#still overall bummed about this situation
sonicenvy · 10 months
so yeah, my main macbook (pro 2012) is definitely broken so that sucks. I decided to remove all of the stickers on the palm rests of the laptop and transfer them to my macbook air (2013) which had fewer stickers on its palm rests and still had some space on the back as well. It took a little bit of rearranging some packing tape, some double sided tape and some scissors but I got it all to work out in the end.
Then I used isopropyl alcohol to remove the adhesive residue from the stickers on the MB pro palm rests. Tragically did lose 4 stickers in the transfer, but considering how many there were, I did pretty good overall with transferring them as the other 16 stickers lived to tell the tale.
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mageofseven · 1 year
Demon brothers and side characters react to Luke who has puppy crush on MC
Aww this is so cute~
However, I want to let you know that I will not be including any newer characters. I never finished the first game because I lost the login info a long while ago so I never got to read when characters like Raph and Thirteen(?) were added.
So just to clarify, I will only ever write for the Brothers and Former Undatables until such a time comes where the newer characters are in NB and I can get familiar with them.
But anyway! On with the post~
Is more or less unbothered by it.
I mean, little kids get crushes; it happens.
He's seen his brothers go through the same as kids in the celestial realm
So he expects no different from Luke.
His opinion remains the same even if Lucifer is dating MC.
He's a bit annoyed if Luke's puppy crush causes the boy to become a bit possessive of MC though.
Tries to pretend it doesn't bother him
But it does.
I mean, that kid is always hanging off of MC and following them around.
When can the Great Mammon just have time with his human and only his human?
If Mammon and MC are dating, you can bet he will be childish enough to fight the young angel for MC's time.
Not like real fighting, but definitely compete with the child.
Maybe even make a bet on who can convince MC to spend the most time with them in a week
Just to end up owing Luke a hefty amount of grimm.
Is just plain bummed.
Not about Lukey crushing on MC, but because of him taking up so much of their time.
Even if he's dating MC, he won't get competitive with the kid for MC's time.
Boy just sulks.
Luckily, MC notices his sulking and makes an effort to even out their time between Luke and Levi, to the child's disappointment.
Basically, he dislikes Lukey having a crush on MC because it means he gets less time with MC.
Like Lucifer, the fourth brother really isn't bothered by it.
At first.
After Luke starts making a habit of dragging MC away while they were spending time together, the wrath demon begins to lose his patience with the angel.
May or may not have threaten the little angel to stop this
Resulting in Luke crying to Simeon, Simeon going to Lucifer, and Satan getting stuck in Lucifer's study while being lectured by the two older men.
Him threatening Luke is more likely if he's dating MC, but even if Satan isn't dating MC, there's still a chance .
It's not the best response to a little boy having his first crush, but hey, this is the Avatar of Wrath we're talking about.
He could have done much worse.
Oh Asmo thinks its just so adorable.
I mean, Lukey baby has a crush!
Regardless of whether Asmo is dating MC or not, he won't be upset that they're who Luke likes.
Because of course that sweet angel has a crush on his Dolly! Who wouldn't?
Acts the same as always
Though might be a teensy bit more jealous than he shows if Luke is spending more time with MC than he is.
But its fine! He just joins the two with whatever they are doing.
It bugs Lukey, but MC is happy spending time with them both so it's all good.
Honestly took a bit for this man to even realize Luke was crushing on MC.
More likely than not, he finds it out from hearing his other brothers complain about it.
Finds it cute, but doesn't gush about it like Asmo.
Misses spending time with MC as much as he used, but understands why Lukey wants to spend more time with them now.
Sometimes, he will hang out with both of them, but he doesn't force it like Asmo does.
Overall just kinda accepts thats this is how things are for now
And honestly enjoys seeing how happy spending time with MC makes Luke and seeing him practically hang from their arm with a big smile.
The little angel is happy and MC enjoys spending time with him.
That's all that matters to this big guy.
Unlike with the other brothers, Beel's feelings on the situation don't change if he's dating MC.
If his Muffin is happy then he's happy. Simple.
Okay listen here, you little chihuahua--
Belphie is not a fan of Luke's newfound crush on MC
Especially since he feels the need to wake him and MC up to see if MC will bake with him.
He's done this more than once and this sleepy grump hates it.
If he's dating MC, Belphie hates it even more.
Like ya, ya , puppy crush, right.
How about choosing a different person to crush on?
Unlike Satan, Belphie doesn't threaten the angel; he's just pretty dismissive of him.
"Can MC--" No.
Him and MC get into some arguments about it.
Overall, Belphie's just a big grump about it.
Like Asmo, finds Luke's crush on MC to be cute.
All kids develop a crush at some point
And with how good MC is with him, it was almost inevitable.
The human is always up for baking with him and listening to him when he learns something new or finds something that her likes.
Not to mention that MC just has a knack of making people feel special, regardless of whether they are an angel, demon, or human.
Overall, not bothered by it in the slightest.
Even if Dia and MC were dating, he still wouldn't mind how often the little boy is dragging them by the hand and filling up their time.
Dia himself is always busy with work so if anything, this man is grateful that the sweet angel is spending so much time with his Queen while he himself can't.
Overall, Dia finds Luke crush on MC to be cute and hopes the two have fun while he works.
Was quick to notice Luke's little crush.
With that realization came a smile, but otherwise, the butler gave it very little thought.
Afterall, that is Luke's business and not his.
If Barb and MC are dating then the answer is similar to Dia's.
This busy man is just glad his Love is enjoying their time Luke.
Oh this man could tell. Luke wasn't exactly discreet with his crush.
I mean, no child is really discreet when they are crushing on someone.
Plus, he noticed how frequent Luke would join him and MC when they hung out.
Ah childhood.
It's been so long that this wizard couldn't remember much of his own childhood, but he enjoyed watching Luke experience his.
Will lightly tease Luke about it every now and then, but overall is just glad that his little angel friend is happy.
Solomon's view doesn't change, regardless of whether he and MC are dating.
It's just an innocent crush after all.
This man figured it out on his own
But it still meant a lot to him when Luke told him.
Luke told him that he wishes he could marry MC when he's older, but was sad that MC probably won't live long enough to see him him become a grown up.
Simeon comforted the child and told him that was all the more reason to treasure his friendship with the human now.
If Simeon is dating MC, he'll feel a bit awkward about the smaller angel's crush.
I mean, his relationship with MC is a secret after all.
Honestly, he's just worried that if the little boy found out that he'd feel betrayed that his guardian was dating his crush without telling him
But Simeon had to keep it a secret. From everyone. It was the only way to keep MC safe and without drawing the eyes of the Celestial realm upon them.
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frogskelton · 28 days
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I do think heather is one of the best written characters in total drama in general, but I think all stars just removes all her development and just forgets about her rivalry w Gwen. It just turns her into a two dimensional villain, I mean the whole concept of villain n hero team removes the ideas of nuance around characters. While they do TRY to show nuance with all the team changes, but it still sucks because it’s so heavy handed in execution and focus on how the character reacts to the externa al change in their reputation, rather they how they change in a subtle way.
Also retconning the end of world tour for my little all stars rewrote thing, Heather gets her MONEY. She gets to have her moment, through is a bit bummed they no one can seem to find Alejandro and doesn’t get to talk bout anything.
Though I was a bit on the fence bout her coming back for another season because in a way to detracts from her ending. I was thinking maybe she could come back for a episode and having fun to mess w the contestants. I feel like it does slightly elevate the issue of Heather being put back in a situation where is at odds with her fellow campers and has a tendency to slip back into her old character. I feel like that was explained very badly.
But to recap, Heather has some time away and enters contest on the later side to have space to breath and so she can bask in her win and wow everyone w having a little bit of humanity.
