#type 1 diabetic reader
katkit14 · 2 years
First year's if they had an S/O with Type 1 diebtes
Oof this accautly took me a long time to write. Not cause I had no ideas ( that to though) but because I'm lazy lol. I think I may do dorm leaders next but idk.
Romantic relationship established
Gender Neutral reader
Warnings : Slight cussing
He most certainly is gonna tease you, but not in hateful way
Pokes fun about eating sugary snacks and once you explain he's like " oh yeah I knew that"
He doesn't fully understand diebetes but actually tries more if your his s/o
Will get panicked when you have a low and doesn't know how to help and kinda gets mad at himself but will never admit it
Will never tell you but will secretly stock up on candy or juice after
He's somewhat helpful
He'll squeeze your arms when you dose ( if you don't have a pump) and will obviously pull put candy or juice when you need
If you use a cgm and pump ( or just one of those) he'll learn how to change the sites but of you choose to point that out he'll deny ever even helping you
Learned not to mess with you when you're blood sugar is high
Only he is allowed to make fun of you over your diabetes so he will fight someone over bothering you about your diabetes
Overall kinda a tsundere but still cute
Doesn't understand what diabetes is but fully listen when and if you explain
Is somewhat helpful but relies on you to teach him
He takes a bit but will learn
Don't trust him with the snacks. He tries his best to protect them from Grim and Ace but is outsmarted
If this happens he'll feel bad and go buy you new snacks
Is always willing to help and if you teach him
he'll help give doses or help change sites ( if you have a cgm or pump) but is scared of needles so he doesn't help if you have to dose by needle
Is always scared he's gonna hurt you somehow though and needs reasurance he won't and isn't
Can and will go full bad boy mode if someone wants to mess with you
Overall tries his best and is a pretty good boyfriend
He doesn't understand at the beginning but if you're his s/o, you best believe he is gonna keep going until he does
Will stop Grim and Ace from eating your snacks
Gets you glucose tablets so you don't have to eat candy cause " candy isn't good for you" ( he's a dick, those taste terrible)
Sams shop really does have everything
Is a bit afraid of needles but gets over it rather quickly and is able to help you with dosing or site changes
Encourages you when you have highs to go on runs with him and throws a water bottle at you
Lectures you about eating right if you don't already ( he'd do that even if you weren't diabetic)
Knows if you have a high and low before you do cause super senses
Is overall a good boy and a good boyfriend
I headcanon that his grandma has diabetes probably type 2 ( it's common in elderly people)
He thinks he knows
Gets mad when he realizes he doesn't *angry feral germlin noises*
Takes his time to understand type 1 and will try his best to help
Isn't scared of needles so he his more then willing to help dose you or change cites
Doesn't know what to do when your blood sugars low so kinda just stands there
Will ask later on what he should do
Will not tolerate anyone making fun of you and will probably cause a scene. It'll be worse since you're his s/o so you might have to call Vil
Speaking of Vil, he will still use you as an excuse to get out of stuff with Vil.
Overall not bad but could be more helpful
He fully doesn't understand
I'm not sure he ever will
He doesn't care if you are his s/o he will continue to call humans pathetic
Will pout if you point out he is half human
He does get concerned though and does try to help. He'll even go to Lilia for help or even research on his own
He starts to understand some of it but not all
He doesn't really help much with dosing or site changes but he does help bring out snacks
Will help protect your snacks from Grim and Ace and won't really tolerate people taking your food
Will not tolerate people making fun of you or bothering you * cue yelling lectures*
He will lecture you on eating so many sweets until you explain you need them and now he feels bad
He buys you apple juice
Overall tries but yells a lot
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littlemissomega · 9 months
How Low Can You Go ?
Diabetic!reader x Stucky
Summary: reader’s blood sugar drops in the middle of the night
Warnings: Dangerously low blood sugar, low blood sugar symptoms (head racing, shaky, brain fog), crying, blood, mention of glucose tablets (which is kinda a medication? It helps get your blood sugar up), orange juice, fluff, pet names (Ladybug, princess, sweetie, honey, etc)
Short and sweet enough to give your hyperglycemia (high blood sugar)
For reference, any blood sugar below 70-80- depending on your dr- is considered low
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Why is my heart pounding? Y/N wonders groggily as her eyes flutter open. She can tell something is wrong. Her skin feels clammy and her whole body is shaking. Y/N slowly sits up, looking around confused. Her brain feels foggy and she can’t think straight. Tear well in her eyes from the frustration and she put her face in her hands.
“Are you okay, baby?” Bucky asks, voice thick with sleep.
Y/N bursts out in tears and he shoots up in bed.
“What is it? What’s wrong?” he asks, putting a hand on her cheek. Her skin is cold and sticky under his palm, “Steve, wake up,”
Y/N feels Steve sturs and sits up on her other side.
“Ladybug, what’s wrong?” Steve asks, rubbing her back.
“Don’t kn-know can’t think heart don’t know don’t fee-feel good,” Y/N sniffles.
“What’s your blood sugar?” Bucky asks, turning on the lamp.
Y/N squeezes her eyes shut, nuzzles her face into Steve’s chest in the bright light.
“Huh? Don’t know too dizzy,” she whimpers.
“It’s okay, princess, we’ll make it all better,” Steve soothes, wrapping his arm around her and Bucky grabs her phone off the nightstand.
  Bucky goes straight to her Dexcom app.
“Shit,” he mumbles, pushing the blankets off and jumping out of bed.
“What? What is it?” Steve asks, tightening his grip about Y/N
“40.1 (2.2mmol/L) with double arrows down,” Bucky calls as he runs down the hall to the kitchen.
Bucky’s hands tremble as he grabs two bottles of orange juice from the fridge, as well as Y/N’s glucose tablets.
“Let’s manually check, baby,” Steve suggests, gently turning her so her back is against his chest. He grabs her diabetes bag off the nightstand and gets the glucometer (what checks how much sugar is in your blood) out. He quickly puts a strip in before getting the lancet (finger pricker) out. He quickly cleans her shaking index finger with an alcohol swab before pricking this finger.
“Oww Stevie,” Y/N whines.
“I know baby, I’m sorry,” he soothes, wiping the blood up with the strip. Steve lifts her still bleeding finger to his lips and sucks on it gently. 3…2…1…
“39.3, Buck!” Steve calls, releasing her finger with a pop.
“That bad?” Y/N slurs.
“Don’t close your eyes, Ladybug, Bucky will be right back,” Steve tells Y/N, gently tapping her cheek as her eyes start to close.
“Don’t li-like it,” she responds. Steve wipes the tears from her cheeks.
“I know, baby. Here’s Bucky!” Steve points out as Bucky plops down on the bed.
“Here you go, Ladybug,” Bucky voices, opening the orange juice and lifting it to her lips.
Y/N struggles to part her dry lips, still feeling confused. The sugary, tart juice is a shock to her system and she almost chokes on it.
“There you go, baby, think up,” Steve whispers, placing a hand on the back of her head.
“Take this too,” Bucky adds, opening the glucose tablets and getting two out. He gently parts her lips with his thumb and places them on her tongue before lifting the juice back up. She swallows them without hesitating.
“You’re doing so good, honey,” Steve soothes, “Keep drinking it,”
Y/N obeys, swallowing until the last drop is gone.
“Do you think that’s enough?” Steve whispers.
“I think? I don’t wanna overtreat and it goes high. Let’s just wait 15 minutes and recheck,”
“Yes, baby,” Bucky responds, putting a hand on his girlfriend’s leg.
“I’m sor…sorry I woke you up,” she stutters.
“It’s okay princess! I’m sorry you’re feeling icky. You’re gonna start feeling better soon, honey,” 
Bucky places a hand on Y/N’s cheek and she leans into it.
“I love you,” she mumbles.
“I love you too,” Bucky smiles.
“And I love you,” Y/N repeats, flopping her head back on Steve’s shoulder.
