#yeah sorry i cant let this go im chewing this over in my head like a dog with a bone only the bone is granite and my teeth hurt
bookshelfdreams · 2 years
i'm thinking about sperm whales
thinking about mammals, made for land, for the pull of gravity and air in their lungs, that went back into the water, went down so far that no light touches them, down to where only the strangest creatures dwell, storybook monsters, unknown and unknowable
thinking about meeting your greatest enemy, your best friend in the depths where the weight of water alone should crush you, meeting a thing with tentacles and a beak instead of a mouth, a thing that squirts ink in the pitch black, how you will eat it if it doesn't drown you
thinking about embraces in the dark, suckers leaving perfect circles of scar tissue, carrying the proof of something existing down there, something no land dwelling creature should ever lay eyes on, carrying it up into the daylight, where no one will understand its meaning
thinking of giants, vicious and gentle, teeth bigger than my hand, who will protect their calves with their bodies and rather get eaten than leave their families behind
thinking about a ship run aground sitting on the sand like a beached whale being slowly crushed under its own mass and how it takes to water again weightless once more, pushed back in by gentle hands, who really only want to see it go
thinking about the rest was just gravity
thinking about calling someone whale when what you mean is fat when what you mean is there's something off about you there's something weird i can't put my finger on you're other you don't belong
thinking about whalers, about waves of blood and giant corpses sinking to the ocean floor for the sharks and the worms, about being hunted to near extinction and still surviving barely
thinking about whales
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bookinit02 · 7 months
HI im so sorry i just finished reading the e4 script and i am just . fuckign speechless i cant articulate at all lol it was soo amazing when i finished i needed to stare at a wall for like three minutes straight just to process hang on one sec hang on a minute let me uh let me jsut two seconds here hangn on HDSHHSDCHSCSCVGSCVGDVGSCDCGSXCGXSCXSCGSGSCGCGHCXGHCGXHCHXHXFFHCHXD#DFFDCEFHDFSNCNKSDCNJDSTHFH3489FDJNHJFVDSHJFDHSDFDHVHGSDCVDGHC489FHJHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i am literally SO OBSESSED you are such a talented writer and im so sorry once again for dumping all my thoughts in ur askbox especially when most are just incoherent but i have so many of them 😭 and this has been on my mind like all day lmao chewing on drywall actually<3333
okay first of all i LOVE HOW EVERYTHING IS COMING TOGETHER IT'S SO INTERESTING all the little plotlines feed into the bigger ones,,,,,, th hive mind isn't toxic plot which means SHITT vecna isnt trying to kill them he's trying to do something Else WHY ARE YOU SO GOOD AT PLOT TWISTS AAAAAAA and the back-and-forth between dustin and robin, the reveal that vecna was trying to force someone out ("where's will?")CHILLS. THE CHILLS. GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD it was so cool omgg omgomgomg. also max's storyline is literally INSANE i am SO INVESTED and i love how you've handled it so far i can't wait to see where you're gonna go with it!! <3 like. LIGHT. run the other way run to the light,,,, and the whole thing with TERRY is so genius it all makes so much sense but i never saw it coming and it was just SOOO SICK to see play out on the script i was on the edge of my damn seat the whole time you are literally SO TALENTED i am yelling sosososo loud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kind of continuing on from that i love all the references to past seasons :D the heart motif with lumax and byler has me in a chokehold btw grnjfrgnjfdjknnfjdgvknjkgfdjnkhehe!!!!!!! and the "you can leave, it's---" the rain is DEAFENING. will FLINCHES. THE RAIN SCENE??? also HELLOOOOOOO EMOTIONAL RAIN SCENE i think i can speak for all of us when i say im FLOOORED!!!!! gahhhhhh I CANT I ACTUALLY CANNOT YOURE AMAZING AND SO IS YOUR WRITING!!! plus the curiosity voyage WHO CHEERED :)
the. the byler quarry scene i. the lead up to it was INCREDIBLE and the gut punch sliding down walls head in hands heartwrenching 1000year brainrot is REAL because it has been my resting state since i read it when it dropped!!!!!! <3 basically my quick review is AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA and woag the slightly less quick review is also AAAAAokay no im kidding dont worry i have soo many thoughts head FULL girl i am so unwell over it "stay" THE CHEEK TOUCH THE HAND OVER HEART THE "i cant" and then it's TOO LATE.throwing up!!!!!THROWING UP and the jump and the running start and the rainstorm as a whole i am . I AM !!!!!!!! I AM SOOOOOOqhjwhjsdhjjhdjhdsjwjsdjhhjdhjehjwejhogufdoudfgjgdfjjwhdjhd dyinf a thousand deaths passing away rn
ANYWAYYY looking back on this i realize how long it is I AM SO SORRY JESUS😭😭😭 but yeah thats my roundabout way of letting you know that this rewrite and the s5 plot and scripts and fic and shoutout to the characterization which you NAILED it's absolutely EVERYTHINGGGG okay i promise im done now im so sorry like i said this got Way Unreasonably Long but thank you sosososo much for sharing this with us i hope you have a great rest of your day!! :D
this is the comment that made me cry at work btw so please never apologize for it being long😭😭 this was soooooo nice of you and it makes me so happy to know that all the work i put into these scripts is being recognized!!
one of the biggest challenges of this script has definitely been all the intersecting plot lines. i’ve never really attempted anything this expansive or complicated before, so there’s definitely a learning curve to it! i’m glad you’re enjoying it so far. & while i don’t think this plot twist is one of my best by any means, and honestly i wasn’t even thinking about it as a plot twist, i’m still glad you liked it! i really adore writing plot twists, and i love the feeling you get when reading something that has been so cleverly executed. it’s really the same feeling that i strive to emulate in all my fics!
i just said this in another ask, but i am SO psyched about max’s plot. i was really stuck on what to do with her, but i didn’t want to sideline her. pairing her up with terry was something that i never considered, but i literally had a revelation one night and was like oh my god that’s PERFECT!! & i haven’t seen anyone else do anything even moderately close, so i’m very excited to try something new.
i love a good reference!! parallels make my heart so happy. or so sad. depending on the circumstance. the rain fight one was a little bit evil, i’ll admit. the curiosity voyage was a lot more fun!
i was also unwell over the quarry scene. i literally cried writing it. i had to take multiple breaks. just ask suni i was SO unwell oh my god😭 so i’m right there with you.
again, please don’t apologize!!! this was incredibly kind of you, and it makes me so unbelievably happy to get comments on my script. this is an episode that i was insanely proud of, and i’m really happy that everyone has enjoyed it so much. thank you so much for all your kind words!!💗🫂
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paula-dano · 2 years
———doctors visit ———
Hi! Im just gonna preface this by saying a few things: first of all I make a reference to the name tucker which, if you don’t remember is Aunt Holly’s and Alex’s dog in the movie 🙃👍. I did extended research on how old Alex was but honestly couldn’t find an exact answer so I did some math and guesstimated lol. I don’t know what specific mental disorders Alex has other than Stockholm syndrome but I 99.9% think he has anxiety so I looked up random anxiety meds 😯👍. Oh yeah and I couldn’t leave the dog with terrible holly so he’s mine now 🤗. UHMM lastly I am literally the worst writer ever because I honestly couldn’t make up my mind on what we are to Alex so use your imagination here 😻😻😻😻😘😘😍😘😘😘😍😍😍. Ok now go read, bye😋.
You and Alex had to go to the doctors, his least favorite thing in the WORLD. It was terrible, people touching his face, people touching his arms, his legs, his stomach, his everything. Not to mention the sights and smells and feels. The lights were to bright and he could hear them flicker, it smelled clean but too clean and everything was just wrong.
“Alex jones?” A joyful nurse called for him, implying that it was his turn.
So they went through the routine, check your weight, “The floor is so cold.”, check your height, “I don’t like that thing touching my head.”, how good is your eyesight?, “Oh no I really needed new glasses.”.
It was just so so stressful for him but you needed to take him. You try to explain over and over that he needs to for his health but he doesn’t know if he’ll ever fully understand why.
“Ok Alex let’s go into room 2!” The nurse says.
He liked the number 2, it was his lucky number! Everything was better in a pair, socks, shoes, people, foods, everything from his knowledge.
Alex put his shoes back on and you put your hand on his back to kind of guide him forward into the room. He was reassured by this.
Alex sat down on the doctors bench and you sat down on the chair beside it. And right before the nurse left she said “Ok! The doctor will be with you soon.”
The clock was ticking, the bright lights were flickering and the thin piece of paper they put on the bench felt like sand paper. He was trying just to zone out like he usually did but was interrupted by your voice.
“Alex? We don’t have much longer, it’ll be over soon.” You tried to sooth him of his worries and anxiety.
He only gave a little, slightly annoyed “Hmhmm.”
And then the doctor came in and asked all the normal questions,
“Alex, how old are you?” She asks.
“32.” he answers, he’s been practicing all morning what he’s going to say to the doctor just so he didn’t mess up. But you told him if he ever forgot anything or messed up you’d be right there to help him.
“Do you have any allergies?” The doctor questions.
“No ma’am.” He says to her.
“Ok, … do you take any medications?” She asks.
Oh shoot. This is the one, it was aumm..something long. He tried his best but he couldn’t cough it up. He was so angry at himself.
“Stupid Alex, why cant you remember anything?”, “Alex, you cant do anything by your self.”, “Alex, this is why everyone thinks you’re so weird and dumb.”.
“Uhh.” Is the only thing he managed to squeak out.
And you guys looked at each other which meant that you could speak.
“He takes Clonazepam for anxiety.” You say.
“Mkay! And do you consume any nicotine or alcohol Alex?” She asks.
Again, Alex responds “No ma’am.” With a little sharp, quiet breath following after. He was trying not to cry.
So they move on and the doctor checks his heart, his lungs, his reflexes, his eyes, his ears, his back, everything. After all that the doctor said that they were “All done and fine to leave!”
Right when the both of you left the office he immediately started chewing on his nails, a bad habit that he promised to you that he wouldn’t do in public.
Then you both sat in the car and you apologized. “I’m sorry we have to do that Alex, I know you hate it, but it’s only once a year.” You were only trying to help.
And Alex burst, he was so overwhelmed. So, so, so overwhelmed.
“Mhmmmm STOPP!” He yelled, put his hands over his ears and closed his eyes.
And he was just kind of sobbing, but not really, actually shedding tears?
“Ok, I’m sorry…” You whispered.
He calmed down a bit and you just kind of looked at him quizzically, not really knowing what to do.
“I practiced, why cant I get it right?” He cried.
You frowned, “I know, you’ll get it.”
“And it’s so loud in there. I don’t like it.” He says .
“I know, I know, ok buddy let’s get home.” You say as you start the car.
And the whole way there he’s dead asleep.
When you get home you regretfully wake Alex up from his very, rare occurring, peaceful sleep so you could actually get inside.
And while you were walking inside you said, “yknow what? At least you didn’t have to get poked by needles today.” Trying to make this experience at-least a tiny bit positive.
Alex said “yeah” and nodded his head in agreement.
After the both of you got some pajamas you started making dinner and Alex watch some TV while playing with Tucker which always made him feel better whenever he was upset.
You two had frequently joked that Tucker could be his service dog if he weren’t so dumb.
“Alex! Dinners ready!!” You told him and he walked over to the diner table with tucker slung of his arm.
“Alex you cant hold the dog and eat at the same time.” You giggled.
“Hmm, yeah, sorry.” He had thought that over, agreed with you then set Tucker down on the floor.
At dinner you talked about what you both could have done to make the visit better.
In the end you worked something out for next time, thankfully.
After dinner Alex and you brushed your teeth and hair and went to bed.
“Good night Alex!” You said in the pitch dark right before bed.
“Good night.” He said in a soft tone. You could just imagine his small smile even if you couldn’t really see it.
“Alex?” You asked.
“Mhm?” He answered.
“I love you.” You said to him.
“I love you.” He said back.
And you both fell asleep almost instantly after that.
This took long as poop so u guys better eat this UPP || @somebodyoncetoldmeposts
Hope this is good enough and thank you so much for the request! Feel free to send more (-:
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pesterloglog · 5 months
Jake English, Roxy Lalonde
Act 6, page 5805-5814
GT: Roxy?
GT: Rox! What is she saying?
GT: Talk to me roxy!!!
GT: Please dont leave me hanging here.
GT: I cant take it i cant bear having two of my closest chums hate me and then having you shut me out on top of that!
TG: ok sheesh jake calm ur microshorts
TG: im here
GT: Ah there you are.
GT: Im sorry for being a pest but i just see jane there pecking away at conversations with you and dirk and it feels like youre all kind of leaving me behind.
TG: no jake nobodys doin that
GT: Ok yeah im probably being paranoid...
GT: But ive done such a bangup job of alienating my other friends.
GT: So youre the only one i can talk to for now.
GT: Wait i havent alienated you yet have i?
TG: nah dont worry we are still humanated
GT: Are you really sure roxy? Are you sure youre not just trying to spare my feelings?
GT: You can be honest with me! If you hate me now too please just say so.
TG: no i dont hate you i promise youre still my bro god dammit!
GT: Ok. Phew!
GT: Then talk to me!
TG: um
TG: about what
GT: I dont know. Anything! What are you talking about with jane?
TG: my drinkin problems
GT: I see.
GT: Would you like to talk about them with me? Maybe i could help!
TG: damn jake
TG: like
TG: that is cool and appreciated in theory?
TG: but this is some kinda heavy shit 4 me
TG: i rly dunno if i can do double duty on my alcoholism with you and jane simultaneously
GT: Oh. Yeah thats probably not the best way to go.
TG: yes prolly not
GT: Sooo then. What else is there we can chew the old fat about?
GT: Really bond over together in an emotionally fulfilling manner?
TG: dag you are an extra silly guy
GT: Well??
TG: dunno j why dont u tell me what youre thinkin an we go from there
GT: Alright.
GT: So. That sure was a doozy of a kiss you gave dirk there huh?
TG: LOL fuck
TG: yeaaaahhh
GT: How was it?
TG: it was
TG: uuuummmmm
GT: Go on!
TG: it was fuckin INAPPROPRIATE!!!!!
TG: and yet
TG: and yet.........
TG: omg it was so choice
TG: but wrong!
TG: wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong
GT: I dont know. It seemed innocent enough to me.
GT: What was so wrong about it?
TG: a whole host of things...
TG: not sure in how much detail i wanna spell out why exactly it wasnt cool
TG: but like
TG: jake ur a pretty simple guy and i mean that as <3ways as possible
TG: it just wasnt right
GT: No disagreement there. But like i said im here to talk about whatever you feel like.
TG: ok see this is just another embarrassing thing from my past
TG: when i was more out of control
TG: with dirk i was just
TG: waaay too aggressive
TG: i hassled him all the time
TG: pretty much every day just like he said
TG: about
TG: me and him
TG: like
TG: yeah
TG: so not cool lookin back on it
TG: and i had no excuse i always knew he was just
TG: SUCH a gay dude
TG: and i guess maybe hitting on a guy who dont like girls once or twice maybe is alright or even flattering but after so long it was probably just pissing him off or messing with his head or something
TG: it def wasnt what he wanted to hear from a friend
TG: let alone day in and day out through garbled drunktexts
TG: so when i fuckin harassed him into kissin me...
TG: it just brought back some low rent shit i thought we put behind us
TG: just another way i completely humiliated myself in front of him
GT: So is that why you cant talk to him now?
TG: mmmmmmmm hmmmmmmm
GT: I certainly have no trouble relating to that.