Aleheather - when she comes they r at sort of odd, Alejandro is somewhat cold and does talk much (though remember he is in loser mode). He does still like her and admire her, but he is distant due to his she did leave him to die (like he’s not mad at being kicked, cuz he thinks that’s like a totally normal thing) They do sort of talk things through a little and go on a small date together in the competition, it goes well; although, Alejandro is still more reserved and Heather feels like while they go together well that in their relationship wouldn’t be exactly healthy. So they decide to not date. They r both very bummed n sad but they’ll be fine.
Aka, They try, but it’s overall fun, but superficial and they have an emotional distance in the events of the finale and decide to work through through as friends.
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shadowhandss60 · 9 months
Your overall review about the book? It's bad, awful, good, the best Rick wrote in a while?
It felt like being HOME.
I was full on grinning like an idiot 90% of the book. I’m going into my reread of all the books soon, but for me it has some of the funniest Percy moments because he’s just sick of sh*t and naturally hilarious. 😂
I gave 5 stars, but I may also be a bit biased because it’s Percy Jackson and I will be happy with whatever Rick gives me, but I think he did a great job shifting Percy back to 1st person after being 3rd person for so long in HoO.
It’s different with HIM as the narrator and so it felt like PJO again, where it is Percy talking to us rather than us just knowing what he’s doing like in HoO (if that makes sense)
Overall it was nice to have the lower stakes and not the apocalyptic world ending chaos. It allowed us more Percy without FULLY putting him through the ringer (he still doesn’t have a great time though, because it’s Percy and the universe still wants him to suffer some)
There’s a good mix of hilarity, genuine sweet moments that weren’t OOC (the family interactions in this KILL me. Sally Supremacy>>>) and fun banter between our 3 heroes. There are also some sad moments and they were done perfectly and it didn’t feel forced in the “lighter” setting of the book.
Some spoilers now (no major plot points):
I will say, I was hoping for more Riptide action. Percy’s sword fights from his POV are always iconic and so I was bummed we didn’t get that.
There wasn’t as much straight forward “action” like last few HoO books but I had to remember that it’s not going to read like those higher stakes books and it’s only 280 pages so there’s only so much he can fit.
I already know there’s going to be people that say Percy was “nerfed” in this book but again, lower stakes and the life or death situations they’re in in this book can’t be solved with the brute strength of his power and I personally enjoy seeing Percy as more than just a child soldier.
(He does scare a god though and he’s asked if he’s a god again, so I loved that)
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ninicaise · 10 months
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@bacchantbroccoli what the people want the people get!! warning though i am not a fan of the girlboss queen perfect tragic dead woman so get ready for some messy disaster mothers. also i did not intend for them to be this long so i had to split them a little for readability.
hennike lore in my head:
marie-antoinette ass character. marie-antoinette-esque. marie-antoinette core. etc
didn't have a filter in the most innocent way possible, didn't fit in with the subtlety of veretian court politics which is part of why laurent is drawn to damen's tendency to say whatever the fuck he was thinking most of the time.
auguste had to do a lot of the heavy lifting raising laurent partly bc she was sick a lot and couldn't always get out of bed and partly bc she saw auguste was so good at her and aleron's job she sometimes decided he could handle the whole thing. was young when she was married off so she tended to be a little self-centred; she didn't have time to grow out of being a child before having children herself.
despite this she did the best she could and tried to bond with them especially academically and creatively, and tried her best to include kemptian culture in both of their educations. speaking of;
she tried to raise her kids bilingual but it didn't last long bc aleron didn't like that as he is basically a cartoon villain. she put up with a lot of shit from aleron in general bc marriage love duty which resulted in auguste putting up with a lot of shit from Everyone Ever All The Time bc kingdom love duty which lead to laurent putting up with the regent's shit and being ridiculed in his own court for so many years. bc family love trauma status.
maybe if she still had the tendency to always say whatever the fuck crossed her mind by the time she realized she was being poisoned then things would've been different.
hypermenestra lore in my head:
this is a messy one okay basically choices were made and they were not the best ones.
first thing about hypermenestra is that was sooo loving so adoring so protective of kastor to the point of being overbearing. permissive. keep that in mind.
didn't mind whether kastor was going to be king or not but after a few years she got used to the idea so damen was a huge shock to her. she tried not to let it show too much bc egeria was her friend and whatnot but kastor could tell. being only child for the majority of his childhood usually coddled and not having much demanded from him given they were still lowkey hoping from an heir from egeria but still being told it was likely he was going to be king was a DISASTROUS choice on both theomedes and hypermenestra's part and on top of that hypermenestra was a piss poor liar. kastor Noticed.
she was not cold towards damen but she was not motherly either bc she didn't see it as her responsibility (which. was she wrong).
she could see kastor being a little bummed at the whole situation and tried to cheer him up by telling him he would've done a better job than damen at ruling anyway, this one time she went as far as ignoring damen being in the same room as her bc kastor was in a mood. often called kastor her 'little king' once or twice letting a 'my true king' slip which. had its consequences.
must stress this is not bc she was resentful of anyone, she just didn't want kastor to be sad or frustrated or any negative emotion ever and she didn't know how to deal with it. she was in absolute agony every time she saw kastor have the slightest fucking frown it was honestly incredible to see.
overall had no intention of creating a coup but ultimately theomedes loved her so much and was so permissive with her that she loved kastor so much she was so permissive with him that kastor decided he could do whatever he wanted. ironically, damen never got that permission, and when he realized in slavery that he had been taking something that wasn't his, he accepted it gracefully and with dignity, and decided to give it back with ease.
+ egeria lore bc i started thinking abt my one true rightful queen of akielos:
did not want children for a long time. she fully understood the responsibility that having a child meant and fully believed she was not ready. used a lot of contraceptive methods for a few years and it really messed up with her system, unfortunately.
probably would've made the best mother of the lot. ironic isn't it.
had an incredible vision. could see shit coming from miles away which gave her a tendency to jump to conclusions too quickly and accept no other information + be a bit too much with criticism. this got an unflattering reputation for a few years, added to the fact that she was also very private very cold very tactical for an akielon, and thus very lonely.
it's not that she didn't care for people and she wasn't cold, or harsh, just stoic. she wasn't exactly an approachable person. in fact, the only time she was seen with true softness on her face was the first and only time she held damen in her arms.
got along better with hypermenestra than theomedes. she thought theomedes was a little thick and lacked insightfulness and she knew theomedes thought she was basically insane. mostly their marriage was one of mutual tolerance. hypermenestra on the other hand was very eloquent even though she tended to agree with everything egeria said in the end. couldn't keep a damn opinion but at least she understood egeria when she talked.
kastor though, big fan. egeria loved that child’s wisdom, was more of an aunt figure to him at the time. she got kinda sad when kastor stopped talking to her after she got pregnant, but she understood it.
in truth very little was known about the late queen. nobody dared to get close enough to really know her. and well. queen egeria was so lovely, so dedicated, knowledgable and clever, gentle and playful at times, even. had anyone taken the time to know her, to truly see her, she wouldn't be just another tragic royal death now. damen asked around and though he didn't come to this exact same conclusion, he got the feeling there was something missing in the way people spoke about his mother. had he known her, he would have truly seen her. he has a tendency to want to see past appearences, still.
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annab-nana · 2 years
“You would make the perfect father/mother.” with eddie please
omg yes please! here you go babe :)
warnings: eddie being so cute with kids and just overall endearing, not proofread
❀ masterlist ❀
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"you're cancelling on me, aren't you?" he guessed when he saw your face as you walked up to his locker sadly first thing in the morning. 
you nodded. "not because i want to. mrs. kim called and asked if i could keep sarah and theo for the weekend. her husband was doing better for a little bit, but he took a decline this morning and the hospital here can only do so much. they're moving him to indianapolis right now. if it wasn't so urgent, i wouldn't, but she doesn't have anyone else," you explained with a sigh. 
eddie understood, but he couldn't say he wasn't bummed. "don't worry about it. we can reschedule."
you leaned back against the lockers. "i know. i just hate that we can't go on our fun weekend trip anymore." you and eddie were growing tired of hawkins so you two were going to venture outside of it before the weekend. there really were no plans other than to get out, but still, you were excited for the change of scenery. 
