#we're going to follow other characters tomorrow ;)
nocturnalazure · 2 months
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dustofthedailylife · 2 months
You were not supposed to hear that...yet
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Pairing: Alhaitham x (gn!) Reader
Summary: Alhaitham reveals a secret about the inner workings of his heart to his friends over a cup of wine and in between some banter. However, he did not expect it would go this wrong...
Tags: Fluff, crack, comfort, teasing, consumption of alcohol (by characters), the whole 4ggravate crew is here, friendly banter between friends, a small sprinkle of angst because reader is insecure (but it's unjustified)
A/N: Dust posting a new fic?! Not an April Fool's joke, despite the date! Finally felt inspired and well enough again to finish this fic that has been rotting in my WIPs forever. I hope you like it. And feel free to hit me up with asks and reblogs - it'd motivate me greatly after my long break 🥺
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The usual friend group of Cyno, Kaveh, Tighnari, and him - Alhaitham, was sitting at the Tavern. A gathering like it happened almost every weekend at this point.
The wine bottle on the table had been emptied around two or three times already when Kaveh ordered a new one yet again. At this point, Alhaitham had actually lost count of how many glasses of wine he'd already had, too. But one thing was for certain, he could feel the alcohol in his system and the warm blood that was rushing to his cheeks. All things considered though, despite feeling a little tipsy from the intoxication, he was still able to think clearly.
"Let me guess I'm the one who will have to end up covering your bill again?" He took sarcastic a jab at Kaveh. 
The man in question just squinted his eyes and glared daggers at him before opening his mouth in an attempt to protest before it was quickly shot down by Tighnari's hand covering it.
Alhaitham leisurely leaned back in his chair smirking to himself, training his focus back onto the TCG cards in his hands and considering his next turn of action in the game he was playing against Cyno.
"What, am I just supposed to take it all the time and be quiet?!" Kaveh retorted, directed at Tighnari. The fox's ears were beginning to droop lower and lower as his expression became more and more deadpan.
"You all know as well as I do that if [Y/N] was here he wouldn't be acting like this. He would be on his best behavior and pay for the drinks without so much as complaining or being so cocky."
"By the way," Tighnari attempted to divert the attention away from Kaveh's ranting. "Where are they? Didn't you say they wanted to stop by the Tavern as well today, Alhaitham?"
Alhaitham played his round, throwing his card Cyno's way before looking up at Tighnari again.
"They mentioned it but I suppose something must've come up instead. I will ask tomorrow."
"Isn't it strange?" Kaveh addressed the others. "Whenever it involves [Y/N] he graciously offers himself up to talk to them and seek them out but whenever someone else is looking for him he is nowhere to be found."
"Maybe you just can't find me because I simply don't have anything to discuss with you." Alhaitham threw another jab at Kaveh with a smirk, which was promptly followed by a light punch against his bicep by the blonde architect.
"What? I constantly have to talk to you already when we're at ho-"
"SHHH! Don't say that out loud." Kaveh hissed, quickly covering Alhaitham's mouth in panic, since he didn’t want him to spell out that they were currently living together. “It's embarrassing enough that I currently have no other choice, no need to add to my misery.”
A witty quip was burning at the tip of Alhaitham's tongue after Kaveh's remark yet again, but he decided to swallow it. He didn't want to upset him too much, especially since he knew he'd had it rough lately. Even if it would've been said in jest, there was no need to add insult to injury. Instead, he simply resorted to taking another sip of his wine with a low chuckle and a glance in the blonde architect’s direction.
“Aaaaanyway…”, Tighnari cleared his throat, addressing Alhaitham once more. “What is it between [Y/N] and you anyway? You've become quite close haven't you?”
“That's an understatement.” Kaveh groaned, dropping his head on his folded arms on the table dramatically. “He can't stop talking about them. Day in and day out it’s [Y/N]-this, [Y/N]-that.”
“We started working on a project about six months ago. Things are progressing quite smoothly if I do say so myself. Certainly makes things easier if you're working with someone who is both hardworking and intelligent in every way. I’ve been lucky to have been assigned to the project with them.” Alhaitham answered Tighnari’s question rationally while ignoring Kaveh’s dramatic display.
“Here he goes again.” Kaveh huffed, directing his comment at Cyno and Tighnari. “Whenever he talks about them you hear nothing but praises.”
“If someone is doing a great job, is it not logical to give them the credit they deserve?” Alhaitham added matter of factly.
“No… I mean yes, but no. It's just not something I'd see you doing. It’s so out of character.” Kaveh huffed. “And before you say anything, yes, maybe I just don't know that side of you because I don't give you any reason to praise me. No need to add that, thank you.”
Kaveh poked his tongue out at Alhaitham before taking a big sip from his wine.
“Why, if you want to be praised you just need to say so, Kaveh. I think you're quite brilliant - your shortcomings aside.” He just had to add that last bit. Kaveh was just way too easy to tease. And what would this friend group be without the playful banter and jabs at each other?
Kaveh choked on the drink immediately and slammed his cup down onto the table with a loud clang. A fire burned behind his crimson eyes when he spoke next.
“This is exactly what I meant, thanks for proving my point!”
Kaveh looked at Cyno and Tighnari gesturing in the direction of Alhaitham with a move that said “Do you see what I mean now?”.
Tighnari just facepalmed and shook his head.
“And what is your point exactly?” Cyno inquired, playing a card from his hand.
“Did you not listen to what he said?” Kaveh gasped.
“Not really,” Cyno admitted honestly, his eyes trained back on the cards in his hands.
“It's the fact that he can praise others too, but never without also pointing out their faults in the same sentence. Did no one ever notice that? However, he never does that when it's [Y/N].” Kaveh explained.
“And?” Tighnari and Cyno replied in unison, looking puzzled as to where Kaveh wanted to go with this.
Kaveh put his head in his hand and groaned in frustration. “Sometimes you all make me feel like I am surrounded by idiots.”
Now everyone raised their eyebrows at him.
“You're all so clueless… anyway.” He sighed dramatically and accusingly pointed a finger at Alhaitham. “This guy. This admittedly handsome but blockheaded, know-it-all, stoic, annoying-”
“Get to the point.” Alhaitham chided, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Fine, fine." Kaveh spread his arms like he was holding a presentation and Alhaitham his canvas.
“This guy's right here, as alien as it may sound – has fallen in love.” 
“You're in love?!” Cyno exclaimed his eyes widening. “With who?!”
Tighnari rolled his eyes, knowing full well Cyno hadn't listed at all the past ten minutes because he had been so absorbed in his cards, and gently slapped the back of his head.
“[Y/N], of course!” The Forest Ranger exclaimed with a huff.
Cyno, now rubbing the back of his head just ushered a “Wait really?” while Kaveh and Tighnari just curiously began eyeing Alhaitham in the hope of seeing any type of confirmation on his face. However, it stayed as unreadable as ever.
He nonchalantly took another sip of wine from his cup while leisurely looking back and forth between the cards on the table and the ones in his hand before playing another turn as if this conversation just now hadn't happened.
“So!?” Kaveh asked, almost hysterically at this point. “Do you intend to enlighten us?”
Just how had he gotten into this situation now? Alhaitham suppressed a sigh before turning to Cyno: “Your turn. Two of your cards are down.”
“Archons!” Cyno cussed, immediately attempting to go back to study his cards but a fist slammed the table harshly, drawing all attention to it.
Tighnari flinched in shock and Cyno, too seemed to be pulled back to reality. Kaveh’s hand was trembling slightly, visibly agitated.
“Stop changing the subject, Alhaitham. The more you keep avoiding answering the question the more I think I am right in my assumptions.”
Alhaitham pinched the bridge of his nose beginning to truly feel a little stressed by Kaveh’s insistance. The man was truly too nosy for his good.
“Kaveh, just let it be if he doesn’t-” Tighnari began before being cut off by Alhaitham.
“And what if you are right? What then, Kaveh?”
Everyone at the table fell silent and everyone was staring at him with a mix of disbelief and shock.
He hadn't planned to reveal any of this yet, especially since he feared they would try to become his wingman. Which, admittedly, may be a nice gesture on paper but with them it could only end in disaster. Plus he would prefer to deal with his feelings alone first and think them through thoroughly, before talking about them with anyone. Besides, it should be you, if anyone, who should hear about them first - alas he was too deep into this now to weasel his way out.
“What?!” Kaveh’s mouth hung open in shock.
“So it is true then?” Cyno inquired, putting the card in his hand down on the table, now suddenly fully hooked on the tea that was being spilled.
“Hold on. Pause.” Kaveh sat upright, before quickly gazing over Alhaitham’s shoulder. “So you-”
“For Archon’s sake.” Alhaitham was beginning to get annoyed because he didn't know how much clearer he had to become for them to get it. “Yes - I’ve been in love with them. For a while now-”
“Alhaitham-” Kaveh tried to interject.
“No, don't interrupt me now, you pestered me about it for the past twenty minutes now you'll have to listen. I have never met anyone who is so hardworking, intelligent, and stunning in any way. Of course, I would be infatuated with a person like them. It would be hard not to fall for them.”
“Uhm Alhai–” Kaveh laughed awkwardly before being interrupted by Alhaitham’s ongoing monologue once more.
“At first I wasn't sure about it but I am now. I am thinking about them first thing in the morning and last thing when I go to sleep - unless you're hammering away on some project again that keeps me awake, Kaveh.”
Kaveh waved for him to shut up already but Alhaitham didn't let that bother him. If he wanted the full story with all the details - he'd get it. He hoped that would get this discussion out of the way once and for all.
“And guess what? They even remembered how I liked my coffee just after I told them once and gifted me a book that I had been trying to find for weeks. So yes, Kaveh. I love [Y/N]. There, does that suffice now, or?”
Kaveh let out a squeal as soon as Alhaitham had stopped speaking but upon further inspection of his expression, it hadn't been one of excitement but rather pure terror and awkwardness. 
“Alhaitham…” Cyno and Tighnari said in unison and he only then noticed as well how their gaze was trained on a spot behind him.
“What?” Alhaitham inquired, curling a brow up in confusion before all three men pointed their fingers at something behind him.
When he turned his head around to look at what they were trying to show him, he felt his heart drop to his stomach for the first time in ages.
To his utter shock, you were standing right behind him. Or rather, you were frozen in place, your hand still half lifted in greeting as if you had just been about to greet the lot of them. Your mouth was slightly open in shock still and your pupils were but the size of pinpricks and transfixed on Alhaitham.
And judging by your reaction you must've heard every last word he had said.
“I-I…” You started stammering, clearly confused about what you had just heard. “I uh-, I'll head back home.”
You abruptly turned around on your heel and marched straight out the Tavern door you had just come through as if someone was chasing you.
Alhaitham hadn't moved a muscle ever since he had spotted you standing behind him and he looked like he was frozen in place. Everyone at the table had fallen so silent, one would've been able to hear a needle drop.
Alhaitham's eyes were still fixed on the door you had left through. The little bell that chimed every time the Tavern door hit it on the way in or out was still dangling lightly from the impact. But the movement was dying down slowly but surely - just like Alhaitham, who felt like someone had dropped a boulder on his chest.
You were not supposed to hear that, yet.
“You uh…, Alhaitham you should probably follow them.” Tighnari was the first to speak again. He awkwardly scratched behind his ears. Cyno hummed in agreement while Kaveh just sat there with his mouth wide open.
Alhaitham exhaled in frustration, unable to properly place his emotions. But they were somewhere between unsettled, nervous, and discomforted.
When he got up it felt like someone had tied heavy iron blocks to his ankles that were weighing him down.
“Yeah, I guess I do,”  Alhaitham muttered before marching off.
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When you stormed outside the Tavern the cool evening breeze gnawed at your skin and made goosebumps erupt all over. Although you weren't quite sure if it was the temperature or your emotional turmoil at play here.
There was no way Alhaitham had just said that and actually meant it. He wouldn't be the type of man to flat-out admit that he had feelings for anyone. Or would he? He had been talking to his closest friends after all.
You were questioning your sense of reality and thought you must've fabricated it all in your mind. Or maybe you misheard what he said and he was talking about something else entirely.
But no, he said your name, and the others looked panicked when you entered the tavern and approached the table.
As you rushed through the streets of Sumeru City the chilly wind kept whipping in your face. Not even you knew where you were going at this point. You simply went where your feet were carrying you.
But eventually, you realized you had run up the Akademiya and to the blue-green mosaic pavilion that glistened in the last rays of sunlight. The spot at which you and Alhaitham often spent your lunch break together. 
You sunk down on the bench exhaustedly and stared holes in the ground.
No way.
There was just no way.
Alhaitham. The man you had fallen for so hard that he had begun to occupy every waking thought you had. That man was supposed to have feelings for you and had just flat-out admitted it?
No, this simply had to be a dream. A bad joke. Or maybe even a bet between the group that they orchestrated to prank you.
You could feel your heart thumping in your head and it felt like your head was swimming. It was as if you had downed an entire bottle of wine by yourself, but you were as sober as one could be.
Yes, that had to be it. It was a bet between the boys over one too many cups of wine and they had all acted their parts out flawlessly.
You got up again walking to the railing, overlooking Sumeru city that shone majestically in the last remaining rays of sunshine that the day had to offer. Another gush of wind blew your way, making tears well up in your eyes. Although it may have also been your emotions who were to blame for that instead.
You inhaled deeply. Once. Twice. But nothing seemed to help calming the rapidly beating heart in your chest.
In your daze, you completely missed how someone had quietly come up to the pavilion as well.
Alhaitham leaned against the railing himself, looking over the city in silence, too. He was clearly ringing for words. Although you assumed the wrong reason for his struggle.
“Look,” you began, trying your hardest to suppress the tremble in your voice. “If you came here to apologize - please, spare me your words.”
He looked at you opening his mouth before closing it again right after with a silent nod. His cheeks were dusted in a light pink shade - you assumed it was caused by the alcohol he had downed at the tavern with the others.
“I hope that we can go back to normal tomorrow and just finish our project. I’d prefer if we kept our distance after that. I think it’s for the best” The words left your mouth at normal speed, but it felt like you had to force every single one out. They felt tenacious, like old chewing gum that you tried to pull out from in between your teeth.
“I understand.” He stated calmly before retraining his gaze back into the distance. 
You both kept standing next to each other in silence for a long while before you decided to confront him about it directly. You eventually decided it was for the best if you got things off your chest now so that you could get over him quickly. Ripping it off like a band-aid would hopefully give you the relief you so desperately craved right now.
“You know,” you began. “I don’t know who came up with the idea and I also don’t care, no need to tell me. But you guys should never do this to anyone again because you never know how much it might end up hurting someone else’s feelings.”
Alhaitham stood upright and turned to face you directly. He crossed his arms over his chest and slightly cocked his head like he always did when he was thinking about something you said.
After a momentary pause, he asked: “What do you mean?”
“I mean that you shouldn’t toy with someone’s feelings as a prank. It’s never actually funny for anyone but the people who orchestrate such a prank. No matter if the other person reciprocates the feelings or whether they believe the statement, they always end up being the one who is being ridiculed.” You explained as rationally as possible, which was a stark contrast to the tempest that was raging both inside of your heart and mind.
“Especially when the person hoped to hear those exact words for the longest time, too…” You added. It wasn't more than an utterance under your breath - so quietly it was barely audible. But Alhaitham heard nonetheless.
“But I meant everything I said.” He stated matter of factly, seemingly catching on to the fact that you must’ve assumed the wrong things about the whole situation.
“What?! Alhaitham, please, there is no need to add insult to injury. You had your fun now–”
“No.” He gently took your hands in his, exhaling heavily. “Archons, you weren’t supposed to find out like this.”
He rarely swore which made the impact of his words even stronger.
“I wanted to tell you face to face and was waiting for the right moment to do so. But, just know that every word you heard and everything I said back at the tavern was the truth. No bet or scheme made me say it. Not that anyone would be able to make me say these things in the first place.” He sighed once more, giving your hands an emphasizing squeeze. “I meant it.”
“You did?”
“Every word.”
You felt the blood rush to your face and immediately lowered your gaze in an attempt to hide your flusteredness.
“Had I known this would happen, I would’ve told you everything right from the start. I don’t like how this went now but–”, he moved his hands up to cup your face. His beautiful turquoise eyes trained on no one but you. 
“I’m absolutely certain I like you. You drive me crazy. And I love and hate how much you occupy every waking thought of mine because I can’t focus on anything when you’re around. And when you’re not, you’re still always on my mind. So please – be mine.”
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Do not repost, copy, translate or edit - © dustofthedailylife || reblogs, comments, and asks about Genshin or my fics are always greatly appreciated and motivate me! Maple dividers are mine - do not copy.
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theminecraftbee · 6 months
task: answer the following question. do you believe in curses? respond as completely with relevant information as possible.
Grian: Well, that's a lie. This isn't a task. I know it's not a task, I set the things up! Not sure why we're getting a question as pointless as this one, but sure, mysterious scroll, I'll answer. There's no such thing as curses, unless you're Timmy, in which case it's funny, yeah? Besides, I didn't actually kill Etho. Even if that did count, self-fulfilling prophecies aren't the same thing as curses, and I know which one I fall under.
Joel: Do I believe in bloody curses what kind of question is that? Do I really get hearts just for answering this? This feels like a prank or something... well, whatever. There are no such thing as curses, except the Boogeyman curse, which I sort of had today, but it wasn't actually the same at all. A lot of the bloodlust, sure, but a lot more... Etho had to be the one to do it, huh? And it's not the same. Not comforting. That's a stupid thing to say actually. Take it out of wherever you're putting this. Cut it out of the recording. Comforting. Please. As if it were ever... Yeah, I'm done actually. Don't have a good answer. Go away.
