#titans east x reader
levitiquee · 10 months
Farewell, Captain. (Levi Ackerman x injured!reader)
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Cw: mentions of blood.
Summary: Levi Ackerman finds you in the verge of death.
It was going to rain
You bit down on your lip in worry. This was bad.
The expedition was supposed to be a small, short one. Just to catch a new titan or two for Hange's experiments. Go out, catch them, come back.
It was a small squad, about 15 people only. Section Commander Hange had picked out only a few to accompany. Being Levi's second, and one of the most treasured soldier in the military, usually they wouldn't call you for such simple tasks. The only reason you were asked to tag along was because you were also section commander Hange's assistant, you helped them in conducting the titan experiments. You didn't really mind as you had nothing better to do anyways. And by now, these small expeditions doesn't scare you as much as they used to.
You were ranked at the rear of the formation, along with two more. On one side, Sasha rode besides you, deeply focused. Captain Levi had, for some reason ordered her to come as well, to your joy (Though you suspected it was more of a punishment to stop her from stealing food, since banning her from meals only made the problem worse). You were glad hearing your best friend's coming too as the journey would be far less boring, although Sasha wasn't too enthusiastic. She kept groaning about how hungry she was and how she'd have to wait a couple more hours before she gets some food. (Irritated also because captain Levi had stripped her out of all hidden snacks before setting out.)
On the other side of you were a new recruit. She was in Section Commander Hange's squad, recruited because of her apparent brains in therotical knowledge. But Hange wanted her to have a bit of experience on the outside world too, so there she was. First ever expedition. Poor thing was shaking like a leaf.
Two nights ago, the special operations squad was sent out to clear the area out of any titans, baiting them towards where the trap was set along the South-East abandoned Tsuchou town. So the route was expected to be safe. And though precautions were taken, you and your teammates were much more relaxed, as you rode along, joking and laughing.
Except the new girl. She'd been rigid as stone since you've set out.
Suddenly, the girl closed the distance between you, pulling her horse so near, your legs almost touched. You looked at her, surprised. She'd been keeping noticable distance from you and Sasha until now.
"It's... it's going to rain, won't it?" She muttered quietly, glancing at you from the corner of her eyes.
You looked up and nodded, eyes shifting to the sky. "It appears so, yes."
"How long are we going to go on for?"
"Just a little further. We should be by the traps in about an hour."
The girl's shoulders visibly sunk, her face falling. "Another hour?"
"Hey," you called out softly, noticing the fear in her body language. She looked pitiful. "It's going to be fine. I know exactly what you must feel like but I promise you nothing's going to go wrong today. It's just a short trip, so hang on okay?"
Sasha shot an encouraging smile to her following your words.
She pursed her lips, giving a tight nod. Her hands gripped the reins tighter.
"I know..it's just..it feels so wrong." She whispered. "The sky was fine when we came out, then it turned dark within moments."
You understood. It really had been a good day. Or so it had seemed when the expedition began. Bright blue sky without a single cloud. Then half an hour in, it turned dark, thick black clouds appearing out of nowhere. And wind was blowing so heavy you could barely keep your eyes open, the dust that was getting kicked up by the horses kept flying into them.
It did feel wrong.
You thought about it for a second as you watched the girl gradually shifting further, regaining the distance. Her eyes unfocused, a worried expression settled.
"Sash, think I'm gonna go ahead." You told Sasha.
Sasha immediately started shaking her head but she barely had time to got any words out before you squeezed the horse's sides, telling her to speed up. She did, hooves clashing against the ground, leaving small clouds of dust. You passed through your comrades, ignoring their side eyes.
Breaking ranks was absolutely unpermitted unless in life threatening situations. But when you're favoured by the higher ups and second to none but Levi Ackerman, you get a lot of free passes and unspoken privileges—which, needless to point out, you abused whenever you could.
You speedened up until the familiar figure caught your eye. Nudging your horse, you manurvered it towards him, catching up to him in moments
Levi glanced at you sideways with narrowed eyes, annoyance flashing through his features at your appearance.
"Tch." He clicked his tongue. "Why the hell did you leave your post? Just because it's not an actual expedition doesn't mean-"
"Yeah, yeah" You cut him off, not in the mood for a lecture. Levi's eye twitched, but he didn't say anything. He never did.
If it was anyone else but you, Levi would have taught you a lesson right there. And if it was anyone but Levi, you would for sure at the very least be demoted for speaking in such tone. But though none of you would admit it, the relationship between you and Levi were much casual than it should be between a commanding officer and a soldier.
"It's going to rain, captain." You pointed towards the sky. "I don't like this. Can't we camp out or something? We've cleared out the area two nights ago anyways, there shouldn't be titans around. It'll be safe and we can continue later."
Levi sighed. "Tell that to four-eyes. I tried. They won't listen to me. Keeps saying, 'its not much further'."
You grimaced. When it came to titans, section commander Hange lost all rationality. "It won't be a light rain either. Looks like a fucking storm is coming."
Levi nodded in agreement. "I'll see what I can do." He huffed "You don't have to worry about it. "
"I'll be hella pissed if I get drenched, I swear."
"No one asked. And go back to your damn post, you little pest." He finished sharply, giving you a warning glance.
You obligated, even you knew when to step back. Pulling down on the reins, you slowed your horse down, turning it around to go back to your original spot. Sasha and the new recruit were staring wide eyed.
"You really need to stop doing that. One of these days, captain Levi will just go batshit on you." Sasha shook her head, a grin on her face.
"We'll see." You snorted.
"Seriously, I don't even know why he lets you screw around like this, if it was any of us-"
"Did you ask him about the rain?" The rookies high pitched voice cut Sasha off. She was staring at you, face contorted in anticipation.
"Yeah, kid." You responded gloomily. "Don't think they'll stop unless it actually starts raining."
She didn't say anything, just looked away, distancing herself with her horse again, knuckles taut on the reins.
"She's just scared." Sasha muttered, glancing at her.
"Weren't we all?"
"Don't remind me." She shuddered at the reminder of our first expedition—the one where more than half of us were massacred by the female titan.
You watched the sky with squinted eyes, as the clouds had covered the last rays of the sun, creating an eerie dark ambience, even making you shift warily in your position.
The kid was right, it felt wrong.
Somewhere far away, thunder rolled. Once. Twice. The rumbling sound was almost deafening.
That's when the first drop of rain hit your face. It rolled down your cheek and fell on the ground.
And then the sky crashed down upon the earth.
A curse escaped your lips, completely unprepared for the sudden phenomenon. Surprised yelps from others joined yours. Hastily, you wrapped your cloak around yourself tightly to regain some warmth that you lost.
Oh dear. This was definitely bad .
Within seconds, the world was white. You couldn't see anything. Only faint outlines and blurred green. Somewhere far front, you heard Hange groan and Moblit screaming out to move out to far right to the forest to take shelter underneath the trees.
Despite being half blind, you followed the orders, pulling the reins. You felt the thuds of Sasha's and the new recruits horses match yours.
Then Sasha gasped.
She hissed out your name, her voice terrified.
"Titans." She whispered.
Your heart fell. No.
"What?" You yelled out, praying to God you heard wrong.
"I can hear titans!" Sasha said louder this time, the panic in her tone clear. "From everywhere!"
Damn Sasha and her extraordinary hearing abilities.
"Shit. Shit shit shit!" You cursed out. Why? How? The area was supposed to be clear. Why were they swarming on you then?!
"We have to let the others know!"
"How!? The rain is too thick and loud for the signal guns to be seen or heard! Hell, we probably won't even hear titans come up until they're breathing down our damn necks!" You were losing your cool, the panic settling in.
Scouts did not go out in expeditions when it rained. It was a rule. Never.
But here the fuck you were.
You heard the rookie whimper right beside your ear. Your head turned to see her almost over your shoulders, eyes wide with terror as she heard the conversation, eyes switching from Sasha to you.
"It'll be fine." You said to her, trying to calm down for her sake. But you knew as well, the chances of it being fine was next to fucking zero because Sasha's ears were too fucking accurate. "It'll be fine, just stick close to me-"
The terrified yelps of several people up front cut you off and your blood froze.
A huge, enormous figure standing before you, staring down with wide, hungry eyes. A creepy smile on its face.
You stilled, right there. Your breathing stopped.
No no no.
Not here.
Your horse reacted before you processed it, throwing itself to the side just as the titans feet slammed against the ground just where you've been, sending tremors down the earth. It's grubby hand swooshed over your head.
The mount flailed wildly as you tried to keep balance. You were about to whip the reins and get the hell out of there when another cry pierced through your bones.
From much, much close.
The rookie.
You whipped your head to see the girl running the exact fucking opposite way, the titan following right behind with big, heavy thuds.
You didn't even care where Sasha might be.
She was experienced, she'd be fine.
The kid won't be fine.
In a split second decision, you turned your mount around, grabbing it's neck as it charged in full speed following the titan, speedily crossing it.
You were going in the forest.
Not the wisest decision you've made because you still couldn't see anything except for the outline of the titan behind you, you could crash into a tree any second.
But fuck.
"Hey, you moron! Come back here!" You yelled out to her in frustration and desperation. She didn't even turn around, only speedened up. "That's the wrong fucking way! Turn around!"
You moved, fast as the wind, raindrops stabbing your face like tiny little frost needles, making you wince.
You entered the forest, deeper, deeper.
This was bad.
And then it got worse.
It was the red that caught your eyes. The type of red you could recognize anywhere.
Blood was splattered all across the ground, the rainwater washing it away.
Oh no no no.
The crunch of human bones jolted you awake as you looked up to see the titan that had been the cause of it. You stared. Stared. Stared as it stared back at you.
You looked down, right there on the foot of it, rolling around was the detached head of the girl.
You gazed back up.
And then you saw two more. Slowly, steadily coming out of the forest, disturbingly enlarged organs swinging with every steps.
3 titans in front. 1 in the back.
What have you done.
You had barely turned your gear switch on when the first titan struck, stomping down your horse. Just in time, with the gap of a second from being smashed, you pressed on the triggers, the wires shooting forward, planting to whatever surface they had found and pulling you with it.
It was reckless. Stupid. Using ODM gear when you couldn't see shit. But you were in a forest so hopefully it'll randomly latch onto trees. Or it could fucking slip because of the rain and you could die. But you took your chance, not that you had a choice.
One of the advantages titans had was that they could see clearly in the rain. Their enormous pupils followed your movements, hands reaching out to grab you. You twisted just in time, releasing the wires and shooting them again, using them to swing yourself further and faster.
And you did that. Every time the wires shot out, your heart caught in your throat thinking it'd miss and find nothing to latch onto but fate must've had your back because it didn't.
Until it did.
Perhaps it was the stupid rush of confidence you gained from moving so perfectly, that you had speedened up. That was the downfall. Though one had latched, the other anchor slipped, missing the branch and instead going over it. The moment you realized it, you knew it was over.
The momentum from before and the pull of the wires, you slammed against the trees, hitting your head so hard, you felt your skull crack, the pain ripping through your brain. The anchor that had latched onto the tree didn't bury itself properly and you clashed right against it. The metal hook went straight through your shoulders. And nothing could ever have prepared you for the agony that panged through.
You dropped, back clashing against the ground. You lied there, sprawled and bleeding out, the rain pooling in your eyes, blurrying your already hazy vision from hitting your head so hard. But you watched the titans surround you, an almost giddy look crossing their stupid expressions.
Those little fuckers.
And so you watched, helplessly, as one of them reached out, pulling you up by your legs, your head dangling upside down.
And all you saw was big wide eyes and gaped jaws.
One of the other reached out, wrapping it's fat fingers around your midsections, pulling you towards itself. The one holding you groaned, pulling you back, as if it didn't really want to share. Your abdominal muscles and organs strech to the point you thought you'd split in half.
What a shit way to die, you thought.
You survived Shiganshina, you survived Trost, you survived that damn 57th expedition.
And you were going to die here.
While four fucking ugly as hell titans fought about who got to eat you.
'Second to none but Levi Ackerman', your ass.
But your friends, you thought. Eren had yet so much to go, that you won't be there to see. Before you left, when you've said goodbye to Connie and Jean, you smacked both of them in the head, that wasn't a good farewell, was it? Sasha would go hungry during meals because you won't be there to share half your food.
You wondered if captain would be the slightest bit of sad.
Had he noticed you missing by now? Would he miss the little banters and bickerings you had every day with him? Would he be disappointed that you were going out in such a lame way?
You closed your eyes, dangling upside down was not helping your case. Your head was starting to get empty as you felt the blood pool down in your head.
That's good. At least you won't be conscious while you die.
It won't hurt.
Four. Five. Six. Seven....one,five, four? Ticktocktickticktocktick-
Then you fell.
It wasn't a gentle drop You hit the ground again, full force. And this time you felt your leg bend awkwardly, a bone snapped.
But it didn't hurt, not really. You were too numb by now.
You felt the ground shook as something heavy impacted. Four times. Followed by loud, gutteral animalistic growls of a titan.
Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud.
One. Two. Three. Four.
But it was the sharp metallic sound of a sword clanging was what woke you up.
Your eyes opened and you saw steam.
Ah. Were the titans dead?
But who killed them?
Your head turned sheepishly and you found the answer.
There was Levi, staring at you with wide, wide eyes, mouth slightly parted. His swords were discarded by his side and he just stood there. Was his hands shaking?
Oh, that's funny. That's the first ever time you've seen captain react that much. He looked funny with such big eyes. Was it because of how filthy you were? You couldn't see yourself, but you knew. You must've been caked in blood and mud. Is that why captain was so shocked?
Your mind was so fuzzy, you wanted to go to sleep. Would the captain mind if you fell asleep here? In this filth?
Levi finally registered the sight. He shifted, still in a daze, and then he dropped, straddling you. Careful enough to not let any of his body weight touch you.
He looked so scared.
"Shit." He muttered. "Shit. Shit, shit, shit. Oi brat—" His hands closed around your arms, shaking you. Your brain felt as if it rattled in your head. "Fuck–can you hear me?"
His hand pressed against your face and he flinched at how cold you were. You only stared at him through half-lidded eyes.
Then, weakly, with all you had, you parted your lips, the words barely audible.
"...welcome to the party, captain. Bit late though I'm afraid." You mumbled. "You do realize shaking me doesn't actually help, don't you? Unless you want me to throw up or something."
Levi felt his heart hitch.
"You little shit–" he took a sharp breath. Then slowly, carefully, he slightly shifted you holding your hair back to inspect how bad the damage was, and it wasn't a pretty sight.
"I'm a goner, aren't I?" you muttered quietly, wincing when one of his fingers accidentally grazed against the injury. Levi immediately pulled his hand back, his hand stained red.
"Shut up." He hissed, trying to keep his growing anxiety from showing. "You're bleeding like shit. Thats way too much blood."
"I'm aware, can't help it." you groaned when your leg moved a bit too much, "Got it on your clothes too."
"I could care fuck less about it right now, you dumbfuck." Levi snapped out. The he shifted off of you, kneeling beside. He unhooked the green cloak around him with fast fingers. The green surface was smeared with dark red in places.
Carefully, he pulled you up by the shoulders, cradling you against his chest. You almost cried at the sudden feeling of warmth, and the sharp wave of pain that shot through your bent leg. Tears stinged your eyes. "Bite me. I knew you cared." You joked, an attempt to lighten the dire situation and to ignore the way your whole body ached and how you already felt the lack of oxygen in the air. Levi let out an irritated breath as he used the cloak to wrap around your head to stop the bleeding. His breathing loud and heavy beside your ear. "Can you shut up, you ungrateful brat? I'm trying to save your damn life."
Levi worked so gently, it was unfamiliar. You wondered as your head rested on his shoulder and his hands worked around you, every movement slow and careful, trying his best not to hurt you more.
Ah, so even the harsh captain can be this gentle. And despite emptiness clouding your head, you felt slightly glad. At least you got to see this side of him. This is a nice way to die.
As if he had somehow heard your thoughts, his jaw tightened. "Don't even think about dying. That's a fucking order."
If only the world worked like that.
Levi knew he wasn't doing a good job. His hands shook too much, and it was causing you unnecessary pain. He froze everytime you winced, taking a few seconds until you stilled, then continuing. He was also aware of how dirty the fabric was, with dirt and mud, but this'd have to. It's either this or watching you bleed out to death.
"Okay," he whispered quietly under his breath, more to reassure himself than you. He turned you so he could see your face. An absolutely panic stricken look passes him when he sees the tears. "Fuck, Did I hurt you too much? Does it still hurt?"
You sniffled, mouth twitching to a grin. You tried to ignore the pounding in your head. "It's not your fault. You didn't do anything."
Levi nodded, his eyes shifting to your shoulder. "How the fuck did this even happen?" He hissed sharply, seeing the metal anchor buried deep in the flesh. "Even when you get injured, it's in the stupidest ways possible." He thought about it for a second, biting the insides of his cheek. Unsure what to do. Then he sighed. "Shit. It's best to let it stay there. If I try to pull it out, might accidentally tear something. And the bleeding would be too much to handle."
"Nice." You groaned, then all of a sudden, broke into a fit of coughs, blood spilling out with each jolt. Levi's eyes widened at the sight, pupils blown out.
"The titans." You coughed, trying to explain. "Must've fucked up my insides. The grip was too tight."
Levi frustratedly ran a hand through his hair, uncaring of the grime and filth. His face screwed up and eyebrows knitted together, the fear in his eyes wide and clear. Internal bleeding was much, much concerning.
"Captain," the word was a groan. Your eyes were so heavy, begging to go to rest. Would that be so bad? "...I don't think I can make this one out. I'm dying, aren't I?"
"No you're not. But if you don't stop talking, I might actually make you a goner." Levi deadpanned while going over your leg. You snorted, the slight action paining you. But it was nice. With him fussing over.
"Come on, we gotta get you back-hey–" he slapped your cheek, seeing your eyes flutter. Gentle but sharp. "Don't pass out, kid. Better keep those damn eyes open. Stay awake. Stay the fuck awake, you hear me?"
His fingers fiddled with your uniform straps, removing the gas tanks and the overall gears. He had to cut down the wire that stuck with hook that was latched to your shoulder since he couldn't take it out. The removal of the extra weight made you feel slightly better.
"Alright," Cautiously, he hooked one arm over your shoulder, the other under your knees. "Brace yourself, this is going to hurt as fuck." Then, though carefully, with one sweep pull, he picked you up. And despite his warning, and the mental preparation, he was right. It hurt like shit. A soft cry escaped your lips. "I'm sorry, just–just hang on." He mumbled, cradling you close to him, adjusting your head so that it rested against his shoulder. He knew it wasn't the most ideal position as it'd be hard for him to move with ODM while holding you like this, not to mention your leg would not probably be in the best state either. But he couldn't think of a better position, your head needed support, he couldn't let any weight on your abdominal muscles either.
Then without moving his arms from beneath you, he reached for the ODM triggers with his hands and pressed his fingers down.
The takeoff was the final push. The jolt as he kicked off the ground and the pain that followed right after was the limit. You knew you were going to die.
"You pretend like you don't give two shits, but you're going to miss me once I'm gone aren't you?" The words escaped you without thinking. You weren't really thinking at all, it's just this urge that took over. But if you're going to die, you wanted to keep talking. You wanted to hear his voice. You wanted him to scowl and snap at you to shut up. So until you can't, you wanted to keep talking. One last bicker. Never in your life had you thought he'd be the one to hear your last words or that his ones would be the last you'd hear. And you didn't mind. At all.
"Fuck off." He responded coldly.
"I'm serious."
"You're serious? Now that's a shocker."
There he went, from one tree to another. You grinned, looking up at his contorted face. He was trying so hard not to panic, his eyes flicking from you to the route.
"Can't you just keep your mouth shut for once in your fucking life?"
"Said life's on the verge of death, so I'd rather not."
"Stop saying shit like that. You're not dying on me."
You sighed. He was wrong. You were indeed dying on him. Despite the warmth of his body pressed against you, you could feel your own temperature lowering dangerously. The cloak he had used as a makeshift bandage to stop the bleeding weren't helping much better either as you felt blood trickle over your eyes. You felt weak, dizzy, disassociated. You could barely remember where you are and where you're going.
"Captain. Thank you for choosing me."
"What?" Levi's eyes shifted towards you, surprised and confused. It was such a strange sight. The bangs he so carefully kept were now all messy and disheveled, some strands sticking to his face with sweat. You returned his silvery gaze.
"Thank you for choosing me. Letting me be a part of your squad. Saving my ass everytime I fucked up. For everything, really. You weren't the nicest, but you have a good heart. And I'm not the best at expressing gratitude but I had to let you know."
"Shut up." Levi hissed through gritted teeth, his voice cracked ever so slightly. The rain had lessened into a drizzle.
"Once I'm gone, there won't be anyone to nag you to go to sleep. Remember to take breaks, won't you?"
Levi wouldn't look at you. He couldn't look at you. But his hold tightened. "Shut the fuck up. Keep talking and I'll drop you." Oh, but you had to keep talking. Your breaths were numbered you could tell. And you wanted to spend them on talking.
"And hydrate. Don't drink too much tea. Stop being mean to Hange and Eren. Let Sasha eat, don't ban her from meals when she fucks up.." the words slurred, your voice becoming quieter with every words and each were punctuated with heavy and heavier gasps. Your eyes closed. The light was too bright for you. And blood was pooling inside your mouth, choking you. "..they care for you. I hope you know that. So be nice every once a while. It won't kill you I swear."
Levi sucked in a breath. "Oi, brat." His voice was so far, so far away. You wanted to reach out and hold on to it, somehow wrap yourself around it. So unlike the usual stoic and dry comments he'd send through your way.. "...I take it back. Don't shut up. Keep talking. Keep blabbering whatever the fuck- Don't die on me, not like this–shit–not like this—" Guess he did care after all. "—stay with me, come on, stay with me.–"
You were fading. Drowning. Floating. But you heard him. His words a broken record, repeating over and over in your brain—staywithmestaywithmestaywithme…
You apologized silently. You would if you could. But the air was choking you and you couldn't stay any longer. You'd stay with his mean ass for life if you had the choice, didn't he know? Didn't he know you dedicated your heart for him?
Oh. Time's out.
(might write a part 2 lol)
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britany1997 · 1 year
Fate Yields For No One
Chapter one
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Sorry to make y’all wait so long! I hope this chapter is worth it:) (don’t worry y’all, the boys will make an appearance very soon😏) let me know if you want me to add you to this Taglist or to my main Taglist in the comments!
Reblog to support my writing💕
Poly Lost boys x Max’s daughter reader
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New York, 1986
“what if I told you that I could do more than heal you? What if I could restore your life and then some? Would you want that?”
“I’m not ready to die, I’m so scared. Please don’t let me die, not like this.”
“I am truly sorry that there isn’t enough time to do this the gentle way, I hope you can forgive me.”
Sharp fangs sinking into your neck always jostled you from your reoccurring nightmare. You sighed as you surveyed the sweat covered sheets surrounding you, running a hand through your hair as you fought to banish your fear.
After that awful night in the alley where Max has found you, you’d ran as far as you could, trading the west coast for the east. But no matter how fast you ran, you couldn’t escape your own mind.
Your life as a human was long gone, but the memories populated your nightmares. They reminded you that no matter how different you were now, how strong, you would always be that pitiful girl who’d almost died, alone and unloved.
Whatever you were now could never erase the fact that you used to be nothing to this world.
You slunk out of bed and sauntered to your balcony, taking in the breathtaking sight of New York City when night fell.
Your hands gripped the railing as your eyes scanned the bright lights, the racing cars, and the bustling crowds. You breathed in deeply, taking in your last view from the balcony before you had to flee your apartment and search for a new one, attached to a new sucker for you to use.
As much as you loathed it, your vampirism allowed you to take revenge on the cruel and wealthy in ways you’d never been able to before.
While other vampires went straight in for the kill, you preferred to play with your food. You didn’t just want to feed on random humans, you wanted the ones you chose to suffer.
You preyed on the titans of Wall Street, the trust fund babies, the old money bastards and all the other men who would have stepped over your corpse in the gutter.
You were beautiful and you knew it. It was never a struggle to ensnare them. You hung around at the fanciest restaurants in the upper east side, and the classiest bars in the financial district. Hunting was pointless, the men came to you.
You spent a few weeks stroking their egos, among other things, and they gave you anything you wanted. The money, the power, the influence they had became yours just as much as it was theirs.
They allowed you into their homes and their hearts. When you were sure that they trusted you, that they loved you, you dropped the mask and showed them who you really were, teeth and all.
Maybe you should feel bad for using them and draining them, and some part of you did feel a small pang of guilt every time the life drained from their terrified eyes.
But you had walked with them at night as they ignored the starving people that lined the streets of the city. They refused to offer even a cent of their “hard-earned” money.
When your eyes welled with tears at the downtrodden state of those around you, they wouldn’t dry your tears. Instead, the rich men would tell you that those stranded on street corners had earned their place in life.
“How will they learn?” they’d ask you. “We can’t just give people money,” they’d patronize you, “this is America! Anyone can pull themselves up by their bootstraps nowadays.”