"yeah, but we can still have fun though. i can grab some movies that we can watch after the kids go to sleep. we'll just have to be quiet," eddie offered. 
"i don't know if you've ever taken care of an eight-month-old and a four-year-old for an extended period of time, but when they go to bed, so do i. they're tiny, but exhausting."
"oh," eddie stopped for a moment to think, "well, i've never been around little kids since i was one, but maybe i could help. it could be fun and we'd still get to spend the weekend together."
"you want to?" you didn't think kids were eddie's thing, but as you'd learned from him time and time again, the boy was full of surprises. 
"yeah, why not?" you lunged yourself at eddie and wrapped your arms around him. he was caught off guard but held on to make sure you didn't fall. 
"have i ever told you how much i love you?" you asked when you pulled away to look at him. 
he shrugged. "you may have mentioned it once or twice."
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you had theo in the kitchen on your hip as you made his bedtime bottle, shaking it in your hand as the tuckered-out eight-month-old rested his little head on your shoulder. you sat your head atop his teeny one and walked with him to the nursery while still shaking up his bottle in your other hand. "i know, theo. i'm tired too."
taking a seat in the rocking chair, you situated theo so that he could drink comfortably and let him hold the bottle in his own hands like he liked to do. he eyed you curiously as he sipped on the bottle before you watched the poor boy's eyes grow heavy. his grip on the bottle started to become weaker so you swooped in and grabbed it before it could hit the floor. with a little continuous rocking and soft humming, theo was out. you quietly placed him in his crib and shut the door as softly as you could. 
on your way back to the kitchen, you stopped when you heard eddie's voice coming from sarah's room. the girl had been glued to him the entire day ever since you introduced her to him and told her he was your boyfriend. at the beginning, she asked eddie nonstop questions about you, wanting to see what you were like outside of when you babysat them. she loved love stories so she wanted to know yours and eddie's so the boy shared all the pg stuff. sarah had eddie wrapped around her little finger and she knew it, using it to her advantage as she did now. 
normally, you only read one book to her, but when you peeked into her room, you could tell based on the two books that sat to the side that they were on book three. he still wore the tiara she'd put on his head earlier for a princess tea party and eddie wore it proudly. he sat on her bed with an arm around her as she laid back against his chest. you could see her eyes were closed, but eddie continued to read the book in his animated dungeon master voice which was perfect for the fairytale he was reading. 
you watched on as he finished the story, placed the book to the side, and very carefully moved so he didn't wake her up. he didn't notice you standing by the doorway until you spoke when he approached it. "you would make the perfect father, you know?"
"pretty good for a first-timer?" he whispered while shutting the door gently behind him. 
"very good for a first-timer," you responded with a weary grin, "you tired yet?"
"exhausted," he shared, chuckling lightly. "but i had fun."
"thanks for helping me," you said, voice sweet and soft as you wrapped your arms around his waist and pressed your face into his chest. "i really appreciate it."
"anything for you, princess," he mumbled before pressing a kiss to the crown of your head. 
you giggled into the comfortable material of his t-shirt. "i think you are actually the princess with your gold tiara on and all."
"it doesn't match my other jewelry, but it'll have to do," he complained sarcastically just to get you to smile. 
"you should feel honored. that one is her favorite."
eddie took off the tiara and examined it. "sarah has good taste. i must protect this with my life."
you rolled your eyes playfully at the boy and pulled him in the direction of the guest bedroom. "come on, silly boy. this princess is tired."
eddie pulled you back to him and kissed you passionately for a minute before breaking away, his eyes dancing between your own in admiration. "my sleeping beauty."
"my charming prince."
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11x13kyle · 1 year
what are the parents' honest thoughts on fireside and catg podcasts?? and how do linda and stephen react to butters cheating scandal
this is a GREAT question! i’m gonna expand to the nonpodcasters too btw.
butters’ parents: they are beyond humiliated by his very existence. the second he moves out their relationship starts to fizzle out, going from occasional talks and sometimes seeing each other on holidays to no contact at all and only linda acknowledging that he’s even their son. by the time the cheating scandal (and therefore his being gay) comes out, neither of them acknowledge him. as far as they’re concerned, he’s not their son anymore. when asked about him, they play dumb. he used to send them money but he doesn’t anymore. they never asked about this either because this requires contacting their son who isn’t their son. never an official disownment. and it hurts for butters even more because he didn’t even get the closure of his dad screaming at him about how much he sucks, it was just quiet. overall BAD situation.
kyle’s parents: they’re so embarrassed of him. constantly talking about how ike is a LAWYER and has a REAL job even though kyle is objectively more successful. sheila at least is occasionally nice about it because that’s her baby but gerald doesn’t even try to hide his disappointment. kyle is a failson to him and this kind of predated him doing fireside so now it’s just WORSE. permafailson. kyle tries so so hard to impress them and it does nothing, he will always be the disappointing son who had the potential to do so much more and instead is fucking around in los angeles with his bum musician boyfriend (as they see it).
cartman’s mom: cartman can do NO. WRONG. that is her baby. liane is so SO proud of him no matter what. he could kill someone and she wouldn’t give a fuck. she hates butters and kenny forever about the cheating thing too because they hurt her poopsiekins. she listens to fireside and swears to cartman that she thinks kyle’s jabs at him are awful, but secretly she finds them HILARIOUS and laughs out loud every time.
craig’s parents: cannot stress enough how little they give a shit. like, they love him and all, but his career is just so nothing to them. they sometimes even forget he has a podcast at all. their relationship is fine.
tweek’s parents: tweek’s parents are in jail. he visits them sometimes and they’re like “hey. we’re so proud of you for your podcast.” even though they don’t listen to it on account of they are in jail. they’re like “hey are you still gay? awesome. that’s so great. that must be fantastic for listenership.” tweek can’t bail them out because the charge is too big but they ask him every time nonetheless.
tolkien’s parents: they don’t get it but they try to be supportive anyway. he calls them once a week and they have a pretty good relationship. neither of them really attempt to understand his career and they don’t listen to the pod because they find it irritating, but if their son is happy, they’re happy! he doesn’t really discuss it with them.
clyde’s dad: he’s already a podcast listener, so when clyde told him that he was starting a podcast himself he was immediately supportive. he doesn’t really listen to catg because he doesn’t get it, but occasionally he’ll tune in and try to enjoy it a bit. it’s just not his thing, he’s more of an npr kind of guy. he also listens to mbmbam at his big age. but he gets a kick out of telling people about his popular podcaster son.
jimmy’s parents: they love him but they think his podcast and his comedy in general are so fucking dumb. his mom is more polite about it but his dad outright tells him that it’s stupid and unfunny. they’re very serious people so the shit that he does is unfathomable to them.
stan’s parents: i mean randy obviously is his producer so his take on what stan is doing is clear. sharon is SO SO PROUD!!!!! she is always showing people videos of his shows and playing his songs at work, telling people in the waiting room that that’s her baby singing, and look how talented he is! she doesn’t quite get it, and the music isn’t her style, but by god is she playing that shit anyway because stan is her little angel.
kenny’s parents: carol doesn’t care what he does, not in the enabling way that liane has, but more in the way of that’s her little boy and she’s happy that he made it out, regardless of how he had to do it. as opposed to stuart, who is actively resentful of kenny, kind of similar to the way he resents gerald. he sees kenny’s success as a betrayal to their family and the very fact that kenny is living well is as though kenny is basically straight up saying that he sees himself as superior. kenny tries to send his dad money multiple times and he always sends it back and tells him to fuck off with that.
