#we just had a REALLY good moment last session where it called back to his old alias and MMM. it was just so scrumptious.
sunnibits · 1 year
what's dimitri known for, like does he have a title he goes by, or what do people think of him?
Well in his background basically he went from a common thief who stole to live, to working for this big crime organization/family thing called The Weavers, where he slowly made his way up the ranks and became a favorite of The Broodfather, who was the head of the Weavers. (There’s…. A lot more Stuff going on with Dimitri’s relationship to that guy, but that’s another story). Anyways, I’m not sure exactly what the extent of his jobs would be, but I imagine he mostly just stole shit for the Broodfather and did whatever odd shady jobs were asked of him.
He did gain a little bit of a reputation in that city, becoming known as the Magpie (a name that I totally just chose very self indulgently on a whim and still think is slightly cringe but I also love it, okay, it suits him), basically just acting as a public nuisance and mischief-maker. He hasn’t gone by that name in a while though, ever since he became a disciple of Loki.
Overall though, as badass and experienced as I imagined him to be when I was first creating him, Dimitri honestly isn’t that cool 😂😂 He’s a bit of an Izzy-type character in that way, where he isn’t quite as cool and notorious as he thinks he is or wants to be. I like to imagine that he is a bit more dangerous than some may take him for, or maybe he was more well known in the past, but when it comes to the people he’s actually met so far in the campaign, everyone just kinda takes him as your average petty thief. He’s just a sort of rascally, self-interested bastard to be honest.
And like, nobody in my party actually knows who he works for yet (as far as their characters, the real human players obviously know), so nobody has any idea that while they’re just fighting your average pirates and monsters and whatever on the main quest, Dimitri is over here having daily interactions with literal GODS. 😂
Got a bit rambly there, but yeah, he probably needs a bit more filling out in his backstory to totally answer that question but ye :)) He’s just a funky lil sneaky lad :) and the whole Magpie thing is important….. to the Angst….. a lil…
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lecsainz · 4 months
OMGGGG!!!! 🩷🩵 Love your work! Can you do a Percy X (halfblood of your choice) reader and maybe affection headcannons? Like how he stares at you 24/7 and maybe him falling asleep on our shoulder and all that!!!!
parings: percy jackson x fem!reader
an: two weeks without a new episode, I can't take it anymore 😭😭😭
summary: the one where you and percy met at yancy academy, and what your relationship would be like.
( my last work for riodanverse || go to my main masterlist )
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You met Percy at Yancy Academy, and well, you quickly became friends – best friends, to be precise, since your room was conveniently next to his.
When Grover arrived at the school, he became more than worried about finding two demigod kids together.
As you excelled in your studies – you LOVED studying – you decided to help Percy out. However, Percy always seemed too distracted, often catching him staring at you.
Percy looks at the notebook where you were scribbling math problems and realizes he hasn't paid attention to anything you were explaining for the past twenty minutes.
"So, um, how do you solve this math problem again?" He asks.
You point the pen at him with a stern expression. "Percy, we've been through this like ten times!"
Percy gazes at you with a mischievous smile on his lips because, by the gods, he finds you incredibly beautiful with the braid you decided to wear today.
"Sorry, got distracted. You look really nice today." Percy says, shrugging.
"Focus, Percy! We need to get through this." You roll your eyes, but your cheeks are flushed, and Percy still finds it adorable.
You throw the pen cap at Percy, lightly hitting him on the head when you realize he wasn't paying attention again.
"Ow! What was that for?" He puts his hand where the cap hit him and pretends to be in pain.
"For not paying attention! Now, let's get back to work." You stick out your tongue.
Laughing, Percy tries to throw the pen cap back at you, but you quickly dodge, and poor Grover ends up being the target.
You two became an inseparable duo, like shadows to each other, and constantly causing Grover massive headaches.
Percy would talk about you to his mom.
Percy hesitated for a moment before dialing the number. As his mother picked up on the other end, he launched into a torrent of words about you.
"Hey, Mom, you won't believe what happened today. So, there's this new girl, Y/N, and she's amazing. Seriously, she's the smartest person I know, and she's always helping me out with my studies. And she's got this incredible sense of humor. We're like a team, Mom, inseparable. I don't know how I'd get through the day without her."
Sally listened with a gentle smile on her face, recognizing the familiar signs of her son being captivated. She knew Percy well enough to notice the subtle shifts in his tone and enthusiasm.
"Percy, it sounds like you really enjoy spending time with this Y/N," Sally said, her voice warm and knowing.
"Yeah, Mom, it's like... I don't know. She's just different, you know? Everything feels better when she's around. I can't explain it."
Sally chuckled softly, recognizing the telltale signs of young love. "Percy, sweetheart, sounds like you might be developing feelings for this girl."
Percy stammered for a moment, realizing that his mother had caught on. "I, uh, Mom, we're just friends. Really good friends."
Sally's laughter echoed through the phone. "Alright, Percy. But remember, love has a way of sneaking up on you when you least expect it.”
When you first heard about blue food, you didn't believe Percy's words, leading to a heated argument. It all ended when Percy pulled out a pack of blue cookies from his backpack. To your surprise, they turned out to be the best cookies you'd ever tasted.
During one of your study sessions, Percy calling you a beautiful girl, and the nickname sticking because you blushed every time he called you that.
Percy only realized he liked you when they arrived at the camp and you wanted to help Percy defeat the Minotaur, but he wouldn't allow it because he had already lost his mother and couldn't bear to lose his girl.
He told Grover not to let you follow him and instructed him to take you safely to camp.
The air in the forest was thick with tension as Percy and you faced off against the looming figure of the Minotaur. Determination burned in your veins as you gripped your weapon tightly, ready to fight alongside Percy.
But before you could make a move, Percy's voice cut through the silence, firm and commanding. "Grover, take Y/N back to camp. Keep her safe," he ordered, his tone leaving no room for argument.
Your heart sank as you realized what he was saying. "Percy, I can help. We can fight this thing together," you protested, your voice trembling with emotion.
"I need you to stay safe, Y/N," Percy said, his tone unusually severe. "Grover will take you to camp. I can't lose you."
Tears welled up in your eyes, the raw emotion of the situation hitting you like a tidal wave. "I can't just stand by and do nothing while you face that monster alone."
Percy shook his head, a mixture of frustration and fear in his gaze. "Y/N. I can't risk losing you. Not after what happened to my mom."
A heavy silence settled between you two, the gravity of the situation sinking in. Percy cupped your face gently, his eyes searching yours. "I need you to trust me, okay? Grover will take care of you."
Tears welled up in your eyes, and you nodded reluctantly. "Just promise me you'll be safe, Percy."
He gave you a solemn look before pressing a soft kiss to your cheek. "I promise. Now go with Grover. I'll find you after this is over."
Grover approached, his expression mirroring the somber mood. "We should go, Y/N."
After that, you swore to yourself that the next time you saw Percy, you would tell him you liked him. That seemed like the smartest thing to do.
As Percy stirred awake, his eyes met yours, and a small smile played on his lips. "Hey, beautiful girl," he greeted, a newfound warmth in his tone.
You blushed at the endearing nickname he had given you, but concern soon took over. "I thought I was going to lose you," you admitted, holding a small cup of ambrosia-infused nectar.
His expression softened, his hand reaching for yours. "You're not getting rid of me that easily."
Relief washed over you, and you laughed, playfully nudging his shoulder. "Good. Because there's something I need to tell you."
Percy raised an eyebrow, curious. "What's that?"
He looked at you with curiosity, encouraging you to continue. With a deep breath, you confessed, "I... I really like you."
Percy's eyes lit up, a genuine smile spreading across his face. "You do?" he asked, as if surprised by the revelation.
You nodded, a shy smile gracing your lips. "Yeah, Percy, I really do."
"Well, beautiful girl, I think you're stuck with me now," he declared, a playful glint in his eyes. As you leaned in closer, he gently pulled you to lie beside him on the bed. When you rested your head against his chest, Percy winced in pain.
"Careful," he joked, "I just survived a Minotaur. Your head might be more dangerous than that."
You chuckled softly, and Percy couldn't help but smile despite the discomfort. "You know," he mused, "your laughter is my favorite sound in the whole world."
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lostgirlmuseum · 8 months
Who the Hell is Daryl?
Summary: Bucky is in love with you, and finally finds the courage to tell you. But what happens when it sounds like someone else is already in the picture? (Miscommunication!)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x f!Avenger!Reader
Words: 2k
Warnings: Miscommunication trope! Only one small mention of “Y/N”, teensy bit of yelling, let me know if I missed anything.
A/N: Wrote this a couple days ago and put it in drafts, spontaneously posted bc I'm procrastinating on an essay. Okay I'll get back to hw now :(
Dividers: @firefly-graphics
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He was going to do it. He was really going to do it. 
He was finally going to ask you out.
To the surprise of everyone on the team, you and Bucky had become fast pals after you joined six months ago. Something about the two of you clicked. ‘Opposites attract’ and all that, but Bucky always felt it went deeper than that.
The two of you had never argued, something he felt very proud of, considering he argued with most people. But not you. Never you.
The moment he decided that he needed to man up and ask you out wasn’t anything fancy. You were sparring with Wanda across the gym, and he was simply watching you work in tandem. He watched the entire 15 minute session, and didn’t take his eyes off you, even as you approached him. 
“Buck, I’m out of water, can I take a sip of yours?”
He nodded, “Sure, Doll,” and tossed you his bottle. 
You shot him a charming smile and opened the cap, and not-so-gracefully chugged half the bottle. You wiped your upper lip and handed it back to him. 
“Thanks, Jamie,” you breathily said, and jogged back to the arena. 
His head was completely empty except for a single thought, tumbling through his desert mind like a tumbleweed.
I’m going to marry her someday.
He shocked himself with the thought, he wasn’t sure where it had come from. But he couldn’t help the grin that snuck its way onto his lips as he realized he didn’t disagree with the thought.
Of course before marriage is dating. One step at a time Buck. 
After his realization, he had spent the next three days planning the perfect way to ask you out. He went through an entire list of ideas, but none of them seemed good enough for you. He wanted it to be perfect. But as the clock ticked on and he started running out of paper, he realized it was best to just be honest about his feelings. 
You had just gotten back from a solo mission, and Bucky was hanging out in your room as you showered.
He was blushing like an idiot and fidgeting like crazy on your bed as he waited for you to hurry up. It was surprising he had so much self control as to not blurt it out while you were showering.
“Oh, Bucky,” you called from the bathroom, the sound of the water pausing.
“What’s up?”
“Could you set an alarm on my phone for 7:30 A.M. tomorrow before I forget? I think I left it on the side table.”
“You got it, Doll.”
“You’re the best! I’m almost done, I’ll be out in like two minutes,” you called, and soon after the sound of rushing water resumed.
Bucky grabbed your phone and typed in the passcode, his heart fluttering a little as he thought about how you trusted him enough to know it.
But the flutter stopped almost as quickly as it started, the moment your phone turned on and resumed on your text string with someone. He would’ve ignored it, but a red heart at the top of the screen caught his eye.
Who the hell is “Daryl,” and why does he have a heart emoji next to his name?
Bucky couldn’t help himself as his eyes flitted over your last texts.
Daryl ❤️ I’m back in town, lemme know when you’re around 
You About to leave for a quick mission, but I’ll be back tmw evening. I miss you sm :( how about we meet up Monday morning at 8 at Bernie’s cafe?
Daryl ❤️ Lets do it. And I miss you too, can’t wait to see your beautiful face!! I love you, be careful
You Love you too, and Im always careful 😘
Bucky felt sick to his stomach. You had never mentioned a brother named Daryl, or any other kind of family member. And you’d told him about all your closest friends, and none of them were named Daryl. How did Bucky not know you had a boyfriend?
Bucky fought the urge to scroll up, and quickly tapped out of the app, and set the alarm you asked him to set. 
So you were meeting this “Daryl” tomorrow morning?
Bucky heard the water stop, and the sound of the shower curtain shuffling.
Shit. You were getting out. Fuck, he wasn’t ready to face you.
You’d never mentioned you were in a relationship before. He would remember. How long have you been dating? And more importantly, why did you keep this from him? Did you feel like you couldn’t trust him? Maybe you weren’t as close friends as he’d thought.
“Which movie did you want to watch tonight?” You asked, peeking out of the door with a turquoise towel wrapped around you.
“Um, I’m actually really tired, suddenly. I think I’m going to go to bed.” Bucky stuttered, avoiding your gaze as he quickly stood up.
“Oh, okay,” you responded, disappointment and concern lacing your voice. “Everything okay?”
“Everything is fine. Glad you got back safe. Good night.”
With that, Bucky ducked out of your room and practically ran back to his.
Bucky tossed and turned, and once he got over his embarrassment, he settled into a familiar depressive feeling. Of course you didn’t like him back. What the fuck was he thinking? He’s—well, he’s Bucky. Broken, only destined to ever be your friend. How could he be foolish enough to think you would love him like he loves you. At about hour 4, the heartbreak started turning into betrayal. Betrayal that you kept this from him. And soon enough, that betrayal festered into a kind of resentment, something he’d never felt for you before.
He didn’t get much sleep that night.
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Bucky checked the clock for the 20th time in the past 5 minutes. 7:45 A.M. You were probably about to leave. Bucky felt his heart clench. He was usually up by 7, and eating breakfast in the common area by 7:30. He sat at the barstool, dragging his spoon around his now soggy Coco Puffs, waiting for you to appear. Why he felt the need to torture himself, he didn’t know.
Finally, he heard your steps coming down the hall. 
And there you appeared, wearing the most beautiful sundress he had ever seen. It was lavender, and had small white flowers adorning the skirt, and it fell just above your knees. 
Bucky took you in, and his momentary adoration turned back to his heartbreak. You were dressed up as if you were going on a date. There was no chance this wasn’t your boyfriend.
“Good morning Bucky, did you sleep okay last night?” 
“Yes.” He lied. Maybe you would tell him the truth if he asked. Yes it would hurt hearing the truth from your mouth, but he wanted to give you a chance to tell him your secret. “Where are you headed?”
“To meet a friend,” you nodded smoothly. 
Maybe Bucky was crazy. Maybe he was overthinking all of this. Maybe Daryl really was just a friend.
“Which friend?”
So you were just flat out lying to him now. Bucky nodded and waited for you to leave before moping back to his room. He wanted to cry. And he did for a minute, or two, but his tears turned from sad to angry when he remembered you were now lying. You never lied to Bucky, and Bucky never lied to you. At least, he thought that was how it was. He clenched his fists, mad at you for betraying him, but more mad at himself for believing he could ever have you.
He didn’t move from his bed.
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“Bucky?” Your voice emerged after three knocks to his door.
He couldn’t get himself to respond. 
The door slowly creaked open, a stream of light flooding his dark room.
“Hey Buck. You okay? You seemed a little off this morning.”
“Fine.” He mumbled, not turning over in bed to face you.
A pause. 
“Jamie, what’s wrong?” You asked, closing the door behind you and flicking on the light. 
“Don’t call me that.”
“What?” You asked, slightly taken aback. You thought he loved your affectionate nickname for him.
“I don’t want you to call me ‘Jamie’ anymore.”
He felt the bed dip as you sat next to him. 
“Bucky,” you whispered, “please talk to me.”
He sat up and gave you a pointed look. Was he being immature? Yes. But what could he do, he just discovered that his best friend has been lying to him, and doesn’t love him.
“Where were you?” He asked.
You furrowed your brows a moment, trying to piece together where he was going with this. 
“I was at Bernie’s with Penny.”
“Don’t lie to me.” He sneered.
Your eyes widened at his bite.
“I’m not lying? Bucky, what is going on?”
“What’s going on is that you’ve been keeping the fact that you have a boyfriend from me. Why don’t you want to tell me?”
“A boyfriend?” You blinked. “I don’t have a boyfriend,”
“Why won’t you be honest with me?” He yelled, and you scooted back.
“I am!”
“Then who is Daryl?”
“I saw your texts last night, when you asked me to set your alarm.” Bucky looked down at his lap, ashamed.
“Bucky,” you sighed, and a look of understanding crossed your face. A moment later you held out your phone to him.
“What?” He asked, dumbly looking at your outstretched hand. The screen was on your text string with Daryl.
“Call the number.” You simply said.
“What?” He repeated.
“Take my phone, and call the number.”
Confused and suspicious, Bucky grabbed your phone and hesitated over the call icon. 
“Go ahead,” you urged.
He pressed the button. 
“Hey!” A familiar feminine voice rang through the speaker. “What’s up hon?”
“Hello?” Bucky said, looking from the phone to you to the phone.
“Uh, hi? Is that Bucky?”
“P—Penny?” He sputtered.
“Hey Bucky! What’s up, is everything okay? I thought Y/N was calling.”
“Hey Pen,” you interjected, “Everything’s fine, I’ll call you back in a bit, kay’?”
“Sure thing, bye, love ya,” Penny added, and hung up.
Bucky stared at the now blank phone, baffled.
“I don’t understand.”
“Bucky,” you sighed, and tilted his chin to look at you. “I don’t have a boyfriend. Penny is in my contacts as “Daryl” because it’s my funny little nickname for her. My Dad has had a best friend since grade school named Daryl, and they don’t see each other often, but when they do it’s like nothing has changed. They get along like no time has passed. I call Penny “my Daryl” because I know that even if we don’t talk for years, we are so close that I know we would be the exact same.”
Bucky sat quietly for a moment, simply taking in your story. He felt really stupid.
“I’m sorry,” he started, “I shouldn’t have yelled at you. I’m sorry I called you a liar.” He struggled to meet your gaze, ashamed of what he did.
“Jamie—can I call you Jamie now?”
He nodded sheepishly.
“Jamie, I forgive you. But I wish you had just talked to me about it, and asked me. We are usually so good about being open with each other. What happened?” You asked, wide eyes looking into his.
“I know, I’m sorry. I flipped out, I guess I was just shocked, because I was going to—” he licked his lips, “well, I was…”
“You can tell me, Bucky. Honesty, remember?” You soothed, placing your hand on his leg.
He gulped.
“I was going to ask you to be with me.”
You tilted your head, not quite understanding.
“Like, I was gonna ask if you’d let me be your boyfriend.” He mumbled. “So when I saw that you were texting and saying ‘I love you’ to some guy, I guess I was just blindsided.”
“James,” you smiled, moving yourself to sit on his lap. You brought your forehead against his. “You silly, jealous man.” You gently stroked his cheek with your right hand. “You want to be my boyfriend?"
"It sounds so juvenile, I don't know, I just want you to be mine, and for you to call me 'yours,'" he mumbled.
"I accept," you giggled, and watched his glittering eyes shoot to yours.
He had started to say something, but he stopped when you brought your soft lips to his.
“I'm so happy,” he whispered between kisses.
Suffice it to say, Bucky completed step one of the path to marrying you.
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A/N: Tysm for reading! If you liked it, please feel free to let me know!
Also I'm sorry if the ending sucks, I wrote this in a couple hours and Idk why I'm so bad at endings gahh
Here's my Masterlist if you'd like to read more!
