#unlock your chakra energy
videopromotion12 · 14 days
Unlock Your Inner Power: Solar Plexus Chakra Meditation
This solar plexus chakra meditation will help you unlock your inner power and boost your confidence. Take a few minutes to balance your energy and feel empowered.This meditation is perfect for anyone who wants to: ✅ Feel more confident and assertive ✅ Improve decision-making ✅ Increase motivation and willpower ✅ Set and achieve goals
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Unlock Your Energy Centers with Chakra Tuning Music: Deep Healing and Re...
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tiredwitchplant · 6 months
Everything You Need to Know About Crystals: Moonstone (White)
Moonstone (The Sacred Stone of the Moon)
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Color: White, cream, yellow, blue, green
Rarity: Easy to obtain
Hardiness: 6.5
Type: Oligoclase/ Feldspar
Chakra Association: Brow, Heart, Root, Third Eye, Sacral, Solar Plexus
Deities: All Lunar Deities, Diana, Selene, Artemis, Isis, Chandra
Birthstone: June
Astrological Signs: Cancer
Element: Water
Planet: Moon
Origin: Australia, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, USA
Powers: Femininity, Calmness, Balance, Luck, Intuition, Healing, Sensual, Patience, Reproductive Health
Crystals It Works Well With: Aquamarine, garnet, pearl
How It is Created: Moonstone is a type of feldspar composed of potassium aluminum silicate. It can be found in a number of colors, but all examples demonstrate a particular sheen known as labradorescence; an effect also found in labradorite and blue moonstone. Labradorescence is a light effect caused by parallel hairlike structures laid down within the crystal matrix, which reflect light back and forth, creating different-colored effects, including blue, yellow, silvery gray, and white.
History: Moonstone is the sacred stone of India. During the earliest traditions, the gem was said to have been embedded in the forehead of Ganesh, the four-handed god of the moon, since the beginning of time. It was written in Hindu mythology that moonstone is made from moonbeams, thus its luster.
The magnificent gem is never displayed outside for sale unless placed on a yellow cloth, as yellow is a sacred color. According to other legends, Moonstone can give gifts of prophecy and clairvoyance to the wearer. It could also clear the mind for the wearer to welcome wisdom. But to unlock this ability, Moonstone must be placed in their mouths during the full moon. Since ancient Egypt it is considered as a spiritual stone as it is seen as the gem of protection for night travelers.
Since Moonstone looks a lot like the moonshine, ancient Romans believed that it was formed from moonlight. If you look at the gem closely, you’ll see a dance of light that lurks on the insides of the gem. Ancient Greeks merged the names of the goddess of love (Aphrodite) and the goddess of the moon (Selene) and christened Moonstone as “Aphroselene”. While the Romans believed that the gem exhibits the image of their moon goddess, Diana.
It is also known as an aphrodisiac and when worn by two people, they will fall passionately in love when the moon is high. Moonstone was once called the “Travelers Stone” as it is said to protect those who travel at night, especially at sea.
What It Can Do:
When worn, can attract true love and arouse passion
If you give your lover a moonstone during the full moon, there will be passion between you always
Can settle disagreements and return things to peaceful status
Sewn into garments can enhance fertility
Wearing moonstone protects sensitive emotions
Enhances divination, prophetic dreams and prevents nightmares
Great for meditation and scrying
Represents yin and attracts peaceful energy
Protects travelers at night and by sea
Considered good luck
Balances male-female energies and aids men who want to get in touch with their feminine side
Affects the female reproductive cycle and alleviates menstrual-related diseases and tensions
Helps with digestive and reproductive systems, assimilates nutrients, eliminates toxins and fluid retention, and alleviates degenerative conditions of the skin, hair, eyes and fleshy organs such as the liver and pancreas.
How to Get the Best Out Of: Wear as a ring or place on the appropriate body part, would recommend the forehead, for spiritual experiences, and solar plexus or heart for emotions. Women may need to remove Moonstone at full moon.
How to Cleanse and Charge: Moonstone is relatively soft stone, 6 on the Mohs scale, so it should be handled with care as it can be easily scratched or crushed. Moonstone should be stored separate from other jewelry in its own soft bag or lined box and should not be worn while performing strenuous tasks that could result in it getting bumped or scratched. It can be cleaned with plain water and a soft cloth. If it gets scratched, take it to a jeweler to have it polished out.
