#while i frantically deleted windows lol
fingertipsmp3 · 14 days
I love TS2 but it has some really stupid mechanics built into it
#so i had this family that was just two teen girls right? and on like day 2 of them being in the neighbourhood a really cute stray dog#showed up at their doorstep. so i was like 'ADOPT HIM IMMEDIATELY'#only. only i didn't think about how they would both be going to college soon and they can't take their dog to college!!!!!#also i'm playing the prosperity challenge in this neighbourhood which means there is basically a lot of rules built in#like not being able to use 'combine households' except in college or when moving a graduate back into their ancestral home#and.. just lots of stuff really#basically the dog would've been taken away by the city once i sent the girls away to college#i was like okay. here are my options. i can keep one of them at home and she can have a breakdown about never having gotten to go to colleg#OR i can give the dog to somebody#and the second option seemed like it was going to work out perfectly because the girl who initially adopted the dog has a girlfriend#who lives in another house. so i was like 'that's perfect; he can go live there. her gf's dad can take care of the dog and then#after graduation they can both just move in with him and get married and the dog will be there too and all that'll have happened#is that he'll have swapped houses. it'll be basically like she's just giving the dog to her gf's dad to take care of while she's at school'#but i kept trying to hand the dog over and it wouldn't work. the 'give pet' mechanic just wasn't working#so i ended up giving the pet up for adoption and both the girls were crying and it was so much :(#i did have the gf adopt the pet using the pet adoption service and he cost £3100??? why#listen. i love this dog. i wouldn't have gone through all this if i didn't. but he's not worth all of that#he's well trained and everything and i think he's supposed to be a bulldog but he does pee in the house and try to fight wolves#i just was sooo baffled at the fact that the 'give pet' function apparently isn't free?? then why are there two separate options#for 'sell pet' and 'give pet'. 'give pet' should mean it's FREE#TAKE THE DOG#so i had to gut the gf's dad's house in order for him to afford this stupid animal. he literally has no windows. rip#i'm ngl i hate his house so i was going to rebuild it anyway but it didn't have to happen this way#i guess all's well that ends well. the dog is where i was intending to put him; the girls are in college; and nobody is bothered#i just felt bad that they cried while he was being taken away and that he spent like .5 seconds in a shelter#while i frantically deleted windows lol#personal
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munsonthings86 · 13 days
Hiii!! Saw your reqs are open so I’m shooting my shot here hehe.
I was wondering if you could write something inspired by a Gareth x male! Munson! Reader?? (Totally get if you don’t do male reader stuff or don’t write for gareth since he’s a minor character btw!! Just delete this if not! No hard feelings!)
Just hear me out here,, a best friends brother trope 🙇🏻🙇🏻
Reader is Eddie’s younger brother and is secretly dating Gareth, readers a little more introverted/ sensitive than him too. And somehow the relationship gets exposed and Eddie throws a classic fit “are you making out ?? With my sweet baby (legit like only one ore two years younger lol) brother?? GASP!!” Meanwhile reader is absolutely MORTIFIED lmao like a total classic cliche romcom situation hihi
Many kisses and hugs from your lovely anon
how did you know i couldn't resist a good brother's best friend trope? :/ i wrote this especially for you, my lovely! i hope you enjoy.
side note: i aged up the reader and gareth, so they are of age and college students here!
pairing: gareth emerson x munson!reader
wc: 0.6k
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the air was thick and warm in the tight space of your uncle's trailer. in the even tighter space between you and gareth, a thin layer of sweat formed. the searing sun shot a stinging beam of light through the small window of the living room onto your exposed legs, and you dread the impending awkward tan line.
"c'mon, we gotta make this quick," you were breathless when you spoke as gareth peppered hot kisses along your jaw and neck. "i know," one kiss. "i just," two kisses. "missed you a lot." three kisses that led a trail down to your chest.
it'd been four incessant months since the last time you had seen your boyfriend, seeing as you each went to different colleges. you swore that you would've burst if you had to go another second without him, and the boy desperately pecking at every possible inch of your body, could clearly relate.
"besides, what's the rush?" his nosy hands found their way under your shirt, grazing the soft skin of your stomach.
"eddie is 'what's the rush’," a gasp fell from your lips when gareth gently pulled at your neck with his teeth. "he'll be back any minute now."
it was almost too easy hiding your relationship with gareth from your older brother while you were away at college, but now that it was summer break and the only place you wanted to be was under your boyfriend, it seemed like a mission impossible to have your lover remain a secret.
gareth found it so adorable when you worried like this. you were a lot like your uncle who spent the better part of his life raising you along with eddie. you were quiet like a mouse, always to yourself, and tended to relish in the comfort of your brother's shadow. a lot of people didn't notice you, but gareth did. and he fell for you, instantly. "you're so cute," he pressed further into you, as your back fell against the couch.
"seriously, he's really overprotective. my uncle's gonna have to start arranging my funeral if eddie catches us like this."
you jolted when the sound of the metal door slamming against the wall pierced through the room. in the frame was your older brother, completely frozen with his face kneaded into a tight dough of shock and utter disbelief. gareth was still clinging onto you, lips pursed, wet, and puffy as he eyed eddie.
"what the hell is going on in here?" the grocery bags he held in hands ruffled loudly as he flailed his arms while he spoke. he stepped further into the trailer, too wildered to even close the door behind him.
"we were just- i was just- kissing," gareth's words tripped over themselves as they clumsily spilled out.
"kissing WHO? this infant? this child that i helped raise? this sweet, innocent baby that doesn't need your little gareth germs all over?" poor eddie didn’t seem to be aware that you were 19, and merely only a year younger than him.
his voice was high and frantic, which though wasn't uncommon, but it certainly was not the voice you'd hoped he'd have when he found out your little secret.
"when the hell did you even get in here? i was only gone for ten minutes!"
your face fell into the palms of your sweaty hands, eyes peering at the mortifying situation between parted fingers. you knew he wasn't truly angry, or else gareth would've been thrown out of the door ages ago, but your stomach still felt twisted and uneasy. your words were muffled when you muttered, "eddie," but the boy only let you get so much out.
"you," he pointed, "don't you say a word. when i get back from putting these bags away, we're gonna have a long talk about why it's bad to lie to your big brother." he walked off with a pout, chunky boots making thunderous sounds against the wooden floor as he retreated to the kitchen.
a silence fell over the stillness of the living room.
"could've been a lot worse," gareth shrugged.
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💌 1 new message from jojo: my inbox is open!
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narrators-journal · 8 months
How does one delete an ask cuz that’s so embarrassing for me bru😭 MY BAD I didn’t see the ship thing, can you do Illumi/Hisoka car sex THANK YOU and sorry for my dumbass ask ‼️
This is one of the reasons I like kinktober. It gives me fun practice, and I get to write for characters I’m not super experienced with anymore! So, while I don’t ship Hisollumi or am very into hunter x hunter anymore, I still had some fun writing this! I appreciate any ask, so don’t feel bad for making a mistake! and I hope you enjoy this little scenario, I tried to keep them in character lol
Kinktober prompt list: Here
Kinktober Masterlist: Here
CW: An attempt at car sex lol, Illumi's a bit of an asshole
Even to those looking at Illumi’s SUV, it was evident what the assassin was doing. And that was assuming they couldn’t hear Hisoka’s raunchy, porn-volume moaning in the dark parking lot.
But, the assassin wasn’t really bothered with what a passerby saw, or the pink-haired maniac’s noises. The windows were tinted, after all, and he’d made sure that the shadow-filled parking lot they’d settled on for his ‘half of the deal’ was secluded enough that the long haired assassin wouldn’t get caught. So, he let Hisoka yowl like a cat in heat if it got him off faster.
Only focusing on pounding him into the headrest of the pushed back seat. Keeping him in place with a firm hold on his hips, mostly to stop the clown from moving his hips when Illumi didn’t want him to, but also to keep himself from losing balance as the car swayed. “You’re so good at this, Illumi,” the disheveled murderer chuckled breathlessly, moaning loudly to emphasize his point before adding, “We should...do this again sometime~” “No.” Was the simple answer the deadpan assassin gave, adjusting his angle to thrust deeper into Hisoka. Washing away any further attempts to talk. Clawing into the tall man’s hips as he internally pushed down the zip of his own excitement that threatened to mix into his blood.
This is just part of a deal. A payment for help given. Illumi reminded himself, stomping out each and every zing of lust that Hisoka’s loud moans, or the friction of his movements gave. Hisoka is a handsome man, but I refuse to entertain anything anywhere near ‘romantic’ about him. I only enjoy this on a purely stimulation level. Yet, the sight of Hisoka’s colorful hair fallen out of it’s usual, slicked-back style, and seeing the way he clawed into the seat back he laid on undoubtedly tempted the assassin. And, seeing how his body shuddered and squirmed in desperation for more under him, was...Annoying attractive..
However, that thought was waved off. The ebony-haired man had to focus on what he was doing, not what he felt. Feelings were nothing but a hinderance, after all, and this ellicit meet up was a one time thing. I am a Zoldyck, I’ve had sex for favors before. This is nothing but to get Hisoka off my ass. Illumi reiterated to himself, taking a steadying breath when he realized his head was beginning to swim. But, that did little to entirely vanquish the lewd thrill Illumi got from the friction he got from each harsh thrust into the perverted clown’s ass, and the sight of the scars covering Hisoka’s strong back. Revealed when he’d tossed his clothes ahead of them into the trunk area of the car.
The mixture of stimulation couldn’t be denied, at least. Drawing out a few small moans from the assassin when the blissful warmth managed to get to his head. The thrill of sneaking around for this meet up and the sight of a pretty man moaning and whining from the pleasure his harsh thrusts gave slipping out of his hold until his thrusts grew more frantic and uncoordinated. The pleasure slowly seeping through the cold man’s emotionless mask despite his best attempts to quell the swirl of heat under his skin. Only to lose the fight and stutter to a halt buried in Hisoka. Grunting slightly as the pleasure he’d been ignoring washed over him entirely. Soon followed by the pink-haired man’s own dramatic moan at his own climax before a peaceful few moments of silence passed between them. The car stilled, nothing in the air but the scent of sex and the sounds of the duo recollecting themselves. “Well...that was fun.” The clown breathed, grinning back at Illumi as the ebony-haired assassin pulled out of him to clean himself up. “Please get out of my car.” Was the sterile response he got, all signs of lust in the depths of the Zoldyck’s bottomless eyes instantly gone. “How cold!” Hisoka whined, rolling over with a show of his flexibility to lay dramatically on his back atop the pushed-down car seat, making the assassin roll his dark eyes. “I kept my half of our deal, get dressed and get out.” He reiterated, getting a responding eye roll as he moved over in the back seat to pull his pants up.
Getting the message that the fun was over, the clown sat up and found his clothing in the trunk area of the SUV, while Illumi bottled up any stray feelings that escaped his control. They still lingered in the air as his companion got out and fixed the seat while the assassin climbed back into the driver's seat to go home. However, Hisoka did stop him from shutting the door long enough to say in a playful sort of pout, just to mess with the dead-eyed man “How can you be so cold after such a passionate moment? Do you hate me that much?” “I don’t hate you,” Illumi said calmly, “But I held up my end of the bargain, that was it.” The assassin pointed out, making the clown snort, “Ouch, Illumi. Ouch.”
With that, Illumi pulled his door shut and started the car. Leaving Hisoka in the secluded parking lot with barely a glance back to indulge the feelings the murderer had stirred up.
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4dtk · 3 years
based on a lil discussion with me and @moonboohoo btw this is a little ooc since sukuna is a cat lol. enjoy!
[yuji is typing...]
oh my godddd you're ordering food? i want food too wtf
anyway. i hear u about your problem. why not just ask the first person you see when you get back home?
[(y/n) is typing...]
you want me to ask my cat??????
[yuji is typing...]
oh no not the cat, that feline is the devil himself im sure
the person delivering your food, ask them!!! maybe they'd be willing to give you a chance
[(y/n) is typing...]
hey!!!! :( dont be mean to sukuna :((
your maine coon curls up against you as you flop down on the couch with phone in hand, the other switching on the television with not much thought. your hand naturally strokes the cat's fur, jumping channels from one to the next in boredom as you wait for the delivery.
sukuna's purring carry on even when the doorbell is rung, accepting the food with a smile and careful hands. when you don't return, however, the cat perks up in curiosity, seeing the familiar twirl of your hair around your fingers as you engage in a conversation with the person at your door.
"so... is tomorrow okay?" you ask, tired of waiting for the perfect partner to come and sweep you off your feet. the other goes to answer, but sukuna interrupts before they can, hissing with the swishing of his bushy tail. it's as if he was a human himself, staring down at the delivery person despite the massive height difference.
"ah, s..sorry," you rush to place the food down, picking up the majestic cat into your arms to cradle him, "my cat's pretty aggressive to strangers."