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strawberrysturniolo · 5 months
someone older pt 2 // chris sturniolo
summary: after chris and his new photographer have a successful first shoot, they struggle with the idea of them being able to have a professional relationship. teasing, degrading, spanking, rough sex, age gap, daddy kink, secret relationship.
part one
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The long awaited Fresh Love drop was a success. So much so that Chris called me, thanking me profusely for my addition to the project. He went on to say that he “hopes we can work together again,” but part of me knows there’s something more to it. 
The last time he was here, we made out and took a variety of photos during the act. 
He wound up getting a phone call from his manager, putting a hold in our activities. 
I’m not sure where that would have led us, had she not called and he had to leave. I don’t think it would have gone further. I don’t know if I would have allowed it.
It was fun in the moment, and I certainly don’t regret it. The only issue is that now with me staring at a new message from Chris about a future shoot, I have to make sure that we’re in agreement of this being simply work, not pleasure in any way.
Thanks again for the last session. I got amazing feedback from everyone. I wanted to send a message and ask you if you had time this week to do another shoot? That was kind of a test run of what pieces people might like, but now that we have more colors I need to get some more shots in them. Lmk when you’re free 
Call me.
I set my phone down on my kitchen counter, trying to let the memories of him sucking my jaw flee my brain. He paid really well, but he was really great to work with, so if kissing him a little while I have fun working with him helps… then what’s the harm?
No, there’s so much harm in this. 
My phone rings almost immediately after the message is sent. I hesitate answering, but realize how bad it would look if I didn’t pick up the phone after I just sent a message asking for him to call.
“Hey,” I greet him casually.
“Hey. I assume this is to follow up my message?” he asks. 
I find myself pacing around my kitchen, trying to find the right words. “Yeah, but Chris–”
“But?” he cuts in. “There’s but’s now?”
I pause. “What’s wrong with there being a but?”
“This isn’t a work type but,” he goes on. “This is a ‘there’s an issue between you and me’ type but.”
I don’t respond. 
“Is there?” he asks, noticing my silence. 
“No. Maybe? I don’t know Chris. What I do know is that I did enjoy working with you and I’m glad the drop was what you hoped for–”
“More than what I hoped for,” he interrupts me again. “That happened because of you.”
“Maybe that’s true but if you want to keep working with me then what happened last time can’t happen again,” I say confidently, really trying to convince myself of the same. 
I can picture him searching for the words to say. He settles on, “Why?”
I wish I had a better answer. “Part of it just feels wrong.”
“What about it feels wrong? I kissed you. You kissed me back. We did that together. We talked about it afterwards. We said it was good and we were glad it happened.”
“I know,” I nod to myself. I got myself in too deep. “I’m five years older than you, and this is a workplace relationship. This shouldn’t have happened. It’s highly unprofessional and it makes me look bad as an artist.”
“This relationship is also two sided,” he refutes again. “Why do you get to make the calls and decide what’s right and wrong if I was involved in it too?”
Okay… This guy might be more mature than I was led to believe. 
“I mean,” he continues. “I could get in trouble too, you know? If my manager found out I was kissing all over my new photographer, I’d be toast. She’d insist on me finding someone else no matter how successful our shoots are. So if you don’t want to shoot with me anymore then fine, but if it’s because you can’t handle a little tension here and there then there’s something deeper that you need to resolve on your own.”
Part of that cuts deep until I’m suddenly stitched back up and determined to prove a point to him. Maybe this Chris Sturniolo is a fling kind of guy. Maybe he has the power over his own feelings to be able to disguise when he’s into someone, but I’m not able to do the same. It’s written on my face, and the last thing I need is for this guy five years younger than me to win this argument. 
So game on. 
“Come over tonight. Bring your gear and I’ll start setting up now.”
His voice is laced with a cocky tone. I can picture the smirk on his face. “I thought you’d say that.”
The rest of the day passes as I set up my studio with backdrops I spray painted a few days ago. This time, decorated with dark blue splatter designs and graffiti. In a daze and my mind wrapped around all things Chris, I graffitied the words ‘Fresh Love,’ which he went on to compliment upon arrival.
“I’m glad you came around,” he added. “They liked the shots of us together, and I didn’t want to have to search for another model for it if you were right here.”
I nod, trying to have my best poker face as if my eyes aren’t following his every move. “Stand on the X.”
He goes to his place with a smile, knowing my routine now. “Ah, test shots, huh? You do these every time?”
“Wouldn’t miss them,” I respond shortly.
He must have noticed that I’m trying to keep this as business as possible, seeing how he started making every fucking face he could to somehow turn me on. The most seductive smirks, hands in his hair, pulling his shirt a certain way so some of his skin would show more on his stomach.
I hate him.
I need more. 
“The lighting is good,” I say as I stand up straight, setting the camera to its flush settings. “Do what feels natural, just like last time.”
He smiles. “If I wanted things to be like last time then you’d be in front of the camera with me.”
I suck in a deep breath. “If you behave then maybe I’ll join you.”
That shuts him up as he starts posing for me. Eventually he asks, “Can I take this sweatshirt off now? Or are we still looking for a good shot?”
I shake my head. “I think we got it. We can do some without now.”
He peels his sweatshirt off, letting it stay stuck to his shirt he wears below it, allowing it to peel up in unison and reveal his stomach and chest. The minimal but dark hairs that decorate his lower stomach give me far too much to imagine as I stare at him. I want to see more of him, and I want those clothes gone. I’m aching for him, and he’s using it to his advantage.
“You taking pictures of my clothes or my body, baby?”
I snap out of it, brought back to him at the sound of the pet name. 
The name ‘baby’ leaving his lips almost has me buckling at the knees. 
He pulls his bottom lip between his lips, then glances between me and his own shirt. He peels his shirt off, standing bare from the waist up in front of me, dressed now in only his gray sweatpants representing his brand. Even those hang lower and give me too much to think about. 
“Put this on and stand in front of the camera,” he instructs, tossing me the shirt as he switches positions with me. “Don’t worry… I’ll turn around while you change.”
For some stupid reason I find myself listening to him. I swap my shirt for his brand, standing on the center point of the camera and allowing him to get comfortable behind it. 
He looks through the viewfinder at me, studying the shot before he snaps the moment. “Beautiful,” he mumbles, standing up straight again and smiling. He cocks his head to the side. “Now lose the pants.” 
“Chris…” I start to say, but he has more.
“It’s just me and you,” he assures me. “Plus, this is your camera. I have no access to this. If you really don’t want to then fine, but I promise, no one will see these besides me.”
His eyes stare into mine with a determination that says, ‘You know you want it.’
And I fucking do.
Maintaining eye contact, I unbutton my jeans and pull them off my legs slowly, tossing them to the side and standing in front of him in his own shirt and a pair of dark red panties, a thong that hugs my hips in the right way and makes my ass look like his new favorite thing. 
He licks his lips, swallowing as he steps back in front of the camera, trying to bite his tongue to keep from making a certain sound or saying something foul.
I want to know what’s going on in that head of his, but I refuse to ask and act interested even if I am. 
I start to take control, letting myself feel more comfortable standing in front of him half naked. I start lifting the shirt little by little as he takes more photos, the click satisfying me even more when my back is to him, my ass on full display.
“Fuck,” he sighs. “That’s it.”
My stomach is turning in the best way at every compliment, every look, every sound that leaves his mouth. He isn’t doing his best at hiding his physical reaction either, seeing that his dick is now pressed to the sweatpants around his waist. 
“You okay back there?” I tease, now smiling.
“Shut up,” he warns.
I let my body relax. “Business professional, remember?” 
He scoffs. “Yeah, fuck that.”
I give him a glaring look. “Chris.”
“Don’t say my name.” My stomach almost falls until he continues. “Not when you look like that and I’m trying to keep it in my pants. Do not say my name.”
My smile grows as I step closer. “So you don’t want me, Chris?”
His eyes fall shut.
“You’re saying you don’t need me, Chris?”
He takes a deep breath, lets it out, and grits out, “Fuck. This.”
He pulls me aside from the camera, his lips finding mine as I take my hands to his hair, finishing where we left off. A soft moan leaves my lips as his dick presses against my thigh. 
“Yeah,” he nods. “You did want me.”
I nod desperately back at him. “Really bad.”
“Mmmm,” he hums, kissing my neck. “You can have me right now, you know?” 
I have a mental battle with myself while I’m in his arms, and then without thinking clearly I’m pulling him to my bedroom despite the voice in my head shouting for me to leave this alone. 
I need relief, and he is exactly the painkiller I want. 
He follows me blindly, refusing to detach his hands from my skin. I can’t get enough of him. He’s grabbing my ass, feeling my everywhere, teasing his leg in between mine. His thigh presses against my core, earning a gasp from me as I sit on the edge of the bed.
“Poor baby,” he pouts, pushing me back onto the mattress. 
I lift my arms for him, giving him access to the underside of my shirt, lifting it off with ease. My hands find the desperation he is trying to satisfy, a pleased groan leaving his throat at my touch. 
“Looks like someone was struggling too, huh?” I notice. My hand makes soft movements over his length, stopping when his hand juts out and grabs it. 
He lowers his gaze to meet mine, our faces now level as I sit on the bed and he kneels in front of it. 
“I’ve fantasized about you touching me and sucking me off, but I haven’t gotten a clear idea of what you look like with your ass up, or what your pussy feels like around me. So you wanna show me what it’s like?” 
I’m ready to do anything he wants no matter how eager it makes me look. 
Yet I can’t find the words that convey this. 
I nod again. His hand grips my jaw as he pushes his mouth back to mine, shoving my body back onto the mattress in the process. He pins me down, grinding his hips into mine and teasing me with his cock before huffing out a breath and flipping me over. He lifts me by my hips, keeping my ass in the air for him. 
“You gonna be able to take me with no foreplay? Nothing but my dick fucking you senseless, baby?” he whispers, pushing my shirt up – his shirt – and kissing down my back in between words. 
“Yes, Chris,” I give in.
He tsks. “Don’t say my name. You know what you want to say. It’s on the tip of your tongue.”
Is he serious?
Because if he is… fuck this business relationship. I’ll need him in my bed every night. 
I must have taken too long to respond. His palm smacks against my ass, demanding a response. 
I wince. “Yes, daddy.”
“Good girl,” he says softly as he rubs his fingers where I was just spanked, soothing the pain. 
He kisses over the spot as he pulls my thong to the side. He then dips his head between my legs from behind, licking a harsh stripe on my folds. He hums in pleasure. 
“Fuck, you taste so good.” His finger rubs over that same spot. “Gonna have to taste you after I fill you up and see how good we taste together.”
Without realizing, I back my ass up to him, so much so that he smacks my ass again. 
“Needy girls get nothing,” he warns, and I find myself apologizing profusely. 
There is no way this kid five years younger than me is having this much control. There’s no way I put myself in this position. 
The tip of his dick teases at my slit, swiping it a few times before pushing in and pulling right back out. “So tight.” He does the same motion a few more times before shoving in completely, moaning loudly as he lays his chest on my back, tucking his head in my neck. His lips suck on the spot that has me gripping my sheets as he fills me up. His hips start thrusting into me, his hips railing into my ass as he fucks me mercilessly. The sound is the hottest thing I’ve ever heard. Me dripping wet while he fucks himself deeper. His skin slapping against mine while my bed shakes, trying to hold us.
“Taking it so good baby,” he mumbles in my ear. He slaps my ass again, keeping his mouth close to my ear so he can talk me through it. “You like it rough, huh? Don’t you, you fucking slut?”
I whine at the name. “Uh huh.”
His fingers dig into my sides as he drills himself as deep as he can. 
“FUCK– Yes, daddy,” I correct myself. “I’m sorry.”
“You’re so bad, baby,” he shakes his head in my neck. “Bratty as hell.”
I lower myself to my elbows, now unable to keep myself propped up the way he wanted me originally. He brings himself back up to his knees, fucking me at this new position. He speeds up, smacking my ass every so often, enough to where I can feel heat radiating off of it from the friction of his hand on my skin. 
He continues to mock and degrade me, talking me through everything before his hips start thrusting erratically.
My hand reaches behind me, clinging to his wrist as I look at him over my shoulder. The nerves building inside of me are struggling to hold on. I feel like I’m going to break. “Daddy, I’m-”
His eyes go wide as my mouth drops. Watching my face as I cum, Chris’ hips still, his dick deep inside of me as my pussy grips him. His lips part, eliciting a loud whine. I cum around him, and it’s only a moment later that I can feel him filling me up.
I lower my face to a pillow, trying to regain my breath and any strength left in me. Chris pulls out after a few seconds, fulfilling his promise and cleaning up our mess between my legs. I let out a few weak moans, too wiped to make much noise. 
He lays next to me, sweat on his forehead causing a few hairs by his ears to stick out straight, losing the natural curl in them and replacing them with a spiky style. 
“So,” he says, his breath lost. “Business professional from now on?” 
tag list: @freshloveforthefit @lacysturniolo @mattitties @floofparker @javalakers @creamoncreamoncream2 @heebiejeebiezz @sturnswrites @runupthathillgirl @gdsvhtwa @666hellokitty420 @runupthathillgirl @oliviasturniolo21 @keira324 @sstvrnioloo @sturnitup @sturnsvoid @theyluv-meee @therewilljustbereputationts13 @ilovedasturniolos @dancemomsfanee @rootbeerworshiper @sturn3ol0 @swaggygirlboss123 @lustfulslxt
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sinnersweets · 3 months
DogDay x Reader part 12
<-----part 11, part 13----->
A/N: Woo new part!!
The last three months have been busy for me. First with Christmas and New Years, then applying to Playtime to adopt, which got approved thankfully. So then I needed to attend an agency sponsored orientation session and once that finished, I needed to get ready for the home interview.  
It was the weekend and DogDay said I could take a few days off to get everything ready for the social worker. I had moved out of my apartment and bought a house. New year new home you know? I asked Sarah if she could help me unpack and she said yes. I was currently unboxing some stuff when my phone started ringing. 
“Unknown number?” Is what I saw on my phone. I answered the phone and said, “Hello?” “Hi Angel!” DogDay?! Where the hell did he get a phone from? “DogDay?” “The one and only Angel.” I smiled and said, “This is a surprise, when did you get a phone?” DogDay laughed on the phone. “Oh no I don’t have one, but you just got one in your office!” “Oh? I didn’t know I was getting a phone.” I went over to the living room and sat down on the one chair I brought with me.  
“Mhm which now means we can talk when you’re not here Angel! Isn’t that great?” “It is!” “So what is my lovely Angel up to now?” I playfully rolled my eyes and said, “I’m just unpacking some stuff that I brought over. I’m waiting for the moving company to bring over the rest of the stuff and the new stuff that I bought. Sarah is gonna come over and help later.” “I still can’t believe you’re gonna adopt Damian Angel.” “Haha what do you mean? You’re the one who told me to remember?” It sounded like DogDay was moving around my office. “I remember Angel. Hey! You didn’t tell me you had my letter laminated.”  
I thought for a moment before remembering what letter it was.  “Oh yeah, haha. I really loved it.” I looked over to my wall and the only picture I had hanging now was the one DogDay gave me for Valentine's Day. The original one was also laminated but it was here with me. The one in my office was a copy I made. “You should sing me my letter some time.” “Oh yeah? Well Angel, my voice isn’t as good as yours, but I’ll do my best. I’ll sing it to you when you come back.”  
The sound of the doorbell spooked me a little. I got up from the chair and looked the peep whole and saw that it was the movers. “I’ll hold you too that love. Hey the movers are here so I’ll call you back later.” “Poo. Alright Angel, I love you~” “I love you too~ mwah! Bye bye.” “Bye bye.” I unlocked the door and put my phone in my pocket. “Hi, sorry I was on the phone.” “Not a problem at all ma’am. If you can tell me which rooms are which so that we can put the boxes in the right room for you.” I nodded and stepped out of the way to let- I looked at his nametag quickly before he walked past me- Adam. That was his name. I moved so that Adam could come in.  
He looked around and I led him to the first room but my picture on the wall caught his attention. “Oh hey, what was his name again? Day-Day? No um DoggyDay? Oh! DogDay! My kids love him. He your husband?” I think my neck popped with how fast I turned to look at him. “Huh?! N-no he’s just my boyfriend.” Adam nodded and said, “Oh, apologize. I thought he was since people these days can now marry almost anything now.” I had forgotten about that law. It just started this year that anyone can marry anything, be it robots, or other characters from different stuff. I don’t think me and DogDay could get married though. He’s owned by Playtime. Just then an idea popped in my head.  
Once I showed Adam around, he and his team brought in everything and placed them in the rooms that they were meant to go in. Not long after Sarah came by and helped unboxing some stuff. After a few hours we decided to go have lunch. It was a nice day outside, so we had lunch outside the restaurant.  
“Thank you again for helping me Sarah.” I said before sipping on my tea. “No prob. Not like I had anything else to do.” I couldn’t tell if she was serious or not. “You seem a little down, what’s wrong?” Sarah just chewed on her salad for a good two minutes before swallowing and said, “It’s my kid. She like has asthma and her inhaler ran out yesterday but like I can’t get her a new one because my stupid insurance doesn’t want to like cover for it and just for one inhaler is like $600!”  
I was shocked. I had no idea that Sarah had a kid. “How old is she if you don’t mind me asking.” Another long pause from Sarah. She put her head down while saying, “She’s four years old, almost five.” Damn. I felt bad for Sarah. I was going to say something to her, but she spoke out first. “And don’t like ask me if my parents will like help me because they won’t. They cut ties with me once they like found out that their little fifteen-year-old was pregnant.” I saw tears stroll down her cheek. I handed her a napkin and she took it and wiped her eyes.   
We didn’t say anything else after. Once we finished, I told her I needed to run into the gas station quickly to get something and she said she’d wait outside for me. In a few minutes I came back out and handed her an envelope. “Here.” Sarah stared at it before taking it and opening it up. Her eyes widened and before she said anything I put a hand up and said, “Take it. There’s a little extra in there in case you need anything else.” She had tears in her eyes and without a warning she hugged me. “Thank you, Y/N. You really are an angel.”  
It was now naptime at Playcare which meant there would be no interruptions between me and DogDay. We were both laying down on his bed. My back was to his chest and his arms were wrapped around my waist. “Ready for your song Angel?” “Mhm.” DogDay pulled me in closer to his chest. “It’s just like heaven; being here with you. You’re like an Angel; too good to be true. But after all, I love you, I do. Angel baby. My Angel baby~ When you are near me; my heart skips a beat. I can hardly stand on my own two feet. Because I love you, I love you, I do. Angel baby. My Angel baby~ Wooo who, I love you. Whoo, I do. No one could love you. Like, I do.”  
As he sang out the rest of the letter, I closed my eyes and pictured what life would look like if DogDay and I were together outside of here. I then felt DogDay take off my headband and place a kiss on top of my head. “Did you enjoy my singing Angel?” I wiggled around and turned towards DogDay. “I loved it. You have quite the singing voice.” I leaned in and kissed him, and he returned the kiss back, pulling me closer to him.  
