#<- rhea and cosmo
freshbaked-bread · 8 months
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livingforstars · 7 months
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Rhea: Saturn's Second Largest Moon - October 14th, 1995.
"Rhea is the second largest moon of Saturn, behind Titan, and the largest without an atmosphere. It is composed mostly of water ice, but has a small rocky core. Rhea's rotation and orbit are locked together (just like the Earth's Moon) so that one side always faces Saturn. A consequence of this is that one side always leads the other. Rhea's leading surface is much more heavily cratered than its trailing surface. The above photograph was taken with the Voyager 1 spacecraft in 1980."
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windydesertart · 2 years
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Solar System - Rhea (night side)
The rest of the Solar System...
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delopsia · 2 months
If Outer Range's characters truly are loosely based on the Greek Gods, then Royal is Chronos, Cecelia is Rhea, Rhett is Zeus, and Maria is Hera.
Let me explain.
The moment Outer Range's season one starts, we open up with a stormy shot of Royal and his horse, Tilly, riding in a dark field with Trevor's body.
Voiced over the shot is Royal speaking to the audience, "You know anything about a Greek god called Chronos? He carried a sickle. He used it to cut a hole. A tear in the cosmos, between heaven and earth, to separate this world from the next. To separate the known from the unknown."
Immediately, we establish a link to Greek Mythology, and this is repeated later in the episode when Autumn catches Royal throwing Trevor into the hole. Through season one, we learn that Royal has used the hole to time travel on three occasions.
To escape the shame of accidentally killing his father
When Autumn pushes him into the hole
And when he jumped back in after the hole transported him three years into the future.
Through this, it's somewhat implied that Royal is Chronos. He doesn't carry a sickle yet, but he is deeply linked to this hole; he's the only one aware of its presence aside from Wayne. The hole is consistently there when he needs it. To escape his father's death. To hide Trevor's body. To show him what will happen in three years, if he does not change fate. And it deliberately returns him to the exact time period he just left.
But that isn't the only thing.
I've seen a lot of debate on whether Cronus, God of the Harvest, and Chronos, God of Time, are the same entity. For this interpretation, I'm arguing that Royal is based on both because he shares characteristics of both of them. For simplicity's sake, I'm just going to keep saying "Chronos" since that's how they spell it in the show's official subtitles.
Royal is depicted as a cattle rancher; he's a harvester of some fashion. In art, Chronus is often depicted with a gray beard, and I find it fun that Royal happens to share this feature. Is it exact? No, but its a detail in common.
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Now here's where I get to the big thing. When Royal was nine and jumped through the hole, it brought him to "present time" as we'll call it, where he was taken in by the Abbott's as their own, and lived along side Cecelia, who he later married. Technically speaking, Cecelia was Royal's adoptive sister.
What did Chronos do? He married his sister, Rhea, the goddess of the Earth. Establishing Royal as Chronos and Cecelia as Rhea.
Now that I've laid that groundwork let me get to something nifty.
Rhett is Zeus.
Here is a photo shared by Amazon Prime on their Instagram.
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This photo originates from the S1E2 scene when Royal reveals what happened after Autumn pushed him into the hole (refresher: he traveled roughly three years into the future). As pictured below, it's the same outfit.
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You're probably wondering what the hell an outfit is supposed to tell us. Well, I'll show you. The belt buckle.
Here's his S1 buckle compared to the one in the future.
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We can assume that this is the buckle Rhett earns during episode 8, after he wins the Amelia County Rodeo Finals. It's a huge tradition that bull riders win buckles, and they wear these literal trophies with pride. With how Rhett has been chasing this dream for a decade, we can assume he's going to wear the ever-living hell out of that buckle.
But do you see that on his buckle? That, my friend, is a lightning bolt.
Who is the God of Lightning? Zeus. The lightning bolt (or thunderbolt) was his most iconic weapon.
But we can't draw from that, no no no. I have something else.
In S1E1, we are introduced to the fact that Rhett sleeps around a lot, a trait Zeus is infamous for. Who haven't they slept with? Until his childhood crush, Maria comes back into town, and he's still just as crazy about her, despite her never reciprocating his advances (until now) and telling him (in Spanish) that she doesn't usually go out with men like him.
Similarly, Zeus was enchanted by Hera, the Goddess of Marriage. (Haha, get it, Maria...Marriage...similar words...I'll stop) but she didn't want a damn thing to do with him. But as the story goes, both Maria and Hera come around and agree to be with them.
Which establishes Rhett as Zeus and Maria as Hera.
Edit: I remembered another detail, Zeus and Rhett are both the youngest sons!
I don't have a solid standing on this portion, but Perry reminds me a bit of Poseidon.
Poseidon was angry with Odysseus for blinding his son, Polyphemus. While Perry doesn't have a son, he does have a daughter, Amy. Who was "blinded" by her past and became Autumn. It's a stretch, but I wanted to share the thought lmao.
This...does partially concern me about how Rhett's relationship with Maria may be depicted in season two, but you know what? I am ✨brilliant✨at sticking my head in the sand.
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wanderingmind867 · 3 months
Part 4 of my Greek family tree thing. I took a break from it because it was getting kind of dull and it required a lot of wikipedia searching. But I've come back for part 4. The least I can do is discuss the first 12 Titans briefly. So here we go (note: this took me nearly two hours to write):
Gaia and Ouranos had lots of children (including the Cyclopses and the hundred-handed ones) but their most famous children were the 12 Titans. Six male, six female. In order from oldest to youngest (well, with Oceanus as eldest and Kronos as the youngest. I don't know the others) they were:
Oceanus: Oceanus seems like the most gentle of all of Gaia and Ouranos's sons. Being the oldest, perhaps Oceanus had a maturity the others didn't. Oceanus didn't participate in the attack on his father (he was the only one of the six male titans who didn't participate in the attack), and he also didn't any sides during the first titan war. Perhaps this is why there's no indication Oceanus was punished in any significant way. Unlike his brothers, I'm assuming he got amnesty for staying neutral.
