#ughhhh WHY ARE THEY SO HARD TO DRAW!!! god.
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answer the question, shadow
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arc-misadventures · 1 year
Rebirth au: How is sword training going with Juniper has she taught the twins aura slash as a ranged aura attack
Mother Knows
Juniper: Alright kids, watch carefully.
Juniper held her sword aloft, enveloping the blade in her violet aura growing brighter, and brighter until she swung her blade, discharging an arc of pure aura outward. Carving up the ground until it reached its zenith, and exploding, revealing a small crater in the ground as the dust cleared.
JJ: Ohhhhh~! (Clap, clap, clap, clap!)
Juniper: Thank you, thank you~! So, how did I do this kids?
Jaune: Well, you extended your aura so it covered your blade…
Jeanne: Then, as you swung it out, you ‘cut’ it off your sword, and sent it flying?
Jaune: And, then: boom.
Jeanne: Yeah… Boom.
Juniper: Oh how observant of you. You’re right on the money; that’s precisely how I did it.
Jeanne: Seriously?
Jaune: Is that really it?
Juniper: Yep, that’s all there is to it.
Jaune: If it’s that simple, then why is this a family secret? Seems like something anyone could do this.
Juniper: It’s a family secret because if its not taught properly, or if you do not have sufficient enough aura reserves, it can kill you.
Jeanne: Eh?
Jaune: Beg pardon?
Juniper: This technique draws upon a rather large reserve of aura. As you start to master this ability, it will require less aura to form, but the more aura you put into it can cause a greater effect of the blast.
Jaune: And, if someone with a low aura were to do this it could cause them to break their aura, and exhaust them from aura excretion.
Jeanne: And, if they didn’t discharge their aura properly, it could explode in front of them. Like a grenade going off by their feet?
Juniper: Precisely. This is why it is a family secret; Because, Arc’s naturally have large aura reserves. So even if it does explode in your face you should be able to handle it. But, still, we’ll be starting off easy becore we go about blowing things up.
Jaune: Like focusing on encompassing our aura’s on our blades?
Juniper: Bingo bango bongo! So, on your feet you two! And, you should also stand a few feet apart from each other while you’re at it.
Jeanne: In case it explodes?
Jaune: Why would it do that?
Jeanne: Well, we got to put our aura on our blades, which also means we’ve got to put it back.
Jaune: Ahh, like drawing, and sheathing the blade: Practicing so we don’t cut ourselves, or something. Right, Mom?
Juniper: Well it doesn’t appear like I’ll have a hard time teaching you how to do this. Well, get practicing you two.
JJ: On it, Mom!
Jeanne: Ughhhh…
Jaune: That hurts…
Jeanne: It would hurt less to have my aura broken from having someone beat my face in than this.
Jaune: I can handle a beat down, but that felt like someone was jacking me for all my blood…
Jeanne: Gods I wish we had your semblance for this…
Jaune: Shut up…
Jeanne: Right! Sorry…!
Juniper: What was that?
Jaune: Jeanne wishes she could use this technique with her semblance!
Juniper: Hmm… It… could work… Possibly without the use of your aura at that.
Jeanne: Ohh! Maybe I should try practicing with that instead?
Jaune: It would still blow up in your face.
Jeanne: So, I could do it!
Jaune: And, what about the other side effects of using your semblance?
Jeanne: …
Jaune: You said so yourself; You’re still lacking in fine control over it.
Jeanne: Grrr…! Curse you, and your sound logical responses to my brilliant plans.
Jaune: Hehehe!
Jaune: Alright kids, that’s enough for today, we’ll try again tomorrow, okay?
JJ: Okay.
Juniper: Good, no go, and take a bath you two; You reek of sweat, and dirt.
Jeanne: Yay!
Jaune: Separately.
Jeanne: Naww…
13 Days Later
Two large explosions echoed through the air as the dust cleared, and dozens of craters littered the ground. The two, Arc twins fanned the air about them, blowing the dust away from them as the inspected the carnage they wrong upon the forest. They spared a glance at one another before jumping up, and cheering loudly into the sky, it may have taken them a while, but they finally did it, they had mastered the secret Arc family aura slash.
Jeanne: Whoowhoowhoo! We did it!
Jaune: Ten consecutive uses of the aura blasts! We did it! Hahaha!
Juniper: Well done you two! Honestly, I thought this was going to take you longer to master this. Well, you still have some work to do to truly master it, but you have done well. I’m so proud of you!
Jeanne: Thanks, Mom! It was absolutely…! Exhausting… I’m so, so exhausted… Gods I wish you had your semblance already…
Jaune: My semblance would have refilled your aura, you would still be exhaustion from our training.
Jeanne: But, I’m tired from aura exhaustion, I wouldn’t have been so tired if you could replenish my aura after every blast.
Jaune: …
Jaune: That’s a fair assessment. But, you know my semblance wouldn’t help you. At most, you muscles wouldn’t hurt as much, but you’d still be tired.
Jeanne: But, I would still feel better!
Jaune: Look, I don’t have my semblance yet. So I can’t place my arm on you, and force my aura into you.
Jeanne: Then would you care to explain why your hand is glowing?
Jaune: …
Jaune: Oh…
Juniper: What the…!! Jaune, your hand!
Jaune held his hand on his sister’s shoulder, and a golden light spread from him across, Jeanne’s shoulder. She exhaled in relief as she felt the soreness in her muscles fade away, and her aura refill back to its full cpacity.
Jeanne: W-Was that your semblance?!
Jaune: Yeah… That was my semblance…
Jeanne: You got your semblance back! Congratulations, Jaune!
Jaune: I finally have my semblance back! Yes!
Jeanne: This is amazing! Wait, you said your semblance boosts the power of other people’s semblance, right?
Jaune: Yeah, what abou… Wait! No, Jeanne don’t do…?!
Before, Jaune could stop her, a golden ball of fire was sent flying, causing a massive explosion, creating a massive crater where it landed. Lighting the ground on fire in its wake.
Jaune: …?!
Jeanne: Whoa… That was fucking awesome! Hey! With your semblance boosting me, maybe I can trigger the second stage of my semblance!
Jaune: First off: Never do that again! Second, put that out! And, what are you talking about: Second stage?!
Jeanne: My semblance has a second stage that I can trigger when I’m stressed out. I’ve only done it a few times before. But, maybe with your semblance I can activate it more easily!
Jaune: Great, back are the days of, ‘Booster Arc.’ People using my semblance to help boost there own, peachy…
As, Jaune finished grumbling, his body was enveloped in a golden, white light as he stretched out his muscles. Giving a relieved groan as he got the kinks out of his neck.
Jeanne: Uhh… What was that…?
Jaune: Hmm…? Oh that! I can use my semblance on myself to replenish my aura.
Jeanne: That’s amazing!
Juniper: That is quite amazing indeed…
Jaune, and Jeanne’s bodies froze on the spot. They were too engrossed in the fact, Jaune got his semblance back that they forgot that their mother was there. And, worse of all, she overheard everything that had said, or more importantly: What they shouldn’t have said.
Juniper: You know… Your father, and I, as well as the rest of your siblings have noticed some things that happen between the two of you. Small things like knowing how a movie ends yet the movie has yet to come out. Knowing precisely how to swing a sword, despite never holding one before. Or, my personal favourites, your cryptic comments on how you wish to prevent something from happening again. Not from something happening, but from happening again. You’ve mentioned these things so many times before that we started writing it down in a book. Well, enough is enough! You knowing precisely how your semblance works despite the fact you just got it! This is the final nail in the coffin! You are going to tell me, and your father precisely how, and why you know all these things, or there will be hell to pay. Understood?!
Jaune: U-Understood…
Jeanne: We’ll tell you, Mom… But, I don’t think you’ll believe us…
Juniper: I’ll be the judge of that… We’ll talk later; Tille then, go and have a shower.
And, with that, Juniper Arc left, leaving the twins with a dark mood hovering about them. The two shared a look before they slapped themselves in the face.
Jeanne: Damnit… If I wasn’t so excited I wouldn’t have let that slip… I’m sorry, Jaune.
Jaune: It was bound to happen eventually… Besides, you heard what she said; They’ve been writing down all the ‘weird’ stuff we’ve said before.
Jeanne: So this outcome was inevitably going to happen?
Jaune: Fraid so…
Jeanne: So… Now what, what do we do then?
Jaune: We tell them the truth…
Jeanne: And, pray that they believe us?
Jaune: Yeah…
Jeanne: And, what if they don’t believe us; What do we do then…?
Jaune: I… I don’t know…
Jeanne: I was afraid you were going to say that…
Jaune: Yeah… Me too…
Rook three tries, but I finally finished it! Damn internet, cutting out on me.
Do enjoy~!
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the-kr8tor · 4 months
Had to do it to em 🤣🤣🤣 me writing cliffhangers: YES YES!!!
Me reading cliffhangers: NO NO!!!
All I can say is: Hehehehehe 😈
The water bucket bit was my fave part next to miles giving r the drawing. It shows a side of r and hobie that is just very goofy and them just having genuine fun bc *cough* bad childhood *cough*
I'm glad you liked it, bestie!!! Writing this chapter was so hard lmao but I loved writing it sm!!! (I have a love/hate relationship with this chapter lol) oh I'm gonna enjoy writing 7 😏
Love ya! Thank you for reading it and sharing your thoughts!!! ❤️❤️❤️
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almalvo · 1 year
STAR TREK: ENTERPRISE S4E18 "In A Mirror, Darkly Part 1"
oh my god its the freaking scene from the tng star trek movie. of vulcans landing and meeting zefram.
i like scruffy hair archer not hedgehog man XD PORTHOS NO COME BAKCK BEAGLETHOS linda and archer idk about that but also oml how archer caught her knife
oh my god first time we getr to see on screen tholian
im sorry but when archer said "break him"… sorry but some of hte best anger ive seen in post tos star trek series is archer. eugh hearing a dude as the computer voice is so odd majel come bacvk man if i could draw my face while watching all this ent mirrorverse haha blakc haired archer interesting OH MY GODDDA AAAAA ITS AN NC CONSTITUTIONAL CLASS STAR SHIP OH SHIIIT
THE FUCKING GREEEEEEN SHIIIIIIIRRRRRRT IM FUCKING CRYING IM IN TEARS HELLP MEEEEE FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUC FH THE PANTS IM im gonna faint oh my god im going to me l t help help me dude. what a fucking honour it must be to get to wear those clothes, hold those props, press those buttons, see those lights, hear those sounds… from where it all began….. what a f u c k i n g honour. G GG G G GORRRRRRRRRRRRNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
whooAAAAAAAOHAAA seeing that animated gorn hol y shit i miss the disco eyes and the dress BUT IS HE WEARING THE DRESS THOUGH? THE DRESS? sorry seeing archer slide in from archers let was funny they should make a fucking star trek escape room. please. please. why has this not been done yet. PLESE. oh m;y god lok at the interiouir i want my house to ook like this i dont fucking care THE COMMUNICATORSS no but that green shirt works great on archer oh my god tpol has eye shadow THE FUCKING EYE SHADOW ugh the og phaser looks so nice to hold it looks so nice in the hand ugh i love all of it im fucking i cant contain myself OH OHHHH THATTTT GORNNNNNNNN THOUGHHHH??? NO I MISS HIS DISCO EYESSSSSS BRING BACK THE DISCO EYESSSS OH MY GOD HE HAS THE DRESSSS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS THE MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR HEEEE HASS THEEE DRESSSSSSS FUCKKKKKKKK YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 3D CHESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS nobut gorn looked the BEST in tos… am i wrong though. am i wrong. oh my fuck.
im not into mirror linda park and archer lmaoooo ugh yesss the colourful wooden slices for data chips yesss AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA THE WAYYYY HOSHIIIII HOLDS THE KNIFEEEEE SULLUUUUU MY BAAAYYYYBEHHHHHH oof sorry but to see tpol punch like taht is so ummfph please i want to eat a vulcan knuckle sandwich
nah not my linda park sorry but damn she LIVES her roles love it. oml EMPRESS PARK ill TAKE IT.
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megacarapa · 2 years
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i finally got off my ass to compile all these into a post, heres all the stuff i made at the ceramics class i went to *checks date* 3 MONTHS AGO??? by lord time moves fast these days
individual/process photos under the cut, fair warning for a loooot of pictures like a LOT
general process pics
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plate 1
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plate 2 + whatever this heart shape thing is
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maja ended up taking both of them to use for jewelry as pictured above, by this point i feel the need to explain that the entire time i was in this class i had no fucking idea what i was doing and didnt really prepare in the sense of think about what kind of stuff i want to make, so i just spent the whole time making random stuff (except for 2 which i will show in a bit) hence this random heart and whatever this alien colored thing up next is
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^im thinking im probably gonna gift this to my neighbour to use as an ashtray
another random one but im gonna use it as a candle holder
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random figures i made while trying to figure out what to make next that i didnt think would survive the bake but the prof baked them anyway and they... kinda survived but they both just kept going through accident after accident and ended up Like That
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they’ve been through it all DFGDFGDFG the reason why the snowman is green is bc when we were painting them it took me a while to paint all of my stuff so by the time i was finishing my last one they were already packing up all the colors and when i finished i noticed i forgot to paint the snowman and green was one of the only colors left so i just. dipped him in the green real quick so now hes a fucked up little alien snowman
it begs the question of is it better to exist in a non-fucked up state or to just not exist at all? they may both be fucked up but i made them and theyre mine and i love them so much.
onto the last 2 things which are the ones im actually really happy with - this plate (?? english is hard) for holding cake i made at mom’s request
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and this cat bowl i made trying to make sth like this
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lots of pictures bc its my pride and joy lmao i love it SO MUCH😭😭 i was origianlly planning to draw a face like >.< on the cat but as i said i was rushing to finish all the painting and completely forgot to draw a face sdgdfg, but judging from how well the face on the other cat ended up maybe its better this way
and so while i was actually attending the class i had no ideas of what i wanted to make but i swear to god the SECOND i finished the class i started seeing a bunch of cool ceramics everywhere and being like OMG I WANNA MAKE THAT I WANNA MAKE THAT but i CANT anymore bc the class is over and UGHHHH I MISS CERAMICS SO MUCH TAKE ME BACK BABY I PROMISE IVE CHANGED OTL
in summary this class was really nice and i obviously still have a shit ton to learn so im really hoping i can do something like this again in the future o(-(
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chromes-corner · 2 years
i keep asking 4 characters on the bingo thingy but i can’t help myself
so… dark cacao & caramel arrow ?
im doing caramel arrow first >:)
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caramel arrow is fucking cool. i love her outfit so fucking much ughhhh its so pretty the black and white motif of the dc kingdom is my EVERYTHING!!!! AND HER FUCKING WEAPON???? DUAL BLADES THAT ATTACH INTO A BOW???? THATS LITERALLY WICKED I WANT ONE OF THOSE!!!! also i eat up strong female characters like theyre my last meal on earth i just adore her resolve and her loyalty and her STRENGTH shes a BOSS of the GIRL NATURE
despite me loving her so so much, i cant help but feel as though she got SHAFTED in the story relevance department. the only role she really plays in the 13-14 story is that shes the means by which gingergang infiltrates the castle. thats honestly all she really does???? and thats SO DISAPPOINTING!!!!!!!! she couldve been so much more!!!!!!!!!! not to mention how she acts when she finally finds dark cacao. instead of, i dont know, yelling at him for abandoning her and the rest of the kingdom and saying that his long-winded message of telling her to get help was fucking STUPID, she just kisses his ass and says “ok lets go fight!! i never gave up on you!!” LIKE DUDE SHOW SOME SELF-RESPECT AND SAY “HEY MY KING IM LOYAL TO YOU BUT YOURE FUCKING TERRIBLE AT THIS!!!”
