#to clarify i love these games but they do have some issues although thank god theyre mainly with the writing and not like bigoted problems
aaronymous999 · 1 year
I am hopelessly tempted to make a Zero Escape rewrite in some way… or at least throw ideas at a headcanon board of things I have accepted as canon in my interpretation.
999 is pretty good and I wouldn’t change much about it besides removing some weird anime stuff I’m not a fan of and making Ace’s motives ( haha funny ) more complex than what it is in game because in game it’s a little…? Also give Lotus a shirt… and remove all the weird orientalist stuff the story would not change at all.
VLR is such a good game as well but there are a few plot holes 😭 although tbh they could be fixed by just moving around a few reveals and tweaking a few things? For example, having the characters note that things feel more light and that they feel more weird when moving. If they reveal the radical-6 thing a little earlier the characters could presume that they’re all infected and that that’s a side effect. And then at the end their processing speed is explained and their worries about their strange movement and lightness of objects by the twist at the end. Also just. Change Sigma’s character design. Get rid of the weird eye thing he has because that’s one part where I’m like “okay. He would definitely notice that.” And maybe I don’t know, just change some materials in the facility so that they aren’t reflective? Instead of the puddle at the end have Akane give Sigma a mirror and have one of the characters note the lack of reflective surfaces. This may be a bit of a cop out but it’s the only way the twist really works? Also I know some people make the point that other characters would describe Sigma’s appearance to him… but they literally do that in the game and honestly if Sigma is just too stupid to not understand it tbh ( he is, he’s trying his best! Don’t make fun of him! ) and getting rid of the weird thing he has on his eye he wouldn’t really have any features that other characters would describe out of nowhere. There’s two old men characters so they wouldn’t just say “the old man” when referring to him, he looks awfully similar to Junpei so his only defining feature in this case would be his clothing, which is the same as when he was kidnapped. Sigma never really asks questions ( at least ones that are answered ) when others point out his age, frankly pretty obviously. He just assumes they’re making fun of him, and I enjoy Sigma slander so I think in my rewrite that exists in my mind the characters would just, make fun of him more so it all sort of blends together. Other than that main twist stuff there’s not a lot of issues in the game besides the character designs. ( Alice… Clover… looking at you two ) and character inconsistencies. Sometimes, Alice especially acts incredibly out of character and it can make her incredibly unlikable when she’s not intended to be. Also a lot of the characters just, leave in some bad endings when realistically they wouldn’t. I do love how the game gives you a lot of choices and different endings but for some characters, like K I couldn’t imagine leaving everyone behind, or Clover leaving without Alice, etc. This could honestly be fixed just by rewriting these endings, I do also think it’s inconsistent that Sigma gets tackled when leaving and no one else does, which is often pointed out. Honestly all of these could be solved by rewriting the scenes, or merging these endings with the main timeline, and just having it so that in some cases, picking the other option doesn’t lead to a game over, it just leads to one character being tied up for a lot of that path or them just… being a good person and not leaving the facility. That’s about it with my critique for VLR and what I would change.
God I cannot talk about ZTD right now. It would be so difficult to rewrite that game to be something on par or just under the quality of the former games, while keeping the main structure of the game and it’s twists. I am willing to admit that I am not a good enough writer to do that.
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lumosandnoxwriting · 4 years
Figuring it Out Together - Fred Weasley
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Title: Figuring it Out Together Pairing: Fred x Fem!Reader Warning: NSFW!! Male receiving oral, female receiving oral, fingering, dirty talk, unprotected sex, some dom/sub elements but nothing too intense, begging, semi-public sex Summary: landing in detention with the person she hates most is the last thing Y/N ever wants to do. But of course, with Fred Weasley around nothing ever seems to work out the way Y/N thinks it will. A/N: this is for the anon who wanted an enemies to lovers smut with Fred! The summary is shit but what else is new lol. Thank you so much to @fandomscombine​ and the two anons who helped me develop this idea!! Requests are open and feedback is always appreciated! I’ve started a tag list, so send me a message or ask if you’d like to be added! Tags: @pandaxnienke​
“Oi, Weasley! Get your ass back here!” Y/N shouts, chasing behind Fred as he heads towards the Gryffindor locker room with his brother. Fred and George stop in the tracks and turn around at the same time, the exact same cheeky smile on their mouths.
“Y/N!” George greets as she approaches.
“To what do we owe this pleasure?” Fred asks.
“You!” Y/N growls, pointing at Fred.
As Y/N comes to stand in front of them they both can’t help but notice how angry she is. Her face is flushed red and her eyes are dark and narrowed. Thankful that her anger seems to be directed at Fred, George gives his brother a sympathetic pat on the shoulder before turning around and following the rest of the team into the locker room.
“Me?” Fred teases, pointing to himself. “I’ve done something to rile up Miss prim and proper Y/N? Give me a moment, I need to bask in the glory.” Fred closes his eyes, tilts his head back and opens his arms as if the heavens have opened up and sunlight is gleaming down on him.
All this does is infuriate Y/N further, and when she finally gets close enough she shoves Fred as hard as she can. He doesn’t really move much, but it shocks him, and that’s enough for her. “What’s your problem you fucking prick? Why did you do that?”
“You’re going to have to elaborate, darling,” Fred responds casually, crossing his arms over his chest. “There’s a lot of things I’ve done in my life to classify me as a prick, so I’m going to need more details.”
“You broke his arm,” Y/N clarifies, gesturing towards the Quidditch pitch.
Fred rolls his eyes. “Your brother has suffered far worse injuries during a game, Y/N. Madam Pomfrey will have him fixed up in no time. No need for all the dramatics.”
Fred’s casual attitude does nothing but make Y/N angrier, and she shoves him again. “Most of them due to you no doubt! You knew how important this game was and yet you still had to go out of your way to be a complete asshat!”
Ravenclaw and Gryffindor have just finished a grueling match, and Fred spent most of it hitting bludgers at Y/N’s older brother Matthew like they were the only two people on the pitch. While Y/N normally would be loving the opportunity to rub in her house’s win, Y/N had been praying for Ravenclaw to win this particular match. It’s been Matthew’s dream to be a professional Quidditch player since he was a little kid, and this match was his opportunity to make that a reality. Scouts from a few different professional teams were in attendance, and the Ravenclaw team has spent weeks fitting in extra practices to give them the upper advantage on Gryffindor.
Even Y/N was positive that they would take the win, until Fred made it his personal agenda to ensure Matthew never scored a goal. Y/N’s brother had spent most of the game whizzing around the field avoiding Fred, and he failed to score a single goal. And the icing on the cake was that 20 minutes before Harry caught the snitch Fred hit a bludger so hard that Matthew couldn’t avoid it, and it came into direct contact with his arm – shattering quite a few of the bones in it.
Fred huffs. “What did you want me to do? Throw the game so your stupid brother could show off to all of those recruiters? Me hitting bludgers at him so he doesn’t score is kinda the whole point of the game, Y/N.”
“Don’t try and act like I’m the one in the wrong here, Fred!” Y/N shouts, gathering the attention of some of the students heading back towards the castle. “You were focusing a bit too hard on Matthew and you know it! There was six other Ravenclaw players on the pitch, did you think about trying to hit some bludgers towards them?”
“Oh fuck off, Y/N,” Fred spits, returning her anger. “It’s a fucking game, get over it. Why do you always have to be such a bitch? You suck the fun out of everything.”
Y/N is seething with anger, and just as she starts to pull her hand back to slap Fred across the face, Professor McGonagall is stepping in between them.
“What on God’s green earth do you two think you’re doing?” McGonagall asks, looking between the two of them. “Mr. Weasley, Ms. Y/L/N. Detention, all next week and I’ll have 50 points from each of you. Now I suggest you two go find something else to do before I make it a month.”
Y/N flips Fred off as McGonagall walks away before she’s turning on her heel and stomping back up to the castle.
“Will you sit down, your pacing is making me dizzy,” Matthew groans, putting his head in his hand.
“Sorry,” Y/N apologizes, giving her brother a sheepish smile. She takes a seat on the edge of his bed, trying not to jostle Matthew too much. Madam Pomfrey had been able to heal his arm quickly, but some of the potions she’d given him left him quite dizzy, so he’s still resting in the Hospital Wing.
“Fred is a prick, Y/N. You didn’t have to confront him,” Matthew says, looking up at Y/N. “Although I really wish you would have slapped him.”
“If McGonagall had only showed up a few seconds later,” Y/N laughs. “I’ve never had the urge to hit someone before but there’s just something about his stupid face that makes me so mad. You’ve been working so hard for this match and then he called me a bitch,” Y/N sighs and runs a hand through her hair. “I don’t know what came over me.”
“Don’t feel bad, and besides, this is a moment we should be celebrating.” When Y/N gives Matthew a confused look he laughs. “Your first detention! I’m so proud of you,” he says wistfully, pretending to wipe away a tear.
“Oh shove it,” Y/N says with a giggle. “I’m going to be stuck in a room every night for the next week with Fred doing whatever McGonagall wants, sounds lovely,” she adds sarcastically with an eyeroll.
“To be fair most girls would kill to be in your position,” Matthew points out with a laugh. “Locked in a room for hours on end with Fred Weasley. That’s like a girl’s wet dream come to life.” When Y/N grimaces at the thought Matthew gives her a look. “Every girl except for you apparently. Why do you even hate Fred so much?”
Y/N gives Matthew a look of surprise. “You can’t be serious?” When Matthew continues to look at her dumbfounded she scoffs. “You were at this school for two years before I was and all I heard when you were home on break was how much of an annoying prat Fred is. I mean I tried not to hate Fred just because you did when I got sorted into Gryffindor and he was pretty okay at first. But one day he just started being a dick to me and I realized you were right.”
“Probably because you’re my sister. I’m always on his case about pulling pranks or messing around in class, he probably figured you’d be the same way,” Matthew reasons.
Y/N shrugs. “Well he’s a bag of dicks anyway, so I’m not too bothered by it.”
Monday evening comes far too quickly for Y/N’s liking, and after dinner she trots off to the trophy room, Fred begrudgingly following behind. McGonagall is already waiting for them, and she directs them to sit on the couch in front of her. Y/N takes a seat and practically hugs the arm rest so she’s sitting as far away from Fred as possible.
“The behavior you two exhibited on Saturday was unacceptable and downright barbaric,” McGonagall scolds, her tone sharp. “You’ll be spending the week making sure every one of the trophies in this room shines like it’s brand new.” Y/N looks around at the vast amount of trophies in the room as McGonagall hands them each a rag. “This should give you plenty of time to not only think about your actions, but to resolve whatever animosity exists between the two of you.” She gives them each a stern look before heading towards the door. “I’ll be back to check on you both.”
Y/N groans as McGonagall shuts the door behind her and she hoists herself off of the couch towards the mantle, needing to put some space between her and Fred. McGonagall may want them to sort out their issues, but Y/N wants nothing to do with Fred, and she still has some lingering anger from their fight on Saturday so she’s sure all it would do is end in another detention. Y/N grabs a random trophy and starts scrubbing at it, keeping her back towards Fred.
“This is such bullshit,” Fred mutters to himself after a few minutes of working in silence. Y/N can feel his glare and her shoulders tense up, but she doesn’t say anything or turn around. “This is all your fault you know,” Fred continues a few moments later when Y/N continues to ignore him.
Y/N places the trophy she’d been working on back and picks up another one, determined not to give Fred a reaction. Clearly he’s trying to instigate her into getting into more trouble and while Fred may be used to serving detention Y/N plans on making this week her one and only stint. Y/N finally relaxes after a few minutes of silence, when Fred starts to hum some random song rather loudly and out of tune.
“Un-fucking-believable,” Y/N mutters to herself as she starts to work on another trophy. “Shut up!” Y/N demands, slamming the trophy she’d been working on down. As much as she wants to just ignore Fred, she also wants to keep her sanity.
“No,” Fred responds dully before he continues humming.
Y/N turns around to glare at Fred, and the sweet smile on his face only annoys her further. “Can you not be an asshole? For like, once in your life. Let’s just get through this week and then we can continue to hate each other from afar.”
Fred places the plaque he’d been working on down and leans back on the sofa, crossing his arms. “Why should I make this easy on you? You’re the one that got me into this mess.”
“Oh yeah, you’re right. You totally didn’t shout back at me or call me any names. You just stood there and let me yell at you,” Y/N responds with an eyeroll.
Fred narrows his eyes. “You started it,” he fires back. “I was on my way back to the locker room when you ran up to me and started shouting. And don’t forget you shoved me a few times. I only shouted back because I was tired of listening to your stupid voice.”
“Oh please, you barely moved when I shoved you. You’re acting like I broke your arm or something. Oh wait, that was you,” Y/N reminds him harshly. “You broke my brother’s arm during the most important Quidditch game of his life!”
Fred stands up and takes a step towards Y/N, his fists clenched. “You’re still on that? It’s a game Y/N! I wasn’t trying to break his arm, it just happened! You’re being such a fucking cry baby over nothing!”
“I’m not being a cry baby!” Y/N insist, taking a step towards Fred.
“Oh you’re right my mistake,” Fred spits. “You’re being a fucking bitch!”
Y/N brings her hand out to slap Fred, but his hand wraps around her wrist tightly. Before she has a chance to try and struggle against his grip Fred is pulling Y/N into his chest and kissing her hard. Y/N kisses him back with enthusiasm and moans into Fred’s mouth as his hands land on her bum and give it a tight squeeze.
“You’re so fucking hot when you’re mad,” Fred growls as he starts to bite and suck at Y/N’s neck. “You’re annoying as hell too,” he reminds as his hands shove up her shirt. “But so fucking hot.”
“Just shut up and kiss me,” Y/N demands, bringing their lips together again. Fred may be an annoying git, but even Y/N has to admit that he’s attractive and being with Fred will definitely make detention more interesting. “You have too many clothes on,” Y/N pants as they break apart, her hands starting to loosen Fred’s tie.
“I could say the same to you, princess,” Fred says, smirking when a shiver runs down Y/N’s spine. Normally the nickname would make her blood boil, but in this context it makes her pussy throb.
Y/N tosses Fred’s tie away as his fingers start to make quick work of her button down. “Why are these uniforms so fucking hard to take off,” Y/N groans as she starts to work at Fred’s shirt as well.
“That desperate for me already, Y/N?” Fred teases as he pushes her shirt off of her shoulders. He leans down to suck a mark onto the top of her breast as his hands move around her back to unhook her bra.
“Don’t flatter yourself, Weasley,” Y/N chides as she takes Fred’s shirt off. Her bra finally hits the ground, and Y/N lets out a whine as Fred’s mouth starts licking and sucking at her nipples. “You kissed me first, remember.”
“Only because I wanted you to shut the fuck up.” Fred steps back and sits on the couch, pulling Y/N down onto his lap. She straddles his waist and they both moan as she grinds down against him. Fred’s hands start to massage Y/N’s breasts and his thumbs start to roughly rub her nipples, causing her to let out a breathy moan. “That’s right, princess. Keep making those noises for me.”
Y/N bites her lip and rocks down against Fred again, determined to keep every noise that bubbles up her throat down. This seems to only spur Fred on, and his head dips down to take one of her nipples in his mouth, his tongue flicking the sensitive bud as his other hand continues rubbing the other. “Fuck, Fred,” Y/N moans, unable to keep it in any longer.
“Love the way you moan my name,” Fred praises, rocking his hips up into Y/N. He’s painfully hard in his trousers and he’s desperate for some friction. “Although I think there’s something even better for your mouth to do, princess.”
Y/N is dripping wet in her panties, and she hates to admit that the thought of sucking Fred’s cock sends a tingle right through her core. “Gonna have to ask me for it, Fred,” she teases, sinking to her knees in front of him.
Fred kicks his shoes off as Y/N undoes his belt and starts to work at the button of his trousers. “Look at you, you’re practically drooling,” Fred taunts playfully. “Give it another few seconds and you’ll be begging me to put my cock in your mouth.”
“You sure about that?” Y/N asks, looking up at Fred. She pulls his trousers and boxers down to his thighs in one go, and Y/N has to bite her tongue to keep from moaning as his cock springs out and slaps against his stomach. Fred exudes big dick energy, and Y/N’s pussy throbs as her hand wraps around him, pleasantly surprised that his size matches his personality.
Fred throws his head back and groans as Y/N starts to slowly stroke him. “Just fucking suck it already,” Fred demands. “You know you want it, slut.”  
“Thought I was your princess?” Y/N teases  as she leans forward, her tongue coming out to kitten lick at his sensitive head.
“Only good girls get to be called princess,” Fred moans, his hand fisting in her hair. “Bad girls who don’t do what I tell them get called slut.” Fred tugs on Y/N’s hair, and he smirks at the moan she lets out. “So you better get sucking if you wanna be my princess.”
Y/N presses her thighs together to try and get some relief on her clit as she decides what to do next. She desperately wants to suck Fred off, but a part of her wants to hold off for a bit and push him to beg her instead. But as Y/N strokes Fred, a bead of precum bubbles up on the tip of his cock, and it makes her mouth water.
“That’s it, princess,” Fred moans as Y/N finally takes him into her mouth and swallows him down. He watches as his length disappears into Y/N’s mouth, his hips twitching as he hits the back of her throat. “Fuck your mouth feels amazing. Gonna have to shove my cock into it every time you get mouthy with me.”
Y/N hums around Fred, her hand starting to work at the part of his cock she can’t fit in her mouth. She pulls her head back so her tongue can twist around the tip, Fred’s moans and pants only encouraging her further. Y/N bobs her head down, gagging as Fred hits the back of her throat. She starts to pull back, but Fred’s hips surge forward, fucking his cock back into her throat and making her gag again.
“Did I say you could fuck my throat?” Y/N scolds as she pulls off. Fred’s hips lift up again to chase her mouth, and she wraps her hand around his cock.
“Sorry princess,” Fred apologizes smugly. “You sound so good gagging around my cock I couldn’t help it.” Fred uses the grip he has on Y/N’s hair to bring her mouth back towards his crotch. “Just keep sucking, I won’t do it again.”
“I don’t really want to anymore,” Y/N teases. Her thumb swipes over the tip of Fred’s cock with every upstroke, causing his hips to jerk. “Gonna have to beg me for it, Fred.”
Fred groans. “Such a fucking tease, Y/N. Fine don’t suck my cock,” Fred says flatly, trying to bait her into taking him back down her throat. “Your hand feels just as good,” he groans.
Y/N narrows her eyes at Fred and pulls her hand away. “You wanna come from a hand? Then you can get yourself off.” She stands up then and kicks off her shoes before slowly shimmying out of her school skirt and panties. Y/N then lays back on the floor with her feet flat, knees bent and open so Fred can see her dripping core. She props herself up on one elbow and looks Fred dead in the eyes as her other hand starts to wander down to her pussy. “You can use your hand, and I’ll use mine.”
Fred watches in rapt awe as Y/N starts to slowly rub her clit, small moans falling from her lips. His cock twitches and he resists the urge to wrap his hand around himself. “Look how fucking wet you are, princess. All of that, just for me?” Fred bites his lip as Y/N starts to tease her entrance with her finger. “How about you come on my cock instead?”
Y/N whines as she sinks a finger into her heat, her attention completely focused on Fred. She watches as he stands up and gets rid of the rest of his clothes, her pussy throbbing at how wet his cock is still from her saliva. When Fred settles on his knees between her legs, Y/N reluctantly stops her movements on her core and places one hand on Fred’s chest while the other wraps around his cock.
“You wanna fuck me, Fred?” When Fred nods and goes to move forward, Y/N shoves him back. “Gonna have to beg me for it.”
“Stop fucking around, Y/N,” Fred complains. “You’re desperate for my cock and you know it.”
Y/N’s walls clench around nothing and her hips buck as if they’re searching for something to fill her. “Beg me for my pussy, Fred,” Y/N demands. “Beg me, and I’ll let you fuck me.”
“Let me fuck you, princess, please,” he begs. “Wanna ruin you with my cock, stretch that pretty little pussy out.”
Y/N is desperate for release at this point, and Fred begging for her only makes it worse. She immediately lets go of him and grabs his face, pulling him down for a messy kiss. As soon as he’s free to move Fred inches forward and slams into Y/N, both of them moaning as he buries himself in her completely.
“Fucking hell, Fred,” Y/N moans. Fred starts to fuck into her quickly, hitching one of her legs over his shoulder so he can move deeper inside of her. “Oh my fucking god right there,” Y/N pants as his cock starts to drag against her g-spot on each thrust. “You fill me up so good, Fred, fuck. Such a big cock, fucking me so well.” Fred starts to rub her clit, and her walls clench around him.
“You’re so fucking tight, Y/N,” Fred compliments. “Can feel your walls stretching for me, like they were made to take my cock.” Fred lands a particularly hard thrust and he’s rewarded with the hottest moan he’s ever heard. “Bet I’m the biggest you’ve ever taken. Aren’t I, princess?”
“Oh fuck, Fred,” Y/N gasps, her orgasm suddenly hitting her. She can feel her walls tightening and spasming around Fred, and her legs start to shake as pleasure washes over her. “Come inside me Fred please,” Y/N begs as she pulls their mouths together.
Fred’s hips still as he releases inside Y/N, his hips just slowly rolling to help him through his orgasm. He kisses Y/N slow as they both come down and once his cock stops twitching Fred slowly pulls out of Y/N and sits back on his shins. They both just sit their basking in the pleasure that’s still coursing through their veins, when footsteps start to approach the door.
“Shit, shit, fucking shit, that must be McGonagall,” Y/N panics, scrambling to find her clothes.
Fred grabs his wand and casts a spell at the door to keep it from opening. “Quick, get dressed. That’ll only stop her for a few minutes.”
They both get dressed hurriedly, and Y/N has just barely grabbed her rag and started to scrub at a random trophy when the door bursts open.
“Bloody old doors,” McGonagall mutters as she steps inside. She eyes both Fred and Y/N quizzically and Y/N holds her breath, waiting to be told off. “And how are things?” she asks.
Y/N breathes a sigh of relief. “Going well, professor.”
Fred nods in agreement. “We’ve been hard at work. Merlin’s honor,” Fred adds.
“Very well then. I shall see you both tomorrow after dinner.” McGonagall steps out of the way, and both Y/N and Fred practically throw down the things in their hands as they rush to leave the room.
They walk back to the common room side by side, neither of them really sure what to say. Fred says the password as they reach the Fat Lady, and he lets Y/N go in first. Before Y/N has a chance to say anything to Fred he’s heading to join George on one of the couches, and Hermione is calling Y/N over.
“How was detention?” Hermione asks as Y/N reaches the table she’s sat at.
Y/N shrugs, trying to keep from blushing. “It was fine. Pretty boring actually.”
“Only four more days,” Hermione says with a laugh. “I’m working on that Charms essay if you wanna join me.”
“Yeah, totally. I’m just gonna go upstairs and grab a quick shower first and then grab my stuff.” Y/N can feel Fred’s release dripping out of her and into her panties, and she’ll never be able to focus on her homework if she doesn’t get cleaned up first.
“See you in a bit then.”
Y/N gives Hermione a smile before she turns on her heel and starts to head towards the staircase. Her legs are still a little shaky, and as she takes the first few steps up she stumbles a bit. Y/N looks back to see if anyone noticed, only to be met with Fred’s eyes. He gives her a sly wink, and she flips him off before disappearing up the stairs.
“So detention with Weasley was okay?” Matthew asks Y/N the next morning at breakfast.
They’re sitting together at the Ravenclaw table as always, and Y/N is thankful for the space it gives her from Fred. Last night was the best sex Y/N has ever had, and the fact that it was with someone she has hated for years has done nothing but confuse her further. She still hates Fred without a shadow of a doubt, but Y/N would be lying if she said she didn’t want it to happen again.
“Yeah, it was pretty chill. McGonagall had us scrubbing trophies and stuff in the trophy room for hours which was mind numbing but, other than that it was uneventful,” Y/N lies. Telling her brother about her sex life is low on the list of things Y/N wants to do under normal circumstances, and it’s even lower when her partner is someone her brother considers an enemy.
“A bit of hard labor never hurt,” Matthew jokes, causing Y/N to choke on her orange juice.
“Yeah right. Hard labor,” Y/N tries to joke back once her coughs have died down. If only he knew the kind of hard labor we got up to Y/N thinks to herself as her eyes wander over towards the Gryffindor table. Her eyes meet Fred’s and she has to look away to avoid blushing.
“Hello, earth to Fred,” George calls, waving his hand in front of Fred’s face.
Fred drags his gaze away from Y/N so he can look at his brother. “Sorry, what did you say?”
George chuckles and looks over his shoulder to see what had Fred so occupied. “Ah, Y/N,” he drawls, looking back at Fred. “You were pretty quiet after you got back from detention. Did something happen?”
“No, not at all,” Fred lies, hoping his cheeks don’t start to heat up. Much like Y/N, Fred is completely confused about their encounter. He’s loathed both Y/N and her brother for as long as he can remember, but less than 12 hours ago they were having some of the best sex Fred has ever had and he’s already thinking about what they might get up to when they’re alone tonight.
“I was kinda surprised you came back in one piece,” Ron adds with a laugh. Fred throws his spoon at Ron, and the younger boy dodges it. “No need to be so rude. You two have hated each other for years and she looked ready to beat your ass on Saturday. I figured she’d take the opportunity to do it when you were alone.”
“Why do you two hate each other so much?” Hermione asks from Ron’s side. “It seems like you’ve been at each other’s throats since our first year.”
“I hate her because Y/N is an uppity asshole like her brother. Matthew is always getting me and George in trouble and Y/N does the same,” Fred explains. “Your first year, George was serving a detention with Snape and I set up what was going to be our best revenge prank yet. I went all out, it took weeks of planning.  Except it never went off. Someone ratted on me and McGonagall intervened. I got in probably the worst trouble I’ve ever been in, Mum sent Howlers for days afterwards. I was in detention for months.”
“I remember that! Mum was still pissed at Christmas,” Ron says.
Hermione knits her eyebrows together. “I remember that too. But what does that have to do with Y/N?”
Fred sighs. “When I was leaving the prank to wait for George so we could set it off, Y/N passed me in the hallway. It had to be her who ratted me out just like her brown-nosing brother.”
“But it couldn’t have been Y/N. I spent most of the afternoon with her in the library working on a Herbology assignment. Ron and Harry were there too,” Hermione explains, and both Ron and Harry nod in agreement. “She must have passed you on the way into the library. By the time we left the library you were already in trouble, there’s no way she could have gone to see McGonagall between the time she passed you and when she got to the library.”
