#you could never be my enemy because peter because peter became their enemy with the whole betrayal thing
saintchaser · 2 years
hi ! i love your blog and writing sm !!
if you want to and have time, I'd love it if you could write a short something about marlene and mary's friendship (or lack of?) after they leave hogwarts
28. 07. 1981
I haven't thought I'd get to write to you myself, as an individual, and not for just letting you know what the hell has been going on recently.
I've been missing you a lot recently. I know I shouldn't, because you're never coming back. I suppose that now, you're just another ghost of the past, like everyone else is.
I miss being friends.
I miss spending nights in our dorm, putting on make-up, and listening to ABBA (I've never been their hugest fan, but for you and Lily? Anything.). I miss roaming around the school, strutting like it was no one's business. I miss Firewhiskey (Okay, I don't, actually, I can have plenty of it, but you get what I mean.) and that moustache you always used to get from Butterbeer.
I miss the Hogsmeade weekends, I miss stealing each other's clothes, although mine rarely fitted you, because of the height difference. I miss waking you up by jumping on your bed and screaming like a madman and you pushing me off and laughing and telling me to piss off. I miss the food fights in The Great Hall too. Remember when all of the Gryffindors joined in? That was so much fun!
I miss the pranks too. I'll never forget, however, when we caught Sirius and Remus making out in their dorm when we were looking for James and Peter. Do you remember how embarrassed they were? I'm never going to let them live it down.
But most importantly, I miss being yours. I miss being your friend, Mary.
We haven't written you in a while (mainly because you don't answer. I don't blame you, though, this whole thing is a bloody shitshow), so you might not be caught up on everything.
James and Lily are having a baby. They're married too, you might know that, if the wedding invitation has gotten through. They're happy. I'm sorry.
Remus and Sirius are falling apart.
Dorcas and I are well. We want to get married. Consider this your informal invitation to our wedding, if you will. ;)
This might be the last time you're getting a letter from any of us. Frank and Alice, you might know them, The Longbottoms, as well as Lily and James, have gone into hiding. I shall not disclose the details, I don't know much about it either. The war keeps getting worse and worse, and friends start turning into enemies. You could never be my enemy though, Mary. Just someone I remember fondly.
Farewell, old friend,
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wlntrsldler · 5 months
marvel masterlist
bucky barnes:
DOPPELGÄNGER: Bucky has only been in love once and it was before he was put in ice and way before he became the Winter Soldier. What happens when Bucky meets Y/N, the exact look alike of the girl he used to love? (Social Media AU) (WIP) DISCONTINUED
ROSES: Bucky tells Y/N he’s the Winter Soldier. The next day, he’s taken by the government and that’s the last Y/N sees of him... until they cross paths again. But what if Bucky doesn’t remember her? (COMPLETED)
TO BE SO LONELY: When Bucky and Y/N signed up for this online penpal system, they never expected to grow attached to the other person behind the screen. (COMPLETED)
FALLING: Bucky has been distant lately. Y/N doesn’t know why. (COMPLETED)
THE BREAKUP CHRONICLES: A collection of imagines that can be read independently or as a whole fic about Y/N and Bucky’s relationship post-breakup. DISCONTINUED
one shots
NOT MY TYPE AT ALL: Y/N isn’t Bucky’s type but honestly, he doesn’t care about that anymore. (Not My Type At All by Jacob Whitesides)
SLOW DANCING IN A BURNING ROOM: Y/N knew that Bucky had to leave someday but that didn’t mean that she was ready when the day came. (Slow Dancing In A Burning Room by John Mayer)
CLOSE TO YOU: Requested! Bucky loves Y/N, he didn’t mean to snap at her. (Close To You by Rihanna)
LAST KISS: 1940’s Bucky tells Y/N that he got his orders. (Last Kiss by Taylor Swift)
KISS ME SLOWLY: Bucky keeps running away from Y/N. He doesn’t want to get attached. (Kiss Me Slowly by Parachute)
FALLING LIKE THE STARS: Bucky and Y/N fall in love but he’s sent off to fight the war. (Falling Like the Stars by James Arthur)
HARD PLACE: Bucky and Y/N can’t stop fighting and it’s getting too much. (Hard Place by H.E.R)
F&MU**: Bucky and Y/N hate each other… but they can’t stop letting their anger out through sex. (F&MU by Kehlani) 18+!
MAY I ASK: Y/N and Bucky see each other for the first time since the breakup. Y/N confronts Bucky on why he ended things. (May I Ask by Luke Chiang)
I WILL BE FOUND:  Bucky finally found the place where he belongs when he met Y/N but at times, he wished that he could somehow take the life he used to have and magically fit it into the life he had now. (I Will Be Found by John Mayer)
10 AM: REQUESTED! Bucky is hopelessly in love with Y/N. He stops himself from saying anything to her because he’s afraid of getting hurt again, not knowing how much more he can take in his lifetime. (10AM by Keaton Henson)
FLAWLESS**: Bucky and Y/N are friends with benefits. They found a new thing to play with in the bedroom. The Winter Soldier. (Flawless by The Neighbourhood)
CHERIE: Bucky doesn’t understand why Y/N is always so happy. He never thought he would be one of the people who got entranced by her until he was. (Cherry by Harry Styles)
TEE SHIRT:  Bucky and Y/N walk into a music shop and she hears the song her and her ex used to love playing in the background. (Tee Shirt by Birdy)
I’M LONELY: lex’s writing challenge! enemies to lovers; “Will you wait for me?” (i’m lonely by luz)
LOUD: Every time Y/N is afraid, she plays her music too loudly but this time, Bucky is there to comfort her.
BUBBLES: Short Bucky imagine about bubbles.
DOCTOR ME UP: Y/N is Bucky’s doctor when he wakes up in Wakanda. 
WHITE DRESS: Bucky loves her, so so much, especially as she walks down the aisle in her white dress. 
SHAWARMAS: Bucky has a crush on Y/N, the cashier from the Shawarma place. 
NO CLUE: Y/N and Bucky hate each other. Nobody knows why. Whenever someone asks, the pair just say, “I have my reasons.” Some think that something happened between them when Bucky was in hiding. Some think that Bucky did something to Y/N when he was the Winter Soldier. Some think that there’s no actual reason- they simply hate each other.
RITUALS: You died on a mission and all Bucky has left is the voicemail you left him before you got on the Quinjet. 
FAMILIARITY: Love is a foreign concept to Bucky. 
peter parker:
JEALOUS: Where Peter tells Y/N that he’s Spiderman and things go down. (Jealous by Labrinth)
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specialagentlokitty · 9 months
Chris Argent x reader - everything I wanted
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Hello, I wanted to ask if you could do one of Chris Argent where he is married to Peter's ex-girlfriend and Peter is jealous because Tn doesn't love him anymore and they are expecting their second baby with Chris - @andreahalstead24 💜
Glancing at your husband from across the room, you smiled a little bit to yourself as you went back to looking at the map in front of you.
“You’ve ran this area before right?” Scott asked you.
“Oh yeah hundreds of time I know it like the back of my hand, here pass me the pen.”
He handed it over to you, and you began to draw trails for him and his group to follow, parts of the forest only a werewolf could navigate.
“Isn’t it weird that you married a hunter?” Stiles asked.
You shrugged a little.
“No weirder then it would you marrying a werewolf or a banshee.”
“But you’re a werewolf! Natural enemies!”
You heard Chris laugh from across the room, and he walked over with the little boy in his arms.
“We’ve never had a problem with one another. In fact the first time I met (Y/N) she saved me from a werewolf.” Chris said.
“Who?” Scott asked.
“My psychotic uncle obviously.”
You looked at Derek, smiling a little bit. Walking up to him, you pulled him in for a hug much to his protest and let go.
“If James isn’t a werewolf surely this one has to be.” He said.
You rolled your eyes.
“It’s not a competition Derek, I don’t know if they’re werewolves or humans, as long as they’re happy and healthy.”
“You want one to be a werewolf.” Chris said.
You grinned a little bit at him.
“Come on how cute would it be! A little werewolf?! That’s adorable!”
“As long as they don’t inherit your temper.”
You huffed a little at Chris, going back to help Scott with what he needed.
It wasn’t often you came to the loft, with Chris and Derek being on tense terms, and the word of your ex living there you tried to avoid the place.
But if they needed your help you were more than happy to come over and help them.
James babbled a little, reaching out for you, so Chris held him on your back so he could hug you.
“Give me a second baby.”
James babbled, leaning himself over your shoulder to watch you and Chris held him so he wouldn’t tumble over.
The door opened and closed, and you paid it no mind.
“If you’re going to come here at least don’t bring him.” A voice snarled.
“Oh shut it hale.” You snapped.
You turned the map towards Scott and stiles, turning your attention to talking to them, avoiding the burning gaze that was focused on you.
You carried on helping them, reaching up to pull your son into your arms to go let Chris help Derek with something.
“Thank you so much (Y/N).” Scott sighed.
“No problem, like I said I used to run those trails all the time, you should still be able to pick up my scent so just follow it.”
He nodded and rolled up the map, stuffing it into his bag.
“I could have told them that.”
“But you’re an unhelpful bastard.” You replied.
James looked at you, reaching for the pen in the table.
Smiling you set him on the table, giving him the pen and some paper so he could draw.
The other two boys left, and you swept James up, walking over to the couch you sat him down nearby and slowly eased yourself into sitting down.
Peter looked up from where he was sat in the stairs.
“Just because I have kids and you don’t doesn’t mean you can question my choices.”
“Shocked you wanted a child with a hunter, let alone wanted to marry one after what they did.” He spat.
You glanced at him.
“I’m not a spiteful bastard like you Peter, it wasn’t Chris or his family that hurt me, it was someone else.”
“You swore you were going to hate hunters forever.”
Looking over to your husband, you smiled a little bit, staring at him in admiration.
“People change. Or at least some do.”
Peter stood up, walking over he sat down on the table in front of you.
“I never changed, I was unresponsive after being burned and you dumped be for some hero wannabe!” He hissed.
“I dumped you after you became a raging psychopathic alpha. I waited for you for seven years, yet you never gave me any sign. And I didn’t dump you for Chris, we just grew close after his wife passed and after I thought you had died and realised we had a lot in common.”
Peter scoffed.
“I can’t do half the things I can.”
“Exactly, he’s better in every way. He doesn’t give a shit about power.”
Peter narrowed his eyes at you.
“You wanted power too.”
You rolled your eyes.
“I wanted a family, someone to love me, and not chase after these ridiculous notions for being powerful or killing people!”
“He’s killed people!”
“Bad people! You killed people just because you could!”
You placed a hand on your stomach as you felt a small pain and took a deep breath, leaning your head back a little bit.
Once it had passed you turned around to look at Peter once more.
“I can everything he can.”
You shook your head.
“No you can’t Peter. I don’t love you anymore and that’s all there is too it. You’re not the same man I fell in love with. I love Chris.”
Peter growled a little bit and you growled back.
“Don’t get defensive with me now hale, I could still take your heart out of your chest even if I’m pregnant.” You warned.
Chris looked over at the sound of your growling and he quickly made his way over, sitting next to you, taking your hand in his.
He looked at you in worry and your anger melted away the moment your eyes connected with his.
“I want to go home.”
“Of course, come on, we’ll stop to get you that horrid pizza you’re so in love with right now.”
You grinned a little, slowly getting up, letting Chris pick up your son.
You walked over to Derek, giving him another hug, not even bothering with Peter.
The older werewolf watched as you left, a growl in the back of his throat, the urge to go over there and stop you from leaving with the hunter.
But he knew better.
If he went over there it wouldn’t just be you he’d have to deal with, it would be Chris and Derek as well.
He watched you leave and he grumbled to himself, going to the window to watch you fully go, and you didn’t even look up at him.
He was angry with you.
Not that you were happy.
But they you were happy without him.
You had everything you had always wanted without him, and that made him furious, it made him want to rip Chris to shreds.
But he couldn’t.
Because as much as he was furious the thought of upsetting you like that would break him as well.
But Peter was never going to accept the fact that you had moved on past him, and you had a perfect life, and he was never going to be a part of it
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erraticalart · 8 months
Saw Fortress II
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Well, is this what you've been waiting for?
So, as some of you may or may not know, Saw is getting a new movie, Saw X, in two days and I'm so excited for it to come out! I decided to pay tribute to this movie by making a crossover between Saw and, of course, Team Fortress 2. I've been getting interested and invested in the Saw franchise, from its story to the characters and especially the creative but deadly traps. Took me about 22 days to create as I had classes and needed to take breaks every once in a while, but I finally finished it and presented it to my brother as a birthday gift (as well as an official Fallout cookbook).
Now, for the fans of both Saw and TF2, I'll explain the reason why I chose the characters and their designated roles. It's time to play a game.
Character Comparison and Roles
Warning: Spoilers for the Saw franchise
RED Engineer: John Kramer aka Jigsaw - Well it's pretty much obvious why. They're both engineers. They both are talented in creating many different unique contraptions that are beneficial, but deadly and dangerous. Engie also has his morals, although it's way different from John's. Let's not forget that Engie can be somewhat a little sadistic and loves seeing his enemies go down, although John hates sadistic people despite the irony in his traps. Also, are we gonna ignore his Gunslinger taunt kill and his sinister, evil laugh? I'm not sure if Engie should have the Gunslinger with him, but I think it would be pretty cool to have it on him. Maybe in this version when he attempts to commit suicide and fails, but all he's left is a completely maimed hand, he cuts it off entirely and replaces it. It would be a pretty cool backstory as to why he has it and would make a really cool reveal to show to the audience. I wonder what Engie sounds like saying the iconic line "Game Over"?
BLU Medic: Dr. Lawrence Gordon - It's also pretty obvious why. He's a doctor. (Can you guess the reference?) Dr. Gordon is my favorite character in the series, and I love seeing the change and progress in his character from a doctor and trap victim in the first Saw film to John's favorable accomplice and in his words, "My greatest asset" in Saw 3D/Saw: The Final Chapter/ Saw VII (Yeah, I can't believe that movie has multiple names). In a way, it makes sense to have Medic as Dr. Gordon because just like how it was shown at the end of Saw VII that he and John worked great together, Medic and Engie are also seen working together in Expiration Date as lab partners. They both would work great as an amazing sadistic duo. Also, I think it's kind of cute to have Engie give Medic a prosthetic foot after he too cuts it off entirely. Not only would it make sense because Engie knows a thing or two about prosthetics, but it would show that Medic and Engie both have something in common: cut off what's unnecessary to help with your survival. Medic would also try to justify and reason Engie's actions. Also, I love Dr. Gordon's "Game Over" line, it's soooooo good!!! It's my personal favorite (Of course nothing beats John's iconic classic version). I could totally imagine how great Medic would sound saying that line!
