#yknow. like i don't have to hide this from them any more
remylong · 17 days
tatimaxxing (something big just happened to me but i can't talk about it on this blog because ive posted face)
#my friend's in the hospital again so i spent 20 on an uber with my other friend to go see her#but by the time we got there visiting hours were over 😭#so we just had dinner at the park#and i told her about The Big Terrible Thing for the first time#straight through without embellishment! yay! i think at least#because ive retold the story in so many different ways that im not actually sure what happened anymore#she was like super chill about it though!! and was like im really impressed that you actively made an effort to not be [REDACTED]#not really what she said more like Making An Effort to No Longer [Redacted]#redacted as an action not as a noun blah blah you know#and she told me about how shes faced discrimination at our super homogeneously chinese church which i feel REALLY BAD ABOUT BUT I DON'T KNOW#HOW TO EXPRESS IT TO HER OR WHAT TO SAY ABOUT IT 😭😭😭😭 GIRL HELP#im being so useless and chinese about it 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 i don't know how to talk to people about things that matter#and idk like ok v non-tatimaxxing of me to say but ive been so self centered and going Wahhh these normies will never experience my#Deep Secret Emotions unlockable only by spending too much time on tumblr as a child#on the other hand i feel like once this has gotten out of the way i don't really have an excuse for not connecting with my church friends#yknow. like i don't have to hide this from them any more#they're great people!! and they're going through so much and I need to be there for them but I couldn't even get tothe stupidhospital on tim#not cry typing just ran out of space#anyway I wish I could care more about them I wish I could make genuine connections without having to lie to feel some sort of weird#rush of power over them because I know the truth and they don't when I lie so much I don't even know what the truth is#I've been putting my face on here more lately because I want to be genuine and I want to not hide things#but idk if it'll work I think it might just make me unemployable 😭😭😭#cc diary
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jadeddangel · 3 months
Creepypast & Marble Hornets headcannons:
Jeff the Killer:
100% sneaks into your house/ room just to wake you up randomly to spook you
If he ever took you on a date it would 100% be to the cheapest cinema in town cause my man's is broke
Your the breadwinner, you can make $2 a month and still be the breadwinner
He buys axe body spray and sags his jeans like a middle school boy and you can't convince me otherwise
Opened a nesquick Powdered milk tub with a table saw cause he couldn't get him open
Doesn't know how to undo child proof locks on meds no matter how many times you explain it to him
"No Jeff your not listening. Press down and then turn it," your voice scolded
"I'm trying! Damn you woman!!" Jeff yelled back
Yea, he never opened the jar right
It started with you and Tim dating and then when you met masky you trying getting to know him
He ignores you at first, more focused on doing his job then dealing with his other half's lover
He's smart, he'll pick locks open jars and complete puzzles in no time flat
He doesn't make money but Tim does so indirectly he's the breadwinner
He'll start hanging out with you after getting tired of sleeping on the downstairs couch
He's not nice, like at all, he's very blunt and when it comes to any type of criticism, constructive or not, he's pointing out every miniscule flaw
Don't bother lying to him, he can see right through it and it pisses him off
It doesn't matter your gender or your sex. He's turning around when you change any form of your clothes. He's big on privacy
"Masky? C'mon masky, it's just a sweater you don't have to turn. I'm wearing a shirt underneath, " you sighed, pulling your sweater off
Masky shook his head. "I don't care sometimes you don't wear a shirt under them, and i don't wanna see your nipples," masky spoke bluntly
Yeaaaa, if you can't tell your sex life is totally (not) amazing with man
As I said before Tim has a job, he Linda needs it to pay for his smoking habits
Speaking of smoking, he hates when you do any kind of drugs, he doesn't want you to end up like he did
He's surprising clingy behind closed doors and really likes being your little spoon
He constantly takes showers and cleans your shared home, even if no one except for you, him and masky will see it.
He has this bad habit of just buying whatever he craves, so when he goes to the store, expect the bill to be rather high
As I said before he's clingy behind closed doors but when it comes to pda the most he'll do is lock your pinkies together
"Tim, pleaseeeee I just wanna hold your hand! Just five minutes, and if you don't like it, you don't have to keep holding my hand. " You tried to bargain
Tim sighed "fine fine but you're giving me your box of cigarettes. Don't think I didn't smell them on you"
He has a sharp nose, so there's no point in trying to hide things from him
Hoodie was beyond confused when he first met you, he had a whole "who what when where why?" Moment
You and brain both pay for everything so there's not really a breadwinner
Hoodie is rather quiet, it's not because he's awkward or shy, he just has nothing to say
Hoodie Hates coffee, he's more of a tea or energy drink guy
I hate to say this(no I dont), but he's a stoner, he hates all vape or smoking products except for weed
He usually sticks to weed vapes since it's less work and he can be a bit lazy when it comes to that
I mean his hygiene is ok he doesn't really shave or trim any thing but his beard but yknow he do him
Speaking of , he leaves his beard shavings all over the sink and leaves the toilet seat up
"HOODIE! GET YOUR BUTT IN HERE NOW" You shouted to get the man's attention
Hoodie walked in. "What?" He said monotonely
You pointed at the sink and then the toilet "pick up your fucking mess!!"
Hoodie shook his head "Nah I'm good. Thanks for the offer, though. "
You would probably try and beat him up if he couldn't just wollop our ass
He's such a sweet boy,it like he's made out of cotton candy
He's mostly did cleaning and cooking on top of his job but after switching back from hoodie, he's out of commission for like a week
He picks up after himself, and does his own laundry and there's never beard trimmings in the sink
He occasionally forgets to put the toilet seat down but it's rather rare
He's not too clingy but he does cuddle up sometimes
"Brian pleaseee get off!! It's the middle of summer! It's too hot to be cuddling" you huffed sleepily
"Shhh just let me hold you.." Brian muttered
Ticci Toby:
Your the breadwinner. Period
You think this man has a job? Hah funny
He hates when he tics especially when you are trying to have intimate moments together
You guys have to be silly during sex especially when he has a verbal tic and just yells bird
"Fuck toby right there~" you moaned out holding onto his shoulders tightly
"I'm so c-*whistles* shit sorry~" toby moaned out a bit embarrassed
"Toby it's ok it's normal~.." you muttered a bit trying to keep your voice even
Toby nodded "fuck I lov-Birds!" Toby shouted
You both looked at eachother before bursting out laughing just holding eachother close
Overall aside from Toby's horrible moodswings at times and his "work" you guys have a pretty helpful relationship
No, Just no
This man is toxic asf when you guys first meet, definitely a manipulator
He tones it down after a bit but still gaslights you into getting what he wants
When he gets angry, please down run from him- he will track you down and may or may not resort to physical violence to get you to learn your lesson
If you ask about the missing children he WILL gaslight you into thinking that's he's told you before and it hurts that you forgot and won't tell you again
Sex? What sex? You think he would let you even get close enought to see that shit happen hah very funny
"Slenderman? Cmon I'm sorry you know I didn't mean to hurt you.." you muttered softly
"No. I already told you, and you forgot.. it is insensitive of you and unwise of me to tell you again, " he responded through your mind. And though he doesn't have eyes, you could only assume he was glaring
He's not healthy for you, but you've got yourself into this for life and there's only 1 way to get out
Eyeless jack:
Just like Jeff he'll sneak into your room
You literally can't get rid of him
He won't talk or anything, just stand and stares
He doesn't cuddle and he barely touches you
He definitely tried to offer you a kidney as a way of telling you he appreciates you
No hygiene whatsoever, he doesn't shave and it takes a month before you even get him to shower
He mostly just grumbles and groans to let you know he understands what your saying
He's really smart, puzzles, locks ,and riddles are no match for him
He's blunt, when he does talk it's rare, bit it's honest and unfiltered
You guys barely have sex and honestly you've probably never seen his face
"Jack, please!! I just wanna see your face, " you whined, laying yourself over his lap
"I said no, and if you keep asking, I'll eat you. Literally, " Jack retorted
Yeaaaa he meant it literally and you could tell
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goldenn-moments · 1 year
things I need in young royals s3:
• "I love you" "I love you too"
• wille in the eriksson house, at home and at ease w at least simon and linda (maybe even Malin included??👀👀)
• simon in the palace, learning the crooks and crannies of the spots of the castle that wille found comfort in as a child (plus an awkward dinner w the in laws, hopefully followed by a royal bedroom scene, if yknow what I mean)
• rosh and ayub seeing wille again and simon being like "guys he's it for me" and the whole reconciliation that I'm sure will have to happen etc etc
• maddie becoming friends w simon and henry and walter being friendlier to simon, including him more - BASICALLY people at hillerska actually valuing simon for once, omfgs
• on the note of hillerska people, felice and simon teaming up to tease wille AT LEAST once. at least. they have so much material it would literally be criminal for them to not tease wille until he's giggling and red in the face
• more hand holding (so much. an obscene amount, actually)
• as edvin said, wille and simon smiling together
• sara redemption, but I kinda want that to be left open ended bc I doubt simon will forgive her all that easily (he will, inevitably. it's who he is. but he's put her first so many times, I want him to pit himself first for once)
• SIMON FINALLY ALLOWING SOMEONE (aka wille) TO FULLY COMFORT HIM AS HE BREAKS DOWN (I just want my boy to have a nice cry and then get all the hugs from wille)
• wille and simon being together in public and not giving a fuck (I mean, obvi they'll care abt being in the public eye. but they won't have to hide, and they'll revel in that, and that's what matters)
• on that note, also wilmon dramatic kiss (in the rain, after something intense happened, or when they're just horny as fuck I DONT CARE. just give me intense wilmon kisses I can use for edits please and thank)
• more exploration into simons family life (which I think we'll get w the sara arc, however they take it), like giving linda more screen time and bc they're probably gonna bring micke back, someone defending simon from micke if he needs it
• wille telling simon abt erik (and maybe even flashbacks??)
• august getting what's fucking coming to him
• wille AND simon breaking the fourth wall (preferably in the beginning of the first ep, bc I kinda want it to end w them walking away from us. but I'd be so down for the series ending w them both smiling at us)
• a look into how the public is reacting - ngl I wanna see the social media comments, the articles, their friends dissing those who are slandering them and at the same time showing them all the public support (I know) they're getting
• far fetched, but maybe a scene where wille and simon are having a Moment (maybe with simon in the palace👀👀) and krissy accidentally sees it and starts to finally fucking understand that taking simon away/denying him is taking away/denying her only remaining son's happiness (I imagine this taking place after an awkward dinner w the in laws)
• a celebration/party scene where wilmon are together and don't have to stare at each other from across a room or hide somewhere in order to be together
• wille defending simon (against their fellow hillerska students, the royal court, hell even micke, idc)
• simon defending wille (against someone from bjärstad who's making assumptions, krissy, the royal court, any of those idc)
-- basically the boys fighting for each other always
• more protective wille bc wille while he's being Crown Prince Wilhelm??? godDAMN
• simon and wille happy under the sun
• kinda related, maybe simon looking like he has a halo through some trick of the light??? paralleling to his glowstick halo in s1???