“Bet you it was Malfoy,” Harry adds. “He was leaving the library as Y/N entered, remember? He shoved her into the door jamb as they passed by each other.”
“Hold on, hold on, hold on,” Fred interrupts, his tone dripping with confusion. “You mean to tell me that I’ve spent the past 5 years hating Y/N for something she didn’t even do?”
Hermione nods. “Seems that way.”
Fred groans and stands up. “I’ll see you guys later.”
Fred heads out of the Great Hall and towards class, feeling even more confused than he had before.
“You plan on ignoring me all night, princess?” Fred says quietly, coming up behind Y/N. McGonagall has just barely shut the door behind her to leave them be and Fred doesn’t want to waste any time. He’s decided in the time it’s been since breakfast that he really isn’t sure how he truly feels about Y/N and having sex with her seems to be the best way for him to figure it out. He’d been trying to catch her attention all day, but Y/N barely even glanced at him.
“How the hell do you move so quietly?” Y/N asks, toying with the rag in her hands. Truthfully Y/N had planned on ignoring Fred. She spent most of the day trying to decide what to do about this murky new relationship they’ve gotten themselves in, and finally settled on letting Fred take the next step. Y/N is prideful above anything else, and she’d rather streak through the hallways naked than come on to Fred when he only saw their sex as a one-time thing.
Fred presses a kiss to the side of Y/N’s neck, smiling into the skin when she shivers. “You didn’t answer my question, princess.”
“You that desperate for me already, Fred?” Y/N teases, turning around to look at him.
“No,” Fred responds slowly, his gaze flicking to Y/N’s lips for a moment. “But I know you enjoyed last night, as did I. So I don’t see why we can’t do it again.”
“Maybe because we’re supposed to be shining these stupid trophies, not having sex. We barely did any work last night and I have a feeling McGonagall will notice when everything looks the same again,” Y/N responds in lieu of actually responding to Fred’s preposition.
“I can take care of that,” Fred insists. He takes his wand out of his back pocket and casts a spell which makes several of the trophies around them shine like diamonds. “There. Now McGonagall will have no idea what we were really getting up to in here.”
Y/N drops her rag and turns around, her arms winding around Fred’s neck as his wrap around her waist. She bites her lip, unable to stop her eyes from traveling down to Fred’s mouth. “This doesn’t change anything between us,” Y/N says softly, looking into Fred’s eyes. “Outside of this room I still hate you and you still hate me. Got it?”
“Of course, princess,” Fred confirms. Once Y/N relaxes in his embrace Fred wastes no time and presses their lips together, his tongue forcing its way into her mouth.
Y/N moans into the kiss, one of her hands trailing down Fred’s torso to his hardening erection. She palms him lightly, smirking when his knees quiver. “So hard for me already, Freddie? You miss being buried in my pussy that much?”
Fred starts to trail kisses down Y/N’s neck, one of his hands inching up her skirt. He pushes the fabric aside as he sucks a mark into her skin, and let’s two of his fingers rub through her wet folds. “You’re one to talk,” Fred teases as Y/N gasps. “I’ve barely even touched you and you’re dripping wet. Been thinking about my cock, princess?”
“Fred,” Y/N whines as he sinks a finger into her heat. She clenches around him, her hand starting to palm him harder.
Fred pulls his hand out of her panties and kisses away Y/N’s pout. “Your mouth felt so good on me yesterday, princess,” Fred starts, leading them over to the couch. “And tonight, I’m gonna use my mouth on you to say thank you.”
Y/N shivers as Fred pushes her back onto the couch, her arousal growing even more. His voice is deep and slow, the complete opposite to how it was last night. Yesterday they had both teased each other, but it’s clear by Fred’s actions so far that he’s in no mood to play the same games again.
“How generous,” Y/N teases, watching as Fred starts to unbutton his shirt.
“If you want me to tease I can tease,” Fred muses, dropping his shirt on the ground next to his tie. “Or you can get naked and I’ll eat that pretty pussy of yours until you’re begging me to let you cum.”
Y/N immediately kicks off her shoes and wiggles out of her skirt and panties, letting them drop to the floor. “Please eat me out, Fred,” she pleads as her hands start to work at the buttons of her shirt.
Fred kicks Y/N’s discarded clothes out of the way and drops to his knees, grabbing a thigh in each hand. He pulls her legs apart and settles in between them before pressing kisses up her thigh and towards her heat. “How can I say no when you ask so nicely, princess?” Fred stops to suck a mark on the inside of her thigh, only an inch or two away from where Y/N needs him most. “Bet you taste so good, princess.”
“Put your mouth on me and you’ll find out,” Y/N pants, fisting a hand in Fred’s hair.
Fred looks up at Y/N, his mouth running dry and how beautiful she looks. Her cheeks are flushed pink, and her school shirt lays open, the tops of her breasts spilling out over the cups of her bra. Fred can still make out some of the marks he left on them yesterday as her chest heaves with deep breaths. Y/N’s stomach is quivering and Fred dips down and licks a long strip from the bottom of her pussy to the top to keep himself from blurting out just how beautiful he finds her.
Y/N moans as Fred’s tongue starts to flick at her clit, tugging his hair slightly. Fred’s fingers are digging into her thighs and it only turns her on more. “More, Fred, please.”
Fred’s tongue travels down from Y/N’s clit to her dripping entrance, slowly sliding into her as he collects her juices. He moans at her taste, letting his tongue fuck in and out of Y/N’s pussy. “Knew you’d taste good,” Fred praises. He sucks Y/N’s clit into his mouth and takes one of his hands off her thigh so he can sink his index finger into her.
“Freddie,” Y/N whines, bearing her hips down onto his finger. He curls it inside of her, and Y/N clenches around it. “Wanna come, please,” Y/N begs.
Fred nibbles lightly on her clit, teasing a second finger around her entrance. “Gonna have to come from just one finger, princess. Want my cock to stretch you out.” Y/N lets out a loud moan at that, and Fred smiles as he presses a wet kiss to her clit. “You like that idea, princess? My cock splitting you open?”
“Fuck me now, Fred,” Y/N demands, tugging on his hair again. “Wanna come around your cock.”
Fred licks up Y/N’s core one last time before he pulls away and starts to work on taking the rest of his clothes off. “Fuck, Y/N. You can’t say shit like that to me and not expect me to bury my cock in you every chance I get.” Fred stands up to get rid of his bottoms, watching as Y/N tosses her shirt aside and takes off her bra. “Don’t think I told you how incredible your tits are yesterday, Y/N. They’re so soft and round and perfect,” he groans.
Y/N flushes under Fred’s praise and climbs onto his lap when he sits down next to her. She presses their lips together and kisses him messily, one of her hands gripping his shoulder while the other reaches around to grip the base of his cock. “Gonna make me do all the work, Weasley? Typical man,” she teases, letting the tip of his cock tease her entrance.
Fred’s hands land on Y/N’s hips and he smirks as their lips connect once again. When Y/N teases her entrance again, Fred jerks his hips up and slams her down at the same time, shoving his cock all the way into Y/N. “What was that, princess? About me doing all the work?”
Y/N gasps as Fred enters her, her walls twitching around him. “So fucking big, Fred, holy hell. Feels like it’s splitting me in two. Feels so good.”
Fred hums and kisses Y/N again as she starts to bounce on him, his hips meeting her thrusts. “Riding me so good, princess,” he groans. “You feel amazing around me. Always so tight for me.” One of Fred’s hands travels to Y/N’s core and starts to lightly rub her clit while the other starts to pinch and toy with her nipple. He leans forward and presses his lips to her neck, biting and sucking at the sensitive skin.
“Not where people can see,” Y/N warns, tipping her head back to give Fred more room to kiss. She leans back to brace a hand on Fred’s thigh, whining at the new angle. The tip of Fred’s cock rubs her g-spot with each movement, and Y/N can feel her orgasm building.
“But that’s half the fun,” Fred pouts, examining the few bruises he’s left on her neck. “Want everyone to know who this pussy belongs too.”
Y/N moans as Fred’s head dips down and takes one of her nipples into his mouth. “So this pussy belongs to you?” Y/N stutters, her eyes fluttering closed as Fred nibbles on her nipple and starts to rub her clit faster.
“Does it not?” Fred asks, fucking his hips up into Y/N harder. “Or is there someone else that makes you feel this good?”
“Fred,” Y/N moans as he pinches her clit and nipple at the same time, her orgasm taking over her suddenly.
“Fucking hell,” Fred moans as Y/N tightens around him and collapses into his chest. He grips her hips and moves her on his cock as he chases his own release. “How the fuck are you even tighter?” He groans as Y/N clenches around him again, and he brings her down on him one last time before his cock starts to twitch and he releases inside of her.
Fred starts to rub Y/N’s back as they both come down, whining as she shifts on his softening cock. “So good for me, princess,” he praises, pressing a few kisses to the side of Y/N’s face.
Y/N pulls away from Fred slightly so she can kiss him. Their lips move together softly and Y/N whines into it when Fred lifts her off of his cock. “Feel so empty without you,” she admits sheepishly, her cheeks heating up.
Fred chuckles and starts to trace shapes into her sweaty skin. “Trust me, love. If McGonagall wasn’t due to barge through that door any minute now we’d be getting ready for round 2.”
By the time Friday rolls around Y/N is more confused than ever. Every time her and Fred go their separate ways after detention leaves her with an empty feeling in her chest and she’s not quite sure what to make of it. It doesn’t help that Fred has started being nice to her outside of their detentions too.
Instead of his usual hard glares she finds him looking at her softly during meals and he greets her every time their paths cross instead of ignoring her as per usual. Their housemates are starting to notice Fred’s change in behavior as well. One morning he lets her have the last piece of bacon on the platter, and Hermione gives her a questioning look. When she’s doing homework in the common room with Harry and her ink runs out, Fred pulls a new bottle out of his bag and immediately hands it over to her, causing Harry’s jaw to practically drop. It’s almost as if they’re friends now, and it only complicates things in Y/N’s head further.
Y/N has found herself actually enjoying Fred’s tenderness, and she doesn’t quite know what that means. Tonight is the last night they’ll have to spend together, and Y/N is both scared and curious about what that means for their relationship. She spares a glance at Fred from down the table as Hermione chatters on about something, and she looks away quickly when his eyes meet hers.
“Last detention, what are you gonna do once you’re a free man?” George asks, pulling Fred’s attention back to him. When all his brother does is shrug, George frowns. “What the hell has gotten into you? You’ve been acting weird all week and now you almost seem, sad that your detention is over with.”
Fred bites his lip, pushing his food around on his plate with his fork. “Just been thinking about stuff.” Fred has gotten himself in a major problem, and he’s been trying to figure out how to get himself out of it all week. After his second time with Y/N things became clearer to Fred, he certainly doesn’t hate Y/N anymore, and he’s found himself developing feelings for her. He wouldn’t say he’s in love, but he’d be lying if he said he can’t see himself falling in love with Y/N.
He’s been paying more attention to her since his revelation that his deep-rooted hate was based in a misunderstanding, and he’s noticed so many things about her that he finds so endearing. It certainly doesn’t help that he’s had her moaning and writhing underneath him every day this week and every time she moans his name his heart swells.
“This about Y/N?” George asks carefully, not wanting to push Fred too much. Being a twin has its advantages, and while he can’t say he knows what’s going on in Fred’s head he can tell something is off with him and it’s not too hard to guess why.
“I don’t hate her anymore,” Fred admits quietly. “And it’s not like I’m in love with her or anything, but I think I could be. Someday. If she would let me.” Fred sighs and looks at George. “But I’m pretty sure she still hates my guts, I mean how could she not? I’ve been a dick to her for years and it’s stupid of me to think that a few nights of sex can change that.”
George chokes on his pumpkin juice. “You two have been screwing?”
“Shh, shh,” Fred says quickly, looking around to make sure no one overheard. “Keep your voice down, I don’t need the whole school knowing. Especially Y/N’s brother.”
“I thought you two were just making out or something,” George continues quietly. “Now I know why you’re so happy when you get back from detention every night.” George wiggles his eyebrows at Fred, and Fred rolls his eyes in response.
“We agreed that we wouldn’t continue hooking up after our detention was up and things are going to go right back to how they were before it started,” Fred pauses to swallow the lump in his throat. “But I don’t feel the same way about her as I did before and I don’t know if I can start pretending to hate her.”
George gives Fred a sad smile and ruffles his hair. “I wish I could help you, Freddie.”
“Yeah. Me too.” Fred watches as Y/N stands up to head to detention, and he slowly follows her lead trying not to pay too much attention to how her hips sway.
“I guess this is it,” Y/N says quietly, trying to not let the sadness she feels creep into her chest. Fred has just finished fucking her into the carpet and she’s cuddled into his side as they catch their breath. In a few minutes McGonagall will be back, and whatever this is between her and Fred will be over.
“Guess so,” Fred responds, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. His chest is already aching, and they haven’t even parted ways yet.
Y/N tilts her head up and catches Fred’s mouth in one final kiss. “It was nice, to not be your enemy for a bit.”
“Let’s not go back to being enemies then,” Fred says carefully. When Y/N looks up at him worriedly Fred musters up what he hopes is a reassuring smile. “Friends?”
Y/N nods, trying to figure out why Fred’s offer of friendship simultaneously makes her happy and sad. “Sure, friends.”
They part and get dresses quietly, barely even able to look at each other. When McGonagall finally pushes through the door their standing at opposite ends of the room, and the awkwardness in the air is evident.
“I hope you two learned your lesson,” McGonagall says quietly before watching the two of them scurry away, their heads hanging low.
Despite the fact that she and Fred had agreed to be friends, Y/N can’t help but notice that he’s ignoring her. It’s been a little over a week since their last detention, and Fred hasn’t even said two words to Y/N. He’s barely even looked at her. His sudden disappearance from her life has left her both sad and angry, and she’s started to realize that maybe it’s because she really wanted to be more than friends with Fred. She thought maybe he had wanted that too, but with his sudden cool attitude, Y/N isn’t going to be the one searching him out to get to the bottom of it.
“Okay, you’re like, the best sister ever,” Matthew greets as she comes to sit next to him at the Ravenclaw table. It’s fairly early on a Saturday morning, so the Great Hall is still pretty empty.
“I mean I know that,” Y/N says with a laugh as she sits down next to him. “But do you wanna explain why you’re suddenly realizing it too?”
Matthew rolls his eyes and waves around the letter in his hand. “I got this in the mail today, no need to be so coy.”
“What is it?” Y/N grabs the letter from him and scans over it briefly. “One of the teams is going to send another scout to your next game. That’s amazing!”
Matthew frowns at her. “You mean you didn’t write to them?” When Y/N shakes her head, his frown turns into a look of confusion. “The letter says someone at school wrote to them and asked them to reconsider drafting me and that I’m a better player than I demonstrated.”
“Must have been someone on the team,” Y/N muses, taking a sip of orange juice.
“That’s what I thought, but look at the team they sent the letter to,” Matthew insists, tossing the envelope to Y/N.
She looks at it closely, noticing the team emblem embossed into the parchment. “That’s your favorite team,” Y/N points out.
“That’s why I figured it was you. You’re the only one that knows they’re my favorite, and it’s kinda weird that out of the six or seven teams that sent scouts this person would send a letter to the one team I’ve always wanted to play for.”
Y/N’s jaw drop as a conversation she’d had with Fred one night as they laid next to each other to recover. She offhandedly mentioned how sad Matthew had been after receiving a rejection letter from his favorite team. She thought nothing of it at the time when Fred asked her which team it was, but it all makes sense now.
“I think I know who sent that letter. I’ll be back.”
Y/N heads out of the Great Hall and back towards the Gryffindor Common Room, all kinds of emotions flowing through her body.
“Fred!” Y/N shouts as she throws the door to his dorm open. All three of the boys in there jump, frightened by her sudden appearance. She starts to storm towards Fred, and George and Lee take the opportunity to sneak out of the room, shutting the door behind them.
“Do you mind?” Fred says dully. His back is to Y/N and he takes a deep breath to calm himself down. “I’m kind of in the middle of something.”
As Y/N comes to stand behind Fred she can’t help but notice that he’s standing next to his bed in nothing but his boxers. His hair is messy, and she figures he’s only been awake a few minutes. “It’s nothing I haven’t seen before,” Y/N reminds him. “I need to talk to you.”
Fred sighs and turns around to look at her, sitting on his bed. “What?” His voice shakes, and he prays Y/N doesn’t notice.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” Y/N asks, trying not to lose her nerve. Fred looks beautiful sitting there, and it’s taking everything in her not to crawl into his lap and kiss him.
Fred rolls his eyes. “Lots of things are wrong with me, Y/N. You’re going to have to elaborate.”
“Why did you send that letter? To the quidditch team?” she asks, crossing her arms over her chest.
Fred smiles sheepishly and scratches the back of his head. “They weren’t supposed to say you sent the letter,” he mumbles.
“They didn’t. But the only person who knows about Matthew’s dream to play for that team besides he and I is you. And since he didn’t send the letter and neither did I it had to have been you,” Y/N pauses, looking at Fred. “Why did you do it?” she asks again, softer.
“I dunno,” Fred responds with a shrug. “I could tell you were upset about the whole thing, so I figured I’d reach out. The worst they could do is send a letter back to me saying no. And then you’d never have to know about it. And if they said yes Matthew would never know it was me who sent the original letter in.” Fred bites his lips. “I just wanted to do something to make you feel better.”
Y/N’s heart melts. “You did it for me?”
“Why are you surprised? I figured it was obvious there isn’t much I wouldn’t do for you. Or have you forgotten about the seven orgasms I gave you last Thursday?” Fred teases.
Y/N can feel her cheeks flush and a shiver runs down her spine at the memory. “Why go through all that and not even take the credit for it?”
“Because of what you said, the second night of our detention,” Fred starts. “You made me promise that us hooking up wouldn’t change our relationship outside of detention and I very clearly broke that promise.”
“But I thought we agreed to be friends?” Y/N admits softly. When Fred nods she sighs in frustration. “Then how come you’ve been ignoring me? I’ve seen you less in the past week than I did when we hated each other.”
“Because I don’t want to be just your friend,” Fred admits. “I want to hold your hand and take you on dates and kiss you and fuck you in my bed. Or your bed. Any bed really I still have fucking carpet burn on my knees,” he jokes, trying to diffuse the air in the room. “I’m starting to feel things for you, Y/N. And I thought just being your friend would be enough but it’s not.”
“Freddie,” Y/N whispers, taking his hand in hers. “Why not just say all that then?”
Fred rolls his eyes. “Maybe because you’ve spent the past five years hating my guts? And you were pretty adamant that you wanted to continue hating me no matter how much sex we had.”
“You seemed to hate me pretty strongly too,” Y/N points out with a quiet laugh. “I wanted to hate you still, I really did. No offense,” she apologizes, squeezing Fred’s hand. “But as we spent more and more time together inside and outside the trophy room I couldn’t even remember why I started hating you in the first place. Your issues with Matthew are your issues with Matthew, and I shouldn’t have made them my issues with you too.”
“That’s why you hated me? Because of Matthew?” Fred asks, pulling Y/N onto his lap.
“It sounds stupid now. But it made sense at the time,” Y/N says quietly.
Fred grips Y/N’s face carefully and brings their lips together in a slow kiss. Their mouths move together softly, and Fred can’t help but notice how perfectly they fit together. Fred nibbles on Y/N’s lips to ask permission to enter her mouth, but Y/N keeps her lips shut tight. Sensing her sudden hesitation, Fred pulls away. “What’s wrong? I thought all that meant we were going to move towards something more. Did I read it all wrong? Oh god I did. I’m sorry I’m such an idiot.”
Y/N presses a reassuring kiss to Fred’s mouth. “It did mean we’re moving towards something more. I want to be something more with you,” Y/N admits. “I just. I don’t know how to be something more with you, Freddie. I don’t know how to be your girlfriend.”
Fred chuckles. “Well I don’t exactly know how to be your boyfriend either.” Fred kisses Y/N again sweetly. “But that’s the fun part of a new relationship, isn’t it? Figuring it out together.”
“At least we’ve already got the sex part figured out.” Y/N laughs as Fred stands up and throws her down on the bed.
Fred crawls up the bed and drapes himself over Y/N. “Doesn’t hurt to work on it, though,” Fred teases, kissing her hard.
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yadds · 4 years
Another Geraskier Fix-it Fic, Part 2 Jaskier tells Geralt to fuck off, Geralt is forced into some self-reflection.
Part 1
I was going to wait until I finished this to post the rest, but that’s gonna be in approx. 3 million years at this point, so here’s part 2 if anyone is still interested.  Should only be one part left after this since I actually have an ending in mind!
Geralt was jostled from his meditation by a foot to the side of his head. He whirled around and caught the ankle, yanking until the perpetrator fell to the floor with a squawk. He had a knife to a throat before he realized it was Jaskier, hands up defenselessly and eyes wide. 
He tsked and released him. 
“Excuse me,” Jaskier said indignantly as he sat up, wincing, and brushed his hands across his bare back, which had been dragged across the dusty floor in the scuffle. “You’re annoyed at me? I don’t even rightly know what’s going on right now! I woke up and was just trying to get out of bed! What did you expect to happen when you took up post there like some looming lurker?”
“You seem to be feeling better,” Geralt muttered. 
“I can’t even tell; my bladder is about to explode and I literally cannot even think about anything else. So if you would kindly move your arse, I would like to fix that particular problem.”
Huffing, Geralt shifted to the side to allow Jaskier to go and relieve himself. 
Jaskier was soon collapsing back onto the bed with a sigh. “In answer to your non-question, yes, I am feeling better. Thank you for pretending you care. You’ve fulfilled whatever bizarre obligation you seem to have felt so please feel free to leave. Preferably without soul-searing insults this time, but that’s honestly up to you.”
Geralt scowled as he watched Jaskier watch the ceiling, one arm thrown over his forehead and partially obscuring his view. 
“You never answered me,” he said gruffly. 
Jaskier’s head tilted minutely in his direction. “You’ll have to remind me what exactly I didn’t answer. My memory of our conversation while I was bleeding out is a bit vague,” he said acerbically. 
“Those men,” Geralt clarified. When he saw Jaskier open his mouth with an expression of exasperation, Geralt continued. “You said they were after me.”
Jaskier nodded, peering through his fingers up at the ceiling again.
He didn’t offer any more information. Gritting his teeth, Geralt mustered all the patience he could and asked for it. “Why? And why are they after you?”
“Oh yes, I’m starting to remember now - I told you already that I. Don’t. Know,” Jaskier sneered.  “I have no idea who those men were.” 
“Stop the bullshit!” Geralt finally barked. “You also implied this was a regular occurrence. What the hell is going on, Jaskier?”
Jaskier continued glowering. Just as Geralt was ready to start physically demanding answers, Jaskier suddenly turned so that he was fully facing Geralt. 
“Okay. Fine. You want to get into this? Alright. This has been going on for years, Geralt. People have been trying to kidnap, kill, or maim me to get to you for years. Not the same people - sometimes it’s hired hands for rich people you’ve pissed off, sometimes it’s people that don’t want you stopping them from doing something, and sometimes it’s random folk that just don’t like you.”
Geralt felt as though he had ice water coursing through his veins, freezing the breath in his lungs and slowing his heart to a sluggish crawl. 
“Most of the time, I don’t have a clue who or why unless they’re successful,” Jaskier continued. 
Suddenly the ice in his blood was seared to steam by the raging fury that overtook him at the thought. “The fuck does that mean?” Geralt growled. 
“Oh, yes, I’ve been in some pretty precarious situations, my friend,” Jaskier pressed cruelly, noting how each new piece of information wound Geralt tighter. “Been attacked more times than I can count. Although, to be fair, I don’t know how many of those were just because I am such a delight to all those around me and how many were thanks to you. I’ve been kidnapped at least 3 or 4 times. That’s never enjoyable but has ended up being surprisingly relatively benign,” he mused. 
Geralt was trembling, strung tight enough to snap. 
“Oh relax,” Jaskier said, rolling his eyes. “I never tell them anything.” He rolled back to stare at the ceiling again, arms folded behind his head, appearing to tire of his game. “I can withstand a lot more than you might think.”
“Why?” he rasped. 
Jaskier shrugged. “Well most of the time I actually don’t know anything since you usually just ditch me with not a word of where I could find you again even if I needed to. But also because I’m not a heartless bastard; I used to consider us very good friends, you know. I would never do anything that might cause you harm. You do so much more good in this world than I do so if I had to sacrifice you to save myself…well, I’m not that kind of selfish.”
The sound that punched out of Geralt at the thought was choked and miserable. “Jaskier,” he croaked, then stopped, unable to find the words to continue. 
Jaskier turned his gaze back to Geralt again, a delighted, malicious grin stealing across his face. “Oh, my,” he crowed. “Does it hurt, Geralt? To know someone has suffered for you?”
“Yes,” he hissed, eyes narrow and intent on the bard perched above him. His hand lifted briefly towards Jaskier before he dropped it to fist in his lap. 
“Good,” Jaskier replied simply. His clenched jaw and the fire in his eyes belied the casual tone.
Geralt flinched slightly before lashing out. “What the fuck is your problem?”
Jaskier quickly rolled back towards him, pushing himself up to sit on the edge of the bed, looking down at Geralt, still seated on the floor, with contempt. “My problem?” he parroted incredulously. “You rip out my heart and tear it to shreds for no gods damned reason and I’m the one with the problem? I’m sorry, was I supposed to just roll over and take it? Beg for more?”
Geralt’s glare intensified.  “What bullshit are you spouting now?  I haven’t even seen your godsforsaken face in a year.”
“Were you dropped on your head sometime in the past year?  Gotten amnesia or dementia of some sort?  I feel like I should ask because this could be a legitimate issue before assuming -    No?” Jaskier asked facetiously before continuing.  “Okay, so you’re just willfully misremembering the way you very sincerely wished me out of your life?  I’ve done my part and stayed out of your way!  Yet here you are, still...maligning me.”
Geralt scoffed, immediately knowing that was the wrong thing to do but unable to stop.  “That’s not anywhere near the worst thing I’ve said to you.”
He saw the muscle in Jaskier’s jaw jump repeatedly, accentuating the slight tremor in his chin as he took a long moment before responding quietly.  “True.  But that was the first time I knew beyond a doubt that you really meant it.  Also, the fact that you think that’s a justification just proves what a fool I was to follow you for as long as I did.”
