#timeline wise it has been 12 hours
waiting-on-a-dream · 1 year
𝙰𝚍𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕 𝚒𝚗𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 (𝙺𝚒𝚢𝚘𝚜𝚑𝚒 𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗)
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"Have you been getting enough sleep?" Kiyoshi asks him on his third yawn for the day.
"Huh? Uh, kinda. I stayed up later yesterday to go over Noa-san's data," Haruto answers mostly truthfully. Going to sleep at 3 am instead of 1 am doesn't sound good either way.
"Its important to do your job well, but don't forget to take care of yourself too," Kiyoshi says like a responsible adult.
Haruto nods in agreement, because what else can he do? "Okay, thank you. I'll keep that in mind."
"By the way, what was going on with Watanabe-san last night? She's never been blackout drunk before," Kiyoshi frowns worriedly.
"She had a whole bottle of wine," Haruto disclosed nonchalantly.
"How'd she get her hands on something like that?!"
"Its a secret," Haruto answers just as nonchalantly.
Judging by Kiyoshi's baffled expression, he might have an idea as to what happened. Oops.
"Don't worry about it. Anyway, let's get started on your interrogation," Haruto grins, locking his hands together over his crossed legs.
"Eh? Fine." Kiyoshi definitely has more questions, but he's always been one of the more cooperative prisoners.
"The man you killed. Can you tell me more about him?"
Kiyoshi's expression darkens slightly, just slightly, at the mention of the man. "Ah. He was a drug dealer who targeted on people with financial and emotional issues. A despicable crook, truly."
"And he attacked you during his interrogation?"
"Yes. I had just been asking him the usual questions when he started smiling strangely. He lunged at me and well," Kiyoshi shrugs, "I did what I had to do to subdue him."
"Did you mean to kill him?"
Kiyoshi pauses for a split second. "No, it was an accident. I punched him to get him off me and his head hit the side of the table."
"Do you think he deserved to die?"
Kiyoshi frowns, likely confused by such a serious question. "...I think there was a chance he could have seen the error in his ways. I think he deserved to live."
Do you deserve to live since you killed him? Haruto refrains from asking the question out loud. "Alright. Now tell me about your family." Its about time to change the topic.
"I've told you before. Its just me and my parents."
"What are they like?"
"Ah... My father is a handyman. He helps around our neighborhood a lot. There's always something for him to fix. Its a tad concerning."
"What's concerning?"
"Our neighborhood breaking something everyday."
"Haha, yeah. What about your mom?"
"She used to work in finance. She's retired now, and spends most of her time watching TV and eating out (gossiping) with her friends as far as I know," Kiyoshi chuckles.
"Is she active in your neighborhood community as well?"
"Well, yes. How'd you know?" Kiyoshi blinks in surprise.
"Seems like being helpful runs in the family."
Kiyoshi chuckles again. "Haha, its not genetic of course. My parents made sure to teach me the importance of community and being helpful when I was young, that's all."
"That's nice," Haruto tilts his head.
"Yes. They're very good parents. I wouldn't trade them for the world." A wistful smile settles upon Kiyoshi's face.
Haruto doesn't think he can handle two pensive prisoners basically back to back, so he whips out his final question. "If the world was to end tomorrow, what would you do?"
"What can I do?" Kiyoshi shrugs. "Hypothetically, its going to end no matter what I do. I can't stop it."
"I'm not asking you to stop it. I'm asking you what you would do knowing the world's end is only one day away." How interesting. Kiyoshi is the only prisoner to interpret the question this way.
"Ohhh. I see," Kiyoshi nods with an apologetic chuckle. "Then, I think I'd arrange for a big party. BBQ sounds good."
"Its as if you're celebrating the end of the world," Haruto laughs.
"No, No. I'd want to spend time with the people I care about while eating heartily, you know?" Kiyoshi clarifies with an awkward cough. "Might as well spend the last of my time being happy."
"Yeah, that makes sense," Haruto nods.
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elkian · 1 year
Oh yeah since it’s Homestuck Day here’s a post I’ve been sitting on for a bit.
Davesprite’s tragedy is even deeper than is immediately obvious.
The scale, time-wise, of the base game - the Alpha Timeline - is something of a joke. It pokes fun, I think, at the concept of Webcomic Time - that an event taking place over dozens of pages over the course of months is, in-canon, only taking place across a day or two.
But Davesprite. Oh, Davesprite.
Dave-the-sprite came from a timeline 4 months (chrono) past Day 1. He’d been hopping enough for it to come out to maybe 1 year for him. He’s very lanky in the animation, and when Rose’s dreamself merges with her Alpha self, the sprites are very slightly different sizes. Future Mutie is visibly older.
But then The Alpha Timeline? The Course Of The Game?
One. Day.
What an absolute whiplash, you guys. He’s been grinding and prepping and mentally readying himself and fucking grieving for his pretty much only friends for nearly a year. Remember how Dragon Ball Z had the Hyper time chamber and it was mentioned that it’s hard to use alone? Because being in there on your lonesome, that’s tough. That’s Dave. He had Rose, who was also grieving and having her own crises that he may or may not have been equipped to help her through at all, and he’s doing all this.
And in like, maybe 12 hours, it’s suddenly all over.
And then he finds out it’s gonna be another three years, but hey, this time he has Jade and John, the people he missed so desperately that he was willing to give up being The Real Dave, a real human, for.
And to them? He’s an extra.
He’s Bonus Dave. He’s Davesprite. He’s Basically Dave, (almost) As Good As The Real Thing!
Like, it’s very hard for me to articulate, but the way that both of them refer to him during the course of their cruise is... dehumanizing, in differing ways.
John calls him Dave, because He’s Basically Dave. (This is after John asked him to let The Real Dave in on their convo, recall). He doesn’t need to be treated any different, because he’s indistinguishable from The Real Dave, Pretty Much!
Jade isn’t as bad - possibly her stint as+fusion with Jadesprite helped - but the way Grimbark Jade loses her temper with Dave post-jump is... telling. She blames a boy she hasn’t spoken with in 3 years for something that a person who is not actually him did.
And he just! Fucking gets forgotten! I know Davepeta feels like an asspull to many readers, but honestly, it’s probably the best thing to happen to Davesprite since his John bit it. Like, was he the one from John’s timeline, or did he not die when the rebooted planet blew up or what? I’ve never understood that.
At least as Davepeta they have multiple people who are genuinely glad to be around them. At least Equius cares about one half and AR doesn’t not-care about the other and they’ve basically got a bestie in Arquiusprite! Getting fused with a reanimated alien catgirl in an alternate timeline(????) was probably the best thing to happen to Dave for a long, long time.
And I’m not even done!
Let’s talk Terezi.
Once we get through Act 5 and the trolls connect with the humans, we get a whole Fairy Godtroll situation that’s kinda cute. John gets Karkat and Vriska in his ear, Jade gets Tavros and Feferi and Kanaya and Karkat (Jade gets a lot of new people, doesn’t she?), Rose still has her Kanaya convos.
And Dave.
They’re a great duo, very fun to watch - even with Vriska and Terezi’s weird rivalry shenanigans getting tangled up in it from time to time. As far as he knows, she’s just a bit of an internet weirdo who’s fun enough to hang out with.
As far as Alpha Dave knows, that is.
Davesprite came back, remember, to fix the timeline after Terezi got his John killed. Dave comes back, and argues with his John - that’s the first thing he gets to say to his best friend, one of his only friends, after a year of grieving in a dead, lonely session with only Rose for company. If he loses the fight, John dies.
After some effort, he gets his dumbass (beloved) pal to stop doing the stupid thing, then gives up his humanity (his existence as a core player, his role, his autonomy) and jumps into the sprite. Calsprite was a void of dead-eyed laughter and horror, so he wants to give the kids the best shot they can get, and having a non-cagey sprite on their side is a huge boost.
And Dave, Alpha Dave?
He ignores this.
He takes Terezi’s advice, over and over. Davesprite gives him the medallion, and we never see it used (we never see any sprite medallion used, as far as I can recall). Davesprite has to actively contact his player (his luckier, prime, Alpha self) and make him accept help, like guarding his body in his sleep. Meanwhile, Alpha Dave is getting codec support from the person who killed John, precipitating Davesprite’s entire existence in the narrative.
With the way the comic is structured, it’s really easy to blip over this, but this is what’s happening. Davesprite’s POV must be a goddamn horror movie, complete with futile shouting at the protagonists to stop going into the scary tunnels and following the advice of people who are blatantly out to hurt them. No fucking wonder he eventually fucked off the find Bro, who despite being an abusive piece of shit (did Davesprite ever get the chance to work that one out for himself?), is at least a constant. He’s the sole tie to the life this Dave left behind. Damn. And Dave doesn’t even come looking for him after he “dies”! If Davesprite didn’t vandalize that poster, would Alpha Dave have even known he was alive?
....fuck, is that why he keeps pasting orange text onto things? And provoking John into anger? Is he just doing his damnedest to keep from being trivialized and forgotten?
In the story, in the grand scheme of things, Davesprite is key to keep John from getting killed, and past that?
He has no purpose.
There’s no point to his existence.
His player seeks neither his advice nor his protection. His friends consider him part of the game they’re playing, rather than (an iteration of) their friend. The trolls mock him by doing nothing he can stop or really argue against. His rage has nowhere to go, so he has no rage.
No wonder he chases after Bro. No wonder he chills with Jadesprite. No wonder, no wonder. What a mess. What a disaster. He spends three years on the damn ship and as soon as the groups meet up, Jade begins projecting the time he spent with her on a guy she hasn’t seen since she was 13! And Alpha Dave just says “well, he’s bird me” and accepts this, except when he might get blamed for something he didn’t actually do!
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spandexinspace · 1 month
Hello if you have the time simply put who are brainiacs family members.. and like how are they related? I never knew he had relations of any kind but im picking up the house of brainiac event but twitter has pushed me down a rabbit hole and now im trying to piece together brainiacs family tree. I am in no way an expert in comics or well read in anything im searching things up but idk what different universes/ dimensions/ timelines mean and who/what is canon. thx 💜
So I made this family tree a few years, which is still largely accurate but I still kinda want to remake at some point. Still, a decent visualiser for now.
I think it's important to note that we don't really know what is and isn't canon right now. We will probably have a better idea of it come June-July, but at the moment everything is a little all over the place and it may also remain that way. Comics.
The ones we know are relevant to Williamson's story are Brainiac and, as per the most recent issue, the pre-Zero Hour version of Brainiac 5. I'm also reasonably certain we'll see Vril II and Brainiac 3.
But, the full-ish list:
Kaja Dox and her unnamed mother - Appeared in Humphries' Green Lanterns in a story set "10 billion years ago". We don't actually know if they're supposed to be related to the others, but we can probably assume as much.
Brainiac/Vril Dox (I) - Big man himself. You know him. Man of many faces and origins. Brainiac 12 and 13 are upgraded versions of him.
Vril Dox II - Brainiac's son. Initially adopted, later either a biological son or clone artificially aged into adulthood. In both versions granted as a boon to Brainiac by Colu's machine overlords.
Techne - Brainiac's clone daughter as introduced during Convergence. Maybe canon. Maybe not the child of the main universe's Brainiac.
Unnamed siblings - Techne had several mutated siblings who Brainiac appeared to have used for experiments. The same has been implied to be true for Vril. They're dead.
Project Alien Farm - A clone made out of Brainiac and Lex Luthor's DNA, probably meant to be a parallell to Superboy/Kon El. Had the misfortune of being born a few months before Flashpoint and hasn't been seen since.
Indigo/Brainiac 8 - An artificial being supposedly created by Brainiac 6 to go back in time to aid Brainiac in his mission. We've never seen Brainiac 6 in canon and she kind of just existed in her own corner with the Outsiders and Titans.
Pran Dox - Formerly the son of Vril Dox II. Only ever appeared in narration, we can assume he doesn't exist now.
Lyrl Dox/Brainiac 3 - The more canon son of Vril Dox II.
This is where things get a little spicy timeline-wise. There are essentially five different versions of the future of the DC universe. Each one is its own universe, but has been the canon future of the main universe before. Like this:
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The first timeline is the pre-Zero Hour version, the second the post-Zero Hour/Earth-247, the third Earth-Prime, the fourth is an divergent version of the pre-Zero Hour, and the fourth is post-Rebirth. These characters exist within these timelines:
Kajz Dox (both versions of the pre-Zero Hour timeline) - The son of either Lyrl or Pran. Both have been canon.
Brainiac 4 (post-Zero Hour/Earth-247) - An unnamed female child of Lyrl.
Unnamed female Coluan (Earth-Prime) - A character who appeared for two pages in one comic. Probably Lyrl's daughter.
Post-Rebirth lacks a version of Brainiac 4. Among other things.
Querl Dox/Brainiac 5 - Exists in every timeline/universe. The great-great-grandson of Brainiac, by various means.
There are a couple of other characters who can sort of be considered members of the family, but they're not super relevant at this stage.
I don't know how understandable all that is, feel free to shoot me another ask if you want me to clarify anything.
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craw-dacious · 6 months
Review of the making of the map by fox_pitch
I'm new to marauders, this is the second fic I've read.
Summary: I liked this fic, a lot. It was a fun read and I really liked the progression of both Wolfstar and James/Lili (is it Jilly? I can’t remember). A bit less angsty than what I usually read and some parts felt underbaked, but the author kept my attention INCREDIBLY. I stayed up about four hours later than I usually do binge reading this. Very good.
Since chapters are shorter ill do bigger recaps infrequently throughout, but still little chapter notes
Chapter one
Cannot wait to see this unfold <3333
Aw they’re so cute, definitely a wolf star focus
I hope this goes through seventh year so I can see James and lily play out
Chapter two
Why did I not process its the first day of term thats wild and crazy
Ok so lily still is buddies with Snape which tracks timeline wise I guess
Do they pants him at the end of the fifth or sixth year I can’t remember
I am confused on the lily dynamic tbh what does she think of the group
Chapter three
This one kinda ate, im liking the short chapters I get more invested in each part of the story
Obviously I know they’re not just gonna kill off Peter, but him dying in the shack did cross my mind
I wonder when lupin gets the potion stuff
Chapter four
I hope remus gets over himself soon how was Sirius supposed to know how intense the situation was bruh
Blanket statement that I apologize for all shitty teenage boy behavior they need to chill
Chapter five
Calling him inbred is hilarious Im liking remus’s pov
Hes gay James stop
Literally he’s gonna go be ur wingman be happy
Good chapter very chill
I like the silliness thats been in this so far. I am NOT liking that remus and Sirius aren’t talking to each other. Is it a narrative device? Absolutely. But I despise it so much.
I think Sirius’ characterization is very good so far, I’m surprised they haven’t fleshed out the Regulus stuff more yet. Hopefully will get his pov soon
God I hope this is a save reggie fic cmon
I really hope this passage is the one to honey dukes.
Im sure the plots about to pick up more since they’re actually making the map
Chapter six
If I was lily I would’ve folded so fucking fast bruh
Like I know he’s annoying but like he’s cute, and likes her so much, and is clearly like progressive what is the problem
Anyway, sirius needs to chill if he wants to be gay
Chapter seven
Closet time closet time its time to be emotional in the closetttt
Calling him a cat is funny
Sirius is my fave because he’s also like a fixer upper with issues but he’s not EVILL he just has trauma
And he actually wants to be the best version of himself yk (unlike some dumb ass fucking bitches I know)
Chapter eight
Cradling his head
Sirius licking him
God can marlene just fucking kill herself please
Chapter nine
Honestly there is no world in which I wouldnt feel awkward with my friends jokingly offering to kiss me as a form of like emotional comfort like thats not normal
Like my best friend gave me a big hug after I broke up with my ex she’s not gonna go “oh haha idk what else to do other than make out with you lol lol.” Sirius what the fuck
Anyway I love to see the lily and James bonding but I can tell it makes remus feel lonelier
Wonder if we’re gonna get Peter development at all
Chapter ten
I dont even want to write uodates anymore because im liking the fic too much
