#when i first watched it as a foolish little lad back in the day i was enamored by the beauty of will graham
crowdiak · 6 months
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Hi!! I really love your writting🥰 i would like to request for the self-aware au, Reader hiding behind them after being chased by some particularly pushy NPCs with Rook, Trey, and Jack please❤️
Self-aware au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, murder, description of violence, blood, obsession, stalking
Trey Clover/Jack Howl/Rook Hunt-Hiding behind them
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Ah, what a nice day. In fact, it is perfect for trying out that recipe with that dough that needed to rest for a while
Or rather, that was his plan for the day until he suddenly heard two pairs of footsteps rushing into the dorm kitchen
And no, it was not the kind of footsteps that spoke of joy like the ones of his siblings did. from time to time, it sounded panicked
Just a second later you entered the kitchen with an octavinelle student, the latter one trying to catch up to you
Before the baker could figure out what was going on, you were suddenly behind him, using his body as a shield
Oh… oh!
Was this guy harassing you?
How dare he? How dare-
Deep breaths. Very deep breaths - would be something he would have said to himself if he wasn't this angry
By some miracle, he was able to hold himself together
He was this close to loose his reputation as "that nice hat wearing baker"
A strict look towards the student and you were finally alone with him
For you the whole thing was over but for that student?
Suddenly the poor lad fell ill, claiming that he had stomach problems
Heck, he couldn't even keep his food down
Such a shame... Trey surely hoped he would survive
Who else could he secretly gift those cakes? You? Oh no... It's just that he experiments with some new recipes...
Ignore that bottle in the cupboard
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Jack is someone who keeps his friends very close and is not afraid to stand up for them
Only that he saw you as someone more precious than a friend
So when he saw you running away from a student and slipping behind him he saw the world just a tiny bit tinted red
The young wolf beastman isn't someone who uses violence just because he can do or feel like using it
(Honestly, at this point he is more like your little dog than some fearsome wolf)
Just because he didn't turn the student into very biological and mushy fertiliser for the flowers then and there doesn't mean he was calm though
Grabbing the not so nice company of yours, he told you to not worry and leave your little problem to him
Ah yes, Jack Howl, that kind acquaintance of yours
How nice of him
But you know, there are also tales about wolves acting as if they are kind just to devour you
Of course Jack didn't do that
Does not mean that things went as peaceful as you thought they did after you left
Jack usually keeps his instincts under control but on that evening he had to cut his nails very short and scrub his hands
Anyone would be horrified after the sensation of calcium breaking under their hand, splintering like old, dried out wood under a saw
He should feel guilty but... it was hard to do so
Which brings us back to a sink being used by a certain beastman
Geez, some things are so hard to get off of skin once it dries, wouldn't you agree?
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First of all, it's a wonder the hunter wasn't watching you from a tree (or something like that... who knew bushes could walk in this world)
If he had he would have immediately revealed himself by slithering in between you and that oh so foolish first year
But alas, apparently a miracle happened and this time it was you seeking out him
When Rook heart the certain sound of your shoes hitting the ground he was swivelling around, a poem about his devotion towards you already on his tongue...
And them you hid behind his arm curtains (you know, their dorm uniforms sleves)
Did hiw beloved Overseer, perfection and liberatir in person finally choose him as their most favorite- no? Ok that's cool too
If this was any other situation he would have started a speech in his wannabe French, stating how short he was by your rejection
But right now he had to deal with your little stalker (don't try to act all innocent, Rook, you did the same many more times than they ever could without being noticed)
Trying to calm you down the hunter brought you to Pomfiore
And nothing weir happened
No I am not joking, Rook was his usual normal self (if we want to call at best flirtatious remarks and at worst frantic devoted ramblings normal)
From then on you were much closer to the hunter
Especially after a body was found
And oh, how grateful Rook was for not having the time to get rid of the body on that day
Of course, he had noticed how ce fou followed you two to the dorm
How trusting you were when he told you that he wanted to get you two something to drink...
And there the parasite still was, lingering around the entrance of his dorm
The only regret Rook had was finishing his job so quickly
It was always such a bore whenever his prey wouldn't squirm
Well, at least you were now close to him
Just be careful, the hunter was also back then the one bringing her highness a false heart. Who knows how much he would lie to get you all to himself?
Uh and… maybe don't open that box he has in his room in a cooler. He told you he keeps some sort of trophy in there and I think that is all we need to know
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bluedragonbooks · 1 year
Adjacent 01 of 25
My Brother is the Chosen One, not me - I'm just "adjacent" - just tagging along for the ride. Not even technically a Companion on his quest.
Mum had taken me aside as we were preparing for bed.
"I love your brother as much as I love you; He might be Firstborn, and he might be Chosen; but I swear he's as daft as a newly weaned bull calf. He'll need someone to make the meals, and mend his clothes, and keep track of the coin. There's no glory in it, and he's hardly likely to thank you. But things will be worse for you here once he's gone; no-one has dared raise their fist to you while he was here, but that'll change if you stay. I've put together a pack for you. There’re beans, and rice and travellers’ bread, and dried meat and hard cheese. Save it for when you really need it and replenish it when you can. News will travel faster than foot, so most places will be willing to feed you and give you both a bed. Try to keep him from wasting his coin on wine and wenches, he'll need it once he gets to the outer reaches."
Then she paused and hugged me, and looked around as if to check no-one was in earshot. "If any one ask's you're a healer, travelling with your brother on his quest. You know as much about herbs and tinctures as I do, so that's true enough; what you lack in experience ... will surely be rectified tending your brother. I've restocked your Apothecary Satchel, you're more likely to be treating wounds than colic and I've included one of my notebooks on the topic."
She hesitated and lowered her voice even further "and your father’s notebook, keep it hidden ... like yourself."
I went to speak, but she hushed me and hugged me ... a little too long and a little too tight. "Keep yourself safe, and come back to me when you can; and if you can keep your foolish brother safe and bring him home, then that would be a blessing too."
We left the next morning. Breakfast was an uneasy silence due to the presence of one of the village girls who had decided to farewell the gallant Champion with her virginity. Mother had sighed and taken the girl aside for a whispered discussion. She returned with a cup of herbal tea, and I caught the acrid scent of BrightsBane; herbalists sometimes call it by other names "Bastards Bane" or "Morning Regret"; the girl grimaced and drank it under Mothers watchful eye. The girl might have besmirched her reputation, but at least she would be spared further complications. She wasn't the first village girl who fell for Brothers looks and stayed for breakfast, nor the first to be given BrightsBane tea. My brother as usual was oblivious and proceeded to dispatch a hearty breakfast.
It was mid-morning before brother and I departed for the tavern to meet with the wizard. The Wizard had arrived 2 days ago, and after visiting a few houses with boys the right age ... had arrived at our doorstep and pronounced my brother the Chosen one and convinced him that his destiny lay in some Quest. Brother hadn't taken much convincing; his father had been a DragonSlayer. Yes, "had". DragonSlayers tend to short lives. If they're lucky some village girl will fall under their spell and end up with a golden-haired bastard to carry on the lineage. Have I mentioned my brother is golden haired, and large and stupendously muscled? Even tho he's a mere 18-year-old stripling, he can best the village black-smith in a wrestle. I take after my father, I'm dark-haired, short and weedy. My Mum says my dad wasn't much bigger than me even when fully grown. So yes, technically we're half-brothers. Mum lost her virginity to a passing DragonSlayer and scored a bastard in the process. That spoiled her chances with the village lads, and her folks had thrown her out once the bump got too obvious to hide. The village crone had taken her in and taught her herbs. Mum was too far along for BrightsBane, but she made sure no other girl suffered the same fate after a moment of lustful enthusiasm.
But I'm getting ahead of the story. DragonSlayer had come back a few weeks after he first passed thru. The fool had taken a dragon claw to the leg and left it untreated; by the time he got to the village sepsis had set in and he was delirious. The village crone had tried to treat him, but he was too far gone. He did have one moment of lucidity before he died, and he made my mother promise to return his sword and mail to his family, but he died without telling her where to find aforementioned family. So, when my brother was born, he inherited it.
Apparently, my father was a travelling healer. He came along a few years later, decided Mum was a like-minded soul and decided to stay. When I came along shortly after that it sealed the deal, and Dad, Mum, Brother and I were a family.
Dad died when I was 2, victim of a plague that took nearly a quarter of the village. At least that's the official story.
The version Mum told me goes differently.
Apparently, the plague was taking mostly the young; getting in their lungs and filling them with black blood; most of them took a week or so to die. The crone was long gone by then, and Mum had never seen anything like it. She and Dad tried all the books and no remedy seemed to help.
Mum said Dad had a gift, some small magic she didn't understand. He had gone into the forest under the full moon, and he had returned some hours later with a determined look on his face. He refused to tell her what he had done, but he hugged her and told her he loved her and to give his things to his son.
Then he'd gone house to house starting with the youngest sick child in the village, and by morning he was dead. They found his plague ravaged body in the village square, even tho he had been completely healthy the night before.
Mum says 11 sick village children miraculously recovered and owe him their life.
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glassartpeasants · 2 years
smut but like... someones a mermaid/man and the other is a lad who hangs out by the sea, and sees merperson stuck in a net or smth lad helps them out then they fuck on the beach
Bro your a fucking genius. Imma do shigaraki cause you didn't really specify who you wanted this for.
Title: In The Waves
Tomura Shigaraki x Siren!F!Reader
Warnings: Smut, monster fucking, drowning, death, little angst
A/N: I know it isn’t exactly mermaid but i couldn’t process how it would work so i went for the siren approach. Please don’t be mad :,)
You swam around the jagged rock that you and many other sirens called the ‘feeding grounds’. So many foolish fisherman, divers, and surfers have been victims to you and many other sirens as they went near the rock. Their bones littered the bottom of the rock. Some even with their scuba goggles on.
You always got your prey. No matter who they were. Your sickening sweet song has lured in even the toughest of sailors. You can still remember how they would jump off their ships and swim towards you in desperation, begging to hear more of your song before they were dragged down by the hiding sirens waiting for their next meal. Every single one got a full meal, their own human to devour.
You had been in this ocean for as long as you could remember. You had called the ocean your home from the moment you opened your eyes. Your parents had showed you the feeding grounds and taught you all you know. You really missed them.
Once you had turned 100 years old a big ship had came by the feeding grounds. You hid under the waves ready to grab your first catch and watch your parents do their magic only to hear the screeching of your fellow sirens. A older siren had grabbed you and swam quickly away from the rock. You were confused as you screeched out for your parents, trying to hear them call you back. 
You had tried to wiggle out of the older sirens arms but they held onto you tight before hiding under a underwater cave. The siren had let you go and you looked at them with an angry glare, wondering why they took you away.
“Where are my parents? When are they coming here?” Before you could say anything else, the other siren had placed it’s clawed hand on your cheek before stroking it in a soothing yet comforting manner.
“Im so sorry little one, but, they won’t be coming.” You looked at them confused. What did they mean? Of course they were coming back.
“What are you talking about?” More older sirens had surrounded you and the other siren, looking at you with pity and remorse.
“What’s going on? Where’s my mommy and daddy?” You began to cry as you wanted to know what was going on and why everyone was surrounding you.
“The humans took them away. We tried our hardest to get them out but it was no use.” Your eyes widened. No one came back from the humans and lived to tell the tale. Once they got you, you knew you were never coming back.
“They’re gone?” You hiccuped before grabbing the siren before you and put them into a crushing hug.
“Don’t worry little one, we’ll take care of you.” The other sirens agreed and from then on it felt like time had flown by until you had become of age to become the next leader of the pod.
You had learned later on what really happened that fateful day. Apparently what really happened was far more gory than what the little you was told. They had told you that the humans had simply caught your parents. You really wish that was what happened. In reality, the humans had just tried testing out their new harpoon guns and it just happened that one of them misfired and stabbed your father. Your mother held him and tried to run away, hoping to get help only to be pulled back forcefully and lifted up into the boat. The sirens that stayed to try and help heard your mother screech in anger before a loud gunshot was heard and the screeching stopped quickly.
Ever since you learned what truly happened to your parents, the hatred for humans was so strong that every time you saw one you wouldn’t hesitate to take them into the deep and watch as they drowned before your eyes. Feasting on their bones gave you a sense of revenge. A sort of vengeance that only someone could feel if they lost someone important.
You did this for centuries, feeding your pod to the best of your abilities and protecting them with your life. You didn’t want another life lost to those ignorant humans. Sure you may have eaten many but they’ve deserved it after everything they’ve done to your home and your parents. 
You hated them for years and always have. 
But this one. This one specifically pissed you off.
He’d always show up near the ocean, going to the farthest end of the dock. Taking of those red shoes before dipping his toes in the water. Same time every weekend Saturday at midnight where everything was silent. You’d think it would be the perfect time to grab that asshole and drag him down to the farthest end of the ocean. But no, every time you tried to grab him he seemed to pull up his feet and walk to a different part of the dock. You always knew it was him coming because of those crimson red eyes and medium length baby blue hair. If he wasn’t a human, you would have considered him to be a possible mate, of course there was a way to convert him to a siren, but the thought sickened you.
You hated this asshole with a fiery passion that you just couldn’t seem to let go.
“Going to see that human again huh (Y/N)?” A female siren in your pod elbowed you in the ribs before moving her eyebrows up and down. This little cat and mouse game you had going on with the red eyed human had spread throughout the pod and now everyone was making fun of you, telling you to just convert him already so you could do the deed. Well if you were to convert him he probably wouldn’t handle the sex considering sirens mate extremely rough.
“Yeah, so what if I am?” 
“Just fuck him already jeez.” She laughed at you before patting you on the back and swam away to go into the hideout.
You rolled your eyes before swimming towards the god awful dock. And of course that asshole was already there. You scoffed before swimming the lowest you could go and hiding under the dock. You could hear him walking along the dock before plopping down at the very and and putting his shoes off to the side.
This was your chance to finally catch him by surprise!
you quickly but silently swam over to him, you reached out to grab his feet before two hands caught yours and yanked you up to the dock. his pinkies never touching your skin. In your state of shock and fear of being caught you reverted into your human form. Sirens had used this for decades to hide what they truly were from humans, making them think that you guys needed help. This form was only really used after the death of your parents. You weren’t complaining cause you got twice the amount of humans coming to your song than you ever had. You could only keep the human form for about 20 minutes above water but if you were below water it was free range. Even if that meant you were naked. Since you were sirens you never really gave a shit about stuff like that but you should have really thought ahead in this case cause you’ve heard the stories of what humans think about naked people in general. But this wasn’t the time to think about that.
“Care to tell me what you were doing trying to grab my feet weirdo? And why your naked?” The man with red eyes looked at you with an annoyed look on his face. You gave him credit for not trying to look at your exposed body but you really didn’t care. But this was the first time you saw his face up close now that you think about it, and you couldn’t help but look at all the detail that you couldn’t see from afar. Like the little mole near his lip.
“Care to let me go asshole?”
“Not until you tell me why you tried to grab my feet so many times. Seriously do you just hide under docks to grab peoples feet?” You quickly realized that he knew you were under the deck this whole time? You were the stealthiest in your whole pod! How in the world did he know you were there?
“How long did you know I was under the dock?”
“I wouldn’t have noticed if you wouldn’t have peeked your head up from the water one time i was heading home. From then on I wondered how long you were gonna keep this going.” Oh god damnit you remember that night. You had a feeling he saw you but brushed it off cause it was extremely dark out.
“Are you serious right now? And yet this was the first time you decided to confront me about it?” Your voice held an annoyed tone.
“Well yeah, I had to let you think you were in clear waters before i caught you.”
“You have no idea how much I want to tear you into shreds.”
“Wow it’s always the hybrids that have the snarkiest tones.”
“What the fuck is a hybrid?” He gave you a look of shock and you sent one right back.
“What do you mean you don’t know what a hybrid is? Your obviously one! I’ve seen that tail of yours. It’s the first time I’ve seen a hybrid being able to change their form.” Fuck you were in deeper shit than you thought.
“Answer my question what is a hybrid?!” You yell at him while he still held your hands. half your body sticking out of the water while your pelvis and below was still in the water.
“...Do you know what a quirk is?” Okay now this asshole just has to be fucking with you.
“Okay seriously what is with all this shit your making up? Hybrids? Quirks? Are you on some sort of drug?” You looked at him like he was the stupidest man on earth.
“Okay now your testing my patience.” 
“Okay and your testing mine. I don’t know what a hybrid is and I don’t know what a quirk is.” He rolled his eyes before looking at you.
“Bring me something and I’ll show you what MY quirk is.” He quickly let you go and you really contemplated on just swimming away but your curiosity got the better of you as you grabbed a lost fishing lure before going to the surface once again.
“You were under for a long time. I’ll ask about that later but give it to me.” You swam over to him before giving him the said lure. He then touched it with all his fingers and the thing slowly turned into dust, leaving some ash on his pants. You couldn’t help this new found interest in the man and dived deep down to grab more things he could do that with. Maybe that’s why he didn’t place his pinkies down on your skin?
Once you came back up to the surface, you pulled yourself up to the dock and dropped everything near him.
“Do it again.”
“Do it again. It’s the first time I’ve seen a human do such a thing.”
“What do you mean human?” Your eyes went wide before you jumped into the water once more, swimming far away from him until you couldn’t see the dock anymore.
Shigaraki just sat there, thinking to himself. You were so strange. how could you not know what a hybrid and quirk was? And why did you look at his quirk like it was the most amazing thing you’ve ever seen. But most importantly, why did you refer to him as a human, surely you couldn’t have been so stupid to not know you were one yourself and why did you swim off when he called you out on it? You looked like you had said such a forbidden word. He couldn’t help but be curious about you. Maybe he could come here a little more often.
You were so annoyed with yourself.How could you have let your guard down and been so stupid?! You just risked your pod and everything! Now even if you were silently interested in the man, you’d have to kill him. You could convert him sure but the process was long and painful. Plus he seemed to like his life as a pathetic human.
What were you doing?!
Don’t sympathize with such a creature! God you needed to get your act together and get you head out of the gutter. 
After that day you decided to move your pod a little bit deeper into the ocean just to make sure no human could dive down with regular air. If they were to use the top notch stuff then they were free range. You highly doubt humans would even come near here anyways cause it was a complete drop off and the cave was a hole in the cliff of the drop off.
You haven’t visited the dock for a few weeks in fear the man brought other humans. Even if you would never admit you, you did kinda miss him and his crimson red eyes. They reminded you of the blood of the humans you killed as edgy as that seems.
But after about three months of not visiting the dock you decided to swim over in the dark of midnight on another fateful Saturday, but this time you hide behind a couple of rocks. To your surprise he did come back and did the same routine. Took off his shoes and put his bare feet over the edge of the dock, but this time he seemed to be looking for you. You felt this urge, this tugging feeling to go over to him, to talk to him. So you did. Well tried to.
As soon as you went to swim you realized that your tail had been caught tangled in a lost fishing net. Must have gotten untied from where ever it came from and landed near the rocks, You go to untangle your tail from that wretched thing but you soon realized that it was more tangled that you originally thought. You tried to cut the net but soon came to the horrible realization that this net wasn’t rope.
It was a metal one. 
You started to flip out and tried to change into your human form, thinking it would be easier to get loose that way. Once you did, the metal ‘rope’ started to dig deeper into your skin, causing scratches and blood to come out. In pain you switched back, it wasn’t much better but you didn’t want to revert again in fear you might waste your energy.
You started panicking as your mind ran through scenarios of what could happen. What if a human saw you and killed you? Or tortured you until you took them to your pod. Of course you would rather die than do that but the thought was still running through your mind. 
You brought your head up to the surface and turned to face the man, still sitting at the end of the dock. Swallowing your pride you yelled out for him.
“Hey! Over here!” The man turned his head to see you waving your arms near a hunk of rocks. He quickly put on his shoes and ran across the shower to your location. Unfortunately for him, it was a bit away from shore, meaning he had to swim to get there, he let out an annoyed sigh before talking off his shoes once again and getting into the water. 
Once he got to your location is when he noticed the large abandoned fishing net. He looked into your eyes and saw the pure fear and panic that ran through them. realizing what was going on her quickly swam to the net before grabbing it underwater and touching it with all 5 fingers. The net quickly disintegrated and you were free from that horrific experience. 
Tomura got onto one of the flattest rocks he could find and the less slippery one. His wet hair clingy to his face as he looked at you from behind you.
You swam near him. Your tail clearly showing itself from the water as you looked at him, his clothes clingy to his body. He seemed so skinny for a human that you wondered if he even ate at all.
“Thank you, im sorry for not showing up for three months.” You hop onto the rock with him, changing into your human form just for awhile. He let out a chuckle.
“Your not human are you.”
“Take a guess.” You laughed back. You both began laughing before an actual conversation started between you two. You told him what you truly were, you didn’t say everything cause you were still afraid and always put your pods safety first. In return for you telling him what you truly were, he told you all about those quirks and hybrids he was talking about. Seems like you weren’t in the times with the humans anymore.
“Oh so that’s why you were able to do that. You must be pretty popular with such a quirk like that.” He grew silent. Shit you must have hit a nerve.
“Well you seem to be the only one that thinks so. I’m considered a villain in the human world.” You looked at him in shock. How could such a extremely useful quirk be considered evil? If he were in your pod, he could be such a great protector and extremely useful. He could disintegrate large rocks and help anyone if they were caught in a net like you just were.
“Humans are stupid. No offense, but from ones I’ve encountered. They’re usually extremely selfish and only care about killing everything beautiful and are so quick to judge.” You look at him and he looks back at you like you had just said something that captivated him.
“We think the same! We both think that humans and hero’s are whats wrong with this world!” His red eyes seemed to light up and a smile spread across his face.
“Well I usually eat them but yes, I agree that normally ever human I see i kill with no thought.” You laugh before you felt your back being pressed against the rock you sat on with Shigaraki hovering on top of you.
“Uh hey-.” Before you could say anything you felt his chapped lips press against yours. You’ve kissed a few humans before just to kind of fuck with them before they die but it was very obviously this mans first kiss.
And you realized you didn’t even know the mans name.
You tried to pull away from the kiss but he kept trying to steal away your words. You didn’t know what to do so you just went along with it, trying to at least teach him how to kiss normally and not like a starved man who hasn’t had water in weeks.
You grabbed his cheeks gently and slowly kissed him back. Your clawed fingers lightly scratching his temples and head. His wet hair clung to your fingers while his were placed on each side of your head. He would let out little groans when ever you would lightly you would tug on his lip with your sharp teeth.
His kisses went from your lips slowly to your jawline then your neck. He peppered kisses before sucking on a few spots. You let out little gasps before smirking and leaning to whisper in his ear.
“If this is going where I think it is, I’m warning you that we sirens like it rough, most humans can’t handle it and die before we’re finished.” He laughed at you before bucking his hips into yours and responding to you in a similar tone.
“I think I can handle a few scratches.”
