#you were expecting KFC?!
sundove88 · 7 months
Buck Cluck’s Negativian Attacks!
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Considering that Disney was founded an entire century ago today… I thought I might as well drop something from my Project Link Up installment Disney Dream Linkage!
And that something is the Negativian form of Buck Cluck, which manifests itself as a bucket of fried chicken.
I got inspired by the Zetsuborg from Go Princess PreCure in general for the Negativians- as both are created when a victim’s dream is locked away.
And those limbs? Definitely taken from The Heartless; which will also be appearing in DDL.
Anyways, here’s how the whole thing went; as inspired by This scene:
Dr. Facilier: Show us what you want most in life!
(Cut to Buck Cluck having a heart shaped hole in his chest open)
Buck Cluck: I wanna be a better father to Chicken Little!
(Record scratch)
Leon (Dr. Facilier’s Linker): What?!
Others: What?!
Donald Duck: Whaaaaat?!
Buck Cluck: A better…
Dr. Facilier: Thanksgiving Dinner?
Buck Cluck: FATHER!!!
Leon: Ok, Ok! Very well… then transform your dream and never let it come true!
Both: Go, Negativian!
(Buck Cluck’s Dream is locked away)
Negativian: NEGATIVIAN!!!
Haley Graham (Sora’s Linker, @artisticangel): THAT’S Buck Cluck’s Negativian?!
Mike (Goofy’s Linker): I thought his dream was to be a better father!
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yandere-daydreams · 8 months
Title: Coveted.
Pairing: Yandere!Geto x Reader (+Yandere!Gojo) [JJK].
Word Count: 1.1k.
TW: Set Two or Three Years Post KFC Break-Up, Intimidation, Prolonged Stalking, Future Dub/Con, Mentions of Non/Con, and Unbalanced Power Dynamics.
[Part Two]
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“You’re Satoru’s date, right?”
The voice was masculine, deep and as rough as it could be without crossing the line into gravelly. You stiffened, squaring your shoulders and burrowing your nails into your palm as your eyes darted across the table – where a man with dark hair and an off-putting smile was currently sliding into the unoccupied side of your booth. He reached out, clearly planning to shake your hand, but when you failed to move, he only let out an airy chuckle, propping his chin on his fist as he went on. “I’m a friend of his – Geto Suguru. You can call me Suguru-chan, though. Has he already told you about me?”
He was dressed like he’d just rolled out of bed – his attire limited to a form-fitting black shirt and a pair of loose sweatpants in the same color, his hair pulled into a loose bun. His tone was friendly, light. You returned it with a dead-pan stare, hoping it conveyed the weight of your exhaustion. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Is that what he told you to say?” Another laugh, somehow more blood-chilling than the first. Your attention shifted outward, to the late-night diner where Gojo had asked you to meet him. There were only a few other customers, the skeleton of a proper staff, but single other person would’ve been one too many. You didn’t need to make a scene, not again, not after last time. “That sounds like him. He’s always been a stingy bastard.”
With a pressed frown, you pushed yourself to your feet, but Geto’s grin only broadened. He snapped his fingers and as if it’d only been waiting for a queue, a shape manifested at the end of your bench. You couldn’t bring yourself to look directly at it, but you saw enough out of the corner of your eye; a bulbous torso, shrunken arms, too many eyes to resemble any living thing. Instantly, what little courage you still had was replaced with a knot of dread, a bolt of pure anxiety. You half-expected it to lunge, to bite, to attack, but it didn’t move, only standing guard at the foot of your table.
It didn’t move, but it didn’t have to. In a moment, you’d fallen back into your seat and shoved yourself against the wall, fighting not to shake. It was a sight Geto seemed to take a particular joy in, letting his head lull to the side as he watched you curl into yourself. “You can see them. I was starting to think I had the wrong person.” A pause, a glance towards his summoned monster before his narrowed gaze skirted back to you. “Don’t be shy, now. How much did he tell you?”
It took you a moment to find your tongue, another to swallow back the tremor in your voice. "He said he could protect me.” It was harder to admit than you’d expected – not so much that you needed protection, but that there was something you needed protection from. You’d spent so long writing off your monsters as hallucinations that it was still a struggle to act like they were anything more. But, for as unwilling as you were to confront your little monsters, the resounding ache in your right leg where that thing had dug its claws into you was impossible to ignore. “He… he didn’t mention anyone else, but we’ve only spoken once. He was supposed to explain—” You gestured to the monster. “—all of this today.”
A slight hum, a look of genuine surprise. “So, he’s got some self-restraint after all! I thought he would’ve cracked months ago, considering how long he’s been following you around like a lost puppy.” He must’ve seen your expression fall, your posture slacken, because he didn’t wait for a response before going on. “I mean, you must’ve known that, at least. Did you think he’d play knight-in-shining-armor for just anyone?”
“I…” You trailed off quickly, shaking your head. “I don’t care. As long as he can protect me, I don’t care why he’s doing it.”
“That’s a dangerous thing to say. You wouldn’t want to make Satoru feel so replaceable, now, would you?”  
At that, you met his stare. “What do you want?”
His eyes skirted towards the monster, who took an obedient step back. For a second, you considered running, trying to slip away before the man in front of you or your newly-realized stalker could make you regret ever showing up at all, but Geto was quick to cut off your escape route, filling the empty space beside you before you could so much as pick which door you would barrel through on the way out. “Well, now that we’re on the same page,” Unlike his monster, he didn’t give you the option of leaving him in your peripheral; settling close enough for his leg to press into yours. At this proximity, you could pick up the smoke on his breath, the scent of stale gore clinging to him like a second skin. As if he’d just stepped out of a blood bath. “I’d like to make you an alternative offer.”
“You’d protect me?”
“Oh, I’d do more than just that.” His hand fell to your thigh. “I’d have everything you’ve ever been afraid of bowing to you by the end of the night.”
You swallowed dryly. “You didn’t answer my first question. What do you get out of helping me?”
His answer was nonverbal, but clear enough. With that same idle grin, he nodded toward the streaked window, to the building across the street. Your heart fell into your stomach. It was one of those sleazy, by-the-hour hotels – the sign missing more than a few letters and the parking lot as empty as the diner. It was the kind of place that you only went to for one thing, and you had a feeling Geto hadn’t found some miraculous second reason to want to be alone with you in one of those bug-infested rooms.
You weren’t sure why you said it. Maybe to buy yourself time. Maybe because you couldn’t stand the idea of being left in silence as what was left of your rational mind screamed at you to get out of there. “I don’t have any money.”
“It’ll be my treat.”
“What happens I refuse?”
“I kill everyone here,” His nails bit into exposed skin. “And then fuck you on this table while their bodies attract flies.”
You might’ve cried, if you hadn’t been so tired.
You might’ve done anything, if you could bring yourself to care about anything but keeping those awful creatures at a distance.
Stiffly, with your eyes shut and your teeth grit, you forced yourself to nod. Geto rewarded you with an impossibly wide grin, a breath of a laugh. “Smart little thing.”
This time, he didn’t pretend it was an option; reaching out, taking your trembling hand in his own, and squeezing so softly, you could almost convince yourself he was being gentle.
“It’s only a shame Satoru isn’t here to join us.”
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drpeppertummy · 5 months
alphabet-themed stuffing/tummyache/tiny bit of hunger writing/drawing prompts
Air. Your character swallows too much air while eating, chewing, drinking, what have you, and finds themselves uncomfortably bloated. Maybe they refuse to burp out of politeness, their belly grumbling in protest as they swallow down any air that tries to escape.
Bubbles. Your character overdoes it with fizzy drinks. Maybe it's an exceptionally fizzy one, maybe it was just a little too much. Maybe there were Mentos involved. Either way, their stomach is filled to the brim with liquid and gas.
Cookies. It's the holiday season, and your character either bakes or receives more cookies than they know what to do with. Somebody ought to eat them before they get stale.
Determination. Maybe your character is stubborn. Maybe they've taken on a challenge. Maybe they've got some sort of goal to reach, or maybe they're trying to take care of some food that won't be good much longer. Whatever the reason, your character is hell-bent on finishing their food, even if their tummy is begging them to stop.
Endless. Your character has far too much food on their plate, and no matter how much they eat, it feels like they're not even making a dent. How long can they go on before they have to quit?
Friends. Your character sits down for dinner with some loved ones, but they're worried their pal isn't eating enough and urge them to have more.
Greasy. How much oily fried food can your character's tummy handle before they start feeling sick? Hopefully they're at least in the comfort of their own home and not out at a fair or something, otherwise they might have a hard time soothing their upset belly.
Help. Somebody needs help cleaning their plate. Maybe your character gives that last bite to somebody else, or maybe they're the one taking it. Maybe, if you're feeling scandalous, somebody helps them finish by feeding them that last bite.
Inches. How far can your character's belly expand? Maybe enough to be visible. Or for their shirt to ride up. Or even to pop a button. What does it take for them to swell up so much?
Juicy. It's easy to overdo it on fruit, especially when it's nice and ripe. It's refreshing, it's fun to eat, and it's gonna go bad soon anyway, right? No problems, at least until your character realizes how full they are.
KFC. Does your character have a favorite fast food place? Maybe they eat too much when they go there because it's just that good. Maybe it's a little ways away and they have to make it worth the drive. Maybe they have a new special your character's been dying to try and it's bigger than expected. How does all that cheap greasy food feel sitting in their stomach?
Liquid. Your character has a beverage that's a little too much. Maybe they're already full from eating, maybe it's just a huge drink, but either way, for one reason or another, they're determined to finish it.
