#broppy cupcakes
poppibranchlover · 1 year
TROLLY-MOLY!!! Look at my birthday cake!!! 🤩🎂
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Since Trolls Band Together is coming right around the corner, my mother had ordered this for me, and it also came with lots of appetizing cupcakes! This is the best birthday wish I ever had! 🥳🎉🎊
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fab-livious · 6 months
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Broppy enchanted au, I have no idea if anyone has done this before but regardless I will make my own version
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im-just-a-dumb-gay · 7 months
brain: I wanna be obsessed with something new
Me: like what
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kittyball23 · 7 months
Intrusion (a Trolls fanfic)
Summary: Poppy and Branch are out, seeking peace, quiet, and each other. Though, with four not-so-discreet snoopers around, that may not be so much of a possibility
A/N: Welcome to the next oneshot collection I've planned for TBT, "Brodacious!" (Also found on AO3, Wattpad, and Fanfiction.net under the same name) Can't wait to write for the Main 7, but of course, going to kick things off with a little Broppy ;) Think of this first one as a new edition (haha) of my oneshot from Trolls 3.0 "Setting the Mood" (ch 11) Rated G!
Being a queen was a lot of work.
Branch knew this about Poppy, even before she had officially placed the crown on her head and received the title. Seeing King Peppy run Pop village, and then Poppy succeeding him, he could tell that the duties eventually took their toll on the two Trolls.
But, in turn, that’s what made quiet moments more appreciated. The times where she’d have a break to share alongside Branch for just the two of them to do as they pleased were always cherished, even if it was something simple like staying in his bunker, cuddled on the couch,eating cupcakes and other sweets while whispering silly but sweet things to one another. Or whether it was something a little more planned, like the picnic date he’d taken her out for that evening.
Twilight had fallen, and the sky was painted a beautiful gradient shade of orange and purple. Stars began to dot the sky, and the glow bugs began to flutter out, adding beauty to the scene around them. Though to Branch, nothing was more beautiful than the sight of the pretty pink-haired Troll that he was proud to call his girlfriend, even if she had a little bit of frosting stuck to her cheek from the cupcake she was eating. But it was not to worry. That’s why she had him. He was her partner, the metaphorical king to her queen, and the cupcake-frosting-wiper to her cupcake-frosting-mess.
He chuckled, scooting a little closer and setting his own cupcake down on the picnic blanket so that he could reach up and dab at her cheek with a napkin. She giggled in spite of herself and not being more cautious to not make such a mess eating, and then looked up gratefully into his deep, blue eyes. Branch felt himself entranced by her fuchsia gaze as well, and his hand lingered on her cheek, using his thumb to caress the skin where her cute freckles were. The moment was so perfect – why, it even sounded like there was sweet music going off in his head just from looking at her so.
But… maybe it wasn’t just in his head. Poppy blinked, coming out of her trance, and perked an ear. Branch did too, glancing around but not seeing anyone around just yet. Then he heard the voices a little more clearly – four very distinct and recognizable voices - and some rustling in the nearby bushes as an indicator of where it was coming from.
“Oh, oh-oh-oh, yeaheahah, come on, come on
Oh, oh-oh-oh, Sha-la-lala-la, la-lala, mmm-hmmm…”
Not making a whole lot of effort to hide themselves much, Branch and Poppy could see the heads of John Dory, Clay, and Floyd peeking out from behind the bushes, harmonizing a melody, while Bruce took on the main vocals.
“There, you see her,
Sitting there across the way,
She don’t got a lot to say, but there’s something about her...
And you don’t know why but you’re dying to try
You wanna, kiss the girl…”
Branch rolled his eyes as his other brothers added their own voices.
“Yeah, you want her,
Look at her you know you do,
It’s possible she wants you to,
But there’s one way to ask her
One way to ask her
One way to ask her…
Boy, you better do it soon,
No time would be better,
And it don't take a word, not a single word,
Go on, and kiss the girl, kiss the girl…”
Poppy giggled a little at their antics, but then grimaced a little upon seeing the rather annoyed look on Branch’s face. She knew that Branch definitely didn’t like this. She gently patted his hand. “Hey,” she said softly, “we can move somewhere else, you know.”
Branch glanced at her a bit deadpanned, but then a slight smirk tugged the corner of his lip. “Actually, I’d rather take the advice.”
And before Poppy could question what was going on, she was promptly tugged towards his face, his lips enveloping hers. Poppy sighed gratefully and returned the kiss as an eruption of wolf-whistles and jeering came from the other side of the bush.
“Woo-hoo! Way to go Branch the Heartthrob 2.0!” Bruce called out.
“Cool as ice but with all the spice!” John Dory riffed.
Clay in the meantime elbowed his brothers and gestured out wildly towards the pair. “See? SEE? Serious Boy Clay still has a couple of old tricks up his sleeve!”
“Way to go, Bromeo!” Floyd shouted to Branch encouragingly, clapping his hands.
But Poppy and Branch remained deaf to the brothers, their only focus being on the passion that they ignited between each other.