TG: yep
TG: i dont even know why really
TG: hes like taciturn to the max about everything
TG: but theres somethin about him
TG: that just makes it hurt to feel like you let him down
GT: You really love him dont you?
TG: siiigh
TG: yeah jake i guess
TG: the answer is
TG: a categorical unapologetic fucking 'yeah'
TG: but
TG: i dont think that was much a secret
TG: and the fact that it was so LOUDLY not a secret exemplified my stupidity on the matter
GT: Its fair to say i never came close to feeling as strongly about him as you.
GT: I envy you actually. Ive actually worried at times that i just wasnt capable of feeling that way about anyone.
GT: And maybe thats why i was just meant to be alone.
TG: ehh you aint missin much
TG: love is a brutal shitninja w/ turds 4 nunchucks
TG: be grateful that stank ass motherfuckers flippin out nowhere near you
GT: I noticed you nearly slipped that wedding ring on his finger!
TG: oh GOD
TG: that ring
GT: You almost scooped my boyfriend out from under me in one fell proposal.
TG: oh DID i
TG: from under u eh? ;)
GT: Wait. No i mean...
TG: ;););););) wonks 4 eternity
TG: easy dude just messin
GT: Oh.
GT: Ha ha ok.
TG: man
TG: that ring tho
TG: what happened to it do you remember?
GT: Not really.
TG: god damn it
TG: must of lost it when i was a FUCKING trickster
TG: sflkjfslkfj
TG: *shakes fist @ all trxstrs*
GT: Did you need it for something?
TG: need it?
TG: not really
TG: i just really liked that ring
TG: kinda spoke to me in a way
TG: hehe
TG: want to know something lame?
GT: Yes.
TG: the moment i first saw that ring
TG: i was like in my head
TG: thinkin
TG: some day i want to give that ring to the person i marry
TG: whoever that is
GT: Daw.
GT: Thats not lame thats nice.
TG: nah its pretty lame but w/e
TG: shows what sorta one track mind i got
TG: god i am obsessed with findin somebody to kiss arent i
TG: it is rly quite pathetic
TG: although the funny thing is the ring turns you invisible
TG: which might be my subconscious telling me something about my lovelife
TG: like i find a guy of my dreams
TG: slip it on his finger
TG: and POOF he disappears!
TG: bye bye hubby
TG: o well dont matter
TG: the ring is gone
TG: and with it so too
TG: are my lame, lame dreams ;(
0 notes
hello, catmmom! meowmeow! im a little late today but! its finally day! aww jinjin is so great! hell meet you like this soon! 'my teacher says its good to cry 2 a week' yeah you have! idk if i really actually cry that much but ive got some eye drops for the lenses. im SO sorry for the onion TT hope your eyes are cleaned now hgjfkd. i wasnt like DRINKING but i had a couple of drinks in the friends home and she lives pretty close. i wasnt drunk but i had a drunk friend whos going home w/me TT my ass was attacked... 'because being drunk is so fascinating' it never ends well... hope youll be careful with it and not die on the way home. 'cos filipino is neutral everything' yeah i love that in languages. its nice. but also for me as a person whose language has genders it not really convenient... 'i guess you like spoken poetry with background' this is literally the definition of the music i used to listen when i was 13... 'i love the kitties and the cutie bb girl <3' oh CUTE isnt it :з CANT WAIT TO BE AN ADULT *star eyes* im not mocking your guess, its just amusing in general... im sorry for your jaw. i really am. when i found this video i was pretty much like this. but this video is like 12 years old and i really dont know the real reason for it so.. ok let it be... 'experience affect us as a person' it wasnt that deep TT i just got some vibes of that album and liked to listen to it while reading the fics? the hotd (just medival royalty) fics and that album just match in me head. 'it bothered me so much' omg im sorry for your brain TT hope its ok now since that time. 'i just ignore everyone' YEAH while all my friends are worried and try to not enter(?) log in to the social media to seem like they havent seen a message, i dont even care, i just ignore everyone TT except you <з 'i never even learned about stevens mom' OOOH youre such a baby in this ghdjkfh. its ok if you dont want to watch it, the music is still fine af. 'thats why i like making my fem characters chew their male' yaas queen! make men miserable again! 'i think ur just judgy' no im not like plainly insult the people i dont like. im just irritated TT why im boo???? he literally put his fetish in his MOST famous novel that we study in the 9th grade?? i couldnt ignore like? half of the page? AHAJSJD i was confused when i started from the season 5 too GHDJFJJ one big brain cell. hope you liked the episode at least? KITTY FOR GOOD LUCK TT meowmeow TT this poor stray TT hope hes doing great... 'YUCK' we call it national humor. 'ill always be old to someone and young to others' so true so big brained. 'DID YOU EXPECT THAT ID DATE HIM' NO well.... but no. it was just a little amusing with its bluntness. AHFJJGG this game looks so cool. plutos doing its best TT 'who cares if theres smth like this you nor i have not written it' so true so big brained. hope to see it too ghjdjdd. sorry this time i have no fic idea bc i want to sleep. but i wish you good luck w/your fics. 'my deimos and phobos queen' HGJDKG ITS A HONOUR THANKS!! theyre actually translated as dread and fear... greek gods... 'IS THE SKY CLOSER WTF THERE' like ive said the atmosphere is thinner and basically?... its reallyreally a lot more abstract than in reality? but the constellations are definately closer. but also weve got a very dry air so people in the north tend to have problems with breathing. idk ive recalled it bc we say that theres not enough oxygen? but its not fully truth so yeah ok biology lesson is over. im gonna sleep and youre gonna have a nice evening! good luck with everything you need to do! take care<З
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i actually read your letter yesterday right when you sent it but i was so focus on writing my fic and it look me like 99hours to finish so T_T
love letter time!!!
im a little late today but! its finally day!
thats fine T_T im also late. im glad you messaged me during the day
aww jinjin is so great! hell meet you like this soon!
im luv him T_T
'my teacher says its good to cry 2 a week' yeah you have! idk if i really actually cry that much but ive got some eye drops for the lenses.
😞im becoming like my mom. i keep repeating information AHHAAHHA. and omg you need lenses. dang you got bad eyesight T_T RIP at least you got eye drops
im SO sorry for the onion TT hope your eyes are cleaned now hgjfkd.
T_T I MEAN I GUESS BUT IT HURTS or i mean it hurt at the time. you dont have to apologize about the onion. are you an onion?
i wasnt like DRINKING but i had a couple of drinks in the friends home and she lives pretty close. i wasnt drunk but i had a drunk friend whos going home w/me TT my ass was attacked...
you were attacked??? by your drunk friend??? LOL HAHAHAHA. im glad you only drank some drinks with a friend that lives nearby. that's my ideal way to drink <3 LOL im saying this as though ive drank more than one occasion AHHHAHA. youre such a good girl for bringing your friend home [pets head]
'because being drunk is so fascinating' it never ends well... hope youll be careful with it and not die on the way home.
HAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH i will be careful dont worry i love you thank you for caring
'cos filipino is neutral everything' yeah i love that in languages. its nice. but also for me as a person whose language has genders it not really convenient...
yeah its so much more convenient but also so much simpler. #russianmid HAHAHAH i wonder why languages thought it was a good idea to make words fem and masc ??? LOL HAHAHH
'i guess you like spoken poetry with background' this is literally the definition of the music i used to listen when i was 13...
'i love the kitties and the cutie bb girl <3' oh CUTE isnt it :з CANT WAIT TO BE AN ADULT *star eyes* im not mocking your guess, its just amusing in general...
im sorry for your jaw. i really am. when i found this video i was pretty much like this. but this video is like 12 years old and i really dont know the real reason for it so.. ok let it be...
DAMN omg then theres a good chance that child is like.... our age? klsgahf;lhasflashf;lashfl;ashfsalh LOL my jaw is fine btw SAL:HDLAHDLA
'experience affect us as a person' it wasnt that deep TT
DAMN OK i mean i didnt know what to say about it and i didnt want to skip it 😞😩 but maybe i should have T_T i cant believe you ur so mean T_T HAHA jk lol AHHAHAHHA
i just got some vibes of that album and liked to listen to it while reading the fics? the hotd (just medival royalty) fics and that album just match in me head.
'it bothered me so much' omg im sorry for your brain TT hope its ok now since that time.
ASFHLASHFLASHFSAHFAF ive never recovered T_T i need brain intervention or smth T_T HAHHAH
'i just ignore everyone' YEAH while all my friends are worried and try to not enter(?) log in to the social media to seem like they havent seen a message, i dont even care, i just ignore everyone TT except you <з
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i love that for me <3 im honored that you love me so much to respond to me every time T_T [CRYING]
ALSO YOUR FRIEND HAHAHHAHHAHHAHAHAAHHAHA low key like me, except i try not to log in to purposefully ignore messages HAHAHHAHAAHHAAHAHHA T_T
'i never even learned about stevens mom' OOOH youre such a baby in this ghdjkfh.
?????????????????????????????????????? why am i a baby? im not offended im just confused ??????????
its ok if you dont want to watch it, the music is still fine af.
i mean i want to watch it but also im not going to search for it so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i guess im not going to watch it
'thats why i like making my fem characters chew their male' yaas queen! make men miserable again!
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😡🤬✊ i think deserve
'i think ur just judgy' no im not like plainly insult the people i dont like. im just irritated TT
why im boo????
HELP YOURE NOT BOO I LOVE YOU T_T i said you too you boo to your mr worldwife dude AHAHHAH also i didnt mean like boo 👎👎👎 as in bad, i mean like boo which is a term of endearment T_T im so sorry. it was like an expression, it would be the same as you do you babe. T_T english is such a rat T_T im so sorry
he literally put his fetish in his MOST famous novel that we study in the 9th grade?? i couldnt ignore like? half of the page?
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HE WHAT HAHAHAHHAHAHAH PLS HALF A PAGE>? LOL ughsssssssssss i wonder what ur teacher said to a bunch of 9th graders, 'a yes today we will be learning about kinks cos this moron likes feet and dedicated a whole section of that to his work T_T' LOL
AHAJSJD i was confused when i started from the season 5 too GHDJFJJ one big brain cell. hope you liked the episode at least?
I MEAN I LIKED THE EPISODE i watched the day of the doctor, the one with david tennant and matt smith and john hurt and all that and it was funny and cute but also ??? very confusion much idk ??? to some parts. it was plain to me that it was meant for people who have been watching doctor who up until that point so i couldnt appreciate it as much, and the idea overwhelmed me, like i would have to watch at least the entirety of david's dw to get it and i mean i wanted to start with him but whatever BYE
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oMG i also watched this episode. and the van gogh ep with matt. thats it. never again T_T
KITTY FOR GOOD LUCK TT meowmeow TT this poor stray TT hope hes doing great...
me too. he's kind a mean tho. there is a cat in our street at... was maltreated by someone T_T oh no am i going to cry. the poor kitty is missing a paw and has cuts on their body FUCK ANYWAY that sweet cat that i pet was mean to that injured kitty T_T so.... i mean theyre just cats T_T but T_T i haven't seen the injuered cat in a while T_T i thought the kitty was getting better. but idk where the poor cat went.
'YUCK' we call it national humor.
'ill always be old to someone and young to others' so true so big brained.
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'DID YOU EXPECT THAT ID DATE HIM' NO well.... but no. it was just a little amusing with its bluntness.
T_T please. i have been straightforward thus far so /: HAAHH of course id tell that story that way AHAHA
AHFJJGG this game looks so cool. plutos doing its best TT
'who cares if theres smth like this you nor i have not written it' so true so big brained. hope to see it too ghjdjdd.
<3 big brain everyday
sorry this time i have no fic idea bc i want to sleep.
??? THATS FINE???? you dont have to give me fic ideas everyday ??? GIRL
but i wish you good luck w/your fics.
thank you 😩✊ i finished one yesterday after not posting for 2 days T_T i usually post every other day so im happy to finish that fic <3 now i gotta finish editing that song cover i did so you can watch it AHAHAHAH
'my deimos and phobos queen' HGJDKG ITS A HONOUR THANKS!! theyre actually translated as dread and fear... greek gods...
OHEMGEE WOW i didnt realize <3 that's so good to know that you for telling me. also HAHHHAH i wonder why- OOP NEVER MIND oh wait nvm again i was gonna say its because hades and dread and fear live in the underworld ??? (at least based on the disney hercules HAHHAHAHAHAAH) but mars is ares so LOL HAHA it could be because dread and fear follow war T_T RIP THEY WERE TOO REAL FOR THAT
'IS THE SKY CLOSER WTF THERE' like ive said the atmosphere is thinner and basically?... its reallyreally a lot more abstract than in reality? but the constellations are definately closer. but also weve got a very dry air so people in the north tend to have problems with breathing. idk ive recalled it bc we say that theres not enough oxygen? but its not fully truth so yeah ok biology lesson is over.
T_T THE AIR IS DRIER THERE RIP YOUR LUNGS as someone who lives in a very humid place, i think T_T russia would come and bonk me in the head if i ever went there T_T 💀 on my grave. thank you for trying to explain it to me. its very interesting to know. i am both fascinated by the fact and feel bad kinda that your climates are so harsh T_T LASHFHASFHLAS but hey at least you can see the stars better !!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE THAT FOR YOU
im gonna sleep and youre gonna have a nice evening! good luck with everything you need to do! take care<З
i hope you had a nice sleep! im luv you! i hope you have a wonderful day my love <3
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cursestothemoon · 3 years
hellooooo<3 so, ive always loved the idea of Harry having an older protective sister(he really need one😭) could u pls do a headcanon of how she protects harry and their relationship? annnnddd how she also is dating Fred?? my heart needs it, pls and thank u❤️
(also i switch from third person pov to second person in the middle of this so im sorry :) but its fine ) 
i know a common headcanon/ fancanon for harry’s sister is that she looks like lily 
but hear me out 
Y/n Potter who looks exactly like James 
i mean to the T
and Lily would always make little teasing comments about how both her kids look like their dad and james is just :)
just picture it 
dark brown, wavy hair that was just tussled enough at all times
blue eyes
and the round rimmed glasses that James used to wear
i made myself cry
lets talk protecting harry first then we will get into dating fred 
so she’s older meaning she’d be in Hogwarts for before him
let’s say she's two years older
George and Fred’s year
and she’d hear the whispers about her 
and i think she wouldn't tell harry
she would know the story of how their parents died and who harry was to the wizarding community but in an effort to protect Harry’s innocence and childhood for just a little while longer she wouldn’t tell him
at least not until he got to school then she’d be the one to tell him everything 
she is fiercely protective of Harry 
if someone so much as looked at him funny she was chewing their head off 
Harry might’ve been like James 
but Y/n Potter is James 
down to the way her eyes would narrow at someone in class when they made a rude comment 
or she’d try to charm her way out of trouble 
or charm Harry out of trouble
Mcgonagall almost cried 
she needed a moment 
ok Y/n would take the first week or so just to show Harry around Hogwarts 
she did not care if she was late
Harry was going to feel comfortable 
she is also part of the team, a chaser
will get spend most of the first few games with Harry making sure he’s ok
yeah malfoy doesn’t stand a chance
never did
10/10 would use the cloak to prank him
all the time
nothing is out of limits 
especially after he’s been nasty to Harry and his friends
growing up harry gets all embarrassed when she protects him because hes 15!1!1! he can handle it 
she is kinda hurt 
very dramatic 
“y/n... please”
“where are you going?”
