#trolls birthday cake
poppibranchlover · 1 year
TROLLY-MOLY!!! Look at my birthday cake!!! 🤩🎂
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Since Trolls Band Together is coming right around the corner, my mother had ordered this for me, and it also came with lots of appetizing cupcakes! This is the best birthday wish I ever had! 🥳🎉🎊
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navy-scribble · 1 month
Happy Birthday Maddy!!!!! :D
for @felsicveins
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happy birthday Maddy and I hope you have having a great birthday celebration!!! ^^)/
I might change my sona design but we'll see and I forgot to add your earing of your sona, sorry about that. (^^;
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crabcakesdaily · 7 months
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cake: now grub free
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vineboom-sfx · 2 months
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Guys it’s their birthday!!!!
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variouscolors · 5 months
[seasonal tag dumpmon]
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wombocombo4x3 · 1 year
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glittercakepuff · 2 years
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a-hermit-pining · 1 month
Geto as a House Husband
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Genre: Fluff Pairing: House husband Geto x Reader AN: I love him. He's so damn pretty. Who should I write next?
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Have you seen him? He is mother material. Born to cook forced to slay. Let's say in a different world, you whisk this beautiful man into the domestic bliss of marriage.
Massive cottage core vibes with this one. He is very taken by the idea of not being regarded as a killing machine. Immediately busies himself with the task of decorating your shared home.
Just take this man away. Elope to mountains and save him (hermit begs you).
Wedding planning is another demon. He debates every single decision. Asking you about your preference between white gardenias or white peonies. (You love him and he is too sweet for you to say out loud that you for the end of the world cannot distinguish the flowers)
He creates elaborate flowcharts to compare the pros and cons of different cake flavors, or insists on stress-testing the honeymoon resort's structural integrity with a cursed technique (much to the staff's bewilderment).
Let's not even get into Gojo's best man speech. No one really recovered from that.
DIY projects are his shit. Renovating a raggedy old dresser into a vintage masterpiece is where his magic lies. Let this man cook.
Your home with him is a a whimsical blend of vintage finds and hand-stitched throw pillows adorned with subtle wards against lingering curses. Even the strategically placed spider plants weren't just decorative – they doubled as a natural barrier against negative energy (a discovery that both surprised and amused you).
His transition into a normal 'monkey' life was endearingly awkward, like the time he spent hours meticulously decoupaging a floral pattern onto a chair, muttering about the inefficiency of glue compared to a simple binding spell.
And the day Suguru is introduced to the world of crocheting, your world flips on its axis. The pure look of joy on his face unravels the seams of your heart as he presents you with the mood changing octopus on your birthday.
Weekends with him are craft days. With a classic rom-com in the background as he sits next to you, his hands busy in the dance of needles and yarn. Better even your fingers run through his hair, braiding his hair only to wake up to your husband with perfect mermaid waves next day.
You both are the kind of sickly sweet couple that cause Shoko to gag in cringe during holiday gatherings.
Your husband glows with the simplicity of life. His hands busy themselves with crafts, chores, gardening, never a moment of rest even in the hull of domesticity.
He is your Disney princess that rushes out to refill the bird feeder with the first rays of Sun, hums pleasantly at the sight of a perfectly baked batch of cookies, or paints the most delightful sceneries on your ceilings.
Geto Suguru was made to create. He loves the fresh scent of sheets, experimenting with new flavors of tea, or going down the path of BookTok with Faerie romances much to your astonishment.
It isn't long before, you both end up adopting teeny tiny twins from the local orphanage. Suguru's darling girls he spends his life nurturing.
He took to fatherhood with the same surprising zeal he brought to everything else. His days were filled with braiding tiny pigtails, reading bedtime stories with dramatic voice inflections (complete with a surprisingly convincing rendition of a grumpy troll), and building elaborate pillow forts that rivaled any jujutsu barrier.
And on nights when dreams of a different reality kept him away, you held his hand in yours. Calling your girls for a family sleepover in the living room. That was all it took to whisk the sadness away from your beloved's eyes.
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vacayisland · 6 months
Id be so happy if u could write some Branch x reader!! I love when he acts apathetic or like he doesn’t care but in the end will always end up helping the people he cares for. And has a weakness for the one he loves. Secretly insecure but loves looking for ways to impress them.
I dont have anything in particular to ask for, just would love to see some more branch x reader content!
@!; Bakin' with Love! Branch / Baker! Reader
"Summary"! In which Branch met Poppy's baker friend at the grand opening of their bakery and has a self realizing moment. "Tags!" Fluff :( I love Branch so much, he deserves so much better.
