#we move on etc etc idk I just hope we actually stay in touch and remain friends because he is a cool dude
onedirecton · 1 year
How is everyone doing we have march next week 👍
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weabooweedwitch · 1 year
I'm so sorry about your heartbreak!!! Have you told him how you feel? You could perhaps try long distance or something, hope is not lost! Maybe he feels the same way, maybe not, but jumping to either conclusion and making assumptions is a recipe for hurt. Understanding his feelings on the situation might help. It is ok to express your feelings too and get an answer! You don't have to pretend for his sake because he might even feel the same way as you!
Btw don't be so hard on yourself for getting attached from what I can gather you guys slept together? Some people can do casual no strings attached without catching feelings but some can't. It's ok I am the same way which is why I never do casual fwb
I mean, I thought about talking to him more when I see him, but part of me wonders, I dunno, will it be too late then? But it's also like, it would be easier for him to see my feelings if I talk to him in person? I did, um, tell him I meant it in the nicest way possible if he thought maybe he might just be overwhelmed and be making a rash decision
I just. How meaningful and genuine could I could off through text, you know? What if I'm lying there cuddling with him and I talk to him then? And I tell him then that I don't want for him to leave or that I want something more with him? Or even for me to just say, "I think we're both kind of working on ourselves right now, but maybe in the future when both of us are ready, if you wanted to--"
It's like, what if I fail the delivery and he doesn't know how i feel. But. I'd also. I guess I'd also rather talk to him and have him reject me then let him leave and never know? But I still don't know if I want to tell him in person or online or both kwim. I kinda already said that I would certainly miss him but if he's gonna be happy and doing good, etc. He's kinda not really responding and I'm considering the possibility he's making like an emotional stress decision or is simply like, extremely out of sorts at the moment, but I also have to think that with a grain of salt because I don't want to be dismissive of his feelings you know?
But I mean, he described himself as sex positive so I think maybe us sleeping together is not inherently indicative of him feeling for me romantically? Or at least, being attracted in me for a relationship?
I also feel like. He just brought this up to me tonight. Maybe I should bring it up with him again in a few days and if he's still serious, then kind of follow up deeper on it? I feel like, part of me doesn't want too come on too strongly to him because he just told me this idea tonight and what if my response comes off as really idk reactive or severe to him?
But also. Google says you can get Hungarian residency within 1 to 2 months so. I worry about losing him if I don't talk to him soon. But him moving also isn't the end of the world? But would he visit me or me visit him? Visiting another CONTINENT is so much more complicated and time consuming and EXPENSIVE, so it's almost like. It's almost like the only way I would ever see him again is if, YEARS passed and we met up again or stayed in touch the whole time and became serious with time. And. I just don't know if my heart could take not having someone I could hold in my arms. When I finally cuddled him and felt someone love me like that, that i could TRUST to hold me like that, I knew what I was missing the whole time. If we tried long distance I think I would just miss him too excruciatingly much
I dunno. I'm gonna say something to him, inuust can't figure out when. But I was already thinking of him constantly. I think about if he's eaten enough and if his hand hurts and if he's had a good day and if he's happy and how he's doing and we talk all the time and I just. I don't know what I have to offer him. I think he would want me to better myself before we did anything serious? Idk. Or maybe that's me.
We actually had a conversation where I mentioned how I feel like I couldn't be in a relationship with someone unless I was all put together, but then he said there's nothing wrong in finding someone who balances you out and I feel like he's had such a huge influence on me I feel like HE'S that person for me? But can I be that person for him? I don't want to force him into some kind of caretaker role where he has to constantly sacrifice
He says he's not happy in Canada, and he doesn't want to live in the states, so what, would I go with him? Or would I make him haply enough to snap out of his depression or something? But that's wishing for so much. I could confess to him and he might say "whoa this is a lot, we don't have this kind of relationship, I need to take care of myself" which don't get me wrong I would understand but would break my heart. I'm just so sad. I miss him. We talk on Facebook and read receipts are on and I always lnow when he reads but doesn't reply and I worry I've said too much or pushed him away but I constantly try to encourage and praise him and ask how hea doing and. Yeah. I really need to take this trip and see him now. He's under so much stress and I have to see him, at all costs, if anything goes wrong and the trip falls through I will totally fall apart
Either way I think he went to bed for the night and I guess I should as well 😭 I will message him in the morning and see how he's doing and see if I can get him to eat breakfast lol
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tonarinohappiness · 2 years
first time for everything
I have decided I need a good healthy medium, or any really, to put the thoughts in my head into the world. I can't always say them or cant always find an ear to listen. Which isnt actually true. I have several people that will listen to me, I just cant get the shit out. I'm fucked up a little bit. I tried therapy and no called no showed to both appointments ( shitty ). This page is solely meant to vent, cry, type angrily, question etc. if it brings you entertainment well then win win.
Just for some background: I am a 25, soon to be 26, year old single mother with a six year old daughter. I work at a bank Monday-Friday. I read, take care of my plants, watch anime, and mom in my free time. I have 6 sisters and 2 brothers. And all with the same mom, sheesh. I am currently going through a messy, angry, confusing breakup with my daughters father. We have been together since 2014. I havent cried yet. All I feel is anger and yearning for him. We are still living together because he cant keep/get a job and I cant afford to move out on my own. I wish this bitch of a housing market would crash already so a mf can live. So I'm pretty much stressed in every aspect of my life. Arent we all? Hopefully someone (HA) out there can relate and maybe this vent will help. Or not, either way. Stay tuned. Idk where to start tbh. The childhood? The current? There is so much shit I could be here all day. I will just start with something that upset me recently. Today was a good day, or mundane I should say.
My dad, hes maybe 53? 54?, drove 3 hours away yesterday morning to go to a rehab for his crack addiction. I dont feel sad by this, I feel completely indifferent. I am no stranger to family going to rehab. That's the thing, no one cried, broke down sad blah blah. It was another day for all us siblings. My sister as even taking snapchats of the teepee outside of the rehab. Which is fine, but not normal I think? He got pulled over a couple blocks from my dead grandmothers house he still lives in (my brother took over the mortgage) and they made him walk home. The best part is, it is his own nephew that is selling him the crack. When he is high he gets creepy. One time when i was in third grade, I came home from school and he was sitting in his room cracked out watching a porno with wide eyes and a slack mouth. I think I went to my cousins house after that until it was very late and I had to go back. I didnt tell my uncle or anyone. I was scared. He stared at me in my sleep and tried to touch me. When I woke up he would move back like he wasnt doing anything. He had a one bedroom, run down house so we shared a room. This happened several times throughout the night. I didnt get a lot of sleep obviously. I had to be 8 or 9 idk for sure.
I'll stop there for now. I hope this is beneficial to me.
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aluciahaz · 2 months
PEGGING VAL???? sorry recently i’ve just really wanted to make this man cry. like he makes me want to be absolutely CRUEL and MERCILESS!!! just like giving him a taste of his own medicine would be fantastic idk 🤷‍♀️
SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG!! ive been in a writing slump 😭 but im obsessed with writing val! it’s hard but i like trying to figure out how to I wanna characterize the goober
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smoke and mirrors
—valentino x f!reader (gendered nicknames like princess and etc, but other than that the reader’s gender is not mentioned)
—includes: overstimulation, crying, bondage, toys
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valentino, one of the 3 vees. tall, flirtatious, intimidating, rude.
too rude, perhaps. sure, being a bitch is pretty much a given in hell, but val was way more than that.
he has heels on people’s backs, and claws through sinners’ hearts. sure, demons can regrow limbs and heal scars. but not ones on the soul.
and valentino was an expert at cutting deep.
there's a scar on every one of his employees’ thoughts, his presence unable to leave their minds like smoke stuck to cloth.
no matter how much one washes it, that scent always comes back.
you were his cigarette. he clings onto you, unrelenting as he asks you to stay longer. you usually roll your eyes and dismiss him, but sometimes, you return, letting him indulge in his obsession with you.
he breathes you in, wanting you stuck on his clothes, hoping you stay a little longer, and unable to let you go.
with how much he craves you, you have control. power. one he will let go of when the two of you are tangled in lust, falling onto plush bedsheets with you over him.
he needs you. and you take advantage of that wholeheartedly.
val didn’t complain when you took charge. quite the opposite, actually. your fingers were a fucking blessing amongst this hellscape, and he doesn’t care where they are as long as they’re on him.
but unfortunately, they weren’t.
“come on, princesa,” his tone was sickly sweet at first. persuading, sensual. fake.
“fucking do something~!” there we go. his true feelings. his tone was getting higher the more impatient he got, sing-songy in a way as he tried not to full-on scream at you. he knew you’d get even more pissed if he did.
you click your tongue in disappointment before hitting his thigh swiftly, provoking a sharp gasp from val as he hisses in pain, but also pleasure.
he couldn’t see and he couldn’t move any of his arms. usually, he’d be into kinky shit like this, but he also likes to be somewhat in control. if he asks for something, he gets it. your average pillow princess behavior. but you want to show him he’s not royalty, and he shouldn’t expect to be treated like it when it was clear he was an impressively shit ruler. seriously, who kills someone else’s employee?
but, even with how much you wanted to take his control away from him, his legs stayed free since you wanted them to drape over your shoulders at some point during the night, but that was for later. you have other things on your hands.
like his waist, for example. thin and smooth, hot to the touch even though he’s supposed to be cold-blooded. he relaxes into your palms instantly, a smile donning his face as he feels your touch.
his back arches up as he twists himself in an admittedly stunning way in your hands, trying to make himself look as appealing as possible for you to ravage him as soon. but you know his tricks. you won’t fall for his attempts of seduction.
so instead of moving your hands down to his inner thighs how he likes it, you draw them away, eliciting almost a growl out of the man underneath you.
“you really need to work on being more patient,” you tell him, your finger running underneath his chin, making his head tilt up so you can see it better.
even though he was frowning at you, the crimson drool that slipped down his lips made him look too pathetic to be threatening. “you need to work on being faster, amorcita! really, how can someone be so fucking slow—!”
you interrupt his complaints by suddenly getting off the bed, making him stop in confusion and…slight fear. “where—where do you think you’re going!” he snarls, trying to cover his vulnerability with coats of anger.
“i’m leaving if you can’t behave,” you answer, no hint of remorse in your voice. it chills him to his very core, a wave of frost running over his burning body as he stills in panic. you can’t just leave, that’s not—people don’t do that—
but val knows that you will. you weren’t afraid of him. and he knows he won’t be able to make you either. he was too soft on you.
so as a last ditch attempt, he musters up his most suggestive voice, wiggling in his binds as he tries to make you come back with his allure. “oh, come on. i’m always good—wait wait!”
he hears your footsteps getting further, and his words fly out of his mouth without thought. “please, wait—i’ll fucking behave just—don’t…” he breathes in carefully, trying to talk slower. “don’t leave, babe. i… i’m sorry, okay?”
he looks around at nothing, and it stares back at him cruelly as he tries to see you through the blindfold, even if he knows it's pointless.
you know most of his words aren’t sincere, it’s all just out of frustration, but it’s the thought that counts, right?
a sigh of relief leaves him as he feels a dip on the mattress, your hands moving over his torso. a yelp flies out of val’s lips as you tug on the chain connected by the clamps on his chest, the pain both sharp yet pleasing.
“we’ll see about that.”
val didn’t realize how mad you must have been, because the past hour or so had only been torture. the blindfold was already drenched in tears, his chest was over-sensitive to the point that even a breath would make him jolt, and he hasn’t been able to cum once, even when your fingers have been drilling into him constantly and the vibrator against his tip never stopped tormenting him.
“ah—! ah, hah, please—! wa-wait!” he sobs, thrashing in his ropes as he cries, the vibrations getting faster now. your fingers press right against that spot he usually loves, but he can’t enjoy it to the fullest if his cock is so hard it practically hurts. what’s worse is that he couldn't even cum if he wanted to, the ring around it ruining any chance of easy gratification.
“i thought you said i was too slow?” you tease, pulling your fingers out with a loud pop.
“well you fixed that—FUCK! pretty fast—!” val wailed as you entered him abruptly, bottoming out without warning before setting a brutal pace, not giving him time to accustom to you at all. “fuckfuckfuck—! baby, please!”
all he can do is take it, and as you rip the blindfold off of him, you revel in his expression, which was exceptionally different from his usual cocky one.
tears ran down the path of previous dried ones, and his mouth couldn’t even close from all of his noises escaping any time they could. his signature red drool drips out of his mouth and swirls around his teeth. you take caution, knowing what will happen if you kiss him. you don’t want to indulge in him just yet.
he had to earn it.
and he was slowly getting the hang of it. his claws dug into his palms as he shook, the sound of shaky pleas and uncontrollable moans filling the room beautifully. it seemed like he was practically made to be fucked by you, unable to get enough.
even when he’s tired, he can’t help but rock his hips against yours as he begs for more, while also pleading for less. he couldn’t tell what he wanted, because he knew he loved getting fucked by you, but he also hated not being able to cum. it was the dilemma of the century!
“p-please…please—i—hic—i can’t…” his voice slowly starts to get softer as he starts to lose strength. he can’t hold up a facade anymore. he can’t pretend that he’s in control. that this was a gift all for him, because it clearly wasn’t. it was a cruel punishment, and it was served in the way he knows best.
“can’t what?” you question, your hands firm on his hips as you stop him from moving, eliciting a pathetic whine of frustration from val.
“can’t—i can’t wait anymore, please let—ha—let me cum! i’m begging you, baby—fuck—too fast!” those were words he thought he’d never say, considering how much he liked it rough.
which, showed even through his pleas. his eyes rolled back and his voice came around again, gracing you with delightful moans and cries that got louder and louder. it was quite clear this pleased him a lot. but, it was even more certain that this was too much, and for someone so addicted to sex, it was surprising to figure out his breaking point was so easy to find.
of course, it took a long time, but from how much game he boasts he has, it was almost laughable how pathetic he was right now. begging, sobbing, messy. you want to see more of this side of him.
“not yet, val,” you scold him, tugging on his nipple clamps like it was some sort of leash. it was a gentle pull, yet his sensitive self couldn’t help but shriek in response, his back arching into a wonderful crescent.
“i promise—i promise i’ll be good—i’m good i swear!” he whines, looking up at you with his watery eyes. “i won’t be rude to you everagainplease—!”
you know it's a lie. you know he believes it, at least at in this moment, conceding to whatever it is you desire just to get what he wants. his nice act won’t last forever. but for now, with him underneath you, unable to think, drowning in pleasure, suffocating on the desire for you…you decide it’s good enough to warrant a small reward.
“what do you say?”
“SHITshit—AH! th…hmm!” he trails off into a high-pitched whimper as he feels that ring finally fucking leave, letting him cum for the first time in what felt like years.
“val. what. do. you. say?” you hiss, and suddenly the stars he had started to see turned into warning signs in an instant.
“sorry—thank you! fuck, thank—ngh—!”
you nod in approval, moving your hand down his quivering chest with sudden gentleness. it almost made val want to cry even more, and he was too tired to think why.
yet, your sweetness suddenly stops with a rush of almost painful pleasure running up his spine as you start to thrust again, slow, yet quickly hastening into the frenzied pace from before.
val doesn’t even bother asking you to go slower, sinking into the pillowy smoke of lust once more without complaint as you drive into him relentlessly.
he loves it, the way your presence surrounds him, how your hands get so tight around his hips that they leave marks. everything you do, he loves. so, even as his tears line his eyes once more, and his mouth spews words of forgiveness, he can’t help but want more, for who was he if not with you?
even when morning comes and you two finish, he still yearns for you as he walks out that door in the afternoon, his assistant rushing over to his side as he makes his way to the studio that he knew wouldn’t be able to produce anything that rivaled your touch.
“i like your new perfume.”
“hm?” he looks down at his assistant, raising an eyebrow out of confusion before sniffing his coat. he can’t help but crack a small, uncharacteristic smile.
you seemed to have stuck on him like smoke.
”i do too.”
and he’ll never try to get rid of it.
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tags: @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @drlucichen @mvskedxrtist @luciferspetduck
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spacewizardtrek · 3 years
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WARNING: This post will ruin you. Like Medusa; look at your peril.
But here is is. It’s the one you’ve all been waiting for.
Kirk bod appreciation #7: The RIDICULOUSLY BEAUTIFUL FACE. A highly technical and academic review.