The silence that followed was oppressive and suffocating.
When Geralt made no move to refute, or even acknowledge, the accusations, the renewed expression of disappointment on Jaskier’s face hit him like a forging hammer to the chest.  
Jaskier’s mouth opened as if to say something, but all that came out was a heavy sigh before his lips pressed together tight.  He pushed himself off the bed, face drawn and shoulders slumping in defeat.
“Well, thanks for saving my life yet again.  I hope you don’t mind if I steal a drink before I’m off,” Jaskier said with forced nonchalance as he stumbled the two steps across the room to a pitcher on the small table.  
Geralt looked up when he heard the clangor of the cup clattering against the pitcher, both trembling and unsteady in Jaskier’s grip.  As water sloshed against his front, Jaskier slammed them both back down onto the table, breathing sharply through his nose in frustration.
Standing silently, Geralt stepped close and gently grabbed the cup from Jaskier.  Before he had grasped the pitcher, Jaskier snatched the cup back.  “I can pour my own damn drink, Geralt!” he snarled.
“Of course,” he agreed as he stepped back.  His eyes traced the tense lines of Jaskier’s back as he fumbled to get enough water into the cup for a long draught, somewhat surprised by the definition of hard muscle just visible beneath a shallow layer of softness.
Jaskier turned and brushed past Geralt to get to the door.  Geralt grabbed his arm.  “Jaskier.”
“What?” he replied curtly, still facing the door.
“Stay,” he said gruffly.
“No.  I don’t wish to add to my debt to you.”
“Since when do you care about such things?” Geralt asked mockingly.
“Since we’re not friends,” Jaskier bit out.
Geralt’s grip tightened with the pang of annoyance that pierced through him.  He quickly released his hand when he heard Jaskier hiss softly.
“You’re in no condition to be out there alone,” he said, frustrated with Jaskier’s stubbornness. 
“Who says I’m alone?” Jaskier replied. “Believe it or not, there are others who don’t find me so despicable.”  He watched as Jaskier stopped briefly to rummage through Geralt’s saddlebags to take one of his shirts, turning and showing Geralt quite pointedly that he was taking it, daring him to say something about it.
For once, there were many things Geralt wanted to say, ranging from groveling apologies to scathingly cruel remarks that made his previous ones sound like fucking love letters. But he remained silent as Jaskier turned and opened the door, jumbles of jagged words clamoring against the back of his teeth, shoved down his throat until he could scarcely breathe. 
Pausing, Jaskier looked back once more, eyes tracing Geralt’s features. “Goodbye, Geralt.”
Nothing had ever sounded so devastatingly final. 
Geralt left the inn with the rising sun, body still humming with pent up tension. 
Not knowing where Jaskier was or who he was with became Geralt’s newest form of personal torture. 
He would have stayed with Jaskier, traveled with him again, kept him safe. He didn’t like feeling responsible for Jaskier’s hardships. But apparently Jaskier’s pride was more important than his safety. Fucking idiot. 
He grit his teeth, hands clenching. Roach snorted and shook her head, making Geralt loosen his too-tight grip on her reins. “Sorry, girl,” he murmured. 
He dismounted and prowled beside her, unable to stomach sitting idle with his fuming thoughts. 
What right did Jaskier have to punish him? For all of his extravagant overtures of devotion, Jaskier was the one who left. And all it took was a few unkind words.  It certainly hadn’t been the first time he’d lashed out at Jaskier when his frustrations had lain elsewhere.  He wasn’t proud of how he’d acted, but it was far from the worst thing he’d done in the decades that they’d traveled together.  What kind of ‘friendship’ could be shattered by something so trivial?  
Geralt spent the next mile attempting to force his mind into silence.  He was unsuccessful like he hadn’t experienced since he’d first become a witcher all those years ago, his thoughts roiling and ranting violently.  
Geralt was not stupid - he knew that a distraction such as this would only result in a quick, needless death while on The Path. Fortunately, he was also not a coward.  If this required putting thought to the...feelings he was experiencing, he would do it.  
Geralt mounted Roach, trusting her to keep the path and warn him of any conspicuous threats.  He squared his shoulders as he turned his focus inwards.
Putting a name to the emotions that were clamoring below the surface was a trying task for one who only experienced pale shades of their human counterparts.  He approached each tangle of sentiment marring the dreary landscape of his inner mind, prepared to unravel it, acknowledge it, and move the fuck on. There was anger, yes, that he was all too familiar with.  Some hurt, he supposed, if he had to admit it.  But the biggest beast was a deep-seated sense of betrayal.
The realization made him snarl; betrayal to this extent wasn’t possible without a level of trust that he thought himself incapable of. How could he be so fucking stupid?  Geralt was forced to acknowledge that Jaksier had, despite his valiant efforts to keep him at arms length, insinuated himself as the closest anything came to a permanent fixture in Geralt’s life.  He’d trusted Jaskier in a way he’d not done since he’d been a boy, been so unquestionably sure of Jaskier’s loyalty.  
And he fucking knew better.  Nothing was permanent and nobody could truly be trusted.  How many times must he learn that gods damned lesson in his endlessly long life? Apparently at least once more, it seemed. 
Fury reared its head once more, searing through his nerves until he could think of nothing else. Partially at Jaskier, at destiny, at this shithole of a Continent. But mostly at himself.
But self-castigation was of no use to him. He drew a deep breath and pushed through it, finding that he was once again placing his misdirected anger firmly on Jaskier’s shoulders, something he’d been doing so long that he didn’t even think about it.
Perhaps he’d been needlessly cruel for too long. Jaskier was an easy target, one who would take a beating with nothing but a cheeky comeback or sullen silence. And wasn’t that on Jaskier, not standing up for himself? Perhaps a little, but no, he had to admit that this was his own shortcoming. It only incensed him further to realize just how much he’d taken advantage of...yes, his friend. If he had ever had a single friend in his life, it would have been Jaskier. 
But despite his self-involvement and constant reparation of the thick stone walls protecting his inner self from the rest of the world, Jaskier had grown like weeds through any cracks in the mortar. Though he’d stopped the spread, the sprouts of greenery stubbornly remained in the endless brown and gray of dirty stone, demanding his attention.  And as the mulish weeds started to finally die, the color fading, Geralt was forced to recognize the beauty of a bit of color in a colorless life.  
Just another story of too little too late.
So you’d think quarantine would be the optimal time for writing, but I’m finding I have less time/energy than ever between keeping up with a 3 year old and a 1 year old that are cooped up inside while trying to work from home and not neglect our little bit of husband/wife time.  
Not having any time to myself is the hardest part of all this for me (for which I’m so incredibly grateful, that that’s my biggest problem) and makes me want to just curl up and do nothing the few moments I’m able to steal for myself.  So, plan on me being EVEN SLOWER THAN USUAL.  Yes, that’s possible.  And it’s happening.
Despite my complaining, things in general are good for us - Husband and I have job security, are continuing to get paid normally, and have bosses that understand our need to juggle family/work balance, and we’re all in good health.  
Stay safe and well out there, y’all, both physically and mentally, as much as you can!  
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vwildmonk · 3 years
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 11, 13 and 14?
B for you also!!
Also: If she were in smash/mario kart, what powers do you think she'd have and what would her vehicle look like???
What's your favorite thing about playing her?
Random thought you have about her that just won't leave your brain?
Putting under a read more as these got long again, but thanks for sending in the ask! Happy to take many more as these are always fun! Also looking forward after a game soon seeing how Lin centric answers change, she’s going to be going through some fun (and happy) things in her near future!
Also excellent extra Qs Frosty, love to see ‘em!
2.  How easy is it for your character to laugh? Laughter… oh tough one cos Lin, she does laugh quite frequently. But some of that is a forced laugh at the end of one of her own ‘look at the peckin’ idiot jokes’ or to misdirect things (both so others dont see and so she doesn’t always have to think too deeply about her words). But she also does laugh genuinely quite a bit as well; family shenanigans, silly stories over warm meals or steaming drinks, watching toon chaos go down that is safe and silly. It’s easy when you know her to get honest laughs- she’s open with those she loves and as they bring her joy the actual warm laughter comes easy. Something that is going to get even easier given time. It’s loud and bright and full of warmth and it’s going to be softer.
3. How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?) At the moment? A sharp drink of a sleeping potion and trying very hard to think happy thoughts as she blacks out- nightmares still come but she does try. Waking half-shifted too few hours later and fighting a shift isn't great... but she slept enough right? 
But In the future? It’s going to be better. Reading sometimes, but also a good cup of Stagehand’s special hot chocolate and a final chat with her boy are going to be important and soft. Making sure he’s asleep, sometimes staying with him to make sure he gets good dreams and nodding off herself. Other nights it’s getting herself in the comfiest pyjamas she can find, snagging a lullapop to put on the bedside table and doing some breathing exercises with Network humming songs to her. Nightmares might still happen, but with a major dangerous card off the table, she’s going to feel easier about getting support. Her dreams are going to get sweeter… and maybe one or two cuddle piles will be helpful. She always sleeps best when she knows family are near and safe, in either of the two places she calls home. The last thought she has when drifting off is the phantom of comforting hands she’s felt in the past full of love and reassurance, slipping into sweet dreams and true sleep knowing everything is alright.
4. How easy is it to earn their trust? It can be quite easy and also quite hard! She’s guarded and needs a reason to trust people. But there are ways, if you seem kind and caring and open- if she sees good and soft present? You show her through your acts that you are someone potentially safe to trust? She’s got a bleeding heart and a wish to help. Having people care for her back and trust in her confirms that bond, She will do her best to prove that the care is well placed. Other ways are steps: You help out children and she sees that? Congratulations you have a little bit of her trust. If she gives you her business card, you’re definitely working your way up as network, and if she invites you around or turns up to a place that you’ve invited her to more than once? Yeah you’ve definitely got her trust then- you might even be family.
5. How easy is it to earn their mistrust? Lin likes to think herself as a wary person, and she is- once bitten twice shy sort of thing- she can get quite railroading on her views. In this world if someone can harm you and gain something from it, they likely will- she’s seen that quite a bit from her cases. So if something sits wrong with her, or she finds things out that taint views, or someone just keeps pushing the wrong buttons it can break that trust or prevent it from ever forming. However, given time and proof Lin can learn to trust people even if she didn’t originally.
Breaking her trust? Withholding dangerous info from her or doing something that takes what little control she has out of her hand. Once you’ve broken or splintered the bond it is going to be incredibly hard to earn it back. 
She’ll beat herself up for months that she didn’t see it coming, or worse question where she went wrong that led to the moment happening. It’s a surefire way to get her walls up and once you’re on a mistrust list it’s tricky to find ways to get off them.
6. Do they consider laws flexible, or immovable? Oh another tough one! Lin sees laws as both. They can be flexible, you can find the loopholes and the strings and manipulate them so the system is the best it can be- work within it to keep people safe and as shielded as possible- with the Law backing you it makes it harder for things to go wrong. At the same time she sees the corruption in places and knows that if things go wrong that immovable authority and strong laws will be worse than hitting a brick wall. Just because laws can do good, doesn’t mean the people behind them always are. It’s one of the reasons she is so worried for Lil Boomer. If that kid gets into trouble enough to actually get caught by the authorities, she’s genuinely unsure how she could get the flexibility to make sure that little reelkind didn’t get hurt.
8. What were they told to stop/start doing most often as a child Oh Lin had a lot of people giving her advice as a kid, many different stagehands helping her learn things and also beyond that. She’s got a few snippets she recalls best: “Start/keep exploring, there’s a world full of people Pompom, never stop seeing that.”, “”lil Lin, pompom, kiddo, please for the love of peckin’ gods stop leaping from the rafters to scare folks, do it like this!”, “Never be afraid to come in for a hug pompom dear, always ask permission first mind for most folks, but remember to keep being open- you’re a good kid, keep being soft eh?” … “Pompom… Lin please, whatever the peck is going on stop and talk to us Stop shoving us away! What’s happening to You?! What is wrong with your design? What is wrong with your face, this isn’t normal would you just- Lin Lil Lin Stagehand talk to us! -Kiddo!” 
11. How do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)? If it’s for a case or for something related to someone she cares about, she seeks info out. Either clarifying with folks or doing some sleuthing and finding as many reports or related information snippets as she can. She might even straight up bluntly ask someone if something makes no peckin sense about them. Although she tries to have habit of tact for her inner circle when she asks questions, or with children. She tries to be soft as needed. Her track record of near perfect cases definitely proves that she has done her best over the years to limit confusion at all costs.
 If it’s something related to herself though, perhaps about the cure? She will dig up as much as she can but also likely spiral if she can’t find the source or the answer to the thing confusing her most. She’ll pretend everything is fine while internally going into panic spiral at ‘peckin detective can’t even help themself’. Nothing is ever simple or calm and so she can’t believe it if something is too easy, and she’ll drive herself into confusion if she listens to much to her paranoia.
13. What color do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that color? Lin… doesn’t really know what colour she looks best in? She’s had the same outfit for as long as she can remember with the odd costume for a case or seasonal event. Navy and Red are her go to colours and she does suit them quite well when she is her natural true colour. In fact she does think she looks good in them, especially with her niece-jumper in gold-red-navy. So that’s her ‘best look’! 
When her fur has become the distressed russet the red kind of clashes a bit but that won’t be an issue forever. She’ll have to try out other colours someday, when she gets the time and energy to go clothes shopping, maybe try out autumnal or halloween themed colours, she’ll see how things go.
What animal do they fear most? Herself Wolves. She knows other wolves aren’t like the Thing that bit her, and the Thing in and of itself wasn’t fully wolf… whatever the peck it was is something else… but yeah, from her own shifting and knowledge of what she can do, and that memory of something lupine and huge hurtling at her from the dark… its definitely an animal that sparks her fear response and has her reaching for her broach and crossbow at the sound of a howl or a too big shadow. 
She will meet lycans in the future that help ease that, and seeing druids like her son be able to change to wolf form is cool… but if she doesn’t see it coming or one come at her from behind she will flinch and shield whoever’s closest to her and mentally be somewhere else for a second. 
An old fear that’s going to take a long while for her to be able to ease away. Wolves are wonderful creatures, she just has to break the association.
B) What inspired you to create them? Honestly? Toonkind in general. I saw my first session of it on YouTube when I was alone and wandering what to do with myself as my DnD adventure died with lockdown. But this whole new world of insane and amazing characters and stupendous people- it sparked such joy and life in me. Lin was formed from that joy, and then from there she has grown. I am so delighted by the stories I can tell with her and the people I have met through her. That creation inspiration has bloomed since then... in fact: Lin thinks in network connections, and in this instance, the Drafthouse server to me? Is a RAINBOW of inspiration.
Mario karts: 
Vehicle wise: She’d have something small, a very speedy little car in her signature colours and a very happy tooting little horn, does it have racing flames on the side? Absolutely bc she delights in the silly things even as she projects sensible detective as well. 
Special power move? You ever heard this little monkey swear? An explosion of tangible grawlix symbols in a rainbow of colours bursting from the car to knock people out of the way (followed by a very quiet version of her signature laugh).
Favourite thing about playing her? Interactions with others. Lin has built an amazing web of family that is full of love and warmth and softness. Getting to see her grow into that and reach back is something so soft that I am delighted to enable. Her CornMaze family, spooky grandparents, her son? her many adopted children and newfound friendly pecknecks? It’s the people that make it fun to play her and give her such life. She changes and grows and shifts even beyond what I think of her and so that makes it so exciting to play as I have no idea what the future will have in store.
…also not going to lie hearing people scream “Lin for peck sake NO” adds years to my lifespan as I cackle, she’s a beloved but so very dumb little monkey who makes poor life choices and audience reactions give me life.
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just-come-baek · 5 years
with friends like you, who needs enemies?
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader ft. mentions of Jimin and his girlfriend
Themes: smut | fluff | friends’ friends to friends to lovers!au | domestic!au | roommate!jimin |
Word count: 11.1k
Summary: Setting up my friend with my roommate is one thing, but walking on them banging on my fancy couch is just… plainly wrong. Not only have they profaned my comfy piece of furniture, but also they’ve neglected our friendship. Completely forgotten, Jungkook and I start to hang out together, but after some time things become a bit too comfortable…
Warnings: overuse of cringe-worthy euphemisms for sex, lots of complaining, unprotected sex and so on;
Me | 22:43 | don’t you want to hang out with Jimin???
Me | 22:43 | I need him out of the house
It was my first time texting Jungkook. It felt weird, but it needed to be done. Ever since Jimin and Jiwoo started dating, they were bumping their uglies in Jimin’s room, and I was done with hearing their lewd moans.
These damned thin walls.
Jeon | 22:45 | what did he do this time?
I read Jungkook’s reply, and with my bottom lip puckered, I wondered what I should type so he wouldn’t think I was exaggerating. I couldn’t straight out ask him to call Jimin over to his place because the sex noises coming out of my roommate’s bedroom were louder than my film on the maximum volume.
Me | 22:46 | he’s porking Jiwoo
Jeon | 22:46 | HE’S DOING WHAT???
Jeon | 22:47 | oh, nvm
Jeon | 22:47 | just googled it
Me | 22:48 | yeah, they’ve been screwing everyday this week
Me | 22:48 | can you cockblock him?
Me | 22:48 | just this once
Me | 22:49 | please???
Jeon | 22:49 | can’t do
Of course, he wouldn’t do it! What had I expected? Jimin and Jungkook are best friends with their bro-code and what not, while Jungkook and I are mere acquaintances with maybe five hellos exchanged through the entirety of it.
Jeon | 22:51 | sorry, I’m gaming with Tae
Me | 22:53 | of course you do
I was a little bit angry when I wrote it, but I understood him. It wasn’t his problem to deal with, and if he were struggling with a similar kind of issue, I wouldn’t help him either. I’m the one who had agreed to share a flat with Jimin, and regardless of how much I regret it now, I’m the one who suggested them to go on that fucking date.
It was my first attempt at matchmaking anybody, and since it backfired so terribly, I was sure, it was also my last attempt.
Jeon | 22:52 | you can crash on my couch if they bother you so much
That was unexpected; Jungkook was showing me kindness, and I had no idea how to react. We had never hung out alone, and he was offering me a place to sleep. Admittedly, if he had such an annoying roommate, I’d let him suffer.
Thankfully, he was a good guy.
Jeon | 22:53 | I’m going to game all night but I still think they’re louder
Me | 22:54 | seriously?
Me | 22:55 | no take backs
Jeon | 22:55 | you remember where I live, right?
Jimin had taken me once to a small party at Jungkook’s, and though I couldn’t remember the building number, I knew how it looked like and how to get there. It would probably take me fifteen minutes of walk to reach it.
Me | 22:56 | sure
Me | 22:56 | thank you!
Me | 22:56 | I owe you one 
Jungkook didn’t lie when he said he’d be quieter than Jimin and Jiwoo; when I entered his apartment, he just smiled and muttered make yourself at home, and with that, Jungkook was gone in his bedroom, gaming.
It wasn’t unpleasant, but it was weird – to be in his living room alone.
His flat was rather tidy and comfortable, and it was evident it belonged to a man. Lazily, I fished a book out of my bag; it was the second book of a shitty trilogy, and despite wanting to pull all my hair out whenever I flipped the page, I couldn’t stop reading it.
I started reading, but it was difficult without acceptable background noise. With my finger marking the page, I paused, stood up and marched toward Jungkook’s room. Having knocked, I pushed the doors slightly open, and asked, “Do you mind if I hang out here for a while? It’s still early, and I have a fucked-up sleeping schedule.”
Jungkook turned his head toward me and nodded. Smiling, I closed the doors behind me and lay down on his bed. He was sitting in his fancy gaming chair, and had an expensive-looking headset; it was evident he took his hobby very seriously.
“Are you having a girl over?” I heard, probably Taehyung, since he had mentioned his name earlier, say through Jungkook’s headphones since this boy apparently didn’t mind loud game sounds.
“It’s just Jimin’s roommate; Jimin and his girlfriend are shagging way too loud, so I let her stay at my place,” Jungkook explained, and I shrugged, returning to my book.
“She’s at your place? You should totally hook up with her,” Taehyung encouraged Jungkook, and I giggled, ignoring the indecent advice. We barely knew each other, and no matter how good Jungkook must be at sex, it wasn’t happening. Tempting – very tempting, but I wouldn’t let it happen. I didn’t need more drama at this point in my life.
“You better focus on the game or else I’m gonna let them kill you!” Jungkook yelled into the microphone, and Taehyung immediately stopped teasing him. Though I wasn’t sure, I presumed that Jungkook was a skilled player that no one fancied getting on his wrong side.
It was a calm night, yet a few annoyed groans still escaped his mouths whenever Jungkook’s team was losing. I wasn’t better at keeping my reactions at bay, especially when the lead character did something incredibly stupid, and I wished her boyfriend turned out to be a serial killer, obsessed with the idea to murder her.
“You know what? I’m done playing with you for tonight,” Jungkook barked when they lost another battle because of Taehyung. Angrily, he threw the headset on the desk, and running his fingers through his hair, he swiveled in his gaming chair, staring at me lying comfortably.
“It wasn’t your day, was it?” I asked though I was still focused on the book.
“It’s them,” Jungkook said, pointing at the computer behind him. “It wasn’t their day; I’m way too good to have bad episodes.” He explained, and I hummed, even though I didn’t care. No matter how Jungkook seemed to love gaming, it wasn’t my cup of tea, and I wasn’t going to pretend to enjoy it so he would like me. I was still polite enough to listen to whatever bothered him, though.
“Is it interesting?” Jungkook asked, tilting his head, mentioning the book in my hands.
“Oh God, no,” I sighed in relief as I slammed the novel close for dramatic purposes. “Do you want to watch a movie or something?” I proposed, and Jungkook smiled casually.
“I’d drunk five energy drinks before you came here; I won’t fall asleep for at least two days, so a movie sounds pretty awesome.” Jungkook clarified, and I sat up, staring at him.
“Do you have anything in mind? I’m fine with whatever,” I said, smiling. As long as I hadn’t seen a film before, it should be alright.
“We can just look through my Netflix recommendations; there should be something interesting.” Jungkook proposed, and I nodded, following him to the living room. “Do you want anything to eat?” He asked politely, but before I answered him, he added, “I have only unhealthy snacks, though. I hope you don’t mind it.”
“There’s no such a thing like a healthy snack,” I remarked, sitting down on the couch, while Jungkook pranced to the kitchen to get us food. Within two minutes, he took a seat beside me and placed a large bag of chips and a six-pack of beer on the coffee table.
“So… how are the lovebirds?” Jungkook asked curiously, as he took a sip of the chilled beer.
“They’re good, maybe even too good for my liking,” I admitted honestly, looking at Jungkook who grabbed the remote and turned the TV on. “Jiwoo has her own flat; I have no idea why they keep hitting skins in Jimin’s room. I was the one who set them up! I swear they’re trying to spite me!” I ranted on, and Jungkook chuckled while looking for a catching movie title.
“They've probably forgotten you exist. Do you know how many times Jimin came over here ever since their first date?” Jungkook asked, and I shook my head. Yes, Jimin’s my friend, but no, he doesn’t relate everything he does – for which I’m very thankful. “Zero.”
“Oh, it is nice knowing I’m not the only one left out,” I muttered.
“It doesn’t have to be a bad thing,” Jungkook carried on, and I raised my head, looking at him, waiting for elaboration. “You finally can do whatever you want without getting disturbed. Spoil yourself before they start to cling to you again.”
In some odd way, he made sense. Jiwoo and Jimin were so busy rolling in the hay; I might as well use my free time to relax.
“I just might.”
The very next weekend, Jimin asked me if I minded him throwing a party at our apartment; it was their third week together, and they decided to celebrate it with their closest friends. What kind of anniversary even was that?
“As long as you’re the one tidying I don’t mind,” I snickered, trying to get something extra out of this situation. I was actually in a mood for a small gathering, but Jimin didn’t have to know that. “What do you say?”
“Ugh, fine,” Jimin gave in quickly, looking around the mess in the living room which was solely my creation. “What did I tell you about getting your shoes on the shoe-shelf? I’m not perfect, but you better put them there, or I’m gonna throw them away,” Jimin warned me, as he picked up my trainer and threw it across the room.
“I love you, too,” I cooed, smiling at Jimin who was cursing me under his breath. “Do you want me to cook anything?” I shouted before he disappeared into the confines of his room, dramatically slamming the doors.
Two hours later, he cooled down enough to hold a conversation with me, and although he said I didn’t have to cook anything, he gave me a long-ass shopping list. He didn’t want me around when he was cleaning up because he knew I’d make another mess, so sending me to the supermarket was the only reasonable option left.
“I told them to bring booze, so don’t but too much alcohol,” Jimin told me, as he handed me some cash which should cover most of the costs.
“Don’t worry, I’m really good at shopping,” I assured him before I put the money in my wallet. “Have I ever failed you?”
“Only today you’ve failed me like four times,” Jimin stated straightforwardly, and I wanted to jab him in the eye with a pencil for giving me that attitude. “And it’s barely noon!”
“Wow,” I said, sounding a tad bit overdramatic. “You did not say that!”
“I did yes,” Jimin retorted, and I refrained myself from harming him regardless of how much pleasure it would bring me. “And now get going, don’t hurry.”
Though I could invite my friends, no one could make it on such short notice. Well… except for Jiwoo, but she was too busy making out with Jimin to keep me company. I was still convinced I’d have a great time, though. I knew Jimin’s friends, and since he had better things to do than mingling with his guests, I took the role of the host on myself.
“Hi, what’s up?” I asked as soon as I approached Taehyung and Jungkook who were enthusiastically chatting with each other. Probably about that game which they had been playing the last time; I understood none of their jabber, so it must’ve been it.
“It’s cool, but I still don’t get it; they’ve been dating for three weeks. What kind of anniversary is that?” Jungkook whined, and I giggled, hearing my previous thoughts leave his mouth. Thankfully, I wasn’t the only one wondering about it.
“My words exactly,” I exclaimed, interjecting him. “Do you know any drinking games? I think it’s about time we play one.”
“What about most likely?” Taehyung proposed, and I looked at him curiously. I had never played that game, and I didn’t know the rules, so he had to explain it to me. “It’s quite easy, and hopefully, we can get drunk really quickly.”
One person asks a ‘most likely’ question, and then all players point at whoever seems most likely to do so. The person, who gets the maximum number of fingers pointing at them, drinks. It sounded easy, and when Taehyung explained it to me, Jungkook looked for more players to make it even more interesting.