Hes so stressed abt being gay I thought he already knew he was gay bruh Sirius is clueless obvi
Chapter 11
Love how the maps coming together
This is not going over well with Sirius im sure
Ok so bed making out
Im so fucking horny I need to make out with someone STAT
Preferably someone with a penis bc it confirms they like me but tbh I don’t give a shit
Its 1:12 am
So it did go over well with Sirius. I expected some internalized homophobia or something but he’s actually being chill for once
so i got so engrossed in the story that i forgot to write my chapter notes
but so far i feel fantastic about it
the regulus thing is making me want to kms. i have like no hope for reg redemption bc the fic isn't long enough, and i feel like all that happens will be the murder mystery and MAYBE gay shit
sirius was SO STUPID with marlene like clearly remus has some issues with being open and you need to like discuss,, not make out with some other bitch
also them both being bi is not what i expected? feel like remus should be gay
peters character is... interesting. why are they friends with him. also he has bo gryffy qualities wtf.
Recap AGAIN but not done yet
Ok, the wormhole shit is interesting. Poor elves.
I wonder what happened to them, is this the in between place or whatever?
They’re being too romantic on the battlefield you gotta lock in guys
Also I thought an avada grazing you killed you no matter what
Also Sirius fully used crucio and nobody like cared other than remus. Like no commentary
Hilarious. Peak comedy. Coming back to life and IMMEDIATELY kissing Lily. Her being grossed out. Literally perfect.
Ok the introduction of the OOTP, seems good.
Honestly really like what I’ve seen in the fic, but it’s a bit TOO silly for my tastes. I need more angst.
Like obviously I want Remus and Sirius to be openly gay and in love but it was too easy in this fic, like with Destiel its always SUCH an issue lmao.
I liked this fic, a lot. It was a fun read and I really liked the progression of both Wolfstar and James/Lili (is it Jilly? I can’t remember)
I do feel like it was a little too light at times, there wasn’t a whole lot of grey area morally, and a lot of big issues weren’t fully fleshed out. I wish they’d dived into Regulus more, and Snape. I wish they’d addressed Sirius’ use of the Cruiciatus curse, and I wish they’d address Dumbledores failings more directly
Werewolf shit was fantastic to read, the angst, the fear, the violence, the drama. I thought the transformations were excellently done and I really enjoyed the progression of them figuring out the roaming/playing
Hogsmeade passage shut off? Strange.
I did not enjoy that I cannot be sure they are safe. That’s a benefit of post-hog warts fic, if its truly marauders James and Lily often don’t die.
Overall very happy fic. I did love the aggressive use of drunkness as a plot device, I liked Lily’s characterization for the most part, and it was pretty addicting in the middle.
I thought Characterization was good, not fantastic but definitely good. Peter threw me, not very likable. It’s hard to do him correctly and have him add worth to the story, but I just did not like him the whole time, and I felt like Remus and Sirius both didn’t care for him and found him annoying.
7.5/10 <3
My rankings are not supposed to be biased. Horrible shitty fic would get like a one, something readable but bad would get a fourish. Most fics that I read will be around 7-9 simply because I sort by Kudos and get recs from misuss so they’re better quality to begin with.
Great light silly read, with just enough depth to keep it interesting. I could see myself re-reading this fic once I get to know the marauders better.
Also, I do not like the fanart in this fic but I'm sure that's not universal. The artist is credited within the fic but I'd like to tag them here just to acknoledge the hard work that went into it. I checked them out and ADORE some of their other work, this one was just not to my liking. They have some percy jackson shit up that EATS.
@komodokai on instagram
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allmyplumbobs · 9 months
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All My Plumbobs by @mintsweettea
(transcription under the cut)
I'm currently working on writing a Sim's soap opera - All My Plumbobs - more information to come in the next week or two.
Format: Written text with pictures, set up similarly to this post with written transcription under the cut. Each "episode" will be about 1500 words/~5 minute read. 12 parts (~1 hour total) (subject to change)
Rating wise, I'm trying to keep it between PG-13 and R, but much closer to PG-13. (Profanity, sexually suggestive content(nothing explicit! My mom reads this!!) Drug and alcohol use),For full information on CW/TWs, click here (caution: contains spoilers!) or message me if you want to ask about a specific trigger without possibly spoiling anything else.
I plan on writing the entire first season and releasing it all very close together (I'll post the first four episodes on the first day, and then one episode a day for the next 8 days, to keep from flooding anyone's timeline)
*feel free to reblog (:*
Zachary, Stevie, and Cassandra grew up next door to each other and have been best friends since childhood. They spent countless summers exploring the neighborhood, playing together, and getting into trouble, but now that they’re teenagers, feelings have started to complicate things. Stevie has had a crush on Zachary for as long as she can remember. Unfortunately, he is currently dating Cassandra. That doesn't prevent Cassandra from noticing how every time Zachary tells a joke, he looks to see if Stevie is laughing first, the lingering stares between them, and the way that his face completely lights up every time he gets a text.
Summer Knight and Skylar Rose are high school sweethearts. They’ve been living together for 10 years now and Skylar is starting to get anxious that Summer will never be ready for marriage. Summer has promised that they’ll get married as soon as she gets to where she wants to be in her career - she really needs to spend this time hustling - but her methods are giving a conflicting statement - Summer can’t get very far into any career field before getting fed up and quitting. And Skylar can’t help but wonder what Summer is actually doing so late at the office every single night.
After 31 faithful years of marriage, Louanne Brewer’s husband left her for a much younger woman. Meagan Branch is still irritated that her husband, Cooper Brewer, would invite his mother to live with them without consulting her first. Pregnancy was rough enough on its own, but having her mother-in-law in her house only made things more miserable. Not to mention, they had to give up the nursey to turn it into Louanne’s room. Sharing a room with Emmerson wasn’t too bad when he was a baby, but now that he is a toddler, everyone wishes that they had a little more space. Cooper works during the day and comes home at night to work on his novel. What’s up with that strange glowing he sometimes sees outside his window late at night?
There have been rumors flying around the town that Mortimer and Bella Goth are swingers or have some kind of open relationship. Regardless, they seem to be rather flirty with lots of different people during their weekly dinner parties. The Goth’s house is known for being quite the party place.
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picnokinesis · 1 year
hello! I’ve just wanted to say that all the meta you’ve written on mathematique has been pretty illuminating. big thanks for that! also, don’t even know if you’re still following cleanwhiteroom’s updates but fod rewrites has been pretty insane right? in many ways, but specifically in terms of overall triptych. there’s so much to unpack especially when it comes to ancient ‘riley’…..
Ahh hello!! This is so nice ahh, I'm so happy you liked the meta and found it enlightening!! <3 It was so much fun to write hahaha. And yes, I know I've been pretty quiet here cwr-wise, but I have 100% definitely been following the rest of the math and ad noc chapters, and then ALL THE FOD REWRITES?? I have been steadily loosing my mind hahah! There's just! SO much!! I've actually been wanting to do another post about the changes since ad noc chapters 6 and 7 went up, which was like....half a year ago?? Guh. But yeah I've been so busy and just not have the time, energy or motivation to sit down and write out another essay rip (also I'm currently about two chapters behind on fod 2.0, I last read chapter 43, I think? Maybe 44, I don't remember). But man, there is a lot of new stuff to dig into, isn't there? Especially in fod, but just like you said, it's stuff that relates to ALL the verses - like MAN the whole conversation with Ancient!Riley and Young, all the changes there were just fascinating - like the idea of seven arrays (or, I suppose, bundles of adjacent timelines) and then the fact that THREE of them are crucial/threatening to the integrity of the multiverse?? (or something like that - it's late here and I've been on trains for 12 hours across the last two days so forgive me for not going to check the actual chapter) So like, I think it's so obvious that I don't need to say but I'm gonna say it anyway - those three key arrays are our triptych, for SURE. And it makes me all the more curious about math in particular, because if we assume from the little snippets that cwr stuck up on tumblr back in the day for the adnoc verse that cwr is intending for Rush and Volker to end up on Destiny, I can 100% see why Ancient!Riley would be, uh. Let's say concerned to have a very traumatised pyromaniac at the helm of that verse. But then, math? Man, the more I think about it the more it fascinates me, because I'm sure this means that they're all gonna end up on Destiny, somehow, but like Volker is so much more a lynchpin in that verse, right? But then we have Rush going to Atlantis, based on the last few chapters we have of math, and from the changes we have in fod 2.0, we know that Rush's P=NP related skills are a significant reason why he's so good with using Destiny's systems and making work-arounds....so like, I've still got one foot solidly in the 'math!rush will go to Destiny' camp, and I feel like for that verse to end up on Riley's 'list of troublesome verses', Rush has gotta get to Destiny, right?? Like, man, it almost feels wrong to suggest he WOULDN'T because...well, it's Rush and Destiny, yknow!! It would feel kinda unbalanced if he got there in adnoc and fod but not math. Also, unhinged scientists have got to threaten the integrity of the multiverse somehow, and he's certainly not doing it from Atlantis, or the ancients would have done it from Atlantis. And - idk man, Rush has got a serious drive to actually fly into the collision point between d-branes and try to change something (even if he knows that, fundamentally, he can't), and it's that point that Riley seems bothered about. Volker, though? Hm. Idk, in math he seems to have pretty much accepted that he can't go back to his old life. Would he and Telford fly into it for the sake of science? Yeah, I mean they pretty much certainly would lol but my point is that the desperation to do it, compounded together by the AI's desire and Rush's, is a key component to the whole issue, yeah? And I don't get the same vibe from Volker, you get me? BUT. I may be wrong! I have no idea what's gonna happen and it's great.
ANYWAY this ended up long - but yeah!! There's so much more than this to unpack and maaaaybe one day I'll get the brain space again to do a Proper Post about it. We'll see!
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vulpeskorsak · 2 years
Day 17 of Whumptober 2022: Losing everything
Day 17 of Whumptober 2022!  
Breaking Point | Stress Positions | Reluctant Caretaker
Timeline-wise my current shorts go: Day 2 -> Day 15 -> Day 5 -> Day 16 -> Day 1 -> Day 13 - > (Day 4 -> Day 9*) -> Day 3 -> Day 7 -> Day 8 -> Day 6 -> Day 11 -> Day 12 -> Day 14 -> Day 17
*Day 4 and 9 do not happen in the same AU where Ludwig exists. Day 10 is a modern AU.
Victor is my human fleshsmith inventor (KibblesTasty Homebrew class) from a long-running DnD adventure. Ludwig Richter is a tiefling and a former gravedigger turned archeologist who
https://archiveofourown.org/works/42505632 (AO3 link)
Losing everything
It is an hour past midnight and Ludwig still cannot fall asleep. Which could be a good thing because thanks to that he heard something moving outside his tent. Could be a random wild animal, but better safe than sorry.
He looks around the sleeping camp to only see a couple of clueless guards patrolling around it. They look at him and gestures for them to keep an eye out for danger. They nod vigorously and begin looking around their respective areas.
There is nothing in the immediate vicinity of him. Nothing in the trees. He starts circling the tent when he hears the cloth at its entrance shift. He freezes. Nobody and nothing but him and Victor… just him now is supposed to be able to enter it this easily thanks to a powerful enchantment they have ordered over half a decade ago.
He bites his lip sending the memory away before it can hurt him and focuses on the task. He quickly but silently returns to the entrance, switching his rifle for his battle shovel and gripping it tightly, getting ready for an upswing if something lunges at him from the tent.
Slowly he lifts the flap out of the way to look inside. His grip on the shovel tightens to a painful degree.
“Vic?” He whispers in disbelief taking a step inside.
The creature before him looks so much like his former partner and it is wearing his pants and his shirt. Dirty and torn. But it cannot be him. Victor died this morning. In front of his eyes.
The creature has uncomfortably long limbs that end in clawed black hands and feet. It is standing on all fours, barefoot and gloveless, although a strap from his black glove is still wrapped around its wrist. It is thin as if it was starving for a lot time and pale. Paler than Victor has ever been. The whites of the doctor’s eyes are black and his irises are glowing white. His mouth is filled with clean uneven sharp teeth.
He is crouching next to Ludwig’s unused bed, sniffing at it intently. He turns his head to his former lover locking eyes with him and stares silently. Not breathing. Not blinking. A shiver runs down the archeologist’s spine. He has encountered plenty of unsettling creatures but this one is…
“Victor?” Ludwig takes a slow step forward into the tent, his voice shaking. “Were you able to make it? Did your… stupid reanimation injection actually fucking work?!”
It turns its head slightly at the sounds. He knows the look in the creature’s eyes. He has seen it a thousand times before. Undead hunger. Even if Victor’s solution has worked, it did not make him the person he once was. It did not make him a person. A ghoul of sorts, Ludwig guesses. It somewhat resembles a wendigo the two of the had encountered a few years prior.
Before Ludwig can do anything else, it lunges. Ludwig swings, hitting it with the blunt side of the shovel in the chest and throwing it off balance. It is swift, however, and merely bounces off the floor and tackles him to the ground, its sharp claws digging into his chest and shoulders, its jaws almost closing on his throat if it were not for the shovel handle blocking its mouth.
Ludwig bucks with his hooves as hard as he can while pushing with his hands, sending it off him and jumps to his feet, throwing the light camp bed onto the creature to trap it if even for a second. A hooved kick to the head as it is trying to get up to disorient it. And then a powerful swing of the shovel. It’s meticulously sharpened and magically enhanced edge slices the head clean off.
The body goes limp on the ground. Ludwig watches as Victor’s head flies through the air and lands on his table, covering all the documents and the journal on it in dark red blood and black liquid ichor.
He lets go of the shovel and strides towards it. The sharp teeth and black eyes are still there, not fading away like it happens with some transformed people. But now he is dead for good.
He carefully picks it up looking into the eyes. They look nothing like Victor’s but they are still his. He has been holding it in all day. Staying functional for the sake of the expedition’s goals. He did not think they would be able to recover Victor’s body from that disaster of a ruin. And now it is here. He is unsure if he would have preferred it to be gone for good. But this means that Victor’s invention has partially worked. He would have been so happy. Excited to do more tests, completely ignoring his responsibilities until Ludwig would have had to personally remind him of his duties as the expedition’s head doctor.
Victor once jokingly promised he would never die or at the very least come back as a ghost to haunt him so he can tease and torment him for as long as he lives. Ludwig would have loved for him to keep at least the ghost part of his promise.
“Victor…” Ludwig lifts the head up to give it a long soft kiss on the lips and teeth sticking out here and there. “I love you. I’m so sorry I never actually said that. But I love you.”
At that moments his knees buckle and he falls on the floor of his tent cradling the head and pressing a kiss to the top of his head. He tried to stay calm for a second but is unable to hold himself together any longer. He starts weeping out loud. The loudest and hardest he has ever cried. And he cannot stop once he started. The third eye of his forehead begins leaking something as well. He did not think it was possible.
He is vaguely aware of the fact that people are running into the tent and stopping at the sight of their nerves-of-steel leader shaking and howling like a wounded dog. His reputation is the last thing on his mind.
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avengeclintasha · 2 years
12 & 2
Ahh these are the two that have been in my WIP folder the longest out of everything. It's been AGES since I worked on either of them but they both are still in there in hopes that one day I actually do write them and flesh them out to their full potential.
12. Age of Ultron AU