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crehador · 2 months
brother crab's winter 2024 parting thoughts: high card s2
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tl;dr very flashy and aesthetic, consistently good in that regard, but the story was not always gripping to me. however, with the ultimate payoff in the last three eps, totally worth it imo
full review:
wow wow wow i'm kind of glad i fell way behind on anime and had the last three eps of s2 to binge all at once because hoooly shit i enjoyed that immensely
at no point did i think high card was bad, but it definitely had moments where it didn't fully grab me. there were times when it felt like all flash, no substance
and it's definitely not perfect, i have some serious and fairly significant gripes with it. mainly i'm really bummed that leo, wendy, and vijay never really got fully fleshed out. i mean i get it, finn's the main character and chris is the thinly veiled love interest also important so obviously they're going to take up most of the time, but i really feel like the other members of the crew had so much unexplored potential (especially wendy and vijay, because leo did sort of get his moment as a factor in the old man yaoi situation)
speaking of which THE OLD MAN YAOI!! man there were a lot of moving pieces in this show, and sometimes they came together in messy ways (or didn't really come together at all... some bits do still feel pretty disjointed and jumpy to me, tbh)
but overall the payoff of the s2 finale was absolutely worth it to me, particularly since it dealt with my favorites of those moving pieces: the old man yaoi and the sudden YANDERE ONIISAN ARC
i find myself really wishing the show had gone harder on both of those threads sooner, but like... honestly i'm not disappointed with how they played out. the whole theodore and ban thing could not have been more tropey (YEARS of loathing only for a "the one i wanted to protect all along was... you" and then dying for each other like HELLO yes an absolute tropefest BUT TROPES THAT I LOVE. GOOD FOR THOSE TOXIC DOOMED YAOI MFERS)
tilt has always been fascinating to me right from the character design and i am more or less satisfied with how things played out for him too, though i kind of wish we'd had more of this development spread throughout the series. i guess it was there, but... i dunno. in some ways feels like there could have been More (but i may be biased)
like you gotta feel bad for him, it's a sad story, but also that extreeemely creepy unhinged yandere oniisan "i have been stalking you i literally have a wall with giant blown up photos of you i hate the other guy who is calling himself your brother" sequence was SO FUCKING DELICIOUS LIKE WTF??? stunned and absolutely blown away by how hard they went on that, what a delight
(ironically it makes me think about how unhinged matakara in bucchigiri?! just doesn't work while unhinged tilt in high card works super well, but this is not about bucchigiri?! so i won't get too into that)
i am still admittedly just. kind of like. idk. i go back and forth on finn and chris, as characters and as partners. i don't dislike them but they aren't always all that compelling to me. sometimes they definitely are, but sometimes they just fall a bit flat to me. this probably isn't an issue with them as characters, though, just a matter of taste. i occasionally found the chemistry between them lacking as well, but sometimes it was really on point
same feeling about the crew dynamics in general. i looove a good like heist crew or spy agency crew, whatever it is, when the dynamics just click. and sometimes they didn't, here. i am too sleepy to articulate it properly right now but it just felt like there was something missing, some pieces not really fitting together. i didn't dislike any of the characters, but just... i guess wanted more team shenanigans? maybe there was no time for that but it would have been nice (like this is one show that could have done with a few filler and/or fluff episodes, imo!)
anyway. christ. my eye emoji-ing at tilt based solely on his character design finally paid off after two gay ass seasons lmao. good night
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mad-hunts · 2 months
oh. well, i suppose it's headcanon time once more, because i have way too many ideas regarding barton haha — so this may be a bit of a shorter one, but i believe it's equally as important as the one's i've posted thus far, because it really says something about how barton interacts with the world and how his brain works. but let me just start by saying that although barton does appear to have a relatively healthy relationship with food... he does occasionally hoard it, like, subconsciously as a result of the part of his childhood that he spent with wesley ( his biological father ). and this is because he was very much suffering from food insecurity while he was with his bio father. this is because wesley had lost his job as a forester whenever barton was around the age of five due to him missing too many days of work, not only because of how much his bloodthirst was taking over his life, but barton's life as well. he was forcing barton to go along with him on the super twisted ' hunting trips ' that i have talked about before that he unfortunately had to learn to endure with him ( which of course, in actuality, he never should've been forced to do ) about three times a week at one point and so that didn't really leave much time for wesley to attend work as much as he should've been.
and from there, wesley struggled a lot with finding a new job + providing for barton and him, so whenever he had access to food, barton would hoard it underneath his bed or in someplace where he knew that he knew he'd be able to find it because he wasn't sure when he'd be able to eat again. which is... very sad to think about, to say the least. thus, i think in more ways than one, meeting winslow at eight years old was probably the best thing for barton. winslow not only had a stable job, after all, but was a significant improvement in regards to how good of a father figure he was to him. i feel as if he never quite got over this insecurity, however, and that's why he sometimes still does it even till this day; especially since, although barton is NOT a good father overall, there is one thing that he's done right in regard to them and that is making sure that they were always put first in regards to getting to eat something. so hoarding food for him is also kind of a ' safety measure ' in a way as well because he has always been of the mindset that him being hungry is less important than them being hungry because of what wesley put him through as a child.
but yeah, that's just another one of my two-cents about barton's situation and how his mind as a whole works. he will quite literally sacrifice something like that for his children one second, though the next, he is liable to do something that makes it seem like he doesn't care about them at all... which admittedly makes him kind of confusing BUT i think there is reasoning behind this and one of those being that he can definitely feel cognitive empathy towards people, but actually putting himself in their shoes? it's much more difficult for him and sometimes nearly impossible because of how skewed his mind is. i shall expand more upon that another time, however, and what the term actually entails. i hope this didn't bum y'all out too bad but i promise you that i'll try to post more ( semi?? yeah, perhaps that ) fluffy things in the future.
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poupeesdecirque · 2 months
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Here he is ....
... random funfact: he can't sit down his pants are too tight. Doll Lavi will never sit in a chair :'D this makes me laugh so much. Also I love how the sizes for him and Bookman turned out, it was such a good decision to get the small body for Bookman.
Still can't believe he is done. 1 1/2 years after I bought the first shell, a bit over a year after I got told he will not happen. I had given up on him to be honest.
For those who are interested, more insight babbling under the cut:
As I got the new head I was not sure if I could make it work for Lavi, the promotional photos were a bit blurred, I just hoped for the best. The arrival was not .. sparking much for me as he was just too tainted still. The thing I enjoy the most was making wigs and even that was kind of not working for him bc the fiber was weird to deal with. I decided to give him the body I originally bought for Kanda as the other one would mess up their heights, so he became a full doll earlier. As the body got shipped I painted the head and was still pretty bummed about it but I wanted to give it a try at least.
When I finally started working towards my emotional backlog regarding the dolls and wrote a blog entry about my 'tainted' dolls it somehow .. clicked for me? Like, I had painted the head short before I wrote the entry and I went the next day and repainted him, somehow I felt like the burden was gone and I started to bond with him???
January was a super intense doll month for me, I worked through more dolls than I did in the year prior, went down from overall 14 Work in Progress dolls to ... 6. That still baffles me a bit as majority was sewing and I don't even like sewing that much.
I got the first two days of February off and decided to give Lavi a try, he felt like a bottomless pit with all the details but somehow working on him, especially the harder parts, was ... okay? Like, yeah, it took forever bc it was so much hand stitching but as I went slow and had expierence from Lenalee & Bookman I was able to trust my skills.
On the third day as I cut the wig and put him next to my window for the almost final photos I just was in denial that he was done. I added the hammer then and ... I have a Lavi.
A doll I had given up upon, it feels like the "preorders of hell" are finally done, at least mentally, the whole situation, I feel like I am more free again. I enjoy having projects of course but it was a mental burden and it's almost gone.
I have to say, now, 2 months after finishing him, getting in character photos of him done is hard as the face is limited and I kind of regret getting that body as it's just a brick. I'm glad though i swapped it as Kanda needs a body that allows more movement, Lavi in general is not the type for dynamic poses. Overall I still have to get used to him, but it's like that with a lot of dolls. The Storyteller needed 2 years :')
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jax019 · 2 years
Kacy - 207 - Vanishing Act
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Hellooo. First post. Bit nervous. My thoughts on Kacy in the recent episode. I initially posted this on Twitter and am not finished with making gifs yet, so this is pretty much mostly an all words post.