Ron was giggling on the couch in the common room he thought this whole scene was hilarious 
ron thinks she is so cool
ok i think she’d also have these little bits of lily that would shine through
unlike harry and james, who could just inhale near a book and get just above average grades
she took pride in studying and being able to sit down and absorb material 
Lily always passed with flying colors because she was a good student who wanted to prove herself 
it was the satisfaction of spending hours studying and being able to retain the information and apply it to earn an amazing grade that she loved
she passed this on to you
as well as her kindness to people who she believed deserved it
and quick wit
you two also had the same hands 
you had everything else from James but your hands looked like your mothers
down to the way your nails grew and fingers held a quill
snape hated it
because he really couldn’t hate you
he was weird around you though
hes just weird
where he'd bully and embarrass Harry 
he couldn’t do that to you because you wouldn’t give him the chance to
you knew the material
you knew the answer 
and he hated how when your hand shot up it looked just like Lily’s 
but you were making the stupid face James would when he’d concentrate 
you did not like snape
at first you were impartial 
then when you heard how rude he was to Harry...
it was also over for him
he didn’t stand a chance 
you had an affinity for pranks, fiercely protective, and you had gall 
your hand writing also looked like Lilys and snape had a rough time grading your essays
tough for him 
also if any rumors went around about harry you were quick to make them actually about you
harry is the heir of slytherin?
actually no Y/n Potter is, there is no evidence but we just heard that it was her somewhere 
you didn’t care as long as no one was being rude to Harry
so you don’t go with them on the hunt for Horcrux 
and you’d be going insane not knowing how they were or if they were ok
because all your life you had been able to protect to some extent 
but you were completely helpless now
you could do nothing
and then at the battle of hogwarts 
no one stood a chance
the feeling of seeing harry again
beaten, bruised, but still alive 
it was overwhelming
then seeing Hagrid crying in his seemingly dead body
also overwhelming
because you had failed 
you couldn't protect him 
and he heard you scream first 
it was loud and strangled and Harry felt so bad but he knew he had to do this 
I like to think Y/n Potter is the one who killed Voldemort in the end 
you cant argue with me on this sorry
lets talk
dating freddie
so he’d probably notice you here and there starting in first year
but he was an eleven year old boy and girls were not on his radar right now
but he thought you were funny and pretty cool 
and your round glasses that were just a little too big for your adolescent face made you look cute 
then you tried out for the quidditch team with him and George 
you were amazing 
not only did you have James natural talent for the sport but that paired with Lily’s tactical thinking and quick mind
you were unstoppable 
you were brought on the team as a seeker 
and you were good at it too, but it wasn’t you’re favorite position
it entailed a lot of waiting and not really moving until you caught sight of the snitch
it was your excellent flying mixed with the fact that you literally had no sense of self preservation that made you a really good seeker
you'd just
nose dive 
if you hit the bottom you hit the bottom oh well 
but when Harry showed up you were happy to give him your position as seeker and take on the more exciting (at least to you) job of chaser
it was your quidditch playing that really got fred’s attention
because you were good 
and during team lunches or team hang outs you were always the life of the party
not because you were avidly trying to be 
but like james, people jus gravitated to your goofiness and happiness 
it was about the middle of fifth year fred realized he had a crush on you
and little man was panicked 
you had noticed fred before that
but he was always just the funny guy on the team 
but as everyone knows the potter’s have a thing for gingers 
and it was when they came to pick you and Harry up from the Dursley's just before the quidditch world cup that you saw how attractive he really was 
please its james and lily all over again
you become the funniest person in the room when he’s around
always smiley
freddie bug
it would get to the point you'd be just blatantly flirting 
and fred bluSHES
usually he is the one to pick up girls
he has the charm
likes to make them blush
he could barely get a compliment in between your flirting
“Morning Freddie bug, looking cute as always.”
George thinks it both hilarious and disgusting
ron just thinks its disgusting 
but fred is ultimately the one to make the first move to be more than just friends who flirt when the yule ball comes around
he asks you
“Potter! Potter!”
“You, me, Yule ball....”
and as he’s pantomiming it (ya know like in the movie) he also pantomimes a very heavy make out session then what you could assume would be kisses all over your face
it was now your turn to blush as you agreed to go with him
you guys started dating after that :)
“i see why you’re with me. it’s my hair isnt it?”
“what? no its no-”
“you probably wouldn’t even look my way if i didn’t have red hair. you potters are unbelievable.”
“you are such a dummy”
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nanaminsonyfans · 3 years
Comfort Headcanons
a/n; not requested but i need this rn. its more of a vent piece rather than anything else. as for the second half, those are personally all my thoughts and worries with my scars. like a i, a vent piece.
warning; mention of periods, s*lf harm, scars, and poor body image.
Being on your period with him
Mark came home late as usual to see you clutching his sweater he wore everyday. You were curled up in the fetal position and groaning. You looked almost dead. He got worried immediately.
"Y/n, baby." He whispers softly, wrapping his arms around you, not even bothering to take his super-suit off. You smiles a little at the comfort and warmth of him against your back and waist.
"Yes?" "What's wrong?" "Cramps...." You mumble, almost embarrassed. What if he didnt want to be around you. Even though you've been dating forever, and you usually stay at his place, that fear was always in the back of your head.
"Period?" You just nod, chewing the inside of your cheek. "What are you craving?" He was so sweet, even if you weren't craving anything and told him so, he would still get you something.
"The frozen yogurt from that place in Australia." You mumble and he gets up. "I'll be right back with that, then I'll change and cuddle. Deal?" You smile at him, he loves your smile so much.
Rex had been cuddling you back at the Guardian headquarters. He knew of your monthly, tracked it even. He may be a douche but he cares for his s/o.
So here he was, holding the heating pad against your waist, rubbing the balls of your hips softly. His hands were rough from being a hero but, sometimes it was nice.
The way you were secure in his arms made you feel safer than ever. You're blinks got more slow as you tried to watch the movie with your boyfriend. He chuckled softly, your back vibrating being of his laugh.
"Baby, just sleep...you'll feel better if you do." "But....'anna....'end time 'ith yous..." You slur, half awake. "You are babe. Now sleep...." Rex kisses your head softly, earning a hum from you.
He sees your SH scars for the first time
You two had been dating for awhile. Not long enough to have sex just yet but, long enough to have heavy make outs. But currently you weren't doing that.
It was Mark's birthday and you took him to your family's lake house. William, Eve, and Amber came too. It was easier to convince your parents that way.
You stared at your reflection in the mirror.
The swimsuit was cute, it suited any body type, but it showed a little too much...of your hips for your liking. You shook your head.
You did everything to try and get rid of the scars. Coconut oil? didnt work. Foundation? Also didnt, pls you were going swimming. Bandages? too obvious-
You were snapped out of your thoughts when there was a knock on the door.
"Hey, Y/n, you gonna come out yet?" "In-In a second!" You panicked. Fuck! You cant go out. it went from your hip to a little bit of your thigh. He was gonna fucking notice-
"Are you okay? I'm coming in-" "No dont-!"
He came in. At first he was awestruck by you. You looked amazing in that! His eyes wondered and he saw.
Yeah you had a few scars on your arms, but those healed, they werent as discolored as the ones on your hips. Didn't help that you would basically relapse every other week.
"Y/n-" "I-I know...you probably think I'm ugly an-and an attention whore and you dont want to be with me anymore. That's fine- i wouldn't want me either-"
His soft fingers trailed across the scars. Mark placed a small kiss on your forehead, a small yet sympathetic smile.
"I love you. Nothing will change that. Okay?" He says with those amazing eyes. Eyes that were telling the truth.
This man was handsy. So if you relapsed, the next day he knew, or he knew something was up. You opened up about it once, but he said he didnt care, as long as you were okay.
You weren't okay.
After a relapse, the next day you would cuddle Rex, his hands would go to your hips and you would flinch, then wince. It stung.
You never bothered to clean it because, you deserved this. Everything bad happening to you was of your doing.
You knew you were a horrible person. You didnt know why the fuck Rex would he with someone LIKE you. What the fuck made you special? You don't deserve any of this love or happiness.
And thats why you relapse. Because you dony deserve it. You dont deserve Rex, your friends, or being a superhero.
Right now, you were cuddling Rex. You had shorts on that were riding up a tad, showing more of your thigh. You didn't notice that your scars and discoloration from said scars were visible, until Rex's thumb grazed eyes over it.
"Y/n...you said you stopped..." You thought he was disappointed in you. Who wouldn't be? Plus you fucking lied to him. But no, it was just concern.
"I-I know and im sorry." You whisper and grab his hand, pulling it away. "You probably dont want me now. I'm ugly. I'll never be as attractive as Eve or Mark or Kate or-or..."
You cried as you stumbled over your words, cursing at yourself.
"Stop it." Rex looked stern. "I love you. You could be a turtle for all i care and id still love you. Even if that is beastiality." "Turtles can speak-" "Yeah but...." You let out a small giggle.
"Whatever." Rex grumbled with a slight smile. "But, no matter what, i will love you. Forever. Okay?" You nod, hugging him. "Just....come to me next time?"
"I'll try." "That's all i ask for..."
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cvtqr · 3 years
hm, boring
parings; jean kirstein x reader x marco
content warning; relationship with sharing, hair pulling, face fucking, degradation, spanking, squirting, horse cock marco, + someone additional listening in
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“jeannn~ ‘m tired. come cuddle with me pleaseee~” 
there he goes, ignoring you. nothing new though. every single night jean would be on his god damn game with his friends. night time was the only time you two could spend together because of your jobs getting in the way. he doesn't even like eren yet he choose playing with him over paying attention to you? tch, what a joke.
that's when the idea popped in your head. you reached over to the nightstand, grabbed your phone, and opened your messages. 
hey bodt! come over and hang with me n jean, haven't seen you in awhile :)
y/nnn!!! i was actually just doin some work at the cafe by your apartment! guess i’ve been overworking myself that i haven't had the time to come hangout with my best friends :(( but since it’s friday i guess ill drop by ≧◡≦
yeah it’s not good to overwork yourself! we’ve missed you, see you soon !
yup ;)
:)***** sorry y/n clicked the wrong button (・_・ヾ
its fine haha, see ya bodt!
you giggled to yourself. yeah, he was your and your boyfriends best friend, but he really was adorable. such a gentleman. 
well that's when he isn't drilling into your tight little cunt while jean jacks off to the sight...
“who were you texting now that you’re all giggly?”
“just inviting someone over!”
that came out not so much like a question
“marco! we haven't seen him in awhile.” you said while walking up behind jean in his chair. 
he spun around in his chair and looked up at you, patting his lap. of course you weren't going to refusing sitting in his arms, so you snuggled into his lap.
“simp. hi y/n”  you faintly heard from jean’s headset 
you took his headset, since they were just in the lobby of a game, and put it over your head. 
“hiiii eren.”
“give me that you little shit.”
you lightly slapped him on his cheek and got up to sit back on your bed, hearing him chuckle.
little did you know you were going to regret thet later 
it wasn't long before you heard marco knock on the front door. 
you ran out of the bedroom and unlocked the door for him, greeting him with a warm hug. 
“ok so i kind of lied. i just wanted you to come over. but that's only because jeans ignoring me!” 
before giving him a chance to respond you took his arm and dragged him to the bedroom. 
“hey hey jean!”
you rolled your eyes and plopped down onto your bed, marco following behind you. you knew that jean has an agreement to share you from time to time, so you cuddled up into his strong arms, resting your head on his broad chest. 
he smiled and squeezed you tight. but when jean saw you two from the reflection, he was mad. he knew that he shouldn't have a reason to be mad though, he was the one rejecting giving you the much needed attention. he didn't know if it was because marco was the reason you were smiling right now, or the fact that his hand was roaming a little too far up your thigh. 
but what jean didn't know was that marcos been... well, sexually frustrated. like he said before, he been burying himself way too deep into work. being a CEO was a lot of work, even for someone as bright as marco. he used to go at it a little too frequently, but now he never even has the chance to jack off. 
so what was his real reason for coming here.
“eren are you there? eren? erennn”
not bothering to shut anything off he put his head set down on his desk and walked over to you and marco. 
 “you guys hungry?”
you slowly opened your eyes, looking over to jean.
you and marco both nodded your heads.
15 minutes later the three of you were gathered in the living room, you and jean sitting on either side of marco. 
everyone was laughing while jean teased you as always. but when you went to go playfully smack his head? the cup of ice cold water in your hand tipped over and spilt all over marco’s jeans.
“ ‘m so sorry hold on!!”
you ran up and into the kitchen grabbing a hand towel. you came back to the couch, sitting back in your spot, taking the towel, dabbing it all over the stain on marco’s pants. you didn't know why he was blushing to an extent though. 
“its, its fine y/n! its just water it’ll dry”
you removed the towel to reveal a huge bulge in his pants. so that's why he was so embarrassed.
“im sorry, im sorry! ive just been really frustrated lately and-”
“just help him, y/n.”
marco let out a relived sigh when you got onto your knees in front of him. you slowly brought your hand up to his zipper and pulled it down. he then helped you pull of his pants and boxers just for his erection to spring up and hit into his stomach. 
he never failed to impress you, he was defiantly bigger than jean. long and girthy with a few veins running down the shaft, pre-cum dribbling out of the tip. 
without saying a word, you took his cock into your hands slowly stroking him, using his pre-cum as lube. 
“p-please y/n. i want it in your mouth.”
knowing how mean and dominate he can get while riled up, you obeyed, enjoying the shy side of him.
you swirled your tongue around his tip before bobbling your head down, taking as much as you can. marco’s hands found his way into your hair while throwing his head back. it was taking everything to not just buck his hips up and shove his cock down your pretty little throat.
“so you’re just gonna let her run that slutty mouth up and down n not just fuck her throat? hm, boring.”
at the moment you wish jean would've just bit his tongue while marco let out a deep, long chuckle. 
he then tightened his grip around your hair and forced you down further onto him before thrusting up into your throat. he was way too big for you, the tip of his cock hitting the back of your throat earning a gag from you.
“what's wrong can't take it? i really thought you were a slut... getting onto your knees for your boyfriends best friend and letting him fuck that tiny throat of yours.” 
his degrading words were enough for you to slip your hands down your shorts, slowing adding friction to your clit. 
jean, now fully erect got up from his spot on the couch and squatted down next to you, pulling your hand away and out of your pants, a tight grip around your wrist. 
“i don't think anyone told you to touch yourself, now did they?”
without warning, marco came in your mouth, his warm cum spilling down your throat. he then pulled you off his cock, a string of saliva mixed with cum still connecting you to him. marco looked down to jean and nodded.
jean stood up, bringing you up with him and walked over to the bedroom, marco following close behind and closing the door once you all got inside.
jean pushed you down onto the bed. the two men were now hovering over you, looking down onto you. you definitely lost any sort of control over this situation. 
“hmm, i think you deserve a punishment baby. i mean for slapping me before.”
“that wasn't my fault tho-”
“shut up. no one said you could talk.” he spat out
jean then sat on the bed next to you. you knew exactly what he wanted. you crawled over and laid face first across his lap, ass perking up, while marco took a seat on jean’s gaming chair facing the both of you.
“you’ll only get ten today. i hear anything fall from that mouth besides you counting, i’m leaving to go spend the night at marcos”
you shook your head yes while a harsh slap landed right across your ass.
“o-one” you said while sniffling 
marco on the other hand was started to palm himself through his boxers at the sight in front of him.
“te- ten!” you basically cried out at this point. you usually get more, but jean was harsh tonight. 
meanwhile, no one in the room realized the discord chat going off on jean’s computer
surprised your still on... mikasa ratted me out about something so my mom called and chewed my ear out longer than expected.