Okay, I think this is literally the oldest WIP I have, it was SO long ago when I started this one--it's basically age of ultron but with Peggy in it and a few other details changed bc I both loved and hated age of ultron when I first started this fic (now I can say with certainty that it's one of my least favorites, but I don't question my past self and her movie tastes)
It follows the plot of age of Ultron and everything kind of still happens in the same way major plot point wise—I only have the very beginnings of it because I wasn't sure how much I wanted to include of the actual movie/how true I should stay to the dialogue, but there is a part I particularly like that I'll leave below the cut from the first chapter (which is still set before the party scene in the movie but after they fight the first battle, if I'm remembering correctly.
2. ACS3 AU
UGH and this one, this one is an agent Carter season 3 like, what I wished would have been created, and it starts out RIGHT as season 2 ends and it's kind of meant to bridge the gap between the end of agent Carter and endgame, but like idk about years and how long and timelines and stuff got complicated but anyway—
They start out looking into Jack's death and Peggy realizes quickly that he was killed for a file with fake information on her, but just a few short hours after his death and their work at the crime scene, Peggy goes back to the Los Angelous office and though she just reported she was taking more vacation mere hours ago, the head of New York (Jack's old boss) wants her back to run the office by Monday at the latest.
Peggy also gets a call after that from Phillips and Stark about creating SHIELD and making a new organization together and there's supposed to be a whole side plot with her getting offered jobs in the middle of the big extensive plot that's going on
Anyway, Peggy starts combing through old war records and eventually finds out that it's Michael and he's not dead and it has something to do with the Arena Club too, but I didn't plan out all the exact plot of that and eventually after dealing with all of that she takes the job with Phillips and moves to DC and she's only been in her new place for a few days when Steve shows up at her door and that's the end.
It also was meant to kind of have a lot of war flashbacks and flashbacks to childhood with her and Michael, and this is one of my more planned out WIPs I've just never had the time and energy to devote to it to write it, though the first chapter has been edited multiple times I've never posted it, but honestly, it's kind of tempting even though I haven't worked on it in over a year rip. I might post it later on AO3 just because you asked about it.
Thank you so much for asking about these two, they hold such a special place in my heart, and I hope maybe one of them will be posted soon, or at least partially out there for everyone to enjoy :)
More for the Age of Ultron AU for giggles:
"Where is she?" Maria said handing Steve a folder. 
"Who?" He asked taking the folder and opening it. 
"The director!" Steve looked over the room and everyone else was there. Tony and Bruce were sitting next to each other with Thor listening to their discussion. Natasha, Phil, and Clint were sitting opposite them and talking to each other. "Fury's coming too," Hill said looking up and down the hallway. "You'd probably have better luck finding her, Cap. I checked her office and the rest of this floor." 
"I'll be right back," he said. He set his folder and his bag down in the seat beside Clint before leaving to go find Peggy. 
Peggy was very good at hiding inside the intricate hallways and rooms of the SHIELD headquarters, but Steve always knew where she went when she was stressed or needed moments to herself. He checked his office first, then the break room on Natasha's floor, then the training room on that floor. He checked them all with no luck, but then realized where she would be. 
He quickly rode the elevator to the floor with the upper level gyms. Most of the higher ranking agents didn't ever come on this floor because the other gyms were more centrally located on their floors. He knew Peggy liked it here because it was often deserted and he quickly found her punching a sand bag in one of the rooms. 
"Peggy," he said. She instantly jumped at the sound of his voice. She had sweat rolling down her face, and she looked more tired than usual. He walked over to where she was and took her hands in his own. "You alright?" 
"Just needed a few minutes to myself," she said. He began to unwrap her hands, and she relaxed a little because of the familiarity of the situation. This was not the first time this had happened. 
"You're late for the Avengers meeting." He tossed the gauze onto one of the benches near the bag Peggy had brought with her. His gaze came back to her before seeing her face. There was something wrong that she wasn't saying. "Pegs, what's wrong?" 
"Nothing, darling. I'm just tired. It's been a long week," she said. She started to gather up her belongings. She shoved everything into her locker and locked it with her keys. "We'd better get to that meeting." She quickly grabbed her black leather portfolio where she put everything she needed for the day before walking out of the room. Steve quickly followed her to the elevator and got on. 
"Do you have a full plan for the defense conference talks?" He turned to her tying to take her mind away from what was bothering her. 
"Almost. I wanted everyone's approval and input before it became a full plan. The end is a little open," she said opening the portfolio in her hands. She glanced over the content inside before snapping it shut again. "It'll all work out." 
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thewayisoutpb · 2 years
.long time no see
My last blog entry dates 11th of February 2021. It has been more than a year and a half. Last time I said I will write more often in order to keep track life and also reflect and remember the important milestones. Somehow, I did not manage to do that. Although, I always thought about it, sometimes I even planned to write, but in the end, I did not get to do it.
I don’t know where to start, a lot of things happened since. Probably it would be the best if I would stick to the timeline so I don’t miss anything and it will make sense later.
In 2021, I lost my grandmother. She’s been in and out of hospital, the doctors could not really help her, surgery was needed, but it was very risky given her age. Two or three days before she died, she called me in the morning around 4am. I thought my grandfather called to tell us she has died. But no, she called me, but I couldn’t understand what she was saying. Probably she had a tube down her throat, so I couldn’t make it out. I told her I will call her later that day. But after that she was not picking up. Then some days later my father called (while I was hanging out with Csabi and Lukáš) that she had died. It hit me, I was sad of course, but I also felt a relief that she is no longer suffering and she can get her well-deserved peace. I often think about her, how I would tell her about everything new in my life. She would be so happy for me, for us.
After the pandemic and all the restrictions summer came, when we went for a trip to Croatia with Zsolti, Dominik and my sister. It was the longest drive in my life, nearly 12 hours if I recall it correctly. It was a great experience. We arrived with just 3-5 breaks; I was okay without taking a nap. The trip was awesome, mainly because we finally got to go on a holiday. Secondly, it was a great bonding experience with Dominik. Before that, we weren’t that close, or at least I felt it that way.
During the summer, we got a great opportunity and decided to move from our 1-room apartment after 2 years. It was an emotional goodbye, since it was our first home together and we had a great relationship with our landlady as well. At the beginning of October, with help of our friends we’ve moved to a spacious 3-room apartment. It was a stressful move - our contract at the old place was coming to an end and it was questionable if we can actually move in to our new place, since the owners had some problems with the company that was building their house. But in the end, it turned out fine. There was a lot of work, like fixing holes in the wall, painting, moving a lot of stuff, cleaning everything.
To be honest, I like this space much better than the previous one. Firstly, it’s more spacious and secondly, I really like what we did with the place.
I took some time to settle in, but we were enjoying our new home. Meanwhile I was advancing in my job. I still work at the same place, gradually getting more and more responsibility, which also reflects on my income.
On the 23rd of November, I decided to take the next big step in our relationship and I proposed to Miška. I had many ideas about the way I will propose - I had some trips in mind, Edinburg for example. But when the ring arrived, I just couldn’t wait (also it was Covid, lot of restrictions), I was way too excited and decided to propose to her on that day in our living room. She had the most terrible day; she was sad and exhausted. I decided to light up her mood by dancing. I chose one of her favourite songs from Harry Styles. While we were dancing, she wasn’t suspicious at all. Then I started telling her what I love about her, how I’m excited to build a future together, got down on one knee and asked the question - she said yes.
The year ended with us celebrating Christmas and New Year with our family and friends. Looking back, 2021 was a great year with many things that pushed us further on our journey in life.
2022 started out well, things were looking up work-wise as well. Some side jobs came my way so generally my income increased. During summer, we finally went to visit Zsolti in Manchester. After that we were invited to Aďka and Kika’s wedding in Wales, which was a great weekend too. We got closer with Stanka and Kovo and decided to invite them to our wedding.
A lot of things happened in 2022 so far, this post would be endless if I were to sum all them up. I should take the time more often to sit down and reflect on life not just by meditating, but writing about it too.
At the time of writing this, we are in the process of moving again (after just 1 year), because they guy, we are renting the flat from decided to sell it. With the wedding being just a month away, life got very complicated quickly. But this got us thinking that maybe we need to change our plans and buy an apartment instead of renting one. This way, nobody would kick us out. Probably we were a bit naïve when we thought we could be in the same apartment for 5 years or so to save up some money and build our own house. This is a slight change of plans, but it’s for the better.
With us thinking about having a baby after the wedding, living in our own space gives us more certainty and security.
However, we need to wait with the loan after the wedding, just to be sure we would get the whole loan from the bank (better requirements for married couples). This makes our situation a bit difficult, since we need to move out from our current place and nobody rents an apartment for just 2-3 months. Luckily, we agreed with the sellers of our new apartment that we can move in while we sort out our loan. We are truly grateful they understood our situation and agreed to help us this way.
Let’s hope everything works out for us, like it did always.
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zoufantastical · 2 years
Loki vs Spiderman No Way Home on tackling the Multiverse
This post will contain spoilers for Spiderman NWH!
I’m gonna need Feige to entrust certain writers on themes that are gonna be touched upon in movies later on to be used in their series. Let me explain.
Spider-Man No Way Home really displayed how BAD and HORRENDOUS the Loki show actually is. Like, plot and writing wise, the Loki show has really, really aged badly. So I’m sitting here wondering, since technically NWH explores the concept of variants (a lot better than a whole ass show was supposed to), why didn’t the writers of NWH dealt with the series instead of giving it to an inexperienced writer/director? Genuine question.
NWH made the concept of the multiverse a lot more digestible than a series was supposed to in a way where if you didn’t watch What if ? or Loki (especially), you could understand it…because in this case Doctor Strange admitted that it’s a concept that he still doesn’t know a lot about. So it makes the audience not only equally curious but entangles them to learn about it at the same time with them. But as someone who DID watch Loki, I can tell the writer(s) has some really odd ideas on handling the concept of multiverses and variants.
What I loved about NWH concept of multiverse is that there was no “sacred timeline”. Loki’s idea of Kang keeping a sacred timeline is very flawed simply because to keep it in one “line”, there shouldn’t have been any variant drastically different from our Loki to the point they posed a risk of tampering with Kang’s desires of keeping a “sacred timeline” (examples like Boastful Loki, Sylvie, Alligator Loki etc). Branches that come from that sacred timeline should be mostly the same except a few environmental changes/decisions where it causes the flow of time to expand. I reiterate this because the Loki show contradicts itself. TVA would go as far as prune someone for being late on their way to work; we’ve seen them arrest normal civilians who you could tell were scared and confused.
NWH concept of the multiverse is very matter of factly and unified; the Peters were variants of each other [which by the way, this concept of the Peters being variants makes a LOT more sense]that are in a way technically not related by DNA but are in essence still the same person, just not the same individual since they come from DIFFERENT universes and NOT a BRANCH of the SAME UNIVERSE like Loki does. Their universal destinies were meant to be as Spidermen/Peter Parker. And it was done in less than three hours. In which I feel like that’s what the Loki series tried to do; to make the Lokis feel like their own person/treat the name as if a title of some sort but they of course failed in that aspect.
When you compared all that said with a lame, fascist organization, that apparently previously captured Thanos and vampires before but was easily defeated by being bitten by an eight year old Asgardian, made by a (black 😳) dictator pruning branches of the same timeline, but then have said characters contradict the existing ways the multiverse works in your show then…😬 especially when you have a writer and director going back and forth not knowing what to exactly describe Sylvie as…
Oh and speaking of Sylvie, so apparently Marvel CAN do siblings of the same variant relationships but it couldn’t be done with Loki and Sylvie ? I mean they kinda had the same amount of time together. They could have fallen in love (since apparently it can take less than 12 hours). Ah wait ? You say the are MALE? Wait one of them in underage ? No wait pause. Is it because they are loners and never had siblings so they related to each other more easily making the dynamic a lot more wholesome? Huh would you look at that. No self cest. Not even a hint. Interesting….
My expectations on dealing with the multiverse shenanigans are really high now. Especially with the knowledge that it CAN be done well. I don’t know how they’re going to go forward with Multiverse of Madness since Micheal Waldron, yes THE Micheal Waldron from the LOKI show I kept shitting on is the HEADWRITER. I’m also curious on how they are going to handle season two.
What a mess.
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nikadoesanart · 3 years
My predictions on BSD getting animated going forward
I’ll be taking a look at the novel page counts (Japanese and English) and comparing them to the screen time they’ve gotten so far and then using this to predict how long the remaining light novel adaptations will be (approximately). At the end will also be my rough prediction/hopes for the order of some of these being adapted. I say some because I have yet to read what there is so far of the gaiden novel translations, the main story manga has essentially still been on the DOA arc almost since where the anime left off, and I personally think that it’s currently too soon for Storm Bringer (aside from money purposes).
Note, most of this was written well before the anime 5th anniversary livestream but the announcements wound up not affecting it. I then of course made adjustments as needed account for the novel content we do have so far, both in Japanese and in English (officially).
Page to Episode Count
Not counting the afterward, ads, etc for the English/US copy, Japanese is including it
Also all eng page counts are using the Yen Press release and jp page counts are taken from the fandom wiki
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*148 is purely counting the Untold Origins portion of the novel. If we also count the A Day at the Agency short story that’s included before it (56 pages), then we get the full 203
Also the English page count for BEAST was noted before the English release date but after page counts have been posted by affiliated retailers, so subtract a couple pages from the written count of 176 for the time being to account for the afterward and possible character sheets being included
Now that we have our page to episode counts (as of April 5th, 2021), let’s find the actual content run time of what we do have animated so far.
Seasons 1-3 and the OVA all have the same episode length/duration. Each episode is 23 minutes, and we can subtract 3 minutes on average from that to account for the OP and ED being played. This leaves us with an average of 20 minutes of BSD story content per episode. So on average, each of the first 3 seasons contain 240 minutes, or 4 hours, worth of story content.
Dead Apple’s total run time is 91 minutes, with the OP and ED making up 9 of those minutes. However, we do have a bit of the story content being played while the ED is playing (as sometimes happens in the anime as well). To keep the math simple, I’ll be approximating story content time at 82 minutes.