THEY DIDNT EVEN LET HER GET REVENGE ON AFFOGATO LIKE GRRRR ok i get its rated like 12+ so they couldnt have her straight up murder him BUT STILL!!!!! she couldve put an arrow in that bitch’s back as he was running away. damn. caramel arrow should be allowed to murder because shes hot. but the recent bond story with her and affo is really fucking funny though so ill let this one slide.
 another thing is that i wanted to badly for her to have a one-on-one with dark choco the way he and dark cacao had. like, i wanted her to have a chance to ask him why. surely he doesnt have a vendetta against her like he did with his father???? he probably wouldve spoken with her, albeit briefly, considering she was literally his apprentice or something. we couldve learned so much about dark choco before the whole sword thing went down and about dark cacao back in those times. sighhhhh the girlboss was gatekeeped :( 
i really like her but once again she falls a little flat because the story doesnt give her a ton to do which sucks so hard :pensive: ily caramel arrow youre my homie forever <3
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i have very conflicting opinions about the king of not-my-problem. do I think he's hot? unabashedly. Do I think he's a terrible person? also unabashedly.
ill start with what i like. first off........ patrick seitz is a fucking phenomenal voice actor and GOD he really nails it with dark cacao. he's on my list of voices that i want to read me bedtime stories. second off, god am i a sucker for his design. the big chunky armor hits me right in my paladin soul. the color palette is so simple yet so striking, and i love how his violet-tinted grays and blacks contrast with his sons warmer tones. that's a neat little detail that really differentiates them and draws the generational line further beyond just ideals and alignment.
theres so much to fucking unpack about this man when it comes to personality and dialogue. i do NOT feel like going back and reading through that again until the emotional damage from the first time wears off, so just roll with me here. god FUCKING damn he actually got an entire arc for his personality and it STANDS OUT. pv and hb remained mostly static throughout their stories but dark cacao got the fucking special treatment and ughhhhh its so good.
i just...... excuse the pun but i adore how his soul jams theme is actually baked into his arc. with the other two ancients, it was their jams trait (light of truth and light of passion) that HELPED them finish their arcs, because they had both lost those things along the way and their journeys were about reacquiring pv's missing truth and hb's faded passion. with cacao, its his jam's trait, his own resolution was the very thing that was HINDERING him. he was so set in his ways BECAUSE he still had his strong resolution that he failed to realize that HE was the problem with his kingdom and his relationship with his son. god FUCKING damn that subversion from the norm WAS SO FUCKING REFRESHING AND I COULD GO ON ABOUT THIS FOREVER BUT I WONT!!!! THIS IS ALREADY SO LONG AND I HAVE ANOTHER THING TO GO OVER OK
okay so... theres something i really dont like about him. dark cacao is a terrible fucking king and dark choco was mostly in the right to try and make him change his ways (obviously he shouldn't have sought out a cursed sword to do so, as only bad things can come of that but still). all dark cacao could focus on was the wall. somewhere along the line he made it HIS burden alone to protect the world from the licorice sea, and because he put all his time and resources into that, others suffered because of it. his neglect is what caused the villages under the rule of his kingdom to waste away into ruin. hell, even citizens living in the CITADEL were suffering, for christs sake. resources were being depleted for this one project until there was nearly nothing left. my man may be earthbread's top emo model, but mans a FUCKING TERRIBLE KING. AND THE KICKER????????? NOT FUCKING ONCE DOES HE ACKNOWLEDGE THE DAMAGE HES DONE IN HIS NEGLECT!!!!!!!! NOT EVEN A FUCKING "HEY IM SORRY I BASICALLY ABANDONED EVERYONE BECAUSE I WAS TOO BUSY FIGHTING MY DEMONS FOR THIRTY YEARS" FUCKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hes cool in odyssey tho
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smileybokuto · 3 years
Fool Of Myself | Chapter Two | dinner
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Chapter: dinner
wc: 1.7k
warnings: self insert 
a/n: I am mentioned. I wanted to be y/ns best friend
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    Y/n and Kageyama hold eye contact for a minute before she smiles at him and looks back at the others trying to resemble some composer. 
    “I’m sorry. I’m Y/n Ushijima. Nice to finally meet you all.” Y/n smiles. “Sorry for being so rude before. I wasn’t expecting anyone else to be here.” A light blush spread across all the young men's faces as they gawked at Y/n. 
     “You weren’t being rude! It was our fault for not telling you! We’re sorry.” Romero scratches the back of his head, smiling. 
     “Oh no.” Y/n chuckles. “You’re our guest. Are you all hungry? I was just about to start cooking.”
     “We can just go out and eat.” Ushijima laughs. “My treat. Come join us little one.”
     “When will that nickname ever die.” Y/n laughs. “If it isn’t too much trouble for everyone else.”
     “Not a problem.”
     “I don’t have a problem.”
     “Please join us!” 
     “Yeah…the company would be nice.”
     “Okay. Let me just change.” Y/n makes her way past the team to her room. After shutting the door she sank down to the ground and groaned into her hands. “Oh my god… why?” Y/n could feel her chest tighten and she sat there taking deep breaths. 
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     While in the living room everyone’s eyes were on Kageyama. It was Hoshiumi who spoke up first. 
      “How could you break up with her?!?!” He whispered. 
      “I-... Shut up.” Kageyama crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. But he couldn’t stop thinking about the way Y/n smiled at him. He was hurt, Y/n smile was definitely forced, if you didn’t know her it was hard to tell but that was not the smile he remembered. It was distant and lonely. But somehow Y/n still managed to draw his eyes. Kageyama was growing more and more agitated with his teammates who were gushing about how beautiful Y/n was. Kageyama and Ushijima retreated to his room. Ushijima was concerned for his sister, he could tell that she was forcing a smile.  
      “I’m concerned about Y/n.” Ushijima mumbles. 
       “She doesn’t seem like her normal self. I noticed. It’s probably because we blindsided her with our arrival.” Kageyama says with a heavy sigh. “Or it could be that she is uncomfortable with us being here.”
       “Do you think so?” Kageyama nods. They sit there in silence for a minute before they hear Y/n’s soft voice. Kageyama’s head springs up and he looks to the door. Somehow the air became thicker and it was hard to breathe. Ushijima made his way to the door and Kageyama hesitantly followed behind him. 
        “Are you guys ready?” Y/n asks peeking her head into the living room where all the guys were sitting. 
        “Yeah. Let’s go.” Ushijima says walking out from his room with Kageyama. 
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        On the walk to the restaurant Y/n stayed at Wakatoshi’s side, with Sokolov standing next to her holding a conversation about Ushijima on the team. Hoshiumi, Romero and Kageyama follow behind.
        “You look sad Tobio.” Hoshiumi says looking over to the setter who hasn’t taken his eyes off of Y/n the entire time. 
        “Hmm..” Kageyama replied on instinct without actually paying attention. 
        “Hey.” Romero chuckles, nudging Kageyama’s shoulder. 
        “Yeah?” Kageyama finally looks at Romero who nods towards a fuming Hoshiumi.
        “I was just trying to be nice and you ignore me.” 
        “I’m sorry…” Kageyama replied puzzled. 
        “You could at least look like you’re sorry.” Hoshiumi mumbles. “But i’ll forgive you since you're in love.”
        “Huh?!?!” Kageyama shouts and slaps his hand over his mouth after realizing how loud he was. Kageyama’s eyes locked with Y/n who broke eye contact and looked at Hoshiumi who was shocked that Kageyama was that red and shocked. Kageyama was as red as a tomato as he cleared his throat getting ready to talk. 
         “Are you guys alright?” Y/n asked looking with concern laced in their eyes. And just like that all the words Kageyama was about to say disappeared and all he could do was nod. 
         “We’re fine! Don’t worry! Hoshiumi just said that Kageyama’s sets were off during practice.” Romero laughs, a look of realization comes across Y/n’s face and then a sadness flashed across her face before being replaced by a small smile. 
         “Really? I didn’t think his sets were off.” Wakatoshi nods. Kageyama looked very uncomfortable and couldn’t bring himself to look up and met Y/n’s gaze. 
         “Well of course not silly. Hoshiumi said it was off for him. You two are different people.” Y/n giggles dragging Ushijima with them. Y/n glances back at Kageyama who was still swaying from foot to foot eyes to the ground. That little gesture didn’t go unnoticed by the team. 
         “Oh?” Romero cocks his head to the side. “Maybe it isn’t just our king.” Romero slinks his arm around Kageyama’s shoulder. 
          “Don’t call me that?” Kageyama scoffs and shrugs his arm off. “Let’s go before they leave us.” 
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         Dinner was awkward to say the least. The team made sure to sit Y/n next to Kageyama. They were sitting so tightly together Y/n and Kageyama couldn’t stop from brushing against each other. They were almost pressed together. Kageyama was scowling at Romero and Sokolov who were sitting at the end hogging up all the extra room. Y/n looked over to Kageyama and saw him scowling, she tried to move over but she didn’t want to be on top of Hoshiumi anymore than she was. 
       “Um...is there anyway we can get a bigger table.” Kageyama looks down and sees how squished Y/n was, unconsciously he moved his arm behind her onto the back of the booth to make room for them. “O-oh, thanks.” Kageyama couldn’t speak so he just nodded and looked around the cafe. 
       “I didn’t know Kageyama had moves.” Kageyama’s head swiveled to look at Sokolov who had made the comment. A light tint of pink dusting his cheeks before he clicked his tongue and looked away again. Kageyama was still tongue tied, Y/n looked over at the setter who looked annoyed and embarrassed. 
       Y/n sat next to him thinking, ‘He’s probably annoyed that he has to sit next to me. It’s not like I want to be next to you either but at least pretend like I am. He hasn’t even said hi to me. OR even said a word to me. Does he hate me that much? Why is he upset? He broke up with me. Ugh whatever. I just need to get through this.’ 
       Kageyama sat overheating while overthinking in his head. ‘God she’s so close. What do I do? Fuck. Can she hear my heart beating this hard? What do I do? Dammit. I can’t even speak. What would Hinata do?Ughhhh! I don’t know. What is the best move here? Shit. She’s so beautiful. I can’t do this. I-Fuck. Please stop getting closer to me. Romero move OVER! For fucks sake you’re practically pushing her onto me. She doesn’t want this. She’s uncomfortable. Dammit. Fuck. Shit.’ Hoshiumi was goofing around and accidently pushed Y/n over onto Kageyama who caught her. 
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      “Oh I’m sorry Y/n.” Hoshiumi apologized. 
      “It’s okay. No damage done.” Y/n sighs and moves back onto the booth. 
      “Stop goofing around.” Kageyama’s tone was harsh and both Y/n and Hoshiumi flinched. Kageyama instantly regretted speaking.
       “Hi, my name is Cherry. Can I take your order?”
       “Uhh yeah one moment.” Sokolov says realizing the tension in the air was thick. 
       “Can I start you guys off with something to drink?”
       “Vegan strawberry milkshake.” Kageyama and Y/n say at the same time. They both looked at each other as all eyes drew to them. 
       “Sure thing.” 
       “Ugh yeah.” Y/n nods and looks at Ushijima who had gone back to studying the menu. 
      After ordering they went back to an awkward silence. Till Y/n couldn’t bear it anymore, after realizing no one was going to break it she decided she had to. 
       “So you guys are here for a game right?” 
       “Oh yeah against the Jackals!” Hoshiumi responds. 
       “Oh you mean Shoyo’s team!” Y/n chirps up. 
       “You know Hinata?” Hoshiumi asks, eyes twinkling.
       “Yeah, we were good friends. Oh I know Bokuto and Atsumu too. They're dating my friend.”
       “Wait both of them?!?!” 
       “Genesis’s dating four of them I think. Hinata, Bokuto, Akaashi and Atsumu. Right?” Kageyama says deeply in thought.
        “Yeah. I’m pretty sure. Genesis is only dating them.” Y/n nods.
        “Four?!? People?!” the table erupts. 
        “Yeah.” Kageyama, Ushijima and Y/n all say confused expressions on their faces. 
        “I-okay. Then.”  Romero says, baffled by how nonchalant they were about it.
        “That is not normal.” Kageyama scowled at Sokolov for saying such a thing. 
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        “So? They are happy.” Kageyama’s tone was quite sour and the conversation died down quickly. 
        “My bad. You’re right.” Sokolov nods. 
        “How is Hinata dating four people and I can’t even get one!!” Hoshiumi groans and the table laughs. 
        “You’re too annoying.” Ushijima nods. 
        “Toshi.” Y/n gasps, then looks over at the now deflated Hoshiumi. “Don’t listen to him. You just haven’t found the right person that’s all.”
        “Y/n you are a goddess. Why is your brother so mean to me?” Hoshiumi asks while holding Y/n’s hand. 
        “I don’t know.” Y/n pats his head and glares over at Ushijima. “Toshi, that wasn’t very nice.”
        “But is it not true?” 
        “No! Toshi? People like people. That’s it. He just hasn’t found his person yet.” 
        “That makes no sense.” Ushijima responds. 
        “Yes it does, don’t you and (Cherry Soda!Y/n) like each other?” 
        “Well no…” The table went silent for a minute before Ushijima spoke again. “We love each other.” 
        “Sometimes I wonder how we are related.” 
        “You were adopted.”  
        “That would make sense.” Y/n chuckles rolling her eyes.
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xiaojusaur · 4 years
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Pairing: Ten x Reader
Genre: Smut
Warning: Piercings kink, masturbation, unprotected sex, orgasm denial
Word Count: 3.7K
Description: Your roommate Ten gets a new piercing somehow interesting, which wakes a hot curiosity in you.
You and your roommate Ten never had interest in each other. Your friends, his, and even random people thought it was pretty weird for a guy and a girl to live together and not even want to touch a hair of each other. They thought you two fucked like bunnies all around the house when in reality you just spent most of the time studying or just chilling.
Ten did bring girls to his room, but that was none of your business. You always told him that as long as he can keep it down, you didn’t care. But it doesn’t happen often either. Ten is pretty chill, he just likes to photograph everything, draw, and play the guitar. Even though he is kinda pervy, you always take it as a joke.
He really likes piercings, you thought he had like eight of them, counting the ones he just got recently: the nipple piercings he’ve always wanted.
He came one Friday shirtless and all giggly. But before you asked, you noticed the four little diamonds decorating his nipples. “No way!” You exclaimed.
