#<- yes this was about him but im gonna tag other characters ive heard this argument for
rewrite-canon · 2 months
“[insert character] should have been evil!” let people be good and nice goddamn it.
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hella1975 · 2 years
hella could you spear some sakuatsu fics i’m having a sakuatsu brainrot and i trust your opinion
ATSU101: how to fall in love with your fake boyfriend by solyn - this was THE sakuatsu fic for me. i literally hadnt heard of the ship before and i didnt even like atsumu at the time lmaoo (now i think i kin him which is... mortifying). honestly i aspire to be as funny as this author. this fic just sucked me in and i read the whole thing so quickly. the fake-dating au we all wanted. it’s hilarious but also touching, and atsumu is so dense i almost screamed at my laptop but in the fun ‘reading a slowburn’ kind of way
finders keepers by solyn - after the above fic i checked out the rest of this author’s works and found this. god i love this fic so fucking much. it’s hilarious and heart-warming and insightful and it made me want to face the world again at a time when i might have preferred hiding away a little longer. sakusa is babysitting his sister’s kids and ALL of them run away from him while in the middle of tokyo, leading him and the Handsome Stranger Currently Witnessing His Mental Breakdown to go on an adventure around the city to find them all again, falling in love in the process. the cameos of the other haikyuu characters are also golden, particularly iwaoi bc i adore them. just. read it. you won’t regret it
play among the stars by buttonstuck - i read this in a single day when i was travelling the other week and i have NO regrets. i absolutely love sakusa's characterisation in this and while i love atsumu being an oblivious dork in fics, him being clever scratches a really specific itch in my brain and this fic did not disappoint. also even just the premise is so fucking genius? i know the author was very open that a lot of inspo was from the martian but i still couldn't have written this in a million years. they are stuck on the MOON together. and initially that made me unsure bc it sounded quite far-fetched but i am so glad i took a chance and read this
three sheets to the wind by fairycake - PIRATE AU!!! this was written so well it genuinely could have been a published book and i wouldn't have questioned it. the characterisation of EVERYONE is just done so well that it was totally immersive, especially kagehina's interactions genuinely felt canon. i also literally almost got emotional about the ending bc it's so much more than just a sakuatsu fic, it's also about finding your dream and learning to live for yourself and there's found family and UGH
insert coin to play by fairycake - same author as above and the fic im currently reading. it's still being updated which is exciting and when i tell you ive read almost all of it today alone holy shit i got SUCKED IN. i wouldn't normally have clicked on this just bc the tags looked like it was just honestly gonna be smut (which ive noticed is a trend with sakuatsu but whatever) but i trust this author after three sheets to the wind and they did NOT disappoint. i had no reason to worry about the tags bc im almost caught up and all they've done is kiss and threaten to kill each other, i genuinely think atsumu's presence just requires it's own onslaught of tags lmao. i think this might be my favourite sakuatsu fic so far? and im not even finished yet? the plot is just so well thought out that it could genuinely be a real book and i wouldn't question it, and there's moments of humour that have genuinely cracked me up and holy shit the characterisation. THE! CHARACTERISATION! their banter and the enemies to lovers and the tension is just *screams*. this is professional level writing. also the wholesome miya twin content. i just. 'if you're gonna die, die where i can find you' what if i started sobbing uncontrollably. I JUST REALISED I NEVER EVEN SAID WHAT THIS IS ABOUT it's such a cool premise this author never misses. it's a cyberpunk universe where omi and atsumu are bounty hunters! and they're each other's biggest rivals! but then they have to work together against a common enemy aRE YOU SEEING THIS SHIT-
burden of blame by deathbelle - this is another fic where the characterisation and enemies to lovers was just fucking nailed. like idk what it is about sakuatsu writers that just makes them hit the target EVERY FUCKING TIME but i want what they're having. give me enemies to lovers where they actually want each other dead and go from that all the way to being willing to burn the city down for each other. that's what burden of blame and insert coin to play do super super well. burden of blame is a really big one for the ship but if you haven't read it, it's a yakuza au where atsumu goes under the protection of the gang sakusa's in and they're forcefully partnered. the plot is so well thought out and there's a twist that literally made me pace my fucking room when i got to it. it's just so good and i ADORE both sakusa and the miya twins characterisations in this (im a sucker for wholesome miya twin content if you cant tell and this didn't disappoint)
clipped to you by littleboat - this is actually just a one-shot but it is fucking ADORABLE and i have been utterly obsessed with the 'sakusa wears hair clips' hc ever since. like just. the mental imagery. the mental imagery. atsumu never stood a chance
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kaz11283 · 3 years
Of Course I'm Here
Characters: Come on you know by now how this goes (Loki x you) (Team x you, platonic)
Warnings: None. And really if you ever see anything that I might need to able as a warning please let me know... I'm the person who forgets there are people out there that get offened by the word F*** if that is an exapmle of anything.
Summary: Mid battle and the avengers keep looking for an answer as to why the God of Lies hasnt showed up yet. Of course you have no idea but at least he proves them all wrong.
ANNOUNCEMENT TIME: hey guys Im back, I know it hasnt been long but I also know I havent been posting every single day like I was, i got into a weird little funk where I didnt want to do anything, I was just feeling completly drained, and I felt bad because I have my little and I didnt even want to play with her because I have just been so TIRED, but I'm feeling better. Work has been kicking my ass here lately and ive been working over 50 hours a week so ive literally been coming in, eatting / feeding the little, getting us ready for bed, and crashing as soon as she falls asleep. But im here now. I will probably be more active on weekends than during the week because I have more time to spend working on stuff but I will be posting also during the week just not daily. At least until after state comes. Thank you so much for the reblogs, likes, comments, follows, and messages please keep them coming! If you would like to be tagged please ask or message, and requests are open. Love you guys so much! 💚💚💚💚💚
Loki Masterlist
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"Y/N, BACK UP I NEED BACK UP! EYES IN THE SKY!" Tony yelled from above, you and Clint stood back to back on a roof top shooting as many bad guys as you could. Clint took aim at another carrier, shooting at the engine causing the entire thing to blow up raining debris and hot metal around you.
"Damnit Clint! Farther away make sure they are farther away!" You yelled popping him on the head with an arrow before aiming it at the thing that was chasing Tony.
"Where is lover boy at? You.sent him the location right?" Nat asked into the com.
"Yes I sent him the location, no I dont know where hes at." You mocked.
"Did you send him the right location?" Sam asked.
"One time, one dam-"
"Language!" Steve chimed in causing everyone to groan. Gun shots where ringing all around you and you could here metal on metal paired with Hulk screams coming from another building over.
"Language." You mocked muting your com son that no one but Clint heard you. "I am a 26 year old woman, I think I'm old enough to cuss if I want." You drew back your bow and sent another arrow flying into another goon that had Nat trapped aginst a wall. She shot you a thumbs up before running off. You hit unmute on your com.
"Jesus, 26? Baby, you sure you don't need to be at a babysitter instead of on a building killing things?" He laughed.
"Dont worry Hawk, when we get done here I've already booked you a nice nursing home to be put into." You put your bow around you and stood on the edge of the building. "I need a better view." You looked round, the top of a taller building caught you eye. "There Hawk, we can cover a better radius from up there, get closer to the action."
"How do we get up there? Or do I even wanna know?" Hawk came to examin where you were talking about.
"Im jumping, you cant tell me that someone wont catch me." You shrug.
"GODS WHERE ARE TH- Y/N DONT YOU DARE JUMP!" Tony stopped and hovered right were you was standing.
"Then take us over there. We need higher ground, we cant cover everyone from down here." You crossed your arms.
"Where are the gods at y/n?" He asked again
"I. Dont. Know. Jesus you guys act like I'm suppose to be there keeper!" A simultaneous you are came from everone through the com causing you to roll your eyes. "Hes gonna be here I swear it! Now take me to the building or I jump. 1.....2....-" Tony grabbed you by the collar of your jacket and flew you to the building.
God these things were everywhere and you were starting to run out of arrows. After shooting another ship and causing it to blow you heard what was unmistakably pounding on the roof top door leading to where you currently was at.
"I have some univited guests about to join my party. Anyone available for some assistance?" You yanked out the two emerald green and silver daggars that your boyfriend had given you not long after you had started dating after throwing your bow around you.
"Buy some time kid, I'm on ground level right now but I can try to get up there as fast as possible." Bucky called over the com.
"Buy some time? Ok. I can do this. I work better from afar but a little hand to hand never hurt anyone, just easier to get stabbed this way." The first of the things busted through the door running straight at you. You jerked out of the way missing his staff by just a few inches. Quickly turning you flipped the dagger like Loki had showed you and stabbed him in his side causing him to fall to the ground before the next one tried to impale you.
"I have two daggers and they have freaking staffs! Back up! WHERE THE HELL AR-" you were interupted by static in the air and a bright light. The bitfrost had just opened up leaving to gods standing in front of you and taking out the remainder ofnthe bad guys. "HES HERE! I TOLD YOU GUYS THEY WERE COMING AND THEY'RE HERE." You pulled two extra coms from you pocket and gave them to Thor and Loki.
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"Always a pleasure to battle beside you Lady y/n." Thor smiled takkng the com and putting it in his ear before taking off again.
Loki sauntered over to you and put his arm around you waist, you put the com in his ear as he rolled his eyes. He leaned down and gave you a quick kiss.
"You got a new outfit." You smiled at him. God the way he looked in his battle clothe always did something to you, the horned helment was a plus.
"You like it." He smirked down at you pulling you closer.
"Your wearing your horns to." You reached up and brushed a peice if hair behind his ear.
"STOP. STOP NOW. WE CAN HEAR EVERYTHING AND ITS GROSS." Tony yelled causing you both to roll your eyes.
"Quick run down, bad guys everywhere, no end in sight, and I'm out of arrows pretty sure Hawk is too." Loki waved his hand over your quiver making more arrows appear.
"I see you had to use your daggers. I am sorry for not being here. Are you hurt anywhere?" He asked stepping away from you to examin you.
"Small cut on the side, nothing I havent dealt with before, Ill be fine. You go make sure Hawk is fully stocked up and help the others. I got a birds eye view of you right here." I leaned in kissing him one more time before smiling at him and pushing him away. He kissed his two finger before placimg them over his heart and you did the same, "always." You both said before he disappered.
You could hear Thor laughing at the chaos going on and Steve trying to direct the god of thunder on what to do. You had learned earlier to just let him do his own thing and he would be fine. Tony was still trying to micromanage everything when you heard Loki mumble something in an old language and his com cut out. You had figured it wouldnt have stayed on to long though but at least you had tried. It had calmed down up on your end so you decided to finally go back down to where Clint was at shooting an arrow with heavy duty rope you glided back down next to him to watch what was going on.
"Hello, earth to y/n." He snapped his fingers in front of your face. You had been to busy staring at Loki and that damn helmet. "I dont even understand why were friends." He rolled his eyes propping up on the ledge watching as the rest of the team secured the last of the bad guys.
"Because we both shoot arrows, because we are both the best in the team, or because we both know we are the best looking one on the team so we have to stick together." You laughed jumping up so you could sit on the ledge.
"The birds can come out of their nest now." Bucky called over the coms causing you both to sigh.
When you and Clint had reached the bottom you walked over to Thor theowing your arms around the big goof ball.
"You are amazing during battle as always." He beemed patting you on the shoulder.
"As always? Thor youve only fought with her twice." Steve said beside you.
"I had a week off. Went to Asguard, spent time with the boys. Someone had to keep them in line." You shrugged like it was no big deal.
"She was amazing!" Thor went on telling the story of the fight you had all gotten into.
"Mothers been asking about you by the way dear. Wants to know if you've decided to come stay for a while." Loki leaned down and whispered in your ear.
"I think I'm leaning toward a yes. I can't stand being away from you, you had been gone forever this time." You reached for his hand as you both walked to the quinjet.
"I was making arrangements to have our room redone. I figured you would come with me." He gave you a knowing smirk as he reached up to take off his helmet.
"Leave the horns on. I have a suprise for you when we get home." You pulled his hand away from his head and smacked his butt.
"You are a little minx." He laughed chasing you into the jet while the rest of the team groaned and rolled their eyes.
"Even if you wasnt moving i would be kicking your ass out! I am so sick of the PDA between you two." Tony hollared after you.
"Leave them alone Tony, they are courting. Im just glad my brother is happy and not trying to stab me." Thor clapped Tony on the back.
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what-the--curtains · 3 years
Chapter 2 – The Decision
(Mando x f!reader)
Summary: The child taken, his ship destroyed the only one who can help him? A woman he sold into slavery several months earlier.
Notes: Wow wow wow! Thank all for the likes im glad ive gained some interest lets hope I can keep it! Comment or message to be added to the tagged list!
Tw: mentions of dubcon/sex, depictions of violence and coarse language
Tagged list: @crazycookiecrumbles
Word count: 3.7k
7 months later
Mandos POV
Using all his wits and a touch of charm the Mandalorian had managed to make his way to a nearby town. Once there he’d likely be able to hitch a ride or win some kind of ship in a game of cards. He didn’t need a good one, just something to get him to Navarro. He makes his way to a more upscale bar, hoping its clients would be more lucrative with their belongings. Scanning the gambling hall he chooses his target carefully, opting for a rich looking idiot who had been trying to impress the man next to him since the Mandalorian had walked in. He takes his seat at the round wooden table amongst a variety of lavishly dressed characters. He had to find the child as soon as possible. If he wasn’t with the empire yet there’s no doubt he would be soon.
“Deal me in” He says, taking a seat between an Iktotchi and an Ortolan.
“Not so fast, what's your buy in?” the dealer asks.
“How about that helmet?” The Ortolan pipes up.
“The creature then?” the Falleen across the table ponders reaching out to touch Anya, who had been at his side when Grogu was taken and has refused to leave it since.
“No” he says, batting her hand away and tapping on his shoulder piece “Will this do?” The dealer nods and they begin. In the second hand he ends up winning a ship from his target who was seemingly unbothered by the loss as he nonchalantly tosses Mando the keys, before leaving the table.
Twirling the key on his index finger he makes his way to the bar, hoping to gain some insight on how to go about finding Grogu.
“Quite a game, didn’t know Mandalorians played cards.” The older humanoid bartender stated, shining off a glass. With no response he speaks up again. “Can I help you with something , give me something to tell the kids if I helped out a Mandalorian.”
“If someone was looking to find something lost where would he go?”
“You have any idea what this thing is?”
“Any idea where it is?”
“Tell you what, there was a woman, from a forest planet somewhere on the outer rim. Hair as white as snow, an old language on her body, a face that’s hard to forget. She helped me find my youngest after she was taken by smugglers.”
“Vryssa?” The Mandalorian says slowly, causing Anya to perk up.
“Aye that’s the place. You’ve been?” the barkeep ponders.
“Thank you, here” he says handing over a portion of the credits won in his game of cards to the speechless keeper.
Exiting the bar shaking his head in disbelief, of course the one person who could help him track the kid was someone with a personal vendetta against him. At least he knew who he had to find and where to start looking. Opening the doors to his new ship he gives it a quick once over. It was roomier than the razor crest, but not by much, too fancy for his liking in all honesty. Nicer amenities though and a decent sized bed which Anya had made her way onto, it would be a better place for when he gets the kid back. It had an armoury, but nothing in it, at least not yet. He closes it and makes his way up to the ship's cockpit. Decent enough system, more of a flashy ride than a functional one, made for a decently skilled pilot by the looks of it. Locking in the coordinates for Coruscant he begins his search.
For two weeks he attends black markets around the galaxy until one day he sees him, the man who had bought you. He follows him cornering him in a nearby alleyway.
“What do you want Mando?” The Kel Dor responds.
“I’m looking for a woman.”
“Aren’t we all?”
“She was bought by you a few months ago. Not jogging your memory? White hair, eternal blood.”
“Oh. Her difficult one, had to break her in a bit.” The choice of words was less than favourable to the Mandalorian, but in favor of time he brushed by it.
“What happened to her?”
“ Sold her.”
“ To who?” He says getting impatient
“Gladiatorial ring on Geonosis , she was a big hit, sold her for twice what I had paid, moved into the big arenas quickly. I’ll take you if you want.”
“No, give me the coordinates.” Mando says
“Should be easy enough for you to get her. She's been broken in well, nice and obedient if you know…” He knocks the guy out before he can finish the sentence.
R-16, Geonosis, Outer Rim Territories
Stepping out of the ship it doesn’t take long for him to figure out where you are. Large projections of posters with you line the street, apparently you were fighting today. The sounds of the arena increase as he gets closer, as does the crowd of people awaiting the show.
“A Mandalorian, you here to see the fight? Gonna be a good one. Fan favourite tonight the huntress.” A native geonosian exclaims.
“Is she the girl in the picture? The white haired one?”
“ Yes, and if you like what you see I’m sure a piece of that armour will get you a night with her, I’ve heard the trainer sells her off after fights.” The Mandalorian nods and heads off “How much for a ticket” he ask the seller,
“100 credits”
“For a fight?”
“For today’s fight? Yes.” Begrudgingly he pays the fee and enters into the dome. It is enormous, the revenue it brings in must be astronomical he thinks as he takes his seat.
Your POV
It hadn’t been an easy few months, but you were still alive. The handlers knew if they bled you all at once the value would decrease, and after having you fight and win over the fans, keeping you alive became more economically sound than killing you. Your most recent trainer, an older Duras named San Korliks, had gotten you into a slightly more dubious but very lucrative business. Turns out the rich love nothing more than spending the night with a victor. Between the fights and the suitors you’d have enough saved to live comfortably once you were out. Yes you were close to buying your freedom, 12 fights and a few more rich idiots and you’d be out of here. You’d find a planet with plenty of sand and water and settle down living out the rest of your days in peace. You could hear the crowd cheering from your cell, San would be here for you shortly. You stand up smoothing out the red tunic that had seen better days. It was shorter than you’d like and impractical for fighting, but your handler was right sex sells and it had kept you alive thus far. You move to the drawer of the cell, though tightly watched it was decently large and relatively comfortable. More wins meant better quarters. You pull out the gold plated armour clipping the chest plate, arm bands and shin guards into place before lacing up your worn down brown leather boots. Moving over to the small mirror you dip your hand into a bowl of burgundy paint smearing it down your face and onto your neck then around your well defined biceps. You're admiring your work when you hear a knock on your cell door.
“C’mon darling let’s give them a show” San says, he was nicer than your previous trainers, probably as you were bringing in the big bucks. You walk over to the cell door, he opens it and guides you to the enormous door that would soon open up to the arena.
“Try to let a little blood get spilled tonight, we need to sell some.” You nod, cracking your neck and stretching out your arms. “I also have some suitors lined up, high payers.”
“How many more till I’m out?” you question.
“ Just a few more darling, promise.” He says squeezing your shoulder. You hear the crowd chanting in the background as San leaves. You grab the spear left out for you, tossing it from hand to hand to gage its weight. You bounce up and down on your toes shaking out your body and calming your mind and preparing for whatever they were planning on throwing at you tonight. You repeat the number of days until you're free in your head. You could do this, you’d done it a hundred times now. Not that the killing gets any easier, but in order to survive you had to forgo morality. The doors open and the crowd erupts in applause as you enter waving to the adoring fans.
Mando’s POV
The loud speaker blares out over the crowd “ Tonight a special event, the huntress will take on not one, not two, but four opponents! Now to make it a fair fight, only one will be allowed to challenge at a time, but we have a lovely admixture of beasts and an extra special surprise for you all. The return of another fan favorite. Hang onto your seats folks, this is going to be a night you won’t soon forget” Four versus one, Mando thinks, as he watches you enter the arena, the odds definitely weren’t in your favour. He was prepared to jump in and get you out himself if he had too, you were his only chance at finding the kid after all. He hears a rumble of applause as a door across from you opens revealing a Rancor. He watches you closely, noticing how unphased you seemed by it. In no less than a minute he sees the spear fly from your hand hitting the creature right in its jugular killing it instantly. Not bad, he thinks, but it was just a Rangor, yes they were big, but they weren’t known for being strategic fighters. You pull the spear out of its neck, the crowd cheers seemingly alerting you to the presence of the Nexu that had appeared from the door behind you. It leaps towards you and he watches intently as you tuck and roll out of the way, spear still in hand, thrilling the crowd even more.