• wille panicking and simon being there (wille no longer having to be alone when the world gets too much) (do not enter is written on the doorway, why can't everyone just go away? except you - you can stay)
• wille and simon goofing around and being silly, maybe like trying to cook or trying to study or trying to actually play a video game and constantly getting distracted by each other
• simon getting his daily dose of wille's scent, lmao
• SIMON AND WILLE DANCING. dancing alone in one of their rooms, giggling and tripping on each other and swaying back and forth, wille humming a song he wants simon to sing and simon giggling and singing for him. the kind of dance that isn't for anyone but themselves, where they're wrapped around each other and blissfully in love, unable to stop smiling as they twirl each other around (I also wouldn't say no to a formal dance, like a waltz, where they're dancing together in a ballroom or some shit but the whole world melts away until it's just them. or a party scene where they're w all their classmates but they only have eyes for each other. those would be nice too)
• casual touch. so much casual touch. casually holding hands while walking, one of them resting their chin on the other's shoulder as they talk to friends, an arm around the others waist as they stand, sitting in each other's laps while working in a public space, one laying their head in the other's lap, leaning against each other as other things are happening around them. just - wille and simon being casually physically affectionate and always having each other to lean on, in all ways (and ofc, them always being wrapped up around each other. I'm sure wille's need to be close to simon will help me get this)
• henry continuing his curse of being a cockblock (and someone calling him out on it, lmaoo)
• boris. I want more of boris. give me a whole episode w just boris talking to wille and simon, idc, he's amazing and I adore him
• also more of the choir teacher!!! she believes in simon and I want to see her support him more
• simon singing more and flourishing even more in that area (and wille being a love struck fool every time simon sings even one note)
• simon and wille getting invited to a girls night
• simon!!! in!!! makeup!!!! (yes, I'm aware this will likely kill wille. both wille and I are prepared to make that sacrifice if it means seeing simon in at least some eyeliner)
• simon and wille pissing of jan-olof and getting the last laugh
• actually, I wanna see jan-olof just croak. just let him die. it's what he deserves😌
• wille and simon having a good support system
• wille's album for simon growing and being able to see the album that I KNOW simon has of wille on his phone
• wille getting his sweater back and teasing simon abt it
• in general, many pretty, cinematic shots of simon and wille just generally being in love
• random, but what happens to my boy rousseau, who didn't deserve all this drama when he's just a horse who wants to eat hay and run free😔
• simon and wille being regular teenagers and being a little stupid around each other hut that's okay bc they're in love
• a parallel to their first meeting, with simon speaking up abt a social issue that these rich kids have no real idea abt, but this time wille chimes in and adds his thoughts and simon just beams at him, and wille can't help but grin bc he's finally saying what he wants to say, tradition be damned
• kinda random but simon interacting w a kid and wille, despite not liking kids all that much, just melting (I will accept simon being cute in general in substitute)
• oh, so out of left field but more of simon's extended family??? like I saw a post on here abt what linda was saying on the phone in the background of one scene, and like she was talking abt a get together??? idk man, I just want simon talking more spanish
• to go off of that, simon teasing wille and spanish and one of two things happening: 1) wille combusts and dies bc simon is killing him w that, or 2) wille surprising simon and speaking back in spanish bc he had to learn it bc he's a royal and simon combusting instead. I would like either variation please and thank
• linda being wille's mom. ik she's not perfect but I just read a fic where he called linda mama and she hugged him and he said "I love you mama" and I kinda want something like that in canon now, ngl
• OH, on the note of linda - her realizing the pressure simon takes upon himself and trying to lighten his burden bc he's her child and should be carrying it all
• wille picking up simon. we know he can do it. so let him, let him pick up his boy whenever he feels like it
• wille and simon playing with each other's hair PLEASE
• I saw a post say that simon should take up fencing to get that extra credit, and now I NEED simon w any kinda sword. please. omar, do a photoshoot or smth, I'm not above begging
• more power walks from simon and wille
• simon and wille being a power couple in general (I'm thinking twin judgemental stares as they stand w each other, glaring and backing each other up, a team in every way possible)
• just,,,, them. against the world. no matter what comes their way
thank you so so much to @mirabel-on-a-bicycle @darktwistedgenderplural @tagalongifyoudare and @retrieve-the-kraken for encouraging me to post this <3 yall are amazing
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 3 months
who in tr do you think would be the best s/o for someone who's normally a really reliable and strong person but has a hard time and tries to hide Bipolar symptoms?
I feel like a few of them could fit but these were the first five that came to mind
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Is known to be very perceptive of the people around him, he can tell you're hiding something from him and immediately wants to know what. 
He asks Draken for advice and is told to ask but not push you too hard.
Comes round to your house the next day, bringing snacks and asking to hang out. He brings up his concerns during this time.
"I can tell somethings bothering you, that you're hiding something from me, from all of us. You can tell me yknow, I just want to help"
He knows what it's like to hide a part of yourself from everyone else so understands and tries to help in any way he can.
Can tell when something is bothering you and has seen others try to act strong enough times that he can recognise the behaviour in you.
Is very upfront about it, straight up asking you.
"Oi you've been acting differently, somethings wrong so what is it?" 
Sits and listens if you want to talk, despite how upfront he is, he generally cares and listens to anything you have to say, asking questions if he needs to.
Pats you on the arm after, telling you how he knows what it's like to feel like you have to do everything alone. Then reassures you that it's not true. He's there for you as well as everyone else. 
He's not doing this again, he's already gone through all of this with Baji trying to do everything alone. He won't let you go through the same thing.
Sits down next to you and starts telling you secrets, all kinds of things from his life. Then asks you not to hide any part of yourself from him. He doesn't ask exactly what's wrong but he does make it clear that you two can trust each other. He trusts you to tell him yourself.
After he pulls you close to him, hugging you and tells you everything is going to be ok.
Knows what it's like to need to be strong and to have a part of yourself which makes you feel like you're not strong. When he notices you hiding things he's concerned. He sees you as perfect so why hide things?
Tells you that whatever it is you're going through, you don't have to fight alone. He loves fighting so let him help fight your demons too. 
Makes a deal with you after, that you both will be more unapologetically yourselves and show each other the different sides of you more.
He's attentive and used to caring for Izana including noticing changes in behaviours. So he spots you hiding things straight away. He doesn't act straight away though, instead he observes you for a few days, trying to decide how to bring it up. 
Pulls you towards him one day, kissing you on the cheek and telling you how much he adores you. All of you. Tells you he knows you're hiding something but that you don't have to tell him. Whatever it is he loves that part of you too. 
Wants to help with whatever it is, all he wants is for you to be happy. "Meeting you has changed my life, you're always there for me so let me be there for you"
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rzyraffek · 9 months
Could you please do headcanons Slashers (like Michael, Brahms, Billy, The Sinclair brothers) as caregivers for their S/O who is an age regressor
Or headcanons for those Slashers when they find out their s/o is an age regressor?
Okay I acually went and educated myself on this topic for you my dear anon🥰🌼
if your uncomfortable with topic of age regression pls dont read that😭
So basically as far as I understand age regression means that somone acts like child due to some traumatic event??? And like they act childlike and participate in child typical activies (such as drawing with crayons, speaking like a toddler, drinking from bottles ect) if i make headcanon that don't make any sense im sorry! I have no experience with this topic! ALSO this is pure platonic! Age regression isn't a kink or a fetish!!
Slashers with age regressor y/n
Brahms Heelshire
Tbh y/n acting childish kinda woke up his inner child, CUZ HE LITTERALY GOT LOCKED IN WALLS IN AGE OF LIKE 10 so he kinda missed out on some fun stuff
100% plays hide and seek! Or tag! My man loves some good round of hide and seek, this place is huge! *insert british accent* "oh you little scallop... if I find you I will tickle you so hard..."
Question: age regression is like temporary or like forever thing? Like regressor acts like that when they are in bad metal state or just always? Bcs if always then it might be hard with Brahms, see he kinda.... has mommy's issues has huge need to be taken care of, probably similar to y/n's, he kinda wants a person who will just pamper him and make him feel like he's the single child yknow? All the attention on him? Yknow what i mean??
If y/n draws him something nice, dude will put it on a fridge with a magnet and be proud
If thats like temporary thing, he acaully will ask a lot of questions: how should he act? Do you remember anything? How does it work? Can he get some cuddles? Do you still love him while regressing? (Ofc you do, but he doest understand)
Billy Lenz
You guys vibe
Dude won't see any difrence😭
Yay one more reason to watch cartoons together! (His favorite ponny is rarity and fluttershy)
If y/n babytalks and uses toddler-like vocabulary... dude will mimic it😭 he just thinks that will help with communication😭 its not like you guys struggle with it or anything, Billy is just build like that
Yall draw together, his artstyle already looks like toddler drew it (not in cute way)
Plays dolls with y/n (but he acually makes it interesting! Like he makes it all dramatic and the tea is just jawdropping)
Also don't bother explaining what is age regression, just say "sometimes I act like kid to cope"😭
Micheal Myers
But kinda likes it, not in weird way! He enjoys taking care of y/n, but he has his own ways of doing so
He won't play with them or let them cuddle him too much
But he accepts little drawings and stickers that y/n gives him
He is still stalking them, making sure noone tries to bully them or anything
He is very protective, for example if y/n cuts their finger while making food, dude is all over them: Oh no no dont cry! Uhhh.... uhhh oh! See a pretty bandage? With puppies! Pls dont cry...
On rare days he is acually around (phicially i mean, cuz hes always around just not interacting with y/n) and it happens for him to be in good mood too, he will let y/n nap on him or put some stickers on his outfit- he never takes them of btw, the only reason that stickers wash of is the field he 'works' in? Yknow a lot of mud blood and water. He also holds y/n hand if they are spooked
And he fucking loves fluttershy and applejack
Steals some cute shirts and socks for them!
Sinclair Bros
Bo is the least understanding, tbh he will lisen to y/n only if they have very good relationship
Vince is just 👍
And Lester is acually very open to the idea
Drawing and playing dolls with Vincent
Going on cool drives with Lester
And napping with Bo
Whole fridge is covered in drawings and cute magnets
All Vincent's notebooks and Lester truck covered in stickers
Even Bo gun didnt escape the sticker apocalypse
Vince made special wax figurines for y/n
Lester calls them "kiddo" 😭😭
Bo puts his hand on their head and rubs it till their hair goes all puffy
They all act like older brothers who have to take care of younger siblings while perents are away😭😭
Vince acually vents to regressing y/n and they are just like: "man I just wanna pet the dog"
Bonus round! Added few more!!