A/N: I don't know about you, but when I watched 2023 Little Mermaid earlier this year, my brain kept distracting me by saying "Yo, Sebastian is just Spruce with a Jamaican accent" lmaooo
(also this version of Kiss the Girl is from Descendants 2, it's my fav version :3)
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fandomkicks · 5 months
Trolls1 broppy is so special and important to me. I have brainworms (and they get more and more unhinged as we go) about them CONSTANTLY. Like:
First we have poppy making branch personalized invites to her parties even though he never comes. (She’s letting him know that he IS wanted among trolls.)
“I can’t wait to see the look on your face when you realize the world isn’t all cupcakes and rainbows” and then he looks DEVASTATED when he sees that look.
In conclusion them making us wait to see them as an official couple was sick, SICK work.
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jessi4fanfics · 23 days
Together - Short Broppy Parent AU fic
Branch watched silently as Poppy hummed in the kitchen, washing their month old baby in the sink. Their daughter giggled as her mom washed her feet and little legs.
She splashed and kicked.
"C'mon, just hold still a teeny bit." Poppy looked up, feeling her husband's gaze on her. She gave him a sweet apologetic smile. She was holding up dinner, she knew.
Branch smiled back, relieved that she was holding up dinner. She was a kinda crappy cook.
But she was his crappy cook.
"Ah ha!" Poppy held up the baby in triumph . "You are officially completely clean!"
The baby gave a happy gurgle.
"Lets match you to bed, cupcake," Poppy instructed, starting towards her and Branch's room.
"I'll start dinner!" Branch offered before she did.
Poppy set their girl into her cradle, dressed her, then kissed her goodnight. "Sleep, babykins," she teased.
The baby kerchooed.
Poppy walked back into the kitchen. She was surprised to see Branch, just about to crack an egg, but just standing there.
His foot was tapping urgently. He was thinking.
He was anxious.
"What's wrong, Branch?" she asked .
"Nothing, just... I'm nervous. "
"Bout what? " she wrapped her arms around him, nuzzling her nose into his neck.
"This whole family thing." Branch sighed, rubbing her hand on his hip in a caress. "Are you sure I'm going to be a good dad for our daughter in the future?"
"Branch, we talked about this. You are an amazing troll and would make a wonderful dad."
"But I have made so many mistakes with family in the past. What if I do it again? " He looked worried again.
"Brancho, look at me. " She looked straight into his eyes. "Baby, your past doesn't define your present. It makes way for a better future. You learn from mistakes."
Branch bit his lip. He knew that she was right, but he couldn't help feeling nervous.
"It's alright to be scared a bit." She chuckled to herself. "I'm terrified every day that I might do something wrong. But remember what you have already gone through! We have done so many awesome things together. Think of what we can teach our daughter, Branch! It's gonna be crazy!"
Branch smiled at her. He gave her hands a squeeze. "Yeah. Together. You're right. As long as...I'm with you."
They smiled at each other and he leaned over and gave her forehead a sweet kiss.
"You could never do it without me," she teased.
Branch shoved her. Then suddenly, the toaster began to smoke.
Before the fire alarm woke the baby, Poppy pulled out two charcoal-colored burnt pieces of toast.
"I forgot I put those in there! " She held up the toast. "Want one?"
"I still wonder how I got stuck with you? " he chuckled before pulling her into a deeper kiss.
idk, just a fun little idea. Hope u liked! ♥
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Hiya! I'm back with another, as you can tell, Trolls fic, cause, well, you can never get enough, am I right?
Now, this one is a bit different cause it's the first time I write about something other than Broppy... DawnDory!
Anyway, reviews are always appreciated, enjoyyyy!
"I'm sorry, Delta…"
"But… I thought you loved me…"
"I do! I really do! I just… I can't take any responsibilities right now, alright?"
"Am I really a burden to you?"
"It's not your fault, it's mine! I am the problem, not you!"
"You wanna be alone? Be alone."
John's eyelids flung wide, his form erupting into an upright stance with the suddenness of a thunderclap. He drew in the morning air, a deep, steadying torrent that filled his lungs, whispering a silent mantra to calm the tempest within. Inhale. Exhale. It was nothing more than a dream, a figment woven from the threads of a restless mind. A mere dream, he reassured himself, yet it clung to his consciousness with the vividness of reality.
He sighed as he leaned back against the cushions.
This was the day.
The turquoise-haired forced himself to his feet, grabbing the usual leather jacket and red goggles and getting ready for the day. He opened his bedroom door, the faint creek alarming his brothers of his presence. He walked in with slow, sluggish steps, yawning and stretching still. Bruce lazily got up to make him his plate, while Clay and Floyd only gave weak waves of their hands. Branch didn't even look up, as expected.
"Mornin', guys," John mumbled, taking a seat between the youngsters.
Then silence rang again in the room. Awkward silence, you can call it. But this wasn't new, things were different now, and the Brozone members have been trying to reconnect since the reunion. Even if it was a bit difficult at times.
"So," Clay was the first to speak. There was a small grin on his face as he muttered, "Which chapter are you in now?"
John's eyes lit up. "I don't remember, but it's the one where Charles gets arrested."
"First or second time?"
"He gets arrested again?!"
The lime-haired troll looked away with a slight cough. "Oops."
"Bro, you spoiled it!"
"I didn't know you read that slow!"
"That hurts, man…" the older said dramatically. "I read at my own pace."
Branch's eyes darted between his bickering brothers. "Tale of two cities?" he guessed. They nodded.