At first, we started with easy questions, but after a couple of rounds, everyone got a bit competitive, and it became quite dirty. I wasn’t surprised, it was bound to happen. We all were college students, after all.
“Who would be most likely to have a threesome with twins?” Hoseok asked, and without thinking, I counted to three and pointed at him. Pretty much like everyone else. Hoseok was a fuckboy, and I was sure he had tried it before at least once.
“You know the rules,” Namjoon mocked Hoseok when the latter tried to bullshit his way out of his punishment. “Bottoms up!”
“Ugh, I hate you guys,” he complained but emptied his bottle anyway.
“Who would be most likely to give a shitty head?” Yoongi inquired, being another one in the queue. It wasn’t as easy as the previous question, but I only got three seconds to make up my mind, so I panicked, randomly pointing my finger at Jungkook.
“What are you guys playing?” Jiwoo asked as she approached our group, Jimin being right beside her. They were sickeningly in love, but eventually, they remembered they had guests. “You don’t mind if we play, do you?”
Taehyung quickly explained the rules for the fourth time this evening, and when they were filled in, Jiwoo was the first one to play.
“Who would be most likely to have sex in a public place?” She voiced, and without even counting, I pointed at Jimin. Maybe I hadn’t walked on them knocking boots yet, but I had a feeling neither of them would be expressly turned down by the prospect of hooking up in such circumstances. They were unquestionably too sex-crazed to care.
The game continued for another thirty minutes; it was fun, but Hoseok grossed everyone out before they managed to discover all my dirty secrets.
“You seriously think I give the worst head?” Jungkook straightforwardly asked when he caught me alone in the kitchen when I was getting another bottle of beer.
“I wouldn’t put that much thought to it if I were you,” I stated casually, hoping he would dismiss that subject. “Don’t take it personally, my choice was completely random.”
“I’m just messing with you,” Jungkook declared, and I chuckled as the alcohol started kicking in. I was feeling lightheaded, and whatever Jungkook said made me beam at him.
“Shame, I was about to lash out at you for choosing me as the most likely get pregnant with a one-night stand. I mean… what the fuck, Jeon?” I asked dramatically, but after three seconds of looking into his eyes, I cracked.
“Well… you were the only single girl playing with us, who should I pick?” Jungkook spoke defensively, and I shook my head, laughing. “I didn’t have a choice, did I?”
“You did not,” I answered, as I sat on the kitchen counter. “There’s a bag of shredded cheese in the fridge, do you mind handing me some?”
“Should’ve thought about your snack before you put that cute butt on the counter,” Jungkook snickered, as he opened the refrigerator only to get a chilled bottle of beer, completely ignoring my humble request.
“So you’re gonna be a mean friend,” I wondered out loud, swinging my legs from side to side. “I should’ve seen it coming.” I sighed, hoping I could shoot lasers with my eyes because Jungkook was being a dick.
“What about some shots instead?”
Though it was weird, I didn’t particularly hate their odd anniversaries. However, when Jiwoo forgot about the horror marathon, I seriously thought I was going to pour acid on her face for ditching me like that. The tickets were pretty pricey, yet she dared to stand me up one hour before the screening.
What a selfish bitch!
How dare she pick Jimin over me?
At first, I weighed the pros and cons of going alone, but then I decided to find a replacement; it’s not like Jiwoo was my only friend…
Maybe I had plenty of friends, but none of them were available at such a short notice. A friend in need is a friend indeed… such bullshit! Apparently, I was surrounded by fakes.
Sighing, I scrolled through my contact list looking for someone who would like to tag along. And then my thumb hovered above Jungkook’s name. We hadn’t talked since that party, and although it was so out of the blue to ask him to go to the movies with me, he seemed to be my last resort. He hadn’t let me down the last time, and I didn’t expect him to do it now.
Me | 20:46 | are you busy tonight?
Me | 20:47 | Jiwoo stood me up again
Jeon | 20:51 | oh… she did?
Me | 20:51 | yeah
Me | 20:51 | there’s a horror marathon tonight, and she canceled on me
Me | 20:51 | and the tickets are nonrefundable!
Me | 20:52 | they’re going to meet his parents
Me | 20:53 | can you believe it?
Jeon | 20:54 | wow
Jeon | 20:54 | at this pace they’re gonna marry in two months
Me | 20:55 | I guess
Me | 20:55 | what about the cinema?
Me | 20:55 | do you wanna go???
Me | 20:56 | I can go alone but that’d be lame
Jeon | 20:57 | it’s tonight?
Jeon | 20:57 | I was gonna hit the gym, but I guess I can skip once
Me | 20:57 | thanks!!!
Me | 20:58 | you’re the best!!!
“Do you want anything?” Jungkook asked me when we walked beside the cinema bar; the popcorn smelled delicious, and if I hadn’t eaten a large supper at home, my mouth would definitely water. “You don’t want me to give you money for the ticket, so the least I can do is buy you some snacks,” Jungkook argued, but I dismissed him.
“No, you don’t have to,” I assured him, as we sat in a vacant sofa in the lobby. “Jiwoo paid for her ticket, and she said I could do anything with it, so I’m treating you. You’re the only one who could make it anyway.” I explained, and Jungkook sighed, not knowing how to convince me to agree to his proposition. “Besides, I owe you for the last time,” I remembered, and Jungkook almost growled in irritation.
“But seriously, it’s just a cup of coke and a bucket of popcorn. It’s not a big deal,” Jungkook carried on, and I just rolled my eyes.
“But it’s so overpriced,” I reasoned, and Jungkook ran his hand through his hair in frustration, not knowing how to win this argument. I had a point, and what was wrong with me treating him? I owed him, so I was just paying my debt with no attempt to hurt his ego whatsoever.
“Ok, fine, so I’ll go over there and buy something for myself,” Jungkook announced before he walked off to stand in a line. “And if you happen to try to steal some later, I’m gonna smack that hand,” he warned me shouting from over his spot in the queue, making a dozen of heads turn, suddenly curious about our small quarrel.
Smiling, I got off the sofa, joining Jungkook by his side. I knew I was right, but Jungkook was so adorably stubborn, and I just had to give in. And the crowd which was pressuring me wasn’t making it any easier.
“Which popcorn do you want?” Jungkook asked me when it was finally our turn to order. “Personally, I prefer regular one, but if you like caramel one, I can make an exception.”
“I prefer regular one, too,” I answered casually, not wanting to order longer than necessary; the first movie was about to start in five minutes, and around ten people were still in the queue behind us. “So hurry up, we’re gonna miss all the commercials!”
“Ugh, fine, and what do you want to drink?” Jungkook asked, and I quickly said coke. “It wasn’t that difficult now, was it?” He added mockingly, handing me the bucket of popcorn.
Quickly, we found our seats.
Well… one double seat. I should’ve known better not to let Jiwoo buy the tickets. Even though she had Jimin to cuddle with, she wouldn’t miss a chance to sneak her arm around mine. And while I was used to Jiwoo being clingy, with Jungkook sitting next to me, it felt awkward. Thank God, I hadn’t seen the projected movies yet, so I was going to focus on the screen, and not the handsome man beside me.
The lights went out, and the eerie music began to play; I was excited, and I hoped for the first horror movie to be exciting and spooky. It was okay; it didn’t frighten me at all, and I predicted the ending correctly, but at least I laughed when someone in the audience shrieked at one of the jump-scares. The second one was much worse, though. Somehow through it, I fell asleep, only to be stirred awake by Jungkook during the third movie when my head slid on his shoulder.
“Sorry…” I whispered, rubbing my eyes, trying not to fall asleep again.
“It’s okay, you didn’t miss anything anyway,” Jungkook added, and I smiled, wrapping myself in my jacket warmly before I dozed off again.
The next time I messaged Jungkook wasn’t because I was annoyed with the lovebirds’ shenanigans; I really liked his company and frankly wanted to hang out with him. He was the only one within my circle of friends who had time to meet up. Among my friends, he was the only one I could actually rely on these days.
Me | 18:43 | what are you up to?
Jungkook didn’t disappoint; two minutes later I saw three little dots as he typed his reply.
Jeon | 18:46 | I was just about to leave for the gym
Jeon | 18:46 | what happened?
Jeon | 18:47 | are they bothering you again?
Me | 18:48 | Nah
Me | 18:48 | I’m bored
Jeon | 18:49 | oh
Me | 18:50 | we could go together to the public gym...
Jeon | 18:51 | but they’re shit!
Jeon | 18:51 | and only old people exercise there!
Me | 18:52 | please???
Me | 18:52 | I’m really bored
Jeon | 18:53 | ughhhhh
Jeon | 18:54 | meet you there in 20
“You have to warm up first,” Jungkook announced when I was about to start my workout. “How about doing two laps around the park?” He proposed, and I rolled my eyes, thinking it wasn’t that great idea to join him on his training.
“Are you serious? It’s not a warm-up, you’re trying to kill me,” I whined, having no intention of running. “When I said I’d join you, I meant that I would laze around beside you when you work out, and not actually working out myself, you know…”
Jungkook tongued his cheek, glancing at me from head to toe. “If you’re going to laze around, you’ll never get rid of those spaghetti legs, you know…” he mocked, and I gritted my teeth, staring at him angrily.
“You did not say that,” I spoke slowly, and Jungkook just shrugged nonchalantly.
“Oh, I did,” he replied, and if I didn’t hate running so much, I would sprint toward him and smack that smirk off his face. “A little bit of sport won’t do you any harm.”
“You could cut me some slack, it’s my first attempt of exercising in months,” I reasoned, hoping he would understand me. “Besides, I don’t want to be ripped like you,” I added, and then an idea popped into my mind. “How about you run those two laps and I’ll time you?”
“Or maybe we should bet?”
“What are you thinking about?”
“If you run one lap faster than I run two, you win, and I treat you to some ice-cream later,” Jungkook explained, and I tried my best not to smile mischievously. Sure, I hadn’t done sports in a while, but back in the day, I had been a rather fast runner. Maybe, I was a little out of shape right now, but I couldn’t be that bad to lose this bet.
“I’m not sure…” I trailed on dubiously.
“Come on, don’t be a chicken,” Jungkook egged on, and I gave in without further complaining. “I knew you wouldn’t back out of a challenge.”
“What can I say? I’m competitive, just like you.”
Having sealed the bet with a firm hand-shake, we established the finishing line. It was a long distance, but Jungkook had no chance running two laps faster than I did one. Perhaps, I’d lose one lung during the run, but it was the risk I was willing to take if that meant free ice-cream.
“Good luck,” Jungkook said, winking at me before he took off at his maximum speed. Shaking my head, I sprinted as fast as I could, even though I knew he wouldn’t outpace me.
My legs were hurting, my breath was shallow, and I could feel the blood taste in my mouth. I was definitely out of shape, but the finishing line was within now 100 meters, and Jungkook was still way behind me.
“Oh shit,” I looked over my shoulder and saw Jungkook who was running like his life depended on it. He didn’t seem to tire at all, so I sped, using the last bits of energy.
The second I ran through the finishing line, I almost collapsed on the ground as my legs felt like noodles which weren’t able to support my weight. Panting, I sat on the grass and leaned in, having my head between my knees as I gasped for air.
“Okay, you won this one,” Jungkook muttered, breathing heavily. “And I hope you’ve warmed up for the rest of the training.” He stretched his arm, helping me to stand up.
“I have enough of this training already,” I complained as I followed behind him.
“Fine, I won’t torture you today; let’s just get ice-cream.”
It has been almost two months since the first time I initiated contact with Jungkook in order to keep my mind off Jimin and Jiwoo’s antics. Ever since then, Jungkook and I became very tight, and at some point, I considered him a better friend that Jiwoo or Jimin have ever been. At least, he was flexible enough to meet up with me when I really needed someone. Out of all of my friends, Jungkook proved himself to be the only one I could always rely on.
Without any hesitation, I could call him my best friend.
Usually, it was me who initiated contact, but this time, it was Jungkook who reached out to me, asking me if I had any plans for tonight. I had three exams on Monday, but I still had two spare days to study, so I asked him what he had on mind.
Me | 17:41 | What are you planning?
Jeon | 17:42 | Nothing much… I’m just bored
Jeon | 17:42 | I thought about a movie marathon
Jeon | 17:42 | What do you say???
Jeon | 17:42 | I have snacks
Having hung out with me, Jungkook already knew what to say to pique my interest.
Me | 17:43 | Ok, I’m interested
Me | 17:43 | What are we watching tonight?
Jeon | 17:44 | I don’t know…
Jeon | 17:44 | maybe some action movies?
Me | 17:45 | sounds good
Me | 17:45 | I’ll be over at your place in 30
Jeon | 17:45 | OK, I’m waiting
Quickly, I put my phone away, quickly getting ready to leave. I took my books out of my purse and packed some clothes to sleep in, cosmetics for washing off my make-up before sleep and an extra bottle of plum wine in case we would run out of alcohol.
Within ten minutes, I was ready to leave. Quietly, I exited my room, and then, screamed in shock when Jimin scared the shit out of me. “What the hell are you doing here?” I asked as I pressed my hand against my chest, trying to calm down my beating heart. What was he doing inside the house? What was he doing without Jiwoo? They were attached to the hip – ever since they started going out, I have never seen them separately. Did they have a fight? Did they break up? What the hell was going on?
“Where are you going?” Jimin asked me as he sat up. Staring at me, and then at my bag, he furrowed his eyebrows, trying to figure out where I was headed. “So…” he waited for my answer, but I didn’t want to tell him about Jungkook, knowing he was going to tease me about it, and probably, even try to set me up with him. Honestly, I wouldn’t mind taking our friendship to another level, but if anything was going to stem from it, I wanted it to happen naturally, and not because friends in a relationship wanted me to be in a relationship, too. “Have you finally got yourself a boyfriend?”
I’d love to sneak out to see my boyfriend, but it wasn’t happening, so I only rolled my eyes at him. “What boyfriend? You know I’m not seeing anybody.” I answered honestly, and Jimin sighed, as he evidently wanted me to get laid. “But what is really weird; what are you doing here? Trouble in paradise?” I fired the question as I sat down beside him.
“No, it’s nothing like that.” Jimin quickly denied, and I nodded my head in acknowledgment, waiting for the explanation. Regardless of them forgetting about my existence, they were still my friends, and I cared about them. “Jiwoo’s mother has sent her to a dieting trip, and although I told them that she’s perfect and she doesn’t need to lose any more weight, they didn’t listen to me. She’s going to come back next week; until then, we can only text.”
“You will survive.”
“Of course, I’m going to survive, but I’d rather didn’t have to, you know,” Jimin trailed off, and then, I smiled, trying to disguise my disgusted reaction; they were so sickeningly in love, and I wanted to vomit whenever I witnessed the affection they were showering each other with. “So where are you going? Can I tag along? I need something to keep myself busy when Jiwoo can’t reply me.”
“Sorry, can’t do,” I quickly answered as I stood up and took my bag off the floor. “Lisa’s boyfriend of two years dumped her, and we’re going to console her. She likes you, but you’re too happy with Jiwoo to be any help to her.”
“Oh, I see,” Jimin said, a bit disappointed that he couldn’t accompany me. He understood that it wasn’t the best idea for him to go with me. Thankfully, he didn't inquire any further. “Tell her that this guy is a jerk. She deserves better, anyway.”
“Sure,” I answered, as I ran to the doors. In no time, I put my shoes on and threw my jacket over my shoulders. I told Jungkook that I'd see him in 30 minutes, and because of this chit-chat with Jimin, I was running a bit late.
“You’re late,” said Jungkook as soon as he opened the doors for me. I looked up, trying to apologize and explain that I was trying to blow Jimin off, but Jungkook just shrugged, smiling at me. “I’m just kidding. It’s no big deal. Come on in, I’m making cheese nachos.”
“Ooh… sounds tasty, I have never eaten cheese nachos,” I said, as I closed the doors behind me and took off my shoes.
“You can’t be serious! It’s impossible, everybody has eaten it at some point,” Jungkook spoke, very confused that I have never tasted it.
“There’s always a first time for everything,” I replied, as I followed behind him, sitting in a chair, inhaling the delicious smell of nachos. “So… what are we watching?”
“I don’t know; what about some Marvel movies?” Jungkook proposed, and I sighed, not convinced about his choice. He was a hardcore fan, so he was probably trying to force this hobby on me, too. Spiderman was kinda cute, but it wasn’t enough to convince me to start watching all of the movies from the superhero franchise.
“I don’t feel like it. Maybe some other time,” I trailed off, as I watched Jungkook prepare the nachos. It looked like a simple recipe, but I still appreciated the view in front of me and the effort he put into making it. Although it was actually inappropriate to have these kinds of thoughts about friends, I couldn’t help myself; Jungkook was a snack, but when he was bustling around the kitchen, he was just irresistible.
“OK, let’s go,” Jungkook spoke, pulling me out of my train of thought. Carefully, he carried the trey with nachos to the living room. “I’m actually fine with anything,” he said as he sat down on the couch, turning on his laptop.
It was difficult to pick anything. One of Jungkook’s friends, Namjoon, recommended him Friends to polish his English, and since I had seen the majority of episodes, I proposed to watch Criminal Minds. After what it felt like an hour, for the sake of the stiffing cheese, we decided to compromise – every two episodes of Friends, we were going to watch one of Criminal Minds, and since the duration was almost even, I complied.
 “It is fun hanging out with you like that,” Jungkook said during the third episode of Criminal Minds. Currently, Spencer Reid was in the frame, and I was grinning like an idiot while munching on the rest of nachos. “I mean it; even when you fan-girl over that guy way too hard,” he joked, and I looked at him sternly, not liking his tone.
“Excuse you, but Spencer is a genius. He’s every girl’s favorite,” I remarked, and once again smiled when Spencer said something smart. “Besides, I can lust after whoever I want. I didn’t say anything when you fanboyed over Iron Man the last time.”
“It’s different,” Jungkook argued, and I giggled at his strange behavior. Having paused the video, I put the trey on the table and turned to look at him. “Besides, I’m way cooler than him, anyone would confirm that.”
“Yeah, right,” I snorted, shaking my head in disbelief. What was going on with him? Was he feeling insecure when compared to Spencer? Well… Spencer is a character, and Jungkook’s a real person, and I like him much more. “But seriously, you’re both great.”
“But I’m way more handsome,” Jungkook stubbornly claimed, and I agreed with him, knowing there was no point in arguing. Although it was a little arrogant of him, he was correct. Jungkook had his own charm, and it made him ridiculously attractive. “I was right,” Jungkook admitted, and I rolled my eyes at him, “although I have never caught you drooling over me, I’ve always known you liked me.”
“That’s not what I said,” I fought back, but Jungkook just smiled sheepishly, ignoring whatever I could say to defend my situation.
“Yeah, but you didn’t deny it,” Jungkook admitted smugly, and I smacked his thigh, urging him to stop embarrassing me. I came to watch something, not to get teased.
“Well… in that case,” I started, as I smiled at him and looked straight into his beautiful dark eyes. “You must like me too since you’re so curious about my feelings,” I said, and Jungkook looked away, a bit startled by my bold words. “Am I right, Jeon?”
After our conversation, we continued the marathon until it was four o’clock in the morning. Despite that we basically confessed to each other, nothing exciting happened; we carried on our marathon as if we didn’t just have that talk.
Not that I minded, though. I had no idea why it was possible, but it didn’t feel awkward at all.
Not even when we woke up in the afternoon cuddled on the couch. We probably should’ve discussed this unusual confession, but none of us felt like it. Nothing has changed, and everything seemed fine, so why should we change something that’s good?
The thing that we silently agreed on was giving each other some space. We didn’t part ways with an awkward hug or anything, but we didn’t reach one another throughout the rest of the week. And then, during another week, either, but I didn’t put that much thought to it. I was a pretty hectic week for me, and I suspected Jungkook to deal with similar problems.
Next Thursday, having done the groceries, I was on my way back home. It was past 9 o’clock, and I was tired after many hours of work, and right now, I couldn’t wait to reach the apartment, bake the damn pizza I had been craving the entire week, and doze off during another TV series.
When in front of the doors of my apartment, I put the grocery bag on the floor, as I sought for the keys in my bottomless purse. Quickly, I inserted the key and opened the doors only to shriek in disgust when I saw the scene occurring in front of my eyes.
Jimin was nailing Jiwoo on my fucking couch!
How could they? On my couch! That’s despicable! On my couch!
It was Thursday; she wasn’t supposed to be back until tomorrow! Fine, she was back, but couldn’t they have enough decency to Wam Bam Thank You Ma’am in his bedroom, or at least, give me a heads-up that they were going to defile my couch?
“What the fuck?” I hollered, as I closed my eyes, took a step backward, and slammed the doors shut. I saw them for 2 seconds tops, but Jimin still managed to flash his fucking dong in front of my innocent eyes.
Instantly, I grabbed the groceries and walked out of the apartment complex. The moment the fresh air hit my face, I pulled out my phone and dialed Jungkook’s number. Right now, he was the only one I could turn to, even after what happened the last time I saw him.
“Are you busy right now?” I asked Jungkook, not even bothering to greet him.
“Oh, hi. I’m fine. Thanks for asking,” Jungkook mused, and I rolled my eyes. “I’m waiting for Tae; we’re having a Marvel marathon tonight. Why? What happened?”
“Oh,” I hummed, “I’ll tell you when I get to you,” I stated before I hung up, not waiting for his approval. I had caught them humping on my couch – I was pissed, and I needed to distract myself. Needless to say, hanging out with Jungkook and Taehyung didn’t seem that bad.
They were great, it actually seemed dope.
Within fifteen minutes, I reached Jungkook’s apartment.
Quickly, Jungkook swung the doors open, and then I blurted, “I came back home only to catch Jiwoo getting boned on my fucking couch!”
“What?” Jungkook asked in confusion, but he took a step to the side, letting me in.
“I think I am traumatized right now,” I said lifelessly, as I sat on his couch, dropping my groceries by my feet. “You know what? This couch was very expensive, and they just… profaned it,” I spoke, not caring if Jungkook was listening to me. I just had to get it out of my system. “How could they? On my couch!”
Jungkook sat beside me, as I stared blankly at nothing in particular.
“I came back home after doing shopping, and then I caught them fornicating on my cute couch. And I’m pretty sure I made eye-contact with Jimin’s dick. The worst two seconds of my life. Jungkook, do you have bleach?”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Jungkook reprimanded me, but I casually wrapped my arms around his neck, not even asking if he minded being my shoulder to cry on. Maybe I was being a bit overdramatic, but how was I going to face Jimin after seeing him in his birthday suit?
“Are you hungry?” I asked as soon as I pulled away, jumping on my feet. Usually, hard work kept me occupied, and right now, cooking seemed to be the only activity I could engage myself in. “I was going to bake pizza, I have all the needed ingredients,” I announced, picking up the grocery bag, moving toward his tiny kitchen.
“Do you need any help?” Jungkook offered, sitting by the kitchen island, watching me rummage around the kitchen.
“You can shred the cheese,” I told him, giving him one of the simplest tasks.
Jungkook turned on the radio, and we cooked in peace, talking about everything and nothing. He knew that I had to be kept busy, and he helped me. And I really appreciated it.
“When is Tae going to be here?” I inquired when I unpacked the groceries.
“Oh, he should’ve been here by now,” Jungkook said when he checked the time. “Wait a second,” he mused when he pulled out his phone. “That bitch ditched me!” Jungkook yelled, showing me their conversation in which Taehyung picked a hot Tinder date over Jungkook.
“What kind of friends do we have?” I asked rhetorically, but then I smiled at him. “Don’t be sad, though. If he’s not coming, it means there’s more food for us.” I said, reminding him that there’s always a blessing in disguise. “And my pizza is to die for!”
“Do you want a drink? I think we both need to get drunk,” Jungkook offered, and I nodded – he must’ve read my mind. If he didn’t want to hand me a bottle of bleach, then I’d have to resort to alcohol. “That fucker.”
Quickly, Jungkook poured us drinks, and although it was a bit too strong for my liking, I was going to drink it because the urge to erase Jimin’s dick from my memory was stronger than my common sense.
“So… is he big?” Jungkook asked me when he finished shredding the cheese. He was sitting on the opposite side of the table, supping his drink, staring at me knead the dough. Having sighed, I looked up at him, and flicked some flour on his face, hoping that he would shut his mouth. I wanted to erase that image, and talking about it wouldn’t make that picture to go away. “What? I wanna know.” Jungkook whined, and I shook my head, having no energy to comment on his statement.
Why do men need to know if they’re bigger or not? What does he need this validation for?
“Why don’t you focus on something useful… like turning on the oven, for example,” I said, and Jungkook listened to my command.
“So you’re not going to answer me, are you?” Jungkook asked me again as if he hoped I’d change my mind.
“Sorry to disappoint you, but I have nothing to compare it with,” I started, as I spread the sauce over the dough. “If you really wanna know, just flash me your dick, and I’ll tell you who’s bigger,” I added boldly, and Jungkook choked on his second drink, as he did not expect me to ask him to do that.
“On the second thought, I don’t wanna know,” he said, returning to his previous spot. “A simple no would work, by the way.”
“I’m not so sure it would,” I said confidently, as I put all the toppings. Now, we just had to wait for the oven to heat. “So what do you want to do? I need to do something to keep myself busy, so I could forget what I saw. I’m literally down with everything.”
“Everything you say?” Jungkook repeated after me, cocking up his eyebrow, probably thinking of something naughty. If I was right, I couldn’t blame him for any indecent thoughts of me. I would be a hypocrite because I had been thinking about him every night when I had been trying to fall asleep. And then, he had often haunted my dreams, too.
“What? What are you thinking about?” I inquired, though I had already a few possible answers to my question. Jungkook’s embarrassed smile could only mean one thing.
“Oh, I don’t think you wanna find out, baby,” he answered cockily, and I looked into his eyes, as I didn’t expect to hear that kind of reply. My boldness had successfully shied him away, and he was trying to intimidate me in the same way.
“What a shame,” I muttered, as I turned around to put the pizza into the oven. “As I said, I’m down with anything. So, what? Should we continue our marathon from where we left it last week?” I proposed innocently, but Jungkook didn’t seem excited about that option.
“You know what? Screw this,” Jungkook said before he approached me, turned me around, and forced his lips against mine. The kiss was rushed and sloppy, but it conveyed our frustration and urgency, and to me, it was perfect.