Scott: What, other than Jimmy? Bless that man, he may not have died first, but he sure tried his best. Sure, I'll believe Jimmy is cursed. I mean, mostly he's just kind of stupid. Lovingly so. I mean, despite him being stupid, I put up with him, right? That seems like a complete answer to this question. Jimmy's an omen but we put up with him anyway. That's all.
Pearl: Oh, I mean, I'm probably cursed. That's what everyone liked to say at one point. I think... I mean, I think this time I have good friends, which is nice. They don't think I'm cursed. And it's not like I--I mean, it's surprisingly fun, acting cursed! And I am just acting. Acting scary, blowing up dance floors, all of that. And I don't really have to this time, so... Maybe I'm not cursed? And since it's acting, it's not real? This is a weird question.
Etho: Oh, man, that's a question. Um, do I have to answer? Because I feel like if I say no, that's really just asking for it, but if I say yes, I have to explain myself. Uh, I think I'm abstaining, unless the zombie thing from earlier counts. That was scary and I hated it. Curses are scary and I hate them in general, but apparently I'm good at them, if you ask everyone else. Um, it's not the only thing I find scary that apparently I'm good at.
Scar: Why, of course I believe in curses! Look at poor, poor... Timbert? Timmy? Jim? Gosh, sorry, I'm very tired right now. That's more proof of curses, by the way! That I'm tired. I've been tired straight since the desert, let me tell you what. And that, my friends, is a curse like no other. What a terrible beast, loneliness is. Wish me luck breaking it, because it's not happening this season!
Cleo: Oh, you mean the thing people like to blame instead of their own actions? Nah. My soulbond was kind of a curse, I guess, but even that's at least half just... bad people. Bad relationships. Good ones, too. We're all just doing what you can, you know? No script, no curses, no characters, just... Oh, I hope everything turns out tomorrow. Sorry, that's unrelated. It's just nicer to hope than to preemptively blame things on curses that don't exist.
Impulse: Well, I mean, I didn't until you just asked me that, but now I feel like I should. Wouldn't that be nice? Being cursed instead of just sort of unlovable? Sorry, no, that's mean to Gem. I shouldn't say that about Gem, she's been good this season. Super, super cursed, mind you, in the like, game mechanic sense? But she's been good, no backstabbing or inability to get love involved. Um, and I guess that's not fair to Bdubs, kind of, except it also totally is and I haven't forgiven him. So I guess if they ask I said I believed in curses, and that's why my life keeps circling clocks? Don't put any of that other stuff down, I'm trying to work on that.
Gem: I was just cursed for a task, but that probably isn't what you're asking about, right? I'm new, so I don't know! A task is a concrete thing to believe in, like bloodshed or victory or fun and games. You don't have to believe in those to know they're real, either! They just are, whether you like it or not. I understand that much!
Tango: Gah, don't talk to me about... Deep breaths. Look, I don't care if it's a curse, or if it's just me being really bad, or what, I'm not going out pointlessly this time. Jimmy managed not to die first, I can manage to not go out to a stray arrow or my own bomb or a misstep this time, right? Is that so much to ask?
Skizz: Huh? Curses? I mean, I don't think so, and to be totally honest I think it's kind of mean the way people sometimes rag on people about them. Everyone's got so many good things about them! Why do people like to focus on the unfortunate luck, huh?
Bdubs: Hah! Curses! Let me tell you about curses. When I see curses, I eat them for breakfast. I don't got curses, I've got better things to do! I've got my buddies with the Mounders, and I've got-well, I'd say keeping Etho safe, but he's being weird at me again this season. Not that it matters. It never matters. Etho and I, we're... The point is, that doesn't matter anyway, because I have the Mounders, and they're the ones who matter here. And because I'm a strong, independent Bdubs, who doesn't need anyone but my bow and my perfect, flawless fighting prowess! Sorry, what was the question? I've been thinking so much lately that it's just sort of made everything else pop out of my head, so it's hard to keep track. I'm sure I answered it flawlessly, though.
Martyn: Of course there are curses. That's half the fun for you lot, isn't it? Putting your little curses on us and watching us rail against them. Bet you think it's real cute to ask us what we think of the things, too. "Oh, what do you think of curses," like we have any control over them. Please. If I had any control over curses, Jimmy--or, well, no, I guess that one was technically broken, wasn't it? Sure doesn't feel like it. Point is, curses are bad, and they're definitely real, and I hate you for them, got it?
BigB: Look, man, if you're trying to get me to write my character out for you, just say so! I won't tell anyone. We can come up with a hole thing about holes and red tasks and the Backrooms together! It'll be fun! After all, you probably don't know what kind of curse to say I have, right? Haha, just kidding. I have no idea what I'm talking about. Luckily, neither does anyone else, so I think that evens out between the lot of us.
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photogirl894 · 4 months
A couple points of note before we venture into Bad Batch season 3 tomorrow...
Let us remember a few things before Bad Batch season 3 begins tomorrow.
It is NOT Dave Filoni that we "blame" for any emotional trauma. It is Jennifer Corbett and Brad Rau 😝 He may be one of the executive producers, but Filoni hasn't been involved in the writing of this show since the pilot, it's all Jennifer and Brad.
Our theories/headcanons are NOT canon! Which also means that if your theories don't pan out, it's NOT "bad writing". WE are not the tellers of this story, we are the receivers of it. We do not determine how this season is going to go. That is Jennifer, Brad and Lucasfilm. So don't get mad and pissy if certain theories don't happen or if things didn't go the way you thought they would. (Unless anyone dies, then you have every right to be mad 😝)
BE! PATIENT!! If we haven't seen certain characters in a while...be patient. They might show up in the next episode or two. You never know. If we haven't had certain questions answered yet...be patient. They'll most likely get answered in time. There are 16 episodes, so not everything is gonna happen at once. It's okay to wonder, but don't be getting mad that certain things haven't happened yet. We've got a couple months of this and it's gonna be a very long ride if you're not patient!
If things happen in the show that you don't agree with, but other people do, don't be rude about it. Either just keep scrolling and don't engage with discussions about those topics if you're not gonna be nice about them or just block the posts/people who talk about them. It's not that hard!
ACT YOUR AGE!! A good majority of us in this fandom are adults. ACT like adults and don't get pissy about things. Get as emotional as you want (cuz we all know it's inevitable), but still be mature about it all. Follow all of the above points and you should be fine. Don't be hateful, don't be rude, don't act like you're better than anyone, etc.
If anyone has other things they think the fandom needs reminding of before tomorrow, feel free to add them!
Otherwise...once more unto the breach, my friends 🥺 We're in for a long, emotional ride, so let's get through it together!
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iouinotes · 5 months
Good gone bad | Coriolanus Snow
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pairing: young!Coriolanus Snow x female!reader
movie: Hunger Games: The ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
warnings: dark!character, smut
word count: 3,8k
summary: You are childhood friends and very close with him. When his behaviour starts to change for the worse, you try your best to hold on to his real-self.
a/n: I adored Snow the first half an hour, because he was a gentleman and cared so much! Then his character became dark, obsessive and murderous and it really was a game changer...but I definitely want to read the book, so I can describe his character in my following stories better!
part 2 here
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"I will call my new discovery just like you, Mr. Snow. The best student and the future of this world. No one will stand in your way, when the blizzard blows over the people. And because it will work so well for your little infatuation, it will function for every other naive creature too."
"Coryo!" I shot his name across the hallway, when I see his blonde locks, ignoring the looks from my classmates around me. At the sound of my voice, his head turns in my direction and I run faster towards his figure. As soon as I catch up with him, I meet his curious eyes and look further down to his smiling lips.
"Good morning to you too. Let me guess, you have something really important to announce or are just very happy to see me." Holding the door open for me, I try to catch my breath, wanting to ignore the lovely tone of his voice and the way he looks so outstanding beautiful.
"Well, both, but I heard some gossip about the upcoming ceremony tomorrow. Details who is gonna get the scholarship." Now, while entering the room, I have his full attention.
When I heard about the changes, that were made I immediately searched for him, clearly knowing how much he was ready to sacrifice for this academic possibility.
As he stops walking and places his hands on my shoulders, stopping me in my foodsteps and searching my gaze, I feel my pounding heart.
God forbid this man to look at me this way.
As I try to avoid his intense glare, his hands gently move to my cheeks to focus my eyes on him. I feel myself blushing, fiddling with the rings, that are attached to my fingers.
"No time for jokes, please. What do you know?" I clear my voice, trying to ignore our close gap or the way his curls lay on his forehead and how his skin shines beautifully in the light- No, wait. Not good. We're just friends. I don´t like him that way. Nope.
"I- uh, so please don´t freak out on me, but rumor says it's not up to the student with the best grades to get the scholarship..." I watch his posture straighten, see the how his facial expression turns blank and the irritated change in his mood. And I promise you, it´s not good.
When he lets go of me to strike forward, I try to hold him back. "Wait- you are angry and disappointed, so talk to me first before you let your emotions out on the others, okay?" I catch his left hand and hear his upset breathing.
"It's just- you know, more than anyone, that I deserve this scholarship the most! And now the only possibility to help my family and to become successful are at risks, because someone decided to change the rules? God, I worked my ass off to be the one they choose and now I'll probably get laughed at, cause I didnt get it!" I nod, trying to calm him down by listening to his outburst.
"You do deserve it, I know that. But you still have the chance to stand out more than the others. You are intelligent and brave, very ambitious and you care a lot. Not only for your family and friends, but for everyone. You are the best candidate and if they don´t choose you, then it is the wrong decision. Because they need someone like you. Just like I need you, believe me." I hold his hand close to my heart, trying to convince him of his abilities and his good heart, to show him that he deserves every recognition he gets.
And it works, because he relaxes slightly and after another second passes, I feel myself being embraced in a tight hug. His hand holds the back of my head and I hear his quiet "thank you".
"Always, blue. I am here for you." His lips linger for a second on my forehead, the kiss leaves me feeling warm and in love.
Even if I try to deny it.
"It's been a while, since you called me that nickname." I look in his eyes, when he pulls back. Admiring the shining blue that follows my dreams.
I only smile at him, shrugging when we have a normal distance between us, that helps me to concentrate again.
"It slipped out, I guess. But you are right, the last time I called you that, we were in primary school. How fast the time goes." Nodding we gently smile at each other and I clear my throat, when I get more and more enchanted to him.
We have known each other for so long, but nothing has changed about us.
Expect my feelings for him. They seem to never go away.
So, when I step forward and his eyes follow me, I start to walk to class again.
"Come on, we're being late. The greatest student of all time does not come late." He shakes his head, smiling at me and when I feel for a moment that something is different between us, I brush it off.
When he's finally catching up with me, I order my thoughts.
Don't fall in love with him.
Pretend, you didnt fall in love with him.
I am good at pretending, really. It normally helps me to focus on the important things in my life, for example school, my grades, studying and getting accepted by a college. Did I mention, my academic success needs to be excellent?
But now, the only thing I can concentrate on is him. And I can hardly pretend, not for much longer, that I am not in love with him.
Because his life is in danger, now that the Hunger Games have started and he is the mentor of the tribute of district 12, a girl named Lucy Gray, everything is different.
He is different.
I know him long enough, that I see how much he cares for her. And because I'm good at pretending, I can see right through his actions.
He maybe likes the girl, but even though he tries to hide it, he cares more that he is the victor in the end.
And that is something that I find quite odd. I mean, he always wants to win, wants to be the best and on top or ahead of everyone. But he was always fair, human and supportive.
But his behavior changed as the days passed. Of course, it's obvious that the violence and torment that the game brings with changes you. More for the worse, than the better.
But it's not only the pressure he is under or the tension that he feels, because he needs the girl to win. It's something different and I notice that none of this is doing him any good. Especially for his heart.
Because he is being distant, he talks less, smiles less, is acting like a person I don´t even know anymore.
And it scares me, it hurts to see him losing himself in the process of being successful.
The last time we talked, he said something to me that left me awake all night, thinking about the decisions and sacrifices he has to make to achieve his goal.
He said: "I will become president and when I am on top, the world will be as cold as the snow in the winter. Nobody will oppose me."
It scared me. He scared me.
And maybe it was the change of his behavior or the cold look in his eyes, with which he looked at everyone or maybe it was because I started to fear him, that I distanced myself from him.
And even though I thought, he wouldnt notice, he did.
And it made everything complicated.
He tried to approach me, talking and joking like we always did, but it wasnt the same. Because he wasnt the same. Even though the color of his eyes was still as bright as the sun, the way he looked at me hid something that was as dark as the night.
I didnt know how I felt anymore.
Because when fear is equal to love, do I fear him then?
I guess I did and it made me sick in the stomach. He lied, he betrayed, he murdered, he did things, I would hate anyone for.
He did things for that I started to hate myself, because I couldnt hate him. Not when he really was the victim in this cruel world, even when he presented himself as the victor.
But for me, he didnt win. Because he rather lost something.
My trust for him.
And that made him angry, so much that he started to manipulate his way into my life again, when I decided that I didn't want anything to do with him anymore.
At first it would be small things. He continued opening the door for me, even though I didnt walk to class with him anymore.
He always saved me a seat next to him, although I decided to sit somewhere else. Then he started bribing the teachers, so that I had to do my assignments with him, he started showing up by almost every place I would go to.
He would give me roses that I wouldn't accept or visited me at work, always with a smile on his face. But I could tell it wasn't real.
He wasn't his real-self after all. He pretended to be someone else and I couldnt trust this new version of him.
He cut his hair short, nowadays wears expensive and neat clothes, always speaks in a formal voice and does polite gestures.
Small smiles, fake laughs, adoring looks which he uses to hide his real intentions behind a facade.
He enchanted the whole world.
But his magic didn't work on me and he became more and more aware of it as the days went by and I continued to ignore him.
And then, on one evening he visited my dorm and before I could close the door, he stood in my apartment and said something, I will forever keep in mind. His presence began to feel like a short movie, captivating me with each encounter.
"I know that you don't like the way things are now. But I am doing this to maintain peace, to keep the people in the place they belong. And I want you to know, that you just need to understand my actions and start to trust me again."
As he spoke, he started to walk towards me, looking me in the eyes, trying to convince me. I had no way out, all I could do was to back up until I hit the wall and he was standing right in front of me. Starring at me, like I needed to be on his side.
I tried to avoid his gaze and the deep blue that somehow always successfully convinced me. Until now.
"Please look at me, I´m telling you the truth. You know me, I´m still the same guy. Why don´t you believe me?" His hands brush my cheeks, roughly holding my face in his hands to keep my eyes on him.
It wasnt new to me that he loved to manipulate. I overheard some of his lies, the hidden betrayal of his own best friend and I couldnt be sure, that he wouldnt do the same to me too.
The only thing I knew was that his striving for power was taking over his being and I seemed powerless to do anything against it.
"I can´t trust you anymore, Coryo. You are acting different and all the things you did-" his face gets closer to me and my heartbeat becomes faster the less distance there is between our faces.
I can´t deny it.
He looks so beautiful.
Even though I want to talk, he leaves me speechless. As if the cold blue of his eyes froze me into a stature, that can only listen to him.
"Everything I did was for you. I know you love me, always have and always will. But you don't admit it to yourself, you don't want to admit it. I know how you feel for me, sweetheart and you have no reason to stop loving me now."
His words are like magic, his eyes like a hallucination, that everything is fine. His hands so warm and familiar that it's hard for me to remember the bad things he did.
That he's trying so hard to make me forget about.
His fingers move around my neck, his body comes closer to me until we touch, until I can only see him and only he matters.
His face is so close to mine and my eyes flutter - out of fear or anticipation, I don´t really know - until I feel his breathing on my ear.
"If you just let me make you remember the old time. Everything we did, the fun we had, how much we trusted each other. How much I still care and appreciate you. Stop thinking and let yourself feel."
His lips touch my skin and I have to suppress a whimper. I can breathe in his scent, his hands around me confuse my thoughts. My dreams from back then, imagining being able to have him, love him and touch him - they make me insecure about my decisions.
I wanted him for such a long time, that it now seems impossible for me to actually call him mine.
But coming to my senses, realising he is no longer the sweet gentleman I fell in love with, I want to stop him, by holding my hands out to push him back. However his hands react quickly and enclose mine with a firm grip to press them against the wall.
"No, listen to me. I never told you, but I heard you dreaming about me once. You whispered my name, like your heart longed for me, in a way you would never be able to truly understand your feelings for me. Like I am the god you pray for and I promise you, if you would just let me, I would fulfill your every wish. Because, together, you and me, we can become holy in our own, untouchable way. "
When I try to shake my head, his hands change so that one of them is holding both of my hands and the other one is grabbing my face.
"Don´t fight against me, darling. It wont work. You know it, I always win."
And as his hands hold my chin and I can hear my loud heartbeat, his lips meet mine in a wild kiss, clearly showing me the control he has over me.
And it's addicting, but so so dangerous.
His lips are soft against my own and he roughly kisses me, like he's the devil trying to steal my soul.
His body feels warm against my own and I'm weak for a moment, gently kissing him back, enjoying the way he smiles at my reaction.
His kisses becomes more heated, his hands are roaming over my nightgown and his fingers caress the exposed skin. Everything feels too good to be true.
But I can´t let myself enjoy this, I need to focus.
"No- Coryo. We cant-" I try to studder, breaking the kiss and hating the way he makes me feel. Because I feel so good, like only he can make me feel this way.
When I interrupt our kiss and while I try to assert myself against him, I notice his anger becoming more and more obvious.
"What I do is only to make you happy, why dont you understand? I want to see you happy and because of that, I have to do certain things. Just like now." His intense gaze is focused on me.