“Yes way! I just got them! Finally!” He giggled.
“Did it hurt?” You were genuinely curious.
“Hell yeah! And now my nipples are sensitive,” he said as he poked them with the tip of his forefingers.
Not lying, they looked really nice on him. Any girl would be thriving to touch them. But since he was your roommate and now your best friend, you were weirded out.
Two weeks later, he arrived at the apartment too excited. You were doing the dishes as you heard the door. He came all jumpy, “Hi, Y/N!”
“Hello Ten,” you smiled, raising your eyes from the plate you were washing.
“Guess what?” He said all bubbly, smiling that 1000 watts of smile he has.
“Umm... you got a girlfriend?” You took a wild guess.
He grimaced, “No! That’s so not me, what the fuck?”
“I don’t know, you’re kinda unpredictable sometimes,” you shrugged.
He sat on the countertop, waiting for you to guess again.
“I just cleaned that! Now it gots your ass all over it!” You complained.
“Oh honey, you’re gonna need more than that. Do you know how many girls I’ve fucked here?” He was teasing you.
“Gross,” you pushed him.
“Anyways, I got another piercing!” He applauded for himself. You swear he had problems sometimes.
“Really? What did you get this time?” You asked not amused at all, while resuming your dishwashing.
“A Prince Albert,” he murmured.
“A what now?” You said confused.
“It’s a piercing I can only tell you what I got. I can’t show you,” he explained.
“And why is that?” You questioned cluelessly.
“Because it’s on my dick,” he said shamelessly, so much that you thought he was joking.
“I don’t believe you,” you said, a smile starting to form on your face.
“I swear it! Do you wanna see?” He did as he was about to unbutton his pants, but you stopped him with a shriek. “NO! No... I don’t wanna see that.”
“So are you gonna believe me now?” He was smirking.
“Yeah, totally,” you said not challenging him anymore.
Ten was your friend and he acted cute and bubbly most of the time, but he also was very dangerous. He would do ANYTHING to prove you wrong, even if it meant to show you his dick. And being honest with yourself, as soon as he said where was the piercing, an unusual curiosity awoke in you.
“So why did you choose that one?” You asked.
“Well, I read it increases the sensation when having sex, for both me and the other person, I also heard it drives girls crazy just by finding it out,” he gave you his usual devilish smile.
“I can’t believe you,” you said while shooking your head no, but also laughing.
He’s your roommate, naturally you’ve seen him even in just underwear. Ten is really attractive, you don’t understand why he doesn’t have a girlfriend yet. He has a great figure, he’s also a sweetheart, the whole package. But probably he just wants to play around, since he knows how hot he is.
Your friends can’t understand how you guys haven’t jumped into each other yet. They can’t even believe you haven’t even kissed. It’s not like you don’t want because there are times you’re feeling lonely and just want someone to cuddle with, but you don’t let yourself get tempted.
That night, you couldn’t sleep well. Maybe it was that you ate late or maybe it was the thought of Ten’s piercing lingering in your mind. You were rolling on your bed, uneasy, groaning because you just wanted to sleep. So in the loneliness and darkness of your bedroom, for the first time, you found yourself with your hand between your legs, touching yourself, unconsciously thinking about Ten. In your quick release, his name escaped your lips in a low moan. When you came back to yourself you panicked. Why did you do that?! What were you thinking?!
You got out of bed and walked to the kitchen to get some water, to calm yourself and to see if it made you rest better. What you didn’t expect was to see Ten on the couch, watching TV in just a pair of boxers and an unzipped sweater. You couldn’t conceal your shocked face but you could blame it on your still asleep brain.
“Are you alright?” he asked concerned.
“Yeah... I just can’t sleep well,” you said with a groggy voice. You brushed your hair back while walking to get a glass of water. “What time is it, Ten?” You asked from the kitchen.
“It’s 3 AM,” he replied.
You came to the couch and sat by his side with your glass of water, looking to the TV but not really watching it. You finished your water, took the glass back to the kitchen, and were about to go back to sleep when Ten stopped you. “Do you need help?”
You were so confused, “I’m sorry, what?”
“Do you need help? To sleep I mean, I can... give you a massage or something. Are you stressed?” Poor Ten, little did he know he was the reason of your insomnia. Maybe his massage would help you so you accepted, “A massage would be nice.”
“Turn around,” he motioned with your finger so you could give him your back. He quickly placed his hands on your shoulders and started to massage them, as well as you back with his thumbs. His hands were magical, you felt lighter instantly. His hands glided to your back, massaging tenderly your shoulder blades with his fine fingers. You closed your eyes, relaxing, trying to get back to sleep.
He touched a knot spot, an indication of the finals’ stress. “Oh... that’s the spot...” you moaned when he massaged there, pressing harder.
This wasn’t helping, on the contrary, it was adding up to your arousal. You hoped he hadn’t noticed your hardening nipples under your silk pajama shirt.
You felt he was stopping and in a way, it was a relief. You could just go back to sleep, forget about your thoughts and act as if nothing happened the next day.
But suddenly you felt his lips on the side of your neck and your body entered in panic mode instantly. Was it your mind playing games or was this real?
“What are you doing?!” You screamed alarmed.
“I-I’m sorry... I went with the flow... I shouldn’t have done that...” he stuttered.
What should you say? You liked it, you wanted more.
Between your shock and your desire, you don’t know how it happened, but your lips crashed with his, full of want. He was kissing you back, fiercely, passionately, with all the lust both of you were holding inside during all this time.
You straddled him on the couch and he quickly placed his hands on your back, pulling you closer while never stopping from kissing you. Since he was just in boxers, you could feel his member starting to get hard, so you started moving your hips back and forth, grinding on him.
“Oh...” he moaned, throwing his head back. He kissed your neck hungrily while you continued to grind on him.
“Tell me something,” he said panting.
“Since when you’ve been wanting this?” He slipped the straps of your pajama shirt from your shoulders to then kiss there.
“I- I don’t know... something changed when you told me about the piercing. I guess you were right,” you confessed.
“About,” kiss, “what?” kiss.
“It did drove me crazy.” You could feel his smirk on the crook of your neck, but he didn’t give you time to think, biting your neck softly. You moaned and now he was fully hard, you could feel it right there on your shorts.
“Do you wanna find out if it’s true what they say?” He suggested.
“More than anything,” you said out of breath.
He groaned and asked, “Your bed or mine?”
“Mine,” you decided and he just lifted you and walked to your room.
He threw you on the bed and quickly hovered over you. He attacked your neck with such hunger, you were starting to believe he was a vampire. His lips went south, over your shirt, which he raised a little to expose your navel. He kissed his way back up, taking the shirt with him. He licked his lips and then took a nipple in his mouth, licks and nibbles making you wetter by the second.
His hands caressed your legs to then land right at your core. Since you were sleeping, you didn't have underwear, you were all at his mercy, all exposed for him.
When his fingers found your wet and naked folds he hummed and said, “So you’re one those, huh?”
“Shut up! I’m in my house. I could be naked if I wanted to,” you complaint but stopped as soon as his middle finger reached your clit.
“Hmm... you’re so wet,” he pointed out.
“Please Ten, just fuck me already,” you twisted on the bed.
“Ugh, so impatient. Let me prepare you first,” and as soon as he said this, he inserted a finger inside you, your mouth falling open. A few pumps later and he inserted another one, making you arch your back. “Fuck Ten,” you moaned. His fingers reached deep and he was going so fast you thought you were gonna explode right there. You were a moaning mess, not caring if anyone heard. “Oh my God! God!!! You’re so good with those fingers! Yes!!!! Ohhhhh... fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!” You gasped at the last fuck.
“Are you gonna cum?” He asked with his devilish smirk.
“Ughhhh! Yes!! Keep going! I’m there!” you keened. His thumb started to rub your clit while his fingers were deep into you, pressing your sweet spot just right. You felt your orgasm getting closer, so you just succumbed into the feeling, exploding with a heavy breath, clenching his fingers and trembling like you’ve never had before.
He let you come back from your high to then whisper in your ear, “we’re not done yet, baby,” giving you the most delicious goosebumps ever. He removed your shorts, leaving you all naked on the bed, all for him to enjoy and devour.
He threw the sweater to the floor and then took off his boxers, his member springing free.
You’ve never seen him naked before, but he was perfect. His dick wasn’t too long but it wasn’t short either. On the tip, you saw the freshly put ring, just a ball closing it, shiny with precum.
You licked your lips on the thought of having that inside you, you couldn’t wait anymore. You spread your legs in front of him, letting him know you were all ready to receive him. He just chuckled and you smirked back at him.
“What?” he asked pretending to be innocent.
“You scared?” You challenged him.
“Not at all, are you?” he shot back at you.
“Can I... fuck you bare?” he asked before placing himself between your legs.
“I don’t know, can you?” you challenged him again.
“Stop being sassy! I’m being serious,” he laughed.
“Only if you pull out,” you joked.
“I’m not so sure I can,” he doubted.
“I’m joking! If you’re clean, sure,” you said this time being serious.
“I am, I always wear condoms and I have recent tests, but I wanna know how does it feel bare and who better than my roommate?” he smiled and you almost go soft for him if it wasn’t for the moment.
“I feel touched,” you said placing your hand on your chest dramatically.
“You’re about to be,” he winked.
He got closer, your legs spreading a little more to make him fit. You were attentive to every move he made, expectantly.
He took his member in his hand and started rubbing the tip on your heat, teasing you, collecting your wetness. The ring felt so cold it made you jolt, the feeling was great on your bundle of nerves. “Oh... that feels good,” you let him know in a whisper. He started looking for your entrance, and when he found it he placed his tip there, teasing your hole.
“Shit, Ten, please...” you begged.
He then pushed himself in oh so slowly, it was torture. It had been so long you’ve been with someone and Ten noticed as he moaned, “Oh God, baby, you’re so tight.” The burning sensation of the stretch was making you grasp the sheets, all in a failed attempt to not moan.
When he was all in, he pulled his hips back slowly, making you feel empty, to then fill you again.
“Shiiiit, baby I feel so nice!” He groaned as he gripped your hips to pound into you.
It was sinful, the way that ring felt inside your walls and the way it brushed your clit, it had you with your eyes rolling back. You had to hold from his arms to keep yourself grounded because such a sinful act had you almost in heaven.
“Hold me tight,” he said panting. You did as told and that’s when he increased his pace, the bed creaking, your legs flying everywhere with each hip thrust. “Oh! Fuck, fuck, fuck! Don’t stop!!!” you keened. He kept that pace for a while and then he pushed your legs to your chest. He slid almost all of himself from you but then he was thrusting you with only his tip, the ball of the piercing teasing your clit while his tip slid in and out of you.
“Mmmm.... please!” you whined.
“Please what?” He asked playfully.
“I’m gonna cum so hard on that dick!” you growled.
“Oh yeah?” Ugh! Such a tease! “How about I do this?” He kept thrusting you but started circling your clit with his thumb.
“Ah! Yes! Keep doing that!” You screamed, he just liked to see you suffer.
“You like that?” he smirked.
“Gosh! I love it! I love your dick!!” You screamed at the top of your lungs.
You felt the pressure on your pelvis trying to snap and you let him know. Big mistake.
“You’re not cumming yet, baby. The night is long,” he said mocking you and stopped working your clit, making you whine.
He kissed you sloppily and whispered on your lips, “Ride me,” as he leaned back, waiting for you to do as told.
You crawled on the bed and quickly straddled him. He took his length by the base, waiting for you to sit on it. You aligned your entrance with his length and this time he entered easier. The sensation of the piercing was double somehow, which made you throw your head back and groan. He placed his hands on each side of your hips, holding you, guiding you. “That’s it, baby,” he praised.
You moved back and forth, every movement made the ring rub on your walls and clit nicely. One of his hands ran up your torso to land on one of your breasts, squeezing it and playing with your nipple.
In the heat of the moment you moaned, “Fuck Ten, you’re so sexy.”
“So are you, baby. I’ve been wanting to try this pussy for a long time,” he confessed.
“Oh really?” you asked still not stopping your ministrations.
“Yeah, but I didn’t want to ruin our cute roommate relationship,” his hand fell back to your hip.
“So I’ve been dick thirsty this whole time and you never offered yourself? That’s mean,” you joked.
“You never asked,” he shot back.
Were you really having a conversation mid-sex?!
He heavy breathed and then said, “Go faster please, jump on it.”
“Ugh, you’re so demanding,” you rolled your eyes but followed instructions anyways. You started slowly but you felt like with every jump his dick reached the sweet spot deep in you. He set up the pace guiding you with his hands. He had you jumping faster by the minute, his hips meeting you halfway, the slapping sound of your thighs and his crashing with each other invading the room.
“Oh, baby don’t stop,” he moaned. You placed your hands on his chest to have better stability.
“Fuck Ten! It feels really good!” You screamed, not caring if the neighbors heard.
“Yeah? You like it like this?” He pushed his hips up harder, making your head buzz from pleasure.
“Yes!!! God, please fuck me harder!” You weren’t thinking straight, your head was clouded with lust.
“Your wish is my command,” he said through greeted teeth as he drilled into you with all the force he could. You thought the bed would break but apparently was resistant to anything.
His thrusts were getting sloppy and he let you know why, “where do you want it, baby?”
“Shit! Come inside me!” You said unconsciously.
“A-are you sure?” He stuttered.
“Fuck yeah!” You panted, “don’t worry.”
With a deeper thrust and a strangled moan, he released inside you, the warmth making you come with him. You crashed on his chest, all sweaty and beaten.
A few minutes later, when you had recovered energy, he started running his hands on your back absentmindedly. “Are you okay?” He asked in a soft whisper.
“Yeah, just tired,” you murmured.
“I should go so you can sleep.” He started to move but you stopped him, “No, stay with me.”
“Do you wanna cuddle?” he smiled.
“Yeah, it’s kinda cold.” You rolled to the side so he could spoon you. You pulled the sheets to cover you both.
You were getting sleepy, but before drifting away you looked at your phone to look at the clock: 6:30AM. You definitely were gonna oversleep but fuck it.
You woke up disorientate at the sound of knocks on your door. The warmth of Ten’s body felt nice, he was deep asleep, his little snores making him sound so cute.
“Y/N!!!! Are you okay?! Are you alive?!” you heard from outside. Are we kidding? Those were your friends, what did they want?
You looked at the clock: 2:00PM! Fuck! That’s why! You never sleep that late! You panicked when you remembered one of them had a key to your apartment.
“Shit...” you muttered.
“Mmm... what happened?” Ten murmured in his sleepy voice, still with his eyes closed.
“My friends are here...” you whispered.
“So what?” He cuddled you closer to him, making you giggle.
“Ten, baby, one of them has a key,” you said concerned.
“Whatever,” he pulled you closer and kissed the tip of your nose. You kissed his lips instead.
“What’s gonna happen now?” you asked.
“About what?” he caressed your hair.
“Well... we kinda had sex and you are my roommate. Is it gonna get awkward?”