BLU Spy: Detective Lieutenant Mark Hoffman - Ok, this is where things start to get a little interesting. Hoffman became John's accomplice after replicating his ideas and making his own traps that John never made himself. In a way, he's becoming Jigsaw. Just like how Spy can become and replicate any class, Hoffman also became more mysterious and secretive to his fellow colleagues and tried to frame Special Agent Peter Strahm as Jigsaw. In the end, when he gets caught, he goes against everyone and executes them, so the secret never comes out. Also, another reason why Spy is Hoffman and please tell me if I'm not the only one here who thought this when watching Saw: Did anyone else get Hoffman and Strahm mixed up because they almost look like the same person and it's always confusing when there's a scene that focuses on one of them but it's actually the other? I decided to have two Spies in the story with the BLU Spy as Hoffman and the RED Spy as Strahm since they look the same minus the color.
Miss Pauling: Amanda Young - You're probably thinking, "Why her? Is it because she just so happens to be female and I just filled her in that role?" Well yes, but actually no. It's because Amanda was very loyal to John, looking up to him, defending him constantly, and was very close to him. Miss Pauling fits that role when it comes to the Administrator, but here she's loyal to Engie. I feel like she likes Engie the most out of any other class, so she would definitely help him out as well as get advice from him. She also can get shit done when being asked to accomplish a task. Sadly, we know what's to come for Amanda. Just like how in the comics Miss Pauling fails to bring the Australium, Amanda fails in John's tasks as he reveals to her that she's part of another game. I do feel like Miss Pauling was stuck playing around in the Administrator's game and it was also implied that every year the Administrator sends people to assassinate her to see if she succeeds as if it's an employee review. So, yeah, Miss Pauling and Amanda both are stuck in pretty tight situations.
RED Pyro: Billy the Puppet - Ah, yes, who could we ever forget? The main icon of the series. Both Pyro and Billy have terrifying appearances that'll leave you quivering on sleepless nights. I used to fear Billy as a kid, but now I see him as endearing and strangely, but freakishly, adorable. Pyro is freaky-looking, but he's such an adorable bundle of flames. I could definitely imagine seeing Pyro riding on Billy's iconic tricycle. That would be so funny, cute, and scary. As for Pyro's voice, since Billy is voiced by John (and Hoffman, I think? Idk), I'm not sure if Engie (or Spy) should voice Pyro since Pyro speaks in muffles. Maybe they should, idk. I also don't know if Pyro should speak in mumbles from time to time or whether he should have the ability to move and just walk around or just remain seated. And, of course, I don't know if Pyro should do his iconic laugh (maybe sometimes, idk). What I do know however is that Pyro should definitely have the iconic Billy laugh.
RED Balloonicorn/The Combustible Cutie Cosmetic (Yeah, I know it's pink, but it's the RED team's version which is why it's pink): Pighead Mask - Oink! Or in this case, Neigh! The mask that John and his accomplices dress up as with the iconic robe (though I'm not sure if this robe should remain red and black or pink and black, maybe the first option should be for Engie since he's the leader while the accomplices get the latter, or not, maybe they should match Engie, idk). At first, I chose Balloonicorn since it's related to Pyro and I know he'll love seeing everyone dress up as one, but then I remembered that there's a cosmetic for Pyro as a mask called "The Combustible Cutie" that resembles Balloonicorn, and boy does that mask look freaking scary!!! It's really fitting for both Saw and TF2 as a whole! It's pretty funny and scary to imagine getting kidnapped by a herd of pink unicorns all because you've been very naughty.
I hope fans of Saw and Team Fortress 2 enjoy this lovely piece of fanart as this has become one of my all-time favorites to create. I was also listening to the Saw soundtrack specifically the Zepp/Main Saw Themes. My favorite being, of course, "Hello Zepp". It fits Engie and John's character theme even though it's Zepp's (although you can argue that it IS John's since it's his perspective since he's saying hello, which I agree). But my actual favorite is "Zepp Overture" because to me it sounds like a holy church. I especially like the way the string instruments sound. Yeah, I know you can argue that Dr. Gordon has a theme at the end of Saw VII called "Dr. Gordon Montage" and "The Final Zepp" but to me, I think this theme fits Medic the best because, y'know, he replicates that sound by playing an actual saw when you taunt which is both funny and adorable. And it really fits his character to be seen as a holier-than-thou and especially a God. This might also fit Spy, but idk. I'm not sure which themes work for Spy and Miss Pauling or even Pyro (if you want Pyro and Engie to share the same theme, then that's fine by me). I might need to go back and listen to all of them depending on the movies that Hoffman and Amanda appear in. Maybe some of you can suggest one. But anyway, please go listen to the Saw soundtrack, especially the Zepp/Main Saw Themes, it's soooooo good!!! I might as well argue that it's one of, if not, THE best horror themes out there!!!
Here's a link to listen to it while you look at the art or whether you are interested in the Saw series and its music:
Welp, like I said before, I hope you fans enjoy it!!! I just can't' wait for Saw X to come out soon on September 29!!! I just hope and pray the movie is good though. Well, let's just wait and see. But until then,
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youandtom2 · 10 months
Okay okay okay I know I have a million and one things to be writing right now but this idea just popped into my head and I’m a little obsessed. A lil Peter Parker fluff since I seem to be lacking it these days.
Imagine this…
It’s maybe 5-8 years later and Peter’s a little older, let’s say mid-late twenties. He’s still Spider-Man but it’s taken quite a toll on him, and being his biggest fan, twenty-year-old you spent all your teenage years watching old YouTube videos that people had posted about him, whether it's him saving the day once again or a friendly interaction. You dove deep. Really deep. News articles, TV clips, blogs, anything to fill the void of never having met him. Obsessive wasn't the word, it was just...really intense admiration.
In fact you learned and observed so much that you badly inherited his techniques; fighting, netogiating, his sense of deliberation and morales. You wanted to be the good guy, just like him.
Until one year, you decided that you wanted to help him out and support him in any means necessary.
What better way to do it than become just like him? Beating up the bad guys, stopping crime, keeping the city safe, just like he used to with a smile on his face.
It worked…for a while. Perhaps you sometimes got in a little over your head and admitted to being over ambitious with who you picked a fight with but it worked. Alas, Spider-Man didn’t recognise the help. You weren't even sure if he knew who you were. Nevertheless, you persevered because even without his recognition, each bad guy you stopped was one less fight for spider man.
Except one night, things didn’t go to plan. Your enemies were well equipped, well trained and far too cunning for your liking. You didn’t know what you were thinking; how exactly did you plan on single-handedly shutting down a five-man bank heist??
You became bruised, bloody and harmed like never before, reduced to merely a punching bag for the perpetrators, sport for the wicked. Just when you thought it was all over for you, when the light drained from your eyes, to your relief Spider-Man swooped in. The Spider-Man. The very same you had dreamt of meeting one day. The only shame was that it just had to be under these unfortunate circumstances. Damn.
Half conscious, he whisked you away to safety. Where? You’re too dazed to know, and you were left to slowly recover in the warmth of your bed while Spider-Man finished what you started. Your only regret was that you were barely conscious enough to thank him.
But he knew where you lived. That was something, right?
Surprisingly, he returned during the night with a few cuts and bruises to his skin, but it was nothing in comparison to you. He emerged from the window, his silhouette standing menacingly in front of you. Even with the mask that gave little away, it was obvious he had a dark scowl on his face and the narrow slits of his eyes painted exasperation. You swallowed thickly. He was not at all what you expected him to be, the hero persona you saw in all those videos ceased to exist and the closer he trudged towards you, the more you began to think that tonight's decisions were a mistake.
You shuffled nervously away but with the same scowl, he tended to your wounds, tutting and reprimanding each one, his small mutterings of disapproval twisting the knife of guilt that was already deep in your gut.
“I was just trying to help you out,” you whispered dejectedly.
“I don’t need help. Not from someone like you.”
“Just stay out of it. I've got enough people to protect, I can't keep looking out for people like you who deliberately put themselves in danger."
Then he was gone, floating out of your room with nothing but a gasp of wind swaying between your curtains. It wasn't just your body that took a beating that night. With your dignity slightly bruised, you decided that the only way you could recover from it was to push on, to not let his words take away all that you had achieved. You were sure you still had plenty more to accomplish, with or without Spider-Man's influence.
Ultimately you ignored Spider-Man's warning and continued to take it upon yourself to keep playing the wannabe hero. You were determined to prove him wrong, to show that you can rise to the occasion and prove that your mental shield is just as strong as your dedication.
A week and a half of convalescence passed by before you were back to your old habits, tapping into NYPD radio frequencies and listening out for reportings. Morally quiestionable, but it was all for the better.
Only one of note came through; a drug exchange, two known perpetrators. Easy.
And it was. You had the two pinned and tied ready for the police to collect them two minutes before they arrived. You were gone before then, not leaving a single trace of your presence. Pride smothered the pain and you walked home that night looking up at the bright stars in the night sky as if looking into the whites of Spider-Man's eyes, and gleamed brightly, perhaps with a twinkle of complacency.
Proved you wrong.
Little did you know, from the shadows and the dark contours of the tall buildings, he was actually watching you, following you. But of course, you didn't have the same spidey-senses as he did, so how could you possibly know he was there? He shook his head because that was the issue, you couldn't do half of the things he could, you were so ill-equipped, so normal, how could you possibly think that you could keep doing these dangerous things?
He swung away. He had more pressing matters to tend to.
That drug exchange you stopped? Yeah, wasn't actually as simple as a drug exchange. It was two members of a dangerous cartel exchanging stolen intel from the NYPD. You were the reason why the NYPD found out they had a mole who had been stealing from them.
Yet they blamed Spider-Man. The only one they deemed capable enough of taking down two of their most dangerous members, and definitely not you.
It was then you learned that your actions had consequences because on the next night of exercising your vigilante hobby, the police had reported that Spider-Man had been ambushed, taken, held hostage and subjected to torturous methods of interrogation.
Your stomach dropped and your mind pleaded for repentence but was soon overtaken by a rage of retribution. It was dangerous, reckless, idiotic even to get involved. But Spider-Man had save your life once. It was time you returned the favour no matter how much Spider-Man would have repulsed the idea. The words swirled in your head. 'Just stay out of it.'
No. Not this time.
Conventiently, the interrogation was being held in the old, abandoned building you used to call your high school and it gave you the upperhand. It was likely that neither the cartel nor the police knew about the broken removeable fence at the far end of the sports ground. It was your way in.
Voices echoed from the gym hall.
"How did you know?!" Whack. A punch to Spider-Man's gut. "Who informed you?!" Screaming. Scratching from Spider-Man's throat along with incessant murmurings of I don't know I don't know.
While guilt thrummed through your veins, you needed to keep your cool, needed to figure out a way to get Spider-Man out safely. And quickly. What would Spider-Man...
No. What would you do?
From the bleachers, your eyes caught sight of the four big speakers hung at the corners of the room, the same speakers that voiced the principle's announcements during class. You had your idea, and you set your feet quickly into motion.
It was the perfect distraction. Thankfully there was still some power left in the old building, just enough to project the sound of the radio pressed against the microphone and left just enough time for you to make your way back to the gym hall where Spider-Man was being held.
Once the enemies had realised that there was someone else lurking among the hallways, your opponent numbers dropped from ten to two. Which was much more manageable.
Darkness and stealth was on your side but the pressure of time was weighing heavy. You had to act now. Filled with adrenaline, you took your chance and struck leaving the two enemies stunned enough to untie Spider-Man and drag him towards the emergency fire exits before the others returned. It was a fight like no other, exchanging hits, kicks and punches with equal hatred. But you had learned from the best.
You knew that as soon as you got out, you were on the home stretch. Your escape was becoming more and more plausible.
Despite your involvement, despite going against his word, Spider-Man still clung to you like his bloody, beaten body depended on it.
"C'mon," you strained, heaving underneath his heavy body as you trekked across the playground. "You can make it."
"Why are you here? I thought I told you to stay away." His voice was so hoarse from screaming that it was reduced to just a rumble coming from his throat, yet it was still somehow laced with frustration. You winced.
"Returning the favour."
Spider-Man heaved a painful breath, fighting to find his next words. "You shouldn't have."
You didn't reply.
You had whole-heartedly intended to return Spider-Man's favour in its entirety. Being unexpectantly successful in saving him, your next step was to tend to his wounds just like he did with you. But the second you were able to set him down, surrounded by the safety of the police, Spider-Man didn't wait one second before he reached upwards, extended his web and flew away, leaving you behind without a second glance.
Gutted. Absolutely gutted. Let down. Heartbroken.
Frozen, you had watched him disappear into the night feeling a void, a crater of emptiness dwelling in the pits of your stomach, swallowing up every particle of pride and achievement you thought you deserved. He ripped that all away from you.
Of all the enemies you had faced, of all the challenges you took on, the pain you had endured, no one had left you so emotionally defeated quite like Spider-Man had. Your hero. Your hero no longer. The holy image you had of him had shattered.
You fought with yourself so much over the incident that your mind was in ruin. One side told you that you exuded so much pride in yourself that it smothered his, leaving him embarrassed. Spider-Man saved by a random nobody? People, beside Spider-Man, would begin to question his capabilities. It would destroy his reputation.
But on the other, would it have killed him to thank you?
You soon learned not to care anymore. It had been weeks since you last saw him.
The door of your apartment softly clicked shut behind you as you trudged in with your groceries, juggling them all within your hands. It was a matter of time before the weight toppled and the loose apples went rolling across your floor, now bashed and bruised. Broken. No good. You barely had the motivation to pick them up, in fact, you barely had the motivation to do anything anymore. The fact that you had even left your house to shop was surprising in itself considering you had condemned yourself to your apartment. After all, Spider-man had abundantly made it clear that you were good for nothing. You had failed to learn the lesson he was trying to teach you all this time. Why exert yourself to do any good if it was just going to leave you equally as miserable?
