While they were still working closely with them, it was Ren who had brought up the idea of setting their sights elsewhere. The idea of rebuilding what made Hopes Peak what it was...run it better than the past… it was all on them. Of course, though, Makoto was the one who was mostly overseeing the construction of it all. 
It was really all starting to calm down. 
“It really is, isn’t it…?” He remarked with slightly widened eyes, “This war we’ve fought...everything we’ve been through… it’s almost over.”
Nodding to themselves, they quietly take the cup out of Makoto’s hand and take a joking little sip from the coffee, watching the boy pout before he quietly snatched it back.
“You don’t even like the coffee I drink!” He exclaimed in a faux offense, watching the brunette burst into a tiny fit of giggles and lean further back into him with a little smile. 
“I don’t,” They agreed, before that smile turned into a mischievous little smirk, “But I do like taking things you own.”
“Clearly,” Makoto gestured to the fact that, at the time, all they had on was his hoodie. Ever since he started working at Future Foundation, they basically had claimed it as their own. “Am I ever going to get that back?”
“Nope.” They joked, that impish grin on their face only widening, “It’s cozy and reminds me of you.”
…If that didn’t make Makoto’s face go from zero to a hundred in the fraction of a second. Trying to hide his flustered face into the rim of his cup, he huffed a bit. Of course, he didn’t mind that they wore his jacket- in fact he found it endearing. But god damnit all- if the little things they said to him sometimes sent his mind for an absolute tailspin…
Still, as he watched them from the corner of his eyes- still hiding his face into his mug- he realized something...or rather, remembered something. 
‘When all of this is over...when I don’t have to fear for our lives whenever we leave the apartment anymore... I want to be yours. I want to be only yours, and I want to marry you one day. I...is that okay?’ 
‘...O-of course… I’d love that.’ 
That was a promise made almost a year and a half ago. That was a promise they made to him... something he didn’t even think about at the time- given the circumstances of everything going on around him. And just like then- he didn’t even realize that everything was just about over. He didn’t realize until they had pointed it out earlier…
...He wanted to be the one to make a move. He wanted to give back to them, the same way they have poured everything they had to him. They had always been the one to remember anniversaries, birthdays, all of that...and sometimes Makoto was left scrambling to make sure he did something they’d appreciate.
He wouldn’t mess this up.
However, he was drawn back out of his thoughts with a quiet little yawn, blinking for a moment before looking down to Ren in mild surprise for a moment, before managing to speak.
“You look tired...wanna lay down and get some rest?” He already knew their answer, but it never hurt to ask.
Sure enough, they shook their head and tried leaning closer to him, “I’m...I’m alright…”
Quirking a teasing eyebrow, he gave a little smile, “You sure about that?”
“Mmmhm…” The rain seemed to calm them down enough to be drowsy, they could hardly keep their eyes open. Makoto laughed to himself, ruffling their hair a bit more and setting the now empty cup of coffee aside.
“You wouldn’t even come to bed for snuggles?” He teased lightly, trying to do a slight pout but instead having a look akin to a cheeky smile- of trying to hide his laughter- rather than a pout. He knew already any form of affection would easily persuade them, so it was always a bit fun to tease them a bit. 
And, like a lost little cat, they whimpered and nuzzled into his hand.
Chuckling to himself in a silent victory- all while trying to still hide his internal laughter- he helped them to their feet to get them to at least go lay down. It took a few moments- some shambling steps and Ren practically yanking off the buttoned up shirt Makoto had on, as well as the work tie. He chuckled nervously to himself- no matter how many times they reassured him...he was always a bit shy about how he looked to them. But when they sat at the edge of the bed, they gently yanked the speckled brunette into their lap, causing him to squeak.
Not unusual. Still always surprising, though, at least to Makoto.
Still, with his back to them, he felt sleepy hands trace over his stomach with a drowsy, but amused little hum.
“I love you, you know that right?”
“Uhm...y-yeah,” He was trying his best to sound as confident as he could without physically squeaking, “I love you too…”
Gentle fingertips grazed over his skin, and he felt their mouth gently press small kisses along his shoulder.
“You’re so...pretty...too pretty f’r someone like me.” They mumbled quietly into his back. If it wasn’t for the fact they were being way too adorable for their own goddamn good, he’d probably chuckle at the fact that they couldn’t even reach his shoulderblades due to their height. 
“You know that’s not true…” He mumbled, quickly adjusting the way he was sitting before their little hand movements sparked too much in him, instead turning to- unintentionally- straddle them, “You’re gorgeous too, you know.”
“Mmm,” As he cupped their cheek, gently, they leaned into the gesture, “You say that a lot for someone who beats himself up.”
“Look who’s talking,” He remarked somewhat bluntly, though managed to quirk a smile a moment later, “You know I mean it everytime I say it, Mx. Living Lie Detector.”
He felt them pout into his palm, sleepy brown eyes darting up to his with a look of flustered annoyance.
“Shhhhtt…” They shushed him, the sound muffled a bit into his skin, causing him to laugh.
“I’m right.”
“Shhhhh…” He tried to hide his laughter more, tilting their chin up and leaning in to give them a few kisses- however only resulting in the two falling back into the mattress in a fit of small giggles and muffled mumbles.
It took a bit of banter back and forth, but eventually, the two had settled into bed- Ren nestled into Makoto like the puzzle piece he had missed his entire life. They were starting to doze off, occasionally stirring enough to nuzzle towards him- or move slightly. Being a restless sleeper with insomnia, it often took a bit to get them to sleep- no matter how tired they were. Restlessness was prominent, and half of the time Makoto stirred awake in the middle of the night to see that Ren was almost going to fall off the one side of the bed from moving around so much in their sleep. Still, with one arm wrapped loosely around them, the other toyed with their hair, at least calming the restlessness down. Slowly, but surely, they settled back down, curling in a bit on themselves. He hummed softly, feeling them start to further relax and sink into the mattress. They hummed along to the mindless song with him, listening to them grow quieter...until they were silent.
Once he knew they were about out, he felt the drowsiness of work seep its way in, and with a mumbled little ‘I love you,’ into their ear- he let himself drift off to sleep as well...dead set on coming up with a plan.
»»————- ★ ————-««
The following afternoon, Makoto had headed out on one of his off-days...Of course, he usually did spend his off-days with Ren, since it was rare in-and-of itself for the two to have a day to themselves. It was rare to get a break, up until recently. Most of Makoto’s work these days was just file work, planning, and hiring other construction workers. So, it left for many off-days, usually only working on a Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule. That day though, Ren was with some of the others- getting their hair trimmed up and re-done. Despite none of them ever really cutting anyones hair before, Ren only seemed to trust their fellow survivors. Made enough sense, with how the last three years have gone- it often seemed like they always were up against someone else. All the same, it was good for him- he had to make some sort’ve plans...and the only person he trusted enough to help was…
“Naegi?” The voice behind him jostled him from his thoughts, causing Makoto to turn around and smile towards her.
“Hey, Kiri!” He waved, although it definitely seemed a bit more lethargic than usual. He turned back to look outside… he was leaned up against one of the rails- one that overlooked the sea. It felt like forever ago he was looking out from here when dealing with the remnants- paranoid to the bone of being spotted. Kyoko slipped in beside him, gently gripping the rail before speaking up again.
“It’s been awhile...how have things been for you two?” She asked,  casting a look through soft violet eyes. Makoto smiles a bit, and exchanges a look in turn.
“It’s been going well. Of course, there’s still moments where it doesn’t seem like it’ll ever be okay again but...we’re both managing,” He responds with, “But things do seem to finally be calming down.”
“Tell me about it. I’m actually able to start focusing on things other than dealing with the after-effects of Enoshima’s crimes.” Kyoko mumbled with a sour little huff, “It’s almost shocking, really.”
“Seems like just yesterday we were waking up in Hopes Peak, huh?” He asked, watching his best friend nod beside him.
“It really does…” She trailed off for a moment, before glancing beside her and giving a slight smirk, “So, are you going to explain why you invited me over here in particular, or are we just going to do idle-talk for a good hour or two?”
Laughing to himself, he rubbed the back of his neck, “That obvious, huh?”
“Normally if you just wanted to hang out, you’d invite Ren with you. So I can only assume this is of the utmost importance, or…” She glances out of the corner of her eyes once more, “This is something about them.”
“Got me there, but its uh...it’s a bit of both.” Makoto mumbled shyly, feeling flustered even at the idea of explaining it. 
Kyoko remained quiet, giving a small gesture of her hand to explain what he meant by that statement, and he sighed, looking out towards the ocean in thought. 
“...Back before that whole...thing...with Future Foundation happened, during when we were dealing with the Remnants… Ren and I shared a promise,” He rubbed at his promise ring in nervous thought, gently twirling the ring in his hands, “Once everything had settled down...once we weren’t at a constant risk of losing our lives...we’d get engaged. That was almost two years ago, and...well, all the loose ends have mostly been...at least, managed.” 
“So you want to finally seal the deal, hm?”
“That’s putting it lightly but...yeah. I want to propose but I...I want it to be special. I want to just give a shred of what they deserve... I mean, the rest of their life from what they told me has been such a mess...I just want to make sure one part of their life isn’t as messy, if that makes sense?” Makoto explained, rubbing the back of his neck, “Especially considering I mean...they deserve so much. After everything they’ve been through, they deserve so much love and care...and I want to give them that.”
Kyoko listened intently as Makoto rambled, before giving a quiet smile, “I’m guessing you have no clue what to exactly do?”
“...” He shot her a look, clearly embarrassed as his face flushed red, “You didn’t need to say it so bluntly!”
Laughing to herself, she shook her head, “It’s alright Makoto. While I don’t quite know Ren as well as you do, they do confide in me often enough for me to understand why you’d choose me out of anyone else.”
The brunette gave a soft nod, nervously tapping his finger idly against the rail as he looks down, “I just don’t want to mess this up for them, you know?”
“I think you’re worrying too much,” She responded, raising an eyebrow, “They’d appreciate any sort’ve gesture you give them, putting their past into perspective.”
“Yeah, but this is different, Kyoko! This isn’t just like an anniversary, or like a date, or anything of the sort! This is going to be a proposal!” He exclaimed, a hint of frustration in his voice as he ran a hand over his face. 
“No need to be so crabby, Naegi. I’m just saying what you already know.” 
SIghing to himself, he relaxed a bit, “I know, sorry… I just don’t want this going wrong. Like so many things for the last few years, I don’t want this going wrong.” 
Kyoko remained quiet for a moment, almost awkwardly so. She never was one to handle social situations the best...all the same, she remained composed, not showing her anxiety before speaking up again.
“Well, what’s something they’ve wanted to do that you two haven’t gotten to do yet?” She asked, “Something that they’ve really wanted to do?”
Makoto remained in a quiet thought for a little while, watching as Kirigiri turned and leaned back against the rail instead. 
“Hmm...I think I have a good idea.” Makoto eventually resolved, turning to Kirigiri, “Can I run this over with you real quick to make sure it’s a good idea?”
“Hmm. Of course.” She smiled a bit. Even after all this time, he still respected the opinion of others- but he no longer let it shake his confidence. 
Still, as she listened to the idea he had in mind, she raised her eyebrows in surprise. Not only did he really think this through quite quickly, but it sounded genuinely sweet... Not to mention, likely something they would both enjoy. She found her face flushing a bit to herself, remembering her brief little crush on the luckster during her time at Hopes Peak. 