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@!; "Oh come on Branch!" Branch was, reluctantly, following Poppy across Troll Village; Well, in fact, he was being more tugged along than anything, as Poppy was basically trying to sprint while Branch did his best to keep up, despite being unamused at the lack of explanation he has received. It was, usually, never a good thing when Poppy was dragging him off to some unknown direction. Branch has learnt that from experience, "Poppy! Where are we even going?" And that seemed to get Poppy to stop, digging her feet into the ground as she spun around to look at Branch. Which set him off, coiling away a little as he took in the shocked, jaw-dropping, exaggerated look Poppy held. Did he forget a holiday, an anniversary, a birthday? Branch didn't know, nor did he know of anything special happening on this specific day. There wasn't anything in his colander, which spans the next few years. He hasn't heard anything by mouth of other Trolls, which were always excited to word vomit about anything that might be happening the next day. So Branch only shrugged when Poppy asked, waving her arms around to emphasis her question, "Branch! Do you not know what today it?"
Which seemed to make Poppy ever so more shocked, which was slightly amusing. Though Branch also knew in the next 5 seconds Poppy was going to explode and basically word vomit what was happening to him; in an over-the-top way that he had to learn how to listen to. More like how to break down and make sense of, because sometimes Poppy made no sense when she just pukes words. "Branch!! Troll village is finally getting a Bakery and one of my very, very good friends is opening it! It's the same person who usually makes the cupcakes or cakes or baked good for any of the parties we have thrown recently. They're an amazing baker and it's always been their dream to open a bakery! I cannot believe you haven't heard about this, it's all everyone has been talking about." And there Poppy went, right on time, waving her arms and yelling with the most excited tone in her voice. "A bakery?" Though that wasn't the answer Branch had expected, and he couldn't help but cross his arms and cock an eyebrow up at Poppy. "You're dragging me across the village for a bakery?" "Not just ANY bakery Branch! This is the a bakery by the best baker in the village!" Branch snickered a little at Poppy's excitement, the way she bounced on his toes. He rolled his eyes, knowing and expecting, Poppy to grab his wrist again so they could b-line it for the bakery. "And she's opening today and we cannot miss getting her double fudge, triple chocolate, licorice cupcakes! Oh, oh! Oh her glitter ball cupcakes or- OR ANYTHING!" And Branch, again, was right as Poppy grabbed his wrist and began to rush over to the other side of the village; dragging Branch over to a little half-stand and pod-like building on the ground. There was already a crowd formed around the entrance and inside, with other Trolls sitting around and eating baked goods they had gotten. Branch watched the trolls and their desserts, noticing a wide arrange of different pastries. Some on the more simple side and others more complex, such as cupcakes, brownies, cakes, bread, croissants, and even chocolate souffle. Now that made Branch do a double take, not having expected such a high-skilled dessert coming out from a bakery that just opened. "AH! Branch, this is so exciting!" Poppy was basically jumping up and down on her toes, grinning from ear to ear. And she wasn't the only one who shared the excitement. As Viva, who seemed to come out of no where, popped up besides Poppy with the widest grin. Branch had to coil back a bit, scrunching his nose, as Viva squealed along side Poppy, "I KNOW RIGHT!" "Hey, this is different!" Floyd, with Clay in tow, walked over to Branch, Viva, and Poppy; seeming to have been following Viva before she rushed off to her sister. "It's a bakery," Branch couldn't help but shrug as the line moved forward. "So many trolls can bake, or poop out baked goods. I don't really see the fuss about it." "Well, one it's actually the first bakery we have in the village-" Floyd would start, hoping he could get his brother to understand the excitement a little better. Yet Floyd was cut off by Clay, though he didn't mind much, "And I've heard that their baking is like, THE best in all of Pop Troll village! Viva came back with a dozen of their cookies one time, I had to physically restrain myself from eating them all!" "Oh, great." Clay tilted his head at Branch's sarcasm. "You know anything anyone eats here is sweets, right? I mean it can't be that healthy." The group would reach the front of the line as Branch crossed his arms and shook his head, wondering why the village would need another output to feed such an addiction. Yet, he was only met with a hand on his shoulder from Floyd as Clay rushed forward to order alongside Poppy and Viva.