He wonders how much of the fight is a performance and how much of it was real. You and the Nexu circle each other, seeing you plant your feet he finds himself curious as to what your next move will be. You kick the dirt up causing the creature to charge again, as it leaps you take a knee lifting the top of the spear up, slicing the creature open causing its guts to fall down on you earning more zealous applause from the arena. He sees you stand up lifting your arms to get the crowd chanting, more showmanship. “What can you tell me about her?” he asks the couple sitting next to him. “Never lost a fight, and she’s beautiful, you need anything else?” They reply. He sees you wiping the creature's guts off your face when a door opens and a Terentatek appears, where the hell did they find one of those things the Mandalorian thinks. He sees your shoulders deflate, more so in annoyance, than fear based on the look on your face. It’s obvious you weren’t expecting a creature so large. After a few dodges and spear swipes the creature has you cornered, he sees you look side to side searching for an out, but there isn’t one, at least none he can see. Its mouth descends on you, seemingly engulfing you whole. The crowd is silent, it’s only then he notices he’s out of his seat. When had that happened? A glimmer suddenly appears from the creature's head as it gets brighter; he sees the spear had sliced through the Terentateks thick hide. The creature collapses and the skin on its head separates as you appear victorious. He sits back down observing you closely as you walk back towards the door from whence you came. The announcer's voice starts up again.
“Now for an extras special treat we’ve brought a fan favourite out of retirement, the demon slayer!” Just then the door opens and a Deveronian in head to toe black armour emerges wasting no time in launching his attack. He throws a dagger which catches you in the arm, the crowd erupts, the sight of your blood enticing them. He watches you intently as you bend over retrieving the knife off the floor and tossing it to the audience. Your opponent’s armour was thick, with very few openings in it. The crowd was getting excited, noticing that you had lost the spear to the Deveronian who had thrown it behind him.
You were the more skilled fighter, but the demon slayer was larger and stronger. He watches you try to make a pass. He thinks you’re in the clear but the opponent grabs you by the hair pulling you back into him as he brandishes another knife bringing it up to your throat. You bite down on his hand giving you just enough time to wrestle the knife from him no doubt slicing your hands open in the process. He doubts that this part of the fight was showmanship, both you and your competitor were evenly matched. It was anyone’s game. Your stunt had given you enough time to retrieve your spear. Just as he thinks you’ve gotten the upper hand he sees a mace extend out from one of the slayer’s sleeves, it sparks with electricity. If it so much as hit you, that would be it. The Mandalorian can feel his heart pounding finding himself wrapped up in the atmosphere of the arena as the creature approaches you swinging the mace. It wraps around your spear, the crowd is silent, they think it's all over, but looking at a nearby screen Mando makes out what appears to be a small smile on your face.
The mace wraps the spear and you pull back on it, hard, drawing the Deveronian in closer. As the electricity hits your arm you release the force from the pulling causing the spear to plunge up in-between the opening between the Devaronians chest plate and helmet killing him instantly. He sees you drop to your knees catching the falling opponent whispering something before laying him down on the floor. The crowd erupts in cheers, flowers and money are thrown to the ground, before picking it up he sees you circle back to each opponent kneeling on the ground for a few seconds before rising and moving on to the next.
“C’mon Mando” the people beside him say “blood auctions this way”. He follows them, but half the auditorium seemingly had the same idea and he was too far back to reach you. He sees you standing with your trainer as the blood spilled during the fight was sold to the highest bidder, the crowd intermittently grabbing at you. You’re quickly shuffled out the room. The Mandalorian exits through a back door, as he does he sees your trainer speaking to a Sephi. He hangs back, close enough to hear the conversation, but far enough away so as not to be noticed.
“Room 801. She’ll be ready for you in a half hour.”
“Perfect, makers, where will I go when she’s free? No one has ever compared to her” the client laughs.
“She’s not leaving, at least not for a while. Far too good for business at the moment. Hope’s what keeps her keen though. I oblige in her fantasies, so she can oblige yours ” The Duro gives the man the key and heads back into the arena. The man exits the alley bumping into the Mandalorian.
“Watch it Mando.” The Sephi says, pushing by him. As he pushes by, Mando snatches the key and makes his way up to room 801.
Your POV
“Hey San, how'd the rest of the auction go?” you ask, wiping off as much slime as you could in the small sink. “Good. I’ve put your cut in the bank for when you’re out. We have a client room 801, penthouse, he knows you apparently.”
“Half the galaxy knows me” you murmur “Do we have to tonight?” you ask, wanting to get out of your gear and go to sleep.
“C’mon he’s rich and not bad looking.”
“Fine” you sigh, not like you had a choice anyways. He chains your hands together and leads you up to the penthouse suite, at least you’d get to sleep in a large bed, maybe get a shower with decent water pressure. He unchains you and ushers you into the room, closing and locking the door behind you. You rub your wrists and crack you back stretching out your arms, you hear a cough. Weird, you think, clients were usually brought up after you’d had time to settle in. “I'm sorry I wasn’t expecting...” you say in your sweetest voice turning around. The tone is quickly dropped. The client was none other than the very person who had landed you in this situation.
“YOU” you shout, not thinking twice before charging at him, slipping a knife out from one of your arm bands and lunging for the Mandalorians neck. He grabs your wrists before they can make contact with him, bending them back causing you to drop the knife on the floor. He tries to restrain you causing you to panic accidentally using the force to throw him back against the wall. He crashed into the wall landing on the floor with a soft thud probably wondering what the hell’s just hit him. His hands quickly shoot up in the air, as you pick up the knife again pointing it at him.
“If you think for one second I’m going to sleep with you, you have another thing coming you stupid tin can, you’re lucky ...” you start but he cuts you off
“That’s not why I’m here.” He says quickly.
“ What?” you say, lowering your knife, but not your guard.
“ I’m here for your help.”
“ YOU want MY help? Makers you’re funny, you know I didn’t know Mandalorians could tell jokes.” you say sitting down on the bed across from him as he cautiously stands up, hands still in the air.
“I’m here to get you out” He offers.
“Why? what do you want from me?” you question
“Your help, the child he was taken I...” he pauses, you feel the sadness emanating off him, but you hold the knife true. “I need to find him before the others do, they’ll kill him.”
“Well should have thought about that before you lost him.” you say snarkily. Standing up you make your way to the door.
“Please, I can get you out of here.” He starts, you turn on your heel.
“Newsflash, I’m making my own way out of here just…”
“ ...a few more fights” he finishes for you. you look at him confused. “There never letting you out of here I heard your trainer he’s not letting you go. Something about being too good for business.” Was he telling you the truth? With the helmet covering his face it was hard to tell. From what your grandmother had told you, Mandalorians rarely lied, and deep down something was telling you to trust him.
“Bastard” you mutter moving away from the door. “Well i'll find my own way out.”
“Please” he says, taking a step towards you, causing you to lift the knife up again. “You wasted your money coming here, leave.”
“I didn’t pay”
“What?” you respond and he looks over to you . “You’re not the client?”
“No” he says dryly, as if the answer was obvious. The tension is cut by a sudden knock at the door.
“Shit, you have to hide” you say dropping the knife and pushing the Mandalorian in the direction of the bed.
“Where should I hide behind a curtain?” he deadpans
“I am not in the mood for jokes right now, get under the bed” you say lifting up the bed skirt.
“Yes” you say pointing ferociously under the bed.
“Fine, but you have to go somewhere or we're both screwed.” You say turning around to get the door. As you open it you start “look I can explain.”
“ Explain what?” The Sephi asks, pushing past you taking a seat on the bed. “You’re performance out there was almost as enticing as you” you turn back to close the door looking around the room in an attempt to locate the beskar clad man. “We’ve met before, remember?” he asked, as if you would.
“Hard to forget such a lovely night.” You lie, sitting down next to him realizing you were going to have to talk your way out of this one. “Listen, tonight’s been rough, and I want to be at my peak performance for you, we can reschedule for another night” you say stroking his cheek. The Sephi grabs your wrist, harshly. “ No, I paid for it now so I’ll get it now” . Just then you hear a blaster go off and the guy drops. The Mandalorian appears from behind the curtain
“Seriously.” you say, “I was going to deal with him”
“And I wasn’t going to sit and watch it happen,” he responds re-holstering the blaster.
“They’ll use this to keep me here forever” you say, more sad than angry.
“They were doing that anyway” the modulated voice says. “Come with me” he says reaching his arm out, “now or never”.
Standing up, you push past his hand and walk over to the dead client laying on the floor. Kneeling down you rummage around for his wallet before throwing it to the Mandalorian.
“Let’s get out of here” you say
“Here” he says, taking off his cape and offering it to you. You wrap it around yourself.
“I look like a goddamn Jawa” you say, making note of how long it looks on you.
“Come on before your handaler comes back” he says. The two of you make a swift exit, creeping through the back alleys until you reach his newly acquired ship.
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shhh-no-ones-home · 4 years
model citizen ricky horror x reader
college au
prompt: Character A sitting in a college 7am lecture and Character B sitting next to them pouring an energy drink into their coffee and says, "I'm going to die." (First interaction)
Song: pretty little distance by as it is
tag list: @musicsexandpizza69 @svintsandghosts @theoneandonlykymberlee @alilpunkrock @cynic-spirit @thisplace-ishaunted @lifeisabitchandsoareyou @xyours-eternallyx
i walked into the room and huffed as i took my seat, reaching into my bag for my notebook and a pen. i hated having a 9am again and missed being able to sleep-in like i did last semester. this was the first day though and i was hopeful my mind would change about it as the course went on. it probably wouldnt though. i sat there, catching a few more students walk in as i looked down at my phone.
nothing was too exciting yet and the teacher hadnt even shown up. i was more-so ready for the new art class though. it was my major after all and i was pretty well known by the professors at this point. as i sat there, a loud clatter grabbed my attention, making me look to my right. there was sat a shorter, skinny kid, with long inky black hair tucked under a beanie. my eyes went wide as he cracked the monster in his hand open, pouring it into his half=full trenta cup from Starbucks. he looked over at me and smiled.
"im going to die."
he said in the most sure-fire tone before putting the lid back on the cup and chugging it. i sat there in horror staring at him.
"are you okay?"
i asked and he shrugged, looking at me over the top of the cup. he had the bluest eyes i had ever seen, even in the low light of the art room. i was a little start struck for a second before shaking myself out of my daze, watching him put the cup down against the desk with a thud.
"if i pass out during class just push me out of the way and ill figure something out later."
he said, turning forward. i went to say something just as the teacher walked in.
"y/n! good to see you back. we missed you last semester."
professor crane said, looking to the student teacher as he ducked behind him and paced quickly to the front desk. his gaze followed him too before he shrugged and turned back to me with a smile.
"whatever, im sure he missed you too. but either way its good to have you back in class and i look forward to seeing what you come up with for the showcase in march."
i nodded with a smile before he walked away to the front of the class, instructing everyone to take their seats.
"you come here often?"
i heard from the kid next to me, hearing him laugh to himself as he took another drink of his coffee/monster concoction.
"yes, actually. im an art major."
i said a little dumbfounded. he nodded.
"cool, im here for film."
i drew my brows.
"youre doing film?"
i asked and he winked at me, looking to Brian as he turned the projector on. i opened my mouth before closing it quickly, feeling a little more confused than before.
"alright, first things first. i only make a syllabus because administration says i have to. the schedule is shit and we will most likely be doing something completely different so i suggest you keep a planner or something to keep track of your assignments. secondly, i will get to it later but i want you to start thinking about your projects for the spring showcase in march. we have a few short months so after you learn the basics of form you will be instructed to sketch something in your own style and present it to the board."
my mind went in and out after that, trying to catch quick glances at the kid next to me without being suspicious. every time he moved i could feel my heart pulse, giving me anxiety that he could actually pass out or something.
"y/n, your partner for this project will be mr olson."
brian said, standing over me and looking between the two of us. i nodded with wide eyes as he moved to the two kids behind us.
"guess that means we have pretty high chances at getting an A."
he said, raising his cup in cheers. i looked down at the assignment sheet, grazing over it and groaning. we had to come up with a comic strip in different style parts; the first panel a base sketch, the second panel a hard sketch, the third panel color blocking, and so on. god this was gonna be a nightmare.
"you dont seem too enthused."
the kid said amused. i sent him a testing look.
"im not, ive done something similar before and you have to get every step just right or they take points off. and we have to prove what parts we did."
i said, rolling my eyes. i looked over to him, blinking as a camera flash went off. i drew my brows as he looked down at the screen on it.
"where did you even get that?"
i asked, trying to inspect him. he sent me a smile.
"i always keep it on me. im ricky by the way, and you look great."
he said amused and i breathed deeply.
i said, looking back to the paper.
"well y/n i think this is going to be a great partnership-"
brian called, cutting him off.
"you have your assignments. i have nothing else for you today so you are welcome to either stay here and work until class time is over or you can leave and work on it on your own time. i dont really care either way, just get it done."
i hummed to myself before stuffing my notebook and the assignment sheet into my bag and standing up. i caught a glimpse of ricky starting at me with wide eyes as i turned to leave.
"what are you doing?"
he asked and i looked between him and the door, pointing at it.
"leaving, its not due for another week."
i started off, hearing him shuffle around before chasing after me.
"hey wait! cant we like plan what we're doing or something?"
he asked and i shrugged, looking over to him as he tried to put his paper in his backpack and hold the camera and cup of coffee. i stopped, staring at him as he struggled. i rolled my eyes, taking the cup and the camera from him. he looked to me in shock and i raised my brows.
"get to it, i dont have all day."
i said and he finished what he was doing, zipping his bag up and slinging it over it shoulder. i handed him the cup and camera back and kept walking.
"so uh, what kind of thing did you have in mind for this project?"
he asked and i looked to the sky, squinting but trying to think as we made it outside.
"i dont know, maybe a ball of some kind?"
he raised a brow, shuffling his feet as he tried to keep up with my long strides.
"like masks and large dresses?"
he asked and i nodded, opening the door to dinging hall.
"something like that yeah."
he nodded as i led us to a table.
"that sounds cool, i could get behind that."
i sent him a knowing look.
"you seem like the kind of guy who would."
i said, pulling my sketchpad out. he raised a brow, sitting beside me.
"whats that supposed to mean?"
he asked and i sent him  a look.
"im assuming you like vampires, and the Edwardian thing usually goes hand in hand with that."
he sent me a nervous smile.
"is it that obvious?"
he asked, rubbing his hands against his pants. i nodded.
"thats okay though, cause i like them too. so much so that i have costumes already, we can pose for each other. i think youd look great in this."
i said, sliding my phone across the table to show him the outfit i had for it. i just hoped it would fit him.
"you seem like youve been planning this for a while."
he said through a laugh and i shrugged.
"i just like to feel fancy, the projects on the other hand kind of fall into my lap."
i said, flipping through a few pages in my book. he placed his hand on one before taking it from me and looking over it.
"this looks insane."
he said and i looked around awkwardly.
"in a good way?"
i asked, finding his gaze.
"oh! yeah! of course in a good way. it looks super cool. i see why you wanted to do the ball thing now."
he commented, noting the sketch i had done already that was similar. it is what i was used to after all. he set the book back down in front of me and sent me a wide smile, picking his camera up and taking another picture of me.
"why do you do that?"
i asked and he laughed.
"i need models for my art and i think now that we've met you would be a great subject."
i set him a look, trying to hide the blush creeping its way up my neck.
"you really think so?"
i asked bashfully and he nodded.
"oh yeah, absolutely. and now that we're partners i think it will give me ample opportunity to find a new muse. you wanna be a subject for a music video?"
i sat back, a little taken aback.
"you want me to do what?"
i asked and he laughed, putting the camera on the table.
"in about a month my band is gonna need some girls for a video but its cool if not. i can live with us just being art project partners."
i cleared my throat, rubbing my hands together under the table.
"how about we get through this first and ill get back to you on that?"
he smiled knowingly at me, raising his coffee to me in cheers.
"sounds like a plan to me."
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mousehole5000 · 4 years
tgcf chapters 107 - 120 this is one where i give some Opinions. i do overall like hualian a lot but i have some quibbles
wait why am i still taking screenshots? i can copy/paste again afskldfjasad
It really was hard to tell whether people would feel happy after watching such performances. However, in truth, slaughter and the sight of blood did create excitement in people. Whether or not there was fear, after the initial shock was over, a rush of adrenaline would be produced in the heart- me watching horror movies
“Shi Qingxuan said. “Then, Your Highness, Crimson Rain Sought Flower! I order you to—to immediately strip each other’s clothing!” - djslkadjlsd WHY DID HE SPECIFICALLY SAY THEY HAD TO STRIP EACH OTHER THISALSKDJ is this a normal thing is it a wingman attempt what is happening
“I’ll tell you what it is,” he said softly. “To watch with your own eyes your beloved be trampled and ridiculed, yet be unable to do anything. That’s the worst suffering in the world.” ... “Ming Yi asked, “What’s the biggest regret of your life?”- when truth or dare gets a bit too real
On the side, Hua Cheng was still only observing, and was already bored to the point where he’d changed back into his red robes. Then he changed to black robes again. Then to white robes. Almost every time Xie Lian looked back, he would be donning a different appearance, and with every new look there were different hairstyles, and different accessories, and different boots, and so on; sometimes playful, sometimes elegant, sometimes deadly, sometimes glamourous. Xie Lian was growing dizzy from all the colours and kept looking back, unable to look away. - THIS ISNT THE TIME HUA CHENG. YOURE PRIMPING. THE WINDMASTER HAS BEEN KIDNAPPED AND YOURE PRIMPING
obsessed with xie lian not being able to figure out to use the windmaster’s fan and just. using it to SMACK
also windmaster??? whats going on??? :( i know some things from spoilers like who is not to be trusted but i really have no clue whats happening rn
anyways back to puqi shrine lets check on those kids also can we PLEASE get some funds for this restoration smh. hua cheng and xie lian doing mundane hard labor together to fulfill prayers.... :pleading:
jailbreak in the heavens 2: dig a tunnel
Sure enough, the moment Ming Yi put pressure on his shovel, a hole opened up before them. With the shovel raised, he burrowed crazily ahead while Shi Qingxuan, in the middle, cheered him on crazily. As the only non-crazy person, Xie Lian brought up the rear. That treasured shovel of the Earth Master was indeed magical, and with only a few strokes, a new tunnel of over ten meters was dug. - anybody remember mulch diggums from the artemis fowl series? this is much more dignified than that but i think this is only the second time ive read a character just starting digging a tunnel as a plot point
okay so much is going on i wish i hadnt spoiled who certain characters actually are for myself but i have no one to blame but me for a) not blacklisting spoilers at all and b) just having a little freefall through the tags. oh well. anyway heavenly college admissions scandal except way worse. the corruption extends to the heavens and the windmaster is having a very bad day
i guess we’re having a high seas adventure now?
im gonna keep it real im getting tired of how often we get told how handsome hua cheng is. i know its all xie lian’s pov and while im not terribly familiar with it i know what genre we’re working with and im assuming thats pretty typical. its something i dont much care for in general and idk maybe it sounds better in the original but ngl its starting to make me roll my eyes. love you goth king but god okay we get it.