“If you say so.” You wrap your legs around his waist before pulling him down so you two were fully touching chest to chest. You smirked at him before leaning into his neck and giving it a long lick before opening your mouth and clamping down on his shoulder, letting your teeth dig deep into his shoulder.
“Fuck!” You felt one of his hands dig into your bare rib-cage, his trimmed down nails dragging down. He went back to kissing your lips, every once and awhile sneaking glances at your bare chest. 
He let your lips go before licking a path down your chest until he reached your exposed breasts. He took one in his mouth and started sucking harshly. His arms wrapping around your body, caging you to keep you from moving while he sucked on your breasts before tugging on them with his teeth. He once he sucked one raw he would move onto the next one, trying to encourage more moans out of your mouth. 
You placed your clawed hands along his back and every time he gave your breast a harsh tug you would dig your deep into his back, deep enough to bleed. You moved one of your hands to his hair, lifting his head of your breast. Saliva connecting his lips to your nipple before You started to kiss him again, this time you used your claws to tear up his shirt until it was nothing but pieces of cloth. his pants soon suffered the same fate as he was soon only left in his boxers.
“You know, I never caught your name.” You say before kissing him again smiling.
“Such a cute name.” You dragged Your fingers towards his boxers before the familiar rip of clothing hit both of your ears as now he was as naked as you. You wrapped you legs tighter against his pelvis as you felt him try to line up with your pussy. While male sirens could only mate during the full moon, humans could do it whenever they please. 
You felt the head of his cock slowly push its way inside you as you heard him hiss. You used your legs to pull him closer, causing him to be fully inside you. It wasn’t your first rodeo when it came to sex but it seems like the man above you had never even done the deed.
“Something wrong Tomura?” You smirk at him. You loved the face he was making. It was so pretty seeing this asshole come undone above you. He was so lost in the feeling of your cunt wrapped around his cock that he lost his train of thought. It wasn’t until you bucked your hips that he was pulled out of his trance.
“Come on Tomura, don’t tell me you can’t handle it?” You laughed at him but were quickly silent when he pulled back and slammed into you, causing you to gasp for breath.
“I can handle anything slut.” You smiled before kissing him once again as you dug your clawed nails into his bare back. Your nails scratched all the way up his back even deeper than before. Blood started to drip off his back and coat your hands. The bite mark slowly dripping blood as well.
He soon found a rhythm as his hips smacked against yours. The feeling of the tip of his cock hitting that certain spot made you bite your lips and arch your back closer to the man above you. You nails made there way to his shoulder blades as you drag them down to his biceps.
“Fuck...your so tight ahh.” You felt him start to stutter in his strokes. You were about to make fun of him about coming early but you were quickly shut up when he delivered a specific harsh thrust to your g-spot. Once he saw your reaction to it he began to pound that certain spot until your knees where shaking.
“Shit Tomura.” After a few more harsh thrusts against your g-spot he let out a groan before cumming inside you with your following soon after.
He fell onto your chest as he wrapped his arms around your torso before putting his head between your shoulders, letting out pants and trying to gasp for air.
You didn’t know what to feel. You were so caught into the moment that you didn’t think about what were to happen after the deed was finished. Sirens mate usually mate much rougher but you were afraid of killing him mid-sex. and in doing so, led to the problem you had before you now.
What should you do?
You tried to bring yourself to kill him. To drag him down beneath the waves and watch the life fade from those beautiful crimson eyes but you couldn’t. No matter how hard your hatred for humans were this one was different. You liked this one.
You didn’t want to turn him into a siren against his will cause what if he had a family and he’d hate you forever? Sure you’ve seen many sirens do the same trick and their newly converted siren mates be mad at them but after the 5th year of being a siren they usually just gave up in fighting back once realizing there was no way to return to human.
You wanted to enjoy time with him, not just met up every Saturday for a fling. You wanted to have someone to be with your always. The conflict was so strong in your head that you didn’t even know what to do. It was eating you up inside. It wasn’t until what he said next that you made your choice.
“I should probably head off...sorry. I don’t want anyone seeing me butt ass naked trying to walk home-”
“NO!” You wrap your arms around his torso before zipping into the water. He didn’t even get a chance to breathe air before getting dragged down into the depths.
“I can’t let you leave me like that. I’m sorry please don’t hate me.” You said to him as you dragged him deeper and deeper into the waves. You could feel and hear him struggling to get free but you couldn’t let him go.
After all, he could still be a siren and destroy the world right? He’d love you in time.
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Dream SMP Recap (March 1/2021) - Breaking Point
Sam has been unable to find a cause for the security breach, leaving Tommy trapped. A heated argument in the cell escalates to a horrifying end.
As the rest of server mourns, the Eggpire celebrates. With their biggest obstacle in the way of their objective gone, it’s time for the next step.
It’s the start of the Final Stage.
Jack Manifold
Captain Puffy
- HBomb hosts Foolish and Jack Manifold’s episode of L’Cast!
The Prison Stream
(This portion of the recap will be more detailed than normal since it’s one long conversation and there are many important lines here, including a couple that were hard to hear during the stream)
- Tommy’s stream starts with him making sounds and singing “Roadtrip.” Dream tells him to stop, he’s trying to write a book.
Tommy: “What are you writing, Dream? What are you writing?”
Dream: “None of your business.”
- There’s a little gray and white cat sat on the chest. Tommy says it’s annoying.
Dream: “No he’s not...he’s actually the best thing that’s happened to us.”
Tommy: (Trying to lead the cat away) “Come with me, come with me...you know what I named him, don’t you? Pussboy, Pussboy!”
- The cat returns to its spot on the chest
Tommy: “Oh, Pussboy, you are so ugly.”
Dream: “C’mon, you’re being mean!”
(Tommy punches the cat)
Dream: “Tommy! Stop!”
- Tommy starts singing “Roadtrip” in autotune. Dream tells Tommy that if he can be quiet, he’ll give Tommy more potatoes.
Dream: “I think that...the cat is the best thing that’s happened to us.”
- Sam joins the call to say hello and ask how it’s been going. He’s come to drop more food into the cell. Tommy also picks up a new clock.
- Tommy asks to be let out, but Sam says he still hasn’t found out what the security issue is. Dream asks how long Tommy will be in here for. Potentially for a while, but not forever.
- Tommy protests about how bad the prison has been. He threatens to get lawyers on Sam, he knows Big Law.
Tommy: "Sam...you know I don’t deal very well in...close quarters situations for a long time, Sam. Sam, you remember when you visited me in exile, Sam? Alright, this is worse than that, Sam...let me out. I don’t like this. Let. Me. Out. Sam.”
- Sam insists he’s doing the best he can and leaves.
- Dream tries to say that it’s not that bad. He’s been in there for a long time, but now it’s better! Tommy writes a book to Dream, signs it and throws it to him.
Dream: “I have company. I have a cat -- I mean, technically it’s not my cat, technically it’s your cat, but still! It’s just as good, keeps me company when I write and everything, we talk sometimes -- ‘cause you’re annoying a lot of the time--”
- Dream throws away the clock in the lava, saying they don’t need it. Tommy punches the cat again.
Dream: “Tommy, hear me out, hear me out...what if...we get out together, okay?”
- Tommy is not a fan of the idea, Dream shouldn’t be let out too. He goes over to the cat and shouts at it for being in his spot. He punches Pussboy twice.
Dream: “Tommy...TOMMY, STOP!”
Tommy: “Excuse me! Come this way, come this way, excuse me Dream I’m trying to right-click Pussboy--”
(Dream moves to get in front of the cat)
Dream: “Tommy.”
Tommy: “Come here, come here! Do you like this cat, Dream?”
Dream: “Yes, I do.”
Tommy: “Why?”
Dream: “Because he -- Tommy, he keeps me company --”
(Tommy punches Pussboy again and leads him towards the lava)
Tommy: “Pussboy, this way. Pussboy, this way. Let me show you the light--”
Dream: “He’s probably low, he’s probably low!”
Tommy: “Oh what, you love him? Do you love him? Do you love him?”
Dream: “Yes, I do...Tommy, he’s made things better in here -- okay listen! When you leave, can you sit him down and leave him here?”
(Tommy goes over and punches Pussboy again. He tries to lead Pussboy away again, but when the cat doesn’t come he punches Pussboy twice more, killing him)
Tommy: “Yeah. And that’s what happens when you love something, bitch.”
Tommy: “See, now when I leave, when I leave, you’ll have nothing! ‘Cause you are lonely, and you’re m-m-manipulative, you’re a fuckin’ twat, and I mean that.”
Dream: “Tommy...I’m gonna get out! And you just motivated me -- you motivated me all the time, you just -- that was hope, right? The cat was hope -- the cat was hope that I could live a nice life in here--”
Tommy: “And now it’s dead, now it’s dead.”
- Dream insists that he’ll get out, and when he does, he’ll get his revenge on everyone who wronged him. Tommy asks if he’d kill Tubbo. 
- The subject goes back to Dream’s plan of escape.
Dream: “I have a plan. And the thing is, Awesamdude’s never gonna believe you that I have a plan because he thinks it’s unbreakable, unescapable--”
“I have a plan. And you know, there’s a certain someone who owes me a favor, but -- that might be a part of it, but...I do have a plan.”
- They argue about the conditions of the prison again. 
Dream: “I’ve been in here a for hundred times longer than you, and you sit there trying to tell me that it’s so horrible, that it’s so bad -- yeah, it was! But guess what, we have each other to talk to, and we had a cat until you fucking killed it!”
Tommy: “Dream...Dream, and listen to this -- fucking engrave this on you, write this into your arms, Dream...You don’t have me. You’ll never have me. We don’t have each other, alright? I am me, and you are this fuckin’ loser who goes around manipulating people, lying to get what he wants. You are a fuckin’ no one, man, alright? And when I’m going to leave here, you’re not! You might have a favor -- you think, who is it, Technoblade’s gonna be able to come in here to let you out -- Technoblade, he doesn’t like governments, but he likes self gain! You think he wants to piss off the owner of the most POWERFUL building on the entire server, just so that he can get a video that BARELY scrapes the five million view mark -- NO, Dream, alright? You’re a fuckin’ asshole, you’re deluded, you’re delusional, and I fuckin’ hate you.”
Dream: “Okay...yeah, but I have something Techno would want, so...it means knowledge, alright?”
- Dream says that even when he’s in here, he’s more powerful than Tommy outside. Tommy replies that if he wanted to, he could kill Dream right now. The only reason he doesn’t is because they need the revive book.
- Dream says that he will never use the revive book to help Tommy or his friends. Ever.
Dream: “So kill me. Go ahead, come on.”
- When if Tubbo dies, Dream says, they’ll come begging for Tubbo to be revived, and Dream will ask to be let out.
- Tommy then says that this isn’t worse than exile, because in exile, Tommy thought Dream had all the power, and Tommy knows something...he thinks the revive book isn’t real. Jschlatt was just a drunk, why would he have this book?
Dream: “Jschlatt gave me the book -- why else would I switch to Jschlatt’s side?!”
“I’m not lying! Jschlatt gave me a revive book after...before he died....because...he said--” (he cuts off here)
- Dream asks why he would be lying about that.
Tommy: “You’re a liar! You’re a liar, and really, through your Netherite armor and skin, I look at you and you know what I see? I see a sad little man who’s insecure about the fact that this server has gotten so far ahead of him that his only little glimpse of power in this world is gone. And I see an insecure, sad little man. So fuck off. You stupid green lad.”
Dream: “Your life...is literally in my hands. Does that piss you off? Does that make you mad? Does that make you so mad that I -- if you kill me -- I MIGHT AS WELL BE A GOD, TOMMY! YOU CAN’T KILL ME, AND I CAN KILL YOU! So what does it mean, that you can’t kill me because of the revive book -- what does that mean? If you can’t kill me, does that make me some kind of god?”
Tommy: “No Dream. I could kill you right now. If I wanted to.”
Dream: “Okay. But you won’t. But you won’t! I could kill you if I wanted to! I could kill you right now, actually.”
Tommy: “I don’t think this revive book is real. Schlatt? He’s fuckin’ dead. I’ve seen his grave! His grave is real, his corpse is there!”
Dream: “Okay...Why don’t you go see him then?”
Tommy: “NO -- stop it stop it stop it st--”
--- ---
Cause: Punched to death
--- ---
End of stream.
- Tubbo, Ranboo and Jack see Tommy’s death message in game chat.
- They go to the prison and Sam is there to tell them what happened. Sam couldn’t get there in time. He didn’t think Dream would actually kill him. They’re all in shock. 
- Tubbo and Ranboo think Tommy will be back. There’s no way he’s actually dead, right? 
- Jack Manifold is in celebration. He got what he wanted! He thought Dream would want Tommy alive, and killing Tommy himself would be an extra jab in the chest for Dream, but apparently not? And now he has a hotel!
- He decides to check on Tubbo and makes sure he’s okay. 
- Jack walks down to the shore and looks up at the prison, and...it hits him. He’s spent months plotting to kill Tommy. Jack realizes his victory feels hollow. Even now, Tommy and Dream have managed to take away this from him. 
- Of Ze Haus, he says that this place no longer means anything to him. He gets a flint and steel and sets it alight, watching it burn.
- He passes by Tommy’s house and finds Ranboo planting red and white flowers outside.
- Jack switches into his L’manburg uniform and walks along the Prime Path.
Jack: “I remember the day I joined the server. The day after the first war. L’manburg was still a big hole, and we built it up. And Tommy invited me to join. And I betrayed him (laughs), so really this has all come full circle.”
“Maybe I was always really just upset because I always felt like he cared more about the discs than...anyone. And I guess I just enjoyed it when we were friends...and...I’ve not really had any friends...since...then, really. Never really wanted any.”
- Jack later speaks with Foolish and tells him that Tommy’s never coming back from prison. Foolish didn’t know him too well, but he’s still a bit sad. When anyone passes, it’s sad.
- Jack heads back out into the wilderness, wandering to the beach area at the edge of the forest where Quackity had his argument with Badboyhalo a while back. There’s something just beyond the hill.
- Quackity meets him there and escorts him back home, telling him he was heading too close to something, could have gotten “a nice view of it.”
- He’s been thinking of writing up a draft of their contract. He also sees the new McPuffy’s.
- Jack tells Quackity that Tommy’s not in the prison anymore. Quackity says they need to talk to him and make sure Jack keeps his hotel. As the rain pours, Jack tells him. Tommy didn’t make it.
- Quackity and Jack have a moment in front of Tommy’s house. Though upset, Quackity says it’s time to get back to work.
Quackity: “Jack...don’t let this affect business. The train doesn’t stop.”
Jack: “No, it only goes faster.”
- Jack also speaks with Antfrost. Antfrost gives his condolences, and says he’ll put together a celebration “of life.”
Ant: “Bad and Sam will be happy...to attend, of course!”
- Afterwards, Jack heads down into Karls nightclub and ends stream there.
- Connor speaks with Sam Nook at the hotel.
- Bad meets Ant at the Holy Land. Ant asks if the church would be a good place for a celebration. Ant sits Bad down to tell him. Bad is overjoyed. 
- Bad says that now, they don’t even have to do any preparations: 
They can move into the Final Stage.
- They get milk for the cake and decide to throw the party at Tommy’s house!
- They meet with Sam at the prison entrance. He sounds dejected.
Sam: “I didn’t think Dream would ever actually...try and kill him”
Bad: (laughs) “Is this the same Dream we’re talking about? It’s Dream, Sam.”
Sam: “I mean...Dream had...I thought I had...broken the will out of him, to do something like that. But he...he did.”
- He says they need to find out what it was -- he wandered around the prison several times and couldn’t find any sign that someone had done something.
- Ant and Bad try to reassure Sam that Tommy signed the waivers, he went to see Dream, and Sam shouldn’t blame himself. Sam doesn’t see it that way.
- They say they’ll talk to Sam later and leave the prison. They see Sam Nook at the hotel. Sam is excited about the new upgrades for the hotel! Tommy will be so excited to see them!
- They return to Tommy’s house and speak with Punz as they make a party floor and sing the Crab Rave song in dudududus.
- Meanwhile, Captain Puffy is grieving, feeling like she failed Tommy. As she logs on, Bad and Ant decide that Puffy might want to join them for the party! 
- Punz meets them there, and they tell him that Tommy’s dead. Punz isn’t sure how he feels, it’s bittersweet.
- Puffy arrives and angrily tells them to leave. What’s wrong with them?!
- The Eggpire sees Sam Nook at the hotel and goes up the floors to find a place to party. Puffy comes up and tells them to find another place to party. They argue again.
- Foolish arrives to visit his room in the hotel. Puffy leaves them. They quarrel about who has the room for the night.
- Puffy mines down the Eggpire’s meeting room. She’s noticed that being a hero hasn’t worked. Sparing people, being merciful, it hasn’t worked. She might need a change of perspective. 
- The Eggpire decides to visit the Egg and break the news to it. They see the wreckage, but Puffy is in the Nether by the time they get there.
- Puffy visits Logsted.
- The Eggpire goes down to the Egg Room and finds the pathway blocked up with obsidian...is this why the Vines have been slower to grow lately?
- They break the barrier and find the Egg drenched in water. They wake up the Egg and it speaks.
“This world is mine. It belongs to me.”
“No no no, I know, but we’ve got something to tell you!”
“I see all...I...am...all...”
“Oh so you--”
“I know all.”
“You know then! Guess -- well, we’ll tell you anyway in case you don’t know -- but guess what? Tommy’s dead! Dream -- the green guy, you met him -- killed him in the prison! I guess Tommy got stuck there, and Dream killed him! Are you happy?"
“Feed me...I require nourishment.”
“No no no, don’t worry -- that’s coming soon! We’ll take care of that! We’re already gonna begin the preparations, right guys? Yeah, we’re gonna begin the preparations, and we’ll send out the invitations, we’ll let everyone know...and the final stage can commence! This is wonderful!”
- Once on the surface, Bad announces that with a little more preparation, they’ll all get exactly what they want. The final stage is about to commence. 
The day of celebrations, the day they’ve been preparing for, the day the Egg has been preparing for, is about to happen...
- Bad goes down to the Egg Room one last time and stands at the Egg to give a final speech.
“Everything leading up to this point, EVERYTHING, all the way going back to the discovery of this...beautiful, luxurious Egg, okay...we had it all planned. As soon as we found it, we knew what was gonna happen. We knew the objective...”
“We may have forgotten what it was, forgotten the ultimate goal as soon as we boxed the Egg up in obsidian. But guess what -- that didn’t stop the Egg! Boxing it up only made it STRONGER, and LARGER, and more powerful! And the Egg’s been storing up that energy, okay? You may have been thinking the Vines have not been spreading...but that’s because we haven’t WANTED them to spread. We have been working, storing energy, storing power...in preparation for the final plan. The final objective. And there were only a couple people getting in the way. But guess what? One of the biggest obstacles -- Tommy -- is no longer in the way...now that he’s not in the way, we can commence with the final stage...the final party...before it all comes to a conclusion...”
“Brace yourselves...everybody on this server, prepare. Anyone who is anti-Egg...you guys better get ready, because we know who you are. And at the end of the day, the Egg is gonna be victorious. And there’s nothing ANYBODY can do to stop it.”
“Good luck.”
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dilucslittleangel · 3 years
𝐀 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐈𝐥 𝐃𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐞
Hello!! Usually I wanted to write this same thing with Scaramouche until unfortunately his canon past came out and I had to delete the whole thing- so now, while Dottore will sure take some time to appear in the game, I'm taking my chance to write how I think his past maybe looked like.
Some sentences towards the end have been taken off his artifact!
Word count: 1584
I'd like to say this may or may not fit into canon!! (however I wouldn't mind if this became canon)
So. Where to we begin?
I like to think Dottore had a golden child syndrome from a young age.
Most parents want to see their children thrive and flourish. In fact, the desire to see your child succeed is a normal desire of parenting. Moreover, even good parents sometimes have unrealistic expectations for their children.
But good child syndrome can happen when a child consistently reinforces their parent’s desires for them. These children don’t just want to satisfy their parents- they feel obligated and responsible for doing so. It becomes a significant part of their identity, meaning it affects their overall development. Either one or two of the parent role, are naracisstic.
A healthy child usually wants to succeed and make their parents proud. Golden children take it up a few notches. They may present as anxious children early in life. Similarly, they experience immense anxiety and guilt when they fail to meet certain expectations.
Despite how a golden child syndrome usually develops in a child, it was a little different in this case.
Dottore's father did not give him lots of attention at all. Just like the insane, crazy doctor / scientist he is himself now, so was his father. His father was a mad man, a man who's experiments are more important to him than his own family.
The young boy often watched his father, watching experiments a young boy like him should not see. All his father's attention went to the experiments, did he have to do the same?
The young lad did various of things, but they all were helpless. Nothing made his father even look at him, heck not even at the dinner table they talked. However he didn't want to stop trying. He had to keep on going, so he thought.
His mother? Dottore was just 7 years old when his mother started to feel worse and worse everyday. So worse even she had no other choice but to rest in bed, having a doctor visit every week as her husband was no doctor, just a scientist who couldn't care less. Why did they even marry?
Dottore brought his mother meals every day - at least whenever a helpful aunt came over. Dottore pretty much looked up to the doctor that came over every week. Did he also become so clever and brilliant to maybe help his mother? He sure thought so.
Day and night the young boy spend hours of looking into medical books, learning anything he possibly could. Often would he fall asleep on the ground, all exhausted from studying. He wanted to help his mother.
Besides studying medical stuff and trying to do anything that would make his father give any attention, he'd also spend other day and nights to get the best of grades, always did he bring good ones home. Never would you see anything below 95 points. Dottore didn't even think about having friends, they only were in his way and annoying. He had no time for friends, he only had himself.
Everytime he brought good grades home, he would bring the paper to his mother. She was more than proud of him. „One day you'll be such a handsome man, helping out so many people.. You make your mother really proud..”the sweet voice spoke. He couldn't let his mothers expactions down now could he?
More and more years have passed. Years of studying, years of writing good grades, years of wanting his father to also be proud of him. Dottore was under a pressure of making his parents be nothing, he didn't want to be a good-for-nothing, - a pressure he put himself under. He just wanted to mean something to both of his parents. He wanted to be worth living. Something cracked in the mind of his.
One day, the boy came home in the cold times of the years but he had great news, he scored the best once more in a big test, wanting to share the great news to his mother. He hadn't seen his mother since yesterday, he was happy to see his mother again. „Mother! Mother! Look!”he said proudly as he ran upstairs, he didn't even put his backpack down. „..Mother?”he asked as he entered the room. He walked over to the bed and looked at his mother. Her eyes were closed, chest not rising nor sleeping. „...?” he gently shook his mother, having his hand on the mother's arm, he felt the coldness. The heater was on, how could she get so cold? It got him worried.
„Mother??”he asked loudly, keeping on shaking her till he heard it knock on the door. He put his test paper on the bed and walked downstairs. He opened the door, looking at who was knocking. It was the doctor, wanting to check on the mother as always. „Uhm Doctor.. I don't think mother is feeling well.... She's quiet and so cold..” he spoke. The doctor looked at him. „..?..”the doctor quickly walked upstairs, of course did the boy walk after him. Dottore stood at the door frame, watching the man.