Almost instantly, he pushed his tongue into my mouth, and I let out a moan. His hands were holding my face, while mine quickly found purchase on his firm butt and pulled him against me. Unsynchronized, our lips moved together, desperately making up for the lost time that we had spent not kissing each other.
“Jungkook,” I moaned his name, and as if being urged, he hoisted me up and sat me down on the kitchen counter. With his lips tightly pressed against mine, he spread my legs and quickly slipped between them.
Although Jungkook barely touched me, I felt the flame kindle within me. Jungkook’s hands wandered down my sides until they reached my hips where he dug his fingers in. I loved it when he was feeling my body.
When I wanted to moan his name again, Jungkook bit on my bottom lip, stopping it from rolling off my tongue. Right now, he only cared about one thing, and it was me reciprocating his passionate kiss.
“I wanted to do that for quite a long time,” Jungkook confessed, as he pulled away. His eyes were shut close; his forehead was pressed against mine, while his hands dragged me over to the edge of the counter so I could feel his hardening cock.
“Me, too,” I admitted, as I wrapped my legs around his waist. “I won’t tell you how many times thoughts of you fucking me kept me awake at night,” I added, and Jungkook chuckled before he captured my lips again, already missing them.
“I’m hoping you thought of me every night,” Jungkook whispered against my mouth before he began to suck on my bottom lip, playfully pulling it. “I couldn’t fall asleep before I jerked off to you,” Jungkook confessed, and I giggled, as I imagined his veiny hand moving up and down his erection, his hips thrusting against his grip, the little hisses which left his mouth before he moaned my name.
“Do you want to go on a date with me?” I blurted out when Jungkook’s lips left my mouth, as he desperately wanted to mark my skin. Gently, Jungkook nipped my neck, as he wanted to imprint his feelings on my body. I didn’t mind hickeys, and I was sure that Jungkook wasn’t going to stop with one. No, he’s the type of a guy to mark me everywhere.
“Are you asking me out?” Jungkook inquired, and I purred when I felt his cold breath on the wet skin of my neck. “I should be the one doing that,” he concluded before he returned to his erotic ministrations; his teeth lightly scratched my skin, and his tongue licked the grazed area, and I probably enjoyed it more than I should. “Tomorrow, we’re going on a date.”
“You’re so hot when you’re so controlling,” I admitted honestly, and if Jungkook didn’t believe me, my wet panties could confirm that I indeed meant my words. “Which is strange because I hate being bossed around,” I added, and Jungkook grinned as he looked up, innocently pecking my lips.
“I wanna be inside of you already,” Jungkook whined, as he rubbed his erected cock against my sex, showing me how desperate he was to feel me. “I wanna feel how you squeeze around me; I wanna hear you scream my name when I make you come.”
“Jungkook, I…” and when I was about to tell him that I wanted him to take me on that kitchen counter, the oven started to ring, signalizing that the pizza was ready. As soon as we realized that the oven just cockblocked us, we began to laugh. “I think it’s a sign that we shouldn’t be doing that,” I said as I pushed him away and jumped off the counter, so I could take the pizza out of the oven before it would burn.
“I highly doubt that,” Jungkook answered as he sat down by the table, watching me bend over. “Your ass is amazing by the way,” he spoke in admiration, but I only rolled my eyes, even though I was flattered that he visually liked my butt.
“Thank you, but if you think that flattery with help you get into my pants, then you’re right,” I said playfully, as I put on mittens and placed the tin-ware on the stove. “But in your case, I think you could do all of the worst things to me, and I’d still let you fuck me, Jeon.”
“I’m honored to hear that you’re whipped for me,” Jungkook said casually, still observing my moves. “What kinky things would you let me do to you?”
“Probably all of them,” I said as I sat astride on his muscular thighs. “Wow, your muscles are no joke. Let me guess; you never skip the leg day, do you?” I asked him while playing with his hair as I wrapped my arms around his neck.
“I actually do sometimes, but usually it’s when you wanna hang out,” Jungkook admitted, as he grabbed my butt and pulled me closer, so his dick was pressed against my clothed entrance. I was feeling him through the fabric, and it felt absolutely erotic – if he would bury his cock inside of me, I’d probably squeeze around him immediately. “You’re the sole reason why I slack off sometimes.”
“I’m sorry, I had no idea I’m such a bad influence,” I whispered into his ear, rubbing my sex against his throbbing cock. “So… are you hungry? The pizza tastes the best when it’s right out of the oven,” I said, mentioning the food, but Jungkook ignored my proposition, as he was dead set on devouring me.
“It looks and smells delicious, but I fancy something else,” Jungkook stated, and I leaned forward to peck his swollen lips to shut him up. He didn’t want to eat me out, did he? I didn’t mind, I knew what his tongue could do, but more than anything, I was desperate to feel his cock fill me. “I’m so hard, baby,” Jungkook hissed, as he cupped his dick.
“Do you want me to suck you off?” I asked sounding unfittingly innocent what really threw him off for a while. Slowly, I slid off his thighs, waiting for him to stop me if he didn’t want to. Just as I expected, Jungkook didn’t protest, he only admired me when I got on my knees between his legs. “It’s my first time, so don’t expect a pro,” I warned him when I cupped his crotch through the material of his jeans. The moment my hand gently squeezed his erection, Jungkook let out a hushed moan of pleasure.
“That’s right, baby. Touch me,” Jungkook breathed out, and I obediently undid the button of his jeans and pulled the zipper down. Biting my lips, I grabbed the hem of his trousers and yanked them down to his calves.
Apparently, Jungkook’s a boxers kind of guy. His budge was impressive, and I couldn’t wait until I’d see what’s hidden under the material. Having licked my lips, I leaned forward to press my lips against his clothed erection. Jiwoo had told me a few months ago that guys liked a little bit of teasing, and it appears that, Jungkook likes it, too.
“You know how to tease me very well for someone who has never done it,” Jungkook nonchalantly commented, but I just shrugged. I wanted to taste him, and I didn’t want to engage in useless conversation with him.
“You will change your mind when I graze your dick with my teeth,” I said jokingly, but Jungkook panicked even if it was for about a second.
“I think I like you too much to get seriously mad at you,” Jungkook admitted, and I smiled shyly, hoping not to blush at his strange confession. With my eyes trained on his erection, I freed his cock out of the boxers, giving it a few delicate strokes. “Oh, your hands are so cold,” Jungkook hissed, kicking his head backward.
“Hints are very much appreciated,” I added, reminding him it was my first time stroking and blowing a man, so if he had any pointers for me, I’d gladly use them.
“You can squeeze your hand a bit tighter, I barely feel your touch, and it drives me insane,” Jungkook instructed me, and I followed his tips, making him bite his bottom lip, as he tried to remain cool. “You can spit on it, you know,” he added, but I ignored him this time, deciding to lick his cock from its base all up to its tip instead.
“Shit,” Jungkook cursed, shutting his eyes close. “Just put it in your mouth already,” Jungkook urged, and I wrapped my mouth around the tip of his cock just as he demanded. “Oh, yeah, just like that,” Jungkook panted out, enjoying the way I ran my tongue around the tip while simultaneously squeezing his balls.
“I’m so turned out right now,” I moaned, feeling excitement flare up inside of me. “I’m so wet for your thick cock,” I added before I once again put his cock into my mouth, this time taking more of him. His response was immediate; although he was trying to stay still because of my lack of experience, he couldn’t stop himself from buckling his hips up, desperate to fuck my throat.
“OK, that’s enough,” Jungkook whispered, as I probably did something wrong. Well…, if anything, it was his fault – he was thrusting into my mouth when I was evidently not prepared for it. “It’s my turn to take care of you; don’t you think?” He added as he offered me his hand to help me stand up.
“You want to eat me out?”
“Damn straight I do,” Jungkook answered quickly, as he jumped up to his feet in front of me and threw me over his shoulder. “You remember that drinking game we played? I’m gonna prove to you how mind-blowing head I give,” he added and spanked my butt playfully.
“If I knew that my choice would hurt your ego so much, I’d just point at Hoseok,” I answered, trying to refrain myself from giggling. The situation was ridiculous; Jungkook was trying to prove me wrong, although I had no doubts in his skills.
Quickly, Jungkook stepped out of his boxers, leaving them behind on the kitchen floor as he carried me to his bedroom.
“To be completely honest, I thought of eating you out ever since,” Jungkook admitted as he placed me on his bed carefully. “How you would moan my name, how you would arch your back and buckle into my face,” he continued, and I hid my face behind my hands too embarrassed to look at him. “Is it too much?”
Hesitantly, I lowered my hands to look at him; Jungkook was sitting on the other side of the bed, staring at me. He looked incredibly nervous, and I couldn’t believe it was me who made him stressed like that. It was just me; he didn’t have to worry about what I was thinking.
“What are you talking about? It’s nothing compared to what I was thinking,” I stated confidently, trying to ease the tension between us. “Maybe I wasn’t pining for you as long as you were for me, but my thoughts are way kinkier. You don’t have to be embarrassed in front of me,” I explained, and with that, Jungkook surged forward, getting on top of me, kissing my breath away.
“You’re too great to be real,” he whispered when he pulled away for a second. Before I managed to reply, his lips returned to my mouth, while his hands started to once again roam around my body. Jungkook completely dominated the kiss, and I moaned into his mouth when he squeezed my breast and rubbed his erection against me.
“Just fuck me, Jeon. I don’t care if it’s your cock, tongue or fingers. I just have to feel you, please,” I urged me, as grinding my sex against him wasn’t the best sign of what I wanted him to do. Kissing him was beyond amazing, but my pussy was throbbing for his attention.
“I just love how needy you are,” Jungkook whispered as he kissed my neck, undoing my trousers, pushing his hand under the hem of my panties. “And your pussy is drenched,” he stated matter-of-factly, as he began to rub my juices across my clit.
“Yes,” I breathed out, pushing my hips upwards, wanting him to apply more force. “Oh my God, Jungkook, please, more,” I moaned, hoping that my desperate cries for pleasure would make him stop teasing me.
“Undress,” Jungkook ordered, and I quickly grabbed the hem of my shirt and pulled it over my head, while Jungkook yanked my jeans and panties down my legs, tossing them on the floor. “You look even better than I imagined,” Jungkook admitted before he leaned forward, placing delicate kisses on my stomach, down to my sex.
Firmly, his large hand held my hips in one place. With one last look at me, Jungkook dived in, shaking my world upside down with his tongue. All of his attention was focused on my clit, he massaged it, tugged it and swirled his tongue around it.
Though it was my first time when a guy went down on me, I could tell that Jungkook was amazing; I enjoyed it more than all of my past intimate endeavors. Unlike all the other men I had been with, Jungkook wasn’t only a taker. He gave so much from himself, while at the same time; he wasn’t trying to force me into returning the pleasure. He was perfect.
“You’re so hot,” Jungkook praised me before he started to fuck me with his tongue; it was so nice, I thought I could easily come on his mouth. “I could bet that I could make you come with my fingers,” he added smugly, as he inserted his middle finger inside my pussy.
“I’m not going to bet when I know I’m gonna lose,” I replied genuinely, as I had no intention to boost his ego even more. My desperate moans already stroked it a bit too much.
“Shame,” Jungkook spoke before he started to suck on my clit while curling his fingers inside of me, as he tried to make me come around his fingers.
“You’ve proven your point, Jeon. You’re amazing at giving head,” I said, as I gripped the sheets when Jungkook’s fingers found my sweet spot. “But I really want to come around your cock. Jungkook, please, I want to feel your cock inside of me.”
“Is it weird that it turns me on when you call me Jeon?” Jungkook asked as he pulled out, once again getting on top of me, placing his chin between my breasts.
“No, it’s not, Jeon,” I answered, watching his reaction when I called him by his surname. He didn’t lie, he evidently enjoyed it. “Is it weird that I want you to fill my pussy with cum and then make me come with your fingers with your cum inside of me?”
“A bit,” Jungkook admitted, and I giggled along with him. “But shit, now when you said it, I want to do that,” he added, and I smirked, glad that he didn’t find my fantasy too weird for him. “So… how do you want me to fuck your pussy?”
“I was wondering if I could ride your dick.”
“Baby, this seat is yours,” Jungkook said, as he lay beside me, letting me climb on top of him.
“Take off your shit, I wanna see these abs you’ve been working on,” I commanded, and Jungkook complied, showing off his beautiful muscles. Admiring the view in front of me, I reached behind my back to unhook my bra, releasing my breast.
“Do you like it?” He asked, but instead of answering him, I just grind my pussy against his throbbing cock. “You love it,” he concluded, tensing his muscles, so when I touched them, they were hard as rocks.
“I do, but I’d still like you if you weren’t ripped,” I admitted before I managed to bite my tongue. We had confessed to each other before, but it had never been that direct.
“And I’d still like you if you were just as ripped as I am,” Jungkook jested, and I rubbed him harder, excited to finally feel him inside of me. “Ride me.”
Slowly, I grabbed his cock and aligned it with my entrance, carefully sinking down onto it. He was thick, and despite being incredibly wet, I still was tight for his cock.
“Oh my God,” Jungkook moaned when my walls stretched around his length. “It feels so good,” he added, as he gently moved his hips, and I moaned, loving the feeling of him inside of me. It felt like heaven.”You’re so warm.”
At first, I rocked my hips slowly, but gradually I increased the pace. His cock was filling me so good, and whenever I sank down on it, I let a loud moan.
“Yes, baby,” Jungkook hissed, as he sat up. With his fingers digging into my flesh, he helped me reach the tempo which satisfied us both. “You’re so hot,” he added again, as he pressed his lips against my skin between my breasts. “You will make me come ridiculously fast,” Jungkook said, and I giggled in between desperate gasps for air.
My stamina was nonexistent when compared to Jungkook’s.
“Oh my God, yes!” I screamed when Jungkook hand rubbed my clit. “Fuck,” I panted, picking my pace, riding him using the last bits of my energy. My walls started to hiss around Jungkook’s throbbing cock, and judging by a multitude of hushed breaths which left his mouth, Jungkook was close too.
“Please, don’t stop,” Jungkook begged, as he began to thrust from underneath me. He was desperate to reach his orgasm, and I couldn’t wait to hear him shout my name when he’d release his load inside of me. “I’m coming, I’m coming, shit,” Jungkook loudly whined as he came, milking my walls with his sticky cum.
“Please, don’t stop!” I shouted as I continued to chase my release. “Fuck, Jungkook, I feel so good,” I said before the wave of pleasure surged through me, making me scream his name and arch my back. It was by far the best orgasm of my life.
“It was amazing,” Jungkook said as he kissed my temple, watching me descend slowly on the ground after the blissful peak. “You are amazing,” he added, but I only wrapped my arms around him, hiding my face in the crook of his neck.
“We have to keep doing that,” I commented, feeling incredibly euphoric. “I had no idea that sex could be this good,” I added while absentmindedly caressing his sweaty chest.
“I had no idea I’m this good,” Jungkook teased, and I lightly hit him. He was getting too smug for his own good. “So, you wanted another round, is that right?” Jungkook asked as he pulled out his cock, letting his jizz slowly leak out of my pussy. “It’s a lot of cum.”
“I know what I said, and I’m still turned on when I think about it, but now, I can only think about a hot shower,” I explained, even though I suspected Jungkook to be disappointed with me changing my mind so quickly. “Are you mad?”
“Are you kidding me?” Jungkook asked me as he propped on his elbow to be able to look at me properly. “I could never be mad at you.” He stated, pecking my forehead. “We’ll have a quick shower, and then, we’ll eat your pizza.”
“I like that plan.”
“I am not finished,” he said, making me curious about his plans. “Tomorrow, before our date I’m giving you two orgasms,” Jungkook proposed, and I eagerly nodded my head. “And another two orgasms after our date.”
“That’s crazy.”
“No, it would be crazy if I wanted to make you come during the date.”
“You’re crazy,” I corrected myself, trying my best not to giggle.
“Maybe a little bit.”
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junova · 6 years
Cloud Nine | Peter Kavinsky
Word Count: 2.1K+ 
Warnings: Very light make out sesh, slight mention of anxiety, angst, cheating. 
A/N: Hey guys! My name is Lae and this is my first imagine as I’m hopping on the Noah Centineo bandwagon. Let me know if you like this one and would like more. Request are always open. Happy reading! 
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          This was definitely not how I would typically spend my Saturday night, but Stasia, my best friend certainly had other plans for us tonight. It was supposed to be a quiet night at my house, binging on popcorn and cheese puffs, but then her boyfriend called. As soon as she picked up the phone, I knew we were going wherever Ace wanted. I didn’t mind too much and Stasia seemed happy with Ace, so I never pushed. If I had known where we would end up that night, I would’ve stayed as close to my bed as humanly possible. Nevertheless, I sat in the backseat of Ace’s jeep, third wheeling once again.  
          “Stasia, did we really have to come to the lacrosse game? He’s here.” Y/N didn’t like to come to school events anymore, really. Partly, because my ex boyfriend was always apart of them, front and center. It was one of the reasons why I loved him so much, but now it was just goddamn annoying. “C’mon honey, he’s on the field it’s not like you’re going to see him. It’ll be fine.” 
         We continued to walked up to ticket booth, showing them our student passes before headed to find a seat on the bleachers. Thankfully, the game had already stared, so we didn’t have to endure all the pre-game nonsense. I respected the sport, I really did, but I didn’t want to see him lead the team out on their first playoff game with everyone screaming his name. Just wasn’t something I wanted to witness or be a part of anymore.
          I hated myself for spotting him immediately, even with his helmet on. His signature white compression, tights he wore underneath his shorts giving him away. Plus, he was the only one wearing them on the field, so it was easy for me to spot him. I tried to pay attention to the conversation Ace and Stasia we’re having, but here I was again, completely enthralled by him. He always had this effect on me, even when we were dating. I couldn’t believe he was my boyfriend and that he wanted me, he chose me. 
          He had been everything to me. He was my best friend who ended up being my boyfriend, but I hadn’t seen him since everything happened. Frankly, I don’t know if I ever wanted to see him. Yet, here I was at his dumbass lacrosse game, courtesy of Ace and Stasia’s need to join the rest of civilization. Although, being here, it made me wonder if I done the right thing. In the moment, it felt like I had all those months ago but seeing him again didn’t clarify any doubts I was currently feeling about him. 
          I watched as the clock winded down to zero, the ring of the buzzer filling the stadium. Everyone cheering loudly due to the win the lacrosse teams scored tonight. The spirits were at a high tonight, and it wasn’t just because of the stoners smoking their blunts. Maybe I could actually use one right now. 
          “You okay, babe?” Y/N looked over at her and gave Stasia a half smile, it was the best I could do given the circumstances. I knew I had zoned out for a moment, so Stasia was waiting for me patiently with her impatient boyfriend.c 
          “Stas, I think I’m gonna stick around for a bit. You guys don’t have to wait up. I’ll be fine.” She gave you a nod, knowing this wasn’t something she should push, before ushering Ace in the other direction towards the exit.
          As soon as everyone filled out of the field, that’s when I began walking towards the locker room before I even knew where my feet were carrying me.  I stood to the far right of the entrance, waiting for everyone to come out, knowing he’s always the last one to leave. I felt my palms begin to sweat, and my hands began to shake but I couldn’t back out. This was the closest I had come to confronting him in the months we’d had been apart. I needed to do this for me. A few moments later he came out of the locker room, and I couldn’t believe it was him. Right in front of me. His tall stature making me feeling incredibly small, insignificant even. 
          “Peter?” He stopped dead in his tracks, knowing that voice was only existed in his dreams now. You couldn’t really be here. You never were anymore. If he tried to talk to you, you always went in the other direction. Peter tried for a few months, but eventually gave up on being your friend again. You so clearly wanted nothing to do with him and he had to accept it. Although, he still found himself thinking about you from time to time. You were his first and he was yours, it was hard to give up something like that. 
          “Y/N? What are you doing here?” I wasn’t really sure what to say. I didn’t really know why I thought this was a good idea. I knew it wasn’t. If it included Peter and I, it never was. We tried to make ourselves fit as a couple so hard, but we just never did. 
          “I actually don’t know. Just, um, please forget you saw me here tonight. Cool? Thanks.” I tried to walk away from him, but he grabbed my hand, pulling me towards him.
         For the first time in months, I was looking at Peter and he was focused in on me and it felt suffocating. His hand had intertwined with mine, while the other left limp at my side. Peter’s curls fell perfectly on his face, still looked a little damp, but perfect nonetheless. 
            God, the way he was looking at me had to be intoxicating. He looked like a deer in headlights, and I wasn’t sure if I should feel prideful that I still had this effect on him or frightened I still did. The beautiful brown haired boy with wholesome brown eyes, looking down on me like I aligned the stars in the sky. Just for him, but we both knew I wasn’t that kind. 
          “Please, don’t go yet. I need a second with you.” I gulped, very fucking loudly or at least that’s what it felt like. My nerves already kicking in with the slight physical contact with Peter.
          Then, his hand left mine and I felt exposed in the cool autumn hair without his warmth until I felt his hands cupped my cheeks, and I felt warm again. Peter’s thumb slowly grazed my lip, which had to be quivering by now, but I was completely okay with it this time around. Slowly, he leaned down so his forehead was leaning against mine, shuffling his body closer to mine. My hands found his waist, wanting to feel secure while I’m with him a moment longer. It didn’t matter how long it had been or the issues we had with one another, he was my home. Whether it was platonically or romantically, it was the truth. 
          Peter was so close to me now. So close. I could hear every breath he inhaled, and feel every exhale. “Please, don’t leave me again.” My heart broke at Peter’s words, yet I said nothing. We just continued to hold each other, neither of us wanting the moment to end. Although, maybe Peter knew this wasn’t good for either of us, so he backed away, losing any contact we once held before.
          Peter stood there uncomfortably, the intimacy of the moment they shared suddenly hitting him. He knew he shouldn’t have been this close with you, especially not when he had a girlfriend.
          “Yeah, right. How could I forget? I should go, Peter. I’m sorry.” I walked away from him and I began walking home, alone and in the dark. Such a perfect fit in comparison to the rest of her life. Until, Peter ran up towards you, against all internal wishes you had for yourself and for him as well. 
          “Y/N, I can’t let you walk alone, in the dark at night. Let me take you home.” You knew he was right so you let him do just that. Here you were again, in Peter’s Jeep and you could almost smell her perfume lingering in his car. Every time you thought of her, you felt like you didn’t have a place with him anymore. She was his best friend and his girlfriend. What could you be to him? You had been replaced and as selfish as it sounds you wanted to be that to him again but reality is a real bitch slap in the face. 
          There you sat confused as ever when Peter’s hand found your exposed thigh, your short dress slightly hiked up. I looked up at him, but his line of focus stood with the road in front of him. I decided not to think anything of it as I faced the other window. 
          Finally, we arrived at my home, which was right next to Peter’s. Always so convenient as he would like to say. For some reason, we both still sat in the car with the engine still on. Maybe we didn’t want the night to end because when it did, I’d have to forget about this night entirely if I still wanted to maintain my sanity.  
          “I want to say something just in case I never get to say it again.” Y/N looked at Peter again, before slowly nodding her head, waiting for him to speak. Silently, scared of what he might say. 
          “You need to know I never meant to hurt you. The way it all went down wasn’t my intention nor was it the plan. I loved you, Y/N. More than I have loved anyone, and I fucked it up. I know that. I should’ve went to you about everything, but I went to Lara Jean and it’s so fucking messy, now. I made my choice and I know I should stick to it, but don’t I have the right to change my mind?” I shook my head. He’s just having a lapse of misconstructed judgement, and then this feeling will be over. He’ll be over me, and I’ll be the one that has to move on. Peter will be with Lara Jean, and I’ll be the one alone, once again. Setting the reset button all over again was something I was so desperately trying to avoid. 
          “Peter, just leave it alone. All three of us know, Lara Jean is the one you’re in love with. Let’s all do each other a favor and bury this in the ground and never dig it up again.” I never understood why Peter couldn’t just leave it, alone. I just wanted to leave it all in the past.
          I unbuckled my seat belt, turning to say goodbye to him, before I left the car but he had other plans. Before I even knew it was happening, he grabbed me by the waist, lifting me over to his side, so I was sitting on his lap.
          “Peter, what the hell is your problem?” There he sat, as he stared at me intensely, without uttering a sound. In the back of my mind, I had the itching reminder that the boy’s lap I’m sitting on has a girlfriend. I tried to remove myself from him by opening the door, but Peter just closed it shut again. Persistent as ever.
          “Fuck. You’re my problem. You always will be.” With that, he’s lips found mine and I forgot every thought roaming through my head. My fingers threaded through his curly locks, as I kissed him back with a passion I hadn’t felt in so long. He’s tongue traced my bottom lip, side to side, teasing for an entrance I wasn’t willing to give, just yet.
          Peter grabbed me by my hips, encouraging me to move them with his own. I immediately gasped out in surprise, his tongue slotting in at the moment of vulnerability. He kissed me as if this was going to be the last time, and I believe it would be. So, I was going to do something I’d only ever done with Peter. I don’t think it’ll ever feel right if I ever did it with anyon me else. This was the chance which was given to me and I would take. I would accept any consequences along with it.
          I pulled away from Peter for just a second, slipping off my lace thong, before stuffing it in the pocket of his gym shorts. Kissing him hard and fast, once again.
          Peter was now clear on exactly where this was going and part of him wishes this would end, for Lara Jean’s sake and for his own. He didn’t know if he could ever come back from this or how he would. There was a clear line he was crossing with Y/N and he wasn’t sure if he was ready for it. 
          It wasn’t that Peter didn’t want to have sex with you because he really fucking did. You were the most beautiful person he ever had the pleasure of knowing, inside and out. You genuinely cared about people, and always put everyone’s needs before your own, but he had a girlfriend. Peter definitely didn’t want to make you feel like the other woman. It wasn’t who you were to him and he didn’t want to compromise who you were just because he couldn’t keep his dick in his pants. Peter knew everything you stood for and it’s why he loved you so much. He would hate himself if he turned you into the other woman.  
          Peter pulled away from you, detaching his lips from your for a moment. “Can we pause for a second?” I nodded slightly, thinking I did something wrong. Honestly, what had I been thinking? Peter would come back running to me when he had Lara Jean. She was perfect. They were perfect together. Yet, here I was again with him. Awkwardly, just sitting in his lap with my panties in his pocket completely exposed to him.
          “Umm, did I, uh, do something wrong?” I ran my finger through my hair nervously like I always did, before returning them to my lap. I knew I was being absolutely selfish in this scenario, but it was Peter. I couldn’t help it when it came to him. 