Without being able to do anything, I suddenly feel a liquid on my skin, that first makes me shiver because of the cold, but in the next second, I feel as hot as if I was standing in the desert and would be dying of thirst.
His touch begins to feel like the only solution and I want more. So, I lean into his touch and literally melt against his body as his lips brush mine.
"Fascinating, as Dr. Gaul said. It becomes one with the skin and intoxicates the senses." He whispers, but I can't figure out what he means by that. The only thing I can concentrate on is him. Why was I here again?
"You need me. You said it yourself, I'm here to remind you." His voice is quiet and I feel my thoughts dissolving. Only the sight of him remains in my head.
His look, those beautiful blue eyes, they distract me and I can´t ignore the desire that his lips are about to meet mine again. We're just centimeters apart and even if I try to stop it, my emotions change. I stop thinking about all the things he did.
Instead, all I can think about is his touch, his lips. And now that I know the ghost of his touch, I wouldn't want anything else.
So, I lean myself forward and kiss him.
It feels like my insides burns with desire, something that is so indescribable, that I don't even know, if I'm capable of feeling this love for too long.
My hands move to his shoulders and to his head, but my control is quickly suppressed as he pushes me back against the wall. So that I almost can't move.
His fingers lift my chin up, I see him grinning smugly at me in triumph.
"Good girl, you only need to listen to me. No one else." And I want to believe him so much, that I suddenly want to forget my doubts.
So, I let him make me forget. His hands roam my body, freeing me from my clothes and holding me where he wants me.
And I let him because I remember that I always wanted him to have his way with me. And when I look at his face, I no longer differentiate. For me, only my Coryo exists.
I close my eyes and lose myself in these sensations, the heat of his words and his actions.
His lips are soft, his kisses leave me with an unknown want and I can't do anything other than just take everything he gives me.
When he strips me out of my pants and unbottons my blouse, he lifts me up against the wall. His hips are pressed against my waist and his kisses travel from my lips down to my chest.
"Everything I do is for you." His words sound familiar.
"You will never doubt me again, I promise you. I'll make sure of that. From now on, you will feel this good forever. Because of me, you hear me? Only because of me, always me." His words cover me like a veil, but I'm unable to process them. My head is so empty and just like he said, I only feel.
I've never not thought about nothing and even if it should unnerve me, I can't even remember to be bothered about it.
As my hands try to move further down to his back and my nails leave marks on his back, his hand squeezes my neck like a warning.
"I am in control, you do as I say. Now take off my pants, so I can fuck you until you believe in me again." I can't think straight, when his hands are undressing me, cupping my breasts and turning me on in a way, I only want to be here with him.
As soon as my hands undress him and his pants are pulled down, he tears my panties apart, meeting my lips in a wanting kiss.
I feel one of his fingers slipping through my wet folds, pumping roughly two fingers inside me. My mouth opens and moans escape me, while I hold myself onto his shoulders.
"You needed to play hard to get, huh? Look who is at my mercy now." My body is still pressed against the wall and as my eyes close on their own, I suddenly feel his tip at my entrance.
And when I want to protest, he places his hand on my mouth to keep me quiet.
"No talking back to me. If you don't listen, I will make you." He pushes himself into me and I feel every vein as his hands direct mine against the wall behind me.
When he starts fucking me, I'm sure I'll pass out.
"C-cant take- too big, please" I dont even know how to speak properly anymore. His hands hold me tight and his thrusts are so brutal, that I barely have enough concentration to breathe.
"What did you say? You want to please me? Then shut your mouth and let me use you." With every harsh thrust, I feel my muscles become more and more relaxed and only he is holding me up now. I can't concentrate on anything else other than him inside me.
My thoughts begin to only focus on being good for him.
I feel like my soul is leaving my body. All I can hear is the dull clapping of our bodies, my loud moans and his heavy breathing.
As he buries his head in the crook of my neck, I softly whimper his name.
I feel how he tenses, when he react to me calling his nickname. His eyes shift to me and suddenly he lets go of my arms and I put them around his shoulders without hesitation. The position now is much more intimate and I scratch his back as his thrusts become even deeper and harder.
I hear his heavy breathing and feel his arms wrap around mine too.
"Tell me you want me." His voice is menacingly quiet. When I don't answer, too focused on his hips thrusting into me, he lets go of the wall and lays me on my bed.
"Fine, I will make you say it then." He sits down and pulls me onto his lap with my back to him, sliding his cock into me again. I moan so loudly, that I notice him grinning contentedly against my shoulder.
"You like that? Good, everyone will know how me you like me, when I'm done with you." His hand directs me so his chest touches my back and one of his hands moves to wrap around my neck.
"You will get used to doing what I want and you will do it, because you want to. You hear me? You won't stay away from me anymore, you belong to me. Everything you do is for me and only me." My thoughts are so confused, I can't think straight anymore. All I know is that I have never felt so good and that he is the reason for my pleasure.
"But I fucked you dumb so it seems. Pretty, little thing. You are like my personal doll, that I can use as I please. This turns me on even more than I would have thought." He pushes me further down on him, making me bounce until that one special spot in me is abused over and over again. And all I can utter are useless words and loud moans.
"B-blue" I hear him chuckle darkly in response.
I'm no longer certain, that I'm even laying in the arms of the person I once loved so much.
"You should have let me fucked you much sooner. It would have destroyed any resistance you had towards me. Just like now and just like I wanted." His voice whispers in my ear and my head leans against his shoulders, my mouth opens and I feel every inch of him inside me.
His hand strokes the skin, where my heart lays and I feel his lips brush against my ear.
"If this heart ever beats for anyone else other than me, everyone in this world will die and I won't be afraid to tell you that it is entirely your fault."
I collapse in his arms, when I come, going completely limp and vulnerable, unable to move. This time I only seem to be physically present.
His arms wrap around me and he let me sink onto him again, then I hear his voice whispering promises into the dark room.
"You cant ever escape me. I will always find you and I will always get you."
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inmyminditsreal · 2 months
Lego Is Life
Fem!reader x Spencer reid
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Word count: 700 ish
Summary: Woken up by a very eager 8 year old daughter, Spencer and I crawl out of bed and indulge in Lego like true adults.
Warnings: sweetnessss
I'm supa tired so if this is rusty IM SORRRY!! also sorry i haven't posted in like 30 years. been tired and focused on school!! Hope you enjoy
Spencer had just finished a case and as soon as he got home, he almost fell asleep while hugging me. I told him we should just go to bed, he agreed. So now we’re crawling into bed, finally able to get some sleep. Though, with an eight year-old daughter it’s very hard. Most nights we're woken up by bad dreams, the monster under the bed, that she puked, or that she wants to cuddle. We eventually both drift off to sleep, holding each other close. Until,
“Daddy! Come look at this!” Our daughter says as she bursts open the door. With a loud groan followed by a smile, Spencer crawls out of bed, picks her up and says,
“Where to sweetheart?"
“My bedroom!” She says with a stifled giggle. Curious as to what this mystery was, I crawl out of bed too and begin to follow them. I check my phone to see a whopping 1:37am. In the bedroom I see that Kasey has just finished building her Lego friends set.
“Awww that’s awesome sweetie.” I smile from the doorway with a yawn, and see Spencer give her a big high-five.
“I love it. Which one is this?” Spencer asks.
“This is the best waterpark ever. I call it Kasey’s Kool Slides, but cool with a k. It has all the cool characters and I can make them fight each other! It says you can add water to it! Can I?” 
“As long as you do in the living room, where there’s no carpet.” I add with a smile.
“So! Wanna play?” She zaps while looking at us with the biggest grin I've ever seen. 
We both look at each other with tired eyes and smile. “Absolutely.”
“YES! Okay so this is Emma, she’s my favourite and she likes Mia, Autumn, and Stephanie. But the other girls are their enemies! They’re the mean girls at their school.”
“Are they mean enough to give a tickle attack?” Spencer laughs as he throws her on the bed and tickles her into a fit of giggles. 
“Stop!!! Let's go to the living room and fill it with water!” She giggles as she escapes from his arms and runs down the stairs. 
“Are you sure you’re not too tired honey?” I ask Spencer, seeing his giant eyebags. 
“Of course. How could I miss out on this waterpark drama.”
I smile as he picks up the Lego set and walks down the stairs. Kasey has already cleared a big spot on the living room floor and filled a cup with water. “Are you ready?” She asks us both.
“Mhm.” I say, as we sit down by her and watch as she pours the water in with a giant smile. I watch as Spencer takes one of the characters and begins to fight with the one in her hand. She gasps and pushes his down the slide. Both of them, smiling like idiots. I join in  and they eventually tire eachother out. She collapses on top of Spencer, who has already fallen asleep on my lap. I snap a picture and gently wake him up,
“Spence, wake up its 3 in the morning. Honey, wake up.” I whisper while gently shaking his shoulder. His eyelids shutter and he looks up at me.
“Hi beautiful.” He smiles and shuffles his position.
“Don’t move!” I whisper-shout while pointing towards Kasey. He slips her into his arms, we both walk up as I pick up the lego set. In her room he sets her down on the bed and pulls the covers up slowly. She opens her eyes and smiles at us. 
“Goodnight mommy. Goodnight daddy. Can we play more tomorrow?” 
“I’ll see what I can do about that sweetheart. I love you.”  He says as he places a soft kiss on her forehead, and I do the same.
“I love you so so soooo much sweetie. Goodnight.” I whisper.
“I love you too.” She mumbles as she snuggles into her blankets. We turn out the lights and quietly shut the door. 
“She’s so cute, oh my god.” I mumble as we walk back to the room.
“So cute.” he says with a sleepy smile. I show him the picture I took of the two of them sleeping. He smiles and whispers softly,
“I love you so much.” While looking down at me. He collapses into the bed and I follow right after, crawling into his arms and drifting softly asleep.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 4 months
02/06/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; New Events calendar; A Safe Space Ship Event; Watch Parties; Reminders; Cast & Crew Sightings; Clowning; OLD SPICE!; Stats!; Market Research?; Articles; Personal Update; Love Notes; Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika
== New Events Calendar from SaveOFMDCrew! ==
More events happening throughout the week! Tumblr Post
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Tomorrow is Cosplay Day! Show off your cosplay and OFMD-Inspired outfits with the hashtags: #WearFineThingsWell!
= New Upcoming Event: A Safe Space Ship! =
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Sunday, February 11th - Star of India in San Diego, CA! Museum Hrs: 10 am - 5 PM 1/2 Price Tickets!
== Watch Parties ==
Today's WWDITS watch party went great!
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Lots of people had fun pointing out our lovely characters from the show (Mads, Taika, Rhys)
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It actually went so well the SaveOFMDCrew twitter got banned! It's back though! If you can, please be sure to follow their backup account in case it happens again.
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== Reminders! ==
Muppet Treasure Island - Feb 7th 2024 4PM EST, 1PM PST, 9 PM GMT
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Watch Party Hashtags:
== Cast & Crew Sightings ==
This was technically the 5th, but I don't think the excitement happened mostly today so I'm gonna throw it in! So Chaos Dad popped his head out yesterday just long enough to like Samba's BTS post on twitter and then also Samba and Rhys' little exchange.
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And of course that triggered clowning since anytime Chaos Dad pops in we don our clown shoes. Thank you to @merryfinches for catching some of the discourse!
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== Old Spice! ==
Well well well, we're back to polite menacing brands until they respond to us!
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Looks like another Astroglide is starting up, the Crew is out there matching deodorants to characters. Thanks to @brainfugk for calling it out!
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== Stats! Stats! Stats! ==
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So close fam! Let's keep pushing that UK viewership if you have the time/spoons!
= Market Research Campaign about OFMD Potentially Going On? =
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There's some speculation around the market research company YouGov potentially conducting research on OFMD. There's a big thread. Why is this important? Well this company works with streamers to measure viewership data, and if OFMD is in there...and someone's interested, that could be a good sign.
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Some folks signed up, and if you're interested in doing so too, you can here.
== Articles ==
Some fun articles tonight, including Hard Drive again!
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Joke Article: HBO Max Unveils Ominous New “Don’t Get Too Attached” Category
Our Flag Means Death and 9 Other Best TV Shows and Movies About Pirates
Our Flags Means Death fans get TV licence just to watch pirate show
== Personal Update ==
Some of you have heard, I got the COVID so I may be in and out over the next several days, I'm still trying to make sure I get to recaps though so don't worry! I'll let you know if I can't. Remember to mask up if you can and stay hydrated out there luvs!
== Love Notes ==
Alright lovelies. We've run out of Rhys videos for a few days so you're back to me being irritatingly loving at you! I saw this today on The Latest Kate's instagram and it reminded me of a few things I wanted to say. My brain is a bit covid-fogged so apologies if it's a bit wibbly wobbly.
We all struggle with so many little and big things in our lives. Whether it's mental health, self esteem, a physical ailment, love, lonliness, self-identity, family, friends, world conflicts, or anything, I could go on and on.
I know sometimes it feels like you are pushing so hard and you start making so much progress-- and then something, big or little stalls everything and you feel like you're having to start from scratch again.
I just want to send you a gentle reminder that progress isn't always linear. Just because you have lost momentum doesn't mean you've lost your progress. Every single situation is a learning opportunity and every time you run into a new hurdle, you learn from the last one.
You are wonderfully intelligent, kind, precious, complex people and no matter what you're dealing with, no matter how small or how big, you are moving forward and making headway bits at a time. Remember to be kind to yourself and don't beat yourself up for bad days.
We are so proud of you lovelies, remember that.
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== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Tonight's gifs are courtesy of the glorious, brilliant, talented, ever-enabling @celluloidbroomcloset from her post over here.
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Ok, Good Afternoon, Good Evening and Goodnight all! <3
84 notes · View notes
pairings: Xavier Thorpe x Fem!reader summary: Xavier doesn't like seeing you around other people. warnings: swearing, mention of alcohol and drugs. jealous Xavier, mention of sex. Xavier being a bit possessive. characters are 18.
note: don't forget to request anything that you would like to see. I made a post on who I take requests for
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"what the hell is wrong with you?!" you shouted at Xavier
"nothing, what's your problem?" Xavier said aggressively
"leave, get out of my room. I don't want you here!" you demanded, pointing to the entrance of your room
"I'm not leaving" he shook his head, taking a slow step closer to you
"Xavier, get the hell out my room right now" you yelled at him, taking a step back.
"fine, but don't come crawling back to me when they leave you!" he screamed in your face
"oh trust me, I won't" you laughed sarcastically.
Xavier walked away from you, out the door where you slammed it in his face. you leaned against the door and bit your tongue, trying your hardest not the let the tears fall from your eyes, but they did. and they wouldn't stop.
that was a month ago. and since then, you haven't talked to Xavier at all, you had lost your closest friend of years to something he was jealous about.
"hey, darling" said an annoying voice, you turned to the blonde boy
"I've already told you not to call me that, we're not dating, we're not together and we never will be, what we did was a one time thing and I was partially drunk. so please. whatever your name is, leave. me. alone" you rolled your eyes at him.
he had been following you around like a lost puppy for the past two weeks because you slept with him at a party and you had gotten sick of it, but up until now, you could just bare it.
the boy gulped before leaving your table
"don't you think you should take a break from sleeping around with guys?" your friend, Danny suggested
"It's not like I do it on purpose, its the alcohol and drugs that does it" you shrugged.
lately you've been experimenting with those type of things at parties. you don't mean to but it's like a routine. you go to the party, you see Xavier staring at you, you take a dink or a smoke and end up all over a guy.
you wouldn't say it's to make Xavier jealous, but you do it because of him.
but again, you don't mean to, you just help yourself.
something about seeing her with all these guys just pisses me off. she knows what she's doing, and she knows I don't like it.
I even said it to her.
she started ditching me for her new 'friends' and sleeping around having sex with almost any guy she crossed paths with.
I told myself I was looking out for her. but I know it's more than that.
it's been a month since she threw me out, meaning she has a whole month to cool off. so when I saw her walking the corridors to the poe statue alone. I took my chance.
I followed her and snapped twice. down the stairs quietly I noticed her talking to a guy
"yesterday was fun, so. did you want to go out again. maybe tomorrow?" the guy said. standing a little too close for my liking
"I'd like that" she giggled softly. my stomach flipped, and not in the good way, my hands formed into finsts as I watched the scene unfold. he tucked a stray hair behind her ear and smiled at her.
she looked at him like he was the only guy in the world.
"well I'll see you then" he said
"I can't wait"
I quickly hid when I saw him coming up the stairs to leave. i held a breath as he walked past. I didn't want to hurt him.
but I did
"she's mine" I growled as I stared down at his unconscious body laying on the concrete floor.
I go back to the secret library and see her standing there, back turned to me. she looked like she was doing something, but I couldn't see.
I get to the bottom of the stairs with my hands in the pockets of my pants. I walk up behind her without her knowing and grabbed the notebook floating in the air.
the pen that was writing on it dropped and she turned to me out of shock
"give it back" she demanded. she looked cute
"come and get it" I smirked hiding it behind my back so she can't access it.
"give it back to me please" she sighed
"tell me what you you were doing with that other guy" I said
"what?" her eyebrows were lifted, acting oblivious
"you know I don't have patience. what where you doing?" I stated
"none of your business" she had her arms crossed against her chest, she look annoyed, but she made it look so cute
"are you wasted?" I asked
"no! why do even you care anyway? it's not your problem" she rolled her eyes
"you know your friends have been here too long" I took a step forward
"oh my god I can't believe you right now, I am aloud to have friends, I don't know why we're having this conversation again" she groaned
"no no, you can't blame this on me anymore. at first I did too, but over the past month I've realised this is on you, that you were too busy lying and sleeping around with guys to even hang out with me" i dropped the book and took a step closer to her
"I don't need to explain myself to you- why does it matter anyway, it's not like we were together!" you yelled at him
"well what the hell were we?! you can't seriously tell me that we were just friends, cause you and I both know we were more than that!" I took another step forward, making her back up slowly
"you're being ridiculous!"