"Does he know that Sydney d-"
"No, no, no, no, no!" John covered his ears and closed his eyes. "I don't want any spoilers!"
Branch smirked, eyes still fixed on his meal. "So, Clay, how did you feel about the part where-"
"Stop it, Branch!"
The duo exchanged small smiles.
"So, what did you plan for tonight's party?" Bruce chimed in. "Poppy's counting on us."
And it seemed like the question summoned fire inside the eldest's eyes. "I made the ultimate playlist!" he exclaimed excitedly, vocalizing the' ultimate' for dramatic effect. "We'll burn the stage tonight!"
The other Brozone members exchanged knowing smirks.
"Now, we have blue cupcakes for the Techno trolls, red ones for the Rock trolls, and orange ones for the Country trolls, purple ones for Funk…" Poppy trailed off, trying to recall the colors that should be on the table. She was missing two. "And… who else?"
"Classic and Pop?" Branch suggested with a knowing smile.
"Oh, yeah!" The girl beamed. "We need yellow and pink cupcakes!" She made her way to the kitchen for the third time that day, her eyes scanning the counter for the familiar small vials. She let out a loud, "Found them!" as she held them in her hands.
Branch looked on as his girlfriend poured countable droplets of yellow in a batter-filled bowl then handed it to him while she stirred her own pink. His gaze darted between the two bowls. "You sure this much food coloring isn't unhealthy?" he asked.
She waved him off. "Branch, I eat tons of colorful cupcakes every day and I'm perfectly fine!"
"If you say so, then," he muttered, finally bringing the spoon back and forth between the mixture.
"Make sure you stir in the same direction." 
He nodded.
"Oh! I almost forgot!" Poppy suddenly exclaimed, pulling out another bowl seemingly out of thin air. "I made some for you!"
The dull troll raised an eyebrow. "For me?"
"Mhm!" she hummed. "Zero food coloring and a teeny tiny bit of sugar! Just like you like it!"
"Oh…" He didn't expect that. "Thanks, Poppy."
Her smile widened. "So, how are things with your bros?"
"Good, I guess." Branch replied simply.
Poppy paused. This wasn't his usual calm tone. This was a sad one. "Hey, is everything alright?"
He nodded.
"Is… is Floyd getting worse or something…?"
"No, no," he quickly assured her, "It's John, actually…"
"Yeah…" Branch stopped. He didn't know how to explain it. "He's been… off…"
"Off, how?" Poppy persisted.
"I don't know how to explain it… he's been acting weird since the day you told us you were throwing this party."
"Have you tried talking to him about it?"
"I did!" Branch exclaimed. "But he always brushes me off!"
"Maybe he just needs time." Poppy moved closer to her boyfriend, gently brushing the flour that had managed to stick to his cheek with her thumb before she went to grab the frosting. His hand was on the exact spot she had touched when she was placing a tray of the treat in front of him.
He slowly rested his palm on the tray, his cheek getting slightly cold as the breeze hit it again. "You think?" he asked in a small voice. Poppy nodded.
"You only began to open up to me a few months ago," she pointed out.
"Yeah, but… we're trying to reconnect, and he's not helping us."
Poppy pondered for a minute. "Maybe he's mad at something?"
"More like sad." He didn't even know he had this feeling about his brother.
Red like the berries he was holding was her hair.
A shade of green he didn't quite know the name of was her fancy tail. It was the same as his hair, though not really the same.
He smiled faintly when he stumbled upon another flower. Orange petals, deep green leaves, just like her skin and eyes. Now the palette in his head was complete.
Perfect, as he liked to call it.
Delta was perfect, unconditionally perfect, for some reason, and John sometimes found himself mesmerized by the effect the country troll had on him. Why did all the standards of 'Perfect' fall out when it came to her?
In the quiet moments of twilight, when the world seemed to hold its breath, John Dory's thoughts would invariably drift to Delta Dawn. She was a melody that lingered in the air long after the song had ended, a tapestry of colors in a world that often appeared monochrome to him. Her laughter was a symphony, her smile a beacon; she was the embodiment of a serenity he had known only in fleeting moments. It was in her presence that the cacophony of his insecurities fell silent, where the relentless pursuit of perfection seemed to pause, and for a moment, everything was enough.
John often pondered the enigma that was Delta. She was like the sun - radiant, life-giving, and yet, impossible to hold. Yet he had let her go when he had her in his amrs. She was the gentle pull of the moon on the tides of his heart, a force that moved him in ways he couldn't understand. Her spirit was untamed, a river that flowed with a purpose all its own, carving paths through the bedrock of his defenses. In her eyes, he saw the reflection of a man he could be, free from the chains of doubt that shackled him.
The day he left her was a day the music died within him. The colors of the world dimmed, and he wandered through life in a grayscale landscape, haunted by the ghost of her perfection. He had convinced himself that he was unworthy, that his flaws were canyons too vast to cross, that his love was too shallow to quench the thirst of someone so profound. Yet, in the solitude of his regret, he realized that Delta never sought perfection; she sought him, just as he was, with all his imperfections.
Delta was the dream he dared not dream, for fear it would crumble under the weight of reality. She was the question to which he had no answer, the puzzle whose pieces he held but couldn't place. In her absence, he learned that perfection wasn't a destination but a journey, one that they could have embarked on together, discovering the beauty in the imperfections that made them uniquely themselves.