Kyoko did snap out of it, however, when he chuckled to himself and rubbed the back of his neck, “How does that sound?” 
“That...sounds like it’d probably work…” She mumbled, underexaggerating her opinion through her teeth. Jealous? A bit. They were so, so lucky they had him…
“You really think so?” The way his eyes lit up when she confirmed this however, made her settle back down. 
“Yes...they’ll love it, if all goes well.” She further assured him, causing Makoto to hug Kyoko tightly with an excited grin, “Thanks Kirigiri! You’re amazing!!” 
Surprised for a moment, Kyoko wasn’t sure how to react, before slowly- but gently- hugging the luckster in return, “Of course. You two mean...a lot to me. Anything to help, I’ll be there.”
That genuine little comment made Makoto just smile all the wider, giving another gentle squeeze before letting her go, “Anyway, that being said, how about we go get coffee before Ren’s done with their little ‘hair appointment’ with Hina and Yasuhiro?” 
“Sure, as long as you’re paying,” She teased lightly, earning Makoto gently elbowing her in the side. It, at the very least, lightened the mood and got the two to laugh- before heading off for their little outing before it got any later. 
»»————- ★ ————-««
Meticulous planning, patience, and praying to whatever god might be listening that his bad luck didn’t get in the way again. That’s what the next few days looked like, between doing his own bits of research and calming his own pure anxiety. Between looking around for just the right ring- with Togami’s help- and picking out something that looks nice.
All he had to do was ask them out. No big deal. No big deal. Right?
Still, the more he thought about it...the more nervous he felt. 
All the same, he knew he did have to ask...so, he did, when they were getting ready for bed. 
Ren was in the middle of idly scrolling through their phone, eyes heavy from drowsiness. It must’ve been late, Makoto hadn’t really noticed it. He had just finished setting things up with Togami for the following afternoon, and leaning back in his chair, he sighed with a little huff before looking over to Ren over the side of his chair, head lolled slightly to the side.
They looked surprisingly so calm. They had their headphones on, quietly humming to a song on their phone and staring quietly at the screen. Occasionally, they’d smile a bit, or laugh, but it always fell back to that quiet little look. Soft, entranced, relaxed. A look he came to love, because it usually was one of calmness- which was the stark contrast from the hyper & anxious persona they usually had up with everyone else. 
Getting up from his work space, he meandered over to Ren, practically collapsing on top of their form- somewhat tired from all the work he had to put in the last few days. It definitely was nothing compared to some missions he went on, but the anxiety alone of it all had definitely taken a toll on his energy.
They looked up on that note, sleepy eyes meeting his own endearing ones. It was all he could do to keep from kissing them then and there… 
…Actually, fuck it.
Giving a cheeky little grin to himself, he scooted a bit further up to gently kiss his partner, who gave a soft little hum of acknowledgement as they gently pressed towards him. When he did draw back, they rose an eyebrow, sliding off their headphones to greet their freckled partner.
“Hey!” He couldn’t help but smiling...they meant so much to him, and seeing them so calm at least calmed him down, in some aspect.
“Whatcha doin there, luckster?” They gently teased, gesturing to the fact that he was laying on their chest. He only grinned, nestling a bit further into their chest which got them to laugh.
“Not moving?”
“Mmm...No.” He responded, closing his eyes and focusing just on the warmth of their skin against his cheek. Listening to their heartbeat, he felt a bit more at ease. He hummed softly, trying not to fall asleep like that before looking to them.
“Hey, Ren?”
“Mind if I get you up early tomorrow?” He felt it’d be wiser to play it casual, rather than make a big display of it- lest they catch on to his plans- “I wanna take you somewhere, just the two of us.”
“Oh, really?” Curiosity found its way into their tone, “Sure, darling...that sounds really-” A yawn interrupted them, sleepiness slipping into their voice, “-really….nice.” 
“Yeah...I figured it’s been a while since we had a proper date, you know? Between work and everything, I figured a little date out would do us good.” He mumbled, looking up a bit to give them another kiss. They leaned into the embrace, another low hum of contentment thrumming through their throat as their hands gently snuck under his t-shirt, and over his back. It gave the luckster a soft shudder, melting into the feeling. When he finally drew back- after realizing the slightly swimmy feeling in his head was from, in fact, the lack of oxygen- the two were breathless. For a few moments, there was quiet- aside from them catching their breath, before Ren mumbled- almost shyly.
“I wish oxygen was not a thing necessary.” 
It got a cheeky little laugh out of Makoto, who silently wrapped his arms around their neck- hands curled into their curly hair, “If you want me to kiss you more, you know you can just say so.”
“Hmm, should I get some sleep, or do I wanna be awake for a few more hours,” Ren replied, tilting their head with a faux contemplative look on their face. Makoto could only chuckle for a brief moment before they gently pulled his chin to them, a curl of a grin on their face as their mouth met his.
“I can sleep on the ride there,” They mumbled softly into his lips for the brief moment they pulled away, before sitting up to properly embrace him. 
»»————- ★ ————-««
The following morning, after nearly dragging Ren to get up at a time more reasonable than noon, he was practically fidgeting on the spot trying to get them ready to go for the day. While Ren was in the shower, getting cleaned up and ready, Makoto simply couldn't help but pace in thought. He couldn’t…mess this up. 
Would they even want this now…? 
No, he couldn’t...shouldn’t...doubt himself over this. He knew already what he wanted- as much as he knew months ago. Years ago, at this point. 
He sighed, fidgeting with his hands, twirling the promise ring back and forth...Unsure of what to do while he waited. He had freshened up not too long before Ren did- though he didn’t let them see how he looked, taking their glasses before practically shoving them into the bathroom in a fit of chuckling from the two.
Still, he felt...nervous. Sure, he dressed a bit formally for their previous anniversaries and such- but this was much different than that.
It wasn’t even that he was nervous of their response- they had shown many times in the past that he’s the only one they have eyes for- but… rather, he was nervous of not making this something they’d remember. Despite what Kyoko said- the idea of, somehow, failing them, scared him.
“Koto?” Their voice was spoken softly from the bathroom, and he made quick strides to approach with a curious tilt of the head.
“Can you help me with this? I’m not sure how well this fits…” 
“Oh, sure,” He knocked gently to make sure it was okay first, before after a little acknowledging hum, opening the door gently. 
Inside, his eyes fixated towards his partner’s outfit, feeling his face flush a bit as he slowly stepped inside. 
They adorned a maroon colored suit- one they had worn once or twice, but not often enough for Makoto to not get any less flustered whenever he saw them in it. They always thought it was cute to wear something with “his colors”, and it was cute in a way that he had to suppress an internal little yelp. The item in question they were struggling with, was the dark green tie, trying this way and that and only making it even more messed up. He saw in the mirror how badly they were cringing, and his flustered state broke into a small fit of chuckles.
“Okay, stop doing...that...and come here,” He gently came up behind them, leaning over their shoulder to kiss the side of their cheek before turning them around to fix the tie, “You do it like this…”
As he helped them with their tie, he could see from the corners of his vision as they stared up towards him, mouth slightly agape in soft awe.
“...You uh….you look...nice.” They stuttered out softly, biting their lower lip. Makoto smiled softly to his partner, adjusting the collar of their undershirt so it covered the bruises along their neck.
Of course, he had dressed better for the occasion, himself. Wearing shades of softer baby-blues and teals, with a white tie. 
“I know you can say more than that,” He teased lightly, lightly booping their nose, “Am I right?”
“What, do you want me to call you handsome, hot stuff?” They seemed to quickly rebound from his cheeky remark, draping an arm over his shoulder. Flustering up, the luckster gave a sheepish little chuckle- unable to meet their intense little gaze.
“N-now that’s...not fair,” He remarked playfully, only to finally look back over to them when they rested their head against his chest. 
“Just like you in that suit isn’t fair, but we do gotta sometimes deal with shit not being fair, huh, darling?” Smriking to themselves, they watch Makoto’s face turn even brighter shades of Red, before pushing them gently off of him.
“Now you stop that, we’ll never leave on time if you keep doing that-” He said with a little laugh, gently running a hand through their hair, “You ready to go?”
“Mmhm. Can I have my glasses back by chance?”
“Oh, right! Here!” As he went to fish out their glasses, he almost grabbed the small ring box- which he kept in the same pocket. Panic for a brief second brushed over his face, but he handed the glasses off with ease.
“You okay, angel?” Ren picked up on his anxiety easily, “You seem really...nervous.”
“Pfft, you always make me a bit nervous when I take you out like this,” Makoto quickly brushed it off, “Plus, I thought I left your glasses somewhere for a second there. Don’t worry about it too much.” 
Ren rose an eyebrow of doubt, one that made Makoto even more nervous...they were pretty good at picking at other people’s lies… was he caught already?
And it was true, Ren did pick up on Makoto’s nervousness...but, they also knew Makoto didn’t lie often without good reason behind it. 
“...Alright…?” They decided to let it go for now, “If you say so, let’s get going then!!”
 Smiling to himself in relief, he offered his hand to them- one they took with an excited pep in their step- before headed out to see what the day awaited them. 
»»————- ★ ————-««
“...Darling. I don’t, persay...question your decisions but uhm...is this really the wisest choice?”
Ren’s voice came out as a soft squeak as they stared outside the window of the helicopter they were seated in alongside their partner. Makoto, knowing the reluctance was coming, put a hand on their arm.
“Okay, okay, I know what this might look like…”
“Like a bad decision?”
Outside the window, a looming figure sat just in the distance. The looming figure of construction- a construction site that was empty today. What was once Hope’s Peak Academy...the project that was being rebuilt- under Makoto’s strict guidance. 
“...Yes, that,” Makoto admitted to himself, “But... I figured...we could make better memories here. Just for today, let’s just...let go of what happened, and have some fun in the town we were going to grow up in.”
To which, he once again offered them his hand as he got up. Hesitant for a few moments, they look back out the window...ever since the Killing Game, they’ve had frequent nightmares of what happened. Of what they almost did, and who did die. Part of them knew, in their soul, that this was a terrible idea…
…But they trusted him.
So, they took his hand once again, letting him help them to their feet and off the helicopter. 
Stepping around the ‘No Trespassing’ signs, Makoto lead Ren inside. Most of the building itself was done, that was true- but there were still some things...mostly plumbing, electricity, stuff of that sort, as well as the basement and top floors.
The building itself was massive- back to its five story glory- but the design was entirely different from how it used to be. Not only allowing for more accessibility, but the ability to have the access to mental health accessibility as well- as Ren basically demanded he do for the sake of the students. 
As they meandered inside, they observed the main entranceway- which was one of the few things very reminiscent of their memories of Hopes Peak. A decorated, somewhat plain room- with places marked out for trophy cases and plaques and flags. It was oddly desolate, the lights having not been installed yet- which Makoto dealt with by turning on his phone’s flashlight. 
It almost reminded them of...that...day…
Their heart seized gently in their chest, making their face scrunch up as they tried not to focus on their panic. It’s fine, it’s okay...they weren’t there anymore, they just had to remind themselves that. 
Makoto seemed a bit preoccupied though, not quite noticing how the brunette at his side was panicking lightly. 