Tethys: Tethys would end up as Oceanus's wife. They were both Titans of the water. According to her wikipedia page, Tethys nursed Helios and Selene for her sister Theia. Her and Oceanus may have also raised Hera while Zeus was fighting Kronos. Wikipedia mentioned something about that.
Hyperion: Titan of Light, he is responsible for most of the gods that represent the cosmos. Him and his wife Theia had three kids: Helios (the Sun), Selene (the Moon) and Eos (the Dawn). Also, Hyperion was guardian of one of the pillars that held up the sky. Him, Crius, Coius and Iapetus were the four Titans in charge of holding up the sky. Hyperion got the Eastern Pillar, making him Titan of the East.
Theia: The Titan in control of sight and vision. Theia is responsible for making precious metals like gold and silver shine the way they do. She made them precious, I suppose you could say. Her and Hyperion were clearly a good pair. Light and Vision, two things very commonly associated with each other.
Coeus: Coeus is the forgotten titan. He's almost never mentioned in the Pjo books, his wikipedia page is much smaller than his brothers, Coeus is clearly very forgettable. Maybe it's because he was one of the middle kids in the titan family. Coeus was also the guardian of the Northern Pillar of the sky, making him Titan of the North. He may have also been the Titan of Knowledge. Apollo, Artemis and Hecate are his grandkids.
Phoebe: Wife of Coeus, Phoebe is also associated with Prophecy. Before her grandson Apollo, Phoebe was the guardian of the Oracle of Delphi. She gave it away to her grandson on one of his birthdays, the same way her sister Themis had given it to her years ago.
Crius/Krios: Titan of the Stars, one of his names (Krios specifically) was supposedly also the Greek word for Ram. Crius is another one that's easily forgotten, but at least he was briefly seem in the Pjo series (that's more than what Coeus got). Crius is also the Titan of the South, holding up the southern pillar of the sky.
Mnemosyne: Titan of memory, Mnemosyne stayed neutral in the Titan war (or fought for the Olympians). We know this because Mnemosyne is also the mother of the nine muses, who were born from Mnemosyne and Zeus.
Iapetus: Titan of Mortality and Craftsmanship, Iapetus was the Titan of the West. He may be seen as humanity's oldest ancestor. To the point where his four children (prometheus, epimetheus, atlas and menoetius) were seen as embodying some of humanity's worst aspects.
Themis: Titan of Justice and Law. Themis would go on to marry Zeus and become his second wife. Fun fact: Themis is still referenced a lot today. Whenever we refer to lady justice, we're probably talking about Themis.
Rhea: Mother of the gods, Rhea plays an important role in the history of Olympus. Also, let's be honest. Rhea probably had an awful life with a husband like Kronos.
Kronos: The youngest of the Titans, Kronos was also the worst of the lot. Kronos was probably the Titan/God of time (unless you think him and Chronos are two different people). Kronos may have also been the god of the harvest. But honestly, he'll always be known for castrating his father and trying to eat his children. Oh, and probably being an abusive husband with that track record.
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Deity Worship Notes:
Hades and Persephone
Often the two are worshipped together, though some hellenic pagans will worship one or the other. What I've seen in most pagan spaces however is the two being worshipped alongside one another as the two deities in question are bound to each other.
Hades is god of the underworld not god of death (that's Thanatos, Nyx's son).
Son of Cronos and Rhea, when his brothers (Zues and Posideon) divided the cosmos Hades became king of the underworld. When portrayed he is seen with his faithful three headed dog, Cerberus, who guards the gates to the underworld.
Offerings for Hades
Colors: dark purples, golds, and greens.
Crystals: Jet, Obsidian, Amethyst, Jade
Herbs/plants: White poplar, mint.
Food/drink: Bread, wine, fish, cheese, vegetables, fruits (pomegranate for Persephone), and red wine
Goddess Queen of the underworld and of spring, Persephone is the wife of Hades and the daughter of Demeter.
Offerings for Persephone.
Food/Drink: pomegranate, honey, wine, spring water, floral teas.
Colors: purples, greens, golds, pinks.
Herbs/plants: pomegranates, spring time herbs and flowers.
Crystals: peridot, green tourmaline, citrine, gold and turquoise.
My experiences with the two deities:
Back when I had moved out of my parents and in with my (now) ex Persephone was the first to reach out to me. She taught me that new beginnings may be hard but they're also worth it. Being the goddess of spring she told me to nurture new relationship and when it came time to reap what had been sown I would be rewarded. She of course, was talking about the relationship with my parents. Before moving out the relationship was very poor, and after I had moved out the relationship was on the mend. After the relationship was where I wanted it to be She and I went our separate ways.
It was near the end of my relationship with my ex that Hades came to me. As with the death card in tarot, he told me that he didn't represent literal death, instead he represented a change. One that would put me through hell and back but with his guidance I was able to make a brilliant change. While what I experienced in that time is still hard for me to talk about, Hades ensured that it was all worth it.
Hades had recently started to reappear in May of this year (2022), and I knew that it was time for another hard ending but a beautiful rebirth.
Hades and Persephone represent more than just literal death and spring. Together they make the perfect pair in helping someone get through a difficult time in life.