My phone started ringing killing the moment. I pulled away and looked at my phone and immediately groaned. “Let me guess, it’s your mom, right?” “Yep.” DogDay sighed and said, “She always ruins everything.” I laughed at how he said that. I answered the phone. “Hey m-” “Young lady how dare you not tell me that I’d get a call from a social worker asking me questions about you!” DogDay held back a laugh as I made a face. “Mom, I told you that- ah!” I was caught off guard as DogDay moved me onto his torso. My face felt a little flushed as I was now on top of him sitting up. DogDay had this look in his eyes, like he was about to do something. “Hello? Y/N?” “Sorry mom I uh, tripped.” My mom sighed and said, “This is why you’re always hurting yourself, you’re so clumsy. How are you going to raise a child?” Rude. “Listen mom if they didn’t think I could raise Damian then they wouldn’t have made me go through everything that I’ve done already. I have to home inspection coming up and-”  
I stopped talking as DogDay grabbed onto my waist and with his fingers he raised up my shirt a little bit. My heart started beating faster, and I knew by now I was blushing. DogDay had a grin on his face. “As I was saying mom, I um have the home um thing soon and I know that umm..wait nonono hahaha!” DogDay started tickling me. “Hahaha wait no waiit hahahah” “Y/N? What on earth is wrong with you?” “Hahaha stop please! Mom I- haha have to call you b-back haha!” As I hanged up the phone DogDay said, “You’re not escaping me Angel~”  
Five minutes he tickled me. Only five minutes and it felt like an eternity. DogDay moved his paws away and leaned up against the wall. I laid against his chest, trying to catch my breath from all the laughing I did. “My my Angel. I’d thought I’d have you breathing like that from another activity~.” He winked at me and I almost choked on my spit. “Wha huh??!!” “Just kidding.” 
A/N: Be honest, you thought something else was going to happen >:p
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specialagentlokitty · 4 months
Hannibal lector x teen!reader - I would notice
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Is it possible to have a continuation of 'i would notice'? Bc that fic was scrumptious and I need to see reader happy and healthy with Hannibal 😭 - Anon💜
Part two:
You resumed your therapy on a non official basis, your parents weren’t billed for the sessions like usual, Hannibal would make the time to either go to your school, your home or occasionally to some cafe.
Hannibal had come to the agreement with you that he would meet you twice a week, and if you felt the thoughts getting the better of you then you would call him no matter the time of day.
He also insisted on checking your arms for any injuries and relied on you to tell him the truth about if you had inflicted any wounds elsewhere.
You were laid upside down on your couch while Hannibal read over the letter that you had given him.
“You refuse to go to your progression meeting? Think about college or university?” He asked.
“I don’t see the point, plus the letter insists on bringing my parent or parents with me and yeah considering they’re in a whole different country that might be a bit hard.”
He hummed a little bit, setting the letter down and he looked at you.
“Do sit up, all that blood rushing directly to your brain won’t do you any good.”
You sighed, swinging yourself back around so you were sitting up.
“Are you interested in perusing a higher education?”
“I haven’t really thought about it I guess…”
“You hadn’t thought about making it past your teenage years?”
You shook your head and he nodded in understanding.
“Well, we have some time, why don’t you take a moment to think about this. What do you want to do in your life?”
You went quiet as you thought about his question.
“I guess I want to help people somehow.”
“A doctor? A therapist?”
You shook your head.
“No. There jobs my parents want me to have, I don’t want them.”
“Well, perhaps you should consider going to this meeting, see what your options are based on your grades at the moment.”
“No thanks, I’ll pass.”
Hannibal sighed heavily.
“Will you attend this meeting if I were to ask nicely?” He asked.
“Why not?”
“I’ll be the only student there without a parent or guardian, that’s gonna make me the laughing stock of my whole grade.”
“Just consider it, I would like you to go there tomorrow, trust me.”
Hannibal checked his watch and stood up.
“I have an appointment soon, so I must be going but do consider staying for the meeting for me, see what options there are available for your future.”
You got up to see him out, but never gave him a response.
You were supposed to still be on summer break, but you found yourself wondering the school halls as you debated actually going to this meeting.
It was supposed to be the last one before senior year, anybody who hadn’t gone to any of the meetings were going to start getting pulled aside in following year.
The meeting would help clear up some doubts you were having on your future and you knew that, but you didn’t want to go alone, so you closed your locker.
You began making your way towards the exit, and last minute changed your course to step into the classroom where other students and parents were.
“Well, look who finally came. I was hoping you would.” Your teacher smiled.
You gave a small smile back, walking over.
“Hey Daniels, I was wondering if maybe I could just get a few leaflets and go.”
He nodded, picking up a few leaflets and some other things.
“Take it I can’t encourage you to stay?” He asked.
“Nah, plus it looks like you’ve got a pretty full room anyways.”
He chuckled a little.
“All last minute, just like you. But you’ve still got time to decide so don’t panic about it.”
“I won’t, thanks.”
You stuffed them into your bag and swung it over your shoulder, turning to head to the door and you nearly collided with someone walking through.
“I hope I’m not late, there was a great deal of traffic on the way here.”
You took a few steps back.
“Doctor lector?”
He smiled as he saw you, taking his scarf off.
“You came, although I assume I caught you just as you were leaving?”
You nodded.
“Well, since we’re both here why don’t we take a seat?”
You sat at the back of the classroom with him, setting all the leaflets you had gotten on the table.
“Have you thought about how far you want to travel?” Hannibal asked.
“I don’t really want to go too far, I want to stay somewhere semi familiar.”
“Alright, in that case we’ll take these ones away.”
He took a few of the leaflets away, and picked up one of the others, talking you though it and comparing all of the colleges and universities for you.
“Well, you are interested in animals, perhaps something in that industry?”
You gasped, lightly hitting the table a few times in excitement.
“Zookeeper!! Or.. or.. or ranch owner!” You whisper yelled.
Hannibal chuckled a little, smiling softly at you, and he set a couple of leaflets down in the table for you.
“Well, you still have your senior year ahead of you, but perhaps we can think of visiting a few of these universities, see what they have to offer for you.”
“Aren’t you like real busy or something?”
“I do have spare time, if need be I can make the time.”
You nodded a little bit, looking through one of the leaflets, showing him one of the pictures.
“This one has monkeys, and it’s near a zoo I could do work experience.”
“Well then, I think we should arrange a visit to this university and see all they have to offer, don’t you?”
You quickly nodded your head.
“How do we do that?”
“I’ll handle all of that no need to worry at all.”
You smiled a little at him, and you pulled another bit of paper from your bag, handing it over to him.
“What’s this?”
“Well, we get to decorate our parking spots, this is what I wanna do with mine.”
“This will take you all day.”
You beamed at Hannibal and he handed the paper back to you, gesturing to the front of the room so you could pay attention.
When the meeting was over, Hannibal dropped you off back home.
“Shall I meet you here tomorrow?” Hannibal asked.
“Nah, it’s okay. I’ll see you next week doctor Lector, and I uh.. thank you for coming to the meeting.”
He smiled at you, making his way back to his car.
You wanted to get an early start on decorating your parking space, and you placed a sheet down that you could sit while you did it.
It was still early in the day, there weren’t many students there, but all of them were doing the same thing as you, getting an early start.
You were sitting with headphones on while you worked, but you did notice a shadow over you, so you tilted your head up.
“Doctor lector!”
You smiled, pushing your headphones down and you moved over so he could sit next to you.
“I happened to find myself with the day free, so I thought I would come check on your progress.”
“I’ve got to wait for the top to dry, so I’m working on the background for now.”
Hannibal nodded his head, and he looked at the paints that you were using.
“You’ve changed your idea a little bit.”
“Yeah, I thought a forest scene would be a lot nicer you know?”
He hummed a little bit, handing you a green paint, taking the one you already had next to you.
“Try this one, it would capture the essence of the pine trees, make them look more alive.”
“I didn’t think of that.”
You changed the shade of green you were using, and Hannibal took a paintbrush to help you, following the outline that you had made.
“Do you paint or something doctor lector?”
“I believe everybody should divulge into the arts in some way another, it can help clear one’s mind, find them peace.”
You nodded your head.
“You seemed to be rather adepts at painting.”
“My parents made me take art classes as a kid, I guess I just really enjoyed it because I kept painting. I lost interest a while back, but I thought maybe I should pick it up again.”
“Why was that?”
Hannibal looked at you slightly confused and you smiled a little at him.
“Yeah, you taught me it was important to keep my interests, especially if I want to clear my mind. Painting really helps.”
“And visiting the pet store?”
“They have really cute puppies?” You grinned a little.
Hannibal chuckled, and he smiled at you, turning his attention back to the painting.
“I am glad to see that you’re becoming much happier, have you considered getting a pet? For company that is, that way you are not alone.”
“I was thinking about it, but I don’t know, I don’t wanna buy one you know?”
“Have you thought about adopting one? I have a friend who has done the same, I could ask him to come with us if you’d like?”
“Yeah! Oh my god I want to find a really adorable dog!”
Hannibal chuckled again.
“Well, considered it settled then. I shall get into contact with Will, I’ll arrange a date and a time, we will go to a few rescues until you find a perfect dog.”
You and Hannibal carried on working on your parking spot, he showed you how to blend the colours to look more natural, and he did the more intricate details for you.
When you were finished you put your hand into the paint tin, and you pulled it out, grinning at him.
“What are you planning?” He mused.
You stamped your hand on the bottom of your parking space, and wrote you name underneath, then wiped your hand on your jeans.
“(Y/N), don’t do that come now, you’ll never get that out.”
Hannibal handed you a cloth, and you used that instead, just grinning at him.
He stood up, and looked at your forest themed parking spot, trees, birds, blue skies, sunlight through the trees, a stag in the middle of them all, and an owl sitting on the branch.
“Why an owl?” You asked.
“Well, because they protest wisdom, a thing I believe you have a lot off.”
“Haha very funny.”
“It’s true, you’re a smart person (Y/N), with a lot of wonderful ideas for this world, and I for one look forward to seeing you grow into a wonderful adult.”
You smiled at him.
Hannibal gestured to paint.
“May I?”
You nodded and he brushed some paint on to his hand, and he printed his hand print next to yours, signing his name underneath.
He cleaned his hand on a cloth, and he stood next to you.
“Now this is truly a work of art.” He said.
“Can we go look at dogs now?”
“Well, everywhere is closed to the public, however Will has agreed for you to come to his home and meet his dogs, would you be alright with that?”
You quickly nodded your head and rushed to pack everything away.
“Careful now, we don’t want to ruin your hard work, you spent all day on that.”
“Right! Right! Carefully.”
Hannibal helped you out everything into your car.
“Go home and change, I’ll be there shortly to come get you.”
You beamed brightly from ear to ear and he smiled at you, opening your car door so you could get in.
You drove back home to wash the pain off and change into some fresh clothes, and you were practically bouncing with happiness as you waited for Hannibal to come back.
The moment you saw his car you were running down the driveway, and he chuckled, getting out of his car to open the passenger door for you.
“Does Will have a lot of dogs? Can we get them treats?”
You carried on rambling questions for him, and he just smiled, finally seeing you with a spark of life, a spark of happiness
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but he doesn't know who i am
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Summary: Vision learns about Wanda's 2am gym visits and the nightly meetup you'd been anticipating with the witch becomes... something else.
I really can't write summaries: basically Vision's introduction to the series and him meeting R 😭
Word Count: 1357 Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Reader Warnings: back at it again with the self-doubt Part 4 of 'Half of My Hometown' series masterlist <- previous part | next part ->
»»————- ★ ————-««
“Miss Maximoff, are you quite alright? You are usually not this tired from training.”
Wanda sighs, forcing a smile as she turns towards the approaching synthezoid. 
“I'm fine, Vision, thank you. I just had a late night.”
“Were you having nightmares again? They can be common for quite some time after going through traumatic events, such as what you experienced with your family and city.”
“I wasn’t,” Wanda snaps, in a tone which comes out harsher than she had intended. She presses the base of her palm to her eyes in a show of exaggerated tiredness in order to hide the growing anger in her gaze – she knows Vision is trying to help, but something about his phrasing, combined with her limited sleep, draws out her ire. Wanda is overcome by a sudden desire to be talking with you instead, you would understand. While Vision clearly pities her for her life’s tragedies, you know what it’s like – you’ve experienced it. Vision wants her to forget her nightmares, whereas you replenish her mind with the happier moments, even patching her near-forgotten memories with your own recollection of events. Vision is telling her to make a life in the present, but you help her rebuild the foundations of her past.
Wanda tries to bury the comparison; the android is trying his best to understand, and she has only had one full conversation with you since you reunited, so could she really say that all conversations would be like that? She hopes they are, since memories of the five hours of carefree talking still linger fresh in her mind, tugging the corners of her lips upwards whenever she dwells on it.
“I didn't have nightmares,” Wanda continues at last. “Not last night. I went to the gym and lost track of time” – not quite a lie – “it's nicest at 2am, I think, always quiet.”
“Ah, I see,” Vision says, seemingly oblivious to the Sokovian’s inner turmoil, “shall we focus on powers together this session then, if you’ve already exercised in the night? Overworking on the machines can lead to-”
“Yeah, Vision, that sounds good,” Wanda interrupts, not wanting another explanation, “let's work on powers.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
You’re lucky that the Compound is sparse in the early hours, because you’re certain you look like an idiot having to fight a grin every time you let your memory wander back to the night before – five hours spent talking with Wanda, yet it had been so comfortable that it hadn’t felt like any time at all. And to top it all off, she had been the one to ask you to do it all over again, with her enthusiasm so explicitly shown that it had left no room for doubt in your mind; she had enjoyed the night just as much as you.
So you smile all through your patrol route that night, watching the clock tick closer and closer to the promised 2am until, eventually, you round the corner and she comes into view.
“Wanda!” you greet cheerily. She’s leaning against a pillar and looking down at her phone but her head shoots up and, upon seeing you, a beaming smile spreads across her face.
“Hi,” she says, and there's once again an awkward moment where neither of you know the right move or what to say. Do you hug her? Kiss her cheek? You'd like to, but, once again, you're interrupted before you can take action.
“Ah, Wanda, you're still here!” a voice calls out. Wanda’s gaze drifts behind you and you abruptly swivel in place to see who is interrupting your time together. Whatever you expected, it isn't this.
Despite the English accent in his voice, the man was decidedly… not English, or human for that matter. The red, humanoid figure floats his way towards you, with the yellow jewel embedded in his head glowing softly.
“Vision, what are you doing up?” Wanda asks, clearly familiar with the man as she takes a step forward, while you take a step back to the sidelines.
“My sleep cycle is only designed to replicate that of a human’s, it's not actually necessary for me.”
You consider asking if he needs to recharge, and how long his batteries last, but you think better of it, not wanting to insult anyone close to Wanda.
“You said this morning that you go to the gym at this time, so I thought I might join you. Then you won't lose track of time and be tired during training, like today,” Vision continues. The same pang of guilt as last night hits you again, since it was your fault that Wanda stayed up so late – Wanda's request to meet again had pushed the responsibility to the back of your mind, but if she's complained about the tiredness to her teammates, then perhaps she had wanted to sleep earlier, but only stayed around and asked to meet at 2am out of politeness, to fit your schedule, rather than her own.
“That's kind of you, Vision, but, uh-” she glances briefly at you, and it's like Vision only just realises you're there too.
“I'm Y/N,” you interrupt, holding a hand out for the newcomer to shake. He looks over at you somewhat indignantly, as if shocked that you would interrupt Wanda's answer, but you know her well enough to know she had been stalling for her next words. Wanda’s relieved reaction to your words is only further confirmation of that.
“Vision,” he introduces, “do you two know each other?”
You glance over to Wanda now, unsure what she wants to reveal to the robot. She takes the hint and seamlessly continues the conversation on your behalf,
“Y/N and I grew up together, back in Sokovia.”
“Oh, and you both ended up here. What a coincidence.”
“Yeah.” You laugh awkwardly. Although there's still the comfort of Wanda standing by your side, the conversation feels stilted and forced with Vision in the room. “I should probably get back to my patrol,” you say after a few more minutes of discussion – which felt more like an interview of Vision against you and Wanda.
Wanda nods her head and shuffles closer to you, but Vision speaks up before she can.
“Yes, Wanda and I should probably get started at the gym too; then you won't have to be up too late!” he says, the last part directed to Wanda only.
Her eyes flick between you and Vision again, the choice of who to go with and who to disappoint suddenly presented before her. Her head is low and she’s fiddling with her rings again, so you make the choice for her before she next speaks.
“Vision is right; I'm sure you both have to be up early for training tomorrow so don't let me keep you.”
Wanda’s head shoots up at you with a wide-eyed glare and you duck your head to avoid meeting her eyes; if she could see into them, then maybe she would see that you didn't want her to leave, that you wanted her to come around with you and talk like the night before. 
But to say that would be selfish.
Wanda and you aren’t 12 anymore, you both have responsibilities beyond each other and you can’t allow yourself to get in the way of that for her. Wanda is an Avenger now, and you have to remind yourself that the eyes of the world rest on her, constantly judging and scrutinising her performance in the field. She needs public opinion of her to stay positive – that comes from good performance, and good performance comes from properly training with her teammates. You’d kept her from the gym the night before, and caused the tiredness which had impacted her training enough that had taken note; you couldn’t let that happen again. So you pretend to want her company less than Vision, make the choice so she doesn't have to, and walk away with nothing more than a forced smile and a wave, even when you catch the disappointed look on Wanda's face as she watches you leave.
It's for her own good.
You'll always do what's best for Wanda.
next part ->
»»————- ★ ————-««
General Taglist: @canvascoloredin @fxckmiup @wizardofstories
Series Taglist: @holiday-house-of-m @emiliaisdead @wonderingnerd @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @chasethemoon
A/N: I might give up on the gifs at the start, I'm gonna run out at this rate 😭 Anywayyyy, shortish chapter and sorry for the delay! Been a busy week of avoiding my uni work. As always, reblogs and comments are amazing and keep me going, and I hope to have the next part out soon :)
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im-so-tired-sorry · 1 year
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Kiribaku x gn!reader headcanons <3
A/N: my first time writing like this so bare with me lmao. these boys are always in my head. Part 1 since i realized while writing this was already long enough.
