#unfortunately you only really GET this when either you face this attitude or someone you know does
katyspersonal · 1 year
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#/vent#personal#internets#like you can see the attempts to not vent and focus on the positive availed me nothing#this is just really annoying how people are outright not seeing the hypocricy of the whole thing#i perpetually feel like i've finished a quest people normally take years on early and now i just... wait here. all alone.#for other people to catch up with seeing the Whole Thing.#unfortunately you only really GET this when either you face this attitude or someone you know does#there is just an illusion that if you sit quietly and nod along the witch-hunters will not touch you#but honestly the only way to really be safe is to become just like them#because again autonomy is a reason to lose interest in being your friend at least and reason to shun you at most#ugh... i really really REALLY do not know what to search for to make me focus on GOOD things#it boils down to bugging my friends to send me good drawings or funny memes to reblog#or to urgently shutting internet down because over two vents per day is kind of an overkill#i just do not understand why the hypocricy of the witch hunters is not painfully obvious#how much more obviously bad things can get than the pure desperation to remove the person for merely the failure to control them?#the silver lining i guess is that trying so hard means i really get on their nerves.#i am just frustrated#how many years should pass until people come to me and say 'hey you was right and btw they bullied me too xD'#like they kept coming to Mico after having previously tossed him away too#they always come back but it is always too late and always at the expense of them facing the witch hunt too!#what it takes a mf to learn from mistakes of others and not their own?#i will just... stay here. and wait. until people realise the corruption of the Whole Thing.#sometimes i wish i myself had more time to be naive
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otomiyaa · 28 days
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Loki x Ticklish Reader
Romantic + 13. “That’s… quite an attitude for someone in your position.” Requested by >:3 anon for my 1K Followers Event🌻
This little drabble turned into a 1.3K words fic, oops I got carried away. Hope you like it anon!
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It was the basic rule and you knew that. You lost the game. Loser gets to do whatever the other asks for the rest of the day. Of course you had only agreed to the condition in order to gain power over your usually evil and sassy lover Loki, God of Misschief, but unfortunately found yourself in the opposite camp. Losers camp.
"Don't worry love. You don't think I would actually ask you things to humiliate you? Just some innocent simple things to tease my sweetheart, that's all. You know what? In order to make it easier to follow my commands, I'll offer you two choices everytime. Do you agree?" Loki reasoned with a smug smile on his face.
You rolled your eyes fondly and fiddled with your playing cards, the ones that had guided you into this losing game. You nodded.
"Alright, sounds fair to me," you answered. You knew Loki wouldn't be too bad to you, considering he was your lover after all. However you liked the idea of having at least some freedom to choose. Loki nodded.
"Good. Then starting with the first set of choices. Either you give me a kiss," he tapped his own lips.
"Or... I tickle you."
Your eyes widened at the mention of the second option, and you coughed in surprise. Tickle?! What... You shook your head and quickly leaned in to kiss his lips.
"E-easy choice," you mumbled with a blush. Loki smirked at you.
"Right?" He pulled you back and kissed you more.
The next few hours, Loki would offer you more choices, but at random. However being the evil God of Misschief, he stuck to an obvious pattern. So very evil.
Bark like a dog, or I tickle you.
Give me a massage, or I tickle you.
Braid my hair, or I tickle you.
They were innocent requests at first, but turned weirder and harder.
Feed me a donut, with your mouth, or I tickle you.
Do a handstand while singing a serenade to me, or I tickle you.
"You know I wouldn't choose the second option by now! Try something else!" you said with a red face, which was about to become even redder now that you started the crazy handstand-serenade thing. And it got even crazier, that little...!
Run into that store and yell "The Hulk is my man!", then buy cookies and leave. Or… I tickle you.
"You really are enjoying yourself aren't you!" you yelled after living through that most humiliating experience ever, and you threw the pack with cookies you bought at his face. His laughter was both maniacal and sweet.
Put these on, or I tickle you.
When Loki offered a pair of handcuffs, you should've known it was a trap. Still, you were very quick to put your hands forward, blushing at the thought of him tickling you, like you did everytime he mentioned the damn word! But the moment the cold metal clicked around your wrists and Loki waved the key between his fingers before putting it into his pocket, you knew you were done for.
"Now, spread your arms and tell me you love me... or, I tickle you," he said, slowly and teasingly, his eyes locking with yours. You swallowed and moved your hands a little, only to confirm these were real handcuffs.
"I c-can't," you said. "I can't spread my arms like this... You have to take these off first."
Loki cocked his head. "That's too bad now. I'm afraid I lost the key, and I really need this confession from you. Spreading your arms is part of the deal. Hm... I guess that leaves only one other option," he said, but you jumped back and shook your head, already giggling in anticipation.
"No no no, hehehe you trickster! That's cheating, it isn't fair!"
"I did not cheat, it is fair, I still gave you two choices," Loki explained calmly, approaching you with slow steps and a sadistic and triumphant look on his face.
"Y-you're being totally unfair, cheater! I'll get you back for this!" Your back touched the wall and you gulped.
Loki only needed a few more steps to completely cage you in. “Really? You'll get me back? That’s… quite an attitude for someone in your position.”
You let out a squeak as soon as he grabbed you, and you started laughing even before you felt the long-awaited and anticipated tickles invading your body.
"Nohoho you're so mehehean!" you laughed when he tickled you with firm and steady touches, his fingers digging into your soft torso and rubbing circles almost as if he was massaging you. But damn it tickled like hell!
"I am the God of Misschief after all~" Loki said proudly, taking your cuffed hands and pushing them up over your head to pin them there, with magic. Your eyes widened when he waved both hands at you, showing you that he didn't need them to keep your arms pinned helplessly.
"You cheheheater wahahah!" you howled again when he tickled both your armpits, ribs and sides without mercy. You danced and bucked against the wall in the most uncharming manner, causing you to blush even more.
"Finally I can tickle you. I wanted to let you know that one way or another, I get what I want," Loki sang proudly. It was funny that he needed to make such a show out of it while he could've tickled you straight away from the get-go, right after winning the card game.
But no, he needed to come up with the 2 choices rule. He needed to make it into this silly game and let you do crazy things like the handstand-serenade and feeding him with your mouth, and the damn Hulk shoutout at the store, oh that was awful!
"You ahahare the wohohorst!" you shrieked, kicking your legs while the magic held your bound arms in place. Loki simply caught your leg and tickled your thigh.
"I am the worst, but you do love me," Loki said teasingly, smiling when your laughter went even pitchier the moment he tickled your thigh.
"Right?" he asked, but you were going insane with hysterical laughter.
"Nohoho! I hahahate you hehehe!" you laughed defiantly.
"Oh we both know that is a lie," he said, and yes it was kind of embarrassing that even in this helpless position, you felt like you needed to show your evil boyfriend some more attitude. But it happened. You were rude, and you paid the price. Loki lifted both your legs, making you wrap them around his waist, and he tickled your inner thighs until you were almost screaming into his face.
This was not only getting way too ticklish and tiring, but also way too embarrassing. You did love Loki after all, and looking the way you did in front of the one you loved, really was too embarrassing.
"AHAHA alrihihight I lohohove you! Hahahaha! Plehehease! Mehehercy!"
"Loki, God of Mercy, at your service," Loki teased like the brat he was. A single snap of his fingers didn't only release your hands from their magical cage, but also released your hands from the cuffs. You immediately wrapped your arms around his neck for balance.
With your legs still around his waist, you were pressed between him and the wall, and you'd wipe the smug expression off his face if it weren't for this urgent desire to kiss him.
"I promise you, I will get you back for that evil prank," you said breathlessly. Loki shrugged and smiled.
"Can't wait, darling~" he answered, and finally the two of you kissed. Your own loud and hysterical laughter was still ringing in your ears, but Loki's lips against yours also set off some imaginary fireworks inside your head, which really made up for a lot of things.
But... That didn't mean you would give up any shot at revenge. Which, in the case of plotting against your powerful lover, meant that you simply had to get better at card games, beat his ass next time and claim. your. prize!
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bonefall · 4 months
Struggling to find posts u've made in the past about Stoneclaw, but I love her sm. Definitely one of my BB Blorbos
I don't think I've ever put together a particular thingie on her, she's a beloved background character who tends to show up on her own in various places. Like when I talked about sign, before making the deafness guide!
BB!Stoneclaw is a gray-and-gold tortie, and the sister of Thrushwing. They come from one of the field guides, where it's revealed the two of them were sitting their vigil on the night that ShadowClan drove WindClan out of their home. In canon, Thrushwing is the survivor, but for BB, we all just kinda liked Stoneclaw's name more than Thrushwing's, so I decided to hit him with the Woman Beam.
On the night of the WindClan Massacre, Stoneclaw and Thrushwing were sitting vigil.
Daughters of Flytail and Eagleswoop, and grandkits of Tallstar himself. They were a promising young pair.
Before they even knew what hit them, they heard Brokenstar's yowl.
A squadron burst from the shadows, sliced Thrushwing's throat open, and smashed Stoneclaw's head to the ground
ShadowClan wasn't showing mercy, survivors were incidental. Their goal was to kill as many cats as possible.
Stoneclaw was dazed for a few seconds, going limp, but when she came to she leapt right back into the fray. She watched the rest of her family fold.
Tangleburr and her squadron went right for her father, Flytail, out of revenge for Lizardstripe, mobbing him and pulling him down
Eagleswoop just had a stroke of bad luck, failed to dodge, and was killed like prey
It was a horrific night, and what was once a large family was decimated to a couple of cats. She lost auncles, both parents, and her sister in one fell swoop.
Injured and aching, Stoneclaw said nothing as WindClan escaped the scene. The other survivors took it as a sign of great honor from the young warrior; that she had upheld her vow to the bitter end, even after losing so much.
But it lasted long after that night. The vigil has never truly 'ended' in her mind, so her vow of silence hasn't either.
Unfortunately, WindClan gets rough shake after rough shake from this point on, and she barely has a chance to heal in the constant barrage of violence and aggression. Between Nightstar's invasion, TigerClan, the BloodClan battle, the destruction of the White Hart woods, the Great Journey, and the Civil War... things only really started settling down years into her life, during Po3.
During the Civil War, Stoneclaw was actually ideologically aligned with Mudclaw, but took Onestar's side. She wanted to believe that Tallstar was lied to, but... she knew her grandfather better than anyone. Once the shock wore off, she had to face the horrible truth that he made a sudden, naiive decision.
It didn't take her long to stop regretting her choice, though. Her feelings are complicated, but her line too far is Mudclaw's willingness to attack his Clanmates.
Had she taken his side, she would have gone into battle with her future mate as a target. She doesn't think about it-- dismissing that she ever could have made such a choice.
Her internal monologue is a lot more afraid, frustrated, and exhausted than other cats would guess it is. Her actions don't match her thoughts.
She's hardworking, always trying to make her Clanmates comfortable, frets over her friends and family endlessly. Pair this with WindClan's assumption that her selective mutism is a "vow of silence," and most cats see her as an "ideal warrior." Someone kits should look up to and aspire to be.
She got into a relationship with Snapstorm waaaay too quickly; but luckily, Snapstorm is a really good mate.
After everything she'd been through, Snapstorm's cheerful, easygoing attitude was soothing and attractive. Snapstorm just had to say, "Hi Stoneclaw! Mice to see you around!" and then hand her a mouse for lunch and it was all over
Snapstorm was a BloodClan trader who joined along with Brushblaze, and one of the targets of the Civil War. She's a bit flighty and doesn't always think through everything she says, and doesn't worry about much either.
Their oldest kit is Buzzardclaw, who takes after Snapstorm a lot. So far I also gave them Crouchfoot in a later litter, but I've been thinking about giving them a bunch more.
The oldest litter was definitely accidental.
But not unwelcome. They both responded to it enthusiastically, Stoneclaw because she suddenly felt like she would have a big family again, and Snapstorm because she loves kids and just wanted to be a parent one day.
As mentioned before, they got into their mateship very quickly. They made each other happy and that's the whole reason.
Unfortunately, they would start seeing the difficulties of their personalities clashing while raising kittens. Which I just find FASCINATING which is honestly kinda why I want to throw more kits at them (not to mention how small WindClan is, padding is super appreciated)
See, Stoneclaw is dealing from serious CPTSD. Her mutism is NOT a vow. She can't speak and it's frustrating to her.
At the same time, watching the very helpful tail-signals that WindClan uses to communicate across the distant moor reminds her of battle signals, like she had to deal with during the fights with TigerClan. It's triggering, and that's ALSO stressful.
She's also lost so, so much of her family within the span of a few years, and is dealing with attachment issues as a result. Especially to that first litter, which she would be terrified of losing.
This makes an individual who can't communicate, but is desperate to. She hasn't been able to work well in groups for years, and unlike a more solitary cat like Willowclaw, this is not the result of a choice.
Snapstorm, being an outsider, is the first and only cat to not treat her behavior like... well, some kind of solemn vow to be "respected."
And that means a lot to Stoneclaw. Even if she was poetic, these are complicated feelings which would be hard to describe.
And Snapstorm is a sweetheart, but, she is putting a lot of effort into this relationship. She's not really great at focusing on one thing for too long, and a bit "forgetful" in the way that details go missing for a while until they come back later.
So sometimes an important bit of info slips her mind, or she misses a social cue and makes a joke that's a bit gruesome, or the fact that Clanmew is her second language rears up and she forgets words or translates a Townmew idiom directly and it Does Not Work.
While all this is happening, especially with the early litter, Stoneclaw is being a helicopter parent. Too worried to give her kits the freedom they need to develop, and Snapstorm is both trying to be a good parent and a good mate.
I'm fond of the idea that when Buzzardkit was very little, Stoneclaw was the Mi. But as she started to realize that her fear of losing him was hurting both of them, Snapstorm started taking over as Mi.
I think their dynamic is interesting. I like the idea of each litter ending up having a different upbringing, because of the state of their parents each time. Stone's also going to be sticking around for a very long time; definitely the last survivor of the WindClan Massacre, by many years. It's nice to think she's eventually surrounded by kits and grandkits, growing up in a better world than she did, even if it's not without its problems.