Now, as the years have passed, the memory of her is a bittersweet refrain that echoes in the hollows of his heart, somehow still pulling him from the grips of a gray heart, a gray form. He now knows that it was not her perfection that he loved, but the way she made the ordinary extraordinary, the way she saw the world not as it was, but as it could be. And though she may never want to have a word with him, she remains the compass that guides him, the north star in the constellation of his life's journey.
For John, Delta Dawn will always be the one that got away, not because she was perfect, but because she was real. She was the love that slipped through his fingers like grains of sand, a reminder of what could have been if only he had been brave enough to hold on. And in every sunset, in every whisper of the wind, he hears the faintest trace of her song, calling him to remember, to hope, and perhaps, to love again.
And that's what he was going for.
Her love.
Her forgiveness.
He had to find her.
John's gaze wandered through the place, the lights being an obstacle with their blinding colors and hues. But he could swear he had just seen her. Where did she go? She was just there, right in front of him!
"You're John Dory from Brozone, right?"
"Can I have an autograph?"
"Is it true you're making a performance tonight?"
A sea of questions, one the leader didn't quite know how to answer, or where to begin, for that matter.
"Yeah, yeah," he replied hastily, not sure what he was saying. His eyes were still on her-he lost her!
"Can you let me through?" It came out more furious than he had intended. But it went unnoticed by the small crowd around him, they were more focused on his frantic steps as he managed to escape the circle they had trapped him in.
"Where is she?" John muttered to himself, turning around like a madman as his eyes longed to spot the familiar red hair, or green tail, or-
"Looking for someone, John Dory?"
"Delta-" John's voice trembled as he turned around, his gaze locking onto the cascade of familiar fierce red hair that had haunted his dreams for years. The party around them seemed to fade into a hush, the laughter and music dimming into the background as he took a tentative step forward. His heart was a frenzied drummer, pounding against the walls of his chest with a mix of dread and longing. Years had passed, years filled with the echo of her name and the weight of his own insecurities that had driven him away.
And now he was facing her again.
"Delta, I–" he tried again, his voice stronger, but the words clung to his tongue, heavy with the gravity of what he needed to say. He needed her to know that not a day had gone by that he hadn't thought of her, that the void she left was as vast and as desolate as a night sky without stars.
Delta's arms were crossed in an impatient manner at this point. It only added to his anxiety.
He had rehearsed this moment, practiced the lines, but now they seemed inadequate, pale imitations of the torrent of emotions that threatened to overflow. He wanted to tell her that he was sorry, that he was a fool, that he had let his insecurities dictate the course of a love that was meant to be timeless.
As he finally found the courage to hold her hands, the world around them seemed to pause, the air charged with the electricity of a moment that held the power to change everything. "Delta, please," he whispered, his voice laced with a vulnerability that he had never allowed himself to show. "I left because I was afraid–afraid that I wasn't enough, that I couldn't be the man you deserved."
The confession hung between them, a fragile bridge over a chasm of years and unspoken words. He saw the flicker of recognition in her eyes, the dawning realization of the depth of his regret. He didn't need to say more; the truth was there, laid bare for her to see, a silent plea for redemption.
He waited for words he hadn't yet spoken to sink into her, with bated breath and a hopeful heart, only to hear the words he had long feared to hear.
"I'm sorry, John." She turned away, ready to leave the past troll. But he was holding her wrist, silently begging her to stop, a touch she wanted to run away from yet found herself leaning into.
"Delta, please, just-"
"Just what, John Dory?" Delta's voice was a soft murmur, like the gentle babble of a brook, carrying years of unspoken words and emotions. "You left without a word, without a reason that I could understand. And now you return, speaking of mistakes as if they were pebbles on the road, easily kicked aside."
John looked at her, eyes a mirror of regret, reflecting the past they had shared, a past filled with music and laughter, now tinged with the silence of absence. "I know," he said softly, "but I'm here now, just give me a chance."
And seeing no attempt to speak from the girl, he went on, "Delta, I know I can't change the past, but I'm here to face it, to face you," John said, his voice steady but tinged with regret. "I left because I was afraid, afraid of how deeply I felt for you, afraid that I wasn't perfect."
"And here you go again with the perfect-"
"I'm changing, I promise I'm changing."
Delta's eyes searched his, looking for the sincerity that had been missing before. "John, love isn't about being perfect, it's about being real, being here," she replied, her voice softening.
"I know that now, Delta. And I'm here, real and raw and ready to be whatever we need to be," John reached out, hoping for a connection.
Delta hesitated, then allowed herself to lean into his touch. "We have a lot to work through, John. But maybe, just maybe, we can start with trust," she whispered.
John nodded, the relief evident in his eyes. "I want that, Delta. I promise, no more secrets between us."
"And I want to believe what you're saying," Delta said, a tentative smile forming, before it was replaced with a frown. "But I need more time."
John felt her grip slowly slipping from his, and he could swear the chills of the night started to turn his hands cold once again, now that their shelter wasn't here anymore.