This is a rather nebulous one. And not, on the face of it (pardon the pun) very philosophical, as it’s essentially about Kirk being stupidly pretty. This post probably will (it will) descend into just screaming and sobbing, but there will be, I promise, *some* meaningful insight into the meaning of ‘beauty’ and textual analysis of its role herein.
Beauty is subjective. But look at him. It’s not just being aesthetic, but it’s the *way* he’s aesthetic. Here I might repeat myself a bit, but stay with me. I may have mentioned before once hearing him described as ‘beautiful in the way women are often described as beautiful’. He is PRETTY. He is indeed often conveyed in the way the women stereotypically (not necessarily rightly) are on screen: perfect, smooth skin; soft, big eyes; luscious lips (his body is sensually curvaceous and furthermore it’s emphasised). He’s not androgynous though. He’s masculine. And yet I still sense what was meant in describing him as ‘beautiful in the way women are often described as beautiful’. He is a rather uncommon form of gender fuckery. He is a form of stereotype-subversion not commonly acknowledged. He seems to be everything at once, ALL THE GENDER; combines whichever traits he desires from those categories, and yet is undeniably a man and masculine whatever the ingredients. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE, one might wonder. The fact of the matter is, that it IS. And it teaches us something.
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The FUCK. nO. You are not allowed to be that pretty, and you are NOT allowed to look at her like that. We’re trying to have a SENSIBLE DISCUSSION here.
Sorry, that was a non-sequitur / nothing to do with what we learn by Kirk’s embodiment; I was just ambushed by my own gif. Only the control of a Vulcan. ONLY that could possibly withstand this onslaught. And even that won’t hold up forever AS WE WELL KNOW
This is going well, as you can tell.
OK. So, it’s claimed he has Eyes and Stupidly Long Weakness-Inducing Eyelashes. You know, from all that fanfic that goes on about ‘big, sparkling eyes’ and him fanning his ‘long, copper eyelashes’. I mean, yeah right, tropey mc tropeface -
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There are some moments where he just BLINKS and, how to describe it...how does a BLINK have that effect. It’s NOT ALLOWED.
...I’m sorry. It IS allowed. All of it. I am not shaming you your beauty. Never change, Jim. Never.
OK. I’m ok. 3 pics down, we can get through this -
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Oh you are joking. Stop.
I don’t understand how anyone can be so beautiful. Life is a lie. Reality is fake -
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- you did NOT just turn your big anime eyes on Spock. You do know this is why he ran away to PURGE ALL HIS EMOTIONS?
And for that matter, you know when Kirk looks his most beautiful? Literally WHEN HE’S LOOKING AT SPOCK. Spock talks some bollocks and Kirk just sparkles like a fucking angel:
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Unbelievable. But utterly undeniable.
Sigh. Moving on.
Oh - someone once suggested I talk about The Lips. Lips are so wonderful aren’t they. So many wonderful things they can do.
And Kirk’s. They’re there in every picture: perfect, rosy, soft and madness-inducing. My advice is just...don’t think about them. But since I’ve been asked to draw attention to them, well, you’ve just sealed your fate. Scroll down at your peril.
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I am pulling NO punches.
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I’ve seen this great meme going around:
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Excuse me though....CUTE?
That’s the understatement of the 23rd century.
Try impossibly beautiful, mind and body: heart of solid gold, soul deep in love with you. Those eyes and all their passion burned into your memories a thousand times over, along with - maybe, suggestibly, idk I’m extrapolating from all the goddamn tension - even the one unforgettable time he laid between lily-white sheets and gave himself to you; every gift of the mind, body and soul - and your ostensibly-forced Vulcan conditioning, that completely ignored how incompatible one part of you was with it, caused so much dissonance that you thought the only possible course of action for you both to survive was to BREAK UP, tear yourself from this beauty and love and sweetness to PURGE ALL EMOTIONS because nothing, nothing equipped you for this; you were set up specifically to fail, and fail hard in the face of transcendental love and beauty by those who rejected such things and didn’t understand you and could never imagine this for you and who instead of helping your beautiful neurodivergent brain flourish taught you to repress and caused you pain and shame and Gol was so hard and Kirk was so sad, so very sad and depressed and hurt and yet he couldn’t stop loving you with a bond so strong he called to you across the stars and Gol was all for naught yet you still didn’t know how to live like this, it was torture, torture until the mind meld with the living machine flashed your BIOS and you knew, love.exe was suddenly running with no errors and he came after you and held you and you held hands and, and -
just...give me a moment
The pain?? The angst?? The two logical entities seeking contact, love, THIS SIMPLE FEELING? That fucking moment when spock walks on the bridge and the only way he can control himself is to be SUPER Vulcan, while his love gazes at him with those EYES, fucking huge and glittering and hurt and loving?? Is it so much a mystery what memories these two are carrying, what’s behind the searing tension???????
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Love him. Love him Spock. Take him in your arms and love him. He’s for you. All for you. Fucking hell guys. The fuck. This movie.
ok I can do this
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those damn eyes I swear
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It’s obviously not all just superficial physical beauty. What IS beauty? Narratively we do sometimes find this ‘prettiness’ enhanced and emphasized like the old vaseline lens to set the tone of a scene (he’s vulnerable and delicate, or someone’s indeed in love with him so we see their ‘lens’ on him); but it is somewhat intangible and nebulous and changeable. I don’t think aesthetic beauty, if one deems it so, on its own, would be enough for the likes of Spock (indeed, no woman could charm him thusly); it's about something deeper. It’s about who he is. Who he is inside: the beautiful AND the imperfect. How his good and bad - how his ‘all’ -  chimes with Spock’s 'all’. The Enemy Within deals with this, and shows how Spock loves all of Kirk, wants him complete, with both his light and shadow. The beauty of all of us is this totality and variance, not one intangible quality.
I’ll bet Spock’s parents knew immediately. Can you imagine Sarek trying to be a total bitch over Kirk, having heard the rumours and just wanting to have one more thing to reject Spock over, immediately projecting onto Kirk as some blow-up pretty-boy and how Incredibly More Disappointing My Son Is for being Obviously In Love With Stupid Illogical Human Doll Face Bubble Butt Bimbo Captain, and Amanda’s like, stfu, let me remind you Kirk is actually a Fucking Amazing Highly Decorated Starship Captain who Saves Your Life and don’t you DARE resent him just because he’s got tits/ass/tum/lips that won’t quit and is obviously the freakin’ sun Spock orbits. Mr ‘I married a human but that was special because it was logical’ or some bullshit. How is Kirk an illogical choice? I mean literally, Spock is a Science Genius™ on the federation’s FLAGSHIP whose well-matched Genius Captain™ understands him, accepts him, brings the best out of him, helps him fulfil his whole potential and is in love with him in the deepest and purest way and will be his bonded soulmate for ALL OF TIME and that fucking sour-faced bih at the start of that ep, ffs.
Of course Amanda stays in touch with Kirk, adores the fuck out of him, sends him old Vulcan lit on t’hy’la bonds (yes sarek, a T’HY’LA bond, so revered freakin’ poets write about it) etc because frankly her son could do FAR FUCKING WORSE.
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Don’t...just don’t slip the bod into the equation, the face is enough for one post. We’re all in therapy for this already, let’s not relapse.
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Oh, what’s the use. I’m gonna die. This is it. This is like the Monty Python joke that is so funny it kills you. This man is lethal. I need to stop this thread and purge all my emotions
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That’s it. I’m dead. You’re dead. We’re all dead.
I hope, however, seeing this post was worth it. See you at Gol everyone.
The Forbidden Texts, DO NOT READ:
Kirk bod appreciation #6: The Curves. The Front. The...chest. AND THE AMAZING GREEN WRAP
Kirk bod appreciation #5: The Paws
Kirk bod appreciation #4: The Curves. The Back. Poetry in motion.  
Kirk bod appreciation #3: Season 3 (Part 1)
Kirk bod appreciation #2b: The Gluteus Maximus
Kirk bod appreciation #2a: The Gluteus Maximus
Kirk bod appreciation #1: The Tum
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cacoetheswriting · 3 years
champagne problems, ch.8
Spencer is in love with you, but you’re engaged to someone else.
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Chapter Eight: Wild Love: Spencer gets something off his chest while you’re stuck in a hotel room. A/N: chapter is titled after this song if you want to listen while reading.     Word Count: 1.6k Warnings: cursing, mentions of alcohol consumption, heartbreak, unrequited / unreciprocated love, very angsty, this whole series is a real slow burn babyyy
series masterlist
A/N: y’all are killing me with all the love on this story so far omg. i am so appreciative of every single comment, like, reblog, all the sweet things you say in the tags etc. etc. thank you and i hope you like this chapter (this one turned out to be more conversation than descriptions of feelings/thoughts just fyi) ! x
“Since we’re stuck here for the night, how about one more drink?” Luke asked, glancing between the team. “You buying?” Matt teased making everyone else chuckle. Luke rolled his eyes. “If that’s what it takes.”
All flights were grounded due to a heavy snowstorm. This meant that after solving their most recent case, the team were forced to remain on location. At a small bed and breakfast right in the middle of nowhere.
“I’ll have another drink.” Emily stated with a smile. “Sure, why the hell not. It’s not often I get a night away from my boys.” JJ added. Tara also raised her hand, indicating she'll have one more.
All heads turned to you and Spencer. The brunette doctor sat quietly in the corner. Clearly a lot on his mind. You were right by his side, gently resting your head against his shoulder.
A small yawn escaped your lips. “I think I’m gonna call it a night guys.” You said, slowly sitting up. “It’s been a heck of a day, and the bed is calling my name.” The group groaned, but didn't protest. Instead, they all looked to Spencer who seemed to be debating his options.
“What about you Reid?” Luke asked. “Care for another one?”
“Sure. Uh, I’ll walk Y/N to her room and I’ll be right back.” “It’s okay Spencer, stay. I’ll be fine.” You countered while getting up to your feet however, the handsome doctor wasn’t taking no for answer.
Unknown to you, unknown to everyone apart from Penelope, Spencer’s been trying to find the right moment to tell you how he really felt. He spent the last two months debating whether it was a good idea. The idea of telling you he was still in love with you scared the shit out of him because it could go one of two ways:
1. You feel the same way and call off the engagement. The two of you get back together and he spends the rest of his living breathing days making you the happiest woman on earth.
2. You don’t feel the same way and you end up resenting him for lying to you, his confession ruining your friendship.
Either way, someone will end up getting hurt.
“You really didn't have to come with me doctor.” You said stopping outside the door. Spencer shrugged his shoulders, his nose twitching simultaneously. “I wanted to. Plus sitting too long causes a number of health issues. Your leg muscles weaken. Your hip flexors shorten, and it can cause compression on the discs in your spine which can lead to premature degeneration, which results in chronic pain.”
You arched a brow. “So what you’re saying is that you’re really just looking out for yourself?”
“No, I-I, well...” He flustered and you couldn't help but chuckle. “We’ve been friends long enough for you to know when I’m just messing around.” Friends. The word stung. “Right. Sorry.” He glanced down at his shoes.
Sudden concern flooded through you. Gently, you placed a hand on the side of his face, and slowly lifted it back up. “Are you okay honey? You seem a little off, and I hope you don't mind me saying but it’s not just tonight.”
He chewed on the inside of his cheek. Mind racing a million miles an hour. Of course you recognised his odd behaviour. He thought he did a good job at hiding his inner turmoil. Honestly, sometimes he forgets just how well you can read him. He forgets that you know him better than he knows himself.
“I hope you know you can talk to me.” You whispered, tenderly brushing loose strands of his hair away from his face.
The gleam in your eyes was so kindhearted. It was exactly that look that made Spencer think he truly didn't deserve you and that you were better off without him. It was also that look that made Spencer love you even more. The look that made him want to fight for you.
“Do ehm, do you think I could come in?” He asked after a moment of silence.
“Of course.” You let your hand fall back to your side. “Of course you can.”
Soon enough the two of you were sat at the edge of your bed. A noticeably tense atmosphere filled the air. Your eyes were glued to the side of his head, wondering what the hell was going on in that big brain of his, while Spencer looked down at his hands. Which at this point were trembling uncontrollably.
It didn’t take you long to notice, you could practically feel them vibrating against your leg. You reached out, giving them a little squeeze before intertwining your fingers with his.
“What’s going on Spencer? You’re starting to scare me.”
The hazel-eyed man took a deep breath before finally meeting your gaze. His features broken, as if he was about to burst into tears.
“I’ve been lying to you Y/N.” He stated quietly.
You furrowed your brows confused, taken aback by his admission. “W-what? What are you talking about? You’re the most honest man I’ve ever met.” You expressed, but he shook his head. His light curls bouncing perfectly. “I’m not. I’m really not.”
“Spencer.” “Please Y/N, please just… I… I haven’t been honest with you and it’s eating me alive. Usually you would be the person I turn to for advice on these things, but since it involves you… I-I really don’t know what to do.”
“Tell me.”
“It’s not that simple.”
You nodded your head slowly and swallowed your breath. “O-okay. Okay well, uhm… let me ask you this. If you don’t tell me, are you going to continue lying to me?” It was a weighted question which Spencer knew there was no right answer to. “Unfortunately.” He mumbled.
“Then I think, I think it is that simple.”
You were right. Every inch of him screamed you were right. Fuck. How the hell did it come to this? He had no trouble hiding his love for you these last few years.  He couldn’t understand why was it so difficult all of a sudden.
Abruptly, Spencer got to his feet and ran his fingers through his hair. A deep frustrated sigh escaping his lips as he loosened his tie. Your uneasy gaze locked onto him, following his every move. And as he closed his eyes, cracking his neck, you suddenly remembered that the last time he seemed this frazzled was the day the two of you broke up. Your stomach dropped.
“Oh no.” You whispered standing up. “Ohh Spencer.”
He turned on his heel to look at you once again. Your fingers were pressed to your chin, mouth slightly parted. You couldn’t possibly have figured it out?
“You’re breaking up with me.” It seemed like a silly statement considering you weren’t a couple. “I mean, you’re ending our friendship. That’s what this is, right? You don’t want to be my friend anymore and you’ve been lying to me by pretending that you do.” There were noticeable tears in your eyes.
“What? No, no, no. It’s completely the opposite of that.”
“I don’t think I understand. The opposite of-”
“I love you.”
“Well of course, I love you too. You’re my best friend. You’re family.”
“No.” He took a step towards you and cupped your cheeks with his hands. “I’m in love with you Y/N.”
You blinked. Eyelashes fluttering as the realisation of what Spencer just declared washed over you. He saw your lips quaver and your eyes widen. The dots connecting in your mind. All the moments you spent together, the conversations you shared. Everything was running through your mind like a homemade movie, making it impossible it collect your thoughts.
“I know I said I moved on, and that’s where I lied.” Spencer continued as you stared at him, unable to move. “I never moved on Y/N. I tried, believe me I tried. But you are a part of me, a part of my soul. You are the reason I get out of bed in the morning. Seeing you, your smile. Hearing your laughter. Being able to talk to you, and just be around you. Your aura. Everything about you is so intoxicating and I messed up big time letting you go all those years ago.”
Tears began to trail down your cheeks as you bit down on your bottom lip to stop it from trembling. Tiny salty droplets that Spencer slowly wiped away using his thumbs.
“I never said anything because I wanted to be there for you, first and foremost, in whatever way you needed me. I wanted to remain in your life after we broke up because your friendship means the world to me. I guess I thought-t, I hoped that maybe one day we’d get back together. And I know it’s unfair for me to lay all of this on you now, I know. And I’m sorry, I can’t keep it to myself anymore. You, I think you deserve to know.”
Quiet sobs filled the room. Your whole body was now shaking under his touch. Heart aching. It felt like you couldn't breathe.
All you ever wanted was for Spencer to love you. All you ever wanted was for him to tell you that he made a mistake all those years ago and that the two of you belong together. 
“P-please say something.” His plea was barely a whisper.
All you ever wanted.
“I-I.. Spencer, I...”
You finally got all you ever wanted. The brunette doctor was standing in front of you professing his love, and yet it felt like he just stabbed you in the back. His declaration, those three cursed words you dreamt so long ago to hear come out of his lips again. It felt like the ultimate betrayal.