CW: mainly platonic, slight flirting
Genre: fluff
Word count: 0.8k
while still attending ua (and still friends), you, kirishima and bakugo would always be hanging out together: in class, training at the gym, studying, or even chilling in each others dorms (sometimes even after curfew)
you would hang out in each others rooms, watching movies, reading books/manga, doing skin care, etc. sometime you would even invite the rest of the bakusquad over.
if two of you were planning on hanging out, you would plan to invite the third.
the boys would become a tad upset if you already had plans with your other friends/ classmates, but they wouldn’t say anything. they would still hangout and try to bring back a souvenir— whether it’s food or a gift shop item or even a small plush—for you once you come back to the dorms so you can hangout again and talk about your day.
it’s almost as if you three being separated for a long time was draining; you would all at least have to be in the same room to recharge and relax.
study sessions where bakugo would start to become less strict on you and kiri once you start pulling better grades, but still call you out for slacking off.
study sessions where bakugo bets that if you and eijirou made an equal or better grade than him on the next test, he would take you both out for dinner.
you and eijirou making dinner plans while katsuki is trying to figure out how you both passed his grade by a couple of percentage numbers. “you cheated didn’t you?” “we swear we didn’t!!”
there are two specific types of inside jokes between you three; if it happened in public, you can tease each other about it and explain the context if someone asked. then there are the ones you keep to yourselves, the ones that originated from private moments. those are the ones where, if mentioned, not even bakugo can help but break a smile reimagining the moment.
katsuki, who will stay after everyone else has left and help you with your training if you’re having trouble with a specific move. you tell him that “it’s ok” not wanting to waste his time, but he’ll just grumble. “how do you expect to be a good hero if you won’t even put in the effort?”
eijirou, who will never let you eat alone. no matter how late it is, if he finds you having a late dinner, he’ll join you with his own snack.
katsuki, who will maybe let you lean on his shoulder to catch up on sleep after staying up late to study and train.
eijirou who will carry you to the infirmary as soon as you catch a really bad cold, and katsuki who will blame it on you overworking yourself. either way, if they’re not in class or training, they are staying by your bedside ‘till you get better.
the three of you, along with other classmates, celebrate together when you pass your exams
the three of you, along with friends and family, grab dinner after the graduation ceremony
the three of you become a little distant once you start working at a different hero agency while kiri and baku get to work together. a couple of months go by and there’s silence between the pod. being a hero is busy work after all, especially when your trying to be some of the best.
you still try to make time for each other, trying to align every day off you have to see each other.
you would buy every magazine that had either of the boys on the cover and send it in the group chat. “wouldn’t mind being saved by this hunk😍” “💪💪😘” “You guys are gross.”
at one point, the three of you just start going straight over to each other’s houses after patrol shifts, eating dinner together, and if it’s too late, it turns into a last minute sleepover.
katsuki, who give you old clothes of his to let you sleep in.
katsuki, who will add your hero costume to the laundry pile and wake up early in the morning so your suit is clean and dry before you wake up and have to go.
eijirou, who will let you choose anything in his wardrobe to change into once it’s decided you’re staying the night.
eijirou, who, though can’t usually cook well, will make a solid breakfast for you before you have to clock back into work.
when they shoot you a text saying they’re coming over, you prep the house and take out their clothes and toothbrushes that they’ve “accidentally” left at your house so they can easily change and settle in once they arrive.
if you all have the day off tomorrow, it’s automatically a movie night and you each pick a movie to watch
cut to you all cuddling on top of each other, dead asleep while the credits roll.
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mik0rin · 3 months
are we still friends? status: idk, it's complicated...
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kuroo tetsuro x black fem reader genre: college au, childhood best friends to strangers to best friends to lovers, angst (?) idk maybe warnings: cussing, word "kill" is used once, confusing feelings, two idiots in love <3 word count: 3,072
<- prev m.list next -> taglist open sign up -> here!! a/n: i think after this only two or three chapters left ??
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It’s a little past noon and rain patters against the cafe window, you swirl the straw around in your drink and the ice cubes clink as they hit the glass. You’re sitting with Mika having your routine day-after debrief and she’s looking at you with narrowed eyes and a frown. 
“So after you told me you were just friends, you had mind-blowing sex and now you’re confused?” 
“Yes, exactly.” 
She leans back and rubs her temples, “You piss me off, you know that?” 
Your voice raises in pitch due to bewilderment, “What did I do?!” 
Mika gives you a hard stare and you shrink in your seat, sometimes you forget how frightening she can be behind her bubbly personality. You know she’s probably thinking that you were lying last night, but how were you supposed to know that things were going to develop this way? It’s not like any of this was your intention, it was the sort of thing that just kind of happens. 
“I wasn’t lying when I said we were just friends, Mika.” You say rather dejectedly and Mika sighs. 
Your friend can tell you’re really struggling with this and she can only imagine what’s going through your head. You were a bit of an overthinker and sometimes you jumped to crazy conclusions as a result. And the curly-haired girl knows this is a delicate situation. 
When her mind was clearer this morning due to being sober, she remembered that she’d seen Kuroo before on your socials and when she asked about him, you were quick to change the subject. Your face always looked sullen at the mention of him and you only vaguely mentioned what happened between the two of you, but she could tell it hurt you deeply. 
Her voice is much softer this time, “I didn’t call you a liar, babe. It’s just that you told me that you were friends last night and then you’re telling me all this the next day, it's a bit…”
“I know.” 
You know how it looks; you were so adamant last night and here you are, telling her that actually it is a little different. 
Mika flashes you an understanding smile before diving into (friendly) interrogation. 
“So where is he now?”
You quickly reminisce on how difficult it was to leave earlier. Tetsuro wouldn’t let go of you and you had to pretend to fall asleep again, and then slowly maneuver out of his embrace. 
He’s kinda cute when he’s clingy though. 
You shake your head lightly, trying to get rid of that thought. Why were you thinking like that?  
Mika looks at you like you’re losing your mind and you try to cover up your little moment by answering her question. 
“Asleep in my apartment, he doesn’t leave until tomorrow.” 
Then she asks the burning question, “What are you going to do?” 
Your shoulders slump in frustration, “I don’t know. We’re still friends, so I feel like there’s nothing to do?” 
“You definitely have to do something.” 
You groan, all of this is way too hard. 
Mika lightly hits her hands on the table, shaking your drinks ever-so slightly and she looks like she has a bright idea. And you know the girl is going to ask you something that’s nearly impossible to properly answer. 
“Okay, different approach: Y’all acted like a couple last night, how did that make you feel?” 
She sounds like your therapist and you can imagine her with pen and notepad in hand, scribbling down things that seemed noteworthy during the session. 
“Good? Weird? I don’t fucking know.” You cover your face with your hands and slide down in your seat. 
“Damn. You don’t know anything, do you?” 
She’s joking and you’re grateful for a little comedic break, but too much truth exists in that sentence. You don’t know anything; your feelings are a knotted mess in both your heart and mind, and you have no idea which thread to pull to untangle it. 
Mika doesn’t wait for any verbal response but she does take your small smile as a cue to continue. 
“To me, at least, It looks like you like him. And don’t kill me now, but I think we can even use the other word. Like the fact it’s even tripping you up this bad means it’s serious. I’ve never seen you act like this with anyone else.” 
The other word? 
Well, of course you love Kuroo but you know Mika means in love, and once again you don’t know. 
She puts her hand up, cutting you off. “Listen. You two have been friends for so long that you don’t know how to separate what is platonic and romantic, and it's because in your mind it’s just Kuroo Tetsuro.” 
Oh god. 
She’s right. 
There had to be a point where your feelings were a little more than platonic but you couldn’t tell because Tetsuro has always just been Tetsuro to you. You never really had to describe what you felt for him because it seems obvious. The two of you were close and that was evident to anyone who saw you. Why did you have to think any further than that? 
Your voice is small and fear coats the ends of your words. “Mika, what if our friendship gets ruined? I don’t think I can go through that shit again.” 
“I mean y’all already had sex so I think the ‘ruination' would've happened directly after that. And the way you described it, it was fine afterwards. So don’t think about that, just start with talking with him about last night. And if something bad happens, which it won’t, I’m always here.” 
Her words are sincere and she gives you a look of support, and your heart swells. You don’t know what you would do without her and moments like these make you think about how blessed you are when it comes to friends. 
You smile at her, “Thanks, Mika. I love you.” 
“Love you too. But, I have to ask.” 
“You really know how to ruin a moment.” 
She ignores your comment, “Anyways, you were selfish with the details today, and you were practically glowing when you came in, so how was it? Like really?” 
Last night runs through your mind and you start to heat up, and Mika raises an eyebrow at the way you refuse to meet her eye. 
“I was taken care of,” You say with a content sigh and your head drops down onto the table.
Giving up because you won’t reveal any specifics, Mika leans back in her seat, her head tilted in curiosity. 
“It was that good?” 
You lift your head just enough to peek at her. “4,” Is all you say. 
“Four what?” You give her a look and the gears start to turn in her head, “Oh..OHH. Oh my god.” 
“Mhmm,” You hum.  
She puts her hand over mouth in mock-shock, “You nasty freaks.” 
You sit up immediately and point at her, “Don’t even. I know some things about you and mister bio lab partner.” 
Mika shuts her mouth immediately and you stare at each other for half a second before becoming a giggling mess. Your worries start to dissipate and you know deep in your heart that everything will be fine. 
“No, but seriously. What was going on with you and Mr.Bio last night?”
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It’s still raining by the time you come home and it darkens your usually bright living room. You can hear the washing machine going and when you walk into the kitchen to grab water, you notice the dishes in your sink have been washed too. As you get closer to your room, you smell the familiar scent of your candle and catch sight of the man you left behind in a new set of lounge clothes; he’s asleep and you remember you saw his gym shoes at the door. 
You set the things you have in your hands on your nightstand and quietly step into the bathroom. The smell of bathroom cleaner still lingers in the air and everything is organized, Kuroo even managed to put it in the places you normally would. 
Tetsuro must have woken up some time after you left, went to the gym, and then cleaned up after he returned. You smile to yourself, he’s so incredibly sweet and attentive; ever since you were young Saturdays have been your cleaning day and when you were growing up, Tetsu knew it was a day that was hard to hang out. And when your families got closer, he even came over to help. 
You crouch down by the bed and wake Kuroo with a gentle shake. He sits up and rubs his eyes a few times before they settle on you, and his expression is soft and warm. His hair is sticking up in multiple directions and the only thought that runs through your mind is: how adorable. 
“Morning.” He mumbles, voice coated with sleep- all deep and raspy. And you really don’t want to admit how good it sounds. 
“Afternoon, sleepyhead,” You grab the pastry and drink off your nightstand and offer it to him. 
“For me?” 
“For you.” 
“Thanks, angel.” He says it so smoothly like it’s meant to be there, like he’s always called you that. And with that voice? Is he trying to kill you? 
You ignore the quickening pace of your heart and you’re sure your face might be betraying your attempt to conceal your emotions. You tell yourself that he doesn’t notice but Tetsuro does and he takes a bite of the buttery croissant to cover his smile. He wishes you could see the way your entire face softens and how your eyes tell him that you want to hear it again. And Kuroo will grant that wish; in fact he wants to call you that again and again, until it’s ingrained in your brain and you don’t respond to anything else. He wants your actual name to sound foreign on his lips and the times he does use it is to convey such a deep emotion, that he has to use your name to establish his sincerity. 
You stand up, pushing on your knees, “Did you clean?” 
Tetsuro nods as he drinks the tea you bought and you give him a warm appreciative smile, and he’s ready to hear something sweet fall from your lips. 
“Thank you, maid.” Your smile is still warm but it’s also a challenge, and the dark-eyed boy knows you’re waiting for him to strike back. But the way your eyes are sparkling tells him that he isn’t going to win. 
Kuroo rolls his eyes and you let out a triumphant chuckle before disappearing into the bathroom, shutting the door behind you. 
“You wanna do somethin’ today?” You yell through the door as you change out of your clothes. 
“Sleep.” He responds loud enough for you to hear. 
The bathroom swings open and you stand in the doorway, adorned in your house clothes complete with the satin bonnet. 
“The smartest thing to ever come out of your mouth.” 
Kuroo gives you a playful glare, “You can never agree like a normal person?” 
You slide into bed next to him and squeeze his cheeks, “Why would I do that? When pissing you off is so much more fun.” 
You let go of his face and Kuroo mumbles something about how it isn’t fair because he couldn’t keep up with you. You laugh at his sore loser attitude and tell him he’s had ten years to figure it out.
And at the mention of your decade-long friendship, you remember what Mika had told you earlier today. You have to talk to him about last night, there’s no way around it. The two of you had already had a case of terrible communication and if you could, you’d rather avoid another one. 
You look at the blanket, playing with the end of it and Tetsuro raises an eyebrow at the sudden shift in your mood. 
“Um, about last night.” 
That’s why you look so nervous and now he’s nervous too, because the expression on your face isn’t good. Fear settles in him and he wonders if that’s regret he’s seeing. He doesn’t even want to imagine the eighty-two different ways his heart would rip apart if you were to say that you want to erase the memory of last night. And the worst part is that he would agree because if it made you happy, he wouldn’t think twice about it. 
“Do you regret it?” Kuroo’s voice is so small and he finds it embarrassing. 
Your eyes widen and you look at him in surprise, his face has distress written all over it. 
“No, no, no.” You reassure him, “I had a really good time, Tetsuu.” 
He lets out a sigh of relief and he meets your gaze, and he knows you’re telling the truth. 
You continue “It’s just that, you know, we’re best friends and that’s not really a thing friends do. I’m worried that-”
“That everything will change and we’ll end up where we were two years ago.” He finishes off your sentence and it’s like he can read your mind but Kuroo is also thinking the same thing, he had a similar conversation with Kenma while you had yours with Mika. The two of you have a fear so powerful that it puts those other feelings in the shadows. It’s scary to think about losing each other once again and after you’ve only resolved the whole issue a few months ago.  
“I don’t think it’ll change anything. It happened and that’s it, we’ll say it was a one-time thing.”  
Tetsuro says with a small smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes. 
He’s trying, he really is because if he were to be honest this is breaking his heart. You see, there’s a difference between you and Kuroo: he’s a bit of a liar.
When Akaashi asked if you two ever had feelings for each other and you said no, he felt like someone had taken a rubber mallet to his chest. The poor boy has been struggling with his feelings for you for years, bouncing between acceptance and confusion. He’s always questioning himself and for someone else to ask the question so plainly, and for you to answer like you didn’t need a second to think. Well, he thought that was the end, and then last night your eyes and body told a different story and Tetsuro was immersed in those conflicting thoughts once again. And now, you’re basically telling him that you went too far as friends, so what else can he do except try to keep the status quo?
“Yeah, I guess I was worried for nothing. You know I overthink like crazy.” You say with a nervous laugh. 
So many words sit on the tip of your tongue and yet the ones that really matter won’t make themselves heard. Why don’t you tell him that it was okay if some things were to change? That the actual thing you were afraid of was rejection? Why can’t you tell him that your heart was yearning for something else? 
Friends fall for each other all the time, what’s so different about the two of you? 
Silence follows your last sentence and the two of you stare at each other, desperately searching for something in the other’s eyes to indicate this conversation was far from over. But anxiety keeps you from continuing and you both lay down after mumbling in agreement that you should sleep like you planned. 
Kuroo’s arms wrap around you and his face buried in the crook of your neck. The warmth is lulling you to sleep but the feeling of him is keeping your heart awake. And Tetsuro keeps his eyes shut behind you as he tries to force himself to sleep. His nose is full of the scent of you and his emotions are heavy on him. He knows what happened this weekend is only going to cause his heart more stress; but what more can he do besides accept everything in the comfort of your soft sheets and skin? 
The rest of the weekend speeds past and then it’s Sunday evening, and the two of you are in front of the station waiting for Kuroo’s train back to Tokyo. Ever since reconciling you’ve been a little more sensitive when it comes time to part. However, today you just can’t keep it together. Maybe it’s the accumulation of your feelings crashing down on you or the atmosphere created by a person you love leaving, because one look at him and you're bursting into tears. 
Other people around start to feel sympathy, assuming you’re a young long distance couple that doesn’t get to see each other often. Kuroo sets down his duffel bag and bends down slightly so his face is right in front of yours. 
“Come on, If you cry like that I won’t be able to leave.” His voice is gentle with hints of sadness. 
You wipe your face and murmur, “I’m sorry.” 
“Don’t apologize, come here.” 
You close the space between the two of you, wrapping your arms around his waist and he rubs your back as your tears continue to fall. 
“Do you have to go?” You look up at him, big round brown eyes and the cutest pout on your glossy lips. Saying no to you right now feels like a bullet to the heart but Kuroo knows that he has to, otherwise he would never go back to university. 
He tries reasoning, “I’m coming back in two weeks for your graduation and then you come to Tokyo with me for mine.” 
And you take it, after a small complaint that two weeks is too long. 
Then you’re watching him walk onto the train and Tetsuro offers you one last wave, and you return it with a teary smile. As the train speeds away and you walk back to your apartment, you get a text from him. 
tetsuu (hater): if your face gets puffy send a pic i need to change your contact photo
you: i want you to go to hell and burn. 
tetsuu (hater): so no? 
you: if i end up on the news, i’ll be smiling in my mugshot because i would have accomplished my dream of killing you. don’t text me ever again
tetsuu (hater): damn, tough crowd
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a/n: sorry for the late update, i haven't had anytime and i've been really tired lately :// but here is the update (don't worry i've already started the next chapter, so you'll see it soon !!), since the smut did so well ummm i might be posting something with toji soon ? idk the time tho because i'm still working on it,, :)))
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cherr-22 · 6 months
“For this reconnaissance, we will investigate further. With the new demonic beast’s appearance recently, we must be more careful.”
“Yes sir!”
The knights answered in unison. It was so loud that even I, who was leisurely enjoying a sunbathing session while lying on the sawdust, could hear it.
‘Already another reconnaissance.’
It has been about a month since the previous one.
―Squeak squeak. Squeak. (But why hasn’t he told me about going on this one?)
I rubbed my stomach after stuffing myself with the almond, macadamia, and strawberry that Kyle had brought. I must’ve gained more weight, because it was getting harder to breathe. Just a little bit.
Anyways, it would be a good idea to follow along this time too. If another accident occurs, it’d be good if I were there.
I crawled to a corner and just when I was about to use ‘Summon’―.
“Wait a moment.”
Kyle opened the door and came into the study.
I took back my hand from the system window and slid back to the center of the hamster house.
Kyle’s soft voice called for me. I pretended I wasn’t doing anything and made a gesture that said, “You’re here?”.
Then he lifted me up and naturally started kissing me.
―Squeak……. (Alright…….)
Of course. If he didn't do this, he wouldn’t be Kyle Blake.
I received his kiss and waved my hand in goodbye. Hurry up and leave.
Kyle only left after glancing back at me twice at the study door. I quickly used ‘Summon’ and wore my clothes.
Really! At this point, shouldn’t I be able to automatically wear clothes? This is so inefficient!
……I’m not saying it’s your fault. It’s not like we could do anything about it. I’m just complaining out loud…
I comforted the sullen system and walked down the hallway at a brisk pace. I diligently headed out of the castle, greeting the workers carrying laundry baskets and brooms along the way.
When I pushed the tightly closed door, a light so bright that it hurt my eyes poured in. I stepped outside, feeling the cool air surrounding me.
Now, Kyle. Take me with you. Look at this perfect timing I appear before you when you need me.
“Your Highness! ……Huh?”
I looked at the empty field in front of the castle with a dumbfounded face.
He’s not here.
There’s nothing here. Even though this is the front gate?  Surely they would’ve reorganized their ranks here before going up the mountain?