“It’s coming along great, Makoto…” They mumbled, unable to keep their tone any louder than that- careful not to shatter the silence that filled its newer halls. It’s less bloodstained halls.
“Isn’t it? I can’t believe we’re going to be changing the course of history together.” Makoto’s eyes sparkled at that, and Ren gave a soft, melancholy smile and leaned into his side.
“Yeah...changing history. Changing what happened in the past...we can’t erase it...but we can heal from it.” They mumbled, relaxing once more. Makoto smiled at his partner, not quite noticing the slight traces of distress in their eyes as he further led them into the halls of Hope's Peak.
Most of the afternoon was spent like that, going through the halls of Hope's Peak- hiding away in secret corners of the school to kiss, goof off; do all the things that the killing game had robbed them of- the feeling of the past being their own. The two may be adults- well past it; Ren was around twenty-one at this point, and Makoto was just a little older by a few months- but they still acted like the goofy nineteen year olds they still were at heart. 
Still, the further they followed him- the further they felt...uneasy. Not the sort’ve uneasy of a shady date, or that you were being watched walking home at night...but the sort’ve uneasiness that makes one feel quite...sick.
...The sort’ve uneasiness that came from building a school atop a graveyard.
“Darling,” Ren spoke up as they were headed back down towards the main hall, “Do you think it might’ve been a...bad...idea...rebuilding Hopes Peak in the same spot as its predecessor?” 
Looking down towards his tiny partner, he wraps an arm over their shoulders with a soft little sigh.
“I did realize that, yeah...but by then, it was definitely too late into construction to really...take it back, y’know?” He admitted, his opposite hand awkwardly rubbing at the back of his neck, “So we kinda just gotta...roll with it. If anyone does ask, we should probably be honest but...So long as no one asks, right?”
As he thought aloud on the matter, he steered them in the direction of a blacktop area towards the back of the school. Sure, they weren’t kids anymore that exactly REQUIRED a playground, persay- but Ren thought it would be wise to have the option open for those who dislike sitting during most of the school day...to at least give others the opportunity to- in between classes- get some space to be as overly hyper as they want. Makoto also designed an overhang- so that even if it was raining it could still be available. 
“I suppose so...the less people know about the history of the past Hope’s Peak, the better. It’d be bad for the reputation of the school- and of us…” Ren mumbled to themselves as they followed behind, only to slowly come to a stop in the double doors of the blacktop. Makoto had gone ahead only for a moment, only to slowly stop and look back to them.
“I...ah..” The words had all but left their mouth. It wasn’t because of anything he had done, no...but the surroundings just suddenly felt so...much. Their eyes were trained to the fencing that surrounded the blacktop, struggling to clearly focus. Sure, they were able to ignore the feeling before in the main entranceway, and they were able to...ignore the unease going about the halls of the school- able to ignore the feeling of otherworldly presence. 
...What they CAN’T ignore, is the almost petrifying grip on their heart at remembering the last time they stood before a chained fence in this school.
Echoes of their own screaming rang in the distance of their thoughts, and the feeling of their palms stinging made them feel...nauseous. They wanted to look- to check their hand to remind themselves they were okay...but they couldn’t tear their gaze off from the- seemingly- middle distance. 
“Ren? Ren, hey!” Makoto quickly made his way back to them, putting a hand on his shoulder, making them flinch. The fear in their eyes spoke for itself- they had to be having a flashback episode... Makoto wasn’t a stranger to this- having a few himself and having witnessed Ren go through many, many episodes of this in the past. 
He couldn’t be more wrong...Their vision was starting to warp, a distant dissociative fuzziness making their heart ache. All they could see was...blood. It stained the corners of their vision- stained him…
And all they could be reminded of, was one simple...plain fact- at least one that was plain to them.
‘If it wasn’t for his luck, he would’ve been killed. And its your fault.’
“I-I…” Makoto watched them trying to say something, no words coming out. By then, he quickly sat down on the steps of the blacktop, gently bringing them to sit with him, a hand gently tracing shapes into their palm in a weak attempt to try and get them to stop dissociating in a...non-disruptive manner...He wasn’t sure what to do- despite all these years he hadn’t quite learned how to bring them down from an episode. He knew what to do after- and how to prevent one from even happening but...what caused the episode to begin with…?
And it was only the moment after he asked himself that, that he realized his fatal error.
Sure, like himself, they had PTSD. 
What he forgot about, was how potent their emotions are...and by proxy, just how absolutely batshit cruel their PTSD and other mental illnesses were on them.
But, before he could turn to ask if they wanted to leave the school for a few hours while they calmed down and explored the remains of their city, they got up- turning on heel and bolting back off down the hallway.
But they didn’t hear his call out to them, instead all they could hear was the pounding in their ears, the exclamation of a cry from the past; the blood that dripped from their hands from their grip on a rusty metal fence that they gripped too hard…
All they could feel, all that they were- was that small period of time. A small period of time that should’ve been so, so insignificant to them, compared to all the other BULLSHIT they’ve dealt with in Hopes Peak… but scarred them so deeply, that it practically haunted them in their dreams.
All they knew was to run. Run away from their feelings like they always did. Run away from their past like they ALWAYS did...but what else could they do? They couldn’t...they couldn’t just pretend those feelings didn’t exist- THAT sure as hell didn’t work before. They couldn’t face those feelings- they just...made them that much worse.
So they did the only thing they could know that worked. Run. Run away. 
They didn’t look up from their hands, simply hiding their eyes in their palms- lest they see anything else they didn’t want to see. They just...they knew they just needed to get out and away from the school. They had to get away from that graveyard....where all their friends lie.
They tripped. Many times, they tripped, and fell, scuffing up their jacket and scraping their knees against pavement. Everytime, they just as quickly peeled themselves off the ground though, taking off further into the city. Their head felt so...swimmy.
They could’ve sworn they heard Makoto behind them- calling out to them, trying to chase after them...they couldn’t bear to face him though, not at that moment- not when they still smelled blood from the previous executions, not when they failed to protect him in the past. 
How could he even stand to be around them when they were a failure?...
Their thoughts were abruptly broken though, tripping over something else and landing flat on their face. Their blood was pounding, and they tasted iron in their mouth, shaking a bit as they made a slight effort to sit back up…Their thoughts had seemingly flooded back out their ears, everything was almost...eerily quiet…
...Save of course, for a very familiar whirr of a blaster- one that, upon looking up, was aimed right at their temple. 
‘...So this is how I die. Huh. Would’ve thought I got myself first.’
Though, like many times before, this wouldn’t be their death- and like many times before, it was because of Makoto. Squeezing their eyes shut, they prepared for the inevitable- however when the sound of another blaster went off...they found they were...fine? 
Looking up, they saw Makoto behind them- not too far behind- one of the blasters in hand.
“Makoto…” The name slipped out of their mouth before they could think twice on it, “I-”
“It’s alright, apologize later,” Makoto reassured them, quickly walking over to offer them a hand back up. However, his concerned expression shifted to a stern one upon looking up from their form. More of those dual colored...creatures….? Robots?...He still didn’t quite know what the little monokuma-bots were- all he did know was that there were more of them. Pulling them to their feet, Makoto shifted his suit jacket to cover them, hiding their face into his chest as he fired the blaster again. 
“I knew they were likely still in the city, but seriously- How did it get this bad?!” He mumbled to himself, switching the settings on the blaster and firing again, successfully at least distracting them for a few moments.
“C’mon, let’s go!” He whispered to them, moving his jacket a bit more to look to them. His poor partner looked on the verge of tears… How did he manage to mess up this badly?! 
‘I can scold myself later,’ He had to remind himself, as he grabbed their hand and went to peel off- them in tow, ‘I just need to get us somewhere safe for now.’
Luck wasn’t...exactly always on his side though. As the two were making a sprint back relatively towards the school, the luckster could only have the time to hear and process the whir of another blaster from beside him, before turning and trying to yank Ren out of harms way. Of course, this didn’t get them...completely out of harm. Something he realized when they stumbled and fell back onto the ground, a hand over their mouth as they struggled not to scream. Makoto stopped, dropping down to pick them back up- and saw the tear in their pants- right by their ankle...and the searing burn mark just behind the torn cloth.
Swearing lightly to himself, he set them down only for the briefest moment to give another shock of electricity to the damn robot that dared hurt them- an almost threatening shimmer in his eyes. 
‘Whoa.’ Ren blinked in surprise for a few minutes, despite the tears now actively trickling from their cheeks and onto the pavement. Though, they had little to no time to think about it, as within the next moment the blaster was holstered and Ren was scooped back up unto Makoto’s arms.
“You’ve certainly gotten stronger…” They muttered, trying to crack a bit of a joke despite their voice cracking from the pain in their leg. 
“Ren…” He shot them a look that portrayed that, no, now was absolutely not the time for jokes. Nodding to him, they hid their face into his jacket as he quickly ran back off once again, knowing he needed to get them both out of that situation.
It took a bit, having to set them back down a few times to clear a good path back towards the school, but eventually he got them to sit back down on the steps- catching their breath and processing what the hell just happened.
But with it, came that feeling of guilt...on both sides.
“Makoto I’m-” Ren went to say something first, put he put a hand over their mouth to quiet them down.
“Don’t...I-It was my mistake to bring you here without any warning or anything...Or not noticing you weren’t feeling well.” He reassured them, “I’m just glad I didn’t lose you…”
That being said, he pulled them close to hug them tightly, needing a moment to just...remind himself that they were here. Injured, yes, but still alive. Still okay. And the way their hands shakily went to bury themselves into his back reassured him that.
...What didn’t, was the soft little hiccup of a shaky breath, and the weep that followed. 
“I just...I don’t feel safe here. I don’t feel- I can’t- I…” They stuttered over themselves, hiding their face into the crook of his neck and trying to keep from screaming- from completely bawling their eyes out, “Our friends...died here. Died on these grounds...YOU almost died, I almost lost you and-”
“-And that wasn’t your fault, Ren.” He’d been here before...he had this conversation with them many times, a hand gently entangled into the curls of their hair in attempts to calm them down a bit, “I chose to do that...I chose to do that to protect you, and Kyoko, and Hina, and everyone. Because if we lost Kyoko...or even if we lost you…I don’t think we would’ve gotten out of there alive.”
Ren just shook their head, muffling a sob into his collar, “It still...it still… haunts me.”
“I know…”
“It still hurts…”
“I know…..” 
He just cradled the back of their head, gently, a familiar ache in his heart hearing them sob into his shoulder. Even after all this time, they both still had so much further to go. Even after all this time- they both still had to grow, a lot, in order to embrace the past. 
..Or rather, step within fifty feet of the past without having a panic attack, at least. 
He hid his face into their shoulder in turn, muffling a soft sigh of relief with the fabric of their somewhat scuffed up jacket. Even after all this time, he didn’t know what to say to at least assure them that...their feelings were okay. Not too much, not too little, but...okay. 
“I’m here for you, Ren,” Was all he eventually said, “I’m here.”
He felt them sigh, pulling away from his embrace only just enough to look to him, mumbling something to him that was indecipherable. Shifting his palm from the back of their head to their cheek, he tilts his head.
“What was that?”
“...C-Can we just...head home, please? I don’t...feel safe here.” They repeated, eyes slightly reddened from crying, face flushed with emotion. He watched their movements for a moment, leaning a bit into the palm of his hand, nuzzling towards his touch- the same hand with his promise ring on it. 
