#younger me would be so happy to see me now
tarjapearce · 2 days
Papa, You're Getting Old
Soccer Family! Miguel x Reader
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Warning: Fluff, slight smut, suggestive towards the end, introspection, body perception and insecurities. Married couple rants and moments, no proofread.
Summary: Miguel finally notices his white hairs, comfort ensues.
A/N: Like Miguel, got a mini crisis when I spotted my first white hairs today 🫠. Then remembered mom had them around my age too so jsksk. Then remembered (x2) I had this one sitting forgotten in my files jsksk, been forgetting this AU lately :'). Help.
A/N 2: Nearly done with the moving. So we're back, I guess? jsksj.
Soccer Family Masterlist
Papa, you're getting old.
Gabi's words had unintentionally pierced through his skull, engraving with emphasis the old part in his brain after his girl found out the couple of white hairs peppering his wavy locks. He was getting older.
Fourty years of his life had gone by within the blink of an eye. When did time got itself some wheels to roll faster? Who gave it permission to do that? Yet Gabi's words lingered in his thoughts longer than they should.
He was getting old. And the silver strands popping here and there, discreetly in his gorgeous hair you loved sinking your hands into, were the irrefutable proof to understand time never stopped, not even a single second.
For the umpteenth time, he brushed his damp hair away to see if he discovered more of them, and to his bad luck, he did. Specially on the front and side bangs.
He scowled at his reflection and pursed his lips. His body still kept the musculature his younger self nurtured. He truly never believed people whenever they said that exercise kept you active and young looking.
And besides the greying hairs on his head and some on his chest, the fine lines turning a bit more prominent on his features, he looked almost the same.
The same man you had been sharing a good chunk of your life with. Almost sixteen years to be more exact if you counted those two dating years. And now he was growing old.
Miguel didn't want to admit it, but sometimes his age reminded him that his body wasn't the same anymore.
You'd often find him sleeping midway in the couch during movie nights, or his office, whenever work from home was done. Sometimes, his body would ache out of nowhere, but in truth it was mostly his bad posture due his size.
Other times, his grumpiness ran rampant through the day, leaving his coworkers to deal with it, cause he didn't have the heart to pollute his home with his bad vibes. A term  Gabriella kept including during the conversations at night to talk about her unlikeable classmates.
And now, he was glaring at his reflection for daring to do such thing as graying. Even the happy trail you loved to nuzzle had a couple of white hairs.
"You're winning that staring contest, mi amor."
Your little laugh, earned a brief chuckle from him as his shoulders slumped, and if almost sixteen years of knowing eachother had taught you something, was to perfect to a T the understanding of his body language.
You came closer and hugged him from behind, keeping his towel around his hips in place while spanking his plump ass in the process, earning another airy chuckle from him.
"Wanna tell me why, you're glaring harder at yourself this time?"
His arm wrapped gently around you and caressed your waist, pulling you closer to his chest. Yours and his reflection in the bathroom mirror staring right back.
"I'm... getting old, mi reina."
You blinked before looking up at him to have a proper view of what he meant.
"More like aging like a fine wine, Miguel."
"No. You don't understand. Look at this," he pointed at the pluck of white hairs peeking out from his roots, "I didn't have them a few months ago and now I've got a bunch of them. Everywhere!."
You smirked, "Everywhere?"
"Mi amor." He warned and you giggled, pulling him down for a kiss.
"Relax, they look gorgeous on you."
"Oh, do they now?"
With a sigh, you took his hands and gave him that look, he knew by heart as a 'really?'
"I've known you for... How long?" It was your turn to hold onto his narrow waist, holding him exactly the way his hands held yours at the beginning.
"Almost sixteen years." He mumbled, still glueing his eyes on the decaying version of himself.
You nodded and looked at the mirror. Together and close, like most of your pictures together. As always.
"Basically almost half of your life. I met you when I was twenty one, gave birth to our Gabibi by twenty three, enjoyed her for ten years, then we almost made Benjamin in the car."
He snorted and nodded, tittering silently at the sudden memory of the cops calling you out in the lookout spot.
"Almost." He mumbled and you nodded.
"Almost, yeah. But we made him! And look at him, being the smartest boy in his class."
Miguel nodded, fond of his boy's achievements.
"And now we have Rosie. Crawling and trying to walk up in every room we put her in."
"Remind me to baby proof the stairs."
You smiled and smacked his ass, "What I'm trying to get at, Papa. Is that, those white hairs in your head and body are only a beautiful proof that you've lived and loved the right way. Look at us."
You pulled him down for a peck, and cupped his cheeks, making him to look your way.
"You, Papa, mi amor, mi niño hermoso, are the best everything I've ever get to experience. And I'm honored to be the one that you're growing old with."
His eyes softened and his hands trapped yours to then kiss them.
"I'm having white hairs too! Like, the other day a kid called me señora to get me pass his ball. SEÑORA!"
His chuckle turned into a soft and genuine laugh.
"Like, the audacity!"
"You're my señora." He murmured in the side of your head, kissing it afterwards.
"Damn right I am." You nodded proudly," Like we're Mr. and Mrs. O'Hara for a reason."
His smile turned sweeter as he placed your hands around his neck and sat you before him in the sink, looking down on your eyes.
"Would you love me-"
"If you were a worm, yes. I would."
"Cállate" he laughed and cleared his throat, "I mean, you... You still want this?" He pointed at his graying hair and chest.
"That question is offensive in itself."
His eyes darted away, but your soft and gentle hands made his gaze to hold against yours again.
"I'd love you if you were bald, had extra pounds, all tattooed, piercings and stuff, a worm, hell, I'd love you the same if you were an alien."
His brow quirked, but snorted, genuinely amused at your rambling.
"I'd love you the same even if we're going through natural changes as growing old. And yes, I'd still fuck and make love to you all the same." Your hands rested on his hips.
"Oh really?"
"Obviously. That makes me worried though. You're entering a dangerous zone where women see you even more handsome. And I'm not one to be jealous, but all of this," You tapped his butt gently, "is mine."
He pecked your lips with a loving laugh. "I'm all yours. And you're pretty jealous."
"Well, yeah, I'm not sharing your dilfness with anyone. Not when I have these for myself." Your hands squeezed his firm butt and spanked it, he pursed his lips, trying his best to suppress a bashful smile.
"And I'm pretty sure in a future our caretakers would find us having sex in the most random of places in the hospice."
That pulled a merry laugh out of him to then kiss your lips.
"You're crazy."
"For you, always. But in all truth, they'll have to put me in quarantine, because I'm still jumping your bones. Even if I have to use a cane, or ask for assistance to the nurses."
"You'd be lucky if still works."
Your eyes rolled and your thighs pulled him closer to you, between your legs. His teeth bit softly his bottom lip as your hands roamed up his chest, eyes widening partially at the sudden bold move.
His soapy clean smell tickled your senses, after all, you had caught him post shower.
"Trust me, it works wonders."
He groaned when your hand slid between the folds of his towel, cupping him with a light squeeze.
"Yeah?" He half mumbled, half moaned into your lips with darkening eyes. Your touch ever delicious, and sparking the arousal only you managed to ignite in his body. Your scent remained forever etched into his brain, almost conditioning him into enter a needy mode whenever desire oozed from your pores.
You nodded with a needy 'hmm' while your hand stroked him, as if with every movement you'd jerk and caress away all those insecurities out of his mind and body.
"Definitely, mi amor."
His hips stuttered into your gentle grip, heaving a deep and shuddering breath hovering over your inviting lips, relieved and proud to see your eagerness to have him. Gray hairs and all.
The silver strands mattered little, specially when you were set into worshipping and honoring your vows.
"I think I'd love to test it's performance, just to make sure."
A crawl rolled down his spine upon your words. He loved when you talked in his language, it turned him on im such a way he didn't know it could make that part of his cortex tingle. But this moment, had him delivering sweet pecks and kisses down your neck, drunk in your softness and want for none else but him.
You still wanted him, flaws and all. He still made you a mess. And that made his cock to twitch.
"Shall we go to the testing area then, mi reina?"
His flushed and broad tip poked urgently between your clothed folds and inner thighs, hoping to slip in your scorching tightness and wreck you completely, like in his younger years.
However, as much as he wanted to take you right there, the privacy of your room offered him more space to bend and meld you at his whims. Without saying much, he threw you over his shoulder and rushed to your bedroom, thrilled for the upcoming long hours of exhaustive, mind splitting testing.
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bodyswappersworld · 2 days
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I wake up on the morning of fathers day. Only to see my cousins walk in saying "Happy fathers day, dad" holding a cup of tea. I'm confused. But I play along. So i give a "Thank you" to them. And they leave my bedroom. I look around. Only to find it's not my bedroom. I look down and see my body is border. I drink my tea. And go to the bathroom. Only to see my unlce Elijahs body. I'm now uncle Eljah?. I'm uncle Elijah. I look down at my new body. I stripped off any clothes I was wearing. As I don't know how long I would be in Elijahs body. And to save any embarrassed later. Walking is going to be fun. Elijah junk is bigger than mine. And more sensitive.
I get changed and go downstairs. I text Elijah, who's now in my body.
"Elijah. What are we going to do?"
"Beau. Don't worry. Act like me. Until we figure this out. It will be great for you anyway. Peeta and Grace will make today special. As it's fathers day today"
"I forgot about that."
We spend the whole day having fun. Going to the beach. Eating ice cream. Enjoying eachothers company. Being Elijah. Being my cousins dad. It's fun.
"Yes Peeta"
"What's it like being a dad?"
Fuck. He's got me. I don't know.
"It's the best thing anyone could ask for"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes Grace. I'm sure."
This went on for ages. Then we carried on with our day. We had a beautiful meal. I ordered Elijahs favourite, lamb vindaloo. It would be too spicy for me in my body. But as my uncle Elijah, its actually quite nice.
At the end of fathers day. My cousin, or kids, went to bed. It was juste me and my aunt, 'wife', Luna.
"Elijah. Today was great. The kids planned everything them selfs."
"It was. I loved every second of it."
"That's great." The processes to kiss me.
I freak out. Then I proceeded to kiss her. As I don't want her to wonder why I'm (Elijah, her husband) is acting weird.
We have a little snuggle. Watched TV. Then, I went to bed. I must confess. It was weird. But I need to act like Elijah. When I woke up. Luna went to work. She left a note.
Worked phoned and want me in. I will be home in time for Patrick, Millie, Beau, and Jack.
I forgot. We always come over after Father's Day. This will be the first time I'll see Elijah in my body. My dad is now my younger brother. My mum is my sister in law. My brother and my uncle are my nephews.
"Elijah. Are we still going to act like each other today? At the family event."
"Yeah. It's weried calling your dad, 'dad', How was it yesterday?"
