#yes he is soft and sweet but dude has SURVIVED he KNOWS HOW TO THROW TF DOWN IF NEEDED.
cryingyetcourageous · 8 months
o great and powerful sensei latlat, plz give me advice on how to beat up my bully neighbor >:( he has accused me of stealing his lawnmower and is gonna kick my ass for this made up crime ;A;
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S... Sen... Se... Sensei LatLat? Huh?!
Okay, um, please try to talk it out. Of all the things to fight someone over, landscaping seems like a really stupid reason to make things go bad...
If you really have to fight, though, the key is to know yourself? Know your skills and work with them. If you are strong and big, brute force is best. Endurance means focus on outlasting an opponent, being nimble means dodging more...
And I'm not any of those things, so I have to be smart. Having a solid understanding of anatomy and rupturing a vital organ is a surefire way to end a fight fast. Being small makes it easier to hit torso targets. But that's extreme, so again, try to talk it out. Maybe help him search for this lawnmower.
And if all else fails, get friends or family to help. Your neighbor might want to call you a coward for putting your trust in others, but he will not be able to call you anything if his teeth are kicked in by your trustworthy buddy.
Again, I cannot stress this enough, PLEASE DO NOT RESORT TO PHYSICAL VIOLENCE OVER A TOOL. This is reference for self-defense if this bully insists on escalating it into something truly dangerous or in other more dire situations. Maybe try conflict resolution therapy or something? Did you try pinning the blame on someone else? Or inviting him over for tea and calmly explaining the misunderstanding? Bake him a bread! Homemade bread is the most good-faith food there is!
Ooh, wait! Also, learn to improvise. Having a weapon with you all the time is extreme, but training yourself to look around you and thinking how you could defend yourself with mundane things is a good habit to get into. I've even used things like flowers and credit cards. Credit cards are actually quite effective when you file one edge into a blade beforehand. I always have a sharpened one on me just in case.
Ak, I keep talking, but I should have left it at don't fight over lawn care equipment. If you want to fight, get a real problem. Wait, no, don't - I don't mean - Don't fight! Just - Just forget this conversation happened, alright?! Do not fight him!
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writeradamanteve · 3 years
After Much More Consideration Than Is Warranted for Someone Who Didn’t See the Episode
I have a lot to say, and if you choose to disregard it because you think I don’t know what I’m talking about, feel free to skip.
But if you’re open to my thoughts on all this, buckle up. This is not for the faint of heart or “To All the Boys I Loved Before” crowd—
I’ve had a good night’s sleep and a lot of kvetching on Discord behind me. I’ve had a few hours to think and here’s what I’ve ended up with:
On Betty Hooking Up With Archie
As unpalatable to me as the B*archie plot is, I am of the firm belief that ultimately, Betty has every right to fuck whomever she wants.
Do I hate that she chose Archie? Yes. Did I think this was something Betty and Archie could walk back? No. Would I feel as terrible if she slept with Sweet Pea? Or Reggie? Or Farmer McGinty? Not in the least. I simply hate it because it’s Archie, and I’ll explain in a bit why these earlier thoughts are problematic, but I’ll go into the other better reason I hate this plot: I hate it because this is the third time in five seasons we have to deal with this. I’m tired of it. I have to watch these writers shoehorn this plot in for whatever stupid and misguided reason they have: that Betty’s trauma is making her do it and that they need to have Jughead and Archie have some kind of blowout. Like, can’t they think of anything better?
BUT be that as it may, this plot is here, and so now we come to why assigning hate to this plot “because it’s Archie” is problematic. I asked myself: should it really matter? Objectively, no. Its been 7 years. Jughead shut her down in a voicemail, and as far as she’s concerned, Jughead didn’t want her anymore. Archie’s clearly a selfish prick, but he definitely has no issues about sleeping with his supposed Best Friend’s ex because Reggie, his football bro-dude, did it to him with Veronica and it turned out he was OK with it. He is applying the same here, and ultimately, if Jughead has to find out that Betty and Archie were boinking indiscriminately, he needs to remember that he cut that chord when he left that voicemail. He might not have known it then, but he knows it now, and he has to examine his own part in unraveling that Blue & Gold thread.
On Jughead Womp
Listen, all. I love Jughead, and given everything that’s happened in these episodes, I feel for him. I feel like in some respects, the other characters could be nicer to him, but let’s get one thing straight. Jughead had a lot to do with his own misery and misfortune. Our precious soft boy caused many of the things happening to him now—his distance from Betty, the way the Serpents aren’t forgiving, his writer’s block, his failed relationships, and maybe even the eventual demise of his writing career (if he did send Cora’s manuscript and passed it off as his. At any rate, if he did a “Punching and Fucking” Californication schtick, he will survive it like Hank Moody did).
I love him, but if any discontent is going to be expressed about how the rest of the gang are handling their miserable selves, we can’t place Jughead above it and think the world is against him. No. Just no. Those unpaid bills didn’t unpay themselves. Those mobsters aren’t randomly pursuing him.
Jughead is JUST as disappointing as the rest of them, because he squandered the great opportunities that were handed to him, and then he had the gall to think that the Serpents wouldn’t take his portrayal of them personally. 
I say this to him (and maybe to everyone because this is a good life lesson): Goodwill is enduring (he sacrificed his life for Serpents), but people will only endure so much if you shit on them, and in this case, he memorialized that shit in a published book. 
On Betty Saying She Wanted to Fuck Archie Since High School
This didn’t even make me blink. Like, I didn’t even feel a twitch about that. @imreallyloveleee​ said it best in her post but it bears repeating: (1) sexual thoughts aren’t exclusive to the people you love; (2) it doesn’t invalidate your meaningful relationships; (3) Betty could’ve done it with Archie in the bunker, but she didn’t.
I’m not even going to point to, “Well, she liked him until sophomore year so YEAH, she thought about sleeping with Archie.” I think that’s absurd. She did think about sleeping with Archie even after that. Even after she was with Jughead. Archie WAS a thing, and thoughts--especially sexual thoughts, are not static and linear. They are alive and affected by a multitude of chemical reactions in our body. They permeate our daily activities and relationships. She HAD those thoughts and she doesn’t need to apologize for it, or be villified for it. 
The funny thing is my initial thought about it was that it was just pillow talk. On the one hand it could be construed as something of a bone she was throwing Archie the Labrador, but it was also something Betty needed to say for herself, a way to convince herself that she was doing this for something more meaningful than a way to cope with being in the Panic Room of her trauma, but this is a conclusion based on nothing but my own biases.That said, it certainly kept me from falling into a black hole of despair over it.  
On Betty Sleeping With Men Because She Can
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Maybe she has to work on some stuff for her mental health. Maybe she has some trauma, but Betty had enjoyed sex in the past even without trauma. She likes it and sometimes she just needs it. Her sex appears to be responsible, consesual, and she appears to enjoy it. I mean, when she doesn’t feel like it, she says, “Nah,” and stays home with her cat.  
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zwowow · 3 years
👀 I love the hc of em always topping until he feels like he can be vulnerable in front of kells, if you want to write more nsfk stuff how about the first time kells tops and he just blows em's mind?
!nsfw! (the og hc post)
"You don't have to do this. I love how we fuck." Kells says. He's bracketed between Em's legs and staring at him, eye to eye. They're so close Em feels his heart flutter beneath his skin.
Em scoffs, "I'm the one about to get fucked, why are you the one acting scared?" Truthfully, he's probably just as nervous as Kells is. The difference being that Kells wears all of his emotions on his face.
This shit is gay. Not that fucking a dude, kissing him on the mouth, and telling him you love him isn't, but it's different, or at least it feels different. Getting fucked. He already wants to squirm out from under Kells and pin the other man down by the hips just from being this open. He wonders how he'll feel once he's been fucked, especially if he likes it.
"You might not like it. It'll probably hurt." Kells doesn't answer the question, just holds Em's eyes and tells him things they'd talked about multiple times already.
"You tryna get out of this, Kells?"
"No! I just... I love every time we fuck and I don't want you to try some shit you might not like because you think I want it." He definitely sounds like he's trying to get out of it. Em just doesn't understand why.
"So you don't wanna fuck me?"
"Nah, I definitely wanna fuck you, but not if you don't want it. If we're gonna do this, you're gonna enjoy it.
Em can only think that that's why he decided to do this in the first place, he'll enjoy anything he does with Kells simply because it's him, it's the two of them together. He's wanted it for a while. He's watched Kells squirm and scream and fucking cry on his dick and he wants a little of that. Kells had limped around the house after a particularly intense night, but said he loved the reminder when Em asked if he was good, and Em wanted to know that feeling. He wants to be marked with Kells' cum on the inside like he's been on the outside a hundred times. He wants to be fucked so much he doesn't see how he wouldn't enjoy it.
Kells had explained the pain, and the strange fullness your first time. He explained how much worse cleanup was than just a wet rag on his hole. He held Em's gaze and told him about everything he could possibly hate about getting fuck. And Em still wanted it.
"I want this." He says.
"Good." Kells says back, and with one last kiss, he slides down the length of Em's body and settles between his legs.
Em watches him grasp for the lube, but has to look away the second he flips open the cap.
"Hey," Kells murmurs while running his thumb in soothing circles on his inner thigh, "don't look away." His voice is so soft yet so sure Em has to look back.
He watches himself being opened up. His stomach tenses. His cock fills out. His toes curl and uncurl rapidly on the sheets. He watches it all happen as he feels Kells use deft, confident fingers to prep him.
When he works his way up to the second finger, Em starts to get antsy. He wants this, now. When he tells Kells that he's ready, but he just smiles and shakes his head.
"I'll tell you when you're ready." It takes another two fingers, stuffing Em full on almost a whole hand before he finally thinks Em is ready. He ignores Em's moans and pleas for more until then, too, thay fucking bastard. But Em understands why when Kells moves back up and starts to align himself with Em's hole.
He feels too small, his body resists the blunt head of Kells' dick even after the stretch.
"Relax." Kells tries to coax him, but Em glares back. It doesn't hurt exactly, not yet, but he knows it will. And preparing for the discomfort is worse than actually going through it.
Kells waits for him. He holds steady and looks down at Em adoringly, so sweet it makes him feel like a fucking girl. When he's finally ready, Kells remains just as gentle. He let's his head fall into the crook of Em's neck and presses wet kisses there the entire way in.
Em holds a breath for what feels like hours. He's so full he doesn't know what to do. He can't think about anything but Kells and the abstract idea that this man on top of him is also inside him.
When Kells starts to move, even the thoughts leave his head. He's not thinking about getting fucked or about Kells or about what about this is or isn't wrong. He doesn't think about anything, just tightens his legs around Kells' waist and feels.
He comes embarrassingly quickly. Turns out, when you're not thinking about embarassing yourself, or about making sure the other person is taken care of, an orgssm can be pounded out of you in only a few minutes. Especially when the man doing the pounding is only thinking about taking care of you.
Kells jerks him off in time with his thrusts when Em can't be bothered to do anything but feel him inside. He whispers about how much he loves him, how tight he is, how long he's wanted this, how beautiful Em looks. And Em doesn't give a shit in the moment, but afterwards, after Kells has come and carefully pulled out, he blushes at the tender words.
"Did you like it?" Kells asks while they cuddle.
"I'm not stroking your fucking ego." Em thinks he did enough of that by coming so early. But when he turns to face him, Kells is worrying his lip. Em throws an arm over his side and pinches his hip.
"Alright, yes I liked it."
"A lot?" Now he's joking, but Em decides to give it to him. He'd done so well tonight, after all.
"I fucking loved your dick in my fucking ass and I want you to keep fucking me until my back gives out. That what you needed to hear?" They laugh together.
"It could've been better. Kinda wanted to hear about how good my monster cock felt in your tight ass, but I'll survive. Nice touch with the old man back, though." Laughing harder, Em pinches Kells again. The kid is such a little shit sometimes. But he loves him anyway.
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queenbirbs · 4 years
waiting for rain | Ethan x MC
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x MC
Warnings: language
Word count: 2,786
Summary: After the funeral, Sloane catches a ride. Post chapter 11. 
It’s a beautiful day. 
The last week has been nothing but blue skies and balmy temperatures, with autumn peeking its head around the corner. The city is lovely anytime of year, but Boston thrives in the fall. The Common and adjacent gardens come alive in a spray of colors as the leaves change, the canopy dipped in orange and yellow and red. 
It feels wrong, then, that the day is so nice and bright as they trudge along the rows of graves and back towards Bryce’s car. Glancing over her shoulder, Sloane frowns at the swath of black as Danny’s family gathers around the grave to watch the interment. Their labored breathing and soft cries carry over the open lawn and down to the road. 
“What a shitty fucking day.” Jackie kicks at a pile of loose gravel along the pavement with her heel.
“At least the rain held off,” Sienna pipes up from where she’s slumped against the car. Clenched in her shaking hand is a gladiolus that Danny’s sister gave her from the casket spray. Noticing Sloane’s attention on the flower, Sienna traces a finger along the white petals with a wobbly smile. “I’m going to press it in my copy of The Secret of Ninradell.”    
“Nerd,” Jackie mutters, coaxing a tremulous chuckle from Sienna. 
Beside them, the doors unlock with a droning whir. The three of them pile into the back; Elijah and Bryce’s voices drift down as they approach. 
“You know, all those parking tickets you keep getting are starting to make a lot more sense now.”
“These hands are for performing surgical miracles, not parallel parking on an incline.”
“A kid with a learner’s permit could parallel park this, dude. Your car is the Chevrolet equivalent of a sardine can.”
“We’re well aware of that,” Jackie chimes in from the center seat. “So can you two hurry it up?” 
As Bryce helps Elijah into the passenger seat, Sloane catches sight of Ethan’s car tucked in along the other side of the access road. She caught a brief glance of him at the graveside service, but he disappeared into the crowd of mourners soon after her impromptu eulogy. The sun’s reflection on his windshield prevents her from seeing if he’s even inside. But then, a few cars down, Harper gives a little goodbye wave towards his car as she and Aurora reach her own vehicle. 
Sloane throws open the door. Jackie frowns and reaches out for her as she slides out. 
“Hey, what are you--”
“I’m going to catch a ride with Dr. Ramsey.” At the wave of worried expressions she receives, Sloane sighs. “I’m okay. I promise. You guys shouldn’t… I’ll see you at home.” 
With that pithy attempt at reassurance, she shuts the door and crosses over to the S-Class. The driver’s side window rolls down before she reaches it, revealing Ethan in his customary black suit. His striking blue eyes are tinged red -- a sight Sloane has become accustomed to over the last week when catching herself in the bathroom mirror. 
“Hi,” she says.
“Hello,” he returns. He glances down her figure, as if cataloging something, and then back up to meet her eyes. “Come on, then.”
She crosses to the passenger side and settles into the seat, avoiding his curious gaze by feigning a struggle with the seatbelt. Thankfully, he drops whatever question is plaguing him and starts the engine. Within a few minutes, they’re cruising south down the highway. The classical station finishes its latest piece and the suave-voiced host segways into a round of commercials. When the local news spot starts, both of them reach for the volume button, their fingers bumping clumsily. Ethan reaches it first and turns off the radio, then reaches down to capture Sloane’s hand with his. He links their fingers and squeezes, once, then again, before resting their clasped hands against the leather armrest. His thumb makes easy, gentle strokes along her skin. 
Sloane eases back into her seat. The dull roar of the road isn’t enough to fill the aching silence inside her head. It makes her think of being back in that tented room, all alone, waiting to die. 
“The service was lovely, as was your eulogy.” 
“Sienna should’ve gotten to speak. She -- those were her words, all she could bear to write, but she asked… well, begged me at the last minute to say them for her.” 
“That was kind of you to do.”
Her eyes clench tight at his praise. She focuses on the measured sweeps of his thumb, but all the bitterness in her chest keeps building and building until it bursts free. 
“It should’ve been raining. Why was it… why did it have to be so sunny today? It should’ve rained. He deserved that much, at least. He was one of the only staff on my side when Landry was trying to sabotage me. He didn’t need proof or need to hear my friends vouch for me. He just believed me, straight up. And he was so sweet, and so kind, and so funny and now he’s dead, and I know we took Lasagna’s oath to not play God, but if I could, I would bring back Travis just to kill him for all the hurt he caused, and I know that goes against every--”
“Hey.” Ethan glances up from the road and over to meet her watery gaze. “It’s all right. You’re allowed to feel angry, and hurt.”
“I know,” she says, but it still feels dirty, somehow, to agree. She survived, didn’t she? Why should she get the privilege to fall apart at the seams when two people are dead and buried six feet under? 
She keeps quiet for the rest of the drive. Unfortunately, it’s a rather short one, what with the cemetery being only twenty minutes north of the city. All too soon, they’re crossing the Tobin Bridge. The city skyline crowds the horizon, stacks of gray and glass forking up into the cloudless sky. Ethan takes the wide curve of an exit that crosses the Charles River and into the tunnel, down below the blue blood streets of Boston. As he prepares to merge over to take them towards her apartment, she squeezes his hand to grab his attention. 
“Can I…?” she trails off, regretting how weak the request sounds. She bites back a relieved sigh when he pulls his focus away from the side mirror and over to her. 
“Of course.” 
They make their way through the ever-present downtown congestion before he turns down a side street and into his building’s garage. Neither speak as they exit the car. His hand finds hers once more as they step into the elevator. Jenner greets them at the door with her favorite stuffed duck, insisting on meeting her quota of belly rubs before allowing them entrance. 
“Would you like a drink?” Ethan asks as he steps over the sprawled form of his dog with practiced ease. 
“Yes, please.” 
After a few more pats, Sloane wanders over into the kitchen. Ethan’s suit jacket lays slung across the island, a more telling sign of his mental state than anything visible on his face. His tie joins the pile as he pours them both several fingers of scotch. She takes the tumbler and knocks it back, ignoring the fierce burn at the back of her throat; she hands it back for a refill. 
“Fine,” he sighs, “but this isn’t a jello shot at some tiki bar in Panama City Beach.”
“I wouldn’t know, seeing as I spent my spring breaks waiting tables,” she mutters against the rim of her glass, taking a small sip at his behest. 
“I hated every second of it, if it’s any consolation.”
The murmured confession draws her up short.
“Wait -- you were a PCB spring-breaker? You? The man who can’t name a single artist on the top forty hits? The person whose idea of a good time is reading the green journal and annotating the margins with all the mistakes?”  
“I don’t see how knowledge of Harry Mars’s discography would increase my enjoyment in life.”
Sloane’s face breaks into a grin at the name faux pas, prompting a scowl from him. “What? You said it yourself that I don’t know--”
“No, no, ignore me. Go on.” She rests her hip against the counter. “Please tell me about how you wound up in Florida for spring break.”
“It was Tobias’s idea, actually. He told me we were going to a medical conference in Atlanta. It wasn’t until we passed through Atlanta and he showed no sign of stopping that he told me where we were actually going. By that point, it was far too late to request he turn around. I was, in effect, doomed.”
“Doomed to spend a week at the beach. Poor you.” Rolling her eyes, she knocks her elbow into his side. “Did you at least have some fun?”
“I did. Well, after I went into a store and bought some more... appropriate clothing. Everything in my bag was pressed khakis and polos.” 
Her mind immediately conjures up a younger Ethan, wearing board shorts and flip flops in whatever searing color the local beach shop sold. 
“There has to be pictures, right? I’ve met Tobias, he’s too much of a snake not to have snapped a photo or two.” 
“I’m sure he does,” Ethan agrees. “For blackmail purposes, of course.” 
“And here I was hoping that our time in Miami was your most memorable trip to the Sunshine State.”
“It was.” The weak little smirk she wears disappears, folding under the intense scrutiny of his gaze as it rakes across her. “Why did you ride back with me?” he asks. 
“Because Bryce’s car is ‘the Chevrolet equivalent to a sardine can,’ according to Elijah.” 
He doesn’t acknowledge her lame attempt at brushing aside the question. When the silence grows too long between them, Sloane drags in a shaky breath and caves. “Because being around them, having them dote on me and worry about me, it’s… suffocating. And not because I don’t love them, or appreciate them, but I don’t… I don’t see the point. They should be able to grieve without me burdening them.”
“Sloane.” The way he says her name with all the care in the world drives that guilt deeper. She wants to shrug away his hold on her as he wraps his arms around her shoulders, but she doesn’t. She sinks into his embrace, breathing in the scent of his cologne, feeling the thud of his heart against her cheek. “You are not a burden.”
“Hearing that and knowing that are two different things,” she points out. 
“Then I’ll repeat it a thousand more times until you get it through your thick head.” 
“I don’t know what to do. I’m sad, and hurt, and angry about Danny. He didn’t deserve what happened to him, and neither did Bobby. And Rafael, he almost died, and-- and I almost died. And I’m sad, and hurt, and angry about that. But what gives me the right to feel that way, when I got to live, and they didn’t? Danny, he… he begged Travis to let us go, and all I did was stand there. I fucking stood there and let him kill my friend.”
She doesn’t notice the tears on her face, not until Ethan catches them and wipes them away. “And even after you came in, even after I was wheeled out and got to see Kyra, even after I was discharged, there’s been this crushing weight on my chest. I even wrote goodbye letters on my phone, but I can’t bring myself to delete them. Because what if we’re wrong? It’s like… like what if my body suddenly rejects the antidote and I’m back in that bubble? Like I’m going to wake up and be back in that room, as if this is all a last-ditch effort my brain has conjured up to help me cope with dying.”
Ethan makes a pained noise in the back of his throat. Gathering her impossibly closer, he presses his lips to her hair. 
“This is real. You’re okay. You’re safe, Sloane. This is real.”
“But I don’t want it to be. I want it to all be some sick dream. They wouldn’t’ve even been there if it weren’t for me. If I hadn’t stolen the senator from Mass Kenmore, Danny and Bobby would still be alive. I just… I want to go back. I want to order them all out of that room before Travis ever gets his hand on that canister. If I could trade places with them, we wouldn’t be burying our friends.”
“You’re wrong,” he tells her. “If you were the only one in that room, we’d be burying you. And after coming close to such a thing, it isn’t a reality I’m ever willing to face.” 
Sloane shakes her head as the tears come faster and faster, her body trembling against his. She feels as if she’s drowning, but her head’s above water. 
“The responsibility for what happened lies solely with Travis,” he tries to assure her. “He’s the one who pulled the trigger. He’s the one who was determined to get his revenge, no matter who got caught in the crossfire. He admitted as much to me in his last moments without an ounce of regret.”
“Ethan, I…” her throat closes around the rest of her plea, but somehow, he hears the words. 
His arms loop around her waist, holding her up as her knees buckle under the sudden weight of her grief. His words become nothing more than soft murmurings as he picks her up and carries her off down the hall. 
In his bedroom, he sets her down on the bed. Kneeling before her, he picks up one foot and then the next, unbuckling the strappy heels she wears. Sloane leans forward and strokes against the grain of his stubble; she drags in a steadying breath when he leans into her touch. She reaches down for the hem of her dress, but he beats her to it. Raising her arms instead, she lets him slide the dark fabric over her head. He adds his own clothing to the floor, then joins her in his bed, his naked skin warm against hers. 
Under the covers, Ethan tucks her there against his chest. Her eyes flutter closed at the sensation of his fingers tracing along her bare skin. It reminds her of that last morning they shared together, after the trial. The heartache now is different, vicious in that way only death can be. Sloane burrows closer, wishing she could bottle this feeling of safety and drink from it on the darker days ahead. 
“Yours was the longest,” she admits, her voice sounding small in the quiet room.
“Hmm?” he murmurs. 
“Your letter.” 
The line of him stiffens, his hand stilling its movement. 
“Hand me your phone.”
She rolls over and digs through the pile of their clothing, retrieving her phone from the pocket of her dress and handing it off to him. He holds it between them so she can watch as he navigates to her notepad app. The letters are all there, just as she said, in alphabetical order. She doesn’t miss how his thumb hovers above Naveen’s. 
“I asked him to look after you,” she explains, biting her lip against the rush of emotion at knowing the words hidden beneath the names. 
“When did you write these?”
Ethan’s eyes move from the screen and over to hers, tears collecting in the cradle of his lower lid. Her gaze never waves from his as she answers. 
“After you took Raf away. It… became real, after that. Not that it wasn’t real before, with Danny, but to see him fall into a coma right next to me was a wake-up call. I didn’t want that to happen to me. Not without being able to say goodbye to the people I loved.”   
Leaning across, he kisses her temple, and then her cheek, and then her lips. Then, with a few, quick taps, he deletes the letters and returns her phone. 
“Thank you,” he whispers. At her raised brow, he doubles down. “Not for-- that was for you. I’m saying thank you because you listened to me.” 
She snuggles close once more when he curls his arm around her and flashes him a curious smile. 
“Go on.”
“You didn’t give up,” he tells her, his voice gone thick with emotion. 
Between the sheets, her hand finds his.
“You didn’t give up, either,” she reminds him.
“On you?” he hums, pulling their linked hands towards himself to press a kiss to her fingers. “Never.”
Author notes and what-have-yous:
So, I learned that only eleven percent of medical schools still recite the Hippocratic oath verbatim, and about thirty-three percent use Lasagna’s modern oath (which is why I included it instead).This is coming from a few articles I read, all seemingly based in the U.S., so it may not pertain to every school. 
The ‘blue blood streets of Boston’ is pulled directly from a Bob Seger song, though there is a historical connotation behind it. 
The green journal is another name for the American Journal of Medicine. 
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the-blackholeus · 4 years
2k16!Shredder x Reader
Hey^^ Another Shredder X Reader because I love this dude. Have fun reading, as always please excuse any gramatical mistakes, and the female version is below.
(After Y/N has been discovered to be Shredder’s lover by his enemies, he began to get overprotective in fear of losing him/her. As s/he really got in trouble, however, he got to watch what this innocent being could do if s/he gets angry)
“Saki! Stop it! I swear!”, Y/N growled as he swatted his boyfriend’s hand away, shooting him a glare that was powerful enough to kill someone. The older male chuckled softly and pulled him against him, pressing a kiss to his neck. “You are just too beautiful, my love, there is no way that I can restrain myself from touching you.”, Oroku Saki, also known as the Shredder, growled into his ears, and pressed another kiss to his cheek. The young man rolled his eyes and pushed him away, running his hand over his hair one last time before he put his jacket on, ready to go.
“You’ll have to restrain yourself if you don’t want to be arrested in the next few minutes, my powerful ninja.”, he huffed in a teasing voice, earning another chuckle and a nuzzle against his neck. “You know that those words only flatter me, my dear Y/N.”, he purred, laughing after he showed him the middle finger. “Idiot.”, he muttered as he went outside, his boyfriend following after him by climbing on the houses, always making sure that he was close, but out of people’s sight. Getting his phone, he called him so that they could talk on the streets without getting arrested. “Why do you even want to accompany me to my way to work?”, he sighed. “I know you’re worried about me, but I can take care of myself.”
“I don’t to risk it, my love.”, he grumbled and jumped over a gap between buildings, his figure not leaving his eyes. “I don’t want to lose you.” The young man gave another sigh and thought back to the night where some of Shredder enemies found out that Y/N was Shredder’s lover, and since then, there had been assassinations attempts. One almost killed him, and he still remembered the evening the older male hugged him, almost in tears, telling him that he would never leave him out of his sight. Since then, he had become overprotective.
It was cute, but it wasn’t needed. What Shredder didn’t know was, that Y/N was a good fighter and able to defend himself better than anyone would think. He hadn’t mention it yet, and didn’t show it, but the longer his boyfriend talked about how he would be too weak to fight against trained assassins, the closer he got there. “You won’t.”, he softly said, hearing a soft chuckle on the other side. “But seriously, don’t you think that you’re overdoing it? Don’t you have a clan to take care of?” “Nothing is more important than you my love, and Karai can run my clan for a few hours until you get back. She did it while I was captured, remember?” Oh, yes, hedid, and he certainly remembered the kick he gave his balls when he got back and the hour scowling him for this naïve deal with an alien before kissing him into Oblivion.
“Yes, I do. But you’re their leader! I can take care of myself for a while, they need you. I love you Saki, and I appreciate your worry and your love, but I am not a toddler anymore. I might be younger than you and I didn’t survive a crazy warlord, but I have gone through some shit myself.” He heard a heavy sigh. “I know, but I am worried.”