The air was thick with the electric buzz of the party, a cacophony of laughter and chattering Trolls, but for John Dory, the world had narrowed down to the space between him and Delta Dawn. The music, a melody that once bound them in happier times, now played like a serendipitous plea for reconciliation. As Delta's fingers began to loosen their grip, a silent testament to the chasm his insecurities had wrought, John felt the weight of his past decisions anchoring him to a moment he wished to rewrite.
"Wait," he said, his voice barely a whisper over the music, but it reached her, a soft command. Delta paused, her fiery gaze locking with his, an entire conversation passing in the silence that enveloped them. Then a song swelled, a familiar tune they both knew, and in a move that surprised them both, John extended his hand once more. "Dance with me?"
It was a question, a hope, and why did she stop? Delta, whose heart had been a fortress, felt the walls tremble with the notes of her favorite song. It was as if the universe conspired to remind her of the rhythm they once shared, a dance of two souls intertwined by choice and chance. Her anger, justified as it was, began to ebb, replaced by a curiosity for the future they could still pen together.
She still loved him.
She hesitated, but a gentle, "Just like old times?" from her ex made her rethink the decision she was about to voice out loud.
She placed her hand in his, the party around them blurring into a whirl of colors and the other Trolls fading into the background. They moved to the music, a dance that was both a memory and a discovery, a blend of what was and what could be. John led with a gentle certainty he hadn't felt in years, and Delta followed, her movements a mix of hesitation and hope.
With each step, each turn, they wove a silent promise to listen, to understand, to forgive. The dance became a dialogue, their bodies speaking the words their voices had yet to find. And as the song reached its crescendo, John and Delta found themselves not at an end, but at a precipice of a new beginning, a chance to leap into the unknown, together. The music may fade, the party may end, but the dance, their dance, could well be eternal.
Branch was watching, nibbling on the special treat his girlfriend had made for him, and the two-person crowd he was looking at was none the wiser. John seemed happy, much to his surprise. He hadn't seen the usual mischievous smile for days, and something inside him was happy for his oldest brother. He didn't even realize Poppy was there until her lips made contact with his cheek.
"Hey," she said softly as she broke the sweet gesture, her plan having worked.
"Hey, you." Branch's attention was solely on her now. "Any news?"
"Do you like it?" she asked, pointing towards the cupcake in her boyfriend's hand. A simple nod, and she knew she had nailed it.
Then her face suddenly lit up. "Are you ready? Brozone's supposed to be on stage in, about, five minutes!" She looked around. "Where are your brothers?"
Branch's eyes scanned the place, not taking long before recognizing the familiar palette, minus one, scattered around the place. "Clay's with Viva, Floyd's with Satin, Bruce is probably in the kitchen, still checking on the food, I'm here…" He paused, looking ahead. "John's there."
The pink troll followed his gaze, and almost immediately, her face broke into a wide grin. "Wow, I didn't know John is so social."
"Neither did I." Though this was never how you would see two people who have just met dancing, though. "I don't think this is their first interaction."
"We didn't know other Troll tribes existed until only a few months ago."
"We have different pasts, Poppy." He smiled, faint as it was. "Maybe we didn't. Maybe he did. Who knows?"
She shrugged, climbing and sitting on the empty spot of the long table, making sure she was still near her partner. "Do you want me to postpone you and your brothers' performance?"
"That would be nice." Their fingers were intertwined, a gesture this time made by the male. "Thanks, Poppy." His gaze shifted to the couple dancing in the distance once more.
John Dory was happy.
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hostilemuppet · 3 months
Who do you think is the stronger relationship: broppy or fleek?
im assuming this is specific to the tdau but ill say its literally apples and oranges here
broppy is a relationship built on mutual love and respect, wanting each other to be their best selves and wanting to be a PART of it. sure its not all cupcakes and rainbows, they have their rough patches, but at the end of the day they are soulmates
fleek is the relationship equivalent of a ratking
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dulltoned · 6 months
gonna share a Broppy thought about World Tour just cause it’s taking over my fuckin mind
thinking about the fact that, after Poppy destroyed the strings and everyone lost their colors, she didn’t really care about anything other than Branch the moment her eyes landed on him- she just threw those strings to the ground and ran up to him, not caring about Barb, about anyone else, and she just immediately checked him over
just imaging the wild thoughts in her mind, the fact that he’s grey again, that something terrible could’ve happened, that for a second, she nearly lost him- it’s as though the world around didn’t exist for a moment
no one else mattered at this moment, hell, she didn’t even care about the fact that she herself was grey- didn’t care about losing her music, her main worry was Branch
now, obviously, she cares about everyone, but at this exact point, all that mattered to her was Branch, his wellbeing, his colors, his very being
she just cares so much about him, and he’s her first priority, her first thought, the first Troll she thinks of- they grew so close together over the time they spent with one another and they care so much about each other
I like to think that Poppy wouldn’t have really taken a look around had Barb not spoken up until much later, after making sure Branch is unharmed, and really taking in the fact that he’s fully grey again, before the severity of the situation would crash down on her once she took the time to take a good look at her surroundings
I’m growing ill thinking about them
I really like how well World Tour forced Poppy to grow. Poppy's world is so small and the way that she grew up, parties and happiness and barely a care in the world, is still very clearly tainting her view of the world even well into the third movie. Poppy, in all her pink glory, is the very idea of seeing the world through rose-tinted glasses.