“And I love you too, Ladybug,” Steve chuckles, “You’re our best girl. Always,”
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Heyy, so this is probably a really weird request but would you mind doing Obey me bro's + datables (if not that's okay <333)) with a gn type one diabetic MC? Just like.. everyone watching MC give themself shots and stuff or when their blood sugars are high they get really agitated to the point where they feel like crying cause they don't want to deal with diabetes anymore? I've been having a difficult time recently with my own diabetes ^^'. If you don't want to do this then please don't feel like you have to!!!! <3333
mc with type 1 diabetes
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includes: om! cast & gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned)
wc: .4 k | rated g | m.list
warnings: depictions of needles/injections, dicussions of uncurable conditions and the feelings that might arise from them, mentions of death
a/n: i do not have diabetes nor am i that knowledgeable about the condition but i did do research ofc. however, if i got anything wrong or just am misrepresenting the experience/condition please lmk as that is not my intention at all! i hope this helps & ty for requesting!! my inbox is open to chat, req, or leave feedback so come say hello
please reblog :)
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“doesn’t it hurt?” mammon asks, watching with poorly concealed curiosity as you attach the needle to your pen. “giving yourself shots every day?”
“i mean, yeah,” you reply, “but over time you kind of get used to it so i don’t really mind it anymore.”
“why do you have to give yourself shots again?” luke leans forward, squinting at the needle. “don’t humans have pills or other forms of medicine?”
“yeah, but insulin, which is the medicine i take, breaks down in our stomachs so it has to be injected.” aware of everyone's eyes upon you, you ruck up your shirt slightly, pinching a spot on your abdomen. with practiced ease you give yourself the shot, a little amused that asmo, who’s a demon for crying out loud, is too squeamish to watch. once you’re done, you remove the needle from the pen.
“that was it?” satan breaks the silence.
“i told you guys, i’m pretty used to it. but not everything about diabetes is that easy.” with a sigh you remember all of the times your sugar levels had reached worrying highs and lows and the frustration you often feel for having to deal with such a condition. “there’s no cure, and if i’m not careful, one mistake can be really dangerous. it’s honestly tiring to live with.”
“it’s not fair,” leviathan says suddenly. “that you have to live with it.”
you give him a wry, tired smile. “living with chronic issues or autoimmune conditions often aren’t. believe me, i completely agree with you.”
“is there anything we can do to help?” diavolo asks, a genuine worry lining his face. you’re touched that they all care so much.
“i mean, i’m pretty used to managing it on my own,” you begin, but seeing how they deflate hurriedly continue, “but sometimes i need a workout buddy because i get tired or it can be helpful for reminders to watch my bloodsugar or what i eat. but not too many though,” you add, knowing otherwise you’d be swamped in overwhelming concern.
“you should shows us what to do if something bad were to happen,” lucifer says seriously. “that way we know how to help.”
“that’s a good idea,” you reply. “thank you all for your support and care. it really means a lot to me.”
“well, duh!” mammon crows. “we love ya, mc, and want to make sure you’re safe and healthy.”
“and happy,” belphie adds. “so if you’re upset of feeling down i’m always there to listen.”
“thanks guys,” you say warmly. how’d you get so lucky to have such great people around you?
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leviathans-watching's work - please do not copy, repost, or claim as your own
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huxs-waifu · 2 years
I know I've been quite ! I've had back to back real weddings and comic cons!
My plan is to at lest get something out for #diabetesawarenessmonth ! So watch this space this next week.
Then we have the final chapter of 10,000 nights, coming in DECEMBER!!
Thank you all for the wild rid on that. But do not worry Strange and Chrissy won't be going far as I've already started on the sequel!
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mixelation · 2 years
Yeah I think your tags really hit the mark - a lot of people don't seem to think that it's wrong to infringe on people's self autonomy because it's for their own good, or that it's not a complicated situation (like you said sometimes it can be justified, but it doesn't mean that the person who was denied self autonomy should accept it just like that), and so it can come off as very rude. Unfortunately people need to realize something is happening AND that it can be a trigger to tag it, which doesn't seem to happen.
i'm actually pleasantly surprised by the responses i'm getting to that post, because it is so prevalent and never warned for in any sort of self-aware way, that I thought maybe I was the odd one out having a problem with it??? which i found very confusing because "other people try to control how you live your life" is a pretty universal disability mood in my experience lmao
i do think in general fandom has a problem with the nuances surrounding "you can do well-intentioned things that hurt other people" and "you can do horrible things that still have (in your opinion) positive results." well, i mean, society at large has a problem with it, but in fandom specifically in leads to especially bonkers takes like "justifying genocide." it also unfortunately leads to smaller scale bonkers takes like "if i think someone i love isn't taking care of themselves, i should be able to completely take over their life and do it for them"
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type1diabetesinfandom · 3 months
There’s a little bit of time left for bidding in the Fandom Trumps Hate charity auction (i think) and I-Love-Semicolans is offering sensitivity reading for type 1 diabetes
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catiuskaa · 4 months
missed me, missed me, now you gotta...
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SUMMARY: minho wasn’t grumpy, nor he was jealous. but he hasn’t been the same ever since he fell in love with you.
REQUESTED! by a sweet annonie right here. pookie, your idea was lovely to write! lil grumpy minho, im melting… it’s a bit short, but I hope you like it! <3
CW: use of (crack) text messages to convey the plot, starring: han quokka as cupid + reader’s bsf, clingy minho as king of my heart, and ngl, type 1 diabetes fluff ahead. keep insulin shots close just in case! lol
WC: 1.1k
A/N: i love how i’m slowly turning into a minho blog/page lmaoo, only minho: the man, the myth, the legend!
The same ringtone buzzed again during rehearsals. Its ding had sounded so many times already that it had started to get repetitive really quickly.
Minho frowned as he looked in the mirror, retouching his rolled sleeves just once more for what he secretly knew it had been more than twenty times. In the span of ten minutes. Maybe even less.
But Minho wasn’t ‘grumpy’.
He so wasn’t.
His day had been normal so far. He had no reason to be grumpy. Not one what-so-ever.
He had woken up in between your arms, and even if he had ‘complained’ about it, he loved being the little spoon. And also, his cats jumped on the bed and, just for once, none of them landed on his face.
There had been just one thing.
Well. Technically more than one.
You had rushed outside this morning. You claimed you didn’t have time to have breakfast with him, because you were late for something he didn’t really get. Because of that, you hadn’t come over to the JYP building with him. He had to drive over alone. And you hadn’t pecked him goodbye at the entrance like always.
But he. Wasn’t. Grumpy.
Not. At. All.
> sunggie: girl, did you hide his cats or smth?
< minho’s owner: lol, wdym dude?
> sunggie: he looks like he’s going to kill me.
> sunggie: And he loves me! Wtf??
Han shrieked in his place in the sofa, his phone almost falling off his hands. He quickly turned it off, hoping that the grumpy dancer hadn’t seen the old or new messages.
“Who were you texting?” Minho frowned, deeper this time.
“Oh.” Jisung chuckled. “Just checking in on noona.”
“My girlfriend?” The way Minho enunciated the title felt a bit possesive. Jisung eyed at him weirdly for a second. Even he felt weird himself.
Jisung nodded sheepishly, turning his phone back on but quickly opening a random app.
“Yeah. I owed her a call back.” He shrugged, nonchalantly accepting that he had opened Subway Surfers, and started to play.
As the catchy music came from Han’s phone, Minho shook his head.
Not grumpy.
Not at all.
But the thought that you had been texting Han and didn’t text him —instead of him— did funny things in his chest.
Now, keep in mind that Minho would never describe himself as a jealous man.
He trusted you with his cats, of course he trusted you regarding your relationship. But he had barely got a hold of you all day. And Han had. By call and text. Like he was doing now.
Not grumpy.
< minho’s owner: you dead yet?