“my sweet girl, you were so good for me. as a reward i’ll let you have marco’s cock. you’ll let him fuck you, right baby?”
eagerly you nodded while jean switched places with marco, now sitting on the chair. 
“as always im going to prep you first, i wouldn't want to hurt you. that alright?”
without having to say anything you pulled your shorts down and disregarded them onto the floor. 
marco then pushed you down onto your back while slipping down your panties. you looked up into his eyes while he shoved to fingers knuckles deep into your cunt, earning a sweet soft moan from your lips.
a few minutes after using his fingers to stretch you out, you left your climax building with a familiar feeling in your stomach.
“m-marco i’m gonna~”
about to cream all over his fingers, he pulled them out and flipped you onto your stomach.
“didn’t think i’d let you off the hook that easy hm?”
“marco pleaseee, i need too, please!!” you were basically sobbing over the fact that you wanted to get fucked
“no need to be a little cry baby y/n. he’ll let you cum when he wants to.” said jean from across the room, fucking his fist
“no, no its not that... it’s just that nothing feels better than your sweet cum running down my shaft.” right when he finished his sentace he shoved his cock right into your tight cunt, completely bottoming out and thrusting into you without giving you time to adjust.
“ ‘s too big marco please!”
“sorry, couldn’t help it baby.” the sight was so lewd. marco pounding into you from behind and shoving your head down into the mattress. jean behind you two fucking his first harder than ever. the room filled with wet slapping sounds and your loud moans, along with grunting from the two boys.
“ ah~ baby you’re squeezing me so, so well.” said marco while reaching his hand down, finding your clit and rubbing harsh circles around it.
“mm need to-”
marco sent a harsh slap onto your clit, sending your whole body jerking foward, squirting all over his cock.
marco let out another chuckle at your reaction. “wow, first time anyone’s ever squirted on my cock.”
he pulled out soon after and released all over your ass, crashing down on top of you, out of breath. jean was about to come over and help the both of you clean up until everyone heard a sort of high pitched moan. you and marco knew that didn’t sound like jean and both flipped over.
you all soon realized the headset on jeans desk, the green light indicating it was still on and running. you all then caught on to what was happening on the other side.
“wow jean... didn’t know little y/n was such a slut.”
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honeykept · 3 years
Christmas, Early Mornings, and How to be Free
destiel december 2020 prompt: decorating | wc: ~1.3k
Dean often forgets that angels don’t sleep.
The soft knock at his door at—he checks his clock—four in the morning, however, serves as a gentle reminder.
He sits up, brushing off popcorn crumbs from his shirt, and blearily rubs his eyes. Dean hadn’t been sleeping, per se, but he was drunk and dog tired, eyes burning from staring at his TV for what must have been hours on end.
His door opens and light from the hallway streams in, bright like the white-hot burn of an angel being killed. Dean blinks once, twice, and there stands his own angel, a hand on the door knob.
“Sorry to wake you,” Cas mutters. “Ah, Jack and I were wondering if you were—if you wanted to help us with something.”
Dean looks at the clock again, more for show than to actually read the time, before redirecting his gaze back to Cas.
“It’s four in the morning, Cas.”
Cas shifts his weight. “I don’t—”
“You don’t sleep,” Dean finishes for him, already throwing the blanket off of himself. The wave of cool air over his calves where his sweats ride up make him shiver. He pulls the fabric down back over them and stands.
“Yeah, I know. And lucky for you, I barely do.” Dean comes to a stop in front of Cas. “What’s up?”
Cas pushes the door open and turns, leading the way for Dean to follow.
“Jack and I—we were discussing the bible,” Cas starts.
“As you do.”
“—And Jack was curious about how humans celebrate the birth of Christ.”
“Uh-huh.” They step through the kitchen and Dean eyes a half-eaten snack on the table. He quickly nicks it, gives it a once-over, and takes a bite. The taste of chocolate caramel nougat makes him let out a low groan of satisfaction.
Cas shoots him a glare over his shoulder. Dean shrugs.
“He told me you all celebrated it once,” Cas continues, “Along with some other holidays, though I can’t imagine how I managed to miss that. Anyway, he has friends in town that celebrate the christian Christmas, and now he’s got…um, ideas.”
Dean frowns. “What ideas?”
They round the corner into the library, where Dean’s confronted with several large boxes that are set on the nearest table. Scattered around them are various decorations like ornaments, tinsel, and what look to be Santa hats in a few different colors and patterns. Dean’s gaze pulls away from the mess to look at Jack, who has his arms elbow-deep into the box nearest to him. He smiles wide at Dean.
“You’re awake! Hey—is-is that…my candy bar?”
Dean looks down at the bar and stuffs what’s left of it in his mouth. He holds a finger up when Jack pouts, chewing until he can form words.
“Finders keepers, kid,” he swallows, “It’s a lesson you gotta learn while you’re still young. What are you doin’, anyway? What’s all this crap you’ve got out?”
Jack’s smile is back as he pulls out an ornament. “Christmas! I thought we’d decorate.”
Dean blinks at him. “Dude. Four in the morning.”
He hears Cas sigh and turns his attention to him instead. “I’m serious! You couldn’t have waited a couple more hours? And hey, wait a second—how come I’m up and Sam’s nowhere to be seen? This is, like, his usual wake up time.”
“It is,” Cas says, “He’s actually out on a jog right now, he said he’d be back to help with the baking.”
“The—” Dean runs a hand over his face, pressing briefly over his eyes to wake himself better. They’d already done Christmas this year, and all the other holidays, for that matter. Of course…
He opens his eyes.
Not with Cas.
Dean lets his arm drop back to his side and strides the few steps over to Jack, picking his favorite ornaments out of the box from when Mrs. Butters had first showed them to him. He hands a blue one over to Jack.
“Besides,” Jack studies the bulb, “We’re starting late. Christmas is only a week away, and I know people who start decorating in November!”
“We don’t even have the tree up yet,” Dean grumbles in feigned annoyance. “Hell, we don’t even have a tree.”
“Sure we do,” Jack says. He turns and points over at the table behind them. A small tree no more than 16 inches tall stands bare in the middle of the table.
Dean stares at it, eyes wandering over to Cas after a beat for an explanation. He’s standing on the other side of Jack, now, and catches Dean’s gaze.
“It’s fake,” Cas says, “We found it with the decorations. It’s…a substitute—at most—for now.”
Dean nods slowly. “Okay,” he accepts.
After that he finds the smallest bulbs that won’t take up too much space on the little thing, passing them to Cas who hands them to Jack to put on the tree. Working like clockwork, the tree is decorated sooner rather than later, and Dean straightens up in time to hear the front door open with a metal squeal.
Sam steps inside, closing the door behind him, and looks down at the three of them with a smile. He pulls an earbud out.
“Nice tree,” he says, clamoring down the stairs.
Dean, feeling strangely defensive, mutters, “Up yours,” and rifles through the box for something to fling at him. He comes up short, but Jack rids them of Sam as he bounds off to meet him in the kitchen, giddy to start on their baking as soon as possible.
Dean pulls out a Santa hat in the wake of it just being him and Cas in the room and, holding his breath, turns to place it on Cas’ head.
Cas stares as Dean slips it on, adjusting it here and there so it sits right, pulling away lest it becomes too...
Cas catches his arm before Dean can withdraw it.
“How...How come I get to wear the hat and you don’t?”
Dean chuckles, pulling lightly in an attempt to get out of Cas’ grip. Cas tightens his hold by a fraction.
“’Cause you look better in hats? I dunno,” Dean mumbles. He feels his heart racing, chances a glance over to the kitchen where he can hear Sam and Jack clanging baking supplies around while they set up to make the cookies. 
His eyes meet Cas’ again, dropping momentarily to look at his lips before Dean forces them to stay on Cas’ baby blues. 
“That’s not true,” Cas frowns, “You are very attractive for someone of your gender and age.”
Dean swallows hard, face warm. “Yeah?” His voice comes out higher than intended, so he clears his throat before speaking again. “Thanks.”
Cas lets go of his wrist, backing away a little. “You are welcome.”
They stare at each other, transfixed, and Dean thinks Cas looks more innocent with this hat on, more so than, say, that cowboy hat Dean had made him wear once. Almost silly enough for Dean to let his guard down, to lean forward, and—
Cas' breath ghosts over his cheek and chin in their newfound proximity, faces just a few inches apart.
Dean licks his lips, once, and closes the space between them. He presses his lips softly to Cas', trembling a little due to the action. It's chaste, and feels simultaneously like it lasts an eternity and only a few seconds—something Dean thinks only Cas is capable of doing.
And he knows, dazedly, that it's likely the latter, even if a lifetime was lived in this moment alone. Dean pulls back to stare at Cas like he just hung the stars rather than some simple plastic ornaments on a dingy fake Christmas tree, holding his breath as he gages Cas' reaction.
This close, Dean can see Cas' pupils blown wide. The angel has that look about him that Dean remembers seeing a long time ago, like a soldier with newfound freedom—unsure where to go or how to use it.
Dean licks his lips again, and though his hands are still shaking when he lifts them to cup Cas' face, he feels his mouth smooth into a smile.
He ducks his head to kiss Cas again. And again. And again, until they hear the shout that the cookies are ready, and Dean takes Cas' hand in his.
Freedom isn’t a length of rope, Dean thinks, but rather a red string, tying them together and guiding them home every time without fail. Maybe they could teach each other, this time—about Christmas, early mornings, and how to be free.
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loousir · 3 years
Soulmates {Oikawa Tooru}
Oikawa Tooru x Male Reader Part One
Anime: Haikyuu!!
Warnings: I dont think there is any?
Masterlist | Part Two
AU: Soulmates can have a different way of finding their partner. Yours is after both partners are at least 18, on the youngers birthday, they will swap bodies. They have to share their first of something together in order to return to their respective body. (Ex. Sharing their first kiss, first drink etc.)(If one has already kissed or shared a drink, for example, it wont count as sharing a first) Oikawa's is knowing what their first words to you are.
Originally Posted on February 2, 2021
Today was finally your birthday. That meant that you would get to find out who your soulmate was. You were nervous but knew about it so you were prepared. A little.
You were getting dressed to go to school today and thankfully it was the end of the week so you'd have all weekend to find your soulmate. What nice and convenient timing. You did your morning routine before getting changed into your uniform. After pulling up you striped brown pants and adjusting your white jacket, you slipped the red tie around your neck before grabbing your things and heading downstairs.
You said a quick goodbye to your mom after stealing a toaster waffle and your lunch. You slipped on your shoes and headed out to school.
On the way there, you ran into Iwaizumi and Oikawa. You were very good acquaintances but not close enough to consider friends, like hanging at each others houses kind of friends. You and Iwaizumi shared class together but the three of you almost always walked to school together.
"Happy birthday (Y/n)-kun! You're finally 18 right?" Oikawa asked, slinging his arm around your shoulder and leaning on your slightly smaller frame. He poked your cheek gently as you ate, trying to get a reply out of you. "Shittykawa, cant you see he's eating something? Let him chew first." Oikawa pouted slightly at his "nickname" and sighed.
You finished chewing and nodded. "Yeah, I'm 18 today. I'll find out who my soulmate is tomorrow and I really hope it isn't you." You said in a serious tone as the three of you continued walking to Aoba Johsai. Oikawa whined on the way there with Iwaizumi butting in to shut him up.
The trio finally made it to school and went their separate ways, aka you and Iwaizumi in one and Oikawa right next door.
The day started and went on normally til lunch.
Iwaizumi and Oikawa usually go to their practice but today they invited you to eat with them. You accepted not exactly knowing why.
"So (Y/n)-kun~ Who do you think is your soulmate?" You shrugged as you ate your bento, glancing up at Oikawa. "You really wanna know?" You asked taking another bite. Oikawa nodded as he ate his own bento. Iwaizumi smirked over to you as he ate his lunch as well. "You should tell him (L/n)-san."
"I hope it turns out to be Kageyama."
Oikawa practically snorted out his drink and stared at you in shock. "You cant be serious?! Him?!" You laughed at the water running down his face and shook your head. You grabbed a napkin you had and wiped the pretty setters face. "Of course not."
Oikawa let out a sigh of relief. "I'd want Daichi to be my soulmate." You said in a dreamy tone as Oikawa choked on his rice. Iwaizumi had nothing today besides laughing at the scene in front of him. Oikawa leaned on his good knee over to you and gripped your shoulders. He shook you gently as he cried, saying something about 'anyone but the wingless crows.'
Iwaizumi pulled him off you after a minute and scolded him. You finished up your bento and checked your phone. There was 40 minutes of lunch left when you looked to the best friends. "So, what did you guys invite me to hang for?" Iwaizumi looked over to you and tilted his head slightly. "Are we not allowed to invite a friend to hang out?"
You leaned back on your hands and closed your eyes, letting your head fall backwards. "You are, it's just, weird. The Cap and vice Cap of the volleyball team invite a lowly art club member to hang out at lunch together. Sounds a bit odd doesnt it?"
Iwaizumi nodded and Oikawa didnt respond. You lifted your head up to see Oikawa a bit of a distance away, surrounded by a flock of girls. "Its your turn to pull him away. I'm gonna go check something." You sighed and stood up.
"Hey, shittykawa." Oikawa instantly turned around at the nickname and his fan girls became upset with you calling him that. "(Y/n)-kun~ You're taking after Iwaizumiii~" He said walking over to you. "And we were supposed to be hanging out." You said acting all coy. "You promised me we would this morning..." You whispered just loud enough for everyone to hear.
The girls were jealous and talking amongst themselves as Oikawa just looking at you, shocked. He had a deep blush covering his cheeks as you folded your hands together in front of you and looked to the ground with a pout. "(Y/n)-kun..." You looked up to him with puppy dog eyes. He suddenly wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into a tight hug.
"(Y/N)-KUN! IM SO SORRY!" He said as if he actually forgot he promised you to hang out. You smiled and giggled, gently prying him off of you. You grabbed his hand and started to walk with him. "C'mon. Let's go back to our spot." You said as you watched the lady flock disperse. Oikawa followed along, apologizing for forgetting a promise he never made.
Once the two of you were alone you sighed and let go of his hand. "Oikawa." He shut up and looked up to you with teary eyes. "You didnt promise me we'd hang out. Its ok." You may be mean to Oikawa but theres something about him that you love. You just cant be mean to him all the time... Ok yes you can but sometimes you want to be nice to him.
Oikawa smiled and pulled you into a hug again. You cautiously hugged back and patted his back. The bell signaling lunch was over rang and the two of you pulled away. "I'll stop by the gym after school to say a quick goodbye." You said grabbing yours and Iwaizumis stuff. Oikawa nodded and grabbed his stuff as well. He had a big smile on his face for some reason but you just brushed it off.
The rest of the day passed by pretty quickly. You had told Iwaizumi about stopping for a quick bye and he said, "Just be prepared for Oikawa." You didnt exactly know what the meant because you always were but before you could ask he had left for practice.
Once you were ready, you head down to the gym and pulled open the door. The lights were off and you furrowed your brows. "I thought there was practice today..." You mumbled to yourself.
Suddenly the lights turned on to show they gym and the volleyball team to be all dressed in nice birthday attire. You only stared shocked at the scene in front of you as the all shouted, "Surprise!" Oikawa appeared in front of your vision with a wide grin on his face and a small gift in his hand.
You blinked a few times and looked up to his eyes before looking to Iwaizumi who was approaching the two of you. "Y-you guys... Did this for me?" You asked, still surprised by what happened. Iwaizumi shrugged and tilted his head to the side saying 'kinda.' "It was Oikawa's idea."