Charge your moonstone in the light of the waxing moon and keep it out of direct sunlight.
Crystal Grid: N/A Couldn't find one that wasn't too complex @_@
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manifestmoons · 1 year
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Welcome to manifestmoons
Chakra Basics
• They are a complex and ancient energy system that originated in India.
• Chakras are the energy centers of the body.
• Some say there are 114 different chakras, but there are seven main chakras that run along your spine.
• Chakras are associated with the organs and glands of the particular region where they are located. As such, they have a strong bearing on our health, our mental state, and our relationship with others.
It's vital to observe these energy centers regularly and take time out of your busy day to improve the flow of prana to each. On a deeper level, aligning your chakras can also help you tune into your higher self and unlock divine power.
Click here to get The Chakras Guide !
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kensanwrites · 7 months
12 Hz Money Affirmations Alpha Wave Binaural Beats with Ambient Water| Positive Affirmations |
Welcome to our enriching video, "Money Affirmations with Alpha Wave Binaural Beats and Meditation" - Your Path to Unlocking Financial Abundance and Prosperity! 💰🌟
In this transformative session, we've crafted a powerful experience that combines the magic of money affirmations, chakra-aligned affirmations, and the calming influence of alpha wave binaural beats with meditation.
Join us on a journey of positive thinking, guided meditation, and manifestation techniques designed to attract financial abundance into your life.
🌌 Here's what you'll experience in this video:
💰 **Money Affirmations** - Immerse yourself in affirmations that align with your financial goals, empowering you to manifest wealth and prosperity.
🌈 **Chakra Aligned Affirmations** - Harmonize your energy centers and invite financial abundance into your life with chakra-aligned affirmations.
🧘‍♀️ **Guided Meditation** - Deepen your connection with the Law of Attraction and explore manifestation techniques that pave the way for financial success.
🌟 **Askffirmations** - Learn the powerful Askffirmation technique, a transformative tool to ask the universe for financial abundance and receive it with open arms.
🌅 **Positive Affirmations** - Cultivate an unwavering belief in your financial abundance through positive thinking.
Join us on this empowering journey to manifest financial abundance and create a life filled with prosperity and purpose. Like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell to stay connected with our empowering content.
🌟 Attract wealth and prosperity into your life with us. Let's begin! 🌟
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****** Here are some user listening instructions to enhance your experience and maximize the benefits:
1. **Background Listening:** Let the affirmations play in the background during your daily activities. Whether you're working, exercising, or doing household chores, allow the positive messages to permeate your surroundings. The subconscious mind is receptive, even when you're not actively focusing on the affirmations.
2. **Meditation Mode:** Set aside a few minutes each day for a dedicated meditation session. Find a quiet and comfortable space, play the affirmations, and focus on your breath. Let the positive words guide you into a state of calm and mindfulness, reinforcing the affirmations at a deeper level.
3. **Interactive Affirming:** Engage with the affirmations actively by repeating them aloud or in your mind. Use the video as a guide and affirm along with the positive statements. This participatory approach can strengthen the impact of the affirmations as you internalize them consciously.
4. **Loop for Maximum Benefit:** The affirmations in this video loop three times for maximum effectiveness. Feel free to let the video replay or manually loop it to extend your listening experience. Repetition is a key factor in affirmations' efficacy, reinforcing positive beliefs and intentions.
Remember, consistency is key. Choose the listening style that resonates most with you, and make these affirmations a regular part of your routine. Whether in the background, during meditation, or actively affirming, these positive messages are designed to uplift and empower you on your journey. Enjoy the transformative experience! 🌟
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imeditativemind · 3 months
ALL 7 CHAKRAS Healing Vibrations + Ocean Waves
Full Body Aura & Energy Clease
🌳 Feeling unsteady? The Root Chakra grounds us.
💦 Craving connection? Dive into the Sacral Chakra.
🔥 Need a confidence boost? Ignite your Solar Plexus Chakra.
💚 Searching for love? Open your Heart Chakra wide.
🗣 Want to be heard? Amplify your Throat Chakra.
👁 Looking for clarity? Trust your Third Eye Chakra.
✨ Seeking higher wisdom? Connect through your Crown Chakra.