Though his heart sunk at the realization that his plan had completely and utterly failed, in pretty much every aspect...he can’t even say he was too surprised. His luck wasn’t always the best, and maybe...just maybe… he over-thought of how to do things.
‘Kirigiri’s going to rip me a new one...’ He thought to himself as he nodded softly, managing a soft smile.
“Yeah, let’s go. There’s a first aid kit in the helicopter anyway, we can patch up the burn there.” Makoto mumbled with a resolute little nod, getting back to his feet and helping the brunette to theirs- although having to dead-man-carry them due to the limp in their step. 
The whole time, he really did think about how to apologize for the disaster the day had ended up being- and wondered how long they had been uncomfortable but just...didn’t say anything. He remembered how they were acting even before they stepped out of the helicopter, and could almost feel the imprint of the mental facepalm he did. 
All the same, all he could do for now was...damage control. Almost quite literally. While they were headed back, Makoto spent most of his time in the helicopter tending to the wound on their leg. Thankfully, it wasn’t too bad, just a bit of a burn...if Makoto hadn’t been paying attention, that thing would’ve definitely taken their leg out.
...Or worse.
Some antiseptic, a little bit of a cooling pad, and a bit of gauze around their leg, and they were alright. The limp in their step seemed to mainly be a pulled muscle, they’d be fine in a few days...he should thank the stars above that they seemed to have lucked out. Some cuts here, scrapes there- the most damage that was caused was to their suit jacket and pants. Which he already planned on paying for a new one, once he can afford it.
The ride was mostly quiet, Ren having put on their headphones to listen to some music to calm down on their way back to their apartment complex- a future foundation complex. And of course, that silence was accompanied with Makoto stirring in his own thoughts. To be honest- this whole idea...wasn’t his original plan. The original plan- the one he ran by Kyoko a few days prior- was one that involved visiting their hometown. But he wasn’t sure HOW they’d take that, given what they’ve told him about their family. He panicked, and threw something else together. 
...Kirigiri was absolutely going to murder him, if Ren didn’t first- once they calm down.
»»————- ★ ————-««
Time passed by slowly once they got back...Makoto went to go take a shower- again- since he wasn’t also without being a bit scuffed up from chasing after them. Under the heat of the water, he just hoped that he could make it up to them for the disaster of a day...and that they didn’t blame themselves too much for the whole thing. 
Despite this, when he stepped back out from the shower- dressed back down into his usual attire of a hoodie and sweats, he found them sitting on the floor, hands running through their hair as if trying to get a grip on themselves. He found himself at their side in an instant, a hand on their shoulder.
The only response he got was a low whine in the back of their throat- he hadn’t gotten them to speak much since they asked to go home...which, by then, was a few hours ago. 
“Hey,” He rubbed circles with his thumb into their shoulder, “Talk to me, please?”
“I’m sorry…” Their voice was above a whisper, “I-I made a mess of things...I made such a mess of things.”
Sighing, and having expected this, he got up for a brief moment to get them a bottle of water… he didn’t want them to get too dehydrated. 
“You didn’t make a mess of things, Ren…” He assured them as he went back to them, instead sitting in front of them.
“I fucked things up...it’s not even the same school, it’s not what it was, and yet I-” 
“-You had a flashback episode. That’s fine. Ren that wasn’t your fault. That wasn’t anyone’s fault.” Makoto quickly intercepted their train of thought, “...What you remembered...Ren, it was about my execution, right?”
“...” Their silence said enough, unable to meet his gaze as they took the bottle from his hands and took a cautious little sip of it. 
Sighing, Makoto just looked down and fiddled with his jacket, “I can’t ever ask you to completely forget about the whole thing. I can’t ever ask you to put your feelings aside, but what I can assure you of...is that no matter what, I’ll still be here for you. I’m not going to just up and leave you that easily.” 
“I...I know,” They mumbled, “I just… I almost lost you. I almost lost someone else in my life because- at least, at the time- it just...felt like someone else wanting to get away from me.”
“Why did you...bring me there, Makoto?” They asked, their tone starting to lace with something he could only recognize as a frustrated desperation, “I...Fuck, fucks sake Makoto- You should’ve known better.” 
Can’t say he didn’t deserve that. Still didn’t stop him from reeling a bit in surprise.
“I-I’m….sorry, Soren,” He mumbled, a mix of surprise but guilt in his tone- remaining genuine all the same, though equally starting to panic, “I...actually had other plans for today, but I wasn’t sure how you’d react to those either and I kinda panicked and…”
“Makoto, why did you want to take me out so badly anyway? I mean, we’ve had dates out before, but not to such a...grand scale! You were always usually fine with just planning nights in and such, what happened?” They questioned, eyebrows furrowing in concern, starting to ramble as well, “Is it me? D-do you want me to do more, put more effort? A-am I not doing enough?”
“No, no!” Makoto quickly interjected, starting to panic even more at their nervous panic, “That’s not it at all- I just wanted to treat you to something nice-”
“But why?!” 
“Because I just want to marry you, Soren!”
...The silence that followed could be broken with a pindrop. Makoto had quickly slapped a hand over his mouth following his sudden exclamation, face turning as red as a tomato. 
He literally just said that, didn’t he? His luck couldn’t get much worse tonight. 
Still, as he tried to- and failed- to think of what to say...what to even respond to his own little outburst... All he could do was watch, frozen, as Ren equally froze up for a few seconds in shock, before blushing and quickly looking away with a little giggle.
“Well...o-of course I do wanna marry you too, Koto,” They sheepishly respond, before Makoto quickly shook his head.
“N-no, no, that’s not what I…” Snapping out of it, he stuttered before giving a little sigh, running a hand over his face in his own self-frustration, “...Soren, listen.”
He started rifling through his pockets, as he continued to speak, “When we met...Rather- when we FIRST actually met, in Hopes Peak...you were the only person who knew how I felt. You were the only one who understood what it felt like, to feel like you didn't belong. And we...we grew together. When we got our memory erased...It was like everything had reset. All pretense of who we were, all of our memories...and yet, somehow we were still...drawn to each other. You saved me from losing my mind in that...hell...And I saved you from actually losing your life.”
That got Ren to at least laugh, which got Makoto to loosen up a bit. 
“Even after we basically had our entire minds wiped to before we started going to Hopes Peak, we were still...always kind’ve drawn to protect and be there for eachother. You were there for me when I found out Maizono originally wanted to...betray me… and I just...I want to be there for you. Forever…”
“Makoto…” Ren giggled sheepishly, flushed a bit, “It almost sounds like you’re…”
Their voice trailed off when he took their hand, squeezing it gently to get them to look to him, to which he only gave a shy little nod. Watching them start to tear up with the realization as he finally found the ring he tucked into his pocket...Wait- where the hell was the box?...
...Screw it, he’ll just roll with it- everything else today has been a bit messy.
Taking out the ring, he smiled a bit to himself before chuckling and feeling his face flush even more.
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“I guess what I mean to say is… you’re the one I want to be with. Would you...do me the honor of marrying me?”
It was then, he showed Ren the ring he had picked out- a Moonstone ring...he remembered it was one of their favorite gemstones, wrapped delicately in soft green and blue much tinier rhinestones and stainless steel. They were already starting to cry, watching them struggle to process what they were being told for a few moments before taking his hand- the one that was still gently squeezing their own- and giving it a gentle squeeze of their own before managing a smile.
“Koto…” Their voice was cracking as they tried to keep it together, “I- Jeez...t-this is what you wanted to do today?”
“Eheh...I may have...overthought the whole thing,” Makoto admitted, about to start explaining his whole discussion with Kyoko- only to get bowled over by his tiny brunette partner, who gave a soft little squeak of elation. 
“Yes, you huge dork, yes!” They exclaimed, hugging him tightly. Makoto laughed and returned the gesture, only responding with, “You know, you can’t keep tackling me every time you want to hug me- I only have a set amount of ribs!” 
“Ehehe, sorry!” They giggled a bit and freed him of their embrace, sitting back up to let the poor luckster get back up. Still, sitting up- close to each other, he smiled, offering them the ring. 
“May I?”
Giggling like the lovesick little cat they were, they nodded, offering their hand- to which Makoto swapped the fidget-promise ring they had adorned for all these years with the real engagement ring. Ren was still teary, and embraced him again with a fit of giggles and tears. 
“I love you, you big goober…” They whispered to him, affectionately kissing his cheeks and nuzzling back into his neck. Kissing their hair, he chuckled a bit and gently squeezed them to him.
“Does this make up for the disaster of a day?” He asked them, which got him lightly smacked on the arm and only got him to laugh even more. Still, when they retreated from his neck, they only gently cradled the back of his neck before pressing a gentle kiss to his mouth.
“Angel, no amount of shitty days would make you owe me for them,” They reassured him, “However…”
They got up, despite the slight limp they had on their foot, slowly starting to back up with a very familiar chaotic smirk on their features, “This is...absolutely...not going to stop me… from telling Kirigiri how you fucked up that date~!” 
And then they turned on heel and booked it right out the door. Laughing to himself, he quickly got to his feet and ran after them, knowing they were- mostly- joking. 
“Ren, don’t you fucking DARE-!”
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roach-circus · 4 years
I'll Follow The Sun--Bri x Reader
a/n: I’m currently in a hurricane, (no worries, I am safe!) and I thought I would use it as an inspiration to do a cute storm bit. Thank you to @ineloqueent for helping me out a bunch again, she proofread and helped me a bunch with grammar, this fic definitely would not be as wonderful without her! I’m quite happy with the way this one came out, and although I know the plot is a bit cliche, it’s one of my favourite tropes and I think it’s kind of cute heheh ♥️♥️
warnings: There are a few curse words, but it’s mainly pure fluff and a bunch of angst, and also wayyy too many Beatles references because I like referring to music in my stories. (I promise it’ll be a different band next time!)
word count: 2.75k
Bright cracks of lightning erupted from the cloudy sky, and rain was beating down harshly onto the pavement outside.
You truly disliked storms, the monotony of them always brought you to dark places of your mind. Your week had been a bit rough, and your boyfriend was visiting some family members who lived an hour or two away, until tomorrow. So all you could do now was to sink further back into the plush leather couch, the lower half of your legs hanging off of the side.
Attempting to focus on “Baby’s in Black” in between loud bursts of thunder, you switched out the receiver on your turntable to increase the volume. You returned to the couch, as the record player began to play “I’ll Follow The Sun”. You hummed along; this was one of your favourite songs on the album. When you were younger, it would lull you to sleep and it reminded you of those times now, when you needed it most.
As the song progressed, your thoughts began to wander, to return to those dark places they tended to visit in the dullness and loneliness of a storm. You knew that it was entirely irrational, but still you worried, What if the people in your life did not truly love you? What if no one enjoyed your company? What if they were all simply pretending?
before you could be completely sucked in by your destructive thoughts, you sat up. You took a few deep breaths, counting to seven as you inhaled, counting to five as you held it, and counting to eight as you exhaled.
You stepped over to your turntable and carefully removed the record which had stopped spinning, placing it back into its sleeve. Ambling over to the oak-wood coffee table that homed your telephone, you wondered. You needed to talk to someone.