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queersrus · 6 months
astronomy witch theme
astra, astro, astre, astera, astel/astelle, astella, ariel, aura, aurora, aurore, aure, aurelie/auralie, auralia/aurelia, atlas, aristar, aries, altair, astreaus, aether, apollo, apolla, artemis bila, boreals, boreal comet, cosma, cosmic, cosmo, celest/celeste, celestia, celestio, callisto, calypso, Cassiopeia, claudius, caelum, caelus, cassio dusk, dawn estel/estell/estelle, estella, elera, elio, esther, eclipse, eclipsa, eclipso, eostre, eos galaxy, galactica, galactico, galactix, galactic, galacta, galaxius hecate/hekate, helios, hemera, hera iris, ira juno, jupiter, janus kepler, keyra/kayra lune, luna/loona, lunar, luno, lunette, lyra moon, moona, mars/marz, miranda, meno nova, nix/nyx, nox, nuit pandora, pallas, pulsar, pollux rhea stel/stell/stelle, stella, steller/stellar, star, stella, stary/starie, sol, soleil, solar, solette, solina, solana, solace, solstice tian vesper, vega xian zorya
astra, ayla, airy, array, aquila, antlia estrela/estrella, eddington, eridanus kepler, kuiper herschel, halley, hale, hypatia, hevelius drake starcatcher, starwatch, stargaze(r), starlight, scorpius, spellman Cassiopeia orion ursa delphi, delphius pictor fortune le fay/fe/faye nightingale, nighwatch, nightmoon moon brightmoon gloom, gloam
the witch of the stars, the witch who studies the stars, the star watch, the astronomer, the witch, the astronomer witch, the stellar witch, the witch who knows the sky, the witch of the night sky
(prn) who knows the stars, (prn) who studdies the stars, (prn) who knows the magic of the stars, (prn) who practices witchcraft in starligh, (prn) who studdies magic by starlight
1st p: i/me/my/mine/myself
si/star/stars/starself sti/stell/stellars/stellarself ai/astre/astros/astroself ai/astronome/astronomy/astronomine/astronomyself wi/witch/witches/witch's/witchself wy/witch/witchs/witchself ci/conste/consteli/constellations/constellationself mi/magi/magics/magicself
2nd p: you/your/yours/yourself
sto/star/stars/starself sto/steller/stellers/stellerself astro/astr/astrs/astrself astro/astronomer/astronomers/astronomerself wo/witcher/witchers/witcherself co/consteller/constellers/constellerself mo/magicr/magicrs/magicrself
3rd p: they/them/theirs/themself
star/stars, sta/ar, star/stary, stary/sky, stary/night, star/light stell/stella, stell/a, stel/la, stell/steller, steller/stellers, stellar/stellars astro/astros, astro/astronomy, astro/nomy, astro/nomer, astro/astronomer, astronomy/astronomys, astronomy/astronomer constellation/constellations, constell/constellation, constell/ation wit/ch, witch/witches, wit/witch, wi/witch, witch/witchy, witch/craft, witchcraft/witchcrafts magic/magics, ma/gic, magic/magical
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h0bg0blin-meat · 8 days
All the basics of Greek myth
The gods/godesses their roles,ther relationship etc etc
Okay. So first of all we all know about the 12 Olympians, i.e., Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Artemis, Apollo, Ares, Athena, Aphrodite, Hermes. Hephaestus and either Hestia or Dionysus, plus Hades.
Now before these Olympians there were the Titans, which included Kronos, Rhea, Oceanus, Coeus, Japetos, Crius, Hyperion, Theia, Themis, Tethys, Phoebe, and Mnemosyne, all of whom came from the Primordials, Ouranos and Gaia.
Along with them the other primordial gods included Khaos, Tartarus, Erebus, Eros, Nyx, Aether, Hemera, Pontus and Ourea.
Now this is an extremely brief explanation of these three generations of deities. I’mma get into a little more detail into their relations by whipping out Hesiod’s Theogony/the Greek Creation Myth (cuz his version is considered the standard creation myth for this pantheon till date), which sums about everything up pretty well actually so… Kudos to our fellar.
So according to this myth, in the very beginning, there was only chaos, from which we get the personified and deified version of it called Khaos. But soon after Gaia, Eros and Tartarus pop up, and then Khaos creates two more deities, namely Erebus and Nyx, who then, together, proceed to create Hemera and Aether, while Gaia creates Ouranos to partner up with, and they both, again together, whip out
The male titans, namely Kronos, Coeus, Japetus, Crius and Hyperion.
The female titans, namely Rhea, Themis, Tethys, Phoebe and Mnemosyne.
Three cyclopses, namely Brontes, Steropes and Arges.
Three Hekatonchieres (monstrous giants of immense strength and power, each having fifty heads and a hundred arms), namely Briareos, Kottos and Gyges.
Now all of these three sets of kids have one common thing, hating on Ouranos, for some reason that gets later uncovered. The reason is mostly him kidnapping his monstrous-looking kids and hiding them in secret places under the Earth (which, here, is Gaia).
Gaia got sick of this shit and produced a sickle out of adamant and asked her kids to teach Ouranos a lesson, but among these kids, only Kronos stood up to do it and so he did. Hid inside Gaia and when Ouranos came to lay with his wife, his lil kid popped up and castrated him, his two little thingies falling into the ocean, leading it to foam, and from that foam was born our beloved Aphrodite. Sensational. From his blood arose the Erinyes (chthonic goddesses of vengeance), the Giants and the Meliai (nymphs of the ash tree).
Now Kronos had full control over the cosmos from Ouranos, and was producing kids (i.e., Hestia, Poseidon, Demeter, Hera and Hades. Zeus wasn’t born yet) with Rhea. But his dad and Gaia had prophesized that one of his own kids would overthrow him, and from there we get the famous Kronos-swallowing-his-kids myth. And ofc, Zeus gets saved from the swallowing thingy with the help of his mom and grandparents, and then raised in seclusion in a cave below Mount Aigaion in the city of Lyktos of Crete. Also Kronos doesn’t know about this cuz Rhea wrapped up a huge stone in baby’s clothes and gave it to him saying it was the last kid, aka, Zeus.