Each chakra is a key, unlocking parts of ourselves we’ve yet to explore. This isn’t just about watching a video; it’s an invitation to a deeper understanding and a more vibrant life. 🚀
via Meditative Mind
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rachetmath · 1 year
 I’m sorry but I feel this needs to be said. Aura is by far the most under-used source in RWBY beside dust. Look I get it aura is used to make barriers and fuel semblances but that's it. I mean the semblances are sometimes horrible at best. Especially when they’re passive. Oh my, the worst semblance to me is sadly Qrow’s because anything could happen. You could be enjoying your day and something bad happens because you're there. But that’s minor.
Now some semblances are good. We got semblances that can stop time. We got some that can erase memories. We even got some that can create clones and summon creatures. Too bad summoning things is only in the Schnee department but still. However some of them can be both imitated and surpassed by other characters. For example, Adam, Yang and Tock. Adam creates a wave projectile to slice his enemies. Yang can build and store energy every time she takes damage from enemies and dish it back ten fold. Tock can literally take no damage until her timer goes off. Guess who can copy these abilities? Five characters; Ren, Blake, Fox, Qrow and yes, even Jaune can do it.
Four of these characters have managed to replicate Adam and Yang’s semblances. Blake and Qrow manage to create slashes in the air to launch at their opponents before. Though theirs are not strong as Adam’s they still performed the same function. Fox and Ren can do the same like Yang. I mean, in volume one and two, Ren and Fox made Grimm’s bodies explode. And the sad part about it is Jaune can do all this because of his aura reserves and his semblances. And this is why aura control is needed.
We need characters who are better skilled in aura. I understand semblances are supposed to be unique and tied more to the user but if you were a hunter and you never unlocked your semblance or if you did but it’s not as helpful as you hope, what would be your best source to fight with? Your aura, because so far semblances have been more of let down due to being similar to others. Examples are Harriet and Neon, both being fast characters. Or where it's just in their names. Like Vine with extended limbs; Elm being rooted to the ground; or Clover having good luck. But if you understand the basics and learn more ways to use your aura you can basically do anything. The prime demonstration is Hazel. Nora said herself, Hazel can recharge faster than most people. This means no matter how much damage they dish out Hazel will recover and still keep going.
(Bro I need to say this. Man I’m sorry but in my opinion Hazel is the strongest male character in the RWBY series. Bro, think about it, James was scared of Hazel more than he was of Cinder. And when we saw him fight Salem,… oh my god, these kids were lucky he didn’t really want to fight them because if he did they would all be dead. Like Hazel is the best example of both aura and dust users. He should have stayed alive. Maybe then the kids can finally have a functioning adult in their lives. Hazel solos.)
Okay, after explaining all this, how else can aura be used? Well other than being barriers, slash waving projectiles and a healing factor, it can also be used like haki, chakra or for this show like it was before Salem screwed the world over, magic. But only maidens have magic right? Well let me tell you why I disagree with that statement. But first let's talk about dust.
Dust is the second most under-used source in RWBY. The reason I say secondary is because at least it’s visible in the world. Not only that it is used in weapons, machines, and as ammunition. It is really a natural resource but no one ever uses it in its rawest form. No one except Hazel and maybe Weiss. And what makes it better is they are Remnants of magical elements. Dust in rawest form is more powerful than a gun. And if used properly you can rival maidens.
Maidens are supposed to be special due to them being able to control the elements without the need of dust. However, their power might as well be that of a semblance considering it requires aura to even use. I mean think about it Cinder and Raven. They have used the maiden powers which not only exhausted them as well decreased their aura to the point they break. Not only that they were able to be defeated or in Cinder’s case almost die multiple times. And to prove my case further, Salem is a magic user yet Hazel still killed her multiple times. Hell, Penny was able to beat Cinder even without maiden powers. Basically, the sad truth is the maidens are just keys. If Cinder crossed the wrong person she would be dead. Never mind that if Hazel, Watts and Tyrian wanted to, they actually would have killed her themselves. Especially if she keeps messing up they're plans.
So how does dust increase the use of aura? Well dust is part of the world. And so is the aura. So wouldn’t having more of a connection with the world increase aura and dust efficiency. I mean Vine said aura can be extended. So using the environment itself is good. Just like chakra, if you extend the aura enough to spread across an area enough while using gravity dust you can increase the pressure to keep opponents down. With plant dust trapping your enemies to a certain extent. Heck if you learn to control your aura and merge it with the element you can throw projectiles, create weapons, increase your speed and/or damage output. Effectively uses your whole body as a weapon.