After settling your groceries upon the counter top, you eventually set about picking up the apples, not even bothering to flick the main light on. The metal lid of your bin flapped open and--
"Don't bin them!" A voice came from behind you. You shrieked, whipping around to see a body standing by the edges of your kitchen. The lights came flickering on and standing there, to full height, was Spider-Man. He was fully suited, fresh, colourful, inviting.
Still frozen to the spot, he calmly stalked closer to you, plucking an apple from your hand and inspecting it. He gave it a quick clean against the fibres of his suit. "Nah, definitely not worth throwing away." Without hesitation, he casually lifted the bottom half of his mask to just below his nose, revealing only his mouth that bit into the apple. It seemed silly to admit, but you realised that there was indeed a human underneath that suit.
"What...what are you doing here?"
"Having an apple," he quipped. Your eyebrows quirked inwards, clearly not the answer you were searching for. You rephrased.
"Why are you here?"
He ignored your question and took a stroll around your kitchen, perching himself up onto the bunker, legs swinging childishly. "That's the thing about apples. They can endure a little bumping, a little rough-and-tumble, but they're still good on the inside."
You studied him carefully, analysing every word he said, every movement he made. Nothing about him stayed true to the Spider-Man you saved weeks ago. What was going on? Where is all this coming from? You remained on your toes until you discovered his motive.
"You've been keeping quiet it seems." His tone dropped, as did his informality and something more serious stepped in.
"Isn't that what you asked of me?" You could've done without the sneering, but given the heartbreak he had caused you, it was justified.
"Multiple times. But it never stopped you before. Why now?"
"Because..." you turned away from him, ripples of your misery washed through you. You took a deep breath and blurted out the truth like it was releasing the shackles that had been quietly binding you. "Because all I wanted to do was help you out. Not once did you care or appreciate it. Not once have ever said 'thank you'. That night..." He knew the one you were talking about. "I realised that no matter what I did, that was never going to change. So why bother."
He hopped off the bunker taking another bite from his apple. "Why would I do that, hm? Why would I thank you?"
You stared at him, incredulous. Your temper was begging to boil. "Because it's what people do when someone goes out their way to do something for them?! A stranger no less. Someone with zero obligation or commitments to you."
"True. But if I were to thank you, if I were to tell you that I had appreciated everything you did to help me out, if I were to thank you for saving my ass, would that not be encouraging of the thing I told you not to do?"
"I let you do what you felt like you needed to do for a while, but the moment you got hurt I had to step in, I told you to stay out of it." He had sauntered over, standing within an arm's reach of you but you didn't falter.
"Because!" He bellowed. You flinched, his temper now matching yours. "You have no obligation or commitment to me! You don't need to do any of those things for me, yet you do. If I had let you continue believing that it's all okay to put yourself in harm's way, that it's okay to get hurt, or worse, killed, for me, then I would never be able to forgive myself."
For once, you didn't have the words nor the courage to counter his argument. Moments went by standing under his shadow, watching as his temper simmered to a look of pure despair. "Look," he said, quieter, more level headed. He placed his apple onto the counter beside him and bravely raised his hands to come either side of your face. Your heart skipped a beat. "I see the goodness in you, I really do. It's hard to come by these days. I don't want to see that being destroyed by some shithead on the street."
You averted your eyes but he only just followed your line of sight, somehow desperate to let this message sink in. "Promise me you'll keep yourself safe and leave the ass-kicking to me, alright? Be my good apple."
He mirrored the smile that found its way to your lips, inches away from his own. "Promise me?"
"I promise."
"Good." In a swift movement, he lured your head down until your forehead is met with a kiss, soft, sweet. Your eyes flutter shut for no more than the few seconds after he kissed you and when they open, they find his chest. He still kept you there, close to him, ensuring you felt the words that his lips brushed against your skin, over the scar you had obtained on one of those fateful nights. "You saved my life," he whispered, as if reminding himself. "I am forever in your debt. And be that as it may, please, please, don't do it again."
Spider-Man slowly pulled away, taking one last bite of the apple before pulling down his mask. He made a turn towards your open window, the way he came in, but not without a boyish chuckle, running a ragged hand through your hair and teasing it softly.
"My good apple."
a/n: wtf was this hahahahaha good apple? christ.
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thenerdnextdoorxo · 1 year
Could I please request one that is mama!Wanda and child!reader (you can pick the age). Reader sometimes helps the avengers and goes on a mission with them and gets a really bad head injury. Wanda freaks out. Now reader will randomly get debilitating migraines but tries to hide them from the avengers especially Wanda bc R doesn’t want to be a burden. Wanda keeps a close eye on R, usually aware of when the headaches get too bad, she’ll step in to try to help. One day the headache gets so bad that R passes out and Wanda freaks out bc that’s her child and they have never passed out before. Some angst please and some comfort from Wanda.
We all love Mama!Wanda <3333
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When you became part of the avengers everyone was against it. A thirteen-year-old protecting the world?? You're the one in need of protecting, not the other way around. You had an amazing and unique ability. You can become part of the shadows and you can manipulate it. Your mom is The Scarlet Witch, that is how the avengers knew met you. They had no idea Wanda has a kid.
Ever since meeting you, they were protective of you. Keeping your identity a secret from the enemies, defending you against danger, looking after you when you were sick, they basically became parent-figures to you. And because of that, they were completely against the idea of you becoming part of the avengers.
"But Peter and I are the same age!!" You exclaimed. "Actually, I'm a year older," Peter added. "It doesn't matter!!"
"YES IT DOES!!" Everyone screamed.
You groaned and then looked at you mom, she looked like she was in deep thought. While everyone was arguing whether you should join the avengers or not, your mom suddenly said: "Y/N?". Everyone looked at her expecting her to stand by their side. "Why do you want to become an Avenger?" She asked. "I want to save people. I don't care how young I am, all I care about is being able to defend innocent lives," You responded. Your mom looked down for a bit and then looked up and said "Then you should become one,".
Everyone was shocked, even you. You thought she was the one that told everyone that it's dangerous for you to become an Avenger, but it was the opposite. "Wanda, have you lost your mind?! She's a kid!!" Steve exclaimed. "So is Peter, we all were against Peter joining the Avengers, but he did, and he saved us many times. I don't want to hold my daughter back from pursuing her dreams. If she want to become an Avenger, so be it." She replied with a proud smile looking at you and you smiled back.
After Wanda made the decision to allow you in the Avengers team, she wondered whether she made the right choice or not. And today, made her set up her mind.
You went on a mission, your first mission. Since it was your first mission, you were given the easiest one. You were supposed to spy over a meeting that was about an attack plan. All you had to do was listen to the conversation. You went there, you followed the plan you where given, and hid in one of the rooms corner where it was dark so you can blend in with the shadows. But there was a slight problem. You where nervous. You had anxiety issues and you couldn't hold hold them back.
At some point, you started to get anxious whether they can see you or not, but you tried to follow the breathing exercises that your mom taught you, and it didn't work. So your powers stopped. And everyone saw you. They immediately started attacking you and you tried to send the others signal to let them know that you've been caught, but you couldn't. What you didn't know is that Wanda's mother instinct told her to put a spell on you that told her when you where in danger, and she felt that you where in danger. She rushed to you and tried to keep the everyone away from you, but all you saw was blurry red light before your vision faded away.
You woke up to a tremendous amount of pain in your head that made you so dizzy. The people arguing around you didn't help at all. You groaned, letting them know you are awake. "Y/N, you're awake! how do you feel?" She asked while stroking your hair. "I'm fine," You lied. You where way far from okay. Your head felt like it got hit by a hammer, you could barely focus on what's in front of you. But you had to hide your pain. You knew your mother would feel guilty if she found out about it since she allowed you to be in the avengers.
Your attempts at hiding your pain went bad though. One day, you where trying to finish a homework but your head was ringing. Before you knew it, you passed out. The first person to see you was your mother. She always stayed near you after the incident to make sure that you were okay, but something told her that you weren't. So when you fainted, she rushed at your side and tried to wake you up.
"Y/N? Y/N, can you hear me?" She asked while lightly tapping your cheek in attempt to wake you up. When she noticed that you didn't, she knew you had something serious going on, so she quickly carried you to the medbay to see what happened to you.
When you woke up, you saw that your mother was holding her head in her hands and you heard sniffles coming from her. "Mom?" You called. She looked to her side quickly you thought her neck would snap. "Oh, my baby, I'm so sorry," She said while hugging your head closer to her chest. "I'm so sorry for being a bad mother, I'm so sorry for not seeing the signs earlier, I should have noticed, I shouldn't have allowed you to be part of the Avengers in the first place," She rambled. "Mom, it's okay, you meant well, you don't have to apologize," You said, trying to comfort her. "Sweetheart, you have a concussion, if I hadn't allowed you in you wouldn't have to suffer the way you are right now,"
"It's okay mom, all you wanted to do is to give your child some chance in life, its okay," You assured. "Can we stop thinking about what happened and focus on now? I really want mama cuddles right now," She chuckled lightly and agreed.
Guess who is back after a long time :)))) Sorry for taking so long, a lot of things happened in the time I wasn't active and it all was so overwhelming, but I'm glad to be back to you guys I missed you so much, and I hope I'd be able to post more often now.
Hope you liked this fic tho, it was kind of rushed lol
Requests are open btw, feel free to send requests
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Something I dislike about Miraculous since season 3 is how all kinds of evil are carried by Gabriel which could sound good cool but that ultimately destroys he’s character
He was the basic:I’m your father,I hurt you because i love you and your mother
But then he kinda stopped caring for Adrien safety,then it came the “end the world”, Not even rewriting it but straight up destroying it
And now he has the sicko kind of villain having a obsession for defeating ladybug which doesn’t fit he’s character since unlike other villains like Eggman from sonic, he’s main characteristic isn’t a ego which got destroyed over and over again by a teen. That development from “I’ll conquer the world to make everyone gaze upon my brilliance” to “I’ll drown you,I’ll drown you like a basket of dumb puppy’s” or “that’s stupid,you’re stupid!!! STOP BEING STUPID!!!” or “now that you are this super thingy you think you’re better than me Dr.Ivo Robotnik? WELL YOURE NOT! I own you,I OWN YOUR PLANET, I own this planet! In fact F*CK THIS PLANET”. Since he’s character was about a EgoMegalomaniac which was defeated by a sassy Ego maniac but Gabriel goal was never for he’s Ego or to conquer or for revenge. So he’s later actions are kinda… out of character which is now he’s character which is sad
That’s because they tried to turn Gabriel into every kind of villain since he’s the only Maniac of the series. You know why Spider-Man has many enemies? Because each one does a thing Gabriel does but perfected it
Green goblin-insane megalomaniac with a giant ego trip which killed the man he once was replacing it with a monster which became obsessed with defeating the child who defeated him over and over again for years
Rhino-a maniac who does this for power and money, he nothing more than a criminal which is capable to getting he’s hands dirty
Mr Negative-a victim of someone else with a single yet selfish plan of revenge but he’s ultimately stopped by the third party of Spider-Man
The lizard-a victim of he’s recklessness but is nothing more than a man trapped inside a monster
Venom-someone selfish blaming someone else for he’s misery manipulated by a sinister creature with the same mentality
Carnage-a unstoppable maniac, abomination, MONSTER who lacks any care for human life and the monster covering he’s body is nothing but a fitting look for he’s interior.
Yet all those traits,all those ideas and arcs are molten into a character which ultimately does not work for how contradictory he ultimately is. If they want to do those arcs then fine but they’ll need more than Gabriel since he’s not the right villain for that history
I talked about this briefly in my analysis of him as a character, but the problem with Gabriel is that the writers seem to be divided on whether to make him a more sympathetic villain like Mr. Freeze or an unapologetically evil villain like Lex Luthor.
Both are amazing characters in their own right, but just because you put aspects of both of them in one character, it doesn't make the result a good one. Gabriel clearly has the charisma to be an irredeemable monster, but more often than not, the show goes out of its way to make you feel bad for him, even when he's shown to abuse his son emotionally and physically. You could have easily fixed the issue with Gabriel by revealing that Nathalie is the one who wants to recreate the world in her own image. Either that, or have her be the one who is more willing to hurt people than Gabriel is, while he cares more about the well-being of people like his son.
Like you said, Spider-Man's rogues gallery works because of how large it is, opening the door for all kinds of stories without needing to worry about ruining any previously established motivations, and instead focusing on how people who fell into similar circumstances as Peter Parker went down a different path than he did. They don't try to cram different character traits into a single villain and have Spider-Man fight them every week. They simply let each villain tell their own story, and that's why it works more.
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zeus-japonicus · 10 months
A Eulogy for Graham; or, a fanfic to celebrate the one year anniversary of Trice Forgotten
cw: death, misogyny, referenced unequal racial dynamics, spoilers for episode 10
Been wracking my brain on how to thank you all for being fans of the show and supporting it throughout the last year, and so I wrote something that will never be canon, but may entertain those of you who love to hate or hate to love Graham. Some dead doves in this notes-app-un-proofread fic so, you know. Take care of yourself and be good to others.
When Graham Peters was a child, he knew he would be king.
When he had grown some, enough to understand how his world worked, he conceded that the only caveat he would accept was that the qualifier "a" and not "the" might preceed his title.
His world became extraordinarily more enjoyable once he realised what his life was to be. He was not close to his peers because he was above them: a king does not entertain the existence of friends - meerly holds court with associates, allies and enemies.
How he thrilled when he understood that society was something he could create. Factions, wars, religions zealously protected, all manipulated by his word. His say. To cast a man into exile for a simple slight; to raise a man above his station for quick work well done. All this belonged to Graham. His whims were laws and his fancies were gospel.
And then to graduate from schoolboy turf wars into real politics, just as his ancestors had taught him! Petty jealousies held against him for pranks in their younger years, employed as allegations like a handful of nails cast into the road. It barely slowed him. For what care does a king have that the horse's hooves bleed, or that the driver is damned to debt?
These years he bouyed through like a Captain who only knows smooth sailing. Wind in the sails and a clear heading. He had his destiny mapped, and the route, though complex and laden with savage obstacle, would forever remain in his favour.
And then there were his women. His sister and his strays, all three snide and serious. Graham was not a stupid man. He understood that a King was only as capable as his Queen. What, after all, had doomed Troy but a woman?
