#with love super genius prankster uchikoshi i love your games
aaronymous999 · 1 year
I am hopelessly tempted to make a Zero Escape rewrite in some way… or at least throw ideas at a headcanon board of things I have accepted as canon in my interpretation.
999 is pretty good and I wouldn’t change much about it besides removing some weird anime stuff I’m not a fan of and making Ace’s motives ( haha funny ) more complex than what it is in game because in game it’s a little…? Also give Lotus a shirt… and remove all the weird orientalist stuff the story would not change at all.
VLR is such a good game as well but there are a few plot holes 😭 although tbh they could be fixed by just moving around a few reveals and tweaking a few things? For example, having the characters note that things feel more light and that they feel more weird when moving. If they reveal the radical-6 thing a little earlier the characters could presume that they’re all infected and that that’s a side effect. And then at the end their processing speed is explained and their worries about their strange movement and lightness of objects by the twist at the end. Also just. Change Sigma’s character design. Get rid of the weird eye thing he has because that’s one part where I’m like “okay. He would definitely notice that.” And maybe I don’t know, just change some materials in the facility so that they aren’t reflective? Instead of the puddle at the end have Akane give Sigma a mirror and have one of the characters note the lack of reflective surfaces. This may be a bit of a cop out but it’s the only way the twist really works? Also I know some people make the point that other characters would describe Sigma’s appearance to him… but they literally do that in the game and honestly if Sigma is just too stupid to not understand it tbh ( he is, he’s trying his best! Don’t make fun of him! ) and getting rid of the weird thing he has on his eye he wouldn’t really have any features that other characters would describe out of nowhere. There’s two old men characters so they wouldn’t just say “the old man” when referring to him, he looks awfully similar to Junpei so his only defining feature in this case would be his clothing, which is the same as when he was kidnapped. Sigma never really asks questions ( at least ones that are answered ) when others point out his age, frankly pretty obviously. He just assumes they’re making fun of him, and I enjoy Sigma slander so I think in my rewrite that exists in my mind the characters would just, make fun of him more so it all sort of blends together. Other than that main twist stuff there’s not a lot of issues in the game besides the character designs. ( Alice… Clover… looking at you two ) and character inconsistencies. Sometimes, Alice especially acts incredibly out of character and it can make her incredibly unlikable when she’s not intended to be. Also a lot of the characters just, leave in some bad endings when realistically they wouldn’t. I do love how the game gives you a lot of choices and different endings but for some characters, like K I couldn’t imagine leaving everyone behind, or Clover leaving without Alice, etc. This could honestly be fixed just by rewriting these endings, I do also think it’s inconsistent that Sigma gets tackled when leaving and no one else does, which is often pointed out. Honestly all of these could be solved by rewriting the scenes, or merging these endings with the main timeline, and just having it so that in some cases, picking the other option doesn’t lead to a game over, it just leads to one character being tied up for a lot of that path or them just… being a good person and not leaving the facility. That’s about it with my critique for VLR and what I would change.
God I cannot talk about ZTD right now. It would be so difficult to rewrite that game to be something on par or just under the quality of the former games, while keeping the main structure of the game and it’s twists. I am willing to admit that I am not a good enough writer to do that.
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