“I know, but I have to end this call now. I’m there.” Surprised, Shredder searched his  figure and saw him standing in front of the building that he worked in. He waved at him, a small smile on his scared face before he watched him enter the building, making sure no one was coming too close to you that seemed dangerous.
Y/N sighed happily as he finally could pack his bags and walk home. He waved his co-workers goodbye, and walked straight to the door, taking a deep breath, when finally, the cold night air hit his face. He looked around and blinked softly, not finding his boyfriend anywhere. Even though he loved him, he enjoyed the time where he could walk alone.
The young man checked time on his phone as he walked down the street, waving at an old woman who also was on her way home. He turned around the corner, smiling as his house came into sight, but that faded when two men and a woman walked straight up to him, all of them a grin on their face. He stopped, waiting until they were in front of them. “Hello, buddy.”, the woman spoke, clearly the leader of the group. “Hey.”, the young man skeptically said and lifted his eyebrows. “I see that you’re here. All alone.”, she teased and crossed her arms in front of her chest. “Why is that?” “I’m simply on my way home, and I would like to continue to walk.”, he said and tried to get through them, but the biggest man pushed him back, taking a step forward. “Oh, you already want to leave us? But we haven’t emptied your pockets yet.”, she laughed and pulled a gun out of her jacket.
Y/N took a step back, clearly shocked by her actions. “What are you doing?”, he hissed, anger coming into his voice. “Are you insane!?” “No, but we need money. Get him boys.”, she ordered, and expected him to be down on the floor within a minute…that, however, did not happen.
As the smaller man lifted his fist and tried to punch him, he simply caught his fist in his hands, he tried it with the other, and he caught it again. The younger man twisted his hand, making him cry out in pain before kicking into his crotch, throwing him over his shoulders before attacking the other one, punching him in the face. A sickening crack was heard, and the other cried out in pain as he held his nose, that was surely broken now. Wasting no time, he grabbed the gun from the woman, ripping it from her grasp before smashing it against her head, sending her directly into unconsciousness. The other males were still on the floor, shivering, shocked that one man defeated them. “Could you please fuck off now?”, he wheezed, his eyes blazing with anger. Before they could get away however, he shot them in the legs and turned around, taking the gun with him, listening to their cries.
He did, however, not see the male that stood there and watched the whole scenario with his eyes. Y/N ran into him, growling as he shook his head, ready to yell at him to let out his anger…which immediately disappeared once he recognized the man who stared at him like he was a demon that really could be summoned. “Oh, hey Saki.”, he grinned awkwardly, and hit the gun behind his back. The feared male blinked a few times, looking down/up to him before he found his voice and managed to speak. “You…can fight?”, he asked, receiving an embarrassed nod.
“I…yeah.”, he whispered awkwardly, and pushed him to continue their ways as the cries of the man echoed behind them. “I can.” “Why didn’t you tell me? I would have been much less worried than I had been the last few weeks!”, he growled, his hands balling into fists, clearly angered at him
“No, love, you wouldn’t have been less worried.”, the younger male sighed and shook his head, before crossing his arms in front of his chest and let a deep, sad sigh escape his lips. “And, I…I didn’t want to tell you because I don’t want you to see me differently than I really am. You always told me that I was such a gentle person, a sweet soul in the middle of a sea of sour hate and disappointment. I…I didn’t want to ruin that imagine by showing you what I really can do…I didn’t want to repulse you…”
A few seconds passed, Shredder started to shake, and the younger male thought that he would explode with anger…but out of all sudden, deep, rumbling laughter echoed through the streets. He threw his head back, and completely lost control over himself. Almost crushing his lover against his chest, he gave him a deep kiss before snuggling into him, still shaking with violent chuckles. “Y-You are an idiot! You’re such a-an imbecile!”, he roared as another fit of laughter hit him. This continued until tears ran down his scared face, and he had trouble breathing.
“I would never change my opinion about you. Even if you can kick ass, you are still a sweet soul in the middle of a sea of sour hate and disappointment, you’re still a beautiful star at the piece of the sky that fell victim to a black hole, you’re still my beautiful and gentle love! This does not change one thing. I don’t care if you can fight or not. I have not fallen in love with your skills or looks, I have fallen in love with you, your personality, your voice, the way you greet me every time we see each other, your loyalty, the way you loose your cool if someone insults me or my or your family, and your nerves of steel if I overdo it again.” He leaned down and gave him another kiss on his lips. “I love you, Y/N. More than anything in the world…even than the thought of killing the turtles.”
A chocked laugh escaped his lips, and in that moment, Shredder realized that he cried. But it was not a frustrated crying or one of heartbreak…it was one of utter joy. “You’re an idiot.”, Y/N sobbed and kissed him again, making sure to win dominance. The older male let him do as he pleased, happy that this issue was finally out of the way. His lover wiped the tears out of his eyes and searched for the keys to his house before walking inside, preparing to have a wonderful evening, but before he put the popcorn in the microwave, he asked one last question.
“Saki, now that you know that I can fight, does this mean that you will stop worrying so much and that I can finally walk my way to work and home alone?” Shredder lifted his head to stare at him, a smug grin on his face, before shaking his head, giving him an answer that made his blood boil with anger and annoyance.
“No, my love, certainly not.”
“Saki! Stop it! I swear!”, Y/N growled as she swatted her boyfriend’s hand away, shooting him a glare that was powerful enough to kill someone. The older male chuckled softly and pulled her against him, pressing a kiss to her neck. “You are just too beautiful, my love, there is no way that I can restrain myself from touching you.”, Oroku Saki, also known as the Shredder, growled into her ears, and pressed another kiss to her cheek. The young woman rolled her eyes and pushed him away, running her hand over her hair one last time before she put her jacket on, ready to go.
“You’ll have to restrain yourself if you don’t want to be arrested in the next few minutes, my powerful ninja.”, she huffed in a teasing voice, earning another chuckle and a nuzzle against her neck. “You know that those words only flatter me, my dear Y/N.”, he purred, laughing after she showed him the middle finger. “Idiot.”, she muttered as she went outside, her boyfriend following after her by climbing on the houses, always making sure that he was close, but out of people’s sight. Getting her phone, he called her so that they could talk on the streets without getting arrested. “Why do you even want to accompany me to my way to work?”, she sighed. “I know you’re worried about me, but I can take care of myself.”
“I don’t to risk it, my love.”, he grumbled and jumped over a gap between buildings, her figure not leaving his eyes. “I don’t want to lose you.” The young woman gave another sigh and thought back to the night where some of Shredder enemies found out that Y/N was Shredder’s lover, and since then, there had been assassinations attempts. One almost killed her, and she still remembered the evening the older male hugged her, almost in tears, telling her that he would never leave her out of his sight. Since then, he had become overprotective.
It was cute, but it wasn’t needed. What Shredder didn’t know was, that Y/N was a good fighter and able to defend herself better than anyone would think. She hadn’t mention it yet, and didn’t show it, but the longer her boyfriend talked about how she would be too weak to fight against trained assassins, the closer she got there. “You won’t.”, she softly said, hearing a soft chuckle on the other side. “But seriously, don’t you think that you’re overdoing it? Don’t you have a clan to take care of?” “Nothing is more important than you my love, and Karai can run my clan for a few hours until you get back. She did it while I was captured, remember?” Oh, yes, she did, and she certainly remembered the kick she gave his balls when he got back and the hour scowling him for this naïve deal with an alien before kissing him into Oblivion.
“Yes, I do. But you’re their leader! I can take care of myself for a while, they need you. I love you Saki, and I appreciate your worry and your love, but I am not a toddler anymore. I might be younger than you and I didn’t survive a crazy warlord, but I have gone through some shit myself.” She heard a heavy sigh. “I know, but I am worried.”
“I know, but I have to end this call now. I’m there.” Surprised, Shredder searched her  figure and saw her standing in front of the building that she worked in. He waved at her, a small smile on his scared face before he watched her enter the building, making sure no one was coming too close to her that seemed dangerous.
Y/N sighed happily as she finally could pack her bags and walk home. She waved her co-workers goodbye, and walked straight to the door, taking a deep breath, when finally, the cold night air hit her face. She looked around and blinked softly, not finding her boyfriend anywhere. Even though she loved him, she enjoyed the time where she could walk alone.
The young woman checked time on her phone as she walked down the street, waving at an old woman who also was on her way home. She turned around the corner, smiling as her house came into sight, but that faded when two men and a woman walked straight up to her, all of them a grin on their face. She stopped, waiting until they were in front of her. “Hello, girly.”, the woman spoke, clearly the leader of the group. “Hey.”, the young woman skeptically said and lifted her eyebrows. “I see that you’re here. All alone.”, she teased and crossed her arms in front of her chest. “Why is that?” “I’m simply on my way home, and I would like to continue to walk.”, she said and tried to get through them, but the biggest man pushed her back, taking a step forward. “Oh, you already want to leave us? But we haven’t emptied your pockets yet.”, she laughed and pulled a gun out of her jacket.
Y/N took a step back, clearly shocked by her actions. “What are you doing?”, she hissed, anger coming into her voice. “Are you insane!?” “No, but we need money. Get her boys.”, she ordered, and expected her to be down on the floor within a minute…that, however, did not happen.
As the smaller man lifted his fist and tried to punch her, she simply caught his fist in her hands, he tried it with the other, and she caught it again. The younger woman twisted his hand, making him cry out in pain before kicking into his crotch, throwing him over her shoulders before attacking the other one, punching him in the face. A sickening crack was heard, and the other cried out in pain as he held his nose, that was surely broken now. Wasting no time, she grabbed the gun from the woman, ripping it from her grasp before smashing it against her head, sending her directly into unconsciousness. The other males were still on the floor, shivering, shocked that one woman defeated them. “Could you please fuck off now?”, she wheezed, her eyes blazing with anger. Before they could get away however, she shot them in the legs and turned around, taking the gun with her, listening to their cries.
She did, however, not see the male that stood there and watched the whole scenario with his eyes. Y/N ran into him, growling as she shook his head, ready to yell at him to let out her anger…which immediately disappeared once she recognized the man who stared at her like she was a demon that really could be summoned. “Oh, hey Saki.”, she grinned awkwardly, and hit the gun behind her back. The feared male blinked a few times, looking down/up to her before he found his voice and managed to speak. “You…can fight?”, he asked, receiving an embarrassed nod.
“I…yeah.”, she whispered awkwardly, and pushed him to continue their ways as the cries of the men echoed behind them. “I can.” “Why didn’t you tell me? I would have been much less worried than I had been the last few weeks!”, he growled, his hands balling into fists, clearly angered at her.
“No, love, you wouldn’t have been less worried.”, the younger female sighed and shook her head, before crossing her arms in front of her chest and letting a deep, sad sigh escape her lips. “And, I…I didn’t want to tell you because I don’t want you to see me differently than I really am. You always told me that I was such a gentle person, a sweet soul in the middle of a sea of sour hate and disappointment. I…I didn’t want to ruin that imagine by showing you what I really can do…I didn’t want to repulse you…”
A few seconds passed, Shredder started to shake, and the younger female thought that he would explode with anger…but out of all sudden, deep, rumbling laughter echoed through the streets. He threw his head back, and completely lost control over himself. Almost crushing his lover against his chest, he gave her a deep kiss before snuggling into her, still shaking with violent chuckles. “Y-You are an idiot! You’re such a-an imbecile!”, he roared as another fit of laughter hit him. This continued until tears ran down his scared face, and he had trouble breathing.
“I would never change my opinion about you. Even if you can kick ass, you are still a sweet soul in the middle of a sea of sour hate and disappointment, you’re still a beautiful star at the piece of the sky that fell victim to a black hole, you’re still my beautiful and gentle love! This does not change one thing. I don’t care if you can fight or not. I have not fallen in love with your skills or looks, I have fallen in love with you, your personality, your voice, the way you greet me every time we see each other, your loyalty, the way you loose your cool if someone insults me or my or your family, and your nerves of steel if I overdo it again.” He leaned down and gave her another kiss on her lips. “I love you, Y/N. More than anything in the world…even than the thought of killing the turtles.”
A chocked laugh escaped her lips, and in that moment, Shredder realized that she cried. But it was not a frustrated crying or one of heartbreak…it was one of utter joy. “You’re an idiot.”, Y/N sobbed and kissed him again, making sure to win dominance. The older male let her do as he pleased, happy that this issue was finally out of the way. His lover wiped the tears out of her eyes and searched for the keys to her house before walking inside, preparing to have a wonderful evening, but before she put the popcorn in the microwave, she asked one last question.
“Saki, now that you know that I can fight, does this mean that you will stop worrying so much and that I can finally walk my way to work and home alone?” Shredder lifted his head to stare at her, a smug grin on his face, before shaking his head, giving her an answer that made her blood boil with anger and annoyance.
“No, my love, certainly not.”
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Ko-Fi commision prompt: Snake, Worm, College
Thanks @natmoose​ for the prompt!!! I loved the opportunity to write from very intimate experience
hey folks if you own a snake make sure to check the clips on the tub
Dean slid his headphones off of his ears and hung them around his neck as he closed the door to his apartment behind him, whistling the tune to the song he’d just been listening to. 
Fewer things in the world were better than a class getting canceled, even if he did need to walk across campus in order to learn about it, but that was his own fault for not checking his email. 
He adjusted the straps on his backpack and walked down the hallway towards his room, and paused when he caught sight of the disaster that was now his living room. 
Almost every piece of furniture was on its side, the contents of the bookshelf was on the floor, any shelves that used to be inside their desk had been taken out and the contents were upended. In the middle of it all was his roommate, Castiel, holding a flashlight in a crouched position as he stared up at Dean like a deer in headlights.
 Dean raised an eyebrow. 
“Whatcha doing?”
Castiel cleared his throat as he glanced at the mess around them. 
“. . . redecorating?” 
Castiel stood up and clicked off the flashlight.
 “I thought you had class?” He said, head ducked down timidly. 
Dean squinted as he tried to fit the pieces of the puzzle together, but for the life of him he couldn’t think of a reason Castiel would have trashed the living room with a flashlight in one hand. 
“Canceled. Dude, what the hell?”
Castiel licked his lips as he looked up, more caution in his demeanor than Dean had ever seen him. 
“So, I need you to know that it’s okay, and there’s no reason for you to be alarmed.”
“I am instantly alarmed, dude.”
Castiel groaned and dropped his head in one hand before running it through his hair like Dean had only ever noticed him do during times of Peak Stress. 
“I’ve been caring for Gabriel’s pet while he’s been out of the country,” Castiel said after a deep breath, “She’s a . . . more exotic pet than people are used to and I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want to cause you any irrational worry.”
Dean’s eyes darted around the room, looking for any signs of movement - he’d finally put most of the puzzle pieces together. 
“Jesus - okay, what got out?”
“I forgot to put the clips on her tub last night. That was stupid of me -”
“Cas - what is it? Just tell me!”
Castiel blinked, then took a breath.
“She’s a ball python.”
In a matter of seconds, Dean was standing on a chair, clutching at the strap of his backpack. 
“There’s a goddamn snake loose in the apartment?” He managed to say, “A python?”
“See?” Castiel gestured up at him with the flashlight. “This is the irrational worry I was talking about!” 
“Oh, I’m not worried - I’m terrified!”
“She’s very sweet, and gentle, and curious - there’s absolutely no reason to be scared of her, Dean.”
“Wow, and yet -”
“She genuinely couldn’t hurt you even if she tried.”
“It’s a python -”
“A ball python.” Castiel threw up his hands. “They curl up into a ball when they’re scared!”
“So do I!”
“No - you stand on chairs!”
Dean looked down, realizing that he’d scrambled up to higher ground in his moment of panic, and gingerly stepped back down.
“Don’t they, like,” Dean rubbed at the back of his neck, “strangle their food?”
Castiel crossed his arms in front of his chest and frowned. 
“I’ve seen you do worse to a burger.”
Dean mimicked the crossing of arms.
“How long has it been here?”
“She’s been here about a month.”
A whole month he’d been living in the same apartment as a snake. 
Castiel pressed on.
“Dean, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, but if I don’t find her Gabriel will kill me.” Castiel winced. “Or worse.”
“Expelled.” Dean said automatically. 
“What?” Castiel cocked his head to the side. “No. Give my number to spam callers.”
Dean shook his head and made a mental note to rent Harry Potter later for what was, apparently, a much needed refresher. 
But not the movie with the giant snake.
“Alright.” Dean steepled his fingers in front of his face. “Snake in the apartment. Not a scary snake. Still kinda scary, though. Where do. . . snakes go?”
Castiel ran a hand through his hair again. 
“Usually someplace warm, but I’ve checked near all of the vents and I checked the shower -” Dean tried not to have a heart attack at the thought of the snake joining him in the shower “- so she’s probably somewhere dark and small. A confined space like under a couch or under a bed or in a box somewhere. I’ve checked everything here I just -”
Castiel shrugged his shoulders helplessly, looking even more pitiful in the ratty t-shirt he’d probably slept in the night before. 
“ - I don’t know where else to look.”
Dean, now positive that the universe had been waiting on bated breath to hear those words fall from Castiel’s lips, felt something in his backpack move. 
Castiel looked up at him solemnly. 
“I think my panic sensors have fully shut down right now.” He said, a lot more calmly than he felt on the inside. “I need you to look in my backpack and see if your snake is in there for whatever goddamn reason.”
Castiel’s eyes widened, half-looking like he didn’t believe what he was saying. 
“Please do it before I throw my bag off my back.”
Castiel rushed behind him and Dean took deep, calming breaths as he heard the sound of a zipper and then a soft gasp. 
“There you are, Worm!”
More sounds of shuffling around in his backpack and Castiel stepped back in front - with some distance - with a pale-pinkish looking snake wrapped around his arm. 
A lot smaller than Dean had expected. 
“Oh.” Dean said, looking at what was definitely not very threatening. “Wait, her name is what?”
“Worm. Because she looks like one.” Castiel looked over at Dean and shrugged. “I didn’t name her.”
“So, she got into my backpack last night?”
“Looks like it.” Castiel held a scolding finger at the snake wrapped around his arm. “No more of that. Clips go on the tub every night. No more adventures in Dean’s things.”
“Yes please.” Dean let out a long breath, the release of adrenaline he’d just had rush through his body making him feel dizzy. “Cas, man, I love you, but I’m not gonna survive something else like that.”
For a brief moment Castiel froze, still looking at Worm, though Dean barely registered it. 
“Worm, did you hear that?” Castiel said softly. “He won’t survive another surprise like that. Should we call someone in case he realizes he just told me he loves me?”
In saying that, Dean’s brain finally caught up to his mouth. 
“Oh fu- “
Ko-Fi commission info!
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slasherscream · 5 years
Reader gets stood up at prom ghostface boys to the rescue
(A/N): oh prom was my nightmare so this was so self indulgent to think about thanks fam
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They were getting around to asking you they fucking swear on god and they were ....enraged would be putting it lightly, when some random fucking loser asked you before they could.
Listen they were just trying to take it slow to go easy on you. Like slowly heating up the water around a frog instead of dropping them into boiling water to begin with. 
You're out here thinking you've got #the two best friends in the world meanwhile they're trying to make a teenage spouse out of you but the best laid plans of dumb teenage boys often go awry. 
Even though it's totally fine to do so (and the norm for you) you were feeling strange about asking if you could be a tag-a-long for them for prom night of all things.
Them including you on all their date nights and hang-outs are one thing but being a third wheel for the most romantic/cutesy night for teenagers is something you cannot fucking parse.
You had even started secretly thinking of staying home alone that night, which you know everyone in your life would've been strongly against but what're they gonna do? Throw you into a fancy tux/dress and force you to go? 
But then a classmate asked you! Sure it wasn't particularly romantic and you didn't know each other well but they weren't the worst person in the world and they offered to buy your ticket for you and match with your color      so at least you'll be going without feeling like an interloper. 
You rush to tell the boys even though some part of you feels...bummed out you're not going with them but they're a couple and you're all best friends and you know you'll still spend time with them that night so it's fine! Everything's fine! Everything is perfect.
So yes they almost nutted the fuck up when you told them. The look on Stu's face....Billy had to hit him when you weren't looking so he could fix his face by the time you glanced over at him with that cute, excited look of expectancy. 
"That's great, Y/N!" Stu would say, trying to make his smile look as normal as possible. "Who asked you?" Billy would say, grinding his teeth to fucking dust in his mouth and already planning on murdering them brutally. 
It's only when they're alone and planning the murder do they realize they can't do that to you. You got asked to prom and how would you feel if your date happens to become a ghostface victim! They know you...you're so sweet and nice that even though you didn't particularly like the person you'd be staying home for the evening crying and sad. At the very least you'd take it as a "sign" and stay in for the night, if they were lucky.
Despite being the most possessive boys in the world they don't want you looking back at a night that could be special and magical with only the traumatic memory of a dead date. Romance really is real!
So they didn’t kill the lucky bastard who asked you even though they are so upset and bummed out. Stu mopes for the whole week leading up to the day and Billy is a special kind of grumpy asshole. 
But they get to do little prom prep things with you that you probably wouldn't have let them do with you if you were their date for the night and it's cute and montage-y even though they're still really upset. 
Helping you pick out a dress/tux/look and being your hype-men! You step out of the dressing room with something Stu picked for you (fashion icon) and he screams! Billy staring at you w/ eyes that are soft and he couldn't wipe the look off his face if he tried. Deciding your makeup/hair/look for the night with them and they lowkey do everything to match you/look good with you.
Fuck your date, man! They are your date in name only. When you look back at this night they're making 100% you'll only remember them. This is gonna be a funny story you tell your fucking kids together. They wanna throw up whenever you ruin the illusion by asking "Do you think (random ass name) will like this?" Shut up!! Stu will begin to cry he's sensitive. 
You will not be walking out of any store having paid for your own shit that week. Stu insists! He's your 18 year old (unfortunately platonic) sugar daddy. Billy never let's Stu spoil him so you have to deal with Stu's love language, which is gifts, all by yourself you poor baby. 
You're all gonna get ready at your house and you will experience soft moments such as Billy helping you with your hair with the utmost gentleness and making eye contact in the mirror. Or Stu wanting to put your lipstick on and doing a frankly fantastic job but the unbearable tension as he's touching your lip? My dude....
You try to shy out of some of the "leaving the house" pictures so the happy couple can get some alone but all your squirming just winds up with you trapped in-between them and both of them kissing your cheek at the same time. 
Your date elected to not pick you up but meet at the location which made them so fucking angry but at least this way they get more time with you. Your dates on thin fucking ice though since the boys would've done everything to make the night romantic for you ...they are Big Mad. 
You get there and you're looking around for your date and for the longest time can't find them and they're not answering your texts. You're getting nervous but the boys are mostly distracting you while sharing concerned looks over your head. 
Their fears are confirmed when they catch your date making out with their ex and they can't steer you away from them fast enough so you don't notice. Your date has the decency to apologize and look sorry that they did this but you can't work yourself up to being really mad since you didn't really like them anyway. It's just the energy of this happening to you at prom. 
They never knew you could run that fast honestly....
"Y/N? Baby? Are you in here?" The sound of the bathroom door opening immediately followed by the most gentle voice you'd ever heard Stu use in his life. 
You have half a mind to be quiet so that they'll go away and forget their loser best friend and actually have a decent prom night together but you know they'd just waste their whole night looking for you if they couldn't find you. "Yeah ... I'm in here." You sigh, holding your head in your heads. 
A knock on the door and then you hear Billy, "Please come out, sweetheart."
"I'd rather not." 
"Y/N..." Stu trails off not knowing what to say and shooting Billy a panicked look. Before either of them can figure out what to do you speak up again.
"Please go out and enjoy yourselves. You don't have to spend your night coddling me. I'm not the first person to get ditched at prom. I'll survive. It's stupid anyways." 
"It's okay to be upset, Y/N," Billy interjects, what he really wants to do is go kill your date and their dumb ex. Is there anything worse than an on-again-off-again couple? He's already imagining the fun he and Stu will have carving the two up but first they have to make their baby feel better. 
"That was a total dick move of them!" Stu says, trying not to get worked up but failing. "I'll go kick their ass for you right now."
This at least makes you laugh, "No        don't kick their ass. They don't deserve it." 
"Like hell they don't." Billy grunts, "They upset you."
"They got back together with someone they actually liked. I can't hate them for that. We barely knew each other. I just didn't want to come alone and I didn't wanna be your puppy dog tag-a-long the whole night."
This gets immediate reactions.
"What the hell are you talking about?" Billy demands.
"Y/N I'm gonna crawl on the disgusting bathroom floor and come join you in there if you don't open the door right now." Stu says.
After a second of pause where you debate how serious he is (deadly) and then take into account his lack of impulse control you unlock the door and allow it to swing open, "Don't do that. We'd have to burn the tux and you look really good in it." 
You're instantly swept up into two different sets of arm and have to admit you do feel a little better instantly. They have that effect on you. It's a comfort that they're staring at you with affection and concern and not pity. It makes you feel a little less pathetic. You still duck your head into Stu's chest and are allowed this and a moment of silence before Billy grabs you by the chin and makes you look up at them. 
"You're not a fucking tag-a-long and that loser out there was lucky you said yes in the first place." 
"Yeah baby! We woulda loved to have you all to ourselves tonight."
You laugh in a way that's heavy with self-deprecation, "You guys are sweet. That's why you deserve to have one night together that's just you. Especially prom night of all things. Don't you guys ever get tired of me always trailing after you? Don't you ever want a break?" 
They make eye contact and convey some secret message between them that makes you roll your eyes but then Billy's hand moves from your chin to hold your cheek and you freeze up. Stu leans down into Billy and grins at you from over his boyfriend's shoulder as if you're the most adorable thing he's ever seen. 
"You're not our third wheel, babe       we're a pyramid!" Stu chirps.
"We were gonna ask you to prom." Billy's thumb begins to rub tender circles along your cheek and you open your mouth to say...anything but he keeps talking, "But jackass out there beat us to it."
"Really?" You ask quietly and Billy bumps his forehead gently against yours, smiling at your shocked expression.
"We're crazy about you, babe!" 
"You sure you're not just trying to make me feel better? I promise I'm not gonna fall apart on you or anything." It doesn't come out like a joke as you'd intended and you'd wince at how hopeful and nervous you'd sounded but Billy's lips cover yours. You'd always wondered how it felt to kiss either of them, always having to force your eyes away from them when they often kissed each other. It's a lot like how you imagined, his lips firm and warm against yours and him with total control over the moment in a way that makes your knees weak.
When he finally pulls away you can't bring your eyes to open even when they both chuckle at you. It's Stu leaning forward to playfully nip at your bottom lip that brings you out of the daze and you lean forward to peck him before he can move away. He hums against your lips and you smile into the kiss, playful and sweet. 
"Believe us now?" Stu asks when he pulls away, giving your hair a light tug.
"I might....if you guys dance with me. I think I hear my favorite song."
"Well then-" Billy smirks, pulling away from you but grabbing your hand and Stu's, leading you out the bathroom and back towards the dance, "We gotta go take our girl/boy to dance, Stu."
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leechonspeeddial · 3 years
Midnight Shift: Party On Chuck E. Cheese   
word count: 1,757 Read on ao3
The sunset gave the – for lack of a better word – restaurant an ethereal glow. The sticky layer that covered the tables shimmered and the soda puddles on the tiles reflected the pissiest of yellows as the sun rays hit at the perfect angle. The quiet hum of the appliances and the sizzling of hot oil complimented the soft rock that played from the ancient speakers.
This was as peaceful a moment could get here.
I took out my iPhone and ignored the combined 37 messages from Bedward – it was worth noting, only two of them were from my mother. Instead, I took a picture of one of the puddles for my Insta-story and then scrolled through my contacts; there was a birthday boy that needed to accept my face time request. I waited patiently as the phone rang.
In the meanwhile, I dipped two of my French toast sticks into the sweet golden syrup and shoved them in my mouth. Chewing thoughtfully, I watched as Gay Kevin swept the floor and Straight Kevin wiped down the counters. Jeremiah had been gone all week; a friend of his had roped him into offering ice fishing lessons across town.