Jisung groaned.
> sunggie: no! you made me lose my score!
> sunggie: and I don’t have any keys! ㅠㅠ
< minho’s owner: sucks to suck, lol
< minho’s owner: but what’s wrong with my future husband? did you do something?
> sunggie: he’s moody since he came in this morning.
> sunggie: you weren’t here tho. smth wrong between ya?
< minho’s owner: no…? just had to run to work early…
And then, something in Jisung’s paboracha brain connected. Probably because of how he had named your contact in his phone.
> sunggie: omg
< minho’s owner: what?
> sunggie: that corny dumbass
> sunggie: he’s so stupid
< minho’s owner: bitch what is it???
> sunggie: he’s moody bc u didn’t come in with him today!
You hesitated. Could that be it?
< minho’s owner: really? u think so?
> sunggie: bitch I know so!
> sunggie: imma go get boba for the boys, get your ass here and come w/ me
Jisung’s brain started to work at cupid’s speed.
< minho’s owner: omw. be there in 5’
“Guys, I’m gonna go get boba. Do any of you want something?”
The rest of the gang blabbered something while some kept going over the steps of the choreography and the others rested on the couch, doozing off or on their phones. Han quickly noted down everyone’s orders, not before being squinted down by Minho. He held back a shiver.
“Clingy prick…” Jisung mumbled, leaving quickly.
He walked out of the JYP building, waiving and half bowing to the staff members and other artists in the building.
< minho’s owner: just parked! ^^
Jisung entered the boba place next to the building, smiling at the cashier as he read down the orders on his note app, and stood aside, waiting for the drinks.
“Hey!” You smiled widely at him, taking off your scarf, merely leaving it hanging on your shoulders. He clapped your hand, playfully slapping your back.
“Working hard?” Jisung snickered, pointing at the bag on your other hand.
You side-eyed at him, giggling softly.
“Took some snacks before heading off.” You shrugged. “We can sneak these in, right?”
Jisung scratched the back of his neck. “We’ll… come up with something.”
You both struggled carrying the drinks, teasing each other and betting who’d make a mess first. But all giggles came to an end when the security guard stared at you.
“Name and business?” He asked in a low huff.
Your body stiffened.
“She’s my sister,” Han chimed back. You were in fact far from being his sister, but that didn’t matter when the guard seemed to nod. “She’s just helping me carry the drinks inside.”
“And the bag? What’s inside?”
You cleared your throat, smiling. “Clothes for him to change once he finishes training.” You lied.
Thank God for his imagination. And for his stupid idea of shoving your scarf and his hoodie into the bag of snacks.
“Ok. You may come in.” The guard smiled politely.
Only after the both of you had gotten into the elevator you allowed yourselves to let out a sight full of relief. You two then smirked, high-fiving.
“Thank you, bro.” You teased in a snicker.
He cackled. “You’re welcome, sis.”
You both laughed and joked until you reached the training room.
“The person you dream of is back!” Han cackled.
“Noona!” Felix grinned happily.
“Yeah, that’s me!” You cackled at Jisung’s faked frown.
You smiled and greeted everyone as you entered, leaving a certain bunny boy for last.
You sat next to him on the couch, and without missing a beat, he took your legs and layed them on his lap.
You took a sip of his drink, and he stared at you, almost with a squint.
“You’ve made me jealous of fucking Han Jisung.” He stated matter-o-factly, making you practically choke on the tapioka pearls.
You coughed. “What?”
“You texted him all evening. And me? Not even a good luck kiss this morning.”
“Aw, are you grumpy, kitten?” You grinned teasingly, speaking only towards him in a soft tone to his ear. You pecked his cheek.
He needed more of those.
Grumpy, huh?
“Yes. Very.” He mumbled, hiding his blushed and pleased grin in the crook of your neck. “Need more kisses.”
“Well, you know how it goes.” You mumbled in a snicker. He hummed at you, waiting for you to explain.
You kissed his forehead softly, his hands stroking your thighs.
“Missed me, missed me, now you gotta kiss me.”
~Kats, who can write this in one sit, but can’t figure out how chemistry works (yes have exams, why did I choose this for myself, help)
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alotofpockets · 2 months
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Highs and lows | Lia Wälti x Sister!Reader
Warnings: Reader is a type 1 diabetic and experiences both hypo- and hyperglycemic events. I hope all the medical talk is right!
Woso masterlist | Words: 1.3k
One of the things you loved to do outside of football, was going on walks with some of the girls on your team. When you and your sister Lia made the move to London, you had found a second family in your Arsenal teammates. The friendships you made here went beyond the pitch, and you were forever grateful to have gotten a place amongst them.
Today you were joined by Lia, Steph, Viv, Beth, and Leah. As well as Myle and Calvin, the dogs were both running around the park as the rest of you were talking. 
“Oh hi Myle girl, do you want me to throw the ball?” The dog had dropped the tennis ball into your lap, so you got up to play with her. You made a quick stop to grab your water bottle before you ran back to the dogs. Myle had so much energy, so she kept running up and down the field, while Calvin stayed closer to your side. You throw the ball for Myle again, but your vision goes blurry right after. You knew the feeling all too well, and sat down slowly. Calvin moved closer to you and started barking. Steph looked up at the sudden loudness from her dog, who usually is rather quiet, and notices you on the grass. 
“Hey Lia”, Steph didn’t even have to finish her sentence, the tone of her voice told Lia enough, she looked over to you and rushed to your side when she saw you were on the ground.
“I'm here.” She reaches for your hand, while reaching for her phone with the other. She taps the device to the patch on your arm, letting it read your glucose levels. You had been diagnosed with diabetes type 1 when you were a kid, so the symptoms were very familiar to your sister, and to the team now as well. “It’s low.” By now she didn't even have to tell you what she was going to do, as she was with you for a lot of your highs and lows. She grabs a juice box out of her bag, and tells you to drink up.
“Here, lean into me.” You heard Leah's voice behind you. Her hands on your shoulders guided you into her. The girls knew that there was nothing they could do for you, and that they would just have to wait for your glucose levels to get back up, but that didn't mean that they wouldn't try to make it as comfortable for you as possible. 
Slowly but surely you started feeling better, the blurred vision faded, and you felt a little stronger again. While you had gotten used to the hypo- and hyperglycemic events, they were still a little scary to experience, because you'd never know when one would be more severe.
“Come on, let's get you home.” Lia extends her hands to you, after you let her know you were ready to get up. Once you were up, she hugged you tight, always a little scared of the events herself. 
“Why don't you come to our place?” Beth offers, “We live closer, you can rest there.” You agreed instantly, the less you had to walk right now the better. Back at Beth and Viv’s place you find yourself slowly drifting to sleep cuddled into Viv’s side, with Myle on your chest. 
You’re woken up by the smell of one of your favourite dishes lingering in the air. “Hey, how are you feeling?” Viv asks when she notices that you were awake again. “Good enough for that delicious meal Lia is cooking up.” The girl you’re still laying against chuckles, “Ah good, you’re back.”
You looked around the room to find Leah, Steph, and Calvin had left the home, while Lia was in the kitchen with Beth. Though, you knew your sister did all the cooking, because Viv always loved to tell you how bad of a chef Beth really was. You got up and joined the rest for dinner.
The next few days your blood sugar levels didn’t have any major spikes, there was the occasional high and low, but nothing that wasn’t quickly fixed. 
On game day you were rushing out of the house, cause you forgot to put your alarm. You rolled out of bed, hopped in the shower, and quickly changed into your match day outfit, before you headed to your car. 
You knew it was stupid to skip meals, because it would most likely influence your blood sugar levels later on, but right now the only thought on your mind was getting to the stadium on time. Which luckily you managed to do, you headed into the locker room where everyone was about ready to start warming up. After quickly putting on your cleats, and your training kit, you followed the team out.