World Tour really forced her to look and, maybe even more importantly, listen. It took a lot of suffering and fear for Poppy to be deeply and honestly shaken to her core but it really helped her to truly acknowledge that the world isn't all cupcakes and rainbows. We know that objectively, sure, Poppy knew that bad things could happen but she was still so rooted in her belief that everything could work out perfectly and that everyone clearly had to be more alike than they thought that it caused a majority of the problems in the second film. The first movie really failed to show her consequence but the second film really revolved around how her actions can affect things.
I loved seeing that growth come to a head when Branch had to take the hit, literally. Everything that she'd done during World Tour led to Branch getting hurt and I don't think anything could have possibly scared her more than that. Seeing her anger and her determination drop because Branch might be okay is such a wonderful moment in World Tour. Watching her drop everything to run to him, hearing the worry in her voice.
World Tour is such a character-building film on top of being such a beautiful foundation for the start of their romantic relationship.
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trollsarecute · 1 year
ooooo We Got Something Different😍
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Looks like we finally got some Broppy. About time🙄.
Branch: *Notices poppy* Hey Popifer😏
Poppy: Ooooo someone looking fresh today
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Branch: Mmmm ya noticed😉?
Poppy: Sure did! *Winks back* Ready for the dance tonight!?
Branch: Am I? *Twirls her around and holds her like he did when he was taking her away from cloud guy during hug day and smiles down at her* Very.....😈😈
Poppy: Oooohohoooooooo!!!!! Someone is getting into the grove.
Branch: What about you? You ready?
Poppy: Oh branch, yk me...Always ready to dance it off....But with you, never gonna give that a second thought🥰🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍
An hour later
Branch: *Hand in poppy's and her hand in his he walks her into the dance floor then lets it go and turns around and holds out his hand and smiles* .....Care to dance my little cupcake.........?
Poppy: *Smiles loving everything about it and take his hand*
Branch: *He then twirls her once she puts her hand into his*
Poppy: Woooohhh!!!!
Branch: *Then soft mellow music plays as he brings her closer to her while smiling down at her with hearts in his eyes*
Poppy: *Caught up in the moment somehow he looks up into his icy blue eyes not being able to break away*
Branch: * As he glides her through the soft mellow music as he looks straight into her magnetic eyes*
Poppy: *She follows him through the soft music she looks deeply into his eyes not wanting to break away from the moment or wanting it to ever end*
Branch: *His hair gleams through the warm air putting his attention down at her as he smilies*
Poppy: *Breath taken she looks up at em not clearly understanding this Abnormal feeling she felt before but....it's lot stronger with him making it*
Branch: *He then sweeps her off her feet and carries her bridle style and looks deeply into her eyes not ever wanting to let her go*
Poppy: *Gasps at the sudden lift then as she settles and catches his icy blue eyes gazing into hers her breathe gets slower not even noticing it and watches his eyes and feels his swift movements as he swings her in his arm as he glides across the dance floor with her in his arms and closes her eyes feeling it all and smiles at the comfort it's giving her and places her head onto his shoulder as the soft warmth breeze passes her face gently*
Branch: *Looks down at her body as he starts to notice that she's getting comfy in his arms as he smiles never knowing this moment would come for em in the future and cries happy tears seeing how far he had came from the time his grandma passed til the time that's happening currently right before his eyes and smiles at that and whispers* you mean the entire world to me😌😌😌😌😇😇🥰🥰🥰🥰
Poppy: *She smiles at those soothing words and slowly drifts off to sleep*
Branch: *Notices and smiles and accepting it, he walks away from the dance floor as all eyes are on em but doesn't take a glance at either any of them. He's then so caught up with the sight of her sleeping peacefully in his arms and walks all the way to his bunker and heads in and places her on his bed as he gets in and snuggles with her falling asleep next to her and smiles at the warmth of her body*
Poppy: *As she feels his warmth weight against here a small smile creeps up onto her face and she dozes off as well*
Okay that's all for today. I hoped you all liked this. The pi
belongs to DreamWorks. Okay have a nice rest of your day!!!😁😁😁😁
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kingtrollexparty · 1 year
(broppy wins on the vote so here a story d'or pur favorite couple,and trollex his the best Friend of Poppy and the bff of Branch in here)
he was on There for jours thinking of words for her,but it like hid brain was not able to focus.he decide to take a walk in the forest.
he passed in front of couples felling sad that he couldn't tell her,she was the love of his live.
Mayby he could ask her normally,but how.what if she says no?what if she doesnt like him anymore?what if he messed up?
Trollex:yo Branch man
Branch:what oh hey lexy
Trollex:are you all right,u look bad,no offence
Branch:no it ok,question,ur good whit ladies and atract them,can u give me advise
Trollex:(blush)umm thanks but first,im more into boys,second,im just protective to them because there fragile and tird,why,his it about a pink troll~
Branch:(blush)stop,ur too flirty,and what makes say that
Branch :ok ok,it his,jeez,stop yelling
Branch:really stop,and i wanted to ask her ....for that (shows a ring)
Trollex:(gasp)NO WAY,were the problem
Branch:WERE THE PROBLEM?u now if i mess up girls get offencive,and if she think im weird she will leave me,so i need ur help
Trollex:whit what,i never ask someone
Branch:someone interest~
Branch :ok here the plan
(a few moment later/
Poppy was on her pod looking out the window,she was thinking about him,she wanted to tell him but she was weird.he might not love her.was he pretending?
