#word count 1000 3000
mongeese · 1 month
I love writing an essay where I'm actually excited that I'm on track to be under the word count because it means I can add a bunch more information and detail that I thought I'd have to leave out. I love being in classes that I actually enjoy and am passionate about this is so fun
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stesierra · 10 months
Poll time! Just for fun, what's the most number of words you've written in a single day? Smashing the keyboard with your forehead doesn't count.
Please reblog to get more answers!
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project-shereshoy · 1 year
What's 6 in Mando'a? What about 501st? How do you say "execute order 66"? In this blog post, we'll cover the Mando'a cardinal and ordinal number system, how to make any number from 0-9,999 and other words useful when discussing number and math. Sources are indicated with symbols (^ *) and listed at the bottom.
Mando'a uses a base-5 numbering system supplemented with base-10 suffixes. This means 1-5 are unique words along with 0, 10, 100, and 1000. All other numbers are a combination of those words. As it stands, KT Mando’a allows us to count up to 9,999. Here are the counting numbers:
0 - naas^ (literally "nothing") 1 - solus (prefix: sol) 2 - t'ad (prefix: ad) 3 - ehn (prefix: ehn) 4 - cuir (prefix: cur) 5 - rayshe'a (prefix: she) 6 - resol (prefix: rol) 7 - e'tad (prefix: tad) 8 - she'ehn (prefix: shen) 9 - she'cu (prefix: shek)
For the tens place numerals (20, 30, 40, etc), add the “tens” suffix -’eta to the prefixes above above. 0 and 1 do not act as prefixes for counting purposes. 10 is a unique number (ta+raysh aka "two fives").
10 - ta'raysh 20 - ad'eta* 30 - ehn'eta* 40 - cur'eta* 50 - she'eta* 60 - rol'eta* 70 - tad'eta* 80 - shehn'eta* 90 - shek'eta*
For the hundreds place numerals, the principle is the same. Add the “hundreds” suffix -’olan to the original numbers. Like 10, 100 is a unique number.
100 - olan* 200 - ad'olan^ 300 - ehn'olan^ 400 - cur'olan^ 500 - raysh'olan* 600 - rol'olan^ 700 - tad'olan^ 800 - shen'olan^ 900 - shek'olan^
For the thousands place numerals, the pattern continues. The suffix for “thousands” is a conjunction between the suffixes for “ten” and “hundreds”, -’eta’olan. This makes it literally “tens of hundred”. 1000 is an exception to the rule and is instead “ten hundred”.
1000 - ta’raysh’olan* 2000 - ad’eta’olan^ 3000 - ehn’eta’olan^ 4000 - cur’eta’olan^ 5000 - she’eta’olan* 6000 - rol’eta’olan^ 7000 - tad’eta’olan^ 8000 - shen’eta’olan^ 9000 - shek’eta’olan^
More Numbers
To fill the gaps in the above list, simply write out each place with a space between. Eleven (11) is ta'raysh solus*. Two hundred-sixty-three (263) in English is ad’olan rol’eta ehn^ in Mando’a. "Execute order sixty-six" becomes "Ke narir haar’ke’gyce rol’eta resol".
To turn a numeral into an ordinal (1 to 1st or 10 to 10th), add the descriptor suffix -yc. Theoretically this should also work with the suffix -la, but -yc is the one explicitly acknowledged in the KT dictionary. The last (singles) place numeral receives the descriptor suffix. E.g. she’olan sol'yc (501st) or cur’etayc (40th)
Other Useful Words
Soletar, verb, "to count" Sosol ti, phrase, "equal to" Majycir, verb, "to add" Te'habir, verb "to remove or take out" aka subtract
There's no ready answer for "multiply" or "divide", though creative use of tatugir "to repeat" could work in some cases. Fractions might be verbally represented as solus be ta'raysh "1 of 10" or some other prepositional combo that can also represent division. "Mathematics" also doesn't have a dedicated word, but "to calculate" is mirdir.