"Great. I had a vindaloo. It was great. See you later"
"See you later. Beau. I mean Uncle Elijah."
God, that's another thing I've got to get used to other than being called Elijah and Dad. Being an uncle. Jack always calls Elijah, uncle, or uncle Elijah
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So my dad, mum, brother, and uncle. Wait, no. My brother, sister in law and my nephew come over. Just in time, Luna comes over. Peeta and Grace immediately go and take 'Beau' and Jack. And as I'm Elijah. I'm with my dad (brother), mum (sister in law) and my aunt (wife). I'm going to have to call my parents by their names. So Patrick was telling me all the things 'Beau' and Jack did for fathers Day. I had to act like I didn't know. He genuinely sounded excited. I said all the things 'my kids' done. When 'Beau', Jack, Peeta, and Grace returned. I do what Elijah normally does. And lie on the sofa. The night went well. Me and Elijah kept looking at each other and smirking. It was weird talking to him and having to say my name.
Peeta, Jack, Grace and 'Beau' went upstairs. So me, Patrick, Millie and Luna in the living room. Me and Luna on one sofa. Patrick and Millie on the other sofa. So I acted like Elijah. Pretending I love Luna. After a few hours. They went home. The amount of times I've nearly said Mum and Dad to them.
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The next day, I was still in Elijahs body. He texted me saying
"Beau. You're going to have to do my job. Luckily I'm working from home. So you don't have to socialise with my colleagues. Remember what I taught you."
God. I was hoping I wouldn't have to. But I'm willing to learn.
So I got washed and dressed. Then I logged on. The first email I see is a meeting. So I text Elijah,
"Elijah. I've got an email. It's a group meeting on video call."
"Beau. Don't worry. Don't say much. I don't normally. Just say, 'I'll get back to you'. And text me. Then I can run it with you"
"Ok. Thank you."
Elijah is a works in the tech industry. After a long day. I pulled through. Many conversation about fathers day. Many boring conversation about life.
As summer went into autumn. As autumn went into winter. I was still uncle Elijah. I've gotten used to this. So has Elijah. The snow came down fast and thick. So I wrapped up warm. Luna, Peeta and Grace done the same. And we went out in the snow. We had the best time.
Christmas came. We went over to Patrick's. This is the first Christmas where I'm his brother, and not his son. It feels weird. But I love it.
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A few months later. Luna, Peeta and Grace were going to be out. In a couple of months it would be 1 year since we swapped bodies. So I invited Elijah, or now Beau, over to play some games. We had a blast. Talking about life. Talking about the swap. Talking about its weird calling family members different names. Talking about how we done well in fooling them.
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Now it's fathers day. I'm uncle Elijah. Uncle Elijah is me.
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imaroyalburneraccount · 20 hours
Past, present, future
a/n: well, writing creativity hits me at the worst times. Including when I have a concussion! This one is for my silly moot @fortheb0ys
Minors DNI
Phillip was stressed. If stressed was even the right word. He was tired, and bored, and yet constantly busy busy busy. It was starting to make his head swirl so damn much that he decided to toss off his work and jobs to his poor second in command and go back to his little home town in the middle of nowhere Texas
He wasn’t there to see family, hell no. He had put his parents in a retirement home in Dallas years and years ago. He was going just to fish where he used to fish and enjoy how little that town changes- as if time was slowed there. He pulled up to his hotel happy as a clam and practically running to the local bar, enjoying as many drinks as he wanted to calm down, until he saw you walk in. Oh fuck
he hadn’t seen you since high school, since he left the whole backwater town to try his luck in the military, and told you by note. By note! He really did regret that now, how he had probably shattered you. Sure you two never ‘dated’, his parents would have slaughtered him for something like dating a man- but you two sure did everything a couple could. Nights spent together hidden away in a camping tent, secret kisses and hickeys littering him in the morning… he had really felt like shit having the nerve to show up here now, feeling wheezy and sick to his stomach.
he sat nervously next to you at the bar, letting you look him up and down as he drank a shot of whiskey, then two, then three. And a conversation started between you, about how your lives had ended up and how you’d stayed in the little country town and definitely flourished- calloused hands and well built figure filling in where you once were younger and softer, and the more he drank the more comfortable he felt around you, chuckling at your jokes and leaning into you as if he was head over heals again.
Four shots, five shots, six,
he was feeling real sick now, he wasn’t a lightweight by any means. But he had definitely lost track and gone above any standard he usually had. He felt Ick all over, barely wanting to walk out the door let alone leave you and go to his hotel- not that he could walk that far in the state he was in. He needed you in more ways than one, so he begged you pathetically to carry you home. Your grip and warmth grounded him enough that he got a grip while you carried him, softly nuzzling into your chest and hoping you’d stay just a little longer and indulge him just a bit more.
he didn’t deserve you, he knew that. You were his a long time ago and he had royally fucked up- but he missed everything about you, every little detail was making his mind spin with old memories he had thought he had forgotten. He let you carry him into your house without a single protest- too in bliss and too drunk to bother you with the idea of carrying him back to his shitty hotel, especially when your house smelt of your cologne and safety.
he almost melted in your bed; whining and pulling you next to him before utterly dozing off, and clinging to you as if you would disappear if he let go
he woke up with an utterly pounding headache and a hangover worse then death himself- sitting up with a groan before remembering where he was, and that he was in your jacket from the bar… he has definitely made a fool of himself in front of you. But he supposed it was better then being alone in your apartment- he laid practically on top of you, feeling your even breathing as you slept. He had missed the feeling of being oh so close to you, but he still wanted to be closer- okay sure, it might be a bit wrong but he couldn’t help himself but kiss down your neck softly, his hands wondering and his body slipping down a bit, in no hurry to wake you up- just wanting to feel you.
he mouthed at your boxers a bit, shaking you awake enough to get a groan out of you and a tired nod as you tossed your head back on the pillow tiredly, still half asleep as he tugged your boxers down your legs and wrapped his pretty lips around your cock-head, taking you inch by inch slowly and choking a bit until he had every inch in his mouth, little gasps coming out of his stretched lips as he breathed you in, tears and spit dribbling down his face. He was focused on solely you, only little grinds of his hips against your leg giving himself physical pleasure
he hummed softly at the feeling of your hand grasping in his hair, before getting thrown off rhythm at a rough tug from you, pulling him off- a small drop of pre-cum and spit connecting his lips and your soaked member before you forced him back all the way down. You had gotten a lot rougher, and it felt so so good to be gasping as those big blue eyes of his poured with tears- looking like a mess. But he was your mess again. Yours.
he choked and gagged every so often, but worked you up until you were grasping his shoulders tight enough to bruise, painting his throat white as he swallowed every drop down, cumming in his own pants untouched before he pulled himself away and rolled beside you
“missed you, sugar.” Was all he could mutter as he caught his breath
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inevitablypazzi · 2 days
Can I Be Him — A Pazzi Fic
Wherein Paige Bueckers, UConn’s prolific point guard, has been in love with Azzi Fudd, her longtime best friend and current teammate for the longest time. The persistence in scouting the girl to the huskies was not for nothing. But of course, Paige kept this fact to herself. Yet, even after all these years, behind the basketball star’s confident and cocky-like attitude, lies insecurities for seemingly not being enough for Azzi.  Azzi constantly reminding Paige of the reality that she may never have feelings for the girl the same way the girl has for her when she repeatedly talks to Paige about her boy problems, deflates the latter’s self-esteem, while Azzi remains unaware. With the next season around the corner and Paige’s newfound courage to move on from Azzi, what would become of their relationship?
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
word count: 1,127
“You know you can’t just bribe me with a Shirley Temple and not explain your side of what happened earlier.” Azzi laughs at Paige’s way of getting her to speak up and communicate. She sure knows how to make the younger laugh and open up to her.
Azzi places down her drink and gives in, “I was jealous of you and Nika.”
Paige, shocked by Azzi’s confession, chokes on her drink. Azzi panics, standing up and getting behind Paige, then proceeding to hardly slap her back repeatedly as an attempt to ‘save’ the girl.
“Azzi what the hell are you doing?!” Paige’s face was red from choking and was even struggling to question Azzi’s action.
“Helping! What does it look like I’m doing?!” Azzi seemed offended Paige was even asking that question.
“Well, stop it! You’re making me choke even more!” Azzi lets out a low ‘oh’ in realization and scratches her head, “My bad, went a little overboard.” She apologizes and sits back down, now avoiding eye contact with the blonde.
Silence followed Paige’s choking incident, but she wouldn’t let Azzi not expound on what she just said a while ago.
“What did you mean when you said you were jealous of me and Nika?” Paige breaks the silence and Azzi’s face turns hot in an instant, something Paige was oblivious to but Azzi felt like she was literally in the Sahara while being in an airconditioned establishment.
“Azzi?” Paige noticed Azzi looked out of it, growing concerned.
The older girl stretches her arm and feels Azzi’s face. When Azzi flinches, Paige grips her arm tightly but not roughly, “Are you sick?”
“What? No?” Azzi answers with a short and fake laugh to break the tension she felt.
Paige had her hand on Azzi’s face longer than she should have, not even realizing that she has been longing for Azzi’s presence after an entire summer of not seeing each other because of Azzi spending more time with Parker. She sees Azzi’s intense stare at her and pulls back her hand, clears her throat, and recoups herself.
“How are things with you and Parker?” Paige’s questions catches Azzi off guard, making her uncomfortable, but she plays it off not wanting Paige to think she’s the one making her feel that way when in fact it was the mention of Parker.
Azzi takes a sip of her drink before answering, “He’s funny. Nice. Great at basketball.”
“Are you interested in him?” The blue eyed girl asks Azzi with softness written all over her eyes and at this point, Azzi knew they were eyes she wanted to keep seeing for the rest of her life. So, despite knowing the answer to the question deep inside her heart, she chooses to lie.
“I am.” Two words that were enough for Paige’s heart to drop. Yet, she loves the girl too much. Enough for her to choose to lie to herself if it was to make the girl happy. She gives Azzi a genuine smile, “That’s all I needed to know.” Paige wanted to say so much more, but it was all she could get herself to say.
She was in pain, but that didn’t matter because her best friend had finally found herself someone and what she felt didn’t matter. She should be happy for Azzi and she was trying. If it was for Azzi, there’s nothing she wouldn’t do.
Seeing how Paige was seemingly happy for her, Azzi thought it was the perfect time to explain herself and the incident regarding Paige and Nika earlier, “About Nika. Ice made me realize I was jealous of the fact Nika and you are starting to have the friendship we share. Which sort of aggravated me once I saw you were also starting to care for her the same way you care for me, leading me to say those words to you.”
Paige just listened to the girl carefully, her heart too heavy to even say a word.