Apply these numbers to the novels that have been animated so far and this is (approximately) what we get:
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Now let’s use these numbers to predict the screen time needed for the other novels
Note that we can’t really use Entrance Exam as a fair measure because of how much got cut out (just compare the run time of it to Dark Era and it speaks for itself). However, the numbers for Dark Era and Dead Apple are the best ones to use, as they both have minimal changes between anime and novel and both have official English translations currently available. Take out the approximate time taken up by OP/ED and and the numbers pretty much match up.
So with that being said, we can estimate Untold Origins (only) at approximately 3 eps/60 min and 55 Minutes at 1h 40-55min/100-115 min or 5-6 eps if it doesn’t get a movie. We can also estimate the A Day at the Detective Agency short story at the beginning of Untold Origins to take up about 1 ep, probably even a bit less.
1+ 3 + 5-6 = 9-10 episodes which isn’t enough for a full single cour season unless they all get put into one big OVA season, but also 10-11 eps (or less) seasons are a thing (ie. Fugou Keiji: Balance Unlimited, Blood Lad, Black Butler: Book of Circus, The Seven Deadly Sins: Signs of a Holy War, FLCL)
My personal predictions/hopes for the anime adaptation timeline going forward
This is considering the manga content, current “pausing/stopping points” what wouldn’t be too awkward, each of the novels relevancy/necessity to the main story manga, and assuming we continue with single cour (12-13 ep) seasons
Hopefully/ideally a 55 Minutes movie
S4: ch 54-70
Early S5 (preferably) or end of S4: Untold Origins or A Day at the Agency
S5: ch 71-88/around where we are now?
A Day at the Agency can, in my opinion at least, be chucked in at any point either as a single episode OVA or as the light novel content for s4 (maybe not even taking a full episode and then starting ch 54 in the last few minutes for example). Keep in mind that the current DOA arc is a long one and has plenty to it, so personally I think it may even be better to not include a novel adaptation in a future S4, as it would likely already be a right squeeze content wise. Remember, we also have a few XX.5 chapters that are continuations of the chapter directly before them.
I still need to read what’s currently available of the gaiden novel fan translations but it can probably be adapted at any point as well. I’m estimating approximately 5-6 eps as an OVA series. I don’t really think it would get a movie, partially because you can make it only so long, especially since it’s an anime movie and unlike Storm Bringer, it doesn’t have Chuuya to practically guarantee the profit.
BEAST also doesn’t directly impact the main story and can be adapted at virtually any point. However, seeing as we do have a live action confirmed for it and it’s page count lines up very closely with Dark Era, it can be either 4 eps or (more likely in my opinion) a movie, as it can be considered almost stand alone content.
Personally, I believe it is currently way too soon to animate Storm Bringer as it came out only a little over a month ago (as of writing this) and has minimal plot necessity as of ch 91, but I do believe it should be either split into 2 movies (a part 1 and part 2) or it would need 8 episodes, likely as an OVA season. If it were to get animated sooner than 55 Minutes or Untold Origins, which I believe to be very unlikely, I feel that it would almost certainly be driven by the financial gains of Chuuya being included, and his popularity alone. Reminder, SB is about Chuuya and not SKK. Dazai’s appearance in SB is proportionally a very small percentage and he’s not even mentioned in the official plot summary.
However, you can argue that SB is starting to have some relevance now, with the recent mention of the Order of the Clock Tower in ch 90 and the increased relevance of sealed ability weapons in ch 91. However, I really do believe that you can’t adapt Storm Bringer before 55 Minutes because of Standard Island and its treaty, it also talks about sealed ability weapons, knowing who Wells is, and 55 Minutes canonically takes place during the “downtime” portion of S3. In fact, here’s Asagiri’s words directly from the Afterward (translation by Yen Press):
“this volume didn’t take place in the past, but rather sometime after the tenth volume of the manga. In other words, it’s a tale about the ‘usual’ detective agency in novel format.” (55 minutes, p 237)
Untold Origins also should be adapted sooner rather than later (at least compared to SB in my opinion) because it’s about Ranpo and Fukuzawa’s shared past, which becomes increasingly relevant ch 70 onwards, as well as the need for the ADA being founded (which ties in with Yosano’s backstory in ch 65-66).
In regards to whether I think each of these would be better suited to a movie adaptation or as multiple regular length anime episodes, it’s mainly due to page count and partly due to the budget difference between the two, as well as how difficult I think it would be to animate each of these based on what needs to be drawn. The anime industry isn’t the fastest to switch to newer technology, hence why we see issues with 3D blending sometimes. I really do think that at the very least, 55 Minutes deserves the movie budget because of how detailed and complex the architecture of Standard Island is described as, as well all the mechanical parts needed for the final battle of the novel. Hate the lizard mouths introduced in Dead Apple all you want, but you can’t deny that the 3D cgi was blended very smoothly. For any of the other novels to be movies, it’s more so because gaiden and BEAST can be considered their own stand alone stories that don’t rely too heavily on the main story in terms of when they take place and get adapted. I feel that SB is more likely to get its own season or an OVA season more so due to its length, but multiple part anime movies have also been done before (ie. the Fate/Stay Night: Heaven’s Feel movies), so it’s not entirely impossible. Especially considering that merely having any Chuuya screen time means that you can expect the profit and popularity to really go up, especially with SKK being on screen together (regardless of whether you love or hate how the fandom tends to push a shipping POV on them).
These are all of course just my hopes and predictions and estimates based on information currently available, so take them with some salt. I’d love to hear opinions on how, when, and why each of the currently non animated novels should be adapted going forward. Also please stop begging the relevant BSD official Twitter pages for SB to be animated next and go read the other light novels you Chuuya simp
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let-me-luve-you · 4 years
Overlooked and Overworked
Tom Holland x Sister
Summary: Being Tom Holland’s little sister was great growing up, but after his success she’s a little left behind. Y/N Holland is willing to do whatever for her family because she loves them.
Warnings: Angst, fluff ending, rude Tom, overworked, sleep deprived
A/N: I don’t think Tom or any of the members of the Holland’s would allow this to happen to any member of their family or friends, I just had this idea and wrote it. Also I wrote this back in like January and just now got the guts to post it!
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The past couple of years for you have been an emotional roller coaster. You’ve been so excited and happy to see your brother succeed in his career. It’s always fun to see him on the big screen as someone else. But it’s also been tiring and sad because you feel left out. You don’t get to go to set often, you don’t get to travel with him, and you aren’t a part of his charity. The Brothers Trust is just him and your 3 other brothers. Given you help out way more than all of the brothers. Since you went to school for business, you help your mum and dad with both of their businesses and then run The Brothers Trust.
Tom is the oldest, then it’s you, the twins, and then Paddy. You’re only a year and a half younger than Tom. You were very close growing up, but once he started doing movies, you slowly grew apart. Him and the twins then grew closer. You loved him dearly but it just wasn’t the same since you never felt included. He took Harry to sets with him and on press tours. Sam would join along when he wasn’t working at the restaurant. Paddy would join during school breaks. But every time you would try to join him, he would say no. That he was too busy or too tired. You didn’t want to fight him but you were always crushed.
When he got the role of Spiderman, he decided then he wanted to move out into his own apartment. You offered to help him find a place since you had been looking for yourself. You offered to share a place and split rent but he said he wanted to be completely on his own. But shortly after he moved into his new 4 bedroom apartment, he had Harrison, Tuwaine, Sam, and Harry move in.
“The twins are moving in with Tom. Can you help pack and move them this weekend?” Your dad asked.
“What? They’re moving in with Tom? I thought he wanted his own space?” You asked him.
“He said he wanted to be around people because it was too lonely and quiet. Did you ever find a place? If so, you may want roommates too.”
“No I realized I can’t afford a place in a nice area to live alone. All my mates have moved off to continue their education or they have jobs else where.” You said sadly.
“Tom should of asked you then. I’m sorry y/n/n.”
“It’s fine. He hangs out with all four of them all the time. I would of just been in the way.” You said as you got up and left the room.
It’s been a couple of years and you still can’t afford to get your own place. Between helping run three businesses, you don’t have time to get a part time job. You pay your parents for rent and help pay bills so you are doing adult things. Plus it helps your parents financially. It’s busy season since your mum is picking up gigs for photoshoots, your dad is on tour for standup and his new book, plus you are planning a movie event through the trust as well as trying to get all the merch bagged and shipped. You have been working 14-15 hour days for the past 3 weeks without a day off. You are feeling the tiredness mentally and physically.
Tom has time off from the movie he is filming now. They gave him a month off for the holidays. Him and Harry have been home but all they have done is hung out with friends and go to the pub. You have been holed up in your office/bedroom for 3 days straight. Only to go out to the bathroom and kitchen to grab food.
“Where has y/n been? I haven’t seen much of her since we got home.” Harry asks Tom.
“She might be finalizing the Spies in Disguise event and getting things ready.” Tom responded.  
“Oh good. Y/n is great at getting a head start on things so I’m guessing she’s done with all the prep and souvenirs.” Harry smiled. Tom laughed in response.
On Christmas Day, you only came out of your room for breakfast and lunch and then went back in your room to work. No one noticed the bags under your eyes that you tried to hide with makeup. No one noticed you almost falling asleep at the table. No one thought twice about why you spent most of Christmas alone in your room. But you were behind. You still had a lot of orders to fulfill and send out. You still had get all of the souvenirs together for the event that was in two days. You still had to finish sending out your dads orders for his book as well as finalize his January travel plans and stand up dates. Your mum had booked 12 more shoots and you had to finalize times and dates. And everything was supposed to be done in the next week. You finally caved and decided to ask Tom for help since it was his event after all.
“Hey Tom can I have you help me out for a little bit?” You asked him Christmas evening.
“Do you need me tonight?” He asked.
“If you can that would be great.”
“Sorry y/n/n. I can’t. I’m meeting to boys at the apartment.”
“Well maybe they can help too.” You sounded hopeful to get more help to lighten your load.
“No can do. We have drinks and plans.”
“Well then can you come tomorrow morning or early afternoon?”
“Can’t. I have a meeting with my manager to discuss everything that’s coming up and then all of us at the apartment and Paddy are going into the city. Maybe I can help you after the event?”
“No it’s okay. Don’t worry about it. I’ll handle it.” You said sadly as you turned to go back to your room.
“What about Paddy? Or mum or dad?” He asked.
“Paddy has football that mum is taking him to before she does a shoot tomorrow. Dad is working on some other stuff for his January shows.”
“Sam or Harry?”
“Well both will be with you tonight and tomorrow.”
“What about in the morning?”
“Sam has to work remember. And I think Harry is meeting with some mates to catch up with them or something along those lines. It’s fine. I’ve got it handled. Have fun tonight and tomorrow. Be safe. Love you.” You turned and almost ran back to your room. You wanted to break down in tears from being overwhelmed and for not being included in any of Tom’s plans of hanging out and catching up. You’ve barely seen Tom in the past year. Only when he’s in London. You shook the thoughts of your brother out of your head and pulled out a sheet of paper. You wrote down everything that needed to be done. Then on your white board, wrote them down in most important the least important.
First up was getting all of the brothers trust bags done. You went to the storage closest and pulled out everything you would need and set the boxes on your bed. Then you went and grabbed a tote to put the finished product in. It took you until 4 am, but you finally finished putting them together. You went into the kitchen and made you some tea. You went back in your room and marked the brothers trust goody bags off of your list. Next you started finalizing plans for your mum. That just involved organizing times and dates. You finished that around 1030 am. You marked that off the list as well.
Before you emailed all of the clients their dates and times, you went to the kitchen to grab and snack and drink. Your mum was in the kitchen.
“Morning love.” She smiled at you.
“Morning.” You said back waiting on your tea.
“So I’m going to drop Paddy off at football in 20 minutes and then Tom will pick him up to go into the city. I have to go to my shoot. Do you have the invoice I can give them?”
“I do.” You rushed to your room and grabbed it from a folder then went back and handed it to her. “Everything is on there. The deposit has been paid and it shows that as well as the price for the shoot and the editing. It also gives the timeline of when they will get the pictures.”
“Great. This is wonderful. Thank you. Also the theater called and said we can set it up today at 3 pm. Are you okay to handle that on your own?”
You sighed but answered, “yes I can handle it. I finished the bags last night. I just need to print off the papers to put on the seats as well. Plus get the itinerary finished which I will have by tonight so Tom knows what’s going on.”
“That’s great. I’ll be there to take photos as well as Harry but the boys will all be busy with fans and making sure they all feel special.”
“Sounds good. Have fun on your shoot.”
Your mum smiled as her and paddy left the house. You went back into your room and emailed everyone for your mum. Then you printed the brothers trust sheets that said what the event was supporting and how we were thankful for their donations. As those were printing you forgot you had to pick up an order of pictures so Tom could sign them for the guest coming to the screening. You looked up and saw that it was 130 and if you were going to be on time you needed to leave in the next 15 minutes.
After you loaded the goody bags into your car, you drove the 20 minutes to the print shop to pick up the pictures. You then went to the theater and set everything out. It took 45 minutes to lay everything out and make sure it was perfect. You then snagged some photos for Instagram and posted them. By the time you got home it was just shy of 5. You went straight to your room to finalize the itinerary. At 8 pm your mum knocked on the door.
“Hey baby. I’m back. How did everything go setting up wise?”
“It was good. Took longer than expected but wasn’t too bad for being the only one there. Also here is the itinerary for you and dad. I also have one for each of the boys.”
“Wow. This is detailed perfectly.”
“It kind of had to be since Tom has an event to go to tomorrow night and he can’t be late. I figured the more detailed, the less things can go wrong.”
“Fair point. Love I’m not sure if the boys notice the work you put in, but I do. Have you slept yet?”
You looked at her shocked, “what do you mean?”
“I mean that I can tell you are exhausted. I woke up at 2 am last night and heard you in here and saw your light was still on.” She paused and looked at your long list on the white board. “And by the looks of it, you have a long to do list. Do you need help? After we get through the event I can help. I don’t have a shoot for a couple of days.”
“I appreciate mum, but this list needs to be done by then. And everything you can help me with will be done already. But thank you.”
“Did you ask your brothers to help? I mean this is there thing. They should be helping you. Not leaving it to you to do yourself.”
“I asked Tom to help so I could have him do the goody bags for tomorrow but he had a guys night with Sam and Harry and them last night. Then they were all busy this morning and then went into the city. But it’s fine. I did the bags last night. That’s what you heard when you woke up.”
“I’m sorry baby. I’m going to have a talk with him. Have you had a break to just hangout with Tom. I know it’s been a while since you’ve seen him.”
“No he’s always in a meeting or with the boys. But if Tom wanted to see me, he’d make time but when I try, he can’t. But with all this work, I haven’t really done much outside of this room in a while so it’s fine.”
“It’s not fine. You both used to be so close. Almost like you were twins. Weirdly enough closer than the twins have ever been. I hope you two can work whatever this is out.”