“Hey, Nessie,” the warmth in his voice made me smile, as did the tiny messy braids in his long dark hair.
“Happy birthday, Jake!” His eyes twinkled when he mirrored my smile. He looked older, which I knew logically was a thing that happened – people grew older as time passed, duh. I knew that, but I rarely knew anyone long enough to see any meaningful results from aging.
“Here I thought you had forgotten. Nice hair by the way – distressingly orange,” I scoffed but he had a point. It was excessively orange, almost violently so. When Alice saw it on me for the first time, she told me she wished she were physically capable of crying.
“Nah, I’m too pretty to forget anything. I was on my shift and couldn’t call earlier”
“Shift? Wait a second, is that…Burger King?” There was more than a hint of incredulousness in his tone.
“Yup. Dropped out and got a job here” he laughed so hard that both Kevins stopped their cleaning and stared at me. I waved them off. Straight Kevin went back to work, but I could tell Gay Kevin was trying to eavesdrop.
“You’re kidding. This is a prank”
“Nope. Dead serious,” I smirked and ate more of my French toast sticks.
“There is no way Edward ‘chronic boundary stomper’ Cullen would let that happen”
“Hey, Kevin?” When both responded, I amended, “Assistant Manager Kevin”
He approached my table and tried to appear aloof, but I could tell he was invested. Despite how hard he tried to project a strictly professional persona; the man was a still a journalism major living in a town with a population of about three thousand. He was starved for anything that could be interpreted as remotely interesting – nearly had an aneurism when he found out he missed the incest baby scandal.
“Could you confirm that I work at this Burger King?” Jake looked amused and I assumed he waited to see how this would play out.
“If by work you mean eat a ridiculous amount of our inventory and consistently insult our few customers, then yes. You work here,” it was blatantly obvious how much he wanted to figure out the story.
“And I’ll be glad to return to my duties once my break is done in 15 minutes”
“Ten, but nice try”
We waited in silence until Gay Kevin took the hint and walked away from my table. He was still within hearing range, which he knew that I knew, but it was the thought that counted. Living with mind reader – and owning a smartphone – meant acknowledging there was no such thing as privacy, simply the illusion of it.
“I can’t say I fully believe this,” I simply shrugged. “But the mental images of how your parasitic relatives are dealing with this, makes me not care about silly things like the truth”
I grimaced. The damn family meeting that was called because of this had been a fucking nightmare. There had been so much yelling, and I had to promise Alice I would let her throw a shitty ‘Congrats on the new job’ party in order to get her on my side. In the end, Esme was the deciding vote, and I was sure she voted in my favour only because she wanted to feed my new coworkers.
“Enough about the leeches. How are you?” I used my French toast to gesture vaguely at the braids “Is sweet Sarah around?”
“Just put her down for a nap, she was getting cranky,” I pouted. Not only was Sarah the cutest kid ever, she also said the most insane things – once she talked to me for over 45 minutes about how you shouldn’t feed rocks dry grass because it makes the moon princess very mad, and that’s bad because then the moon princess has to bury you in sugar dirt.
I still didn’t know if I should be worried about the sugar dirt.
“Tell her aunt Nessie says hi,” he rolled his eyes.
An idea suddenly hit me.
“Hey! Let me give you a tour of the place. You’ll love it,” Gay Kevin snorted a bit too loudly for someone pretending not to listen.
“You sure?” I nodded eagerly and shoved the remaining toast into my mouth, drinking up the syrup to wash it down. Definitely ignored the looks of disgust being thrown my way.
“Ok, so this is where our customers, if we had any, would sit. And that table over there –” I pointed to the table near the heater “– is where Jeremiah sets up camp. He’s not here today though,” I hoped he was ok, it had been a cold week for humans.  
Jake listened as I showed him all over the establishment, making sure not to miss the weirdest and grossest parts.
“Ok, but why do the stalls have no doors?” it was a common question.
“We were tired of teenagers hooking up in there –”
“In there!?!” I shrugged. While gross, it was far from the grossest or most unhygienic thing that happened in there. I could still remember how shell-shocked Straight Kevin looked while he recounted the tale of the Red Tuesday.
“So, we decided to take them down for a bit”
“How haven’t you gotten shut down”
“I’m pretty sure there is this whole conspiracy going on with health inspectors and the franchise owner”
Almost as if on cue, a giant fucking rat sped past me and into the kitchen.
“Holy F –” Straight Kevin’s screech cut me off, and the sounds of things being thrown could be heard.
“Jake, you just missed like the biggest rat I’ve ever seen”
“Seriously, how are you not shut down”
“Let me see if we can catch it. God, I wish I could livestream it right now”
The kitchen was a mess, Straight Kevin was scrambling on top of the counters and Gay Kevin was waving the broom in the general direction of the rat. I made sure to point my phone in a way so that Jake could see the chaos.
“Don’t just stand there!” Gay Kevin yelled, his voice a few octaves higher than usual.
“I’m still on a break though,” Gay Kevin spluttered while Straight Kevin threw whatever was available to him at the rat – in this case, it was napkins.
“Ugh fine, I’ll help with the little rat” I groaned and propped up my phone on the deep fryer ledge. No way I was going to deprive Jake of this.
I tried looking for something to catch the rat with and then spotted our big carry out bags, they looked like they could fit the fat rodent. I went to reach for one, but ended up knocking down a big tower of cups. Straight Kevin and I had made it while waiting for customers to arrive for the non-existent rush hour.
“Dude! That’s not a normal rat. It’s frigging huge,” Straight Kevin squeaked and continued his assault, now having moved on to cups.
“Calm down Kevin, stop wasting our resources!”
One Kevin glared a the other, and soon the Kevins got into an argument about what was the appropriate response for dealing with a rat of this size. I ignored them and grabbed a patty and threw it into a carry out bag, I approached the rat’s hiding place and presented my offering. I knelt down to wait and I could see its beady little eyes staring back at me.
“I don’t want to interrupt, but I think there is another rat by the back door”
All three of us Burger King employees turned to look at Jake. He tried to point to where he meant, and all three of us looked back.
Indeed, almost as if it knew we were watching, the rat stopped mid-step and stared back.
“Fuck! Me!” Gay Kevin moaned. As assistant manager, this was definitely a him problem. His outburst seemed to snap the rat out of its trance, and it scurried somewhere deeper into the kitchen.
“I want to go home!” Straight Kevin cried; he was not having a very punk rock time right now.
I looked back at phone!Jake and he looked deeply concerned.
Me? Well, I sort of wanted to take a picture of the rat and send it to the Cullen group chat. I could tell them I was bringing home a snack.
“Nessie, Watch out!” Jake’s voice made me aware of my surroundings again. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a blur and quickly snapped my head to the side. It was yet another rat – one that was jumping directly at my face. My eyes widened and I swatted at the rodent…maybe a little too hard because it went flying across the kitchen. It hit the fryer ledge with a crack and I gasped.
Thankfully, the rodent didn’t fall into the hot oil, though I don’t think it survived the trip. Un-thankfully, my phone did fall into the hot oil and I was certain it didn’t survive the swim.
Fucking Fuck. Now, I wasn’t having a good time.
And this is how None of Your Fucking Business Kevin found us; A 22-year-old crying on a counter and praying, an assistant manager desperately flipping through the phone book trying to find an exterminator, and a high school drop out fishing a phone from an industrial fryer.
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diegolabhont · 4 years
I didn't mean to fall in love with you
Chapter One
Book: Queen B - Choices (Universe)
Pairing:  Poppy Min-Sinclair x Trans!Male MC  (Beck Hughes)
Genre: None (in this post, al least)
Rating: Anyone can read it, really.
This is me trying to write by and for the Trans community, specially FTM community, meaning, trans guys, but I actually took the liberty to use They/them pronouns for everyone out there who´s interested (Also, the name Beck was the most neutral one I could find, trying to use the cannon Bea Hughes)
Can someone explain to her how a person who claims to be so disinterested in the ranking was magically climbing to the top twenty?
Poppy didn’t buy it for a second, she always knew Beck were going to be a pain in her ass ever since the first time she saw them looking at her as if they weren’t impressed, but she wasn’t fully aware of how much.
“You don’t have to worry about them, Poppy” Chloe said while the strawberry blonde retouch her make up in the mirror inside her own room. “Beck is just a dude”
“Transphobia much, Chloe?” Veronica murmured playfully, wanting to start drama among her streaming fans.
“No! What I'm saying is… Beck's brain works as a regular dude, right? How much smart can they be?”
“Ha! That´s rich coming from you” Veronica laughed.
Both girls started a discussion about related shit, Beck’s brain, hormones and else while Poppy put on the mascara. Completely silent, thinking.
She treated Beck as a common enemy, she attacked them just like she would to any other lost lamb trying to be the wolf but it was not enough. Even one of those plans exploded in her own face: ruining and breaking Beck's guitar caused that they not only get a flashy and beautiful new one, but sang side by side with the one and only Jaylen Riaz, making a huge performance. Even better than hers, which was something painful and humiliating at the same time, especially after Veronica told her Beck’s YouTube channel had a followers increase, making them even more popular.
Chloe was right on something: Beck’s brain worked like a dude, and if she had learned something was that men in general were manipulable. Take a look at Michael, he was dumb as hell. Liam was a douchebag. Luis, Ford… well, they… they´re there. The only golden boy among them was Carter, and yet, he wasn´t that hard, she just gave him what he wanted in that party and after that, everything ran smoothly.
And that´s what she needed.
Poppy´s look changed, her eyes sparkled in a very malicious way and a smile crossed her face for a split second. She now had a plan, and unexpectedly, it was a Chloe attribution.
“Maybe if we accused them of cheating…?” Chloe suggested, but Poppy knew better.
“That won´t be necessary, Chlo” Poppy intervened for the first time in a while, making both girls look at her intrigued. They knew Poppy, and the little smile she had on her lips as she applied lipstick was a proof. The blonde was onto something juicy. Veronica ended the live and awaited. “Beck will be mine.”
It was kinda lame to her, but finding Beck completely alone under the football stands playing guitar was at least convenient. They were an eye candy from the start, that was a fact. The way that white t-shirt embraced their body was something else to see, her mind went back to the second time she saw them. The sassy rock star kind of look Beck had, even the haircut was perfect, Poppy knew that was a Zoey Wade signature and she kinda thanked her for it. Beck was damn fine, that fact made easier her plan to be honest.
“You know… You do pass pretty well as a man”
Beck stopped playing, literally frozen in place as a statue.
“What did you just say?” Their tone of voice was cold, almost insulted. Did she just get it wrong? No, she´s never wrong. A Queen can´t be wrong, especially a Min-Sinclair queen.
“It was a compliment, Farmsville” she said, rolling her eyes.
“That´s not a compliment” Beck chuckled, putting the guitar aside. “I mean, I don´t mind, but if you are going to use that to the trans community… It~ may not end well” Poppy frowned, a little pissed off. She was doing an effort, no-one had ever heard a compliment from her and this little sh… “But thanks.” Beck offered her a sweet smile a second before turn it into a mocking one. “You do pass pretty well as a woman, too”
“Go fuck yourself!”
“And now she gets it!” They started laughing, making her really angry. Poppy walked away fuming, her head up high and a killer look murdering anyone who dare crossing ways with her.
That stupid ASSHOLE. Did they THINK they could disrespect her?! To HER! She was the number ONE, the fucking RULER of the entire school. Beck was lucky enough to be in her radar and they just throw stupid shit like that!
“To be fair… I did say it first”
“I thought it was a COMPLIMENT” She fight against herself. “What am I? Some trans expert?!”
“No… But I can be. I mean, to destroy my enemy…”
“I have to know them...”
Even thought she was still mad about it, Poppy tapped wildly though her phone. She needed to do something, and she knew just the thing.
“It´s ON, jackass”
POV: Beck
Top fifteen. Everyone was losing their shit because they were now top twenty and Beck... Well... They just didn´t want it.
And yeah, sure, that was kinda good. The students in Belvoire had begun to pay attention to their music as well, Beck even caught a few of them listen to songs Beck wrote and some other cover as well. Their art was taking off and that was awesome, don't get it wrong, that was something Beck wanted for so long, but...
They were afraid.
What if it was because of the stupid ranking?
What if Beck just wasn´t that good, and the only thing people would want was that Beck who studded up against Poppy Min-Sinclaire and lived to tell? Even Zoey, she was talking about popularity, Belvoire elite, and some “Person to watch-out” or shit Award which yes, was huge! But… Beck really was afraid that it was Beck who puts the music high and not backwards.
What if…
What if Poppy really messes all up?
“You know… You do pass pretty well as a man”
Poppy´s words in their mind caught Beck off guard. What was her deal anyway? She came and said some weird shit, and...
Actually, everything in that interaction was weird as fuck. And not just that, Beck meet Taylor by accident later that day in the ice cream shop, they both talked a little and they found out she had a big crush onto some random guy Beck didn´t knew before.
Of course Beck was the matchmaker! They even helped her by carrying those stupid anti-diarrheic pills to the lion´s den. Ok, yes, maybe~ Beck should´ve had given them to someone and not just let them in the front door… But it wasn´t their fault that The T found out!! Poppy was losing it, and of course it was them to blame.
Why can´t they just have a normal life… with normal problems… and not… this?
“I´m dead… I´m actually dead…” Beck thought while burying their head on their hands, tired.
“Beck? Hello? I assume you heard the details of the assignment.”
“Ehm… Yeah! Totally” Beck said with a “confident” smile that nobody believed in, Professor Roberta even frowned before going back to the lecture, while Beck tried uselessly to catch something about the assignment from their classmates´ laptops. She hated Beck anyway, but it wasn´t good news to be always in her bad side.
“Shit! Shit! Shit! … What did she say?”
“Mass comm is all about reaching people far and wide, so this project is meant to give the voiceless in our own community a voice by…”
A penetrant gaze nailed their nape, giving them chills. Beck immediately looked for that one hawk over them and not to their surprise the person found on the other side was that deadly beauty called Poppy Min-Sinclair, watching Beck as they´re a prey. Feeling really drove up the wall, Beck winked playfully at her, expecting her to look away or some rude expression towards them.
But no.
Scaring the shit out of them, Poppy actually smiled back at Beck. A sweet, flirty smile that left them feeling their heart racing as crazy and their cheeks burning red, her dark eyes so into theirs that all their system collapsed... What was happening?
“Earth to Beck!”
Professor Roberta yelled, making Beck jump a little in their sit, breaking all eye contact between them both. When did Beck turn their body completely to watch Poppy? Of course the professor was mad, Beck was practically giving her their back! As faster as they could, Beck took the right seat, being even more embarrassed now while Poppy let go a chuckle, they could hear her from any other laughter just as clearly as if she were so close.
“Oh, sorry. I… Sorry”
“Find your community service project partner please” Professor said. Beck gathered their things and head into the aisle, looking around, praying to find someone whiling to work with them and, mainly, explain to them what was that project about. The thing was everyone had already a partner. Everyone except for…
The strawberry blonde was gazing Beck as sure as someone who´s waiting for this chance can be. Smiling that same smile that caused them to feel butterflies in their stomach… Beck wasn´t sure if they were aroused… or scared.
“Professor Roberta… I need a new partner” Beck practically begged. “I´m sorry. I just can´t work with Poppy.”
The pretty but odd teacher was about to say something. Something bad based on the expression on her face, but a perfect made-up laughter cut her words, as Beck was feeling how a soft and warm hand hooked to their arm.
“Nonsense, professor! I am pretty sure we´ll be working just fine.” Poppy said, a relaxed expression drawn on her porcelain face. “Let´s go, Hughes.”
Ok, Beck was now scared. As both of them walked out the classroom, Beck´s brain was running wild, thinking about every and each form Poppy could use to disappear them from the face of the earth. Ironic, Beck survived Farmsville but they´ll be totally done in New York. Ha! Life hates them.
“Listen, I know what you are thinking…”
“... but the last thing I need right now is having my GPA taken away. So I´ve already figured it all out. We´re doing an animal shelter commercial for our project. I can ask daddy to borrow the equipment and crew”
“Didn´t think of you as a daddy person” Beck laughed, a little more repose.
“Shut the fuck up, Farmsville. This will be easy, so all I need you to do is… Oh my god.”
Poppy stared at her phone completely in shock, color draining from her face as it was sucked by a dementor.
“I have to go. We can figure out the deets later, I´ll text you where to meet me”
Then, she just left. Beck took a deep breath and let out a hiss.
“Gosh, this school is going to kill me!”
They said, who would have thought a class could be so much?
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nerdygaymormon · 4 years
My Queer Playlist
Whether they’re upbeat & joyful or they convey pain & sadness, songs are a way to bond with a lot of people over something as amazing as queerness. Music has a power & ability to cut through, communicate something, & bring people together. Music can make being queer not so isolating. 
Everyone has their own list of songs, but here’s my queer playlist.
It includes songs by LGBTQ performers, gay anthems, songs that are about LGBTQ topics & people, and songs that speak to the queer experience (that you’re not alone, the search for self acceptance, things get better, you’ve got one life so make the most of it, and things like strength, perseverance, & love overcoming odds). And many of these are great songs for dancing, which makes sense as even today most of the specifically-queer spaces are bars and dance clubs. 
You’ll notice that as the years go on, the number of songs starts increasing as it became safer to be out & queer topics became more accepted. You’ll also see a shift from borrowing the songs of female empowerment to having actual LGBTQ people singing about their lives and feelings. 
1939 - Over the Rainbow : Judy Garland - The dreams that you dare to dream really do come true. Rainbows and dreaming of a better world--absolutely speaks to queer desires. When it was dangerous to be open about being gay, the term “friend of Dorothy” was a way for a gay people to identify each other. “Oh, you don’t know Bob? He’s a friend of Dorothy.”
1957 - Jailhouse Rock : Elvis Presley - This is a song about male inmates in prison dancing together. And there’s even a gay crush! Inmate Number Forty-seven said to Number Three “You’re the cutest jailbird I ever did see. I sure would be delighted with your company. Come on and do the Jailhouse Rock with me.”  
1963 – You Don’t Own Me : Lesley Gore – This song is all about letting me be who I am and love who I love, stop trying to make me be someone I’m not. Lesley didn’t come out at the time as the music industry was homophobic, she eventually came out as a lesbian in 2005. 
1964 - Don’t Rain on my Parade : Barbra Streisand - We do like great big colorful parades, don’t we? This song is about how we’ve got one life so live it with gusto, do the things you most want to do. I’m holding my own parade and nobody is going to rain on it.
1966 - You Don’t Have to Say You Love Me : Dusty Springfield - Generations of closeted women & men could identify with the idea that queer love couldn’t last, it was too risky, so they’d take what they can. You don’t have to say you love me, just be close at hand. You don’t have to stay forever, I will understand. Dusty was a lesbian who didn’t talk about it much at the time in mainstream media for fear of losing her career.
1967 - Respect : Aretha Franklin - Aretha turned this song’s message of demanding respect for oneself into a universal declaration of pride and demand for equal treatment for blacks, for women, for LGBT people. She did things like perform at the Elton John AIDS benefit or a private wedding for a high-profile gay couple. 
1969 - Make Your Own Kind of Music : Mama Cass - The message is take pride in your uniqueness and individualism.
1970 – Ain’t No Mountain High Enough : Diana Ross –  Love conquers all obstacles if you have enough faith in yourself.
1972 – All the Young Dudes : Mott the Hoople – David Bowie wrote this song’s lyrics and sings on the chorus. The words sound like he’s calling for all the young (gay) dudes to come together. All the young dudes (I want to hear you) Carry the news (I want to see you) Boogaloo dudes (I want to talk to you, all of you) Carry the news (now) And there’s also this lyric that sounds like Lucy is a trans woman or a drag queen, but don’t bully them because Lucy will defend themselves. Lucy looks sweet 'cause he dresses like a queen. But he can kick like a mule, it's a real mean team
1974 - Rebel, Rebel : David Bowie - Part of what made Bowie beloved amongst the queer community is he was celebratory in how he portrayed androgyny and gender non-conformity and he was sexually ambiguous (bi? gay? straight?), while at the same time flaunting sexuality in everyone’s face. He exemplified the message to be yourself, even if you’re queer. This song’s lyrics include “You’ve got your mother in a whirl. She’s not sure if you’re a boy or a girl”
1976 - Dancing Queen : ABBA - This is a story of a 17-year-old girl on a nightclub dance floor, lost in the music and the moment. Of course, “queen” has a different meaning in the queer community and so this is often sung tongue-in-cheek. There’s a delightful campiness to ABBA that has long-appealed to gay fans, and gay singers like Erasure, have covered ABBA songs. 
1976 - Somebody to Love : Queen - Freddie Mercury, who composed these lyrics, was gay. The question he keeps asking “Can anybody find me somebody to love?” could be about being gay in a society when any sexuality besides ‘hetero’ was frowned upon.
1977 - I Feel Love : Donna Summer - This is a song about loving your body and your desires, a powerful sentiment for people whose attractions were once seen as deviant and who grew up feeling shame for who they are. Try to listen to this song and not feel like dancing.
1978 - Macho Man : Village People - These lusty lyrics worship the muscled physique of the ideal macho man
1978 – I Love the Nightlife : Alicia Bridges – Alicia was out as a lesbian and this song is about going to the club and dancing the night away, which appealed to queer listeners because that’s the space where they would get to unabashedly & joyfully express themselves.
1978 - Got to be Real : Cheryl Lynn - If you stay real, you’ll find “real love,” in other words, be authentic and you’ll find authentic love. The song was prominently featured in the 1990 documentary Paris Is Burning, which chronicles the ball culture of New York City and the African American & Latino gay and transgender community involved in it. There’s something deliciously ironic about Drag Queens strutting to the words about being “real”
1978 - I’m Every Woman : Chaka Khan - This song of female empowerment & strength appealed not only to women but also black and queer communities across the world because it is about taking on whatever roles you want. And it’s a favorite song for drag queens to lip sync & dance to as they can present themselves as “every woman.”
1978 - I Will Survive : Gloria Gaynor - You can imagine marginalized people asking the same questions in the song: “Did you think I’d crumble? Did you think I’d lay down and die?” The gay community has embraced this song that is a declaration of resilience & pride Even after decades of progress, many LGBTQ people still have to deal with daily assaults on their personhood & “I Will Survive” remains relevant.
1978 - Y.M.C.A. : Village People - Very fun song. The lyrics make me think of young gay teens migrating to big cities like New York (often after being kicked out by their parents). The YMCA’s provided cheap shelter for them. And of course, the lyrics hint at all the gay activity, too. “It’s fun to stay at the YMCA. They have everything for you men to enjoy. You can hang out with all the boys.“
1979 - Don’t Stop Me Now : Queen - Essentially the song is just a man intent on having a wild night out and inviting the rest of us to come along for the ride or else get out of his way. The love interests flip between male & female and back again.
1979 - You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real) : Sylvester - The singer is black, gay and some form of gender queer and sings the song in falsetto. He’s singing the praises of someone who makes him feel good, validated and alive. The words about feeling real, those mean something to queer people.  
1979 - In the Navy : Village People - The United States Navy asked to use this song in a recruiting campaign, they thought it seemed like a catchy song praising the life of a sailor. They later decided against it when media started criticizing the use of taxpayer funds for a “gay” music group because it would further enhance the much-whispered talk of gay activity aboard ships, what with all these men stuck at sea with no women for long stretches at a time. 
1979 - We are Family : Sister Sledge - A message of unity that resonates for queer people as we often have to build a chosen family, and this song fits that.
1979 - Go West : Village People - The song is about an imagined utopia free of homophobia and discrimination. Why “Go West?” In the USA that’s been the direction of freedom and opportunity, and plus San Francisco had become a gay mecca and it was on the West Coast.
1979 - Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight) : ABBA - A woman is alone in an apartment watching television late at night as the wind howls outside. She says, “Gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight.” A sentiment many a gay man could sing along with.
1980 - I’m Coming Out : Diana Ross - Yes, this song is about that kind of “coming out.” The lyrics also are about being your truest self and throwing aside shame’s shackles.
1981 – Elton’s Song : Elton John - A moving piano ballad about a gay teenage boy’s hopeless crush on another boy. The song contains themes of heartbreak and shame. The video is enough to make me cry. This is from before Elton John was publicly out as gay
1981 - Tainted Love : Soft Cell - Having an openly gay man sing this song gave it layers of meaning. The gay experience is not all about empowerment & acceptance. This song coming at the start of the AIDS crisis came to represent some of the fear & paranoia that became part of gay life. “Once I ran to you, now I’ll run from you.”
1982 - Do You Really Want to Hurt Me : Culture Club - Boy George had a 6-year relationship with the band’s drummer, Jon Moss. The relationship was kept hidden from the public, and George often felt hurt because he wanted to be open about his love. While the song is about their secret relationship, the video is about being victimized for being gay. It shows Boy George getting kicked out of different places in various historical settings. In the courtroom, the jurors are in blackface to show the bigotry and hypocrisy of the many gay judges & politicians in the UK (most were closeted) who enacted anti-gay legislation.
1982 - It’s Raining Men : The Weather Girls - Super campy song, ridiculous words, but it’s sung fearlessly with over the top vocals that make it so good. What gay boy didn’t wish it was raining men?
1983 - I’m Still Standing : Elton John - These lyrics of showing a strong sense of endurance in the face of adversity is a theme that resonates with the queer community and is exemplified by Elton John, himself. 
1983 - Na Na Hey Hey : Bananarama - This remake of the 1969 song by Steam didn’t change the pronouns. This girl group is singing to a woman, asking her to leave her man because “He’ll never love you, the way that I love you”
1983 - Church of the Poison Mind : Culture Club - A man falls in love with a religious gay man who, because of what he was taught at church,  can’t resolve his own feelings about being gay. If you’re living in a society distorted by prejudice, take a chance on joy--embrace love, whatever form it takes.
1983 - I’ll Tumble 4 Ya : Culture Club - A light-hearted song about looking for someone to fall in love with sung by Boy George, the most famous man in drag in the 1980’s. 
1983 - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun : Cyndi Lauper - This song is about breaking the rules, letting go, being free and being visible. And yeah, lesbians wanna have fun.
1983 - Karma Chameleon : Culture Club - If you’re a person who doesn’t take a stand because you don’t want to offend anyone by being true to who you are, then karma is gonna get you. Boy George was in a relationship with the drummer, who wasn’t out so it had to remain secretive. Their difficult lover-professional relationship was the inspiration for many lyrics in Culture Club songs, including the line, “You’re my lover, not my rival” in “Karma Chameleon.”
1983 - Relax : Frankie goes to Hollywood - At a time when gay sexuality was still mostly illegal and therefore usually portrayed in song & media by way of clever allusions, “Relax” was a song about gay sex—and despite the video being banned by the BBC and MTV—was the biggest pop song in the world. The chorus was about delaying sexual gratification to increase pleasure ("Relax, don't do it when you want to come")
1983 - I Am What I Am : Gloria Gaynor - Gloria has taken this Broadway song and given it a disco/dance vibe. The song is about coming out of the closet and living life authentically.
1984 - I Want to Break Free : Queen - The video is a parody of the U.K. soap opera Coronation Street, which has the entire band in drag, including Freddie Mercury as a housewife while singing lyrics about wanting to break down the boundaries of acceptability. The video was banned in the U.S. 🙄
1984 – Smalltown Boy : Bronski Beat – Wanting to escape the oppressive nature of a small hometown is something many queer kids long for. The song takes the pain of rejection and makes it danceable. What else makes this song notable is it’s from an openly gay group during the peak of the AIDS crisis.
1984 - You Spin Me Round (Like a Record) : Dead or Alive - The singer is queer and singing a love song, the New Wave music is hot, and this is an iconic classic of the 1980’s
1985 - Lover Come Back to Me : Dead or Alive - The 1980’s synth, the huge hair, and a queer singer telling his lover to come back.
1985 - Living on My Own : Freddie Mercury - This video was too controversial at the time and was banned because it featured drag queens, transvestites, and other questionable people enjoying themselves at a party. The lyrics talk about being lonely & living on my own (which I don’t know if he meant it this way, but it’s a good way to describe how it feels being in the closet), but there’s got to be some good times ahead and the music matches that upbeat hope. 
