#why did I pick croissants as the example? who knows!
goatsandgangsters · 1 year
how to find literally any post on a blog in seconds (on desktop)
there are so many posts about ~tumblr is so broken, you can’t find any post on your own blog, it’s impossible, bluhrblub~
I am here to tell you otherwise! it is in fact INCREDIBLY easy to find a post on a blog if you’re on desktop/browser and you know what you’re doing:
url.tumblr.com/tagged/croissant will bring up EVERY post on the blog tagged with the specific and exact phrase #croissant. every single post, every single time. in chronological order starting with the most recent post. note: it will not find #croissants or that time you made the typo #croidnssants. for a tag with multiple words, it’s just /tagged/my-croissant and it will show you everything with the exact phrase #my croissant
url.tumblr.com/tagged/croissant/chrono will bring up EVERY post on the blog tagged with the exact phrase #croissant, but it will show them in reverse order with the oldest first 
url.tumblr.com/search/croissant isn’t as perfect at finding everything, but it’s generally loads better than the search on mobile. it will find a good array of posts that have the word croissant in them somewhere. could be in the body of the post (op captioned it “look at my croissant”) or in the tags (#man I want a croissant). it won’t necessarily find EVERYTHING like /tagged/ does, but I find it’s still more reliable than search on mobile. you can sometimes even find posts by a specific user by searching their url. also, unlike whatever random assortment tumblr mobile pulls up, it will still show them in a more logically chronological order
url.tumblr.com/day/2020/11/05 will show you every post on the blog from november 5th, 2020, in case you’re taking a break from croissants to look for destiel election memes 
url.tumblr.com/archive/ is search paradise. easily go to a particular month and see all posts as thumbnails! search by post type! search by tags but as thumbnails now
url.tumblr.com/archive/filter-by/audio will show you every audio post on your blog (you can also filter by other post types). sometimes a little imperfect if you’re looking for a video when the op embedded the video in a text post instead of posting as a video post, etc
url.tumblr.com/archive/tagged/croissant will show you EVERY post on the blog tagged with the specific and exact phrase #croissant, but it will show you them in the archive thumbnail view divided by months. very useful if you’re looking for a specific picture of a croissant that was reblogged 6 months ago and want to be able to scan for it quickly 
url.tumblr.com/archive/filter-by/audio/tagged/croissant will show you every audio post tagged with the specific phrase #croissant (you can also filter by photo or text instead, because I don’t know why you have audio posts tagged croissant) 
the tag system on desktop tumblr is GENUINELY amazing for searching within a specific blog! 
caveat: this assumes a person HAS a desktop theme (or “custom theme”) enabled. a “custom theme” is url.tumblr.com, as opposed to tumblr.com/url. I’ve heard you have to opt-into the former now, when it used to be the default, so not everyone HAS a custom theme where you can use all those neat url tricks. 
Tumblr media
if the person doesn’t have a “custom theme” enabled, you’re beholden to the search bar. still, I’ve found the search bar on tumblr.com/url is WAY more reliable than search on mobile. for starters, it tends to bring posts up in a sensible order, instead of dredging up random posts from 2013 before anything else
if you’re on mobile, I’m sorry. godspeed and good luck finding anything. (my one tip is that if you’re able to click ON a tag rather than go through the search bar, you’ll have better luck. if your mutual has recently reblogged a post tagged #croissant, you can click #croissant and it’ll bring up everything tagged #croissant just like /tagged/croissant. but if there’s no readily available tag to click on, you have to rely on the mobile search bar and its weird bizarre whims) 
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lamppostss · 24 days
"Fevers" [2/3] (Disc)
After an acceptably short amount of time, the eggs slid out from the pan onto a thick pewter plate with a pleasant sizzle. The plate landed onto an old wooden tray, accompanied by a mug of coffee. A nutritious breakfast, albeit a bit heavy for the stomach. Not like they had any choice right now… “Finally! Did you grow the coffee yourself or what?” announced Vallarys as soon as her door opened and a variety of delicious smell entered the room, accompanied by a noticeably less delicious mage. “Pardon?” “What took you so long?” “…” He placed the tray onto her bedside table, taking his food off it and placing on the windowsill opposite of the door. “Just eat. Save your bile for digestion.” He calmly turned away, as she childishly stuck out her tongue at his back. “At least she has table manners” sighed Soleil in his head, opening a book. The horrifying concept of having to babysit the group’s bard in such a manner made him shudder slightly, but quickly he found things more interesting than scaring himself with hypotheticals. Eating breakfast, for example. The room went quiet for a second, with only noises breaking through the silence being the clanking of utensils and the flipping of pages. “Watcha readin’?” Soleil raised his head, looking away from the text. “” Accounts of a Rogue Alchemist” by Geltenkranz of Par Noueu. An…” “Oh, so more nerd shit.” Chuckled Vallarys. “Let me guess – the author is an all-powerful crusty old wizard who can magic anything into existence but is defeated by having to chew food and his ye ancient dick not working?” “He was an outlaw who happened to have academic interests. It is fascinating to see how much one can achieve even without the backing of any major institution. Besides - his writing is rather creative with some of the… less academic aspects of his life.” Retorted Soleil. The mage sounded offended, almost like those insults were directed at him, rather than a man most likely long gone.
The rogue’s ears perked up a tiny bit. “Go on.” The pale wizard flipped a page back and cleared his throat. “”Countess Emilia Umbranox was an often called an industrious woman, most likely because of the district-worth of men she managed to bed every other weekend.” I also like “He was like the Cyclops of the legends, except instead of being a horrifying force of nature – he was an aging fat sodomite.”.” read the man aloud, with a completely straight look on his face. The young dragonborn erupted into laughter. “Now THAT’S something. Why can’t you be more like him?” “You want me to be a thieving alchemist?” “Well he was a crouton, just like yourself, wasn’t he?” “I do not understand.” “Of course you don’t, genius. You don’t even know what “fun” is.” Le’Garde went quiet, right before scoffing and turning back to reading. Vallarys sat in silence for a moment, before grumbling a plea. “Can I get something to read too?” “Oh? No “croissant-boy” or “cheese-eater” this time? No “please” or “thank you” either, but that’s part for the course with children…” the man tilted his head to the side. “You can just say “No”, you patronizing dickhead.” She crossed her arms and turned her head away from the wizard. After a bit of shuffling – suddenly a small tower of books was on the floor beside the bed. Soleil sat back down, without uttering a word or even making any noise, besides slow, measured footsteps. Vallarys couldn’t help herself but stare at the man. It was mostly spite, mixed with bemusement and even, surprising even herself, gratitude. There was something about the pale wizard that made her admire him as much as detest his presence, though she could never say what exactly it was. His intelligence? It made him insufferable. His penchant for magic? She has seen greater wizards than some undergraduate academic. Maybe his personal charm or looks? The great rogue would never stoop so low as to admire a loser like him. Probably.
The dragonborn picked up the first book she found. “Crossed Swords – Love on the Battlefield”. Cheesy, god-awful, scandalous “provocative erotica-focused bio-historical accounts”. Why would someone like Soleil, who shied away from almost any physical pleasures, carry something like THIS in his bag? Her eyes darted to the fair headed man and back to the book, imagining him, reading wordy graphic descriptions of interracial cunnilingus while drenched in candlelight in the academy dorm. It was humorous, but also strangely familiar. She would do that too if she could. Everyone has their guilty pleasures in life. He wasn’t a bad person, just a poor sod misguided by his own perfectionism. Obviously, only until he decided to open his blasted mouth again. “You are staring.” Cheeky fuck, thought Vallarys to herself. “Just surprised how ugly you are without your robes. Could you please put them back on? Or would a potato sack be more of your aesthetic?” Soleil’s gaze slowly trailed away from his reading, through the floor and onto the bedridden woman. “Aha, so you are clearly jealous of my noble complexion. With yourself being just a stubby dragon mutt…” “You look triple your age, bellend. And don’t start on nobility – my mother could make you kiss my feet with a snap of her fingers.” “And she is not here, is she? It is just you and moi. So…” “Once I am out of this bed – I am kicking your ribs in, you twat.” “Watch me tremble in fear.”
Both turned away from each other. While their spoken words were filled with hostility and animosity, within there was a rather strange, pleasant feeling. It was like they were bonding. Not through fake smiles and polite nods at some grand event, but with honest banter and constant jabbing at each other. Both of them felt that they wanted more, that this was fun, that they enjoyed this type of company… Obviously, neither would admit to such thoughts. Not in a million years.  For now – just quietly reading in a room together would suffice. After a good couple hours, the banging of the entrance door was heard by the pair. Their comrades have returned. “Wizard! Come ‘ere!” Called out Torgrim from downstairs. The dwarf rarely raised his voice, but when he did – it felt like all the windows nearby shook. Soleil sighed, put away his reading and approached the door. “And get me something to drink while you’re at it, maid.” Added Vallarys with the usual smugness in her voice. To her surprise – there was no quip back. No banter, no annoyed sigh. Just a stare back. A cold, genuinely resenting look, right before the door shut behind him. The rogue wouldn’t admit it, but it did make her feel a bit uneasy. She didn’t do anything wrong, did she? The pale human and the dwarf met each other in the kitchen, with the latter piling different vegetables onto the table. “Did you sell our bard for food, master Dwarf?” “Nae, not yet.” Calmly responded the squat warrior. “We’ll be out for longer than we thought. So, we bought this for yer two.” “What exactly for?” Soleil raised an eyebrow. “Ye’ll be cooking soup for the child.” “Why exactly soup? We have plenty of other food.” Torgrim turned away from the table and looked directly at the wizard, pointing at him with his calloused finger. “Every warrior worth their salt lives by the Three Ss. Their strength, their sword, and their soup.” He sounded gravely serious. “Remember this, lad.”
An awkward silence followed, as two men shuffled around each other, relocating small bags of potatoes, leek and other kitchen necessities. After a short while, the dwarf was on his way out of the building. Soleil expected him to ask something about his “patient”, but it seems he underestimated Torgrim’s taciturnity. He left as suddenly as he appeared, leaving the wizard to get to cooking the holy broth. Though, he had to get some tea for her first. As the water reached its’ boiling point, Le’Garde caught himself… stung. Not by any critter, but by the woman he was told to care for. “Maid”. “Servant”. “Callboy”. Those words meant the same and hurt the same as well. He remembered well the days of his youth. The days of eternal servitude to those who were above him. They looked down on him not for his lack of merit, but for who he was born. Slum rat. That’s what they called him. Again, a palpable sense of anger started to build up inside of him, and again, he held it back. He was a bigger person than this. Now, about that tea…
The door creaked open and he almost dropped the poor pewter cup of boiled leaves on the floor. Not only did Vallarys get out of bed, but she was also going through the stack of books he left on the window. Seeing the wizard, she let out a barely audible “Shite…” and fell backwards, onto the floor. “Vallarys!” The wizard rushed to her, setting the tea onto the floor. The rogue’s eyes met his, only to see something that she didn’t expect. Genuine concern. Even fear. His mask of cold indifference to the world slipped off, giving way to something genuine. “I’m… fine.” “Why did y…” “I just wanted another book, okay? Don’t fuss over me.” As she sputtered and hissed, Soleil suddenly put her arm over his shoulders and walked her back to the bed, leaving Vallarys wide-eyed for a brief moment. “So, what was that Torgrim business about anyway?”. A simple question to quickly change the topic of conversation and save her from her own thoughts of embarrassment. “Torgrim has bought some supplies. Ingredients for a soup, mostly.” “So…” Vallarys smiled, almost with devilish intent. “Soupplies?” Soleil raised an eyebrow, not noticing how the corner of his mouth formed a barely noticeable smirk. “That was horrible and you know it.” He placed a cup of tea on the bedside table, letting out a sigh. “Let us… Just, not do that again?”
„Or what? Gonna put me in the timeout corner? Take away my teddy?” mockingly replied Ra’anir, smiling softly. “Probably die of a heart attack, if I have to be honest.” He… cared? A sudden warm jolt ran through the middle of Vallarys’ chest. What has happened to this man? From scolding and banter to… this. Soleil was just full of surprises. And she wanted to crack them open – one by one. “Didn’t know you had one, wizzie.” “Please never call me that ever again.” Half-seriously scoffed Le’Garde, sitting back down with a book. Over the next couple of hours, they have managed to collectively read more than their companions have in the last two years of their lives. The quiet complemented the aged and dusty surroundings perfectly, being a dark oak cherry on top of a melancholy cake. As the scaled rogue fell victim to a sudden urge to take a short nap, the wizard went downstairs to start cooking. Every great dish starts with some poor soul pacing around the kitchen, trying to find an adequately sized pot, then filling it with water and finding out that the needed ingredients have been unexplainably misplaced, needing additional two very awkward minutes of searching around. In the end, Soleil managed to locate the following – four cloves of garlic contained in a bag with a holy symbol on it, five northern onions, three enormous carrots, a small bunch of thyme, a celery stick, some jumbo potatoes and something that was deduced to be some variety of parsnip. Combined with spices and other foods that the group was lugging around with them – that was enough for a good, enjoyable meal. The mage got to cooking straight away, completely occupying his thoughts with the process. Fine chopping, dicing, peeling, boiling, frying, mixing, seasoning, mixing again – all a coordinated dance, an expression of soul and the eternal lust of all mortal beings to acquire as much soup as they can.  Having finished, the wizard sampled the broth, nodded in approval of the result and ventured back upstairs, with a steaming bowl in hand. There, in the evening lights, he had noticed a thing amiss with his patient. She had set her book away, curling into a ball under a thick woolen blanket. Placing the soup on the table, Soleil rushed to the bed, sitting down beside the young woman. “Fever?” quietly, with audible worry in his voice asked the fair headed mage, placing his hand on the rogue’s forehead. It was abnormally warm, almost hot. “Fever.” He concluded. “I’m trying to sleep, Sol.” Vallarys brushed off the academic’s concerns with a weary voice. “It’s fine.”
It in fact, was not fine. First it was just a mild temperature increase, sleepiness, and loss of appetite, but soon after came the shakes, the chills and harsh shortness of breath. The dragonborn flipped herself over onto her back, staring at the ceiling with a blank, clouded gaze. The wizard could feel his palms get covered in his own sweat. For all he knew – she could die, right here right now. Thoughts rushed through his head like a squad of dwarves through a busy tavern. Pleasant scenes from the past. How they danced between worlds, how happy she seemed to spot him in the land of the undead. She still was an insufferable brat, but one that Soleil had a colossal soft spot for. She got on his nerves, but also was his breath of fresh air in the suffocating presence of the world. On the other hand, he could feel the heavy shade of doubt crawl over him. Maybe he was just blind? She IS a noblewoman, a daughter of two of the most influential people on the discs. She could be using him, pulling the strings, patting his back inbetween harsh jerks of the leash. Le’Garde knew very well how most nobles show their gratitude. He wants to help her, but at the same time – he can already picture the constant backtalk coming back in the morning, with no “thank you” to speak of. His own bitterness and exhaustion made his body feel weak, as if he was to collapse next to the sickly girl. As the evening dragged on into the darkness of the night, the thoughts became even more conflicting. It felt hellish, feeling as if someone dear to him was suffering greatly, but also as if another metaphorical backstab was coming soon after. The mistrust lingered even as Vallarys finally fell asleep, turning away from the wizard. What would she say when she were to woke up…? He sat in silence, darkly.
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mysticraven20 · 3 years
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Everyone knows Adrien Agreste likes Passionfruit.
Everyone knows Adrien Agreste is blonde.
Everyone knows Adrien Agreste is ‘the perfect son’.
What everyone doesn’t know is that Adrien Agreste is Chat Noir, and sometimes his sneaky side appears to change things to suit himself.
For example, Nino thinks Chat Noir’s favourite colour is green, his favourite power up is his ice form, and that he is madly in love with Ladybug, and he’s not wrong. Where did he find out this information? On Wikipedia, of course.
But everyone knows Wikipedia can be easily manipulated, right? So when Nino made a bet with Adrien regarding zebras, there was no chance of him losing. After all, he could just change what he needed to and move on.
“Did you know zebras are black with white stripes? I always thought it was the other way around.”
The two heroes sat on their usual rooftop munching on the croissants Ladybug had brought with her.
“Huh?” Her eyes caught his and he shrugged.
“I had a bet with a friend at school about it, I really thought I was right.” Adrien continued, swallowing down his third croissant.
“I’ve never really thought about it before,” she responded, picking up a croissant and playing with it between her hands, “so they’re actually black?”
“Yup, completely. The stripes that they form are species-specific patterns.”
“That’s actually really interesting. So, what have you lost in the bet?” She asked.
His smirk lit up the night, oh how sweet and honourable his lady was.
“Who said I lost?” He wiggled his eyebrows at her. “There was no way I was losing to this guy again, it would be the twelfth time in a row.”
Ladybug snorted at him, taking another bite of her croissant.
“How petty can you get?”
“Well, if you must know <em>my</em> ladybug, I edited the Wikipedia article to win.”
She stared at him wide eyed, croissant falling from her mouth in the most unattractive way.
Oh yes, she didn’t know how petty he could actually be.
The next morning at school Adrien walked up to Nino with a smug look on his face, phone in hand.
“Read it and weep,” Adrien said as Nino scanned the article.
“No way, I know I’m right, this can’t be happening.”
His fingers flicked the page on the phone up and down before he turned to the girls and looked at them both, facial expressions begging for help.
“What’s wrong Nino?” Alya asked, Adrien made his way to his seat, sometimes victory was too sweet.
“Zebras? Black on white, or white on black?”
“White on black.” Both girls responded.
Nino shook his head and placed the phone in front of them.
“Not according to Wikipedia.”
Marinette looked at the phone before looking at the smug look on Adrien’s face. There was no way? Was there?
“What? Why are you looking at that?”
Adrien noticed a flicker of something in Marinette’s eyes. Shock? Horror? Unbelief?
“Me and my dude were arguing yesterday so we made a bet.” Nino explained.
“A - a bet?”
Adrien met Marinette’s eyes and a course of panic spread through him. No way! No freaking way!
“Yeah, he was so sure they were white with black stripes.”
Marinette’s eyes narrowed, causing Adrien to gulp. Oh no!
“Did you know you can change Wikipedia? You can edit it yourself, and add additional information.” Marinette explained to Nino, “my friend told me last night. He said he’d done it himself once, you know, to win a bet.”
Marinette fluttered her eyelashes at Adrien. Oh he was dead! She took the phone and refreshed it. It seemed someone had gone on and edited the information back to what it was.
“You cheat.” Nino shouted, “smart move, bro, but now you owe me.”
Before the girls could hear what the deal was, Ms. Bustier had called the class to attention and began her lesson. Not that Marinette learnt much considering the curiosity utterly consuming her.
“I hate you, you know.” Chat plonked himself down next to Ladybug.
“I love you too, Chaton.”
“Don’t play nice now! You know what you did, <em>Marinette</em>.” She looked at him, then burst out laughing. It was clear now what the bet was.
“What is wrong with your eyebrows? Your father’s going to kill you.” She responded.
“It’s your fault.”
“I don’t think so, Kitty, this one is all on you, you cheat.” He plonked himself down next to her, eyebrows no longer blonde but a dark shade of brown. “I’m not dating you until they’re back to normal.”
“Dating? You think I want to date you after the stunt you pulled?” His face twisted into such a pained expression causing her to burst out in laughter again.
“I’m sorry, Adrien.” She looped her arm through his and rested her head on his shoulder.
“Yeah, whatever.” He attempted to play mad at her only to burst out laughing himself. “Does it look as bad as I think it does?”
“Probably worse.”
He shook his head before resting it on top of hers.
“So, a date? Uh? At least I finally won something.”
They both laugh again, looking out into the night and wondering what Gabriel Agreste would find as a suitable punishment for his now brown ‘browed’ son, but it was certain that Adrien Agreste would never mess with Wikipedia again, unless it was to update Chat Noir and Ladybug’s relationship status, that is. He’d deal with those repercussions all in due time.
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starshine583 · 3 years
New Girl on the Block (7)
(I hope you guys enjoy this new chapter! Feel free to check out the mini series connected to this fic called Journal Entries. I will warn whoever reads it that I’m not sure how long I’m going to keep it up, though.)
Ch.1 / Ch.6 / Ch.8
Chapter 7: That Happy Glow
“This is gonna be so much fun, Tikki!” Marinette exclaimed as she slid on her light pink flats. “I can’t wait to get to the aquarium!”
“Don’t forget your purse!” Tikki reminded, zipping around her chosen’s head. “I want to see some of the fish too!”
Marinette laughed and reached for her coat. The weather had been reported to drop over the weekend, and she didn’t want to take any chances. “Of course! I’ll make sure to pack some cookies for you too.”
When Felix told her last Monday that Adrien came to Rosemary looking for her, She’d been understandably distraught. Dupont had been given strict instructions to keep her new school’s name a secret, yet her old classmates were still coming to talk to her. It left many questions that needed to be answered. For example, how did they find out? Did Bustier tell them? Felix had mentioned that a girl was the one to give Adrien the information, though that hardly narrowed down the suspect list. Was Adrien the only one who knew? If not, were her other classmates going to try to come for her too? She’d asked her mother about it as soon as she got home, and as expected, Sabine flew into a rage. 
“I send my daughter to a new school to get her away from her old classmates, and what do they do? They follow her there!” She’d fumed. “Unbelievable.”
Once Marinette talked her down from calling the police to file for harassment, they called the school, and Mme Bustier insisted that they’d been tight lipped about Marinette’s new school, but Marinette didn't buy it. Who else could have told Adrien? No one knew about her attending Rosemary, not unless Nathalie managed to find the information, and that was highly unlikely.
Although the situation was a mix of frustrating and worrisome, Marinette took comfort in the fact that Adrien seemed to believe she wasn't actually attending Rosemary. At the very least, he hadn’t stopped by again- as far as she knew -and hadn’t visited the bakery again either.
A small sigh passed her lips at the thought of how close she'd come to exposing herself as a Rosemary student. Thank goodness Felix had been out there to greet Adrien instead. His quick thinking had really saved her, and he even offered to give her a ride home afterwards. (For the second time) She never intended on asking Felix for help with things like this- mostly because she didn't want to bother him -but it was good to know she could depend on him when she needed to. Not only did he help her with Adrien, she also noticed him trying to keep others around her during the day after everything blew over. Allegra would order lunch with her more. Claude would join her to go to the lockers more. Allan would walk her to classes that they didn't have together. Things like that. Felix even offered to accompany her himself on a few occasions. It was a sweet gesture, and although the extra attention wasn’t necessary, it was greatly appreciated. Maybe she should make him a little thank you gift. What sort of things does he like again? Books and chess.. and silence.. how could she make a gift out of that?
Either way, Marinette couldn't thank him enough for his kindness, and now that six days of blessed silence has passed, the nervousness from the Adrien encounter was replaced with giddy enthusiasm for the aquarium. She buzzed around her bedroom to finish getting ready, putting on her scarf and earmuffs as quickly as she could. Allegra was supposed to come pick her up, but they were all going to meet up and walk into Aquarium de Paris together. She didn’t want to hold anyone up.
Marinette wrapped her purse around her shoulder, finally finishing her outfit, and bounced over to the trapdoor to go downstairs. Allegra should be arriving in about five minutes. That gave her just enough time to snag a few cookies for Tikki, a croissant for herself (and maybe Claude), and say goodbye to her parents. 
“Goodmorning, sweetheart!” Sabine greeted warmly.
“Morning, Maman!” Marinette smiled, briefly pausing to let her mother kiss her on the forehead.
“Did you have a good sleep?” Tom asked, holding out an arm to her.
Marinette let out a nervous chuckle as she gave him a side hug. “Yes and no. I was kind of too excited to sleep.”
“You and me both.”
Marinette turned to one of the small tables in the bakery to see Allegra sitting with a smile and a cup of coffee. She was bundled up too, which told Marinette that she was probably right to put on her winter clothes.
“You’re already here?” Marinette asked, panic briefly seizing her chest. She looked around for the time. “How long have you been waiting? Am I late again?”
Allegra chuckled and stood up to pull Marinette into a hug. “Not at all! I just happened to get here a few minutes early, and your parents offered me a coffee while we waited for you to come down.”
Marinette relaxed a bit and hugged Allegra back. “You could have come upstairs to get me.”
“I didn’t want to rush you.” Allegra shrugged. “Besides, your parents are fun to talk with!”
Tom and Sabine both smiled and straightened with pride, causing Marinette to giggle.
“Here,” Tom said, taking a brown, paper bag out from under the counter. “We packed some breakfast for you.” 
“And made sure to put plenty of croissants in for Claude and the others.” Sabine added with a smile.
Marinette took the bag with a sincere “thanks”. That saved her time on sneaking around for snacks.
“Oh, Claude is going to love those.” Allegra smirked, touching the bag to feel how warm it was. 
Marinette giggled and nodded in agreement. It’s been almost three weeks since she started at Rosemary, and Claude still asks for croissants every lunch period. “Are we ready to go?”
“Yep! My driver’s waiting out front for us.” Allegra replied, tilting her head in the direction of the door.
“Have fun, you guys!” Sabine cooed.
“Make sure to take plenty of pictures with the fish!” Tom added with a wave.
“We definitely will.” Allegra beamed, looping her arm with Marinette’s.
With a final wave, they stepped outside together, and Marinette sharply inhaled as the chill of the air immediately gnawed at her features. She knew it was going to be cold, but she didn’t think it would be this cold. 
I hope Felix didn’t decide to get there early today. Marinette thought to herself as they scrambled into the backseat of the car. 
“So are you excited?” She asked Allegra while buckling in. Claude had been bouncing around the school walls all week for this trip, but Allegra hadn’t said much about it. Neither had Allan. Of course, they didn’t have to be excited. Marinette was just curious as to whether they were or why they weren’t.