Movies. Your character overestimates how much food they need for a movie snack and winds up with far too much. Maybe they're too focused on the movie to realize how full they're getting, or maybe they just eat it all because they don't want to have to put it away.
Nougat. It's Halloween, and your character is surrounded by candy. Maybe they're giving it out, maybe they've been given some, maybe they just bought a bunch because they could. How much can they eat before it gives them a bellyache?
Overestimate. Maybe your character's eyes are bigger than their stomach and they dish themself out more than they can handle, or maybe somebody else overestimates their capacity and gives them too big a serving of food. Will they try to finish all of it even once they're full?
Pizza. How many slices can your character eat? Can they fit more if it's their favorite topping? Perhaps this is the time to find out.
Quit. Your character has had it. Their belly is far too stuffed, and they can't eat another bite. Hopefully they weren't feeling pressured to clean their plate, because it's just not happening.
Rubs. Maybe your character has a tummyache, maybe they're stuffed silly, or maybe they just want to cuddle, but they're dying for a belly rub. Hopefully they're getting one.
Soup. It's the dead of winter, and your character is cold and shivering. They need a big bowl of hot soup to warm them up from the inside.
Tired. Your character comes home starving and utterly exhausted. Will they have the energy to cook something? Maybe they'll eat a bunch of easy snacks instead of putting together a meal, or maybe they'll go to bed hungry. If they're lucky, maybe somebody will make them something.
Underestimate. Your character leaves the table not nearly full enough, and it's not long before their tummy is growling. Do they ignore it? Feed it? Maybe they're so hungry that they eat too much to compensate.
Valentine. Somebody gives your character lots of sweets for being so sweet. Maybe they have a number of admirers who leave them saddled with more chocolate than they can handle, or maybe it's just one person who thinks they're just that adorable. Either way, they eat too much in one sitting and wind up with a belly full of sugar.
Water. After realizing how dehydrated they are, your character chugs far too much water in one sitting and winds up with an uncomfortably distended, sloshy belly.
eXtra. Your character is enjoying food with friends, and they make or order way too much, just to make sure they have enough for everybody. Maybe the whole group winds up stuffed, or maybe one person is tasked with taking care of the extra food.
Yogurt. For one reason or another, your character is trying to eat healthy. It's okay to stuff yourself silly if it's health food, right? Or maybe they finally snap and break their diet, but go a little overboard in their frenzy to eat something satisfying.
Zoo. Your character has been walking around the zoo all day--or maybe a theme park, or a carnival, or whatever the hell you want--and they're tired and hungry. They'd better stop for an overpriced snack break. Hopefully they don't spend the rest of their outing with a bellyache.
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strawberrynightmare · 8 months
Mikey, Mitsuya, Koko & Izana with foodie s/o
Content warning: Just Izana being a little bit... extreme
~It all started when he took you birthday shopping. The two of you went to a mall and he told you to take anything you want and not look at the price, to which you hesitantly agreed. He expected to be dragged into a clothing or electronics shop. Whatever you wanted; jackets, shoes, bags, perfumes, headphones, games, or maybe, once you get more confident, a phone, tablet, laptop? Or even a tv?
~He got so lost in his fantasies it took him a few minutes to comprehend your current whereabouts. 
~...A grocery store.
~Well, that’s fine. It’s completely reasonable that you’d want to do groceries. Duties first, pleasures second. Although he had to assure you that he’s more than happy to pay for your overflowing shopping cart full of sweets, snacks, cheese and other stuff.  He didn’t let you carry everything yourself, either. He insisted he carries at least 3/4 of them.
~Then the two of you went to get pizza. For that, he paid without even asking. Of course, it wouldn’t be good to shop hungry. And then a sweet dessert - ice cream!
~And when he thought that this is where the actual shopping trip starts, you said that you were done and thanked him. He looked at you as if you were insane. Surely, you must have been joking. 
~But instead of saying “just kidding”, you asked him if there’s anywhere he wants to go. This man was so flabbergasted that he just shook his head and silently walked you home. 
~It didn’t take him long to accept his fate and change his strategy, though. 
~Instead of more “classic” gifts, he began to buy you food. And rather than to the shopping malls, he took you to some of the most recommended restaurants. Pretty chill about it too. Although only for as long as he gets to pay. He can get petty when you don’t let him. The two of you literally race to the checkpoint
~And no, you are not visiting McDonald's, KFC or such things. He’s willing to (respectfully) argue with you about that. Why would you even look at their trash-quality food, when he’s more than willing to pay for something healthier and tastier? *proceeds to wave his credit card in front of your face until you give up*
~If there’s a specific food you crave out of the blue, all you have to do is text him. He’ll order it for you. Hell, he’ll even order anything he sees advertised on the internet that he thought you might like, so don’t get surprised when you get random parcels delivered to your door.
~If you’re worried about your eating habits, he’ll suggest visiting a dietician and will even accompany you there. Won’t force you or stick his nose into your eating habits unless it’s clearly dangerous for your health, though. Most of the time he just supports every decision you make.
~Literally the definition of “Eat whatever you want, I can pay.”
~Okay this guy 100% loves to watch you eat. You can’t convince me otherwise. 
~Like, imagine you’re casually enjoying your waffles and he sits right in front of you, staring at you, drilling holes into your soul with his gaze. Like this ◉_◉. He doesn’t even order anything for himself no matter how many times you ask him if he’s sure that he’s not hungry. 
~Your boyfriend literally can get high on dopamine from watching you eat something you like. He doesn’t get bored. Each time the two of you meet, he just kinda gives you some kind of a snack and at this point, you don’t even question it, cause he’s gonna do it either way. The two of you start talking, he automatically extends his hand with a snack towards you and you automatically take it without missing a beat. 
~The moment you split your food in half and offered it to him, he was so moved. In his mind, he swore to protect you forever. I’ve seen memes about girlfriends saying they don’t want anything to eat and then eat their boyfriend’s food. Which kind of resembles him because he’ll only eat if it’s from your plate. Can’t get his own for his life. 
~I can clearly imagine a scenario where a gang fight occurs and all of the enemies get heavily beaten up except for that one guy who’s captured at the very beginning and then, at the end, they let him go with no more than a scratch, simply because he’s the son of the owner of your favourite sushi restaurant. 
~At the same time, imagine what happens to the people whose food you dislike. Without a blink, he’d watch you eat something, and instead of the usual bliss he sees on your face, you frown and begin to slow down before hesitantly putting down the eating utensils. He’d ask you if anything’s wrong and after you reply that this dish is not really to your liking, he’d just smile and offer that you eat somewhere else. Then, the next day, you heard in the news that the very same restaurant burned to ashes during the night. The cause of the fire was unknown. 
~Another time, he accidentally saw you out in the town with a friend. He just happened to be nearby and considered saying hello when he heard your friend complaining about you eating way too much. You didn’t seem to take it seriously, but a dark glint in his eyes appeared at that time.
~”I never had a problem with how much they eat…”
~Hopefully, you weren’t very close with that friend (._.)
~Lowkey the devil on your shoulder. He only means good, but he never really tells you no. If you’re thinking about whether to get something to eat, you don’t even have to look at him to know his advice. And if you can’t decide between two things, he’ll just get you both no big deal. Even if he’s aware that it might not be the best for you, it’s not like an additional portion of ice cream will harm you, right?
~He’ll even go as far as to rob a grocery store with his gang to get you a good supply of snacks. You might want to establish some boundaries with him. Just saying. 
~Overall, wants the best, but tends to take things to the extremes.
~Say no more.
~Actually, he’d cook for you almost each time you come to visit him even before he learns about your fondness for good food. And when he does? You got yourself a personal chef and no amount of insisting and resisting will get you out of this. 
~Legit gets offended if you refuse to let him make you food and suggest eating in the town instead.  
“Haaa? You’d rather pay for some stranger’s stuff rather than eat what your boyfriend prepared for you with love?”
~And it doesn’t matter that you only have the best intentions in mind and you don’t want to overwork him. He’s having none of that. If you really insist that you want to eat at some restaurant or worse- a fast food restaurant (!) he has no power to stop you. He’ll go with you, but he’ll be silent most of the time and will be glaring at you as you eat.
“I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed.”
~But the moment you finally break, and promise to always choose his food over others, he’s momentarily back to himself, apologising and cuddling the hell out of you. Overbearing, but he does it out of care.
~That’s where it ends though. He invites you to eat dinner with him every few days and sometimes makes you snacks, but the rest is up to you. He doesn’t really stick his nose into your eating habits. And he doesn’t forbid you from eating in restaurants either. He’ll straight out encourage you to try out new places, but that’s only as long as he’s not able to cook for you himself, probably due to lack of time.
~If he sees some occasional food trucks or other kinds of time-limited food stalls, he’s absolutely getting you stuff from there. He’ll probably get a little bit of everything so that the two of you can go back there and eat whatever you liked the most.
~And if he sees someone bothering you for your eating habits, he won’t hesitate to pull them aside and scold them or even start a fight if necessary. 
~Will ask his friends and fellow gang members if they’ve been to any good restaurants/bars/cafes/food stalls or anything recently so that he can take you there later.
~Also, will try out even more new recipes and even has a little notebook where he writes down your favourite ones. Then, on some grand dates like anniversaries, your birthday or valentines, he’ll prepare little feasts entirely made out of your favourites.
~HOLD HIM FROM BEHIND AS HE COOKS. The first time you did it he froze and started blushing like crazy. He’d pin you to the wall and make out with you if he didn’t have milk on the stove. 
~From there on, he usually demands that you do it each time you ask if he needs any help or feel guilty with how much effort he puts in for you. This is it, this is the payment. Bonus points if you nuzzle your face into his shoulder. It’s his favourite thing to make him relax.