“I’m sorry for what I said, Paige. I truly am sorry. You are not careless nor stupid. If anyone was at that moment, it was me and I just–” Azzi starts rambling out of guilt and as Paige recognizes it, cutting off the curly haired girl immediately, “Can you stand for me?”
“Huh?” Azzi, confused, doesn’t do what Paige asks of her. 
Paige is forced to leave her seat, walks up to Azzi’s side, gently grabbing her arm up for her to stand, and hugs her. She hugs her tightly and although the shorter one was puzzled, she hugs her back in the same intensity she was being hugged. Azzi craved Paige’s presence just as much as Paige craved Azzi’s, yet none of them knew that. But for a moment, their hug communicated the longing the two had for each other.
“Close or far. With me or without me. Even if you see me or you don’t. You’ll always have me as your best friend, Paige.” And that was it. Azzi’s words were enough for Paige to hug her tighter and make up her mind about moving on because in the end this was the extent of their relationship.
Azzi will never see you as more than her best friend and it would be unfair for her if you do. A tear falls from Paige’s eye and she sniffles as a result, making it known to Azzi that her best friend had gotten emotional, but when she attempts to check up on Paige by releasing herself from the girl’s embrace, Paige repositions her left arm to Azzi’s head, pushing it gently back to her shoulder.
“You’ll always have me as your best friend too, Azzi.” This time, it was Azzi’s turn to be teary eyed and bury her head deeper into Paige’s shoulder.
“Let me make it up to you. From now on I’ll be a better best friend.” Paige promises and Azzi wasn’t so sure if she even wanted Paige to fulfill it.
I don’t want you to. A thought that stayed in Azzi’s mind, unable to get past her tongue because she was too scared. Too caught up in the possible consequences. Too frightened she’d lose the best thing she’s ever had. 
I’m yours. Words that Paige always told Azzi and she always never knew what to say in response, but right now, she did, although it may have been too late. Paige Bueckers was the best Azzi Fudd’s ever had and she’s known it since forever, but has been too much of a coward to admit it. Not until now that she’s starting to lose the girl. Meanwhile for Paige, all the years of her asking herself the question ‘Can I be him?’ has finally been answered: She no longer can.
a/n: here's a sort of filler chapter. sorry to have kept those who anticipate updates waiting. hopefully everyone's doing well. much love. <3
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sinkingnotsoslowly · 2 days
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Pairing: (f) Reader x Hyunjin
Warning: angst if you squint, royalty au
Autumn's sighs- little soft thoughts about our favourite boys
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Life in the palace was lonely. The tall ceilings and dark walls seemed never-ending. The end of the hallways looked like black holes, once they suck you in there’s no way out. The only place Hyunjin felt at ease in the entire palace was his bedchamber. It was devoid of the darkness that seemed to engulf everything in the palace. Instead, it was decorated by splashes of colours here and there, paintbrushes scattered across the floor, several complete and incomplete canvases kept wherever Hyunjin could fit them and even the bed unmade. It was not what any other person would call ‘decorated’ by any means. Even Hyunjin knew it was a mess, “But a pretty mess” he would argue.
One would think life was easy for the royals. They could have whatever they wanted, and with the whole nation at their feet achieving so was as easy as pie. And maybe it was true to a certain extent. But unfortunately for Hyunjin, he did not desire anything that the royal life was able to provide. What need does he have for power and wealth? The little prince used to ask his tutor. And the only thing everybody he asked this to had to say was that he was the eldest prince, the future king, and he ought to have the power to rule the nation. Hyunjin did not want to rule anything.
 “Your brother is being made the crown prince” the royal guard stomped onto the balcony where Hyunjin had set up his easel and canvas.
“And I remember telling you not to pester me when I am painting, Changbin.”
The sunset was becoming too yellow, this wouldn’t do. Hyunjin started mixing some red with the yellow on his palette and looked up to see the guard still standing there, looking at him with a face of disbelief. “Do you have anything more to say?”
“Don’t you have anything to say? You were supposed to have that title Hyunjin”
Hyunjin went back to put some orange on the canvas. Now the sunset had some texture. “I am happy for Yongbok is what I have to say”
Sighing, he put down the brush to look at the guard frowning. Changbin was the only person in the palace he could call upon. He was a little dense at times and maybe that was why when everyone left Hyunjin to his own devices, he followed him like a lost puppy.
“I never wanted that title. I am glad that the King deemed me unworthy. I would have much rather enjoyed being born to a simple farmer. Work hard during the day and paint at night. It is a dream indeed.”
“And it will remain a dream. There is no point in dreaming what you cannot achieve. Hyunjin, you could have handled the business affairs during the day and painted at night-”
“I do not want to handle the business. Yongbok is far more willing and capable of it. It is the right decision to make him the crown prince. I am happy like this” Hyunjin picked up his brush to continue the finishing touches. It was almost dark now; he couldn’t sit out here much longer.
“So, you are all right with people making you out to be mad?” his brush stilled for a moment. “Yes. Yes, I am. It is nothing new. You should leave, I want to finish this painting before it gets too dark.”
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Hyunjin had expected to be at peace after his younger brother was made the crown prince. The King now had no reason to fret and Hyunjin could go about doing his own things. But he was wrong. His peace of mind did not last long as not even a week later the King decided that it would be best for the eldest to get married. Perhaps a wife would help his delirious mind.
To Hyunjin that was worse than being the next King. A wife? It was the nation’s ruler who was mad not him. Having a wife meant letting an outsider enter the little delicate space he had so tenderly sewed. An outsider who would judge him for his choices, call him a lunatic and tear apart his safe abode. Then there would be nothing remaining of him. How would he survive? These thoughts kept him up at night. And when finally sleep came he was haunted by nightmares, where a faceless woman would smirk at him, looking at him with disdain and make a mockery of him.
No amount of pleading stopped the marriage. Even the younger prince tried to convince his father against it after seeing his brother in so much distress. The King stood firm on his decision. And so the wedding preparations began. Hyunjin was certain that the King had lied about him to make a man marry off his daughter to a prince like him. Or maybe this man did not value his daughter enough to pick a worthy husband for her. Either way, Hyunjin did not think his to-be wife would treat him differently than the rest of the masses. So he did not bother to show any interest whatsoever in the maids’ gossip about the unfortunate lady who was to become a part of the royal family. But Changbin enthusiastically visited Hyunjin to tell him about her whenever he heard something new. And so he’s heard that the lady was the princess of a small kingdom far south. Their nation was suffering from famine, so their King was marrying off his daughter to save their people. More of a trade than a marriage. Hyunjin should have known that his father had played some cards for a nation to give up their princess to him.
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The first time Hyunjin saw her was at the altar. Dressed in white with accents of gold and a veil drawn low upon her face. Still, Hyunjin could make out her features; as delicate as a flower, full of innocence, untainted by the harsh condemnation of the world. At once Hyunjin thought of how exquisite she would look sitting in one of the garden chairs among all the other flowers while he painted her. And when she shyly looked up at him, gauging the features of her new husband, Hyunjin knew he was done for.
The first few weeks after the grand wedding passed with the newlyweds awkwardly shuffling around each other and stumbling over their words like babies learning to speak. “This is intolerable. Both of you make me want to smash my head against the wall " Changbin barged into the library, where he knew he would find the older prince. He’d had enough of the couple.
“And what did I tell you about disturbing me when I’m in the library Changbin?” Hyunjin said as he flipped through yet another romantic novel, he says inspired him to paint. Changbin ignored the prince’s blatant show of uninterest and continued, “Do all of us in the palace a favour Hyunjin, grow a pair and talk to your wife properly. You cannot keep running away forever”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Although Hyunjin chased away Changbin he knew that it was becoming ridiculous. He had not touched his paintbrush since the night before the wedding when he locked away all his paints and brushes in drawers, hid the easel under the bed and all his finished and unfinished paintings in trunks. And when his wife stared at him with a questioning look when he insisted on always keeping those drawers locked, he had stupidly said, “I’m a very paranoid man.”  Hyunjin never considered himself to be awkward when conversing with people, he could be very charming at times. So he kept wondering why this sudden idiocy had seized him.
Hyunjin was certain that he had reached a point of restlessness where he would spontaneously combust at any moment if he did not get his hands on even a pencil and a piece of paper to sketch. And of all times now his head was swarming with inspirations when he could not put them down on paper. Ridiculous is what it is, he thought. He did not even know why he was hiding himself from his wife when he never bothered to do so for any other person no matter how many vile words they spewed at him. Maybe he did not want those doe-like eyes, wide with curiosity, to look at him with disdain when she would find out that her husband was not right in his head, that he devoted all his time not to his duties to the nation but to playing with paint. He did not want her to be disappointed since he was not what she had expected.
But as the fates worked their way it turned out that his wife was not the one Hyunjin had expected. It was one night when Hyunjin was sitting with his nose in a book when (Y/n) seemed to no longer able to hold her tongue and asked, “Do you, perhaps paint milord?”
Hyunjin looked up from his book looking like he was caught with his hand in a cookie jar.
“What- how did you know?”
“I noticed the smell of paints on the very first day and I couldn’t hold my curiosity anymore,” seeing Hyunjin’s face ashen she hurriedly continued, “I paint too. Well, at least I used to before I came here.”
“You paint?”
“Yes,” Hyunjin couldn’t believe his ears.
“Would you- would you like to see my paintings?”
“I would love to.” This was the first time he saw her smile that bright since the wedding day. There was no doubt that it was true, that she was not just mocking him. Hesitantly, Hyunjin unlocked one of the trunks and brought out a small painting of a magnolia they had in the palace garden. (Y/n) gasped and Hyunjin quickly looked at her face for signs of disappointment. “That is so beautiful. It looks more real than the paintings I have seen in botanical books,” her eyes were dazzling with amazement. This encouraged him as he brought out more of his paintings, always checking to see how (Y/n) was reacting.
One would say that the chambers were back to how they used to be with how canvases were spread across the room. And amidst those paintings were the princess and the prince, in their little world. “Will you teach me how to paint like this milord?” shyly she asked. But even her shyness could not hide the excitement in her eyes.
“Of course. But only if you stop calling me milord”
“Then what should I call you?” Hyunjin chuckled at how adorable she was.
“Hmm, you could call me Hyunjin, Hyune, darling, love, whatever you wish angel.”
(Y/n) hid her face in her hands. Hyunjin could only giggle seeing her flustered. But even his ears felt hot. He did not mind; he was happy. This was not the type of happiness he felt after completing a sketch or reading a ‘happily ever after’ ending. He hadn’t felt like this for a long time, since after his mother passed. He did not feel judged when (Y/n) picked up the canvases and looked closely at them. She was not disappointed in him, rather she looked like this was everything she could ever ask for; she looked happy. And Hyunjin wanted to paint that happiness on the white canvas, he wanted to paint her. Hyunjin had found his muse.