“Absolutely!” Allegra grinned, bringing a smile to Marinette’s lips as well. Guess people show their excitement in different ways.
“Probably not as excited as Claude, though.” The blonde continued, a humorous expression crossing her features. “How many fish did he text on the group chat again?”
Marinette squinted slightly as she thought about it. “I think.. Twenty seven? Maybe twenty eight.”
“Twenty eight sounds about right.” Allegra said with a nod. “I swear Allan was this close to blocking him.” 
Marinette laughed. “That knife meme was hilarious! I still can’t believe that Felix was the one who sent it. I was starting to think he didn’t read the group chat.”
“Yeah, he surprises us every now and then.” Allegra mused, a fond smile coming to her lips. “Like this aquarium trip. I don’t think he’s ever once agreed to go somewhere with us after the first invite.”
Marinette shrugged and settled into her seat as the driver pulled out onto the road. “Well, he did say that you were going to force him either way.”
Allegra’s smile turned devilish. “And he’s absolutely right. If he had said no to coming, I would have dragged him there myself, but that’s never stopped him before.”
Marinette tilted her head in a nod. That was certainly true.
“Maybe he just likes aquariums?”
Allegra hummed, a mischievous glint in her sky blue eyes as she said, “Or maybe he likes someone who’s going to the aquarium.”
Marinette furrowed her eyebrows. Like as in like like? Like a crush? Felix didn’t seem like the type to have a crush on someone, though after hearing him talk about the lovers in his classical playlist, she supposed it was a possibility. 
“Is there someone else you guys know that might be there?”
A short laugh burst from Allegra’s lips, almost like Marinette had missed the point of something, and she shook her head. “No, nevermind. Forget I said anything. Let’s just enjoy our agreeable Felix while we have him.”
Marinette nodded, though her thoughts still lingered on the comment. Felix developing romantic feelings for someone sounded like such a foreign concept to her. Not that he was unlovable, or anything. He was just.. too logical. He didn’t dote on feelings. The only circumstance where she can clearly see him acquiring a spouse would be an arranged marriage. He’d probably be the one to plan it, too, seeing it as the most beneficial choice between both families. What type of wife would he pick, anyway? She’d probably be beautiful and quiet, right? Not to mention smart. Felix wouldn’t be able to stand someone ‘incompetent’. Maybe she’d be a bit of a perfectionist like him?
A soft hum passed her lips. It was definitely a thought.
Felix grit his teeth as the biting chill of the morning seeped into his clothing. It was times like this that he wished those jokes about the incredible inaccuracy of weathermen were true. He hasn’t even been outside for ten minutes, and his fingers were already numb. If Felix had known that his coat and gloves would be this ineffective, he would have taken the second coat that his mother tried to insist he wear earlier.
A shiver ran up his spine as a particularly cold burst of wind whipped past him, and he pulled his coat tighter around his waist. What time was it? Were the girls going to be arriving soon? 
He flicked his wrist upwards to catch sight of his watch. Allegra said that they would be meeting at Aquarium de Paris at 10am. Being 9:58am., they should be arriving any minute, but that didn’t stop him from heaving a deep sigh towards the wait. Note to self: Don’t arrive early to activities that take place outside during the winter.
A nudge to the arm brought Felix’s attention to Claude. He’d also arrived early- probably out of sheer excitement. He’s been blabbering about this trip all week -but the cold didn’t appear to affect him nearly as much.
“Are you nervous?” The brunette asked, causing Felix to shoot him a flat look.
“Why on earth would I be nervous?”
“Oh, no reason..” Claude said, his tone light and teasing. “I just know that Marinette’s going to be here.”
Felix rose a brow. “And?”
Claude smiled knowingly, but Felix couldn’t imagine what the brunette thought he knew this time. 
“You two have gotten pretty close lately.”
“In what way?” There was the physical way or the mental way. Granted, both ways were incorrect, but it was an important distinction.
“Well, you talk to each other all the time.” Claude answered, as though that should be some monumental fact.
Ah. So it’s the mental way.
“That’s usually what happens when two people are in the same friend group.” Felix responded. “They talk.”
“Yeah, but what about the library?” Claude argued. Why did he feel the need to argue? “You two were practically touching noses, and no one else was there besides me.”
Felix furrowed his eyebrows. “Yesterday? When we were sharing headphones?”
Claude nodded, a Cheshire grin crossing his features. Why did he look triumphant? No one had won anything. “Yep. That’s the one I’m talking about.”
“Do you share headphones differently?”
“Well, no..” Claude half-shrugged. “But you guys are still pretty close, don’t you think?”
Felix paused. The label of being close to Marinette wasn’t a bad one, save for the fact that it was completely untrue. In light of a physical closeness, the only moments that they were close would be times when Marinette fell on top of him or yesterday, when they shared headphones in the library, and the latter scenario is being taken entirely out of context. They don’t walk around holding hands or hugging or sitting shoulder to shoulder next to each other, and in all honesty, Felix wouldn’t want to. He doesn’t enjoy constantly touching people. And as for the mental closeness, Marinette hasn’t told him anything that she hasn’t told anyone else. Felix knows a lot about her, yes, but almost everything he knows has been found out secretly, through silent observations. He would hardly call that “close”.
“No, I don’t think so,” he finally answered, “but I’m still confused as to why that would make me nervous.”
Claude pursed his lips, studying him for a moment, then sighed and crossed his arms. “Oh, nevermind. Either you’re in denial or you’ll figure it out eventually.”
A hint of frustration started to stir in Felix’s mind. Figure out what?
Before he could ask anything else, another voice cut into their conversation. 
“Oh, there you guys are!” 
It was Allan, and when Felix looked up, he noticed that Marinette and Allegra were accompanying him as well. Wonderful. He’d somewhat forgotten about the cold during Claude’s maniac ramblings, but now that his focus had shifted, the weather was hitting him full force again. He needed to escape inside before his feet were frozen to the sidewalk.
Claude perked up and waved to the three as he ran over to them. “Hey guys! What took you so long?”
Felix hobbled over to them as well, catching sight of Marinette’s sheepish smile as she said, “Sorry, Claude. We got here as fast as we could.”
Claude, of course, waved off the apology. “Nah, I’m just kidding. We weren’t waiting that long.”
The brunette scooped Marinette into a hug, coaxing out a laugh from her. She was so bundled up with coats and scarfs and gloves that Claude had to squish her between his arms to hold her, and it vaguely reminded Felix of a marshmallow. 
In weather like this, though, being a marshmallow didn’t sound half bad.
Claude blew out a contented sigh as he nuzzled his face into Marinette’s shoulder. “Man, Mari, you’re so warm! I need to start using you as my personal heater.”
Marinette chuckled and pulled back just enough to hold up a brown, paper bag. “Thanks, but I think it’s just the food Maman sent with me.” 
A gasp flew from Claude, and he immediately set her back on the ground. “Food, you say? As in, croissants food??”
“Yes, Claude.” Marinette giggled. “Croissants food. Maman packed a few extras especially for you.”
Claude literally let out a girlish squeal and made “grabby hands” for the bag. Marinette gladly obliged, letting him dig through it for his favorites.
“Your mom is the absolute best.” Claude said, his voice muffled from the chocolate croissant he bit into. “Please adopt me.”
The group shared a small laugh, but Felix rolled his eyes. Claude was always overdramatic. 
“You better not let Aunt Felicity hear you say that.” Allegra spoke up. She was also bundled to the max- though her coat was light purple -and looked about ten times warmer than Felix felt. “Remember the last time you asked Allan to adopt you?”
Claude scoffed. “That was different! This time I want to be adopted because of Mme Sabine’s cooking, not because of how many games Marinette has.”
“Oh, yeah.” Allan snorted. “That’s completely different.”
“Hey, mom will understand.” Claude insisted, placing his hands on his hips. “She knows she can’t cook anything to save her life. That’s why we have a personal chef.”
“Wait, are you two cousins?” Marinette cut in, confusion flicking across her features.
A slight frown came to Allegra’s lips. “No, why do you ask?”
“You called his mom ‘Aunt Felicity’.”
“Oh!” The blonde’s face lit up with understanding. “Yeah, we do that. Claude’s parents are Aunt Felicity and Uncle Albert, and Allan’s parents are Aunt Meridith and Uncle Theodore.”
Allan nodded in agreement. “I think it started back in middle school when Claude accidentally called M. Chanson ‘Uncle Arthur’ while taking some snacks.”
Allegra snorted. “Oh, yeah, that was definitely the start of it. Dad wouldn’t stop talking about it for days. He thought it was the best.”
Claude sighed, running a hand through his hair with a bashful smile. “That was totally embarrassing, but at least he liked it.”
“Can we all go inside?” Felix interjected. Talking about how they address the adults is nice and all, but his arms and legs have been burning from the cold for the last five minutes. Can’t they continue this conversation when they’re not standing in below-thirty-degree weather?
Claude laughed, throwing Felix a teasing smirk. “Aw, poor Fe. Are you cold?”
Felix scowled at his babying tone. “Of course I’m cold! Frost is slowly growing on our hoods as we speak!”
“Well, I’m not cold.” The brunette replied, swinging his arm around Marinette’s shoulder. “Because I’ve had some of Marinette’s delicious croissants to keep me warm.”
Felix scoffed and tugged his coat tighter around himself. Eating warm croissants certainly didn’t help him.
“They are pretty warm.” Allan said next to him. “You should try one.”
“He doesn’t have to.” Marinette, being the kind person she is, hastily jumped in. “We were planning on going inside, anyway, right?”
“Yeah, but I think Felix needs to taste one.” Allegra remarked. “It’s simply shameful of him to refuse them for this long, in my opinion.”
“I don’t like sweets.” Felix pointed out in annoyance. Just start moving towards the aquarium.
“Well..” Marinette faltered. “Maman did pack a regular croissant and a cheesy croissant..”
He held back a sigh. Though her intentions surely weren’t foul, his only ally had officially condemned him. It’s not that he cared to try one of Marinette’s croissants. After eating supper with Marinette’s parents last week, he had no doubt that anything they made was delicious. No, the problem came with the fact that he was being pushed to eat them. (The group wasn’t quite pushing yet, but he’d learned to pinpoint the signs of oncoming pressure.) If Felix says no, despite how unreasonable it might be, he expects that answers to be respected. The same way he would respect anyone else who told him no about something.
“See, there you go!” Claude smiled. “A nice, warm, non-sweet croissant to make you forget about the January weather.”
“I’d forget it just as easily if we walked inside.” Felix bit back.
“Oh, come on, Felix.” Allegra scolded. “Live a little! You don’t have to eat the whole thing, just one bite!”
“Guys, he really doesn’t have to eat it.” Marinette spoke up again. Felix silently thanked her for her efforts, but her previous comment made any resistance futile now.
“Oh, he’s eating it.” Claude stated. “He needs to know the pure bliss that is Mme Sabine’s croissants.”
“Plus, we’re not going inside until he tries it.” Allegra added.
Allan snorted. “Felix.. I think they want you to try the croissant.”
Felix’s eyes narrowed to a glare. “I’ll walk inside without you.”
“No, you won’t.” Allegra shot back. “You know why you won’t? Because you actually don’t mind trying the croissants. You’re just upset that we told you to try them.”
Felix was thankful for his pockets, because it hid the way his hands clenched into his fists. He absolutely hated when Allegra saw through his intentions. It made him feel transparent, vulnerable. Not to mention embarrassed. Was he that horrible at hiding his emotions or could he simply not match her level of observation? It was probably the former and that ticked him off the most.
“Just give me the dang croissant.” He finally bit off, jutting his hand out to Marinette. If he stared solely at her, he wouldn’t have to see Claude or Allegra’s victorious, blood-boiling grins.
Marinette flinched at the sudden movement and knitted her eyebrows, concerned. “A-Are you sure-”
“Positive.” Felix ground out, hoping she didn’t take it personally. Just give me the food so we can get this over with.
Although wary, Marinette handed over one of the croissants. The specks of yellow around the edges told him it was the cheese-flavored one.
With a deep breath to regain some composure, Felix took a bite of the breaded treat, and..
And it was incredible.
The croissant was piping hot, immediately stealing away the bitter coldness of the air as Claude had claimed. The cheese inside was stringy and practically melted in his mouth, and the softness of the bread allowed you to enjoy every bit of the doughy taste.
It took everything Felix had to keep a neutral expression. If they saw how much he enjoyed the food, they would never let him live it down. He’d be trying everything else under the sun merely because the trio was right one time.
“Well?” Allegra pressed. “How does it taste?”
“.. They are delicious.” He admitted, if only for Marinette’s sake. Downplaying Mme Sabine’s baking skills would only allow him to keep a small bit of his useless pride. He might as well be honest.
A smile slipped onto Marinette’s lips, but Claude’s triumphant laugh took away any satisfaction Felix might have gotten from it.
“I knew you would like them!” The brunette cheered. “Anyway, let’s go inside. It’s freezing out here!”
Felix scoffed, throwing a sharp glare at Claude. If it weren’t for how good this croissant was, he would have thrown it at him.
“Yeah, I think they’re open now.” Allan agreed as he checked his watch.
Curious, Felix checked his watch too. 10:10am.
“Oh! Race you guys there!” Claude abruptly announced, before breaking into a sprint. 
Allan chuckled and humored the brunette by going into a jog, and Allegra picked up the pace as well. Felix, however, elected to keep walking as he munched on the croissant. The heat radiating off of it was enough to stall the looming chill around him anyway.
“So..” Marinette began, drawing Felix’s gaze down to her. She’d apparently decided to walk with him instead of running after Claude.
For some reason, that gave Felix a sense of accomplishment.
“Did you really like the croissants?” She asked, her hands fidgeting with the paper bag.
Felix nodded, taking another bite of the croissant as ‘proof’. “Claude wasn’t joking when he said that she made them fluffier than the clouds. I’ll have to buy them for Mother sometime.”
A small smile graced her lips. “I’m glad you like them.” 
Felix offered a small smile in return. “Yes, me too.”
After Agreste’s visit earlier in the week, Marinette had been rather stressed. He noticed her looking over her shoulder often, checking windows before exiting buildings, spacing out during classes.. It was obvious that the encounter had unnerved her. 
He tried to ease her mind by rallying the trio to help. They recognized her sudden anxiety as well, and although Felix couldn’t tell them the exact reason, he hinted at it possibly being the usual nervousness of their first round of tests that was coming up. This caused them to swarm Marinette for study dates and extra lunches, asking questions about different subjects while they walked her to her locker or to her classes. When this strategy failed- which wasn’t often -Felix would also offer to accompany her. 
If she suspected his involvement in the extra attention, she didn’t show it, but she did relax after a few days of the special treatment. Felix took that as a success.
Marinette and Felix caught up with the rest of the group a few seconds later, and they all entered the aquarium together. Another shiver ran over Felix as they walked inside, the warmth of the building washing over him. He would have smiled with relief had it not been for the amount of people pushing against them. Despite the aquarium opening a little less than twenty minutes ago, people of all ages were already piling inside. Adults, teenagers, kids.. Felix supposed this was the price they paid for visiting on a Sunday.
“Everyone stay together!” Allegra instructed over the noise. She grabbed onto Felix’s wrist and Allan’s hand for emphasis. “We don’t want to get separated before we even pay for our tickets.”
Although it irked him for Allegra to be latching onto his wrist, Felix didn’t argue. Past experiences with the trio have made him well aware of how easy it was to get separated in a rushing crowd like this.
They weaved through the giddy schoolgirls and the tired parents until they found a steady line for the ticket both. There, they talked about which attractions to see first and which ones to save for later.
“I think we should just walk through.” Claude said, unsurprisingly. He was never one for order. “It’ll be easier if we just go.”
“But if we don’t have a plan, we’ll never get through it all.” Allegra pointed out. “It doesn’t have to be strict. We just need a vague goal to work towards.”
“We could start with the jellyfish?” Marinette suggested. “Those are always cool.”
“Yeah, that sounds good.” Allan agreed. “Then we could start working our way around to the shark tank. I say we save it for last since it’s the main reason we came.”
Claude let out a small whine. “Aw, what? Why would we wait till the end to see it if it’s the reason we came?”
“Come on, Claude, you know how the saying goes.” Allegra commented, flicking Claude on the shoulder. “Save the best for last.”
Claude grabbed his shoulder, even though the flick hardly hurt. “I never understood that expression.”
Allegra rolled her eyes with a smile and turned back to the group. “Are we all in agreement then? Start with the jellyfish and move to the sharks?”
“Works for me.” Allan shrugged.
“I don’t have a preference.” Felix stated, not that his opinion would matter much to anyone but Marinette.
With a (somewhat) solid plan, the group purchased their tickets and merged with the flow of the people to get to the main part of the aquarium. The first item on the list, aside from seeing Jellyfish, was to find lockers or another place to put their winter coats and gloves. Felix didn’t fancy the cold, but melting in a packed building also wasn’t preferable.
Allegra still held onto his wrist as they searched, but that didn’t stop the people around them from shoving and prodding to get through first. Felix jostled about, a scowl quickly forming on his lips after getting hit for the fifth time. How can it be so rowdy during the thirty minutes? Goodness knows what’s going to happen when more people start arriving! Why did he even agree to come here?
A gasp cut through the white noise of the crowd, and Claude called out Marinette’s name as she rushed forward. 
She stopped in front of the jellyfish tank they came upon and pressed her gloved hands to the glass, smile bright and eyes sparkling with awe. The jellyfish circled in the water with the current, glowing blue and purple and pink under the aquarium lights. 
A laugh of pure delight escaped Marinette, and she glanced over her shoulder at them. “Do you see how many there are? This is so neat!”
The sheer giddiness of her voice caused another smile to crawl onto Felix’s lips. Ah, yes. He remembered why he quickly relented to the aquarium visit. It was the first time Marinette had personally invited him to something, and he didn’t want to upset her if he fought against the activities as he usually did. After all, what thanks would that be to someone who constantly tries to keep him comfortable and respect his boundaries? 
“Yeah, they look amazing!” Allegra grinned, tugging Felix and Allan forward to follow the ravenette.
Felix followed with a slight glare. He knew that holding onto each other was for the best, but-
Another person slammed into his shoulder, and Felix full on growled at them as they walked off like nothing happened.
-but perhaps the next time he feels the need to repay Marinette’s kindness, he should simply send a ‘thank you’ letter instead.
Tag List:  @artbyknigit @athena452 @nickristus-dreamer @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen @arsaem @abrx2002 @neakco @pawsitivelymiraculous @too0bsessedformyowngood @nathleigh @lusicing @officiallydarkgeek @all-mights-asscheeks @tbehartoo @woe-is-me0 @raeuberprinzessin @lazuli-11 @miss-chaos27 @trippingovermyfeet @sadpotatoondrugs @ladybug-182 @jaggedheart11 @marinahrasauce @i-need-blog-ideas @thewheezingbubbledragon @crazylittlemunchkin @unabashedbookworm @moonystars14 @sunflowers-and-mooncakes @2confused-2doanything  @magnificentcrapposts  @moonnette @nickristus-dreamer @casual-darkness @vixen-uchiha @luxmorningstarr 
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hieludoboi · 3 years
Okay okay hear me out,,, Todoroki x a nb!reader,,, He finally actually confessed to them and the reader is just like cannot accept that Todoroki Shouto actually likes them. They're in total disbelief
A/n- Reader’s just standing there like “Me? Oh. That’s right, who else here is named Y/n” and Shouto’s kinda just standing there like ‘....’
A/n- Also! Just the thought of Pro Hero Todo getting like a scone or something sweet every morning before a patrol (I headcanon Shouto liking sweets, just idk, something about it just works for me) and slowly falling for the baker at his favorite bakery
A/n- I did a little research for how to write non-binary readers and such, and I feel like it’s kinda difficult to write for them unless specifics are given! Some non-binary individuals are masculine, other’s are feminine, some go by they/them, some by she/her or sometimes by zie/zim. I didn’t feel like it was right for me to write for these individuals specifically until I do a bit more research and learn to properly write for them!
A/n- Non-binary is a blanket term encompassing a whole list of genders/identities that don’t exactly follow societal gender norms! Sometimes non-binary individuals have gendered pronouns, sometimes they don’t! Since you didn’t specify I’m going to label this as a more gender neutral thing! 
A/n- Update, I researched like two hours and I still don’t understand. My brain very fried no work from online classes brainrot but not by bokuto by staring at screen all dy. Someone pls give my pigeon brain examples on how to properly write for nb! readers rn or I’ll pull out the glock >:(
Pairing- Pro Hero! Shouto / Gn! Reader
Summary- So he was serious? 
Warnings- not really?
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It was a mundane Tuesday morning. The sun had yet to rise, slowly peaking over the city’s skyline, yet somehow getting lost among all the trees and towers. As with every morning, Y/n started off their day by preparing for their day. A quick shower, followed by washing their face and brushing their teeth. Before they knew it, they were trudging out of the house and making their way to the bakery to prepare for the morning rush.
Y/n was quirkless in a society plagued by quirks, an average day to day citizen if you will. They didn’t mind, in fact, life even seemed a bit easier when they didn’t have to worry about controlling some strange and odd power. The rest of the world, however, couldn’t begin to fathom how they even managed to lead a life without a quirk. 
Stifling a yawn, they made their way to the front door, unlocking it before closing it and locking it behind them. If the day went as planned, which normally it didn’t, they’d have scones, muffins, and croissants all out and freshly baked by six. Bear claws, donuts, and danish pastries would be out by eight, all the rolls and loafs would be done by ten and by eleven they could hopefully get started on the sugary sweets that their younger costumers seemed to enjoy so much. 
Their morning dragged on as usual. One by one the rest of the employees pooled into the back kitchen, kneading dough and making batters to pour in to tins or mold into shape. Grunting, Y/n picked up a tray chocked full of scones and made their way towards the display cases, setting the tray atop the display and carefully arranging the scones inside. Looking up at the pretty light blue clock, Y/n hummed. Their day rarely went as planned, but they could always count on Shouto coming in once the clock hit six-thirty. 
“Waiting on Mr. Pro-Hero?” Y/n turned around, feeling the heat begin to seize the apples of their cheeks. Sputtering, Y/n turned around, ignoring their coworker and instead focusing on arranging the last of the scones.
“Come onnnnnn! How are you so oblivious!” Y/n huffed, quickly standing up before thrusting the empty tray into Hina, their coworker’s, hands. “Y/n. He likes you!!” Hina groaned, following a wordless Y/n back into the kitchen. 
“Hina. No he doesn’t!!” Y/n mocked Hina as they slid a tray of muffins into the oven. Hina grunted, pulling out a giant bowl of risen dough before letting it fall onto a flowered counter top. “Besides, he’s rumored to be dating Creati,” Y/n pointed out, dusting their hands off on their apron.
“They’re just ru-” Hina rubbed her temples, watching as Y/n made their way towards the front at the sound of the little bell ringing. When would they stop being so oblivious?
Nothing seemed to go right that morning. While on his usual morning patrols, Shouto had run into Momo. While it was a welcome surprise, the situation was not. They had run into each other while battling a lowlife villain with a disastrous quirk. Damages were not kept to a minimum, and all Shouto wanted to do after being chewed out by local authorities was to go bite into a delicious scone at his favorite bakery. 
“This could have gone better,” Momo sighed, rubbing her temples as they both surveyed the damage they had done to the small plaza. Shouto nodded, he couldn’t agree more. “We should probably go out west, right? If there were robberies here, there’s bound to be some in the shopping centre,” Shouto nodded, Momo had some nice ideas. 
“We can stop by a bakery there too, I know a place that makes some nice scones,” Shouto explained as they walked, a subtle smile on his face at the thought of the baker that awaited him every morning. “What time is it?” SHouto asked, turning to look at Momo. 
“Oh, it’s around seven-thirty, why?” This morning could not have gone any worse for Shouto. First, he has to stop villains at the crack of dawn, and now he’s going to miss out on scones? Admittedly, they didn’t sell fast, but the bakery didn’t make a lot of them either. 
“No reason,” Shouto shrugged. He hoped he wouldn’t miss Y/n.
Y/n sighed, watching as the seconds ticked by on the clock overhead. It was eight already. Shouto was never late, ever. The man had a thing for punctuality, and even when everything was going wrong, Y/n could always count on seeing their favorite customer before the sun fully rose.
“Pretty boy ain’t here yet?” Y/n stood up, turning to look at the smug grin on their co-worker’s face. Curling their lip and rolling their eyes, Y/n went back to slouching over the counter, resting their chin on their palm as they zoned in on the glass door ahead of them. “C’mon boss! Cheer up, we’ll never make any sales with a grumpy face up front!” Y/n frowned seemed to become deeper, rooting itself in their brows and lips. 
“And I suppose having a super buff woman who looks like she can pop your head off with a squeeze of her biceps at the counter will allure customers like nothing ever could?” Y/n teased, grinning as Hina flexed her biceps. 
“Children adore me. They see me and are amazed by the ‘big muscle woman’,” Hina gloated, wiggling her eyebrows while continuing to pose behind the counter.
“Yeah yeah, go help Kohaku before he breaks an arm trying to knead the dough,” Y/n grumbled, pushing Hina into the kitchen so they could focus on the sales upfront. Kohaku liked decorating cakes, but every once in a while he’d have to knead dough while Hina helped Y/n arrange things up front.
Picking at their nails for a minute or so with boredom, Y/n’s head instantly popped up as soon as the bell on the glass door chirped. Their eyes instantly attatched themselves to the blue suit before them, almost completely ignoring the red latex that stood beside it. 
“Shou! I was starting to think you’d... never get here,” Y/n’s voice was filled with excitement at first, immediately dying off at the sight of Creati, who stood right next to him. Offering the pro hero a pleasant smile, Y/n grabbed their gloves and tray, their tongs hanging off a little hook on the display case.
“What can I get for you two?” Y/n asked, the bright smile that usually reached their eyes seeming to drown before it could fully rise. Shouto frowned a bit to himself, wondering where the usually happy and bright baker he had grown so used to had gone. Was he maybe reading too into it? 