“No. We can make the rumors become truth now,” he gave you a sleepy smile and you swear you haven’t seen something more beautiful before.
“What do you mean?” you giggled.
In that moment someone opened the door and you pulled your sheet closer, as you were naked.
“Oh... OH! Did we interrupted something?” your friend had a smirk already.
Before you could respond, Ten talked, “Yeah, can’t you see we’re in the middle of something PRIVATE here?” He was being sassy!
“Oh, so the rumors were true?” She raised an eyebrow.
“Probably,” he stated.
“Y/N, missy, we gotta talk,” your friend said as she closed the door again.
A few minuted later you received a text from her: So you were fucking with Ten all this time? When did you think to tell me? 👀
You laughed and showed him, he laughed with you. “I don’t know why everyone is so surprised. It was bound to happen,” Ten said, expecting a reaction from you.
“Bound to happen?” you scoffed.
“Oh don’t act so innocent! You like me, you just didn’t had the guts to tell me. But I did you a favor, I like you too,” he predicted. There he was, being his usual sassy self.
“Do you now?” you said as you rolled your eyes.
“Yeah, now, can we skip the cheesy part of this and jump to the part where we make babies?” he suggested.
“TEN!” You gasped.
“Shut up! Come here,” he rolled on the bed to get on top of you and started kissing you, as you wrapped your arms around his neck. It promised to be a busy Saturday.
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Season 3 episode 5 commentary with my sister:
Remember when I said I knew what was going to happen? LOL to me and my emotions
No, dude go visit your mom!
You and Zoe both need better excuses than “I’m sick”
Sidenote...I am really loving this new location
No Jens, everything is not chill thanks for asking though
Robbe you don’t need weed! You need to talk
No one cares about the broerrrs right now
Noor and him fighting are the least of his problems
Thanks for finally being interested in his life Jens
I mean yeah she wants to have sex, but not really on his list of problems 
Sex is overrated? Is that because you have toothpaste? 
Please stop talking about this with him
Jens’ advice in a nutshell: Have sex, don’t have sex, its “eh”, but c’est la vie 
Incorrect, Jens. She likes him and he likes Sander. Thanks for playing though.
Fucking hell….you’re telling the wrong person you miss them! I don’t have time for this Robbe
Yeah thanks for your shitty advice, but I’m glad you’re being a friend
Oh no no no no!! I don’t like the looks of this at all
Also, what happened to firefighter Robbe from the vlogs? All these candles are a fire hazard
Actually this whole fucking situation is a hazard
Robbe stop! Abort!
*face palms*
I want to feel bad for her but I’m too focused on feeling bad for him
That is not the face of a guy who is enjoying this (robbe takes off her bra)
Wait...did it happen or not?
His face is making me feels level of sad I didn’t know existed
Thank fucking christ that didn’t happen
Oh she is so sweet, I feel bad for her
There will be no next time
Pause it! I know I joke a lot but the fact that he even felt the need to try this is making me so fucking sad…like he tries so hard to be who he isn’t and i hate that for him. And whoever this actor is, is playing the hell out of this character. Bravo my dude….okay play *sighs*
Sweet lord we are only 7 minutes in??
Milan, I know there are weird ass windows on the door but feel free to knock
Read the room, Milan! He is in turmoil, we don’t have time for your shirts!
Yes! Talk to him..thank you!
Hahahhaha Milan you might need more than 15 minutes
You can do it, Robbe. You need to get this out
Repeat after me..”I think I’m gay”  you can do it!
Robbe, my love, that kiss suggests that you are in fact into him
Milan is me, I am Milan, we are one
Why must people always mention Noor when he is trying to open up, can we just focus on Robbe?
Milan, give me your number I am looking for a therapist
This is everything Robbe needed to hear
You are normal! You’re just a little confused and sad right now
Scratch that, you aren’t just normal you are fucking phenomenal 
When Milan speaks, we all listen
*whispers* this scene is so good
Milan for President! Our president is garbage so the job is all yours
He IS looking better! Thanks for noticing, Jens. Look at you with your 20/20 vision
LOOOOL matchmaker? I hope no one is paying you because you suck at it
Hey now ,“shitty” is a bit of an exaggeration
he’s going to do it!
NOOOOO don’t say “her”!!
His face..
Oh wtf!! He was trying to talk...AGAIN! Ughhhh
Robbe needs some sunscreen
Noor is back...cool?
Hopefully you ain’t gonna be “with him” much longer
This is an odd song choice for this atmosphere
Robbe out here making confetti while having an existential crisis and Noor is ordering soup 
You looked it up? Did it happen to say “possibly gay” under the list of causes?
Time for yourself? So no Sander?
Yeah this is definitely an odd song choice
Sorry, Noor...you’re sweet but he’s gotta go
Robbe pick up your damn trash!
She will in fact NOT be enjoying that (the soup😂)
I respect him for actually ending it
Wait where are we?
He doesn’t know his own school?
AHHH! Sander!
Omg I’m fucking dumb..it’s Sander’s school...I hate me
Me and Robbe have the same smile when we see Sander
Okay now is not the time for a bathroom break Robbe
Don’t worry about your hair, you look great as always
If looks could kill..
Okay I’m rooting for you Robbe, but I don’t blame him, you fucked up
Cool...that was fun...love seeing Robbe unhappy...my fave
*gasps* he’s back!!
5 minutes? Okay you got this
He’s got a point…
Don’t we all? Get in line (Says he loves him)
You damn right you fucked up
The kiss was mind blowing for everyone, trust me
Is that a small smile I see??
Yes, one more chance, I’m down with that
Ah!! Yeah fuck it (chernobyl)
Oh sweet baby Jesus thank god!!
This whole scene is just amazing, Robbe doing this out in the open? Love that for him
Robbe ain’t letting him go nowhere
No...forget the phon--- oh hell no! Not her!
She fucking better be in the past
Yes, future! Eternity, all of it
No don’t go, stay!
The smiles! My smile! Everyone gets a smile!
Pause it! I have never seen someone so relieved and happy. I feel like he is really starting to figure himself out, you know? I just love that that scene wasn’t over the top, it was simple but amazing. Are you listening to me? (yes) I have so many thoughts right now, please hold *rewatches the scene* okay you can proceed…
Chernobyl? Is this going to become their thing instead of universes? I’m down with that
Secrets, secrets are no fun..unless they are Robbe’s, then back off
Sooo whatcha get?? (Zoe’s letter)
Oh no, nvm don’t wanna know anymore...make it go away
The preppy psycho is back...fucking hell
AHHH! Sander is back!
The difference between him kissing Sander and him kissing Noor is like night and day
Y’all are fucking adorable
He drew that?? Remember when I liked Even’s drawings?...Sander said nah bitch here you go
I have a wall in my room if you want to paint it there, I’m down
Feeding Robbe? Sure. Feeding Britt? He said SIKE!
Romeo and Juliet..okay I see you wtfock
PAUSE! Omgggggg was he the photographer in like the first episode??? Well fuck me, I’m still dumb.*presses play*
I know I said I wanted happy Robbe, but I feel so overwhelmed right now
His voice is so soothing
Ooop okay so they are still doing the universe thing
Robbe can’t stop touching his hair and honestly...same
You Marvel loving gays
If my bf ever said this shit to me I’d smack him, but coming from them...I love every second of it
Great, sad Sander...why can’t we have nice things
Why are they so fucking great together??
Robbe, I love this new you (straddles Sander)
We ALL fell for you, Robbe
You’re damn right he is the one...lucky bastard
He WAS there!!! I love how I connect shit like 4 episodes later
Robbe initiating every kiss makes me so happy
Forget the text! 
Did he just kiss his shoulder?
SON OF A BITCH! Can this girl go away? jfc
Jealousy level 100
Kinda sus…
He loves jealous Robbe
My dude we are ALL happy you’re in this dimension, lets send Britt to a different one shall we?
Pause it! *rewinds to watch scene again*
He disappeared into the night…
How’d he know he was awake? He got a nanny-cam in that room?
You smooth little bitch Sander
He didn’t deny the bf comment, I’m so proud
Remember when I said I was proud of you? I take that back right now..
I hate it. Stop talking Robbe.
I stand by my statement: Milan for President
Cool….that was great….I’ve always wanted an upset Milan….
Robbe just got knocked down about 5 pegs and he deserved it
Senne..not the time my friend
Wait what?? Are they on a date??
Y’all are dorks..i fucking love it
There is so much to focus on right now..
If anyone wants to know what love looks like, I got a scene to show you
Okay Sander I see you...
*singing selena gomez song* can’t keep my hands to myself...I want you all to myself*
Seeing Robbe like this after the previous scene makes me torn 
Robbe like needs to be attached to Sander huh?
This is the best scene ever and I’m aware I’ve said that for about 100 other scenes
Robbe you’re adorable and confident, i love it
OH FUCK YOU!! Why do they do this to me?!
Buy me a ticket to Belgium, I gotta have a chat with some dickheads
Forget the bikes! Just leave!
WHY?! I can’t watch…
Is it over?
*big sigh* I honestly have no words…
This is going to have one of them pull away from the other isn’t it? Don’t answer that..I know it will...
I would just like to state that Robbe the king of internalized homophobia just made out with his boyfriend out in the open for everyone to see not once but twice
...I’ll be ready to process in like 15 minutes, I’m going to get more comfort food...
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xfimnotdone · 5 years
Fight the Loneliness
Part 2 (Part 1 on a03) NC-17
Sometime before falling asleep, Scully pulls the curtains shut blocking out all light. The room darkening curtains cast the room in a mysterious glow; the only light escaping the edges, framing the windows. 
She expected to rise first, knowing Mulder would probably have a hangover. However, she startles by the flush of the toilet. Her eyes snap open and she surveys her room, glancing at the clock; 9:22am. Scully catches sight of Mulder’s figure as he pads silently from the bathroom, reapproaching her bed. 
She doesn’t know why she’s still sitting here; why she didn’t get up, shower, get dressed, pretend like nothing happened. It’s as if she were a magnet, drawn to this situation, noticing another change in their relationship and powerless to walk away from it.
“Hi,” he greets, rubbing a hand through his hair. She has never really seen Mulder look shy, until now. His eyes are downcast for a moment as his pointer finger scratches the stubble itching on his jawline.
“Hi,” she whispers back, her body still anchored in the chair like a bolder. 
“You okay?” he asks, pausing for a moment, “Did you sleep in the chair?”
“Yeah,” she sighs with a smile, but avoids his gaze.
“Why? Why didn’t you leave my ass on your couch? I would have!” 
“Mulder, you would’ve rolled right off. Not only are you too tall, you were way too drunk,” she states. 
“I uh, I’m sorry for all this.”
“It’s okay.” Scully finally gathers the courage to get up after gauging his state of mind.
“Mulder...um...how much do you remember...from last night?” she questions, approaching him only by a step.
“I remember calling a cab.”
“Thank goodness for that!” she chuckles and as her mirth dies he can see her thinking. 
“Anything else?” she presses. Mulder grabs the side of her arm sweetly, just holding her. His touch makes her shiver and she hopes he can’t tell. 
“I remember...everything,” he confesses, bites his lip and lowers his brow, seeking her eyes.
Scully swears she feels butterflies in her stomach. They’re fluttering madly, tickling her insides and making her squirm. She wonders if he is going to kiss her. Holding her breath as his face slowly inches lower towards hers, she feels the magnetic force draw her in. She prepares her lips, tongue snaking out to wet the pathway. 
“Everything?” her whisper is barely audible now as his hand leaves go of her arm and cups her face. 
“I remember feeling how wet you were for me,” Mulder reveals. His hazel eyes were sparkling with knowledge as he waits for her response.
“Oh God,” Scully gulps, closing her eyes in embarrassment. His body is millimeters from hers now, she can feel the hardness of his muscles, smell his clothes, feel the warmth of his skin. Her hands slide to his hips to steady herself.
“It was the hottest thing I’ve ever felt in my life,” he admits, then slips his tongue into her mouth, cupping the back of her head and pulling her into the kiss. Scully kisses back, sucking on his bottom lip matching the fervor and pressure he is giving. He changes angles, plunging his tongue deeper, mimicking how his cock might do. She doesn’t think anyone has ever kissed her like that. 
Her nerves began to grip her, thinking of his cock. It had been so long since she had seen one in all its glory, let alone Mulder’s. Scully’s hands roam over his chest, down his stomach until her shaking fingers tug the hem of his shirt up. Her fingers slip under the soft fabric, reaching high to rub his wiry chest hair, scratching her nails in it until she lightly presses her palm over his pounding heart. 
She has never been so turned on in her life. He pulls back, placing his head on her forehead, they both look down at their heaving chests, trying to catch their breath. He daringly places an index finger in the V of her shirt, tracing the valley between her breasts.
“Please Scully. I’m not drunk anymore. And...I need you...” Mulder pleads. 
“God,” she sighs, her eyes closing heavily in defeat. Scully tunnels her fingers through his hair while his lips blaze a trail down her neck, nuzzling into the top of her shirt. Her eyes blink open once more, noticing the darkness of the room, it feels secretive, hot. She knows she shouldn’t be doing this. Guilt tries to creep in, knowing that a sexual relationship with Mulder could ruin everything they have. But, she was too far gone to stop it now, her need throbbing between her thighs. 
He roughly pushes her down onto the bed, surprising her by his dominance, but it excites her. This is passionate Mulder. When he’s into something, he’s all in. There’s no stopping him now. 
Mulder slides open the buttons on her pajama top and pushes the fabric aside, not even granting himself time to look before hastily latching on to Scully’s nipple. He pulls and plucks at it with his lips, drawing it out, making it stand at attention and beg for more as he palms the other breast. He buries his nose and lips into her cleavage, smelling her skin and pressing her breasts to his cheeks while she holds his head tight. 
“Mulder,” she whimpers, encouraging him as she let her top slide off her shoulders to the floor. Pulling her pants and panties off in one swipe, he throws them to the floor and grabs her calves, dragging her to the edge of the bed. Immediately, she realizes his intentions and she thought she might die of pleasure at the thought of his mouth on her.
“Oh my God. We shouldn’t do this,” her big blue eyes meet his, wild and fearful in the low light. He meets her eye contact fiercely, his head between her legs and sticks out his flat tongue, pressing it to her dripping slit. Scully trembles, slowly relaxing her legs to open herself more to him. 
“No one has to know. We can keep it secret...if you want,” Mulder whispers, placing his cheek to the inside of her thigh, cradling her leg to his face like a phone. His expression displayed that of a puppy dog, she could not deny him. She could feel his breath, the air tickling her skin, causing a palpable drop of wetness to release from her core. 
“Secret? This is dirty,” she breathes. For a moment he’s not sure, but then he thinks she’s playing. 
“Umm...it is. Do you like it dirty, Scully?” he hums, dragging is jaw along the inside of her leg, his whiskers brushing, lower and lower. He pounces on her clit like a snake biting; quick with pursed lips, grabbing the little bundle of nerves tight in his lips. She cries out in pleasure, bucking into his face and grabbing at his head.