Oikawa smiled and grabbed one of your hands, putting the gift in it. Iwaizumi put a party hat on your head before walking over to a table full of sweets and a cake. "Can I talk to you outside for a second?" You asked Oikawa. He smiled and lead the two of you outside the gym and away from prying ears.
"What did you wanna talk to me about?" You held the gift in your hand and pulled him into a tight hug. He stood tense for a moment before hugging back. "What's this for?" Oikawa asked with a small laugh. You buried your head in his chest and started to tremble slightly. He demeanor changed when he felt his shirt get slightly wet. "H-hey, (Y/n)? Are you ok?"
You nodded and kept hugging him. He hugged back and gently stroked the back of your head. "No ones ever done something like this before. So it's kinda a lot." You said clearly, having calmed down from your previous state. Oikawa laughed and pulled the two of you away to look you in the eyes.
"Really? Well then I'll have to step it up next time!" You smiled up to him softly before sadly looking down to your shoes. "I'm nervous Kawa..." His smile fades away to a sigh. "Me too." You look up to him in confusion. "I... Really hope tomorrow, I'll wake up in your body, Tooru..." He looks to your eyes and he has tears in this.
Dont ruin this moment shittykawa
"Me too."
You look up to him and smile a little. "C'mon, let's go back inside and par-tay a little before it's too late!" Oikawa said with a smile as he dragged you back inside. You saw Iwaizumi standing by a punch bowl with a knowing smirk but you didnt think much of it.
Everyone had hung around and "par-tay"-ed till about 7pm. They decided to call it there and start cleaning up. You tried to help but both Oikawa and Iwaizumi stopped you. "Why dont you and Oikawa head back first? The least we can do is clean up."
"But you guys did all this for me, I have to try to help even a little." Iwaizumi put your things over your shoulder and pushed you to an already raring to go Oikawa. "Just head home. Its ok." Oikawa gently grabbed your hand but you stopped and addressed the whole team.
They had paused to look at you and listen. You bowed and thanked them, your bow hiding the tears in your eyes. You stood up straight and smiled to them before going with an impatient Oikawa.
The walk to your home was filled with comfortable conversation about the party. "Hey, (Y/n)-kun? Could we have a sleepover at your house?" You looked up to him and tilted your head slightly. "Like the whole team? That's a lot of people and I dont know if my parents would even let me since there away right now-"
"No, not the whole team. Just us." You blushed at what he said and looked away, slightly embarrassed for rambling. "Oh... J-just the two of us?" He nodded and you just shrugged. "I-I guess thats... Ok. I dont think they'll mind." You said rubbing the back of your neck. "Let's goo then!" Oikawa said, dragging you to your house.
Once you two arrived, you unlocked the door and let him in. "Your house is so much bigger on the inside." He said looking around. "Wow thanks." He laughed, "I didnt mean it in a bad way!" You rolled your eyes and walked upstairs to your room thinking, "How the fuck does this dude make me flustered so easily..."
You didnt even realize Oikawa had followed you, thinking he would just stay downstairs for the time being. When you turned around to close the door you jumped at his presence. "I-Im gonna change so you can just hang out downstairs till I'm done." He smiled and gently rubbed the back of his head before asking, "Do you think I could use your shower actually?"
"Oh, yeah, go for it. It's the door behind you." You said pointing over his shoulder. He thanked you as you got him a towel he could use. You closed the door to your room and got changed into some comfy pjs. The shower could be heard through your door but you didnt mind and decided to make yourself comfortable on your bed and watch some tv.
After a few minutes, the shower turned off and after another couple minutes, the door opening to reveal a shirtless Oikawa wearing sweatpants. You looked over only to look away just as fast. Oikawa smirked and jumped into the bed with you. You squeaked a very manly squeak as he hovered over you.
Your eyes looked up to his but couldn't be stopped when they looked at his chest. 'A tattoo?' You looked back up to him and asked, "You have a tattoo? Since when?" He just smiled and shook his head. "Since I was like twelve. Look what it says." He said sitting the two of you up. Oikawa was basically sitting on your lap but you didnt mind.
'You're in the way, stupid trashcan.'
It was written in beautiful cursive. You smiled and tried not to laugh but couldn't help it. Oikawa watched as the love of his life laughed at the first words he ever said to him.
"I said that when we first met! Did you really get it tattooed on your chest?" Oikawa rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Its illegal to get a tattoo when your twelve." You tilted your head slightly. "Then how did you get it?" He looked at you unamused before becoming nervous. This made you nervous too as he laid the both of you down in your bed.
"(Y/n)... Did you study soulmates?" You nodded and asked why. "Theres a chapter about two soulmates having different ways of finding eachother." You nodded again and tried to process the information but he spoke again. "Mine was the first words they say to you are tattooed somewhere on your body."
You looked at him and fully processed everything. It clicked. "Is that why you... Did all this stuff for me over the last year? W-why didn't you say something sooner?" He glanced out the window and seemed nervous again. "Theres a chance that you can actually have a different soulmate than me..." You furrowed your brows and sat up to look at him.
He didnt look at you and just glanced out the window. "What do you mean by that?" He looked over to you and directly in your eyes. "When we both have different ways of meeting our soulmate, theres a chance that you could have a different soulmate even though you're mine."
"That means when we wake up tomorrow... I wouldn't be hugging you, but your soulmate... And... I dont want that."
Oikawa looked away and you just looked at him shocked. "You're so weird out of character." You said leaning down and pulling him into a hug, laying on top of him in the process. "I'm being serious y'know..." You nod and nuzzle your face into his neck.
"I know. I dont want something like that to happen either." He shifted so that he could look at you properly and cupped your face. His eyes held clear care and adoration.
"Let's sleep now, and if I dont wake up to you tomorrow... I'll find you ok?"
--- 2552 Not proof read too well
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so get this. I was gonna roll around in Tombstone related fluff today - but no, no - this post came across my dash so Now We Are Gonna Discuss the Carnal Consumption of Meat as it appears on That Show Supernatural.  YEAH BUDDIES!
(also my sincere apologies to OP of the inspiration post who innocently tagged it with “lunch date!”  because I am about to go Elsewhere, cursedly).
Let’s all go meat man, after the cut!
This analysis centers primarily on 5x14 Bloody Valentine.  The title of course is a semi-homage to a 3D Slasher Film Jensen starred in circa 2009. 
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Which I will be renting soon I guess.  ,[<- parasocial panda GET BACK IN YOUR ENCLOSURE]
Also Its Really Fun that the trailer for Said Cinema ends with “nothing says date movie like a 3-D ride to hell” [are you also thinking of Cas pulling Dean out of hell, or are you normal?]  ***unironically the teaser for 5x14 is -
First date.
They then eat each other.  Literally they eat each others flesh.  They also do it while dirty talking about it.  SPN IS A SHOW 
ALICE Ugh! I've been so alone. So empty...
RUSSEL I know. Me too.
ALICE I want you, Russel---All of you... inside me...
[they both take bites out of each other, Alice chewing on a piece of Russel's flesh]
****Remember this detail, as it is important.
ANYWAY, it’s truly Cursed that not only are we doing an homage to this 3-D Jensen Horror Date Flick but also this episode is specifically centered on Valentine’s Day.  The day honoring romance and love Now Coopted by Hallmark, everyone, that is the day spn writers chose to introduce us to 
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Sir Horseman of THE Biblical Apocalypse Famine. 
Canonically, we are aware that the show is drawing from the book of Revelations in its depiction of the Four Horsemen.  Here’s what it says about Famine -
"When He broke the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, "Come." I looked, and behold, a black horse; and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand.”
-Revelations 6:5
Famine holds scales (used to weigh out grain in times of food scarcity).  Spn’s depiction is represented as hunger, a bottomless pit of need.  It consumes souls (demon and human alike).  
Cas describes Famine a little more poetically:
"And then will come Famine riding on a black steed. He will ride into the land of plenty... "
"... and great will be the Horseman's hunger, for he is hunger. "
"His hunger will seep out and poison the air. "
***Consider a prior season in which we are introduced to the Seven Deadly Sins.  Which are the sins associated with hunger?
and Lust.
***this is also important
Back to the episode.  Case cold open, and we find out that Alice was a Nice Girl.  In that she didnt drink, smoke or
have premarital sex.
***So Alice’s hunger for the sin of Lust caused her to succumb to it; and her demise was presented as Gluttony (literally eating her partner’s flesh). HMM
Famine’s presence is affecting the town, and Cas is not immune.
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And when did you start eating?
Exactly. My hunger-- it's a clue, actually.
***They lay it out a little more in case you missed it ->
I thought famine meant starvation, like as in, you know, food.
Yes. Absolutely. But not just food. I mean, everyone seems to be starving for something--Sex, attention, drugs, love...
***this is so important.  but of course because its spn and our textual narrators are generally unreliable (even in a Ben Edlund episode, yes I know)
we get a red herring
Right. The cherub made them crave love, and then Famine came, and made them rabid for it.
***but that’s not accurate.  they didn’t get married or become obsessed with each other (remember the cursed coin in 4x08 Wishful Thinking and the unconditional love wish? not what happened here). they had premarital sex.  they did the thing Alice considers wrong, and dark, and sinful.  and then they ate each others’ flesh.
Okay, but what about you? I mean, since when do angels secretly hunger for White Castle?
It's my vessel-- Jimmy. His, uh, appetite for red meat has been touched by Famine's effect
***mad lad Jimmy Novak’s hunger is for...red meat?  He is starving for red meat?  You are telling me that the Novaks, red blooded conservative religious midwestern Novaks, ate RED MEAT SO SPARINGLY that Jimmy Novak was LITERALLY starving for it?!?!  No way.  Absolutely no way.  This is a man who was such a religious zealot he STUCK HIS HAND IN BOILING WATER and accepted an angel of the lord into his own body but his secret hunger was for fucking ground beef?
give me a damn break.
to me this is an absolute coverup.  Because Cas’s burger consumption is not related one iota to his vessel Jimmy Novak.
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it is a representation of Cas falling.  Cas’s cravings for meat represent his growing (and very much prohibited) feelings for...humanity (Dean Winchester), and they are presenting as Gluttony in the form of his downing more and more copious amounts of red meat.  
SERIOUSLY, consider this - at one point the depiction is so desperately carnal that he is eating raw ground beef with his bare hands. It is fucking uncomfortable.  and it is SUPPOSED to be.  Famine stirs up hunger for the prohibited.  For the sinful. That which we are starving for but do not believe we can ever have, so we lust and we lust and we LUST after it, but should we allow ourselves even just a taste of what we have been ravenously craving, we binge it until we ourselves disappear into the oblivion of our own sinful, dark desires.
Since You Want More Examples of why this cant possibly be hunger for Cheeseburgers and Cheeseburgers alone, Consider Famine’s effect on Dean.  Remember his doctor kink?
**when its revealed that Doctor Corman has succumbed to Famine’s poison by drinking himself to death, Dean - very uncharacteristically by the way - reacts by saying out loud
DEAN Thanks. Crap! I really kind of liked this guy.
***please note that Doctor Corman says the following to Dean in the prior scene they have together -
DR. CORMAN [to Dean]
Agent Marley, you just can't stay away.
****was that a flirtation?
***Also, Dean doesn’t want to go out and chase tail for Valentines Day.   
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I mean, what do you always call it-- Uh, unattached drifter Christmas?
Oh, yeah. Well... be that as it may...I don't know. Guess I'm not feeling it this year.
So you're not into bars full of lonely women?
Nah, I guess not. [takes a sip of his beer] Ahh. What?
That's when a dog doesn't eat-- That's when you know something's really wrong.
***oh look we are relating things to eating again.  sex/lust to gluttony.  hmmm hmmm hmmm
ANYHOW -  *takes deep breath*
 this is also the Episode Where This Scene Lives
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oh and speaking of jacting joices, this is also the Dean Notices Cupids Crotch Episode.
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frAckles, I am once again asking why you only permit celestial beings to hug you from behi-[gunshots]
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but Dean isn’t hungry.  Why? Famine has the explanation, and we get it after Dean immediately runs inside after Cas heads in to complete his portion of their plan barely giving him any time to do so because he misses him that much.
I disagree. [Famine moves closer to Dean and touches him] Yes. I see. That's one deep, dark nothing you got there, Dean. Can't fill it, can you? Not with food or drink. Not even with sex.
Oh, you're so full of crap.
Oh, you can smirk and joke and lie to your brother, lie to yourself, but not to me! 
***not Dean making all of those homophobic/homoerotic jokes every time he’s in danger or feeing uncomfortable; not that, that can’t possibly be what Famine is referencing, right?
I can see inside you, Dean. I can see how broken you are, how defeated. 
***not THIS parallel:
You're a mystery. I can see inside your heart. Feel the love you feel, except… It's cloaked in shame
You can't win, and you know it. But you just keep fighting. Just... keep going through the motions. 
***not the motions of performative heterosexuality!!
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***Dean’s not hungry because in his heart he truly believes that he can’t actually have what he hungers for.  That Thing Which This Episode Overtly but Also Very Clearly Made Obvious.  It’s an angel riding shotgun [I did Do That and I am Not Sorry], eating a burger in the front seat of the impala.  But, I’ve deviated from the meat of this essay [gunshots] [this time just for the bad joke].
there’s Exists another episode in which a man ravenously consumes red meat; eventually succumbing to eating raw beef with his bare hands in the season prior to this one.  
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Yes Supernatural the Show That Brought Us Not One But Two Scenes of Persons Carnally Consuming Red Meat With Their Bare Hands.  
This episode is a MOTW - the man in question is a rougaru - a monster that starts out as human but due to some specific genetic disorder (hmmm hmmm hmm crack in THE chassis hmmm hmmm) soon begins to be extremely hungry - “for everything, but eventually long pig.” AKA human flesh. 
Wanna know the kicker?  
Episode’s called Metamorphosis.
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(GIF by jackttwist)
I’ll see myself out.
[DOUBLE BONUS for extra credit:
if you really wanna wild out, go watch the scene of Jack the rougaru looking at himself in the mirror in 4x04 - and then meander on over to 7x01 and check out God!stiel looking in the mirror as the leviathans writhe inside him over there. It’s worth the walk.]
***oh and @lilac-void​ im tagging you in this one because in exchange for your KIND creator content nomination I guess I will respond by cursing you with an Honorary tag in this, a Meat Meta.  you’re welcome slash I'm sorry XO [but seriously thank you again for your kindness and appreciation; it really motivated me to sit down and get moving on making more content <3]
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ateezinmymind · 3 years
Finding out their s/o is pregnant
Ateez x reader
fluff ~yeo lowkey angst
thank you so much for the request @sonnnflower 💓sorry for the waitt!! <3
You would be a little nervous telling him at first Doubting yourself, scared that he wouldn’t be happy due to how busy he is
But when he came home and felt your uneasy aura,, he knew something was up. “Love? Are you okay?”Trying to put on your best smile, you just give a “yep” and change the topic. Doing your best to seem as calm as possible, while talking about his time at work
Your nerves would be over controlling to the point where you started to shutter “Joong, I need to show you something”,,Walking in the bathroom where your pregnancy test was, you turn around to show him, and lock eyes “I-I’m pregnant..”
His face would go blank from hearing the news,,Like he would be full on shookkk :O
From the look on his face you started to doubt telling him-“Are you mad?”. Realizing he hasn’t said anything because he was lost in his imagination he quickly reassures you“Noo—baby? No, why would I be mad at you?”
