#yes yes i do have many computers and many of them decided to die this week to spite me
sonicenvy · 10 months
so yeah, my main macbook (pro 2012) is definitely broken so that sucks. I decided to remove all of the stickers on the palm rests of the laptop and transfer them to my macbook air (2013) which had fewer stickers on its palm rests and still had some space on the back as well. It took a little bit of rearranging some packing tape, some double sided tape and some scissors but I got it all to work out in the end.
Then I used isopropyl alcohol to remove the adhesive residue from the stickers on the MB pro palm rests. Tragically did lose 4 stickers in the transfer, but considering how many there were, I did pretty good overall with transferring them as the other 16 stickers lived to tell the tale.
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totallyhextra · 7 months
People? In MY computer?? It's more likely than you think!
The following is a fanvertisment and is not connected to the show. ****Yet.*** *Also yes, this is the fourth time I'm posting this because TUMBLR WONT LET ME EDIT SPELLING MISTAKES!
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Once upon a time, back in 1987, Dire Straits put out this music video for “Money for Nothing”, which, as you know, was a song about wanting my MTV. 
The video was made by two guys (Gavin Blair and Ian Pearson) on a very moody computer. After the video went out, these two guys went to a pub:
Ian: “Hey, we should make a whole show like this!”
Gavin: “Dude, making three minutes almost killed us.”
And so it was decided!🎉
The two guys were joined by two other guys (Phil Mitchell and John Grace) and created the Hub, which then became Mainframe Entertainment. They got even more people, and then they all holed up in this hotel.
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They were mad lads with a dream: a whole cgi animated show, and they made it happen a whole year before Toy Story!
Behold! ReBoot!
(Yes that fever dream was real)
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Now before I get any of this:
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Let me lay this down. If you can’t with the animation of the first season because it was CUTTING EDGE IN 1994, you can close your eyes and listen to it. ReBoot wasn’t just a CGI gimmick. The characters are fully developed, the voice actors are peerless, the plot is sharp, and there’s so many easter eggs that you’ll never find them all.
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(And yes the episode "Bad Bob" was the actual catalyst for Fury Road. Look it up)
ReBoot is about what life is like in a computer (in the 90s, because it was the 90s) called Mainframe (because of course it is). People are sprites, the guys that look like 1s and 0s are binomes (which represent 1s and 0s). Bad guys are viruses, and the good guy is a Guardian named Bob, who is a certified cinnamon roll.
In the first season the eps are light and self-contained, mainly because there was constant friction between the Mainframe studios and the Board of Standards and Practices.
They still got away with some pretty dark stuff, like Megabyte (virus) making Enzo (the kid) watch his dog get sliced open (dog got away, obviously) , Dot (sprite) have a hallucinatory breakdown, and the fridge horror of realizing the thousands of worm things (nulls) that plunged off a bridge to their death were actually people.
And Hex's (virus
best girl) scary face single-handedly traumatized an entire generation. 🙂
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But busting through a window was a no go, because WhAt If tHe cHiLdReN dID iT tOo?
Anyway, halfway through the second season, ABC cut them loose, so they were like, fuck it, we’re going to start going hard. The story shifted from episodic to arcs and things start to get serious.
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Third season the show moved to YTV in Canada, which gave no fucks about shielding the innocent children.
So it got DARK
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How dark?
The UK refused to show the entire season, so the audience there had to wait until pirated copies made it across the pond to see how it ended.
Also by 1997, the animation was gorgeous. (Best example of third season animation I could think of that didn't have spoilers)
The show was green-lit for a fourth season on Cartoon Network, but halfway through production Warner Bros took over and the same fucking thing happened.
Because Mainframe was halfway done, they decided not to scrap all of it, but knowing they wouldn't be able to finish it correctly, Mainframe stripped anything that would hint at Season Four's true ending, then left what remained on a cliff-hanger of angst.
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(It's also why the last four eps of season four seem to make no sense)
And so it was.
Other crap happened, the soul left Mainframe, and its animated corpse spat out “The Guardian Code” in 2018. 
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But never say die! The year is (almost) 2024, 30 years later. ReBoot shall rise from the dead, because here come the documentary!!
Do you dare see what you’ve been missing?
What the (UK) government doesn’t want you to know?? 
Then come on down to ReBoot!
We got:
Magnificent bastards with sexy voices!
(Tony Jay at his best)
Kickass women who could probably crush your head with their thighs and you’d enjoy it!
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Innuendos in a kid's show!
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💗 This adorable cinnamon roll!! 💗
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Insane third season glow-ups!
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These guys!
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(Gay roller-skating binome is my boi. I named him Jerry)
Nonstop cultural refs (You'll never find them all. Never.)
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(There are literally videos dedicated to trying)
So many computer puns!
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Body Horror!
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Existential Crisis!
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This is it, folks! The real thing, the gem hidden in the moose-filled forests of Canadia!🌲🌲🌲
Take a trip inside a mid-90’s computer!
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See the World Wide Web! (omg):
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Witness the original purple Gamecubes that randomly fall from the sky when the owner of the computer (OUR GOOD LORD THE USER) wants to play a game. If it lands on people and they lose, they dissolve into mindless energy leeches, fated to tormented by their former bretheren for all of eternity.
Just like in real life! 🙃
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So watch the eps! They on YouTube!
I think they're on Pluto, Hulu, Sling, and Tubi too! Also DVDs for people who have the patience to wait for them!
The more people hype, the better the chances of actually getting it finished.
And now I will leave you with this screenshot from the ep "Painted Windows", where dicks can clearly be seen drawn upon the wall behind the fleeing anthropomorphized television.
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(PS: If you heard the clown pic at the top of the page in your head, you're welcome)
This message is now approved by Gavin Blair! He's an awesome guy. Show him some love on TWITTER (fuck you musk) at @TheRealMrSweary Also, if you want to share this with non-tumblr friends, here is my attempt at a webpage version:
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suna-cerely-yours · 2 years
Harder ft kiyoomi
warnings: fem!bodied reader, 18+,  fingering, clit slapping, degradation, unprotected sex
pairing: sakusa x reader
To be fair you hadn't meant to fall asleep. Wanting to get ahead of your work to spend a weekend in peace, you had decided to stay back late. This was clearly why people didn't do that. You should have just finished your work and headed home.
Because now you were stuck at your office at 10:30pm, no at 10:34pm- with a major snow storm raging outside.
Leaning back in your chair you groan, cursing your luck. Powering down your computer, you immediately shuffle through your rideshare apps hoping there would be at least one cab available. Unfortunately it looked like everyone had been smart enough to check the weather forecast ahead of time.
Worrying your bottom lip you wrap your coat around you and pick up your bag, making your way past the glass doors and into the dimly lit hallway. Barely had you stepped outside when the lights flickered once, before plunging the hallway and attached rooms into darkness.
"Fuck fuck fuck, this is not good," you mutter, turning on your phone's flashlight, only to be hit with a low battery notification.
You blink twice in disbelief. What were the actual odds of everything going against your way today. Clenching your teeth you turn towards the elevators, hoping the generators had them working at least, only to crash into a warm, solid wall.
Panic shot through you for a few heartbeats, before a low, familiar voice filled the silence.
"A little late isn't it?" Sakusa intoned, his hands still wrapped around your waist, from where he had grabbed you to prevent you from falling.
"Sakusa? What the hell?"
"How do you plan on getting home exactly?"
"Wait what are you- hold on."
You step back and straighten yourself, taking a breath to steady yourself.
Holding your phone between the two of you, Sakusa's sharp features come into focus, dressed in a tailored suit and a black mask.
" The power's been cut due to the storm. They're only keeping the elevator running as of now, so unless you want to be stuck here in the cold I suggest you go home."
"Right, uh I'll just go," you pause awkwardly, unsure of what to say. It's not like you dislike Sakusa, per say, however you certainly don't have many kind words to say about him either.
Unless of course you consider the numerous late night fantasies you've had about him bending you over on his stupidly large desk, still wearing his stupidly crisp suit- kind words. Then perhaps yes, you occasionally do speak kindly of him.
His eyes seem darker in the dim light as he raises an eyebrow, presumably waiting for you to go leave.
"So uh you're planning to leave too right? We can go home together! Not home together, what i meant was take the elevator down together-"
"Yes, i was planning on doing that."
The two of you step into the elevator, silence stretching awkwardly. You’re almost at the ground floor when he speaks, “The subway’s not working right now.”
“ I am aware.”
“ There’s not going to be any cabs around either.”
You swallow, clenching your teeth.
“ I am aware of all of this, Sakusa.”
“So how exactly are you planning to get home?”
The elevator dings as the two of you get off on the ground floor, the usually brightly lit atrium dark. Tonguing your cheek, you look up at the stupidly tall man.
“I appreciate your concern, but it is clear I’ll be looking for a hotel tonight.”
“ In this storm? Do you even know what the nearest hotel is?”
“It’s not my fault my phone decided to die tonight, of all nights. Besides, I will be fine. I’m sure you have much more important things to worry about. Off you go.”
He fixes you with an incredulous look, before unhooking his mask.
Son of bitch, that kind of face should really be illegal.
“ -and, are you listening?”
“What? Of course I am, but you should really be more clear and concise you know. Why don’t you say it again?”
He raises an eyebrow, before swiping his tongue over his lower lip.
“Okay, to be concise, I live 10 minutes away and have a guestroom.”
“Sakusa, with all due respect, are you bragging about living in an elite neighborhood now? I really, really don’t see how that affects me- oh. You’re offering to uh-”
He sighs impatiently, “ Yes, so come on. The storm’s only going to get worse.”