i guess what i will say about hualian so far is that overall i like them and i like how they interact in general they have a lot of nice moments and they just genuinely seem to like each other which is really nice to see EXCEPT for when it actually comes to things that could be romantic or sexual which is a shame bc i dont think it has to be like this. again disclaimer that im only reading a translation and dont know everything might not have all the knowledge necessary to accurately criticize etc etc and im assuming a lot of this is expected from the genre (disclaimer to this disclaimer that i cant say that for sure its just based on things ive picked up about the bl genre over the years) but idk like xie lian was so distressed after their underwater kiss scene. it was kind of uncomfortable to read and maybe im being unfair i know his cultivation is based around abstinence or whatever but idk i dont care for it. and that scene alone doesnt have to be a bad thing like idk i guess its his first kiss ever (?) and it would make sense if he feels weird about it but i just have my doubts thats going to be addressed or resolved in a satisfying way. also im like. dude everyone is like centuries old. xie lian’s been on earth for 800 years. has he really never met or heard of a gay person during all this time? maybe he hasnt idk what he got up to yet maybe that’s actually a thing. also same thing with the reactions from the immortals to xie lian in a dress and characters like the windmaster like again you’re all centuries old and its not uncommon to be able to just completely change gender presentation. why are you all weird about a man wearing a woman’s dress? i just feel like that shouldnt be a big deal to these characters idk
also again not going to lie part of this that im not really a big fan of reading romance in general. yes i am reading this book. yes i do read and write a lot of fanfic that includes or centers romance. im multifaceted. but really what im talking about is the like physical side of it and descriptions im extremely picky about it. ill give an example. early on in the torture pit (or whatever it was called i cant remember lol) when xie lian kind of accidentally felt up hua cheng in the dark when he was being carried. i dont think thats a bad thing to have happen between the two romantic leads i think thats fine and good to include that early but i just did not enjoy reading it when it happened idk maybe it was the wording and i do think that moments like these work better in a visual medium. ive definitely read het romance that reads like this and i wasnt a fan of that either lol same with fanfic i get tired when writers go on and on about how hot one characters finds another character. this isnt a huge criticism of it like i said im picky but again like with the way that hua cheng is described it just makes me roll my eyes sorry kings
okay back to the reading. this whole saving the fishermen thing feels like a big set up for something narrative-wise. hua cheng specifically insisted on coming and i know one of the characters involved ends up dying im wondering if thats now it would be a good time tbh if things get just a bit too unfortunate during this heavenly calamity... and the brothers are notably not having a harmonious time... also tho it feels very likely we’ll just have another Hualian Moment (tm)
In such a situation, Pei Ming still acted the same. In the evening, when they rescued a few fishermen girls, so scared their eyes were blurry from tears, he held them in his embrace and soothed them with a gentle voice; a true show of honeyed romance, affectionate and charming. - pei ming please get pickled again.
also its funny that hua cheng is just kinda hanging out and everyone else just has to deal with it
Looking down from above, the entire area was painted in a terrifying black. It was easy to see the collision between the two different-coloured currents. Their fierce battle was what formed this enormous whirlpool. As the eye swallowed the ship whole, the two currents of water separated. However, the battle was far from over. Like two venomous vipers, they continued to snap at each other. Each collision was followed by a mountain of angry waves. - this pretty dope ngl. also love our wind and earth masters just chilling on a shovel i dig it. hehe
Yet, other than discovering Hua Cheng had a fine body, there were no other finds. Xie Lian was at his wit’s end and started to worry. - okay see this one’s funny im just also irritated bc im like WE KNOW!!! WE GET IT HE’S HOT AND XIE LIAN THINKS HE’S HOT OKAY GOT IT
okay kiss #2 again its not the kisses themselves its xie lian’s reaction it just bothers me idk im not saying i need him to be super into it and completely unconflicted about it rn but he’s just so freaked out about it and idk i just dont really like it just feels weird i dont care for that aspect of it. also dude hua cheng is a ghost and he did this exact same thing for you before just chill. i wish instead of xie lian literally running away while screaming that hes sorry he was just like “oh haha youre fine thats cool im gonna go look around the woods i dont feel weird about this at all haha” like idk its kind of funny but when its literally our two romantic leads i just feel like its confusing like it kind of makes me feel like they shouldnt be together if one of them freaks out this much again considering the fact that they are both CENTURIES old. i know i know xie lian is an 800 year old virgin but. he hasn’t been like this about anything else so yeah idk like it still could have been awkward and funny i just dont think it needed to be so :/ that being said it was funny that xie lian was then internally like “oh i did it wrong? perhaps i should ask him for more.. instructions....” if that actually happens i might like it bc it would complete this little watery theme
Before he finished, he immediately remembered. Coffin wood. There were trees here everywhere; and a deceased? There was one right before his eyes. Sure enough, Hua Cheng smiled. “Won’t it be fine once I lie inside? - love that hua cheng just sat on the fact that he can turn anything into a coffin. that would have been really useful information earlier but no he just waited until everyone but xie lian was gone afjaklsdjf
also i do think that oblivious xie lian thinking “wow whoever it is that hua cheng fancies is an idiot for not liking him back theyre totally taking him for granted :/” is kind of funny and sweet. actually the whole conversation they have at the campfire is good and im bookmarking it to think about later
“...You on top and me on the bottom,” Xie Lian replied. “Isn’t top and bottom the same?” Hua Cheng asked. - okay im sorry but. mood whenever theres discourse about top/bottom dynamics for a ship im just like jesus christ i dont care. tbh i rarely read fanfiction if its just sexual and ngl if i see a fic specifically tag characters as top or bottom i wont read it lmfao. especially when people have really strong opinions about this stuff when theres nothing canonical to back it up like headcanon all you want but whenever i see people argue about it im just like no offense but go work out your own sexual issues and dynamics instead of arguing with strangers on the internet about who’s a top and who’s a bottom. sorry to be mean but just thats how i feel lol
this was mostly a ramble with a few excerpts but im getting sleepy im going to TRY to take a break from this for like a day but we’ll see how that goes i do very much want to know what happens. anyway if you read this whole thing hiiiiii sorry for subjecting you to my opinions on top/bottom discourse
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zevlors-tail · 4 years
Hi! Could i get a match up with any mha male character. I’m a female about 5’2 and ive got long straight hair. I’m not too shy like i still find it hard to talk to people but if im more comfortable im really talkative. I’m a capricorn. I am really impulsive I once woke up and decided to get three ear piercings. I’m a dancer that specializes in ballet and I love playing the piano and the violin. I also am really clingy and love to cuddle. For the autumn drabble could I get scary movies and rain
I’m SO sorry this took so long. Matchups are so hard for me to do and I was a little too ambitious with adding the drabbles at the end. ;w; Here it is! I hope you like it!
I match you with: Denki Kaminari!
Tumblr media
-Maybe you sometimes find it hard to talk to people, but this boy is going to make it incredibly easy for you to feel comfortable with him. He just has that aura to him; it’s like you’re meeting up with a long lost friend you haven’t seen in ages when in reality you barely even know him. But he makes it feel like you’ve known each other since kindergarten, like you two were best friends your whole lives. You two are cozying up to each other in no time.
-Impulsive? PERFECT. Kaminari is that friend who will push you around in a shopping cart through the middle of the store on a dare you made 3 months ago that the two of you suddenly remembered. Honestly, you two wreck so much havoc with each other, even Mina struggles to keep up with your shenanigans. And anything you want to do? He supports it. You want 3 ear piercings? Go for it. Wanna get a tattoo while you’re at it? “Do ittttt!” Honestly, if you need someone to hold you back or keep you in line, don’t expect Denki to be that person. He’s gonna be the exact opposite. If you really need someone to keep you in check, make Bakugou tag along with you; he’s really the only one who can stop the both of you from destroying the whole city.
-Kaminari loves to watch you practice your dancing. He thinks you’re absolutely graceful and could watch you for hours at a time. He never gets tired of it. He gets mesmerized every time you move and wonders how you manage to make him feel like he’s lighter than air. He will 100% come to any and all of your shows if you have them, and will always support you no matter what. Catch him in the front row crying tears of joy because, “That’s my babe up there, that’s my Y/N!” He can and WILL drag the whole Bakusquad along btw. You’ll always have support from your friends. :)
-Also very supportive when it comes to your instruments! Listening to you play makes him very emotional, but in a good way. He could be sobbing while you practice and if you stop and ask him if he’s okay, he just chokes out “I’m fine, please continue!” and gives you his signature thumbs up. He looks anything but fine, although he’s telling the truth; he just wants to hear you play. Kaminari is an emotional guy, and he expresses it freely, so tears are natural. He also has favorites out of the songs he’s heard you play! Sometimes he might request a certain song if he hasn’t heard it in a while. Better yet, if you write him a song of your own or learn a new one in secret to surprise him, he will melt. You’re gonna kill him. No really, you’re going to make him feel so loved.
-Denki is also very clingy and cuddly, so you better prepare for koala hugs and lots of kisses and cuddles. It doesn’t matter if you’ve had the best day of your life, the worst day of your life, or if it was just an average ordinary day, you’ll still get cuddles every single night. And he gives really good ones too; the way he wraps his arms around you and holds you close to him makes you feel the safest you’ve ever felt, like nothing can touch you while you’re with him. He’s also a fan of playing with your hair and giving you head pats. Of course he likes them too, but he likes giving them to you much more than receiving them. The best feeling after a hard day is Denki running a hand through your hair to relax you while you snuggle into his arms.
Fall Drabble: Scary Movies/Rain
This drabble kind of got away from me so now it’s less of a drabble and more of a scenario but oh well-
Heavy rain swirled outside in the wind, water droplets sticking to the window and sliding down slowly as you listened to thunder rumble in the distance. Lightning accompanied it a fraction of a moment later, the flash of light illuminating the whole sky for half a second so you could see the gloomy clouds in full. You and Denki originally had plans to go to a fall festival of sorts, but the two of you had waited too long to get ready to go, and now (a whole half hour later no thanks to charge bolt himself) it was too late; there was no way either of you were going out in this. Even if Denki was immune to lightning, you were not, and the wind and rain both proved challenging foes to your clothes and hair. You would both look like a mess by the time you got there, if you hadn’t fried on the way there.
“Soooo, I guess we’re staying in for the day. No way we’re going to the festival in that,” you said dryly.
“I’m sure we can find other ways to pass the time, babe. We can always catch the festival tomorrow!” Ever the cheerful one, it seemed. That was something you really loved about Kaminari. No matter the situation, he was always willing to find the silver lining.
“I suppose you’re right. Well, what can we do in the mean time then?” you wondered aloud.
“No idea, but this storm sure is getting spooky...” Denki subconsciously scooted closer to you as the wind howled outside, a high pitched sound reverberating through the room as it picked up speed.
You both went quiet, Denki’s focus on the storm outside while you thought of ways to pass the time. You would have invited the squad over to hang out, except this was supposed to be date night. You loved your friends, yes, but date night was special to you, and you weren’t exactly in the mood to share your boyfriend with anyone today. So friends were a no go...and you couldn’t go anywhere outside either. That only left a handful of activities. You looked around your room for something useful, anything exciting that you hadn’t already done today. Suddenly your eyes landed on an old ticket stub, namely the one from the very first movie you and Denki had seen together on your first date, and you were struck by an idea.
“Do you wanna watch a movie?”
And that was how the two of you ended up laying on the floor a half hour later, a giant blanket draped over your shoulders and pillows in front of you, popcorn pieces strewn about and cans of soda off to the side as a horror movie played in the background. It had been a while since either of you had seen a proper scary movie, so you agreed on one you hadn’t watched before and started it up without a second thought. The rain in the background helped to enhance the spooky mood for the night, a different sort of darkness seeping in and washing over the room after the lights had been turned off.
A jump scare startled you both a little, causing Kaminari to bump into you gently. You dropped a few pieces of popcorn, and your boyfriend couldn’t keep himself from poking fun at you.
“If you’re scared, Y/N, you can always hold my hand!” He gave you a wide grin and giggled, his tone teasing yet lighthearted. He could never truly give you crap about being spooked by a scary movie, especially when he had been startled himself.
“We’re already holding hands, you goofball!” You nudged him playfully and laughed with him, lightening the mood a bit after the jump scare. Eventually you both returned to watching the movie, your fingers lacing into his as you held hands still.
Fifteen minutes had gone by before the storm really started to pick up outside, wind howling relentlessly and rain pelting against your roof. You and Kaminari were so engrossed in the suspense of the movie that you didn’t notice anything at first; the woman in the film crept closer and closer to the basement door, pitch black coming from open entrance, and the both of you huddled close together as you watched in suspense for something to jump out from the darkness. Suddenly something hard fell against your roof with a loud Thump! followed by several other similar sounding noises, and you and Denki whipped around to look behind you for a culprit, spooked by the horror movie and the strange noise you had just heard. Just as you were about to ask him if he also thought that was hail, the TV shut off unexpectedly with a soft powering down noise, and the both of you were left in complete and total darkness as the storm raged on outside.
“Denki?” It was hard not to notice the tremble in your voice as you spoke quietly.
“I’m right here, love.” Kaminari’s voice wavered slightly as well, though he tried to be strong for you. Both of you were scared, but the least he could do was be there for you.
Down the hall, you could hear your fellow students mulling around in their own dorms and asking if everyone was okay. You put two and two together and realized the storm must have knocked the power out. Without warning, Kirishima thrust open the door to your bedroom and shined a flashlight in, causing the two of you to scream in unison as he finally focused it on your shaking forms.
“Why are you guys screaming?” He tilted his head in question while you tried to gain your bearings, and you secretly decided you would never watch horror movies during a storm ever again. “Yo, Kaminari. We lost power ‘cause of the storm. You think you could give the generator a jump?” The redhead rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, clearly sent over to ask for Denki by someone else.
“Nah, you guys are on your own. It’s date night with my baby, so no can do!”
“Awe, dude, come on! If you send me back with that sort of answer, Bakugou is gonna come storming in here himself!”
“Sorry, man. I’m sure the power won’t be out for that long, anyway. Bakugou can deal with it. 
“If you say so. I’ll try my best to sugarcoat it, but expect an angry looking Bakugou sometime in the near future.”
Kirishima turned away with a wary look, trekking back down the hall the way he came. You turned to your boyfriend and snuggled into him, thankful for having such a loyal person as your partner.
“You could have given their generator a jump, you know,” you said softly.
“I know. But then I’d miss out on date night with you, and that wouldn’t be very kind of me, would it? Date night is just for us. They can figure stuff out themselves.”
The two of you sat there for a moment as you held each other before there was a loud crash from down the hall followed by angry stomping sounds.
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drkcnry67 · 4 years
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title:  Please Don’t Make Me Do This
kink square filled: Knife Play
dark square filled: Knife Play
Heaven & Hell square filled: Demon!Dean
ship: Demon!Dean x reader
rating: 14+
tags: major character death, forced knife play, 
summery (if applicable): its a surprise….
word count (if applicable):
created for @spnkinkbingo @spndarkbingo @heavenandhellbingo 
also this is for a request brought in by @hawaiianohana15 
A/N: please dont shoot me, but cas doesnt actually stay in heaven for what goes down in this story. im sorry for what im gonna put everyone through. i know for me ive put off writing about this particular thing cause it still gives me nightmares. 
tag: @sweetness47 @alexis-m-kruger​
this was possibly the hardest event of your entire life, the hardest day of your life. the day you witnessed the love of your life get murdered on the eve after your engagement. 
you hadnt the heart to send every single person you had invited a letter saying the wedding was cancelled, hell you didnt have the heart o do anything except sit in your old room and listen to all of Dean’s favorites on repeat. 
after about 4 hours Sam had gotten very very concerned, so he made you some coffee and made you up a plate of food and brought it into your room. the sight he saw when he walked inside was something that made him place the food and drink on your dresser and come engulf you in a huge hug. 
course Dean and Sam wanted to take down Metatron, but of course that didnt go as well as expected for it was then that Metatron stabbed Dean. long story short told to you personally through Sam’s sobs… 
Dean had gotten hold of the first blade again after being bruised and beaten badly in a mortal kombat fight type deal with Metatron.
Metatron stabbing Dean through the heart with an angel blade just as Sam came round the corner and Dean of course turned around. 
Sam helped Dean off the ground and tried to make it out of the warehouse but Dean coughed, said he was proud of them and then breathed his last.
Sam had called out for Cas in a loud scream of pain. about 5 minutes later Cas appeared and became terribly horrified at the sight before him. 
Cas: “what happened?”
Sam: “Metatron killed him, we have to get home.. back to the bunker, to YN she needs to know but no one else can… can you get us and the impala back in one shot or is it needed in 2 trips…”
Cas: “it can be done in 1 shot but how will you tell YN… wont she be crushed?”
that was when Cas realized that Sam was gonna tell you after they got back to the bunker… sam was gonna tell you what happened, tell you that Dean died like  hero… that he went down fighting and that his last thoughts werent of her but he knew he loved you.
Cas: “look Sam i know that YN and Dean were a thing but there is something i have to tell you… about their relationship… but she doesnt know, neither of them did… you can’t tell her…”
Sam now intrigued finds the strength to look away from his brothers corpse. Cas took a deep breath watching as Sam now sat looking at him.
Sam: “cant tell her what?”
Cas: “she and Dean fullfilled the prophecy that Heaven spoke over them, they conceived a child a week before the death of a winchester at the hands of Metatron.”
Sam: “YN’s pregnant?”
Cas: “yes, but there is nothing else that can be done here, lets take this show back to the bunker and see if there is anything that can be done about Dean… ill take us all straight to his room, then ill stay here while you go talk to YN before she finds out on her own about Dean…”
Cas teleports Dean and Sam plus himself back to Deans room in the bunker. you were in the library researching a way to get rid of Metatron that would actually be most effective. you didnt hear the boys talking in Deans room. however you only had this feeling like something wasn’t right. 
it stayed with you heavily as you sat there pouring through the books and every page seemed to make time go by alot slower than it actually was… it wasnt until you flipped the page again that you heard your name being called. this made your head snap up…
you went around the corner and Saw Sam walking towards you… 
Sam: “hey squirt!”
You looked around and didnt see Dean, didnt see your man. you turned your gaze back to Sam who walked closer to you…
YN: “where’s Dean?”
Sam: “YN he was hurt badly… there was an accident, it was a bad one… before i let you see him you need to know he might not come back from this one alive… or if alive he wont be himself… the first blade really did a number on him. but his last concious thoughts were of you… YN he wasnt breathing when Cas got to us… Cas is with him now trying to figure this out, but so far no luck…”
YN: “i have to see his body…”
Sam stepped immediately in front of you stopping your entry to the hallway.
YN: “get out of my way Sam… i have to see his body…”
Sam: “no cause if you go in there your not gonna be able to unsee that…”
YN: “there has to be something we can do…”
Sam: “we will find a way but for now lets leave him alone…”
you went back too the library and cracked a bottle of whiskey… Sam stood around the corner for a few minutes and watched you slowly crumble apart… 
Sam went back to talk to Cas…
Cas: “ive healed his major wounds and slowed the death process… how did she take it…”
Sam: “she has started to drink the whiskey… i dont think she will come back from this…”
Cas: “well lets go make sure she isnt gonna do something stupid…”
Sam & Cas take one more glance at Dean’s body before heading out to the library to find you on the phone just kinda out of their hearing patterns.. it was only but a while later that Crowley texted you that he was outside the bunker…
you went to the door and let him inside… you walked down the stairs with Crowley at your tail… both Sam and Cas stood taking defensive position…
Sam: “Squirt what is he doing here?”
You finished walking down the stairs before you answered…
YN: “he is here to help me save Dean… he says he can save him… ergo that is whats going to happen…”
Cas: “dont do this, we cant trust him…”
Crowley: “look ok i have a soft spot for YN and Dean they have become my new favorite couple… but when word got out downstairs about Metatron having killed Dean. i knew it would be only a matter of time before i got a call from YN, but i also knew i might or might not be able to help.. YN show me where the body is… then ill need a while alone with it… for the way this should go may or may not come with alot of side effects…”
you led Crowley to Dean’s room, opening the door this was your first glance at Deans body… this was the only time other than not but 6 years before when you had lost Dean… to your dismay this time looked much much worse.
YN: “crowley do what you have to… just make sure he comes back to me in one piece…”
Crowley: “ill do my best and let me be the first to say congratulatons!”
you left the room wondering what the hell he meant, but still made your way back to the library… you sat on the couch and waited, waited patiently…
Crowley stands beside Dean placing the first blade in Dean’s right hand and placing both on his chest. 
Crowley: “listen to me Dean Winchester, what you’re feeling right now, it’s not death. It’s life, a new kind of life. Open your eyes, Dean. See what I see. Feel what I feel. And by the way your going to be a father, now lets go take a howl at the moon.”
something stirred, you felt it, you felt the house shake, the entire bunker shook with a violent power… it wasnt but a few moments later that the power went out in the entire bunker… no sound could be heard but something inside you stirred, something felt new, arisen if you would… 
YN: “Sam, Cas are you guys okay?”
Sam and Cas are at your sides immediately! 
Cas: “i dont know but i cant leave my power isnt working…”
Sam: “YN you looked a little stunned a few moments ago… what did you feel?”