She saw her best Friend outside and got an idea.
Trollex:oh fish soup....
Hé flew to her pod and sat beside her
Trollex:so whattt popppinnn
Poppy :well- why are u talking like that
Poppy:u Do it each time u lie
Poppy :someone as a crushhhh
Trollex:WHAT NO
Poppy:u now i now,spit it
Trollex:ok,i might have a lile one..but anyways,why did u call me
Poppy:i need help,i wanna propose branch-
Hé didn't listen to the rest went he hear propose,he was in a big hole,both of his bestie asked him.he could rouin it any time,but hé couldn't tell them so he might need to play the game.
Poppy :trollex, trollex are u listening
Trollex:hein hein what,oh y..yes
Poppy:all right here the plan
(later that night)
The sun start to set as he watched the both sitting akwerdly togheter,hé add PHONE to talk to both of them,even if he was shaking bad from it.the two started to talk,well that what we could say.
Hé could hear his heart beat miles away,he hope the two didnt listen or hear it.
Branch:(to trollex)ready for fase two
Poppy :(to trollex)fase icing lexy
Hé sweat and release the flies,but they felt his nervousity and Hide.
Trollex:(to the both)umm they flew away
Branch and poppy:ok,umm,who are u talking too,no one why are we talking at the same time
Trollex:fish fish fish
Trollex and poppy:(to trollex)vase 3,vase cupcake
Hé gulp and swam whit dolphin hoping they wont feel his nervousity.of corse bad luck strike him as he got caugh whit them swimming and jumping evrywere.
The couple saw him flew in the air and into the sand.they ran to him and check over if he was all right.
They realize and look at each other nervously.
Poppy and branch :i can explan
Trollex:ok im giving up,Poppy ,Branch asked me to help to propose to you since he was scared,Branch,Poppy told me to help her since she was stressed
Branch :so u were on both
Poppy:wait,u wanted to propose too
Branch :yes,u too
Poppy :yes,soo..
Branch:u Wanna ...
Poppy :yes
They both walked away leaving the beach.trollex watched them happy for his besties,that went he saw dash....
To be continued
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poppibranchlover · 1 year
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Here’s Poppy and Branch enjoying their very own cake, and not to mention those cupcakes too!!! 😋🥰💖💙🍰🧁
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They actually taste so good, and I love both of these amazingly decorated cakes! This is a birthday I deserve more than ever!!! 🥳🎉🎊
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capttower · 4 years
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So Damn LATE!
Happy Birthday Queen Poppy!
A SURPRISE for ya! Your Branch boi giving you your fav cupcake! 🎂😆
#am too lazy to color 😆
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blooeyedtroll · 4 years
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Slumber Party!
This took me way more time than I’d care to admit. Considering that this was originally just going to be a quick sketch, maybe a nice polished doodle at best. Lolz. Ugh. I have such a weakness for drawing “comfy” characters. Especially if one of them is Branch in that adorable robe of his! ;-)
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kittyball23 · 6 months
If there is a Broppy baby in the future, who among the official uncles and the surrogate ones (the Snack Pack), would compete to decide who is his favorite?
Now this is something comical to think about 😂
There certainly would be competition, intended as friendly at first, but probably gets a little out of hand with the extreme measures that each official/unofficial aunt and uncle takes.
Satin and Chenille would be drowning the Broppy baby in jumpsuits and kiddo clothes galore
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Every gift Guy Diamond gives will probably be glitterfied, while Tiny Diamond would have “the thing” for their baby
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Biggie will probably make himself the baby’s personal photographer (since he took dozens of pics of Mr. Dinkles)
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Cooper will wanna win the baby over with desserts (although it’s questionable as to whether it can be trusted, since we’ve seen him poop out cupcakes before)
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Smidge will be constantly offering to babysit (I’m thinking the same way the dwarf in Shrek the Third did, especially since they are the same voice!)
John Dory’s gonna try and be the baby’s friend, in an attempt to make up for his bossiness with his younger bros back in his youth
Bruce will wanna tote the baby around on the same carrier he used for Tiny Diamond so they could be together at all times
Clay will read his books to the baby while Viva braids his/her hair and gets the baby lots of hair accessories as well
And Floyd would sing to the baby often, talking to him/her the way he did when Branch was a smol kiddo
But anyway, that’s how I think the whole competition would go down :D
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wolfdancer333 · 6 years
Haters Gonna Hate Trolls Human AU
……..I take literally no blame for this. If anyone must be blamed, blame @honeynutfeelios77 for that stupid catchy song :p So all credit of those lyrics and the song go to her! I only wrote the Broppy and the words! Bring on the hate Tumblr. You can’t rain on me! ^_^ 
Branch may or may not have been surprised – was he really, though, knowing Poppy? - at the furious clacking of keys he heard from the bedroom. He shut the door with his foot and dropped the bag of groceries - “Braaaaaaanch, I want pickles!!” - by the door as he followed the sound, confused and a bit curious. It was borderline 1am and Poppy loved to sleep. She was always passed out by 11 usually and he struggled to contain his smirk.