"we could always reschedule it?" they say, shrugging their shoulders, "doesn't look like your cat wants me in the house if i were to come over tomorrow."
you smile apologetically, "'m sorry again."
they wave a hand, both in goodbye and dismissal of your apology for such a trivial thing.
the cat descends from your arms gracefully, walking off like he hadn't just cost you a future partner. as sukuna prances off, you roll your eyes at his dramatics, reaching for the food before finally settling down in front of the television again. at least now you had a purpose of going channel surfing.
it wasn't a very productive day, clocking out at an early 11pm to get ready for tomorrow. scrolling through social media was your favourite pastime, slotting in a bit of 'me' time before succumbing to sleep with sukuna snuggled up against your side. 
the next morning wasn't merciful; with its bright rays shining through the window and the annoying construction going on from across the street, you could almost feel your annoyance levels rising before you got the morning routine.
"she wanted to invite them into the house? thank god i swooped in before they could agree. what right do they have to hang with (y/n)?"
what's worse is there was murmuring just at the foot of your bed, the pacing of their footsteps deemed too loud by your groggy, grumpy self.
"who's there?!" your shout catches the attention of the male, hand pointing at the owner of the noisy-ass footsteps with fear.
his messy pink hair was enough to catch your attention, but the tattoos littered across his arms and face was enough to make you gasp. you keep your mouth shut when he looks you over with red eyes, meeting yours with a tilt of his head. it's a sukuna habit, even when he's a human.
"who... are you?"
"seriously?" he asks unimpressed, crossing his arms over his exposed chest.
"sukuna!" you jolt in surprise at your missing cat, "sukuna?"
there's genuine concern and confusion when you repeat his name for the third time, coming to terms that he might really be in front of you.
"s...ukuna?" you whisper in caution, inching towards him as he keeps his eyebrow raised at your clueless state. tracing your hand across his carefully drawn tattoos was the first thing you did before moving on to his unkempt pink hair and mouth, where he still possessed his canine teeth.
he recoils as part of instinct, an uncharacteristic blush appearing on his face.
you overlook his behaviour but instead groan, falling back into the bed behind you in panic from the situation you've just encountered. your head comes up to gaze at the other, frustrated that he hasn't gone away after slapping your face, blinking your eyes or even falling off the bed.
"fuck. so you're real then."
"tch, then what am i? am i not matter, a material that constitutes the observable universe and, together with energy, forms the basis of all objective phenomena?"
you blow a raspberry, "did you get that from my science notes? god, whatever, let's get you some clothes."
luckily, with your wide array of oversized shirts, you were able to dress him decently. despite your confusion, you still were very interested to know how he came to be in your small apartment. with a skilled hand, you brew some coffee for the both of you, handing him a steaming hot cup after a few minutes.
"i change every night," sukuna says nonchalantly, immediately spitting out the bitter drink in repulsion.
he makes a disgusted face, “what the fuck is this?”
you deadpan, "really? all over my floor?"
getting up, your hands reach for the paper towels to clean up the mess that your cat-turned-human made, cringing at the way the paper towel turns brown with the immediate soak-up.
“but this is the first time i’ve struggled to change back. i’m not sure how i do it normally, but jeez, drinking your goddamn coffee makes me wish i was a cat again.”
with each passing minute, he gets on your nerves and by now, he’s shoved the drink back to you. standing up, he stretches his muscles like how he usually does in the mornings, allowing for every part of his toned body to show itself.
there goes the annoyance...
"well, i can't say i'm not attracted either..." you mutter to yourself, gulping down the extra cup before placing them in the sink. the laptop you frequent makes its way onto your lap not so long later, bringing up a essay due in the next week. you decided to start early this time and made sure to pace yourself, trying to rule out the last minute rushes you always settled for.
an arm encircles around your waist, taking you by surprise when you let out a squeak. sukuna is nuzzling himself into your arm while you try to frantically delete the out-of-topic sentence that was making its way onto the word doc.
"what are you doing?"
"morning routine," he simply says, laying his tongue on you without any warning.
"oh god, sukuna, no!" you groan, pushing him away from his tight grip on you like he usually does when his body is propped against your chest. you've woken up too many times, struggling to breathe because of his weight.
he retreats reluctantly, really wishing he was a cat again as he grunts at your behaviour.
"have it your way," sukuna mumbles, his naturally grumpy self amplified by your rejection. you thought back to the times your maine coon normally sat beside you quietly, basking in the way your fingers typed on the keyboard.
what could be any different? plus, you'd have a reciprocation of your head pats.
there's a tug on the other's wrist, "you can lay. just no- no licking, okay?"
you almost scoff at the sukuna rolls his eyes, but his actions betray him anyways because he's laid down beside you, curling into your side as he places his head into your stomach.
the desktop's illumination shines brighter than the morning's rays, hypnotising sukuna into a slumber as you play with his hair.
you wouldn't have noticed the male if he hadn't introduced himself, but his brash personality matched your cat too closely, knowing you were the only one he'd show affection to despite the constant hissing and glares he sent to your friends.
a gentle grasp of his hand snaps you out of your thoughts, bringing back memories of the way he'll lay his paw on you, even during the first time where you met him in the animal shelter.
sukuna stays peaceful throughout his sleep, pink hair slowly becoming messier the more he cuddled into your person. he was content now, at least, as you read over the essay to correct any mistakes.
it lulls him in and out of consciousness, stuck between wanting to hear your tender voice and relishing being embraced in his sleep.
either way, he was positive he wanted to spend the rest of his cat (or human) life with you.
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gohyuck · 4 years
5+9+23 ? With Jaemin.
originally requested by @heyyyun ! my tumblr kept glitching so i copy/pasted your ask into my askbox lol.
based on this post
this was a fun combo of requests lol... and the freaky friday things definitely threw me for a loop. it got lowkey nsfw really fast, too, so there’s that. outright female reader
ft. a horny jeno lmfao
5) roommates
9) freaky friday
23) i thought you hated me but i just accidentally sent you a booty text and you accepted and i am seriously considering it
you aren’t living with jaemin because you want to.
it’s something you make very clear to any and everyone you know - jaemin is your roommate out of your necessity, not out of your choice. he was the first and only person to answer the desperate ad you’d placed in the newspaper when you’d realized you wouldn’t make rent without a roommate, and, before you could find any other option, you were stuck with him.
now, you refuse to be gotten wrong: it isn’t like he’s the worst roommate ever. he can cook, and he cleans up well enough, and he’s never made a late payment. hell, he’s even courteous and about as well-mannered as any guy in his early twenties can get, so you can’t really complain on that front. he’s nice to your friends and always lets you know before having company over, and he doesn’t hesitate to ask if you need anything before he goes shopping for himself. he isn’t a bad guy, by any means.
what he is is an incorrigible and unstoppable flirt.
for his part, he isn’t too thrilled with you either - ‘my little prude’ seems to be his favorite go to nickname for you as of late, and you’d be lying if it didn’t bother you. still, you suppose, you aren’t too gentle in calling him a manwhore to his face. he only ever laughs, seemingly delighted to wear the title like a badge.
even now, you can hear the girl in your living room giggling at something your roommate has said, his own voice just a little too low for you to hear from the confines of your bedroom. he’d texted you during lunch to tell you he’d have a date over, and you’d sent him back four successive eyeroll emojis. he’d taken your annoyance as a ‘yes, please eyefuck your newest fling for two hours while sitting on the couch i paid for’ and now you’re stuck, crosslegged on your bed with your laptop at half mast and one earphone in, other ear listening to jaemin turn his charisma up to the highest it can go for what will culminate in, at most, yet another one night stand that’ll have you wishing for soundproof walls.
you sigh as she laughs again, followed by jaemin saying something along the lines of ‘let me pour you some more’. there’s a faint clink of glasses and a sudden lowering of their voices, and you decide it’s best if you put your other earphone in.
some things aren’t worth the mental scarring.
it’s almost two hours later when you finish with the essay you’re working on, pull your earphones out of your ears and place the case gingerly on your nightstand, and shut your laptop down for the night. you can’t hear anything from out in the living room, and, surprisingly, there’s no unsavory sounds coming in from jaemin’s room down the hall, either. maybe they’ve already had their fun, you ponder.
she’ll slink out of your apartment in the morning, you guess. maybe you’ll be nice and offer her pancakes on her way out.
you grab your phone from where you’d thrown it haphazardly onto your bed earlier. there’s plenty of text messages lighting up your screen, most of which you ignore. one catches your eye immediately, though.
from: jeno ;)
i’ve been thinking about you.
his text has you quirking an eyebrow, but as you scroll up to find the picture that accompanies it, you take a sharp breath, your teeth sinking into your lower lip on impulse.
you’ve been fucking jeno for weeks, but even now the sight of his prominent bulge covered only by thin gray sweatpants has your mouth watering. the two of you are good friends - surprising, considering he’s jaemin’s best friend - and you know what you have will never amount to a real relationship. it’s the healthiest you can imagine a friends-with-benefits relationship to be, and you’re grateful for it.
and for the sex. god, are you grateful for the sex.
you rush to change out of the ratty old band shirt and boy shorts you’re wearing, opting to switch them out for a lace set you’d bought recently that you’ve been dying to show off. you clasp the bra easily before you pull on the matching light pink underwear.
as you settle in front of the floor length mirror that leans against your closet door, you can’t help but let your thoughts wander to jaemin. his little prude, huh? you laugh to yourself, wondering how he’d react if he knew you got dicked down semi-regularly by jeno. just because you aren’t as obvious as he is doesn’t mean you aren’t getting any.
you switch positions until you find a pose that’s just right, capturing your bitten bottom lip, the swell of your breasts, and how the lace hugs your hips. before you can second guess yourself, you snap a picture. 
if only jaemin could see you now.
you type out a short message - see something you like? maybe you should come over and look closer - and hit send, staring at your reflection for a bit longer before pushing yourself off the floor and back up onto your bed. it’s late, far too late for jeno to take you up on your offer, but it can’t hurt to ask. hell, maybe he’ll come over anyways. maybe you can make jaemin wish his walls were soundproof for once.
your phone vibrates in your hand, pulling you out of your thoughts of revenge against your roommate. you glance down, ready to respond cheekily to whatever jeno has said, and -
from: jaemin :/
i wouldn’t mind, sweetheart. still, you could’ve asked in person. i’m only a door away, you know
your eyes widen in panic as you realize that, because you’d been thinking of jaemin earlier, you’d typed his name in and not jeno’s, resulting in you sending your honest-to-god nudes to your roommate. you rush to rectify your mistake, your fingers flying as you type a frantic response.
even as you hurry to tell him not to show up to your room naked, which you’re very afraid of him doing whether he has a girl over or not, a voice in the back of your mind can’t help but perk up.
i mean, jaemin is kind of hot, it says, actively laughing at your predicament. you wouldn’t mind being underneath him as he-
"shit!” you hiss out loud, acting as if swearing will distract you for your own thoughts. you press send, cursing the universe for causing your life to lead up to this moment as you do. 
to: jaemin :/
FUCK they weren’t meant for you 
please delete and pretend this never happened
+ don’t you have someone over????
his response comes quickly, and you brace yourself to read them. 
from: jaemin
lol PLEASE as if you have someone to sends nudes to
but yes i’ll delete :(
she left like an hour ago, not really my type
for the sake of your sanity you choose not to respond, only liking his message about deleting the picture you’d sent. you switch out your lace set for the clothes you’d had on earlier, not even bothering to respond to jeno as you’d meant to earlier. as you put your phone on charge and turn out your light for the night, you do your best to force yourself to sleep. 
hopefully, this whole ordeal will have blown over in the morning. 
♕ ♕ ♕
the first thing you notice when you wake up is how insanely bright the sun is. the white curtains on your window do nothing to stop the light from pouring into the room, and you - wait.
white curtains?
you look around, taking in the beat up ryan plushie on top of the bookshelf in the corner of the room and the gaming chair at the desk. as you become more and more awake, your setting makes itself obvious. 
once you realize it, you bolt upright, wondering what the hell you’re doing in jaemin’s room, especially when jaemin is nowhere to be found. you know you don’t sleepwalk, and you know for a fact that you’d fallen asleep in your own bed. 
it’s only as you swing your legs out of bed and happen to glance down at them that you realize what has happened.
before you can say anything, however, you hear a voice - your own voice exclaim a loud ‘what the hell?’ from down the hall. you rush out of your - jaemin’s - room, only to immediately run into what looks to be your own body.
“(name)?” it says, and you gulp before nodding.
♕ ♕ ♕
“look,” you say, pinching your - jaemin’s - nose bridge. “we’ve been arguing for like an hour, now. it’s obvious that neither of us know why this happened, so we might as well try to figure out what we can do to make it un-happen!”
“it’s because you sent me that nude,” he says, running a hand through his - your - hair. “the universe reset itself out of shock at seeing you do something remotely sexual.”
“if i was in my own body, i’d kick your ass right now,” you swear, pushing yourself up off of the dining table which you’d been leaning against. you take a threatening step towards jaemin. he laughs. 
“if i was in my own body, i’d... i’d probably be jerking off right now, to be honest. i miss my dick.”
you wince in disgust, staring down at his - your - face. “better not be to my picture.”
he shakes his - your - head at this, though not without raising his eyebrow at you. “i’m not a complete asshole - i deleted when you asked me to.”
“thank you,” you respond, not sure what else is to say. jaemin nods sagely before a grin starts spreading across his face.
“you know, maybe we have to recreate last night to fix it. do the same things, you know? who was the message meant for last night? maybe i’ll send them another one today.”
the thought of jaemin taking nudes of your body makes you feel dizzy in both bad and good ways. you realize he actually expects you to tell him, and you find yourself shaking your head no in response.
he quirks an eyebrow of yours. 