“Oh! I’ll a pumpkin walnut muffin! They look so good!” Momo praised, delicately pointing to her preferred muffin through the glass case. 
“Thank you, made the recipe myse-”
“And we baked them!” Y/n winced at Hina’s booming voice, opening their eyes as soon as it died out. 
“Sorry about that, you’ll come to find that this bakery comes alive after a certain hour,” Y/n explained with a giggle, placing the muffin on the tray they held. “And you, Shouto?” Y/n asked, tilting their head a bit as they awaited his answer. 
“The usual,” Shouto made sure to offer them a grin, shoving his hands into the pockets of his suit as he watched Y/n set the tray on the counter. 
“Lucky you, I made sure to save one just for you!” Y/n hummed happily, reaching for the last scone before placing it on the tray. Shouto could feel the shy smile subtly spreading on his face, did they really save on just for him? 
“I’ll pay, it’s the least I can do after you helped me out earlier today,” Momo said, turning to give Shouto a smile. 
“Right, thank you, Momo,” Shouto gratefully accepted his scone, waving goodbye to Momo as she left the shop. Shouto preferred to eat his scones at the shop anyway.
“Are you not joining me today?” Shouto looked up, a confused look on his face as he watched Y/n fidget behind the counter. They would always snack on a danish pastry and sit with Shouto before he had to leave again. It was routine at this point. 
“Oh! Right, sorry,” Y/n muttered sheepishly, snagging a pastry from the display case before heading over to Shouto’s usual spot by the window. For the umpteenth time that day, Shouto could feel himself frowning. He wondered what was wrong. 
“S-so you and Creati?” Y/n asked, taking a small bite from the sweet bread that sat in their hands. Shouto looked up, eyes widened in surprise, midway through a bite of his scone. Was that what this was about?
“She helped me stop some villains this morning, that was all,” Shouto explained. Y/n hummed, nodding their head as they started to pick at the jam filled sweet in front of them. “Oh, uhm...” Shouto mumbled, his brow furrowed as he began to search his pockets. Where had he left it?
“You okay, Shou?” Y/n giggled, amused by the way his face had contorted when he began to search for his little mystery item. 
“Yeah, fine... Oh! Found it,” Shouto muttered, pulling out the small box that had resided in his pocket since the day prior. “Here, for you,” Shouto mumbled bashfully, sliding the velvet box across the table to Y/n.
“For me? Shou... That’s sweet, but you didn’t have to,” Y/n explained, gently sliding the box back to Shouto. Accepting gifts felt odd, especially if they were from Shouto. They could already imagine what ridiculously expensive gift sat inside.
“Please, open it?” Shouto asked, sliding the box back across and making sure to set it in Y/n’s hands this time. Y/n gasped, eyes wide as they felt the heat rush to their face. Open and closing their mouth in a flustered fit, Y/n finally decided to delicately pry open the box, eyes tripling in size at the sight of the gold chain anklet studded in pearls that sat in the box. 
“Shouto... No, I can’t accept this,” Y/n insisted, shaking their head profusely, shutting the box and trying to put it back in Shouto’s hands.
“You can, and you will. Can we go out sometime?” Y/n could feel their jaw drop to the floor. First the anklet and now he’s just asking for a date like it’s a regular Tuesday?
“M-me?” Y/n asked, looking around the shop, the confusion settling in their eyes, locking their mind in some sort of fuzzy haze. 
“Yes, so, will you?” Shouto asked once more, amused by their cute little reaction.
“Uh, sure... Sure...”
“Cool. I’ll pick you up at seven,”
“But we don’t close untill-”
“I’ll be ready by four!”
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Dominant Erik sees his ex gf at a party/ Dominant Erik and his soft ex gf he lost by being a fuck boi keeps taunting him about how much he can’t have this anymore since she has a new man. Erik is jealous and he has to remind her who Daddy really is
Warnings: HARDCORE SMUT. Dom & Sub play. Voyeurism. Edging. Nasty talk. Jealousy.
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“Y/N, get the croissants so you can make those bomb-ass breakfast sandwiches.”
“Which ones? The big ones or the small ones?”
“The big ones.”
Y/N crouches down in a squat to grab four big croissants for her and her roommate, Ivory, to have. She was famous for making the best breakfast sandwiches. Y/N grew up in a southern home with two parents who have their own catering business. She learned to cook at the age of 6, bringing a stool over to the stove, making breakfast and lunch for her younger siblings. Now, her Cali friends can’t shut up about how great of a cook she is. Her friend from UCLA, Tommie, is having a pool party/ tattoo party at her place this evening and she asked Y/N if she could cook some dishes. She didn’t have to worry about the grilled items. Y/N was asked to make curry chicken, barbecued ribs, seafood salad, and potato salad. She already whipped up the salads yesterday so all she had to do was cook the marinated chicken and ribs so they would be fresh and ready to devour.
“I need to get my ass out of this market. If I stay in here I’ll end up spending more money and we still have to pay off the rest of the new furniture set.”
“We have enough saved, let’s splurge,” Ivory spoke while grabbing some junk food.
“The money we have saved is for emergencies, Ivory, like if our cars start fucking up? If some big weather crisis happens and we have to stock up on food for a while?”
“Girl lets live life and stop worrying about money all the damn time. You’ll be graduating next year with your Master's degree.”
Y/N chuckles, “that’s next year though. Did you get the avocados?”
Ivory held up a bag filled with them, “You know I couldn’t forget. We eat these with everything.”
“True,” Y/N stood up, pulling a wedgey from between her ass cheeks.
“One more thing,” Ivory pulled up the list of groceries from her notes in her phone, “Cookies and cream ice cream.”
“And extra Oreos because they don’t put enough in there for me,” Y/N walked to the cart, heading back down the aisle. She spotted the cookies, grabbing two packs of double-stuffed Oreos. Y/N and Ivory made a right outside of the aisle, heading towards the frozen section to grab their tub of ice cream. Ivory was currently texting away with a grin on her face, almost bumping into an Indian couple with their child. Y/N knew she was texting the group chat that included Tommie and herself because her phone kept vibrating in her Louis Vuitton purse sitting in the cart.
“Tommie wants to know if you are bringing your new boo?”
“Terrence? Yeah, I’m bringing him,” Y/N looked up at the signs above the frozen aisles to make sure she was heading towards the correct one.
“Ah, ice cream,” She made a left, Ivory following slowly behind her.
“She also wanted me to let you know that Erik is coming so be prepared.”
“Erik who?” Y/N says while bending over to grab some ice cream. Ivory held the door to the freezer open for her.
“Your ex-boyfriend?”
“All I know is a nigga named Erik who is a fuck boi. The biggest fuck boi ever,” Y/N places the ice cream in the cart, “Ready to checkout?”
Ivory purses her lips, “How long have y’all been broken up? Still ain’t over it?”
“For about...eight months now. Eight months of peace and no drama. He’s irrelevant to me. Every time I hear the name Erik I wanna fight somebody and I’m not the fighting type.”
“Does Terrence know about him?”
Y/N glares at Ivory, “No. why? Should I have mentioned him? I didn’t think I needed to.”
Ivory didn’t say another word until they made it to the car. All things were purchased and bagged up. Y/N opened the trunk with a push of a button, bringing the cart over so she could pass the bags to Ivory. Once the trunk was loaded, Y/N walked the cart to place it with the others. She made her way back, Ivory driving this time since Y/N drove to the market.
“I RATHER BE YOUR B.I.T.C.H CAUSE THAT'S WHAT YOU GON’ CALL ME WHEN I’M TRIPPING ANYWAY!” Y/N jammed to Megan Thee Stallion’s song that played from Ivory’s iTunes. She grinds her hips in her seat, thick ass and thighs moving, windows rolled down making her top knot curly bun frizzy, and snapping her fingers.
“Aye, you know you can’t control me, baby, you need a real one in your life them bitches ain’t gon’ give it to you right!” Y/N stuck her tongue out.
“Bitch, who you singing to? Soft Boi Terrence or Fuck Boi Erik?”
“Neither, I’m just singing, girl. Why I gotta be singing to a nigga?” Y/N turned down the music.
“Because, bitch, I peep what you’ve been doing on the GRAM.”
“What have I been doing Ivory?” Y/N asked defensively.
“My girl ain’t so sweet anymore,” Ivory raises both of her brows, “The captions under your pictures? The music you post in your stories? Who are you tryna piss off?”
“I know this ain’t about Erik ain’t shit ass,” Y/N argues while talking with her hands, long acrylic nails swaying like she was ghetto fabulous, “Cuz if it is you can cut this shit out real quick.”
“Let me give you an example,” Ivory clears her throat, “You wish this was still your pussy, HUH?”
“Girl, that’s a quote from a song,” Y/N rolled her eyes.
“Well, how about, Fuck Boys played out, let’s treat these niggas how they treat us. Y/N, I’m not the only one who’s noticed, girl. And you didn’t unfollow Erik on Instagram. You want him to see all your posts so he can get jealous and miss what he can’t have that’s what you’re doing.”
“What’s wrong with that though?” Y/N shrugs, “He crept around with other bitches, so what’s wrong with me letting him know that he will never find another girl like me? I want him to feel it. Terrence might be soft and sweet but he treats me with respect. Erik just wanted to get his dick wet. He didn’t take what we had seriously, Ivory. I don’t care how fine or how big that nigga dick is he fucked up.”
“OKAY. I’m sorry for bringing it up. I just don’t want you to dwell on him. Then, that means he won, right?”
“I don’t want him to win,” Y/N spoke with a pout of her lips, “I want him to remember what he lost, that’s all. I want him to watch me glow up on his big-headed ass.”
“Girl...we both know Erik. We know how he had you running behind him. If that nigga said get on your knees for Daddy, what you gon’ do? GET ON YOUR KNEES!”
“Nah,” Y/N folds her arms over her hefty chest, “Nope. He doesn’t have that power over me anymore-“
“I remember the stories, Y/N. How he taught you to be the best freak. Girl, you can’t just throw that away.”
“Who’s side are you on?” Y/N spoke with rage.
“Nobody’s side. I just know you still have feelings for him, that’s all. Don’t do Terrence like that. He’s just a filler, we both know this.”
“I really like Terrence. He’s the man I should be with, not Erik. My mama warned me about men like Erik. They sweet talk you, fuck you good, then break your heart and move on to the next bitch. She said it with those exact words. I always told myself I would never get with a dude like Erik and here my dumb ass go skipping to a dick appointment and coming out bow-legged.”
Ivory was in a fit of laughter wheezing and clutching her aching belly. Y/N turned the music back up, shaking her head at the fact that she even had to talk about him again. She wanted Erik and everything he did to her out of her mind. It took a while for Y/N to forget the good times. The nights where they laid up under eachother, talking about everything under the sun. The way he kissed her. How hungry he was for her each time he saw her. How he made her body react to him. Made her cum from dick for the first time. Turned her over to the BDSM lifestyle, becoming his 24/7 slut. It was fun, exhilarating, risky, sexy, wild, passionate, but then she found out he has multiple bitches calling him Daddy and submitting to him. That was the last draw. She cut ties with him and he acted like he didn’t give a fuck.
“So I won’t give a fuck,” Y/N held her head high, “I’m gonna enjoy being petty.”
“You’re grown,” Ivory ended it, turning into their apartment complex.
The Splash party/ Tattoo party will start around 6 PM and would end whenever. Tommie, the host and Y/N’s Instagram Model friend, was currently on the phone with the moon bounce crew about when they would arrive. Ivory and Y/N were in the kitchen taking the shells off of the boiled eggs. The dank smell of weed filtered into the kitchen from out back while Ivory and Y/N continued with the eggs. They had so many to do. Terrence was out back helping Tommie’s boyfriend, DJ, blow up the floaties and other pool accessories. Most of the hot food was in the oven on low heat. The grill master, another friend of theirs, Bryson, was seasoning the meat outside so he could start the grilling process. Y/N didn’t have on her bikini like Ivory and Tommie did. Y/N has a lime green bikini packed away in a holographic tote bag. She had on a pair of elastic waistband pink velvet shorts and a cropped airbrushed T-shirt that read Spoil Me.
“Is that my nigga Erik?!” DJ yells.
Y/N didn’t react, she didn’t flinch or jump to look at him. She continued scooping the yoke out of the middle of the boiled egg whites.
“So, you’re the drink plug then? Where’s the rest of the liquor?”
“In the truck.”
His voice. She hadn’t heard it in about seven months. She forgot how raspy and alluring it was. Now, she was remembering the way he used to talk to her. Instruct her to sit on his dick or suck his dick with no hands.
“We may need to make one more run. You know Tommie’s friends with everybody,” Erik laughs.
That laugh was infectious. Y/N licks her lips, picking up another egg to cut into.
“Who’s here already?” Erik asked.
“Bryson, Ivory, Y/N, and her boyfriend Terrance.”
“Oh, for real? Let me go say wassup.”
Y/N’s breathing quickened. She wondered how her hair looked slicked back in a bun or how thick she looked in her velvet shorts. All thoughts she wished she didn’t have but couldn’t help. Ivory was too busy singing to Ari Lennox that played from her phone to pay attention to Y/N. Footsteps finally settled in the kitchen. Y/N looked up through her lashes, staring at her ex. Erik Stevens. He put on more muscle. Skin a deeper brown from the sun. Dreads in his hair now and not that kinky fro she remembered him having. Orange swim trunks on and a half-buttoned white linen shirt that showed off gold chains hanging from his neck. He was carrying a box filled with dark liquor.
“Sup?” He spoke to both Ivory and Y/N. Y/N didn’t speak.
“Hey, Erik,” Ivory waves to him with a knife in her hand, “How have you been?”
“Pretty good, how about you?”
“Same me, what did you bring for us?” Ivory peered her big brown eyes into his box, “Hennessy, Long Island, D’usse! good choices.”
“More coming too,” Erik smiles. His eyes looking past Ivory’s braided hair to stare at Y/N, “Hey, Pinky.”
He actually called her that. Her hair wasn’t even pink anymore. She went back to her natural dark brown. He said that shit to piss her off.
“Damn, rude ass,” Erik kissed his teeth, “Where you want these at, DJ?”
“Come on, let me show you.”
“Erik, this is Terrence, Y/N’s boyfriend.”
Terrence was taller than Erik and slender. Skin a hickory brown, silky waves in his jet black hair, full lips and sepia eyes. His chest and arms were covered in tattoos. He has on black and grey striped trunks with no shirt. His body was wet from being in the pool to place the pool lights and floaties.
“Hey, man,” Terrence shook Erik’s hand with his wet one, “Oh, snap!” Terrence pulls a bottle of Hennessy from Erik’s liquor box, “Can we open this now?”
“I don’t care, it’s for everybody,” Erik walks away, sitting the box down on an empty table next to ice buckets that DJ told him was the bar.
“Where do I know you from?” Terrence asked while following Erik to the drink table.
“I’m well known. I’m a party promoter and I own my own night club-“
“OH YEAH. That’s where I know you from. I follow you on Instagram. I’ve been to a few of your parties. Your shit be jumping off, bruh.”
“Thanks.” Erik started taking the bottles out of the box.
“I also know that you and Y/N used to fuck with each other.”
A smile crept up Erik’s lips, “Oh, yeah?”
“Yeah. And let me just say this now before I walk away. Don’t think about speaking to her. She’s with me now. Clearly, she left your ass for a reason. She didn’t tell me exactly who her ex was but she did say he was a cheating ass bitch. Stay away from her, aight?”
“Step off, nigga, before I make you,” Erik’s eyes were dark and menacing. Y/N failed to mention that Erik was dangerous. Killer dangerous, “She ain’t mention how I kill niggas for a living too? Don’t end up on my list tryna defend your bitch. I had her, I know how she feels. Still nice and tight? Still gotta lay the towels down under her big ol’ ass because she squirts too much? Did she mention how I call her Pinky because her hair used to be hot pink and how she sucked on the dick real good?”
Terrence simply scowled at Erik. He looked like he wanted to bust Erik’s head open with one of those liquor bottles but not once did he make a move to correct Erik or hit him. Erik smirks before grabbing the Hennessy bottle from Terence, opening it, and drinking from it in his face. Erik wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, his eyes unblinking and murderous.
“Nothing to say? What happened to the tough guy? I like a challenge-“
“Just stay away from her, she doesn’t need you, she got me-“
“Are you insecure, homie? For you to approach me like this right off the back lets me know that you’re afraid I may take her away.”
“I’m not tryna ruin Tommie’s party, homie-“
“Nah, you feel insecure. If you know me then you must know how I get down. Pinky ain’t mention how she used to be my little slut? If I make you my little slut that means you’re still mine.”
“Y’all Aight?!” DJ yells over at Terrence and Erik from the pool, “Y’all niggas ain’t about to fight over Y/N are y’all?”
“NAH,” Erik yells, clapping Terrence on the back, “Just getting to know Terrence more. Decent guy.”
Erik walked away, bumping Terrence’s shoulder so hard he stumbled. Terrence braces himself on the table before looking back at Erik with fury. Once again, Terrence didn’t do shit.
“You know,” Erik takes off his checkered Vans before putting his feet in the water, “Y/N really needs to find a nigga with some backbone next time.”
“What did you say?” DJ asks with a shake of his long dreads, “Did you threaten that nigga, Kill?”
“Nah, he tried to threaten me though. Ain’t work. How long him and Pinky been dealing with each other?”
“Probably for five months. They met through me. Terrence came with me to a house party and next thing I know he and Y/N hitting it off. They exchanged numbers and been down for each other ever since.”
“That shit won’t last,” Erik took a swig of Hennessy, “she still talks about me?”
“No, Erik. That girl doesn’t mention your name, ever.”
“She still thinking about me with all those shady captions she posts on Instagram. She turned into a real gangsta on a nigga,” Erik chuckles, “I know it ain’t because of him.”
“E, DONT act a fool, bruh.”
“She shouldn’t have come. She should have stayed her fine ass home then.”
Y/N was standing in Tommie’s master bathroom tying the strings to her bikini thong. She grabs her phone from the sink to take a boomerang of her in the bikini for her Instagram story. She didn’t want to admit it to herself, but Y/N was intentionally stalling in the bathroom. Other guests already began to pour in and eat the food. The music from the DJ at the pool could be heard all the way in the bathroom, Roddy Rich- The Box playing. Terrence was probably already drunk by the pool since he couldn’t keep a drink out of his hand. Ivory was probably scouting the crowd full of men for someone to potentially take with her back to the apartment later. And Erik...
“Stop thinking about him.” Y/N spoke to herself in the mirror. She sighs, grabbing her matching lime green kimono to put around herself. Y/N headed out of the bathroom, walking down the hall and descending the steps towards the party. The house was empty, everyone out in Tommie’s big yard partying. When Y/N arrived, she smiled wide. This was like a 90’s pool party. Women dancing and walking around in tiny bikinis. Men dunking chicks in the pool or carrying them on their shoulders in the water. Towels laid out in the grass, people sitting on them with plates of food in their hands while others sat on chairs with their knees together to hold their plates of food. Moon bounce in full effect too. Tommie even has a slip n’ slide.
“Baby!” Terrence came over to Y/N with his arms out and an annoyed expression on his face, “Where have you been for the past hour? Sleeping?”
“No, getting dressed,” Y/N bats her lashes innocently, “You aren’t mad at me, are you?”
“Nah, that nigga over there is just irritating me.”
Y/N gave Terrence a perplexed look, “What nigga?”
“Your ex.”
Y/N looked up in time to see Erik surrounded by a group of half-naked women in the pool. They all splashed him, Erik picking one of them up to toss back into the pool. The other who tried to splash him was resting on a flamingo floaty. Erik flips the floaty over, the girl shrieking as she went underwater.
“How did you find out?” Y/N turned her eyes back on Terrence.
“Found a picture of you and him on his Instagram at a party he promoted for.”
Y/N looks away, a guilty expression on her face.
“Why did you hide that from me?”
“You wanna do this right now, Terrence?” Y/N folded her arms, lowering her voice so she wouldn’t cause a scene.
“Just answer the question, he’s gonna be here a while and I have to see his ugly mug until we leave. And Pinky? What’s up with that-“
“WHAT?!” Y/N raised her voice.
“He told me he called you Pinky because you used to have hot pink hair-“
“This conversation is over, Terrence. I didn’t come here to talk about my ex I came here to have fun- AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!”
Y/N was being tossed into the pool. She didn’t have time to prepare herself as the chlorine water burned in her nose. Her hands splashed frantically before she went under again. Gaining her footing, Y/N broke the water surface, coughing with her eyes squeezed shut. Snickering and shouts surrounded her. Y/N finally opens her reddish eyes, staring up at a laughing Erik with his wet muscular body standing over her on the pool edge.
Y/N was about to charge him until she saw the straps to her bikini top floating in front of her. She screamed, causing more people to laugh. Tommie and a few other girls came over while Y/N held the front of her bikini top tightly so it wouldn’t float away.
“SERIOUSLY, BRUH?!” Terrence was ready to attack Erik but Erik’s friends held him off, trying to calm him down.
“All jokes, Terrence. Y/N is used to it. Falls for the shit every time. Ain’t that right, Pinky?”
Y/N was embarrassed. Finally secured, she swam to the pool ladder, climbing out of it while glaring at Erik with vengeance. Her hair was out of its bun, wet curly hair smoothing down her back. The kimono she wore was currently floating in the pool and her ears were filled with water. She rushed away and back into the house, a finger in her ear swishing around to help get the water out. Y/N almost slips on the tile of the kitchen floor when she made it back inside.
“UGHHHHHH.” She groaned loudly.
“Baby, you Aight? Here,” Terrence held out her fluffy SpongeBob beach towel for her, “I know you’re cold.”
“Thanks, DICK,” Y/N snatched the towel.
“Why the attitude towards me?” Terrence spoke offensively.
“Because I have a feeling you said something to Erik. You knew he was coming, didn’t you? You had an entire speech waiting for him when he arrived? Now, he’s provoked and he will do whatever it takes to piss you and me off. So THANK YOU!!!! I am SO GRATEFUL!”
“Chill out with all of that. Yeah, I did approach him. I told him to keep his focus on everything and everyone else besides you-“
“Why though? You scared he’s gonna come back into my life? That’s a wack nigga move on your end,” Y/N wraps the towel around her waist, “I’m gonna go clear my head. Why don’t you go back out there and stir up some more shit.”
“Y/N!” Terrence yelled out as her back turned. She stomped through the living room, spotting a bottle of Tequila, grabbing it, and walking upstairs to Tommie’s room.
Y/N was sitting on Tommie’s balcony, staring down at the party with a gloomy expression. Erik was down there partying with his third plate of food in his hand. Ivory was in the pool playing shoulder wars, better known as chicken fight with one of Tommie’s model friends. Bryson was sweating bullets at the grill and Tommie and DJ sat on the pool edge with drinks in their hands. Y/N couldn’t spot Terrence. She didn’t care honestly. Y/N was burning through that bottle of Tequila. She could feel the earth rocking beneath her and her mind drifting in and out like a tide. Y/N stares with blurry eyes at the bottle in her hand. It was almost gone. She rolls her eyes, capping the rest before throwing the bottle on the balcony couch that Tommie has. Y/N stood on wobbly legs, bracing herself on the glass sliding doors before entering the house. She needed to eat but she didn’t want to walk back out there.
Y/N picks up her phone from Tommie’s canopy bed, ready to dial for Tommie but before she could, her phone was buzzing in her hand from an incoming call. She didn’t bother to see who it was, answering the phone anyway.
“You tore up already, ma?”
That voice almost made her sober.
“Why the FUCK do you still have my number?”
“Because I can. Where you at?”
“FUCK. YOU.” Y/N spoke with a slurred voice.
“Just tell me where you are so I can come to the rescue like always.”
“No, Fuck Boy, I’d rather lay in my own vomit than be near you for another fucking second you piece of shit.”
“Damn, I really turned you into a Lil’ savage, huh?”
“Erik...I am hanging up.”
Y/N ended the call.
“Sup, Pinky?”
Y/N felt like her body was moving in slow motion. She looked towards the entrance to Tommie’s bedroom. There, in his orange trunks, bare feet and shirtless was Erik himself. He has a plate of food in one hand and a bottle of water in the other.
“Why do you keep calling me that?” Y/N asked while blinking up at Erik. She felt like her head was spinning.
“Because...I know you still like it. You gon’ always be Pinky to me...my Pinky. Ain’t gon’ never change.”
“What do you think is going to happen for you? You think because you bring me food and water I’m gonna get down on my knees for you? I’m not your submissive anymore, Erik.”
“I’m not here to argue with you I’m here to sober you up, here,” Erik places the plate filled with a burnt hotdog, some cucumber salad, and deviled eggs, “I figured this would be the perfect food to soak up that alcohol. I saw you throwing that bottle back like it was water.”
Y/N didn’t say thank you but she did accept the food. She was starving. Erik sat on the other side of the bed, watching her eat like she was his favorite movie. She ate quickly, burping and all. Y/N grabs the water from the bed, uncapping it before gulping that water down in a rush. She felt better even though she was still tipsy. Her head didn’t spin like before and she could stand with a better center of gravity on her two feet.
“You ain’t gotta thank me. I know your pride won’t let you. You’re welcome anyway.”
“You can go now.” Y/N got up from Tommie’s bed, walking to the bathroom to rinse her mouth out with Listerine.
“I like it up here more,” Erik follows her, his eyes watching her ass sway, “We can catch up and shit.”
“Catch up? Boy-“
“I’m a grown-ass man, Y/N.” Erik cuts her off quickly.
“Fuck Boy’s are little boys to me,” Y/N rolls her eyes at Erik in the mirror, “Now, why don’t you make yourself scarce and leave me the fuck alone, yeah?”
Erik had a glint in his eyes that Y/N would usually flench at but this time she didn’t give a fuck.