You didnt know how to answer that, it was a very strange feeling but being bonded with Dean made things easier. during hunts and stake outs… but now it felt like something went horribly wrong… crowley did however say that there may be side effects… 
YN: “i think whatever Crowley did worked but i dont feel normal Dean i feel a much darker force… if that is why the power went out then we need to lock this place down… now and we need to prepare for the worst… lock it down nothing gets in and nothing gets out…”
you, Sam and Cas all armed yourselves, going down the halls till the tri-fork in the hall… each of you took a hall… Cas came across nothing he stayed near the armory for a few minutes to make sure Dean wouldnt be able to easily access it if he came that way… Sam made it down his hall way to the garage, but obviously with the security locked down and the power outage the garage wouldnt be a good escape route… 
you went down the bedroom hallway, the emergency red lights going down the hallway made it to your room, checked it once and cleared it of being offended… then sam’s room along with Cas’ room…. 
the room at the end of the hall, the one room where you didnt think anything was wrong… the one room where the closer you got the more anger and pain you felt… before you could fully encrouch on the room, the door flung off its hinges… you ducked into the darkened bathroom… 
Demon!Dean: “Sammy, YN, Castiel! where is everyone to greet the brother who has come back from the dead? YN baby come give daddy a kiss…”
Dean now walking towards the bathroom slowly, now sniffs the air… he suddenly becomes ravenous for the being who holds the smell of pumpkin pie. the closer he got to the bathroom, the stronger the smell got. 
Demon!Dean: “come on out Baby.. i dont want to hurt you, but i will if i have to… come on out baby… dont you want to celebrate with me about our child… oh yes i know all about that… you can thank Crowley for that… now im gonna count to 3 if you dont show yourself by the time i get to 3, im gonna hurt you baby, i dont want to but i will…1…”
you didnt know what to do, so you stood there behind the door and didnt realize that you were starting to sweat badly your gun was slipping… before you could even react your gun fell to the ground…
Demon!Dean: “ah so you want to have a bit of bathroom fun hmm… well daddy brought a fun little tool… now lets play…”
with that Demon!Dean stalked into the bathroom forcefully pulling the door shut as he now stood there with you in the creepy red lighting, he stood there with his pocket knife. 
YN: “please dont do this, you dont want to hurt me i know you dont… for the sake of our child… please… i didnt know about my being pregnant D… im just finding out about this… look ok it tore me up to see your body like that, so i called Crowley… i knew when the power went out that you had come back… but i didnt expec…”
before you could say another word, his hand covered your mouth… he gently yet firmly ran the knife over your skin, he pressed down in certain tender spots, like your forearms, your thighs, your chest, as well as your cheeks. before stopping at your neck to lean in to sniff your aroma.. 
Demon!Dean: “you know babe, i never pictured myself as a father… i just realized i never told you what i did in Hell the first time i died… i tortured people, i tortured souls… these people didnt deserve it, but i didnt care, i liked it… now i think i’ll torture you similar to them…”
at that moment with lightning speed he ran the knife through all your clothes till you were standing in your Bra and panties. this made you shiver since it wasnt the man you fell in love with standing before you doing this to you. 
at that moment you felt the knife he was holding go into your skin on your thigh, you buckled at the pain, yet Demon!Dean just laughed with amusement. he ran his hands over your body, feeling you tense and un-tense beneath his touch. 
Demon!Dean: “i still have enough sense to know not to fuck a pregnant woman… but that doesnt mean i cant make you bleed…”
before he could finish cutting you in a few more places, the sound of your name came ringing through the halls. 
Sam: “cas do you see that?”
Cas looks straight ahead at the door on the floor…
Cas: “does that mean he is back?”
Sam: “yes but he doesnt have the strength normally to kick in these door which are reinforced with iron… he would have to…”
thats when it hit Sam like a sack of bricks… the shocked look on his face now said everything he connected the dots and soon realized that whereever Dean was you would be too…
Sam: “Dean or whatever you call yourself.. show yourself now…”
then he turned to Cas and in a low whisper adressed him.
Sam: “ok Cas go down the hall and hide around the corner as soon as he shows himself ill keep his gaze fixed on me, use your teleportation to get directly behind him… go…”
Cas ran to where Sam said but heard the same not so distant voice Sam soon did…
Demon!Dean: “ill be out in a second brother, im just taking a leak… then ill come out and talk…”
Demon!Dean finished making you bleed some more watching your body slide down the wall, weak from blood loss as he opened the bathroom door and exited…
Demon!Dean: “hey Sammy… come give your big brother a hug…”
Sam started to slowly back up seeing the blood covering Dean’s hands and clothes… 
Sam: “where’s YN?”
Demon!Dean: “i wouldnt know your the first one ive seen…”
Sam: “then whose blood are you covered in?”
Demon!Dean: “i found a family of rats and slaughtered them… why do you look so scared bro?”
Sam: “thats not rats blood is it?”
Demon!Dean could only bring off a dark smile… as he followed Sam down the hall and away from the bathroom… Cas took his opportunity to come out from around the corner and go towards the bathroom… where he found you… he took off his trench coat and laid it over you…
Cas: “what did he do to you?”
YN: “he called it knifeplay… i have no idea why he did this but he needs something… he needs a good angelic exorcism…”
Cas: “what do you have in mind?”
you explained to Cas that first you needed to get into some clean clothes of some kind and clean up some of this blood… Cas went to your room and grabbed one of your satin gowns… 
Cas came back seeing you limping… he helped steady you while you got dressed… then he took your arm with his hand… he smiled lightly and dove deep into steadying you before helping you into the direction that he watched Demon!Dean & Sam go in… 
he made sure you were alright before he took off to get into his position… slowly but steadily you made your way down the hall… to the sound of running footsteps and the sound of something breaking…
Demon!Dean: “Sam come on lets not play these games… why do you hide from your older brother…”
you steadied yourself and held the colt up high…
YN: “Demonic force that resides within Dean Winchester… i address the entity within thee… please dont make me do this…”
Demon!Dean turns to face you slowly after stopping in his tracks…
Demon!Dean: “YN baby i see you have managed to get up off the floor and clean yourself up… darling you really should be more careful with that, since when did i give you permission to touch that gun…”
YN: “you didnt i took it from your hiding place when i got up off the floor… you need to make sure that you pick better hiding spots…”
Demon!Dean: “and you need to make sure not to snoop…”
YN: “dont make me do this…”
you stayed tall and strong keeping the Colt trained on Dean…
Demon!Dean: “now now babe put the gun down… put it down or take your shot…”
you started to slowly put the gun down but then he charged towards you, Cas came out behind Dean and wrapped his arms around him from behind… 
you took your shot, you shot Dean while he was in the arms of Cas, you watched between Cas’ angelic grace and the bullet from the colt the demonic energy that was within Dean now blinked away… now within the eyes of the man before you, blinked between the demonic force within and the Dean you fell in love with.
Cas: “ready YN im gonna keep holding onto him while you enact the final part of your plan… anytime now…”
that was your cue, you tossed the colt in the air running towards the man who stole your heart a thousand times over… you kissed him, he didnt react right away it was about 5 minutes into the kiss that he started to kiss you back…
thats when Cas let go, it made you feel normal to be back in Dean’s embrace… once the kiss broke you took him over to the security station you had set up and showed him all of what happened… 
Dean: “i know that i wasn’t myself but i hurt you, i hurt the one person who means the world to me… i’m so sorry YN… you don’t deserve a guy like me… i’m a worthless piece of shit… to top it all off, we are expecting a baby… we are expecting i don’t know if i’m ready to be a father…”
YN: “i know your gonna do wonderful as a father, and i also know that when i saw you basically dead, it tore me apart, i dipped so far into the whiskey that i almost blacked out, if the power hadnt gone out, i wouldn’t be awake right now…”
Cas and Sam come back into the room making sure that it was safe first… then Sam took it upon himself to hand Dean his jacket, to which made you look with confusion but you didnt make anything of it.
Sam: “good luck buddy…”
you grab 3 glasses & the whiskey, while the charade continues… but wasnt expecting what happened next…
Dean: “dont touch your glass of whiskey yet…. YN there is something i wish to discuss with you first…”
You stared at Dean curiousity swimming in your mind… Dean took a small swig of his whiskey before he continued to speak…
Dean: “YN in all my years together never have i ever been so amazed by anyone. you’re strong, brave, talented, one of the best with a machete ive ever seen, i never would have seen myself being with someone who is as lovely and smart as you… YN i know we have just been through hell and back and both need a really good shower, but will you do me the incredible honor of marrying me and making me the luckiest man alive…”
YN: “yes yes yes…”
thats when Dean opened the ring box out of his jacket and slid the expensive but not expensive ring on your finger… the toasting lasted for 30 minutes before the cuts on your body cloted, and the blood on Dean crusted, but it was about time when you spoke again…
YN: “Dean no offense but you need a shower…”
Dean: “funny darling i could say the exact same thing about you….”
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bandtrees · 4 years
YES!!! OKAY!!! I SAY THESE AS SOMEONE WHO HAS NEVER SEEN ANY OF THESE MOVIES AND JUST ABSORBS INFORMATION VIA OSMOSIS. PLEASE TAKE NONE OF WHAT I SAY AS ANY FORM OF FACT WHATSOEVER. now let me start out by saying that the director of these movies is a pretentious ‘political correctness is ruining cinema’ ‘welcome to my dark and twisted mind’ asshole. the tag lines of these movies alone should tell you what you’re in for:
1: 100% medically accurate
2: 100% medically inaccurate
3: 100% politically incorrect
first movie is the best. by far. it’s not really as gross as it’s hyped up to be, nor is it all too gorey. it’s not GREAT but there’s clearly thought put into it past the shock of the premise — iv heard the cinematography is surprisingly good and also the take that it’s a world war 2 allegory, which im not educated enough to speak on but at least shows that this movie is trying to be, well, a movie. it’s not really a video nasty splatter film and if you can swallow (...heh) the concept, if you’re gonna check out any human centipede movie check out this one. it actually has artistic merit and aims to do something other than shock and gross out, even if iv heard the characters are pretty hit or miss
second movie tries to be what uninformed audiences think the human centipede is. it’s a splatter film full of shock value and gore and shit and every gross thing you can come up with and THIS TIME IT’S A TWELVE PERSON CENTIPEDE !!!! they take a really weird direction with this movie: the human centipede is a movie in-universe, and the protagonist is a guy named martin who is so obsessed with it that he wants to make his own. thing is, unlike dr heiter, (antagonist from the first movie) he’s not a surgeon! so he goes about it in the crudest and messiest ways possible. and the movie rides on that grossness — there’s SEX and SHIT and BLOOD and GUTS and a NEWBORN GETTING ITS SKULL CRUSHED IN and it basically abandons any of the subtle horror or artistic merit from the first movie in favor of ramping up the nastiness. the first movie barely showed the procedure itself, but this one goes in very vivid detail from showing sliced open tendons to broken teeth to ALLL the other bits of making a human centipede. there’s also a bit where a real live centipede is funneled into a guy’s ass and i really hope no real centipedes were harmed :[
Director Tom sixx (i hate this man so much) said about this movie that it’d make the first one look like my little pony, which honestly is all you need to know that this series is ALREADY going off the deep end
and topping off the movie centipede, there’s the third one, which i legitimately have no fucking clue how to explain. it’s become a mockery of itself, again going for a ‘last movie is an in-universe movie’ take and becoming a... weird political satire. tom sixx appears as a character in the movie, i don’t remember what he does, it takes place in a prison and from what i remember it’s kinda tame? like, shockingly so compared to the last one, but i don’t think that’s sixx returning to his roots and learning less is more as much as it’s just him realizing he can’t do anything with this concept that wasn’t done before. it’s a 300-person centipede — sorry, millipede — that’s only shown for about a scene near the end, all that jazz. my knowledge on this one is very little and i don’t really care to find out because from what i know it’s just kinda... dumb. there’s a gag where a character is eating dried clitorises out of a bag and i feel like they’re just raisins
and that brings us to the man behind the magic, tom sixx! a very self-absorbed guy who’s very very proud of his work and really likes to be NASTAYYYY. talks a lot about his eeevilll dark twisted ideas but it’s pretty clear he just likes rehashing the same one over and over.
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[image description: a wikipedia screenshot reading ‘TBA: The Human Caterpillar’]
and over, and over. please GOD tom let it REST please stop the centipedes stop the centipedes pl
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mattygraygubler · 4 years
our campus: chapter 4 (tom holland fanfic)
summary: frat!tom and reader go to the same college and y/n is tasked with being his tutor, they don’t really get along at first (because i love reader and tom hating each other trope)
warnings: none ?????
word count: 2.1k
a/n: so many texts and so much dialogue fuckin kill me also texts are bold
for a list of characters click here
to be added to the tag list send me an ask !
“I don’t know what you did to get her to give you a second chance, but I need to warn you.” Ally said. Tom turned to look at her, they had only ever spoken when necessary for theater stuff. 
“Warn me?” He asked. 
“Y/N can make your life either very, very good or very, very bad. She has most of the professors in this school wrapped around her pinky. And she doesn’t make it obvious, but she’s the smartest person I’ve ever met. She can really help you if you let her.”
“Well, thanks.” He said awkwardly and turned back to his stuff. 
“One more thing.” Ally said. Tom turned again and raised his eyebrows. “Don’t you dare catch feelings.” “Seriously? No need to worry about that.” Ally scoffed. 
“I’m serious, Tom. Don’t. She doesn’t need that right now.” 
“Yeah, fine, I get it.” He said. 
“Alright guys let’s get started.” Gigi said, signaling rehearsal was about to start. 
* * * 
It was finally Friday, and your phone was blowing up as you walked to the library. Class had gotten out late, so you were walking as fast as possible so you wouldn’t be late to your meeting with Tom. 
if Y/N is ok with it its fine with me
i still dont know how i feel about this
pretty pretty please guys i really like this guy and he really wants me to go
what are we talking about i was in class
harrison invited em and all of us to the delt party tonight
and i said we shouldnt go bc of what happened
plus isnt tom a delt? wouldnt that be a bit awk?
honestly i couldnt care less. after the week ive had im gonna too blacked to even realize where we are
lets take it to a vote
im abstaining
the ayes have it! delt BABEEEYYYY
ill have harrison put us all on the list
glad we got that sorted ill see u guys at mine at 8
You walked into the library, checking your watch and seeing it was 4:02. You bit your lip. Hopefully he didn’t give you any crap for being late. 
You walked quickly into hlab, and you knew you looked like a crazy person. Your bag was falling off your shoulder, you had a coffee in your hand and your water bottle tucked under your arm, and your phone in your other hand. 
You scanned the room and saw Tom sitting across from Max, both of them had books out. 
“Hi,” you said breathlessly. Max slid over a seat so you could sit across from Tom. “So sorry I’m late, crazy day.” 
“No worries dar-” You heard him start to say darling, but stopped himself. “No worries. It’s only 2 minutes after.” 
“How long have you been waiting?” You asked.
“Max and I have been hanging out for a while, not a big deal.” 
“Speaking of, I’m on alc duty for tonight so I better go.” Max said, did his stupid handshake with Tom, and walked out. 
Hlab was almost empty except for some freshman. Most people don’t like studying on a Friday, who could blame them?
“So I got a copy of your lectures from this week. What do you want to start with?”
“I don’t care.” 
“Ok, what is currently confusing you the most?” He thought for a second before saying “Astronomy.” You nodded. 
“Great, grab your notes and your textbook.” He pulled out a notebook and his laptop, opening the online textbook. You pulled out your laptop and a pen and highlighter. 
“May I?” You asked and pulled his notebook to your side. You went through his notes, circling certain things with the pen and highlighting others. 
“These are really good, Tom. I like how you put question marks next to things that confused you.” He laughed. 
“Do I get a gold star?” He joked. You rolled your eyes. 
“So phases of the moon.” You started. 
“Wait a second,” he said after you had been talking for a while. “You’re telling me that the moon doesn’t actually, like, change?” 
“It’s all shadows.” You replied. He nodded and seemed to finally be getting it. 
“The phases will most definitely be on your next lab, which isn’t open note, so make sure you memorize them.” You said. “Let’s move onto stats.” He groaned. “What?” You asked. 
“Statistics is so stupid. Letters and numbers shouldn’t go together.” You rolled your eyes. 
“Stats is easy, I promise you. This is the first unit, all we’re doing is descriptive statistics and graphing. Let’s start with some vocab.” You said, highlighting certain words in his notes. 
Once you could see his brain was about to explode, you moved onto writing. 
“There’s not much to talk about, just email me your most recent paper so I can go through it and look for themes we need to discuss.” 
‘“Themes?” He asked. 
“You know, on going issues that need to be addressed.” He nodded and emailed you his paper, which you would read tomorrow. You heard your phone buzz and took a quick glance. 
al dont be upset
then dont give me a reason to get upset
what is it
……….. It’s themed
are you kidding? were not freshmen, i dont wanna go to a stupid themed frat party
its blackout !!!! itll be fun i promise
You turned your phone back down and didn’t realize you had an upset look on your face. 
“Everything ok?” He asked. 
“Just arguing in the group chat.” 
“Do you need to go?” He asked. 
“No, no, just arguing about tonight.” 
“What’s tonight?” 
“Tonight is not related to political conflict, which is what we should be talking about.” He laughed. 
“Do you ever have fun?” 
“Excuse me?” 
“I’m serious, do you ever have fun, or do you just go to sleep surrounded by planners and textbooks.” 
“That’s not funny. There’s a lot more about me that you don’t know.” 
“So we’re starting off with socioeconomic issues over time and the class strugle. Did you read the Marx chapters?” 
“Yup. Didn’t understand a word of it.” 
“Ok, let’s get into it.” You said and began rambling about the bourgeoisie and the communist manifesto. Politics was your favorite subject, you could talk about it for hours. 
You were having a really good discussion with Tom. It was global political conflict, and he was able to connect the themes to both America and England, which made you really pleased. 
You were pulled out of your discussion when your phone vibrated. 
pickin up panera anyone want anything 
“Jeez it’s already past 6:30, I gotta go.” You said. 
“Oh, I’m sorry.” He said. 
“No it’s not your fault, I get so into politics I lose track of time.” “I can tell.” He said as you both packed up your stuff. 
“Wanna grab some food?” He asked. 
“Sorry, can’t,” you said. 
“Why, got a hot date?” He joked. 
“Maybe,” you said. 
“At least let me walk you to wherever you’re going.” 
“You don’t have to do that.” 
“Well where are you going?” 
“Congression Hall?” You replied. 
“Wait, you live there?” 
“Uhm, yes? Me along with practically every other junior.” 
“What floor?” 
“8.” You said. 
“Should’ve guessed.” He replied as you started walking across the quad. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“Honors 8. I forgot you were in hc.” He was referring to the eighth and top floor of Congression Hall, which was reserved for the honors college juniors. 
“Yeah.” You said simply. 
“I’m on six, by the way.” He said. “That’s why I was curious. I’ve never seen you around there.” 
“I’m not usually, I only really use it for sleep.” 
“Of course,” he replied. 
“I assumed you lived in a frat house.” You commented. 
“Nah, next year.” He said with a wink. “Speaking of frat houses, there’s kind of this party going on at Delt tonight-” 
“I’m aware.” You said, cutting him off. 
“Ah, well, if you want I can get you on the list.” You smiled to yourself. 
“No need, I’m already on the list.” You said. 
“Oh?” He said, clearly embarrassed. “Because of delta nu?” 
“Nope.” You said, not offering any other information. 
“Well maybe I’ll see you there then.” 
“Even if you do see me there, I will be pretending I don’t know you.” 
“Why?” He asked, clearly offended. “I run that house.” He joked, trying to play off the embarrassment. 
“No offense, but your reputation would not be good for mine.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“Well I have a certain reputation in the greek community, and if people see me with you they’ll get the wrong idea.” 
“The wrong idea?” He asked as you walked in the lobby of your building. 
“Well, see, the thing is,” you said, stepping into the elevator. He pressed the button for six and eight. “I have certain standards. If people see me with you, they’ll think I’ve…” 
“Wow, you are really uptight, aren’t you?” 
“Excuse me?” 
“Certain standards? Jesus christ, you’re not the queen, Y/N. And I don’t have a bad reputation. But god forbid I don’t live up to your ‘standards.’” He said, storming off the elevator without another word, clearly upset. You sighed. Good job, Y/N. 