You contemplated calling your friends, but it was far too late at night to do so without waking them. You thought about calling your mother, but it then occurred to you that she was not the person you wanted to speak to right now. You wanted to speak to your boyfriend. He was the most understanding out of everyone you knew. And you could really use that right now.
Dialing his number, you crossed your fingers in the hopes that he would pick up. You felt a rush of relief and joy when you heard, “Hello, sweet Y/N! What’s going on?” “I’m just feeling a bit lonely, Bri. You know how I get during storms.”
“There’s a storm by you?”
“Yeah,” you replied, nodding though he couldn’t see you. “it’s quite dreary over here. I’m alright though, I’ve just been doing my best to avoid the dreadful thoughts that usually come ‘round.” You laughed lightly in an attempt to ease the tension, but you knew that Brian wouldn’t believe the pretense.
“Say, Y/N,” he began, “do you have anything to occupy yourself for approximately one hour and thirty-four minutes?”
“Yes, but Brian, you don’t have to come back now. I’ll survive. you enjoy your last day with your parents.”
“I’ll be right over!”
“Bri, no-” you were cut off by a click on the other end of the line.
You would’ve loved to see him, but you also knew that he deserved to spend that time with his family.
You decided to return to your music to pass the time, choosing an album with a few more upbeat numbers. Carefully, you placed Help! onto the record player, fitting the needle on top. As the first song (conveniently titled “Help!”) began, you immediately started to feel more cheerful. Instead of sitting back down, you bobbed your head to the music, pacing around your living room and stepping to the beat. Soon, this transitioned into snapping to the beat, your arms swinging from side to side, as “The Night Before” played. You went on dancing, your level of enthusiasm increasing with each song that played, until both “Dizzy Miss Lizzy” and you fell silent. Not wanting your little dance-session to end, you swiftly removed the record from the table, and replaced it with, “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band”. As the song of the same name chimed in, you clapped along to the beat, spun about to the rhythm.
Thirty-five more minutes passed by like nothing, as you continued dancing to the Beatles. You hadn’t had the time to listen to this much music in months, and it was doing wonders for your mood. You hardly noticed the thunder and lighting continuing outside, a majority of it drowned out by your singing.
But as you heard a few light knocks on the door, you knew Brian had not been lying when he abruptly ended your phone call.
You quickly, but carefully removed the record and placed it in its sleeve, and then placed that on the set of drawers near the door to your flat. You unhooked the lock, and pulled the door open.
He was standing with Scrabble in one hand, and a large bag of popcorn kernels in the other.
“Well, don’t just stand there, come inside, it’s pouring!” you declared jokingly as you motioned for him to enter.
“Thank god, it’s insane out there,” he said, brushing past you as he came through the doorway and stooped to remove his shoes. He then shook his head rapidly in an attempt to remove some of the water that had soaked into his hair, as though he were a dog.
“Hey!” you exclaimed as the rainwater from his hair sprayed the both of you. “You’re getting me all wet!”
“Well, I think my curls suffered enough abuse in the ‘60s. The least I can do now is to keep them dry.”
You both giggled a bit. “In all honesty, thank you so much for coming and visiting. You really didn’t have to do this.”
“It’s no big deal. I wanted to get away from those old folks anyway.”
You both were silent for a moment. Then Brian asked, “How do you feel about a sleepover?”
“That sounds fantastic,” you smiled, “I’d love to! But we can’t sleep yet. I see you’ve brought Scrabble.” You knew all too well that a game of Scrabble with Brian could last for days on end.
“Oh, of course, we won’t be sleeping until someone reigns supreme,” he said, gravely serious. “That someone will most definitely be me!” you declared, and he chuckled.
The two of you headed into the living room, and you flicked the switch to turn on the lamp. It flickered on. then it flickered back off. And then the entry-room fell dark as well, and soon after that, the rest of the bulbs illuminating your house.“Well shit. The power’s shot.”
“Wow,” Brian mocked, “I had no idea. Have you got any candles?”
You nodded. “Definitely, and I know I’ve got a torch or two as well, I’ll go find them.”
You attempted to reach your closet, but you were initially unsuccessful and ended up tripping over god-knows-what before tumbling to the ground. Brian held out a hand to help you up, and you thanked him and took it, regaining your balance and pushing the unidentified object out of the way.
Eventually, you made it to the closet and retrieved a torch for each of you and as many candles as you could find. You lit them, and placing them strategically about the house, you were able to navigate with a much more favorable outcome.
You then made your way back to the living room with your torches and several candles.
“Do you want to set up the game while I pop these?” Brian asked, holding up the bag of popping corn.
“Of course, although there isn’t much to set up,” you responded. “Here, let me grab you a pot.”
You followed him towards the kitchen.
You pulled a stainless-steel saucepan from a corner cabinet and placed it on the stove.
“I’ll leave you to it,” you called to Brian, as you began to head back to the living room.
“Bags going first!” he shouted from the other room as you knelt down on one side of your coffee table and opened the Scrabble box.
You smiled. You didn’t really have a preference of the order that you would play in, but you unfolded the game board, placed it on the table, and pulled seven letter tiles for yourself. You heard sizzling pops as you arranged your tiles on your tray and set up a scoring paper with each of your names written, and the smell of fresh popcorn wafted from the kitchen. A minute or two later, you heard footsteps, and Brian came up behind you, placing a large plastic bowl of buttery popcorn to the side, and wrapping his arms around you.
“You ready, darling?” he asked, his voice slightly muffled by your hair.
You smiled softly. “Absolutely. Come sit,” you patted the spot on the other side of the board.
He sat on his knees across the coffee table from you, a small grin tugging at his lips as well, and you handed him a small grey pouch containing the rest of the tiles. The game started out rather relaxed, but as it went on, the will to win in the both of you rose. You became more and more competitive with each passing minute, determined to beat him.
“C-A-P-I-T-A-L,” you said aloud, laying down the tiles. “Dammit, Y/N, I was going to take that letter!” Brian exclaimed, as you marked twenty-two points under your name on the scoring notes and cackled.
“It’s only fair considering the monster of a triple word score you unleashed, with- what was the word-”
“Equinox!” Brian said, proud of his accomplishment.
“Yes, that one,” you responded, a little defeatedly; it was because of that word he now retained the higher total score.
it was all in good fun, though.
You reached over to your popcorn, threw a piece into the air, and successfully caught it between your lips, although you shifted several of the tiles in the process. You attempted to realign them into their original organization, but you accidentally switched around a few letters, so that two of the words to now read, “pqualize,” and “excorcise”.
Bri, it seemed, found your panicked effort to fix the words quite humorous, because when you looked up after rearranging the tiles, he was giggling with a bright smile across his face. You thought to yourself then how lucky you were to have him with you.
The game continued, and you hardly noticed the presence of the storm.you were too busy laughing yourselves silly , pretending to play phony words and trying to top each other’s fantastically high scores.
“Good game, Bri,” you proclaimed as it drew to a close, no tiles remaining in the pouch.
“Good game, Y/N,” he responded. “How about that score?”
“Ah, ‘f course,” you said sarcastically, both well aware that his total points were much greater than yours. “Quite a close game, if I do say so myself. it came down to two seventy-one and three seventy-nine.”
“And who got which?” Bri mocked.
“Oh, shut up, you,” you responded.
The two of you returned to your couch, Brian still with a slight smirk resting on his face. You began to sink deeper into the plush cushions, but before you could collapse completely, Brian wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you close against his chest. Brian tugged a strand of your hair between his fingers, then asked, “May I put on a bit of music?”
“Of course!” you said, “Anytime. Just be sure to switch out the receiver, the current one is a bit loud.”
He got up and proceeded to stroll over to your music shelf, dragging his fingers over the spines of the record sleeves, softly murmuring the album titles, before settling on one and lightly tugging it from the shelf. You caught a glimpse of his choice: “Beatles For Sale,” but.You hadn’t fully processed his decision as he slid the disk out of its sleeve, placing it on your record player.
As “No Reply” began to play, he returned to his original position, one long arm resting on your shoulders as he pulled you to him again. Light taps to the beat met your skin as he hummed the melody. He turned his head slightly, pressed a soft kiss onto your forehead, and adjusted his neck to allow your head to rest on his shoulder.
Sitting, cocooned in his warmth, had almost distracted you from noticing that “I’ll Follow The Sun” had returned to your ears.
All of your thoughts came flooding back to you, the ones from earlier this night, combined with so many previous ones that it made your head hurt. You were met with a wave of worry and loneliness, despite Brian’s presence. you did whatever you could to divert your attention, but it was to no avail. You let out a slight whimper, and Brian looked at you in alarm.
“Oh gosh, what’s wrong, Y/N, dear?” he asked , his concern audible.
“It’s just… this song, this album,” you let out a small sob. “Don’t get me wrong, they’re a fantastic collection of songs, but…” you weren’t going to try to hide the trouble you were going through this time. “I’m not sure why, but they bring on so many thoughts that I would prefer not to have.” You were only able to stop your tears from falling by burying your face in Bri’s side.
“If you don’t mind me asking, what kinds of thoughts? You don’t have to tell me if you don’t wish to, but if I can help you, I’d love to.”
You lift your face up to explain. “It’s alright. I just always seem to return to this stream of self-conscious thoughts whenever I hear it. Like, what if everyone in my life is just pretending to love me, but in reality they never have, or what if the people around me just hate me?”
“Oh, darling, don’t ever even suggest that.” Bri responded passionately. “I can tell you for a fact that your friends, your family, peers, all love your company and do not feel that way whatsoever, and I wouldn’t let you near anyone who did. They don’t deserve your company.”
You sat together in silence, Brian rubbing slow circles into your arm, until your breathing returned to normal. You placed your head back onto his shoulder, feeling much better after having gotten it all off of your chest. You were so thankful to have such a supportive, kind person in your life. You cuddled closer and Brian reciprocated, pressing tender kisses to your hairline.
“Really, thank you so much, Bri. I can’t believe I get to spend my time with someone as compassionate and caring as you are.”
“Of course, Y/N,” he responded. “I love you.”
Somehow, those words were enough to finally allow your muscles to untense and for you to release a small, contented sigh.
As you felt yourself beginning to doze off, Bri reached over and blew out the candles in your vicinity, and the world around you dimmed. You let your eyelids fall closed, and even as you meandered off into a dream, you could still feel his light breath on your head, his thumb still stroking your arm gently. you knew then he would always be there, even when things seemed to be dark and gloomy, with no hope in sight.
You knew he would always be there, to help you follow the sun.
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phobiadeficient · 4 years
Speeding bullet - scout being really braggy and boastful while 'trying' to get sniper into bed and when sniper finally agrees Scout is rlly fuckin insecure bc he didn't think it would work
scout tf2 all “ooh i got big dick energy” until he’s gotta get his dick out. ft. trans sniper because i fuckin feel like it
It was only half-joking, yeah, but that still meant that half of it was a joke.
It mostly started as just… an extension of what Scout was already kind of doing. It had started on him trying to get Snioer to laugh, and when it turned out he liked doing that, he’d worked hard to dig up all sorts of material. Puns and lame dad jokes and stuff, mostly. Then when he’d run low on those, he moved on to cheesy pickup lines. Then eventually he moved on to just regular pickup lines, then it somehow morphed into straight up flirting.