"oh I'm being ridiculous because I'm fucking protecting you?!" I screamed
"Protecting me from what? my friends? they're better friends than you will ever be" she growled
"trust me they are not your friends, and that guy you were talking to is seeing three other girls" I paused, licking my lips frustratedly "but yeah, if they're better friends go on then, leave again" I laughed
"fuck you!" she yelled
"please do" I smirked
"my friends are great" she defended
I took a look around the room, pretending to look for her 'friends'
"and where are these great friends of yours right now, hm?" I huffed in amusement
"-I can tell you where they are" I smiled "they're out in town, probably in the cafe, drinking coffee while talking shit about you"
"you are such a fucking dick" she ran her hands on her face
"I'm a dick for stating the truth? ok sure" I shrugged
"why are you even here?" she threw her hands in the air and back down to her sides
"because I'm fucking sick of seeing you with other people!" I screamed, backing her up into a bookshelf
"so you're jealous? we're not even friends anymore, you don't have the right to be mad at me for it"
"I'm aloud to be mad, I've been watching the girl I love ditch me for idiots for the past two months!" I yelled
"oh so now you love me, great" she said sarcastically
"I've always loved you, you fucking idiot, you're just to blind to even notice!" I ran a hand through my hair.
you went to say something but he cut you off
"don't you dare try to tell me you don't feel the same, cause we both know that we had something. you just threw it away to sleep with people"
"I was drunk and high, I didn't know what I was doing" you said quietly
"that hasn't stopped you from doing it again" Xavier growled
"I- I'm sorry" you whispered
"no you're not" he shook his head in disappointment, looking down at his feet, he didn't want to look at you.
"the only reason I did it was to get over you!" you yelled
"what the hell do you mean?" xavier questioned
"don't act like you haven't slept with other people. I only slept with them because you did it with Bianca!" she choked out
"what the hell are you talking about?"
"don't act fucking clueless! I know you slept with her, there's no point in denying it" you sighed, moving past him and walking away
"I never slept with Bianca" he denied
"bullshit" you cursed, not turning back
"don't fucking walk away from me, turn around" he said, trailing after you, stopping at the stairs where you were walking up
you stopped but you didn't turn around
"she told me" you smiled sadly, turning around for him to see your eyes become watery
"I can promise you that I didn't, you are the only girl I've had my eyes on in years" he gripped onto the railing of the staircase while looking up at you
you walked down the stairs and stopped in front of him
"I promise" he muttered to you, looking down at you lovingly
you gripped onto the collar of his shirt and pulled him down your level, placing a desperate kiss on his lips.
he situated his hands on your hips and moved closer to you, rubbing your hips against his own.
"so you love me?" you said amused
"don't act like you don't love me back" he shook his head, chuckling
"we're just friends" you teased, trying to hide a smile
"friends? yeah, I'll show you friends" he smirked, picking you up, wrapping your legs around his torso and kissing you.
i swear this took way longer than it should've.
this is loosely based of friends by Chase Atlantic
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melloollem · 3 months
We should date|| Tim Drake × No gender Reader × Conner Kent
Summary: It was obvious you liked each other, someone just needed to assume.
Warnings: Showing anxiety(nothing serious), No gender specified.
This writing came from a conversation with the character a.i, but it's still a completely written story of mine (Credits to the creator of the character a.i @/fairybaby).
(DC masterlist)
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"Do you think it would be weird for three people to date?" Conner's voice said, interrupting the movie you were watching, at least you and Tim were, Conner was lost in his own thoughts as he stared at the ceiling of the room. He didn't ask anyone individually, usually accepting an answer from either of you. Tim's eyebrow rose at Conner's statement, but he still remained focused on the movie "I'm not sure".
"It depends for whom, certain people don't have the maturity for it" You made your contribution to the conversation, still staring at the television, not really caring about the question "Why is that now?" Tim asked Conner, that was a good question. Now you looked at Conner waiting for an answer.
"I was just thinking," he replied without looking at you. "I didn't know you could keep a train of thought" Your acid comment was met by a grumble from Conner, you looked at Tim expecting a reaction to your joke, but he just gave you a look, the one he always gave when he wanted to know if you were thinking the same thing.
"I mean... I'm not talking about us, obviously," Conner said after realizing how long you and Tim had been staring at each other, but he made the situation worse. "Nobody said that, but now it looks like you're talking about us because you said it." You looked at Conner "Tim agrees with me, doesn't he?" The boy who had previously been analyzing the situation now nods in agreement, drawing a defeated sigh from Conner "Okay" He adjusts himself on the bed to sit down "I'm talking about us".
"Do you think we should date?" You got straight to the point, taking the boys by surprise "You're not even going to take us on a dinner date?" The indignation in your voice was almost palpable "Wait... you want me to take you on a date?" Conner looked at you as if you had two heads, only now realizing how desperate you sounded. "No... no, obviously not" you said after a few seconds of awkward silence "Just saying, like if we were going to date, we should... you know" You looked at Tim desperately begging him to get you out of the situation, but he wanted to hear what you had to say just as much as Conner "We should have a first date, maybe? But I'm not saying I want anything" You avoided the boys' gaze as you said this.
"No, I get it" Tim said in an attempt to comfort you from your growing embarrassment "We get that" Now he was looking at Conner expectantly, you followed suit, seeking Conner's approval "I think that's fair" You were silent for a few minutes after Conner's response. There had always been an implied romance between you, this was the first time you had spoken about it out loud. "So, are you okay with it? Like if we date?" Tim asked intrigued, you had accepted Conner's "proposal" too quickly.
"Why wouldn't I be?" You looked confused "We spend all our time together, we do missions together, we take care of each other, people think we're dating, we even flirt all the time. Damn it, why aren't we dating yet? You should be ashamed of yourselves." You returned to your normal tone, it wasn't a problem for you to admit to wanting boys, you just didn't want to be the one to make the first move. Conner laughs, his expression relaxing with his statement "Yeah, that's something you could say" His tone makes Tim smile too, whatever tension there was in the room was now at an end.
"So, are we making a date?" Tim asked "Tim pays" you replied quickly "I bet I do" He let out a quick laugh "Should we plan for this weekend, maybe?" Conner suggested "Or we could go tomorrow" Tim said, pulling out his cell phone "I can clear my schedule" You and Conner were surprised by the suggestion, Tim was very faithful to his commitments. "Any day's good for me," Conner said giving a shrug.
"What would the dress code be?" Conner looked thoughtful at your question "Fancy?" he offered. "Probably" Tim replied, looking at his cell phone, trying to find a good restaurant to make a reservation "I'll look good in an elegant suit" Conner pretended to fix the collar of an imaginary suit "That's sad, I thought you'd be dressed like a Playboy girl" You mocked the boy, making an exaggerated sad face "To seduce me, you know?" Your words drew a laugh from Tim.
"Is that what you expect from me?" Conner joins in with a false tone of seduction "Make sure it's my outfit, since you insist" He gives you a wink "Look very sexy, darling and we don't even need a date for me to ask you out, that goes for you too Timothy" You all looked at each other for a few seconds before Conner couldn't hold in his laughter any longer, you and Tim followed his example.
"That would certainly make things easier" Tim was still laughing a little as he said the words, Conner struggled a little to stop the laughter as he said "We should do it" You and Tim raised your eyebrows at him, did he want us to dress sexy? "We should skip the first date part and just date already" He looked at you expectantly "That would be better" Tim said, now all he needed was your approval.
"So anxious" You were amused by how apprehensive they were "But of course, it's better if we're already dating" You shrugged simplistically, your answer drawing a shared smile from the two boys "Well, we'll have to tell the others, first our friends and then our families, I mean... we don't have to announce it now, we should keep things private for a while, at least until we get used to it all, right?" You and Conner watched Tim's anxious rambling, this kind of behavior was frequent in the boy, but it never ceased to surprise the two of you.
"Or we could announce it immediately, Bruce would like to know about it" Conner said amusedly trying to distract Tim from his growing anxiety, you followed his example "Will we have to ask Bruce for Tim's hand?" You saw that it worked when you heard a chuckle escape the boy "Maybe that's necessary" Conner now looked at you startled "You're joking, right?" Tim looks at you confused "Aren't you?" There's a long silence between the two of them, they do that thing of communicating with their gaze, before Conner turns to you and asks "Are we?".
You laugh at their awkward interaction "I have no problem asking for Tim's hand" You clear your throat, recovering from your laughter "I even have a little speech for that" They look at you in surprise "I'm sure you do" Tim says "You should share it with us" Now they're puzzled, had you really planned a speech? You get up from the bed in front of the boys, let out a sigh of preparation and begin to recite what you would say to Bruce "Batman, knight of the night, I am here to claim your son's hand in marriage, with the promise to honor him for the rest of my life" You end your dramatic performance with a bow to the audience.
An expression of relief flashed across their faces as they realized you were only joking, now they were laughing wildly at your act, Conner covering his mouth but still laughing just as loudly "Dark Knight" He struggled to repeat your words and Tim only laughed harder after that. You flopped onto the bed taking Conner's place among the boys, glad that Tim's worries were forgotten by him "I'll warn him in advance so he can get ready" Conner nodded in agreement with Tim "That's a good idea, it's going to be one of the most dramatic events of his life" Conner still had a big smile on his face, he was having a lot of fun with the whole situation.
"Rehearse a speech too, Conner, you'll have to fight as well" His speech drew uncontrollable laughter from the boy "I'd never do that, that's the cheesiest thing I've ever heard" He said a little breathlessly "He'll kick us out of his house and we'll probably lose our boyfriend" He laughed more, exaggerating Bruce's possible reaction "Tim will be locked in a cell and forbidden to see us" Tim's expression became tense again at the supposition of Bruce's possible reaction "Do you think there's a possibility of something like that happening? Do you think he'll really forbid us to see each other?" Conner's eyes widened, he'd forgotten how Tim couldn't see the humor in jokes like that.
You quickly moved closer to Tim, holding his face with a worried expression "No, no, no. He's just joking, everything will be fine" The question hadn't been put to you, but you could provide the answers Tim wanted "There's no reason for Bruce to do that" An instinct in you made you move closer to Tim with the intention of kissing him as an attempt at comfort, you slowed down when you realized what you were about to do. Was it acceptable to kiss Tim? You've always been Physically close, but not that kind of close. The boy swallowed as he noticed your intention, his eyes alternating between Tim's eyes and his mouth.
You asked him in a whisper if you could do that. Conner looked at the whole scene with admiration and when your lips captured Tim's after a silent approval from him, it was safe to say that Conner was ecstatic, fascinated by how common and acceptable that kind of interaction seemed between you, it was genuine and beautiful, a kiss that had no hint of anxiety because it seemed like you always knew you could have it. After the kiss Tim looked at you passionately as he said "Everything will be fine", an attempt to convince himself with the words.
"You're both crazy" was his only response to your interaction "Don't exclude yourself, you're crazy too" you pulled away from Tim, throwing yourself close to Conner who captured you in his arms "Well, it's safe to say that I am" You held out your hand to Tim, wanting him to come closer too. Tim follows your gesture, leaning forward and lying partially on top of you. Now you, Tim and Conner were snuggled up to each other.
"We should plan what we're going to say," Tim said, very much immersed in his own thoughts, he seemed to be talking to himself. The room was silent for a few seconds, all of you were having your own reflections on this "We don't have to" Conner said, drawing a defeated sigh from Tim "Maybe" The three of you seemed satisfied, but it only lasted a short time "But we should" He sat down on the bed now facing you "A little preparation wouldn't be bad. Bruce doesn't cope well with this kind of revelation" He was looking for some kind of agreement from you.
"You need to calm down, it's not like we're doing anything so nefarious. Your mission performance won't decline, he already knows us well, he's dated a thief and an assassin, you're with two heroes. We're at an advantage" You said, trying to show Tim that his ideas were altered, but that didn't diminish his fear "If it would make you feel better, let him be informed before we talk to him, tell your brothers and he'll cope fine, he's a grown man, Tim, remember that" You tried again. "Maybe you're right" He went back to his old position, looking less distressed, but still tense "We'll be fine" Conner said "Probably" Tim whispered "We will" You assured him.
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lizsos · 5 months
Chapter 4
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Bad girl
Tw : chapter contains extreme violence, strong language, blood , gore and death , keep in mind none of this is real none the characters.
(You've been warned)
Bada x reader
(Yandere bada)
You both arrive at the 'Playhouse' the night club that your boss owns . Why playhouse ? Well you see... the boss believed the name of the club fit perfectly . After all , your clan is called 'Death dolls' .
You walk into the night club with Kristen following behind . "Want me to accompany you?" She smirks . You playfully roll your eyes . "Do what you want, I'm leaving as soon as I drop this off" . You say as you held the bag up to her . "Why not stay a while ?" "Ive had a long day , I'm tried. All I want to do is go to bed."you yawn . "I'll join you in bed dollface~" she says wrapping her arm around your waist .
"What do you say y/n? " she smirks . You harshly step on her foot with your heel . She groans a bit in pain . Ignoring her , you walk through the people who were dancing on each other . Kristen follows behind as you walk towards Nana's office .
Entering the office, Nana immediately gets up from her seat and walk to you . You can see the excitement in her face "sooo wheres his head ? "She asks ignoring the fact your covered in blood . Unzipping the bag, you pull out the head by his hair , blood continus to drip from his neck . "You wanted his head I got what you asked for" Nana claps her hands ,snatching his head away from you .
She dances around with the head , holding it up high in the air "shes gone mad "Kristen whispers to you "good to know you've finally realised" you whisper back .
"Youve done a good job y/n! What do you want in return ? You name it " She says excitedly. "I want a whole day off . No calls . I don't wish to be disturbed. Last give me a pay raise ." You calmly state , throwing the bag in the trash .
A car parked not to far from the nightclub . "There's the car , what do you want us to do boss ?" The driver asked a question. "Get your weapons. Just follow my lead " Bada smirks darkly.
"I'll be leaving now . I want my day off tomorrow " you clealry state to your boss . She happly nods . "I'll take you home sweetheart~. Kristen says "No need , ill walk instead . I'd rather be alone ." You try walking past her but she grabs your wrist instead "As if il let you walk alone . Lets go" Kristen then drags you near the door. "Kristen-" you stop as heard gunshots go off and the sounds of people screaming .
You both look at each other and nod . You look around to spot a window. It lead outside. Opening it m you both jump out . Nana closes the window . It lead outside , behind the building. Kristen stays behind protecting Nana . She places the dead man head on the desk and pulls out a pistol . Kristen hides behind a shelf ,covering her away from the door .
Both of Bada's bodyguards shoot up the ceiling. The guest run out of the door , terrified. Bada scans the room trying to spot you .yet you were not in sight .
Members of your clan pull out their weapons out , aiming it towards the three people Bada smirks and held her hands up a bit "Relax death dolls , we're not here to cause any harm ,Were here for business.
"Were not interested. Take your men get out the exist is behind you" Latrice demanded . Bada chuckles . "I don't think so . I'm here to talk business. Now get your boss " didn't you hear us? We said-"
Bada pulled out her gun out , shooting the man next to Emma straight in the head . "All of you will be next if you don't do what I've just asked "
Silence ....
"Have it your way ...." she nods at the men . The men load their guns and aim at the members . They pull the rigger , instantly killing them most of them .
Blood decorated the walls . Brain matter all the over the floor . Body after body . Some piled on top of each other . Bada's smirk grew wider .
"You will be mine (y/n) ..."
Coast clear .you walk in the club only to be greeted by the dead bodies of your clan members but you didn't see some particular people .
But you got some new that Latrice , Audrey, Emma and ling manged to escape . Most of the dead bodies were rookies . It was Their first day of their job in the playhouse nightclub . You look away " Poor things they didn't have a chance ...." you quietly say
You quickly trun to the direction where the noise came from . You silently walk towards the noise , holding out both guns in your hand .
"Here you are" Bada says " You .... You! What are you doing here ?!" Nana yells . "To talk ofcourse " she quickly responds "I want you three out of my club Now!"
Bada looked pretty annoyed at what Nana just sayed so she sayed
"Sit down" in a more serious voice
Nana freezes at Bada's dark intense glare .
She sits back down in her chair , trembling in fear . "Good , now call her off " Bada demands . She slowly turned to Kristem nodding at her . She walks out of her spot with her hands up .
"Now get rid of her .."
Both men men aim their weapons directly at Kristem
"No!" Nana yells in fear .
You shoot them both in their back of the head as you appeared behind them . They fall hard on the ground . Blood oozing our of the wound . Bada turns , only to be harshly kicked to the ground by you .
Her heart began to pound rapidly. A tiny blush appeared on her pale skin . Her doll .... holding two pistols on her face . You smirk
"Nice to see you again Love"
Taglist : @pinkyqil @nimxie @badalovebot @badaleesbish @badaspebble @badaleeswifey @badasgirlfriend @galletitaluna @allur1ngs @aericrys @urlovebot @samiosisig
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joelsdolly · 8 months
what ab reader meeting someone else and they get close and ellie notices and gets jealous and then realizes
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part one
plot: you have a crush on your best friend sadly she doesn't reciprocate
warnings: slight angst, gingers, fluff
word count: 1.0k
notes: thank you fruity ppl for giving me ideas🫶🏼🫶🏼 I chose this idea because I love this trope, sorry if I got it wrong but I tried 😞 also scottie is from the book she gives my crazy! i LOVE gingers so I chose her for the extra character!! enjoy😈😈
it has been two weeks since your gut reaching conversation with ellie and you hadn't seen her anywhere, but not like a you've seen out but not talked to her, but you have not seen her at all. maria had mentioned that someone new just come to town, maybe you could benefit from that, you slipped your shoes on and checked yourself in your mirror before walking out the door, while walking down your porch and zipping up your jacket you see maria with a face you've never seen before.
a tall ginger following behind her, maria noticed your presence and smiled and waved at you, 'come over here' she shouted, you jog over to them and greet them, 'this is Scottie' maria nods her head over to the girl beside her, she puts out her hand to shake and you gladly shake it, you tell her your name before noticing her shirt, she's wearing a shirt with your favorite band?! finally someone here who doesn't have music taste of an old man.