His sister could not be queen of his household, no, but she understood his court. Operated, throughout his education, as his feminine touch. Brought him his intelligence from places a King cannot broach, and slid rumours only believed from the voice of an innocent. The voice of the mother of the child in the country's womb. A future wife to some loyal servant and thus necessary to keep in good graces. Good, old Mary: sometimes unwieldy in her vitriol, but otherwise ideal in her plain and unattractive nature.
His men thought him the fool to keep two bitches by his side. Two who especially seemed inclined only to yapping at one another, nipping at his heel in demand of his attention, destroying the tableware out of some small attempt to mark their territory. But Graham understood these girls because he had seen their type bicker and fight throughout his life.
It was all very well keeping by your side a loyal woman: quiet and reserved, the kind you expected to sink into the backdrop so efficiently one's enemies forgot to check for eavesdroppers, but it was quite another to let the mutineers damn themselves with their audacity. He knew malcontent by its fetid smell, could hear treason in the silences. And his two strays, with their roiling hatred, would eventually turn on their King like the dogs they were. They knew his power, and they knew only one could shed the shackles of indignity and ascend to his service; their true purpose achieved.
All this passes through Graham's consciousness as he understands that he is to die on this godforsaken hill, in this nasty little country, no closer to being a King than he had been as a boy.
He wants to rally against the ingrates: to curse their names and damn them to a fate worse than his. He wants to wonder if he is to be buried in the ashes of his exotic, bullet-strewn manor house, feeding the ground of a country that has bled him dry, or if his sister can find some way - any way - of bringing him home so he can rest eternally, as he had always hoped, amongst his fellow men, buried in their Royal sanctuaries. He wants to wonder if he would prefer a grave under the quiet green hills of home.
What he does wonder is if Alestes is alive. He wonders where he went wrong. He wonders if - as a King, a God might take his life for hers. He understands, as he dies, that this is not the correct thought to have. A King is buried with his belongings and his servants, and so it is Just that Alestes dies with him. That they can be buried together, here or in London, and that this final act will be his coronation.
It dawns on him that he is going to die, and in that moment he would give anything to have been fated to have been born to be a man and not a king. What a fool he had been, to craft a death like this! A man can live a long and weighty life but a king? A king is doomed to tragedy. Alestes, about to choose him over that bastard Baker, Mary, on the verge of her final submission to his grand plan, and Anh, nearly dead by his Alestes' hands.
Tragedians, playwrights and Gods punish Kings for reaching too close to powers not meant for mortal hands. Unfair in their judgement because they themselves cannot grasp the very concept of Worth.
But Graham is worthy. He has always known this of himself. And so he is doomed, not because he is a King of false pretences, but because to his bitter end, though he weeps for Alestes, he takes the time to consider how best to convince the angels soon to greet him that a King amongst men deserves the status of a god amongst Gods.
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softtdaisy · 2 years
🌷 Can I ask for Peter Parker and enemies to lovers story?
_deja vu
peter parker x fem!singer!reader
based on: enemies to lovers trope
summary: when Peter is remaking your relationship with his new girlfriend, you realize you might not hate him as much as you thought
words: 933
a/n: can you tell I was listening to deja vu by Olivia Rodrigo?? I hope you will love this story sweetie 💛 (and since it's not specified I'm writing with Andrew in mind but you can tell me if you thought about Tom)(or Tobey)
join my secret garden for my 1k celebration 🌸
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“I can’t believe it.”
For Peter to date someone new was a thing. You broke up months ago and it wasn’t the hate you were giving each other that would put you back together. 
But for him to act with his new girlfriend exactly like he used to do with you, was something else. Something you weren’t going to accept that easily.
You guessed something wasn’t right the first time you saw him with her. She looked like you, the same type of girl with the same hair color and the same style. You thought Peter was looking for a copy of you to replace what he couldn’t have anymore. But then you decided you were overreacting to your ex-boyfriend dating someone new. It was the last punch your relationship needed to die.
You and Peter dated for a few months. You were terribly in love, maybe too passionate. That was the reason you broke up at the end. You couldn’t handle all this love, all this passion and rather than make it work, you made it fail. You started to fight over little things, not realizing these were small inconvenience in what could be the greatest love story of your life.
But then love became hate and you stopped talking. Except to hurl barbs at each other anytime you could.
But today, it was one day too many. You couldn’t bear to look at Peter with his arm around that girl shoulder. That girl that was wearing the same jacket Peter gave you when you were dating. “it was my uncle’s, I love to wear it. But it looks better on you.” He said the night he gave you because you forgot yours. You thought it meant something to him. It meant the world to you.
But of course, he was giving it to someone new now. As if your whole relationship never ever mattered.
“Parker!” you called him across the school. He turned around, just like your double did. You regret it when you noticed ever was looking at you now. But it was more than you could take. You walked to peter and grab his arm, the one that he was holding his girlfriend with. “Ouch.” He mumbled before putting his eyes on you. “What do you want?”
“Talk.” One word. The word you both needed back then.
“Don’t you think we should talk about all that mess?” Peter said, looking at you who were throwing all his stuff you were keeping at your place in a bag. It was over for good this time, you thought. And you didn’t want to keep anything from Peter.
“Talk, talk, talk. That would lead us nowhere!” you replied, putting the bag in his arms and waiting for him to leave.
Peter followed you in a quiet room, away from the other students and his “girlfriend”. While he was walking behind you, he had that smirk on his face. The one that meant his plan was working. Once you turned around, he put on his poker face again. “So, what do you want?”
“Are you really going to pretend like you’re not remaking our whole relationship with that stupid girl!” You were mad. Worse, you were jealous. It wasn’t fair that all the thing you did with Peter, he was doing them with her now.
Peter frowned, waiting for you to go on and explained yourself. You hated how you found him hot when he was crossing his arms on his chest, making his biceps bigger. That wasn’t fair either. 
“Don’t you think I noticed how she looks like me? And that I didn’t see her picture of you two sharing a fucking strawberry ice cream when you know it’s my favorite flavor! Or that she’s wearing Ben’s jacket when I thought it was special for you to give to me! It’s not special if you do it with everyone you fuck, Peter!” you were banging on his chest, trying to make yourself understood. 
You only managed to give Peter what he wanted all along.
“You still love me.” He simply said, taking your hands between his fingers to stop you from hitting him. It wasn’t like you could hurt him anyway. 
“What the hell? No!” you answered, trying to free yourself from his grip but Peter was way stronger than you were. And the thing he said, the love word, did something in your stomach that was preventing you from fighting anyway. 
“May always said that between love and hate, there’s only one step. One step to cross. We did it once. We can do it backward.” He had this low voice, and he was using when he wanted you to listen to every word he was saying. A tip that still work since you were carefully listening to him. “I can’t stop loving you, [y/n]. I realized that after I had tried to hate you for hurting me. I don’t think I ever hated you.” 
“So…you’re dating that girl to make me love you? You realize how stupid this is?” Peter laughed and took your face between his hands. “I’m not dating her. I just wanted you to realize that you cared more about me and our memories than you thought. That you were ready to fight for me again.” 
Since you stayed silent, Peter kissed your forehead before letting you go. “I’m giving you some time. But think about it. One step baby. One step.” He winked at you before leaving the room.
Leaving you alone with your feelings. And your will to fight for the man you hate love.
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mysterious-ocarina · 2 years
Paper Meadows
Peter Maximoff x reader (slight enemies to lovers)
Main Masterlist Requests
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(2.2k words)
You've been at the mansion for a while now. your parents sent you away when your powers first showed up. You have Florakinesis which means you could grow and manipulate plants and flowers with just your mind. You thought your parents would be happy because your family owned a flower shop, but they considered it to be unnatural and sent you off to Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters.
You met so many people who were mutants like you. You enjoyed meeting new people at the mansion because everyone was special in their own ways. You became a tour guide/mentor  and friendly face for when new students came in. The professor thought that your kind demeanor and your love for the school would make you perfect to help new kids navigate this new experience and home.
There was only one downside to living at the mansion. Peter Maximoff. The resident speedster of the house.
When you first moved to the mansion, he never bothered you. But soon you became friends with Jean and Jubilee and got into their friend group meeting Scott, Kurt, and eventually Peter. 
He seemed cool at first. You noticed you like the same music, he was very funny to be around, and he was charmingly cute. After a while, though, he seemed to take pleasure in your torment. 
It started slowly and snowballed. At first he would just speed past you, knocking your books out of your hands “accidently”. It then progressed to him teasing you all the time. Taking the last piece of food he doesn't even like just because it's your favorite at meal times. Talking to you in class when you're trying to pay attention. Stealing little things of yours until you found out and yelled at him to give it back. He always gave your stuff back once you asked for it.
He was never being particularly mean or rude. He was just very annoying and slightly inconveniencing you all the time. This didn't stop you from falling for him though, which only made everything even more annoying.
It was a beautiful day out so you were outside under a tree studying with Jean and Jubilee.
"What's happening over here?" a gust of wind said. You rolled your eyes as you lost the page you were reading.
"Attempting to study. Do you even know what that is?" you replied without looking up. Jean and Jubilee giggled at your remark. 
"I actually do. I study pretty frequently. I have to keep good grades to stay on the X-Men so I use my superspeed to get my studying done faster," Peter bragged rapidly.
Powers were a touchy subject because you hated yours. You felt like your powers weren’t useful like super-speed, telekinesis, or teleportation. There was a reason you weren’t a part of the X-Men.
You noticed Jean frown as she heard this thought. She stayed quiet though, because she knew of your insecurity in your mutant powers and how you didn’t like talking about it. You don't know if Peter knew about these insecurities but you hoped not because he would just use it against you. He already bragged about himself so much, you didn’t need him teasing you on top of that. 
"Well some of us can't use our powers to make our lives easier," you said before you got up and stormed off in the direction of the mansion.
You didn't mean to let that slip but it just bubbled out of you without thinking. Usually you kept your cool about that kind of stuff. Only Jean and Jubilee knew of these thoughts of yours. How could they not? They were your best friends and were always there to make you feel better when you were sad.
"Why is she mad? What did I say? She's never snapped at me like that," Peter asked the two girls, who were still sitting.
"She isn't the biggest fan of her powers," Jean supplied.
At the confused gaze of Peter, Jubilee clarified, "You can use your powers to do all kinds of stuff while she makes flowers. She doesn't think her powers are as useful as other's are. She’s very insecure about it."
"But I love her powers! They're so pretty," Peter replied. He had a lovesick look on his face that the girls often saw when Peter discussed you. "I'm going to go find her!"
At this, Jean jumped up, "That's not a good... and he's gone."
You made your way out back to the greenhouse. It never fails to help calm you down to be around the various plants and flowers there. There was a knock on the door and then it was pushed open. 
"I can hear your thoughts from the kitchen, y/n," the professor offered as a greeting, with a kind smile. He was always there when you felt bad about your powers. He always reminded you of how special each person at the mansion really is.
"Sorry Professor," you supplied kind of quietly. You didn't really feel like talking but you knew with the professor around, it wouldn't take long for you to open up. (ive always imagine charles as kind of fatherly and always giving the best advice)
"Do you know why I picked you to help new students?" he asked you.
You shrugged, " 'Cause I'm nice."
"When you came to the mansion, I always noticed how sweet you were to the little kids. Very motherly, if you ask me," he told you.
You never noticed that. You just knew that you often hung out with the little kids because you knew they didn't have much family and that kids deserve someone like that.
You would read to them, help them with their homework, or give them flowers when you saw them around the mansion. It made you happy to watch them brighten up. You smiled thinking about some of the kids you help.
"I picked you because you have no problem making everyone feel special. These new kids we bring in, they feel lost and alone. You help remind them that they are never alone at this mansion and that they deserved to be loved," he smiled at you.
You started to tear up at his kind words but you wiped them away, "Thanks professor, but what does that have to do with what I’m feeling right now?"
The professor smiled at your cluelessness, "If you think all those kids are special, then why don't you think you're special too?"
You simply stared, not knowing how to reply. He must have heard your thoughts, your gratitude, because he put his hand on your shoulder before wheeling out. 
You felt a bit better after that so you left the greenhouse and made your way to the kitchen. As you opened up a snack, a wind blew past you and stole your food out of your hands. Standing in front of you was a smiling Peter, eating your food.
"Leave me alone Peter. I'm not in the mood," you sighed, trying to reach for your snack. He just held it over your head and smiled.
"Why did you run off on me, doll?" he asked. The nickname made you blush but the question made you even more mad because there was no way you were going to discuss your insecurities with Peter. You weren't in the mood for his teasing. 
"Just leave me alone, Peter," you seethed, walking off towards your room.
Peter stood dumbfounded, not knowing how to get you to talk to him. He sulked all the way to the couch that all his friends were on.
"What's got you all sad?" Scott asked with a smile, thoroughly amused.
"Y/n refuses to talk to him," Jubilee teased. Peter only groaned.
"Just give her a little space today and try talking to her tomorrow," Jean offered, being able to hear Peter's inner turmoil.
"I need to do something to make her happy, get me on her good side," Peter exclaimed. He got on his knees in front of Jubilee, begging, "What's her favorite candy?"
"It's going to take a lot more than stolen candy to make her like you, Peter," Jean sighed. This wasn't the first time Peter has tried this. "You should do something creative and specific for her."
“Well what the hell do I do?” Peter asked. He’s never tried to really impress a girl so he was pretty clueless. “Something flower based would be romantic.”
“I hafe an idea, I can help you,” Kurt offered. So the group of friends got to work, helping Peter get in your good graces. (i have no clue how to write Kurt's accent lmaoo)
You woke up feeling better than the day before. Your insecurities about your powers weren't anything new, just some days including yesterday, felt worse than others. You just wanted to avoid Peter as much as possible today.
Jubilee found you in the hallway and you guys hung out for most of the day. Surprisingly, you didn't see Peter all day. You had mixed feelings about this. On one hand, he wasn't pissing you off. But on the other hand, you missed his contagious smile.
"Let's go watch a movie in your room, I rented a new VHS we can watch," Jubilee said. You were suspicious of her because she wasn't really the type to watch a lot of movies, but you thought nothing of it. Once you guys made it to your room, she stopped, "It's in my room I'll go get it, just make sure to set up your tv."
Once you opened the door to your room, a certain speedster was standing there.
"What are you doing here?" you questioned. You had a feeling that Jubilee wasn't going to be coming back and that there was no new VHS.
"Well I had help from our friends. Jean let me in while Jubilee distracted you so I could set up," he blushed.