Don't know what to say to you now Standing right in front of you
A/N: FINALLY A LOVE CONFESSION ! honestly this chapter was a little hard for me to write... it took me a while to actually sit down to it and actually be happy with what i wrote idk BUT i hope you liked it and as always i’d love to hear your feedback! if you would like to be added to a taglist, please let me know. thank you for your continuous support. with love, mal. x
masterlist | series masterlist | series playlist
story taglist: @girloncorneliastreet, @haylaansmi, @rexorangecouny, @l0ve-0f-my-life, @obsssedwithjustaboutanything, @aperrywilliams, @sassy-hades, @rainsong01, @reverdevivre, @dracomikaelson, @softieekayy, @lunaofcrows, @andrewhoezierbyrne​, @blameitonthenight21, @lyl-26, @do-yr-research, @nazifa94, @stepsofthefbi, @chatterbug2-0
spencer reid taglist: @no-honey-no​, @calm-and-doctor​, @idroppedmygourd​​, @averyhotchner​
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gwyns · 3 years
what would be your ideal elucien arc in canon?
this is a very good question and one i'll probably ramble with so sorry lmao i actually thought about an elucien plot a lot years ago. i had quite a few ideas and was trying to plot my own multi-chapter fic around them but well..... that didn't work out and this ended up getting really long, so i apologize for that lol
so here's the overall gist of what would've/what i would like to eventually happen one day. elain had a vision of lucien being harmed or something along those lines and her instinct had her finding him. whether this was through her learning she could winnow or some other means, i hadn't decided but eventually she'd show up and lucien would be so dumbfounded and question her reason for being there and ask if feyre knew she was here and elain would get defensive like "i didn't realize she was my keeper." and this is the first time lucien has truly seen her bite, her little bit of fire, so he's taken aback a bit but quickly reassures her she needs no keeper and he hadn't meant offense.
she gives an excuse about how she wants to see prythian and that nobody would show her so she decided to show herself, bc she doesn't want to admit she cares for him, even a fraction bc it might give him hope that she ultimately would have to crush. and it's not entirely a lie, she would like to travel and see the world, but it's not the whole truth either.
so moving on they'd partner up and he'd bring elain along on whatever adventures he's getting up to, they'd meet up with jurian and vassa of course and i have this headcanon that she and vassa would be the perfect friends. vassa is human so she'd offer elain something familiar you know? and vassa is also the type to stand her ground and she has a fire of her own so i feel like she'd help elain grow into herself and be more assertive and stroke the fire within elain some. as for elain and jurian.... it's awkward at first bc jurian is partially responsible for elain's turn (at least in her head) and he was there when graysen rejected her and so she overall has had bad experiences when he's around so she doesn't know what to make of him.
over time she comes to find that jurian isn't as intimidating as he first lets on. he's quite considerate and good at reading people, and he knows to some extent what she's gone through (as does vassa), he was tortured and killed by amarantha then bound to her jewelry for 500 years. he understands the feeling of violation and having a fae treat you as some toy and little more, and he apologizes for his part in her trauma. after this, i can see him becoming something of a big brother type to elain, they have a relationship few would understand but they listen to each other's troubles and just get it you know?
anyway, back to her and lucien. i can see them both being kind of reluctant in the beginning? elain bc she doesn't want to give him any ideas and lucien doesn't know want to pressure her so he keeps his distance but as they're working together, with the spring court, koschei, her learning more about her abilities, etc they both start to see how capable they each are and their feelings start to show here. for lucien it's more natural, like he always had a feeling that if he spent enough time with elain he could fall in love with her but with elain? she's freaked out. she doesn't want this, she wants her ability to choose. and maybe it's just the mating bond reacting for her or at least this is what she tells herself to explain away the butterflies she gets whenever lucien smiles at something she said.
at some point they have to travel to the autumn court and lucien is terrified, he doesn't want her anywhere near his family but elain asserts herself and says she's coming whether he likes it or not. he, of course, doesn't object. he just pleads with her to stay close to him the entire time. during their visit(s) they meet with eris and lucien's mother and you don't understand how badly i want elain and his mother to have a good relationship. her own mother only saw her as beautiful and something to capture a titled man to advance their status, she didn't truly see elain either. lady vanserra would be the kind and caring mother she never had and then being close would allow elain to learn more about lucien without asking him directly.
and her and eris? he'd take on the protective older brother role for elain, he would make sure no one even breathed near her unless she wished it so. maybe he'd introduce her to his dogs or something, too.
i can't get into specifics of what would really happen during these visits bc my brain sucks but overall it'd allow elain to learn more of lucien's upbringing and begin to understand him and in turn lucien would learn more about elain's childhood when she'd discuss her mother with lady vanserra.
maybe after this they visit the day court or something so they can view helion's massive library and try to learn more of koschei and elain's powers. they'd bond while studying, it'd start as courteous conversation but it'd soon develop into more intimate questions. maybe she asks about jesminda, who she'd learned some about from feyre and some from the servants in the autumn court, he'd answer her questions but never offer anything more than what he had to. she can tell her death still weighs heavily on him. this is when she really starts paying attention to what exactly she feels through the mate bond, tremendous guilt and, as feyre once described, he's endlessly sad.
this is where things get kinda fuzzy for me bc i never knew how this story would end, like i knew the koschei conflict would be the finale but other than that? nothing lmao but basically i could see elain and lucien growing together very slowly. they start getting comfortable with the faint touches and lingering glances they give each other. it eventually leads to a dark night in the camp and elain can't sleep so she gets up to take a walk but her feet just lead her to wherever lucien is and she sees him without his shirt on, his back is turned to her and she sees the massive scars across his back and can't stop the soft gasp that escapes.
lucien whirls around but elain can't get the image out of her head... who would have been so cruel as to cause those marks? who would dare to touch her mate like that? she knows she should be more worried about how possessive the mate bond makes her, but in this moment it doesn't matter, what matters is who hurt him. and she asks as much, "it's nothing, elain" is his response but she doesn't let up, she steps closer to him and motions for him to turn around, which he does. she hesitantly runs her fingers across his scars, she can feel her rage building, no matter how irrational it is she wants whoever did this dead. she blinks at that thought, but she's not scared no, she wants whoever caused him pain to suffer.
he tells her not to worry and that it's already been taken care of and she reluctantly leaves him to go back to her own tent (or wherever they're sleeping) and tries to sleep but everytime she closes her eyes the image of his scars, how he might have received them, flashes in her mind. then she starts to wonder who gave him the scar on his face, she wonders how she might find out and how she might get the means to return the favor.
also maybe at some point later in the story, they visit the autumn court again, i have a headcanon that elain doesn't only see the future, she can see the past in some cases so maybe she starts seeing this couple in a.... very intimate setting. and she works out the female is lucien's mother, but the male she's with is definitely not beron. this could prompt the helion reveal but honestly idk how that'd all go down.
i really can't tell you how this would all wrap up bc i am so bad at plotting but eventually they meet koschei, they defeat him and there's a scene where they embrace and the confessions come, it starts with lucien,
"i love you. so much. and i choose you. i'd choose you in a hundred–in a thousand different lifetimes."
"do you mean that?"
"i've never meant anything more."
elain brings her hands to his face, caressing his cheeks, then she moves to trace the scar on his face.
she finally says, "i choose you, too, lucien. i love you. now, kiss me... please."
they have the kiss we've all waited 5 books for. she accepts the bond and we all live happily ever after.
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founderscouncil · 2 years
this is much less thought through compared to my list for hope and tbh, i’m lowkey considering doing a full rewatch of tvd/to to help get some more ideas, so these are even more generic 
for the love of all that is the tiniest bit holy, give bonnie one of those ships. you know which ones i’m talking about!! i genuinely don’t think i have a notp for her and my interpretation is very morally gray (so lowwwwwkey give her someone who appeals to that darkness a bit maybe?), idk mostly just give her some happiness??
jeremy’s bisexual awakening (you think i’m joking but we all know it was tyler lockwood)
grumpy hunter jeremy who randomly shows up at salvatore once a month to drag alaric out and makes sure he showers and gets away from the school before dumping him at damon and elena’s for the day
uncle jeremy with his favorite pseudo-nieces, josie and lizzie
either hayley or even keelin taking coda under their wing after they learn of the aftermath of the hollow’s rampage. could be one of the many reasons hayley really takes a leadership role after the mikaelsons split up after TO S4
if you don’t acknowledge the hollow storyline, coda’s backstory could be changed up so that she was orphaned when kingmaker development hunted down the pack while they were cursed by dahlia. either way, the idea is that her story touches on themes of community and generosity, while she also plays a foil to hope, as someone who lost everything due to the mikaelsons’ story but she still has to find a way to move on anyways
coda at salvatore and interacting with the squad bc that would be fun. maybe she gets sent with henry and hope when they’re seven, maybe she shows up after hope is revealed to be a mikaelson, but interesting to see how the squad reacts to someone who has known hope in a completely different context
coda just annoying hope. the end.
series of letters over the years between elijah and hope, hayley, rebekah, freya, klaus, anyone after the events of to s4. please do not make this man suffer alone with his thoughts. he will go through so many home improvement projects that the south of france will look like a completely rebuilt area by the time he’s done.
post-series threads where elijah lurks like a maddeningly well-dressed english professor near whitmore and spoils his niece (but also bc it’s me, he’s probably doing research on how to eliminate all threats ever and also how to stick hope in a magical bubble without her knowledge)
idk to even call this an au or a divergent verse or what but imagining a ship (prob a vampire?) where it’s a slow burn of finding each other every century, dodging dahlia, the angst of only having one year together at a time, etc etc etc. she lived through so much but also not really? so it’d be half period au in the way we can jump all over the timeline (basically anything post her baby dying), half canon-compliant? like eventually we could sync up with canon and introduce the rest of the mikaelsons and see what spins up from there? does this make sense to anyone other than my brain lmao? 
vampire freya - either she turned so klaus could stay with hayley and hope after to s4 or one of the family’s enemies catches up to her and forces a turn to remove their magical help, or some other way, she’s undead now. it’s bittersweet because she sorely misses her magic but at the same time, she doesn’t have to grow old without her siblings either. she doesn’t know what to think about it, but she has to figure it out eventually. 
alternatively, she got turned into a vampire sometime before the series starts and she was able to live life freely away from dahlia for the first time in her life, and she doesn’t have to worry about having a child anymore, which makes her effectively useless to her aunt now, but once hope is born, freya has to actually meet her family and try to convince them that she is who she says she is, idk that’s all i’ve got rn
verses where hayley never died, verses where hayley is resurrected, verses where hayley is the best mom for hope, anything that lets her have the life with hope that she deserves. 
hayley / caroline / klaus co-parenting shenanigans. make it poly if so inclined.
slow burn freelin. a version where keelin is actually around in the years during the hollow because as wanderlust-y as she is, she’s not going to just abandon freya like please
keelin talking to hayley (or any other werewolf) about their differences in opinions about the wolf. keelin remembers her entire family being hunted down by lucien castle and how being a wolf never brought her anything but pain, yet at the same time, she does feel a disconnect to a huge part of who she is. someone to help her bridge that gap and her fear and showing her that her wolf side isn’t something to be feared or shunned
things with freya and/or keelin. nik could exist or not, i just enjoy that relationship a lot
the city holding vincent responsible for the hollow’s initial bid for power, and maybe he can’t be removed as regent but exploring a broken trust (especially in the years between s4 and s5) and how he has to overcome that to win back people’s backing
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hi!! i liked your works a lot and i wanted to request f, j and o for akaashi and atsumu? thanks a lot <33
fluff alphabet f, j, and o for akaashi keiji and miya atsumu
a/n: ahh i hope these aren’t too long haha, thank you so much for requesting!! :))
Akaashi Keiji:
F = Feelings (When did they realize their feelings? How did it change their behavior towards you?)
Akaashi quietly observes you for a while
Your little tics and reactive expressions ingrain themselves into his brain until he can close his eyes and picture your face almost perfectly
You’re studying together one day, and it starts off with the standard frequent side glances and an endearing awkwardness
But at some point, he feels himself leaning towards you subconsciously
Not in an obvious way, Akaashi just suddenly felt the urge to scootch closer to you or maybe to brush away that stray piece of your hair that had come undone
He immediately jerks himself back with a mildly troubled look on his face (on the inside this man is having a whole-ass existential crisis)
You tilt your head as you glance at him, and that’s when he knows
Akaashi’s already familiar with your different expressions of annoyance, sadness, happiness, etc., but your face right now was so innocent and clueless and cute and precious - he just felt an overwhelming urge to tell you about all the warm, helpless feelings you give him
He doesn’t, of course, because Akaashi at least tries to plan these things out
His realization doesn’t change his behavior a lot (he’s as sarcastic, chill, and straightfoward as always), but he does start doting on you more
He asks if you got enough sleep last night, sometimes offers to share his lunch with you, even gives you his jacket when you were shivering a little
Pure boi just wants to take care of you; it makes him feel more connected and might just be how he hints at his feelings to you
J = Jealousy (What makes them jealous? How do they deal with jealousy?)
Normally a pretty chill dude that you wouldn’t think ever gets jealous
It’s true that Akaashi definitely has complete faith in you and knows you can handle yourself
He also tends to internalize when it comes to feelings like jealousy because he knows they’re not rational
But that still doesn’t stop him from paying extra attention when you’re talking to other guys
Frowning, he monitors your situation from a distance. You might think he’s not paying attention, but the moment he sees signs that you’re uncomfortable or that the other person is getting too comfortable with touching you, he intervenes
Akaashi’s got skills galore at interjecting himself into conversations, and now he’s calling upon all of them plus his passive aggresive expertise
“(Name), please introduce me to this person. As your boyfriend, I’d really like to know who your acquaintances are.”
Narrows his eyes at the other person when he says “acquaintance”
Highkey throwing all the shade right then, but even after you introduce him, he subtly ends the conversation and pulls you away (after which he feels much more relaxed and comfortable)
Basically admits it if you tease him for being jealous
“Yeah, I was. Is there a problem with me feeling protective of you, love?”
O = Over (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
If Akaashi at any point liked you enough to be in a relationship with you, he will hold that respect for you forever
Even if you made a mistake, he’ll continue to believe that you deserve a least an in-person meeting before breaking up
He thinks it over a lot before making the decision to break it off
This isn’t something he’d ever take lightly, and he’d use at least a good week to process and think about any alternatives
If there’s truly no other way, he’ll text you to meet him somewhere private, like a small cafe or secluded park
Akaashi tells you his intentions as soon as you arrive; there’s no point in dragging this out and hurting the both of you further
He’s very solemn as he tries to explain, and he tries to state his reasons as clearly as possible, but his mind is a whirlwind at that moment
Respectfully leaves after a few minutes, but when he gets to the car he can feel his eyes watering and hands shaking
Bokuto helps him a lot by keeping him active and engaged with his surroundings, but Akaashi can’t help but lie awake at night thinking about you
It’ll take him at least two or three weeks to start moving on in life, but he’ll always look back on the good times you two shared fondly
Atsumu Miya:
F = Feelings (When did they realize their feelings? How did it change their behavior towards you?)
I think his feelings will hit him all of a sudden
He’ll catch himself at home wondering what you’re doing at that moment
And Atsumu starts realizing that he thinks about you more than himself 
He’s not used to thinking about anyone that’s not himself, his spikers, or (occasionally) Osamu
So maybe he sees you struggling with something and, after teasing you a little, he helps you
And when you thank him with a sweet smile, he actually feels himself blush
All he can think is just “oh hell no i cannot be a simp right now”
After that incident, Atsumu might avoid you for a bit (he sees you in the hallway and literally spins on his heel, running into the nearest room to keep cool)
But his sets are noticeably less focused than normal, and Osamu forces Atsumu to man up and talk to you
He becomes a little more conscious of what he says to you. You notice that his mocking insults are almost fond sounding now and that he backs off a lot quicker if he sees he hit something sensitive
He tells himself that it’ll help you feel the same way
Because if being more sensitive to your feelings could make you fall as hard for him as he did for you, then that’s what he’ll do
J = Jealousy (What makes them jealous? How do they deal with jealousy?)
He’s used to getting what he wants, and when you’re not paying attention to him, he’s not
Cue pouty Atsumu
It’s not that he doesn’t trust you, he just doesn’t like anyone other than him looking at you like that
Feels protective because he knows how amazing you are and how much you tempt him (and if he’s that affected by you, who knows what other people could be thinking about you?)