~Compliment his cooking and he’ll be genuinely thrown off. It’s something which always manages to make his mind all hazy and the butterflies in his stomach spring to life. Don’t let him brush it off! Keep going to witness the great mitsuya takashi embarrassed and shy.
~All in all, LET HIM COOK
I came up w/ this one while taking a shit
~I can literally see a whole love story forming there.
~Imagine you decided on a study break, went to some shop nearby and bought some snacks. Let’s say, a croissant or two. A full ass croissant with chocolate inside and stuff. And you go to the park to enjoy it. It’s late afternoon, you find a bench hidden in the shadow of some old maple and bon appetit!
~You were halfway in, when you noticed that someone sat at the opposite side of the bench. You glanced that way and saw a blonde who looked to be about your age. He was also eating, but it was dorayaki. Without thinking much about it, your attention shifted back to your treat. After you were done, you quietly left.
~Then, a whole week later, it was also around that time that you decided to have some air, went to the same store and this time, bought a box of cookies. Once again, you ventured into the park and soon noticed that the bench you occupied last time was once again empty. So you sat there and enjoyed your break. 
~And again, the very same blonde appeared and sat nearby but with a different snack. 
You were suddenly pulled out of your blissful state by the stranger’s voice. 
“Can I have one cookie?” You turned to look at him. “I’ll give you pocky in exchange,” he noticed the slight surprise on your face and sent you a reassuring smile. “Is it too sudden? Sorry, but they just smell so good. Seriously, what flavour is this?”
“I think it’s because of the orange filling,“ you extended the box towards him as he moved closer to you. He took one cookie and offered you his pocky. 
“Thank you! Now try this, it’s green tea flavoured.”
“Nice, thanks.”
~No more words were spoken and as you finished, you simply said your goodbye and left. But the next time you went there, he was on the bench already. When he noticed you, he waved you in greeting and another exchange took place, this time, you also had a little small talk. Then, the same situation kept repeating until the two of you sat right next to each other and chatted casually. 
~Every few days, you headed to the bench, hoping to see him there. But after some time, it didn’t simply end on the bench hangouts. He’d ask you to go with him to that cafe you spoke so fondly about. Or the ramen restaurant he recommended. 
~As you began to spend more time together, you exchanged numbers, began to text each other and even developed feelings. None of you could point out the exact time when you fell in love. It just felt so right when you were together, you soon began to officially date. 
~Which brings us to this point. Seriously, you’re like twin souls. It is now a common occurrence for the two of you to exchange food or even steal each other’s. Literally imagine you and a few of his friends hanging out at his place and he looks through his drawers frowning for a while and finally asks “who took my limited edition strawberry taiyaki?” with a death voice. No one dares to breathe, but there you are, head peeking from the bathroom. “Oh, I ate it”.
~Everyone gets ready to hold Mikey down to at least give you a few minutes to run, but he just gets back to his normal mode and smiles. “Did you like it? I’ll buy more for you next time then.” And they’re absolutely bewildered. No, I will never get tired of this trope
~Food dates all of the time. Cafe, restaurant, bar, grocery store, name it and you’ll be going there. Especially if you’re too shy to go on your own. There is no such thing as ‘too much food’ in his dictionary. Eat to your heart’s content and if anyone dares to comment, we all know what happens. 
~Totally the type to bring you some sweets and ask for cuddles, kisses and letting him sleep on your lap in exchange. But hey! You can do the same. Actually, you don’t even have to get him anything. He’s physically unable to say no to you even if he sometimes gets a little bit pouty, a few minutes later he doesn’t even remember why he was mad in the first place.
~Once you have dated for some time, he’s the type to ask you how does your food taste while you’re eating, and as you’re moving your plate towards him, it’s 50/50 whether he demands you to feed him or steals a kiss and then licks his lips and says, “it’s good.”
~The spoon feeding though. He wants you to feed him just as much as he wants to feed you. It makes everyone in the 10 metre radius look away. Especially if you happen to be hanging out with his friends. The moment you start, various groans and sighs can be heard all around you. But at the same time, they all have those little smirks on their lips. 
~Their leader is smitten. Good for him.
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anticapitalistclown · 4 months
Hi! I’m not sure if you’re taking requests, but forever ago you made a post as to how sone lookism characters would react to reader having nipple piercings, and I wanted to know if you could do a pt. 2 with Gun, DG, and Goo?
Sure! It was one of my firsts posts, and I remember having so much fun writing! My writing changed a bit since then, but I'll try to make it similar <3
pd. thank you for all your kind words
pt.1 with Jake, Sinu and Samuel
Gun, DG and Goo finding out their s/o has nipple piercings, headcanons
Gun never minded seeing you changing clothes in front of him, actually, he appreciated you were comfortable enough to show yourself in front of him in such a vulnerable state, what he isn't aware of is that you recently decided to add some decorations to your body.
you were explaining to him how your day went "the cafeteria just closed, and I couldn't buy my macchiato, so I had to walk to a KFC" you took off your clothes.
"and why a KFC of all the pla-" he stood silent for a while watching your chest, lowering his sunglasses to the tip of his nose to verify what he just saw "-ces".
"duh 'cause I was hungry" you tried to keep a poker face.
"and do they pierce your nipples at KFC?"
a laugh escaped from you, "what do you think?"
he loves the way the jewelry decorates that part of your body, it is just so eye catching for him.
or the thought of being the only one who knows you have them under your clothes, it makes him go feral.
Gun will buy you spare parts of jewelry for you to change it.
you were showering, your hands carefully taking care of your sore nipples that just got pierced.
suddenly, a hand brushing your hip exalted you.
"always so stealthy, like a cat" you protested, making him chuckle.
his hands reached over yours, uncovering your nipples, he left a surprised expression that he couldn't hide.
"you didn't expect that, huh?" you played, making him laugh.
"you got me, dear"
James always thought nipple piercings were something trashy and out of class, but seeing them on first hand, how the jewelry decorates your breasts, it changed completely his mind over them.
since you got them, showers and baths with him turned to be something more usual.
his eyes focusing from then and there more on your chest area, even if you were wearing clothes over.
you both shared eccentric tastes, so you were confident about getting your nipples pierced and that he would also like them.
after getting them, you made him sit on your bed, telling him you have something to show him.
"what you have, babe, don't make me wait" he was so impatient. You giggled, also impatient to see how would he react.
you flashed him, showing your new piercings to him.
Goo was stone-cold, it was hard to know what he is always thinking, so you got a bit worried "you don't like it?" you asked him while covering your chest.
he blinked and immediately blushed, covering his mouth with his hand, "babe, are you joking? I love them" oh, you don't know what you just made on him.
he will also spoil you, buying all the jewelry you want for your piercings.
now Goo has a favorite touch, his fingers always desperate to touch your piercings, a stimulation for both of you.
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thatguywhofedme · 10 months
A lardy death to go
Chapter 1
The first experience
It was your first day on the job as a food delivery driver
You were excited for it and it was a job you needed, but you also heard about the horror stories a delivery driver could go through sometimes and you were expecting the worst
But you know there was also a good side to your line of work, seeing all the food you could get after work, getting to know your area more and especially when it comes to meeting new people, you never know what could happen and that was part of the excitement
Your first day went pretty well, you had your run of the mill customers (guy who doesn't tip, Karen's,etc.) But you had one final delivery that popped up and it was a big one, you had to park your car backwards at McDonald's just so you can fit the entire order in, then it was just a matter of following the gps
You thought it could have been for a party or something like a normal person would think, but my god you were wrong
You got in the driveway and realized that there was only one van parked in front of the house and thought it was weird but okay
You approached the front door and rang on the doorbell
You heard someone yelling "the door is uuuuff unlocked, you can bring it into the UUURRPP living room"
With that said, you opened the door and thought to yourself that the voice sounded out of breath just from talking which was odd to you
When you entered the house and went into the living room, that's when it all became clear to you
You saw someone sitting on their couch, demolishing what could have been the third kfc bucket and licking their fat finger after finishing the last chicken breast
"Aaaaahhh thank you for BOOOAARRPP coming in, I hate heaving my FFFFRRRRRHHHHHTTT fat ass from the couch to pick up my order"
It wasn't hard to understand why, with that fat face being lowered by a double chin that resembled a stack of pancakes, arms bigger than your own thighs, a belly that was resting between some jiggly, meaty thighs completed with a gigantic ass that was wider than the person who's on top of it
It was your first time seeing someone this big outside of sometimes watching "my 600lbs life", but you weren't hating it, on the contrary, you became really excited and horny by the sight of this behemoth
"Of course, the pleasure is all mine and I can understand not wanting to move after a good meal" you said after winking at them
They became flustered and started rubbing their big belly
"Well, I'm glad we can agree on this, but don't you think for a second this was a "good meal" for me, that was just an appetizer" they said giggling
"Well in that case, you better order up, we wouldn't want you to go hungry" you said as you slapped their belly
"I'll be back when you order something else, don't keep me waiting"
You left as they were completely in shock while being incredibly turned on, so much so they started digging into the order you just brought up and stuff themselves silly no matter how dirty they became
You got in your car and we're also in shocked, especially because of how you acted towards them, so confident, dominant and controlling
You kind of scared yourself a little, but you felt amazing and you couldn't wait for the fat whale to order more so you can tell them to eat up
Chapter 2
The routine
You became a regular at their house, delivering feast after feast each day for them to stuff themselves
You were also becoming an unabler to their diet, buying butter and lard to make the orders a "little" more fattening for your own pleasure
They told you they used to weigh 523lbs when they met you, but now, after 8 months, they were now at 612lbs, which they couldn't be more happy about
She explained to you what a feedee and feeder was after you asked them why they were willing to gain so much weight and that's when you realized you were a feeder And loving it
One night after finishing your delivery and realizing they were your last one, you decided to stay a little longer and see if you could feed them yourself
You opened the door and got into the living room where you saw them eating like the slobby pig they are
Their belly was enormous, almost reaching their ankle when they sat down
Their face has become even fatter, so much so they were now slurring their words sometimes because of how much they've grown
Their ass has become a new shelf, with packs of leftover food laying on it
Literally everything on their body has grown much fatter
"Heeeyy gorgeous… I'm sho happy to see UUUUURRPPPP your sexy ass in FFFRRRHHHTT aaaaahhh my living room"
Without saying a word, you go over and feed them the rest of their huge burger with some "small" sausages on the side
You didn't even wait for them to finish eating, you stuff bite after bite in their mouth whether their ready or not
You could hear them moaning and you also got a lot hornier as the minutes passed by
After the burgers, it was time for the sausages
"UUUUFFFF please, I'm…. not….. sure BUUUAAAARRRRRRPPPP I'll be….. able to finish all….. of this……"
"Listen carefully, because I won't say it twice
you wanted me as your feeder, you got it, you wanted me to personally deliver all your food, you got it
But now, I want you to finish everything I brought for you, otherwise, let's just say the food you see is not the only thing that's gonna go in your mouth, I found other ways of making you eat you massive pig !!!"