"Set up what?" you asked him suspiciously. You were quite alarmed to have him in your room.
"Well, after I hurt your feelings, I wanted to make it up to you. It was Kurt’s idea to do this because I’m not creative at all. I’ve never tried to impress a pretty girl before. Did you know that Kurt is really good at origami? Also it turns out that I'm not good at it, at all. I spent all night trying to make them perfect," Peter rambled on.
"Peter," you cut him off, blushing when he called you pretty. "What are you talking about?"
He couldn't seem to speak so he simply moved out of the way and pointed to your bed.
On top of your dark green bed set, was an array of cute origami flowers. They ranged in size, color, and type. Some were more messy looking than others, but you could tell all of them were still made very carefully. There were even a couple of folded butterflies added to the mix. Your bed looked like a beautiful meadow. You could feel yourself starting to tear up at the kind gesture.
"You spent all night making these?" you questioned. You got closer so that you could look at all of them. There had to be at least 40 pieces.
“Yeah, I have the papercuts to prove it as well as a trash can filled with the ones that looked the worst,” he tried to joke. You could tell he was nervous of your reaction. “The girls explained that I made you feel bad about your powers so I wanted to show you how beautiful I actually think it is.”
“You think my powers are beautiful?” you questioned with a teary- eyed smile, looking back at him.
At this he stepped closer to you, nervously brushing a tear away, “Almost as beautiful as I think you are.”
Your face heated up so hot, you were sure Peter could feel it. You didn’t know how to thank him so you simply leaned close to his face. You heard Peter’s breath hitch so you leaned all the way in.
This was probably the best kiss you’ve ever had. It had fireworks bursting in you, butterflies scurrying around, but most importantly, it had flowers blooming all over the both of you and your room.
When you separated from the kiss, you guys just stared at each other smiling. “Thank you, Peter”
“Anything for you, ma fleur,” you blushed at the nickname, but giggled at his poorly done French accent. He smiled so bright at hearing you laugh, proud of himself.
You looked at your room, only just now noticing the mess of flowers and vines that you created, “Oh wow, I didn’t realize I did that.”
“I’m glad to have that effect on you,” Peter exclaimed, quite smug. You just laughed and punched his shoulder sofly. 
“You know, Speedy, you owe me so much for all the times you pissed me off to get my attention,” you smirked at him.
He just smiled with a lovestruck face and replied, “I can’t wait to make it up to you, forever.”
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usafphantom2 · 5 months
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SCOPEBARN the last flight of the A-12 article 131
There was fierce competition between the CIA and the Air Force. Both groups felt that their Blackbird was the one that the Air Force should keep flying. The budget determined that two fleets of supersonic Mach 3 reconnaissance airplanes were one too many. After participating in a contest called “Nice Girl,” the conclusion was that the SR 71 was superior because it was better equipped. But the victory over the A-12 was marginal as they both had their pros and cons. We must always remember there would never be an SR 71 without the A-12.
The SR-71 had three different cameras: 1. area search, 2. spotting, and 3; mapping. Also, a superior sensor suite IR and radar imaging that could collect electronic signals. Best of all, there was another officer RSO reconnaissance systems officer in the airplane to help manage the DEF pronounced “deaf.” this was the all-important electronic defense that was used to spoof the enemy into believing that the airframe was in a different location. Thus, it was impossible to hit their target as they didn’t know where the SR 71 was. The RSO and the Pilot became a team that worked together to achieve their mission in the SR 71. The A-12 did not have an RSO.
The CIA’s A-12s were going to be permanently retired. I am sure the A-12 drivers and their families felt the same remorse as I did when the SR 71 was prematurely canceled in 1989.
Frank Murray was selected to fly the very last flight and the families were allowed to watch. This was the first and only time they were allowed to watch an A-12 in in-flight, as the families were gathered near Palmdale. Frank Murray performed two flyby one while climbing in after burner and one following was a low approach. Very similar to what I saw March 6, 1990 with the last flight of the SR 71 for the Air Force at Dullas ,VA airport. A-12 pilots could share their achievements with no one, they are unsung heroes. They risk their life to help defend our freedom. Article 131 was the A-12 that Frank Murray flew in to Palmdale. You can see it in the foreground of this picture of A-12 tightly packed into a building at site two in Palmdale California. The other picture is of Frank Murray, and a map of the last flight and a picture of an A-12 helmet.
My source is the book “Dreamland : The Secret History of Area, 51” Written by Peter Merlin
Written by Linda Sheffield
@Habubrats71 via X
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crystal-lillies · 1 year
A Rambling First Thoughts Review + Critique of "Peter Pan and Wendy" (Disney+ 2023 movie) Spoilers ahead.
Okay for being called "Peter Pan and Wendy" I think aside from prequel iterations, this movie had the least bit of connection and bonding between Peter and Wendy that I've ever seen.
Wow okay, not even sure where to begin on the rest of my thoughts but certainly that was the first one. I didn't feel much connection between Peter and Wendy at all, and the story had very little justification for the emotional moments between them it tried to eke out, which is actually very difficult to achieve since the original source material has it baked in that all the adaptations, even the ones that twist the formula, have been able to adapt and grow off of.
Oof and I gotta say the movie rushed the beginning to really crawl through Neverland. I was shocked at how fast it was that they were already going, and it didn't really seem like an urgent event. Just like, oh yeah Peter's just gonna show up at your window and take you to Neverland one day kthxbai. Rather than it being a motivated decision for Wendy to say "I'm growing up tomorrow" (leaving the nursery, going away, etc.) but I don't want to, so I'm going to go and never grow up.
Also sidebar, Wendy my love, being an ass to your brothers is not endearing to your plight and is definitely new for this adaptation which was a Very odd take. And it could be argued by the end...or even the middle...she realizes her responsibility to take care of them and look after them in Neverland but that's a weak sauce character arc for someone who HAS one built in that's just as valid.
A really odd take for them NOT to double cast Jude Law as Mr. Darling and Hook. I actually would have liked to see his take on Mr. Darling. But RIP Mr. Darling had barely a personality at all or anything to do here.
And RIP Nurse Nana. Now you are just a dog with nothing to do, and no reason to be put out in the dog house.
And then Neverland, oh my dear place of literal dreams, what they did to you! Now, I am somewhat a fan of the Home Under the Ground being a castle ruin in this version, that's actually something close to how I've seen Neverland at least once. But it felt very empty, both the Home and the island. It was too...empty. And even though every iteration we know only the pirates, Lost Boys, Peter, the Indians, the fairies, and the mermaids live in and around the island, plus animals, all the other versions haven't felt so barren. Is it because Neverland became one large same-y landmass rather than a place that has mountains and lagoons and tropical forests and literally anything children dream of? Maybe that's part of it. But it's hard to place precisely. It doesn't feel lived in. The castle ruins didn't have beds or a table for meals. It had a neat rope swing and a fireplace yes, but it still just looked visually and felt empty, when a badass castle hideout could be so cool!
And regarding Hook and Peter having a history, having a tragic background. First, I'm not opposed to the friends to enemies take. Saw it done pretty well in the prequel special Neverland, though it was from a Fagin+Snape-like mentor to an orphan Peter who looked up to him, rather than two kids and one who grew up. But again, it may have worked with a different story. I don't think it was the right choice here, or at least it was not properly executed. The voice in my head kept saying, if Hook was a lost boy and Peter's friend and he KNEW where Peter's hideout was all along, then WHY hasn't he tried killing him before? The whole sticking point in the source and other adaptations was that he had NO IDEA where Peter's hideout was, otherwise he would kill him there!
Tiger Lily being a badass is never bad in my book, but once again, her service in the story feels unearned. I don't feel the bond between her and Peter, honestly. She had more of a connection with Wendy (and it caught me off guard how I immediately thought, "okay I would ship that" after their conversation en route to the hideout.) And then her tribe is just sort of there. Without much connection to the island, or to Peter. Tiger Lily calls him "Little Brother," but taking the movie as it is without reference of any other Peter Pan media, it doesn't feel earned from what we are given up to that point. It just feels like Tiger Lily being Peter's deus ex Machina, which really historically has been Tinkerbell, and that made sense given Tink and Peter's shared history and friendship. (Something that's also sadly toned back in this movie as well)
"Peter Pan and Wendy" is not even a poor live action adaptation of a Disney animated movie, it's just... a strange and lackluster adaptation of Peter Pan, which had been done successfully as a Disney animated movie. And I think that feels a bit more disappointing.
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Cruel intentions | Chapter fourteenth
summary: you aren't sure why you agreed to a suicide mission by going to a party where everyone hates you. jessica jones gives the fakest smiles and it seems like you're out of practice.
warnings: swearing. a lot. innuendos.
author's note. also this super cute new moodboard based on @3louisee aesthetic for the story!
listen to: Super Rich Kids - Frank Ocean | If U Seek Amy - Britney Spears(playlist here)
word count: 2.5 k
series masterlist + read the next chapter early on my ko-fi!!
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You weren’t exactly sure why you’d agreed to this. 
And yet, it didn’t stop you as you walked through the main lobby with Peter Parker next to you. The doorman already too familiar with your face simply nodded at you as you entered the elevator, muttering a small thank you before quickly typing the code so you could go up to Harry’s place. Maybe you’d gone mad, you thought as you glanced at Peter, who was frowning at you already. Could he tell how nervous you were?
“Are you okay?” he asked. 
Yeah, he could tell. 
“I’m fine,” you lied with a small smile as you fiddled with the skirt of the little black turtle neck dress that you’d chosen to wear that night with some random boots you’d chosen. 
Harry had assured you it was an intimate affair, nothing too fancy and nothing too big. In Harry’s terms, you knew he meant that it wouldn’t be really intimate because approximately everyone from that circle of New York would be there, along with the inner one. And it would be fancy and big, fucking big. 
“So, these are your friends?” Peter asked softly. 
“No,” you blurted out before realizing that you’d fucked up. 
“Well some of them are,” you lied. 
 If they don’t all fucking hate me. 
There was a thing about you with the inner circle. First, you were used to being alone and you enjoyed it, and if you weren’t alone you would be usually spending time along with earth’s mightiest heroes, which often made school seem like something so insignificant that you never really cared about the politics of it all. 
And unknowingly, it was all it took for you to become the unofficial queen of it. As you and Harry became closer though and you grew up, you started to be more aware of that kind of stuff and Harry made you aware of it too. Soon, there was something called the inner circle, which a few people made in. If you were being honest, you liked most of them when you started to hang out with them at lunch or the times that you weren’t stuck in the lab, training, or on a mission. 
And it was fine. You’d make friends and realize that growing up the daughter of a genius, billionaire, playboy, and philanthropist was already attractive, but then inheriting some of Tony’s attitude and intelligence, and how you looked, you were a catch. 
Even more, being an Avenger. 
Which caused some people to want to bring you down a peg, or two. 
Especially, once you’d woken up from your coma and they told you that you were gone as Queen. 
What they didn’t exactly saw coming, was how much of a bitch you became once you weren’t an Avenger no more and with Harry by your side, you became a fucking menace, even to people you’d consider to be close friends. 
Which, only meant you had more enemies (as insignificant as they were to you, in your personal opinion) in your life. At first, you couldn’t give a shit, if you were honest since you started to hang out with far more famous people than them, older than them and way cooler than them; plus, you started to do your side activities which didn’t leave you much time to worry about them. 
If you decided to go out with them though, they barely ever talk to you, either if it was because of a deep resentment since you maybe had crossed them or someone close to them or just because of the sheer fear that they would be the next ones on your list. And you figured it was mostly because you never showed weakness, never. 
But now, entering this night with Peter Parker? It was as if you were wearing a target for your back and as the doors opened on the elevator and some of their glances fell on you and then on Peter, you were aware that you were fucked. 
Within minutes of arriving, you’d walked into a crazy mess of young adults on the colossal and luxurious penthouse that was Harry’s. Not having parents is a great advantage, you recalled him saying once when you’d just finished having a party at 9:00 am a couple of months ago. 
You looked back at Peter for a second and smiled before nudging him to walk with you. He looked good you realized, a bit too good for your liking. His curls were styled so perfectly but also so carelessly as they fell on his forehead in a way that made your heart flutter, he was wearing a black t-shirt that made him look like a fucking action figure, it fitted him nicely in his arms, defining each and every one of his muscles. His freckles were especially pretty that day along with his chocolate eyes that sparkled with some beams of golden. 
And only until then do you realize how much you were thinking of Peter as he glanced at you. 
“You okay?” he asked softly and you nodded with a smile. 
“You’ve asked that a lot Parker,”
Peter smiled. “Just trying to be a gentleman,” he insisted. 
“Then come and dance with me,” you teased, looking at him through your lashes as you took off your long jacket and left the purse at the entrance before lacing your hand in his and pulling him into the dance floor. 
You glanced around the room as people stared up at you, some were doing coke some were drinking and some were practically grinding on each other against a wall. It was a usual party but definitely different from what Peter had invited you. This was excess at its core and you didn’t know if Peter would feel comfortable with it. But he truly didn’t seem to mind, he had a smile plastered on his face as you guided him through the hallways. 
The dance floor was dark-not that dark- but dark enough. You could still see people staring at you wide-eyed as you pulled Peter Parker into the dance floor. You’d almost forgotten how good of a dancer Peter Parker was, you swayed your hips to the beat with Peter following your every move. His hands felt like they were burning through your skin as you pressed up against each other, his palm flat against the small of your lower back -like he’d done it before-and you felt like you were missing a bit of air just by the way the was holding you. Your dress was rather thin to beat the summer New York City heat but it only helped you to feel Peter’s blazing warm chest through his t-shirt. 
 The music felt good. You felt good. He felt good. 
Incredibly good. 
“You look really beautiful tonight,” Peter suddenly whispered. 
And only then did you look up to him and you felt like you were drowning as soon as your gaze linked with his. You could see the tiny flecks of gold in his eyes, he was looking at you with such a softness that you didn’t know what to do and for a moment you thought that you might be losing your balance. You hadn’t drunk anything but you were already feeling drunk on his gaze, he pressed further into you and you couldn’t help but smile a bit as you melted further into his arms. You felt his lips quirking up against your forehead and you felt your cheeks bushing but instead of cursing yourself, you couldn’t help yourself, you simply sighed in contentment. 
This. Whatever this was, it didn’t feel quite real. 