“what, don’t want me to know? it’s not like i’ll tell anyone, you know. i mean-”
“it’s not that,” you hurry to tell him, and he smirks at you in return. 
“no? then what is it?”
before you can respond, jaemin continues speaking, and you realize his question had been rhetorical. “oh, i know!” he says, sounding as if he’s had the realization of a lifetime. “you meant to send it to me, didn’t you? you just lied and got cold feet, after. i knew it! there’s no way you’re actually-”
in your haste to get jaemin to shut the hell up and your current inability to think straight, you cross the space between you two in one stride before pressing your mouth against his (or, you guess, his mouth against yours), desperate to get him to stop talking. your eyes are screwed shut anyways, so you don’t see his slide shut. 
the two of you stay like that for what feels like an eternity before you pull away.  
“i’m so sorry-” you start, opening your eyes to peer sheepishly up at jaemin. 
you blink once, twice, before bursting out into laughter. jaemin, after overcoming his own befuddlement does the same. 
“oh my god, i can’t believe that fixed it,” you say once you get over the shock of being back in your own body. “holy shit.”
“i can’t believe any of that happened in the first place,” jaemin says, and you nod in agreement. a silence falls between the two of you almost immediately as you both try to figure out what to say to each other now. 
you glance around the room, searching for something to fixate your gaze on. you know jaemin is doing the same beside you. before you can say something embarrassing - you’re seriously considering patting him on the back and going ‘good work out there’ - jaemin rests his hands lightly against your waist, forcing you to meet his eyes with yours. 
“i kind of wish i’d experienced our kiss from inside my own body,” he says, and you search his face for an iota of a joke, something that says he’s messing with you. 
there’s none to be found. you reach a hand up to rest against the back of his neck and, before you know it, you’re cupping the back of his head and pulling his lips to yours once again, though this one is much more passionate than the last. his hands tighten their grips on your waist as he pulls you flush against him, and you tangle your fingers in his hair.
once you pull away, you can’t bring yourself to leave his grasp. instead, you ask him the question that’s burning on your mind. 
“do you want to see the lace set in person?”
your roommate nods, his excited actions directly contrasting his dark, hooded gaze. he lets you take his hand in yours, allowing you to drag him to your room. just as you shove open your bedroom door, however, jaemin speaks again. 
“out of curiosity, who was the picture meant for?”
you stare at him for one, two beats before sighing, wincing right after. he gazes back at you both steadily and expectantly, and you figure you may as well say it. 
“it ... it was meant for jeno.” 
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zigtheeortega · 3 years
pairing | m!raleigh x mc
word count | 6.6k
warnings | cursing, innuendos, mentions of sex
tags | @natesewell, @choicesarehard, @empressazura, @raleighcarrera, @pixeljazzy, @pixelsandkink [tagging people who usually ask to be tagged !] 
author’s note | i’ve talked about this before but i’m not a huge fan of the platinum mc’s personality, so i’ve kind of crafted my own that’s quite a bit more rebellious than canon. i’m obsessed with the idea of an mc who’s romancing raleigh and falls into the same pattern of behavior and it genuinely concerns them – so yeah i play with that idea here! i deviate from canon some but not too much ! this is my submission for day 2 of @platinumweekend as well ! also i had no idea how to end this so i apologize for the fizzle out at the end lol
As soon as he stepped off stage, he was shuffled to his tour bus, Fiona on his heels. She looked like the human embodiment of rage in a grey blazer, a look in her eye that made him thankful he wasn’t the one it was directed at – or at least he hoped he wasn’t the reason she was two seconds away from a murderous rampage.
She slammed the door behind her, locking it, running to the windows and closing the curtains, peeking out at the paparazzi that no doubt had already tried flocking at the edges of the blocked off area where the bus was parked.
“Damn, what’s the problem? Can’t I at least get my food from craft services? Jesus,” he complained, grabbing a bottle of water from the fully stocked mini fridge, downing it while Fiona frantically ran around the bus, turning off every electrical device in sight.
“What the fuck are you doing?”
She wheeled on him, a few strands of her hair sticking to her lips. “We’ve got a problem.”
“Yeah, you won’t let me go get my fuckin’ overpriced grilled cheese that I know is waiting for me,” he jabbed his thumb towards the venue. “At craft services.”
She eyed him, pupils wide, her anger nearly palpable. “It’s bigger than food.”
He ran a hand through his damp hair, some strands completely drenched in sweat. “Lay it on me.”
And the three words that fell from her lips were soul crushing, his post-show high wearing off in an instant.
“Dom’s been arrested.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” He sat up, posture rigid. “What happened?”
“Not here. We’ll talk on the plane,” Fiona said, twisting the knob of the closet door, grabbing the black duffel bag on the ground. She tossed it at his feet, motioning for him to stand. “The jet leaves in an hour. I packed for you.”
“The plane? Where is she?” He was getting more and more frustrated, nearing hysterics. He should’ve felt a bit more shame about how worked up he was getting, but he couldn’t find it in himself to care.
Fiona took notice, her fiery gaze softening at the edges, the blue flames flickering across his face. “Not here, Raleigh.”
He slung the duffle bag on his shoulder, walking to the door.
“Wait –” Fiona said, leaning over the couch to pull the curtain to the side, peering out again. “I paid off a security guard to distract the paparazzi. And when he does, we have to run to the car that’s gonna pull up any minute now – undetected,” she shot back at him, her icy gaze warning.
Within minutes, a security guard with a similar build to Raleigh sprinted towards the venue, jacket over his head, paparazzi on his heels.
With the camera’s flashing finally pointed away, they were able to slide into the back of the cab, thankful that Hank had connections everywhere. The driver rolled up the barrier without question as soon as Fiona tossed him a wad of cash that she’d fished out of a plain leather pouch.
She shook the pouch, her lips set in a thin line. “You know what this is?”
“A purse?” He asked, brows furrowed. “Is this some kind of fuckin’ trick?”
“It’s an emergency fund. Cash. Not traceable.”
She shook her head, dropping the pouch into her lap, before pinching the bridge of her nose. “When Dom first started getting into trouble, I had to pay off a few people here and there, but when it became more frequent, I had to actually sit her down with her accountant and sort this out.”
“Sort… what out?”
“How much money she needed to allocate to her… antics,” she rolled her eyes, propping her elbow on the back of her seat, hand pressed to her forehead.
She looked drained. Fiona never looked disheveled, but he sensed this was the closest she’d be to it.
“If it’s money she needs, that’s fine. Lemme call my agent –”
“There’s only so much cash I can hand people under the table before it becomes a problem. Not just financially, put publicly,” she sighed, chewing the inside of her cheek. “I’ve been able to cover up the smaller mishaps, but this, I’m afraid, might be the start of something… much worse than disorderly conduct.”
“You gonna tell me her charges?” His jaw set in anticipation, already running through a list of the best lawyers in L.A. that got him off from potentially hefty lawsuits.
Her short locks swayed as she shook her head. “I don’t think it’s my place to tell you.”
He blew air out of his cheeks, leaning into the corner of the cab, legs splayed wide as he tried to take a nonchalant stance. “Can you at least tell me where we’re going?”
“You’ll be glad you have a bedroom, shower, and fridge on the plane,” she said with another shake of her head.
Raleigh laid in bed, aimlessly scrolling through his burner account.
He never really cared for social media under the public eye. Every post of his was either related to tour or the series of brand deals for products he never used. Each page was a personified advertisement – some shit he regretted signing up for.
One drunken night, his curiosity got the best of him and he found himself making a pretty inconspicuous profile, following some funny internet personalities and political commentators. And although he had plans to delete it, once Dom came into the picture, he unabashedly lurked.
He followed her on all platforms, and when he had the chance, he watched her stories, voted in her daily polls, and occasionally scrolled through her old instagram photos.
This time in particular, though, he was looking for something specific without really knowing if there was an answer.
He scrolled to her first post, hundreds down, smiling at high school Dom. Thick eyeliner, layered hair, brace-adorned grin – she was a poster child of adolescence.
Photos of her with Shane at pep rallies, in Halloween costumes, in prom formal wear filled the screen, later transitioning to senior portraits, graduation photos, and dorm photos. A setting of picturesque normality as Dom grew into herself, growing out her choppy layers, softening her makeup, her gleaming smile lighting up each photo.
She grew more beautiful with each year, each little phase of her life coming with a new style, a new little identity or association, Dom’s willingness to try new things the reason she was able to break free from her small town.
God, was Raleigh so fucking envious of this imperfect little portion of her Instagram. If someone were to look this far back for him, there’d be photoshoots and magazine spreads and paparazzi photos all neatly planned. The shaky off-guard photos, the unedited red eyes, the off guard photos, the expressions they made in them… it was something Raleigh never had the chance to do.
Being in the business for ten years, everything was pristine, crisp – always smiling or smoldering, no in between. Sexy and rugged or smiling and happy. Like he had two modes and he wasn’t ever able to exercise those other parts of himself because being in front of the camera was restrictive – while Dom was able to be unabashedly herself.
He was breaking shit just to feel something, to have some range of emotions even if it was a stupid fucking publicity stunt where he damaged property or made out with another politician’s daughter or attempted irreparable blows to his public image.
The more recent the posts, the more calculated her photos got, the phrase “ad” showing up more and more. But even with a skincare brand deal, her step-by-step skincare routine video was on brand for Dom, her bright smile and wit always present in everything she did.
But Raleigh couldn’t help but feel like parts of her were slipping away.
Her online persona was still pretty crisp, except for her style shift – tattoos, a couple piercings, and some edgier photoshoots signified a tonal shift in Dom’s aesthetic, but nothing he hadn’t seen before.
Hell, when he used his first innuendo on his solo album, there was widespread outrage on Sunset Skatepark fan forums, ripping into him for singing about using his dick (even though he was definitely an adult and definitely not a virgin).
But other than her general style, nothing was different. Nothing to indicate this downward spiral that Fiona kept a secret.
Where’s the shift? He thought to himself as he scrolled to the top. When the hell did she start changing for the worse?
She’d come a long way from her clean songs that didn’t require a radio edit. He felt a pang of something in his chest –– regret, maybe? Was he the reason she’d changed?
The questions sent him into a near tailspin, his pulse quickening at the realization.
He was the problem.
She’d since deleted her photos with Raleigh, because their breakup was so public, but he could tell that the shift happened right around the time she started spending more time with him.
He’d been a mentor of sorts, opposite of Avery, showing her the ropes… which meant that he was teaching her how to evade the press, fuck with the paparazzi, pick out industry plants – the whole nine yards.
She was impulsive, daring, adventurous, fearless – all the qualities he liked in himself. But he never thought those traits would take a negative turn, morphing her into a rebel with an affinity for breaking laws.
He could blame himself all he wanted, but he couldn’t blame her for taking the same route he took. 
He knew it better than anybody – it was hard to shift the public’s persona of you. Once you did something horrible to make them hate you, either the rebrands and ass kissing worked, or you get written off by everyone.
Raleigh Carrera was a special case, a wild card of sorts who toed the line, unpredictable, both with his craft and his behavior. The nastier his lyrics, the crazier his publicity stunts were, the more polarizing he was.
And that was no doubt the route Dom was on, heading towards an inevitable press nightmare – if people were to find out the home grown rags-to-riches Dominique Avalos dove headfirst into her rebellious phase with no smooth transition, she wouldn’t be able to Google herself for months without having a panic attack.
She’d changed drastically, but that’s what fame did to people. Some people cracked under the pressure, or they rebelled to show the public they were in control of their narrative… or that they desperately wanted it back.
He took a shaky breath, swiping out of the app.
He wasn’t sure if he could save her, but he’d be damned if he wasn’t gonna try.
The moment the jet touched down, Fiona was in full manager mode, adamant on abandoning his phone, stressing the importance of going off the grid.
“If anyone finds out you’re here, they’ll be able to put two and two together. Why else would you be in the same country as Dom when you’re supposed to be heading towards New York for your next show?” She asked, hand outstretched.
“I hate it when you’re right,” he grumbled, tossing his phone into her palm. “Where are we exactly?”
“I can’t tell you,” she sighed, looking exhausted. He had a gut feeling she hadn’t slept a wink since they’d boarded the plane.
“Why not?”
“It’s a bit safer that way.”
He scoffed. “You’re serious? Look, I’m not exactly thrilled to pull the A-List celebrity card, but this is borderline kidnapping.” 
“Let’s just say you might be able to pick up on some of the language,” she said, turning on her heel to exit the plane.
Within minutes, they were pulling onto a dirt backroad, the small houses they passed barely casting shadows onto the ground.
The town itself was seemingly innocuous – the tiny brick houses riddled with dust, the stone paths lining the road cracked and deserted. The tiny town had turned in for the night, their old Sedan sticking out like a sore thumb despite the old model.
Raleigh squirmed in his seat, twisting the expensive watch on his wrist. He fucking hated this.
No matter where he went, he was noticed in some capacity – so wearing a Rolex and Cartier rings in a small village in the middle of nowhere just made him look pretentious.
He slipped the rings and watches off, shoving them deep into the pocket of his jeans, ignoring Fiona’s calculating side eye (one he knew all too well).