You flop onto his absurdly soft bed, dressed in a t-shirt Sakusa had left outside the bathroom, forgoing pants. Well this certainly wasn’t how you had imagined your night going. He had led you to his posh apartment and even offered dinner, and now you were in the guestroom of the guy you had been thirsting over for the past couple of months.  
Rolling over, you grab your phone, only to find it dead. Sakusa should have a spare charger, and he probably would only roll his eyes twice.
You pad through the hallway, to his open bedroom door.
“Hey do you have a-”
There is a naked Sakusa in front of you. Well, not naked, but that towel does nothing.
“Do you need something?”
“Right, yeah um do you have a charger?”
“Bedside table.”
You walk over to grab the said charger, trying very hard to not notice the neatly made king-sized bed.
“Did I not give you pants?”
“Everything that needs to be covered is covered, isn’t it?”
You turn to catch him rolling his eyes, before he’s walking closer.
“Are you forgetting that you’re alone with a man? Do you walk around half-naked with all men you know?”
He’s standing right in front of you know, the smell of his bodywash surrounding your senses.
“You’re harmless Sakusa, even I know that.”
He presses his lips together momentarily before moving even closer, causing you to step back. Except there is no where you step back and you fall in his bed. (The bedsheets are as soft as they look, you notice.)
“Am I really?”
He’s moving over you, pressing his knees on either side of your thighs, grasping both your wrists in one hand above your head.
“I, uh you are-”
His other hand slides under your, his, shirt, touch teasing, as his fingers skim over your breasts.
“Use your words princess, am I still harmless?”
“Sakusa, you should-”
“Should what?”
“Should touch me like you mean it, you assho-”
He has you flipped on your front, ass up and shirt pulled up before you can even finish your sentence.
“No panties either? Are you just a slut then?”
Your words are lost as he pulls your knees apart, slapping your pussy sharply before pulling your folds apart and spitting.
“Sakusa, oh Kiyoomi-”
“ But you’re my slut so it’s fine I suppose.”
He strokes your clit, pressing against it, and slips a finger inside you. Shallowly fucking you with one finger he slides his other hand up your body to press against your stomach.
“You look so pretty like, you know, could watch this all day.”
“Kiyoomi please just,” you roll your hips trying to get more friction. He grips your stomach, easily flipping you on your back, pushing your legs apart. His finger returns to your cunt, rubbing slow figure eights on your clit now, agonizingly slow.
Tears cling to your eyelashes, as you pant, desperate to cum.
He scoffs, leaning back palming his own bulge, “ You look like my perfect little whore, I wish you could see yourself right now.”
You whine as his length inches into your folds, hands gripping your hips, tilting them up- forcing you to arch your back.
“Fuck, you feel perfect,” he groans, thrusting in and out, hitting your sensitive spot.
“Kiyo, wanna cum please oh please-”
“Yeah? I got you princess.”
He rubs tight circles on your clit, thrusting faster as you reach your peak, cumming immediately. Your walls clench around his cock, feeling him fill you up moments later, groaning your name.
The two of you lie still for a moment before Sakusa sits back, pulling you into his arms.
“That was not my intention when I invited you back.”
“Mhm, I see.”
He pauses, dark eyes locked on yours.
“But you know, I still think you’re kinda harmless, maybe you should fuck me a little harder next time.”
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1braincell4rent · 11 months
Welcome, my dear humans to this... rambling?
Yes, I think that´s probably it. I´m just going to analise the Good Omens Season 2 Opening, talk about a few things that caught my attention, do some innacurate predictions and probably make more questions that are not gonna be solved (not even when the season actually gets released).
That being said, I apologise for tha will I´m about to write. But I had nowhere else to write it, so bear with me, okay?
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Okay, we begin with a sequence pretty similar to the opening for the first season. Where´s this? I wonder.
But there´s two things that inmediately caught my attention, as Crowley and Aziraphale begin their particular procession across the fields.
The first one, there´s a person walking with a box on their hands. That same box has a couple of arrows signaling upwards and I can tell it´s also the same symbol we saw on at least one of the promotional posters of GO S2. So it´s probably the thing Gabriel had to deliver, if we go with theories plus what was said in the sneak peeks.
The second thing here... Why are here so many goats? Is this a hell reference?
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So now we set the goats on fire because why not, and there´s a building on the top right that gives me ancient roman vibes (nevermind me guys, the clear thing here is that we´re soon all going to hell and more people will join the charade).
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We keep going to a cementery now with people following the angel and demon and there´s a few tombstones with eyecatching things written on them.
"Jane Austen", says in one and I wonder why.
"Here lies the former shell of Beelzebub", in another (which clearly makes reference to the fact they changed the actress for that part).
"Everyday", in reference to the song.
And also "Here lies Adam"...
Wait, Adam? What the actual f-
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Anyway, so now they finally descend to hell and I can just tell by the chair and computer set in there what whoever has that administrative job is not getting paid enough for this shit.
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Back up in the Earth I´m finally able to spot Muriel (sorry guys, I´m real shit to spot characters in these things) and we´re clearly in the middle of World War II, as you can see by the Winston Churchill signs and all the destructive ambience very fit for that historical period.
Now, what I wanted to talk about was the movie that´s being announced, "Stairway to Heaven". I´m going to leave down here the summary because I think it might be interesting:
"Returning to England from a bombing run in May 1945, pilot Peter Carter's plane is damaged and his parachute ripped to shreds. He has his crew bail out safely, but figures it is curtains for himself. He gets on the radio, and talks to June, a young American woman working for the U.S. Army Air Forces, and they are quite moved by each other's voices. Then he jumps, preferring this to burning up with his plane. He wakes up in the surf. It was his time to die, but there was a mix-up in heaven. They couldn't find him in all that fog. By the time his "Conductor" catches up with him twenty hours later, Peter and June have met and fallen in love. This changes everything, and since it happened through no fault of his own, Peter figures that heaven owes him a second chance. Heaven agrees to a trial to decide his fate."
So we got a miracle, a romance and heaven and hell involved in conflict... Does it sound familiar to you?
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As we keep walking rabbits start to fall from the sky and I feel as we approach the theater the time has come for Aziraphale to do his so much awaited magic show.
So, there´s a few things to point out here as well.
For starters, the posters of The Ladies of Camelot (that I´m guessing are the showgirls), those same ladies joining the procession and... have you noticed this is the first time in these openings where Aziraphale is not walking with Crowley but joining him later at the stage, dressed as magician?
And so here goes one of my crazy theories: what if the scene in the trailer where we see Aziraphale surprised at the theatre is because he´s surprised Crowley arrived? Surely we also see a whadow before him and it could also be something completely different and scary... But then again, if what Aziraphale is seeing at that second is real bad stuff, why are the showgirls in the background looking amused?
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The theater curtain opens and we get this scene when, again for the first time, Crowley and Aziraphale fly together. Like, literally together, not one after the other as until now.
Wasn´t Crowley proposing to run away to another galaxy together last season? (ah, of course they´re not going to do that now, they got things to do on Earth).
But I´m hopeful we can see where these people were before the beginning of times, before the Eden, when Crowley was still an angel and helped creating galaxies. I read somewhere a theorie that he might be Raphael or (and I thing this is more plausible) someone close to Raphael. So yes, we´ll see where this goes...
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Back on Earth we can see Crowley and Aziraphale sitting together on the bookshop roof and, have I mentioned since the space thingy now are raining hearts? What is this? And who was the genius who thought putting "Give me coffee or give me death" to a coffee shop was a good idea? (ah, we all know this and we love Neil for it, just saying).
Anyway, I´m so glad to see the Bentley again. And all those discs... Will it be so important the constant repetition of the song Everyday? Why? And had it something to do with the fact Crowley´s car has a similar problem and no matter what CD he puts it always plays a Queen song?
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People´s announcing the "Second Coming" which could very well be a reference of Season 2 and we don´t need to panic yet.
But there´s a lot of elevators here, with angels inside, so we can fairly guess it´s time to go to heaven (and it´ll probably be the last stop).
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But before that, and notice that no one in this procession uses an elevator, they get to this cinema where "The Arrival" is screening.
Could it be a reference of the movie of the same title or just a hint because the first episode of this season is titled like that? I´m gonna go for this last theorie, because it makes more sense to me.
The same symbol (arrows pointing upwards) that were in Gabriel´s box are now here in the screen...
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Finally, all these people get to heaven not by the usual system (the elevators) but by some stairs and under it there´s a lot of stuff piled that I´m not going to analise because I basically blind at this point (my fault, don´t cancel me).
Can I guess here there´ll be more conspiracies with heaven involved?
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OC interview
Thanks @mysticstarlightduck here!
Rules: answer the questions in the POV of an OC!
This time, I'm feeling Liam!
Are you named after anyone?
“Yes, I am. I made sure of it. Liam is an extremely common name, see, I've met a million of them. Liam could be referring to any number of Liams, and you would never know which one. Besides, now in certain situations I must be called Beaumont, which I just think sounds cool.”
When was the last time you cried?
“Pfft. I don't cry often. Sure, there's, like, a psychological reason for why doing it is healthy, but I just find myself in situations that don't call for it. When you need a good pathos, sure, being able to cry on the spot is an extremely good skill that I have. Crying isn't something I usually do when I'm upset. I try to stay focused on the facts to craft my argument. So the last time I cried was for my AV club. We were filming a commercial. It had puppies.”
Do you have kids?