Bubba Sawyer
Bestie vibes
Yall just spend time playing with dolls and drawing together
Absolutely lets y/n nap on him
He totally combs their hair and puts them in nice bun (or if y/n has short hair he will just brush it)
He kinda sees age regression as lil break from reality? Like you two can just vibe and act they way you want to😊 he enjoys, cuz tbh he do be acting like child(not in bad way!) And his happy that you both can do all those child-like activities without being judged by other person
Bit y/n once
Asa Emory
Ew a child
I mean
Idk he gives me "the dad that never has time for u cuz he has too much work"
Like yep he will read y/n a bed time story and he will tell them all about bugs and nature. But hes busy most of time
OMG ABOUT BED TIME STORIES Asa will read you one but he is so exhausted that he acually falls asleep first
He trusts them and knows that even whilr regressing they wont do anything dumb, but he still bans them from his 'workroom' theres... well some photos and drawings of victims and i doubt y/n wants to see it
Lets them sit on his lap while he reads newspaper like middle-aged man he is
Gives lil head kisses before sleep
Bug themed plushies and figures
Makes y/n watch animal planet and bbc nature with him
When he's out for longer periods of time he will buy them McDonald's as an apology
Done. I hope it makes sense! I never witnessed anyone age regress so idk how relatable it is!! I used x reader tags only to reach bigger audience
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nebulousmedic · 5 months
Hihi! Love your art! I'm quite curious though. If there a specific reason why you draw sniper the way you do? For instance you have more darker skin, is that perhaps to make him look Maori? Either way I freaking love the way you draw him! (sorry if this offends you any way)
I'm not Maori or even remotely dark skin (I hate the sun), I have nothing to be offended about lmao
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About his skin color: I just imagine that he... Spends time in the sun, but I'm too lazy to draw the tan lines or I just think that they don't fit the drawing, so I leave them out unless I'm going for a more realistic style
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His eyes: the most striking feature of his design, I think. Besides from me thinking that heterochromia is really cool, I find it would make quite a bit of sense, like why always hide your eyes (even indoors, god) from other people? it's my headcanon that he kind of got bullied for it on his childhood, and when he was gifted a pair of shades he not only found himself looking very cool, but he also found that people didn't really notice his condition, so he just decided that he'd wear them pretty much all the time. He uses his shades to hide that he's high as well but, yknow
Facial hair: not much to see here, really. giving him a couple longer hairs on his upper lip and chin just kinda makes him look more rugged and feral
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Hair: Come on, how could I not give him a mullet? in the game and the comics he already has a sort of.... mullet-y thing going on, so I just like to make it way longer, it makes him appear even more rugged and feral in my opinion. I will usually vary the length depending on what I feel like drawing, no particular reason for that specifically
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Clothing: I want to make him look like a cowboy most of the time, but his comfortable and very casual attire is more dad-esque, I think? I want all the outdoor vibes, honestly. The hat and the shades are always a must, but you may notice that I tend to depict him with a fang pendant, I just headcanon that it's a trophy he kept from a particularly arduous hunt
As for his body, I like to make him sort of... Sharp-looking? To make him stand out from the other mercs a little more. He's tall, and a little gangly, but not skinny, he has muscle and a little fat on him. I also like to make him the hairiest out of all the mercs, because he deserves it
Color palette: I really like giving him a very warm and cozy sort of color palette, it just kinda fits with his vibe, I guess? certainly fits with the "cowboy" theme that he has going on
I want to note that my style for him specifically is inconsistent at times because I just cannot make up my mind on how to draw his facial features, but the one thing that I do keep is his nose and his ears, long and sort of triangular
Overall I think I just kinda took the canon Sniper and exaggerated him even more? Cowboy-ified him, maybe? Anyway, yeah, that's it that's why I draw him the way I do
I have changed how I draw some of the mercs since I made this but these are my pseudo references for them, if you're curious.
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modernchillthings · 1 year
I wanna talk about Weak Hero Class because I saw this on twt where Hyunwook talks about Sooho's relationship w Sieun and it's making me cry.
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So basically I wanna talk about Sooho and how, for the whole show, he always emphasizes not crossing the line. From his first introduction of his fight with the baseball team, he told the dude that he crossed the line so he punched him. But before that he was mostly fighting in self defense and his attacks weren't too harmful (playful smack with a book for example). I think for Sooho, 'crossing the line' means harming someone severely and with malicious intent. Like those baseball dudes had intent to harm, sure, but Sooho never saw it that way and was even being playful. But the moment the baseball dude acted with the intent to really harm Sooho with the bat, thats when it was 'crossing the line'
The next instance was at the end of ep1 when Sieun was about curb stomp the shit out of Youngbin but he stopped him. Idk why he didn't stop him before that (if he was asleep through that then wtf..how??) but let's assume he woke up during the fight. He probably let Sieun handle it for a bit because he might have recognized how Youngbin deserved that but knew that if Sieun went any further, he would've been severely hurt. (Yeah he got a broken nose but he looked fine by ep 5 or 6 and STILL didn't learn his lesson so...if Sieun kept going, he would not have been walking around and shit)
Even when he was training Sieun, Sooho told him to run instead of 'finishing off' the opponent (which Sieun ignored obviously)
Every fight scene with Sooho before ep 7 have been either in self defense or defense of others and to me, I never saw it as him fighting just to fight or hurt but more to assist or defend. He's never sought out violence or harmed others maliciously...until Sieun got hurt.
(I would analyze all of Sooho's fight scenes but I don't have the words to articulate it and this post is getting too long)
We can also argue that he was defending Sieun when he lined up all the bullies and punched them in the gut one by one but Sieun wasn't there to witness this and I don't think he ever found out. Like this Sooho wanted to HURT those dudes. He wanted them to feel the pain that Sieun felt. Still, the Sooho in ep 7 was a vengeful one. The moment he saw Sieun and was hiding his cast from him, Sooho was on a path of revenge.
Then he sought out Yeongbin and broke his fingers and arm and was sending really threatening texts towards Bumseok. If I watched that scene out of context and without subtitles, I would assume Sooho was the bad guy. And then when he hit Bumseok, he probably would have kept going if it weren't for that other ufc dude interrupting. And tbh, I feel like the only fight that didn't cross the line was w that dude bc it did kinda feel like a spar for Sooho, like they both even wore the gloves. Like I don't think Sooho came in there wanting to hurt that dude, only Bumseok, and it was more like a sidequest for him. If the other bullies didn't get in the way, Sooho deffo would have won then he probably would've reverted his attention back to Bumseok.
But the moment he crossed that line, Bumseok decided to cross that line as well and then in ep 8, so did Sieun (until he faced Bumseok in the end and held back but that's another thing)
Idk what I'm really getting at here, just know that Sooho's fights in ep 7 were to HARM others intentionally whereas the fights before were not and maybe you could say it cost him his life (I know he's not dead but....yknow..)
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A request from SkyDragonGrandeeny of ao3!!
I've seen in the show that Vash has a lotta of scars, and he claims their symbols of his unrelenting mercy, even against enemies who try and kill him (thanks knives ya jerk). I also heard he doesn't like girls to see them, since he believes it would gross them out or they would run away at the site.
Since Vash is a adorable dork, I would love a fluff story when the reader discovers the scars, like maybe he took a shower like in the show and had no shirt on afterwards; but instead of any kind of disgust, reader is instead worried for Vash. Afterwards with reassurance he's fine, reader is becomes flustered/shy because Vash is a lot more ripped/stronk looking then expected. oh and yknow his shirts off oops. (That red coat hides how much muscle he has like oh lawd-)
A/N: I'll never get tired of writing for Vash's scars! It makes me love him even more 🥰
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Just For You
"Why don't you grab your little boyfriend, and tell him dinner is ready?"
"S-sure, Granny!" Your face tinted red as you led yourself out of the dining room where you had just set the table for dinner, and up to Vash's room.
With a quick knock, you entered to see Vash standing in only a pair of sweatpants, prosthetic arm in hand, his body paused in the motion to put it back in place. A towel was draped around his neck.
"Vash, dinner is...O-Oh… S-sorry." Was all you could muster out. You wanted to just say dinner was ready and leave him be, but something froze your feet in place. You took in the sight of his eyes closing, and jamming the prosthetic arm into place. He rolled his shoulder and wiggled his fingers to recalibrate.
"I didn't think you'd get to see me without a shirt this early." His voice broke the silence. You'd only been traveling for seven months, and dating for one. How you had never seen him without a shirt in that time was beyond you, but he had told you his body wasn't worth seeing.
"Told you It's not pretty." He said as if he'd been reading your mind.
You had always thought he would be lanky, much like an old T-shirt left on a clothesline, but you didn't realize how right you were in a much different way.
An astonishing amount of scars riddled his body. Some long, some thick, some small lines, others appeared to be large patchy chunks that skin had grown back over time.
Stunned by the sheer amount of them, you hardly felt your body move to him, your hands nearly touching them, but stopping short. It was as if you were to touch him, he would crumble away.
"You can touch them, ya know." He softly whispered, which still caused you to visibly jump. Giving him a quick glance of eye contact, you began tracing along the large scar that disappeared over his shoulder.
You felt the ragged skin that bordered his prosthetic arm, and traced along the long thin scar that resided there. The metal grate covering his missing pectoral was cold to the touch, and still damp from his shower.
"This is what I get for not killing my opponents. I show them mercy, let them live their lives, and I take the damage." He maintained his whisper as your hands continued to explore his torso.
You wondered if he remembered the story behind each one, not that you would ever ask him to retell such traumatic events. How many were there in total? How many more would he obtain before someone got a lucky shot and killed him?
You made your way to see all of the scars on his back as well. There were so many more. Another grate under his right arm, two metal pieces like bolts in his side, a triangular metal plate on his scapula.
"You don't deserve that." Your eyes were plastered with sadness, not looking up at him, "I'm glad you don't kill, but… this. This is so much." You laced your arms around to his front, pressing your face into his back in a hug, "Do they hurt?"
"Only when it gets a little too cold out, or when I have nightmares of the injury. It's nothing compared to the phantom pains in my arm though…" he paused with a disgruntled hum, realizing that maybe he was opening up too much too soon. A pause between the two of you felt like a whole hour, but was merely a moment.
"Please stop letting yourself get hurt." You squeezed his waist, a slight tremble beginning to form within you, "You're just as important as all of those people you save, ya know? Especially…" to me, is what you couldn't say to him yet, "You can't save the world if you're dead, Angel." You recovered.
"M'not gonna die." You could practically hear the rolling of his eyes.
"Yeah, you're too stubborn for that." You gave his waist another squeeze, only to finally feel the muscles underneath. You took a step back, and took a second to see his rippling muscles beneath the battlefield of scars. His back was well defined, noting every curve of his body.
You didn't know how you never noticed how well defined his body was. He always wore baggy clothes, much like the gray sweatpants that were sitting a little too low for your little heart to handle.
You wondered if it was: 1) to throw people off, 2) because he was tall and no fitting medium fits a tall man like him, or 3) to be comfy and not so sweaty in the blistering heat. Whatever it was, you were beginning to enjoy that this was a show that only you had tickets to see right now.