Like one time, he sees you talking with Osamu, and you have the brightest smile on your face that he absolutely adores... but it’s not directed at him
Clenching his jaw, he immediately storms up to you both and snakes his arms tightly around your body from behind
“Babee, pay attention to me...” Atsumu directs a withering glare at his twin, “‘Samu, get outta here!”
If he feels threatened because a stranger is talking to you, he’ll be less kind (he might get triggered because you started blushing or maybe there was some kind of physical touch involved, which can be as minor as a touch to the shoulder, but Atsumu is not about it)
Straight up stalks over to you both, placing an arm aggresively over your shoulder
“Hey, who’s this?? Actually nahh, it doesn’t matter because he’s insignificant~ C’mere babe, let’s go. Bye now, stranger!”
O = Over (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Hm... Atsumu might send a break-up text idk :p
But more likely he’ll give you a call
I just feel like he might be too emotional to do it in person
Depending on his reasons, maybe he’s scared that he might snap at you and leave you feeling like trash (because no matter what the reasons are, he never wants to lash out at you like that)
So he sends a warning text like “we have to talk about something serious” and then call so he can at least break the news with his own voice
Atsumu’s words might come off nonchalant and almost harsh, but it’s accidental; it’s kind of a defense mechanism
He doesn’t want to hurt you, but he’s also so close to a mental breakdown that he can’t figure out how to break things off earnestly without becoming a crying, blubbering mess
So his words can seem cold, especially when you’re in such a fragile emotional state
But he stays on the line with you for as long as you need, silent as you express your emotions as freely as you want
But if you cry a lot, or your voice is really shaky, this man probably starts tearing up along with you
Just a mutual crying fest by the end, but Atsumu’s still not the type to change his mind unfortunately
He would’ve had to believe his reasons 100% to think about breaking things off with you
Still, he’s depressed and grumpy for the couple weeks after
Gets a little (read: a lot) bitter if someone happens to mention you
Volleyball helps him immensely during this time
He throws himself into improving his setting and techniques, rep after rep
Atsumu tries to avoid all thoughts related to you because they never fail to make his chest hurt
In the end, he knows it was his own decision so he tries hard to move on
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mingmingfufu · 3 years
Can we just talk about the ending of KawoShin open discuss. *sort of spoilerish*
I feel like I’m the only one who’s like reallly disappointed LMFAO--ya’ll there’s so much “canon” alternative universe and merchandise for Kawoshin in Evangelion that it kind of makes me upset to realise this couple just went down the drain. Yeah, I can see how people were like, “Kaworu’s toxic” or “Kaworu has a hero complex for Shinji” to which I say are valid points. But the toxic thing I feel like can also be applied to pretty much everyone around Shinji tbh, except for Rei. I did NOT, like Asuka at all but I really love her character though, and I felt for her a lot throughout the series.
I did not ship them either because honestly, Shinji and Asuka seemed better off playing the sibling dynamic instead of trying to play bf/gf which honestly is kind of forced by their living situation. Also since they’re in a similar disposition non existent father and dead mother, you’d imagine they would rely on each other for emotional comfort. Though Asuka—her personality I feel like she can’t differentiate between familial love and romantic love and the affection she wants is a bit of both. But, her character tries to be “mature”; she wants romantic love more and does this through sexual means and romantic gestures e.g. like kissing. One of my friends told me that you can’t stay friends as a boy and a girl cause eventually you catch feelings. Which I say is kinda dumb cause I have a lot of male friends, and I definitely don’t harbour those feelings, but I guess it’s a common phenomena.
I think this is what happens in this case, of Asuka and Shinji. Even after rejection of instrumentality they actually are depicted as childhood friends. But knowing how they both were before to each other, it was not good tbh. Also to mention the choking like thrice— bro if anything, this showcases a really abusive relationship and I think this outstretches the idea of their character tropes. Which I firmly stand by saying they’re superficial to each other. AsuShin were never really there for each other and are using each other in a forced situation. However, you can’t deny that they didn’t at some point catch feels, also Shinji is pretty consistent how he still cares about everyone around him. Which I really like how they add that to his character because it reminiscent of Yui, because you see a duality of both his parents personality in Shinji throughout the series—it’s a really nice touch. But bruh, if we gonna talk about that coma scene—I’m out LOL.
Thoughhhh, she is a true definition of best girl I really like her arc, fighting drive, and her skills as an Eva pilot 😭💗--but bruh she’s still a toxic and sometimes annoying tsundere trope, but still she’s 14 what can you do. So I feel like Kensuke and Asuka are actually a pretty good combo, cause he’s always been pretty mature even without parents. Also Asuka was into older guys, so I guess this is a win win?? Also Rei and Shinji, I honestly cannot get my head around it cause that’s pretty much his mom—so in a way that’s like either his half-sister or mom-ish clone?? Idk but Yui is definitely the donor LOL.
Kaworu and Shinji I felt like brought a bunch of things out of each other. I don’t know which timeline begins first, but I’d like to think the manga, the anime (plus its movies), and then to the rebuild series. Because I think that order is kind of pivotal to observing Kaworu’s character development from being a person who’s trying to understand human feelings to then the kinder person we see in the final series. You can tell how he’s changed and he knows Shinji a lot more as well as being considerate to him e.g. giving him personal space or letting him work at his own pace. Also that “we’ll meet again.” Is an obvious nod to how he’s done this before.
His literal story in every timeline is always romantic LOL, like bruh I can’t remember which game it was but basically a bad ending of Kawoshin route is that you reject Kaworu and he starts the third impact 🤡. Also I don’t know why but I started to see a weird dynamic between those two, in the manga their interactions reminded me of Asuka and Shinji—which Shinji is the tsundere Asuka here. I don’t know if this is relevant but the older character relative to the character they’re with seems to play off a mature vs a childish person trope. Asuka is younger than Shinji and Shinji is actually younger than Kaworu. Then again I could be overseeing this but istg manga Kaworu and Shinji mirror the whole Asushin dynamic. Like he’s seriously agressive against Kaworu, then after killing him he admits liking him. 🤡 I don’t know which is funnier no homo Shinji, homophobe shinji, or just closet Shinji who needs to realise sexuality is a spectrum so he could’ve idk—come out as bisexual, but whatever manga Shinji lol that timeline is over.
Anyways the development of these two is real and I think the rebuild timeline shows them at their best bringing their own personage out from each other like how they both enjoy music together--WHICH I’M SO SAD WE NEVER GET TO SEE THAT CELLO AGAIN. Then there’s those feelings of humanity, love, kindness, etc. Which yeah an angel could represent those things, but Kaworu is still his own person, self-aware of a cycle and if you think about how he initially was there to USE Shinji, but ultimately turned on that plan set by SEELE because he loved Shinji (and a bunch of other things like him showing Kaworu humanity). I also can see the argument, how “ideal” Kaworu is to Shinji, but he’s more self aware of the time he has before he KNOWS he’ll die and knows how to act for himself in that duration to make the most of it. All with Shinji. At some point, I think he fell in love with Shinji tho I don’t know where it began tbh—considering that all those alternate universes do exist. Kaworu does romantically love Shinji--so, in some universe they both reciprocate their feelings to each other. 
In the last movie during that convo with Shinji. Like bREH it’s so emotionally moving because Kaworu remembers ALLLLL the timelines and how he’s been with Shinji and later Shinji himself recalls the events too. Where they show the scene from the manga and anime. Kaworu cries after being set free from the EVA cycle. Which, I definitely understood what he meant by him saying “it’ll be lonely” and how Shinji changed or that he’s actually different this time.
Either way, Shinji did right by him because it’s always Kaworu who has the purpose of “trying to save Shinji” but it always ends up the same. I thought that was really moving because Shinji tells Kaworu he’s gonna let him live a life for himself for once and he wants the same for everyone as well. Which was honestly so meaningful cause I think Kaworu’s character and like Rei too when they start to realise how to “live” like a person and not another puppet it’s truly liberating. Another thing I forgot, bruh Kaworu calls Gendo his father and ngl I feel like this is kind of a weird lore situation because I for sure don’t think he’s the donor. I think he calls him that as an insult because he knows Gendo’s whole doing and relative to Shinji—I kind of see it as a joke LOL. Like it’s equivalent to saying, “daddy chill”, or “hey look it’s daddy and his plans to end the world” also I kind of like to think of it as a father in law thing cause you know, Kawoshin *winks amirite*
The ending, I’m honestly hoping is just an open ending because it gives everything an actual start of their adult lives not being dictated by extraterrestrial forces. Though, I’m kind of wondering if the world doesn’t have EVAs does that still mean everyone else still has the same backstory, and do they remember? Maybe Mari really is just a coworker lmfao, and there’s still a chance for Kaworu and Shinji cause ngl, they did have a convo (presumably from the spoilers) about still remaining close afterwards and that stare at the ending seems very hopeful.
I call bs from Anno saying, “oh Shinji is based off him and Mari off of his wife”, like honestly any OCs made theres always some part of yourself made into that character. Which is probably why a lot of people relate to the characters in EVA because they’re based off real things (e.g. those war machines characters are named after and people around them). I think why Kaworu and Rei are together at the end, is bc they’re very much the same. They’re mass produced dolls—which oddly enough that’s the case for all the children except they don’t recall the loop. Kind of funny also how both Kaworu and Rei became farmers lmfao so ig it runs in the family (yes that’s right I like the idea that they’re siblings it was always noted that they’re like “the same”).
Another thing, i think why the rebuild really did well for Kawoshin and in my opinion canonised it—the convo with elder Ryoji Kaji (Misato’s baby daddy) that there was a time he felt incredibly lonely and depressed thinking Misato didn’t love him and so he started looking out for himself. So self love and found himself a hobby in farming which he suggests to Kaworu—basically saying he might feel like Shinji doesn’t love him but he’s gotta remember to take care of himself. if I go thru a breakup ill feel like it’s the end of the world but Kaji says y’a gotta self love broe and take care yo self gad dam fam 😭 💗.
Though, that look at the end from Shinji to Kaworu—I’d like to believe there is still hope that one day when they’re a bit stable in their adult lives, they’ll run into each other.
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edamamechips · 3 years
Idk if this is your thing, so feel free to ignore, but I must ask: if you had full creative control of the show, how would you run season 5? You can pick and choose whatever leaks you want to include.
Hi love! you are right and this is definitely not my thing but i would do anything for you! (not in a creepy way. i just really like you and am in awe of whatever you do) Thanks for sending this in <3 i am sorry if this is late, i kind of had to get over the initial shock of receiving one of these. Enough with the self loathing, moving on
For the resolution of whatever happened in 4x17, 4x18, i am going to go with the brilliant theory that @sullypants came up with because it ties up a lot of loose ends very well and gives us a cleaner canvas to work with post time jump.
However, i would like the time jump plot device and also to see the core four take different paths because that would help them grow and mature(yes i know they can grow together but i am not eloquent enough to explain why they need to go different directions kay? They just do.) for that to happen, the fact that charles has been hypnotizing betty comes into light post time jump after the whole fallout.
So post seven year time jump,
Jughead: i think there are two ways in which the fandom interprets jughead (one is the southside serpents jughead, the serpent king one, who lives in the moment and is more about the collective belonging thing and the other is s1/prep school jughead who is more ambition driven and less about fitting in). Subjectively speaking, i think jughead would go on to pay his full attention to finishing his novel after his breakup with betty as he is overcome with self doubt and long distance (very Dan Humphrey in s6 but def not as vindictive). The novel helps him sort out his emotions and is his attempt to move on from his “old life”.(his book is titled closure) He tries to find love and after a few failed attempts he meets jessica who is the complete opposite of betty. But jughead finds himself comparing her with betty almost constantly and old feelings resurface. *dun dun dun* also definitely defenestrating the alcoholic plotline until and unless we consider charles long distance hypnotizing jughead??
Betty: betty tries to sort out her feelings for archie and doesn’t wholly understand what made her kiss him. It's almost as if she blacked out(eyes emoji). Hence, bland musty flour barchie doesn't happen. betty excels academically and gets recruited by the FBI. she also returns home every thanksgiving (not christmas because she likes staying cooped up alone and eating chinese, don't ask me why. I am projecting) and everytime she returns, she hopes she’ll get to see jughead but she never really does. However betty makes amends with veronica after a lot of discussions and promises and one very emotional sleepover later. Betty is probably dating a fellow fed (who she meets while sneaking into the file cabinet to work on one of the “unsolved” cases and gets caught by him).
Veronica: veronica and archie breakup after prom and she heads out for college the next day to her ivy league college and excels at it. veronica is DEFINITELY not married. She has her own very successful business and is pretty stable and happy being single and having a few flings with some men (and women). She probably returns to riverdale on the occasion of thanksgiving when she stumbles across very successful business man Reggie and they bond over whatever people who run businesses bond over.
Archie: archie too doesnt understand what made him kiss betty but meets a therapist at pops who explains it was his PTSD etc etc. archie joins the army on accident instead of the naval academy. (again, idk why) and is “best friends” with another fellow veteran who saved him from getting shot during [insert something that army does and involves shooting]. They return home together for thanksgiving to surprise mary and her wife but discover that they are away. So archie asks his “friend” to live with him for the weekend. (WINK WINK) BI ARCHIE ENTER.
As for cheryl and toni, i think they will breakup when toni realises that she can do much better than cheryl and not get gaslighted by her girlfriend. Social worker Toni moves in with married kevin/fangs and agrees to be the surrogate for their baby. Cheer coach Cheryl (side gig tarot reader) has a fling with tabitha and learns the meaning of “no”
and for the mystery plot, they are all back home for thanksgiving when betty finds charles’ old FBI files while cleaning out and figures out the whole (charles-hypnotised-betty-and-messed-with-her-childhood-memories) and discovers that yoga instructor alice has not seen polly or her twins. Betty and jughead try to track down charles together(!) and gratuitous amounts of pining ensue (lots of lingering eye contact across pops, jealous milkshake sipping and oops! we touched and oops i fell on ur lips and now i can’t get back up). we discover that jughead’s girlfriend broke up with him before he came to riverdale and also betty’s fed boyfriend is actually her fed bestfriend and betty was a beard(everyone is gay here except bughead kay?) and wham! they do the devil’s tango because patience is for suckers.
Anyways, we learn charles has hypnotized the twins somehow and drives a haunted truck thing called the mothman because of it’s red headlights and someone finds polly’s body in the middle of the road but in a twist of plot that surprises no one that polly isn’t actually dead but is hiding out in the fuckbunker where bughead (obviously) find her. And the core four get involved somehow and they take down charles and maybe gets beaten down by jughead “knuckle brass” jones which are actually betty’s knuckle brasses. 
That’s about it. Short and sweet.
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mimik-u · 3 years
Fragments III, 1-100
300 drabbles about Steven Universe/Future, 100 words each! These are the first 100 prompts and writer’s choices that have been fulfilled.
Asterisks are placed next to my personal favorites that I’ve written.
Baggage* — Steven meets his new therapist!
Eternity —How about a Bellow interaction you've always wanted to see in canon but didn't get to?
Foe —Jasper is simultaneously satisfied and yet left deeply empty inside by her self-isolation on Earth, and doesn't understand how to even begin to process this dichotomy. (So she doesn’t.)
Letter — Young Greg's POV when he wrote those letters to his parents Steven found on Mr. Universe episode.
Sword —Connie interacting with someone she doesn't usually talk to by herself (ex Jasper, Bismuth, Lapis, etc.).
Reconciliation — Idk about you but I wanna see more Mega Pearl. The others have not met Mega Pearl.
Marks —How about... Spinel, and the tiny, everyday baby steps towards healing?
Tangled — Peridot finds out/is told about PD/RQ? (And is confirmed in her guess that Pearl is fancy...?)
Challenge* — How is Steven’s TubeTube channel doing?
Bruises — Priyanka tends to Connie's wounds after training sessions with Pearl. [Writer’s Choice]
Rest* — Yellow Diamond gets to relax. (She's the one who most expresses regret and real understanding. Let her take a nap! She deserves it!)
Barbecue* — Post-movie, during cleanup, Steven and Lars talk and plan the BBQ we got a glimpse at during the final song.
Ghost — Yellowtail and Greg talk about fatherhood and how it can be ruined (mentioning Marty and Greg's father subtly).
UNO* — Date between Pearls (platonic or otherwise).
Height — The pebbles!!! They're so small???? Where are they? *Sobs, points at the Heaven and Earth Beetles.*
Embrace — Steven gets a well-deserved cuddle pile from family and friends.