1985 - Sisters are Doin’ It for Themselves : Eurythmics & Aretha Franklin - It’s a feminist anthem that also has appeal as a song of lesbian empowerment
1985 - Somewhere (There’s a Place for Us) : Barbra Streisand - This song from the musical West Side Story is about love that is forbidden by society and dreaming of a place where such love is accepted, a theme queer people certainly understand.
1985 - Thank You for Being a Friend : Cynthia Fee - This song is on the list because it was the theme song for the TV show Golden Girls. When most people think of that show, they think of the 80′s fashions, cheesecake, the one-liners and showed older women as having sex drives. What the LGBTQ community remembers is that it had remarkably progressive outlooks on LGBTQ rights for its time, with nods to the AIDS crisis, coming out and even same-sex marriage. This video shows some Pride highlights from the show.
1985 - Love Me Like There’s No Tomorrow : Freddie Mercury - The lyrics are about two lovers who are forced to go their separate ways, we’re not told why, but it’s clear the singer is sad about losing his beloved. This 2019 video is two white blood cells falling in love, only to have heartbreak ensue when one of them gets HIV. This video benefits the HIV/AIDS charity organization the Mercury Phoenix Trust (MPT). MPT was founded by Queen in memory of Freddie
1986 - Nikita : Elton John -  Elton John sings of his crush on a person called Nikita, an East German border guard whom he cannot meet because he is not allowed into the country. In the video, the guard is female, but the name Nikita is a male’s name.
1986 - True Colors : Cyndi Lauper - The lyrics are about seeing who someone really is and loving them for it. And it doesn’t hurt that your “true colors are beautiful like a rainbow”
1987 - I Wanna Dance with Somebody (Who Loves Me) : Whitney Houston - This is popular with the LGBTQ community. We wanna dance with somebody like us, so we go to gay clubs.
1987 - It’s a Sin : Pet Shop Boys - This song is about a person’s lifelong shame and guilt, presumably for being gay. “For everything I long to do, no matter when or where or who, has one thing in common, too. It’s a, it’s a, it’s a, it’s a sin”
1987 - Faith : George Michael - The song, about declining hookups and patiently waiting for a more meaningful connection, portrays a balancing act with which gay culture has long wrestled. “Well I need someone to hold me but I’ll wait for something more. Yes, I’ve gotta have faith” is just as meaningful today in a culture searching for love while swiping left.
1987 - So Emotional : Whitney Houston - This is a great pop song with lyrics that people can easily see themselves in. Whitney sang a lot of non-gender-specific songs, this being one of them. What we didn’t know at the time is that Whitney’s best gal pal had once been more than that, they cut out the physical part of the relationship when Whitney signed with Arista Records in 1982, but remained best friends, so there may be a reason she preferred to sing love songs without a gender. Also, as if the song isn’t iconic in its own right, I will always think of the epic lip sync performance by the drag queen Sasha Velour when I hear this song. 
1987 - Always on my Mind : Pet Shop Boys - This is a remake of an Elvis song, but they dropped the references to a girl, making the gender of the person they’re singing about ambiguous.
1987 - Father Figure : George Michael - The phrase “Father Figure” represents how someone can take on a paternal role, encouraging & inspiring another person. Many queer men suffer alienation & rejection from their fathers. As one of these men begins to explore emotional intimacy with another man, the singer assures him that he’ll take on the role of loving and mentoring him, help him work through those issues. 
1988 - One More Try : George Michael - The singer is calling his new lover “teacher” (maybe because he feels he has a lot to learn about love). He’s hesitant to enter a new relationship because he has been emotionally hurt by a previous one. The song concludes with a willingness for “just one more try.” 
1988 - A Little Respect : Erasure - Singer Andy Bell was one of the first openly gay pop stars to actually sing about queer romance. In this song he’s calling to a lover to not leave and asks the question, “What religion or reason could drive a man to forsake his lover?”
1988 - Kissing a Fool : George Michael - George is lamenting the recent lost love of a man "who listened to people who scared [him] to death and from my heart.” The line “strange that you were strong enough to even make a start” suggests that the ex-boyfriend was in the closet or was reluctant because of the baggage & reputation that came with dating a star like George Michael. Under the homophobic scrutiny, the boyfriend was made to “feel a fool.” In the end, George is heartbroken and is the one left feeling “a fool.”
1989 - Express Yourself : Madonna -  “Don’t go for second-best” just because he treats you nicely in bed, but then is emotionally distant. Stand up for yourself and what you need in a relationship. So why is this on this Pride playlist? The music video! All those muscular men.
1989 - Part of Your World : Jodi Benson - This song is from Disney’s The Little Mermaid. Ariel rejected traditional marriage partners and wants to marry a human against her father’s wishes. She dreams of being a part of the human world. For a long time the LGBTQ community has wanted to pursue romance & marriage with whom we want in a society where we could belong & be welcomed.
1990 - Vogue : Madonna - “Look around: Everywhere you turn is heartache.” That’s not exactly a fluffy opening for a dance-pop song—and that’s the point. This is still the time of America’s AIDS crisis, and this song is inspired by New York’s gay ball scene. This song wants you to put away the heavy stuff for a little while and get on the dance floor.
1990 – Groove is in the Heart : Deee-Light – A message of love and good times and the singer, Lady Miss Kier, although a woman, has a drag-queen sensibility to her colorful retro style
1990 - Freedom! ‘90 : George Michael - This song is cleverly about 2 things. One is about his career–the breakup of Wham! and then the success of his album Faith, and how he’s tired of being pushed around by his label so he’s taking control of his career and telling people to disregard the pop imagery of his past. It’s also about him wanting to come out of the closet about being gay, “There’s something deep inside of me, there’s someone else I’ve got to be.” It would be almost another ten years before he was publicly out.
1990 - Being Boring : Pet Shop Boys - “When you’re young you find inspiration in anyone who’s ever gone and opened up a closing door,” I believe this is talking about being in the closet and the hope that comes from people who’ve come out. The final verse, “Some are here and some are missing in the 1990’s,” AIDS wiped out much of a generation of gay people in the 1980’s. Now he’s grown up and out of the closet as “the creature I was always meant to be.”
1990 - Gonna Make You Sweat : C+C Music Factory - Fun dance song. In a 1997 episode of the The Simpsons, a steel mill turns into a flamboyant gay club when this song comes over the loudspeaker
1991 - Losing My Religion : R.E.M. - Lead singer Michael Stipe had several times declined to address his sexuality, so when “Losing My Religion” came out, people assumed Stipe was hinting that he is gay. “Consider this, the hint of the century. Consider this, the slip.” It stands as a classic example of queer coding in the era of “don’t-ask-don’t-tell”. The song was often interpreted as the struggle of Michael Stipe as a closeted gay man to come to terms with what religion taught about him. 
1991 - I’m Too Sexy : Right Said Fred - A fun song about a guy who is full of himself, thinks he is so sexy. Richard Fairbrass, the singer of the group, came out as gay at the time of this song, which made the song seem representative of a certain narcissistic part of gay culture that centers on the gym and muscle worship
1991 - Emotion : Mariah Carey - This song displays Mariah’s crazy vocal range, is upbeat and danceable. Mariah grew up a poor, biracial young woman in the 1970s and 1980s. She had a drive to prove she is “worthy of existing,” and this has resulted in a number of songs about self empowerment, overcoming obstacles, a desire to belong, and all those things are relatable to the LGBT community.   
1991 - Finally : Cece Penniston - A dance hit about falling in love. A lot of people, including queer people living in a heteronormative world, wonder if we’ll ever find true love, and can relate to the excitement & relief of the lyrics that “Finally, it has happened to me.” This song was featured in the 1994 movie The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, which was about two drag queens and a trans woman trekking across the Australian Outback in a tour bus they named Priscilla. The show is a positive portrayal of LGBTQ individuals.
1992 - Constant Craving : k.d. lang - She had been a country singer, but came out as gay and released this song. Every lesbian knew exactly what k.d. was craving. 
1992 - Damn I Wish I Was Your Lover : Sophie B. Hawkins - The song’s lyrics are written from the perspective of a woman who is observing another woman in an abusive relationship. The singer is having a difficult time seeing her “black and blue” and dreams of rescuing this abused woman and making her happy, taking away her pain, and being physically intimate with her. Hawkins has stated that she is “omnisexual.”
1992 - Take a Chance on Me : Erasure - ABBA had a following among the gay community, and Erasure singing one of their songs helped bring ABBA back into mainstream consciousness again. Plus in the video, two members of Erasure dress in drag playing like they’re the women from ABBA. 
1992 - This Used to be my Playground : Madonna - The lyrics are about losing childhood innocence and gaining responsibilities. The song came to be seen as an ode to gay friends who died during the AIDS crisis, and the loss of innocence that epidemic caused.
1992 - The Last Song : Elton John -  When he learned that his son was gay, the father had “disowned” him, but upon learning his son was dying from AIDS, overcame his homophobia to spend the final moments with his son. This one makes me cry.
1992 – Deeper and Deeper : Madonna -  The song talks about sexual desire, though in the gay community it’s seen as being about a young man coming to terms with being gay. “I can’t help falling in love. I fall deeper and deeper the further I go. Kisses sent from heaven above. They get sweeter and sweeter the more that I know”
1992 - Supermodel : RuPaul - RuPaul’s debut single introduced much of America to “sashay/shantay.” RuPaul used this breakthrough hit to become America’s favorite mainstream drag queen.
1993 - Bi : Living Colour - One of the very few songs (that I’m aware of) that celebrates bisexuality. The main line is “everybody loves you when you’re bi”, which is so affirming.
1993 - Somebody to Love : Queen & George Michael - At the Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert, George Michael sang this song about a man calling out to God, asking why he works so hard but can't find love. At the end of the song, he finds hope and decides he will not accept defeat. Given our smaller numbers and the process we go through to accept ourselves, queer people often work harder to find love. And here is George Michael, who became a gay icon, singing the song fabulously.
1993 - What’s Up - 4 Non Blondes - This was the first Top 40 hit by an openly lesbian group (somehow the Indigo Girls never got higher than #52). The song begins with the singer saying she’s 25 but is feeling discontent and confusion. She cries as a form of relief because she feels a little peculiar. In the morning she steps outside and yells “what’s going on?” She tries in this institution (which many think means the homophobic and sexist aspects of American) and she calls for a revolution. Since 1993, in many ways we have seen a revolution that is overturning many aspects of the homophobic restrictions that had gay people feeling stuck in an institution rather than able to fully be themselves.
1993 - Go West : Pet Shop Boys - This is a remake of the song by the Village People which imagines a utopia free of homophobia and discrimination. It’s a song of queer community & spirit, and we’ll all do it “Together!”
1993 - Come to my Window : Melissa Etheridge - Melissa came out publicly coming out as a lesbian and then released an album titled “Yes, I Am.” This song from the album is about a secret love. “Come to my window, crawl inside, wait by the light of the moon.” Certainly many gay people know about keeping a love on the down low. The song’s bridge really voices what a lot of queer people feel: “I don’t care what they think, I don’t care what they say. What do they know about this love, anyway?”
1993 - Hero : Mariah Carey - The song has a message that really speak to LGBTQ people. Inside of every person is the ability to be your own hero. looking to yourself & finding the inner courage to be strong & believe in yourself through the hard ties. ”There's a hero if you look inside your heart. You don't have to be afraid of what you are.” And it goes on to speak about casting aside your fears and surviving and finding love within yourself. Btw, in 2016 Mariah was honored by GLAAD with the Ally Award, and she gave her definition of LGBTQ--”L: legendary. G: gorgeous. B: beautiful — all of you beautiful people! T: tantalizing, and even Q for quality!"
1994 - Streets of Philadelphia : Bruce Springsteen - Bruce wrote this haunting song for the film Philadelphia, which was about a lawyer who was fired for being gay & having HIV. This song is about a man dying of AIDS. The lyrics begin with him seeing his reflection, but the disease has given him lesions & he’s lost so much weight that he doesn’t even recognize his reflection. “Oh brother, are you gonna leave me wastin’ away on the streets of Philadelphia?” This line is asking how society could turn its back on those who need help the most, even here in Philadelphia, the City of Brotherly Love. As he’s walking the streets, he is thinking of friends who had died from AIDS. He can hear the blood pulsing in his veins, and he describes it as black, because HIV/AIDS is an infection of the blood and the disease is (figuratively) black and deadly. 
1995 - I Kissed a Girl : Jill Sobule - A song of yearning, confusion, and freedom
1995 - Queer : Garbage - The term “queer” in these lyrics meant odd or different, but Garbage is very open to the queer community and how we use that word.
1996 – Jesus to a Child : George Michael - The melancholy song is a tribute to Michael’s Brazilian lover Anselmo Feleppa. Feleppa died from an AIDS-related brain hemorrhage. The song’s rhythm and harmony is influenced by the Brazilian bossa nova style. Michael would always dedicate the song to Feleppa before performing it live.
1996 - Fastlove : George Michael - A guy was in a committed relationship that didn’t work out and now he just wants to not worry about love. “Had some bad love, so fast love is all that’s on my mind.” But even as he’s saying he’s seeking a casual hookup, keeps saying he misses his baby, being with someone he loves would be his preference.
1996 – Seasons of Love : Cast from the musical Rent  - What is the proper way is to measure the value of a year in human life? The most effective way is to “measure in love”. Since four of the lead characters have HIV or AIDS, the song is often associated with World AIDS Day and AIDS awareness month.
1997 - Go the Distance : Michael Bolton- This song from the Disney movie Hercules is about not belonging and declaring that no matter what struggles lie ahead, I’m going to find my place in the world. That's definitely inspiring.
1997 - You Have Been Loved : George Michael - George Michael wrote this song about Anselmo Feleppa, who died of an AIDS-related illness in 1993. The beginning of the song describes Anselmo’s mother, who visits his grave. The first chorus has Anselmo’s mother saying goodbye, telling him “You have been loved.” The ending chorus has Anselmo dying, telling George, “You have been loved.” The line, “If I was weak, forgive me; but I was terrified,” refers to the trauma George felt during Anselmo’s decline in health. While an intense song about grief and death, it also involves a spiritual struggle. Anselmo and his mother both say that God is not dead, George counters by challenging God. “What’s the use in pressing palms, if you [God] won’t keep such love from harm? It’s a cruel world. You’ve so much to prove.”
1997 - Come On, Eileen : Save Ferris - This is a remake of the 1982 hit by  Dexys Midnight Runners which was about getting a school girl to overcome her Catholic repression and begin a romantic (and possibly sexual) relationship. Only now a woman is singing about Eileen and that makes it a queer song.
1997 - Together Again : Janet Jackson - The album notes included: “I dedicate the song ‘Together Again’ to the friends I’ve lost to AIDS.” It’s a sweet song with hopeful words. “Everywhere I go, every smile I see, I know you are there smilin’ back at me”
1998 - Diva : Dana International - Dana is a transgender woman who won the 1998 Eurovision Song Contest. It was the first major celebration of a trans artist on an international stage. Dana’s representation of her country Israel created a furor among Israel’s Orthodox Jewish community. After her win, she addressed her detractors. “My victory proves God is on my side,” read her statement. “I want to send my critics a message of forgiveness: try to accept me. I am what I am.” She was a beacon that many LGBTQ people in Israel list as their first hope that things could get better, that it is okay to be queer.
1998 - Reflection : Christina Aguilera - This song from the Disney movie Mulan is about how others don’t know the real you, which means the lyrics can fit the experience of being in the closet. “Look at me. You may think you see who I really am, but you’ll never know me. Every day it’s as if I play a part.” The song also is adopted by a lot of trans people because how they feel on the inside doesn’t match how they look on the outside. “Who is that girl I see staring straight back at me? Why is my reflection someone I don’t know?”
1998 - Believe : Cher - Whatever happens, you’ve gotta believe there’s something better coming. Keep going and loving, because the next love will be better. It’s about strength and power and hope. And the fact that it’s not always easy to be who you are.
1998 - Outside : George Michael - George Michael was entrapped by police committing a lewd act in a public men’s bathroom in Los Angeles under suspicious circumstances. The video mocks the way queer men are held to different standards about sex--many couples were caught getting frisky, but the gay couples are the ones arrested.  
1999 - Man! I Feel Like a Woman : Shania Twain - This is about going out, letting down your hair and having a good time. The message is she loves being a woman. “The best thing about being a woman is the prerogative to have a little fun.” My queer friends who identify as women love feeling like a woman.
1999 - There She Goes : Sixpence None the Richer - It’s surprising that a Christian band with a female singer does a song about being attracted to a woman who you just can’t get out of your brain. “There she goes. There she goes again. Racing through my brain. And I just can’t contain this feeling that remains.” 
1999 - When She Loved Me : Sarah McLachlan - This is from Toy Story 2, if you remove the idea this is about a toy, the lyrics are about a woman reminiscing a past female love.
2000 - It’s Not Right But It’s Okay (Thunderpuss mix) : Whitney Houston - “I’m gonna be okay, I’m gonna be alright” shows a certain defiance & determination to go on, a message that strikes a chord with LGBTQ people
2000 - Stronger : Britney -  This is a declaration of independence and self-empowerment. “You might think that I won't make it on my own, but now I'm stronger than yesterday.” Those are lyrics that queer people can embrace. We always can use an empowering dance song.
2001 - Androgyny : Garbage - I think this song has two messages. First, don’t dismiss people who don’t fit traditional gender roles. The other message is about trans individuals who “can’t see the point in going on,” they’re reminded that “nothing in life is set in stone, there’s nothing that can’t be turned around.” Trans individuals who were assigned female at birth may consider themselves “boys in the girls room.” Then when they decide to present themselves as male, others may consider them to be “girls in the men’s room.”
2001 - I Want Love : Elton John - This song is about a man who’s gone through some hard times, lost love, and as a result has built up some scars around his heart, but yet he wants love. Elton was mid-30′s at the time the song was released, which is a time a lot of people look at their life and want someone to settle down with, want a deeper connection with someone they can trust and have a long-lasting relationship.
2002 - Cherry Lips : Garbage - This song is inspired by a fictional trans woman. “Cherry Lips” talks about a boy looking like a girl who makes the whole world want to dance.
2002 - Beautiful : Christina Aguilera - This song affirms those who feel they don’t fit in. The video includes young people with body issues, a goth punk, a person assigned male at birth putting on women’s clothes and two guys kissing in public. “I am beautiful no matter what they say. Words can’t bring me down.” But songs can lift you up, and this one does.  
2003 – Defying Gravity : Idina Menzel – In this song from the musical Wicked, the character Elphaba sings of how she wants to live without limits, going against the rules that others have set for her. Plenty of queer people can relate.
2003 - Gay Bar : Electric Six - The words are straight forward, “I wanna take you to a gay bar.” The music video is nuts, lead singer Dick Valentine portrays Abraham Lincoln in the White House getting increasingly ready for the gay bar--loses the pants, exercises, takes a bath, wears bdsm leather. 
2003- If You Were Gay : Cast from the musical Avenue Q - An irreverent musical using puppets had this song between the characters that resemble Sesame Street’s Bert & Ernie. It’s about how a closeted person may have trouble accepting themselves, even if their friend is affirming. This performance of the song by the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus is delightful.
2003 – Me Against the Music : Britney Spears and Madonna - The music video shows Spears and Madonna playing opposites in a nightclub. A cat-and-mouse chase ensues, and Spears finds Madonna in the end, only for the latter to disappear just before they kiss.
2004 - Toxic : Britney Spears - This song is basically a girl addicted to a guy and she’ll do anything to get what she wants, and the taste of his lips is intoxicating. Idk why this became such an anthem in the LGBT community other than in the early 2000′s Britney’s presence in pop culture was dominant, and she was a supporter of the queer community, and each song she put out was more empowering, sexually playful, along with a sense of vulnerability. I think for a lot of bi & lesbian women, Britney played some part in their sexual awakening. Plus there’s a stereotype that gay people walk quickly, that’s because we have Toxic by Britney Spears (143 bpm) playing in our heads. 
2004 - Amazing : George Michael - After the painful and sudden death of his beloved Anselmo, George started a new relationship with Kenny. During that time, George’s mom was fighting cancer and Kenny was there for him. To be able to comfort a person in their time of grief and come out of it closer, that’s Amazing
2004 - Proud of Your Boy : Clay Aiken - This song was written for Aladdin and the words make me think of coming out and worrying what your parents are going to think and will they still be “proud of [their] boy”? Clay came out as gay a few years later in 2008.
2005 - Hung Up : Madonna -  It’s about living your best life and not wasting anymore time on men who wont call you. And it has that synthesizer riff from ABBA’s Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight)
2006 - And I am Telling You : Jennifer Hudson - This song is about an underdog, and being LGBTQ makes us underdogs in our heteronormative society. “And I am telling you that I’m not going.” I’m going to be here and I’m going to thrive, I’m going to be me and you’re going to see me and “You’re Gonna Love Me.” 
2007 - Grace Kelly : MIKA - Mika wrote the song after he felt frustrated with record label executives who wanted him to change his sound to be more like another pop singer. Mika wrote “Grace Kelly” to reject pretending be someone else to win approval – in this case the glamorous actress Grace Kelly, or he “could channel a little Freddie” Mercury. Refusing to change who you are to find acceptance is the stuff gay anthems are made of. We love Mika because he’s authentically queer and has no interest in conforming and instead is his flamboyant self
2007 - Billy Brown : MIKA - It was all going according to plan for Billy Brown: he had a wife, two kids and a dog. Then he fell in love with another man.
2007 - Sweet Dreams : MIKA - Mika covers this 1983 Eurythmics’ anthem of resilience. The Eurythmics singer Annie Lennox was seen as something of a gender bender thanks to her buzz cut & men’s suits. This song acknowledges that sometimes life is hard, some people want to use or abuse you, but “hold your head up,” and keep moving on and you’re sure to leave the nightmare for a sweet dream.
2007 - I Don’t Dance : Corbin Bleu & Lucas Grabeel - This song from High School Musical 2 is where Chad, co-president of the drama club, is trying to get Ryan, co-president of the basketball team, to “swing” to the other side, if you know what I mean. The scene in the movie is about playing baseball, and at the end of it, the two of them are sitting together wearing the other’s clothes. Guess Chad got Ryan to swing.  
2008 - Talk About Love : MIKA - Super catchy chorus, he’s fallen in love and now all he wants to talk about is his new love.
2008 - Just Dance : Lady Gaga - This is Gaga’s first hit and she tells herself to just dance and everything will be okay. Whatever hard things are going on in our life, sometimes we have to take a break from them, and dance. Lady Gaga performed this at the inaugural NewNowNext Awards, which were broadcast on the Logo network in June 2008. Logo is targeted to the gay community
2008 - I Kissed a Girl : Katy Perry - Katy has a boyfriend, but she kissed a girl and liked it. Don’t pretend you don’t want to run to the nearest drugstore for some new cherry chapstick after listening to this song. This song isn’t about being bi, it’s about experimenting.  
2008 - Poker Face : Lady Gaga - “Poker Face” is all about masking your sexuality. During a performance in 2009, Gaga explained that the song dealt with her personal experience with bisexuality. When she’s with a man but fantasizing about a woman, she’s got a “Poker Face” so he won’t know what is going through her mind.
2009 - Cover Girl : RuPaul - The theme song to the RuPaul’s Drag Race TV show which brought Drag performance and culture to the masses.  
2009 - You Belong with Me : Taylor Swift - Not 👏 a 👏 single 👏 male 👏 pronoun 👏 in 👏 sight! The singer is pining over her close friend, who is dating a girl who doesn’t really get them. There’s nothing stopping us from reading this as a girl crushing on her gay best friend.
2009 - Bulletproof : La Roux - Everyone was asking if singer Elly Jackson was a lesbian or bi and she was vague in answering. She had a girlfriend but was worried what coming out would mean for her career. She still doesn’t like labels, she feels androgynous but more feminine than masculine, and she doesn’t call herself “gay”, “straight” or “bisexual.” However, she says "if people want to hold me up as a gay role model, absolutely, I’m proud to be that, but I don’t feel the need to say that I’m gay to do it.” The song is about a girl who has been through a lot of bad relationships and hopes that "next time maybe, I'll be bulletproof" meaning she hopes she doesn't get hurt in the next relationship she's in.
2009 - Bad Romance : Lady Gaga - First, it’s gender neutral so any of us can sing without translating pronouns. Second, it’s about loving someone completely, including their “bad” parts, “I want your ugly, i want your disease.” Third, Lady Gaga showed up to the 2010 MTV Music Awards w/ four members of the U.S. military who had been discharged or resigned because of the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy. When she went on stage to receive the Video of the Year award for “Bad Romance,” Gaga wore the now-infamous “meat dress,” as a way to show her anger about the military’s anti-LGBTQ policy. “If we don’t stand up for what we believe in and if we don’t fight for our rights, pretty soon we’re going to have as much rights as the meat on our bones.”
2009 - Whataya Want From Me : Adam Lambert - I wonder if this song is referencing when he was figuring out his sexuality with words like “Yeah, it’s plain to see, baby you’re beautiful and there’s nothing wrong with you. It’s me, I’m a freak.”
2010 - Cold War : Janelle Monáe - The song starts off saying “being alone's the only way to be. When you step outside, you spend life fighting for your sanity.” The chorus is how this is a cold war and knowing what you’re fighting for. Then there’s a bridge about strengthening the weak and if we unite and have faith in love then the mighty will crumble. This is followed by “I was made to believe there was something wrong with me.” So powerful. Alone we feel weak and need to hide, but united we are strong. Janelle has said this and additional songs about being the “other” can be about being a lesbian or being a gay man or being a black woman.
2010 - If I Had You : Adam Lambert - I love how the beginning sounds like Adam is going out to a gay club “So I got my boots on, got the right amount of leather, and I’m doing me up with a black color liner, and I’m working my strut.” Not the way we usually hear about a guy getting ready for a night out  
2010 - Dancing on my Own : Robyn - It’s a break up song. “Somebody said you got a new friend. Does she love you better than I can?” But with a great dance beat like this, it’s a sure bet Robyn won’t be dancing on her own for long.
2010 - All the Lovers : Kylie Minogue - A feel-good dance track about love. The video has people strip down to their underwear, form a pyramid and begin kissing. All sorts of people kissing, very pansexual.  
2010 - Mine : Taylor Swift - This is a song about a careless man’s careful daughter going off to college and falling in love with a small town waitress. That’s it. That’s the song.
2010 - Ice Cream Truck : Cazwell - This is something of a guilty pleasure. It’s a cute, simple and upbeat 1980’s-style hip-hop summer anthem that conveys happiness about being gay. I would describe the video as delightfully raunchy, a bunch of shirtless male dancers licking their popsicles (and a couple of butts also make an appearance)
2010 - Raise Your Glass : P!nk - The song is a call to the underdogs of the world, the “loud and nitty-gritty dirty little freaks,” to ignore convention and just let loose. Lyrics like these are so relatable: “So raise your glass if you are wrong in all the right ways, all my underdogs.” Plus, the video has her singing at a gay wedding.
2010 - We R Who We R : Ke$ha - After a news story that bullying led to multiple suicides of gay youth, Ke$ha wrote this song in hopes that it would become a Pride anthem. The song is intended to inspire people to be themselves, and as a celebration of anyone deemed quirky or eccentric. Kesha was upset people have to hide themselves and pretend to be someone other than who they are in order to be safe.
2010 - Firework : Katy Perry - Everyone is a firework–an ordinary, ugly, or insignificant wrapping but in the right situation, they ignite and show how amazing, extraordinary, and beautiful each of us is. No wonder it’s loved by the queer community, once we come out, others see we’re bright and beautiful. The video features a scene in which two boys passionately kiss. And the lyrics “after the hurricane comes a rainbow” fits because rainbows are tied to the LGBTQ community. Katy Perry dedicated this song to the “It Gets Better” video campaign aimed at gay youth who may feel alone or suicidal. 
2010 - Teenage Dream : Glee Cast - This song being sung by one boy for another was a big moment on a big TV show.