I hurriedly searched the surrounding area. The flower beds, bushes, pillars… I looked closely everywhere, but I couldn’t find a single one of his familiar footprints.
“Just where exactly did you go!”
I shouted at the sky in frustration and a passing worker flinched.
“H-his Highness Kyle went to the back gate.”
“He said someone fearless may try to follow him…….”
I stood in place with a dumbfounded expression. The employee, seeing my reaction, quickly bowed his head and disappeared.
Then, does this mean…….
“He’s avoiding me?”
I went back into the castle and thought for a while. There weren’t any other demonic beast specialists within the castle so why would he go without me?
No, I knew why even without having to think. It was because I fell off the cliff last time.
It must’ve been a shock to see the person he promised to protect to fall into danger right before his eyes. What if it happens again? Would I be able to grab onto him properly this time? I could imagine him worrying about it all night long.
“It’s only right to keep the person you want to protect by your side.”
As I trudged down the hallway, I felt an inexplicable sense of loneliness. I must’ve gotten used to spending my time with Kyle.
I wandered around for a while before arriving at the kitchen to eat two freshly made sandwiches, scones, and cookies with black tea and then returned to my room to cancel ‘Summon’.
―Squeak. (Sigh.)
I laid down and stared at the dark ceiling of the study room.
There was no time to get lost in sentiment. I spent the entire day walking around and thinking about Kyle, but my heart felt heavier than it did before.
‘……Why do I feel so heavy?’
I grunted as I turned over. However, I couldn’t get up. I was only able to stand after grasping the floor with my paws.
―Squeak squeak. (……Just how much weight did I gain?)
Now, I could no longer deny it. At this rate, I may become an obese hamster and would have to survive on just chicory and lettuce.
I suddenly felt a sense of crisis and started walking on the hamster wheel. And here I thought I’d never have to ride this horrendous thing again!
Alright. Let’s do some morning dieting.
To the point where Kyle will be so surprised upon seeing me again.
Reconnaissance usually takes about four to five days. They said they would go further this time, so it should take about a week. Today was the first day of the week.
During this time, I was quite busy as both a human and a hamster.
During my time as a hamster, I worked on my squishy belly by running on the hamster wheel, and when I was human, I helped around.
Mass production of the quilted clothes have begun, because they thought it would be good to distribute them to the residents of the territory. The remaining knights in the castle also spent their days hunting.
I, of course, helped with sewing and teaching the kitchen staff various other healthy recipes. The most delicious recipe was the one made with the fish beast.
There was a pond to the south of the castle that was frozen all year long, so people often went ice fishing and hunting there.
They would gather together and light a bonfire to have a feast.
The grilled fish grilled with an even coat of spice and sauce…… it was tastier than any other seafood I’ve eaten.
As a result, the people greatly enjoyed the fish. And best of all, the fish would break through the ice on their own if there were a lot of them.
Anyways, it was hectic and busy. Thanks to that, my Miracle Value went up to 24 percent. It was a huge increase despite Kyle not being here.
In other words.
‘The people here has accepted me.’
Although, I did benefit a bit from the ‘passive effect’ of gaining favor with the Northerners.
When I walk across the hallways in the castle, the workers greet me and the knights sometimes look for me with monsters they caught in their hands. When I go to the kitchen, I’m gifted with freshly baked bread and some cookies. Yesterday, I even received the tart that the youngest worker of the castle baked.
‘……But we are still a little awkward with each other.’
It was definitely not a bad feeling though.
I cleared my throat and glanced at the clock. It was ticking just past noon.
―Squeak squeak. Squeak squeak squeak. (Kyle, just when exactly is he going to come back? The weather is fine so he should be back pretty soon.)
While mumbling to myself, the system window blinked.
That’s not it. Don’t look at me like I’m a wife waiting for their husband to return home. We’re not in that sort of relationship.
I kicked the system window and it flashed again on the opposite side of me.
I frantically kicked hard at the moving system window. I was so absorbed that I didn’t even hear the study door open.
“So you also knew how to dance.”
A soft voice came from above my head.
I paused and turned my head up. Kyle was looking down at me with a very disheveled appearance.
“Sorry for being gone for so long. I rushed back, because I was worried about you, but it seems like I could’ve washed up first. I can’t hold you with my hands dirty like this.”
Kyle mumbled while holding his hands caked in dirt and blood. My eyes naturally went to his hands.
―Squeeeak! (Hey! What’s with your hands!)
I stuck myself to the transparent wall and squeaked towards Kyle.
Kyle must’ve thought I was glad to see him after a long time, so he looked at me sweetly and left the study, saying that he would come back soon.
I pounded my chest in frustration and used ‘Summon’.
It’s a good thing I didn’t use it earlier in the day today. How could I hold in after seeing him like that? I must take a closer look myself to see if the body I cherish has any injuries.
“I think right now is good.”
I hung around in front of Kyle’s room for a while before knocking the door. Then, I heard a voice from inside telling me to come in.
Upon opening the door, I saw Kyle with a robe draped over his shoulders, drying his hair with a towel.
I quickly scanned him from head to toe. No injuries on his arms. Not a single scratch on his chest. He just looked a bit messy.
I sighed in relief and walked over to him.
“It took you a while this time.”
“I thought it would be good to go the longer route after encountering the new demonic beast before.”
“You didn’t tell me to go together this time.”
“There is no need for you to accompany me on every reconnaissance. Besides, didn’t you say you were busy?”
I crossed my arms and puffed. You could hide all you want, but I know you better than yourself.
“Not because you are afraid I might die?”
Kyle stared at me silently. It seems I got it right.
I reached out and gently grabbed both ends of the towel covering Kyle’s head to help dry his hair. He obediently lowered his head to narrow the distance between me and him.
“Teach me how to use the bow tomorrow. I learn quickly, so it’ll be worthwhile for you to teach me.”
Kyle’s brows narrowed, and then he relaxed with a short sigh.
As if he missed me for the week he was gone, he wrapped my waist with his strong arms and pulled me in. I entrusted myself to him. With his familiar body scent reaching the tip of my nose, I felt at ease.
I let go of the towel and placed my arms around his neck. I smiled as I heard him saying that he would teach me and that he’s glad to be back home.
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Intimacy Challenge: Day (2)
30 day intimacy challenge 
word count: 2k
Day 2: A good make out session can calm the stress in your life and bring you closer to your partner.
A/N: I’m really nervous about this, i typically stay away from writing anything related to smut only leading up to it, so I apologize if this sucks <3
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Z-dog: It had started out really innocent, you two were just in your room since she had no privacy in hers watching a movie and a few kisses here and there. You giggled as you felt her start kissing your jaw and neck before leaning up and pressing another one on your lips to which you deepened. Without breaking the kiss, she pulled you into her lap, where it was much easier for you to kiss her, as you felt her hands sliding up the shirt you were wearing.
You broke apart for a minute so she could lift it over your head and you guys went back to kissing and leaving marks all over each other. You were currently grinding into her as she left lovebites all her your chest when someone knocked on your door making you both confused until you heard that voice.
"Yo Z! Colonel needs us for some kind of meeting!" Lyle said banging on your door.
"Tell him that I'm busy or something." She shouted back as you kept kissing her.
"Z you know he's gonna be mad if you don't show." He said making her roll her eyes.
"I don't care, I'm busy right now." She said making you giggle as she kissed you again.
You both heard the code to your room being opened which made you scramble to cover yourself as your girlfriend hide you behind her back not wanting him to see you like this. Lyle walked in looked at the state of you and your girlfriend and smirked.
"Ohhhh I see now. Looking good y/n." He said as Alicia growled at him.
"Easy there Zdarksink. Just a harmless compliment." He said holding his hands up at her as she still growled at him.
"How do you even know the code to my room?" You asked him.
"Colonel gave it to me in case Zdog here was asleep or something, but clearly she wasn't." He said.
"Babe maybe you should go." You said to her.
"I will once he leaves." She said glaring at him, keeping a protective cover over you.
"Alright I'm going but y/n if you ever get bored, feel free to come see me." He said to you with a wink as you watched your girlfriend fly off the bed.
"I swear to god I will gut you like a fish Wainefleet." She said chasing after him as you laughed.
"I'm so sorry my love, we will continue this later." She said leaning down and placing a kiss on your lips.
"It's alright by the way you look so hot protecting me like that." You said as you saw her sigh.
"Later. We will continue this later." She said giving you one last kiss before leaving. 
Tsu'tey: It had happened during the clan celebration of a good hunt and you showed up dressed like that. Tsu'tey eyes had found you the moment you had arrived with your friends and immediately made his way over towards you.
"Yawne." He said placing a kiss on your hand.
"Tsu." You said placing a kiss on his lips.
"You look so beautiful tonight, did you make this?" He asked making you do a little twirl.
"No bffs name made it for me, do you like it?" You asked him.
"I love it a lot, remind me to give her my thanks." He said licking his lips at you.
And that's how you two ended up in the middle of the woods hands all over each other and kisses all over each other's body. You were slowly grinding into him as he left love bites all over your neck and chest, letting out a moan when he formed his newest before leaning up and catching your mouth with a kiss.
"If you keep moving like that, we will never make it back to the celebration." He said as you smirked at him.
"Lovebirds we are getting ready to eat!" You heard one of your friends call out making you laugh as Tsu'tey groaned.
"We can finish this later my love, I promise." You said giving him one last kiss before standing up and fixing your top.
Neteyam had a rare moment of peace without having to worry about his siblings or his chores, so he took the chance to spend it with you, which leads to you two having a small but heated makeout session in yall's favorite part of the woods where no one would find you.
"You gotta be quiet, flower you are gonna get us caught." He said in between the kisses being placed on your neck.
"Me? You need to stop, you know that is.. my weak spot..."You said in between moans as he sucked a new love bite onto your neck.
"I know which is why I always kiss you there." He said with a smile as he leaned up and kissed you.
He had you pressed against the tree as you two feverishly kissed one another and were exploring each other's bodies.
"So pretty ma y/n, I can never get enough of you." He said as you smiled pulling him closer to you.
"Neteyam!" You heard Kiri calling out which caused you two to look at each other wide-eyed.
"Neteyam!" Tuk called which forced you to push him off of you so you could fix your top before Tuk came over.
“we will finish this later." He said as his sisters came running over to you.
"Ew." Kiri said after looking at the state you and Neteyam were in which made you guys laugh.
Jake: You were having a rough day and Jake needed some way to help you calm down and relax so he kissed you and half expected you to push him off which you sometimes did when you were frustrated but to his surprise, you melted in his arms where he guided you to the floor, before pulling you into his lap.
"I'm sorry your day was so bad, let me fix it for you?" He asked you in between kisses.
"Please do." You said before going back to kissing him.
All that was said or heard for a while was the sound of kissing, moans, and ragged breaths as you felt relaxed from the terrible day you had. Right now Jake was placing kisses all along your neck and chest area before he pressed a few all over your face and one final on your lips.
"You gonna tell me who's responsible for giving my baby such a rough day?" He asked brushing some of your hair out your face.
"Don't want to talk about it right now, just want to be here with you." You said wrapping your arms around him.
"I can do that too. He said pressing a kiss against your forehead before wrapping his arms around you and pulling you against his chest.
Tasem: He had come back from a hunting trip that he had been on for a few days, he had missed you so much. It was the first time since you guys fully mated that you two had been apart for this long, so when he got back he immediately ran to find you. You had been working on a new top for your friend when he came rushing inside.
"Ma Tarsem!" You said rushing up from your spot and into his arms.
"Ma y/n, I've missed you so much." He said placing kisses all over your face.
"I can tell. Did you even help unpack after the hunt?" You asked him with a giggle.
"No, I only wanted to come see you and get some of my kisses from you." He said placing another kiss on your lips.
"Well, I can help with that." You said placing another kiss on your lips to which he depended.
Reaching behind you and closing the flap to your tent so no one would bother before he picked you up and carried you over to your guy's bed where he sat down and kept you in his lap as you guys kept kissing.
"Missed you so much ma Tarsem." You said as kissed his jaw and neck.
"Missed you more ma y/n." He said running his fingers through your hair as he kissed you.
The only thing that was heard throughout the tent was the sound of breathless moans and kissing, you both hated time apart but it made you it so much more when you were together.
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chrisevansonly · 1 year
Helping Hand
Dad!Chris Evans x Wife!Reader
Summary: Chris really loves to workout in your home gym, especially since the pandemic and virus season, he loved the idea of having his own workout space all to himself. Funny enough when you can’t find your three year old daughter Arlie, check the gym, and you might find her attached to her dad’s hip
Warnings: non, straight pure fluffy dad Chris, sassy Arlie
A/N: Baby Arlie is back to making an appearance!! I adore this pairing so much it rots my teeth, I think I’m going to divide my masterlist and add a Dad!Chris/ Dad + Arlie Section, let me know what you think, this one may be a little shorter, hopefully not horrible lmao but happy reading!!
Word Count: 846
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Little Arlie girl was the epitome of her father’s shadow, following him around whenever and wherever she could, especially now that she was walking more and handling stairs better. That wasn’t to say you and Chris didn’t still watch her like a hawk in case she needed a hand or fell, but she was getting more and more independent every day. It was often days like today when Chris was off in your home gym completing his daily workout, whether it was legs, chest or arms, Arlie always found a way to weasel her little self into the gym to be with her daddy. So when you called her name for snack time and didn’t get a response, you made your way into the den where you’d left her last only to find her colouring book open and water bottle where she left it on the coffee table. 
“That little bug…”
You couldn’t help but laugh quietly knowing just how good of an escape artist she was, so you tidied her markers up and walked your way down the hall and to the steps leading into the basement. When you opened the door, you could hear her giggles and little squeals as she and Chris worked through their weight session together
“I stronger than you daddy!”
The sight at the bottom of the stairs bringing a smile to your face, she had her set of dumbbells, which weighed virtually nothing in her hands, while Chris was on his back, two green and yellow weights on his chest to keep him to the floor
“I think you certainly are dove, I think I need some help!”
Arlie put her weights down and placed her tiny hands on her hips in a superman like pose and sighed 
“I help you on one ‘dition daddy.”
You laughed at her shortened version of the word condition, because it was just the cutest thing in the world listening to her learning and practicing new words. At the sound of your laugh Arlie looked to you and clapped 
“Hi mommy!!”
Chris smiled too, practically identical to your little girl 
“Yeah, hi mommy”
“Hi you two, what’s going on down here?”
Arlie cocked her hip to the side, the sass with her was off the charts, Chris never failing to let you know it comes from you
“I doing the lifties thing with daddy, an’ he not strong ‘nough to hold my colour sticks”
Colour sticks, what she called her dumbbells, despite you attempting to teach her the word, it would forever be known as colour sticks to you and your husband
“Oh, I see, so are you gonna help him bug?”
“Mhm, I got one ‘dition first mommy”
You chuckled sitting down with the two of them on the floor, watching her as she began waving her arms around 
“What’s that baby?”
“Well, I wanna watch cartoon and have two cookies!”
Chris pretended to think about it for a few moments, closing his eyes before letting out a dramatic sigh and holding his hand out to Arlie
“Okay Arlie girl, you got yourself a deal.”
“Deal daddy!”
She wrapped her much smaller hands around his larger one and shook with all her toddler strength before grabbing the dumbbells off his chest. Chris immediately took her in his arms and sat up covering her face in kisses while the room filled with the sounds of her laughter and now yours mixed in together. Moments like these making you take a mental snapshot watching the two people you loved most experiencing life together
“Alright my little gym crazies, how about we go upstairs for some snacks?”
After a collective cheer of yesses, the three of you made your way upstairs where Arlie got comfy in her chair at the island, and you and Chris stood in front of her, smiles on both of your faces as she munched away on some apples and peanut butter, her current favourite obsession
“Hey daddy?”
Chris finished chewing one a slice of the apple you’d also given him before answering her 
“Yeah baby?”
“Don’t ‘fink I forgot about our deal.”
Your hand quickly covered your mouth as you began laughing, Chris losing it beside you as well
“O-Okay dove I won’t...”
Chris could barely get that sentence out without laughing and the two of you managed to calm down after a couple minutes, Arlie looking between her mom and dad with a stone-faced expression, clearly not finding any of this funny
“Arlie baby you are going to be a force to be reckoned with when you get older”
“Just like you mommy!”
You laughed shaking your head at her before Chris chimed in beside you quickly to agree with his little girl
“Yep, just like mommy”
Chris leaned over to press a kiss to your cheek before wrapping an arm around you and bringing you to him. That moment in the kitchen becoming another mental snapshot you’d hope to keep with you forever, your sassy Arlie girl never failing to make each day as interesting as the last.
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Solstice Presents
Solstice has hit as Basgiath and Violet intends to spend it curled up reading her new book. Little does she know Xaden and Liam have a different plan that will be much more exciting than reading in bed alone. THIS IS 18+ READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. SEXUAL CONTENT AHEAD!! This takes place in Violets first year.
Violet’s Pov: 
We don’t get a long break like the others do, Solstice at Basgiath is only 3 days off and then it's back to training for everyone. First-years are forced to stay here while second-years and up are allowed to take off for those days. Exiting my last class for the day I make my way up to my room, intending to spend the next few days reading and catching up on sleep. 
“Violet!” Liam’s yell echoes down the hall as he runs to catch up to me, Xaden making him my shadow annoys me at times. “Hey, will you slow down a bit?” He says as he catches up with me, casually slinging an arm over my shoulders, I slow my pace but keep heading towards my room. “Any plans for the break?” He asks and I shrug. “No, not really. Intended on reading and sleeping. You?” he shrugs “Not really, no. Did you maybe want to hang out over the break?” He asks as we approach my door and I open it.
“Yeah sure-” “Oh, hey Violence.” Xaden’s deep voice rings through the room as I spy him lying on my bed, casually tossing one of his knives up and down, not even bothering to look my way. He’s dressed in black pants that are tight around his muscular legs and a tight black t-shirt, his flight jacket placed on the edge of my bed. “What exactly are you doing in my room?” I ask as I stand in the doorway, Liam's arm still draped over my shoulder as Xaden looks over at us and glares. “Waiting on you, relaxing.” He states plainly, glaring daggers at Liam and I look up to see Liam smirking cockily over at Xaden. “Problem?” Liam asks in a teasing tone and Xaden’s fists clench his knife tightly now. “Nope.” “What’d you need to wait on me for?” I ask, trying to break the obvious tension seeping through the room. “I was going to see if you wanted to do a training session tonight after dinner.” I groan, crossing my arms over my chest as I fight the urge to stomp my foot on the ground like a child. “No,” I state and he sighs pushing off my bed and standing. “It wasn’t me asking you, it was me telling you. I’ll see you in the training room after dinner.” He moves to brush past Liam and I, and I pettily hit his arm with my shoulder as he passes.
 “I said no,” I say as he goes into the hall. “Liam, you’ll see to her getting there?” He asks and Liam nods. “Yeah, no problem.” “Both of you fuck off and leave me alone.” I spit as Liam laughs and moves out of my room, once he’s out I slam the door on him. “See you later, Violence.” Liam says and I hear an “Ow dude the fuck?” A moment later from Liam. “Don’t fucking call her that.” As they walk off. 