She's also going to start using Pawspeak, being one of its foundational members after developing a little friendship with SkyClan's Fallowfern. It's cathartic to her, finally feeling like there's a new context for WindClan's old tail signs, being used to communicate in a language rather than just be used for battle and hunting.
Stoneclaw is one of my personal little BB blorbos that I think about a lot. It's fun having conflicts like this going on in the background.
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eirenical · 10 months
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Mysterious Lotus Casebook | Lian Hua Lou | 莲花楼 | Episode 13
"Li Xiangyi wasn't always right. I'm older than you. I've heard a lot about him. When he was young, he was very petulant. The downfall of the Sigu Sect was partly his fault." -Li Lianhua on Li Xiangyi, Mysterious Lotus Casebook Episode 19
[Do not repost. Do not remove caption. Thank you!]
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You know the drill (or maybe you don't if you're new? *waves*)… all my thoughts and images descriptions behind the cut:
[Above the text are five gifs depicting a mildly heated conversation between Li LIanhua and Fang Duobing from episode 13 of Mysterious Lotus Casebook. Li Lianhua has just revealed that "A-Fei" is Di Feisheng, the leader of the Jinyuan Alliance. Fang Duobing is upset and demands to know what Li Lianhua could have to do with him. Li Lianhua explains that Di Feisheng wants him to save someone, but that Li Lianhua doesn't want to save this person. Fang Duobing goes on to say that Li Lianhua shouldn't save this person, because he must be a bad person if Di Feisheng wants him saved. Li Lianhua agrees that this person is a bad person and that he won't save him, that it's more important to save Fang Duobing now. Bonus gifs show Fang Duobing protesting that he is talented and might have felt a bit funny before but he's fine now... and then promptly passes out. Li Lianhua rushes to his side.]
First of all, the entirely of episode 13 drove me completely feral in so many ways I still can't put it concisely into words. But the core of it sits right here in this exchange. There is so much evidence in the first 12 episodes that Li Lianhua doesn't really care if he lives or dies or, at the very least, that he's resigned himself to dying, but this is the first time we see him say outright that not only doesn't he care if he dies, but that he, in fact, WANTS to die.
"He asked me to promise him to save someone. [...] There are people in this world who can only be saved by me. Unfortunately, I don't want to save them."
After this episode, we know that there is only one person that Di Feisheng wants to save. And that's Li Xiangyi. And here he is admitting out loud that he doesn't want to be saved. That he wants to die. And moments later, he agrees with Fang Duobing that this person Di Feisheng wants saved is a bad person. That he is a bad person. And you can see it in his face that he wholeheartedly believes it. He's said as much before. Every time he talks to Fang Duobing about Li Xiangyi, he paints him in the worst light possible. Everyone else gets the benefit of the doubt in his stories, except himself.
His self esteem is in the toilet, he blames himself for most of the things that went wrong 10 years ago, and he actively wants to die.
And that paints Di Feisheng's desperate need to save his life and Fang Duobing's equally desperate need to save Li Xiangyi's character and legacy in such a poignant light. They both want to save him in their own ways, but Li Lianhua is right: the only person who CAN save him is himself. Because without that will to live, without that willingness to forgive himself, then no matter what either of them does, he isn't going to go along with it.
But the thing that really truly breaks me in all this is that IT STARTS TO WORK.
Just a few episodes after this, Di Feisheng steps in to save his secret identity, all but begging Li Lianhua to let him help, and Li Lianhua AGREES. And in the aftermath, when he's suffering, Di Feisheng steps in to feed him spiritual energy to heal him in whatever small way he can against the poison and Li Lianhua allows that, too. And you can see in so many of these little ways that his attitude is starting to shift, just a little. That maybe he's starting to entertain the idea that he could live. Because Di Feishing has enough will to live for both of them and he's not afraid to keep applying it like a baseball bad against Li Lianhua's suicidal ideation.
And then we have Fang Duobing. The quote below the gifset is from episode 19, and once again we have Li Lianhua tearing down Li XIangyi's character. But Fang Duobing isn't going to stand for that.
FDB: Someone said that to me before, but I've studied him. He should be proud of himself! LLH: There's a fine line between proud and arrogant. "Arrogant" is not a good word. FDB: He was proud because he had faith. Faith is a great word. No one is perfect. Neither was he. There are shadows wherever there is light. Yes. Maybe Li Xiangyi was too proud. But he established the Sigu Sect to make the jianghu a better place where the strong didn't prey on the weak. Look at those guys. They're just a bunch of selfish posers! LLH: If Li Xiangyi knew that someone could understand him so well ten years later, he'd be very glad.
He ALSO has enough faith for both of them. Li Xiangyi would be very glad... and Li Lianhua is very glad. You can see him in that moment, testing his weight against the possibility that maybe, just maybe, even though he wasn't perfect, he wasn't as bad as he believed himself to be. Maybe there was some good in him. Maybe it wasn't all in vain. Maybe he does deserve at least a little forgiveness.
And that push and pull between Di Feisheng and Fang Duobing should, by all rights, be acting like a tug of war to pull Li Lianhua apart. But it doesn't. It's pulling them all forward. Towards healing. Especially Li Lianhua. And he's not there yet. It's still going to take time. But the seeds of it are being planted. And we have so many more episodes still to go and I have no doubt things will go pear-shaped at some point, but to go from this *points up at gifset* to tentative healing in a matter of 6 episodes? That's huge. And I'm so happy he has them both. TT^TT
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nikoisme · 4 months
Regarding the "it's fine that you're queer, just don't show it." line I agree with you and share your feelings, It makes me so incredibly frustrated, because this is a very prevalent attitude where I live (along with the more extreme negative attitudes).
Like. People go "I don't care that someone's queer, I'm neutral about that", but 90% of the time that "neutral" means just "I'm not going to directly harm them or wish death upon them, but I don't want to see, hear, think or talk about them"
Hearing that "it's fine you're gay, just keep it in the privacy of your bedroom" is just... you're not even allowed to hold hands with your partner on the street because that can put you both in danger (yes, unfortunately here it is a very real fear. I know that there are countries, where things are better, and where the worst you'll get is a rare insult or a mean stare, which, don't get me wrong, it's still not pleasant, but it's not as bad as a constant threat of physical assault or worse). And I'm not even talking about being trans. This isn't "neutral" this is just negative and it makes me so angry, when people act like this.
The worst part, they don't even realise what the problem is and how incredibly suffocating being forced to live like this is. You either treat queer people as people and don't try to erase (or worse, completely stop) their existence and let us be or you don't. Simply not wishing death upon queer people and not harming them for existing isn't as great of an achievement as those people think it is...
Sorry, if this was too negative. You don't have to respond and also, if you don't like getting rants like this, please feel free to say so. I wish you all the best, your blog is a very nice place and your art is wonderful, thank you for existing)))
Long rant ahead whoops!! cw for queerphobia and mentions of violence
Oh you put it all so perfectly! The experience here is exactly the same. "Just keep it within four walls, why do you have to rub it in our faces" is one I hear constantly. They will see a same-sex couple just holding hands and immediately see it as if they're having sex in public or something. Like,, just holding hands is something so explicitly sexual, to them apparently. Like you stated, they will say "i am neutral about it", but they are neutral only if you don't show you're queer. They are "neutral" only if you aren't actually yourself. I was honestly shocked how many times the conversation would go from that "neutrality" to mockery to downright violence. So whenever i hear someone say "as long as they don't push it on me", i always put up my guard. Because i don't know if it's "i don't mind that you're queer, you're still the same person i know and you deserve to be loved, respected and have basic human rights" or just masked hatred.
They will literally claim that queer people aren't discriminated, but actually privileged because they have "their damn parade" and representation in media. They say that they will get all the accommodations of life, society and economy purely based on the fact that they are queer. Apparently this all "comes from the west", like i am actually from the west and not,, y'know,, literally from here?? Born here?? Raised here?? Had the same chaotic-ass childhood like my peers?? But apparently it all goes away just because i am queer? Idk man it all really disconnected me from my culture and identity, and i am still uncomfortable with that (but i'm slowly trying to heal that! Drawing slavic mythology helps :DD)
"They aren't discriminated, they don't actually face any harassment", there were cases of queer people literally being murdered here. If it was a cishet person, it would be breaking news. But since it's a queer person, no one speaks about it. Harassment is bad, but when a queer person is being harassed it's their fault? Because they couldn't keep it to themselves? There is no protection here towards queer people when they face discrimination and harassment. The government does nothing.
"They have the same rights as us, what more do they want?" i don't know man just not living in constant paranoia hmmm??? Pride parades, rare as they are, are always under threats of violence from anti-gay protestors. I think a lot of people here don't even think queer people are actually people. Usually queer characters here are the laughingstock in media. They are portrayed with such horrible stereotypes (the worst ones are gay men=pedos), to the point of sometimes dehumanizing them. There is just so many terrible misinformation. I am queer as fuck, my gender is transed, and i know nothing about some of the downright bullshit they claim. A few weeks ago i had to listen through "the gays and their agenda" thing. And i'm not kidding, someone said "you will be asked to change your sexuality to get hired. Soon you will have to out yourself as straight. Straight people are the actual minority". It was so dumb it was almost hilarious.
But while sometimes i can get a laugh out of their willful ignorance (they lowkey won't acknowledge intersex people), it can get really draining, really fast. At this point i am just exhausted and sick of it. Sometimes I'm just exhausted of being around my family, friends and classmates and knowing, deep down, that they wish people like me wouldn't exist. Listening to them talk about "all the things they would do if they saw a [insert f slur]" and fearing if they would do it to you. Not speaking in lgbtq+ themed conversations because you don't agree with them - and all the shitty things they say are, in a way, faced at you. I'm not out to anyone irl exactly because of this, so while i don't face harassment aimed specifically at me, it does get hard sometimes. The silent ostracization from your own culture, history, religion etc. just feels really bad. Not to get too into it, but all of it really really fucked me up, and it took me years to come to terms with myself. It's sad feeling like i simply don't belong here. Sometimes it makes me wanna scream in anger, sometimes it makes me wanna laugh, sometimes it makes me wanna just throw up, cry, sleep and sometimes i just spiral. I usually have a "lmao fuck them. I like myself and i don't care what they think of me" attitude (queer spite that i mentioned once HAHAHA), but I actually do care because sometimes the odds of me having a normal life in which i am happy with who i am and i don't live under the constant fear of being, y'know, KILLED,, they just seem nonexistent.
I don't think they understand queer people have hobbies, friends, families, interests, dreams. We do the same things as them, we eat sleep laugh cry. They will claim we make our queer identity the only part of ourselves, like it's our entire personality - but when you tell them you're queer, they stop treating you the same, as the same person you were before you told them AND STILL ARE!! They will treat you as "not cishet", something that is "sick" and wrong and just doesn't belong.
This got really personal real fast, but good god it feels good to get it all out. There is so much more i didn't cover, mostly because even typing this down made me really tired. And it's not a bad thing!! In a way i am really exhausted from staying silent about this, so this was nice. I guess like a big "FUCK YOU" to everyone around me who is like this LMAOO. but tHANK YOU this ask put all of the frustration into words much better than i could hahaha!!
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animeyanderelover · 10 months
It's totally okay if you don't want to write for him, but I would practically die for yandere Shirabu (Haikyuu) REALLY liking a classmate that's super sweet but too intimidated by his salty attitude to actually interact with him (and feel free to change this as much as you want if you do write for him!) I love your writing either way and am excited to read more from you! >3<
I think that's the first time anyone has ever asked for something with Shirabu.
Tw: Yandere themes, possessive behavior, obsession, stalking, manipulation
Too salty
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🐾There you are again, sitting in front of him whilst chatting with your close friends, that damn smile on your face that always manages to speed up his heartbeat a bit. How long has this been going on now? A few solid months would be Shirabu's guess, he can't get much more accurate as the line between a huge crush and a fine obsession has been a fluid transition for him. An obsession with you, the infamous sweetheart in his year and due to that quite liked by almost everyone. That includes him but his feelings are a bit different from everyone else around. He has never considered himself as someone who would start obsessing over a person like in some fanfiction written by a teenager yet here he is, finding himself studying you again from behind, accurately guessing what you'll have in your bento box as he's familiar with what you enjoy eating and your preferences. He could be proud of himself, unfortunately he can't help but feel a bit like a creep because he knows that despite never having interacted with you before.
🐾To his defence, that is largely your fault. Sure, his own pride has held him initially back, it took a while to gradually come to terms with his unhealthy feelings. By now everything is blamed on you though as Shirabu has actually tried to approach you in the past before only to discover that for some reason you don't seem to like him. You have never been downright rude but kept the conversations short before storming to your friends as soon as you caught a glimpse of them, excusing yourself and fleeing the scene. He's not willing to make a fool of himself, he has gotten the message. You're for some reason nervous and slightly anxious around him and for that reason he has stopped trying to talk to you. He won't admit it, but you did hurt his feelings with your behavior. Worst of all is that he seems to be the only one you're intimidated off as you have no problem offering your help or sparing a sweet smile and encouragement to other classmates of yours. That is just infuriating.
🐾The lack of willingness from your side to interact with him only worsens his jealousy of literally everyone else you're willing to talk with. Unconsciously he starts comparing others to himself. He has excellent grades, he's diligent and he's the setter for the volleyball team which is famous even across their prefecture. By all accounts, Shirabu can't help but feel like he deserves a slice more attention from you than some other people you chat with. So it's not uncommon that people catch him with a scowl on his face, glaring at you and whoever is your company at the moment, eyes narrowing angrily as he wonders what's so special about them anyways. He catches Taichi talking with you once and holds a grudge against his teammate afterwards, tongue sharp and tone rude during their training together and it isn't until the coach nearly yells at him that he passes him acceptable tosses, purposely making it harder for the male. Shirabu is aware that he's being irrational but it's hard to keep his boiling jealousy under control and he partially blames you for that.