(Chiron is also one of Kronos’s kids, and hence Zeus’s half-brother, paternally cuz Kronos once turned himself into a horse to mate with the Oceanid nymph, and one of the daughters of Oceanus and Tethys, Philyra, who mated with him in the usual human-nymph form, and hence we get him as a centaur.)
After Zeus grew up fully, he forced Kronos (Gaia did something to help with this, like give him some kinda poison secretly to make him puke his kids out-) to release his siblings. He then released the Cyclopses (who were still trapped with the Hekatonchieres btw), and then gave him his signature thunderbolt. This is when the great war called the Titanomachy happened between the Titans and Zeus and his siblings, over the control of the cosmos. This war went on for years, and in the 10th year, Zeus even released the Hekatoncheires, who also helped him overthrow the titans. Zeus threw his thunderbolt at the previous generation of gods, hence defeating them and throwing them into Tartarus, thus ending the war.
There was another threat to him tho, and it was Typhon, son of Gaia and Tartarus. But Zeus defeated him too and threw him into Tartarus as well.
Then my mans got elected as the king of gods (as he should), and had his first wife Metis. But after knowing that he had the same fate as Kronos, i.e., a son of Metis would overthrow him, he swallowed his wife (while she was pregnant with Athena, and hence later on we see Zeus HIMSELF giving birth to a fully-grown Athena from his mind) and that’s how he ended the cycle of succession. Smart move but I need justice for Metis >:<
Now for the new generation of Olympians, i.e., Artemis, Apollo, Ares, Hermes, Dionysus and Hephaestus (also let’s add Persephone too), here’s how it goes. (Athena and Aphrodite were already covered above)
Apollo and Artemis were twin kids of Zeus’s 6th wife, Leto, who was the daughter of Coeus and Phoebe.
Persephone was born from the union of Zeus and Demeter. (there are other versions to this myth too)
Dionysus was born from the union of Zeus and Semele (a mortal woman), but he was again stitched to Zeus’s thigh to save him from Hera, who was deadlocked in killing him (cuz ofc Zeus cheated on her with another woman), and later births Dio himself. (there are other versions to this myth as well. For example, another myth says he was born from the union of Zeus and Persephone.)
Hermes was born from the union of Zeus and Maia (Atlas’s* daughter)
Ares, Hebe and Eileithyia were born from Zeus and Hera.
(*Atlas was one of the kids of Japetos and Clymene, who’s an Oceanid, and hence one of the daughters of Oceanus and Tethys.)
Now I haven’t mention what these deities are the gods of, because even though they are known for maybe one of two things they govern over (like Athena for wisdom and war, or Apollo for sun and music), their designations are actually pretty broad, and this post is long enough so ykw I’mma ask you to check out theoi.com and the theogony section of Wikipedia for further info :)
Thanks for the ask I had fun writing this lmao. (Might’ve made errors or stuff so correct me in case yall spot any)
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underworldboss · 9 months
"Let's Separate the Myth from the Gospel Truth..."
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"Okay, so, lots of you crazy kids know your Greek mythology, but let me just tell ya straight up: the stories you know are like the results of playin' a game of telephone over thousands of years. Distorted mumbo jumbo! So I'm gonna set the record straight and give you fine people the full and true story of Hades! And this time those pesky Muses aren't gonna misconstrue what I've got to say! So relax, pull up a chair, and grab a bag of Feta Puffs. Let's get this show on the road!
"Back when the world was new, the Titans were running things and really driving everyone's cosmic property value into the dirt. You know the song and dance number, so I'm not repeating it. Cronus was the king of the titans, and he was the most powerful one of them all, controlling the universe with three gems that let him bend time and space to his will. But with great power comes great paranoia. See, he and the other Titans overthrew his dad Uranus to gain power, and the Fates gave him a prophecy warning him that his own kids would do the same thing to him.
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"Well, as my rotten luck would have it, my mother, Cronus's wife Rhea, was pregnant with me at the time, and Cronus's solution to that prophecy was to swallow me whole so that I could never usurp him. And my mother just let it happen! She just drank lots and lots of wine to make herself forget about the atrocities she was party to (don't think I've ever see her sober). Cronus did the same thing to my brother Poseidon and the other children of the Titans, the future gods. And yeah, I know your myths say that all the gods are related to me, but that's just another example of mythology telephone. We were in my daddy dearest's stomach together, but Poseidon and Zeus were my only blood related siblings.
"But then along came Zeus. Apparently, Rhea grew a conscience after letting her first two kids get eaten by their father, and so she used her magic to make a rock look like Zeus and fed that to Cronus instead. Can you believe her? Doesn't give a satyr's ass about me or Po-Po, but her golden boy Zeus was just a smidge too far. Mother of the year right there. Well Zeus grew up in secret and trained for years to defeat Cronus, and then he came back, gave Cronus a potion to make him up-chuck, and well... you get the gist. Suffice to say I was free at last.
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"And okay, lemme just address this one thing right here: I am the first born son of Cronus and Rhea, but I was the last god freed from Cronus's stomach, which is why Zeus calls me his little brother... Also because me being younger helped legitimize him taking the throne for himself, but I'm getting ahead of myself. So me and my fellow former contents of Cronus's stomach join forces with Zeus, and the Titanomachy war breaks out. Big fight, lots of lightning booga-booga, and, hey, I hedge my bets by double dealing with both sides under Zeus and Cronus's noses, but the gods win in the end.