          “No, of course not. You’re perfect.” Peter cradled my face in his left hand, with his right arm around my waist. “It’s just, um, Lara Jean and I are still together and I need to figure some stuff out. Yeah?” I nodded my head, understanding the situation I had put us in. I needed to give him time to process everything that had happened between us and maybe I did to. This was Peter Kavinsky we were talking about. There was always strings attached, most of the time they were pulling at my heart. 
          Before, I could say or do anything I heard a loud knock on the door and I was faced with Lara Jean with a look that would kill as I sat on Peter’s lap with my thong hanging out of his shorts. 
Fuck, what had I gotten myself into. 
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puckmanhq · 5 years
SOMEBODY ELSE // ( nobias )
WHO: noah puckerman & toby berry ( @berrytobias )
WHAT: an unexpected moment
WHERE: puckersquad penthouse 
WHEN: july 23, 2019 @ 8:42pm
WHY: because at some point these two were gonna have to converse about some shit except did they? 
Usually, Puck would have gone on acting like Toby was some 'other' in his weird little family tree. The brother of his baby mama, his daughter's uncle, his kid sister's best friend. Always there off to the side, blurred and close but never the focus, bever directly in his line of sight. Not until a couple weeks ago anyway, when he'd woken up hungover as fuck, naked and covered by an equally undressed Toby. Was it any wonder he'd assumed they'd had sex. Suddently this consistant background presence was front and center, and there that tall lanky man remained, even now. With the end credits of Fast Five scrolling along the TV screen, Puck had barely even paid attention and that was genuinely surprising. I mean Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson made his entrance to the franchise in this movie and all Puck could think about was the last time he and Toby were on acouch together. "We'd be more fucked up than last time if we actually drank everytime a one liner was said in that fucking movie. But you've gotta try the apple pie moonshine, shit tastes legit, I promise."
Toby slouched back against the couch with a silent sigh. The space between them felt a lot more than it actually was, a lot deeper than the shadows hiding inside the cushion crevices. It felt awkward. He had really hoped the movie invitation would put him and Puck back at zero. He wanted to rewind them back before the glitter hug at the parade and before the naked version of off-key karaoke. But life wasn’t a stupid VHS tape. Toby lolled his head to the side, looking at puck with his signature lop-sided smile. "Either that, or every time they shifted gears.” Toby tapped his temple with a wink. “See, you fucked up, Puck. You can’t mention apple pie to me and not have me want to taste. I love dessert. I mean, I love food in general, but sweet stuff?” He wiggled. “Ooh, baby.” He then collapsed his fingers in a grabbing motion at his handsome host. “Gimme.”
"Dude you wanna get fucked up with gear shifts you gotta watch the second and third movie. Your skinny ass would definitely need a stomach pump trying to keep up with that shit." Already pouring a shot for his apparent drinking buddy, although he was taking it slow. Didn't want a repeat of last time, if anything was gonna happen he wanted his wits about him. A drunk him trying to make something more happen is, as his sister would put it, not it. Handing the full shot glass to Toby, he smiled a the grabby hands and that shouldn't have been as endearing to Puck as it was. Maybe he had drank more then he thought. Feeling his fingers ghost over Toby's as he tried to make sure Toby had a decent gasp on the glass he felt his body desperate to react and thank fuck he wasn't seventeen anymore and he had more control over his body. Without even realizing his body had moved even closer to Toby's on the couch, effectively closing the gap between them. "It's fucking good right?There's not even a bite to it. Shit is dangerous." Honestly, he was way too focused on memorizing everything about Toby's face as he spoke to even realize he'd said anything.
“You say that like I’ve never played this game with Ali. We’re pros, my dude.” Which was, only partly true. Semi-pros was probably more accurate. Their drinking games mainly revolved around obscure references and how many on-screen deaths there were. Toby didn’t flinch at the bump of their fingers or the warmth that radiated off them. Toby’s personal bubble was excruciatingly small. He had no issue with closeness, much to the annoyance of certain people. He scooted forward to properly take the shot, gently knocking Puck’s knee with his own. He lifted the glass. “Down the hatch.” His usual grimace faded as quickly as the drink fell past his throat. “Ooh shit.” He looked over at puck with exuberant child-like wonder.  “Bro,” he drew loudly, “that was tasty as hell.” He licked his lips. “You’re gonna have to hit me with another one. It’s--” He rolled his eyes at Puck’s warning. “Oh, come the fuck on. There’s nothing wrong with things being dangerous.” He handed over his glass forcefully. He was getting another shot goddammit. “That’s what makes life interesting, Puck. Live a little with me.” He thought for a moment. You know, kinda like last time. But not like last time, because you have AC,” he clarified. Toby cleared his throat. “Should we... Um.” He scratched the back of his neck with anxious fingers. “Should we talk about that night by the way? I know we didn’t do anything, but…”
Fuck, he’d been drinking water when Toby had the fucking nerve to say something as ludicrous as down the hatch, so naturally the next thing out of Puck’s mouth was water. Putting his glass down, he lifted his shirt up to wipe the water from his chin, running it down to his chest as well, before idly taking the empty glass from Toby. “Dude you’re already saying shit like down the hatch, I don’t think you need anymore.” Despite his words his actions said he was totally down with a two shots of moonshine in Tobias Berry, seeing as he was pouring him another as he fucking spoke. “Pretty sure I wrote the book on living a little. Chapter one, Knock up your best friend. Chapter two, get sent to juvie. Chapter three, drop out of high school. Shit, maybe if I’d finished junior year I could write a damn book.” Honestly, he was going to just act like Toby hadn’t brought up the thing Puck had spent weeks trying to forget even happened. Wasn’t that like the unspoken thing? What happens on tequila is forgotten forever and whatever you do remember you pretend you fucking forgot. Did no one tell the kid the rules of Añejo? Handing him his shot and taking one himself, he wiped his bottom lip before clearing his throat. Looking intently at him, Puck tried to read him, figure out if he wanted to say something without actually having to say anything, but he didn’t know the younger man well enough to do all that. Throwing his arm around the back of the couch around Toby’s shoulders, still looking at him. It was like Puck didn’t have that much control over his fucking body and he wasn’t 100% sure where the fuck it was going to take him next and maybe that was his way of living a little. “Sorry can’t remember, what was it that didn’t happen again?” He asked with a slight smirk, looking between Toby’s mouth and his eyes, Puck suddenly knew exactly where his body want to take this.
Toby tossed back his shot before answering, hoping the liquid courage would coat his throat and make everything he wanted to say smoother, sweeter, and more like the taste that was already fading from his tongue  “I know you can’t remember, Puck. That was the whole point of talk--” Toby blanched. Was… Was Puck putting the moves on him? It was all there. The smirk. The arm move. Toby’s pupils dilated. Was Puck looking at his mouth? “Oh God,” he spoke absentmindedly. “I mean, um…” His heart doubled its speed as he forced his gaze away. Why did he suddenly feel like he was 15 again? He didn’t still have a crush on his sister’s baby daddy. That was idiotic. “Aliyah said we…” Toby swallowed and regained his composure. “She said that we were being drunk jackasses and we sang karaoke and shit. Got naked at some point?” Cuddled. “Then we, um. Then we passed out. Nothing happened. But I wanted to make sure you weren’t weird about it, I guess?” Toby laughed nervously. “You know what? It’s fine. Water under the bridge or whatever.” Toby patted Puck’s thigh. “That cool? We good?” He didn’t move his hand.
As the other spoke, Puck looked at him intently, holding back a smile as he recounted their tale all those weeks ago. Once them getting naked was mentioned he could feel the slight pressure from him biting his bottom lip. Honestly it made him think it was kind of a shame they hadn’t made out, would have taken care of some of their current tension, but then that would be so much less fun. A flustered Toby was, kinda hot. Barely even registering what the younger man said before he finally stopped talking, Puck just looked down at the hand resting on his thigh and nodded. There were a couple of way he could probably lead this moment, and he was definitely going to be the leader, which should surprise exactly no one. Option one was to just say, yeah man we’re good, and laugh that shit off and let everything just settle into something normal and expected. Option two though, “Kinda a shame, right? That we didn’t make out, at least. That would’ve made the morning after hangover so much more worth it.” fuel the tension and see where it goes. Clearly, the dude was attracted to him, I mean who wasn’t? and Puck.... Puck would label it healthy human curiosity, after all he just wanted to know what it would be like to make out with Toby, nothing to dwell on there. So he leaned in, maintaining eye contact to see how close the other would allow him to get. When he was so close he could the other man’s warmth, he stopped looking at his lips before looking back up to his eyes, searching for permission.
Toby’s heart continued to thunder in his chest. He thought he had grown out of this feeling years ago. Again, he reminded himself he wasn’t a goddamn teenager with a crush. Puck wasn’t ruffling his hair as he walked past him to get to Lucky. Puck wasn’t playfully punching him in the shoulder. Puck wasn’t doing that nod of appreciation for babysitting on such late notice.. No, this was different. Very different. Puck was looking into Toby’s eyes, into Toby’s fucking soul. “A shame?” he repeated. “I mean, we could have for all we know. I think Aliyah caught the tail-end of our whole drunk singing thing. Maybe we did kiss before she showed up. And we just forgot. Like everything else.” Tobias Berry was on fire. “I don’t know about making a hangover worth it, Puck.” His headache for the entirety of the Pride Parade came to mind. “Though,” Toby laughed to himself. “I’ve actually been told I’m a really good kisser.” He licked his lips unconsciously. “Five star reviews.” Oh God. Was he doing this? Was he actually doing this? “We can make it worth it now,” he spoke quietly. “If you want to.” Eyes closed, Toby neared Puck’s lips with his own.
Up until two years ago, Toby was Lucky’s kid brother, then he was Lucky’s kid brother and Jo’s uncle. Then he was Lucky’s kid brother, Jo’s uncle, Aliyah’s roommate and Stevie’s best friend. To Puck, Toby had always been someone somebody else knew, he was always in his peripheral vision, a familiar but out of focus figure in his mind. Then the night before the IHQ Pride Games happened and suddenly he could see the younger man so clearly it was almost blinding. Had his hair always been that curly? Had his smile always been that endearing? Had he always talked this much? Had his voice always sounded like that? At first he thought maybe he was just doing this because he could, you know, like he always did. Saw someone attractive, charmed his way into their favor and did what came natural because he needed a release but that wasn’t what was happening. Not really, I mean, if it were he’d have shut Toby up at ’A shame?’ or been too focused on his mouth to hear anything he was actually saying, but he could’ve recited him word for word right now. Then, as if in slow motion, Toby assumed the, ‘kiss me’ position and Puck felt his instincts kick in and he had a hand on his face, the pad of his thumb tracing his jawline and he was so close and then those four words rung in his head; ‘If you want to.’ and he realized he really fucking did and that was kinda fucking him up, because Toby wasn’t just some dude, he was ingrained in the fabric of Puck’s life and somehow he was just now piecing that together. Resting his forehead against Toby’s, he knew he shouldn’t but he couldn’t think of a single reason why as he closed the gap between them. It was slow and something else that Puck would later find was... meaningful. Fuck.
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raptorginger · 5 years
The Waffle House Index
Yes, that’s a real thing used by FEMA
I did the thing!  Short one shot inspired by the madness on Twitter yesterday
The heavy downpour continued its relentless assault on her windshield, and thunder kept rattling her bones, but Rey knew the worst of the hurricane was over.  Hurricane Mary had slammed into Key Largo with little warning, and authorities had issued evacuation notices, but Rey hadn’t been able to get out in time.  She had hunkered down with her landlord Unkar in his office at Niima Motel, both of them too stubborn to heed the notice before it was too late.  Rey was cursing her stubbornness at the moment as she swerved carefully to avoid the trees, branches, and debris strewn about Highway 1.  Unkar was grumbling in the seat beside her, anxious to get to their destination.  Unkar would prefer to drive, but his truck was crushed beneath a palm tree, so Rey’s beat up Geo Tracker it was, and she never let anyone else drive her car.
“Watch it, girl!” Unkar snarled in his old man way, his arthritic fingers gripping the arm rest.
“I’m doing my best Mr. Plutt,” Rey snapped as she leaned forward to try and see the road better.
Unkar grumbled and coughed beside her, crossing his arms.
“Damn place better be open,” she muttered under her breath.
A snort of laughter erupted out of Unkar.  “We’d be dead if it ain’t.  If it’s closed that’d mean we survived the apocalypse.”
Rey shot him a confused glance before turning her eyes back to the road.  “What?”
“You ain’t never heard of the Waffle House Index?  Oh right, you’re from some snotty place in England.”
Rey rolled her eyes.  The place she came from in England could never be called snotty, but Unkar considered all of England to be, how had he put it?  Full of high falutin’ muckity mucks.
“Don’t roll your eyes at me, girl.  It’s a legitimate scale.  FEMA uses it,” he boasted, puffing out his chest at knowing something she didn’t.
“What is the Waffle House Index, Mr. Plutt?” Rey asked, humoring him.  Hopefully it’d keep him from side seat driving until they got to the restaurant.
Rey barely heard him as he blathered on about the index and the three color levels and what they meant.  Finally Rey could see a tall sign glowing bright yellow through the haze of the rain.  She slowed to a crawl, grateful there was hardly anyone else on the road, and watched for the turn.  At last the actual sign for the restaurant appeared, glowing brightly like a beacon.  Rey rotated the wheel and pulled into the parking lot, parking in a spot close to the entrance.  She arched a brow in bemusement.  The outside of the restaurant was styled like an old fashioned American diner with a bright yellow crown of sorts emblazoned with large black letters proudly proclaiming ‘Waffle House.’  She was happy to see that the inside was brightly lit, and she could even see a few people milling about inside.
“Looks like the index is green.  Let’s go, girl,” Unkar said gruffly.
“Let me help you, Mr. Plutt,” Rey insisted, jumping out of the car and running over to the passenger side.  She threw the hood of her dark green windbreaker up, holding it with one hand while she opened Unkar’s door with the other.  He was muttering something about not needing help, that he could manage just fine on his own, he wasn’t an invalid, but his grip on her arm was firm and grateful as he carefully set the base of his cane on the pavement and stepped down.  Rey smiled when she felt his hand pat her arm in thanks.  She helped him into the restaurant, and she sighed with happiness as she felt the warm air hit her damp face.  She pulled her hood down and sniffed.  The place smelled of syrup and breakfast, and it indeed was fashioned like an old diner.  A handful of people were seated at the bar, cups of hot coffee clasped between grateful hands.  Rey’s eye was drawn immediately to a large figure slumped over the counter, his large hands swallowing the mug he was holding.  His dark hair brushed his shoulders and shielded his eyes as he stared into the dark contents of his mug.  A grey henley was stretched pleasingly over his torso, and the dark rinse jeans her was wearing seemed to fit him to a tee. Rey was suddenly glad Unkar had insisted on venturing out.  He ran one large hand over the back of his neck and heaved a sigh.
Unkar released her arm and lifted it in greeting to a group of elderly patrons seated at a booth in the corner.  They all waved and shouted greetings.  Unkar’s poker buddies, Rey realized with some surprise.  Apparently Unkar and his friends all shared the same sense of stubborness.  Rey helped him over and made sure he was settled comfortably.  He patted her hand in thanks, and Rey blinked in surprise when he gave her a kind smile, his rheumy eyes twinkling.
“Thanks, girl,” he whispered gruffly.  He slipped a crisp twenty dollar bill into her hand and shooed her over to the bar.
Rey wandered over, shrugging off her coat as she went, hanging it on a nearby coat rack.  She took a seat beside the dark stranger and picked up the menu a friendly waitress placed in front of her and poured her a cup of coffee without her even asking.
“Thank you,” Rey murmured to the middle aged woman.
“No problem, Hun.  Take your time, we got the full menu,” she said cheerily before she went to see to another customer.
Rey focused on opening sugar packets and the tiny containers of creamer while sneaking glances at the guy beside her.  In profile, she could make out distinct, somewhat angular features.  A broad nose, a plush looking mouth.  The few moles and freckles peppering his pale skin.  Rey felt warmth return to her blood.  She had never really thought she had a type, but he certainly seemed to check a lot of her boxes.
“You ignore the evacuation order too?” Rey finally asked quietly as she stirred her coffee.
The guy turned his head to look at her, and Rey bit the inside of her cheek to keep herself in check.  His whiskey colored eyes searched her hazel ones, and his sinful looking mouth quirked into a lopsided dimpled smile.  She returned his smile with one of her own, putting her hand out.  He took it gingerly, giving it a small shake.  His hand dwarfed hers, and Rey felt her cold hand pulling the heat from his warm one.
“Rey,” she murmured.
“Ben,” he replied.  He had a pleasant voice, one she wanted to never stop listening to.  Deep and comforting.
“What’s good here?” she asked, resuming a conversational tone.
Ben shrugged his shoulders.  “Just about everything.  And yeah, I did, to answer your earlier question.”
Rey hummed as she perused the menu.  She figured a place called Waffle House probably had good waffles.  Their waitress returned after a few minutes, placing a large plate laden with fried eggs, bacon, toast, and hashbrowns in front of Ben.
“Have you decided, Hun?” she asked Rey kindly.
“I think so.  Could I have one egg, over hard, some bacon, and a waffle?  Please?” Rey asked timidly.  She always felt shy ordering food, like the server would say “no” or something.
The waitress scribbled her order down in her notepad.  “Sure thing,” she said with a smile.
Rey watched in envy and fascination as Ben ate.  He put a bit of everything between the pieces of toast, eating most of what he could like a sandwich before just shoveling the rest into his mouth.
He wiped his face with his napkin before looking at her again.  “Sorry.  I’m usually not such a caveman, but I was stranded at my bank.  I haven’t eaten since the other night except for some packets of pretzels and peanuts.”
Rey gave him a reassuring smile and placed her hand gently on his arm.  He flexed his fingers, and Rey enjoyed feeling his muscles and tendons working beneath her palm.
“It’s okay.  I know how it can be,” she said softly.
Ben looked at her quizzically.
“Not having food.  Being hungry,” she clarified.  “I grew up not knowing where my next meal was coming from, so you know, I get it.  Don’t feel embarrassed, or whatever.”  She was no longer in that situation, but she remembered it all too well.
“Is that why you sound like a shy kid when you ordered food?  Because sometimes people you asked would tell you ‘no?’”
Rey blinked, surprised at his perception.
“I’m a counselor.  It’s my job to pick up on these things,” Ben said.  A look of worry flashed across his features and Rey smiled, wanting to let him know he hadn’t put her off.
“I guess, yeah, that’s why,” she answered with a laugh.
Rey’s breakfast came shortly after that, and Ben ordered another plate, although he ate it slower this time.  She looked over her shoulder at the booth where Unkar sat with his friends, and she smiled seeing that they’d decided to have an impromptu game of poker.
“Who’s that?” Ben asked around a mouthful of bacon and egg.
Rey returned her attention to her waffle, carefully spreading an unnecessary amount of butter and pouring syrup over the golden confection.  “My landlord,” she replied as she cut into it.  She closed her eyes and sighed deeply as she took the first bite, enjoying the interplay of flavor and texture.  “God, I love waffles.”
Ben laughed.  “You guys ignored the order too then, eh?”
Rey nodded and swallowed another large bite of waffle.  “He’s a stubborn old guy.  Insisted on coming over here as soon as we could.  Those are his poker buddies,” she mumbled jerking her head towards the booth.
“Looks like you’re gonna be here awhile,” Ben said casually as shouts of triumph and protest erupted from the booth.
Rey bumped his shoulder playfully.  “Want to keep me company?”
Ben bumped her back.  “You bet.”
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tommyhagen · 6 years
5% of a Fairytale: Clint Barton, Team Dad pt1
@taylortut, lol this one sort of just got away from me. Hope you don’t mind long prompt fills. I can pretty much promise they won’t usually be this long but I’d actually had the plot to this scene in mind for a long time. It’ll probably end up having to be more than one part. Hope you like it!!
Clint takes care of his sick bro and partner in douchebaggery, Tony. A retelling of the scene from Civil War including some canon dialogue. Seriously watch that scene again and tell me Tony isn’t trying not to throw up the entire time. You can’t.
Couldn’t help but make reference to Charles and Tony being best friends.
I don’t write deaf! Clint because I don’t think I could portray the struggles of a hearing impaired person with the accuracy it deserves. But he has ear issues that make him sensitive to loud noises but he puts his own discomfort aside when someone needs a dad.
TW: Vomit, Nausea, Dizzy Spells, Brief Nondescript Mention Of Death, Embarassing Situations
Sam and Rhodey had been arguing for hours now. Or at least it felt like hours. Tony had only been catching every other word, anyway.
His head was pounding and the constant bickering had done nothing to help it. He was slumped back on a couch in one of the common areas next to Steve. He knew he wasn’t doing a great job acting like he didn’t need to be benched but he couldn’t help it. This on top of the meeting with the secretary? He didn’t think he could keep this up much longer.
That had been a disaster all on it’s own too. Tony hadn’t even reacted when the Secretary spouted off all his bullshit about the Avengers not caring. At the footage of New York he just looked away. When Steve commented on his unusual silence he’d just murmured something about the asshole not being worth his time. While that was true it was even more true that if Tony opened his mouth he might have thrown up. It still was, actually, and the stress was not helping. Steve picking up the scent of his Omega’s distress slipped an arm around his shoulders. A rare display of affection during ‘business hours’. Even rarer that Tony accepted it, leaning against him.
“Secretary Ross has a Congressional Medal of Honor which is one more than you have.”, Rhodey retorted to Sam’s...something.
Maybe if Tony just ignored this all hard enough it would go away. Seemed to be what the others were doing. Vision and Wanda sat huddled together on the opposite couch. Natasha had been pacing the room nonstop and it made Tony dizzy to look at her. Clint was perched on the counter of the kitchenette. The obnoxious music from whatever game he was playing on his phone was only making Tony’s headache worse.
Tony rubbed at his temples and pressed himself tighter against his Alpha. Tony’s mouth was watering ominously. Steve rubbed a thumb along his bicep distractedly, reading the Accords and not happy with them by the acrid prickle of growing anger on his scent. Tony had always hated that and the scent of it now had him clamping a hand to his mouth. This was probably the literal worst time in the world to not be at his A game.
“So let’s say we agree to this thing. How long is it gonna be before they LoJack us like a bunch of common criminals?”, Sam shot back.
And what the fuck had Tony passed out and not realized it? LoJack? Was this even the same conversation?! Ugh, he couldn’t keep up. Whatever. He just had to get through this so that he could go lay down and sleep for a year. Whatever bug he’d caught was draining him. He woke up more tired than when he went to sleep.
“117 countries want us to sign this. 177, Sam, and you’re just like ‘Nah, it’s cool we got this’.”, Rhodey snapped. If Tony didn’t feel like there was a vice grip around his stomach he’d be smiling. He loved it when his Honeybear got feisty.
“How long are you going to keep playing both sides-“
“I have an equation!”, Vision cut him off.
Loudly. So loudly it startled Tony. At that, Steve’s hand stroking his arm slipped down to hold Tony’s reassuringly. He didn’t need any reassuring but Steve’s warmth was grounding and he clung to it like a lifeline. It helped, sort of. Well, he could vaguely follow the conversation now, at least.
“Oh, this’ll clear it up.”, Sam groaned.
Tony shot a nasty glance at him over his shoulder. Tony had created that beautiful mind of Vision’s so, yes, it would clear it up thank you very fucking much.
Vision ignored him, as always sensing the mood and responding accordingly. He continued, “In the eight years since Tony announced himself as Iron Man the number of enhanced persons has grown exponentially. During the same period the number of possibly world-ending incidents has risen at a commensurate rate.”
Steve set the Accords down beside him. His grip on Tony’s hand tightened. “Are you saying it’s Tony’s- our- fault?”, he growled, Alpha pheromones beginning to leak off him.
It took Tony much too long to notice that everyone was looking at him. Shit, that name was his name! So he was going to have to get involved in this no matter what. His hands were going numb and it felt like his feet were nothing but pins and needles. “Down, boy.”, he murmured to Steve. His voice must have portrayed at least a little of the hell he was in because Steve actually relaxed, picking the Accords up again and pretending to read them. His eyes never left the same paragraph.
“I’m saying there may be a causality.”, Vision clarified, but even he was starting to sound annoyed.
Tony desperately wished he were sitting next to him instead. Vi’s lack of scent would be so good right now. Tony was choking on all the wigged out distress hormones going around. He had to swallow back a sick hiccup. God, if he didn’t do something he really was going to throw up. He tried to bury his face against Steve’s shoulder as surreptitiously as he could. It hadn’t worked. Steve abandoned the Accords and pulled Tony closer to him, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead. Oh, God, Steve’s worry, although sweet, was just adding to the already stifling mix of scents.
“Our very strength invites challenge.”, Vision elaborated. How very philosophical. Tony couldn’t deal with that right now and closed his eyes leaning into Steve’s heat. “Challenge inflicts conflict. And conflict breeds catastrophe.”
Tony choked at how similar he sounded to Ultron and broke into a series of wet coughs. Steve was asking him all kinds of questions along the lines of how he could help and it was just making Tony’s head spin. He waved Steve off desperately.
“Oversight...oversight is not an idea that can be dismissed out of hand.”, he suggested. All Tony could take from that was that Vi was in favor. Of course he was. Part of him was Tony, after all.
“Boom.”, Rhodey agreed.
Natasha stopped her pacing in front of him. Thank god. “Tony”, she called. “Are you okay? You’re being uncharacteristically nonverbal.” Fuck. Now Tony had two Alphas fussing over him. The combination of Female Alpha and Male Alpha was not good. Tony gagged softly into his fist.
“It’s because he’s already made up his mind.”, Steve realized and the scent of his worry was just getting stronger. Tony had to get away from him.
He stood up and made his way more shakily than he would have liked to to the kitchenette. He had made up his mind, yes. The best solution was obvious but mainly he just felt too much like vomiting to participate. Maybe if he got something to drink? There was a bad taste at the back of his tongue.
Clint was watching him closely from atop the counter. He’d also been uncharacteristically ‘nonverbal’. When push came to shove with Avengers politics he usually just tried to stay out of the way. His only real opinion one way or another was that he was in favor of whatever got him home to his wife and kids safely. It startled Tony into nearly dropping a glass when Clint put down the phone with a soft, “Hey, Tony.”