"It's not that I'm stubborn." He turned around to face you once again, and you couldn't help but notice the little muscles under his ribs, and the sheer sculpture of his upper arms, "it's just that I've got someone to look after now, ya know?"
You were too absorbed in viewing his chiseled abs, and starting to wonder where that little V of his hips led to, when he lifted your chin to create eye contact, "So I'll do my best not to get hurt anymore. Just for you, Mayfly." He had this smirk on his face that had 'I caught you looking' written all over his face.
"Good. I'll hold you to it." Your face heated up instantly at his expression, he laughed
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aokoaoi · 2 years
: 𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐞���𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭. 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞.
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⌯ two bestfriends, unaware of their romantic feelings for eachother. ᵖᵃʳᵗ ᵗʷᵒ
⌯ pairing : shuri x fem!reader
⌯ warning : made up backstory for mc/reader. mentions of character deaths.
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You were in the princess' lab once again, only this time, the princess wasn't present anywhere inside the interior. You were sketching a few suit designs for fun to cure yourself for dying out of boredom while you waited for the princess to return.
Where was she perhaps?
You have no idea either.
She had left a few hours ago, but she never told you why. Yet you still stayed in the lab, waiting for her to come back.
The necklace she gave you a few days ago remained on your neck, only being taken off when you go take a shower or sleep. You don't want to risk being choked by the jewelry when your deep in slumber.
You had to admit, you've taken a liking to the jewelry. You were not one to be interested in neck jewelry, only wearing rings and such, but this one happened to crawl its way to your heart.
Probably because it was from the person whom you care about the most, and that wasn't an exaggeration.
The princess and the the rest of the royal family members were always who you considered as your second family. Your parents died long ago, before the 'infinity war'.
Since your mother was one of the members of the elite group, Dora Milaje, the royal members and the elite group members, you were practically trusted by them ever since you were a mere child.
You took interest in being one of the elite group led by an all female member, and you took small training back then. But then you stopped after your parents' deaths. And that's when you started another hobby. Designing.
You enjoyed it, and it gave you an opportunity to be closer to the princess. Your ideas and designs gave her inspiration, and sometimes, a few of your designs would be added into hers. You know about it of course. The princess has never took one of your ideas without asking you.
You can vividly remember her eyes sparking up in interest when she saw a glance of your sketchbook back then.
The thought itself made you lightly chuckle, shaking your head in amusement as you continued to run the pencil through the thick paper.
Soon enough, when you were about to finish your useless doodling, you heard doors opening and footsteps approaching. Your head turned in an instant, and you saw Shuri looking at you with an apologetic look.
"What's wrong?" You frowned, sensing tension from her. You were worried, had something happened when she was away? And of course, being the sweet comforting friend you were, your hand reached out to the princess', rubbing comforting circles on her knuckles with your thumb.
"It's nothing, it's just.. I'll be busy for a few days from now on." She responds in a low whisper.
You looked at her skeptically, feeling as if she's hiding something more important. But you nodded, not wanting to cross her boundaries and make her feel pressured to answer.
"All right.. but you know if you need anything, you can come to me, right?" You tried to give her a comforting smile, watching as she nodded along, trying to match your comforting aura.
She's always loved this side of you. You've always been so understanding even if she didn't tell you the whole reason of her distress. You knew not to cross lines and say any unwanted things that didn't want to me heard.
You've always been so comforting. Loving.
Just like how when he passed.
Both of you were broken by it, but as always, you tried to be stronger and look after her.
"I'm gonna be using the lab more often now, and I really don't want to be disturbed.. so.. yknow."
You continued to nod like a broken doll, "Okay so I'll just chill anywhere but in here?" You questioned, and she hummed. "Yeah. Like the throne room." She retorts, watching your unamused expression. She laughs at it, pinching your cheeks lightly.
"I'd probably be slaughtered by the tension in there." You respond, trying to pull away from her hand, desperately giving her a look as if saying 'stop that'.
"Yeah.. you can barely survive that room without me." She grinned, giggling at you. Her gaze then fell on the necklace that rested right above your chest, and her gaze softened.
She then looked at you affectionately, her softened gaze looking at you with an amotion you can't quite pinpoint.
You lightly laughed, exhaling through your nose. "What? Is there something on my face?" You said, and your hand reached out to wipe something off your face, ad if something was there to begin with.
She just looked at you with a charming smile, unresponsive.
"You look pretty." She whispered, and if you haven't been paying attention, you were sure you wouldn't have heard it from how low her voice was.
Your eyes slightly widened in surprise, a soft blush forming on your cheeks. It was barely visible, but the compliment caught you off guard.
"Shuri, you're acting differently." Your voice snapped her out of her trance.
"Hm?" She hummed, as if she forgot her words earlier. Well it did seem she was lost in her thoughts soo. "What was that, love?" She repeated herself, now seeming like she's composed herself.
"I said—.. nevermind." You waved her off, putting distance between both of you. You hadn't noticed that you both had already been dragged so close after a few blinks back to reality.
"It's already getting late. I should be heading back now." You cleared your throat, walking to the sketchpad and pencil laying lonely on the marbled counters, picking it up from the surface.
Shuri watched, unmoving, contemplating what she should do.
"(name), wait—" She subconsciously called out, stopping you halfway through your actions. Her hands wrapped around your wrist, dragging you away from the counters, and closer to her.
"How about before I get myself busy, we go out right now." She suggests, looking at younwith such hopeful eyes to the point you can't refuse.
"..go out where?" You questioned. Your words made the princess smile enthusiastically. That means that you agree to going out with her, right?
"Anywhere but here. How long has it been since we hung out outside our home, anyway?" You hummed a thought at her question, trying to remember.
"Like.. a month ago."
At your respond, she nods, "Exactly! So let's go find some fun tonight." She enthusiastically says, gently grabbing the sketchbook from your grasp and placing it back down on the counter.
"Wha do you suggest we do?" You frowned, tilting your head in confusion.
"Anything that seems fun. Now, come on!"
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Your smooth fingers brushed against the princess' cheeks as she laid on your thigh. You were both in her room after roaming around the city, doing whatever the hell you both saw was interesting, laughing both your asses off, and then went back to rest in her room.
You were certainly too tired to go back to your home, and it wasn't helping that the princess is beginning to doze off on your thigh.
"Dearest?" You softly called out for the princess, watching as her face scrunched up distastefully, her body shifting when she tried to look for a more comfortable laying position.
"Shuri, I have to go soon." You whispered, brushing out her curls away from her face. She whined in complaint, shaking her head hurriedly.
"Don't go yet, love." She croaked out, cracking one eyes open as she showed you a small upset pout. "Stay with me?..please." She pleaded, rising up from her laying position.
Both your proximities were close, the tip of your noses barely touching. You didn't push away from the close proximity this time, feeling too tired to even do the slightest of movements.
"I'm afraid that's not allowed, princess. Even if it is, I'm sure it's not appropriate." You said, grinning slightly at her tired expressions.
"Nobody will know. C'mon just a few more hours before I get busy and drowned in my work. I wanna spend those few more hours with you." She pouted childishly, and you chuckled, finally giving in.
"Alright, alright." You hummed a laugh, and she smiled softly.
"I'm staying on the couch though." You added. She let out a sound of distaste, shaking her head. "Absolutely not." She refused.
"What, where will I go then?" You questioned, and she pointed at her bed.
"Shuri, no."
"Come on, please?"
"..Are you sure?"
"Yes! It'll be like a sleepover." She says with a grin. You exhaled a sigh, looking over to the big bed with an hesitant look. "Fine." You responded after your contemplating.
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part one, part three, and part four of this short 'series'.
I hope the made up backstory wasn't too much and confusing:) kinda rushed, but I couldn't resist myself from the princess<\3
there will be a continuation.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
wait wait i got another,
so yknow how both foxy and withered bonnie are just sitting in the hall as if their both teaming to get you?
how bout a yan team up with both withered bonnie and withered foxy
Oh, sure! I'll do a bit of poly/rivalry in this. Animatronic or android, doesn't really matter. I got motivation for this through FNAF songs in my Spotify. Concept as not specified.
No dead kids! Just sentient robots like in SB.
Yandere! Withered Foxy + Withered Bonnie
(Nightguard! Darling)
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic - Rivalry/Sharing
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Violence, Obsession, Isolation, Clingy behavior, Possessive behavior, Rivalry turns into sharing with tension, Protective behavior, Jealousy, They tolerate each other for you, Kidnapping implied, Attempted murder/Murder.
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The two bots have their differences from their original production.
Withered Bonnie is intimidating and aware that he's broken.
Bonnie's aggressive at times but for the most part he's saddened by his appearance.
The bunny used to be so prideful of his skills, now he hates being kept in a cramped room and feels neglected.
Withered Foxy is much more aggressive compared to his usual self.
This is because he feels much more isolated than before, making him irritable.
He's one of the more feral Foxy's.
There's a good chance he'll be too eager and hurt his darling the first few times he meets you.
But he is grateful to see a new face after only seeing the withereds for so long....
Both bots share something in common, they want attention.
All of the withereds want attention due to being locked up for so long....
Yet Bonnie and Foxy are the ones that get attached to their new nightguard friend the most.
The way you deal with the two bots is very different.
Bonnie tries to go through the vents and hallway to see you, craving your attention and validation.
Foxy won't fall for the stupid mask trick, he just tries to jump into your office.
Until he's flashbanged by your flashlight.
They aren't aware they the same fixation until they meet each other in the hallway.
Safe to say one asks questions... then they realize they have the same desperation towards you.
At first this causes violence between the two bots.
Foxy's possessive with his rotting mind, he's never been noticed since his cove was closed down and was transferred here.
Why should he give you up to Bonnie? That bunny had his time to shine.
Bonnie's obsession over you turns possessive due to his obsessive need for validation.
He thinks you don't mind his appearance!
He also doesn't harm you unlike the fox.
Your shift only gets worse when you hear metal against metal echo in the pizzeria.
It's them fighting, busting each other up more than they were previously.
The fighting and rivalry is intense.
They now try to claw their way towards you with new purpose.
Bonnie stays in your room longer, no longer falling for the mask trick.
He knows you're there... he's always known.
Why don't you just talk with him?
He'd never hurt you.
Foxy has made a deal with Balloon Boy to get into your office.
The kid bot steals any batteries he can find and hides them away.
This allows Foxy to leap into your office and "play" with his best mate.
If either of them get into your office they usually don't hurt you.
They try to befriend you... making conversation.
They don't leave for hours so their rival doesn't enter.
The only good thing that comes from them is the fact other bots stay away.
You're guarded by either one of them.
Their "sharing" is a truce to tolerate each other.
They hate the idea but it is for the same goal.
They both care for you, they both want your attention and care, and soon...
You'll get a new job and leave them alone.
The thought of you soon finishing your week here pulls them together for a common goal.
