#to say. i love you more than words can express. but i need you to know anyways
mostly-imagines · 2 days
There’s A String Tied to My Lower Left Rib, Third From The Bottom
dick grayson x afab!reader
aka the professional boyfriend
warnings: she/her pronouns used, reader wears dresses, sexual content at the end (18+)
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Dick Grayson is a vigilante. He’s a master martial artist and gymnast. He’s something of a playboy and a heavy flirt. But the claim he really takes pride in is that he’s basically a professional boyfriend. That he’s your professional boyfriend.
And pride really is the right word. He’s so proud that he gets to have this pretty girl on his arm and buy her pretty things even when you insist you have enough. He loves getting to help you take your makeup off when you’re too tired and make you laugh like it’s his job. He’s absolutely gratified that he gets to be your prodigal, sweet boyfriend that, despite your protests, insisted on carrying all five of your shopping bags for you.
You step over an uneven stretch in the sidewalk and lean slightly against Dick’s shoulder. “I’m worried the navy one is too…much.” You say, thinking back to how the blue cocktail dress fit on you, how it stopped barely below your ass.
He furrows his eyebrows with a pout, “Too much?”
You look over at him, matching his expression. “It’s really short. I mean it’s cute and I like it, but…I don’t know, this is kind of a fancy event isn’t it?” 
He puckers his lips, shaking his head. “Short’s good. I like short.” Yeah, you’d noticed with the way his eyes had been glued to the hem of your dress, willing it to slip up just a little more.
You laugh, “And I’m sure you and all the old businessmen will appreciate it greatly.”
His face drops at that, not thrilled at the prospect of those, usually very sleazy, old men getting to see so much of you. “The black one’s good too.”
You peer over into one of the bags, “Or there’s the red one with the—”
Dick shakes his head quickly, “Not red.”
You snicker at that, knowing full well what his problem is with it. “Then why did I get it?”
“Just for me.” He pauses, “Or for something my brother won’t be at.” He mumbles, scanning both sides of the street. He shuffles the bags in his right hand onto his forearm so he can take your hand in his as you step into the road. “No, the black one looked great on you. And we won’t have to go searching for a matching tie.” 
Once you reach the other side he lets go of your hand and he circles behind you, nudging you over to the inside of the sidewalk.
You glance down at the row of bags littering his arms and the red indents beginning to mark his skin. “Will you please let me hold some?” You frown.
“Will you please hold my hand?” He echoes, matching your serious tone with faux urgency of his own. You deadpan him but take his hand anyway. You don’t notice it, but he’s got a dedicated gaze focused on your fingers intertwined in his.
You continue on down the street, hand in hand, the warm sun shining on your necks. You pick up the pace a bit as you approach your apartment building, aiming to get the door for your boyfriend. You reach for the handle only for Dick to call out, “Don’t touch that!” followed by him clamoring like you’re about to touch a hot coal, rushing over to beat you to the punch.
“Oh my god..” you mumble to yourself, biting back a smile. The bags haphazardly fall further down his arms, no doubt uncomfortably as he pulls the door open for you, pretending to be far more eloquent than he actually was. He gestures you in and smiles sweetly at you when you give him a flat look. 
“What is wrong with you?” You ask, glancing over your shoulder at him with amusement glittering across your face as you dig for your keys.
“Not a thing.” He grins, watching with adoration as you open the apartment door. Frankly, you’re surprised he didn’t attempt to juggle the bags and unlock the door himself.
He kicks the door shut behind him as you help slide the bags off of his wrists, piling them on the counter. “When do we need to leave?”
“Uh…” he glances at the wall clock, “Not till seven.” He places his hands nicely on your waist, looking down at your lips. “You wanna get something to eat before we go?”
You muse, “This is the one with those mini stakes, isn’t it?” He nods. “No, I wanna get my fill on those. Oh, and the bruschettas! I love these caterers.”
His eyes flicker back up to meet yours, a sly smile playing on his lips. 
You break away from his gaze and turn to the counter, preparing to scoop the shopping bags up when you’re interrupted by his relentless fervor.
“Ah, ah.” He hooks a finger into the loop of your jeans, tugging you back to him. “Give me a kiss.” 
“Just one.” Yeah, right. You oblige him though, pushing up on your toes to meet his lips. His thumb strokes your cheek as he kisses you deeply. You break the kiss after a moment only for him to chase your lips to follow it up with another. And then another. And another. He hums against your lips, smiling wide. “Thank you, baby.”
You pull back again and smile as you stop his chest with your hand when he follows. “Ah, I’m not new around here. I know where this’ll go if I let you.”
He nods complaisantly, “Then let me.” His eyes are focused on the small space between you, where his touch lingers along your ring finger. You lean up again and place a kiss on his forehead that has him getting hopeful, only to be met with disappointment when you back away from him, bags in hand. He throws his head back with a groan just to really hammer home the severity of his dismay.  
It doesn’t last too long though because the second you’re back in the room he’s trailing after you like a puppy, following you down to the couch. You roll your eyes at him when he opts to sit ridiculously close to you, though there’s a ghost of a smile on your lips that makes your act lose all credibility.   
He nestles his face into the crook of your neck and is clearly very pleased when you wrap your arms around his shoulders. You exhale contentedly, resting your cheek against his head. You lie idle like that for a few minutes, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck and casting a daydreaming gaze out the window. And apparently, he was daydreaming too. 
“I wanna marry you.” He murmurs into your neck after a while. 
You laugh incredulously, “Have you been drinking when I have my back turned?”
“‘M serious.” He nudges you off him so he can look at you.
You hum, sweeping his hair back from his forehead. “You’re being very…” you scrunch up your mouth to the side, “…Ostentatious today.” 
He barks out a laugh, “Wow. Word-A-Day teach you that one?”
You shove at his forehead back with no real force, biting back a giggle. His eyes flicker back and forth between your mouth and the crinkle in your eyes as he grins. “I’m going to let that one go because you got me some really nice clothes today. As your repayment.” you say, running your finger over his lips. 
He takes your hand, pressing a firm kiss to it. “Let me marry you?” 
You sigh bashfully, “Dick—”
“Please?” He sticks his bottom lip out and gives you his puppy eyes, causing you to avert your gaze quickly. You’re not convinced he doesn’t have a superpower in that area.
You know he’s not really proposing right now, he’s too much of a romantic to do it like this. He’s just getting the idea in your head, getting you excited about it. It’s working.
“I’d be such a good husband to you.” He kisses your collarbone, “So good.” He murmurs against your skin, lips never departing. You struggle to keep your face neutral, making a point of closing your eyes in an attempt to increase your odds of success. He’s being nice though, you know. To let you play pretend right now when you know he could break your facade in a second if he really wanted to.  
“Mrs. Grayson…” he squeezes your hips, lips traveling further down. “Doesn’t that sound pretty?”
It really does. You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t thought about marrying him before. He’s nothing if not husband material and honestly you really really want to hear him call you his wife. Call him your husband.
Your hand moves to his hair, petting it softly as he goes on. “Buy you a nice ring. Pretty white dress ‘n a big party just for you.” He brushes your shirt up and trails open mouthed kisses down your stomach. Your chest feels warm and you can feel your pulse thrumming all throughout your body.
He slowly guides your underwear down your thighs, his lips following the hem close behind. “Come home to you every night, kiss these pretty thighs,” He scoops both of your hands up in one of his, pinning them to your stomach. “Kiss this pretty pussy.” He places a chaste kiss on your clit and looks up at you expectantly
You’re not nearly as hesitant on this as you’re pretending to be, and you both know it. But he’s perfectly fine with begging a little while you pretend you’re not lightheaded at the idea of marrying him. “I’ll think about it…” 
He grins at you before going in on your core without mercy.
He’s trying real hard to land that promotion.
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🩵 reblogging = supporting; likes don’t do the job 🩵
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ragingbookdragon · 3 days
She sighs as she pauses mid step in the garden, not bothering to look over her shoulder as she says, “I need not a guardian to simply walk amongst my flowers.”
The crunch of gravel beneath a blackened, steel boot echoes in her ear as does his deep voice with, “Many wish to harm you, My Queen.”
She turns, looking at him; he’s as steadfast as ever with the long-sword strapped to his back, his hands tucked neatly behind him. “Simon, I am in my garden, hidden behind the walls. I assure you, an assassin is not waiting to kill me here.”
“And I am here to make sure that does not occur,” he replies, taking another step towards her. “Knight Captain Jonathan did express complete scrutiny.”
“Am I a child who needs to be watched every waking moment?” she can’t help but feel a bit of annoyance. It’s been like this ever since the Knights came and replaced the King’s Guards. But she had to note, Knight Captain Jonathan and his subordinates did a phenomenal job of protecting her and keeping order.
“You are the Queen of the people,” he answers. “One that is genuinely loved and cared for. It has been many a century since they have seen a royal who truly cares for them. Who has stripped her elegant robes for peasant clothes and worked the fields beside them.” Beneath that blackened, steel mask, she can see the whites of his eyes full of admiration. “The land would fall into ruin if you died.”
She practically glides when she walks, a perfect portrait of grace, and comes to stand in front of him. “So, you only protect me for my people?” she takes in the white skull stain on his mask, supposed to frighten his enemies but she finds it comforting. “Or is it for gold? You do have a hefty pay.”
Beneath his mask, his eyes narrow and he doesn’t bother to lean forward as he reminds her, “Do not mistake my me for some hired thug. You are more to us than a Queen.”
“Am I more to you, Simon?” she asks.
“It would be unwise to answer such a question,” he tips his head up. “Your Majesty.”
She sneaks her hand to his waist, takes his dagger and walks to a rose bush beside them; with precision he should be worried of, she cuts a rose and wicks the thorns off before she walks back and replaces the knife. A delicate crimson flower she brings to her nose, gently inhaling the floral scent before she sticks it in the crook of his chest plate.
“I do believe it’s time for my evening bath,” she murmurs, and walks past him. “Come, Simon,” she orders, but her words hold no true power, simply a request. “Lest I am assassinated in my own garden as I walk back to my chambers.”
He gently touches the rose and lets out a humored sigh through his nose as he follows in suit behind her gliding. “Perish the thought, My Queen.”
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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99woez · 1 day
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don't talk about it ᰔᩚ j.sc
warnings. smut, best friend!sungchan, roommate!sungchan, arguing, it's a dumb argument but you are fighting this man, physical fighting, just shoving nothing crazy but a physical altercation starts this all, unprotected sex, hair pulling, some angst? idk if i missed something let me know! i also did not proofread this because i got out 5k words in one night which is crazy for me. anyways, enjoy!
wc. 5k
summary. your best friend embarrasses you in front of your campus crush. so, of course, you decide to fight with him in the living room and learn some interesting things about him in the process.
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Sungchan had always been stupidly large, in your opinion.
He was so large that you couldn’t resist the urge to playfully test his strength, curious to see how his fit frame would react to your playful jabs or if he would sway with a gentle nudge. He would playfully push you back, never with full force, but these light-hearted scuffles became a regular part of your friendship. It was a source of joy, a shared silliness, it meant everything.
Except for the times it did.
“You’re so stupid sometimes, oh my god!” You shouted at your so-called “best friend,” shoving hard into his chest. This shove wasn’t like the ones you usually gave him. This one was harsh and mean. There was not a semblance of anything alluding to happiness on your face as you looked up at Sungchan with knitted brows and parted lips, shoving hard into his firm chest once again, this time with a shout of frustration.
If we’re being honest, you two have been drinking. It’s not like you’re shitfaced and neither is he, but the alcohol is just enough to make the world blurry at the edges and your words harsher than you typically allow them to be. His chest, solid as a boulder beneath your pushing palms, doesn't yield like it usually would during your fond roughhousing. He stands firm, his expression teetering between annoyance and worry.
"Stop it," he gruffly says, grabbing your wrists mid-shove. Just like that, the playful laughter that usually echoes between you two gets choked in the tension-filled silence. You try to yank your hands-free, but his grip is firm yet gentle. He was never rough with you, even when the fights turned serious like this. It was a rarity for things to turn nasty, but sometimes Sungchan was so oblivious you couldn’t stop yourself from lashing out at him, especially with a few mixed drinks in your system.
“Let go,” You snapped. Sungchan leans in with a tilt of his head, letting out a “Hm?” as he does so, challenging you.
“Chill out first.” That did the exact opposite of chill you out. You hated it when he took that tone of voice with you, as if you were some child that needed to be put into a timeout. 
There were many things you loved about Sungchan: His kindness, his dedication to anything he sets his mind to, his eyes, you loved a lot about Sungchan, but there were many things you couldn’t stand about him. He was oblivious to the simplest of social cues, he got loud when he was drunk, and the way he comforted people was an absolute joke. If you hadn’t known him for more than half your life and shared an apartment with him, you would’ve ditched him when you two graduated high school.
But you didn’t. Now, you’re stuck with a big, dumb roommate who loves telling the men you like that you like them. God, Wonbin was never going to talk to you again after the scene Sungchan caused trying to get him to give you his number. You still can feel the embarrassment hot in your veins, making you lurch forward and finally give his chest a shove that makes him stumble a few steps.
“I won’t chill out! I won’t! What you did was fucking rude!” You yelled, pointing a finger in his face to punctuate your words and get your point across. Sungchan scoffed, turning his head away from you, but you could see his tongue press against the inside of his cheek, making the skin push out slightly. It was a habit of his you had noticed when you two went to parties together in college. It’s what he does when he’s annoyed and holding himself back, beating someone’s ass. It’s a rare occasion for Sungchan to beat someone’s ass, but when it did happen, it was always deserved. Typically, it would be a drunk guy who wanted to buck up to the biggest guy at the party, a one-sided battle of masculinity that Sungchan always won, no matter who came up to him. You’ve only seen Sungchan throw a punch twice in your entire friendship.
Once, when you were in high school, and the last time was at a party during your junior year of college when a man put his hands on you despite you telling him to fuck off. The other times, he had simply told you about when you’d see him in the kitchen with littered bruises on his body. You think about that night more often than you’d like to admit. Sungchan didn’t hesitate to throw a punch for you, knocking the man clean out by the time he was done with him. It lit a fire in you that you’re not proud to admit. There was just something in his eyes that rubbed your brain right. You would never admit it, but were desperate to see that look again. You wanted to see him angry, to watch him lose control no matter how fucked up it sounds.
“Get your hand out of my face,” Sungchan told you firmly, looking you in the eyes to get his point across, but you weren’t deterred. You step closer to him, finger still in his face.
“No. Not until you apologize. Admit it was rude. You were rude.”
“I wasn’t fucking rude,” Sungchan argues, swatting your hand down when you don’t move it from his face. You bring it back up without a care of the consequences, resulting in a game of him swatting your hand down every time you bring it up.
You two look stupid. Thank God this is in the privacy of your living room.
“You had no right-”
“You were never going to talk to him if I didn’t! You’re a chicken-”
“I’m not a fucking chicken––Oh my god, don’t call me a bird.”
“You’re such a fucking chicken, dude. Do you remember how long it took you to even talk to Shotaro? Months. ‘Took you months to even say hi to him, and that’s because-”
“Shut up.”
“That’s because I had to step it! I was the one to get you to talk to him!” Sungchan continued with a shit-eating grin, voice picking up volume as he leaned down to get closer to you as if you couldn’t hear him clear enough, pointing to himself like he had won some kind of award. Your already flushed cheeks begin to heat up when you remember the Shotaro incident of 2022. He always brought up Shotaro, and even if it was just to pick on you playfully, it still struck a nerve. You were more shy than Sungchan ever was, always letting him start the conversations or introduce you to new people. Half of your friends are Sungchan’s friends; half of the people you’ve dated are because Sungchan knew them first. Every connection in your life could be traced back to Sungchan, which drove you insane.
“Now, you want to talk all this shit because you got embarrassed I had to step in again and help you get some dick,” Sungchan pressed, his grin turning into a smirk as he nodded at his words, feeling them in his being because they’re true. You stared at him with contempt, teeth grinding as your fists balled up tightly. “You should be thanking me. You’re so ungrateful for everything-”
You lunged at him. You swear you don’t have control of your body when you do it, you just throw your entire weight into his chest and hope for the best. Sungchan let out an “Oof!” sound when you collided with him, staggering back and hitting the ground with you on top of him. You act as if you two are playfully wrestling, but none of your movements have an ounce of playfulness in them. You straddled his hips firmly as you shoved at his hands harshly to get them away from grabbing you. You knew once he got his hands on you, it was over. He’d flip you two over, and it’d be done. You couldn’t let him win this. You couldn’t do it. You had to prove it to him.
You don’t know what it was, but you had to prove it.
You grab his hair tightly, jerking his head off the carpet to distract him, tugging hard on the brown locks. Sungchan lets out a yelp that sounds pathetic. His eyes squeezed shut as his large hands wrapped around your wrist to try and pull you off of him.
“Not fair-” He started. You shake his head, eliciting another yelp from him.
“Shut up. Shut the fuck up,” You spat at him, shaking him again. His face contorted in pain and confusion, groaning softly as he did what you told him for once. You couldn’t believe he actually listened. Truthfully, you didn’t think you’d get this far. You’re not exactly sure what to do next. So, you shake his head again, making him hiss when you tugged harder on his locks. “Can’t fucking stand you, you know that? You’re such a jerk sometimes. Just big, stupid, and taking up space.” You shake his head around with every word, watching him drop his hands and put them up in front of him in faux surrender, but he doesn’t say anything. He only whined and grunted when you pulled on his hair harder than usual.
You waited for him to spit something back at you, to call you a coward, to say you needed him, but nothing but pants left his plush lips. You furrow your brows in confusion at his silence. Sungchan was never quiet. You shake him again.
“Hello? Say something!” You shake his head again, this time back and forth. You won’t lie. It was fun to have him like this. He acted like some kind of puppet that you were the master of, pulling him around in whichever direction you wanted him to go in, and he just took it. Sungchan sighed in defeat, keeping his eyes shut tightly.
“My dick just twitched.” 
“Excuse me?” You couldn’t think of anything else to say. Your hands, which had been roughly pulling at Sungchan's hair, suddenly freeze. Your heart pounds in your chest as you gaze down at him, cocking a brow at him. His face is flushed a deep crimson, though whether from embarrassment or something else, you can't tell.
"I said," he starts again, much slower this time, swallowing hard, "My... my dick just twitched."
You blink at his repeated confession, not expecting him to repeat the words. There’s a tension growing between the two of you that you’ve never felt before, making your throat dry as you stare at Sungchan’s embarrassed face, watching his chest rise and fall as he pants beneath you. Flashes of what he’d look like without his shirt flash in your brain, wondering what sounds he’d make as you sink down on him, how his eyes would look, how the muscles would ripple under his––Jesus Christ, get it together, girl. You remind yourself, clearing your throat down at him.