“Everything alright?” Your sister asked as she put her arm on your shoulder to warm up her legs. You nod, “I overslept. Forgot to set my alarm, but I’m all good.” You continue warming up together, before running some drills with the rest of the girls. 
On the pitch everything was going great until it wasn’t. You felt very shaky, and were sweating more than during a regular game. Trying to push the feelings aside only worked for a few minutes, with one tackle you were on the ground, and your body fully gave into the high blood sugar. Both Lia and the medics came rushing your way.
“You need to check her glucose levels.” Your sister instructed. The medic already had a phone in their hand to tap it to your patch. “We’ve got her Lia, don’t worry.” The phone quickly gave the glucose levels, and showed they were very high. 
“I’m going to give you an insuline shot, to get your levels down quickly.” You simply nodded, not caring how they would lower your blood sugar, as long as you would stop feeling this way. After the shot, your body started slowly feeling stronger again. The medics walked you off the field, and sat you down on the bench. Steph sat down next to you, and you leaned into her side. She took the bag of nuts the medical assistant handed over, and opened the bag for you. 
When the halftime whistle blew you headed into the locker room, while Steph went to warm up with the rest of the bench. 
“What happened?” Your sister’s worried voice rang out the moment you sat down. She didn’t even let you answer the first question, before she continued. “Why didn’t you say something sooner? You know how bad it can get if you don’t treat your highs and lows on time.” 
“Since I was in a hurry this morning I kind of forgot to have breakfast. I swear I was going to eat something when I got here, but you were all ready to warm up, so I forgot in the rush again.” You knew that skipping meals wasn’t good for your glucose levels, and you really didn’t do it on purpose, and you needed Lia to know that. “I should’ve said it sooner, but it was almost half time. I thought I would be alright until then.”
Lia uncrossed her arms, and the angry facade fell. “Please don’t ever scare me like that again!” She sat down and put her arm around you, happy to know that you were alright again. You listened to Kim and Leah discuss the tactics for the second half of the game, and made your way back to the bench when it was time to head back again. 
The team ended up winning the match. After the second half you felt a lot better again, so you walked the victory round next to your sister, who was happy to have you properly on your feet again.
💗 If you enjoyed this fic, please consider liking, commenting, and reblogging! You can also supporting me by leaving a tip 💗
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mistydeyes · 1 year
141 and what their patient file looks like
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summary: This is what I imagine everyone's favorite pharmacist as well as medics see when they look at 141's medical file.
Based on this pharmacist and 141 interactions
pairing: Task Force 141 x pharmacist!Reader
warnings: medical/pharmacy terminology, medical inaccuracies, swearing, depiction of wounds, mention of substance use disorder and abuse
PMH - Past medical history - the total sum of a patient's health status prior to the presenting problem
FH - Family history - contributing family history, generally parents and siblings
SH - Social history - contributing social behavior and routine
a/n: not canon at all! this is just a reference for me
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Height: 1.88 m (6' 2'')
Weight: 93 kg (205 lbs)
Blood type: O+
Extensive physical injuries
21+ stab wounds - 2 required antibiotics for recurrent infection
9x bullet wound - 5x in the extremities, 4x in the chest (no perforation of vital organs), healed without complication
5x abrasion collar - 1 near right eyebrow became infected following medical eval and stitches
3x diagnosed concussion
Previously evaluated for tinnitus and hearing loss
Father - deceased at 76 from liver disease - 50 pack years, mycardial infarction (x2)
Mother - deceased at 84 due to chronic heart failure (CHF) -Glaucoma, asthma, CHF
Sister - Sports induced asthma, hypothyroidism
Negative family history of diabetes, hypertension, and cancer
Smokes - 30 pack years
Drinks regularly - 4-5 hard liquor each weekend; 1 glass of whiskey occasionally
Physically active - Enjoys recreational activities such as hiking, swimming, and biking
Has 1 dog, currently under the care of pt's younger sister
History of monogynous long term relationships, currently single
Medication list + indications
Amoxicillin/Clavulanic acid 625mg - Infection
Morphine 15mg + Ketamine 3mg - IV - Pain
Paracetamol 750mg - Pain
Buproprion SR 150mg - Smoking cessation - not-taking est 2004
Aspirin allergy - Reaction: hives and asthma - ONLY PRESCRIBE PARACETAMOL
No environmental, food, or animal allergies
Patient has denied smoking cessation options
Height: 1.88 m (6' 2'')
Weight: 91 kg (200 lbs)
Blood type: O+
7x stab wound - 6 required antibiotics for recurrent infection, 2 MRSA resistant
2x bullet wound - 2x in lower extremities, healed with no complication
6x abrasion collar
2x broken collar bone - healed, with no complication
Lactose sensitivity - Recurrent IBS if ingested
Chipped first left molar following opening a beer with teeth
Father deceased at 68 due to heart failure - Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, high cholesterol
Mother - Stage I HTN (hypertension)
Sister #1 - Postpartum depression, generalized anxiety disorder
Sister #2 - Elevated cholesterol/triglycerides
Brother - No known chronic health issues
Positive family history of diabetes and hypertension, but no cancer
Drinks regularly and heavily - 8-12 beers and 2-3 glasses of hard liquor each weekend; 1 glass of scotch occasionally
Smokes socially - 5 pack years
Physically active
Close relationship with family, has 4 dogs at home under the care of pt's mothers
Avid fan of The Glasgow Football Club
Medication list + indications
Clindamycin 300mg with ciprofloxacin 400mg - Infection
Amoxicillin/Clauvanic acid 625mg - Infection
Vancomycin 18mg/kg - MRSA resistant infection
Paracetamol 500mg - Pain
Morphine 15mg IV - Pain
Doxycycline 100mg - Acne discontinued in 2004
Insect stings - Observed anaphylaxis to childhood bee sting
Patient demonstrates medication non-adherence, counsel ESPECIALLY with antibiotics
Scored 6 on Alcohol use disorders identification test for consumption (AUDIT C)
Height: 1.86 m (6' 1'')
Weight: 93 kg (205 lbs)
Blood type: B-
3x stab wound - healed, no complications
1x broken collar bone
2x broken femur
Diagnosed concussion - evaluated in Oct. '19
Father - Type 1 Diabetes, high cholesterol
Mother - Vitiligo, Stage 3 breast cancer
Positive family history of maternal cancer and diabetes, but no hypertension
Social drinker - 3-4 beers each weekend
Does not smoke
Physically active - Enjoys morning and evening runs
Enjoys spicy food and tries to introduce into diet
When on leave, enjoys attending concerts and music festivals
Medication list + indications
Piriteze 10mg - Allergic rhinitis
Fluticasone Propionate - 93 mcg/actuation - Allergic rhinitis
Paracetamol 500mg - Pain
Seasonal - Pollen and pet dander
β-Lactam allergy - Reaction: anaphylaxis evaluated in '19
Organ donor
Height: Weight: 1.93 m (6' 4'')
WeighT: 100 kg (220 lbs)
Blood type: AB-
Extensive cuts and scarring to entire body
4+ stab wounds - healed, no complications
Gun shot to lower abdomen - healed, no complications, evaluated in Nov. '22
13+ collar abrasion
2x broken nose
Childhood injury of broken tibia and large toe
Psych eval - History of depression and post traumatic stress disorder, childhood history indicates emotional and physical abuse
Father - status unknown Diagnosed alcohol use disorder
Brother - deceased, cause of death non-contributory - Substance use disorder
Mother - deceased, cause of death non-contributory - Hypertension, thrombophilia (blood clotting disorder)
Positive family history of hypertension, but no diabetes or cancer
Social drinker - 3-4 glasses of hard liquor each weekend
Smokes socially - 10 pack years
Physically active - Enjoys nightly walks
Psych eval - Other squad members act as his emotional support
Expressed interest in cats and tattoo art (FLAGGED: Further input and comments from other medical professionals would be appreciated)
Medication list + indications
Paracetamol 1000mg - Pain
Amoxicillin/Clavulanic acid 625mg - Infection
Morphine 20mg + Ketamine 4.5mg IV - Pain
Mafenide acetate 5% topical - Antimicrobial, burn wounds
Fluoxetine 20mg twice daily - Depression - not taking est 2001
NKDA - No known drug allergies
No environmental, food, or animal allergies