They don't want to lose you.
That's when we get the moment of the two teaming up.
That's when you see them in the hall.
The sight unnerves you.
You're half used to them... but the idea of sentient robots is still a new concept to you.
You've never seen them in the hall with each other....
According to their chatter with you, you thought they disliked each other despite being friends at one point.
Foxy always spoke Bonnie's name with a hateful growl...
Meanwhile Bonnie was sent into a glitchy fit when the fox was mentioned.
Why are they so close now?
What were they even fighting for before?
You don't have much time to react as both bots can't be dealt with at the same time.
Even if they were friendly before... can you trust it?
You go for your flashlight... only to be met with laughter before BB scurries off.
You curse to yourself... fearfully staring back at the eyes in the darkness.
This was it....
Even if you defended against Bonnie, Foxy would attack.
You were at a loss.
Foxy enters first, supernatural speed catching you off guard.
You fall out of your chair with your heart pounding, making the fox laugh.
He hadn't even touched you!
Then Bonnie enters, faceless appearance staring at your shaking form on the floor.
Thoughts of them tearing into your flesh flash into your mind.
You scramble up right just as Foxy takes his place in front of you and Bonnie rounds the desk behind you.
Cornered... surrounded... at their mercy.
"Heard you were leaving this week!" Foxy scoffs.
"Why would you want to leave us... aren't we your friends?" Bonnie whines through his voice box.
You can't seem to find the words to reply... you're stunned.
"I don't think we can let you leave, matey."
"You belong here... with us. We care for you... don't you care for us?"
You have trouble believing that.
You still have marks from the two being too rough when they met you.
You don't have much of a choice in the matter.
By the end of the week the two abduct you.
Hiding you is an issue.
They could find an empty suit... maybe muffle your screams...
They'll find a way.
You have bathrooms, you have food to eat, they can take care of you.
If any of the other bots turn hostile towards you, the two bots defend you.
If employees find you and try to take you away...
Either Foxy or Bonnie will deal with them.
The two bots fight over your attention at times but you can calm them down.
Their aggression is taken out on their Toy counterparts at times instead of you.
They don't want to hurt you like they did before.
Escaping them will be challenging as they're never truly offline for long.
Your only way out of here may end up being in a body bag one way or another.
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temmtamm · 1 year
My godshshshddd I just read the tails fic and 𝘐 𝘓𝘖𝘝𝘌 𝘐𝘛
I don't know if your taking request/ask for sonic but can you another one but with tails realising that sonic and the reader are dating? How would he react seeing the reader liking the fake (or real?) sonic and asking him for help? Pretty much like Amy's situation.
Love that scrunkly pathetic meow meow (𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶) :}
Ofc I am!! I am hyperfixating on sonic and sonic parody media so hard so feel free to bombarde me with all that jazz!! Sorry if it strays a bit from the ask, I got too into the moment with it.
Secret History Tails x Reader Who Likes Sonic
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Tw: violence, needles, Yandere themes, all around horror.
"--It's just--He's so kind, yknow??" (Y/N)'s hands came up, hiding their face as a flustered chuckle left their lips. "And today we were having one of those back and forth moments again and he called me a 'Dummy', but like he said it with such emotion and i--"
Tail's grip tighten on his screwdriver, threatening to stab it right through the Tornado's insides the he was working on. "Yknow, I don't really think a guy who calls you a 'Dummy' is all that into you.. No offense."
"No, no!! It's one of his more playful moments, yknow like how he likes to trash talk with Shadow or Knuckles when the two are rough housing?? It's like that." (Y/N) sighed, letting their arms fall to their side once again as they seem to fall into their many many daydream like states. One of the curses of pining for someone.
If you asked Tails, (Y/N) would be the last person he'd suggest for Sonic to go out eith--Hell, Big the cat and Froggy would be a better couple than the two!!
It's not that he doesn't think (Y/N) is good enough--Hell, it was kind of a miracle someone of (Y/N)'s caliber even really hung around the group.
And it's not that he didn't think Sonic wasn't fit for them either--Hell, his Sonic could charm the pants off of any living creature with enough elbow grease.
It's just....
He didn't think they'd be the best paired together, is all.
That's the reason.
"It just kinda...stinks, though. I mean, he has Amy practically glued to his side and everyone knows that she is absolutely smitten with him. Doesn't help she's all he can talk about to me too. It's always, " How should I give Amy this gift??" and "What type of flowers would Amy like??" when I made all the signs SO CLEAR!!" (Y/N)'s love-drunk rants quickly turned to annoyed ramblings, their face scrunching up in disdain as they did so.
"Geez, (Y/N). You really feel strongly about this, huh??" Tails' ears flicked at the sounds of (Y/N)'s complaints, a small smile forming on his lips though he his it by keeping himself nose deep in his work.
"Yea, well. Yknow the whole 'Love' thing isn't a very subtle feeling, Miles." With a tired sigh, (Y/N) leaned back in the designated seat that Tails always kept free for them in his lab. "I wish that just for once, I could know what Amy feels like. Must be nice being pined for--Especially by a hero such as Sonic."
Tails paused, a lightbulb shooting off in his brain. He was quick to seize the moment, putting his brain to work. "Yknow, I think that could be possible..."
(Y/N) paused shooting Tails a inquisitive look. "What do you mean by that, Miles??"
The orange furred fox grinned cheekily, his fingers pausing all movement across the machinery before him. "Well, You already know all the stuff he likes about Amy, right??" He set down his tools and turned to face them, watching as the morbian eyed him down with curiosity.
"Your point??" (Y/N) cocked their head ever so slightly.
"Let's use it!! Use it to your advantage!! Help Sonic see the good in you!!" For someone who was usually so indifferent to (Y/N)'s ramblings of Sonic, Tails actually seemed pretty interested at the moment.
"Say, (Y/N). Have you ever heard of little white lies??
The morbian fidgeted with the hem of their top, swallowing thickly as their footsteps came to an abrupt stop. Just before them, the blue blur himself was there. He was distracted by a conversation with a fairly familiar red echidna, allowing (Y/N) to go unnoticed. (Y/N)'s gaze glanced back at some bushes behind them, rethinking on if they should go through with this plan they and Tails had crafted, but when the orange furred fox popped his head out of said bushes to give the morbian a toothy grin and thumbs up, that managed to strum enough confidence out of (Y/N) to take the necessary steps forward to enter Sonic's line of vision.
"HE--!! Crap-I mean...hey, Sonic.." (Y/N) coughed, the start of their sentence being unnecessarily loud, causing them to quickly backtrack and make their voice as meek as possible, which only gave it the appearance of a voice crack. Sonic raised a brow over at the morning, clearly weirded out by the 'crack' which made (Y/N) feel like just crawling in a hole and dying.
"Hey…?? Weren't expecting to see you here, (Y/N). I thought you were back over in the Green Hills Zone." Sonic spoke up, resting his left hand on his hip while he used the other to wave around as he spoke, talking with his hands.
"Oh, well I was actually in the area!! I was–" (Y/N) paused, a bit of uncertainty about lying to Sonic washing over them, though when a familiar two tailed fox got caught in their peripheral vision, they were reminded of why exactly they were doing this.
"I was just…in the area!! Saving…kittens from..uh...burning buildings…?" Sonic squinted suspiciously at the morning, making them fight back a sweat in an attempt to look as normal as possible.
Just as quickly as he was suspicious though his facial features shifted into a more proud look, and before (Y/N) knew it, he had leaned in and placed a hand on their shoulder, damn near giving them a heart attack.
"Well, well, Looks like we have more than one 'hero', huh?? Gotta keep my game up so you don't take my title." Sonic teased, bringing a flush of heat to the morbians face.
(Y/N) reveled in the moment, more in the fact that Sonic was LEANING into them than the others. Of course though, you can't have shit in Angel Island, and the universe was quick to remind (Y/N) of that.
"Wait…but I just saw you and you were with Tails, not saving any animals." Knuckles spoke up, reminding (Y/N) and Sonic of his existence.
"Oh, well, I uh–" (Y/N)'s face flushed up even more so, but this time it was out of the stinging feeling of embarrassment rather than any warm fuzzy feelings for any certain blue hedgehog.
"I uh…" (Y/N) gulped nervously and forced a smile.
"I JUST REMEMBERED I HAVE AN EXCUSE WAITING FOR ME IN MY HOUSE, GOTTA GO!! BYE!!" With that, the morbian took off in speeds that'd even make the blue blues head spin.
"It was a bust, Miles!! All I did was make a fool of myself!!" (Y/N) whined out, face buried in their arms from the sheer embarrassment of the moment that they kept reliving in their head on repeat.
"Now Sonic probably thinks I'm a no good cheap hack just tryna' gain some brownie points!" (Y/N)'s voice was muffled from their arms but still somewhat comprehensible.
"Oh, geez. I should've known better than to suggest that. There's no way Sonic would fall for a lie, no matter how small." Tails placed a hand on (Y/N)'s back, reveling just a tad in how the morbian leaned into his touch, seeking comfort.
"I'll tell you what, I'll come up with another plan for you!! This time, it'll be fool-proof!! I promise!!" Tails spoke up, persuading the morning to lift their head up to look up at their yellow-ish furred friend. "Really??"
Tails nodded, his usual lopsided grin placed tightly on his lips. "Really." With that conformation, (Y/N) practically flung themselves into their small friends arms to give them a death hug that could knock the wind out of even the most strongest and fearless monsters ever.
"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!!" (Y/N) buried their face into the chest fur of Tails, much to the two tailed friends delight.
"Dont mentioned it."He patted his friends back, his gloved touch lingering for just a few minutes longer than socially acceptable.
"After all....
𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳??"
"Tails...Are you sure this is going to work..?" (Y/N) raised a brow at their compassion, unsure of his plan as he held up a very well burnt piece of toast.
"It works in the shows, doesn't it??" Tails shrugged, limply holding the bread with two fingers as if it were poisoned as he did so. "Just bump into him on my go, and it'll work for sure!!" The morning released a sigh but took the bread nonetheless.
"If you say so.." With that said, (Y/N) placed the bread into their mouth, cringing just slightly at the crunchy texture. With that said and done, they peered over the corner of the building that both them and Tails were hiding behind.
A blue blue, one all to familiar was zipping past, just over the horizon on some far away bumps, but knowing the speeds of the beast it belonged to, it would only be a matter of seconds before it was go time.
With that in mind, the antsiness that came with anticipation filled (Y/N) to the core, making it hard to stay still for long.
Barely letting the words get out of his mouth, (Y/N) zoomed out from their hiding spot, far too much momentum in their "light jog" to the point where they looked as if they were a morbian on a mission.
And with momentum, came force.
A sharp pain shot through (Y/N)'s head and a yell croaked out of their throat, accompanied by a yell coming from the front of them. With that harsh collide, (Y/N) went tumbling to the ground, along with their victim. They groaned, still recovering from the pain that throbbed in their head but took this chance to reach out to their victim and grab to lift them up, taking the time to seem as gentle and caring as possible. Gotta put your best foot forward, even if it was after accidentally headbutting your crush to the ground.