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fortpeat · 1 day
You know a teeny tiny part of me was kind of scared that Rakmut would remind me so much of Paisky becoz they have been a huge part of my life since the beginning but that was so not the case yes there were certain scenes that did remind me of them but overall Fortpeat was phenomenal in bringing these two characters to life flawlessly. And yes we only have one episode but for me what we got was plenty good to understand their characters a lot more 🥹🥹
Let's start with Mahasamut 😍
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MY GOD HIS ENTRANCE 🫠🫠 woww... As a fellow Ocean / marine life lover I can say that Mahasamut's entry while he's doing what's he passionate about took my breath away and yes his shirtless scene also took my breath away 🫠🫠 obviously. Thank you MMY for the slow mo hair flip and saving me from doing it again 🤣 with what we got his relationship with Palm I like how they are like siblings 🤭 I really want to know more.
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He is such a puppy I mean come on look at that smile... I am melting here. Also these smiles clearly shows his younger side and it's Soo cuteee 😍😍 I want to see more also I LOVEEE HOW HE IS HELL BENT ON ANNOYING TONGRAK 🤣🤣 it's interesting to see how it's portrayed that nothing effects him and that all the comments that Tongrak throws his away is brushed off easily coz I have a feeling that we will be seeing more into that 👀👀
Next Tongrak 😍😍
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This man's prettiness knows no bounds 😍😍 each and every single outfit that he had on this episode was just wow... I was drooling .... 🙏🙏 Let me worship you Tongrak HOW CAN SOMEONE BE THIS PRETTY 🤣 ALSO EVERYTIME TONGRAK WAS COMPARED TO A KITTEN I WAS DYING 🤣🤣🤣 He is portrayed as rich but lonely who obviously doesn't admit it. He is definitely attracted to Mahasamut but won't admit it which makes me want him to be the first one to cave in the tug of desire war 🤣🤣 PLEASEEEE 🙏🙏 Rak definitely knows what he wants and I don't think he is someone who backs aways from getting it but interestingly with Mut he would play hard to get obviously since he "hates" Mut 🤭🤭
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It's safe to say each and every scene in this episode has captured my heart 🥹🥹 the wait has been so worth it and I am so happy 😍😍😍 I NEED THE SECOND EPISODE HERE ALREADY AND FROM THE PREVIEW... AHHHH I AM SO NOT READY BUT GIVE IT TO ME ALREADY 🫠🫠
(p.s I am dedicating my favorite scene from the episode with another post)
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Pranksters Get Tickled
Summary: Yelena has gotten closer to Wanda and decides it is now a good time to play a prank on her. Wanda gets her revenge accordingly.
Note: Happy birthday @lillexx !! I hope you enjoy your day and enjoy this fic as well! I may or may not have used some of your worst spots :)
Word Count: 812
Wanda and Yelena started off not being very close to each other. Their mutual link was Natasha, but they never seemed to click that well. However, Natasha had helped the two of them bond better and now they were much closer. Closer to the point where Yelena found it acceptable to play pranks on the witch. 
Today was one of those days, as Yelena was setting up her prank. As someone as clumsy as herself, she hated how perfect Wanda was. She had never seen her trip or fall once unless she was in a battle. However, Yelena was the type to trip over her own shoelaces. This time would be different though. 
Yelena was setting up a very thin string across the floor of the entrance to the compound, as Wanda was out right now. Being very meticulous as Yelena was, she also set up a system where once the string was tripped upon, a bucket of flour from above would be dropped onto the person who was standing there.
Yelena had just put the finishing touches on the apparatus and quickly raced around the corner as she heard the door unlocking. Luckily for her, nobody else was out during that time, so she knew it had to be Wanda. 
Yelena ran to hide, but tried to hide in a non obvious place. Hiding in her room would be too easy to find, so she hid in Steve’s room.
Yelena kept the door open a crack so she could hear Wanda’s reaction. She heard the door close and then waited for the prank to play out. She heard Wanda gasp as she stumbled over the thin string, shouting as the flour poured down on her. Silence took over, as Wanda tried to process what had just happened. Yelena shut the door quietly and giggled softly to herself, careful to not be too loud.
Wanda quickly took off, looking for the person who was guilty of this prank. She wasn’t sure who had done it, but she had a list of suspects. First, she thought it may have been Peter, so she went off to look for him. However, her search was cut short as the suspect was revealed early.
Yelena hadn’t checked Steve’s room before entering and didn’t realize that Steve was using the attached bathroom to his room. To his surprise, he came out of the bathroom to see Yelena near the door.
“Zip it Captain Underpants, don’t say a word,” Yelena scolded him, looking for her chance to escape.
“Oh Wanda~ I think your culprit is in my room!” Steve called out, betraying Yelena for the nickname she gave him.
Yelena quickly tried to make a run for it, just as she ran right smack into Wanda.
“Well, well, well, what do we have here?” Wanda questioned, still covered in some leftover flour. Yelena couldn’t help but giggle at her.
“You think this is funny? I’ll give you something to laugh about,” Wanda stated, grabbing the younger girl and bringing her to the living room, where she gently tossed the blonde onto the couch. Wanda sat on Yelena’s shins and began tickling her feet, making the blonde squeal with giggles.
“WAHAHANDA,” Yelena shouted.
“I’m not giving you any mercy,” Wanda said strictly, as the blonde began to giggle hysterically. Wanda then moved up and began to squeeze the blonde’s hips, making her gasp and shout with laughter.
“Bad spot?” Wanda asked with a teasing grin.
“Not until you apologize for the prank,” Wanda teased, as she now went to squeeze both of Yelena’s thighs at the same time, making her flop around in ticklish agony.
“OKAHAHAY SOHOHORRY AHAHAHA,” Yelena shouted, reaching up in desperation to tickle Wanda’s ribs.
The witch jumped back in surprise, as Yelena used this opportunity to turn the tables on her. 
“Don’t tickle me!” Wanda shouted, as Yelena dug into her ribs, making Wanda burst out laughing. 
“Not so powerful now huh?” Yelena asked, poking her ribs and spidering her fingers over her stomach.
“YELEHEHENA! STAHAHAHAP,” Wanda cried, as Yelena blew a raspberry on her stomach for good measure. 
“That’ll teach you,” Yelena said with a triumphant smirk.
“You’ll never win!” Wanda declared, tackling Yelena back down and tickling her until she couldn’t breathe.
“Say I win,” Wanda said, as Yelena fought off the witch as best as she could.
Yelena couldn’t handle the tickles anymore and quickly surrendered when her thighs were attacked again. 
“Are you gonna prank me again?” Wanda asked sternly.
“No,” Yelena said reluctantly, rolling her eyes playfully, as they both knew her next prank would probably be within the next 24 hours. 
“You should be flattered that I feel close enough to you to prank you,” Yelena said, as Wanda giggled in appreciation that the blonde now felt comfortable enough to be silly with her. 
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ghostofaboy · 2 days
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Summary: Marcus has a very specific desire, and Dave is only too happy to assist.
Pairing: Marcus Pike/Dave York Rating: Explicit | Word count: 789
Warnings: Anal sex, breeding kink, Dom/sub elements
Note: This has not been beta read, so apologies for any mistakes. This was a request from @perotovar and @fluffygoffpanda as part of my 200 Follower Celebration, as their requests worked really well together. Divider by @saradika-graphics Little bit of a sequel to this and this.
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Pulling his knees up closer to his chest, Marcus could feel Dave’s gaze on him. Those beautiful eyes were exploring his body, roaming over every inch, planning out exactly what he’d do to the exposed agent. Strong hands trailed over his flesh, thumbing over his nipples, sending shivers through Marcus’ body as goosebumps dance across his skin. As a callused finger circled his ready hole, Dave smirked.
“Are you ready?”
“Yes.” Marcus gasped out, his cock twitching to his words, with small beads of precum flicking onto his stomach. “I’m ready.”
“I won’t go easy on you.”
“I don't want you to. I want you to fill me up. I want... I need you to breed me.”
A deep growl was the other man’s response as one of his large hands grabbed Marcus’ thigh while he lined up his thick length. As the sizeable head breached him, Marcus couldn’t stop himself from holding his breath. Despite receiving his lover’s cock many times, it somehow always caught him off guard with its girth. Although his body had long since adapted, the delicious stretch of the initial penetration was something Marcus hoped would never lose its thrill.
Once he was fully seated within Marcus, Dave paused to take in every expression and Marcus could see his eyes analyzing him and checking him. But he knew by now there was more to it than that. Dave cared. In his own way. What Marcus had first taken as cool detachment he now understood to be a self-imposed barrier. One that stop others getting too close while still allowing Dave to let small controlled amounts of love out.
As Dave began to slowly roll his hips, pumping his thick length deep into Marcus, the heady rush of arousal sent the younger agent’s thought back to their first encounter. There had been no names, just a quick fuck in a seedy motel and little chance of ever seeing each other again. But they had. Running into each other on a case of all things and after attempting to stay professional for a couple of day, they had tumbled into bed together.
The sounds of skin smacking against skin filled the room as Dave steadily increased his pace, driving his cock into Marcus’ hole. Each time Dave plunged into him, jolted Marcus slightly up the bed, stoking the fire inside him, and causing him to writhe and squirm. Shifting to lean down over Marcus, Dave spread the younger man’s legs wide, tucking each leg under his arms as he maintained his iron grip on Marcus’ thighs.
Pinching his eyes shut, Marcus could feel Dave’s balls slapping against him with every hungry thrust. He could smell the sex and sweat in the air, the thick musk permeating the room and his senses. His whole world was Dave inside him, stretching him, fucking him to the edge of his sanity and then bringing him back. 
Dave’s movements were frenzied now. Jackhammering into Marcus with abandon as the older man chased his finish, and with each powerful slam into him, Dave brought Marcus close to his own climax. Opening his eyes, Marcus was met with the slight of Dave’s eyes locked into him. They were filled with determination, lust, but also…
Dave came first, as he often did, letting out a low, throaty cry as he rocked into Marcus. As Dave leaned forward to rest his head on the younger man’s shoulder, Marcus couldn’t stop himself letting out a needy whine as he felt the hot seed flooding into him. This is what he wanted. What he needed. To feel and keep every drop of Dave’s cum inside him. What else was he for if he couldn’t do that?
Marcus could feel Dave trembling as he stilled, slowly leaning up to look at Marcus again. For a moment Marcus thought Dave would do what he always did and stay inside him, keep fucking him until he came. But instead, Dave began to carefully pull out, easing his cock out of Marcus’ gaping hole before quickly reaching for a plug. 