Constructs — Bismuth and Peridot have a lot more in common than they think.
Horns — Amethyst makes an unexpected new friend at Little Homeschool. (Whichever other character you feel would fit best!)
Garden — Pre-show scene. While having a funny chat, Greg mentions something that reminds Rose about her abandoning Spinel, which makes her regret more of her choices.
Advice — Garnet can tell when Stevonnie has a lot on their mind. [Writer’s Choice.]
Hum — Yellow and her relationship with music.
Love* — Pearl considering her romantic feelings towards someone and thinking about how she's finally moving on from Rose. (Doesn't mean she'll ever forget her.)
Kid — A glimpse into “Sadie Killer.” Maybe when they played their first show, while Steven was still in the band. Celebrating afterward or a discussion on why Steven didn't stay IN the band?
Troubleshooting* — Integration of gem communication networks and Earth Internet and phone lines and the resulting inevitable disaster.
Fairytale — Connie gets a tour of Little Homeworld.
Hope — Jasper finally starting to let her guard down and realize her self worth.
Song* — As for prompts... Steg? Like, him in general, just being himself. It's a bummer we only got to see him in the movie.
Mistakes* — Steven talking to someone (not a therapist, just another character) about his trauma?
Forgiveness — The Topaz fusion reconnects with the Crystal Gems at Little Homeschool and apologizes for her role in the kidnapping all those years ago.
Visions — Sapphire and Ruby reflect on the events of "Together Forever." [Writer’s Choice]
Reunited — Maybe a scene where Yellow comes home from a long escapade and is reunited with a worried Spinel?
Beginnings — After CYM, Lapis and Peridot discuss where to live since the barn is destroyed.
Pet* — White Diamond happily announces one day that she has decided to take in a small creature (of your choosing) as a pet.
Together — What were Doc, Army, Navy, and Leggy doing during Future?
Desert — Steven meeting Lion from Lion's perspective. I dunno, I think it could be neat.
Freedom — For a post-CYM/SU:F prompt, what do you think about the exact moment it hit either Blue or Yellow Pearl that they were completely free to follow their whims?
Apologies — Greg apologizes to Steven due to the incident in “Mr. Universe” and both have the talk they should've had in that episode.
Change — Blue and Yellow Zircon's relationship has improved even if they are now rivals in the new democratic Homeworld. This last tiny bit is related to the “Homeworld Bound” episode.
Hug — Bellow cuddling. Yellow has no idea what to do, but Blue is loving it.
Valentine* — Steven gives Peridot a Valentine's Day gift. [Writer’s Choice]
Spite — Aquamarine and Eyeball are distraught at knowing they won't be rewarded for their actions because their worst enemy, Steven Universe, has been labeled a hero and royalty by the Diamonds.
Reevaluation — How about more Peedee and Steven friendship? Like, Peedee noticing Steven’s change in demeanor the farther along the show we get?
Camp — Connie kicking ass at space camp.
Family — The night after the events of the movie, Steven gets some quality family time.
Homestretch — Peridot, Lapis, and Bismuth spend time together while preparing Little Homeworld.
Enough — We know what Jenny, Sour Cream, and Buck are gonna do for their futures, but what's Kiki been up to? Is she gonna take over the pizzeria?
Spillage — Vidalia and Amethyst catch up after Steven's monster episode.
Reformation — White Diamond has learned how to be so extremely empathetic to the point that she literally becomes another person, but has she really begun to understand others?
Comment* — Sardonyx makes some Internet videos.
Unicorn — While traveling through California, Steven encounters two fishermen arguing about unicorns. [SU/GF crossover.] [Writer’s Choice]
Worry — Andy and Greg stay in touch.
Homerun* — I hopal for Opal—perhaps she will attempt some baseball.
Skydancer — Post-CYM, Pearl getting to “truly” take Steven out for a joy ride through the cosmos in a properly operational ship of her design.
Mercy* — The shattering-is-wrong discussion between Rose and Bismuth that led to Bis being bubbled.
Happy — Smoky Quartz hasn't made a self deprecating joke in a while—is it Steven's therapy?
Electric* — Yellow’s gloves—I feel like they’re covering something up, maybe.
Cake — Fusion Cuisine 2: Electric Boogaloo.
Belonging — The Rose Quartz sisters visit again.
Transcendence — Fluorite offers someone wise caterpillar grandma advice.
March — Connie and Steven reflect on changes in life after the pandemic. Not canon compliant. [Writer’s Choice.]
Understanding — Onion be doing Onion things.
Ocean* — Andy and Steven post-”I Am My Monster”? I love their relationship, lol.
Ignorance* — Does Lapis even realize Bismuth was probably the one who poofed her?
Reflection — Did I already say more Mega Pearl? ‘Cause there can never be enough Mega Pearl.
Possibility* — Yellow deciding she should try putting shattered gems back together. (She probably broke the most.)
Storyboard — Peridot’s budding career as a storyboarder.
Fall — Lapis and Steven talk about trauma and recovery. Pre-The Future.
Limbo — How the dismantled gempire has affected the lives of noble gems like Emerald, Holly Blue Agate, and others.
Now — Garnet reminds herself to live in the present.
Grief* — Alexandrite forms for the first time. [Writer’s Choice]
Inauguration — Wait, did Connie's parents ever meet Stevonnie?
Please — Did Kevin ever learn anything? Naaaaaah....unless...
Friend — General prompt? A sequel/prequel to this, please [White D’s panther].
Treatment — Greg starting to learn more about gem stuff to be more involved in Steven's life if something ugly happens.
Numbers — Pearl, please do something with all those phone numbers in your head.
Generations — Rose continues to discover the wonders of Earth, even after all this time. (No angst allowed in this one, just pure wonder.)
Survival — The Off-Colors used to have more members in the past.
Acting — How did Rainbow 2.0 even get invited to babysit Onion?
Kindness* — Former Mayor Dewey coming to terms with his new position in town.
Play — The Gems and Greg try to capture Steven's first moments on a bike. [Writer’s Choice]
Documentary — Ronaldo makes a real actually informative documentary about Little Homeworld.
Rain — Blue Diamond still cries sometimes.
Zoophobia — Also, I saw Z and my immediate thought was "Zoophobia.”
Echo* — Why does the tiny floating whale have Rose's voice before Steven ever heard it in the tape?
Sketch — Steven and Connie discover an anime character/mythological figure who bears an awfully similar resemblance to Obsidian.
Unironically — Why does Buck wanna be a doctor?
Club — How did Bismuth, Lapis, and Peri become such tight friends?
Nostalgia — Greg considers a comeback tour.
Pressure* — The creation of the Diamonds, maybe?
Coping — Amethyst and Pearl grapple with Rose's pregnancy. [Writer’s Choice]
Theatre — Sugilite, meet Rainbow 2.0.
Dadhood* — Whatever happened to Mrs. Fryman? IS there a Mrs. Fryman, or was it only a passing on-and-off thing that resulted in kids?
Lingering — Jasper finally lets Malachite go.
Human — Steven talks to his therapist about his mom, the feelings of before and the now. (It was left open-ended—his relationship with his mother.)
Words — Kofi is proud of his daughters.
Quest — [Letter prompt] Quest.
Picture — Sour Cream and Steven talking about absent parents and bad parenting. Post-The Future.
Bittersweet* — Shep finally gets to meet the notorious Lars.
Gemini — Spinel discovers memes and we're all doomed.
Weird — When he's younger, Steven doesn't quite know how to label the Gems.
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Idk random thought but I think it would be cute/hot if canon!verse connor and ona where at home watching a movie and it ended up with them getting handsy with one another. Like, they're snuggled up under blankets and roaming hands lead to some fun times (like some finger fucking/handjob etc.).
Anon I am DEEPLY SORRY for how long it took, but between the creative rut I was in, the months I worked and such... I just had no time and words didn’t want to come to me. 
But I really hope you’re still around and that you enjoy this 6683 word smutty one-shot!
A bazillion thanks to @tinmiss1939 for helping me out with English and ideas when my brain decided to not cooperate <3
Warnings: smut! They get touchy 👀
Saturday nights ended up being movie nights with Ona’s cozy blanket that her grandmother knit her as a Christmas present. She didn’t want her favourite grandchild being cold in the States, knowing Ona was used to her precious Mediterranean weather. Connor ended up snogging most of the blanket, even if it was big enough for two adults and had wool to spare. 
Ona made sure Connor was familiarised with the classics, checking out the long list of movies she wanted Connor to see, and Ona would also make popcorn and prepare thririum-sodas for Connor so he could enjoy The Experience. Connor was grateful for her efforts and felt her enthusiasm transmit to him too. He kind of regretted watching Terminator 2 because she kept asking him to repeat some lines, but he secretly looked for leather jackets. T-800 was… cool. 
Ona finished the popcorn, setting the bowl on the table next to their soda glasses. She was currently staring at the screen, quite invested in how Yoda trained Luke Skywalker on Dagobah. Connor ventured a look at her, eyes zeroing on her lips absently wrapping around her popcorn-salty fingers. He wondered how her tongue would feel on his own fingers, the texture, the heat. A notification appeared on his HUD, warning him about a slight rise in his core temperature. Connor ignored it. 
Connor decided a distraction from those thoughts would be good, and he went to reach for his own thirium-soda, keeping his eyes on the TV screen. Ona reached to the paper napkins she put there previously, wiping the remaining of the salt and saliva out of her fingers. Once done, she threw the crumpled paper napkin inside the popcorn bowl and rearranged herself on the sofa to find a comfortable position, which ended being by her leaning slightly into Connor. The poor android suppressed embarrassing noises at the fact that Ona was slightly touching his arm with hers. He couldn’t wait to actually feel her in his arms, some day. 
They kept their positions for a while, Connor not daring to move a single centimetre in case Ona realised her proximity and put some distance between them. But rA9, how he wanted to move to—
Ona leaned her head on his shoulder, sighing contentedly. 
Connor wanted to scream. 
His olfactory sensors could pick up traces from her fruity shampoo and the pressure and heat sensors from his shoulder could feel the warmth from her cheeks and the comfortable weight of her head. Some stray curls tickled his neck. 
Connor wanted to scream. A lot. 
He stayed perfectly still, his breathing program stuttering slightly. Did she know what this meant? To him? Did she know how he longed to feel her against him and to be able to freely touch her? Touch her soft, snow white curls? Connor ignored the movie completely (not that Ona will ever know, he could download it and watch it anytime, as well as film analysis and data in case she wanted to discuss the plot and story points), focusing his attention on this tiny human that managed to make her way into his pump, unknowing of the depth she managed. 
He wanted to lean his head against hers too, he wanted to wrap his arm around her waist and tug her closer to him, he wanted to feel her entire weight on him, he wanted—
Ona nuzzled her head against Connor’s shoulder, shifting to make herself more comfortable. Connor was this close to make shutdown noises. 
Connor tried to analyse this situation: Ona was not uncomfortable with his presence, she was in fact seeking contact, and she was quite prone to seek human touch. She was a hugger, she liked holding his hand whenever she dragged him somewhere or would poke Hank’s chest when she teased him, sometimes even managing to convince Hank into letting her tie his hair in a ponytail. So, it wasn’t new she liked to touch her friends and people she was comfortable with, but the fact that she was touching him… he would never get used to it, or at least anytime soon. 
“Am I too heavy?”
Her voice pulled him out of his thoughts, slightly lifting her head to turn around just enough to face Connor. RA9, she was beautiful. 
“You are not, detective. My pressure plates and carbon fibre chassis can endure heavy weights and— what?” Ona was smiling at him, fondly, and with an amused spark in her eyes. Connor could get lost in her olive-green gaze. 
“You said detective,” Ona began, a teasing edge in her voice. “We are not in the precinct. Do I have to pull a Hank on you?” Hank was very loud about how he didn’t want to be called Lieutenant every single time his friend, because he wasn’t ready for son yet, talked to him. And Ona wasn’t shy to make herself heard either. 
“That will not be necessary, Miss Boix.” Ona raised a brow. “Ona.”
“That’s better. I like the way you say my name.” Ona got on her previous position, leaning her head on his shoulder again. Connor was too stunned to reply, having her words in a loop. What the hell does he reply to that?
Connor kept staring at the screen without really seeing anything. Half of his HUD was occupied with error notifications and temperature increases, as well as his pump regulator accelerating. The other half was occupied with romantic manoeuvres and tips he could execute to take a further step in their relationship. He decided to try one of the most used and well reviewed tactics: the arm stretching behind the couch. 
On the count of three, because he needed a mental kick from himself to move, Connor slowly nudged his shoulder, making Ona hum. She lifted her head, and Connor almost regretted moving because it meant she was no longer touching him, wasn’t letting her soft cheek press against his perfectly ironed shirt and— but it was for a good reason, he told himself. Connor lifted his arm, trying to ignore Ona’s questioning look, and made as if he stretched it as humans do after having a limb locked on a particular position for too long. 
“You should have told me you were uncomfortable, bobo.” Ona mumbled, shifting into a new position. 
“No!” Ona looked back at him, startled at his outburst. Connor mentally kicked himself. “No, uh. I’m okay. I, uh…” Ona frowned, Connor didn’t stutter. The android decided to finish executing his move. Carefully, he let his arm fall and curl on Ona’s shoulder, making her head rest on it. “I thought you would be more comfortable like this.”
He made it. Connor made it. He executed it perfectly, as expected from an android. 
Ona smiled, an “awww” escaping her lips, being touched by Connor’s concern. She snuggled further, pulling the blanket up and making a cocoon with both of them inside. One of her hands rested on his chest. 
Connor was a wreck. 
For Connor, Ona felt as if she fit right there, in his arms, as if he had been perfectly designed to fit her body. It was a silly thought, but it made Connor giddy. Ona was warm, she was a comfortable weight against his own body, and he quite liked the feeling of it. He could get used to it.
Both human and android resumed watching the sci-fi classic, Connor still processing what just happened. Deviancy was new, deviancy was scary, but with Ona, Hank and the Jericho crew next to him, it was a less frightening journey. Deep in his thoughts, Connor didn’t notice a slight tugging at his tie. Looking down, he saw Ona’s hand tugging at it with a displeased frown.
“Aren’t you suffocating with this?” Connor looked at the perfectly made windsor knot, apparently offending Ona’s standards of ‘comfy movie night’.
“I can’t suffocate–”
“Shush, you know what I mean!” Ona teased him, flicking the silky end. “It looks a little bit constricting for a pajama-ish movie night, don’t you think?” Connor considered her reasoning and she surely had more experience in such matters than him, anyways. Maybe he should listen for once. “C’mon, loosen up a bit! You can relax here.” Connor was the opposite of relaxed, having her so close and being so carefree with her touch. But, maybe he should really give it a shot.
“Well, I suppose I could... try.” 
Ona grinned, not caring to hide how pleased she was that Connor both listened to her and tried to loosen up as she suggested. The twinkle in her eyes spurred Connor into action. He sat up, efficiently undoing the knot. The android folded the tie and left it on top of the table, Ona snorting at the mannerisms he couldn’t shake off. Feeling daring, Connor unbuttoned the top button of his shirt. He looked back at her in time to see her roll her eyes and slightly shake her head.
“No no no! That’s not loosening up! We are not in the Victorian period and you are not a victorian lady showing an ankle, bobo!” Ona sat up and inched closer to Connor, not giving him time to react when she grabbed his shirt and unbuttoned a few more buttons, pleased at the hint of a collarbone. Connor’s pump rhythm skyrocketed. “There, much better!”
Connor could count every tiny freckle on her skin, being as close as she was, and he could also see the hint of gold in her beautiful olive green eyes. He wanted to say thank you, but got lost in her gaze. 
Ona patted his chest, smiling once more before shifting into her previous position, but this time much closer with her head propped up fully on his shoulder and her hand resting on his clothed chest. Her weight was comfortable, he liked it, and unconsciously he let his arm fall once again and curl around her, pulling her slightly closer. Ona sighed contentedly, nuzzling her cheek against his shoulder.
They settled for a comfortable silence, enjoying the movie. Connor liked when Ona giggled at some parts of it, made tiny commentaries and got excited when her favourite scenes came on. He also liked how her curls tickled his now more exposed skin, whenever she laughed or shifted, and the warm weight of her hand on his chest. Connor had to force his artificial breathing program to not stutter or become erratic; she could not suspect of her effect on him in case she moved away at the knowledge of it. Connor thought it was selfish of him, and felt guilty of it, but he really wanted to be a bit selfish sometimes, as both Ona and Hank suggested more than once.