They’d assure you that they helped them more by not sharing a minuscule amount of their vast wealth. The homeless were a plague on the city, they’d insist. Didn’t you want them to help themselves?
So the men you killed, their deaths didn’t bother you much.
You shivered as you replayed their screams over and over again in your head. They called you a murderer, a monster, and maybe you were.
But so were they. You’d killed over and over, but every person on a street-corner they’d all but spit on, every dollar they’d hoarded that could have saved your family all those years ago, they were murderers too, they were more monster then you could ever be.
You were pulled from your thoughts by a firm knocking at your door.
Your blood ran cold. You knew it’d been a risk to feed on those humans that society had deemed to be the elite and important. But you hadn’t realized your actions would catch up with you this quickly.
You didn’t want to slaughter a hoard of police officers, but you’d do what you had to to keep your freedom. You cautiously unlatched the door and pulled it open.
Though you’d expected to be met with the business end of many pistols, the sight before you was much, much worse.
Wrapped in a taupe suit with not a visible wrinkle, glasses perched on his nose, the vision of the man you’d met in the alley all those years ago stood before you, a frown etched onto his face.
You gasped, moving to slam the door on him, but before you could he wedged his foot in, holding the entrance open and pushing past you.
You hadn’t felt so small and weak since you were human. Max had a way of doing that to you.
“Hello daughter,” he uttered nonchalantly as his eyes took in the sight of your stolen apartment.
You clenched and unclenched your fists, struggling to keep your anger at bay. “You’re not my father,” you spit, “not even close. I had a father remember? Because of you I’ll never see him again.”
Max rolled his eyes, “foolish girl,” he stated, “when are you going to realize that this is the only eternity there is.”
He scoffed, “you are too old to be dwelling on fairytales of an afterlife anymore. Your family is gone, it’s been years, get over it.”
You fought back tears as he ridiculed the love for your family you still clung too. Your hand raised to slap him, but he caught it before you could.
“Ungrateful child,” he said through gritted teeth, “you embarrass me and you squander the gift you have been given.”
You snatched your hand from his grasp and rubbed your risk. “I never asked for this,” you reminded him, “you said you’d save my life, but I died in every way that matters, you lied.”
Max rolled his eyes once more, “I tire of your melodrama little girl. I’ve come to bring you home.”
It was your turn to scoff. “Home?” you laughed, humorlessly, “I have no home in California anymore. My home is here now.”
Max smirked, “which home?” he asked, “as I understand it you’ve become the little ‘black widow Robin Hood’ of the upper east side. You’ve had many many homes these past few years, but they’re not really yours, are they?” He raised an eyebrow.
You crossed your arms as your gaze fell. You hated that he was right.
“I’m not going with you,” you whispered.
He hummed, “you seem to be under the mistaken impression you have any choice in this matter.”
He placed his finger on your chin and tilted your head up, “I am your sire. You will obey me.” he commanded.
“I made you what you are, and I can destroy you just as easily.”
You cringed.
“You either come back with me, or you can return to the gutter,” his hand moved from your chin to wrap around your jaw, squeezing tightly, “but if you choose the gutter, I’ll ensure it is your final destination.”
You boiled with rage but you knew Max was right. He was older than you and much stronger. As your sire you were tired to him, and you knew you wouldn’t be able to fight his thrall.
He stole your mortality, your happiness, and he’d come back to steal your freedom too.
Yet you found yourself gathering your things to leave with him. You hated him, but god, you hated yourself too.
Max flicked the light in the apartment before grabbing your arm and leading you out the door.
He sighed, “I know you resent me now, but I’m only doing what’s best for you. I take care of my children, and I hope that in time you can learn to see me as your father.” he spoke in a rare moment of softness.
You took in his words silently, offering no reply, but sure of the fact that you would never see him as anything other than the man who’d doomed you to an eternity of emptiness and pain.
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FYFN Taglist❤️:
(Some accounts it wouldn’t let me tag😭 idk what the deal is)
@6lostgirl6 @peachpixiesstuff @ghoulgeousimmaculate @bloodywickedvamp @sidefanficaccounttohidemyshame @paulxbathbomd @anna1306 @its-freaking-bats @dwaynesluscioushair @feardot-com @solobagginses @pixielostboy @ria-coolgirl @vampirefilmlover @flower-crowned-lady @misslavenderlady @lostboys1987girl @warrior-616 @consuming-karma @moonbeam1987 @softchonk @besas-stuff @people-are-strange-87 @simplyreading96 @simpingforthe80s @mad-is-sad @smut-religiously777 @welcome-to-the-hole @vxarak @itsyoboysparkel @billyhargrovedemoness1987 @faefairi3 @jamie-poopoo
403 notes · View notes
amywritesthings · 10 months
silver underground. / chapter 16.
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( Read on AO3 )
Pairing: levi ackerman x f!reader (attack on titan / shingeki no kyojin)
Word Count: 5.4K
Summary: flashback six - also known as the day of the heist
Warnings: this chapter heavily explores and discusses themes of peril, thoughts of self harm and self destruction, hopelessness, death, violence, and torture. if you are triggered by these topics, i would suggest skipping this chapter.
Previous Chapter. / Next Chapter. | Masterlist.
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note: the next couple of chapters will be heavily influenced by the ova 'no regrets'. they are my interpretations of the material. please watch those episode first, otherwise you will get spoiled on elements revolving around levi's backstory.
The silence of the Underground City spoke volumes.
At this rate, you’ve gone over the plan — and the potential ways it can go horribly wrong — at least a dozen times. 
Only so many distress signals can be sent from three people outrunning an entire Military Police unit, so you've employed all of them.
First, there’s the stolen flares.
They’re sparingly used, if ever, when it’s the four of you on a job. Two teams of two has easily been your best formation tactic.
A slight change to a single team of three should not cause much difficulty, especially when it involves veterans like Church, Ackerman, and Magnolia.
(You've already waited a half hour. No flare ever ignites.)
Next, if someone loses their grip on a flare canister, then the pursued team resorts to high-altitude flying.
At the height you’re perched upon — the rooftop of a dilapidated apartment complex overlooking the northern half of the Underground — you’d be able to see at least one person flipping and weaving through even the tallest buildings.
(Another half hour passes. No one ever breaches the skyline.)
The last option, should any ODM gear jam and fail, is more human: eyesight. 
With the B-team units ordered to be stationed around the Underground City, your three friends should be covered. If it looks like the Military Police have the upper hand, then you can quickly get the rest of the gang to safety.
You told Levi you wouldn't run after him, that you would keep your promise and stick to the plan, but now that it's been over an hour of radio silence?
You're not so sure.
Because there are no clouds in the Underground, your sightline is clear. Idly your ODM gear sits on either hips, hands occupied by the mechanism's handles that will boost you at a moment’s notice. Below you on the street stand your appointed security, both gang veterans, looking for any stray MPs roaming the area.
Every second waiting for Levi, Isabel, and Furlan to return from their heist route spans to eternity.
Over and over your eyes scan, checking between rooftops — nothing.
Your attention drops to the streets — nothing.
Silence creeps to a ninety-minute drag.
No flares sound.
No bodies fly.
“C’mon, Ackerman,” you mumble under your breath, flexing your left hand to give your body something to do — to avoid pulling the trigger too fast on a rescue operation.
He was explicit about not coming for him.
He was explicit and he was stupid to think you’d never come for him.
He was stupid to think—
A panicked, shrill voice, however, sounds from the street.
You whip your attention to the east, taking your eyes off of the skyline for a belated beat.
The rogue voice screeches with urgency a second time.
It's young and feminine and terrified.
You shift a boot towards the sound, squeezing the metal handles in your palms with your index fingers at the ready.
“Hey! Where is she? Please, tell me James is here.”
She seems out of breath, like she ran a great distance to get here.
You draw a line with your sight from where her footsteps originated: she came from the south.
Most of your units are pushed towards the north, where Levi stated the job would take place.
One of the seasoned lackeys, a younger man, grunts to her in response. “Who’s askin’?”
“I need to speak with James,” she urges, ignoring his question with a wavering tone. “Please—”
“She’s busy, kid,” the second man replies. “Spit it out if somethin’—”
“They caught Levi!”
Her shriek almost makes your foot slip, causing a roof shingle to dislodge.
Time ceases to exist.
Below you hear the young men argue with her and the exchange of pleas that follow, but there is no distinction of sound to you. Their words are muddied as if your head has been dunked underwater.
You can't run to her. Anxiety grabs you by the scruff of your neck to hold you in place.
What's wrong with Levi?
Did something happen to Levi?
Without thinking, your hand ignites the ODM switch in your left hand to propel a spear into the stone wall from across the street. 
You swiftly swing down from your perch, finally catching a glimpse of the girl in question:
The girl — you remember her first name being Lucy — is as pale as a ghost. Her entire body trembles like a decaying leaf, as though she’s witnessed something horrific that she can’t scrub from her line of sight.
(What the hell did she see?)
Her shoulders relax once she spies your face, but not enough to quell your concern when tears well into her eyes.
“James! Oh my god, you’re here,” Lucy breathes, taking a step forward like you’re willing to console her with a comforting arm. "I tried to get here as fast as I—"
“Repeat what you just said about Ackerman,” you demand without solace. “Now.”
You take one pace back, ignoring the spike in your heart rate as the scenario snowballs in your mind’s eye.
From your peripheral vision, you see several others from the gang join the fray.
The two other lookouts on Lucy’s team run down the tiny guarded street, equally out of breath and panicked.
“We saw it happen in the southeast corner!” one of the running girls exclaim.
You — and the rest of the gang — turn in that direction. You can feel your throat seize.
He said the job was going to be in the northern half of the city.
How the fuck did they end up in the south quadrant?
"We followed them when the job changed course," Lucy explains as if she can read your mind. "Levi ordered Furlan and Isabel to cut south. Too many MPs were waiting in the north."
"But the job was in the north," you numbly reason.
“It might have been a trap, we don't know!" she desperately chirps. "A bunch of MPs went after them on ODM gear so we followed by foot. They were chasing Furlan through the streets. A few of them fell back and we thought maybe they gave up, but then a bunch of new people came out of nowhere and they all had green cloaks with wings—”
“Wings?” you snap, unable to stop your eyes from widening.
You whip your attention back to the young girl. Lucy cowers at your unyielding gaze.
“...yeah,” she answers, meek and uncertain. “They didn’t have the same jackets as the MPs. They had wings on their backs, on the cloaks and the jackets.”
A cloud of fearful whispers spreads like wildfire through the small crowd, infecting the minds of the reconnaissance team under your command.
It isn’t uncommon anymore for the Military Police patrolling the Underground to show up with ODM gear. It used to be a rarity, but now? They know better than to show up empty-handed.
Years of embarrassment have taught the thick-headed MPs a valuable lesson.
But green cloaks — and wings?
You can’t be mistaken by their meaning:
The Scout Regiment.
The military branch where suckers with death wishes band together to expire. They seek to explore the unknown, taking off on brainless expeditions past the city walls and into whatever Hell awaits on the other side.
(Why the fuck would they send the goddamn suicide squad to the Underground?)
You don’t need to live on the surface to know the stories: a third of Scout recruits barely make it past their first mission. And by the end of their first service year, the death toll rises to half. 
The only dumbasses left standing with the Wings of Freedom on their back are those who desperately want to die but can never find the right titan to eat them.
And, according to the stories, their missions beyond Wall Maria always come up empty-handed.
A thought passes through your mind like a papercut, stinging your blood cells with the very real possibility that they’ve turned their efforts inward — whether at the demand of the king or the disappointment of the people paying their salaries is unclear.
(Is the Underground City their new playground?)
If so, then Levi — this gang — could very well be their first dedicated target.
The word spills out of your mouth, starting in your mind as a demand but dissolving to a murmur.
Going, running, to wherever the Military Police — or God forbid, the Scout Regiment — have your friends is the only plan of action you can think of. 
You’re supposed to make sure the people here are fine.
The need to run — go, go, go — far outweighs your logic.
“I…” The girl falters.
You hate how your voice erupts in the wake of your fear. “Where, Lucy?!”
“I don’t know! I lost track of them!” she yelps, squeezing her amber eyes shut. The hands at her sides are balled into tight, painful fists. “Isabel and Furlan got taken down by some MPs, but Levi kept going on ODM gear. He outran most of the MPs, but there was a man, a tall blonde guy, who—”
“Was he a Scout?” you press on, gritting your teeth. “Did you see the Wings of Freedom?”
“The fucking Scouts are here?” someone yelps behind you. “Oh, shit, dude. Oh, man…”
“What the hell are they doing down here?” another asks next to him. “They don’t fuck with the Underground!”
“Did the Wall missions fail?” an older girl asks under her breath. “Are they coming to wipe all of the Underground City out now?”
“Quiet,” you order, holding up a hand. It takes tensing your arm to keep the limb from shaking. “Lucy: where did you last see Levi?”
“The blonde man chased him out of the sky and into the streets. No one knows. We couldn’t see where they went, but it… I’m so sorry, James.”
Lucy’s voice is so small that you barely hear her.
All you can focus on is his voice ringing in your head, a whisper against the thin line of white noise filling your body.
Protect them.
You’re ready.
You’re so ready to fire up your ODM gear to chase after him, to fight off every single bastard who thinks about laying a finger on your friends.
We won’t get arrested. We’re too fast on ODM gear.
“What do we do, James?”
The MPs won’t stand a chance.
“Can she hear us? Is she freaking out?”
You want me to be the last person standing.
Lucy shrieks in your face, breaking your delusion.
You blink back into your body to see a dozen faces staring back at you in various stages of grief.
You focus on the way a tear streams down Lucy’s youthful face. It brings you back to when you picked her up off the streets. A kid, just like you, looking for food scraps and shelter — her mother had passed away at a young age, leaving her to fend for herself.
You knew what that was like, so you promised protection. A roof over her head. Food in her belly.
A chance at life.
Just like he once gave to you.
Now you’re the only leader left standing. The other three are either arrested — or worse.
You’re all that stands between dragging her back to the streets or pushing her to the gallows.
(You’re all anyone in this gang has.) 
I need you to be safe.
Levi’s voice tickles the outer shell of your ear, whispering past despite the dead wind.
You want to hate him. You really do.
But you promised.
Lucy’s lower lip trembles as she takes a step forward. 
This time you stay put, too frozen from the numbness in your body. 
“James… please, tell us: what do we do?”
You don’t know.
You wish you did, but you don’t know.
You want to tell them to run, to run as fast as they can and never look back.
You want to tell them that you don’t know how to do this without Isabel or Furlan.
You want to tell them you’d rather die than know a life without Levi.
But you promised.
I’ll keep them safe.
I know you will. Echoing in your mind like an omen. I trust you.
“If they’re arrested, then the MPs will be storming the apartment at any minute.”
You finally answer without an ounce of emotion. You can’t stomach thinking past protocol.
“We don’t have time to get our stuff. Organize yourselves into teams of three. Find the safe houses and don't come out until you hear from me. Take a single runner out to Roxy’s. They owe me a few favors, so they should give you table scraps until this blows over.”
“Are you getting Ackerman?” An older girl holding onto her brother’s small shoulders pipes up from your right.
“And Church?” Another person asks. “Magnolia?”
Refusing to think further than the present crisis, you shake your head.
“They all knew the risks of this heist. Right now, my priority is keeping everyone here safe. So go — and avoid detection the best you can. Leave the rest to me, alright?"
You pause, making eye contact with those staring at you. In front of you is a gradient of nerves.
(Everyone knows the risks of running with a gang in the Underground, no matter the price.)
"I said go, goddamnit!”
At your shouted order, most don’t hesitate to run.
The crowd forms into smaller clusters of refugees as they run towards the emergency routes you’ve mapped a hundred times before.
You don’t have time to panic.
You don’t have time to mourn about what could have been.
(A house gleaming in the sunlight with its windows open. The scent of a fresh meal being cooked. The soft meow overlapping over pleasant conversation about nothing at all.)
After all, you made a promise — 
And if three of the Underground’s most notorious gang leaders have been caught, then it’s only a matter of time until the manhunt ends with you.
  Week after week, your numbers dwindle. 
Day in and day out, houses are raided for anyone associated with Ackerman, Church, and Magnolia.
Bars, brothels, and drug dens are scoured for that missing puzzle piece.
Military Police, emboldened by their victory, are adamant to find anyone involved in their gang.
Most found are arrested.
Some offer information for a chance at immunity.
By the fourth week, the gang dissolves into half of its original number.
However, the rampant pursuit slows after the sixth week, and by the seventh, the Military Police stop searching.
The city becomes boisterous again for an entirely different reason, falling back to its routes of debauchery and strife.
Panic of those still in hiding twists into remorse, remorse into doubt, and soon the doubt creeps into what was once an impenetrable fortress.
And somewhere you failed.
Maybe it was because you kept your promise and never went after Levi, Isabel, and Furlan the day they disappeared.
Maybe it was because no one ever saw them again, creating a shroud of mystery in their disappearances. Most people assumed they were arrested and tortured for information. Others hoped they were able to at least die in a merciful way.
Or maybe, just maybe, it’s because you gave up.
The longer you fought without your three friends, the longer you ran around the Underground City hiding from authority, the harder it became to remember why you were trying so hard to be the last person standing. 
Hiding with nothing to go back to — that was what waited for you at the end of all of this.
To make new headquarters on mere piles of rubble, alone.
People continue to get caught. 
People continue to lose their lives.
You were ready—
Ready to give up.
Ready to join the fate of so many others.
Ready to lose.
(All things considered, you had a good run.)
  Eight weeks.
It takes eight whole weeks for someone to finally rat you out.
In exchange for immunity, a scared newcomer snitched to the Military Police about the location of your hideout — and you can’t blame them.
The Underground City has always been a dog-eat-dog pit.
That, however, doesn’t mean you don’t still run.
The crisp, metallic zip of the pulley cuts the air every time you push through the alleyways, leaving the Military Police unit in the dust. Wind frays your hair, whipping pieces of it into your face as you run along brick walls and push for the a momentous swing.
It has been weeks of these chases, all evaded in the dust, but something feels different about this pursuit.
The officers feel confident this time.
Another unit of MPs pursue on foot, shouting and taunting for your surrender, but they're no match for your swift escape.
The two officers following with ODM gear cannot match the sharpness of your turns.
You don’t know why you keep running.
Why can’t you just stop running?
In your lingering rage you almost want to turn back, take a knife, and attack.
To earn the heaviness of a murder charge on your shoulders. 
You want to lash out—
To make someone hurt— 
But you just keep running.
In your time of solitude, you've wondered how the end of all things went that day. Did those pigs take turns kicking Furlan with his hands tied behind his back? Did they drag Isabel through the street? Did they cut out Levi's tongue for back talk?
You hope they gave the MPs hell.
The imaginative injustices — the cruelty — fuels your fantasy of revenge.
Through another alleyway and into the streets, you latch onto another building and swing to your left to continue through the streets of— 
Skirting around a corner, you see something briefly whip around a corner in a cloud of exhaust.
(Was that emerald?)
Your attention turns to the distinct color that entered your line of sight before it disappears.
Your eyes widen with recognition, but it's too late.
You failed again.
One look to your side is all it takes for a solid, heavy object to slam straight into you from the opposite direction, knocking a spear clean out of the neighboring wall.
The ODM gear jolts, causing you to jerk and drop abruptly to the dirt beneath. Your forearms shield your face from the dirt and debris as your body skids across the dirt path.
Before you even realize what's happening, you're scrambling to your feet. Metal clangs from the jostled handles in your palms as you push yourself up.
Your right arm reels back, fist clenched, and flies in an attempt to connect — and it does.
The punch lands directly in someone's face. The bone crunches under you knuckles.
A person yells in pain and grabs their nose, giving you ample opportunity to attack further. Your leg swings, kicking your boot square into their abdomen. You recognize the way their breath squelches: the wind rips right out of their lungs.
You want them to feel pain, just as you’ve felt pain.
You want them to suffer, just as you've suffered.
It doesn't matter who they are.
When the attacker is incapacitated, you make a choice: you turn the opposite direction, taking off into a sprint.
And you run, if only for a few seconds.
Because that very same emerald flash appears in your peripheral vision.
In just one breath, your feet get tangled up and send you flying to the ground you'd just found yourself lying upon.
A pair of hands suddenly tug at the back of your shirt, pushing you further into the muddied street. A forceful forearm presses down harder, pinning you to the ground. A pebble digs into your cheekbone, its jagged edge slicing into your skin. 
You grit your teeth, fighting the painful hold with everything you have. You shout and yell like a woman possessed, kicking your boots deeper into the Earth to propel forward, but you can't move.
(Give up — why can’t you just give up?)
Then a deep baritone voice pulls you from your erratic defenses, smooth like honey.
Your last name on a stranger's tongue makes your stomach churn.
You continue fighting, digging the toe of your boot further for purchase.
Suddenly pain explodes in your scalp. Something pulls your chin high from the crown on your head, forcing your attention to the sky. What greets you is a tall, built figure above.
From the street lamp, you see it’s a man — early thirties, broad shouldered, with piercing blue eyes and neatly-combed blonde hair.
This mysterious man stares down at you, standing at full height. He doesn't acknowledge the person holding you down, knotting your hair in their balled fist.
One after the other, two more emerald cloaks drop down from the sky, their faces obscured by their hoods.
Blinking away from his face, you see it: his tan, cropped jacket, with white and blue wings outstretched against one another, pointing high with dignity.
The Wings of Freedom.
It's the Survey Corps, in the flesh.
“Four whole Scouts for little old me?” you chide.
The person holding you down rips your torso up higher, causing an immense strain in your spine.
You wince at the sensation of nearly being broken in half but refuse to make noise.
They don't get that satisfaction, not yet.
(You've felt worse.)
The blonde man above you does not react. He continues to stare, however, when he addresses another in his squadron.
“Get her up on her knees, Miche.”
The man behind you — presumably Miche — yanks you from the dirt to settle you on your calves. Without your arms to support you, you’re left floundering at his will.
“What?” you ask through clenched teeth. "Are the Scouts so bored of getting eaten alive that they've come to the Underground on a field trip?”
The man makes a noncommittal noise in the back of his throat. His crystal blue eyes slide slowly from the crown of your head, past your face, then rest at your chest.
“Surface made?” he comments in a languid, baritone voice.
When you jostle against Miche's grip on your back, a feather-esque sensation brushes across your sternum.
Then you realize:
He’s staring at your necklace.
“Stolen?” the blonde man asks again, and venom poisons your tongue at his slander. Somehow you manage to hold a response.
You sneer instead, turning your attention to the side of a building.
A painful beat passes.
You hear the man’s boots near, crunching under packed dirt.
“My name is Commander Erwin Smith, of the Survey Corps," he introduces, not fazed by your lack of cooperation. "I was informed that you’re not only the muscle of this operation, but one of its four founding leaders. Is this true?”
He’s met with another stretch of silence.
“Handling operations for seven weeks without the help of your comrades is impressive.”
Another step.
“Or has it been closer to eight?”
“What do you want, surface scum?” you finally murmur, eyes locked on a particular patch of moss growing at the foundation of the building.
He exhales through his nose, contemplating. You continue to look away.
“Your protection is gone, James," Erwin begins. "Your gang, eradicated. Your people have fled — abandoned you, to save themselves.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you tell him.
Erwin evades your feigned ignorance. “A bounty has been on your head for two months. You’ve done all you can to avoid detection, but from where I stand, I see someone out of options.”
Your nostrils flare, unwilling to betray yourself in the face of the truth.
He isn’t wrong — it’s been the end of the line for weeks now.
You’ve run on borrowed time and a promise you barely believe in anymore.
You’re so tired.
“The Military Police would be glad to round out their gallows with someone responsible for embarrassing them so thoroughly.”
Is that where Levi ended up, in the gallows next to Isabel and Furlan?
(Are they no longer alive, just as everyone suspected?)
When you continue to stare at the adjacent wall, the man behind you tugs at your mangled hair and rips your focus back to the man in front of you.
The toe of the Commander’s boot is in line with your muddied knee.
From this angle, he's practically on top of you.
“However, I believe the finality of a noose is a great waste of potential talent.”
His eyes bore into yours when he slowly, carefully, drops to your height. His ivory-white knee plants gently into the dirt.
You blink up to his face, unable to suppress your confusion.
“Potential talent?” you hiss back, ignoring the searing pain in your scalp. “What is this, a pitch?”
The Commander hums. “I don’t pretend to know how extensive your crimes are, James. What I do know, however, is that you have an out.”
“Yeah?” you ask. “And what’s that, O' Golden One?”
Erwin’s eyes drop to the ground, so you follow suit without moving your head. From the edge of your vision you see it — the ODM gear still hooked around your hips.
“How long did it take you to properly handle ODM gear?” he asks with a genuine intrigue.
“Barely took me a week,” you lie under your breath.
“I wouldn’t doubt it,” he agrees. “Most of our recruits take months, sometimes even years, to masterfully scale the way you can.”
“Sounds shitty to me.”
“In a way.” A beat passes. Commander Erwin’s jaw sets. “Which is why I’m asking you to join the Scout Regiment under my command.”