They couldn't believe how more dominant you have become and with what you said, you heard them almost yell, but realize they had just came on the sofa
"I'm sorry, did you just cum without me letting you ?"
They bit their lip and looked at you, face all red and sweaty with terrified eyes, they knew they had fucked up, even if they truly couldn't control themselves around you
"I…I…….yes i did"
You took the huge sausages beside them and began forcing them in their mouth one by one
"You better swallow every last one of them, you're already in for a big punishment, but I still want you to eat all of them you greedy pig"
Has they started to choke a little from the sheer amount you were putting in their mouth, their cheeks becoming so swollen they were turning red and with them struggling to breath, you knew you were doing the right thing for them to grow at the pace you want
After all the sausages have gone through their gullet, you saw them puffing just from having to breath because of how painfully stuffed their stomach was
you heard them yell at you as they couldn't speak quieter then that from how exhausting it would have been
You took their meaty, jiggly, cellulite riden thighs apart as much as you could and lifted their gut up with a lot of effort, but when your head went in between, you knew they were going to get it tonight, they couldn't have all this fat to play with and not have someone fuck them senseless
When you started doing your thing, you felt perfectly at home, you knew there had to be more, more fat to love, enjoy, fuck and jiggle
You simply needed to make them fatter, even fatter than in your wildest fantasies and you knew they felt the same way
Chapter 3
Life goes on.... For now....
It had been a year ever since you fucked them senseless and in that time, you wouldn't have imagined what would happen afterwards
You didn't just deliver to their house anymore, you're now their caretakers and live in their house
Helping them with everything 24/7
It could be something as simple as helping them get up from the bed using the railings connected to them and the bariatric walker, going in the shower with them as they put their wide ass on the shower chair that was specially fitted for them while you take a sponge and wash in between their many, many rolls of jiggly lard, as well as letting them know their doing an amazing job as your fat piggy with a little "helping hand" from under their now almost unreachable fupa
Or it could also mean helping them with the oxygen tank they need to have with them at all times if they don't want to pass out from the exhausting movement that is moving their near immobile body from one room to another by changing the bottles when their empty
In any case, you're there to make sure they eat more each meal and get fatter by the hours
Speaking of which, you've grown darker with every pound they've gained and every fantasy they told you
From getting treated like a literal pig by never taking a shower, eating from a trough, doing everything on the floor form eating to fucking and making piggy sounds to being so fat, their heart struggles and hurts all the time and to suffocate the pain they can only open their mouth and let everything flow through to relieve the pain
As you were preparing their next feast, you were mesmerized by the enormous sight on the broken couch
They had grown so much ever since you became their at home feeder
Especially since the last bariatric scale you've gotten, which had a capacity of 750lbs said "error" while trying to weigh them a couple of months ago
They were finishing up their second cake by hand like the good piggy they were, and even that was getting difficult from them as their arms were becoming really heavy with all that fat hanging and their fingers becoming too fat to make any kinds of movement
Their flabby chest hanging on both sides of their body while their stretchmarks riden belly was touching the floor as they're cellulite covered ass was taking the entirety of the couch
They were always out of breath no matter what they did, with all that lard crushing their insides, you could understand why they had their cannula at all times, but that's perfect, you thought they look beautiful with their unhealthy look, bite after bite nearing another heart attack
Yes, I did say another, two months ago, while getting funnel fed a lard shake and getting fucked by you, they started to say how tight their chest was becoming as they swallowed the liquid, but as they were about to finish, they started to touch their chest where their heart was
"HONN..UUUURRRPPP..EEYYYY…..my heart….it'sh beating really….fassht….I think…..FRRRTTHHH…thish..ish….it……AWWWWW FUCK"
You weren't scared at all, ok the contrary, you took the tube out of their mouth, took the pizza nearby and started force feeding them while their heart was giving out
"YESSS, that's the moment we've been waiting for
EAT !!!! I want you to eat everything I give you no matter how bad it hurts
I want to see your heart pop as you take your last breath doing what you do best, stuffing your pig mouth"
You heard a moan escaping their mouth as they were clutching their heart, swallowing as fast as they could as you fed them with no signs of mercy
But after a while, they seem to have regained their composure and their heart wasn't hurting as much anymore
"HUFFFF….you know…..what…that meansh…?"
"What's that gorgeous ?"
"I'm not…..fat …..enough …yet…..feed…BOOOAARRPP……me….more…please
Feed…me….into my….early grave…like the slobby….mmmh…disgusting……piggy I am…..oink….oink"
From that day on, you've been even more unforgetful whit your feeding method
You've been putting weight gain powder,lard and melted butter in EVERYTHING
They were all but too happy to oblige and take everything you were giving them
You both knew there was no coming back, you had to make them so fat justovijg a little would cause some the risk of another heart attack to appear
You had to close those arteries and cover their heart in unhealthy coats of fat
You had to make them as unhealthy as possible no matter what it took
This is your piggy and the fun was just getting started
Chapter 4
The fatal one
As you walk through the hallway with your trolley with gallons of lard shakes, you realized how lucky you are of having the life you got
You're the caretaker to an immobile piggy who hasn't moved in a long time, their health getting worse by the day just the like you both want, it's gotten so bad that you had to fit a mechanized crane on top of them if you wanted to clean them or fucked them
Their health was now a mountain of obesity related issues
Ranging from at least type 2 diabetes, hypertension that as gone through the roof, multiple strokes a year which they called "ooopsies" which was the cutest name for them, their breathing was now so bad, the cpap was struggling to feed them fresh air
All in all, you've done an amazing job of feeding them without any restrictions and they did their part of keeping that belly packed to the point of exploding at any given time
You both knew they were certainly on the verge of having "the big one" as you called it as you entered their fully furnished bariatric room and looked at the display on top of them showing "1126 lbs" in bright red
"Hello there piggy, hope your ready for me to turn the feeding machine back on"
They could only blink as they couldn't really do anything anymore
Their body so completely engulfed by fat even talking was a restraint as the fat was pushing against their vocal cords and their arms were standing up, not because they wanted to, but because all the fat surrounding them was keeping them up with how much of the stuff there was
Their belly was so impressive it was spilling on both sides of their bariatric bed which was an achievement on itself
You've grown them to such an epic proportion even the bariatric bed was creaking just from how much weight there was to support
The bed's side rails had broken a long time just from the sheer force that was pushing on them when they tried to adjust themselves on the bed one last time before you both decided it was best to let the piggy themed face mask, which was both a feeding tube and an air cannula forcing as much oxygen as possible just for their lungs to feel something to work with, at all times to make them bloated at all times
You saw that the feeding tank was nearly empty, so you started taking the containers and pour the unhealthy liquid one after the other
You knew it was working when you hear a small moan coming front them meaning the flow was much better
After you were done, you sat on a nearby seat and started talking
"I know you don't have much time and you could die at any given times, which is why instead of being your bad death feeder, I wanted to thank you
Thank you for being your amazing self and becoming the fattest person to wanna eat themselves to death
Thank you for being the best feedee someone could ever ask for, you just kept on stuffing yourself no matter how hard it got or how bad it hurts,
But mostly, thank you for giving me this incredible opportunity, I couldn't have dreamed of a better life and it's all thanks to you
I love you and I'm by your side no matter what happens"
Tears started coming out and when you looked at them to see their reaction
They were also crying, their eyes getting red, the heart monitor going even faster
they were also trying to say something that was muffled by all the fat surrounding their face
You got up and told them
"Sorry baby, I couldn't hear you properly"
And in a very low whisper they said
'i…………..love …………..you………….too………."
You smiled, lifted their mask which hasn't been turned on yet and give them a passionate kiss
You were so happy in that moment and nothing could have changed that
But then, as the mask wasn't on them
They started to breath in an even more unsettling way
Their eyes started bulging as the hear monitor became ballistic with bpm's of 196 started showing
THIS WAS IT !!!!!!