“Me too mum. Me too.” You looked at her as she slowly walked out.
After your mum left the room, you got back to work finalizing your dads stuff. Thankfully it was only 12 am when you finished. Deciding to pack all of the orders so you can drop them off to be shipped in the morning, you went and grabbed everything you would need from the storage closet and got to work. You stayed up all night working. You finally finished all the orders at 9 am. When you realized the time you rushed to get dressed and cleaned up as best you could. By 10 am you were out the door to go to the post office to ship the orders and then you were off to the theater to make sure everything was set. By 1pm the rest of your family showed up. And by 2 the theater was full of people who were excited to see the brothers and the movie.
People knew who you were. Everyone knew Tom had a sister. But you did great staying out of the eye of people. None of your brothers posted much about you on social. Your dad mainly posted about Tom and the brothers golf adventures. Your mum would occasionally when she made you model when she was trying something new. So when people arrived, they walk past you and straight to the four brothers who were ready to greet everyone.
When the event started, you weren’t really needed so you went to a back room they had set up for your brothers to relax away from people and sat on the couch. Not sleeping since Christmas Eve was starting to catch up with you but some how you forced yourself to stay awake.
“Y/n we have a problem.” Your youngest brother said as he came in the room. “The movie hasn’t started yet and it was supposed to 15 minutes ago.”
“Okay I’ll go see what’s going on.” You went to the manager of the theater and she explained to you how the light in the projector went out and it was going to be another 20 minutes before it started. She apologized multiple times.
“Hey Tom. Can you do a q&a for 20 minutes or so?”
“No the movie is supposed to be on.”
“They are having technical difficulties and it’s going to take 20 minutes to fix it.”
Tom got annoyed because he knew this was pushing the entire timeline back and it was now be pushing it for him to be on time for his event tonight. “Sure.”
“Thanks. I’ll let you know when we are good to go.”
After 30 minutes. The movie was finally ready to go. Every one was enjoying it and all four of your brothers moved around the theater so the kids felt like they were watching the movie with them personally. When it was over everyone was ushered into a lobby where there was a meet and greet with photos. By the time the boys were done with everyone, it was 20 minutes until Toms next event.
“Great. I’m going to be late. Thanks for that y/n. Why didn’t you have them check everything yesterday?”
“Because I didn’t think of it.”
“So stupid. How could you not think of it? It’s literally the first thing on the list of things to check when prepping the theater. Do your job better. Thats what you are paid to do. I’ll see you later.” Tom rolled his eyes and stormed off. You just stared feeling humiliated since the theater staff and your family had witnessed that. You were holding in your emotional breakdown until you could do it in private.
“Sorry guys. Y’all can go ahead and head out. I’ll clean this up and bring home whatever is ours.” Sam, Harry, and Paddy saw this as a get of jail free card and booked it out of the theater. Your dad came by and kissed you on the head and said I have to finish up some work and headed out. Your mum looked at you sadly.
“I’ll help you baby.”
“No it’s okay mum. Go edit the photos so we can get them sent out.” You smiled at her.
“It’s okay. I can do them later tonight.”
“Mum seriously. Go home. I got this. I’ll be home later. You kissed her on the cheek as you walked back in the theater. You thankfully left the tote yesterday which made it easier to put everything in. You put the tote in your car and headed back in the theater to sweep and clean up the mess. By the time you got home, it was 9 pm. You had been up for 61 hours straight. You were exhausted. You just wanted to sleep. But Tom was home and he was livid.
“What the hell?” He asked.
“What?” You asked back.
“You know I got yelled at by my manger for 30 minutes about how I was irresponsible and immature for being almost a hour late to the event tonight?”
“Why did you get yelled at? You were doing stuff for charity. He should get over it.”
“He was mad because SOMEONE told him I would be done with our event in plenty of time to go to this other one. And when I told him there was technical difficulties because that same SOMEONE didn’t do their job, he got even more mad.”
“I get that I probably should of checked but things happen Tom. Okay? Things I can’t control. Things the theater can’t control. I did this entire event by myself. Sorry for not checking but other than the delay the people loved it and we raised money which is okay because our charity now can help so many more.”
“You didn’t do this by yourself. We all help. And our charity? Our? You mean mine? Sams? Harry’s? Paddys? It’s our faces that make that charity. And when something goes wrong we are the ones that look bad. Not the person behind the scenes that only does some of the work.”
You looked at him like he was a stranger. What he said broke your heart. That’s what he really thought? You just shook your head lightly and walked to your room. You shut the door and locked it.
“Really Tom?” Your mum asked as her and your dad walked in during the argument.
“Yeah mum. We do all the work and she’s trying to take the credit. We’ve all noticed and it’s getting out of hand. You do more than she does.”
“Tom I’m extremely disappointed in you right now.” Your dad said.
“Tom she does all of the work. The planning, the scheduling, the packaging, social media, distributing the money, and figuring out all the ways we can make money to help those smaller charities.” Your mum added.
“She does?”
“Yes Tom. On top of helping me and your father with our businesses. We’ve seen you more than her this past month because she’s been so busy.” Your mum said.
“Did you know she was up until 4 am on Christmas night so she could finish the goody bags before we had to prep the theater. That she had those pictures printed so you could sign them for the guest. That she made an itinerary so detailed that nothing could go wrong. Except she didn’t account for technical difficulties. She set up the theater and cleaned the theater all by herself. None of us helped her. We just showed up for the event.” Your mum said.
“Tom have you not noticed how exhausted she looks? It looks like she hasn’t slept in days. She’s trying her best to handle everything so we can have everything run smoothly for us. She even mentioned your event and how she needed to get you out of there so you wouldn’t be late. We’ve all been horrible to her by letting her do this by herself.” Your dad said.
“I... I didn’t know. I’m going to go talk to her.”
Tom got up and knocked on your door. He couldn’t hear anything so he tried opening it. He noticed it was locked and went to his old room and found the key you gave him years ago. When he unlocked it he noticed the mess around your room of boxes, plastic, mail bags for packages, and stacks of papers. He saw you on your bed and saw you were asleep. He went over and tucked you in. He went to your desk and saw the white board with everything marked off under the to do list. He then looked on your desk and saw how your mum and dads plans were finalized. He knew you mentioned everything when you asked him for help Christmas night and now you were done with it. Even all the orders were done and he saw the receipt from the post office proving the orders were shipped. He felt horrible knowing the only way that you got everything done was by staying up all night.
He turned and walked back to you and finally noticed the bags under your eyes. As well as tear stains that he knows he’s the cause for. It broke his heart knowing he was the cause. It also broke knowing that you asked for help so you wouldn’t fall in the deep end, but by saying he couldn’t help, he pushed you in and watched you drown without even realizing.
He gave you a kiss on the head and got up and quietly walked out.
“What time did y/n wake up on Christmas Day?”
“From what we know, maybe around 8 or 9.” Your dad said. Tom sat there quietly while doing the math in his head.
“61 hours.” He suddenly said.
“What?” Your mum said.
“61 hours. That’s how long she went without sleep. She asked me for help and told me why and I said no. She’s finished the list. She’s organized both of your stuff. She’s packed and shipped out all of the orders. She did everything for the event. She hasn’t slept. She’s asleep now but it was 61 hours. How could I let my sister do that? How did I not see it?” Tom asked his parents. They looked at him in shock.
“My poor baby” your mum said.
“We will talk to her tomorrow when she wakes up.” Your dad said.
“I want to be here when she wakes up so I can apologize. I’m going to go see her again.”
He got up and walked to your room. He quietly started cleaning up the mess left from packaging orders. He then laid on the other side of your bed thinking about how he messed up so bad. Shortly after he fell asleep too.
Around 7 am you woke up still exhausted but you needed a glass of water. When you went to throw the blanket off of you, you saw Tom asleep in your bed still in his clothes from the night before.
You were confused as to why he was in your bed, but you chose to ignore him. You stood up and went to the kitchen. Your mum was already cooking breakfast.
“Morning baby. How’d you sleep?” Your mum asked.
“Alright. I’m probably going to catch a few more hours. Just needed water.” You said. “By the way, do you know why Tom is in my bed?”
“He felt bad about how he has treated you lately.” She said. “He figured out you went 60 something hours without sleep.”
You looked at her shocked and sat down. She came over and gave you a hug.
“Why did you do that to yourself? Why didn’t you ask for help?” Your dad said as he joined both of you in the kitchen.
“You were working on new stuff. Mum had shoots and a house to run. I asked Tom and thought maybe him and the boys could help but they had plans. It needed to be done before the new year and definitely needed to be done before the event.”
“We appreciate you so much baby girl. I hope you know that. You do a lot for this family and this family isn’t great at giving back. We do love you.” Your mum said as she gave you a kiss on the head. “Now please go get some sleep. Sleep all day if you’d like and I can bring you food later.”
You smiled at her and walked back to your room. Tom still hadn’t moved. You sat your water on your bedside table and crawled back under the covers. You turned your back towards Tom. You were still really saddened by his words last night, that you didn’t want to face him yet.
“Y/n/n are you awake?” You heard Tom whisper.
“Go back to sleep or get out.” You said back not opening your eyes.
“I’m sorry y/n. What I said last night was wrong. I didn’t realize you do everything for our trust. I thought mum and dad did it all. I know you’ve been killing yourself to try and catch up then get ahead, but you can’t do that to yourself. You need proper rest. I’m going to make sure you never do the 61 hours straight again. I’d rather myself do it before I let you do it again.”
“Tom it’s okay. But seriously. Leave or go back to sleep.”
“No it’s not okay. I’ve royally fucked up. I’ve let us get so far apart we are almost strangers to one another. I have a charity that doesn’t even have your name on it and you do all the work. You make sure my fans are happy as well as making sure we help other small charities. You’re absolutely amazing and I’ve treated you like shit for the last few years. I don’t even give you the time of day. I promise you this, I will do better. We will be like we used to. Even if I have to kidnap you and take you with me different places. I love you and I don’t want to be the one hurting you anymore.”
You rolled over and looked at him with tears in your eyes. Your brother finally recognized you for you. He finally realized what he’s done.
“Thank you Tom. I love you too.”
He smiled at you and leaned over to give you a hug and kiss on the forehead.
“It really means a lot that you said that. But can I please go back to sleep. I’m still exhausted.” You said.
Tom pulled you to him so your head was on his chest and shoulder. And he cuddled you so you felt protected from all the horrible things that can go wrong for you.
“Get some sleep and when you wake up, me and you will hang out. Just the two of us.” Tom said. You smiled as you drifted back to sleep.
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bobathirstaccount · 3 years
Stars Above
GN person, Boba x reader, slight use of Y/N, slight angst, slow burn to eventual dirty, diry smut
TW: drug use, unprotected sex
Note: Timeline wise, this fits into directly before Boba Fett’s appearance in The Mandolorian 2.
You don’t even notice when you push your glasses up your nose. It’s such an automatic motion and you are deep into your work. Someone else notices though. Someone else is noticing more than that.
Boba is not sure when he started to settle into your presence, but he felt overly familiar, almost awkward. You had opened up to him like a flower, blooming bright and colorful. He on the other hand had remained as acerbic as ever. Living through the Sarlacc had changed him slightly; softened his edges, if not hardening his exterior even more. The crucible of the Sarlacc had forged him into a new man, and left its kisses on his skin as proof.
He ran his hand over his head and sighed quietly, looking out the cargo bay door of the Slave 1. The stark landscape grew grey and muddy as the suns finally set on Tatooine. He pushed those thoughts from his head and closed the bay door for the evening. Turning, he walked briskly past you to the cockpit. He had some maintenance to do, surely it would help him put you and your strangeness out of his mind.
You barely register Boba as he walks past you. You are still working diligently, soldering away. You were in your zone and lost to the world. Finally, you realize your eyes are grainy and tired, and look up. The ship is dimly lit, in night mode. Boba was nowhere to be seen and the cargo bay door was closed. You shake your head at yourself, wondering how long it’s been and what time it even is. You glance out the window into near total darkness. The moon has waned and the stars twinkle dimly.
You sigh and set your work down, leaving it as is to finish up tomorrow. Making your way to the single, cramped crew sleeping space you idly wonder where Boba is. Probably sleeping, if the ship and the night sky are any indication. And you should be too. Tomorrow you would head out to scavenge, and out in the sands one had to be on their toes. Tusken Raiders were no joke, and even though Boba was on good terms with them it wasn’t wise to strain the relationship. You were excited to get out of the ship, having been couped up for several days now. The ship could stand a lot of improvements, so you certainly weren’t bored. But you did enjoy some fresh air, even if it was acrid desert air. Your thoughts slide back to Boba again.
What would have happened had you not been in that bar that afternoon? And what would’ve happened if you’d never struck up a conversation with a mysterious scarred man? Once you had learned he was in search of a mechanic, you had immediately offered your services. You had been eager to leave behind your current employer, and had uncharacteristically thrown caution to the wind. Why ask for a job from a man you hardly knew? But it felt like the right thing to do, and so you had done it. Surprisingly, he had accepted, nearly seeming grateful before his serious expression returned. You had been hired on the spot on a temporary basis, taking payment in room and board and a small fee upon completion.
The excitement you had felt as you raced back to your apartment was unreal. You mentally planned out what you would be taking with you. The rest of your meager possessions were unimportant. You hated your current employer, a slimly creature who had problems keeping his appendages to himself and, almost worse, was incompetent as a mechanic and businessman. The business - and you - scraped by.
You arrived at your apartment and packed your belongings swiftly, thinking only of the future and the dark man. Both were waiting at the bar down the street.
Your eyelids grew heavy, and you sleepily blinked and turned your thoughts from the past to the future. What was going to happen when you were finished with his ship? You had been on the Slave 1 for nearly 3 weeks, and the end was in sight. You were looking forward to completing the job, but then what? Dread started to seep in at the edges of your consciousness. More than the worry of where you would go and how you would survive was the worry that you wouldn’t see Boba again. Why did that matter? Your throat suddenly felt dry, and you felt apprehensive. And something else that you wouldn’t name. You battled yourself on this for a moment, but sleep drew your eyelids down.
The cargo bay door opened its maw into the morning light. Boba stepped out into the already harsh environment, and you followed. He gracefully spun on his heal, casually closing the door behind the two of you. You wandered over to the single speeder as Boba fidgeted with his bag. When he was ready, he fluidly mounted the bike. Turning, he patted the seat behind him with a raised eyebrow and half smile. You return the smile, and get on the back of the speeder.
As you settle into place, you grin at the first time you had gotten on the speeder with him. It was directly after meeting him and agreeing to live with him on his ship. You had been dismayed immediately. Of course he would only have one speeder, but you had felt incredibly clumsy and foolish. Due to dealing with your former boss - thank the Maker you could say Former - you didn’t like anyone being in your personal space. But you wanted the job, so you got on the speeder behind him.