You can’t help it — the anger disappears in a bark of a laugh.
It’s a request you never see coming, not a million years or a thousand lifetimes.
You’ve avoided the Military Police for weeks, only for a Scout to offer you… what? A twisted version of salvation in his army? 
The words blurt out of your mouth faster than you can help it.
“Join the Scouts?” He nods once to your yelp of a question. “Are you fucking insane?”
“Are you?” Erwin challenges. “Both options lead to your death. The only difference is choosing to make your death matter.”
“A noose or being eaten alive,” you snidely respond. “Gosh, Commander, which sounds less painful?”
“What do you think your friends would have selected, if given a choice?”
The swiftly-timed question is a punch straight to your gut.
Unable to stop your eyes from widening, you hate how your blood chills with panic.
How you can see that glint in the commander’s eyes when he’s finally, finally, caught your weak spot.
Seeing the visceral reaction, he continues. "Before they expired, would they have chosen to die here? Or would they have chosen a new life."
Was he saying…?
Was he saying they were already dead?
Isabel. Furlan.
Your lower lip trembles as you hold back from thinking about that final name.
You barely recognize your own voice when you speak, low and dangerous.
“How dare you…”
Erwin’s gaze is unwavering. “I’m asking you—”
“Don’t talk about them.”
“—what would they have chosen.”
“I said don’t talk about them!” you shout in his face, losing your cool.
His chin tilts a fraction of an inch, expression stoic.
“Then what about your fellow comrades, the people who laid down their lives for your safety — would they have wanted a chance?”
Despite yourself, you push with your boot to propel towards the blonde. “You disgusting piece of sh— fuck!”  
Miche rips your head back impossibly further, exposing your neck to the Commander. Erwin stands tall, pulling out a long sword from its metal sheath. The cool, sharp end of the blade rests against your throat.
If he wanted to, he could end your life right here in the streets.
If he wanted to, he could make this so much easier on you.
But he won’t.
This isn’t about ease.
It’s about power, control — total submission.
A part of you wants to push against the blade to make it easier.
No noose. No titans.
Just here.
But you promised.
Last one standing.
“...what happened to them?” you ask, unable to stop the crack in your voice.
If this is it, then you might as well know.
Commander Erwin keeps his blade held towards you. “I don’t know.”
“But it was you that day, wasn’t it?” You ease down to your knees again. Miche loosens his hold on your body. “You're the one that went after them two months ago. When there was a heist, it wasn’t just MPs chasing them. There were Scouts—”
“I don’t have all day, James.”
He interrupts the beginning of your emotional spiral with cutthroat apathy. His arm lowers when you do not retaliate. 
“Your hand-to-hand combat expertise is needed within our regiment. Combine that with your unique ODM handling, and I see a formidable redemption in your future—”
He continues to speak, detailing your servitude should you accept his terms.
You can feel the fight, the fire, ebbing to dying ember.
You’re so tired.
You’re so done with running.
(I’m so sorry, Levi.)
“—and you would presume a title under my command, the rank of a Lieutenant—”
He pauses when you speak up, catching the oddity of his words. Your lifeless vision connects with his.
“Lieutenants don’t exist in your shitty Scout Corps.”
Erwin nods. “That’s correct. Lieutenants do not."
"Then why..."
"A title will deter animosity. Those who look down at you cannot question your authority."
"Because I'm not from the surface," you reason.
"Yes," he says.
"You're willing to give me an edge on the rest of your people. Why?" You watch him, trying to figure him out before he tells you for himself. “Why not just make me regular front-line titan fodder?”
Erwin seems to consider this, if only for a beat.
Then he speaks with an unshakable certainty:
“Because you know what it means to survive. That, in itself, is vital.”
Your shoulders slump as your body shuts down from the eternal fight.
So this is a choice, but it’s no choice at all.
Your life will not matter in the Scouts. The commander is right: you will die, perhaps not today, but at least choosing the Scouts guarantees the sunrise one single time.
Just like you once promised you'd see with the three of your friends.
And in the moment you mourn — the loss of your friends, the loss of your life, what could have been if that job really had worked out.
(What does it matter when you die, so long as it's soon?)
You grip onto a sense of hopelessness like a vice.
As swift as a sudden earthquake, you feel it tremble from your shins to your knees, up your torso and through your heart, filling every red hot blood cell in your body.
It was him.
You’re so sure of it.
Commander Erwin would have been the one responsible for turning Levi, Furlan, and Isabel into the Military Police. He was the one who would have sent your friends to their deaths — or did he kill them himself?
And if he was the one to kill them, then why would he offer you a choice to escape?
(Was this the same choice he gave the others?)
Levi would have never agreed to the Scouts. Furlan, Isabel — they would have followed whatever he chose.
They must have died the very day the heist went wrong eight weeks ago.
It’s why Erwin won’t confirm or deny their fates.
Sickness floods your body, but you hold onto the one thing that will keep their spark with you.
That rage.
They really think you’ll comply.
They really think you won’t burn and take the Scout Regiment down with you.
You’ll kill him.
You’ll kill Commander Erwin Smith, then Miche, then every single Scout that steps into your path until someone’s smart enough to take you down themselves.
“Fine, then.”
You speak, knowing your word is as doomed as the fire in your veins.
“I’ll do it."
You meet Erwin's intense gaze, signing your fate with blood on the dotted line.
"I’ll join the Scouts.”
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author's note: I'm glad we collectively giggled and screamed and kicked our feet in the last few chapters. It was a marvelous time. Now I'm out here ruining everything.
tag list: @lazylizzy3 @notgoodforlife @sad-darksoul @dailydoseof-love @maliakealoha @nube55 @kateastrophies @blinkingsuns @gomigami @voidszoro @tanyeonn @chishiyasan @im-just-a-simp-le-whore @vigilancio @nomi98 @urfavcelestialangel @milkersonmac @blossomedfloweroflove @carries-blenders-and-stuff @hurtcomfortwhore
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inferno-0 · 1 month
Can you do muto fluff 🥺 my bbg don't get enough attention
I agree, our lady needs attention.
Female M.U.T.O. x reader (fluff)
Warning: You're literally hanging on the hook. (It's all because of your recklessness and concern for the Titan)
Sorry for the English
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Dark clouds covered the sky in the blink of an eye, although just a couple of minutes ago the sun was shining, which was too scorching for you. But the rays of this source did not reach you because of the large shadow above your body.
Looking up, you saw Barb's brooding face, staring out at the green expanse of space, blinking slowly. Her massive body has blocked almost the entire area near your house, or even the entire territory where you live. People looking at this scene outside the window are already used to and understand that this Titan is under your control and in the event of an attack, you will stop it by any means.
Ahh If only.
Your head tilted toward Barb's gray limb. The curves of her front legs were the most useful and comfortable for you. You've always liked to sit in this place and just take a nap without thinking about anything.
Especially in this weather.
Dark and gloomy.
On the other hand, you just felt safe being around her in those moments. And Barb herself didn't mind having some contact with you. She was interested in your little humanoid body, which didn't want to run away. Maybe she could have left to live like an ordinary Titan on this earth, though. But it seems that these thoughts will forever be washed away by the rain that fell from the sky in small drops. For you, it's already considered a downpour, but for Kaiju, it's like a regular drizzle. Imperceptibly coming and going unnoticed.
The Titan's figure vibrated, its head tilted toward you, meeting you with a rhythmic flutter.
Narrow red eyes scrutinized you from head to toe, briefly paying attention to the details on your clothes. However, she did not dare to press against your side, as she usually did. You're hunched over, sniffing in the cool as your lightly dressed body washes over you.
You didn't want to leave so early and leave your companion in the rain.
"Is something wrong?"
Titan, in response to your question, just silently continued to watch you. The way you cringed nervously at the droplets now falling on your feet.
The moisture was unpleasant, especially the cold air blowing in from somewhere to the east. With your legs tucked underneath you, you sat up, stretching your back from the long position of lying on the Titan's limbs. Glancing at Barb, you swallowed awkwardly. The silence between the two of you has been tense and there is no telling what action is expected of the two of you. Although Kaiju was always calm and quiet, he never made any noise other than crackling. Other than that, Barb just preferred to keep her eyes on you. It's strange, but for her, it was something ordinary.
You sighed, reaching forward to Barb's head. Your fingers slowly ran over her lower so-called fangs, or grips, which were the hardest compared to the rest of her body. They were more like plates than scales. ─"Let's sit here a little longer." A yawn came out of your mouth before sneezing right into the Titan's jaw. Barb lifted her head when she felt your liquid on her. You bit your lip in shame and rubbed your nose, which was slowly starting to turn red. It looks like the cold came much earlier than it should have....
A gray giant looking at you and your actions. A clicking sound immediately swept through your ears with a hint of excitement and questioning.
"I'm fine, don't worry" You covered your mouth with your hand, drowning out another sneeze while Barb chirped suspiciously. Your front foot, which looks like braids, lifts up, causing you to stagger. The long claw was heading straight for the Titan's massive mouth. You opened your eyes in shock and pressed against your foot, intending to jump. Your heart at that moment was ready to leave your body from the force of the pounding, which seemed to be felt in all places.
"H-Hold on.."
The closer you were, the more spirit you had to jump down, which was not safe for you. Feeling safe with this Titan must have been a mistake.
It's just as much a mistake as hiding your problems and staying where you are.
─"Oh" Your body was hanging as if on a hook, but only above the ground. The clothes that got caught in the dagger-like teeth choked you slightly, but no more. Barb tried to hold you in her jaws as tightly as possible. Her torso turned straight toward your house and walked forward as you dangled hopelessly in the air like a cat. ─ "I never thought to be in the place of these animals."
Your landing was softer than you thought. It was as gentle as the Titan's muzzle, which caressed your back and saw you off with a soft click.
Sighing, you smiled.
"And who's under control in the end?"
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hearts4robs · 7 months
𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡, 𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐭, 𝐰𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐡🧭
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Fandom. DC - Titans - Netflix series
Pairing. Jason Todd x batsib!reader(gender-neutral)
Genre. fluff/soft/sfw🍊(comedy?)
Word count. 748
Warnings. Cursing, (sibling🤞)belittling
Req. this was not requested :)
Summary. Jason and you were patrolling. When Jason asks you to head west, explaining he’ll meet you there, he realises that despite you being a hardcore vigilante, you’re not the brightest.
Notes. I saw this prompt somewhere and Jason just seems like the type to shamelessly judge you for this. This is not read through and checked for mistakes😛
It was approaching lunch and Jason wouldn’t shut the fuck up about it. He was in his Robin suit, you in your own vigilante suit as the two of you casually stroll down the street. Jason’s stomach growls loudly and he mutters something about shoving food down his throat. Sounds like those creeped your out, it made your skin crawl. Loud chewing, stomach growls, smacking of lips, oh, God, it made you want to rip your skin off.
“Robin, control your gut or I’ll actually shove a stone down your burger-shaft.” You tell him, my voice laced with slight annoyance and disgust.
“Excuse me? [Your hero name], calm your tits, dude.” He shoots back, a frown on his brow as the two of you continued walking.
“Oh, you are so excused right now!” You immediately bite back, grunting slightly as Jason rolls his eyes at you. He stops in his tracks, staring at a fast food restaurant. It was calling his name.
You stop as soon as you notice Jason wasn’t walking right beside you. The few seconds it takes you to turn around allows your body to panic for a brief moment before I recognise Jason’s cape from his Robin uniform. He was staring at the fast food restaurant.
“Uhm-,” he gulps, licking his lips as he looks between you and the resultants door. “I’ll be right with you, as soon as I get this burger.” He says, a sarcastic and apologetic grin on his lips as his feet drag him towards the door, like he was waiting for your approval.
You approach him, a bit dumbfounded as Jason sends you pleading eyes.
“Just head west! I’ll be right with you!” Jason says, his stomach growling again. You pull an uncomfortable grimace before you realise that you had no fucking idea which way west was. Jason seems to notice how your face drops, your eyes flickering in confusion.
“What? What-what’s the problem, huh?” He asks, walking to you. It almost pained him to step away from the door to the restaurant. You shake your head, trying to play off your own embarrassment, a hot flush creeping up your neck.
“Nothing! Nothings wrong-, I, uh, I’ll se you.” You say before you waist for Jason to turn around. Jason squints his eyes at you slightly before he head for the restaurant again. You stare a bit around before you decide that you could just take the chance. So you start walking towards your left, finding that most logical somehow.
Jason stops before walking in, watching you head to your left. He scoffs out a laugh.
“Where the fuck are you headed, [your hero name]?” He asks, grinning widely in a playfully grin, confusion lazing his tone.
You press your lips together, an embarrassed blush clawing its way up the back of your neck, spreading onto your cheeks as you turn on your heel, your eyes meeting his. “Uuh..” You try to find your words, searching frantically.
“This isn’t west?” You ask, tilting your head slightly as your gut twists with embarrassment. Jason laughs out loud as he walks to you, a mocking frown on his brow.
“You don’t know your west and east?” Jason asks, partly in disbelief as your face drops slightly, annoyance bubbling as Jason taunts you. “North?” He asks, a shit eating grin on his face. You slowly raise your index finger, pointing up towards the sky as a pathetic guess.
Jason can’t help but fold over in a fit of laughter, hand clutching at his stomach as he laughs at you. You roll your eyes, smacking his head as you start walking in spite.
“Yeah yeah, terribly funny.” You grunt as Jason continues his laughter. He gasps in a breath before he runs up beside you. He’s still panting from his fit of laughter as you sulk, an annoyed frown on your brow.
“Left and right?” Jason asks, a hint of hope for his stupid sibling in his eyes. You turn your head for a second before looking at your hands. You side eye him for a short moment, both of you still walking as you fold your fingers, leaving your thump and index up. Your raise your left hand.
“This one-“ Jason can’t help but cut you off in a laugh, tears of amusement rising in his eyes as he laughs. “My fucking god, you’re an idiot!” Jason exclaims at you again, trying to control his loud laughter.
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arteastica · 10 months
early in the morning, especially when it rains, and a little before noon. (5)
erwin x fem!reader
chapters: (1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) | (11) | (12) | (13) | (14) | (15) | (16) | (17) | (18) | (19) | (20) | (21) | (22) | (23) | (24) | (25) | (26) | (27)
summary: I basically took Isayama’s work, forced it into a romance story, and made Erwin the love interest. Commander meets cadet and they fall in love (not instantly though)
notes: very berry canonverse (but some events were modified to fit my narrative), wasn’t intended to be this long, but it all is in the details right?
content warnings: smut where it fits (or where I make it fit. Also, reader is NOT underage, so likewise, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, please.). slow burn (I really mean it. I’m not olympic diving into any form of smut for the first chapters). no angst. I dislike angst. I would never. I could never. (Although angst can be somewhat subjective so take it with a grain of salt?)
wc: 2.2k
From what you had heard, warm weather and blue skies were supposed to feel relaxing and soothing, as if the sun was extending an open invitation for everyone to lazily lay on the fields and bask under it. But on the morning of the 57th expedition beyond the walls, the blue in the sky had a tinge of deceit, almost as if a storm was coming.
That’s why the black smoke signals didn’t surprise you. In fact, you were kind of expecting them. What you didn’t expect, however, was for them to keep going for that long. It seemed like no team had been able to take out the abnormal.
Your eyes kept bouncing from the black smoke in the sky to the wings of freedom on his back, because something about them prevented your hands from sweating too much and your heart from going too fast.
“It appears the right-wing recon squad has been wiped out.” A messenger came galloping at full speed. “The early warning network is compromised.”
The right wing? This is bad. If we let them too far into the formation-
Another black column rose into the sky.
Just under that smoke, someone is-.
You held the reins tight while your elbows pressed just as hard into your sides. Your eyes followed the smoke column back to the ground and that’s when it clicked. They were fighting on plain, empty fields. Not a single building to latch onto. Through the suffocating mental fog, you tried to visualize the map in your head. The only tactical option is-
“Commander, at the east-” you said hurriedly, almost out of breath.
“The forest. I know” he finished your sentence, flare gun already in hand.
“Titans have used this path. Lack of vegetation is a giveaway.” He observed some moments later as you approached the woods. “The wagons should have no problem. Inform everyone behind us. Only the center line will enter the forest” he said before turning to his right, locking eyes with you for a brief second “don’t leave my side, and keep your eyes open-”
“At all times” you said, giving him a firm nod.
They’re going to finish it off anytime now. That’s why we’re here. He intends to confront it and kill it. You thought, unable to take your eyes off the horror unfolding beneath you.
A black smoke signal had been seen through the giant tree branches and moments later Captain Levi and his squad had come rushing into the scene, followed by what you assumed was the abnormal that had been causing all the chaos. And when you saw it, you understood why. You had never seen a titan in real life, but you were sure they weren’t supposed to look like that. None of your textbooks mentioned anything about a creature like that one.
“Fire!” The commander’s voice echoed through the forest.
Looks like it’s completely immobilized now. You looked at the creature, stabbed by hundreds of sharp and unforgiving iron strings. Anytime now, he’ll give the order to kill it.
Back then, when the abnormal had come in accelerating, it looked as if squad Levi wasn’t going to be able to outrun it. For a moment, you had fought the urgency to look away. You had been certain they were all going to be crushed flat. But even in the face of death, after abandoning comrades and friends, everyone seemed to have silently agreed on moving forward. Everyone is believing in Commander Erwin and risking it all. You thought. But was it something everyone collectively decided? Or was it just one man making all the calls? One person getting to decide who stays behind and who keeps going.
You looked at him, standing on a nearby branch. His hunter green cloak dancing in sync with the wind. For a moment, it looked like he had wings. And in the time you had known him, you swore his side profile had never looked so sublime.
And terrifying.
In him, there was so much to admire.
And so much to fear.
Stance, unmoving. Features, expressionless. Eyes, fixed on the target. You tried to read him, but there was nothing. It was like trying to read a blank piece of paper or a closed book. You weren’t exactly sure which one. And in that moment, you realized that there was still so much you didn’t know about the Commander of the Survey Corps. And so much you most likely would never know. He seemed to be both, sometimes even at the same time: reliable and unpredictable.
Unpredictability. It was right there in everything he did. Everything he was. From the way his cloak swayed in the wind to the pattern his thoughts followed. Or rather didn’t.
He was as unpredictable as the world you had been born in. And he had adapted frighteningly well.
“We can’t let our guard down yet. But anyway, good work guiding it to this point.” You heard him say to Captain Levi when he landed beside him.
“We were able to buy time thanks to the rear squad that gave their lives fighting. Without them, it wouldn’t have been possible.”
“Is that so?” His voice was toneless and devoid of emotion. Definitely not the type you were supposed to use when replying to a statement like that one. Yet his eyes were telling you stories not even a thousand words could. Those were the type of eyes that could only be born of painful experiences, of holding onto the unrelenting part of yourself while letting the compassionate one go. And choosing to do it over and over again. Those were the type of eyes born from tainting one’s own hands with blood. Because those soldiers, the ones whose bodies had been crushed and dismembered while fighting the abnormal, hadn’t exactly died voluntarily. They had been ordered to.
By him.
Erwin Smith’s hands were tainted with the blood of hundreds.
You clutched the handle of your blade with ice cold fingers. It was in that forest that you finally understood why he had been entrusted with the Survey Corps, the hope of humanity. He was willing to make the decision no one else dared to. He was willing to abandon everything, even his own humanity, because in a world like yours, that was the only trade that could bring you change. He had chosen to sacrifice the lives of hundreds of his soldiers in order to secure the lives of thousands within the walls.
“Their sacrifice won’t go to waste. It is our job to find meaning in it.” He seemed to be speaking to the air, and not particularly to Captain Levi, eyes still fixed on that same spot.
You followed them, and they led you to the titan. It looked special. Human, even. And that, in particular, made the creature all the more disturbing. You couldn’t help but remember Captain Hange’s reports and how they described Eren in his titan form. Were there others like him?
You suddenly felt like you had swallowed a rock.
The commander must have known it all along. That’s why he led us all here. He isn’t trying to kill that titan. He wants to capture it alive. You quickly turned your head in his direction. He was like a complex picture that no matter how far you stepped back, you were never going to fully see.
“Thanks to them we can find out who’s on this thing’s nape.” He said to Captain Levi.
You hurried to take your notebook and pencil out, and started to sketch the creature with whatever precision was left in your trembling hands. But the moment the abnormal let out that horrifying cry, your whole body stopped answering.
“Erwin, it smells” was all you heard Squad Leader Miche say before the ground started shaking. You looked around, not really sure what you were searching for. But then, in the distance, you saw them.
They were unsettling. They looked like people. Deformed giant people. But unlike the abnormal, who remained imprisoned by the restraint weapon, there was something more animalistic than human about them.
You stood there, unmoving, while the branch you were standing on threatened to snap. The pencil, suddenly too heavy, slipped from your hand, and you looked down only to see it disappear in the multitude of giants. So this is how they look. Titans.
Were they supposed to act that way though? They seemed to be ignoring everyone and rushing towards… the abnormal.
“All soldiers engage the enemy! Defend the female titan!” The commander’s orders almost got trampled by the deafening footsteps.
These were the type of situations you always tried to avoid.
You took a deep breath and descended into the chaos.
It was very important to never do anything you didn’t feel confident about.
You tried to remember your training.
To stay away from anything you weren’t one hundred percent sure you could handle.
You tried to imagine Shadis’ was the one giving you the orders. Calm down and use your brain. It’s the best survival tool, he used to say.
Go for the nape. Hold the blade tight, and slash like you mean it. Repeat.
Your blade landed on flesh for the first time, and it wasn’t a clean cut. And judging by the fact that the titan was able to get up again, not enough pressure.
In any other situation, you would have been embarrassed.
You looked around and saw the veterans. Titans falling left and right. Impressive.
In any other situation, you would have felt small, diminished by their overwhelming superiority.
‘This is the skill of the Survey Corps’ you thought. And you were now one of them.
But this wasn’t just ‘any other’ situation.
So you tried again.
This time you knew how much pressure to apply. As you sliced the flesh open, something spattered all over your face. It was boiling. But luckily, it evaporated quickly.
So you tried again.
And again.
And again.
“Why aren’t we retreating?” You heard a soldier beside you scream. He sounded desperate, and you couldn’t blame him. He had steam coming from all over his body. And you had to admit you shared his sentiment. Everywhere you looked, titans kept rushing in. There seemed to be no end to them.
But until the orders were given, you had no choice but to keep fighting. And to be honest, you had fallen into some kind of rhythm. The movements were actually kind of repetitive. Not to mention, it also helped that titans didn’t seem interested in you at all. Their goal was clear, the female.
You aimed for a nearby tree and released the hook. However, you must have miscalculated the spot, because the next thing you knew, you were being dragged along the forest floor.
You tried to get back up, but in that moment you learned that, in situations like this, limbs have an annoying tendency to turn into concrete. From your position, you only saw treetops and the deceiving sky from earlier, peeking through the foliage as if making fun of you. And then it all started to get blurry.
They say your life flashes before your eyes when you are about to leave, but for you, it didn’t. You didn’t see anything and you didn’t feel anything. Your brain insisted that a fall from that height was supposed to hurt, but there was no pain. You didn’t hear anything either. The world was quiet, as if you were underwater. Under the deepest of rivers, being dragged by the current.
Until you suddenly stopped moving. And you saw them.
Eyes that were the color of the clear blue sky peeking through the clouds after the most violent of storms, the color of the mountain lake glimmering under the sun after the steepest of climbs, and the color of the bluebell field after the harshest of winters. All at once.
You tried reaching for them. And this time your limbs didn’t fail you. As you sat up, it felt as if your body was made of cloud rather than muscle, as if your head was filled with cotton rather than thoughts. And you were met with those eyes again, and the man they belonged to.
The commander. He was kneeling beside you and his mouth was moving as if sound was supposed to come out of it, but you couldn’t make out the words. His blades were drawn, and behind him, a titan had already started to turn into gas, your hook still attached to its head.
You looked into his eyes again, and noticed your entire body shaking, but you couldn’t tell if it was out of fear or from holding back from him. So you threw yourself into his arms. The side of your head pressing hard against his chest, arms wrapped tightly around his waist, a comfortable warmth radiating all throughout your body.
And slowly, all the sensations started to come back, including the throbbing pain you now felt in the back of your head. And you heard loud footsteps behind him, as well as the unmistakable sound of chaos all around. But you also heard the drumming in his chest, something closer to a lullaby than a heartbeat. His arms were warm and welcoming, so you clung to him tighter.
“All soldiers retreat. Assume the formation. Return to Karanes.” You felt his chest moving as he yelled out the orders, one hand on your back while the other fired the blue smoke round that signaled the end of the expedition.
next chapter
taglist: @elnyrae @angelaevangelion
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jeanbie · 1 year
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WAYS TO SAY I LOVE YOU #4 ★ masterlist.
pairing: jean x reader
genre: major canon divergence fic | warnings: scouting mission events, blood, gore, violence, character death, lance is fictional, decapitations | wc: 3.1k
note: emphasis on canon divergence! you've been warned :P
⏤ Imagine the way they say I love you. Imagine the words choked out as hands race over skin, checking for injuries and begging for reassurance.