You started the feeding machine back on and the lard began pouring again as they were truly struggling to stay alive, you were hornier than you've ever been and started straddling as much of their big belly as you could
Their face became reder and reder by the seconds, then it became purple with lard coming out of their mask as they struggle to swallow with what was happening
Until you saw the life in their eyes disappear and the heart monitor do a "beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee………" as you knew it had been fatal
Even as their body began turning white, you decided to let them machine on to finish the liquid
After 30 minutes, the tank was empty and the only part of their body with some color was their gut as you could see the redness of how bloated it was, but also surprised at the fact that it didn't explode from the inside
Unfortunately, after 9 years of being their feeder
it was all over
you were sad about it even if you knew this was coming a looooong time ago
You've lost them, but have accomplished your ultimate goal and their most important wish in life
feeding them to death
Chapter 5
Who's next ?!?
After what happened, you decided to go and not look back, not knowing what could have happened to you if you would have stayed until the police, medical crew and crane have arrived to lift their corpse out of their house
You kept it low key, out of the eye of anyone for 10 months, finding shelter in an old apartment building situated in a small town far away from where it all happened until you felt it was safe to go out again
You looked online for some news article about anything that could be related to you and them
Nothing ?
Surprisingly, no one as talked about it online, not even a news article
You were surprised but relieved at the same time
That's when you got out of your apartment and decided to go to the local grocery store for some supplies
You walked through the isles, looking for what you could have during the week
You were also reminiscing about your feedee while passing the lard on one of the shelves
You could never forget all the incredible experiences you've experienced while being with them
You smiled and chuckled remembering everything
Then, in one of the isle, your heart stopped
From the back, you saw a massive form on a mobility scooter, basket full of snacks and fattening food
You couldn't contain yourself from the sight of another morbidly obese person in front of you
It's been so long
You were craving it
The need to feed someone to another fatal heart attack
You found your next feedee and this time, you were going to make them even fatter
Even slobbier
Even more unhealthy
You had all the experience you needed and you were going to make this happen no matter what
This was the beginning to a new chapter of your life
You were more than ready for another piggy 🐽
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iwanty0uu · 4 months
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❄︎ all characters are 19+ y/n being 20, second female character being 19, and male character being 21, contains swearing and mentions of violence ❄︎
click me!
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𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏...
Jada kingdom blasted through the speakers of your car, you got off early from work deciding that you would surprise your boyfriend with his favorite, KFC, a movie and some Chic-fil-A for yourself. It was snowy and you were hype, snow was either non-existent or did to much when it came to New York, so the slush of the ice below the tires of your car reminded you of how lucky you were to have a light snowy winter, just in time for the new year. The only problem was, as you parked your jeep already walking towards his door,his keys linked to the ones for your car, the door didn’t unlock.The locks were changed. 
You put aside your immediate anger for this man and taught yourself patience, so it took you a while to figure out how you wanted to react to this, the rock next to his doormat and the key that is usually under it posing as the devil and angel on your shoulder. You could either fuck his shit all the way up, or invite yourself in, but there was no key to your surprise.. dusting the snow off of your uggs and hands,adjusting your light blue bodysuit and white puffer jacket. You adjusted your small white beanie with a sigh.You completely understood what this meant.
The bitch is a cheater.
Being rational wasn’t your thing but neither was being dumb. You honked your car horn a couple of times and watched his windows, seeing the silhouette of a long skinny leg, with toes painted black, and an anklet resembling the one he gave you for Valentine’s Day…You heard the door knob shuffle, and wondered if your hearing deceived you because the front door remained still, and to your surprise he attempted to sneak the girl out of the back door which was diagonal from your jeep that you sat alerted in; door still open and legs hanging out, making eye contact with her as she mumbled something to herself.
Now, you didn’t expect your intuition to be spot on like this, in fact you hoped he had just changed his locks because something happened and he forgot to mention it to you.
“Shit” she said holding her head down covering her face with her gloved hands in shame, she knew she had wronged you and it took you a second to realize who it was, until her slimmer familiar figure approached the side walk, and stood in-front of you.
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“Bro why is she talking to her…”
He questioned as he paced around his living room, grimacing as he rubbed his hands with his face. He was still shirtless, pajama-pants hanging off oh his thick and muscular pelvis which revealed his recently trimmed happy trail, you could tell he liked what he did by how hard his dick was…He claimed you were his first love, took your virginity and loved you like no one else, but still fucked someone you trusted with your whole life, the future godmother of your kids even.He fucked up the best thing in his life.
What a dumbass.
Your eyes widened with shock as she profusely apologized without any pause, ”Y/n I’m so sorry I know he’s your boyfriend and stuff but I couldn’t help it and he left his jacket in Sasha’s car and I was close to his house and I am so so sorry I know you would never do something like this to me and you’ve took care of me my whole life and-“
Tears couldn’t help but welt in your eyes as the snow on your now damp lashes made them all the more sensitive…no word could describe how you felt, the hatred and heartbreak made your nose flush with even more red considering it was already colder than jack frost’s balls outside, you couldn’t keep it together and you wanted to do nothing but ruin her life after you realized..
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ummmlife · 5 months
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Nanami using his "christmas present" in a very rough way!
Warnings!; MDNI this is literature porn, if you lie and read santa won't give you any nanami present 😋 , reader doesn't have an specified gender/genitalia , dom!top!nanami × sub!bottom!reader , facefucking , spankings , no foreplay , rough , angry!nanami , gift wrapping tape , dirty talk + degradation
Having a joyful christmas shouldn't be that hard. Waking up next to your boyfriend while his protective embrace covers you from the coldness of the morning, get ready together for the night, eat some KFC's chicken for dinner and then open up your gifts.
Your lovely man got you everything you were asking through the year. Every single jewelery, perfume, bag, shoes, clothes... Everything was there in their respective bags under the tree, who could be the luckiest lover in the world if it wasn't you? With a man like Kento, that was unbeatable.
Then Kento asked for his presents, you bought them, of course, his presents were hiding under your shared bed, why? Well, you decided to play a little prank to him, silly you.
The prank was to, flirtatiously, undress yourself to reveal a nice gift wrapping tape enveloping your naked body.
— "Here is your present!"
— "... Only that?"
To say that you blood run cold when you saw Kento's displaced expression was short to describe it. But he wasn't just displaced, no, Kento was enraged and we all know how blood-curdling that is. He spent so much money in those presents for you and you only got him what he can take every day he wants? Unreasonable, stupid even.
How ungrateful you are.
Kento got up from the couch and, even before you could reveal the prank, he grabbed your hair with one of his hands, pulling your head back as tight as he could for you to face him. — "What do you take me for?". More than offended, Kento sounded genuinely hurt by your "present".
You tried to speak again, of course, but this time his fingers in your mouth were more than enough to make you shut up. — "I don't want to hear anything from you tonight, I really don't want to..." . He took his fingers from your mouth and started to unbutton his pants, — "But if I got nothing else... then I'll use my present as much as I want. Get on your knees, now".
A mix of terror and eagerness ran through you as your body obeyed the words of the man you love the most, knees on the carpet, face up and mouth wide open, you even had the decency to stick out your tongue for him. It didn't take long for Kento to take his thick length out of his underwear and slide it in one single thrust all deep down to your throat, his hand taking place on your hair once more.
Thrust by thrust, Kento made it obvious for you that neither your constant gagging nor the lack of oxygen you were getting was going to stop him from using your mouth.
His growls and soft sighs decorated the living room of that peaceful home, accompanied by sounds of his balls hitting on your chin and your own gagging sounds. — "This is what you wanted, isn't it?.. Hah... What– ngh-! did you expect after disappointing me like– ah! like that?!"
But it wasn't enough to satisfied himself though.
Kento took his manhood out of your maw just to push your body against the couch, forcing your face down while your back arches. His palm smacking your ass sent a chill through your spin, but you couldn't savor the pain before another slap was send by him. Just like a naughty kid, you were being spanked for your bad behavior towards your loving boyfriend.
— "How ungrateful and foolish you are". Kento never used to be this rough, never calling you mean names unless you asked for it, never treating you with hate. Deep down you know that if he was actually hurting you, he'll stop, although... why could you him to stop anyway?
Kento stopped the spanking treatment for you to press yous head on the couch. You felt how he simply spat on your hole just to slide his throbbing shaft with a single thrust, the pain was unbearable at first, and Kento knew that because one of his hands moved to your hip to start rubbing it, that was his way to comfort you despite all his mood.
Once you got used to his size, because Kento still waited for you to feel comfortable, your inner walls became the victim of a delicious assault that was leaving your mind and senses all numb. — "Is this what you wanted? Ahn... Mngh-ph! Having this filthy hole filled with your boyfriend's cock? Huh? So greedy...". His movements didn't do anything but increase in force and roughness.
Your moans filled up the silence of your home as Kento's groans and sighs accompanied the melody of your screams drowned out by the cushions while the creaking of the chair marked the pace of this symphony that your bodies played.
It took a few minutes to feel the tickling sensation in your belly anticipating the culmination of your torturous pleasure while Kento's thrust erratically hitted your most sensitive spot. You couldn't see him directly, but by closing your eyes you could clearly focus on the mental image of your boyfriend's face as he's about to cum as well.
Small drops of sweat falling from his hair as this sticks on his forehead, his teeth clenching his jaw as the his heavy breathing leaves his nose. That focusing expression that he makes when he's avoiding himself to cum so quickly with a small frown and his eyes closed.
It was too much, Kento always make you go crazy for him and visualizing his expression of pleasure, while your body is focusing on the sensation of his manhood sliding in and out from you as his hips hit your flesh, just made easy for you to reach your peak. You didn't want to cum that fast, you wanted this moment to last, that was until Kento started to show his real voice, — "Mmm-ahh. A-aahh... Darling! I'm– nnhg! going to... to cum! Haahhh!".
Pure and loud moans of pleasure chime your ears, that was enough to make the orgasm hit all your body and make you shake. You could feel Kento's cock twitching inside of you as his fingers squeezed your hips tightly. It was marvelous.