The doctor stood there silently for a few seconds, shrugging a bit together as he suddenly left the room, walking downstairs. „Where's your father kid??” he asked. „I..don't know. He was suddenly gone one day 2 years ago or so..”he answered. „..what?? Then where's your aunt, let me call her, boy.”
Dottore didn't quite understand what was going on but he knew nothing good happen. He looked back at his mother. He walked up to her, climbing onto the bed and hugging his beloved mother. He brushed away the long dark blue hair. Silently, he sank his head on the mothers chest, closing those pure red eyes. He widened his eyes a little as he heard no heartbeat. „...Mother..”. What a shame, he was just supposed to turn 14 in a few days.
Many many more years have passed. While he grew up along his aunt, Dottore had not given up what he did before. Now he had to make his aunt all proud, now that he's the oh so poor failure that couldn't save his mother hm? At least he thought that way, again.
Now being proud 20 years, living on his own in a old lab, doing various of experiments no one would like to recall. He'd just become the madman his father once was. The word "failure" does not exist for him. He cannot be a failure once more, after all.. He's such a big genius. How could a hardworking child with a great smile go to a madman with a short temper who's plans cannot go wrong?
So judgemental the god of his homeland Fontaine, so the people. Fontaine's people were disgusted of the man, afraid of him, they wanted him gone.
Chased away with pitchforks, clubs and angry words, he took fled to the all famous Sumeru Academia where he continued his crazy studies and experiments. He had so many logical theories, yet no one wanted to hear them. One would not even like to look at him. He truly was sick of everyone, of everything.
Years later again, once more the man took fled. Next day awoken, the social reject's legs have given up. Falling into the sand, with a little lake aside, he took a look at his reflection. Half of his face had gotten burn scars, had the man's charm left his side too? Hand covering half the man's face, he remembered it all.
A night of a harmless experiment with potions and fire had kept the man awake. Yet, the man had been tired. Sitting at the table, where he rest his head on his palm, the man closed his eyes. Dottore silently listened to the liquid heating up under the hottest flames. Maybe him closing his eyes was a terrible mistake which he soon got to suffer for.
The liquid had been heated up too much, the man should've turned off the fire by now but he soon was about to reach the beautiful dream realm. Glass exploding and hot liquid splashing against half his face awoke the man. Quickly the man stood up and pressed the towel against his face, sharp breaths escaping, silent cries filling the room, free hand turning off the fire.
How foolish of him, hm?
The man shook his head and closed his eyes. A grip on his shoulder made the man turn around. „..Fatui?”
"Merely an enhanced human? If your great nation can furnish me with sufficient resources and ample time, I could even manufacture that which you would call a god. What say you?"
True indeed. First of the fatui has tracked him down. In the desert that shone bright like liquid gold, he inquired of the Snezhnayan diplomat:
"Will you treat me like the Academia did? Will you call me a monster, a madman?"
"Or will you treat me as my hometown did, and chase me away with pitchforks and clubs...?"
"Good. Then, we are now in partnership."
"As for the matter of your title — what do you say to this..."
Taken completely by surprise by the sheer irony of the title he was given, the young man burst into hysterical laughter.
If you'd know ask the man about his theories and experiments, shall you see a sparkle of excitement...
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(Drawing of Dottore in the age of four. From right to left -> "Daddy" "That's me!" "Mommy")
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Wound By a Key
I was given the opportunity to collaborate with the marvelous, amazing, talented, fantastic @spielzeugkaiser​ for this story/piece and it was SO MUCH FUN! Thank you for drawing something so amazing, thank you for sharing it with me, and thank you for this fun collab!
Based on “The Music Box Song” from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
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The first thing Geralt noticed, as he led Roach down the main road of the little hamlet, was how oddly quiet everything was. There were a few people meandering in the marketplace speaking in low tones, but otherwise the midday streets were empty. It was unusual. Especially for springtime. 
He heard the small pocket of villagers speaking as he passed them, their curious and nervous gazes following his every step.
“Do you think that’s the White Wolf?”
“Look at his hair! Who else could it be?”
“Do you think he’ll be able to break the spell?”
He reached the door of the town’s only inn and tied Roach’s reins to the hitching post outside. He gave her an affectionate nuzzle and a few quick pats before ducking through the low wooden door, the villagers’ pointed conversation pushed to the back of his mind for now. 
He needed food and lodging, first.
“Afternoon,” the innkeep nodded. Geralt nodded back and took a seat at the bar. The rotund, middle-aged man turned to face him, not a glimmer of fear or apprehension tainted his welcoming expression. “What can I do for ya, traveler?”
“I’ll have a tankard of ale, please; and stew if you have it. I also need a room for the night and a stable for my horse.”
“Two full pieces of silver will get you all of that and a bath to boot,” the man offered. Geralt gave a small, grateful smile and pulled two silvers and a copper from his purse, setting them on the counter directly in front of the beaming innkeep.
“As a thank you for your unexpected but welcome kindness.”
“Appreciated, sir.”
Geralt was just bringing the first spoonful of venison stew towards his mouth when his gaze caught on something behind the bar. His eyes narrowed and he looked down at the food suspiciously. Perhaps the man had been a little too kind to a Witcher. Maybe the kindness in his eyes really was just a well-practiced act, after all.
“Where’d you get that lute?” Geralt asked. He’d almost asked - Where’d you get Jaskier’s lute? - but that would have revealed too much.
“Oh, right. I had nearly forgotten about the lute,” the man frowned and shook his head. The Witcher caught a whiff of relief and sadness drifting off the stranger and grew even more confused. “That’s a tragic tale, really. Not good for a traveler’s appetite.”
“If you haven’t noticed, I’m a Witcher. I’ve seen and heard a few unpleasant things in my life.”
“I hadn’t noticed,” the innkeep chuckled. “But that’s just because I’m not a very observant person. If you’re a Witcher you might just be able to help the lad out. Would you care to hear the bard’s tale and see if it’s something your Witcher magic could fix?”
Geralt nodded and took a bite of stew, convinced that the man wasn’t actually trying to rob or kill him (or both). “Go ahead, then. Who is this bard and what horrible fate befell him?”
“A few weeks ago, just after the second thaw, children from the village started going missing at night. They’d come back at midday, their faces pale and their limbs heavy like lead weights. They would sleep for days before they could get out of bed again, and they were incredibly weak. When that bard wandered through on his way to find his friend, he heard of our blight and followed a child into the woods one evening, determined to solve the mystery and stop the madness.”
“Turns out it was the Fae -” Geralt’s head snapped up. “- And they were making the children dance all through the night for their entertainment. The faeries would make them dance until the poor little dears were totally exhausted and only had enough strength to wander back home. The bard offered to dance and play for them for two full days in exchange for the childrens’ freedom… and they agreed.”
“You sound invested in the lad’s wellbeing,” the innkeep raised an eyebrow. “I can take you to see him, if you’d like.”
“He’s here?”
“Sort of,” the man rubbed his hand up and down the back of his neck and the scent of anxiety spiked through the air. Geralt shook it off, determined to finish his meal before attending to his foolish friend and companion. “The Fae weren’t exactly happy about his interloping, you see. They accepted his terms and let him play for the full two days, and the children have been safe ever since, but they didn’t return him the way he left. Apparently the faeries decided that it would be more fun to curse him a little bit and watch the aftermath play out.”
“What is a little bit, exactly?”
Geralt had never heard of just a little bit of cursing. There were either dire consequences or death on the other end of curses and neither one were fitting ends for Jaskier’s colorful, too-short life. 
“It would be best if you finished your food, Sir Witcher. If you’re as close to the bard as I think you are, it’ll spoil your dinner to see him like this.”
The alderman ushered his two impromptu visitors inside and closed the door quietly behind them. He gave Geralt a slow, calculating once over. “So I take it you’re a Witcher, eh?”
“And you’ve come to break the fae’s curse on this bard?”
“Depends on the curse.”
“Apparently he knows the lad,” the innkeeper added helpfully. Geralt glowered and pulled his hood back away from his face. 
“I haven’t actually seen him yet, but it’s very likely that this bard and I are acquaintances.”
“Right this way, then. I’ve kept him out of the children’s hands. I didn’t know if the singing and dancing routine would still make him tired or not and I wanted to be safe; for all the help he did to rescue them from those dastardly faeries, the villagers certainly seem to enjoy turning the key and making him perform.”
Geralt grew more and more worried with every word that passed through the alderman’s lips. Singing and dancing routine? Turning the key? Making him perform? What had the faeries done to his stupidly caring friend in return for his bravery? What kind of curse had they placed on the silly, fun-loving human?
The three men crossed through the manor’s sitting room and dining room and into a clean, empty storage room that ran against the very back of the building. Positioned in the center of the floor was an enormous, intricate music box. The figure standing up from the top was facing away from them, so Geralt took a moment to inspect the stand itself. 
The square box was carved around the bottom edges with buttercup blossoms and had paintings across all four sides, depicting the childish, storybook version of Jaskier approaching the Fae in the woods, his two nights of dancing and singing, his transformation, and, as they came around to the front panel at last, his imprisonment. The doll on top of the stand was Jaskier; or it had been, once upon a time.  
The bard looked only slightly different in his current accursed form, but it was enough to unnerve the usually stoic Witcher. The blue of Jaskier’s eyes was misty and glazed over. Glass, Geralt realized. He suppressed a horrified shudder at the thought. His eyes look like they’re made of glass. His skin was pale and when Geralt reached out to caress his arm (bent stiffly at the elbow much like a jointed doll’s would be) it felt waxy and too-smooth. Inhuman. 
Jaskier’s body was bent slightly forward at the waist, both arms resting oddly at his sides with the elbows bent at ninety degrees. Two circles of rouge brightened his cheeks and his eyes had been lightly lined to make them seem wider and more doll-like. A wreath of colorful flowers had been pinned into his hair and the blue silk doublet Geralt had last seen the bard wearing was nowhere to be found. 
The Fae had clearly taken their time with dressing and decorating him. His waist was cinched into a colorful corset-style vest that tied up the front with little blue silk bows and his legs were outfitted in tight-fitting, navy blue breeches that buckled just below the knee. His hose was off-white and complimented the shapely curve of his calves and ankles. He was wearing the buckled, heeled shoes of a nobleman and they shone with polish. There was nothing holding Jaskier up, which meant that the curse itself was keeping him upright and in place. 
The Witcher turned to glare at the alderman, his emotions finally boiling over at the sight of his bard’s transformation. “Did the Fae tell anyone how to break the curse?”
“We think the answer is in the song.”
“The song?”
“When you wind the lad up he sings a little song. He’s standing on a music box, after all.”
The alderman approached the side of the box and wound the large key jutting out, twisting until he was red faced and the bronze-painted peg would turn no more. He released the key and stepped back to join Geralt and the innkeeper where they stood with their backs against the far wall.
A few soft, tinkling metallic notes played through the room before the doll came to life. Jaskier’s back straightened and his arms reached out towards his audience in jerky little movements. Every time one of his joints extended or shifted there was a loud wrenching sound as the inner workings of the music box manipulated his limbs in time to the melody. 
Jaskier’s bright, lilting tenor flowed forth as he danced mechanically atop his pedestal. He turned in a slow circle, his arms reaching up and around as if seeking an embrace as he sang: 
“What do you see,
You people gazing at me?
You see a doll on a music box
That's wound by a key.
“How can you tell
I'm under a spell?
I'm waiting for love's first kiss!”
Geralt blushed as the doll-Jaskier reached directly out towards the space where the Witcher happened to be standing, almost as if he was reaching out for the true love he sought to break his spell. Geralt’s eyes met briefly with the wax figurine’s and he felt his heart skip a beat. Jaskier is so close and yet he still doesn’t see me. The Witcher gave a heavy sigh and shook his head as the bard continued his automatonlike performance. 
“You cannot see...
How much I long to be free,
Turning around on this music box
That's wound by a key!
“Yearning, yearning
While I'm turning around and around…”
The tune faded away into nothing again and Jaskier fell silent. His torso drooped forward. His hair fell into his eyes and Geralt reached out to move it away without thinking, letting his fingers brush the bard’s painted cheek as he pulled back. “So do you know anyone who could possibly free him? He only has a few days left.”
“What?!” Geralt snapped. He spun to face the innkeep with a thunderous look on his face. “What do you mean!?”
“The curse has to be broken before the end of the month or he’ll be stuck like this forever.”
“Fuck. Why didn’t you tell me that first?” the Witcher snarled. He gazed hopelessly at his friend and clenched his fists at his sides. 
It was so much easier to kill monsters. It was so much easier to break curses when they were placed on princesses or nobles or foolish peasants who had meddled where they shouldn’t. But Jaskier had been doing a good deed without being prompted and he had done it all alone without Geralt there for backup or protection. The stupid bard had rescued an entire village’s children by offering himself to the fae and now… now…
Geralt sighed and shook his head. He needed to think. He needed to breathe.
“I’m going to contact some friends and see what we can do,” he finally said. “But first I need rest. May I return to my room at the inn?”
“Aye. Good luck, Witcher.”
Geralt tossed and turned, unable to sleep. 
Two glassy blue eyes kept following his every move, searching for him in the dark. 
He knew he had to rescue Jaskier, the only problem was finding someone who loved him enough to break the curse. The Witcher rolled onto his back and glared at the ceiling. Dawn was only a few hours away and he’d failed to get any sleep or meditate deeply enough to rest. He kept hearing those words, high and breathy, echoing through his head over and over:
“You cannot see...
How much I long to be free,
Turning around on this music box
That's wound by a key!”
The thought of anyone else kissing Jaskier sent a tight, angry buzzing sensation flickering beneath his skin. He bristled. He frowned. He… He was jealous. The moment Geralt tried to picture Essi Daven or Priscilla or that one foolish Count with ashy-blonde hair and broad shoulders he’d caught the bard with late one night even coming close to kissing Jaskier, the Witcher felt the urge to growl and bare his teeth. He wanted to curl around the music box and snarl at anyone who came too close for his liking. He wanted to wrap Jaskier in his arms and keep him there forever, where he could hear the bard’s heartbeat and feel his warmth.
An unnerving thought.
He’d always been a very possessive lover. 
But what if he tried to kiss the bard and the spell didn’t break? Then he might lose Jaskier regardless of whether or not he woke up. If Jaskier’s curse dissipated at the hands of another and he knew that Geralt had kissed him, had acknowledged his love for the bard and faced it head on and failed, then the Witcher might break down forever. Without Jaskier, what reason was there to return to the inn or the campfire at night? Of course there was Roach, but once she died he didn’t have to seek out another…
He could just disappear like many of his Witcher brethren often did. 
Geralt groaned and rose to his feet, slipping on his boots and cloak as quietly as possible. He crept through the sleepy town under the blanket of night and snapped the lock off the alderman’s back window. He gripped the lower sill and took a deep, steadying breath before heaving it open.
He had to try, at least.
He had to know.
The Witcher climbed silently into the storage room and walked in a slow circle around the music box. Jaskier was standing perfectly still, the painted smile on his face and the silk flowers in his hair looking as brilliant as ever, even in the darkness. Geralt stood in front of his cursed friend and sighed quietly. 
“I wish you didn’t have to find out just how much I care about you like this, Jaskier. I wish I could have told you about my rather prominent and passionate feelings before any of this nonsense had happened. If I fail you now, if you don’t wake up because this love is one-sided, I’m sorry. I want you to know that I’m so incredibly sorry for not being able to love you enough to save your life.”
With his soul bared and his confession carefully whispered into wooden ears, Geralt reached up and placed his palm against the bard’s waxy cheek. He had to stand on tiptoe in order to reach Jaskier’s mouth with his own and the position made him feel strangely vulnerable. He tried not to think about it as he closed his eyes and pressed his lips against the smooth, painted wooden mouth of the music box doll that had once been his most faithful friend.
He pulled away after a lingering moment of contact, shaking his white hair out of his eyes. A few terrifying seconds ticked past and nothing happened. The Witcher was about to cry out in frustration and disappear out the window again when he heard a shallow breath being drawn. His worried amber gaze snapped up and met, for the first time in far too long, a pair of bright blue irises that flashed with recognition and confusion. 
Geralt held out his arms and caught the bard just as he went limp, his body exhausted from being held upright for so many days on end. He felt like a pile of crumpled laundry in the Witcher’s arms, all deadweight and no control over his limbs at all. “Are you alright, Jaskier?”
He was still waking up from the spell and likely had no memory of what had happened. Geralt bit back the pang of bitter disappointment that threatened to echo through his heart; he had no real claim over Jaskier and it wasn’t fair to make one now. Not if the bard didn’t remember his declaration.
“Let’s… Let’s get you back to the inn and get you taken care of, Jaskier. I can tell the others about the broken curse in the morning.”
“Do you mean it?” Jaskier rasped. His head lolled against Geralt’s shoulder and he glanced up with tired but frightened eyes, “Do you really love me?”
“Hmm. Yes.”
“Good,” the bard managed to shift closer despite his full-body exhaustion. “I love you, too.”
“No more running off and trying to save people by yourself.”
“Well you aren’t always around to help, Geralt, what am I supposed to do?”
“I’ll be around from now on,” the Witcher asserted. He pressed another quick kiss to the bard’s lips and watched as Jaskier blushed and stuttered in his firm bridal carry. “I’m never letting you out of my sight again.”
“Geralt please stop humming that song.”
“I can’t help it! It’s so catchy, it just keeps getting stuck in my head. Will you sing it for me? Maybe that will help.”
“Fine,” the bard muttered, settling down next to the fire with his lute. “Just once.”
“Thank you.”
Geralt sank into his meditative kneel and closed his eyes. A smile played at the corner of his lips and Jaskier pretended not to see it.
“What do you see,
You people gazing at me?
You see a doll on a music box
That’s wound by a key.”
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sopxhiea · 3 years
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Alfie Solomons X Reader
Summary: The days morph into months and Alfie realizes that he wants more but fate and the wild girl has other plans, ones that make the scary gangster feel uneasy.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 
“I don’t know if you’ve ever noticed this, but first impressions are often entirely wrong.”
Push and pull.
It’s easy, second nature at this point in the game you have been playing for months now. The opponent occasionally manages to surprise you, use your skilled movements against yourself in the battle that’s nearly as old as time. But he’s easily deceived, not by anyone else but you. He trusts you, you find out and the little devil inside smirks.
Poor man.
You’re not around as much.
He finds out that it was all fun and games at the beginning, as it is with any kind of relationship but it becomes harder and harder to reach you every passing day. Alfie’s sitting on his large chair, in front of the old wooden desk with a bunch of papers on it. He doesn’t know what’s on them, although he’s skimmed through the yellow pages at least a dozen times now.
Something went wrong, he thinks.
You still come around, a devilish smile on your lips as you wear a thin dress that leaves more to the imagination than he’d led on. He thinks maybe you’re winning the game still, although he swears in the early hours of the morning when you snuggle against him that there is no game to be played anymore.
But he hears things.
There’s a price that comes with being redeemed wild on your side. He hears of the frequent visits you make to the pubs and the poor men who want to buy you a drink. You let them, although you don’t sleep with anyone but him anymore. It’s not a relationship, not exactly but he doesn’t know what it is. He’d wanted you all to himself and when he got it, it had been very easy for you to slip away from his hands.
He then thinks about the favor.
You’d wanted to go to the country side, somewhere specific too where he assumed you had family. He didn’t know a lot about your ties to other people than the ones in the boarding school so he hadn’t denied you the opportunity. You’d be leaving soon, in a couple days and he wanted to see you once more before you left.
He knew you’d come to him. 
You were such a wicked little thing, Alfie thought. Always got what you wanted without pressing too much, it only took you one smile and he was done for. He gathered maybe it was his age, or the fact that he hadn’t been with anyone like you before but the effect was there on every man as you walked down the street and he realized, a long time ago, that he was utterly fucked and that he was quite okay with it. 
Ollie came into the office, a faint smile on his lips and stack of papers on his hand. He muttered something underneath his breath and Alfie, with the frustration of not getting any work done, raised his voice at the lad. “Speak up, lad!”
“You have a visitor, boss.” Ollie said, the same faint smile still apparent before he disappeared, not letting Alfie ask who the fuck was visiting him without an appointment.
And then the doors opened and things made sense.
You walked in with a bouquet of roses in your hand, ones he’d sent out to you the same morning. The color of your lacey dress matched the rose color of the flowers, hair a bit puffy than usual as you walked inside his now familiar office.
And Alfie felt himself go weak.
The man was someone many trembled against, avoided at all costs and changed lanes when he’d walk down the street. Women were in awe of him to some level but not in the way that made him desirable for more than a week tops but you, oh you, didn’t even care that he was a gangster. 
Seeing as you were much more dangerous than he was. 
“Good afternoon, Mr. Solomons.” you spoke, voice breathy as you left the flowers on his table and shed the layer of the thin coat you were wearing to give him a better look at you. He wouldn’t have you, not against the desk but you could always tease him.
You made your way towards him and his legs instantly opened wide from where he was sitting to allow you easier access. Slowly planting yourself on his thigh, your hands rested on your lap as he looked at you. His hands were now on your waist and hair, caressing as he looked at you like he had been resurrected. 
“’ello, lass.” his voice was gruff, eyes always searching for yours but he realized it might as well be a trap.
“Busy?” you spoke, looking over the desk to see the mounts of paper staring right at him but his response was direct, too fast almost as he played with strands of your hair.
“Nah.” he spoke, making your attention snap right back at his direction.
You nodded at his words before getting up from his lap. He lightly groaned at the absence of your small body on top of his but didn’t lead it on. You fixed your dress, something you’d bought on your own last week and he admired it for a split second before leaning back on his chair and watching you roam around his office.
You were there to tell him something.
“I’m leaving soon, you know.” you spoke, a mere whisper Alfie was accustomed to. He nodded before speaking.
“Aye, I do.” he spoke and you looked at him through a smile, a genuine one you have him from time to time.
“I came here to.....warn you, let’s say.” you said, making him raise his eyebrows at the words.
He liked the game.
“Fuckin’ warn me, eh?” he spoke and you nodded, a light chuckle escaping your lips before you spoke up again.
“It’s good to see your ears are working again.” you teased before hearing his hearty laugh. You basked in it for a second, the sound echoing through the empty corridors outside. Then your soft voice could be heard. “Don’t have me followed, not by Ollie or anyone else.” your words were stern this time, a spark of mischief in your eyes as he looked at you.
“Why the fuck would I do that, lass?” he spoke, amused but he already he knew the answer.
Because he was getting possessive.
Men had gotten away the first weeks of you being called ‘his girl’ but these things only lasted for a bit before blowing over. A month later, you were back to how things used to be, dancing with strangers and using their wallets to help yourself out to a drink. You didn’t sleep with them anymore, not when you’d need some quick relief as Alfie took care of you in that department quite well.