The only light, other than the gas lamp posts and their high beams, came from the building at the end of the road.
The car pulled around the side, flicking their lights off, the driver peeking around before motioning for them to exit the car.
“Throw the hoodie on, Raleigh,” Fiona ordered while slipping on a ball cap of her own, her casual t-shirt and leggings wildly different from her normal outfit.
“Sure,” he murmured, tugging the hood on.
The walk from the car to the dusty glass front door was short, Fiona breaking into a light jog to keep up with Raleigh’s brisk pace.
The makeshift “waiting room” in the front corner of the station was empty, the scratched up folding chairs in crooked rows. The front desk was occupied by a sleeping form, head buried in the crease of his elbow, snore muffled by the counter top.
The other officer stood at the back near an old vending machine, sliding coins into the slot, the clink of each piece ringing out against the brick and linoleum.
No cameras, he thought, after a quick scan of the room, shoving the hood back in its place at the nape of his neck.
The holding cells were farther back, but he couldn’t see her.
He stepped up to the counter where the man was sleeping, giving a gentle knock to the top. The man stirred, unfurling his arms, while the other man in the back glanced up from where he was, elbows deep in the snack machine as he fished out his bag of chips.
Raleigh offered a basic greeting in Spanish, frowning just a bit when both officers’ eyes lit up – the phrase “famoso” and “celebridad” falling from their lips almost as soon as they recognized him.
Yeah, he was gonna use his notoriety to their advantage, but that didn’t mean it still didn’t sting when people immediately tried gauging what they could get from him when they realized who he was.
For a long time he’d been waiting for the day where name dropping himself didn’t get him out of deep shit.
And the day he met Dom, when he assumed she knew who he was, all she did was raise her brow as if to say “Why the fuck should I care?”
It startled him, truthfully. But it was such a breath of fresh air. He couldn’t remember a time before or after that someone showed no interest in him.
The officer in the back jogged to the front, pulling his phone out of his back pocket while asking for a picture.
He looked to Fiona, who was shaking her head furiously, stepping up next to him like her 5’5 stature was enough to shield him. “Nobody can know we’re here.”
He nodded, turning back to the men, trying to negotiate with them.
Yes, Dom’s here.
No, you can’t see her.
He racked his brain trying to figure out how he was gonna get himself – and Dom – out of the situation unscathed if he couldn’t give them a photo or autograph.
“Dom bought me the Rolex and Cartier rings, right?”
Fiona’s brows furrowed. “Yes. She gifted them to you on your birthday. You know this –”
“No, what I mean is, she has the receipts? Or you do?”
“I don’t have them, but I have access to them,” she said, still confused.
“Get rid of ‘em. I haven’t told anyone she bought them for me.”
Her face lit up in recognition, and she nodded, encouraging him to go on.
He dug in his pockets, fishing out the watch and thin bands.
After a quick exchange, the officers took two rings each, and began rapid fire arguing over the Rolex. They tossed Raleigh the keys, stepping out the front door.
“I’ll keep watch,” Fiona said, turning towards the door.
“Hey –” Raleigh said, laying a hand on her shoulder.
She quirked a brow at him. “What?”
“You’re not coming with?”
She shook her head. “No.”
“Why not? I’m not even sure what the fuck I’m supposed to say –”
“She specifically asked for you.”
He took a step back, resting his palm on the countertop behind him. “What the – are you… are you serious?”
She nodded once. “She might’ve been slurring, but she was clear as day. She wanted you.”
He blew air out of his cheeks, running a hand through his short waves.
Fiona’s gaze softened, her eyes still piercing. Fiona was a lot of things – steadfast, headstrong, determined – but she wasn’t soft. She didn’t sugar coat shit.
“She’s missed you. She doesn’t confide in me much, but even I can tell she’s unhappy. Be gentle with her,” she said, gaze tearing right through him.
The walk to the holding cells felt miles long – his resolve was shrinking with every step.
He wasn’t afraid of seeing Dom, not at all. He was afraid of whatever part of himself that might’ve been reflected in her.
The cell was empty, save for the curled form on the bench, long dark hair cascading over the edges of the seat.
“Dom?” He called, hearing her sharp inhale of breath as she stirred, bending into a long stretch, her limbs unfurling until she was lying on her back on the bench, tilting her head towards his voice.
God, even when she looked like life had torn her to shreds, she still looked beautiful.
“Raleigh?” She croaked, her eyes squinting to adjust to the low lights. “What the fuck are you doing here?”
She arched her back, stretching again, her long frame covering the bench. It was almost the right level of distracting to stop the creeping annoyance at her question.
“What do you mean? I’m here to bail you out, obviously.”
“Where’s Fiona?” She asked groggily, rolling off the side of the bench awkwardly, trying to gain her footing.
“You asked for me, didn’t you?” He raised a brow, sliding his forearms through the bars, resting them there.
“She told you?” She asked, voice raising in betrayal, a scoff following his silence. “I was drunk.”
“And? You still asked for me.”
 “Oh, fuck off,” she murmured, crossing her arms as soon as she was balanced.
He dangled the keys between his fingertips, gently jingling them. “I’ll let you out if you tell me what happened.”
Her lip curled in annoyance. “You’d really leave me here?”
“You don’t want to find out.”
She ran a hand through her hair, blowing air out of her cheeks. “Alright.”
He unlocked the door and slipped in, the heavy door creaking as he slid it wide enough for him to fit through.
She backed up, plopping back onto the bench, arms lowering to curl around her sides.
He followed suit, sitting a couple feet away from her on the other end of the bench, shoving his hands in the front pocket of his hoodie.
She stared at the floor, clearly waiting for him to make a move.
“So, what?” She grumbled.
“So… how’d you end up here?” He asked, trying to remain as relaxed as he could since she was clearly on edge, ready to tear him a new one at a moment’s notice.
“I was drunk. I got in a fight. Here I am.”
He sighed. “Look, you don’t have to tell me everything, but I can’t help you if I don’t know if you’re ankles deep or neck deep.”
She chewed her lip, chin dipping lower, strands of her hair falling forward, creating an inky veil. “Fine. I’ll tell you but… can you not… look at me?”
Raleigh’s face contorted in confusion, but he listened, swivelling until he was facing the back wall, propping one leg up on the bench.
He waited for her to speak. The break in conversation was a bit too long – but before a quip could fall from his lips, she spoke.
“I did get drunk, and I did get in a fight. I’m telling the truth but I, uh, left out some details,” she started, her voice low.
“I, uh, was passing through this town after my last show because I wanted to go to a bar without being noticed. Like the old days. I know it was stupid, but I didn’t think anyone would find me here.”
That was her first mistake. Smaller towns surprisingly had the most dedicated fans – maybe because they’re bored or nothing exciting happened in their towns, but most of his die hard fans came from the middle of nowhere. 
“The first hour was fine, and I was able to drink and dance with strangers. Most of them were a lot older than me and spoke zero English – and I speak a little bit of Spanish as you know, so I could make some small talk, but I was on my own just… enjoying myself and my freedom,” she said, and he could almost see the grin tug at the corner of her lips.
“I noticed someone taking photos of me with their phone, so I got a bit paranoid and sat in a booth in the back drinking for a little while longer so I could figure out my next move,” she continued, before sighing loudly. “I guess they told the local news or something, because by the time I decided to leave, I ran smack into a reporter on the sidewalk.”
Silence ensued again, this time more deafening than the last.
“I didn’t mean to give her a black eye. Or break the camera. Or elbow the camera man in the face when he tried restraining me. I just… couldn’t think straight. I was mad. Intoxicated and wrong, but still mad.”
“I know Fiona’s trying her best to get me out of this mess but… I think I went too far this time.”
Raleigh stared at the wall, racking his brain for something. He was a little dumbfounded that she spilled to him so fast. He figured it was gonna take a bit more digging to get her to open up, but she blossomed in front of him; despite the wilted petals, he was relieved to know she still trusted him enough to confide in him.
“Are you gonna say something?” She asked, a bit timidly.
“Not if I can’t look at you.”
“Okay, then don’t say anything.”
He sighed, settling into his spot on the bench, waiting again for her to speak.
“Why did you come?”
Instinctively, he shrugged. “You asked me to.”
“But you don’t owe me anything. We’re not together.”
“Doesn’t mean I wouldn’t drop everything to come help you. I mean, I’d like to think we’re at least acquaintances, if not friends,” he joked, resting his arm over the back of the bench.
“Sure,” she said, voice straining just a bit. Just enough for him to notice.
Dom was a special kind of resilient – one trait that Raleigh was sure she didn’t copy from him.
He knew that being a woman in the industry was already hard enough – everything from beauty to body standards to raging misogyny was enough to give people reasons to hate her, as stupid as they were.
Raleigh benefitted from the standards in place for men. He was young, attractive, talented – didn’t matter what he did wrong. He’d bounce back.
But he’d seen some vile shit since he’d ascended to fame. So many celebrities fading into obscurity after one mishap. One bad album. One bad interview. One rude encounter. One rumor.
For some reason, despite diving headfirst into troubled waters, Dom bounced back every time, fire in her eyes, her jaw set in determination, her face painted with the look she got when she was ready to face the world.
But whatever she was feeling in that moment, in that jail cell in the middle of nowhere – was enough to break her. 
He heard her take a deep, shaky breath, and he started to turn, but he felt her warm palm on his shoulder, holding him in place.
“Don’t,” she whispered.
He listened to her labored breathing, likely struggling to hold back tears, while he stared at the cracks in the wall, trying to think of something – anything – to console her.
“Did Fiona seem… upset?” She asked, seeming a bit nervous.
“It’s kind of hard to tell, to be honest. She’s pretty intense all of the time,” he laughed, not really meaning to.
He was relieved to hear a light chuckle from behind him.
“Yeah, I figure she’s pretty mad at me. I don’t blame her,” she sighed, another break in conversation ensuing. A couple beats later, she asked, bluntly, “Are you mad at me?”
“No,” he answered with zero hesitation. “I know you’d do the same for me.”
She laughed again, a bit more genuine that time. “Not sure where you got that impression.”
“You wouldn’t leave me here to rot if I asked you to come, Dom. You’re not that heartless,” he teased gently, glad that things were taking a lighthearted turn.
“I’m just glad you’re not gonna lecture me. I already know I’m gonna get an earful from Fiona, not to mention the shit I’ll get from Shane and Avery. I couldn’t handle one from you.”
He grimaced. “Uh, well, you’d rather hear it from me than Fiona, right?”
“Oh, you’ve gotta be fucking kidding me,” she mumbled under her breath.
“You know I normally don’t care what you do, because it’s your life, and you should be able to do whatever the fuck you want, but Dom…” he trailed off, trying to choose his words carefully.
“I know I fucked up, Raleigh. I don’t need you making me feel more guilty than I already am,” she said defensively, voice raised.
“I’m not gonna make you feel guilty. Just offering some advice.” God, did those words feel foreign to him. Offering advice. He never did shit like this for anybody.
He took her silence as a green light. “You’ve just gotta slow down, Dom.”
Whatever impact his words made, he couldn’t see it, since he was still facing the damn wall. “Can I please turn around? I can’t talk to you like this.”
He adjusted himself on the bench, trying to look attentive without staring. She was stunning, even with the smudged makeup, the dark circles, the red eyes  “You don’t have to do anything and everything you’re asked to do, but you gotta find some kind of balance.”
She wrung her hands in her lap, picking at her cuticles absentmindedly. “Yeah, I know.”
“I mean balance the good and bad, Dom. There’s a line for people like us and you can’t cross it often. You can get close, but you can’t just dive over it and not expect there to be some fallout.”
“I know,” she said, bluntly, looking a bit more annoyed with each word that came from his mouth.
“You can cause some chaos, but some of it isn’t acceptable,” he said, watching her expression contort in anger. “For them. Not acceptable for them. The average person, I mean.”
“Oh, you’re one to fucking talk!” She rolled her eyes. “How are you gonna sit here and tell me that your brand of shit stirring is okay, but mine isn’t?”
“I’m not the one sitting in a jail cell right now, Dom,” he said, calmly but firmly. He wasn’t used to being the rational one, but he had to be level headed. He was trying to save her.
She ran a hand through her hair, leaning back against the back of the bench. “You’re infuriating, you know that?”
“Trust me, I know.”
“You’re hypocritical.”
“Not necessarily,” he said, propping his arm up on the back of the bench. “I was in the industry for years before I started dirtying up my image. You just got here.”
“And you’ve been here too damn long to act the way you do,” she nearly spat, lashing out.
“I’m too far gone,” he simply stated, keeping surprisingly calm through it all.
“What the hell do you mean by that?”
“I’ve been here for a long time, which means, I’ve got a lot more fuck ups under my belt. Irreparable damage, if you will.”
“People love you,” she said, matter-of-factly, like that solved it – it honestly relieved him. A bit of Dom’s naivete from when they first met was shining through.
“People also hate me, because I’m a little shit who sets fires for fun,” he grinned. “For legal reasons, my lawyers insist I clarify that I’m joking.”
She rolled her lips, trying to suppress a smile. “People who hate you don’t know you.”
He nodded. “You’re right, and you’re so close to the point I’m sure you can taste it.”