His pressure sensors detected a soft caress on his clothed chest. Connor ventured a look and found Ona still looking attentively at the screen, as if her thumb wasn’t mindlessly brushing Connor’s chest. Connor concentrated on the feel of it, letting himself bask in the glory of her touch. He knew what this kind of gesture meant, Connor did an extensive research on affectionate touches and their meanings, so he really allowed himself to chase that fleeting thought that maybe, just maybe, Ona wanted more.
Ona shifted again, getting more comfortable on Connor’s shoulder, and her hand didn’t move from its spot or cease its movement. In fact, it slipped slightly forward, inching near the open shirt. Connor was very aware of the spare centimetres between his naked synthskin and Ona’s hand. She kept caressing his chest with her thumb and Connor didn’t dare to move. Until his sensors picked up the movement and slight pressure of her hand moving forward. 
Connor was never prepared for the feel of her fingers on his chest, warm human skin against his synthskin. He wouldn’t know how to describe it, how wonderful and exhilarating it was, how eager it made him for more. Ona kept brushing her fingers against his chest, appearing completely oblivious of it. His hand unconsciously twitched on her shoulder, as if looking for an outlet to release everything he was bottling up in a false sense of calmness. Connor didn’t know how to proceed; all this was new, the whole world was brand new after deviating and Ona made him feel things he didn’t know the name yet.
But he liked those things. 
Ona was a comfortable weight, and he absolutely loved the tingling feeling her fingers left when they lifted off his skin. It sent the android equivalent of “shivers” down his spine, to every connector, every nook of his body. He wanted more.
A snort escaped Ona’s lips. Connor registered that a funny line happened in the movie, but he completely ignored it in favor of saving in a special folder, that he will never say it is labeled as Ona or that he has it, every stroke of her hand, every curl tickling his skin and adding more input to his already overloaded connectors and sensors.
Ona’s hand ventured its way up, leaving tiny sparks of electrical fire on her trail. Her fingers brushed Connor’s collarbone, softly, as if Ona didn’t want to spook Connor with her boldness. Connor had to bite back a noise he didn’t know he was capable of doing, the sensation of her touch melting him right where he was. But it felt good, so good, to be touched like this. Connor unconsciously bit his lip.
Connor didn’t see the glint in Ona’s eyes. In another situation, like catching a perp, Connor would know that glint meant Ona was determined and even dangerous; once she put her attention on something, she would chase it off like a lioness. Right now, Connor was her prey.
Ona shifted once again, her fingers leaving a trail up his neck. Her fingernails lightly scraped Connor’s synthskin, as if on accident, and he couldn’t help the little gasp that escaped his lips. He was too focused on the pleasant feeling of her touch to notice her leaning into him. Connor would never, ever, be ready for the exhilarating feel of her soft lips kissing his neck so tenderly. His hand squeezed Ona’s shoulder, wanting to melt right there as she kept peppering Connor’s synthskin with tiny butterfly kisses. He was so scared to move, to do something wrong and probably tear Ona from this haze. When her lips brushed his jawline Connor let out a breathy pant.
Connor’s HUD was suddenly invaded by warnings and alerts, programs initiating that he was not aware he had them installed. His temperature was rising and pop-ups kept coming. It was more than obvious that Ona had other plans in mind than watch a movie. Is this what humans really meant with the “Netflix and chill” saying, used a long time ago? But more importantly, Ona wanted to do… intimate things, with him? She didn’t mind he was not human? Given the enthusiasm, no, she didn’t mind at all.
Ona tugged slightly aside the collar of Connor’s shirt, giving her more room and more of Connor’s synthskin to kiss. She couldn’t resist temptation and lightly nibbled where his neck met his shoulder. 
“Ah!” Connor arched his back, closing his eyes at the onslaught of sensations running through his very wires. Ona unglued herself from his body, making Connor want to whine at the lack of her warmth and weight against his body. 
“Shit, sorry.” Ona’s voice seemed panicked for a moment. “Fuck. Joder. Did I hurt you? Are you okay?” 
Connor opened his eyes and tried to focus on her lovely, very flushed face. Her pupils were blown out, almost eating her beautiful green irises, and her lips were redder than usual, something Connor would never get tired from looking at. 
“I went too far, didn’t I?” Ona covered her face in shame with her hands, groaning. 
He wanted to say so much, but even if he had 300 languages at his disposal, Connor was unable to find the words he needed to express himself with.
“I…” could he convey what he felt through his eyes? Would Ona catch the need in them?
“Do you... do you want to go or...?” Guess not. Ona sat back, twisting one of her curls on her finger, something Connor noticed she did when she was nervous. Connor closed his eyes, frustrated. 
This was the chance he wanted after all this time of pining after the tiny human detective that made his pump skip its perfect rhythm.
It was now or never. Connor turned to face her, nervous. He lifted his hands and felt his fingers twitch, as if they exactly knew the meaning behind his intentions. Connor made Ona turn her head to face him, holding her in place. For once, Connor stopped thinking and decided to let his heart act. 
Connor crashed his lips against hers. 
Ona let out a surprised noise, but was happy she didn’t scare Connor off, and let him do as he wanted. His lips were soft, and somehow Ona expected them to be a bit more stiff and cold, but they felt like they belonged there, with hers, warm and pliant. She let Connor take his time, have his sweet first kiss at his pace and liking, chaste and innocent, but even if she wanted to be there like this for the rest of her life, she needed to breathe. 
Breathing through her nose made Connor remember that humans needed oxygen, and that he was depriving his precious detective of it. Embarrassed, Connor parted from her lips with a million sorry’s ready to spill from his own, chastiting himself for not thinking about it. See? This is what happens when he doesn’t think, and now Ona–
Connor found his thoughts halted once again when Ona kissed him back, crawling on his lap to have a better angle. She let her weight rest on him, liking how well her body fit with his. Connor let his hands rest on her waist, not knowing where to put them exactly. Since his mind was occupied right now, he let them wander as they liked. Ona didn’t mind one bit. 
Wanting more, Ona lightly bit Connor’s bottom lip to make him gasp at the feeling and open his mouth. She took that opportunity to deepen the kiss, letting her tongue touch Connor’s as she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him flush with her body. Ona was careful, slow, letting Connor get used to it, verging on sweet. Connor didn’t know if it was in some code ingrained deep in him, or the salty taste of her tongue due to the popcorn she ate before, but it felt divine. 
Thinking about the extensive research Connor did, preparing himself for the day this exact moment happened, he decided to put in motion one of the things he saw and read about. One of his hands went to cup the back of her head, tangling his fingers in her white curls. The other one wrapped itself around her, securing the manoeuvre. He read about the intimacy of kisses, of bodies touching, tongues dancing with each other and the sweet noises that fueled the passion. He also watched videos trying to educate himself on the matter and thinking about him and the detective in such situations, going as far as having reconstructions in his mind that rendered him a blushing mess and his LED a permanent red. He wanted it. He wanted it so much. Nothing he watched compared to the reality of this moment. 
Adding a little bit of pressure, Connor made Ona turn her head more to the side so he could properly deepen the kiss. Ona’s muffled moan made his core temperature rise, and he inhaled fresh air to try to cool his body. His other hand descended from her back, brushing the hem of her sweatpants, and let it rest on her buttock. Connor unconsciously squeezed it, making Ona arch into him and gasp in between sloppy kisses. Ona made a mess of Connor’s neatly styled hair, and honestly he couldn’t give a damn about it. 
Connor felt a change in Ona’s movements, and he frowned, not pleased at having to stop. 
“Wait— Conn— Hmpf!“ Ona abruptly tried to stop the kiss, untangling herself from him and trying to mumble words in between kisses. Connor chased her lips until he felt her fingers stop him. 
Connor felt like ice-cold water fell on him, freezing the poor android on the spot. Did he misread the situation? Did Ona not want this anymore? Did he go too far? Did he—?
“Wait. Connor,” Ona took a deep breath to gather her wits. This had been amazing and she needed more, but she needed to ask him something first. “Wait— no, don’t give me that look, let me explain. I… You did nothing wrong, if that’s what you are asking yourself, quite the contrary. I loved this, I longed for this, but I want to know if you want it too.”
“If I want it too? Kissing you back hasn’t proved it enough to—” Connor didn’t understand. He liked her, he kissed her, maybe he didn’t do it enough to prove his point?
“I don’t want to force anything on you, Connor! I want you to want this as much as I do, but I don’t want to force you or coerce you into wanting this. I don’t want to screw it up. I really, really like you. And I really want to know if you want this—“
Connor reached for her hands, squeezing them in his. 
“You really don’t know how many times I dreamed of this, of you. I always wondered how your lips would feel, or your touch.” Connor felt daring and bold. This was his chance. “I want you, Ona. I want this. And if we don’t go back to this wonderful human thing called kissing, I’ll—“
Ona let out a relieved laugh. Connor tugged her back to him, urged Ona to sit on his lap as she was doing before. Connor held her face in his hands, touching his forehead with hers. 
“This whole... deviant thing is new and scary. Feelings are scary, but… I want to explore them with you. Good and bad.” Connor’s voice was low and soft, as if he didn’t want to break their little bubble.
“Then… let’s take it slow.” 
Ona pressed her lips against Connor’s again, softly, letting the sweetness of the moment dictate the pace they wanted to follow. The movie kept playing in the background, completely forgotten.
Connor let his hands descend Ona’s body, as if he was mapping once again her figure, trying to save it in his memory forever. It always mesmerised Connor how soft and squishy humans could be, and he let himself squeeze his hands against her flesh once again, relishing the thrilling sensation of having his hands so full.
That elicited a low moan from Ona, who in return slowly rocked her hips against Connor’s. The android let out a groan himself, getting a hold of her hips and pushing her down against him again. It felt so good, the pressure sending sparks all over his body, and he couldn't wait to learn more about this wonderful human thing called makeouts. Connor wasn’t stupid, he did his research and he knew humans and sex had a tight relationship, although it wouldn’t be good to generalise since what made humans so unique and beautiful, was the diversity in their race. But still, he wanted to explore it with Ona if she wanted to, and right now he couldn’t be thanking RA9 more than he was right now for letting this happen.
Ona felt like taking things up a notch, and she loved the reaction she got out of Connor the first time –despite her momentum of panic–, so she broke the kiss to brush her lips against his jaw, nuzzling her nose against his neck. Ona felt Connor’s artificial breath stutter in its impeccable rhythm, and was delighted to see how Connor bared his neck to her. Ona wasted no time, peppering the exposed synthskin with slow and wet kisses, while she kept grinding her hips against him. Feeling his excitement only fueled her own more. 
Her hands busied themselves with the remaining buttons of Connor’s shirt, impatient to have his chest and torso fully exposed for her to see and touch. Having the always impeccably dressed android under her, all sense of decorum and propriety gone, gave Ona a rush nothing else could give her. Ona bit her lip once her work was done and could gaze at her prize. He was delightful, beautiful, truly a work of art. Connor’s flushed cheeks and red, shiny lips made her feel herself clench, desperate to have something fill her.
Connor’s irises were engulfed by his pupils, lust coating them, and Ona marveled at how expressive his eyes were. Connor had always been a quick learner, though, and he could see how much Ona needed to be touched right now. His hands reached the hem of her sweatpants again, and this time he didn’t pass the opportunity to get his hands inside them, feeling the soft fabric of her underwear slid under his fingertips. It was Ona’s turn to close her eyes and let out a shaky exhale, eager to see what Connor would do this time. A soft gasp escaped her lips when Connor got his hands inside her underwear too, feeling his fingers on her burning skin. He squeezed the flesh of her buttocks in his hands, feeling the fullness of it. Ona groaned, arching her back to give Connor more leverage. The android sat up while Ona was distracted, pulling her close to his body. Connor decided he wanted to do the same things Ona did to him, to make her feel as good as he did, and now that he had her neck in full display, he was going to take advantage of that.
Kissing her feverish skin was delicious, but Connor knew he was only adding more wood to the fire the moment he bit the juncture of her neck and shoulder, replicating her actions from before. The reaction was instantaneous: Ona’s moan echoed around her living room, her nails digging in Connor’s shoulders as she felt shivers run up and down her body. His tongue soothed the mark he left, kissing it as an apology, although the thought of her having a mark made by him excited Connor more than he expected. And by the looks of it, Ona didn’t mind much. Connor left a trail of kisses up her neck, reaching her jaw, and left another mark right under it.
“Ah!” Connor scored another win for himself, pleased at how the proud and self-assured detective was becoming putty in his hands. “You do not play fair, Connor. You already know one of my weak spots.” Her teasing tone made him smile, hiding it behind a kiss on her shoulder.
“I am the most advanced android detective, after all.” that made Ona laugh, leaning back to see the mirth in Connor’s eyes. His sense of humour improved greatly.
“Aren’t you a cocky android, hm?” Connor winked in response, which made Ona snort. She knew exactly how to wipe off that self-satisfied expression from Connor’s face. 
Connor knew that arched brow and mischievous smile meant trouble, but he was quite eager to find out what Ona was planning to do. She pushed him back on the sofa, his hands sliding out from under her clothes to end up getting a hold of her hips. Connor decided she looked absolutely stunning in her loose maroon t-shirt and slightly pushed down grey sweatpants. Her underwear was peeking out too, and the little visible piece of fabric made him swallow hard.
“Let’s see how cocky are you now, Mr.Detective.”
Ona’s hands descended from Connor’s shoulders to his chest, savoring the feeling of her fingertips grazing the perfectly designed muscles. Ona slowed down when she was close to his belt, teasing the belt loops, tugging them slightly. Connor’s breath hitched when her fingers skimmed over the belt buckle. His eyes were glued to her hands, watching as she undid the buckle and teased the button of his trousers. Connor let out a stuttered breath as Ona’s palm pressed against his zipper, pulled taut by his erection. 
Deciding she wanted to tease him a little bit more, Ona slipped her fingers inside Connor’s trousers, over his underwear, as he did to her before. Connor arched his back off the sofa, groaning at the feeling of Ona’s fingers grasping his clothed cock. Connor’s hands squeezed Ona’s hips, needing something to hold onto as he was blown away by the feeling of her fingers on him.
It felt amazing.
Ona took her hand out much to Connor’s dismay, a soft and breathy “no no no–” escaping his lips, followed by an “–oh” when he saw that Ona was undoing the button of his trousers and pulling the zipper down. 
“Up.” Connor got the message. He lifted his hips so Ona could push down his clothes just enough to free his aching erection from them.
Ona let out a soft moan at the sight of Connor’s cock in full display, rock hard against his belly. She felt herself clench, as if trying not to make more of a mess on her underwear as she was doing now. Ona wanted to do a lot of things right now. She wanted to push her own sweatpants and underwear down and ride him until he burned his vocal module from moaning, she wanted to get on her knees and pleasure him, feel his hands on her head as he guided her to how he liked it best, she wanted to–
They will have time to do all of that. For now, Ona wanted tonight to be for him, to discover what he liked, what it felt like. Ona looked up and was met with hungry and desperate eyes. Connor was on the verge of begging Ona to do anything, because judging by what he felt before, this was going to be even better.
Slowly, Ona trailed her finger from base to tip, pleased at the amount of wetness gathered at the head. Connor stuttered, not tearing his gaze from Ona’s own lustful ones until she did to look down again. He did the same, and the image he found would be forever stored in his memory bank, locked up in a special folder. She was smaller than him, he often marvelled at the difference between them and how her hands were shorter than his, for example, and in this exact moment he couldn’t be more delighted to see how said hand wrapped itself around his cock. He was not ready for when she moved. 
Connor cried out, throwing his head back on the sofa’s headrest. His sensors were going absolutely crazy. He felt as if fire was spreading all over his connections and he wanted more, so much more. Ona’s hand was covered in a sheer blue slick, the fluid helping her motions. The sound of it was downright sinful, and it only turned both human and android more.
Connor’s thirium pump was pounding in his chest, moaning and groaning, his interior fans fighting to keep the body temperature in check. It was getting harder as Ona started squeezing her hand when she reached the head of his cock, way more sensitive than the rest, and Connor’s hips involuntarily thrusted upwards when her other hand renewed her journey on his chest, making sure she traced his collarbone and neck.