You sighed, swaying your hips as you walked around the office. He forgot, for as smart as he was, he could also be foolish and forget who he was dealing with. You offered him a smile while speaking, looking at him with darker eyes than usual. “You know why.”
And he did, he just preferred to hear you say it.
“Enlighten old me, eh?” he spoke, hands clasping in front of him as he looked at you from head to toe once more before settling on your eyes. He wanted to fuck you against the desk but knew you wouldn’t let him, not today.
You would enlighten him, with pleasure.
“Since our little....arrangement here..” you started off, walking closer to him as slowly as you could and you saw his fingers moving, itching to touch you. “..you seem to think I belong to you. Now, that’s not true and very foolish for a man of your power.” you spoke, almost cooing when you stood right in front of him with hands on your hips. He was looking at your eyes this time.
You had hit a nerve.
It had to be done and you didn’t mind breaking the poor little baker’s spirit a little to do that. Men needed it, some harsh words to be put into their place and you had never been afraid of a gangster. Plus, the way he’d hold onto you in the nights you spent together told you he would do no harm.
“Go on.” he spoke, hand tugging at his beard with dark eyes.
“I know you want me safe and as nice as that is, you know I’m a big girl.” you spoke and he knew what was to come.
You could take care of yourself.
“Leave me alone for the time I’m there and things might change around here for the better.” you spoke, almost giving him some sort of an ultimatum. He looked at you with a smirk on his lips, you were threatening him again but he couldn’t find it in himself to care.
He offered his hand to you as if he was making an offer and you eyed it for a bit before meeting it. His much larger hand enveloped yours as you shook it, the first of many deals to come with the devil and he didn’t know what he was in for.
The grass under your feet was cold, the weather nice for the first time in days as you watched the kids run around. You had been here for a while now, it had been a week or so with you staying in the countryside and it already felt like a month. Time passed differently around the forest, you had realized and it had done some good in clearing your mind to a certain degree.
This was a place Lisa had taken you a couple years ago to blow off steam at first. It had quickly become a favorite of yours after meeting the owners of the other houses. The place you were staying at was hers, a timeless gift to you so that you could come here whenever you wanted and spend time with her family.
She was married now, a kid on the way and the husband was a successful businessman, or so you’d heard.
That had been the case with many of the girls your age who had been lucky enough to leave the boarding house. You walked next to her mother, a smile on her lips as she spoke to you about how happy Lisa had been and it made you feel content that at least someone who left that damn place had found her happy ending. 
It wasn’t long before the sunset came around, little kids running around the open field. You didn’t mind the mud on your light colored dress, the weather was nice enough to make you forget some things.
Like how much you had grown attached to him.
It was hard to tell if it was love, you didn’t know how that felt to begin with. You didn’t show it, not to him or anyone else but your heart was at ease when he was around and it had made you confused. You had mastered not getting involved with people after all and the entire relationship you had with the gangster had grown so complicated that you had forgotten to keep your heart in a cage in the meantime.
And he’d caught it, he just didn’t know it.
You watched the kids dance and their mothers clapped. All of them were slightly younger than you, a content smile on their lips as they watched their little ones. You wouldn’t be able to that, you’d made peace with it a long time ago that motherhood was not for you but you craved human connection, much like any other living being.
“Ms. Y/N?” a boy spoke, not older than ten years old with flowers in his hand.
You offered him a smile and spoke, voice softer than it was in the city. “Yes?”
The boy slowly gave the flowers to you, red colored roses that stared up at you. You offered him a curious set of eyes and he spoke before running away. “You have a visitor.”
The boy then ran away and you stood up, careful with the flowers as you looked around. The other mothers around you didn’t seem bothered, like it was common occurrence as you looked around in the open field before settling on a familiar form. Broad shoulders, no cane in hand but his hat instead.
A smile found your lips but you got rid of it quick enough.
Walking towards him as he looked at your approaching form, he saw a part of you he had not seen yet which only made him wonder about the depths of you. Your feet were covered in dirt and grass, the ends of your dress wet and grassy from the running around you had done the entire day around the fields. Your hair was messy, picks and a few leaves on top of your head as you approached him with a smile.
He felt like the wind had been knocked out of his lungs.
“You’re following me again?” you spoke with a playful tone. Hand coming to your face to push some of your hair back.
He giggled.
The man who had crushed another man’s windpipe with his left hand giggled. The very bad, scary gangster giggled as he looked at you with a smile you had missed. This was him in his pure form and it made you want to hide.
“Came to see how you ‘ere doin’, yeah, ‘s all, luv.” he spoke with a smile on his lips which you mirrored and nodded at his words.
And then, you did something he didn’t think you’d ever do.
Taking an unsure step towards him, you wrapped your arms around his middle and put your head against his chest. Your head barely reached his chin but you could hear his heart beating, fastening with each passing second before he returned the embrace. His hug was tighter than yours, enveloped your entire body in his as he planted a kiss on top of your head.
“I’m glad you did.” you whispered against his chest, hoping he hadn’t heard in the three seconds of you being as vulnerable as you were capable of being with him.
He nodded at your words, confirming that he’d heard but he didn’t reply. It didn’t need a reply. He smelled of musk and rum, some vanilla you could still place as he hugged you. He didn’t let go, not until you did and took a step back with flushed cheeks.
This was the same you he had seen that day in the boarding school, knees bloody with soft eyes.
He cursed at his heart for being so soft.
“Are you...” you spoke, trailed off and then met his eyes and remembered what you were going to say. A smile found his lips as he looked at your flustered form but he had been holding one of your hands the entire time. “Are you staying?” you asked, voice breathy and hopeful.
How could he say no?
“If you’ll have me.” he spoke and it made you giggle. He was a stupid man.
Then, he just watched you.
He watched as you went up to the women and asked for a bigger mattress for you and him. He watched you shyly nod as they asked questions about him and watched you hold his hand as you led him to the cottage. He watched you sit on the dinner table, next to him, talking to the smaller kids about their findings around the field with a halo around your head. He watched you converse with the women around and giggle, smile like you hadn’t done in his time of knowing you and the entire time, you could feel his fingers caressing your knuckles.
You turned around on the bed next to him. Alfie should’ve been asleep, he had driven for hours to reach you but your shuffling on the bed made it impossible, along with everything he’d seen today. He pulled your body close to his, almost on top of his broad form and you gasped, realizing he was awake. 
You slowly sat on top of him, not quite straddling his thighs as he looked up to meet your face. “Do you hate me?”
His eyebrows furrowed at your question. Of course he didn’t. He hated everyone else, the people he worked with and the men he had to hire, he even hated Ollie sometimes but he had never even come close to hating you. He slowly sat up much like you’d done a couple minutes prior but cradled you on his lap in a careful manner while doing so. You watched him the entire time.
“What the fuck did ya’ say, pet?” he asked, thinking he must’ve been imagining or hearing things. The entire night felt like a dream to begin with and he wasn’t sure what was real anymore.
“I said do you hate-” you started speaking and he realized he had heard you correctly.
“No.. Why th-” he started speaking but realized his voice was too harsh. He stopped, kissed your hand and then continued. “Why the fuck would I hate ya’?” he asked, genuinely curious and also quite angered by your words. He would never do that.
“The Alfie I know would’ve hated me after the past couple of weeks.” you spoke, voice a mere whisper and he understood every word you’d been saying.
You hadn’t behaved well and he knew it. You knew that he knew it.
“The Alfie you fuckin’ know, yeah?” he spoke with a smile on his lips this time. He dismissed the entire idea of him hating as you as that was out of the question, he had not even thought about it once. You made him confused and sometimes, frustrated but that was it. He liked that anyway.
“The one who came to the boarding school, the one whose wounds I cleaned...” you trailed off, counting first experiences with him as you sat on his lap. He fixed the strap of your nightgown as you spoke and nodded when you didn’t speak any further.
“Lass...” his voice was a mere coo, like he was talking to a kid and you felt the need to be babied by him even though you’d hate it if it was anyone else. “I don’t know if you’ve ever fuckin’ noticed this, right, but first impressions are often entirely wrong.”
You nodded at his words, searching his eyes for a....lie of some sort, to see if he was saying it just to please you but that was nowhere to be found. You sighed, looking away into the room, away from his eyes this time and he pulled your face towards him to face his moonlit face.
“So no?” you spoke, earning a laugh from him and a shake of his head. 
“No, lass. Never, okay?” he asked, as to make sure that you knew, for sure, that he would never feel that way towards you.
All he earned was a nod from you before you laid on top of him again.
Maybe some people were good. 
Most had been mediocre at best, people only cared about themselves and as far as you had been concerned, Alfie was the same. But he had surprised you, at every little turn and it made you utterly confused. It put you in a place of wonderment about him.
You slowly got up again, sitting on his lap once more and earning a throaty groan from his lips. You didn’t know if it was because of the position you were in or because he wanted to sleep but he seemed wide awake as you looked at him.
“You didn’t listen to my warning.” you spoke against his face as he got your hair away from your face, a silly smile on his lips as he nodded.
“No, I fuckin’ didn’t, right.” he spoke, his words following the previous ones soon after. “I got fuckin’ worried.” it was a mere whisper but you’d heard it.
It earned a giggle from you.
“There’s no need to be worried.” your voice was soft as you spoke against his lips, pecking them every now and then during the conversation.
“Hm.” he grunted, deepening the last kiss you had given him. Your little mewls made into his mouth, vibrations meeting his chest before you broke the kiss.
You looked into his eyes and realized this was as good of a time as any to ask the one question you’d been thinking about. The one keeping you up at night and the one that had made your stomach feel sort of sick when you had thought about it because it was so unknown to you.
“Alfie...” you whispered, face a little away from his to gain space so that he wouldn’t try and kiss you while you spoke as he did often.
And you’d ask him.
It was a given fact that if you didn’t ask, you’d regret it and you didn’t see it as a question that should be asked in his office with his anger on the highest level it could be. He was soft now, as kind as he could be, away from the mess of the city and his job.
“Are you in love with me?” the words left your lips, sure of yourself as you looked into his eyes.
His orbs were housing a storm now, no longer as calm as they had been as you looked into them. You didn’t shy away from his piercing gaze, wanted him to tell you all about what he was thinking but he just cleared his throat and stared at you for a bit.
How did you not know?
The answer was obvious to Alfie, had been for some time now but he found out that you were quite clueless when it came to it. He didn’t chuckle at how blind you were to his feelings but just offered you a stare, a kind one at that.
“What do ya’ think?” he asked, challenging you as he kept playing with your hair.
“I don’t know....that’s why I asked.” you spoke softly, honest with him for the first time about all this: about how you felt and the fact that it was affecting you daily.
“Ya’ still don’t fuckin’ know?” he asked, expressing his genuine surprise at last. You shook your head, eyes meeting his once more in the dark room with curious eyes. You spoke up afterwards, impatient and panicked.
“If you’re not going to tell me then-”
“Aye, I am.”
You couldn’t look up to meet his eyes then, the courage didn’t come to you. He watched you fumble, try to get in a more comfortable position while avoiding his eyes at all costs. A smile found his lips when you groaned, realizing you had nowhere to go.
There was nowhere to go.
“I don’t know..” you whispered at last and that’s when he wrapped his arms around you and spoke against your temple.
“Ya’ don’t have to fuckin’ say it back, right.” he whispered, making sure that you knew. 
Maybe you would.
You presumed it wouldn’t be today or the nearest future it could possibly be but sometime in the next couple of months seemed doable. You had not done this before, this part of the game was new to you where the lines of what was real and what was not blurred in together. He was peculiar, different in a way that pushed out of what you really knew to be true. Men weren’t gentle like this but he had been, they weren’t as kind or understanding.
He was so stubborn, never listened to anyone but himself but he felt himself stilling with you. Like the war was a distant memory, more so than it already was. It felt as though some of his deepest scars didn’t exist and it was all because you had made it felt that way.
He pulled your body closer to his then, watching the way moonlight kissed your skin. This was a reality for Alfie that had not existed before, a line where he could be kind and loving.
And you were it for him.
Tagging: @clairecrive  @parkbearum @sourirez  @vetseras @mollybegger-blog @babylooneytoonz @peakascum @fuseburner @r-rose08 @innerpaperexpertcloud @caffinated-tree @cathartichaoss  @ihavefandomsssss @thatchickwiththecamera @sugarcoated-lame @alainabooks143 @enrapturedbythemoon @a-southern-doctors-drawl  @houseofdupree @evangelinesolomons​  @kissmyoops a/n: hello, dear ones!! I hope you liked this chapter and thank you for sticking with me on this. I think there’s going to be one more and that would be it for this series but i would love to hear any other ways of going about it. Do let me know if you’d like to be tagged and what you thought of the chapter!!
And Ramadan Kareem to all who celebrate <3
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bowlegsandbiceps · 3 years
Suptober Day 4: Secret
Secret Agent Man
Mature / Secret Agent!Cas/Domestic Dean / Destiel / 2,726 words
Read on AO3
Suptober Masterlist (A03)
Castiel’s heart hammered in his chest as he rolled to a stop on a nondescript residential street and killed the headlights. The entire mission was FUBAR, was from the start in all honesty but he never dreamed it would end up like this. He rubbed a hand over his mouth hard, glancing up at the small sliver of moon in the sky, and ran the call through his head again.
“C-C-Cas?” He remembered how every muscle had seized at the sound of Dean’s voice, tremulous and staticky on the other end of the line. He’d looked down at his phone, confirming that, no, he hadn’t accidentally brought his personal phone on a job. Dean was on the opposite end of a burner with only one contact and that could only mean one thing.
“Hello, darling.”
“Crowley.” Castiel had done his level best to keep his voice even and calm, no hint of the rage and turmoil roiling in his gut.
“Let’s not dally. You have something of mine. I have something of yours.”
“You’re suggesting a trade.”
“An even trade.” Crowley had emphasized. “I get the weapon, the money, a plane on the tarmac and a twenty-four-hour head start.”
“Is that all?” Castiel had been sarcastic, a knee-jerk response from years of having nothing to lose, and regretted it instantly.
“Buddy boy that’s generous considering what I could do to your young lad here. He’s a pretty one, Angel. Has a lot of fight in him too.” Castiel heard Crowley sniff and he hoped that Dean had broken his fucking nose. “One hour, Angel. Or the body you’ll be collecting will be his.”
Castiel lowered his head, hands still gripping the steering wheel tight as moments with Dean flashed through his mind. The night they met, him working security at an event Dean was catering and Dean permitting him to stop whatever threats emerged as long as Castiel stayed out of his way and didn’t touch his knives. Dean’s husky baritone as he sang “Secret Agent Man” at him from several yards away when they ran into each other at a festival a few days later, Dean tipsy enough to force Castiel to take his number and Castiel smitten enough to accept it, against his better judgment. The night Dean cooked for him and Castiel thanked him by carrying him off into the bedroom like they were in some romance novel, Dean’s ankles locked at Castiel’s lower back as he kissed the life out of him.
Castiel shook his head, cursed under his breath. He knew better than to form personal connections, but Dean with his mega-watt smile and terrible jokes had wormed his way past all Castiel’s defenses one home-cooked meal at a time until Castiel got sloppy. Now Dean would pay the price for Castiel’s foolishness, a burden Castiel didn’t think he’d be able to bear if he were to fail tonight. 
So he forced himself to harden, feeling his insides solidify to stone and when he climbed out of the car he wasn’t Castiel, certainly wasn’t the man Dean called Cas in the tender moments they shared wrapped up in Dean’s sheets. He was the Angel of Death and he would neutralize this threat. 
Silent as the grave, Castiel made his way up the street, staying in the shadows. When he reached Dean’s driveway he saw the Impala through the open garage door and slipped in next to it. The door was unlocked, a habit Dean had to break goddammit and Castiel slipped inside. He paused in the dark laundry room, startled for a moment to see Dean standing at the stove in his underwear, humming a Metallica song as he sautéed something in a pan. Dean seemed to catch movement out of the corner of his eye and when he turned to look Castiel could see the wound at his temple, blood tacky down the side of his face. 
Castiel immediately lifted his finger to his lips but Dean just blinked at him and looked back down into the pan.
“Is that you, Angel?” Crowley’s voice crooned from somewhere past the doorway and Dean’s shoulders tensed, his spatula pausing. “Don’t burn the veggies, Dean. You don’t want to have to start over again.” Dean immediately lifted the pan and shook it, tossing the chopped peppers, onions and bits of ham with practiced ease. 
Castiel strode forward, not bothering to silence his steps this time and he couldn’t stop himself from touching Dean’s shoulder as he passed though he didn’t look at him. Crowley was sitting at the small kitchen table, dressed sharply in a black suit with a blood-red tie. His nose was crooked and there was blood in his mustache and beard, something that caused Castiel’s lips to quirk in satisfaction though the gun casually pointed at Dean’s back soured his stomach. The table was set for three and Castiel glanced over his shoulder to see that Dean was now transferring the veggies onto a paper towel then began to crack eggs in a shallow bowl.
“You’re just in time for breakfast!” Crowley crooned, gesturing with the gun for Castiel to sit.
Castiel did so silently, taking the seat across from Crowley and directly behind Dean. Crowley adjusted his aim accordingly. 
“So, rough night?” Crowley teased and Castiel merely stared back. 
He could feel Dean moving behind him, his bare feet tapping against the linoleum as he turned to shuffle over to them. Dean, pan in hand and spatula poised stood over Crowley, face blank as he slid the completed omelet onto Crowley’s plate and made to turn to go back to the stove. Crowley’s hand shot out, gripping Dean’s wrist and Dean froze as Castiel snatched up a fork, stretching over the table, and pressed it to Crowley’s jugular. The gun in Crowley’s other hand went snuggly against Dean’s lower back, just above the band of his boxers.
“Easy, Angel. Easy now. I’m sure you wouldn’t want your lover here to lose all feeling below the waist.” Castiel’s eyes flicked to Dean’s face and found his eyes closed, face shuttered in forced calm. Castiel slowly lowered the fork and edged back into his seat. “That’s it. Now, Dean, be a dear and bring me the salt.”
“Taste it first,” Dean said over his shoulder and Castiel glared up at him. Dean shrugged his shoulders giving him a come on expression and Castiel was going to absolutely lose it if Dean’s irrational hatred of people seasoning their food before they tasted it was what actually got him killed.
Crowley laughed lowly, giving a tilt of his head as he used his fork to dig into the omelet. Steam billowed out, the scent of cheese and vegetables strong as Crowley forked a piece into his mouth. He rested his hands against the table’s edge as he chewed and gave another tilt of his head.
“You’re right. It’s perfect. Thank you, Dean.” Dean made to walk back to the stove but Crowley’s grip tightened, the gun pressing harder into his lower back. “Manners, lad.”
“You’re welcome,” Dean gritted out and Crowley finally released him, Castiel watching him pass and had to settle himself at the sight of the red mark left by the gun barrel at the base of Dean’s spine.
Crowley grinned at Castiel. “Nice little set up you got here. Stupid. But nice.”
“I don’t have the weapon.”
Crowley lifted a finger. “Ah but you have the location of the weapon. And what protections have gone into keeping nasty men like me from getting to it.”
“I was on the extraction team. You know very well that extraction and security don’t have anything to do with each other once the handoff is made.”
Crowley gave him a tart smile. “I also know very well that they trust you to handle both. Again…” Crowley’s eyes lifted over his shoulder but Castiel kept his gaze on Crowley, feeling Dean move around him to slide an omelet onto his plate. “Stupid.” The whisper of Dean’s fingers on his shoulder made every muscle in his body tense and Dean immediately pulled away.
“I don’t have the location of the weapon. I only have the drop-off location.”
Crowley pressed his lips together, displeased. “You also have the activation codes.”
Castiel hesitated, listening to the sizzle of eggs in the pan. “I have the self-destruct codes.”
Crowley grinned cheerfully, digging into his omelet. “Good enough for me.” Crowley’s eyes moved to Dean again and Castiel fought the urge to snap his fingers to regain Crowley’s attention. He didn’t have to. Crowley looked at him again, then gestured at his plate. “Eat!”
Castiel dutifully picked up his fork and speared into the omelet, shoving a bite into his mouth that took all the skin off the roof of his mouth. He chewed anyway. Dean was making his way back over, sliding his own omelet onto the final plate before turning to place the pan back on the stove. He hesitated there for a moment.
“Sit down, Dean we don’t want your breakfast getting cold.”
“It’s a little early for me.” Dean’s voice was controlled and even as he spoke to the stove. 
Crowley rolled his eyes and cocked his gun. Dean’s shoulders tensed. “Get your pretty little ass over here and eat your breakfast, Dean Winchester. Or I’ll put a bullet in your boyfriend’s kneecap.”
Dean turned abruptly, hurrying to sit in the chair between the two men. He grabbed his fork and immediately sawed off a bite and shoved it in his mouth, chewing diligently. Crowley watched him as he opened his mouth to allow steam to exit, continuing to chew laboriously until he swallowed. Crowley grinned. 
“He really is darling, Castiel.” Crowley’s eyes were roving over his face as Dean kept his eyes on his plate, cutting off another piece to shove into his mouth. “Didn’t give anything away and I put him through the wringer a bit there.” Crowley used the gun to indicate the hit to Dean’s head.
“Looks to me like he put you through it,” Castiel commented as he speared another piece of omelet contemplating it. “Must be humiliating to have your nose broken by a civilian.” Castiel ate it.
“Not nearly as humiliating as stripping him down so I could really appreciate him before he started cooking.”
Castiel stilled. Dean normally slept in his underwear. Castiel had figured that Crowley had gotten him out of bed at this late hour but then he remembered Dean had an event tonight. Castiel glanced at Dean, sucking in a deep breath, and over the smell of breakfast, he caught a whiff of Dean’s body wash, noted his hair was a little darker than normal, just the slightest bit damp. Dean’s eyes were closed, his jaw set as he held his fork in his fist and Castiel saw red.
Swift as a viper Castiel’s hand shot out, the fork sinking into the tendons of Crowley’s wrist, the same one holding the gun, as Castiel’s other hand went over the barrel, stopping the slide when Crowley attempted to pull the trigger. Dean had flung himself backward, chair skidding against the linoleum until he crashed back into the cabinets. One quick jab to the face, groaning through the pain of a fork stabbing into his chest just over his heart, Castiel managed to twist the gun in Crowley’s hand, his fingers limp from the damaged tendons, and without another thought, Castiel put a bullet in his brain and three more in the center of his chest. 
Castiel was breathing hard, adrenaline scalding through his veins as he stared at the lifeless body sprawled back in the chair, brain matter and bits of skull spraying the wall behind him. His heart began to slow. The threat had been neutralized. 
“Jesus fucking Christ.”
Castiel’s head whipped to the side, finding Dean still sitting, wide eyes filling with tears as his hands gripped the side of his chair frozen. Castiel hit his knees immediately, moving to tuck the gun into his belt behind his back before he cupped Dean’s face gingerly. Dean was shaking all over, teeth chattering and Castiel immediately shrugged out of his trench, a motion that sent pain shooting across his chest. He cursed, looking down and finding the fork still stuck in the meat of his pectoral muscle. He ripped it out, angrily tossing it aside before looking back at Dean just in time to see a single tear slip over his lashes and down his cheek. 