“Like…Seriously?” Sungchan nods at your dry words, opening his eyes slowly to look up at you. A switch in your brain is flipped when you see his big brown eyes. He looks utterly pathetic like this, hair in your hand revealing his forehead, eyes pleading for something silent, and lips in a perfect soft pout. You wanted to take his picture like the actual definition of pitiful.
You chuckle at him, shaking him again and tugging his hair hard to see if it really did anything for him. He whines again, shutting his eyes as his hands lurch towards your hips, holding tightly with a sharp breath through his teeth. You smirk at his reaction, raising your brows in slight shock it was this easy to get him going. Maybe it was the alcohol, you think. You’ve seen Sungchan shove his tongue down girls’ throats just mere minutes after he met them, but this is you. You’re his best friend, his roommate, the girl who beat his ass for talking to her crush for her. You know you’re pretty, and Sungchan is just a man, but you’re still caught off guard by it all.
Your palm still cradled his scalp, thumb lazily tracing small circles at the base of his hairline. Sungchan’s hands on your hips squeeze gently, fingers digging into your flesh just a bit more than necessary and causing a shiver to wind its way up your spine.
Without thinking, you leaned forward and claimed Sungchan's lips in a rough, desperate kiss. His taste was different than any guy you've ever kissed - salty with a hint of beer and lime from the drink he had tonight. You wrapped your hand tightly around the hair at the nape of his neck, pulling him closer to you as your other hand found its way under his shirt to feel his warm skin. You didn't let up when he moaned into your mouth, feeling your touch while he tentatively kissed you back. Your anger turned into desperation quickly as you slipped your tongue into his mouth, tasting him fully now. His lips were soft and plush against yours as they parted slightly to let you in further. You moaned the moment your tongues slid together, digging your nails into his toned chest as he pressed in further, sucking softly on the slick muscle in your mouth.
Sungchan's hands moved up your body, gripping your waist and still pulling you closer. The fabric of your shirt scratching against his rough palms made you shiver with anticipation for more contact. You grind down on him out of instinct, feeling the bulge in his pants grow as he groans against your mouth, wanting more from both of you. His scent filled your senses - a mix of sweat and cologne and something uniquely Sungchan that made you want more.
The sound of his rhythmic grunts filled the room, a mix of desire and surprise in every breath he took. His fingers dug into your skin through your shirt, and you moaned into his mouth once more. Your breath hitched when he bit down on your lower lip gently, making you gasp and whimper into the kiss before breaking it, desperate for air. You gasp softly when you part, watching with hazy eyes as he pants as well, lips slick with spit and typically wide eyes heavy with lust.
You tug at his shirt, nodding before he has any time to say something that will kill the mood.
“Take it off.”
And he listens like a dog, pushing himself up and pulling his white T-shirt over his head, tossing it aside before wrapping his arms around your torso and pulling you flush against him. There are no thoughts in your head right now, only Sungchan, touching Sungchan, kissing Sungchan, fucking Sungchan––Holy shit, you were totally going to fuck Sungchan. That hits you harder than you thought it would. You’ve thought about it before. How could you not? He’s beautiful, kind, and built like a God. Of course, you thought about fucking Sungchan. It was nothing like this, however. Typically, you thought of him having your face pressed into the mattress, back arched, and fucking you from behind like he was getting paid. You would’ve never guessed you’d be on top, but it’s not like you can’t get into it for Sungchan. You’d do anything for Sungchan.
"Are you sure?" Sungchan whispers against the skin of your neck, his hands finding your hips again to steady you against him, his bare chest warm and firm. You're taken aback for a moment, not expecting the question. But then you realize that he’s always been considerate, even when he’s on the verge of losing control.
"Yeah," you say firmly, the word slipping out without thought and causing heat to flare in Sungchan's eyes.
Without hesitation, you reach for the hem of your shirt, pulling it over your head swiftly. The cool air hits your skin, making goosebumps spread across your chest and arms. Sungchan's eyes widen as he takes you in, his gaze making you feel exposed and powerful. You struggle to pull your jeans off, having to crawl off of him to kick them off in haste. You hate how desperate you look but can’t bring yourself to care. Sungchan rolls on his side when you crawl off of him, lingering towards you like a lost puppy. His eyes watch as more of your skin is revealed to him, letting out a groan when he sees the smooth skin of your thighs.
Before you have the chance to climb back on top of him, he leans in, kissing the side of your thigh with a moan. You let out a gasp in shock but watched him with parted lips, threading your hands through his hair again as he dragged his lips all over the expanse of your thigh, leaving a trail of glistening spit as he did. He grabs your ankle, pulling you towards him roughly, making you fall back onto the carpet with another gasp. You don’t argue for once; you are too invested in what Sungchan will do next, even if you care.
His lips pepper kisses across the inside of your thighs, nipping at the sensitive skin with deep breaths as he inched closer and closer to your core.
He licks his lips as he hooks a long finger in your underwear, pulling them to the side. A moan leaves his lips when he sees your pussy for the first time, looking down at it like he’s looking at a coveted piece of art. You watch him closely, ears turning pink as he lifts two fingers to his lips, licking the tips of them before bringing them down between your legs to rub circles into your clit. His gaze stays on your cunt, watching how the pretty pink flesh moves beneath his fingers, biting his bottom lip when he hears you let out a whine, seeing your thighs tremble at just the slightest touch. Finally, his dark gaze lifts to meet yours.
With his eyes trained on yours, he presses a long finger inside you. A sigh leaves your lips as your eyes flutter shut, gripping the carpet with one hand while the other dug into your side, biting your bottom lip as he pressed another finger inside. You moan this time, feeling your walls begin to stretch for him. You hear him groan quietly, making your eyes open. You’re immediately met with his gaze that never left your face. He looks like he’s in a trance, staring at you like you’re the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. You can’t tell how it makes you feel, but you feel hot, like you’re boiling from the inside out. It aches, but it’s so intoxicating that you want more of it.
You whimper at how his fingers slickly slide out, then back in, watching him get lost in the sight of your reactions. You’re so wet for him. It’s almost embarrassing how wet you got so quickly. You swallow thickly as your chest rises and falls with each pant. His eyes stay on your face as his thumb presses against your clit, rubbing slow circles that make you shiver with a choked-out moan. His free hand cups your jaw, tilting your head back slightly, forcing your lips apart to look deeply into your eyes as he watches you crumble under him.
Feeling emboldened, Sungchan takes his fingers out of you slowly, letting out a long moan when they leave you empty. He lays a line of sweet pecks against your inner thighs, leaving tiny bites and nips on the soft flesh until he reaches the hem of his boxers. With a breathy "Fuck," he tugs them down enough to reveal his hard cock pressing against the fabric. You gulp as it springs from its confines, averting your eyes momentarily before snapping them back up to challenge his gaze. His thick length twitches with anticipation before he guides it towards you, slick with pre-cum leaking from the tip. Your heart stops for a beat before racing wildly in your chest again.
"Wrap your legs around me," Sungchan orders softly, not breaking eye contact even when you hesitate for a second before obeying. He grunts when he feels your folds pressing against his cock, pushing inside without a moment’s hesitation. He slides in so easily, groaning at how smooth the glide inside you is. He sounds as beautiful as he looks, making you moan as well. The way his cock splits your walls apart for him is delicious, to say the least, as a euphoria fills your veins as your walls spasm around him with another moan, this one airier than the one before.
“Fuck,” Sungchan curses, fingers digging into the carpet next to your head as he looks down at where your bodies were connected before back at your face. You two lock eyes again, making your heart hammer in your chest harder than before. Still, you meet his gaze with a quiet whimper, hands wrapping around his strong biceps as you bat your lashes at him.
“Feels good, Sungie?” You ask in a too-sweet voice. You rarely whip out for him unless you ask for a favor, like getting something off the top shelf or making him finish your short answer response questions because you don’t want to. Sungchan would do anything for you, and you’d do anything for Sungchan. He takes a deep breath at your tone, lips curling into a smirk before he bites his bottom lip, nodding.
Then, his hips roll into yours.
Sungchan's thick cock feels even better than you could have ever imagined, stretching you wide and fulfilling you completely. His hips roll into yours slowly, making you moan and whine beneath him with each gentle thrust. The way he fills you up is mind-numbing, his smirk turning into a grimace as he leans down to capture your lips in a rough kiss.
Your walls clamp down on him at the contact, purposely trying to get more friction between the two of you. Sungchan groans against your lips, slipping his hands under your back and lifting you up onto his lap effortlessly. You gasp into his mouth, feeling his hard chest pressed against yours. Your heart pounds in your chest as he starts to fuck you properly now, eyes closing at the sensation that washes over you. You swear you can feel his heartbeat against your chest, but you convince yourself you’re just dreaming it.
You feel every inch of him inside of you, making your walls tighten around him with every snap of his hips into yours. A tiny sob leaves your lips when he hits that spot inside you that has you seeing stars. You dig your nails into the flesh of his shoulders, jaw-dropping and eyes rolling back at how your body moves like a rag doll and at how sharply his hips snap up into you. He groans into your neck, nipping at the sensitive skin before sucking softly to soothe it with his tongue. You can't help but shudder in his lap; this feels so good that it hurts. His hands hold you in place, one on your waist and the other cradling the back of your head as he takes rough control of the kiss again, teeth scraping against soft skin with every thrust. He pants against your lips, moaning your name softly and how good you make him feel. It's all too much for you; all too real with Sungchan, yet so not real. You’re fucking your roommate on your living room floor––You’re fucking your best friend on your living room floor.
Your hands find their way into his hair again, holding onto him tightly as he continues to fuck into you like your his, his lips trailing hot kisses down your neck and over your collarbone. You mewl at the feeling, arching your back into his chest as he hits that sweet spot inside you once more. You could feel the warmth spreading through your veins, making you dizzy with need. The room spins around you as he thrusts harder, faster, deeper into your already aching pussy. His moans mix with yours, their tongues meeting in a messy kiss that speaks volumes about how much you both want this.
Your legs quiver as he takes control of the situation, fingers digging into your skin softly before trailing up to caress your breasts through the thin fabric of your bra. You let out a strangled cry when he pinches at one of your nipples roughly, making you moan into his mouth even more, looking down to watch him work with a breath through your teeth. Your hands' card through the hair on the back of his head, eyes shutting to focus solely on the pleasure coursing through your veins with every drag of Sungchan’s cock against your walls.
"Sun-Sungchan," you whimper. The sound of his name on your lips is like music to his ears. Your body is sweaty and flushed, a beautiful sight for him to feast his eyes upon. He growls lowly when he finally meets your gaze again, heat pooling in your lower belly at the raw desire he displays.
“You’re so fucking good, baby. ‘Should’ve fucked you soon, hm?” Sungchan groans, his voice creased with effort as he continues to pound into you. You can’t help but respond with a needy whimper, skin burning under his touch as you nod your head dumbly. You feel him everywhere, and it's overwhelming - the way he’s stretched you wide open, the way he feels pushing deep inside of you, the way his hands are holding you in place as if afraid that you'll slip away from underneath him.
Your heart beats furiously against your chest, matching rhythm with the throbbing ache between your legs. You're close, too close, but not quite there yet. Sungchan seems to sense your growing desperation, the flash of triumph in his eyes telling you he knows exactly what he's doing to you. He reaches down and begins rubbing slow circles on your clit again, thumb pressing against the sensitive nub just enough to make you cry out in pleasure.
“You gonna cum for me?” He whispers against your throat, teeth dipping into your soft flesh, causing a sharp gasp from your lips. You nod frantically in response, words failing you as white-hot pleasure courses through your veins. He laughs softly - a dark chuckle that sends shivers down your spine.
The way you melt against him is intoxicating. He grunts, unable to think straight as he feels his own orgasm building up. His hips move even faster, his cock sliding in and out of your welcoming heat with each thrust. He groans against your skin, panting heavily as he fucks you like it’s his last dying will, wet sounds filling the room that mixes with your pants and moans. You squeeze your eyes shut at the sounds you’re making, cheeks growing more read because of it. Sex is so embarrassing sometimes.
He pulls away from your neck just a little to look into your eyes, panting heavily as they roll back in pleasure. Sungchan's lips curl into a smirk at seeing how lost you get. Your walls tighten around his cock once again as you cum around him, making Sungchan's eyes roll back into his head and tilt his head back with a melodic groan that has you moaning as well. You feel him tremble beneath you as he finally cums inside of you, making you smirk softly as your hands run up and down his back.
You throw your head back and cry out his name, orgasm hitting you hard and fast like a freight train. He watches as you finally hit your peak, jaw-dropping at how gorgeous you look when you feel good. Your walls clamp down around him, and your muscles spasm in ecstasy; even through the haze of pleasure, you feel every drop of his cum spilling into you, the heat of it searing into your core. Your body convulses and shivers under the onslaught of pleasure, your voice breaking on Sungchan's name. 
Sungchan stays still for a moment longer, his cock still buried deep inside of you. His chest heaves against yours, ragged gasps filling the space between your sated bodies. He blinks slowly, his gaze holding yours captive as he pants out your name. You take his face into his hands with a deep breath, leaning in and kissing his lips without a second though. He moans into the kiss, holding your wrists gently as he does so.
You both stay like that for a while. Bodies joined together in the aftermath of your shared orgasm. The only sounds in the room are your gasping breaths and the rapid beat of your heart pounding in sync. Cautiously, Sungchan pulls out of you gently, making your pussy squeeze around nothing instinctively at the loss, a soft whimper leaving your lips.
He rolls off to one side, pulling you with him so that you're tucked against his side. His arm wraps around you and keeps you close to him, fingers dancing along your sweaty skin lightly. Neither of you speak for long moments, too wrapped up in trying to regain control of your breathing and coming down from your highs even to fathom thinking of words right now.
Eventually, though, Sungchan breaks the silence with a soft whisper, "You okay?"
Your lips twitch into a tired smile against his chest, pressing a small kiss there before nodding. "Yeah," you huff out after a moment, "That was…"
"Crazy," he finishes for you, making you shut your eyes with a laugh, nodding in agreement.
“Yeah…That was crazy,” You whisper, moving your head to rest on his chest to soak up more of his warmth. Your cheek squishes against his chest as you lay there, looking down at his spent cock resting against his thigh. It hits you that you’re both naked and just had sex on your living room floor. This calls for a conversation at the least but you can’t drag yourself to start it, completely spent from what just occurred.
So, instead, you close your eyes.
You’ll deal with it in the morning.
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winterrrnight · 1 day
sometimes rafe craves your touch more than anything in this world and you comply to him within mere seconds <3 a rafe cameron x gn!reader blurb <3 cw: suggestive content (absolutely no smut!): neck kissing, soft praises, usage of nicknames like baby & baby boy, submissive rafe, loads of intimacy between the two <3
rafe has always had a strong dominant energy to himself, and you can certainly credit his father for most of it who raised rafe always telling him to ‘man up’. the dominance comes naturally in rafe, even in mundane everyday activities when he makes sure nothing ever happens to you.
but sometimes, all he wants is to be loved. to be the receiver and not the giver. to just let himself go.
you understand that need of his. rafe has never been good with expressing his feelings through words, and prefers his actions to speak for him. this specific need of his is usually expressed by him laying his head in your lap and gently nuzzling against your thigh, his body starting to go lax just the moment you start to card your fingers through his hair, your nails scratching oh so blissfully against his scalp which has him purring in your lap.
this sign by him is all that you need to know that he just wants some love and attention. he wants to hear your gentle words, wants to feel you close to him, and wants to just meld within you.
you have him laying back against the plush mattress as you sit in his lap, your legs on both sides of his hips as you straddle his waist. rafe has his hands on your thighs, gently massaging them through the material of your pants as you softly push your lips against his. one hand of yours comes to thread in his hair, the other caressing the side of torso through the fabric of his shirt, causing it to slowly ride up his abdomen.
your tongue gently swipes along his bottom lip and that coaxes him to part his lips to welcome you, your tongue delving to feel his warmth and heat in every single nerve of your body. he can’t help but let out a soft hum of pleasure against your lips, his fingers starting to dig into your thighs.
he parts from your lips a moment or so later, his lips parted, his cheeks flushed and his hair disheveled from your fingers being all wrapped up in it. “oh god…” he murmurs, his voice breathless and faint. you move your hand from his hair and move it to caress the other side of his torso, letting your fingers sneak under his shirt to feel the taut muscles of his abdomen beneath your fingertips.
“god baby…” he murmurs breathlessly as he feels goosebumps form over his skin wherever your fingers touch him, his shirt riding up more. “I need you… so bad…”
“I’m right here baby…” you say softly, your voice tinged with a comforting lilt as you watch soft exhales leave his parted, rubied lips, every cell of his body craving for more and more.
you dip your head down to let your lips meet the smooth skin of his neck, and you pepper gentle kisses along the slope of his neck, your fingers still tracing all over his abdomen.
a soft groan tumbles from rafe’s lips, his head moving back against the pillows involuntarily to let your lips trace more skin of his sensitive neck. “oh baby…” he whispers, his eyelashes fluttering as his fingers dig more into his thighs.
“just relax baby boy…” you whisper against the heated skin of his neck, wanting your words to simply sink into his skin themselves, “just relax… i’m here, and i’m not going anywhere,” you murmur between tender kisses as you let your lips move over his neck, trailing down to meet his collarbone and gently suck on it, feeling the skin starting to pinken under your lips.
you feel his fingers tighten on your thighs, as if he’s worried you’ll disappear into thin air. “i’m not going anywhere…” you repeat, shifting to the other side of his neck as you tenderly kiss it, letting his shirt above your fingers ride up more and more.
his soft sighs and hums of pleasure fill the amorous atmosphere around you two, only allowing you two to get more and more absorbed in it with each passing second. every fleeting touch of yours causes his skin to tingle, his ache to feel you closer to him only increasing. you let him grip on your thighs, gently tug on your shirt, let his fingers explore the expanse of your skin under the material of your shirt the way he wants to.
’cause you know he’s always the giver when it comes to the two of you.
and it most certainly wouldn’t hurt to let him feel the tender feelings he makes you feel.
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sp25 · 1 day
pairing: simon 'ghost' riley x f!reader
summary: sharing a bunker with none other than Ghost
warnings: 18+ this is sexually explicit, do not read this or interact with my blog if you're a minor. do not copy or use ai on my shit, i'll find out. consists of kissing,missionary, sex (m&f), name calling, slight breeding kink, cumming inside, cursing, doggystyle. I am not responsible for your media consumption.
a/n: got too bored today, also call it a double treat.
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You had known Ghost for a good amount of time now. You were close friends. Few would even call you soulmates but Ghost’s unreadable expressions would never left you know if he actually liked you too or no. You knew you loved him. But you had to keep your desires hidden.
On one such mission, you finally got the chance to be closer. The mission was a fail. With damaged radios, the prospect of calling for extraction is out of reach. "Looks like we're stuck here for the night," Ghost mutters under his mask.