"Just be happy for everyone else, yeah?" And Branch softened a little, seeing Floyd's small smile and sincere eyes. His hard stance broke as Branch relaxed his shoulders for a moment before he shrugged softly and nodded in agreement. "Alright, yeah, okay." Branch mumbled, receiving a pat on the shoulder from Floyd and a slightly bigger smile before he turned to go order. Branch decided to hang back for a bit before he followed, standing next to Floyd as he watched Poppy and Viva basically drool over the confections behind the display case. They chattered and debated which sweets they should get, and whether or not they should just buy one of everything; which Clay was trying to disagree to, claiming it was a waste of money, yet it was obvious he also couldn't choose what to get. Floyd was the first to notice when Branch walked around behind everyone to stand behind Poppy and Viva to look into the display stand. He noticed there was some steam that rose from products, which he guessed where more fresh than others; though he could also deduct that they were all baked between yesterday and today seeing as the scent of everything was so fresh. "I think, for the most bang for your buck, you should get some of the cookies that are slowly crumbling or the ones under steam." Branch pointed out from behind the sister, which caused them to pause and glance over at him. Both confused yet intrigued at his answer. Poppy placed her hands on her hips, giving Branch a challenging look, "Branch! I didn't know you knew sweets!" Branch only shrugged, "Well, the ones still steaming are likely the freshest, and the ones slowly crumbling have a desirable texture of a soft cookie. They're stiff enough on the outside to hold their shape but soft on the inside where they're slowly breaking, a nice balance." "And here I thought you were a crunchy cookie type of man." Viva added, pointing up and down at Branch. Yet they couldn't speak for long, as the back door of the bakery, which separated the kitchen from the front floor, swung open and a Troll carrying a cooling rack of sweets rushed in. They apologized for the wait, not taking a moment to look up, before they opened the display case and slid in the hot batch of cookies. When they finally looked up to greet everyone with a, "Hello! Welcome to Pop's Cookies, my name is (Y/N), how may I help you?" They stopped mid-sentence upon seeing Poppy and Viva, in which the three would share an excited squeal. "Oh my god Poppy! Viva! Hello you two." You exclaimed from behind the counter, moving around the display case and towards the register. Poppy and Viva would follow, "What are you doing here?! I thought I told you two that you didn't have to come!" "Did you really think we wouldn't come to support you?" Poppy quipped as Branch noticed the gleam in your eye. For some reason it made him pause and stare, so much so he didn't realize his brothers coming to stand near him. Floyd softly spoke to Clay about getting a strawberry shortcake brownie slice as Clay tried pitching that he was going to get an almond-cherry explosion cookie. Though they both knew that Clay would much prefer a cherry-lime cheesecake, yet was trying to keep up his 'professional' attituded. "Oh! (Y/N), have you meet Branch?" Poppy's voice pulled Branch out from his thoughts, causing him to blink and shake his head a little. That's when he noticed all eyes being on him. Well this was awkward... and he had to save it. "Hey!" Branch waved his hand once, giving you the only type of smile he could muster on such a short notice. In which, he could tell was a little odd and off, seeing as Poppy and Viva started at him a overly questioning look. While you, you stared at him with a quizzical look; Tilting your head to the side, as you stared at him like you were trying to read the very structure of his being. It was off putting how he felt like you could see right through him and at the same time see him. Branch glanced at Poppy for some sort of help, but she gave him a nervous smile and waved him off.
Branch tried to gulp back his nerves, wondering if he was being tested on his reaction or if you were simply judging him for not being as excited as everyone else about your bakery. It's not like he didn't support it or anything, he just wasn't the overly outward excited type and he hoped someone would explain that. And Branch saw Floyd glance over, seeming ready to say something or hopefully stand up for him. Yet he didn't seem to have to after a big grin grew on your face, "Say, Branch, you look like a soft double chocolate chip cookie with a fudge center type of guy to me! Would you like one? "Oh- uh- sure!" Branch answered with a small smile, somehow feeling rather relaxed despite his earlier anxieties. Though he did notice the shocked look from the others, you didn't seem shocked or disturbed he had agreed. In fact you seemed proud, for whatever reason, as you quickly grabbed a bag, fluffed it open, grabbed a wax paper and opened the case. You mulled over which cookie to select for a moment before taking the one you deemed as 'perfect' and began to bag it. "Braanch!" This is when Poppy spoke up, "You like double chocolate with a fudge center? How come you never told me!" And to that, Branch only shrugged his shoulders once more, "You never asked, Poppy." Branch explained as he walked over to the counter and accepted the bagged cookie. Later, when everyone had ordered and they decided to take a seat inside, Branch took out his cookie and couldn't help but look at it for a moment. Everyone around him was laughing and talking, eating their sweets at the same time, and he couldn't help but feel oddly seen. And by a complete Troll never the less. Usually people assumed he would like hard cookies, or the boring almond and nuts. Usually people assumed a lot about him because he was so different, and despite your slightly unsettling stare you had correctly guessed one of his favorite cookies. One he didn't even realize you had baked every time Poppy brought a dozen over to his bunker. So then that brought up another question in Branch. Did you just correctly guess his favorite cookie or did you remember it from the countless times Poppy (most likely) told you. Either way, why and how? That's probably what confused Branch the most. It's what made him turn around in his seat and look at you, watching as you served another costumer. A chipper smile on your face and an excited gleam in your eye. You weren't doing that guessing game or glare to anyone else. . . was he somehow special? Nah, probably not. But it did make him think as he took a bite into the cookie you had given him. Maybe he should come back tomorrow and talk to you about it. Yeah talk to you about the incident and for nothing else. Just clear up the air and all. Yeah... and maybe get another cookie.
