#young harry potter
doorlene · 1 year
james: thanks to remus, my kid has started cursing
remus: what?
james: last night, harry referred to bedtime as "a fucking crisis"
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anticomedygarden · 1 year
“Cake!” Harry squealed from atop his high chair. 
Sirius grinned and tried to wipe a bit of the frosting Harry had flung at him off his face. “What’s the magic word?”
“Accio!” he shrieked, though it came out sounding more like a-sio. 
“Technically, he’s not wrong,” Remus said, sitting down next to them. “Accio is definitely a magic word.”
“But it’s not the magic word,” Sirius argued. “He’s got to learn-hey!” 
Remus blushed from where he was handing Harry another piece of cake. “It’s his birthday,” he said sheepishly. “He should get cake.”
Merlin, wasn’t that a statement. Sirius could hardly believe that Harry was already two. It seemed like just yesterday that James had called from St. Mungo’s with Lily that he had been born, and Sirius tried not to think that it should have been them here instead. 
He winced when another bit of cake hit him in the arm. “You’re supposed to eat it, Haz, not throw it,” Remus told the toddler. 
“Yes, you’ve said that.”
Sirius smiled. Today was a happy day. 
word count: 177 @wolfstarmicrofic
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yvieliny · 1 month
Shit my friends have said as the marauders Pt.6
Sirius enters the Hogs Head with a sheer purple shirt
Peter: Holy fuck Sirius The other day I was inside the closet , I saw a shirt just like that
Sirius: wh..what?
Peter: I mea-
James : It’s okay we support you
Remus: Who the fuck is we??!
The slytherin sitting on a table nearby ease-dropping
Barty: I fuckn knew it
Evan: I don’t think he meant to say it like that Cro-
Regulus: No no…he said what he said, we all knew Remus has some severe internalized homophobia. I mean he saw my brother and Goldstein kissing yesterday and he punched a fuckn wall. He also pushed me into A FUCKING FOUNTAIN and said drown you fuckin black bitch
Evan: That sounds….extremely wrong in so many levels
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sybill-the-seer · 5 months
Dudley’s old coat may be a bit too big for Harry, but at least it keeps him toasty warm on his way to school!
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hdypynitgof · 2 years
Imagine Lily being the fun mom while James is the protective dad. Sirius would find the change absolutely hilarious, mocking him every time he visits but doing it with unbelievable fondness. Sirius would fall even more in platonic love with Lily, tossing Harry up and laughing together at James' attempts to whisk him away despite Lily casting cushioning and protective charms. Sirius would be so surprised by James yet so proud of him, telling Remus all about it.
It would be great at first but terribly bitter later, when he would at last think that maybe James was so protective of Harry because he somehow knew how little time they had.
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d3adgayw1zzyr3ad3r · 13 days
Guys help what are James' nicknames for little Harry? Like 3-5 year old little kid
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jamesunderwater · 26 days
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The Raven-Haired Prince || Read on AO3 || 1.6K Words
He's just a little boy who wants a bedtime story - but no, not like that, and wait, it must include this, and above all, never forget, the prince must be raven-haired.
@jilychallenge // March 2024: Fairy Tales // based loosely on the beast prompt: ravens/crows // partners: @fiendishfyre & @sapphire1616
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up-to-some-good · 10 months
Happy Fathers' Day everyone! Written for @jilymicrofics prompt June 18th - enough
Lily had always been pleased with herself for marrying a man who could cook as well as she could, if not better. It meant that she had never had to worry about dinner if she hadn't sorted it out because James would do it without question.
On top of that, when Harry was born James had decided to quit the Aurors to be a stay at home dad, taking on all the household chores including cooking as part of his job. He loved waking up early in the morning to make her a pack lunch for work, adding charmed love notes which would turn into butterflies and flitter around her as soon as she'd finished reading them. Even more than that, he loved cooking with Harry, especially in the mornings when they were both sleep-ruffled and yawning, frying eggs and baking between sips of coffee. Because of their morning routine, they now had an eight year old who could cook a variety of breakfast foods and refused to eat anything as simple as cereal when he woke up.