"But do Mandalorian space-barbarians really need to know math--" Yes. Ballistics. Logistics. Counting pay. Math is everywhere, it is inescapable. Inevitable. Evil Essential.
Words without source symbols are from officially published works by Karen Traviss, namely the Republic Commando novels. Reference this index to see the book & page number.
Asterik* words are from the lexicon Karen Traviss published digitally, which is hosted as-is on Mandoa.org without alterations (or corrections).
Carat^ words are derivations from the canon words' established patterns. As such, if you want to go with a different interpretation, have fun! These are suggestions and I ain't a cop. We'll answer follow-up questions on how they're derived, but we're not interested in arguing merits of one interpretation over another.
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magicalbats · 6 days
Okay, my Kinktober pieces are once again being put on hold. Apologies to everyone who’s been waiting for me to (finally) wrap up that project but this takes priority before anything else.
As you may or may not have seen in my last rb, my good friend ChickenParm is going through it right now and while I will be sending her some assistance on my own there’s only so much I can do by myself. I’m one person with a limited amount of money I can spare. But if a few of us can pitch in a little bit here or there I think we can all make a big difference together.
And since some of you have been asking about commissioning me, here’s your chance!
How it will work: 🦇
1. Refer to the pricing list below, decide how much you want to spend and then donate that amount to the link Parm provided in her post
2. DM me with a screenshot of the donation and tell me what you want. Barring the Hard No’s listed on my carrd I’ll write anything at all you want. I will be double checking with her to ensure everything is in order so please don’t try to pull one over on me (I’ll cry 😢)
3. ???
4. Profit! Uh, i mean enjoy your fic!
Pricing: 🦇
The word counts listed below are going to be set minimums for the corresponding price. I’m a natural born yapper so I might go over that a little, or even a lot, but this is how we’ll determine the general range of the fic you want.
$10 or under = 1000 words
$20 = 2000 words
$30 = 3000 words
$40 = 4000 words
$50 = 5000 words
And so on.
Commissions will be handled on a first come first serve basis so if you’re interested please don’t hesitate to act now. I’m not sure how many people will actually want to take me up on this offer but I figured it was worth a shot since I’ve gotten asked about this in the past. Parm is an excellent writer and a very good friend, and I’d like to help her out as much as I possibly can. I’ll write for 48 hours straight if that’s what it takes to fulfill everyone’s commissions so please dont worry about overwhelming me with too much all at once!
Best wishes everyone!
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vesper93 · 1 year
Writers, if you're in the flow of writing, how many words can you knock out in an hour?
(Here, I mean a workable text, not perfect and edited, but not a page of random words either).
Reblog for a bigger sample, I'm curious to know how many fellow "speed write and fix it later" authors there are out there.
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fateandloveentwined · 10 months
number of unique chinese characters in a book
So there's this blog I read long ago on the number of unique chinese characters one uses. Say a person writes a 10k chinese novel. But how many characters are discrete?
Classical chinese poems and songs have me doubting my chinese ability as always, and that got me curious about how many chinese characters I know or write on a daily basis.
To answer this (and to very much knock my confidence like an idiot) I put together something to count the number of unique chinese characters in a passage. I use about... 2.8k characters in my general writing.
Then I wondered about the authors I read.
A quick search online suggests that a chinese user knows and uses 1000-3000 characters regularly, and after high school you are supposed to have taken in over 6000 characters -- something I'm pretty sure I didn't do.
That said, I got curious about the number of unique characters these authors I read usually use. That doesn't at all indicate writing competency, but well, it felt interesting regardless so I decided to go play with that a bit.
For reference, jinyong's wuxia novels are around 3.5k to 4.5k unique characters per novel.
you only need 2.5-3k characters to use chinese like natives do, it's not too much really!
methodology rambles feel free to skip to next heading
I recorded some numbers and figures for something to work with with works I enjoyed. Fanfics I also included, which I saved on my computer a long time ago.