Psych recommends evaluation of a pet, such as cat, for pt while on leave
┊ ⋆ ┊ . ┊ ┊┊ ⋆ ┊ . ┊ ┊┊ ⋆ ┊ . ┊ ┊┊ ⋆ ┊ . ┊ ┊┊
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koolades-world · 1 month
Hihi!!! Would it be okay if I requested levi, Satan, and lucifer with a type 1 diabetic reader who passes out from low blood sugar during a student council meeting? ( normally, you would administer a glucagon, which is a shot you put into the person's stomach ) If not, that's totally okay !! I know some people don't like writing about illnesses they don't know anything about
hello!! of course <3
enjoy :)
Type 1 Diabetic Mc who passes out during a student council meeting
he's of course very collected
he knows exactly what he's doing and how to help you
he will pause the meeting and shoo away his brothers (and diavolo) since they're kind of getting in the way
he actually carries a glucagon shot with him at all times just in case, and it's situations like this that he's glad that he does
he gives it to you calmly and waits for you to come to
he knows that he did everything perfectly and you were going to be alright, but he's still worried
honestly, this was one of the moments where he realized how much he thought about you
thankfully that day barbatos had prepared some cute tea sandwiches for the meeting, so there was some and a tea waiting for you once you were awake again to raise your blood sugar
he lets you take a seat off to the side of the room so you could relax, but he personally checks you over before resuming the meeting with a little top of the head kiss <3
he's freaking out for sure
he's quick to try to shake you awake and all that, but when it doesn't work he has a moment of panic
he can't help but think it's his fault somehow
at this point, everyone else in the meeting is paying attention because of his flailing and slightly louder than usual talking
he stops for a moment to think about what you told him if this ever happened
he was ashamed on how long he had to think about what you told him, but he does eventually remembered what he had to do step by step
he gets your emergency glucagon shot and administers it, then gives you the juice pouch and cheese crackers from your lunch box once you're able awake again and ready to eat
he hugs you tightly despite being in front of so many people because he realized how much actually being in that situation scared him
he really cares about you and is glad he knew how to help!
externally, he's like lucifer
he looks like he's got everything under control, since he does know what he's doing
but internally, he's levi
he overthinks everything despite having listened very carefully and committed to memory what you told him to do in that situation
his hands are a little shaky, but all his worries dispel once he sees you open your eyes
he was the one to quickly run out to a vending machine to get you a soda and he was the one to fish out a few granola bars from his bookbag for you
he ensures you get the all clear from barbatos before he takes you home to rest
even after the meeting is over, he's close by your side, asking how you're feeling and holding your hand
that night, he's by your side reading you to sleep :)
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mildkleptomaniac · 1 year
type one — jj maybank x cameron!reader
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭:  “ Hey! Do you think you could do an imagine where the reader is Sarah’s twin and all the pogues are at a party or on the boat and her blood sugar drops really low (she has type one diabetes) and her pump keeps beeping. She is mid passing out, not feeling good and rafe has her Insulin so little bit of big brother rafe worried about his little sister and JJ and her not being together yet but he was super worried about her (like all of the pogues tbh). Thanks xxxx I really love your writing 🥺 every time you post something it makes my day ”
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1k
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: fainting, almost passing out,
𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓'𝒔 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆: my boyfriend is type 1 and i really tried my best remembering everything he has to go through. hope this is accurate enough and y’all enjoy!! we love a sweet brother rafe and caring jj. 
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Summer, the season of warmth and light, a time of vitality and Boneyard parties. Air filled with salty atmosphere and the smoke of the bonfire. Teenagers trickled onto the beach, dragging kegs in the sand, chairs, and stereos. Partiers shed layers of clothing to embrace the heat and the warmth of the bodies next to them. 
Y/N savored the Boneyard parties, enjoying her time with friends and her siblings, the drinks, and the people-watching. She fell into a rhythm of dancing with one of her twin’s boyfriend’s friends, JJ. Sarah mentioned JJ occasionally, but Y/N was surprised at how well they clicked. The first time JJ and Y/N met, he gave her a cold shoulder–until she assisted him in winning a Beer Pong game. 
After several drinks and dancing the night away, Y/N began to feel light-headed. JJ kept his hands around her waist as she slowed down, the scenery around her became spinning. Racking through ideas of why she felt like this–she’d forgotten to take her blood sugar before leaving the house. 
The music and the conversations drowned out the sound of her insulin pump beeping loudly, signaling her blood sugar increased dangerously high. She couldn’t seem to focus on anything around her before her pump began vibrating in her pocket. If she wasn’t light-headed enough, the vibration made it worse. 
“I need to sit down,” Y/N muttered, pulling away from JJ’s grasp. His brows furrow, still holding onto her waist before sitting her down on some driftwood. Weaker and weaker, Y/N began fumbling with her pump. Dread coursed through her at the epiphany she ran out of insulin. Her mouth felt parched.
“JJ–Where’s Sarah?” Her voice was weak, as she glanced around the party to find her twin. Sarah and Y/N were never separated for long, before they knew it, Sarah spotted her sister and raced over.
“Hey, what’s going on?” She questioned before the realization of the situation hit her. 
“Her pump keeps beeping and–”
“Sarah, get Rafe–he has the glucagon in his car–” Y/N waved her hand, limply. 
Her twin didn’t need to hear anymore before Sarah and the rest of the Pogues hunt down Rafe Cameron. JJ held Y/N in his arms, stroking her hair as she lay there, hoping to calm her down. He kept small talk, making sure she didn’t actually pass out. On the edge of his seat, he kept looking for his friends or Rafe, hoping they’d come back soon with insulin for Y/N. 
Explicitly, JJ never stated his feelings for the Cameron twin, but the Pogues picked up on it by his constant desire to be within arms reach or asking if she’d be joining them today on whatever adventures they voyaged on. 
If she wasn’t feeling like passing out, she would be embarrassed. Being seen as weak and vulnerable in front of others was deemed to be her worst fear. JJ’s words blurred together as her hearing faded in and out, her vision becoming hazy.
“Come here, Y/N” Rafe spoke, now supporting his younger sister. Despite Y/N and Sarah being twins, Rafe and she had an unspoken bond. The sibling relationship held no jealousy, but empathy for each other’s struggles and relationships with their father. No competition or underlying hatred–something Rafe held against Sarah for being the favorite child. “I got you, let’s get this going for you.”
Rafe fumbled with the device, despite training for this emergency multiple times. JJ watched him kneel down beside his sister, and the hatred between the two disappeared. Rafe never approved of his sisters hanging out with the Pogues, but when it came to Y/N and her diabetes, nothing mattered anymore.
As the insulin started to take effect, Y/N started to feel better. Rafe and JJ sat with her, keeping her company until she became fully conscious again. Rafe held her hand, stroking his thumb over it. Seeing his sister in such a distressed state only made things worse for Rafe–not wanting to get the backlash from their father. Y/N constantly reminded him that her diabetes would never be his fault if something bad happened to her–she made sure Ward knew too. 
 Pope, Kie, and the couple watched over Y/N s well, worried that they would have to call an ambulance. 
"Thanks, Rafe," Y/N said, feeling grateful. "I'm sorry I'm such a burden and killing the mood."
Rafe chuckled. "You're not a burden," he said. "You're my little sister. I'll always be here to take care of you." A side of Rafe Cameron not many people witness. If anything were to happen to his siblings, under his watch, he wouldn’t be able to forgive himself. 