Aura can even be used even without the need of dust. Like with haki it can harden your body against attacks. Extended to where you can locate upcoming enemies. Or when released all at once ,can be used to knock out enemies without engaging in combat.
Look, I am sorry. Please, forgive me but after thinking about this it made me ask this question, “What is a hunter?” Like really what is a hunter because so far this show has disappointed me on the term. We have seen hunters die whether be by non-hunter groups or Grimm who are arguably not that much of a threat. If anything, ordinary people can fight and kill them. Even semblances are starting to become nothing but excuses to why characters act the way they do, like with James who was determined to blow up Mantle because of his ability. Or having basic abilities that other characters should possess like Tyrian’s aura breaking ability. It’s sad really, aura is supposed to be this source of power but it's not as weaponized as I hoped it would be. But that’s my opinion.  
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ancientastarwis · 3 months
Sacral Chakra 🧡
The Sacral Chakra symbolizes creativity, sexual energy, abundance, power and pleasure. This is one of the most powerful chakras, as it vibrates at the same level of creation and holds the keys to inner unity.
Once open, the individual will begin a process of reassessment of their deservingness and abundance during which the material and spiritual planes will merge. This will give the individual a renewed concept of existence and a matching new approach to life.
The key to unlock the Sacral Chakra is FEELING DESERVING
The vibration of this chakra resonates with the SOUL
The fastest way to block this chakra is through ENVY
The wisdom hidden in this chakra is of ABUNDANCE
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In the last few days, I've noticed a deep Sacral Chakra Activation that is showing some physical symptoms. The double focus of the current activation on a Collective level is mother wounds and gender equality. The latter is clearing some imperfections on certain distorted beliefs about feminine energy vs masculine energy that led to a misunderstanding of the energies.
Some of the symptoms that indicate you are going through this Activation are: feeling pinching or twitching on private parts, healing body image issues, feeling more beautiful physically, self-care increases, power struggles diminish, in women breasts increase size, among others.
If you would like to balance and optimize your chakras, feel free to book a personal energy healing session with me. Message me for more info.
Have a beautiful day 🕉️🧘🏼
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hexora · 5 months
Mermaid's Tear Amulet: A Distinctive Crystal Pendant Capturing the Essence of the Ocean's Magic
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Creating your own Mermaid's Tear Amulet can be a delightful and meaningful endeavor, allowing you to infuse it with your intention and energy. Here's a simple guide to crafting your own enchanting amulet:
Materials Needed:
Glass or Crystal Teardrop Pendant:
Choose a pendant that resonates with you. It can be made of glass, crystal, or any transparent material resembling a teardrop shape.
Chain or Cord:
Select a chain or cord that complements the style of your pendant. Consider using materials like silver, gold, or leather.
Beads or Charms (Optional):
Enhance the amulet's aesthetic by incorporating beads or charms that evoke the sea, such as shells, pearls, or small ocean-themed charms.
Clear Epoxy Resin:
To symbolize the oceanic essence, you can use clear epoxy resin to fill the pendant.
Small Funnel:
A funnel will help you pour the epoxy resin into the pendant without spillage.
Mermaid Essence (Optional):
This could be a symbolic representation of the ocean, such as a drop of seawater or a tiny piece of a seashell.
Step-by-Step Guide:
Prepare Your Workspace:
Set up a clean and well-lit workspace. Lay out all your materials and ensure you have adequate ventilation if working with epoxy resin.
Attach the Pendant to the Chain or Cord:
Securely attach the pendant to the chosen chain or cord. Ensure it's well-positioned for comfortable wear.
Customize with Beads or Charms (Optional):
If desired, thread beads or charms onto the chain or cord to enhance the amulet's aesthetic appeal.
Mix the Epoxy Resin:
Follow the instructions on the epoxy resin packaging to prepare the mixture. Typically, this involves combining equal parts resin and hardener.
Use the Funnel to Fill the Pendant:
Place the funnel securely into the opening of the pendant. Carefully pour the epoxy resin into the pendant, ensuring it doesn't overflow.
Add Mermaid Essence (Optional):
If you have chosen to include a symbolic representation of the ocean, add it to the pendant before the epoxy resin sets.
Allow the Resin to Cure:
Follow the recommended curing time for the epoxy resin. This can vary, but it often takes several hours or overnight.
Inspect and Adjust:
Once the resin has fully cured, inspect the amulet. If there are any imperfections, you can consider sanding or polishing the surface.