“Do you know how long I’ve wanted to do this to you Scully?” he growls, lapping at her, tasting her. Scully is whimpering, clamping her legs around his head, unable to think of anything else but the pleasure he is delivering. 
“Tell me how to make you come,” Mulder mumbles with his mouth full of her. He tugs at her folds with his lips, pulling them out and squeezing with pressure. 
“Ughhhh….I...God...” she moans, her body is shaking. He lightly pinches her clit between his knuckles and flicks it with the pad of his thumb, all the while diving his tongue into her core rapidly. “Ahhhhh, ...please!” she cries.
He’s not convinced he’s done the job, so he plunges two fingers inside, searching for the magic spot he knows will make her come. Scully is squirming now, kicking, almost as if she’s riding a bike in bed and he lays his body along hers to pin her down. His mouth moves to suck the bulging tendons in her neck as he lets his hand take over.
“It’s okay, I got you,” he whispers sweetly into her skin, watching his own hand pump her hard and fast. He finally hits the spot, pressing hard on her clit with his thumb as she convulses into soundless cries. When she calms, he is stroking her stomach, feeling every shape and angle of her body. Scully reaches back, runs her hand through his hair, her eyes still closed in contentment.
He leans down to kiss her, but she quickly dodges him, rolling away. For a split moment he panics, worried he’d some how screwed this up and she was running from him. But she turns back towards him, playfully grabbing his cock. He’s laid out flat now, his erection prominently straining towards his belly as she crawls onto his stretched out leg. 
“Ahh God, Scully,” he moans when he feels her press her wetness just above his knee, grinding herself on him as her tongue licked him from root to tip. Mulder exhaled deeply, trying to control himself and reaching a focal point on the ceiling for good measure. 
Scully pulled the flat of her tongue up his shaft, swirling and enveloping him in her mouth on the downstroke, then peering up at him to see if he was watching. He is watching with lustful eyes and a gaping mouth. Mulder ever so gently tugs at the base of her skull, lifting her up his shaft and when she reaches his tip once more he stops her, “C’mere.” 
She crawls up his body, the cold air hitting the wetness she’s left on his leg. He meets her with a ghost kiss, barely grazing her lips as his fingers tangle in her air. Scully’s lips are quivering and she is nervous that a tear might escape as she pinches her eyes shut tight. 
“You okay?” he whispers, kissing her lips softly. 
“It’s been so long. God it’s been so long,” she pants into his ear, pulling him into a hug. He releases her embrace and pushes her hip, nudging her to flip over onto her side. Mulder slides into her slowly, feeling her tight body suction his cock like a vacuum. He slides one leg in between both of hers and feels her relax around him as he starts to move. 
Before long he is humping her backside like an animal, holding onto her breasts for leverage with the force of his thrusts. She groans, whimpers and claws at the pillow as he fills her with every stroke. The room became nothing more than wet slapping skin and ragged breaths.
“Yesss,” she hisses when he sinks into her as far as he can go. 
“I won’t stop...come for me...one more time…” he begs, pressing his fingers back to her clit in circulating strokes. 
“Harder!” she cries and he presses his hand harder onto her while pumping as fast as he humanly can. He accidentally slips out, moaning as his come spurts wildly between her legs. Scully cries out too but he keeps his hand clamped to her until he’s sure she’s finished. Spent, he collapses on his side, nuzzling into her back and laying his hot cheek between her sweat glazed shoulder blades.
“I’m sorry. This is a mess. It’s all a mess,” Mulder states as he rocks his forehead back and forth on her back, trying to hide his embarrassment. Scully rolls over to face him, concern on her face and locks of her fiery hair sticking to her cheek. 
“Mulder. It’s okay,” she comforts, tracing the lines of his jaw with her fingernail, scratching his stubble.
“So now what?” he says after a beat, searching her eyes.
 “We go on…” she whispers and closes her eyes, needing to hide for a moment to gather her thoughts. Still reeling from her orgasms, her heart hammering in her chest, she wasn’t really sure what should happen next. 
His forehead crinkles with worry lines, his jaw slack and sad, “I can understand...if you want to pretend this didn’t happen.” He pulls away, rolling to his back. She feels the dip in the bed as it shifts under him and she reaches out to grab his forearm. 
“We can pretend....until we get...lonely again.” Her eyes are still closed peacefully as her hand stretches to play with the damp hair of his chest. He smiles with hope and places his hand over hers.
“I think I might be lonely tomorrow,” he jokes and they both giggle as he pulls a sheet up over them.
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arc-misadventures · 2 years
Welcome To Your Nightmare~!
Ruby: Are you sure we should be here…?
Nora: Yeah… It feels like an invasion of privacy.
Yang: I thought you of all people would be interested in poking around, Jaune’s mind?
Nora: Well yeah… but not like this… I like to pester him, and ask him about stuff. But, I don’t like the idea of invading his mind… literally…
Weiss: We have no choice… That semblance blast he was hit with has trapped him within his own mind. As unethical as it sounds, us ‘entering’ his mind is the only way we can get him out!
Blake: But, aren’t any of you worried we might stumble across… something?
Ren: Something; Like a secret he doesn’t want anyone to know?
Blake: A secret, a dark thought, or a hidden desire? Anything!
Ruby: Well, we could come across something that may strengthen our relationship with him forever!
Nora: Or, we may come across something that ruins it all in an instant…
Weiss: We have no choice… We have to be here; there is no other way we can do this guys!
Ren: We know, Weiss. We just don’t like this…
Weiss: Neither do I, but we have to be here!
Nora: Hehe… You’re starting to sound like, Jaune.
Weiss: W-What? What do you mean by that?
Ren: Jaune has a simple idea when it comes to hard work: “Bend your knees, and complain loudly, and often.”
Yang: Pfft! Oh that’s brilliant, I gotta remember that one!
Blake: Of course you’d find that funny…
Nora: Uhh… guys…? Where are we?
Weiss: Jaune’s mind, duhh…
Blake: D-Did you just say, “duhh…?!”
Yang: She did! She really did!
Weiss: Yang has tainted me…
Nora: Guys stop joking around! This is serious!
Ren: What’s wrong, Nora?
Nora: We’re in, Jaune’s mind… but… why is it so empty…? I thought we come across a room of failed crushes, a room of personal interests, a room of fond, and painful memories. And, yet… There’s nothing…
Ruby: A room of stuff…?
Nora: We compartmentalize our thoughts, feelings, and emotions so we can differentiate between them when we face new experiences, and store away those memories in our mind in separate rooms so we can easily access, and draw on those past memories. And, yet… There is nothing…
Weiss: Is she wrong…?
Blake: Well… It doesn’t sound wrong…?
Ren: Best not to think about it… we have enough problems to deal with right now.
Yang: Yeah, like how we’re FREAKING LOST!!!
Ruby: Yang, stop shouting…!
Yang: Why not?!
Ruby: Because I don’t think, Jaune would like you screaming in his head like that.
Nora: That, and the echo it made was scary…
Yang: There was an echo?!
Weiss: Yes, and it was scary…
Yang: Ughhhh! How are we supposed to help, Jaune if we can’t ‘find’ him? Where are we literally lost in the empty void of his mind?! This is not something I wanted to do!
Blake: Well… why don’t we call out to him?
Yang: Eh?
Blake: We have no idea where we are going, but since it’s, Jaune’s mind. He may be able to find us?
Weiss: That sounds ridiculous.
Blake: You got a better idea?
Weiss: …
Weiss: Jaune! Jaune, where are you!
Ruby: Jaune! It’s me, Ruby! Can you come out?!
Yang: Come on, Lover Boy, show yourself!
Nora: Fearless Leader! Where are you!
Blake: Jaune! JAUNE!
Ren: Jaune! Jaume, you here somewhere?!
: Not here if you’re wondering.
Ruby: Whaaa?!
Weiss: Oh gods?!
Yang: What the hell?!
Blake: Ahhh?!!
Ren: What the?!
Nora: PYRRHA!!!
Pyrrha: Hello ag…?! Ooph?!
Nora: Pyrrha! You’re here! Wait, what are you doing here?! Ahh who cares! You’re here!
Pyrrha: Hello, Nora. It’s nice to see you too~
Weiss: B-But, how are you here?! I mean… You died?!
Ruby: I-I saw it happen…
Pyrrha: Oh, I am dead. Rest assured of that…
Yang: Then… Don’t take this the wrong way, but… What the hell are you?
Blake: How can’t she rake that the wrong way…
Yang: How else am I supposed to take it?!
Pyrrha: Better than I expected honestly.
Weiss: So… If you are dead, why are you here?
Pyrrha: I am a mental image, Jaune uses my visage as a means of coping with the various trails, and challenges that face him. Whether that be mental support of me cheering him on, helping him calm down, or just generally reassuring him.
Ruby: Reassure him? That’s our job!
Nora: Yeah! What can you do! You’re just the personification of his will to do good, and strive for excellence! The being he aims to strive to stand beside, or surpass his feeble mortal coils, and become more! What can you do! Besides be perfect, and all the things I just mentioned.
Blake: Is there really anything else she can do?
Yang: I mean, she basically did all that, and more when she was alive, what else can she do?
Pyrrha: I can put on a cheerleader’s outfit, and motivate, Jaune.
Weiss: What…?
Ruby: Seriously?
Blake: That’s the lewd aspect I was hoping to find…
Ren: Really?
Blake: What? We all have one.
Nora: Prove it!
Nora: (Sniff…) That was beautiful~!
Weiss: Okay… So uhh… Two questions: Why are we stuck in this empty void, and where is, Jaune in all of this?
Pyrrha: Well, the reason we are in this empty void as it were is a defence mechanism of, Jaune.
Ren: A defence against what?
Pyrrha: Memories. You see… Jaune has a good memory; he can easily recall the moments of his life: the good’s, and the bad’s, especially not as harshly as they once did, but nonetheless they still hurt. So, he prefers not to dwell on his past too much, because the ‘bad’s’ tend to creep up on him, and hurt him. So, the best way to prevent that is to simply lock them away in his mind, and forget about it~!
Weiss: Nora, can you confirm?
Yang: Why are we asking, Nora of all people to explain this?
Nora: Hey!
Weiss: Do you have an answer for that?! Because somehow, only, Nora does!
Yang: Ahh… fair… Sorry, Nora.
Nora: Haa… Alas~! Why is it only, Jaune can understand my brilliance~?
Ruby: Does he?
Nora: Shut it! But, yeah, it checks out. Sounds like something, Jaune-Jaune would do.
Ruby: So we can’t find, Jaune in all of this then? Or, is there… somewhere we need to be to find him?
: No, not really.
Blake: What the?!
Weiss: Ahh?!
Ren: Where did you come feom?!
Yang: What the hell?!
Ruby: Hi, Jaune!
Nora: Jaune-Jaune!
Jaune: Hi, guys. Why are you here?
Ren: We’re looking for you.
Jaune: In my mind?
Weiss: That semblance that hit you, trapped you within your mind; we needed to come into your mind so we can save you.
Jaune: Save me from what?
Ruby: Yourrrrself…?
Jaune: ‘Trapped in my own mind…” Meh, makes sense. So, what are you going to do then?
Ruby: Uhh…?
Yang: We didn’t think that far ahead did we?
Weiss: No, no we didn’t…
Jaune: Brilliant plan guys. May I offer a suggestion?
Ruby: Please?
Jaune: I don’t feel ‘trapped,’ as you say I am. More like I’m dreaming. So, why don’t you just wake me up then?
Yang: Wake you up?
Ren: Could work, how do you suppose we do that then?
Jaune: Shake me, yell at me to wake up, bucket of icy water, smelling salts, a kiss, a slap to the face? just use your imagination.
Ruby: Okay then… WAKE UP, JAUNE!!!
Yang: WAKE UP!!! (SLAP!!!)
Blake: WAKE UP!!! (SPLASH!!!)
Nora: WAKE UP, JAUME!!! (Shake-Shake!!!)
Weiss: Wake up, Jaune. (Kiss~!)
Ren: Guys… We’re still in his mind… He meant wake him up from the outside of his mind.
Ruby: Ohhh… poop…
Blake: Good point…
Jaune: Yeah, try those again when you’re all out of my head.
Nora: Okay! We’ll do that fearless leader!
Ruby: See you when you wake up, Jaune!
Ren: Back in a bit, Jaune.
Jaune: See you guys later! Oh, and Weiss?
Weiss: Y-Yes…?
Jaune: That kiss: We’re gonna talk about that. Yeah, we’re gonna talk about that. Till then!
RWBYNR: Bye! See you later! We’ll see each other soon! Nice seeing you again, Pyrrha!
Pyrrha: Nice seeing you guys again!
Jaune: Till later then! Now, that they’re gone, only one question remains.
Pyrrha: What question?
Jaune: Did all of this really just really happen, or am I still in the dream…?
Pyrrha: (Gasp?!)
Jaune: …
Pyrrha: …
Jaune: …
Pyrrha: …
Jaune: …
Pyrrha: …
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fanfics4all · 6 years
He Chose Me
Request: Yes / No  Could you please do a Jughead x reader? It takes place in season 2 episode 14, when Veronica takes Betty, Jughead and Archie to a cabin that her parents own and instead of Betty bringing with Jughead she brings Kevin since Jughead and her aren't together. But, she likes Jughead and she's all over him and she's trying to make the reader jealous. She takes you aside and threatens you and says that Jughead is hers and he will choose her instead of the reader. The reader is best friends with Veronica so she goes to her for advice and Veronica says that she needs to do something to make sure that she knows that Jughead is hers. So the reader is getting very handsy in the hot tub which leads to Jughead and the reader having a very fun night and everyone in the house can hear it. So in the morning you both go downstairs and you are hanging all over Jughead in front of Betty. You can decide if the reader confronts Betty.  (Please include smut) @superdeadwalker
Request are closed <3 Have a nice day/night
Jughead x Fem!ale!Reader
Word count: 3393
Warnings: Underage drinking, Smut, cursing, Betty being a bitch
Y/N: Your Name
Y/N/N: Your Nickname
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you!
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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It was like any other day at Riverdale, weird but pretty alright. Veronica texted me and asked me to meet her in the student lounge before school. I was wondering what she wanted to talk about, I figured it was something about her and Archie or about my kiss with Jughead. Veronica was obsessed with shipping us together and when I told her about the kiss, she was determined to make it happen. I walked into the lounge and saw the whole gang there.
“Hey guys.” I smiled and sat down on Jughead’s arm rest. Veronica smirked at me and I rolled my eyes.
“Finally you’re here! Now we can get to business!” V said clapping her hands.
“What now?” I asked confused.
“Daddy and my mother are busy this weekend so they can’t go to our families cabin. Instead, we’re gonna go.” She said and everyone smiled.
“Fair warning. Our Shadow Lake chalet is rustic, but it has breathtaking views of the mountains, the water…” She trailed off.
“Oh, my God. That sounds heavenly, V.” Betty said. Jughead wasn’t really paying attention, he was writing in his notebook.
“What do you say, Jug?” I asked with a smirk, he looked up at me confused.