I made attempts to analyse the data in a fairer way, looking at the total word count and the highest frequency of "的"s (a very common chinese particle, think the letter "e") used in the passage. That sort of helped, but at the same time there are always outliers that manage to muddle up understanding every single time.
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So now, observations. I categorised them into four levels according to the number of unique characters, from lowest to highest.
note: notable novels are highlighted in yellow for easy spotting, and fanfictions are shaded in grey. I added english titles for most of them because I didn't put them in when I first did the screencaptures.
first level: below 3.5k unique characters
Good authors don't always equate an extensive character set. Conversely, there are authors who basically cannot write well (subjective) and still end up with a surprisingly not-low unique character count.
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Works like 靜影沉璧、瀟湘水冷、風骨同守 that adopted a more literary, classical chinese writing register had lower unique character counts than the others. This was not what I expected, considering these works were where I found most words I'm unfamiliar with and ended up questioning my chinese reading ability (sorry lol).
I was also surprised with 潭石、水千丞、覆水難收、木蘇里 (mu su li) because their writing are all pretty good, all achieved while using a much smaller lexicon range than what I've expected.
(不問三九 with good writing was also low and in this range, but I forgot to mark hers down so, shrugs.)
second: 3.6k to 4.5k characters
That said, some authors do typically reach a range of around 3.6-3.7k unique characters, which is a pretty wide character set. Supposing adding a book of an author increases the total number of unique characters the author has used, these authors tend to round up at around 4k+ words with 2-4 novels inputted.
With each book added, there would be an increase of a few hundred unique characters, but they tend to level off at about 4.3k etc., and that is likely their maximum unique character count.
Some do level off at around 3.7k though, which indicates a narrower range of lexicon employed.
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third level: the weird level
weird because the unique character count increases by leaps and bounds with every new novel of theirs that I added, and we end up perplexed and baffled.
At around 1M to 1.5M words inputted from an author, I thought that the unique character count would be pretty steady already, similar to how the unique character counts for authors at the second level levelled off eventually.
That's not the case for these two authors here. It is perplexing because the settings of their books do not vary greatly, yet the choice of characters and words were, apparently, diverse enough to give a "forever"-going increase in unique character count with every book I added.
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This category aggravates me so much I couldn't make head and tail of it honestly lol.
the final level: the eloquent and literate
Of course, in this world there are always very literate individuals, and verbose they may seem, some are good writers. Here are the authors who actually have a vast unique character range.
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You may be wondering how this 3.7k differs from the ones in the second level, but bear in mind this is merely the result from a single work of the author, or that the author's book is, like, half the length of the other authors while achieving a far higher unique character count than others.
And there's meatbun at the top of the list; I used both 2ha and Yu Wu for her stats, but her 2ha alone was already higher than Royal Nirvana and any other book I tested, so she goes in this category.
And et voila. All of this may not make sense to you, I'm not even sure about how the reception of this would be, it was a passion project and an interesting evening that I had, and now that I have some (sort of subjective) results I hope to share it out. :)
feel free to hmu for peculiar thought experiments and discussions on this topic!!
this is a repost from another site. i have used too many a username, and am not ready to link together all of them yet (someday) -- if you recognise this and wonder, message me, that's probably another account of mine.
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solomons-poison · 5 months
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I have decided to open commissions!
My roommate and I received some bummer news that our 7 month old kitten Beau has a grade 2 or 3 heart murmur. It was discovered when we took him to a clinic to get neutered, and thus had to put anything involving anesthesia on hold until he could be further evaluated by the vet. On 11/30, our vet agreed with the news stating they wouldn't recommend him going under anesthesia without heart monitors, and recommended him for a full workup with a cardiologist. Depending on his condition, testing could be costly.