You never got close to anyone. You’d never told anyone other than Harry what you thought about what happened with Tony. You never let anyone get so close to the point that you felt safe with them after what happened. And yet, there you were, you feel as safe in Peter Parker’s arms. There was a small voice in the back of your head that kept trying to break through the surreal haze that was settling around you. Reminding you that this was just a bet, that it was supposed to be a quick fuck, that it was another takedown. 
But as you looked again at Peter, you realized how he was watching you closely, his eyes darting around your features as if trying to read every little thought that passed through your face, you felt naked and you wanted to run and hide from his gaze. Suddenly, they turned on some of the lights, they were too bright and you felt all hot and stuffy all of the sudden. 
“y/n?” Peter asked as you stepped away from him, looking at him with a concerned frown. 
“I,” you whispered, not looking at him. 
Nonetheless, your thoughts were snapped away when you heard a shriek, you turned towards where it was coming from and she was right there. 
Jessica Jones. 
“Hi, girl!” Jessica screamed, loudly, and you winced but you also let out a breath. 
You weren’t happy per se to see Jessica Jones, but you were almost hyperventilating and you appreciated the small distraction, even if it came from her. 
“Hi, Jess,” you replied as she kissed you on each cheek. 
Jessica Jones wasn’t per se the nicest person. In fact, she was one of those people that you were aware wanted to throw you down a peg or two. Jessica was an heiress as well after an awful accident left her an orphan, and a billionaire too. She was then adopted by Dorothy Walker, who Jessica often referred to as the wild bitch of the west.
Maybe it was the abandonment issues she suffered but Jessica often fell in love with everyone she dated, even if it was just for a week.
“I hadn’t seen you in a while,” she stated with a polite smile, a really polite and fake one. 
And you caught up to it immediately. 
“I know!” you replied with just the same smile. “That’s on purpose,” you replied evenly as you watch her eye twitching in annoyance. 
Suddenly, Peter’s chuckles interrupted the stare down and you curse mentally as you recalled that he was right there, at Jessica Jones's mercy. You watch her eyes gleam as she gazed at Peter, you were aware that she wanted to sabotage you right there and then. 
“So, who’s your plus one?” she asked, watching Peter through her lashes as she extended her hand to him. “Jessica Jones,” she said softly while Peter took her hand and smiled at her. 
You rolled your eyes at how she was looking at him. 
“Peter Parker,” he replied politely. 
“Oh, you study in Columbia too?” she asked as she got closer to Peter, while you had to fight yourself to not punch Jessica right there and then. 
“Yeah,” he stated. 
“I hadn��t seen you before, you must’ve met this girl at a party, right?” Jessica suddenly said as she grabbed your shoulder, nails piercing your arm as you bit your lower lip while faking a smile. “When isn’t she getting drunk and ruining people’s lives,”
“You’re so funny Jess!” you replied as fast as you could before taking her hand just as hard as she was holding yours and quickly spinning on your heels. “Peter can you give us a sec?” you asked but you didn’t wait for an answer. 
You dragged Jessica out of the dance floor and pulled her into one of the studios at Harry’s place, quickly screaming at the people who were about to have sex there to scram. Then, you finally closed the door furiously, while your eyes narrowed at Jessica who was watching you nonchalantly. 
“What are you doing?” you snapped at her, glaring at her. 
She chuckled. “What? You can ruin my relationship and I can’t ruin yours?”
Right, you're in a relationship, you thought. 
You pinched the bridge of your nose before actually answering. “I’m not in a relationship and I didn’t ruin yours,” you explained. 
That wasn’t exactly a lie. See, it wasn’t like the whole inner circle didn’t already know that Elijah, Jessica’s boyfriend for two months (which for her was as if they were already married), was fooling around with Harry behind her back. 
You’d just let her know.
Maybe it was because you’d knocked back three Moscow mules and an expresso martini. Yeah, you wanted to think that it was that but you also recalled that Harry had been sweet talking you to bring it up but you’d refused because you knew how Jessica could get if you did. 
Oh, and she got even worse after you spilled it up. 
“Oh, please, you couldn’t help yourself when you brought it up,” she said as she crossed her arms in front of her. 
“I was drunk and anyway I did you a favor,” you scoffed. 
It had been about nine months since it happened and you hadn’t seen Jessica since then. 
“I’m back with Elijah anyway,” she said indignantly and you had to physically bite your tongue to stop from revealing that Harry had been fooling around with Elijah again at the party he’d gone to while you were out with Peter and his friends. “And I won’t let you do anything to us again,”
You rolled your eyes. 
“Jessica, I truly couldn’t care less now. It’s game over,” you stated. 
“It’s not over until I say it is,” she shouted back.
“Then have fun playing with yourself,” you whispered with a smirk as you left the room, but as your eyes scanned the lighted-up dancefloor with people there, you didn’t find Peter. 
And it dawned on you, you realized what they were doing. 
“You were distracting me, weren’t you?” you scoffed as you bit your inner cheek. 
“You’d been out of the game for a while now, sweetie,” Jessica stated with a smirk before she walked away. 
You narrowed your eyes as you stormed out of the room while people glanced at you. Situations like this were the ones that made you remember why you hated to be in these places so much, why you hated the politics of it all, and why you’d decided to ruin them at one point in your life. You felt a constant fire burning in your chest that would spread through your veins and cause your skin to boil with unspoken emotions that you could never quite place. You were sure it was because of Tony and what happened but as you ran through the party looking for Harry, you knew that it was a loathing that you had against yourself too. 
That loathing was what brought you to this place, to a place where people had resentment festering in their chests because of your actions. You knew that it was self-destructive, to pull people away by hurting them, to isolate, to even fall into a trap that you could’ve seen from miles away. 
And if it had been any other situation, you might’ve let it go. 
But this wasn’t any other situation, this was Peter Parker and a bet that could bring you back to life and you knew you couldn’t fuck it up. 
If there was some scheme going on you knew that Harry knew about it and you had to find him. 
author's note: i had to, unfortunately, cut the chapter short, I had to write so so much but that means that if I focus a lot tomorrow we will have a very exciting chapter 15 on Wednesday. I'm excited to see your reactions. As always thank you so much for everyone being so nice and reading this!! and in KO-FI TOO I LOVE YOU ALL. as always lmk what you think, I love to read your theories and thoughts!!
taglist: @walkintheprk@jeonzlll@hoetel-manager@pbeckn26 @novaspietro @s-we-e-t-t-ea@spideys-world @3louisee @lnmp89 @coffeeandcrimeshows @dreamsarecloserwithyou @danslamer-eternelle @mayleenicole5676
feedback is always welcomed
help me with my laptop or buy me a coffee? thank youuu
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linkspooky · 1 year
Wait, if DC Comics is your passion, why is Spider-Man your favorite superhero (I mean, I know why but)? Is that allowed under federal law?
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If you think about it, Batman and Spiderman are essentially the same character:
They became a super hero and fought crime after the death of a family member to a random street mugger.
They are relatively small time, they only fight crime in their cities it's New York City for Peter, and Gotham City (which is basically New York or Jersey) for Batman. They're not really trying to save the world, they are fighting for one city. If you want someone to fight a world ending threat you call superman.
They're not physical contenders, they rely on stealth, their intelligence, and the gadgets they create in order to win fights. Spiderman swings around on webs yeah, but his web spinners are gadgets he made himself. Spider's only real superpowers are enhanced strength, a spidey sense, and the ability to cling to walls the rest are all gadgets he comes up with. You could say Batman flying around the world to learn martial arts is like the equivalent of Peter's enhanced strength.
The identity takes over their whole life. Batman cannot give up being batman even if the only way for him to settle down and be happy would be to live as Bruce Wayne. Peter's infamous for his terrible work life balance.
They have iconic rogue galleries (peter even has a femme fatalle thief he flirts with who dresses up like a cat). Their rogues galleries are usually more sympathetic and redeemable than other rogues and downright likable. Peter's most iconic enemy Green Goblin for example is his childhood best friend's dad (and sometimes Harry).
They are just one dude and their allies trying to fix the crime for an entire city, and this wears them down a lot. Their strongest trait isn't even their super powers, it's their determination. One of Spiderman's most iconic scenes ever is when a whole warehouse building falls down on top of him and he just... lifts it up not because he's that strong but because he literally has to it's sheer determination and grit.
Then what is the main difference? Bruce Wayne is rich, and Spiderman cannot pay rent. Therefore, Spiderman is inherently the better hero.
As for why I like Spiderman despite not liking Marvel comics much there are two reasons. First, Spiderman doesn't really work when he's interacting with the wider marvel universe, he really is at his best when he's just staying in New York. He's literally called the "Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman" he should not be fighting Thanos. Batman at least, fits into the DC universe. He is friends with Superman and Wonderwoman. His first sidekick Dick Grayson graduated from him and went on to run the Teen Titans. Batman often does a bunch of magical adventures on top of his noir stuff in Gotham. Second, Marvel comics just kind of DOES NOT LIKE Spiderman.
Here's my example of this, the banner image I used for this post. Peter Parker and Mary Jane. This is my favorite superhero ship of all time, Peter Parker growing up together with Mary Jane, going through other relationships and learning from them, and then finally when he's mature enough getting together with Mary Jane to "Face it tiger, you just hit the Jackpot." It's such a beautiful relationship and arc for his character and Marvel just UNDID ALL OF IT to keep Peter single because that's more marketable.
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Marvel is just never going to let Peter grow up, so him being a part of the marvel universe is actively to his deficit. I know this is kind of a problem for Batman too, but DC at least occaisonally lets characters grow up. Superman settled down and married Lois Lane and had a son. Dick Grayson was allowed to grow up and become Nightwing. Wally West kid flash, grew up and became Flash for a long time. DC generally does let characters grow up and pass on the mantle. Peter Parker could totally just grow up and let other people be spiderman (that's literally the whole concept, anyone can be spiderman, miles is right there and Into The Spiderverse is the best Spiderman movie) they just won't.
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imagine-that-fanfics · 10 months
Never let go of hope PT.5
Okay so I changed my mind I'm posting this today too, lets say its to make up the fact I disappeared for a good while, it still wont let me do the color text in the last part for some reason but has let me do it on this one hopefully I'll figure it out Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 6
We walked along the path I had let Henry know to take, it had became nightfall quicker than usual and I knew that Peter was behind it and I also knew that walking through Neverland at night was not a smart idea so I stopped and turned to the others “alright we should rest for the night” Regina didn’t look too happy about that “we are not resting we are going to keep looking for my son” the blonde piped up “our son” “our son and we are getting off this island”  I wasn't too keen on her tone, it annoyed me and I had dealt with enough today “look I’ve been here for as long as I can remember and I know what dangers there are on this island so if I say we are resting then we’re resting” I snapped, Hook and Bae were shocked, I didn’t blame them I’m never like this, unless it was towards enemies Hook then spoke up “whoa love, you know I think you’ve picked up on some of Pans traits over the years without you knowing it” I glared up at him “shut up, that’s not true at all, I am nothing like that side of him, don't ever say that again” Bae interjected changing the subject “I think we should stop for now if (Y/N) says its not safe then I believe her, she knows what she’s talking about” they all looked at each other for a moment then reluctantly agreed to stop and I gave Bae a small smile in thanks.
After settling down I decided to take some time to think, I walked out to a spot in the surrounding area just outside the makeshift camp. I found a fallen log took a seat and gave out a deep sigh. Lost in thought I didn't hear the person who was approaching, I was startled when the other woman in the group who had short black hair sat down beside me and spoke “Hi, I’m Snow White, you can call me Snow” I smiled at her “nice to meet you” she smiled at me then her facial expression changed slightly I could tell she had some thing on her mind "is something wrong?" “May I ask? What did Hook mean by listening to your heart?” I sighed Knowing eventually someone would bring up Hooks stupid remarks, I looked out into the forest with a sad smile “he means that despite everything Pan has done I still saw good in Peter that maybe, hopefully he'd change that he'd become the person that I thought he could be" I let out another sigh and turned to face Snow "But I'm afraid that's never going to happen now” her face had softened a little after hearing what I had to say. “Why’s that?” I looked down at the ground still processing what transpired earlier on “he threatened to kill me… He’s never done that before… The thing is even after that a part of me still has hope, I still believe in him… And that makes my death even more possible… I suppose at least if I died it would save Henry” she looked at me in confusion and I smiled deciding not to let her know everything just yet “lets just say I have something he wants” I could tell she wanted to know more but she must have that it was best to leave it for the time being so she stood and began to leave headed back to the camp while I stayed to think things over more.
"Look I don't care what you say, I don't trust her" "Regina come on!, she's my friend, she's the one that helped me get off this godforsaken island the first time I was brought here and she even said herself she got Henry out of that camp and pointed him in our direction" Regina scoffed "please, you heard Hook she's his little pet it was a long time ago you were here last, who's to say she isn't part of Pans little sadistic game, and why only show Henry the way and not actually bring him to us herself?" "because I thought that if I let him go by himself and went back to camp I could divert Peter somehow and give Henry more time to get to you but unfortunately they noticed the lack of Henry's presence a lot quicker than I anticipated" I say as I make my way back through the trees to the camp. "And Peter and I's relationship isn't like that okay, never has" and never will, I think to myself. "look I know why you don't like him and why you would question my help but trust me when I say, I will get Henry back to you and he will be safe I promise, and I don't break my promises... Right Hook?" I turn to him and h seemed startled to have been brought into the conversation "u-uh Right yeah" the other man in the group who had been keeping to himself mostly coughed then spoke up "look lets just get some rest, it's late and not only do we need to find henry, we need to find Gold and Tink before we leave" Everyone agreed and went to there own selected area. I climbed up one of the near by trees hoping that I got at least some sleep although I knew I'd be up most of the night.
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padfootagain · 1 year
Because We Are Made of Dreams (III)
Chapter 3 : Confessions
Hi everyone! Here I come with a new chapter for this fic! Still setting up stuff, we learn a few new things about my OC, Sirius is growing increasingly fond of her…
I hope you like this chapter! Tell me what you think!
Pairings: Sirius Black x Original Female Character + Jily
Warnings for this chapter: None! Just cute and… nothing particular, really, just setting things into motion.
Warnings for the series: graphic depictions of violence and torture, graphic depiction and mentions of child abuse, mature themes.
Summary: The Marauders come back to Hogwarts to begin their sixth year there, and many things will change for them during these coming months. Outside the safety of their school, the world is growing darker. Inside the Castle, they'll find both new friends and enemies.