Kissy faces at Sniper across the room when he was trying to focus on a different conversation and pretending he hadn’t been doing anything when the other person looked was one of them that he had fun with for a while. Offhandedly saying “hot” when Sniper did normal, regular things, because to be fair, Sniper was a real attractive dude. Sniper occasionally bopping him on the shoulder for a sassy remark, to which Scout would make a dramatic noise and go “harder” just to make Sniper blush. Casually calling Sniper “babe” or “hon” when he wasn’t really paying attention just to see him sputter a bit.
He didn’t think it was ever gonna go anywhere, not just on the basis of it mostly being a joke, but also because Sniper was wayyy out of Scout’s league, as far as he was concerned. Mysterious Australian marksman, tall and handsome, real sweet and awfully polite in a way that made him the exact kind of guy Scout would’ve wanted to bring home to his Ma back when he lived in Boston and was still trying to date for real.
And he knew Sniper was into dudes, had gathered as much when Sniper one day quietly murmured some remark about an ex-boyfriend and promptly tried to brush past it. But that didn’t necessarily mean he was into Scout.
But he liked the way Sniper’s mouth ticked up at the corner when he hit him with a really good pick up line. Liked the way Sniper would sometimes roll his eyes, sometimes flush, sometimes sputter and smack his shoulder. It was nice, the thing they had going. Friends, but better than coworker friends, but kind of different than friends. It was a weird dynamic they had going on.
They were in Scout’s room one day, playing checkers on the shitty little board Scout had picked up from a thrift store at some point and never gotten around to throwing away. Sitting across from each other with the board between them on Scout’s bed, Scout criss-cross and Sniper half-lounged against the wall.
Sniper finished off his last two pieces in a double jump, and Scout swore, having lost track of the piece responsible.
“You suck, dude,” Scout complained, picking up the pieces and stacking them with the rest of his own.
“Mate, you suck,” Sniper corrected.
“Only on weekends,” Scout shot back, only a second delayed, and winked. “But hey, I can make exceptions.”
“Is that right?” Sniper asked.
This was a new bit. Sniper didn’t usually push the joke forward, or prompt him for more. Scout rolled with it. “Yeah, man,” he laughed. “I can start taking walk-in appointments for a nice face.”
“How far do you schedule in advance?” Sniper asked next, raising an eyebrow.
“Not too busy these days,” Scout shrugged.
“Might be able to say you’re able to… squeeze someone in?” Sniper asked, and Scout’s heart hammered, even as he burst into laughter.
“Aw, fuck, that’s a good line. Jesus, I’m mad I didn’t think of that first,” he managed, and Sniper was smiling too, looked away after a second.
“Thanks, mate,” he replied, looking satisfied. He shifted, not looking back. “You’d think there’d be a waiting list a mile long.”
“Fuckin’ tell me about it,” Scout groaned, leaning back to get a bit more comfortable. “I mean, seriously. There’s like nobody out here. Unless I wanna dick down on some sand or whatever, I’m shit outta luck. And most of the people in town are way too old for me, and the people that ain’t are like, either taken or super weird or just not interested. And yeah, one or two are all clear, everything’s fine, but the second the word relationship crops up, poof, gone, smoke cloud, fuckin’ witness protection levels of disappeared. What’s a guy gotta do to get appreciated a little around here, y’know?”
Sniper nodded and hummed sympathetically. “Well, I’m sure there’s one or two people around who can tell a good thing when they see it,” he said, tilting his head.
“We talkin’ besides you?” Scout asked, grinning and starting to gesture at himself. “I mean, look at this, look at all’a this! No duh, I know you’ve got two workin’ eyes and at least a little bit of taste. Even if your food is fucked up and weird.”
Sniper rolled his eyes, but he was smiling. “Humble, are we?”
“What, am I supposed to be?” Scout asked, cheeky and unapologetic.
“It’s alright. It’s cute,” Sniper replied, glancing him up and down.
Scout flushed. The tables weren’t usually turned like this, and it was taking surprisingly little to fluster him. “Thanks,” was all he could think of. He cursed himself for not having a better line. “I mean, yeah. Of course I am. Uh, it is. Fuck.”
Sniper chuckled, and sat up. “Thought you usually hate it when people call you cute,” he pointed out, tilting his head back and forth to stretch his neck where he’d been sitting weird.
“I mean, it’s okay if it’s… you,” Scout said, words slowing as he realized how sappy that sounded. “I—I’d be okay with—“
He stammered a little, distracted by the visual of Sniper pulling off his shades, which he almost never did, and folding them up, setting them off to one side and fixing him with a look, eyes sharp and overwhelming now that they were uncovered and Scout was faced with the absolute brunt of them.
“—I mean I-I-I’d be okay with all sorts of things,” he said, a little desperate to turn the conversation back to their standard flirty jokes. He felt way out of his depth all of a sudden and it made him a little uncomfortable.
Then every muscle in Scout’s body froze as Sniper moved forward.
He knocked over their little stacks of checker chips with his knee, sending a few in a lazy topple down off the bed towards the floor, and a gentle push to Scout’s shoulder was all it took to make him fall back onto his back, and then Sniper was over him, on top of him, inside of his thigh against the outside of Scout’s propped up on his arms.
“What sorts of things?” Sniper prompted quietly.
Scout’s breath caught, staring up at Sniper with wide eyes.
After a few seconds of silence, Sniper’s eyebrows started to furrow. “You awright, mate?” he asked gently.
“Yeah! Yeah, for sure,” Scout said right away, fumbling to try and find a good place to put his hands, settling on Sniper’s shoulders despite the awkward bend it put into his elbows between them.
“Are you… not ready, to…?” he started to ask next, trailing a little, and Scout was faced with a series of concepts. That Sniper thought their arrangement was one where Scout could be ready for this. That Sniper thought they had some kind of arrangement. That Sniper wanted him.
The last one buzzed around in his head hard enough that Scout didn’t even remember to respond.
“We can stop,” Sniper said next, and Scout fumbled for a good reply.
“No! No, I’m good. It’s good,” he said, trying to calm his hammering pulse.
Sniper sat up a little, glancing him up and down again. “It just seems like you’re nervous is all,” he said.
And he was, and he was sure his hands would be shaking if they weren’t holding on to Sniper’s shoulders. “I’m good,” he said anyways. “I just—I dunno what you, what you like, what you want.”
“I could ask you the same thing,” Sniper replied, and Scout had to fight hard not to jump at the feeling of Sniper trailing a hand down his side. “What do you want to do?”
Scout swallowed hard. “Can,” he started to ask, and he didn’t know how he could be reading this wrong but he was sure that he was, had to be, felt this was an insane thing to be able to request but Sniper had asked so he tried anyways, “can I touch you?”
Sniper shrugged, sitting up just slightly further, squaring his shoulders to open himself up. “Go ahead,” he prompted, and Scout did.
He managed to undo the buttons of Sniper’s shirt, pushing it down his shoulders a little ways before he realized he had an undershirt on and that it would need to go as well. A glance up at Sniper, and Sniper chuckled, sat back slightly, pulled off his shirt and undershirt both before he leaned back forward within range of Scout’s hands.
Scout traced across all the scars he could find with gentle fingers, trailing them momentarily over two large scars there at Sniper’s pecs. “How’d you get these?” he asked, glanced up at Sniper.
Sniper frowned. “Mate, I’ve told you already,” he said quietly, and Scout took a good few moments to realize what Sniper meant, then looked down again with wide eyes.
Somehow the words “top surgery” hadn’t brought him the mental image of big, wide scars. Suddenly he was all the more impressed with Sniper. “Oh yeah,” he said, tracing over them again. “Huh.”
Sniper fixed him with a befuddled smile, the sort of fond “are you serious, how’d you forget that?” look he tended to get from people who actually liked him, and Scout could only smile back sheepishly. Finally Sniper rolled his eyes and plucked on Scout’s shirt. “Planning on ever taking this off?” he asked, and Scout quickly nodded, trying to wrestle himself free of the shirt as fast as he could. “Easy, mate. No time limit, here.”
“I know!” Scout said a little defensively, finally getting the shirt off over his head, and Sniper smoothed down the hair on one side of his head where it was probably sticking up and looking dumb.
God, he probably looked so dumb. There lying beneath a big, cool guy like Sniper, all… scrawny and already flushing and not a single cool scar to speak of—
“Mate, it’s alright if you’re nervous,” Sniper said, worry increasing.
“No I’m not nervous why would I be nervous I’m totally cool,” Scout said all in a rush.
Sniper raised an eyebrow, unimpressed.
“I mean, maybe a little a little nervous, but just because I—“ And he realized it in the same moment he fished through his head for an excuse. “I just don’t have anything to… y’know, stuff we might need.”
Sniper stared, waiting for him to elaborate.
“I don’t have any condoms or anything on me,” Scout finally admitted, surely flushed down to his chest.
Sniper’s lips parted around a silent “oh”, and he nodded. “Awright. Well, that’s fine, still plenty we can do,” he decided aloud after a second. “How’s about I tug you off, you do the same for me?”
Scout didn’t know how he was in a situation where it was acceptable to ask the thing he blurted a second later, but thank god that he was. “Can I go down on you?” he asked, not entirely sure what words he would use in the specific and not wanting to be super rude and ask.
Sniper laughed, grinning. “Sure, mate. If you want,” he nodded. Another look up and down. “Mind if I get you off first, though? I’ll admit, I’ve, er, been looking forward to the chance a bit.”
“Go ahead,” Scout said weakly, and Sniper’s grin widened, and he moved to work Scout’s pants open in simple, confident motions.
It was a little embarrassing that he was so hard already, and he had to look away from Sniper, tilting his head back to look at the ceiling. Sniper hummed, and then spit into his hand, and then he was jacking Scout off, steady and nice.
“How’s that?” he prompted softly into Scout’s collarbone when all Scout did for a while was pant and gasp quietly.
“S’good,” he managed, voice shaky. “Real good. Real fuckin’ good.”
So good that he felt a moan rising up in his chest and pressed his hand against his mouth, biting down on the meaty part of his palm to try to stifle it.
“Oh, no,” Sniper chided, voice a growl, taking Scout’s wrist and pinning it just to one side of him, grinning. “I wanna hear you.”
Scout started to protest, but then Sniper squeezed nice nice nice over the head and it made his lashes flutter, his back arch, his mouth fall open in a gasp trailed by a moan, and his face was absolutely on fire.
“There’s a beauty,” Sniper purred, and pulled his hand back to spit in it a second time before he returned, picking up speed and apparently greatly enjoying the way Scout squirmed, the noises that rose up in his throat. “There you go. Nice, aren’t it?”
“Yeah,” Scout agreed, and he wished he could shut up, wished he could shut his big fuckin’ mouth for a minute before he embarrassed himself, but he couldn’t, could only whimper out praises and pleads as Sniper drew him closer to, and finally over, the edge, heralded by a weak groan and Sniper’s name.
He came back down to earth to the feeling of lips and stubble against his cheek, his jaw. Scout blindly fumbled with his newly-freed hand towards his dresser, managing to find the tissues and mop himself off, still flushed, thoroughly embarrassed.
“Cute,” Sniper hummed, looking down at him, and Scout groaned, head falling back for a second to finish collecting himself.
“Uh,” he tried to say, blinked once or twice, looked at Sniper. “Hey, let me hit you with somethin’ real quick.”