Castiel gathered up the coat and threw it around Dean’s semi-naked form, pulling him off the chair and into his arms. Dean went willingly, his arms going around Castiel’s neck as he planted a knee on either side of Cas’ perching in his lap. Castiel ran one large hand up and down Dean’s back, shushing him as he trembled and cried quietly into Castiel’s neck, his other hand delving back into Dean’s hair. Castiel sucked in a deep breath that was all Dean, shampoo and body wash, and the unique scent of his skin. Castiel huffed it out in a sigh, hands going to Dean’s biceps to push him back so he could see his face.
“Dean.” Castiel held his face in his hands and Dean sniffled, shaking hands coming up to clutch at Castiel’s wrists. “Dean, I need you to be honest with me. Did he hurt you?”Dean shook his head, sniffling again. “Did he touch you at all?”
Dean shook his head again, swallowing hard. “N-no. He just watched me shower. The creep.” Dean let out a breath of a chuckle before he shook his head, squeezing his eyes shut and tears cascaded down his face. Castiel snatched him close and Dean held on for dear life. “C-Cas?”
“Yes, Dean.”
“You killed a guy in my kitchen.”
“I’m sorry about that.”
“You really weren’t kidding when you said your job was dangerous.” Castiel grumbled, holding him tighter and Dean pressed his face to Castiel’s neck. “Is it weird I wanna know how your omelet was?”
Castiel couldn’t help it, he laughed, pressing a kiss to Dean’s uninjured temple and Dean gave a watery laugh of his own. 
“It could’ve used some salt.”
“Oh fuck you. Salt. Jesus.”
“Dean I’m-“
“Don’t.” Dean pulled back, reaching up to wipe at his face. “I’ve seen this part of this movie a thousand times. You’re gonna say you’re sorry because we can’t be together it’s too dangerous, blah blah.”
“Actually that’s not what I was going to say.”
Dean’s brow crinkled. “No?”
Castiel shook his head. “I was going to say I’m sorry you probably won’t get your deposit back.” Dean glanced over at the carnage behind the dead body sitting at his kitchen table. Castiel cocked his head to the side. “You’re taking this remarkably well.”
“I’m pretty sure I’m in shock.” Dean gave a sharp shake of his head as he tore his eyes away from the body and gave a shiver. “Do you need to like… call this in or… You’re hurt!” Dean’s hand immediately went to Castiel’s chest which was bleeding sluggishly. 
“I’m fine. Nothing a bandage and a tetanus shot can’t fix.” Castiel ran a hand over Dean’s hair. “I’m sorry.”
“I hate that wallpaper, Cas, maybe the landlord will finally get rid of it.”
“No, I mean… when the shock wears off you’ll-“
“Still want to be with you,” Dean insisted arms tightening around Castiel’s shoulders. “Yeah that guy found me because of you but you also neutralized the threat.” Castiel felt a smile tug at his lips at Dean using his jargon. 
“I let my emotions get the best of me.” Castiel touched Dean’s face gently. “It was a dumb move stabbing him. It’s sheer luck I didn’t get either of us killed.”
Dean turned his head, kissing the heel of Castiel’s hand. “You’re just a lucky guy, Cas.” Dean gave him a big smile, the one that never failed to render Castiel speechless. “You got me after all.”
Castiel huffed a laugh, his head dropping to Dean’s shoulder, and let his arms curl nearly double around him. Sirens could be heard in the distance, likely one of Dean’s neighbors called the cops at the sound of gunshots and Castiel relaxed into Dean’s hold as he began to hum “Secret Agent Man.”
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hiddendreamer67 · 3 years
Giant Mers are Good Mers
That's right, it's MerMay baby! Introducing my new bois. Caspian is a giant siren with influences of Mediterranean monk seals and leopard seals. Beckett is a lil' human who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. This piece is a completed oneshot, but I've got a couple ideas for more oneshots with this pairing, including a few ideas for alternate universes (especially after seeing all the fun @ibis-gt seems to be having with AUs of their bois).
Word count: 6,001
Initial prompt idea: human was taken by a giant siren but then let go (on a whim / siren got bored) but human doesn’t know why they were spared so they come back to thank the siren. The siren doesn’t even remember doing that because it was such an insignificant event to them, but now it’s interesting because humans never came on their own.
Beckett had always been a simple fellow. He grew up in WhiteBridge, on a small town farm with his three older sisters picking on him ceaselessly. While he loved WhiteBridge and its quaint charms, Beck found his true passion in books, and studied at Oxford for several years before scouring the globe for his passion. In his quest for knowledge, Beckett chose to join a month-long excursion out at sea, and found himself regretting that decision a few weeks later.
“Steady on there.” One of the sailors, Michelle, handed him a pair of earplugs. “You’ll need these where we’re going.”
Beckett eyed the little pieces of foam dubiously. “And just where might that be?”
“Siren territory.”
Beck hardly believed in such fairy tales, but to calm the sailor’s superstitions he inserted the plugs as instructed. Siren tales aside, Beckett found himself growing as twitchy as the sailors. The coastline hadn’t been visible for ages due to a large amount of fog accumulation. The stormy skies were foreboding as well, indicating that proper precautions would need to be taken. This far north, the weather reports often indicated rocky waves far beyond what should be normal.
Would Beckett sink, out here in the middle of nowhere? Was that to be his fate? The young man began to fret, hastening to make himself useful as the first rolls of thunder sounded off and the waves grew steadily higher.
And then, he heard it. Beckett paused, arms slack on the rope as he attempted to hear that haunting melody. Was the weather playing tricks on him, or was someone calling out to him.
Beckett blinked, stunned to find himself standing on the slippery railing. When did he get up here? Beck hastened to climb down, noticing the rest of the crew had their hands firmly clasped over their ears, even with the ear plugs inserted.
Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough. Even with the double protection, the voice grew in volume, its booming voice penetrating into their heads. Every single person on board fell victim to its call, the ship’s captain turning the wheel to head towards the beckoning beast. Beckett climbed back up to the railing, plunging overboard into the crashing waves.
With a sputter, Beckett fought to keep his breath, legs kicking desperately against the current. Even in his desperate survival state, the voice called to him, and instinctively Beckett swam in the right direction to answer its call.
Every time the voice paused to take a breath, Beck would regain control for only a moment, his heart pounding as his fate flashed before his eyes with nothing to be done about it. Between one blink and the next, the sky grew darker, a looming shape breaching in the distance. Another blink, and Beckett’s face lost all complexion staring up at his demise.
A great sea serpent, half man half beast, towered with its human half over the pitiful human. With a single shift of its body, the beast created waves that threatened to pull Beck under. Those sharp features and piercing blue eyes were unforgettable, and subconsciously Beck realized this was the last face he would ever see.
Another blink. This time, when the serpent let out a hum, Beckett remained conscious but still out of his own control. His body was lax but his mind manic. The siren reached for him, slimy claws surrounding his form and making Beck shudder as he was raised 50 feet in the air in seconds. Beckett whimpered, coughing out sea water as his gaze was drawn down to the siren’s lips. The creature grinned and revealed its razor-sharp fangs. Taking a deep breath in, the siren revealed the cavernous depths beyond as it prepared to inhale its next meal.
Beckett pleaded nonsense pitifully, tears pouring down his cheeks as the haunting nothingness washed over his mind yet again. Would he even wake once more? Was the beast merciful enough to let Beckett go in his sleep?
When Beckett woke up, he thought he was dead.
He squinted, the sun too bright for his eyes. The sun? What happened to the storm? Stranger yet, the water that had soaked him to the bone was no more. Beck was dry, wrapped in blankets in a stranger’s bed.
“You’re awake.”
Beckett turned his head, his sore muscles protesting the movement. Beside him sat an older looking fellow, hair greying with age. “Who’re you?”
“The name’s Seymour.” Seymour introduced himself. “And who’re you?”
“Beck.” Beckett’s voice felt like he hadn’t spoken in days. “Am I dead?”
“No, but you tried awful hard.” Seymour assured him. “Found you passed out on the shore two days ago. Guessin’ you were part of some shipwreck? Though there wasn’t much wreckage to be found. Awfully impressive for you to have swam that far.”
Is that what happened? Beck frowned, trying to parse out the details. His body ached something terrible. He did remember swimming for a great distance. Had the siren all been a strange vision of his adrenaline-infused thoughts?
“...huh.” Beck settled back into the pillows, looking up at the ceiling. “I… didn’t know I could do that.”
“Well that, or an angel saved you.” Seymour chuckled. “You’re one lucky soul.”
Beck squinted in thought. If that’s what angels looked like, he could understand why all biblical depictions had humans cowering in fear.
(...was it an angel?)
Beckett spent some of the most confusing weeks of his life recovering from the shipwreck. Even as his physical form healed, Beck couldn’t seem to wrap his mind around the events that transpired that night. He couldn’t get the notion out of his head that the giant sea serpent was real. It had all felt so lifelike, the claws and the fish breath and the dark melodious tones that haunted his dreams…
Seymour was kind enough to open his home to Beck, offering the traumatized lad a position maintaining his lighthouse while Beckett still fought to gather his wits. “Yer’ not the first.” Seymour assured him with a chuckle. “It’s no water off my back if you want to keep me company while you figure things out.”
You’re not the first. Beckett had cleared his throat, wanting to address that thought. “The other people who wash up on shore… did they ever… see anything?”
Seymour raised a patient eyebrow. “What do you mean, seen? Figure you lot have all seen a lot, what with the wreckage.”
“No, I mean, out at sea.” Beck felt foolish, twiddling his thumbs a bit. “Like a… like a merman.”
To his credit, Seymour did nothing more than a slow blink. “A merman.” He repeated.
“But, not a regular merman.” Beck winced at his own words. Just what was a regular merman? “A big one, like a hundred feet long, and pale white skin, and white locks of hair, and piercing blue eyes-”
“Kid.” Seymour cut him off. “I’ll tell it to ya straight. No, I ain’t ever heard nothing like that.”
Today, Beckett found himself on the cliffside, safely back from the edge as he watched the distant waves. His knees were tucked up to his chest, chin atop them as Beck sat lost in thought. Somewhere out there, Beckett’s giant captor- and later savior- was out there.
Why did the beast let him go? Even further than that, the siren had gone out of its way to give Beck a chance at life. There’s no way Beckett could have made it all the way to the shore on his own, disoriented as he had been.
Despite his better judgement, Beckett had to know the truth. With this foolish notion in mind, Beck set out a few months later, having rented a boat from one of the local fishermen. It took a lot of practice for Beckett to learn how to guide such a vessel, as every crest of a wave made the poor lad jump.
Seymour must think he was mad. Often the kind old man reminded Beckett that he didn’t have to conquer his fear of the waves directly, but Beck had just shook his head. Seymour couldn’t understand the debt Beck felt to the creature that had saved his life, and his curiosity kept him captive. Beckett wouldn’t be free until he had answers.
Of course, once he was out on the waters, Beck realized how foolish of a plan this truly was- he knew nothing about aquatic navigation. Every part of the ocean looked the same to him. Even worse, his memories of the last sea journey were extremely muddled. How on earth was he going to find the same location?
And even as Beck drifted in waters that may or may not be similar, the human realized he had no surefire way of gaining the siren’s attention. He settled for calling out often, hoping his carrying voice would be enough. Did the beast understand english? It was deceptively human-looking.
Beckett’s throat grew parched, and Beck sat down a moment to take careful sips of water from his dwindling bottle. The sky was growing darker, and a familiar fog had begun to roll in. An eerie chill began to creep up the back of Beckett’s neck. Suddenly, this plan wasn’t feeling so wise.
That’s when he heard it. The familiar song of his dreams was echoing across the water. Beck had forgotten the feeling, his limbs stiffening against his will like a marionette pulled taunt.
Blink. A gigantic fish tail, just the tip cresting the waves. Blink. Beckett found himself in the waves, gasping as he kicked frantically to keep his head above water. Blink. All too soon, Beck found himself clasped between those claws, water dripping from his locks as he stared at those terrifying chompers.
Oh god. This was a terrible idea. What should he do? What was there to do? All the blood left Beckett’s face, watching the siren lick its lips. It raised Beck higher, dangling the human by the back of his shirt above a now gaping maw. Beckett let out an unholy screech, realizing he had made a terrible mistake.
Beckett squeezed his eyes shut, forcing the words out of his lungs before he never got the chance again. “WHY DID YOU SPARE ME?!”
To Beck’s great relief, he didn’t find himself lowered onto the beast’s tongue. Instead, after the longest pause of Beckett’s life, he opened his eyes to see the siren’s mouth had gone slack.
Beck’s eyebrows shot up into his scalp, shocked to hear the siren actually speak. Guess that meant it understood english, too. Beckett cautiously raised his gaze, meeting the siren’s eyes instead of its teeth. The creature looked confused, to say the least.
“You-” Beck cleared his throat, knowing he had to keep the siren’s attention lest he become a meal. “You spared me.” The siren’s brow furrowed further. Beckett frowned. “You… you saved my life? I mean, first you threatened it, but… 3 months ago? You- our ship, and the song, and… I woke up on the shore…”
Unfortunately, despite being the most momentous occasion of Beckett’s life, the giant sea serpent didn’t seem to have given the night a second thought. Beck couldn’t stop the sinking feel in his chest, knowing this whole journey was pointless after all.
The siren slowly shook his head. “That sounds unlike me.”
“It’s true!” Beckett insisted, especially because his life seemed to be on the line. “I was baffled too, but for some reason you spared me, and-and I don’t know why either! It’s been driving me insane. Why else would I sail all the way out here trying to find you?”
“You came looking for me?” This, at least, caused the siren to raise an interested eyebrow. “That would be a first.”
Beck nodded quickly. “Yes! I’ve been shouting for you all day. And before that I’ve been training for weeks, saving up for a downpayment to borrow Ben’s boat, which I’ll probably be losing now that I have no idea where that ended up…” Beckett grimaced, once again meeting the siren’s gaze. “Sorry, I’ve been told I have a tendency to sidetrack conversations in uncomfortable situations. Boat’s not important. Please don’t eat me.”
To both of their surprise, the siren let out an amused snort, the hot fishy air rustling Beck’s hair.
“I apologize for that.” The creature had the decency to look sheepish, even as its words curdled Beckett’s blood. “It’s nothing personal.”
“Wait, what?!” Beckett immediately began screeching, attempting to squirm out of the claws still holding him captive.
“Stop!” The siren hissed, his grip tightening painfully around Beck’s ribs. “You will fall with that behavior.”
Beck winced, continuing to struggle against the crushing appendages. “That was kind of the idea. I choose waves over teeth.”
“Waves over…?” The siren shook his head. “No, you misunderstand. I will not eat you.”
Beck found that hard to believe. He squinted, judging the gigantic face before him even as the pressure stayed tight around his chest. “So, you were going to?”
“But now you’re not.”
“Because you’re quite interesting, little human.” The siren admitted. “Your question confuses me. Do you want to be eaten?”
Beck chose wisely to avoid that question. “My name’s Beckett.” He said instead. “Beck, for short. Not little human, or anything.”
The siren blinked. It must be strange putting a name to your not-food. “My name is Caspian.”
Caspian. For some reason, Beck hadn’t actually pictured the siren having a name. Or talking. Or generally possessing much humanity at all… the self-reflection made him feel a bit guilty.
“It’s nice to meet you, Caspian.” Beck greeted. He glanced around, realizing the sun had finished setting. “Can we circle back to the boat issue? I mean, I’m glad this hasn’t ended fatally, but it is getting late.”
“Hold on.” Caspian frowned. “You spent all that effort to reach me, only to leave? Little Beck, your story has holes.”
“No, no no no.” Beck quickly shut that down, hastily trying to avoid any possibility of a vengeful siren. “No that’s not it at all. It’s just, your time must be very valuable, and I don’t want to intrude. And also, contrary to popular belief, I'm not a great swimmer. Hence the boat.”
“Hmm.” Caspian seemed to consider this for several moments. The giant seemed to reach a conclusion, but Beck was uncertain what it was as he was raised up above Caspian’s head. “Climb on.”
“Climb on?” Beck repeated, confused.
“And hold on tight.” Caspian advised, opening his palm and tilting it so that Beck slid off with a yelp. “I was under the impression you need air to survive?”
“YES! Yes, that is- yes, I need that.” Beckett confirmed, quickly grabbing onto Caspian’s hair as best he could. Not the easiest task in the world with how everything, including himself, was soaked. Nevertheless, Beck was wise enough to prepare himself for whatever a massive sea serpent might have planned.
Without further warning, Caspian lowered himself into the water, only keeping the top of his head above the waves for Beck’s benefit. Beck hastily lowered himself onto his stomach, not wanting to slide off Caspian’s head as the mer began to swim through the ocean faster than a speedboat.
“Where are you going!” Beck shouted above the wind whipping at his face. He squinted, trying to see where the siren was headed but having no luck. Were they swimming to the boat? Had Beck really gotten so far away from it?
Unfortunately, the siren himself offered no answers. The night sky and fog did not help Beck’s visibility. In these conditions, he was practically blind.
After several minutes of this less-than-ideal water travel, Caspian came to an abrupt stop. Beck frowned, finding himself staring at a rocky cliffside shore. Was Caspian trying to return him to the lighthouse again? But none of this looked familiar…
Caspian raised his head above the waves, sending Beck scrambling to keep his hold. It didn’t matter, as those familiar claws came up and plucked the human from Caspian’s hair.
“Hold your breath.” Caspian advised. This was Beck’s only warning as he was cupped between Caspian’s hands, the mer diving beneath the surface.
Thankfully, Beckett was intelligent enough to take the warning to heart. He held his breath, eyes squeezed tightly shut to avoid getting saltwater in them. The pressure became quite intense as Caspian dove several dozen meters down with ease. It made Beck feel like his head would pop at any moment. Was Caspian trying to drown him? But why go through all the effort of telling Beck to hold his breath, if only to drag it out?
Just as Beck could take it no longer and felt on the verge of passing out, Caspian breached the surface. Immediately Beck began to suck in large gulps of air, snorting to get the water that got stuck unpleasantly up his nose.
Despite being above the surface, Beck couldn’t see anything. He tried not to panic, heart racing thanks to all the uncertainties of the situation. “Where- where are we?”
Caspian’s answer only brought on further questions. Home? What kind of home did a gigantic merman have, anyway? Slowly his human eyes began to adjust to the darkness, noticing that bioluminescent moss seemed to give the space just enough light to see the outlines of shapes. It appeared they were in some sort of underground cavern, the water lapping against a craggy water-worn shore.
“Ah, yes. Of Course. Home.” Beck tried not to think about the several deadly reasons a wild animal might welcome him into its living space. But thankfully, Caspian wasn’t just an animal. He could talk, he seemed half human- that had to amount to something, right?
Of course, Caspian had still planned to eat him. So. There’s that.
“You’re still not gonna eat me, right?” Beck asked, not about to leave something so important to chance.
“Right.” Caspian sighed, as if the question were a mild annoyance and not tied to Beckett’s entire livelihood. “But you have disturbed my hunting time. I’m hungry.”
“Not sure that’s entirely my fault…” Beckett murmured to himself.
Caspian lowered his cupped palms to the rocky shore, setting Beck down away from the water’s edge. “Stay here.”
“Wha-? Stay here?” Beck became alarmed, taking a few nervous steps to catch his footing on the slippery slope. “Where are you going?”
“Do not worry.” Caspian assured Beck, easing himself back into the water. “I’ll bring you back something to eat as well.” With that, Caspian dove back into the water, leaving Beck alone in this dark murky cave.
Beckett blinked, shocked to find himself alone in this enclosure. “I don’t think he knows what humans eat.” Beck grimaced, not eager to see just what Caspian would be bringing back for him. Would it be wriggling? Slimy? Would it be human? The thought made Beck want to throw up.
Beckett shivered, feeling chilly now that the adrenaline was beginning to wear off. He found himself in an unknown underwater cave off the coastline somewhere, still soaked to the bone in his wet rags. The icy temperature in here was freezing, and the water wasn’t any warmer. Was Beck going to die of frostbite here? How long was Caspian planning on keeping him prisoner?
Beckett walked up and down the shore, looking for any driftwood or materials to make a fire. He had no luck, of course, but even if he had Beck didn’t know the first thing about starting a fire. So with nothing to warm himself, what should Beck do? Beckett knew from all the books he’d read on environmental conditions that staying in his wet clothing was one of the worst strategies for survival, but standing around naked in the freezing cave didn’t sound any more appealing. Not to mention, Beck had no way of drying his clothes even if they left his person. He would just have to put the soaking wet rags back on eventually.
Making a foolish decision, Beck kept his clothes on in the hopes that his own body temperature would help dry them eventually. Coming from the man who went out to sea to search for his would-be murderer all day, perhaps Beck shouldn’t be treating himself as a good source for advice.
“What was I thinking?” Beck murmured, pacing back and forth to try and keep the blood flowing to his extremities. His fingertips were growing numb, and Beck shoved them in his armpits to try and keep them warm.
Should he try and escape? Beckett guessed there must be some underwater entrance to this cavern, but there was no way of knowing how deep he would have to dive to reach it, how long the tunnel itself was, nor how high he’d have to swim to reach the surface on the other side. Beckett wasn’t known to be a particularly decent swimmer. Even just the idea of getting in the water right now made Beck shudder, not eager to get soaking wet once more.
Beckett let out a yawn, the excitement of the day catching up to him. He was cold, and tired. Nothing sounded better than stripping off these clothes and lying down in a warm, dry bed back at Seymour’s.
Oh gosh, Seymour. What was the old man gonna think when Beck didn’t return home like he claimed? He knew Seymour had little faith in Beck’s sailing abilities, but Beckett had foolishly promised to be careful. Would Seymour mourn him? Worse yet, would Seymour try to send out a rescue? What if Caspian found him and wasn’t so merciful?
Beckett was dead on his feet by the time the water began to shift. Beck slapped himself out of his stupor, standing to attention in his semi-dry clothes as the giant merman emerged.
Caspian pulled himself partially up onto the shore, holding out one hand to Beck. As expected, none of this looked edible in its current form. There was a live octopus, still wriggling around, a half dozen oysters, a few slimy eels, and a few other squirming entities Beckett wasn’t certain how to classify.
“Oh, thanks.” Beck tried to keep the disgust off his facial features. Even with not eating all day, Beck didn’t have much of an appetite. But would Caspian be mad if Beck didn’t eat it? It’s not like Beckett asked for it in the first place...
“I was uncertain what you would like.” Caspian admitted, a soft frown gracing his features as he nudged the human with his fingertips, encouraging Beck to eat. “Will this be good for you? Do not be shy, I ate my fill already.”
Beck cleared his throat. “Well, uh, some of this is what humans can eat, but we don’t eat it… raw. Or alive, usually.”