We ended up opting to have him neutered at the vet so they could monitor while he's under anesthesia, which was more expensive than we had originally planned for. Beau has been neutered by the time I post this, but he will still need follow up to monitor his health and risks, and it has now put my account in the negative. I've also lost a source of income midway through October, and my roommate has lost her medical assistance meaning she'll need to look into more expensive medical coverage.
With the rising costs at my house and the loss of a source of income, I've decided to open writing commissions. I'm starting with just a few slots for now, with tentative prices that can be up for negotiation, because any help would be really appreciated. If you don't want to commission but still want to help, you can also buy me a coffee as well! This is my first time opening commissions so please be patient with me :)
I can write:
Angst/hurt (with/without comfort)
Headcanons or brief blurb
Suitor letters
Canon x OC/reader, canon x canon (poly is accepted!)
I will not do:
Explicit gore/violence/death
Explicit religious themes
Smut involving minors/pedophilia
General hate
$10 - 1000 words
$15 - 2000 words
$20 - 3000 words
[Suitor letters]
$10 each character
**I may unintentionally go over the word count you paid for, but you would not be charged for that.
My rules:
No more than three main characters total requested for a fic
Only fem reader or GN reader (I have nothing against male reader, I simply don't think I could write well in that perspective unless it's a pre-established character)
For smut requests, you are confirming that you are 18 years or older and will not be distributing or requesting this content on behalf of any minors.
Please see this post for more info on the fandoms I write for, and characters that I can or can't write.
I can post the completed commission as personal safety to prevent plagiarism and theft. I will also tag you in the completed commission post unless otherwise requested.
Please send me a DM with your request or interest or if you have any questions!
All payment will be through Paypal in order for me to create an invoice.
Availability: 2/4 slots filled
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bethanydelleman · 1 year
Jane Austen Charted #15
How Wealthy are the Jane Austen Heroines?
(This turned into a long post)
Women in Jane Austen’s novels have two kinds of wealth, fortunes which seem to be guaranteed to already accompany them into marriage, like Emma’s 30k or Elinor & Marianne Dashwoods’ 1k which they have already received from their uncle, and then eventual inheritance, like Elizabeth’s 1k that she will receive after the death of both of her parents. Here are the sums:
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And the explanation of each amount:
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Anne Elliot’s amount is disputed because of how the text is worded, she is either getting 10,000 or 1/3 of that amount. Here is the quote: who could give his daughter at present but a small part of the share of ten thousand pounds which must be hers hereafter. (Ch 24) It will be paid upon her father’s death.
As to the amount, I usually think it’s 1/3 of 10k. Knowing Sir Walter’s character, and that his wife was not a trade heiress but the daughter of a country gentleman, I think Lady Elliot’s dowry being ten thousand, and Sir Walter never adding to it seems pretty likely. He probably assumed that his children would marry well based on beauty and rank alone.
As for Emma, we don’t know what is going to happen to Hartfield. The fact that John Knightley has a job and isn’t just living off Isabella’s fortune until they inherit makes me think it might be going to Emma (as opposed to how Mary and Charles Musgrove are living), but that is speculation and may also be based in a difference in personality. It is equally possible that the plan was for Spinster Emma to live there with John and Isabella. Also, Emma is counting on her sister’s eldest son to inherit Donwell, not Hartfield, which is another clue that it’s going to Emma, not Isabella.
It seems to me that the best marriage prospects would be those who have a fortune now, not when their parents die. Certainly with men, those who are the most eligible have already come into their fortunes. 
Also, the Dashwoods and Anne Elliot are in a far safer financial position if their remaining parent dies, as they have a decent, though not large income on their own. The three Dashwood sisters could continue to live at Barton cottage and maintain themselves if they worked together.
So how do the heroines compare to other ladies:
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The richest two women are Anne de Bourgh, who will inherit Rosings, and Sophia Grey, the future Mrs. Willoughby. Given that Mrs. Jennings, who is from trade, knows Sophia’s relations, we can assume that Sophia is a trade heiress. Depending on what Emma Woodhouse receives when her father dies, she may be as wealthy as both of them.