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Captain Levi told every recruit when they first joined the Survey Corps that one of the most important things to remember whilst being a cadet was not to pay attention, or remember to tighten your harnesses before leaving for breakfast, but instead, he preached that under absolutely zero circumstances should you ever, if you can try, ever fall in love within the ranks.
It hadn’t seemed obvious to the cadets at the time, because wasn’t love good? Wasn’t love what fuelled the motivation to return? Surely, Captain Levi, this was good. But, the Captain stared back at the crowd of novice cadets and frowned, a pinched irritation between his eyebrows. 
“Imagine going into battle and becoming distracted because all you can care about is the safety of that person,” Captain Levi had said, gently resting his hands on his knees, speaking as though telling from experience. Perhaps he was. “Imagine putting all your love and time into this one person, and then having that person ripped from your hands.” 
Nobody had said anything, and only sat there with dawning realisation as Captain Levi stood from his chair and tucked it under the table quietly. “None of you deserve that pain. Do as I say, and you’ll thank me when it’s all over.”
Jean had been there listening that day, sitting on a chair next to Lance, who had found himself a favourite of Squad Leader Hange. He had shifted uncomfortably under the judgemental gaze of the shorter captain, but as he walked away with his head tucked down and his chin on his torso, Jean suddenly felt a new wave of respect for his Captain. Watching as Captain Levi retreated out of the hall without another word, silently dismissing everybody present, Jean sucked in a breath when beside him, you nudged his elbow with a small smile.
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Jean was not on your squad; despite joining the scouts together, Captain Levi had made the decision to split you, with Jean joining Captain Hange's squad and Squad Leader Mike taking yourself. As the gates lifted at a chillingly slow speed, Jean chanced a glance in your direction, and his heart paused when you looked right back at him. 
Quietly he chuckled, the sight of a toothy smile hitting him in the face and then shyly retreating to look back towards the back of Mike’s head. Jean watched for a moment longer and then suddenly looked away, meeting the quick glance from Captain Levi. The Captain said nothing, because he didn’t need to say anything. Jean looked down quickly with a spreading feeling of shame at being caught, and frustration at being the first known cadet to break Captain Levi’s golden rule.
The city stood in spires of thick smoke, the distant growls of hungry and wandering titans filling the city as the squad rolled in, immediately falling into their formations. Nobody had ventured into this area since it had fallen, evident by the piles of chalky rubble and bodies and limbs littered like petals from a wedding, stained blood pools and flattened bodies underneath fallen boulders the size of small houses. Jean clenched the reigns of his horse tighter, the skin of his hands turning bone white- the city felt eerily silent towards the west side that Jean and the rest of his squad had moved towards. This time, and uncharacteristic of his Captain, Hange was wordless, looking at the damage quickly, missing nothing. Jean did the same, cowering as they passed the shadows cast by the passing buildings, jagged and reflecting like monsters teeth before the sun. 
“Grumbling, east, Captain,” Monicka said, her hair framing her collarbones as she looked in that direction and then back at Hange, who nodded with a grunt and continued forward. “We should investigate that. It’s getting closer, Captain.”
“The surrounding squads will do their jobs,” Felix replied with a frown. “You should lower your voice.”
Monicka’s eyebrows furrowed. “But-”
Her words were cut short, following the thunderous stuttering of heavy footsteps both beyond and behind the small formation of horses. Jean’s stallion whinnied, standing up on two legs in protest and he quickly calmed him down, whispering hushed assurances as Hange looked behind them and towards two titans bounding towards them. 
“Take those,” they said, already tightening their harness and adjusting their belt. Monicka clung onto the reigns of her horse and called out their name with horror as they stood up off their horse and projected towards the group of titans beyond the formation. A passing glance spread through the group as two other members followed their Captain, leaving Monicka, Jean and Franz to steer backwards, heading on horseback towards the two scurrying towards them, in an attempt to create a diversion.
“Left, Jean!” Monicka screamed over the noise of the wind and the hooves of the horses, pointing out as if it weren’t already obvious by her command. Jean paused and did as she said, making a movement left which alerted his horse to move in that direction, catching the attention of one of the titans. If he could just make it towards the end of this street, he’d be able to launch off and swing back around and-
As he planned his escape in his head, Jean had no time to retaliate at the sight of another titan jumping in front of his horse, startling them both. He attempted to grip for dear life on the reigns but when his horse again rose, he flung Jean up off his back and scampered between the legs of the titan, who crouched and ignored the mare to move towards Jean. He hissed out a string of curses and launched between the space of his legs, following his horse down the end of the street and turning up and out, landing on one of the sloped roofs of a nearby house, out of the titans scrawny reach.
From his stance on the roof, Jean could get a scope for the district; he paused to take it all in, the chaotic and destructive beauty of the fallen architecture and contrasting greens of nearby fields, spreading with dull flames and dry yellow grass dusted with brown and black. Jean rubbed at his thighs, feeling an ache and when he happened to look over in the direction of the nearby fields, he froze. 
The characteristic sight of Commander Erwin’s blonde hair screamed out amongst the burnt landscape and immediately Jean’s body went cold, his eyes instinctively scanning the environment to look for you- for your hair, and your small frame, and the way your cape was too big due to sizes and stock being scarce. Your enrolment group had been larger than usual. He searched frantically, not even noticing his heartbeat increasing. Almost comically so, a large sigh escaped his lips when he spotted a retreating figure on foot, hair cut bluntly to their chin, the cape that had been pulled apart. Wait, on foot?
Jean launched himself down from the roof and towards the scene, passing the rest of his squad who had joined further down the street. He prayed that Captain Levi hadn’t noticed him whiz past from somewhere, but knowing Levi, he knew. In-fact, he watched with an almost pitiful look after having crossed paths with Hange's squad as Jean soared past, failing to mention it to the rest of Hange's squad who worried about Jean’s safety. Because Jean’s smart, Franz had said with a disbelieving smile, he knows how to get around, he’s fine. He could be punished later.
Down on the ground, Jean rushed past a pile of abandoned rubble and towards the meadow, however, he stopped dead in his tracks when the figure he had spotted rushed past him wearing a face entirely different to your own. His heart plummeted to the pit of his stomach, a sour taste in his mouth.
Jean turned suddenly, flinching when a senior cadet took down a titan near the river. Lance ran towards him with a worried expression. “Where the hell’s the rest of your squad? Is your captain okay?”
“I-I don’t know, a titan came and fuckin- look, have you seen Y/N?” Jean replied, straining his voice over the volume of the chaos. “Is she okay?”
“How the fuck am I supposed to know? I’m not on her squad!” Lance yelled, and before he left, he smacked Jean on his shoulder and pointed in a vague direction: “Saw Erwin’s head of fucking precious yellow hair go that way. Dunno about Mike. She could be down there? I don’t know, look, I ain’t got time for this, sorry!”
So suddenly, Jean didn’t even care, or care to bid Lance a mutual farewell. Instead, he hurried across the dried and barren grass in the direction Lance had gestured to, parting the smoke with his bare hands like curtains as he ran. As he ran, and occasionally joined other cadets and soldiers take down loitering titans, Jean couldn’t rid of Levi’s voice, taunting and judging and hissing and yelling, Jean Kirstein you’re a fucking failure, you couldn’t even follow the easiest instruction, and now look at you!
But he didn’t care. He couldn’t find it in him to care, as he ran towards where he noticed the body of Hans, another member of Mike’s squad. Jean’s pace quickened, bounding towards him, and as his mouth opened to call out his name, Jean stumbled back with a strangled cry when nearby rubble from a building came crashing down with the impact of an abnormal lunging at its structure, chunks of huge concrete and brick running down like a waterfall and suffocating Hans instantly, a halo of crimson running out from the underside of giant chunks of the nearby chapel. 
All at once, Jean felt like he couldn’t breathe, like his lungs had taken in too much smoke for them to continue keeping him alive. As he began to fall back to the man made jungle of the district, to collect a horse who stood tied to a post, raging to leave in panic, Jean looked across the landscape one last time, about to give up. It was then when he noticed you- and it was you, there was no denying; you dragged a body from underneath a layer of stone towards a little shelter made behind a wagon, with two injured cowered underneath. Jean’s heart wanted to jump out of his chest and he set off on a run, although lengths away. He tried calling out, Y/N! My Y/N!, but his voice carried with the wind, lost in whispers. You couldn’t hear him. You couldn’t see him. Actually, you couldn’t hear or see anything. 
Jean had never run so fast in his entire life. Still too far away, Jean couldn’t avoid looking at the landscape, observing collapses and wincing at roars of pain and victory, and exasperated deaths around him. When his bloodshot gaze fell back onto you, Jean’s eyebrows rose with horror when he noticed a titan creeping up behind you, an arm extending outwards with arthritic fingers curling near your cape. His voice rose in octaves in panic, and he was so close- so, so close-
Jean nearly fell over his own feet with devastation when the titan’s fingers curled around you, yanking you back like a ragdoll. He didn’t stop to marvel at the scene- he ran faster, launching a grappler into the shoulder of the titan and swinging up, choking in the wind and the smoke and the stale smell of blood and sweat and tears, and as he curved and dug his blade unapologetically into the nape of the titan, his face wrangled up in pain at the sound of your screams filling the air. For a moment he caught his balance on the shoulder, doing nothing but watching with horror at the way you fell to the floor in what looked like slow-motion, a chunk of your body missing.
“Y/N! Oh my God, oh my fucking God, Y/N-” Jean instantly moved to the ground next to you, his hands desperately scrambling at nothing- your left-side missing, blood pouring out like water between fingers. In haste, Jean flung off his cloak and wrapped it around you, choking back on his tears. “Oh my God, oh my fucking God, Y/N, I’m so sorry-”
“No-” Your voice broke off with a wince of pain, and you clung onto his hand tightly. “Jean-”
“Oh my God, no, please, come on, baby, you can do it, come on, let me help, come-” His voice trailed off as he hoisted you up by your armpits, dragging you with laboured breaths towards the wagon that had been splintered by the titan’s fall. Jean carefully laid you down, his eyes wide with panic. God knows how long you had left, your last few seconds hanging on by a breaking thread. He watched as your face paled and your soul struggling behind lips, fighting to be free. Jean let out a whine, his head falling to your intertwined hands: “Fuck, this is so fucking unfair. Why did it have to be you-?”
“Jean, please,” you forced your voice to speak. Perhaps he was imagining you tugging on his hands bringing him down, but he did so anyway, his forehead rested just above your breasts. “Jean. It’s okay. It’s okay.”
He shook his head. “No. No, come on, Levi can help you- he knows what to do, he always knows what to do, we can save you, you’re not dying today-”
“I am. I am.”
“Please, Jean,” you wept. Was the sky getting lighter or was that your vision. “Jean.”
“No!” He exclaimed with fury. “You can’t leave me- you’re the only thing I have left!” After a loud and particularly painful sob left his mouth, Jean moved with his thighs and picked up your head, resting it in his lap with his hands threaded in your hair. “You’re all I have left,” he whispered. “Please. You’re okay, you’re okay. It’s okay, yeah? It’s okay. It’s gonna be over soon, we’ll get you fixed up.”
He had no idea what he was saying. Nothing was okay. Nothing was ever going to be okay.
“I love you,” you croaked, bringing one bloody hand to his cheek and letting it fall back down, leaving a mark of agony across his face, “More than anything in the world.”
Jean could feel the tears spilling down his face, his breaths becoming more uncontrollable as reality came down from the sky and sat on his shoulders, petting his hair. He cursed with his eyes closed and looked down at your missing left side, the blood that had soaked almost black with intensity, the grass painted with ruby. In his head, he dreamt ten thousand dreams; ones that included a recovery, one with a sunny future and front porch and cornfields and a baby, a little baby screaming Mommy and Daddy and a picture frame with the three of you, a snapshot from a wedding, oh a beautiful future he had with you- 
When Jean opened his eyes to look back down at you, the three words on his lips, his lips trembled with denial. Your face had paused, your eyes half-lidded and staring up at the sky with a vacant and ghostly expression, and then, Jean’s heart sank, falling with a crash that shattered it into thousands of pieces. 
With hands in your hair, on your face, running your body, begging for reassurance and screaming for a sign, Jean cradled your limp frame in his arms, his sobbing face buried into the crook of your neck. Your body pressed against his rumbling crying, silenced by the city and the ghosts surrounding him, crouching to your body to pull at your hair and bring you up from the floor to a hug, walking you away across the barrens towards a golden light. Jean watched nothing happen, cursing out the sky. 
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“Did you say everything you wanted to?”
Jean sat with his legs swung over the side of the roof, not bothering to move when he heard Captain Levi’s voice call out from behind him, followed by the window being propped open and his smaller body moving to join him on the ledge. 
“How’d you find up here? I thought we closed off that corridor,” Levi said quietly, looking at Jean who stared ahead, wordless. Levi sighed. “Did you?”
Jean finally blinked back a tear. “No.”
A beat of silence passed.
“What would you have said?” Levi asked, not pushing but inquisitive. If there was anybody in the castle who could keep a secret, it would be him, and Jean knew that, carefully picking up his chin to look at the sinking pink sun. 
“I-I would have told her what I wanted to,” Jean started. “I would have told her that I loved her. That I wanted it to be me and not her. I wanted to tell her that she was the best thing in my life. That she was my best friend. That it really was me who ate the last of the cake at dinner last weekend and I lied and blamed Connie instead. I just- I would have let her know that I cared. That I’d miss her.”
Levi averted his gaze, looking down at the forests surrounding the castle. Such a lovely venue for such a dull affair, he thought, and in his head, he thought of that day, filled with rain and blood and complete and utter agony.
Levi licked his lips, swallowing his own lump. “They’re never really gone,” he said finally. “Not really. They’re still with you, one way or another.” He hesitated before pressing a palm into Jean’s shoulder with a tucked in frown. “I think she heard you. I think she knows all of that.”
Jean hoped so. He hoped that Levi’s words- words that could have been scolding I told you so’s and judgemental comments about how Love Finds A Way To Break Your Heart- were true, and he hoped that somewhere, somehow, you knew what your loss meant to him. 
Jean hoped under the sun, the palm on his shoulder, the pinks on his skin, and the bloody handprint on his cheek like a badge of disgraced honour.
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clover0feild · 6 months
A man or a monster?
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Bertholdt Hoover X Male Reader
Warnings: some cus words
Normally when people fall in love the only thing they truly worry about is losing that person, normally through death or unforeseen titan attacks- never that the person they love is the titan…. Unfortunately that’s what’s Reader was dealing with. He and Bertholdt had gotten close during their cadet years, and it only grew from there.
Surviving in the woods was a normal thing the Sargent made the cadets go through. They survived in the rain, snow, sunny day, cloudy days, and who knows what else. The surviving would normally only be one person per thing, and they would survive for around 4/5 days out there- this time was different though. The Sargent had allowed for two people to group up together, only because a storm was supposed to be coming, and of course that made a lot of people excited.
Reader had been standing off to the side, he normally would partner up with Marco but he had ended up with Jean before Reader had been able to ask him. Without a partner or anyone in mind that could be his partner, Reader stood off to the side. waiting for the last few to hopefully pick him.
“Hey Reader” Reader heard a voice from behind him. He quickly turned around and came face to face with…… Bertholdt
“Dude!- you scared the shit out of me…” Reader said while placing a hand over his heart and trying to even out his breathing. Reader then brought his eyes up to meet Bert’s. “Whatcha need so badly anyways?” Reader asked.
“I um was wondering if you had a partner yet? And if not, if you be willing to be my partner…?” Bert said while avoiding eye contact. He seemed rather embarrassed to be asking such a simple question. Normally Bert wouldn’t be so embarrassed to ask one of his closest friends such a simple question, but after that night they spent cuddling together… things have been different, at least for Bertholdt.
“Sure- Marco already partnered up with Jean, Connie and Sasha are partnered up, and arming partnered up with mikasa already too. I was scared I would be left with someone I hardly knew” Reader had went on a little rant while grinning up at Bert. He was practically bubbling with excitement, happy he would be with a friend and someone he got along with very well- totally not because Bertholdt caused a warm bubblies feeling to fill his chest anytime they were close togethe, totally not.
“Y-yeah, Reiner partnered up with Eren already too” Bert said, trying to ignore the way his face seemed to warm up upon seeing how happy he made Reader.
Soon after Reader and Bertholdt partnered up The Sargent gave them the rules and instructions they would be forced to follow for the next five days. 1] Only them and their partner would be allowed to work together, and them together must survive without outside help. 2] If they tap out before the five days are finished they will be forced to clean the stables and clean the dining hall for the rest of the month. 3] No harming other cadets in anyway, if you do there will be punishments. 4] they will be provided with a sleeping bag, a knife, a pot, and some rope. 5] stay within the fenced in area and DO NOT CROSS IT. After the instruction ere given they were sent off and with their supplies and training(and hope).
Reader and Bert had gone south while most other groups went east or west, which for them would hopefully be good, without having to worry about other cadets catching food that they’re trying to catch. Reader and Bert kept going for just about the rest of day light, their talking very short and most of their focus was on finding clean water and a dry place to set up a small camp. It was almost dark when they eventually found a river with drinkable water, and they even sooner found a dry spot to set up their shelter for the night.
A small fire was soon build in the dry spot, and their sleeping bags next to the fire. Reader had caught some fish while Bert had made the fire. As they cooked the fish over the fire they were both idly watching the river, enjoying the nature around them… which is a lie- Reader was dozing off slowly and Bert was zoning out. It took Bert noticing a burning smell for either of them to remember the fish.
“We burnt the fuck out of this fish…” Reader said while picking at the burnt piece of what used to be fish. He still looked ready to pass out and his eyes seemed half lidded by now.
“I mean… it’s still edible at least” Bert side while flashing reader an awkward smile, and than he noticed Reader giving him a look of ‘you sure about that?’ Which made Bert look away from embarrassment.
“What about we just get some sleep and try again tomorrow? We’ve been walking all day, we’re both exhausted by now, and honestly… I lost my appetite after this… burnt piece of… I’m not gonna call it fish…” Reader said while chucking the piece of burnt meat deep into the woods. He then quickly crawled over to his sleeping bag, trying to get himself comfortable.
Bert followed in Readers lead. Throwing away the burnt meat and trying to make himself comfortable. It was easier said than done, a thin sleeping bag in a bunch of tiny rocks and sticks was not comfortable at all. Bert was just about to say something about it to Reader when he looked over and notice Reader was already fast asleep, maybe it was more comfortable than Bert thought.
Finally getting comfortable and slowly beginning to doze off, Bert was staring up at the stars. He was in complete bliss out here, nothing wrong with the world or titans to worry about… only him and Reader, peace. Bertholdt wishes it could stay this way forever, but he knows it can’t….
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roseofdarknessblog · 1 year
Love Treatment (Reiner Braun x Reader)
Word count: 4 840
Disclaimer: english is not my first language, I apologize in advance for any mistakes
Summary: Every Titan Shifter has a unique ability to heal different kinds of injuries. That can be considered a pretty useful skill, mainly directly on the battlefield. But amidst the chaos of the Marley Mid-East War, Reiner Braun finds himself injured without being able to handle the situation himself. Fortunately, there is someone very special in Liberio′s Military Hospital, who could help him heal in more than one way.
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Love Treatment
„May I come in?“ you asked, before entering one of the hospital rooms. Almost all of them were full, but you were used to it by now. War was a horrible thing, many casualties happened every single day for almost four years now.
Injured soldiers straight from the battlefield were coming to the hospital daily. And today was no different. You were pretty busy since early morning when your shift started just a short while after sunrise. Even earlier than other days, because the workload was just too much for your colleagues. And it seemed that the rest of the day is going to be just as hectic.
„Sure,“ said the young Warrior on the other side of the door. When you walked in, Reiner Braun, the inheritor of the Armored Titan was sitting on the edge of the bed, his golden eyes fixed on the door.
„How are you feeling?“
„Fine.“ He shrugged with an almost deathly tired look on his face. His white uniform was soaked in blood, mainly from the gunshot wound he suffered before shifting into his Titan form. At least that’s what you’ve been told. „I wasn’t expecting you, exactly.“
A shy smile made its way to your lips. „So you’re disappointed?“
„No, I wouldn’t put it like that.“ With a small chrome tray in your hands, you walked closer and put it down on the bed. „Do you know what happened?“
„You’ve been shot and the wound is not healing for some reason. Even though your titan powers should’ve taken care of the injury a long time ago.“
This was the first time you witnessed something like this. Surely, you’ve heard about similar situations during your time in medical school, but never actually came in contact with such a case.
What made it even harder, was your long-lasting crush on Reiner.
The two of you got to know each other shortly after he returned from Paradis. It was here in the hospital when he brought in his cousin Gabi, who managed to sprain her ankle during military training. The girl wasn’t even nine years old at that time, she was too young to be a soldier. At least in your opinion.
You were one of the very few Eldians who got to work here in the military hospital. Being the best and more successful student in your year, you dared to apply as a surgery resident in a prominent hospital under the head of the military. And thanks to some miracle happening, you got positive feedback in a couple of days. You spent the last four years working your absolute hardest, studying day and night, to become the best Eldian surgeon in the whole of Liberio.
All of your hard work started to truly pay off a couple of months ago when you saved the life of one of the highest-ranking generals in the Marleyan Navy. Your surgical preceptor and all of the other doctors were too busy saving the lives of another high-ranking military personnel. The general was in a critical state, basically on the brink of death. Maybe that’s why your colleagues rushed to help people, who had more chance to survive.
You were supposed to be helping your preceptor, just like every other time, but decided to act against his orders. With the help of two nurses, it was you who saved the general’s life. Getting three bullets out of his body, suturing the wounds, and tending to some other injuries, you worked in total concentration and didn’t let anything or anyone disturb you. It took you almost five hours until you were finished and his condition wasn′t critical anymore.
The general lived, and it was only thanks to you. Your determination to save every patient, who was under your care. Even if people like him hated people like you.
A couple of days later, when he was feeling a bit better, the man called you into his hospital room for a talk. You were beyond surprised when he wholeheartedly thanked you for saving his life and said, that you should expect a very interesting reward. After he was released from the hospital, you received an important message. Marley decided to grant you an unimaginable gift – the status of an honorary Marleyan. And not just you, but your parents and two younger sisters as well.  
Since that moment, you were walking around the hospital and your hometown with a red armband, which now seemed to catch Reiner’s eye as well.
„How did you get the armband?“ he asked a little shocked, while you sat down next to him. It seemed that a little chat would do some good for both of you. After all, you needed a quick break after all the work you’ve already done today.
„I saved the life of a high-ranking navy general. All my colleagues were busy with other patients, so I did it by myself with the help of two nurses,“ you explained, studying Reiner′s face.
When was the last time you saw him? How many months ago? Five or six, maybe even more. Some days it was hard to keep track of time. But that didn’t change anything about the fact, that you used to think about him almost too often. Daily, mainly when you couldn’t sleep at night and wondered what was happening on the battlefield.
„I didn’t know he would reward me like this. It was a pleasant surprise.“
„Oh wow, that’s great. Your whole family got the honorary Marleyan status, right?“
„Yeah, my parents and sisters wear them too.“ Would you accept it if it was meant only for you and not for your closest family? No, of course not. If it wasn’t for their undying love and support, you would never make it this far. „My mom wants to move out from the internment zone, but I’m not sure it’s a good idea. You know all too well that these armbands don’t change how Marleyans see us.“
Reiner nodded quietly, probably reminiscing over his own experiences he never told you about.  At least not yet. But you were sure, that his life wasn’t that much better just because of the red armband. Not after what you’ve heard about Paradis, where he spent almost five years of his life.
„So...“ you said after a while. The silence was starting to be uncomfortable, so it was better to get back to work. „Can I take a look at that wound?“
„Yeah, sure,“ he said immediately, turning his head away from your face.
You watched him carefully unbutton his uniform, baring the area under his left collarbone, which was covered in a big piece of gauze. Whoever was shooting, was probably aiming for the heart and missed. Even with his Titan powers, you weren’t sure he would survive something like that.
An uneasy feeling washed over you. Even thinking about something like that happening to Reiner...
„How did you get shot? When did it happen?“ you asked, reaching for the small chrome tray with all the necessary supplies you’d brought and pulling it closer. You had to push all the bad thoughts aside and concentrate.
„I had to leave the Titan’s body behind in a pretty dire situation, and before I transformed again, somebody shot me. I don’t even know from where that bullet came, it simply hit me.“ The area around the wound was cleaned from any remains of dried blood, but visibly reddened and swollen a bit. It surely hurt, if he didn’t take any analgetics before coming here. „I thought it would heal, but it was still pretty painful and bleeding after the battle.“
„Did you see a doctor there?“
„No, they had plenty of work with other wounded soldiers. I still hoped it would heal on its own. And Pieck helped to patch me up a little, so it was okay.“
„So the bullet is still inside?“
Reiner shook his head. „No, it went completely through me.“
You worriedly furrowed your brows, placing one of your hands on his forehead and cheek to check his temperature. Fever was sometimes the first sign of an ongoing infection, which was pretty common with gunshot wounds. Mostly, when they weren’t treated right or soon enough.