“Hmm.” Caspian considered this for a moment, taking one of the eels between his claws. Caspian raised the creature to his lips. In one swift motion, Caspian used his fangs to tear off the eel’s head, sending a small spurt of blood spattering down.
Beck cried out, quickly covering his head with his arms to try and avoid getting caught in the rain. “COOKED! IT NEEDS TO BE COOKED!” Beck hastily corrected, turning a bit green as Caspian tried to once again offer him the bloody corpse. “It needs to be prepared right, too, I don’t think I’m supposed to eat a lot of stuff found in live fish, they usually gut ‘em and stuff, and I’ve never been one for sushi in the first place.”
Caspian licked his lips, clearing away the blood stains as he tilted his head like a pup. “What do you mean, ‘cooked’?”
Beck slowly uncovered his head, thankful Caspian seemed to have backed off for a moment. “Right, cooked.” Beck nodded to himself. “Guess you wouldn’t know what that is, living in the ocean and all. Um, do you know what fire is?” It was Caspian’s turn to nod. “Wait, you do? How?”
“Fire chokes out life.” Caspian explained. “It creates the smoke and the ash that destroys the shores.”
“Well… yeah, I guess it does do that, sometimes.” Beckett admitted. “But we use it in smaller, healthy doses. You use it to cook your food, usually heating it up and changing it to be healthy.”
Caspian seemed more confused the further this conversation went on.
“Unfortunately, there’s no fuel here anyways.” Beck gestured to their surroundings. “And I don’t know how to make a fire anyways, so-”
“No fire.” Caspian said sternly. He sounded more like a stern parent, banning experimentation with firecrackers in the house.
“No fire.” Beck confirmed. He glanced at the ceiling. “Probably wouldn’t have been the best idea anyways, all enclosed like this. But anyways, no. I can’t accept your fish. Thank you, it was very kind of you, I’ll be forever grateful, but if I eat that I will be sick.”
“...hmm.” Caspian looked- disappointed? Frustrated? It was hard to tell the mer’s emotions, but Caspian at the very least seemed to understand Beck’s meaning, as he pulled his handful of fish back to himself. With a thoughtful expression, giving Beck one last option to protest, Caspian tilted the whole mixture into his mouth, chewing it into a paste and swallowing with ease.
Gross. Beck kept this thought to himself, grateful he was not on the other side of Caspian’s abs himself as the pleased merman gave his stomach a few pats.
“Then what will you eat?” Caspain asked, laying down to be more at eye level with the little man.
“Well, uh, I suppose I can always eat after I get home.” Beckett chose his words carefully, still uncertain what Caspian’s intentions were. “My friend would usually make meals with me. Stew, most of the time.”
Caspian’s eyebrows furrowed. “I can make stew with you.”
“No, you can’t.” Beck corrected. Gently. “No fire, remember? Fire’s needed for stew, too. And we don’t have any of the other ingredients. Vegetables, seasonings, broth, cooked meat… stuff like that. And any we got in here would be soaked with sea water, and that’s not great for humans either.”
The giant siren seemed displeased with this answer, obviously intent on keeping the human alive. This, at least, was one positive note in a storm of negativity for the evening.
With a displeased hum, Caspian reached out his hand towards Beckett. Instinctively Beck flinched away, worried the siren had gotten bored and wanted to do away with him, but all that happened was a giant digit began carefully stroking the top of Beck’s head and down the length of his back.
“Uh...what are you doing?” Beck asked, still stiff as a board.
Caspian didn’t seem inclined to answer. Instead he tilted his head, curious blue eyes intently studying Beckett. “Can you sing?”
Beckett blinked. “Can I what?”
“Can you sing?” Caspian repeated, and after Beck gave a nod: “sing for me.”
“Oh, well, I can sing, but not very well, mind you.” Beck admitted, looking a bit sheepish. The stage had always been his sister’s forte. “Certainly not to your caliber. I don’t think you want to hear me sing at all, actually.”
“Yes I do.” Caspian insisted gently. “Sing.”
Beck let out a deep breath, mentally preparing himself for such a task. What song does one even use to serenade a siren? After careful consideration, Beckett selected an old nursery rhyme from his childhood, both for its brief length and easy melody.
“Twinkle, twinkle, little star-” Beckett began, his voice shaking. He cleared his throat, trying to project a bit more even as Caspian leaned in to hear. “How I wonder what you are. Like a diamond in the sky, up above the world so high…”
Beckett had shut his eyes, trying to forget about any pressures to perform. A nice benefit to this impromptu concert is that Caspian had paused his petting to allow Beck to focus. “Twinkle twinkle, little star… how… er, ...up… ah…y’know what? I’ve forgotten the last line, actually.”
Beck grimaced, opening his eyes. Caspian was as difficult to read as ever, the siren’s face passive as Beckett awaited any sort of review.
“That was it?” Caspian clarified.
“Yeah, not a very long song.” Beckett agreed. “Meant for children, y’know? Just to… well I don’t know the point of it, actually, I guess it’s just something to sing.”
“Ah.” Caspian drummed his fingers along the rocks. “It was…”
Beckett waited not so patiently. “Well?” He spoke up. “I told you I’m a lousy singer.”
Considering the siren made no effort to disagree, Caspian held the same opinion, yet he wore a pained expression. Perhaps Caspian had held out hope for Beck after all? But then again, even if he were a renowned opera singer, how could a human voice ever possibly appeal to a siren?
“I thought everyone could sing.” Caspian admitted quietly.
For some reason, this bashful admission is what finally set Beck roaring with laughter. Beck clutched at his sides, doubled over with mirth as a concerned siren watched. Caspian let out a noise of concern, reaching out his hand to prod Beck in the side.
“No- I’m good!” Beck hastily assured him, pushing away the finger as if he had any chance of telling the siren what to do. “It’s just- ah, fuck. What a day, you know?” And with that, tears began to pour down Beckett’s cheeks, the poor exhausted boy helpless to stop them as he alternated between laughing and sobbing.
Now Caspian let out a whine, the trill noise echoing across the cavern walls as Caspian scooped the human up into his hands. Beck gasped, momentarily without air as he was forced against Caspian’s chest. “Shh, shhh.” Caspian hushed him, patting his back like he was a child.
Well, what did it matter? Beck felt like a child. He was tired, and hungry, and cold, and he just wanted to go home. Unable to work on any of those things, Beckett tried instead to take the comfort that was given to him, so overwhelmed by the day that this might as well happen.
Beck hiccupped, his tears still coming but too exhausted to keep wailing. Beckett leaned into Caspian’s chest, the smooth seal texture feeling surprisingly warm and dry for a creature that spent most of its life in the ocean. If he focused, Beck could hear a rhythmic thumping. It was Caspian’s heart, just on the other side of this ribcage.
“I wanna go home.” Beck murmured, more to himself than the siren who wouldn’t listen. “I just wanna go home.”
A rumbling sensation filled Beck’s ears, which he slowly recognized as Caspian’s singing. Beck closed his eyes, allowing himself to succumb to the call.
“-OI! Wake UP!”
Beck coughed, startled awake as he found himself once again doused in sea water. He blinked, disoriented to feel the surface beneath him was rocking like a boat. Before Beck could ponder that out, a bright light shined directly in his eyes, making him squint.
“Blimey, you look half dead.” Seymour whistled, taking stock of Beck’s appearance.
“I...what?” Beck frowned, looking around. They were on a boat. What happened? Last thing he remembered, Caspian had been coddling him like a wounded babe. “Where’s Caspian?”
“Who?” Seymour didn’t have a clue.
“Caspian! I- the giant siren!” Beck looked around, trying to spot anything in the darkness of night.
“Boy, I think you swallowed too much seawater.” Seymour shook his head, easing Beck back down. “Take it easy, you’re lucky to be alive.” Seymour pulled out an emergency orange blanket, wrapping it firmly around Beck’s shoulders. It was only then that Beck came to the startling conclusion he was naked, stripped of his wet clothes entirely. At least he could see them lying on the deck as well.
“The voice.” Beck insisted, staying down only because his head felt dizzy. “You must have heard him singing? He was singing. What’d I miss this time?”
Seymour had no answers, as far as giant sirens went. Instead, he explained his side of things. “When you didn’t come back yesterday, I came out to look for ya.” Seymour explained. “You must have a guardian angel after all. Caught you in my sights only by change with the spotlight, adrift in the waves. No idea how the hell you’ve got a speck of life in you, jumping in without a liferaft or lifejacket or nothin’. Holy hell son, ya got a death wish, there’s easier ways of going out.”
“I- what?” Beck frowned. “No, that… that’s not what happened.”
“Hypothermia can cause hallucinations.” Seymour swore under his breath. “Shit, you’re in a worse state than I thought. Never should have let you come out here alone in the first place, nevermind with Ben’s boat. He’s gonna kill ya, y’know, if you do manage to survive the night.”
“Didn’t mean to lose the boat.” Beckett rubbed at his eyes. “Got left behind on the way to the caverns.”
“To the caverns, he says.” Seymour rolled his eyes, handing Beck a warm thermos. “Drink. Sit. And don’t fall asleep.” With these last instructions, Seymour moved over to the captain’s chair, starting the motor and steering the boat back towards shore.
Beck stared at the waves passing by, sipping gently at the contents of the thermos. Tasted like hot lemon tea. Beck would have preferred hot chocolate, if shipwreck survivors were allowed to have preferences.
Was it a shipwreck? Did he jump in? No… no it was Caspian, wasn’t it? Dumb seal’s fault for it all. That, Beck was certain. Too bad he couldn’t charge the siren for Ben’s boat.
Before, Beck had barely escaped with his life, lost and confused about his potential giant savior. Now, he knew so much more than he had before. Caspian was real. Caspian’s name was Caspian. Caspian had intended to eat him, didn’t, and then let him go. Caspian had forgotten him.
Would Caspian forget him again? Why did that notion make Beck feel so uneasy?
It wasn’t like Beck owed Caspian anything, truly. The guy had saved his life twice now, but only after endangering it in the first place. But why did Caspian let him go this time? It seemed as if Caspian was intent on keeping him around like some sort of amusing lil’ pet. What had changed?
Beck’s mind was too tired to process through such things. He sipped more of the tea, growing drowsy.
“No sleeping!” Seymour yelled.
“Yes sir!” Beck jolted upright, regretting it when his head pounded. The sound of the waves had changed. Beck could hear them crashing against the shore, indicating they were almost to the dock.
Seymour expertly steered the ship into the harbor, a feat which took a good deal of skill in the middle of the night. Once securely fastened, Seymour offered Beck a hand, hauling the boy to his feet and keeping Beck steady all the way up to the lighthouse.
“Alright, in you get.” Seymour instructed, easing Beck into bed. He piled more blankets onto Beckett, disappearing briefly to grab a warm compress which he placed on Beckett’s forehead.
“I really did see him.” Beckett murmured, closing his eyes as the warmth lulled him into a deep slumber.
Seymour let out a low sigh. “I’m sure you did.” Seymour murmured, patting Beck’s arm.
119 notes · View notes
ti-bae-rius · 3 years
Following on from @imherongraystairstrash’s amazing Thomas and Kit fic (which is here: https://imherongraystairstrash.tumblr.com/post/654901507028828161/i-know-you-write-about-relationships-in-tlh-and) here’s my addition to this lil fanfic universe, in which Thomas and Christopher discuss love and what love means.
Some period-specific discussion around sexual and romantic orientation but pretty darn positive!
Christopher dropped his carpet bag down on the bed in the room opposite Thomas’s with a sigh.
“Mam went to visit Uncle Henry, and he said that we should be able to go back to the house tomorrow by tea time. Mam and Dad have taken Alex to Aunt Tessa and Uncle Will’s. I haven’t a clue where Anna went. Mam asked if she’d somewhere to go and Anna said ‘I’ll find someone’ and Mam said ‘you mean somewhere?’ and Anna said ‘If you like’ and that caused an almighty row, so I’ve come here.”
Thomas glanced up from where he’d been filling the basin for Christopher, and grinned at him in the looking glass hanging above it.
“What a palaver.”
“Not half. And then Mam made me get rid of all the clothes I was wearing when the experiment went awry, so that’s another shirt gone to buggery. Anna’s inherited wardrobe is waning by the second.”
“I can’t imagine Anna would be seen dead in your old clobber, Kit.”
“Not anymore, but she used nab it all. I’m sure she thought I didn’t notice, but I did.”
“You never asked her about it?” Thomas asked. A knock at the door made him pause before he got an answer, accepting the plate offered by one of the maids. He handed Christopher the tea cake, pooling with melting butter, and stretched out on the rug as his cousin ate.
“Well none of it mattered a jot to me. They were just clothes. They meant something to Anna.” He set down his tea cake in indignation. “Oh, and I was pretending to sleep in the carriage here, but I heard Mam and Dad talking about Anna. Apparently the Clave are kicking up a fuss again about her, saying she could be muddling foolish shadowhunter girls. But Anna in spats and a waistcoat is still Anna. I hardly think a pair of trousers is going to baffle ladies out of their heads, and if they think girls are so easily duped, then it’s not the girls who are the foolish ones.”
Christopher understood Anna so well, Thomas thought, watching as - now serene after his outburst - Christopher happily tucked into his tea cake, fingers slick with runny butter. He understood Anna, so he’d understand Thomas. At least, Thomas thought, he hoped that was the case.
“I’ve something I want to tell you,” Thomas said, and his voice trembled a little with the nerves as he said it. He picked up his teacup but the saucer clattered against the base as his hands shook.
“Mind, you’ll drop that,” Christopher said, and Thomas put the cup back down. “Well whatever it is, it sounds frightfully serious.”
“It’s not all that serious,” Thomas insisted. “I don’t suppose it is anyway. Unless you find it serious. You might do.” He forced a breath between clenched teeth and reminded himself why he wanted to tell Kit. Because he’d understand. Because he was Anna’s brother. Because he was Thomas’s best friend.
“I...don’t fancy women. I fancy...other boys. You’re the first person I’ve told.”
Christopher’s violet eyes widened behind his spectacles, brows shooting up towards his hairline.
“Are you surprised?” Thomas hazarded nervously.
“You didn’t guess then?”
“About you...I didn’t give it a fig. I mean, I’m surprised you told me first. No one ever tells me anything first.”
“Well, you’re my best friend.”
If possible, Christopher’s eyes widened further, huge saucer-like circles of shock.
“I’m your best friend?”
Thomas almost laughed. “Of course you are. ‘Course, Kit. Besides, you can’t possibly be more surprised by that than...than the other part.”
“Well that is interesting news,” Christopher nodded. “Certainly interesting. Lots of recent scientific papers have been published on the subject. I tried to show Anna but she asked if they had any advice for seducing women, and then when I said it wasn’t a how-to guide she said it sounded dull.”
“Well I’m not to be experimented on,” Thomas said, and Christopher glanced across, wounded.
“Of course not. I didn’t mean...It’s just how I explain things I...” He patted Thomas’s shoulder helplessly. “It’s all alright with me, old boy. Any of it. Because I’m your...best friend.” He said these last two words with such earnest, such pleasure, that it set Thomas’s heart alight.
“You won’t tell the rest of the lads, will you?” he asked nervously and Christopher shook his head so firmly his spectacles shifted down his nose.
“Of course I shan’t,” he said, pushing them back up with a finger. “I’ll probably forget by supper tomorrow.”
They both knew that wasn’t true, but Thomas ruffled Kit’s hair in thanks anyway, muttering some gruff comment about that being about right. Nevertheless, he could see Christopher grinning.
“Thomas? Are you up?”
Setting down his book, Thomas padded over and opened his bedroom door, admitting a Christopher who was squinting without his spectacles. Thomas pulled him into the room and closed the door behind them. The candle he was reading by was starting to burn low, so he activated his witchlight lantern and set it on the bedside table. Christopher peered at the book and then back at Thomas.
“Couldn’t you sleep either?”
“You look like a mole when you don’t have your eyeglasses on,” Thomas replied instead, evading the question. His heart still felt as if it was leaping out of his chest, like he’d been infected with demon poison. He felt lighter and heavier all at once. His secret didn’t feel quite so suffocating now he’d told Kit, but speaking it had made it somehow more real. There was no hiding from it now.
“I had a question for you,” Christopher went on, tucking his knees up into his nightgown. Thomas, in a pair of striped pyjamas his mother had bought him, didn’t know how his cousin didn’t freeze to death.
“Which was?” Thomas prompted.
“When did you know that you liked other lads, not girls?”
Thomas tried to swallow the shock of the question. When did he know? How did he know? Didn’t everyone just somehow know? “I suppose...I’ve always felt it. But it became impossible to ignore when I was about 11 or so.”
Christopher seemed to heave a sigh of relief, though Thomas was half-inclined to believe he’d imagined it. Was his cousin wondering whether he was out of the woods to fall victim to Thomas’s own proclivities?
“I suppose it’s the same as you knowing you fancied girls.”
Christopher didn’t say anything for a while, and Thomas presumed that was all, when Christopher suddenly spoke again into the silence, voice dropped to a hush.
“Well, you see, that’s sort of it. I’m not sure I do know that. I don’t really know that I’m fond of...anyone in that way, girls or boys.” Though the light was low, Thomas could sense Christopher wrinkling his nose the way he did when he was puzzled. “I suppose that makes me awfully peculiar,” he said quietly.
“Not peculiar, at least not any more so than me,” Thomas told him. “Besides, you’re only 14. Perhaps you’re just a late bloomer. You’re ever so studious, you’re probably just too busy for courting. You have plenty of time to court girls.”
“I just...” Christopher cut himself off with a sigh. “I’m fond of lots of people. I’m fond of you, and Jamie and Matthew. I’m fond of my family - even Alex and his relentless grizzling. I’m fond of lots of people. But...I don’t think I can really imagine wanting to kiss anyone - and I definitely can’t imagine wanting to do anything in a marriage bed.”
“Well,” Thomas began, not really sure where his answer was going to lead him. “Like I say, you have plenty of time. But, even if you didn’t ever want something like that, you’d still be Christopher. It wouldn’t change anything for us, all of us who know you.”
“You don’t think that would be a tremendously odd life? Never being in love?”
“I’m not sure I’m the one to comment on what’s odd or not, especially not in matters of love,” Thomas pointed out, smiling. “But...I don’t see why it should be. Like you said, you’re fond of so many people, and they’re all so fond of you. It wouldn’t be as if your life was without love. By the angel, you’d be lucky to even escape it for a day with so much family around you who dote on you. Just because you wouldn’t want to take a wife...that shouldn’t mean you would have a life without love. Not when we all love you so.”
“And even if you were in love with some lad, we’d still be friends, wouldn’t we?”
“‘Course we would, Kit. You’ve seen what Aunt Tessa and my mother are like; Shadowhunters stay friends for life, especially when they’re family. We’ll always be best friends.”
“Well then, I don’t suppose the rest of it matters,” Christopher said, and Thomas’s heart wriggled free of the iron grip of anxiety, just a little, because Kit still loved him. And, Thomas agreed, the rest of it didn’t matter.
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screechthemighty · 3 years
So @clownbasedintrigue​ cast the only vote and it was also the first one I finished, so here’s a little fic thing of me combining the fic canon (Tyr missing an arm and Mimir having been through Some Shit in the wake of his “death” (see: it must be so lonely knowing what you know)) with the game canon (Team Needs A Nap seeking him out to try and help with the Ragnarok situation)! This one won’t be going on AO3 due to me not being able to think of a title, so no link in a reblog this time!
Father was really good at saying I told you so without actually saying it. He probably had the expression right now, which was why Atreus wasn’t looking right at him. He didn’t want to see it, and he definitely didn’t want to hear it.
Fine. We wasted our time. Tyr’s not going to help us and we came all the way out here for nothing. I’m a foolish boy and I shouldn’t rely on the gods...
“Lad,” said Mimir suddenly, “pick me up.”
Honestly? Atreus had kind of forgotten Mimir was there. He’d been intent on talking to Tyr, trying to convince him to come back to Midgard with them, and Mimir had been so quiet the whole time. Though...it was weird that Mimir hadn’t said anything. He knew Tyr better than anyone else there. He probably could've convinced him. But after Tyr had said It’s good to see you again, Mimir, he'd been quiet.
Until now. And he sounded...kinda mad, actually. “Uhh...okay?” Atreus carefully picked up Mimir. “What are we doing?”
“Get after him.”
Father raised an eyebrow. “You think you can change his mind?”
“This isn’t about changing his mind. If I don’t...just after him, please.”
Atreus glanced at Father, shrugged, and started after Tyr. He wasn’t sure what Mimir was going to do, but whatever it was, Mimir probably had a plan. He always did.
Despite Tyr’s long strides, Atreus was able to catch up. “Hey, uhm...excuse me?”
“Tyr Odison Borrsonar.”
Oh, fuck. Mimir was definitely mad. It looked like it caught Tyr off-guard, too, enough that he stopped and turned around. Atreus swallowed nervously and held Mimir’s head up so they could make eye contact better. “You’re not even going to ask?” Mimir said. “I’m a bloody head hanging off the hip of some bastard from Greece and you’re not even going to ask?!”
Tyr, at least, did look guilty about it. Before he could ask, Mimir kept talking: “Odin happened. He trapped me in an indestructible tree and tortured me every day for one hundred and nine winters. Every single day. And do you know what he asked me, every single day?” Mimir’s voice was dripping with venom, the tone Atreus had only heard him use when he was talking about Odin. “He wanted to know how I helped you. How much of your treachery I enabled. When they took your hand, I was the one who hung it from the Jotunheim travel gate, because they wanted me to know I’d be next if Odin willed it. He knew we were friends. Everyone knew. And he held that against me until the day these two had to cut off my fucking head to free me. No, don't you dare say a word, I'm not done."
Tyr shut his mouth. It was hard to read his expression, but he kept clutching at his stump like it was hurting him. Father did the same thing with his chain scars when he was nervous. Mimir kept going: "It wasn't just me. He suspected Freya, too, I know he did. You know how she's doing? Living a hermit in the woods because that bastard cut her off from everything that could help her. Turned Baldur against her while he was at it, and now he's dead." That made Tyr flinch. "Odin only gotten worse and worse. I’m not...” Mimir’s voice cracked, his enraged tone suddenly turning to desperation. “I understand. You’re afraid. But you’re not the only one who is. We’re all scared, and we’re all affected by this, and I can’t lose anyone else. If anything happens to these two when you could’ve done something to stop it, I’ll never forgive you. Do you hear me?”
That really caught Atreus off-guard. He knew Mimir considered them both friends—Atreus considered him one of his best friends, honestly—but he sounded really scared for them. More scared than you’d sound for a friend. Tyr seemed to catch onto that, too. He gave Atreus a long, slow look, then did the same thing to Father. He looked back at Atreus again, this time meeting his eyes.
Everyone who knew his mother said Atreus had her eyes. Tyr had known her back when she was Laufey the Just, fighting Aesir and protecting the giants. Did he see her now, staring at him from the afterlife, begging him to help?
Or maybe daring him to do the right thing?
“...it’s not that simple, Mimir,” Tyr said finally.