Tom got to his room and threw his stuff on the floor, collapsing on his bed. His head hurt from all the tutoring, and trying to focus on not staring at your lips. 
delt juniors
aight important question guys
whats up tommy
do you guys know a girl called Y/N Y/L/N? shes a delta nu
dan knows her ;)
fuck, Y/N? what are you doing with her? 
shes tutoring me stop buggin 
i know her which u know shes in hc with me 
oh danny DEFINITLY knows her 
who doesnt know Y/N? shes a hot commodity
what do you mean? 
shes like the perfect girl next door, totally hot and so smart which just makes her hotter
doesnt help that shes a huge fuckin flirt AND can hold her alc
dan is being suspiciously quiet……..
shut up joe
care to share with tommy your story with Y/N, daniel? 
i hate u all 
i was like in love with her freshman year
and i thought she was into me too
and we made out a couple of times but nothing else
the second she found out i was in delt she stopped talking to me
like complete radio silence 
wtf? Why? 
she doesnt fuck with delts
thats like common greek knowledge
maybe its because shes gonna be dchi sweetheart? 
nah theres gotta be something else
well i just put her on the list for tonite
wait YOU put her on the list?! 
yeah i invited her friend Emily Gold and she doesnt go anywhere without Y/N and these two other girls
Ally Park and Isabelle Miller
yeah howd u know? 
theyre like those cool girls from high school everyones obsessed with that are just out of everyones league
wow american high schools are so weird
tom if u wanna get with her i wont be pissed
nah like you said she hates delts, and after three tutoring sessions with me i guarentee i am her least favorite delt ever
theres no fuckin way she shows up tonight
she wouldnt be caught dead at a delt party
wait you said Y/N Y/L/N may come tonight????
noah u seriously show up just to call dibs?
yeah bro have u seen her? if she comes tonight and any of you try to cockblock me i stg ill deck you
pretty sure tommy has rightful dibs to this one
nah fam she hates me so fuckin much
let noah try his luck
i doubt she’ll even show
she’ll show. 
what makes u say that? 
max does know her best
she and ally and emily and isabelle are ride or die. they circulate who picks what party they go to and if its emilys turn and harrison somehow conviced her to go, Y/N wont miss it
she hasnt set foot in a delt house since freshman year, you seriously think she’ll show? 
five bucks says she does
youre on 
i just wanna make it clear
that if she does show
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legion1993 · 5 years
Please Don’t Make Me Do This
Tumblr media
title:  Please Don’t Make Me Do This
kink square filled: Knife Play
dark square filled: Knife Play
Heaven & Hell square filled: Demon!Dean
ship: Demon!Dean x reader
rating: 14+
tags: major character death, forced knife play, 
summery (if applicable): its a surprise….
word count (if applicable):
created for @spnkinkbingo @spndarkbingo @heavenandhellbingo 
also this is for a request brought in by @hawaiianohana15 
A/N: please dont shoot me, but cas doesnt actually stay in heaven for what goes down in this story. im sorry for what im gonna put everyone through. i know for me ive put off writing about this particular thing cause it still gives me nightmares. 
tag: @sweetness47 @alexis-m-kruger
spn kink bingo masterlist  Dark bingo masterlist  heaven and hell masterlist
this was possibly the hardest event of your entire life, the hardest day of your life. the day you witnessed the love of your life get murdered on the eve after your engagement. 
you hadnt the heart to send every single person you had invited a letter saying the wedding was cancelled, hell you didnt have the heart o do anything except sit in your old room and listen to all of Dean’s favorites on repeat. 
after about 4 hours Sam had gotten very very concerned, so he made you some coffee and made you up a plate of food and brought it into your room. the sight he saw when he walked inside was something that made him place the food and drink on your dresser and come engulf you in a huge hug. 
course Dean and Sam wanted to take down Metatron, but of course that didnt go as well as expected for it was then that Metatron stabbed Dean. long story short told to you personally through Sam’s sobs... 
Dean had gotten hold of the first blade again after being bruised and beaten badly in a mortal kombat fight type deal with Metatron.
Metatron stabbing Dean through the heart with an angel blade just as Sam came round the corner and Dean of course turned around. 
Sam helped Dean off the ground and tried to make it out of the warehouse but Dean coughed, said he was proud of them and then breathed his last.
Sam had called out for Cas in a loud scream of pain. about 5 minutes later Cas appeared and became terribly horrified at the sight before him. 
Cas: “what happened?”
Sam: “Metatron killed him, we have to get home.. back to the bunker, to YN she needs to know but no one else can... can you get us and the impala back in one shot or is it needed in 2 trips...”
Cas: “it can be done in 1 shot but how will you tell YN... wont she be crushed?”
that was when Cas realized that Sam was gonna tell you after they got back to the bunker... sam was gonna tell you what happened, tell you that Dean died like  hero... that he went down fighting and that his last thoughts werent of her but he knew he loved you.
Cas: “look Sam i know that YN and Dean were a thing but there is something i have to tell you... about their relationship... but she doesnt know, neither of them did... you can’t tell her...”
Sam now intrigued finds the strength to look away from his brothers corpse. Cas took a deep breath watching as Sam now sat looking at him.
Sam: “cant tell her what?”
Cas: “she and Dean fullfilled the prophecy that Heaven spoke over them, they conceived a child a week before the death of a winchester at the hands of Metatron.”
Sam: “YN’s pregnant?”
Cas: “yes, but there is nothing else that can be done here, lets take this show back to the bunker and see if there is anything that can be done about Dean... ill take us all straight to his room, then ill stay here while you go talk to YN before she finds out on her own about Dean...”
Cas teleports Dean and Sam plus himself back to Deans room in the bunker. you were in the library researching a way to get rid of Metatron that would actually be most effective. you didnt hear the boys talking in Deans room. however you only had this feeling like something wasn’t right. 
it stayed with you heavily as you sat there pouring through the books and every page seemed to make time go by alot slower than it actually was... it wasnt until you flipped the page again that you heard your name being called. this made your head snap up...
you went around the corner and Saw Sam walking towards you... 
Sam: “hey squirt!”
You looked around and didnt see Dean, didnt see your man. you turned your gaze back to Sam who walked closer to you...
YN: “where’s Dean?”
Sam: “YN he was hurt badly... there was an accident, it was a bad one... before i let you see him you need to know he might not come back from this one alive... or if alive he wont be himself... the first blade really did a number on him. but his last concious thoughts were of you... YN he wasnt breathing when Cas got to us... Cas is with him now trying to figure this out, but so far no luck...”
YN: “i have to see his body...”
Sam stepped immediately in front of you stopping your entry to the hallway.
YN: “get out of my way Sam... i have to see his body...”
Sam: “no cause if you go in there your not gonna be able to unsee that...”
YN: “there has to be something we can do...”
Sam: “we will find a way but for now lets leave him alone...”
you went back too the library and cracked a bottle of whiskey... Sam stood around the corner for a few minutes and watched you slowly crumble apart... 
Sam went back to talk to Cas...
Cas: “ive healed his major wounds and slowed the death process... how did she take it...”
Sam: “she has started to drink the whiskey... i dont think she will come back from this...”
Cas: “well lets go make sure she isnt gonna do something stupid...”
Sam & Cas take one more glance at Dean’s body before heading out to the library to find you on the phone just kinda out of their hearing patterns.. it was only but a while later that Crowley texted you that he was outside the bunker...
you went to the door and let him inside... you walked down the stairs with Crowley at your tail... both Sam and Cas stood taking defensive position...
Sam: “Squirt what is he doing here?”
You finished walking down the stairs before you answered...
YN: “he is here to help me save Dean... he says he can save him... ergo that is whats going to happen...”
Cas: “dont do this, we cant trust him...”
Crowley: “look ok i have a soft spot for YN and Dean they have become my new favorite couple... but when word got out downstairs about Metatron having killed Dean. i knew it would be only a matter of time before i got a call from YN, but i also knew i might or might not be able to help.. YN show me where the body is... then ill need a while alone with it... for the way this should go may or may not come with alot of side effects...”
you led Crowley to Dean’s room, opening the door this was your first glance at Deans body... this was the only time other than not but 6 years before when you had lost Dean... to your dismay this time looked much much worse.
YN: “crowley do what you have to... just make sure he comes back to me in one piece...”
Crowley: “ill do my best and let me be the first to say congratulatons!”
you left the room wondering what the hell he meant, but still made your way back to the library... you sat on the couch and waited, waited patiently...
Crowley stands beside Dean placing the first blade in Dean’s right hand and placing both on his chest. 
Crowley: “listen to me Dean Winchester, what you're feeling right now, it's not death. It's life, a new kind of life. Open your eyes, Dean. See what I see. Feel what I feel. And by the way your going to be a father, now lets go take a howl at the moon.”
something stirred, you felt it, you felt the house shake, the entire bunker shook with a violent power... it wasnt but a few moments later that the power went out in the entire bunker... no sound could be heard but something inside you stirred, something felt new, arisen if you would... 
YN: “Sam, Cas are you guys okay?”
Sam and Cas are at your sides immediately! 
Cas: “i dont know but i cant leave my power isnt working...”
Sam: “YN you looked a little stunned a few moments ago... what did you feel?”
You didnt know how to answer that, it was a very strange feeling but being bonded with Dean made things easier. during hunts and stake outs... but now it felt like something went horribly wrong... crowley did however say that there may be side effects... 
YN: “i think whatever Crowley did worked but i dont feel normal Dean i feel a much darker force... if that is why the power went out then we need to lock this place down... now and we need to prepare for the worst... lock it down nothing gets in and nothing gets out...”
you, Sam and Cas all armed yourselves, going down the halls till the tri-fork in the hall... each of you took a hall... Cas came across nothing he stayed near the armory for a few minutes to make sure Dean wouldnt be able to easily access it if he came that way... Sam made it down his hall way to the garage, but obviously with the security locked down and the power outage the garage wouldnt be a good escape route... 
you went down the bedroom hallway, the emergency red lights going down the hallway made it to your room, checked it once and cleared it of being offended... then sam’s room along with Cas’ room.... 
the room at the end of the hall, the one room where you didnt think anything was wrong... the one room where the closer you got the more anger and pain you felt... before you could fully encrouch on the room, the door flung off its hinges... you ducked into the darkened bathroom... 
Demon!Dean: “Sammy, YN, Castiel! where is everyone to greet the brother who has come back from the dead? YN baby come give daddy a kiss...”
Dean now walking towards the bathroom slowly, now sniffs the air... he suddenly becomes ravenous for the being who holds the smell of pumpkin pie. the closer he got to the bathroom, the stronger the smell got. 
Demon!Dean: “come on out Baby.. i dont want to hurt you, but i will if i have to... come on out baby... dont you want to celebrate with me about our child... oh yes i know all about that... you can thank Crowley for that... now im gonna count to 3 if you dont show yourself by the time i get to 3, im gonna hurt you baby, i dont want to but i will...1...”
you didnt know what to do, so you stood there behind the door and didnt realize that you were starting to sweat badly your gun was slipping... before you could even react your gun fell to the ground...
Demon!Dean: “ah so you want to have a bit of bathroom fun hmm... well daddy brought a fun little tool... now lets play...”
with that Demon!Dean stalked into the bathroom forcefully pulling the door shut as he now stood there with you in the creepy red lighting, he stood there with his pocket knife. 
YN: “please dont do this, you dont want to hurt me i know you dont... for the sake of our child... please... i didnt know about my being pregnant D... im just finding out about this... look ok it tore me up to see your body like that, so i called Crowley... i knew when the power went out that you had come back... but i didnt expec...”
before you could say another word, his hand covered your mouth... he gently yet firmly ran the knife over your skin, he pressed down in certain tender spots, like your forearms, your thighs, your chest, as well as your cheeks. before stopping at your neck to lean in to sniff your aroma.. 
Demon!Dean: “you know babe, i never pictured myself as a father... i just realized i never told you what i did in Hell the first time i died... i tortured people, i tortured souls... these people didnt deserve it, but i didnt care, i liked it... now i think i’ll torture you similar to them...”
at that moment with lightning speed he ran the knife through all your clothes till you were standing in your Bra and panties. this made you shiver since it wasnt the man you fell in love with standing before you doing this to you. 
at that moment you felt the knife he was holding go into your skin on your thigh, you buckled at the pain, yet Demon!Dean just laughed with amusement. he ran his hands over your body, feeling you tense and un-tense beneath his touch. 
Demon!Dean: “i still have enough sense to know not to fuck a pregnant woman... but that doesnt mean i cant make you bleed...”
before he could finish cutting you in a few more places, the sound of your name came ringing through the halls. 
Sam: “cas do you see that?”
Cas looks straight ahead at the door on the floor...
Cas: “does that mean he is back?”
Sam: “yes but he doesnt have the strength normally to kick in these door which are reinforced with iron... he would have to...”
thats when it hit Sam like a sack of bricks... the shocked look on his face now said everything he connected the dots and soon realized that whereever Dean was you would be too...
Sam: “Dean or whatever you call yourself.. show yourself now...”
then he turned to Cas and in a low whisper adressed him.
Sam: “ok Cas go down the hall and hide around the corner as soon as he shows himself ill keep his gaze fixed on me, use your teleportation to get directly behind him... go...”
Cas ran to where Sam said but heard the same not so distant voice Sam soon did...
Demon!Dean: “ill be out in a second brother, im just taking a leak... then ill come out and talk...”
Demon!Dean finished making you bleed some more watching your body slide down the wall, weak from blood loss as he opened the bathroom door and exited...
Demon!Dean: “hey Sammy... come give your big brother a hug...”
Sam started to slowly back up seeing the blood covering Dean’s hands and clothes... 
Sam: “where’s YN?”
Demon!Dean: “i wouldnt know your the first one ive seen...”
Sam: “then whose blood are you covered in?”
Demon!Dean: “i found a family of rats and slaughtered them... why do you look so scared bro?”
Sam: “thats not rats blood is it?”
Demon!Dean could only bring off a dark smile... as he followed Sam down the hall and away from the bathroom... Cas took his opportunity to come out from around the corner and go towards the bathroom... where he found you... he took off his trench coat and laid it over you...
Cas: “what did he do to you?”
YN: “he called it knifeplay... i have no idea why he did this but he needs something... he needs a good angelic exorcism...”
Cas: “what do you have in mind?”
you explained to Cas that first you needed to get into some clean clothes of some kind and clean up some of this blood... Cas went to your room and grabbed one of your satin gowns... 
Cas came back seeing you limping... he helped steady you while you got dressed... then he took your arm with his hand... he smiled lightly and doove deep into steadying you before helping you into the direction that he watched Demon!Dean & Sam go in... 
he made sure you were alright before he took off to get into his position... slowly but steadily you made your way down the hall... to the sound of running footsteps and the sound of something breaking...
Demon!Dean: “Sam come on lets not play these games... why do you hide from your older brother...”
you steadied yourself and held the colt up high...
YN: “Demonic force that resides within Dean Winchester... i address the entity within thee... please dont make me do this...”
Demon!Dean turns to face you slowly after stopping in his tracks...
Demon!Dean: “YN baby i see you have managed to get up off the floor and clean yourself up... darling you really should be more careful with that, since when did i give you permission to touch that gun...”
YN: “you didnt i took it from your hiding place when i got up off the floor... you need to make sure that you pick better hiding spots...”
Demon!Dean: “and you need to make sure not to snoop...”
YN: “dont make me do this...”
you stayed tall and strong keeping the Colt trained on Dean...
Demon!Dean: “now now babe put the gun down... put it down or take your shot...”
you started to slowly put the gun down but then he charged towards you, Cas came out behind Dean and wrapped his arms around him from behind... 
you took your shot, you shot Dean while he was in the arms of Cas, you watched between Cas’ angelic grace and the bullet from the colt the demonic energy that was within Dean now blinked away... now within the eyes of the man before you, blinked between the demonic force within and the Dean you fell in love with.
Cas: “ready YN im gonna keep holding onto him while you enact the final part of your plan... anytime now...”
that was your cue, you tossed the colt in the air running towards the man who stole your heart a thousand times over... you kissed him, he didnt react right away it was about 5 minutes into the kiss that he started to kiss you back...
thats when Cas let go, it made you feel normal to be back in Dean’s embrace... once the kiss broke you took him over to the security station you had set up and showed him all of what happened... 
Dean: “i know that i wasn’t myself but i hurt you, i hurt the one person who means the world to me... i’m so sorry YN... you don’t deserve a guy like me... i’m a worthless piece of shit... to top it all off, we are expecting a baby... we are expecting i don’t know if i’m ready to be a father...”
YN: “i know your gonna do wonderful as a father, and i also know that when i saw you basically dead, it tore me apart, i dipped so far into the whiskey that i almost blacked out, if the power hadnt gone out, i wouldn’t be awake right now...”
Cas and Sam come back into the room making sure that it was safe first... then Sam took it upon himself to hand Dean his jacket, to which made you look with confusion but you didnt make anything of it.
Sam: “good luck buddy...”
you grab 3 glasses & the whiskey, while the charade continues... but wasnt expecting what happened next...
Dean: “dont touch your glass of whiskey yet.... YN there is something i wish to discuss with you first...”
You stared at Dean curiousity swimming in your mind... Dean took a small swig of his whiskey before he continued to speak...
Dean: “YN in all my years together never have i ever been so amazed by anyone. you’re strong, brave, talented, one of the best with a machete ive ever seen, i never would have seen myself being with someone who is as lovely and smart as you... YN i know we have just been through hell and back and both need a really good shower, but will you do me the incredible honor of marrying me and making me the luckiest man alive...”
YN: “yes yes yes...”
thats when Dean opened the ring box out of his jacket and slid the expensive but not expensive ring on your finger... the toasting lasted for 30 minutes before the cuts on your body cloted, and the blood on Dean crusted, but it was about time when you spoke again...
YN: “Dean no offense but you need a shower...”
Dean: “funny darling i could say the exact same thing about you....”
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ravens-rambling · 5 years
It’s time Thomas stops running
A/N: Hey so I got inspired randomly and wrote this. I’m not even sure if this is cannonly how it went down in the au but I was thinking of Spiderverse’s Peter and how he was scared to have kids with MJ, so he ran. Again not sure if this is something Thomas would actually do or not but idk. Also, I just realized this is my first fic with the perspective of Thomas! Would you look at that! Hopefully, I got MJ’s character right XD 
Spiderverse Au belongs to @sugarglider9603 and @ask-spiderverse-virgil
summary: Thomas ran. He's run before and now he’s doing it again. He can’t help it, but last time...last time it ended a friendship. A relationship. And now he’s worried that once again he’ll ruin it. Can one of his sons calm him down enough to face his fears? Or will he run until he can’t run anymore... and find that once again he is alone? 
WC: 2,49
ships: uuhhh idk what the ship name for Thomas and MJ is so yeah, Platonic LAMP, mentions of RED 
warnings: Crying, hurt/comfort, mentions of anxiety attacks, mentions of breakup, 
Tag List: @punsterterry @frostedlover @stormcrawler75 @mutechild @mycatshuman @panicattheeverywhere15 @thewinterbookqueen @analogical-mess   @saddestlittlebabe
Oh, he screwed up, he screwed up badly. Now he’s screwed up a lot of things in his life. Let’s…not go down that gigantic list. The point is right here, right now, he messed up. And he’s not sure if he can fix it this time.
It’s been an issue for a while now if he had to be honest. It’s why his previous boyfriend broke up with him really. But recently it was brought up again and he’s not ready to face it yet again. He’s just not. Sure he has more of a support group going for him this time. But that just means there is more on the line.
More to be scared about. More to worry.
What is the thing he’s oh so worried about?
MJ wants to have a kid.
Now, now, he knows what you’re thinking. Oh, won’t that be good? That would mean taking it to the next step right? MJ loves you that much that he wants to share the love you two have.
That’s not the point.
The point is…is that he’s Spiderman. He’s a hero.
Which means he has a lot of villains that would love to hurt him and anybody he cares about. Also…hes not sure he’s ready for that.
If he had to be honest with himself…he's scared. Scared that he won’t make a good father. Scared that he screwed it up and hurts the kid or MJ, even more than he has right now of course. Scared that this kid would be dragged into his problems. Scared for so so many things.
He’s not sure he can take that on.
Now, of course, he does have well, sort of, four kids now. But he’s trained them well they know how to handle themselves if push comes to shove. But this kid? This kid would be defenseless. This kid won’t know anything about defending itself. MJ, on the other hand, …well he’s MJ he knows full well how to take care of himself. But would he be able to defend their kid if something happens and he can’t get there in time?