The acknowledgment of your shared seclusion amplifies the palpable tension that has been building between the two of you, like a taut wire waiting to be released—a delicate dance of unspoken emotions and desires.
The living room of the safehouse offers a modest refuge, while a single bedroom awaits you with a solitary bed. "Get some rest."
Before Ghost would walk over to the couch or leave, you took his hand in yours and softly whispered still unsure with what you are doing “Ghost..”
Ghost stops dead in his tracks, turning to face you. Your sudden act of intimacy surprises him, causing a rush of unexpected adrenaline to surge through his body—a reaction as primal as it is powerful. He looks into your eyes, lingering for a moment longer than he should.
“Stay..” you whispered, you were letting your emotions control your words. You knew that you would never again get the chance to express yourself ever again. You both would never get the chance to be alone again. This was your only chance to be his.
A flicker of desire passes through Ghost, causing his breath to quicken and his heart to race. In his mind's eye, he envisions you sharing the bed in an embrace, a vision fueled by your intimate touch.
Ghost's expression becomes more open, his gaze less guarded than before. He wants to stay, and he wants to be with you.
You cautiously moved closer to him, you knew a wrong step would make the whole situation wrong and worse.
Ghost can feel the heat of your body as you draw nearer, drawn in by your aura of warmth and closeness. He wants to feel your skin against his own, to touch and be touched.
There's a pull between the two of you, an undeniable connection that leads to one inescapable outcome.
He puts his hand on your cheek, softly caressing it. “Promise me you won’t regret it..” He says desperately hoping that you would give him the assurance he needed.
“I promise..” you stare at him with need. He shakily takes a breath in before pushing you towards a wall. Your closeness becomes a whisper of breath, teasingly tracing his jawline. His skin tingles with sensation at your gentle caress. The tension in his body mounts, the air electric with desire.
He ran his hands down your body, caressing you gently. His touch was tentative but tender and the cold of his hands left a trail of goosebumps in their wake. His touch igniting the subdued desire you, making you unable to control your moan.
His lips part slightly, inviting you closer. His breathing becomes erratic, the beat of his heart quickening as he draws in. The distance between you vanishes with each passing moment until you're only separated by the width of an inch...
He softly runs his hand through your hair before slamming his lips hard on yours. You moaned so loudly. You could feel his desperation coursing. He needed you more than you needed him.
“fuck..” he whispered as he bit your bottom lip softly. You held onto his shirt. “Mine..”, He said in your ear before leaving hickeys down your neck.
He looks back up. You could see his eyes turning dark again. He picked you up roughly, manhandling you towards the bed.
The moment finally arrives as the pair of you settle onto the bed together, your breathing intensifying with each passing moment. Ghost's arms wrap generously around you, drawing you in close to him. He cradles you, his touch gentle yet firm.
Your bodies move as one, creating a symphony of touches and caresses that creates a sensual harmony.
A wave of euphoria rushes over you as you lie in each other's arms, relishing in the physical contact and the sensation of closeness. It's an invigorating, intimate moment—your hearts pounding in unison, your breath melding together in a single rhythm.
This is what it feels like to be safe and protected, to belong in another's arms, to truly feel the intensity of connection.
He holds onto your hips tightly. You feel his right hand slip into your shirt and pulling it off. He admires every single inch of you. He easily unhooks your bra, proceeding to wet his lips to suck on one of your nipples while he flicked the other.
He moans in satisfaction, before leaving kisses from your chest to your belly. He slid his hand across your soft skin, gently tracing a path along your abdomen. His touch was timid, like a child exploring something new to him. You could feel the cold of his hand moving across your stomach, sending a shiver down your spine.
He suddenly grabbed the waistband with his fingers and pulled them off. Before, easily ripping of your panties and stuffing them in his pocket. He softly touched the your sensitive spot, groaning with desire cause how wet you were for him.
His fingers glistened with wetness, you were absolutely begging and soaking for him. He slapped your pussy few times, making you moan and whimper, which caused him to smirk.
“Mine..”, he said to you with pure desire in his eyes. He pulled off his jeans and you could immediately see the hard bulge through his underwear. This only caused you to get more wet.
He pulled it out and you were in for a delight. His cock already leaking precum. He aligned himself as he skilfully fingered you for a while. “Ready love?”, he asked with a slight sense of tease.
“Y-yes..”, you stuttered. Your words being a confirmation for him, you felt his tip slowly enter you. His tip was already making you stretch but before you could react, he pushed himself all the way in until he was balls deep making you arch your back. You could already feel his cock hitting your womb.
He let you get adjusted to his length before he started increasing his pace. “fuck..”, he groaned, feeling your walls tighten around him. His each thrust easily hit your womb, his cock was wet with how much you were dripping.
His hands gripped your hips, pulling you in closer, his body moving against yours as he started to increase his pace. His breaths were coming faster and shallower now, his breath mixing with your moans as his body moved with yours. “So fucking perfect for me..”, he groaned as you felt his pace become faster.
He kept pinching and pulling on your nipples before kissing you roughly, as you felt his hip consistently hit yours with each thrust. His aggressiveness only turned you on more.
He was desperate, his body driven by his raw, primal instincts, needing to be as close to you as physically possible, needing to claim you, and in a way, mark you as his forever. “my fucking girl..”he whispered into your ear.
He started leaving hickeys all over your neck, biting the place between your collarbone and shoulder so hard. After he finished marked, he licked that place to soothe it.
You felt like you were on euphoria. All your senses coming alive. You could feel his cock rapidly hitting your womb. You wetness overpowering as it soaked his bed. Your walls only tightening more around his cock.
He couldn't hold it back anymore, the need to claim you fully took over and he suddenly buried himself deep inside of you, his body tensing as he felt the orgasm roll over him like a wave, his breath catching in his throat. You felt his cum filling you up, making you feel all warm and fuzzy, making you squirt so hard on his cock.
He stayed where he was, relishing the feeling of being buried inside of you, his body still trembling with the aftereffects of his orgasm. He softly rested his head on your chest, his breath coming in short gasps as he whispered your name, his body still tightly wrapped around yours.
Gradually, he started to come down from the high, his body relaxing as he savored the moment. But, not pulling out, he wanted to keep all his cum inside of you, to make sure, you got pregnant. He pulled you tighter against him, his arms wrapped tightly around your body, holding onto you as he whispered softly, “I’m never letting you go…”
He softly kissed you before slapping your ass few times, making me whimper and blush. “got that?”, he whispered in your ear again. “yes sir..”, you blushed.
He smirked before turning you around so, you are laying on your chest now. You groaned and whimpered, making him slap your ass repeatedly before kneading it. “all red and pretty for me..”, he said with such intensity. You felt him lift up your hip, so he could align himself again.
“what this? you can’t be leaking my cum out my love. I gotta get you all full and pregnant”, he said that as he pushed his leaking cum back into you, before sliding himself deep in you again.
Well, round two was just about to begin.
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hoshifighting · 2 days
hi hi could you do an fwb2lovers wonwoo with some angst but happy ending? I really love your works!!! thank you 😊
Friends with Benefit to Lovers - Wonwoo
a/n: thank you for all the luv, xoxo 💋❤️
warnings: suggestive ending, angst, fluff, being left out, reconciliation.
you and Wonwoo have been tight since freshman year, forged through late-night cram sessions, shared slices of greasy pizza, and endless games of FIFA. it's that kind of friendship where you know each other's quirks better than your own.
one friday evening, you find yourselves at a frat party, the air thick with the scent of cheap beer and the bass from the speakers pounding against your chest, you're just happy to be along for the ride, nursing a red cup of something that tastes suspiciously like punch.
you watch from a distance as a girl from Wonwoo's course sidles up to him, their conversation growing more animated by the minute. part of you wants to intervene, to remind Wonwoo of your existence, but another part—the stubborn part—refuses to budge. so you sit there, nursing your drink and pretending not to care. 
you had drunk so much that the party went by too quickly, the cheap alcohol from the punch felt like a punch to your liver. some of your friends still tried to talk to you, but your social battery had already run out.
so, you stay put on the worn-out couch, drowning your thoughts in another cup of punch that's probably more sugar than anything else. the party is winding down, people stumbling out the door in twos and threes, but you're stuck here, waiting for Wonwoo's ride back to the dorms.
time stretches on, each minute feeling like an eternity as you wait for Wonwoo to notice you. finally, he appears in front of you, his expression unreadable. "let's go?" he says, his tone flat.
you stand up without a word, ignoring his outstretched hand as you make your way to the door. the car ride is suffocating in its silence, each passing mile stretching the tension between you until it feels like it might snap.
back in the dorm, you head straight for the bathroom, needing a moment to yourself. as you're drying your hair with a towel, Wonwoo's voice cuts through the silence like a knife. "why are you like this?" he demands, his frustration palpable.
you whirl around, towel still clutched in your hand. "remembering my existence now?" you snap. Wonwoo's taken aback, his eyes widening in surprise.
"what's that supposed to mean?" he asks.
you square your shoulders, refusing to back down.
"it means you've been ignoring me all night, and now you expect me to act like everything's okay? i'm not a mind reader, Wonwoo. i can't just pretend like nothing's wrong."
"are you telling me this because of soojin?" he asks, his voice tinged with frustration.
you roll your eyes, unable to mask your irritation. "like it's not obvious," you mutter under your breath.
Wonwoo's expression softens, and he takes a step closer, reaching out as if to touch your arm. "look, she's just a girl from my class. we were talking about a new project, that's all. there's no need to feel jealous."
you scoff, cutting him off before he can finish.
"jealous? you think i was jealous?" you shoot back, incredulous. "no, i wasn't. i just didn't want to go to a party and be alone the whole fucking time!"
you let out a frustrated sigh, running a hand through your hair in exasperation.
"yes, i was with my friends," you concede, your tone softer now. "but i came with you, Wonwoo. and i... i wanted to spend time with you."
"i know, i know," he starts, his tone apologetic yet tinged with frustration. "but i thought you'd be fine with your friends for a bit. i didn't mean to make you feel left out."
you let out a heavy sigh, crossing your arms over your chest.
"it's not just about being fine with my friends," you say, your voice quieter now, tinged with hurt. "i came here with you, Wonwoo. i wanted to spend time with you. but instead, i felt like i was just tagging along while you hung out with someone else."
Wonwoo's shoulders slump, his gaze dropping to the floor as he rubs the back of his neck.
"i didn't realize you felt that way," he admits, his voice quiet.
"well, now you do," you reply, crossing your arms over your chest. "and it sucks feeling like i'm just some afterthought."
you collapse onto the couch, the weight of the argument draining every ounce of energy from your body. you're exhausted, emotionally spent, and all you want to do is close your eyes and forget about the whole thing.
but before you can even think about resting, Wonwoo kneels down in front of you, his expression soft with concern. you meet his gaze, the weariness in your eyes mirrored in his own.
"hey," he says gently, reaching out to take your hand in his. "are you okay?"
you nod, a small sigh escaping your lips. "yeah," you reply, your voice barely above a whisper.
Wonwoo squeezes your hand, his touch warm and comforting. "i'm really sorry about earlier," he says, his voice filled with sincerity. "i didn't mean to upset you."
you manage a weak smile, the tension in your chest easing slightly at his words. "it's okay," you assure him, the weight of the argument already starting to feel lighter.
Wonwoo leans in closer, his forehead resting against yours. "i just want you to know that you mean a lot to me," he murmurs, his words a whispered promise. "I didn't realize how much my actions were affecting you. you're not just some afterthought, I promise."
you feel a weight lift from your chest as he leans in, his lips meeting yours in a gentle kiss. 
his tongue finds its way into your mouth, exploring every crevice with a familiarity that makes you mewl. you melt into his embrace, your hands finding their way to his hair, pulling him closer as if you never want to let him go.
that was another thing about Wonwoo – he had a way of making you feel like you were the only person in the world, like nothing else mattered except the two of you in that moment.
as the kiss deepens, you lose yourself in the sensation of his lips against yours, the taste of him lingering on your tongue like a sweet addiction.
he pull back slightly so both of you can breathe.
"you're not just my friend," wonwoo confesses, "you're... you're so much more than that."
your heart feels like it's about to burst from your chest as you search his eyes.
"I've been scared to say it, scared to admit it even to myself," Wonwoo admits, his voice barely above a whisper. "but I can't deny it any longer. I love you."
"I love you too," you whisper, the words spilling from your lips before you can stop them. "I've loved you for so long."
he kisses your forehead, your lips, giving the smile that you've always loved.
you pull back, caressing his chin and jaw with your hands.
"you know," you murmur, "just because you're sorry doesn't mean i'm going to go easy on you."
Wonwoo chuckles "i wouldn't expect anything less," he replies.
you smirk, feeling a surge of confidence coursing through you. "good," you say, your tone teasing. "because i have a few ideas about how you can make it up to me."
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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small-z24 · 3 days
One-Shot: Shadows of Destiny
Amidst the turmoil of a heated argument, an explosion forces Y/N to protect Azriel, resulting in both of them being injured. As Y/N tends to Azriel's unconscious form, the mating bond snaps into place, revealing their deep connection. When Azriel awakens, he must confront his feelings and the bond that has been hidden for years. Together, they face their newfound reality, united by a love that can withstand any challenge.
Word Count: 1118
Warnings: This story includes scenes of violence and injury, emotional distress, and themes of fear and guilt. There are mentions of medical procedures and some explicit language. If any of these topics are triggering for you, please read with caution.
The training room echoed with the clash of steel and the heavy breathing of the two combatants. Azriel and Y/N had been sparring for hours, their frustration and emotions fueling every strike and parry. The tension between them had been building for weeks, and tonight it had finally reached its breaking point.
"You're holding back!" Y/N shouted, her voice trembling with anger as she swung her blade at Azriel.
He deflected the blow with ease, his expression hard. "I'm not going to hurt you, Y/N."
"I don't need your protection, Azriel!" she snapped, stepping back to catch her breath. "I need you to treat me like an equal."
Azriel's jaw tightened as he lowered his sword. "You are my equal, but that doesn't mean I want to see you hurt."
Y/N’s eyes flashed with fury. "You don’t get it, do you? You never do! I’m not some fragile thing that needs to be coddled. I’m a warrior, just like you!"
Azriel’s shadows swirled around him, mirroring his agitation. "I know you’re strong, Y/N. But I can’t just turn off my feelings for you. I care about you too much."
"Care?" Y/N scoffed, tears of frustration welling in her eyes. "You think this is about care? It’s about respect. If you can’t respect me as a warrior, then what’s the point?"
Azriel took a step closer, his eyes burning with intensity. "I respect you more than anyone else. But watching you get hurt... it tears me apart."
Y/N’s breath hitched, her heart pounding in her chest. "Why? Why does it matter so much to you?"
Before Azriel could respond, a sudden explosion rocked the training room. The walls shook, and debris rained down around them. Y/N’s eyes widened in horror as she saw a large piece of the ceiling break free, heading straight for Azriel.
Without thinking, she lunged forward, pushing him out of the way. The debris struck her instead, knocking her to the ground. Azriel scrambled to her side, his shadows wrapping around them both protectively.
"Y/N!" he cried, his voice filled with panic.
She groaned, pain shooting through her body. "I'm fine," she managed to say, her voice weak. "Just... get us out of here."
Azriel scooped her up in his arms, his heart pounding with fear and guilt. He carried her out of the training room, his shadows helping to clear a path through the rubble. Once they were safe, he laid her down gently, his hands trembling.
"Stay with me, Y/N," he whispered, his voice breaking.
She nodded weakly, her vision blurring. "Azriel..."
As she lost consciousness, Azriel’s heart shattered. He had failed to protect her, failed to keep her safe. The guilt and fear consumed him as he held her close, his shadows wrapping around them both in a protective cocoon.
Y/N awoke in the healing quarters of the House of Wind, her body aching but her mind sharp. She tried to sit up, but a gentle hand on her shoulder stopped her.
"Easy," Majda, the healer, said softly. "You’ve been through a lot."
"Azriel," Y/N gasped, her heart racing. "Where is he?"
Majda’s expression turned somber. "He’s alive, but he’s in bad shape. He shielded you from the worst of the explosion. He hasn’t woken up yet."
Y/N’s heart clenched with fear and guilt. She had pushed him out of the way, but he had still been injured protecting her. "I need to see him."
Majda nodded, helping her to her feet. "He’s in the next room. But you need to rest too, Y/N. You’re still recovering."
Y/N nodded, but her focus was on Azriel. She moved to the next room, her heart breaking at the sight of him lying unconscious, his body covered in bandages. She approached his bedside, tears streaming down her face.
"I’m so sorry, Azriel," she whispered, taking his hand in hers. "I should have been more careful."
As she touched him, a sudden warmth spread through her, and she gasped as the mating bond snapped into place. It was an overwhelming sensation, a connection that went beyond anything she had ever felt. She knew, in that moment, that Azriel was her mate.
"Azriel," she whispered, her voice trembling. "Please wake up. I need you."
Days passed, and Y/N stayed by Azriel’s side, her heart aching with the knowledge of their bond. She spoke to him, telling him stories and sharing her feelings, hoping that her voice would reach him.
Finally, one evening, Azriel stirred. His eyes fluttered open, and he looked around, disoriented. When his gaze landed on Y/N, a wave of relief washed over him.
"Y/N," he croaked, his voice weak.
She leaned forward, tears of joy streaming down her face. "I’m here, Azriel. I’m right here."
He reached out, his hand trembling as he cupped her cheek. "I thought I lost you."
She shook her head, her heart overflowing with love. "You saved me. You always save me."
Azriel took a deep breath, his eyes filled with emotion. "Y/N, there’s something I need to tell you."
She nodded, her heart pounding. "I know. I felt it too."
His eyes widened in surprise. "You did?"
She smiled, her tears falling freely. "Yes. The bond... it snapped into place when I touched you. I know you’re my mate, Azriel."
Relief and joy filled his eyes as he pulled her into a gentle embrace. "I’ve known for a while," he admitted, his voice trembling. "But I was afraid. Afraid of what it would mean for us."
She held him close, her heart bursting with love. "We’re in this together, Azriel. Always."
Their lips met in a desperate, passionate kiss, the weight of their words and the bond between them igniting a fire that had been smoldering for too long. They poured all their frustration, love, and longing into that kiss, finally allowing themselves to embrace the bond that had been waiting for them.
When they finally pulled apart, their foreheads remained pressed together, their breaths mingling. Azriel’s shadows wrapped around them both, a protective cocoon that shielded them from the world.
"I love you, Y/N," Azriel whispered, his voice filled with reverence.
"I love you too, Azriel," she replied, her heart full and whole.
In that moment, they knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, united by the bond that had finally snapped into place. Their love, forged in the heat of argument and tempered by their shared strength, was unbreakable. And as they stood there, wrapped in each other’s arms, they knew they had found their true home in each other.