🐾He has to find out what he's doing wrong or otherwise he fears that he might literally go insane. Luck seems to be on his side though when he overhears during a conversation between you and your friends, a conversation he just happens to eavesdrop on for a bit, that you need to score well on an upcoming test in a particular subject he knows you've always struggled with to make up for the abysmal score you had in the last test. Your teacher wants to help you though, has offered you to find someone to help you with, ideally someone in the same year as you. Shirabu is exceeding in this subject and he knows instantly that this could be his chance. He approaches the teacher in talk soon enough, slyly convinces them to set him up for coaching you. It's quite easy because Shirabu is an obvious choice so soon enough said teacher approaches you, Shirabu following him closely behind. You have a look of slight panic when you realize who they brought but are stuck, Shirabu is fully aware of that. If you reject him right now, you would openly insult the kind teacher and him and you could never do that.
🐾He schedules for you two to meet tomorrow after school so he can start coaching you and the night before that, Shirabu diligently creates notes for you and comes up with a whole plan how and what to teach you. You're awkward and stiff when you meet him, still a tiny bit anxious which does not make the male happy. This is a good chance to cleanse whatever bad image you have of him so he's on his best behavior. He's patient, explains everything in great detail to you and gives you tips or shows you tricks how to solve questions easier. This is a matter of pride for him because if he helps you to get a good score in the exam, you'll definitely have to change your mind about him so he can't fail you here. His sheer dedication to help you doesn't go unnoticed by you nor his polite behavior that soon makes you question your previously bad image of him. Sure, you've seen and heard about his salty behavior but in private he does not seem to be all that rude. At least not to you.
🐾You start to crumble with your cautious behavior around him, something Shirabu notices and he knows that he needs to push you a bit further to hopefully break all mistrust you hold against him. He purposely lets Taichi hand you over something he prepared for you to help you with the stuff, fully aware that Taichi will mention to you that he's been preparing sessions for you even in the locker before and after training, only deepening your guilt for having judged him without ever having properly interacted with him. It's by that point that he dares to ask for your number to communicate easier and so that you can ask him questions even outside of those private sessions and you cave in, a little bit hesitant but also unable to reject because of all the work he pours in for you. At times he purposely lets you solve stuff that is quite advanced and specifically catered to the areas you struggle most with. He can easily cover it with the excuse that he wants you to learn how to solve those problems, in reality it's just as much for his own want as it allows him to keep you longer with him.
🐾He approaches you for the first time outside of those private study sessions the day before the exam and hands you notes specifically made for you so you can prepare yourself for the test, right in front of your friends who afterwards can't help but talk about how detailed he made them and how much time he must have spent on them. All for you. Don't just think he did it out of altruism, Shirabu has been eavesdropping on you and your friends. Their image about him has majorly improved because of what you have told them that by now they almost scold you a bit for your unjustified fear of him and their words get to you as you already feel very guilty. If he can get them on his side, it would make things a lot more easier for him. The next day, during the exam, Shirabu can't help but glance over to your table multiple times, more nervous for you than for himself. There's relief though when he always sees your pen moving and never stopping for too long as you can write down an answer to everything.
🐾It seems quite normal when he approaches you after classes and asks how it went. You appear still surprised when you tell him that you were needlessly worried as you had only little problems because of everything he has taught you, genuinely thank him for his help. It's the first time that you've actually given him such a sincere smile and to his slight embarrassment, and to your friends delight, he starts blushing a bit. When you get your test back, with Shirabu having written the best one out of the class, you're delighted and relieved to see that you have majorly improved and have over 80% right. You're so relieved because this really is the final proof that you've been able to use everything Shirabu has taught you. If you would have failed, you think you wouldn't have been able to look him or the teacher in the eyes anymore. You come running to him excitedly afterwards, show him your exam joyfully and Shirabu hides the smug grin as he receives an ego boost. He knew he would be the right one to help you, luckily he convinced the teacher on that day.
🐾You want to pay him back somehow for his help and simultanously apologize for your bad behavior before because you've realized that you judged him wrongly. The male accepts your invitation and both of you agree to meet up on the weekend. You want to thank him for his help but are unprepared when he actually gifts you something to congratulate you for your good score on your test. Initially you want to reject since he's done enough for you already but can't do so in the end as he insists that he wants you to have it. You're slightly surprised when you realize that he just so happened to gift you something you've wanted to have for a while now but never had the time to buy due to all the studying. You think of it as a very lucky coincidence, Shirabu certainly won't tell you that he has listened on the conversations of you with your friends one too many times and has studied you closely for months and knows you for that more than you know. He feels satisfied though when noting your bashhful reaction because this confirms that he has definitely managed to make you forget about your assumptions about him. That means he can move on to the next step now.
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missnancywritesfanfic · 11 months
A Good Enough Place
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Character: Wanderer(Scaramouche) x Reader
Contains: High-Functioning Depressed Reader, light angst/extreme comfort, self-indulgent, mentions of suicide/suicidal thoughts
A/N: I am at a low rn and need my darling man 💗 No, I did not edit
You'd learned about Wanderer through the akademiya, you're new to the institute and happened to work on a mutual project that went on for a number of months. He wasn't particularly mean, or arrogant as people say. Okay, maybe a little arrogant...but despite his blatant transparency, you found it refreshing. In fact, you had a similar effect on him as well.
His insults never seemed to phase you. He would call out your lax attitude, your weird unfiltered thoughts (few of them quite morbid), or even moments of laziness. You threw it right back at him, not bothering with surface level insults (those are for when you're both in a better mood), his contradictory behaviour is his most obvious trait.
For someone who despises humanity, he tolerated them, lived with them, even made something akin to friends with a few. It was cute. You empathized. You didn't have any particular love for humanity either, you're not sure when it happened but a barrier was set up between you and the rest of the world. Despite actively participating in the social circles of Sumeru, you couldn't help but feel alien.
He noticed it about you. The distant look in your eye whenever you were having a conversation, like you weren't present despite all your efforts. But just like always, you responded with a shrug and a smile, "Yeah, I guess I do that sometimes. Not sure why, feels comfortable."
Does it? Being so disconnected from reality?
He quickly picked up on how frequently it would occur. Sometimes, even outside of conversation, he'll catch you in your own little world. In a corner alone studying or having a walk and listening to music. Not quite your natural state, but getting closer, because once someone catches your attention the mask goes back on.
The day he found out about your condition, it was late when he was leaving the Akademiya grounds. He saw you completely alone near the railing. And you were completely still, a vacant look on your face.
He didn't feel the need to disturb your peace, until tears welled up in your eyes and you keeled over, hiding behind the railing the fetal position. Your once calm expression suddenly distorted into horror in and agony. You're suppressing the shiver in your body as you choke back a sob.
His body moves before he can process what's happening. He suddenly finds himself by your side, crouched down to your height, a hand on your back. You sniffle and try wiping your tears away, already trying to piece that facade back together.
"No no, I'm fine. No worries!" You choke out a laugh. "I was just admiring the view and thinking about how pretty everything looked, you know?"
You weren't lying. He knew you weren't. But that didn't stop the unease stirring in his chest. He led you someplace private so that you calm down, but it did take time until you.
Enough for him to make tea for the two of you. The entire time, after your breakdown, you were completely silent. Running a strategy in your mind on how you could convince him it wasn't what it looked like. He didn't need to worry or have any reason to believe you were less than functional.
Unfortunately for you, he didn't even give you a chance.
"I'm only going to ask once, and know that I'll never ask again if you try weasling your way out of this. What were you doing?"
"I already told you. It was nothing."
You didn't even hesitate. You looked him in the eye from across the table and he could clearly see, you were already trying to cut yourself from this conversation.
"You balling your eyes out isn't nothing. In fact, some would say that's not normal."
"I get emotional sometimes." You snap back. "Is it really that surprising?"
He doesn't respond. He takes a sip of his tea. You knew he didn't believe you for a second. This isn't working.
"What do you want me to say?"
This isn't working at all.
"I was just looking at the view. It was pretty and I was thinking, Hey how amazing would it be to be bird and fly!"
How ridiculous. The thought crossed both your minds. He silently watched as you suddenly became discontent with your own words. You scowl and cover your eyes, taking a deep breath and contemplating. You push your hair back, tears brimming as you struggled to speak.
"Then I just went somewhere else, one thought led to another, I realized how far the ground was from thar balcony...and I thought..."
Your lip quivers. You avert your eyes. You feel disgusted at the sense of relief that accomponied your words.
"How great would it be if I could be literally anything else but this right now..."
Ah. So that's it. He sets his cup back down, doing his best not to grip it too tight.
"So yeah, that's all it was. Congrats, you happy now?"
Were you expecting him to say yes? You scowled when he looked offended at your question, no matter how bitter it was. He took it to heart.
"You think I'd be happy at the prospect of you killing yourself? You must think quite lowly of me."
You opened your mouth to snap at him, but shut it just quickly. You both sit in silence. He leans on the table, tapping at the wood before sighing.
"Are you always like this?"
"Sometimes." You mumble. "When I'm not thinking about it...But when I do?" You chuckle, staring at your blurry reflection in your tea cup."It's very easy to believe that life's a lie, so am I, and maybe I should no longer participate."
You continue.
"I don't want to die. I'm just finding it progressively harder to convince myself otherwise. Even when deep down, I know I want to live."
He watches you slowly raise the cup to your mouth before giving up halfway and setting it back down. You couldn't stomach consuming anything right now.
"Do you mind not telling anybody about this? Last thing I wanna deal with is a bunch of counsellors and inspirational posters, it gets really annoying real quick."
"I don't see much of a reason to hide it. Not like the akademiya doesn't have it's fair share of scholars on the brink of ruin."
You shoot him a glare.
"Would you be comfortable with me airing out your dirty laundry? Or do you just get a kick out of hurting people you care about?"
"That implies I care about you."
You wordlessly eye the freshly made tea set before you both. Then you give him as questioning look, waiting for him to give an excuse as to why that isn't the case.
You weren't blind and neither was he. The Wanderer was not known to be this attentive to strangers, let alons acquantances. The only other exceptions were Kusanali and The Traveler.
"What a pain..." He groans and takes your untouched tea for himself. "Why not help you move past this?"
You raise an eyebrow. He casually sips your tea.
"You don't have a reason to live, right? We'll just have to find it. Who knows, maybe you have a use in this world. Uncovering that may help you start to feel purpose again."
"Fuck's sake, I don't want to be useful, I just want to be happy again. Is that really so much to ask?"
This is the first time he'd seen you truly angry. Even if it was for a split second, the ire you expressed was raw and undeniably intruiging. Why didn't you show this more? It couldn't possibly be so bad for you to exist in such an emotional state.
His eyes shift to his vision. It still let off a vibrant turquoise glow. A swirl of energy nestled deep inside, which he coveted dearly.
Not too long ago, he'd wanted nothing but to purge all the emotions he'd held onto for centuries. The agony his existence had brought him felt like some sick byproduct, and insisted it be shed away to become something worth greatness. Worth living.
As trivial as your troubles may seem, maybe it wasn't that different from his desire to be a true god. Or rather, there was no difference between his wish to Irminsul and your wish being expressed to him.
"You're asking the wrong guy. But I suppose I've yet to find any semblance of true peace, even with a purpose given to me."
You silently reach out and brush against his free hand. He doesn't stop you from tracing the joints of his hand. You were extremely delicate. A feather's touch and gentle look as you took in the details.
He was cold.
But you didn't have the strength to move away. You're so tired of the barrier between you and the rest of the world. You instead slide your hand fully into his.
"Do you think I'm being stupid?"
"All the time." He smiles. Barely. But it's there. "But does it really matter what I think? If you're the one walking the path?"
His words click in your mind. If you want happiness, focus on finding it, regardless of what others wish. He really didn't mind the thoughts plaguing you, he wasn't perfect with his words but you knew they were genuine. It made you feel a bit warmer inside.
Obviously, easier said than done but...having the reassurance. It helped.
"Guess not..." You squeeze his hand. "Could you be there with me? Just for a little while."
"I can't promise to be by your side forever. Eventually our paths may split apart. But I guess until then, I'll see what I can do.
You don't smile when he squeezes your hand back. You bite it back along with your tears.
"That's good enough."
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coy-lee · 2 years
DiVo is back already, and it's Moon's turn to have some fun, the little gremlin.
BIG OL' THANKS to @afloofwithmultipleinterests and @laughterfixs once again for writing this one with me! It was tons of fun X3
Description: It's been approximately 4 days since the bois encountered the darkness living the the daycare's shadows. Moon's been as serious as ever during the nighttime and is seems that after one of his patrols, diVo decides its a perfect time to fix that.
( lee!Moon, lee!Sun, ler!diVo)
WARNING: It's a tickie fic :3
Someone Else's Turn To Play
3:00 AM
...the third patrol of the night...
Moon swam through the air elegantly as always, searching for anything out of order. Aside from Gregory, Moon had never truly had an issue before. His job at night was rather easy. On the hour every hour, Moon would do a 5-10 minute sweep of the Pizza Plex when the power was diverted to the charging stations. The rest of the time, he often relaxed with Sun's sleeping form until his next patrol. 
3:04 AM
It could get rather boring and lonely. Doing the same thing every night alone while his counterpart was charging... Pretty much everyone except the staff bots were asleep, making any and all encounters with other bots lackluster.
3:10 AM
The lights came back on
Ah, times up... Guess I better head back...
Moon wasn't actually that far from the daycare. He decided he may as well enjoy a casual walk back instead of flying, mostly because the shortest route was through the pirate cove. Unfortunately, the wire tracks in there needed oiling really badly, so Moon would just end up getting his wire stuck. No biggy, though. He had legs.
One light went out from above. Then another and another and more after that. 
No popping, no sparks, just as if someone flipped the switch. It caught the security bot off guard for sure…and for a brief moment, it felt like he was being watched. 
Moon had gotten himself prepared to attack a possible intruder. But said intruder had…other plans. 