He’s not sure…
Now he is not doubting MJ at all. He is strong. Stronger than Thomas could ever dream of being. He has dealt with so much over his life that it puts Thomas’s life to shame. That’s not his worry his worry is the fact that his enemies are supervillains which means they have powers.
No matter how strong MJ is he isn’t superpowered strong.
And heaven forbid if something happens to MJ and their kid? Oh… He doesn’t know if he can take it. It would crush him. Worse than losing the kiddos. Worse than losing himself. He just…can't do that. He can’t risk that.
So what did he do? He ran.
Just like the last time this happened. He ran with his tail between his legs and didn’t look back.
Go on you can say it, he knows it, he’s a coward. A coward that is too scared to face the music. A coward who always runs. A coward who can’t even face his emotions. All he does is run. Run from bad guys. Run from love. Run from a slim chance at a happy life for him. Run from a family.
The last guy he was with…didn’t like that. He didn’t like that he ran and kept running. No… He got tired eventually and kissed their relationship goodbye.
That’s what’s gonna happen with the two right? MJ will realize he is tired of running after him, tired of making sacrifices for a guy that’s not worth the trouble, and finally, move on. Maybe it’s for the best… Maybe…this love thing won’t work out, in the end, no matter what he does…
Yeah… Maybe not…
Thomas glanced down to his phone with another sigh, the same ringtone he has for MJ filling the night air. He breathed out as he ran a hand through his hair and looked back out to the city lights, ignoring it.
Eventually, he’ll get tired of chasing after him…
“There you are.”
With dark, tired, almost teary eyes he looked over his shoulder to see the familiar figure of a white dressed teen with his hoodie up… Virgil…
Maybe he’ll get tired of him eventually too, right?
Maybe he’ll realize he isn’t such a good mentor or dad figure… Maybe they all will realize that someday. Cause that’s what he is… A disappointment.
“Dude? Dude, Earth to Thomas.”
Thomas jumped as he blinked and suddenly Virgil was a lot closer than before but he still kept his distance, thankfully. Slowly Virgil smiled and walked closer to him, and even more slowly took a seat beside him his feet dangling off the edge.
And with that, he took off his mask letting the hood fall down and looked over to Thomas with a small smile his hair all over the place and a worried look in his dark brown eyes, “What’s up, dad? MJ is pretty worried after you stormed off. Well, actually that’s an understatement more like frantically calling between all our phones and yelling our ears off when we pick up.”
His heart pricked with worry and anger at himself at hearing how frantic MJ is. He’s never like that even when he isn’t home after a few nights…
Yeah… A runner…
“It’s just…” He sighed and looked back towards the city breathing in and out. Virgil was silent as he gathered up his thoughts. Thankfully he didn’t look at him as he did so simply looking out at the city as well. They sat there for a few minutes enjoying the silence. Until Thomas broke it again.
“You know I love you guys right?”
“Yeah? Like kids yes we know.”
“Do… Do you know why I broke it off with my last boyfriend?”
“He wasn’t good enough for you?”
“No… No that wasn’t it… Not at all…”
He took a shaky breath. Guess he’ll have to actually say it. He’s never really talked about this, not to a single soul…
“The reason was…he wanted to have kids… A-And I got scared. I got scared cause I knew the risks and I wasn’t ready. I’m still not…”
“And MJ wanted that? To have kids?”
“Yeah… That’s what he wanted to talk about. He thought we could adopt. Even showed me some pictures of these cute kids from that nice orphanage but it just… I’m still not ready, Virgil. I don’t think I’ll ever be. And that’s not fair for MJ. He deserves better he deserves-”
“Now I’m gonna stop you right there, dad.”
The serious tone of the teen made Thomas whip towards him. He’s never heard Virgil this serious before. And oh boy the spark that went through the kid's eyes. Yep, he’s deadly serious.
“First off, self-deprecation is my thing. Don’t go stealing my thing. Second off, this is MJ. He will understand more than you know trust me, okay? He’s not like the last guy. If you are serious about never wanting kids MJ will never leave you just for that, you got it? MJ isn’t like that and never will be. Third off, who says you won’t be a good dad? I mean you have four teens right? And yes,” He cut off Thomas as he opened his mouth, “with you being a superhero and everything there are even more risks. But honestly… Thomas,” His eyes grew teary at this one and he breathed out.
“You are the best dad anybody can ask for. You are the best boyfriend anybody can ask for. Most importantly,” He paused at this and smiled reaching forward to touch Thomas’s leg, “You are the best friend anybody could ask for.”
Oh… Oh dear…
Before Thomas could even help it or realize what he was doing he started crying hard. Tears tore down his cheeks. And before he could stop himself he lunged at Virgil his arms wrapping around the thin male as he sobbed harshly.
“There, there dad. It’s gonna be alright. Oh and I forgot to mention, this kid, they won’t have just you and MJ protecting them. They will have all four of us, I’m sure even Dolion, Remy, and Emile, will be on their asses if they so much as touch your kid. Understand?”
That made Thomas cry even harder. All his fears all his worries Virgil just presented on the table and he cleared through every one of them. He didn’t know where his son got so intelligent but oh boy was it something. Even he was impressed…
Yeah… He was impressed with his son.
They spent what felt like hours up on that tall building the background of the city and his cries the only thing that filled the air. Virgil holding him the entire time even rocking them gently and playing with Thomas' hair to ground him… Just like what he does during one of Virgil’s attacks…
Until finally his sobs quieted down until it was just hiccups. Very slowly he started breathing back to his normal self again.
“You okay there?”
“Y-Yeah… Sorry for crying on you.”
“Hey, 'tis payback for all the times I’ve cried on you. So we’re good now.”
Thomas chuckled as he drew away from their hug grimacing as he saw all the tears and snot on Virgil’s outfit, “Sorry about that. I’ll do the laundry this time.”
Virgil looked down and chuckled waving his hand, “No, it’s fine dad. I’m serious. Also, your laundry detergent isn’t very good anyways. I’ll take at least three loads to get this out if I leave it to you.”
“Yep… Sounds about right,” He laughed as he wiped his eyes then sighed again.
“Thank you, Virge… For all of that… It meant a lot to me.”
“Yeah, sure whatever. Don’t tell Roman I got all sentimental I’ll never hear the end of it. Now,” He put back on his mask as he stood up. Thomas glanced up to see him extending a hand and though he couldn’t see his lips he could tell he was smiling.
With his own smile, he took it and stood up.
“You have a boyfriend to talk to,” And with that, he did his signature two-fingered wave and ran off the side of the building. Thomas watched as he slingshotted through the night air.
He supposes he does…
With new found energy in his eyes, he put on his mask and started making his way towards MJ's place. Though before he does he's got to make one detour…
Once he got to his door he breathed out a nervous breath. Would MJ be angry at him for just leaving quickly like that? Would he forgive him for just bailing? Oh, maybe this was a mistake… Maybe-
The door opened and his heart skipped a beat as he saw the familiar orange curls and his freckled face, though his heart stopped for a completely other reason when he saw the tear stains going down that same freckled cheeks.
“Thomas! Oh god. I was so worried,” And before Thomas could even take a breath again he was practically tackled to the floor in a hug and his eyes pricked with tears once again, “Don’t ever do that again! I thought you were mad at me! Or worse that you got hurt somewhere since you weren’t answering any of our calls. Oh god were you hurt? Please tell me you weren’t hurt. Oh god-”
“MJ. MJ, I’m fine I promise,” Thomas chuckled.
“Good… Okay… You don’t look like your injured… Yeah…” Now he was backing up from the hug tears still coming down. Then he huffed and smacked his arm playfully and gently.
“Ow! What was that for?”
“For making me worry you selfish little prick! I thought you were angry at me and never coming back. God… Thomas, I thought I would never see you again…”
And if that didn’t break Thomas' heart he didn’t know what would. He felt like his heart was bleeding as he gulped.
“Well… Virgil helped me… And… We have something to discuss… Well, a lot of things but first…” He showed the huge flower bouquet that was hidden behind his back, it was covered with different colors of roses. All the colors of the rainbow. He smiled as he waited for the others reaction as he mumbled, “This is for making you worried. I’m sorry.”
MJ gasped loudly and started crying even harder which caused Thomas to suddenly get worried all over again.
“No, wait! You're not supposed to cry! Why are you crying? Do you not like it? I can return it! I just thought-”
“Shut up you gay disaster and kiss me.”
“Wait what-”
Before he could finish his sentence lips smacked against his with a loud thud noise. Thomas slowly closed his eyes as he wrapped his arms around MJs waist. They leaned into each other as the kiss ticked by. And slowly all the tension and nervousness that engulfed Thomas bones just a moment ago evaporated just like that. MJ wasn’t mad with him.
He came chasing after him…
And just as soon as the kiss started it ended and they both looked at each other their eyes sparkling with energy for each other. And they smiled and giggled.
“Okay, pretty boy get inside so we can talk and so I can put these roses in a vase. I’m sure the neighbors would love to hear more of our little conversation.”
“Yeah… That sounds lovely.”
With that MJ took Thomas free hand and led him inside. They certainly did have a lot to talk about, but Thomas wasn’t as scared or worried about it as before. He felt a certain calm through his body as he stepped into the house and closed the door.
Yeah...He's not running again.
“Did he go in?”
“Yes, Roman, he went in.”
“He did? Yay! I was so worried about him.”
“Yes, Pat you won’t shut up about it. Can we please get out of this bush now? Roman, you are on top of me.”
“Oh, hush nerd. You complain too much.”
“Now now boys don’t argue. Yes, Lo-Lo we can leave now.”
“Thank god.”
As the two teens left one grumbling while the other yelled at him the pastel wearing teen paused in his tracks.
“Nice work. I knew you could do it.”
“Thanks, Pat.”
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shulto-masusdesus · 4 years
The Cryptid Machine [BNHA AU: Chapter 1]
Time for the cryptid machine to go wild
(this is my writing sideblog btw)
i havent written anything else in days. i pushed for it so hard. 7k in three days and its just one chapter lol, fuck (i mean i wasnt writing anything else anyway so im glad i was productive at least thanks for giving me something to do lol)
But it was also fun
I accidentally really made them into the scooby-doo gang and honestly its the best thing ive ever done unintentionally. They just fit so well
@kawaiipotatuh @vango-bango and @sooske yo hi yall said you wanted to read it so i wrote it
sorry sooske i didnt get to shiga in this chapter but hes comin,,,,this is gonna be chaptered so he’ll definitely be in this soon. definitely plot relevant because i love shiggy. 
anyway A/N over time for the story
Rating: T for language and fantasy violence (no nsfw this time this is group friend story)
tags in the tags. some body horror because cryptid-related creepiness yknow. and major character death later on so yknow
if i missed anything tell me, okay now time for the story <3
Izuku, frankly, was stunned.
“I thought it was just a hobby!”
“A hobby?” Shouto threw back what looked to be his thirtieth Five-Hour Energy, pouring syrup on the pancakes Izuku brought without paying much attention. They were more syrup than pancake at this point, but that was hardly priority at the moment. “A hobby?”
The giant frog sitting on the table between them blinked its left eye, and then the right, after a little delay. Izuku shuddered. Too much frog, too close, too much detail. Very scaly and slimy and bumpy. Frogs were not supposed to be big. But it was easily bigger than his head, almost the size of his torso.
“How did you get it in here?”
“Thawed crickets.” Shouto raised an eyebrow, as if having frozen crickets stored for a time such as this was normal and expected. Like a madman consumed by his own craft, he picked up a syrup-coated pancake with his own two hands, and bit into it. Then he looked at the mess with mild surprise, a gaze that read “What the fuck is this? Where did all this syrup come from?” Izuku didn’t have the heart to answer him. “…You’re underestimating me.”
Izuku shut his eyes, sucked in a breath, rubbing his temples. “So. You found this frog in the woods behind your house. You just so happened to have a pack of frozen crickets-”
“No, that’s not what happened,” Shouto leaned forward, elbows on the table, the plate of pancakes Izuku brought ruined and pushed to the side, with that damned cursed light in his eyes he got when he was about to tell a story, dive head-first into a theory, or conjure up a new way to ditch work. “I’ve been hunting this frog for months. I learn about many creatures when researching,”
Scrolling r/cryptids, Izuku thought. And various other unspeakable 2chan threads and dark web sites. He sighed. Those pancakes were better than usual, too...he managed to remember to use less butter…he forgot that all the time…if he was going to make pancakes in the middle of the night, they may as well be good...what was Shouto talking about? Oh yeah, the frog.
“-and I encountered this post about a kappa sighting. It was confusing, and I almost wrote it off as another incident of someone just seeing something very mundane in the wrong light - until I recognized the location of the sighting.” There it was, Shouto’s rare grin, a look very reminiscent of the cat that finally caught the mouse. “…Heartstone Lake, on the park side of the woods.”
The giant frog grumbled. Loudly. Its chest puffed a little and Izuku felt a wild fear for what a real croak would sound like. This thing was huge. “Uhm, yeah? And?”
“So I went and checked it out.” He went over to his Wall, pointing to photo after photo, and Izuku hummed along, suddenly very, very worried about this frog in the Todoroki’s basement. This could end in many ways, and a very loud croak waking up his dad would be one of the worse ones. “Found tracks. Tracks, Izuku. You have to understand - nobody ever finds tracks.”
Izuku nodded. “Crazy.” He said, noticing how the frog’s eye was starting to slowly roll around, as if looking, scanning its surroundings. He was a little bit more than freaked out. He really had thought that this was just an interest of Shouto’s. Not something he was actually going to pursue, and that it produced a very crypid-like thing, a real result? A part of him wanted to go home and go back to bed, before Shouto decided to find a demon from hell or something. Or before the frog turned out to be a demon from hell. “…Did you do a steak-out?”
“Yes. Many steak-outs.” Shouto sighed, rubbing his face. “For…six weeks. Every night and every spare minute I could get. Along with a camera live feed setup. Only today did I actually see something, and once I did, I didn’t let it get away.” His smile was so wholesome, but the fruit of his labor was probably a harbinger of the void. Izuku was torn between supporting his friend and self-preservation.
Izuku decided to call the two people who would help back him up in whatever answer was the right one. The guardian angels, Tenya and Ochako. Because he needed help.
“I’m gonna call Tenya and Ochako.”
To Izuku’s bewilderment, Shouto deflated, smile dying, abruptly concerned. Izuku sputtered, pausing in pulling his phone out of his pocket. “What?! Do you not want them to know, or-?!”
With a sigh, Shouto grumbled, “Tenya…You know what he’d say.”
Izuku rolled his eyes. “It’s probably what you need to hear, really. Monster or not, this frog doesn’t belong indoors. We could get money for it, and what if it’s a new species or something-”
The other boy sighed. “Fine, whatever-”
The underside of the frog’s throat started expanding. Izuku watched in mute horror as it opened its mouth, and released a croak.
It was louder than Izuku expected. Very much so. His ears were left ringing from the rumbling warble, but that was hardly the biggest problem. There was a lot of thudding and yelling going on upstairs, in the upper levels of the Todoroki household; the family converging in on Shouto’s basement for whatever that definitely inhumane noise was.
Shouto’s dad was the strictest father around, and didn’t allow Shouto to have friends over on weeknights, nevermind late at night; since Izuku, an unapproved friend, basically snuck into the house on a weeknight at the unholy hour of three in the morning, he was breaking many, many rules.
And a giant fucking frog on the table in the middle of the room also would do more than raise a few eyebrows.
Shouto, however, was prepared. He pushed a mysterious white jar across the table to him, and pointed to the basement awning window. “I’ll help,” He said. “It’s actually not all that heavy.”
“Shouto! What was that?! What are you doing in there, it’s three in the morning on a school night-!”
There was his father. However, aside from the actual basement door lock, Shouto secretly installed about six extra locks, so he wasn’t getting in any time soon. “Studying, Dad,” Shouto said, heaving the massive, slimy frog off the table. He nailed he tired, annoyed, exasperated tone perfectly. Izuku opened the jar, and forced down a squeak - mushy, wet, dead crickets. “There’s a science tomorrow, I want to make sure I’m ready.”
His dad went quiet, which was his “you’re probably lying, but finding out the truth is more effort than I’m willing to put in at the moment” response. Izuku’s been witness to it a lot, as this is far from the first time he’s been a Master Lock away from getting caught. Shouto gave Izuku a look, frog in hand, as he opened the small window.
“Studying at such an…early hour is counter-productive. Get to bed, Shouto.”
“Alright.” Izuku shimmied out the window, onto the grass outside, and cringed as he opened the jar and gently picked up a soggy cricket corpse. With some difficulty, Shouto shoved the fat mass of jiggling skin through the awning, and Izuku pulled it the rest of the way out.
“Don’t let it out of your sight,” Shouto mouthed, scowling a little. Most likely because he was forced to get rid of his first find. Weird giant frog or not, it was really important to Shouto, so he couldn’t lose track of it-
The frog grumbled, and started hopping off.
“Get it!” Shouto hissed, and Izuku ran after it.
It wasn’t as fast as he thought. He caught up to it easily, and offered it a few crickets to bribe it into sitting still for a moment. Shouto’s window shut, and tense yelling ensued; Shouto buying time so he could hide incriminating evidence. His dad probably heard them.
An awkward ten minutes passed. Routinely, Izuku dropped a cricket or two, and the frog stayed put. Eventually, Shouto opened the window again, glaring.
“Take it to your house,” He said. “God knows I’m not gonna get away with hiding it here.” And he shut the window.
“So,” Izuku said, to the monster frog, dropping a couple more crickets. Its tongue flicked out to grab them, and honestly, Izuku feared for his safety. “I guess you’re coming to my place?”
 Step one; get it onto his bike.
His basket was definitely big enough for the frog. He could probably stop every couple minutes to feed it a cricket so it wouldn’t struggle too much while he was on the road. It wouldn’t end well for either of them if it decided to upset the balance of the bike on the road.
He lugged the frog into the basket - it really wasn’t as heavy as it looked - and gave it a few crickets before locking the lid. Step two; get it home. That was the easy part.
The ride was mostly uneventful. The route was mostly muscle memory, so it wasn’t hard to hyperfocus on every odd rustle and bump on the back of his bike. He stopped to feed it about five times, and each time its tongue lashed out harder and faster. His fight-or-flight instinct begged him to run away from the very real monster frog on the back of his bike. He channeled the energy into maintaining cadence. If Shouto wasn’t his best friend, and wouldn’t probably murder him if he lost it, he would’ve let the frog hop into the woods when it tried to.
Finally, he reached his plain suburban neighborhood. He considered stopping at Kacchan’s house, but he’d probably kill the frog on sight, so he couldn’t rely on him for moral support. Time to call Ochako up for an early-morning napover. She said “anytime”, right?
Step three; get it to his room. His backyard didn’t have a fence, and he didn’t have a basement, and even if his mom didn’t have a panic attack when she saw the frog, she would definitely tell him to get it out of the house. Any rational person would, really. So. Hiding it in his bedroom was the only choice.
Mom never got out of bed past midnight, so it was easy to trudge inside, to his room, and to lock the door behind him. Then the frog leapt from his arms, and hopped its slimy body onto his bed. Ew. Time to call Ochako.
As promised, she answered by the fourth ring. “…Yaeah…Deku…?”
“Uhm, come to my house?” Izuku chuckled nervously. “Shouto found…uh, a giant frog, but he couldn’t keep it at his house, so I’m keeping it at mine. I need a little moral support?”
“...” Ochako sighed, a very, very long sigh. “...”
“Shouto found a giant frog-”
“A WHAT?!”
It took Ochako all of fifteen minutes to get to his place, on foot. She took the short route to his room - through his window - and gawked at the frog for another five minutes, school backpack and sleeping bag falling from her hands.
“He - really?!”
She stared at it for a long, long time. It grumbled again. Izuku felt a sinking feeling.
“It’s - a giant frog.”
“And…he just…?”
“No, he said he’d been looking for it for the past six weeks.”
“So that’s why he’s been passing out in class?”
“Yeah, I think so.”
Ochako stared at the frog. “I thought it was all…”
“He flipped out a little when I said I thought it was just a hobby.” He ran his fingers through his hair with a huff. “This is really important to him.”