„Okay, strip from the waist up,“ you commanded him.
What surprised you the most, was how subconsciously and innocently Reiner leaned into your touch. For a moment, you felt bad about pulling your hand away in panic. You could feel the embarrassment pooling on your face, while he was taking off the top part of his uniform, almost too visibly avoiding eye contact with you.
When you heard that the inheritor of the Armored Titan was here and needed medical attention, you took the case without thinking. After all, seeing Reiner for at least a couple of minutes was what you longed for the last few months. But now, sitting there in front of him, with all sorts of thoughts going through your head... Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea. Perhaps you should’ve let someone else look after him and have a word later.
„Are you in any pain right now?“ you asked while looking at his back. There was an exit wound near his shoulder blade under another piece of gauze, which you really carefully took off. The angle of the bullet seemed pretty unfortunate, but the important thing was, that it wasn′t stuck there anymore. And if he was in a pretty decent shape, there couldn′t be any serious internal bleeding happening.
„Just a little.“
„Do you want anything to help with it?“ He shook his head even without thinking, again tearing his gaze away from you in a hurry. It seemed much safer for him to look at his armband, which he was now holding in his right hand. „Are you sure? The suturing is going to hurt.“
„No, I′m fine. You can start.“
You waited for a bit, but eventually got to work, putting on a pair of sterile gloves, before you did anything else. Cleaning the area with saline was the next step. Reiner watched you do your job without any words.  
„Tell me, if it gets too painful, okay? I′ll give you some medication, there is no need to suffer in order to play a tough guy.“
The tiny smile on his lips was a bit of a surprise. But it somehow gave you the confidence you needed at that moment. Operating on other people and treating their wounds felt completely different. You usually weren′t nervous. But now... your hands were slightly shaking.
„Believe me, many soldiers try to convince me, that they don′t any local anesthetic or other pain meds, then end up whining and crying the whole time. I truly hate that. It′s no fun when I can't talk with them during the procedure because they are too busy wailing.“
„So I have to talk to you as well?“ he teased, while you got hold of the necessary instruments. A needle, forceps, and medical scissors. You were taught that using the curve of the needle was the best method to pass the suture through the skin. „What would you like to hear about?“
You shrugged, carefully avoiding pulling the suture through the skin in a straight line while using the forceps to avoid touching the wound directly. Reiner winced a little, but that was it. No other movement or other demonstration of pain.
„Maybe you should start with the reason you′re here. I′m sure you haven′t told me everything yet.“
Closing a wound was an easy procedure. It was repetitive work, the hardest part was starting. At least in your opinion. Everything that came after, became purely automatic to you.
„So?“ you asked, when Reiner stayed quiet, averting his gaze once again. But it surely wasn′t because he didn't bare to look at a bloody wound. „Wouldn't you feel better if you talked to someone?“
You never truly viewed him as a talkative person. And that was okay, there was no need for him to share every little detail of his life with you. But right now it seemed a good idea to make him open up a little. It was pretty obvious, that something was very wrong.
„If everything was fine, you wouldn′t be sitting here getting sewed back together. Your mental state is important for using your titan powers. Healing abilities including.“
„Aren't you a little too smart?“
You smiled. „Well, if I wasn't, I surely wouldn′t be here today.“
Closing the wound under his collarbone took you very little time. Before you knew it, you instructed Reiner to turn his back to you, so you could do the same thing with the other half of the wound.
„Why did they send you home? This could have been done right there on the battlefield by any medic. No need for a hospital visit and a flight to Liberio and back.“ You were determined to get him talking. He wasn't leaving this room until he told you what really happened.
He could be stubborn, you already knew that. But you could be a million times worse when you set your mind to it. After all, you weren′t doing this out of boredom, but to help him.
„I won′t let you leave until you talk to me.“
„It seems that the war will be ending soon. We only have one more battle to fight, if everything goes well at Fort Slava. Everybody is busy with planning right now, we are set to attack next week,“ Reiner finally said, after letting you work in silence for several long minutes. He winced occasionally but didn't show any other signs of being in pain. But he was far from being relaxed either, the precisely defined muscles on his back and shoulders were visibly tensed. „They need me in the best shape possible, that′s why Commander Magath sent me here.“
„And are we supposed to find out why your wound wasn't healing or just properly stitch you up and send you back?“ you joked to ease the dense atmosphere, slowly finishing with the suturing. „I personally would try to find the main reason for your problem. So you don't end up like this again. Even though it could have been worse... much worse. It seems that the shooter was aiming for your heart, but missed.“
„Unfortunately,“ he sighed quietly.
„Stop that!“ you scolded him immediately, finishing your work almost at the exact same moment. It still surprised you how well Reiner took the pain. Almost as if he didn′t feel anything the whole time. „Did you see your family before coming here?“ you asked, trying to change the subject.
Reiner shook his head, while you started to carefully dress his wounds. For some reason, it was becoming harder to focus on your work with every passing second. All you could think about was him. You desperately wanted to help the Warrior sitting beside you, but it seemed he had no interest in letting you do that.
He probably didn't even know you liked him and cared for him much deeper, than for your other patients. After all, you were at work, you had to act professionally. Personal feelings and emotions had nothing to do at the hospital ward.
„Okay, all done. You can dress up,“ you said after a couple of minutes, looking Reiner over one more time really carefully. He seemed much different from the time you saw him last. But not in a good way. „So... are you going home now?“
„No, I think I′ll stay at the HQ for a couple of days.“ You raised your eyebrows in surprise, while you tidied up your medical instruments, desperately trying to occupy your hands and therefore your mind as well. „Why do you ask?“
„Just wanted to know. I bet they miss you, especially Gabi.“ You knew almost nothing about his relatives. Only that he grew up without his father and that his little cousin wanted to inherit his Titan one day. „Seeing them for a couple of hours could do you good, maybe help you relax a bit.“
With one eye still on his back, you watched as he slowly put his uniform back on. But other than that, it didn′t seem he was in a hurry to leave this place. And you didn′t want to be the one to chase him away. So even though you had tons of other work to do and patients to see, you stayed there with him. Just sitting in complete silence, while Reiner was looking to the ground, fingers playing with the edge of the red armband still in his hands.
There was something about that particular moment. About seeing him without that damned piece of fabric on his left arm. Something, that made your heart ache for the young blond Warrior. You knew what he had to undergo, how hard he had to train since being a little kid.
And right there, in that moment, for maybe just a second it seemed, that he was just as scared, tired, and defeated, as a little kid forced to complete such harsh military training.
„You can stay here if you want,“ you said suddenly, not even thinking about the words which came out of your mouth. Only after they′ve been said out loud, and got Reiner′s attention. „I mean... I′m working the night as well. So if you′re not going home, you can stay here. With me,“ you added a little quieter, already regretting your stupid habit of talking before thinking.
„I don′t think it′s a good idea,“ he said, putting the armband back in its place. Without even looking at you, he suddenly stood up and tried making his way to the door.
But only until you got to your feet as well and reached for his hand. Your still trembling fingers wrapped around his wrist, as you urgently pulled him towards you. „Stay,“ you said firmly. „Please, stay.“
The whole world around you felt like it was on fire when he finally turned his head and looked at you in pure shock. You could feel your heart breaking into million little pieces when you once again saw the sadness and despair in his beautiful light brown eyes.
If only you knew how to help him and ease his suffering.
Reiner carefully pulled his wrist from your grasp, but almost immediately reached for your hand again, gently interlocking your fingers. You ran your thumb along his knuckles, pulling him even closer until his body collided with your own, and you wrapped your arms around him as tight as possible.
Only then you truly understood how much you yearned for this. To feel him this close and know, that he was okay. Alive and with you. At least at that moment.
„You don′t have to tell me anything, just... stay here,“ you whispered into his chest, gently resting your head against his right shoulder. You′ve dreamed about this moment many times – simply being in his arms, safe and sound from all the horrors of the world around.
„I wanted...“ he started but got quiet almost immediately. However, when you didn′t start talking, he took a couple of deep breaths, before speaking again. „I needed to come home for a couple of days,“ he said, running his fingers through your hair softly and lovingly. „I needed to see you and hear your voice.“ You smiled into his chest, wrapping your arms around his body even tighter. If it was only possible for this moment to never end. „I needed to remind myself for who I need to keep fighting for.“ His voice almost broke, as he got those words out.
With another tiny smile, you caressed his chest and tilted your head slightly back, to look into his face. Reiner was already looking at you, his eyes waiting to meet yours and tell you so much more, without even using actual words.
„I missed you so much,“ you said, fighting many different emotions all at once. There was so much you wanted to say to him. But was it the right moment? Or would it be better to leave everything for later? For after the war, when you finally can be together? „And prayed every night, that you′ll come home unharmed.“ You could feel his whole body relax against yours.
„Trust me, that bullet was so worth it.“ A shiver run down your back when he laughed quietly and pressed a kiss to your forehead. „By now it′s probably healed.“
„So much for my hard work,“ you teased him, while your eyes involuntarily wandered to his lips. How many times did you dream about kissing them? Probably too many. „Just try not to get injured again. We can see each other under much more pleasant circumstances.“
The height difference between you and Reiner was almost too perfect. Standing on your tiptoes, while he slightly bent down was enough to close the distance between the two of you. But before your lips finally brushed against each other, a loud knock on the door startled you.
„Just a moment!“ you shouted, suppressing your laughter. „We′re almost done.“
Reiner closed his eyes with a smile as well, cradling you in his arms just a moment longer, before he let go. As he sat back onto the hospital bed, you slowly opened the door, only to find your supervisor standing there. He needed your assistance with a complicated surgery immediately.
With an apologetic look toward Reiner, you left the room and hurried after your supervisor, debating the case while you were getting ready. It was truly a complicated surgery, which lasted almost six hours. You were dead tired when you finally walked out of the operating theatre and headed to the dressing room to change into a fresh pair of hospital uniform.
You wanted to find Reiner again, but more work got in your way and didn′t let you relax until late at night. The only thing you were able to do, was to fill out an official paper about Reiner′s medical condition and your decision to keep him here overnight for observation. Almost everything you wrote down was simply made-up nonsense, but it did the trick. Nobody questioned your decision, not even your supervisor. Quiet the opposite – he complimented your dedication to your work and thus to Marley itself, by taking such excellent care of somebody so important for the military.
It was almost midnight when you finally had time to get off your feet and eat something. Your head and back hurt as if someone beat you up, while your feet could barely carry you anymore. The morning was still far away, anything could happen until the first rays of sunshine appear on the horizon and your 24-hour shift will be finally over.
After hesitating a little, you made your way to the room, where Reiner was staying. It was late and quiet almost everywhere around you, so you didn′t want to knock and disturb someone. You just very carefully peered from behind the door, finding Reiner laying in bed. Thankfully, he wasn't sleeping.
„I was starting to think you forgot about me,“ he said quietly, sitting up without any sign of being in pain. Only a small lamp on the nightstand was switched on, but it gave out enough light for you to see the content, but somehow still sad look on his face. „Too much work?“
You nodded tiredly and closed the door, making your way to the bed. Sitting down felt more than nice after such a long day. „How are you feeling?“ With that question, you reached for his hand. It was surprisingly warm compared to your always cold ones. „Did the wound truly heal up already?“
„Yeah, it′s completely gone. I′m okay.“ You shook your head with a smile, slipping into Reiner′s arms almost immediately. „But only thanks to you,“ he added gratefully, running his hand up and down your aching back. If you closed your eyes, you could very easily fall asleep right there. „I really mean it.“
„And I meant what I said earlier. We can see each other under more pleasant circumstances and outside the hospital.“ You let the tips of your fingers slide along his jaw, gently grabbing his chin and tilting his head more toward you. Everything about him seemed so perfect. Every little detail of his face, even his disheveled hair. „Next time, please, don't get butchered just because you want to see me.“
„What if there won′t be any next time?“
„What do you mean?“ The light you thought you saw in his eyes was gone once more. His smile vanished, while his gaze lingered over the contours of your face. He was truly looking at you as if he never saw you before. Or as if he′ll never get the chance to do it again. „It will all be over soon, Reiner,“ you reassured him, resting your right hand against his chest, right over his steadily beating heart. „And after that... well, I don′t know what is going happen to Marley or to us, but...“
You were glad, that he shut you up with a tender kiss. His lips finally, after so many months of thinking about it, collided with yours, and for a glimpse of a moment helped you forget about reality. About the tiring work here in the hospital, and about the war itself.
Right there, it was only you and Reiner.
„Just say if I′m crossing any lines,“ he said a little hesitantly, his soft lips brushing against yours once more. You didn′t even dare to open your eyes. What if he disappeared? What if this all turned out to be just a dream?
„You have no idea how long I was dreaming about this moment,“ you whispered, cupped his cheeks, and kissed him again. A million times more urgently, as if he was the only thing keeping you from death′s reach.
Seconds turned into minutes and if it wasn't for your need to breathe, you would stay like that probably forever. As you tried to catch your breath again, Reiner leaned against you, burying his face into your hair. It didn′t take long until you hear a quiet sob escape his mouth, while his arm pulled you even closer to him.  
You knew this was coming. From the moment you saw him earlier, you could tell he′s going to break and let all his anger, disappointment, exhaustion, and sadness out. And it was more than okay. To be honest, it made you feel so much at ease, that he let his guard down like that in your presence. That he trusted you this much. That he wasn′t afraid to show you, just how much these last few years affected him.
„Cry it all out, it′s okay. I′m here,“ you whispered reassuringly, running your fingers through his hair in a calming motion, while simultaneously pressing tiny kisses to the top of his head. „You′re safe with me, I promise.“
Hearing him cry for many long minutes was truly one of the most painful things you′ve ever witnessed, but there was very little you could actually do to help him. Besides holding him tight and making sure he knows, that you will always be there for him. Always. In any kind of situation.
„I′m sorry... I just...“ you shook your head before he could continue, planting a kiss on his temple. As he slowly pulled away to look you in the eyes, you couldn't help but smile, while wiping away the remains of his tears. „I′m sorry,“ he said again.
„Nothing to be sorry about, Reiner,“ you assured him, leaned closer for a quick kiss, and made yourself comfortable on the hospital bed. Reiner watched you with teary eyes until you opened your arms and pulled him into another hug. „Try to get some sleep, I′ll stay here.“ His head came to rest on your chest very carefully, while his arms tightly wrapped around your waist securing you in place. He truly wanted to make sure you′ll stay there and won′t leave him. „Everything will be fine. Maybe not tomorrow or in a week, but eventually.“
„As long as you′re with me,“ Reiner whispered, his lips pressing against your neck.
A content smile made its way to your lips, as you felt Reiner relax in your arms. Everything about that moment felt so right. The weight of his body on yours, his arms holding you close to him, and the mere reality of the two of you being together like this.
School and work always came first to you, there simply wasn't time for silly little romances. Not when you were determined to fulfill your dream. But looking at the brave and handsome Warrior, who was holding onto you for dear life while slowly falling asleep on your chest, made you reconsider everything.
Maybe making room for love in your life wouldn't be so bad.
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108 notes · View notes
levmada · 8 months
Well since you said you’d take one I’ve had one that’s been on my mind for a bit
Top levi x bottom m reader fluff to smut. Basically it’s the night before they retake shinganshina and they’re having dinner and before the night ends levi proposes to the reader saying ‘if we make it out of this alive then would you do me the honor of being my husband’ (I’m thinking they’ve been together for a few years at this point but Levi’s been too scared to ask for fear they wouldn’t have made it this far) and reader says yes and so they go to their place they’re staying at and just some nice sweet smut 👀
Maybe there can also be a part after about how even tho they lost a lot of friends they had their wedding in the honor of their lost friends and comrades and it’s a sweet wedding with all their close friends and all that sappy jazz :3
I hope this is alright with you and I hope you like it and are ok with writing it. If not that’s totally ok I understand. I requested this from someone else months ago but they haven’t written it and so I thought you’d maybe be down to? 🖤🙏
hiii i’m SOO sorry this took me ages! hopefully the was worth it! in order to best fit with the plot i didn’t add an epilogue😅but i’ll add it on later! i hope you like it :3
➥ pairing: service top!Levi x male!sub!taller!Reader
➥ about: The most important battle in the history of humanity is rapidly approaching. In order to go on without regrets, Levi makes a proposal. The ensuing night is one of love and worship.
➥ c/w: established relationship, canonverse, tooth-rotting fluff, proposal<33, slow&sensual, fingering, praise, oral, overstimulation, vanilla
➥ wc: 3.6k
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Levi’s mood would be as dark as the nighttime outside this cabin if it wasn’t for you. It straddles the picturesque wilderness and the wide, winding river that runs back to Yarckel District in the east.
He’s content despite his vivid awareness that it’s painfully temporary, reserved for tonight before the regiment’s departure in the morning to retake Wall Maria.
Many of the troops—especially the new recruits, but that's par for the course—aren’t worried about an encounter with the Armored and Colossal Titans. But as usual there’s no telling what to expect—he is aware that too many could be wiped out before they even reach the Shiganshina's gate. The shit cherry on top is Erwin’s refusal to stay despite the clear fact that he's not exactly as spry as he used to be.
Levi is going to, as he's forced to, go into tomorrow with the expectation that many won't come back.
But like himself, you understand the danger, and you're strong enough to react sharply and effectively when it presents itself.
There's too much he admires about you, too strongly to put into clear or concise words. Especially when he's this on-edge, and all that stands out in his mind now is how handsome you look by existing simply across the candlelit table and eating, and occasionally raising a glass of water to your mouth by the rim.
He has no appetite. He sneaks glances at you more often than he eats. A silver spoon remains raised to his mouth.
He never expected this—you. The both of you. In fact, he was in ferocious denial for the longest time until, on no particular day or during any important hour, you were walking in the relative wilderness outside of HQ, raised him by the lapels of his jacket and kissed him.
He was probably explaining to you what he doesn’t believe in anymore. He just remembers the feeling of your kiss like a slap, and your words right after.
“You talk about yourself like you’re—some weapon. But look at me.”
And without being forced to do so he looked up at you.
“How important you are doesn’t defeat the reason why you kissed me back! We are just men. Don't you understand?"
He started to understand.
He understands. But he’s thinking too much, both about the future and the past, more than necessary to muster the courage to do what he's about to. While by far, he would rather savor this night with you.
Even if you turn him down.
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“It’s rice. It's palatable,” he's explaining, defending his favorite food.
While your rice is buttered and seasoned to perfection, for him, as long as it's edible Levi is happy. For being such an amazing cook, it's charming how simple his tastes are. And it feels nice to debate about nothing, especially leading up to tomorrow.
“Hm,” you grunt. “You like everything bland.”
Levi takes another bite without breaking eye contact. “Not everything.”
A smirk quirks up the side of your mouth. “Right. Not your women,” you retort.
He deadpans, and you laugh.
“Is your boyfriend a good not-bland?”
You put down your spoon. You’re not too much interested in dinner anymore—Levi is blushing. He blushes almost effortlessly, always, but it’s a sight you love.
But he doesn’t shoot back with a teasing quip like you expected. He frowns as he seems to struggle with himself.
You tilt your head. “What's on your mind?”
"Before tomorrow, we shouldn't have any unfinished business. It might be anticlimactic, but our lives are already pretty unconventional."
This grabs your attention. He's been quieter than usual all week, but you figured he was nervous about the operation. It's going to be the most important battle in all of humanity's history, after all. But right now, he seems uncharacteristically flustered.
He doesn't elaborate.
"I feel the same. Talk to me."
He gnaws on his bottom lip, and finally, meets your gaze again with new, cool determination. You can tell it's forced.
"If we're still living a couple days from now, I—I want you to live with me. Even if it's short-lived... Even then, I'd"—He takes a breath, and reaches across the table, taking your hand"—I'd have no regrets about doing that. Would you... do me the honor of being my husband?"
Your eyes widen. Suddenly it feels like you're dreaming—how else could this be really, really real? Laughter bubbles up within your chest as a disbelieving grin stretches across your cheeks.
"Wh-What? Me?"
He scowls. "Who else is sitting right in front of me?"
"Even if..." You tightly hold his hand.
"Yes," he answers, as serious as death. "But I don't need an answer right now either—I'm not forcing you to—"
"Levi, shut up!" you laugh. "Yes. Yes I will marry you."
He really weighed the possibility that you'd reject his proposal. You've never seen him so nakedly nervous.
You always had it in your mind that marriage wasn't even a defined concept—same goes for him. Not living the life you did, and not with what you did you survive it. It's the promise that matters, the fact that you're both willing to seal it with a ring, to speak it, regardless of what suffering the future will bring.
Unable to contain yourself, unable to fully get across to him this storm of joy and exhilaration swirling within you, you jump out of your seat with full intention to reel him out of his, but he's already way ahead of you.
Levi hops up on his toes and kisses you as if he'd been confined to only using his words before, his fingers threading through your hair and deepening it as much as possible. You reel him close by his waist so that you both stumble, with your back landing against the wall.
You have no idea where this is coming from, but maybe Levi doesn't either. Maybe your ravenous hunger for each other speaks for itself.
You kiss, harder and deeper, hands encompassing his small waist to catch on his belt-loops, to signal what you want. All you want—him. He rips your shirt from its neat tuck in your trousers, and pulls away to level with you a blazing, wanting stare.
This is abrupt—you didn’t even finish dinner—but you don’t have the blessing of unlimited time. You tell yourself that you'll both have lots more candle-lit dinners, the next time you both return to the Walls.
“I need you,” you murmur, ducking you head to kiss down his neck, unable to dip below his collar. Your hands slide up from his hips, just shy of his ass. He whispers a moan softly by your ear. “You know that?”
"Yeah." His hand slips away, reaching for his back pocket. "You didn't even give me a second to put the damn ring on your finger, you brat."
He grasps your wrist, brought between the both of you. As he slide the simple silver band onto your ring finger, his entrancing gaze is one you could get wonderfully lost in.
It's cool to the touch. A certain weightlessness swoops through your stomach when it's in place, like it was crafted for this sole purpose.
He grasps your open collar and yanks you down for another bruising kiss, pulling a soft groan from you.
"I'm guessing there's no possibility you're patient enough for the wine?" he retorts, as annoyed as he can sound...
“Wine after,” you purr, voice like syrup. “And then we’ll go again, and then, I’ll get on my knees for you in the shower…”
As you speak, you bring the small of his back forward, pressing up against each other. He’s hard enough to feel friction against your thigh, of course, he’s always so sensitive.
He inhales sharply, snatching your hand and walking you both backwards to the living room in which the hearth burns, bright and warm.
The fireplace below the mantel licks at the logs calmly and steadily. The chill of autumn instantly melts away to be replaced by the burn of desire.
A mound of blankets lays in front of it. He's thankful they were tossed together earlier, a refuge from the cold and the impending tomorrow while dinner was still cooking.
"C'mere," he grunts, stepping backwards onto the fluffy, thick flooring.
You're more than happy to oblige him by bringing him down first. He spills onto the blankets, on his back, hands flying down to untuck your shirt as you settle, straddling his thick thighs.
Quickly you undress him, opening button by button to reveal his pale chest and blushing nipples to the golden light of flame the same time he opens your belt with a faint but piercing clink.
Though you're straddling his thighs, he's the one perfectly in control of kissing you, and sliding your boxers down to take handfuls of your ass properly.
You groan, your hips rocking forward and palms spreading across his pecs, playing with the soft swells as his tongue plays around yours.
"Hah..." he breaks away to huff, palming somewhere beside him for the oil.
You take advantage of the moment to lay wet kisses on his neck and tug his nipples into perfect points. His chest lifts, and you watch as a little cum wells up in the slit of his hard cock, and drools down.
"Eager, huh." His fingers sink in your hair, plastering your lips to his neck as fingers brush across your tight hole.
"I'm not the only one..."
One, his middle finger, pushes into you easily enough because of their size. They drag along your walls, deep inside. You press to feel every inch, and hear him sigh as he pumps lazily.
It's not enough, for all the hours you still are guaranteed to have left. With your back arched, you whine with a second and relax atop him, moaning loudly together as your cocks share delicious friction.
Sensing your urgency, he stretches you open in quick increments before making you whine with a third splitting you beside the others.
"Don't ever stop." You nip at the tender, new mark on his neck.
He doesn't know when he slowed down to admire your lips trembling as he curls his fingers; your jaw, your eyes closed, letting your lashes kiss your cheeks. (He could gaze into your eyes for hours and perhaps never find his way out, but like this, he can stare openly without embarrassment.) One part of you that attracted him to you later on—when he was past the point of denial and wanted his hands on your strong shoulders, or your hands hoisting him up by his thighs, to put him on an even surface and kiss hard—that was the strength you exuded, broad shoulders, strong jaw, your sheer beauty. You were gorgeous, and you still are.
He pumps them a tad faster, parting his fingers to feel your walls flutter around them, and your face buries in his neck, nipping and kissing.
Sensitive. He worries his bottom lip between his teeth as your hips rock—back into his fingers, forward to grasp friction from his thigh. His cock twitches in the valley of your hip.
"Mhm... Feel s'good."