“You have a choice, Marcus.” Dave’s voice hitched slightly as his shaking hands gently nudged the plug into place, filling Marcus once more with the heavy silicone. “One, I can make you come now. Daddy will blow you baby and make you feel good. Or, two, you can wait like a good boy until I’m ready to go again and Daddy’ll fill you up even more.”
From his place on the bed, Marcus’ cock twitched at the choice. With his legs spread open for Dave and his chest heaving with each breath, he couldn’t help but grin. There was no choice at all, really. He knew exactly what he wanted. 
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somethingvicked · 2 days
True love of mine part 7
An Eddie Munson story
Stranger Things AU (no Upside-Down)
warnings: female reader, angst, mentioning of drug use and death by OD. Flexible timeline.
Chapter 6.
You felt like you were slowly losing your mind. It had been a week since Eddie’s song was released, a week since your hope grew into a burning flame from the ashes.
But nothing more had happened.
The next day you actually followed him on Instagram, just so that he would know you were on social media, a way to make contact.
You were hurt once again, wondering if this had been some kind of game of his, to lure you back into his net only to dump you before anything had even happened! Did he tell his fellow musicians about you? About the pathetic girl that couldn’t get over her high school boyfriend?!
You were so depressed that when Friday came rolling around you had bought yourself a whole container of Ben & Jerry’s and a bottle of wine, decided to put on your comfiest pajamas and feel sorry for yourself the whole night.
That didn’t happen though, because someone knocked on your door before you even had put the ice cream in the freezer.
You walked over to the door and opened it. On the other side stood Wayne, Eddie’s uncle.
Your jaw dropped and in the next instant you were hugging the old man. “Wayne!” you exclaimed, tears rising in your eyes. He had been as much a part of your life back then as Eddie had and you had always liked him.
The smell of motor oil, cigarettes and coffee instantly soothed your nerves, bringing the nostalgic memories of stepping into Wayne’s trailer back then. Wayne himself hadn’t changed much and that was a comfort.
 “Hey, kiddo,” he told you as he let you go. “Is this a bad time? Can I come in?”
“Of course not, come in!” You beamed, stepping aside for him.
“Not that I’m not happy to see you, but what are you doing here? I thought you still lived in Hawkins, you poor man.”
Wayne laughed. “I do, although nowadays I live in a house, not a trailer.”
“Aw,” you couldn’t help but say. “I loved your trailer.”
“Yes, there were some good times there. But I’m not getting any younger and the luxury of having enough hot water and a boiler that won’t give out when it’s freezing outside… makes it easier on these old joints.”
You felt a little sad. You didn’t want Wayne to get old. Somehow it had seemed like he never aged, but of course he was human, just like everyone else. “That’s nice,” you told him, giving him a beer as you sat down in the living room. “Did you get a good check from the plant when you retired for all that overtime you’ve given them?”
Wayne shook his head. “No. Actually Eddie bought it for me, after he released his second album. I told him he didn’t have to, of course, but he said that I had taken care of him for far longer than I needed to, now it was his turn to take care of me.”
You looked down in your lap, feeling tears burn behind your eyelids. That sounded like the Eddie you knew. Then you frowned and your head shut up.
“Wait… so you were in contact with Eddie back then? On that note he left us it said not to look for him! When did he get back into contact with you?! And why didn’t he…”
Your voice sounded broken, your tone cracked with tears.
What the hell was this?! Had everyone suddenly gotten into contact with Eddie but no one had told you? And why didn’t he get into contact with you!? He wrote a song to say he still loved you after all these years but somehow you were the last one he contacted.
Wayne noticed your facial expression and your tears and leaned forward and placed a hand over your own.
“I understand that you’re angry and feel betrayed, Y/N. But that’s why I’m here. I’m going to explain what happened and why things are the way they are now. The correct thing would be to let Eddie tell you himself, but I know my boy… that might take another two years of misery for both of you so… I’ll do it instead.”
Wayne leaned backwards on the couch and took another sip of the beer. “As you probably remember – Eddie sold drugs back in high school. He did it to help me pay the bills. I’m not proud about that, I wanted to provide for him, but even living in that trailer money was scarce, so… I looked another way.”
You nodded; you had done the same. Well, you and Eddie even shared a joint or two back in the days, seeing nothing wrong with it.
“He rarely sold anything heavier than weed – the occasional prescription pills and sometimes Ketamine,” Wayne continued. “Neither him or I thought that would be bad enough for something to happen. But it did. You remember Chrissy Cunningham?”
You searched your memory before nodding. Of course you did. She was one year younger than you, two years younger than Eddie and had been head cheerleader the time you graduated from Hawkins High.
You had been away at college when it happened – Eddie was repeating his senior year for the third time – but you still remembered it. Chrissy had somehow died from a heart failure. The details were kept under wraps but from what you’d heart Chrissy’s heart had stopped one night and she had died.
  “Chrissy didn’t die from heart failure, Y/N,” Wayne said heavily. “She died from an overdose. She came to Eddie some months before graduation and wanted to buy Adderall from him. She said that it was so she could study for several tests at the same time, that she was under so much pressure from her mom to make straight A’s.”
Your eyes widened. “She… she died because…?”
Wayne nodded. “Eddie told her to follow the recommended dosage but it seems she doubled them. Eventually her heart couldn’t take it anymore and it gave out. The Cunninghams didn’t want ‘overdose’ as cause on the death certificate so they bribed the coroner to put 'heart aneurysm' as cause of death.
Anyway… somehow after this that Carver boy found out. He threatened to kill Eddie, and with even worse things I won’t repeat to you. But basically, Jason told Eddie that killing Eddie himself would be too easy. He would make sure, through his dad and his contacts, that I got fired from my job and wouldn’t be able to find a new one. That the Hellfire Club would be tossed out of high school and their parents in turn would be fired too.
That you…”
Wayne swallowed. “That you would be gang raped and beaten to a pulp on your campus ground, that compared to you Chrissy’s death would appear a walk in the park.”
“Eddie was desperate. He had already decided to go to the police and confess what he had done, but I’m guessing Jason didn’t know, because when Eddie asked him if turned himself in… would he then leave his family and friends – and most importantly; you alone? They had nothing to do with this.
Jason said yes. That’s why Eddie left. He went to Hopper first and Hopper contacted the state police since they are the ones taking care of bigger crimes. Eddie was sent to Indiana State Prison and got charged for involuntarily manslaughter and drug dealing.
Since he was so young and had no earlier priors he was sentenced to a year and a half but only served ten months due to good behavior and overcrowding. He may have served his punishment but he has never been able to leave it behind himself. That’s why he stopped with every illegal drug, weed included, after he got out. Rarely drinks himself drunk either.”
You nodded, trying to digest everything you had heard. Poor Chrissy. And poor Eddie! Dear God, he must have felt so… lost and scared. Even though he hadn’t killed Chrissy himself he must have felt so guilty. No wonder he ran away. Even without that fuckwad Jason, how could Eddie just pick up his regular life like nothing had happened after something like that.
“So Hopper knew?” you asked, feeling a bit of anger toward the old chief. “He knew where Eddie was and never told us. Never told you!”
Wayne shook his head. “Eddie had told him not to. Eddie was over eighteen, if you remember, and Chrissy’s parents wanted to keep it quiet. Hopper didn’t have much say in the matter.”
Maybe. But the fact that he had known all along what had happened, where Eddie was when the rest of you wondered if he was lying dead in a ditch… it still made you grit your teeth, but you let it be for now. You had more pressing questions.
“What about Jason?” you carefully wondered. “Has he backed off now?”
Wayne snorted. “That little shit. No, he doesn’t hold the same power over Eddie now. Jason is a bitter man that never grew out of his high school persona. Only difference is that he can no longer hide behind his parent’s wealth and power. He’s on his own.
No… the biggest reason why Eddie hasn’t gotten into contact with you, even though he finally bit down and told me everything, is… that he’s scared of what you will do, what you will think of him. But he has never stopped loving you. Jesus, I don’t even think he’s had a steady girlfriend ever during these fifteen years. An interviewer actually asked him if he was gay, since he’s never seen with any women.
And he’s has that tattoo you two got. I see you do too,” he told you, nodding toward the tattoo on your arm, making you rub your thumb over it.
“More than once I’ve told him to get into contact and just tell you – let you decide what you want to do with that information rather than make the choice for the both of you. That’s why I’m here now. Just giving the whole thing a little push.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle a little at the old man. He was a sly fox in many ways.
“Here,” he told you and held something out for you. It was a ticket to a new one night only concert for the new song Eddie had released. In your town!”
“Silly boy thought that if he came here and held a concert somehow you would find out and go there. Well, I’m making sure that happens,” Wayne said and you had to chuckle again.
“Go there, Y/N. Talk to him. Tell him you know and… well, what happens after this is up to you to. I’m just putting the wheels in motion.”
You nodded and walked over to him and hugged him again.
“Some things makes more sense now, uncle Wayne,” you said, without noticing you had once again called him ‘uncle’, “and it’s easier to understand. Thank you again.”
“Of course, kiddo.”
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Hawkins, 1982
Eddie and Y/N sat in his room, Y/N was reading a book by Stephen King with her feet in Eddie’s lap and Eddie was making notes for the next campaign. He was looking through one of the Dungeons & Dragons game books and raised his eyebrows:
“Wow, that’s a great design!”
“Hmm?” Y/N said and put her book down. “What is?”
Eddie showed her the image of the wyvern and Y/N’s question of “that’s not a regular dragon, right? It’s something different about it,” made him love her even more.
“God, I love you,” he said out loud and kissed her temple. “Yes, that’s not a dragon, it’s a wyvern. Wyvern has two legs, not four, and they usually have a stinger at the tail, like a scorpion.”
“Cool,” Y/N said, smiling at him. “Why? Are you thinking of adding that to your tattoo collection?” Despite the fact that Eddie hadn’t turned eighteen yet he already had two tattoos – the flock of bats on his arm – in honor of Ozzy Osbourne and a demon head on his chest.
 “I thought you liked dragons more, though,” Y/N continued, taking the book from him to see if she could find a picture of a dragon to compare.
“I do like dragons, kitten,” Eddie told her, using his special nickname for her. “But everyone likes dragons. It’s the ultimate animal. Powerful, beautiful and famous… the safe choice for a tattoo. Barely anyone chooses a wyvern for a tattoo. Or even knows they exist for that matter.”
Y/N looked up at him, her eyes held that special expression she got when something pleased her to the core of her heart. “Always looking out for the less fortunate ones, huh, Eds?” she said, leaning over to kiss him hard on the lips, the books falling to the floor.
Eddie held her face and rubbed his thumb over her cheekbone.
“You know what… I do plan on getting this as a tattoo soon, but my next one… I want to do something for you!”
Y/N’s looked up so fast her eyes almost rolled. “What?”
“Yes! I… I want to get a tattoo for you.”