The night ended shortly after, Pope offering to drive Y/N home s she could fill her pump with insulin. Accepting his offer, JJ rode in the backseat with the Cameron girl. Her head rested on his shoulder, Pope peeking through the rearview mirror to make sure nothing else went awry. The two helped her inside, not wanting to leave until she made herself comfortable, fixed her pump, and got some light food and water in her. 
“Thank you, Pope,” She wrapped his arms around him. She knew how much he disliked Rafe–just relieved neither JJ nor Pope let their feelings get in the way of her health. Letting go, she faced the blonde. 
Pope waited in the car, allowing the two to talk privately. 
“I was hoping we’d have more time together tonight to dance and talk.” She confessed. JJ laughed, nodding his head. He wished the night didn’t end the way it did as well. 
“Hm, maybe tomorrow we can make up for a lost time–only if you remember to take care of yourself.”
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katkit14 · 2 years
First year's reaction to an mc with type 1 diabetes
Hello there! I have literally never ever written headcanons before so I hope this isn't terrible. This time it's platonic maybe I'll make an s/o version later on. I hope you enjoy!
gender neutral reader
Warnings: very little swearing!
Thinks it's the same as type 2
Good luck trying to explain it
Tries to tease you about not being able to eat sweets until you explain you can and that sweets can they can save your life if your having a low
Tries to get you to give some of your snacks and sweets to him
Can and will slap any bruises you get from dosing or slap the old cgm sites when you change the sensor out (if you use that)
Doesn't really mind helping with sqeezing your arm for you when you dose ( if you don't use a pump) and geting you snacks if your blood sugar is low but won't help you with anything else
Doesn't admit it but a little scared of the needles
Does get into fights if someone harasses you
"What's that?"
Doesn't understand what diabetes really is
You have to explain it a few times before he gets it and keep reminding him
Once he understands he tries his best to help if you need him. He isn't very helpful but he tries. He gets panicky when it comes to needles, though he can help you change your sensor for a cgm...thats about it.
he freaks out when you have a high or low so not much help there. He might be able to find a sugary snack or something though
Does try to help though and will help stop bleeding from doses ( if you use pens)
At least he's trying
Don't trust him with your snacks, they might go missing cause he might or might not have lost them by accident
Also gets into fights when someone harrases you
doesn't fully understand but is still pretty helpful
He's the most helpful! Your blood sugar low? Just ask, hell probably go get you any type of snack you need before you ask. Need help sqeezing your arm? Best person to ask! Need help changing something out? Once he learns how to he's willing to help!
Might grumble about it and act as if he doesn't really care but he does
Also thanks to his wolf senses he's able to tell you if your having a high or low before you know or before your cgm can warn you ( if you use that)
Also slightly scared of needles but won't ever admit it
Can trust him with your snacks
Won't really pick fights with people who harass you but will scare them off and try to comfort you but in his kinda tsundere way
"Oh, my grandma has that"
Like Ace, also thinks it's like type 2
You will have to explain it a couple times before he understands it's not like type 2
Gets it quicker then Deuce though
Is helpful but not as helpful as jack
Will help squeeze your arm for dosing ( if you use the pens) and go get you snacks if you ask him but other then that not really helpful at all. You can trust him to hold stuff for you though, like help carry snacks and sweets to keep them from Ace and Grim
Doesn't get panicked about needles tho or blood at all and he will tell you if you are bleeding but won't help stop the bleeding
Kinda like your blood your problem
Can and will pick a fight with someone...anyone who harasses you about your diabetes. Will cause a scene and go feral gremlin.
Uses you as an excuse to get out of Vils orders
Good luck trying to explain 2.0
He is so lost
Goes on and on about how pathetic humans are
Gets mad if you choose to remind him of the fact he's half human
Asks Lilia
Lilia who knows exactly what both type 2 and type 1 diabetes is convinces him it's a bone in the arm that produces calcium
Now he's even more confused
Poor boy gets even more confused if you join in on lilias little joke
Lilia eventually tells him the truth but both you had fun for a bit with it
No help at all from him at all and one of few who gets visblely panicked when needles come out or when he sees blood and will yell at you to clean it up
Tries to help by yelling at you when your cgm beeps ( if you use that) or when your meter reads something low like you don't already know that and will go get you a Snack if you tell him what to get
Also don't trust him with the snacks cause he will be tricked by Ace or Grim
A for effort though
Won't engage in a psychical fight but will yell at people if they harass you
Also have to explain several times and remind him
Still confused
At this point it's okay to give up trying to explain
Never ever trust this little shit with your stuff especially not food
Tries to steal snacks often and will eat your sweets while your not looking
Also tries to steal food from you in general
Will be able to tell you when your blood sugar is to high and low but other then that wont help one single bit ( I mean what can he really do lol)
Gets visiblely paniked from needles but not the blood. he won't tell you if your bleeding after dosing though ( if you use the pens)
Sometimes forgets your diabetic
Freaks out about your cgm metor or phone beeping at you( if you use one) especially in the middle of the night
He will pick fights with those who harrass you though cause he (will take any opportunity to show his " amazing " magical powers ) cares
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littlemissomega · 2 years
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Key: ♤= smut | ♡=fluff | ◇= dark ^=personal favorites | *=top/most likes
[Last updated: 10/01/2023
HoneyMoon Hell ♤♡
Sensory processing disorder reader! x Tom Holland
Summary: Morning wake up call gone wrong
Warnings: smut, sensory meltdown, aftercare, Tom being a perfect hubby
Big Girl Thoughts ♤*
mommy!wanda maximoff x reader
Summary: Wanda just can't get enough of her baby
Warnings: Overstimulation, smut, mommy kink, Wanda being condesending, degrading
How Would They Know? ♤♡
mommy!natasha romanoff x reader
Summary: Y/N and Natasha go out for dinner, but Natasha has an idea to mix it up
Warnings: overstimulation, mommy kink, public sex, bathroom sex, pet names, degrading, aftercare, etc
Word Count: 3405
Series: Meeting the Coworkers ♤♡^
Steve Rogers x Y/N x peter parker , wanda maximoff x bucky barnes x natasha romanoff
Summary: Steve has been transparent about his polyamorous relationship with some of his Coworkers since he started dating Y/N, but she was never interested. Until she became curious with that part of Steve's life and asks to meet the gang, but just one at a time. Things get heated and Y/N discovers a whole new side of herself
Part 1: Meeting Peter Parker
Dios Mio♤♡
peter parker x tony stark's daughter!reader
Summary: Peter and Y/N get caught in the act by her dad- Tony Stark
Warnings: smut, oral (f recieving) orgasum denial if you squint, Tony Stark being an overprotective dad, getting caught in the act, embarrassment, mention of getting pregnant, mention of marriage,
Cravings ♤♡
Natasha romanoff x pregnant! reader
Summary: natashas 's wife wakes up with intense pregnancy cravings
Warnings: smut, mommy kink, pregnancy, pregnancy cravings, strap on, hypersensitive, nipple play, aftercare, pet names, Russian pet names
Viral ♤
Pornstar!Natasha romanoff x influencer!reader
Summary: Y/N's followers dare her to call Natasha 'Mommy' on camera
Warnings: SMUT, 18+, strap used, overstimulation, Mommy kink, video sex, live stream sex, cussing, pet names (bunny, luv, luvie, baby, babygirl, etc), praise kink, degradation kink, Y/N says “it hurt” (nothing is physically hurting her tho), bad writing
Principessa ◇♤
dark!mafia!bucky barnes x innocent!reader
Warnings: smut, non con, kidnapping, mafia leader Bucky, housewife kink, degrading kink, non consensual use of a vibrator, overstimulation, bondage, crying, innocence kink, squirting, virgin reader, Bucky’s kinda sick but it’s also kinda hot 👀
Summary: Y/N's trip to Italy turns dark
Conflict of Interest ♤
dom!Natasha x needy!reader
Warnings: edging, overstimulation, Y/N falls deep into subspace, praise kink, use of a vibrator, Y/N’s insecure thoughts, use of a strap, allusion to aftercare, but not actually written
Summary: Y/N is very needy while Natasha is working
alpha!Wanda x omega!reader
Summary: Y/N joins the Avengers thinking she’ll be able to hide being an omega. Wanda bursts her bubble.