He half turned to speak to you, ”You really should hold on to me.”
You had snorted angrily, but had begrudgingly wrapped your arms around his torso. He squeezed your hands with one of his larger hands, adjusting your arms slightly. Without further warning, he had taken off like a ___ out of hell. You had screamed (hopefully lost to the wind), and crushed yourself into him so as to properly hold on. He hadn’t been kidding. He seemed to not react, and so you had held on for dear life, gritting your teeth as you pressed your body into a complete stranger.
This time, you knew better. You gripped him tightly, scooting yourself up to be flush against him. The way he drove this thing it was best to hold on with every fiber of your being. Again he half turned, “Ready?”

You nodded, “Mhm.”
Without any further ado, you were off into the desert. The speeder skimmed over the dunes in the hot morning air. It whipped past you, almost suffocating you when you dare to peer over one of Boba’s shoulders. You smiled, enjoying the ride.

Boba felt you shifting your weight behind him as he piloted the speeder. He kept his thoughts on the work ahead and not crashing the speeder as you careened on.
His body reacted in ways he was surprised by, and his breath hitched as he tried to keep his breathing steady. A spark ignited and ran its way down to his belly, and then lower. He did not even try to process this, instead opting to compartmentalize it. Luckily the wreckage was not too much farther.

Boba slowed the speeder, coming to a spot not far from the crashed ship. Jawas had already picked it to nearly its bones, but there still might be a few scraps that would be useful in upgrading Slave 1.
“You take the back half; I will do the front,” Boba curtly stated, his lilting accent making you temporarily weak. You nod absentmindedly and start to the back of the ship.
The two of you worked swiftly, knowing that it was better to beat the suns before the first of them made its way directly above. You found a few good pieces of scrap metal that you could use on the Slave 1, as well as some wiring. As you worked, you debated with yourself.
Boba. Why were your thoughts on him right now? Why were they ever on him, aside from a passing thought? You had remembered your conversation with yourself from last night. Best to get it over with so you could stop hounding yourself over it. Boba. You were attracted to him. It had been so long since you had had feelings of this sort, it was suspicious. Why now? Why him?
You bite your lip, annoyed. Your hands moved carefully through the wreckage. You couldn’t put your finger on the reason. Like all things related to love, the reason was indefinable. Love. “We’ve just taken a turn here,” you thought to yourself, alarmed. Yes, you were intrigued by and attracted to Boba, but you hardly knew him. In all the time you had been on the ship, you had only really had a handful of real conversations. And even then, you had done most of the talking. Although he spoke little, you could feel his dark eyes watching you as you spoke and worked, or lounged, or ate, all the while chattering on. He seemed to at least not mind.
The suns grew closer to 12 noon. You decided you had searched thoroughly enough, and headed back to the speeder. You pulled your hood up to shield your skin from the sun. You saw Boba walking toward the speeder as well; it looked like either he had the same idea or had seen you heading towards it. Either way, you were happy to see him and to get going. A small pang hit your heart; you did not want to be so happy to see him. After another week or so, you wouldn’t be seeing him at all. You pondered this on the ride back, holding yourself tightly to him.
The Slave 1’s bay slowly opened as the first of the suns was directly overhead. Boba followed you inside. You both dropped your bags, and looked at each other. For a moment there was something in the air, shimmering, almost real. But like all mirages it faded away, and you simply said, “I’ll sort this out and then we can see what we can do with it.”