“What – like… my name?”
“You don’t want me to?” Eddie wondered, pouting a little.
Y/N smiled. “No names, Eddie. That feels like bad luck.”
“Are you superstitious?” Eddie teased her and Y/N swatted his arm.
“Perhaps a little bit? I just don’t think you should push your luck. So no names – it needs to blend in with the rest of your tattoos as well, so… how about… how about we make roman numerals for the day we met?”
Eddie’s eyebrows disappeared beneath his fringe.
“We? You… you want to do it with me? A… a matching one? A couples tattoo!?”
Y/N blushed. “Yes. If you want me to?”
Eddie brought her up into his lap and got up, spinning around with her, all but yelling from joy. He already knew he would never love anyone else like Y/N. That he would marry her someday. And this… this was the first step towards that.
When you knew, you knew.
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ryuichirou · 2 days
what kinda underwear do you think the male cast would wear?? i like to think Jade would go without some days, so improper!! OTL Floyd with the colorful patterns, whether he actually wears them tho is a 60/40. i can see him in those cliche heart boxers very, very easily. Do you think any of the cast would keep their lovers' underwear, like a souvenir? I could see Lilia doing it. 1/3 (the rest is just horny posting for a fish)
2/3 (this is *not* an art request just me being down bad for a semi-crazy assfish) I would die to see jade leech in lingerie OTL i cant think of any scenarios where he'd wear it, but god is it a beautiful mental image. Considering his take on clothing (being a mer+weird asf) I don't think he'd have any actual hangups about it, but he still wouldn't do it under normal circumstances. i think part of the appeal for me, is that you wouldnt expect a guy like him (big, top, JADE) to wear sumn like it
3/3 in conclusion  they took away my license because of how  fast i was undressing him
Hi Anon!
This is such a great theme for hcs, and I am very sorry that it took so long, but please understand: this is a very complicated subject, I just had to do research before writing it. Well, in actuality I was just googling all kinds of underwear over and over again until the picture in my head for every single boy looked right lol We’ll get to hcs shortly, but first I’ll reply to the other things you’ve said!
Btw, this ask is from MARCH, that’s how far behind I am in replying to those.
Totally agree about Lilia stealing his lover’s undies as a souvenir. This is his trophy, and he is very proud of them. He should have a display in his room…
Floyd also has his stealing undies moments. Some of the boys he sleeps with could be smitten with him enough to try to gift him their underwear, and Floyd would go “??? Why the fuck do I need these”. But sometimes? He just steals them lol He totally stole a couple of Riddle’s undies. He doesn’t really store them well though, so they’re just lying around his and Jade’s room…
Rook. Rook would also take trophies. And he would take such good care of them it’s insane. Now this is someone who would have a display somewhere… somewhere where no one would be able to see it unless he wants them to…
I also think Ortho would do it one time just because he wanted to play out the trope of having someone else’s panties in his room, oops! He’s a weird boy.
Can’t say much about Jade in lingerie, but it really would look good, not gonna lie….
Riddle – god I want him to have cute ones with a strawberry print, but realistically he is probably wearing just some plain tighty whities…. unless they have a pretty embroidered “R” on it, which is somehow even worse. I love him so much. Wait, would he be the one to wear undies with the weekdays written on them?
Ace – just some boxer briefs, nothing crazy; he used to have very colourful ones when he was younger, with fun prints and all, but nowadays he tries to be a bit more stylish and mature about it, so a lot of times he goes for dark-red/red/black ones.
Deuce – pretty neutral, but he does have a “lucky” pair of trunks that he always wears when he has something important going on that day… He also has a pair of very good seamless running underwear (deep blue with some light blue patterns), and he kind of cherishes them because it’s an expensive gift. Just wear them and run, Deuce…
Trey – he prefers boxers, the ones that are basically just shorts and aren’t tight. They also look pretty plain, but he has some with the tartan print. Usually green or red… He would look like a Men’s Health model if he wore something less loose and more stylish, but he loves his stupid tartan boxers!
Cater – boxer briefs, but the “leg” part is somewhat shorter; he has a variety of different ones, but it’s almost always some variation of grey and orange. He buys the ones that seem cool to him, even the sillier ones are on the cooler side; he is very happy that his sisters don’t have power over what kind of underwear he wears… he thinks about it every time he looks in the mirror after taking a shower.
Leona – probably something high-end and luxury, but he also doesn’t wear them all the time. He wears something short, slick and sporty when he does anything sport-related and needs support for his balls, but other than that – nah, putting on underwear is just another annoying unnecessary extra thing to do.
Ruggie – he bought the cheapest ones available in bulk when he was like 13, and he still wears them (they were a little big for him when he first got them). His grandma said that it has to be cotton, but other than that – it doesn’t matter, and Ruggie believes it wholeheartedly. So I guess some neutral grey briefs? Nothing too fancy.
Jack – oh this boy. He doesn’t like underwear that doesn’t give him good support, so all of his options fit pretty close to his body. I guess his signature ones would be briefs in which one leg is just plain black, and the other leg has a print of half of the wolf face… what, you think it’s cringe? At least it’s not the ones where the wolf’s face is in the crotch area… Jack actually thinks those are cringe too – he got a pair of those from Ace, Deuce and Epel for his birthday (google wolf underwear)
Azul – Calvin Klein and Hugo Boss are his best friends. Very… gentlemanly. He always picks the ones that would make him feel like a successful young man. They’re not too short, but a little shorter than regular boxer briefs, and always very tight. To some maybe even uncomfortably tight, but Azul doesn’t mind it at all for some reason. He has exactly 10 pairs of grey and purple ones, exactly 10 pairs of black and purple ones and a couple of white ones.
Floyd – a big collection, kind of like with his shoes and socks. He hates plain ones, but some of his undies aren’t obnoxious – he has a couple of pretty stylish and bright ones that aren’t too crazy. But yeah, a lot of them are pretty obnoxious and bright lol He loves loose boxers, but also has some tighter ones too.
Jade – yeah he’d go commando lol But not all the time. His choice of underwear is… eclectic. Of course, he has some plain ones (a couple of those are similar to Azul’s but in a different colour and size), but also? He has some surprisingly silly ones. Of course with mushrooms and stuff, or something that too cursed even for Floyd to wear. It just tickles Jade when he has a secret…
Kalim – luxury underwear! Mostly white + yellow/golden/orange ones, but he has some black ones as well. Super high quality, super special design, super cool-looking actually. And Kalim doesn’t even know that his underwear is different from the rest of the guys, but if he ever was to try on some other type of underwear, he would immediately feel discomfort and say that it doesn’t feel right against his skin. Too rough…
Jamil – his is also pretty high quality; even though his family serves the Asims, I feel like this is exactly why Jamil can afford a good pair of underwear. It’s not even remotely near the price tag of Kalim’s though, god forbid, no one should allow to wear underwear this expensive..! Anyways, since Jamil likes to go sleeveless, he probably prefers underwear that doesn’t cover his thighs at all, so just some regular tight briefs. It’s mostly black+deep red, his favourite colour combo.
Vil – there he is, the underwear guru. He has all kinds of underwear and sometimes changes it multiple times per day depending on his activity: he wears seamless short briefs for yoga so it’s not visible through his leggings, but still gives him support, he wears longer boxer briefs for jogging so his thighs don’t rub against each other too much, he wears some other type for flying… his collection is expensive, high quality and very well organised… What was that? A thong? Of course he wears a thong sometimes, it looks hot. And lingerie too, when it’s appropriate. Come on now.
Rook – there he is, the man who used to wear underwear with holes in it and didn’t even care. Point at him, laugh at him, and then say thank you to Vil Schoenheit who took one look at this creature and said “I can fix him”. Anyways, nowadays Rook wears a pair of seamless boxer briefs that hug his body tightly but don't feel suffocating; he owns a bunch of these in different colours. He also owns a jockstrap, and finds it kind of functional, but it makes his butt too prominent, so he doesn't wear it. It’s for special occasions only...
Epel – he fought his mum for the right to buy himself some new cool underwear before coming to NRC (having colourful undies your mom bought you when you were 12 SUCKS!), but he didn’t even get to wear them much because Vil saw them and gave him a lecture about how this is the worst type of underwear he could wear (pure polyester, are you serious??), and that Epel doesn’t care about the well-being of his down-there at all. Long story short, Vil got him some red+purple boxer briefs for the regular wear (not too tight, very comfy!) + a couple of  black pairs for magift (longer ones?? Epel didn’t even know it existed). Epel was actually worried that he would get some stupid girly underwear, but wow these are… kind of nice. But he would never admit that the ones Vil got are much better!!
Idia – he usually wears the grey ones with triangles that STYX issues for its personnel. They are pretty comfy, and you can just grab a box and boom – you don’t have to think about your underwear ever again, EASY. But also Idia has some kind of childish loose boxers… with his favourite characters, of course. This isn’t just underwear, it’s also merch. Perfect for rewatching 300 episodes of your favourite anime.
Ortho – how much he wishes he could wear underwear…! But if we’re talking about real!Ortho, I think he would also like good ol’ regular loose boxers. But overall his underwear collection is less childish than Idia’s, at least because he has some Calvin Kleines.  And yes, of course it’s black and neon blue. He doesn’t really like the STYX ones because they make him sad, but he wears those from time to time because he wants to match with Idia.
Lilia – the moment he discovered funky underwear he was never the same. It’s the same thing he does with socks: he buys everything that seems fun, even if it ends up not being his size: he just gifts it away to younglings, so it’s all good! I think every Diasomnia boy has at least one pair of underwear that doesn’t match his style at all, because it was Lilia’s gift… anyways, Lilia either wears black ones with bright patterns (black + neon green+pink!), or something completely obnoxious. Nowadays he’s also thinking whether he could pull off something cute+sexy…
Silver – he wears whatever and doesn’t think about it twice, as long as it’s clean and has no holes in it. The majority of his underwear are pretty boring regular boxer briefs + just regular boxers that aren’t as tight. He also has one silly pair with blue and pink birdies… a gift from father, of course. He always smiles when he wears them.
Sebek – his default is black+green briefs; his thighs are getting too powerful, so he doesn’t like shorts-type underwear these days. But he does wear one lengthier pair – and it’s special equestrian underwear that has padding on the crotch. Sometimes the boy just wants some extra protection against rubbing okay… it’s not as much of a problem for the rest of the equestrian club boys for some reason.
Malleus – it’s clearly custom-made just for him: it’s black, made of high quality special type of silk + has beautiful lacing. Honestly, Malleus panties are a piece of art. I guess it’s like traditional Briar Valley type of design, but super extra fancy; he is the future King, after all. It’s hard to say if it’s comfy or not, but it looks quite dramatic. Malleus also has some underwear that is lengthier, almost like leggings. 