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.ᐟ this work is published and owned by @vacayisland. please do not plagiarize, copy, or steal this work; like, reblogs, and saves are appreciated :D
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semifilms · 4 months
☆YOU SHARE A BIRTHDAY | suna rintaro, atsumu, miya, hinata shoyo, akaashi keiji
a/n - it’s my birthday and i share a birthday with suna, so i always think about like what he’d be like if he dated someone with the same birthday. so here’s him + others with that scenario (mainly for my own enjoyment)
cw - gn!reader, did not proofread
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when you met suna obviously one of the first things mentioned was your birthdays. he thought it was a cool coincidence that your birthdays fell on the same day. he didn’t look too much into it, but when you guys celebrated your birthday together he’s acting like it isn’t his birthday. he’s making it about you and saying it’s your special day and you correct him saying ‘our’ instead. but like he prefers to do something intimate with you on your guys’ birthday and then like party on another day that week with friends.
atsumu thought it was fate. like the fact that his s/o and him share a birthday? that was the universe saying you were meant to be together. he wasn’t an astrology guy but when he found out that libra’s were pretty comparable with each other he believed it. on your guys birthday the post he makes are so funny bc it could be so hot if you, him, and osamu and he’ll be like. “so grateful to share a birthday with the most amazing person in the world, and also samu”. like something like that to troll his twin.
hinata thinks it’s the best and even thinks that if/when you guys get married it needs to be on your birthday. “that wait its three times as special, and imagine all of the cake,” he’s trying to convince. you that it’s a good idea. he also likes that you guys share a birthday because you guys do your rounds of getting your free birthday gifts at stores and restaurants together.
i would like to imagine that you and akaashi actually met on a night out, celebrating your birthday’s separately. like you’re both with your own friends and bump into each other and somehow exchange the fact that it’s both of your birthdays and he offers to buy you a drink to celebrate. you think ‘oh that’s not fair i should buy him a drink for his birthday.’ overall you guys hit it off from then and when our guys finally start dating it’s just like a mute-cute with your birthday and you guys celebrate together rather than out with friends now.
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©semifilms do not copy, repost or translate my works
reblogs appreciated!
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poppibranchlover · 1 year
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Here’s Poppy and Branch enjoying their very own cake, and not to mention those cupcakes too!!! 😋🥰💖💙🍰🧁
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They actually taste so good, and I love both of these amazingly decorated cakes! This is a birthday I deserve more than ever!!! 🥳🎉🎊
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midnghtarchjves · 4 months
some of my brozone hcs because they're taking over my mind :P
John Dory:
- can't swim
- LOVES taking polaroid pics
- has eaten poisonous berries
- doesn't memorize the multiplication table of 8
- very sentimental (which is why he has a lot of junk lying around)
- all his holiday & birthday gifts to poppy are wallet-sized pictures of baby branch
- got into politics because of his daughter (the one who said "daddy, i don't think any government stands a chance")
- follows a lot of problematic artists ☠️
- REALLY GOOD at frisbee
- used to have a beard but brandy didn't like how it felt so he shaved it off
- loves it when people style his hair
- tutors the younger trolls in that golf course place
- doesn't like candy but he makes and eats candy necklaces with viva just to make her smile
- needs eyeglasses because he keeps reading in the dark because it matches the "vibe" of his book
- viva makes him read to her when she can't sleep because his books bore her
- his fav color is actually yellow, not green ;)
- was gray for a short period of time (around 2 years after the band broke up)
- has a photographic memory
- would be a swiftie if he lived in our world
- has asthma
- really good at arts and crafts
- gets ganged up on whenever he plays games with the band + poppy and viva because he's so good at everything they play so they always try to get him out first (they always fail and he always wins)
- tried to make a pop-up card for poppy but failed miserably
- doesn't rip the wrapping paper... he just removes the tape and unfolds it very carefully
- his favorite food is cake but only the ones made by his grandma. he stopped eating cake when she died because none of the ones he tried tasted as good as the ones she made
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hemmingsleclerc · 16 days
A different story┃RAB
Summary: where regulus and james’ sister raise harry
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Regulus Black and Y/N Potter had survived the war. The years since Voldemort's defeat had been filled with joy and sadness. Joy, because they had each other and the opportunity to build a new life together despite what everyone thought about them. Grief over the loss of James and Lily, Sirius' imprisonment in Azkaban, Peter's death and Remus' disappearance, leaving Harry in their care. They had promised to raise him as their own, determined to give him the love and family he deserved.