I really enjoyed the episode overall. I was very bummed that Lucy will be gone for 4 months and Kacy will be apart. They are in a good place and the timing really sucks and I'm still very much in my feels about the beach scene, especially near the end. Honestly, I wasn't very tuned in to the plot because my focus and attention was on how Lucy and Kate were feeling. How Lucy was struggling about not wanting to be apart from Kate because she really just wants to 'sit on a hill' with her and not go on any adventures, but at the same time it's also a great opportunity for her career.
I understand and can see why some people say it doesn't make sense. Lucy's - 'feet, water, death' - literally going into the middle of the dark abyss for 4 months for a position she applied for and was rejected when her and Kate were broken up - I know there are feelings about that as well because old wounds were brought back, plus the indications of Lucy's action. Lucy reacted and from personal experience, reactions lack a thought process. While it makes no sense that Lucy would apply for a position that keeps her on a ship for x amount of months, it also makes sense at the same time because when you’re hurting, decisions can be irrational. She was running away from her feelings and I guess a ship made sense at the time. Makes me think maybe that's also why she chose to come to Hawaii - maybe to get as far away from her family as possible?
Kate. Her feelings when she found out why Lucy applied for the position definitely brought up old wounds, even more so because Kate had no idea and the reason she applied was because of Kate. I hear you - the people who are saying Kate sacrificed her career to stay close to Lucy - choosing Lucy over her career - and now Lucy's choosing her career over Kate and is off to take a position that's going to benefit her career? Back in season one, they were broken up and Kate made that decision on her own because that is what she wanted. The job in DC, compared to the position on the ship, is permanent. The situations, contexts and emotions involved are very different. Lucy will be back and they'll be together in the same place again. It just really sucks being long distance. We have seen that their relationship has grown and how they’re able to talk to one another later on at the beach shows that.
The beach scene. I'm happy that they were able to talk openly, honestly and showed vulnerability. Lucy saying (and essentially calling herself out), "it's hard for me believing that because I don't know if you've noticed, I have trust issues" and Kate knowing that after she tells Lucy "I'm not going anywhere" is, I have to admit, not what I expected. I love that though - they're able to talk to each other like that and this is a decision made by both of them. Kate here, is definitely the best girlfriend for supporting Lucy and having her best interest at heart even though it hurts that they’ll be apart for four months very soon. The reassurances she gives her. Definitely the best.
I’ll miss Lucy and Kacy scenes, but I’m very much looking forward to Kate working with Kai in the next episode. Maybe they’ll have some chagaccinos while working on AJ’s case since Kai seemed to have liked it? 😆
Thanks for reading!
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jacobscustos · 2 years
the quarry but every character has a different role
jacob is now in max's shoes. distressed dogboy that loves naught but his gf and also processed snack foods. this sad little woof woof finding a crop top and yoga pants and being like "oh hell yeah i can make this work" only to get murked by kaylee hackett on the other side of the island
emma is now in laura's position. she broke up with jacob the day before they managed to escape chris hackett's Jail for Dogs & Ne'er-Do-Wells and now she feels like she needs to alleviate his curse bc he's been pretty bummed out since. vlogging her entire trip to the hackett house with the expressed intent to murder a man
ryan is in abi's role. the suave announcements boy has been on his mind this entire time and the day that they both finally tell each other that they like each other, he gets infected with Says Really Mean Things And Attempts Homicide On You And Also Is A Werewolf disease. he's abt to start biting ppl fr
dylan is in a similar situation to nick. not only did abi just kiss him for no real reason at the firepit but finally when he tells the guy he's liked all summer that he likes him, he gets attacked by a fucking bear??? homophobia still has some shooters out there apparently! also he's saying rude things he doesn't mean and it hurts :(
abi is now filling emma's role. she and the cute australian guy have been flirting all summer but she seriously misfires bc she assumes that making him jealous would be what made him want to make things official. plus now she's wearing baggy-ass clothes and running from murderous animals(?) so things have been tough lately
nick is currently in jacob's situation. he planned on making tonight the night he asked abi to go steady, but completely forgot that this was the day they left camp, so he oopsie poopsies the van. whoops nick you did a fucky wucky and now people are dying! also he had to watch abi kiss a very vehemently gay man to make him jealous and also he's naked. bad night overall buddy
laura is in kaitlyn's shoes. she's literally the only person here with an okay response to trauma, although a bit skewed since she does also tend to shoot at the problem first. the bright side is that she gets to be with her boyfriend for most of the entire night, so that's neat! (and come on of course she would get after max for not knowing the hackett's quarry song)
max is now in dylan's role. he's mostly just scared shitless of kaitlyn so the speech over the intercom is part fear of the bears(?) and part fear that kaitlyn will stab him if he gets the terminology wrong. ready to lay down his life to protect his gf, even if he's abt to turn into a werewolf. he's gonna react even more severely to getting maced (febreezed) by abi though, although he can act. give the boy a hand (srsly he needs it)
kaitlyn stands where ryan stood in canon. she's so confused when abi gives her the dare to kiss either max or laura but honestly she thinks they're both cute so. when emma shows up she's like "wait where's jacob?" and emma's like "about that" and kaitlyn's like "ok so i'm going to go save my bestie and i want it known that i'm not a fan of u but i also do think you're gorgeous"
bobby now owns and runs hackett's quarry. after his duty was up, he came back and started the camp and has adored being a mentor to kids since. no one at camp ever saw him angry before the incident with the van and they're all literally terrified of him now
chris is the sheriff of northkill. he got appointed sheriff after the death of the previous sheriff in the fire at eliza's sideshow, and has taken the position very seriously, in exchange for keeping eliza and silas's secret (the whole werewolf thing), which is why he keeps jacob and emma over the summer
travis is constance and eliza's handyman. he's felt the need to be worthy of approval since birth, and has taken up to doing the dirty work for his mom as a way of proving himself. he's fully aware that being stabbed hurts and will do it again unprovoked
constance goes out hunting with travis. she fills the same role her husband did in canon. emma reminds her what happened to her husband and she threatens to torture her endlessly. also there's smth going on with eliza but idk they're gal pals
eliza fills the same role as constance did in canon. after the fire that burned down her sideshow and killed jedediah, constance offered to let her and her son silas stay with them. after emma kills silas during the night, she becomes silent with rage
kaylee is now the biggest threat of the hackett werewolves. she's filling in for her brother caleb. freeze-dried girlboss
silas is floating in the pool now. rip dogboy. also he was the one that convinced kaylee to start the fire. manipulative little shit
caleb is patient zero. after helping to rescue silas and eliza from the sideshow, caleb notices a bite on his leg. while running from the flames, the "dog man" (eliza's ex-husband) bit him. the dog man died in the fire, but the curse lived on, as caleb left his grandfather to die in the chaos
jedediah's taken up tarot since dying. he cursed his bloodline after seeing caleb and kaylee among the flames, refusing to save him, opting instead to save an albino boy and a woman that he barely knew. he's now trying to convince whoever is listening to off the vorez family, even at the cost of his own family. plus lance hendriksen would fucking slay this role i mean come on
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supersaiyanjedi14 · 1 year
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“Mantle needed me, and to the Marigolds, that meant I wasn't their son anymore. And I made sure that everyone knew that I wasn't their daughter.”
I’m a little late to the party, but who am I to miss out on all the “May” jokes?  Today, we’re going to be looking at the Happy Huntress May Marigold…or at least we should be.
Yeah, see, there’s a bit of a problem we have here.  Anyone who’s seen my Tier Chart will notice that each Tier has a collection of characters outlined in red, the guide at the top labeling them as “Tentative/Prediction”.  This is because, for any number of reasons, I cannot assign a concrete ranking to the character in question, and their current placement is simply an educated guess. Because my analyses are based primarily on examine confirmed feats and accolades, some characters can’t be properly ranked if they don’t have the material I need to draft their statistics.  May Marigold is sadly one of these ambiguous situations. Despite being easily one of the best new additions to the cast in Volumes 7 and 8, helped in no small part by the excellent voice work by Kdin Jenzen, we have little to no information regarding May’s combative effectiveness.  She has never been seen actively participating in combat, her uses of her Semblance have only been seen strictly for utility purposes, and her standing compared to her contemporaries has never been brought up.