“Oh, absolutely not. There are a million reasons, seemingly, why. First: I'm barely eighteen. Second: I'm not quite sure I want any of my own to begin with. Many different personal reasons I would much rather not get into right now. Third: not only the last two, but I'm going off to college next fall. Do you think I'm gonna have time to raise a kid? Nah. If it's to be, I'm going to wait until after graduation. Then I'll reassess where I am in life.”
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
“It depends on who I am talking to. I love sarcasm. Use it when I can. However, I've found that being blunt works better for others. Saying what you mean has a more effective, direct approach that clears up any potential misunderstanding. On the other hand, sarcasm is an effective tool to use as humor or to throw an opponent or challenger off-guard. It can be a gotcha moment. It can piss people off, ruffle some feathers, if you will. You understand my point, I assume. Sarcasm is a tool that must only be used when appropriate and should never go to waste.”
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
“... I notice everything about them. Their posture, where their eyes are, hands are, everything I can, I analyze. Why? It makes talking to them a lot easier. I bet Wade said 'general vibe', and I'd have to say that is a correct assessment of what there is to notice first. I need to know how to talk to people. How to approach this conversation.”
What’s your eye colour?
“Green. Objectively the best choice for myself. I have a very...eh, Sam would call it a 'naturalistic aesthetic.' What she means is that my color palette consists of colors associated with nature. Brown hair and green eyes help that, I presume. It fits with my 'vibe' so to speak. I would love to argue that assigning aesthetics is a little ridiculous, I do enjoy general color theory.”
Scary movies or happy endings?
“Who the hell decided these were opposites? Aliens is horror and it has a technically happy ending with four characters alive and well. I'm ignoring the next movie. This is absolutely ridiculous. I'm sorry, as a film student--or someone on track to be--this is stupid. Who wrote this question? Tragic endings or happy endings. Scary movies or feel-good movies. Technically, one could be both. Die Hard, for example, is pretty intense but gives the 'warm fuzzies' at the end. Nothing is binary except computer code. This is ridiculous. I consider myself to be a highly opinionated person, but I'm not sure I could debate either side of this. My opinion is this question is stupid, and I uncharacteristically refuse to answer.”
Any special talents?
“I can edit. Very well. Would like to edit YouTubers' vids. Generally good at cinematography and vision. Apparently I can also turn anything into an argument. Speaking of which, what defines a special talent? What makes you special? Everyone is 'special in different ways' but what is special? Some may consider my argumentative streak to be a special talent, but some may just think it's an annoying personality trait or psychological issue that I need to seek help to treat. Or is it actually healthy? I argue it's both. And what is a talent? Something we are natural at, or something that we became good at? A mix of both?”
Where were you born?
“Bit invasive. Earth. Narrowed it down to Alium or Ceteri. Which Earth? You decide.”
Do you have any pets?
“I have a cat named Beans and a dog named Macie.”
What sort of sports do you play?
“Unless arguing or debate is a sport, I do not play any. I say debate counts. It requires a good offense and a good defense. Strategy. Approach, follow through, anticipating movements. You get it.”
How tall are you?
“About 170 centimeters or 5'7. Some call me short but on Alium I'm neither short nor tall. Next to Sam I feel tiny but then I'm next to someone like Tyler and I feel much better about myself.”
What was your favourite subject in school?
“Uh, debate. I would debate you on that, but I think you get the point. Other than that, film classes and computer science are the best classes I have ever taken.”
What is your dream job?
“I want to be a filmmaker so bad. I want to direct and boss people around. I want to be a cinematographer or an editor. I want someone to use my movie as a good, ideal example in film school. I want to write my own script. See my film premiere on the red carpet. Cast all-stars, nepo babies, and fresh blood. I want it all. Call me ambitious, but I could rock this industry.”
Other Liam: questionnaire
Other interviews: Wade, Jazlyn, Gwen, Lexi, Carla, Carmen, Maddie
Tagging @somethingclevermahogony @badluck990 @theprissythumbelina @talesofsorrowandofruin @loopyhoopywrites
Blanks below the cut!
Are you named after anyone? When was the last time you cried? Do you have kids? Do you use sarcasm a lot? What’s the first thing you notice about people? What’s your eye colour? Scary movies or happy endings? Any special talents? Where were you born? Do you have any pets? What sort of sports do you play? How tall are you? What was your favourite subject in school? What is your dream job?
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secondhand-sonder · 6 months
Saph found him hunched over the laptop, researching the new world the found themselves in. Something was off with Clem. Sure, it could be the creeping reality of the fact that everything they had ever known was long gone, but Saph knew for a fact that to Clem, the thrill of discovery was more powerful than any oppressive circumstance they found themselves in. She had experienced this far too many times while having to slow down for Clem to inspect every plant and pebble on the planet that they had been stranded on to die.
So it had to be something else. Saph was assured of this when she noticed Clem startle a bit when he noticed her. His face flashed with surprise, and strangely, guilt.
Clem immediately tried to recover the situation. "I've found some interesting stuff here, but I can't find everything I want online. Maybe when Jade and Plus get back we could go to a historical archive that's a few miles-"
"What's wrong?" Saph asked, leaning over him, arms crossed. Maybe too intimidating, Saph thought as Clem's eyes went wide. She uncrossed her arms and clasped them behind her back, not sure how to make the conversation feel less like an interrogation.
Clem snapped the computer shut and stood up, turning away from Saph and pacing across the dusty motel room. Saph sat down in the chair that Clem had vacated and tried to assume a casual posture.
"Why do want me to talk all of a sudden?" Clem asked with his usual cheer but with an undertone of desperation. "It used to be that you were always telling me to be quiet." His smile was stretched, his eyes darted from place to place.
"I don't know," Saph said, crossing her arms again. "You're just acting strangely, and since we're friends now I thought I'd be a supportive understanding fucking friend and ask."
Clem physically flinched at this, then closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Saph's mouth twisted. She decided to back off.
"Listen, you don't have to tell me. Just tell Plus or Jade or someone, alright? You can't keep living like thi-"
"My fault," Clem said.
"All of this. It's my fault. I started it," Clem said is a hoarse voice.
Saph tilted her head. "You'll have to be a bit more specific than that."
Clem was silent for several seconds before he spoke again.
"When... when this all of this started," Clem said, then, taking in a sharp breath, changed his approach. "You know how we lost our memories? And I've been recovering them faster than the rest of you guys because my new name was so similar to my old one?"
"Yes," Saph said, because it was better than a thousand other comments that expressed exactly how aware of it she was. Exactly how aware she was that she used to have people she loved but were now gone, and she didn't even have memories to know them by. Of how aware she was that Clem could remember and she couldn't.
"Leading up to before we got sent there," Clem said, knowing that Saph would know exactly what he meant by there, "I found something I shouldn't have."
"Sent?" Saph said, then raised her hands in apology after Clem glared at her. "Sorry. Go on."
Clem shot Saph a look with so many emotions she couldn't even begin to parse it, then continued. "It was an old starship. I didn't know the significance of it at the time. I'm still not quite sure. I told other people. I should've kept it to myself.
"Apparently, the ship came from that planet a long time ago and for some reason it's meant to be a huge secret. Like we're not allowed to know we came from there. And I stumbled into it, and I told other people, and they figured out that I told... I told..."
"You told us, didn't you," Saph said. "You told us and they had to get rid of us." Her voice developed a hard edge. "They wiped our memories and sent us there to die."
Clem nodded like a criminal presented with irrefutable evidence of their crime, then looked up. His voice was thick with emotion. "I didn't tell all of you. Just you and Plus. I told Plus because got injured in an accident that-" Clem cast his eyes down- "probaby wasn't accident, and I told you-"
"Because you wanted a pilot to help you identify the ship," Saph said. "I think I remember."
Clem snapped his head towards Saph. "...How much?"
"Not much. I guessed that time. What's important it what happened right before we got on the ship there, though, and I don't remember any of that yet," Saph said, about to turn away before she saw the look of pain on Clem's face. "But I'm sure you do," she said softly.
Clem looked away from Saph as if unable to look at her, tears forming in his eyes.
"What happened, Clem?"
Clem stared at the wall of the room as if seeing events replayed in it. "They took us, willing or not. They got Plus to come quietly because they threatened his son. But you..."
"Stop," Saph said, standing up suddenly, but it was too late, and the rest of the memories filled themselves in on their own. Not full memories, but just impressions; rage, fear, fear, adrenaline. Pain in her knuckles from where she had cracked the visor on a guard's helmet with her fist, pain in her jaw where she had taken the butt of an electric rifle in return. Waiting in a cell.
The rage crashed forwards in time. They had not crash landed on that planet on accident. They were sent there. She had suspected as much ever since she had noticed her missing memories and the truth of the planet they found themselves on, but the realization still enraged her in a way that made her wonder how much rage she could hold. The sudden loss of engine power as soon as they got close enough to the planet to be dragged in by its gravity had been sabatoge. Hone had killed Iris, not out of blind delerium and insanity, but as a premeditated move commanded by a human power that wanted all of them dead.
Saph realized that she was still standing, fists clenched, faced flushed with anger. She noticed that Clem was standing rooted to the spot, eyes welling with tears, face wracked with fear and guilt.
"Like I said," Clem said in a barely audible whisper. "My fault. Everything that's happened to us. The reason why we almost died on that planet. The reason why we had to go forward in time. It's all because of what I did. It's my fault that you're here."
Saph deflated, her rage evaporating. "Clem-"
"You hate me," he said, eyes squeezed shut, tears finally falling. "You should hate me."
"Clem, I couldn't hate you if I tried."