Word Count: 5896
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Clara was about to commit a murder.
Never before had she thought about ending someone else’s life, but the more time ticked by, the more appealing this idea became.
She checked the time once more, and took her final decision: Lily was a dead woman.
Her and Liam had been together for a mere week, and Clara already wanted to commit manslaughter. But maybe, instead of killing her friend she could kill the boyfriend instead. Yes, that sounded much better to cut his tanned throat… how could she get away with it though?
She heaved a sigh, and rested her forehead on the table. The library was quiet, despite the early hour of the afternoon. There were quite many students around her, studying hard, even if the year was merely beginning. Any other day, Clara would have found the atmosphere soothing, surrounded by books and quiet whispers. But she was too annoyed for that.
In over five years of friendship, Clara had never seen Lily being late. Never. But all of a sudden, she had a boyfriend, and then Clara was forgotten. She closed her eyes, letting out another annoyed sigh.
How typical…
"Usually, libraries are for reading or studying, not napping. You know that, don't you?"
Clara jumped at the sound of a voice right by her table. She looked up to discover Sirius, a smile full of mischief painted on his handsome features.
"I wasn't sleeping, I was waiting," she answered, smiling back, although she couldn’t hide her irritation.
"Waiting? For what?"
"For whom. Lily."
Sirius nodded, clearly amused by now.
"Ah, I see! Now that she’s in a happy relationship with Super-Tan, she leaves you behind, right?"
Clara struggled to laugh discreetly.
"I'm definitely stealing this nickname from you. It fits Liam quite well.”
"Feel free to use it. This guy’s most definitely using some kind of spell to get that tan all year-round.”
“I’m suspecting he’s using some Muggle beauty products, actually.”
“Really? Even better!”
They both laughed, although they remained quiet. In the shy whispers that shook the library, even a breathy laughter was too loud.
“Why did the two of you had to meet here?” Sirius asked her, still standing by her table, pushing a strand of his long hair behind his ear.
"Work on the Transfiguration essay,” she answered with a wince.
"Maybe I can help you with that," Sirius offered with a happy smile, and Clara was quite surprised that he would make her such an offer. He even looked excited about it, that was definitely unexpected…
"Don't worry about me, she'll come, eventually," the girl reassured him. “I don’t want to bother you.”
Sirius merely shrugged.
"It's okay. I'm quite good at Transfiguration. And it wouldn’t bother me at all."
Before she could answer, he was taking the sit opposite her, opening his bag and taking out a quill, a piece of parchment and his Transfiguration textbook.
"It's really nice of you," she thanked him.
He shrugged again, starting to write.
"I'll have to do it sooner or later anyway," he answered nonchalantly.
"Where are the boys?" she asked him as she opened her own book and searched for the right chapter. “Aren’t you expected somewhere?”
"Peter is snoring in the dorms. James is with Remus."
"Is Remus okay?"
He took a careful glance at her before focusing on his book again. But she seemed genuinely worried now. Still, he was cautious with his choice of words when he spoke again.
"Sure. Why wouldn't he be?"
She rolled her eyes.
"Merlin! We all already know, Black!"
He stared intensely at her, and she felt like his grey eyes could pierce right through her.
"What do you think you know exactly?"
"I can read a moon chart. We figured it out almost two years ago."
He propped up an eyebrow, but in a flash his expression had changed and he looked preoccupied, his brow furrowed.
"And you didn't tell anyone?"
"Of course not. I'm not stupid."
"Who else knows?"
"Only the five of us."
"Merlin! And you're okay with it?"
Clara narrowed her eyes at him, looking almost offended.
"Remus is probably the sweetest guy in this school, Black. Of course, I don't care. None of us cares. As long as he doesn't try to devour us in our sleep, all is fine."
Sirius looked very surprised, but not that worried anymore.
"So, is he okay? The full moon was yesterday, wasn't it?" Clara asked again.
Sirius nodded, heaving a sigh, and he seemed much more worried now, tired as well, as if he had stopped hiding a burden he had to carry.
"It was a rough one, that's why he missed class this morning."
"Poor Remus. Of all people, why did it have to be him? He's so kind."
She heavily sighed, before shaking herself. Sirius kept staring at her, thinking hard, studying her and weighing the risks that her knowing his friend’s secret involved. But then again, if she had known for two years and said nothing, he reckoned that she wasn’t that dangerous, after all.
There was a ray of sunshine coming in from the nearby window falling right onto their table. It shone upon Sirius’s features, photons caught in his dark hair. He had dark bags under his eyes though, a five-hour shadow on his jaw and his eyes were reddened by his lack of sleep. Clara seemed to finally notice how tired he looked.
"You don't seem to have slept a lot yourself," she pointed out.
He smiled mischievously again.
"You don't want to hear about that, Clearwater."
She couldn't refrain a disgusted look, before hiding her reaction behind her book, and Sirius narrowed his eyes.
"What did I say?" he asked her.
"Nothing," she lied.
"Come on. What's wrong?"
Sirius stayed silent for a while, still staring at her, looking for a reason behind her strange behaviour. He rolled his eyes when he guessed.
"I didn't spend my night shagging anyone if that’s what you've understood."
She looked at him over her book.
"It's not like I care, really," she justified herself, clearly embarrassed, her cheeks on fire, "it's just that I find the idea of you shagging someone in the Castle, where I could actually go, really disgusting. One thing is for sure, I could never enter a classroom again if I knew you were spending your nights there with some girl or boy..."
Sirius laughed hard, drawing scowls towards them from several tables. She shushed him, giggling herself.
"Well, you can go to McGonagall's class tomorrow safely," he teased.
"If I finish this essay that is."
"Of course," he chuckled again.
"So, how do you do this spell?"
She showed him a complicated incantation used to turn a howl into a galleon. The sun was hitting the old page, the stained glass on the upper part of the window colouring the parchment in blue and pink.
"This one is not the best to make this transfiguration actually," Sirius answered with a slight frown as he read through the page.
He took her book and looked for the right page, focused and thus paying no attention to his surroundings. Meanwhile, Clara was patiently waiting, but got distracted by the sound of giggles coming from the other side of the shelves set behind her.
"So, are you going to come see the try-outs?" asked one of the girls.
"Of course! The Gryffindor boys are so gorgeous!"
Clara rolled her eyes, now fully focused on the conversation while Sirius struggled with the pages.
"Their captain is so hot!" said another.
"Well, I'll go for Black personally, he's perfect..."
Clara rolled her eyes again, annoyed, and Sirius chose this very moment to look up at her, having finally managed to find the right spell. He frowned hard. She seemed… annoyed…
"Sorry if I'm so boring," he said, quite hurt.
"Sorry, what?" Clara asked, focusing on him again.
"I said: sorry if I'm so boring. You can tell me if you don't want me to stay."
"What?! That's..."
She finally understood.
"Oh, no! I'm sorry. You're not annoying at all. It's the group of girls behind us. They're talking about the Quidditch try-outs. Listen."
They both focused on the girls' conversation.
"Dearborn is handsome too."
"You can't compare him to Black, I mean... This man, is so bloody gorgeous!"
Sirius raised an eyebrow, trying not to laugh and biting on his lower lip in the process.
"You're right, I'll go for Black, one hundred percent."
"Yeah, but you know how he is with girls..."
"Who cares, really! If I could be thrown in a cupboard with him, sign me up, at any cost."
"She's right, you're mad!"
"I think I still prefer Dearborn."
"Bullshit," Sirius suddenly let out.
He and Clara looked at each other, before bursting into laughter, choking as they struggled to remain quiet.
"Do you think they know you're here?" Clara asked him as she was finally able to breathe again.
He shook his head.
"I don't think so. Are they annoying you?"
"Well, sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not one of your groupies. And I think they're kind of idiots, really."
He grinned at her, his eyes full of mischief.
"All right then, give me a sec!"
Before she could say anything, Sirius had stood up and was heading towards the girls behind Clara. Her eyes wide, the Gryffindor turned on her chair and managed to glimpse at two of the girls, visible between the rows of books. One was from Ravenclaw, the other from Gryffindor, they seemed to be in their fifth year. Sirius approached their table and the girls went completely still as they recognised him. Wearing his most seductive smile, the boy leaned casually against the shelf.
"Hey, girls! Sorry to interrupt, but I'm trying to study right on the other side of this shelf with a friend, and you're talking too loudly for her, she can't focus. Could you lower the volume a bit, please?"
His voice was low and sweet, and the girls literally melted upon their chairs.
"Of course, we're sorry," answered the Gryffindor, barely breathing, her eyes wide.
"No problem, bye!"
Clara was biting her fist hard to stop herself from laughing too loudly. The second Sirius sat down and caught her amused eyes, he was gone for. They were laughing so much for a while that they couldn't look at each other, or they would burst into laughter again. It lasted long minutes, and several students looked at them with disapproving smiles as they passed by their table.
"You're crazy!" Clara admonished him, wiping the tears from her face.
"That was so funny!" he replied, drying his cheeks with his sleeves too. "Have you seen their faces?!"
They were gone laughing again for a while, holding their painful sides, choking as they tried to be as silent as possible.
Clara’s stomach was so painful… she reckoned she hadn’t laughed that much in months…
"The Transfiguration essay," she finally managed to articulate, clearing her throat, but averting her eyes far away from Sirius, knowing that the mere sight of him would make her explode again.
Sirius cleared his throat too, and finally helped her with the spell.
They worked quite quickly together, and less than an hour later, they had both finished their essay. It was still sunny outside when they closed their books and put away their homework, although the sky was turning from bright blue to pale gold.
"Do you have anything else to work on?" Sirius asked her.
"I'm done for tonight,” she answered with a shake of her head. “Thank you for your help! You really are quite good at Transfiguration."
Sirius smirked, and there was something mischievous in his eyes too when he held her stare, but she didn’t get what it meant, and he didn’t say a word.
"You're welcome. It was quite fun!"
They walked out of the library together, joking and laughing and smiling. And it felt nice, exciting.
The more time he spent with her, the more Sirius enjoyed Clara’s company.
"Where are you going now?" she asked once they were in the corridor, leaving whispering behind and speaking with her usual tone again. “To get yourself in trouble, I bet!”
"No, not today,” he chuckled. “I’ll go check on Remus, he must be back in the dorm by now. You?"
"I'll take a walk, I think. It’s not that late, and the weather is nice. Better enjoy it while it lasts. Autumn in Scotland is always a mess!"
Sirius seemed to think for a moment, eyes set onto hers. He tilted his head to the side a little, weighing options, before he would offer her a bright smile.
"Would you mind if I came with you? You’re right, it’s nice outside, I’d love to take a walk too."
She grinned at him.
"No, of course not! Come on! I know just the place!"
They headed towards the grounds, remaining silent until they reached the shores of the lake. Indeed, the sun was still warm enough to make their walk pleasant, and only a shy breeze disturbed the dark waters before them. In the distance, Hagrid’s hut was puffing a white smoke by its chimney. It was slow, leisurely, soothing… With no more sounds than the regular movement of water and wind passing through tall branches.
They sat against a tall oak and enjoyed the sight of the sinking sun setting the sky on fire and lighting up the water with golden shades. Clara took out a notebook and some pencils from her bag, and she started to draw, humming softly to herself.
"I didn't know you liked drawing," Sirius finally said, a small smile playing on his lips that was, perhaps, a little too fond.
"I love drawing, I spend much of my free time surrounded with pencils and paper,” she answered with a chuckle. “Does that bother you if I…”
“No, no! On the contrary, that’s nice! I have no talent whatsoever for it.”
“What about you, then? Any hobby? Besides preparing pranks, I mean…”
He smiled mischievously, wiggling his eyebrows to make her laugh, and he easily succeeded. He was more serious when he answered her question, though.
She shook her head, amused.
"I should have known."
"You don't like Quidditch yourself?"
"I do like Quidditch actually. I think I'll come to the try-outs this year."
Sirius propped up an eyebrow.
"Really? Which position?"
Sirius choked, trying to hold back a laugh.
"I can fly, you know?" she replied, failing to hide the hurt expression that came to her face.
"I don’t doubt that but… Are you sure you've got enough strength to be a Beater? You should rather try for Chaser. I bet you're fast."
But Clara shook her head.
"No, I want to play Beater."
"Well then, we'll see how you do on Saturday, I guess."
"Get ready to be surprised."
"Something tells me that I will be!"
They smiled at each other, and Clara focused on her drawing again. Silence settled around them, but it was comfortable and warm, and none of them minded. They merely enjoyed each other’s company while the sun made the sky redden.
After a while, Clara finally spoke again, her voice quite shy.
"Can I ask you something?"
"I... I know it's probably none of my business, but... Why was your brother so cold with you the other day?"
Sirius shifted, clearly uncomfortable.
"I'm sorry, it's none of my business," she added quickly as she was noticing his reaction. "Never mind."
He looked at her for a while, trying to decide if he should answer or not. A part of him was choosing the safest option, as always, and ordering him to keep his mouth shut. But another seemed willing to talk, and it was strange, unfamiliar. They didn’t know each other that much, even if they got along. And yet, there was this feeling in his chest, this aura about her… And Sirius wanted to tell her. For once, he did want to open his mouth, and let it all out.
Would she give him that look of pity he often received when he opened up, though? He would hate that. He would hate it if she gave him this look…
But then again, she was blushing now, clearly looking for something to say that would make him feel more comfortable again, and that was incredibly nice of her. He wasn’t used to that. To people being delicate with him and his feelings. It was nice though, it made him answer without really being willing to do so.
"It's quite complicated, with my family."
"Why?" she asked, looking up at him again.
"Many reasons."
She took just a quick glimpse at his expression, at the sudden clenching of his jaw, and the sadness that dulled the grey in his eyes. She nodded, offering him a kind smile.
"You don't have to answer, if you don't want to talk about it,” she reassured him. “I didn't know it was complicated for you to talk about your family. I shouldn't have asked in the first place. It’s none of my business."
He let out a breathy laugh, shaking his head, resting his forearms on his knees and holding his left wrist with his right hand. He lost his gaze on the lake, alit with burning lights.
Damn, that was exactly the right thing to say. And now, he wanted to say it all out loud…
He took a deep breath before diving though. The words were as heavy as lead on his tongue, but it felt good to let them out all the same. He hadn’t talked about all this to anyone but the boys.