Kento's thick cum fell from your greedy hole to the floor, running down from your thighs. Just like you, he was catching his breath before sliding out of you and slowly sitting back on the couch, his expression changed from a irritated one to a bitter one. — "Did you seriously not buy me a present?". Kento asks you with a obvious angry pout on his lips, how adorable.
You couldn't help but smile softly and move your body slowly, with Kento's help, to sit next to him.
— "Your presents are under the bed, I just wanted to play a little prank on you".
Your boyfriend's eyes lit up in realization, he looks at you now all embarrassed for how he reacted. Kento instinctively holds your hand as he looks down ashamed.
— "Can I... go and take my presents?" Is he really asking you permission for that? Obviously you didn't say no and as you took off the uncomfortable gift wrapping tape from your chest, Kento came back with 5 gift bags and a gleeful smirk.
To compensate all the damage caused, Kento cleaned all the kitchen and living room and also carried you in his arms for the rest of the night, because, poor you, who shouldn't move your legs for some brutal assault... That in his words, nevertheless, you were more than happy to spend the next hours in your boyfriend's arms, watching some cheesy american christmas movies and grabbing some snacks together.
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fun facts with miss bibi ! for the ones who don't know 🤓☝️
in japan, christmas is more a valentine's day snowy edition, so you can perceive the christmas spirit more from the young couples (and the kids, of course). that's why a lot of people spend their christmas with their partners, unlike us who usually spend it with our families.
also, due to the arrival of many new brands from overseas to japan and thanks to an excellent advertising team, it became a tradition for the japanese people to have kfc as their christmas dinner since the 80's.
that's all folks!
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octuscle · 5 months
It’s so bitterly cold here in the Midwest USA, I wish I could be hanging with hunky guys in Dubai or something for Christmas. You think you could help me with that man?
You should have landed at Milwaukee Mitchell International Airport by now. But because of a snowstorm, you were diverted to Chicago O'Hare International Airport. This cursed journey to the holidays is getting worse by the minute. And if you drink another beer to drown your frustration, you're going to puke. But right now you need to take a piss. You find it a little difficult to get up. Firstly, because of the alcohol in your blood. On the other hand, because you've become a real heavyweight since last Christmas. A bit more exercise and less eating and drinking would also do you a lot of good…
The toilet is empty. It's amazing that so many people are stranded here so close to the holidays… And there's a sports bag by the washbasin. And it's still there when you come back from the urinals. Not a soul in sight… Could there be a bomb in there? A normal and sober person would now inform the security service. But you are definitely not sober. So you grab the bag. And in a reasonably quiet corner, you check the contents. Jackpot! Not much special. Sportswear, a white nightgown… And a wallet with quite a lot of cash, a passport from the UAE and above all: a flight ticket to SHJ. No idea what and where that is. But you have to change planes at JFK and DOH. That sounds exotic. It certainly sounds better than Kansas. Boarding starts in 20 minutes. As best you can with your beer belly, you walk towards the gate.
When you arrive at the gate, boarding is almost complete. The ground crew member asks you for your boarding pass and passport. Shit, you didn't even think about the fact that you don't look like your passport photo. The guy looks at your passport, looks at you, grins and wishes you a good flight. As you pass him, you hear him say to his colleague that you've really become a fat pig since the photo was taken. Well, that's probably your luck in this case.
You have a layover of over five hours at JFK. You heard in the in-flight program that the TWA Hotel & Fitness Center at JFK is supposed to be the largest hotel gym in the world. You really need a gym. And you have time too. So you set off. Not much sporting activity is to be expected from you. But after an hour of power walking on the treadmill and half an hour on the cross trainer, your new sports clothes from the bag you found are soaked with sweat. But you feel fit. Really fit. As you stand in front of the mirror after your shower, you run your hands over your stomach. Flat and hard. When you tense your muscles. That's how it should be. And you get rid of the rest of the fat too. It sucks with the beard. You shaved your beard for Thanksgiving. Because you were invited to a friend's parents' house. You didn't want to scare them off with your beard. But now the beard hasn't grown back the way you'd hoped. Your mother will scold you terribly.
You grab a salad and a protein shake at the bar in the gym. You want to sleep on the plane. The food on board is delicious and plentiful, but not good for your body. To make sleeping on board quicker, you put on just a tank top and jogging suit for the flight. It takes you a good twelve hours to reach Doha. You want to use this time to arrive home well-rested.
At boarding, the ground staff greet you in Arabic. Of course. As usual. It's nice to study in the USA. But you don't have to stay with the infidels in winter. You're now looking forward to the warm sun in the Gulf. The person sitting next to you is a non-believer. And obviously not familiar with Qatar Airways' in-flight catering. She has brought a large portion of chicken wings with fries from KFC on board. You almost feel sick. She offers you something. You flex your biceps and say in English with a heavy Arabic accent that you can't get these babies at KFC.
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The flight was quiet, apart from the brief interruption during which you fucked the infidel chick in the airplane toilet. You'll have to do without a wet pussy for the next few weeks. Hehehe, but your cousins and your bruhs have tight asses. That works at least as well. You only have just under two hours in Doha before the last flight segment. You quickly go to the airport mosque, do your ablutions and sunset prayers, change into your spotless white dishdasha and board the plane to Sharjah. Over the next few weeks, you are the perfect son again. You will enjoy it. And as soon as the crazy holidays of the infidels are over, you'll be looking forward to fucking, drinking and partying again!
I found the last picture of you before you change to immaculate white at @alphaincar
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mysticmunson · 1 year
i absolutely LOVE your new alpha & omega fic!
you’re doing blurbs? 🥰
what about readers parents finding out she presented?
thank you so much!! :)
i hc omega!reader's parents are fairly similar to the harringtons. they provide you with things you need, but aren't home a lot due to work and when they are home, they have stuff to do. it partially explains your friendship with eddie as they hadn't even processed the fact their daughter was hanging with the town freak, they had heard the rumors, but they knew you wouldn't bring a maniac person into the house.
(i also wanna say i could totally see this scenario similar to the scene in juno where she tells her parents bleaker is the dad and they're like 'i didn't think he had it in him' and eddie's just like HEY)
however, this scenario has you on the verge of being sick as your parents are about to arrive back from their trip. eddie was right at your side with a bouncing leg, gripping your hand in reassurance that you both needed.
presenting is normal, but it can still be embarrassing, especially when you already have a mate within the first time. your parents briefly gave you the birds and the bees chat, how your dad was an omega and your moms an alpha, but no details.
when the front door opened and your parents stepped through the door, they instantly knew something was different. you hadn't even come into their eyesight and they were calling out for you, which is when you yelled you were in the living room while releasing eddie's hand.
"let me talk to them first." you mumbled as he gave your temple a brief kiss, scurrying behind one of the couches, making you roll your eyes.
they entered the room and gave a quick shuffle of your hair that you straightened out. knowing they would soon walk to their room and office, not coming out for hours, you stood up to face them.
"i presented as an omega." you blurted, fiddling with the sleeves of your dress, pulling them further down your palms. they froze, glancing at each other before turning around.
their eyes ran over you as if there was some big change physically, but you looked the same.
"um, well how are you feeling, sweetheart?" your mother asked, taking your hand and sitting with you on the couch, across from the one eddie was behind.
giving them a fabricated, not detailed version, saying you just felt a bit weak and lonely. that you were happy to be back at school with friends after not seeing them for a week.
"well, we should probably start seeing eligible alpha's in town." your mom humed, the gears in her head already turning, "except that carver boy, his dad is a prick."
it took all of eddie's will not to laugh at the bluntness of your mother, granted she always had a comeback for everything, but it was always pleasant to hear someone shit on the carver family.
"my pal patrick at work has a son whose an alpha, his names gio, already on his own and in college. maybe you could meet him?" your dad suggested, sipping his to-go coffee they probably got on the ride home.
before you could deny, already feeling the jealousy purring within your alpha who was still behind the floral furniture, your mother spoke up.
"oh! i can get a reservation for the two of you for enzo's, we can get you a new dress-" your mom began, fantasizing of all the stuff she could buy, when eddie rose.
"nope, i got it." he said with slight amusement and protectiveness, startling them as they clutched their chests, hearts racing.
you squeezed your eyes shut, simultaneously annoyed and appreciative of his abrupt announcement. they looked at you with raised eyebrows, expecting a more thorough answer, you just shrugged.
not wanting to delve into more details they nodded, "well, it was good to see you eddie, glad it's someone we like. we're tired though so goodnight." your father finished, the two going straight to their bedroom.
"what kind of a name is gio, that's dumb as shit. also when i was staring at the wall, i got hungry, we should go get kfc." he began to ramble as you laughed, putting your face in your hands.
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cynopcis · 5 months
when you open the door to your apartment you were really only expecting to see your two cats waiting for you patiently at the genkan. instead, you see two plastic bags of KFC on the coffee table along with 2 plates and 2 sets of chopsticks.
satoru hates kfc, you think to yourself, immediately erasing the fact that it could be him. you cautiously tread carefully not knowing who to expect since satoru was the only one you gave spare keys to.
you blink in surprise as you take in the scene before you, your 6 foot tall and buffer than the average man, brother was wearing red pants and an ugly christmas sweater with ruldoph the reindeer's face.
"how the heck did you get inside?"
he promptly points to the open glass door leading up to your balcony.
"you have to work on your security around here," he rolls up his sleeves as he peeled some of the apples he brought with him, "also saw your grey cat outside, what's her name? miso?"