Which evaporated the moment he saw the bedroom door come into focus. Okay, he had not been expecting in any universe to see the multitude of white, blank printer paper floating around the living room. It was everywhere and he blew a piece back before it could smack him in the face. Okay, yeah, this was weird. Weirder even for Poppy. Sighing, he quietly made his way to the culprit sending flyaway papers into the air. The door to the bedroom was open and peered inside. Well, answer received.
The window next to the desk was wide open, a cold breeze billowing in and sending the printer paper next to the laptop all around the room, out into the hallway, and then into the living room. But as he moved inside, his gaze fell strongly on the woman of his frustrations. His fiance was a hell of a girl, and usually left him in some sort of state involving happiness and a fond annoyance, but she left him completely bewildered this time.
He would be lying if he wasn’t slightly, amusingly aroused to see the paper tornado billowing around his furiously typing fiance though. He was a guy, and he loved her, so what?
Her fingers were moving so quickly over those keys, he couldn’t even see them move. He did, however, catch a glimpse of the webpage – Tumblr, really? What is she, some teenage wannabe? …..Yes, yes she was – and he groaned. Then moved a bit closer as he came to a realization. Poppy was oblivious to the world, to the breeze causing the goosebumps he saw on her skin, oblivious to his presence which he wasn’t sure he was too happy about, and oblivious to the way she had left the front door unlocked and could have gotten raped or murdered!
But here she was, a messy pink bun piled atop her head and focused on the laptop, keys clacking angrily. And he felt his heart plummet. Because Poppy was never angry without reason, and when she was angry…..She was usually hurt first. Which meant she had cried, probably, at one point or another. Feeling a cold anger – no one hurts his Poppy and gets away with it damn it – he leaned over his oblivious fiance, making sure to stay out of her lines of sight, and read the on-screen Tumblr page.
It was a simple post. But even Branch, Branch the asshole, was a bit unnerved at the hate flying around. There was a lot of ridicule and hate and of course Poppy felt she had to make a statement but his eyes scrunched together in confusion. She was angry so…..Not a happy statement? His eyes flickered to her post she was writing so intently and he felt the hot burst of warmth and love for this woman.
Yeah, okay, so she was defending their relationship – yes, their, she had officially adopted the Troll personas as their counterparts so Broppy Trolls was Broppy them – on Tumblr. And her rant was pages long, he could tell by the way the scroll wheel on the side was almost a thin pinprick. He felt he should probably stop her before she created more problems and he leaned back, trying to think of a way to appease her.
Okay, so, haters…..She was dealing with haters on Tumblr and if he were a teenage boy again trying to cheer her up, what would he do?
……..Wrong analogy. He glared up at their ceiling. He hadn’t been the nicest person in the world to her, and why she was marrying him was still a mystery to him, so he needed an example, a joke, a –
He grinned. Ah ha. Poppy loved a lot of things – her friends, her Dad, sometimes him when he wasn’t being an annoying ass to her, dancing, hugging, glitter…..And singing. He looked down at her messy pink head and softly, sweetly smiled. Who needed glitter when you had a literal ray of sunshine in your bedroom?
He stepped back, swallowing and making sure his throat was clear, and closed his eyes. He knew as soon as he started, he was going to blush. But it was for Poppy. And he would do anything for Poppy.
“It’s okay, to not like things.” His voice was a bit too low and not as peppy as Poppy’s usually was but her head snapped up at the sound. And there goes the blush. “It’s okay, but don’t be a dick about it.”
She spun in the chair to face him and it didn’t matter about how she had left the door unlocked and could have been killed – well it did but he would confront that later -, it didn’t matter about the cold breeze causing goosebumps on both their skin or their paper tornado, and it didn’t matter about his embarrassment or the haters on Tumblr. All that mattered was the joy in those bright, wide magenta eyes, the sparkling cheeks, and the slowly spreading grin that could melt the Sun.
“It’s okay, to not like things! Don’t be a dick about the things you don’t like.”
His eyes went wide when he saw the pink blur shoot towards him and he would deny the yell of surprise to his last breath. She skidded to a halt before him, the office chair spinning behind her, and grabbed his cheeks to pull him down. She smooshed their noses together so tightly, they were both cross-eyed trying to look at each other. His hands automatically fell to the spot on her waist he loved and he tried to calm his pounding heart.
Poppy blew that out of the water. “I love you, you big sensitive dork! Sing it again, sing it again, sing it again!!”
She was bouncing now and Branch tried, he really did, to not let the grin out that was threatening his face. But Poppy must have noticed – she noticed everything – and she stopped bouncing, her smile turning gentle. And Branch knew he was done for. Those eyes, that smile, her. He leaned down to kiss her and she met him half-way, a passionately sweet kiss that washed away the hate in their lives. As they fell back onto the bed, the Tumblr page on the laptop screen lie forgotten.
Because haters could keep on hating. There was too much happiness and life was too short - “Awww, Branch, my man, that’s my poet!” - to care about anything they had to say. So what if it was Breek or Broppy or Chuki or any other pairing on that little web-page? As Poppy’s hands traveled to places she had mapped, Branch, trying to get his breath back, simply grinned and, with a squeak, turned her over, leaned down, and kissed her like she was the Sun.
Life really was cupcakes and rainbows. And not even the rain or storm clouds or Tumblr hate could change that.
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