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funkymbtifiction · 1 year
Thinking vs feeling decisions, and how to tell them apart
About the value judgement being mistaken for objective judgement thing: would a Ti judgement be considered objective even though by nature the function is subjective due to being introverted? If so I assume "objective" here means "detached from emotion".
I watched The Imitation Game last night, which is a good example of several Ti-based thinkers continually putting aside subjective value judgments for what is "rational" (objective). At one point, they finally decode the German enigma machine and spend all night translating messages so they know where every German submarine is. They realize a convoy is about to be attacked--a boat full of women and children. The first emotional impulse is to save them -- but Alan Turning (INTP) points out that if they do that, the Germans will wonder why, realize they broke the enigma code, stop transmitting, and re-calibrate enigma... so they will be where they started, with no way to decode messages. If they want to win the war, they have to let the convoy be destroyed, and then go forward making small strategic steps (like playing a long game of chess) that will allow them to win without alerting the Germans to the fact they broke enigma. And this is what they do, even though it means allowing people to die "for the greater good."
Very few thinkers mistake their logical analysis for being a feeling type, but many feelers mistake themselves as thinkers. When it comes right down to it, though, thinkers make rational decisions and suppress their emotions in the process, whereas a feeler looks at the value judgment of that decision -- the thinker knows the above scenario is how reality works and what is logical; the feeler looks at it in horror knowing how many innocent lives will be lost. Their mind automatically goes to the nature of ethics. Later in the film, Alan then asks a policeman to decide whether they were right or wrong, if they saved lives or were "monsters." Low Fe asking, "Was I moral?" because they know they were logical. But is logic amoral? "You tell me." Fe = seeking external input on what ethics are, and low Fe knowing that ethics are shaped by the logic of the situation. In another situation, say being able to stop a car from hitting a child, it would be immoral to let people die, but in a war, it's more logical to seek to end the conflict (which would save many more future lives by comparison -- that's logic plus big picture thinking).
In this situation, yes, Ti logic was objective -- because while the system he used to create the world's first computer was subjective (a Ti understanding of how machines work and how to manipulate them to get what you want from them in terms of data), his conclusions were all objective -- logically sound.
I can't evaluate what you asked me, in terms of whether ethics or logic drive your decision not to drink -- every reason you gave not to do it aligns with all of my reasons not to do it, except that I also as a Fi type consider it wrong for myself.
What determines a thinker or a feeler and at what place that appears in your cognitive stacking is determined by how much balance and weight you give to one determination over the other, and whether you can accept the alternate or not. A thinker defaults to what is logical in a time of crisis even if it pains them emotionally; they still focus on the logic of the situation. A feeler has to fight through their emotions before reaching that logical conclusion and many of them do not feel capable of doing so when feeling is dominant.
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Thinking. Many thoughts. floydsin rly is my tpm otp, cuz boy i cant stop thinking abt them. Im like that last Sandman episode when dream tells that asshole thats hes gonna have too many ideas now and he almost fucking dies because of it that is literally me rn with floydsin. They just have the best dynamic for me idk what it is
One Au ive been fond of is that the daggers r some sort of vague special agents team and bob is their guy in the chair, along with the other WSOs from the movie, but hes like their "boss" per say. And jake is the cocky, "i do shit alone" type of agent, the one everyone hates but is super hot and everyone also knows the guy has Issues™ but hes too busy being an asshole for anyone to rly care about it.
And the crux of their dynamic, The Scene, is when jake decides to go offline with his ear piece, in a zone without visual aid for the computer team, which therefore means they got no fucking clue whats going on. And it leaves bob Livid. And up until that point, bob was just a guy who they knew could do his job well, but no one really got close to except his team, cuz he takes his job seriously and doesn't want any of them to die out there. Which is exactly why hes angry at Jake in the first place, not because jake disobeyed clear orders to never turn off an earpiece unless absolutely necessary, but because doing That could mean having to explain to his family why hes fucking dead without any of them even knowing his true last words.
Its the first time they see 1) bob scream and be genuinely angry, 2) hangman ashamed and quiet. Jake gets a new understanding of not only Bob but his role on his fucking survival but also understands that apparently bob wasn't even surprised at what he did, just disappointed and tired. And yes it is here when jake starts to crush on bob. Again, the guy has issues we all know this.
And this is just one of my many, MANY, aus where the main couple is either floydsin or floydsin that turns into floydsinshaw cuz i love bradley too much to help myself
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jojolovesdogs00 · 1 year
Witch's Curse
Ship: Wanda x Reader
Chapter 7
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Later that night you received the message from Fury saying that he will contact you later. 'Thank god he didn't die' you thought to yourself worriedly. You were currently lounging around your room. You weren't really sure how to feel about everything. On one hand, you felt bad for Wanda. But on the other hand you couldn't help feeling relieved that Wanda wasn't responsible for those horrible deaths. At least for now.
Your phone suddenly began to ring. You quickly grabbed your phone and checked the number, surprised to find Natasha on the caller ID screen. "Natasha?" you greeted curiously. "Something wrong?"
"No... actually yes." she responded after a short pause. "There's something I need you to see." she added.
"Okay. Give me 10 minutes and I'll be there." you told her.
'What's wrong I wonder' you thought to yourself. You quickly headed downstairs to grab a quick snack before rushing over to SHIELD headquarters. You arrived at the entrance shortly after, and scanned your badge to gain access to the building. Once inside, you walked along the hallway towards the elevators. You pushed the button on the side of the elevator when suddenly you heard someone calling your name. You froze on your spot and turned around to see Barton hurrying towards you.
"Y/n, are you alright?" he inquired with a concerned expression etched upon his face.
"Yes. I'm fine. What about you? You're okay I hope." you said in return.
"Yes I'm good too. Just Fury and 2 of our agents on that floor..." he explained. "Do you think it was her?" he added, looking at the elevator door as if expecting her to appear right outside. You stared at him for awhile, unsure of what to say to him.
"I have no idea." you finally spoke. He sighed heavily before nodding. You stood quiet until the doors opened. After stepping inside, the doors shut and the elevator started moving downward. When the lift stopped and the doors slowly opened, you saw Natasha waiting for you on the other side.
"Hi Y/n. How are you?" she asked politely.
"I'm fine thanks. How are you?" you replied as you stepped out.
"I'm fine too. I need to show you something." she stated. Before you could ask any questions, Natasha gestured for you to follow her out of the elevator. You stared at her suspiciously for several seconds. You could sense that Natasha was hiding something from you. But you decided not to push it at the moment. If she wanted to tell you, she would. Instead, you followed her as she led you through her room. She then walked up to her computer and turned it on. You watched carefully as she typed something into the keyboard. The screen lit up, revealing many files spread across the entire screen.
"This is all surveillance footage we have managed to recover so far." Natasha said while pointing at the screen. Several rows of files appeared. Most of them showed different areas of the facility. However, one of the files showed Wanda was flying around above the facility. You watched as a small smile graced her lips, and a small chuckle escaped her lips before started blasting the facility with magic.
You blinked repeatedly, trying to make sense of everything. It looked like Wanda did cause all these terrible things. But you also wondered why she'd done it. 'Was she somehow possessed again?' you wondered. The thought made you nervous. You swallowed hard. 'What the hell am I supposed to do now?' you thought. All you needed was an answer, but you weren't sure where to even start. After another while Natasha noticed the confused looks in your eyes and quickly explained herself.
"The video shows only Wanda flying around, attacking people. I don't believe she can control herself yet, or she wouldn't have been able to do such violent acts." she explained.
You remained silent. What else could you say? You weren't exactly sure either what to think. After a few more moments of silence, Clint suddenly came running inside the room, holding onto his bow and arrows in his hands. You quickly turned your head towards him as you noticed him frantically panting. A slight frown formed on your face as you watched him approach you both.
Clint stopped a few feet away from you, breathing heavily. "Guys... I think I found something!" he exclaimed.
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clairelsonao3 · 9 months
Happy STS, Claire! I’m thinking about our guy today, and how he is a man of many, many talents. Are there any other skills/talents that have remained hidden from the plot so far, or that you just haven’t had a chance to work into the story? Or is there (gasp) a limit to how damn awesome he can be?
Same q for Louisa! Anything she’s great at we just haven’t seen her do yet? (Other than improv, of course 😉)
Happy STS and thanks so much for the ask, Kate!
Yes, he certainly is, isn't he? I'd like to think we've seen most of his talents, but he still surprises even me sometimes. 😂
Also, I will take this opportunity to note that, gifted as he is, many of the skills he's cultivated -- science, engineering/mechanics, music, chess, computer hacking, even psychological manipulation -- come just as much from hard work as natural talent. Hard work he put in, initially, simply to fight for whatever basic crumbs of respect it could get him. I think back to this line from Ch. 24:
[Free people] didn’t have to spend every spare moment racking their brains to exhaustion, figuring out ways to be smarter and better than everybody around them, for the mere privilege of not being kicked in the teeth.
So what else? (I’ll try to speak as hypothetically as possible and NOT turn any of these into spoilers!) It's been stated that he never bothered to put much effort into learning about finance or economics. But besides unabashedly loving money as only someone could who's never had any, he actually has some business acumen and could be capable of being a good entrepreneur, business leader, and investor, were he ever to get the opportunity. Particularly because he has a unique understanding of the dangers of unchecked capitalism and thus understands how it can and must be used as a force for good instead of evil.
He has good hand-eye coordination, and with his appreciation for the fine arts, he's decent at drawing and even painting, although I suspect his skills would fall more along the lines of art forgery than creating anything of his own. 😂 And although he doesn't have much experience, I feel like he would be good at handling weapons and have good aim with a gun (though I haven't decided whether we'll get a chance to find out before all is said and done...) And there are a couple of other less-deadly pastimes involving similar skills which he may eventually prove surprisingly decent at. I can't say much more than that, so feel free to speculate!