Bonus round!:
Crowley – doesn’t wear anything. Don’t tell anyone.
Crewel – a big variety, a lot of bold patterns, but his favourite pair is a part of black trunks with a white zebra print. Shocking, I know. He has some pretty sexy ones though, maybe even a thong.
Trein – granpa undies… grandpa undies.
Vargas – unfortunately, probably a jockstrap.
Sam – well wouldn’t you want to know? :)
Che’nya – he almost never wears underwear. And he flashes people. He is a very, very bad cat. He only wears underwear when he knows his pants are going to slide down because he doesn’t know how to use a belt properly, and people are going to see that he is wearing boxers with cartoon hedgehogs tickling each other in a weirdly sexual manner. Bad, bad cat.
Neige – pretty plain ones! Almost all of his underwear is either white or light blue. Some of them have silly prints, almost too cute for a guy… He gets tons of very cool expensive underwear for free as promo, but he donates the majority of them without even unpacking it. Thank you for your kindness, but people need undies more than Neige <3
Rollo – he is similar to Riddle, but I also think he would be that one kid who wears some priestly old-timey looking cotton shorts, because these are more traditional, and traditions are to be cherished. One could think that this is a part of his school’s uniform, but nah, Rollo is just a little weirdo… looks good on him though.
Fellow – I’m sorry, it’s probably kind of bad :( it used to be a decent pair of boxer briefs that he got when they suddenly got lucky enough with money, but now it’s well-worn and has some holes in it. It also used to be bright orange, but now it has a pale sort of peachy hue… he wants to get something new to wear, but whenever they get the money, clothes aren’t really a priority.
Gidel – his aren’t as bad because Fellow always wants Gidel to have something at least a little bit better than what he has, but Gidel’s pair of boxers is clearly too big for him. It’s pinned around his waist just so he doesn’t lose them… it has some guy’s name written on the butt part, and while Fellow finds it kind of depressing (maybe he remembers the guy he stole those from), Gidel thinks it’s pretty funny.
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ksiondzkanexkiii · 2 days
Next chapter (12)
You can also find the story on Wattpad and Neobook
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Returning to work overwhelmed Price returning to his routine took time and yet he already wanted to return to his routine. Entering the base Gaz was happy to see the captain as if his best friend had returned to his school desk again after a day's absence and the other two one four one sat and greeted the captain with a smile. Soap and Ghost were second best friendsodź Riley would never admit it out loud he was regarded as a cold and menacing lieutenant and yet under his armpits he always had Soap the idiot who cheers everyone up.
The day wasn't supposed to be long and yet it was maybe if Price hadn't gotten injured he would have stated that the day was too short to catch up on paperwork however getting injured after a successful mission that read , "Save Urzikstan and don't die along the way" was not a good idea. Yet here he was and sitting over the papers Gaz as a good boy asked the captain if he would help him this one however refused to accept his help each time, yet this black man nevertheless found a way for Price to agree.
Each time Price's thoughts drifted away reflecting on this morning as he watched Jinx who was experimenting with her appearance, something didn't sit right with him as if the teenager wasn't telling him the truth, which he could have guessed so easily and yet it was difficult. It was as if he couldn't open the right drawer in his large mind to find the right answer something that would fit him, that he had lived it and knew how to deal with it
So that he would know what to advise
- Captain? - Cried the voice of Garrick, who sat by the captain with furrowed brows looked at his captain and the younger man's brown eyes expressed slight worry. Price on cue looked at the sergeant in front of him with a raised eyebrow as if he didn't know what he was asking him the sergeant noticing this Gaz furrowed his brow - Are you all right Captain? - Asked Garrick
Price only sighed heavily and nodded - It's always good Garrick - He replied quietly as if he wanted to convince the sergeant and himself that it was good. And yet on average it was good, however, he thought too much
- I think it is not good. You are constantly thoughtful - Kyle replied, pointing at the captain with a pen as if it were his accusatory wand - What are you thinking about? - Asked the sergeant curiously, correcting himself in his chair to sit up straight and be able to observe the captain better, he was even tempted to move his work aside and crossed his arms on the tabletop as if he were in a police interrogation.
The captain raised his eyebrow higher and looked at the younger man in front of him - Are you interrogating me Garrick? - He asked calmly understood his curiosity, but as they say curiosity can and does kill. And he did not want that
- Well... - Started to say Kyle now off guard, who took up as if he doubted whether he was doing the right thing - I'm not the one sitting thoughtfully - he replied almost sarcastically and yet in the spirit began to ask himself if he was doing the right thing
- It's nothing important son - replied calmly Price slowly blinking and raising his hand to wave it casually so that Kyle knows that it's really nothing important - A lot of work a lot of thoughts, such a life - he shrugged his shoulders
- Rather not this degree of thoughtfulness sir - muttered Garrick gaining the renewed interest of the captain, who turned his head slightly to the side watching him carefully - Are you sure you're okay? –
- What do you want to know Kyle? What are you getting at? - Leaning forward the captain put down his pen wrinkling his eyebrows the younger man shrank slightly in his chair in front of the captain as if he felt awe of him and now that he was inquiring what the captain was swimming in the sea of thought he simply shrank back and became frightened as if he expected punishment for this. However, after a while he grunted and straightened up correcting himself in the chair
- Do you think a lot or is it because of your return from injury? - Asked the black man playing with the pen he was twirling between his fingers - Or something else happened? -
Price only sent him a characteristic smile in the shape of a "v" while quietly giggling and leaned back to meet the back of the chair, which did not allow him to lean further back, which would have meant that he would have fallen off the chair, and yet the brave chair somehow held the man's weight. He reached into the drawer where he has his cigars put one between his lips and lit it and the sound of the lighter closing was the only sound that reverberated off the walls of Price's office. He let the smoke out of his mouth and the silence that followed in the office could certainly have murdered Gaz with ease, killing his curiosity and confidence.
Price looked at the landscape outside the window he had next to him, again the same frown appeared as every time he thought intensely - Do you have younger siblings? - Asked Price thoughtfully, gaining Garrick's confused gaze
- N-No sir, no sir," he stammered further not knowing where he was going with the older man who was still looking out the window and slowly smoking his cigar his fishing cap was lying on the desk, his brown hair was nicely styled back to keep it out of his way and yet a few unruly strands stood in his way, "Why do you ask that Captain? -
- I took in a teenager to socialize him," replied the captain dispassionately, now looking at the younger man taking his eyes off the window as if it was no longer the most interesting thing in the world and that thing now was his hat. The captain, when he thought looked wherever his brain would command and the gaze of a billion yards on his face was written all too well for him to hide it come what may he was able to do however he felt that in the presence of the younger man he didn't need to hide it
- I guess that's a good thing? - Surprised Garrick, he didn't know what decision the captain had made and wondered how he had found the time to show up at the base - Is he that bad? - inquired Kyle
Price only furrowed his brow - There are many things he doesn't tell me - He stated plainly, the captain had many times to deal with unruly soldiers, whom he arranged to be decent soldiers who foolishly do not risk their lives. He knew how to reach people to change their view of everything, he knew how to listen to people and understand them, at least try to understand. And yet he couldn't understand Jinx's reasoning as if her mind was more expanded on things Price didn't want to understand or thought it unnecessary optionally stupid.
- Among other things, what? - Garrick's eyebrows furrowed and he became all the more curious, Price couldn't handle a teenager? Interesting.
- The name," the captain stated bluntly, now looking into the brown eyes of the black-skinned Briton, "Jinx is rather not a name but a nickname that has stuck to her and she doesn't want to let it go," opined Price taking a drag on his cigar
- What if it's actually her name? - Wondering aloud Kyle, the captain, however, quickly raised his hand not to think so
- Who would name a baby Jinx? What was she born unlucky? - a dry giggle left the captain's lips, this man really needed water or a cigar toss. His rough voice only confirmed this thesis of how much he needed water.
- Or did he? Is it known where and when she was born? - He asked Gaz wanting to know maybe he would shed light on the answer to the question that torments Price so much that he can't sleep peacefully, it takes him longer to fall asleep. The teenager changed his life even if they didn't get in each other's way and she was surprisingly eager to , "change" for good and follow the routine and rules that Price had dropped, but in his mind it was suspicious as if she wanted to lull him to sleep with her diligence and good behavior. The silence that followed was Garrick's answer
- Or did she give herself that name because she sees herself that way? - Garrick raised an eyebrow, throwing up another thesis that may or may not have been correct
- Maybe. I won't know the truth until she tells me," shrugged Price's shoulders, wanting to take another drag on his favorite cigar, but his mind was working at a hundred miles an hour so much so that the taste of the cigar quickly faded and new thoughts crowded his brain.
- Is that all you think about? About her name? - Puzzled, Kyle went back to signing the reports, glancing from time to time at the Captain, who merely shook his head
- She is strange. I mean," mused the Captain, "She's not strange, she's smart in her own way, which I can't understand.
- Meaning? What does the captain have in mind? -
- Graffiti. She sees it as art and delights in it as if she were in a fucking museum, every time we go running routinely she looks at it and delights in it as if it were a toy she wanted so badly - Price was slightly indignant and his hands gestured and his cigar smoke tried to keep up with the burning tip of the cigar - I don't understand how she was raised on the street and how she can see this vandalism as art -.
- Raised on the street? - Garrick's eyebrow shot up even more as if trying to reach the sky with his eyebrow as the captain surprised him even more. He wondered all the more how he ended up here or shouldn't he be in his apartment watching this kid? Yes the captain looks good and back in shape and yet he still has another job to do even if he was injured
- The kid was homeless in the end Laswell and Alex caught him," he explained briefly without going further into the story as he did with the Jinx file, he didn't read it. He didn't read the whole thing he thought there were lies in the middle and he will get the truth from the teenager when she trusts him which doesn't happen, so far, but he will get the truth out of her he always manages to do that. Stupid is always lucky and yet he is a captain
- Homeless people always have a strange perception of the world - shrugged his shoulders Kyle returning to his work - It's hard to understand them are like philosophers - he added after a while gaining the curious gaze of the Captain, which was burning a hole in his head, when he raised his eyes he saw those blue eyes staring at him as if he had killed his cat
- What," he asked confusedly wrinkling his eyebrows correcting himself in his chair feeling uncomfortable with the way Price was looking at him as if he was on the rug, but did nothing.
- Do you think homeless people are philosophers? - Raised an eyebrow Price - Most did not pass school, are alcoholics or all the worse - muttered the captain taking a drag on his cigar
Kyle slumped on the back of the chair to cross his arms over his chest again the same thing happened in the captain's apartment
Two different world views, one room.