All of this had cumulated in Lily's current situation: watching Harry mix up his eighth batch of pancake batter at six o'clock on a Sunday morning. It was Fathers' Day, and Harry had been scheming with Lily for weeks to make his father breakfast in bed. Knowing full well that he couldn't use the stove without supervision, he'd woken his mother up at 4.30am to get started. She was now on her third cup of coffee and every counter in their small kitchen was covered in stacks of pancakes. She watched Harry pull out a new plate on which to stack his latest batch and sighed.
"Harry, love, don't you think you've made enough pancakes?"
He looked up at her with wide eyes and pushed his glasses up with finger, smearing pancake batter onto the frames.
"Dad likes a big breakfast," he said. "I don't want to run out too soon."
She chuckled a little as she looked around at the countless pancakes filling their kitchen.
"I don't think that'll be a problem, Haz."
He bit his lip as he took a look around before turning back to the pan and pouring in another round of batter.
"Maybe just a few more," he muttered.
Lily groaned and lay down on the counter. There was no point in arguing with him, she knew from bitter experience. Harry would keep making pancakes until he had decided they had enough, no sooner.
She heard a deep breath of laughter from the doorway and then felt her husband's warmth behind her. He pulled her up gently and pressed a kiss to her forehead and she leaned against him.
"Morning, Evans," he whispered right by her ear.
"That's Potter to you," she muttered back. "Will you please tell your son that we have enough food to feed the whole of Hogwarts so we can be done with the cooking?"
Harry, who had been completely absorbed in flipping pancakes for the last few minutes, finally turned around when he heard his mother's voice.
"Dad!" He pointed the spatula accusingly at James. "You're supposed to be in bed!"
James moved over to ruffle Harry's hair and turn off the stove.
"Sorry, kiddo. Can't help that I'm an early riser," he responded. "But by the looks of it, I woke up just in time for a wonderful breakfast. Why don't you go set the table, and I'll chop up some strawberries to have with our pancakes?"
Harry nodded and headed towards the door, before pausing for a moment and turning back around. He ran directly into his dad, nearly knocking him over as he jumped into his arms for a hug, James just barely catching him.
"Happy Father's Day, Dad," the little boy mumbled.
James squeezed him a little tighter for a moment before he whispered his response.
"Love you, kiddo."
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Today’s prompt is Floral and I haven’t written for @wolfstarmicrofic in WEEKS and I wasn’t sure if I remembered how but...here we are.
”So what should we do today, sprog?”
Sirius ruffles Harry’s hair as he passes him on his way to the coffee machine, they boy barely looking up.
”I wanna go to mum and dad.”
Sirius turns around, coffee in hand, exchanging a look with Remus over Harry’s head as feels his chest tighten. His husband leans forward a little over the table, doing his best to catch Harry’s gaze but the boy seems more interested in his his bowl of cereals.
”What do you mean, Haz?”
Remus voice is low, careful, and Sirius recognises the worry hinting behind his eyes. 
”I want to show them the car Padfoot gived to me,” Harry says, reaching out to pet the blue toy car that was carefully placed on the table next to his breakfast.
Sirius had found it in a Muggle thrift shop. There was absolutely nothing special about, except that Sirius thought it had looked cool, but Harry had been obsessed with it for days now. Even more so when Remus had spelled it to drive on its own. He refused to go anywhere without it, even sleeping with it despite it being nothing but sharp edges and hard metal.
”You want to go to the cemetery?” Remus asks, carefully, and Harry nods decisively before he half-turns in his seat, bright green eyes behind his glasses settling on Sirius.
”Can we go, please, Padfoot?”
Sirius clears his throat, swallowing past the lump in his throat as he forces himself to smile, ”Course we can, sprog.”
Harry seems satisfied with the reply as he turns back again, happily finishing up his breakfast. Afterwards, as they get ready, Harry keeps his new toy close through getting dressed and brushing his teeth, barely willing to let go of it long enough for Sirius to get him into his favourite jumper that Hope had knitted for him, big green dragon on the front.
They apparate to Godric’s Hollow, Remus taking Harry side-along, and Sirius has barely landed when Harry already squirms out of Remus’ arms and down onto the ground. The boy leads the way towards the grave, Sirius and Remus following, and when Remus reaches out to take his hand Sirius lets him.
There’s a sort of ache in his chest as they stop in front of the familiar grave, Harry having already dropped onto his knees on the soft ground. He sets the car carefully next to himself before putting his palm against the headstone, fingers brushing his parents’ names.