That said, he will NEVER be good at cooking, ever. And though Louisa may well improve her skills in that area someday with practice (she might even yet learn how to work an espresso machine 😂), I’m afraid there's no hope for him.
She, meanwhile, was okay at sports and physical stuff growing up; she just didn't really enjoy competition that much. She's totally untrained in self-defense, but we've seen that she is surprisingly bold when it comes to defending herself. She might eventually take up some type of martial art, simply to improve her confidence levels and to make sure she won't ever feel helpless again. (Neither one of them like that feeling very much). Also, she can write! She's definitely written poetry in the past (which of course she would die before showing to anyone), and although it was typical angsty teen girl material, I can say it was at least slightly above average.🤣 But I think her main writing talents lie in nonfiction, and I could see her turn to conducting research and writing and publishing persuasive essays or op-eds to advocate for the causes and principles she believes in.
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To Make a Difference: Part 2
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*A few weeks pass and Uchui doesn’t leave his lab. After having born witness to the Killing Game through his spyglass, the situation looks bleaker by the minute.
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Come on Uchui...Just now...Do SOMETHING with your pathetic life...FOR ONCE!
*He peeks over.
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Since Keebo kept defying the audience, they took a vote and decided...That troublesome personality of his should be erased!
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His personality was erased!?
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H-How cruel can you guys be!? How long are you gonna play with our lives!? 
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But that’s the decision of the outside world.
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“Don’t just end Danganronpa! We supported you! You OWE us!”
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That’s what they said! So it doesn’t matter how much you fight! You can’t change the outside world!
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‘Cause the outside world still wants Danganronpa! That won’t change!
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So, do you still want to throw your lives away? Even if it changes nothing?
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*Uchui scrambles around his machines, plugging various wires into various ports, then starts typing something on his computer.
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...It’s hopeless...They can’t...they can’t fight this...They can’t fight the whole world!
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*Uchui’s new device starts to power up. As he waits for it, he looks back through the spyglass.
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I...can barely...control it...Looks like...this is the end...
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D-Don’t say that! You survived this far!
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I’m...sorry...I could not fight with you...until the end...But...your choice is not wrong...The real enemy is...the outside world, who is enjoying this Killing Game...S-So please...use me...t-to change...
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To change...the...world...!
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Keebo! Stay with us!
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I can’t...save them...Why did I ever think I could do anything...!?
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Pathetic as always...Uchui...
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Did you honestly think you could ever amount to anything...? 
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I don’t know...I just...
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He’s completely erased...
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That makes me sad too, y’know? He was a character I created! 
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But this is the end. The outside world rejects your decision!
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So no matter how you use your lives, it won’t change anything!
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This world is diseased...rotten to the core...there’s no saving it...
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There’s no...saving...anyone...
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That’s more like it...You should have been acting like this from the-
???: Then...I’ll change it...
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Keebo gave us this one chance!
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If Keebo is doing what the outside world is telling him, we just have to convince him...
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I know we can change the world! We owe it to Keebo to try!
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Change...the world...? 
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Th-That’s impossible...So many years of this torment, it won’t just...
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I said it’s impossible! For Fiction to change the real world is-!
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The impossible IS possible! All you’ve gotta do, is MAKE IT SO!
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You can even...change the world!
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No...we WILL change the world! For ourselves, and everyone who has died!
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You’re going to throw your lives away...for those who have died?
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You fought to SURVIVE this Killing Game! If you die now, it’s all over!
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Even if we die, it’s not the end!
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Our friends who died...gave us their love. And we changed because of that. If we can inspire change in others, then that love will live on.
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That love will tear down the wall between fiction and reality, and it will live on...forever! That’s why I’m going to change the world! As long as I have their love, I will change it!
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Even if this whole story is a lie...
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I will USE that lie to CHANGE THE WORLD!
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Th-That’s right! We’re not gonna just be fiction!
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Shuichi. You can change this world. Because...you’re Kaito’s sidekick.
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There’s no way you can persuade them like that! They all love the Killing Games! They can’t get enough of Danganronpa!
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I’m giving the world what it wants! I won’t let hypocrites interfere!
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Keebo! Let me hear the voices of the outside world! And let them hear me!
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*Uchui hears a noise and looks over to see his new device powered up. He scrambles over to it and starts pressing a few buttons.
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Right...! YES! I just need to set the parameters to the Killing Game grounds...I-If I do this right, it’ll pull who remains through!
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*He hesitates for a moment, then looks back at the spyglass. Though he can’t see, he can hear the noises of Shuichi and Keebo’s fierce debate.
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“To change the world...huh?”
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*He steps away.
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Then again...I suppose it would be a good idea to let it charge up a little more...
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I’ve waited weeks for this...I suppose I can wait a little longer...
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[A few minutes later...]
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Alright, looks like voting is over! Let’s hurry and announce the results.
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I-I didn’t vote. That was the right thing to do, right? 
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The three of us might be penalized for abstaining to vote...but what’s going to happen to Keebo and Tsumugi?
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If Keebo is controlled by the outside world, he must have voted for Tsumugi. 
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Then what about Tsumugi? If she had cast one vote for Keebo, then it would be a tie, but-
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Oh, there’s no need to worry about that. I didn’t vote either.
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I knew it...She doesn’t want to win, she wants Hope to win...
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So, since the four of us abstained from voting, only Keebo’s vote counts. No matter who he voted for, the only one who survives is Keebo...
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So in other words, the winner is Hope! 
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*Uchui’s hand instinctively drifts towards the device, but he holds his wrist and keeps himself back.
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But Keebo said earlier that he’d sacrifice himself and take the punishment, right?
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So we’re going to punish him! He’ll be participating in the next Killing Game!
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Hold it! Why are you punishing Keebo!? If Keebo survives, there’s no need for him to be sacrif-
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It doesn’t work like that. He needs to follow through on his words. 
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Th-That’s not fair! Are you twisting the rules again!?
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It’s fine, cuz this is all fiction! Maybe it’s a bit forced, but that’s fiction for you, right?
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God dammit...I believe in them, but at this rate, their deaths will be meaningless...
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Maybe she was right...that their lives really didn’t matter to anyone...so why...?
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Why does HE keep smiling like that...?
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Well, we already know the outcome, but we should follow protocol...Monokuma! Please tell us the results!
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Okay! Then let’s begin! Who will be chosen as the blackened!? Who will win - Hope or Despair!?
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*Uchui watches in stressful anticipation as the voting board appears. A few seconds that feel like hours pass, and finally, the results are shown.
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...No way...!
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All five people...abstained from voting?
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Wh-What’s going on!? Didn’t Keebo vote!?
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Phew...I’m relieved. 
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H-Huh...!? Why!? What IS this!?
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...The world has changed. If Keebo refused to vote, that means the world has changed. It means the audience chose not to vote as well.
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...They rejected this Killing Game.
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Serves you right! That’s what you get for breaking the rules like that!
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H-Hold on! I-Is that...really ok!? Danganronpa is going to end!? The Killing Game full of tense standoffs and backstabbings amonst friends...
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It’s just going to end abruptly with season 53!? Is that really ok!?
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I don’t believe it...!
*Uchui watches in shock and awe as the audience members tune out one by one, a feeling of pride in Shuichi and the others.
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You never appreciated us...And it looks like you never appreciated the power of fiction! No one wants you anymore! No one wants to hear your sick, twisted stories anymore! It’s over...!
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It’s finished...It really...is the end, isn’t it?
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So what are we going to do now? Now that it’s over, there’s no need for any  punishments.
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What a half-assed ending. This is no way to end Danganronpa. 
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No, it needs to end with a punishment...at the very least.
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*Uchui darts over to the device and powers it on!
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Alright...this is your moment Chewie...Get their signals and...
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*He looks at the devices monitor, and notices something odd. Multiple other signals pop up besides Shuichi and the others.
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Hang on...but there’s only...wait a minute...!?
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1...2...5...12...!? 16...!? 16!?
*His eyes dart back and forth between the spyglass and the device. His body starts to jitter with excitement.
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It’s the will of the outside world. Destroy this entire fictional world, and end this Killing Game...That is what the outside world wants.
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*Uchui smiles back at the spyglass.
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And kids like you...are what THIS world NEEDS.
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*He presses the button.
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nardaviel · 4 days
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I've been wanting to do this for ages but I was too lazy to turn on my computer. I got the template here! Only like three of these characters are any degree of well-known, and I think I might actually be one of the only people on Tumblr who knows of two of them... Under the cut I talk a little about how each of them has inspired Sora.
Ibushi Arima: The Original inspiration. The reason Sora exists. The mold that Sora was shaped to fit. Essentially, I needed an OC to fill some holes in my backstory for Ibushi, so I made Sora. He has many things in common with Ibushi for that reason (rich background, unhappy childhood, deeply devoted to a small number of people). He has some key differences, as well, because he needed to have them (less conflict-averse, more ambitious).
Light Yagami: Sora is incredibly, blindingly smart (though not to the degree we're meant to believe Light is, because I'm pretty sure no actual human is as smart as Light is meant to be), and gorgeous, and charismatic, and well-off, but feels a profound disconnect between himself and most others. It takes him in a different direction than Light, however, with more loneliness and self-loathing. Essentially, Sora, like Light, is a guy who seems to have it all, but his internal life is dark and dysfunctional and broken. One of my fav tropes!