"Zeus defeated Cronus in battle and banished him to spend eternity locked away in Tartarus. He then took the Gems of Cronus and scattered them across the cosmos, hoping they'd be lost forever... except the one he kept locked away on Olympus for a rainy day, but shhh, you're not supposed to know about that one. The other Titans got locked away in Tartarus too, except for, get this, Rhea. I wanted to lock her up and throw away the key, but Zeus had a soft spot for mommy dearest and just banished her to a cosmic golf course retirement villa. Oy, it still BURNS me up that she got off scot-free.
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"Well, Zeusy names himself King of Mount Olympus even though it should have been MY gig, but the other gods supported him, so, hey, what'cha gonna do? Bolt Boy starts delegating jobs for all the gods, and in his infinite wisdom, he sticks me with the Underworld to be the Titans' jailer and keep track of the dead people. Sound like fun? No it isn't. And let me just tell ya, the Underworld was a PIGSTY when I got it dumped on me. The plumbing problems with the five rivers? Forget about it! But you're not here to listen to me kvetch. Suffice to say, I start plotting to take Olympus for myself from that moment forward.
"The Underworld job came with two 'perks', if you can call 'em that: a pair of imps, Pain and Panic, to be my personal servants. And, hey, they're not the best minions, but at least they were housebroken. Gave me someone to talk to and FRY when things went wrong. But it was a lonely life down under, bein' far away from the other gods on Olympus, and a god has needs, if you know what I mean. It was time to find myself a wife to be Queen of the Underworld by my side, and that's when I saw her: Persephone.
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"Persephone was a total knockout and the Goddess of Spring, Demeter's daughter. You'd get a flare up just lookin' at her. Now, see, she didn't want anything to do with me since she was so wrapped up in her hippie nature lovin' shtick, so I tried everything to get her attention. I chained myself to a giant olive tree to keep it from gettin' chopped down - nothin'! I had Pain and Panic pose as cute helpless animals in distress so that I could 'save' them - nada! So, I decided, hey, why try to be someone else? I'll just go with my strengths, namely being evil. So I kidnapped her and dragged her down to the Underworld.
"Now I know how that sounds, but it wasn't so bad. I built her a mansion in the Underworld on Styx front property, and that was NOT cheap! But I found somethin' out real quick after I started livin' with that girl: she was annoying. Total militant vegan annoying. She threw out all my red meat, started tryin' to hook the Underworld up with green energy, and nagged me constantly about goin' 'Cruelty Free." ME! The Lord of the DEAD! Oy, romance was NOT everything it was cracked up to be. I was THIS close to kicking her out and sending her back to Demeter...
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"...But then along came Zeus... and Hermes and Demeter. Apparently kidnapping 'Seph triggered an eternal winter up above, and, hey, who am I to say no to the world above dying? Zeus said I had to give Persephone back to her mother, because of course he had to stick his big orange nose where it didn't belong. No way was I gonna let Bolt Boy boss me around this time, and when I was doin' my home improvements in the Underworld, I found a little somethin' special to give me what I wanted...
"Erebus. The most ancient of all darkness. That stuff was old when my dad was King of Olympus. Do NOT touch it! Erebus has an appetite that puts Ursula to shame. It can eat through a universe if you get enough of it! After Zeus and Demeter annulled my shotgun wedding to Persephone, I tried to use the Erebus to keep her there. A handful of pomegranate seeds imbued with raw Erebus would've made 'Seph toxic to any place outside of the Underworld. Zeusy would've had no choice but to make her stay in the Underworld. It was all so perfectly planned.
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"Unfortunately, Zeus caught wind of my plan. Before she could eat the seeds, Zeus pushed me and the seeds into the Phlegethon to 'save' Persephone. Never mind what that all-infused mineral bath did to his 'baby brother.' But, hey, some cosmetic changes end up bein' for the best. Wouldn't have my fiery hair without it! They took Persephone, high tailed it outta there, and now Demeter does the whole winter thing once a year to commemorate the occasion or somethin'. So needless to say, I HATE spring because it reminds me of my ex-wife. Moving on.
"After Zeus dunked me in the River of Fire, I decided that I'd put off my schemes of conquest for too long. Went ahead and made an alliance with Echidna so that she and her many many kids would join my team for the uprising. She even gave me a puppy to guard the Underworld as a show of good faith, and, boom, that's how I got Cerberus. I also made an appointment with the Fates to get the dish on how best to overthrow Zeusy-High-and-Mighty! They revealed that in eighteen years, when the planets aligned, I could free the Titans and topple Olympus with their help, but with one big catch: Zeus's little sun spot kid Hercules could muck up my hostile takeover bid.
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"I had a special potion tucked away for a rainy day that could turn gods mortal, and trust me, it wasn't cheap to get it. It only worked on gods who hadn't come into their full power yet, which made it perfecto for the bouncing baby brat. I sent Pain and Panic to kidnap the kid and turn him mortal, but, of course, they BOTCHED THE JOB! He didn't drink the last drop and retained his godlike strength, and they didn't kill him!
"Now the timeline here gets a little fuzzy for me. Had a bad run in with some Lethe Water at some point during Hercules's teenage years. But once I figured out Jerkules was alive, I started hatching a bunch of different schemes to hedge my bets and take control of Olympus. None of 'em panned out, but ya can't blame a guy for tryin'. Met Jafar for the first time during that time period, and he helped fill in some blanks later on. But, basically, had a run in with Lethe Water at some point, lost all memory of Jerkules bein' alive, and went right back to blissfully settin' things up for the prophecy.