From the novels, the breakdown of fortune attractiveness:
Nothing - Nothing is bad. However, I have a strong suspicion that this can mean actually nothing or something like Jane Fairfax with a few hundred pounds. Lucy Steele and Isabella Thorpe probably have actually nothing, but I doubt Mary Crawford when she says her friend who married a peer actually had zero pounds to her name. Miss Ross probably had nothing in comparison to Mary.
£1000 - Pretty much as bad as nothing. This isn’t enough for someone to maintain themselves in gentility. The Bennet sisters could pool their money and maybe be okay with their combined £250.
£3000 - Interesting that so many heroines have this amount. It seems like it’s a decent, but not great dowry. Respectable.
£10,000 - This number comes up A LOT in Jane Austen’s novels. We are told in Mansfield Park: Miss Maria Ward, of Huntingdon, with only seven thousand pounds, had the good luck to captivate Sir Thomas Bertram, of Mansfield Park... her uncle, the lawyer, himself, allowed her to be at least three thousand pounds short of any equitable claim to it. From this statement and context from the other novels, 10k seems like the basic “good” fortune. Minimum entry to expect an eldest son match.
£20,000 - This is a big fortune, go after a Mr. Darcy or a Tom Bertram the future baronet kind of money. I don’t get the impression that either Caroline Bingley or Mary Crawford are supposed to be seen as delusional for thinking they can marry where they aim for. It’s more about the guy not liking them than unrealistic expectations. 
£30,000 + Filthy rich
Also, I really wish we knew more fortune numbers! What did Lady Middleton and Mrs. Palmer have? What was an acceptable dowry for a Miss Bertram? (my guess is at least 10k) What did Charlotte Lucas have? (I suspect not much better than Elizabeth, if not worse) 
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kitsunefyuu · 10 months
Fandom Fanfic type Polls
I'm curious about people's preferences in the fanfic world so have a poll. I'm considering several kinds of poll related to fandom consumption of fanfics but I appreciate it if you reblog them I'm genuinely curious! Note this is just in general there will be more specific polls later~!
There is an explanation beneath the poll for those that don't understand what each is. And it is separated by word count to see how much attention people are willing to give. Ignore the 5 chapter max and 5-15 chapter range on the multi chapter those were supposed to be erased since it more about the word count per chapter.
Long Running Fanfics, are fanfics that don't seem to have a fixed amount of chapters that can go on for a long time. Like 50 chapters or beyond these are commitments. But how committed are you to reading each page?
One-shots, these are exactly as they sound they are one-shots that you can read in one go. Some are in series that might take place in one universe if you like vaguely related stuff. While many are stand alone, so this depends more on length of each.
Multichapter, these are fanfics that have a planned end to keep it more concise. They usually are attempted at the least to be under the 15-chapter range. These have planned out plots and stories to them like long runnings but try to make sure the stories are more concise. They can have sequels of course.
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loudntired · 7 months
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Q: Is there leeway on the writer application word count, or is it a strict 1000 minimum 3000 maximum?
A: There’s definitely leeway, we won’t be strict on the word count. Please just don’t exceed it by a TON! Thank you for asking :D
😴🎙️Have any more questions? Fill out our ask form and we'll post a response as soon as we can!
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kvhasproblems · 7 months
The Boy Next Door MasterList
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Main Masterlist:
Summary: My whole life seemed to be perfectly planned out for me, the perfect family, the perfect house with a white picket fence, the perfect boy next door… the only problem is I can’t seem to take my mind off my best friend…
Warnings: Severe homophobia, read has comphet, like hella slurs, a super shity mom, very minor hinted at racism (from one said super shity mom)
Background Nat/Lottie and Shauna/Jackie if you squint. It’s like hinted at.