2010 - F**kin’ Perfect : P!nk - With all the negative messages we grow up hearing about our gender identity or sexual orientation, it’s so affirming to hear “Don’t you ever ever feel like your less than, less than perfect”
2011 - Born This Way : Lady Gaga - Many songs hint at queer identities and acceptance by using metaphors, but not this one, it is direct. “No matter gay, straight, or bi, lesbian, transgender life, I’m on the right track, baby, I was born to survive.”
2011 – Mean : Taylor Swift – This is an anti-bullying public service announcement. Even more than others, Queer kids are subject to bullying, so a song addressing the topic resonates. And then there’s a lyric about moving to the big city, which for us can be understood as a place where it’s safe to be gay. “Someday I’ll be living in a big old city, and all you’re ever going to be is mean.”
2011 - Americano : Lady Gaga - This song is about the unjust laws that exist in America, particularly regarding immigration and gay rights. The scenario is she falls in love with a girl from East L.A. (heavily Hispanic population) but can’t marry due to the laws prohibiting gay marriage. As to the “I don’t speak your Americano, I don’t speak your language oh no, I don’t speak your Jesus Cristo” I think it’s rejecting the religious rhetoric used to justify the laws.
2011 – Call Me Maybe : Carly Rae Jepsen - The video begins with Carly Rae spying on her attractive neighbor as he is working on his lawn. She tries to get his attention with various provocative poses only for her neighbor to give his phone number to Carly Rae’s male band mate
2011 - We Found Love : Rihanna - Finding love in a hopeless place, for many queer people this can be what it’s like in a heteronormative society, or when we’re in the closet and find someone. Or also that hard transition to accept & love yourself, and then going from that to hoping to find someone.
2011 - Take a Bow : Matt Alber - A beautiful, heartfelt cover of the 1994 Madonna song with just a guitar for accompaniment. With an openly gay man singing the words, it transforms this into a gay love song.
2011 – Titanium : David Guetta feat. Sia – The openly queer singer Sia wrote this song about enduring everything the world throws at you and coming out stronger
2012 - Starships : Nikki Minaj - The lyric "starships are meant to fly," is a line about reaching one's full potential in life. A great song to sing when needing motivation to just go for it and not let other people’s ideas or judgements box you in. Nikki has been an ally to the queer community. On MTV she encouraged her gay fans to be fighters and to be brave, and she canceled a concert in Saudi Arabia to show support for women and LGBT+ people in the country.
2012 – Thinkin About You : Frank Ocean – Just before this song was released, Frank Ocean came out. There haven’t been many hip-hop stars who are openly gay. And it got me wondering who it is he’s been thinking about?
2012 - Same Love : Macklemore & Ryan Lewis - I have a nephew who got called gay for wearing stylish clothes, being neat, and interested in art & music. He had a hard time accepting that his uncle (me) is gay because of his experience, and it made me think of this song.
2012 - I Wanna Dance with Somebody (Who Loves Me) : Matt Alber - A gay man singing the big Whitney Houston hit about wanting to dance with someone.
2012 - Wings : Little Mix - Little Mix is a British girl band well-known for being LGBTQ Allies and including LGBTQ themes in their songs. Wings is about believing in yourself and not letting anyone put you down, a message that resonates with their LGBTQ fans.
2012 - Let’s have a Kiki : Scissor Sisters -  A drag performer is heading out to put on a show, but when she arrives at the club it’s been shut down by the police. So she calls up a friend and announces “We’re coming over and having a kiki.”
2012 - Closer : Tegan and Sara - Not many bands are made up of twin lesbian sisters. This song is really cute. The lyrics are about the anticipation before the kiss, before anything gets physical. 
2012 - For All : Far East Movement - As the fight for marriage equality was taking place, this group sang “Love is for all. Life is for all. Dreams are for all. Hope is for all. Feel the love from everybody in the crowd now, this is for y’all, this is for all.” The video intersperses some uplifting words from President Obama.
2012 - They Don’t Know About Us : One Direction - People tell a couple they shouldn’t be together and that their love isn’t real. Sound like something a queer couple might hear? In the song, no one can stop them, they’re together for life. Also, people thought this song might have been hinting about Larry Stylinson (Louis & Harry).
2012 – Somebody Loves You : Betty Who - The song keeps saying “somebody loves you,” and that somebody is the person singing the song. Most people discovered this song from a viral video of a gay marriage proposal at a Salt Lake City Home Depot
2013 - Lay Me Down : Sam Smith - A melancholy song with a video to match of a husband being buried and Sam saying to also Lay Me Down. But then Sam reminisces about a happier, more blissful time–their gay wedding that was held at the same church.
2013 - People Like Us : Kelly Clarkson - the song is about all the people who are brave enough to challenge the social norms to bring about change in the world. These words in particular strike me, “this is the life that we choose” and “come out, come out if you dare.”
2013 - Popular Song : MIKA feat. Ariana Grande - This is an imaginative updating of the song “Popular” from the musical Wicked. The lyrics are about how being popular and cool in school isn’t enough, and those who bullied others grow up to not be so popular. In other words, the tables will turn, you’ll need more to be successful than being popular. 
2013 - Brave : Sara Bareilles - Sara wrote this song of courage as a love letter to a friend who was struggling as an adult to come out as gay.
2013 - Q.U.E.E.N. : Janelle Monáe - The title is an acronym for Queer, Untouchables, Emigrants, Excommunicated, and Negroid. The song is about the empowerment of oppressed people. Monáe uses a question-answer format to explain stereotypes, misconceptions, and oppression.
2013 - Cameron : Jilette Johnson - The song is inspired by a real life Cameron the singer knew & loved. Cameron is a young gender-non-conforming person who isn’t accepted by their family or society. The singer repeats, over and over, that Cameron isn’t the alien the world thinks they are – “Cameron, you’re a star, a light where there is dark. And you’re a hundred times a woman, a hundred times the man that they are.”  
2013 - All Night : Icona Pop - The song is about expressing yourself, and that life gets better and we will find ourselves dancing. The video is about the LGBT house ballroom subculture.
2013 - She Keeps Me Warm : Mary Lambert - A beautiful song about how women can love each other, protect each other and desire each other. And the lyrics “not crying on Sundays,” I think means not believing the damning words preached by religion about being gay
2013 – Take Me to Church : Hozier - This is a ode to worshiping in the bedroom. Hozier is an outspoken LGBTQ ally and the music video depicts two gay men being ripped apart by homophobic violence in Russia. It brought international attention to the anti-gay laws in Russia.
2013 - Work Bitch : Britney Spears - The things you want in life are attainable but you gotta focus and work. Britney wrote this song with her gay friends in mind. “I don’t call everyone… that word. I just use it as, it’s like in respect to the gays as a term of endearment.”
2013 - Girls/Girls/Boys : Panic! At the Disco - There is a love triangle between a boy and two girls, and the boy is being played off against a girl for the other girl’s attention. Pansexual rock star Brendon Urie sings “Girls love girls and boys. Love is not a choice.”
2013 - Follow Your Arrow : Kacey Musgraves - “kiss lots of boys – or kiss lots of girls, if that’s something you’re into.” It's sad that a one-liner about kissing whoever you like is still controversial in Country music today, but I love her poking holes in that genre’s homophobia.
2013 - Let It Go : Idina Menzel - From the movie Frozen, this song says to abandon the fear and shame, be yourself, be powerful. The lyrics could almost come from an It Gets Better video about embracing who you are. And these lines are how it feels after some time has passed and we look back at our coming out experience: “It’s funny how some distance makes everything seem small. And the fears that once controlled me, can’t get to me at all”
2014 - Sleeping with a Friend : Neon Trees - Glenn Tyler says he was thinking of a straight male friend when he wrote this (but used female pronouns in the song). It’s an unusual love song because it’s a cautionary tale of hooking up with someone you’re close with.
2014 - Rise Like a Phoenix - Conchita Wurst - The lyrics are about combating prejudice and the judgement of others in modern society. Conchita won Eurovision singing this song while wearing a gown, makeup and a beard.
2014 – Stay With Me : Sam Smith – One night Sam fell for someone, but they didn't feel the same. Good ol’ unrequited love. Sam used this music video to come out as gay by admitting the person being sung about is a man.
2014 - Sissy that Walk : RuPaul - A perfect walkway song for all those drag queens, and any of the rest of us, who want to strut what we got
2014 - Really Don’t Care : Demi Levato - The video starts off with Lovato expressing her support for the LGBTQ community and saying that “My Jesus loves all.” The music starts and Levato is singing at a Pride parade. Demi said “When I thought of the lyrics ‘really don’t care’, it made me think of bullying, and made me think of the LGBTQ community, who deal with that so often, but they accept themselves.”
2014 - Break Free : Ariana Grande feat. Zedd - Ariana’s older brother is gay and she grew up around his friends, she’s an ally. And the words of this song, “I’m stronger than I’ve been before. This is the part when I break free ’cause I can’t resist it no more” has the theme often found in gay anthems--that things are tough, but I’m tougher and going to make it. Breaking free of what the world wants you to be to become who you truly are has made this song a coming-out anthem.  
2014 - Secrets : Mary Lambert - We grow up hiding things about ourselves, we all have secrets, but how much better when we don’t care if the world knows our secrets. “They tell us from the time we’re young to hide the things that we don’t like about ourselves inside ourselves. I know I’m not the only one who spent so long attempting to be someone else. Well I’m over it”
2014 - Feeling Good : George Michael - This is the final song released by George before his death. It expresses a particular kind of joy which comes with liberation from oppression. Nina Simone’s stunning vocal performance of this song in the 1960’s during the Civil Rights movement made it a manifesto of that movement’s burning desire for freedom. And then here is George Michael, a gay man, and the song is born again as a desire for the queer community to be liberated from oppression.
2014 - Centuries : Fall Out Boy - Peter Wentz, one of the co-writers of this song, says the idea is a “David vs.Goliath story” meant to empower people who are a little weird. Justin Tranter, another of the co-writers, revealed in 2018 that trans pioneer Marsha P. Johnson was the inspiration for the song. When making the announcement, Tranter said, “I want every LGBTQ person to know that our ideas are mainstream. We have stories to tell and people will f*cking listen”
2014 - Put ‘Em Up : Priory - The song begins with a religious mom saying her trans kid has some kind of sickness. The mom may not be happy, but “we're hangin' with the boys that look like girls tonight” and “we're hangin' with the girls that look like boys alright”. The video features trans & gay people.
2014 - Jessie’s Girl : Mary Lambert - This is a remake of the 1981 hit song by Rick Springfield, but now it’s a woman longing for Jessie’s girl.
2014 - First Time He Kissed a Boy : Kadie Elder - This is about recognizing your sexual orientation at a young age and the difficulties that can follow. Being a teen isn’t easy and the choices teens have to make aren’t easy, but if you are brave enough and stand up for yourself, you might shock others but you might also become happy. It has a gay-positive video that tells the story in a touching way.
2014 - Welcome to New York : Taylor Swift - An insecure girl falls in love with a city where you can want who you want. “When we first dropped our bags on apartment floors, took our broken hearts, put them in a drawer. Everybody here was someone else before, and you can want who you want: boys and boys and girls and girls”
2014 - Little Game : Benny - Many people may know Benny from his YouTube channel. Little Games is about the ways in which rigid concepts of gender still dictate our behavior today. I think the creepy and catchy melody & video are a good match for the lyrics “play our little game"  
2015 - All-American Boy : Steve Grand - A Country song that tells the story of a gay young man in love with a straight male friend.
2015 - Don’t Wait : Joey Graceffa -  Joey is a well-known YouTube personality and with this song he came out. The song says to not wait for the world to get ready but to go explore and find what you’re looking for. The video is the adorable queer fairy tale we’ve all been waiting for. I love these lyrics, “The darkness can be such a lonely place on your own, I’ll be your compass so you’ll never feel alone.”
2015 - Calling Me : Aquilo - Growing up, we all grapple with who we are and who we want to become. We all go through a period of being unsure of our personality, creativity and perhaps even our sexuality. We have to battle to not be defined by what others think of us, but to believe in ourselves. It’s a battle we’ve all had to fight. In the video, the singer learns to stay strong, keep his head high and accept who he is, even if others can’t.
2015 - Good Guys : MIKA - Mika plays off the 1997 Paula Cole hit “Where Have all the Cowboys Gone” but instead asks “Where have all the gay guys gone?“  Mika shifts “gay guys” to “good guys” and lists his queer heroes who helped him get to where he is, while also looking forward to what the future holds for the LGBTQ community.  
2015 - Body was Made : Ezra Furman -  Ezra says this “is a protest song against the people and forces that would make me ashamed of my body, my gender and my sexuality.” This song’s message is taking ownership of your own body and identity, and not letting anybody else interfere with that. Furman identifies as trans and bisexual, and uses he/him and she/her pronouns
2015 - No Place in Heaven : MIKA - He’s singing about how there’s no place in heaven for gay people. “Father, won’t you forgive me for my sins? Father, if there’s a heaven let me in”
2015 - Girls Like Girls : Hayley Kiyoko - This was Hayley’s unofficial coming out as a lesbian and in this song she sings that “Girls like girls like boys do, nothing new” The video has some images of violence as a boy is angry that his girlfriend likes girls, but in the end the lesbians win.
2015 - Cool for the Summer : Demi Levato - She is curious and has a woman she’s gonna spend the summer exploring with. “Got a taste for the cherry and I just need to take a bite.”
2015 – Run Away with Me : Carly Rae Jepson - Carly Rae sings about getting away with someone for the weekend. Whether it’s just that your schedules have kept you busy or you have to keep this secret (“I’ll be your sinner in secret”), it’s very romantic. Oh, and lack of gendered pronouns makes it even more relatable to the queer community.
2015 - Alive : Sia - The song is about someone who had a tough life, but says “I’m still breathing, I’m alive.” It is the personification of resilience and perseverance.
2015 - Youth : Troye Sivan - It’s a really beautiful song about giving the best years of yourself to someone you love. The video features gay couples.
2015 - Genghis Khan : Mike Snow - This video surprised me the first time I saw it. A James Bond-type hero & villain fall for each other.  
2016 - Unstoppable : Sia - Instead of just surviving, Sia is going to prove to people that she’s going to succeed. And like her, this song helps us put our armor on so we also feel strong and get through the day and smash through barricades.
2016 - Secret Love Song : Little Mix - Secret Love Song could be heard as being about the struggles faced by LGBTQ people when coming to terms with their sexuality and showing affection in public. I especially like the Secret Love Song, Part II version as the video makes clear the LGBTQ meaning.
2016 – Formation : Beyoncé – At the GLAAAD Media Awards, Beyoncé used the lyrics from this Black-power anthem to advocate for gay rights when she said “LGBTQIA rights are human rights. To choose who you love is your human right. How you identify and see yourself is your human right. Who you make love to and take that ass to Red Lobster is your human right,”
2016 - Son of a Preacher Man : Tom Goss - This 1968 song gets a surprising gay update. The video tells the story of two gay teens struggling to understand their sexuality and feelings for one another while operating within the confines of an evangelical church.
2016 - Boyfriend : Tegan and Sara - This song tells the exhausting story of someone you’re basically dating, but they won’t come out in the open and admit it because they’re scared, confused, and insecure about their sexuality. “I don’t wanna be your secret anymore.”
2016 - I Am What I Am : Ginger Minj - This song is from a Broadway show about drag queens. The message is you only get one life so take your shots, whether or not they succeed, it’s better to live your life authentically as who you are. And I love this video featuring Drag Queens from RuPaul’s Drag Race.
2016 - The Greatest : Sia - Dedicated to the LGBTQ community in the wake of the Pulse shooting, Sia begs us to not give up and to still follow our dreams. The video features 49 dancers, one for each victim of the shooting. The song celebrates the spirit of being defiant and trying to be the best you can be in the face of adversity, which is something the LGBTQ community have managed to do for many decades. Yet despite the uplifting, catchy music and lyrics, there’s also a sense of tragedy about how that spirit and potential came to an abrupt end for the victims of the shooting.
2016 - G.D.M.M.L. Grls : Tyler Glenn - Despite the best efforts by this gay man to make church work, it didn’t work out because God Didn’t Make Me Like Girls.
2016 - Heaven : Troye Sivan feat. Betty Who - Troye sings candidly about what it’s like for a religious teenager to come out as gay. “Without losing a piece of me, how do I get to heaven? Without changing a part of me, how do I get to heaven? All my time is wasted, feeling like my heart’s mistaken, oh, so if I’m losing a piece of me, maybe I don’t want heaven?” Troye explains “When I first started to realise that I might be gay, I had to ask myself all these questions—these really really terrifying questions. Am I ever going to find someone? Am I ever going to be able to have a family? If there is a God, does that God hate? If there is a heaven, am I ever going to make it to heaven?” The video features footage from LGBTQ protests throughout history.
2016 - Devil : Tyler Glenn - A song that highlights the conflict between religious belief and queerness. “I found myself when I lost my faith” and not being able to “pray the gay away.” The constant in his world, what he’s anchoring himself to, is that his mom still loves him, and I love that because studies show the acceptance & love of a parent makes a huge difference when someone comes out.  
2016 - Midnight : Tyler Glenn - The Neon Trees frontman gives an emotional song about his departure from the Mormon church, but not from God. The ballad is accompanied by a video that shows Glenn removing his religious garments and replacing them with a glittering jacket.
2016 – I Know a Place : MUNA – This is a song of safety & nonviolence, which is important to the LGBTQ community as there’s many times we don’t feel safe being open about who we are and who we love. All three members of MUNA are queer. This song came out around the time of the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando which shattered that feeling of safety people thought they had in queer bars, clubs and spaces where we don’t have to hide who we are and should be free to be ourselves.
2016 - Boys Will Be Boys : Benny - The phrase “Boys will be boys” is typically used to excuse toxic masculinity, but this song turns it on its head. Benny wants “boys will be boys” to mean each person is different and doesn’t need to follow specific gender roles. Whatever a boy is, that’s what a boy will be.  
2017 - Believer : Imagine Dragons - The adversity you come across in life is what helps you grow to become a “believer” in yourself. "Oh let the bullets fly, oh let them rain / My life, my love, my drive, it came from / Pain / You made me a, you made me a believer, believer." This song was being written around the time of the election of Donald Trump, and one of the co-writers, Justin Tranter, expressed fear about the future. This song is the result--speak our truth no matter what comes our way.
2017 - You Will Be Found : Ben Platt - This song from Dear Evan Hansen means a lot to me. There’s a gay teen who says this is our song because I found him when he most needed help. But for everyone, this song is hopeful that when you need it, someone will be there for you.
2017 - Symphony : Clean Bandit - As a musician, I really like the imagery of the lyrics--Before all I heard was silence by now with you I’m hearing symphonies, “And now your song is on repeat, and I’m dancin’ on to your heartbeat. And when you’re gone, I feel incomplete.” The video shows a loving queer black couple torn apart by catastrophe and a reminder that music & art are a way for us to deal with grief and celebrate our loved ones.  
2017 - 1-800-273-8255 : Logic - This is a song about a closeted guy who is suicidal and calls a help line. The operator wants him to be alive and helps save him in that moment.
2017 - Bad Liar : Selena Gomez - The video portrays a love triangle (with each character played by Selena)–a curious high school student, seductive gym coach and a male teacher. Towards the end of the video, the high school student sings the line, “With my feelings on fire, guess I’m a bad liar,” as she looks at a photo of the gym teacher. It’s a scene that shows the fear & bravery of acknowledging and declaring our sexuality—a moment many queer people know
2017 - Love is Love is Love : LeeAnn Rimes - This song celebrates the LGBTQ community. Rimes said that “A ‘Pride’ celebration is a living thing. It is breathing authenticity. It’s a space we hold for one another, a place to come into what our souls move us to be, it’s a place in love and only love,” adding “That’s why the LGBTQ community continues to inspire me and enliven my spirit every time I perform for them.”
2017 - Swish Swish : Katy Perry - A song about fighting against bullies, “Swish Swish” uses basketball metaphors to talk about overcoming hateful people and thriving. That’s a theme that LGBTQ+ people can identify with.
2017 - If They Only Knew : Alfie Arcuri - The song is of a previous relationship where Arcuri’s ex-partner’s parents didn’t know he was gay. Arcuri explained “We were together for a couple of years and half way through the relationship he came out. The song is almost like a diary entry for me telling his parents how innocent our love and relationship was because to them I was like the devil who turned their son gay. It wasn’t like that at all though, it was a beautiful love.” The video is a short film that shows one guy in the closet and his friend helping him see it’s okay to be gay.
2017 - Power : Little Mix - Willam, Alaska and Courtney Act from RuPaul’s Drag Race are featured in this video. The song is about gender politics in a relationship.
2017 - Cut to the Feeling : Carly Rae Jepson - This is a song about liking someone and wanting to skip past all the awkward introductions and just get to the feelings where they’re being real with each other, dancing together and celebrating love. That already works as a queer song, and then add to it this viral video by Mark Kanemura. When she played at a Pride celebration, Carly Rae had Mark reenact his dance to the song 
2017 - The Village : Wrabel - Just because transphobia is common, it doesn’t mean it is right or that you are wrong. There’s a line in the song that hits me hard, “One line in the Bible isn’t worth a life.” And the video is beautiful, very poignant and it breaks my heart and gives me hope.
2017 - Heaven : State of Sound - A remake of the 1984 Bryan Adams song which was a standard love song of a boy and a girl. However, there were no gendered pronouns in the song and State of Sound’s video shows it works just as well for all sorts of queer couples
2017 - Bad at Love : Halsey - Halsey flips through all the guys and girls she’s dated in an attempt to understand why she hasn’t yet found love. Queen of bisexual relatability!
2017 - Feelings : Hayley Kiyoko - This song is about having a crush on someone. The video has Hayley chasing after a girl
2017 - This is Me : Keala Settle - The song from The Greatest Showman sings of resilience in the face of hardship — which, after all, is what Pride is all about. “Another round of bullets hits my skin. Well, fire away ’cause today, I won’t let the shame sink in”
2017 - HIM : Sam Smith - This is a song about a boy in Mississippi coming out and the conflict between his sexuality and his religious upbringing and how he is grappling with the feeling that there’s no place in religion for him because he’s gay. And the “Him” being sung is used both for God and for a boy he likes.
2017 - A Million Dreams : P!nk - this song from The Greatest Showman is about the power of positive thinking, faith and believing in your dreams. For queer people, it’s a reminder that we are building a better world.
2017 - This is Me : Kesha - A great cover of the song from The Greatest Showman.
2018 - My My My! : Troye Sivan - Troye said “'My My My!’ is a song of liberation, freedom, and love. “Throw all inhibition to the wind, be present in your body, love wholeheartedly, move the way you’ve always wanted to, and dance the way you feel”  
2018 - Curious : Hayley Kiyoko - “Curious” is a term used in the LGBTQ community to express same-sex experimentation. In the song Hayley uses it to ask, “I’m just curious, is it serious?” Hayley says she wrote the song about a past relationship with a closeted woman, as well as various romantic experiences with women who were unsure about their sexuality
2018 - Perfect : Alex G - This cover of the Ed Sheeran song is beautiful. And because Alex doesn’t change the pronouns, it’s a very sweet lesbian love song.
2018 - Only You : Cheat Codes & Little Mix - A video with a lesbian mermaid? Yes, please!
2018 - Make Me Feel : Janelle Monáe - Sexuality is simply how a person makes you feel, regardless of gender. The music video for ”Make Me Feel” features Janelle crawling between women’s legs and grinding up on both a male and female love interest under bisexual lighting.
2018 - Sanctify : Years & Years - This song is about a relationship the singer had with a straight man. “On the one hand, the guy is struggling with his sexuality and feeling unable to express himself as anything other than straight while also desiring me. I’m on the other side feeling like both a sinner and saint or a devil and angel, leading this guy down a path of ‘sinfulness’ while, at the same time, helping him explore his sexuality.“
2018 - Kiss the Boy : Keiynan Lonsdale - While he doesn’t ascribe to a specific label in terms of his sexuality, Keiynan is openly attracted to both genders – and in Love, Simon, he played the enigmatic Blue, love interest of Simon. The video is adorable & super-inclusive
2018 - Never Been In Love : Will Jay - It’s such a great bop and I have loved Will Jay since his IM5 days, and this seems perfect for my ace/aro friends. “I’m not missing out so don’t ask me again. Thanks for your concern, but here’s the thing, I’ve never been in love and it’s all good”
2018 - PYNK : Janelle Monáe - Monáe says the color pink “unites all of humanity” because it is the color “found in the deepest and darkest nooks and crannies of humans everywhere.” The video finds Monáe and Tessa Thompson (her girlfriend at the time) along with a group of other women dancing in a desert, having a slumber party and sitting out by a pool while expressing appreciation for the vagina, including some iconic pussy pants. Truly a testament to the power of pink.
2018 - High Hopes : Panic! At the Disco - Brendon Urie says the uplifting message of “High Hopes” is “No matter how hard your dreams seem, keep going.” The lyrics say “It's uphill for oddities,” which is how it can feel being queer in a heteronormative world, but “don't give up, it's a little complicated.” It’s complicated but doable. Urie created the Highest Hopes Foundation, an organization that assists nonprofit organizations in human rights efforts across the globe. “I want to join in on the fight for those who cannot fight for themselves. This is dedicated to all people and communities who are subject to discrimination or abuse on the basis of gender, race, religion, sexual orientation and gender identity.” The foundation donated $1 million dollars to Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network (GLSEN) to establish Gay-Straight Alliance clubs at high schools across the United States.
2018 - All Things : Betty Who - This is the theme song for the wildly popular Netflix show Queer Eye.
2018 - Dance to This : Troye Sivan (feat. Ariana Grande) - According to Sivan, the song is about “that moment when you feel like you’ve been to enough house parties or events, and staying home, making out in the kitchen and cooking dinner sounds like a much, much better alternative”
2018 – Boys : Lizzo – Lizzo sings a song about all the boys she loves, and plenty of gay boys sing along and cheer when reaching the lyrics “From the playboys to the gay boys. Go and slay, boys, you my fave boys”
2018 - Promises : Calvin Harris, Sam Smith - The music video is a glittery homage to vogueing and drag ballroom culture.
2018 - Bloom : Troye Sivan - Our first mainstream pop song about bottoming. This song is a thinly veiled description of Troye losing his virginity “I bloom, I bloom, just for you.” Or maybe it’s just about flowers.
2018 - No Matter What : Calum Scott - This is a lovely song about a son coming out to his mom and her responding that she loves him no matter what. “I just want you to be happy and always be who you are.” She wrapped her arms around me, said, "Don’t try to be what you’re not ‘cause I love you no matter what”
2018 - Old Town Road : Lil Nas X ft. Billy Ray Cyrus - Lil Nas had the biggest hit song ever and came out as gay, and now his choice in cowboy apparel makes sense
2019 - Juice : Lizzo - Lizzo’s message of radical self-love that celebrates the beauty of being different has earned her a huge queer following. Her work is inspired by the difficulty she felt growing up in a world that told her that she did not fit in. She now spreads a message of acceptance and love. “Juice,” is upbeat and fun, full of confidence-boosting lyrics. She made a video for “Juice,” featuring Drag Race alumni.
2019 - Rainbow : Kacey Musgrave - The song is about hope that the bad times will one day be over. Musgraves hopes it will serve as an anthem for those facing adversity, particularly in the LGBTQ community. “I feel a kinship and a friendship with that community. They really opened my eyes up to a lot of different things that I wasn’t aware of growing up in a small town in Texas. I will always be an ally and a strong supporter. ‘Rainbow’ is something that I can dedicate to that community, but also to anyone who has any kind of a weight on their shoulders."
2019 - ME! : Taylor Swift (feat. Brandon Urie) - This is a campy, bubbly song about embracing one’s individuality. "I’m the only one of me and that’s the fun of me.”
2019 - Nails, Hair, Hips, Heels : Todrick Hall - A fun song and video about being who you are and using that to strut and slay
2019 - Love Yourself : Sufjan Stevens - The lyrics are asking us to love ourselves and to show the reasons we believe in ourselves. I especially like this imagery “Make a shelf. Put all the things on that you believe in.” This song was specifically released for Pride month.