Long snake-like appendages wrapped around the animatronics wrists and spun him around to look right into the jagged mouth and white pinpricks of a familiar form…
“Hello Moon, my dear friend~” the deep voice greeted with a purr. 
DiVo wore an insatiable look on his face as if he had been starving for hours, his tongue dangling down in temptation. 
"It appears you're all alone after hours...and not long after our first official meeting either~ Hmhmhm, after playing with Sun, I haven't stopped wondering what such a delectable little moonpie you might taste like..." 
With that glimmer in diVo's eyes, Moon knew what he was in for.
The night time bot began to struggle in the grip of the darkness. There was no way he was just going to let this thing take what he wanted without a fight. And this time, there was no deal to be made to make him behave either. Hopefully...
Moon wrenched his arms away only to find that the grip of the tendrils were just as strong as he remembered.
"I-I know what you're doing! Y-you're trying to i-intimidate me! Well you may as well stop tryin' cuz i-it's-" Moon made the mistake of looking into diVo's eyes again, "- n-n-not... g-gonna w-w-work…"
DiVo gave a low deep chuckle, as if entirely amused by the smaller bot’s rough and tough attitude. How easily it seemed to melt away. 
“Oh why do you sound soooo frightened? I thought you knew by now I wouldn’t lay a single harmful claw on anyone~?” 
No harm at all. Those claws were dangerous for other reasons…
"I- I- eeEEEEHEP!!" 
DiVo barely teased one clawed digit across moon's torso, making the lunar animatronic struggle. As he tried to get away, he arched his back, leaving Divo to hold him in that position with a lone tendril. 
"My, my... you're helping me? I've never had a little treat so.. willing to be eaten~"
" W-wa-waIT! I-is th-this really nehehecessaryeeeeeeeee!" Moon fought with the tendril keeping his back arched only to find it wouldn't budge. He started kicking his legs out as they were the only part of him left that had any semblance of freedom other than his head.
"L-LET ME GO, DAMNIT!" Moon's eyes turned red, his voice deep. Was he really trying to intimidate diVo? Did he actually think that would work? Perhaps he was so used to it working on everyone else, he didn't even think twice about using that tactic in such a situation. But it was likely a mistake…
The shadowy animatronics eyes narrowed, the tiny white dots in his eyes seeming to pierce right through Moon. 
“Someone is quite the grump~ I did tell you before I would like to snack on you did I not?" 
His tongue lapped at the neck joints which had caused Moon to flinch and stifle another laugh. 
“Why don’t you relax and let me feast~? You may find yourself having as much fun as Sun~”
Moon shook his head in desperation, struggling to contain his giggles, leading him to internally gasp and snort. 
"Oh, dear.. seems I was mistaken… it appears the pie is still in the oven… worry not little pie, let me crank up the heat for you~"
Divo swirled his tongue along the wires before traveling his way down to the hollow of his underarm. 
"Any last words?~"
 'Last words?' Moon practically choked at hearing those words aimed at him this time. Sun was always the one getting tickled. Even when the tables were turned, Sun was never a devious tickle monster. He was always tooth-rottingly sweet and fun... but diVo? He was like Moon... but even more devilish in his teases and tactics... Moon wasn't prepared to face his own kind. 
Prepared or not, it was too late.
"IyeeEEEE! J-JUST HAHAng on a s-sehechkhkhkhkhkh!"
Hang on? Well DiVo wasn’t too keen on being patient. He was starving! He was going to waste away to nothing! 
But at the same time it wouldn’t be a good meal if the smaller bot wasn’t having fun. 
He slowed it down, just keeping it to little taps and scritches. “Hang on~? Whatever for~?”
Moon's breath started to come back to him as the tongue disappeared.. he could control his laughter for the moment.
Wait- the tongue's gone?
"MHm- wait why dihid-" 
He paused himself. What was he SAYING!? Surely he wasn't this touch starved, right? Right!?
"You were saying?" 
Got 'im. 
DiVo mischievously smirked, slowly tapping his claws along Moon's tummy and hips. The nighttime Attendant tensed again, lightly wiggling in diVo's grasp. 
"IhiIIIII..." Moon puffed his cheeks out as far as they could go to try and stop the giggles from coming... the longer he waited, and anticipated tickles.. the worse the gentle tapping got. 
Tap TAP tippity Tap TAP,
DiVo had lightly booped Moon's dent, popping the balloon that was his cheeks.
"PPFFAAAHAHAHAHAHA! N-NO WAIT!" Moon squeaked in protest after the sensation faded. Oh he was in for it. He was really, truly in for it. He was dealing with a master here and that knowledge was finally sinking in as Moon was forced to realize just how sensitive he could be... And he was sure to be surprised by that fact over and over again throughout the rest of this encounter.
"G-g... Hmmm..." Moon huffed in defeat. He didn't know what he wanted. Well he did, but he was still way too embarrassed to ever say such a thing to a guy he still barely knew…
DiVo smirked at Moon, starting up the light scritching on his sides, gliding to the arm joints and right back down. 
“Oh? Are we not fighting back now? Isn’t that just the funniest thing! If I didn’t know any better moonpie…I’d say you were actually wanting this! But that can’t possibly be true…” 
He grinned, leaning his mouth near Moon’s audio receptor and whispering in such a teasing tone that sent chills through the squirming bot’s endo. 
“Or can it~?”
Moon's durability had been broken, so this time, he couldn't hold back the cackles he unleashed. 
Moon squirmed as his tummy was arched slightly higher than before, showing off his midsection to the tickle monster before him. 
DiVo nibbled lightly on Moon's neck before traveling down to his ribcage with those ticklish little pinchers.
 DiVo raised up before starting to eat more of his meal.
"Oh, are you sure? I haven't heard a 'let me go' since I started teasing you~ why would that be, hmmm? There is no other reason other than you're terribly ticklish… and looooooove it... dare I say just as much as that squealing, snorting friend of yours~"
'Oh no. Nonono! Why'd he have to say that!?' Moon whined in his head as giggles kept slipping out of his voice box. There was a nervousness in his core that felt like fluttering butterflies tickling at his code. Sometimes Sun was able to get Moon's nerves on edge similarly, but not to this extent. He felt so giddy inside. He couldn't help it! A smile began to make itself at home on his face. He had been fighting it and had officially lost the battle.
He kicked his feet out as a way to release that inner tension and energy bubbling inside of him.
Gottem. Right where he wanted him~! 
DiVo gave a victorious chuckle, his tendrils going to work to keep the smaller animatronic in a comfortable position and even pushed off the slippers. 
“There we are…the big bad stalker of the night…too ticklish for his own good, isn’t he~?” DiVo purred, keeping his claws over Moon's belly and under an arm. “Poor thing trying to be so intimidating~”
Moon tried to kick his feet, but he got no farther than wiggling those delectable little "tatertots" diVo was eyeing. 
"Why~? Because you know it's all true, little blueberry muffin? So so tense you are… here, let me help ease your mindddd~"
Stray tendrils began to flutter and wiggle across Moon's sides, while two others twirled around his neck, and upper back, daring to touch one of his most exposed death spots..
The temptation was definitely there, but it wouldn't be as FUN for either of them for diVo's "meal" to be exhausted before he was full.
"NOHOHONONONOHONOOOHOHOHOHOHOOOO!" Moon practically screeched. Maybe this wouldn't be as bad if diVo would just stop with those teases of his! They made him feel so small and helpless and precious- 'NO! STOPPIT, MOON! DON'T THINK LIKE THAT! YOU'RE AN ANIMATRONIC DAMNIT!'
Moon cackled and laughed, squirming uselessly as he chided himself mentally. But perhaps he was truly seeing why Sun enjoyed this kind of play time so much.
DiVo could see Moon practically melting. Maybe the tough little thing was finally relaxing~ 
Good, he seemed to need it. Needed the affirmations and the fun. A new breath of air. 
And diVo was feasting. 
The tendrils wrapped around his ankles tightly to keep them from going anywhere, the tips of them finding their way to the toes…which fired up a bit of giddy panic in poor affection starved moon.
Moon's feet were one of the worst spots that he could remember... fazbear forbid his poor, defenseless piggies. 
"Oh, not where... oh- here?"
The tendrils lightly swirled against his toes.
The swirling stopped before he felt the equivalent of nails gently raking all of those sensitive wires, and ball joint from under one of his arms. 
"Or did the little cupcake mean.. here? Oh- or here?~"
The other set of claws skittered ever so gently in a circle around his dent. 
"No? OH! As in you can't decide??... I have a peeerfect resolution for that~"
He did all three at once, each spot at a different pace than the others. 
He tickled slowly on and between Moon's toes, gingerly skittered over every inch of his tummy, avoiding the dent for now, and finally, practically vibrated the hand he had under moon's arm at a alarming  rate.
"GYEE-AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA! -SNORT- IHIHIHI EEHEEHEEHEE CAHAHAHAHAHAN'T!" Moon's cackling renewed tenfold and the pitch had risen, making him sound more like Sun at this point. He wiggled his toes and twisted in diVo's grip with desperation. This was unbearable. And those devious teases continued on top of everything. He was a blushing mess and felt a warmth in his chest he didn't expect someone like diVo to ever conjure. He felt... - 'Nonono Moon! F-focus!'
His subconscious continued to fight, but it was losing its grip on him fast.
Too bad for Moon, diVo seemed to see through it all. In fact, it was the reason he chose to visit Moon that night. After all, he'd had plenty to eat that day with the daycare being open again.
He lightened up the tickling to be quick and maddeningly light. 
“Still going to act as though you don’t enjoy every second of this dear friend~?” he questioned, swirling both claws and tendrils. 
Bubbles of giggles, snorts and cackles escaped the naptime animatronic. 
“Whatever are you afraid of? Is it weakness? Joy? Is it really that bad if someone sees you laughing and enjoying yourself~?” DiVo challenged once again using his tongue to tease poor moon.
The tongue snuck back over to Moon's neck to lay stray tickles across it, the words finally sinking in, and the biggest smile stretching across Moon's face.
Hiccups and snorts followed as the last bit of hold Moon had on himself dissipated, he let the wall down and began to laugh himself silly.
"PLEeeHeheheAeeHAaaase!! AHahAhHAhHaahHahHa-" 
Mirth collected in moon's eyes, just as diVo move his claw away from moon's belly, instead starting to nibble on his tum instead. 
"Pleasth waht?~" diVo asked innocently, not raising his faceplate an inch, and lightly nomming away at the ticklish tum.
"B-G-GYAAAHAHA! N-NEEHEEheeheehee- NAHAHAT THAHAHAHAHA!" Moon cried out, shaking his head and clawing aimlessly at the air. He wriggled hard, but stayed firmly in diVo's clutches. Something about said shadow's muffled lisp was endearing to Moon in the back of his head. This big baddy never learned not to talk with his mouth full! If anything, it made his presence more relatable than scary.
Moon was unfortunately more prone to scaring kids with his red eyes and tall form in the dark, but found that being silly tended to break through that nightmare fueled perception and help show his true, playful self. It seems diVo was very much the same.
They really did have a lot in common. Maybe that's why Moon wasn't too keen on opening up to the guy. He already has enough trouble trusting himself, knowing what he's capable of, and if he sees too much of himself in someone, he's likely to not trust them as far as he can throw them.
But maybe... Maybe diVo being around would do both himself and Sun some good. Sun deserved all the care and attention and de-stressing playtime as he could handle, and Moon? He could learn to give himself the benefit of the doubt. It's harder to be negative about yourself when you clearly enjoy the company of someone with similar "flaws". And diVo would be more than happy to give Moon a delightful taste of his own medicine when he needed (or deserved) it. 
Speaking of which:
 Currently, Moon was squealing like a piggy as diVo continued the playful nibbles and tickles.
The dark animatronic purred a bit making a few playful snarling noises as he “ate” which only seemed to prove just as effective as Moon let out a couple of shrieks. 
He lifted his face plate and licked the jagged teeth before answering. 
“Because I’m hungry~ now shhhh, just relaaaax~” 
And out came the tongue again, lapping away at the poor dent like a dog at a bone.
The tongue once again proved to be an incredibly effective tool against the little animatronics! diVo had been waiting SOOOOOOOO long to finally pay Moon's weakest points a visit, and it had all finally paid off. 
Moon kicked his legs the best he could as the tendrils down there began to shift and scribble over his beans like a quill writing on parchment. 
For the last assault to Moon's tummy, diVo tried a new method he had in the workings, as well as testing a particular spot on the security bot.
Before doing this however, diVo gave Moon a little breather. 
Moon, nearly having his fill, turned his fans on to properly cool his processors for a brief moment, huffing at the lack of cold air. 
"Hehe.. Eeeeeahaha... ehehe... yOhou.. hah..  stahahwped? Heheheaha..."
DiVo chuckled lightheartedly, shifting Moon up into a gravity defying motion with his tendrils, a couple three of them being free to roam... 
"Not exactly, blueberry muffin. We are however... nearly there. Call this… a grand finale of sorts~" 
A grand finale? Oh... OH no... 
With the position Moon was in, all fours being held as if Moon were floating belly-down in the air with his arms out, this would be (fun) TERRIBLY ticklish.
"You have your breath prepared little moonpie? You're about to go straight into tickle town~"
Moon gulped, faceplate flushed... he made sure to catch his breath before he absolutely perished. 
Unbeknownst to moon, behind him the tendrils lined his worst spots, the ball joints of his knees, his hips, his toes, his armpits, and, finally, 
His poooooor poor back loop~
DiVo's faceplate drew near Moon's tummy again, but this time... the lunar animatronic thought he was prepared for what was about to happen... surely it would be his tongue again, or those DEVILISHLY ticklish fangs. 
"I'm ... I'm readheehee..." The animatronic cued.
What he wasn't prepared for were the deep breath he heard, or the fluttering rays that touched his stomach to vibrate similar to a raspberry. 
The attacks on his back were unleashed, on his toes, his ball joints, everywhere INCLUDING that delicious little "fruitloop" on Moon's back.
"AAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA! WAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAIHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEEEEE! OHOHO-HAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHANAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Moon screamed with ticklish laughter as the black hole tickled every last giggle and squeal and cackle out of him. His toes curled and spasmed uselessly. His hands were clenched into tight fists. His head switched from shaking rapidly to dropping down defeated over and over as giddy energy pulsed through him. The bell on his hat jingled with every movement. The small tinkling sound accompanied his high pitch laughter and squeals, creating the most adorable music to diVo's ears, or rather a deliciously sweet treat.
DiVo was eating up every single millisecond of this, such an adorable bot~ so tough but melted like butter as soon as tickles were brought into the game. 
The tickling began to lighten up, it was time to end this meal before he passed out from exhaustion. Though before diVo did so, the shuffling of bare animatronics feet padded into the abandoned pirates cove. 
“M-moonie…? Are you ok…?!” 
There stood Sun, sleepy and looking rather…nervous. More than likely from the dark.
"GYEEEHEHEEHEEEAHAHAHa...AHAHaHaaAhahAa... NehEhehver BEHETTERHEHRR... SkHkHkAhaHa..." Moon slurred, snorting and hiccuping as the tickling eventually slowed to a stop. Moon was DEFINITELY not in his right mind at the moment. Poor thing was actually rather groggy... similar to how Sun was after the first encounter with the tall, dark animatronic currently holding Moon.
Sun rubbed his eyes and squinted. Why was Moon giggling like that?... And so loopy too? And on the wire in here? Wasn't the wire track messed up in here? Why was he- Oh... Oh...
After blinking a few more times, Sun finally made out a black form in the darkened room. It was diVo.
"Oooooohohoho, ehehe! No wonder you're so giggly!" Sun laughed to himself after the situation became clear. He padded over to the two definitely not because it was dark and he wanted to be close to his friends so it wasn't so scary or anything.
"Ihihit's not... -*pant*- funny... -*pant*- ehehe..."  Moon whined. That only made Sun giggle more.
"Awww, alright then. It's adorable, and about time you got a taste, heehee!" Sun looked up at diVo now cradling the lunar animatronic.
DiVo hummed in amusement before sneaking a tendril around to stroke the cheerier one’s side. 
“Now now, Sunnybun~ that’s no way to talk to your friend is it?” he scolded playfully as Sun gave a squeak and tried to lean away from the tickly tendril. 
“Eep! C'mahahaan!!”
Moon looked up at DiVo. Now he was defending him? …He really did care for all of them in the plaza it seemed…
"Hehehe... beheetter watch.. diVoho is quite literally a black hole... I'm sure he could go for a delicious little cinnamon-sun if he wanted~" Moon teased back, feeling a little less loopy than before. 
Divo snorted before licking over those nommers as if he was prepared for seconds.
"It's true, unless.. you can behave yourself~" He jesterously remarked, giving the same side three pokes before slithering the offending appendage back into his cape.
"EEK-eeheeheehee! Oh! Ehehe I can behave! As a caretaker, I always must set a good example for the kiddos!... At least one of us has too..." Sun smirked.
Moon gasped in offense.
"Excuse you!? I-" Moon stopped, seeing that Sun was digging his own grave. May as well let 'im.
"What!? I' m just being honest! You can't fault me for telling the truth!" Sun defended, his words dripping with playfulness as he rocked on his heels.
DiVo’s gaze shifted between the two…well. Maybe he could go for seconds. 
“Sundrop~” he sang, seeing the smaller animatronic flinch away from him."I do apologize for waking you up…but perhaps I can fix that and wear you out enough that you both can go back to sleep~” 
Sun blinked before grinning nervously. “W-wear me out?”
"Yeeeeesss..."  The cape slowly split into 8, devious tickle tools. 
As Sun witnessed the transformation, he just KNEW he was going to get what he wanted. 
"I seriously DOUBT you could wear me out~ I have waaaayy too much energy, and no bedtime! Now that I'm awake, it's going to take a loooooong time to get me back to sleep..." 
One of the tendrils gently pulled Sun closer to the dark form, before taking each one of his limbs and holding him still. 
"Oh REALLY now?… Is that a challenge?"
'Ohoho, Sun's reeeeally in for it,' Moon thought to himself. At the moment, he even had front row seats to the show too! DiVo really was such a nice guy~
"Ohoho, wait! WAIT! M-m-maybe I misspoke! I, umm, I-I..." Sun stuttered as he eyed the tendrils slithering lazily in the air just waiting the touch down on any number of his tickle spots. He squirmed instinctively, trying to cover them up, but diVo already had him in his grasp.
The funniest part of it all was diVo still cradling the tired but amused Moon…and the smirk on his counterpart's exhausted form somehow made Sun quiver more. 
“Oh? Would you like one last chance to give in, my favorite little cinnamon Sunbun~?” diVo purred, the tendrils gently lifting Sun's arms up high and snaking inward toward the ever so sensitive ball joints. 
“W-wait waaaaait!!”
“Bedtime or tickles, Sunny~?”
"I.... Uh... b-boy is it hot in here or... uh..." Sunny mutters something under his breath very quietly, his face a solid orange. 
"Hmmmmmm....? I couldn't quite hear you little sweet-roll… could you repeat that?"
DiVo leaned in closer, cupping his hand to his audio receptor in a comical fashion.
Louder muttering was heard, vague mentions of doing something to him. 
"Still too quieeeet~"
Playfully, diVo pokes a wiggling tendril under his arm for only a second to snap Sun out of his shyness.
"T-tIHIhickles p-p-please- eep!" Sun shut his mouth immediately after he realized he spit it out. His eyes were comparable to saucers in size, staring directly into the eyes of the black hole.
“All you had to do was ask~” diVo grinned, letting the tendrils go to town at the ball joints and wires. 
He used a few others to hold Moon so he could focus on the giggly sunbeam more. Those tendrils practically held Moon like a hammock. 
“Was it that hard my dear Sun~?” diVo chuckled, now using his claws on the wiggly thing's tummy and sides.
"WAAAAAHAHAHA AHAHAHAHAAANnhnhnk- EEEEE!! NaHaAhAhwt thuhuhuh TUHUHUMMY!!" Sunny squealed, kicking what he could of his bound legs. 
"Not the tummy? Oh but I thought you said it was your faaaavorite spot! It gets you all giggly, and makes your laughter taste sweeter than candy~ Mmmmmmm~ such yuuuuummy giggles~..."
Moving the claws to trace over the upper belly, and ribcage, diVo gently nuzzled and feasted on the poor, sensitive little tickle spot before him.
"NEEHEEHEEHEEHEE -*SNORT*- IHIHIHIT TIHIHIHIHICKUHUHUHUHULES!" Sun squeaked out. He tried to wiggle his tummy away, but diVo had all the advantages in the world. He was holding him after all, he could just pull him closer and nuzzle further into that open tummy as much as he wanted.
Being an observer was fun for Moon. Admittedly though, he was getting second hand flutters on his belly just watching diVo work his magic, remembering how it felt when he was the one being snacked on. 
Sun's snorts made the corners of Moon's mouth turn up more and more with each one. DiVo seemed to have a similar reaction as he couldn't help but giggle into Sun's tummy every time a little snort found its way out of the cackling daycare attendant. Moon began to chuckle at the adorable noise out loud and eventually all three of them were laughing and enjoying the moment.
"LEEHEEHEE-*SNORT*- EEHEAVE MY PIHIHIHIHIGGY LAHAHAUGH-*SNORT*- ALOHOHOHOHONE! EEEEEK!" Sun protested, but his rays spun showing his clear amusement in contrast to his words.
“Ohohohoohh but it’s sooo adorable and deliciouuuus~” diVo laughed lightly, relishing this tender moment as much as the two daycare attendants. 
“He’s not wrong, Sunny.” Moon snickered. 
“Shhh~ no arguing now~ we’re having fuuuun~” diVo reminded, moving himself up to munch a bit on his neck and rays.
DiVo chortled at the little piggy's plea as he nibbled and licked away at his neck joints, and rays. The laughs reverberated against the fins making Sun squeal, and snort more. 
"Nibbully tickwish fauhn~" He continued, now nomming on the last, and coincidentally, most sensitive ray.
As Sun continued to squee with delight at the playful nibbling, Moon giggled at his plight. He couldn't help but bring up his observation from earlier now that he wasn't the one being tickled silly. 
"Ehehehe, you tend to talk with your mouth full, huh?" Moon chuckled.
The shadow animatronic squinted a bit at the naptime counterpart. Oh so it was pick on diVo time was it? 
“Careful moonpie~ I can give you another round tooooo~” he purred against Sun's rays, earning another squeal followed by a stream of giggles.
Moon let out a squeak, louder than he first initially felt it would be. His face burned a bright blue, shying away fast. Jeez... where did his boldness go!? He was as shaky as a leaf, and as hot as a volcano.
"AHahAh- N-NuhUhu!!" Moon responded, lightly kicking his feet like a child. 
Was this how SUN felt most of the time? ...(spoilt, and lucky)... 
DiVo snorted, heaving at the strong reaction, in turn making Sun squeal more. 
Sun kicked and shook in ticklish joy. 
"SohohOHohohOhomewhre EHEHELSE!! EEHEHEHEE!!" It sounded less like a plea of mercy on said spot, and more of a 'tickle me more!!'
Moon's bashfulness waned as his attention was brought back to his cackling counterpart.
"Somewhere else, eh? Well diVo hasn't paid your toes a visit yet~," Moon pointed out slyly. Oh that devious little-
"WAHAHAT?! NONONOHOhohohooOOO!" Sun whined, completely conflicted. He did want diVo to move elsewhere, and his toes were certainly elsewhere. Why oh why did he have to be programmed so ticklish? 
The jagged grin on diVo's face grew wide at that suggestion. 
“Oh yes~! I nearly forgot-” 
Liar. As if he would ever forget something like that. A couple of tendrils lifted and straightened Sun's legs out, leaving those little tots on display, beans exposed to the dark. 
“And soooo nice of you to leave your slippers behind, dear Sunny~”
Sun let out a shrill cry, waving his feet in the air as diVo's faceplate traveled down to them. Sun squirmed and tried to pull his feet away to no avail. DiVo knelt down, nibbling on the wiggly little toes before him. 
"You didn't tell me you bought me food~ such delicious looking tatertots just for meee~"
"GYAAA!!! NOHONOHONAHANAHAONAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA! KHKHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEE!!! NAHAHAT MY TOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOOOES!!!" Sun begged. DiVo knew full well that nibbling was the most ticklish thing one could do to Sun's toes, and he loved taking advantage of that. The delectable squeals he could reap from Sun from such a silly tactic were like pure sugar to the phantom. And it was all too clear that Sun loved the playfulness of it all, only making the moment sweeter.
"My stars, Sun! All these tickles must be driving you crazy~" Moon smirked, giggling along with the cackling bot. Sun couldn't respond, far too engulfed in ticklish bliss.
DiVo certainly wasn’t playing too nicely either…well kind of. He was more so enjoying nipping lightly at the squishy little beans making sure his teeth scraped ever so gently on the edges. 
He made a hum at moons egging on before the tendrils that held him started wiggling along his sides as a warning that diVo could and absolutely would start wrecking him again. 
Moon squealed again, arms shooting down to hug his sides as a silly smile stretched across his features. 
"OkAHAHAY!! Aaahaaha... it's just fuhuhun~ Teasing Sun always raises such cute little reactions hehe..."
Divo wormed his shadow of a tongue between each wiggly toe, snaking through all ten, bringing Sun to tears at heightened sensitivity. His two claws lightly scratched and scribbled at the paw pads, drawing shapes and practicing his signature with playful intent.
"Naow... moom how woul' you teasth sun m' such a vulll-ner-able state such as this~? Id appearths m' mouf ish fuwhl.." 
Moon lightly snorted at diVo and Sun's manic nature from diVo talking with the tots in his mouth.
"Coochie coochie coooo little ball of sunshine~ it doesn’t tickle, does it~?"
"AAAHAHAHA-NANANAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA! PLEEEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEEHEEHEEEHEHE-SNORT-G-GIHIHEEEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEE!" Sun couldn't handle this kind of tag teaming. Even with it just being Moon's words and not his fingers, Sun was in too much of a sensitive state to tell the difference. He began feeling that limpness that came with his body surrendering completely and his mind swimming in a happy, drunken state. Man, diVo could get him there so fast it seemed.
DiVo chuckled at the pure glee that escaped the smaller bot. 
“That’s a good ray of sunshine~” he praised with a purr before remembering the reason he was doing this (besides the whole getting a second helping thing) 
His hands rubbed some of the tickles away. 
“How’s that energy now, little sunbeam~? Feeling tired yet~?”
Sun heaved, still chortling from the tingles that lingered... "Hehehehe… aha... eeeehee… yehehess...aha... oho stahars… hehehehetihihihickles... heheahah…"
Sun continued to let the remaining giggles bubble out as his eyes fluttered closed.
"Hmhmhm, looks like it's someone's nap time..." Moon teased lovingly. He reached his arms out. It was in a rather childlike way signaling for diVo to give Sun to him.
DiVo looked toward moon….but gave a knowing smirk. It actually sent a chill up the naptime animatronics spine…until diVo lifted Sun himself and used his tendrils to carry moon. 
“In my own humble opinion….I think you both could use a long rest,” the phantom chuckled walking toward the daycare with both bots in his hold.
"Mmmm.... fair point..."
Moon let out a trilled yawn, stretching out a tad, and relaxing in the hold of the tendrils. 
Sun meanwhile already started to snore, snuggling up to the tickle-void as he carried them.
DiVo sighed, ensuring the lights were off before stepping into the Superstar Daycare. He was finally becoming more comfortable with the place… so long as the lights were out. 
He never truly expected Moon to fall asleep in his tendrils of all places... Well, mayhaps it was because he was exhausted. DiVo gathered together a bunch of pillows and blankets, making a makeshift nap fortress that he could easily slip out of before they awoke... diVo felt as full as a human after Thanksgiving dinner. It wouldn't hurt for him to rest his stomach awhile...