“I’m too far gone to save. No matter how hard I try for the rest of my career, I can never get away from the wild card label. Plenty of people don’t wanna work with me. I’ve damaged business relationships. Lots of artists don’t want to collab with me because of how it’ll make them look.”
“Why are you telling me all this?”
“Because I know you don’t want this. You’re too good for whatever baggage comes with being a ‘rebel’, Dom. I don’t want to see you turn out like me.”
For the first time that night, she stared at him – really stared at him. Her deep brown, nearly midnight eyes searched his for any sign of insincerity.
“You’re… serious?” She asked finally, brows furrowed in confusion.
“One hundred percent honest,” he said, nodding.
She sat back in her chair, chewing on her lip, contemplating.
“Can you turn back around again?”
He nodded, wordlessly facing the wall again.
“I left out a few details,” she said from behind him.
“I’m listening,” he affirmed.
“I, uh, was pretty hammered by the time I left, so it was even harder for me to understand what people were saying,” she said before he could speak. “I heard the reporter say ‘Raleigh’ and ‘novio’ and I saw red… so… I, uh… swung.”
His chest clenched, tightening until it was difficult to breathe. He was thankful she’d asked him to face the other direction, because he knew his reaction betrayed his cool demeanor.
“I guess I’m not over it,” she laughed humorlessly.
He ran a hand over his face, racking his brain for a response, but coming up short.
“You, um, don’t have to say anything if you don’t feel the same. I shouldn’t have gotten attached. It’s on me.”
That made him turn, swivelling around before she could finish speaking.
She flicked her head towards the bars of the cell, raising a hand to cover her face. “I said ‘don’t look at me’, Raleigh. Goddamn.”
Years and years of PR training and interviews and he had no idea how the fuck to console her. Partially because he was trying to get a grip on whatever the hell was going on in his brain as well.
Instead, he answered her with a question of his own, a tactic he’d used anytime he wanted to deflect in interviews.
“Why can’t I look?”
Dom tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, slowly rotating to meet his gaze. She sank her teeth deep into her bottom lip to keep it from trembling.
“Fuck,” she cursed, rubbing the backs of her hands under her eyes, the dried black mascara under her eyes beginning to liquidate again. “Because I’m crying, Raleigh. And I don’t cry.”
“You wanna tell me what’s wrong? I know there’s more to it than you’re telling me,” he asked, holding up two of his fingers in a solute. “No judgement.”
She sighed, crossing the room to put some distance between them. She began pacing, taking slow steps as she spoke.
“I might’ve fucked up my career and I keep letting people down and I’m destructive because this whole fame thing isn’t what I signed up for and I didn’t think I’d cave under pressure like every other mid twenties child actor who goes through a premature mid-life crisis, but here I fucking am,” she said, nearly out of breath by the end.
His legs carried him across the room before he could think twice, pacing towards her while she strode across the room in the opposite direction.
“God, I’m so fucking stupid –”
“Stop. You’re not stupid.”
“I am,” she said, wheeling on him. “And – and I’m embarrassed. I’m embarrassed that my manager and – and my ex –” She stopped in her tracks, rubbing a palm over her forehead, shutting her eyes.
He reached out to her, but let his hand fall almost immediately.
“My acquaintance had to fly out to a fucking village in the middle of nowhere to bail me out –” 
“Dom, stop –”
“– because I fought a fucking reporter over not being able to handle my fucking feelings –”
“Dom –”
“– like an adult with a functioning frontal lobe all because I love someone who –”
Her eyes popped open, her expression horrified. “Oh my god, I’m – I –”
She dug the heel of her hands into her eyes, dropping into a squat. “Fuck, fuck, Goddammit –”
“Did you just –”
“Yeah, Raleigh, I did. Don’t make me feel worse, alright? I know I fucked up,” she groaned from her heap on the ground.
“You just said you love me, Dom. I think I’m allowed to react,” he said, a slight teasing to his voice.
She glanced up, glaring. “Okay, then, react.”
Her gaze was fiery, her deep brown irises challenging – something else a bit more vulnerable lying beneath.
She was terrified.
He leaned down, gripping her around the waist to pull her back up, wrapping his arms around her upper back, hugging her to his chest.
She melted into his arms, relaxing and leaning into his embrace.
“I didn’t mean to say it,” she murmured into his chest.
“So do you?” He asked, chin gently balanced on her head.
“Do you love me?”
“I don’t know,” she said truthfully, voice small.
“You don’t have to know. I don’t know either,” he said, just as earnest, feeling her tense in his arms. “But I do know that I like you enough to want you around, and that counts for something, right?”
She laughed (as genuine as he’d heard it), leaning back to look at him. “Yeah, it does.”
Their bodies were still pressed together, Dom’s chin tilted upwards towards him, their faces nearly touching.
“If this gets out, don’t let anyone make you feel like you’re a bad person,” he said, voice low. “You’re the best person I know –”
Dom closed the gap between them, capturing his lips in an intense kiss. He cupped her face in his palms and held her in place, moaning into her parted lips.
God, there was nothing that compared to kissing her. Nobody matched up. He’d made out with a lot of people since he was flung into stardom at sixteen, and no one – absolutely no one – left him in a daze like she did.
She gripped the strings of his hoodie, pulling him closer, sighing contentedly against him.
The smell of her shampoo mixed with the sweet scent of her skin and the warmth of her hands and her chest flush against his – it was the next best thing to being inside of her.
He pulled back, trying to catch the dreamy, half-lidded look she always got when they parted.
“So… did you take your jet here?”
He smirked and rolled his eyes. “Out of context, that sounds so superficial.”
She grinned, her first genuine smile that night. “Oh, but you’re not? Hanging around a rising artist to cling to relevancy?”
He laughed, the sound reverberating off of the walls. “I really am rubbing off on you, aren’t I?”
“Yep. The good and bad,” she agreed, still smiling at him.
“The good?” He shook his head. “Nah, I’m not so sure about that.”
“You’re literally the reason I haven’t walked out on my label and moved to bum fuck nowhere and lived off the land,” she said, shrugging. “You taught me how to have fun. You were the only one keeping me sane.”
He thought he was the one encouraging her to leap over the edge, but he was the one tugging her arm back.
The whole time he was convinced he was a bad influence, but he was doing some good – for her.
But with that revelation came the guilt at her words.
“Well, we don’t really talk anymore. I haven’t seen you in weeks.”
“Doesn’t mean I don’t care about you.”
“Yeah,” she chewed her lip, stepping back, unraveling herself from his embrace. “I’m sorry.”
That was a slap to the face. Dom rarely apologized, because if she felt she was right, she wasn’t going to budge. She was stubborn as hell.
“Huh? Why?” “I don’t want to guilt you into spending time with me… or feeling things for me,” she said, rubbing her arm. “I didn’t mean to corner you.”
“You didn’t. I wanted to come.”
She glanced up, blinking at him. “No, you didn’t –”
“I did,” he emphasized, slipping her hand into his, intertwining their fingers. “I kinda missed being forced to hang out with you. Feels like old times.”
She couldn’t stop the laugh from ripping from her, this one louder than the last. “Oh, shut up.”
“No, but seriously, I’m here for you. Whatever you need. Always.”
“Thank you.” With her free hand, she punched his shoulder lightly. “You’ll regret that sooner or later.”
“Nah,” he said, lip curling into a smirk. “I don’t think I will.”
45 notes · View notes
1zashreena1 · 4 years
Quarantine- New Ranch Flavor! -5
18+, m/f, technically OCxDiego Jimenez [Power]
Summary: Princess is stranded in NYC with her Murder Panther for the duration of the quarantine. As a high risk patient she has no choice but to isolate as much as possible. Simulated domesticity ensues. Princess texts a running commentary to her bff Lisa.
WARNINGS: Ridiculous descriptions and ‘the code is more like guidelines’ outlook on grammar. Is it OOC if the character was given essentially zero development in canon???
No actual smut, nasty ass snack foods, plus size insecurity, unprotected sex, feels are icky, plus size woman+fit man, bad boys with too much money and not enough impulse control, secondary OCs, excessive swearing (???), illegal business dealings… I mean, its DIEGO
A/N: Princess took on a life of her own and has essentially become an OC. There are infrequent mentions of her description (specifically as plus size) and her actual name in later pieces (its Bicki). She started as self-insert so she looks like me (plus size, white, short, blue eyes, curly hair). If that is not your thing, I totally understand. And do not feel obligated to read this, I will not be offended!
I’m not a fan of “plot” so be aware that most of this series is just meandering through their relationship, angst-fluff-smut whiplash style. But with dick jokes.
TAGLIST: @chelsfic​ @symbiont13​ @nicke0115​ @bunnykjm​ @rosee-sensuelle​ @girlpornparadise​ @mandoplease​ @heresathreebee​ @xxsteph-enrixx​ @jetiikad​ @joalsglasses​ @mutantcookiesecrets​ @demoncatstone​ @squidlywiddly87​
Please let me know if you would like to be tagged.
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Incoming Text
Thursday 11:22am
From Princess
Day 1 and I literally have an ice pack on my pussy and
Hold on he’s not wearing pants again gtg
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Friday 9:49am
From Princess
Video chatting with sister when Diego walks past in the background… shirtless.
She put her phone down (my entire screen was just ceiling) and I could hear her crying. Hung up after 10 min
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Friday 10:14pm
From Princess
He sucks ass at Jenga and its adorable
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Saturday 11:49am
From Princess
I was provided a to-do list for the day.
It's just his name
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Sunday 1:32pm
From Princess
We have sorted every liquid in the penthouse into 2 categories:
Potential Lube
Definitely Not Lube
Except we’re arguing about ranch dressing
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Sunday 2:17pm
From Princess
Update: Ranch went into the Not Lube category because it “smells nasty when it gets warm” This fact was previously unknown to me and I was afraid to ask for more details
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Monday 8:40am
From Princess
Morning announcements include the fact that 8:37 is the earliest he has ever gotten up
I’m worried about losing my job. Diego advises me to apply to Dyson because I “never lose suction”
Am I offended or proud of myself?  It’s not even 9am
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Tuesday 1:12am
From Princess
This is the most weed I have ever consumed in my life (I know, not a high bar) Why is he hanging upside down off the couch making motorboat noises??
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Tuesday 1:14am
From Princess
Ahh. He was composing a poem about my tits
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Tuesday 2:49am
From Princess
The railing up the stairs to the bedroom does not in fact support my weight. Pole dance competition is OFF
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Tuesday 2:57am
From Princess
You know that thing you do with my bras? Where you put it on like a headband and it makes mickey mouse ears?
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Wednesday 11:17am
From Princess
Julio required to give 10 min warning prior to arrival so Diego can take off his pants
Yes you read that right
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Wednesday 11:19am
From Princess
Yes you do so know who Julio is. Big, round, only wears ivory/eggshell/off white/ThisIsMy 2ndWedding  colored blazers. Jeez Lisa you're not old enough for dementia yet girl
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Wednesday 12:52pm
From Princess
I have played myself. Just ate an entire cheesesteak while being a cockwarmer
Turns out I’m the freak
Julio present and accounted for
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Thursday 9:37am
From Princess
He’s crunching  a bowl of something via spoon. I ask what it is. Crushed cheez-its and mayonnaise. What in the actual fuck this man is a literal monster
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Thursday 12:10pm
From Princess
Edible body paint works on windows. Had to sit on his shoulders but this is the largest ‘FUCK’ I have ever written. Very proud
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Thursday 12:22pm
From Princess
Bottom half of the ‘C’ has transferred onto my ass. But 7 orgasms. Pick your battles
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Thursday 11:47pm
From Princess
Tried a pickled habanero. He’s still face down in the rug crying with laughter. It’s been 10 min dude come on
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Friday 10:12am
From Princess
Me: Why are you so heavy?
Diego: I keep eating you
Me: High five
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Friday 3:17pm
From Princess
He’s trying to “conduct business” via 3 cellphones. Would offer my tablet but I’m too pretty for prison. Gonna take a nap
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Friday 4:41pm
From Princess
Pants are forbidden in the bedroom. We’re just making the rules up as we go I see
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Saturday 9:59am
From Princess
He’s sitting in the corner of the window walls staring dejectedly outside. I hear the tiniest forlorn whisper “THOSE people are outside”
Too cute--must blow---BRB
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Saturday 1:32pm
From Princess
Angry texting. Muttering “No I can’t go outside and no you can’t come in here. Bitch…. No no, delete delete delete”
Me:  Where is your sister anyway? LA?
Him: Very Squinty Eyes
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Saturday 9:22pm
From Princess
My ass is stuck in the kitchen sink. While he was very helpful getting me in here he is of no assistance getting me out.
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Saturday 11:46pm
From Princess
Apparently ‘douchecanoe twatwaffle jerkface’ is the most hilarious insult he has ever heard. My brilliance is unparalleled
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Sunday 5:51am
From Princess
Me: Hey what’s the worst thing you’ve ever put in your mouth?
Him outrageously offended: I’m not answering that!
Him:  ... you first
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Sunday 7:12pm
From Princess
Is it a legit massage if he has to pause in the middle to jack off?
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Monday 11:06am
From Princess
Ordered groceries via Amazon Prime drone delivery. Sitting on the rooftop patio wrapped up together in a ginormous blankie waiting.