‘But wait!” I hear you cry. “That Mantle bum Forest said that the Happy Huntresses were all top graduates of Atlas Academy! Certainly, that means that they’re some of the best in the setting, right?”
Yes…on paper.  What little we do know about May, and Fiona and Joanna for that matter, stems from the overall reputation of the Happy Huntresses, and based on the high standards we have consistently seen from Atlas students, it is very fair to say that they stand as highly respected names among the cast we’ve seen.  However, while a solid reputation can certainly help in crafting an analysis, you still need a few feats to prove that your accolades hold weight.  Essentially, May has a great reputation, but no substance, which is a bad thing when the substance is what’s needed to make a ranking. As such, this analysis is more of a preliminary report, where I make an educated guess as to May’s capabilities based on the limited information we have.  If the semi-speculative nature of this profile is not to your liking, you are forewarned.
Originally from the upper crust of Atlas society, May Marigold is a human female, and as an older contemporary of Team RWBY, she is likely in her late 20s to early 30s, still prime years for a professional Huntress.  Standing at 5’10”and distinguished by her blue hair, amber eyes, and slim athletic build, May supplements her physique with light armor, specifically padded gloves and a chestpiece worn underneath her brown overcoat, topped off with rugged thigh high boots.  While she is certainly very capable physically and in robust health given the rigors of her profession and the harsh tundra of Solitas, we have no athletic showings to draw from to indicate where her areas of expertise could be.  However, while she hasn’t demonstrated any major strengths, neither has she shown any significant weaknesses, and I think it goes without saying that she’s not going to be some glass cannon who can’t take a hit.  Overall, she’s fit, in her prime, and clearly knows how to conduct herself, meaning she should at bare minimum be able to contend with most of her contemporaries on the back of raw physicality.
RANKING: ≥ Tier 3, Advanced Human Fitness
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In terms of martial combat, May Marigold is armed with a collapsible quarterstaff tipped with magazine-fed crossbows and bayonets, a weapon model she shared with her teammates Joanna Greenleaf and Fiona Thyme.  As has already been stated, May has no combat feats to her credit beyond a brief glimpse of her killing a Sabyr in Mantle, so determining her physical technique and tactical sensibilities is next to impossible.  The closest thing we have to gauge May’s skill is Robyn Hill’s story about how she (Robyn) was the first one to defeat Joanna in a presumed sparring match, implying that May is below the pair of them, as well as her combat animations in the Amity Arena mobile game suggesting a preference for the polearm function.  While this fares well for placing Robyn and Joanna, this is a vague designation as Joanna’s own skill level is unconfirmed and there is no information on how this fight played out.  That said, we can estimate based on her few accolades and the circumstances of her career.  On the one had, May is certainly not on the level of a true master level fighter like Qrow or Tyrian.  Given that she spent the bulk of her time fighting Grimm and supporting Robyn’s political campaign, combined with their isolation from Atlas restricting the range of fighter types she could regularly spar with, she simply wouldn’t have the chance to prepare himself for single combat they way they could.  On the other hand, she’s also not likely to just be a better than average fighter like Jaune or Ilia.  She IS a distinguished graduate of Atlas Academy, and given the dangers accosting Mantle prior to the fall of Atlas, she would have always been prepared for a harsh battle. Furthermore, the skill gap between Robyn (who was able to hold off Bake and Yang at the same time) and her teammates is not likely significant enough to render a curb stomp, which would put May comfortably above the rank-and -file huntress.
RANKING: ≥ Tier 4, Advanced Application
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May’s Semblance, Invisibility Field, is easily her most well-defined attribute, and her displays are extremely impressive both in the range of applications and the magnitude of her powers.  Her participation in Robyn’s convoy raids demonstrated her ability to extend the field to cover an impressively wide area, and its ability to suppress noise enables greater freedom of movement and greatly enhances her stealth capabilities.  While the field cannot cloak life signatures and has no defenses against incoming movement, May is almost certainly aware of this and is more the likely careful enough to avoid those kinds of problems.  While we have seen several powers and abilities that optimize their user for covert ops and infiltration, I think it is safe to say that May’s field blows every other ability out of the water even without any Dust or gadgets to supplement her loadout.  The only limitation I have in ranking this power is that we don’t know how of if this power can be applied to combat, as all her uses so far have been strictly for utility and espionage.  If she can regularly exploit her powers in battle, then she could be a truly devastating ambush predator, turning battles into miniature guerrilla wars.
RANKING: ≥ Tier 3, Specialized Combat
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While the bulk of what I have said today has been speculation rather than the facts I prefer, I do hold that this is the most likely ranking for May Marigold given everything we know about her.  She is a highly capable, well-trained, and experienced Huntress, and while she may not be one of the all-time greats, she is still a respected name, and her reputation had to have come from somewhere.  To put her in perspective to her peers, I simply refuse to believe that even a lowballed May is not at the very least comparable to the likes of Blake, Ren and Sun, and if you want to highball her, an argument could be made for her to be a Tier 3 in the mold of Pyrrha, Adam or Yang.  As it stands, the only thing that I can see as restricting her overall level is her career circumstances limiting her ability to enter the upper echelon of duelists,  Even then, she would still be a major obstacle for most Tier 3s even on her worst day, and on her best, I could even see her threatening some Tier 2s.  Though she is in all likelihood a manageable threat to the true masters of her era, she is most certainly still a credible one.
(TLDR, this is my position.  Bear in mind this is in the sense of overall combative effectiveness, not power scaling, so take any of the dynamics of the people here with a grain of salt.)
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I fully admit I was hesitant to do this breakdown given the lack of concrete information to draw on, but I still wanted to do it due to how much I love May.  While her appearances have not lent a lot of insight into her combative capabilities, they have shed plenty of light on her character. T his is a woman who turned away from the life of comfort and luxury she could have enjoyed to dedicate herself to a higher calling, serving those who could not protect themselves, even if doing so meant being shunned by her family.  She could have taken the easy path, but instead chose what was ultimately the right one.  Despite her outward cynicism and confrontational personality, May is clearly a kind and compassionate woman at her core, and the nature of her story speaks to a remarkable degree of courage and conviction in her principles.  And that's without even touching on her status as the series' first transgender character, something her story powerfully reflects and highlights.  May has easily become one of my favorite supporting characters, and I can’t thank Kdin enough for bringing her to life.
Speaking of Kdin, if you manage to see this, what do you think? I know how much you love talking about May, so I’d love to hear your personal thoughts. What do you think May is like as a fighter? Headcanons are better than no canon at all, especially when they, for all intents and purposes, come from Ms. Marigold herself!
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*all images taken from RWBY Wiki*
RWBY Combat Analysis
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rekino2114 · 4 months
Hu Jing taking care of a sick reader
At this moment, I have one of the worst sicknesses I ever had it's nothing serious, but I'm really annoyed and in pain, so I made this for myself and anyone else in my situation. I'm gonna start working on requests when I get better sorry.
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Hu is a generally motherly person and an even more motherly girlfriend, she sends you a text every 4 hours at least to check if you're OK and if you've eaten enough, when you answered that you were sick and bedridden at home she dropped whatever she was doing and went to your house with everything she needed to make you feel better.
She brought you notes on everything you missed out at school(she thought about asking min to make them,but didn't wanna bother her)and even read and explained them to you in the most shooting voice ever.
She's a great cook, so she's gonna make you whatever you need to feel better, like tea and soup, and yes, she will spoon-feed you if you can't or don't want to eat it.
She'll obviously give you your prescribed medications, but I feel like she's also into traditional medicine. She'll put candles and incense around you, and she'll try some meditation and breathing exercises to make you feel better, and even if you don't, they still make you feel incredibly relaxed.