Warnings: smut, overstimulation, mating, biting, penetration, omega heat, fingering, knotting, pet names (malyshka, baby, luv, luvie), Bucky’s an asshole, a kinda maybe spark better Bucky (I can’t write fight scene without banter), scenting, scent blockers
Hungry ♤♡
alpha!Rhyand x omega!reader
Summary: Rhysand finds a way to make his mate eat during her heat
Warnings: smut, cockwarming, teasing, mating, reader not wanting to eat but Rhys convincing her too, bargaining, heat and rut, overstimulation, mention of biting/marking, breeding kink, pet names (Alpha, Omega, little dove, baby), wing play/stimulation, food play if you squint, bad writing, not proof read
Chronically ill Reader:
I'm Here ♡
steve rogers x endometriosis!reader
Summary: Steve Roger's girlfriend has endometriosis and gets her period
Warnings: chronic pain, reader has endometriosis which causes extremely painful periods, reader gets her period, throwing up, crying, little suggestive but not really (Y/N thinks Steve is gonna do something sexual for a second, but he doesn't)
How Low Can You Go? ♡
Diabetic!reader x Stucky
Summary: reader’s blood sugar drops in the middle of the night
Warnings: Dangerously low blood sugar, low blood sugar symptoms (head racing, shaky, brain fog), crying, blood, mention of glucose tablets (which is kinda a medication? It helps get your blood sugar up), orange juice, fluff, pet names (Ladybug, princess, sweetie, honey, etc)
Short and sweet enough to give your hyperglycemia (high blood sugar)
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Coming soon
Meeting the CoWorkers Part 2: Meeting Wanda
Bare: dom!rhysand x reader
Principessa Part 2
Comment any emoji on this post to get added to my taglist! I'm not the best at remembering, but I try! <3
All banners are by @cafekitsune <3
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phebbsl · 4 months
A Part of Your World- Chapter 1
Stardew Sebastian x GN!Reader
Sebastian’s resolve to not meet the new farmer lasts all but two weeks. To be fair, it’s not of his own volition. 
You never thought you had to resolve to not get literally sucked into your favorite game, but now here you are. And now you have a farm to manage and a pretty boy to woo. 
Or: My spin on the life in Pelican Town, and Heart Events, featuring a GN!Reader (possibly/probably Isekai???).
Cross posted from my AO3, phebbsl
Sebastian’s resolve to not meet the new farmer lasts all but two weeks. To be fair, it’s not of his own volition. 
He had stumbled out of his bedroom in the afternoon, late afternoon mind you, and promptly walked in on you and his mom discussing options for a new coop.
It was the day after the Egg Festival. Abigail had lost the Egg hunt for the first time in years, and was inconsolable for the whole night yesterday. Not in the ‘holy shit I lost and I’m absolutely devastated’ way with tears, but in ‘holy shit, did you see the Farmer??? they’re so hot’ type of way. 
The trio of friends had stayed up late at Sebastian’s room for the rest of the night, drinking and using his ‘vase’. Abigail continued to gush about the Farmer, only slightly put out that her win streak ended.
“I mean, did you see them in that little straw hat? How cute!” she cooed. 
Sam joined in too, all red-faced, blushing. The Farmer had stopped by his house when they first moved in, introducing themselves sweetly, and had even tossed over a can of Joja Cola to the blonde. Sam had suspected that it had been fished up from the river, judging by scuffs and slightly musty river-y smell, but had downed it anyway (and kept the can). 
Why Sam drinks treasures those little blue cans of diabetes and Yoba-knows-what when he literally works at Joja and knows damn well how unhealthy it is, Sebastian will never know. 
Sebastian spent the rest of the night, totally not sulking on his bed, casting mournful glances at the game table, all set up for a round of Solarian, as he listened to his friends’ gossip about the newest member of the town. 
Abigail and Sam didn’t leave until well past midnight, and while Sebastian was used to long nights hunched over his computer, the day’s festivities had worn him out completely.
Thus, leading to him crawling out of his mom’s basement like a cave-goblin, obvious to all that he had woken up past the accepted hours for any normal person, even later than he typically would’ve. Upon seeing you, he was completely determined to turn around, go back to bed, and hide enjoy his solitude until you were gone. That was, before his mother had stepped in, ever so glad to take any opportunities to socialize him.  
“Have you met my son, Sebastian?” Robin prods, with a sly grin, before slinking away to leave the two of you to socialize. 
Great, now he had to interact with you.
He mumbles out a greeting and his name and takes you in. 
You don’t look like a farmer. At least, not the stereotypical version of he had come up in his head. To be fair, he only really envisioned a grizzled old man, smudged with dirt and hands full of calluses. Basically, your grandfather. He had only caught a brief glance at the festival yesterday, and was uninterested in looking further. Now, he realized that his friends were right. 
‘Oh no, they’re hot!’ echoes in his brain, soundly strangely like Squidward. 
You’re exactly his type, with pretty eyes he could just drown in to boot, your straw hat prize from yesterday perched on your head. You’d even wound a crown of flowers around the base. He’s not a big fan of flowers, but daffodils suddenly look a million times better. Yellow looks good on you, he thinks. 
He urges his brain to reboot and act like a normal person. Suddenly, he wants to make a good impression on you, curse his traitorous hormones. 
“Oh. You just moved in, right? Cool. Out of all the places you could live, you chose Pelican Town?”
Nice. Cool, slightly aloof, and hopefully he didn’t sound too much like a dick. 
You shrug and spin off the truly humongous backpack you have strapped on. 
‘Damn, Pierre found someone to sell that thing to, huh?’ he thinks absently. 
He and Abigail had spent an embarrassingly long time giggling at the giant monstrosity when it had arrived at Pierre's, while the store owner wilted behind the register, his plans to sell backpacks to one-up Joja foiled. 
Sebastian watches with confusion as you proceed to stick your arm in the pack, rummaging, before producing a frozen tear, then dropping it into his hands. He stares at it, flabbergasted. 
“I really love this. How did you know?” He finally manages to say. 
“Just had a feeling,” you shrug again. 
Robin comes back, interrupting the moment. 
“I found the paint swatches for the coop! Let me know which one you’d like.”
You break away to discuss color options, and Sebastain stays, silently rolling the frozen tear in between his fingers. More words of gratitude are stuck in his throat.
Eventually, you and Robin finish, the latter rolling up the blueprints with promises to start working the next day. 
“It was nice to meet you,” you give a little wave with a wiggle of your fingers. 
“Uh yeah, same here.” 
‘Wow, real eloquent,’ Sebastian snarks internally. 
He finally leaves for the kitchen to grab food to start his day. 
“Are you going to Sam’s? You should change before you go,” Robin enters as well, snickering. 
Sebastian looks down.
Fuck, he had just met the most attractive person he’d ever seen and he was in his damn froggie printed pajama pants.
‘I knew I should’ve just stayed in my room,’ he thinks. But, glancing at the frozen tear next to his cup of coffee, he knows he might just wake up early again the next time you visit.
I’m playing with the idea of having the farmer be from our world, like an isekai, I think it opens up more possibilities and has potential to become a bigger story than just a series of one shots, but I’m still not sure yet. 
Let me know what you guys think!