From the moment Harry arrived at Grimmauld Place, the once dark Black manor was transformed into a warm home. Regulus, no longer the young man who had once followed Voldemort’s ideas, had found a new path in his new role as a father. Y/N, with her strong and characteristic Potter kindness, made sure to brought light to every corner of her new life.
Harry's childhood with Regulus and Y/N was full of moments of love that he would remember throughout his life.
On Harry's first birthday after coming to live with them, Y/N and Regulus were determined to make it special. They decided to bake a cake without magic. The kitchen quickly became a disaster, flour covering every surface and Y/N with frosting in her hair.
"Reg, are you sure you read the recipe correctly?" Y/N asked, laughing as she tried to save a crooked layer of cake.
Regulus, with chocolate on his cheek, smiled shyly. "I'm pretty sure it said four cups of flour. Or maybe it was one…"
Despite the chaos, the cake turned out perfectly imperfect. When they show it to Harry, his eyes lit up with joy. "Happy birthday, Harry," Y/N said, kissing the top of her head.
"Happy Birthday, kid," Regulus added
When Harry received his Hogwarts letter, the house was filled with joy and a touch of bittersweet nostalgia. Regulus sat Harry down, with the letter spread out on the kitchen table. "This is where your parents went, Harry," he said softly, his eyes shining with pride and a hint of sadness.
Y/N, who was busy in the kitchen, stopped to ruffle Harry's hair. "You'll love it there, bunny. Just like your mom and dad did and so does Reggie and I."
The day he was dropped off at platform 9¾, Regulus and Y/N stood side by side, watching Harry board the train. Y/N had tears in her eyes and Regulus, although he tried to be calm, couldn't hide his emotion from him. "Be good, Harry," Regulus shouted. "And remember, we're only an owl away."
As the train pulled away, Y/N squeezed Regulus's hand. "Our little boy is growing up so fast," she whispered.
Years passed and Harry often found himself receiving Howlers from his aunt and uncle. Whether he was fighting with a troll or sneaking out of his common room after bed time, Harry's adventures with Hermione and Ron often left Regulus and Y/N worried.
One morning in the Great Hall, a Howler exploded in front of Harry, Regulus' voice echoing throughout the room. "Harry James Potter-Black! What were you thinking? The Triwizard Tournament? And a dragon? Honestly, sometimes I wonder if you have any common sense!" while hours later he received another one but this time from Y/N ''Harry, forgive Reg, he is very stressed and worried about you, we both are, we want you to know that we support you in everything and we know that you didn’t put your name on the cup, we will be there to see you at the tasks, in the meantime take care of yourself darling, we love you'' leaving Harry with a smile on his face.
As Harry grew older, he began to talk more about his friends and the special people in his life. One afternoon in the summer after their fifth year, Harry and Y/N were sitting in the garden, enjoying the warm sunlight. Harry hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Mom, can I ask you something?"
"Of course, dear," Y/N replied, looking up from her book.
"It's about Ginny," Harry began, a slight blush creeping up his cheeks. "I think… I think I like her. A lot."
"Ah, young love, so beautiful" he said with a soft smile. "She's a lovely girl, Harry. Be yourself and everything will fall into place with her, after all traditions are never broken."
''tradition?'' Harry asked
“Yeah, some people called it a curse but that sounded awful”
“Potter curse?”
''Every male Potter has his redhead,'' Y/N recited with a closed smile
Later that evening, Regulus joined the conversation. "So, Ginny Weasley, huh?" he teased, nudging Harry with his elbow. "Just remember to treat her right buddy, or you'll have more than just her brothers to answer to."