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"I invested in a new minion at the time, a girl named Megara. She desperately sold her soul to me to save her boyfriend's life, and, look, I'm not sayin' I made him abandon her, but it sure cleared her schedule up havin' him gone. Of course, it wasn't long after that when I found out Jerkules was alive and well again. I threw everything I had at the kid, but he just wouldn't DIE! So I tried a different approach: I threw Meg at 'im. And he fell for the girl, hook, line, and sinker.
"I used Meg as leverage to take Wonder Boy off the board, and then I finally released the Titans and defeated Zeus! What we in the biz call a two-for-one special! Power was MINE at LAST! ... For about ten minutes! We tripped at the finish line because little Nutmeg had to go all noble! She sacrificed herself to save Herc, then he sacrificed HIMSELF to save HER, and all my plans just sorta fell apart, ending in me getting knocked into the Styx by Jerkules.
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"But, hey, I got outta there with a little help from my old friend, Jafar. You can't keep the Lord of the Dead down, and the devil's always gonna get his dues! Bolt Boy and his little sun spot better start countin' their days, because I've got a hot spot reserved for both of them DOWN UNDER!"
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thoughtportal · 9 months
In ancient Greek religion and mythology, Hestia (/ˈhɛstiə, ˈhɛstʃə/; Greek: Ἑστία, meaning "hearth" or "fireside") is the virgin goddess of the hearth, the right ordering of domesticity, the family, the home, and the state. In myth, she is the firstborn child of the Titans Cronus and Rhea, and one of the Twelve Olympians.[1]
According to ancient Greek tradition, Hestia, along with four of her five siblings, was devoured by her own father Cronus as an infant due to his fear of being overthrown by one of his offspring, and was only freed when her youngest brother Zeus forced their father to disgorge the children he had eaten. Cronus and the rest of the Titans were cast down, and Hestia then became one of the Olympian gods, the new rulers of the cosmos, alongside her brothers and sisters. After the establishment of the new order and in spite of her status, Hestia withdraws from prominence in mythology, with few and sparse appearances in tales. Like Athena and Artemis, Hestia elected to never marry and remain an eternal virgin goddess instead, forever tending to the hearth of Olympus.
Despite her limited mythology, Hestia remained a very important goddess in ancient Greek society. Greek custom required that as the goddess of sacrificial fire, Hestia should receive the first offering at every sacrifice in the household. In the public domain, the hearth of the prytaneum functioned as her official sanctuary. Whenever a new colony was established, a flame from Hestia's public hearth in the mother city would be carried to the new settlement. The goddess Vesta is her Roman equivalent.
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minthesupremacy · 9 months
So if Hestia, Demeter, and Hera are still the sisters of Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus in your redesign 'verse, does this mean all the inc*stual stuff from the original myths is still in tact?
I've spoken about it on my IG I think, but the way I understand god relationships to be is a lot less hard and fast than human relationships. Their related-ness comes from the fact that they are humanoid versions of natural concepts. Hera is literally made of a star, she wasn't born and made the way human beings are, and the same goes for all the other gods. Gaia is technically Ouranos' mother, but I don't think it's an accurate representation of their relationship or what they are; they are literally the earth and cosmos
So, Persephone is by strict definitions Hades' niece, but she would never call him her uncle because they don't have that kind of relationship. For instance, Poseidon is her uncle/step dad bc of the role he plays in her life. Demeter is her mother bc she raised her, not just b/c she made her. For another example, Hephaestos and Hera (in my vers.) don't consider each other mother and son.
Persephone is the daughter of Zeus (the rain and sky) and Demeter (growth and agriculture) so of course she's the spring/new life. To me I see their family and connections as more connected to them as natural entities. Kronos in my vers. is more of an agricultural god, and Rhea is a mountain goddess, to signify their connection to the earth and Gaia as their mother.
Sorry if this is a whole essay, I just wanted to explain that I don't write them as all being family by strict blood ties
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tarnishedpride · 1 month
ROBIN (HSR) — names && pronouns && titles
names — aria, avis, calliope, celeste, dove, lark, lullaby, lyra, mavis, melody, odele, rhea, selene, sonnet, wren.
pronouns — bir/birds, cos/cosmos, lyric/lyrical, mu/muse, song/songs, star/stars, tu/tune.
titles — [prn] of cosmos - wide fame, [prn] who sings for the stars, angelic lyricist, angel of the stars, cosmic singer, melodic whisper, resonant supernova, star - born singer.
— requested by anonymous
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windydesertart · 2 years
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Solar System - Rhea (day side)
The rest of the Solar System...
● insta, prints, ko-fi et cetera  ●
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According to one source, it was Rhea herself who restored Pelops to life after his father Tantalus cut him down. Again thinking of Rhea and how she could probable convince hades for her to do this because of what Tantalus did.
Oh neat! Yeah, I can certainly see Rhea convincing her son to do something good lol.
I honestly don’t think Rhea believes that Hades is an evil villain. Like, I’m sure she’s met his villain friends and knows about the bad things he’s done in the past (like she probably got on him for trying to take over the cosmos lol), but she doesn’t think he’s evil or a villain. Just like Persephone, she feels Hades is misunderstood and nobody treats him with the kindness or respect that she and Persephone show him. I’m sure in the past Hades has been like “Ma, I got a reputation to keep. I’m a big bad guy.” And Rhea’s all like “You’re not a bad guy! You’ve done some bad things, but that doesn’t make you a bad guy! You’re a sweet boy!” Lol but I think eventually Rhea was just like “Yes, I know. You’re very bad. Now eat your mousakka, sweetheart. It’s getting cold.” 😂
But yeah, like I said, I can see Rhea trying to convince him to do good and Hades is just like “I wanna keep my villainous reputation” lol, but it’s his mom and we all know Hades is a total mama’s boy, so he’s gonna do it for his ma lmao
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jasminewalkerauthor · 5 months
Deep dives into folklore: Greek mythology
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Greek mythology is a rich and intricate tapestry of gods, goddesses, heroes, and mythical creatures that has captivated the imagination of people for centuries. Rooted in ancient Greece, this body of myths has had a profound influence on Western literature, art, philosophy, and culture. Let's take a deep dive into the fascinating world of Greek mythology.