“What? I’m being too bratty for you? You want to punish me?” Y/N let out a short suppressed laugh, “Please.”
“Keep talking, watch what I do next.”
“Nothing!” Y/N swished the Listerine around her mouth thoroughly before spitting it out. “You don’t get to tame me again. I’m gonna go to the party, swim, freak dance with all this ass on my boyfriend, and spend time with my friends. You do you, and I’ll do me, okay?”
Y/N rinses out the Listerine cap, twisting it back on the bottle, then walking back to the bedroom. Erik walked out behind her slowly, his hands clenched in fists and his nostrils flared. Y/N ignored him completely, reaching out to grab her phone only to see it vibrating with an incoming call.
“Ah, that’s my man right now,” Y/N picks up the phone to answer it, “Hey, baby,” Y/N looked over at Erik and he was green with envy, “I’m better. I just took a little nap. You know how I can be when I’m tired.”
Erik’s covetous expression didn’t go unnoticed. Y/N got onto the bed slowly, feet swinging behind her while she twirled a piece of her curly hair, putting on a sweet and honeyed voice. She was playing with him. The little minx.
“I’ll be down, Daddy...Mhm, I’m so sorry I was so pissed with you earlier. I just get so angry sometimes...Mhm, I just need some sex that’s all.”
“Y/N...put the phone down, now,” Erik warned her with a quiet rough tone. He steps a little closer.
Y/N rolled over onto her back, “I promise, I’ll be a good girl,” Y/N giggles, “Yes, fuck Erik, I’m your new good girl-“
“Y/N. Do it now before I tear that ass up, girl, I’m not playing with you.” Erik tries to grab her phone but Y/N backs away on her knees, getting out the canopy bed.
“Yes, Daddy, you’re my new Daddy, fuck Erik-“
Her phone was snatched from her hand and placed in his trunks. Y/N shoves Erik away aggressively. That was the wrong move. Erik picked Y/N up, covering her mouth to muffle her screams, walking towards one of Tommie’s bedroom closets since she had two of them, opening it, then stepping inside. He sat her down, finding the light switch in the closet. Erik looks down at Y/N, her chest rising and falling with deep gasping breaths, body backing away into a corner. Erik didn’t blink. He didn’t even speak. His body was pressed firmly against hers, trapping her in the corner. Y/N could only look at either his eyes or his chest. His skin smelled like chlorine and Shea butter.
“Done playing with me?” He spoke finally, “Cuz I didn’t find that shit funny.”
“Ha. Ha. Ha,” Y/N teased, “Jealous that I have a new Daddy to fuck and not you?”
“More like pissed the FUCK off. You had your little rebellious fun for these eight months. Now, I gotta properly get in that ass. Like I said...you done playing with me?”
“No,” Y/N smiles, “You need to hurry up with your I’m still Daddy speech I got a date with my man at the pool-“
“Oh, I’m done talking. You know...talking doesn’t seem to work for you anymore since you turned into a Lil’ savage on a nigga. I gotta use action...”
“Erik, move,” Y/N bumps past him, turning the doorknob only for it to be locked. Confused, Y/N jiggled the knob and twisted it with more force, her upper arm burning from her muscles being worked out. Pausing, Y/N looked from side to side nervously, her hand still on that brass doorknob. Now, she was screaming, practically yanking Tommie’s doorknob. Erik brings a hand around to cover her mouth, pulling her further into the closet, forcefully placing her back against the wall. Y/N still wanted to scream even though Erik’s hand was pressed over her lips. She bites down on one of his fingers, thinking that would help her but it only pissed Erik off more.
“Shut the fuck up with all that noise,” Erik whispered angrily into her ear, “Yelling like a fucking child. SHUT UP.”
“Mmmm!” She tries to speak. Erik’s face was dangerously close to hers.
“Couldn’t get out?” She blinked up into his onyx eyes, “couldn’t escape? How does it feel that you are locked inside of a closet with me right now, Hmm? My Pinky scared?” Erik removes his hand from her mouth, Y/N shaking with fear, “Yell Terrence name. I want you to yell as loud as you can.”
“WHAT-“ she was cut off with a hand around her throat.
“Do. It.” He spoke with a warning before letting her neck go, standing back with his large biceps and triceps crossed over his chest.
Y/N clears her throat but her voice cracked, “TERRENCE?!!”
“Mm-mm. Louder than that.”
Nothing. He was toying with her. Making her yell his name like he would come to the rescue. He was reminding her that she was trapped and the loud music and partying from outside muffled her yells. Y/N was vanquished. Vanquished by the one man she despised.
“Say, Terrence, help me! Help me please!” Erik smirks deviously.
“T-TERRENCE! HE-HELP ME! PLEASE HE-HELP ME!” She felt like an idiot.
Erik presses his ear to the door, “Hmm, no sign of him. I wonder why?” He asked with faux curiosity.
“Because he’s outside, and it’s loud, Erik,” Y/N glares at him.
“Exactly. Good girl...that’s my baby,” Erik jiggles the doorknob, “I peeped that Tommie locks the closet form the outside. No wonder, look at the shit she has in here,” Y/N entertained Erik, looking around on the shelves and the floor. Nothing but boxes filled with home movies, a folded up camcorder, sex toys for men and women, a blow-up doll deflated in the corner, and BDSM toys.
“Would you believe me if I told you that I introduced the homie DJ to this? I’m the one that suggested he spice up sex with Tommie by making her his little slut. It seems like it worked. Don’t you agree Lil’ mama?”
Y/N didn’t respond. She was having flashbacks to how her closet used to look. Exactly like this minus the blow-up doll. Erik purchased her own collection so he wouldn’t have to bring his own from his place. The movies and the camcorder really struck a nerve. All the movies they made, especially Erik’s favorite that involved her first time as his sub, 
Daddy! oh! Daddy! I can’t believe I’m cumming!
Daddy, it’s so big in my little bad girl pussy!
MMM! Yes, Daddy! I’m a little slut! I’m your nasty little slut!
I love sucking your fat dick, Daddy...
It played in her mind. All the sex. All the role play. She couldn’t wipe it out. It was as if someone opened her brain to re-file all her memories of her Daddy, her Sir. To her disappointment, Y/N could feel her pussy growing warm and wet.
“Now, what smart shit do you have to say now?”
“N-nothing,” Y/N slid down the wall and to the floor, “I don’t have anything to say.”
“I know you don’t. Cuz you know if you keep talking I’m gonna pop that ass real good, right?”
Y/N glares at Erik, “Yes.”
“Terrence just let you walk all over him, doesn’t he? That nigga ain’t Daddy don’t make his head swell with false promises, Pinky.”
“STOP calling me that. My hair isn’t even pink anymore. And I’m not your little porn star-“
“You still are. You wanna see something?”
“See WHAT?” Y/N glanced at Erik’s trunks.
“See what will make you remember how much of a porn star you really are for me.”
“I-No, Erik, I don’t,” Y/N’s eyes disobeyed her by looking at his crotch again.
“You do, and you will,” Erik didn’t need to do much, he simply takes his thumbs, hooking them in the waistband of his trunks, and pulling them down so they could cascade around his ankles. His dick was moist from his wet trunks but it still hung heavy like Y/N remembered. Still just as thick and beautiful. Terrence has a little dick compared to Erik’s. That was the dick that made her cum multiple times in one session. That was the dick she would wake up to in her mouth or wait for on her knees at her door when he said he was about to pull up. The dick she would gladly go limp for. The dick that turned her into the best slut. Her Daddy’s dick.
“This is what you still do to me. Still don’t want it?” Erik moves his hips making his dick bounce and twirl.
“Uh-huh,” Y/N spoke with an unsure voice.
“Speak into the mic, Pinky,” Erik jokes, laughing and making Y/N suck her teeth. Erik moves closer to her, his moisturized dick hitting her in the cheek. Y/N reaches out to slap it away but it was like an iron rod; rigid and stiff. Her clit jumped and her pussy squeezed around nothing.
“Go ahead, take all that anger and frustration towards me out on this fat dick.” Y/N could hear him jerking his dick, “Stop playing and suck Daddy’s dick.”
“Fuck,” Y/N whimpers, “I’m so fucking mad at you! I can’t believe I wanna suck your dick right now!”
“I can,” Erik taps his dick on her lip, “Let’s go, mamas.”
“Oh yeah,” Erik crouched down to grab his trunks, pulling out Y/N’s phone, “FaceTime him so he can watch you suck on this dick.”
“ERIK! Nooooo,” Y/N pleaded, “No, I don’t wanna do that to him-“
“I DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THAT NIGGA,” Erik shoves her phone in her face, “Call that wack nigga right now, or I will.”
“Please,” She was on her knees, eyes watering, “Please, pleaseeeeee I don’t want him to know-“
“Then you’re not Pinky no more. The Pinky I remember used to suck my dick under the table at the restaurant or at the club in VIP. That’s the Pinky I remember. He messed you up, girl,” Erik presses her phone against her cheek, “Call him right now, hear me, girl?”
“UGH, OKAYYYYYYY!” Y/N snatched her phone away, earning her hair getting pulled
“Fuck is wrong with you?!!! I am so disappointed,” He had a mug on his face that scared Y/N, “I got something for you...wait till his face pop up...watch.”
Y/N’s teary eyes looked down at the FaceTime call. It rang twice before Terrence popped up, drunk with another drink in his hand. He was currently waiting to get a tattoo done since the tattoo man and his crew showed up.
“Hey, baby! I thought you said you were coming down?! The tattoo man here! I’m thinking about getting your name.”
“Oh, he’s a quick one,” Erik joked.
“Who is that? And why are you crying, love?”
Y/N’s lip trembled while Erik softly ran his fingers through her hair.
“Are you in a closet? What the fuck is going on with you?” Terrence looked like he was coming to his senses.
“B-Baby, I-I’m sorry. Just break up with me, okay? I-I’m about to do something very bad and-“
“Erik pulls her hair with a warning.
“I-I’m sorry.”
Y/N turned towards Erik on her knees, making sure Terrence could see what she was doing. Her hand wraps around Erik’s girthy meat, shuddering breaths escaping her mouth before her lips pulled him in snugly. She instantly remembered the taste. She hadn’t sucked a dick this big in months so she wasn’t used to the filling her mouth received. Erik could be seen smiling smugly down into the phone while his balls dangled and Y/N’s tight plump lips went back and forth over his dick.
“Y/N!!!!!!!! What the fuck?!!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!!!! You cheating ass bitch!!!!” Terrence gawked at her while she sucked, looking from that phone with her pretty mocha eyes shining with tears and up to stare at Erik. She felt so guilty but having Erik’s dick in her mouth again brought back the good times when she used to suck on her Daddy.
“YEAH! WE ARE DONE! hoe ass bitch.”
He ended the FaceTime.
“Good girl,” Erik fucked her mouth, “That’s my good girl, my good little slut.”
Y/N sucked him while he gave her the dick.
“Now, who is the cheater? You just FaceTimed your boyfriend while sucking your ex’s dick. Shame on you,” Erik made Y/N gag, “On your knees in the closet while sucking me. So nasty, baby, yes, such a slut. Aren’t you a slut?”
Y/N nods her head.
“Good girl, who’s a slut?”
“And who’s slut are you?”
Erik pulls his dick from Y/N’s mouth, “Your slut.”
“Mhm, and who do you answer to?”
“Y-you, Daddy,” Y/N’s eyes were puffy, nose running, mouth drooling.
“Exactly. Now suck my fucking dick like you’re supposed to, slut.”
Y/N went back to pleasing Erik, sucking on him to make up for the lost time. She had to show him that she still had the title for the best dick sucker. Like she didn’t go on a hiatus, her jaws went tight and her throat became a never-ending fuck hole for Erik’s thick slab of meat.
“Why don’t you grab my nuts and play with those too. Don’t leave them hanging, baby. Take all of me.”
Y/N obeyed his command, grabbing Erik’s fat sack with her hands. She massages them, her lips on the tip of his dick now trying to ring him dry.
“That’s it, get it, mamas, yesssss, Mhm, just like before, uh-huh,” Erik’s eyes fluttered, “Fuck, you know how to please me. It was fate having you here. Now, ain’t no running away from me.”
“You’re here to stay. Fucking leave me again if you want.”
Y/N could feel Erik’s dick swelling in her mouth. Her plump lips felt sore from stretching them around his dick. 
“Suck that dick for Daddy, a true dick sucker, dump all this cum in your mouth, and you better swallow.”
“mmmm,” Y/N blinked her eyes up at him. She couldn’t do much but mumble.
“Goddamn, what a mouth on you, I trained you so well to deep throat big dicks and you can take the whole damn thing, Daddy loves to fuck your pretty little mouth-”
When Y/N smiled at him with a mouth full of dick Erik erupted in her mouth and Y/N’s pussy got so wet it was dripping on the carpet in the closet. Her submissive throat happily swallowed all of his cum. 
“Slut,” Erik smiled at her.
Y/N pops her mouth off, wiping her chin with the back of her had while trying to catch her breath. There was no going back, she already did what she said she wouldn’t do. Y/N could see Ivory now pointing a finger at her while laughing hysterically. She was on her knees for Erik just like she said she would be. 
“Stand up!” Erik startled her with his booming voice, “Put your leg up on that shelf, let me see that Lil sexy pussy that I haven’t had in months-”
“It’s your own fault, Daddy-”
Erik struck Y/N’s ass painfully before cuffing it so hard his nails sank into her skin. 
“Keep talking back. Keep running your fucking mouth,” WHACK! “Put that goddamn leg up like I said.”
Y/N brought her leg up to one of Tommie’s shelves, adjusting her balance.
“Pull that juicy cheek open so I can see my meal.”
Y/N pulls her left cheek open, revealing her wet, creamy pussy to Erik’s hungry eyes and drooling mouth. 
“Fuck yes. Need some pussy on my tongue like yesterday.”
Erik got down on his knees in the cramped closet, helping Y/N by holding her cheeks wider before his entire mouth gave Y/N one big kiss with a whole lot of tongue and suction. 
“Feed me,” Erik commands, Y/N opening her legs further for Erik to devour her pussy. She moaned sharply, gasps escaping her mouth in a desperate rhythm. His tongue dragged from her tight hole all the way up to her clit. Air was forced from her lungs in agonized gasps. Over and over he dragged his tongue along her engorged folds. Her thighs shook and she could feel her foot slipping from the shelf. Erik held her thigh up further so he could lap her kitty and give it sweet kisses. She could feel herself beginning to squirt because of a little of the clear liquid dripping from her. Erik tasted that, taking his tongue to roll over her clit before he brought his lips together to suck.
“Uhhhhh! Uuuuuuuh!” Y/N sucked in a quick breath, ready to explode but Erik stops. 
Y/N grabs the back of Erik’s head, bringing him closer to her pussy, “Daddy-”
“Don’t fucking touch me before I spank you again. You don’t deserve to cum in Daddy’s mouth. No matter how much I want that sweet pussy in my mouth I gotta discipline you.”
“Pleaseeeee,” Y/N wanted to cry. She was so close. Her cum was about to glaze his fucking face. 
“Nah, fix your bikini and pick up your phone to call Tommie so she can come open this closet.”
“Erik,” Y/N tried to sweet-talk him but he was busy pulling up his trunks. She rolls her eyes, Picking up her phone from the floor, unlocking it, and dialing Tommie’s number. It rang four times and she didn’t answer.
“She’s not answering, see,” Y/N shows Erik her phone. He looked at it nonchalantly.
“Dial it again that girl stays having her phone in her hand-”
“You can finish eating my pussy for me,” Y/N bends over as far as she could go, spreading her cheeks, showing Erik that sad little pussy that needed to be licked up, “See, Daddy? Daddy, please?”
“Get the fuck up.” Erik pulled her up by her arm, “Now dial her fucking number like I said.”
Y/N whimpers, stomping her foot, dialing Tommie again and hoping she wouldn't pick up. To Y/N’s disappointment, Tommie picks up, her voice loudly speaking into the phone because of the music.
“Tommie! can you come to your room, please?!!! I’m locked in your closet!”
“Just hurry, please??!!!!”
The line ended.
Y/N looked over at a fully clothed Erik, spotting his wet beard and lower lip.
“Uh, Daddy,” Y/N pointed to his chin, “You still have my pussy juices on your face.”
“I know,” Erik looks her up and down,” I'm gon’ keep it there too-”
Tommie opened the door, hazel eyes growing wide and mouth hanging open.
“Oh! this what you were doing, huh?!” She laughs, “Y'all are wild! no wonder why Terrence left ready to cry!”
Y/N stormed out of the bedroom.
“Erik,” Tommie scolded, “Don’t fuck with my girl like that-”
“Mind your business, Tommie,” Erik playfully mushed Tommie before leaving the bedroom as well.
Y/N relaxed on a floaty in the pool, staring up at the starry sky. She didn’t care that the people around her splashed water or bumped into the floaty. She needed to reflect on what she just did. Erik was currently in the house getting a tattoo of a scorpion with the year 1986 on the back of his left arm. His session would probably take another hour. Y/N wanted to get a tattoo of a crescent moon on the side of her left breast but she felt that if she sat in there near Erik, she would act like even more of a brat. He didn’t deserve to deprive her, she deserved to deprive him. He cheated on her for some other bitch. He should be begging her but Y/N didn’t have it in her to do it. She wanted Erik to control her. 
“Sup, ma?”
Y/N looks down in the pool, her eyes connecting with a guy who looked Ethiopian, thick coily hair wet and dripping onto his forehead. He has full lips with facial hair that didn’t connect, eyes a cinnamon color and a skin smooth and caramel.
“Hello,” Y/N spoke dryly.
“Can I keep you company? I know your man stormed out of here crying about you. You really pissed him off, huh?”
“Do you need anything?” Y/N asked with annoyance.
“Your number if that’s cool,” He tried to put on a smooth voice but it didn’t work, “You look so gloomy with your pretty self.”
“How about you get me a drink,” Y/N needed one.
“I can do that.”
“What’s your name?”
“Aman,” He held out his hand to her, “You?”
“Y/N.” She shook his wet hand.
“All finished, bro.”
Erik looked at his tattoo in the mirror that was given to him. He was a great tattoo artist. Erik paid him extra, thanking him again after getting it covered up with ointment, before walking away to let the next person have a turn. He needed to get more liquor before the good shit was gone. Heading back outside, Erik spots a group of people huddled around the pool lounge area, shouting and laughing. He walks over and the closer he got, he notices Y/N standing up, removing her swimsuit top, big beautiful, hefty breasts with large chocolate areolas and nipples free for everyone to see. She had everyone gawking at her before she took off running around the pool, breasts rebounding and swaying. She ran past Erik, almost slipping, before making it back to the group that cheered her on like she won a contest. She immediately picked up her bikini top, Tommie tying it back in place for her. Erik crushed the red solo cup in his hand, the ice falling out and landing on his bare toes. He tossed the cup down, squaring his shoulders before walking up to the group. All the dudes over there were looking at her savagely, dicks probably hard as a cement block in their wet trunks. One dude in particular that Erik recognized to be Aman was whispering in her ear, probably telling her how much he would love to suck on those big ass titties all night long; like a damn baby.
“I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU ACTUALLY DID IT!” Ivory spoke with shock, “Okay, your turn Aman.”
Y/N turned to him, Her legs awfully close and her lips just as close as she whispered in his ear, “Truth or Dare.”
“Dare,” Aman spoke loud enough for everyone to hear. Erik crossed his arms over his chest, eyes low and predatory. 
“I dare you to...take a shot off me!”
“Teh, easy.”
Y/N giggled drunkenly, “Let’s see then.”
Someone passed Aman a shot of tequila while Y/N laid back over his lap. Ivory sprinkled some sugar around her navel and squeezed a bit of lemon juice. Aman poured some of the tequila between Y/N’s breasts, watching it drip down. He quickly traced the wet trail with his tongue before licking around her navel to get all the sugar, dipping his tongue in her belly button to get the lemon juice. Everybody shouted, cheering Aman on while Y/N giggled. Erik saw red. He bumped roughly past a few people before pulling Y/N off of Aman, throwing her over his shoulder. Everyone watched stunned as Erik spanked Y/N.
“What the FUCK do you think you’re doing?!!!!!!!” Erik barked out in a gruff tone with clenched teeth, “You really enjoy pissing me off I can see that now! WHY ARE YOU LETTING SOME NIGGA LICK ALL OVER YOU-”
“Because I can!” Y/N slaps his back, “Get your hands off me, you don’t own me. Go find that bitch you cheated on me with and fuck her!”
“Let’s go,” Erik heard enough. He stormed away, Y/N kicking and screaming over his shoulder. 
Inside, Erik damn near ran up the stairs with her, finding a guest bedroom, tossing her on the bed, and slamming the door shut. Y/N got off the bed, falling to the floor because she was a little drunk. She laughs, flat out hysterical like a hyena. 
“Get the fuck up,” Erik spoke while shaking his head, “Can’t even hold your damn liquor-”
“Fuck you, yes I can, dumb-dumb,” Y/N got up, stretching out on the bed, “You just ruined my night yet again. I was having fun.”
“Thanks to you, Aman gotta die,” Erik walked over to Y/N slowly, “And as for you, I gotta punish you.”
“You already punished me. You owe me an apology,” Y/N sat up, “Apologize to me for cheating on me. Get on your knees and say how much of a sorry piece of shit you are.”
“Y/N,” Erik pinches the bridge of his nose, “Aight, look...I am sorry. I am so so so so fucking sorry for cheating on you like that and not giving a fuck. I truly apologize. If you wanna hit me, fucking hit me. Do what you gotta do, ma, but I’m not going nowhere. I promise you that. I miss you. You got me hot right now but I miss everything about you, girl. Come on, hit me. After this, you won’t get another chance, baby girl.”
Y/N looked at Erik like he has two heads and four legs.
“Did you hear me?! come on,” Erik held his arms out, “Hit me.”
Y/N got off the bed, walking over towards Erik timidly. She stood before him, looking up at him with low eyes, frizzy curly hair, and no balance what so ever. Erik still has his arms out, ready to take whatever Y/N dished out.
Erik’s jaw felt like it disconnected from his face. Y/N put a lot of force into that hit. She gasps, covering her mouth before giggling. 
She breathed a breath of relief.
“That felt...so good,” Y/N beamed up at him, “Gosh, you don’t know how much I wanted to do that.”
Y/N could see her handprints on Erik’s face. He just looked at her while rubbing his left cheek, a smile slowly creeping up.
“You got hands, girl.”
“Thanks, asshole.”
“I deserved that,” Erik looks down at Y/N’s breasts, “But you dead wrong for showing your titties.”
“It was fun. I’ve never done that before,” Her eyes went down to stare at his crotch that was indeed tented in the front. Those hits turned him on.
“Consider that your last time,” Erik grabs his jaw to flex it before he presses his chest against hers, moving her back towards the bed, “Now take this bikini top off so I can titty fuck you until I bust on your chin.”
Y/N lays back on the bed, removing her bikini top, her heavy titties spilling out. She squeezes them together before twirling her nipples. Erik stood between her legs, pulling his trunks down and stepping out of them. His thick veiny dick stood at attention and bounced up and down as he got onto the bed to straddle her waist. Y/N grabs Erik’s dick, looking up at him with low eyes while he spits on his dick multiple times. Y/N rubbed it in, bringing his dick between her breasts before squeezing it with her copious flesh. Erik started moving his hips, his spit covered dick making squelching noises like he was in Y/N’s pussy.
“That chin is a good place for me to nut on, right, baby girl?”
“Umph, yes. Uhh, my pussy just jumped at that.”
“Good girl,” Erik grunts, “Lick the tip of my dick.”
Y/N flicks her tongue on Erik’s dick while he increased the speed of his hips, Y/N’s body moving back and forth across the bed.
“Fucking sexy,” Erik squeezed her tits more, “Fuck, these big ass titties so tight on my dick.”
“Daddy, please fuck my titties, please cum on my face,” Y/N leans forward to suck on the tip of his dick, “Yes, please, Daddy!”
Erik spits some more, His movements more erratic. Y/N held her mouth open with her tongue hanging out so the tip of Erik’s dick could rub against it. 
“Titties feel so soft and good, girl,” Erik moans, “You like it when Daddy titty fuck you, baby?”
“Hmph, fuck!” Erik’s creamy and warm cum landed on Y/N’s chin and lips. Her head came forward, nose a target now and a little on her eyelashes on the left side. She couldn’t believe how much cum came out. 
“goddayum!” Erik removed his dick from between her breasts, grabbing it at the base to slap her nipples with it.
“Can I feel your dick in my pussy now?” Y/N turned around, Arching her back deeply, “I want my pussy fucked so bad right now-”
“Oh, you want a proper workout, huh?” Erik crawled behind her, smacking her clit with his dick, “Thick as fuck. You want me all in that phat silky pussy?”
“Umph, Yes!” Y/N pops her pussy back on Erik’s dick, “Daddy give it to me-”
“Bounce that ass back on me,” Erik thrust forward inside of her, shallow grunts escaping his mouth. He really missed how tight and wet she is, “Fuck this fat dick-”
“Like this, Daddy?” Y/N sat up on her elbows to look back at him with her cum stained face, “Right fucking there, ahhhhhhh,” Y/N threw that ass back knowing Erik would catch it, “Right here...right here...get it good, fuck, Daddy.”
“Nah, you better fuck this dick. Move that phat butt,” Erik was still on his knees watching Y/N fuck him. She spread her legs, bringing one knee to her chest, grabbing the sheets, and went to town on his fat pipe. She used all the power she has to fuck him herself. sweating and sucking air through her teeth, Y/N could feel herself squirting. Erik’s dick slips out, Y/N’s hips still moving as her pussy steadily poured until it did nothing but drip. 
“All this thickness is killing me,” Erik slaps her ass while sliding his dick back inside, “Mmm, mmm, yummy.”