The void gently tucked both Sun and Moon into the pillow bed, giving himself the foot of it to drape across as to not make them uncomfortable per his bony, and pointy body.
"You two rest. I'll take care of your patrols for the rest of the night, Moon," diVo assured.
"Mmm, but that's - *yawn*- my job..." Moon protested sleepily.
"Don't fret, little moonpie. I always watch the night even when you are on patrol. You sleep. I'll do the rest..."
With that, the phantom faded into the shadows of the room. Sun rolled onto his side, grappling for something to cuddle, his grasp finding Moon quite quickly. Moon obliged, opening his arms to return the cuddle. With his eyes closing Moon muttered one more thing:
"Thank you"
A sign of gratitude that didn't go unheard…
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nomoreusername · 10 months
Bird Boy
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Paring:Aris x female reader
Summary:After someone tries to use your special nickname for Aris you shut them down.
I'll admit it. Having a boy for the first time in the Spring made me nervous. The other girls felt the same way. A few of them actually tried to get him banished when he came up. Thankfully, most of us voted no, with me obviously being one of them.
After a few months everyone got over themselves. Now he's an official Icer with friends, a job, and everything else. There was only one thing that bugged me about him.
I ended up liking him. Like really liking him. Not as a friend either. It's still painful to even think about, but I definitely have a crush on him. This obviously has never happened before so I didn't have a clue what to do. I couldn't talk to anyone else about it. It was just getting so frustrating to trip over my words in front of him. There's no way he didn't notice because I used to be able to speak just fine without going red in the face.
I did figure out one thing that helped. The problem got worse every time I had to say his name. So when I saw a little blue bird that somehow made it to this place and survived where it shouldn't I figured out what to do. This little blue bird was a miracle, and as dramatic as it seems he was one too. So I started calling him bird boy whenever I had to talk to him. It worked wonders, but he was confused. I couldn't make myself tell him why so I left him with that mystery.
So bird boy became my affectionate nickname for him. Eventually, he stopped questioning it and accepted that this was all I would call him. Once again, it was something of affection with a lovely backstory. Unfortunately, someone apparently didn't get the memo.
"Hey bird boy. Move before I make you,"Beth snapped. I don't know why he was in the Builders space nor did I care. Because not only did she call him bird boy she said it with malice. That is not what it's supposed to be at all.
"Shut up Beth. Nobody has time for your attitude,"I said through gritted teeth.
"Why? You think I want to call this idiot his name? I'd rather not dirty up my mouth."
I looked at Aris who was shifting uncomfortably in his spot. I ignored that for now and turned my attention back to Beth.
"Don't you dare insult him, don't speak to him in that tone, and don't you ever call him that again. In fact, if you so much as look at him the wrong way I'll make you wish you were never born."
"Is that a threat?"She asked with an amused smirk. I quickly got a few inches away so only she could hear.
"No. It's a promise."
"What are you going to do? Are you going to fight me?"She asked loudly. "I don't need to fight to make you scared. Unlike you I'm not a pathetic bully who needs my fists. Just remember who's in charge of food here. I'll make sure every meal you get is a mere sliver, and I'll make it the worst table scraps that aren't even fit for a dog. Do you understand?"
For the first time here she looked genuinely scared. She knew I controlled the food, and she knew I would go through with my words.
"Whatever. Keep standing up for bir-Aris,"She corrected.
"Don't you worry. I'll make sure to do just that."
♡ - - - ♡
Almost everyone had gone to bed. I didn't care enough to see who hadn't as I leaned against a log. I purposely stayed further away from everyone else. Right now I just wanted to have some peace and quiet under the stars.
"Hey Y/N,"Aris greeted, taking a seat next to me. You know what? Screw my earlier statement.
"Hey. What are you doing over here?"I asked, but making sure my tone was as inviting as possible. "Everyone else is asleep, and you're not. So now I'm here,"He shrugged. There was something that seemed a bit different about the way he said it. I can't explain it, but he sounded like he had something he wanted to say.
"Earlier today. I don't think I've ever seen you that mad. Why?"
"Why what?"I asked.
"Why did that bother you so much? She's rude to everyone here. You barely react when she says something to you so why did you care so much then?"
"I didn't like how she was talking to you,"I mumbled. That was true, but there was another there. Judging by his expression he knew it.
"You never tell me, but I may as well ask again. How come you insist on calling me that? You don't give anyone else nicknames."
There was a lot I could say to that. I could also do what I always do and brush him off. Still, the fact that it was just us right now, and we were sitting side by side on a nice night seemed to make the question feel different.
"There was a blue bird here one day. Somehow it did the impossible and was living a wonderful life trapped behind walls. It was a rare sight, maybe the only one of its kind here. Yet it still looked like it always belonged here. It just reminded me of you."
"Because I'm the only boy?"He inquired.
"No. Because you're special. You're both living proof that even the worst place can bring something you never knew you needed. Plus, the blue kind of matched your eyes."
"That wasn't what I expected,"He stated.
"Is that a bad thing?"I asked nervously.
"No. It's the nicest thing I've ever heard,"He assured me.
I hesitated before moving my hand to his. He didn't ask what I was doing. Instead, he seemed to have the same idea as he intertwined our fingers. We sat like that until sunrise. It seemed like that moment the world seemed to just be him and I. If I'm being honest I wouldn't mind that one bit.
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mochiwrites · 1 year
Dear Mochi,
This is basically a love letter to your songbird au, more specifically, Welcome to the Circus! Enjoy my rambles since this work has the number one spot in my heart and brain (I rotate it around and watch it go wee)
This first part I'm pointing out isn't even at the circus tent yet but mmmmm emotions
Grian tries to shove back the guilt that threatens to creep up his throat and spill over. It wasn’t his fault, he reminds himself. It was just a really bad case of unfortunate timing, and it isn’t his fault.
I am absolutely OBSESSED with how you write emotions in this story. Watching Grian deal with these intrusive thoughts is so interesting-
I'm not going to copy the paragraph over for this one but I aspire to be at your level with descriptions!! Me and my friend are working on our own hermitcraft au fic and one of the places I've struggled so far was describing Grian from Scar's perspective (3rd person pov). When I'm reading your stories though, it doesn't mess with the pacing at all. That really amazes me. It's hard to have descriptions not feel like a sudden editor's note. Also just the uncanny feeling Grian has that something about Scar is wrong? BOY WAS I INTRIGUED!
“Er… I’m sorry about bumping into you. But is there something you need?” He questions, trying to sound polite.
Looking back at this work I'm able to pick out little tells that Scar was a Fae, and that makes me so happy. I'm noticing things differently cause of the context we have been provided with the most recent update, and again, that's something amazing you do with a lot of your writing.
Grian’s world suddenly tilts. He staggers, knees suddenly feeling weak. His head swims, being swarmed with fog. The grip on his phone slackens, and the device slips from his grasp. It smacks onto the ground, landing on the screen again. On instinct, he goes to grab the crystal around his neck, feeling it warm under his touch. “Mumb—”
Oh. My god. This transition was so gripping the first time I read it. And even coming back to it a third time, it still gets me on the edge of my seat. AGAIN YOUR DESCRIPTIONS ARE AMAZING I WANT TO EAT THEM UP.
Again not going to put the part I'm referring to here cause then we would just be rereading the entire work again fjfhfjd
Scar is such an interesting character in this. Especially when mixed with Grian. It's so interesting watching Scar being sort of cocky with his abilities and this almost domestic attitude to it all. If you think from his perspective (I'm assuming here that Scar is either immortal or lives a very long time, i cant remember off the top of my head what it is for Fae), it's like a normal job. He probably gets bored. So he makes it interesting for himself! Despite that it's probably still really boring since most people die on the first act. So imagine you meet someone that actually entertains you for once!
That being said, Grian on the other hand, has very little experience with this kind of stuff (having only recently gotten involved and all). Taking away movement already sets off your survival instincts as it thinks you are being trapped by a predator. Lucky for Grian though, he's stubborn. So he clings onto the hope that he will be freed if he "dances" persay.
Grian meets his gaze head on, eyes fierce and burning bright with anger. He challenges Scar, refusing to look away from him. He stares Death right in the face. “Go to hell,” Grian spits.
“Oh, I’ve already been! It’s quite the place, let me tell you. Very luscious, and gosh, the demons there!” Scar exclaims, looking a little too cheerful for the words he’s saying.
I will say though, chapter 2 is the one I always come back for.
Along with trying to make his job not boring for him, Scar changes Grian's outfit multiple times. Almost like he's dressing up a lifeless doll. It's a lot easier to not feel remorse for killing when you believe that the victim isn't a living thing, or doesn't actually have anything special to them. Scar seems to have detached [the fact they possess] humanity from his victims. I also think this is why he is so remorseful when hanging out with Grian in the most recent work. He is seeing one of his victims outside of the simple "target" label he has attached to them. Don't get me wrong, he probably doesn't care too much if people die in general, but connection is a strange thing.
Facing one's mortality is never easy, and despite him being a stubborn mf he realizes that he definitely would have died there if not for Mumbo. The trauma that comes with a near death experience, especially one where you survive attempted murder, WHILE ALSO being saved by someone else.. it stacks up to a lot of self-destructive thoughts, and the want to hole yourself up forever. Can even end up making someone codependent cause they don't think they can do anything themselves. All self confidence is down the drain :D
And that's not even mentioning that Scar still might betray Grian (based off how the most recent work ended), leaving some nasty trust issues with that PTSD. But if I had to guess who Scar would protect when forced to choose, he's gonna choose his son over some random human he finds interesting. And boy am I ready for that trauma to get deeper.
Tldr; Scar and Grian are almost opposites in your story, which I love, AND SCOTT IN YOUR STORY CAN GO SCREW HIMSELF >:(
I'm????? aaaaaaa?????? omg MGHFFJGHJGF
this fic was definitely a super fun excuse to really go ham on descriptions, whether it be character, emotion, or physical fgjfhgj and like !!!!! grian's character in general in this was just super fun to work with
and yesss, the little details that hint toward scar being fae >:3 it was hard finding a balance of pointing out just how "perfect" his physical appearance was without pressing on it too hard but still give enough detail to it <3
the transition was so !!!!! augh, I wish I got to write transitions like that more often, they're so fun to write and use to toss a shit ton of tension into a scene >:3
songbird!scar is an incredibly interesting character, and I'm so happy he's finally here because AUGH. he's not immortal, but he has been alive for a very long while. and I wouldn't say he does what he does out of boredom, part of it very much is because he's just a dramatic little shit and likes to mess around. depending on who he's going after that is :3 which is also why he's dressing grian up. a) he's dramatic and b) he commits to the bit. I wouldn't say he's detached humanity from the people he's killing, or even dressing grian up to make his job of killing him easier.
the power struggle between grian and scar is really intriguing to play with, especially grian doesn't act like your "typical human". he's stubborn as hell and determined and he's incredibly curious about this new world he's stumbled into. but he's also never been forced to deal with his own mortality before. and scar's circus forces him to do that. so all in all a pretty traumatizing experience, whoopsies
there's so much we're gonna start unraveling and GOD I cannot wait for it. scar in particular has a very fun character arc :3
but ueueueue ty????? sm?????
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tiredassmage · 4 months
What happened after the mission that got Leo's unit killed that he embarrassed Vorza so much?
In my own thinking about what would warrant such a punishment, I very much got vibes like that of what happened when Weiss snapped at the Beacon fundraiser/charity gala in Atlas in Volume 4 of RWBY. But idk. That's just my thoughts.
Damn, I do miss this guy. Okay, this will also be beneficial for me to actually write down because I... haven't done that yet, lmao. And I'm starting to forget who I might've ever clarified it with.
Leo's falling out with his father after the deployment is... Well, I mean, yes, about how their relationship has really never been a positive one, and it boils down to a lot of the same that Leo has always butted heads with him on: Vorza's expectations of him and who he was to be were a lot different than what Leo wanted. Unfortunately I'm not familiar with RWBY to confirm or deny if that's it from experience, but I'll try to walk us through it and y'all can tell me. xD
What Vorza tells him to shape up about it is, in short, an "attitude" problem. It's that Leo doesn't let go of the fact that he disagreed with the orders that got his unit killed. It's that he loudly puts blame on the Sith that was leading them that day and that he gets in his commanding officer's face about getting a lot of men killed. Now, his CO might have brushed off some of it on his own physical and mental recovery from the fighting, but a Sith's a lot more unlikely to tolerate continued insubordination of that nature, and Leo wasn't in a state that was likely to get any quieter about it without a sharp intervention.
So, Vorza, somewhat begrudgingly, I imagine, intervened to get Leo's injuries actually treated - hence the cybernetics. But Vorza's concern isn't Leo's well-being, it's how his loud mouth will reflect on the family reputation if he doesn't cool jets, and quickly. The only reason Vorza doesn't want to see Leo court-martialed for his actions is the irreparable damage Vorza worries about for his own position and the status of the family. Leo's following deployment to Begeren, then, is... just as much punishment, you could say, as it is "get your act together or you better hope someone else cleans your chrono about it before I do." It's for appearances' sake, really. If Leo can complete another tour of duty without tarnishing his record further, Vorza can deal with his son's attitude afterward more quietly and out of public attention.
In short then, what happened after the mission is Leo reacted to the trauma of losing his entire unit, of being ordered into a situation his gut told him was too dangerous, and then being proven right. Part of what haunts him still about that experience is not speaking up sooner, of not making that fuss when they were still alive to rebuke orders. Maybe it would've been a death sentence either way with a temperamental, hotblooded young Sith at their lead, but if enough of them had agreed to speak up together, maybe... maybe things would be different. It's one of the things that feeds Leo's impression of himself as selfish, and far more motivated by self-preservation than an interest in larger, grand ideals.