“As long as it’s cool with your dad.” He said to Veronica.
“Oh, Mr. Lodge actually suggested it.” Archie said.
“Yeah.” V nodded in agreement.
“Well then, cue the dueling banjos.” He said and everyone looked at him confused.
“What? And it’ll also be a good chance for me to work on my novel.” He said with a small smile.
“Excellent! But remember, the point of the luxury weekend is to relax and unplug.” Veronica said.
“I don’t think Y/N/N will be able to survive without listening to her playlist.” Jughead teased and I rolled my eyes.
“I’ll be able to last longer than you without your laptop.” I teased back. After Veronica told us Archie had to go to practice and Betty dragged Jughead away. Veronica beckoned me closer to her. I got up and sat next to her.
“This is your chance to make Jughead your bo!” She said excitedly. I rolled my eyes with a smile.
“I told you, you’re not allowed to interfere!” I said and she shook her head.
“I won’t, much.” She said with a wink.
“Ughhhh! Ronnie!” I groaned.
“You should be looking for him right now before Betty sinks her claws into him and you lose him forever.” She said before she got up and left.
The school day went on for what felt like forever. When it finally ended I rushed home to pack. Veronica was coming to pick me up in about an hour. I packed everything I needed and a few other things, just incase. Ronnie came on time and we went to pick up Betty and Jughead. Betty was sitting very close to Jughead and she kept looking at me with an irritated look. Betty and I were friends but we were never really close. We finally made it to the cabin and it was so cute! We all got out of the car and looked around in awe.
“When I was younger, we’d come here every summer, whenever my dad could sneak away for a weekend.” I heard Veronica say.
“Veronica wasn’t kidding. It really was the last house on the left.” Jughead said.
“Veronica isn’t the type to kid someone Juggie.” I said with a smirk.
“I’ll help you with the bags.” Andre said to us.
“No, no, we’ve got it. Archie?” Veronica said. Jughead was carrying his and my bags, even though I told him I could do it. Kevin was carrying his and Betty’s bags. Archie walked over to Andre and Veronica walked over to me.
“TTFN, Andre. We’ll see you Sunday night at 7 p.m., and not a second earlier.” She said pointing a finger at him.
“Y/N, wait till you see the inside.” She said and we linked arms. Her, Jughead, Betty, Kevin, and I walked inside while Archie grabbed the bags.
“Wow… Ronnie this is awesome.” I said, she giggled.
“Welcome to what I humbly like to call, Lodge Lodge.” She said and Betty chuckled while I rolled my eyes.
“So what should we do first?” I asked.
“I think we should all get set up in our rooms, Archie and I together, Betty and Kevin, and Y/N and Jughead.” Veronica said with a smile. Jughead and I looked at eachother.
“Sound good to me.” Kevin said with a smile.
“Same here.” Jughead said. We all walked to our separate rooms and started unpacking. When Jughead and I walked into the room we saw there was only one bed. Damn it Ronnie!
“I can sleep on the floor.” Jug said and I looked at him confused.
“No way! Jug we’ve been friends for years, I think we can sleep in the same bed together for a weekend.” I said and He looked at me.
“Are you sure?” He asked and I nodded.
“A hundred percent!” I said with a smile. We put our bags down and he stared unpacking. I sat down on the bed, it was really comfortable.
“Do you want the top or bottom draw?” He asked and I looked over at him.
“Don’t matter to me.” I said and he put his clothes in the bottom one.
“Come sit on the bed, it’s so nice.” I said and laid down. He laughed but came and sat down.
“Oh wow, this is really nice.” He said and laid down. Before I could answer we hear the squeaking of a bed frame. I turned to look at Jughead and we both burst out laughing.
“Oh, my God! Are they serious?” I asked shaking my head.
“Is that all they do? Can’t they ever just have, like, a conversation?” He asked.
“Apparently not.” I laughed. Jughead and I stayed in the room for a few hours, luckily Veronica and Archie were fucking all that time. The two of us walked downstairs and saw everyone was there.
“Hey guys.” I said with a smile.
“Hey.” They all said and Veronica had a huge smile on her face.
“You two were spending quite a lot of time alone.” She said and I rolled my eyes at her. She really can’t just give up can she?
“Yeah, we were unpacking and talking.” Jughead said.
“Yeah, unlike you and Archie.” I smirked at her. Betty glared at me.
“Y/N, can I talk to you for a second?” Betty asked and I shrugged.
“Sure.” I said and she pulled me away from the group. We went outside and once she was sure no one would hear us she turned to me.
“Stay the hell away from Jughead.” She said with narrow eyes.
“And why in the world would I do that?” I asked with a sweet smile.
“Because he’s mine!” She growled and I had to keep myself from laughing.
“Last I checked, Jughead is single.” I said and crossed my arms.
“Jughead is going to be mine, he’ll pick me over you any day!” She said and I rolled my eyes.
“Yeah right.” I said becoming bored with this conversation.
“He wouldn’t want a Serpent Slut like you.” She said and I glared at her.
“What the fuck did you say?” I growled.
“I know you’ve slept with other Serpents, in fact I have pictures. So if you don’t stay the hell away from Jughead I’ll send them to the whole school.” She threatened.
“You’re a bitch Betty Cooper.” I said and she just smiled and headed back in the house. I kicked a rock and growled. I sighed then walked back inside. Veronica noticed I was pissed.
“Is everything okay?” She asked looking at me and Betty.
“Everything’s fine, right Y/N?” Betty asked in a sickeningly sweet voice.
“Yeah everything’s fine.” I said with a fake smile. Veronica knew I was lying but I shook my head and her, telling her not to say anything more.
“Awesome!” She said getting up.
“Because you guys haven’t tried my jalapeno margaritas.” She said.
“Who wants one?” She asked walking off. She grabbed me and pulled me with her.
“I guess I’m helping.” I said. She pulled me into the kitchen and then looked to see everyone went to the living room.
“What happened?” She asked while grabbed glasses.
“Betty threatened me.” I said with a sigh.
“What?” She asked shocked.
“Yeah, she said I better stay away from Jughead or she’ll send the whole school so pictures of me sleeping with some Serpent guy…” I said and shook my head.
“You don’t actually believe she had pictures do you?” She asked and I sighed.
“Who knows, it’s Betty, she can find out pretty much anything.” I said and started helping V with the drinks.
“I’ll see if she actually has pictures and delete them if she does. But you are not gonna stay away from Jughead.” She said and I sighed.
“Maybe he does wanna be with her…” I said and Ronnie smacked my arm.
“Ow!” I said and narrowed my eyes at her.
“Jughead and you are perfect for each other! You just need to show Betty who he really belongs to.” She smirked and finished the drinks. I helped her take them to the other room and I thought about what she said. When we walked in Betty was sitting really freaking close to Jughead. I took a deep breath and set the drinks down then sat next to Veronica. Everyone grabbed a drink and we all just talked.
“I’d like to propose a toast.” Jughead said standing up.
“To the Lodges, to their hospitality, and to putting the past behind us.” He said and I felt a small pain in my chest. I’m pretty sure he was talking about his feud with Veronica’s father but another part of me thought he was talking about our kiss.
“Cheers!” Veronica said with a smile. Everyone clinked their glasses
“So, your parents come up here a lot these days, Veronica?” Jughead asked sitting down.
“Not as much as they’d like. Daddy’s such a workaholic, you know.” Veronica answered.
“On the SoDale project?” He asked and she nodded.
“How’s that going? Is that heating up? Still getting intense?” Jughead continued to question.
“It is. Luckily Archie’s dad is doing such a superb job of keeping everything to schedule.” Ronnie said.
“V, tell us more about your fancy neighbors.” Betty said changing the subject.
“Yeah are they in the same business as your dad?” Jughead asked and I tried to hide my smirk.
“Jughead! I mean it.” Betty whispered.
“Guys, what’s up?” I asked.
“Betty, I’m just making idle conversation. I’m sorry, please continue.” Jug said.
“It’s a hodgepodge, really. Some are in entertainment, some are in business, some are in real estate.” Veronica said.
“You know what’s weird? As we were driving up here, I noticed that none of the houses had mailboxes or numbers or anything on them. Why is that?” He asked and I again hid my smirk. Jughead’s being his little detective self.
“Shadow Lake is a pretty private community.” She answered.
“Like their hiding something?” He asked.
“Jughead, seriously, this isn’t twenty questions.” Betty said annoyed.
“Toxic twin alert.” Veronica whispered to me with a smirk.
“Guys, I think we all need to relax.” She said then turned to wink at me.
“Step one. Clothes off, swimsuits on.” She said and Archie smirked.
“Hell yeah!” Kevin said. Everyone ran to their rooms and got their swimsuits on. I put mine on and then put on my long black cartagine.
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I walked downstairs and out to the hottub. Everyone was already in and Veronica kept Betty away from Jughead.
“Y/N/N! Come on in, the water’s great!” Ronnie said and I smiled. I took off my cartagine and Veronica smirked. All the boys were staring and I got in. I sat down near Jughead and I glaced to see he was staring still.
“Ah. I don’t know about you guys, but I’m feeling better already.” Veronica said with a smile. “Okay, so, I think we should play a game.” She said and we all looked at her.
“What kind of game?” Kevin asked.
“Truth or dare.” Veronica said with a smirk.
“I’m in.” I said which shocked her but she quickly recovered.
“So am I!” Kev said.
“Great, majority rules, so Betty… Truth or dare?” Ronnie asked.
“Dare.” She said.
“I dare you to kiss Kevin!” She said.
“Really V?” She asked and looked at Kevin.
“It’s a dare B, now go on.” She said. We all watched as her and Kevin kissed. It wasn’t anything crazy, just a ten second kiss.
“Jug, truth or dare?” Betty asked.
“Truth.” He said.
“Do you like anyone?” She asked and we all looked at him.
“I have my eye on someone, yes.” He answered.
“Who?” Betty asked.
“No, no, you only get to ask one question.” He said with a smirk.
“Archie. Truth or dare?” Jug asked.
“Dare.” Archie said.
“I dare you to go jump in the pool.” He said and I rolled my eyes.
“Really? That’s the best thing you could come up with?” I asked and he rolled his eyes.
“I think it’s a great dare Juggie.” Betty said with a smile. Archie did his dare then came back in.
“Kevin, truth or dare?” He asked.
“Truth.” Kevin answered.
“Do you miss Joaquin?” Archie asked.
“Sometimes.” Kevin answered with a blush.
“Veronica, truth or dare?” He asked.
“Truth.” She said.
“Did you and Nick ever date?” He asked and Veronica made a disgusted face.
“No way!” She said.
“Y/N, truth or dare?” She asked me with a smile.
“Dare. There are way too many truths.” I answered. Veronica smirked and I instantly regret picking dare…
“I dare you to make out with Jughead for two minutes.” She said and her smirk grew.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea V, I mean their best friends, wouldn’t that be weird?” Betty said.
“It’s fine Betty, it’s not like it’ll ruin our friendship.” Jughead said.
“Great! Timer is set. Go.” Veronica said. She started the timer and I looked at Jughead. I looked back at Veronica and then Betty. I smirked and got up. I straddled Jughead and wrapped my arms around his neck. He looked at me shocked and I placed my lips on his. He grabbed my hips and kissed me back. I gently bit his lip and he opened his mouth. I slipped my tongue in and we battled for dominance. Jughead ultimately won and I started to gently move my hips. He groaned and I smirked into the kiss. The timer went off and I pulled away. Jughead had a smirk on his face and I smirked back. I got off him and went to sit back in my spot but Jughead pulled me closer. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and Veronica smirked at me.
“So Archie, truth or dare?” I asked like nothing just happened.
We continued with the game and Jughead wouldn’t take his arm off me. Veronica wouldn’t stop smirking at me and Betty wouldn’t stop glaring at me. Once we got bored we all got out and went to our rooms. Jughead got dressed then it was my turn to use the bathroom. I grabbed some clothes and walked in.
“You know that was some kiss we had in the hottub.” He called to me.
“Yeah, it was.” I said with a smirk.
“Did you enjoy it?” I asked getting dressed.
“It was pretty amazing.” He answered.
“But did you enjoy it?” I asked again as I finished.
“Did you?” He asked. I smirked and opened the door.
“I asked you first Juggie.” I said walking out in my maroon and black bra and underwear.
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“Whoa…” He said sitting up.
“So, did you enjoy it?” I asked again and walked slowly over him. He grabbed my hips and pulled me closer to him.
“I did.” He answered while taking in my body. He looked up at my face and bit his lip.
“Did you?” He asked and I smirked.
“Well, I wouldn’t be dressed like this in front of you if I didn’t.” I answered.
“Well you look very sexy.” He said and I pushed him on his back. I crawled on top of him attacked his lips. He pulled me closer and kissed me harder. He flipped us over and kissed down to my neck. He gently bit and sucked leaving his mark and I moaned with a smirk. He kissed further down my body and pulled my bra off. He took my right breast into his mouth and bit my nipple slightly. I wrapped my fingers in his hair and gently pulled.
“Fuck Juggie!” I moaned. He smirked and moved to my other boob. I felt myself getting wet and I moaned for him.
“Don’t be such a tease Jug!” I begged.
“Patented Y/N.” He said and slowly kissed down to my underwear. He pulled it off me and spread my legs. He kissed both my thighs, skipping the one place I really needed him.
“Jughead, please!” I begged him, and I wasn’t one to beg. He smirked up at me and gave my pussy a slow lick. He was being such a tease!
“Juggie!” I groaned. He smirked and decided to stop teasing me. He started sucking on my clit and slid a finger inside me. I moaned and arched my back. He pushed me back down and added another finger.
“Fuck Juggie! Just fuck me already!” I moaned and he stopped. He sat up and took his pajama pants off, along with his boxers. His erections sprung free. I licked my lips and crawled over to him. I pumped his cock a few time before taking it as far as I could. He moaned and wrapped his fingers in my hair. I bobbed my head and Jughead pushed me all the way down. I gagged and he moaned and held me there for a few seconds. He let me go and I gasped for air. Jughead grabbed me and laid me down. He lined himself up with my entrance and slammed into me. I moaned loudly, I’m sure the whole house heard me. He slammed into me repeatedly and each time he went faster and harder.
“Juggie! Fuck!” I moaned.
“Fuck you’re so tight Y/N!” He moaned and grabbed my right boob. He rolled my nipple between his fingers and I moaned louder.
“I’m close Jug!” I moaned.
“So am I!” He moaned. He thrusted into me harder and I dug my nails in his shoulders. He moved his hand to my clit and rubbed it at a quick pace.
“Cum for me Y/N.” He said and I did as I was told. I moaned and clenched down around his hard cock. He moaned and started losing his rhythm. Once I was finished he pulled out and came on my stomach.
“Fuck Y/N!” He moaned as he pumped himself. He finished and fell to my side. We looked at each other and we both had lazy smiles on our lips.
“We should clean up before we pass out.” Jughead said and I chuckled.
“Yeah, probably.” I said and we both got up. We quickly cleaned each other up and then went to bed. Jughead pulled me close to him and we fell asleep in each other’s arms.