Tony met his eyes slowly and wasn’t quite prepared for the warmth there. There was something about them that seemed far too knowing for Tony’s taste. He backed away slightly not knowing what from. Because as far as everyone in the immediate vicinity went, Clint was one of the ones he wanted to back away from the least. Clint was a Beta. His scent was comforting and good.
Clint hopped down from the counter and took the glass from Tony’s hands. “Here.”, Clint soothed and poured some water for Tony before handing it back.
Tony was far too out of it to question why a jackass- but a lovable one- like Clint was being so gentle. He took a long sip to try and drown the bile he felt creeping up his throat. It helped. “Boy, you know me so well.”, Tony said to Steve. He even tried for a casual lean and pulled it off. “Actually I’m nursing an electromagnetic headache.”, he revealed and gave Clint, whose phone was still chiming away, a look.
Surprisingly, Clint turned it off without a word, slipping it into his back pocket. He was hovering and Clint didn’t do that. If Tony weren’t relying on his scent to keep it together he’d have said something about it.
“That’s what’s going on, guys. It’s just pain.”, he snapped, finally starting to lose his temper at the scrutinization they were putting him under. What the fuck?! If Tony wanted to be quiet he could! “It’s discomfort.”.
Tony turned to lean against the sink. The urge to vomit was becoming a little too overwhelming for him not to have some sort of plan. God, he hoped it didn’t come to that. He took a suspiciously long sip of the water. “Who’s putting coffee grounds in the disposal?”, he forced himself to ask, doing his best to bullshit and ramble like normal. “Am I running a bed and breakfast for a biker gang?”, he tried to joke. He had to take another long sip right after, losing any hint of nonchalance it might have had. They knew he was just talking to talk now.
“Hey.”, Clint tried again, hand at the small of Tony’s back.
Steve glared at him for it and Tony couldn’t tell if it was Steve’s scent or his attitude that was making him feel sick anymore. He moaned softly and his hand slipped down to his stomach. It wasn’t going to help but Tony had to do something to at least FEEL like he had control whatsoever over this.
Tony just had to force himself to be invested. Ignoring Clint, he pulled out his phone and projected the picture of the son of the woman from the State Department. He sighed...another Charles who he had let get hurt. “Oh, that’s Charles Spencer, by the way. Great kid. Computer engineering degree, 3.6 GPA had a floor level gig planned at Intel lined up for the fall. But first, he wanted to put a few miles on his soul before he parked it behind a desk. See the world.”.
Tony had to stop to gag. And everyone had definitely heard that. Steve was on his feet in seconds and Clint caught hold of his elbow. Tony pushed him weakly off before continuing, “Maybe be of service. Charlie didn’t want to go to Vegas or Amsterdam which is what I would do. He decided to spend his summer building sustainable housing for the poor. Guess where. Sokovia. He wanted to make a difference, I guess. But we won’t know because we dropped a building on him while we were kicking ass.”. Tony could barely get through the words. From frustration or sickness he didn’t know but he was crying.
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sulkyprince · 7 years
Hi there! I just wanted to request a Prompto x Reader related scenario. I was thinking that maybe since Prompto had self esteem issues growing up due to his weight, maybe he isn't really experienced with the concept of love despite acting like he is. But when he meets his s/o and falls head over heels for them, he is finally able to experience this. He finally has his first kiss with them and it makes him so overwhelmingly happy. Maybe then he'll even open up about his past with them.
Yes okay sorry this took so long~ I hope this is along the lines of what you were hoping for dear and once again I thank you for your patience and for taking the time to contact me and clarify more as to what it is you were wanting.
Prompto had always been a bit of a hopeless romantic, although he never really had the courage or the skills to talk to those he found himself so head over heels for. So when he met and quickly fell for his s/o, and they /finally/ said they’d go out with him, he couldn’t’ contain the total overwhelming mix of excitement and gratefulness he felt. Even then, it was hard to believe that they had really chosen him, and they were /actually/ a couple now. As a result, Prompto would still be a little sheepish when it came to physical affection. It’s not that he doesn’t enjoy it, quite the opposite, it’s just that he doesn’t really know what to do with himself. He can’t stand how jittery and red he gets, always stumbling over his words and embarrassing himself. It felt safer just to keep his distance, lest he come on too strong like he always does.
However, this hasn’t stopped him from /trying/ to initiate a first kiss. One time, they were both huddled up on his couch playing video games. He’d asked them oh so slyly to lean over and hand him some of the chips sitting on their side. He was nervous and stuttering, mouth tightened in determination as he’d been planning out over the last few hours the perfect moment to make a move. He’d been fumbling and performing miserably in the game as a result, much to his s/o’s enjoyment. Just as they reached across the couch to hand him the bag he leaned in for a kiss, his s/o quickly turning their head at the last moment as they were still entirely invested in the game and hadn’t even noticed his advances. The failure had discouraged him for the rest of the night as he tried to come down from the adrenaline rush.
The second time he lowered his stakes, aiming for a quick peck on the corner of the mouth just as his s/o was turning to point at one of the chocobo chicks waddling by at Wiz’s ranch, causing him to miss and kiss the hair covering their ear instead. He covered his mouth in embarrassment, apologizing but his s/o just laughed lightly. At least now they got the idea.
They waited for the right moment to surprise him with a peck on the lips as they were both heading back inside the caravan after a long night of not being able to sleep when the rest of the group laid down for bed. As they bumped hips both trying to get to the back of the tightly packed caravan where the sleeping quarters were, Prompto halted to apologize while his s/o leaned in for the kiss. Prompto had been so shaken he yipped, gloved hand gripping onto the small counter, face burning. His s/o leaned back some, Prompto’s hand instantly gravitating to their bicep as he swallowed deeply in his immense lack to form words. His s/o would just smile, that is, until they saw the emotion that came over the freckled boy. His face twisted from shock to… sadness? And wait… were those tears? /Oh gods./ As his s/o rushed to comfort him, asking what was wrong, Prompto would merely shake his head, trying just as hard to reassure them that he was okay as he was gathering himself.
“No… Really.. It’s okay I’m just-… I just- I never…” He bit his lip as he admitted his defeat with words, needing more comfort and reassurance so that he could muster the courage to continue.
They’d hardly be able to believe their ears, however, once the boy started talking of having never been kissed before. They still might have to really press him to open up as to what else was weighing on him so hard, leading him outside away from earshot of the others while constantly assuring him that he was loved and wasn’t being judged. Once in the safety of the quiet outdoors he’d spill his past. His past of being this awkward outcast who was overweight and was never able to get along with anyone. A boy that came on too strongly and pushed so many people away, building a wall so that no one would see the vulnerability inside.
Although the confession was crushing, knowing everything of his insecurities, his struggle with opening up to others, his parents that were never there, his s/o still hugged him and held on tight, not stopping despite his questioning noises and nervous squirming. None of that mattered, they were just happy to be with him, and of course hearing that left him emotionally overwhelmed beyond his capacity handle things. He’d simply stare at them, considering the weight of their words before he’d begin to wipe at at steady, nonstop flow of tears, assuring them that they were ones of happiness.
He’d never felt so loved, all of his pain poured off his chest in front of the one that mattered most. He felt born again, thanking them for everything they’ve done even though a little kiss and their time was all they felt they’d really given. But to Prompto, it was the world.
The extra sunshine in his step the next day was enough to light up the entire caravan, leaving the others wondering just what had gotten into the already chipper young man. But of course deep down everyone knew, deciding to keep quiet and save the teasing for later. Prompto was sure head over heels this time.
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/urgent-message-from-master-st-germain-archangel-michael-have-you-chosen-the-light/
Urgent Message From Master St Germain & Archangel Michael ~ Have You Chosen The Light?
Urgent Message From Master St Germain & Archangel Michael ~ Have You Chosen The Light?
By Archangel Michael
Greetings Dear Ones, I come again to assist in raising the Human Collective Consciousness, with the help of  our brother, Saint Germain. The collective consciousness of the feminine requested guidance on the severity of the imbalance with the feminine and humanity. Many questions are shrouded around the Feminine. Why they are treated so harshly in this realm? Why do they have extreme difficulty unifying with one another? Why are they so conditioned? Why have the feminine been stripped from most of Human HIS-story, religion, societies and more? The cause of this is “Conditioning” through the mind. The feminine were conditioned to be and act in a way they are not. To Praise, Worship and BE false representations of Our Mother Gaia, The Holy Spirit. It is very clear, the feminine have it more difficult in this realm of 3D than the masculine. However, let us delve deeper into this topic. These revelations is to assist in raising your consciousness and bring clarity to these issues. Always Re~heart yourselves, Awareness transforms into Consciousness.
My Sisters… Feel into this information. The energies that are coming forward from the Celestial Bodies are here to assist you all on your journey. You Must Be Prepared. Our wish for you All is to Reclaim Your Power and Restore Balance to the Multi-verse… The Feminine are the Stewards of Planets… Daughters of Gaia, The Holy Spirit. It is Time to Reclaim your Power, your Birthright in Creation. While this information is aimed directly at the Feminine, it will provide clarity for the Masculine as well.
The Cabal or “The Powers Who Weren’t” wanted to create a realm the opposite of Heaven. In Heaven, there is Balanced Harmonics, an energetic balance of the masculine and feminine. Prime Creator is Feminine and majority of the Multi verse is predominantly feminine. The Feminine are the Daughters of Prime Creator… The Holy Spirit… Gaia… Mothergod. They are the Stewards of Planets (including Earth) and wield great power, knowledge, wisdom and much more. (Ever wondered why there are more Feminine than Masculine on the Planet? Why majority of your channelers, tarot readers, mediums and more are Feminine?) The Masculine Support the Feminine in their creations and assist in Co-Creation. We are All Co-Creators.
Earth is a grand school of growth, wonder and experience. Every incarnation is an opportunity to grow, gain wisdom and knowledge. The Cabal intervened in the soul growth process for both the masculine and feminine. But, they took a more twisted turn with the feminine. They subjugated, villanized and controlled the feminine by stunting their soul growth. Without soul growth, How does one gain wisdom and experience? Two of the attributes the feminine of Earth lack. To clarify, there are those amongst you who claim having experience. If you do not take full responsibility for your experience, then you never learned from your experience and therefore, only had an “Occurrence”. You cannot gain wisdom, experience or knowledge through an occurrence.
The Cabal put in place of the feminine, the masculine and reversed their roles. This you can say is the beginning of the Patriarchal Age. Although, the Cabal put these thoughts and actions into play, they didn’t and couldn’t do it alone. Their knowledge of the feminine was limited. This is where Lilith comes in. Lilith wanted to take what belonged to Mother of All Creation, this includes her planet, her power, her children and more. Lilith wanted to be better than God. A Grand Illusion…
Lilith convinced the Cabal, they would be in power, but she was the true puppet master from the beginning. She influenced the feminine through their thought system to be like her, (But not better than her). She also influenced the Masculine to impose these conditionings onto the Feminine. Yes, the Masculine too are responsible for the imbalance of the Feminine. Now, while the Masculine played a part in this imbalance, the Feminine allowed this and continued this conditioned way of being for many eons. All Are Responsible.
Lilith also invited her sisters to be part of her plan, this includes Kali, Isis and a host of other dark aspects of feminine. Each of them influenced the feminine to be like them. Their collaboration was short lived as they all wanted to be Prime Creator and lack Harmony… another reflection of the 3D Feminine. These entities influenced the feminine to define themselves from the exterior, the feminine body… Identify things, themselves, LOVE… from the outside. Using allure, distraction, suggestion as their means of survival. Dear Ones, The body is a hologram… It is a mere fraction of who you are. Seeking acceptance or validation from the exterior or the body, is Unworthiness… A very deeply seeded trait imposed by the “powers who weren’t”. This includes conditioning from culture, religion, society, family and more… Self Love is the Key Dear Ones, to transform unworthiness. If you Loved Yourselves, you would never allow others to treat you less, even from your own ego/mind. In Heaven, we do not identify our brothers and sisters from the physical but of your essence, which is LOVE. There are NO Seductresses or Seducers in Heaven. The Feminine are Honored, Cherished, Adored and Unconditionally Loved by simply who YOU ARE… God… A Daughter of Prime Creator… You are Worthy of ALL LOVE IS!
  Here are some of the Dark Feminine Traits:
Lilith: Manipulation, Control, Jealousy, Envy, Bitch, Queen, Princess, Power Over, Succubus (taking of energy through words, touch, sex and other abilities)
Kali: Anger, Hatred, Chaos, War, Bitch, Princess, Power Over
Isis: Whore, Jealousy, Envy, Bitch, Princess, Power Over, Gossip, Lies
  Notice how each of them have certain similarities. Let us focus on the Bitch conditioning. This is a conditioning triggered as a fear or security mechanism within the mind, similar to the succubus conditioning. The Being thinks it is being threatened and this conditioning goes into effect. Another programming known as the “Princess” conditioning, does not necessarily have a trigger but is more of a comfort zone attachment. This conditioning emphasizes particular tastes, environment and treatment from other because they feel they are better and deserving than all.
(Book your incredible Twin Flame Spiritual Session, Spiritual Healing Session or Personal Ascension Assessment, to uncover your blocks, get your surprises, get unstuck, discover your mission and unlock who you really, truly are! Book your Spiritual Intuitive Session Here)
Each of these dark feminine entities wanted to be Mother of Creation, Mother Gaia, Mothergod and assume Her Role. They wanted to Be God, Without God. The “Old Controllers” wanted the collective to praise these entities, so you powers can be given to them… never to be reciprocated. It is the old game of “Taking Energies”. Giving your power away to a black hole, similar to the Ego mind. Dear Ones, This Role Has Been Seated, Assume Your Own Roles in Creation Now. Your Atoms, Know Where to Go and that is to Come to Mother & Father of Creation Home into The Light. Surrender is The Way Now. Mother & Father of The Most High Stand For Their Children of Creation. They Thank You For Standing With Them, Where You Are Free. In Truth, Embracing the Holy Spirit, that Sacred Fire within your Heart, is embracing God, which is YOU. To deny the Holy Spirit, Our Mother… is to deny YOURSELVES. Your Very Essence… (This is what the Atlanteans chose eons ago) How can you Be God, without God? Another Grand Illusion…
There are those spiritual egos (both masculine and feminine) claiming to be God and acknowledge their Godhood. Most of these beings are Informed and not Awake. The Awaken, Feel… The Informed, Think… 5D is A State of Being. One does not think they are God, they Feel and therefore Know they are God.
Dear Ones, if you are not in the Heart, you have access to Nothing… It is a trick of the mind. That is what the ego is… Nothing, a black hole meant to suck your energies, age you and take your and other’s joy away. A cage to trap ALL. And prevent All from accessing their Divinity. The mind can never be God. Only Love=Heart is God. God is a Feeling, Not a Mind Trap.
All these traits of the dark feminine is energy and as you know, energy can be transformed. This is Our Mission, to bring all the darkness here and Transform it ALL as per the Divine Plan. The Power of Love Transforms ALL! These dark aspects of the feminine do not represent Our Mother or her Daughters.
  These are the traits of Our Mother and Her Daughters:
Child-like Wonder,
Laughs Often,
Lovingly Contagious,
Brings Joy to Others,
Divine Intelligence,
Inner Strength,
And Always Unconditionally Loving…
  These are the traits of Our Mother and her Daughters, the Goddesses of Earth and of All Creation. For you to access your gifts, one must be within the HEART. All the gifts and treasures has always been within the HEART. A True God~Goddess, empowers one another, shares knowledge and wisdom, Walk Their Talk in All Moments, is Heart Connected, speaks and acts in Truth, is Worthy, Acknowledges Their Power From Within, Feels and Sees the Divine Essence within themselves and their brothers and sisters alike. They Fully Embrace the Holy Spirit, Our Mother and are of Service to LOVE. All these Goddess qualities are within and have never left you. You simply forgot. You are beginning to remember who You Truly are.
Write down these traits of the dark feminine or print out this document. Ask the Angels that you wish to transform all these energies and fully embrace the Holy Spirit within your entire being, then burn the document. Forgive yourself, and Be Free.
A technique for both the Masculine and Feminine to utilize. Use your mirror, look yourselves in the eyes, and say to yourselves with deep Feeling, all the qualities of the True Gods and Goddesses that you are daily.
We the Archangels, Angels, Ascended Masters, and our brothers and sisters of the Celestial bodies are here to assist. All You have to do is Ask… and We Will Respond in Unconditional LOVE.
I AM Archangel Michael with  Saint Germain, here of Service to Humanity, to Creation, to Love, to Our Mother & Father of Creation. I AM With You Always. Love Fearlessly and Always Unconditionally…
Your Loving Brothers,
Archangel Michael & Saint Germain
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Feel Blocked, Drained, Fatigued, Restless, Nausea, Achy, Ready to Give Up? We Can Help! We are preparing everyone for a Full Planetary Ascension, and provide you with the tools and techniques to assist you Home Into The Light. The First Contact Ground Crew Team, Will Help to Get You Ready For Ascension which is Underway. New Spiritual Sessions have now been created for an Entire Family, including the Crystal Children; Group Family Healing & Therapy. We have just began these and they are incredible. Highly recommend for any families struggling together in these times of intense changes. Email: [email protected] for more information or to schedule an emergency spiritual session. We can Assist You into Awakening into 5d Reality, where your experience is one of Constant Joy, Wholeness of Being, Whole Health, Balanced, Happy and Abundant. Lets DO THIS! Schedule Your Session Below by following the Link! Visit:  http://www.lovehaswon.org/awaken-to-5d/
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Thoughts On Tales of Berseria
Soooooooo this is a very long overdue post (like a month late lol), but my health was in a meh state for a long time pretty much starting with when I first beat the game and technically still isn’t over yet but it’s bearable now so so that killed a lot of my motivation to do... much of anything, so here we are now. I also rewatched a good portion of the game while my friend was playing it for the first time and that helped me figure out my thoughts on it better (while talking with her about it).
I want to clarify that despite the... kind of negative tone of this analysis, I still really enjoyed Berseria. After all, it is a Tales game, and I love Tales, and there isn’t a single one I outright dislike. This also contains some spoilers for Tales of Zestiria, as the distant sequel to Berseria and a game that is very important to me as one of my favorite Tales so yeah, just a warning, I love Zestiria, and that’s gonna be prevalent here some.
Spoilers below. Also this is incredibly long, I am so sorry; if you read it all you deserve a medal, as usual:
This will mostly just be a collection of random points, not organized really in any particular way:
Burn is a badass opening. Fucking love it, and the animation with it; watched it every time, as expected.
I really enjoyed Berseria’s battle system; normally I’m not one to really scrutinize how good a gameplay system is or isn’t because I’m not actually good at playing lmao but I liked the soul system, and the break souls, and how you can do an epic chain of mystic artes together in a row <333 also Eizen’s dragon MA is just rude, okay.
The weapon upgrading system is so much easier and less confusing compared to Zestiria’s; thank fucking god
The cameo character side quest in this game is just... what the fuck, Bamco. not only did you use two of my least favorite characters in the entire Tales series, but you used them in the weirdest scenario ever. i’m so disturbed i want to... forget all of that... lol.
The soundtrack is okay, sadly not as standout as Zestiria’s but I expected that. :/ There are still a few amazing tracks though that I have listened to by themselves a lot; specifically Eizen’s theme, Rokurou’s theme, Shigure’s theme, all variations of Velvet’s theme (”True Will” is just UGH), Oscar’s theme okay so all the character themes lol, the Hellewes song I think, the song that plays in Palimedes Temple, “Time to Relax” (Titania Prison’s softer and more homey theme song), “The Last Word” (</3), the credits song, and the epilogue cutscene song ughhhh (my favorite).
Really wish there were more anime cutscenes. Feels like there were a few at the beginning and then..... literally none until almost the very end of the game; kinda disappointing.
I was really concerned when I first was told by somebody that most of the dialogue in the game is told through mandatory skits, but in the end it didn’t bother me as much as I expected it to. Still, I think they were overused a bit too much; I get that it’s easier but there’s only a limited number of expressions that the sprites can show, no matter how much movement they’re given, and the models can get across emotions specific to a certain situation much better, so I wish they would have utilized them more just for talking.
Voice acting is amazing, as usual. Cristina Vee did an INCREDIBLE job as Velvet, just wow, and I was also really impressed with Ray Chase as Artorius ughhh, so good. <3
I love Velvet’s outfit; no shame, sorry. also Eizen without his jacket is mmmmMMMMM
Berseria has really good writing, storywise. The plot is well-conceived and I love the themes behind it, the focus on the importance of family, and where it eventually leads to in the end. Lot of emotion with Velvet’s story with Phi, Laphicet, Artorius, (and Celica/Seres), and it really hits hard ugh. </3 So I really respect the game for the main underlying plot, the message it was trying to get across, how hopeful it is despite how frankly depressing the entirety of the game is, and for the parts that it did well, because those parts are incredible.
I’m sorry but there is a big but
My biggest problem with Berseria stems from the fact that aside from Velvet, Phi, and Eleanor, everyone else is... rather flat. Sort of related to that (but not entirely) is the fact that despite me liking almost everyone in the party to varying degrees, they honestly didn’t feel that close? I was told this game had a huge found family aspect to it, which is what I always expect and want from Tales, and I was especially anticipating it in this game with Velvet’s initial setup, and how excellently (and emotionally) that prologue was handled. But although by the end of the game, they do feel closer to each other in some ways, it takes an insane amount of time to get there, and even then, it’s not that strong except in certain skits. For a lot of the game it feels like half of the characters in this party have absolutely no reason to be traveling with this group, and although that can happen in Tales, usually by the middle of the game, and especially at the end, you know they definitely belong with the group, in your heart. But I just wasn’t feeling that here, and it doesn’t help that Rokurou is constantly rubbing in my face that he’s only here to repay his “debt”, and Magilou constantly reminding us that she absolutely couldn’t care less about anything we’re doing, making the feeling even worse. Eizen, too, has this issue, even though eventually he has a unbearably tragic motivating reason to follow them, but again, it comes so late. ...Ironically, I felt more of a found family vibe in the side characters and the party than I did within the party itself (Kamoana, (with Eleanor and Medissa), Dyle, Kurogane (with Rokurou), Percieval (with Phi kinda), and although I wholeheartedly enjoyed every moment of that... I also wanted it in the party more. And like I said, it is there SOME, and the moments that do happen are so sweet... but I just wanted and expected so much more from their dynamic. And the relationships within the party that exist as much as they do are split up into specific pairs and trios, which are Rokurou&Eizen, Rokurou&Phi&Eizen, Eleanor&Phi, Eleanor&Velvet, and of course, Velvet&Phi, and the latter vastly overwhelms the others by an enormous margin. Give me different match-ups; give me Velvet and Eizen having quiet talks as the group parents and two broken people who know what it’s like to lose, know what it’s like to care about family, and can relate to one another (the dialogue where she talks to him before the final battle and worries about his condition with the malevolence was just everything I ever wanted), give me Eizen and Eleanor, because she is so kind and changes so much throughout the game and so would be (and is) sympathetic towards him, like she is towards Rokurou, give me more blatant Eizen and Phi brotherly stuff okay just everyone with Eizen, give me more Velvet and Rokurou because I honestly adored their interactions in the very begnning, give me Phi trying to talk to Magilou and forcing her to break out of her comedic farce personality to try to find out why she is the way she is, just... give me more, game. ugh.