Levi smiles to himself, just a tiny bit hidden in your hair. "You’re fucking yourself on them. Cute."
His palm rides down your strong back to the bottom, pressing down to shift the angle.
“H-Hah—!” Your teeth dig into his soft throat as his fingers brush along a swollen swell inside.
He hums, having found what he wanted, and the exact reaction he was hoping to pull from you. As always, how he enjoys, how much you let him hear your voice. The pinch of pain makes his toes curl.
Each time, every time he gets close, traces your prostate, he revels in the sense of your muscles tensing, then relaxing. Tense and relaxed.
He keeps his fingers buried in you, and rubs it in slow, but precise movements. Your precum smears his thigh.
"Good boy, let me hear you," he murmurs, speckling kisses to your jaw.
You shake overtop him, your breaths and the occasional gasp heating his neck. Your thumb traces the base of his jaw in frantic little circles as he massages without pause, sometimes carding through the blanket-like strands where his undercut lays, and scraping through the prickly spots where it's shaved.
"Fuck, Levi..."
Fuck, he mouths, hearing his name, a moan in your voice.
His free hand squeezes at just the place the back of your thigh curves, working the tight muscles in the palm of his hand with a warm sigh. He strokes in full, deep revolutions, slow but steady.
Your breath has grown shallow; you grip the nape of his neck a touch tighter. He's known you so long, he can tell that you're getting close.
Levi hums, and works his fingers out of you. The sense of your heat quivering on them makes him remember that in a bit, that's what his cock will be buried in. He moans as you seize his lips, picking up his jaw and taking total control.
You wrench away, and struggle to speak between a flurry of heated kisses. "I need you."
He squeezes you tight, nodding his head the best he can. Lust makes your gaze dark and hungry—an unceasing but quenchable desire. He knows just how to take care of you.
“Sit up.”
You do as you’re told. Levi stands first, his hands pressing on your shoulders to keep you kneeling. You look up first, his eyes lidded, demure almost as he cradles your cheeks. Times like this, it’s so clear that his body have to have been sculpted by a god. He’s beautiful.
“Will you get it wet for me, sweetheart?”
You were leaning forward already. With permission, you take his thick cock in your hand—really it’s swollen, rose-pink, and blushing deep fuchsia at his drooling tip.
His fingers lace in your hair as you welcome him past your lips. He’s not big length-wise, but it swells your cheeks, a comfortable, heavy weight, and distinctive heat.
Levi sucks in a breath through his teeth as your nose buries in black wiry hairs. You’re practically nosing his stomach as you lathe his cock in as much of your tongue as you can while his murmured moans make your head spin. Your bottom lip brushes up against his heavy balls. You clutch and squeeze his wiry thighs, appreciating his hard muscles.
“Good boy,” he murmurs, low and from somewhere deep inside his chest. Your press forward for more praise, working him inside your throat, but he guides you off before you can get too ahead of yourself.
“Let me take you to bed,” he says, bringing you back to your feet.
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A candle is lit. This bedroom smells of warm lavender, and despite the autumn chill, Levi feels warm as you tongues lazily swirl, and your fingers wind through his hair, there on top of you slotted between your legs.
He cups your cheek with one hand, his spare sliding down your waist to your narrow hips. “Tell me if you need anything,” he reminds you, like he always does.
“I will.”
He watches your expression transform as he pushes inside you, past your puckered rim, to feel your softness open up around his cock. You welcome him inside. To tremble and quiver, your heat that sucks him in deeper, gripping.
He’s careful. As always, he treats the privilege of intimacy with you as a precious gift he will never actually deserve.
Until your calves close around his waist, bringing him in entirely, deep in you.
He reels from the pressure and heat at first, eyes barely opened where he hovers above you. Your chests lift and fall against one another. He loves the closeness and the envelopment of your bodies, the way one would love and treasure something they missed for their whole life up to a point they met, without ever having met it before.
He admires your eyes, nearly made closed under the intensity of it all, but staying stubbornly open for him. He almost wants to look away. He knows what that look means—what it may mean.
“Okay?” he asks, his lips not an inch away from yours.
“God, yeah…—”
You cut yourself off, when he pulls out slowly, and he sinks his teeth into his bottom lip. Your walls clench down around him, massaging his shaft and sensitive frenulum in all the right ways. He savors the drag until he’s just barely held inside, and sinks in again.
Fuck, he mouths, his face dropping to your neck and tasting the salty heat there as your fingers slot in together by your head. Yours is bigger than his. He moans, and remains consistent. He’s not a patient man, but he wants this to last, a long time. He’s going to make sure you live, for a long time. So that nothing about tonight implies goodbye. Even if you both ride into hell tomorrow…
He’s thinking too much. Your sharp gasp when he brushes against that slight swell inside you, and your heat shivers around him, snaps him out of it.
Your heels dig into the small of his back. “Please. Hurry, fuck."
He shifts the angle slightly, pressing you down more on your back and raising your knees further. And with that, speeds up marginally as you bring him down by his hair, lips moving fervently against his. He grips your hand, and thrusts without faltering into you as hard as his kiss.
You share breath, your sweat mixes, your voice like a chorus down his throat, mixing in with these groans that come from deep in his chest.
He’s never been one to talk sweetly—he messed it up royally when he asked you to marry him earlier. So in every action, in glances, or favors, or with his arms wrapped around you as his body makes love to you, he strives to love you in every way you deserve.
He squeezes your hand, determined not to come too fast. You’ve broken away, your head tossing and your thighs pressed tightly around his waist and the sounds falling from your mouth that takes his breath away.
“Levi, Levi—L-Levi—”
“Fuck. You sound too fucking good…”
He presses you down, for several passes pounding in deep, rapid succession, unable to escape how good you feel taking all of him. He should be barely winded, but you work him up all too much. He admits that, chanting your name where your shoulder meets your neck.
“Kkeep going, keep going—Levi, I'm...”
He pistons his cock in complete, steady, quick motions as he lifts his head to watch you. Your mouth is perpetually gaping, giving him a glimpse of your canines as your body trembles harder and harder intertwined with his.
And he’s not even touching you.
His hand dives down between you, groaning to find the sticky mess your cock has made. It throbs rapidly in his fist as you shout out, and in a few tight pumps, you freeze still.
You writhe, and your hand squeezes his so tight it hurts. Your climax spurts out between his fingers as he fucks you hard and fast through it, groaning between breaths right in your ear, “That’s my fucking good boy.”
“God, Levi—Don’t stop—Fucking—inside—”
Your shakes pass through you, and he slowed at first, but he whimpers now, as everything raises and works up, tightens up, meets at a point.
“Doesn’t it hurt?”
“I want you.”
“Ev—Even though it hurts?”
“Yes, yes!” you babble.
He slams inside you a final time with that satisfying sound of skin against skin, moaning in soft and long succession—not even hearing himself. A few deep thrusts are all he needs, gasping your name as he spills and fucks his climax deep inside you.
When he’s finally finished, slowing to a complete stop, you’re kissing again, lazy and slow. Considering it’s Levi, he’s not as winded as you.
He pulls his softening cock out slowly. You shiver with the sudden emptiness, as it oozes out of you, you sigh.
“You alright?”
“Don’t fuck me so good and that won’t happen.”
“Unfortunate for you, then.”
You smile.
“You like that, huh,” he muses as he rests beside you. As you curl up with him, he fleetingly rubs your shaky thigh. “You alright?”
“You’ll have to be more specific.”
While your eyes are closed, he kisses your lips, getting them to open. He doesn’t reply for a moment, and that feels just fine—you savor gazing into his eyes. He’s undone, relaxed in a way you’re confident you’ve only ever seen of him.
“I’ll tell you the day after tomorrow.”
You’d complain if you didn’t know what tomorrow was. You concede by nodding, and before he gets any ideas about dragging you to the bath yet, you intertwine your legs and bury your face in his chest, near to a hickey you left. You kiss it.
He strokes your hair, tracing the notches of your spine, succumbing to relaxing, just for once.
“I know I don’t say it much, because it’s not necessary,” he murmurs into your hair. “But it’ll annoy me if I don’t tell you—I love you, before tomorrow.”
Your heart swells. You cling onto the end of his sentence, intent not to focus on its bittersweet undertone.
“I’ll say it back the day after tomorrow. How about that?”
He huffs lightheartedly at being beat at his own game. “It’s a deal, then.”
“It’s a deal.”
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Levi masterlist | main masterlist
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awhorrerstory · 1 year
I could never hate you
Annie Leonhardt x f! Readers
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Warnings : angst, smut
I slip my hand into Annie’s but she sighs softly and pulls away causing me to frown, “Annie?” She turns to look at me, something I haven’t seen before in her eyes. “Y/n, I, we have to break up.” She states coldly, sadness clouded her eyes. “W-why? What did I do Annie?” I ask her as reality began to sink in. “It’s not because of you y/n…I just-the guilt is killing me.” She mumbles causing my heart to shatter even more causing Annie to look up at me, her face plastered with realization of what she just said; “did you cheat on me..?” I ask her, my voice coming out broken. Annie’s eyes soften and I can see her eyes fill with sadness. “Would you hate me if I said yes?” She asks looking at my scout logo on my jacket. “I could never hate you Annie.” I say holding her hand gently in mine which she hesitantly took away. “I did cheat on you. I told you I’m not good for you, you should’ve listened.” She says coldly though her voice wavered. I break down in tears looking away from her. “Who was it?! Who was it Annie?!” I yell at her crying harder after. “It was Hitch.” Annie states as I hear her begin to walk away. I continue crying until I knew I had to go back to the barracks.
The next day I entered the briefing room for the 57th expedition. Before the start of the expedition, Commander Erwin Smith
Told us the plan. The purpose of the expedition would be to plot a new course from Karanes district in the east to Shiganshina District. As I listened to the plan I played with the ring on the chain around my neck Annie gave me for our anniversary, a nervous habit I picked up. I didn’t want anyone to get hurt, especially with all the titans outside of the wall. As Levi and section commander Hange described the formations my mind drifted off to Annie. I know she didn’t cheat on me, she wouldn’t right? I know she loved me and I could see in her eyes that she didn’t want to break up or hurt me, but why would she lie to me about such a shitty thing? Why would she break up with me if she didn’t want to? Maybe to protect me? No, why would she need to protect me? “Y/n? You hoo! I want to show you one of my titan traps, won’t you join me?” Hange asked excitedly breaking me away from my confusing thoughts. I smile at them and nod, following them to the traps.
57th expedition
I go to slice the female titan’s arm when she grabs the wire of my odm gear and pulls me to her face to examine me. I struggle but she kept me the perfect distance away from her so I couldn’t attack. Her eyes softened and she put me down after throwing aside my equipment. I plopped on the ground and she ran away. I looked up at the titan, my mind racing. She looks just like Annie…I thought as I got up Armin running over to me, “y/n! Are you okay?!” He asks worriedly causing me to smile softly at him, “I’m fine.” “She let you go?” He says confused looking in the direction she went. “Yeah she did…” I say slowly as I stand up. Maybe Annie is a titan shifter? Maybe that’s what she felt guilty about. Maybe that’s why she broke up with me, maybe she didn’t cheat on me…
“annie…” I whisper softly holding my head in my hands. I knew it was her. She was the female titan… “y/n? Did you say something?” “I-I need to see Annie!” I say panicking and standing up ready to run after the female titan when Jean came over with two horses led by Christa, “c’mon guys!” We ride off ready to find the female titan. When we finally find her she’s trapped by the scouts and I couldn’t help but worry for the woman i love. She lets out a roar and Titans come at her from everywhere, eating her titan. I gasp and use my odm gear to get on Annie’s shoulder, “no! Stop!” I yell at the titans as I fear for Annie. Levi’s men go after the titans attacking Annie’s titan and I notice the flesh of the titan evaporating, a sign she’s no longer in there. I inform Levi that she’s gone and he instructs his men to find her amongst the scouts. I notice her immediately yet say nothing…
She turns into her titan again.
-after her and Eren fight cuz I’m tired-
The female titan is hit by Eren and is slammed against a tree and I notice how tired the female titan seemed, to say I was worried was an understatement since in my heart I already knew who this mysterious sifter was. My morals were being challenged and in the end I knew what I’d choose to do. I prepared my blades and attached my odm gear to the titan, aimed directly at its nape. When I successfully sliced and revealed the shifter, the female titans face contorted into shock as the nape fell open to reveal Eren. I heard the sound of wires and felt two sharp anchors in my arms causing the female titan to launch for me and Eren. I hear an enraged and hurt Mikasa flying in from behind me, her blades drawn, ready to strike me down after letting Annie kill the half Japanese’s boyfriend. Annie eats Eren and grabs me at the same time, hardening her hand soo Mikasa wouldn’t hurt me again. Mikasa zipped away screaming out in pain in anger and I notice something in the female titan change before I blacked out.
I wake up in a tree, a crying Annie hovering over me, “Annie-“ I try to get up and I groan at the pain in my chest and stomach. “No, don’t move.” She says worriedly as I feel her small hands press down harder on the places that hurt. I look down at her hands seeing them covered in blood as she keeps pressure on the two gaping sword wounds. “So She got me?” I ask with a raspy chuckle. Annie lets out a sob and rests her forehead against mine. “I-I didn’t want to hurt you y/n, I’m so so-“ I place my hand on her cheek gently and Annie leans into my touch crying softly as I attempt to wipe her tears, “it’s not your fault Annie, it was my choice.” She kisses me hard, “I love you so much…I’d never cheat on you and I’m sorry I lied I just…didn’t want something like this to happen! I wanted to keep you safe from this shitty part of my life! I needed to push you away...” she says as I run my thumb along the titan marks around her eye, then down to the ones on her cheeks, “You’re so beautiful…” I mumble softly, “didn’t you hear me?!” She asks a bit aggravated. “Yes baby but I already knew you didn’t cheat, as soon as I saw those blue eyes and that nose,” I run my finger down it, like I used to do to comfort her. “I knew it was you, and I understood your actions. But you really confirmed it when you let me live.” I chuckle, coughing up blood. “I have to get you to Marley, they’ll help you. Since I finally have the founder I can go home, we can go home y/n.” Annie says smiling softly at me, tears still running down her cheeks as she picked me up bridal style to begin walking again. “We both know that you’ll be able to be with your dad again and bring pride to your nation. But we both know I can’t be there annie…” she begins crying harder, “no! I needed to get this done for you! For my dad! I wanted you to be a part of my family y/n! I wanted you to marry me!” Annie sobs harder and I hold her as tight as I could as she walked, nuzzling my face in the crook of her neck, “I’ll always be with you Annie, you know that.” She lets out a pitiful sob nuzzling her forehead against mine and collapsing to the ground, knowing I wouldn’t make it. “I love you so much.” She says softly. “I love you too, no matter what you’ve done. I told you Annie, I could never hate you.” I cup her cheek and smile as she sobs and pulls me closer as it began to rain. My tears mixed in with the rain on my face, “no…no…” Annie kept mumbling, cupping my cheek desperate for me to stay. “You should go Annie…” I say softly worried about her getting caught. She sniffles, “I know…” “Annie, take my necklace and give me your ring, it’ll be our promise to be together forever…” I say smiling gently at her. She shakily obeys, “and take my jacket and poncho to keep you warm…” I say, tucking her blonde wet bangs behind her ear. She takes my scout jacket and poncho hesitantly, putting her hood up to protect herself from the rain causing me to smile. Then moved my hand to the necklace. I begin to feel cold despite the 70 degree weather. “No, please…” she whispers softly though I could tell she was yelling, “kiss me Annie…” I mumble softly and she quickly obeys, her tears falling onto my face.
I pull away only to see her smile, a crystal forming around her and I pull away knowing I did this, I did it so she wouldn’t die but…how? I didn’t know I could do it to another person. The founders power maybe? I think as I stand up slowly, tears still dripping down my cheeks with the rain. She kept the necklace, came back, and still loved me even when I broke up with her and told her I cheated and lied about it to protect her, but she knew all that some how…she was so smart, too smart for her own good. I fiddle with the necklace I gave her with a ring matching mine on the chain and began to cry harder, my previous controlled sobs now coming back.
“Annie!” I hear from behind me and see Reiner and bertholdt behind me, dragging 40% of the tall lesbian with them. “Hey.” I say softly instead of coming out cold and bitter as I wanted. “We held off the scouts and killed most of them including captain Levi’s boyfriend.” I nod and stand up closing my eyes as I’m stressed out. “Let’s get going.” I say as I take off my ring and put it on her ring finger then taking hers and putting it around my neck before giving her a kiss, her lips cold and face paler than before. “I’m sorry.” Bertholdt said placing a hand on my shoulder in a reassuring way. “Fuck off.” I mumble pushing his hand away and beginning to walk off. I hear their hurried footsteps from behind and slow down when they’re right behind me. “She’s the jaw titan, we’re going to avenge Marcel.” Reiner says triumphantly, “cool.” I mumble numbly. “We’re sorry about your girlfriend Annie, but can you Snap out of it and be happy? For Ymir’s sake we’ve just won Annie!” Reiner says, frustration wafting off of him. I punch him with all my strength then kicking the shit out of him for the second time being warriors. I feel Berholdt grab me and pull me off of Reiner as he was a pulp but I kept screaming about killing him. When I’ve just resulted into tears Bert put me down, “I’ll talk to him.” He says softly. I nod wordlessly and begin walking away but Bertholdt stopping me, “carry ymir, I now have to carry Reiner.” He says as he picks up his limo body, me doing the same with Ymir. We soon meet up with Zeke and pieck at wall Maria and as we were about to leave were ambushed. Luckily we caught wind of this attack and were able to plan a counter attack, Zeke taking out 90% of the remaining scout regiment and only stopped by captain Levi, barely escaping with the help of me and pieck. Reiner and Bertholdt stayed behind to keep the scouts away from us and we got back to the ship safely and headed off to Marley.
-no one’s pov-
Jean stared at everyone, “please, she was my best friend since childhood, she’s good inside I know she is, she will help us, even to just get Annie back, she wouldn’t betray us again, I just need to talk to her and we have to tell her about Zeke’s true plan. Then maybe we could get the founder back, y/n can get Annie to join us!” Jean says as convincingly as possible. Mikasa gave him a death glare while Levi just looked bored and tired and Hange seemed to be thinking. “I think we should give the colossal to Armin and the armored to y/n, then we could easily defeat her if we need to.” Hange says their eyes darting around to see if everyone agrees. “Fine. But if she does a single thing I’ll rip her to shreds again.” Mikasa says walking away. Levi hands jean one syringe and kneels down to administer the other to Armin. Jean takes y/n to the ground, farther away to blow up the mysterious crystal formation around her. He was partially successful, blowing a hole big enough for the syringe causing jean to rush over and injecting y/n before dashing away with his odm gear. Y/n’s pure titan forms from the crystal breaking it away from her as the pure titan ran towards the bald Reiner waiting for her. She eats him and soon both y/n and Armin rise out of their pure titans with titan markings.
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rheannaaaz · 1 year
Unexpected Visitor (Finale)
Jason Todd X Fem!Reader
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Summary: When Jason gets kicked off the Titans because of his actions with Johnathan Crane, he goes to his old “friend” who was once in the same situation.
WC: 3k!! (Wow.)
TW: Innuendo, Fluff, Angst (lowkey a lot), Kinda boring in my opinion..
A/N: So it’s been a minute…more like a year! I was rewatching Titans after watching S4 and I decided that I should probably finish this, but I just wanted to say this is very long and it’s not my best writing since I stopped writing after my writer's block. Also wanted to say H/N is Hero name, L/N is last name and Y/N/N is your nickname and for the suit you guys can find any inspiration for your reader! I’m sorry if this is bad or seems not focused, the first parts are more about Y/N & Jason like building up stories to the finale and following the last episode so I hope you enjoy it!——————————————————————————
It’s bright outside, deceased bodies of civilians of Gotham lay on the floor, in subway halls, sidewalks, and the streets. Such a tragedy one may think but to any of the civilians of Gotham that could’ve still been alive. It’s just another normal day in the City of Gotham.
Dicks phone starts ringing and he answers the call assuming and already knowing it’s Barbara. :
D: “What do you know?”
B: “It’s hard to tell. Based on satellite readings anywhere between 500 to 2,000 dead.”
D: “What about the toxin?”
V: “Winds moving east, thank god, so most of it dispersed over the harbor.”
B: “My guess is we’re not going to get lucky twice.”
Dick sighs and looks around with the phone in his hand.
D: “I’ll call you right back.”
All the “Titans” but 2 were in the same room with each other, going over poems and trying to plan. Jason and Y/N were in another room waiting for the signal that Dick said he would give them to let them come into the main room. They were still helping also just not where everyone could see them. Dick went over to talk to Gar and elaborate a little more before he dropped the bomb on everybody.
“Gar, what do you know?” Gar looked at the papers and clipboard and replies “I sit in one of the dives On Fifty-second Street. There’s like 20 dive bars near 52nd Street..!” He says annoyed and slightly unamused, Dick tells him to narrow them all down and just find one before he turns around and talks to Rachel & Tim. A few minutes later he checks with Connor, Komand’r, Donna & Koriand’r.
After Donna & Kori brought up the pit it reminded him of someone. “Can I stop everything real fast? I know it’s not a good time but we do need more help. So, I called in a few people. I know we aren’t on the best terms with them, but they are smart as well as valuable in getting these poems down. I just ask that you all are respectful not only that but professional.”
Dick looked around and nodded his head as he saw all heads turn up and look at him. He turned around to look at the door and said, “You guys can come in now.”
-Y/N’S POV- (Minutes before Dick told them they can come in)
“You know we’re gonna have to go in there at some point this small room isn’t gonna cut it.” Jason breaks the silence. Y/N scoffs and looks at him but quickly goes back to looking at the paper with the top of the pen near her lip, “Well we’re not exactly wanted so it’s better we stay in here and let Dick take the credit for the work we’re doing in here. Like he said.” She says as she puts her pen & paper down to look at him.
Jason rolls his eyes and makes a snarky remark “since when have you listened to Dick when it comes to staying somewhere?” Y/N turned her head quickly and seemed quite annoyed at the question “since I stepped into a place where everybody despises me. I’d rather not deal with the drama.”
As she turned around to look back at her papers Jason sighed and grabbed Y/N’S waist to turn her to fully face him and he took her hands in his, “Not everybody despises you. You know that right?” Emphasizing the “every” at the beginning, also implying the comment to himself. Y/N softly smiled while she looked up at him and replied, “is that your way of telling me you don’t exactly hate me, Jason?” Jason who was taken aback by the fact that she thought he also hated her after the incident felt the need to just confess right there.
“Maybe, but the fact is Y/N, I never hated you. During the incident and the claims of you working with Deathstroke, I guess I just didn’t know what to say, by the time I got to the living room they were talking about kicking you out. I had just got in the room but that makes no excuse for me not saying anything and again for that Y/N/N I’m sorry, and I’ll say it again and again as much as I mean it, and as much as you need to hear it. I know that we had never dropped the big L on each other but I think I’m just gonna say it now. Y/N, I’m in love with you, and I always have been. Ever since that first time you sparred with Donna and ended up being one of the only team members who could take her down which I have to say was very funny seeing her reaction!”
Jason & Y/N both laughed but Jason continued, “I could never hate you, no matter what. I made a promise that I now am going to stick with you forever and I am going to keep myself to that promise.” Y/N shed a tear and finally spoke while wiping her eye, “Wow Todd you really know how to make a girl mess up her mascara,” she said jokingly.
“Only when it’s you.” Jason winked and they both turned around to get back to work, but Jason broke the silence and said “so when we DO have to go in there, who’s going first 'cause it certainly won’t be me!” Y/N laughed and said “I guess it’ll be me then! You’ll just have to repay me for it later.” Jason smirked and replied, “Oh I can think of ways to repay you later that you might enjoy.”
Y/N raises an eyebrow and looks at Jason “Oh stop it, you’re so annoying.” and slightly laughs at his risky remark. Jason shrugs and puts his hand up in the air, “you love me though!” Y/N smiles, “Your right I do.”
They hear from the other room, “You guys can come out now.”
Jason looks at the door, “I guess that’s our queue,” he looks at Y/N and sees her already slightly freaking out so he slips their hands together and kisses hers to reassure her. “I guess so.”
As I gave the signal that Y/N & Jason could come out of the back room, Y/N came out first. There was slight movement from the over Titans at their tables but it doubled when Jason came out as well.
Connor scoffed and pointed at Jason, “What’s he doing here? Not only is he a murderer but he’s a traitor.” Komand’r put her hand on his chest and said “Well I don’t know about him but the girl is pretty and I like her style... So maybe we should give her a chance.” Koriand’r had to add her own opinion in there “I think not. After what that girl did, I don’t think she deserves any chances.” Donna looked at Kori and replied “What do you mean chances, Kori? Do you mean the chances you didn’t give her? The chances *WE* didn’t give her?”
Y/N looked at all the arguments slowly coming up and felt the need to speak. “Look, I know I’m not exactly wanted, cared about, and even despised but for the sake of this city let’s put it all behind for now, professionally, and just work together? We all live here, we all want Gotham to stand here and stand tall so let’s just get to work please.” Jason put his hand on her lower back and rubbed it as he could tell she was feeling uncomfortable.