Harry laughed, feeling a warmth spread through him with his cheeks burning red
Oh I loved how this turned out, I have so many ideas about this I hope u like it 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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kittyball23 · 4 months
Haha, we need another Birthday Fanfic. But this time it's Branch's first birthday with his brother and him all grown up and back together again. The 4 bros might've done a similar shenanigan during their decorations unknowingly Branch already decorated the place himself with his new invention.
Figured I'd release this in time for Justin Timberlake's 43rd birthday 😃
Birthday Man (a Trolls fanfic)
John Dory had agreed to not take on the leadership role any longer when it came to him and his brothers. He had agreed to comply with the newfound leniency among them.
But still, that didn't quite mean that old habits didn't die hard.
The green-haired Troll hummed to himself, a little shake in his hips while he worked to decorate the earthen walls of Branch's bunker with balloons and streamers.
“Birthday boy, birthday boy, everybody make way to-day for the birthday boy!”
John Dory chuckled to himself. “Wow! I can't believe I still remember that little jingle from back in the day!”
Clay smirked, picking out a handful of confetti. “Oh, you mean back when you weren't old?”
JD gasped. “I'm not old!” he huffed. “I just have, um… seniority,” he said, liking the way that term sounded just a little better.
“Oh, okay, you keep telling yourself that,” Bruce said, he and Clay laughing to themselves.
JD narrowed his eyes. “Oh yeah? Well, I'm telling you guys that we better get moving! Those streamers need to be streaming, the balloons need to be popping! Well, in a figurative sense, not literally… oh! And I don't wanna see anything without confetti, are we clear?”
Clay and Bruce crossed their arms, exchanged a glance, and then slowly turned back to him.
“Yeah, we get it, Clay finally said, “And I know just where to start…”
In a flash,the handful of confetti he was holding was splashed right onto John Dory’s face!
“Hey!” the eldest brother yelped in surprise. “What was that for?”
“For being bossy, like you said you wouldn't be!” Clay quipped.
“What? I'm not being bossy! I was just trying to make sure everything'll be ready for when Branch comes!... But I guess I coulda been nicer about it, huh?” he said, considering how he'd spoken to his bros. He grimaced and shuffled a foot on the floor in embarrassment. “Oops. My bad, dudes.”
Bruce put a hand up. “Hey, it's all right, man. Accept our token of apology for jumping to conclusions so quickly.” Suddenly, Bruce flung out another huge handful of confetti and smacked JD right in between the eyes. The purple and lime-green Trolls burst into peals of laughter at the jaw-dropped look of shock on their older brother’s face.
JD frowned and determinedly set his goggles over his eyes. “Oh, it is ON!”
The walls of the bunker were forgotten as JD focused on decorating his brothers in retaliation, and the room was filled with shouts, laughs, and noisy banter.
From the kitchen, where Floyd was busy icing the Fluffleberry cake, the magenta-haired Troll heard the commotion and quickly ran into the room. “Oh no…” Not a fight! He breathed in deeply, calming himself before he stepped in to calm the bros. “Guys!” he called, putting his hands up. “John Dory! Bruce! Clay! Anyone?” His only response was a “Hiya!” and before he knew it, he was engulfed from head to toe in glitter from one of his eldest brother's star bombs.
“Yikes!” John Dory gasped. “My bad, Floyd, that was supposed to be for Clay!”
The lime-green-haired Troll blew a raspberry at him mockingly, causing JD to scowl at first, but then he sighed. “You're right, Floyd. I guess we better call it quits and - “
“No,” Floyd said, putting his hand up. Then, snatching the remaining star bombs from JD’s hands, he flung them at Bruce and Clay. “Let the war continue!”
And, in an explosion of glitter, it did!
“Branch, you are gonna love this!”
Poppy’s gushing made the blue Troll smirk, even if he couldn't see just yet. “Can I open my eyes yet?”
“Nope!” Viva replied for her sister. “And just to be sure you don't…” Both pink Trolls put their hands over his eyes, and the girls giggled as he grumbled.
“We're almost there!” Poppy said excitedly. She grabbed onto his arm, and he heard the whirring of his elevator platform, and knew that they were heading down into the bunker. What he heard next was a gasp from the sisters, and a ton of shrieks.
“Take that!”
“John Dory, let go of me!”
“OUCH! Did you just bite me?!”
“That's what you get!”
“Uhhh, what is going on?” Branch called out loudly. He peeled the girls’ hands away from his eyes and saw his four older brothers quickly scramble together and throw their arms up in the air.