Creation Myth: Chaos and the Titans
The Greek cosmos begins with Chaos, a formless, primordial void. From Chaos emerges Gaia (Earth), Tartarus (the underworld), and Eros (Love). Gaia gives birth to Uranus (Sky), and together they create the Titans, the powerful and primeval beings who ruled the cosmos before the Olympian gods.
Uranus, fearing the power of his children, imprisoned the Cyclopes and the Hecatoncheires (hundred-handed ones) in Tartarus. This angered Gaia, who conspired with her son Cronus to overthrow Uranus. Cronus castrated his father, and from the blood that fell to Earth, the Furies, Giants, and nymphs were born.
The Reign of the Titans
Cronus became the ruler of the cosmos, but he feared a prophecy that foretold his downfall at the hands of one of his children. To prevent this, he swallowed each of his children as they were born. However, his wife Rhea managed to save Zeus by giving Cronus a stone wrapped in swaddling clothes instead. Zeus was raised in secret on the island of Crete.
Upon reaching maturity, Zeus challenged Cronus and the Titans in a great war known as the Titanomachy. With the help of his siblings, the Cyclopes, and the Hecatoncheires, Zeus emerged victorious. The defeated Titans were imprisoned in Tartarus, and Zeus became the king of the gods.
The Olympian Gods
The Olympian gods, led by Zeus, ruled from Mount Olympus and governed various aspects of the mortal and immortal worlds. Each god and goddess had their own domain and specific attributes:
Zeus: King of the gods, god of the sky, lightning, and thunder.
Hera: Queen of the gods, goddess of marriage and childbirth.
Poseidon: God of the sea, earthquakes, and horses.
Demeter: Goddess of the harvest and fertility.
Athena: Goddess of wisdom, warfare, and crafts.
Apollo: God of the sun, music, poetry, and prophecy.
Artemis: Goddess of the hunt, wilderness, and wild animals.
Ares: God of war and bloodshed.
Aphrodite: Goddess of love and beauty.
Hephaestus: God of fire, metalworking, and craftsmanship.
Hermes: Messenger of the gods, god of commerce and travelers.
Dionysus: God of wine, pleasure, and festivity.
Heroes and Their Labors
Greek mythology is replete with heroic figures who undertake extraordinary quests and face daunting challenges. One of the most famous heroes is Heracles (Hercules), known for his twelve labors imposed as punishment for killing his wife and children in a fit of madness induced by Hera. These labors include slaying the Nemean Lion, capturing the Golden Hind, and cleaning the Augean stables.
Other notable heroes include Perseus, who slayed the Gorgon Medusa; Theseus, who defeated the Minotaur in the labyrinth; and Achilles, the hero of the Trojan War, whose only vulnerable spot was his heel.
The Trojan War
The Trojan War, a central event in Greek mythology, was fought between the Greeks and the Trojans. It was sparked by the abduction of Helen, the wife of Menelaus, by Paris, a prince of Troy. The war lasted ten years and involved famous heroes like Achilles, Hector, and Odysseus. The war is chronicled in Homer's epic poems, the "Iliad" and the "Odyssey."
The Underworld and Afterlife
Hades, the brother of Zeus and Poseidon, ruled the underworld, a realm where the souls of the deceased went after death. The ferryman Charon transported souls across the river Styx to the realm of the dead. The most famous section of the underworld is Tartarus, a place of torment for the wicked.
Mythical Creatures and Beings
Greek mythology is populated with a diverse array of mythical creatures, such as the fearsome Chimera, the multi-headed Hydra, the Sphinx, the Griffin, and the Pegasus. These creatures often played roles in the heroic quests of demigods and mortals.
Legacy and Influence
Greek mythology has left an indelible mark on Western civilization. Its themes of heroism, tragedy, and divine intervention have inspired countless works of literature, art, and philosophy. The plays of ancient Greek playwrights like Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides drew heavily from these myths. Additionally, the Renaissance saw a revival of interest in classical mythology, with artists and scholars exploring its themes in their works.
In conclusion, Greek mythology is a vast and intricate tapestry that weaves together the stories of gods, goddesses, heroes, and mythical creatures. Its enduring legacy is evident in the continued fascination with these tales and their impact on art, literature, and culture throughout the ages. The myths serve not only as captivating stories but also as windows into the ancient Greek worldview, exploring the complexities of the human experience and the relationship between mortals and the divine.
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nicosavior456 · 3 months
Adventures of Chika Hanabusa: The Restoration of Earth
Disclaimer: This book follows the events of Percy Jackson and Heros of Olympus fanfic, this fanfic will not include Trails of Apollo, The Kane Chronicles, and Magnus Chase.
Chapter 20: New Faces
Hyun PoV
As Alabaster, Ryan, and I walk inside the portal, we are suddenly in front of the gate and you can see the label at the top that says Spiti, which is Greek for home in black paint. The gate opens slowly and the three of us walk in. There is a woman in front of us, and she is wearing an ancient toga that is color blue. She has the same green eyes as Ryan, and she casts a welcoming smile. Her hair is in a braid to the side of her shoulders.
"Nice to meet you, Hyun Mun, I am Rhea. The Titaness of Comfort and Motherhood." She says in a serene tone, Holy shit I'm standing in front of Olympian's mom. You know, she kind of dresses very basic for someone who is the Queen of the Titans. I quickly bowed in front of her, but Rhea just laughed.