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muchosbesitos · 1 day
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐝
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pairing: suguru geto x fem reader, satoru gojo x fem reader
contents: some angst, sorta kinda follows canon, smut, oral (f+m receiving), fingering, unprotected p in v, some marking (pls lmk if i missed smth)
synopsis: you and suguru are so undeniably in love and all satoru can do is wish for that to be him.
author’s note: one day i’ll stop writing angst, not today tho 🗣️
word count: 10.8k (i may have yapped too much, i’m sorryy)
The word came out strained, the sight of Yaga blurry by your own tears. The paper in your hands threatened to fall with each shake of your fingers, the paper that you were hoping was just a cruel joke. But no matter how many times you forced yourself to read through the paper, the contents of it stayed the same. The words had practically imprinted themselves into your brain by now, yet you desperately hoped that maybe you'd read it wrong.
Yaga looked at you with a pained expression, "Don't make me repeat myself, please." You almost wanted to commend him for his acting skills and the dedication that he held towards making this a believable prank, yet you already knew at the back of your head that this was anything but that. That the words printed onto the paper were true- that the man you loved the most was set to be executed.
Labeled as the worst curse user.
You looked over at Gojo standing next to him, the same expression of pain painted across his features. Even his eyes seemed more dimmed down than usual.. if that was somehow possible. You wanted to shake him for some kind of answer, yet you could see your expression clearly mirrored onto his face. "No, no, you're lying. This prank isn't that funny anymore," you shook your head, almost as if that would remove the knowledge from your head.
How he could be that and still be the same man that wiped away your tears from the corner of your eye with his thumb, whispering silent reassurances that you'd be okay. That he'd always be here for you whenever you needed him. The same man who'd cheeks had flushed pink when he asked you on a date one March afternoon, dusting a cherry blossom off your shoulder as he anticipated your answer was the same one who'd murdered those people. There was no way that it was him, right?
As much as you wanted to delude yourself into believing that the information was false, the mounting evidence piling up was proving to make that task difficult. You knew he must've had a reason for it, that he didn't just go on a rampage for some form of twisted fun like many others had made it seem. At least, you desperately wished he had a reason as bad as it made you seem. The knowledge of this didn't remove the years that Suguru had spent with you, the amount of memories that the two of you accumulated throughout.
"I know that you both have fond memories with him, but you have to remember that he still has to be executed for what he's done," Yaga's voice turned into a dull tone, almost static as you tried to let the situation compute. He continued talking, probably about how to go about capturing him successfully but you couldn't bring yourself to pay attention to this conversation. The walls of the temple seemed to be closing in on you, every breath that you were taking weighing heavy on your body.
"Wait, we're not do-" you heard Gojo start off before Yaga dismissed him by saying, "Just let her go for now."
You weren't even sure when you started running, all that you knew was that you needed to leave. You looked up to see Shoko standing next to you, an unlit cigarette hanging from the corner of her mouth while she held out a sheet of paper out. She gestured for you to take it, simply stating, "He left that for you." You thanked her for the paper, debating on wanting to cherish it or open it right away. What if you regretted not opening it? What if it was something important?
Eventually your curiosity won the best of you, your nimble fingers starting to open the piece of paper. A small breath escaped from your lips as you willed yourself to try to read the words on the paper. "I'll leave you to that," Shoko told you before she headed out, her head peeking through the door. His handwriting looked messier than usual, almost as if he were scribbling the note in a rush. It was an apology, not an explanation like you'd hoped for.
Tears flowed down freely as much as you tried to hold them back, your hands gripping the sheet of paper. You had enough self control not to rip it up with the force you were holding it, wanting to savor the last item he'd left for you. 'I'm sorry' didn't seem to make up for the fact that he'd abandoned you, after he promised that he'd be willing to stay no matter what. You weren't sure how long you were crying for, only looking up when Shoko extended a tissue towards you.
What was his purpose of being a Jujutsu sorcerer?
Suguru found himself contemplating this question more often that not, the amalgamation of everything that happened throughout the course of the past year making his head spin. The own morals that he'd tried to convince Satoru of were starting to falter. All the deaths that had occurred becoming a taboo subject, everyone recognizing the efforts that they each put into maintaining the order of society without taking the time to remember them as a person.
Was all that he was meant for? Just another cog in a machine that wouldn't be mourned after his passing? A body added to a countless pile for a meaningless sacrifice?
Every single one of his actions seemed pointless in the grand scheme of things. No matter how many times he had to put up with the rancid aftertaste of absorbing curses, more would just end up popping up. How every single person he'd lost in his life had died with some type of regret, some type of longing to do something with their life. All whilst humans lived their lives blissfully unaware of the messes they create.
The only thing keeping him afloat was you and even he was conscious enough to know how selfish it was. Of seeing the small frown that would take form on your face after he lied once more about how he was doing, that he was just tired. Of only sharing small pieces of information about the big mess that was unraveling in his head, just enough so that you wouldn't be scared of him. Just enough to still keep you close to him. "Just don't feel like eating," was what he'd told you when you noted his drastic weight loss.
So when Yaga had called him into his classroom and said, "There's a disturbance in a nearby village. I need you to check it out," Suguru didn't hesitate to agree. As much as Yaga tried to reassure him that it was fine if he didn't feel up to it, that Satoru would take over. The train ride to the village had been quiet despite the amounts of people that stood beside him, too distracted in his own thoughts. Every once in a while he'd hear a, "So let me tell you what happened" or a "You would not believe this."
All so self absorbed. Disgusting.
The scent of burning flesh would be something that imprinted itself in his brain forever. It was supposed to be a simple mission, he kept repeating to himself. Just absorb the curse and go. But how would he be able to live with himself knowing that while the villagers thanked him, two little girls were getting crucified for the very same thing that he was. The blurry path that he'd been trying to navigate for months now seemed all the much clearer, every last bit of resistance melting away.
There isn't anything he could really say to justify his actions- not that he's trying to. But he was running off autopilot from the moment that he saw the two girls locked up in a cage, treated like circus animals. He could feel his anger flare up as the two gripped each other, whispering promises about how they'd be good, how they wouldn't use their technique for anything evil. How these little girls had convinced themselves that they were capable of evil was beyond him.
He was certain that he'd left close to zero residuals when he left the village, escaping off to a cabin in the woods with the two girls holding on desperately to him. A knock on the door startled him from that certainty, every single thought in his head starting to spiral. Surely if someone was here to execute him, they wouldn't bother with knocking on the door? Or maybe that's what they wanted him to think? He was running out of time, the knocks on the door becoming more and more persistent.
"Run. Don't come back," he whispered to the girls, getting down to their level when they walked over to him. He knew that this was to be awaited but he wouldn't stand for taking them down with him.
"But Master G-"
He steadied his breathing, clenching and unclenching his fists in an attempt to calm himself down. He opened the door to see you, your fist raised like you were about to go for what seemed to be the thousandth knock on the door. He let out a small breath of relief, barely registering that it was you in front of him. He'd come to terms with the idea of never seeing you again, unless it'd be at his death bed. Though, he couldn't deny that this was a nice surprise.
"What are you doing here?" He asked, watching as you stepped inside of the cabin like you owned the place. Well, at least you'd been courteous enough to remove your shoes by the door. "I'm here to see you, obviously," you responded, picking up the basket of food that before handing it over to him. You glanced around the small cabin, the space devoid of anything other than clothes and empty food wrappers. You made a mental note to pick up more food for him the next time you came over.
He warily grabbed the basket, inspecting the items inside before going over to place it on a counter in the kitchen. "If you expect me to have some kind of repentance towards what I've done, I don't," he didn't seem remorseful in the slightest, talking about the events like it was just today's weather. "I haven't said anything about repentance, nor am I expecting that," you assured him, taking a seat on one of the chairs in the living room.
"Then what are you doing here?"
What were you doing here? You'd convinced yourself that you were just coming here for an explanation, that you'd demand for some kind of answer and leave immediately. But it felt like being with him all over again, the same comfortability that you'd grown too accustomed to. You wanted to prolong your stay and bask in his presence for a little while longer. "I missed you," you managed to tell him after he'd been expecting an answer for a couple seconds, his face contorting into one of shock just a millisecond. Enough for you to notice though.
"You didn't misread the reports or anything?"
You shook your head before speaking again, "I'm aware of what you've done. I'd like to believe that you wouldn't have done that without any reason though. Even so, I still love you Suguru. It's hard to stop just because of what some words on paper say."
“It’s not just words on paper. People lost their lives because of me.”
You wanted to say something more, but what could you really say? He was trying to convince you that the same monster that the stories weaved, despite how much you wanted to believe otherwise. "Then explain it to me. If you think I'm gonna run away, I'm not. But don't keep me in the dark then."
He hesitated for a bit, almost as if it was worth going through the retelling of the events. After seeing you stay in your seat, he eventually decided to sit down across from you. "I've been.. struggling with wanting to keep non sorcerers safe. A part of me hates them with every fiber of my being, hating them for being so ignorant yet another part of me wanted to savor in the vulnerability that they also have," he started off, your hands clasping his as he spoke. He continued to tell you what happened, your fingers gently grazing over his skin as a form of reassurance.
Two girls came out of the bedroom, timidly shuffling their feet against the wooden floor as they walked over to Suguru. They hid behind his back, barely peeking their head out to get a glimpse of you. Trying to analyze if you were a threat, if you had to assume. "She's the one I told you about, you have nothing to worry about," Suguru reassured them, gently running his hands through their hair. With the way they leaned into his touch, you had no doubt that he'd be willing to protect them.
"I'm sorry about their behavior, they're not exactly used to people being kind to them," he spoke up after a while, seeing how hesitant they were to even move an inch away from him. "It's alright, what are their names?" You inquired, giving the girls a small wave. They hid their faces into the thick material of his robes, a small chuckle eliciting from his lips. He stayed in the kitchen where the girls felt safe, asking about the students from the school and answering your own questions. Whether it be about the girls or about him.
You stood by the door, unwilling to leave just yet even if you could tell that Suguru was aching for you to return back to the school. "Just have a little faith in me, please," you told him just low enough to reach only his ears. Though he didn't verbally acknowledge your statement, his expression softened just the slightest bit. "Have some faith that I'm willing to stay with you," it was a lot to ask from him, you realized that. But you wanted him to know that you had no intention of leaving him, even now.
Suguru found himself doing just that, your visits to the cabin becoming more and more frequent. Well, as frequent as they could get without any of the higher ups getting suspicious. They started off as friendly visits, quickly evolving into evenings spent with the girls. Whether it be playing some board game that just came out or watching a movie on the old TV mounted on the wall. Featherlight kisses turned into heated make out sessions after the girls fell asleep. He knew he loved you, even before he left.
But now, he was finding it extremely difficult to think of the future without including you. You got along with the girls fairly well after passing the initial awkwardness, introducing them to new shops that quickly became their favorites. It was endearing the way you took the time to memorize what they'd liked and indulge them in what they asked from you. "She makes you happy and she's nice to you, we wouldn't oppose to it," Nanako had told him when he brought up the idea of marriage to the two of them.
You'd come home from a shopping trip with the girls, finding their behavior to be a bit too suspicious for it to be normal. They'd pushed you to get your nails done and get some new clothes- a semi-formal dress and a rather expensive pair of heels that made you grimace when paying for them at the register. Every time that you'd try to coax them for an answer though, they'd usually end up bursting into little giggles and completely diverting you from the question.
"Thank you girls," you recognized Suguru's voice from the distance, your ears pricking up when you heard the subtle scuffling of shoes. "You can take off the blindfold now," you started taking the cloth off at his command, blinking a couple times to get adjusted to the atmosphere around you. The overgrown weeds that'd been growing out of control for the last couple months were trimmed down to a respectable height and fairy lights hung up from a couple tree branches.
"What's the occasion?" You inquired, stepping closer to him to make out his figure a bit more clearly. In the distance, you could see a small table set up for two at the edge of a small stream. "Can't I just treat you to some dinner?" You raised a brow at his question, taking a seat at the table when he pulled the chair back. "Well yes, but it just seems very impromptu."
By the time dessert had rolled around, you'd forgotten about the initial suspicion that had been lingering in the back of your head. He came out with a plate of cake, putting his slice down on the table before placing yours down in front of you. "Before you start eating the cake, please read the frosting," he told you before he went to take a seat. You complied with his request, reading in the girls' sloppy handwriting- Will you marry me?
"Wait what?" You asked, looking up from the cake to where Suguru was supposed to be sitting. Your eyes widened slightly at the sight of him on one knee, holding out a ring. "It's not much.. but I promise to love you and cherish you. To continue to fulfill my promise of staying by your side."
You didn't trust the words to come out of your mouth without the syllables coming out all broken, simply nodding. Of course, that wouldn't do for Suguru. "C'mon baby, let me hear it. Let me hear that you agree to be my wife," he tried to coax out a verbal response out of you, relishing in seeing you in such a state. "Yes, I'll marry you," you responded after a couple seconds, willing the excitement to die down. He placed the ring on your finger, placing a kiss on your hand when he went to stand up.
That was the only word Suguru had in mind when it came to you, the sight of you almost too much to bear at times. It wasn't just you, no. It was all the little parts of yourself that he loved, even those parts of yourself that you hated. He'd never thought of himself as a loving person but you just made him want to cherish you as long as he possibly could. He was stupid enough to think that he could've ever gotten over you. No matter how many years passed by, he was certain that the love he felt for you would never dim.
The sight of Mimiko and Nanako tossing flowers down the altar had almost been too much for his heart to bear, especially with the grin that the girls carried on their face. It truly melted his heart that they were so accepting to include you in their small family. Everything about this wedding was almost like a fairytale brought to life. He'd almost expected to wake up from this dream, yet the moment never came. You were truly a vision brought to life and now you were doing him the honor of being his wife. His.
You stepped onto the altar next to him, the moment seeming all too real when you stepped up. He could hear his heartbeat ringing through his ears, the anticipation of having the honor to call himself your husband seeping through. "Don't cry," Suguru could almost hear Satoru's retort, the thought fleeting as he rolled his eyes. Though Imaginary Satoru did hold a valid point, just seeing you was too much to bear. The dress fit you like a glove, accentuating every curve and contour of your body.
Despite having the area sanitized thoroughly before the ceremony, to the point where the smell of Lysol was starting to get intoxicating, he still couldn't help but feel a sense of annoyance running through him. He almost felt offended by all the humans peering up at you, though he knew that inviting them was something done more than obligation than out of his good graces. They needed to know that your command meant just as much as his did now. He'd have you all to himself after this ceremony was over, at least.
"Do you take Geto Suguru as your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest's voice bellowed through the quiet church, so quiet you thought he could hear your heartbeat. You glanced over at your soon-to-be husband, noting the way he anxiously waited for your response. He looked normal to the rest of the crowd, but you caught the way his teeth dug into his bottom lip in anticipation.
You took a pause for dramatic effect, having already planned out this moment in your head a few years back. "I do," your voice echoed through the church, cheers coming from the crowd. Though most of them were dramatized out of fear of getting reprimanded by Suguru, you could tell that at least. Still, you found yourself unable to stop smiling the second his fingers traced your own as he slid the gold band onto your ring finger. "Had me worried there for a second, sweetheart."
"Have to keep you on your toes even now," you teased him, letting out a small yelp when he pinched your side. He could hardly wait to kiss you, barely hanging onto the priest's words before leaning in and swiftly pressing his lips against yours. He wrapped his hands around your waist, keeping you steady while he kissed you with so much desperation. It was a miracle how he managed to last this long without doing so. It was like you were begging to be kissed with the little glances you gave at him throughout the ceremony.
Gojo couldn't bring himself to go to the wedding, instead choosing to look through the windows outside while the ceremony came to a close. He'd had to face some of the dirty looks from some of the guests, though he assured them that he was just gardening. Not completely sure if they believed him though, since he hadn't met a gardener who did their job in a ¥250,000 shirt. Even if they didn't believe him, they at least managed to leave him alone to his peering.
Truth was, Gojo missed him. More than he was willing to admit to himself and anybody around him. He missed the meaningless conversations that they'd have, talking about whatever stupid thing they had to deal with. He longed just to have one of those conversations again, to just ask how his day had been without the awkward pause that reminded the both of them of the difference between the two of them. That Gojo would inevitably have to be the one to carry out his death sentence.
The title hung on him heavy, the thought of having to kill his best friend one that he couldn't even fathom. It made him sick to his stomach every time he pondered on it too long, though his excuses to the higher ups were starting to run out. "I don't have a trace of him." or "I wasn't able to find him." All excuses to prolong the sentence. They'd even started to question his ability with the six eyes if he couldn't even find out where his best friend was.
He wasn't aware of the tear drop running down his cheek, quickly wiping it away before anyone who might've been lingering around caught a glimpse. Nobody needed to know that the strongest had a weakness when it came to Suguru, he was supposed to be indestructible. Untouchable. Every single part of that facade crumbled away the second that Suguru left, leaving simply the shell of the strongest sorcerer alive. No one else would perceive quite as well, he knew that much.
Suguru intertwined his hand with yours, the two of you walking out of the church in perfect synchrony. That was, until the two of you got outside. It was subtle, something that he shouldn't have even captured. But in the distance, he got a whiff of Satoru's residuals. He knew the scent just as much as he knew his own, unable to forget about it no matter how much he wanted to. "You okay?" you asked, waiting for him by edge of the car the two of you would take to the hotel.
He'd felt Satoru's presence throughout the last decade, never as overwhelming as this time though. It always felt like he caught a whiff of him too late, like he was just out of reach. He glanced around at the areas surrounding the church, wanting to see if he could catch up to Satoru before he'd left. All he saw were the photographers that you'd hired swarming around the two of you to catch your photos. He wondered if the photographers had even managed to capture any candid photos.
Either way, he'd find out soon enough.
"All good," he responded, walking over to you and taking your hand. Though he couldn't put his finger on why exactly Satoru had bothered to show up, he knew that he wouldn't face him alone. He opened the car door for you, making sure that every last bit of your dress had bunched up on the carpet before closing the door. The driver took off as soon as Suguru got in the car, heading to the hotel he'd been instructed to go.
The atmosphere of the room changed immediately when you and Suguru stepped into the room, his lips immediately claiming yours in a fervor. He kissed so desperately, like he needed to consume every last bit of you. It was more a clash of tongue and teeth, though it conveyed clearly what he'd been waiting for since the start of this ceremony. Even with the wedding band around your finger, he was determined to mark you up as his.
His teeth sunk into the skin of your neck just hard enough to leave a mark, his tongue following suit as a way to ease the sting. His hands rubbed small circles on your hips as he held you into place, his lips moving further down. He nipped at your collarbone, pressing a couple kisses here and there before moving onto your chest. The access was somewhat restricted due to the heavy material of your dress, but oddly enough, he managed to make it work.