A/N: This is my love letter to girls who had way too strong of a comphet phase and were always at war with their mothers. This fic also got so out of control it was supposed to be a oneshot but ended up being way too long so multi chapters it is lmao. I also love how when I started this I had an 1000 word essay due the next day and I couldn’t even get 500 words down but I sat and wrote the first 3000 of this so easily words so easily.
P.S. Uni is kicking my ass, so everything is gonna be so delayed.
Part 1
Word count: 2,512
Part 2:
Word count: 2,301
Part 3:
Word count: 2,869
Part 4:
Coming soon… but not really because i dont have much written for it yet
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starlight-poprocks · 1 year
Emergency Commissions
so i live with my partner and unfortunately due to certain living circumstances involving my family, we're being kicked out and only have a month to find a place.
i really need the help and support right now, so please reblog if you can't commission me. i price by word count, and my prices for fics are as follows:
$15 for 1000
$30 for 2000-3000
$40 for 4000-5000
$50 for 5000-6000
$60+ for 7000+
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senblades · 4 months
May I ask a question because I'm in desperate need of advice LOL
How are you able to write as often as you do and update as often as you do? Like it's awesome and I'm a little envious because I get stuck for days so often (like right now) 😭
Is there a trick you use or are you just able to write and not have the worry? Idk if you have any advice or anything but yeah I thought I'd ask :)
Of course!
Honestly? The reason I'm able to write so much is because I'm between Uni semesters and have nothing better to do lol
But! I do have certain things that I do to get into a flow:
I don't necessarily divide by chapters; rather, I divide by scenes- before I start writing, I'll do a series of summaries for all the scenes between major plot beats, and divide chapters mostly by word count.
This is pretty helpful, because it divides my writing process into managable chunks- with each scene usually only being between 1000-3000 words.
Also- sometimes when I get stuck on writing a scene (whether it be because I can't quite get the dynamic down or there's a lot of plot dialougue that needs to happen) I'll write all the dialouge down in a chat-fic kinda format -which usually helps with flow, I find- and then add all the scene descriptions and internal monolouge stuff later.
I hope this was somewhat helpful! Again, my main weapon is my copius amount of free time haha
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tyanis · 9 months
Poll: Fan fiction writers, what is your average chapter length?
After posting my other poll about how long it takes for you guys to update your fics, I started wondering how big the average chapter was...
Also, do you have a word count minimum for your chapters that you have to reach or do you just play it by ear?
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sunflowernyx · 10 days
No new updates this week but while I've got your attention, dear reader of fanfiction....
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crystalyssa35 · 10 months
Chapter Length Tips/Guide
Despite me writing for five years now, I still find myself struggling to make sure my chapters are the right length and size. I never really realized how short my “chapters” usually are. And when I finally glanced over at the final draft of the chapter, the word count would only be a little more than 500 words (that’s around four minutes). So, if you also struggle with chapters that are too short, then worry not! Thanks to Reddit user KaraNCTS’s answer on a post from r/AO3, we have an answer...
“...3000-5000 base count per chapter and then you can always adjust in editing, moving a scene to the next chapter or combining two chapters if it feels like one long chapter.”
When I read this, I had to try it for myself. On Google Docs, I use the font “Pangolin” at 12px for the main text, and “Croissant One” at 20px for my chapter titles. I try to aim for the midpoint: 4000 words per chapter. If I need to add a few more words or finish at less than 4000, I can. Each chapter in Google Docs averages out to about 10 pages per chapter, which is a mighty amount!
However, there’s no need to stress about your word count. I’ve made short stories that are around only 1000 words, and they’re still wonderful to read. In other words, your quality of your writing should be put first and foremost over the quantity of your word count. If you make your scenes in sections (I do this), then combine them to make a full chapter. Take note that your chapter should have an overall themes, meaning that your scenes should try and align with your chapter theme.
Hopefully, this guide helps with making the length of your chapters consistent. Feel free to post an ask if you have questions about writing! I’ll be happy to answer and and all questions. No matter how silly you think your question might be, a question is not useless if it helps you to learn!
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