Connor rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, “Your one to talk about working together. How did it feel after Deathstroke disappeared and you had no more support? You worked and it seems now you’re WITH a murderer, you don’t belong here.”
Y/N looked at Connor with a hint of loss of respect and disgust, “Well Connor, if you know so much about if I quote you 'murderers' you would know more about your parents and why mine aren’t here anymore cause of that parent. If I may, look at the woman you’re with, no offense Komand’r but she’s not exactly the brightest of the bunch and on the Deathstroke note, I wouldn’t even know how it felt without his support since I never worked with him or spoke with him.”
Connor stopped talking, looked back at the papers, and put his hand over his jaw like he just had been slapped, which I would too if she said that to me. Komand’r added in a quick “no offense taken,” and smiled at Y/N.
There was a heavy silence till Tim broke it, “Uh guys, we should probably get back to work...We don’t have much time and Ms. Y/L/N, thank you for helping us, you as well Jason.” With that they decided to get to work, Y/N worked with Donna & Kori despite Kori’s remark earlier and Jason worked with Tim & Rachel.
Dick looked around in confusion and then spoke loudly to everybody, “Okay everybody stop.” He walked out of the room and called Barbara while the others looked around in confusion.
| Meanwhile, in the room. |
There was a heavy awkward silence in the room till Donna sat down in a chair and patted the one next to her for me to sit, “So, Y/N, how have you been.” I looked up from the floor and straightened myself up, “Well, I went back to my hometown with my mom. Surprisingly Selina let me in. I guess the news spread quickly that I got kicked out so she already had my room ready, she let me train with her and stuff. Felt like when she first adopted me all over again, she let me stay for a bit till I found my own place. When I did find my own place, a year later Jason over there showed up at my door and now I’m here.”
Koriand’r rolled her eyes as if I did something to annoy her, “Don’t act innocent, you can’t just come in here and expect forgiveness with a pity story and a new look.” I just stood up and looked at her.
“You know Koriand’r I tried proving myself to you over, and over again. I did that because I looked up to you, I saw you as a mother figure but it just seems that I was absolutely nothing to you. Since you were one of the first to let me go. I just hope one day, you all can forgive me for the mistake that I didn’t even make.”
“I’m not saying you have to forgive me, or even talk to me but at least don’t listen to what that Rose girl put together to get me kicked out of this 'family' that we had.” I stood up and walked to the back room where I didn’t have to deal with the rest of them. It was gonna be a long day.
I heard that Kori & Donna figured out what to do, so I ended up fixing my suit and getting ready but it still didn’t feel right putting it on. Jason came in to comfort me since I guess they gave him hell too, I just didn’t understand. I told them I didn’t do anything and Rachel knows telepathically I didn’t do it, so why is nobody believing me? It’s a question I’ll never know at this point, nor do I care about it. We have a city to save and that’s the only reason I’m here.
We all sat in the main room and Connor explained this “plan” he had and we all tilted our heads. Donna finally broke the silence, “Yeah, we get it. But the storm was our idea.” Pointing at me, Koriand’r, Rachel, Komand’r, and herself. Connor confidently replied “but I drew it on the board! See?” We all just replied “Yup.” and Rachel made a good point, “The question is can we do it without getting ourselves killed?” Koriand’r replied, “there’s only one way to find out.”
As Dick, Tim & Gar settled the plan and got prepared. Gar went into the house and Jason got “caught” trying to get into the house the girls were all down at the Lazarus pit.
We walked down the stairs to Lazarus Pit, it’s not as cool as it seems so I was quite disappointed. The only thing I was nervous about was the fact I haven’t used my magic since I left mostly because I started acting like a normal vigilante so I just don’t want to mess this up since we only have one chance.
Blackfire looked at the Pit, “There’s something very wrong about this place.” Rachel walked around it and replied, “it absorbs the worst fears and nightmares of anyone who’s ever been in it.”
I replied, “Extremely dark magic.” Koriand’r looked at Rachel and said, “Too dark for you?” Rachel shook her hand and looked up, “No.” Komand’r looked at Rachel again and said “And if it goes wrong?” “It’s the last thing we’ll ever do, but I feel it won’t go wrong because if you didn’t know Y/N has magic too.”
They looked at me and I just stared at the Pit because I hadn’t told anyone else about the magic other than Rachel & Jason because I didn’t like using it because whenever I did I felt very weak.
Koriand’r proceeded to tell Kom that she didn’t have to do this and Kom told her she wasn’t that scared. I, on the other hand, could easily pass out if this doesn’t go right.
We all got in stance as Rachel and I started it off.
All the memories, flashes of my childhood, watching my parents be murdered, getting kicked out, and a few times when I wasn’t in control of my powers or my body all flashed before my eyes and I had never been more terrified. I managed to keep quiet and focused but it didn’t last as a few tears rolled down my face.
I was truly scared for Rachel and Y/N, it looked like they were seizing almost taking in all of the Pit. I never knew Y/N had dark magic, she never talked about it or when somebody brought it up she never wanted to say where it came from.
After the whole argument earlier, I started feeling bad because Rachel told me and everybody that Y/N was telling the truth. It wasn’t pity, I was truly ashamed of myself. I looked up at the girls to check if they were okay and I got a response, didn’t sound like Y/N or Rachel, more like a demon. Never again. Komand’r and I then jumped in to take the weight off the girls.
Y/N and Rachel snapped out of it after we put the pit in a shield, they caught their breath and we continued our mission.
“Okay, we have one chance at this,” Kori said still using her powers but after that, she released the storm. It was Connor's turn for the plan, they waited for it to start. Donna showed up and helped with the lightning using her lasso of truth, smirked and all she had to say was “You know what they say.”
Jason had left Wayne Manor and went back to the apartment to wait for Y/N.
There was so much more life in the atmosphere than before and it was all thanks to the Titans. Though there was a certain somebody who didn’t feel like one.
As we all looked around at all the people walking and coming back to life, this dude showed up and talked to Connor and started fanboying over Donna & Rachel, I didn’t care till he said “Oh my god, your H/N!! I have all your merch can I get a picture after this? I'm getting off topic, sorry, anyway-“ He proceeded to tell us about Komand’r’s ship but after that, I felt the feeling that I didn’t belong there.
After we talked, I turned to Donna, Rachel, Kori, and Connor. “Well, I think it’s time I go. It was nice seeing you all again.” It was bittersweet, as I started walking to my motorcycle Kori grabbed my shoulder and hugged me. I looked at her in confusion as to why she hugged me.
All she said was “I’m sorry. For everything, I- We should have listened to you. I said some very hurtful things to you, and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me one-day Y/N.” I smiled, “Kori, that’s all I ever wanted. So I do forgive you,” I looked as all the others that were there came over to me and Kori as well “But I can’t stay. I am not a Titan anymore, this is something you all did. This?” As I motioned to all the people and the sky being blue again, “Is a titan thing, I’m not the same person anymore. For all I know, I was never here. We can still be friends but, I have another path to go down.”
I looked at Connor and smiled, I forgive him for what he said and did but nobody knew the truth so, it’s okay. “I have to get home, I can’t leave Jason waiting so bye guys.” I waved hugged everybody and waved goodbye as I got on my bike and speeded off.
A/N: Well how about that? This wasn’t that good in my opinion, I feel like it’s all over the place. I will be taking prompts and ideas since I’m gonna make a mini series of Y/N & Jasons relationship! There will also be an epilogue coming in a few hours but other than that I hope this was okay! I thank you all for the patience and all the support Unexpected Visitor has gotten in the past year. ♥️🫂
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amywritesthings · 1 year
silver underground. / chapter nine.
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( Read on AO3 )
Pairing: Levi Ackerman x F!Reader (Attack on Titan / Shingeki no Kyojin)
Word Count: 3.3K
Summary: Day 162 - also known as the first day of the expedition
Warnings: titans, blood and violence mention, arguments, semi-gaslighting, …things get heated in a wink wink nudge nudge way
Previous Chapter. / Next Chapter. | Masterlist.
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“Head’s up! Titan spotted on the northeast.”
It’s the first time the Captain of the Special Operations Squad has spoken to the group this morning, inching towards the early afternoon.
The team formation is simple: you’re dead center in a protective diamond while Levi’s black stallion charges in the lead. This was a non-negotiable decision, unanimously agreed upon by your Scout colleagues. 
Your safety, as they claim, is their top priority.
(The mission, as you'd argue, should be their top priority instead.)
And after yesterday's argument, you still feel sour. Devastated. Low, like their efforts don't really mean much.
Lack of sleep can get your comrades killed.
Why would he say that? Did Levi do something wrong when you were still yourself?
Through supper and well into the evening hours, you're stuck on that very question. Every word, every syllable, is loaded.
Lack of sleep can get your comrades killed. Don’t repeat past mistakes.
Just thinking about it breaks your skin into a cold sweat.
(Was it not Levi who fucked up, but you?)
You can’t ask.
Levi managed to avoid group breakfast in the crawling dawn, out of sight and out of mind until the agreed upon expedition hour — 06:00 hours — came to a head.
"How big is it?" Eld asks, squinting against the sun.
"Three meters at most," Levi states.
“I got this,” Eld promises, breaking formation at Levi’s right hand as his horse gallops to the right side of the diamond.
The decorated steed veers into the east, before a burst of life ignites the wires of Eld's ODM gear.
He latches onto the nearby tree trunks, zipping through the field to eliminate the problem.
“Show off,” Oluo huffs.
You continue riding along with the rest of the group, watching as the three-meter titan goes down without much of a fight. Eld uses the fallen body to latch into its skin, zipping back towards the group with ease.
Killing titans is easy.
Predicting where they might come from is where it gets tricky.
It’s like this for hours — spotting rogue titans, mostly under five meters, mindlessly wandering the fields of what used to be. The squad takes turns destroying the humanoid creatures, giving everyone ample opportunity to get their blades wet.
Everyone but you.
After yesterday’s fight, you’re too scared to ask Levi why — so you keep your mouth shut.
The tension is palpable despite your best efforts; Petra gives a look every few kilometers, curious as to why you have yet to speak up or participate in sporadic conversation. In your peripheral vision you see the way her round eyes scrutinize your face, nose scrunched in interest.
You only stare ahead at the tail of Levi’s horse.
“How much further until we set up camp, Captain?” Gunther calls from the back of the diamond.
“A few kilometers,” Levi supplies. “We’ll tend to the horses and set up a watch rotation for the night.”
“Calling dibs on second!” Oluo shouts to your left.
Petra’s head whips to the side, her arm raising to signal the rest of the group. “Another three-meter on my side! Want James to take it, Captain?”
She must see it. She must notice how you’re itching to get into the action, to prove your worth on the team.
You stare ahead, blinking up to the undercut disappearing and reappearing from the whip of raven-black hair.
Mentally, you try to form a psychic link.
Let me, you beg. Let me show everyone that I’m not a waste of space. Let me show you that I’m still me, whoever she is.
Levi takes a moment to think about it before speaking.
“Gunther, take it down.”
You deflate, your fists loosening on the reigns of your horse.
You could do it — break formation and ignite your ODM gear — but that runs the risk of slamming into Petra if she doesn’t duck.
The diamond has, quite literally, trapped you in.
Gunther doesn’t hesitate to act. With the sharp whiz of his ODM wires, the man abandons his horse at the back of the formation. His blades extend from their rectangular sheaths.
Within minutes, the titan goes down with a wail.
To not run into any abnormal titans so far is only a blessing — but the nearing forest, dense with tree trunks and overgrown bushels of leaves, is anything but.
You don’t need to remember how this goes to know the forest is a death trap.
Still, the tall trunks will provide ample vantage point for the nearing evening.
Levi holds a fist up at the mouth of the clearing, causing all horses to cease. Their puffs of exhaustion mix with the serene ambience of chirping birds and singing crickets.
It’s hard to forget how easily a titan can sneak in for a meal here.
“Set up a shelter and start a fire,” Levi orders, hopping off of his black stallion to turn towards the group. His eyes connect with every squad member — everyone but you. “We’ll stay here for the night and push on in the morning.”
“Captain,” you blurt, the intrusive thought hitting your tongue well before you can stop it.
Levi continues his air of boredom, but his eyes belatedly glance towards you. “What is it, Lieutenant?”
Your eyes connect.
Your stomach churns with transparent butterflies.
“Since everyone else spent the day taking down titans, I volunteer first watch,” you state.
“Denied,” Levi answers.
Your eyes widen a fraction of an inch. “What?”
“I always take the first watch.”
Like you’re supposed to know that already. Your body flushes with embarrassment.
“But I—”
“Actually, Captain, the time that’s spent with the rest of us resting could benefit James’ understanding of the mission,” Petra chirps as she dismounts her horse, rubbing at her stiff wrists. “I think James has been eager to help. And if she’s taking first watch with you, then we know she’s in good hands.”
You whip your attention towards her, shocked she spoke up at all.
The men grunt with approval of the redhead’s offer, stretching their limbs to relieve some of the long ride’s aches.
Captain Levi’s expression darkens, but he doesn’t say anything.
Petra doesn’t look your way, not when she’s already turned six shades paler with worry that she overstepped with Levi. Instead she pretends to look around at the nature surrounding the group.
She disappears into the middle of the group, decidedly fussing over the makeshift fire Oluo has started with dry twigs and other nearby supplies.
Had she meant to do that? Question Levi's comfort? It doesn’t seem like it.
Either way, you’re now trapped with two very real facts:
One, you’re taking the first watch of your first real expedition.
And two, you’re doing so with Levi, who cannot back out without arousing suspicion.
A wire whizzes above your head.
With that, Levi Ackerman disappears from view into the tall, tall trees.
You rearrange your cloak, mindful of how heavy the blade sheaths are at your hips, before igniting your ODM gear to follow. Wind whips against your face, cool and crisp.
From up here, you can see everything: the vast field leading back to Wall Rose, the dilapidated buildings of a civilization that once was, the life that found a way where titans cannot reach.
It would be peaceful if you were up here alone, but you’re not.
Levi is already crouched by the time you reach the highest branch. Beneath your feet is a massive expanse of flat wood, likely hundreds of years old.
The heels of your boot click when you float down onto its surface.
The captain says nothing.
For a few agonizing minutes, it stays that way. Birds chirp. Fireflies float. Cloaks billow.
This is going to be the longest watch of your life.
Sitting down on the flat trunk-like branch, you run your tongue against the seam of your lips.
You shouldn’t—
You can’t—
But you do.
“Y'know, we have to talk eventually.”
Your voice, echoing gently at this high altitude, surprises even yourself. A part of you wishes you could take it back, to keep your mouth shut, but another part?
Another part knows the entire expedition can’t last like this.
Captain Levi stands from his casual kneel. “No, we don’t.”
You sigh with exhaustion, but it isn’t from the grueling ride out to the forest. “I didn’t act out my memory maliciously, Levi.”
“At the moment, you will address me as Captain.”
Your eyes connect with the gray of his. His voice is hollow.
“Seriously?” you mumble.
His brow quirks. “Am I laughing?”
This? This is fucking ridiculous.
Rising to stand, you brush off rogue specs of leaf from your uniform. 
“Look, I don’t know what’s gotten you so freaked out, but I thought you would enjoy the surprise, Captain.” You dislike how angry you sound, but you are — angry. Mad, that he won’t speak to you clearly about the situation. “As far as I could tell, it was a happy memory for me.”
“A happy memory or not, it wasn’t appropriate,” Levi snaps. “Sneak-attacking what you remember and what you don’t doesn’t—”
“It wasn’t a sneak attack!” you protest in a yelp.
“It is.” He argues. “It was. Because I need to know how to act accordingly around you—”
“—and being launched into what used to be doesn’t help.”
Into what used to be.
How to act accordingly around you.
A larger bird than the blue jays in the area coos overhead — possibly an owl, hooting as the night takes over the sky.
The tension can be cut with a knife as Levi stares at you, and you stare back. You try fitting the puzzle pieces together without saying a word.
Why does he have to act a certain way around you?
Does this have to do with what happened on the supply building roof at headquarters?
“Captain,” you slowly start, choosing to remain civil. Respectful. “I apologize — for catching you off guard, for not fully understanding the gravity of the situation. I recognize that you and I have history, whatever that might really be.”
History — recognition flickers in his gaze.
Commander Erwin’s words come flooding back to the forefront of your memory:
I had anticipated this… situation to be a bit of a shock to him.
The spars. The special treatment. The way he sat with you on that roof.
You remember looking up at Commander Erwin with surprise when he asked if Levi had visited you during your recovery within Trost Headquarters; the way he appeared surprised when you told him that Levi never once showed; the moment he made you question everything.
We returned two weeks ago from the expedition. I assumed he would have at least attempted once.
You were surveying the cadet training, sir, you told him.
I was, Commander Erwin confirmed, but he wasn’t.
Then where the hell was Levi, if not with Erwin?
“You’re taking the second watch,” Levi decides with an abruptness that catches you completely off guard. “Ask Eld to cover you.”
His words are a cold splash of water to the face. “Wait, are you serious?” Levi is expressionless. “No. No, Captain, I am not leaving.”
There is a hint of anger in his clipped question.
“Are you disobeying direct orders?”
“That wasn’t a direct order, sir,” you reply. “You never ordered me. You only told me. There’s a distinct difference.”
His eyes narrow. “Don’t be a smartass.”
Except the murmur is a thinly-veiled threat and nothing more.
Somehow you’re confident enough about it that you take a few steps into the wide gap between you.
“You said you wouldn’t shut me out,” you urge softly, hoping to spark his own memory in your panic. “I made a mistake and I am sorry for it, but—”
“No, shithead, what I said is that you need to leave.”
You frown. “But why? Why can’t we talk?”
“Disobeying orders and questioning your superior. Are you trying to rack up all possible offenses in one night?”
“You are not my superior, Levi. Not technically. Captain, Lieutenant, it’s all arbitrary bullshit Erwin made up.” Your eyes squint to narrow slits as your frustration climbs. He doesn’t correct you when you sneer at his first name. “I am trying to understand why you became so freaked out over a silly move I pulled when we were teenagers—”
“—and why saying some silly phrase like dirty trick is such a big deal to you so I don’t make the same mistake again in the future!” you continue. “Because if I missed something? Because if that moment of us in the Underground is linked to something bad that I’m not remembering, since it feels pretty good to me when I say it—”
“I said enough,” Levi barks.
Something ignites in you to step forward, teeth bared.
“Don’t talk down to me like a fucking cadet, Levi.”
A flinch of muscle is all you need to see to know that Levi is as surprised as you to hear the acidic swear on the tip of your tongue — both brows move north from their neutral position, and suddenly the air feels thick.
“Is that not what you are?” he challenges, low and dangerous as he mirrors your step forward. “Because last I checked, you were barely a Scout anymore. You were just some dumbass with a fucked up memory.”
The insult stings its intended target.
You wince, but hold your ground.
“Now you’re saying shit to hurt me because you’re scared.”
“I’m not.”
“Levi, you’re being mean,” you murmur. “You hate not having control. I get that. I hate not having control over my own head, but you don’t get to be an asshole so you can feel better about a fucked-up situation.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I do, and I’m tired of you pretending I don’t. Hiding away from me doesn’t protect me.”
You trudge closer towards your captain, but he bridges the gap for you: one step of his boot and he’s eye-to-eye with you, here, in the middle of this clearing.
The green flecks in the gray of his eyes bring some sickening softness to your belly, quelling a fraction of the fire within. It reminds you of summertime and darkness. A dichotomy of things you once loved — and things that once scared you.
Levi stares head on, seemingly disinterested in your psychological assessment.
Yet when your eyes drop to his arms, you see the most obvious tell of all: his fists are pale, fingers gripped in white-knuckled balls of restraint.
So you ask the first question that comes to mind, throwing caution to the wind:
“Are you afraid I’m gonna actually die this time?”
By the sound of his breath hitching in his throat, it’s safe to assume your question has caught Humanity’s Strongest off guard. 
Painfully earnest, your words are woven in a confusion threatening to choke the life out of you.
And Levi — Levi is four shades of enraged, glaring straight through you.
“I don’t give a shit if you live,” Levi corrects with a snarl.
“You don’t?”
“Then allow me to keep the first watch,” you reason. “And second. And third, because if you don’t give a shit, then who cares, right? I'll be tired. Maybe a titan will take me out so you can stop having to deal with my insufferable ass.”
Your chin tilts. “But you said you don’t—”
“Why do you want to die so fucking bad?” he shouts, his spit hitting your cheek. “Why bother coming back to me if all you wanted to do was throw away your second chance?”
He realizes a second too late what he’s said —
— what he’s done.
For a man who’s spent the better half of the hour telling you he isn’t scared, that he doesn’t care, Levi Ackerman looks absolutely terrified as he stands speechless in the aftermath of his own wrongdoing. 
For minutes neither of you move. Neither of you look away.
Something dark brews behind Levi’s stormy eyes as you watch with unshakeable shock.
What can you say to go back twenty seconds?
The damage has already been done.
You both know it.
Your stomach sinks in sickening foresight.
“Forget it,” he dismisses.
He’s turning.
You don’t know why you reach out, but your hands claw at his sleeve to stop him. He continues to turn.
Desperation takes your hand from his shoulder to his face, and quickly your palm paws at his cheek to pull him back.
He presses hard against your palm, fighting its hold, but you manage to bring his face close to yours in a rushed exhale.
Levi breathes heavily through his nose, nostrils flared and eyes downcast.
"James." It's hardly a murmur.
“Don’t,” you beg under your breath. “Don’t shut me out.”
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
He remains locked in place, all his limbs taut. He doesn’t, however, fling you from his body.
You keep his face caged between your hands.
“You said you wouldn’t shut me out.”
His voice is different. Huskier.
Is that a plea?
You shake your head wildly, overcome with fright.
“Don’t shut me out,” you croak once more. “Please don’t leave and shut me out.”
The angle of Levi’s face serpentines from where he was running to come back to you.
Your faces collide, nose to nose.
His hot breath spans across your face in shaken puffs.
"Don't leave and shut me out," you repeat, voice cracking.
His head shakes, causing his nose to nuzzle yours.
“Please don’t leave me,” you repeat on the verge of crying.
His voice drops to a whisper, a prayer.
“Don’t leav—”
Your lips close, pressed together by something soft and warm. The sound dies muffled.
As if held hostage by your own body, you tense when a pair of warm hands encircle your head, pulling you closer to a softness in contrast of your desperation.
You blink once and see it.
Levi’s eyes are screwed shut, brows painfully knit together, as his lips move against yours. A boot shuffles, angling the scent of his sweat to engulf you.
Instinctively your fingertips curl around his head, digging into his cheeks when you kiss back with profound starvation.
Spurred by your actions, a ragged exhale causes his lips press harder. The thumbs against your face run absently along your skin, as if to quell the anxiety plaguing your mind.
You pull him impossibly closer, matching the intensity of the kisses.
As if you're drowning.
As if it's been forever.
The tip of his tongue flicks against your lower lip. Wordlessly it requests consent, and your lips part eagerly to comply. He takes the opportunity and runs with it as his tongue seeks yours for salvation, gliding with practiced ease.
Inadvertently you whimper from the contact.
The sound is enough to yank him clear from your ironclad grip, dragging your nails across his face.
Gray eyes meet yours with a swirl of emotion — awe, uncertainty, dread — with lips pinker than before.
Your hands remain in the air from where you had him.
Red streaks line the sides of his face like hastily-drawn whiskers.
All you can do is stare.
Levi Ackerman has never looked so vulnerable.
“I order you,” he finally says, voice wrecked, “to tell Eld to accompany me for the first watch.”
You finally breathe, hands dropping unceremoniously to your sides.
"Yes, sir," you obey on autopilot.
He doesn’t need to say it twice.
You spin on a heel.
Your ODM gear ignites back to life.
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author note: ...remember when i said i had a scene written for forever? tehee.
tag list: @lazylizzy3 @notgoodforlife @sad-darksoul @dailydoseof-love @maliakealoha @nube55 @kateastrophies @blinkingsuns @gomigami
182 notes · View notes
simple-simpin · 2 years
a rude awakening
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Ardyn Izunia x GN! Reader
Summary: You are an assassin sent to kill one 'Somnus Lucis Caelum'. Now if only you could tell the difference between east and west.
CW: Attempted murder
Words: 2.2k
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Every night sky in the now fallen Solheim was filled with thousands of memorable constellations. Many of them were dedicated to the Astrals, such as the Hand of Titan, or Bahamut's Blade- both of which were visible tonight. It was getting rather cold this late in the year, further accentuated by the faint white clouds that escaped your mouth. From your pocket you pulled out a crinkled envelope that had already been opened hours before. The letter inside was neatly folded but you swiftly straightened it out.
"Target, Somnus Lucis Caelum. Residence..." You whispered silently to yourself, needing to double check every piece of information before doing the job. Further down the page you reviewed the information on your target's location. At this time of night, he was expected to be fast asleep in his bedroom, located within the east wing of the castle. According to hearsay, he was a very heavy sleeper so the job shouldn't be too hard.