She'll definitely play a song on her zither to help you sleep while she hums or sings, and you can bet she'll stay with you until you fall asleep, she knows rest is important when you're sick, so she wants you to have a great sleep.
She still has a strict side. If you refuse to take your medicine, she will scold you, and tell you that it's important and force you to take them, but she will give you something sweet to get rid of the bitterness.
You're kinda bummed that you can't cuddle with her for fear of making her sick, but she'll assure you that once you get better, you'll get a lot of affection.
Overall, 100/10 would get sick again to be taken care of by her.
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zenwhoberi · 1 year
since you said to send some questions i would like to know your opinion on adam warlock and his relationship with the guardians? (comic or game or mcu wise) but overall your opinion on adam ♥
happy to talk about adam!!! i love him!!! i think (and i’m not the first person to say this recently but it’s worth repeating) that some people take him VERY seriously which is a mistake because he’s just so goddamn weird. he’s a weird philosophical space wizard guy. glam rock space jesus as it were. taking him as the Serious Character is a disservice.
in terms of his relationship with the guardians, i wish more was done with it! outside of annihilation: conquest and gotg2008 he’s just been kind of…. floating around? a huge deal was made about his return in the duggan run but then nothing really happened with it. would’ve loved to have seen him show up in ewing’s run (he did everyone else well, i think he would’ve done adam justice too!) but that run was also pretty overcrowded already.
in terms of what we do get: his friendship with phyla in a:c was very sweet, and i wish it hadn’t lost significance as 2008 went on. her believing she could bring adam back leading to her death is genuinely so very sad
his relationship with gamora is fantastic, obviously they have so much history already and have been part of a team together before (read the infinity watch!!!), and i love that their closeness is shown by her sticking with him throughout the run. also her comments that she used to find his comments “annoying” but now they’re “weirdly hot”. she speaks for us all i think 🫡
he and peter are a both strong leaders and butt heads a lot, i enjoy that immensely. peter has a manipulative streak and will make decisions for everyone without consultation so i like that adam will stand up to him and hasn’t got time for his bullshit facade while still respecting him. they have different ideas on how to handle situations and although adam can be a bit of a loose canon in terms of following instructions (i mean that goes for everyone really but adam has no qualms about arguing and storming off when he doesn’t like the answer he’s given) they both ultimately want what is best for the group and the galaxy. they’re literally the team parents. also whatever the fuck this was.
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gotg2008 was my first experience with adam so him turning into magus was such a twist for me the first time i read it and i remember clearly how upset I was when he had to be killed. one of the most incredibly memorable gotg moments for sure.
in terms of his adaptations, i liked both of them! mcu adam was fun and was very reminiscent of his early comics. they did tone him down, i guess to not go full on cosmic entity space guy straightaway. i do think he should have been introduced earlier because i don’t understand how you can have any plan for him not involving thanos and the infinity gems but it is what it is. i also just like will poulter as an actor anyways so i was happy with his casting, i think he can do drama and comedy really well (and Adam is so WEIRD it needs to be FUNNY sometimes ok???). loved it when he tried to join in on the group hug at the end. i’m not really planning on watching any more mcu so good luck to them i guess. i wish he could’ve interacted and built relationships with the team more but him fucking them up was funny (sorry rocket) and him dancing to rocket’s music at the end was cute.
i LOVED game adam. i loved that the entire game ultimately ended up being about him and the magus and the church and I loved that they dialled up his hamminess to eleven. it was genuinely hilarious to me i want to send a gift basket to the guy who decided he should talk in alliteration. i loved that he stole peter’s bedroom, and was also a loose canon and fucked off and did his own thing. he was just so memorable and ridiculous i couldn’t not like him. they really did the opposite of the mcu and leant right into the batshit cosmic entity thing. AND he had a huge bum <3
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bodybeyondstories · 1 year
Growth Notes 2 - Trevor
Fitness influencer Trevor has an ass that just won't quit, and discovers some new passions with his steadily increasing size.
Others in this series: Omar | Sky
MaleTF // growth // ass growth // macro
There are bubble butts. Then there are donks. Then there’s Trevor.
One of Instagram’s most popular fitness models, Trevor was known for indulgent views of his ample derriere, usually in an open air gym where the weather was somehow always perfect. Tens of thousands of interactions would usually follow some creatively recycled yet run of the mill set of workout tips to sculpt your bum into something that may one day come close to resembling his genetic lottery of an ass.
I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t already familiar with Trevor’s content—or his notable posterior. After all, I’m a victim of the algorithm just like the rest of you. I’d also be lying if I said I wasn’t at least a little excited behind my solid veneer of professional remove and friendly openness. Although I reserved my office space, restocked the mini-fridge, set out my usual bowls of mints, chocolates, and herbal tea, I had yet to see him stroll through my doors. Trevor was always on the move, so we pretty much exclusively did teletherapy.
I get used to the variety of angles and surprising situations framing his handsome face. The predictable backgrounds of his car or an airport lounge were interspersed with what could have been green rooms or photoshoots or even some sort of mountain retreat. He was living the influencer lifestyle, and it became part of our rapport to see if I could guess his location during our sessions. But only seeing down to his shoulders, it was hard to notice any significant changes, beyond what we would describe to me. Which is why he would point me to his profile as some sort of visual journey through his life, reminding me to “Go backwards, scroll up.”
I had been reassuring him that while running headlong into the doorframe was going to be annoying, he was still very likely to live a mostly normal life. Patients of mine will often worry about becoming one of the more extreme cases. Men who had to remove themselves (or be removed) from society because they had to crawl, not stoop, through the automatic doors at the grocery store, or cause infrastructural damage trying to get to work, or cause a scene simply trying to relieve themselves. But that was very rare, but I decided to humor Trevor following our latest session, pulling up his Insta profile at home on the couch.
So I started from sufficiently far down and scrolled up, filling in his physical absence by tracing his online presence forward through time. And Trevor was tall, yes, and getting perceptibly taller, but the star of the show really was his ass.
Over time, it kept getting bigger and juicier, and as the follower count skyrocketed so did the comment accusations of everything from BBLs to photoshop. Except…he was also getting taller. Like, actually taller, even in videos in which he was working with fellow fitness bros or clients, his 6ft frame looked a lot like 6’4”, then 6’8” in just a few months. In fact, his increased overall mass may have been the only thing allowing him to walk semi-normally with that steadily inflating ass.
But he just brushed it off with his winning smile, got sponsorship deals for lycra, jockstrap, and thong brands, which were the only things you would see him in after a while. I remember in a session around this time he mentioned, “I guess I should have been worried sooner, but the money was good and I was too busy to deal with it. Or see the writing on the walls…” 
In an IG Live, he finally sheepishly admitted that he hadn’t really been able to wear normal pants for months. Even his stretchiest tailored pair had given out.
“And that’s when I realized I had to get tested. My buddy Ryan was worried. There have been a few of these…cases, I guess, at the gym, and in a space like that, it can kind of get out of hand. I guess guys don’t know their own strength, and sometimes would like, damage equipment, or put someone else in danger, or just cause a dress code violation on accident.”
He had blushed here, while telling this story, and on his IG page I finally understood what I long suspected: that the dress code violator was him. At some point he posted sort of a blooper reel of mishaps that occurred while filming his much beloved leg day videos. It was mainly a compilation of Trevor ripping his gym shorts while doing squats, deadlifts, and even more controlled isolation movements. As his ass ballooned out behind him while banging out rep after rep, the seam along the back of his shorts would give up gracefully, exposing his mighty cakes to the gym and eventually, to his online following. As these clips progressed, his expressions of embarrassed shock shifted to an exasperated, knowing laugh. Towards the end, there were pics of him not even in gym gear, but instead out and about in casual chinos or tweed slacks completely blown out the back.
“I wasn’t doing it on purpose,” he told me with a knowing laugh, with an inflection that suggested he’s had to explain this to people multiple times. “It just happens, it’s hard to find pants that fit. But also,” he continued, his eyes drifting upward with a lilt of his head, “the views skyrocketed when I posted that reel. People are into that apparently? I don’t know.”