Mimir scoffed loudly. It almost sounded like he was going to cry. “Right. Of course not.” The disappointment in his voice made Atreus feel guilty. “C’mon, lad. Let’s go.”
Atreus started walking away as quickly as possible. He wasn’t sure he wanted to be in this situation anymore. Even Father looked a little uncomfortable. “Are you okay?” Atreus whispered once they were out of earshot.
Mimir didn’t say anything.
He wouldn’t say anything for a long time. Not until they were back at their camp, watching a rabbit cook over the fire. “...sorry you had to see that,” Mimir said finally.
Atreus shrugged. He felt a little less weird about it now that some time had passed. “I get it. I’d be mad, too.”
Mimir laughed bitterly. “I don’t know if mad is the right word for it. Don’t really know what I’m feeling right now, actually.”
Atreus grimaced. “Yeah. I get that, too.”
He was kind of used to Mimir being just a head. It was normal for them. This was the first time Atreus really wished that Mimir had a body. It felt wrong to not be able to comfort him. If it had been Father, he couldn’t leaned against him a bit, to let him know he was there. But with Mimir...
The best Atreus could do was lean over so his cheek was resting against the top of Mimir’s head, using his arm to carefully keep Mimir in place. “I’m sorry,” he said quietly.
After a pause, Mimir sighed. “Thanks, lad,” he said quietly. “Thank you.”
As he sat there, Atreus happened to glance Father’s way. He half-expected to see lingering bits of that I told you so look; he was probably still thinking it, at least. But Father just looked sad.
He didn’t want it to go this way, either.
None of them did.
But it was the situation they were stuck with. They’d just have to find a way to make the most of it. Maybe what Mimir had said to Tyr would get through to him, maybe it wouldn’t. They wouldn’t really know until tomorrow. For now, they sat in silence, each holding their own sense of disappointment.
Atreus wished he could take away Mimir’s. It seemed like it was the heaviest one.
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spideymarvelws · 4 years
one true love.
Dark!Peter Parker x Dark!GN!Reader
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Main Masterlist
Summary : Peter will go threw everything to keep you safe, protected and most importantly always his. He saw you as the person he observed and watched for the past few months, the sweet, kind girl that stopped to pet stray dogs or smiled at everyone who needed it. But somethings he never took notice of, some things that would’ve made him love you even more.
Warnings : THIS IS A DARK FIC! I am not responsible for your media consumption but if any of these topics or just dark fics on a whole trigger you please do not read! cursing, murders, blood, violence, mention of sexual assault, death, stalking, graphic description of a dead body, homicide, fluffy if you squint, use of guns and knifes.
A/n : If any description throughout the one shot does not pertain to a gender neutral reader please let me know :-) also if i missed anything in the warnings.
Word Count : 1.8k
The definition of love is something that never stays constant as its experienced from person to person. Even to that very being, the meaning changes every year, month, day even hour, from what that individual may feel in that moment. In some cases, it may be the most beautiful thing that’s ever happened to someone, changing there life in ways they could never even imagine. 
In other cases, it could break a person whole, bit by bit, tearing down at who they once were. Emotions like guilt and regret, jealously and remorse running through there veins, thinking that love is only made to destroy the ones foolish enough to believe it exists.
Then you have the rare case of love at first sight.
Now, some may argue that this concept that only seems to show up in movies and TV shows is complete bullshit, that it doesn’t exist.
“You can’t look at someone and automatically know they’re the one for you,” Ned said to him one day, pulling his head out of his chemistry book,“What if they’re an awful person? What if they do something constantly that you don’t like? Seriously, looking at someone and knowing there the one is just basing It of there’s looks or something,”
Peter didn’t respond, afraid that he might lash out at the only friend he’s managed to keep throughout the years. He thought about the last statement a lot, wondering if all he ever really felt was the physical attraction.
But no, that pull you feel when you look at someone for the fist time, watching there movements with whatever tasks they’re doing at the moment, even if it’s nothing at all. Falling entranced with there every gesture, taking in every curve and colour, memorising every feature.
It wasn’t just looking at their appearance, it was taking note of how they moved, how they acted, how they laughed, god there laugh is like music to your ears. It was watching and observing, that’s what Ned missed in his little speech.
Then of course you have the people who don’t believe in love, which was something he could understand.
Before he saw you.
For Peter, love was not a strong enough word to describe what he felt for his one true love. The way you made his heart stop with one smile, his face red with one touch, his hands sweat with one word. In your eyes, he found his entire world.
And he destined for you to be his.
The countess nights he spent dreaming of you, laying besides him. He longed to touch you, to feel your skin against his, to mark you with his love. He shocked himself with the self control he had to maintain around you especially when it came to the people you hung out with.
The amount of times he wanted to run out of hiding and crack the skull of some idiot who decided to talk to you or dare even look at you in any suggestive matter. The thought make him gag every time, but he’d like to think that you already knew that he was looking over you, that you belonged to him. That’s why you never took any of them on, that’s why you turned them down.
He couldn’t blame them for trying, but they had no chance since they would be gone the next day.
Which is why he hoped you could forgive him for what he did, for what he had to do.
The body laid in the back seat, wrapped tightly in a bag. There was no blood spilled, sadly, only the indents of his hands on the base of his neck. 
It was fun, watching the life drain from his eyes as he listed off every bad thing he’s ever done, mainly to you, but he threw in a few more ex’s just to spice things up a bit more. Maybe he shouldn’t have killed him, maybe he should’ve just let him walk free with the threats he shoved down his throat.
But then he had to call you a bitch, from that point he knew his life would just be a waste of oxygen.
Peter let out a chuckle at the memory, at the fake confidence he showed, struggling in his hold. It truly was a sight to behold, one that made his realise why he enjoyed being Spiderman so much. 
Seeing people suffer for there terrible mistakes and knowing that he had the power to punish them.
The drive was long and quiet, one of his hands was on top the steering wheel, tapping to an imaginary beat while the other settled on the arm rest. The streets were rather empty at this hour to Peter’s surprise, making him smirk that he would get away with the murder.
Maybe he could’ve stolen a better car.
But he was doing everyone a favour and he was keeping you safe.
He took a right into a dense forest, his car moving with with the bumps on the course road. When he felt like he was deep enough down the path, he hit the breaks, cringing at the squeaking noise it made.
Regardless, the exited the vehicle, opening the trunk to grab a shovel. He knew that there were a number of more efficient ways to get rid of the body, one that could’ve used his position in the avengers to his advantage, but his old techniques started to grow repetitive. 
It didn’t take him as long as he thought though, the hole he dug was around eight feet deep and hopefully the right size to fit the body. Dropping the shovel to the floor, he walked back to the car not to worried about his surroundings knowing that no one ever visited this part of the forest. 
He grabbed the body from the back seat, throwing it over his shoulder carrying it to the hole and tossing it inside without care. He smiled at the bag as he filled the hole a quarter of the way.
“Time to find an animal now shall we?” He whispered to himself, pulling out the hunters knife from the back of his pants along with a flash light, “Just incase,”
As he walked threw the trees and bushes, keeping look out for any movements he heard a gun shot cut threw the air. He gripped his knife, walking carefully towards the noise. 
Oh how he was sorry for the poor lad that decided to be here this night, but he had too do what had to be done.
Suddenly he was sent back by a force jumping on his back. He fell to the floor with a thud, his body forcefully turned over with a gun pointed directly between his eyes.
“Y/n?” He froze, his breath becoming heavier at how close your face was to his. Now he understood why his spider senses didn’t alert him, because you weren’t a threat to him, you could never be.
“Peter,” you whispered, lowering your gun, scrambling off of his body much to his dismay, “What are you doing here?”
“What are you doing here?” He asked back, still shocked at you proximity to him, talking with him, breathing the same air as him.
“You answer first,” you said quickly.
“No you,” Peter said back, crossing his arms.
“I-,” you started, but looked down, trying to hide your bashfulness, but it only drew attention to the blood dripping from your hair.
“Baby,” Peter whispered, walking up to you to grab your face, any sense of self control left his body after seeing the state you were in, “What happened,”
Peter thought it was some attack on you and judging by the amount of blood covering your skin, you had to defend yourself. He expected you to look up with the innocent eyes he’s studied for so long, finally getting a chance to get a closer look.
But instead, you raised your head with a sinister smile gracing your feature, you stepped out of his embrace, taking his hand in yours.
“Let me show you,” you whispered, in an almost sultry voice sending shivers down his spine.
You pulled him to a tree, taking the flashlight held in his fingers and pointed the light to the base of the trunk. Peter stared confused at the sight, walking forward slightly to inspect the slumped body. It was tied down tightly with rope around the waist and mouth, cutting threw the skin deeply showing signs of struggle. There was multiple stab wounds in the stomach, words carved in there legs that he couldn’t make out with the dirt and blood covering them. He did however notice his name on her forehead and the bullet wound in the middle. 
The streaks of blond in the hair falling in front of the face told him that this body belonged to Gwen Stacy.
“When she started talking to you I could see how uncomfortable she made you,” you started, looking to the floor while playing with the dirt with the sole of your shoe, “I- I didn’t like how close she got to you, and- and since she bothered you too I- I thought we were doing us both a favour,”
Peter stood back up, looking back at you. He wondered how somebody so insane could hide it so well. Even with the evidence painted over you, he still saw you as incapable of ever doing anything like this.
The thought made him laugh loudly, walking up to you and grabbing your face.
“I fucking love you,” he laughed more, making you smile brightly as he put his forehead against yours, “You’re perfect I swear,”
You laughed along with him, putting away your gun in your pack pocket, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“I’ve- I’ve so long for this,” you giggled, pressing your nose into his neck, basking in his sick scent, “But, what are you doing here?”
Peter giggled as well, pressing a quick kiss to your lips, “Same reason at you my love,”
Your eyes widened, you placed your hand on his cheek, bringing his lips back into yours. It was longer and sloppier than the first, both of you getting use to the movements but also desperate for the feeling.
Peter backed you up against another tree, pressing his body against yours, his deluded mind not reregistering how fucked up the situation was, but he loved every second. His lips moved down to your neck, sucking and bitting at the skin, drawing out delicious moans from your mouth.
“Fuck,” you sputtered, biting your lip and tangling your fingers in his hair, both of you not paying mind to the blood, sweat and dirt, “I’ve- I’ve wanted this for so long Peter,”
“Me too baby,” he said, tightening his hold on your waist, “Me too, now how about we hide these bodies together hmm?” He tickled your sides lightly, grinning at the giggle you let out, “Then I’m gonna take you home and make up for lost time,”
--->Interested in more? check out my other Dark!Peter fic<---
Hearts, reblogs and comments always appreciated 🥰
Taglist: @jadegill​ @joyleenl​ @ietss
328 notes · View notes
solastia · 4 years
Love And Lies | 1
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Pairing: Kim Seokjin x F!Reader
Summary: You are a simple maid. When your lady and dearest friend need help escaping an arranged marriage with King Seokjin so they might be together, you do the only thing you can - take her place. 
A/N: It was my intention to not post this story until it was totally completed, but I got too excited. There are about three chapters already in my drafts and I just really like how it’s turning out. Don’t worry, I’m still totally working on everything else too. I’m just going through a list of popular tropes that I’ve never gotten around to writing for, and this one covers both historical and arranged marriage. I’ll be posting the last chapter of Tuqburni as soon as I get it back from my beta and finish any corrections. Make sure to leave lots of comments on this one! 
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“I will not do this. He cannot force me to marry some strange man for his own selfish grab for power.”
“He can. You know he does this with your best interests in mind, my lady. And everything is already arranged. You leave in the morning.”
You listen to the now familiar argument as you fold your mistress’s garments into the opulently decorated trunks. A door slams, followed by a crash like something delicate hit the wall and a high-pitched scream resonated throughout the massive bedroom.
You sigh tiredly, knowing that the woman’s ire was going to be filling your own ears next.
“What are you doing, ___? I just said I wasn’t going.”
Lady Eleanor Rose D’Aily flounced back into her bed chambers, her rosy lips turned down in a petulant pout and her wilting golden curls bouncing around as she flung herself across her bed.
“I’m afraid Master Steward already spoke with me while you were on your afternoon ride. He ordered me to pack your belongings and warned that guards would be here to escort us at first light. And,” you add, flashing a warning glance at your impulsive charge, “He informed me that guards are being placed outside of your doors and windows should you attempt to escape your fate.”
“Ugg, this is torturous. Why is Papa doing this? I always thought he’d want to keep me close. Why send me to some old man that I’ve never met and will never love?”
“I dare say he believes he secured his beloved child a bridegroom most could only dream of. After all, you’ve been selected by the King of Verinthia himself - who is not yet thirty, mind you. You’re to be Queen Eleanor of Verinthia. Think of all the wondrous things you can do for your people.”
At that her lady sighed, pondering that point. For though your mistress was unarguably spoiled, she still had a good heart. You had no doubt that if she were to be Queen, a great deal of good would be done under her reign.
“But...Jungkook. I don’t want to marry anyone but Jungkook.”
And that was the core of this rebellion. As cliché as it was, Lady Eleanor - the only child of the Duke Of Nevers - was in love with a mere Knight.  
Sir Jungkook Jeon had basically been raised right alongside Eleanor after being sent by his Baron father to foster under the Duke. The lad was the youngest of eight and there was nothing left for him to inherit, so he was sent out to make his own way in the world.
He had started as a pageboy at the age of nearly eight, became the Duke’s squire at fourteen, and had been knighted and declared Captain of Lady Eleanor’s guard at eighteen. All of his formative years had been spent here at Nevers and all of them included his tiny blonde shadow begging for some scrap of his attention. The fact that somewhere along the line that childhood friendship morphed into love did not surprise you overly much.
Especially since you had been their third wheel for just as many years, and they were your dearest friends - as much as one can be friends between nobles and servants.
You had been assigned to the six-year-old Eleanor when you had been eleven, and she had always treated you more as a big sister than simply her personal maid. Therefore, you had been dragged through every mischievous plot the two had come up with, listened to them wax poetic about each other until you wished your ears would fall off, and helped transport letters between the two like their own personal pigeon.
However, no one cheered for their love more than you, either. Your lady was pampered and naïve but possessed a kind heart and a fun-loving personality that made her hard to dislike. Add to that Sir Jungkook’s honor and legendary ambition - tempered by his mischievous tendencies - and you had a match blessed by the heavens.
As far as you were aware, he’d been the very picture of Knightly chivalry and had not given in to your lady’s more impulsive urges for…taking liberties. Though you could often catch him staring longingly at Eleanor, she often bemoaned his refusal to so much as kiss his lord’s daughter beyond a chivalrous one on the back of her hand.
And now - now the poor Sir Jungkook was going to have to watch the love of his life being sent to the King. Your heart aches for the pair.
You watch as a single glistening tear rolls down your lady’s flawless cheeks.
“Do you think Papa and His Majesty will at least let me keep Jungkook as my Captain?”
You sigh and sit next to her, reaching over to run your fingers through her hair soothingly.
“He’s going to be part of our escort, but that’s it. Once we reach the palace, the Duke has stated that he’ll be granting Jungkook leave from the remaining year of service he owed - along with a keep of his own for his many years faithfully served. I heard him say it was about time Sir Jungkook started a family of his own.”
“And that’s not going to happen with anyone but my Ellie.”
The two of you whirled when the words reached you from her balcony, where a disheveled Sir Jungkook heaved himself from the massive oak he had climbed to get there.
“Jungkook!” Eleanor exclaimed happily, throwing herself at the beaming Knight.
How beautiful they looked together, even with Eleanor’s eyes reddened from tears and the leaves and twigs adorning Jungkook’s long ebony hair which had long been released from it’s usual leather tie.
“Greetings, Sis,” Jungkook grins cheekily over Eleanor’s shoulder at you.
“Evening greetings to you, Sir J…” Jungkook clears his throat at you in warning. You sigh wearily, “Fine. Greetings, Jungkook. What brings you to a chamber where you’re likely to get all our heads lopped off?”
His grin transforms into a smile of triumph as he holds Eleanor to his side tightly. “I had an idea!”
“Ooh, yes. That is news,” you nod, letting humor color your tone in the privacy of this room.
Eleanor giggles while Jungkook merely rolls his eyes. “I’m deadly serious. I have a solution that will be wonderful for us all.”
“Ohhh, My handsome Knight is so wise,” Eleanor sighs and leans her head into the preening man’s shoulder.
“You haven’t even heard the plan yet. It could be absurd,” you snort, rolling your eyes.
“It’s...a little absurd,” Jungkook muses aloud, and you grunt at Eleanor as if to say ‘Told you so.’
“Out with it, my love. I’m willing to consider anything to get us out of this madness,” She implores him with an impatient tug on his sapphire tunic - the one that Eleanor had hand-embroidered herself for nearly two years, you noticed.
“I will indeed escort you to the palace. However, once there…” Jungkook begins nervously, while you glare at him in suspicion. He refuses to meet your eyes straight on. This was never a good sign.
“Yes? Once there…” you prompt with a quirked eyebrow.
“Once there...you’ll switch with Ellie,” he says with an audible gulp. “She’ll pretend to be your maid in public and you’ll be the King’s betrothed. I’ll tell the Duke that I will stay on as Captain of the guard until I receive several copies of the deed to the keep he promised me. Once I have that in hand, Ellie and I will wed and it will be too late for him to stop us. You can simply tell the King that you don’t think you’ll suit and then I’ll spirit you both away to my keep!”
You were appalled. “So many sins in that one little plan. So many lies and…” you angrily huffed, folding your arms. “Jungkook, no one is going to believe that I’m a Duke’s daughter, nor a candidate to be Queen. My mother is a seamstress and my father is a tanner. I don’t have a single drop of noble blood in my veins. I’ll be found out and beheaded in a day.”
“Oh, but you’ve essentially been raised in a Duke’s household,” Eleanor added helpfully, obviously on board with Jungkook’s foolish plan for the simple reason that it came out of his mouth. “You were right at my side through every lesson and know everything as well as I,” she cocked her head as she stared at you thoughtfully. “And not that it will come to that, but I think you would make a wonderful Queen.”
Jungkook smiles fondly at his love, bringing her hand up to his lips to place a chaste kiss on the back of it before he strides purposely towards you. The Knight falls to one knee before you and grasps both of your hands into his, looking up at you with warm brown eyes.
“You have always been our dearest friend and the sister of our hearts, no matter our stations. I know what I’m asking of you is more than a simple favor - it’s a risk to our lives, though mainly yours. Know that I do not ask lightly, for your life is as precious to me as my Ellie’s. This is the only way I can think of to save myself and her from a life of misery. I have tried everything, Sis. I...I even dropped to my knees and begged the Duke for permission to court her.”
“You did what? When was this?” Eleanor exclaimed, and even you leaned forward in shocked wonder.
“A fortnight ago. That’s when he offered me the keep. He simply laughed at my request and said that I have been too isolated here and must have forgotten that other women exist beyond these walls. That I only offered for Ellie out of familiarity. He said perhaps if he hadn’t had better offers for her he would have considered it since I am a fine man, but he’d already talked up the King and no one could ask for better than that,” he finishes with a mocking scoff.
You sigh heavily and glance out the balcony window at the darkening sky. It was true that all seemed rather hopeless for the two of them. No doubt if you ignored this plan and simply went forward with the way it was supposed to, Eleanor would despise you. You would be instrumental in denying her from being with her love and shuffled off to an affectionless arranged marriage. Jungkook would either go off to his keep and live alone forever or demand a position in the palace to keep watch over her from afar, breaking his own heart day after day.
But...there was also your own self to consider. Say you did this thing...you would have to pretend for however long it took for Jungkook to get his affairs in order that you were the daughter of one of the most powerful nobles in the land. That there was something about you worth placing on the throne next to the young King and ruling over the lives of thousands. And if you were to slip up even once, you could spend the rest of your life in the dungeon or beheaded in the royal courtyard.
If you were wiser, perhaps less sentimental, you would say them nay. You would continue packing and close your ears to their pleas. However, when Eleanor drops to her knees next to Jungkook and stares at you imploringly with tears in her pretty blue eyes, twining her hand into her love’s like it might be the last time, you knew you were going to relent. No two people deserved to be with each other more than they. And besides, if this plot were successful, you would tag along to the new keep with them and happily stand at their side as they built a new life together, full of love and hope, and possibly children. You certainly had doubts about the two of them as parents without you around anyway. Jungkook would give their child a real sword at two years and wonder why people were missing ears. Eleanor would cry when it came time to change a nappie.
“Get up, you two,” you grunt wearily. What had you done to deserve being stuck with these two for life? “I’ll do it.”
“You will?” Eleanor squealed, throwing herself onto you with a whirl of costly silk and rose oil.
You nod. “I will do my best. Just know that if I die, I will haunt both of you.”
Jungkook grins, “We’d deserve it.”
He grabs your hand and places a brisk kiss on the back of it, then does the same for Eleanor before striding back towards the balcony.
“Get some rest, ladies. We leave at first light and it will take us several days to reach the palace by carriage.”
He vaults over the balcony onto the oak tree and disappears from sight. Eleanor sighs and sits next to you on the bed, lacing an arm in yours and placing her head on your shoulder.
“Think you this scheme will work?” She asks softly.
“It has to,” you whisper.
And it does. The consequences if it did not were far too dire.
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d1nob0nes · 3 years
i’ve spent like 5 minutes doing homework and need a break so uh. c!foolish and c!jack manifold friendship idea that was brought up in twitter groupchat that i also want to share and develop on here. it’s long so uh. under the cut ig. might turn this into an entire fic at some point
starting with the deep sea afterlife idea from @the-king-of-lemons , jack comes back and he’s got all these “friends” that he made in the ocean, all these funny looking and colorful and beautiful fish and squid and creatures. he misses them. he wants to go back to that peacefulness, the momentary calm from the constant war and conflict, the gentle lull between the pain of dying and the pain of being revived. so he figures some shit out. does some math. 
one day foolish is out late. it’s getting dark, he doesn’t want to go through the nether to get back home, so he strolls down to the hotel to stay in the room jack has rented to him. jack greets him and walks him into the lobby, and foolish notices a new door off in a corner. it’s metal, almost like a vault door, with a keycode and spinning wheel. he points it out. “hey, jack, what is that?”
“oh, that’s a project i’ve been working on,” jack replies with a grin. “you wanna see it?”
“sure,” foolish says, shrugging, because it shouldn’t take long. but when jack leads him over to the door, unlocks it with his body hunched over the keypad, it swings open to reveal a long, dark, sloping hallway that descends into darkness. there’s a minecart off to the side, perched on rickety-looking rails, and jack gestures to it. “after you.”
the trip downward is terrifying. there’s no lighting, the rails are shoddily-made and crooked, and foolish swears that a few arrows are shot their way when they fly past cave entrances. the worst part is coming to a stop--jack sticks out his arm, a flash of silver in the darkness, and grabs onto the stone walls, making a horrible screeching noise that echoes through the passage as the minecart slows. they slam to a stop in a small room, lit by a singular torch, and jack’s already out and walking around before foolish realizes the minecart is still.