"Not too hard." You recalled the words of your employer. You were breaking into a fortified castle housing the land's most prominent nobility, how on Eos was this supposed to go smoothly? Just then you recalled the reasoning behind this job, why you absolutely had to succeed. The Caelum brothers would one day rule this land, there was no doubt about that, but the previous idea of them doing so together was no longer a possibility. If only their parents could see the rift between them now. From what you’d heard, it was hard to believe that the two were even related.
If Somnus was allowed to live, countless hardships would transpire under his leadership. The people needed Ardyn as their ruler, lest more innocents be slaughtered in his younger brother's wake. That is why you lay in wait amongst the flowerbeds of their elaborate garden. You tried to keep a level head. "Just finish this quickly..." You spoke in your mind. You were rather out of your element with this job, having travelled very far from your home village, and yet you felt more annoyed than stressed. You would prefer to be laying in your own bed right now.
When the two guards by the garden left for a perimeter check, that was when you made your move. You ran quickly, but quietly along the soft grass and began climbing the west wing of the castle. Your agility was actually one of the reasons why you became an assassin, well, that combined with poverty and grey morality. Climbing up the old stone bricks wasn't an issue; as the aged cracks and intricate designs presented many places for you to latch onto.
Soon, you found yourself up by one of the smaller windows. With one hand gripping the bricks, you unsheathed the dagger from your belt and thrust it between the window frame. When you forced the handle down, a small crack could be heard from the lock snapping apart. Just like that, you found yourself stepping into a grand, pale hallway. It was so majestic for such a bleak part of the home. At the end of said hallway stood what must have been the door to your target's bedroom. The nameplate said only Lord Caelum.
Off in the distance, you could hear either guards or servants speaking in calm voices. No one had yet been alerted of your presence. A simple twist lock was now the only thing standing between you and your target, the type of lock that any idiot could learn how to trick open with enough time. You spent a minute messing around between the handle and doorframe before it clicked open. There would be no turning back now.
Click. You closed the door quietly behind you. Taking a deep breath, you felt nerves clawing up your chest. 'Here comes the hard part...' You thought, lifting your forehead from the wood and turning to face the dark room. You never did enjoy the aspect of killing in your line of work, which is why you only accepted the vilest of targets. A fact that you had to constantly remind yourself of. Aside from your practically silent movements throughout the room, the only sound to be heard was soft breathing from your target. The moonlight from outside cast a faint spotlight upon his sleeping form, allowing you a better look once you approached.
He looked... so peaceful as he dreamt. Occasionally, his eyelashes would twitch, or he'd take a deeper breath than the last as he explored the product of today's memories. The corners of his lips tugged just barely into a natural smile, surrounded by well-kept stubble. Long, dark, maroon hair lay splayed out messily against the pillow and his arms were crossed loosely across his diaphragm. His blanket seemed to have gotten twisted in the night as it barely covered half of his body. For an unidentifiable reason, part of you almost wanted to fix it for him.
You shook your head irritably. That is not what you were getting paid to do, you had a job to carry out. Shakily, you gripped the handle of your dagger once again, this time raising it almost above your head. Just one good stab and it will all be over... You'd already ended a handful of monsters in your life, this was no different. With a short inhale and a rush of adrenaline, you brought your hands crashing down toward his chest, blade aimed directly at his heart.
It didn't pierce. All of a sudden, you felt a strong grip around your wrist and you were pulled down onto a soft surface. It took a moment for your brain to catch up, a little dizzy from being tossed around so quickly. When you finally opened your eyes, you were staring up into light brown one's that twinkled in the moonlight. He looked down at you with weary amusement, clearly tired from being woken up before dawn. His hands did not falter as they kept yours firmly against the mattress.
"I will grant you a moment to explain yourself, but do not take me for a fool." He spoke, voice rough from waking up. His hair hung forward in locks, just barely tickling your now burning skin. Your mind went into overdrive, torn between coming up with a good excuse and trying to not look down at his practically bare body. "I-...I was-" You couldn't muster anything as your brain blanked. His head cocked a little to the side as he waited. Just then, his thigh felt the most curious crinkling of paper in your pocket.
He released your hands to open up the envelope. "Wait!" You tried to sit up, only to be sent back down against the pillow. Being straddled was not a scenario you had expected for this job. ‘Not too hard...’ The words of your employer rung once again. Damn him. You glanced around for your weapon and saw it discarded on the floor. "Ah..." Your target piped up. "Perhaps I should ask you to explain this instead?" He held the note up after he'd finished reading.
You went into salvation mode. "Please I- My family is poor. A stranger cornered me and- He threatened to hurt them, I-" Your voice died in your throat. The man on top of you glanced over the note one last time before folding it up. "You expect me to believe you made it up here with no prior experience?" He asked in an almost condescending tone.
You dropped the faux fear that once distorted your features. "Very well." You voice was now cold, monotone, and rather vexed from having your work interrupted. Quickly, you bolted up and grabbed the back of his hair in your fist. As you pulled him aside, you wrapped your now free leg around his waist, effectively reversing your roles. "I accepted this job for the money- and to rid this world of an especially cruel man. Two birds, one stone." Your hands rested firmly against his chest. He didn't fight back, at least, not yet.
Instead, he chuckled. "In that case, I'm afraid you're out of luck... Your letter states that you are looking for Somnus, and yet, you've stumbled into the wrong bedroom." He smirked, hands still resting calmly at by his sides. If it were not Somnus whom you'd just attempted to murder, then this must be... Realization swept over you like the waves of Leviathan. You had just tried to assassinate House Caelum's eldest brother, Ardyn... The one who was blessed by the Gods, revered by the people. Killing him would bring down a wrath most unimaginable.
How could you have been so irresponsible? Had he not woken up, your actions could've guaranteed a evil tyranny take place. Cursed be your employer for not including a physical description.
"You’re-… It seems I'll have to take my business elsewhere, apologies for disturbing your rest." You were just about to leave when his hands moved to your waist, pulling you back into place. The touch caused your breath to hitch in an unexpected, albeit pleasant way. "Oh? Am I supposed to let you sneak out of here and take my dear brother's life?" He asked, almost offended that you would disrespect his duties as an older brother. Somnus may have torn many families apart and stolen hundreds of lives, but Ardyn could never wish the same to befall his own flesh and blood.
You smirked as a glimmer of his protective nature shone through. "Am I to understand you wish to fight for him? It would be a shame to destroy this lovely room in such an unsavoury way. " You said slyly. Whilst the furniture didn't look particularly expensive, just about every visible item looked like it could hold sentimental value. "I have no desire to harm you, of that you are already aware. No, I wish to make you an offer." He spoke. There were only two reasons why anyone would typically strike a deal with you. Either they were trying to undervalue your work, or they were bargaining for their life. You preferred to stay away from them and protect your reputation, but no one is perfect.
"An offer?" You asked with intrigue. There were plenty of things that a man of nobility could tempt you with... so long as it wasn't a flimsy IOU. Those never paid off very well. "I can pay you triple that of your employer, if you will spare my barbaric brother's life tonight." Ardyn spoke calmly from under you. Currency was a wonderful thing, but loopholes were far greater.
"That is very generous my lord, but do tell me, what is to stop me from accepting your offer and doing the job regardless?" You test him, your hands sliding playfully up to his collarbone.
He hummed thoughtfully, eyes trailing down to your mischievous hands. "Because you will stay here tonight, under my supervision... and in exchange I will sweeten the deal for you." His lips drew up in a most suggestive way. It was only then that you noticed how firmly his hands still held onto your waist, or how the room temperature had risen from your close proximity... how your fingers had been absentmindedly tracing patterns along his skin.
Had you been getting seduced this entire time, or had you been unwittingly seducing him? It seemed this man wasn’t as pure as his people claimed. "How sweet are you offering?" Your tone changed with interest.
You were only human. Of course, you had fantasized about such a thing happening on the job before, but never expected it to be a reality. There was something special about Ardyn though. Perhaps it was his face, his voice, or even his aura that made you feel like you could trust him completely. Or maybe it was just the fact that he didn’t chastise you for your line of work, at any time he could’ve run for the guards and had you locked away like beast.
Ardyn sat up slowly, removing a hand from your side to reach toward your face. His fingers lightly caressed your jaw before cupping your already warm cheek. "Only as sweet as you'll allow." His voice was soft as he spoke, luring you further into his welcoming embrace. There was no ill-intent to be found in his words, only the promise of passion between two weary souls. Once more did you glance toward the knife in the middle of the floor.
“I can feel your heart. It yearns to beat in pleasure instead of anguish, to experience the warmth of another, as opposed to the cold sight of their death.” He whispered almost lovingly. In a way it was like he was asking you to change your course, and for the first time it felt possible.
No wonder he had such an effect on people. You returned the gesture and dragged a hand along his stubble. "It seems your true gift lies in reading people… yet your kindness makes you naïve. Do you truly believe seductive words can alter the course of one's life...?" You made the first move to close the gap, lips pressing against each other in a explorative way, eager to learn each other’s patterns.
Your fist found his hair for the second time tonight, though this time in a much gentler way as you bunched it up in your hand. His touches were far more careful than yours, not being one to push people's boundaries. Ardyn pulled your torso closer to his, your chests almost flush together, before slightly leaning back from the chaste kiss. You were practically chasing him for more.
"Let us find out."
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Randomly went from plot to horny rip
Kept it light for my first one but plan to get spicier in the future 🌶
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maple-the-awesome · 1 year
Ackerman's Sister || Chapter 13
Pairing: Levi Ackerman x Sister Reader (strictly platonic), Erwin Smith x Reader
Words: 2,594
Overview: When the storm clears, you finally reunite with Levi only to make a gruesome discovery. Faced with both heartbreak and a shattering reveal, you must at last decide once and for all: where do you loyalties lie? Who will you stand with? Erwin or Levi?
Series Masterlist🤎 AOT Masterlist🤎 Fandom Masterlist
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Much to your relief, the rain has begun to clear enough for you to finally see who’s riding beside you, no longer forced to guess through blurred vision. With a quick glance around, you’re grateful to notice that everyone’s still present; Erwin’s entire squad made it through the storm- Wait, should you really be happy about that?
From the fading fog, Commander Shadis's squad soon joins the rest of you unscathed. Although the weather has improved, that doesn’t change the fact that all the smoke guns had been drenched, therefore he provides new orders for how to contact the other remaining squads whoever they may be.
“Spread out into small groups and head towards the nearest squads! Once you cross one, have them send a messenger or two of their own to the next and so forth! Messengers will then relay a report back to the front of formation so that we can understand just how many losses we’ve encountered!”
“Ina, Christoph, and Stefan head West. Mike, (Y/n), you stay with me,” not that he probably realizes it, but Erwin manages to save himself from a nasty argument by choosing to have you go East along with Mike and him; East towards the right of the formation.
You’re certain if you didn’t have such a talent in controlling your nerves, you’d be a heaving mess by now as you internally concern yourself over the whereabouts of dear brother and friends. You made a call to trust them on their own while you joined Erwin’s squad, however you would’ve never done so had you known this storm would’ve occurred. How did they hold out during it? Hopefully alright, although you won’t be surprised if Levi still has your head for all of this once it’s over.
Turning your gaze, you spot steam in the distance which sets hope into your bones," looks like downed titans, three o’clock."
"Several for there to be that much steam," Mike adds quietly, but you’ve already concluded as much yourself.
Hitting the reins, you reroute your horse in that direction without a second’s hesitation. No ordinary soldiers could kill that many titans at once; not with the skills you've observed the majority of scouts to have. It must be Levi and the others. Of course! They could easily work together and take down as many titans as possible which means you were right to trust them; they’re safe!
"LEVI!" You don't give a shit at this point if any other titans are out wandering about. When you spot the raven hair of your brother kneeling in the distance, your instincts just take over, pulling you towards him like gravity.
In a blink, you’re off your horse, almost failing to land on your feet properly, not that you mind a small slip. Instead, you recover your balance by throwing your arms over Levi’s shoulders, embracing him close despite all the nasty titans’ blood he’s coated in. You’ll take titans’ blood over his own any day.
"...You're okay. Thank goodness you’re okay…" you whisper breathlessly against his damp shoulder, however that breath truly does escape you once opening your eyes.
Levi only then puts his arm around you in a weak grip barely felt, confirming both his knowledge of what has suddenly upset you and the sickening sight itself…It’s real. No matter how much you wish otherwise, your eyes aren’t deceiving you.
"Are you the only one here? Are there no other survivors?" You squeeze Levi closer, Erwin's questions completely numb against your ears. How could you bother listening to him when all your attention is focused on Isabell’s head lying a few feet away, ripped from her body with her mouth hung open yet eyes closed gently as if she’s merely sleeping. Furlan isn’t nearby and you don’t even hear his voice which must mean he, too…
"All of these titans...Did you do this alone-?" Erwin continues to press as he rides up beside you both.
You can’t acknowledge him nor process what’s happening fast enough. In a split second - faster than your heart can skip a beat - Levi pushes himself away from you, leaping towards the Squad Leader and slamming him off his horse into the mud. Erwin’s body makes a painful sound against the ground, the air leaving his lungs from the force, yet by the time you gasp and Mike jumps off his own horse, Levi already has his blades drawn.
"Stay back!"
Despite the fury laced in Levi’s voice, Mike still draws his weapons and makes a move forward, however you’re quicker. In an instant, you’ve inserted yourself between them, acting as a shield for Levi to do as he pleases while Mike’s forced to avoid your wrath carefully.
The two of you lock eyes, blades at the ready towards each other yet neither advances. Not a single word is spoken, but an understanding is met: the moment someone steps too far over the line, you’ll both be willingly to kill the other. The last few hours of hell you’ve just endured side-by-side no longer matter; they mean nothing in the face of sibling ties.
While Mike and you keep each other at bay, Levi calmly approaches Erwin who winches in pain as he tries sitting up, but he doesn’t get too far, only managing to raise his head before a blade is held centimeters away from his throat.
“I'm going to kill you, you bastard. I'm going to kill you like I intended to since the very beginning."
Erwin looks up at Levi slowly, choosing his next move just as delicately. He moves slightly at first as a test. Once ensuring he’ll be allowed to finish the action, he fishes a few folded papers from his pocket without any regard to the items getting soaked in the rain," I suppose this is what you've been after this whole time?"
"So, you knew of our intentions?" Levi asks, sounding unimpressed as his gaze flickers to the papers.
Even you're watching in the corner of your eyes, your breath hitching at the sight of those documents you’ve been working hard to seize since day one. All of that sneaking around and lying, it all goes to waste when Erwin simply tosses them into the mud where they sink into ruin.
“I'm sorry to disappoint, but you're too late. You were chasing a false end anyways: there were never documents against Lovof. That was all a purposeful lie I made in order to gain enough proof regarding his embezzling crimes to back him into a tight corner he couldn’t weasel himself out of.
“Knowing that Lovof is the type to look over his shoulder twice, I predicted that he’d want to prove the existence of any compromising evidence against himself. Sure enough, he hired the four of you for that. Since he made a move on his end then, I also knew there’d have to be a trace I could follow back, eventually leading me to the exact proof I needed for his arrest."
"Then why...Why are we here?" You dare to cut in, looking back at Erwin instinctively with the question before quickly facing forward again to remain watchful of Mike," why did you allow us to join the Survey Corps? Why haven't we been arrested yet if you always knew?!"
"...I may have lied about the documents, but I never lied about you four having promise. That was one gain to having you all here in the Survey Corps,” you meet Erwin’s eyes in the corner of your own, his gaze stern,"...but aside from that, turning a blind eye to your roles in Lovof’s plan also ensured he’d be unaware of my true counter. He remained ignorant to the end and the proof I gathered against his crimes already sits in the hands of Commander-in-chief Zackly. It's over for Lovof."
You tighten your jaw, letting that revelation sink in. All of this work you put in hoping to protect your friends…it was for nothing. Erwin always knew what was going on under his nose and success was never truly within your grasp; it didn’t even exist to begin with! You made a wrong call in taking Lovof’s offer and putting your family at risk for it. Now your friends are dead. They died meaningless deaths because of you, at least in terms of your original goal.
"So...You were okay with throwing away their lives just for your messed up little game?" Levi poses to Erwin, letting the wind carry this question before grinding his teeth and raising his blade," well, too bad you lose, too!"
Once again, events unfold quickly. Your eyes go wide, watching the scene behind you as your brother swings his sword towards Erwin who’s crazy enough to try blocking it by raising his hand in defense. You’re not sure if that would work against Levi’s fury, but you don’t have time to guess because disregarding all previous threats, Mike rushes forward with his own blades out, prepared to fight for his friend’s life at all costs even if he has to go through you then Levi to do it.
There’s a loud ‘cling’ of metal scraping together, one that would normally cause a shiver down your spine, however you remain level, feet grounded into the mud and grip white over the handles of your swords. You can feel your opponent’s own strength pushing against yours for only a second before it weakens slightly - hesitating.
"...Get out of my way, (Y/n)."
"I can't do that, Levi."
Levi narrows his eyes which reflect nothing but anger compared to your sympathetic ones. You're practically standing over Erwin, feet placed at both of his sides as you’re forced to lean back ever so slightly to avoid the blades from touching your body. Nevertheless, you maintain your ground against your own brother.
"...I won't let you kill him…”
Levi hisses your name again, pushing his blade further against yours in a feeble attempt at getting you to falter first.
"Furlan and Isabell are dead," he frowns as you state the obvious," they've been killed, but why? Why did they have to die? Why did anyone have to die here today?"
Levi bows his head, sorrow replacing his flame,"...it's my fault...I left them - I left them all because I was worried about you, but it was the wrong choice! I got them killed instead-!”
"-But it wasn't you! You didn't take their lives, it was the titans that did!" You announce with sudden vigor; an emotion that shines even in your steady gaze,"...remember last night? You told me not to listen to Erwin's nonsense yet I did! I listened and I thought about it! What are titans? Where are they coming from? Why have they hunted humanity right into the Walls? There are so many questions that you and I have never had the time to consider before - questions humanity itself still doesn't have the answers to!
"Even if those documents were real and even if Lovof upheld his end of the deal by giving us citizenship inside the Walls, what good would it do if we’re still living in fear of something - still living on borrowed time of some sort?” You look down finally, your lip quivering," I...I don't want to live like that anymore. I’m tired of living like that!
“I want peace and to breathe without ever having to worry about it being stolen away from us ever again. I want to know what lies beyond the Walls and if the world out here is more sustainable that ours because, let’s face it, everybody inside the Walls are sitting on the edge of being just like us.
“All it takes is one disaster, one plague or major loss of land, and humanity would be pushed into a dangerous game of survival. We’d never have a chance at true peace that way, but if we somehow win against the titans someday, we wouldn’t have that kind of worry anymore. We would have more land. We’d be unconfined...But most importantly, we’d make everyone’s sacrifices worth something…”
You glance behind yourself at Erwin whose wide eyes meet your pleading ones," that's what you said, right? If we win this war, no one would've died for nothing. Not the first Survey Corps soldiers, not the scouts yesterday, not even Furlan and Isabell. Their deaths pave our way to victory and it's our job to secure it for them…”
Turning back to Levi, your voice becomes gentle, something of a whisper as if he’s once again a child being comforted after a nightmare,"...I’m not going to force your hand here, Levi. I want you to be safe above all else and we all know the Survey Corps isn’t the place for that, so if you want, I’ll let you. You can run away from all of this and I won’t let a single person stop you. Not Erwin, not Shadis; no one, but I won’t go with you. I’m…I’m going to be selfish this once, okay? I’m making a choice for myself and that’s to stay here and fight for the Survey Corps; to fight for humanity and our fallen friends.”
"...You'll be killed..." The words leave his mouth along with his breath.
You grin sadly," probably...but at least I’ll die with purpose, won’t I? I'd rather be remembered for what I did, even if it really isn't much in the grand scheme of things, than be remembered for my mere life itself."
Levi’s usually steady hands shake, a sight you’ve never seen before. He wants to make some sort of bitter remark towards you, pointing out your status as a liar since you kept insisting this wouldn’t happen - that you had no interest in playing the role of ‘heroic soldier’...but who were either of you kidding then? That’s all you’ve ever been. You’re someone who cares too much about others. You're compassionate, refusing to leave anyone behind, be it your weak little brother who would've been easier to abandon, a sneaky yet clever teenager stuck in a circle of cons, or that proud little girl trying to get an injured bird to the surface.
Levi wonders when he truly lost you to the Survey Corps. Was it right now? When you all saw the sky for the first time? When Erwin preached his complete nonsense that happened to speak directly to your heart, lighting a fire under you and calling you forward to be the special person you’ve always succeeded as?
Soon, Levi blades lower, his arms dropping to his sides which allows you to finally relax yourself, although you make no move away from him, instead waiting patiently yet desperately for any sort of response. You want him to take your offer - to run away and save himself from this life you're cursing yourself with even though it'll absolutely kill you inside. You want him to live, but at the same time, you want him to stay by your side as he always has; would both even be possible here?
“...Did you hit your head during the storm?”
“-Or are you just going senile already?” Levi glances at you in the corner of his eyes, clicking his tongue stubbornly,” honestly, what makes you think I’m ever going to leave your side? Helping Lovof, leaving the Underground, going outside the Walls…You want to die fighting for humanity? Fine then, but we do it together…Look, I'm sticking with you no matter what, so stop thinking otherwise and just accept it already."
You blink, your throat feeling dry at the admittedly unexpected answer. Nevertheless and despite how much you know you're always going to worry about him being in the Survey Corps, you smile at his reply. 
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coloredsolos · 2 years
Hey :-) I have a request for 16. "I -did- care about you, I just had no other choice." I hope you like it, if not that's absolutely no problem at all ♥ So it's a fem!reader and Colt and they secretly like eachother since forever when suddenly he has to leave for the mid-east war without saying goodbye or even telling her (maybe he was scared, he didn't want to hurt her or he just couldn't). A few days later she meets his parents randomly and when they tell her about it, she is angry of course, disappointed he simply left, thinking he doesn't care about her - apparently not even in a friendly way. But then some time later a letter for her arrives, where he apologizes to her, confesses maybe and whatever you can think of :) Lots of love for you!
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pairing: colt grice x fem!reader
prompt: 16. “I -did- care about you, I just had no other choice.”
content: childhood friends to lovers, mutual pining, colt is a sweetheart, character death, season 4 spoilers
wc: 0.6k
a/n: hiya!! sorry this took so long! my computer broke and it took a while to fix but i’m back now!! I hope you enjoy and lots of love ♡ not proofread
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Running into the Grice family was the last thing you had planned on. In fact, you had planned on avoiding anyone in that family for a while. After Colt disappeared without a trace you swear you felt your heart break in two. He hasn’t even bothered to say goodbye. You just woke up and he was gone. However, after running into his parents, you were now at a loss for words. the air around you felt thin. You felt like you couldn’t breathe. Colt’s parents had informed you, after you mentioned how he seemed to disappear, that he had left to fight in the mid-east war. You knew what that meant. And so with a quick apology, you muttered your condolences to his family, who had now lost Colt and Falco, before excusing yourself. 
He had left. You weren’t stupid. You remember how those devils took out so many of your nation’s soldiers the night they attacked. You had been with Colt’s family that night, since you weren’t a warrior candidate, you were left to see the destruction of Liberio from the internment zone. You were stunned. The Attack Titan’s rampage in Liberio was a surprise for one, and catastrophic as well. The deaths of so many innocent people, the stench of death in the air. You were scared. But Colt came back. He always came back. 
However, weeks passed after the news of the mid-east war. There was nothing. And the day the letter arrived you swear you felt your heart sink. Colt’s mother had hand delivered it to your door, tears in her eyes.
“Thank you for being so good to my son.” She would mumble before taking her leave. 
With shaky hands you opened the crisp, white letter.
“I’m sorry.” It would start out. You felt dread enter the pit of your stomach as you continued to read.
“I’m sorry I didn’t say goodbye. I figured if I didn’t say goodbye, then maybe, by some chance, I’d get to come back and see you again. But I should have known better. 
You don’t hate me… do you? I understand if you do. But I beg you to forgive me. I need to know you forgave me for leaving. I had to rescue my brother, avenge our people. 
I had to make you proud of me.
I figured maybe, if I proved my worth to the Marleyans, I could get a better life for mom and dads And you. 
I did care about you. I know you wouldn’t believe me. But I did do care about you. I’ll die caring about you. You are and always will be my best friend of course, but please know to me, you were more than that. I could see a life with you. A happy one. I hoped you could see one with me too.
So please, I ask you one thing, know I did care about you, I just had no other choice.”
Yours forever,
You watched as a drop of water landed on the letter you held. Was it raining? No, you weren’t outside. Reaching your hand up to touch your face, you were met with a wet sensation. You were crying. He wasn’t coming back, and there was nothing you could do about it. There was so much you had left to say to him that would never come to fruition. He didn’t even know how you felt. How you cherished every minute you spent together, or how you didn’t want to live if your life didn’t have him in it. You knew that saying goodbye was hard, but not getting to say goodbye was a million times worse. 
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