Does this count as a date?
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Monday 1:13pm
From Princess
Drone arrived. I lost my shit. Coolest thing ever. He’s frantically ordering more stuff because I haven’t looked this ecstatic since the time he rubbed my feet then went down on me for 2 hrs
Hold up change of plans
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Monday 2:28pm
From Princess
stubble burn on bottom of feet :-/
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Monday 6:44pm
From Princess
We can both fit in the jacuzzi tub. Almost drowned when his phone rang and we both spazzed out
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Tuesday 10:10am
From Princess
Today’s formal edict: He will only be referring to himself in the 3rd person. I am required to do as told. Should not be this turned on
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Tuesday 11:58am
From Princess
Watching him try to answer calls like this is a level of hilarity I could not have predicted
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Tuesday 1:53pm
From Princess
He gave me a crash course in chem. Still don’t know anything but it was hot as hell
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Tuesday 2:57pm
From Princess
Despite all evidence to the contrary I’m a Good Girl. Did as I was told. Got rewarded. 13 times
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Tuesday 5:33pm
From Princess
Unlocked a tiny piece of tragic backstory*™: He’s never been to a zoo   :-(
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Wednesday 11:24am
From Princess
Julio and Bastian brought 4 pizzas. Currently eating them individually sitting in a giant square in the living room SOCIAL DISTANCING
Like he wasn’t inside me 10 min ago wtf
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Wednesday 11:25am
From Princess
Yes cute driver Bastian. Btw you are barking up the wrong tree girl. His favorite animal is bears lol
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Wednesday 12:39pm
From Princess
Garlic butter: lube or no? Round table discussion happening.
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Wednesday 1:19pm
From Princess
I won in favor of No
Me: slams hands down on table
All men present:   :-[
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Wednesday 1:32pm
From Princess
Diego: puts garlic butter cup in the empty box and slides the whole mess off table to the floor without breaking eye contact. My sugar daddy is truly a murder panther
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Wednesday 3:49pm
From Princess
Flipping channels (he only has 5000) when he comes downstairs from the bedroom wearing Ginormous Blankie as cape.
Him: Can we do the thing again?
Me: Gotta be way more specific babe
Him: Flaps blankie like wings and gives me puppy dog eyes
Him: You know. Thing. On the roof. ...please?
Did he just ask me to cuddle???
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Wednesday 5:58pm
From Princess
Can confirm roof cuddles.  He fell asleep with his face mashed into my neck-shoulder after watching sunset. Every time I move he whimpers and squeezes tighter. I don't know what is happening but it kinda hurts in my chest
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Wednesday 9:12pm
From Princess
Me: You know those girls you send away when I come up? There's one that sorta begrudgingly likes me?
Him, stuffing a 2nd Oreo into his mouth(there's already a whole 1 in there)
Him: Frahnthessga?
Me: Yeah! Can I fuck her?
….I should worry about my job again pretty sure Murder Panther Sugar Daddy is dead
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Wednesday 10:48pm
From Princess
We splintered the plexiglass-divider-shower-wall thingy. His solution was to just hold all 215lbs of me up in the air and finish. I have no words
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Thursday 4:12am
From Princess
I can hear him on the phone downstairs listing names. I don't know these people. I'm going in the bathroom to run water so I can't hear anything else
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Thursday 9:02am
From Princess
I slept thru a breakfast meeting. There's a laptop  and a box of 1 doz Boston cream donuts labeled PRINCESS on the bar counter. He's watching news with Julio + Bastian on the couch. Odd but ok I got fave donuts so whatevs
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Thursday 9:17am
From Princess
On 3rd donut when I catch him staring. Can only see from eyes up bc he's peering at me over back of the couch. Have inadvertently activated Horny Murder Panther mode via accidental slutty licking of cream filling. 
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Thursday 11:40am
From Princess
Me: I don't like avocado
Diego: bitch what the fuck 
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Thursday 12:10pm
From Princess
He asked what the deal was with white people and meatloaf. I requested clarification on food or music. He's confused it's fucking adorable
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Thursday 2:14pm
From Princess
I'm making a meatloaf for dinner. Also brownies. TV is still on???
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Thursday 4:24pm
From Princess
Found a big round can of guava paste in the back of the fridge. He's spoon feeding it to me while watching me make meatloaf
Diego: I did not realize you were so… domesticated
Me, no brain to mouth filter: Yeah well gettin dicked down 3x a day will do that to a girl
Please send hitman asap 
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Thursday 5:10pm
From Princess
He just turned TV off. Local news was listing all major crimes in NYC today. Last story was 6 bodies found inside meat plant freezer, execution style kills with "on-site" equipment. When I whisper Dafuq??  he distractedly mutters 'captive bolt pistol'  
He's texting again
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Thursday 5:39pm
From Princess
I kinda wanna come home now
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Thursday 7:48pm
From Princess
I have converted another person to meatloaf lover (food not music)
On 3rd brownie when he declares: I am never letting you leave again. Mine now
Look up from rolling my eyes to receive Super Intense I Can See Into Your Soul Diego Stare
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Thursday 9:50pm
From Princess
He's looking for a scary movie via voice command on remote. Other hand is on my foot. I can't even see my foot. What is the actual purpose of hands that big?? What is the evolutionary goal to this endgame? ?? Why am I wet just thinking about a    h a n d    ?????
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Friday 12:34am
From Princess
Con: This asshole is delighted to learn that I don't like scary movies
Pro: Hiding my face in his chest means I fucking feel the rumble when he laughs at me. I think I'm developing a heart condition. Hurts again.
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Friday 1:40am
From Princess
He's rubbing his face all over my stomach. I don't like this. Sir why. Please it's literally the least attractive part of me
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Friday 2:11am
From Princess
He likes it…? I don't see. How does. But it's.
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Friday 3:47am
From Princess
He's asleep on my stomach after spending 40 min declaring his love for belly
I'm crying and I can't stop. My whole chest hurts. What is this. Is this the most long game prank ever. There's no way he's for real. I'm afraid. Do you think I should try to escape?? Please you know I'm not easily frightened but I just. Please text back I need my BFF
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Friday 7:18am
From Princess
Woke up in bed alone and naked. Gonna grab a shirt and handle this. I can't just ignore it. This is probably a bad idea but I can't just let it go. If you don't hear back from me by noon call my parents. I love you
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Friday 11:38am
From Princess
Halfway down the stairs 3 dudes I don't know come out of the office, Diego and Julio follow. They take 1 look at me and launch into laughter and some rude fucking spanish. I'm rusty but I know fucking "fat bitch" tyvm. Diego picks this mf up by the throat and throws him into the elevator. Drags the other 2 in and... no one has come back since
Been locked in the bathroom. I'm afraid to hear anything
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Friday 1:48pm
From Princess
Relocated to closet earlier. Reading. I'm 2 chapters in and I don't even remember the title. Gonna take an ativan. Hands are shaking
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Friday 2:27pm
From Princess
You know what? I don't even care. Like as long as it's never directed at me I just don't care.
It's too late I'm in too deep. I don't know if I can even come home after this. I'm not who everyone thinks I am. I don't know who I am. I'm turning the phone off now I'm sorry but I just need everything to stop for a while
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Friday 7:48pm
From Princess
I'm ok, sorry for the dramatics. Woke up still in the closet corner but under Ginormous Blankie and can hear shower running. Decide it's time to put my big girl panties on and march in there. No I did not learn from the last time. Standby
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Friday 9:22pm
From Princess
We're good.
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Friday 11:49pm
From Princess
Ok. Marched into bathroom, launched into speech: I'm sorry but I did not know anyone was here. You have to leave me a note or something. Please tell me I did not ruin anything
Him, still in shower: Get your ass in here.
It was a literal growl
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Friday 11:50pm
From Princess
Apparently that guy had been fucking up small time and Diego was waiting for him to fuck up big time. I will never see all 3 of them again (No do not ask)Yes it was frustrating but not mad at me. Ok a little because his sister hired that guy and now he has to explain the dude's ...disappearance. Without mentioning me. No one can know about me I am a "liability"
Um ouch..? I think?? Chest pain again
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Friday 11:51pm
From Princess
He's been asleep, I'm just staring at the ceiling. Demanded I let him prove that he would never put hands on me that I don't want. I thought he was gonna cry. I did start crying but said yes. Not gentle per se, but definitely ...emotional? Like soft sex. Slow soft sex but with emotions?? I'm lost
Incoming Text
Friday 11:54pm
From Princess
Please tell me no. Talk me out of this. Tell me I'm fucknuts and I need to just come home and be reasonable and sensible. You know when you stand at a ledge and a little voice tells you Just jump. Do it. Go
Do I want all in? Can I do this? I should not do this. I should not care about him. Especially like this. I just. When I'm not here this is all I think about. No one else makes me feel this way
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Friday 11:56pm
From Princess
I'm hysterical right? This will go away if I just sleep. I can't stop looking at him. Touching his face, hair. Ever since the Kitchen Blowup (after the first fight??is it a fight if you're not technically in a relationship?) he's been different. Careful?? Like he really listened to me and heard. I can see him trying. Like reining in his knee jerk reactions and stopping to think before he says stuff to me. What am I supposed to do?
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Friday 11:59pm
From Princess
I want to trust him. I want to be spoiled and fucked senseless and all the giggles and private planes and shopping sprees and sleeping in til noon. But what about the other side? Constantly looking over my shoulder? Worrying that he might not come home from whatever the fuck he's out doing? The other actual supermodel hot women??? I'm not naive.
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Saturday 12:10am
From Princess
I just need to turn this off. Shut it down. Cut off emotions and just fuck. I can't do this and I can't have him for keeps. So it's time to be realistic. After this shitty quarantine ends I'll take whatever cash he wants to give me and go home. I can move if I have to. It's not hard to change your name these days. This whole nightmare will be the hilarious rumors in my future nursing home
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Saturday 4:44am
From Princess
Got up at like 350 for the bathroom. When I crawled back into bed he yanked me backwards to be smashed into/under him. Buried face into my hair and ordered:
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Saturday 9:10am
From Princess
Woke up alone. Gathered shirt. Did surveillance from top of stairs. Music blasting. Bastian and Diego are working out. I had to sit down for a while
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Saturday 9:40am
From Princess
Finally made it down the stairs. Eating donuts while watching live action porn
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Saturday 10:27am
From Princess
Show's over. Diego announces he is going to shower with a wink. I am staying on this barstool with my donuts. I am determined
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Saturday 10:38am
From Princess
Sharing donuts with Bastian. He is staring at me
Me: ...wut?
Bastian: You know I haven't driven Franchesca anywhere in 4 months
I don't know how long I've been sitting here staring at this half eaten donut but Bastian is gone
Shower still running
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Saturday 1:36pm
From Princess
Slut level 7: Shower blowjob
Realized I have to wash my hair now. He demands to do it??
Diego: How much fucking conditioner is this going to take?
Me drooling blissfully: Uhhh... please not that word right now
...I literally heard Horny Murder Panther transition happen.
He did not touch anything but my head. Came via voice command. How the fuck
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Saturday 1:39pm
From Princess
Then it was Round 2 still dripping wet in the bed. No idea how he recovered that fast not looking gift horse in the mouth.  Haha   Horse
Also slow soft again? Does this mean something?? I feel like I'm missing some key piece of info. Never had a dude like kiss all over my face and stroke my hair. What is this gentle?? Don't like the whole looking into my eyes thing
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Saturday 3:02pm
From Princess
Received an assignment. Was trying to budget for next month (on my new laptop! Whole Microsoft office package!! SPREADSHEETS!!!)
Instructed to help fix what I fucked up…?
It's resumes. He wants me to look at resumes.   Um
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Saturday 4:12pm
From Princess
We traded laptops. I picked 3 resumes for 'warehouse labor'  This is fucking surreal
Got my laptop back and… all the internet tabs were closed?? I was paying all my bills dude wtf. His phone rings but before he walks off tells me the title will be mailed to me. ?????
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Saturday 4:47pm
From Princess
He's still in the office on the phone. I'm in the closet in shock. He paid my loans. He paid my Loans. He Paid My Fucking Loans OFF
$$$$$   30,000  $$$$$
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Saturday 4:52pm
From Princess
No you can't have him if I don't want him!! Fuck you
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Saturday 5:32pm
From Princess
Bastian came back, left a big box on the counter, said "This is for you honey" and left again. Diego still in the office.
...should I open it or wait for him to come out??
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Saturday 5:36pm
From Princess
Fuck it. I'm opening this shit
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Saturday 5:42pm
From Princess
It's a very large Brahmin bag.
Holy fuck its gorgeous 
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Saturday 5:47pm
From Princess
You know what? You Know What?
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Sunday 8:42am
From Princess
I think we're ok? I actually uh, accidentally recorded um… everything-ish. And I might send it to you later. But right now things are kinda wobbly and I just wanna enjoy everything while I can. I'll check back in later. We're going to bed now
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Sunday 1:58pm
From Princess
Woke up to 1 gigantic hand stroking down my back. 2nd hand stuffed up my pussy to the knuckle. Villain voice directly into left ear. Memory hazy after that
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Sunday 3:01pm
From Princess
Do Oreos in bed at 3pm count as breakfast? My hips hurt
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Sunday 6:40pm
From Princess
Ok we all know I'm very much A Freak. Trysexual if you will. Only way to know you don't like it is to try it right? So anal. Never really worked. Great in theory really unpleasant in practice.