'hey I like your shirt!' you grin and point to the oversized shirt, she chuckles before speaking, 'thanks, I found it at some random mall and their my favorite band so I brought it back' you could see a light tint of pink spread on her face, 'well I'll leave you guys to it' maria patted your shoulder before leaving, 'so scottie how're you liking jackson so far' she chuckled, 'its nice, I mean it's cold and a little crowded but it's nice' you stuffed your hands in your pockets trying to warm them up, 'yeah it's very cold but at least it's like functioning you know' you let out a light awkward laugh.
you and scottie walk around town for a little while longer, you showed her every corner of the place, talked about each others interests or just sitting in comfortable silence. when you reached her house it was already 2pm, 'well scottie this was very fun and it's nice to have a new friend I guess' you awkwardly shifted around her porch, 'yeah it was' she grinned, you looked her in the eyes and face and noticed all her details, freakels, scares, everything.
you said goodbye to each other and got going, while going walking you could only think about her, that was the only thing on your mind, Scottie. when you got home you took off your jacket and shoes and laid down on your couch, you slowly drifted into a soft slumber, sadly only a couple hours later you were awoken by a knock. you sleepily opened your eyes and got up, 'one second' you shouted, you swung the door open and we're met with a patiently waiting scottie. 'oh hey' you smiled, 'hey can I come in it's kinda cold...' you quickly moved away from the door and let her in shutting the door behind you.
'what's up?' you leaned your back against your door, 'oh I was wondering if you wanted to go to dinner tomorrow, not as like a date or maybe if you want it to be I don't-' she was cut off by you accepting the date, you hung out a but more before it got dark and she returned home. You laid in your bed that night unable to sleep anxious for your upcoming date.
finally it was time for your date you got ready and rushed out the door almost late, when you got there you saw her waiting for you at a booth in the corner of the bar, you sat down and stared chatting, from the corner of your eyes you saw the door open and someone come in, that someone was ellie. you mumbled a quick curse under your breath before turning your attention back to scottie and continuing your conversation, the rest of your date you could feel someone starting at you even sometimes hearing her talk to herself.
when your date was finally over you walked out of the bar and noticed ellie following, 'fuck' you thought to yourself, you decided it was better to tell Scottie you weren't over someone, I mean you really didn't want to hurt her. 'this was really nice scottie, but uhm...I don't think this is gonna work and I hate saying this but it's not because of you, it's just I still have feelings for someone else and I don't think I'm gonna get over then anything time soon' you looked down at the ground and itched your arm.
'oh, uhm that's okay, whatever you need, I'm just glad I got to have one date together' she said with a light smile on her face, you hugged her and thanked her before saying goodbye. after she stared walking away ellie came in sight, you sighed and looked at her, 'why are you here?' you questioned trying to fight the tears welling in your eyes, she stood closer to you and looked you in the eyes, 'i think love you too' she whispered so quietly you almost couldn't hear it, 'what?' she quickly looked down at her feet, 'yeah I do' you looked back up at you nervously fidgeting with her fingers.
you moved even closer to her, 'what about dina?' you whispered back, 'i broke up with her, I told her I realized I was scared of my feelings towards you, but I don't think I am anymore, I wanna...be with you' she confessed, your eyes widened a bit a sudden dump of information, 'oh, well I think I wanna be with you...' she couldn't help but smile at that, she felt her face get hot and impulsively kissed you, it took you a second to register what was happening but as soon as you did you kissed back, you put your hands around her neck like you'd seen in old cheesy rom-coms.
she pulled away and looked at you with the softest eyes you'd ever seen and a grin, 'so do you have a question to ask me ellie?' you raised your eyebrow, ellie nodded and chuckled, 'woukd you do the honor of being my girlfriend' she proposed in an exaggerated way, you smiled and quietly laughed, 'yes ellie I would love to' you pulled her closer and crashed her lips with yours once again. hopefully you would be her third and last girlfriend.
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midnighmoonligh · 4 months
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Call of Duty / Ghost's
Y/N ; AMAB ; He/Him ; little
Keegan Russ ; He/Him ; Caregiver/Neutral
⚠Content warnings ⚠
Military topics, mention of blood/injuries/pain, anti-agere, and cursing.
Plot Summary
Keegan doesn't like you. You don't know what age regression is. You both end up bonding over it.
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You, a new recruit to the ghost's, the task force Keegan also found himself on, yourself in trouble. It was to the point it was infuriating for him, as your superior. You were a private rank with an awful temper who never followed orders. You were always doing your own things, causing problems for other people. He tended to be one of those people.
Keegan couldn't stand you.
After a long mission that didn't go well for anyone, Keegan found himself wandering the bases hall's at night. The stress of the events left him restless, not that he usually could sleep. As he walked, heard thuds coming from the indoor gym. Curiously, though dumbly, he made his way towards it.
Opening the doors, he found you punching away at a punching bag. Surprise washed over his features. It was one am. He knew how much you valued sleep as well, so you had been the last person he expected to be awake still.
You we're panting as you slammed one of your fists into the punching bag again. You've been at it for hours now, most people were asleep too. Your hands were poorly wrapped, knuckles spilling blood that dotted the bandages. It didn't really stop you. As long as your hands weren't broken, you'd take some bleeding. You raised your fists again despite how much your lungs burned and slammed your fist into the bag as hard as you could manage still, again.
Keegan approached quietly, he wanted to surprise you in some way. He saw a sight he wasn't at all expecting. He wasn't sure to make of it, still trying to decide that fact as he approacbed you.
He walked around you, getting a good view of you before speaking, " What are you doing here this late? Shouldn't you be sleeping? "
You jumped a bit as Keegan spoke. It was startled you more than you'd cared to admit. You raked a hand through your hair. Most the strands stayed back from sweat when you pulled it out.
" Shouldn't you? " you shot back in a snarky tone.
" Touché, but your the one throwing hands at the punching bag at one in the morning. Something more then a lack of sleep is the cause if this, so you're not allowed to use that argument as a gotcha, " he responded, " Now, why are you here? I gave everyone the day off after that mission. You should be in bed. "
You grunted and rolled your eyes. Slowly you raised your fists again and giving another weak punch to the bag. You were exhausted, body spent, but your mind kept pushing. It wouldn't shut up, no matter how many times you hit the bag.
" What am I? A toddler? " you grumbled before punching the bag again.
" If you're acting like one, then yes. I'm your superior officer. You need your sleep. Now, why are you here? " Keegan reiterated. He was beginning to lose his patience at your stubbornness.
" Is it a crime now to burn off steam? " you huffed out at him.
You stopped, at least for now. Your attention was better turned towards Keegan. Although your breathing remained uneven, practically gasping.
" No, but you look like you've been at it for a long time now. Your hands are bleeding, that can't be healthy for anyone. Stop acting stubborn and take a break, " he scolded, " If you keep at it, you'll be a liability for us tomorrow. "
At the mention of your hands, you looked down to them while lifting them enough to see them. You blinked, clearly not realizing you had made them bleed, let alone as much as they were.
" I'm off tomorrow, " you decided to say instead while letting your hands fall back to your sides.
" I know you're off tomorrow, but if your in this condition, you're a danger to yourself. Take a break from the stupid bag, " he scolded, he was clearly getting tired of you.
" Just sit your bum down and listen. You're pushing yourself far too much. You'll only make yourself worse if you keep going. Take a break. " He was much more stern then usual, as if seeing you like this really got him angry.
You huffed at Keegan childishly. If your entire body didn't ache, you would've crossed your arms and pout.
" Why do you care what I choose to do with my free time anyways? "
"Because you're still a soldier of the Ghost's. We can't afford to lose you. I can't afford to lose you..." he muttered, looking like a concerned father instead of a demanding superior.
" Take a break. We need you fit and healthy, you can't do that if your hands are all bloody and you're this exhausted, " his tone was much more calm then usual, he was trying not to sound like he was scolding a child. " Just please, take a break. "
You stared at him like he was an alien. Frankly, you thought he was when the word please came out of Keegan of all people. It didn't help that you were well aware his distain for you. Hearing him actually care bothered you. You took deep breaths to try and control your breathing, but it wasn't getting you anywhere.
" I need to be stronger, " you confessed.
Keegan sighed, clearly not able to put two and two together at this current moment. He came over and pulled the punching bag still with some force, " you're only going to get weaker if you keep going. I'm sure you've heard of overworking yourself. This is what overworking yourself looks like. "
He then kneeled down in front of you, " Why do you need to be stronger?" He asked in a much softer tone, trying not to be condescending as he spoke. It felt as if he were trying to talk to a child.
He tensed as he kneeled down to him. It annoyed him how he treated him like a kid. It didn't help he wasn't much shorter than Keegan.
" I couldn't do anything to help, " you breathed out, taking a few deep breaths before finishing your thoughts. Your thoughts made you feel like crying. " If I was stronger the mission would've went better. "
Keegan remained quiet as you spoke, his heart breaking a little. He was silent for a long moment, as if thinking of a response to that.
" And if you overwork yourself like this for another mission, you won't be able to help again, " pointed out.
" Besides, it wasn't your fault. The success or failure of a mission isn't placed on the individual. It's placed on the group as a whole. There's only so much you could have done, " he consoled, hoping his words would help.
" But-" you paused to let out a shaky breath. The feeling of needing to cry grew, but you kept pushing it down.
" I still could've done something, anything if I was stronger. "
" That's not true, you're not some superman to be expected to take the entire mission on your back. You're only expected to do what you're capable of doing, you're not an unstoppable force, you're still only human. Humans have limits, " he explained, in an attempt to make you feel better.
" I know you're trying to distract yourself from bad thoughts, but this isn't a healthy way to do it. You need to find a safer way to take your mind off things. "
You looked away from Keegan, chewing the inside of your cheek. Your breathing was slowly starting to calm as you stood there. One of your legs was shaking a little bit.
" I don't really know how, " you admitted hesitantly.
" I know you don't, " Keegan responded, he was starting to get a grasp on the situation so he decided to do something he's never done before. Something that would be out of character for him. He sat down on the floor, and then patted a space down next to him.
" Then let me teach you. Let's have a chat, as soldiers and not superior and subordinate. "
You blinked at Keegan a few times, feeling surprised. Frankly, you had been convinced he hated you. Sure it wasn't all that far off, Keegan got easily annoyed by you, but this was definitely unexpected. You took a deep, slow, breath before shakily sitting down beside him. It was more of a flop, but it was the best he was going to get.
" So," Keegan began, taking a moment to think about what he was going to speak about, " Let me start with asking you why the thought of being stronger even crossed your mind. I didn't see you mess anything up on the mission. I don't understand why this got to you so badly. "
" People died Keegan, " you pointed out with ease. You chewed the inside of his cheek again between pauses. At this point, you'll probably rip into then by accident. You hands throbbed with pain, which did help ground you at least.
" They'll never get to go home, " you added quietly, throat feeling tight.
" And that makes you feel powerless. That's what this is about, isn't it?" He questioned, it seemed that he was connecting the dots about why you felt this way.
He then placed a hand on your back," But you can't do everything. You can't save everyone. It's just not possible. No matter how strong you are, you can't save everyone. "
You're eyes began to pool with tears. Your body language seemed to slump forward. The touch wasn't welcomed, but it wasn't rejected either. You were quiet for awhile before getting the courage to say something again.
" But I can try, " you croaked.
This had an unexpected effect on Keegan. He froze up and his face went slack with surprise. This took him by surprise.
After a moment of silence, he broke it by responding, " But you'll only hurt yourself. If your strong for the safety of others, who's watching your back? Who's saving you if something bad happens to you?" He asked, this whole situation was something he wasn't prepared for at all.
You lifted one of your hands to wipe your cheek as a tear fell, but you only smeared a bit of blood on your face from your bleeding knuckles.
" It's fine, I don't need someone as long as I can make sure they get home, " you spoke with a shaky exhale.
" And who will make sure you get home? Who will protect you? If you're the only one saving the others, then who is saving you?" Keegan questioned, and his tone went from stern to concerned. He tried not to let himself get too emotional while this conversation continued.
" I don't need it. There's no home for me, no one waiting. Not like what they have, " you sniffled quietly.
Keegan froze again, the conversation starting to break off from what he was expecting.
" Are you...alone..." he asked, not wanting to upset you any further with a poorly placed question after you already opened up so much.
" Forget it," you suddenly cut into the question Keegan asked.
You shakily got up, stumbling a little bit before grabbing your jacket and going to leave the gym.
" It's late, you should go to bed, " you told him.
" I'm not going to let you leave, " Keegan said in a stern tone. He didn't even look like the Keegan Russ right now. He looked more like an upset friend.
" You're upset about something, and I know you don't have anyone waiting or anything. But that doesn't mean your alone, you're still part of the Ghosts, we'll be your family. "
That last word was spoken softly, he didn't want you leaving.
" I'm tired Sergeant, " you sighed towards Keegan, pulling the poor man's rank. It was true though. Although you didn't say much, yojr mind felt calmer. You finally felt ready to try and sleep.
Keegan sighed, realizing he's not getting anywhere. In a moment of weakness, he wrapped an arm around you and pulled you in for a hug. He said nothing, but he felt you deserved this and you needed this.
" Get some sleep Soldier, "He said softly, this was the most human he's acted towards you since you joined.
You jumped a bit as Keegan pulled you in for a hug. You didn't fight it, nor return it, just stood there awkwardly.
" Okay, " you muffled against his chest before breaking free and leaving for your room.
Keegan just sat in the gym, watching as you walked away. He could still feel where his arm was wrapped around you. Maybe he'd see you tomorrow. He could only hope. As he sat back onto the mats on the floor, he did ponder though. He was still wondering about what you had said and he couldn't understand it. But as a whole, the night wasn't a waste. So he took it as a win.
The next morning came quickly, thankfully for you. You had struggled a lot in trying to get some sleep. Despite feeling ready, the moment you had laid down you found it next to impossible to do it. You ended up spending the rest of the night staring out the window or at the ceiling, drowning in your thoughts.
You didn't do much today, didn't have anything planned. Originally you were going to sleep away the day, but by eight am you came to be defeated by the inability to do so. Slowly, you got out of bed and went to shower instead. Once finished with that and in fresh clothes, you tried again. By ten am you were wandering around base. Occasionally, you were stopped and asked to run things to other people since you were free. You didn't mind, which was new since normally you told them to fuck off.
Finally, at noon you made your way to the mess hall for lunch. You grabbed a sandwich, not the best kind but you couldn't complain, then settled down at a table near the corner. It was also close to an exit. You began to eat. Quickly you came to learn you hated the sound of you chewing right now. However, you powered through anyway. Your hands throbbed with pain, especially after your shower. You had poorly wrapped the injuries with gauze the best you could. You really didn't have a lot of medico knowledge. Most the basics you had been taught you didn't even remember anymore.
Keegan walked into the mess hall and grabbed a slice of toast before taking a seat at an empty table. After a few moments of munching, he glanced up to find you with very poorly wrapped hands. He watched your hands shake as you picked up your sandwich and took a bite out of it. You were eating it fairly slowly, concerning since you usually inhaled food. He finished what was in his mouth before walking over to you and taking a seat in the chair across the table from you.
" Your hands look like a mess, " He teased with a playful look, one that only annoyed you.
Unlike you, Keegan had clearly gotten some rest after your talk. Blinking a few times, you looked up from the table to see him. It took you a few moments to register what he had said, pressing how tired you felt further.
" Oh, " you replied dryly for a moment, trying to gather your thoughts as fast as your tired mind allowed you to. " I did my best. "
" I can see that you did, " Keegan nodded, staring at you for a solid minute. " But your hand wrap will not hold. I'm surprised it's held up this long, really, " he added, taking another glance over your hands.
" I could do a better wrap then this, if you're letting me of course, " he offered, trying to make you feel better.
Keegan knew that this was something stupid to focus on, but he was more concerned about these rather poorly wrapped hands then what he should be.You frowned as he spoke. It upset you simply because you really had done your best. You had thoughht you did pretty good, considering your past tries. The offer, however, peaked your interest.
" Oh, if it's not a bother... "
" Of course not, I'll wrap them. No problem, " he assured, smiling softly at you, it was clear that this wasn't any sort of bother to him.
" I can bring you to my quarters, and I can try to clean your hands. I did my emergency medical training awhile back so this should be easy. "
He got up, offering a hand for you to take so Keegan could walk you to his quarters.
" Okay, just let me finish eating, " you huffed quietly then took another bite of your sandwich. You weren't even half way through it yet.
He huffed in reply to you then flopped back down into his chair. Dramatic, but it's how he felt. He was annoyed you were taking so long. He rested his head into the palm of his hand, watching people walk by and listening into other conversations to pass the time. You took your time eating, movements slow and sluggish. You often blinked rapidly here and there to help wake up. When you finished, you wiped your mouth with your sleeve and got up. You took care of your trash then awkwardly waited by Keegan for him to get up.