2019 - You Need to Calm Down : Taylor Swift - an entire verse that’s literally about going to a Pride parade. The video features a large number of celebrity cameos, many of whom are LGBTQ, including Queer Eye's Fab Five, figure skater Adam Rippon, singer Adam Lambert, television personality Ellen DeGeneres, entertainers Billy Porter and RuPaul, and numerous Drag Queens from  RuPaul's Drag Race who in the video impersonate famous women.
2019 - Higher Love : Kygo & Whitney Houston - Whitney recorded a cover of the Steve Winwood song “Higher Love,” but only released it in Japan. The Houston estate selected the DJ Kygo to remix Whitney’s version of the song. Kygo embued it with all the EDM sounds you’d expect from a 2019 dance song and debuted the song at Pride in New York City
2019 - American Boy : Years & Years - A cover of the Kanye & Estelle song, sung by Olly Alexander, a gay man, who is the lead singer for the band Years & Years. With Olly singing, this makes the song about one guy crushing on another guy  
2019 - Tiny Love : MIKA - Mika said that he wanted to capture the idea that love can feel enormous, "yet at the same time it’s so tiny and imperceivable to others.” True love is not “a sunrise over canyons shaped like hearts,” or “bursting into song in Central Park.” Rather, it’s “a ‘still-there-Monday-morning’ kind of love.”
2019 - I Rise : Madonna - This song was made specifically to honor the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots, and to inspire marginalized people to stand up and fight. It is about resilience, of surviving and rising up from adversity. The video includes footage of Parkland H.S. shooting survivors, LGBTQ supporters, women’s rights protesters, Olympic gymnast Aly Raisman’s testimony about sexual abuse and other social justice movements
2019 - I Feel Love : Sam Smith - Sam remakes the 1977 classic from Donna Summer, a song about loving your body and your desires. The high notes on this song are so exciting  
2019 - Show Yourself : Idina Menzel, Evan Rachel Wood - This song from Frozen 2 is about Elsa being ready to be vulnerable and bare her soul. This song has been adopted by the queer community as a coming out anthem.
2019 - Believe : Adam Lambert - A remake of the 1998 song by Cher that is embraced by many LGBTQ people, and it’s absolutely gorgeous 
2020 - I’m Ready (with Demi Lovato) : Sam Smith - The song is about being ready for a new love. The video is basically the Glam Olympics 
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Kira Vol 2 (2)
The Mistress
CHAPTER 2: You Were Found
Loki x fem!Reader (Kira)
Series: A new chapter begins in Kira’s life. Old secrets, new confessions, surprising allies and unexpected meetings. All of them have one name in common. Loki.
Chapter content: soft feels
Warnings: none
Word count: I’m feeling better today, enjoying the weather, shit scared of thunder and wanting sleep to come early so I don’t wake up in the noon like I did today
MASTERLIST & Taglist in bio, my love
If the air could spell out the emotions floating in this space, it would paint the molecules 'awkward'. But what is more fascinating to witness by anyone who would walk in on the scene is to point out to who is more uncomfortable than the others. You sit across your parents, busy helping serve breakfast around the table, your attention is mostly taken by your grandmother- who is more than delighted to be served fried bread, these little pieces of her favourite edible treasures of fried dough and a hot cup of tea to go with it all. Shireen and Ritviz, your younger sister and brother sit on the other end of the table together, watching you with their piercing gaze as you try to- almost- completely ignore this extraordinarily handsome man sitting right next to you. They dare not blink as this pale sculpted dude looks at the movements of your hands busy at work before landing his haze upon your face. "So-" Ritviz leans in towards Shireen, his eyes still not letting go of this guy who is stuck on his sister for some reason- "this is her boss?"
Shireen hums, narrowing her eyes towards the duo. Taking a cardamom stick from the table basket, she snaps it in half. "Ay, Kira. Give your boss some of that mint sauce you prepared last night." You turn to watch your sister nibble at the cardamom, trying your best to ignore the palpitations and nod with a smile. How does she always know? It is hard to know if the heat your feel at the nape of your neck and cheeks is visible to everyone sitting around you and even harder to let your excited brain find a switch to shut down the anxiety that your body feels on having all the people you love in one room. On the same table. "Have some of this," your mother brings forward an entire serving of her signature chillis fried and spiced in her signature chickpea dough recipe and asks Loki to help himself. "No!" You blurt out when Loki tries to go for them, moving them away to take charge of filling his plate up. "He can't eat chilli," you explain, gathering more judgment from your siblings, "it doesn't suit him." "Tsk. How have you been living with him till now?! You can barely survive without spicy food!" You and Loki turn your heads- quite in sync- to look at Shireen. "Shireen," mother uses her tone to make it known she is crossing some line. But she also makes sure to smile at her daughter's guest and serve him some piping hot tea. "Don't mind her. I dropped her on the floor when she was a baby," you whisper to Loki. Loki blinks and quietly chuckles before turning back to look at Shireen. "We have a cook back home. She makes sure Kira gets everything she wants and needs." There is a gasp forming in Ritviz's lungs right now as he bites into the fried cheese. 'We'? 'Back home'? This dude already planned their retirement?? "So, Loki..." Now all three children turn to look at their mother, knowing full well where this is going the moment she addresses your boss so casually. "Do you have any siblings?" Ritviz facepalms himself harder than anticipated. Shireen grabs a chilli and stuffs it in her mother's mouth while you try to keep a straight face through the embarrassment your family is making you feel. Well, your dad and grandma are an exception because they are more interested in the food. "She doesn't have any idea about what's going on around the world. So..." You trial off with apology bursting through your y/e/c eyes. Your siblings look at your mother with daggers in their eyes, knowing full well she has consumed the Odin family history through the news like an addict ever since you got the job at Sun Corp. More so when you came back home. Your mom can feel their stares. But she too takes her time to look at them and go 'what' like it's a big deal. "Meet me outside after breakfast and I'll tell you 'what'," Shireen threatens her. Loki simply shrugs. "It's fine. I have a brother. He is back in Asgard looking after his father's empire. We don't meet each other much. Mostly because of our work." It is both relieving and painful to watch Loki sail on those words so smoothly and end them with a genuine smile. "These are delicious, by the way," he adds and you have to wonder about a thousand things about your boss in one go. Your mother is won over by that compliment but that does not stop her from prying more into your boss' life. "The business must be going well then?" Loki nods in respect. "We have been going stable. So, that is a plus after the slump the market was facing." "Okay, no business talk on the table," you remind everyone before pouring some soda for you, your grandma and Loki. "The food still might feel spicy. Have the soda first and tea later." Loki pauses between bites and lets that sweet command swirl inside him, his bones feeling alive after so long on hearing that voice talk to him this way. "Yes, ma'am," he replies softly, and you have to hide the flush on your face and the smile on your lips behind your hands. "What happened?" your grandma asks you out of the blue, her strong sixth sense already catching the flutter in your gut. You shake your head and bribe her with the soda. Her focus is redirected instantly, but that does not mean she stops observing you through this heavenly meal. "Why didn't you get married yet?" your mother throws the question out of nowhere, making some people choke on their drink, others groan, and one snicker. "Okay, that's it," you announce, "he's staying at the hotel. Loki, you're staying at the hotel." Your mother's wide eyes look at the usual judgment of the siblings falling upon her. "What? I'm just asking this handsome man about-" "You cannot ask him that, ma," you and Ritvik groan, Shireen tsks and rolls her eyes. Loki, watching this unfold simply smirks at this pure delight he feels sitting in the midst of this family. You get up and go to the kitchen to get some more sauces for the table, all the while glaring at your mother- who chooses to not notice. The fried dough smells and tastes heavenly even though it is one heavy portion for him. Worth it, he shrugs internally and goes for another bite. His right wrist feels a tug and he witnesses the frail wrinkled hand shaking a little before pointing him to the soda bottle in front of him. "Have some sprite," your grandmother urges Loki with a smile in her eyes. Loki feels a tug on the string of his hearts. Those eyes are a mix of green, brown, grey and every mystic power of nature that can be held in the iris of a wise person. That withered face shines bright with plump cheeks and transparent emotions. "I'm...uh...I'm good, Mrs Kane, thank you," Loki reciprocates the smile, "I still have some left in my glass." Grandma nods and pushes her own glass forward. "Then pour me some, will you?" Loki cannot help but chuckle, complying with the orders straight away. "So-" your mother's voice breaks through the soothing air over the table just as you come out of the kitchen- "how much do you earn?" And you walk right back into it.
"Pretty cringy breakfast downstairs." Moving away from the view of the mountains in the near distance, Loki sees Ritvik stand by the rooftop door with a box in his hand. He can see Shireen stand behind him, bluffing disinterest as she pushes his brother away to walk towards the wires and hang the washed laundry to dry under the oddly hot December sun. "Isn't that how families usually are?" Loki smiles in his direction. Ritviz joins the man by the railings, looking at the mountains covered in thick clouds before paying attention to the maroon sweater Loki wears with his midnight blue jeans. The boy cannot help but appreciate the wide knit patterns adorn that white skin with apt beauty. "Nice sweater," he points before turning around to sit down on the platform. "Thanks, it w-" something stops Loki mid-sentence when he remembers the day he found it waiting in his bedroom- "it was a gift." Ritviz hums and smirks. "Good taste," he mutters. Shireen's eyes have been stuck on these two, reading their every word as every fabric getting in her hands is tortured with a sudden flick. "Is she a good assistant? My sister?" the brother asks. Is...that a trick question? Loki blinks at the mountains before smiling at the boy. "The best one I could ask for." A nod of agreement comes from the brother while the sister stands there giving more frustrated flicks to the sweaters. "Cool. Cool cool cool cool. So...she must keep up with whatever it is she's supposed to do." Oh for fucks sake. Shireen groans out loud. "Just ask him already dammit!" Both men turn towards Shireen. One looks at her in confusion while the other widens his eyes in caution at her, shaking his head as discreetly as possible. "Ask...ask me what?" "Nothin-" "How did Kira get hurt?" A crow yells whilst sitting on the top of the malacca as if laughing at the entire situation. Ritviz scratches some itch at the back of his neck while sighing in defeat. "You are supposed to go easy with the questions, Rin. This guy is the reason Kira has a job." "Oh, shut it, Ritz," she scoffs, crossing her arms over her chest, "it's not like he's doing her a favour. She has earned her place, okay? And she got wounded under his care!" Loki can see the scrunched up nose and brows carry on them a rage held in for far too long. Even though those grey eyes have nothing but animosity in them for him, he feels a certain elation on seeing them stand in defence for her sister. "Oi!" RItz is about to yell at Rin but Loki cuts him on the way. "She was in an accident." The chilly breeze takes the words and swirls them around the audience. "The car she was travelling in met with a serious accident. Three of my men died that night. One survived long enough to make sure Kira was all right." The crisp heat of the sun feels warm instead of scorching. Those fine lines on Rin's forehead fade just a little; partially because of hearing those words straight from the lion's mouth, partially because the guilt is transparent to a fault in those smaragdines that shimmer more than they normally should. "I was supposed to be with her that night. I promised to take her home, safe and sound. And I regret every second of not keeping my promise, I assure you that. If there was a way to repent for being careless with Kira's life, I would gladly give myself up for it." The silence that erodes the rooftop brings a lightness to it. Rin sighs and crosses her arms while Ritz cannot bring himself to look at Loki- who is patiently waiting for a word. "Kira told us there were bad guys involved," Rin mutters while letting her fingers play with the wool of her white sweater, "and by us, I mean me and Ritz. Mom and dad have no idea about this. They still think she fell from the stairs." Loki nods. "Did they try to hurt her because of...you?" Ritz cannot help but ask. The weight that has begun to make home over his chest returns after what seems like a while. That uneasy feeling of something scratching over his heart makes him uncomfortable. "I'm sorry, that is not what I meant," Ritz scrunches his face in an apology, "not that she was hurt because of you. What I meant was-" "Yes. I was the reason." "Bullshit!" Rin scoffs and laughs. That...was unexpected. "I'm pretty sure she did something to piss them off. She's done it before and she will def-fucking-nately do it again." Rin is not wrong. And the strong edge in her voice tells him she knows her sister well enough. "What I care about is that now that she works for you, she will be fighting a fight that isn't hers. And, God forbid, if something happens to-" "I won't let it," Loki is already marking down a vow, "I have witnessed it once and I am not going to let anything or anyone make her go through it again." "But you cannot promise me that she won't go looking for danger, can you?" The lift of her brow makes Loki recall why he fell for Kira. "Agreed. I cannot do that. But whatever she brings home with her, I am willing to clean the mess." "You-" Rin has to literally grit her teeth before she can find herself pouring down fire over the man who talks about her sister like... The embers burning inside her bring blood to the surface under her teeth. Of all the goddamn people in this world. She looks at those green eyes shining under the soothing rays; translucent to a fault, standing bare. "Rin," Ritz quietly urges, trying to take her by the arm. "She will get hurt again, won't she?" Ritz stands there, feeling as significant as the wind meddling with the two people standing opposite each other defending their love for the same person again and again. And if they could, they would do it endlessly. "She does not back down from a fair fight," Loki addresses something all three of them already know. "That fight is always to save someone else," Rin adds, never blinking. "One more reason for me to carefully choose my enemies," Loki concludes, never wavering his gaze. A sigh leaves Rin's lungs and she feels her watery eyes closing with a pinch of pain in the eyelids. "The audacity of this bitch," she mutters and walks away, kicking the lone brick in her path that was used to keep the blankets holding drying chilli in place. "Please don't hate her," Ritz presses, sighing at the sight of his sister stomping down the stairs, "she is mad because she does not yet know how to process the emotion of envying you." Loki's brows furrow. And Ritviz can see the question incepting from miles away, making him chuckle and scratch an itch at the back of his head. "Kira stopped singing two years ago," he began, having Loki's full attention at the mention of the name, "all the weird songs and lyrics, all the wacky sound effects and humming disappeared when she fell ill. Of course, to the world, she was suffering from insomnia. But there was so much more. We were worried it would get worse when she left for the cyber city. So easy to get lost there, you know. I knew she cried every night even though she did not say. She always called mom in the morning when she had the energy for another day. I even thought of bringing her back home one day and right that morning she called us to tell us she had landed a job in your company. And her call times got more erratic. But her voice grew stronger. I don't know if it was because of the work or people around her, but she seemed to be better. That was one hope for us till we heard about the accident from you. That must have been hard for you, man. Telling us about her? And at the same time having to tell us to not meet her because of security reasons or whatever was going on? The day she told us she was coming back we thought that was it. That she was done. That she was coming home, done with the world and stuff. The first day she came back home, she was humming." Loki blinks, feeling an old string strike. "She-" Ritz chuckles at his own disbelief- "was covered in bruises and bandages and she was humming. She narrated incidents like she had come back from some great adventure and she talked like could not wait to go back. And the last time I saw her eyes sparkle like that, Loki, was when she had created art. And that was ages ago." Words do not even dare to come up from that lumpy throat. And even though he has no idea, Ritz can only imagine what Loki must be feeling right now. "So, please don't mind if my sister envies the fact that you were able to do something she could not figure out for Kira before. She fears Kira might have experienced a high that might be too dangerous for her. I'm not saying that I completely agree with her, but she might not be completely wrong." Loki exhales, feeling a load leave him as he moves his hand through his hair. "And I'm sure you'll do what's best," Ritz shrugs and smirks, casually pointing at Loki's sweater, "I mean, she doesn't give the best gifts to just anyone." Loki looks down at his sweater and has to take some time to find in himself to chuckle through the smooth roller coaster he was sent on. "Here." He watches Ritz bring forward the box he has been carrying for a while now. "Happy birthday. From me and Rin." There is a pause in every moment in his body. Even on an extraordinary day, it would be unexpected, but this man had stopped keeping expectations from the world a long time ago. No wonder then, that this gesture hits hard right in the chest, squeezing that heart to bring up some buried or burned scripts of having the chance of making new friends and family. It is a melody- on a piano sitting at the edge of a hill, a harp standing by the edge of the sea or a cello right in the middle of a wheat field- slowly but surely engulfing him with a different warmth that he is currently too slow to figure out. The undone ribbon lies on the cemented floor underneath him. The lid hangs in his hand as the ceramic reflects the light in his eyes while he looks with a mixture of confusion and surprise. The polished piece of mug is picked up to watch the animated caricature of two really proud beings leaning next to the words in the middle. One he recognises immediately. He can never miss those golden eyes and that lited brow with a knowing smile. The other? He has a hard time breathing it in because it only ends up making him laugh. The green eyes with the smug look and red sweater with black pants against the pale skin are giving him goosebumps. 'Father of a Big, Bad Wolf' it says.
For a second you feel like he hasn't heard you walk up to him. You are about to call out his name when a thought slides in from that on itching corner of your mind and tells you to pause and breathe in this picture. Loki, the man responsible for an empire that is both feared and respected today; the man with mysteries surrounding him in as dense clouds as the men and women who have fallen for his shadowed personality. The man who can run the world but right now stands on your rooftop with dewy eyes looking at the mug your brother made for him. The man who smiles the best smile when the world isn't looking. The man you have fallen for. Hard. It is a treat to witness this soft moment and it almost stings a little when he raises his head to let his gaze fall on your face. But more than that sting, it burns so well when his pupils dilate and his face glows on sensing your presence. "Do you like your birthday present?" you have to ask. And you cannot undo this big smile that is stuck on your face today. "Like would be an understatement, darling," he mentions while carefully putting the mug back into the box. Darling. The word still holds the power to send a delicious buzz down to your core. More so when he breathes such magic into it. "Oh," you nod and pretend to question, "then I wonder what will happen when you find out the rest of them today." Those fine lines on his forehead appear for second before excitement mixed with disbelief washes them away. "What?" He is barely able to whisper through the rush that is making his skin flush. And you are loving every second of it. "Happy birthday, Mr Loki, sir," you coo sweetly, licking your lips and taking a step closer to him, "let's not waste our time. We have a lot to do in these eighteen hours." And in this very second, he is certain of one thing when he looks at you. He would make sacred grounds in your name, kiss the dirt you walked in and teach the world what love is by painting a picture of you. He will protect that smile with his life and do everything in his power to make the world safer just for you. "Oh, and for your first surprise," you mention with a skip and jump in your step- something he is witnessing for the first time and loving every part of it- "my grandma seems to like you now." He chuckles with a smile so wide that makes you giggle at the adorableness. "That's good to he-wait. What do you mean now?" But you are already turning the corner to walk downstairs, humming a tune. "Kira, what-Kira! What do you mean now?"
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waterloou · 4 years
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Helloooo all! I’m bringing back oc Saturday for these trying times to showcase some brilliant ocs! If you’d like to nominate your oc or somebody else’s, feel free to shoot me a msg, ask, or tag #ocextravaganzasaturday ! Also, there’s an option to submit a blurb!
Oc extravaganza Saturday guidelines
Below are links/blurbs for the featured ocs this week! Go check them out!
Amreen Carr created by @emiliachrstine
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Headcannons 2
Headcannons 3
Game of Survival
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Gotta love a kick ass mama to baby yoda. Her and mando and the whole family are just wholesome and cool and please go give them some love! They deserve it!
Belle Sinclair created by @lilhemmo
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Multifandom Queen:
Soon to be Riverdale
“her name is belle sinclair - she was kind of a tom boy growing up, but her brother died when she started high school. he died while she was driving him home from a new years eve date and he was drunk so he was distracting her, but then they got t-boned by another drunk driver. however, her whole family blames her for his death and she has extreme survivors guilt.”
“she's a sunshine, little sun drop, sunflower! she's really kind and very forgiving and a people pleaser”
Go show her some love!
Billy Holmes created by @humangrumpycat
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Mythology moodboard
Billy cackles, turning his chair to face an irritated Sweet Pea.
'I'm sorry,' Billy wheezes, wiping the tears from his face.
'You saw some dude spray paint a wall, and when you threatened him, he pulled a gun on you?' he asks, his lips pressed in an attempt to stop laughing.
'Yes,' Sweet Pea grits through his teeth.
'That's the best thing I've heard all week,' Billy smiles. 'Thank you for telling me this.'
Sweet Pea clenches his jaw, taking a deep breath.
'It's not funny,' he hisses.
'It was, though,' Phoenix snickers. 'You should've seen his face,' he says to Billy. 'Dude pulled out an M1911A1.'
'Holy shit,' Billy gasps.
'He pulled out a what?' Fangs asks.
'Colt .45,' Billy explains, followed by Fangs nodding.
'How would you know?' Sweet Pea asks Phoenix. 'You weren't even there.'
'I was right across the street, leaving the candle shop,' he answers.
'Why were you at the candle shop?' Fangs scoffs.
'Buying candles,' Phoenix comments, raising the bag on eye-level. 'I thought that was pretty obvious.'
'Can we focus on my problem?' Sweet Pea interrupts. 'And how I need to take care of it?'
'"Take care of it"?' Billy mocks.
'You got something for me?' Sweet Pea asks, nodding to the closet to his left.
'Oh, NOW you want a new weapon?' Billy scoffs. 'I've been telling you that for years now. I mean, I get the nostalgia bullshit. But like I said: we're big guys, and big guys need big weapons or it'll just look weird.'
'Like he's holding a toothpick,' Phoenix adds, followed by both Phoenix and Billy nodding at each other.
'Shut up, Phoenix, I don't see you carrying a machete around.'
'Don't I?' Phoenix smirks, opening his jacket to show a machete strapped on the inside.
'What the-' Fangs gasps. 'How-'
'Gem sewed in the straps for me,' Phoenix explains with the widest grin.
'So, can you get me something new?' Sweet Pea asks, growing more impatient by the minute.
'I might could,' Billy says. 'But not tonight.'
Both Fangs and Sweet Pea throw up their hands.
'I'm sure y'all can beat him up tomorrow, and I'd love to join,' Billy comments. 'But it's Tequila Tuesday at the LOVE Club downtown, and I'm meeting Ace, Spades, and Snow White in ten, so I'll be a wreck tomorrow.'
'Can I join?' Phoenix begs. 'I can dump my shit at Viper's on the way.'
'Got your fake ID?'
'Always,' Phoenix answers.
'Why the LOVE Club, by the way?' Phoenix asks. 'Don't we normally go to The Maple Leaf?'
'Well,' Billy smirks. 'There's this pretty blonde who sings there every Tuesday, and we've had some "eye-contact" for the last couple of weeks.'
'You mean, real-life Disney princess? Nice!' he chants.
'Also, The Maple Leaf's starting to attract more Ghoulies, and we don't need that shit,' Billy mentions.
Billy is a great bad boy. He’s hilarious, resourceful and it’s just extremely easy to like. Go give him some love!
Oli Parker created by @reggiemantleholdmyhand-tle
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About ramble
Summer Camp AU
This boy is a hardworking, wholesome, compassionate ray of sunshine! Go give him some love!
Rhett Butler created by @s-s-southsideserpentine
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The common room of the boys dormitories was a ghost-town during this time of the night. Usually it was alive with haughty Stonewall Prep males, bragging about the colleges their showboat parents bought their way into, laughing at crude jokes and arguing loudly about theory and theology. Now though, in the late hours of the night after the RA’s were done skulking around the hallways with citations in hand, it was almost peaceful. Rhett Butler liked to sneak out of his dorm room and sit at the piano, basked in the milky color of the moonlight as it streamed in through the large, glass-paned windows. The high archways and ceilings made the soft tinkling of the piano keys sound like they filled the air around him and tucked themselves into every corner. He liked the emptiness of it all, how serene it could be to take comfort in his own loneliness. Rhett would wait until after lights out, way after the final few night owls broke themselves away from their studies, and would tiptoe out into the common room with his composition book in hand, jotting down music notes and time signatures while still trying his best to be quiet. A big anthology of British Literature is wedged in the doorframe, with Rhett trying his best to close himself away to conceal the noise. He’s too busy tinkering away at his next assignment for music class that he doesn’t hear the quiet thunk of the anthology hitting the parquet floor as someone slipped into the room with him.
“What the hell are you doing?” A voice pipes up from behind Rhett’s left shoulder, nearly scaring him out of his wits as he jumps, slamming the piano case down hard onto the keyboard.
“Holy hell” He chuckles, trying his best to recover and even out his breathing. His spindly fingers are shaking as he turns around to see the new scholarship student, Bianca something, in her pajamas, her curly hair dented and pressed from where her head pressed into her pillow.
Rhett had seen her around before, he sat in on the advanced writing seminar on the right day, he guessed, because he heard the girl make a snarky remark to that asshole Bret. It cost her an after-school detention but she gained Rhett’s respect immediately, and he had been intrigued by her ever since. Everyone knew about the scholarship kids, it was kind of hard not to. There were only a handful of them, a losers club of their own. But most of them kept their heads down and cowered at the taunts being thrown by their snooty classmates, making remarks about their thrifted textbooks and not-so-pristine school uniforms. Not this girl, though; it was a strange twist of fate, how he had wondered about her and now she was here.
“You know what time it is?” She asks with a raised eyebrow that doesn’t seem malicious, but Rhett doesn’t know how to take it.
Rhett palms the top of the upright piano until he finds where he tossed his phone, he clicks the home button, 3:13 am. “The witching hour” He muses, running a hand though his hair.
“Are you the one who’s always out here?” She asks again with that same hint of mischief. “That girl Donna’s convinced a bunch of freshman that there’s a ghost.”
“S’just me” Rhett mumbles, feeling embarrassed at the idea that his late-night musicalities weren’t as secret as he thought.
The girl walks across the room and sits on the other side of the piano bench next to Rhett. There was a funny sort of confidence she had, giving him an all-teeth smile as she says “So you’re the ghost”. Rhett smiles, excitement brewing in his stomach.
“Name’s Rhett Butler” He offers his skinny hand for the girl to shake and she does.
Gotta love a good, malnourished, take no bs academic boy. And he’s musically talented??? King. Give him some love!
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abbeyfangirl · 5 years
dragon age: all characters (companions)
I’ve been in this fandom for a hot minute now and I want to update my opinions on characters :)
Alistair: super sweet dude who literally is not the stereotypicalchantryguyfightme. He’s a great example of healthy masculinity and I totally wish he was bi because I have an entire essay on that— also: he’s a poc! His mum was brown. In game he’s got dark features. if you really want a blond/blue-eyes/white guy, make your warden that. or accept that brown people can be noble and moral. or just draw cailan, idk. just because BioWare whitewashes doesn’t mean you should.
Leliana: someone hug my singing girlfriend before I crush her under with my own hugs. Also: nugs. Yes! Shoes. Yes! She likes how I style my hair? YES!! I honestly think she’s super duper and it pisses me off whenever someone’s like: yeah she enjoys killing people and the Game. ok. and michel de chevin willingly participated in genocidal marches through the alienage he grew up in with his elvhen mum. 
Morrigan: dirty swamp witch that i stan and also have a v big crush on. tiddies. Have a son with a GW so we can raise him with our tiddies out in the forest. she’s also white-passing, as her father was chasind and all people we’ve seen that are chasind are black. therefore, she is biracial. therefore, poc can be goths and don’t shy away from giving morrigan a darker skintone. if the devs had of been thinking, she’d have a darker skintone.
Zevran: Actually is the best romance, I think. Loves consent, therefore I will stan him so hard my skull cracks a little. Also: he is a very brown boy and if he’s white in da4 I’m seriously going to throw all canon out the fucking window. genuinely a good person who needs to be told so. 
Wynne: grandma who only likes my friends who go to church. but also super sweet and I’d rest my head on her bosom (in a platonic way omg ZEVRAN)
Sten: angry quiet boi. the bestest boi. I totally would give him a kitten for a gift and bake him cookies. Thicc softie. I think if I had DA:O and i knew how to use mods i would mod the fuck outta him. sorry.
Sha(y)le: who’s gender? idk her. See also: fuck birds and authority. pound ur ass into the ground you feathery meatbag little shits. fuck songbirds.
Dog: such a good boi. thicc. thinks Alistair is a whiny fuck and is Morrigan’s only friend. love him. he’s the cutest companion. bet.
Ohgren: honestly forgot about him bcc he’s such a shitbag. also: he could’ve been a really cool addiction recovery type but NOPE. probably would have a trump shirt in a modern au and would catcall wlw and hit mlm. no thanks.