I move to my bed, open the nightstand and grab the romance novel I had asked for from Jesinia before she hunkered down for Solstice as well. Lying down I take off my boots and socks and begin taking my hair out of my braid. Settling once I’m more comfortable I use the light filtering in from the window as reading light and crawl underneath my blanket. Xaden and his training be damned. 
Bright light startles me as I move to grab one of the blades on my side and slice whoever is waking me. Rough hands pin my wrist to the bed and I try to fight back. “Violence, it’s just me. “ My eyes open to see Xaden’s face hovering above my own, mere inches from mine. “What the fuck?” I yell at him as I move to shove him back, he laughs as I catch Liam sitting on my desk, flipping through one of my books.
 “Violet, I didn’t take you as someone who reads such filthy fucking porn.” He laughs and I feel my face warm as I look to the other side of my bed where my book should be but isn’t. “Put it back Liam.” I spit and he laughs again. “No way, this shit’s good.” I lurch, trying to jump over the edge of my bed to reach him. Xaden's warm arms pull me up and against him, my feet touching the cold floor as he restrains my arms behind my back. “Care to share with the class what our dear sweet Violet has been reading?” Xaden eggs him on and I struggle against him. “Fuck you both, leave my reading alone.” Liam clears his throat as he smirks down at me his blue eyes look at me mischievously. His eyes flick to the page as his voice drops an octave, sounding deeper and more sensual than normal.
 “Too much of a needy slut to wait for me hm? He says as he looks at his partners, Cas on her hands and knees and Dean hovering behind her, frozen as I glare at the pair of them. The lack of response has me walking over as I wrap Cas’s hair around my fist and slowly drag her head up to look at me. ‘Has he fucked you dumb already?’ She whimpers and I chuckle looking up at Dean to catch his guilty-looking eyes. ‘It was my idea.’ He says and I chuckle darkly ‘I don’t care whose idea it was to fuck before I got home she’ll be getting ruined by both of us tonight.’ She mewls at my threat and I look down to see her pleading eyes ‘Is that what you want little slut? For the two of us to have you so wrecked you can’t walk straight for days?’ she nods and begins to plead.” Liam takes a break leaning against the desk as every part of my body flushes with need, Xaden’s lips hover over my neck, his hot breath fanning across it as I try to not arch up into him. “Is that what you want Violence? To be wrecked, worshiped by not only one but two men?” His low voice has my toes curling, if I wasn’t flushing before I was now. Hyperaware of the tension in the room I cast my eyes to the floor as I feel one of Xaden's hands let go of my arm and trail up reaching to wrap his warm calloused hand against my neck and pull me back into him completely, forcing me to have my head against his chest as he makes me look him in the eyes. “I asked you a question.” He growls and I suck in a sharp breath as his hand adds pressure onto my neck. “Yes, gods yes.” I whimper and he smirks down at me and then looks across the room at Liam. 
“Are you staying or are you going?” He asks and Liam crosses the room and looks down at me, piercing blue eyes undressing me on the spot. “Do you want this Violet?” Xaden’s hand lets go of my neck and lets me go as I’m wedged in between them, Liam caresses my face, holding it softly as he searches for any sign of hesitation. “If you don’t want this we can end this right now and act like nothing ever happened,” Xaden says softly from behind me. “I want it, I want you both. Please.” I mewl and both of them groan. 
In one swift movement, Liam leans down and presses his warm lips against mine, Xaden’s lips are on my neck and my senses are in overdrive at the overstimulation already. He nips at the sensitive skin as Liam nips softly on my bottom lip, I moan into his mouth as his hands move to hold onto my waist and Xaden begins working on getting my corset off. His hands tug at the strings binding it together and make quick work of flinging it across the room and he quickly works my long sleeve off leaving my chest bare to both men. Liam pulls back and glances down at me, moving to cover myself with my arms Xaden's hands stop mine as he comes to stand beside Liam. “You’re beautiful Violet, there’s no reason for you to hide yourself from us. We’ll take care of you.” I nod, taking a deep breath to settle my nerves as I look up to see both of them looking like they want to devour me whole.
 “Do you trust us, Violet?” Xaden asks and I nod. “Yes, I trust both of you. I want this.” I say softly and he smiles. “Good girl,” Xaden says softly as one of his hands trails up and over to the peaks of my breast, tracing around my nipple with the pad of his fingertip as I suck in a breath, head tipping back in pleasure as he teasingly flicks it. Warm wetness meets my other nipple as I glance down to see Liam’s spiky light blonde hair sucking on my nipple, pleasure coursing through me as he sucks, moans fall from my mouth as they work together to tease me. “Stop teasing.” I gasp and Xaden chuckles. “We’re just getting started Violet, there’s no need to rush.” He moves closer and I tilt my head as his lips move against the shell of my ear. “Don’t worry, we’ll make sure you’re thoroughly wrecked, just like the girl in that smutty book of yours.” “Gods.” I moan and Liam laughs as he pulls away from my breast, lightly nipping before pulling back completely. “No gods here, just us. Though it’s quite the ego boost to be compared to a deity.” He says cockily as he goes on his knees in front of me, fingers making quick work of sliding into my waistband and sliding down my black leather pants and underwear. Leaving me completely bare for them. Xaden sucks on my neck, no doubt making leaving obvious marks that I won’t be able to cover. Liam helps me balance as he gets my pants off my legs and over my feet, flinging them across the room and quickly turning back to me. 
Xaden moves behind me, pulling me against him as we sit on the bed with me in his lap, arms wrapping around my torso and his legs wrapping around my own, opening me wide for Liam as he moves forward. Kissing from my knee up to my mid-thigh and then just over my clit and I arch into him, Xaden holds me tightly to him. “Beg,” Xaden says as I feel my wetness leak out and onto the bed. “Fuck, please. Liam, please. I need you. Make me cum please.” I gasp and his eyes meet mine. “With pleasure.” He says hungrily before surging forward, sucking my clit into his mouth and I gasp. One of his fingers moves to tease my cunt before sliding in and I tremble against both of them. Xaden moves my hair to the other side of my neck and leaves soft kisses from my neck to my jaw, fingers moving to pull at my nipples and I shudder against them. A second finger goes in and it has me arching in Xadens arms, his legs hold mine in place as Liam sucks on my clit and fucks his fingers into me, curling up to hit the right spot. “Fuck, fuck. Liam, please.” I can feel him smirk against me as I quickly barrel towards cumming. His fingers hitting just the right spot, Xaden's fingers roughly tug at my nipples and I can hardly get enough air into my lungs. “Be a good girl and cum for us Violet.” Xaden rasps and thats all I need to shatter, my body convulsing as Liam laps up my cum. Slowing his pace but not letting go until I’ve finished.
 Pulling back he looks up at me, cum dripping from his chin as he licks his lips. “You’re delicious.” He says to me and then looks to Xaden “I think she’s ready for you buddy.” Xaden’s movement stops as he slides up from underneath me and I fall back against my bed, still trying to catch my breath as my hair splays out around me. “We aren’t anywhere near done with you yet my sweet girl,” Xaden says and my eyes flick to his face, a coy smile lays on his lips as his lust-filled gaze looks me up and down. “I didn’t say I was done, just catching my breath.” I shoot at him and he smiles as he pulls his shirt off and makes quick work of his pants and briefs. Cock hard and standing against his stomach, glistening with precum. My eyes dart over to Liam whos fisting his impressively large cock staring down at me. “You boys gonna sit there and gawk at me or are you gonna fuck me?” I shoot at them in a snarky tone. “On your hands and knees Violet,” Xaden says in a gruff tone and I’m quick to comply, Liam stands at the edge of the bed as Xaden comes behind me and lands a sharp blow to my ass. I yelp and jump forward, the stinging only making me drip more. Liam catches my chin and has me look up at him. “Be a good girl for us and take him nice and deep.” “Yes sir,” I respond as Xaden teases my opening with the head of his cock, getting it wet with my cum before notching only the tip at my entrance. I try to push back on him but Xaden is quick to have a steely grip on my hip, holding me so I can only feel the slight stretch of his head. Liam has me looking up at him as Xaden then slams into me and I moan loudly. One hand moves to start rubbing circles on my clit as he sets a slow pace. “Be a good girl and suck his dick.” Xaden grunts and I nod opening my mouth and teasing Liam's tip with my tongue. Circling it as he continues jacking off the base of his cock, slowly letting me work it into my mouth. I drool around his thick cock and feel Liam wrap my hair around one of his hands. Xaden’s thrust begins to get harder as I feel the sting of him slapping my ass again. My hands fist my sheets as pleasure courses through my body, his cock hitting the same spot Liam did earlier. The sound of skin slapping fills the room, Liam's eyes are closed as I suck his cock as far back as I can. Hollowing out my cheeks as I feel the back of my throat burn, tears line my vision but I breathe out my nose and fight the gagging feeling that's arising. Liam pulls me back slightly and the feeling ebbs away as I bob my head on his cock. ‘Such a good little slut taking both of us so well.” Xaden moans and I feel my cunt squeeze at his words. “You like being called a good little slut?” I can feel the way your cunt is squeezing me so tight when I say it.” Xaden moans raggedly and Liam groans as I work him closer to cumming. My moans get caught in my throat as I feel Liam's cock twitch in my mouth. “Vi, I’m gonna cum.” Liam says in warning and I suck him deeper, his warm salty cum spills into my mouth and I swallow it all down as he pulls out and carefully unwinds his hand from my hair, moving to sit on the edge of the bed.
 “Such a good girl,” he says breathily and Xaden picks up the pace behind me and my arms lose all feeling as my front collapses down. I rest my head on my arms as Xaden’s cock goes even deeper than before and I’m mewling as he has me barrelling toward my second orgasm. “Xaden, fuck please.” I cry and he speeds up the finger circling my slit. “Cum for me Violet.” My body shudders as my vision blackens. Xaden’s grip on my hip tightens to a near-bruising grip as he cums with my name tumbling from his lips, like a prayer needing to be heard. For a few moments, it feels like my body is floating as if my head is underwater.
 When my eyes open Xaden is over top of me, hands cradling my face and looking at me concerned. “Violet, are you okay?” All semblance of the dominant seductive tone from earlier is gone. “Yeah, I’m good.” I choke out hoarsely. “Vi, you slept through dinner didn’t you?” Liam asks and it takes me a second to move my head to look at him. He’s sprawled out on my bed, legs up the wall looking like some sort of god that needs worshiping. “Yeah, why?” He laughs and shakes his head. “She probably just crashed after her amazing orgasms dude. Get her some food and water and she’ll be fine.” Xaden flips Liam off as he carefully brings me against his chest, moving us so I’m in the middle of Xaden and Liam. Liam puts his legs over mine as Xaden drapes his arms over my chest and kisses my forehead. “So, is this a one-time thing?” I ask softly and Liam laughs. “We do have three days of no requirements, I don’t know about you but I’m not too inclined to leave this bed. Especially if I get a repeat of that.” Liam says and Xaden chuckles. “I think we’re all in agreeance then, 3 days in bed it is,” Xaden says and Liam pumps his fists up into the air. “Fuck yeah.” He whisper-shouts and we all laugh.
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meiliarotten · 11 months
Kleine Maus
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Pairing: Medic x Fem!Reader
Summary: Reader has an experiment kink and smut ensues. I’m sorry, I really didn’t plan a summary for this, but enjoy.
Tags: Edging, dom/sub undertones, experiment kink, medical kink
Word Count: 5k
The Masterlist
As far as you could tell, no one suspected your true motives for volunteering to be a glorified lab rat for Medic. Whenever there was a new treatment that needed testing, or when Medic just felt like satisfying his own curiosity through means of malpractice, you were there at his beck and call.
That wasn’t a lie entirely. You always had a kind of passion for science, but as you continued with these experiments you found that you also had a passion for other things. It was with that discovery that your motives for volunteering became far less scientific.
You convinced yourself that there was nothing to worry about. These inclinations of yours would probably fade. You just had to maintain professionalism in the meantime. Well, as professional as you could be with a man who regularly cut you open and rooted around inside your rib cage.
That worked for a while, until it didn’t. Those feelings of yours didn’t fade as you hoped they would. If anything they got stronger. You found yourself squirming beneath Medic’s touch, no matter how hard you tried to sit still.
At one point, his fingers brushed up the length of your spine and you gasped. Medic paused, his hands going still right at the base of your neck.
“Is anything wrong?” He asked.
“Uh, your hands are a bit cold, that’s all,” you lied through your teeth, and it was a poor lie. After being literally cut open and having your organs on display something as small as cold hands wouldn’t bother you. Medic didn’t question you any further, continuing the procedure and leading you to believe he had dropped the subject.
However, with each following visit Medic seemed to let his hands linger in certain places longer than usual. He would lean in closer, and you could sometimes feel him breathing against the back of your neck. You prayed that the heart monitor wouldn’t give away your excitement whenever he did so.
The way he spoke to you certainly didn’t help. Over the course of your time together Medic had taken to calling you pet names; his guinea pig, his lab rat, his little maus. That last one had grown to be your favorite. Something about the vulnerability of being equated to a mere mouse, a prey animal, something completely under his control, was extremely appealing to you.
For a while you entertained the idea that he was purposely teasing you. However, you quickly dismissed that as a hopeful fantasy. It was probably all in your head, and you just desperately needed to get your mind out of the gutter.
So you arrived in the infirmary as usual, mentally preparing yourself for whatever Medic had planned that day. You sat upon the edge of the operation table and glanced to the side where a wide range of surgical tools would usually be organized in neat rows. It had become a small hobby of yours to try to guess which one Medic would be using on you during each session.
However, the usual arrangement of scalpels, scissors, and forceps were not there. Nor were there any vials of mysterious chemicals or intimidating contraptions anywhere in the infirmary. The whole place looked empty and unusually sterile.
Medic himself faced away from you, looking deep in thought as he sorted through what was probably paperwork. You looked on sympathetically as you waited for him to acknowledge you. He had previously lamented to you that tedious desk work like that was his least favorite part of his job.
“Ah, there you are!” He said, his expression brightening the moment he glanced behind himself and saw you. “Good, now we can begin.”
You smiled back at him. You always tried to maintain a cheerful demeanor. It was a nice change of pace for Medic, since most of the test subjects he had worked with before tended to be a bit apprehensive, to put it lightly.
“Now, I would like to try something a bit different today,” Medic said, still sorting through the pile of half-finished paperwork. You immediately perked up, intrigued by whatever he had in mind. “But before we begin I must ask you a question.”
“Of course, go ahead,” you said, eager to get onto the ‘fun’ part, as always. Medic pushed the papers off to the side, finally turning to face you.
“Did you think I wouldn’t notice?”
You stared dumbly for a moment, confused by the vagueness of the question. You were expecting to be asked about medical history or some other typical doctor question. Then again, Medic wasn’t a typical doctor. Still, you didn’t know what to make of something so cryptic.
“I’m sorry? Notice what?” You asked, considering that you may have zoned out and missed part of the question.
“Oh, don’t play dumb with me. You’re a smart girl,” he said, fixing you with a knowing look that made you shudder. There was no way this was happening.
“I’ll be honest, you actually did quite a good job of hiding it from me,” he continued, “You know, doctors are trained to notice any little sign of discomfort in their patients, and yet it took me quite a while to have any suspicions about you, and even longer for me to confirm that those suspicions were correct.”
“And what suspicions would those be exactly?” You asked, still not quite believing what was happening. Even if Medic had noticed your affinity for being experimented on, would he really care enough to confront you about it?
“What did I just say about playing dumb?” He asked, a hint of something more authoritative in his voice. Like a switch had flipped, he had an air of dominance about him, and you took interest in that immediately.
“But, if I must spell it out for you - I see the way you react when I’m experimenting on you, dear,” he said. The dominant tone was gone just as it had appeared, and you felt a twinge of disappointment.
“At first I thought you were squirming with discomfort, but that’s not what this is, is it?” Medic reached out, his fingers just barely brushing your shoulders and making you react just like he predicted. Your face flushed with embarrassment and you averted your gaze out of shame. Were you really that easy to read?
You didn’t answer him at first, and although you weren’t looking at his face, you just knew he was sporting a knowing grin. Your silence spoke volumes.
“No, people in discomfort don’t generally clench their thighs together like this,” he continued, moving one of his hands to run up your thigh. “Or bite their lip as they attempt to calm the flush in their cheeks.”
“No, I suppose they don’t,” you admitted. You brought a hand to your face, feeling the heat rising in your cheek just as he had described.
“You enjoy being experimented on a little more than you’d like to admit, isn’t that right?” Medic asked coyly. He already knew the answer.
“Perhaps,” you whispered, unable to work up the courage to speak any louder.
“What was that dear? I didn’t quite hear you?” Medic said. He was playing with you, watching you fidget under his gaze, and he was enjoying every minute of it.
“I said yes!” You said, louder and with surprising conviction, possibly spurred on by his teasing. He laughed, almost sounding surprised at your sudden assurance.
“That’s what I thought,” he said. “I do wonder what it is that makes you have such a strong reaction? Perhaps it’s the pain?”
He began to pace the length of the room as he mused over this. You wished he would come back, place his hands back where they had just been, and in other places as well.
“Or could the fear factor be a part of it?” He emphasized this by tracing a finger lazily over a blunt scalpel left laying haphazardly on a countertop, unsharpened and definitely unsanitized. Then he turned to look at you again, his gaze alight, as if he had just had a brilliant realization, “Oh, or maybe it’s the attention?”
Once again, you were unable to meet his gaze, and one again, he read you like an open book.
“Ah, so that is it. You like having my full attention? Having me analyze your every little movement and reaction,” he approached you again, leaning in dangerously close, “just like I’m doing right now?”
Your heart raced and you found yourself speechless. Admitting that you had developed some surreal experiment kink to the man who regularly experimented on you was difficult enough. But to watch him strut around and dissect the exact meaning behind it with unbelievable accuracy? How were you even meant to respond?
“You don’t have to say a thing, dear. I know I’m right,” He said, once again backing away, and once again making you wither at the lost proximity between the two of you. He stopped, his back turned to you. He seemed deep in thought for what felt like forever before he finally spoke again, “What happens next, mädchen, is up to you.”
“What do you mean?” You asked.
“Let me finish,” he said, turning to face you. There it was again, that sudden air of authority. That commanding drop in his voice that you honestly couldn’t get enough of.
“As I was saying, what happens next is up to you. You could admit that I’m right, and in return, we could try a new kind of experiment, one that I’m sure we will both enjoy immensely, or you could deny it, and I won’t push you any more. We can carry on as usual, acting as if this never happened.”
“You would be willing to drop the subject just like that?” You asked.
“If that is what you want. You have my word.” He seemed genuine. You took a deep breath. Damn, you were really doing this.
“I don’t think I want to drop this,” you said. “I think I would like to see this new experiment you have planned.”
“So, I can safely say my hypothesis was correct?” He asked, that smug grin returning the moment you voiced your willingness.