Charge with Intentions:
Hold the amulet in your hands and infuse it with your intentions. Visualize the amulet as a conduit to the magic of the ocean and mermaids.
Wear and Enjoy:
Your Mermaid's Tear Amulet is now ready to be worn! Wear it close to your heart and let it serve as a reminder of the enchanting depths it represents.
💧 The Artistry of the Mermaid's Tear Amulet:
Crafted with precision and reverence, the Mermaid's Tear Amulet is a testament to the intersection of artistry and mysticism. Its form, reminiscent of a crystalline teardrop, symbolizes a profound connection to the vast depths of the ocean—a union of elegance and elemental power.
🧜‍♀️ The Mythic Origins:
Believed to encapsulate the very essence of the ocean, the Mermaid's Tear Amulet is steeped in the lore of mermaid magic. As the lore goes, mermaids shed tears of joy or sorrow, and these tears crystallize into rare gems. The amulet, then, becomes a conduit to the enchanting realms of these mythical beings, a vessel for the subtle energies and mysteries of the deep.
💫 Sacred Symbolism:
The symbolism inherent in the Mermaid's Tear Amulet is profound. It serves as a talisman for emotional depth, intuition, and a connection to the vast expanses of the subconscious. Wear it as an emblem of serenity, or harness its energy for introspection and unlocking the hidden facets of the self.
🌌 How to Embrace the Magic:
Intentional Adornment: Wear the Mermaid's Tear Amulet with intention, allowing it to become an extension of your personal energy field. Its proximity to the heart chakra enhances its potency as a conduit for emotional well-being.
Meditative Reflection: In moments of quiet contemplation, allow the amulet to guide you into the depths of your own consciousness. Its mercurial magic may reveal insights and illuminate the paths to self-discovery.
Cleansing Rituals: As a vessel of oceanic essence, the amulet benefits from periodic cleansing rituals. Submerge it in saltwater or allow it to bask in the moonlight, renewing its connection to the natural forces it embodies.
Shared Symbolism: Gift the Mermaid's Tear Amulet to kindred spirits or loved ones, sharing the enchantment and fostering connections through the shared symbolism of this exquisite piece.
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madamlaydebug · 9 months
GROUNDED MAGIC ✨ The higher you reach for the Divine and the realms of Spirit, the more important it is to anchor deeply to the Earth. The deeper our roots, the higher we can reach into the heavens.
Grounding • Root Chakra • Bridging Worlds
AUTHENTICITY✨ Live your life according to what makes you come alive, rather than what everyone else thinks.
Expression • Solar Plexus • Throat chakra
OVERFLOW✨ Releasing emotions is the key to unlocking an abundant wellspring of love within you.
Release • Abundance • Heart Chakra
COCOON✨ Go inwards and be present with wherever you are in your process, into the beautiful abyss of your being, beyond your surface-level identity.
Introspection • Transition • Change
CREATION✨ What is trying to be birthed through you? Is there a project you have been thinking about but have not yet started? Now is the time to begin.
Creativity • Sacral chakra • Inspiration
THE UNKNOWN✨ Surrender to the unknown- to the mystery of what’s next. Trust that just because you can’t see what’s happening beneath the surface, doesn’t mean things aren’t at work.
Mystery of Life • Adventure • Faith
BOUNDARIES✨ You’re being called to look after your own wellbeing before anyone else’s. It’s okay to place limits around the amount of time and energy we give to others. Take time to fill your own cup.
Empath • Protection • Restore
CRACKED OPEN✨ Life is a tapestry woven with threads of both joy and sorrow. Amidst the challenges and hardships we encounter, it is important to remember that even the darkest moments have a purpose. It is through these trials that we find the opportunity to grow and evolve. Like a seedling rising from the earth towards the sun, our souls find nourishment in the face of adversity.
Alchemy • Personal Growth • Strength
HIGHER SELF✨ By practicing self-love, we forge a profound connection with our higher self, leading us towards a life of authenticity, joy, and spiritual growth.
Self-love • Crown Chakra • Connection
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videopromotion12 · 17 days
Unlock Your Energy: Secrets of Sacral Chakra Meditation
In this video, discover the secrets of sacral chakra meditation to unlock your energy and improve your overall well-being. Find out how to balance and heal your sacral chakra for a more vibrant life!