“Well…” She mumbled, eyes wide. “We may as well…take good care of it. H…how do you get a frog to go to sleep? Don’t frogs need heat lamps? How do we take care of a frog - a giant frog-” She stomped her foot. “Did Shouto think about this at all?”
She looked at Izuku. He raised an eyebrow in return. And she fell into giggles. “Yeah,” She said. “Let’s get it in front of a heater?”
Izuku left the room, running down to the hall closet to get a heater; on his way back, Ochako suddenly screamed.
He ran to his room, and to his horror, the frog was, for lack of a better term, erupting. Blowing up like a balloon. Ochako shoved him out of the doorway, into the hall, and slammed the door shut.
“What is going on here?” Oh, his mom was up now, rushing down the hall with concern. “What happened? Ochako, very…nice to see you, but at this hour? What’s happening?”
The two teens were speechless. They looked to each other for answers, but found nothing there but shock and general horror. Tentatively, Ochako cracked the door back open.
The frog was splayed about thinly like a shed bag. Sitting on Izuku’s bed now, instead, was a girl with long green hair. And also very naked, the frog broke open and was now a naked girl-
Confusion ensued. Mom screamed a little, shocked by the frog flash bag, and Ochako and Deku screamed because the frog was gone and Shouto was now on the list of people who wanted them dead; then his mom ran in, bringing the blanket up around the girl with shaking hands and firing off questions one after another, and Izuku screamed louder because he realized that somehow the frog became the girl - Ochako screamed louder, because she realized that with Shouto’s internet skill and wide range of information sources, there was no way to hide from him.
“Izuku, who is this?! Why is she naked?!” Mom turned to him with an unfamiliar demanding tone. “Explain! Now!”
“I don’t…!” Izuku was, completely, lost. “I don’t know…! I think - she was-!?”
Ochako stopped screaming, and said, “We don’t know! She - the frog - it exploded and - it was a frog before-!”
“A frog!?” Mom shouted - his mom never shouted. Izuku felt like reality was fraying at the seams. “What-”
Everything stopped. Ochako stopped. His mom stopped. Izuku felt like he suddenly lost the ability to breathe, like someone clicked ‘end task’ on his lungs and his panicking head.
The girl’s eyes were very, very big, an expression of pure confusion and shock on her face. “RIBBIT!” She screeched, again.
“R…’ribbit’…?” Mom said, weakly. “What do you mean…?”
“...” The girl stared at Mom with a wild lack of recognition. Not just that she didn’t know who Mom was; she had no idea what she was seeing at all and was completely lost. Izuku was almost as lost, really. “Ribbit…”
Ochako swayed lightly, gripping Izuku’s arm. “S-so - the frog was there before - did she come out of the frog…?!”
Izuku looked at the frog flesh and slime splayed on his bed. “…P…probably…”
His mom’s expression faded from extreme shock and confusion, to general surprise. “Izuku, Ochako, please explain - what is this mess - who is she-”
“I don’t know!” Izuku burst, shaking a little. “I don’t know! It was a frog before and now its a girl and Shouto didn’t tell me and I don’t know-”
“Izuku, baby, calm down,” Mom quickly crossed the room to him, softly taking his hands. “It’s okay, I’m sorry I yelled. I’m sorry. Let’s have some tea, and we’ll talk about it, okay?”
 Tea with a splash of honey was always good. It warmed him down to his core. The girl seemed to also be enjoying it, if her regular sips were any indicator. Even if she was a bit tentative, slow, testing about it, each time.
His mom sighed heavily. “So, according to your story, she’s…”
Ochako hummed. “Yeah. I don’t believe it either. We should call Shouto.”
“He’d love this,” Izuku mumbled, staring into his tea. “He probably knows what…she is. I certainly don’t.”
“...Well,” Mom glanced at the girl. She had a permanent frown on her face. “We’ll deal with this tomorrow. Today, we’ll…well, It’s already five, isn’t it?”
Izuku dropped his head onto the table. “One hour. Please. I want sleep. I didn’t sleep at all.”
“Ditto,” Ochako also dropped her head, with a heavy thud. “No sleep. At all. I almost was asleep, but then Deku called…”
“’S alright….I wouldn’t wanna miss this.” She huffed a laugh. “Somehow, I’m glad I saw it live.”
Mom sighed again, sounding old. “Okay,” She said. “You only have about two hours, though. Remember, you both promised you would ride to school this year.”
Izuku groaned, muffling himself on the wood table. Ochako also whined. The girl watched the both of them curiously.
His mom agreed to watch the girl while they napped; Izuku was so not sleeping in his bed, so he took Mom’s bed instead. Ochako splayed out over one half of the king-sized bed while Izuku took up one third, sharing it because his mom’s bed was wonderful.
It was, without a doubt, the worst nap of his life. Because just as he was getting settled in and kind of almost sleeping, the six o’clock alarm on Mom’s bedside table buzzed loudly. Along with the knee Ochako unconsciously jammed halfway up his ass and her loud drool-snore-choke-drowning, he kind of wanted to die, to get some real sleep. The reason why he stopped sleeping in the same bed as Uraraka Ochako came back to him. Violently, in the form of a foot mysteriously journeying its way up his pants. She was just the weirdest sleeper.
He untangled himself from the covers and Ochako and trudged down the hall. He went to his room, intent on grabbing a shower before school.
He grabbed his clothes from his closet and was on his way to the bathroom before he suddenly recalled what happened last night. Where the fuck was that girl-
He ran around the house, looking for her and Mom - the car was gone from the driveway. His mom had work early in the day, so that was normal, but the girl was still nowhere to be seen. Where was she?!
He texted his mom urgently, and she responded, I left her at home. She should be there with you. Have a good day at school <3
One, was he really going to just leave her at home all day? And two, she was absolutely nowhere to be seen. He checked the kitchen, the living room, all the closets, both bedrooms, and their house was one floor and small as fuck, so there wasn’t many places to hide. She was gone.
And then Ochako screamed. Izuku could probably guess where frog girl was.
He ran to Mom’s room, and there she was, Ochako standing on the bed in a martial arts defensive position with frog girl sitting on the floor, blinking cluelessly, now dressed in spare clothes Ochako left here. But she still had such an alien air around her that it felt like the clothes didn’t quite fit her. She confounded Izuku on every level.
Izuku was cobbling together some way to react to the situation when his phone started ringing. He answered.
“Is the frog okay?”
Shouto. Izuku felt a range of emotions, from relief to joy to murderous intent to numbness. “…It turned into a person, Shouto. A girl. Did you know this would happen!?”
A silence passed.
“...S-sorry, I…”
“Shouto, are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine, I just…” He sniffed faintly. “I wanted to see it.”
“You knew it would happen?!”
“No, but I had a feeling. Part of the witness reports described a frog standing on two legs like a person, and even people with frog-like features, y’know, like a person, but a frog.” Shouto sighed. “So either it was just one creature that could shapeshift to varying levels of frog to humanoid, or it was many creatures that were all varying levels of frog to humanoid. Like kappas or something.” Something tapped rhythmically in the background. “I wished I could’ve seen the shift. Do you still have the shed skin?”
“For what, Shouto,” Izuku was, frankly, pretty fed up. The frog girl was now on top of Ochako and very closely watching her, scanning her features. “What are you going to do with a giant frog flesh bag, Shouto.”
“Shouto! You’re missing the-”
“Fine!” The other boy huffed roughly. “I’m gonna call Mei and cash in a debt to use her research facilities.”
“Shouto, I love you, but you have a C in chemistry. But that’s beside the-”
“She’s going to examine the frog skin, okay?! That’s it! Sorry I don’t have a genetics lab in my fucking basement!”
Izuku tried to be exasperated, but he ended up fighting back a smile. “N-no, Shouto, that’s not - I - whatever Mei has to do with it, it’s a nasty sack of frog skin, Shouto. I was talking more as in, ‘it’s absurd that you would want it, so why’, not ‘you don’t have the means to do anything with it, so why’.”
Shouto went quiet. “…” It was a long, self-depreciating quiet.
“Look,” Izuku said, smile fading, because fuck, Shouto drove him crazy sometimes. “Get your ass over here and help me decide what we’re going to do about her. She can’t stay here while we’re at school all day, can she?”
“I don’t see why not,” Shouto mumbled. “Can’t take her to school. Can’t let her loose.”
“Shouto, you have the skin, basically, so you have a model of what the crypid frog looks like, right? And proof?”
“Yeah. That’s the best part.”
“So do we really need to keep her?” Izuku watched as the girl tried to lick Ochako with a freakishly long tongue. Being a reasonable human being, the brown-haired girl was scrambling away before she made contact. “She’s…well, I mean, endangered species preservation, right? And - I dunno, what’re we gonna keep her for? She looks like a person, kind of…it’d be weird. Morally.”
“...How human does she seem?”
“One hundred percent. She has big eyes, but that can be passed off as a feature, y’know?” Ochako ran to the doorway - the girl opened her mouth wide, tongue flicking out, and it reached all the way across the room, wrapping around Ochako’s waist and pulling her back in. Izuku flinched as his friend shrieked. “…But her tongue is super long and weird, like a frog’s, and she currently has captured Ochako with it.”
“...Well, human meat doesn’t sit well with frogs, so she isn’t going to try to eat her. Unless she’s an adventurous type or something. I mean, she is a monster, so she’s probably full of surprises. Don’t trust her.” Shouto laughed, like this was a joke. Izuku didn’t find it very funny...How did he know that human meat doesn’t sit well with frogs…?
Ochako was released once she was dragged close enough for the girl to grab her. “So we’re just gonna leave her in my house for the day.”
“There are hazards everywhere, Shouto.”
“She’ll probably be fine.”
“But what if my Xbox isn’t, Shouto? What if she burns my house down, Shouto? What if she breaks my Xbox Shouto-”
“Forget about your Xbox,” Shouto snapped. Izuku gasped loudly. “It’ll be fine. She won’t mess with anything. I think. And like you said, if she escapes, it isn’t that bad. As long as the skin is still there, she exists. That’s all I need. I have to take a shower before school, I smell like black coffee and steroids. Later.”
And there he went. Almost angrily, Izuku pocketed his phone and said, “H-hey!”
Frog girl looked at Izuku boredly. “Help me,” Ochako begged, held captive by the two arms around her waist. Izuku debated the pros and cons of tearing her away from the literally mutant creature. What was the likelihood of survival?
“We have an hour before we meet up with Shouto,” Izuku stated flatly. “I’m taking a shower first.”
“No!” In a flash, Ochako twisted free of her bindings and was out of the room, and zooming down the hall. “You take all the hot water!”
Izuku sighed. Frog girl, covered in her own hair like she was drowning in it, stared at him with wide green eyes. He averted his gaze, nervously.
“U-uh, hi,” He said. Wow, could he be any more awkward? Well, she wasn’t human, so it wasn’t like she’d pick up on any of human societal nuances-
She said. She fucking said. She said?! She said. She talked. She said words. She said ‘hi’. Whoawhoawhoa - it had to be simple parroting, it had to be just-
“Where did she go.”
Izuku felt the inexplicable urge to cry. “Wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-”
Frog girl stared at Izuku, eyes peeking between strands of hair with a strange light. “Where is she.”
She stood up, and walked past him with halting, almost jerking steps. She left the room, and looked one way, then the other. “…”
“O-O-Ochako?!” Izuku felt like curling up in a corner and sobbing wildly. He felt like he just looked into the void and it talked back to him. He felt a number of things, and all of them involved some level of existential terror. “Sh-she’s i-in the sh-shower…D-don’t-”
She was already on her way down the hallway. Izuku didn’t really think upsetting this being of mysterious and potentially reality-breaking power was a good idea. Technically, she was another girl, so it wouldn’t be that weird for her to walk in on Ochako, right? Uh.
Right on cue, Ochako screamed. Izuku groaned. By finding this cursed being, Shouto effectively turned his life upside down. For better or worse was yet to be seen. But from how Ochako was currently fighting frog girl out of her shower, it was probably for worse. Would his life ever go back to normal?
 By some miracle, they managed to get on the road on time, meeting up with Shouto on the way. While he and Ochako rode very practical bikes, he rode a skateboard. Why, he refused to really tell. If he wasn’t wearing his school uniform, he’d look like he was in the wrong decade. And somehow the uniform made it look even tackier. But it was alright. It wasn’t like he was bad at it; in fact, he pulled many moves that were reminiscent of a certain famous skateboarder, but he was also from the wrong decade. Somehow, it suited him. He, to a concerning level, didn’t care what other people thought of him, so it was okay. Just weird.
“So,” Shouto said, cruising along with Ochako, keeping up easily despite having much smaller wheels. Also weird. “Show me a pic of her.”
“A what?” Izuku blinked.
“A picture.” Shouto raised an eyebrow. “Don’t tell me you didn’t take a picture.”
Ochako shrugged, rhythmically tapping her bell. “Didn’t think to.”
The boy huffed. “You guys are the worst,” He said. “How are we supposed to get proof that she shapeshifted if we didn’t get the after picture?”
“Shouto, I’m tired,” Izuku sighed. “I’m sorry. But this is way over my head. I’m not good at…this paranormal cryptid stuff. It’s fun when it’s just creepy stories, but - I dunno, this is too much.” He shuddered. “She talked. Just, started saying words. Like a normal person - super blunt and to the point, but it was like she said it like that on purpose. She knew. Just like that. And she was a frog before-”
“She talked?!” Shouto’s eyes lit up. “What did she say? What did her voice sound like? Ugh, I wish we got it on tape-”
“Shouto!” Izuku snapped. “Pay attention! Forget that stuff - I don’t want any part in it anymore! I’m scared! After school, we’re gonna let her go, and that’s gonna be the end of it! Okay!?” If there’s even a home to return to, Izuku thought bitterly.
Shouto stared at him, blankly. Then he looked away. “…Alright.”
Ochako whistled. “You guys fall out hard,” She said. “I give it…three days before one of you starts apologizing.”
Izuku’s face burned. He was the one apologizing, most of the time. But not this time, He thought resolutely. He wasn’t at fault here. Shouto was going to apologize to him, for dragging him into this mess in the first place.
 [10:25 A.M.]
nessie: im dying. im actually dying
shouto: why
nessie: what the fuck is a lamange
nessie: mange is a disease
nessie: in french it means what??? food???? kill me
shouto: it means eat
shouto: pay attention in class and you might get it
nessie: fuck you
nessie: youre the last person i want to hear that from
shouto: ow
nessie: Rip Believe It Or Not
shouto: Ripley’s I Know This Stuff Is Real, But I Can’t Handle It, Dog
nessie: nibyguvtfcu
nessie: so you do get it
shouto: get what
shouto: what
nessie: oh my god
nessie: Oh My God
nessie: you are a national treasure
nessie: you know that
shouto: ??????
shouto: ?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!!what am I missing now
nessie: shut up for a minute teach coming
shouto: well I hope not thats a little inappropriate
[10:30 A.M.]
nessie: shouto holy shit what the fuck oh my god what the fuck
nessie: dude
shouto: yeah I sent that without thinking
shouto: and then I couldnt send a correction because
shouto: and yeah
nessie: dude
pppppppppppink: whats happening
pppppppppppink: oh wow what was that shouto hahahahha
shouto: oh my god look it was an accident
tenya: ochako its hardly fair to make fun of him for that
tenya: it was an honest mistake
nessie: tenya coughs, “unfortunately”
shouto: say that shit to my face deku
shouto: whos on the football team huh
nessie: surprised you caught that
nessie: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
shouto: i am going to kill you,
pppppppppppink: hey no death threats on my friendly christian minecraft server
nessie: deadmeme
tenya: yes, death threats are not the way to handle strife between friends
tenya: but neither were those insults, izuku
tenya: you know shouto’s skill does not warrant comments such as those
nessie: hes gonna get a coma i know it
tenya: what does that have to do with anything
nessie: football
nessie: caveman sport
tenya: that is inappropriate
shouto: dudedudedude look man
shouto: im sorry okay
shouto: I DONT KNOW
pppppppppppink: wow that was fast
tenya: please quiet teacher
[10:35 A.M.]
shouto: look man I dont know what youre so angry about
nessie: im not angry
pppppppppppink: izuku coughs, “im furious”
nessie: im n o t
tenya: izuku i believe you are, in fact, angry
nessie: im not angry
shouto: youre angry
shouto: i wouldve kept it if i could
shouto: but i forced it onto you without asking
shouto: sorry
nessie: “sorry if i valued a mythical creature above my friends feelings”
shouto: well fuck
shouto: i tried
shouto: yeah fuck you
shouto: i wouldve loved to have it
shouto: you love it when i talk to you about it so what the fuck is the difference
nessie: S T O R I E S
nessie: ITS TOO MUCH
nessie: ITS SCARY
shouto: dude theres always a chance of the stories being real
shouto: you didnt know that
nessie: dontdothat
nessie: i dont want to think of them like that
nessie: no one wants them to be real
shouto: i do
nessie: yeah but ur a weirdo
tenya: foul
pppppppppppink: yeah try again
pppppppppppink: stay within bounds
nessie: are you reffing our fight
tenya: yes
tenya: go on
shouto: dude if you dont want any part of it then ill take her okay
shouto: okay?
nessie: that isnt it
nessie: because ur gonna be all weird about it and be all offended
nessie: bullshit
nessie: were gonna straighten this out here
nessie: rn
tenya: as a distraction in class.
nessie: sure
shouto: im not gonna be offended
pppppppppppink: hahahahhahahhha
shouto: im not
tenya: you will be offended
nessie: you will be offended
nessie: you dont think my fear is valid
shouto: being scared of it and pushing it away isnt going to make it disappear
shouto: theres a monster under your bed whether you want it to be there or not
nessie: oh my FUCKING GOD SHOUTO
shouto: i am
shouto: im doing nothing but listening to you
shouto: im getting on aizawas nerves
tenya: he means respect
tenya: you arent respecting him
tenya: as evidenced by you “twisting the knife”, for lack of a better term
tenya: you understand that stories of paranormal activities entertain him?
shouto: yes
tenya: the rift seems to lay in the fact that although he enjoys them as stories, he does not wish them to be real, intimate experiences
tenya: this is where you two seem to split
tenya: because you strive to live the stories
pppppppppppink: *is eating popcorn* marriage counseling :D
shouto: i mean who wouldnt
nessie: THAT IS
shouto: shit man calm down
shouto: so it scares you
nessie: fuck yess??? you get it????finally????
shouto: why
[nessie has left the group chat.]
pppppppppppink: dude you messed up
shouto: .
tenya: i advise understanding
tenya: not everyone feels the same way you do
shouto: well duh
shouto: but it isnt scary
shouto: .
pppppppppppink: are you hearing yourself? finally?
pppppppppppink: not to be mean, ur just
pppppppppppink: really dense :D
tenya: to him, it is scary.
tenya: and thats just how he works
tenya: youll have to respect that
shouto: but its not scary
tenya: that is an opinion, shouto
tenya: not fact. it varies from person to person
tenya: you have to respect his opinion, shouto
shouto: .
shouto: god
shouto: fine
tenya: now what’s this about a “frog demon”?
pppppppppppink: ohohoohooho
shouto: first of all, it isnt a demon
pppppppppppink: do i have a story for you!
 Izuku settled on giving Shouto the cold shoulder. It lasted out of school and on the way home, even as they pulled up to his house. Even as he kept pestering him with his constant, creepy, begging stare. Fuck him. Because if he talked first, he’d end up apologizing. And he couldn’t do that. He wasn’t the one at fault.
The frog girl was gone. They searched high and low, all over his house, but she was nowhere to be seen. Izuku found the frog skin wrapped up in the dumpster outside, and threw it at Shouto without a word. Shouto didn’t say anything, either.
“Hm,” Ochako popped a sucker into her mouth. “I changed my mind. Two days.”
Izuku grumbled, flushing bright red.
“I find this whole story a little hard to believe,” Tenya said, and Izuku felt a wild urge to punch him. “You mean to tell me that this so-called giant frog split open and turned out to be a young girl? Who is now missing?”
“Tenya, I wish it didn’t happen,” Izuku crossed the driveway, grabbing the taller boy by his quarterback shoulders. “I wish desperately that it didn’t happen. But it did.”
“Oh yeah,” Ochako said, nodding. “It was crazy. I wouldn’t believe it if I hadn’t been there.” With a shrug, she added, “Still kinda in doubt. It was super late.”