Y/N could feel every stroke because she was super wet. Erik showed her no mercy on her pussy. All he wanted to do to Y/N was beat it up. He arched her again, Y/N letting out unsteady breaths.
“You feel where I’m at?” He was deep in her belly.
“In my fucking stomach, ugh,” Y/N could feel her pussy creaming all over his dick, “This is what I want. I want to be a wet mess for Daddy.”
“You knew Daddy needed this sexy pussy to fuck and fill with all this dick and cum over and over. That ass... damnnnnn,” Erik swats her ass while hammering her pussy, “Good bitch, give Daddy that pussy! Good girl, get that dick!”
short little spurts of air escaped Y/N’s lungs as she cums on Erik's dick. She couldn’t breathe. Panting and gasping, Y/N could feel Erik reach around to grab her neck with his nose in her hair. Y/N held onto his arm around her neck while Erik battered her sugar walls. Her mouth fell open, Erik’s fingers sliding inside. Y/N wasn’t in her body anymore, not even when Erik slowed it down to purposefully give her sharp and quick thrusts before stopping. Each surprise thrust made Y/N suck in a panting breath. Erik’s fat dick got even fatter, her pussy lips spreading to accommodate his rapid growth. She felt his lips sucking on her jaw, her pussy like a waterfall. 
“F-Fuckkkkkkk, oh my God, fuckkkkk, ugh, yeah, mhm,” Erik still stroked while he nuts inside of her, Take it...take it...” He whispered, “Fucking take it like I said.”
Y/N licked between Erik’s fingers, her eyes rolled back. 
“Good girl, give Daddy that pussy, bitch...let Daddy get in that pussy, slut...enjoy that dick.” Erik’s dick was squashed between her walls while he spoke in a subdued voice in her ear. Y/N melted around him, “You love letting Daddy fuck your pussy...you love having a dick in you...you be feeling so good, right?”
“Umph,” Y/N squeezed her eyes shut, tears rolling down her cheeks. That squirt made her pussy extra sensitive. Erik would not stop fucking her pussy. Her hand went back to push at his hips, Erik responding by pushing his hips in further. 
“Fuck, Daddy, you got me so weak.”
“Just cum one more time for me. You already made a big ass mess might as well give me more,” Erik spoke quietly in Y/N’s ear. 
“Fuckkkk,” Y/N’s head fell forward, “Yessssss.” She gave him one final messy release before falling flat on her belly. Erik’s dick slips out, his eyes watching all his nut fall out to add to the big puddle Y/N already made.
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johannstutt413 · 3 years
(requested by mathmaticalknight)
“So, let me just make sure I understand what you’re asking.” Angelina, Blaze, and Lappland were eating lunch in the cafeteria; this hadn’t been the Vulpo’s plan, but the other two had a question...A very strange question. “You want me to help the two of you train...by using my Arts to put you in higher gravity?”
“We saw it on a TV show yesterday, and it looked like it really helped. It’s not too much to ask, is it?” The Lupo’s smirk said she thought it might be.
The Feline punched her arm before turning back to their assistant-to-be. “Are you willing to do it?”
“Well...Croissant says you should always make contracts for things like this, so I’ll need to talk with her about writing one of those, but...I’ll see what I can-”
“Woo-hoo!” Blaze immediately jumped to her feet. “I can’t wait! Soon, I’ll have the Critical Mass Explosion technique down, and no one will be able to stop us!”
Wait, ‘Critical Mass Explosion’…“I wasn’t going to ask, but since you mentioned that, why are the two of you watching anime together?”
“To annoy Texas,” they said in unison.
“...I know why you’re doing that, then,” the Vulpo said, gesturing to Lappland who gave her a wicked grin in return, “but why are you?”
Her partner-in-crime shrugged. “I’d be watching anime either way, but when Lappy asked if she could to see if it could teach her how to get Texas’ dander up, I figured why not? Alright, I need to get back to work, but here’s my number. Call me when you two finish the papers, and I’ll sign ‘em!”
“Same. Thanks for the help.” Why did it still sound like Lappland was insulting her as she thanked her?
Oh well. The Vulpo enjoyed the rest of her lunch in peace, making a note to ask the Forte about this later. For now, though, she had some practical considerations to consider - how to sustain her power for at least 30 minutes at a time, for example. That was...going to take some effort.
Two days later, after a bit of negotiation through Croissant and a brief training montage for Angelina to master prolonged selective gravity increases, Blaze and Lappland met her in the sparring dojo (not to be confused with the not-sparring dojo, where people had actual fights) in their training outfits. “Alright, let’s do this!”
“Hang on a sec, girls.” The ever-shrewd Forte had volunteered to supervise this particular experiment. She didn’t want her girlfriend hurt after all. “Ya don’t start messin’ with fizz’x all willy-nilly like, Gotta let Angie warm up first.”
“So long as we get our full 30 minutes of weighted training time, that’ll be fine. Hey, Blaze, go a couple rounds with me while we wait?”
The Feline shrugged. “Sure. Gonna be hard to be bored doing that.”
“Good. Have fun!” Once they were out of earshot, the Forte sighed. “They sure are n’thuzyastic, huh?”
“Don’t worry, I’ll be careful with them.” Angie gave her a gravity-boosted squeeze.
Croissant might’ve had more complaints, but they were nothing compared to the power of Angelina’s hugs. “Not what’s worryin’ me...but I trust ya.”
“Thanks, babe.” … “I can’t hold them down if you’re holding me this tight.”
“Yer sure?” Another moment later (as the Vulpo started to set them floating), the Forte sighed and let her go. “Alright, both ya ready to start?”
Already sporting a couple scrapes each, they both pumped a fist. “Press me to the earth so I can push it aside!” Blaze called out.
“That’s a way to ask for it,” Cross muttered as Angelina did just that.
“Huh. I feel heavy.” The Feline took a couple test punches at the air. “Wow! That’s pretty neat! Hey, Lappy, lemme punch you and see if it hurts more!”
Lappland responded to that request by trying to dash towards her, only to find herself moving at half speed. “Grrrr. So that’s your game, Blaze - slow me down to cancel out my natural advantage?”
“‘Natural advantage?’ Is the extra gravity pulling the blood out of your brain?” Blaze could already see some interesting changes to the power dynamic.
“...Got it.” And suddenly, the Lupo was back to her normal speed. “Now I can give you that punch you asked for!”
Angie and her girlfriend shared a glance. “That wudn’t s’posed to happ’n, rite?”
“I think she figured out how to counter it, but...Doesn’t that mean she’s defying gravity?”
“Ooh, I wanna try!” The Feline picked one foot up before slamming it back into the ground, causing a small tremor as she blasted forward a couple feet and smashed into Lappland. “Now we’re talking!”
The Forte crossed her arms and leaned against the wall behind them. “30 minutes, huh?”
“You think I might’ve given them too much time?” The Vulpo cringed as the two went at it no-holds-barred.
“It oughta be fine,” Croissant shrugged. “The way the contract’s writ’n, we’ll get our full share anyway.”
Angelina blinked slowly a couple times. “I’m more worried they’ll hurt themselves.”
“...Right.” She gave her a sheepish grin.
“They’re though, but they’re not that tough.” Her comment was perfectly timed with a shit-wrecking haymaker that tossed Blaze farther than Angie could keep the gravity effect going. “Timeout! You knocked her out of the field!”
Lappland chuckled. “More like I shut your field down over her while my arms kept the extra weight.”
“That’s ter’fyin’,” the Forte muttered.
“That’s so cool!” Blaze exclaimed, practically bouncing back to her feet and bear-hugging the Lupo. “Show me how to do that!”
For the first time Angie had ever seen, there was something like fear in the eyes of the one being squished against the Feline. “Okay, okay, I’ll do it, just let go of me.”
“Fine.” One last squeeze before letting her go.
“Heh.” Croissant nudged the Vulpo as the other two went back to their training. “Kinda cute, ain’t it?”
Angelina tilted her head, squinted a bit, and then righted herself to nod. “Kinda. Not really sure how that’d turn out, though.”
“Bandages...a whooooole lotta bandages.”
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caffeinetheory · 4 years
Congrats on 200!! Fake dating au Daminette please?
Thank you so much :>
I hope this came out well, I wasn’t sure where to go with this... without further Adieu 
Why damian was picked to go to Paris to asses the situation he wouldn’t know, and no Grayson he doesn’t need more human interaction he’s perfectly happy with what he has. ‘This Marientte girl better be worth his time’ was all he could think as he entered the bakery he was told he could find his contact. Why a simple civilian would baffle him but he didn’t make those kinds of choices.
 He was greeted by a short woman with grey eyes, not his contact, and a warm smile. “How may I help you today monsieur?” thank god Damian had brushed up on his French before walking into the bakery, “Earl Grey and a chocolate croissant?” he asked, the crash in the back taking most of his attention. “Of course monsieur,” he just placed some money on the counter and sat down at a small table to wait for his order. ‘This was the right place right?’ he checked the address Dick had sent him, it was… now where was she?
 A cup of tea was placed in front of him, bringing him out of his thoughts, “I believe this is yours,” the girl around his age said in near perfect English, though accented it was clear. She handed him a small slip of paper with the code word he was told to look out for and winked as she went back to the back to help in the back. It also had a number Damain assumed was hers and a place to meet later. ‘At least she knows subtly,’ he finished his food and left to get ready and to tell Dick he had made contact.
 Damian was early, but there he stood at the base of the Eiffel Tower, she should be there soon. And as luck would have it there she was walking up in a different outfit. Light blue overalls with a baby pink crop top underneath and simple vans, casual attire that wouldn't look out of place, so she was smart. His black jeans, a t-shirt and high tops didn't feel under dressed anymore. 
 “So I assume you’re the ‘little bird’ Nightwing was so happy to talk about,” there was amusement in her tone as she spoke in English. ‘Didn’t she know I know French perfectly fine’ “Perhaps, are you the one I’m supposed to be spending my time with?” “Oh god don’t tell me he was serious about fake dating, I swear to god…” she was starting to ramble ‘So that was Dick’s idea who was he kidding of course it was, human interaction my ass’ “I’ll be in your class by next week,” Damian cut her off on whatever she was rambling about, “We should get our story straight.” “True true,” she lead him to a small secluded area off of the Seine so they could talk more freely. 
 The story they came up with was they met at a gala and had hit it off despite the odds. Believable because Mari was the kind of person to make friends with almost anyone, she also told him to use English around her if he wanted a minimal chance for people to follow what they were saying. He came to do the exchange program to broaden his horizons and the fact his new girlfriend was there was a plus, believable knowing his family. She also warned him about her class and a liar, ‘lovely’ was all he could think, more social climbers. 
 The weekend before Damian joined the class he couldn't figure out how this petite girl one had contacted the League and two why she was trusted by the heroes of this city, she looked like hard a breeze would hurt her. Okay that might be an exaggeration but still! She didn’t look like she could hold her own against anything, so why her? That was something he’d get his answer in due time, walking in on something he wasn’t meant to know.
 Damian insisted on taking her to school on Monday, as a way to show that she was his and so he didn’t need to ask where the class was. Not that he would admit the second part. Damian took her hand as they left the bakery, and they made idle small talk on the short walk to the school. When a black limo pulled up Mari seemed to perk up, something to keep of note. A blonde boy with light green eyes walked out and instantly lit up upon seeing Mari. she was quick to let go of Damian and whisper something into the blonde’s ear and hug him nodding her head slightly back to Damian’s direction, interesting.
 Damain had spent the rest of the day close to Mari but otherwise not paying attention, he already knew everything that they were teaching, this was a waste of his time. Sitting in the back with his ‘girlfriend’ at least let him avoid the looks of the class and watch their behavior. Only three people of note in the whole class. Mari by his side (she also seemed to pay little attention but had well done notes that seemed ahead of the class), the blonde boy for earlier who he learned rather quickly was Adrien Agreste (seemed to also be way too ahead for this class and to share something secret with Mari, he’d need to look into that later) and lastly the Rossi girl. She was not the good interesting though, lies were constantly coming from her mouth to the point he found it hard to believe anyone could take what she was saying seriously. Damain assumed Mari was over exaggeration when she warned him.
 That was routine for about a month: go to class with Mari, be bored out of his mind, hide from the Akumas of the week, then go to her place to get more info. The occasional “date” to a coffee shop or walk in the park. Nothing out there but so it was clear they were dating, constantly holding hands, conversations in English and small gifts. Most of the class had left him alone after it was clear he was with Mari, “If he’s willing to date a jealous girl like Mari he wasn’t worth their time” was the general consensus of the class, he’d gladly take it. 
 It wasn’t until he had wandered from the library to what he assumed was an empty training room on the school grounds. The sounds of rapid fire French and fighting made him curious, it wasn’t an Akuma, there hadn’t been an alert so what could it be? 
 To say being Agreste and his fake girlfriend locked in an instance spar, one that seemed evenly matched. He could expect Agreste to be able to fight, the boy was in fencing after all, but not to this level and Mari… well that was unexpected. 
 To say he didn’t find their banter and technique interesting would be a gross understatement. He was starting to understand why Ladybug trusted Mari, that was until he heard “M’lady” and “Kitty” leave their lips. Things were clicking into place, it all made sense now. Damian felt like an idiot for not seeing it earlier, of course! 
 To say he was seeing both the heroes in a new respect for all they had to deal with in their regular lives and that not affecting their Hero lives would be putting it lightly. For Mari to be capable and cunning but also be able to hide her strength like it was second nature was something Damian wouldn’t admit but he  found really attractive. 
 He found himself actually making an effort to be closer and nicer to her, and slightly to Adrien. He did this in his own Damian way, starting off small by calling them both by  their first names and then slight nicknames, for example Marienette was now Mari. he learned more about their dynamic both in the mask and out, they were like siblings attached at the hip. Ready to throw down at the drop of a hat to help their counterpart.
 To say Damian wasn’t prepared when Adrien invited him to spar with him and Mari was more true then Damian was willing to admit, they knew he knew didn’t they? “Wouldn’t want to leave out her boyfriend would we?” Adrien said with a wink leading him to the same room he had first spied on their spars. 
Her swing to his head was barely dodged and he ducked out of the way just in time, “So when were you planning to tell me you knew?” Adrien stood off to the side making sure no one walked in like he had. It was just the two of them on the mat talking in English and sparing. “Well to be fair I didn’t know you knew,” his smirk didn’t last long as he had to do a backflip to dodge another kick coming his way.
 They went back and forth for about 20 minutes before they were both tired out, Adrien only chiming in to encourage his “Lady”. So here they were both breathing heavily laid on their backs on the mat. 
 “You know you could be cute if you were more open, Sparing shouldn’t be how I get you to open up,” Mari was playful as she turned to look at the ten boy beside her. 
 “Oh just kiss already,” Adrien shouted from the side lines, this was something he had been waiting for since he saw the two togther. If Mari can get the Ice Princess Kagami to open up and be more herself Damian was a goner. Almost everyone eventually fell for the personification of sunshine that was Mari at some point, at least this one might actually have a chance. 
 “How ‘bout a real date first?” the gentle squeeze on his hand and content sound from the girl next to him brought a genuine smile to his face… maybe Grayson did have a point. 
Please send more Asks in !!
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dakotacrisis · 4 years
Deal’s End (5)
Paris and desires are burning this day
(Read on AO3)
“Up and at em, love.” Felix smacked Marinette awake with a pillow. “Time for school.”
“Since when are you excited to go to school?” Marinette chucked the pillow back at him.
“How about you get up and stop questioning me? We got work to do and a boy’s bed to get you into!”
“Once again, I am only fifteen!” Marinette dropped out of bed.
“Don’t act like you haven’t thought about it.” Marinette tried to speak but Felix cut across her, “And don’t bother lying, you’re hotter than a desert for him.”
“Surprised you didn’t say hot as hell.” Marinette smirked as she went to get dressed.
“Honestly, it isn’t that hot unless you’re at the burning fields.” Felix caught the night shirt she tossed over the screen, “The whole place is more humid than anything which I think is almost worst. It is warm but it is also moist...I do not miss it.”
“Sounds gross.” Marinette emerged from behind the screen now dressed. “I’m gonna grab some breakfast, want me to sneak you anything?”
“A croissant.”
“Nutella to go with it?”
“Got it.” Marinette walked downstairs and ate her breakfast with her family. She smothered a croissant in nutella for Felix and walked out of the house. Felix followed shortly behind munching happily on his food.
“You know, if you just knocked on the front door you could come and eat breakfast with us. My parents never object to another mouth to feed.”
“Nah. This is fine.” Felix jammed the rest of the croissant in his mouth.
As soon as they stepped outside Marinette shrugged off her cardigan. “Nothing I love more than a late spring heat wave. Why is it so hot today?”
“Global warming?” Felix shrugged. They walked into class and it seemed everyone else was feeling the heat despite the air conditioning. Marinette pulled up the forecast and saw that it now predicted a heatwave for the next couple of days before dropping back down to normal temperatures. Looks like sundress season was coming sooner than they thought.
They sat down for class and Ms. Bustier started the lesson by announcing a project. They would be focusing on temptation in literature. Particularly, they were to focus on the classic literary theme of temptation: knowledge, desire and chaos used as a foil to innocence and youth. Such examples being the biblical creation myth, the greek Hades and Persephone myth, Christina Rosetti’s Goblin Market, and Spencer’s The Faerie Queen.
Marinette couldn’t help the look she sent Felix who was pleasantly listening to the assignment. Why did she have the itching feeling he may have dabbled with the lesson plan?
“We’ll be doing these in pairs.” Ms. Bustier pulled out a list, “Alya and Kim. Sabrina and Max. Chloe and Alix. Nino and Ivan. Mylene and Rose. Adrien and Marinette. Juleka and Nathaneal.”
Adrien and Marinette! They were paired?! What miracle was responsible for…
Her glee died down as she cast another glance back at Felix. He gave her a subtle thumbs up.
When she turned back around Adrien was watching her with a smile. “Looks like we’re partners.”
“Yeah, so it seems.” She smiled back.
After explaining the rest of the project Ms. Bustier let them get together to start working. Felix stood off to the side unperturbed by the busy students around him. The teacher hadn’t called his name during the pairings. How could she forget to slot him somewhere? Or more likely that was just more of his powers to influence the world around him so he didn’t need to do any actual work. Now that Marinette thought about it she never saw Felix do any assignments but he always turned in homework. Was he miracling his way through the class? What a cheater!
“I’m rather excited about this project.” Adrien took the vacant seat next to Marinette. “It’s so different from what we usually cover in class.”
“It is, isn’t it?” She forced a laugh. They went over the project and created an outline before the bell signaled the end of class. It was a short day so they only had a few more classes before everyone departed the school.
Marinette pinched Felix’s arm as they left. “Did you have something to do with the lesson plan today?”
“Who? Me?” Felix feigned innocence, “What makes you think that I would ever do something like that?”
“The exploration of temptation in period literature? You want me to believe that it was one big coincidence?”
“I gotta have some fun. Also, I worked hard enough creating that lesson plan last night while you were up in your room doodling. I was gonna see some fruition with it!”
“Wait, you actually created the project? You didn’t just put the idea in the teacher’s head?”
“I am a rather smart demon with an affinity for literature. I saw an opportunity and I took it.”
“Felix, the demonic teacher. It sounds like the plot of an anime.”
Marinette was in a happy mood as she ascended the steps up to her room. Maybe she could even work up the courage to text Adrien.
“Whatcha doing?” Felix peered over her shoulder.
“Trying to think of something normal to text Adrien.” She sighed, “You’re my wingman, help me.”
“Got it.” he took the phone out of her hands and turned it off.
“Felix! Why did you do that?” She gaped at him. “I’m finally taking some initiative to be social with my crush and you do this?”
“It’s too soon. You want him to text you first.”
“Ah ah ah!” he shushed her, “You asked for my help and you are going to get it and respect my choices. Trust me. It’ll all work out.”
“I hope for your sake it does.”
“Ooh, scary lady.” He tapped the fan and turned it on. “Hmm, I have an idea in the works. I’ll come back to you.”
“Are you actually going to inform me about the plan this time?” she asked.
“I’ll tell you that part one involves you inviting mister perfect over here to work on your project tomorrow.”
“Alright, that shouldn’t be too hard. We do need to work on it after all. What’s part two?”
“Still working on that. But you need to make sure to leave at least a ten minute gap between when you get home and when he comes over.”
“Again, still a work in progress. Just make sure it gets done.”
The next day after classes concluded Marinette did as Felix instructed and invited Adrien over to her house to study.
“Sounds good.” Adrien nodded. “I need to stop by my house first though. That okay?”
“Perfect. Drop by when you’re done.” There. Adrien was coming over and she had some time to kill before he did.
While Marinette was trusting that whatever Felix was planning was going to help she couldn’t help but add a little something to the afternoon. She had mentioned to her parents she was going to bring Adrien over to the house to study and requested that they make them a special snack. They knew how she felt about him so they were only too eager to help in any way they could.
After school let out and Marinette went back to the bakery she picked up the box her dad had prepared and went upstairs.
“What’s in the box?” Felix asked trying to open it. “Did you order something special for me for being such a great wingman?”
“You wish.” Marinette held the box out of his reach. “These are passion fruit eclairs with italian meringue that I asked my parents to make special since passion fruit is Adrien’s favorite flavor. So keep your hands off them!”
“That’s not fair! Just one!” He reached again.
“Back off devil boy!” She unlocked the apartment door. “If there are any leftover you can--oh my god why is it so hot in here?!”
“Hoo, yeah, it is definitely toasty in here.” Felix pulled on his collar. “I knew it was gonna be warm but damn this is better than I could have imagined.”
“You would like this.” Marinette set the box in the fridge to keep cool. “Remind you of home?”
“Vaguely. But this is all part of the plan.”
“Plan? Wait, did you turn off the air conditioning?” Marinette sneered. “Felix! It is a billion degrees in here!”
“I know, which is why you should change into something more comfortable.” He handed her a stack of clothes he wasn’t holding before.
“Are you dressing me now?” Marinette looked at the outfit choice. A pair of shorts and a crop top. “You can’t be serious.”
“I am.”
“I cannot wear this in front of him!” She threw the shirt at him. “Also, when were you in my closet?”
“That’s not important. What is important is that you go get dressed. Adrien may be here any minute.”
“I am not putting this on!”
“Listen, a little primal attraction can help turn the tide of emotion. At the very least seeing you in that outfit should put some saucy thoughts in his head which is a step of getting you out of the friend-zone.”
“It seems dirty though.”
“It’s not like I’m telling you to lounge on the couch in your birthday suit while smooth jazz plays. It is literally just a peek of flesh. Also, you two kept making those food puns yesterday so he’ll appreciate the shirt.”
“All This & Dim Sum.” Marinette sighed as she looked at the cute little cartoon of dim sum. “Fine. I’ll wear it. But I swear if this backfires I am going to invest in a holy water spray bottle.”
Despite her better judgement Marinette changed into the outfit. It was more of something she’d wear around the house by herself. Not for what was essentially a study date. Hopefully Adrien didn’t think it was too weird.
“Now that’s much better.” Felix smiled when she reappeared. “Looking hot, love!”
“Yeah, it’s a million degrees in here!” Marinette grabbed a glass of water.
“That not what I--nevermind.” Felix was looking a little feverish himself.
A knock on the door startled them both. “Lover boy is here.” Felix walked up to Marinette’s room. “Good luck, hot stuff.”
Marinette shook her head. He was so weird. She took a deep breath and braced herself as she opened the door. “Hey Adrien, glad you could come over.”
His gaze raked over her none too subtly and she noticed him visibly gulp. “Me too.” His voice broke and Marinette tried not to laugh. “Ahem, I mean uh…it’s kinda hot in here isn’t it?”
“The air conditioning broke. Poor timing for it too.” She shrugged. “But once you get used to it it isn’t that bad.”
“I’ll take your word for it.” Adrien stepped inside. They set up on the couch to work and Marinette grabbed them both something cold to drink so they weren’t dying of heat stroke.
Things were going well enough and they were getting a lot of work done. The only problem was that Adrien was intentionally avoiding looking directly at her the entire time. She knew it! This outfit was uncomfortable for the both of them.
“What are you doing?” Felix popped up next to her out of nowhere.
She yelped and bumped into Adrien. “Something wrong?” Adrien asked. He looked at where Marinette was staring but saw nothing.
“Uh nothing, sorry, thought I saw something out of the corner of my eye.” She laughed it off. She glared back at Felix after Adrien looked away. ‘What?’ she mouthed.
“Make a move already.” Felix said, “It has been painful watching you two dance around each other like this.”
She gave him another look as if to say, ‘What do you want me to do?’
“Put this,” he grabbed her hand, “here.” He placed it on Adrien’s thigh.
Oh god...what had he done? Adrien looked over at her with wide eyes. She couldn’t look away and curse Felix out for doing this. She’d look insane. Not that she didn’t look insane right now with her hand still on Adrien’s thigh and nothing to say! Felix put her in this mess and wasn’t helping her get out of it.
“Uh,” she removed her hand, “Would you like a snack?” Her voice was at least three times too high to be normal.
“Oh, um, sure.” His face was impossibly red.
“Cool.” Marinette darted from the couch to grab the eclairs out of the fridge. She passed Felix and shot him a dirty look. He was gonna get an earful later.
She plopped back down on the couch with the box in her lap. “Here,” she opened it, “They’re passion fruit.”
“Really?” Adrien shifted so he could get a closer look. Their legs were touching! “Passion fruit is my favorite.”
“I know.” Marinette smiled nervously. Adrien looked her back in the face with a smile that matched her own.
“I didn’t say anything earlier but that is a cute shirt.” Adrien pointed, “Did you make that?”
“This? Oh no, I bought it at this little boutique. Half the clothes in there have puns of some sort on them.”
“Sounds like my kind shop.” Adrien laughed.
“Yeah, if you want crop tops or bodysuits.” She grabbed an eclair.