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lowkeyrobin · 4 months
hi :) i was wondering if i could get somethin with the cricket crew folks (those who are a-okay with xreaders) and a reader who deals with type 1 diabetes, like the reader is having low blood sugar troubles while hanging out pretty please 🦕 (platonic or romantic doesnt, matter to me)
OF COURSEEE OMG sorry for taking so long to get this out, I did a lot of research into this so hopefully I got everything accurate! my dad has type 2 diabetes so sorry if anything got mixed up with that as well 😭 billzo and aimsey are the two that aren't cool with x reader fanfics so I didn't include them, although I'm pretty sure they're okay just being in the bg? lmk if I need to change anything! I genuinley appreciate it
HANDSOME BROS ; you have type one diabetes
includes ; tommyinnit, ranboo, tubbo, & freddie badlinu
warnings ; swearing, mentions of fainting, mentions of needles/dexcom
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instantly shoving bills diet coke down your throat
he just panics at first and kinda asks you what to do
yk like in movies when all the characters are shouting over each other in panic? that's him
bill rushes over since his drink just got stolen
"dude, their dexcom needs changed"
"what the fuck is a dex-com!?"
Tommy's too scared to help you in the beginning, literally forces Bill to help you if you need it
even seeing the damn dexcom app on your phone scares him sometimes
like when you walk too far away and it starts doing that scary ass beeping thing, he jumps out of his skin
you left your phone with him while you went to use the bathroom in a public area and your phone started doing the thing because you were too far away and his face went from 😊 to 😨 in a millisecond
"What if they're dead in there???"
wilbur and tubbo are usually the ones reminding him that you're fine and it beeps when you're out of reach
after time, he gets used to it
although he never lets you forget your phone
he's still scared of the beeping
but he learns a lot on how to help you and shit from both you and bill
if he's got an embarrassing question, he'll go to billzo bc he's so scared of making you uncomfortable LMAO
has a whole notes app list for procedures when you're having issues with your dexcom/blood sugar troubles
makes sure you eat some snacks through the day
🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶 I'm so hopelessly in love
before you guys even meet up irl he has a talk with you on what to do if problems arise
you literally hear him type it all down on his phone through the vc
he's pretty calm even from the beginning, but sometimes the nerves do get to him
always has to ask if he's doing things to help you the right way and stuff
if you need his help putting the dexcom in a new spot, he'll be there to help but he's about to panic in fear he'll hurt you
"tubbo, it's fine. you can't hurt me"
"I'm scared I will!"
after time, he'll get used to helping you since he knows you're scared of doing it yourself/have trouble putting it in some spots
keeps some snacks in his pockets/backpack when you're out and about so your blood sugar doesn't drop while you're recording a video or something
if you get weasy or feel like you're gonna pass out, he's got the whole emt training istg LMAO
if you're feeling unwell on stream he'll literally force you to get your phone, hop on a different call with him and prove that you're getting food and whatnot
he'll literally force you to eat on stream
chat uses this for intros of tubbo + y/n edits
gets some advice from Bill as well to make sure you're not lying about eating or anything
if he can't get through to you, maybe Bill can because you're going through similar shit
if not him, aimsey will get through to you
in aimsey we trust 🤞
the first time it happens it was while you were out with them and aimsey
you only told the both of them "hey I'm diabetic just so u know" and left it at that
so when you started having blood sugar troubles out and about with them, they didn't know what to do
you kinda had to explain yourself and tell them how to help and stuff
ranboo made a little safe plan after that, now worried that you could possibly faint and stuff
he has a whole like 3 page note on his phone (like size 9 font too) of what to do in certain situations and when to call 911 if needed
he runs it by Bill too in case you guys missed anything
like bi-hourly checkups that your sugar is okay and stuff, making sure the dexcom is working etc etc
makes sure to only take you to restaurants and fast food places where you'll actually eat instead of pulling the "I'm not hungry" bullshit
he's just looking out for you
"we can't go there, y/n won't eat and I haven't seen them eat today. if you guys wanna do that, that's cool, we'll probably run by a gas station or a store to get something for them, though"
"ran, it's fine-"
"shut up. youre eating, you toe muncher"
if you're recovering from low sugar and being weasy/feeling like you're gonna faint, he just tries everything to make you smile
from dumb jokes to comfort videos, etc
they'll do anything to make sure you're better than you were before
you and bill have a diabetes competition where you're just talking shit and spewing about how you've got it worse than the other and ranboo just records it 💀💀💀
during the pov you're at a family reunion ranboo stream is the first time you have troubles around your friends
you forgot you needed to change the dexcom and almost halfway through you step out
like half an hour later you're still not back and the whole groups confused to Freddie goes to retrieve you
brother finds you in the bathtub in and out of consciousness
tbh you blame yourself for writing it off and not thinking about a plan just in case but lessons learned
he texts the groupchat to inform the others what happened while you stumble back into frame with Freddie's help bc you were not gonna ruin this for the others or chat, no matter how much he told you that you weren't ruining anything
you were acting a little out of it but he got you eating off the charcuterie board which helped a bit
afterwards, he always makes sure that you're eating properly and helps you with communicating if you need help with your dexcom and stuff
like Tommy, the beeping when you're too far away from your phone scares the shit out of him sometimes
sometimes he gets a little anxious and slides your phone under the bathroom door or quickly gives the phone back like "I'm just making sure you're okay! it disconnected, I got a little worried"
God I'm so head over heels for him 💔💔
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moonxytcn · 8 days
Hey I have a billie request! Fem reader has type 1 diabetes. We have been having a bad day, we kinda feel insecure. Billie helps us change our insulin pump.
a not so bad day
Billie Eilish x fem!reader
summary – you wake up with high blood sugar and billie helps you
warnings – fluffy, reader has diabetes
English is not my first language so there may be some errors.
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It was a cloudy Sunday morning, and you already knew the day wasn't going to start well. Waking up with high blood sugar was always a warning that the next few hours would be a constant battle with your body. You looked at the insulin pump screen, the number blinking in red: 287 mg/dL. A tired sigh escaped your lips as you tried to process what to do next.
Billie was still asleep beside you, her face relaxed in deep sleep. You didn't want to wake her, but the restlessness and discomfort were palpable. Slowly, you got up, trying not to make any noise. The house was silent, except for the faint hum of the air conditioner.
While you were in the kitchen, getting a glass of water, you heard soft footsteps. Billie appeared at the door, her eyes half-closed but full of concern.
"Hey, love, what's going on?" She asked softly.
You tried to smile, but you knew you wouldn't fool Billie. She always knew when something was wrong.
"My blood sugar is high again." You admitted, looking at the floor. "I think the pump is failing. I'll need to change it."
Billie approached, wrapping you in a warm hug. "We'll fix this together, okay? You're not alone."
You nodded, appreciating the comfort of her embrace. Together, you went to the bathroom where you kept the diabetes supplies. Billie started preparing the new infusion set while you removed the old one.
"This is so frustrating, Billie." You vented, feeling tears beginning to form. "It feels like I can never have a peaceful day without worrying about this."
Billie paused what she was doing and held your hands, looking deep into your eyes. "I know, love. And it's unfair that you have to deal with this. But I'm here with you, always. We'll get through this together, one step at a time."
You took a deep breath, feeling the calmness that Billie's presence brought. With a gentle gesture, she continued the process of changing the pump, guiding you when necessary. Her skill in handling the situation, even without being diabetic, always surprised you. Billie always made it a point to learn, to be by your side in every difficult moment.
"There." She said after a few minutes, gently pressing the new cannula into your arm. "How do you feel?"
You grimaced as you adjusted the new insertion, but soon gave a shy smile. "Better, I think. Thank you, Billie. I don't know what I would do without you."
Billie kissed your forehead gently. "You'll never have to find out. I'm here for anything, always. Now, how about we have some coffee and then watch that movie you like?"
You nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over you. It wasn't just about changing the insulin pump; it was about having someone who understood your struggles and stood by your side to face them. With Billie, the bad days were a little easier to endure.
Together, you went to the kitchen, where Billie started making coffee. The house, which previously seemed full of uncertainties, now felt a bit lighter, full of hope. And as you watched Billie, you knew that with her, any battle was possible to win.
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