“here, put one of these on,” jack says, and a heavy bundle of metal and plastic hits foolish’s chest. “you’ll need it. otherwise, your head will explode.” he grins cheerfully at foolish and starts dressing himself.
the diving suits (at least that’s what foolish thinks they are--they’re held together by willpower and hope, as well as a bit of tape and some sort of glue) are heavy, clunky, and huge. jack stumps over to a little doorway, one that opens into a rickety elevator, and says, “you’ll have to turn sideways to get in,” before shuffling inside. the elevator car dips when foolish steps in, and he has to bite back a curse.
the second descent of the night is equally as terrifying as the first. the elevator car struggles downward, dropping several feet at points and halting at others. jack just stands casually, tapping his feet, humming some song. when the elevator finally stops, hundreds and hundreds of feet down, it’s with a grinding, screeching thud.
“we’re here!” jack declares, his voice muffled by the helmet. “hold on, lemme open the door--”
he yanks and pulls at the metal door, heaving until it jerks open. foolish steps out onto a rough, uneven stone floor, turns to his left, and stops.
there’s a massive, massive glass wall, stretching up into shadows. behind it is dark, barely lit water, strands of strange looking plants, and fish. tons of fish, of all shapes and sizes and colors, darting around each other and dancing behind the glass. some glow, some flash strange colors, and foolish swears he sees the tail of a shark whip by before disappearing into darkness.
“cool, innit?” jack declares. there’s a weak strain of pride in his voice, a subtle shake, but he stands straight and tall with his hands on his hips. “took me a while. i didn’t sleep much, but i got it done.”
“what--” foolish starts, but then jack is running up to the glass (running as best as he can in the massive pressure suits, at least) and pointing. “look, look,” he calls. “this is my buddy, this is long lad. i couldn’t think of a name for him, being the stringy fuck that he is, but look. he’s a bigfin squid.”
foolish can’t see much, other than several long, ghostly pale tentacles drifting through the water. jack is beaming inside his helmet, and he darts across the tank to point at another creature. “this, this is bella. she’s a giant isopod. i read up on these things, y’know, when i came back, to figure out what all my buddies were.” jack watches the pale, bug-like thing tumble off a rock and land gently on the muddy floor. “isn’t she pretty?”
“jack,” foolish finally spits out, “how--what--why did you make this? where the hell did you get all these animals?”
jack’s smile fades a bit. “well, i died, right?” he glances at foolish, almost shamefully, then turns back to the glass. “and wilbur, wil had his train station purgatory. tommy was in a void of some sort. me, well--i actually died. i didn’t have a ghost hanging around, or some sadistic fuck with a book ready to pull me back. i actually died then.
“everyone has a different afterlife, apparently,” jack continues. “my headset says some weird shit, and that’s something i’ve heard from it, and i believe it. my afterlife,” he says, turning to look foolish in the eyes, “was the deep sea. i was laying in the silt, in the dark, for a while.”
“oh,” foolish says. 
“i missed them, a lot,” jack adds on. his voice is rough, cracking, angry. “i had nobody to welcome me back to the living. nobody noticed, or cared, that i had died, and they were my companionship. they kept me company, and it was nice, and it was peaceful.” he gestures weakly to the glass wall, to the swarms of fish and shadows that shift through the water. “i wanted to replicate it, i guess. hence the big jack manifold aquarium.” he laughs, and it’s so full of hurt and pain that foolish grimaces.
there’s a moment of silence between them, as they stand in the weak blue light watching the sea creatures swim. something with a long neck, bioluminescent and flashing, moves slowly between the seagrass. a sperm whale covered in barnacles drifts out of the shadows, then retreats.
“i think it’s pretty awesome,” foolish finally says. “this is really cool.”
“you think?” jack laughs, and the tension and sadness lifts slightly. “hey, look at this one. i call him big bastard, because he tried to take a bite out of me a few times.”
there’s a massive shark swimming by, slow and steady, and foolish squints at it. jack’s going on about it, talking about how it dive bombed him in the afterlife, how it’s such a bastard motherfucker and jack hates it but in an endearing way, and then something sparks.
“jack,” foolish says, “that’s my great grandma. that shark.”
yo if you made it this far thank you for reading :3 the deep sea creatures coexisting in a tank, as well as the descent and pressure stuff, are very scientifically inaccurate so apologies !! uh yeah lol haha whip nae nae i hope you liked it. anyway back to my homework and twitter i go bye
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itstittycitybaby · 4 years
Flirty and Lin Halloween Special
a/n: ok before you all come and fuck me, this is just a special alright. the timeline is non existent. thinking of a christmas special now but flirty is wearing the santa outfit that regina george wears. also thank you to the anon for giving me this idea and giving me premission to write it! it was sooo much fun :)). with that being said here’s tonight’s halloween special. 
Warnings: NSFW 18+,mommy kink, slight pet play?, degradation, thigh riding.
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It was stupid really. Halloween was a holiday where drunken idiots paraded around and made stupid decisions. If you were to ask the police in Republic City what day they arrested people the most on, all of them would collectively agree that it was Halloween night. Which meant more paper work to file and sign and an even grumpier Chief.
“Plllleeeeaseeee, it’ll be soo much fun! For old times sake?” Lin regretted agreeing to showing up to Asami’s mansion for a foolish party. But the way you pleaded and batted your lashes made Lin feel weak. You knew if you batted your lashes and asked sweetly, Lin would give you anything. Even the damn moon. So, here she was.
Lin stepped into the mansion. Cheesy pumpkin decorations and spooky ghosts  hung throughout the entrance of the manor. Fog from smoke machines whisped around the main entrance. Lights winkled and hung from the banisters of the stairs in a pattern of red, orange, and yellow. Lin had to give Asami credit for the decorations. She really outdone herself.
“Chief!” Lin groaned. She hoped to sneak in unnoticed but fate seemed to have other plans in store. “What,” she grumbled at Mako. “Just surprised to see you,” he answered, a drink in hand. Bolin stood beside him talking to some girl in a green ball gown and gold masquerade mask. Lin knew it wasn’t you, but she wished it was. At least then she wouldn’t have to talk to these idiots.
 “I’m surprised I even bothered to show up,” she snarked. “I’m glad you did,” Asami piped up with a cheerful smile, revealing fake fangs. She wore a black lace dress with a slit and low cut on the top. A train of black lace pooled around her feet. There was fake red blood under her lips. ‘Typical’. “Nice costume,” Asami said, pointing to the cat ears on Lin’s head. You had begged her to at least wear something festive instead of her armor. “Thanks,” Lin muttered. Her eyes shifted around the room. She seemed to be searching from something. Searching for you.
Mako and Asami glanced at each other awkwardly. The air became tense and uncomfortable but Lin ignored it. She was busy trying to find your face in the crowd. “There’s refreshments in the ball room with some dancing. Knock yourself out!” Giving one last smile to Lin, Asami left her alone with the two idiot brothers, black lace pillowing behind her. It was going to be a long night.
 Lin’s heart stopped. The infamous pink silk bunny suit was back. She didn’t know you even still had it. It barely covered your chest and it made your ass pop out. White fluffy bunny ears sat on your head and there was a little white puff ball sitting above your ass. On your thighs were pink heart garters with white thigh high stockings.
The choker topped it all off. It was pink with frilly white lace on the sides and a pink bow with a bell stuck in the middle. It rang softly every time you moved. You were chatting with some of the guests while pouring a fruity drink. Bolin had been the first to see you. His eyes popped out of his head and his jaw hung open. Lin scoffed and her brows furrowed, looking in the direction his eyes fell. Lin felt her face become red and her lips pulled into a sneer; she was absolutely seething. How dare that idiot gawk at you like that? Her eyes narrowed dangerously, lips curling. 
“See something you like,” she barked. “N-no m’am,” Bolin stammered, eyes snapping away from yours. His gaze fell to his shoes and he stubbornly refused to look up. Lin could see Bolin’s cheeks scarlet. Mako coughed with his cheeks turning pink and refused to glance in your direction. “E-excuse us Chief,” Mako mumbled, pulling his brother by the back of the collar. Lin ignored him and trained her eyes on you.
“Bumi!” Your best friend turned around. A cigar hung out of his lips and a glass of rum in cupped in his hand. Bumi’s eyes lit up once he saw you. “Oof,” he grunted from the bone crushing hug you gave him. You smelt faintly of cotton candy.
“Ya look great! never thought I’d see this again” Bumi said, gesturing to the signature bunny costume. You giggled, “Thanks! Lin’s probably already been threatening people because of it.”
Bumi let out a booming laugh. Several glances were thrown your way but you didn’t care. You missed him. It had been so long since you’ve seen your best friend. Bumi was a kindhearted soul who was very thoughtful (even if his brother and Lin disagreed). You could always count on him.
“She was always a jealous one wasn’t she?” You nodded, sipping the vodka in your punch and relishing the burn that traveled down your throat. Asami mentioned there wasn’t going to be any alcohol, so you snuck a tiny bottle of liquor in your costume. It would be lame without a drink. The vodka made the fruit punch taste a little more bitter. How Lin could drink vodka straight up was beyond you.
“How’s er..the lad doing?” You smiled sadly at the mention of your brother. “Good enough. Haven’t been able to see him in a while. You know how he is, working and stressing himself out to the max.”
“Jus’ like a bright inventor I know. They work too hard on themselves.” You smiled, “Well, we know where he gets it from.” The two of you stood next to each other in comfortable silence. Bumi seemed lost in thought as he swirled his glass full of rum around. “Is Tenzin here?” He chuckled at the light snarkiness in your voice. You never seemed to let go of the grudge you held against Bumi’s brother. 
He followed your gaze to the dance floor. People were piled on it and dressed in different costumes. Their hips swung to the pulsing beat. The floor was foggy from the smoke machine and balloons glided through the air as they floated up and down. “Nah,” Bumi scoffed, “mentioned Pema taking the kids out trick or treating..I think.” You hummed. From what you heard Tenzin’s wife seemed nice but..you always held a grudge. 
“Hey guys!” You and Bumi turned to Korra and Asami. “Hey,” you replied happily. “Great decorations Asami!” She grinned, fake fangs glinting in the light. “Thanks! It took so long to get the lights up there.” She gestured to the twinkling yellow, red, and orange lights scattered onto the ceiling of the ballroom.
“You look great!” You grinned, “Thanks Korra! Decided to dig this one up from the good ol’ days.” “Must be why Lin was so grumpy earlier,” Asami piped up, a knowing smirk on her face. You chuckled. “Seems I’ve lost her. She’ll find me eventually.” The three of you chatted a bit more before Asami and Korra excused themselves. Asami’s dress trailed elegantly behind her and an elegant arm around Korra’s shoulders. They both looked hot tonight.
“When do you think the two of them will get together,” Bumi asked. “Twenty bucks says in a week.” Bumi grinned, taking your outstretched hand and shaking it. “Deal.”
As Bumi rambled on about something, you could feel the eyes staring in your back. Tingles traveled down your spine and your blood ran cold. The idea of someone watching you made you nervous. You glanced around, but there was no face in the crowd.
It’s fine, just being paranoid, you thought as you tuned into the conversation. You had turn a second too early, for most of the crowd dispersed from the floor, revealing a cat ready to pounce.
Lin watched your hips swing around on the dance floor. The bunny suit made your ass swell even more. Spirits, how she missed this outfit. You didn’t notice her hungry stare as she observed from afar. 
You looked so happy dancing the night away. Lin had stalked you like a cat watching its pray as the night became older. You were always a social butterfly and loved sweeping the crowed off its feet. Anyone in your eyes deserved a chance to have fun despite Lin’s grumbling when the two of you went out. Still, it surprised her that you were friends with Tenzin’s oaf of a brother. But you were kind and caring, even if you were naive. 
Lin chuckled darkly as she weaved her way through people’s sweating bodies. The grime between people and their dancing was disgusting, but she shook it off. Her mission was getting to you.
You were a few yards away from Lin. Her footsteps became slower and more calculated the closer she got. Your back was turned to her as you moved to the music. Lin loved how vulnerable you were. So unaware and carefree. At first glance you seemed innocent and sweet, but Lin knew better. No, you were naughty to the bone.
As you were about to turn around, Lin pounced. Her arms wrapped around the front your body, chest pressing up against your back. You squeaked, much to Lin’s delight. Her dark red lips pressed gently against the shell of your ear. You shivered, trying to wiggle out of her grip. Lin’s arms tightened around you as a warning, trapping you against her.
You shivered as her dark chuckle sent goosebumps down your bare spine. “Ah ah ah,” Lin tutted, pressing you even closer. Her armor was cold and the metal dug into your back. “Seems like I’ve caught me a little rabbit.”
Your cheeks flushed red and you let out a whine. Lin laughed; its dark tone made you excited and nervous. Her lips kissed your ear gently. She trailed her lips down from your jaw to your neck. You shivered again making Lin hum. She nuzzled into your neck and inhaled. “Cotton candy hm? How fitting.” You swallowed thickly, eyes darting to the crowd. No one seemed to be paying attention to the two of you. That was good.
Lin followed your gaze. “Think they’re watching? Seeing what a slutty bunny you are? Maybe they should watch us, so they know what happens to whores prancing around waiting to be bent over. You’d like that wouldn’t you?” You muffled a soft whimper and clamped your thighs together. Lin chuckled and kissed the side of your neck gently. She barely even started and you were already so needy.
“Too bad I don’t like to share what’s mine,” she whispered softly into your ear. Her words swept across your skin making you tremble. Lin’s fingers traveled up your chest and to the pink choker around you neck. The lace was delicate and soft in her fingers as she tugged on it softly. The bell jingled loud enough for the two of you to hear over the music. “Fuck,” she cursed softly, “What I’d give to fuck you with that collar on.”
“L-Lin,” you whimpered, face burning with shame. Lin smirked, letting the collar go. Your lips pulled into a pout as her arms let go of you. “Meet me in the closet in the main hallway. First one to the left. Five minutes. Or else.” She smacked your ass making you squeak. It stung only a little but still hard enough to where you rubbed it gently. “In a second I just gotta-” You turned around to see her. She was gone.
You tore through the floor quickly, running through the crowds. Damn these heels! Were you desperate? Maybe to other people but dammit you wanted to get fucked so hard in this suit!
Your heels clacked onto the tile floor. “Hey Y/N!” ‘God fucking-’ “Yes,” you gritted out, turning to find Asami. “Going somewhere?” You hated the smirk and the knowing twinkle in her eye. She held in a laugh at the dark lipstick marks on your neck. “Just gotta pee,” you lied, turning to bolt like your life depended on it. “Don’t let me stop you,” Asami said winking. You grumbled, cheeks flaming with shame as you hurried to the closet.
You almost cried with joy as you faced the closet door. You had gotten there just in the nick of time. Asami had almost put your life on the line but you made it. You glanced around quickly to make sure no other party goers were watching. ‘Coast’s clear’. As you opened the door, a hand reached out and yanked you in there.
You yelped as your back was shoved into the wall. A hand clamped over your mouth tightly. The door closed with a soft thud. The sound of the lock turning made you tingle with excitement. “Shhh,” Lin cooed, fingers slowly trailing up to your chest. “Don’t want anyone to find us hm?” You whimpered as her fingers lightly rubbed over your nipples. The sensation was muffled from the silk bunny suit covering them.
You tried tugging the suit down to let your chest free, but a hand smacked you. You grumbled, rubbing the top of your hand softly. “Keep it on.” “Yes mommy,” you whined. “Good bunny,” Lin cooed softly. She smirked as she felt you tremble underneath her. 
Lin kissed your jaw softly. You let out a sigh, wrapping your hands around her shoulders. Her soft lips trailed down your neck with kisses and bites. Once Lin got to the side that drove you wild she started sucking. “Mmm~,” you moaned softly as she sucked purple hickeys into your skin. Lin’s left thumb pressed lightly against your nipple. The silky fabric sent tingles down your spine. Her other hand cupped your jaw lightly. She suckled lightly under your jaw, knowing that place drove you wild. You moaned softly as her thumb rubbed your nipple harder.
 Her lips pulled away from your neck. You grumbled, making Lin snort. “Suck,” she commanded, swiping her right thumb over your pink glossy lips.
Immediately, you took the finger in her mouth. Lin hummed as your tongue swirled around her it. Your warm and wet lips wrapped around her thumb, coating it in spit. You nibbled on the tip of her thumb gently, smearing her finger with pink gloss. She always went wild seeing your mouth a mess after choking or slobbering all over whatever she gave you.
Lin pulled away. The sound making a wet pop. You whined pathetically. “Be a good bunny and take what I give you. Don’t want to be punished do you?” “No mommy, I’ll be good I promise.” “Good rabbit,” Lin purred, pinching your nipple lightly as a reward. Your brain felt hazy and dizzy already. The closet was pitch black and you wished you could see her. You were afraid of the dark, but with Lin kissing and sucking in all the right places, she was the only thing you could focus on.
Her lips smashed against yours and she nibbled on your bottom lip. You bit her lip playfully and refused to open them in retaliation. She growled against your mouth, fingers inching up to your chest. You mewled as they pinched and rubbed your left nipple over the silk. It felt so smooth and cool over your chest. Lin slipped her tongue through your lips. She stroked her tongue along the roof of your mouth, and you moaned whenever she finally sucked on yours. The feeling of her red lipstick mixing with your gloss made you cringe. Lin grinned wickedly against your lips. She always loved to make you messy and needy.
 Your knees held your trembling legs up. They quivered and you felt weak pinned to the wall, feeling dizzy. “Lin,” you whimpered, pulling away from her lips. “I’m gonna fall.” 
Lin chuckled. “Can’t have that can we?” The sound of her metal armor shifting rang in your ears. In the distance the music could be heard along with some outside chatter.
You whined as her knee slid between your legs, thigh jutting against your crotch. Your body became hot and prickly as her thigh brushed up against you. “What did I say about keeping quiet? If you keep moaning like a whore, I’ll fuck you in this closet for everyone to hear what happens to a needy slut,” Lin hissed.
Her right hand cupped your throat, fingers splayed gently on the sides of it. Your heart thumped in your chest with anticipation. 
You squeaked as a harsh slap came down onto your thigh. “I asked you a question, bitch. Answer me.” “Sorry,” you whined, “I’m sorry, I’ll be quiet!” Lin smirked, satisfied with your answer. “Good. Now grind on my thigh and cum like the good whore you are. If you do, I might consider fucking you silly with my strap tonight.”
Lin laughed once you jumped down on her thigh with eagerness. You bit your lip harshly and focused on your breathing as you shifted slowly. A small amount of relief poured through your body. “Keep going,” she commanded, left hand ghosting over your chest again. 
Eventually, you got a good rhythm down. Your rocked your hips and rubbed your crotch down on Lin’s thigh. “Mmm~,” you moaned softly, trying so hard to keep quiet. Lin smirked, her fingers squeezing the sides of your throat gently. Blood rushed to your head as you focused on breathing. The high from grinding on Lin’s thigh, and the pleasure combined with her hand wrapped around your throat felt so good.
“What I’d give to see that stupid look on your face. You’ve just barely started and I’ve already got you turning into a dumb fucking bunny.” Whimpering, you grinded down faster. Your hips were already getting tired and your legs began to ache.
Lin’s hand suddenly let go of your throat. The rush of air that knocked into your chest made you choke. She snickered. “Good little rabbit,” she cooed. Lin leaned her head down. Her lips wrapped around your covered nipple and sucked. “Fuck fuck fuck fuck,” you whimpered. Her tongue felt so good over the satin and the way your hips rocked against her thigh made your core sing.
The closet was getting hotter and stuffier. The bell on your choker rang every time you straddled Lin’s thigh and used it to get off. Your cheeks were hot along with your arms and collarbone. There was sweat beading on your head, threatening to roll off of your brow.
 “Mommy,” you moaned softly. She hummed in reply, the vibrations on your nipple causing you to squeak. Her right hand slowly tugged down the bunny suit, revealing your chest bare and free.
You whimpered as the air hit your bare chest. Lin kissed your left nipple. Without the fabric covering it, the sensations were more powerful. Her lips wrapped around it softly and sucked gently. You whined and grinded harder. Your legs and knees burned so bad but you didn’t want to stop. You wanted to cum on your girlfriend’s thigh and let the whole world know who you belonged to.
The closet became more stuffy the longer the two of you were locked in here. It made you try harder and harder to get your release. Lin’s fingers gently swept over your right one. She rolled the soft bud between the pads of her fingers. Your brain turned into mush and your pleading became a mantra of Lin’s name. Your stomach curled with heat and your core burned with pleasure.
Lin’s lips kissed your chest as her finger’s worked your nipples. They were sore and ached from the sensitivity of being sucked on so harshly. Lin kissed between your chest before sucking the skin there. You groaned as the delicious pleasure buzzed through you. Her lips trailed all over your chest leaving hickies in their wake. Lin pulled away, fingers gently rubbing your nipples again. It made you hiss from how much it ached but Lin didn’t stop. “Are you gonna cum?” “Yessss,” you whined, crotch rubbing against her leg harshly. “Good. Cum on my thigh like the naughty bunny you are.”
Lin smashed her lips against yours to muffle your cries. You trembled as you came, body trembling and shaking against the wall. She smirked against your lips at the sound of the bell on your choker ringing loudly.
Lin held you up with her hands around your waist and gently removed her thigh between your legs. She kissed your forehead softly murmuring sweet things. “You did so well for me,” she praised, kissing all over your sweaty face and hot cheeks. “Can you stand?” 
“I think so.” She let go of you slowly, but her hands hovered around you in case you started to fall. Your knees trembled but you could stand even if it was a bit wobbly. “Yea, I can stand.” Lin smiled, pulling the string on the ceiling. You hissed softly as the closet light burned your eyes. 
“You look so sexy messed up like that,” Lin sighed, taking in your tossled hair and messed up lip gloss. You looked at her confused as she handed you her coat. She laughed, “Wear it. Unless you want someone to see my claim on you.” You sputtered, throwing on her jacket and zipping it up. It reached your knees and it would shield you from the cold air outside. Lin chuckled and sent you one last wink before slipping out of the closet. You waited a few more moments before running after her.
Asami, Bolin, Mako, and Korra, watched you zoom by them, yelling a quick “Bye guys!” over your shoulder.
“What’s her deal,” Mako asked brows furrowing deeply. Bolin refused to look up from anywhere but his drink and muttered a “I don’t know.” “It looks like they got attacked by a monster,” Korra said, her voice confused but mostly concerned. Asami grinned. She had gotten a good look at the dark red lipstick smeared all over your lips before you ran out. “Oh they were attacked by a monster alright. Quite a grumpy one.” 
Three heads turned to her with quizzical looks on their face. “What are you talking about?!” Asami snickered, sipping her wine. “Doesn’t matter,” she replied cryptically, “I have more people to host to.” Asami winked before turning away from them and left. The train of her black lace dress swept behind her as Korra and Mako watched her disappear into the crowd, very confused.
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