It took him a full minute to realize too, clearly all wrapped up in his head. You waved your hand in front of his masked face, watching as his free hand snapped to your wrist. You flinched, mostly from pain rather than the sudden movement. You both blinked at each other. With annoyance in his eyes, he let go and got up. Another huff from him. You were pretty used to the noise, as he often did it instead of communicating.
With a small gesture of his hand, Keegan lead the way to his room. He kept a lookout for anyone who was currently walking to make sure they didn't see a superior officer walking a subordinate back to their quarters. It could lead to the wrong impression, which neither of them needed. You trailed behind him, gently rubbing your knuckles in an attempt to sooth the ache. You didn't really think about you following him to his room much. Really, it was the last thing on your mind right now.
After a few minutes of walking they arrived at Keegan's quarters, he unlocked the door before opening it and holding it open for you to walk through. You looked around the space after stepping in. You waited for Keegan for a few seconds before loosing patience and settling down into a chair, feeling too tired to keep standing. Keegan then, finally, followed through before locking the door behind himself.
" Would you feel comfortable with me removing these bandages? I'll need to see your hands first, " he asked, not wanting to just jump in without permission.
Instead of replying verbally, you just offered your hands. It was a silent permission to do as he wanted and needed. Keegan walked over to you and took your hands into his own, they were cold but he expected that. He started peeling the poorly wrapped bandages from your hands, as he did so he started asking questions.
" When can you last remember wrapping these bandages? "
" Few hours ago, " you mumbled sleepily, " After My shower. " Occasionally, you winced as they were removed.
Your knuckles were scattered with open wounds and ugly purple and blue bruising that was slowly beginning to yellow. It looked awful, felt just as much. Your skin was scattered with red and pink from irritation as well.
Keegan flinched softly whenever you winced, he didn't want to be the one hurting you. These aren't the worst injuries he'd seen before, but he wasn't going to dismiss this as a mild injury either. After he got done removing all of the bandages, he started inspecting your injured hands before cleaning up the wounds, he then pulled up various materials and started setting up the materials he'd need to rewrap your hands.
As the injuries were cleaned, your eyes slowly began to pool with tears. A few escaped here and there. You were never much of a cryer, so it was so odd. So concerning. It even confused you, which was evident by the mixed expression you were beginning to have.
" Hurts, " you whispered quietly without even thinking.
Keegan took notice of this when it happened, but he kept his mouth shut and began speaking once he got everything he needed set up.
" I know it does. Don't worry, it'll be all finished in just a minute. "
After a few minutes, he was done rewrapping them. Keegan even went the extra step of wrapping them better then you did. He checked each one to make sure they were done just right. He then gave you a soft, masked, smile. You could only tell there was a smile thanks to his pretty blue eyes crinkling.
" Does this feel better? "
The better treatment of the injuries definitely helped, though they still hurt. It was only natural they did after all. You clenched and stretched out his fingers here and there, feeling how odd it felt. Then you childishly rubbed at one of your eyes. You felt so sleepy.
" 'm hurts, " you still expressed the pain anyways.
" I know you are, " Keegan said softly as he watched you rub your eyes. " Do you want to go to sleep? "
He knew you were exhausted, both mentally and physically. He knew that if you didn't get some rest you'd start to lose focus. And he didn't want that to happen. You gave a small nod. Your mind felt so odd, fuzzy. You didn't know how to describe it or feel about it. You felt a bit more childish, however. Keegan noticed this change in behavior immediately, he didn't like it. Sure, acting a bit childish could be cute or funny, but right now, it was just concerning for him.
" You're acting a bit different. Can you talk to me about how you're feeling right now? "
It was almost like you had regressed some, but that couldn't be possible. Right?
" Tired, " you replied, only to yawn and rub and your eyes more. It was so hard to focus.
" So I take it you're a bit sleepy? " Keegan asked, he got the idea that you might have regressed when you started to act a little different.
The tired behavior was the biggest sign that he was able to notice and put together quickly. This was unexpected, but something he wouldn't question you on. If you kept showing signed of regression, then he'd go along with it. He'd protect you even, as he told himself. You let out a small whine at the question. You wanted to go to bed now, but the idea of walking back to your room by yourselves sounded scary. Especially since yours and Keegan's room were so far apart.
" So what if we slept here? " Keegan purposed the idea.
In the moment it was the best option, and you seemed to be in no shape to walk yourself to bed, to be fair. Maybe his offer was a little odd, but in the moment it felt right for him to ask the question. He didn't want you to have to walk all the way back to your own quarters in this state.
" Okay? " you asked. You meant to ask if if really was okay if you slept here, in Keegan's room. But your regressed and exhausted mind couldn't put the words together fully. No matter how much you tried, you just couldn't.
Keegan just smiled softly, he knew what you meant even if your mind could not fully put the words together at this moment. Thank the God's he knew what you meant. This was a much better deal for you, if you slept here then you wouldn't have to walk yourself to bed. He got up without asking if you wanted him to, and walked over to his bed. Without another word, he motioned for you to lay down on the bed beside him.
You got up from the chair slowly. You were wobbly when you walked, but you managed to reach the bed without falling. Your body was screaming with aches and the need to rest- really your fault it had gotten to this point. You curled up on your side, facing Keegan. You kept your distance to keep the older man more comfortable as you yawned and got cozy.
Keegan noticed you were making sure to keep a distance from him so he wouldn't feel uncomfortable. Which he really did appreciate. He also found it extremely cute. Keegan got in the bed himself, sitting beside you but facing away so he didn't feel too awkward. It was nice being this close to someone, especially to someone this cute. He felt just the tiniest bit of a desire to pull you closer, he wondered if that'd make you uncomfortable...
With a few brief rubs to your eyes, you began to fall asleep. Just as you were dozing off, you unconsciously slipped your thumb into yout mouth to suck on. The sight of you sucking your thumb put a small smile on Keegan's face. It was one of the cutest things that he's ever seen. It made him almost want to pull you closer and hold you close, and just keep you like that for eternity. He refrained himself from doing that, as you were already close enough to him as it is. So for now he'd just lay there and watch you as you fall asleep.
Keegan watched you sleep for a little while longer before feeling tired himself. He tried to keep himself awake in case you'd need anything. However, after an hour, he decided that everything was okay. He figured you'd wake him if you needed something while you were so little anyway. With a short yawn, he shuffled to get more comfortable then allowed himself to get some rest beside you.
Morning came a lot faster than you had expected. The sun began to shine through the windows and onto you. It was warm, comforting even. Your eyes slowly blinked open. It took a few times to get them to focus. Until then you found yourself fairly surprised you had slept the entire night. It was definitely a rare occurrence for you. Eyes finally focused, they stared at the man just in front of you. A few seconds ticked by before you truly registered who it was.
You sat up so quickly you gave yourself head rush. Your heart began to race in your chest while you rubbed at your eyes a bit in an attempt to get the feeling to fade faster. Once your vision had cleared, you looked around the space. Anxiety pooled in your stomach as you began to realize you couldn't even remember how you got in Keegan's room.
Although you could admit it was a pretty room.
" Morning, " Keegan suddenly said softly, he was laying beside you and looking in your direction. He was silent for a moment but then he asked the question. It was pretty likely you had woken him up in your sudden panic. " You don't remember how you got to my bed, do you?"
You felt your face grow hot as Keegan asked the question. You rubbed at your eyes a bit to help yourself wake up more. Once this tasked was finished your hands dropped into your lap.
" Not really, " you mumbled embarrassingly.
Keegan had to fight the urge to tease you on this moment. It would be funny, it'd also make it a bit too awkward for him.
" It's fine," he decided to tell you in an attempt to comfort you somehow.
" I saw you sitting looking like you could fall dead right there. You seemed to be on the edge of losing focus and regressing too, so I just brought you to my room and you ended up falling asleep," he explained.
Confusion quickly washed over your expression. You looked over to Keegan, blinking a few times whom trying to bring your sleepy mind together. It didn't seem to make sense to you. Why would you even let him bring you here to begin with? While you weren't as tired anymore, you did feel cold.
" Regressing? " you questioned hesitantly, clearly not having a clue as to what that was.
" When you regress it means you're acting more like a child, the younger you, the more you regress. It can happen when you're stressed, or exhausted, or just when you don't want to deal with something as an adult. It doesn't happen on purpose, it's just a state of mind you can get into without trying to," Keegan patiently explained in his normal tone, as he felt this was a serious matter, but his soft tone continued to linger, his eyes looked at you nervously at the thought that you might regress again.
Not that he minded. He just wanted to spot the signs so he could support you as soon as possible instead of being dense to the signs and letting it fester.
You looked away from him, clenching your jaw as you moved to sit up better. You sat more forward with your back to him. It felt difficult to look at him, so he looked at the concrete floor that was at the foot of the bed. You looked, angry, felt it just as much. Not really towards anyone in particular though.
" Basically, there's something wrong with me and it'll get in the way of work, " you norted, but looked upset.
He sat up fairly quickly. He remained somewhat behind you, bit was trying to look at you. Either at your face or eyes, he wasn't picky as to which.
" There's nothing wrong with you," Keegan said firmly and quickly to correct you. He had to put a stop to the idea that there was something wrong because you regressed. " Regressing isn't something to be ashamed of, it's just your mind reverting back when it can't deal with something. It isn't something you can control, and it isn't something you should be ashamed of."
Keegan looked very concerned, he needed to make you not feel bad for regressing. " You're in a safe place right now, no one can or will judge you for it."
" A soldier shouldn't be acting like a child. It'll get everyone killed! " you huffed out as you moved to rub your face with your hands far harder than you needed to.
" You're not in a combat zone right now, it's okay to act a little childish right now," Keegan told you, his tone was calming and soft as he took a deep breath in and then let it out. " You don't have to be a soldier every moment of the day, you're currently not at risk of getting anyone or yourself killed." He tried to be reassuring and calm, as he felt he needed to calm you down in the moment.
" But you can't guarantee that! It isn't all that uncommon for bases to be attacked, " you snapped at him. You were working yourself up more.
" You're right, but currently at this moment in time you are completely safe and out of harms reach." he said softly, he didn't mind the fact that you snapped at him.
He knew it would only make it worse if he yelled back or grew impatient. Although it annoyed him, he did his best to take deep breaths. Keegan slid forward more to sit directly next to you. He let his legs hang off the bed, arms rested on his knees, as he leaned forward to try to look at you better.
" Right now the only thing you should be focused on is you and your injuries, not the next battle or if this base could get attacked. You're safe, and you're safe for now, and that's all that matters."
" But you don't know that for sure, " you emphasized as you rubbed one of your hands over your sleeved forearm. It was an attempt of self soothing. Unintentionally, you're letting quite a bit of your paranoia spill.
Keegan sighed softly, as you continued to voice worries. He tried to think of something to say back that wouldn't make you more upset.
" You're right, I don't know that. But even if it's attacked, we can deal with that when it happens, not right now. All I can do for now is take care of you and try to calm you down, okay?" He paused for a moment, he wanted some reassurance, maybe if he asked you would give it. " Do... Do you feel safe here?"
You took a few deep breaths, feeling worked up from the conversation. You were slightly hugging yourself while remaining stubborn with avoiding Keegan's efforts of eye contact.
" Why would you want to take care of me? I'm a fully grown ass adult, it isn't okay for me to be doing this, " you vented, eyes pooling with tears.
You had avoided his question of how safe you felt in his room, with him. Keegan didn't take this to heart, of course. Rather he allowed you to do it instead of pushing you.
" Because I care about you, I don't want people I care about to get hurt." Keegan's answer was short and simple, but it was true. He may not trust you completely just yet, but he did care about you enough not to let anything happen to you.
He scooted a bit closer to you, he felt like you needed comfort right now, and he wanted to try and be that to you. " Just, trust me that it'll be fine, but you have to stop stressing yourself out."
" I'm an adult Keegan, I shouldn't be acting like a child even if I can't control it, " you huffed out as you lifted your hand to wipe your face. Your hands burned with pain, but you continued to ignored it for the time being.
Keegan watch you wipe your face, and he seemed more concerned for you then ever before. However, he could admit, his patience was beginning to thin.
" Why do you have a problem with regressing?! Why are you so against it? It's natural, and it happens when you deal with too much stress and trauma," he snapped a little more than he'd cared to admit. He was so confused by you and why you felt so against it, what was causing you such a negative view of something like this..?
" Because it's not okay for an adult to be doing this! We have shit to do Keegan. We can't just drop everything just because I want to suck my thumb and cry, " you yelled back at him in annoyance. You didn't understand why Keegan wasn't getting where you were coming from, just like how Keegan didn't understand what you were on about.
Keegan's eyes widened a little at the yelling, but he refrained from raising his voice in response. This was frustrating. He wanted to understand what this negative mindset you have was all about, but you weren't giving him anything here.
" And it's completely fine for an adult to regress, just because you're an adult doesn't mean you can't act like a child at times, " he paused for a moment before asking you a question, " Did something happen to you for this to be a negative thing?"
" No, I've- I've never done this before, " you hiccuped out quietly, lowering your voice suddenly. Maybe it was untrue. You wouldn't know. As far as you knew, you've never regressed before. Although given you didn't remember much about yesterday, maybe you just didn't remember.
" Well, that makes it even more confusing then. If you've never done this before, then why do you have such a negative viewpoint? I'm just trying to figure out why you seem to be so against this."
Keegan continued to talk in his soft tone of voice, even though you were starting to really frustrate him. He figured it was best to not raise his voice, to try and keep you calm. It seemed to be working, at least so far. You tried to wipe your face again, trying to stop the tears. It didn't do much, especially with how much your hands were shaking.
" Because it's not okay, " you said again, whispering with your tone breaking.
Keegan put his hands on your hands to stop you from wiping your eyes anymore.
" What's not okay about it? The fact that you regress? Or did I read that wrong? Also, it seems like you're about to cry here, what's wrong?" This was the most frustrating part for him, you were giving no valid reason to what you believe about this.
As he took your hands, you leaned into Keegan. Really, you practically flopped against him. You rested your head against his chest, curling up as tears began to fall. You didn't know why you did this. You just felt the sudden, almost desperate need, to have physical comfort. The moment you had done this, Keegan quickly wrapped his arms around you. The touch was loose, but welcoming your weight with ease. He held you up calmly, those calm breaths soothing you unintentionally.
" It isn't okay, I'm an adult not a kid, " you mumbled.
" It has always been okay for adults to behave like kids when they're too overwhelmed or exhausted. This doesn't make you any worse of an adult for regressing. You're still an adult, you're just acting like a kid for the moment. There's no issue with that."
He tried to stay calm and be firm about everything that he believed. You were safe, nothing was wrong, you were just exhausted. Keegan couldn't see why you were so against this, but that doesn't matter now. He eeded to calm you down. Even if it was only a little bit. Carefully and gently, he began to rub your back in a soothing pattern of circles.
You didn't reply this time, instead hiccuping quietly as you cried. The rubs helped, made you want to cling to him. You had woken up pretty cold and Keegan's warm body was making it hard to not curl up into him and bury yourself.
Keegan on the other hand had stopped talking at this point, as he knew you were clearly going through something at the moment. He had to fight the urge to coddle you like a child. But he had to calm you down first.
" Just let it all out, okay? You're safe, no one is going to hurt you here. Just let it all out."
You cuddled into Keegan. That strange fuzzy feeling was creeping up on your mind again. You didn't like it. Your shaky hands gently held Keegan's shirt, weak, but you were trying to use them through the pain they were in. You continued to quietly cry, burying your face into his shoulder instead of his chest. It helped to cry. It felt better. Keegan couldn't help but feel a bit protective of you as he continued to let you hold onto him. Your grip on his shirt just made him want to pull you in closer and comfort you even more. This was certainly going to be a long day. Even though he was letting you bury your face into his shoulder, he still had some words to say.
" It's okay... I know it's a rough morning, but it'll be all right, okay…? I'm here for you, I won't let anything bad happen to you."
" Promise? " you asked quietly, weakly, but sniffling. You didn't move from your spot.
" Promise."
He just wanted to try and reassure you as best as he could. That was the only thing he knew how to do in a situation like this.
" I promise I wouldn't let anyone or anything hurt you. You only have to just hold onto me for now, okay? You don't have to try and put on a tough act anymore, let your mind rest here."
With that, Keegan wrapped his arms tighter around you. The action pretty much pulled you into his lap. You rested on one of his thighs, half on him and half on the bed. You didn't quite want to be in his lap, as tempting as it was. He didn't stop rubbing your back. He even went as far as to tuck your head under his own.
" I've got you, it's okay, " he whispered.
You tucked your arms under yourself as you pressed close to him. His breathing was soothing. You wished you could hear his heart beat too. Unfortunately the angle you both were sitting at was a little too awkward for that. You cried when cried until no more tears could physically come out. At that point, your head hurt almost as much as your hands did. Your crying calmed to soft, quiet, sniffles and hiccups
" Hurts, " you expressed, word slightly slurring as you confessed the distress to Keegan. You hadn't even realized you regressed again.
Keegan's eyebrows furrowed together as you continued to whimper in pain. Your whimpers made him want to try and soothe you even more. You seemed so broken and tired, it broke his heart.
" Where does it hurt?" he asked gently as he hugged you a bit tighter to him. He had figured you weren't even aware you regressed, so he thought it was best to keep that to himself, for now.
You lifted one of your hands, the other tucked against your chest. Your knuckles hurt a lot today, more so than yesterday. You tried to move your fingers, but it only made your hands hurt more and shake.
" Your knuckles, right?" he asked as he looked down over at your hand, he was starting to get a bit anxious. He had a strong feeling that you were going to regress even further very soon, and he didn't want it to hurt you.
" You're shaking, and you're in quite a bit of pain... you can't even move your hand without shaking... It might be best if we take it easy for now." He was becoming more worried, your body language was very telling.