Turns out others were trying to insert the wrong appendage. Related: I fucking love beards
e v e r y w h e r e
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Sunday 10:40pm
From Princess
Yes I know you wanna know about KITCHEN BLOWUP 2.0, someday I'll tell you about v.1. It's complicated. There are feels. I can't take the vague, wishy washy, up in the air status. So it went kinda like this
Me: You want to "keep" me? Wtf does that even mean?? And how, via purchasing me??? Don't get me wrong, I like being spoiled. I'm not an idiot. But you don't even know me
He looked like I stabbed him. It was horrible
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Sunday 10:42pm
From Princess
So I laid it all out: I lived in my car for a while in my 20s. Escaped an abusive ex after 8 yrs. Survived cancer at 26. Did 2 rounds of trade school just to be scraping by at like $15 an hour. That you just paid off like it was nothing. You try to protect me from you and your life. But you have no idea what I've already survived.
So here's the deal: You wanna keep me?? Then I get to keep you.
But it's everything. If I can't have everything then I don't want anything. And if it can't be ONLY me then I gotta go. I'm not a back up plan or a convenience.
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Sunday 10:50pm
From Princess
At this point I'm scream-crying, gesticulating like I'm hysterical. He's collapsed on the floor at my feet looking like I just killed his dog. Only makes me worse. I'm demanding an answer right fucking now. This is a disaster.
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Sunday 10:54pm
From Princess
He starts yelling about how he can't keep me if I'm dead. This isn't a fucking game and I'm just like Do I look like I'm playing right now?!?
Lisa, he was crying. Just kept repeating "She's right. She's fucking right. That bitch is right."
Head in his hands sobbing.
I couldn't. 
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Sunday 10:59pm
From Princess
So I got down on my knees in front of him and reached for his hands. Just like the first blowup. I was terrified because he's obviously not in control and like I don't know the things he does but I Know. And the PTSD from ex… but I finally got him to look at me and asked him to just Tell Me.
And he did.
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Monday 12:04am
From Princess
If you had told me that night in the club that any of this would happen. That this man was capable of everything these past 10 months have brought. I would've taken you to the hospital myself.
He collapsed on me and was just begging me "Don't go don't go. Please stay. Stay just for now. Please. No one else no one."  I have a lot to consider. Probably gonna be quiet for a few days. I'll text you when things calm down. He's asleep on my chest right now
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Monday 12:10am
From Princess
I mean 10 months...how many weekends have I been up here? 12? 16? And only twice did I reach out first and ask. I have stuff here. You saw the closet section. Every time I arrive there's coke and ketchup in the fridge. My face wash and toothbrush and a huge bottle of gel in the bathroom. Last time here he gave me the safe combo???
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Monday 12:14am
From Princess
I mean, I've never seen ...other… in the fridge. I don't think it needs to be refrigerated???
I Don't Know Okay
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Monday 6:40am
From Princess
Woke up around 5 and he was just staring at me from like 2 inches away. He left once he realized I was awake. I didn't follow. He still hasn't come back to bed yet. Should I go find him?
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Monday 11:38am
From Princess
Found him on the couch. Coffee table covered in vast array of firearms. Did not realize there were so many in this penthouse. Little uncomfortable. But I'm a fast learner with good mechanical skills so now I can do gun stuff. Please don't ask me about it
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Monday 11:41am
From Princess
Ok yesss. We had the stupid movie cliche moment of big tough guy stands behind damsel to teach some physical skill. Gawd.
...yeah doing it feels better than watching. You happy now???
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Monday 2:28pm
From Princess
Mood swing. He declared vengeance on behalf of his closet. I have worn too many shirts. This cannot continue. ????? Stay tuned
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Monday 2:59pm
From Princess
This man runs the largest distribution enterprise in the western hemisphere.
Currently stuck in one of my $6 tank tops from Target. 
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Monday 4:17pm
From Princess
I'm out a tank top. And a thong. Go ahead and just think about that
...But I'm still wearing one of his shirts :-D
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Monday 5:48pm
From Princess
Instead of admitting defeat he decided to forcibly remove the shirt from me. Since I have to be difficult, I ran. If this place wasn't soundproof there would be so many police here.
What level of fucked up is it to enjoy screaming No!, while struggling, not less than 3 sec prior to orgasm??
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Monday 5:52pm
From Princess
The scale only goes to 10. You don't gotta be a bitch. Damn
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Monday 8:17pm
From Princess
14 days will be up this Thursday. But they're talking about extending it, really bad here. I'm scared. Gonna try a drink, maybe ativan because I'm starting to freak out.
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Monday 9:57pm
From Princess
Watching the news and I just sorta came unglued.  Diego not really a soft/gentle guy (obvs) but once I got thru a blubber-cry explanation of immuno-compromised and cancer treatment I got full lap cuddles. I want this every time I'm upset. Warm and solid and big hands and soft nuzzles and scratchy velvet cheek kisses. Feel so tiny and safe
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Monday 11:40pm
From Princess
Think I'm fukced up. Everything feels good. Petting all the things
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Monday 11:44pm
From Princess
I'm fiiiiine. One drink. Once ativan. Thats it
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Monday 11:49pm
From Princess
Omgod ill be fine it's good donot call me
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Monday 11:55pm
From Princess
What are fiddlesticks? Like the worrd not a instrument accessory?why do we say that
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Tuesday 7:42am
From Princess
Holy shit I slept so good. I looked back thru the texts. Wtf was I doing?? I don't remember any of this
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Tuesday 8:32am
From Princess
He's giving me that all teeth smile. I'm very suspicious. And surprisingly not horny?? Am I dying?
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Tuesday 9:46am
From Princess
Have been informed that I was very adorable last night. I'm afraid to learn his definition of adorable
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Tuesday 10:12am
From Princess
Omg he has 3 hours of video
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Tuesday 11:17am
From Princess
I spent 45 min yelling about Pluto planet status being revoked and the kilogram definition being forever altered. He was very invested in the 2nd part. Legit academic discussion
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Tuesday 11:49am
From Princess
Next part: I decided to make a fried egg sandwich. He started recording like a cooking show. I almost lit my hair on fire.
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Tuesday 11:57am
From Princess
Oh I see where everything went wrong. I had 1 drink and 1 ativan. Then I finished his drink. Then I drank his replacement. Why tf did he let me do that??
"You were so cute! How could I say no to this face, bonita?"
...I will remember that
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Tuesday 12:13pm
From Princess
Apparently we exchanged playlists. This is not good
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Tuesday 12:28pm
From Princess
Omg I revealed the Murder Panther Sugar Daddy title. Oh fuck. Shit shit shit
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Tuesday 12:42pm
From Princess
I spent 40 min petting him all over while listing everything I liked and why. He is going to be insufferable for forever after this
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Tuesday 1:22pm
From Princess
Lisa. Lisa. Holy shit. He said we made a porno. I laughed. He fucking narrated an opening to it. I am dying  I am going to die   I am dead
Him, offscreen: Diego and Bicki make a Porno!
Me, onscreen, twerking on the bed in lace bra
Me: eeeeeeeeeeeeeee ASS AND TITTIES!!!
Diego pops into shot, giggling: Pretty Princess Pussy!!
The whole thing just dissolved into shaky blur and us laughing hysterically
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Tuesday 1:24pm
From Princess
No I'm not sharing it. What is wrONG WITH YOU??????
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Tuesday 3:44pm
From Princess
It… did not go the way I thought it would. And apparently he had not watched it either because we were both surprised.
That. Was not sex. Seeing the soft slow with emotions from the outside was pretty damning.
That was lovemaking
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Tuesday 6:32pm
From Princess
I'm locked in the bathroom. Everything is fucked.
I just… I just hid my face and said "I want to go home." Like a fucking coward hiding behind my hair, I took off upstairs and now I'm here. It's been a long time. I'm still alone
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Tuesday 6:39pm
From Princess
No shit Sherlock, I know I have intimacy issues.
Men don't love me. Sure I'm fun to fuck for a while. But they don't take a poor fat girl home. Come on, you've seen it firsthand. Clearly, since here I still am by myself
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Tuesday 6:42pm
From Princess
I don't know what I was thinking. I don't belong here. Guess I'll just ride out the last 2 days then come home
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Tuesday 6:45pm
From Princess
I think Julio is here. I can hear their voices but can't make out the words
Oh no his sister is here. They're yelling in Spanish, I can't catch any of it
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Tuesday 10:14pm
From Princess
They screamed for a while, then she finally left. Been silent ever since. I don't know if he's still here
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Tuesday 10:40pm
From Princess
He's definitely still here. There's a tantrum going on
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Wednesday 12:32am
From Princess
Fell asleep in the closet corner again. Except when I woke up he was wedged in there with me
Me: … um
Diego: I think I see why you do this
Then he went to sleep on me
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Wednesday 5:48am
From Princess
Have been talking since 3. Still in the closet.
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Wednesday 7:10am
From Princess
I'm coming home when this is over. I need some time and space to think. 
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Wednesday 7:12am
From Princess
Is that even the right term? Do you 'break up' with a sugar daddy???? 
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Wednesday 7:13am
From Princess
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Wednesday 7:16am
From Princess
Gonna shower and go to bed. You mention that last text and I literally will stab you. BFF or not
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Wednesday 4:40pm
From Princess
Just listened to an hour of descriptions of Mexico.
I am… tempted
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Wednesday 6:54pm
From Princess
I'm flying home Friday, they just lifted the travel ban here.
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Wednesday 6:59pm
From Princess
No, no one is happy here. We're both clingy disasters today
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Wednesday 7:17pm
From Princess
Went downstairs. It's a war zone. We came back upstairs 
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Thursday 6:19am
From Princess
Couldn't sleep so I'm packing. Diego is watching me from the bed with the biggest, saddest puppy dog eyes in existence.
Effect kinda ruined because I can see his bare ass
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Thursday 6:22am
From Princess
Why would you ask me that? You know he's an exhibitionist 
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Thursday 6:23am
From Princess
I can't decide if you're the Best or the Worst BFF ever. Gawd
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Thursday 6:25am
From Princess
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Thursday 6:27am
From Princess
Yeah. You see my dilemma now???
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Thursday 6:28am
From Princess
Yes I bite it! What is wrong with you today???
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Thursday 6:43pm
From Princess
He spent entire day attached to me. I..??? What do I do with a clingy cartel boss drug lord?? Its too much
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Friday 8:52am
From Princess
I'm on the plane. He rode here with me. Looked so… broken. Feel like a monster. But I'm scared
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Friday 1:45pm
From Princess
I'm home but but he. Omg
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Friday 2:38pm
From Princess
There's a tiny stuffed panther in my bag with a note:  I just want to be with you
My very own Tiny Murder Panther 
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thanatosangels · 4 years
Congraaats on hitting your first milestone, Mae!! 💕 We just followed each other recently, so I'm hoping to know you better! 😊 For the asks: 👀 What's your favourite ship/character from TSC? and based on that choice, can I pls get a 🥰 on the ship/character you've chosen? I'd love to read it! Thank you! 🥺
OMFG THANK YOU SM!!  You seem sooo sweet and i really want to get to know you too ahhh 💝💞💓 Also, i can’t apologise enough for how long this has taken - life got very busy and then i wrote it all but accidentally deleted it, so i’m really sorry!! <3 I hope you enjoy :))
👀 - I honestly can’t even pick one, but for the sake of writing purposes i’m gonna say Lucie and Cordelia’s friendship because i really want to write about them lol <33
“Jessie,” Lucie’s voice was hushed in the darkness of her kitchen.
“Jessamine,” She was shaking as she clutched the picnic basket between her hands.
Still nothing.
“Jessamine Lovelace.” There was more conviction this time, a feigned air of authority.
Jessamine materialised directly in front of her. “Lucie, darling, are you aware it’s three in the morning?” Jessamine’s bright eyes narrowed as she looked Lucie up and down, seeing her mud-caked boots, the hem of her dress sodden and heavy,  the hastily assembled picnic in her hand. “Whatever seems to be the matter?” Her voice held more curiosity than concern.
Lucie gulped, her nervousness a palpable taste in her mouth. “I need you to take me somewhere, Jessie.” 
 Jessamine looked at her like she’d grown a second head. “I beg your pardon?”
A deep breath. “I need you to take me somewhere.” She worried her bottom lip between her teeth. Angel, I hope this works.
“Little Lucie, have you lost your mind? I wouldn’t blame you, living in all this ruckus.” Jessamine was slowly circling her, inspecting her. “Or have you suffered a grievous head injury that’s rendered you unable to remember that I am a ghost. Does this mean i have to rouse Will? You do know what he’s like when he doesn’t get his precious beauty sleep.” Lucie could feel the bright ghostly eyes on the back of her head. “Oh! Perhaps you’ve had a spell cast on you by a nasty warlock and i simply appear human to you now-“
Lucie felt her already frayed nerves snap. “Oh, do shut up Jessamine! Listen to me for a moment.” 
A small, shimmering hand was brought to a translucent chest, an offended look on her pale, pretty face, but she did not continue her rambling. 