One well placed tug made Connor keen, feeling light-headed, and unconsciously pulled Ona to his chest, wrapping his arms around her tightly. Her hand was trapped between them, but she never ceased her movements. Ona’s curls brushed Connor’s cheek, some strands being plastered over her forehead, and Connor could feel her rapid breaths tickling his ear. 
Connor, in a moment of clarity and feeling a tad bold, had an idea. He still doesn’t know how he managed to tear one of his hands apart from Ona’s body, but he had to make Ona feel as good as him. He was no stranger to human anatomy, and even less human genitalia, so he knew what he had to do in Ona’s case. He sneaked a hand inside the front of her sweatpants and underwear, feeling her smooth skin until he found her mound. Connor didn’t stop there, he kept going until his fingers brushed her soaked wet clit. Her hitched breath was music for his audio modules.
“Connor–!” Ona jolted, arching her back and gasping, melting his name into a moan. 
Connor decided, right in that moment, that his name never sounded so divine before. The sensors on his fingers picked up the generous amounts of wetness gathered in them, and Connor had the urge to taste it. But that was something for later, now he had more important matters in his hands. 
Recalling all the information he previously searched, Connor let his fingers be completely soaked in Ona’s juices, knowing it would make the glide smoother. Her folds were soft to his touch, velvety, and Connor loved the feel of it. Her heavy breaths and moans on his ear spurred him to keep going, to trace every inch of her sex, to tease her entrance with his finger pads. Connor’s other hand released his hold on Ona’s hip, moving it up to brush her nape and bury itself on her hair. Ona reacted to his touch, raising her head from Connor’s shoulder to took at him. Her lips were shining bright, reddened from worrying them with her teeth, and Connor felt the urge to kiss them again. 
So he did, swallowing Ona’s moan as Connor got his middle and ring finger inside her, feeling her walls pulse around him, burning. Ona had to stop pumping her hand, needing a moment to gather her wits as Connor moved his fingers in and out of her, his thumb finding Ona’s clit and rubbing it slowly, almost lazily, which drove Ona mad with pleasure. When Ona renewed her movements, gripping Connor’s cock harder, the android groaned and bit Ona’s bottom lip, getting his tongue inside as she did earlier. Connor felt a gush of slick tickle down his hand, and it only excited him more to know it was because of him.
Having his sensors overloaded continuously from the new and pleasurable sensations, Connor had a feeling this would crest soon. He was tempted to cut out the process of it so it would last longer, all night if possible, but he desperately needed to find his release. He felt like a spring fiercely recoiled, ready to snap at any given moment, and Ona’s tiny moans and gasps of his name as she rocked herself on his fingers only catapulted him into it. He had a feeling Ona was close too.
But oh, that felt so good. He doesn’t exactly know what Ona did, but it felt amazing, so Connor let himself be drowned in it, thrusting his hips up at the same time as Ona to pulled down her hand. He was close, so close, so–
“Ona, I’m– I think I’ll– Ah!”
Connor came all over Ona’s hand and his belly with a jerk of his hips, throwing his head back into the sofa as he let the shockwaves consume him whole. In the process, Connor unconsciously pulled on Ona’s hair, needing to grip onto something, and with a brush of his thumb on her clit Ona came right after him, blessing Connor with a mixture of spanish curse words and moans. Connor felt the tight grip on his fingers, her juices coating him even more, and the thought and feel alone made another glob of synthetic cum dribble over her.
Ona let her forehead rest on Connor’s one, panting and trying to regain her breath again. Connor mimicked her, trying to cool his body and helping his frenzied interior fans. When Ona opened her eyes, he found Connor gazing at her with such emotion behind his eyes that made Ona’s heart skip a beat. Connor’s hand was still on Ona’s back of the head, so in a moment where he just let himself follow his heart, Connor pulled Ona in for a sweet, slow kiss. When they parted, it was Ona’s time to gaze at Connor, wondering how beautiful he was right in that instant with his hair disheveled and a blush on his cheeks.
The ending fanfare of the movie credits made her trance break, noticing Connor’s sticky release in her hand beginning to cool. Ona released her hold on Connor’s cock, raising her hand to her face so she could inspect it closer. Connor sheepishly did the same, trying to ignore the squelching sound of his fingers getting out of her and how his own cock twitched in response. Connor knew he could stop the refractory period too, ready to go for another round until he ran out of thirium and had to enter into stasis, but he had a feeling Ona wouldn’t appreciate that. Instead, he inspected Ona’s own cum on his fingers, the fluid sticking to his fingers too. 
Connor swore he didn’t mean to, it was a completely unconscious decision, but he brought his fingers to his mouth, tasting her. A soft giggle made him look up, his cheeks burning out of shame.
“That is so… you.” Ona’s warm smile made Connor know she was not teasing him or angry. It was genuine. She made a conscious effort to inspect her own fingers, coated with the blueish fluid on them. Connor made a move to stop her, feeling suddenly embarrassed of it, but he wasn’t quick enough to stop her. Ona’s tongue peeked from her mouth, licking one finger. She hummed, followed by a snort when Connor’s voice module did an undignified noise at the sight of it. “I thought it would taste… plastic-ish. It’s actually not bad.”
“...Synthetic ejaculate can have different flavours, if desired.” Connor will never know what triggered that piece of information to appear on his HUD, and what made him say it, but Ona’s open-hearted laugh was worth it.
“Put a sweet, chocolate-ish flavour in, and you will have me all day on my knees and you know it.” Ona turned around just enough to grab tissues from the coffee table, wiping her hand clean, as if she had just commented on the weather. 
Connor was suddenly assaulted by reconstructions of what Ona just said, rendering him to a violently spinning red LED and his blush program glitching, making his cheeks reach a bluish glow. Ona hastily threw aside the used tissue, not caring where it went, when he noticed Connor’s state.
“Oh my God! Connor, are you okay?” Ona held Connor’s face in her hands, desperately searching for an answer in his eyes. Connor looked at her, his LED reverting back into yellow.
“There’s vanilla flavour, strawberry flavour, milk chocolate with caramel flavour–” Ona snorted, bumping her forehead with his.
“You oaf, I was worried!” Connor raised his brow as if questioning her. If he was being cocky again it meant he was okay and back to normal. Ona guilty looked to the side.“...milk chocolate with caramel.”
Connor smiled. Ona shook her head, smiling too, as she turned around again to pick up more tissues for Connor.
“Let’s clean you up.” Connor kept smiling, feeling dazed with happiness, as he let Ona do as she pleased. Once clean, Connor pushed and fastened his trousers and belt, as Ona mourningly buttoned his shirt.
Ona stood up once finished, her face twisting into a grimace as she felt the cold and sticky mess in her panties. She looked down, trying not to worsen it by moving too much.
“...And I need new underwear.”
Connor stood up with her, eagerness coating his movements and voice.
“Let me help you with that.”
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saucysamu · 4 years
Hi, I guess this is an emergency request. It’s totally fine if you can’t do it, I know these things can be a bit dark. So I relapsed into self harm again. After quite a long time actually. And it’s just very demoralizing, knowing that I’m back at the start and that just makes it that much harder to stay clean. Because I feel like a failure. I had an ex that was a jerk about it, so that just terrifies me to open up about it. So I can get really defensive, but I try not to be. It’s just a difficult thing for me to process, and I try my best to be mentally healthy, but sometimes that’s not exactly possible. Right now I’m just kind of emotionally done. So I guess maybe how Suna, Kita, Atsumu and maybe Bokuto would react with that. Idk what’s the limit of characters. If there’s a limit, just take out characters. I know it’s possible for me to be happy, it’s just getting there lol. I love flowers and watching bumble bees buzzing around. Wasps can F off tho 💀. Just gotta find things like that you know. Anyways, I hope you are doing well! And remember to prioritize your mental health always 💖✨. It’s really kind what you’re doing, but make sure not to get overwhelmed!!
Suna and Kita reacting to their s/o relapsing to sh
Warning: s*lfharm
part 2: Bokuto and Atsumu reacting to their s/o relapsing to sh : coming soon
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Ngl it took him off guard but at the same time it didn’t ?
you never told him out of embarrassment, fearing rejection if you did tell him
after dating for a while you were doing alright so you didn’t feel the need to tell him I mean, that was in the past…right?
don’t think he never noticed your scars, even if they faded in color, he isn’t dumb 
he never brought it up in a conversation though — for one because he didn’t know how,  and secondly he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. If you wanted to talk about it you just would have done so, at least he thinks that.
so when he discovers fresh scars he just freezes
he feels kinda nauseous not knowing what to do tbh
you’re his only breaking point - his sarcastic, cold demeanor only lasting until something happens to you. 
you can’t think of a single time you ever saw him so vulnerable - just like he never saw you like that
it was probably in a casual moment when he noticed - like you grabbing something from the top shelf and your sleeve rolling down
both of your hearts drop, making you put your sleeve into position again, avoiding his gaze. After it took him some seconds to find his composure again he slowly makes his way to you and gently grabs one side of your cheek to press the side of your face against his chest. He repeatedly kisses the top of your head gently while his beating heart eases the lump in your throat. With his other hand he reaches out for your fingers to intertwine them lazily, rubbing the palm with his thumb.
he keeps quiet, being scared of saying anything to upset you. He doesn’t need to though, you just feel that you’re safe with him.
you both are each others home, you know that and he knows too. No matter how stone cold he seems to others, you know he’s in fact the opposite
you sigh shakingly, muttering an apology since guilt overpowers you now
he clicks his tongue and shakes his head while pulling you closer 
  I’m sorry I didn’t notice.. I should have paid more attention.
Suna was never the type to understand why someone would hurt themselves. It didn’t solve the problem, it made him frown. He never left disgusting remarks though - he just didn’t get it, or he didn’t care enough. And no one around him has ever done that so why should he care? But people have their reasons right? Well if it wasn’t for you he still wouldn’t know what it meant to doubt yourself but having no strength to do anything about it. What it meant to never feel good enough. What it meant to lose desire and joy in everything. Thanks to you he developed some kind of empathy, flipping a switch in his mind. He’s become more patient and understanding, making you unable to comprehend how his piercing eyes can look so gentle when you meet his gaze. Before him, all you’ve known was people blaming you for how you felt — and how you coped. But he’s never blamed you once. And why would he? He’d gain nothing from making you feel worse, he’s aware of this much. He isn’t obvious about it, never even talked to his friends about it to protect you, but also to protect himself. He’d honestly rather avoid things that make him seem weak and vulnerable. Suna’s just not someone who likes to admit weakness. If the others knew how soft he could be for his significant other, they would never, and I mean NEVER, let him live down on that. Too bad you got him wrapped around your finger - in every way possible. Cause despite not knowing how to deal with..specific situations, he just pulls you into a hug. For as long as it needs to last, neither of you care how long you keep hugging in the middle of a room. Or a hallway. Or a mall. He couldn’t care less the only thing that matters is to make you feel loved, valid. That’s his way of being there for you. Cradling in his scent and warmth, with lidded eyes you feel at home.
he knows about your past, like who are we kidding he knows everything lmao
of course he knows, he’d want to know every little thing about you only if you’re comfortable tho like he wouldn’t force you to do anything you didn’t want to
idk I just think his trust would crack if you lied to him or hid something from him.
He’d rather have you tell him you don’t want to talk about it than just blatantly lie to him
talking it out,, a lot of talking
but it’s okay because it never felt like Kita would judge you in any way
he’s so attentive when he listens to you, he never misses ANYTHING and also remembers the smallest details about you
you can be sure that he’s the best support system, he’s patient, gentle and just overall willing to help, giving alternatives etc.
so damn proud of you for fighting
it’s been a while since you’ve done anything to yourself so when you relapse you don’t know how to face him without feeling guilty,,
you don’t even need to say it out loud, your behavior gives away what’s happened 
he sighs and frowns apologetically, reaching out for your hands
his thumbs stroking softly over your fingers
“May I..?“ He glances to where you hurt yourself. Insecure about your prior action you bite the inside of your cheek. “It’s not that bad anyway..“ You try to talk your way out of it and notice the way his eyebrow twitches in displeasure at your choice of words. “Sorry..“ You say awkwardly as you give in to his touch. Kita brushes up the fabric covering your wounds to take a closer look. You watch his every move as he closes his eyes for a moment, sighing. “Come with me.“ he nods in the direction of your bathroom, making you sit down on the toilet as you get there. Never on earth would you have ever thought you’d witness someone taking care of you so deliberately. Why were you that scared again? You sigh out in relief, earning a confused look of your boyfriend. It wouldn’t stop him though, the only thing he’d do would probably be pulling a grimace whenever you inhaled sharply at the stinging disinfectant. He’s still kneeling in front of you, doesn’t even hesitate to look at you directly before he gets up to cup your face, placing a light kiss on your lips. Picking you up, he carries you to the living room, letting you down on the sofa. “Wait here“ - he left the room as soon as the words left his mouth, only for him to come back with some plushies, blankets and pillows. Bet you’re gonna spend the rest of the day on the sofa, not that you’d complain. However, you end up cuddled up with dozens of plushies around you, the side of your head resting on Kitas chest. You talk and you talk and you talk, until there’s nothing left to say. Don’t think he didn’t notice the way you’re dragging yourself down because of that. He furrows his brows and after some silence he lightly pushes your chin up to make you look at him. “You know I’m not mad at you right?“ You feel your eyes burn at the sincerity of his words. He breathes out a laugh and places kisses all over your face. “You know that relapsing is part of healing and improving right?“ He kisses you all over again. “And you know that healing isn’t a straight-lined process right?“ Man you can barely bite back your tears anymore. If some out stander would have watched the whole scene, they probably would have been shocked at the way Kita started chuckling wholeheartedly. He almost felt sorry - but he wasn’t laughing at you - he just couldn’t help it, you looked too adorable. ”You’ll be just fine, I know you will and I’ll be the one to watch you bloom.“
Hey anon!
I’m sorry it’s taking me way too long to respond but I’m grateful you’re understanding so thank you for your patience.🥺
Don’t be confused as to why I only wrote for Suna and Kita for now, I’ll plan on doing another part for Bokuto and Atsumu! I hope reading that lifted your mood and that you’re doing better now.🥺 take care and stay strong 💖
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briellelevi · 4 years
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『 maude apatow. twenty-one. cis woman. she/her. 』 oh heavens, is that GABRIELLE LEVI from CHESTNUT DRIVE i see roaming around mapleview? minnie may’s always calling them -INVASIVE & -IMPULSIVE. i happen to think they’re not that bad! they’re a pretty cool FLORIST and every time i’ve seen them, they’ve always been +AFFECTIONATE & +IDEALISTIC. i hope i see them around again! 『 kenna. twenty. cst. she/her. 』
full name: gabrielle luisa levi.
nicknames: gabby, gabs (family only), brielle, bri, elle, etc
age: twenty-one.
birthday: january 23rd, 1999 (capricorn)
gender / pronouns: cis woman, she/her
sexuality: bisexual.
family: david levi (father), katherine carmichael (mother), older brother, aurora levi (older sister)
hometown: mapleview.
meet the youngest levi child: gabrielle. most know her as brielle, the nickname she started going by when she was thirteen. no one rlly calls her gabrielle except for her family & super close family friends.
she was always super close to her dad growing up. like.... total daddy’s girl. it probably had a lot to do with her dad being the ‘fun parent’ tbh 
looves her siblings! always. was v much the annoying nosy little sister growing up. meddled quite a bit in their personal affairs. did the same to her friends too tbh. but in a well meaning way! she just wants her friends and family to be happy and thinks that sometimes they just need a push, yanno??
juggled a million different activities throughout school. she was always picking up new hobbies and was just... trying new things constantly.  embroidery. sewing. drawing. she got rlly into writing one summer and even wrote a book! it uh... wasn’t very good. she was like twelve, ok?
she played quite a few sports in middle & high school. her personal favorite and the one she consistently came back to every year was tennis. oh, she loved everything about it! she did really contemplate maybe becoming a professional tennis player but... she wasn’t that good and she knew she wouldn’t be able to handle that much pressure. 
and even with her million hobbies, she still found time to act out a bit. she was constantly sneaking out of the house. to go to parties, to hang out with her on again/off again boyfriend, to sneak into abandoned buildings after dark. why? she couldn’t really tell you. maybe it was just her boyfriend’s influence or it was her acting out due to her parents fighting OR acting out because her dad was the mayor and it always seemed like everyone’s eyes were on her anyways. who knows! she doesn’t. it was fun though. she does look back on those times fondly.