“Surprise, Branch!”
Branch’s eyes widened the more be looked around the room, with trinkets and keepsakes that he’d collected over the years knocked over, and a colorful mess in the form of birthday decor lining everything he saw… including the four disheveled bros who clearly wore embarrassment on their faces despite the concealing smiles. And was his lamp on fire?!
“Well…” Branch said after a second. “I, um… sure am surprised…”
Floyd looked down. “‘Continue the war,’ what was I thinking?” He covered his face in his hands with a whimper.
“Chill, dude, we were just having some fun,” John Dory said, putting an arm around Floyd.
“Maybe we got a little carried away, though,” Bruce pointed out, plucking a piece of confetti from Clay’s hair and watching as it fell to the floor among the dozens of others that were already there.
“Yeah, sorry, Branch,” Clay said.
Branch surprisingly did not look upset. “Guys, I appreciate it, but it doesn't have to be perfect, remember?”
“Just as long as we're together,” Poppy finished, clasping her hand with his.
“That's right,” Branch replied, the two of them looking at each other lovingly.
The boys smirked at the cute display of affection. Suddenly, Branch became aware and broke his gaze to clear his throat and clarify.
“I - I mean us. Like, all of us.”
“Sure ya did, Branch,” JD said teasingly.
Not wanting his bro to continue being embarrassed, Floyd drew the attention to himself. “Say, guys, I know Branch said that being perfect doesn't really matter… but maybe we should clean up? Just a little bit?”
“No, no, there's no need,” Branch said. “Because I got this!” He unveiled a very complex-looking piece of machinery that was hidden at the corner of the room.
“Wow!” Viva squeaked. “What is that?”
Branch patted the side of it proudly. “I call it the Do-It-Automatically Party Reorganizer. Or for short, the - “
“DIAPR!” John Dory, Bruce, and Clay laughed together in unison.
“Ha, ha, ha, yes, the ‘diaper,’” Branch laughed sarcastically. “Not intentional, by the way,” he clarified.
“You sure about that?” Clay chuckled.
Floyd put a hand on his younger brother's shoulder. “Show us how it works, Branch,” he encouraged kindly.
Branch gave him one nod and a small grin, and then pulled a lever. The machine whirled to life, lighting up and right away getting to work. Mechanical arms swept up any debris or stick or muck, wiping everything spotless and even spiffying the bros back up.
“Now that is one well-oiled machine!” Clay commented, impressed.
“Never thought I'd see a clean diaper,” John Dory joked.
“There's a first for everything,” Bruce shrugged.
Branch rolled his eyes at the diaper comment, but chose to ignore any witty remarks he wanted to fire back, since he had something else up his sleeve. “Wait for the best part,” he said, pushing a red button on the machine's side. It sputtered with vibrations for a sec, and then… BOOM! Like a cannon, decorations shot out from an opening on top, landing flawlessly on the walls, the ceilings, and anywhere else that looked becoming.
“Okay, one word,” Viva squealed, turning to Poppy as both girls replied at the same time. “Fantast-amazing!!”
They clapped their hands excitedly in congratulation, while Branch’s brothers did the same.
“One awesome machine!”
“From one awesome bro!”
“Who's gonna have one awesome cake!”
“To go along with his one awesome PARTY!!”
Branch shrugged his shoulders as his brothers glanced at him expectantly, waiting for him to say something. “Awesome,” he said, prompting the group to laugh.
Suddenly, JD jolted like he just remembered something. “Holy cow! What're we standing around here for? Let's break out the cake! The presents!”
And, even though he sounded borderline bossy, the bros didn't argue. They scurried to the kitchen to grab the delectable pastry, while Poppy and Viva grabbed Branch by one arm each and whisked him away to the table. Branch’s blue eyes widened at the sight of the enormous cake that came out, all four brothers having to hold it tight and steady, and even then it still looked heavy.
“Get a good grip on it!” Bruce urged, until they managed to haul it onto the table.
Poppy and Viva left Branch’s side so they could join the quartet, turning it into a 6-part harmonious melody as they sang to him.
Happy birthday to yoouu,
Happy birthday to yooouuu,
Happy birthday Baby BraaAaAnch…
Happy birthday to yooouuUUU…”
“And many moooore,” Viva crooned, skillfully striking the notes as well as she struck the match and brought the flame up to the candle's wick.
Branch’s smile fell for an instant when he got a better look at the candle, and its shape. “Two?” he cried, appalled. Surely, they knew he wasn't that young, didn't they?