Sirius feels Remus arm sneak around his waist and he leans against his husband, dropping his head to Remus’ shoulder as they both watch Harry in silence. The boy is chatting easily to his parents, telling them the story of how Sirius had brought home the car for him the week before even though it hadn’t been his birthday or anything. 
Even though Harry asking to go to his parents’ grave had become a bit of a tradition whenever something had happened that he wanted to tell them about, Sirius didn’t think he’d ever get used to it. The pain of their loss was still so real, so present, and Sirius didn’t think it would ever get easier. Harry made it a bit better though, his own sense of loss slightly easier to carry when faced with the boy’s open and straight forward approach to loss and mourning.
”They say they like the car,” Harry informs them after a while as he turns around to look at them, pushing his glasses up on his face in a gesture that’s so achingly James it almost steals Sirius’ breath away. ”Moony, you need to do the flower thing.”
”Yeah, ’course,” Remus nods, sliding his arm from Sirius as he crouches next to Harry. 
He twirls his wand, a floral decoration springing from the end of his it. Harry accepts it with a serious expression, placing it carefully against the headstone before he stands. He reaches out for Sirius, motioning that he wants to be picked up at Sirius can’t stop himself, easily scooping him up and holding him close as the boy presses his face against Sirius’ neck.
”Padfoot?” Harry’s voice is muffled.
”Yeah, sprog?”
 ”Can we have ice cream for lunch, please?”
Sirius feels himself smile, warmth spreading through him as he meets Remus gaze, who merely rolls his eyes with a small smile.
”You know what?” Sirius grins at his husband, lowering his voice as if he was telling Harry a secret, ”I think we can.”
Harry gives a satisfied little hum, settling himself comfortably in Sirius arms.
”That makes me very happy.”
Sirius chuckles lowly as they start walking back towards the apparition point, ”I’m glad,” he mumbles, pressing a quick kiss to the boy’s head.
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ziglikesrain · 1 year
also: the cutest fucking kid EVER in his new snitch t-shirt
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autumn-skull · 1 year
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anticomedygarden · 1 year
happy pi day, y'all!
“Padfoot, will you help me with my homework?” Harry asked tentatively. 
Sirius couldn’t blame the kid. Between his two parents, Remus was much better at homework help, especially considering Harry was still in muggle school, but Sirius and Harry both happened to be off today, and he’d be damned if he disappointed those huge green eyes. 
“Sure, Sprog, I can help you with your homework.” Harry’s eyes brightened, and he threw his pencil and worksheet on the table and climbed up on a chair. “What is it? Reading? Writing? Social studies?” Those were the only subjects Sirius had any chance of knowing anything about. 
Unfortunately, Harry doesn’t respond with any of those. Instead, he says, “Maths.” 
Ever since his godson had gotten to the grade where they started putting letters where numbers went, he’d been able to do fuck all with Harry’s maths homework. The highest level of muggle maths he learned was fractions, and then arithmancy was the closest he ever got to anything more advanced. 
So it was no surprise when, upon looking at the boy’s worksheet, the first thing out of Sirius’ mouth was, “What the hell is that?”
Harry turned tortured eyes to him. “Pi.”
Sirius felt his brows furrow in confusion, but he decided to let the kid down gently. “I think that might be a cursive r, HarBear, not a pie. Are you sure this is maths and not writing?”
He shook his head. “No. Pi.” Then, as if it explained anything, “Circles.”
Suddenly, Sirius was wishing for the glory days when his biggest challenge was escaping Filch after a night of setting up pranks. 
That was not to be, however, and he resigned himself to suffering through this worksheet as best he could, at least until his husband finally got home. 
word count: 299
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yvieliny · 7 months
Chapter 1 (?)