The next morning we both got dressed and did our morning things.
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Once we were both ready we walked downstairs to see everyone looking at us. Jughead wrapped his arm around my shoulder and Veronica was smirking and I shook my head at her but smiled. Betty got up and ran off with tears in her eye. I smirked and Jughead looked at me confused.
“I checked that thing for you Y/N/N and it was nothing.” Veronica said and I smiled.
“Thanks Ronnie.” I said and everyone was confused.
“So you two seemed to have fun last night.” Veronica said changing the subjects to us. Jughead and I blushed and everyone laughed.
“I knew you two would get together!” She said happily and I rolled my eyes.
Tag list: @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear @xrosesareredx @herokyolachan @ashwarren32 @hollie-blogs @schisbro87 @lover-of-books-and-teas @nerdygaloresposts @alex--awesome--22 @teenwolfbitches2 @genius2050 @drw0301bieber @tigermillionaire-philanthropist @hiya-imthatgirl @answer-the-sirens @mindsetjupiter @averysinclaire @mittelerde1999 @sweetest-peas @rousewriter @jjkingston @k-is-cray @camiconfessions
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ffsjeongyeon · 5 years
The Teachings Part II: Monkey See, Monkey Do (SMUT)
After way too many messages telling me to do a second part of The Teachings, I finally had the time. I have some plans for a part three, so hopefully I’ll have the motivation to write that out soon. I don’t know how well this came out, but here you have it none-the-less.
This focuses more on the dynamic between Jeong and Nayeon more than anything, but it’s alllllll part of the learning process for Chaeyoung.
As always, send me some prompts, any ideas or just plain encouragement lol. That’d be awesome. Peace.
Chaeyoung unlocked the front door to the shared house, letting herself in with an exhausted sigh. This whole ‘having a job’ and ‘being an adult’ thing really sucked sometimes. As much as she enjoyed being a graphic designer for a record company, lately she’d been struggling with motivation, and when your whole job requires a large amount of motivation, you definitely notice when it’s lacking. It had been a long day of meetings with artist representatives, and one cover that she had designed and sketched out for a singer had been totally shot down by her team. She knew that it definitely wasn’t her best work, but that really made her feel awful. Like a failure. She had ended up leaving the office early and making her way home, not able to stay any longer. She heaved another soft sigh as she wandered into the kitchen, clicking the kettle on and boiling the water to make herself a cup of tea.
It was then that she noticed there was music coming from upstairs. She remembered that Jeongyeon had today off, so she guessed it was her. It didn’t sound like something the older girl would listen to. Although it was muffled through the ceiling and walls, it sounded like rock music. Weird.
They hadn’t really properly spoken about what had happened between the two of them. It wasn’t awkward by any means, it was basically like it hadn’t happened at all. The two girls acted exactly as they had before. Chaeyoung didn’t know why this thought sent prickles of annoyance down her spine. This was what she should want, right? Everything totally normal!
But things weren’t really normal.
Since the day that Chaeyoung had had a taste of Jeongyeon, she hadn’t been able to stop thinking about her experiences… or lack thereof. She still felt overwhelmingly unequipped to deal with most things sexual, and the thought made her blush slightly. She ducked her head, hiding her face behind her newly bleached hair, as she stirred milk into her tea before removing the teabag.
Chaeyoung took her tea and her work bag full of rough design ideas and colour swatches, and wandered her way upstairs. The music got slightly louder and clearer as she ascended, and she recognised the sound of Deftones playing through the speaker. Nayeon’s room was the first to the right after the stairs, and the door was cracked open. Hers was the room playing the music.
Why is Jeongyeon in Nayeon’s room?
Chaeyoung walked over to have a look and say hi to whoever was in there, but what she saw stopped her in her tracks. Just as she had gotten to the door, she realised why the music had been blasting.
Nayeon was on all fours on her double bed completely naked, her arms shaking with effort, head threatening to be buried into the mattress, ass up. Thrusting into her from behind with what seemed like a relatively large amount of force, was Jeongyeon. Unlike the other girl, she was still wearing a tshirt. They were both facing the door, but neither had noticed the younger girl completely freeze in shock by the entrance, both a little… preoccupied. Chaeyoung could see a bead of sweat trail down Nayeon’s temple, down the side of her face and accumulate at her chin, dripping off delicately onto the bed below. Her eyes were shut, her eyebrows gathered together, mouth wide open.
“Oh my god, Jeong. Harder, please. Harder.” Nayeon’s words trailed off into a blissful whine as her wish was granted and Jeongyeon thrusted noticeably more forcefully. Nayeon’s arms stretched out in front of her on the mattress and her head lowered, leaning the top of her body heavily into the springs. Her moans that seemed to be getting louder were muffled as Jeongyeon’s hand came down heavily between her shoulder blades and pushed, giving herself more leverage and forcing Nayeon’s face into the mattress. “Ughhhh.” The guttural, dulled sound of her pleasure filled moans reverberated through the bed they were on.
“I know, baby girl.” Jeongyeon muttered, her eyes locked on the girl’s sweaty back. “You’re taking me so good. So well.” Jeongyeon used her hand to pull Nayeon back into her after each thrust forward. Chaeyoung could see Nayeon’s ass quivering with each whack against Jeongyeon’s crotch. Nayeon groaned out something unintelligible into the bed, and scrunched the bed cover hard between her fingers. A solid palm came down onto her trembling ass as the short haired girl slapped hard, drawing out a half scream, half sob from Nayeon, her mouth wide open, drooling slightly on the bed underneath her face.
“I can feel you getting tighter.” Jeongyeon taunted. “Are you gonna come already, baby girl? Weren’t saying a couple minutes ago that you could last hours with me if you really wanted? Were you lying? You naughty girl.” Nayeon’s moved her head to the side instead of face down, so she she could breathe a little easier.
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my…” The older girl’s rambles were interrupted by Jeongyeon.
“Unnie. Look, we’ve got a visitor.”
The blood ran cold in Chaeyoung’s veins. Her eyes looked up and met Jeongyeon’s. She gulped thickly. Nayeon didn’t even seem to realise what she had said, and just continued to moan openly, so Jeongyeon bent down, wrapped her forearm around the other girl’s neck and hoisted her upwards, so her back was against Jeongyeon’s front. She whispered something into Nayeon’s ear, and her eyes finally caught Chaeyoung.
To Chaeyoung’s surprise, neither of them stopped what they were doing. Nayeon seemed shocked for a second, but after another thrust from Jeongyeon in this new position, her eyelids slid closed again and her came back, resting on Jeongyeon’s shoulder.
“Oh fuck. I don’t care, keep going.”
Chaeyoung’s feet felt like they had melted securely into the ground beneath her and her hand was still on the door as it had been when she first discovered the scene. She watched as Jeongyeon’s eyes stayed locked on her own, as she continued to fuck Nayeon in front of her. The short haired girl’s left arm stayed barred around her neck, and her right hand travelled slowly down until it reached Nayeon’s clit and started rubbing quick circles. This is when the older girl started getting really loud.
“Fuck me! I’m gonna cum. Holy shit!”
“That’s right, babe.” Jeongyeon said into her ear, loud enough for Chaeyoung to hear. She continued to thrust hard enough for the slapping sound to return. “That’s right. Cum for me. Show Chaengie what a naughty girl you are.” Nayeon’s hand grabbed Jeongyeon’s and lead it to squeeze her neck, cutting off a bit of her airflow. “Show Chaeng what my cock can do. Come on, show Chaeng what you all keep coming back for.”
“Oh shit, oh fuck, oh god. I’m cumming! I’m cumming on you!” Nayeon’s wild moaning went silent for a second, before returning full force as her entire body quivered. Chaeyoung watched with raptured eyes as Nayeon’s stomach muscles became pronounced right in front of her as she came. Jeongyeon let her neck go and the older girl flopped back down onto the bed, still shivering around her cock and breathing heavily.
“God, you always cum so well for me.” Jeongyeon stroked Nayeon’s hair, almost possessively, lovingly. “But you know as well as me that we haven’t finished yet, babe.”
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lightninginhersoul · 2 years
I feel like I already know some of the answers, but ask meme for Karsia.
<3 thank you queen!!!
I am absolutely going to have to answer as myself despite the fact that Kallista always kinda jumps out of me when I answer questions about karsia lmao, but I'm also gonna maybe go for some deep cuts? idk we'll see where this goes
blorbo: oh this of course has to be Kallista, light of my light and a whole nightmare of a tiefling, the OG Bring Your Own Blorbo. i still can't believe that i decided to make her an edgy rogue and i somehow didn't see how much she cares about people, to the point that she's in the middle of a love pentacle and frankly only has good options.
Scrunkly: Lumen is BABY, she's just so adorable and every time there's a baby lumen drawing i LOSE MY MIND. However i'm also gonna toss Ephrim in there because that kid is ruling a city, eats hearts to get memories, and holds thousands of years in memories and also yet is just the sweetest kid.
Scrimblo bimblo: ughhhh this is hard. I'm gonna put sapphire in there I think because there's a lot I think we still have to discover and i think her interactions with kallista are always hilariously terrible in the most catastrophic way, with the energy of "either we're gonna kill each other or kiss and we never are interested in the same option at the same time". I don't think she quite gets enough credit for some of the crazy things that she pulls off - Chad Agate was a MASTERSTROKE.
I'm also gonna say Beckett, because there's so much going on there and I wanna KNOW what he's been up to, I love a political drama and he's right at the middle of it, Bredon might be the Only Good Man in Karsia but Beckett is also a delight. "Kallista, I know you feel the need... to do things" kills me
glup shitto: Frank the shovel guy. i'm obsessed with him. I stole one of his shovels. Will there be consequences? Why is this his thing? I was so obsessed with this man that i remembered his weird ad from a three second bit for MONTHS and i still knew his name. God, I can't wait to see where he shows up again
poor little meow meow: I feel like this can't NOT be Tristan Fabian Alexander VanGaunt, a Lord of Sentall who is just a... sad and broken man. he's just kinda so sad and pathetic and also so compelling. I wanna see if wringing him out would fix him. i'm fascinated with him in many ways but also both Kallista and I would stan him through whatever he did, so he totally fits this
horse plinko: ooooh so many people would fit into a plinko machine... the OBVIOUS answer is Adran. I'd love to stick him in the plinko, watch him fall, observe what happens, and then do it again. I wanna be his Glados. I wanna make him plinko until he cannot plinko any more...and then try it again.
HOWEVER i think it would be HILARIOUS to plinko Tev, (Kallista would say Eva), or Envar. Like yes, let's make Tev have even more of a breakdown, and then make Envar lose his hat over and over. God that'd be so so fun.
eeby deeby: who will go to superhell today... the VanGaunts without question, they ruined two perfectly good children, both of them have anxiety, and also did not HELP the situation in Sentall. (Kallista would also send Eva). I'm also going to send Pelor, yes, that's right, the sun god is gonna go to superhell for not ASKING Eldon if he even wanted to be a champion of a god, like come on man, not cool
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fueledbysprite · 6 years
a series of unfortunate events, followed by a stroke of (luck?)
Adrien loved being Chat Noir. He loved the freedom, the risk, the exhilaration of vigilantism - and saving the city by moonlight with his Lady was something he could never swap for anything else in the world.
Except, his particular supersona had influenced his civilian life, turning it in a bit more of a negative circumstance in some aspects.
Superhumanly bad luck was one of them.
The people of Paris were dense by default. One would have to be to be capable of missing such blatantly obvious details, that if not explicitly presented to their face with a dozen or so in-depth explanations, would deny they had even witnessed something out of the ordinary or mildly concerning.
Adrien, however, was on another level altogether.
He would never know of the strings of fate were true, or if in some mystical sense, destiny had willed him a soulmate, but even if he had been meant to be with someone, it was certain that his sheer obliviousness (intensified approximately tenfold simply from his affiliation with the Black Cat miraculous, aka the Ring of Destruction) would prevent him from achieving anything near a conclusive happily ever after.
At one point, the Powers That Be must have just given up on subtlety completely, because one day Adrien lay in bed lamenting his star-crossed love for Ladybug, the next fateful morning he had suddenly developed an interest in Marinette that was, despite his countless insistences otherwise, most certainly far outside the boundaries of “just a friend”. Perhaps the blond was speaking in code.
In any case, the Power of Bad Luck™ struck against his favor once again, and no sooner had he exasperated the class (yet again) as well as the blue-haired girl herself with that god-forsaken expression, that aforementioned girl arrived at school the next week with her eyes clearly set on someone new.
Adrien really liked Luka.
He wasn’t a bad guy, really. The guitarist seemed nice and friendly, and although he was a bit teasing, he made sure it was all in good intent. Adrien would have even liked to become good friends with him, if it weren’t for his extreme openness and close proximity to Adrien’s very good friend.
So, when the punk rocker showed up to class and promptly stole the attention of everyone in the room (earning the admiration of even the intimidating Mme Mendeleiev, who had come here from her own class to see what all the commotion was and give the students a good talking to, only to meet a rather charming musician), Adrien made like a frustrated toddler and stalked off to the back of the room, plopping down next to the one person who seemed unfazed by the new face.
Marinette was very enthusiastically gushing at the front of the room, Alya looked slightly baffled but seemed happy for her friend, Nino appeared as if he was torn between glaring or sending pitying looks in Adrien’s direction. Adrien huffed.
“I mean seriously, his music is nice and all, but why is Marinette looking at him like that when she could be looking at me, instead?” he said aloud.
The redhead beside him, currently absorbed in his sketchbook, did not respond. Adrien did not let that stop him.
“I just don’t get what’s so great about him,” he muttered. “He shows up one day and suddenly he’s the center of attention and everyone forgets about everything else. And why is Marinette suddenly so giggly and overly cheerful around him?”
“At least you had a chance with her to begin with,” a small voice murmured. Adrien turned.
Nathaniel still hadn’t looked up, and if Adrien wasn’t 100% sure the voice he heard was new to him, he’d have denied the artist had even spoken.
“What do you mean?” Adrien asked.
Nathaniel shrugged.
“I mean, it’s not like it was that hard for you to get her attention, so I don’t know why you’re so jealous all of a sudden,” he said calmly, adding another detail to a page Adrien couldn’t see.
“I’m not following you,” the blond replied, a bit warily.
Nathaniel sighed.
“Don’t be dense, Adrien,” he said, with a bit of an edge to his tone this time, almost like an intellectual trying to explain something to a simpleton who couldn’t grasp basic facts. “If you weren’t so self-absorbed all the time, or, I don’t know, maybe you are just really oblivious, but Marinette has been hardcore crushing on you for the past year, and now you notice her?”
“She’s been crushing on me? How do you know this?” Adrien asked, irritation surfacing at the word ‘dense’. He wasn’t ignorant, was he?
“I pay attention?“ the redhead suggested sarcastically. “It’s not really fair that you had a chance, missed it, and now you’re entitled to mourn over your misfortune while some of us didn’t even have the opportunity to begin with.”
“Whoa, touchy much?” Adrien commented on the redhead’s cool tone.