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Unlock Your Energy Centers with All Chakras Meditation Balancing and Tun...
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tiredwitchplant · 7 months
Everything You Need to Know About Crystals: Tiger's Eye
Tiger's Eye (The Stone of the Sun)
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Color: Golden Yellow with Brown
Hardiness: 7
Rarity: Easy to Obtain
Type: Metamorphic
Chakra Association: Sacral, Solar-Plexus, Third Eye
Deities: Ra, Sekhmet, Durga
Astrological Signs: Capricorn, Leo
Element: Earth, Fire
Planet: Sun
Origin: India, Myanmar, South Africa, USA, Mexico
Powers: The Sun, Protection, Abundance, Luck, Pride, and Justice
Crystals It Works Well With: Cat’s Eye, Chalcedony, Topaz
How It is Created: Tiger’s Eye is basically a quartz but they formed in such an unusual way that the fibers of the mineral called crocidolite are laid down in parallel bands within the structure. This creates its silk like appearance and its “cat’s eye”.
History: Tombs in the ancient city of Ur in Mesopotamia (now Iraq) dating back to 2500 BCE have yielded gold sets with agates, like tiger’s eye and carnelian. The tiger’s eye was very popular due to the belief that it harnessed the power of the earth and the sun. This is why it is associated with the god of the sun, Ra and why Egyptians considered it a very valuable gem. Roman soldiers believed that the tiger’s eye was a symbol of bravery and would ride with pieces of tiger’s eye on them in order to encourage bravery during battles.
What It Can Do:
Shields the energy field or aura from negativity
Clears tension and mental blocks from the solar plexus
Can soothe, calm, and restore one’s body and mind
Banish the evil eye and curses
Attracts money while curbing impulsive spending
Used to detect liars and deceptions
Can increase confidence and pride
Placing it on your third eye can help enhance psychic abilities and balance your lower chakras
Helps unlock and unleash your true desires
Alleviates depression and lifts moods
Reduces crabbing and addictive behavior
How To Get the Best Out of Tiger’s Eye: Wear it in bracelet or amulet form.
How to Cleanse and Charge:
To cleanse: Lay it on a windowsill where the sun shines the most or bury it in your garden where the sun shines the most
To charge: You can also charge it on the windowsill with the sun. The sun really gives it a great charge, especially if one of the deities you work with is a sun god.
Crystal Grid:
Abundance (Spiral)
Base for the grid, such as wood, slate, fossilized wood, or golden card or cloth
Green Aventurine
Herkimer Diamond
Moss Agate
Tiger’s Eye
If you’re laying a preparatory “cleansing” spiral, start at the topmost point and lay crystals alternately, with the points pointing out from the center.
Place the Goldstone in the center as the keystone.
If laying an abundance grid, begin by placing the Goldstone in the center, stating that your intention is for it to bring abundance into your life.
Lay a spiral of alternated crystals, pointing down and inward, until you reach the Goldstone.
Add a grounding stone if appropriate.
When the grid is no longer required, dismantle it.
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marsmeditation · 1 month
Greetings and Welcome to this Intense 12 CHAKRA MEDITATION MUSIC For Healing & Balancing All 12 Chakras from M.a.R.S (Meditation and Relaxation Station).
• Elevate your spiritual journey with our weekly updates and FREE downloads.
Don't miss out — SUBSCRIBE to our channel Now! https://tinyurl.com/y5446sh4
• Experience the transformative power of our 12 CHAKRA HEALING & BALANCING MEDITATION again:
Embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual enlightenment as we delve into the intricacies of the 12 chakras — the seven major chakras of the physical body and five spiritual chakras extending into the cosmos.
Each of the 12 chakras serves as a vital energy center, facilitating the flow of cosmic energy throughout your being.
Listen to this Powerful 12 Chakras Meditation Music with headphones and immerse yourself in the harmonious convergence of precisely tuned frequencies designed to heal and balance each of the 12 chakras.
Feel your vibration elevate as you align with the cosmic energies that permeate the universe.
Our 12 Chakra Healing & Balancing Meditation is a potent tool for enhancing your spiritual growth and expanding your consciousness.
Discover the profound impact it can have on your spiritual journey and unlock new levels of enlightenment simply by listening to this meditation everyday for at least 2 weeks.