Ten year old Harry Potter was running back home one summer Sunday afternoon , after visiting his best mate Ron and playing a long game of quidditch before tomorrows quidditch world semi final where Regulus Black his favorite player would play
You see ever since Ron showed quidditch to Harry he has always had a fascination with the French Banchory seeker, Harry doesn’t know if it is because of his fantastic flying skills or what but he feels drawn to the player
Even tho Harry comes from a wizard family, quidditch wasn’t allowed in their household the even mention of the gam le had his father in a sour mood. His uncle Padfoot once told him that his father was a great player in his hogwarts days, and his uncle Moony once tried to gift Harry a shirt of the chudley cannons which his father immediately transfigured it into cups
His mothers on the other hand didn’t mind the sport at all. His mum Lily gave him his first broom over the summer break and allowed him to use it in her home, while his mother Mary gave him some Banchory jumpers that he only uses with them of course he wouldn’t want his dad to have a fit
This Summer he was supposed to stay with his mothers so he could watch the game but they had to go to Scotland to meet some friends and his dad didn’t allowed him to go, so Harry was stuck lying to his father about studying with Ron just so he could see the quidditch World Cup
He could have gone to his godfathers home to see the game but they also had to go to Scotland, but uncle Moony promised to bring Harry a surprise so he wasn’t as upset
As Harry arrived home he saw his father in the lawn with a telescope, his father always loved looking at the stars and he showed Harry every constellation there is. His uncle padfoot would laugh every time he saw his dad looking at the Leo constellation and told him he should just man up. Which always left poor Harry so confuse but knew that if he asked his father would get teary eyed and he didn’t like seeing his dad upset
James saw Harry and instantly smiled giving him a tight hug and a kiss on his head
“How did it go with Ron, Bambi?”
“We learned today about some potions, Percy helped us with the mixing” Harry knew it was a lie, he hated potions to begin with. But he would not confess all they did was play quidditch, and that Harry won every round and has caught the snitch a variety of times
James smiled however and ruffled Harry’s hair
“You are as smart as your mothers, you know your mum was great at potions. I bet that’s were you get it from”
Harry sucked at potions.
“Y-yeah of course, what are you doing out dad?” Harry smiled and quickly changed the subject
“Oh…Leo is out today or em it was…it seemed to fade away..” James sighed “…again”
Harry hugged his dad and smiled up at him
“That is okay you can always see it tomorrow”
James smiled and lifted Harry into his arms
“You are correct bambi, now how about you wash up and I will get supper going. I am thinking maybe curry shrimps tonight?”
James places Harry down when they entered the house and he immediately went towards the kitchen
Harry on the other hand went upstairs to bathe, but he saw the attic door open. Which always was closed and he was forbidden from entering
But Harry was curious child and he wouldn’t let this opportunity pass
So he quickly went in and there he saw a huge box opened with dozens of letters and pictures, as he got closer he noticed that in those pictures there were his mothers and beside them there was his father with his arm wrapped around someone that someone had grey eyes and black hair, he had a hand on his dads cheek and as Harry analyzed the picture better he noticed that the person beside his father was….Regulus Black
Harry gasped and quickly rubbed his eyes to make sure he was seeing clearly there was no way his dad that hates quidditch knew the quidditch god himself
He turned to look at the letters in the box and quickly grabbed one, they were in cursive writing. And well Harry couldn’t read cursive….but Ron could do he knew that he needed to show Ron this
Harry only understood that the letter was addressed to Regulus Black by his father…which meant that all this letters were never sent
Harry quickly grabbed some and hid them under his mattress, before going to shower but he couldn’t stop thinking about it and he couldn’t stop feeling anxious
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sybill-the-seer · 1 year
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“He was five, watching Dudley riding a new red bicycle, and his heart was bursting with jealousy...”
— Order of the Phoenix chapter 24, Occlumency
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laserswordtraining · 4 months
Happy holidays! Check out my Christmas first year Harry time loop fic! Rated G- words:12k - one chapter
It seemed that Harry alone was trapped, as two days of Christmas turned to ten, turned to twenty. No one else seemed to remember anything from the previous loops or believe him whether Harry told the people he thought he could trust, or tried to prove it by saying everything he remembered happening just before it did. There was no explanation to be had, and more frustration than hope.
The snow sculptures seemed to taunt him, having come back into existence due to Christmas Magic, when he was raised without knowing of magic in any form, for so long. The Dursleys had kept Harry from magic, from Christmas cheer and Christmas gifts, and now he was just as clueless without anyone to blame.