Getting back to how I said everyone who isn’t Velvet/Phi/Eleanor is pretty flat. Berseria has this weird thing about... no flashbacks being allowed, ever, unless they’re related to Velvet’s story and the immediate characters related to her. Honestly, if I had to summarize it, that’s what I’d say: this game is too Velvet-centric. Which, I mean, she’s a great character! And her story is amazing! ...But I play Tales for the entire party, and so the entire party should get focus as well, and the connections between them and the protagonist(s) should be balanced evenly. That’s not the case here. Soooooo many characters could use more depth in this game (sometimes even depth at all...), but the game chooses to adopt a “tell not show” method of giving it to them, and often far, far too late in the game, with absolutely no build-up to it, which... fails. Really hard; worse in some places than others. Older Tales games have a slew of side quests that do nothing but give further development to party members and side characters, but in Berseria, there’s only one side quest for each party member plus an important side character, and none of them have flashbacks at all if they involve a backstory. Party-wise, Rokurou and Magilou suffer the worst from this. I love Rokurou as a person, but honestly? I couldn’t tell you why I love him. He’s cool, and that’s about it. His story with his clan is so confusing because it’s barely expanded on at all, and the emotion that should be there with him and Shigure just... isn’t, because Rokurou himself isn’t emotional about it at all, so how can we feel anything? We just get a bunch of cryptic statements from him that we’re supposed to accept, and move on, just as the party moves on from it, confusedly. Shigure’s death made me feel a little because the scene itself was executed ha ha well, but it could have made me feel so much more. And then after that we get some info about their mom, which is all told to us in dialogue and nothing shown at all, and then it’s over. Magilou suffers from this even WORSE... like, I’m sorry, but I really just don’t care for Magilou. At all. I tried! I really did! And by the end of the game, I had gone from straight-up disliking her to just being neutral about her, at least! ....But the game literally just gave me zero reason to care about her, ever. She is nothing but the comic relief character for most of the game, her only role being to rudely butt in on the end of important conversations to add her own two cents (which usually amount to “haha look how much I don’t give a crap about any of this”) and messing with Phi. When they finally do start trying to show a darker side to her, when Melchior starts torturing her and taunting her, and then later when she asks Velvet what it feels like to hate, I... just can’t bring myself to care/try to figure out wth is going on? Because there’s been no build-up to it. She stays stagnant throughout the entirety of the game, unlike typical Tales characters of her type that are broken from their pasts and use cheerfulness to cover it up, that gradually show signs of becoming closer to the party throughout the game until there’s usually a Big Moment(tm) where they have to decide what they’re going to choose (see: Alvin, Zelos, Dezel, Jade minus the big moment, Raven, etc etc). The first scene I mentioned should be Magilou’s Big Moment(tm), but it doesn’t work because we’re suddenly getting this backstory hastily shoved in our faces all of a sudden, with absolutely no hints of it beforehand and thus no emotion at all from the scene. Instead it’s just confusing, not unlike Rokurou’s scenes I mentioned. Her backstory is cryptically shoved into side quest npc dialogue that you’ll absolutely miss if you’re not looking for it instead of in the main game, where it should be, and even what you get is barely anything, with no flashbacks to give you that emotion you really need for her. Magilou treats it casually, so, I treated it casually too. It’s not important to her, or the game, so I couldn’t care either. When she verbally takes down Melchior in Merchio later, I cheered, but that was literally the strongest emotions I ever felt towards her, and it didn’t have nearly the amount of oomph it should have because of everything I stated. Just. Why did they not handle her better; it makes me so sad, because she could have been AMAZING. I’ve never felt like a character belongs less in a Tales party than Magilou, tbh; she stood out so much and I just kept asking “why are you still here, again?”, and the party basically asks the same thing lol. Bienfu felt like he belonged more than she did... >.> Eizen in particular wounds me deeply because we’re already predisposed to care about him so much because of Zestiria (and lbr, Bamco knows everyone who is playing this has played Zestiria, so there’s no excuse), and so I so desperately wanted flashbacks of him and Edna. I can’t even begin to describe how much I wanted them *sobs* and the skits where he talks about her were perfect and beautiful and made my heart soar and yet break into a thousand pieces, but... I wanted them to go further with it. I wanted to see him get more emotional, and I understand that the way he is is just his personality, but like... this character is so crucial to one of the mains in Zestiria, and we love Edna and we know how important Eizen was to her, so I just wanted the game to treat him with so much more love because Zestiria frankly handled that subplot so terribly. *sighs* That being said, though, his relationship with Zaveid in Berseria is by far one of THE best done parts of the game (more on Zaveid later)... and the Aifread subplot literally destroyed me. Just. Destroyed. Yet another example of flashbacks I wanted, with the two of them (BAMCO I WOULD LITERALLY PAY YOU SO MUCH TO SEE AIFREAD AND BBY!EIZEN, DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I WOULD PAY *sobs*), but even still, it was done pretty well compared to other things, and I’m still crying over it. ;________; </3 <3 ...In the end, though, although I do really like Eizen (his nerd rambling speeches were just b l e s s, and the black humor with his curse omg poor baby; and of course HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH THE PIRATES WHICH IS THE BEST FAMILY IN THE GAME TBQH *tears*), I didn’t adore him as much as I assumed I would, and that sucks. :/ Eleanor is an amazing character, 10/10, and it’s kind of baffling how much focus she gets over the three mentioned above. Her side quest about her mother once again gets the obnoxious “tell not show” treatment, but it’s alleviated by the fact that she’s had so much development in the main story so it’s not as huge of a letdown (did I mention that regulating backstories to side quests, and not even well-executed ones, is a huge problem? :))) ). She’s so sweet and pure and I honestly just adore here ugh <3 unexpected favorite. Other characters in the game who suffer from the problem of not having flashbacks dedicated to them but then the game trying to make us care about them too late are again Shigure, Melchior only in the sense of in relation to his past with Magilou, and most importantly Teresa and Oscar. I love Oscar for shallow reasons, but neither of them are well-fleshed out, only getting a handful of backstory lines thrown in by Teresa right before her death and after Oscar’s, again, just telling it to us. Their relationship honestly creeped me out throughout the game, Teresa treating Oscar reallllllllly obsessively, but if we had gotten their past way ahead of time, we could understand them better even if she is still a bitch. Sadly, that’s not how it’s handled, and it’s a shame. Like I said, I sobbed got upset at Oscar’s death, but there was no justification for getting upset at all, really. Other than them, Artorius I would have liked to have gotten more scenes. His flashbacks near the end of the game were done beautifully (as was that entire segment period), but I wished that it didn’t take me that long to really feel for him, with how three-dimensional he was set up in the prologue. for those who have read the manga Akatsuki no Yona, I was expecting a Soo-won/Hak/Yona(/Il) vibe from the Artorius/Velvet/Laphicet trio because of how similar the setups were, kinda, and that wasn’t quite what I got, unfortunately More scenes on the legate side of things earlier in the game would have done him and the others a world of good, essentially. Also wished that he and Velvet had a little more to say to each other in the end, but that’s a nitpick really.
Tying in talk of Velvet’s character arc with something else: Berseria’s pacing. This game is oddly paced, if I’m being honest. I can pick out about probably ten specific big events that I remember, and everything else is rather foggy, for having just recently played it. The prologue and Velvet breaking out of prison starts the game off extremely strong, and then it feels like it hits a lull until the first confrontation with Artorius... and then there is a lonnnnnng lull until Innominat’s first appearance... and then suddenly everything is happening with absolutely no breaks until the end. Velvet’s character development matches this, as well; she stays pretty much the same for most of the game, with occasional flashes of ptsd (which are done perfectly, by the way) until Innominat’s reveal, and then her subsequent massive mental breakdown and rising up again to become someone who is still going to get revenge, but now she knows why she is, and why she needs to, and she’s happier for it. She’s definitely my favorite character in the game, and one of the best Tales protagonists out there imo, but I wish her development was more evenly distributed throughout the game, instead of nothing and then this HUGE moment where she honestly completely and utterly breaks down and shows how she truly feels and has felt about what happened to her, and then it sort of goes back to how it was before, albeit not entirely. That is the high point of the game, the best part of the game, for so many reasons, which is why I keep mentioning it; it’s done so well, and I don’t feel like anything after it even comes close to matching it, and I wish some parts did. Still love her, but her arc could have been better paced imo, and the flow of events in general (all the deaths that happen one after the other in the last fourth of the game (minus Artorius and Innominat) feel even more rushed because of the problems I stated earlier, and also this).
Phi’s a perfect pure angel cinnamon roll, his arc is amazing, and his relationship with Velvet is so touching; nothing else needs to be said. :’) <3 Although I will say I loved that he stood up to her about his identity; major props for them doing that, because it really needed to be said.
One last thing to end this on a positive note because I’ve spewed so much negativity ugh, and that is: I absolutely cannot even begin to describe how happy I am at all of the references to Tales of Zestiria in this game. Zestiria is one of my favorite Tales; it has major writing flaws, but I love almost all of the characters dearly, and even though some of them too could use some more depth, the party’s dynamic in that game is just done so well and makes me feel so good, gives me that warm Tales vibe that I just love so much (I won’t talk specifically about why I love Zestiria in this post lol, but basically what it comes down to is that it has heart, even though it has so many problems, and I respect it and love it for that, even though I acknowledge that it’s not that great). So when I heard that Berseria was a prequel to Zestiria, I was ecstatic. And it delivered to me, as a Zesty fan. Berseria may be a really long time before Zestiria, but all of the references, of which there are SO MANY, in npc dialogues and terminology and specific in-game events, are treated with so much care, obviously added in so purposefully and logically thought about how things that are considered normal in Zestiria’s time would be not quite developed all the way or have entirely different names in Berseria, and I just... I love that so much??? I loved standing in a town and getting a strange sense of deja vu, I was screaming when malevolence was mentioned and the truth about “daemonblight” was revealed, I was screaming about Edna and Eizen of course, I was screaming at “Artorius’ Throne” of course, I was screaming at Zaveid of course, I was screaming when the Shepherd was mentioned, when the Lord of Calamity was mentioned, and how they’re flip-flopped in roles from Zestiria (!!!!!), when the imperfect ARMATUS was introduced, oh my god, and when Phi became Maotelus at the end I was in tears, and got chills. Just... Zestiria didn’t do so well with its lore, and even though at the end of the day, Berseria’s existence can’t magically make Zestiria’s story writing and character writing better, it did add something to it, something special, something beautiful, something poignant, and for that, I am so happy. Zaveid in particular I have no words for; he was the single character I never have cared about in Zestiria, with how rude he is about a certain traumatic incident that happens right before he forcefully shoves himself into the party, and overall his type is just one I don’t care for. Then Berseria happened, and I adore him in Berseria. It honestly weirds me out and haunts me to realize and admit, but yes, he’s one of my favorite characters in this game, and by far one of the best written ones, and to see how different he is in this game compared to the other is just surreal, and chilling, and sad, and to play Zestiria from here on out knowing how and why he eventually becomes the way he does, after seeing how his beliefs used to be and seeing what he lost, and what his relationship with Eizen was like? I’m so upset, and fucked up, good GOD. ;______; All in all, I love Berseria purely because it made me love Zestiria even more, and whenever I play Zestiria from here on out I’ll never look at it the same way again, especially when Sorey sleeps with Maotelus in the end. </3 <3 and Zestiria the X and whatever the hell it was trying to do can go fuck itself lol >_______> Instead, can we just have something where Sorey learns all about the first Lord of Calamity and her gang from Zaveid? *cries* and about how Eizen was with them? BETTER YET, CAN WE HAVE MAOTELUS!PHI JUST TELLING SOREY EVERYTHING AND SOREY GETS SO EMOTIONAL OVER IT BECAUSE HE’S HIM; MY HEART
The ending. What the fuck, Bamco. My heart is in pieces, and then also you just... do that with the credits.... seriously WHAT THE FUCK KIND OF SATAN IDEA IS THAT
Despite all of my criticisms, which I promise I give out of love because I love this series so much, Berseria is still a really really good Tales. I don’t think it’s as godly as everyone is hyping it up to be, and definitely not Abyss tier (I don’t think the Tales series will ever create another Abyss, honestly, as sad as I am to say it) like some are saying, but still, it’s up there. I wish the party’s development and dynamic was handled better, and I wish the game wasn’t so damn insistent on never using flashbacks, and me not being attached to the party is why I didn’t like it as much as I thought I would, but the writing is very solid, and the parts that Berseria does well are godly. I’d probably give it a 7/10; it gave me a lot of feels though I wish more and now I’m just really depressed about everything. :’)))) and I can write fic about the characters I wanted more depth for if no one else will Final character ranking in terms of favorites would probably be Zaveid > Velvet > Phi > Eleanor > Rokurou > Eizen > Magilou
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para || Westrose: Spaghetti-O’s, 12/10/2016
Tagging: @wmhs-marleyrose and @squaredancing-weston
Time: Saturday evening, 10 December 2016
Setting: Treble Titans Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser, Lima, OH
Summary:  Brody invites Marley to join him for Spaghetti, Marley records Hairspray! Live for them to watch afterwards
Part 4 (End)
“You know, some of it looked really cool, like the extreme sports and stuff,” Brody couldn’t help but continue.  “Like climbing a ladder on a helicopter or the jet ski jump.  But yeah-- I would not want to do that second challenge stuff.”  He shuddered, grinning that Marley remembered it.  “Glad I’m not that old, then.”  The older teacher flashed a smile at her reply, and then shook his head in amusement at her addition.  “Nice,” he laughed.
The women all tittered happily at Marley’s enthusiasm, although Brody could see that they weren’t especially sold on the idea of them not coming together as a date.  Not surprising-- Brody tended to be encouraged to date anyone he brought to these things unless they were married or otherwise attached.  Even men, funnily enough.  It was one reason he liked the Hens-- they knew about his lifestyle, and would encourage him with anyone that they thought was cute.  They seemed to think besides his inability to settle down, he was just a good teacher that was good for his kids, and that was really all Brody wanted from any parent.  
Brody bit back a laugh at Marley’s reaction.  It wasn’t fair, after all, to be amused that she’d been taken so off guard by the offer-- he probably should have warned her.  But...well, it was cute, the way she sputtered, trying to remain polite.  “Really, it’s no problem,” the older woman insisted.  “I mean, we all know how hard it can be to find that special someone.  In fact…” she reached into her purse and Brody couldn’t believe she was actually pulling out a business card-- how long has she been holding on to that? “Here.  If you change your mind, that’s Scott’s cell right there-- I’ll let him know you have it.  He’s such a  nice man.”  The other women nodded in agreement, and Brody spared a sympathetic glance at Marley.  Whoops.
Cheryl’s face brightened at Marley’s recommendation, and Brody and the other women paused to listen.  “Oh really!  Why that’s wonderful.  You see Diane, I told you, it’s not the curriculum, it’s the students.”  To which the other woman huffed.  “Well, maybe.  But I still think it’s a lot to ask of students these days to be able to do so much.  Crystal is devoting so much time to the Trebles, it’s just ridiculous that she has no time for anything else except schoolwork, and even then, she can barely pull a B in some of her classes.”  Brody didn’t mention he himself had had the sophomore for Algebra, and it had been like pulling teeth trying to get any work from her.  He imagined the only reason she’d passed with a B is because he’d been constantly hounding her, and not a lot of teachers had the same patience for their students’ success.  Instead, he offered up, “Well, you know, Marley’s actually taking some effort to incorporate some new stuff into the curriculum.  She had the kids reading The Hunger Games awhile back, didn’t you Marls?”  
“I mean I guess that stuff is okay, I am just not that fond of bugs, thats all.” She shuddered at the thought of them crawling all over her, and made a face. She didn’t like thinking about that at all. He was such a bad influence. “Oh, but you kind of are.��� She teased, giggling. “Yeah.”
Still, the idea of being set up by these women was not something Marley considered. Not that she didn’t like their idea of men, she didn’t know him, but it seemed so.. Forward? Personal? She didn’t expect it at all. “It’s fine, really..” But soon enough, she had a card shoved in her hand, and she looked up at the woman, and nodded her head slowly. “Um.. Thank you?” She asked slowly, glancing over at Brody, and back at them.
They began talking amongst themselves, and Marley was kind of confused, since her answer was so vague, still she followed along as much as she could. “I mean you have to decide on what is more important to you, I mean personally I think classes are more important, but Crystal is very talented.” Marley offered up, even though she barely remembered the girl. Smiling at Brody, Marley nodded. “My younger students really enjoy the course load with Hunger Games. I tried incorporating some activities, since it has to do with what they are into now, but we can’t skim on the classics, they’re reading Pride and Prejudice right now.”
“I’d rather be in bugs than eating some of that stuff,” Brody added; not that the idea of bugs all over sounded any good either.   “Although maybe we should call the conversation there before one of us gags.”  He scoffed, “Kind of.”
Brody sat back and watched the scene unfold.  He wasn’t really happy with the idea of Marley taking the card, but it wasn’t his place to say anything-- God knew what the Hens would think if argued against Marley dating.  Although it wasn’t like he had a problem with her dating-- he just thought she could do better than Scott, that’s all.  But she took the card, so Brody bit his lip, his face composed as he quirked a shoulder up when her eyes met his.  
The older man, smirked, leaning over to clarify, “Some of the girls have been having issues with academic eligibility in the last year,” he whispered quickly.  “Did you have Crystal Martinez?  She’s a sophomore now.”  He figured if she recognized the name she’d be able to catch the gist of the conversation.  Sure enough, Marley managed to speak up in encouragement about the girl, although Brody wasn’t sure if she was telling the truth or just being kind to her mother.   Either way, it might not have been an unwise move, depending on how long Marley wanted to hang around and debate academic standards.  “Well, of course no one’s saying school’s not important,” came the rationalization, “But with all of the extra requirements for passing each grade and testing and then some, I don’t know how any college expects her to have any time to do anything else.  And these schools are so competitive, if Ms. Berry keeps holding my poor girl back, she’ll be stuck going to some state school and her talent will be wasted.”  Some of the other women looked over with interest at Marley’s explanation, and Brody grinned, “Yeah, I mean, I suggested having a class-wide reenactment, but you didn’t seem to think that would be the best idea.  I’m still kind of hurt over that.”  Michelle added, “Oh, Pride and Prejudice-- I love that story.  It’s so romantic.  It’s so good our kids are getting some decent books in.  I remember back in my day, reading things like Of Mice and Men and Animal Farm.  Awful things.  This seems much better for them.  More relatable.”  Brody himself scoffed quietly-- he hardly saw how those books in particular had become anything less that relevant in today’s climate, but maybe teens couldn’t extrapolate anymore.  Besides, he taught math, so it wasn’t like he had much insight into English requirements.
“I don’t know.. I mean maybe? Since they are full of protein or whatever.. Still gross.” Marley nodded her head. “Sounds like a plan. I appreciate that one.” Because the last thing she needed to think of was her spaghetti is worms or something.
Marley knew better than to take the card. That is why she just held it in her hand, thinking. “I really can’t though.” Marley said finally, handing her back the card. “I am sure your nephew is wonderful, and I appreciate it, but I…” What? She isn’t seeing anyone. She really has no excuse in that area. “It isn’t professional. Thank you though.”
“I figured that much.” She whispered back, and nodded her head. She had Crystal in her class, but still, she probably should have bit her tongue. “Well, most universities do hold their students to high standards. They have to be the best, if they want to achieve the best.” Marley commented. “I think Ms. Berry is doing the best she can, considering all that is on her plate, and there is nothing wrong with State schools. They are getting to be just as competitive as other schools.” She should have kept quiet. Grinning over at Brody, Marley rolled her eyes. “He wanted to use real weapons and everything.” She teased, and grinned over at Michelle. “It is a fantastic book, and I try to include most of them in my curriculum, however Of Mice and Men, and Animal Farm are more for the upper years, Freshmen have more fun.”
Brody watched as Marley fingered the card in her hand, before handing it back to the Hen.  He kept his features carefully schooled, but he had to admit he was proud of Marley for not giving in to his girls-- for his own part, he usually took the cards just to placate them, although he rarely called any of the numbers.  The older woman, for her part, seemed a tad disappointed, but nodded her head in acceptance, tucking the phone number back in her bag.  “Well, just let me know if you change your mind.”
Brody nodded along as Marley commented on academic demands.  Personally he could understand some of the Hens’ arguments-- while state schools could be fine, if you wanted to perform it was unlikely that you wanted to remain in Ohio.  And the arts were a very competitive field-- he knew himself from past experience.  Getting into Sonoma State had been like falling out of bed compared to the rigors of getting a place in Tisch.  But it was also worth noting that some of these girls just weren’t as brilliant as their parents seemed to believe, and so Marley wasn’t necessarily wrong either.  “I suppose,” Cheryl conceded, “Although I admit I was much happier with the last director.”  “You mean the one who was removed for having marijuana on campus,” Michelle scoffed, and they were off tittering again, to which Brody had to cough to stifle a laugh.  “Excuse me-- I never said real weapons.  I said weapons-- like nerf guns or foam swords or something.  And bloody aesthetics, and prosthetic limbs,” he added with a smirk.  Brody glanced over curiously.  “They don’t read of Mice and Men for Freshman English anymore?” he asked curiously.  Or more suprised, he supposed, because he wondered what the upper classes had dropped in order to push those two books up into the higher levels.  But he hadn’t been in a high school English class in quite a while, he admitted, so he was still surprised that contemporary literature was incorporated into the classes, to be fair.  In his mind, Freshman year had been the least fun of the classes, filled with vocabulary and grammar and the like.  It was definitely not high on his list of things he would love to do again, despite how he spoke of enjoying the books.
The auction was wrapping up, and Brody leaned over in his chair.  “Hey, it’s just going to be idle chatter for the rest of the night,” he told her.  “You want to get out of here?  I mean unless you want to bid on something.”  He glanced over at the tables where items were stacked up and quirked his lips up at the girl next to him.
Marley almost felt bad for giving back the card. The woman seemed pretty excited over the idea of her dating her nephew, but Marley didn’t think it was professional at all, so it was best to give it back, and not make her think they may be related one day. “I will. Thank you for thinking of me though.”
Marley knew they were defending their children, and since she wasn’t a parent, she didn’t understand that aspect of it. She didn’t attend a state school, she went to a private college, but Marley worked her ass off to get there. While she knew arts could get one into a good college, she also knew that without the grades backing the talent, there was no chance. The last one was a hot mess. “I mean if anything, Ms. Berry will make your children better at what they do. Isn’t that the purpose?” She asked, shrugging her shoulders. “Still, I don’t need to lose my job, Brody!” She grinned over at him. “No, Figgins thinks it’s too ‘violent’ for Freshmen. He wanted to take it off the reading list, but I talked him into Juniors.” She shrugged. She thought it was stupid, but what could she do?
Marley ran her hand through her hair, and peered over at Brody. “Yeah, we can head out.” She said quietly, looking over at the items. Nothing she’d want to own. “Ready?”
Brody nodded, proud of Marley for her mediating abilities, as well as arguably defending her coworker.  “That’s a good point, Cheryl.  I mean, you can hardly argue that Rachel doesn’t devote all of the time she’s got to these kids.”  The woman was hardly pleased, but she conceded grudgingly to the point, and they moved on.  “Eh, the principal likes you-- he’s not going to fire you,” he argued with a laugh.  “I’m sure I’ve done far worse and look how I’m still hanging around.  Kids need visual aids-- it helps stick associations in their heads.”  Brody quirked an eyebrow: the admin thought killing a mouse and a woman was more violent than a bloody killing spree young adult novel?  Man he was glad he didn’t have to navigate those waters.  “Well, so long as they don’t miss out on the brilliance that is Steinbeck and California writing,” he replied with a smirk.
Brody nodded, and straightened up, “Well, ladies,” he announced, stacking the dishes in front of him.  “It was lovely to see you, but I do need to get Ms Rose here home before she turns into a pumpkin, and I have my own obligations as well.  I’m looking forward to seeing all of you next week for the Winter Spectacular.”  He stood up, and held out his hand to Marley, carefully navigating her away from her chair as she was quickly surrounded by the Hens all eager to say goodbye and how happy they were to have met her, and she should definitely come by again soon.
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01. The Public Image
The main reason I turn to Tumblr to blog is because I find it rather disheartening and flat out aggravating that our only source of reference is either the official community forums or reddit.
Needless to say, neither of these places are appropriate for posting honest opinion, least you be subjected to the hivemind that jeers and boos at you while giving -666 thumbs down because you simply stated, “I disagree.”
Alright, maybe I’m exaggerating; it’s never just ‘I disagree’, but you get my point. It’s a bunch of emotionally insecure hyper defensive wall flowers that just want Andy Warhol’s long promised 5 minutes of fame. Every waking moment I spend on reddit trying to accept it’s otherworldly culture for the sake of being involved, the more I realize: fuck this shit.
The FFXIV reddit community is the equivalent of when someone refuses to shower for 2 weeks and then decides to bathe in french vanilla fragrance mist. It doesn’t work. Not only are people completely aware of the shit beneath the surface, but the sweet appeal you’ve thrown on is nauseating.
Reddit universally is disgusting, and normally I’d never even have reason to venture that close to it’s ilk — but the fact that it’s the only community outside the official forums almost forces it on you with each google search. Not only that, but so much of the information and the “theorycrafting” on there is flat out incorrect.
They’re infatuated with the idea of theorycraft (they probably think the word just sounds cool) and have the god-awful tendency of confusing opinion with fact. Perhaps the biggest ringer for me is that roughly 2 - 3 days out of the week if you look at the top upvoted discussions, you’ll find a thread dedicated to what a lovely, beautiful, and welcoming community we have.
Or people reminding everyone to be polite because that’s who we are. It’s our brand. Let’s quote:
We're a community praised for our generosity and overall welcoming feel. Let's not ruin it. If you suspect someone used a Jump Potion and you're not on board with playing with them, then kindly leave the party, don't bring it to the subreddit in hopes of farming up karma and inflating you're own ego because you think it's okay to do so. It's not. We're better than this guys. C'mon.
Piss off.
I could make a huge comment on XI’s well renowned community and how ridiculous it is that people want to control everyone on a video game that’s not even theirs to moderate, but I could summarize this perfectly by just saying: reddit.
It really grinds my gears to see so many people trying to take over this game, like they own company shares because they pay a subscription fee; so they’re entitled to tell everyone how the game should be, or how the community should behave. Even so far as to tell the developers themselves! The balls on some people! Let’s quote off reddit again:
Give 20% back with aetherflow - Any heavy healing and mana goes poof. 1/3 for energy drain is typically enough, but it would help.
Have bio again just for an extra button to press No really, the dungeons are still not that heavy on healing and I picked ACN for dots to start with even SMN feels like I don't have enough dots. Spamming broil just isn't fun :/
An extra stack of aetherflow. Since we have so many abilities locked behind stacks but this might be OP.
Any one of these and I'd be happy.
Okay, so school is in session everyone. Yoshi-P is considered one of the most highly receptive developers when it comes to personal feedback regarding MMORPG and player satisfaction.
Does anyone know why?
At the start of FFXIV 1.0 alpha & beta, the moderators/administrators were completely unresponsive to the opinions and feedback of the testers. People grew furious as their feedback went into the dark abyss and bugs/known issues persistently appeared while SE promised everything was working as intended.
I’m 99.9% certain everyone has watched the coverage on A Realm Reborn, posted on youtube by NoClip titled “Rewriting History”. This is the first time, after 7 years, that SE has opened up and explained what was actually going on behind the scenes. It also explains why Naoki Yoshida was placed in the position he’s currently in. 
In 2.0 beta, Yoshida and his team (although met with much doubt and criticism that they would just do the same as the previous alpha/beta), made it their utmost top priority to take player feedback and apply it to the game. This is why Yoshida asks for feedback.
The community, who most likely have no idea about the history behind this since Legacy members left playing this game are few and far between, have completely taken advantage of it and ran out the door screaming.
Now, every time a change happens people are instantly flocking to the forums & reddit to complain about how the idiot dev team has ruined their entire life and they will never return to that job so long as they live because blahblahblah.
Holy shit, get over it. This isn’t WoW, where the changes made inflict a notable 50% negative DPS impact on the meters. At most you’re looking at a whopping 1% - 5% difference. You could even go as far to compare damage dealt by job on FF Logs to see that almost every class is a toe hairs length away from each other in DPS (except Samurai because it’s clearly broken, hence the patch coming up to fix it.. I’ll look forward to reading the whining demands all over).
I nearly didn’t return to the game for Stormblood, truth be told, because of how utterly put off I’ve become with everything. I know I’ve ranted about reddit this entire post, but it’s not just them. It’s on personal domains, tumblr, and fan blogs. Websites across the board with patreon pages dedicated to support their unique careers on XIV. Careers.
We try to keep our monthly operating expenses low to begin with, but we also want to gain enough to set aside for expanding what we do. At this point, we'll be able to cover all operating costs and set aside savings to be used for expanding what we do, prize pools and more! Thank you for bringing us life!
The above is quoted from the official A Stage Reborn patreon page. Let me clarify this perfectly here: these people are trying to profit off a Square Enix video game. They’re using the FFXIV models (character & object), and even the original screenplay of “I want to be your Canary” from Final Fantasy IX to bring in-game entertainment and have the gall to link a patreon for funding. 
The terms of agreement and privacy policy attached to this is enough to make my head spin. This game is not for you to profit off. This game isn’t a career. It’s a game. In all my years on XI, and even the rogue few I bounced to a few other MMO’s, I’ve never seen this shit.
When did people start trying to profit off being part of a fanbase instead of enjoying it? How did we get here? It seems like everyone is clawing at the gate trying to rip off a small piece of XIV for themselves
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