“Mm?” Sniper asked, mildly intrigued.
“How about you, uh.” And usually he was so much smoother, way cooler, but Sniper had him frazzled in a way that most people didn’t, not even that really hot guy he met the year after he graduated, the one with the leather jacket and the cologne that made him practically lightheaded. He fumbled for a way to phrase it that was hot, but couldn’t seem to find anything, and just sighed, spitting it out and cutting the bullshit. “How about you sit on my face?”
Because in a cursory glance, he’d noticed that while Sniper was smiling, movements languid and smooth in a way that meant he was very much into the proceedings, he didn’t seem to have a bulge in his pants, there being no hardness to speak of when he ground his hips forward into Scout’s thigh. And apparently he’d made the right call, because Sniper  chuckled and agreed.
And to be honest, he didn’t remember much after that. It was mostly a haze, movement and heat, Sniper’s husky voice dripping into his ears much in the same way that slickness dropped down Scout’s chin and cheeks. All he knew was that Sniper was gorgeous, and seemed to like what Scout could do with his mouth—and damn right he did, he had enough experience that he would be a little insulted otherwise. All he knew was that halfway through he found himself outright hard again, and wound up jerking himself off desperately with his free even as he continued trying to wring noises out of Sniper with mouth and fingers, muffled groans escaping him as Sniper decided to tease him about it in that low raspy voice he was starting to get addicted to.
Sniper finished first, and the rush he got feeling Sniper’s legs close right around his head drove him over the edge, bucking and making Sniper roll forward slightly and prolonging things for him.
And finally Sniper was leaning up onto his knees, reaching for the same tissues Scout had gone for earlier and laughing at the picture Scout made. His hair was all stuck up on one side again, he was pretty sure, and his face was red and shiny with wetness, lips swollen and parted as he panted, staring up at Sniper with bright eyes.
“We gotta do this again some time,” Scout said before Sniper was even done wiping himself down.
And Sniper laughed. “Sure, mate. Any day of the week.”
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nothingbutimagines · 5 years
Hi! Could you do a soulmate!au blurb for Peter Parker where him and the reader are enemies who fine out they're soulmates with dialogue prompts 18, 15, and 17? Also, the soulmate situation is once they are both 16, they find out the name of their soulmate because it appears on their arm at the time of their birth? I love your writing! Thanks!!
Thanks for this super cute blurb idea! It’s Soulmate!AU Tuesday and the dialogue prompts are:
15. “i can’t have this argument with you again” - “but-” - “no. i’m done”
17. “shut up with all that soulmate shit”
18. “it’s because i’m so attractive isn’t it?” - “i say this. and i cannot stress this enough. i find you completely repulsive.” 
I also may or may not have totally gotten into the idea and wrote wayyy too much!
You hated your birthday. You didn’t normally, but you were turning 16 and all anyone could talk to you about was whether or not you were excited to find out who your soulmate was and if you thought they might be someone you know. 
You would smile when anyone asked to be polite and say you were excited and couldn’t wait even though earlier in the day, you had snapped at your older sister for bothering you with the time you were born and what to expect when you found out who your soulmate was.
“Shut up with all this soulmate shit!” was all you could manage to say to her before you stormed out of the house to get to school.
As you walked through the hallway, saying hi to friends and saying thank you to those who wished you a happy birthday, you bumped into Peter Parker.
If there was anything you hated more than your sixteenth birthday, it was Peter Parker. 
You and Peter were enemies in your mind. You always had to fight him for the top spot in your classes on an academic scale, he was a pain in your ass as a chemistry lab partner, and again and again, he stood up your best friend, Liz, before she ended up moving away and never quite forgiving him for it. 
Peter Parker was the worst, and nothing could change your mind. 
“Hey, Y/n.” Peter said. “Did you do the PowerPoint for the lab review?”
“You said you were going to do it.” You groaned. 
“No, you said you were going to do it.”
“Parker! You always do it.”
“And I thought you were goi-”
You put your hand up as you spoke, “I can’t have this argument with you again” 
“But-” Peter attempted to begin to sway you.
“no. i’m done” You stopped him from speaking. “You always do the PowerPoint. You said that since today was my birthday, you’d do it.” 
“Oh, that’s right.” 
“Yeah, you idiot.”
“Says the girl who has the lower grade of us two.” Peter quipped. 
“This is surprising coming from the guy who’s always watching Spiderman on his laptop in class and I know for a fact failed the last test.”
“I got a C, thank you.”
“That’s practically failing. See you, Parker.” You sassily said, brushing past him and towards the cafeteria. 
You heart swelled for a moment, something you had never felt before, as you felt Peter’s presence beside you. Confused by the feeling, you pushed it to the back of your mind, calling it a weird muscle tremor.
“We’re- uh- we’re heading the same way, remember?” Peter chuckled awkwardly.
You looked down at your watch, the time reading 11:22. He was right, you still had lunch before chemistry and knowing MJ, she’d want you to sit with her and Peter and Ned today. 
You also realized you had fifteen minutes until you and your soulmate found out you were soulmates. 
Peter and you stayed in uncomfortable silence as you rounded the corner and into the cafeteria, MJ and Ned waving you both down to sit with them. Peter began to trail behind as you rushed to MJ. 
“Okay, I know I hate this romantic bullshit that is learning my soulmate, but I am really nervous and I have about-” You paused to look at your watch, “thirteen minutes until I throw up.”
“Actually, I think finding out who your soulmate is is a beautiful thing.” Ned interjected with a smile. “Especially when you know they’ve been waiting for you to turn sixteen, too.”
You couldn’t help but smile at him. “Ned?”
“You’re beautiful.”
MJ grabbed you hand, pulling your attention towards her. “Y/n, I think finding out your soulmate is gonna be good for you.”
“Yeah, maybe he’ll make her less bitchy.” Peter mumbled. 
“I heard that, Parker.” You snapped and the boy rolled his eyes. 
“You were supposed to.”
“You know, it’s my birthday, you could try to be nicer.”
“Why would I be nicer when you’re making me make the PowerPoint?”
“Cause you said you would do it.” You rolled your eyes and looked at your watch. “I have ten minutes.” 
“Are you excited, at all?” MJ asked. 
“Not really. I’m more annoyed than anything. I’d rather find this out at a later time, not sophmore year. And I’d ask you if you were excited, but you haven’t had your birthday and neither has Ned, which leaves us with Peter.”
“Don’t talk to me, Y/n. I’m busy doing your work.” He said, not looking up from his computer.
“Peter, were you excited when you found out who your soulmate was.” 
“Actually, Y/n, Peter’s soulmate hasn’t turned sixteen yet. He doesn’t know.” Ned said. 
“Oh really?”
“Yeah, and he’s kinda upset about it. He’s really hoping his soulmate is-”
“Oh- uh - sorry, Peter!” Ned quickly grew quiet, understanding why Peter wouldn’t want him to reveal his secret. 
Peter couldn’t let anyone know that he was heartbroken when he didn’t find out his soulmate’s name was not yours. That it is wasn’t anyone’s. It wasn’t until he found out through MJ that your birthday wasn’t until a couple months after his.
So, for the past few months, Peter has fallen more and more for you. He was enamored by your intellect and beauty. Yes, he knew you hated him, but he never hated you, only went along with the charade because the bickering was the only way he’d ever get you to talk to him. 
But, you hated him and he knew exactly why. He also knew that realistically, you would never fall for him, even if you were soulmates. 
“I have a minute left.” You broke the line of thought Peter was having. “I don’t want to do this.”
“You can’t not do it.” MJ replied, putting a on your shoulder. “It’s alright, we’re all here for you.”
“My sister said that it burns when the name comes up on your arm. And you know I’m a bitch, M.”
MJ laughed. “I know. It’ll be fine though.” She said reassuringly, taking a glance at your watch. “You have ten seconds, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.”
You began to feel the burning sensation on your arm as you cried out in pain, pulling on the hoodie sleeve until the feeling subsided. 
“Goddammit! That hurts.” Peter groaned, causing everyone to look at him. “I got a paper cut, sorry.”
“Now for the moment of truth. MJ, you look.” You begged, shoving your arm in front of her and looking away. 
“Holy shit.” MJ breathed. 
“What? What is it?” You turned to look at your exposed arm and could feel the closeness of a heart attack as you saw his name.
Peter Parker
“This can’t be real.” You gasped, looking up at Peter, your eyes wide.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Peter gave you a look. “It’s because I’m so attractive isn’t it?” 
“I say this, and I cannot stress this enough, I find you completely repulsive.” You quipped. “Look at your arm.”
Peter began to roll up his sweater sleeve, already knowing what would come up on his skin, your name.
“Y/n, we can make this work.” Peter said.
“I don’t want to do that, Parker.” You replied as Peter got up and moved into the spot next to you on the bench.
“Just trust me, Y/n.” Peter whispered, brushing the hair from your face before pulling you close to him and brushing his lips against yours.
You weren’t sure what came over you; if it was hormones or the weird muscle tremor in your chest, but your lips moved towards Peters, molding themselves around his. Your heart swelled, your lips ached. Peter felt right.
Maybe you could work with this.
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probably-writing-x · 5 years
Request from the lovely @bringmethehorizonandpizza : kay, but, like, being in the same circle as harrison and having a crush on him but never really saying anything cause, reader things that he doesn't even know she exists, and then she gets drunk and 'cheekily slides' into his dm's and they strike up a conversation, and finally when they meet again (idk at a photoshoot or something) he mentions it and the reader is a blushing mess mortified at what she has done. (she may have admitted to having a crush on him during their drunk conversation)
The red cup in your hand was definitely the burning fuel to your current dancing - having been at this party long enough for the concoction to begin to take hold. You weren't complaining however with the noughties throwback blaring through the speakers that you knew all the words to and enough casual dance moves to keep you going all night. It was a house party hosted by a friend of a friend with your entire circle invited to make the house packed with half known faces. Thankfully, you had your close group of friends and were more than happy to mingle that you only really knew through a mutual connection to someone else.
"Ayyy go on (Y/n/n)!" Sam laughs, one of your closest friend's boyfriend, as he makes his way over to where you were.
"Come on, you should be dancing too!" You exclaim, taking his free hand and swaying it in time with your steps, trying to provoke him to dance a little.
"No, no, no," He shakes his head, taking a sip from the beer bottle in his hand, "I was just coming to say hi,"
You roll your eyes, "This is your party! You should always dance at your own party,"
"It was Harry's idea," He points out, "And he's not dancing either!"
You glance over to where he was looking to see his twin brother standing rigid in the mass of dancing people, being encouraged to dance by the boy beside him. He looked to be a couple of years older than you with verh distinctive features for you to instantly deem him handsome. In fact, he was Harrison - the best friend of your best friend's boyfriend's brother's brother. Or something along those lines...
"See he-" You point toward the blonde haired boy, "He seems like my type of guy," You take another gulp of the drink in your hand and know it is definitely taking effect now.
Harry and Harrison see you two looking over and it doesn't take long for Harrison to be dancing in time with you from across the room, both of you moving thanks to pure intoxication and with no real skill but with enough drunken rhythm to keep you going.