JD looked up at the top of the cake and giggled. “Oops! Forgot the second number.” He patted his pockets, sure he had it, but unable to locate it. “Huh… where is that second candle?”
Floyd tapped his shoulder. “Right here,” he said, extending his hand out with the number six that he had been in search for.
“Ah, there we go!” he exclaimed happily, ruffling his younger brother's magenta hair in appreciation. He slid the candle next to the two… on the left side.
Branch was even more bamboozled. “SIXTY-two?!”
Clay bopped John Dory upside the head. “Dude, don't try to pin being the oldest on Branch, now!”
“Yeah, man, you still have that title fair and square,” Bruce agreed, fistbumping Clay.
JD snorted. “Hmph! And you're not too far behind there, Bruce!”
Regardless, John Dory slid the candle in its rightful place on the right side of the two. “Ayight, how's that?” he asked.
“Great!” Floyd chirped. He glanced at his younger bro and gestured at the cake. “All yours, Branch.”
The blue Troll smiled, shutting his eyes as he considered his wish, and with a great exhale of breath, he blew them out!
The Trolls erupted in enthusiastic cheers. Poppy snuggled against her boyfriend, causing a chain reaction of hugs to ensue as first John Dory, then Bruce, then Clay, then Floyd, and finally Viva squeezed him in a huge family embrace.
“What'd you wish for, Branch?” Floyd asked after a moment.
JD shoved him lightly in the shoulder. “Floyd! Don't make him say, or else it won't come true!”
Branch chuckled. “Yeah, I don't think that'll be a problem… cuz I wished that we'd all be able to sing and dance and be a family together, the way we used to be, and… I’d say that came pretty true, don’t you think?”
“Aww…” Poppy cooed. He was right. And that was a good wish.
John Dory looked a bit pensive, though, stroking his chin. “Hmm… I think ya might be a teensy bit wrong there, Branch.”
Branch raised an eyebrow, and Clay and Bruce were quick to shoot JD a warning look, unsure where their older brother was going with this and hoping that he would not say something that would in turn ruin Branch’s birthday.
But JD grinned ear to ear as he made his declaration. “We're not the exact way we were before. We're even better!”
And that was something that Branch could whole-heartedly agree with. They were older, wiser, and tighter than ever. He had his friends, his girlfriend, a yummy cake baked to his Grandma's exact delectable precision, adorable braids…
He double took when glancing up and seeing a triple braided do on his head that almost seemed to manifest out of nowhere. But he knew the Troll responsible, and shot her a look.
“Whattya think? New birthday hairstyle to fit the birthday guy?” Viva giggled.
John Dory beamed. “Ooo! I like the way you’re thinkin’, girl!” He fist-bumped her, and Branch chuckled.
“Thanks, V,” he said.
After that, all Trolls dug into the cake, shared stories, and laughed and sang much of the night away. Branch was nothing but delighted. This wasn’t quite like his first birthday. Or like the birthdays he’d spent alone in his bunker. It was unique in its own way. Special, like his family.
A birthday that was one-hundred percent worth remembering.
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There are many worlds. This is one of them.
In this world, Arthur Lester celebrates a birthday. He eats cake that his teenage daughter made him - chocolate with cherry jam between the layers. It's lopsided and perfect. He blows out the lit candles on top. They take a walk after dinner down to the park and reminisce about the troll bridge and the ducks. Faroe groans and says stop embarrassing me, dad, but there's no animosity behind it. They watch the sun set, then return home. Faroe plays Happy Birthday on the old piano that's slightly out of tune. Arthur takes his customary spot beside her on the bench and it feels like home. He closes his eyes and smiles.
There are many worlds. This is one of them.
In this world, Arthur and John are hunkered down in a dusty, abandoned cabin somewhere upstate. The yellowing calendar pinned to the wall is from 1925, so they have no idea what day it is. Do we have anything to eat? Arthur asks, and John points out a can of fruit cocktail and some ancient coffee beans next to a grinder. Something bitter, something sweet, Arthur. Better than nothing. Arthur has both. Lighting a fire takes a lot of effort but thankfully they have enough newspaper kindling. The heat prickles against Arthur's palm and he can feel the fire taking shape at last. He sets the water to boil. He doesn't know it's his birthday, but it does feel a bit like a special occasion. The fruit cocktail even has cherries in it, which means it's the good kind. John asks if they're celebrating. Arthur nods. We're celebrating being here, together, and alive. Then he closes his eyes and smiles.
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