Then tears would start coming,, “I-it’s just that y-you’re busy, and I know t-that you have a lot of things to worry about...and I don’t want you to have another thing to stress over-“ But seeing the biggest smile spread across his face, he softly comforts, “my life at work will never interfere with my life at home, okay? I could never be mad at something so beautiful as this-“
Looking down to your stomach he’d softly place his hand there. “I just can’t believe that we’re finally starting our family”
You were sitting on the floor of the bathroom The test in hand, showing you the positive results-you’ve been wondering if you were pregnant for a couple weeks now..You’ve noticed the changes in your body, and you just needed to make sure
A thousand thoughts went through your mind, but when you heard the front door open you quickly got up off the floor and put the pregnancy test in the trash
Greeting Seonghwa with a kiss, he’s first to say, “Dinner ideas y/n? Any cravings? Your wish..my command” The way he treats you like your his treasure, makes you think about what a great dad he’ll be, and while your request moved to the kitchen to be cooked, you tidy up and think about how to tell hwa
Dinner being made and served by your favorite person,, you thank him “Seonghwa thank you, there’s so much you do for me, even after your day at work you come home to take care of me” Pausing for a moment and taking a deep breath,, “there’s some news I need to tell you-“
“You’re pregnant-“
“How do you-“
“Love, do you think I haven’t noticed the times where you get out of bed to throw up in the morning? Do you think I haven’t noticed how you ask me to get the weirdest foods for you? And babe I’m not blind, I’ve seen that cute little bump you have-” Getting up from his chair, Seonghwa walks over and kneels in-front of you, and grabs your hands “I know you y/n, you’re the love of my life. I notice things, and this..well this has made me want to make sure I take care and am there for you even more,,”
Placing your hands on top of his, which are placed on your stomach he quips “You’re going to be the most wonderful mother to our child, and quite frankly..the hottest” *wink wonk*
You’ve talked about having kids in the future with Yunho,, but you never made an official decision
Until now
He knew you haven’t been feeling well lately,, so he wanted to make sure you had a happy day together You two would spend the day raiding stores, buying too much food, and of course laughing
It was when you went through an aisle that had pregnancy tests, and it made the realization spark,,that you might be pregnant. Grabbing two, you caught up to Yunho and tapped his shoulder-“I kind of want to try it and see??” He immediately smiles at the fact you’re going to do a pregnancy test, and the fact that there’s a possibility of you being pregnant..
Later that day you decided to do the tests-both of them..coming back positive-Mind immediately going to Yunho.. oh how he’s going to be so happy-“yuyu?..” peeking your head out the bathroom seeing him on the bed playing with his feet while waiting “Oh oh y/n,,tell mee tell mee!!” Trying to hide your smile behind the door, you think about playing a little trick with him,
“baby, I’m sorry I guess I just have a stomach bug..it came out negative-“ and from the moment those words came out of your mouth, you deeply regretted it. The sadness washing over his features and the small ‘aw’ that came out of him made you burst out the bathroom and into his arms
“I’M PREGNANT!! Babyyy I’m sorry I was just wanting to see your reaction..I-I I’m pregnant..”Hugging him- you hear a sniffle,,quickly looking up and holding his face. Tears gliding down his cheeks causes you to tear up “Y-y/n, I cant believe this“ —thinking he was mad you start apologizing..
You knew that you were pregnant,,it’s just that Yeosang didn’t-it wasn’t that you were hiding it, but just because you didn’t know how he was going to react
You two rarely mentioned having kids, frankly you thought he wasn’t fond of the idea, so you tried to keep the topic out of subject—But tonight when you two were sitting on the couch together, eating sweets. Him on his phone, and you staring off at the wall-shoving food in your mouth
“You know I have something I need to tell you...I don’t know how your going to react,but please hear me out-“ lifting his head up attention now on you, “I haven’t told you this yet because I’m scared, but..” looking straight at him, then moving your gaze away from nervousness-“I’m pregnant Yeosang”
Not hearing a words come out of his mouth you start rambling,,”I just don’t know what we’re going to do. I don’t know what is gonna happen..I-“ head turning, your faced with a frozen Yeosang...
Trying to get his attention back, shaking him lightly, patting his cheeks, you give up. Not knowing what he’s thinking right now, why he won’t answer-tears slide down your cheeks, sniffling grabbing another piece of food and shoving it in your mouth you just sit there
“Wait, how long have you kept this from me?”—snapping your head towards him, teary face, and chewing food, “probably a month now..” Yeosang then stands up and throws his phone on the couch. “Come here.” gesturing his hands towards him, you get up yourself—then immediately brought into a kiss
Wrapping his arms around your waist and giving a very light squeeze, he pushes his head in your neck.. ”babe, I can’t believe you didn’t tell me...I want to do this with you so bad—I want to be there for you so bad. Please let me”
Giving out an apology,, he’s quick to jump and look you in the eyes while holding your stomach—“I would’ve gotten CHICKEN!! ahhhhh we can’t have our baby not taking after his daddyyy~”
It was when you woke him up getting out of bed to throw up.. San quickly following after you-one hand holding your hair, the other caressing your sides
always being there for you, wanting to do everything he can to take care of his baby he tries so hard to give you the best comfort—”love , are you okay?? did you eat something bad?”
Ever since that morning, he definitely noticed the more mornings to come..by the third time this happened he’s the one that suggested it-“Y/n, love,, do you have any ideas of why you’ve been sick?”
You’d honestly be oblivious, but San-is obsessed with you and probably knows everything about you before you actually do..yaknow because you’re his babygirl
So when you kept saying you’re confused on why you haven’t been feeling well—San just straight up tells you, “You might be pregnant-“
And then you tense up and realize..OMG PREGNANT-but seeing the smile and the cutest dimples on his happy face,,you know there’ll be no regrets
“Oh..wow, well should we buy a test? To uh make sure-“ he’d give you a fast ‘got it!’ And rushed out the door like a mad man
Coming back with more tests you needed, he couldn’t wait..”y/n, if these don’t come back positive..I’m going to have to take you to the bed—“
“Because I can’t stop thinking about this now,, I really hope you’re pregnant” then ushering you to the bathroom he kisses your nose and closes the door “I love you”
When you came back out with positive results,, you got a high pitched scream, and a grown man running around in joy..
your beautiful journey together only starting..
When you missed your period, you didn’t want to think of what was going to happen—the both of you were cuddling next to each other when you went down the rabbit hole that started from listening to Mingi’s heartbeat, to thinking about snacks, then a little more down to the realization that you haven’t had your period
He nudged his head into the crook of your neck,, a satisfactory sigh leaving his mouth-“I love you so much babe...” awww mingi is my baby, my cute—BABY...your heart beating faster, “I love you too b-baby—“ then hoisting yourself up to hold his hand
“So I just realized I haven’t had my period,, and I know you remember that n-night because..who wouldn’t,” rambling on about him his eyes go wide. “Wait y/n, you’re saying that-“
“I don’t know,, it’s a possibility and I don’t want to risk not knowing for sure” so that’s when the both of you-hand in hand-walk into the store to get your needed supplies. And that’s how now Mingi-on the other side of the bathroom door is humming a little tune waiting
Calling him in, he asks if everything’s alright when he sees you on the floor- “y-yeah..it’s just. I’m pregnant”
Mingi then starts giggling, “y/n you know I always thought I was going to be the baby—TURNS OUT WERE HAVING A BABY?!”
He’d pick you off the floor and take you back to bed and cuddle you so more,, “we should name it monkey after her mommy~” bursting into laughter, the only thing that could be heard was you slapping Mingis leg..then a following “OWWWWEE Y/N IT WAS A JOKE!!”
When you asked for some ice and chocolate Woo literally thought you were on cocaine,, “I’m sorry? You said what?” He needed to hear you again-“I want some ice and chocolate! Oh and now that I’m thinking about it,, how about some chips too”
He literally just stood there in confusion-“well go on!” Hearing your demand he ran to get your cravings. Before he came back out to you, still trying to figure out what’s wrong with you—he brings out his phone and types. ‘why is my wife/gf craving ice and chocolate’
When a thing for pregnancy cravings came up he quickly brought the food back to you,,not wanting to keep you waiting any longer-
“How long have you been wanting these weird cravings??” Trying to watch your show, you tell him ‘not for long’..”well the internet said that weird cravings could be because of pregnancy-COULD THAT BE A REASON?!”
You haven’t really thought about why you’re feeling the way you have been, honestly you just thought your body was changing because of weight gain..but hearing pregnancy come up you’re like-DUH
Wooyoung brings up going to the doctor,,and you agree-because you want him to be quiet about this so you can go back to watching
-sitting in the waiting room, currently talking about the pattern on the floor and the interesting choice of wall art. You two are interrupted by the doctor calling you back in..sitting on the chair he starts, “congratulations you two are parents..”
On your way home WOOYOUNG WOULD NOT SHUT UP saying ‘I told you’ and ‘always trust the internet’. But when you sat on the couch he came in right beside you, and held your stomach,,
“I really can’t believe this is going to happen, but I’m for sure happy I’m here for you” KISSES AND SCREAMING LAUGHTER followed as he tickles your legs
You mentioned feeling odd, when talking to your mom. She thought nothing of it, but when you kept coming to her...she gave you advice you weren’t ready to hear
“Hey y/n-baby, what’s going on?”
“You know how I haven’t been feeling good? Well, I’ve been talking to my mom about it-“ taking a deep breathe and covering your face, “a-and she says I might be pregnant..”
You feel the bed dip in from his weight, Jongho crawling up to your frame. He gives you a kiss on your stomach, then holding your hand-“wait-really? What do you think about that?”
“I don’t know what to think, I mean I’m happy it’s with you, but I’m scared..and I-I don’t know” irrupting you with a kiss “don’t be scared, I know this is new-but I’m never going to leave you, and I’m hear for you always..”
Later when you two confirmed with a test, you spent the whole day snuggling, “I can’t wait to tell my mom hehe-“ giggling Jongho says happily. “You’re going to give birth to a little apple..and we’re going to be the most powerful-“
“Jongho,, stop..it’s a baby—not your little play toy” but he only snuggles in closer, “we’ll see y/n, we’ll see..”
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rosaline-black · 2 years
Hiii there! Hope everything’s good with you and congratulations on the follow count!! I’m happy for you, not surprised tho, cause your writing is 😗🤌 amazing!
Ok, so I’m a girl, she/her and straight and I’d like to request a 🌼 with a guy from the marauders.
I’m an introvert, hard shell to break, I isolate myself a lot, mainly in new friendships, which gives me the smart-quiet-goody-2-shoes stereotype. Socialisation haunts me and I’m shit awkward at interactions. When the shell is broken, I get very talkative. My mind is chaotic 24/7 so I shuffle between topics very fast and I stutter a little and get tangled in my own sentences, mainly when I’m excited. Im blunt and VERY sarcastic and ironic and like to dramatize stuff to make fun of it. Im very kind and put others above me sometimes, which beats my very high empathy and sensibility to pieces but oh well. I can also get very fired up in arguments cause I’m very passionate about my beliefs and values but I won’t cross the line and offend anyone as no matter how stubborn I am (extremely btw) I always try to make amends after cooling down and mediate when I’m not involved. I’m a romantic and a daydreamer. I’m smart and I like to learn stuff and to know how things work and understand them but am an extreme overthinker. I think far too much about every little thing and get insecure. Parties make me really anxious and loud people annoy me so I’d rather stay in. Sometimes I think I’m a little too mature. Like, can we talk about politics and the economic state of the world?? (Pls forgive me, i had to). Im curious but scattered so I’ll easily start a night-in (sponsored by YouTube!) by watching a video on “the most memorable Eurovision entries of all time” and end it with “inside the mind of a psychopath: a deep psychological analysis”. ✨It’s a little bit of everything all of the time✨ which reminds me of how much I love Bo Burnham. In a lot of my free time i listen to his songs or whatch his shows. I love how he’s genially funny but also #deep (I’m sorry) and brutally honest and makes you think. It’s also a good clutch for my anxiety. I consume books at a crazy speed but always love going back to some classics. I love sitcoms and rock music. Sometimes I like to spend time doing online timed questionaries about general knowledge cause I like challenging myself (and I also don’t have a life). Oh, this is very important: my pet peeve is loud chewing and gulping. Please do not eat and drink loudly yall, I beg of you. I’m very observant and have a ridiculously selective memory, I won’t remember my lunch from yesterday but I’ll remember the first words someone spoke to me 10 years ago. Im a firm believer in empathy and doing what’s right and on a completely connected note, I’m a big cuddler. I cant ever tell something funny as I’ll just laugh my ass off and I also have a very long list of musical and cinematic and ¿memematical? references that I sometimes insert all over (initially) nice conversations :) Yeah. Important information right there.
That’s it ig. Can’t think of much more rn. Sorry if I didn’t choose the most helpful information!!
Okay first of all are we the same person? Like fr I’m convinced we are omg. Please dm or something cause I screamed at the jaden smith reference.
Right so I found this one kinda easy but I match you with…
Remus Lupin
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- first of all let’s say this is modern day, Remus would be such a big bo burnham stan like come on
- you both would spend long ass days reading together, imagine you resting your head on his lap reading your respective books. Omg maybe you even have book clubs with just you two (and maybe lily too)
- I think your bluntness would coincide with Remus perfectly. Sometimes this man just needs to hear the honest truth, and he loves you for it.
- you’re both a little awkward, but with Remus having friends that are so outgoing, you benefit just like he did when he met the other marauders. They help with your socialisation problems, weeding you into the idea of a party (which I tbh just headcanon is just you all getting drunk and James turning into a deer for bants)
- imagine you and Remus being the parents of the group; you hear Sirius chewing too loud and talking with his mouth full so you both simultaneously throw pillows at his head
- Remus is also used to putting people above his own needs so he recognises quickly that you’re doing the same. He’s there to be like… no no no, eat this damn chocolate and relax right now!!!
- also one final note; cuddling Remus post full moon>>>>
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hitoshisbabygirl · 3 years
Author's Notes ♡: okay uhm the more characters I do the more I’m learning I’m a simp-
Anyways welcome to another BNHAREM collab that I had the pleasure to be in! I had fun trying to turn our league of villains leader into a hero/vigilante! A quick side note, his personality here is more of what I think he could’ve been/acted like if he was treated better and taught how to control his quirk without hate qwq without further waiting here’s my addition to the already wonderful collaborators! Make sure to check their stories out too in the masterlist! ~ bunny ❥
Warnings : None!! Fluffy and awkward Shiggy for the win! Also please ignore typos if any they’ll be fixed later </3
Word count : 3.5K
Paring(s) : Tomura Shigaraki x F! Reader
Summary : When the city you live in is rampant with villains what happens when your seabed by a cold and off putting vigilante (that’s my best summary I’m sorry </3)
Enjoy ♡
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Turning off the TV [ ] couldnt help the trembling of her hands as she realized the mayhem that had been spurring the last couple of weeks with the new arrival of villain groups wasnt subsiding. life was hard , the struggle of not to take the news seriously and feeling like all hope was lost was a common feeling between each day, the chore of getting up early during the daylight time so you could get what you needed before crime became rampant was adreanline fueld.. It was nerveracking, living your life on the edge and feeling unable to believe the ones in and on duty would protect you. After weighing the options about staying in or hurrying down the street for food before the curfew kicked in [ ] reluctantly got up, grabbing her keys , phone and a light jacket as she headed throught the decrepit streets, hearing the distant sirens that never failed to doing their job of setting her nerves ablaze. As she saw the neon signs of the store ahead of her she was able to enter and grab quite a lot of things, the warm feeling of being safe surrounding her as she heard more and more sounds from blocks ahead. “Are you okay sweetie?”