“Mm?” The artist turned his sketchbook to examine the drawing from an angle. Adrien didn’t bother asking him what he was drawing.
“Anyways, like you’re one to talk about not having a chance. You took her out on a freaking date!” the model objected.
“That doesn’t count because 1, I forced her to go, and 2, she never actually had any feelings for me,” Nathaniel pointed out.
“But it was still a date,” Adrien countered. “You can’t deny that you got farther than anyone else managed.”
“Not my fault you were too dense to ask her out yourself,” the artist repeated.
“Ughhhh, and it’s not my fault that you’re such a pushover, you didn’t have the guts to ask her out yourself and maybe make a chance for yourself until you were akumatized!”
“The point is, nobody was around to listen to my problems, so I sucked it up and got over it. I don’t even like her anymore, I just thought you were acting pretty entitled, talking like that...”
“Whatever,” Adrien shrugged. “Like you have room to talk. I think going after someone because your date rejected your corrupt alter ego is plenty entitled.”
The sketchbook suddenly froze in mid-air, and a head of scarlet turned around slowly to face the model, turquoise eye narrowing.
“Say, Adrien, how exactly did you know about the date? I don’t recall sharing it with anyone, and I trust Marinette enough to know that she wouldn’t tell anyone, either.” The shorter teen eyed him suspiciously, and Adrien suddenly found himself backed into a corner.
“I, uh….I...heard about it from someone….somewhere...after the incident. Yeah, it was a huge thing after your akumatization happened, and you know how fast word travels, hehe….”
“Oh, really? I’m sure..” Nathaniel’s single visible eye narrowed still, and soon all that stood out from between his bangs were two thick black lines bordering a hint of turquoise on white. He did not look like he believed Adrien at all.
Adrien smiled  and chuckled awkwardly - he had not realized how intimidating the ordinarily sweet, soft-spoken boy could appear.
“What are you hiding, Adrien?” Nathaniel whispered.
“N-nothing!” the blond insisted, leaning away the more Nathaniel leaned closer.
The redhead quickly leaned back.
“And why do you smell like camembert?” he asked annoyedly.
“Oh, uh, you could smell that?” Adrien asked apologetically. “Sorry, I, uh, just really love camembert, I guess,” he shrugged, smiling casually.
“Yeah, well, try to cover up the smell, will ya? That stuff is vile,” the redhead expressed disgustedly, digging around in his bag for something. He pulled out a small bottle and, a moment later, Adrien was engulfed in a toxic cloud of...minty strawberry…???
He coughed, fanning the vapour away from his face, and opened his eyes after a few seconds. Nathaniel put the bottle away in the meantime.
“There, now you look and smell approachable,” he assured the model.
Then, as if nothing had even happened, the redhead lost himself once again in that mysterious sketchbook of his.
It was the end of class, and Nathaniel had just left the desk that Adrien never bothered getting up from when the blond came to a (rather late) realization.
“Did you just compliment me?” he asked to the artist’s back.  The model couldn’t see his face but he could’ve sworn that the redhead rolled his eyes right then.
“Delayed reaction much?” he asked, pausing for but a moment before continuing on his way.
Adrien jumped up from his seat and all but chased after him.
“Wait, I need to know! Were you or were you no-”
“Just give it a rest, kid.” A tiny black god appeared with an expression that said only most plainly ‘I am 300% done with this shit’. “Hopefully this time around, you’ll be a bit luckier, hey?”
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professional-anti · 6 years
City of Bones: Chapter Two
Chapter Two: Secrets and Lies Clary’s drawing and experiencing some Frustration. And like…..ya girl I gotcha. I know the pain. Clary wishes she could be more like her mother which is kind of sweet but super cliché. The phone rings, and it’s Simon being That Lovable Dork™ and pretending to be one of the guys she saw carying a knife. It’s a little funny, ngl, but Simon…come on. Clary’s upset rn.
Clary’s mom was apparently upset they were home late, and we get this:
“I am the bane of her existence,” Clary said, mimicking her mother’s precise phrasing with only a slight twinge of guilt.
…That was her mother’s precise phrasing? Clary, don’t feel guilty mimicking that. Your mom called you the bane of her existence! This is just bad writing, y’all. Jocelyn Fray is set up to be this loving, kind mom…and she says something like that? It makes sense that she’s angry, like, fine, let her be angry. But Cassandra Clare has absolutely no sense of extremes. This is just a li’l too much, babe. Tone it down.
OH GODD. I forgot. Simon has a band. Of course he does, bc this can’t get any more cliché. Simon invites Clary to a poetry reading one of his bandmates is doing. So far, it seems like all of Clary’s friends are boys, which really urks me. Let girls be friends! Let girls take care of each other! A girl isn’t “cool” just bc all her friends are boys. A girl who says “I don’t get along with other girls?” Take care of her. There is some deep internalized mysoginy going on. (Don’t @ me!)
Apparently Eric is really bad at poetry, which, like, mood. They agree that even though Clary’s mom is mad at her for going out the night before, Simon’ll still pick Clary up and bring her to the poetry slam. Not so nice of Simon, but I get the appeal of dragging someone along to a terrible poetry reading. Sometimes you just need support.
There’s a picture of Clary’s dad over the mantel. Apparently he was a soldier who died crashing his car into a tree before Clary was born. Even someone who has never heard anything about these books before and is experiencing them for the first time would be able to tell that Clary has clearly been fed a pack of lies. Apparently Jocelyn never talks about him but has a box with his initials (JC, gonna come up later 100%) with his medals inside.
Clary hears someone coming and grabs a book bc “Jocelyn recognized reading as a sacred pastime and wouldn’t interrupt Clary in the middle of a book, even to yell at her.” Ummmm,,,, sounds like a bad policy, Jocie. Clary should have walked in the night before with a book glued to her face.
A guy called Luke comes in holding folded cardboard boxes, and all I can picture is this:
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And that’s how we’ll be thinking of Luke from now on. There’s some dumb background info:
“Hey, Un—hey, Luke,” she said. He’d asked her to stop calling him Uncle Luke about a year ago, claiming that it made him feel old, and anyway reminded him of Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Besides, he’d remind her gently, he wasn’t really her uncle, just a close friend of her mother’s who’d known her all her life.
I’M SCREAMING. This is bad writing, folks. This is bad writing. Have any of you guys braved the steaming shit pile that is Handbook for Mortals? This reminds me of that. Totally unnecessary detail that just detracts from the action. Besides being unnecessary, it’s really fucking awkward. Nobody talks like that. “Hi, Uncle Luke!” “Don’t call me that. That reminds me of Uncle Tom’s Cabin, which for some reason Cassandra Clare won’t italicize. Besides, I’m not really your uncle, just a close friend of your mother’s who’s known you all your life.” Umm, Luke??? That’s what people call close friends of their parent’s. It’s a known thing that people do. Also, most people do not think of Uncle Tom’s Cabin after hearing “Uncle Luke”. So calm down, Uncle Luke.
There’s some banter. Apparently Clary’s mom is parking the truck. (Do you guys know how hard it is for me not to type Clare instead of Clary?? It keeps happening.)
Apparently the book Clary grabbed from the side-table was The Golden Bough. Now, spoiler alert: Jocelyn has had Clary’s memories of magic all wiped, which I know from the first time I read this hell book. So why would she purposely put books about mythology and magic in the house??????
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Clary asks Luke if he’s ever seen something no one else could see, and he reacts totally unsuspiciously by dropping his tape gun. He spews some bullshit about hallucinating being okay bc she’s “an artist” and “sees the world in ways that other people don’t.”
Jocelyn walks in, and ofc, she’s super gorgeous blah blah blah. This happens:
People always told Clary that she looked like her mother, but she couldn’t see it herself. The only thing that was similar about them was their figures: They were both slender, with small chests and narrow hips. She knew she wasn’t beautiful like her mother was. To be beautiful you had to be willowy and tall. When you were as short as Clary was, just over five feet, you were cute. Not pretty or beautiful, but cute. Throw in carroty hair and a face full of freckles, and she was a Raggedy Ann to her mother’s Barbie doll.
#letgirlsknowthey’repretty2018!!!! Alternatively, stop being fucking cowards and let your MC not be classically beautiful. Bc I’m sorry, we all know Clary is supposed to be gorgeous. Her biggest flaw is that she’s short??? Honey, I am 4 feet 11 inches, and I’ll be that tall until the day I die (unless I do one of those old-lady shrinks). Being short isn’t actually a fucking flaw, Clare’s just pretending it is. I’m just sick of this. Girls have to be beautiful, but they can’t know they’re beautiful. And they can’t be beautiful if it’s not in a thin, white-girl way. Here’s what I want: fat girls who know they’re gorgeous. Girls of color who know they’re gorgeous. Jewish girls and Muslim girls who know they’re gorgeous. Alternatively, I want girls aren’t gorgeous and aren’t described in such a way that we’re supposed to know they’re actually gorgeous. I want girls who don’t pass judgement on themselves at all. I want girls who can just be without having to fulfill some vision of beauty.
Bc here is what we’re supposed to take away from Clary’s description: she has striking red hair and pretty freckles. She’s short and slender. She’s cute and pretty. She just doesn’t know it. Gag me.
Ughhhh. Clary’s also clumsy, her second “flaw”. This isn’t a real fucking flaw!! A flaw is something that is actually detrimental to you, okay??? When you say, “Oh, this character is clumsy,” you’re really saying, “I’m too lazy to think up some actual flaws.” And Clare’s been known to plagiarize, which is a lazy person’s sin.
Jocelyn drops the bombshell that they’re, um…going on vacation. Jocelyn, Clary, and Luke are going to a place called the “farmhouse” in upstate NY for the rest of the summer. As any well-read YA reader knows, this is code for OH FUCKING SHIT WE’RE ABOUT TO DIE THEY’RE ON TO US THROW YOUR CLOTHING INTO A SUITCASE AND GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE.
Clary flips shit bc even though she earlier said school is only a few weeks away, the rest of summer is apparently really long now. She demands to know what could happen if she stays behind. Apparently the only way Clare can show that somebody is startled is by them dropping something, so Luke drops some picture frames. Ugh, totally not worth being startled over, Uncle Luke. He says he has to go, and Clary hears him and her mom whispering about someone called Bane. From now on, this is Bane:
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I promise he’s more badass than anything Cassandra Clare could come up with.
There’s some more Shady Conversation between Jocelyn and Luke that Clary is too dumb to follow, and Luke tells Jocelyn to talk to Clary. It’s really weird that after years of protecting Clary they’re just gonna argue right in front of her, but Clare does what Clare wants.
This happens:
The door flew open. Jocelyn gave a little scream. “Jesus!” Luke exclaimed. “Actually, it’s just me,” said Simon. “Although I’ve been told the resemblance is startling.” He waved at Clary from the doorway. “You ready?”
;lasdlajlkajldljl So much happening here. For one, Jocelyn screams. Why is it always the woman who screams? Why was Isabelle the one shrieking? Why is it possible for female authors to be mysoginistc? Why does the world suck?
But my main point is that I think Simon is supposed to be likable? But honestly he’s just coming over as a real douchebag, so jot that down. Anyway, Clary and Simon fuck off. It’s a little weird that Jocelyn is just letting Clary go, but as we all know, Clare does what Clare wants. Oh, and Clary’s super rude to her mom as they’re leaving. The usual.
Oh, God. Another wonderful Simonism. As they’re going down the stairs, Simon says, “Jesus, woman, don’t rip my arm off.” I love, love, love when a female character is referred to as “woman”! Hahahaha nope. Not even as a joke. I think it’s dumb and sexist and argh. Simon is just proving himself to be a real treat. 
We learn that Clary lives in a brownstone that’s been divided into apartments and she and her mom share the building with a psychic called Dorothea.
“Nice to see she’s doing a booming business,” Simon said. “It’s hard to get steady prophet work these days.” “Do you have to be sarcastic about everything?” Clary snapped.
Hate to say it, but I’m with Clary on this one. Also, once again, Clare shows that she really doesn't understand moderation. Simon making a crack once in a while? Okay. Probably funny. ALL OF SIMON’S LINES BEING THESE ANNOYING JOKES?? NOT FUNNY. KILL BILL SIRENS EACH TIME. I’M TIRED.
WAIT, THIS IS NOT A DRILL. I THINK MAGNUS JUST WALKED OUT OF DOROTHEA’S APARTMENT??? YASSSSSS, HERE WE GOOOOO. Clary does the annoying thing where she’s like “am I remembering something?” but then doesn’t remember anything at all. Anyway, that’s the end of Magnus for this chapter.
We rejoin our intrepid assholes at a Mexican restaurant where Clary is angsting about her mom and Simon is cracking jokes. Clary talks about how she knows nothing about her mom’s life before her mom had her. It’s page 31 and nothing interesting has happened yet I swear to God. Simon’s like, “Haven’t you see all those scars your mom has?” and Clary’s like “What scars?” which we all know is bc she’s been mind-whiped or something. Clary ignored a call from her mom, which is exactly the thing to do when your mom is acting erratic and scared!!
They leave the restaurant and Clary thinks she sees a doll’s wings flutter. Simon complains about being the only boy in his band without a girlfriend. Save yourself, Clary! You suck, but save yourself from the Nice Guy™ anyway!! There’s a low-key homophobic joke:
“Pretty soon the only people left without a girlfriend will be me and Wendell the school janitor. And he smells like Windex.” “At least you know he’s still available.” Simon glared. “Not funny, Fray.”
And then Clary gets even worse:
“There’s always Sheila ‘The Thong’ Barbarino,” Clary suggested. Clary had sat behind her in math class in ninth grade. Every time Sheila had dropped her pencil—which had been often—Clary had been treated to the sight of Sheila’s underwear riding above the waistband of her super-low-rise jeans.
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(source: https://tenor.com/view/batman-donotwant-animated-gif-4668582)
Look. I am not a nice person. I’ve been known to commit lashon hara, which is the Jewish way of saying being a big ol’ gossip whore. But I would never slut-shame. And I expect better of my female protagonists. This book is just so filled with girl-on-girl hate. And I hate girl-on-girl hate. I want girls building each other up. I want girls loving each other. I want girls supporting other girls, not tearing them down. I don’t want girls who only make friends with boys and then slut-shame other girls with them.
Oh, it turns out Eric the poet is dating Sheila. And we’re on our way to the poetry reading. Great! I bet we’ll meet her, and it’ll be slut-shaming goodness. Clary calls Eric a sexist pig for telling Simon to “just decide which girl in school had the most rockin’ bod and ask her out on the first day of classes.” I am totally in agreeance that Eric is a sexist pig. So why, perchance, is Simon FRIENDS WITH THIS ASSHOLE? This is the CLASSIC Nice Guy™. They always have a coterie of sexist pig friends to show how Nice they are in contrast. Fuck that. Actual nice guys, who aren’t Nice Guys™? They have nice friends.
Clary ignores a call from her mom and thinks about how much she’ll miss Simon while at the farmhouse even though she’s been nothing but annoyed at him since page one. The chapter thankfully ends.
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