"miso's a he"
"oh yeah."
you take time to process the sight of your brother in your kitchen 47 minutes before christmas wearing a festive outfit while peeling apples (and shaping them into bunnies.)
you put your bag down, enter your room, only to find a somewhat matching sweater to his. "is this mine?" you call out.
you hear a faint "yeah" before pulling the sweater over your turtleneck.
you walk back to the living room, sit down, and set your legs underneath the kotatsu. "so... what's up?"
toji walks over to you, sets down a plate filled with fruits, and sits across you. "that gojo kid said you might want some company."
you scoff, "i call bullshit." you know he'd never do anything satoru would advice or tell him to do.
toji shrugs and start serving himself fried chicken.
"really, why are you here? i thought naoya set up a christmas dinner in the family estate."
"he's trying real hard to impress that old man"
you study the expression on his face as he eats, you nibble on the apple your holding trying to think of reasons as to why your self-proclaimed mysterious and nonchalant brother would be in your apartment having kentucky friend chicken.
"i hear the kids are having fun at disney land"
his eyebrow twitches at the mention of his kids.
"satoru is doing a really good job so far, i think it was a good decision on your part you know? to give him custody."
his only response is a gruff yes.
"do you miss them?"
he doesn't answer even while you're burning holes through his skin with your staring. he feels uncomfortable with the topic you brought up. he can't be mad, he really can't.
you took a piece of chicken from the bucket and ate it silently, even though you already had your fill at the company dinner you still ate for toji. "i know you feel lonely."
"no you don't" he finally answers
"i know," you point to your temple, "its a sibling thing, i can sense it."
toji rolls his eyes and did a circling motion with his index finger.
"it's okay nii-san, we can be lonely together."
he pushes his share of mashed potatoes to you. he thinks you like potatoes the most.
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maochira · 9 months
OMG I love reading Kaiser big brother head cacons... So can you Write About Big!Brother Kaiser who Misses Annoying His Younger Sibling While He's in Blue Lock (He'd Never Admit It Though💀)
I Know Kaiser Is The Type Of Big Brother Who Turns The Bathroom Lights Off Whenever "y/n" Is In It😭😭. He's The Type To Say "OH YOU'RE ADOPTED, WE FOUND YOU FROM TRASH CAN" (He Ends Up Making Y/N Cry and Then Treats them with McDonald's Or KFC Because He can't Stand Seeing them Cry😭😭) Or He's The Type To just Randomly Hit "Y/N" (yOu Know HOW Siblings do🥺)
What you described here is actually how I headcanon big brother!Karasu ahaha :'D I personally headcanon big brother!Kaiser a little differently. So I decided to write for both Karasu and Kaiser here :]
Requests open! - masterlist
gn!younger sibling!reader
It's so obvious how much Kaiser misses you. Every little thing reminds him of you, even though he keeps denying it. As much as it bothered him at home, he now misses how you'd constantly knock at his door whenever you got bored and how you'd always steal at least half of his food just to be annoying. Your brother tries to now show his sadness, but especially Ness notices that Kaiser often feels down, especially in situations that remind him of you. Ness has tried to get Kaiser to admit it, but he always gets very defensive as soon as you are mentioned. "What am I supposed to miss about them?" is your brother's usual response whenever Ness or any other of Kaiser's teammates asks about you. Isagi has quickly noticed that there's something going on, so he likes to ask Kaiser questions about you over and over.
Karasu didn't expect to miss you at all. In fact, he was a little relieved to get a break from you. But then he realized how boring everything is when you're not there to be as annoying as possible. And most importantly, he has no one he can bully back now. You always were his main victim and now that you're not around, Karasu just feels incomplete. He often tells the other Blue Lock players about you, but most of the time he's "ranting" about the annoying things you would always do. Although, the more obvious it gets how he's missing you and all your annoying traits, and how he's only talking about you so missing you doesn't hurt as much.
Taglist (sign-up link): @astruosie @kaineedstherapy12 @zyuuuu @yerinsshi @luvcalico @truegoist @vanitasbrainrot @deerangle3 @toruden @keiidaydreams @acacIa @futuristicxie @bluelock4life @https-archangel @ririgards @kaiserkisser @userwithlotsoftime @nikokii @chaosinanutshell @slowlyholypeanut @0rah-s @remy-roll @rienniey @mafuyudonutt @rrueyuo @weichspuelertrinker @kermitslefteyeball11 @yueyingwrld @yuehailin @takorirei @sagejin @depressed-bitchy-demon @yellowelectroslime @quite-eerie @midnightymel @rzu @peachesncats @isagikisser @starchivves @arxliana 
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shurislover · 10 months
Private But Not A Secret
Letitia x Black Reader
a lil soft launch , been in my drafts forever
warnings : none just Tish talking bout her baby 🥺
“ Alright so now we have the Wakanda Forever questions out the way. Let’s talk about your personal life, what do you enjoy doing on your free time ?”- The interviewer questioned
“ Aw man I really enjoy being out with my friends , I used to be such a homebody and now i’m trying to go out and have some fun. “
“ A night out with friends is always fun. I recently seen you were out in Jamaica. How was that ?”
“ Jamaica is so nice , I absolutely love being there. I definitely will be making plans to go there again this year. Have you been to Jamaica? “ - Letitia questioned
“ I’m actually going in 2 weeks , i’ve never been so i’m very excited to go“
“ You’re going to absolutely love it, and make sure try the KFC there , it’s so much better “- Letitia smiled
“ Definitely will be trying that . Now you know you have some very nosy fans as soon as they heard they could leave me questions to ask you they blew up my comments. I’m gonna ask you the main three I kept seeing. Is Ms Letitia Wright in a relationship?”
Letitia laughed and shook her head
“ Y’all so nosy “ - She laughed. Letitia felt her cheeks get hot as she started thinking about you.
“ Hmm. Should I tell you guys ? You know what, I’m gonna spill the beans, it’s been long enough I’ve been with my beautiful girlfriend for 2 years and she’s my everything. Crazy because our anniversary is today “- Letitia nodded
“For starters happy anniversary you two. Could you tell us more about her? What is she like ? Will we get to see her any time soon ?”
“ She’s the love of my life. I honestly cant imagine life without her. That woman is everything to me. We actually were childhood best friends, I lost contact with her once I moved to the UK. Then at the first Black Panther Premiere we ran into each other and honestly the rest is history. Two years ago today I asked her to be my girlfriend. It was such a nice set up, took her to Paris and asked her to be my girlfriend under the Eiffel Tower. And to answer the last question I will be keeping my baby private.
“ How come ?”-
“ I’m a very private person when it comes to my personal life. I want my baby to have a normal life. I want to make sure she’s safe when she’s not around me. I don’t want my nosy fans in her DMs or making her comments all about me since she does her little thing with TikTok , Youtube & Instagram. It was a mutual decision to keep it private and honestly keeping it private has been so nice, nobody bothering us or tagging us in each others posts and what not. I really love it. “
“ I get that 100 % , sometimes fans take it too far and it just ruins everything. I’m so glad you found someone who truly makes you happy. Where do you guys see yourselves in 5 years ?”
“ Married for sure , I can’t wait to marry her . Everyday she gives me a reason why I need to put a ring on her finger now. Hmm in 5 years maybe a baby. I believe she’d be a good mom, she’s amazing with my little sister, everytime I see them interact my heart jumps. Besides that I would love more roles in movies “
“ So what i’m hearing is the next time I interview you , Ms. Letitia Wright will be married with a baby on the way ?”
“ Depends on when you interview me but yes married and a baby on the way. “
“ Cant wait to see that and I’m wishing you and your girlfriend the best. Next question , did you ever expect to blow up on tiktok ?”
“ Honestly no , it was a shock to me. The whole world is crushing on me, you got everyone calling me their girlfriend or wife I think it’s cute. I don’t mind them at all, i really appreciate them. So many fans take so much time making edits and things like that I love them “
“ These fans really love you , okay so last question , can we expect anything new for you after Wakanda Forever ?”
“ Yes of course I can’t really tell you guys much I have two movies dropping soon and I’m very excited for everyone to watch. One movie i filmed a while back and this new movie is something new and I think you’ll love it.”
“ Cant wait to see your new projects , thank you so much for being here today and sharing everything with us. Hope to see you soon and enjoy your anniversary.
“ Thank you and I will be seeing you soon showing you wedding pictures and sonograms” - Letitia laughed
babyboo 💍
you did amazing in your interview baby, come home soon i got dinner planned. i love you and travel safely
mi amor 🤭
love u so much baby, i’m in the uber on the way home. I picked you up a surprise. see you when I get home
letitiawright posted a video !
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liked by dominiquethorne and 18,765 others
letitiawright my first love 😮‍💨
dreyamac finally !! been waiting for this
ayrastarr happy for you tish , cant wait to meet her
im.angelabassett miss you both
lupitanyongo oh ? so this is who you were blushing about on facetime ?
michaelbjordan happy for you lil sis
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ggukkiedae · 5 months
chocouple: 2014 to eternity
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Click Below to See the Video
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|| The Friends Era (2014-2016)
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Yoonmi and Mark actually met in 2014 because SHINee’s Jonghyun introduced them, but we didn’t actually get any public interaction or word of their friendship until 2015. Yoonmi was 2 years into her career, and Mark hadn’t even debuted yet, but he was on Mickey Mouse Club. Yoonmi guested on one episode where the concept was having all the staff leave the kids with Yoonmi so they would be comfortable asking her for advice and what to expect as kids in the music industry.
Mark had taken one of the seats next to her and offered her a blanket to cover her legs with because she was in shorts. Although Hannah led the others in speaking to Yoonmi, the latter often looked to Mark for what seemed like encouragement to speak.