An older lady with a young man asked the anxious girl, a smile on her face as she answered the woman “Ah yeah im sorry ma’am just trying to find the best way home without being in the crossfire” Shaking her head in agreement the older woman spoke again “Its running rampant out there, its why i brought my grandson with me” ponting to the male beside her he gave [ ] a smile, holding a bag fro the lady “Now you be safe dearie, look both ways and use the lights to guide you home!” Waving to the pair [ ] felt a bit more relived as she started the shorter but dreaded walk back to her townhome. The area was better than most in cities, just because of how it wasnt in the full downtown that was in a disarray. Even so it was still dangerous and hearing a loud crash and explosion from in front of where [ ] was walking could never be a good thing. As she walked further she saw a group of people blowing up a strip that included a jewelry spot, a small back and shopping center she knew something bad would happen if she got any closer. Walking backward she headed to an abandoned alleyway, slowly trying to get herself in a safe distance away from whoever was destroying the buildings. As she got into a corner she could hear the people talk and yell, the sound of glass breaking and another boom. Jumping form the sound of the explosion getting closer she moved into a doorway of one of the undisturbed buildings in the strip.
Soon however she felt a hand on her arm as one of the guys caught her. As [ ] tried to fight them off she head them chuckle, one taking her face in his hand as the others tried to go through her bags “Well well well hello ther girl, whatcha doing in the Scorpions part of town” One of the men, who [ ] presumed was the leader snared at her, grinning when she turend her ace away from his. Pulling her face back to his he tried to get her to talk, pushing her cheeks together as he laughed “I like them feisty , why dont you just be nice to me and my guys huh?” before she could form her lips to try to get a smart response a sound of pain came from one of the destroyed buildings. Catching the leaders attention he called out to someone before they all heard a yell of watch out. The building, which they had destroyed was now falling over and onto them who were in its path. All [ ] knew was that the guy who grabbed her arm let her go and shoved her before everything whent black.
A cracking sound , one of breaking concrete broke through [ ]’s head as she opened her eyes to blackness, everything around her covered in the sheet of night as the same cracking sound could be heard. Soon a faint voice could be heard from above her. Lightly she yelped which mustve been enough for whoever was above her as teh cracking sound got lounder before she could see light from the moon above her “H-hey is ther someone down there?” A voice called out as [ ] yelled back to them “O-oh yes! Please help me im stuck and i cant move!” She yelled as she felt her leg get tighter as she tried to wiggle.
“Cover your face if you can” The now more male sound voice said as she did such, felling pieces of cement and gravel touch her arms as she moved them to see long whitish blue hair appear before a gloved hand reached out “Can you reach?” The mystery male asked as she jumped up bepfre yeliping in pain. Hearing the sound the male took his ungloved hand and seemilngly dissolved more concreate taht held her and her leg in place. “Hold on….Im coming dont move, you could hurt yourself if you do.” Hopping dwon the hole with her the male saw how she was twisted in her spot and pained expression that covered her facial features. Faced with a challenge the male gave her his gloved hand as he used the uncovered one to break up the rocks and concrete that held her still “Just a little more okay? Youre close I almost got you” He reassured. Soon [ ] felt herself slip up and into the arms of the mystery man who she noticed had his face covered. As he brought her out of the ruble and into the light from the mood and streetlights she looked at her savior. He wasnt large in stature but her was fit and quite strong to pull her up with one arm. Feeling the girl he just saved staring at him , the male turned to her and simply stated “You should go home” Before starting to head off “W-wait! Please, let me thank you properly. You didnt have to save me yet you did” She said as he turned to her “......Theres no need to thank me, just doing what the heroes arent” Starting to walk again [ ] couldnt help chewing her lip before running to join his side “Well can i at least thank you properly , or just get your name and be able to find you again?” stopping in his tracks he moved his hair from his face before crimson eyes glanced at her “Tomura” He said “Huh..?” “My name...Tomura..or MC” He whispered as she shook her head “Tomura...okay well thank you Tomura for saving me , my names [ ]”
Shaking his head Tomura started off again, shoving his gloved hands in his pockets, this time heading off for good. As he trucked along [ ] heard the sirens appear closer to the damage that was the destroyed store that covered the criminals that tried to get her before. Starting to walk off her own she noticed a shining necklace on the ground. Picking it up she noticed it was one you could put pictures in it. Peeking inside she saw a woman with black hair holing a little boy with just as black ahir and piercing red eyes, the woman happily smiling as she held the child. Closing the locket she took with her , feeling strangely drawn to it. As she heaaded home she thought about the mysterious Tomura, someone who looked like a normal civilian like her and others seemd to have a strong quirk, and was more than what he seemed on the outside
As a few days turned into a week rolled on [ ] noticed that the streets were still bad, but the men who had cornered her had been captured after the building had collapsed. Feeling herself sigh and relax [ ] headed for the store once again, this time during the day as she needed to replace the food she had tried getting before that was lost during the the collapse. As she left once again she saw a familiar tuff of periwinkle hair go around the corner. Peeking her interest she followed himas she heard him curse under his breath before turning around straight into her “ow, wait….its you again” He huffed as his crimson eyes looked into hers “Yep! Hey tomu!” The quirky nickname caused head to fill in the mans face as he was glad it was covered. “[ ]....hello” He said back as he continued to pace around the old scene that stil had some concrete in the land “Whatcha looking for…?” She asked as he still looked around “Something important of mines” “Well can i help out?” Sighing Tomura turned to the hopeful girl that for some reason, didnt bother him as many did
“Fine. its a silver locket..” pausing [ ] thought about the locket she found when they first met “It….wouldnt happen to have a woman and a boy in it would it?” As soon as she said that the periwrinkle haired boy turend to her “You found it? Where” reaching out he went to grab her hands only to stop himself and put them at his sides. Ignoring the gesture as nerves she gave him a smile “Well..I found it the day you saved me, it was actually in the rubble” looking at the sparkling eyes of Tomura she couldn’t help but let her smile grow before sighing “Only thing is...it’s at my house now” still looking at him he gave her a smile behind his covering before shaking his own head “That’s fine..if you don’t mind me coming with you, or you just bring it I’m not really.,,yeah” Giggling at his nervousness [. ] put her hand ont his shoulder “It’s fine! Uhm..have you ate dinner yet? I can even cook you something!” Holding up her bag Tomura felt his heart thump as he agreed to eat with her, the two headed for her place.
Looking around Tomura noticed how clean and kept together her place was. It was warm, and inviting, something he wasn’t too used to “I’m sorry it’s a mess here! I was trying to move things around and make it look better but..I feel like it’s still weird!” Laughing she turned to face the powder blue haired boy who stood still in her doorway. “You can come in or would you need a helping hand?” She teased as she held her hand out. Hesitantly held his gloved hand out before pulling away slightly “S-sorry im just.. nervous” he said softly before [. ] gave him a knowing smile, before taking a step back “Well there’s no rush, take a seat and get comfortable, I’ll get your locket and I’ll start dinner!” Walking away [. ] went to her bedroom as Tomura sat there looking at his hands. They held so much fear in them, life and death. Over the years he learned how to control his power, even able to touch things without gloves and them not dissolve. But witr him nervous, he was afraid one wrong touch would hurt or even worse...destroy the one nice person he’d ever met in the midst of the all of the mayhem. In the mist of him thinking [. ] came back and saw him.
Feeling bad and not sure of how to approach him she tenderly held the locket and placed it on the table, which snapped him from his thoughts “Here you are! I did clean the silver so it was more shiny and not as dingy from the dirt” taking the piece from her hands Tomura place it down to see it better than he remembered and still having his grandmother and him inside of it. “Thank you [ ]. It means...alot to me, more thna youd ever know” Going into her kitchen she started some rice as she tried small talk with him “So...have you always been a vigilante?” Thinking abut the response her messed with a piece of his hair “ Well no...i wanted to be a hero one day but...my quirk is less helpful and more destructive” starting to get the steaks out she seasoned then placed them in the oven before siting down at the table with him “I think the power to disintegrate things could be wonderful as a rescuer! Hell you even saved me! And think if you didnt have that quirk , how would you get me out? Plus youre strong, you got me out with only a hand, youre really strong Tomu” Crimson eyes barely met her gaze.
Seeing her own energy mads him smile, hidden beind the mask he wore. “Uhm...may I?” Reaching for a hand [ ] looked at his eyes aas he wavered, sliding them away from her own “When i get nervous i feel like i loose control” Tomura said before [ ] just gently place her pinky on the glove “Im not afraid taht youd hurt me , i trust you okay?” Taking more of his hand in hers she rubbed the back of his glove, feeling the way he tensed wehn she traced his knuckles “See? Its okay yknow!” Smiling she got up to check the food, failing to see the way Tomura was going though a crisis under his mask, face flushing as she stirred and turned it off , letting both the rice and steak cool a bit before serving. Turning around [ ] saw how handsome her savior was. A soft , almost baby looking face was hidden under that protective mask , turned in a small frown as he fiddled with his hands “Wow...youre handsome” Scaring him from his thoughts Tomura couldnt hide the red that flushed his face as she giggled “Thanks...Ive never been told that before” Hearing him say that made [ ]’s heart twinge before grabbing two plates “Well they must not know the true beauty under your mask hm?” bringing over what she made she sat in front of him, handing him a fork before sitting infront of him “Here ya go! I wont say im a chief but I enjoy cooking yknow?” Now able to see him smile without a protection over majority of his face [ ] couldnt help her heart speeding up as he did. A comfortable silence feel between them as they ate and finished dinner, occasional jokes and small talk happening between them. She learned more about the powder blue haired male, that he wanted to be a hero but because he could disintegrate , they made fun of him and called him a villain instead. But finding a locket with a note attached from his grandmother changed that. She was strong, and a hero herself. She encouraged him to be one, for them to meet someday when he was older and him to become a great hero. It kept him strong, and its how hes a vigilante now. Happy to know more of his story [ ] explained how she wanted to be one too, but also wanted to make uniforms for them. The two went on into the night, talking about the issues outside and the running rapid of the villains whileist other things. Tomura learned that she liked video games which opened a whole new world of things thye could do together.
As midnight rolled around he started to get up , grabbing his things which caught [ ]’s attention “Your leaving?” Looking back at the doe like eyes he couldn't help but sigh and smile at her “Yeah...should go out and see whats to been seen” before he left she got up and strolled over to him “Well its unsafe out there, could you...maybe..stay?” With each word her voice got quieter before she was just silent, messing with his fingers “You want me to stay with you?” Tomura asked before she shook her head, eyes meeting his “Yknow youre nice..and i am a bit of a drifter..” Thinking over the odds out loud he gave her a small smile “Ill stay”
And that's how it was for weeks, them staying together in [ ]’s home, eating together, playing games, shopping for groceries. It was a comfortable thing between the two, sharing the place together like roomates. Tomura was like her protector, not letting her get very far without him and [ ] took care of him when he was injured or just needed reassurance. All and all everything was good except….he knew he had fell for her. [ ] was sweeet to him, gentle and overall just careful of how she helped him. She didnt rush him to anything, was gentle and gave him time to relax and to be comfortable with her. It was painful, for them to be close but yet have different opinions on how they feel about being close and for Tomura it was harder than usual for him having a crush on her.
Fiddling with a pen in the kitchen, Tomura heard [ ] come down the hall , skipping up to him as she gave him a smile he learned he was smitten for “Hey Tomu whatcha up to?” she asked as he gave her a smile of his own back “Ah just thinking about something….whats up?” He asked as the girl came over and gave him a hug, something he wasn’t used to but something he craved every day more than he’d like to admit. Wrapping his arms around her shoulders he chuckled as she slightly squeezed him tighter “Just wanted to check on you that’s all.” Going to move away [. ] felt Tomura pull her closer, burying his face atop her head “Tomu...whats wrong?” She asked as he said nothing, tightly holding her even more as she rubbed his back, knowing this was his silent way of showing he was worried about something “wh’ nt y be m’ plr wo” the male said, muffled on her head. Laughing, she moved her chin to his chest “What're you talking about?” He reluctantly pulled away , their eyes locking as he soon looked down, scratching his arm “I..nothing...thinking out loud. Don’t worry about it” Beofre he could slip away she grabbed his arm, turnighg him back to her. “Tomura...what is it?” Chewing his bottom lip he sided before taking her hand in his, rubbing the smooth skin with his rough glove “I said..why can’t you be my player two” Blinking almost comically [. ] giggled “Well I can be! What game do you wanna play?” Shaking his head Tomura dropped her hand , stepping back as he barely glanced at her “This game called life [. ]...I want to...have you around me all the time, I..really cherish having someone so sweet to me and who cares about me and how I feel..you make me feel more alive and comfortable in my skin then I’ve ever felt before..and I..want to be selfish and make you mine..” He finished with a sigh before looking out the window “ But I know you won’t feel the same so..it’s quite alright”
As soon as he said that he felt a hand at the back of his shirt, pulling him back to his crush, a woman he couldn’t face and now that he laid his feelings out he didn’t want her to pity him. “Tomura look at me” Hearing his full name scared him but Turning around he was surprised to see [. ]’s small smile growing to a larger one once he faced her “Here, give me your hand” Holding her own out he put his hand in hers. To make him even more disarray she undid his gloved to reveal his hands, damaged and scarred from before he could control his powers. Soon he felt soft lips his the bare skin, which every kiss an electric shock went through his body before he felt her fingers lace in his. Wide crimson eyes looked at soft [. ] ones as she took in a breath “I..I’m so happy you told me Tomu, I was afraid you were gonna leave here aha..” letting out a soft laugh she unwrapped a hand to hold his face “I would love to be your player two, I’ll be here for you as long as you need me okay?” Giving her a slight pout he barely lifted his own hand to trace a pinky on her cheek “But what if I need you forever” laughing again and moving closer she stood on her toes to rub noses “Then that’s what it’ll be” Becore he could stop himself he realeased her hand and pressed his lips against hers, hearing the soft gasp she let out as he pushed his lips harder on hers before he felt her relax, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissed him back just as hard. As the kiss got from hard and desperate they slowly started to get more intimate, the kiss softening up until Tomura pulled away breathless as [. ] was too, the both of them letting out light giggles “Wow..that was..” “Great..” Finishing his sentence [. ] gave him another hug, the two of them holding eachother in the middle of the floor “Hey [. ]..” he said as she hummed, before he continued “Let’s kiss again” Giggling she moved her head to meet his , lips sealing for another round of needed affection, the Rü them of their hearts drowning out the mayhem that brought them together.
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
me, nodding of to sleep: IM HERE IM HERE
did my head just loll to the side? you will never know. first of all this chapter was the most beautiful thing i have ever read. Mavid have my HEART. It's also 4 16 am so im sorry if the reactions are a little bland but this was PERFECT.
me, throughout the whole thing: mavid mavid mavid
They had kissed for the first time almost a week ago. And they had kissed again. A couple of times.
Okay fine, they had kissed a lot since then.
Not a lot a lot. But a lot.
Wait a minute. How much kissing was a lot of kissing?
this is adorable
“I heard he cried when he found out Lexi and Liv were dating,” David chuckled.
yup that's jace
“We have to pay to talk on the phone?” Max asked incredulously. “I thought it was free.”
“Of course it isn’t free, Max!” David chuckled. “We have to pay for WiFi too.”
“This is ridiculous!” Max said. “Next you will say we have to pay for electricity.”
“Um, we do have to pay for electricity,” David chuckled again.
we pay for water too
but max you didnt know-
“Don’t let them guilt trip you!” Max had chastised. “They like doing chores. Let them do it. They fight demons all day and then come home and do chores. I feel like it’s their form of therapy. They need this.”
cant relate nope
“I don’t know,” Max groaned. “My family is so dramatic.”
the lightwood-banes in one sentence
“Well, too late!” Max announced. “This date is going to be the best first date in the history of first of dates.”