Everyone in the room yells the known chorus to the song and you find that Harrison has dismissed your presence, dancing around the people surrounding him. Because you were just another of the bodies in the crowd of people that loved the cheery companion - the one that could talk to anyone. The one that you couldn't deny you had a bit of a crush one - one mainly fueled by his Instagram photos and the few times you two had been in each other's presence.
"Let's get me another drink!" You say, lifting your cup up and making your way toward the kitchen to find whatever alcohol was scattering the counter tops that would refill your cup and re-intoxicate your mind.
And boy, oh boy, was it a good night.
The headache the next morning wasn't one that you welcomed however, despite it being a sign that you'd definitely enjoyed yourself the previous night.
Your phone flashing alive beside your head was what woke you up originally and you groan and roll over to reach for it on the adjacent pillow.
Oh shit.
Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. You enjoyed yourself wayyy too much last night. There were texts to random people on here. One to Sam telling him how lucky he was to have your best friend - she must've helped you get home. One to Harry telling him that he has a terrible taste in music - you could vaguely remember sharing a conversation with him about it when he was in charge of the playlist. One to your Mum asking her if you'd ever be ready to be a parent - you must've went through an emotional phase. But the cherry on top of a pile of shit cake, the top message sent to Harrison. Harrison flipping Osterfield!
And he'd replied. You dreaded to think what you'd said originally. But, with overly cautious movements, you clicked onto the new conversation.
'Hey handsomeeee x Your a pretty good dancer maybe we could have more of a private dance soon ;)'
The god awful attempt of flirting, the sickeningly poor use of the incorrect 'You're', and the pathetic winky face at the end. What were you thinking?!
'I'll take it you're feeling the same headache that I am this morning so I'll brush past the drunken comments for now. Always good to meet someone that's the life of the party x'
Hmm... A surprisingly polite reply to your extremely forward and stupid message sent only a few hours before when the alcohol was running through your veins more than blood or sanity for that matter.
You settle back onto the pillow beneath you and stare up at the white ceiling above, your phone above your head in your hands like you would be able to magic up a response that was witty enough to recover your previous words. But, in your true fashion, the phone fell from your weak hands and slapped you straight in the face. Yeah, his casual collected response was not one you could easily match.
It was later in the day and you'd been busy catching up on some uni work from the hungover comfort of your bed when your phone buzzed again - signalling a text you weren't expecting.
'Okay I don't want to seem stalkerish but you were pretty wasted last night and now you haven't replied... Are you alive or do I need to call someone? x'
Why did that make your heart flutter so much? And why had Harrison bothered to send a second text? Why did he even think about you again? Had he been thinking about you since the first one?
'I'm good, just welcoming the comfort of sober sheets. Although I think alive might be a bit of a stretch, I haven't found a cure for this headache yet x'
Your response is sent and you find yourself procrastinating work by waiting for his response which is quick to follow.
'Pancakes. Always pancakes. Get some syrup on there and eat as many as you can x'
And that's how it all starts. You two spend the rest of the day talking. About pancakes and cooking and Netflix and university and acting and everything but what happened last night. So much so that part of you believes he has completely forgotten and it will never be spoken of again. You welcome the thought.
With an empty plate where pancakes once lay beside you and your body spread diagonally across your bedspread, you were in the midst of conversation with Harrison about which breed of dog was best. He was making his ongoing point about spaniels when you really realised what was going on - he knew you existed. And that was enough to ease the pain of the headache just a little more than the pancakes did.
The conversation died out by the next morning. You assumed he'd fallen into a deep, very-needed sleep just like you and the last effects of the alcohol had worn off completely - leaving you sober and him moving on to another day without your existence. Why did it pain you a little? But, despite your enjoyment of hungover, still slightly drunk texts, you knew it was probably for the best. Lord knows it wouldn't turn out well if you properly fell for him.
Instead, you had a text on your phone from another H - Harry.
'Right, I've given you a day for the alcohol to be drained. Now can you do me a huge favour? I need a model for a photography project I'm working on and you'd be perfect, care to help a Holland out? x'
'Of course, when do you need me?'
The two of you plan a time for a couple of weeks from now and you think nothing of it. Until the day arrives.
You were already running late which you would forever despise yourself for - you hated people being late but never found it in yourself to be punctual. And with a steaming coffee in hand and the last street of pavement beneath your feet, ten minutes late was enough for you to celebrate yourself. Ten minutes, that's not too bad.
"There you are! I thought I'd given you both the wrong address," Harry exclaims as he opens the door to the studio for you.
"Sorry, sorry, sorry," You repeat, tugging your earphones out of your ears and stuffing them into your pocket, "And both of us?"
"Yeah he should be here any minute," The Holland brother calls over his shoulder as he hurries toward the set for the shoot, clearly far too run off his feet to focus on you too much.
You walk over to the clothing rail to scan across the outfits for the shoot - a fashion brand had contacted Harry and asked that he take full control over the entire shoot - a great opportunity for him but a concerning one for his stress levels.
"Well, hello," An oddly unknown familiar voice comes through from the other side of the rail, hidden behind the jackets.
When you glance up, you spot the crystal blue eyes that couldn't be mistaken in a crowd of thousands, least of all when it was just the two of you.
"Harrison," You exhale and it's as much as you can manage to say.
"And you're (Y/n)," He laughs, "But I thought we already knew that,"
"Yeah," You nod, scratching awkwardly at the back of your neck and suddenly regretting not choosing a more flattering outfit for the day.
It is decided by you that now would be the best time to exit, swiveling on your heel and hoping to get away from him quickly.
"And, hey," Harrison's hand catches on your wrist and stops you, his chest flush against your back and his lips low next to your ear, "Maybe we can find some time for that private dance,"
Tags: @imarypayne @sunshine112 @bringmethehorizonandpizza @supernatural-girl97 @vibhati123 @butithasntkilledyouyet @faefictions @carisi-sonny @trap-house-homiecide @shamelessbookaddict @tommydaspidey @oneblckcoffee @darlingtholland
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tantum-tenebris · 6 years
this modern au drabble is. kind of bad but i just need to get it out of my drafts
based off a writing prompt:
“I set up the blanket fort. The password to get in is three words!”
Willow peeks at Wilson past the fluffy blanket-shield, eyes bright with mischief. His hands are on his hips and his face scrunches up in thought, because he thinks he knows her all too well, but he’s soooo wrong. And she’ll prove it when he’s never able to guess her secret password.
She sets up her pillow fort while he’s away at work, using all of the pillows and blankets she had on hand and stripping the rooms barren. It must’ve been such a surprise when Wilson came in and saw the fun little fort that he can’t get into!
He’s humming in light amusement, just like when he’s trying to solve a crossword puzzle. “No boys allowed? Burn it down?... Burn the boys?”
She snorts- he’s real silly. “I wish! But nah, you didn’t get it.” Willow shuts the drape and lands back onto a pile of pillows with an odd finality.
There’s some huffing and stuff going on outside. She appreciates how hard he’s trying to guess her stupid password for her stupid silly fort. But in her comfy bed, she’s willing to stay up all night and hear him list off random words if that's what he wants to do with his time.
That man’s wayyy too into puzzles.
“Okay, uh… how about. Fire, fire, fire?” He asks.
“Good try! But nope.”
“I love you.” Haha, naaahhh. Too cheesy. “...Get lost, creep?”
Geez, now this was getting sad. Willow gently nudges the drape with her foot. Her boyfriend is staring at something in the corner of his eye and looking like a sad and penniless street kid, so fine, whatever, she can let him hang out for awhile. It wouldn’t hurt. “You suck at this game.”
He sticks his tongue at her and carefully crawls into her fort. It suddenly feels much more warmer with him here.
Wilson takes in all the pretty lights. She’s got sparkly stuff hanging from the blanket roof, and some lava lamps, and a couple glowy stars and fairy lights.
“Pretty neat, huh?”
He’s starstruck. “Yes…”
Wilson settles into the space next to her, slipping into her arms. He’s unusually warm for someone who often lacks body heat.
“No fires in here,” he reminds her. They’re in a tight blanket hut with nothing but flammable materials all around. And things that can start fires if left alone for long enough.
“Mmmh.” Yeah, she knows; everything will burn and blah blah blah. She’s not a dumb little kid who needs reminding.
...Willow agrees with him anyway, even if it makes her sad that she can’t always play with her lighter in some parts of the house. It’s super old and dusty and the flames would eat it up quickly. Then they’d have to live on the street in a real fort, not one exactly made of pillows and stuffed animals.
It sucked that reckless fires came with a cost. 
She drags her fingers through his hair in thought. It’s soft and fuzzy like his cozy sweater, and he breathes a warm sigh against her neck. It makes her kind of sleepy, being all wrapped up like this. Now she doesn’t really wanna get up.
She feels slow movement along her back. He’s moving his hand to cradle the curve there, rubbing her slightly with his knuckles as sleep tempts him. Kneading her like a kitty.
“When’re you gonna tell me what the password is?” Wilson mumbles.
“Why do you wanna know?”
“Curiosity,” he admits, “and I’d like to come back later.” He squeezes her in a hug.
Willow decides she likes being the little spoon.
“Do you wanna guess some more? Come on, I’ll even give you a hint!”
Wilson complies, but even after her super-duper easy hint he still can’t get it, and she gives up on helping him. It’s pointless.
They’re able to settle into a comfortable silence despite being a noisy pair. Willow suspects that it has something to do with them simply being lazy on a summer afternoon.
Still, she feels somewhat restless and antsy. She lightly drags her fingers down his tummy, just on accident, and like a cat to water he slips away with a gasp.
“Woah! Are you ticklish?” There’s a mischievous grin forming along her face as she watches him reconsider every decision he’s made.
“Um! No. No, I’m n-AAGH!”
Her warm hands crawl up his chest and tickle him mercilessly. Wilson looks like he can barely breathe; he’s batting at her hands and trying to fight back, but his efforts are futile. Willow’s too quick and agile, while he’s too slow and clumsy.  
“Ack! Stop!”
There’s a sudden and squeaky yelp as she tickles a particularly sensitive spot along his neck. She pauses for a moment, wondering if she hurt him or something, but he’s only looking up from underneath her with a loss of breath. No injuries or anything, just shock.
She slightly releases the tight grip she has on his arms. “What?”
“Y-you just broke your fort.”
The roof of her fort and its pillow-walls lay around them in a sad, disappointing pile. It collapsed while they were fighting and she didn't even notice!
Willow huffs, climbing off of Wilson. “Oh, boo! Well, that was lame.” And a huuuuge waste of time.
Some part of making him suffer was worth it, though.
Wilson looks guilty, even though it technically isn't his fault. She pats his shoulder. “Things break all the time. That doesn't mean we can't rebuild it, though.”
“You’re not upset?”
“I mean… not really. It’s just a pillow fort! Not a real housie or anything.” Willow gets up and brushes off her skirt. She lends him a hand and helps him up.
“So c’mon and help me fix it dummy.”
He’s smiling nervously, like he’s afraid that he's gonna mess up somehow. “Alright.”
They rebuild the fort together. And even though it takes all day, they're doing it in the comfort of their home without the worry of monsters and giant beasts.  
All of Wilson’s stuff is here now. His gadgets are next to her silly trinkets.
He’s hunched over by the entrance, scribbling something down. She peers over his shoulder. “Whatcha writing?”
“Just a sign,” he says.
On his crumpled up paper, Willow sees three words.
Geniuses at work.
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