“Maybe it was a dream?”
“No,” Shouto said, coming up to show Tenya something on his phone. “Pictures. Video. It’s real. The frog, at least. I also have samples at home. I did some research - actually, there are some frogs that can grow up to about the size of our frog, but they can only live in equatorial Guinea. Without the girl, the skin only proves that a new species of giant frog lives in the area unless they map its genome or something.” He shrugged. “Not the story I was looking for, but cool nonetheless.”
“’Story’?” Izuku bristled. “What are you even looking for, Shouto? Why are you doing this at all?” Whoops. But he couldn’t help it. He’d been wondering it for a while, but this was the breaking point. Would he just hand the girl over to scientists for testing if he did have her? Would they take advantage of the fact that she isn’t human to do whatever they wanted? What was Shouto getting from this? Money? Fame? He wasn’t the type who would search out stuff like that, so what-?!
“Huh?” Shouto tilted his head. “...Why not? It’s fun.”
He could scream. Angrily, he stomped back to the porch, yanking open his door and ready to lock it behind him-
-and the kitchen was a mess, like a tornado whizzed around in the few moments they went outside. The dining table was on its side, chairs thrown around, cabinets raided and foodstuffs everywhere. The fridge was open, and judging from the aggressive clinking going on, someone was there. Izuku could probably guess who it was. But why now? She barely touched anything, earlier.
And then she peeked above the fridge door. Izuku screamed.
if anyone knows how to color text please tell me because i spent a lot of time coloring the chat messages in the original doc and im sad it didnt carry so please and thank you tell me,
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emsartwork · 5 years
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Some asks!
1. Thank you! honestly a lot of the reason why ive produced so much for this show is because everybody is really involved and supportive. I’d love to develop my own show but also ayyyyyy ignio strafi my main man hmu whenever you wanna reboot the sparkly babes. @iamanemotionaltimebomb 2. Thank you!!! i love giving characters defining traits, and even though i understand it makes animation harder/more time consuming i think it really adds to the show. 3. i didn’t do anything to them?? i think tumblr was like.... glitching out with some of my posts tho cus i would look for stuff i had saved on my personal blog and not be able to find things i knew should be there so it might be that. I’ll go back in my archive and make sure its tagged appropriately tho  4. personally i think the fairy forms top off power wise at enchatix, and then its just changing uniforms for different jobs. like you wouldn’t wear a lab coat to fight a fire and you wouldn’t wear a fire suit to mix chemicals 5. So if the island is big or has actual seasons(ex. Britain, Japan, fuckin Australia/New Zealand technically) they would just be either Silva or Mare Lynpheans. but i could see small tropical islands having their own subset yeah, @just-kairi
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6. Not a bother at all! I’m planning on doing a full villains set as the next thing, im glad people are looking forward to it ^-^ 7. I’m gonna be doing the pixies for sure! I haven’t watched pop pixie at all, but for a while there I thought pixies were all female and elves were a separate all male species lol, i might just do that since the pixies are supposed to reproduce asexually(i heard??). @weirdghostly (i can’t tag u???) 8. yes! when i did believix redesigns i didn’t really think about it but I’m planning on revisiting them and adding sophix/lovix and the alternate wings.  9.  I don’t actually.... I’m already running one webcomic and i’m not much of a writer lol so i haven’t really mushed everything together for my winx ideas. I’ll probably do more short comics for it in the future tho!  10. omfg yes i love those designs when i was gathering references for sirenix it was sooooo hard to to use those because theyre so beautiful. Yeah it would prob have to be a commission just cus i’m swamped with other things rn :/ @hug-all-platelets 11. i mean ya ur right they just never should have killed nabu(is he officially dead or pulling a sleeping beauty on all of us?). As much as I would have loooooooved aisha to remain single because how awesome would that be, it would be a little weird to have her be the one winx member to not be involved romantically, because i mean. there is that stereotype/meme of “strong independent black woman who don’t need no man”(closely related to the “sassy black woman” stereotype) which is Problematic with a capital P, but regardless, nex and roy showed up. i honestly think the love triangle was resolved pretty quickly considering how long rainbow likes to drag relationship drama on? but yeah poly aisha/nex/roy would have also been cool. I think the reason she chose nex is because he “proved” himself, he ultimately had more perseverance and passion than roy, which is something i think aisha would specifically look for. shes strong physically and personality wise, she would want to be with people who can keep up.  12. Both! Riven is the tallest specialist, and musa is the shortest winx. i am....... very partial to height difference....... For their relationship, i think they wouldn’t even start dating until like season 3 era at the earliest.(this is partially why season 4 is so rough for them, its a new relationship) a lot of their issues would stem from their attachment issues and how they respond to insecurity. Riven’s mom left him, just fucking dropped out of his life while he was a young kid, leaving him with (in my universe) an emotionally distant and dismissive father he could never please. So Riven responds by pushing people away before they can reject him, becoming controlling, or dismissing them in anger and pretending not to care about their opinion. Musa’s mother was taken away from her by illness.  I think it happened in musa’s early teens, since it’s clearly still a tender subject in the first season. A parents death is painful no matter the circumstance, but a sickness that slowly steals the person you love away from you must be incredibly painful. As a result, Musa experience a lot of anxiety about the people she loves leaving her(whether by their choice or not), and becomes clingy, emotionally demanding, and sensitive. When Riven pushes her away Musa tries to push her way back to him, when Musa wants Riven to act certain way or do something (even if its irrational and she is at fault) Riven dismisses her needs because it means he can keep himself safe from failure. They have similar problems but the way they respond to it ends up escalating every issue. They do eventually grow and become vulnerable with each other. I think that riven still left at the end of season 6, but they didn’t exactly break up, they both recognized that Riven needed some time away from the specialists to work on his own shit and gain confidence in his own skills, so it turned into a low key long distance thing. (if he hadn’t come back in season 8  they would just decide to break it off but lol he’s back) anyways..... enjoy this essay lol
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pinkykitten · 6 years
Standing Up
The Greatest Showman
Three - Legged Man x female! reader
Warning: the mob being buttholes, bullies, violence
Specifics: romance, fluff, man vs man, fall, pumpkin, race neutral reader
People:  Francesco “Frank” Lentini (three-legged man), you, the mob, P.T. Barnum (mentioned), P.T. Barnum family (mentioned)
Words: 1,732
Request: By anonymously Hi there! I've been reading through your blog (mainly tgs tag you have) and love your writing! 💕 I was wondering if I could maybe request a story for Frank, the three legged man? Maybe where the mob finds out about the two dating and start to target her and it gets to her, so Frank comforts her? Hope that's a good enough of a description 😄 Thanks!! ❤
Authors Note: hiya! thank u so much for liking my tgs writing. im so happy that i write for this fandom cuz honestly it deserves to much luv. thnx for requesting and i hope this was good enough. btw i luv this character like i would point him out every time i saw him he looks so cool! im sorry this took so long pls forgive me! i hope you enjoy and pls feedback is much appreciated. thnx!
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You and Frank have been dating for a couple of months, loving every single moment you both shared with each other. 
Intertwining fingers, overwhelming hugs, countless of kisses, and so much more is the love you both posses. 
Meeting Frank was the best thing that has ever happened to you. You and Frank had greeted through a friend, and a very known friend at that. It was through Ralph Krooner aka the elephant - skinned man. Everything was history. 
You did not at all mind about Frank’s extra leg. You knew he was self conscious about it and just knowing that fact made your heart ache in sadness.
Unfortunately Frank wanted to keep your relationship a secret. Not wanting even a homeless cat to know. 
His reasoning? “I don’t want people to find out, love, because I don’t want you to get bullied or hurt because of me.”
You understood and respected his wishes. You didn’t want him to feel like he couldn’t trust you. 
“Oh look at how big this one is Frank!” You called to him, waving your hand in the direction of the object you were wanting to show Frank. It was Fall, you were bundled up enough but not too much. You had wanted to go to the market so badly last Fall but Frank was not comfortable yet to go. This time he made the effort to attend the Fall market. All just to make you happy. 
Frank walked to you and as he walked people stared. Some children and some adults. Scoffing, whispering things to each other. 
You so badly wanted to tell them off, tell them how rude they were being and how they should teach their children manners. But again, you had to keep your relationship with Frank a secret. 
It was hard in public. You wanted to call him love, sweetheart, all these pet names but you couldn’t, you had to call him Frank. You couldn’t even hold his hand in public. It was a nightmare! 
“What is it y/n? Are you okay?” He asked concerned. 
You nodded your head, “yes silly I am alright, but look what I found!” You squeal in delight as you show him a huge pumpkin. 
With a struggle you picked up the orange fruit (if it got seeds then it a fruit, at least thats what ive heard) to show to Frank, closer up. Frank tried to help you the best he could.
He did help immensely. 
“I’m sorry I can’t be much of help,” he looked down ashamed of himself. 
You softly placed your foot by his and he looked up wide eyed, “Thank you good sir for helping me carry this. You are very strong.”
You bit your lip as you saw how his muscles flexed from the weight of the pumpkin. Frank saw you admiring his arms and he smiled with a little giggle. 
“You are very welcome, beautiful madam.” 
You grinned and asked him if he could carry it to the paying tent. 
As you and him walked there more people stared, more people whispered. Some even laughed. Out of the corner of your eye you saw the worst of these bullies. The mob. They tormented and treated people differently from them with evil acts. They spit, threw things at them, and called them names. You glared at the leader of the mob. 
Maybe you shouldn’t have done that. 
As you went to the paying tent, the mob came to his side. 
“Oh look another freak!”
Frank, still holding the pumpkin, pushed you behind him, setting and arm in front of you in case anything were to happen you would be protected. 
“Men, we don’t want any trouble. Please let us get on with our day with no confrontation.” Frank tried to avoid the situation. 
“No, I think we’re good here. You helping out this young woman?” They all started hooting and hollering at you, whistling for you to come over. “C’mon little darling, we can show you a good time.”
Frank placed the pumpkin on a nearby table with anger, “How dare you talk to a woman like that? You outta be ashamed of yourselves.”
The leader of the mob cackled, “All women are whores!”
At that Frank almost lunged at the man, but quickly you placed your hands on Frank’s shoulder. Stopping him. 
Frank took deep breathes and you saw his hands turned into fists. He was very irate!
The men laughed so hard, holding their bellies. “What kinda man are you? Can”t even protect your whore. I mean look at ya, god must’ve hated you when he created ya. I mean he gave you an extra leg.” They all laughed again. 
You could tell Frank was trying to hold back his tears. Feeling useless. 
You became furious! You, elegantly walked up to the men. They all hushed and the leader raised his brow, thinking you were coming for some alone time. 
Next thing you knew, you slapped the man hard on the face. His eyes went red and he looked so angry. 
“You don’t ever call me that again, you hear! I am not some toy that you get to play around with. I am a woman and I should, no I deserve respect. And you should go to hell for saying those mean comments to my love!”
Everyone seeing the scene and the mob gasped. 
“Thats right, I, a woman, love him,” you point to Frank who is standing there shocked at your words. “You do not have the right to bring people down and to hurt their feelings just because they look different. You have no right! He deserves the same respect as everyone else. He is so amazing and so kind, he shouldn’t be treated this way. So I think that is enough, and if you would like another slap, you know where to find me.”
You then took Frank’s hand in yours and walked to the pumpkin to buy it. As you almost picked it up the leader of the mob grabbed it first and with a snarl said, “I don’t like your little threats whore, you best be careful what you say now, or else.”  
He then raised the pumpkin high and threw it to the ground making the pumpkin splash everywhere. 
“I was gonna buy that you monster!”
You were so excited for this pumpkin because you had wanted to make so many dishes and desserts for Frank. But now it was ruined, you seeing the pumpkin patch was empty of pumpkins. 
“Too bad,” spit the leader, giving you a hard slap on your face as well. You fell to the ground, your cheek already swelling. Your dress ruined with dirt. And the people, the people laughing. 
Frank flung himself to the leader and started punching him with all his might. Lets just say Frank was winning. Not letting the leader out of his sight. 
Just then P.T. Barnum came out with his family in the back of him to break up the fight. He held back Frank and you can tell Frank was happy to see him.
Frank looked to you feeling like he wanted to comfort you but you just stood up and ran away. 
“My love, wait, please,” you heard Frank’s calls. But you didn’t want to, you couldn’t stay anymore. 
Tears streamed down your face, they were never ending. You felt this day and age people will never understand you. You felt lost. You felt weak. You were pretending to be this tough girl when on the inside you were fragile and scared. But you don’t regret any second of it. You got your point across, you showed the world that you do love Frank, and that you would take any slap for him. 
You went to your house and hurried with your keys to unlock the door. You sprinted inside. 
In your house you felt safe and protected. Nobody could see or hurt you. 
You sat on one of the kitchen chairs and just wept. They were uncontrollable. You felt humiliated. 
“Oh god, I’m so terrible. I even left Frank there. Well, at least Phineas is there.” You spoke aloud to yourself, sniffling in the middle. You grabbed a handkerchief and blew your nose. 
You then hear your doorbell ring. You try to regain your composure and make yourself look presentable.
You look through the blinds to see Frank standing there. His hair all disheveled, his clothes out in some places. He looked very worried. 
“My love are you okay?”
You stood there, leaning on the door frame. You smiled and the tears came back, you hugged Frank crying on his shoulder. 
“It hurt me what they said to you Frank.” 
Frank nodded and placed both hands on your cheeks, kissing the swelling of the slap. “Y/n, I didn’t want you to do that for me. You got hurt because of it. I knew this would happen.”
You looked up at him and shook your head. “I did what I was meant to do, protect you. Defend you. You don’t deserve to be treated that way. And I don’t care who sees anymore, I want the whole world to know that you and me are together, in love.” You laced your fingers with his, and kissed his hand. 
Frank looked at you adoringly, “are you sure, beautiful? You may regret it.”
You brought his face to you and whispered, “never.”
You and him shared a deep, emotional kiss. Some people passing by looked at you two. You didn’t care anymore, you wanted to shout to the heavens how much you loved this man. 
After the kiss Frank leaned his forehead against yours, “I am so sorry they hurt that perfect face of yours. Thank you y/n, for standing up for me today. Nobody has ever done that except Mr. Barnum. I love you so much.”
You smiled, Frank brushed your tears away. “I love you, my sweetheart.” You kissed Frank again. 
“I have a surprise for you,” Frank chuckled grabbing something from behind him. 
“What is it?”
Frank then brought out a huge pumpkin, bigger than the one you had earlier. You jump up and down in delight. 
“Oh my god thank you so much Frank! I love it, its perfect!” You hop to him, giving him a big embrace. “Its perfect,” you whispered to him. “Just like you.”
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cakethatisfriendly · 6 years
duo85 Questions Game | answer about yourself and tag 20 others. Tagged by: @rosebadwolf1000
Drink - Peppermint tea w/splash of milk
Phone call - Some nurse called me to remind Susan about her doctors appointment (I legit know know Susans what kind of night vale shit is this)
Text message - my friend that wanted me to play fortnite w/her
Song you listened to - Neptune - Sleeping at last (please listen to this i love it so much)
Dated someone twice - why would i date someone i ended things with???
Kissed someone and regretted it - *muffled ace laughter as i eat cake*
Been cheated on - nah
Lost someone special - you know it
Gotten drunk and thrown up - not yet
Fave Colours - every shade of teal and pastels are the shit
In the last year have you:
Made new friends - like 2017 or 18? 17 i made some very important friends. this year i havent made any
Fallen out of love - not really?? 
Laughed until you cried - yeh
Found out someone was talking about you - im a hot topic ;p
Met someone who changed you - yes 
Found out who your friends are - i have 5 close ones outside of family
Kissed someone on your Facebook friends list - couldnt bring myself to which is why i broke it off
How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life - all of them, facebooks a bit too personal for me to add random people
Do you have any pets - 4 pups that i love almost equally, a guinea pig, and a rat
Do you want to change your name - not really, my names not that common but when people glance at it they usually get it wrong which i find funny
What did you do for your last birthday -  went to see Incredibles 2 and had a Kringle for the first time
What were you doing last night at midnight - i was gonna say fortnite but i actually passed out before 11
What is something you can’t wait for - motivation 
What are you listening to right now - a letsplay and now a podcast
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom - i lived with a tommy until my 16th birthday when he freaked out and smashed our toaster
Something that gets on your nerves - gay/racial slurs and misogynist comments from my brothers and that NO ONE puts the kitchen towel back whERE IT BELONGS
Most visited website - webtoons probably
Hair colour - i got it redyed actually
Long or short hair - short
What do you like about yourself - i can bake
Want any piercings - dunno, i have my left ear pierced twice and my right once but a eyebrow piercing would be cool maybe
Blood type - only vampires ask questions like that who sent you
Nicknames - Dad, Natsuki, Cessie/Cessa (my brothers gave that to me when they were babies. my moms the only one that calls me that sometimes)
Relationship status - nah
Zodiac sign - Cancer
Pronouns - she/her/dude/bro/daddy
Fave TV shows - Vol...tron?
Tattoos - small heart on my hip
Right or left handed - right
Ever had surgery - tonsils
Piercings - yall just need to hit your goal at this point
Sports - competitive procrastiation
Vacation - like my dream vacation? im going to italy next year but japan or Hawaii would be super cool
Trainers - like pokemon or the UK version of what shoes are called?
More General:
Eating - its 12am dont remind me of food
Drinking - twelve. a. m.
I’m about to watch - listen to another Misfits podcast
Waiting for - the next anime con im planning on going to (daisho!)
Want - to improve my art skills and get better at perspectives 
Get married - maybe one day, gotta find a low-energy people i can jive with until we die
Career - i want to own my own business and sell macaroons and normal things like chocolate chip cookies and muffins
Hugs or kisses - i platonically kiss a bunch of my friends on the cheeks/top of heads but hugs are a better bonding thing i think so hugs all the way
Lips or eyes - light colored eyes, i want to bottle my favorite eyes up in jars and keep them on a shelf
Shorter or taller - who made this?? i wish i was a few inches shorter for cosplay purposes but im happy with how tall i am otherwise
Older or younger - like... is this for a SO or something?? is this a build-a-people because its all about how they act. im hella immature at times but then i act +5 years my age so
Nice arms or stomach - .....................what kind of kinky shit is this
Hookup or relationship - some large part of me wants to be the type of person that just dates whoever im attracted to and move onto the next person after a good amount of time and leave them with that “lost summer lover” feeling whenever they think of me but im not confident enough for that. Oh, relationship. a relationship would be ideal
Troublemaker or hesitant - mix of both, depends on what my chaotic level is and if my social anxiety isnt acting up
Have you ever:
Kissed a stranger - dont want mono
Drank hard liquor - heheheheee
Lost glasses - nope, havent even misplaced them for a few minutes
Turned someone down - nope
Sex on first date - hahahaahahhah i couldnt even bring myself to peck him on the lips
Broken someone’s heart - yup but he started some shit so i dont feel bad anymore
Had your heart broken - yeah
Been arrested - they cant catch me
Cried when someone died - i dont really cry at funerals because im broken apparently, but ive cried at animals dying
Fallen for a friend - infatuations that last until i find a flaw and then i HOLD ONTO THAT FLAW AND NEVER LET IT GO
Do you believe in:
Yourself - maybe, let me ask
Miracles - yeh
Love at first sight - thatd be pretty cool
Kiss on first date - nope
Angels - yeh
Best friend’s name -  Brianna
Eye colour - brown
Fave movie - umm... 
Favourite actor - im in love with pidges VA, bex taylor-klaus rn. but micheal jones is my favorite
Favourite food - waffles with a side dish of spaghetti (i got this once at a restaurant and it was the best day of my life)
Extrovert or introvert - introvert
Favourite flower - yes
Favourite Hello Kitty character - the bunny? melody i think her name is? i dont remember any other characters 
20 friends? i dont have that many are you crazy???? okay get ready for some people that have literally never heard of me as i scroll through my following list
@placesoftimeandspace <3 @littlehypno @lafiska @ali3ken @abd-illustrates @scotchtapeofficial @everydaylouie @i-am-a-fish @ikimaru @emesbii @duoachievement @nathalyryder @konoira @piwiskiwi @veykun @theodd1sout @kayroos-art @officialah (i want to see yall do this actually) @floatingmegane-san @samijen
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