Boba nodded before heading further into the ship, without a glance back.
You felt a nudge on your shoulder, and looked up, bewildered. Boba’s amused face looked down at you. He indicated for you to look down. In his hand was a meal packet.
“It’s been hours, Y/N. Eat something so you can keep the strength to work on my ship.”
You smiled broadly, laughing and taking the packet. “Thank you.”

He nodded, stiffening suddenly, his eyes becoming serious.

You looked down at the packet, and then at what you had sorted. Suddenly, you brightened and looked up at him again, “We have some great materials here. With the wiring and the scrap metal I should have all the supplies I need for the Slave 1.
Boba nodded, “Good. How is the work coming?”

He rarely checked in, so you were a bit taken aback, “Um, maybe another week, week and a half.”
Boba leaned against the wall of his ship. “What will you do then?” He asked idly.

”I... I don’t know,” you stutter, embarrassed.
“You are a talented mechanic, you will be able to find work,” he seemed almost comforting with this statement.

You do not turn around to look at him. Instead, you look out of the ship, into the scenery. You blink back something. Not right now, you think. You change the subject abruptly, turning the spotlight to him.

”What will you do?” You turn around, looking up in genuine curiosity.
He squinted then, looking as if he were scanning the horizon.
You took this as being shut down, and so turned around to face your meal packet. You tore it open, realizing that you were hungry.
As you ate, you heard Boba retreat further into the ship. You shivered and tried not to think about what you’d admitted to yourself earlier.
Later on the suns set and Boba again closed the ship up for the evening. As he headed past you, he stopped.

“You work all the time. Take some time for yourself tonight.”
You looked up at him, bewildered. His voice had shaken you out of your reverie. You blushed then, unable to fully push down the ideas you’d been entertaining. Let’s just say they would have made your previous employer happy.
“Okay, thanks!” You tried to act normal but inwardly winced at the tone your words tumbled out in.
He regarded you for a moment before nodding and continuing on.
You sat back and thought. Some mandated free time. You knew what you were going to do. You got up and walked to your room.
You sat back and looked at your accomplishment. It was a pretty decent blunt if you didn’t say so yourself. You lit it immediately, happy to have some time to relax with no responsibilities. As you inhaled, you thought about your future. There was no way to ask to stay. Once the work was done, it was done. He would have no use for a mechanic, and didn’t seem the type to entertain a crew. You scratched your eyebrow and made a tentative plan. You’d head to Mos Eisly, hopefully finding work at a larger mechanic. Then you could work on forgetting Boba. He could fade into the desert like that mirage from earlier.
You finished half the blunt and took a nap.
You wake up, parched and absolutely starving. You stumble out of bed, still high. You make it out the door, noting the ship is in night mode. Perfect, you can sneak to the kitchenette for a snack without being found out. You turned the corner and ran smack into Boba.
He grunted, but his solid body didn’t sway.
“Sorry, kriff! Sorry!”
You apologized a little too profusely.
Boba raised an eyebrow and regarded you, “You’re stoned.”
“No I’m.. yes,” you pathetically garble out.
Boba laughed then, a hoarse, soft sound. Your knees grew weak and you felt a small fire ignite in your belly. KRIFF, you think desperately.
“Do you want some?” You blurt out.
He now raised both eyebrows momentarily, then, “Are you serious?”

You nod, realizing that you are.
“I was going for a snack, but that can wait. Let’s go to my quarters,” you are weirdly excited about this.
Boba tsks and follows you, “Calling that quarters is generous.”
You laugh, uninhibited.
You turn the corner into your room and grab the blunt and lighter. You turn to see Boba standing in the doorway, looking unsure.
“Come in and sit down,” you pat your mattress as invitingly as you can.
He reluctantly enters the room fully, and sinks onto the mattress. You pass the lit blunt to him and he takes a hit, nearly closing his eyes. He passes it back and you foolishly take another hit, to do it with him. You two do this for a few minutes, until the blunt is spent. Your state has now progressed to being so stoned you are not hungry. Not for food anyway.
You licked your lips and looked over at Boba. To your surprise, he is already watching you intently. Before you can stop yourself, you have slide over to his side. You grab his upper arm and press yourself into his body, looking at him as innocently as you can. His eyes widen and his lips part slightly. You are both breathing hard.
You half close your eyes and lean forward, seeking out lips -
“No, little one,” Boba whispered, gently grabbing your chin with his thumb and forefinger. “You are in no condition to make decisions like this.”

”Yes I am,” you retorted.
He grinned at this, “Feisty. I like that.”
He was still holding your chin. He looked from your lips to your eyes. You could see a struggle in him.
He looked away, standing up and gently pushing you down on the bed into a prone position.
“Get some sleep.” He pulled the blanket over you while you laid there, confused and increasingly humiliated.
With that he was gone and you were left with your thoughts and the ghost of the feeling of his warm body pressed against yours. You burst into tears, rejected and delirious with big feelings. He was objectively right, but what he didn’t know was that you had already thought about that -
You shook your head as you cried. It didn’t matter. In a couple weeks you would never see him again. You were happy you were high. Sleep came easily.

Boba fled your room a mess. He had wanted, wanted so badly - but no. You were not of right mind. If you were, surely that would not have happened. A young thing like you, untarnished by the galaxy. What would an old bounty hunter have to offer? He ached in his heart and his cock. He palmed himself, alone in his captain’s quarters. What was he going to do? Masterbate over this? A near miss of a night with you. He shuddered at the thought. He knew the ache in his body would last after he had found his release, but it would help him feel less alone in this moment.
You woke still high. At first you smiled pleasantly, enjoying the feeling. Then you sat bolt upright in bed.
Oh, no. The corner. The invitation. The weed. The rejection. Your breath hitched and you felt tears fall down your face. At least this would make it easier to leave, when the time came.
You changed clothes and slunk out of your room, hoping to quickly grab a meal pack and then immerse yourself in your work. You - slowly - turned the corner. So far, so good. You kept going, the kitchenette was only a short distance away.
There he was. Holding a cup of something hot and steaming. You immediately accidentally made eye contact. You kicked yourself internally. There was a pregnant pause.
“About last night...” you began weakly.
“There is no need to discuss it.”