Anders: he acts like rlly straight but he’s so gay I can smell it. also he’s rlly cute and fun and I love him so much.
Justice: MAYBE i’M selF CONSCious OF THE twitchING. is the friend that genuinely doesn’t get dick jokes but is ur 110% ride or die.
Nathaniel Howe: honestly is sort of a white knight/neck beard a little, but it’s kind of charming with his whole velanna m’lady?? grump boi. annoying soul patch that I’d mod out SO FAST—
Sigrun: would have ROMANCED the FUCK out of her. why she even entertains the idea of fucking with ohgren makes me realize most of the writers are dumbfucks.png. peppy little emo. 12/10 would die if she kissed my cheek teasingly.
Ohgren: why. why. why. I’d have brought Shayle over. Maybe Zev? Definitely Dog.
Velanna: she was written to be an annoying feminist and you can tell but I deadass am a kindred spirit with her bcc I too am deadpan annoyed with Thedas’ general population too. love her. Would’ve loved to romance her. She’d totally be one of those who’d get all tsundere and be like “n-no i hate you” *kisses the fuckin soul out of you then blushes so hard she’s now a tomato*
Dragon Age II
Anders: fuck the cops. i don’t care. fuck the cops. (vine reference). also: do i hate him for blowing up the chantry that would eventually annul a huge collection of his people? no. read dalishious’s meta on Anders. v intriguing. didn’t they retcon the fuck out of the reported deaths too? like there was like eight Templars and Elthinia in there. Templars killed more “abominations” in a day than Anders in the game canon—
Aveline: initially thought she was fine and then realized she’s shit to my lil brother and I will fucking clap her ginger ass. See also: whorephobia isn’t a joke so fuck off with treating Isabela badly, you tit.
Bethany: sunshine. Literal sunshine. I feel my freckles grow in her presence and i love it. she’s my little baby sister and I’d slam that ogre so fuckin hard before it touched either twin.
Carver: there has to be a mod where both twins survive. I love them both to bits. My babies. carver is my bitter, angry little brother and I can relate because I too am very angry and would totally clap my own ass. hes so genuine and I don’t get the competition between Beth and Carver. Like, both are fuckin stellar in different ways. In this essay I will—
Fenris: honestly, I don’t get the general hate between him and Anders. Fenris’ main arc should’ve been a recovery arc, not drunken moping and revenge. he deserves better. give him a soft sweater instead of his spikes and let him love himself as much as I love him for MAKERS SAKE. like when you really think about their relationship, it could’ve been an eye-opener for fenris and finally some legit sympathy for anders. but we all know that if they had of teamed up that Meredith would’ve been dead before the end of Act 1 so.
Isabela: whorephobia is not a joke. oversexualizing your only appearing brown woman is so poorly written. how about we appreciate her and her lovely bosoms but also let people tease her about her heart of gold? her innate understanding of freedom? instead of just a wave of dick? please?? can we give her some pants for when she fights? can we accept that i fall for rogues who hate themselves?? fuck. also whomever draws her x femHawke x Merrill literally is after my own heart.
Merrill: my fucking babygirl MARRY ME. Fenris could’ve been her older brother type, but NO. she and Isabela should’ve been canonical gfs instead of Isabela/Fenris (no shaming the pairing tho!!). I love how she’s written as neurodivergent. V nice. Sometimes I just look her up and cry because she’s fucking everything. Also: she’s in the Dalish origin and she’s far from being white. Why did they make the most innocent/naïve character really white? hmmmm.
Sebastian: whew that boy. Would totally be that annoying Mormon at your door but you still let him in bcc he’s super sweet. Also: huge ass bible thumper and should get his head slap because you said the maker loved all his children why do you defend a complicit old hag you annoying attractive fuck—
Varric: totally is a bard and the devs couldn’t handle the idea of him being one bcc it might make him look less straight. is the only grey morality person I don’t want to fucking bash in with a fry pan. he sees people and I like that, but you totally know he’s siding with mages every time bcc him and Anders are like besties. I’m sorry. I don’t make the rules. “Professional Younger Brother”.
Tallis: I know nothing about her but she seems okay. I think she was an escaped slave and honestly? Fucking props. Spy on a shitting organization, idk what you’re doing, but your VA was that cool lesbian from SPN so I think ur okay?
Blackwall: Redemption Arc 101. Love him to bits. Sad dad bunwall. good man. actually atoned for his sins by actively becoming a good person. his initial design is 80% hotter im so sorry but so not.
Cassandra: was way browner in the last game. would romance the fuck outta her. I love me a butch lady who melts at my dorky recitation of poetry. BioWare is a coward. also is the worst choice for divine. but not a bad person. could use some more guidance or get her ass whipped by a dalish elf about religion or a circle mage kid whos like “yeah bud i didn’t ask for the templars to whip my ass everyday for existing.”
The Iron Bull: I think the Qunari/Vashoth were a little based off black people (the whole anti blackness thing where ppl are scared of them bcc of whatever reason) and it pisses me off that he had a weird ass dubcon thing with Dorian in banter. It doesn’t make sense— he’s an A+++ dom and would not jump straight in role play without at least checking in at first like wtf BioWare.
Cole: his mother was chasind so he’s like not supposed to be that white? or like biracial? albino? idk. love him to bits tho. He’s neurodivergent and I deadass love him. romancing him? idk. I see why ppl think it’s fuckin nasty but also like as a writer I’d age him the fuck up so fast before my inquisitor even THOUGHT about that. like idk. I’m down with him being a sweet little bro character tho. he’s a babe. love him.
Sera: had the worst fucking writer I’ve ever seen and I willingly read the twilight saga twice by a shit ass racist white lady who okay’d pedophilia. like. Fuck you Kristjanson suck your own dick you fuck. had the worst options in regards to speak to her. has a thicc case of internalized racism that literally most of the fandom just loves to use against her. my lesbian neurodivergent queen. Would write a thousand fix it fics for her. Love her to bits. im gay.
Varric: I haven’t played DA2 so i don’t get why everyone wants to romance him but like. a dwarf romance? yes please. Idk he reminds me of my uncle so I only see him as fun uncle material. Deadass should adopt Cole and Merrill and co parent with Blackwall for Sera. dads? fuck yeah. love me some wholesome, present fathers.
Dorian: is a gay stereotype that I love/hate so much. and he’s also just as bad about being a creep bcc he sexualizes qunari men (in banter). I attribute that to shit writing tho. I want to protect him from all the “omg gay best friend!” people. he’d clearly be that tired gay that wouldn’t give a diddly damn about ur het romance. wanna talk about politics? he’s ur guy/gay.
Solas: “me, an intellectual:”. I don’t hate him, but I’m not about him. He comes off as mysterious and suave (which he totally is) but I deadass would not save him from himself because he’s a racist, exclusionist eggshell. idk. not my cup of tea, but I can totally see the appeal. And he’s interesting, I’ll totally say that. “I think the Dalish are garbage but they made you” is not a compliment. it’s so offensive. and such bait for “quirky girls” which I’m no fan of. Would be Achilles and let Patroclus (Lavellan in his case) die before he realized how his pride is literally a waste of time. If he gets a redemption arc I hope Lavellan gets to slap him before getting him to teach all about ancient Arlathan and show that the Evanuris weren’t all total dicknozzles. (Aka I really have a hard time believing that they’d be slavery cult things. especially since they’ve compared elves to indigenous ppl, Jews and the Romani.)
Vivienne: it’s so racist that they’d make a black woman be pro-slavery. That’s such internalized racism. She could’ve been the cool ass “educate yourself first before you speak, fool” ice lady, but NO. the devs could’ve kept the “Templars are a tool that I proudly can mandate” and the “circles are very good education” and we. Could. Have. Romanced. Her. Like. Fuck. Sake. I just wanna give her a hug and say “love yourself omg!!” and not even in a romantic way. Also: she and morrigan should not have been so antagonistic towards each other. I’d expect them to have great respect for each other, as they both moved up in the world through hardwork and very little help. They could learn different magic from each other too and still maintain that rival respect “oh you” mood. Sidenote: probably the cooler option for Divine. if her approval is high enough she’ll love and be loyal to you forever and i can’t see her agenda being bad. she improves the circles exponentially and tells all the antis to suck her pretty painted toes.
Josephine: an actual disney princess. romanced her my first playthrough. I love her so much. she just makes me so happy. And she’s like: “Integrity, Loyalty, peace. That is what it means to be a GREY WARDEN good fucking person.” she’s the person who would let you hold her hand if you got anxious and she’d be that person who shouldered the whole group project with finesse and poise and would probably lie for everyone as to not be mean. i love josie. her and leliana’s relationship is so cute, too. whether it’s romantic or not: women supporting women.
Leliana: if you leave her hardened you must hate her. why. she becomes so against herself. i like how shes feminine and lighthearted because that’s so powerful-- to remain hopeful when the world is hopeless. (its hard to know when to soften her/harden her so i get it but. google it. she deserves to be happy and sweet again.)
Cullen: uwu war criminal with shit ass “redemption arc” that was actually a half-assed (at BEST) recovery arc. Recovery isn’t linear, it isn’t pretty, and even the broken need to be told they are wrong in order to heal right. Like I’m offended by that bullshit. I’ve had to do some mental health recovery in the past and unlearning lots of toxic ideologies— which I’m still unlearning— and it bothers me that he gets an easy pass because he’s hot. It’s one thing if you like Cullen, it’s another thing if you hold him accountable.
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Thanks again for 250 followers!!!
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What’s one animal you wish you could have as a pet but can’t?
A penguin. I love them so much.
Favorite thing to wear to sleep?
Sometimes I wear one of those “drug rugs” or baja hoodies. With shorts. And sometimes knee high socks. I HATE pajama pants. So if I’m cold I find alternatives. 
What song really gets you going?
Right now, Drinking Alone by Carrie Underwood. But usually Tranz by Gorillaz.
Where do you usually eat your meals?
At my dining table or in the family/living room with my mom.
Favorite meal: breakfast, lunch, or dinner?
Most embarrassing habit?
Sometimes I’ll pick my nose at the most inconvenient times like a child.
Chocolate or fruity candy?
Soft or hard tacos?
When I ate meat regularly, soft, with carne asada. 
Worst way to break up a fight?
Throwing a pan at them? Dude I don’t know. Wrestle them to the ground? I feel like either of those are terrible.
Best thing to say in an elevator of strangers?
“You’re all probably wondering why I gathered you all here today.”
What color/design are your bedsheets?
Teal. And my comforter is a black/white diamond pattern.
Any hidden talents?
I was a dancer for roughly nine years. So I’m pretty good at that.
Favorite thing to drink out of (mug, glass, etc.)?
My Star Wars Luke Skywalker lightsaber water bottle. 
Socks or bare feet around the house?
Bare feet man. Those who wear shoes in the house are weak and will not survive the winter.
 Favorite board game?
Do you sleep with the fan on or off?
I don’t even own a fan.
Heat on or keep it cold with lots of layers?
Heat at 67.5 and a sweater. Perfection.
Do you sing in the shower?
Who doesn’t?
Favorite song to belt out at the top of your lungs when you’re alone?
Tranz by Gorillaz. All time favorite song EVER.
Last thing you cried about?
Watching Zack die YET AGAIN in Crisis Core. I don’t think I’ve ever watched that scene WITHOUT crying.
At what age did you first have alcohol?
15ish. Wine.
Relationship status?
What’s the most amount of money you’ve spent on a single item of clothing?
249$ A Guess coat that I absolutely adore.
What do you typically wear to formal events?
A modest dress. Heels. And a Louis Vuitton bag to match.
Favorite memory?
Probably almost getting arrested with my friends back when I was 17. We were at a closed park, after hours, past curfew, and it was like 3 am. We bought 64 tacos from Jack in the Box and pigged out in the venue. Super rad.
Gum or breath mints?
Favorite shoes?
Probably my Guess sneakers. I don’t wear them often, but I love the design.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
My chubbiness. I’m not fat per say. But I’m not skinny either, but I want to look more like a classic, 1950′s pinup model more than anything.
What is the natural state of your hair?
My hair has very soft curls. Naturally, there more like “beach waves”
Have you ever had braces?
Most dangerous thing you’ve ever done?
Ghost hunting. I was illegally trespassing, and the building was real sketchy. 
Most embarrassing thing your parents have caught you doing?
I’m just an embarrassment through and through. What haven’t they caught me doing. But I guess writing porn is a close first.
Last time you had an orgasm?
I’m a virgin who has never experienced anything remotely sexual. 
Celebrity crush(es)?
Sebastian Stan, Bill Skarsgard, Sam Claflin, Karl Urban, Sebastian Stan
Windows or Mac?
I’ve never owned a Mac, so I’m biased when I say Windows.
How old were you when you learned to ride a bike?
Six, seven? I was still quite young.
Makeup or natural?
What color do you wear the most?
I wear a lot of neutral colors like gray.
Favorite season?
Umbrella or rain coat?
Have you ever fallen out of a tree?
First car you ever owned?
A 2002 Toyota. Super old, and the chip was painting off. My trunk also broke. Oil leak. Y’know, a traditional first car.
What time do you usually go to bed?
Anytime between 11-1 am.
Are you a competitive person?
Least favorite color?
First pet you’ve ever owned?
A cat :)
Sweet or salty?
Favorite pasta dish?
Favorite kind of chips?
Talk about something you’re passionate about.
Writing. I love being able to put my ideas on paper, let my thoughts and emotions run free in a world where I have to act a certain way. I can be anyone while writing!
What are some of your hobbies?
Watching too much television
Caffeine? If so, what kind?
I’m a tea gal. But I LOVE coffee. Especially mochas and caramel. With extra pumps of espresso. Hell yeah.
Favorite kind of pizza?
Ranch and Chicken or just plain cheese.
Fast food or sit-down restaurant?
Lots of acquaintances or a handful of close friends?
I love having a large circle, but I choose my best friends wisely. I only have about two or three of those and they’re the one’s I keep close to my heart.
Something that ruins your appetite?
This is a bit more dark, but my dad and I don’t bond outside video games. And he’s the type that believes it’s his way or no way no matter what. So if you get him angry he acts like a two-year-old who just got a toy taken away, and will try to push your buttons until you’re the same way. I saw the signs years ago, but whenever his anger is targeted at me I just don’t want to eat. I write instead. 
Favorite labels about you?
As in names? It’s near 1 am while writing this so I might have just gone stupid. But I love it when my friends call me cutie. Or my good friend Charlie calls me Smarties. And he’ll pull out a smartie from his pocket when he does it. I also get called Reid, as in Spencer Reid, a lot.
Are you a religious person?
Yes. I try to be at least. I’m Christian.
Night out with a bunch of friends in public or night in with one friend having deep conversations?
Night out. I spend too much time indoors with one friend as is.
What size shoe do you wear?
Favorite thing about yourself?
My confidence, or my keen fashion sense. 
Have you ever told someone you loved them first?
Have you ever had sex on the first date?
Heroes or villains?
Villains. (Sephiroth, Bucky Barnes, Loki, etc.)
Favorite fruit?
Least favorite fruit?
Bananas. I’ll eat them, but there are a lot better choices honestly. 
Favorite vegetable?
Least favorite vegetable?
Brussels sprouts
How many plates can you eat at a buffet?
About a good three. First is salad. Second is fruit. Third is desert. 
Favorite dessert?
Ice cream. Bubble gum flavor is my favorite!
Do you play any sports?
Age you learned how to swim?
Seven or eight.
Tell a funny story.
Maybe this is just funny to me, but earlier today my cat was trying to lick her coat but she set her front paw on a piece of paper and anytime she bent over to lick herself she slid and she would have to readjust herself. She did this like four times before she decided to move.
What’s one interesting thing about your culture?
As someone who is a part of the Navajo tribe, something neat is the more fat you have on your bones the more people respect you because they believe you have money.
What’s one annoying thing about your culture?
We can’t touch cold-blooded animals. It’s said if you touch the scales of a snake, or even breath in the same air, you’ll get the same skin as them.
What job would you be terrible at?
Accounting. I can’t do math to save my freaking life.
Would you rather watch a TV show or a movie?
TV shows.
What’s your favorite compliment to give?
“Cute Outfit!” or “Love the Hair!” You have no idea how many people light up on either of these, male/female/nonbinary. Looking good is a happiness found across all the spectrums. 
What’s your favorite compliment to receive?
“Cute hair.” Or “Love your makeup/nails.” 
Has your opinion changed on something recently?
I can’t remember. Like I said, it’s close to bedtime where I’m at and boi, it’s hard to concentrate right now.
Do you always order the same thing at a restaurant or order something different each time?
I order the same. 
What’s something you’ve always wanted to try but haven’t yet?
This sounds awful, but I’ve always wanted to try ecstasy. I have buddies who’ve taken it and say, if you do it right, the first time is pretty bomb. 
If you could learn to do anything right now, what would it be?
Singing. I can’t carry a tune.
Favorite physical feature about yourself?
My eyes.
Least favorite physical feature about yourself?
My wide hip/waist ratio. If my waist was thinner I wouldn’t mind as much.
What’s one amazing thing you did that nobody was around to see?
OKAY. I scored a strike on Wii bowling while i was on the toilet one time. Two rooms away and not even looking at a screen. Just using my heart and determination and it was SUPER COOL AND I WISH PEOPLE COULD HAVE SEEN THOSE SKILLS.
If you could change your height, would you?
Yes. Everyone is a good foot taller than me. So I would most definitely want a few more inches.
What’s something you would rate 10/10?
Final Fantasy 7 Remake’s Character concept for Sephiroth. The eyes, the height, the hair. WOW. In love.
Heels or flats?
What’s something you wish you had more knowledge about?
Politics. I want to get more involved but every time I do I get so confused.
Would you want to be famous?
I wouldn’t mind. But I value my private life.
What’s something you would get arrested for?
Well I already almost got arrested for eating tacos in a closed park at 3 am. So maybe that.
What’s your spirit animal?
A cat. 
What’s the luckiest thing that’s ever happened to you?
The fact that I graduated high school. I was developing anxiety and literally had no idea what the frick was happening with me and no one told me what it was. So I ended up skipping loads of school for that reason. 
Are you the type to have an organized mess, or no mess at all?
Organized mess. Or just a mess. 
Do you tend to make decisions based on the past, present, or future?
The future.
Are you a planner or a more spontaneous person?
Planner. I hate when things are sprung on me last minute. I have to emotionally prep up before a social event so 5-10 business days are needed.
Thoughts on the oxford comma?
I was taught to use it, but it’s literally so useless? I found myself either not using it or just doing it on instinct. So in one story you could probably find multiple instances where I use it and where I don’t use it, maybe in the same paragraph. I just do whatever fits that moment I guess.
What do you hope never changes?
My squad. I love them to pieces and it would break my heart if at some point they’d want to split.
How would you celebrate your 100th birthday?
Something extremely dangerous like skydiving or zip lining across a canyon. 
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 63)
"Making Up Isn't Hard To Do"
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Colson's sitting at the kitchen table. Benny's still out with Casie, knowing to text before he heads back. Ashleigh is upstairs while Slim, Baze and Rook are gathered with him in the kitchen.
"So you think she fucked him?" Slim asks Colson. He likes Luna but she's always felt dangerous to him.
"No." Colson says shaking his head. He lights a joint. Inhaling deeply, he sighs out a giant cloud of smoke. "I think maybe she has feelings for him. She's been acting weird ever since she ran into him. And made it a point to tell me about him as soon as we were alone. Luna don't offer up shit." He sighs again as he exhales.
"Who is he?" Slim asks directly. Colson has talked to him about Luna and Justin. He heard her scream six years and did the math when Colson shouted about an undercover year.
"I don't know, Man." Colson tries to shake him off.
"Yeah, you do. Because I do. She cheated on her boyfriend with that dude, didn't she? That's why you're so pissed." Slim connecting the dots easily.
"I'M her fucking boyfriend." Colson snaps at him. Puffing on the joint.
"Chill, Mann." Slim says throwing his hands up.
"You know how to answer your question, Kells... " Rook speaks up. "Find out who stopped seeing who. If she broke it off you're in the clear. If it was him.... Maybe not. But, I don't think Luna's like that." Rook still defending her.
"She is like that. She fucked a dude for a year. Her other dude ever find out?" Slim turns to Colson, who's finishing up the joint.
"C'mon Slim... " Baze interjects. "Ain't one of us in here about to get Holy and act like we ain't never ran no long game with out getting caught." Baze states. "Besides, didn't he put her through some shit for a long time? So what if she fucked around with ONE dude. She rode with hers till his end." Baze has his own opinion of Luna. He likes that she doesn't take Kells shit but has never seemed to waver from him since the night of his birthday party.
Colson finally speaks, Baze's words sitting in his head.
"Watch it, Slim." He gives his friend A Look before continuing. "But nah, he never found out. She said Her Ashley don't even know. I'm the only one she's ever told." He looks back up glaring at them all. "So you better keep your fucking mouths shut." He warns.
They all agree with Yeahs and nods. How long they'll last, who knows?
"What's this LIFE shit she was talking?" Slim keeps pushing.
Colson shakes his head. "You know she's politically active, Dawg." is all he says as he gets up from the table and heads upstairs. Baze's words heavy on his head.
Everyone has a different opinion.
None of them knowing about Marissa, The Dark Web or who knows what else Luna has her hands in.
Luna hails a cab. She's furious. She doesn't go to her grandmother's. She doesn't hit up Ashley or Mackenzie or Pete. She doesn't hit up Tommy. Although she truly wants to punch him in his face and then fuck him.
Thinking vindictivly, as always when feeling attacked. "You think I did some shit. Okay. Imma pull some bigger shit."
But Luna's not 21 anymore. She'll be 27 soon. So, she has the cab take her to The Vale. After checking in, she throws on boy shorts, a spots bra, hoodie, her running shoes and ear buds. Placing a call to Monica in the mean time. It rings to voicemail. Luna turning her own ringer off before she heads out.
Prancing down the stairwell, she jogs through the lobby. Breaking free once she hits the cement. Running her raging heart out through The City.
Luna gets back from running, checking her phone, there's a Snap from Colson:
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She strips down and Snaps him back before getting in the shower. Puffing on her pen all the while.
Colson opens Luna's Snap immediately.
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Asking Ashleigh to keep an eye on Casie, he heads directly over.
Luna hears banging on the door from the bathroom as soon as she shuts the water off.
"Holy fucking shit..." She thinks to herself. Wrapping a robe around her to answer the door.
It's Colson, just as she suspected.
"Hi." She says flatly, allowing him to kiss her cheek.
"Can I come in?" He asks.
Stepping aside, he walks in. Bikini Kill filling the hotel room. Raw, Riot Grl Rage.
"Yeah, I'm fucked....." Colson thinks to himself.
She walks to the couch, curling up in the corner. There's a bottle of Jameson on the table.
"So, why you really mad at me?" Luna asks. Much looser and understanding after running, popping a bar and taking a shower. She lights a joint as he sits down with her.
"I don't know." He looks over at her before looking down at the ground. "I don't think I'm mad, I think I'm scared. I can feel how much you loved Justin and I guess, if you could do that to him.... What's stopping you from doing it to me..." He looks up at her, vulnerability raw.
Luna reaches for his hand as she passes him the joint. He hits it while she talks.
"Tommy and I only happened because Justin neglected me, himself and our life. On and off for a long time. I'll admit I'm an Asshole for it, but it wasn't out of malice. It was survival. And it's a guilt I carry heavily." She tells him, showing her own vulnerabilities. "You don't like that I can keep a secret, but what you don't understand, is that I'm not keeping any from you. I told you about Justin and Tommy because I wanted you to know. Not because I had to."
"So you would've lied about the picture?" He asks, feeling an irritation grow as he passes it back to her.
"No." She puffs on the joint. "But I could've side stepped it, told you he was an old friend who simply has a crush on me. All of which are true. But, I didn't. I gave you the details when it popped up in our life, BEFORE it went public, because I promised to NOT side step you and as I've told you before, I'm not going to vomit my life but as it flows, I'm going to give it to you." She pulls on the joint again before passing it back
Hearing her every word. He waits before asking "How did you and Tommy end?" He's hitting it now.
Luna grabs the bottle of whiskey. She has a tendency to look for a substance before exposing her truth.
"He told me he loved me and I knew that was unfair because I'd never leave Justin." She looks down with a sadness. Colson isn't sure if it's for Justin or Tommy.
"Did you love him?" Colson asks quietly as he hands her back the joint.
"Yes." She states. Looking him in the eye. She can't help but close hers as she inhales. Slowly exhaling, she opens them as she continues "But, I made a commitment to Justin and I would've traveled to the depths of hell with him. We've talked about this. How we're both loyal to a fault, and that it's a blessing and a curse. Tommy happened two years before Justin killed himself. With no one before or after him. I would've stayed with Justin forever. No matter what it cost me." Hitting it again, she passes it.
Colson's heart breaks for her. He'll never be able to understand how someone could be so careless with Luna.
"Do you love him more than me?" He asks before hitting the joint.
"Who?" Unsure of if they're talking about Tommy or Justin.
"Tommy." He says exhaling.
Luna closes her eyes again, thinking of her words. "There will always be a crazy connection between Tommy and I, but...." She climbs into Colson's lap. He's happy to have her back on top of him. "You have to think, I didn't go looking for him once Justin passed. At all. Thursday was the first time I seen him in almost 6yrs. I swear." Taking the joint, she pulls through the last few hits before putting it out.
"You scare me, Luna." Colson tells her honestly. This hurts her. She grabs the bottle for another swig before asking why.
"Because everybody wants you." He sighs.
"You can't act like you don't have admirers too...." She contests.
"Yeah, but I don't have personal relationships with them."
"Uhm... What is Bleta for 500, Alex?" She challenges him.
Her Jeopardy reference makes him laugh and wrap his arms around her. "Touché" He submits.
On his lap, in his arms, looking into those beautiful, blue eyes, she tells him. "Look, Bunny. Like I said before, I'm not perfect. I make mistakes, I'm an Asshole. I'm hella sorry for my betrayal of Justin hurting you. That's my Karma. But our relationship is different than his and I's. I just wish you could trust me. We've been dealing with this shit since the night at The Palms. I told you then. I'm always going to play a role. Same as you. Men are going to want me the way women want you. What we both need to always focus on and keep true to, is that we only go home to or with each other. And I did. I called you at the bar. And I Snapped you when I got back. I have nothing to hide."
He knows she's right. Exhausted from their fights, he pulls her in for a deep sweet kiss. She enjoys his warm tongue dancing in her mouth. Moving down to her neck, he slips her robe off her shoulders. Kissing her softly, he lays her back on the couch.
They move slow and delicate with each other. Soft, tiny kisses exchanged on their bodies. Deep understanding playing in their mouths.
Colson slides into Luna slowly. Working his way deep inside of her. He knows when he's hit her spot. Keeping her there, he feels her shake and cum off of his girth.
She pants "I love you" in his ear as he slowly rocks back and forth inside of her. Feeling his bare dick touch every inch of her insides.
Their love making is slow, deep and quick. Luna cumming again with him as he enjoys their tenderness. It's a delightful change of pace from their norma,l intense hunger - fucking.
Laying inside of her, cheek to cheek, he whispers "I'm sorry."
Stroking his back, she honestly tells him "Don't be." That she would've snapped too.
They're both intensely possessive. It's one of the things they love about each other.
They lay with him still inside of her. Where he belongs. Their love, understanding and acceptance of each other washing over them. She's happily wrapped around his body. Him laying contently on her chest. Almost drifting off, Luna's startled by Colson's body jumping.
"Fuck." Colson pops his head up. "What time is it?" He asks.
Luna checks her phone. It's 730P. Colson tells her they should get going. He gently shakes her, while slightly shouting "Yooou're LIVE ooon Saturday Night, Kitten!!!" Grinning.
She kisses him on the mouth, strong and solid. "I fucking love you, Colson." She tells him, staring into his eyes, she doesn't give a fuck about SNL, she only cares about where THEY land.
Colson pulls his t-shirt and jeans on while Luna throws on a wild concoction. She'll get dressed at the studio.
Luna stops Colson. Facing him with both her hands on his forearms. She looks clearly through his eyes into his soul.