Well that was, until he got tired of waiting. Part of him just wanted to go out and rip that wedding dress off but he knew that he'd be risking getting you mad within a couple hours of just being married to him. "I love you so so much," he sounded so utterly devoted, standing back up on his feet. He tilted your chin to face him, dipping his head down to give you a kiss. It was much less rushed than the previous ones you'd exchanged, yet just as needy. He probably wouldn't be able to last long like this.
Your wedding dress pooled at your feet when you got down on your knees, your hand sliding up to his crotch. The material of the dress pants he had on did little to conceal the bulge he was sporting. He let out a small hiss upon feeling you palm him, precum leaking onto the material of his boxers. You hadn't done much yet his cock was already begging for some type of release. "Already this hard?" Your voice came out almost like a purr, your touch barely there as you rubbed him through his pants.
"Don't tease me," he meant for his voice to come out more authoritative, though you could hear the subtle whine. You unzipped his pants, a wet spot in the middle of his boxers. It was surprising to see how much you still managed to affect him, even throughout all these years. You slid his boxers down, collecting the precum with your pointer finger before sticking it in your mouth. All whilst maintaining eye contact with him. If he thought he'd gone to heaven before, he was sorely mistaken.
This was his perfect version of heaven. There wasn't anything else that he needed at this moment, nothing more that he could ever ask for. He let out a groan when you finally took him in your mouth, your saliva coating the tip of his cock. "Oh fuck, don't stop," he was already a mess and you'd barely swirled your tongue around it. As much as you wanted to prolong this, your patience was wearing just as thin as his was. You bobbed your head on his cock, hollowing your cheeks out to get more of it in there.
Your tongue slid down to his frenulum, a shiver running down his spine at the sensation. "That's it, don't stop," his hand came to the back of your head, simply as a means of support. Your hands were smaller than his, but the way that they felt wrapped around his cock was angelic. You were jerking him off with one hand, the other fondling his balls as you sucked on the tip. The small moans you let out vibrated throughout his being, making it harder and harder to keep his composure.
He was willing himself to think about anything else other than just how good your mouth felt, think about the disgusting taste of curses. But your tongue always found a way to bring him back into the moment. "Don't go zoning out on me," you spoke up, your tongue running down a couple prominent veins before you went back to sucking him off. Hearing you gag around his cock, spit drooling down the corners of your mouth while your eyes teared up. "Would never oh shit do that."
He pulled your head to the side when he felt too close to cumming, his cheeks flushed. He felt a small shiver run up his spine when you licked a stripe up his shaft before you got up, his cock practically twitching with anticipation. "Can you help me take my dress off? Preferably without snapping all the buttons of," you asked him, turning around to give him access. "Sounds easy enough," he muttered as he stepped closer to you, his dick hitting his stomach when he moved.
How he wanted to swallow those words instantly. "Just give me a second to unbutton all this shit," he grumbled, his fingers starting to hurt after what seemed to be the twentieth button. He could've sworn more of them seemed to appear with each one that he unbuttoned, the task almost endless. "I'm not one to question your decisions but was there not one with less buttons?" he inquired, small crescents forming on his fingers by the time he got to the bottom.
"Well, yes. But I'd say the anticipation was worth it, was it not?" You looked over your shoulder, a teasing smile on your face. "My dick's about to fall off from how hard it is," he muttered, letting out a small sigh of relief when the dress slid down to pool around your feet. You were about to step away from it, instead getting lifted onto Suguru's arms in record time. He laid you down on the bed, spreading your legs open like you were a first course meal.
He slid down the white stockings with more care than you would've thought, you'd been expecting him to just rip them to shreds. He tossed them to the side, his lips returning back to your legs instantaneously. He began pressing small kisses against your shins, moving his way up to your inner thigh before doing the same with your other leg. "Don't tease me," you grumbled, feeling yourself leak down onto the expensive hotel bedsheets. "But you had fun teasing me, hm?"
"That's diff-oh mgh shit!" Your hands instantly flew to his hair as he licked a stripe up your cunt, your slick overwhelming every single one of his senses. Your eyes fluttered shut in pleasure, his tongue messily swirling against your folds before he stuck it inside of you. Hushed moans escaped from your lips, your nails surely digging into his scalp by now. "Hey, look at me," he stopped with his actions, waiting for you to follow his instructions before he continued once more. He looked up at you as he went to swirl his tongue against your clit, the sudden stimulation making you jerk up.
He was quick to push you back down, not willing to have anything disrupt him from his meal. His nose bumped your clit as he buried his tongue to the hilt inside of you, tasting every last drop that you had to give. He raised his head slightly, spitting down on your cunt before going back to sloppily making out with once more. "So fucking good, should just spend the honeymoon here," he groaned against your pussy, his tongue leaving your cunt. You wanted to complain about the sudden loss of contact but the words died out when you felt one of his fingers inside of you.
His tongue swirled around your clit, sucking and licking on the nub as it throbbed underneath his ministrations. His finger was busy on working you open, your slick coating it every time he pushed it back in. "Oh fuck," Your fingers dug in deeper into his hair as you moaned, the way that he'd curled his finger hitting your g-spot. He pushed in another finger, working them both at the same time in a scissoring motion to open you up. It'd take more than just that to get you to stretch enough for his cock though.
Your grip on his hair intensified and yet, he looked like he was almost relishing in the sting. He continued sucking on your clit with as much fervor as before, if not even more. "That's it, use my face," he managed to get out, moving his tongue at the same rhythm you were starting to move your hips. You could feel that orgasm building up rapidly, your walls clenching tightly around his fingers. "Fuck fuck fuck, I'm gonna cum!" Your moans sounded like the prettiest melody he's heard, so close to orgasming.
Your release coated his chin and mouth, his eyes gleaming as his tongue darted out to lick it away. His mouth licked at your folds and slit, eager to get any last drop that he might've missed. He licked away at the two fingers that had been inside of you, never quite getting enough of you. His hand wrapped around his cock once he'd stood up, slowly guiding himself to your pussy. "It'll fit, it always does," it was like he'd read your thoughts, assuring you before you even had to ask.
Suguru rubbed his cock through your folds, a thin sheen coat of your wetness illuminated by the dim hotel lights visible. His hand went over to yours, holding it as a form to anchor you. He wanted you to feel every sensation of the moments with him, rather than letting your mind run loose. His hips thrust forward, the tip in itself already causing a stretch. He leaned in, holding your hand as he used the other to guide himself further. While he was lengthy, the majority of his cock was just the width.
He had to will himself to maintain the last semblance of his self control while he waited for you to adjust, waiting for the furrow of your brows to disappear. He pulled out when he saw your expression relax, gently pushing in deeper this time around. "There you go, you got it," his tone was so much more different than the sting in between your legs. His thumb reached out, wiping away at the tear that'd made itself apparent. He started off slowly, trying to get you adjusted to the stretch before he developed an even pace.
Your walls clenched tightly around his cock, your slick coating his shaft every time he pushed back inside of you. The sound of your skin slapping together and your slick was enough to let anyone know what was happening in the room. Not that it mattered, though. You were too focused on the man hovering above you. "Kiss me please," you pleaded, his compliance almost immediate. His hips never faltered when he leaned in, capturing your lips in a desperate, messy kiss.
"Faster," your voice came out in a breathy moan, the wind getting knocked out of your lungs when his hips snapped against yours. Your pussy enveloped his cock so well, the tip managing to hit your g-spot with every thrust that he made. "Perfect pussy made just for me," he sounded just as needy as you, if not more. His hands came to your waist, his hips moving rapidly. His head leaned back, too overwhelmed in the way that your cunt was stretching around him just perfectly. "Just for you, Sugu! Just you!"
One of his hands went down to the bulge in your lower abdomen, pressing down on it. "Feel just how fucking deep I am?" he groaned, looking over at your frazzled state. You'd be lucky enough to have any coherent thoughts right now. "S-So deep!" you managed to get out, your voice uncharacteristically whiny. Then again, he was the only one that could reduce you into a puddle with only so much as a touch. His heavy balls slapped against your ass with every thrust, so ready to fill you up with his cum at any minute.
Your legs wrapped around his waist, your ankle digging into his ass to push him all the much closer to you. (As if he weren't nearly balls deep.) His thrusts got sloppier, solely focused on the mission of getting to his own orgasm. His hand came down to your clit, his thumb rubbing small circles on the bundle of nerves just to get you as close as he was. Though by the way your eyes rolled to the back of your head and the way you were gripping the bedsheets, he knew it wasn't much longer. "Fuck, right there!"
Your vision turned white as you came, your release leaking out of your cunt onto the bedsheets. He only managed to get one more thrust in before he was leaking inside of you, his cum painting your walls white. It twitched inside of you, his breath heavy as he tried to regain whatever bits of his composure he had left to maintain. He pushed any drops that were threatening to slip out with his cock before pulling out of you, careful not to stimulate you any further. "I'll be right back, hold on."
He went over to the bathroom, grabbing a fluffy white towel before slowly starting to clean you up. "You okay? You need a shower or anything?" He'd just come back with a water bottle, setting it down on the nightstand next to you. "Can you just hold me for a while?" You hadn't even finished speaking when he was already getting into bed with you, his arms wrapping around you. He held you tightly against his chest, kissing the top of your head. "I love you. Thank you for agreeing to be my wife."
Those moments of bliss were simply temporary. While Suguru had managed to clear up his schedule for the duration of your honeymoon with him, it was full the minute the two of you landed back in Tokyo. Of non sorcerers that needed curses to be absorbed, of payment plans that weren't being met. All tasks that kept you away from your husband. "After I'm finished with this last mission, you'll have me all to yourself again," he assured you all whilst pushing Playful Cloud into the worm he'd managed to tame.
"Please take care of yourself," was the last thing you'd told him before he went off on his mission, a chaste kiss placed on his lips. "I promise I'll be back before you know it," he whispered back to you, kissing you like it was the last time he'd get the chance to. Maybe if you would've known, you would've savored the feeling of lips against yours a little bit longer. Relished in just the warmth that his skin exuded against yours. Though you guessed that was the certain beauty of those moments, not knowing how many of them there would be exactly.
At least Gojo had been courteous enough to let you tag along to where he was planning on burying Suguru. It wasn't much, a sparse area covered in a heavy layer of snow but it would have to do. It was almost painful looking at him in this way, of knowing that he wouldn't be coming back home after this. You stayed by Suguru's side while Gojo dug up a whole, grunting to himself about how hard snow was to dig up throughout the process. "You idiot," you found yourself whispering to Suguru, unable to think of anything else to stay.
Though, in a way, it was somewhat befitting.
"Just give me a few more minutes please," you didn't need to look up to know that Gojo was behind you, waiting to honor Suguru in the same manner you were doing. Your hand held his tightly, the reflection of the sun peeking down on the golden band around his finger. You didn't have the heart to take it off, not that you'd know what to do with it regardless. You wanted to hold his corpse close to your body but you settled for just holding his hand throughout this process. So many unsaid things you had to say to him.
You just wanted to tell him that you loved him one last time. Forgive him for all the fights that the two of you had throughout the years, over silly stuff. You were starting to regret ever having gone silent after said arguments, wishing that you would've savored his presence instead. You weren't sure how long you were holding his hand for, but you moved away once you felt ready to. Satoru took your place on the floor, looking over at Suguru with the dullest expression you'd ever seen from him.
"You don't have to pretend in front of me. But if it makes you feel better, I can step away."
You walked through the thick layer of snow to form a distance between you and Satoru, watching over as the two interacted. Satoru's head hung low, hushed whispers that you couldn't quite make out escaping from his lips. He got up after a couple minutes, wiping away any stray tears that leaked out. Even if he wouldn't acknowledge them, you could still see the streak marks on his face.
You were pretty certain that you'd never love anyone the same way that you loved Suguru. No one else would be able to compare to him. To how it felt to wake up to him in the mornings, your body intertwined with his to the point where you couldn't tell where yours started and his ended. Of finding simple joy in waking up, knowing that he’d be right beside you or humming a quiet tune in the kitchen while he cooked breakfast for the two of you. Nothing else would ever compare to those moments.
So how exactly did you find yourself in Gojo Satoru's bedroom?
You'd gone over to his penthouse after you went off to get the girls some snacks, not willing yourself to be at home just yet though. It all just felt too empty. Like you didn't really belong there without Suguru. Gojo had welcomed you into his abode, letting you stay there as much as you needed to. "I have this bottle of some expensive wine Yaga gave me," was the last thing you remembered from the night before you ended up blacking out.
The mattress you found yourself waking up in was like a slice of heaven, your body just melting down onto the plushness of it. As nice as the bed you had with Suguru was, you didn't remember it ever being this soft. Your eyes fluttered as you opened them, a steady pounding throbbing behind your skull. Not only did you wake up with a splitting headache but you woke up in a different room than your own. Wearing someone else's clothes apparently.
Surely, you couldn't have slept with someone else? You were certain that you would've probably burst out into tears before any action happened. Still, your judgement was severely faulty when alcohol was involved.
"Get your mind out of the gutter, we didn't do anything," Gojo's voice broke you out of the idea, a small sigh of relief escaping from your lips. While you still had no idea why you were wearing just his shirt, at least you hadn't slept with him. "So then what exactly did we do?" You decided it'd be the appropriate question to ask, still left wondering why exactly you'd been changed out of your clothing. Though the subtle pounding that seemed to rattle your skull was a good indicator.
"You got too drunk off some wine last night, spent half the night babbling and crying about how you missed Suguru. Spent the other half of the night dancing on my very expensive coffee table until you broke it. Then you wanted to be a cowg-"
"Okay, I think I got it, thanks." Just the recollection of those events was starting to make you debate never having another drop of alcohol again.
"You don't have to go home just yet," he spoke up before you had a chance to get up from his bed, turning to face you. "I don't want to overstay my welcome, plus I'm sure you have business trips to attend to and whatnot," you tried to dismiss his concerns, getting up from his bed. You quickly pushed the shirt down before it ended up exposing you. Just the thing you'd need to make this situation all the much better.
"I wouldn't be asking if I planned on leaving you alone. Stay a while," he reiterated, making it hard for you to find an excuse to leave even if you wanted to. Well that, and the sheer softness of the mattress underneath you. It truly did feel like you were floating on a cloud. "That's if you want to, of course. But we could spend a couple more minutes in bed, share some breakfast when you get up," he added, surely in a last minute attempt to not come off as too desperate.
You pulled the blanket back over yourself, letting out a small sigh when you sunk back into the mattress. "I'm saying yes solely because of the breakfast and the bed," you muttered, looking up at the ceiling to avoid looking at him. You weren't sure if you could ever face him normally after what happened. "Well that and the excellent company you have," he responded, letting out a yawn as he got comfortable too. "Debatable."
"I know you're lonely without Suguru. And it's a lot to raise two kids by yourself, so I'm asking if you want a companionship," you raised a brow, turning to look over at him just to make sure you weren't getting the wrong implication. Even if that was the least romantic way to ask someone for a relationship. "We don't have to do anything intimate if you don't want to. It'd be just for the title," he added, turning his head in your direction.
Even considering the idea seemed like a betrayal to Suguru.
"What do you mean by companionship exactly?"
"You'd be able to live here with the girls and you'd be appearing to events as my date. I won't coerce you into anything you're not comfortable doing. Just two people living in a home together."
"Why?" It was just the tip of the iceberg of the multitude of questions that you had for him. But it was the one that seemed the more reasonable to ask right now.
He twirled a snowy strand around his pointer finger, looking up at the ceiling before glancing over at you. "Well, I imagine Suguru would want you to be taken care of. Something that I could accomplish. And I need something to get the higher ups off my back."
"And no romance involved?"
"Absolutely none, nope."
"Alright, sure."
The relationship that you established with Gojo felt more like an agreement rather than the culmination of shared feelings towards each other. While the two of you tolerated each other enough to be friends, you didn't feel any connection towards him. Not much more than simply laughing at a couple jokes or tolerating his existence better than most, anyways. Though you weren't exactly sure if the other members from jujutsu society really cared about all that. To them, marriage was simply just a matter of status and power.
You weren't sure what he was looking for in this arrangement, if he just wanted some solace from the pressures set on him or he wanted some kind of an actual relationship. Every time the question was on the tip of your tongue, you couldn't bring yourself to ask it. A part of you wanted to ask why confine himself to a relationship with you when there were plenty of women who'd be willing to throw themselves at his feet.
So many questions that you couldn't bring yourself to ask him. So many questions that would remain unanswered.
You slept in the room furthest to his, next to a stuffed bear that Suguru had gotten for you at a fair along with one of his shirts that still managed to smell like a mixture of his cologne and fabric softener. A shirt that you refused to wash, needing his scent around you just a bit longer. Just until you were ready to let go. The girls slept in the room next to you, each carrying a little memento from the cabin. Something to make the desolate space feel more like home. Even if what made a house a home wasn't present anymore.
Satoru kicked a rock as he walked out of the meeting with the elders, his hands in his pockets. The elders had caught whiff of his new relationship (not that he'd ever call it that) and started prodding into the themes of marriage and of an heir. All the topics that he would've liked to avoid for as long as possible. All the topics that made him nauseous whenever he thought of pursuing them with you. Of having to run his hands through your body, pretending to enjoy the sensation just to give the clan what they need.
He could go along with a wedding, right? Right. Well, it didn't exactly matter if he could. He knew that he needed to. He needed something that would make the higher ups stop condemning him, stop condemning his choices. He'd make a big show out of it, invite all the different members of jujutsu society just to have them all shut up. First, he had to figure out a way to prompt the question though. Something that would get people to talk. Maybe he could do it tonight while the two of you were out at dinner.
"You look lovely tonight," the words felt less forced the more that he said them, extending his hand out to help you in the car. "Thank you," you responded, giving him a smile as you stepped foot out of the car. You took his hand, a featherlight grip on it as he led you inside of the restaurant. The whole thing just screamed expensive, from the chandeliers on the ceiling to just the food items on the menu. About 30 different ways to cook a piece of meat and caviar. Just a subtle reminder of how much Satoru differed from you.
"How was work?" You decided to ask after a couple minutes of uncomfortable silence, hoping that it'd be an easy enough topic. "Went to fourteen different funerals," he deadpanned, your eyes widening a little in surprise before he burst out laughing. "Sorry, just had to tease. We don't even get funerals, really. But work was alright," Gojo shrugged, taking a sip from the bright pink juice he'd ordered. You weren't even sure what that concoction was- a mix of dragonfruit and melon?
One thing did stand out to you though. The mention of no funerals. That'd been one of the things Suguru had said to you in passing before, making you wonder if they shared the same views or if he'd just heard it in passing. "And that doesn't bother you?" you decided to ask, waiting for him to finish taking a sip of his drink. "The funeral thing? I mean, it really bothers me when it's about people I care about. But for me, personally, no. I'm in people's minds either way," he responded, a cocky grin on his face afterwards.
"Ah, of course. The everlasting legacy of Satoru Gojo will outlive even the end of sorcery." You could hardly resist rolling your eyes as you spoke.