"No need to bow demigod, I'm no longer queen of the cosmos." She holds her hand up to me and I take it. Dang, she's stronger than she looks. She could work in the WWE and beat John Cena in a fight. I may not be gay, but dang she’s a hot momma with her smile, her big breasts, her toned arms hiding in the toga. The gods got their beauty from her. She leads around the settlement, which is full of one-story houses with different colors and symbols from one another. We walk further into the area and there is a girl that is coming to us. She has a grey sweater and blue skinny jeans with some dirt stains. Her eyes are light blue with some green tints, she has short brown hair, and she’s wearing a carefree smile.
“Heyo, my name is Camira Sealgait, and I’m a daughter of the Titan of Air and Hunting named Lelantos. A pleasure to meet ya” She says in a thick Irish accent and she holds her hand in a handshake. I look at both Rhea and Ryan and they nod for me to take the handshake.
"My name is Hyun Mun, I'm a Roman demigod and my godly parent is Trivia, but I'm also a legacy of Venus." Camira took my hand and shook it wildly and my whole body shook up and down. The girl is strong, she could have broken my hand easily.
“Anyway, Hyun there are more of us. They just not here now, well except one." Camira bows before Rhea and she makes a cheeky smile to Ryan.
“Oh Ryan, can I show her my archer skills real quick." Ryan made a hand gesture like he was letting Camira take the stage. Suddenly a bow and a quiver of arrows appear out of nowhere around Camira's body. Ok, that can be useful, since monsters are very fast and you need to use your weapons quickly. Camira stands in front of us and aims her bow in front of the tree. She shot the arrow and suddenly the arrow hit the branch of the tree and the branch hit the floor. This girl has so good archery skills, and could even be better than the children of Apollo.
“Dear please don’t cause a lot of destruction, Ryan you take Hyun around while I will regrow the branch quickly." Rhea sighed and the tree regrowed another branch while Camira did a nervous laughter and rubbed the back of her head. Ryan and Alabaster took me to the woody part of the settlement and as we went further in the woods, we saw a small lake and a Japanese boy moving his hands and the water following his hand movements. It was a pretty sight to see the lake dance to his tune.
“This is Kaito Hanabusa and he’s the son of Tethys, the titaness of Fresh Water.” Kaito stops and he look at me. He has similar facial features to Chika except he is more masculine. His eyes are ocean blue, and he has similar black hair to Chika.
“Wait are you Chika’s cousin?” I asked Kaito and looked shocked.
“How do you know my cousin?” Kaito got off the lake and his clothes were still dry despite Kaito being at the lake. He wears a  blue tank top with yellow basketball shorts.
“I did a quest with her?” Kaito stares at me with uncertainty showing in his face.
“How is she? I hope she’s doing well” Kaito says as if he worries about her.
“She’s fine, she is a strong fighter.” Kaito did a smug smile while he crossed his arm.
“Yeah, she is."  I think I might like it here. It seems very spacey and comfortable compared to Camp Jupiter. I hope Ben will make it here.
"Hey Ryan, I have a quick favor to ask," I say in uncertainty, I'm not sure if the guy can bring Ben but I have to try.
“Let me guess, you want us to bring Ben Sinclair and his mom here. It has already been done.”
“How did you know that is what I’m about to ask.” What is Ryan? a telepath?
“This guy told me.” Ryan points to Alabaster and Alabaster looks away.
"I only did it because Ben is the only one who can make you behave. It's not like I care about your happiness." Alabaster's face is a bit mad with rage. I never thought Alabaster had a heart. I guess this asshole did the right thing. Kaito looks bored and decides to move back to the lake.
Ryan leads Alabaster and me away from the lake and he walks back to the house area. Rhea softly reprimands Camira and Camira looks on sheepishly. Lord, I do not want to imagine what Rhea will be like if she's pissed.
“Ryan dear it seems like another recruit has come." Suddenly the same portal that took me here reappears in front of us. Two people came out of the portal. Omg….It's Ben. He wears a Minecraft t-shirt and jeans. He combs his brown hair to the sides, and he runs up to me, and carries me in a warm embrace. The 2nd person was Ben's mom, who still wears her doctor's coat and has tied her blonde hair in a ponytail. Her blue eyes show warmness as Ben and I hug each other.
“Ahh, young love.”Mrs. Sinclair chuckles warmly. I almost forgot I got out of Ben's embrace took out my pouch, and handed Ben the pink portion.
“You think that this can work Hyun.”
“It has to, I sacrificed so much to get to this point. This is it, we can end this stupid curse once and for all.” I said confidently, this portion is our only hope of fixing this werewolf business.
“I trust you.” Ben drinks the portion, and his body shakes violently. Ben's mom held Ben to her chest meanwhile Ryan ran to Ben's side and held Ben’s hand.
"At ease Ben, everybody waiting for you," Ryan says in a soft-spoken voice Ben's body stops shaking and he falls asleep while his mom holds him close.
“He will be fine Mrs. Sinclair, he just needs to rest now. I'm guessing you are going to watch over him now." Ryan looked at me and I nodded.
“You don’t need to guess; I know I will.” Ryan leads Alabaster, Miss Sinclair, and me to what I believe is the infirmary. This is it, it's all over. The curse has ruined both our lives, and we are finally free of it. I have put up with the Titan's Army bullshit for far too long to get to this point. I have hurt, killed, and betrayed others all for the sake of curing Ben. He will no longer be a werewolf and we can finally have a normal life away from New Rome and the Titan War. This is the first time when I'm genuinely happy, I've finally won. Ryan is carrying Ben throughout the whole walk; He looks so peaceful now away from the burden of being a werewolf.
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