“You...uh...you shop there often?” Adrien mumbled between bites.
“Why you wanna know? Want to see if I have matching booty shorts?” She teased.
Adrien’s face caught fire once again. Where had that come from? Felix was still in the corner and gave her a double thumbs up. She was hanging around this demon too much. He was rubbing off on her. She never would have dared say something so cheeky before.
Felix disappeared again and Marinette decided to cool off with the flirting.
They finished their work early and Marinette walked Adrien to the door. “Sorry about the heat.” She apologized, “But at least we finished the project.”
“Yeah.” Adrien looked her over one more time. “Hopefully next time I’m over the A/C will be working.”
Marinette’s heart leapt at the thought of him coming over again. “Yeah, totally,” She grinned. “I’ll see you tomorrow at school then.”
“See you.” Adrien opened the front door and ran into Felix who was waiting on the other side. “Oops, sorry.”
“It’s okay.” Felix shrugged and strolled inside. “It is a sauna in here! What were you two crazy kids getting up to?”
“Our project.” Marinette flicked the side of his head. “What are you doing here?”
“I was informed there was food.” Felix eyed the box of leftover eclairs. He grabbed it before looking back at Marinette. “Looks like the pastries aren’t the only snack in here. Looking good, Marinette!”
“Felix!” Marinette screeched. Adrien was right there!
“What?” he shoved an entire eclair in his mouth, “Adrien, lad, don’t you agree?”
“I uh…” Adrien looked down sheepishly.
“On second thought, she isn’t a snack.” Felix shook his head and leaned closer to Adrien, “She’s the whole damn meal.”
“Out!” Marinette shoved him out the door. “Take the eclairs and go!”
“Touchy.” Felix rolled his eyes. “I’m leaving. See ya!” Felix rushed downstairs and into the neighboring apartment he supposedly lived in.
“I’m sorry about him.” Marinette sighed, “His people skills are not the best.”
“He is certainly outspoken.” Adrien chuckled. “But he was right about one thing.”
“You look good.” Adrien nodded. “You always look good.”
“Oh,” Marinette blushed, “Thank you.”
With that Adrien left leaving Marinette with a lot fo warring feelings in her head. She wanted to ring Felix’s neck for his interference but in the end it had worked. Adrien had been flirting with her. Adrien thought she looked good! She was gonna swoon!
“I think that went rather well.” Felix appeared next to her with a now empty eclair box. “Don’t you?”
“YOU!” Marinette seethed. “What was that! What were you thinking? Why did you put my hand on his thigh like that?!”
“Cause you weren’t making a move!” He snapped his fingers and the air turned back on instantly cooling the room again. “And look what happened. Everything turned out fine.”
“And your intrusion right at the end?”
“I was aiming just to get the eclairs before you could offer the rest of them to mister perfect. But I saw another opportunity to talk you up and I think it still worked out.”
“Whatever,” Marinette sighed. “I’m too sweaty and frazzled to deal with you right now.”
She looked up at him and swiped a bit of cream off his face. She popped the finger in her mouth licking the cream off. “I’m gonna get a shower.”
“Right.” Felix nodded furiously. “I’m gonna throw this box away.”
Felix quickly exited the room.
“Okay?” What was his problem? Did he forget there was a garbage can right here? He was out of her hair at least. She bound into the bathroom to wash away the grime of the hot afternoon. Tomorrow was another day and with it was most likely another plan of Felix’s that she needed to be ready for.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (6)
@sannsibarr @miss-mysterys-blog @maribug-adrienoir @mermaidreject @corabeth11 @goblinwhoships @symwinter
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itsmoonpeaches · 3 years
Okay, so coming from someone who really really struggles with writing dialogue, how do you outline/write your dialogue-heavy scenes? (and how do you balance them so well with showing vs telling what is your genius thought process I need to know for science👀)
Happy late FFWF!  Why is it that I always answer you the next day 😂
Dialogue oh dialogue. I too struggle with it…not going to lie, but over time I’ve found that a lot of it is (hilariously) talking to myself. I observe conversations a lot which is probably the result of me being an introvert, and I try to pick up speech cadences and to see how people talk and how conversations flow. Of course, when you write conversations, they can never be 100% accurate to real life because you often have to pick and choose conversations to be at the right moment in a story. The key is to pick moments that are character-relevant or relevant to the plot. For outlining these, I literally just write a conversation that comes to mind with no fluff in between. I might not even know when or where exactly it’s happening, just that it needs to happen. Then, when I’m ready for that scene, I fill it in with all the he saids, she saids, Mary muttered under her breaths. It’s helped to just write out what the characters are saying with no interruption.
For example, here is how I would write a conversation at first:
“What are you doing here?”
“I don’t know. I just wanted a coffee.”
“On a Saturday night?”
“I’m trying to pull an all-nighter.”
Here is the conversation with the filler and “setting the scene”:
When Tess walked into Ben’s Coffee House that evening to take advantage of their Wi-Fi and a fresh croissant, she did not expect to see David there lingering next to the take-out counter. As she made her way to the empty queue, she met him at the register.
Tess cleared her throat, hoping to get his attention. “What are you doing here?” she asked with a curious tilt of her head.
David turned to her, seeming a little startled as he jumped about a centimeter into the air. He scratched the back of his head, frowning. “I don’t know,” he shrugged. “I just wanted a coffee.”
“On a Saturday night?” Tess giggled, observing the way he flushed at her teasing tone.
He shook his head, tucking it near his chest. He flashed his crossbody laptop bag that she had not noticed he carried with him. “I’m trying to pull an all-nighter,” he replied.
Part 2 of this ask! Sorry this is so long!
Ok so...showing vs telling...that’s also something I’m still working on. It’s also something that I now notice with all kinds of writing. A lot of the times, the quality of a story changes with how much an author decides to tell their readers. If it’s too much, the reader often gets pretty bored with it. As a reader myself, I notice when I feel like the author is making me feel like they don’t trust me, like I need all the information laid out for me. That is too much telling, and that is how I’ve started to learn how to try to balance that out. 
When you need to worldbuild, that’s when it’s the opportune time to tell. You set the scene and story that way. Now, when it’s things like emotions, you can find a good balance.
For example, let’s compare these two:
Katara saw that Aang was nervous.
Katara saw Aang fidgeting with the ends of his cloak, biting his bottom lip and chewing until she was sure he would cause a welt.
The first version has the writer telling the reader exactly what is intended. The second is doing the same thing, but it’s showing what the character is doing to imply that he is nervous. 
I think the trick here that I’ve learned is to challenge myself as a writer to think like a reader would, and if I have too many “telling words”, I need to think of ways to flesh out a scene so that I’m showing what’s happening instead of treating a reader like they need to be told what’s happening.
Full disclosure: I’ve never been formally trained in writing, so all of this is stuff I’ve observed from reading a lot of books, short stories, fics, etc.
I hope that helps? 😭
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wingsoffireaus · 5 years
Fanfiction Recommendations
Just a few of my personal favorite Wings of Fire fanfictions. I'm going to try and keep them organized but no promises.
Also please give these fics love by leaving a review. They are honestly really good and lot of them have like maybe five reviews at the most. I'm trying to get better at leaving reviews myself. It is so important to make sure they know it is being enjoyed by others.
If anyone has a fic they don't see on here let me know since I might have forgotten it or not read it yet. Thank you and enjoy!
Healed by @sandshadow
Summary: Flame has a lot of issues and has been sent away to the healing center in the Sky Kingdom to deal with them. The last dragons he expected, or wanted, to see there were Umber and Sora. As Flame spends more time in the healing center, and with Umber, he starts to heal in more ways than one. But can he overcome the hate that's been growing in him for so long? T for coarse language.
A personal favorite of mine. And Flumber has quickly become a favorite pairing of mine in this fandom. The only problem I have is there's not a lot of Flumber outside of this fic. But that's okay since there has been an addition to the lore (is that the right word here?) of the fic with an adorable two-shot that takes place a little bit after the events of this fic.
But on other news it's honestly just a good character piece as well. Umber and Flame get great focus and we also get to see Sora again. And there's therapy. Honest to goodness these characters are getting therapy. Praise the Moon's!!!!
10/10 will read again. (Honestly its become one of my therapy fics that I read when I get upset. 😆)
Embracing Peril by Ilral (for the life of me I couldn't find out if there was a Tumblr for them so please let me know so I can add it onto this post.)
Summary: Peril always knew she was different, of course, but it still surprised her just how many ways the world came up with to make her distant. Oh well, at least Clay is here now to buoy her up. And they might just have more in common than she realizes...
A pretty good Cleril fic that deals with a lot of potential prejudices the dragon society might have. A lot of these aren't my headcanons but I can still appreciate the work that went into the fic. And the characters are written pretty well. I like seeing Clay and Peril as an established couple.
A perfect example of it being possible to enjoy a fic even if you don't necessarily share all of the same headcanons as the author.
How to Dance with Rainwings by @quasimagical
Summary: Deathbringer had never anticipated the harsh reality of being pushed away by the love of his life. But when the RainWing queen presents him with a new assignment, he finds himself trapped in the middle of an even more puzzling predicament. AU.
OMG. It's a Jambringer fic. Honestly this one is really cute and I totally ship it. Just a warning Glorybringer isn't the only ship the author breaks up. And while I personally don't ship all the ships they went with I'm the type of person who can still roll with it. Haha.
Another issue is it actually has not been finished but from what I've heard the author does plan on picking it up again sooner or later. But it's definitely worth a read. It's good to see a Deathbringer fic where he is actually treated as a character and not... Well you know exactly what I'm talking about.
Anyway give it a read and review! It's worth it. :)
The Prince and the Body Guard by @a-croissant (based off of their bio on ffnet so hopefully that's right.)
Summary: A oneshot between Turtle and Pike. When Turtle notices that Anemone gets rid of Pike, and Pike runs away, he decides to go after him.
That's right it's a Pike/Turtle one shot. Low key this is really cute. That's kind of all I have to say about it. I ship it and it's adorable.
Character Fics
Winter: A Character Study/Faded Portraits by @sandshadow
Summary: Winter lies awake thinking of everything he's done wrong. The family he disappointed, the love he lost, and the friends he pushed away, but as the night wears on he comes to a new realization about himself.
Wow! Two @sandshadow fics on the list? What?!
Nah but seriously guys this is potentially one of my favorite fics in the fandom. Because I don't know if you know this but I am a Winter fan. And I am still bitter about how he was treated at the end of DoD.
(Also if I have to read any more Winterwatcher fics about him apologizing to Moon for being reasonably upset about a legitimately traumatic experience I am going to scream. )
Anyway. This is what I wish his epilogue in DoD had been. Read it for yourself. Leave a review... I practically an essay myself. My bad. 😅
Winter Returning by Fatespeaker (I can't find a Tumblr for this author so if anyone knows please let me know so I can add it to this post.)
Summary: A week before Icicle's trial, Winter returns to the Ice Kingdom for a very awkward visit. Tensions are high. Old conflicts have resurfaced. With his tribe still reeling from the recent disaster, his family destroyed, and a complicated friendship to deal with, Winter is left picking up the pieces of his old life...and discovering hope for a new one.
Surprise, surprise. It's another Winter fic. I love this boy so much.
Honestly this is done pretty well and we also get to see Winter interact with his family some more as well as getting to see him face some of his own trauma.
It's angsty in all of the best ways.
Aftermath by Fatespeaker (this author has some pretty good stuff honestly.)
Summary: When it comes to living family, Starflight definitely got the short end of the stick. He's kept his distance from his mad scientist father. Well-meaning Fatespeaker wants to help her friend by interviewing Mastermind, but even the briefest of conversations can dredge up uncomfortable truths. War is complicated...its aftermath is messier still.
Kudos to the author for touching on a pretty controversial character. I mean I completely understand why people dislike him. But I can't help it. The fact that his first thought when meeting Starflight was "look at my beautiful boy isn't he astounding!" It was just so refreshing in all the best ways.
I knew the shoe would drop, and what a shoe it was, but I still have a weird fondness for him. And don't fuss me. People can like characters who did horrible things and the thing is I think he's not beyond saving. It will be a lot of work but its possible.
Mastermind- The Scientist and Mastermind- The Monster by The Friendly Space Marine (Again. I don't know if there is a Tumblr for this author. I am so sorry.)
Summary: Mastermind. The NightWing who would become infamous for experimenting on live RainWing subjects. But what is the story behind Starflight's often demonised father? Why did he do it? What drove him to such lengths?
Mastermind. The NightWing embodiment of the mad scientist archetype. A dragon held in contempt by his own son. A monster responsible for unspeakable crimes against the RainWings. What made him do it? Did he ever truly realise the gravity of his actions? 
I really like this take on the character! It adds a new layer to him that nobody really wants to acknowledge or see which I think comes back to the fact that people want to always see characters as good or bad. And I've already stated that I hate that mindset. Like... Wow, people with that mindset must live in a very boring and frankly cold world. I'm sorry for your loss.
Story Driven
Stories that are a little more story driven. Although some are very character-based too so this was kind of hard for me separate. Anyway enjoy!
Finding Peace by @warriorofspectra (for some reason it won't link. I don't understand Tumblr!!!)
Summary:Peacemaker has enjoyed a happy seven years. Raised by his mother and living amongst the RainWing and NightWing Tribes, he would ask for no better life. But with the emergence of nightmares, which have grown increasingly vivid upon arriving at the Jade Mountain Academy, Peacemaker begins to question whether or not the life he lives truly is his own or the shadow of another.
Ey... I already talked about this one before but it's definitely up there as one of my favorite fanfictions and probably my favorite Peacemaker fanfiction.
I don't even want to say anything in too much detail because it's just too good. All you need to know is the characters are great, including OCs. Peacemaker is adorable and almost makes me feel bad for hating the strawberry scene... Almost. Seriously just read it. And then take a peak at the authors side drabble series from POV of the other characters. There's one about Winter that I read just because it makes me so happy to see him again. Agh!
In the Light of the Moon's by Qebui (which is actually a group of people. So I have no clue if there are any Tumblrs associated or not)
Summary: We know the Dragonets of Destiny. Five dragons hatched on brightest night. However, what if the dragonets had hatched in the moonlight instead?
That's right we got a thrice born Starflight and Sunny Fanfiction. Not too much to say about this one. I just love this concept and I like what the authors are doing with it. :D
And... I think that's pretty much it. Wow, this was a lot of hard work. But fun. Lots of fun. And it was good coming back to some of these. Again if there was any I missed please let me know and I will glad I do an updated list adding them to it.
Thanks so much and see ya next time!
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chocoluckchipz · 5 years
Dance with Me, Chaton - 18
Read it on A03, WattPad, FF.net
Written for @ladynoirjuly2019
< Previous
18. Ticking clock.
Marinette looked great in his favourite t-shirt. It didn’t seem like much. Just a plain black t-shirt, but it was super soft and gloriously oversized. His father hated it; Adrien still kept it for indulging in wearing it at home when he had rare days off. Marinette rocked it as a mini dress. Paired with his blue scarf to hide his handiwork on her neck, she looked like any other girl wearing her boyfriend’s clothes for a day out. For his sins against her, Adrien could live with that.
“Have you seen my cell phone?” Marinette asked, exiting from his laundry. “I found my clothes and my purse, but no cellphone. Can you call me?”
“I would, but I can’t find mine either. We might have lost them.”
She made a face.
“Do you need it urgently?”
“Not really. It's a weekend, so I can go a few hours without, but I’ll need it by this evening.”
“Then may I propose we deal with the hickeys first and then look for our cellphones. I’m meeting Alya and Nino for lunch later today. If you want to stick around, we can ask them. Alya was the soberest one of us all. She might have seen them. Would spare us some trouble if she did.”
“Sounds good,” Marinette said. “Might as well introduce myself to the person who was nice enough to help me out yesterday.”
“You’ll like them,” Adrien smiled. “Shall we go?”
Marinette nodded, picking up her purse.
Adrien motioned for her to go out first. “Nice outfit, by the way.”
She rolled her eyes. “I know this is your favourite t-shirt. You’ve told me that at least a dozen times already. But I’m still not sorry for choosing it. It’s the only one big enough for me to serve as a dress. I’ll give it back to you next week, you big whiny baby.”
Adrien chuckled. “No, really. I mean it. It looks great on you. Wouldn't even say it's not a dress. And the scarf adds a nice touch. Still can't believe it was the design that got you into Gabriel. I love that scarf; wore it for years. It's soft and light but still very warm. Nice work."
“Thanks,” she said, her cheeks adorably rosy. “I’m just glad it hides your masterpiece on my neck for now, but your makeup thingy better work. It’s too hot to wear a scarf or a turtleneck to dinner with my parents without them suspecting anything.”
“I promise it will. They won’t suspect a thing.” Adrien opened the door to the outside for her. “Would you like to walk there? The store isn’t that far away, and fresh air might help us clear our heads.”
“Sure. Lead the way.”
Starting to the nearest Sephora, Adrien cautiously voiced a question he hesitated to ask until now. “Do you remember anything from the last night?”
Marinette pursed her lips. “I remember our annual charades challenge with Kim and Alix. Only, I was dateless, so I didn’t have a partner. That’s when I saw you and thought why not? You wanted to get to know people in the company. This was a fun way to start.”
“It was fun,” Adrien chuckled. “I’d love to do it again sometime… without the vodka plank, though.”
Marinette giggled. “I’d like that too. Or at least a less extreme plank.”
Adrien grinned. “Eat a dozen croissants plank.”
“That's not a plank. That's a reward for you.”
He laughed. “Guilty as charged. How about next weekend?”
She looked at him, her eyes wide. “Next weekend what?”
“We get together for a game night. I’ll invite Nino and Alya. My place. Pizza. No alcohol. So? It’ll be fun.”
Marinette squeaked, looking at him with her eyes wide.
“Are you sure?”
“Why not? Apart from yesterday, I’ve never been to a game night before, but it sounds fun. You three can introduce me to the phenomena.”
“Okay,” she smiled. Turning to look at the sidewalk beneath her feet, Marinette added, “I’m sorry for getting you into this mess. I haven’t lost for a long while, so I might have been a little overconfident.”
“I’m sorry for dragging you down.”
“That’s fine. It happens to everyone. And you did great for your first time.”
“Not an excuse for making you lose and getting us both drunk.”
Marinette stopped and groaned, hiding her face into her hands.
Adrien frowned. “Is something wrong?”
“It was the company’s party.”
“Yes? So?”
Marinette looked at him straight, pointing to her neck. “The whole company was there. They all saw us, saw you giving me those. It's probably already up on every social media possible. My parents aren't that tech-savvy so I'm good there, but how am I supposed to go to work on Monday?"
Adrien stalled, a chill running down his spine. “I… I didn’t even think of that.”
“I just hope we didn’t do anything worse than kissing.”
“I remember nothing past the second shot.”
“My last memory is of me drinking my first.”
“Kissing isn’t so bad, though, right?”
“Not unless you’re making out with the boss’ son. I’m screwed.”
He looked at her, biting his lip. “We’ll figure something out. It’ll be fine.” Reaching into his pocket, he pulled the lucky charm she gave him. “We have those. They’ll help us.”
Marinette nervously chuckled and, shaking her head, headed forward.
“Marinette, seriously,” Adrien followed. “News know better than to post any pictures or gossips. I’m sure we can employ privacy laws even against any leaks on social media if there are any in the first place. And I’ll talk to my father. He won’t fire you.”
Stopping in front of the Sephora, Marinette closed her eyes, shaking her head. “Let’s just deal with one thing at a time. First these.” She pointed to her neck.
“Alright,” Adrien mumbled and opened the store’s door for her.
The next thirty minutes they spent choosing makeup and trying to pretend that everything was fine. The girl that helped them was nice enough to share her own techniques on covering hickeys, using one of Marinette’s as an example. The crimson of Marinette’s face, though, Adrien wasn’t sure anything could cover. He kicked himself once more. Marinette was nothing but good to him. Why did he have to be a jerk and pay her back like this? Unfair. Marinette deserved better. Maybe he should stay away then? Because it seemed the closer he got, the more trouble he caused her.
“I’m so sorry, again,” Adrien whispered as they exited the store with a bag full of make-up. “I promise I’ll make it up to you somehow.”
“Don’t forget you already owe me for being your personal itch reliever,” Marinette snickered. “You’re in deep, Agreste.”
“Then how about if I start with buying you breakfast?”
Marinette nodded. “Sounds good. I am hungry.”
“How about that one?” Adrien pointed to a nearby bakery.
Marinette squeaked and, grabbing his arm, dragged him the other way. “Are you insane? I said I don’t want my parents to see the hickeys.”
Adrien laughed. “It’s just your father is waving at us from the window.”
“And he’ll think he got us mistaken with someone else if we keep walking away without  looking back.”
A black car stopped at the curb right by their side. The passenger window rolled down. Holding his breath, Adrien froze in place. He couldn’t remember the last time Father had sent Nathalie after him.
“You aren’t picking up your phone, Adrien,” she said. “Your father wanted to see you.”
"Can't it wait for a little?" Adrien braved. "I haven't had breakfast yet?"
Nathalie quirked an eyebrow. “Say goodbye. We need to leave now.”
His shoulder slumping, Adrien turned to Marinette. “I’m sorry. I have to go, but if you want you can wait for me at my place? I should be back in time for lunch with Nino and Alya.”
Marinette shook her head. “That’s fine. Maybe some other time. I have my purse and I know how to deal with those thanks to that in-store demonstration, so I’ll just head home and do that and maybe try to find our cellphones. If you could bring me what’s left of my stuff back on Monday to work, that’ll be great.”
“Sure,” he sighed and passed her the bag with the makeup. “I’m sorry, again, and if I find out anything about our cellphones first, I’ll let you know. Don’t know how, but I’ll figure something out.”
Marinette nodded. “Okay. See you later. Good luck.”
“Thanks,” he mouthed and got in the car. The ride was quiet. Neither Nathalie nor Gorilla talked. Adrien resigned to watching out of the window and waiting for the inevitable.
“You called for me, Father?”
“You aren’t answering your phone," Gabriel said, barely allowing Adrien a glance.
“I might have lost it.”
Gabriel puffed, leaning back into his chair. “Were you too busy shamelessly making out in public to pay attention to your belongings?”
“I was drunk,” Adrien said, his head low. “I don’t remember what happened.”
“I thought we agreed that you stopped drinking, Adrien.”
Gabriel wouldn't let him explain. “I appreciate the public and media attention from that little 'firing the designers' debacle being refocused for now, but you could have chosen a better way to go about it. One scandal was already more than enough for us before the show.”
“I didn’t plan on it.”
“You shouldn't have gone to that party in the first place. Those events aren’t for you, Adrien. Not for the people of your position.”
Adrien pressed his teeth together, saying the first thing that came to mind. “I went there to find Ladybug. She was going to be there.”
“And did you?”
His head low, he looked to the side. “No.”
Gabriel's laughter sent chills down Adrien's spine. "Well, you certainly found something. Yourself, in the middle of a scandal. Again. Look up #AgresteMakeOut. It’s been trending for a few hours already. It’ll refresh your memory,” he barked. “Next time go someplace private if you want to get laid.”
“I didn’t—”
“You are the heir to my empire,” Gabriel continued. “You can’t afford to do this stuff in public, even with all the privacy laws protecting you. There are plenty of idiots on social media who don’t understand what privacy and law mean. Do you even realize how little time I have right now to deal with taking that video down? I have enough hustle with the show and that little designer mishap.”
“Father, I—”
“And my advice to you, Adrien: the clock is ticking. You’ve got a week left. Stop slumming it with my employees and search for Ladybug if you want your freedom.”
Adrien didn’t respond. His fists clenched by his side, he silently watched the floor. Feeling like a guilty five-year-old was the last thing he’d expected today. His father just had a talent for making him miserable—the main reason Adrien wanted out of this place as soon as possible. He’d had to find another way, though, because Gabriel would never get Ladybug from Adrien’s hands, would he find her or not.
“Now, go,” Gabriel barked. “Unlike you, I’m too busy for this. Contact your lawyers, I won’t be dealing with this mess this time around.”
Adrien headed out. Nathalie informed him that she’d already contacted all the people necessary, and the video should be taken down by the end of the day. As for his cellphone, it was located at the Club Akuma.
“Thank you.” Adrien gave her a small smile. Nathalie was a complicated person, but even under his father’s dictatorship, she sometimes managed to make Adrien’s life a bit easier.
He glanced at the clock. Since he didn’t have his car with him, going to the bar now would make Adrien late for his lunch with Nino and Alya, and it’s not like he needed it now. He’d better use the time to take a walk and calm down. For that, Adrien had plenty of time. His cellphone can wait.
“Yo, dude. You look better already.” Nino bro fisted Adrien when the pair arrived at their appointed spot. “Got in some quality time with your co-worker?”
“If by fun, you mean making sure she could cover the hickeys I gave her, then yeah, we had a few hours of fun before Father summoned me.”
“Dude,” Nino grumbled. “Can’t you have some fun without being chastened for it?”
“Not if it ends up on social media. Can I borrow your cell phone for a moment?”
“What for?” Nino asked putting his phone on a table in front of Adrien.
“I haven’t seen what got posted yet. I only gathered it was a video, but I don’t have my cellphone on me.”
Nino quirked an eyebrow, chuckling. “Bro, you’re in for something. Honestly, I didn’t know you had it in you.”
Alya giggled. Nino gave him a wink.
Adrien groaned, opening Nino’s cell phone and finding the video. His eyes widened. He sat on a couch, Marinette in his lap, her head tilted backwards, as he was feverishly kissing her neck. One of her hands was brushing his hair; the other one holding onto his back. He pulled her closer and captured her lips. Passionate, almost desperate kisses. The way he looked at her in a split moment in between them… The way she watched him back…
His breathing irrational, his heart pounding, Adrien closed the video before he could finish it. He'd watch it later in private. Marinette had probably already seen it, or would soon. How was he supposed to face her now? No way. Not after this. Way to ruin a great friendship, Agreste.