“Yes, I do enjoy being experimented on,” you said, realizing he wasn’t going to give you what you wanted until you said it all yourself. “Some of the appeal is the pain, some of it is the fear. But most of all, I like having your full attention on me. I love it.”
“Well then, with your permission, of course, shall we get started, my little maus?” He leaned in extremely close to whisper in your ear, his warm breath making you shudder. He knew exactly what he was doing.
“Yes, please,” you said, embarrassed at how desperate you sounded. Medic hadn’t even done anything to you yet, and somehow you were panting like a desperate animal already.
“Now, patience will be key here, my dear,” Medic said with a short laugh. He backed away and leaned against the wall opposite from you, looking far more relaxed than you. It was the posture of a man who was in control. It just made you want him more.
“Now, I want you to get up and strip for me,” he said. He stated it in an incredibly matter of fact way, as if he was completely unaware of how mortifying it was for you.
Of course, the humiliation wasn’t your main concern. If anything it was more of a turn on. Rather, your true fear was revealed by a quick glance towards the infirmary doors. Medic noticed this, of course.
“Oh, don’t worry. I've taken every precaution. No one will be walking in on our little procedure,” he said, emphasizing that last word in a way that made you shiver with anticipation. He really had planned for everything.
“Alright,” you said. You were cautiously optimistic, allowing yourself a flirtatious little smirk as you began to strip. Medic mirrored that smirk as he watched you intently.
“Yes, that’s it…” he said, taking everything in as you undressed. Every motion you made felt agonizingly slow. As fun as it could be to make this a striptease, you were too eager to get to the real fun.
Of course, once you actually were completely naked, the self consciousness hit like a sledgehammer to the skull. There you stood, completely baring yourself to him, absolutely vulnerable in a way you hadn’t quite mentally prepared yourself for.
Medic took a few steps towards you, looking you up and down like a prized specimen. He reached out a hand only to pause just before touching your bare skin.
“May I?” He asked. You nodded, meeting his eyes for just a moment before your nerves forced you to look away, your face reddening.
You almost flinched when he made contact with your skin, his hands caressing your shoulders and arms before one hand dropped lower, traveling down your body until it came to rest on your hip. The other hand was placed on your chin, gently guiding your face upwards to look at him once again.
“Beautiful,” Medic whispered. He certainly looked pleased. After he was done appraising your body he wasted no time taking control of the situation once again.
“Now, back onto the table for me, dear. It may be a bit cold, but I’m afraid it’s the most comfortable thing we have at our disposal at the moment,” he said, motioning to the surgical table you had just been sitting on a few minutes ago, though it felt like it had been much longer.
You dutifully climbed onto the table, inhaling sharply at the feeling of the cold metal on your exposed skin. It sent a shiver through your body as you tried to get comfortable.
“So obedient. Such a good girl,” His voice dropped into that dominant tone once again. It was even more enticing this time, offering praise instead of commands. You took a deep breath, trying to calm your anticipation. It was like he said, you had to be patient. And you wanted to keep being good for him.
“What’s next?” You asked softly, a bit hesitant.
“Now, you lay back,” he gently pushed you back onto the table until you were laying flat. Again, you shivered at the further contact with the cold metal, instinctively trying to pull away.
“Stay down, dear,” he said, and the stern edge in his tone made you comply. He placed a hand on the center of your chest somewhat firmly as you leaned back onto the table. It wasn’t enough to really hold you down, just enough to give the illusion of being overpowered and at his mercy.
“I know it’s cold, but don’t fret. Things will be heating up very soon,” he said, his voice soft, more reassuring.
“Yes sir”
Medic hummed in appreciation at the use of that little title. “Good, very good. Now how about we get these out of the way?”
He placed his hands on your thighs, pushing them apart and placing himself between your legs, at the edge of the table. Medic stopped to appreciate the view of you like that, beneath him and blushing with your legs spread. His hands rested on your hips, so agonizingly close to where you wanted them to be.
“Ah, what a lovely sight,” he said, smirking at your flustered reaction to his admiration. Then he finally moved one of his hands, running a finger along your slit. You bit back a moan, quelling it into a soft sigh.
“Trying to stifle your sounds, hm?” Medic asked. He continued to stroke you gently, clearly amused at your attempts to stay quiet. “Such a shy little maus, but I highly doubt that shyness will last very long.”
You whimpered as Medic focused his touch on your clit. As he continued to rub circles around such a sensitive spot you found it harder to keep your voice down.
“Ja, that’s right. Let me know how good I’m making you feel,” Medic said, continuing to pleasure you with his hands as you moaned and sighed for him.
You were already wound up from all the buildup to this, so it was of no surprise when you started to reach your peak quickly. Your moans steadily increased in volume. Medic took notice, of course.
“You’re becoming quite vocal. Are you going to come, dear?” He asked.
“God, yes! I’m so close-”
And then, Medic stopped touching you. You buck and whine at the sudden loss of contact. Your eyes, closed tight with anticipation of release, steadily opened as you wondered what the hell just happened. They opened only to see Medic leaning over you with a teasing smirk on his face.
“What? What was that for?” You ask, somewhat incensed at being brought to the brink only to be robbed of any satisfaction.
However, your indignation melted when Medic gripped your chin, prompting you to look up at him once again. The look in his eyes puts you in your place immediately. It’s the possessive gaze of someone who knows they are completely in charge.
“Remember what I said about patience. This experiment will require a lot of it, from both you and me,” he said.
“Yes sir,” you sighed, wondering how long he was planning to tease you like this.
Medic’s gaze softened again. He looked contemplative. You were tempted to ask him if something was wrong, but he spoke before you had the chance to.
“May I kiss you?”
You were a little surprised by his request. You had assumed this would be purely physical, but you were by no means turned off by the idea. You nodded enthusiastically, closing the small gap between the two of you yourself.
You sat up on the edge of the table, allowing you to be on more equal footing with Medic. He was surprisingly chaste at first, pressing soft, short kisses to your lips and occasionally moving to your jawline and neck.
It was you who made the first move to deepen the kiss. You gently bit his bottom lip, impishly provoking him into doing something in return. And of course, he did, taking the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth.
The two of you soon set a dizzying pace. As you bit and moved your lips against Medic’s, he occupied his hands by running them tantalizingly up and down your sides. Every so often he’d caress your chest or trace his fingers down your back, sending shivers up your spine.
You pulled away from him, panting and dazed. At some point you had wrapped your legs around his waist. You were pulled flush against him, feeling his chest rise and fall with his heavy breaths and the warmth of his body through his clothes. The intimacy of being so close to him was strangely comforting.
Of course it wasn’t long before your eagerness got the better of you. That little make out session had only managed to get you more aroused and restless.
Medic noticed you squirming against him and took a step back. You made a small sound of disappointment as he pulled away, but it was quickly replaced with a moan as he ran a finger over your entrance. Medic made a soft sound of approval, seeing how wet you had become.
You gasped as he pushed one finger inside of you, a bit startled by the sudden intrusion. Medic stopped for a moment.
“Is this alright?” He asked. A sliver of concern could be seen through his otherwise confident demeanor.
“Yes, just don’t stop moving please,” you begged, barely restraining yourself from thrusting on his fingers.
“As you wish,” Medic said, his grin returning the moment he heard you beg for him.
He thrust with a single finger at first, but it wasn’t long before you were wet enough for a second. You arched your back when he curled his fingers, stroking an especially sensitive area. Noticing your reaction, he repeated that motion.
“Oh, ja, that’s a good spot, isn’t it?” He whispered, repeatedly curling his fingers into your g-spot. He soon had reduced you to a moaning mess by doing that.
He brushed his thumb over your clit, and you clutched onto the edges of the surgical table. It felt so goddamn good, and you could feel the pleasure building again.
Your eyes rolled back as you felt your orgasm approaching, and Medic, ever attentive to your reactions, noticed. And of course, he wasn’t about to let you get off so easily. Once again, he stopped the moment you were about to finish.
Once again you were left confused, trembling, and extremely frustrated.
“God damn it,” you huffed, unable to hide your annoyance. “What is this experiment even testing anyway?”
Medic didn’t even humor you with a verbal answer, simply flashing a devious look at you. He admired the desperate state you were in before leaning down to kiss you again. He peppered kisses down your neck, stopping to suck or bite at the sensitive skin there, leaving marks as if to claim you.
This was never really an experiment at all and you both knew it from the moment you began. It was always a proposition, and the clinical side of it was just Medic’s way of appealing to both of your kinks. He liked torturing you like this, testing your patience and edging you.
You wondered, had he also been holding back his own desires over the past few months as well? All that time he had spent experimenting on you, testing your limits, usually cackling madly to himself as you endured all he put you through. God, and until now you had assumed the tension was one sided.
It should have been of no surprise, given that it was him . He always has enjoyed pushing his patients to their limits, and this situation was no exception.
Lost in your thoughts for a moment, you hadn’t noticed Medic trailing kisses down your body until he reached your thighs. He was on his knees, offering quite a different view than earlier, when he had been towering over you.
The surgical table was tilted down slightly, just far enough to give Medic better access to you without you sliding off. Placing your legs on his shoulders, he began to kiss your inner thighs. He caressed your legs and ass as he teased you, repeatedly moving his mouth dangerously close to where you wanted it before pulling away.
You tried to shift closer but he gripped your legs harder, warning you.
“Stay still, mädchen. I can’t have my test subject writhing about now, can I?” He grinned up at you from between your legs.
The way he spoke was so matter of fact. If anything, it made it even harder to stay still, but even so, you tried to do as you were told.
“That’s better. Good girl, little maus,” he said, continuing to stroke your thighs. You somehow managed to keep from squirming under his touch, only twitching slightly when Medic kissed or nipped at your soft flesh.
His hands stilled and you shuddered when you felt his breath against your cunt. He looked up at you and the two of you made eye contact for a brief moment. His gaze was soft, conveying a silent request for permission. You nod enthusiastically, and he immediately gets to work, running his tongue along your entrance before delving in.
You moan, and every so often he responds with a soft hum, vibrating deliciously against you. He flicks his tongue up towards your clit a few times, bringing you extremely close. You were just barely holding it together. Of course at this point you had grown to expect his affinity for teasing you to the edge but never quite letting you go over.
It was extremely tempting to just grind against his face. You wanted nothing more than to get that little bit of friction that would finally drive you into your climax, but you resisted. You wanted to see how far this would go, how long you could endure.
Another other part of you wanted to obey, to be a good little lab mouse, just for him, and that meant being patient. So you let him bring you to the edge only to once again cease his actions, removing his mouth from you. You barely kept yourself from writhing in sheer frustration as your orgasm escaped you once again.
However, it may have just been worth it to see the equally desperate look on his face. He was sweating and at some point he had removed his vest and tie, allowing his dress shirt to fall open slightly. For the first time you realized that he was probably testing his own patience just as much as he was testing yours.
You glanced lower and barely suppressed the grin spreading across your face at the sight of his erection straining against the fabric of his pants. Yes, it was definitely a test of his patience too. He spoke, and the needy tone in his voice only further proved your point.
“You’ve been a very good little maus for me, dear. Such a good mädchen.”
“Thank you, sir” you lowered your voice, trying to sound as seductive and alluring as you could, hoping to tempt the doctor into finally allowing you the release you both so craved.
“I think you deserve a reward, ja?” He asked. “How would you like that? How would you like to finally finish, mädchen?”
“I would like that very much. Please, doctor,” you begged.
“Yes, I figured you would like that,” he said, laughing as he unzipped his fly, finally releasing his erection.
You took in the sight of him looming over you, looking dominant yet so deliciously tousled as well, with his shirt buttons half undone and his glasses askew. The head of his cock rested against your entrance, tantalizing you, but not giving you what you wanted yet.
“Do you want this?” Medic asked. Beneath his teasing tone there was a note of sincerity. It was pleasant, the way he checked in on you like that. However, at the moment you really wanted nothing more than for him to pound you into the table, and anything that prolonged that outcome was agonizing.
“Yes,” you said, more desperate than ever for the main event. “Please, please fuck me!”
Medic laughed, but even his mirth couldnt disguise his own eagerness. It was apparent in the way he clutched the edges of the table, as if holding himself back. Soon he wouldn’t need to hold back.
“Of course, liebling,” he whispered, finally pushing himself into you.
His movements were agonizingly slow at first. Perhaps that was intentional. He may have intended to make you beg for him to go faster, but by now both of you were at your limit. Even Medic didn’t have the patience to prolong this any further.
It wasn’t long before he was slamming into you roughly, savoring every pleased sound he managed to draw out of you.
But even in this frantic, animal-like state, he wasn’t beyond teasing you with his words.
“Does this feel good, little maus? Is this what you wanted?” He asked in between groans.
“God yes! Don’t stop,” you moaned, gasping with the effort it took to form any coherent words.
Medic laughed wickedly. It was similar to how he would sound at the end of a particularly dangerous surgery, or after performing an ethically dubious medical procedure. It would usually strike fear into most people, but at the moment it came off as incredibley erotic.
“That’s right. You’re such a good little lab mouse for me. You’re my good girl, aren’t you?”
Your head spun as you tried to answer him through the fog of ecstasy you were in.
“Yes!” You moaned, your voice shaking as he thrust into you even harder, “Fuck, yes!”
Grasping for anything to hold onto, your hands clutched at his shirt, gripping the fabric roughly as he fucked you into the metal table. Thanks to all the teasing leading up to this, it wasn’t long before you felt yourself becoming close.
You wrapped your legs around his waist, afraid of being left on the edge again. You weren’t sure when exactly you started begging.
“God, I’m really close! Don’t stop, please!” You repeated your desperate pleas for release several times.
Medic’s voice trembled as he tried to respond. He was close too, muttering curses to himself in German as he tried to stave off his own climax.
“Gott, my good girl. Mein gutes mädchen. That’s it, come for me, meine gute kleine maus!” He gasped.
And with a few more well placed thrusts, you did just that. You came hard, practically clawing at his back as you rode out your long awaited orgasm. Medic followed soon after. He buried his face in the crook of your neck in a futile attempt to stifle his own moans.
Medic pulled out of you, but didn’t stand up. Both of you were still coming down from the high, breathing hard and not wanting to move just yet. From the way your legs were shaking, you doubted you could get up even if you were willing to.
You sighed as Medic lazily caressed your body as he lay atop you. It was a soothing sensation, and soon your breathing slowed back to a normal rate. You began to gain enough strength to sit up. Medic begrudgingly sat up with you with a groan.
“I trust that was enjoyable?” He asked, that smug grin returning to his face. You couldn’t help but smile back.
“Yeah, definitely,” you said, taking in the sight of Medic, normally so well put together, now thoroughly disheveled. You reached out absentmindedly to straighten his glasses, somewhat surprised at how they hadn’t managed to fall off. He hummed appreciatively.
“You look so spent, dear,” he said, caressing one of your still flushed cheeks. You leaned into the touch, smiling softly. “Once you can walk again, we can get you cleaned up and comfortable, my little maus.”
You blushed softly at the use of your favorite pet name, and you predicted that you would be hearing it in situations such as this again. After all, this did begin as an “experiment.” And an essential part of any good experiment is repetition.
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callmewrinkles3 · 11 months
Phone Call
Summary: While sitting waiting for their hotel room to be available the day after Silverstone, Em gets a phone call that changes the rest of her year.
July 2023
It was supposed to just be an easy day, relaxing in the hotel while Blake and Dan had their meetings in Red Bull to prep for the tyre test and what Dan needed to do to be in contention for next year. A couple of hours later her phone rang, Em going out to the lobby to take the call.
“Hey Baby, what’s happening?”
“I know we said next year. I know. But how do you feel about finding somewhere to live in Faenza for the rest of the year?”
Her heart felt like it had stopped. This year. She couldn’t believe it.
“Seriously? I’m in public I can’t really talk. But what’s the details?”
“Helmut gave Nyck till Silverstone to get on Yuki’s level, he hasn’t done it. If the tyre test goes well tomorrow then it’s mine if I want it. But I promised you this year. And you’re pregnant. You won’t be able to go to the last races. I just..fuck.”
“Will you regret it if you say no?” It was quiet between them for a moment, the ease between them simple.
“Yeah. I will.”
Em took a deep breath before looking around the hotel, spotting people in team gear. She’d said yes already, but this felt different. “Then you do it .”
“You sure you’re ok with me taking it?”
“Yeah. It’s not going to be easy, but we did it before. We can do it again. I can’t totally talk, but do it. It’ll be fine.”
“Thank you Emmy.”
“Go prove you deserve it. I’ll see you soon. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Em stared at her tablet as she went back into the bar, staring at the mock up for the baby’s nursery that she’d been working on. Instead she pulled up one of her old travel spreadsheets and made a copy, getting to work with planning. This was going to be insane.
“What’s going on?” Charlie asked, Em shaking her head.
“It’s about what we talked about last night, Dan had to tell me something, I’ll tell you when we’re in one of the rooms?” Her words were clear enough that Charlie knew it was serious but didn’t reply, working out what she was doing for the week. It was working remote and running her sessions remotely where possible, but with the kids that wasn’t always a thing.
Finally Dan and Blake got back as their hotel rooms were ready, the four going up and piling into Dan and Em’s room. He’d organised a room with a balcony that looked over Silverstone for Em to watch the tyre test as he drove. When everyone was sitting down Dan spoke.
“If my times tomorrow are representative of the times I’ve been doing in the sim, I’ll be announced as an Alpha Tauri driver on Friday morning.”
The shock fully hit Em, staring at him as she felt the baby move. This is real. It’s happening. Oh god.
“Nyck’s seat?” Charlie asked and Dan nodded. “Does he know?”
“Marko gave him till Silverstone but he hasn’t improved. The gap with Yuki hasn’t changed at all. I think he thinks he’ll have till the summer but that won’t happen. Christian told me this is an audition for the big one. I heard some of the mechanics talking. Checo and Carola had a fight after the race on Sunday.”
“Poor girl.” Em was quiet for a moment. “So Friday? That’s soon. How does it feel?”
“Terrifying. But I’ll get there. You ready to be a wag again? Charlie are you ok with this? I know it wasn’t what you planned.”
“We’ll make it work. I…you belong in a car, Dan. You do. Blake and I can work out, right?”
“Yeah we will.” Em watched Blake take her hand and squeeze, holding onto her tightly. “Chuck comes first, if I need to go I’m going.”
“If you need to go I’m booking your flight myself. You made sure Dan and I made things work, it’s our turn now. But this is happening? We’re all good with it?”
“Yeah. It is. Fuck. I’m driving in a race in two weeks.”
After the four of them ate a late lunch they agreed to chill out in their own hotel rooms for the night. Dan pulled Em into his side as she ran her fingers through his curls.
“Have you told your parents yet?” Em asked quietly.
“Not yet. Not till it’s official? I don’t want them to think it’ll happen till it does. Plus they’ll ask about Mike and that…yeah. Fuck.”