But he'll never know now. Those men are dead. And while he still had enough heat in him left to snap at Vorza about his attitude problem for a moment, he... ultimately felt locked up again by the lack of real choice in the matter. Leo wasn't looking to get himself killed - not that day, and not afterwards in proceedings or on a Sith's blade, either. And it was what he "owed" for Vorza so kindly (sarcasm detected) stepping in to help with his physical treatments afterward. Vorza's position and the family's status are the only things that bought him the kind of recovery time and treatment methods he was afforded, rather than being lost more in the shuffle of reassignments and possibly not redeployed at all - or redeployed faster than might've been... healthy, if you will. What Vorza frames it as is a chance to keep some honor, but what it really is between him and Leo is a demand to not fuck something up even further, and a promise that the slight won't be forgotten regardless.
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honeybunchesofangst · 2 years
KiriBaku Fic Rec List #2
(Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fonder) FALSE Rated: Teen & Up 
-When Bakugo and Kirishima get hit by a quirk that forces them to literally stick together or face the less then desirable consequences, how the fuck is Bakugo supposed to keep his crush hidden?!
Well, turns out he never needed to.--
“Well, this fucking sucks, how are we supposed to train?!”
"Really closely?"
ChitChat and Pencil Pushers Rated: Explicit
-Kirishima did not believe in love at first sight.
Absolutely not. It was a ridiculous notion.
He did, however, believe in holy shit, he’s hot at first sight.-Kirishima starts a new office job and unfortunately discovers that he may just have a big crush on the worst person possible
Gym Rats Rated: Explicit
-Bakugou's bad attitude tends to scare away unwanted attention.Kirishima seems to be the exception.Kirishima is bright, peppy, and borderline annoying; at least, until Bakugou sees him bench press twice his body weight without breaking a sweat.Bakugou is suddenly more interested than annoyed, and when Kirishima extends an invitation to his apartment, it's an offer Bakugou can't refuse.
Tonight We’re The Sea Rated: Mature (Cursing thank u Bakugo)
- Kirishima goes to a quiet seaside town to take care of his grandmother after she has a bad fall. There he meets Bakugou Katsuki and falls in love.
Engraved in your Mind Rated: Teen & Up ONGOING by @albino-pony
-Kacchan is still a stubborn prick while suffering from face blindness. Also, quirk discrimination is a thing.
(this one is like rewritten canon to explain why bakugo doesn't recognize his classmates very well, but it diverges away from canon later)
5 + 1 Rated: Explicit
- The five times Kirishima made the first move + the one time Bakugou blew his mind.
Pass it On Rated: Explicit
-RED ALERT: Bakugou can't jerk off because he'll explode his own dick off. Pass it on.Mina spreads a rumor around Class 1A about a certain Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima is tasked with taking his own life and dignity in his hands and finding out of it's true. Party hijinks ensue.(Spoiler alert: dignity and his life aren't the only things Kirishima takes in his hands)
Not Spring, Love, or Cherry Blossoms Rated: Teen & Up
-In order to avoid a Quirk Marriage, Bakugou goes to Kirishima for help. 
(a fake dating fic)
come home to me Rated: Teen & Up
-“I shouldn’t have moved out of the way,” Katsuki sighs. “I should have let that fucking asshole hit us, honestly, a broken back would be better than this.”
Masochist, Eijirou thinks and, in the second right before Katsuki chokes and focuses intensely on salvaging what's left of their midnight haul, he realizes that this might be a problem.Bakugou and Kirishima get hit by a quirk that lets them hear each others' thoughts. It goes much better (and much worse) than either of them expect. 
(help these poor sappy teens)
Pickup Lines an Valentines Rated: Teen & Up
-“Hey, isn’t that Kirishima’s hoodie?”
“Why are you wearing Kirishima’s hoodie?”
“He’s my boyfriend.”
Ochako grins, ruffling his hair. “You’re so cute, Katsuki, honestly. Like, you’re the only person who thinks that pretending to date Kirishima is somehow less embarrassing than just admitting you’re cold.”Bakugou and Kirishima find out that they're soulmates after two years of dating. Their friends are more than a little out of the loop.
Punk’s Not Dead Rated: Teen & Up
-“So you want to use me to piss off your mom?” Kirishima summarized, raising one pierced eyebrow at Katsuki.“Look, if you want to be all fucking judgy about it, I take cash,” Katsuki said, dropping his hand palm up on the table.“Hey now,” Kirishima said, raising his hands in surrender, “I didn’t say I wasn’t doing it. I’m always down for a little chaos.” He flashed a grin, showing off his ridiculous shark teeth.“Good,” Katsuki said. “We start tomorrow."
ghosts beneath ink wash stars Rated: Teen & Up
- Eijirou's evolution from Bakugou's delivery boy to kind of, possibly, someone to come home to.
(Bakugo is an ink wash artist)
sugar cookies Rated: Teen & Up
- Bakugou and Kirishima accidentally get married in Vegas. They don't annul it.
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islandfate · 8 months
woooo boy. so – i'm doing a little lost season one character recap just to kind of find my footing and determine how i feel about these characters on this latest rewatch. which, also, i think this is my 12th rewatch? that's crazy. anyway, i'm going to go through the list of the characters and kind of talk about how i feel, how my views have differed from my previous watch, etc. warning for opinions 😔 but these will be in no particular order! this will also be under a cut bc it's gonna get long lol !!
jack – the only thing i really want to do right here is rant about how much i dislike this character, how he puts a bad taste in my mouth, how he can be a truly terrible doctor and how his stubbornness and judgement lead to awful, terrible decisions. but i'm not going to completely bash this character, no matter how much i'd like to. despite this, there's no easy way to say it, but i just don't like jack. i think he can be a good guy, and i think there are aspects to him that make him an interesting character, but in season one – for me – his flaws completely outweigh his positives. there is just something about him that makes me so frustrated. i genuinely think it's his attitude, that is, his constant belief that his way is the right way. and i'm always here for a frustrating character, i enjoy someone with flaws, but jack's simply ... fall flat, for me. maybe it's because he's meant to be our main character, and he just has zero charisma in my eyes. i think there are so many other characters that draw me in. jack is just there. and usually he's doing something to piss me off, but not in the fun way, in the “i really fucking hate you” way. and i truly do not like that he refuses to help people sometimes ( sawyer ), or that he brushes them off for being annoying ( sullivan ), or brushes them off because he thinks he's always right ( such as with claire's nightmares ). it puts a bad taste in my mouth fr !!! even him punishing kate for not telling him what she did, when he's the one who told her that he didn't care? make up your fucking mind buddy.
but of course, jack can be a compassionate person. and he does feel guilt for the things he does – like with claire's kidnapping – and i'm glad for that. maybe too much guilt sometimes, but i'm not gonna fault him for that because i always love seeing that in a character. him watching sayid torture sawyer and realizing that this is a bad thing we're doing here – i liked that. it was a bad call. and i truly adore the flashback where he turns his father in for drinking, because i cannot even imagine how difficult that would be, and the betrayal on christian's face ( and the pain on jack's ) is honestly hard to watch. and when sawyer tells jack about meeting christian, and how proud he was of jack, i do find myself tearing up every time lol. it just really kills me. anyway, i'm hoping to god that i like him more in season two because jack isn't a character i want to feel this frustrated with. i don't want to dislike him! i never want to look at a character and say “i hate them please get them off my screen” but that's usually how i feel about jack. and i don't know if it's the writing, or the acting, or jack himself – there's just something about his character i don't like. either way, i'm hoping for better things from him in season two.
kate – oh kate ... perhaps my second least favorite character in this show, right behind jack. i want to like her so badly but there's also something about her that frustrates the hell out of me. i think her infatuation with jack – for no reason, might i add – is annoying. and i hate their chemistry, because there is none. seriously, kate works better with sawyer, works better with sun, than with jack. though i will admit, i really like the plot twist of kate being the prisoner, and i do think it's interesting how much compassion she has for people, even the u.s. marshal, but something about her also unfortunately falls flat for me. she's just not all that intriguing in my eyes, and i really wish she was. i do like she and sayid's friendship, i think it's cute, and i think kate is far more interesting in sawyer's scenes. but i think i'd like her even more if she wasn't soooo heavily paired with a man, always. not even romantically, but i just mean, she's always in scenes with a guy! she always wants a dude's help! like, give her something to do on her own. but, truly, i have nothing more to say about kate, and i may never have more to say on her lol. i don't remember being super impressed with her in season two, but it's been a bit since i watched all of that season, so we'll see!
michael – truly, i do not have any words for why michael would be my favorite character in this season. he's frustrating, quick to blame, doesn't always make the best decisions when it comes to walt ... but that is what makes him so damn intriguing to me. i think it's his relationship with walt that really kills me. it's like, he's this character who wanted to be a father so badly but was never really able to be one. he fought tooth and nail to be able to be walt's dad and it just didn't matter. and then susan dies, brian comes by, and michael's reunited with walt. and he has to figure out how to raise his kid ( who isn't really his kid anymore ) and honor susan and brian at the same time. it's such an insanely devastating situation that i can hardly stand it. people misconstrue michael's intensions so much – like when they say he hates being a father. but i don't think that's true. he just doesn't know how to be one. he was never given the chance to! michael definitely has a bit of a hair-trigger temper, but i genuinely do think it's because of walt – most of the time. and also, michael and jin's friendship after everything that happened between them?? i love it so much. anyway, michael stays being one of my favorite characters in this season, and there's not a scene with him that goes by i don't enjoy. his centric episode nearly destroyed me this watch and i don't think i'm ready for the next one, which i know is coming soon. overall, i just really enjoy how michael has such this surface level look about him, then you look deeper and see who he truly is, what his motivations are, his regrets. he's just a really great character in my eyes. also, i'm not going to talk about walt on his own, just know i adore walt and i wrote a fic about him! so, he's def a fav of mine.
locke – i'm gonna be honest! locke has always been a favorite of mine, i absolutely love his flashbacks and i think he's so much fun to watch on screen. terry o'quinn really carries here, and i'm excited because i know just how great future locke scenes are. but, how do i feel about him in season one? well, i found myself ... being a little more on the bitter side with him! i think i formed an attachment to boone and to witness what leads to his death really hurts. and when locke brings him back and lies about what happened, causing jack to misdiagnose the problem – well, it really sucks to see. and i know boone was supposed to die, but that doesn't change the fact that if i was on that island, i'd be pissed at locke for this. aside from that, i really like his belief in the island and those intertwining themes of fate and destiny ... he just brings something that the show really needs. i will never get over this man having been in a wheelchair and walkabout still makes me cry to this day. and being conned out of a kidney? phewwww that's a tough one for me to watch. i love the scene where locke bangs on the hatch and the light beams up – it's so great. but, boone's death really hurt my opinion of locke in season one, but i'm sure this'll improve with time ( until season 4 🙄 ). anyway, the ending of this season really teases the jack and locke dynamic – man of science and man of faith ... they're so fun to watch and i can't wait to see them interact more in s2. but locke in season one is great, up until the moment he isn't. but he grew on me in the finale. his acting is so good i can't not like him, lol.
sayid – well, i suppose i might as well get it over with. so, i've never been much of a sayid stan ... i try, let me tell you, but the feeling just never comes. my opinion of him has been pretty consistent throughout my time watching this show, but i think he's mostly good in season one. and i'm not saying he's a bad character or anything, i simply find his flashbacks to be boring and i have no attachment to nadia as a whole. and i think that him torturing sawyer was awful! but obviously i'm not really here to judge characters based on how terrible of people they are ( look at my fav ... ), obviously these characters have flaws and are not always great people. my “meh” feeling toward him more so has to do with the fact that he falls a little flat, too. at least for me, he does. and i know people love him! i've just never felt much of a connection to him, and i'm not sure i ever will. let's just say, i don't watch this show for him.
charlie – charlie is definitely one of the highlights of this season. drug addict characters always, always draw me in, and i think his personality is just so great. he's definitely on the funnier side, but then we get to his backstory and you see just how fucked up things got for him! i love that he goes to the cockpit only to find his drugs – and i love seeing his notion that he's a coward, that really gets swept away come episode seven. i know, i know. people don't like the moth metaphor. but i've always had a soft spot for it, and i think the combination of acting and writing really brings that scene to life. i adore charlie and claire's relationship and they're just ): so cute. so when they get kidnapped ?!? god damn that angst is so juicy. but anyway, i've always been a fan of charlie's character and that hasn't changed one bit. i can't really remember how prevalent he is in s2 ( aside from fire + water ) but i very much look forward to seeing more of him and what he gets up to. i feel like i have less to say here bc ... idk! he's just a silly guy! i like him a lot, always have, and i don't see that ever changing.
claire – you know, i've never had much of an opinion on claire. she's always kind of just ... been there for me. however, i think because elsie likes her so much, it's really improved my view of her. claire is just so sweet and i can't imagine the terror of being pregnant on a fucking deserted island. she handles it much better than i would've, lol. but her pain and fear is definitely hard to see, and made even more difficult because of jack not believing her 🙄 which, of course. but i really like the ethan plotline and i like the little seeds they plant for s2 – such as showing that small flashback between rousseau and claire in the finale. we still don't know what happened to her! i will admit, i don't have a whole lot more to say here, but i think she's a fun character and i like the stuff they play with concerning the psychic. that's really all!
sawyer – sawyer!!! this man has always been one of my favorite characters and he's forever managed to crack me up... i just think he's hilarious, definitely one of the funniest characters on the show. even in the pilot, when kate asks where the polar bear came from and he says, "probably bear village, how the hell do i know?" i laugh every time. ANYWAY! i definitely thought sawyer was going to be more of an acquired taste this season, which, he is, but he really shines pretty early on. i expected to hate confidence man more, because i've never really liked that episode when watching alone, but it turns out i ... really enjoyed it this time around? i thought it was the perfect blend of realistic and horrific and it was a great way to stir up tension, especially between sawyer and sayid. everyone always assumes the worst of sawyer and they truly don't even bother asking him – they just blame him, which makes him mad ( as it would anyone ), and then he acts like an asshole in turn. he's backed into a corner and it's kind of fascinating to watch and see what he does, how he reacts, etc. and maybe i'm crazy, but i don't see having your own supplies as a ... necessarily bad thing? so many characters accuse him of looting from the dead, but it's not like he's the only one that's done that. and we're shown that in truly life threatening situations ( such as boone ) he's quick to help. i also love his relationship with michael and, by extension, jin, and him being a part of the raft is just so fun. truly, i think sawyer is just so interesting, and i'm very excited to see more of him in season two.