Explore the transformative power of pure tone frequencies meticulously tailored to resonate with each of the 12 chakras:
Root Chakra - 256Hz
Sacral Chakra - 288Hz
Solar Plexus Chakra - 320Hz
Heart Chakra - 341.3Hz
Throat Chakra - 384Hz
Third Eye Chakra - 426.7Hz
Crown Chakra - 439Hz
Soul Star Chakra - 1024Hz
Spirit Chakra - 2048Hz
Universal Chakra - 4096Hz
Galactic Chakra - 8192Hz
Stellar Gateway Chakra - 16384Hz
Join us on this journey of spiritual exploration and transformation. Subscribe to our channel for weekly updates and FREE downloads, and unlock the full potential of your spiritual awakening TODAY!
Listen Now!
#12ChakraMeditation #12Chakras #ChakraBalancing #ChakraHealing
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evansblues · 7 months
Since we're talking about sex and energy, I just want to circle back to the TF talk but not the term since I myself think it has lost its meaning throughout the years. I'll use Divine Counterparts and this is based on my own experience.
Because they are energetically matched and share a system, they act like magnets, pushing/pulling or as the internet would describe on the outside, running and chasing. Inside of the connection itself it isn't like that, because you have unconditional love for this person. The reason you may hurt each other by distance is because of your own fears about yourself.
Sex is what activates this energy (the root chakra) after meeting, and the counterparts must separate so they can be cleansed or purified of harmful behaviors and mindset. The purification process starts in the feminine, which is why the masculine gives her space at first.
When she has healed enough and achieves inner union of her masculine and feminine energies, she feels whole in herself and her crown chakra is opened, and she is finally aligned completely.
This is when she finally has the ability to unlock the masculine counterpart's awakening process, and she leaves the connection. All of that is energy but in the 3D it's reflected as I said running and chasing, and she would finally stop wanting the energy of her counterpart at this time.
However it is because he needs the space to heal the same way she did, until he too heals and aligns his energy to his crown.
They are both not in control of this, the universe is.
All of those changes happen with sexual encounters because that is a powerful energy, it is the energy of creation after all.
So for counterparts this energy is sacred as such, but regardless of who you have had sexual relations with in the past it is temporary in its effect to your energy. Your own mindset and energy will remain unaffected in the long run.
When I first met my counterpart, I had irregular periods my whole life. We met, I experienced my awakening and my womb cleansed itself. Since then I have been having regular periods every month. This is stuff you don't really read about so it's hard to believe but it's there.
Thank you for all you are allowing to be discussed on your page.
It seems to be my calling here. Thank you for sharing.
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orion-sage · 6 months
Unlocking the Third Eye: Transforming Health and Perception!
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Opening the third eye, often associated with the concept of spiritual awakening and heightened awareness, is believed to offer a range of potential benefits, including some that can positively impact one's physical and mental well-being. Here are three of the most important benefits often associated with opening the third eye:
Improved Immune System: Opening the third eye is thought to enhance the body's overall balance and energy flow. This can lead to a strengthened immune system. By promoting physical and mental well-being, a balanced and healthy body can better defend against illnesses. The reduced stress and increased vitality associated with third-eye activation may contribute to a more robust immune response, helping the body to ward off infections and diseases more effectively.
Enhanced Vision Beyond Reality: Opening the third eye is often linked to heightened perception and intuition. It's believed that an open third eye can grant individuals access to deeper insights, greater clarity, and a broader understanding of the world around them. This can lead to improved decision-making and a deeper appreciation of life. It's not so much about literal vision but rather seeing beyond the surface, gaining insight into one's own life and the interconnectedness of all things. This expanded perspective can provide a profound sense of purpose and meaning, reducing anxiety and stress.
Reduction of Brain and Psychological Diseases: The practice of opening the third eye is often associated with meditation, mindfulness, and other techniques that promote mental well-being. Regular meditation and other mindfulness practices can reduce stress and anxiety, which are known to contribute to various psychological and neurological conditions. By maintaining a calm and focused mind, individuals may experience a reduction in the risk of developing conditions like depression, anxiety disorders, and even neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's. The balance and harmony achieved through third-eye activation may contribute to an overall improvement in mental health.
Remember that unlocking the third eye without an experienced healer can pose serious risks. If you want to learn more, feel free to contact me here on Tumblr or on Etsy.
I offer to all my followers a FREE Energy Check: a practice to understand your chakras status, your aura status, the status of your third eye and if you have curses, evil eyes, blockages or entities attached.
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