" 'm head too, " you whispered pretty shyly. It warmed his heart you were telling him, though.
" Probably from crying, but it's okay, " he lightly teased with a chuckle.
You let out a soft whine and curled up against Keegan. You gave small nods as he spoke. You wished your pain would go away and you wanted him to make it go away. You cuddled into him, quietly chewing and sucking on your bottom lip. At this point, you were in his lap. You didn't even realize either. You were curled up perfectly in his lap. His arms supporting you while he unconsciously rocked you both back and forth.
Slowly, and sweetly, Keegan kissed the top of your head. Then he peeled a hand away to carefully take one of yours. He kissed each knuckle then did the same for the other hand.
" Healing kisses, " he hummed then wrapped his arms back around you. " They'll feel better in no times now. "
It was unlikely the kisses would truly do anything, but your mind convinced you otherwise in an instant. You blinked at one of your hands, staring at the knuckles. As a sniffle escaped, a small smile spread on your lips. It warmed your chest, allowing you to feel a little better at least. You quickly buried yourself right back into his welcoming embrace. Once settled, Keegan began to rock you again.
At least the smile was progress.
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babyflorencee · 4 months
Only one bed
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Timothée Chalamet x fem!Reader
The anticipation for the premiere of my latest project, 'little women' had my nerves on edge as I sat in the airport, waiting for my Uber. Tomorrow's event promised excitement and anxiety in equal measure – after all, being one of the main characters in a show was a huge accomplishment for me.
As I scrolled through my Instagram feed, a message from my driver notified me of his arrival. Stepping outside the airport, I was met by a cheerful man who swiftly took my suitcase and stowed it in the trunk before we set off on the short journey, engaging in light conversation along the way.
My phone buzzed incessantly with notifications from the group chat comprised of my fellow 'Little women' cast members. Amidst the chatter, the revelation that we had to share rooms due to a booking oversight surfaced. I sighed inwardly, hoping I wouldn't end up rooming with Timothée – a fellow actor whom I didn't like, at all.
"Miss, we're here," The driver said, getting out and walking around to the trunk to get my bags. Once I got out of the car, I heard someone shout, "Y/N!" looking up I saw Florence with her arms wide open sprinting over to me. I smiled at her, engulfing her in a bear hug. We stayed that way for a while until we heard someone calling our names. We turned around to see Saoirse behind us. "We're deciding who's rooming with who." She said, walking back to the hotel's lobby with Florence and I following close behind her.
"Oh fuck no!" I yelled, "I'm not going to be sharing a room with this mother fucker." I said pointing towards Timothée.
"Yeah, and I don't want to share a room with her either!" He retorted, crossing his arms and pouting, causing me to roll my eyes at his childish behavior.
After a while of arguing I eventually gave up, knowing I wouldn't win this argument.
I was to share a room with Timothée. Our mutual disdain for each other was palpable as we rode the elevator to the 19th floor.
"Going up," the elevator announced as it started moving.
I shot Timothée a scornful glare, my irritation palpable at the thought of sharing a room, especially with him – the last person I wanted as a roommate.
The elevator opened revealing the floor we would all be staying on for the next few days. We all went our separate ways just wanting to get to our rooms.
Timothée and I were walking down the halls when we saw our room number. Disgruntled and resigned to our fate, Timothée opened the door throwing his bags on the floor and going straight to the bathroom, grabbing a cup, and filling it with water, while I just stood in the middle of the room in shock.
"Uh, Timothée," I called out to him.
"What n/n?" He said with attitude, walking over towards me and taking a sip from his water.
"Look!" I said, pointing to the spacious yet troubling sight – a solitary king-size bed occupying the center of the room.
Any other person from the cast and I would've been totally fine with it. Why out of all the people did it have to be with Timothée? "You sleep on the bed; I'll sleep on the floor,""He said, grabbing two of the pillows and one of the blankets.
Feeling guilt take over my body, I said, "Tim, it's fine; we could just share the bed; we could put a pillow to divide us."
He didn't reply; he just smiled, throwing the pillow and blanket back on the bed before leaving for the bathroom once again. Timothée emerged from the bathroom in casual blue-and-white pajamas, a departure from his usual appearance. He settled onto his side of the bed, slipping beneath the duvet and cuddling against his pillow. He actually looked kinda cute right now. As much as I hated to admit it, he was a really attractive guy, he just has a terrible personality.
I, too, got under the covers, snuggling up into my pillow before drifting off to sleep.
The night passed relatively quiet until the early hours of the morning, I awoke to sudden movement in the room. To my dismay, my eyes slowly opened to reveal Florence, Emma, and Saoirse standing around the bed, brandishing their phones like paparazzi. I shot up, waking Timothée up from my sudden movements. "What the hell are you guys doing in here?" I questioned.
"I think the real question is how you even got in here." Timothée said, with an annoyed expression.
"Irrelevant," Florence said as Saoirse shoved her phone in our faces.
"Look how cute you guys look!" She said, revealing a photo of Timothée and me spooning with his arm wrapped around me.
My face flushed red as I looked down trying to hide my face. After a while of them teasing us, they eventually left. "Hey, um sorry about that, I didn't know I did that in, my sleep," Timothée said, his head down in embarrassment.
I put my hand on top of his making him look at me. "It's fine, really," I said, smiling at him.
Driven by a surge of impulse, I closed the distance between us, our lips colliding in an unexpected union. Timothée responded, his touch gentle yet firm as he cradled my face in his hands. A smile crept onto my lips as I tangled my fingers in his curls, savoring the moment of intimacy. We both pulled away for air, going back for another kiss when we heard someone clearing their throat, jumping away from each other we saw Emma and Saoirse with big smiles on their face, "you owe me 20 bucks, pay up." Florence said, putting her hand out.
"Seriously how the fuck are you guys getting in here?!"
This is definitely not my best work ever, so I apologize for that.
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hearts4youz · 8 months
The Captains Daughter -Chapter 6-
A/N: This chapter is a bit longer, finally writing some real action!! Expect chapters to be a lot less... boring from here on out. The first couple chapters were slow for the purpose of developing the plot and characters and yada yada yada. But anyways- I hope yall enjoy this chapter!!
Word count: 2k
Reader pov:
You flopped on your bed after dinner. Anticipation for the mission tomorrow morning rendering you unable to sleep. Your eyes flicked to the open duffle bag on the floor, clothes spilling out of it. Sighing you got up from your bed and moved towards the bag, picking up discarded clothes as you did. You opened the plain wooden drawers in your bedroom and placed your clothes in them, organizing them by shirts, pants, socks and whatnot. At the bottom of the bag was the one personal item you were allowed to bring, your photo album. Smiling, you reached down and picked up the binder. It was decorated with pink glitter, paint, and other craft materials. You made it with your friends in middle school, it was almost full now. Inside were pictures in as close to chronological order as you could get. You flipped open the binder, the glossy cover protected each of the pages, gliding past your fingers as you turned each page.
At the beginning of the book was pictures from your first birthday, your parents were still together. Your father's eyes squinted shut from his wide grin, you had cake all over your face and sported a huge smile of your own to match his. Your mother however, smiled less enthusiastically than your dad, a faraway look in your eyes. You frown as you focused on her. You didn't remember her much, one of the only memories you had of her being the night she left.
You were three years old, your father had finished your bedtime routine over an hour ago, but you remained wide awake.
"I can't do this anymore John," you heard your mom yell from the kitchen.
"Emilia. please, for Y/N," "please," you heard your fathers pleas.
"John," your mother said quieter, voice breaking.
"I was never meant to be a mother, I love you, so, so much but.." her voice was breaking as her sentance trailed off.
"You can't just leave me, you can't just leave your daughter because parenting isn't for you." "We're supposed to be in this together"
Your father sounded more upset now
"John I-" "You know how I feel about throwing my life away for a kid,"
"Throwing away your life? can you hear yourself right now?" he raised his voice.
"Yes, I can't even go out anymore cause I have to watch her"
"Y/N is the best thing that has ever happened to us, she is our life now." your dad yelled.
"Maybe she's yours, but she sure as hell will never be mine," your mom screamed.
You didn't understand the severity of the situation. You didn't understand why your dad stomped up the stairs, quiet sniffles leaving his nose.
You didn't understand why your dad hugged you tighter then usual before he dropped you off at preschool the next morning, or why he was always sad and drinking.
You didn't understand why mom wasn't coming home.
You closed the book. You didn't have any emotion at the thought of that night, you hardly knew your mother, never saw her again. Your dad explained it to you once you were old enough, once he was over it. The two of you did just fine alone.
Besides, there's a mission tomorrow, which deserves your focus. No need to reminisce on old memories. You laid down on the subpar mattress, falling asleep shortly after.
The next morning you awoke to your alarm blaring once again. Following your normal routine, you got dressed, splashed your face with cold water, brushed your teeth, and made sure your gear was set for the mission. You made sure your pack had everything you needed as well, forgetting something on your first mission wouldn't be very impressive.
You need to prove yourself, you thought. For your team, especially your father and Ghost. Your dad believed in you, you needed to make sure you lived up to his expectations. The harder task, proving to Ghost that you belonged in the 141.
Slinging your bag over your shoulder, you took one last look at your room, scanning for something you could have possibly forgot, and left.
The 141 gets to skip breakfast in order to get the mission done, you were grateful you were missing out on rock hard "pancakes," if you could even call them that.
You were told to meet in the bay, where they kept the vehicles. The plan was to take a Humvee to the drop location, hopefully the area would be clear of infadels, and you could be back by mid afternoon.
You took the stairwell down to the bay, which was basically a glorified parking garage, meeting up with Gaz along the way.
"You ready kid?" he grinned, looking intimidating in full gear. You on the other hand, looked like a kid in grown-ups clothes. Your boots were a size too large, tripping you up occasionally. Your tactical vest hung loose off your stomach. You really did look like a kid compared to the burly men in your squad.
"Ready as i'll ever be," you cringed at the corny reply you let slip out of your mouth. Gaz chuckled.
Gaz briefed you on what to expect as you descended the stairs, missions like these were routine, easy. He had told you.
You felt butterflies in your stomach, slight nervousness setting in as you entered the bay, which Gaz assured you was normal.
You reached the spot where the vehicle was parked, Ghost was already there, having a smoke. He nodded towards the two of you as you neared. You muttered a hello as he offered Gaz a cigarette. He held the packet out to you, offering you one.
"No thanks, I don't smoke," you stated.
Ghost scoffed, "You will eventually."
You furrowed your brows, wondering what he meant.
The three of you stood in silence waiting for the rest of the group. Price was next to arrive, then Soap and Alejandro. Once you were gathered, Your father went over the mission once more, then climbed into the drivers seat. Ghost entered the passenger side, Gaz and soap jumped into the middle row, leaving you and Alejandro with the very back seats.
The drive was mostly silent, until about halfway through when your dad kicked on the radio. It was set to some country station, your father hummed the tune, a few of the men nodded along to the song. After around three hours the vehicle slowed, merging onto a dirt road, after a few miles you came upon a small town, few people milled around the streets. Startled when they saw the armored military vehicle turning up the dusty path.
You came upon a run down building at the edge of the town, you were exposed to anything. If enemies were here, they surely saw you rolling into town. You didn't move a muscle when the car stopped, awaiting orders.
The fear really set in now, the severity of what could happen if there were in fact enemies hiding out in this building.
Your monologue was cut short by the sound of Soap slamming his door shut. You jumped up, startled.
"Relax," Alejandro chuckled.
You sighed, relieved that it wasn't gunshots.
The six of you piled out of the car, grouping up in front of the building. You all stared at Price, waiting for his input.
"Let's get in and get out, If anyone is inside they surely know we have arrived. I would have preferred a stealthier entrance, but I was given close to no information about the area to go off of." He said, any trace of your soft, caring father gone. Replaced by the stone faced military man he reserved for work.
You took in your surroundings, the building was old and weathered. Part of the roof was caved in, moss crawled across the damaged siding. Cracked windows decorated the outside, allowing for a look into the unfurnished building.
The group carried out protocol wordlessly, peering into windows to check for danger, planning entrance and exit routes, and assessing the situation. Everyone seemed to have a job, you were lost in the middle of it. Your father was too focused on the task at hand to help you.
Ghost noticed your slight distress and beckoned you over. He was crouched by a ground level window, pointing at something inside. You stood directly in front of the window, trying to make out what Ghost was pointing at, when you were taken to the ground by a large mass.
The wind was knocked out of you as you looked up at Ghost who was now on top of you.
"Stupid, Rookie mistake." he uttered.
"Is there anything inside that lump three feet above your fucking ass?" He spat.
"My what?" your voice trembled.
"Your head you twat."
"He probably saw you, you fucking imbecile," his words bit into your heart, tugging on the strings.
"He?" you gasped.
"Yes, you twat. There's a soldier in there with our supplies," he said, getting off of you, pushing his boot into your stomach after he stood, for good measure. As if you weren't humiliated enough, there was now a dusty footprint across your body.
Gathering yourself, you stood. Crouching behind the Lieutenant as he steadied his gun, taking aim at the man through the broken glass. A moment later you heard the crack of gunfire and the thump of a body hitting the ground. Ghost had hit his target and moved away from the window, flattening himself and you against the siding before anyone inside could return fire.
Your radio crackled as Ghost briefed the others on the events. Price gave instructions in return.
"Stay close," Ghost murmured in your ear, grasping your arm and leading you around the back of the building. With your free hand, you unholstered your own gun.
You followed Ghost as he rounded the corner. You heard the shouts in the distance as the fighting ensued.
Your radios crackled, "Entering the premises," said Gaz.
Ghost responded, "We're around the back, entering on that side."
Another voice chimed in, "Y/N how copy?"- your dad.
"With Ghost,"
"Copy" The back door was slightly ajar, Ghost kicked it open then stepped to the side for cover, nothing happened and he stepped inside.
The room you entered smelled of mildew and soot. It clearly hasn't been used for its original purpose in years. Pieces of drywall lay on the ground, pieces of broken glass mixed into the mess. Old, torn, and stained furniture was scattered throughout.
You scanned the seemingly empty area. Ghost did the same. Concluding that the coast was clear, the two of you walked further into the building. You suddenly heard the sounds of a skirmish above you. Grunting and banging, sounds of someone hitting the floor.
You and Ghost exchanged a glance before frantically searching for a way upstairs, hoping that the slain wasn't one of your teammates.
Ghost pressed a button on his radio. Once the two of you were officially lost. "Anyone caught in the fight upstairs?"
"Negative," multiple voices said.
Price took over the comms to give more orders.
"We've taken out about five so far. An unknown number remain. Stay cautious. Our supplies are supposed to be at the top floor. Lets meet up there. Once we have as much as we can carry we leave. If you meet an... infidel, you have permission to kill."
To be continued...
Taglist: @abbiesxox
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makeitmingi · 7 months
Cause Baby You're My Muse [Chapter 56]
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Genre: Romance, Idol!AU, Music, Slight angst
Pairing: Mingi x Reader (y/n)
Characters: Producer!Reader, IdolLyricist!Mingi, IdolProducer!Hongjoong, Idol!Seonghwa, Idol!Yunho, Idol!Wooyoung, Idol!San, Idol!Yeosang, Idol!Jongho, cameo(s) by other celebrities
Summary: You always preferred producing underground, having an unknown face and governed by your own rules. But when you start freelancing for idol groups, you say goodbye to your lone wolf lifestyle as you learn to work with idol producers and lyricists.
Word count: 3.2K
Time skip: 8 months...
"Indigo!" Yoojin catches you in the hallway as you were heading to your studio. You stopped and turned around to face her as you blinked in confusion. Seeing you, Yoojin burst out laughing, resting her hands on her knees.
"Why are you balancing 3 coffee cups?! Here, let me help you." She giggled, taking one coffee cup in each hand.
"I left my mug in the studio and the cups at the cafe are too small. I didn't want to make multiple trips to I ordered 3 at one go." You explained to her.
"You're so amusing, Indigo." She continued to laugh. You rolled your eyes and walked to your studio with her in tow.
"I'm guessing you yelling out my name didn't have anything to do with my coffee cups?" You raised an eyebrow at her as you walked.
"Oh yeah! Ateez is coming later today and we wanted you to show them around since you've worked with them before." She informed you. You cleared your throat.
"I didn't even know they were in town." You lied. You knew Ateez was in America, you got messages from Jongho and Seonghwa about it. They even sent you concert tickets with backstage passes.
"Are they working with HYBE?"
"They're coming to work with some content creators." She shrugged, following you into the studio. She set the coffee cups down on the desk while you poured all the contents into your regular big coffee tumbler. After spending six months with you, Yoojin was a lot more open and comfortable around you.
"The production team got some tickets for their concert tomorrow. You should go support them!" She said.
"I'm not sure... With my schedule and all..." You told her.
"You're always busy, Indigo. You need to let loose a little and live!" She slapped your shoulder. You rolled your eyes yet again and sipped your coffee, moving to your desk.
"So we're entrusting them to you later, okay? You're the new superstar of HYBE!"
"It might not be a good idea, Yoojin." You sighed. She tilted her head in confusion, not understanding what you meant.
"Think about it. I left KQ to join HYBE. I was their producer before I came here for a bigger, better opprtunity. You get where I'm going with this?" You explained. It took her a while before she nodded her head slowly, her mouth forming an 'o' shape.
"But you're still friends right? It'll be fine. They would understand why you did what you did." She assured. Honestly, you knew that they did understand, that's why you didn't want to face them.
"I don't know..."
"See how you feel! They'll be coming at 3 and will be in the shooting studios after." She said.
"Why don't you just do it, Yoojin? You're the relations person, you're better at this stuff than me. Plus, I have a meeting later and I don't want to rush." You persuaded.