"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry, Soni--" (Y/N) cut themselves off, opening their eyes to see just a normal, everyday morbian instead of the blue hero they had expected. "Wha--" (Y/N) whipped their head around, attempting to catch the blue blue again. Whipping their head behind them, they got the lingering blue of Sonic's speedy form extending out as he zipped up and down hills far, far behind them; having been too fast to bump into.
"Oh, for the love of--"
(Y/N) growled out, dropping the morbian hand in a fit of anger, making the poor civilian fall back down to the harsh ground.
"I don't get it, Miles!! I've been doing everything you told me!" (Y/N) whined out, years threatening to spill from just the sheer anger of it all as they sat still, arms extended as the fox worked on the scrapes they gained from the previous stunt the two pulled.
"Maybe I'm just--" (Y/N)'s gaze fell to the steel flooring of the fox's lab, watching the shine that glistened off of the metal. "Maybe I'm just not good enough for Sonic?? I mean, he's saved the world like what, a billion times?? What have I ever done?? Hang around and drag you guys down??" (Y/N) threw their hands up in frustration, though flinched when the bandaging on their arm tightened due to pulling away from Tails' work.
"Maybe he's right to love Amy, at least she actually fights by his side. She actually helps out." Their voice became softer as they trailed off, causing a cold silence to fall upon the room as it hit them that maybe, just maybe, they just had to cope with the fact that them and Sonic is incompatible. They've been doing all this and yet, all it really did for them was either give them some scrapes and bruises or negatively effect their relationship with Sonic.
Maybe, they couldn't force someone to love them.
"...You're right, (Y/N). There's no way he can notice you in this state. You're weak--Or, at least he thinks it." Tails voice was...different from before. It was cold, it lacked them love it once held almost minutes before. His hands paused, if only for a few seconds before pulling away from his work to instead place themselves on the morbians shoulders.
"It's not all pointless, though. There is a way to show him just how string and capable you can be--And it could get rid of the...competition." (Y/N) froze, the coldness and strangeness of his tone not lost on them, their gut feeling sending alarm bells in their head though they tried to keep it down. Tails is their friend, it'd be so shallow of them to be suspicious of their friend of 3 years over just a strange shift in tone.
"What do you mean by that, Miles...?" They asked, voice now laced with suspicion.
Tails paws dug slightly into the morbians shoulders, almost like how a massage artist would find pressure points. "What good has Any ever done for us, hm?? There's probably a million other Amy's out there. But how many of there are you?? Maybe you just need to...make this one Amy in particular disappear, to help shift Sonic's focus onto the right person."
His paws lowed slightly, down to (Y/N)'s forearms, much to the morbians discomfort. "It's not like you're putting a dent into the the overpoluted ocean of girls her caliber. It's like just picking out a weed where it doesn't belong, yes??"
At first, (Y/N) didn't respond, trying to figure out exactly what Miles was saying. But as the more the fox talked about it, the more (Y/N) started to connect the dots and get passed. Real pissed.
They stood up abruptly, making Tails hands pull back from their form due to the harshness of their action. "Excuse me??" (Y/N) whipped around, turning to face the small friend who kept his calm half-lidded expression as he held a small grin on his lips, as if (Y/N) we're speaking the most mundane of things and not yelling at him.
"Am I jealous?! Sure!! But I'm not gonna kill over it!! You're sick, Miles!! Sick!!" They hissed out, face scrunching up in a expression of disdain at the fact that their friend who usually is so bright and cheery would suggest something so volatile and disturbing. "I don't know if this is some sick joke or what, but you need some help of you thought that was an acceptable thing to say at a time like this."
"Calm down, calm down. It was only a suggestion." Miles raised his hands up in a defensive stance, though his movements were lazed and relaxed. "If you want to live with being the second choice, then be my guest. I just couldn't stand to see my friend suffer."
(Y/N) paused, features softening for just a split second, pain at the feeling of both being rejected as well as being the second choice. The pain was almost enough to consider accepting Tails' offer, though they were quick to snap out of it.
"Miles...Are you.." (Y/N)'s brows furrowed as they took a step closer to the two tailed 'friend' before them. "Are you trying to manipulate me??"
Tails froze, expression faltering into one of surprise. He hadn't really expected (Y/N) to realize his tactics so easily, especially after all that time he spent pushing and toying with his limits to make sure that he could get away with such blatant acts as that. And yet, all it took was a heated moment for (Y/N) to figure it out.
He was impressed.
He knew his (Y/N) was smart, but he hadn't known they were THAT smart.
"Just like that, huh?? I knew you get defensive about your friends, but seriously? Just that? You're a tough cookie to crack, (Y/N)." He dropped the act. He didn't need it anymore, it'd do him no good. With the act came the voice, him letting his real voice break through out of the annoying mold that he got in the habit of using to recreate the other Tails' tone.
"You..." (Y/N) locked up for just a minute, pupils shrinking at the display as their mind seemed to connect dots. Lucky for the two tailed fiend, (Y/N) had verbalized said thoughts, leaving nothing to the imagination. "You're not Miles, are you...?....Who-Who are you??"
"Isn't it obvious?? I'm--" A sick crack escaped him, almost like his bones had snapped, and with the noise came the sickening sight of his body contorting and twisting, as if breaking out of a box it had been contained in.
It was a painful experience, (Y/N) knew it just from the sounds of his flesh and muscles tearing as well as his bones desperately trying to find where they belonged to repair themselves into his new form. His lankier, more unsettling form. (Y/N) took a few steps back, but couldn't stop themselves from looking. It was like watching a train wreck unfold before your very eyes, something about it forced you to stay, to watch the outcome even though you knew it would leave some mental scars on your psyche.
"BEST FRIEND!!" Tails gripped harshly on the lab table behind him, using that to keep himself upright, his gaze flickering over to (Y/N), showing the morbian that they too had changed. The once large dark brown orbs of the fox now were now shrunken into a permanently surprised look, his pupils now in the shapes of stars and having many vibrant colors that were organic looking, despite not belonging on any morbians body.
"Miles...Miles, you're not okay..We-We need to get you to a doctor, or-or a therap--" (Y/N), although frenzied and panicked to the point where having a heart attack was a very real fear that could happen, tried their best to keep their cool, trying to cling onto the idea that this was still their friend of 3 years who was just having psychotic break rather than an imposter who had been masquerading as their friend.
Before their sentence could truly be finished though, 'Miles' had grabbed them by their arms, pulling them closer to him and closing any possible gap they had made when they had time to back up. "DON'T CALL ME THAT!! DON'T EVER CALL ME THAT AGAIN!!" His shrill yell was short lived, though did it's job in throughly scaring the ever loving daylights out of (Y/N) if that's what it set out to do.
A smile placed itself onto his lips, acting as though he hadn't just bursted out in anger moments prior. "Don't...Don't call me that again, okay, Dear??" Despite his cheery tone and smile, his chest heaved up and down from the energy his previous yell had exerted, showing that he had been and probably still is very pissed about it. "I'm Tails, Sonic's best friend. Not that whiney, shit for brains imposter!!" His grip tightened, threatening to place bruises along (Y/N)'s arms.
Ironic choice of words, considering he was the imposter. But, not wanting to anger this clearly deranged and dangerous individual, (Y/N) nodded frantically, agreeing to whatever he'd say as long as it kept them out of harm's way.
"Right, Right. Tails, my apologies." (Y/N)'s tone was shaky and full of fear, not that Tails seemed to notice--Or maybe he didn't even care. Neither of these options seemed that far of a reach.
"Good." Tails' grin widened, if that was even a possibility, and with that came the flash of his gums, drawing (Y/N)'s attention to his mouth, or more specifically his teeth.
They were crooked, misplaced, and appeared to be rotting. It looked as though when he was being made, whoever had made him had used if as a playground to go ham on all the possibilities of where teeth could be, and that's not even getting started on the smell of his breath.
"Yknow, I waited so long for this moment," His grip loosened on (Y/N)'s arms, making relief wash over the morbian, though the feeling was brief as he soon would replace his previous hold with another, now wrapping his arms around the morbian and pulling them into an air-tight embrace where the breakage of their ribs was a very real possibility. "When I could finally show myself to you--My real self. I think you'll find you like me better this way--Much better than that phoney vermin that came before me!!" His grip tightened as he spoke about Miles, making a pained noise involuntarily escape (Y/N)'s throat.
Tails took notice to this, and then loosened his grip as one of his gloved hands came up to stroke (Y/N)'s hair, bringing a sickening feeling to the morbians chest. "Though, I wished that it was on better terms, I guess this will have to do." (Y/N) froze, staying as stiff as a board, they didn't know what to do, no words left their throat, and they didn't even know how they could start to respond to this man's insane ramblings, much less his touches and--Did he just sniff their hair.
After what felt like centuries, (Y/N)'s fight or flight kicked in and they started to fight back. Hard. They kicked and thrashed, attempting to scratch out the imposters eyes and break free from his grip. "Wha--Cut this out!!" Tails, obviously fought back, though he only tried to keep his grip on the morbian tight, making it hard for them to let go--Though, he also did let warnings or threats of sorts slip out. "I don't want to get physical, but if I need to, I will, Darling."
(Y/N) finally managed to break free after biting down on Tails' arm, breaking the fur and skin and even drawing blood. They pushed Tails away, giving them enough space in between the two to break off into a sprint for the lab's doors, making a break for it.
They were so close, their hand right on he handle when suddenly a steel shield of sorts came down, blocking the outside as the lab had went into a lockdown type of state. Whipping their head around, they saw the reason for this.
Tails stood there, a remote in one hand with a thumb pressing down on one of its many many buttons. "Don't tell me you thought it'd be that easy. I thought you were smarter than that."
"Miles, let me go." (Y/N), despite their fear, spoke in a stern and commanding tone, hoping that would be enough to persuade Tails, despite knowing it very well couldn't. "If you kill me, people will notice I'm gone. I won't speak a word of this, I swear. Just let me go."
"Kill you??" A small giggle croaked out the Fox's throat, little at first, but soon escalated into a hysterical laughing fit. "Kill you?! No, I couldn't dare lay a finger on you. You and Sonic are one of the only good hings about these sick dimensions." He chuckled again, breathlessly this time around.
"No, no. I have much bigger plans for you, my sweet." Then he set his remote down, hand reaching behind him to grab for something that his body obscured from (Y/N)'s vision. "Though, I doubt you'd go through it willingly. You're such a fighter!! It's like playing hard to get for you!"
(Y/N) didn't need a rocket scientist to figure out the possibilities this could lead down. All were definitely not in their best interest. They were quick to reach over, to try and grab something, anything they could use to defend themselves. Their fingers brushed against a small screwdriver sitting near the edge of a toolbox, and they quickly snatched it up, gripping onto it tightly in their hand.