In retrospect, he really shouldn’t have said that.
nah its gonna be great
“Perhaps you should just take him to the New York Library. They have, uh, books.”
yes that is what they keep in libraries
His parents would not be pleased if they knew Max was summoning demons for relationship advice.
But they had also encouraged Max to make friends with everyone regardless of their identity. So, technically this was their fault. They gave him very mixed messages.
you know i really shouldnt have laughed at the demon attack news but for some reason i did
i blame my sleep deprivation
shit i feel sick
you know maybe i shouldve just waited till the morning...
ok but the demon attack is NOT coincidental
there is something going on
“I thought dragon demons were extinct!” Max yelled over the commotion.
“Man, fuck the orders!” Max said in frustration.
if you get hurt ill kill you
oh it's not her
well fuck
“That was an Armani, you piece of shit!” Rafael yelled at the demon. Max almost laughed.
It really did. Dragon demons smelled like they lived inside a boys locker room.
well that's nice to know
ok what is going on
“Say the thing!!!”
“I’m not saying the damn thing, you maniac!”
“Say the thing!”
Rafael groaned and raised his hands, the alliance rune lighting up.
“I’m not just a shadowhunter,” Rafael said through gritted teeth. “I’m Magnus Bane’s son.”
“Well, demons are stupid,” Max pointed out.
“Yeah, that makes sense,” Rafael said with a mouthful of food. “You are half demon after all.”
Im so sleepy i cant even react to this
Max wanted to laugh. Only David would worry about another person while being injured in the infirmary.
Max nodded; his throat still dry. He couldn’t stop staring at David. At the wound. At the blood.
Also, maybe the naked chest.
we're getting lightwood-bane fluff LET ME CRY
on one hand alec smoking is fucking hot BUT WITH THE MUNDANE DISEASES OH HELL NAH
“But it tastes so good when it’s from your plate!” Max said with a mouth full of food.
“Oh, you want my food? Here!” Rafael grinned and threw a piece of chicken at his face.
Max caught it with his mouth cause wasting food was a crime. “Thanks, bro!”
“You little s-”
“And no fighting over chicken!” Bapak pointed out. “We can always summon some more.”
“Order,” dad corrected. “We don’t summon. We order. And then we pay.”
“How do we destroy capitalism if we have to pay for everything?” Max asked.
Max has a point y'know
“That’s rich coming from someone who is wearing an Armani jacket,” Max stuck out his tongue.
“It was a gift!” Rafael said, furiously chewing on his chicken.
“Does that mean Bapak is a capitalist?” Max asked.
Max: What even-
Max: Can shadowhunters get high on iratzes lol
David: Mr Herondale yelled “Yes! Two out of three!”
“David is what you get if Dad and Uncle Jace and Uncle Jem had a baby.”
“Oh,” Max said. “Uh, David and I…We are dating.”
Dad choked on his coffee. “Excuse me?”
Bapak chuckled next to him. “Of course you didn’t know.”
“You two are dating?” dad demanded. “Since when? Who else knows about this? Why didn’t you tell us before? Were you dating when you were in London? Magnus, did you know about this?”
“There you go!” Max yelled triumphantly. “That’s the dramatic reaction I was looking for. Thanks, dad!”
There's alec. Yup
good thing i had wattpad I MEAN-
“Kissing?” dad gaped. “On the mouth???”
“Um, where else would we kiss?” Max asked incredulously.
“Well, actually,” Bapa cleared his throat. “There are many ways you can enjoy-”
And that’s how the next hour turned out to be the most painful and most embarrassing hour of his life.
Max decided he would rather get attacked by a hoard of dragon demons than sit through it any longer
“You guys know we have something called the internet, right?” Max demanded.
“Well, the internet can have mixed messages,” Bapak sniffed. “We on the other hand have real life experien-”
“Magnus!” dad looked red in the face.
“Fine,” Bapak sighed. “Now moving on to the importance of lubrication and-”
“I’m begging you to stop,” Max groaned.
“I’ll have you know this conversation utterly traumatized me. I demand financial compensation.”
“Well,” dad said carefully. “David is…”
“French?” Max asked.
i blame my sleep deprived ass for laughing at this
next thing i know someone's being tortured and im laughing because i dont have sleep in my system
Max honey...
listen to him
i for one, dont want a repeat of pg 511 cols
oh he's finding out about the incident
that's what i call it
Max thought of all the stories he had heard then. The one of the warlock who killed people who he could bring back his dead girlfriend. The one about a nephilim mother who paired up with prince of hell to bring back her dead son.
oh yeah...
They called it The Jem effect.
It was true. In fact, he used to have a crush on both Tessa and Jem. It’s how he had found he was bisexual.
very very valid. have a good day sir
you know it's a sign ive been watching b99 too much that i was imagining mina talking like gina...
pls send help
“Can we not talk about my boyfriend’s sperm, please?”
im surprised my parents havent woken up by the sound i let out
“I’m hearing an inflated sense of self-importance,” he heard Ragnor call from the bathroom. “Is Magnus here?”
“Just the spawn,” Max called back.
“He is married to the Consul!” Tessa chuckled. “And one of his sons is a shadowhunter.”
“It’s still very bad for our reputation,” Ragnor grumbled. “He is too close with shadowhunters.”
“You are the headmaster of Scholomance!” Catarina said incredulously. “You teach nephilim! Even though you don’t need a job!”
“I was coerced!” Ragnor huffed. “Manipulated by the children of the angel.”
really ragnor?
The grin disappeared and Ragnor buried his face on Catarina’s shoulder. “I can’t go through this again, Cat! Not again!”
“So much for not taking up after his father, huh?” Catarina chuckled and looked at him. “That’s nice, Max. We are happy for you.”
“We are not!” Ragnor said in a muffled voice.
a kind of endless love...
dont make me cry
“I know you are worried, love,” Tessa’s voice was a whisper. “You are worried about surviving after David. You are worried about your own heart. But you should never let that fear stop you from finding love. Because love is what sustains us immortals. It keeps us alive. When you love a mortal, you love them forever. You might not remember all the memories. The colour of their eyes or the sound of their voice. But you will remember the love. You will carry that love inside you forever. It does not make you weak or fragile. It makes you stronger. And you will forever be grateful for it.”
my eyeballs are too tired to cry
stop it
bitch you hate children wtf-
Max laughed. “I’m going to kill dad for making us do this. God, this is so weird!”
better get it done now
dont do this to me at 4 am
“You should two should some spend time together. Get to know each other and all of that,” Max suggested with a smile. “Maybe you can bond over archery or something.”
“I’m pretty sure he would use me for target practice,” David mumbled.
“Don’t be ridiculous, David!” Max said incredulously. “My father doesn’t need target practice!”
At this point, a David and alec scene isn't a want its a NEED
“I got it all planned,” Max said – for someone who had no idea what he was going to do.
me throughout life
max Rafael isn't the one smoking-
“Also tell him to stop smoking!” Max pointed out seriously. “It’s not good for his health! Especially with all the mundane illnesses going on.”
“I know, Max,” dad sighed heavily and blinked. “I mean, I’ll talk to him. For sure.”
Alec if anything happens to you...just know ill raise hell
“I don’t want easy,” David smiled. “I want you.”
“Dad? The Consul? That dad?” David looked surprised and relieved all at once. “Oh my god, he doesn’t hate me!”
“Of course he doesn’t hate you!” Max chuckled. “But he did say he will put your nerd ass in the silent city if you don’t bring me home by 11.”
of course, he did
oh my god SLEEP. there is so much to do tomorrow dying...my grammar was really bad and I don't have what it takes to use Grammarly's corrections except for the ones it's already doing as type.
this chapter had my heart BURSTING!! AHHHHHHH
the talk was so important I'm so glad they took care of that. ok imma head to bed now BYEE
Eeeeeee this was a lot sfkjdfkd I hope you are okay. Get some sleep next time or I will call the police.
Thank you as always for reading, reacting and supporting 💚
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babysizedfics · 3 years
hey! i just wanted to pop by and say that i love your blog loads 🥺🥺 also, i have a question! does roman ever give vee tickles? when they’re big OR small? 💗
aaawW thank u so much for saying so !!
heads up i accidentally made this a ficlet halfway through lol
warning for tickling and teasing
and YES roman tickles vee a lot hsjshdhs you see it on the ic blog quite a lot - if they're hanging out they are actually pretty touchy feely. even when big vee usually ends up in romans lap and he will purposefully be cheeky because he knows roman ends up tickling him as revenge jdhds
just yesterday roman was holding the video game controller out of reach of virgil and fondly teasing him abt being too short to reach it, so vee twisted his septum piercing with his tongue to freak roman out. roman is very grossed out by things easily and dropped the controller to get vee to stop
vee started playing the video game, still sitting in romans lap with a smug smile on his little face... but he was kinda disappointed roman didn't put up more of a (tickle) fight.
so he licked romans cheek
roman freaked out, went to scrub his cheek withm soap, compained on the blog about vee being gross and 'baby snot on his face', then vee just denied it all (purposefully being cheeky to try to get roman to retaliate) until roman started chasing him for revenge
they ended up in virgils room with roman pinning him to the floor. virgil THOUGHT roman was going to lick his cheeks back, but instead roman asked him to admit he did it. virgil denied it and roman started wiggling a finger under his ear
vee squeaked and a giggle escaped
"admit it!" roman demanded
of cours vee knew what would happen if he didnt. so: "no, im innocent!"
then romans other hand circled a finger around the side of his ribs. virgil gasped and started giggling constantly and wriggling under roman
"Last chance, vee-vee!" roman warns with eyebrows raised and a big smile
virgils gigges are squeaky and breathless already, he really is too sensitive for a lot of tickling. but he meets romans eyes for a brief second before they fall shut with another gasp when romans finger brushes a particularly bad tickle spot. "n-no-ho" virgil protests... then he licks his deptum piercing again just to add fuel to the fire
roman cries out in disgust then immediately starts scribbling both his hands quickly over the sides of virgils.
virgil screams and bucks and gasps and blushes so hard
at this point logan appears in the doorway to check what is happening
"h-help, lo-ho" virgil pleads, eyes watering and cheeks aching from laughing so much
"no, don't help Lo!" roman argues, chuckling at vee and kindly slowing his fingers enough to give vee room to breathe between giggles "this is justice for a heinous act!"
logan sniffs in amusement, "well i am not one to stand in the way of justice"
virgils eyes fly open and land on logan "no! pl-hee-he-ease, M-ha-Mama!"
hearing vee call logan mama immediately makes roman stop his fingers, because if vee is starting to regress theres no way he would enjoy such intense tickling
logan steps closer and leans down to better speak to vee. "are you alright, little one?" he asks in a very babytalk voice, then roman stops pinning him and pinches his cheek a little
"hi vee-vee, do you feel tiny?"
and virgil goess BRIGHT RED because he isnt regressing at all, he just used the Mama card to try to get logan to feel sorry for him. he covers his face with his hands and shakes his head and mumbles through his fingers "not little, sorry... just wanted.."
the other two frown. "wanted what, virgil" logan asks.
"do you want me to stop?" roman asks sincerely
virgil wriggles on the floor a little and pulls his hand down from his face enough to chew his thumbnail and reveal one eye and one very pink cheek "no.. just wanted, um... attention" he admits quietly
roman immediately lights up "Ohhhhhh-"
vee whines and covers his face again. roman takes his hands and pulls them away. "let me get this right... did you want more teases?"
vee's silence speaks loudly
"oh my god youre insatiable" roman laughs, but before virgil has time to feel insecure about it roman's fingers start teasing at his ribs again
"i think you have this under control," logan chuckles, then leaves.
"so teasing how tiny you are earier wasn't enough?" roman muses, his fingernails tracing lightly over each individual rib. virgil holds his lips tight to contain a squeal, but it just comes out as a highpitched whimper. "its not enough to just tease how your little arms can't reach when i hold a controller above my head?"
virgil cant respond because one of romans fingers is back under his ear and tickling right under his earlobe and making him titter and squirm
"and i dont think its enough to tease what an itty bitty widdle baby you are, either," roman says in a babytalk voice, laughing when vee whines and tries to hide his red cheeks but then roman pokes his tummy teasingly and vee immediately drops his hands to his tummy protectively. "because we all know what a tiny little cutie you are, with your baby bottles and pacis and your diapers"
"ro-ah!" virgil tried to protest but romans fingers went for the sides of his tummy and all he can do is gasp and wriggle and giggle and hope his cheeks dont catch fire with how much theyre burning
"so i think we'll just stick with teasing you... for how much you love being teased" roman says confidently
"nooo" virgil whines between breathless laughter
"yes, vee-vee" roman laughs. he's drawing little spirals over vee's sides now and it's making vee writhe and squeal
"you love the teases sooo much, how adorable is that, huh?" romans fingers slow down and atart tiptoeing over vee's ribs one by one like theyre stepping stones
vee gasps in a deep breath and lets himself calm down, all while squeaking and smiling so hard
"you pretend to not like it when we tease you for being the shortest, but everytime you get the biggest smile!" romans fingers go up so one wriggles under his ear again and one scribbles at his cheek. vee squeals and shakes his head
"no?!" roman gasps dramatically, "aw, but it's true vee! youre tiny and you love it! and you cant hide it anymore with those cute dimples popping out and your squeaky laughter whenever i hold something out of reach..."
virgils far gone from talking now. he's a flustered giggly mess
"hm and what about how much you love tickles? thats pretty adorable too you know" romans fingers go back to his ribs to circle around slowly and vee instantly curls up, legs bent up to his chest and accidentally trapping romans fingers there
"see!" roman laughs "you love being tickle tickle tickled so much you wont let me take my hands away!" he scribbles his fingers quickly now and vee squeals and rocks on the floor and gasps but his legs still hold romans hands there.
"n-n-no d-doh-ho--"
"no you don't?" roman guesses and virgil nods, eyes squint shut tight with laughter. "yes you do~" roman teases with a sing song babytalk voice. it makes virgils chest feel melty. "you love the tickles vee! Little vee is a little tickly cutie, aren't you?~"
virgil squeaks and gasps. romans fingers slow down and vee breathes through his giggles for a few moments. he's getting to his limit now
"cmon, vee~" roman sings and wiggles his hand sout from between virgils chest and knees. virgil squeals even tho roman wasnt trying to tickle him. roman laughs "if you admit you love teases and tickles then i'll stop"
it takes a couple of minutes for vee to be ready - both because he is so breathless and he keeps getting interrupted by giggle fits even though roman isnt touching him anymore, which just makes roman laugh too - but eventually virgil opens his eyes, squinting past tears of laughter and not bothering to hide his hot cheeks anymore and admits under his breath "i- i um i like being... teased and - and tickled"
"yeah you do" roman agrees with a big smug smile, then he gets up and helps pull vee up from the floor - vee's knees are wobbly and he collapses a little into roman when he is standing and they both laugh and roman keeps an arm around vee's shoulders when they go back to his room to carry on with the video game.
"that wasnt too much, was it?" roman asks a bit meekly after several minute of gameplay.
virgil looks iver to him and sees he refuses to take his eyes off the screen. romans fingers are fidgeting a bit with the controller even though its a cutscene on the screen.
"no," vee whispers, then lets himself wiggle back into romans lap like they'd been before. he looks at the screen as well and breathes deeply when romans arms circle around him. he feels secure and safe in his big brothers lap. "it was perfect" he admits quietly, stroking his fingers over romans arms
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