You'd been busy biting into your food, almost missing when Satoru spoke up. He rolled his eyes before repeating himself. "Do you want to get married?" He popped the question in the middle of dinner, his slender fingers holding a black velvet box. He popped it open, exposing one of the biggest diamonds that you ever had the pleasure of seeing. The light above the two of you casted down on the ring, a flurry of rainbow colors surrounding the two of you. And even so, you'd be lying to yourself if you said you felt the same excitement as you did when Suguru proposed.
"Sure, why not," you responded, extending your hand out to Gojo. He brought the ring up to your finger, sliding it on carefully. Maybe he should've asked for your ring size first. And maybe he shouldn't have thought about how he didn't have to ask Suguru for his. "Sorry," he muttered, noticing that the ring wouldn't exactly go past your knuckle. He had half the mind to force it in there, but he decided to just slide back off and put it down on the table.
"Don't worry about it. I'll just wear it as a necklace," you couldn't help but feel a bit tacky as you put the ring in your pocket, the atmosphere in the restaurant tense. "Should we clap?" You heard in the background, amongst a couple of other chatters who were debating if this was a joyous moment. You wished they'd decided on the latter, uncomfortable by the sounds of clapping and hoots ringing in your ears.
You looked over at Gojo, noticing some of the same discomfort on his face though he was able to hide it with much ease. You couldn't miss the way that his lips twitched, almost contorting into a frown before he pushed way to force it into a smile. Always the entertainer, he gave out his thanks and a small bow. "Oh, thank you," he smiled at the waitress when she set down a slice of congratulatory cake, a small candle sparkling in front of it. He blew out the candle, setting it to the side before starting to eat the cake.
While you'd been responsible for making plans of what venue to use and the color scheme of the decorations, all Gojo had done was simply pass his card whenever you brought up one of the costs. At least he did it without batting an eye though. "Is that supposed to be expensive?" he asked with a teasing grin when you'd pointed out that the venue had run you no less than fifty grand. Even when the dress you originally picked out was a hundred grand, he convinced you to pick a more expensive one. To paint the picture of happiness.
The only thing that he brought himself to actually participate in was the day of the cake tasting, practically engulfing the samples in record time. "The red velvet one's pretty good, pretty sweet too," you pointed out, waiting to hear Gojo's opinion on the cakes. He turned towards the register, wiping any spare cake crumbs from the corners of his mouth. "We'll take them all, actually," he told the baker, getting up to go fill out the rest of the order.
You could see the panic on the baker's eyes as the order went through, surely wondering how they'd be able to bake some many pastries with such a time constraint. "Are you sure we need all these cakes?" you asked him pointedly, noticing that most of them were ordered to be made for ten people or more. Though you held no doubt that Gojo was more than capable of eating them all in one sitting. At one point, you just had to wonder what this man's blood sugar was.
"Yes, we do. I'm willing to pay you extra for any troubles this may cause," he turned to look at the baker when he said the last part, taking his wallet from his pocket. You were willing to bet that half the guests wouldn't even eat a slice of cake, leaving most of the latter towards the two of you. Well, mostly towards Gojo if you had to bet. He finished up a negotiation with the woman, giving her the details to the venue before making his way out with you. "I'd say that went fairly well, no?"
Gojo could feel himself getting anxious towards the date of the wedding, though he did his best to conceal it. He couldn't go through with this, could he? Well, maybe it could be an arranged marriage of sorts. Even that wasn't a reassuring thought, knowing how he had to fight tooth and nail with the higher ups to prevent that situation from even happening. But maybe he could force himself into enjoying the idea of romance with you. He'd forced himself out of worse situations anyways.
After all, it'd been proven time and time again that the longer he pretended to do something, the less it'd feel like he was pretending in the end.
He tried. He really did.
He forced himself to enjoy every caress of your fingers, the ghosting feeling of your lips when you kissed him, those intimate moments that never escalated into something more. But he failed. The feeling wasn't one that he savored at all, it was one that haunted him even through the darkness of the night. Every 'I love you' he'd told you had been a complete lie. He didn't love you.
He loved Suguru. The only person that was able to reach the depths of his soul and understand him, the only person that his heart yearned to be next to. If Suguru loved you, then why couldn't he bring himself to share the same sentiment with you? He yearned to be so badly with Suguru that he willed himself into getting married just because you got to experience that love. He’d lied to himself for years by saying he was happy Suguru found happiness with you, what’s a couple more years of lying?
In a way, he thought it would be like Suguru loving him. But he was so mistaken. He knew it wouldn't be the same, no matter how many times he tried to get you to act like him. You just.. didn't understand him at the same level Suguru did. It just felt like more of a disrespect now than anything. He only wished he'd had this realization before standing at the altar next to you.
He could practically hear the conversations that would follow, criticizing his ability as heir and ability to be able to lead the Gojo clan. It was what they'd done when news of Suguru broke out, anyways. And yet.. he couldn't bring himself to do this to please the clan. He just couldn't.
"Do you take her as your spouse?" The father prodded after receiving no response the first time, expectant eyes landing on him. Hushed whispers were heard throughout the pews, questioning the whole validity of the situation. If only the bastards knew. He glanced over at you, an expectant gaze on your face as you waited for his answer. After all, it'd been his idea in the first place. Yes. Yes. Just say yes already.
"I'd like to object," his voice echoed through the empty church, unable to meet your gaze. If he had, he would've been able to see the way your shoulders slumped down a little in relief. Truth was, if he wouldn't have done it, then maybe you would've. Just the idea of living a lie to be rid of your solitude didn't seem too pleasing anymore, even if you were surrounded by grand quantities of money. He calmly walked down from the podium, making his way of the church and letting the doors slam on the way out.
Your feet felt stuck to the ground as you tried to urge yourself to move, wanting to run after him. What would you even say, though? Demand him for some kind of answer? Demand him for an answer that you already knew at the back of your head? That he was doing this for the same reason that you were? You knew that you were in position to demand anything from him, just as much as he couldn’t demand anything from you.
You could feel the pity emanating from the people at the stands, pity that you weren't exactly sure you even deserved. This would surely be the talk between sorcerers for days to come if their gazes are anything to go by. They all looked like they were begging for this to escalate into something further even if their visible faux pout tried to imply otherwise.
They waited for a scandal, a show, a spectacle, anything that would be worth talking about.
But no.
"Sorry for wasting your time father," was all that you said before making your way down the altar, walking through the aisle. You imagined this moment would've been with Satoru at your side, congratulating cheers following the two of you out of the church. Instead, all you were received by was an overwhelming silence. The photographers that were placed outside had already left the venue, surely by Gojo's order. Well, at least it was one less thing to handle.
You looked around for any spots that stood out to you, noticing a bar across the street. A little ironic that a bar was right in front of a church but you weren't up to question it now. Though Gojo had expressed how much he disliked the taste of alcohol on various different occasions, you figured that was the first place he thought to hide in. You crossed the street, stepping in front of the entrance.
You hoped that the patrons couldn't see you from the inside, that they were blissfully unaware to the way that you paced around near the entrance as you willed yourself to go inside. It's not like you and Gojo were on bad terms either way, right? You wiped your sweaty palms on the material of your poofy dress (courtesy of Gojo: "The bigger the dress, the bigger the love." Whatever that means) before stepping inside of the bar.
At the end of the counter, Gojo idly messed around with the straw of his club soda. The scent of piss and beer made its way up your nose, reminding you that you were terribly out of place. You pulled your dress up to where it wouldn't drag on the floor, some jeers about being a Disney princess shot your way by some of the other patrons. You sat down next to Gojo, handing the ring necklace back to him. It took him a couple seconds to pick it up, shoving it into one of his pockets.
"I think we were getting married for the wrong reason completely. I'm sorry I didn't realize it before making you look like a fool," he told you, unable to maintain eye contact. He was waiting for some kind of reaction, but instead all he got was your silence. At least your stiletto didn't end up lodged in any part of his body. (He was silently praying it wouldn't resort to that.) Yeah, you definitely understood him on this matter. "Don't worry about it. I'm sorry too, I should've said something before we got here."
"To not getting married," he spoke up, passing you a glass of whiskey. There was no need for words, no need for him to elaborate why he'd done why he'd done. The two of you sought out solitude in each other's loneliness, not exactly the best starting point for a loving relationship.
"To not getting married," you clinked your glass against him before downing the liquor, reveling in the way your throat burned when it went down. The two of you shared a couple rounds, cracking a few jokes when the bartender came over to ask why the two of you were in here instead of getting married.
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pomefioredove · 2 days
*does a little dance*
vil prompts you say? Can i get your take on Vil being confronted by Yuu's real and imminent return home? And it's their only chance too (ie. the portal can only be opened with a meteor traveling overhead and surprise surprise its passing NOW they have three days max)
*does a little jig, going away*
you guys love torturing this man omg. so much angst. I'm about to pour all my abandonment issues into him ikyk
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summary: yuu leaving type of post: short fic characters: vil additional info: romantic, reader is gender neutral, reader is yuu, angsty, post-book 7 author's note: my partner has been ignoring me for the past few days (I can't figure out why) so vil is about to experience pain, as he should
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There are only six visible letters in lonely, and a thousand more hiding behind them.
The word carries such a weight with it, its meaning and its leaden implications, crushing the lungs of all who dare to shoulder it. It's a sore, tender sort of hurt, one that constricts the chest and numbs the limbs. Paralyzing, strangulating.
They say beauty is pain, but Vil has never felt more hideous in his life.
He had known; of course he had known. There was always a possibility you'd get your chance to return to your home, a world alien to him, and never come back. He'd been preparing himself for that reality from the moment he met you.
It didn't make it hurt any less.
Love is blind, but it's ignorant, too. Vil had pushed that thought to the back of his mind, covering it up with an if rather than a when, like throwing a veil over a tombstone. He had convinced himself that the chances of you leaving were slim, that when the time came, years from then, he'd be ready.
He wasn't counting on a few months.
"It works for about three days," you explain, a giddy smile on your face. He forces himself to share the expression. "The spell is so powerful, it can only be cast under specific circumstances... if I miss this, who knows when my next chance will be?"
Vil is an actor, yes, but this is different. This isn't something he's reading off a page to a room full of production assistants and actors. This is you and him, alone, tangled in an uncertain future with no ending in 12-point Courier.
His voice cracks. "That's wonderful,"
Sevens, is he selfish.
A part of him wants to slap you across the face and call you an idiot for even thinking about leaving him here, let alone being excited about it, but he can't even move his feet from where he's standing.
He should be celebrating with you.
He should be happy that you get to escape this terrible place. You get to go home, where you're accepted as you are, and loved, and where you belong...
But you belong with him. He accepts you. He loves you. Why do you need anyone else? What can they offer than he can't?
It's an egotistical fantasy Vil holds in the back of his mind for the rest of the day, one where you wake up and realize that your place is here, by his side, and not a world away from him.
He tries to convince himself it's not the end yet. Perhaps the spell will fail. Perhaps Crowley will change his mind. Perhaps someone else will overblot and throw the school into chaos. Each thought is more indulgent than the last, but without them, he might have lost his mind before noon.
What is he supposed to do?
Smile and wave while the only person who has ever understood and loved him unconditionally leaves him forever? Make a fool of himself pretending to be happy for you?
Every second without the certainty of seeing you the next day feels like an eternity.
It's wrong. He knows that. He can't keep you chained to the foot of his throne like a pet. You want to go, don't you? That's what you've wanted all along.
Once again, Vil only comes in second.
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starryevermore · 2 days
the house of snow (21) ✧ coriolanus snow
the house of snow ✧ a royal coryo au | pinterest board| ao3
pairing: king!coriolanus snow x fem!reader
series summary: the king of panem is in search of a bride. and, for reasons you can never understand, coriolanus snow has set his sights on you. it would never be a happy marriage, you’re sure of that. but none of that matters, because when snow decides he wants something, he will do everything in his power to ensure it is his. 
chapter summary: changes are coming.
word count: 2,010
series warnings?: 18+ MINORS DNI, royal au, regency au, arranged marriage, rivals to lovers, obsessive!coryo, jealous!coryo, protective!coryo, eventual smut, eventual pregnancy, more tags to be added later
chapter warnings?: implied smut, sickness, pet name (petal), not proofread
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“I never imaged that Coriolanus Snow would be the sort of man to wrap himself around his wife’s finger,” Clemensia said, stirring her spoon in the china teacup. The metal clinked against the porcelain. She lifted the spoon from the cup and set it on the plate before taking a long drink.
You had invited her and Livia, among some other young ladies of the ton, for tea. The rest of the ladies had broken off in their own conversations while you remained with your friends. It was nice to see them. Though you loved your Coryo, sometimes it was good to spend time away from him. It reminded you of how much you enjoyed his presence. 
“I never imagined him married. I sort of thought he’d live alone forever. He never cared much for chasing after girls at the Academy,” Livia admitted. Her face paled as though she realized who she was speaking to. You almost laughed at the scared, mouse-like expression. “I mean no offense, Your Majesty.”
You waved her off. “You can speak freely to me. I must admit, it is nice to hear that someone didn’t think my Coryo to be the marrying type.”
“Oooh, your Coryo,” Clemensia teased, brushing her elbow against yours. 
“Oh, hush,” you laughed. “I thought I was truly blind when he told me he’s wanted my hand since we were fourteen. At least now I can say I was not blind, but rather that he was terrible at communicating his feelings.”
Livia’s brows raised to her hairline. “Fourteen? Really?”
“He’d been asking my father for my hand since we were eighteen,” you added. “My father refused until Coryo made a name for himself.”
“And of course he would take that to mean he must be crowned King,” Clemensia said. “He was never anything but ambitious.”
Livia smiled and reached for your hand. She gave it a squeeze. “That is so romantic. A man who will take a kingdom so he can earn his love’s hand. People write stories about that sort of thing.”
“That sounds like the stories you would read, petal.“
All other conversation in the parlor had ceased. You didn’t have to turn in your seat to know that Coryo was behind you. His firm hands came to rest on his shoulders, and he leaned down to press a kiss to your temple. A smile pulled at your lips. 
“Do you think all I read is romance?” you said. 
“Not all. But everyone needs something lighter after reading about history and politics all day,” Coryo said. His fingers trailed off the lace of your gown and to the exposed skin by your collarbone. A shiver ran down your spine. Why had you tortured yourself with this tea again? “Besides, you had to get the idea of a love match from somewhere.”
You watched as Clemensia leaned over to Livia. Her voice dropped to a stage-whisper as she said, “Aren’t they much cuter than her and Lord Plinth would ever be?”
Coryo’s fingers curled into your skin. It didn’t hurt, but it reminded you of how you and Coryo lost a friend. Even if Sejanus could leave the Peacekeepers and return to the Capitol, nothing would ever be the same. You couldn’t imagine a world where you all could be friends again. You reached up and took his hand, lifting it to your lips. He relaxed as you kissed his knuckles. 
“Much cuter,” Livia agreed. 
Clemensia’s eyes glinted with mischief as she turned her gaze to you and Coryo. “A shame he enlisted with the Peacekeepers. I wish he could see the two of you so sickeningly in love.”
“Perhaps that’s why he enlisted. Because he couldn’t live with himself if he wasn’t the one making her so happy,” Livia mused. 
Oh, that was such a romantic way to think of it. If only they knew it was because he was so in love with you that he begged you to run away with him. If only they had seen the King so red with anger, how you had thought he would have killed his once-friend with his bare hands. If Livia was writing your story, she would make it seem like Sejanus peacefully stepped out of the picture. She wouldn’t make it seem like the betrayal it was. 
You lifted your chin to look at your husband. While his face was painted to look calm, you could see the anger swirling in his pale blue eyes. You kissed his knuckles again and said, “Why he left doesn’t matter. Not when I have such a wonderful husband by my side.”
Coryo’s tight-lipped smile turned genuine. “And with that, I must steal my wife away. We have important matters we must discuss.”
You held onto Coryo’s hand as you rose from your seat. He led you out of the ignore, the both of you ignoring Clemensia’s giggled “important matters, hm?”. Your heart beat hard in your chest as you walked down the hall. He wouldn’t harm you, you were sure of that, but you didn’t like when he let the anger simmer.
Coryo took you to the office and shut the door behind you. Once alone, he tugged you against his chest and pressed his lips against yours. A gasp escaped you, allowing him the opportunity to slip his tongue in your mouth. Your arms wound their way around his shoulders. You hand tangled itself in his hair. Well, this certainly wasn’t what you expected, but you weren’t going to kick a gift horse in the mouth. 
“I would marry you again,” he grunted against your mouth. “I would marry you every day for the rest of my life.”
“What’s stopping you? You are King. The only person you let order you around is me, and I would never deprive myself of you again.”
Coryo pulled away. Before you could inquire why, he was sinking down on his knees. He pushed your skirts up, hooked one leg over his shoulder. His nose brushed against your clothed core, wet mouth pressing kisses. Coryo pulled down your undergarments and began to recite his vows. 
“I, Coriolanus Snow, take thee to be my wedded Wife, to have and to hold from this day forward…”
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Your stomach churned as you ate breakfast. With every bite, it took tremendous effort to keep the food down. Even with a generous amount of water between bites, it doesn’t seem to help. Part of you wanted to believe it was because you would be meeting with the Electors for the first time since your engagement to Coryo. But you knew it wasn’t nerves. You had had a rare clear schedule two days prior when you found yourself knelt over a chamberpot, the remnants of lunch spilling out with no end in sight. 
“You don’t need to meet with the Electors if you are not feeling up to it,” Coryo said from the other end of the table. He had finished his own breakfast what felt like hours ago. In reality, it had only been a few minutes. Yet every effort to eat your own meal seemed to take eons. “I can meet them on my own, or we can reschedule. No one will fault you if they wish to live.”
The threat was meant to make you laugh, and you might have if the nausea didn’t overwhelm you. A Peacekeeper from the corner of the room raced over with a vessel for your vomit. You heaved until there was nothing left, barely noticing that Coryo had came around your side and was rubbing your back. 
“I take it back. You are not going,” he said. “They should be arriving soon, but I will inform them that we cannot take visitors at the moment.”
You lifted your head. Sweat beaded on your forehead, and you knew you looked as sick as you felt. Still, though, you argued, “I am fine now. I-I just need a moment to freshen up. Whatever sickness that was has passed. I am fine, Coryo.”
“Is that why you pretend I don’t know you have been sick every day this week?”
You had prayed he didn’t notice. A foolish thought, to be sure. But he never made a comment when you would slide out of bed or would excuse yourself from the office. 
“You never said anything.”
Coryo sighed. He ran a hand over your hair, careful not to mess up the delicate pinnings. “Nor did you. I thought you might have wanted space. If you do, I will continue to allow you it. But I will not let you go to meetings and make yourself worse. Go back to our chambers, take a bath, and I will have a physician sent up.”
He hushed you and pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Please, petal.”