Diora di'Marano: She is one of the characters who I might be alone in knowing, which is such a shame, because she's one of my favorite characters in all of media. She's smart as fuck, subtle and patient, good at manipulating people, and overall incredibly skilled at maneuvering through her society to become powerful despite some not inconsiderable barriers. Most importantly for this post, she's motivated by love for a few people, and she doesn't care about much else, including herself. All that cunning and subtlety, and she uses it to protect people, then avenge them, then to protect new people, all the while using herself as a tool like any other. She and Sora would get along, I think.
Haruka and Michiru: Specifically I'm talking about the 90s anime version of these characters. I never watched the anime all the way through, but I remember being drawn to their pragmatism, which influenced the way Sora thinks. The inner senshi don't want anyone to die, and neither do Haruka and Michiru, really, but they recognize that in order to save the most people, they have to commit to causing a few deaths. Sora would do the same calculations.
Amarais Handernesse ATerafin: She is another beautifully pragmatic character. She has more principles than Sora, but she's clear-eyed about what she wants, and she's willing to do literally anything to achieve it; it's simply that some of the things she wants are to never resort to assassination, to leave a positive legacy, to uplift the most vulnerable instead of crushing them under her heel, etc., which rule out some methods of taking and holding power. (Sora does not share these admirable principles; where they are similar is that he, like Amarais, knows what he won't do because he's considered and analyzed it already and decided that it won't produce an acceptable result.) Amarais is also an unapproachable character, aware of her position and expecting others to be aware of it as well, but isolated and made incredibly lonely by that distance. Sora can be very much like that. Lastly, like Sora, she wants power. She wants to get to the top, and she's not sorry about it or ashamed of it, and she's not portrayed as evil for that.
Daemon Sadi: (Look, is he from a Problematic series? Yes. Do I recommend it? Absolutely not. But I read it when I was young, it changed me forever, and now I'm stuck like this.) (Also, he doesn't even have book cover art I could use for this meme; I used @/veliseraptor's fancast of Sendhil Ramamurthy.) Daemon is The Most Powerful Guy To Ever Exist in his canon, which I think freed me early on from the fear of making characters OP. If there's magic or innate superpowers in an AU, and if Sora has them, he's going to be very innately strong, simply because it fits his has-everything-except-happiness-and-love concept and because I want him to be. Daemon is also a rich, beautiful, clever character, subtle and deadly, who lives through a youth full of abuse that follows him for the rest of his life and informs all the close relationships he ever has. Like Sora, he is deeply scarred by his early life and not nearly as stable as his smooth, charismatic facade suggests. His Diora-esque self-sacrificial depth of devotion to his closest loved ones is something else that's really stuck with me, and you can find it in Sora.
Josephine Montilyet: Josie is a diplomat. In a game where you, the PC, are a fighter, and your closest companions are people who fight with you, and two of your three advisors are a soldier and a spy-assassin type, Josephine stands out as the advisor whose skills lie in negotiation, manipulation of social circumstances, pulling strings, and destroying people without ever lifting a weapon. Sora, likewise, is very much a paperwork and private conferences kind of guy. Like Amarais, Josie is more of an idealist than Sora, but also like Amarais, she pursues her goals with Soralike ruthlessness.
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anxiouslyfred · 5 months
Contemplating Death part 2
Part 1 here - part of my anxceitmus demonic soulmates au
Summary: Logan helps Virgil with his worries over how Janus and Remus will react to his death
"I'm not being unreasonable to worry about how Janus and Remus will react when I die, am I?" Virgil asked.
He'd managed to get their leader to let him and Logan take their lunches at the same time precisely so he could ask.
Logan looked at him for a moment before pulling a notebook from his pocket. "Is this about the case you dealt with last week? What have you said to them about your worries?"
"Yes and I tried following your normal advice and just asking them if they knew how demons react to losing soulmates. They can't know for themselves before it happens so that seemed like the best approach to take." He explained, opening the lunch that Janus had handed him as he left.
"And?" he encouraged, "What did they say?"
Virgil slouched in his seat, tearing a bite off the wrap. "That demons don't usually try to find their soulmates so nobody knows how one would react to a soulmate dying."
Logan glanced up, noting down his words. "Okay so that doesn't help your worries either. Was there anything else they said?"
"That they could just make me immortal and since then half a dozen at least suggestions over how to manage it." He grumbled, still unhappy at the suggestion.
Logan raised his eyebrows and nodded slowly. "Well if they can achieve that it is indeed an option, but I gather it's not one you're enthusiastic about."
"You think?" Snapping was easy, far easier than actually asking for the help he wanted. Virgil was certain his friend already knew what he was leading up to asking. "So how can we figure out if I need to worry about how they'll react to my death?"
"Let me do some research and bring them over to mine this weekend. We can hang out, catch up on other things going on and I'll find a way to bring the subject up with them." He decided after thinking for a moment. 
“Logan, how curious of you to invite us over” Janus greeted, appearing in his flat and looking around disinterestedly. “Remus will bring Virgil shortly. I'm just too intrigued by what your reason for this invitation might be.”
Logan rolled his eyes, heading into his kitchen, assuming they'd follow him. “Is getting to know the soulmates of one of my friends not reason enough?”
“For anyone else, I'd agree, but you strike me as the type to avoid arranging social events unless there's a goal to them. From what Virgil's said of you he's usually been the one to suggest get togethers.” They surmised.
Before he could counter or question the assumptions a crash came from the living room. “We're Here!” Remus screamed out, the lights flickering with his words as Virgil snickered.
“Sorry about Re's dramatics. He's excited to visit you.” He called through a moment later, already walking towards the kitchen.
“And find out all your dirty secrets! Oh, there's your room, no need to supervise me.” Remus goaded, voice moving off to the side as both Janus and Virgil sighed.
Logan finished making coffee, pouring it for himself and Virgil, a glance to Janus getting a nod so including them in the drinks too. “If by dirty secrets you mean the porn I watch you'd be better off looking at the hard-drive in the top drawer of my desk. Having TV or computer screens in the bedroom is detrimental to a healthy circadian rhythm.”
“It takes the fun out of it if you just tell me where to find things.” Remus appeared, pouting and stealing the mug from Virgil's hands.
“I wasn't aware I was meant to be unaware your snooping when you so openly declared it.” He replied simply, “Shall we go and sit down?”
Once everyone was back in the living room spread over the sofas conversation flowed relatively easily. Logan was fairly resolute in actually getting to know Janus and Remus and they had just as many questions, though it would have been difficult to get a more different set than theirs vs Logan's.
Eventually though Logan brought up the subject of Virgil's concerns. “It does intrigue me that two demons are soulmates and were so willing to adopt a human as another. The literature and studies on demons has always been quite unclear over whether demons even have them.”
“It's basically taboo for us to seek them out and for most demons if they do manage to meet or figure out their soulmate they ignore it, at least to the rest of us.” Janus stated. “And would you have left Virgil with Patton after learning it was his soul sold in a deal he knew nothing about?”
Logan shook his head. “Of course not. I'd have done everything I could to keep him away from Patton and have been doing so. No I bring it up because Virgil has mentioned to me his concerns as I'm assured he has mentioned them to you, over his eventual death and how it will impact you.”
“Truthfully we are hoping Virgil will find a method to immortality that he's comfortable with long before that become a concern.” They nodded solemnly.
Remus leered over at Virgil, “I still think the offer of just making a deal with us works. It wouldn't be for his soul but there's lots of things I want to try which he could bargain with.”
“That wasn't what I wanted to ask you about, but rather if you'd expect your reactions to be similar to the human range of reactions to the loss of a soulmate?” Logan queried, keeping the conversation on subject adeptly.
“We're not human though.” Remus's form growing and shifting rapidly for a few minutes emphasised its words.
Virgil groaned, but Logan merely raised an eyebrow. “Obviously, but you seem to understand your emotions in a similar way to how we do. If that is the case then I can explain the studies done in humans about how we react to the loss of our soulmates. There's a trend in personalities that leaves me believing that while you would be grieving and upset for quite a while it wouldn't be to the suicidally destructive level Virgil is concerned about.”
“I'm intrigued. Tell us more,” Janus requested, glancing to Remus for a moment. “Unless you'd prefer to mix up a concoction somewhere?”
Remus's grin had about a hundred too many teeth. “I'm going to make poison gas. Wear these if you want to keep breathing.”
“Thank you Logan.” Virgil sighed, offering a rare hug to his friend. “I'm really glad that you found all of that out.”
“It wasn't a problem. I'm glad to have helped ease your worries.” He nodded, keeping the hug brief and stepping back again. “Although I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss their offer of immortality. That is your decision to think through, but if you want to discuss it with me I am more than willing to be a listening ear or analytical assistant as needed.”
Virgil smiled at him and nodded. “I might do.”
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conceptsformyowner · 2 years
Stored in the closet
Public Toy Journal #23
This week, the fate of my chastity was decided, and I spent several hours cramped inside my Owner’s closet.
🌄 Daily
Tuesday 🦵😫
On Tuesday, my Owner got me on top of them and used my body. They put their fingers in their toy’s mouth, made it lick them, told it how worthless it was, what a slut it was. After using it twice, my Owner put me next to them and forced their leg up my crotch and made me hump them while they orgasmed for a third time, making me kiss them all over and tell them I’m worthless.
They kept me humping a bit longer, it was exhausting, frustrating, I wanted to come so bad. They made me say how much I wanted to come, over and over. They told me my orgasms belong to them. And that I’m not going to come right now.
After eventually mercifully allowing me to stop humping, we cuddled and took some rest.
Later that day, it was finally time. It was time to throw the die.