We don’t get any interactions between them again until Mark debuts a year later. NCT U’s The 7th Sense promotions overlapped with BTS’s Fire promotions. When Fire won 1st place in Music Bank, Mark can be seen giving Yoonmi a one-sided hug. Just a month later, Yoonmi was promoting her solo debut the same time NCT 127 was promoting their debut. When Yoonmi won 1st in MCountdown, the tannies weren’t there, so Key had 127 accompany Yoonmi on stage.
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Though many people got distracted by the fact Yoonmi and Haechan had a secret handshake, no one missed how Mark and Yoonmi lingered in their hug a little longer, or how he stayed next to her the whole encore stage. An ex-SM staff mentioned that Mark walked her back to her waiting room, which was on the opposite end of NCT 127’s.
Months later, it’s awards show season. Most known NCT-BTS interactions consisted of Hannah and Yoonmi hanging out, but apparently Yoonmi went to NCT Dream’s dorm often. Back to awards shows, MAMA was a gem. Not only were there Markmi hugs (the ICONIC ending stage hug where he lifted her), we had Yoonmi rapping along to Mark’s verses, Mark cheering especially in Yoonmi’s parts, and even Mark possibly jealously watching Yoonmi and NCT Jisung talking.
|| The Courting Era (2017-2018)
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We didn’t actually know this at the time, but Mark and Yoonmi talked about it after they were exposed. Fans had released pictures from down the street of a KFC where you could see Mark and Yoonmi talking. At the time, we all thought it was them bonding while preparing for the SM Station Yoonmi would feature in and Mark’s feature in her album, but apparently Mark had also confessed to her and promised he’d prove himself when she said she felt scared.
They did a good job of keeping it lowkey. Aside from rare school photos together, the release of All I Wanna Do, Wannabe, Mark promoting with Yoonmi for Wannabe, their KCon Mexico special stage, and the selfies they posted after each of those, there was no visual evidence of them spending time together. Hannah and Jungkook (Chocouple nation presidents) sometimes would mention Markmi hanging out, but that was it.
|| The Secretly Dating Era (2018-2020)
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Their anniversary is in early February, that’s all we know. They like keeping it private, and we respect that. But apparently Mark set up an at-home date for them and officially asked her that day to be his girlfriend. 
They still did a good job of keeping it lowkey to the point where apparently most of the neos didn’t even know they were dating, but everyone noticed how, despite how both of them had increasingly busy schedules, they both seemed to glow and be happier. (Aside from those few weeks Yoonmi and Yoongi were at odds, which is rumored to be because Markmi started dating)
|| The Reveal (January 1, 2020)
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Every year, kpop and kdrama fans wait for Dispatch’s celebrity couple drop on New Year’s Day. To everyone’s surprise, Mark and Yoonmi were announced. Stan Twitter went into pandemonium, and everyone was clowning dispatch because we all knew they were “just friends”. 
To everyone’s further surprise, SM and BigHit both confirmed it later that day, and Mark and Yoonmi themselves tweeted about it, confirming they were dating.
|| The Struggle Era (2020)
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Around late January of 2020, Yoonmi released a M.Y. Everyday video titled “I have a Boyfriend”. Here, we found out about the courting era, how long they’ve been dating, and the fact that they have been dating for around two years by then. It’s also cute because around the middle of the year they ended up both having pink hair!
It was rough for them since their schedules kept them apart, then Covid hit, and they didn’t get to see each other at all. It wasn’t until around August, eight months later, that they were able to see each other. Mark said it was the best birthday gift he could get, seeing Yoonmi and even having her play the leading lady in his “As We Wish” mini drama. Watch it, I’m begging! Every source ever that was there for the filming said the two were just holding hands and silently exchanging smiles and stories almost the whole time.
They did a weverse/vlive together, each of them streaming from each of their phones. They were smiling and leaning on each other the whole time, answering questions, and everyone could see how happy and comfortable they were with each other.
|| The Private but Not Secret Era (2021-eternity)
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We don’t actually know too much about their relationship since they have been keeping it between them and their close friends and family (WHICH WE SHOULD RESPECT, OKAY?), but we do know from some stories that they try their best to spend time together whether it’s going out or staying in each other’s places. As fans, let’s remember that we should be more than happy with the fact that they actually talk about or mention each other a lot, especially compared to other celebrity couples. We also get the birthday posts and the occasional random instagram stories, but that’s it, and that’s more than enough.
Mark and Yoonmi are two of the most precious, talented, and hard-working people in the entertainment industry, and I’m glad they found comfort and solace in each other. As of this month (december 2023), they have been together for five years and about ten months. Cheers to a bright future for the both of them!
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taglist: @sunflower-0180 @seaoffangirling @yourwonderbelle @1-800-enhypennabi @kamiiyou @strwberrydinosaur @uraveragefangirlsposts @caratinylyfe @1-800-minji @one16core @kimhyejin3108 @chansols @akshverse @toriluvsfics @billboard-singer @stopeatread
drop an ask or a dm if you wanna be added or taken out of the taglist 🥰 requests are also open!
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greycaelum · 1 year
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In which you celebrate Christmas Eve alone... for not so long.
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Christmas in Japan is more of a KFC bucket day than a holiday. It doesn't really follow the 'spirit of giving, joy, and love' stuff but nonetheless it's still Christmas.
You didn't expected much. Groggily waking at 23:55 of December 24th and heating some leftover in the fridge, you occupied the kitchen nook with a thin jacket on your body and rubbing your freezing soles together.
You had this stare down with the reindeer magnet in your fridge in hopes to at least feel that presence of some Christmas Spirit in the dead of the night while slurping some ramen.
"Mnnn, pigging out without me? How bold of ya Baby." A lazy drawl interrupted you, followed by a heavy weight pressed on your back. "Christmas Eve without me? Ugh, you hurt my heart." He dramatically clutch his chest and frown with his eyes shut close—'in pain'.
"You were sleeping soundly."
"But you know I love doing this stuffs." Satoru pulled a chair beside you and wasted no time to pat his lap for you to climb on.
You looks messily adorable in your pajamas, barely tied bun hair, while blowing off the heat of the noodles. It makes him wanna keep you tucked in the pockets of his heart.
"You were snoring when I tried to wake you." You huffed, but nonetheless climb to his thighs. Discarding the idea of food and instead opted to cuddle the cold of December with your love.
You feel so warm like this. Satoru tucked your face in the spaces of his neck while he breathes in your shampoo scent while peppering kisses on your temples. Securing his strong arms around your waist to keep you steady with your legs wrap around his waist. Gotta keep you as warm as possible.
"Next time don't do this shit alone, got it Baby? Celebrating alone?" He huffs. "Not if I can help it."
"Right..." You yawned. Nuzzling your face into Satoru's neck and giggled when he shivered. The little devil in you urged you to nuzzle him more, some boop, boop and rub, rub in the neck to make your beau shudder and whine.
"Naughty~" Satoru grunted, baring his teeth to chomp the shell of your earlobe making you squeak and giggle.
"Merry Christmas 'Toru," you leaned upward to kiss him and smiled after, giggling as you press and rub your face against his warm chest.
"Merry Christmas my pretty one." He grinned, flashing you those cute fangs of his before he delve down for a sweet kiss.
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A/N: not proofread, rushed out for a little christmas drabble, anyway merry christmas & happy holidays everyone!
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hoodharlow · 1 year
jack and miriam falling asleep over skype or chat
The way I had this planned in the OG Jack and Miriam plot but scrapped it bc I couldn't develop it lol
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Miriam finished duffusing her curls and pulled them into a bun. She just got back from filming and was exhausted and hungry. She ordered some food before she got in the shower so it would be delivered by the time she finished.
She unlocked her phone and the first thing she saw was that she didn't confirm her order. She was ready to burst into tears. She'd been on set for over 18 hours and just wanted some Jack in the Box before she passed out.
She went down to the kitchen to make herself a maruchan. She was looking for a small saucepan when she heard her gate alarm. She checked the camera and saw there was a doordash delivery person outside.
She went out and pressed the gate code.
"Hi." Miriam said.
"For Thomas H." The doordasher asked.
Thomas H. was the name Jack used when he would order food after one incident where they were at a hotel and a Uber eats deliver person basically doxxed him and Miriam when they went ojt of town for a weekend get away.
"Yeah, thank you." She said taking the food and drink. She pulled out a hundred dollar bill from inside her phone case and sent them on their way.
Miriam checked the bag and burst into tears. It was a KFC bag. She hadn't seen Jack in over a week because their filming schedules didn't line up and the night before he flew out to Atlanta for a KFC pop up event to promote his meal.
She took a sip of her drink and rolled her eyes when she saw Jack's face plastered. Just as she set up her food in her room, her phone rang. It was Jack.
"You called just in time for me do give you a review." She answered.
"Damn and here I was expecting to see your tits as thank you for ordering you food from across the country." Jack said, turning his head to cover his yawn.
"We'll see if I like your meal." She said unwrapping her chicken sandwich. She made a face when she saw the pickles. "Ew pickles 0/10."
"God damn, I made sure to," he yawned, "put no pickles because I know your boujie ass doesn't like them."
"I'm not boujie. I just find pickles disgusting. There's a difference." She clarified.
"Yeah, yeah, eat your food." He said.
They continued talking while Miriam ate. When she finished eating she went downstairs to throw away her trash. She stored the left over chicken tenders in the fridge for later. She rushed up stairs and took off her sweater. She was ready to thank Jack with her chichis, but he was fast sleep.
Miriam smiled to herself and screenshotted a few pictures of Jack. She hung up and set her phone to charge. She got ready for bed then fell into a deep sleep like Jack.
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