You frowned, but conceded. When Coryo looked at you with that serious look in his eyes, it was hard to fight back. So you rose from your chair and retreated to your chambers. A lady’s maid was quick to help you out of your dress and undid your hair while another servant drew you a bath. Once in the bath, you tried to push your mind away from your sickness. It was easy to do until a servant came in to let you know the physician arrived. 
Rather reluctantly, you left your bath and slipped on a shift before letting the physician inside your chambers. You offered a tight-lipped smile as he gave a quick bow. 
“Thank you for your haste,” you said, sitting on the edge of the bed. The physician pulled the bench by your vanity over so he sat in front of you. “I am certain this will pass soon, but Coryo wanted to be certain.”
“Of course, Your Majesty,” he said. “I am sure you would much rather return to your duties, so we can make this quick. Could you tell me your symptoms?”
You began to rattle them off, your heart sinking as you began to realize how much you had been sick over the last week. How had Coryo managed to stay silent this long? Did he realize how ill you had been? Judging by the on the physician’s face, you began to worry that you and Coryo had waited too long to do anything.
The door creaked open. Without really thinking of what you were doing, you stood up as Coryo entered the room. He nodded at the physician before coming to your side. You sat together. His hand instinctively took yours. 
“Is everything well?” Coryo asked.
“I will need to ask a few questions first, but I am certain all is well, Your Majesty,” the physician said.
“Ask away then,” Coryo said. 
The physical looked to you. “Forgive me for my bluntness, but when was your last courses?”
Your grip on Coryo’s hand tightened. When had that been? It felt like nearly a lifetime ago. How long ago had it been since you bled? You used to be so diligent about this. Your mother always stressed the importance of it. She would say it would be important when you were married, because that’s when you knew when you would have children. Children. Oh. 
You counted back the days and the weeks, your heart racing as you couldn’t pinpoint the exact time. “Right before the wedding,” you decided. “The day you threw the ball, Coryo.”
Coryo’s head snapped to yours. “That was nearly two months ago.”
The physician smiled. “Ah, well, then that’s likely what’s at issue. I have a few tests we can do to be certain, but I do believe we have found the source of your sickness, Your Majesty.”
Suddenly, you very much wanted to throw up again. Could it really be so soon? You tried to recall married couples that came before you. How long had it been for them? You wanted to say a lot longer. Certainly not a mere two months. 
“Congratulations,” the physician said. “Panem will rejoice when your babe arrives.”
You vomited on his shoes. 
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pickingupmymercedes · 5 hours
Boy from Stevenage - Lewis Hamilton
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pairing: Lewis Hamilton x Reader!
warnings: none, tooth rooting fluff, Lewis being vulnerable
wordcount: +1K
a/n: Felt like fluff was due, so totally self-indulgent nonsense I wrote after hearing bits of his speach for his GQ Awards.
As always, I'm open for feedback, come say hi!
You leaned against the doorway as Lewis moved restlessly across the room, his brow furrowed with concentration. A braid kept falling into his face, and he kept tucking it behind his ear. He muttered to the reflection in the mirror, his expression serious as he practiced his speech for the GQ Awards ceremony, rehearsing it with the same intensity he would study race tracks.
A smile tugged at your lips. It was endearing, this nervous energy that usually only manifested before a race, and that so few got to see, filling the master bathroom of his NYC apartment. Tonight, however, the only race was against his stubborn desire to perfectly deliver his message.
When he finally sighed in frustration, you decided to fully enter the room. He caught your reflection in the mirror, and his face softened, the tension momentarily lessened.
"Hey," you tilted your head, offering a small smile.
He straightened, taking a deep breath. "Hi. How long have you been there?"
You shrugged, reaching for the fingers that gripped the marble. "A minute or two. Just… watching the master at work."
He gave a self-deprecating laugh. "More like a nervous wreck."
He gestured vaguely to the crumpled paper clutched in his hand. "Do you think it's alright? I don't want to sound… pompous."
You reached out for him, turning his face to look him in the eye, your fingers smoothing the worry lines on his brow with your thumb. "Lewis," you started, your voice soft. "Nobody's going to think you're pompous. They're going to be captivated."
His eyes, the warm brown that stole your breath every time, met yours with a glint of nervousness. "You really think so?"
A soft smile and chuckle spread through your features. It was a challenge, putting your admiration for him into words. You weren’t one for grand gestures or over-the-top declarations. It was in the quiet moments, the shared understanding, the unspoken language that existed only between the two of you that you showed him how much he meant to you.
"They'll all be in love with you," you finally said, a loving spark in your eyes. "Just like I am."
He chuckled, a hint of relief washing over him. "Smooth, (Y/N)."
You took his hand, gently pulling him away from the mirror. "Come on," you said, urging him towards the plush armchair in the bedroom nestled by the window. "Let's forget about speeches for a while."
He followed willingly, sinking into the chair with a sigh as he dragged you down with him. You settled on his lap, pulling your legs comfortably on top of his on the stool. The city lights became a shimmering backdrop to your comfortable silence.
"I’m really proud of you," your voice barely above a whisper as your fingers danced on his chest and he looked out the window.
His hand automatically sought yours. You squeezed gently. "More than you can imagine," you admitted.
"Sometimes it all feels a bit overwhelming," he confessed, his voice raw. "The platform, the attention, the expectation to be a voice for everything."
"You don't have to be a voice for everything, though," you countered, your voice firm as he locked his gaze on your intertwined fingers. "But what you do choose to speak up about… that's what makes me so proud."
He looked at you, his eyes searching your face. "Even the stuff that makes some people uncomfortable?"
You let out a proud smile and a knowing giggle. "Especially those. You use your platform to speak when others won’t."
He squeezed your hand, gratitude evident in his tone and his eyes. "Maybe you should be writing the speeches after all."
You laughed, a soft sound that filled the room. "You just need to be reminded that you're Lewis Hamilton, not a nervous rookie on his first podium."
You leaned your head against his shoulder, his arms embracing you as he turned his head, placing a soft kiss on your temple. "Thank you, love. But we really need to get going," he whispered, just before he picked you up and put you back down on the armchair, heading back to the bathroom.
As Lewis got in the shower, you couldn't help but steal a glance at the crumpled speech in his hand. You knew he wasn't one to brag about his achievements, but a part of you yearned to understand the weight of the words he was struggling with.
Carefully, you reached out and picked up the paper. It was filled with Lewis's handwriting, edits scrawled across some lines. You scanned the opening, your heart swelling. It wasn't about self-praise or glorifying his victories. It was a heartfelt dedication to the countless individuals who had supported him on his journey, from his early days karting in Stevenage until now.
He spoke of his family, the unwavering pillar behind him, their sacrifices paving the way for his dreams. He mentioned his mentors and heroes, those who had nurtured his talent and those who had inspired him to push to be his best. He even acknowledged his rivals, the competitors that had honed his skills and fueled his relentless pursuit of excellence.
But then, there was a section that was heavily underlined, a paragraph riddled with question marks and crossed-out phrases. It was about the kids that he hoped to have inspired.
He wrote about the grounding effect they had on his own path. He spoke of how he, too, was an impressionable young boy, wishing for something greater.
You knew sometimes Lewis struggled to express his emotions openly, yet here he was, trying to articulate the depth of what it meant to him to be put on the same pedestal as his heroes.
It was the written proof of how much this award, how much this entire platform, meant to him – a chance to not just be Lewis Hamilton, the champion, but Lewis, the boy who had aimed for the stars and received the moon as a gift.
A soft chuckle escaped your lips. You pictured the faces in the opulent ballroom, expecting a typical self-congratulatory speech from the motorsport legend. The surprise on their faces when Lewis poured his heart out, his voice thick with a vulnerability they wouldn't have anticipated, would be priceless.
He may be a titan on the racetrack, but here, in the quiet intimacy of the apartment, he was simply Lewis, the man who might fumble with expressing his emotions but whose actions spoke volumes.
As you two rode in the backseat towards the gala, the city lights morphing into a mesmerizing dance of colors, you snuggled closer to Lewis, his steady breathing a comforting rhythm.
"Hey," you whispered, tracing a finger across the back of his hand.
He jolted out of his thoughts, his eyes looking for yours. "Hmm?"
"You know," you began, searching for the right words, "you don't need to win over that entire room tonight. You just need to make that brave boy from Stevenage proud."
TAGLIST - @saturnssunflower @xoscar03 @chocolatediplomatdreamerzonk @happy-golden-hour @vicurious28
@0710khj @thecubanator2 @neilakk @bigratbitchsworld @adriswrld
@fearfam69691 @cmleitora @goldenroutledge @timmychalametsstuff
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atzoutlw · 2 days
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summary ; gn!reader x ateez , how ateez would treat you as your boyfriend ! all fluff, no nsfw in this hc list !
wc : 1,287 words you may not agree with the things i say, but i just want you to remember, these are my head canons and i don't expect everyone to feel the same way as i do about this. also, i know this isn't the best quality, it is the first time i've ever posted on tumblr, so i'm a little nervous and i'm trying to find something that works for me.
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kim hongjoong would love nothing more than to share his passion for music with his significant other. He'd invite you to late-night songwriting sessions, where the two of you would bounce ideas off each other. he is incredibly thoughtful and attentive to his partner's needs. whether it's leaving little love notes hidden around your room or surprising you with your favorite snacks when you're feeling down, he always goes the extra mile to make you feel special. joong is your biggest cheerleader, supporting you in everything you do. whether you're pursuing your own dreams or facing challenges, he'll be there every step of the way. he loves cuddling up with you on the couch while watching movies or stealing sweet kisses when no one's looking. he loves to wake up before you just so he can make the two of you cups of coffee and/or breakfast. he loves to make playlists for you, and probably has a hidden collection of playlists he hasn't shown to you yet!
park seonghwa is the epitome of a gentleman, he will always hold doors open for you, pull out chairs, make you feel like true royalty to show how much he cherishes you. seonghwa's touch is always gentle and reassuring, whether it's holding your hand or brushing a stray hair from your face. he enjoys taking romantic walks with you, especially during sunset, enjoying the beauty of nature and each other's company. he sets up relaxing spa nights at home, complete with face masks, candles, and soothing music, to help both of you unwind and de-stress after work. seonghwa is incredibly affectionate, often soothing you with soft kisses and warm hugs whenever you need comfort.
jeong yunho loves to tease you playfully, always keeping the mood light and fun. he knows just how to make you laugh, even on your worst days. yunho gives the best bear hugs. his hugs are warm, comforting, and make you feel safe and loved. he is incredibly supportive and always knows what to say to lift your spirits. he encourages you to chase your dreams and reassures you whenever you doubt yourself. yunho is a great listener. he pays attention to everything you say, no matter how big or small, and offers thoughtful advice and comfort. he loves having movie marathons with you, complete with snacks, cozy blankets, and commentary throughout the films. yunho loves holding your hand whenever you’re together. It’s a simple gesture, but it makes you feel connected and cherished.
kang yeosang cherishes quiet moments with you. whether you're reading together or simply enjoying each other's presence without speaking, he finds comfort in the silence. he loves taking candid photos of you, capturing your genuine expressions and moments. his camera roll is filled with pictures of you in various moods and settings. yeosang is subtle in his displays of affection. he often brushes his fingers against yours, gives soft kisses on your forehead, and wraps his arm around your shoulders when you're sitting together. his gifts are always thoughtful and meaningful. he remembers small details about your likes and dislikes and surprises you with things that hold special significance. yeosang leaves little handwritten notes for you to find, whether it's in your bag, on your desk, or next to your pillow. these notes often contain sweet messages or inside jokes. yeosang is perfectly happy spending a cozy day at home with you, binge-watching your favorite shows, playing video games, or just cuddling on the couch. ( these days are, by far, his favorites ). yeosang also loves sharing his favorite music with you. he'll create playlists that remind him of you or that he thinks you'll enjoy.
choi san is full of playful energy. he loves to joke around and tease you in a light-hearted way, making every moment together fun and lively. he loves surprising you with unexpected visits, whether it's showing up at your work with lunch or arriving at your doorstep with your favorite treat. san is very affectionate and isn’t shy about showing it. he’s always holding your hand, giving you hugs, and sneaking kisses, making you feel loved and adored. he enjoys working out with you, motivating you to push your limits while making the experience fun and rewarding. san loves having deep, meaningful conversations late into the night, sharing dreams, fears, and everything in between. he’s your number one cheerleader, supporting you in everything you do and always encouraging you to follow your dreams. if you’re not together, he never fails to send you sweet goodnight texts, reminding you how much he cares.
song mingi gives the best hugs—warm, tight, and full of affection. his hugs can instantly make you feel safe and loved. he loves making you laugh with his goofy antics and playful personality. whether it's funny faces, silly dances, or witty jokes, mingi always knows how to bring a smile to your face. he is very protective of you. he always looks out for your well-being and ensures you're safe, whether you're out in public or just feeling down. mingi loves to tease you in a lighthearted, fun way. his teasing is always affectionate and never crosses the line, making you laugh and feel closer to him. mingi sends you sweet and sometimes silly texts throughout the day to let you know he's thinking of you, making you feel cherished even when you're apart. ( stuff like "work is boring, i wanna be with you :(" ). he often engages in playful wrestling matches with you, enjoying the physical closeness and the laughter that comes with it. he gives genuine and thoughtful compliments, always noticing the little things about you and making you feel appreciated.
jung wooyoung is incredibly affectionate, always finding ways to touch you—holding hands, hugging, and giving you sweet kisses throughout the day. wooyoung enjoys cooking with you and often tries new recipes. he’s a great cook and loves impressing you with his culinary skills. wooyoung has a keen sense of fashion and loves giving you style advice. he often suggests outfits and enjoys shopping with you. he’s a master of planning surprise dates, taking you to new and exciting places or setting up romantic evenings at home. he’s a big fan of cuddling and loves snuggling up with you on the couch or in bed. he makes you feel warm and secure. he enjoys having fun fashion shows at home, trying on different outfits and giving you a mini runway performance. wooyoung loves taking photos of you and with you, capturing beautiful moments and creating lasting memories. wooyoung has a variety of sweet and funny nicknames for you, always calling you something that makes you smile.
choi jongho is naturally protective. he always makes sure you're safe and comfortable, whether you’re out together or apart. despite his strong exterior, jongho has a gentle and caring demeanor. his hugs are warm and comforting, and he always knows how to make you feel secure. he values quality time and loves spending it with you, whether it's watching movies, going for walks, or simply talking for hours. jongho loves surprising you with thoughtful gestures, like bringing you coffee in the morning or leaving sweet treats for you to find. jongho likes working out and would love having you as his workout partner, encouraging and motivating you while keeping it fun. he loves holding your hand, whether you’re walking down the street or sitting together, finding simple ways to stay connected. he loves learning about your interests and hobbies, making an effort to engage with the things you’re passionate about. jongho is fiercely loyal and committed, making sure you know that he’s always there for you, and won't ever leave, no matter what.
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─ perm tag list ; @nikoshiftscom @platinumsarcasm @otter-pebbles @discordchic
this tag list is open so feel free to request to be added!
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httpkaulitz · 19 hours
could you write a fluff where the reader and Tom get into a fight and then he goes out and late he arrives drunk and she takes care of him? I love your write pookie <3
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PAIRINGS: Tom x Female reader
SYNOPSIS: You take care of drunk Tom.
You stared at the page of the book without actually reading the words. It had been hours since everything had happened, but the thoughts and memories still continued to run through your mind like a movie. You wanted to say that you weren't sad and that you hadn't cried, but you would be lying.
You and Tom always argued like every couple, and you always made up soon after. But this time was different. You exchanged very harsh words and you were both too hurt to try to understand each other.
Tom had left, slamming the door loudly after looking at you hurt.
You woke up to your cell phone ringing non-stop. Tom wasn't home yet so you decided to go to bed early to avoid any future arguments. You opened your eyes slowly, reached out clumsily to grab your cell phone from the bedside.
"Gustav? Did something happen?" You asked worriedly, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. You looked at the clock on the bedside and the red light was flashing 2:27 in the morning. Gustav would never call at this hour.
"Yes... can you open the door for me?" He sighed looking tired.
"I am going." You got out of bed and walked towards the door, stumbling a little on the way because of your sleep. You opened the door and Gustav had Tom leaning on his shoulder.
"My God what happened?" You quickly ran over to him helping him carry Tom to the couch.
"I don't know. He called me and I found him like this. It seems like he spent the day drinking, so the fight must have been for some stupid reason." Gustav said trying to make everything sound less than it really was. He knew you well enough to know that you wouldn't like the situation at all.
"Hey, you said you weren't going to bring me here." Tom mumbled in a slurred voice. Anyone could see that he was completely drunk.
"You, quiet." You said angrily pointing your finger at Tom's face.
"Don't point fingers at me. You shouldn't even open the door dressed like that." He shouted, blatantly looking at your body, smiling.
You were so worried about the possibility that something serious had happened to your friend that you didn't even bother to change your clothes. The nightgown was a completely short blue dress and showed more than it should. You just rolled your eyes and turned your attention to Gustav.
"Sorry, you didn't need to waste your time bringing this idiot. You could have left him on the street." You said taking Gustav to the door. He looked at you with a warning look even though he knew you weren't serious.
"I know... it's just that I had a very long day, which apparently isn't over." You look at the sofa and see Tom try to get up, grimace in pain and fall back into his seat.
"Do you need help with him?" Gustav asked worriedly.
"No, you've already helped enough." You almost laughed at your friend's relieved expression. "You can take his car, you won't walk home because of a drunk." You shouted the last part so Tom could hear and he mumbled a bunch of incomprehensible things making Gustav laugh.
"Thanks, don't be too hard on him. Good night." He hugged you, already heading towards the exit.
"Don't defend him." You complained, moving away from Gustav who laughed in his face. "Good night, be careful on your way home."
You took a deep breath and walked over to the couch. Tom was still the same way you and Gustav had left him, he tried to get up a few times, but gave up when he realized he couldn't do it alone.
"Let's go." You said more to yourself than to Tom. You pulled him by his arms, helping him get up, put one of his arms around your neck and started walking towards the bedroom.
"Okay, just a little more." You whispered with difficulty as you lost your balance and hit one of the walls in the hallway.
When you arrived in the room, you let go of Tom, who fell back onto the bed, pulling you with him. He leaned up trying to kiss you but you pulled away.
"Stop it, Tom." You said pushing him away.
Tom held you against him until you stopped trying to get away. "You look really pretty dressed like that." He said, lowering one of the straps of the nightgown and letting it hang on your shoulder.
"And you're really drunk." You looked at Tom, he had the same wolfish smile, but his mouth was swollen and a large purple spot was starting to form in the corner. You let go of his arms, finally managing to stand.
''You would look prettier without any clothes on.'' Tom whispered, sitting up and trying to grab you by the waist.
''Tom, stop it. Take off your clothes and lie down on the bed.'' You pushed his hands away, taking a deep breath. You were still upset about the fight earlier, but there was no point talking about it now.