(Y/N) attacked first, using the screwdriver as a dagger of sorts to stab at Tails. It made a slice, but not one deep enough to stab, let alone deter the two tailed fiend. Before (Y/N) could even really process all that the lightly furred fox had done, they were sent to the ground with a pounding feeling in the back of their skull and a gloved hand tightly clutching at their throat with their attacker, Tails, mounted on top of them.
"Well done, Darling! I really don't see why Sonic skipped out on you, you certainly are the whole package!" He was grinning from ear to ear, teeth gleaming dangerously as the scarce lighting of the room reflected off of his teeth as well as his eyes. "Beautiful, intelligent, and a fighter!! There really is only one flaw with you!"
(Y/N) gasped for air, coughing and wheezing as they tried desperately to get some form of oxygen to fill their lungs, their hands instinctively went for the one that was wrapped tightly around their throat, trying to pry it off though that only made the fox's fingertips indent themselves deeper into the morbian's neck.
Tails leaned I'm close, half lidded eyes watching them and reveling in the sight of them. "You just don't know when to quit." That's when (Y/N) saw it. The glisten of light hitting the slim blade of a needle that he held tightly in his right hand, preparing to strike (Y/N) with it, inserting the mysterious liquid that the needle was holding into them.
"Tails--Tails, wait!! You don't have to do this, We can--" (Y/N) was cut short, a chaste kiss being planted on their lips with sharp teeth threatening to cut them before the fox made his move, inserting the needle into the little amount of (Y/N)'s neck that wasn't before squeezed by his hand.
Inserting the liquid and pulling back, Tails' grinned and admired his handiwork. His grip loosened, allowing (Y/N) to catch their breath, though that didn't matter much when the liquid had already started to take its effects, draining away at their energy until they were in an almost slumber like state.
"Sleep. Sleep now, and once you're awake, you'll be just like me. We can finally live like we were meant too--Not collecting dust with all these vermin. You'll have no need for this imposter 'Sonic' you busy your thoughts with. You'll be with me, and the 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭 Sonic."
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thotsforvillainrights · 3 months
I dont know if these are if y’all comfortable with this sort of request, so I’ll write down two under the same umbrella.
1. A smutty fic of spinner’s pregnant s/o bouncing on him while he’s gaming
2. Egg laying (I’ll let you have some creative freedom on this one)
If your uncomfortable with both, then maybe spinner pounding at his s/o will be just as fine as well
(I wish I was comfy enough to expand my smut capabilities but alas, I'm just relatively too vanilla for these things. Maybe it would've been different had I answered this earlier and not went through what I went through here recently with my loss... And then on top of that, I'm just way too boring for the egg laying. I'm sorry anon, but I will still try to deliver some reasonable Spinner smut for you.)
-Shuichi Iguchi Smut-
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Serious-acting or speaking sincerely and in earnest, rather than in a joking or halfhearted manner.
No time like the present right? Why hold something back when you can be honest at this very moment. Besides, he'd appreciate it right? Hiding how you feel about things would only hurt him in the long run. They bubble up and spill over, tainting and blurring the lines of your otherwise comfy relationship.
You roll over to your side and watch him mindlessly scrolling on his phone. His eyes seem dead tired and his head is obviously elsewhere. Why else would his finger be scrolling so quickly, not even pausing to watch more than a millisecond of the videos on his page. Seems like there's something on his mind as well. You're not able to put a finger on the sudden split second panic that dropped your heart when his eyes quickly shifted toward you. Both of you swallowed, staring a hole into each other for a while now. He locks his phone up, sighs, and places it on the messy bedside table before turning himself on his side, mirroring you. "Is something wrong?" You ask first. He takes a moment to search for the right words to say. Finally he decided to just come out with it, his own thoughts circulating around what he's been hiding from you first. Imagine your surprise when he admits it.
The very thing you wanted to bring up for yourself.
"I don't think I'm serious enough in bed. Y/N it worries me. I always ask how you feel and you always tell me things are great. But that's the problem. I don't want them to be just great yknow? I want them to be amazing. I was chatting with Dabi the other day and I asked him some advice on...personal things. I wish I could sum up what he told me in a better way but he essentially called me a sissy and that I was lackluster and not-" You smile sweetly and place a single index finger over his lips to silence him. The worry hasn't left his eyes despite the calm and reassuring look in yours. "First of all, it's no good to listen to Dabi. You remember the last time you asked him for advice and he made you insecure for the rest of the week, right?" You watch him slowly nod, silently cringing at the memory. "Second of all, yes I was actually going to bring it up myself. I don't want you to think too hard on it! I wanted to say it without hurting you or making you think you're not good enough. I love the way you treat me. I love how gentle you are but I'd appreciate if you could stop asking me several times during sex if I'm okay. It...well it just...it kills the mood." You looked at him with an apologetic expression. "Shuichi I don't want you to push yourself outside of your comfort zone, but just at least try to treat me a little rougher? If not in your actions then at least in your wording right? Try that first and the rest will follow." You reassure him and smile at the spark in his eyes. The determination to try something new just for you. Well it'd make any significant other feel special wouldn't it?
"Right now then." He cuts you from your thoughts. "I'm sorry? What did you say?" You search his face for some understanding but he isn't budging. He's serious...
"Right now, Y/N. I want to try it right now." He stares at you, the fire in his eyes not subsiding. As if you'd already answered him, his hands start roaming up your sides very slowly. He's awaiting his answer. You finally smile sheepishly and nod. He returns with a nod of his own and lays you back first into the faded cushioned duvet. He's a man of his words, his sharp nails digging into the plush, sensitive skin of your upper thighs. You bite your lip and turn your head to the side, searching for something in the room to focus on so you don't yelp out. Right about now he's wanting to apologize a million times again for the marks he's leaving on your precious skin. He's wanting to bring a cold wet towel to wipe away the scratches and nail marks, to soften the burn of the way too rough hickeys. However, he's made his resolve to keep it up. Quitting now wouldn't yield the results either of you wanted. So he persisted in his actions. He at least used his tongue to lap at your skin after leaving his marks, a silent apology he hoped you'd caught onto.
"Don't turn away from me." You hear his voice, heavy and low for the first time. He's trying to be stern. It doesn't feel like him, but you know it's him. Your head is playing tricks on you or maybe it's just too dizzy from the heat of it all. You turn to look up at him right as he's slipping his joggers down ever so slightly, just enough to free his cock. He's blushing but his expression remains serious. He's usually flustered when he strips down for you, listening to the way you tease and compliment him while he scrambles to find himself in the moment. Not this time, no. He doesn't give you time to process when he reaches down and slides your underwear to the side. Usually he'd take his time to gently undress you while leaving butterfly kisses all over your skin. He'd practically worship you but again, not this time.
"If you turn your gaze from me, I'll stop." Before you could complain, he forces his way into you. Quick but not as easy as he previously imagined. You're tighter than he thought. Maybe it's been a while since the last time, he admits it to himself. He wants to whimper for you, to moan out praises of your name. He stays silent, only opting to grunt as he continues working himself into you. He's rewarded with your sounds instead. There's so much heat in the air now that it makes your throat thick. You wouldn't stop it even if you wanted to. He seemed to fit so deliciously inside while still stretching you out. More and more, deeper and deeper until he's fully buried himself within you, balls flush against your warm skin. He shivers while gripping tightly at you, holding you so you couldn't get away even if you wanted to.
Leaving more marks to be examined later.
"I said if you looked away from me that I'd stop. Open your eyes Y/N. Don't let me have to tell you again." He warns. Your Shuichi? Warning you instead of apologizing? Can things be too good to be true? You crack your eyes open and stare directly at him. You don't even take a minute to ponder on things. You can't think right now of anything else but him...this. He makes double sure of it as he starts to move, huffing at the way your walls seem to flutter around him before clamping down. You're all too good for him. He feels awful for gripping you so tightly, for ripping into that perfect skin, for saying such things to you, for pounding into you like this, staring at your half lidded wet eyes. However, on the flip side of things, he's strangely proud of himself for taking this initiative for the first time. Proud for squeezing and not letting go, for fucking every last little gasp out of you, for hearing his name slip from those beautiful lips.
For being the reason you feel lightheaded.
For knowing he's the only one making you feel this way right now.
So he lets that pride carry him further and further.
"Look at me or I'll stop. Don't look away." He reached down to grip beneath your chin and yank your attention to him. "Whose is it?" You feel a bit of shock and excitement creep up on you after the question. A challenge coming from him? Instead of taking the time to tease him, you decided not to push the moment any further. Knowing him, he's probably going way too far out of his comfort zone you think to yourself. So you comply like a good little partner for now. "Yours..." You whisper out. It's not good enough for him. "I asked you whose it was. Answer me louder." His thrusts become more urgent. He's close, his hips are stuttering, a tell tell sign of his upcoming release. "Yours Shuichi." You moan for him, feeling your own release creeping up as well. "Louder." He demands. You once again comply, saying his name an octave higher. "LOUDER." He grips your chin tighter. You find yourself letting go of all restraint as you call out his name again and again, louder and louder this time without command. You're coming and so is he. By now, the neighbors are likely growing weary at the all too thin walls of your apartment. Neither of you could care less.
Not with your sense of newfound satisfaction. Later you'd both awkwardly apologize anyway. Right now, you needed to focus on regaining your breath and running the thought away of your throbbing soreness from his thrusts. He'd apologize when he's come back to his senses anyhow.
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shadyhoetree · 2 years
wow. you're so cool for writing for makoto
i need something with kusuke, he's also underrated. kusuke is the love of my life
idk if you're willing to write this or not,, i cant really make up any scenarios, so if you choose to reply writing for kusuke then i hope you're okay making up your own scenario? I NEED KUSUKE HRRFHRRGGHRF
you're underrated D:
Kusuke Saiki x male! reader
Minors & female aligned do not interact
Contains: NSFW, porn without plot, vibrating buttplug (reader recieving), public, humiliation-ish? (reader recieving) implied top! Kusuke, implied bottom! reader
Host Bonzai's note: I know I'm cool, thanks😌and yes, yes, I will come up with something for my boy Kusuke. HAHAHA EVERYONE NEEDS A BIT OF KUSUKE KDLFKFKFKF Awww<3 You really think soooooo? But damn, I could not come up with much to work with so I made this kind of a foreshadow-y thing. Haven't watched Saiki K in a while and well- help, I overastimated myself
Co-writer Ruka's note: Little tip on the side; you can still help by giving us other information besides a scenario. Starting with who's top, who's bottom or what uh kinks you want/don't want to be included. Makes it a bit easier to come up with stuff, yknow
What he wants
During (Y/N)'s time knowing and being with Kusuke, he started to notice little shifts in the way the blonde is acting. That way, it was easy for (Y/N) to figure out certain things; How Kusuke is feeling, if he slept properly, ...things like that.