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Make you feel better
AU: Where wolfstar raises harry, modern, kinda non magical
Word count: 2 500
A/N another wolfstar raises harry because why not :))
Sirius was home alone with Harry, when Remus was at work, like Every single morning. He usually slept when Remus left, until he heard Harry waking up, or the little boy wandered to their room. Not always, if they had somewhere to go, he set an alarm, so he would actually wake up.
It was only a little over nine when Sirius woke up to faint cries coming from Harry's bedroom. He got up, swaying on his feet, just realizing the headache that was about to come. He quickly pulled on a jumper while walking to the room next to theirs.
“What's up, little one?” He asked as he opened the door and walked over to the bed. Harry just continued crying and reached for Sirius, who sat down on the bed and pulled the boy to his lap. “What's got you so upset, huh?”
“M-my tummy.” He whispered between sobs, looking up at Sirius, who wiped tears from his face, feeling his forehead as well, he was a little warm. “Icky.” He mumbled, resting his head on Sirius' chest.
“I know baby, let's get some food and medicine in you, yeah? Make you feel all better.” Sirius smiled, getting up with Harry still in his arms, trying not to jostle the boy too much. They walked downstairs and Sirius sat him down on the counter, taking some paper and wiping the rest of the tears from his face.
“What do you want cub?” He asked, looking at Harry, who shook his head, leaving Sirius confused. His headache definitely hadn't got better, and he was just hoping he hadn't caught anything.
“Not feeling good, huh?” He asked, brushing hair out of his face. Harry shook his head, new tears collecting in his eyes. “Shh, shh, no need to cry, baby, it's okay.”
“Let's get some medicine for you, yeah?” He said, picking the boy up once more and walking them to the bathroom and sitting him down on the counter. He went through their medicine cabinet, finding some painkillers for himself, but nothing for harry. “Oh I'm sorry, baby, we don't have any, I'll tell Moony to pick something up when he comes home.” He said with a small frown. Harry whined, looking up at him.
“What's the matter? Gonna be sick?” He asked, hoping he was wrong because he definitely didn't do well with it, Harry nodded and Sirius lifted him on the floor, and got him situated In front of the toilet.
He sat behind the boy as he started to gag, small tears escaping his eyes. “Don't like it.” He whined, not wanting to throw up.
“I know cub, I know.” Sirius soothed, rubbing his back. “Let it out, and you'll feel much better, yeah?”
“It's okay, everything's alright.” He whispered as the little boy threw up. He continued to rub his back until Harry turned away and started crying harder in Sirius' arms. “All done?” He asked and Harry nodded. “You feel a little better now, don't you?” He whispered, kissing his forehead and wiping tears out of his face.
“Cold.” He mumbled through a shiver, pressing closer to Sirius. It's probably his fever, Sirius thought as he got up from the floor with Harry in his arms. Flushing the toilet and taking a tissue, wiping Harry's tears and the corners of his mouth. “Let's get you all comfy and warm on the couch, sound good, baby?” He said, walking them to the living room and laying Harry down on the couch, pulling a soft blanket over him.
“I'll be right back, baby.” He smiled. He walked back to the bathroom, rubbing his temples and taking a couple of the painkillers and taking them with water. He found a bucket if Harry would get sick again. He went to the kitchen, taking two bottles of water before walking back to their small living room, setting the bucket beside the couch In front of harry.
“Just if you get sick again.” He said, opening one of the bottles and giving it to harry. “Drink, you'll feel better.” The boy sat up, taking a couple of small sips of the water. “You can go to sleep in a minute, I'll go get the thermometer. Do you need something?” He asked, getting tired himself, thinking he could have a nap with Harry if the boy falls asleep.
“Stuffie” he whispered, laying back down and pulling the blanket over himself. Sirius nodded, walking upstairs to his bedroom and grabbing Harry's favourite stuffed animal, it was a small green frog holding a pink heart.
He searched for the thermometer, it wasn't in their medicine cabinet, so it either was in their bedroom or the small bathroom upstairs. He went to their bedroom, finding a pair of joggers and fuzzy socks because he was starting to get cold as well. He found the thermometer before going back downstairs.
“Let's take your temperature, yeah? Then we can cuddle and watch a movie, if you'd like.” Harry nodded, smiling tiredly as he was handed the small frog stuffie. “Open up, little one.” He said, sitting down on the couch, sliding the thermometer under Harry's tongue and taking it out when it beeped. He read the numbers, 101.12, not too high, but he needs to get some medicine for him.