she has always been very impulsive and not rlly the best at making decisions. she went and got a tattoo of her boyfriend’s initials when she was eighteen. like... right on her eighteenth birthday. she was young, in love, and wanted to prove it. he did the same.
two more impulsive tattoos followed that one. one of a bee on a flower & one that says “remember who you are”. she still has yet to regret the last two. she thinks they’re nice. 
and probably the biggest impulsive decision she’s ever made - she moved to new york city with her boyfriend when she was nineteen. it was while her parents were divorcing and she kinda just wanted to get away. from her mom more than her anyone, she was just like... really upset and angry with her. even though rationally she knew that her parents were probably better off apart. at first, she just wanted to take a trip but her boyfriend was wanting to move so she thought... hey! why not? and off she went. 
she got a job at a little flower shop in new york that really opened her eyes to just how much she loved flowers. she had always been the type of kid to just pluck flowers out of the ground (sometimes out of her neighbor’s garden) and give them to her friends and family. she just never really thought that she could do something with flowers as a job.
a year after the move though, she learned that her boyfriend had been cheating on her. almost for like... the whole time they had been living there??? a mutual friend told her and she was honestly just heartbroken. 
and to like.... everyone’s surprise, her mom was the one she called in tears that night. she’ll say that she just called her mom because she knew her dad was busy as mayor but really... she just wanted her mom. her mom picked her up as soon as she could and brielle ended up staying with her for a few months. it was a nice time for the two of them and they repaired their relationship a bit. it was good for them 
she ended up moving into an apartment with some old friends from high school and has been ever since she moved back (which... if my math is correct was about a year ago?? give or take). she likes having roommates. 
lil fun facts
rides a bike basically everywhere she goes. she knows how to drive, she just prefers not to. the whole thing just makes her really nervous.
loves to cook!!! is always cooking different meals for her roommates. has been known to cook breakfast for any one nightstands/fwbs/significant others her roommates have had over. 
likes insects. she just thinks they’re Neat. has seriously considered starting up beekeeping as a hobby. she’s done a lot of research into it but she doesn’t think her current residence is the best place for it. 
went vegan for like a month back in high school. still enjoys a lot of vegan dishes though! she tries to eat vegan at least once a week. 
likes flavored lemonades. strawberry is her favorite and is the usually what she has in the house. whether she made it herself or just bought a jug from the store. depends on how she’s feeling that week. 
has a lil kitty cat named pepper! she technically adopted pepper with her ex-boyfriend but he just let her take her :) 
really likes pressing flowers. she likes to make art out of them and has considered starting an etsy shop. not just for the pressed flower art but for some of her embroidery and sewing projects.
is looking to cover her tattoo of her ex’s initials.... if anyone has any ideas pls hit her up she’s so tired of looking at it its so cringe-y
wanted connections
her roommates!! she probably has like... 2 or 3 of them? they should be around the same age as her considering most of them are her friends from high school. 
best friend since childhood! they kept in touch when brielle moved away but it just wasn’t the same. was probably overjoyed when she moved back!!! could be her roommate too? maybe? idk. up 2 you!
high school exes - people she dated before her ex. or even during one of the times they had broken up. they were always off & on in high school.
her ex she moved to new york with? could be fun.... why did he move back? who knows!
almost lover/one that got away - this is gonna be the most specific one but like... they were always super close friends. they had feelings for brielle. had this dramatic “Hey, I Love You” confession right before she moved away in a hope that maybe she’d choose to stay. rlly confused her tbh. she left anyway. now she’s back! they could decide to just be friends. maybe they’re over her but brielle has feelings for them. maybe they BOTH like each other but think the other one doesn’t. we could do anything! i just like... angst.
family friends - yanno... friends of the family. could be friends with her dad or her mom. or was a mutual friend idk.
hmmm... this is all i can think of atm... i’m rlly up for anything! i’m gonna try to make like an actual in-depth wanted connections page but no promises bc i can be lazy :// 
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thepropertylovers · 4 years
What Foreigners Really Think of The U.S. Right Now
The other night, after the kiddos went to bed, we decided to watch the second Borat movie that just came out (have you seen it?). It was insane and hilarious all at the same time, but it got me wondering: what do folks who don’t live in the U.S. think of The United States of America right now? What is their perception of us?
So I decided to pose this question on Instagram and wow. Y’all did not hold back. I want to thank everyone who submitted for your candidness and honesty, even if some of these were hard to swallow. It’s important to note that just because these are their opinions of America, it doesn’t mean it is all necessarily true. Regardless, it was interesting to read everyone’s thoughts and get an outsider’s perspective.
We received hundreds of submissions and couldn’t post them all, but below, people from all over the world share what they really think of the United States at the moment.
Leadership is out of touch with reality and messing things up real bad, not just for the U.S. but also for the world. What’s worse is that half the country is being misled successfully. It just shows poorly on the country all over. -Annonymous
Your president is a disaster when it comes to foreign politics and corona. No class, no knowledge. A joke. Very scary to watch. But half of the voters are happy with it. And that is even more scary. Very difficult to understand the hate and ignorance in your society right now. -Mikkel
It’s just weird. Everything basically. I totally understand now why the U.S. is described as '“flawed democracy” in the democracy index. It’s just a crazy system which is not providing equality among people- regarding the vote especially. This system leads to the fact of the two big parties (similar in the UK basically). But democracy is about diversity in opinions and options. Not just two. -Max
The US is more divided than ever. The two parties cannot work together nor do they appear to want to. The government is no longer run by reason, facts, and policy aiming for the betterment of the entire country and or world in the long or medium run; rather it’s instant gratification for the few who benefit from nepotism. Lies and misinformation are used to build a dictatorship hiding in the form of “patriotism”. And those who could act as a check or balance focus on their own personal gain, putting their needs above those of the persons they should be representing. -Joel
I personally don’t think there is a very good atmosphere in the USA, especially right now, Trump’s administration does not protect the American people or the economy. He only cares about himself and his male-white supremacy. The worst of all is that lots of Americans think Trump is actually a good leader (idk why, honestly). But thank God that people are starting to wake up and fight about what they believe. We can see it through BLM protests, feminist movements, and so on, and the whole world is proud about those people fighting for their rights. America was once the land of dreams, but nowadays (with all that is happening) it is even scary to go there. Lots of things have to change and those changes have to start, voting and defending your rights and your beliefs are the first step. Greetings from Spain. -Antonio
The main reasons I can think of are vote suppression/gerrymandering, expensive health care wealth inequality, racism, lack of fun control… -Brian
Definitely find the hypocrisy of the Republicans so annoying, Trump still being in office, the fact that there has been no police reform or justice for Breonna Taylor, the gun laws, and the COVID numbers just to name a few. -Brian
Here in the UK it seems like CARNAGE over there..don’t get me wrong, it’s wild here too but Trump is insane and it’s really odd seeing so many Americans supporting him. -Dan
Really worried about the fact that you might go for 4 more years with Trump and the fact that he’ll for sure contest the results if he loses. Add to this, all the racial violence and in particular the way some policemen act without being condemned by any judge. And finally the pandemic which seems to be even more out of control than in other countries. This is coming from someone who lives in France where we’re going to be under lockdown for the second time since the beginning of the pandemic (2nd lockdown starting tomorrow evening and will last at least until December 1st 😢). -Estelle
To put a long story short, let’s just hope Cheeto doesn’t get reelected otherwise our UK trade deal will be a disaster and we don’t need any more negative influences in the UK around gender and sexual equality.-Christian
I think with this administration, the US has demonstrated how to shipwreck a whole nation economically, ideologically, socially, and politically within a really short period of time. After just 4 years, we’ve come to associate the US with widespread narrow-mindedness, a lack of respect and courtesy to other nations (and minorities in its own country for that matter), short sightedness when it comes to global phenomena like environmentalism or migration patterns, and a celebration (by some at least) of almost barbaric notions of violence, oppression, and backward thinking, all under the camouflage of its constitution and socio-historic heritage. We’ve really admired the Obama administration over here in Europe, which-despite its flaws and shortcomings- has opened up the US to international partnerships and has established an ongoing discourse shaped by mutual respect and politeness…the contrast couldn’t be more pronounced these day…-Sebastian
I look at our Prime Minister and government and then see Trump and think we really could have it so much worse! Vote!! -Ant
As an American living in London, I can tell you that the news coverage here makes the US look like an absolute joke. Mainly due to 45, his lies, his bigotry, and his insane desire to make covid seem as though it’s a falsehood “created by the left” while hundreds of thousands of Americans have ben victimized by this pandemic. What was once seen as a country of opportunity and freedom, is sadly no longer held to that level of greatness in comparison to its neighboring countries. It saddens me because I had plans to move back home within the next year or so, but if the US continues on its path, I can see myself in London for the unforeseeable future. I can’t live in a country where I am seen or believed to be lesser than another because of my sexual preference. I can only hope and pray that this election brings the change we need to be that country of greatness once again. -Rob
Very poor to be honest. And I’m not necessarily [talking about Trump]- I think the immediate reaction is to blame him. Though, he is pretty awful. There was obviously a huge level of social and other problems in the US, and the current administration has exploited them to the breaking point. Whereas more “skilled” past administrations had the ability to leverage those issues for their benefit, but not let it boil over. I actually thought Trump would be a positive for the US and world- in that his incompetence would force other world leaders to step up. Meaning more equity in how disputes etc. are assessed and the US wouldn’t bully smaller nations. I think the US has hit the point in its journey with capitalism that the USSR hit with socialism in the late 80’s that led to its collapse. Does that mean collapse for the US, I don’t know but the system isn’t providing equity and equality for all as it stands. -Paul
Worried but also hopeful for you guys because I don’t think all citizens in America reflect the current administration. It’s been really great to see people voting early and making their voice heard. No matter what happens just know you did what you could in this moment in time. Even though the current administration provides a scary outlook for the future. As long as the current and future generations lead with love, there will hopefully be a brighter future. Love from Canada. -Ajetha
I've been subscribing to all of the US News since the Black Lives Matter Movement commenced and honestly, it made me scared as a Filipino Asian to step foot in the States ever since. I have big dreams of flying over there and probably working there as an immigrant after I finished college. However, when I found out about the racial injustice that is currently ongoing in the country, I became hesistant of still wanting to live there. Although, I'm positive that there are still people like you two that will be open about working immigrants, I really hope that racism, sexism, homophobia and transphobia will end for good among every human beings in the US and also around the world. I do wish and pray that the 2020 US election will make certain amends to the current situation y'all are experiencing because it's getting pretty scary out there. -Harvey I’m an American living overseas working for the US government. I’m trying my hardest to stay overseas so my family and I don’t have to come back to the mess that is the US right now. From politics to COVID, it’s not a good time. While the virus may be surging again in Europe, at least the people comply with the government rules. Sometimes I believe Americans take freedom and liberty a bit too far, especially when it comes to the greater good. -Anonymous
Allthough on social policy the US is no real example for us (I think there is more social ‘security’, more justice, high standards in education for all in most of the EU countries), they always have been a ‘safe haven’ in big international politics. It now feels like ‘they have our back’ doesn’t imply anymore. -Jasper
Well personally I think the country seems in total disarray, instead of focusing on the real issues in the streets both house of the capitol are focused on bashing each other during the election campaign which is a circus due to the sitting POTUS. The obsession with the right to bare arms and the gun culture bewilders most other countries, you have teenagers walking into schools with Assault weapons and yet people still want guns to be available, worst still you ban one type of assault rifle but another just as powerful is kept on sale, it’s plain weird. -Philip
Neither candidate represents their party well. As an outsider looking in, it just baffles me that either of these men could potentially be the leader of the free world...It genuinely feels like worrying times are ahead for the US. -Marc I'm from India and living in Germany at the moment. The race problem in the US is as bad as the class/caste problem in India. Even if I don't have money I can go to a government health center in India. I just had an operation and stayed at the hospital for 18 days here in Germany, I had to pay only 180 Euros, everything else ( the operation and the many tests and scans that followed) was covered by the insurance. When my friends at the US heard about it they were shocked about low the hospital bill. There are really great labs (I'm a researcher) that I would like to work but I have no intentions of working/living in the US for a longer period of time. -Maithy
I think the US has become a joke to the rest of the developed world. Neither candidates running for president are fit to run such a powerful country. I can't help but feel after the election if Trump wins the left will riot and if Biden wins the right will riot. The country might just rip itself apart. American politics has zero empathy and zero morals. Honestly its terrifying. -Andrew
The US has always been a bit confusing to me - the two party system, the focus on religion, the divide in income and possibilities- as well as being the beacon of light in the fight for human rights, the strong personal pride in creating caring societets, the blending of and openeses for ethnicities and cultures... But for a while politics have become not at all about politics, religious beliefs are taking charge in policy work, the wealthier part shows little companion towards the less wealthy, the public spending is way above budget year after year while health care seems to be crazy expensive and not for all. The intrusion of US interest in politics in other countries are blunt to say the least, creating conflict where human lives have no value if they’re not US lives... School shootings that seems to be acted upon as that is part of normal lives, and schools to expensive for even middle class kids to study at... This is a shift in trust and soft power that affects all of us. -Olof
To be honest, I couldn’t come to the US right now, it scares me. The leadership, the gun laws, the violence and the divide of the nation. It sucks, because I love America and have been there 7 times in the last two years from Australia for work... but not anymore. I’m not coming back now until peace wins. -Anonymous
The fact that such a hate filled government is presiding over what is one the greatest countries in the world is scary. And it is seriously mind blowing that out of such a powerful country filled with some of the greatest minds in the world it’s these two men are the best you can do to be your next president. Unbelievable. Seriously unbelievable. -Rachel
I think the orange dude in office is making you guys look bad. But also, good (?). Seeing the black lives matter movement and so many of you stand up to the problems your country faces has been inspiring. One thing our countries have in common is how we are divided into very distinctive opposites sides. I mean, where do all these racists, bigots, utterly, madly conservites people came from? I few like a few years ago things did not seem so much as a boiling pan about to explode. Or maybe they were all hiding and when a lunatic like them rose to power (how that happened still boggles my mind) they all showed their true colors. It’s scary. I hope Trump doesn’t get reelected. Brazilians loooove to imitate americans🙄, so if he gets reelected it makes that much probable that our lunatic will also be in office for four more years. P.S. have you guys watched the show Years and Years from HBO? A really good watch is this election times! ☺️ -Taty
Re. The US atm. Unfortunately your president has made your country a laughing stock around the world and he's destroyed relationships with allies. It's gonna take time to rebuild all of that. He's also moved an entire branch of your government to the far right, even though the majority of the country if left/centr of left. So you've a supreme court that doesn't represent you and it's looking like they're going to try and take away rights from people. You have a healthcare system that doesn't look out for its people and there's this bizarre fear of universal healthcare that seems insane to every other 1st world country. If if Biden wins (and I really hope he does for everyone's sake), there's going to be a lot of work in undoing the damage Trump has done before he can even get into what he wants to do. All the while you've an ultra conservative highest court. There's also the massive political division and the systemic racism. It's a lot. It's not impossible, but it's going to take so much time and people who want it to change. -Ciara
I’ve been sitting here for an hour thinking about your question and there are many different outlooks I could raise so I’ll keep it generic. I’ll start with the elephant in the room known as Covid. Each day, our morning news informs us of what your leaders are doing and daily case numbers in the US. We sit here completely shocked at how your government has let it reach this point. You may have heard that Melbourne has just come out of one of the strictest and longest lock downs in the world. I wouldn’t wish that upon anyone to have to do, but I will say, I feel much more comfortable to be able to go to the shops knowing the numbers are at about 2-3 a day instead of in the thousands. I do think that your government does need to address this now, could even be making it compulsory mask wearing. It’s hard for me to comment about your economy as we don’t here much about it, but I will say Trump ‘says’ make America great again, let’s get more jobs, they are pro life, yet how is someone who is prolife not doing anything to stop a virus that is killing people? Isn’t your unemployment rate worse (pre-covid) than what it was when Obama was president? I think as a generic outlook, if change isn’t made in the election, the outlook from a Australian does not look like it would be something you’d want to be apart of. I love America. Have visited a couple of times, even thought about moving there, but at the moment, I’ve never been more thankful to not be there. -Ben
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