“Don’t get all excited, bro,” Nino snickered. “You gonna get severe facial burns.”
“Breathe, Adrien. Slowly and deeply. Just breathe,” Alya added, chuckling.
“Not funny guys,” Adrien snapped back. “How am I supposed to face her now? The whole company saw it. Probably the whole of Paris. It's just… Ugh! She won't forgive me."
Alya laughed. “Don’t worry, she probably will. After all, she is your Ladybug and you’re her Chaton, right?”
Adrien’s eyes snapped wide. He jerked his head towards Alya. “What did you just say?”
“About what?”
“The bit about Ladybug and her Chaton.”
“Don’t look at me,” Alya shrugged. “It was you two who kept calling each other those names. You don’t remember that either?”
Adrien shook his head.
“Dude, seriously,” Nino said. “You need to work on your relationship with all things alcoholic. Even I remember that. Ladybug and her Chaton. Sounds like something from a kid’s cartoon. I mean you two are great at making out, but please, think of better names for each other. Even I was getting a second-hand embarrassment all evening long.”
Next >
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keelywolfe · 5 years
FIC: A Ray of Sunshine From Behind the Clouds(baon)
Summary: Look, don’t ask Edge about his relationship with Stretch. He doesn’t know, either.
Prequel to the series, set after “Seeing Stars Through Clouds’ and ‘Pillars of Creation’
Tags: Spicyhoney, First Time, Pre-Relationship, Mentions Of The Seven Human Souls, And the deaths of the children, Light Angst
part of the ‘by any other name’ series.
Read it on AO3
Read it here!
If someone asked him to qualify his relationship with Stretch, Edge would tell them to mind their own business, to begin with.
But even if he refused to answer, he would be left with the question and he would have to admit, if only to himself, that he didn’t know.
Their former antagonism wasn’t completely vanished, but these days it would more likely fall under teasing, with less aggression than even his own brother’s. Edge found that he wasn’t merely tolerating Stretch’s company, he was often somewhat enjoying it. The glimpses of lively interest he could show, hands moving excitedly as he talked. The brilliant mind he kept so carefully hidden beneath a concealing layer of sarcasm and apathy was slowly revealing itself, like a shy ray of sunshine coming out from a behind a cloud.
He supposed he could admit that he liked it. Sometimes.
But he couldn’t name it.
For example, how could he properly explain Stretch’s newest ploy? It consisted of Edge getting a text on a random day of an address and a single word beneath it.
It was usually followed by a ridiculous emoji of a sandwich, perhaps or a croissant.
The first time it came, Edge nearly declined. He was particular about his food and wasn’t interested in any greasy slop that Stretch might offer.
He’d already typed a refusal, his finger hovering over the send button…and remembered the coffee shop. His newfound daily pleasure in the Beanery was enough for him to delete the message and send a wary agreement, along with a time.
The thumbs up emoji that followed made him roll his eye lights, but his curiosity was piqued. Besides, if it turned out to be someplace like Grillby’s, he hardly needed to stay.
Instead, it turned out to be a small restaurant with no more than four tables, covered in checked tablecloths and dripping candles despite the hour of the day. There were braids of garlic hanging from the ceiling along with yellow globes of cheese. The overhead fixtures were plain and rustic. His doubts grew at first sight and vanished when he took the first bite from a plate brought to him by a large, enthusiastic Human whose booming voice nearly demanded enjoyment of the food.
Until then, Edge’s experience in pasta was limited to dinners with Papyrus and a few dishes he’d made on his own.
But this…one twirled fork filled with noodles and Edge could reassure their anxious waiter that the food was delicious. Lunchtime conversation was mostly Stretch rattling on about the history of Italian food, with the Human, Mario, occasionally interjecting.
It was…acceptable. And if sometimes the bright gleam of excitement in Stretch’s eye lights sent a twinge to his soul, well, a quick rub over his sternum usually chased it away. Usually.
Since that first text, Edge had eaten in many different places that were as unlikely as they were unusual. Stretch knew of plenty hole-in-the-walls where he chatted with the owners in their own language, Spanish, Italian, ones Edge didn’t recognize, from food trucks and storefronts with handwritten signs. They would sit at small tables with clean table cloths and eat food that was brought steaming on platters, or Stretch would secure them paper plates of food that was delicious and sometimes so spicy even Edge needed a drink.
Today, they were sitting together at a rickety picnic table, three dishes between them laid out on a scattering of clean napkins. If Edge was out of place in his business suit with Stretch who was in a sweatshirt and sneakers, the owner hadn’t given them a second glance.
“this is a kimchee roasted veggie bowl,” Stretch announced, pointing his fork at one dish. “caprese skewers, fried rice balls, and korean barbecue.”
Edge took a bite of the aforementioned veggie bowl, humming in appreciation at the heavy spice as he forked up another. The young woman in the food truck gave him a grin and a thumbs up. Edge waved somewhat stiffly back to her. “You certainly know a lot of people.”
“i told you, i like people,” Stretch mumbled around his own mouthful. It was a struggle not to grimace at the way he slurped up his food, but Edge couldn’t argue that it wasn’t delicious.
“I would have thought you wouldn’t care for Humans, to be honest,” Edge said, carefully. Perhaps not the best choice of luncheon conversations, but it was a question that had bothered him in the past. “Blue said that your Human in Underswap was much different than Frisk.”
Once, before a trip to a planetarium and a scattering of lunches, Edge likely wouldn’t have noticed the way Stretch tensed, his smile becoming less easy and more fixed, “yeah, pretty different.” He shrugged, plucking up one of the skewers and nibbling at it. “most humans are okay, you know? most of them aren’t much different than us. they love their families and they have fun and they like to laugh. most of them are fine.”
“Some aren’t.” Edge thought of his children at the Y, the stories he knew they hid.
He was taken off guard by Stretch’s flat reply, “asgore killed six kids and people think he’s okay.”
Edge frowned. “That’s different, he was doing what was necessary for his people as a King.” But thinking of it made him uncomfortable in a way it hadn’t in the past. Before they’d come to the surface, Edge had never met a Human, and now—
“yeah? maybe humans who do bad things are doing what they think is necessary. why does asgore get a pass?”
“You don’t like him.” That much was obvious, Stretch never made any pretense in the few occasions Edge saw him around Asgore, much the same as he’d never made any pretense around Edge not that long ago.
Stretch stabbed at a rice ball with his fork, and muttered, “i don’t want to fight.”
“We aren’t.”
“okay, then no, i don’t,” Stretch snapped. “and i’ve never been shy about saying it. he can have all the excuses he wants but the truth is, he killed those kids. i’ve seen their souls, you know i have, we all saw. they were kids and she just—“
“She?” Edge interrupted softly and Stretch clicked his teeth shut and looked away.
“he. whatever. look, the point is, he killed them. that doesn’t make me want to look at him like some fuzzy-ass savior.”
“I’ve killed.” There was no denying it and he’d never tried, not when a simple Check would reveal the truth. He wasn’t ashamed of it; he’d done what was necessary and no more, enough for him and his brother to survive.
“yeah, i know, kinda hard not to when i saw your lv the first time we met,” Stretch blew out a sharp breath and his sudden smile held no humor, “you ever killed a helpless kid?”
“No.” That much at least he could claim.
“i have. so i’m a hypocrite, too.”
That…was impossible. Stretch had no LV at all. Edge grabbed his wrist as Stretch tried to stand, “What do you mean?”
“let me go.” There was a tremble to those words, but it wasn’t fear Edge heard.
He let go.
He watched as Stretch walked a distance away, downwind, and pulled out his cigarettes. Flicked his lighter and lit one, exhaling a pale cloud. He smoked as he watched cars driving past, Humans pulling up to order their own food and giving them curious glances or the occasional look of outright disgust. No one approached them, no one said a word, and Edge worked his way through the bowl of kimchee, watching Stretch as he watched the world.
He dropped the butt on the ground, grinding it out beneath one untied sneaker, then picked it up gingerly between two fingers to toss on the trash bin.
Stretch walked back to the picnic table, hands in his pockets. He breathed out slowly, then asked, “can we talk about something else?”
“Yes.” His curiosity suddenly didn’t seem worth seeing that anguish again on Stretch’s face, not right now. He pointed his fork at the plates laid out in front of them. “Kimchee with roasted vegetables. Last week it was curried goat roti. How do you find these places?”
Stretch grinned and the sudden flood of warmth in Edge’s soul must have been from the heat of the kimchee. “twitter. i have a weekly thing i do where i take restaurant suggestions and then i sort of review it.” He gave Edge a wink. “i did ‘seoul food’ a few weeks back and thought maybe you’d like it, spicy as you are.”
“My temper isn’t that bad,” Edge said with exasperation. He couldn’t say why, but for some reason, Stretch’s grin turned closer to wry.
“nah, your temper is fine, edgelord. hey, listen, i’m gonna go to a new chinese place next week for a review, wanna come with? i promise i won’t mention you by name.”
Edge paused, his fork hovering over the barbecue. This was the first time Stretch had invited him out for lunch in advance rather than springing it on him, and to a restaurant he hadn’t yet visited. That, too, was something new.
But he couldn’t say he hadn’t enjoyed their lunches…
“No pictures,” Edge said sternly, and Stretch’s expression lit up with delight.
“nothing but selfies and the plates, cross my soul!” Stretch made an ‘x’ over his sternum with a long finger, then snatched up his fork again. “okay, now quit hogging the goods.”
As Stretch reached for the bowl, at the last moment Edge used his own fork to pull it out of reach, sending Stretch’s to clang uselessly against the picnic table. His disbelief morphed into a peal of laughter and Edge had to resist the urge to smile, rubbing again at his sternum.
Honestly, he might have to have his soul Checked if it kept throbbing like that. For now, he scooped up the bowl, working on keeping it away from Stretch who had actually crawled onto the table trying to reach and would probably have more success at getting a forkful if he could stop laughing.
Something like friends, Edge decided at last, giving over the bowl before it ended up a mess in one of their laps. That’s how he would describe their relationship if he were asked. Similar to what he had with Antwan, someone he could share a meal or a conversation with.
And if they were friends, then he could admit he was looking forward to more than the food next week.
Especially if Stretch laughed like this again.
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feministshawnmendes · 5 years
Give In - PT.2
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A/N: hiiii okay so I decided to go ahead and post part 2 because why not? I really like these characters but I really don’t know if I’ll continue writing this? Idk I like the concept but I have a couple ideas for oneshots I want to write so we’ll see.
Summary: y/n and Shawn meet in a coffee shop. Featuring a special guest.
Over the weekend Y/N had managed to distract herself with a handful of completely unnecessary and expensive workout classes. She needed something to focus on. Something that wasn’t him. Something that didn’t build up her anxiety around talking to him again. She knew it was probably nothing. But she couldn’t help but speculate what it was he wanted to talk about and she knew that coming up with a list of possibilities would only make her more anxious. So she basically Zumba’d her way through the weekend, scheduling coffee dates and workout classes with her friends as a distraction.
When Monday came she had managed to get through the morning without feeling on edge about her pending meeting with Shawn. Work was what had helped steady her throughout the year since the divorce. She always felt a sense of calm when she was at the office even though she was constantly on the go. The cycle of busyness was in a lot ways a distraction for her - if she was busy with numbers, ad sales, hiring new execs, etc that occupied more time in her mind than dealing with the aftermath of her divorce.
Y/N had breezed through her morning with an easiness she was accustomed to. But when noon rolled around of course she felt on edge. She told her assistant, Kerry, she’d be back in an hour and headed to her car. She didn’t want to do this. She didn’t want to face him again. Didn’t want to sit across from her. Especially not at Alchemist. Why had he picked that place of all places? Sure it was close to her office but it was also their favorite in the early stages of their relationship. The little coffee shop in Koreatown had been her favorite since moving to LA. It felt like there was little left in her life that didn’t remind her of him.
She got there before he did, ordering herself an iced americano and a croissant. She had just taken her seat, reaching for her coffee when Shawn strolled in with Andrew. Her heart sunk. She’d learned over the years that the sight of Andrew wasn’t always good. He’d been there at the beginning stages of their relationship to warn them that they better keep a low profile, had been there to tell them that they needed to keep their relationship private when news finally leaked about them, he’d strongly advised that they wait to get married - saying Shawn was at the height of his career and that he’d get swept away with married life, he was there to tell them to really consider what having a kid might do for Shawn’s career - the balance of attentive father and Rockstar hard to manage. He’d also been there at the beginning stages of their divorce, coaching Y/N heavily on what she could and couldn’t say about the divorce just like he’d coached Shawn. She loved Andrew and she knew that throughout the years his concern always came from a good place - he’d been by Shawn’s side for years and wanted him to succeed as much as Shawm himself did. Still, Andrew was often the bearer of bad news and harsh criticism.
Shawn’s eyes scanned the small coffee shop, his eyes landing on Y/N as she sipped her iced americano. She waved at him and Andrew, both of them smiling as they waved back. Shawn whispered something to Andrew, who nodded before going to the counter to order. Shawn shrugged off the gray zipped hoodie he was wearing as he made his way over to Y/N. He was wearing a pair of black jeans and a loose white t-shirt with a pair of adidas. He’d always been such a simple dresser.
“Hey,” he breathed as he threw his jacket over the back of the chair across from her, pulling it out and plopping down with a sigh. “How’s it going?”
“Fine,” She said easily even though she could feel her stomach filling with nerves. He smiled, nodding as his eyes shifted down to see that she’d gotten what she always did. He couldn’t help but smile wider. Y/N, as much as she was game for a new adventure, had always managed to in so many ways be predicable. “How’s the new album going?”
Shawn’s eyes met hers again, his smile gently falling as he shifted in his chair. She’d figured that he’d been writing. Adrian had been coming home - saying daddy had let him play a few chords on his guitar, that he’d gotten to watch daddy sing in his music room, that daddy had let him sing whatever he wanted into the microphone in one of the music rooms.
“How’d you...” He started, Y/N’s lips curving into an uneasy smile.
“Adrian’s not the best at keeping secrets,” she chuckled. Shawn couldn’t help but laugh too, sinking a little in his seat as he crossed his arms over his chest. Y/N played with the straw in her drink, swirling it around nervously as she stared up at Shawn.
He sighed, sitting up straighter and leaning forward, setting his elbows on the table in front of him. “Listen, Y/N. I know there’s already been a lot of talk about whether or not I’m gonna write about the divorce on this album and - I...”
“Does Andrew want to coach me again?” She interjected, her tone flat. Everything felt so mechanical sometimes with these things - she’d been fed what to say to fans and journalists so many times by Andrew and publicists that it became routine. She took a sip of her coffee, her eyes fixed on Shawn.
“Look I didn’t want - “ he started before getting cut off by Andrew who said a quick and excited hello to y/n. He set two Americanos on the table before opening his arms, y/n standing up and giving him a quick hug.
“You look great, Y/N” Andrew beamed as he took a seat next to Shawn. She gave a curt smile, knowing what was coming. Andrew gave a short nod and took a long sip of his coffee. “Listen. I’m not here to coach you, Y/N. I think we all know you’re smart enough to figure out what to say on your own by now. We’re actually here to talk business”
“Okay,” She said, crossing her legs and straightening up in her seat. “Shoot.”
“There’s been a lot of speculation about whether or not any of the songs on Shawn’s next album are about the divorce. Obviously, some are and everyone will figure out which ones are but we don’t want that to be the dominating narrative surrounding this next album release. People already think that the divorce has been messy - with all the unfollowing and then refollowing on socials and the pictures of separate Christmases and what not. We want you to be a united front prior to the album release - to paint a picture of happy co-parents. You know how this goes, y/n. I also know that you know you can say no.”
“I’m confused,” She said suddenly. “I mean - sure things at the beginning were messy but I never thought that people had this idea that we weren’t successfully co-parenting Adrian.”
“Well,” Andrew sighed. “The general perception is that you two are amicable - at best - but definitely not the picture perfect example of how to happily co-parent. You guys are hardly photographed at school events together, you celebrate holidays separately. Look, everyone was used to your relationship being very public for a very long time. And all of a sudden all of that has ended - people are bound to speculate what that means about what’s happening behind closed doors.”
“So what?” Y/N breathed out. “What is it you’re asking, exactly? Give me specifics before I give you my answer”
“All we want is a couple public outings together over the next couple of months, a picture or two of the three of you celebrating Christmas together posted to your socials. Enough to put people’s suspicions to rest of you two having a messy divorce.”
She could have said no. Could have angrily huffed away and refused to be part of this stupid game. She’d always struggled with this part of Shawn’s life. Feeling like she always had to be aware of how everyone was perceiving her and what they thought about her and Shawn. Always feeling like she had to say yes. That’s ultimately what had lead to their divorce. Shawn, like always, dealt with everything with ease. At least the public part of it he’d managed to deal with well. Always putting people’s minds at ease, always speaking candidly about whatever concerns or rumors had been swirling about. Y/N had grown to love Shawn’s fans and the way they loved him but the scrutiny was hard to deal with. She had always been self-critical and after her and Shawn had gone public - her insecurities only intensified. Shawn tried his best to understand it but his fierce loyalty to his fans sometimes blinded him. He’d tell her they loved her, even if they didn’t. Even if they did, she wasn’t built the same way he was to brush off the criticism. He had been doing it for years - his career and his art meaning more to him than any amount of criticism and scrutiny. She didn’t have as big of a stake as he had in it all - and he didn’t understand that.
“You can say no,” Shawn had finally spoken up. Y/N sighed as she shook her head and grabbed her purse from the back of her chair, sliding it over her shoulder. Shawn’s eyes stayed glued on her as she stood up abruptly and grabbed her drink from the table, looking down at Shawn and Andrew - both of them wide eyed.
“Fine.” She said simply.
“Y/N -“ Shawn started.
“I have a couple phone calls with some big clients to make. Is that it?” She asked with a cold look, looking down at her phone. Andrew nodded, knowing not to challenge her. As much as Andrew called the shots when it came to Shawn’s public image, over the years he’d developed a healthy fear of Y/N , knowing well enough that she was calculated and capable enough to call the shots if she really wanted to. She’d done it before.
“That’s it.” He answered, folding his hands together and setting them on the table as she nodded back. She muttered a quick goodbye, her heart racing and her eyes burning as she walked quickly past the two men and out the door. She thanked God for what felt like the privacy that Koreatown provided. She and Shawn had rarely - if ever - managed to get photographed in Koreatown.
She didn’t want to cry but the scratch that had begun to tickle her throat was inching its way up and it only seemed to get worse the faster she rushed to her car, her grip on her iced coffee tightening as she got closer. She knew she didn’t owe it to him. Knew she had the option to say no. But she hated that she couldn’t. Hated that after all this time - he’d still prioritized all of it above everything else. She knew he loved Adrian. Knew that he cared about him more than anything in the world. But she still was mad at him for choosing to be gone so much. Hated that she had to be the one to take care of their little boy while Shawn was out doing what he loved the most. She knew he would have stopped. He would have come home. Would have stopped all of it for a little bit if she asked him to. But she knew she never could. She couldn’t ask him to stop being Shawn Mendes.
“Y/N!” His voice called out as she shakily tried to find her car keys in her purse while still managing to hold her iced coffee. She ignored him, digging desperately as she felt her eyes glaze over. Maybe she could learn to hate him.
Finally, her fingers met the cold metal of her keychain tucked at the bottom of her bag. She pulled out her keys, unlocking the car, tears rolling onto her cheeks as her body shook as she tried to control her emotions. She’d grown used to trying to suppress everything but over the past year it felt like it was every day she was having to manage her emotions, to stop herself from crying. She felt exhausted from all of it, from no longer being able to control herself.
She went to climb into her car, reaching for the door handle when she saw Shawn move closer to her. She moved away from him as he tried to reach out for her. She couldn’t remember the last time he’d touched her and the thought of it felt foreign to her. Scary.
“Hey,” he said in a hushed tone, noticing her teary eyes and wet cheeks. “Oh hey hey hey -“
“Shawn please -“ She hiccuped, caught off guard by her own inability to handle her emotions. She sighed, a defeated breath leaving her lips as she closed her eyes and another tear rolled down her cheek. In all the years they’d been together Shawn had only really seen y/n seriously cry a handful of times. She always teared up while watching sad movies or the news but she rarely ever cried besides that. She’d cried when he’d proposed, when Adrian had been born and when she’d told him she was filing for divorce. She’d always been the steady one in their relationship - providing an emotional steadiness that he’d needed. She didn’t worry much, didn’t get angry too easily. She was always pretty level headed and even tempered. Which made her decision to file for a divorce even more shocking to him.
“I don’t want a picture of me crying in front of you circulating. It’ll only add to the speculation,” She choked out. Her eyes were starting to get puffy, like they always did when she cried. She could feel her cheeks growing red. She didn’t look at him, keeping her hand on the door handle, ready to escape as soon as possible.
Shawn was quiet, shoving his hands in his pockets as he watched y/n try to steady her uneven breathing. Even after everything, she was so concerned about him. Even in the middle of crying she was looking out for him. He’d fallen in love with the way loving him seemed so easy to her. The way she didn’t have to think twice about going along with whatever he threw her way. She always had questions, concerns and frustrations but they had always been able to sort through it all. He’d said so many dark and harsh things to her in the midst of their divorce - yet here she was, still choosing to be on his side in ways he knew he hadn’t been for her. Here she was, always the steady one between the two of them. Little did he know that this had become her new normal. Crying because of him.
She’d managed to steady her breathing, her tears less frequent as she dusted the tears from her cheeks. She sighed, her baby hairs yet again managing to poke out of her bun. She looked over at Shawn, whose eyes hadn’t left her. She wanted to cry again but she stopped herself.
He couldn’t help but fall in love with her all over again. He always did. Everything she did made him fall even harder. That’d been part of their problem. They saw all the good parts in each other, idealizing each other. Neither of them were good at dealing with the less than perfect parts of their relationship. Looking at her, puffy eyed and out of breath from crying should have turned him off but it made him so painfully aware that he was still hopelessly in love with her.
He’d always been amazed by how she was so effortlessly beautiful. Not in the predicable way that you’d imagine but in the unexpected way that always caught him off guard. He remembered the first time he’d looked at her and realized that he had feelings for her. He’d known her for well over a year, she had integrated herself effortlessly into his friend group after Andrew had introduced them to each other. They were at some swanky party that was put together for one of the big sponsors of his upcoming tour. She was making the rounds, as she always did, talking to execs and big deal business people with ease. He couldn’t remember what she was wearing exactly but he remembered thinking how beautiful she looked and how he couldn’t stop looking over at her. He remembered when she’d finally made her way over to him and their friends, watching her face light up when she started talking about a new client at a nonprofit that she was excited to work with. He remembered how watching her and listening to her passionately talk about the important work the nonprofit was doing, and her excitement to help them made his whole body tingle in a way it never had. He remembered watching her and slowly feeling a lightness creep into his chest. She had so comfortably reached out and set a hand on his arm when she got particularly excited, something she always did but something that felt different as he fell hopelessly in love with her within seconds.
That night had changed his whole life. They’d known each other for a while but that night he’d wanted to know everything about her. He wanted to spend as much time with her. He had wanted to kiss her that night, offering to take her home when she had confessed that she’d had maybe one too many free glasses of wine. Instead he took her home and asked her if she was doing anything the next day. She’d said, “no dummyyyy it’s Saturday!” in her tipsy state. They’d agreed to meet for coffee the next day as they stood in the doorway of her apartment, Shawn telling her he’d pick her up and drive her to her abandoned car the next day. She had laughed and confessed how embarrassed she was, making it so much easier for Shawn to fall hopelessly in love with her.
Watching her wet eyelashes kiss her tan cheeks, Shawn wanted nothing more than to tell her. To spill his guts like he always did. But he didn’t.
“Hey,” he whispered, bravely deciding to reach out and let his fingers brush against her cheek. He hated the way she naturally leaned into his touch. It made it all so much harder knowing that she wasn’t his. But, for now, he was thankful that she didn’t coil away. He’d missed the way her skin felt underneath his touch, her face smooth as his thumb wiped away the moisture on her cheek.
She wished that just the simple feeling of his hand cupping her face didn’t comfort her instantly but it did. She’d spent so many nights crying, missing the way he’d always been able to comfort her but knowing that he could no longer be that person for her.
He wanted to say something else, wanted to make her feel better. Try and distract her and keep her close like he always used to. But he didn’t know what to say, didn’t know if she wanted that.
She felt his fingers twitch as they moved away from her cheek, going to smooth down the little hairs that were framing her face, his hand going back to cup her face like it always had when he’d push her hair away from her face. Only this time his thumb hovered over her lips, daring to run across them like he had done so many times before. His eyes danced across her face, trying to read her expression. He’d done it so many times before but obviously things were different. There were new boundaries now. What they were? Neither of them was sure. He let out a shallow breath, his hot breath hitting her lips.
“Hey,” He whispered as his thumb settled at the corner of her mouth, running across it soothingly. His eyes were glued to her lips, noticing the way they were parted. He’d kissed her so many times before that he’d never imagined what it might be like to not be able to. He noticed the way he was leaning into her instinctively, kissing her feeling like second nature. He’d noticed the way she pulled back the moment he’d lost grip of what he was doing. She removed herself from his touch, his hand falling to his side.
“Y/n I’m sorry. I didn’t - “
“Hey,” She started, shaking her head. “It’s fine. Let’s not talk about it”
But he wanted to. He wanted to tell her so badly.
“It’s just instinct, you know” She laughed dryly. “It was an accident”
But it wasn’t. Sure it was instinct, his body reacting to her the way it always had but an accident? He wanted even more to tell her that it wasn’t, that kissing her was sometimes the only thing he felt sure about.