Turns out the gym was not a fan. It wasn’t the pants splitting per se, but the combination of that with his sudden growth spurt in multiple directions. The data on this is still mainly anecdotal, but there’s something about weightlifting regularly, or maybe certain preworkout or other supplements, that some believe exacerbates the syndrome. Patients with histories of fitness or bodybuilding start putting on extremely dense muscle, gaining disproportionate strength, even with the growth. Bodybuilding and weightlifting associations are still deciding how to handle that particular caveat when it comes to the competition circuit, but that wasn’t really Trevor’s concern.
“My PRs started going up. Like really going up, and it got to the point where it would draw too much attention just loading the plates to get a good pump. I’ve started hiding what I can really do, I don’t want people thinking I’m a freak.”
“That’s a common refrain among men with this condition, and it’s nothing to be ashamed of,” I reassured him.
“Well eventually, Ryan convinced me to get tested just to reassure the gym managers, and of course, it was positive. For a while I didn’t want to go  public with it, I think it weirds a lot of people out. And I just sort of hoped the changes would slow down and I could pass it off as a very late growth spurt.” 
That’s what they always say, I had thought, suppressing a wry smile. 
At some point, he took his height and stats out of his bios across social media platforms, and did less content that would allow for direct comparisons with normal sized people. But he looked…huge. And that ass was nothing short of colossal. His last photo on main was a candid of him standing in the doorway of his always Insta-ready apartment, a shy, surprised, yet practiced smile on his face. Except he wasn’t so much standing in it as bent over, almost crouching through it, his shoulder blades level with the frame and his slightly turned stance implying that his frame likely stretched wider than the doorway itself, the sides of his monster booty visible from the front.
The caption was brief, saying that he had recently been diagnosed with this disorder, and while a lot was still not known about it, he’d be keeping a lower profile but was thankful for all the support from his fans. That was 6 months ago. Since around that time, our sessions have continued per usual, but the backgrounds were less often him jetsetting from his phone and more tuning in real quick from his laptop in his living room. At least now I could see beyond just his face to a pair of massive traps that threatened to overtake his ears whenever he leaned in at his desk, extending to what I could only assume were boulder shoulders just off screen.
“Yeah, I took your whole teletherapy idea,” he told me excitedly at one point. “I’ve been doing at home workout tutorials and private sessions in my garage, which has been working out pretty well. Sometimes I’ll even sleep out there because it’s a little more spacious. I upgraded to a king size bed and my feet would still hang over the edge, but then eventually they would touch the floor again even when lying down. They say the growth might stop soon, but I guess we’re past the whole doorway issue…”
How huge is he now, I wondered incredulously. As he shifted his seating position at his computer, I briefly caught a glimpse of more of him, mainly the wide slabs of pec muscle that suddenly filled the screen, covered by a tank top stretched to its very limit. At one point he had mentioned that he had an adjustable standing desk, which I assumed he was using, but as he adjusted his position, I noticed he was actually crouched in front of his laptop screen as he folded his legs under him, resting his elbows on his knees.
“Sorry, dude. Still figuring this out. My desk is at full height and I kind of outgrew my chair.”
Outgrew? I thought. By how much? I hadn’t gotten a good idea of his developments in a while and didn’t want to pry. Apparently he had stopped seeing the point of keeping up with his ever increasing dimensions, opting instead to wait until the growth finally stopped. And also, if he didn’t know, maybe it wasn’t fully real, or at least he didn’t have to answer people’s perpetual questions.
As if in response, or maybe because he was just used to this, he turned his computer slightly to the left, catching his reflection in what used to be a full length body mirror on the opposite wall. The lean muscle of his massive back, capped on either end by deltoids that may soon be described as literal boulder shoulders, stretched the full length of the desk itself. He simply dwarfed the office setup, creating a comical juxtaposition, increasingly larger than his day to day life could allow. His ribbed tank top narrowed down to a tight waist before ballooning into two perfectly round globes that brought to mind a pair of exercise balls before I fully realized those were the impossibly huge cheeks of his ass. He seemed to be sitting comfortably on the cushion of his gargantuan cakes, each one flexing in turn as he slightly adjusted his position.
“I guess I don’t need a chair,” he said with a chuckle. “This thing’s gotten out of control,” he said, giving the mass of his right cheek a firm, playful slap, “but it has its perks.” 
Stretched across the top of the shelf that his butt had become was an oversized pair of pastel striped bikini briefs that seemed like they were almost an afterthought, having long ago given up any hope of covering any portion of his colossal derriere.
“So…it seems like you’re adjusting well?” I asked.
“Yeah, the virtual training has been great, still have all my old clients. I’ve also been trying out some new stuff with the managers at my old gym. They’ve been hosting ‘private’ trainings, I guess. They have an area set up with oversized equipment and massive weights, which is great because I get to keep training, and in return, there’s this…audience.”
“I mean it’s not far off from what I usually do, or used to do, online. Go through my routine, demonstrate proper form, take questions, engage with fans. I know they’re there for the goods,” he added, turning to the mirror to peek at his monster booty, “but it’s been working for me so far. I’ve been rediscovering my body, I guess. In ways that I didn’t expect.”
Apparently, Trevor had been finding other ways to pursue where this new situation might lead. Last week, an OnlyFans link surreptitiously popped up on his Instagram account. I didn’t think much of it, until he brought it up directly in our session.
“You’ve been a big help in working through these changes, and I want you to check it out. Call it research,” he added with a laugh.
I was reluctant, but he gave me a free subscription, and I thought I might as well. The first video I watched was not set in his garage, or even his gym, but what looked like some sort of high-ceiling loft or warehouse. He was surrounded by weights and equipment which to a normal human would be comically oversized, but seemed custom made for his outlandish size and strength. He was clad in nothing but a pair of bright orange booty shorts, his massive ass still managing to look disproportionately huge in relation to the rest of his hulking frame. He went through his usual routine, greeting the audience with his bright smile. For the most part, it was a slightly campy performance of a workout demonstration, hip thrusts followed by split squats, then lunges back and forth across the room with monstrous 200 pound dumbbells, his cheeks visibly pumped and jiggling uncontrollably.
“A lot of you have been asking for clarification on proper form for deadlifts,” he said to the camera, playing up the fitness influencer character like he was born for it. “So let’s focus on that today.”
With the camera carefully angled to catch his butt cheeks from slightly below, he demonstrated set after set of proper deadlift form, his ass ballooning behind him with each rep and threatening to smother the viewer. As beads of sweat rolled down his back and into the deep valley between his prodigious cakes, the magic moment finally came. His gym shorts gave out under the pressure of his voluminous pump, his unreal bubble butt spilling out of the fabric and sitting proudly in the open air, seemingly defying gravity.
As he turned to the viewer with a light chuckle and that iconic smile, the camera zoomed out to show someone approaching from behind. Except as they got closer, the size difference became surreal. With Trevor slightly bent over, holding onto to either side of the squat rack, his globular cheeks dwarfed the head of this mystery person, who proceeded, with some effort, to hold these massive cakes apart, revealing Trevor’s waiting hole before he nuzzled in to steadily eat him out. Their head seemed to completely disappear in the mass of Trevor’s ass, their arms splayed out to the sides, hands sinking into the underside of his muscular booty, periodically giving a slap that made his entire ass jiggle, eliciting deeper and deeper moans from the star of the show, who could be seen in the mirror dutifully stroking an unwieldy cock.
Coming up for air, covered in sweat and musk, laying their face lightly on one huge cheek, the camera zoomed out further to reveal that they were actually standing up straight. Trevor’s ass was easily six feet off the ground with his gargantuan feet flat on the floor. As the camera panned up, Trevor stood, and stood, and stood, impossibly tall, turning to the viewer with that winning, blissful smile, half his face covered in what looked like a gallon of his own cum.
“Great job, today,” he said with a wink. “See ya next week.”
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