"We're in this together. I'm not leaving. EVER. How you treat me and Us, will dictate whether we're beautiful or dark. Either way. I'm here." She pulls him down to her level. Kissing him solidly. A promise being solidified with it.
He scoops her up by her ass, pulling her into him firmly. Breathing her sweet sent in. It's a mixture of weed, coconut oil, cigarette smoke and Aveeno.
His dick rages for her. Knowing in his heart, he's the only one she wants.
They leave the hotel and head to 30Rock, it's a little after 8P and Luna's facing one of the biggest performance of Ashley and her careers.
Luna turns to Colson in the cab. She touches his face lightly as she looks into his eyes. "I love - LOVE you." She tells him honestly with a kiss. His heart swells, knowing their truth as they step out onto 48th street.
Colson grips her ass cheek to her pussy's pleasure as they walk to 30 Rockefeller Plaza.
To be continued....
13 notes · View notes
walls-dmc5 · 5 years
Walls - 4th chapter “Disillusion”
Words: 6,8k
Warnings: slight angst
Hope you enjoy! 🌹
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Cara didn’t say a word during the flight away from Red Grave City. She looked outside the helicopter, her head leaning against her hand, though she hardly took in anything that they passed by. The rest of the helicopter has been silent as well since they left the city (aside from the noise from the helicopter of course). Mr. Morrison was flying it; his hands were clutching the controls in an iron grip probably to keep his nerves under control. Nero was sitting in the ‘passenger seat’ in front of her not saying a word, but the what just happened, and the consequences of hit weighed heavily on him. There was too much going on within him right now, it was all around him. The tense atmosphere in the car was filled by anger, grief and frustration, it was undeniable. V sat behind Morrison, unmoving and silent; there was no way to tell what he was thinking about this situation.
Cara herself couldn’t even define what truly went on inside of her own mind.
She failed.
They all failed.
These people who seemed to have so much potential, and they all lost, beaten without standing a chance. And Dante with the two women didn’t even make it out of there.
Did they survive?
Was there a way for them to survive this?
And now Cara was again right at the beginning. Not one step closer to undo her mistake. Not one step closer to taking that tree down.
The flight took quite a while since they didn’t go back to the same place where they came from. Cara thought she picked up that they were going to Fortuna when Morrison said everyone should get into the helicopter. No one had any objections to her tagging along. In fact, no one said anything regarding that, but everyone’s mind was focused on something else. She hardly mattered right now. They simply didn’t care.
They were faced with a world threatening catastrophe and from what Cara understood the only people who should have been capable of stopping it were beaten or even killed.
So what to do now?
Cara had to admit that she felt absolutely helpless. She had no idea at all. And she was surrounded by strangers who didn’t trust her and whom she maybe couldn’t trust either. She felt even worse than after the military operation failed.
The helicopter landed after what felt like an eternity on the island of Fortuna. Cara has been here before during her studies but there was not much she could figure out about what went on here on this island. Information about the cult that used to run this city was hard to come by…
No one said a word as they walked up to a nearby building. An old house with a garage seemingly covering up most of the ground floor. Nero went first, head lowered and he bumped his hand on the door.
Cara watched as the door to the house was cautiously opened. Though she barely caught a glimpse of copper red hair before she heard a gasp and saw a woman throwing her arms around Nero. Cara felt a bit awkward watching them, but she also felt a sting of melancholy in her heart at the scene unfolding in front of her. It must be nice to have someone waiting for one at home, someone who welcomed one after a long hard day at work, someone to catch you when work and emotions have been draining you all day…
She smiled ever so barely. She didn’t know these people at all, but seeing the woman grabbing Nero like this, full of relief and happiness, made her glad that Nero made it out of there. That he could return home to a person that cared about him, that they didn’t have to come here to tell her that Nero didn’t make it.
She was glad. And it was at least a slight positive shimmer in this expanding darkness they were facing.
Nero wrapped his arm around the woman and even from her position Cara could see how he was squeezing her, not saying a word, but assuring her that he was alright, that he made it back.
Their embrace lasted quite a while and none of the other present people – neither V nor Morrison nor Cara – said a word or made another move.
“Is that Nero?!” Cara heard another voice from inside the house.
“Yes,” the woman that embraced Nero replied. She then looked at the other people that were in front of their house. She was a beautiful young woman, Cara noted, with her long hair – still a bit shorter than Cara’s though – her soft brown eyes and how the relief and joy made her entire face light up in a way that Cara could only describe as angelic. She looked between Nero and them for a moment, obviously waiting for Nero to say something but he only looked to the side. Cara couldn’t see his expression.
“Please, come all in. Morrison, it is good to see you again,” the woman said. The man took off his hat and offered the woman his hand and apologized for taking Nero away in this condition and for arriving in the middle of the night like this.
“I’m just glad he’s okay,” the woman smiled. The man went inside.
“I’m truly sorry for the disturbance. We won’t take a lot of your time, I promise. I’m Cara,” apologizing like Mr. Morrison felt only right to her as she shook the woman’s hand and introduced herself.
“I’m Kyrie. And that’s fine, really. I just want to know what happened,” there was concern in her voice and Cara could understand her so well.
“Man, again, I leave ya for like a few minutes and you just fly off, hu?! You’re supposed to be resting, dude,” said the voice Cara heard a minute earlier already. Another woman approached Nero as soon as they entered the house. There was a sense of anger and a chastising tone in her voice, but the glance in her pretty brown-green eyes was anything but.
“Will you sh- just be quiet.” Nero countered. He sounded exhausted. But then again, they all were.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. But ya better tell us what happened.”
Cara followed the people into their living room. A small cozy looking room. Cara saw a lot of photos on the wall and on the furniture, she easily spotted Nero and Kyrie in a lot of them as she let her blue eyes slide over the room. She wasn’t subtle in observing the room, she never was but after all these years she didn’t even try breaking that habit. There were a lot of different objects decorating the room, none of them fitted together, neither in shape nor color, they gave the impression of random gifts by other people who haven’t seen the interior of their home. Cara also saw some colorful toys lying around on the floor.
Do they have kids?
If there were kids involved Cara was even more glad that Nero got home safely.
“Pretty sweet place, don’t cha think?”
Cara almost flinched as the other woman walked past her with a grin on her face and let herself fall onto the couch. Cara avoided her eyes to prevent a blush to creep onto her cheeks. She knew she wasn’t being subtle about her observing her environments, that didn’t mean it wasn’t embarrassing getting caught in the act.
“Oi, relax,” the woman patted the spot next to her on the couch “I’m Nico by the way. Cara followed her invitation and sat down on the couch. She allowed the quiet sigh to escape her lips as she threw her light brown hair back over her shoulders. She would really appreciate a shower. No that the battle was over, the effort and strain it put on her body was slowly becoming more prominent, and after all that time fighting demons she just felt filthy.
“I’m Cara. Hi,” the two women shook hands and Cara was incredibly grateful for the rather uplifting attitude from Nico. It made the situation feel a bit less heavy for her.
“What about you, pal?” Nico leaned forward to look past Cara at V. The man had just quietly followed them inside, Cara couldn’t even tell if he introduced himself to Kyrie, but she thought it was interesting that these people didn’t seem to know him.
What was his role in this group?
“Call me V,” the man replied as he leaned with his back against the wall next to the couch, crossing his arms in front of his chest and barely looking up to Nico while answering her. There was more than enough space on this side of the couch or the other side where Nero and Kyrie sat down right now, but Cara wouldn’t be the one to offer it to V. He seemed to be so deliberate in this moment. Leaning on the wall, away from all of them, his gesture defensive, like raising yet another wall between him and the others.
Nero buried his face in his hand for a moment, groaning in frustration and Cara was reminded about the seriousness of the situation they were in again. Kyrie had her hands on Nero’s shoulders, squeezing them encouragingly, but Cara almost could’ve sworn how much the situation and the emotions weighed heavily on him.
“I am really sorry for all of this. I’m having a hard time accepting this myself if I’m being honest here.” Mr. Morrison said who sat down in the armchair. He ran his hand over his face and then let it drop onto the arm rest.
“It’s okay. Will you tell us what happened?” Kyrie asked softly. Cara admired her strength to smile right now, even if she saw and felt just how tense and heavy the atmosphere was.
Mr. Morrison nodded.
“Where are the kids though? They shouldn’t listen to this,” he asked.
“Kids?” Cara couldn’t help her curiosity, the word just left her mouth without taking a halt in her brain for her to think it over.
“Not theirs,” Nico chimed in, grinning at her, “they’re taking care of a bunch of orphans.”
Cara made a very quiet oh sound, but she could’ve sworn she saw V from her peripheral vision lifting his head for the shortest moment after hearing Nico’s reply. But when she turned her head to him the tattooed man had his head lowered again, not a chance to catch a glimpse of his face and expression.
“Nero, what happened?” Kyrie asked the young man softly. Nero looked at her before he sighed and ran his hand over his head again and scratched his neck. Cara looked at him expectantly because she didn’t know what really happened in the tree either. Maybe whatever he told them could give her some ideas about how to proceed now. Because she was totally lost at this point.
Nero looked at Kyrie once and then started explaining.
Nero clenched his teeth in frustration as he finished his explanation of the previous events. Or at least, what he knew about those. Kyrie’s hand rubbing his back felt like heaven, but even she couldn’t take this weight of his shoulders. He couldn’t believe he lost, couldn’t believe they all lost. That bastard just finished them all off. Like they were nothing. Like ants underneath his foot. Weak, pathetic…
… deadweight.
Nero’s hand clenched into a fist and he pressed his lips tightly together to avoid making a sound or saying anything more.
“So what is the plan now?” Morrison’s question hung heavy in the air and the entire room fell silent for a long while.
“We need to find a way to defeat him.”
Nero looked up to V who made a step forward, uncrossing his arms and leaning on his cane as he looked at the people in the room but at no one in particular. Nero’s brow’s furrowed. This guy brought him out of there. He still had no idea about his abilities and powers aside from having a weird blue bird and a giant golem thing as companions, but he looked weaker than Nero, weaker than Dante, and yet he was still here. Alive and well. Nearly unscathed by the events, and here Nero was, bruised, exhausted, weak…
“What the hell can we do even? I’m just deadweight after all,” Nero said through gritted teeth, his blue eyes burning holes into his knees as he felt his fist shake in anger and frustration.
“No, you’re not. You tried your best-“
“But it wasn’t enough!” he snapped. Kyrie’s expression fell for a very short moment, before her beautiful eyes lit up in sympathy. At least that’s what he made himself believe. He didn’t want pity. He didn’t need pity.
Fuck this, the words never left his lips. Never in front of Kyrie but he desperately wanted to scream all his frustration off his soul. Instead he felt like it was suffocating him inside this broken, powerless body.
“Well, you know, buddy, I just may have an idea for ya.”
Nero looked at Nico with an exasperated sigh leaving his lips. What now?! This was not the time for playing guessing games or empty claims, so he really hoped she would expand her little statement.
“I’m gonna build ya a new arm.”
“Didn’t ya hear me?! Or do ya doubt my genius yet again?!”
“Just… ugh,” he grumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose with his fingers, “please explain,”, it was actually hard staying calm. Nero couldn’t decide whether or not he wanted to punch something or if he just wanted to scream and since neither of it was an option right now, and Kyrie’s soothing touch on his shoulders could only do so much right now, he was left with his blood boiling and his knees and hand shaking from too many emotions cursing through him.
“I don’t know exactly yet,” Nico said thoughtful, the kind of thoughtful she only got when it was serious, this much Nero knew about her so far, “but I could use my genius and the research and work it into a prosthetic arm. Or more a weapon. I would need to think this through first.”
Nero stared at her, just like everybody else in the room. Nero wasn’t doubting what she could do. He had no idea how far she could go, but he knew she could do something. And this something was probably more than whatever he could come up with himself.
“But I assume this will take time, right?”, the other woman said – Cara. Nero had no idea who that woman was. She was just suddenly there, said she wanted to help. And she did. But he still had no idea who she was, where she came from. Hell, at this point he trusted V more than her. And he didn’t know that guy either. At all.
“Yeah. I mean, I’d need to do the planning, and now idea how long that’ll take. The construction and so on will be faster usually.”, Nico replied.
“How much time would you need?”, Nero countered, raising his eyebrows. Nico seemed to think about it, but Cara chimed in again.
“How much time do we have? That tree is still out there, and I suppose it’s not going to get better the more time passes.”
She had a valid point. For all they knew this tree could grow even more and probably destroy the whole world within a few days. A new arm wouldn’t do him any good then anymore.
“The tree will continue to grow for at least one more month,” V answered and Nero simply wondered how and why this guy knew this. Who was he? How could he know these things? But Nero doubted he would get an answer from the guy now, so they all would have to take his word for it.
“That should be enough. Not enough time to explore all the possibilities but enough to get something done,” Nico looked up at the ceiling, lost in her own thoughts for a second.
“Then we can use these four weeks to figure out how to take that tree down.”
“Do you have an idea what we can do?” Morrison asked Cara after her statement. The woman, Nero actually assumed she was a bit older than him though he also wasn’t totally sure. He was bad at guessing the ages of women.
“I could look into my parent’s research. I never came across something like this but maybe they have found some information in their time.”
“Are your parents researchers?” Kyrie asked her, curiosity and genuine interest embraced each of Kyrie’s words. It almost brought a smile to Nero’s face. Bless her. Cara chuckled.
“Were. And yeah, sort of I guess. Let’s just say they were interested in demonology.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Kyrie apologized as the woman’s parents were obviously not alive anymore. Cara waved it off.
“Oh please, no, it’s alright.”
“V, do you know how to take that thing down?” Nero asked the guy then. V looked at the ground, the hint of a smirk appeared at the corners of his lips. Weird guy…
“I’m afraid that my knowledge about the matter has reached its end at this point.”
Nero didn’t know if he was lying or not. There was something about V’s expression that made him incredibly irritating and almost intimidating, and Nero had a hard time finding any sort of sincerity in his voice, words or even posture, but what choice than to believe him did they have? The world was ending, he was just a weak, pathetic deadweight, and they had absolutely no clue whether or not Dante was still in there and still alive.
“Then I guess this is settled. I’ll try to help out where I can and then let’s hope to get this situation under control again,” Morrison said and got up from his seat.
Cara wrapped the blanket closer around her shoulders as she got settled cross-legged on her couch, stacks of books, folders and loose sheets of papers in front of her on the coffee table alongside a nice hot cup of green tea.
The sun was already rising again, and she knew she wouldn’t be getting any sleep anyway, so she might as well get started doing her research. Mr. Morrison has been so kind as to take her back with the helicopter, so she could get a cab to take her home. V has left Fortuna alongside her and Mr. Morrison, though they didn’t exchange another word and she also had no idea where he went. They were both too lost in their own thoughts about the situation and arguably tired as well.
And now, they all had work to do.
Cara had to admit that she really liked these two women she met in Fortuna. Kyrie and Nico. Wildly different, but they seemed to get along fine. Cara wondered if she would see them again if they went back to Red Grave. As of right now she was honestly just glad that they allowed her to accompany them and let her help.
She still got a chance at this.
She could still set this right again.
But for now, she had to dig through her parent’s research. Her mother’s research from her time as a journalist for the supernatural was vast, a lot of it made Cara question how her mother even got this info, but it has been helpful on more than one occasion for her work so far. However, she also couldn’t remember all the information and details by heart. It was just too much.
There was also this nagging thought that she might actually find something helpful, which she could’ve used for the military mission. If this was the case Cara had no idea what she would do. If there was something in these files that could’ve saved lives…
While the call to get her to coordinate the operation was urgent and she barely has had a chance to grab her bag before they picked her up, so she really didn’t have time to do any research at all.
She was fine.
She did all her could.
It was so hard to make herself believe that and she could feel the weight of it still crushing her shoulders. All the dead soldiers, all the civilians died because the strategy she came up with failed miserably.
Cara closed her eyes and buried her head in her hands. The sob erupted from her throat unintentionally, but she also didn’t try to stop it. She allowed the sobs to escape her lips, she allowed the tears to spill from her eyes, she allowed it all, granted herself the moment of just breaking down, letting it all out. She hugged the blanket closer around her body as the young woman shook from the emotions and how heavy the events of the last hours actually weighed her down.
By the time the tears finally ceased, the sobs slowly quietened, the tea was long cold and the sun has risen fully above the horizon.
It has been a few days and some all-nighters for Cara to finally look through all the files and papers she had. Days and nights to keep herself busy to avoid letting her own emotions overwhelm her again. It was unprofessional and uncalled for right now. She needed to focus. She needed to help.
And she actually did find something. It didn’t give her any answers at all. It more like threw a hint at her; just a page full of questions her mother jotted down about it but without explaining anything.
So now she was in the nearly completely abandoned library aside from the woman at the reception - because no one wanted to spend their time relaxing in a library while a demonic tree grew in the nearby city -  to see whatever she could find the old-fashioned way. There was actually a much bigger chance to find an old long forgotten book about demonology in the depths of the shelves of an old library than to dig through the internet. Not to mention that she knew this library by heart. She always spent time here to do research as long as she was at home and didn’t have to travel for work.
She loved the long, narrow shelves that formed a maze of old, good smelling books full of stories and information just waiting to be discovered by her. Even more did she appreciate though the huge working space in the middle of this maze. Comfortable chairs, old wooden tables, illuminated mostly by daylight shining in through the huge windows. It was nice working in broad daylight.
And today she also appreciated that the lovely weather outside distracted her from the ongoing catastrophe in Red Grave. It allowed her to concentrate more on the matter at hand and not on the fact that she should probably be in the city helping people.
“He who respects the Infant’s faith
Triumphs over Hell and Death.”
Cara raised her head from her book, blue eyes widening a bit, her lips barely so parting as she heard that deep and unique voice. V stood in front of her on the other side of the table, leaning on his cane, a book in his free hand, apparently quoting from it. He closed the book and looked up from it, the corner of his lips rising into a smirk as his green eyes bore into hers.
And they were beautiful. Cara had a hard time denying that, now that she saw the man in broad daylight for the very first time. A bright green, dimmed by strands of wavy black hair falling into his face. His eyes bore into hers and just like before it seemed as if he was looking for something. As if he tried to analyze her, judging her whether or not she could be trusted, if she was a threat to him, just how much of his walls he could break down for her to allow this interaction between them.
There was nothing intimidating about him right now. Whether it was the change of scenery or circumstances. Maybe it was because he stood in a public place, illuminated by the sunlight and not the moon, but Cara also didn’t feel comfortable letting down her own guard around him. She knew nothing about this man aside from him having non-human abilities. She didn’t and couldn’t trust him just as he didn’t.
That, however, was not a reason for not allowing this situation or reject the prospect of a possibly pleasant conversation, as odd as it seemed they would meet here coincidentally. And Cara was definitely not against getting to know him - or new people in general.
“That.. is an interesting quote,” his smirk grew broader for a moment as he obviously read between the lines and noticed how she had absolutely no idea what he was quoting nor what he meant by it. But, he didn’t feel the need to respond to her comment.
“May I?” he asked her nodding towards the chair in front of him across from her.
“Please,” she allowed a smile to appear on her lips as the man slowly, but in an almost elegant way, which she didn’t expect from him, lowered himself into the chair. He reached underneath his black leather vest and put the book away which he quoted from earlier. She was surprised that it was apparently his book. Given they were in a library she assumed he had found it somewhere here.
“So, tell me, what was that quote you said just now?” Cara asked, making a small attempt to break the ice but also because there was a shimmer of interest in her about this since poetry was a topic she basically knew next to nothing about.
“The Auguries of Innocence. By William Blake,” he didn’t sound annoyed at her question at all, rather he seemed to gladly give her that info albeit it was a very short answer.
The name “Blake” rang a bell, but she has neither heard of this poem nor could she think of any other poem by him. So she resorted to not commenting on it. No need to fake her knowing something about it and she suspected V could see through her anyway. Cara nodded.
“Sorry. Poetry is not really my forte.”, she admitted, avoiding eye contact with him and looked back at her notes and the opened book about demonology.
“It rarely is.”
Cara didn’t know what to say to him as a reply, but a apologetic smile appeared on her face, and while there was no indication for it in his voice, his words could easily be interpreted as sad or at least disappointed. Cara knew it could be hard if you didn’t have someone to share a passion with.
“Has your research brought you any results?”
Cara looked at the man a bit surprised, but then she remembered that she told all of them that she would be doing research days ago in Fortuna. Also the fact she held a pen in her hand and was writing down notes from a book was also a big indication.
“Not a lot honestly,” she replied. She didn’t know if she could trust him, she didn’t know him at all, but they at least seemed to be on the same side, and they could use all the help they can get. Not to mention that he did save her life in that tree as well. She might as well share her results so far. Cara reached into her backpack and pulled out a little folder. She pulled a very old, slightly yellowed piece of paper out it, and laid it on the table.
It was just a pencil drawing of a tree that looked suspiciously similar to the one in Red Grave City along with a lot of questions like “where does it come from?”, “how to take it down?”. Basically the same questions they had now, but without any answers.
A tattooed hand reached out to the sheet of paper. Long, slender fingers, which didn’t appear to be the hands of a fighter, they looked like pianist’s hands, too controlled in their movements, too graceful for the hardships of battle, slid the paper slowly closer. Cara forced herself to stop staring and observing his hands with an almost completely unnoticeable shake of her head.
“Was your mother a demon hunter?” he seemed genuinely interested as he eyed the notes on the paper.
“No, but my dad was. She was a journalist. Though she did focus on demons.” Cara replied. Her parents were maybe not the happiest and her most favorite topic but also not something she would completely avoid talking about. And her mother’s work has been helpful in the past already after all. She was just glad when people didn’t linger too long on that topic.
V nodded barely visibly and slid the paper back over to her. She put it back inside her backpack.
“Aside from that actually nothing so far. I haven’t found anything about a giant demonic tree that suddenly spawns in the human world like this,” Cara told him. V looked at her out of his deep green eyes, his brows slightly furrowed. He listened closely to every word she said, she noticed. Despite how… off he looked and appeared, he was rather courteous.
“Do you know anything about it?” Cara dared to ask him, looking him in his eyes with a challenging glance. She assumed he knew more. Not how much but everything about him screamed that he was not completely uninformed. He protected himself too much from her and other people with the barriers and his composure to not have more knowledge about this.
He smirked again.
“It’s called Qliphoth. A tree that grows in the underworld. It grows for 2000 years before breaking through the gate to the human world.”
“I suppose it doesn’t need water and sunlight in order to grow?” it was almost a rhetorical question. The sun didn’t shine in hell and she didn’t know of water existing in hell either. But, he did know what it was. How he knew was a question for another time probably.
“It thrives on human blood.”
Cara didn’t say anything but she nodded as she got the sad confirmation of what she already assumed.
“Do you know how to take it down?” she asked after a longer while. He said he didn’t know back in Fortuna, but maybe he has figured out something during the last few days.
“No. The assumption would be to defeat Urizen.”
“The demon that rises with the Qliphoth. An entity bound to the tree, unable to leave it.”
“Is… this demon the reason you lost?” Cara asked carefully after a while of contemplating what little information V was offering her.
The man nodded. His expression was unreadable, he was hiding his thoughts and emotions well behind his walls but Cara couldn’t imagine that it didn’t affect him. If he truly was on their side, if he cared about the others, then it couldn’t leave him cold and disinterested in their fates.
Silence fell upon them as Cara was thinking about what V said and dug through her mind and brain to come up with an idea, but right now there was just a blank space. She had absolutely no idea.
“V…” She started then, almost whispering. The man looked at her, maybe surprised at her tone, with slightly rosen eyebrows.
“There’s much more to this, right?” she asked him and looked him into his eyes again. There was a flicker of something in there this time - surprise, intrigue, she couldn’t really tell - before he closed his eyes, long lashes flattering against very prominent cheekbones and a smirk broke out on his face again. It gave her the same answer as if he had just said ‘yes’. She nodded, exhaling through her nose and looking away.
“Nothing you need to concern yourself with,” he said then. He didn’t trust her. One bit. The little information he gave her was probably the same information he gave Dante and the others, and now Cara had to occupy her mind with the questions what he’s keeping from her and whether or not she could trust him. At least a little bit.
“I’ll take my leave now. I’ll see you in three weeks in Red Grave City at the church square,” with that the man rose from the chair.
She whispered a quiet “yeah. See you there.” before she watched him walk away, his black hair swinging with his movements, his cane in hand. Cara watched him until he was out of sight before she let her head glide into her hands. She didn’t know what to think or feel.
Why was V even here? And while she was glad for some company, it was the last thing she expected. And he didn’t really give her any answers either. He didn’t trust her, was definitely hiding something and kept his distance as much as possible.
But he has beautiful eyes…
She shook her head, shaking the thought literally from her mind, although she knew those green eyes would probably haunt her until she saw him again.
Alright, think rationally, she told herself and thought about the few things he did say. The tree’s name was Qliphoth and the demon that beat them all was called Urizen. Maybe she could make use of that info after all…
V walked down the steps in front of the library slowly as he felt the faint breeze of energy coursing through his body. Particles of the black ink marking his skin faded, demonic energy left his body as the blue lightning demon manifested next to him. His wings sparkled with the electricity spreading through them, blue feathers filled the air as Griffon shook his body before floating to keep up with V.
“Was there really time for a chitchat like this just now, V?” the bird chastised him.
“It doesn’t throw us back in our schedule,” he replied simply.
At this point he has done everything he could to assist in saving as many people as possible and by now one could only hope that most people have gotten away from Red Grave.
And if that was not the case, it was time to return and try to save as many civilians as possible. It wouldn’t stop the Qliphoth, couldn’t halt its growth, couldn’t stop Urizen from gaining more power, but if it could just give them a few more seconds it would be worth it.
“Then what did you gain from it?”
“She is not in this for her own gain,” V replied, going over what the woman has told him in his mind.
“Are you sure, Shakespeare?!”
But we will see soon, he thought. Of course, she had her own motives. She was talking about how to make up for her mistake. But neither was she a demon nor did she know about the truth of the Qliphoth. She wanted to clear her own conscience. She did not seek the fruit for herself.
And maybe, just maybe did he also seek some form of human contact. And after seeing the woman in the library after checking out some books, he took that chance. Didn’t think, didn’t consider the risk involved, a grave mistake. The last ten years should have taught him different.
Arguably, this was the longest conversation with another human he had in years.
Griffon sighed as he flew next to him, watching him out of his keen, but very thoughtful yellow eyes.
“Just, don’t forget your mission, kid.”
V’s brows furrowed. No, he wouldn’t. He couldn’t. His mission has been with him for over ten years. Has been a beating pulse in the marking on his skin, has been a breathing life flying next to him, has been a weapon in his hand, has been a threat in the back of his head should he even consider disobeying.
They needed to beat Urizen. Or else he could not fulfill his own mission. But Urizen also needed to be stopped. He was too powerful, if they failed to defeat him he would bring the end of this world
He needed to beat him.
V gripped the cane in his hand harder as he felt the weight of his situation trying to break him down.
He needed to proceed, needed to see this through.
Just as he has always done.
Nico could feel her joints make cracking noises as she stretched her arms and legs at her desk. She adjusted her glasses and took a deep, long sip of her coffee as her eyes fell upon the countless drawings and concept art on the table. She grinned as she looked at the most recent one.
It was finally turning out the way she wanted it to be!
She was a genius!
One more all-nighter and she should be able to start getting to the fun part in the morning. Should take her another 24 hours to get a prototype done and then she could finally work on the actual masterpiece.
Nero better be appreciating this.
Nah, Nico may joke a lot, and bicker with him, and tease him, and she meant at least half of it too, but she also knew the dude would know how to appreciate her art.
She would make sure Nero could kick demon ass the same way he used to do it again. She would give him a way to make up for the loss of his arm and maybe it would also cheer him up again. Kyrie had her hands full with the orphans but also with her boyfriend being absolutely down and grumpy. He never acted against her, but it was all around him. Nero had a hard time accepting and coming to terms with what happened.
Getting his ass kicked put him down more than Nico could’ve imagined. He was a proud young man, sure, but that it completely shattered his pride like this… duh…
She would finish her masterpiece, grab some cash from him for it and then they could go to Red Grave City to kick demon ass the proper way again.
She was looking forward to it.
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