Lucie shut her eyes for a moment. She had been in the gardens of Chiswick Manor, her breath forming a mist in the crisp evening air that mingled with the dark-grey clouds overhead, Grace by her side. They had been trudging over the damp lawn towards their usual meeting place, the dilapidated house looming over them, broken windows like unblinking eyes, when Lucie had stopped short. Dread trickled down her body from her head to her feet like a bucket of ice water poured over her head, realisation dawning and anxiety gnawing. Cordelia! She had been meant to see her that afternoon, to go for a walk in the park and show her the latest chapter of the Beautiful Cordelia, but she had been so distracted by smuggling yet another book of dark magic from the restricted section that she had, simply, forgotten. She hadn’t seen Cordelia in almost two weeks now, and guilt rose like bile in her throat.
So, after Grace and Lucie had finished, she had rushed home and immediately packed a picnic of leftover strawberry and lemon tarts, ginger beer and lemonade, cake and cucumber sandwiches. It wasn’t perfect, but it was the best she could do. Now she stood in her kitchen, face to face with her ghostly Aunt, about to do the unthinkable.
Lucie squared her shoulders, took another deep breath and whispered an “I’m sorry.” almost under her breath, and held her hand out in front of herself.
One of Jessamines delicate eyebrows arched up. “What are you doing?”
“Jessamine Lovelace, I command you to take me to Cordelia Carstairs.” Lucie put all the force she could muster, all the confidence she did not feel, into her voice.
“What?” Was all Jessamine said, an alarmed look on her face.
“I command you to take me to Cordelia Carstairs,” Lucie lowered her hand as she walked towards the ghost. “And i bound you to secrecy about my powers.”
Lucie stopped barley inches from Jessamine. They were almost the same height, Jessie just slightly taller. Lucie set her jaw, her pale blue eyes fixed on Jessamine’s shining brown eyes, her mouth in a hard line. She reached a hand up, to place it on Jessamine’s shoulder, desperately trying to still the tremor of her nerves…
And felt Jessamine, cold but solid, under her palm.
Lucie heard her suck in a small breath, bright eyes wide with shock, her mouth agape. “How….” She breathed.
Despite herself, despite the fact that this was only half the battle, a small smile played on Lucie’s lips. Hope burned in her chest, a warm feeling that fought the cold of the dead biting at her fingers. 
She felt that same cold wash over her whole body as Jessamine’s arms encircled her.
“Take me.”
And she did.
There was simply darkness, and then light.
Lucie found herself in the small, neat courtyard at the back of Cordelia’s home. Power thrummed through her veins and she felt almost drunk on the giddiness of it. Oh, what fun!
Jessamine nowhere to be seen. Lucie hoped she was alright.
She looked up, towards the window of Cordelia’s bedroom. At least, she thought it was Cordelia’s bedroom. Guilt sobered her as she realised how little time she’d spent here these past few months. Surely you should know your best friend’s - your parabatai’s - whole life inside out?
“Cordelia!” Lucie whisper-shouted, though she wasn’t even sure why she tried. Obviously Cordelia was not going to hear her from all the way up there. She looked around frantically, searching for something, anything, that she could throw at the window and alert Cordelia of her presence. She thought about the small throwing ax attached to her thigh, hidden under her skirts, but quickly decided that it was a horrendous idea.
Finally, she found a suitable pebble. She placed down her basket and took a few steps back, almost falling over a stone bench next to some flower beds. She steadied herself, measured the throw, pulled her arm back and let the pebble fly. 
It was a direct hit. Despite herself, Lucie was proud.
Lucie shifted her weight from one foot to the other, her hands worrying each other in front of her. The ten or so seconds between the throw and the curtains drawing back felt like an hour to her. Then, Lucie saw Cordelia’s face through the darkness, lit by a candle she held in her hand, and relief washed over her.
She had been awfully panicked about accidentally waking Alastiar instead.
Then, the window was open and Cordelia stuck her head out of it. “Lucie? Is that you?” Her voice was hushed. “Are you okay? Has something happened?” Her words were spilling over each other.
“No! Nothing’s happened, Daisy, I am perfectly fine…” She trailed off, unsure how to start.
“Oh, well then. How kind of you to actually show up.” Cordelia’s voice was cold now, but Lucie heard the twinge of hurt in it and it made her heart ache. Cordelia moved to shut the window.
“Wait!” Lucie shouted, desperation creeping into her voice. 
Cordelia’s head popped back out again, her dark hair falling about her like Rapunzel in her tower. “Yes?”
“Cordelia, Daisy, I am so very, very sorry.” She spoke very, very quickly. “I know I have not been as good a friend as I should these past months, and I know an apology alone cannot fix that. I am going to be better, though. You are so amazing, Daisy, and you deserve only the best of everything in this life. I cannot promise to be perfect, which is what you truly deserve, but i can promise to be better and do my best. I love you, more than anything else on this earth, Cordelia and I hope you never forget that.” She paused, breathing like she’d been running, and Cordelia opened her mouth as if to say something but Lucie held her hand up to quiet her. She dashed over to the picnic basket she’d left lying and lifted it up so Cordelia could see. “I brought us some midnight - well, 3 o’clock - snacks, if you would like?” 
For a moment, Cordelia said nothing. Lucie’s heart fluttered in her chest like a hummingbird in a cage. Then, a wide smile lit up Cordelia’s whole face. “Oh, Lucie, you goose! I wasn’t that annoyed, simply peeved! Of course I will come down and have a picnic with you, darling, just give me a moment to get dressed.” She disappeared into the darkness behind her and shut the window.
Lucie felt herself grin uncontrollably as relief crashed over her like a tidal wave, making her knees so weak that she plopped herself down on the stone bench that had nearly upended her before. 
It was the first time she had smiled like that for a long while.
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mxn-yoongi · 7 years
BTS as Kingsman (Seokjin)
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-Literally a whole dad. Like super supportive of new trainees and then always becomes a mentor to the newest member. Hes kinda good at judging people
-Its gotten to the point where whenever they have a new batch of trainess he can basically guess whos in and whos going to be out. AND HES NEVER WRONG
-Like ‘ that one is too confident i think he’ll be out when we toss him out of a plane and make him work with the others. Next’
-‘That one just busted DOWN A DOOR WITH HIS SHOULDER FUCK YEAH KID YOURE IN’ (good job lancelot!!)
-Codename: Galahad
-Jin really likes being more of a tech guy instead of being in the field.
-Like yeah i can hack into the any security system and delete anything theyve got or obtain top secret government files without being detected on their system but dont ask me to punch a guy in his throat
-Like i will if i HAVE TO but ask lancelot first he’ll punch anyones throat so leave me here
-So basically one day arthur is like ‘hey galahad we kinda need you to hack into the United States Governments files’ and jin just
-‘Okay sure’
-So jin gets to it and hes typing at the speed of light and there are a bunch of numbers and letters on the screen and jins just chilling because of course hes got this in the bag hes done this like a hundred times
-And he finally pushes enter (dramatically might i add) because that always gets him right in and he turns in his swivel chair and hes like ‘what do you need arthur’
-But arthur is like ‘umm bro’ and hes pointing at the computer and jin turns around and HIS EYES ALMOST POP OUT OF THEIR SOCKETS
-He! Has! Been! Detected! And! Blocked! Out! Of! The! Archives! And! Databases!
-How did this happen@@@@@@@
-Jin just kind of gets this determined look in his face and suddenly hes typing faster than before (if thats even possible)
-‘Galahad whats going on?’
-‘Something is keeping me out but that should be impossible because...because...well just because i know what im doing and they shouldnt be able to trace anything back to me and what is going on’
-Jin is like working overtime on his computer like how does he type that fast how is he even reading the things that come up on screen if they disappear in .2 seconds what is this
-‘Okay okay no need to panic its probably just like a firewall or something’
-Jin stops everything and glares at arthur
-‘Are you kidding me? You think of all things a measly firewall will stop me. This sint a firewall.Its not even some bot system either because its too slow. This is like human speed blocking.’
-Suddenly jins screen goes completely black.
-Both men are confused bc umm whats going on
-A loading bar appears at the top of the screen and suddenly some kind of I.M. window pops up.
-Jin tries to click the x in the top right corner to close the window but nothing happens.
-Instead in the bottom left corner there are three dots and the words
-‘Y/N’ is typing…’
-The message that pops up leaves jin red in the face
-‘Is someone being a bad boy?’
-Arthur is laughing because ‘did your computer really get some kind of freaky virus from waching porn’
-‘I really need you…’
-Jin frantically pushes the x but it still doesnt work
-Both arthur and galahad stop what theyre doing umm this is a little too real
-‘Are you going to respond?’
-‘I know youre reading these’
-‘I can see you right now’
-There is literally no way you can see them because theyre in hq which is a mansion in the middle of nowhere
-Another window pops up on the screen and its jin like in real time and he realizes its the image from the camera on his computer and oh my gosh someone is hacking into the hackers computer what the heck
-‘This is a warning. Don’t try to hack the government again because I will find you. Have fun.’
-The screen goes black again and when it light up lo and behold its on A PORN SITE lol arthur is dying in the background bc galahad just got out hacked.
-Jin is still shocked by the fact that someone was capable of doing this to him. Like there is someone out there that can really get into their system despite jin taking every precaution and making it nearly impossible to hack
-Jin shuts off his computer and just kinda flops onto the ground because what the heck
-Sure enough  jin still cant get into the database and the I.M. window pops up again
-‘I literally warned you’
-Jin kinda hesitates a little because should he respond or...
-‘How did you know it was the same person’
-‘I told you. I can see you’
-‘I dont hack and tell baby.’
-Jin is taken back?? Um baby? Hes no baby. Hes not your baby. Is he your baby?!?!?! Mom???????
-This goes on for like a while. Like jin tries to get into the files but hes always stopped by you and then you guys have  a lil conversation and jin starts trying to hack more often just becuase…
-He wants to talk to you a little bit?
-Like he genuinely begins to worry about himself because does he like someone thats preventing him from doing his job? Have you become a part of his daily routine? Can he separate himself from you?? Its like a criminal falling in love with a cop basically.
-You also let your guard down a little bit like he already knows your name and birthday and about your dog. You dont tell anyone about your dog. Bc hes yours. Your! Dog! But this guy trying to hack into the US government knows about him what have you done.
-You decide its time for a break from this whole hacker blocking thing so you tell your boss and he assigns someone else to this case.
-Yeah its a case.
-The gov. has been trying to figure out who is getting into their files and you were put in charge but clearly its proving more difficult than you thought bc you have grown attached and if he gets caughts then you wont be able to talk to him anymore
-Youve figured out for the most part where he is located but you havent reported it to your boss because...because you cant…
-So now theyve got someone else trying to figure out what you already know
-The day you decide to take your break jin also decided he wants to talk to you and there he goes trying to hack again. He pushes anter and waits for the screen to go black like it has for the last few weeks.
-But it doesnt??
-Hes suddenly in the governments files…?
-Jin is kind of of worried like umm where is Y/N and why didnt she stop me from doing this.
-So jin has no idea what to do now because for the next week he keeps getting into the files and its like you disappeared from the internet and all of a sudden he gets an idea
-Like hes got these government files so if you work for the government they must have some information on you right???
-He searches your first name and a few different people pop up then he narrows it down to one by looking at the birthday and there you are in all your glory.
A picture of you that makes jin’s heart skip a few beats followed by 
Name: L/N, F/N 
Age: 24
Department: Cybersecurity 
and right there...your address…
-Seokjin swallows hard before he scribbles the address down on a piece of paper.
-Hes out of his chair before he knows it and nobody has time to question him when he says hes going out into the field to gain some valuable information
-AND THATS HOW HE ENDS UP on an airplane to your location at 9 pm.
-One five hour flight and a one hour taxi drive later jin is standing outside what he assumes is your house at 3 in the morning
-He hesitantly knocks on the door and waits.
-You are woken up from your good night of sleep by a knock on the door and when you look at the time youre like umm who is here at 3 am and why, oh wait you think you know why
-You shuffle downstairs slowly
-You swallow hard and open the door. The person you see on the other side doesnt startle you bc oh my gosh this is the hacker man ive possible fallen in love with even though technically im supposed to be throwing him in jail oh my gosh
-And you deliberately let him find out your location in hopes that he’d show up but you didnt think he’d be here so soon
-Maybe this was a bad idea
-Your mind is nearly blank but somehow you manage to play it cool
-‘I wasn’t expecting you so soon’
-Jin is ??????? you were expecting him???
-‘I didnt think you’d let your guard down long enough that i would figure out your address.’ jin plays it off cool with a little smirk that makes you want to pounce on him
-‘Oh baby...its so cute you think you could have actually found me.’
-Jin raises an eyebrow in confusion
-‘Don’t try to fool yourself. I let you find me.’ the way your bottom lip juts out slightly is enough to make jin lose it
-he is impossibly entranced by you bc not only can you out hack him but you also outsmart him and out-hot(?) him and everything in between.
-He literally cannot hold himself back he just kinda goes for it like a full on dizzying, heated, passionate, swollen lips and flushed faces type of kiss.
-And that is how you managed to get yourself a kingsman boyfriend.
A/N: Sorry if this one is a little bad its just kind of what comes out of my mind. 
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