"The thing is, I'm not part of the family anymore."
"What do you mean?" Clara asked with a frown, putting down her paper and pencils on the grass, right next to her bag, giving Sirius her full attention.
"I ran away last summer."
She stared at him, her eyes wide.
"You ran away? But... Why? Where did you go?"
"I went to the Potters'. They've always treated me like a son. They took me in without a hesitation, gave me a home..."
"Why did you run away?"
His throat tightened; he chose his words carefully. Because he didn’t want her to run away. Because it was painful, still, to talk about all this.
"I don't share my family's point of view upon many subjects and… one night I had enough. So, I took my things, and walked out."
"You ran away because you disagreed with your family? It must have been about quite important subjects..."
He shifted again. The conversation was heading in a direction he clearly didn't like, but it was too late to go back now. She patiently waited for him to speak again, and he was thankfully for it.
"They're all in the pure-blood mania, you know?” he answered in a breathy tone, looking at her once more. “And I'm not. I don't care that people are muggleborns or half-bloods, or muggles even. They're still people, end of story. I didn't fit in the familial mantra, evidently."
"I see," she answered.
He looked at the lake once more, but Clara guessed that he wasn't seeing it anymore. It was too hard to look into her green eyes though. They were too warm, too welcoming, too reassuring… he wasn’t used to that. It was still a struggle to him, to accept to be looked upon with kindness.
He cleared his throat before speaking once more. And maybe his confession went too far, but he didn’t really mind. That ought to mean something, right?
"I don't want the life they have designed for me," he continued, his gaze still lost upon the burning lake. "I don't want to get married with a cousin to have a pure-blood marriage. I don't want to marry someone because a bunch of pure-blood maniacs have decided that I should, even if I will never love her. I don't believe in the pure-blood supremacy in any way, and I have never accepted to keep my mouth shut about it in front of them all. I've never been the perfect soldier, quite the contrary actually. I'm a stranger to them, really… and my brother is the perfect son next to me. He entered Slytherin like everyone has done in my family since the school opened, and I was sorted into Gryffindor. He bends to all their manners and masks, and I always blow up sooner or later. He has accepted his arranged marriage, and shares the family idea that pure-bloods are worth more than other people; and I rejected the girl they had chosen for me and I'm friends with muggleborns, half-bloods and pure-bloods alike. We're quite different my brother and I, and I think he took the fact that I ran away personally, as if I was leaving him, and not my parents. And then again… I’ve spent many years protecting him from our parents. Now that I’m gone, it must be harder for him. So, you can see why it is quite tensed between us."
He smiled sadly, a pain badly hidden on his features. Meanwhile, Clara was speechless. What could she answer? She had always thought he was a prat and an idiot. She knew he was a pure-blood, and though she had never cared about it, she had always thought he must have been something of a spoiled child, really, with too much money and gifts and worship from his parents to be a good person in the end. But she had been wrong all along. He had evidently suffered a lot, and she could guess, even if he didn’t say it out loud, that he hadn’t been truly loved in his family. She didn’t know to which extent though. She couldn’t have imagined what he had gone through. Still, tears formed on the corners of her eyes.
"I didn't know..."
Her words stayed stuck in her throat. He shook himself, finally setting his eyes away from the burning water, to focus on her again.
"Oh, never mind that, I'm fine,” he offered her a reassuring smile. “Let's change the subject, okay? How is your drawing going on?"
She chuckled, shaking her head, and picked up her notebook once more. She had hardly drawn anything.
"I'm not very productive, actually."
He let out a laugh, that sounded much like a bark, while she picked up a pencil again and drew a colourful line across the white paper.
"I'm talking too much clearly, you can't focus!"
"It's okay, I like talking with you."
He kept on looking at her as she was drawing again.
"You're not as stupid and horrible as I thought you were," she added, narrowing her eyes as she was focusing on her page. "Or maybe you grew up a bit, which helped."
He laughed again.
"I may have grown up, that's true. If it means anything to you, you're not as boring and uptight as I thought you were."
She laughed too.
"Thanks, that's quite nice. But I've always been kind of the reckless one of the girls, you don't have the excuse of any changes on my part for not having noticed it before."
"But I was stupid and horrible before, remember?"
She laughed again, and he found her laugh quite beautiful indeed... infectious… it was enough to make him smile.
"I'd better go check on Remus,” he finally added with a sigh. “I was supposed to replace James more than an hour ago, he's going to kill me."
He got up, and threw his bag upon his shoulder.
"I'd love to see this drawing of yours when you're finished, if you don't mind," Sirius added before he would leave.
She looked up at him and grinned.
"Sure, I'll show you."
"Great. See you later, Clearwater."
He started to walk away, but she called him back.
"What if we ate together tonight, Sirius?”
He smiled at the use of his first name. He liked it, the way she said it, it sounded softer when she was the one speaking it out loud.
He turned back towards her, shooting her a wink and a crooked smile, while still walking backwards towards the Castle.
“Sure, that would be nice! See you tonight, Clara!”
He turned towards the Castle again, grinning, heading for the dormitory where James was undoubtedly waiting for him with a death sentence.
Meanwhile, Clara was smiling as she kept on drawing. She quite enjoyed the way he said her name…
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"Padfoot, you were supposed to come back more than an hour ago! A bloody, fucking hour ago!"
And here was the expected death sentence. Merlin...
Sirius rolled his eyes, throwing his bag by his bed.
"Where were you?" asked Peter, looking up from the magazine he was reading.
"With Clara," Sirius answered casually. "We were working on the Transfiguration essay.”
Sirius sat on his bed and took off his shoes, ignoring Remus’s raised eyebrow and James’s glare. He untied his tie too and threw it in his trunk.
“You were studying? With Clara? Nothing in this makes any sense…” Remus mumbled, letting his head fall back onto his pillow, exhausted.
“Very funny,” Sirius answered wryly. “Next time you need help in Charms, go fuck yourself.”
“How come you were with Clara?” Peter asked, disregarding his magazine completely now.
“I bumped into her while she was waiting for Lily in the Library. But Lily didn’t show, so I helped her instead. And I also completed my own essay!”
“I’ve been waiting for you for an hour,” James replied through gritted teeth, throwing his pillow at his friend, still mad. “Next time, I’ll turn you into a slug and leave you outside to be eaten by some bird…”
“Thanks, Prongs. I love you too.”
Sirius let himself fall back on his bed before turning towards Remus again.
"By the way, I now have some information that will interest you, Moony. So, you'd better be nice to me if you want me to tell you what I've just learned."
Remus was lying on his bed, his blanket up to his chin, still shaking with fever. He sighed and rubbed his eyes, annoyed.
"Padfoot, I'm really not in the mood for any kind of joke or gossips right now. I'm still terribly sick from last night, in case you hadn't noticed."
But Sirius merely smiled.
"Did you know that they know?"
Remus slowly averted his eyes on Sirius’s, and they grew round as he read in his friend’s grey stare that he had perfectly understood what he meant… He suddenly was even paler than before.
"What do you mean?" the boy asked slowly, needing confirmation anyway.
Meanwhile, James and Peter exchanged a worried glance, standing up from their own beds to get closer to their friends. James leaned against Sirius’s bedframe while Peter took a seat on the edge of Remus’s mattress.
"The girls know you're a werewolf, Clara asked me how you were feeling,” Sirius answered matter-of-factly. “They guessed over two years ago, apparently."
Remus tightly closed his eyes, while the two other Marauders seemed more than worried now.
"But they’ve never talked about it!" said James, his brow furrowed.
"Nope, clearly they don't care,” Sirius reassured them, lifting his arms to rest his hands behind his head, before he would turn to Remus again. “When I asked Clara what they thought about it, she answered that you, my friend, were the sweetest guy in this school, and that as long as you were not attacking them at night, they didn't give a damn."
The boys looked at each other, before bursting into laughter, although not all traces of worry were gone from their features just yet.
"Merlin! I had no idea they knew," said Remus, shaking his head in disbelief.
"Well, they do."
The four friends kept on chatting for a while, until it was time for dinner, as Peter’s loud stomach reminded the group.
Sirius sighed, exhausted, and put on his shoes again. James helped Remus to get out of bed.
"Are you sure you don't want us to get you something?" asked Peter.
"No, I'm fine," answered Remus, standing straighter despite his fatigue and painful muscles. "And I reckon I should have a conversation with the girls."
They headed together for the Great Hall, although they took their time to walk there, unwilling to let Remus hurry in his tired state. Many students were already eating, but they did find some empty spots around the Gryffindor table next to Lily, Marlene, Dorcas and Alice. The Hall was busy and loud, the magical sky above their hands matching the starry night outside.
The girls were discussing Lily's date with Liam that had occurred earlier that evening when the Marauders joined them.
"He's such a sweetheart," sighed Marlene dreamily.
"He is," confirmed Lily.
James wisely stopped listening, but the conversation was over anyway, and so he didn't have to suffer more descriptions of Lily's perfect date with Super-Tan.
"Where is Clara?" asked Remus.
He barely touched any of his food, and the mere sight of meat was making him feel nauseous, but he needed to make sure the girls would not say anything to anyone about his secret.
"No idea," answered Alice with a shrug, taking a bite of her potato.
"She must still be at the Lake," answered Sirius, his mouth full with roasted chicken.
Lily furrowed her brow.
"How would you know?"
"I saw her in the library, where she was waiting for you to make her Transfiguration essay."
Lily's eyes grew wide.
"It was tonight?"
"I'm afraid it was," Sirius nodded with an amused smile.
"Oh, no! I totally forgot, I was sure it was tomorrow!"
She buried her head in her hands and closed her eyes.
"I suck as a friend."
"You just have a boyfriend, Lils, it's normal."
The girl jumped while Clara was laughing at her, standing right behind her friend. She smiled at Lily, taking the seat next to her, facing Sirius.
"Oh God, Clara, I'm so sorry!" the redhead apologized again.
"Don't be, it's okay. I got help anyway."
She pointed at Sirius, whom answered with a smile, trying to swallow his mouthful of bread. Lily didn’t seem fully convinced, but she smiled anyway and was about to resume her dinner when Remus cleared his throat. All turned to him. He seemed… uncomfortable, all of a sudden. Nervous, even.
"Girls, Sirius told me you... knew. About me... and… my secret."
The four girls looked at each other at first, but they quickly aimed accusatory glares towards Clara.
"What?" the girl asked innocently.
"You told him we knew?" asked Marlene in disbelief.
"I… not exactly… I told Sirius. Who apparently told Remus…"
"Why?" asked Lily.
"Why not?"
"Shit, Clara," replied Alice, shaking her head.
"What?! We don't even care."
"He shouldn't have learned we knew that way," explained Dorcas.
"Oh, come on, you're making a scene out of nothing right now, really."
"No, we're not!"
"Yes, you are!"
"Clara, we should have told him directly!"
"Lils, it doesn't matter really."
Clara turned her attention back to Remus, who’s wide eyes revealed how lost he was. He wasn’t sure if he ought to laugh or be terrified by the whole thing…
"We guessed two years ago,” Clara explained. “We don't care, and won't say anything to anyone. You don't have to worry about that."
"You're sure it's okay?" asked Remus, surprised.
"Of course, it's fine Remus," Lily reassured him, smiling kindly. "We don't care."
Remus sighed heavily, clearly relieved, his tensed shoulders visibly relaxing.
"Right then, I guess it's alright as long as you don't say anything to anyone."
"We won't, don't worry," Alice reassured him too.
"But why didn't you tell me anything?"
"We figured out that it was best if it came from you," explained Lily. "But as Clara can't keep her mouth shut..."
"I'm the one who should be angry tonight, not you Lils," Clara reminded her friend, adding some dramatic tone to her voice that made the Marauders chuckle. "I'm the one who was left abandoned in the library, when her best friend was snogging a boy in a dark corner."
Lily blushed hard and bent her head above her plate.
"We didn't snog."
Clara rolled her eyes, but didn't add anything. Facing her, Sirius was fighting his urge to let out a proper laugh. He felt like it was time to change the subject, so he cleared his throat and turned towards James.
"By the way, Clara wants to go to the try-outs on Saturday."
"Really?" asked James, suddenly terribly interested in the conversation.
"Yep! I'm finally coming this year. Marlene too, by the way."
"No, I'm not," replied Marlene, sending a look full of warning to Clara.
"Yes, you are," Lily fought back. "You love Quidditch, Marls! And as Clara is doing it, you should do it too."
“Marls, that would be awesome!” Dorcas nodded, overexcited. “We would play together! That would be amazing! I would finally stop being the only girl on the team… you’ve got to come to the try-outs!”
"Of course, you should!" James encouraged her.
Sirius nodded enthusiastically too.
"Which position will you try? Chaser I guess," added James.
"Marlene yes. I'm trying for Beater," answered Clara.
James propped up an eyebrow.
"Are you sure you're strong enough to be a Beater?" asked Peter.
Clara rolled her eyes.
"I'm not that fragile, I can fly and hit a Bludger with a bat. Yes, I'm strong enough, and yes, I'm sure I want to try for the position of Beater."
James shrugged.
"We'll see how you do on Saturday then."
"We'll see indeed."
It was a little strange still to chat like this with the Marauders, to laugh together and have full conversations with the whole group; strange, but nice all the same. That evening, once again, neither James nor Lily got upset, they even laughed together a couple of times.
After their dinner, they walked back to the Tower together, still chatting. As they entered the Common Room, about to break their large group and head for their dorms, Clara held Sirius back for a second.
"You said you wanted to see my drawing when it was done. Here you go!"
She took a piece of paper out of her bag and handed it to him. He unfolded it, and his mouth fell open as he was looking at a moving drawing of the Lake. A gentle breeze was making the trees sway, the lake and the sky were on fire and burning clouds were drifting slowly across the bright sky. It was beautiful.
"Merlin, Clara! You're really good at this!"
"You think so?" she asked shyly.
"Of course! It's amazing!"
She grinned, and shook her head as he was handing it back to her.
"You can keep it."
"You're sure?"
"Of course, I have hundreds of drawings of the Lake. Keep this one."
"Thank you. Good night, Clara."
"Good night, Sirius!"
They both headed to their dormitories, and Sirius put safely her drawing in his Transfiguration textbook. He was exhausted, and closed his curtains to sleep early, a grin on his face as he peacefully drifted away.
Taglist: @reg-arcturus-black @hells-escapees
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