“Oh Baby, I know. I know.” It still hurt that they didn’t speak anymore, that the hug she’d given him at Silverstone was the only time she’d seen him since her wedding. But she’d come home to see him leave the house in anger, Dan unwilling to talk about everything in their fight. She still missed her big brother so much, and spending weekends in the same hotel and garage would be surreal.
“Fuck. It’s just shit. He was my best man and two days later. It’s shit.”
“I know. And I can’t say anything else. But you won’t be working closely with him. And maybe it’ll thaw things.”
“Yeah, maybe.”
Em kept running her fingers through his hair, kissing Dan’s forehead. It had to be ok. It had to be.
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thelov3lybookworm · 11 months
You Deserve Better (part four)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
As the training session with the females of the Skyward camp came to an end, Althea turned from speaking to the youngest of the females present, a fourteen year old, her friend Pari walked up to her and gave her a smile. Aptly named as the name meant an angel. And she was just that. An angel. Pari was Althea's age, and one of the first women to approach Althea as more than their trainer, as a friend.
"Are you done?" Pari asked as the teenager ran back to her friends.
"Yes. She was the last one to be evaluated today. Is there something you had to say?" Althea asked as she threw an arm around Pari's shoulders and walked with her to the water station. Before Althea filled a glass for herself, she asked her friend if she wanted some. She shook her head no, so Althea proceeded to down the glass and fill it once again.
"Lord Casteel was looking for you. He asked me to tell you it would be nice if you went to see him when you're free."
Althea raised her brows as she placed the glass back. "Are you sure about that? Because I don't really trust you when it comes to me and him. I hope you remember that you have lied about him calling for me several times." And she appreciated it, knowing where her friend was coming from. But she still got flustered when Casteel stared at her in confusion, wondering if he had called her as she realised Pari had set her up.
"I don't see you going back to your home when I lie about it. You both stay together even after you figure it out. I swear I'm not lying today. But even if I was, shouldn't you be happy? I'm just trying to get you two to actually do something about yourselves. You both look like lovesick puppies by the way you stare at each other when you think no one's looking. It would really give us relief when you act upon your feelings because then we wouldn't have to suffer through the tension between you."
"It would give Me relief if You finally acted upon your feelings for Atlas. I'm tired of the tension between you as well. What about that?" Althea muttered. Pari looked away sheepishly.
"It's different. I'm waiting for him to make the first move."
"Then why do you expect me to make the first move?"
"Because you've been in love for almost a year now. I've been in love with Atlas for only a couple of months."
"That is no excuse."
"I'm shy. Is that a good enough excuse?"
"No. I'm shy too. Why–"
"You shouldn't keep him waiting. Go." Pari gave Althea's shoulder a light shove to get her moving.
"Shut up." Althea grumbled before starting down the path to her house to get changed before she went to meet Casteel.
After she had decided to stay, Casteel had offered her the house right next to his. As nobody had lived there for quite some time, Casteel had rebuilt the house and given it to her. Of course, at first he said that she could live at his place, but she had declined.
She got into the shower and made quick work of washing herself as she didn't want to keep him waiting more than she had to. Wondering why he would call her –as she always did whenever he asked her to meet him– she walked the short distance to the house next to her before knocking. Not even a moment after, Casteel opened the door, grinning down at her.
She raised her brows, even as a flush climbed up her neck just by having that beautiful smile directed at her. "Were you standing right next to the door, Cas?" He'd told her multiple times that he loved it when she called him that.
He rubbed the back of his neck. "Maybe?" Althea shook her head, walking past him towards the living area when he continued. "Mother knows the what the men who showed up before you did are thinking of me."
Althea turned to look at him, horrified. "Did you really stand here waiting for me to show up?" When he said nothing, her cheeks started burning. "Cauldron boil me. You are…"
"Devilishly handsome? Wickedly clever?" He turned towards the kitchen. "Stunningly charismatic?"
"That wasn’t what I was going for," I told him. "More like ridiculous."
"Endearingly ridiculous," he corrected.
That's when she noticed he was wearing an apron and had flour on his hands and hair. "We're you cooking something? I can come back later if you want?"
"No no. That's the whole reason I called you. I decided to make a nice dinner for the two of us... I mean, I was making something for a difference, so I thought I'd make it for the both of us."
"That's nice. Do you need some help?"
"No I think. It's almost done. You can come in though."
She tried to stop herself from smiling at his fumbling and walked toward the kitchen. When he said that he'd made dinner for them both, she'd thought... she wasn't sure what she thought, but it definitely wasn't the table filled with food. There was atleast five dishes on the circular table. And all of them were her favourites.
"You– you made all this?"
"Um yes." He was grinning like an idiot. "I was just kneading the dough for bread but heard your footsteps coming near so I went and waited by the door." He said while walking back to the dough and finishing the last of his work.
The two of them had moved to the living area after finishing up cleaning the kitchen. Casteel had brought out his wine and the two had somehow ended up sitting on the floor in front of the fire. The liquor had them so relaxed that from talking about the training they were giving the girls and others, they ended up on the topic of their love life. It had been bought up a couple of times before as well, but Althea never told him about her the incident which caused her to leave her home, and he never pushed it. He also seemed to be hiding something, and she pretended she didn't notice.
They were sitting in comfortable silence after Althea had bought up and incident with a human man after she left when he spoke up.
"Her name was Shea." Althea turned to look at him from where she was ataring at the fire. "I loved her dearly. I never thought I'd fall for anyone else ever. I also wondered if she was my mate. We hadn't ever taken it to more than make out sessions. She was my father's friends daughter. That's how we met. She and I wanted to get married.
"There was this rogue band of fae who were terrorising all the Illyrians. I was young and foolish. One day, I thought I could take them all by myself. I slipped out of the camp and flew to their camp, which was miles away, without telling anyone, and got captured. They treated me like shit. Like I was a thing, not a being. They made me do things that I never would have even thought about. They did things to me that I never thought would happen to me.
"My brother and Shea came to rescue me. While we were getting out, two of their cronies were waiting for us. I was mostly unconscious and drained, but I was conscious enough to realise that Malik, my brother, had been captured and Shea had bargained away mine and Malik's lives so that she could escape. In a sudden burst of energy, I somehow killed the two guards and Shea.
"After I left their bodies behind and stumbled away, I found myself near a river. But I was too tired, and fell unconscious and tumbled straight in the water. Later when I woke up, Kieran had already found me and brought me home. I couldn't feel anything. It felt like I was a ghost. My brain wouldn't stop playing those incidents in my head over and over again. Kieran was always near me, or my mother, or my friends, and when I went into that dark space again, feeling like i was a thing, not a person, Kieran or anyone near me would just say my name, and it reminded me that I'm real. You see, only people that I love and trust call me Cas. When you call me Cas, it reminds me that I'm real."
"Cas," Althea whispered, blinking back tears.
"Don't," he pleaded softly. "Don't cry."
"I'm sorry. It's just that I want..." Mother, there was so much she wanted for him. She wanted him to never have experienced any of that, but she couldn't undo the past. "I want you to know that you are always Cas. You were never a thing, and you aren't one now. You are Casteel Hawkethrone Da'Neer. A son. A brother. A friend. You are a King in your own right. My King. And you will always be my everything, but never will you be a thing.”
He smiled at her before turning back to the fire. "I still am searching for my brother, and it is hard, but when you are near, it doesn't seem so bad." He paused for a long moment before continuing. "A decade ago, I found Penelaphe. She was..." Casteel turned to look at her, studying her face before he said the two words. "My mate." Althea felt a pang of hurt and jealousy in her chest, realising that he wasn't HER mate. "She died in a battle with those exact rogue fae because of a bolt in her chest. I couldn't save her, but the one year I was with her, they were one of the best year in my life. Just before she took her final breath, she told me to find someone. To not mourn her and to be happy. I never thought I'd find someone, but then..."
"Then?" She whispered. He shook his head, and filled his glass again, looking away from her. She scanned his face for some time before she decided to tell him her story as well, her embarrassment be damned. And as she began speaking, she realised that wanted him to know everything about her. All the things she was insecure of, all the things she'd fucked up, she knew he'd never judge her. If he really loved her like everyone and Pari said, then he would love her, flaws and all. And so she looked down into her glass and began speaking.
"After my father was killed, I decided that I would go back to my normal self before those spring court bastards had destroyed my life." Cas angled his body towards Thea and stared at her as she spoke. "For my parents and little sister, I would do it. It took me eight decades to let a male into my room again, and by then I was almost recovered. I'd always had a crush on the spymaster, since the moment i laid my eyes on him. He was Rhys's best friend, so I knew him pretty well. What I failed to realise was that he liked my cousin, Morrigan. Mor knew about my infatuation with him, and told me multiple times to confess, but I was a coward.
"One night when we were at a famous night club in Velaris, I thought he was looking at me with lust filled eyes, but he was looking at Mor. That night was the first time he and I were together. This continued for some time, and it became our little fling. I thought that because many times he was the one to seek me out, he probably liked me back. Six moths later, it was starfall and I was tired of the secrecy, so I asked him to take me somewhere private. When I asked him about his intentions, he said he never liked me back. He was only entertaining me because he didn't want me complaining to Rhys, and that it was never meant to be more. That was when I realised that he was probably staring at Mor and I misunderstood him because I was so drunk. Rhys knew about it and wanted to kill him, but I begged him not to. I was so embarrassed that I left. It has been eleven years, and I still hear Rhys telling me not to leave, but I can't go back. I don't want to deal with the guilt of hurting them and having a confrontation with my family, and maybe it makes me a coward, but can't go back. Not yet."
"That bastard." Casteel was fuming when she looked up. "I'd always respected the spymaster and thought he was amazing. But I just want to rip him apart with my bare hands now. How could he–"
"Cas. Its alright. I've moved on. It still hurts how he rejected me, but its alright. I just wanted you to know because I trust you, and I needed you to know. Also, if you ever see him, please don't kill him. We might have to find another spymaster, and that'd be a really tiring job." She tried to joke, but he didnt smile.
He stayed quiet. "I know how much it hurts, but don't let a male who couldn't see what a gem he had guide your actions. I respect your choice to leave, but your brother loves you, and did nothing wrong to be hurt like that. I'm not saying what you did was wrong, Thea, I'm saying that you should meet with him. He probably is dying to just have a glimpse of you. Ignoring something doesn’t make it less true, Althea."
"I know that Casteel, but I can't. I can't because what if I somehow end up hurting someone again? And I'm sorry for–"
"Thea, I know. I just told you about my past, and about how I still sometimes have those memories creep up on me. So I know all about how the past doesn't remain where it should. How it likes to pay visits when you're at your weakest. There is never a need to apologize, nor should you ever feel shame. Some things can’t be forgotten or forgiven. I just want you to think about it. You think that people will be angry, maybe you'd fuck things up, but just imagine, what if they don't care that you left, what if they're willing to forget it all and just want you to be back?"
Althea nodded. "I have thought about it that way. But I can't muster the courage to do that. Maybe one day, I'll go back. Hopefully not alone." She mutters the last part under her breath. But of course he heard it.
"Who would you want to go with?" He asked, a smirk curling his lips and those damn dimples making an appearance.
"Shut up." Althea mumbled before stumbling to her feet. "Its getting late. I'll leave." But before she could take a step, she fell on the couch with a grunt. Althea had stopped drinking after she left velaris because she knew she couldn't handle it. She glared at the bottle of wine. "That damned wine."
"Why are you blaming the poor wine for your clumsiness?"
"I'm not clumsy."
"Yes you are. I don't think there's even one day that you go without crashing into things or falling about."
"Whatever. But it really is because of the wine. I'm telling you."
"As you say, princess." Althea blushed so hard she wondered if it would even work if she prayed to the cauldron to not let him see it. She looked away from his golden eyes, staring at the ceiling, but made no move to stand again. A few moments later, Casteel spoke up again. "Would you want to marry the person you love? Because many people don't want to marry, no matter how much they love a person."
"Of course I want to marry someone I love. I'd always wanted to get married, even as a kid. I wanted to marry a fearless warrior who would come and take me away on his beautiful horse." She snorted. "If I know I love him and he loves me back, I obviously will marry you." When he didn't speak for a long moment, she tilted her head to the side to peer at him. He was grinning so hard, she wondered how his jaw hadn't unhinged. "What."
"What did you just say, princess?"
"I said, if I know I love him, and he loves me back, I would marry... shit." She rolled to her feet as fast as she could and started towards the door, not caring that the whole place was spinning and she couldn't see where she was stepping. This was EXACTLY why she had stopped drinking in the first place.
She felt an arm around her waist and she flailed about before finally going limp in his arms. "Do you love me, princess?" His breath fanned over the side of her face as he whisper in her ear. Deciding that acting like a bratty child would do her no good, she pushed his hand away and turned to face him, her arms crossed over her chest.
"What if I do?"
"Then thank the cauldron because I love you too."
It took Althea a moment to process what he was saying, but when she did, she was speechless. She opened and closed her mouth like a fish, before deciding that it would be better if she stayed quiet.
He grinned and stepped forward, making her tilt her head back. Damned Illyrians and their heights. "So? May I?" He asked as he cupped her cheek and ran a thumb along her lower lip.
"Please." She rasped.
He closed his eyes, before opening them and tilting his head down. "Don't beg, Thea. You never have to beg." And then just before their lips touched, he whispered. "Please don't forget this."
And then he finally, FINALLY kissed her.
It had been two months since that night when Althea and Casteel had finally confessed their feelings for each other. She still stayed at the house next to his, but he had asked her to move to his house. She had agreed, and she was finally done with packing her things.
Casteel was helping her move the things and when she had tried to help, he'd handed her snacks –that she loved but then had forgotten about, then found in the back of a cabinet– and sat her down on a stool, telling her to rest.
He walked in from the front door again, having discarded his shirt. Althea said nothing as she watched him work about the place. She watched as his muscles flexed in the sunlight filtering in from the window.
"If you keep staring at me like that, we'll be here all day." He said without turning around. "This took this long only because you couldn't keep your eyes and hands to yourself." He mock chided her as he turned to look at her.
She slowly trailed her eyes from the corded muscles of his abdomen and chest to his eyes. "It wouldn't happen if only you learned to keep your clothes on around me." She said nonchalantly, but before he could retort, a rolled piece of paper thudded on the table next to Althea. She picked it up. "It's Rhys. He says he's going to some party near the center of Prythian. All other High Lords will be there too. And he wants me to help him pick an outfit. I swear this guy can't live without me. What would he do if I didn't exist?"
Casteel shook his head, grinning, and took the box in his hand to his house. She realised that it was the last box and all the work was finished. She was alone again when she pulled a pen out of the nowhere and wrote back to Rhys.
My favourite shirt of yours and your favourite pants. They go well together.
She surveyed the paper before sending it back to him.
Althea grinned and wrote back.
What would you do without me Rhysie. Take care and write to me when when you're back.
The paper vanished before a tiny piece of paper returned with the word okay on it.
She went on to check on Casteel, not knowing she would never receive that letter. At least, not for fifty years.
As Althea finished up cleaning the kitchen and Casteel finished doing the dishes, they moved to the living room that was now filled with boxes. She suddenly froze midstep as panic filled her, someone else's as well as her own and Casteel jerked back so he wouldn't crash into her.
Rhys was trying to contact her.
She wondered if she should let him in, then put her walls down. She tentatively sent out a question.
After a moment, she felt his the other minds that were all connected to Rhys's and a hopeful but panicked voice.
Thea? Oh thank the Mother. My love my sister. I just want you to know I love you. Even if I die, I'll be with you forever
What? Rhys tell me whats going on. Why are you saying such things? Are you back yet?
No. I'm so sorry sweetie. We're getting trapped here and I don't know for how long. Amarantha is somehow controlling our powers and please dont try to contact me. Stay where you are Thea and protect as many people as you can. Dont let anyone go out of the protective barrier.
Rhys can't you winnow back? Can I help you? I'll come there.
NO THEA. She has alreade taken most of my powers and I can't keep talking. Don't come hereand please stay safe with the guy you're seeing. All of you please stay safe. Please, I love you.
Then he was gone. She still felt the other's minds, but she tried to calm down before she said anything.
Hey? Thea? Where are you? Are you coming back? Cassian asked.
No. What happened? Is this about the party that he went to?
Yes. She was from Hybern. She is Clythia's sister, the one who was tortured by that human Jurian. Mor answered.
SHIT. Now what do we do? Can we not save him somehow?
He just ordered us to not try any stunts, girl. There is nothing we can do other than wait. Amren shut anymore questions Althea had with that.
Did... DID Rhys just say that you are with a guy? Azriel asked.
How in the world, out of all the things my brother said, are you hung up on that? Yes I'm with a guy. What are you gonna do about it?
Are you coming back Thea? Please, people need you here. Mor said before he could say anything.
No Mor, I can't. People might need me there, but they're protected by Rhys's power. The people here need me more than you all.
Do you ever think about anyone other than yourself? You just don't want to come back because you embarrassed yourself like, a decade ago and can't let go of a stupid grudge.
Althea winced. Mor that is not the reason and you damn well know it.
You are a selfish bitch who only cares for–
Thank you Cassian. Also, last thing Mor, even if I'm a selfish bitch, atleast I don't have to hide and lie about myself. Atleast I have someone who loves and accepts me for who I am. I might be a coward as well, but you are an even bigger coward.
Althea said before she cut the connection with all of them.
Casteel stared at Althea, wondering why she had stopped so abruptly. Her eyes were distant, which meant she was talking to someone mentally. Then a flash of panic entered her eyes before her tears started flowing. She winced a few moments before she turned to him and fell to her knees, just staying there and looking like she had gone numb. All the while Casteel was trying to make sense of what might be going on.        
He got onto his knees as well and pulled Althea onto his lap. She buried her face in his chest and finally started sobbing. "What happened love?"        
She just continued sobbing for what felt like eternity to Casteel, because with every sob that wracked her body, his heart was breaking into pieces. He didn't know what had happened, and therefore didn't know how to best comfort her, so he just rubbed her back. Then he felt a shaky tap on his mental walls and he immediately let her in. He was flooded with voices, delivering the terrible news, telling her there was no way to help and saying horrible things to his beloved because of her decisions.        
"Oh Cauldron. I'm so sorry Thea. I'm so sorry. I wish I could help." He rocked her back and forth as she continued crying.        
"What– what if he– can't get out Cas?" She questioned between hiccups, staring up at him with tear filled eyes.         
"Don't worry love. He WILL get out one day. I'm sure of it." He pushed her hair out of her face and kissed her forehead.        
They sat there the whole night, and even though Casteel just wanted for Althea to not be sad, he held her through the night and let her cry her heart out, whispering words of reassurance and hope. He knew how important it was to not suppress and bottle up one's emotions.        
When finally she stopped shaking, he realised she had tired herself out and fallen asleep. He gently picked her up, walked to his bedroom and placed her down before getting in as well. He pulled her into hospital chest and covered the both of them with his wings and slept. It didn't matter that it was already morning.
The longest part so far and I really like how it came out. Reblogs and comments would really be appreciated.
Also, Pari is my only bestie's name and she's my angel 🥹.
Taglist: @bubybubsters @Act1839
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