- No. - denied Gaz speaking rather quickly and the British accent was coming out of his mouth as softly as Price's case only he had a hoarse voice demanding water - Meaning most do - he corrected himself scratching the back of his neck - They just look at the world differently in terms of experience - he muttered as if he had lost the words he wanted to say and yet the meaning of the sentence remained. Half
- This is also normal with normal people not just with homeless people - Price muttered
- Yes, but the homeless are trying to survive their every day is a struggle for survival and they derive happiness from different ways, those who have money buy themselves something they dreamed of and they can't - Garrick said and Price watched him considering every possible option - Maybe the graffiti we consider vandalism is their sign of winning life? - asked Gaz rhetorically
- Winning a life? - He furrowed his eyebrows Price corrected himself in his chair to sit up straight and leaned his hands on the desk top to cross them - What do you mean? Rather, when they don't have money they are not happy - he muttered
- Maybe I put it wrong," he corrected himself, "Not winning a life but surviving another day," Kyle explained and Price looked at the window. He didn't even look at it that way, maybe some of the graffiti was actually showing that they can survive even the worst of it at least some of the moments some of the graffiti looks like scribbles of words that he can't read or maybe he is too , "normal" to understand them and Jinx understands them, that's why he is fascinated by it
Price looked at his hands - Not stupid - he muttered under his breath more to himself than to Gaz who only nodded. He looked at Gaz wanting to say more but the Price office door that opened effectively interrupted them
- What did Gaz do that landed him on the rug? - Asked Soap entering Price's office with that goofy grin of his and Ghost was right behind him as curious as the Scot himself, both thought Gaz had messed something up and was now getting a reprimand from the captain. Gaz looked at his groupmates and furrowed his eyebrows
- I didn't do anything," he furrowed his eyebrows, the poor man didn't understand the joke and was ready to argue only the scot patted him on the head while giggling at him, "Are we going to get him back alive? - Asked the scot knowing how grumpy Price can be when he was out of humor or someone did something very wrong.
- I didn't do anything," argued Gaz having the urge to pluck that silly grin from the Scot's face, "Soap watch out or Garrick is about to start barking at you," mocked Ghost hiding his face behind his famous skull motif mask crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the wall staying a piece behind the group, Price could only shake his head seeing his boys teasing each other this time it was Garrick who got ammunition of giggles and derision from Ghost and Soap.
Typical of them, he missed those moments without even realizing it. Price snorted under his breath while shaking his head - Give Garrick a break," muttered the Captain, however he giggled
Soap quipped under his breath and looked at the captain and then at Gaz - Are we interrupting something? - wondered the Scotsman noticing only now that he had entered their conversation, Ghost also pushing away from the wall settled down next to Price's desk on the second vacant chair. It fell to Mactavish to stand over everyone, as they ran out of chairs
Not at all unpleasant.
- The captain took in a teenager to socialize him back into society and now he's wondering what he chose wrong in his life that he has to deal with this teenager - Gaz joked, but Ghost furrowed his brow and Soap's eyes lit up
- Did you accept the teenager into your apartment? - The lieutenant looked at the captain behind his mask and Ghost's hazel eyes expressed surprise, Price could only sigh he could guess that if he told Gaz about Jinx he would tell the others as soon as he had time to drink even a cup of coffee
- Yes - replied the captain dryly and Soap got even more excited as if Price was giving away ice cream for free
- What is this kid like? How old is he? What's his name? Oh is he mean? - Asked quickly MacTavish barraging the captain with questions, who could only blink and wonder how much air the Scotsman's lungs can take when he speaks in that Scottish accent of his while speaking on one exhale, Gaz joining Soap also began his
- Well! - confirmed Garrick, Price only sent the lieutenant a look saying , "Help" he leaned back in his chair again looking at each of the boys in front of him
- Well. We try to stay out of each other's way," he muttered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, not giving more than necessary, "And that's it," he added after a while shrugging his shoulders
- Seriously? That's all the captain will say? - Indignantly Soap earning a snort from Riley, Price leaned his legs against the countertop crooking gently as he lifted his left leg, he may have finished his treatment and rehabilitation, but the mild pain nevertheless remained and will probably remain for the rest of his life. As if he couldn't complain about the other pains that haunt him
- What else do you want to know? - Sarcasm flew out of Price's mouth slightly annoyed by the questions. What was interesting about what he was doing now in his private time? Laswell should pay him extra for what he's doing and not that he's going to change Jinx for the better after a , "acquaintance" if he does that maybe he'll give up just for the fact that he's annoyed by the visits from Annalisa who prepared Jinx for school. Yes he remembered that there were supposed to be monthly checks however he didn't expect that two weeks after Jinx showed up at his apartment suddenly this brunette would come and be almost every day to , "prepare" Jinx for school however he had a feeling that she didn't.
- Well... All the best," murmured Gaz, scratching the back of his neck. The captain only sighed
- I'll tell you and you will give me peace and quiet - He dropped the offer to have peace and quiet, the three men vigorously nodded their heads even Ghost who rarely spoke and yet was also curious about the teenager who came to Price's apartment.
- Her name is Jinx is sixteen years old, Laswell and Keller caught her when she was sub-twelve years old. For two years they have been trying to socialize her let her go, when it had no effect, Laswell saw something in her and said that after another two years with nowiom socialization. Miracles Laswell somehow managed to get her consent - He recounted briefly crossing his arms over his chest - End of story - he stated already coolly hoping that this was the end of questioning from the younger men and yet he was wrong
- Since you are trying to socialize her again so that she can be in society - began Soap wondering - Then what are you doing here? - Finished Ghost for him and his hazel eyes squinted.
- It's simple. She's in school," replied the Captain straightforwardly, shrugging his shoulders again as if it was the most obvious thing in the world
- Is he already going to school? - Puzzled Ghost thought the teenager was sitting at home with another sitter or whatever somehow the idea of putting a , "crazy" teenager in school looked absurd to him
- Yes. So what? - growled lightly Price not wanting to think for what they are so surprised, teenagers go to school children go to school what is there to think about? - Anyway," he dismissed these ideas waving his hand absentmindedly and standing up, "You reminded me that he should go home already," he muttered casting a glance at the clock after a moment quickly leaving his office. Somehow going back to work did not smile in his mind all the more the insistence of those he had recruited himself to the task force, I guess they don't have enough work he deduced from the way they freely sat in his office and talked.
He jumped into the car immediately revving it up with a roar and set off toward the city to return to his apartment. Every so often he would stop at a traffic light and his gaze would rest on the pictures painted on the walls, maybe people didn't want this, but what if Gaz was right? What if the homeless so express their strength in such a weak situation every day for them is a new challenge as if they have little of it
They need to find a new place to stay, if they haven't found it further. They have to somehow find a place to sit, drink often going so far as to steal because no one who has money wants to give it to the homeless maybe fearing that they will spend it on beer or other alcoholic products and others just don't sympathize with them thinking that they themselves caused them to end up there on that nasty and cold street.
What if they had been born there? And they didn't know normal life? What if Jinx is like that?
No... she had a home, she had to have one after all how would she be born? What homeless woman would want to have a child who had to live in such conditions?
The captain didn't know the answers to these questions, but they made his mind curious and he tried to find answers to these questions, maybe one day Jinx will explain more to him. Or maybe he will open his eyes to new perspectives and finally understand her, further for him these scribbles on the walls are crap and vandalism and not a sign of surviving another day. It's all heavy
The captain sighed as he parked the car in front of the apartment, however, not yet getting out he leaned his head against the seat back and looked at the door from the apartment building.
He felt as if he had flip-flops, on his eyes that prevented him from seeing more perspectives on a subject and yet he didn't want to pull them off or his convictions that weighed on his wrists like chains prevented him from pulling them off. He didn't know anything anymore, he knew, but only one thing
In fact, two
Graffiti is vandalism and he will somehow convince Jinx to see it that way too
He has to finish the work at home, because the drug cartels don't sleep even if he would really like them to. He doesn't yet know what to do with Jinx if he has to go on a mission, but Kate will probably come up with an idea.
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memefever · 28 days
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this is not a meme, i just needed to share with someone
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mxwhore · 3 months
mutuals. i am getting caught in my own bitterness again...
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theworstcreature · 2 months
If there is a heaven, then I can assure you that every adult or older person in a fandom or online community who is kind, supportive, friendly, and helpful to teens and younger members WITHOUT being weird about it is going to be there
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shoechoe · 2 months
I only lurked on the Internet for a long time and still do not post on most websites I visit but it really is nice to have a place where I can talk about things like animated shows and music and other assorted interests without being judged
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bonesrbleaching · 2 months
had the most braindead repetitive conversation/argument with my parents. buzz cuts are too masculine but if you dye a design on it it become effeminate which is bad because then you look weak and if youre weak then society falls apart (all societies ever that have fallen apart for any reason are actually because of feminine men) and we start sacrificing babies. and also all mental illness is invented because only 4 people had anxiety in the 90s and covid was made up so that we would all become gay and trans and then the government can control us better and be joe biden's little sex slaves. and also i need to keep my hair long because my father finds it attractive. what
#lolaa.txt#what do i even tag this with . my mother wouldn't let me leave and i kept asking for sources and she kept saying 'i'm your mother!!!'#'i wouldnt lie to you!'#okay. say that to someone maybe who doesnt know you lie to them all the time.#its tiring going around in circles with her.my father is better because at least he admits when he doesnt have a reason for feeling some wa#also what got me. she said 'do you own research if you want!! but im right!!!'#yeahh not seeing anything about anything you just said. i think you made that up.#i have a theory that my mother secretly hates herself because she believes all women are weak and must serve strong men#and my father has so so much trauma and anxiety that he cant be that strong man#so now she feels like shes betraying her very biology when she has to step up.#and also because i am stronger than her now and my hair is long and far far denser than hers and i have a younger face#that she feels that im wasting my precious femininity that she could be using. does that make sense.#shes so miserable trapped in her idea of what makes a man and a woman what they are. once you stop caring about what makes someone somethin#you dont have to worry about anyone else.#im queer because i dont really feel that connection to biological and social ideas of gender that my parents seem to#never really have#im not gonna theorize 'ohh shed be happier nonbinary' or stuff like that because it is up to you and you alone to define who you are#if you spend your whole life trying to fit a box for the sake of fitting the box#then when would you have any space for self discovery#youve invented personality traits to go along with your box. now you can never ever change or grow as a person. congrats#and you know what? one day she will die. and that will be the end of that.#and i will live and i will probably shave my head a thousand times. and come up with new names#and new ways to be a better person that makes me feel happy#and i will dress like a boy because its all made up anyways. who cares.#and if you care? that much about what im wearing or how i look?#then thats your problem and i wont be responsible to maintain your happiness.#SORRY RANT OVER.#im just so flabbergasted. what a sad life someone can lead poisoned by jealously and reactive rhetoric.#tw homophobia#tw transphobes
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