But the most significant one to mention is how Kusuke's act shifts ever so slightly when he's up to something. Something that involves his dear, dear boyfriend.
His gazes would linger longer, as well as his touches, he'd be sweeter and do little things for (Y/N). You could say he was trying to butter him up to ensure the needed consent for whatever there was swirling in his head.
And whenever that happens, the (Y/HC)-haired knew something bad is going to happen. Bad for him, but entertaining for Kusuke.
Being able to see the signs rather quickly never seemed to give him even the slightest advantage, however. No matter how much he tried to stay stubborn, Kusuke always knew how to get a 'yes' out of him.
Which brings us to the nearby grocery store.
Kusuke's smile was ever so sweet as he held (Y/N)'s hand in his, and looking at the neatly written down grocery list in his other. Do I still have to tell you they weren't actually there to shop groceries?
The ever so slightly twitching of the male's fingers in his hold made Kusuke smile even wider, barely being able to hide the mischief it held. (Y/N) refused to look at him, feigning anger towards him because of what he did to him yet again.
How come Kusuke had such a huge thing for publicly humiliating him like this? And how come the (Y/HC)-haired always ends up going along with it until the very end?
There is no more denying having a vibrating butt plug in his ass while walking past people in a damn grocery store wasn't arousing him. No one knew, all just minding their own business, not having a clue that he was currently holding back groans, moans, whimpers, gasps. With the blonde at his side controlling the difficulty of said task.
"Awe, are you angry with me, love?", he knew for a fact (Y/N) wasn't, but he wanted to play the role of an innocent couple. He made a move to place the grocery list in his pocket as he waited for his beloved to speak, only to increase the intensity of the toy the moment he was about to speak. Damn, (Y/N) forgot the remote was in that pocket.
That resulted in him to let out a startled gasp, almost a squeak. He felt like his face was about to catch fire from all the heat that's rising up there, as all the people within a few meters looked their way at the sound.
The male was quick, maybe a bit too quick, to awkwardly wave them off, "I thought I just saw a rat- false alarm..."
A shaky sigh escaped his mouth, trying to mask the quiet moans that threatened to spill from the increased force in his ass with exhaustion. "I fucking hate you.", the mutter was barely loud enough, only for Kusuke's ears to hear. And oh, he was enjoying this.
The blonde shot him his usual smile, "Love, how about we go eat in that restaurant you like after we're done, hm? Will you forgive me then?"
For outsiders it might've seemed sweet, but (Y/N) knew exactly what this meant, after all, they've been on this rodeo already.
Kusuke liked having his boyfriend shower him with affection whenever he tortured him like this. It was like getting a reward for being amused by humiliating him.
What he just said roughly translated to: "Do you want to suffer more? Or will you be nice?"
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timestillstands · 2 months
Hi i’m normal
Tell me about your au so I can EAT IT (the information, I mean.)
Hurrrg this might take me overnight because I'm sickies and exhausted but um anyways I'll try and do what I can
BA NA NA NA NAA ENTER THE READER. 100 men's anxiety packaged ever so careful. but not labeled as fragile. Has an overwhelming sense of people pleaser. also thinks everyone hates them if they aren't close w them. I wonder who could write such a self insert. Reader needs a job(you either quit or got fired from your last job) and you're fresh out of college(where you majored in engineering or something. idk.), what better place to turn to than the one and only(that's a lie) PizzaPlex!!!!
Yeah uh hahaha Sun doesn't like you. yayyy. you totally don't blame yourself at all. you do actually ignore that.
Haven't mentioned this yet but the dca is actually trying to PROTECT you. which is funny. because. you get harmed. physically and mentally. a lot. all apart of the plan to get you to quit !!!!
also sun and moon are one person in this au, which is extra fun because yayyy that totally isn't hard to explain at all. I did this to myself. moon is a set of nighttime protocols, while sun is day-time protocols. it just alters how he acts around you and talks etc etc. they both have the same goals and want you OUT.
Moon has very crappy programming; when they tried removing him or reprogramming him entirely, which they gave up on, they weren't very smart and didn't go back to fix anything they have erased. yknow. like safety measures. because. why would they try to do that.
They were more worried about fixing sun and just said screw it, shoving moon in there for a while as the naptime attendant before they realized they fuzzled up. oh good fun. so moon is like, erased from anything besides merchandise. sun won't even talk about what he did. or the fact that he's the same person as moon.
that turned into a bigger problem. why on earth would anyone want to give you a proper set of instructions? sun dismisses any sort of question about moon(who you were specifically told to FIX. by said date unless further complications arrived. they do, btw.) hey, at least we have Vanessa!
your brief encounter w her was great, she got along with you for the short amount of time that you talked that first time. you brought up moon, not having any other real coworker outside of staff bots and the dca around to ask. HEY !!! SHE KNOWS SHIT !!!
so you get some information, really rare around these parts, and haha. yay. you head out for the day and guess what? tomorrow you have a nightshift. fingerguns.
btw. you've never had a nightshift or anything. but you didn't think it was weird or anything to not have lights on, it was night, right?(ahaha that rhymed)
ouhg. hi Moon. um. btw. he likes playing hide and seek 😃
and that's like. the rough outline for the first two chapters
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☝️me explaining my au 😁😁😁
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TEEHEE IM BACK (i hope me spamming you ((i know this isnt spamming but shh)) is okay) I WANNA SEE YOUR HEADCANNONS FOR TIM AND MASKY and also maybe eyeless jack? i don't remember if you write for him IM SORRY IF YOU DON'T, ONE OF MY FAVOURITE HEADCANONS FOR TIM RA|IGHT NOW: he would so paint, like it makes sense to me that he would, and i think he would be good at it too!!! he would at least be okay at it yknow?
Characters: Tim Wright, Masky and Eyeless Jack
S/O: No
CW: Semi realistic
Tags: SFW (Sexually)
Headcanons below!:
Tim Wright:
Ok expanding on that painting headcanon,, he would totally paint! And he would 100% be decent at it, though I can imagine it sorta being like Alex Kralie's pages, but like,, more deranged if that makes sense. Like to an average person who doesn't know what happened during canon/pre canon would probably find it drawings/paintings off an insane person. But I feel like the paintings would just be like, the operator and the events that happened but like, he has really terrible handwriting + I feel like he shakes a lot so it all combines into a mess. But I also can imagine him painting like really nice landscapes as well, of forests, swamps, mountains etc.
I have a feeling that he still visits Brian, Jays and even Alex's graves every month or so, even if it does bring up bad times and makes him emotional I feel like, he would still want to visit them and just update them about life
Remember how very shortly in early marble hornets how Alex mentioned his dog? (Not Seth's) I believe the dogs name was Rocky, yea, definitely adopted the dog after Alex died
I don't know how much he'd really be social after Marble Hornets, he'd probably stay mostly to himself and just try to stay alone
On a brighter note,I think he would try to quit smoking and I believe the medication has helped him a lot now.
Definitely doesn't even utter A single sound now, he mostly just wanders through the woods and occasionally kicks rocks. I don't see him being too murderous nowadays, if he does kill he tries to keep it short and painless, he doesn't want anyone to suffer and definitely sometimes has breakdowns after.
Finds the tapes sometimes, watches then on an almost broken player
Sometimes will try and apologize to Jessica but will run away before being able to
Eyeless Jack:
Hobie Brown but cannibal basically
He definitely is a stalker-ish type, not a "One day and done type of guy" no, he'll stalk his victim for weeks, making sure they're perfect
Stalks from the trees and alleys type, once he figures out that it is the right person, he'll plan a,perfect time and date, he's already memorized their schedule and such
Scalpel? Yea, maybe usually just uses thought animalistic talons and teeth of his though, the police usually can't find any evidence of what had happened cause either he'd: 1 burn the place down, 2 kill the people investigating the crime or 3 hide the body somewhere it'll decompose fast enough for it to be hard to trace
Seedeater was merely an accident, just a random deer, dog and bison carcus merged together into the demonic entity today that Jack happened to meet
A/N: Tim is my favorite, can you tell?
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strrwbrrryjam · 8 months
au where varian manages to escape jail about a year after he's sentenced and runs to his house, to mourn and gather his equipment and his fathers horse and runs away from corona,
he becomes a pirate or simply resides in a village and takes up some of his old reputation (before he became a criminal) where the citizens don't know him and think he's some sort of sorcerer
and all throughout the years he is working tirelessly to find a way to break his father out from the amber
#ooh tell me more tags by @writingraccoon
wonderful! i will
if he's a pirate i think he'd go on a vat7k adventure where he inevitably meet hugo, yong and nuru on the way, except he's still a criminal and he's like twenty odd
he's travels the world on a flying pirate ship, not too dissimilar from the pirate ship from treasure planet, and he's travelling tirelessly around the world searching for an answer (becoming a criminal in several more countries because he keeps. breaking. into. castle. libraries to ransack them for information)
however if we go with the second option, as i mentioned, he takes up his old reputation, where he's talked about by the people in the village as if he's a sorcerer, or a witch, and adults advise them to stay away from that house
until there's a kid who like, decides to break in and see all the fuss is about, and he learns that there's just a twenty year old guy who looks like he hasn't slept a day in his life and his only companion has been a raccoon.
he looks closer at what he's doing and is amazed at it and wants to learn more so he just asks him.
varian is shocked. because. again. his only companion for the last.. six years has been a raccoon and he's also supposed to be in hiding. the kid asks if he can be teach him any of his "spells" and varians too shocked to like. correct him, and tells him yes.
so varian starts teaching this kid science. and then more kids come. and he teaches them science. and it all becomes to a point that he becomes yknow. more involved in the village. and the village love him. because he's so helpful. (unlike the village in old corona)
and thats basically all ive got so far.
in both versions he is working tirelessly to find his father, pirate!varian as I've mentioned becomes a criminal for breaking into castle libraries and libraries and also places in castles where people are not. supposed. to. be. he gets his own crew of misfits and social rejects or other noble kids who have been rejected by society. he rules them with love and compassion and its just a little family. in the beginning of that he was jaded and work focused but they. started to get him to open up and he began to be more like his old self. ruddiger is happy.
in the teacher!varian version, he has some of the amber with him, he managed to replicate the formula of the amber and now he has never met a moments of peace because of that amber. he's living in a constant cycle of nightmares and really does his best of trial and error over and over and over again till he gets some sort of result. ruddiger is very worried.
in both of these versions i do see it going to a vat7k way, but again, where varian is still a criminal and its much further in the future so all the characters are older, like, hugo is 21, varian is 20, nuru is 16 and yong is 14
i havent decided on what the corona characters are doing. it could follow the same events but without varian things are at a stand still, since, yknow, he's the only one who can understand demanitus' handwriting,
if you wanna go super angsty, have rapunzel release quirin from the amber, but i wouldn't go that route and i personally don't like that route because can you imagine how devastating that would be for varian, that all of his tireless journeys have been for naught and that rapunzel was the one to free his father.
anyway, thats all, or all i can think of rn.
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