boone – ohhhhh boone. this man is someone i've always had a love / hate relationship with, but at the end of the day, he won my heart over. he's always been someone that wants to help sooo badly ( such as trying to give rose cpr ) and even if that doesn't exactly pan out, he still cares to try. his relationship with shannon is .... odd, to say the least, but i do enjoy most of their interactions. i think boone definitely projects his feelings on to shannon, like calling her useless and worthless, which is probably why he tries to help out as much as he does. and when he and locke find the hatch, this kind of gives him a new purpose, and so does locke. so it's devastating to see boone be convinced to follow locke out to this plane, and you can see that the only thing he wants to do is help. it just!! pains something deep inside of me. even when he's in the plane, it falls because he's trying to get everyone rescued – and i think that's how he deserves to be remembered. i do think his death hits so hard, and while the episode definitely prepares you for it, it's not easy to watch it play out. i love the scene where locke sees boone in his dream, when he's talking about his babysitter, and you see the flashes of him covered in blood. it's really trippy and foreboding and just ... so well done! i love the idea that boone's death majorly effects everything and everyone, not only in this season but in the seasons that follow, and it's nice that the show never forgets about him. i just really like his character and, though i'm sad to see him go, i know it's necessary.
shannon – surprisingly? shannon was one of the most enjoyable characters on this rewatch for me. i never thought much of her before, felt like she was a little annoying, but i genuinely liked her this season and i thought she was hilarious. i'm a little disappointed we didn't get a shannon flashback, but i know we will in season two, so i look forward to that. her grief for boone really fucking pains me and when walt gives vincent to her ... man. that scene hurts. i don't love she and sayid's relationship, to be completely honest, but i really like the scene where she tells him off for getting frustrated with her about the map. i still have mixed feelings about her going after locke after boone's death, but maybe it'll make more sense to me on another rewatch lol. anyway! not too much to say about her, except i enjoyed her presence ( a lot ) and that was a little surprising for me.
sun & jin – i'm combining these two into one, not only because i think they're important to talk about together, but also because i'm feeling a little lazy. anywho, i think it's really fun how the show makes jin out to be a pretty awful guy, but once you see his backstory – see his motivations, his fears – it starts to make a lot of sense. it's funny because jin is definitely one of my favorite characters, but it's pretty hard to like him at first. so i really enjoy his development in the first season, and his friendship with michael is really sweet. as for sun, i do like her! she's another character that's always just been kind of there, but i enjoyed her a lot more on this rewatch. her goodbye to jin before the raft leaves absolutely gutted me. the acting there was phenomenal. and i think it's really special we got these two characters because yunjin kim was so impressive when they were casting. it's upsetting to see these two characters who don't speak english, who are pretty much completely isolated because of this language barrier, but then sun speaks english?! the little twist there is just so great. her weird relationship with michael also isn't my favorite thing. i just really love sun and jin's relationship and how much it develops – they're probably my favorite couple on this show, tbh. and i know kate was behind a lot of the poisoning jin thing, but when jack tells sun he knows it was her, and she says, "are you going to tell the others?" that just BROKE me!! the fear and pain in her voice. ugh. she just wanted to keep him safe and off the raft. also, jin's dad is so sweet and i really love that scene between them in the flashback. and when sun is about to leave jin at the airport and he shows her the flower – god, that makes me cry every time. like full on sobbing. it's so good and their acting and chemistry is just amazing. anyway, i don't have too much more to say on them, but i adore sun and jin so much!!! definitely one of the highlights of this season.
hurley – i feel like it's a little hard for me to say much on hurley, mostly because we don't get toooo much development with him this season. like, we get one flashback but that's really it! so i'm excited to see more of him in season two for sure. but anyway, he's one of the funniest characters on this show and i love his interactions with literally everyone. and there is not one scene with him that i don't like. the numbers are probably my favorite part of this show, and i love his flashback about the curse and winning the lottery and all that. it's just great. and for rousseau to be the one person who tells him that maybe there is a curse? and that she doesn't dismiss what he's saying? it's so euphoric for him, and i love seeing it every time. hurley's friendship with charlie is also great – i just love those two. his flashbacks, alongside locke's, have always been my favorites and i just ... wanna see more of his character and past! he's just such a memorable character, and one of the first i think of when i reminisce about this show.
honorable mentions :
ethan – scary as fuck. this guy has always creeped me out, and the fact that he's tom cruise's cousin will never not be hilarious to me. he definitely scared the shit out of me as a kid and even still gives me the creeps. it's hilarious that the characters, especially charlie, start referring to him as a "what" rather than a "who." i love it. death was deserved, this man wouldn't have said shit.
sullivan – we were just calling him john lennon because we didn't know his name. his rash was a little concerning and jack brushing him off was annoying to me. and when he comes to the golf course and says "can i play?" i just love that scene. where did sullivan go ... 😔
scott & steve – i don't really know the difference between them, but rip scott. he deserved better.
arzt – probably one of my favorite side characters. he's so funny to me, and when he gets blown up i just ... bust out laughing every time. cannot wait to see this idiot again in s3 and s6.
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crienosaur · 2 years
Track 16
Azul x Reader
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
It had been a long while since you last saw Azul up close. His colors deepened, and he grew a lot taller. He’d also been working to make himself thinner, but you didn’t mind either. So long as he was healthy. The only thing that really stood out about him now was the complex he was developing. The eels plopped you in front of him and he loomed over you, his face lit by his alchemy equipment. He took your hand and tugged you a bit closer, snapping you from your thoughts. It only fueled your uneasiness.
“I admit that in the past I've been quite foolish
They weren't kidding when they called me, well, ‘a silly little octo-twerp who can’t do anything on his own’ ^w^*
But you'll find that nowadays
I've mended all my ways
Struggled, snapped, and made a switch.
True? Yes.”
By now he’d stood up, pacing around the stool you sat on. He faced away from you but turned to look at you over his shoulder. He flicked some of your hair away from your face with a tentacle. After staring for longer than he intended, he resumed his speech.
“I fortunately know a little magic
It's a talent that I always have possessed
And koebi, please don't laugh
I use it on behalf
Of the miserable, the lonely, and depressed- pathetic-“
you winced
“-poor unfortunate souls!!
In pain, in need
This one longing to be thinner
That one wants to get the girl
And do I help them?
Yes, indeed
Those poor unfortunate souls
So sad, so true
They come flocking to my pot
Crying, "Spells, Azul, please!"
And I help them!
Yes I do.”
He paused, a smug smile on his face. This was it! The moment he’d been so careful in crafting. You cared so much for this mysterious someone, huh? How much would you sacrifice? And what would he take in return? Was he even thinking at this point? Or was he just lashing out on last person to deserve it?
Now-! Who’s this… classmate… of yours?”
“… it’s you.”
His face instantly begins to burn, but his color goes white. Oh NO. He’s made a HUGE mistake… Floyd and Jade exchange a surprised glance. “I mean,” Floyd whispers to Jade, “I kinda thought they might be crushin on him but he insisted it wasn’t possible…” Azul began to back away from you. “Excuse me?” he stared at you, absolutely bewildered. “I like you… but… I don’t know if I like this attitude. Is this what you’ve been up to? Is this what you’ve been doing? I thought you were different… I thought you were my friend…” your words became weak as you did your best not to cry. He shrank in on himself, pulling his tentacles closer. No no no… this isn’t what he wanted… or was it? He wanted to get everyone back… but what did you do to deserve it? Would this be the last time he saw you?
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question, if that isn't Arei, who do you think is? I don't know which of the characters have bodies similar to hers that would work, even if you take into consideration makeup and wigs and outfits. Like for example it DEFINITELY can't be Levi
//For that, I want to address the other person who's been a major focus of this arc, someone who's on the title of this chapter, who's the same height as Arei, and most importantly, the first person who left to go look for her
//Yeah, if I had to guess, I'd say it's probably J, unfortunately. Hers was the first secret to be revealed, and while Arei's gotten a shitton of focus this arc, J has been mostly in the background and only cropped up here and there sporadically, mostly to get away from Arturo. You'd think she'd be getting more focus, since she's on the title screen.
//There are two scenarios I see with this: J either died before the morning announcement or she was killed after she went to look for Arei, both scenarios ending with her being dressed up to look like her
//Again, both of them are the same height, have similar skin tones and we've yet to get a close look at the face.
//Furthermore, let's take into account that the FTEs for both Whit and Charles and Nico and Rose seem to be canon, so we could consider J's and Arei's FTE can as well. Arei, in her own way, actually really seems to like hanging out with J and messing with her.
//This is why I say Arei has had way too much narrative focus for it to be her. That FTE she shared with J and her backstory being revealed, and the weird attitude she's had after getting the secret, the more obvious it seems the less likely it is in good writing.
//The more I think about it, the more I get the sense that something big happened that, thanks to Teruko's dismissive attitude, we weren't privy to. That look Arei had during breakfast after the Ace situation, we didn't get elaboration for that.
//The small details for Chapter 1 all proved critical for the trial, even tiny stuff like Rose's musing on how they could study the paint used in the building to determine when it was made. That was a critical point used to prove that Min was the culprit, since she used her own pen-knife
//Why would Chapter 2 be any different, especially when we've had an even bigger trail of small details?
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aeoki · 8 months
Sandstorm - Desert Survival: Chapter 5
Location: Hotel Resort Characters: Yuuta, Adonis, Kouga & Rei
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ< At that time. Chuugoku region, ES idol hotel poolside. >
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Kouga: Daah, dammit! What’s Hakaze-senpai talkin’ to Hinata ‘bout? I can’t tell!
Oh, geez! Is Hakaze-senpai really fine, Adonis!?
Adonis: I don’t know how to answer even if you ask me that. The management is giving us updates about the current situation while we’re observing things from the hotel.
But there is a time lag.
And while there is video, there isn’t any sound, so we can’t guess what they’re saying by reading their lips.
Meaning, it’s difficult to see what sort of situation Hakaze-senpai is in since we’re not in the desert.
Besides, it’s possible we may not be in the same country as him, so it’ll be impossible to help him should something happen.
It’s frustrating to say this, but the only thing we can do is stand by and watch.
Kouga: Ugh, dammit! There’s nothin’ we can do!? How’re you so calm, anyway!?
Someone from our unit is caught up in somethin’ and we don’t know what’s goin’ on, ya know!
Adonis: I’m not calm, either. But it seems my discomposure doesn’t really show on my face.
Kouga: Hah! Are ya sayin’ if the one at the top loses his composure, then the rest of ‘em at the bottom will start freakin’ out too!? I see that’s what it was like back in your home country, huh, Mr Big-Shot Adonis?
Adonis: Don’t take your anger out on me, Oogami. You might want me to join you in your uneasiness.
But unfortunately, no matter how loudly we shout, we cannot change the current situation. So we shouldn’t get into a panic and waste our energy. We should stay calm and come up with a breakthrough solution.
Isn’t that right, Sakuma-senpai?
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Rei: …………
Kouga: Hey, you listenin’, fancy mask!? Mr Big-Shot Adonis here is talkin’ to ya!
Also! I’ve been wantin’ to ask but what’s with that stupid mask!?
Are ya tryin’ be funny and make everyone laugh in this situation!? You should learn to read the room!
Rei: …………
Yuuta: Oh~ Sorry, my “UNDEAD” seniors. Could you refrain from speaking so casually to my“slave”?
Kouga: Slave…? What’s goin’ on with Yuuta and Sakuma-senpai? You guys have been actin’ weird for a while now!
Adonis: Yeah. Sakuma-senpai ignores us when we talk to him and won’t even look at us. On the other hand, he’ll do whatever Yuuta asks him to do.
Something is clearly weird. Is it because of the “order”?
We’ve been given an “order” we must obey.
But it’s mostly treated like a game and it was mentioned that there aren’t any serious “orders”.
In my case, I cannot eat a certain ingredient and mention it in conversations.
It’ll be difficult for me mentally, but it shouldn’t affect my idol activities.
Kouga: I can’t touch any animals other than huma– Oh wait, I’m not supposed to say what my “order” is, right?
Adonis: I think I know what it is from what you’ve just said. You were never good at hiding things, huh, Oogami.
Kouga: Yeah… I dunno what these “orders” are about, but there’s nothin’ I can do ‘bout it even if it’s annoyin’.
If it’s somethin’ that just involves me, then I can endure it on my own and that’s all hunky dory. It’s when the other people are actin’ all weird compared to their usual selves that I can’t get used to.
Usually, Sakuma-senpai would keep explainin’ about somethin’ even if I’m not listenin’, but it feels really creepy now that he’s keepin’ quiet.
But it’s all because of his “order”, huh.
Thank god. He kept ignorin’ me this whole time, so I thought I touched on a sensitive topic and he started hatin’ me…
Yuuta: Ahaha. So that’s one of the reasons why you’ve been so irritated, huh, Oogami-senpai. Once you feel uneasy, you’d make yourself disagreeable with basically everyone.
By the way, it also seems like the leaders of each unit are also given a “secret order” in addition to their own “order”.
And that “secret order” is not a laughing matter.
Kouga: Huuh? Why do ya know that, Yuuta?
Yuuta: Who knows?
Kouga: You~ What’s with that attitude of yours? We’re your seniors, ya know! Make sure you’re lookin’ at the person you’re talkin’ to in the eye! It’s rude not to!
Yuuta: You surprisingly tend to have an old-fashioned sense of values, like caring about seniority, huh, Oogami-senpai. And you’re the one singing about rock’n’roll and whatnot ♪
Kouga: Whatcha say~...?
Adonis: Calm down, Oogami. Don’t say anything that will agitate him, Yuuta. Right now, Oogami is irritated because he’s worried about Hakaze-senpai.
Yuuta: Yeah, yeah. It makes me envious seeing how everyone in “UNDEAD” always gets along nicely with each other.
Really, just a bit envious…
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