“Hey,” She said, wiping away the remaining tears from her face, able to so quickly compose herself. He never understood how she did it. How she managed to so quickly move on from whatever she was feeling. How she was able to push aside any worries or anxieties she might have. “Adrian’s class has a field trip to Santa Monica this Friday. What says “happy co-parents” more than chaperoning together?”
He couldn’t help but laugh a little, his lips curving into a huge smile as she gave him one of her bright smiles. Here she was again, being on his side. Ignoring the fact that she’d been crying minutes earlier, instead trying to find a solution to his problem. He wanted even more to reach out and kiss her or even just touch her. But now he knew where she stood. Knew that as much as he’d prayed that she’d change her mind, she wasn’t going to.
“Yeah that’d be cool,” he smiled. “Uh - can you email me the chaperone form? I’m assuming you already have it on file?”
She laughed and nodded. He knew her too well.
“Yeah I will,” She said quietly. They quickly said their goodbyes, y/n getting into her car and pulling away from the parking lot in record speed. She wanted to be sad. Wanted to cry about how unfair everything was. But all she could think about was how he’d touched her. How it was the first time in a year that they’d been that close. She hated the way that such a small gesture had made her stomach flare up and had put her worries at ease. She hated that all she could think about now was Friday and being with him. She had been set on finally trying to hate him just a little and in a matter of minutes he had made it impossible.
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badfanfics · 5 years
fallback - chapter two
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series masterlist
chapter 2: flashes (august 2017)
this story was previously untitled - many changes happened from original published draft :-)
HEADS UP: tom doesn’t rlly appear in this chapter - he is mentioned in a flashback and at the end --- i also got a bit carried away w this chapter. 
if you have any requests on what you want to see in following chapters or in any ‘extra’ sections of this story (ie: how tom and bea met, their first kiss, interviews, or generally any specific or general moments for Bea or between her and  family/friends/tom/etc) please feel free to message me either personally or go to my ask page and send your requests :-) 
One reason why love is a difficult word for Bea is because everything she ‘loves’ and everything she enjoys have a good side and bad side to it. For example, acting and being famous. She loves spreading joy by creating entertainment, the idea she has inspired or encouraged people, acting and creating new worlds and characters and bringing them to life, meeting new and a large amount of people, all the travelling opportunities, and being recognized for her talent. But she hates how her whole childhood has been and probably the rest of her life will be characterized by the media scrutinizing and criticizing and magnifying everything she has done. She despises how the media acts towards females – such as focus on their fashion or bodies – and hates how sometimes, the media have terrible questions and stray away from the movie and it’s behind the scenes or from the important stuff.
In this instance, Beatrice thinks she mostly loves premieres. Yes, she hates how some media outlets, not all, have the most boring or sexist questions. She hates the amount of flashing lights that she swears is deteriorating her vision. And yes, she’ll prefer to be in pajamas, watching Netflix rather than going to a premiere. But, she loves the ability to celebrate the project with the cast and crew and families and friends, being able to meet fans at the red carpet, seeing the excitement and hype for the film, seeing how the film actually turns out, and something about how the premiere symbolizes the end of a project. She’s always excited to move onto the next project. The premiere is something that combines all the reasons she loves acting, even just a little bit, in a few hours of an event.
One thing she loves the most about premieres is the pre-premiere tradition Logan and Bea superstitiously follow. It started back when Logan lived with Bea rather than her then-boyfriend-now-fiancée and they had the best premiere they ever attended. Ever since then, Logan makes sure to have breakfast ordered to the house whilst Bea has all the skin care supplies prepared.
“WAKE UP BITCH!” Logan screamed from the foyer, using her spare key to call Bea. As this is Logan’s first time not seeing Bea immediately when Logan comes in, she assumed she was asleep. “I GOT THE CROISSANTS.”
Bea was currently trapped under Noah’s sleeping state, his breath reeking of the alcohol from last night. She has been trying to get to the bathroom to change into sweatpants rather than booty shorts and look somewhat more presentable for the last hour. “Noah,” Bea groaned, shaking him slightly, making him stir slightly, “can you move?” She asked gently, slightly annoyed.
He stirred, “No” he whined. “We have time and I want you with me.” He mumbled.
“I told you yesterday,” She sighed, “Logan and I have this tradition. I spent the last few days with you non-stop…I need time with Logan.” Noah begrudgingly moved, groaning at the loss of contact. Bea never knew someone could be this clingy.
Bea slipped into the bathroom, quickly slipping on a sweatshirt to cover up her bandeau and sweat shorts rather than her booty shorts. Tying her hair up into a messy bun, she quickly ran downstairs. “Sorry, sorry,” Bea profused as she met Logan who’s already eating her own chocolate croissant, “Noah’s a heavy sleeper.”
The interior designer and stylist rolled her eyes, “I don’t get why you’re with him.” Logan was skeptical and knew something was up with their relationship from the very beginning, but Bea doesn’t like to open up and Logan knows Bea likes her distance. It just sucks – Bea is an world renowned actress and knows how to lie about how she’s feeling pretty amazingly. In fact, Logan knew something was up as Bea often drowns herself in work whenever she feels upset – and for the last year, Bea has been working non-stop that Logan has barely seen her maid of honor.
“It’s fine.” Bea mumbled, finally taking a bite out of the creamy deliciousness of the croissant.
Logan grabbed Bea’s wrist. “That’s not an answer.”
“Yours wasn’t a question.” Bea poked her tongue out, “Okay I know you don’t like him, so let’s move on.”
“You’re getting it wrong.” Logan groaned, “He’s okay. I don’t like him for you.”
Bea decided just to swap topics, she can’t handle confrontation like this because it asks her to directly confront her own personal, conflicting emotions – not a character’s, but her own. “So, since we haven’t seen each other since our last wedding planning session, what else have you and Will decided?”
The girl sighed at her best friend not opening up to her. Bea is Logan’s personal diary and knows everything – Logan just wants to help her as much as Bea helps Logan. “So, I want you to go wedding dress shopping with me in a bit. I got an appointment at this boutique I’ll send you the address for, but they let you customize your gowns so I’m planning on doing that too.” She noted, “That in mind, I’m getting you an early maid of honor slash birthday gift that day too.”
“Babe!” Bea exclaimed, “You don’t have too!”
Logan smirked, “Trust me. It’s a good gift but it requires extreme effort on your part.” Bea scrunched her eyebrows, “Good effort! Promise.” The actress scrunches her eyebrows, skeptically, before Logan physically swipes at the air and acts as if it swiped away the conversation. “But William absolutely loves the bakery you chose, thank you so much. And none of the bridesmaids are hating the dress design you picked.” Logan decided on designing the dress and just asked Bea to choose which design goes to which bridesmaid and which designs should be created.
As soon as the breakfast and wedding talk was finished, it’s been an hour and the two found themselves sitting on Bea’s L-shaped couch with skins masks, milkshakes, and their hair up in buns for a deep condition. The TV was playing ‘Bachelor In Paradise’.
April 12, 2016
Tom and Harrison came back from the outside, sweating from their previous game of basketball – both shirtless. “What’s this?” Harrison asked, eyes bewildered as they saw Bea and Logan lounging with skin masks, their wet and recently showered hair up in towels.
“Premiere day.” Logan stated, “It’s our pre-premiere tradition, we always do this.”
“Want to join?” Bea inquired, sitting up more to look at Tom and Haz. “We have some extra masks.”
Tom and Harrison shrugged, making Bea and Logan rub their hands together to look like they are scheming something. Tom sat next to Bea and Harrison sat next to Logan, not wanting to third-wheel the blossoming couple. “Mask me!” Tom exclaimed, opening his arms after grabbing Bea to straddle his lap, making her chuckle.
“Wait, y’all need to take quick rinse because you two smell bad and rinse your face real quick.” Bea instructed, climbing off of Tom’s lap and causing the two boys to stand up, “Oh, and don’t forget that it has to be relatively quick. We have to end this a little earlier because we have to pick up your family at the hotel.”
Tom’s head fell back, “Oh shit, yeah.” Tom noted, “Thanks.” He smiled dreamily, holding his gaze with Bea as his heart blossomed. He couldn’t wait to get Bea to meet his family, especially as she was the celebrity crush of his brothers and they doubted their relationship. His stomach felt butterflies, especially as she remembered something so dear to him – he’s always been a major family person. He knows she’s nervous to meet them, but that’s why her extra effort means a lot to Tom. “I would give you a kiss, but I don’t want to mess up your face mask.” He motioned to the face mask, glossing over her face. Bea responded with a dimpled smile and by closing her eyes particularly tight to motion she got the intent behind the message.
Eventually, the two boys were in sweats and the girls were placing the face masks on their faces. Tom had dragged Bea into his lap once more – making her laugh, and once she finished putting the mask on, he held her closer and let her cuddle into his shoulder.
“These feel so good what the fuck?” Tom exclaimed, “How come I never did this before?”
“Mate, yeah what?” Harrison asked, “Is this some glorious American thing?” He teased, making the two girls roll their eyes.
Bea lifted her head off of Tom’s shoulder, making Tom rub her shoulder, not exactly wanting her to leave his embrace. “They say beauty is pain, but your own beauty depends on your own choice, so choose well.” Harrison rolled his eyes whilst Tom chuckled, staring at Bea with stars in his eyes.  
“What show even is this?” Harrison eventually asked, eyes widened in surprise but also enjoyment, seeing a girl cry on screen for what felt like the hundredth time as she cried about being ignored by a guy named Jared.
Tom answered, having watched sections of this season when it came out with Bea. “Re-runs of Bachelor in Paradise.”
“Literally the best show out there.” Bea teased, making Logan motion to the sky, as if praising God for blessing the world with the show. “It’s basically all the rejects of Bachelor and Bachelorette on one island, screwing each other over – both in a bad way and in another way.” Bea raised her eyebrows suggestively.
“Sounds like Love Island, but with more purpose.”
“I don’t know!” Bea screamed at Logan who’s been chanting for a couple for the last ten minutes, “Listen, it’s just – I hate speaking in that accent so I just, I don’t know! I get annoyed at her!” Bea then started doing her best southern-belle accent, which due to her cameo role in a Western television series, caused her to be pretty damn good.
Logan chuckled, doing her own best southern belle accent. “Do you think you’d ever do bachelor in paradise?” Before Bea could answer, she took a sip of her strawberry milkshake – “dude, I would so leave William for the show – like just for the show. I’ll go to the dream location, get the payout for drinking and dishing, and then go home back to William.”
“Wow, I know what I’ll be saying in my maid of honor speech now.” Logan threw a pillow at Bea.
“Okay, time to shower. I dibs first!” Logan exclaimed, standing up and running to her old room, now converted to a guest room.
Almost as if her disappearance started a machine, as soon as the bathroom door in her old room closed, Noah came out of the room, wearing just sweats and an open robe, walking down the stairs sleepily. “What are you wearing?” He asked, chuckling.
“Face masks, want one?” Bea smiled at her boyfriend, who grabbed a tissue and approached her. Grabbing one tissue, she wiped her face of some of the green junk and pressed his lips to hers.
“Not really, no.” He said, after pecking her lips.
Bea playfully pouted – trying to ignore her own disappointment at her ruined face mask, “That was my face mask.”
Noah pouted in response, leaning in to kiss her once more. “Sorry, candy girl.” He fell back onto the seat beside Bea, turning to look at the TV. “Oh, is this this nonsense show you always try to show me?”
The brunette nodded in response. “Alright, I’m gonna grab a bowl of cereal and then head out to meet Colin.”
Bea nodded, “Sounds good.”
Like machine work, Logan came prancing down the stairs as Noah walked into the kitchen. “Hi Logan!” Noah called out as he walked towards the kitchen island, oblivious to how Logan hates him. Logan, however, caught a glimpse of his chest. “Oh, so that’s why you’re dating him.” The actress rolled her eyes and threw a pillow at her.
Hours later, Bea and Logan were moisturized and in the middle of getting ready by Logan’s friend and fellow stylist (who happens to be Bea’s official stylist) gave them their outfits and doing their hair and make-up. In particular, Ines managed to get Marc Jacobs to customize a dress inspired by Raven’s iconic superhero outfit. It was a long, dark blue, evening gown with a leg slit that starts about five inches away from Bea’s underwear. The hip has a built in belt, reminiscent of the belt from Raven with gold and red jewels. There is another red jewel at the curve of the deep V-Neck allowing some coverage. The dress had no sleeves, but the back has an attack black cape. The outfit was wrapped together with strappy ankle booties. Logan, on the other hand, wore something less intricate; a black, cold shoulder, knee length cocktail dress with a ribbed waist matched with nude heels.
Currently, Bea was bent over her chair – Ines applying her concealing foundation to her shoulder to continue and hide her break up tattoos from the public, as instructed by her publicist. Bea has a clean image – part of it was being an actress everyone watched and can watch grow up on screen. They do not want to see a tattoo on her. While Ines was covering up her pinky promise tattoo with ‘promise’ in RDJ’s handwriting on the back of her shoulder, her assistant Camille sprayed temporary purple hair dye in Bea’s hair before throwing it up in a clean bun. The makeup was already done – Bea wore purple lipstick, very slight contour, brightening mascara, a subtle cat eye, and had a diamond shaped red jewel on her forehead like Raven whilst Logan had a deep red lip, an aluminum eyeshadow, and a killer cat eye. Logan had her hair up in her natural ‘black girl curls’, as she calls them, but in a contained bun. Now, all they’re waiting for is Bea’s two tattoos (the pinky promise and the ‘Coraline’ key with a bumble bee flying through the hole on her foot) to be covered and her purple bun to be finished.
“God, I don’t even know why you’re famous.” Logan always teased Bea, and this teasing is partly why she’s so down to earth. “Like cool, you won 100 academy awards, baftas, whatever award, and acted in thousands of shit, but like – wow you don’t deserve all this attention. So much hate. You got two break up tattoos and only an idiot does this.”
The actress gaped her mouth in fake offense, throwing a spare makeup wipe at her best friend. “Okay star interior designer, tell me, when did I not take you to any of them?”
Logan putted her lips out – “Perks, I guess.” She popped the ‘p’, making Ines and Bea laugh even more. “Okay, but seriously – I’m proud of you. Legit I love all the reviews of this film.” She noted, pulling out an article on the phone she’s been playing with for thirty minutes rather than continuing their tea session. “’Bea Downey is a literal superhero as she saves the DCU’”
One thing Bea never learnt? How to take a compliment without making a joke out of it. “But I’ll never be as good of a super hero as the dancing zebras somewhere in South America.” Logan smirked.
“Okay, we’re done.” Ines sighed, looking at her two works of art. “Photo and Insta story time.” Bea and Logan were littered all over Ines’s portfolio, mainly Bea through promotional tours and premieres. “Okay, okay, remember the time you took us out for coffee and ran into William and knocked his trays of coffee ove-YAS QUEEN!” What can they say – Ines is the ultimate hype queen.
Eventually, the two were entering a van. “What’s up Big Ray?” Logan called out while Bea kissed both his cheeks to greet the security guard and driver who’s been protecting her since she started, and her uncle beforehand. “Do you remember our first time riding a limousine?” Logan sighed, “now we’re stuck in a damn van, Ray!” She joked with the big man, who laughed and flipped her off.
“Next time you should be on the red carpet with me!” Bea invited, both jokingly and seriously, “Logan keeps insulting me and being ungrateful.” She teased, earning a kick to the leg from Logan.
Big Ray heard the audible thumb of heel against ankle, “Hey, don’t touch the merchandise.” He joked, making both of them chuckle.
Text from Noah: hey – colin and ray and I got here few minutes ago. Looking for my favorite and best looking accessory <3 I think your uncle is waiting for you at the gate?? Spoke to him for a bit, but he didn’t seem to move. Love you, pls get here soon.
“What the fuck!?” Logan called, “No man should call a girl his accessory.”
Bea was about to protest, until she heard even Big Ray sheesh. “Yeah, hate to break it to you and love the guy, but yeah.”
“Also love the fact he had no emojis or nicknames in your phone.” Logan observed, “Just saying.”
Bea was known to put emojis next to important names in her phone; her family had emojis they themselves picked out, Logan got the hand rock symbol, Tom and Harrison had the British flag while Tom was also named ‘tommy boi’. “I invited you because I love you, not because I want a psychoanalysis.”
“I’m here to support you, and if supporting you means that you need to hear a psychoanalysis, I’ll be glad to provide it.”
Another text popped to her phone before she could reply. Facebook Message from Harrison Osterfield (nickname: hazzy): Tuwaine, the twins, and I are tuning in!! don’t forget to remember us when ur being interviewed….we want them shout outs
Facebook Message from Harrison Osterfield (nickname: hazzy): kidding xx love you loads, miss you, and wishing you all the best xxx
She smiled, her cheeks turning pink and her heart feeling lifted; she felt blessed to have a friend like him, even if they weren’t as close as before. Typing out a quick and loving reply, the sounds of screams slowly came into earshot – even three blocks away from the premiere.
“Here we come.”
Bea opened up the window, greeting each and every one of them as best as she could, occasionally recognizing one of them from a previous conversation. Observing the heat, Bea started reaching into the pre-packed stash of water bottles (that Big Ray always packs, because he’s paranoid) and gently throwing them out the window. “Hey! Stay hydrated! Take care of yourself!”
“Ooh, I’ll pass them out, you sign them.” Logan thought of, making Bea immediately agree and take out a sharpie.
As they ran out of water, Bea opened up her iPhone and went to Instagram to make a quick story.  “Hey guys!” She greeted the camera, “I’m entering the venue right now and already see so many of you. I know not everyone could make it here tonight. However, if you are here – please please please hydrate and find shade and take care of yourself. Additionally, thank you all so much for your support – if it’s attending the premiere or waiting until the last day, thank you so much for everything. I wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for you guys.”
“Okay, you’re here.” Big Ray grinned, letting them go as now the red-carpet security will now have direct responsibility of watching them. “Have fun and don’t get into too much trouble. I’ll be in the green room if anything wrong happens. But if anything bad happens, I’m blaming red carpet security.”
Bea smiled fondly at who felt to be an honorary second father. “Thank you Ray.” She smiled, pressing a kiss on each of his cheeks once more. “Plus, I bet you it’ll be Logan who’d do anything.”
Logan flicked her best friend and the two exited the car.
Flashes and flashes of lights drowned them, but the two knew how to swim.
“Beatrice!” A paparazzi screamed, “Bea!” Another one followed. Bea did some quick poses before running over to the fan area; in particular, a fan who looked scarily familiar.
The ginger was screaming at the top of her lungs, “Philomena!” Logan separated now, wandering around the carpet until she spot sight of someone who made her rage. Yes, she loves him for Bea, yes, he’s so kind – but he broke Bea’s heart once, she’ll be a damn terrible best friend if she lets him do it again.
Running as best as she could in her nude stilletos, she was quickly next to Bea who was talking to a group of ten fans, getting to know them personally. “Hey Bea,” Logan whispered, grabbing her attention.
“Do I need to get interviewed now?” Bea quickly asked, knowing the drill of the events. “I thought I would have more time with fans – I always get-“
Logan interrupted her with two words that made all the air leave Bea’s lungs.
“Tom’s here.”
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delta-the-mando · 5 years
My GCBC headcanons/theories
After seeing and reading so many different theories and headcanons about Good Cop Bad Cop (like how they switch if they were actually human rather than Legos, or abuse under Business), I decided to combine some good ones (so some of these may sound familiar) and write down my own to share!
Warning: This is VERY long
- Good Cop is the “true” cop -
I’ve seen a theory or two that Ma and Pa Cop aren’t GCBC’s real parents, but rather his adoptive ones as his real parents couldn’t handle his two personalities. But what if he wasn’t always that way? I headcanon Ma and Pa Cop are indeed his real parents, and only Good Cop was “present” at first. Let me explain.
I mean, Ma and Pa are so sweet and caring and they love their son so much, so it only makes sense that their son would pick up the sweet behavior, right? And since they’re both cops, perhaps their son wanted to follow in their footsteps and be a cop too (or they greatly encouraged him to be) to help people and keep the peace - and since he wanted to be nice and friendly too, when he finally signs up and becomes a cop, we can officially call him Good Cop as that’s what he wanted to be.
Soooo where does Bad Cop come in?
- Good Cop has DID -
Bad Cop is a tougher side Good Cop develops while a part of the police force. With “President” Business in charge of Bricksburg, Good Cop would naturally have to obey his orders, no?
Anyway, we all know that Business is very strict and failure to obey him results in punishment, and we (should probably) know that DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) may likely come about from some form of traumatic experience. Perhaps this is how Bad Cop developed - GC probably saw the faults and negative impacts of Business’ orders, and was punished for his disobedience, as well as punishment for “being too soft”, if you get what I’m saying. Thus he developed a tougher, fiercer, grittier side to handle the harder work and prove himself to be effective and efficient to avoid any more such abusive punishments. But of course, mistakes happen.. and as we’ve seen when he kept losing the Special and didn’t retrieve the Piece of Resistance from the ocean, Business gets pretty mad. With each mistake and resulting punishments, his bad side grows stronger and switching between the two becomes so fluid that at times he needs to force himself not to switch. This leads to more problems for him.
- He was turned against himself -
Business uses this knowledge of the cop’s DID against him to turn him into the perfect tough-guy right-hand man. A very good example of this conversion attempt would be when GCBC was faced with the task of using the Kragle on his parents, where he was basically turned against himself. BC was primarily in control at the time, and even though he was faced with a difficult decision he was about to follow Business’ order. GC, however, was strongly against it and the two sides argued until he finally took control and spoke his mind that they’re innocent and he can’t do it. This was the last straw to Business, and resulted in Good Cop being “erased” and Bad Cop left with no choice but to obey him.
Two different scenarios could come from this:
1. Good Cop was still there, but knew it was too risky to do anything then so he stayed hidden and let his bad side take control until the time was right to do something.
2. Bad Cop completely took over and hated his good side for getting in the way, only to regret it later when Business left him for dead, hoping he still had a good side in him after what happened and decided to help the Master Builders.
- How they switch -
Many people have different headcanons/theories on how GCBC switches personalities as a non-Lego, be it switching their glasses or simply flip-up shades. I would personally say different glasses. This could lead to a symbolic moment for the two scenarios above. When Good Cop gets erased, perhaps his glasses break (whether they fell to the ground or someone threw them down). In the first scenario, after he Kragles his parents, as BC walks away maybe he picks up the broken glasses and puts them in his pocket, hoping his good side really isn’t gone for good - In the second scenario, however, when he notices the glasses he decides against picking them up, calling his good side soft or weak, and leaves them there. Duty comes first.
An optional scenario would be he steps on the glasses while he’s walking (as a fairly popular headcanon is that he can’t see well), and then takes notice of them.
- Acid burns -
Ever had your face burnt with acid? Hope not. That’s basically what nail polish remover is, especially to a Lego. When Business used a strong acidic substance on Good Cop, I imagine it was extremely painful, maybe even permanently scarring him for life. GC took it like a trooper, though, and didn’t want to give Business the satisfaction of knowing how badly it hurt him. As others have noted, not a peep, not a scream, not a whimper was heard..
- He’s a Master Builder -
Popular theory says GCBC is a Master Builder. I agree.
Maybe he was always talented with building things as a kid at home, and though his parents were amazed and proud of him, they knew the dangers of anyone finding out about it at the time, so they taught him to embrace his wonderful ability but to never let anyone catch him in the act. He listened and obeyed them well, but he couldn’t help but modify his police car.
Even after all this time, he still obeyed his parents. And why not? Business has him hunting down Master Builders! He realized he had their remarkable ability, but he didn’t want to be caught too. In the Wild West part of TLM when BC and the robots are chasing down Emmet, Wyldstyle, and Vitruvius, he demonstrates how helpful his car’s modification is - switching from ground vehicle to air vehicle to save himself and continue the chase. Note this is after the robots have all fallen into the canyon, so really the only witnesses were the Master Builders (and Emmet). I’m amazed they haven’t paid more attention. 
Perhaps this is also why there is no mention of him being a Master Builder - because no one even knew in the first place.
...Or did they?
There’s one more theory I have that could be a real game-changer - and it’s that Business eventually found out that GCBC was a Master Builder. That’s the unspoken reason why Business left him for dead. Maybe he had found out sooner, and that’s why punishment for the poor cop was so intense. Business wanted to not-literally break him.
Nothing is certain until it’s actually confirmed, but that’s my deepest guess.
- Other random (and maybe pointless) headcanons -
— He gets headaches from switching too quickly.
— Fav food? Croissants.
— I’d say Good Cop isn’t really a morning person. He’d rather sleep in, dream peacefully, and forget about the stresses of life. After he developes his bad side, however, Bad Cop takes control in the morning to make sure he gets up and isn’t late to work. Words of wisdom: don’t try to talk to him if he didn’t have his coffee yet.
— He moved into an apartment shortly after joining the police force.
— Since his real name isn’t revealed, many people came up with some cool names for him. I pick Daniel.
— His parents probably sang “Danny Boy” to him when he was younger, and he occasionally sings it to himself when he’s feeling down.
— He has various scars on his face (maybe even elsewhere on his body) from punishments dealt to him and from simply going on dangerous missions out in the field.
— He’s self-conscious about his damaged face, so he hides it under a helmet with a face shield. To indicate different facial expressions, he draws on the face shield with washable paint/markers so he doesn’t appear intimidating when he doesn’t mean to be. Thus “Scribble” Cop. This also means he carries a handkerchief with him to wipe the paint/marker off.
— He never received proper treatment for said injuries and always either had to suck it up and deal with it or handle it himself (which he usually didn’t). But sometime after he helps the Master Builders, some of the Builders wanted to help him out too. Kind of like a big Thank You. His injuries never fully healed, though, but he figured they wouldn’t.
— He whole-heartedly believed in the Prophecy and was actually disappointed when Vitruvius revealed it was fake.
— After the events of TLM, he keeps himself away in his apartment and doesn’t go out often, which makes the people who care about him worry.
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