''That's what I'm talking about.'' He said, laughing and tugging at the hem of his nightgown.
You rolled your eyes, slapping Tom's hand away. You rested your knee on the mattress and pulled Tom's shirt over his head.
''Don't even think about sleeping until I'm done.'' You mumbled, noticing his sleepy state.
''I'm not sleepy.'' He replied, with a drunken wave.
You unbuckled his belt with a quick movement. ''You're good at that.'' He said smiling, Tom raised his head to look at you who was completely serious and focused on your work.
''Shut up.'' You said irritably, unbuttoning his jeans and moving them down his legs. You threw it to the ground and stood with your hands on your hips, breathing heavily.
''Come on.'' You pulled his hands trying to lift him up.
''Where are we going?'' He asked confused.
'No way you're going to sleep next to me stinking of alcohol.'' Tom just grumbled in response without wanting to get out of bed.
''Come on, Tom.'' You sighed, dragging him to the bathroom.
He grumbled again, doing nothing to help. In the best case scenario, he ended up putting more weight on you.
''Stay here, I'll turn on the shower.'' You said, placing Tom on the toilet.
You turned on the shower, changed it from hot to cold and waited for the water to change temperature. You felt Tom wrap his arms around your waist and press your body against his.
''Can't you stay quiet even when you're falling down drunk?'' You asked, not expecting an answer.
''Are you still mad at me?'' Tom asked when you moved his arms away from your waist.
''You hate me now.'' Tom said in his drunken state pouting.
''I'm sure I don't hate you.'' You said laughing and turning to look at Tom, he had taken off his underwear and was now completely naked. You quickly looked up at Tom's face, which was smiling smugly.
''Don't pretend you don't like what you see.'' He smiled, naughty. You smiled and pushed Tom under the shower.
He grunted when he felt the cold water and tried to get out, but you pushed him back under the water.
''It's cold.'' He complained.
''This will help with your drunkenness, and you'll thank me tomorrow.'' After a while more listening to Tom complain about the cold water, and other things that you didn't understand because he spoke so quietly. You turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist.
''I'm not sleepy.'' Tom complained as you put him in bed and covered him with the duvet.
''Tom please, it's early in the morning and today was very stressful, just be quiet, okay?'' You asked softly, walking away towards the hallway, but Tom held your hand and pulled you back.
''Will you sleep here with me?'' He asked sleepily, already snuggling into the soft covers. There were few times that you slept apart after a fight.
''Do you think I would not sleeping in my comfortable bed because of you?'' You raised an eyebrow seeing Tom smile at your sarcastic tone.
''Smart girl.'' He whispered letting go of your hand.
You walked to the living room to get your cell phone, Gustav had left messages saying he had arrived home safe.
You looked at the time on your cell phone screen 03:15am. You was exhausted, confused and stressed. You walked back to the room and found Tom already asleep. His body was sprawled out on the bed, his head tilted to the side and from the messy state of the bed you knew he had moved a lot until he found a comfortable position.
The duvet had come down leaving his body exposed, the light coming in through the window was enough for you to enjoy the view of his subtle and completely perfect muscles. You felt your face heat up and you knew you were blushing, when your eyes traveled further down his torso, following the trail, eagerly, as if it were a map that would lead you to the pot of gold.
''Stop it, you're still mad at him.'' You whispered to yourself pushing away your lewd thoughts. You put the cell phone on the bed, and pulled the blanket covering Tom's body.
As soon as you lay down next to him, he brought his body closer to yours, hugging you around your waist. You smiled as you watched him sleep peacefully. You guys would be fine.
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novabl · 7 hours
Yashiro And Doumeki: Chapter 58
With this chapter, I think a lot of us are feeling very bad for Yashiro. He seems so hurt by what Doumeki is doing. Typically, I make posts trying to defend Doumeki or look at things from his pov but I wanted to try to take into account both of their feelings and thought processes for this chapter because honestly I think they’re both feeling terrible about this whole fuckbuddy situation. Side note: I know some people don’t like the word fuckbuddy for their situation but Idk how else to refer to it. They’re not together but I know they’re in love and my use of the word fuckbuddy isn’t intended to diminish their relationship in any way.
I’ll start with my thoughts on Doumeki. There is a reason I make sure to emphasize that a lot of our analysis on Doumeki is based on interpretation and not necessarily how he really feels. If you have the opinion that Doumeki is planning and making moves with the endgoal of being with Yashiro, this whole situation where he has sex with Yashiro and leaves makes him look like a real asshole. I think it is easier to think that Doumeki is doing okay because he doesn’t really express that he is not. Compared to Yashiro, he seems better adjusted and since we don’t see his thoughts it is easier to assume he is less affected by all of this than Yashiro is. But I think we need to recall what Yashiro used to tell Doumeki. He used to say that he doesn’t think he can have romantic relationships and that he is only interested in sex. Doumeki seems to have taken that to heart as well as the fact that he doesn’t know that Yashiro has moved on from Kage and is no longer in love with him. Doumeki seems to think that Yashiro didn’t value the moments they had outside of sex because honestly that hasn’t been shown to him. I think we can sometimes underestimate the amount of pain he went through when Yashiro kicked him out. I think Doumeki is having sex with Yashiro because he wants to have some kind of a relationship with him and he is also HOPING that having sex with him will keep Yashiro from seeking out sex with others partly due to jealousy and partly to keep Yashiro safe since sex is a self destructive behavior for him. I emphasize hoping because he is not forcing Yashiro to be with him nor is he constantly hovering around to make sure that he doesn’t go to Inami or anyone else. He is giving Yashiro space while trying to satisfy something Yashiro claims he needs. The emphasis has always been on Yashiro’s pleasure because Doumeki still has his own issues on sex. Doumeki doesn’t want just sex but he feels that he has no other option. He also seems to be repeating the behavior of leaving because that is what he seems to think Yashiro wants based on volume 5.
As for Yashiro, we can see that he is deeply affected and saddened by this change in their dynamic. But when looking at the conversation of Yashiro’s flashback, I think he feels betrayed as well. The last page is amazingly done with the rain almost symbolizing his tears but his mouth seemed both angry and sad to me. I shared the page of Doumeki answering Yashiro and letting him know that Yashiro was different from others because it stands out to me more in comparison to the moment where Yashiro rips off the bandaid. Doumeki told him he was special but then seemingly is with Izumi and treating Yashiro like everyone else does? Doumeki’s words must feel like a lie. I think this feels different from Kage’s rejection not just because he loves Doumeki more but because Doumeki made him feel special only for him to act like he didn’t mean any of it. It isn’t very rational of Yashiro considering everything but both get blinded by emotion. At the end of the day, they’re both very hurt and acting in ways they think the other wants but it is important to keep in mind that both agreed to this kind of relationship. I feel that Yashiro will end up giving in but I also think he has a separate journey to go through before he can be truly with Doumeki that I may write about in a separate post.
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tinytinyblogs · 10 hours
Hey I have a request for skz reaction to their s/o always wanting to be the big spoon?
Cuddling is my favorite!
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Cuddling? Definitely. You want me to be the little spoon? Absolutely.
Hyung line, Maknae line (coming soon)
💬Thank you for the request, and here you go. I hope this meets your expectations, though I know it's not perfect. Nonetheless, it's an honor to fulfill your request, and I'll keep on writing.
Stray kids masterlist
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Your insights and reactions make these posts come alive. Love reblogs, comments, and all the good vibes welcome ✨
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Chan's affectionate nature is deeply ingrained in his character, a constant source of warmth and comfort in your relationship. When you ask for a cuddle, it's as if he's been waiting for the invitation, his response immediate and wholehearted. Without a moment's hesitation, he throws himself into your embrace, his arms wrapping around you tightly, as if trying to merge his being with yours. But what truly sets Chan apart is his willingness to be the little spoon. He doesn't just accept the position; he embraces it with enthusiasm, reveling in the intimacy of being held by you. It's a testament to his trust in you, his vulnerability laid bare as he allows himself to be cradled in your arms. For Chan, your embrace is a sanctuary—a place where he can escape from the chaos of the world and find solace in your presence. The moment he sinks into your hug, feeling the warmth of your body and the rhythm of your breath, all his worries and stresses melt away. It's as if time stands still, and in that fleeting moment, there is nothing else in the world but the two of you. As he nestled into your chest, feeling the comforting warmth of your embrace, he settled into the familiar position of the small spoon.
His head rested just below your chin, and you could feel the gentle rise and fall of his breath. His voice, soft and hoarse with fatigue, broke the tranquil silence. "You know…" he began, his words trailing off as if he was too tired to continue. He wanted nothing more than to drift into sleep wrapped in your arms, yet a part of him clung to wakefulness, eager to prolong this intimate moment. "We need to do this more often," he continued, his voice a mixture of contentment and yearning. He tilted his head back slightly to look up at you, his eyes shining with love and vulnerability. Those eyes, filled with so much emotion, held your gaze as he spoke again. "I love being this close to you, and I love it when I have your full attention," he confessed, his words a tender admission of his feelings. A soft smile curved his lips as he leaned in to give you a quick, affectionate kiss. His arms tightened around you, holding you just a little closer, as if he could never get enough of your presence. The room around you seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you in this perfect, shared moment of connection and love.
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When you asked Minho for a cuddle, he didn't respond right away. He just stayed silent, looking at you with a flat expression. Minho had always claimed he didn't really like physical touch, but deep down, you knew that wasn't true. There was something in his eyes that hinted otherwise, even if he wouldn't admit it out loud. After a few moments of your gentle asking and his continued silence, you started to feel tired and a bit dejected. You let out a small sigh, thinking maybe he really didn't want to cuddle. But then, something changed. Minho began to move closer to you, ever so subtly. At first, he just shifted a bit nearer, trying to act casual as if he was simply adjusting his position. He continued to inch closer, his movements almost imperceptible at first. He sat right next to you, his arm lightly brushing against yours. You could feel the warmth radiating from his body, and you knew he was letting down his guard, even if he didn't say a word. Then, in one swift motion, Minho closed the gap between you two completely. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a tight embrace. His head nestled against your shoulder, and you could feel his breath against your neck. He finally settled into the small spoon position, his body fitting perfectly against yours.
He did it all in silence, not saying anything, but his actions spoke volumes. Maybe he was too shy to admit how much he enjoyed being close to you, or maybe he just didn't know how to express it with words. Either way, his silent gesture was filled with affection and vulnerability, showing you a side of him that he rarely revealed. While holding you tightly, Minho buried his face against your chest, hiding his blush. You could feel the warmth of his cheeks even through your shirt. "I thought you didn't want this, didn't like affection, huh?" you teased gently, a playful tone in your voice. "Shut up," he mumbled, his voice muffled against your chest. He stayed in the same position, not daring to lift his head and reveal his reddened face. After a moment, "You asked for it, so I'm just fulfilling your request." he added. "Sure you are, Minho," you replied knowingly, a smile spreading across your face. You could tell he was enjoying this as much as you were, even if he wouldn't admit it out loud. His grip tightened around you, and after a few seconds of silence, he spoke again, his voice a bit more demanding this time. "What are you doing? Hold me tighter. Give me more of your affection."
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Changbin's face lit up with a playful grin the moment you mentioned cuddling. It was as if he had been waiting for the invitation all along. Without a second thought, he practically leaped into your arms as soon as you opened them, his enthusiasm palpable. "Why bother to ask?" he teased, his voice filled with genuine happiness as he hugged you tightly, relishing in the warmth of your embrace. And when you expressed your wish to be the big spoon for him, Changbin's eyes sparkled with affection. He adored being your baby, finding solace and joy in the simple act of being held by you. Nestled under your arm, he felt a sense of security and belonging unlike anything else in the world. It was his favorite place to be, and he would gladly stay there forever if he could. "I'm always here to be your personal teddy bear," he whispered softly with a giggle escaping his lips, Changbin pulled you even closer, enveloping you in his embrace., his words a sweet melody in the midst of your embrace.
With each passing moment, his love for you seemed to grow stronger, and he couldn't help but feel grateful for every precious second he got to spend with you like this. As your fingers traced soothing patterns through his hair, Changbin's voice drifted into a soft mumble, barely audible but filled with a deep sense of gratitude. "I'm so lucky, being pampered like this," he confessed, his words carrying a gentle undertone of appreciation. Humming a soft melody, he leaned into your touch, finding comfort in the tender affection you showered upon him. Meeting your eyes, Changbin's smile widened, his gaze reflecting a mixture of adoration and contentment. "This feels so right," he whispered, his voice laced with sincerity. "You should give me this love more often," he teased, his chuckle soft and melodious, like a symphony of affection. Leaning in, he pressed a tender kiss against your lips, his affectionate gesture a testament to the depth of his feelings. "I'm your big baby to take care of," he declared with a playful glint in his eyes, his words carrying a sense of playful devotion as he settled back into your embrace, content to bask in the warmth of your love.
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With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Hyunjin quipped, "Ah, someone crazy in love with me," his tone playful as he feigned a scrutinizing look, as if he was assessing your affection levels. But before you could respond, a grin spread across his face, and he couldn't contain his laughter, leaning in closer to you. "You're wanting to be the big spoon, huh? Alright, but just this once." he teased, wrapping his arms around you in a warm embrace as per your request. Hyunjin relished the closeness, savoring the comfort of your touch and the playful banter that characterized your relationship. It was moments like these, filled with laughter and light-hearted teasing, that made your bond even stronger. Each day was an opportunity to share jokes, exchange playful banter, and tease each other relentlessly, creating a dynamic that kept the spark alive. And as you snuggled closer, you both knew that no matter how much you teased, the love and affection you shared would always shine through. As he held you tightly, Hyunjin basked in the comforting warmth you provided, feeling a sense of contentment wash over him. A gentle smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he gazed at you, admiring the love reflected in your eyes.
"Since you love me this much, I'll gladly fulfill your wish," he said with a soft chuckle, his voice filled with affection. He couldn't resist the urge to lean in and press a tender kiss against your pouting lips, savoring the sweetness of the moment. As he pulled back, a playful glint danced in his eyes. "Your pout is too adorable to resist," he teased, his laughter echoing softly in the air. With a reluctant sigh, he confessed, "I had plans to be productive today, but being wrapped up in your embrace makes it hard to leave." His gaze softened as he looked up at you, his thumb gently caressing your cheek. "But I suppose today can be about us," he added, his voice laced with warmth and affection. In that moment, nothing else mattered except the two of you, lost in the comfort of each other's arms. Pulling you even closer, Hyunjin whispered softly, his breath warm against your skin, "Today is about us." His arms wrapped around you tighter, as if trying to convey all his affection and devotion through the embrace alone. Repeating those words like a mantra, he emphasized the importance of cherishing the present moment together, allowing nothing to distract from the love shared between you.
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luffyvace · 2 days
Vinsmoke Sanji x reader who fights his royal treatment~
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@starrymiko suggested/requested these!! This a fun idea I’ve never seen before, because most people ik wouldn’t reject royal treatment from a hot guy—turns out I have a lot to learn (😂💗)
I really don’t how to explain this as a short title so here’s the post where they explain it better than me: Vinsmoke Sanji with reader who rejects his royal treatement
also going to link the posts they got inspired by/read to give them this idea:
Dating ~ Sanji Vinsmoke ~ headcanons & Dating ~ Sanji Vinsmoke ~ headcanons pt2
Sanji loves hard when he loves
And he certainly loves you!
He’s also a very expressive man!
whether he despises you or wants to marry you, he expresses how he feels!
usually verbally too
But he also has practically all love languages, and he tones them to your favorites
but one trait that definitely sticks is his need to take care for who he loves!
so when you reject it?! “But my ethereal and whimsically attractive darling?! What do you mean??”
you explain that you don’t want his coddling and that you can do things on your own, as you prefer your independence
even though that’s not the full story, technically
Pushing him away is pretty darn hard as we see in the anime with Nami and Robin. He’s been trying and failing for 2 years..So if your his s/o this simps’ definitely not just gonna be like “ok 👍” and simply walk away 🤷‍♀️
Alr I apologize for that dad joke.
he’s gonna try every love language in the book to try and get you to open up, you two are dating after all, so maybe your just shy? Awww so cute! His dearest is embarrassed~ Physical Touch is probably the first thing he’d try and the first thing you’d say no to. Mainly since he’s a simp and touching is too direct for you. You guys are a really ironic couple since you’re almost scared of love and he’s all about it.
He tried to initiate contact of all types and got rejected each and every time. Let me carry you for a romantic walk as I hold your bags! 💥💥 “I said got it! 💨 🎒😑” Well at least let me carry the bag to your room! It’s really heavy! “No! I can do it on my own!” But darling- “NO!”
tbh you can hit him as much as you want but he won’t hit you back. So whenever you argue or fight about these kinds of things you usually end up winning the argument
for acts of service literally everything is a no- I washed your laundry for you! “What! Don’t touch my clothes! I’ve got it!!” I got that thing you’ve been searching for! “I wanted to find it myself! Now it’s not as rewarding! I could do it on my own! Stop doing things for me!” Darling, let me help~ 😞 “no way!”
tbh the only thing you let him do is cook for you because he is the cook, and even so, if you want to fix a snack you prefer to do it by yourself. It makes his love for cooking grow even more and he looks forward to daily meals because he can finally take care of you! 🩷
receiving gifts is probably another thing you’d reject seeing as though you’d figure you can get it yourself. But words of affirmation and quality time? May or may not be so bad for you! I’ll let you decide :) if you allow him to display his love in these ways he’d be overjoyed and just assume this is your preferred way of display of affection, and that the other 3 aren’t your forte 💗💗
when he finds out he’s truly scaring you away simply by treating you right and respecting you, he figures somethin’s up.
he’s gonna get to the bottom of it too, whether you like it or not because you, need. it. He knows what it feels like to bottle up your past and smile at the future, despite the fact that the past is still hurting you inside, and it’s like a ticking time bomb before you implode.
He knows he doesn’t want that for you. (Especially after whole cake)
So he’ll gently pry as much as he can with out upsetting you too much. It’s also helpful if you visit your home land, because then he can learn what it was like for you growing up.
if he finds out a person did this to you? They’re cooked.
LOL- literally tho, he’s going Infrit Jambe and lighting’ ‘‘em up! 🔥
if they’re a women he’ll explain the situation to Robin and Nami who’ll certainly want to help you, and they’ll beat up that trifling tramp! 💥
(even if you don’t visit your homeland this still applies ⬇️)
after that Sanji would want to ease you into being used to respect especially and his care too
now if your just naturally independent he’ll try and let it go as best as he can, but he does want you to command respect, because if you let others disrespect you, that proves you have no respect for yourself.
and it’s essential to be able to at least stand up for yourself on the grand line.
but don’t worry! If you won’t do it, he will for you! 😏 No? Well then stand up for yourself dear! 😊
🔥🔥🔥🔥 Let. Me. COOK.
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