“Wanna have a cuddle?” He smiled, half laying down on the couch. Harry nodded, crawling close to Sirius, resting his head down on his lap. Sirius pulled the blanket over Harry, taking another one and pulling it over himself. “Whatcha wanna watch?” He asked, reaching for the remote.
“Cinderella?” He asked, cuddling his frog stuffie close and looking at Sirius.
“Good choice bubs, you like that one, huh?” Sirius asked ruffling his hair, Harry giggled, which was a sound Sirius usually loved, but now it made his head throb. Soon, his tired giggles turned into a coughing fit, and Sirius rubbed his back until the boy laid back down on his lap.
“Let's go to sleep for a bit, huh?” He asked, playing with his slightly damp hair, Harry nodded. Sirius turned on the movie, and soon he heard Harry's breathing even out and him fall asleep. He dug out his phone and sent Remus a text.
/äCan you get some medicine for haz before you come home?
He shut his phone, letting his eyes close for a moment. He woke up to Harry calling him, he looked at the boy, he had tears running down his face and he looked somewhat scared.
“What's got you so upset, cub?” He asked, Harry crawled into his lap and continued to cry, Sirius was confused because he didn't know what was wrong. He wrapped his arms around the boy and rubbed his back. Harry hid his face in Sirius' chest. “Gonna be sick?” He asked and Harry shook his head.
Sirius continued trying to comfort the boy and when Harry was a little more calmed down, he wiped tears out of his face with the sleeve of his jumper. “Just not feeling well, huh?” He said, more to himself. He opened his phone to look at the time and noticed a message from Remus.
Of course, what's wrong, is he sick? I'll try to get from work a little earlier.
Threw up and I think he has a fever
He typed, too tired to write something more detailed. He looked at the TV, seeing the end texts of the movie, so they had been asleep for about an hour. He looked at the time again, seeing it was already almost lunchtime.
“Let's go get something to eat, and we can watch another movie, sound good?” He asked, lifting him up and walking to the kitchen. Harry whined, still probably not feeling the best. “I know, but we got to eat something.” He said, setting Harry down on the counter. He decided to make some plain toast for harry and a sandwich for himself.
Sirius didn't feel the best either, and he was just hoping Remus would be home soon. He felt nauseous, but he guessed it was just because he hadn't eaten since last night. He fixed himself some tea and took a juice box for harry.
He walked them both back to the couch and opened the juice box for Harry and gave him the plate with a couple of pieces of buttered toast. He put on another Disney movie as Harry curled up to his side, nibbling on the toast. Sirius finished his sandwich, still not feeling the best, and he was exhausted.
After a while, Harry handed Sirius the plate with a half-eaten piece of toast and Sirius set it down on the coffee table, along with the almost empty juice box and his tea.
“How about another nap?” He asked, hoping Harry was tired, so he could sleep as well.
“Not feeling good.” Harry whispered as he created Back to Sirius' lap, with his frog stuffie.
“Oh baby, I know, gonna be sick again?” Harry shook his head. “Tell me if you need to, okay, cub? You cold?” He asked, and when Harry nodded, he pulled the blanket over both of them.
His stomach had started turning and eating definitely hadn't helped, luckily the pressure of Harry laying on top of him eased the pain a bit.
“Let's go to sleep, yeah? And when Remus comes home, we can give you some medicine and that'll make you feel better.” He smiled, kissing his forehead.
“When's Moony coming home?” He mumbled through a yawn. Sirius closed his eyes, rubbing Harry's back as the boy started to drift off to sleep.
“Not long, okay, he'll be home soon.” He said. Waiting for Harry to fall asleep before letting himself doze off after him.
The scene Remus walked in on a couple of hours later, when he had managed to get home earlier, due to Harry being sick, was heart-warming to see them cuddled together on the couch, a bit heartbreaking as he knew neither of them were feeling good.
He guessed Sirius was awake because his hand was slowly going through Harry's hair. He looked tired as well and Harry seemed to be asleep, but he wasn't sure.
“Hey.” He whispered to the room, setting a bag down on the coffee table. “Not feeling too good, huh?” He asked and Sirius shook his head slightly, Remus felt Harry's forehead with the back of his hand, then moving his hand to Sirius', feeling he was burning up as well.