In case you’re unaware, this is the end of Locktober. After accumulating points via behaving well and helping them use me for orgasms, I’ve made my chances pretty good for this dice throw. Basically, we throw a d20 and (because of how many points I had) depending on the outcome:
My chastity ends now if it falls below 17
My chastity ends a month from now if it falls above 17
My chastity ends two months from now if it falls exactly on 17.
Here’s what happened:
I got 7!
We’ll now start applying the chastity points system we’d been planning for the last couple of days.
Am I looking forward to the orgasm session? Yes. Will I regret looking forward to the orgasm session? I think also yes.
I want to learn to hate orgasms. And this is the way to do it.
Wednesday 🛐🕓🕔🕕🕖🕗
On Wednesday, my Owner had to leave the house for a few hours.
Before they left, they told me to do a number of chores, then spend an hour working on my art, then write on my journal, and finally go to store myself in my room.
Naked and chained as always, I set up the videocall on my computer facing me, so that they could join in to check up on me whenever they liked, and then I got to work.
Once done, it was time to go get in my room.
I emptied the small closet space where I would spend the evening at least until my Owner arrived back home and released me. I grabbed my toy-let (a small bottle) and squeezed in. I placed the wooden panel on the side from where I entered, leaving me trapped in a small cubic meter (or a bit less) with only a small window to the outside above the wooden panel. Through the window, I reached over to the closet door, and finally closed it shut.
It didn’t seem that small. Like, yes, I could barely move. I couldn’t stretch my legs or torso, and my arms could barely pass by the sides of my body if I wanted to move them between my front and my back. But it didn’t feel completely trapped and hopelessly cramped…yet.
That’s what I came to realize eventually that day, at first it feels like hey look I have so much room in front of me! There’s a lot of empty space! But as the minutes and hours go by, I find that the amount of empty space doesn’t matter as much as the specific dimensions. Yes, sure, there’s enough space there to fit probably my whole bed (a large blanket and a couple small pillows) along with me, and I know that’s something my Owner is planning on trying, but all that extra space doesn’t help me because my position is still limited by the dimensions of the box. So the volume of my storage isn’t as important as the proportions, because the proportions are what determines what positions I can be in and how bearable and sustainable they are.
I was allowed to have my phone in there this time, since I was alone in the apartment and my Owner still wanted a way to talk to me and for me to be able to respond.
My responses, however, were limited to my toy-phrases. This means I could say yes, no, thank you, you’re welcome, ready, and other such simple phrases but always followed by “, Sir”. Exception was if they told me they love me I could say it back, and if they asked a questions I could also answer, always ending each sentence with “, Sir”.
I’d been made to put myself in storage at 16:16hs. Unable to do anything on my phone other than look at my chat with my Owner, it wasn’t until 18:16hs that I got a message. Two hours.
I lov u How r u? Enjoying your room?
[”How r u?”] ⮪ uncomfortable bored in pain hot and slightly suffocating, Sir [”Enjoying your room?"] ⮪ yes, Sir [”I lov u”] ⮪ I love you, Sir
[”uncomfortable bo…”] ⮪ Good Pretty captive toy
aaaaa yes, yes I am. I love being their captive, their toy. Just stored away and forgotten about. Its emotions or thoughts dont matter. It only exists to suffer and be used, and then to be stored away casually, without a care.
And yes, yes I was uncomfortable, bored, in pain, hot, and slightly suffocating.
I'd already been in there for two hours, which is the most time I had ever spent in there before thay day. I had luckily learned quite a bit from that experience, though, since the positions were much more bearable at that moment than they had been last time I had been in there for that long. I'd learned to relax my body and the difference it made was massively more significant than I would've thought, making it possible to be stored in there for much, much longer. Still, I was incredibly uncomfortable.
I was in pain, not really from the position, but from the prolongued contact with the hard wood or painted plaster surfaces that were now the boundaries of my reality. Also yes from the position, mainly on my legs and from the exhaustion on my whole body.
It was hot and stuffy, the air having grown quite thin and the temperature bearably uncomfortably hot.
The landmark of the view I had from in there was the small slit of light that emanated from the opening at the side of the not-hermetically-closed closet door. It shot one strong lonely beam of light into my small nook, giving me a limited view of the sky outside the bedroom window. Blue skies and birds outside my prison.
It was nice to have my phone to know how much time had gone by. It wasn’t an activity, nor would i call it stimulating but it at least provided me with some knowledge. I could sort of congratulate myself on reaching different checkpoints. One hour, two hours…three hours…
I saw the beam of light slowly turn a warmer color as it became dimmer and dimmer, leaving my phone’s screen as the only light. But even that wasn’t turned on most of the time, I only had use for it if my Owner messaged me.
However, I did find a sort-of loophole in my talking rule.
Alright I’m heading over to pickup something at @musingsformyowner before going back home.
Hsahsha I feel like I’m chatting with my aunt
😫🥵💨🌇🌆🏙️🌃 🔎🧛‍♂️❓🥺
I lov u I’ll be home soon My pretty toy I love that u r there waiting for me Imma give u treat when i get home as aftercare
🙀😻😻😻 I love you, Sir 🦁👋🐱
U want me to tell the kitty you said hi?
Yes, Sir
Thank youuu, Sir
[ 20 minutes later ]
Kitty got really happy you said hi
🥺🥺 💞💞
I’m coming back home now Are u ok?
Yessss, Sir 😩😫🥵😣====😍🥰😻😺
Hahsahhah lov u
Yes, who would’ve thought. The capitalistic artificial corporate-virtue-signaling “language” of emojis. That’s my new way to communicate via text with my Owner when stored or in toy-Mode.
I entertained myself exploring the emojis a bit, seeing how I could tell my Owner different things. I wrote this but didn’t get to send it:
🕐🕑🕒🕓🕕🕖🕗🕘🕙🕚 😳😍🙂🥲🙃😣😩😶🫥🥰🥰🥰
In any case, I had nothing to do but wait now, again.
I’m on the bus Start playing your audio loops and stop using your phone.
I quickly complied and started playing the degrading audioloops I transcribed in previous journals.
I then spent the next hour or so alone with my thoughts, as I did most of the time I was there. I’d have many ideas about things in there. I wanted to take pictures, panoramic pictures where you could just see my whole world from my perspective. A small box, my legs, the toy-let bottle. That’s it.
I had also spent time thinking about how long I could be kept there. I thought about being fed through the window, ugh, hot. I thought about being made to pee in the toy-let bottle, in full knowledge that the human bathroom was only 3 meters away, but it was not for me.
I had discovered I could lift the wooden plank blocking my exit. I could lift it half-way up, so that it closed the upper ‘window’ but also created an opening at the bottom. This helped a lot with the air flow, since the air could now enter through the bottom and leave through the top once it had heated up. I was surprised at how well this worked. It wasn’t easy, I had to intently pressure against it and not move much from there if I didn’t want it to slide back down.
I tried lifting it all the way up, so that now the window was now just at the bottom and omfg. Suddenly the space seemed a lot more enclosed. Seeing the walls meet the roof at all sides, and having the opening pretty much out-of-sight near my but made it feel very very enclosed. Damn.
While I was trying that I also thought about other waste disposal options of course, along with access to toy-parts that outside parties might want to play with.
All of that had been before the texting, 3 hours is a really long time.
Now that my Owner was coming home, I had been left to forcefully listen to my Owner degrading me on a loop, the sky outside now almost black, making any stimuli other than their voice disappear with the light.
I heard the apartment door open. I started getting really excited and horny and suddenly slowly active, even though I was exhausted and was probably wearing a very given-up expression on my face, which is my Owner’s favorite expression to have on my face.
A few seconds later, I heard water flowing in the kitchen. They seemed to be washing something.
A window closing.
Silence. Only the degrading phrases looping loudly everywhere around me.
Another window closing. Probably to keep the bugs out now that it
🔊 ...you're only good for being tortured, used, restrained, and abandoned... 🔊
The room light was suddenly on, blasting my space with sudden strong orange light coming in through the gap at the side of the closet door.
I heard them enter the room. I heard them close the bedroom window.
🔊 ...you don't matter, the only thing that matters is what I want and what I say... 🔊
I then heard the shower. I stayed there while they showered, until it eventually stopped.
🔊 ...I use you whenever I want, in whichever way I want, for as long as I want... 🔊
They seemed to have entered the room again, sit down on the bed, and then finally open the closet door.
A gush of fresh air hit me, along with the warm image of my Owner sitting there, freshly showered and looking slightly above me.
They reached above the wooden shelf that was my ceiling and took a shirt. They put it on and then finally, they looked at me and smiled. They greeted me happily, checked in with how I was, had me turn off the audio, then helped me get out and back to the world after 4 hours of storage.
They made me stretch for a few minutes, rearrange the closet with the things I had to take out to enter it, take a (actually amazingly nice) cold shower, grab a donut from the fridge, and then lie down with them in bed.
I felt amazing. They cuddled me and talked to me, we talked. Everything was great. I was still a bit subby and horny and I’m a slut so of course the first thing I thought was oh they could totally tie me up spreadeagle now on bed, to make sure I stretch, and leave me there.
I stretched a lot, enjoying the nice surface of the human-grade bed sinking beneath me, very unlike anything inside my little toy room.
I was happy. My body felt perfectly fine, only tired, but actually completely fine.
I am so happy.
⏰ Now
It’s two days late for this journal. The weekend was quite eventful but I need to get this published already, so I’ll leave that for the next one, as agreed with my Owner.
I love being their toy.
See you on Sunday.