"Fine. Only because you have a meeting." She shot you a glare before patting your head and leaving your studio to let you get back to work.
You were contemplating going for the concert since you knew Haneul would want to see them, you've been thinking about it since the tickets were mailed to you. You would set aside your feelings for her, since you unfairly took her out of Korea and made her move with you to a new country, away from them.
'We're going to HYBE later to use the filming space. Just letting you know if you don't want to run into us. Are you working at the office today? - Seonghwa'
'I am. My colleague just told me. I have a meeting so I probably won't run into you guys. But thanks for the heads up. - Indigo'
You have only recently established contact with Seonghwa again. Luckily, he played it cool and just spoke to you regularly, not even bringing up the rest of the members in your conversations.
"Ah, whatever." You weren't going to harp on it for now. You needed to get ready for your meeting.
Seonghwa sat in the car, chewing on his thumbnail in worry. HYBE America was big, the chances of you running into each other was slim right?
"Seonghwa hyung? Are you okay?" San blinked in confusion, seeing the oldest act nervous.
"Yeah. My vocal warm up didn't go too well this morning so I'm worried my voice cracks." He lied. Jongho handed the oldest his bottle of lemon water for his throat. The relationship between Ateez was still in recovery. More like, they had to set aside their feelings to continue to work together harmoniously. Within the 8 months, the company also moved them to live in separate dorms.
Needless to say, his relationship with Hongjoong was still a work in progress. But Hongjoong was mature, he knew he needed Seonghwa and as the two oldest, they needed to make up somehow.
"We're here." The managers stopped in the carpark and the boys got off. They walked in together.
"Hello Ateez. Welcome to HYBE America. I'm Yoojin, it's nice to meet you all." Yoojin bowed as she greeted the 8 boys at the door.
"We look forward to working together. Thank you for taking care of us." Ateez bowed to her. She chuckled, having missed the Korean hospitality while in America.
"Follow me. I'll take you guys to the filming area." Yoojin waved for them to follow her into the building.
"Sorry, do you guys have a place we can get some coffee?" Wooyoung asked. Yoojin nodded and brought them to the cafe on the first floor. The boys entered the cafe space to buy some coffee. As they were patiently waiting for their turn in the queue, the person at the counter was on the phone.
"Mmm, I'm buying coffee... Well, I wouldn't be late if you had come down to pick me... I forgot my pass at the hotel, okay? I'll buy you a coffee." The male chuckled.
"That kind of looks like EL CAPITXN." Yunho leaned down and whispered to Hongjoong.
"It is... I guess it's not surprising to see him here since he's in Big Hit." Hongjoong shrugged, turning back to the menu board.
"Iced Americano for me, hyung. I need to use the bathroom." Mingi ordered. With Yoojin's directions, Mingi went to use the bathroom since the drive here was so long, he couldn't wait anymore.
"This building is seriously so big." Mingi said in awe as he exited the bathroom and walked back to the cafe where the others were waiting for him.
"There she is." Mingi heard EL CAPITXN cheer and greet someone.
"You're too loud, Yijeong." Mingi's eyes widened at the familiar voice. It made his heart stop as he whipped his head around. He watched the producer sling his arm around someone, who jabbed his side to let him go, but Mingi could only see the backs of their heads.
"I flew all the way here to see you AND I bought you coffee, you could be nicer to me." The male complained.
"You should buy me coffee since you're late. Come on, we're wasting time." The person with him snatched the coffee and walked with him to the lifts.
"I told you I left my employee pass in the hotel. And the security won't give me another one." Mingi watched the person took EL CAPITXN or Yijeong through the secure gate.
"Mingi? We were waiting for you." Hongjoong frowned when he saw the taller just standing there, staring into space.
"What's wrong?" The captain asked.
"I... Nothing, I think I just need coffee to wake myself up." Mingi shook his head. Yunho handed Mingi his iced americano and he took a sip.
"Alright, let's go." Yoojin smiled and led them to the filming space. Mingi knew he needed to focus, his mind was playing tricks on him or he was too sleep deprived from the jetlag that he thought he heard you. There was a slim chance since he knew you were in America but was that really you with Yijeong?
"Okay, so this will be the filming space that you're using." Yoojin said to them, walking into the big space.
"Thank you." They bowed gratefully to her. She bowed back and waved to them before leaving. Hongjoong gestured for them to stand in a row.
"8 makes 1 team! Nice to meet you." They all greeted the film staff and the MC in the room. Hongjoong and San did most of the talking since they were fluent in English.
"This is the brief for the filming and how to programme will go. Feel free to ask any questions." The assistant director handed them notes.
"Thank you." They took a few minutes to flip through the pages. Thankfully, they were printed in Korean.
"If you're ready, we can start." The manager told them. With their game faces on, they put the notes aside and walked onto the set, getting into the seats to begin filming.
Yijeong was in America to work with some artists here at song camp and with you. Despite the two of you chatting online and meeting occasionally over the past 8 months when he popped over to America, you've never actually physically worked together before.
"The jetlag is a killer." He said as he leaned back in the couch. You snorted and drank the coffee he bought you.
"Are you here to sleep or work with me?" You asked.
"Geez, you're so fierce." He groaned. In a way, you've grown to become good friends with him. He was chaotic and playful but someone you got along with well.
"When they told me they were planning for a trap piece, I knew I was doomed." You complained.
"That's why you have to gain more experience by accepting more trap pieces. Don't worry, I'll help you out." He came to sit with you.
"Also, I saw Ateez downstairs. Did you know they were coming or that they were here?" He asked as he set up his laptop next to your keyboard on the desk.
"I knew. Yoojin told me earlier." You hummed.
"No ill feelings?" He side eyed you. You shrugged, showing your indifference. While you were both friends and have gotten closer, you still wouldn't tell him about your time with Ateez or anyone for that matter. That was between you and the Ateez boys only, and you would like to keep it that way.
As expected, your time with Yijeong was very productive. He was a good teacher and you picked up on things quickly, even if the style of music wasn't something you were used to.
"I have to go or I'll be late again." Yijeong said as he packed up.
"I'll walk you down and get another coffee." You told him and stretched your arms over your head.
"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear the last part about coffee and only acknowledge that you said you'll walk me down." He winked, making you roll your eyes.
"You've got your Uber?" You asked, peeking over to look at his phone. He nodded, showing you the map.
"So, when are you coming back to work with the team in Korea?" Yijeong teased, putting his arm around your shoulder.
"I already told you I don't know. I have projects here too." You crossed your arms and tried to shrug him off. He chuckled, lightly knocking his head against yours playfully.
"I promise to take very good care of you when you come back. The kiddo too." Yijeong smirked. You've learnt or realised that this was just how Yijeong was, he would playfully flirt with you this way. But he was harmless.
"You're annoying, you know that?" You clicked your tongue as you stepped out of the lift.
"But you still love me." He cooed, trying to pinch your cheek but you slapped his hand away, adjusting the mask.
"Can you just leave already?" You pushed him away. He shook his head and glued himself to your side even more, knowing it would rile you up.
"Next time you come, don't forget your employee pass. I'm not going to come pick you up anymore. I'd rather let you stay down here and suffer." You scolded. He held his head in feign hurt.
"I don't know if anyone has ever told you but you're a terrible friend, Indigo ah." He ruffled your hair.
"I told you not to do that." You slapped his arm.
"Okay! Okay! Just stop hitting me." He shielded his face. When he saw that his Uber was pulling up, Yijeong hugged you goodbye. With a sigh, you did wrap your arms around him to reciprocate the hug. You predicted it but he did squish you, even lifting you off your feet. He put his hand on your head.
"Be good, Indigo." He cooed, the playful glint in his eyes as he lightly shook your head.
"Bye." You shoved him towards the car. But even as he got in and the car was driving away, you stood there and waved to him. Letting out a tired sigh, you turned around to walk back.
But when you looked up, you froze, seeing 8 pairs of eyes stare back at you. The noise of your surroundings faded into nothingness and all you could hear was the pounding of your heart in your ears.
It was deafening.
How were you supposed to react? What were you supposed to say? Do you acknowledge them? You couldn't breathe.
"Indigo." Hongjoong spoke first. Your eyes immediately moved down, you didn't want to meet any of their eyes, you didn't want to risk meeting Mingi's eyes.
Every defence you've built up in the past 8 months started to crumble down. You felt so small and you wanted to run away from them, to cower and cry in a corner like a coward.
"Indigo! There you are!" Yoojin appeared, calling to you. You took a deep breath to collect yourself, wiping away any tears that may have fallen with the end of your hoodie sleeves. The mask was able to hide any other emotion you showed.
"Looks like you've already had your reunion. Did you say hi?" She asked as she looked between you and Ateez. You nodded stiffly.
"How was your meeting with Yijeong?" She tilted her head.
"It was good. I'm gonna go, I need to pick Haneul." You told her softly. She blinked, a little puzzled by your demeanour but nodded. You awkwardly bowed to Ateez and ran off.
"Oh, gosh." The moment you entered your studio, you slid down against the door, ripping the mask away.
You leaned your forehead against the heels of your palms as you tried to catch your breath, all this between the choked sobs that bubbled up your throat.
How were you going to bring Haneul to their concert if you couldn't even look at them for a few seconds without breaking down?
It should be fine, now that they know the truth behind you leaving. There shouldn't be ill feelings. But why were you frozen? Why did panic and anxiety fill you when you saw them? You thought you would be better prepared for the conversation that you were bound to have with them.
After all, you couldn't run forever. But all your head told you to do was to run away. You weren't afraid of them, you were afraid of reconnecting with them. Because what happens next?
You've worked hard to settle down here, to build a routine for yourself and Haneul in this new life.
Even if you did reconcile with them, you knew things would never be the same. You weren't ready to go back to that life yet.
Your plan was to stay here for 2 years at least before going back to Korea, to be able to let go of everything and leave what happened in the past, as a part of your memories.
Your wounds were still fresh. You knew, all Mingi had to do was ask and you would pack up to move back to Korea with him.
You were that weak, that vulnerable, you missed him too much. Your heart felt empty, your bed felt cold, your life felt incomplete. Because you knew deep down, Mingi was your home.
Meanwhile, Mingi couldn't believe it. So he wasn't hallucinating earlier, it was really you. Even if you didn't look directly at him, the way you stared at them in shock made his chest tightened. Just hearing your voice made his heart swoon again. For that short moment, he tried to take you in.
You've definitely lost weight. You looked a lot more tired but you hid it behind a gentle demeanour when you spoke to Yoojin. Your hair was now kept at shoulder length with wisps of purple carding through.
"Ah, that's Indigo. Always busy running around. Anyway, thank you for coming. We'll see you at the concert tomorrow." Yoojin smiled.
"Of course. Thank you and we hope you and the team enjoy the concert tomorrow." Hongjoong replied and reached out to shake her hand.
"If you'll excuse me." Yoojin bowed and walked away first to attend to other business matters.
"Mingi." Yunho shook his best friend.
"T-That was her, right? I haven't actually lost it." Mingi let out a bitter chuckle. Yunho nodded his head in confirmation.
But his heart lurched at the look at you gave them. You looked at them like they were monsters, people that you should be afraid of, people you want to run from. Mingi had clutched onto the side of his pants to prevent himself from going over to hug you.
He wanted to hold you, comfort you, tell you he's sorry and that he didn't mean what he said. He wanted to tell you that he still loved you. He wanted to apologise for not protecting you like he should.
"Let's go collect ourselves somewhere else." Hongjoong said knowing he couldn't let himself get affected in public as the leader of Ateez.
"Yeah." Seonghwa nodded in agreement. The two oldest moved everyone down to the vans.
The ride back to the hotel was pin-drop silence. Everyone was still processing what happened and what they saw. They all gathered in Hongjoong's room, away from their managers.
"So Indigo is in HYBE now." San spoke first.
"She looked so scared of us..." Wooyoung said sadly. Mingi nodded in agreement, his head hanging low. He didn't know what to say. What was he supposed to say?
"Seonghwa hyung and I invited her and Haneul to our show tomorrow, we sent her tickets. But she hasn't told us if she would be coming or not." Jongho said first, in case the others got upset that they didn't tell them about knowing you worked at HYBE. Seonghwa nodded in confirmation.
"Let's not push her to come. But if she does, let's prepare ourselves to talk to her." Hongjoong said.
"What are we supposed to say, hyung?" Yeosang asked.
"I don't know, Yeosang. I'm barely figuring this out myself. She belongs at KQ with us." Hongjoong groaned in frustration, scratching his head.
"I agree." San replied. The others nodded, all except Yunho. He didn't know if he was supposed to want you to come back, not when he saw what Mingi went through after you left.
"Okay, we shouldn't get ahead of ourselves. Our aim is to talk things out tomorrow." Seonghwa said.
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kira-broflovski · 1 year
Not So Secret || Kyle Broflovski x Reader
note: this is a follow up to this fic!! (characters are in high school)
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"What'd they say?" Kyle asked, sitting on your bed while you stood in the middle of your room.
"We're gonna talk about it in the morning." You sighed out of relief.
"At least it wasn't a bad reaction."
"Very true."
You sat down next to your boyfriend and rested your head on his shoulder, finally being able to rest after Stan had walked in on you and Kyle cuddling. He was bound to tell the rest of the guys soon, so you enjoyed your peace while it lasted.
Twenty or so minutes went by, and you heard a quiet knock on the door before it was opened and your older sister, Shelly, walked in.
"Here's your guys' food." She said, setting the boxes down on the end of your bed.
"Thank you." Kyle mumbled out quickly.
"Hey, don't worry about Stan, alright?" Her statement was directed towards the both of you. "He's just not over the shock, and he's protective over the both of you. Y/N being his twin, and Kyle being his best friend. He probably feels lied to or whatever. It'll be fine tomorrow, trust me."
"Oh, uh, thanks Shelly." Kyle smiled, refusing to look up at her.
"Much appreciated," you laughed softly and briefly, knowing she was right.
"Enjoy your food." With that, she turned around and left.
You and Kyle spent all night in your room, enjoying each other's presence doing absolutely anything: watching films, dancing around to music, talking. The list goes on.
Night quickly came around, so you asked if Kyle wanted to stay over for the night. Of course, he couldn't pass up the opportunity.
He quickly texted his parents he was going to be at Stan's for the night, which wasn't a total lie, before setting his phone down and refocusing all of his attention on you.
Eventually, after your night routine and finding big enough clothes for Kyle, you fell asleep in each other's arms.
Your parents had returned quite late, likely on purpose so Stan wouldn't shout at them as soon as they got in. But now, they sat in the living room, watching the morning news and eating breakfast, preparing for the conversation that needed to happen between you, Stan, and Kyle.
This should be fun.
Kyle was the first to wake up. He didn't want to wake you yet, so he stayed comfortably in your bed with his arms draped over you, enjoying your warmth. He found himself staring at you for ages. How could someone be so beautiful despite being asleep?
Stan was next to wake up. It took him a few minutes before coming to his senses, and to remember last night's outrage. Immediately, he got up and everything he did was harsh. How did he not notice you and Kyle had been dating for so long now?
Shelly was already awake, but she decided to stay in her room for now. To stay out of the way. Like she said last night, it wasn't her problem. How would mom and dad react?
Then, there was you. You slowly opened your eyes to see Kyle already staring at you like a lovesick puppy. How long had he been awake?
"Kyle?" Your voice was quiet and raspy.
"Ah, good morning Y/N." His smile widened when he realised you were actually awake.
"Morning." You said before resting your head against his chest. "You ready for today?" Your words were muffled by his chest, but he still heard you.
"As I'll ever be."
The two of you took your time getting ready, knowing the conversation needed to happen anyways. Especially after Stan's little tantrum last night.
You noticed Kyle took more time than he usually did getting ready.
"You'll be fine, babe." You smiled and walked over to where he stood in front of your mirror.
"How do you know?" He stared at himself, nit-picking every detail.
"They already like you as Stan's responsible best friend." You began. "I don't see why they wouldn't like you as my gentleman of a boyfriend."
"I guess that's true."
"It'll be fine. C'mon." You took his hand in yours and walked out of your room, making your way downstairs to the living room.
Unfortunately, your brother was the first to notice the two of you. "Are you kidding me!?"
"Don't start, Stanley." Your mother warned.
"Have a seat." Your father turned towards the two of you and motioned at the other couch, where Stan sat.
You sat down carefully next to him while Kyle sat on your other side.
"Listen, Y/N." Sharon started. "You know we try to be honest in this household, and that honesty builds trust. We aren't exactly happy you kept this relationship from us—"
"Told you guys." Stan folded his arms. He was still fuming.
"Stan." Your mother warned again, simply getting an eyeroll as a response.
"Anyways. Like I said, we aren't happy you kept it from us. However, we know Kyle, and out of anyone you could have chosen, he seems to be the best for you."
"Even though he's my best friend."
"We've noticed you've been happier these past few months," Randy added, choosing to ignore Stan's mutter.
"Exactly." Sharon nodded.
"On top of that, we know you're still doing well in school and have even seen some improvements. So we're letting it slide and even giving you guys our blessing." Randy continued. His pride shined through his words.
"You're still our little girl to us, and we want you to do well and still be happy."
"I am happy."
"Good." Your mom smiled, trying not to get sentimental.
"Although, we will have to kick your ass if you hurt her, Kyle. As much as we like you." Your dad commented, half-joking.
"I know, sir." Kyle piped up.
"Man, fuck this." Stan couldn't help but feel angry still, but more angry at himself rather than you or Kyle now.
He stood up and stormed out the front door. He needed to talk to someone, literally anyone, that would understand.
Your parents both shook their head before turning back towards you and Kyle.
"Welcome to the family, Kyle."
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