“You feel warm, too.” Remus mumbled, brushing hair out of his face. Harry stirred in his sleep and soon shot his eyes open. “Hey hazza.” Remus smiled.
Harry brought his hand up to his mouth as he tried to respond. Remus was quick to grab the bucket Sirius had bought and hold it under Harry's chin just in time when the boy turned around. Sirius tiredly rubbed his back, as the boy was still on his lap. He started to feel more nauseous himself as Harry threw up.
"Remus.” Sirius said, swallowing thickly, looking at Remus with wide eyes. He hated throwing up and Remus knew it. Harry seemed to be done, at least for a minute, so Remus lifted him up and setting him back down on the couch, letting Sirius sprint out to the bathroom.
“Gonna throw up again?” Remus asked, looking at Harry and brushing hair out of his face.
“Dunno.” He mumbled. “Icky.”
“I know it's icky, haz I need to take your temperature, yeah? Then I can give you some medicine.” Harry nodded, already getting sleepy again. Remus slipped the thermometer under his tongue and waited for it to beep.
“101.3.” he read out loud, looking a little worriedly at him. “I'll give you some medicine, and then we'll have a little bath to cool you down, yeah.”
“No medicine.” He whispered.
“Makes you feel all better, little one, we can cuddle later if you like, deal?”
Harry nodded, still not wanting to take it, but wanting to cuddle with his moony. Remus went through the bag he brought. He heard Sirius throw up in the bathroom, and hated that he couldn't be in two places at the same time.
He found the bottle he was looking for and have Harry one of the pills and giving him one of the water bottles from the table. “Good job cub.” He smiled, ruffling his hair. “Bath time.” He said picking Harry up and walking them to the bathroom. He opened the door, not hearing Sirius any more.
He was still feeling bad and tears were running down his face, his throat feeling really scratchy. Remus set harry down on the floor, crouching down In front of Sirius and wiping his eyes and mouth with a tissue. He pecked his forehead before getting up and starting the bath for harry.
Who had crawled into Sirius' lap, where he had spent the whole day, Sirius didn't mind, he just wanted harry to feel better. He smiled up at Remus as he went to pick Harry up, who was already almost asleep.
“Go drink some water Siri, and go to rest, you're sick too.” Remus said, and Sirius tried to get up, but he couldn't really stand. Before starting to undress harry, he helped Sirius up for the floor.
“Padfoots sick.” Harry wondered, looking up at Remus.
“Mhm he's a little poorly, just like you.” Remus said, before starting to lower Harry to the water, who screeched as soon as he hit the water and almost started to cry. “Shh, baby I know it's cold, I know, but it helps you feel better I promise, won't take long.” Remus said, and Harry let Remus sit him down to the water.
Harry started to shiver, so Remus decided to get him out of the bath. He wrapped him a fluffy towel, with yellow ducks all over it. He walked them upstairs to Harry's bedroom, seeing Sirius laying on the couch on the way.
He dressed Harry up in some warm and comfy pj's. “Wanna go downstairs?” He asked, and Harry nodded tiredly. He walked them downstairs. He set Harry down on the couch, next to Sirius. “I'll be right back, I'll go clean this up.” He said, picking up the bucket and going to the bathroom to clean it up.
“Mhm.” Sirius mumbled, opening his eyes and looking at Harry. He was buried underneath one of the blankets, but still feeling cold.
“Can we watch a movie?” He asked shyly.
“Yeah, whatcha wanna watch?” He asked, reaching for the remote from the coffee table.
“Sleeping beauty.” He mumbled looking hopefully at Sirius, who nodded, searching the movie and putting it on. Harry grabbed his stuffie and cuddled it close.
“You wanna cuddle?” He asked, and to his surprise, harry shook his head.
“With moony.” He said with a small smile. Sirius Chuckled, smiling at him. When Remus came back, he brought the now clean bucket with him and set it down on the floor, before sitting down in the corner.
Sirius rested his head on Remus lap and Harry crawled in, laying down mostly on Remus, who pulled a blanket over the still shivering boy.
Remus started to play with Sirius' hair, knowing it calmed him down, and watching the movie with harry. Sirius fell asleep almost immediately, and Harry soon after him.
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