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clonememesfrikyeah · 2 years
@i-just-think-that-clones So to answer your questions on my last post, basically yes and yes. So in this au everything in the she-ra universe happened and this would be set way after Adora. Etheria and the surrounding planets are located Deep in the unknown region. Rex finds the sword in the ground in some crazy forest while on an outer rim planet that’s near the veil of the unknown region. He’s on a recon mission when him and the squad he’s with gets ambushed and he’s separated from the group. He stumbles upon the sword and gets this overwhelming compulsion to touch it like Adora did. Of course he does and is immediately bombarded with visions and falls unconscious and wakes up with the sword in his hand.
My take on the sword in this au is it’s blade is retractable so Rex can easily conceal it and tote it with him. He’s trying to make sense of it all when he’s attacked by droids again and soon after transforms into she-ra. After he’s demolished every droid in a mile radius he turns back to himself and now he’s really freaked out and panics a little bit but ultimately decides to stick to the mission and find his squad. After a long ass time of wandering around in what feels like an endless forest he starts to feel like he’s walking in circles even though he’s been tracking his position using the sun and locating equipment and what not. He stumbles upon a strange looking crashed ship and he goes in to see if he can use the radio or anything to boost his locators signal, but instead he finds this matrix crystal holocron type computer drive with an old old version of the Light Hope AI on it. Light Hope explains a little bit about what the she-ra is, and figuring the AI seems to have all the answers to his problem he takes the matrix with him. He eventually finds his squad and their on their way. In a few days the battle on that planet is over and they ship out back to Coriscant.
While he’s there he goes to the Jedi temple archives to do some research on this Etheria place but there isn’t squat on anything like it. Which brings him back to Light Hope who seems have all the answers he needs but like in she-ra she’s hiding things from him. Because this is a very old version of light hope it is still her prime directive to train the she-ra and activate the heart of Etheria which is important for later. Really all Light Hope does is insist he train as she-ra and protect Etheria like a broken record and Rex’s doesn’t really like the sound of that so he just kinda puts light hope on a shelf in his office. So for many months Rex goes about his life in denial and only uses the sword in secret. There were a few times during battle where Rex found himself in a no win situation where he needed she-ra or him and his brothers would die. Of course this is how the 501st found out and Rex swore them all to secrecy.
Figuring how he’s kinda secretly being she-ra now he might as well learn how to at least swing the sword right because the last few times he was she-ra he was a little awkward at it to say the least. He started sitting in on Ashoka’s training lessons when he could and got Anakin to teach him a bit on how to use a lightsaber thinking he could apply the same lessons to use the sword because he has no idea how to swing a sword around the right way but he quickly learns that lightsabers and broadswords are very different. Unfortunately for him he does in fact know someone who trains she-ra’s specifically. So in secret he trains as she-ra with the guidance of Light Hope in one of the training rooms while he has one of the 501st boys guarding the door for him.
After a few months more which would be set after Umbara Rex comes out of his denial stage and he just can’t take not knowing anymore. Why does she-ra exist? What is the sword really? Where is this Etheria? Why does he need to protect it? What is Greyskull? Who was Adora? Why did her ship crash and what was she running from? Why was the sword just abandoned in the forest like that? Who were first ones? What does any of this mean? Obviously Rex don’t know anything about anything, so it was easy for Light Hope to get him to walk through a portal she made with the promise of understanding everything he wanted to know without actually telling him where their going. Essentially light Hope kidnaps Rex to Etheria. She takes him to this old outpost on one of Etherias larger moons that functions as an archive.
It’s important that you know that this au it’s set like 3,000 years after Adora and Etheria is a very different place. So the first ones who were Eternians that were colonizing the planet for resources came back to Etheria once it came of of dispondos and hoard prime was defeated. Eternia hadn’t forgotten Etheria or what it was. They still wanted their planet killing weapon. It took many many years over many generations but Eternia took back Etheria. Like Hordak did with Scorpia Eternia took the descendants of rune stone wielders and raised them to be loyal to Eternia, which guaranteed their cooperation. The only missing piece was she-ra. Which leads us back to why and how Adora came to be half way across the galaxy and got passed a massive veil of black holes and crash landed on some nowhere planet. When the situation with Eternia wasn’t looking good and they had full control of the planet Adora and company tried to destroy the sword but failed. Her friends wanted to find another way but Adora didn’t think there was any way that wasn’t playing right into their hands so she fleas with the sword. Her plan was to basically rogue one herself like Mara did and dive into one of the black holes and get destroyed and be lost forever but something went wrong. See, Adora needed an navigation system to get her all the way across the galaxy, so she used the ancient Light Hope system she found and retro fitted to fly the ship. she got spit out the other side and crashed. Long story short that’s the deal with Adora.
Which brings us back to Rex. So Rex is digging through the archives and find out the ugly truths to why, how and what she-ra is and what happened to the last owner of the sword. So Rex was like uhh, hey can we leave now and she’s like oh no, I used the vast majority of my energy storage just to get us here, it’s going to take months, possibly even a year to get us back. Of course Rex did not appreciate that at all. And Light Hopes not bad really, it’s just she’s a very old program whose deteriorated then been rewired then deteriorated some more. She’s forgetful and has a lot of bugs and glitches which make her seem strange. She repeats a lot of stuff like a broken record because it’s what’s left of her base coding, she seems like she’s hiding things because there are gaps in her memories and it causes her to freeze up. She struggles between new and old coding which often puts her at odds with herself and it’s like she’s two different AI’s sometimes. Mixed with random coding deterioration glitches she can be… unpredictable. Ultimately she’s loyal to the she-ra, she’s just old and forgetful and it can be very unhelpful sometimes. Like now, because she’s stranded both of them on this ancient outpost half way across the galaxy in a sector that can for an unknown amount of time. Just great right? That’s about as far as I’ve gotten brainstorming wise.
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martianbugsbunny · 2 years
Live-Action Herc
This movie will most likely be a disaster. There, I said it, that out of the way. Also, I will be throwing a little extra shade in this post, because this is my way of playing worst-case scenario.
I don’t trust modern writers to pull of Meg in any good way. These days it seems nobody can understand the difference between sardonic wit and unkindness, so Meg will probably be insulting people left and right for no reason, which of course we’re supposed to laud her for, bc she’s just a salty queen, right? Yeah no. I want a nuanced Meg, like I had in the original. I want Meg with a dry wit and a hopeless situation but a good, if hardened, heart. Actually, getting Meg who is indebted to Hades and yes, needs help, needs saving, is going to be dubious enough. Because heaven forbid a woman is anything but completely in control *sarcastic*
He’s an icon. I love him. I also don’t know if I’m going to like any new version of him that I’m given. If he’s skinny, I riot. There’s a preoccupation in movies these days (although people would die rather than admit it) in having every character be a very specific kind of attractive--which for guys, often ends up placing them smack-dab between slim and BUILT. I think a Hades who looks more like the cartoon version, who’s fat and has a sharp nose and grey skin would be attractive. (*certain exclusions may apply, as even with these traits I may not find the specific actor attractive* *good characterization may balance out physical attractiveness in this event as well*) Also, I love his loud personality, because a lot of Disney villains are threatening in a more subtle way. Hades knows he’s powerful and he’s very obvious about knowing it.
Hercules is BUILT. That’s kinda the point of Hercules. But he’s still a pretty gentle man, and I fear what modern writers might do to him. Gentle women are written poorly enough; gentle men haven’t been written well since Aragorn. *for legal purposes, I am kidding* But he’s not all quippy and sarcastic, like so many male superheroes are, and I love him for it. A gentle man wins my heart much more quickly than a guy who makes obnoxious jokes at every chance he gets. Also, his love is what defines him. His love for Meg is what saves them both. His willingness to risk his life in the impossible hope that he can save her life saves both of them. A man like that is a rare find in modern cinema.
Also, if they make the romantic plot something about Herc being a real player until he meets Meg, at which point he decides to mend his ways, I will scream. That trope is so played out it’s not even interesting anymore.
They gotta pay their artists well for this one, and give them reasonable deadlines, because there will end up being a lot of visual effects. Cerberus, the Hydra, Hades’ hair--these are all things that cannot be created without at least some computer input. And if the movie is not aesthetically pleasing, or if it looks jarring or fake, I’m not going to enjoy it no matter how good the plot is. If it makes my eyeballs and my brain want to crawl out of my skull and die, the plot cannot save it. In short, I don’t want it to look as lackluster as She-Hulk did. I want it to be a cinematic masterpiece. Maybe use some practical effects, because those are underused and underrated in modern Hollywood as well. This movie should be pretty, because it’s a fantasy-type story about heroes and gods and great deeds and for Pete’s sake such high subject matter should be beautiful! AND FINALLY, THE APPARENT TIKTOK VIBE
If the dialogue is as such that the characters say things like ‘yeet’ or ‘bestie’ in normal conversation, I’m done. That’s not how people talk in actual conversations with each other. There is a legitimate difference between online dialect and in-person dialect and if the makers of this movie fail to grasp that, it’s going to be the kind of cringe that gives me secondhand embarrassment just from watching. And believe me, that makes me so uncomfortable I will not go back to watch the movie ever again. The characters should talk like regular fricking people.
Also, if there is an excess of TikTok dancing, I may cry.
Basically, TikTok provides short videos. They are meant to be short videos and short videos alone. These are not designed to provide an enduring experience like a two-hour-long movie. They are designed to grab you for the brief amount of time before your attention span fails and you move on. Trying to extend TikTok energy into a whole movie? Not gonna work, because that goes against the fundamental principles of what TikTok was made to do.
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