Your eyes dropped to his feet, ashamed.
He paused for a moment longer, and then brushed past you. His smell lingered in the air for a second. You closed your eyes to hold back tears as you grabbed your breakfast. You couldn’t wait to get to work.

As you sat in the cargo bay working away Boba strode past you. You looked up, surprised. He started down the gangway.
“Going somewhere?” You started out confidently but ended the question weakly.
He turned to look at you.
“Out,” he said wryly.
You didn’t know how to take it and your face must have shown it.

He softened, “I’m going to ____ for some supplies. I’ll be back before nightfall.”
You smiled, encouraged by his sharing. “Stay safe” you said.
He nodded, smiling strangely.
You watched the speeder as it disappeared into the horizon. You were alone. You exhaled deeply, and settled back to your work. A peaceful day was ahead.

The speeder appeared out of the desert. You smile, happy to receive him back despite last night’s unfortunate events.
You notice a body draped over Boba’s lap. As he came abruptly to a stop, you run out, yelling, “Boba, what happened?”
“I found her in the desert on my way back. She’s badly injured.”
“Kriff! I’ll get the med pack.” He nodded, and directed his attention to the unconscious woman.
The two of you brought her inside the ship and laid her down. Boba carefully cut away her clothing to determine the extent of the damage. It was bad.
“She’s not going to make it,” you breathed to Boba.
He looked up at you.

“There is a way to keep her alive.”
You stare at him blankly as he explained,”We can replace these parts with mechanical workings. You’re a good mechanic; we can do this.”
You stared at him in disbelief. “But we don’t have the medical equipment or-“

Boba raised a hand, covered in blood, “We will do this.”
You gulped and settled down on the opposite side of her, ready to follow his lead.
You had worked long into the night, replacing blood and guts with wires and mesh. She seemed to remain in a stable, if unconscious, state. When you were finished, you and Boba stepped back to take stock of your collective work.
“Let’s put her in my bed to rest,” you said in a hushed tone. You didn’t want to disturb her.
Boba nodded, then bent to gently lift her from the floor. He carried her off to your room. You sighed loudly and put your hands on your head. You looked around at the huge mess on the floor. Blood and widgets and little pieces of organ were strewn around. You were not dealing with this now. You sighed again, and opened the Slave 1’s cargo door. You needed some fresh air.
The night air hit your face, slightly cooler than the daytime. You inhaled it and held it briefly, then exhaled. It was a little shaky. You walked down the ramp and stopped in the sand at the bottom, all the while reveling at the fact that you and Boba had just saved a woman’s life. The stress of the situation, forgotten in the moment, started to seep into your being. You tried to focus on your feet and the feeling of the warm sand under them. You dug one foot into the sand a bit, and were surprised to feel a tear fall from your cheek.
It was all too much. You had never seen such carnage before. Even though you had groused at the time he said it, Boba was right. You were very young and very naive. You certainly felt like both of those things right now. You wrapped your arms around yourself and tried not to cry. It wouldn’t do. Especially if you were to survive on your own in a couple weeks.
You heard Boba walking down the ramp, and sniffled quietly, desperate to appear in control of your emotions. You turned your gaze up to the night sky.

Boba had carefully laid the mysterious woman down in your cot. Looking down at her, he was fairly certain this was the famous Fennec Shand. How had she ended up on Tatooine in the desert, mortally wounded? He tsked once, then dismissed the thought. He had a mess to clean up as well as a crew member who was likely feeling a mess. He thought about that for a moment. That was not his problem, but he didn’t like the idea regardless.
The door to Slave 1 was open, welcoming him into the quiet of the nighttime dunes. He furrowed his brow, somewhat concerned. Standing at the top of the ramp, he saw you hugging yourself and sniffling. Damn. You needed the experience if only to toughen you up to face the galaxy. But yet, he didn’t like to see you in pain.
There it was again. The weird sensations he had about you returned. He stood silently, still. Thinking. He could turn around and retreat into the ship.
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shipforshippers · 2 years
Somebody should teach Muffliato charm to Fudge, On to Chapter 20: Hermione's Secret.
The last chapter was the shortest whereas this chapter is the longest chapter with 24 pages and it absolutely makes sense! Hermione and Harry, essentially have to cover 4 chapters' worth of action in one chapter. Honestly, it is done quite well.
Fudge's incompetence, Snape's hatred, Poppy's tenderness, Hermione's desperation, and Harry's anger, all those people and their emotions came to halt, the moment Dumbledore enter the hospital wing. Well, I think, this was the first time I saw Snape actually Snap at Hermione. It's usually Harry who is a target of Snape's fury!
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What did Sirus speak with Dumbledore? Does Dumbledore really believe Sirius? It made sense for Harry, Hermione, and Ron to believe Sirius cause they saw Scabbers turned into Peter. But what Dumbledore had proof of Sirius's innocence?
On other hand, Dumbledore and I agree about Sirius' actions. Sirius's intentions were good and innocent but his actions were far from good and innocent. He really did put a lot of people especially Harry in trouble.
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To Dumbledore's credit, he came up with a full-proof plan (within a few minutes of finishing his conversation with Sirius) for Harry and Hermione. As usual, with one good thing, he has to counter it with an equally bad thing! He did make a nice plan but why on earth does it have to be two 13 years old children to accomplish it? I mean I understand, Hermione and Harry saw Sirius's innocence and Peter's betray in the original timeline. Hence, they have to back in time. But why do only children have to go back? Snape was present there. Dumbledore could have easily asked Snape to join in, couldn't he? Harry and Hermione (although, Brave and smart but still) are children they should not be in harm's way (Dementors, evil Animagus, Werewolf who forgot to take their Wolfsbane).
Here is my alternate idea, if only Dumbledore could have asked Snape to listen in on his plan. And asked Snape to go back in time with these children and check whether Sirius was telling the truth? (I don't think Snape would have minded, in fact, he would have been eager to prove Sirius wrong) and to keep these children safe. It would have made sense mission-wise, essentially it would have done two things, first, Dumbledore could have found out if Sirius was telling the truth or not? Second, Hermione and Harry would have had a guardian figure with them to keep them safe. Plus we know later Dumbledore use Snape as a spy, so it could have been a nice foreshadowing.
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Why does no adult while talking about any sensitive subject forget to use the Muffliato charm? Esciapally Cornelius Fudge, that man should always and I mean always, should use Muffliato. Everywhere he goes he just spewing plot points...
Side note, we know Lupin's office is on the 3rd floor. And Filius Flitwick's office is on the 7th floor. Where are McGonagall's office, Snape's office, and other teachers' offices?
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Time turner: a very powerful thing. Did the Ministry have some way to track it down every usage? Maybe like your web search history. It makes sense but at the same time, I am guessing when Professor McGonagall gave Hermione a Time-Tuner, she put some kind of restriction on it.
Headcanon about Time-Tuner: Professor McGonagall gave Hermione 12 hours Time Tuner. That means Hermione can only go up to 12 hours in the back or in the future. That way Hermione could attend her every class every day. But if she missed a class on Monday. Then on Tuesday, she can't go back to Monday to attend that class.
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During Harry and Hermione's adventures in past, Harry's Deja vu feelings and Hermione's occasional slips were amusing to me. Harry is truly a brave boy! It is really sad that Harry had to learn that nobody will come to help him, he has to do it himself. When Harry's Patronus, a stag came up, not gonna lie, I almost cried, it was beautiful!
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Not only Sirius Black but also Buckbeak is free!!!
That's it from me. Thank you for reading!
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
Ducktales Final Four!: The Lost Cargo of Kit Cloudkicker!
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After 10,000 years we’re finally at the motherducking Talespin episode! And only 8000 of those years were the last 14 months as Ducktales 2017 has been working toward this for a while with Cape Suzette being prominently mentioned in both the first episode and the season 1 finale, and Don Karnage being a regular part of the rouges gallery, voiced by the wonderous Jamie Camil. So this episode was less a matter of “If”, since Don’s presence meant Disney wasn’t really against it happening, and more a matter of “When and How.” The how, to a point was settled at the big NYCC panel for Ducktales that revealed Daisy and Goofy... as it also revealed aged up versions of Kit and Molly, meaning a proper tailspin episode was on the way.  I could not have been more pumped. While I didn’t remember the cartoon well, i’d always loved Talespin since I was a kid and as an adult my curosity only grew. Still need to watch way more of it mind you, I really have slept on most of the Disney Plus Libarary and that’s dumb of me, but what i’ve seen is impressive. The story of an irresponsible bear forced to work with a buisnesswoman bear after she buys his seaplane, his loveable kid sidekick and said buisness bear’s daughter whose cute as a button but suprisingly tolerable for a little kid character. Opposing them were masterful buisnessman Shere Kahn, who sadly does not show up here and could be friend , foe or neutral depending on the episode, and Don Karnage, a kooky sky pirate who as mentioned is already in this series and was Balloo’s arch enemy. The series was colorful, creative, had a great premise and cast and in general was just awesome and out of the Disney Afternoon shows is honestly my faviorite, though Darkwing is getting close. I even recently finally got the Shere Kahn funko, which is starring into my soul as I type this review! Hurrah! 
So I waited impatiently like I did for Daisy and Goofy, both also things I’d wanted in the series since the start. Thing was.. Goofy showed up in the second episode of the season, that was part of the premiere, and while the wait for Daisy was agonizing, she still showed up pretty early into the season at episode five. Gosalyn showed up at episode 12. This is episode  20.  
I do get it: This season was built to be the last just in case.. and ended up being the last so good job there. There was a LOT to wrap up in one season and on top of that they had a double and TRIPLE length episode taking up 5 episodes of the season, AND two holiday episodes. So that gave them only 18 normal episodes they had to place very carefully. So likely, given that they had some episodes important to the finale that couldn’t wait for the last minute in “The First Adventure” and “The Battle for Castle McDuck!”, as I highly doubt pepper was given such  a build up to not be important in the finale, still think she’s webby’s mom, we’ll see soon enough. And New Gods on the Block, while not as important was probably not swapped with this one because they wanted a lighter episode after three plot important episodes in a row, two of which are fairly intense and had lasting consequences and one of which, while a bit of a breather, was still indulging in the new FOWL status quo. This one ended up crammed into the last block.. because they likely really wanted to do this one, wanted it to tie into FOWL... and had nowhere else to put it, with Life and Crimes likely serving as one last break from FOWL, if it doesn’t end up tying into it, before the finale movie. Doesn’t make waiting forever for it any less grating, but hey it’s finally here. So how was it? Was it worth the hype? And how do the Wuzzles factor into this? Join me under the cut and spin it with me to find out and count down to 3!
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So we open with an adult Kid Cloudkicker at work, voiced by Adam Pally!
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If you haven’t heard of him, and one of my Patreons had not, he was on Happy Endings and the Mindy Project, and has a very distinct voice and is very funny, so it was a pleasant surprise to have him pop up here as Kit and given aforementioned roles were messes in some way shape or form, especially Max from happy endings whose essentially Oscar the Grouch, just as gay only not living in a trash can. Though if he had to he would. 
Since he was a kid KIt’s picked up the old family business, and is now running hire for hire.. and has also picked up his Dad’s old enemies as Don Karnage chases after Kit, his second greatest nemesis, who freely mocks him. It’s a lovely sequence but shows Kit isn’t the best pilot, and his fancy flying, while beating Don, also opens both crates, freeing the livestock he’s carrying.. and the other cargo, a mysterious stone that was in a F.O.W.L. crate that merges the chicken with  a goat, and scares kit, and he ends up causing his cargo to drop out of the plane.  Cue titles. 
Back with our heroes for this series, Della is recroding Dewey as he flies solo the first time!
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That is so precious. Huey is along for the ride and is taking having his reckless brother with the attention span of a coked up ferret at the helm exactly how you’d expect. 
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Of course his helmet says safety boy and of course he has a helmet on over his hat. Awww. Dewey, while good at it, he’s a 12 year old flying a rather sizeable plane with no difficulty that’s  pretty impressive.. he’s also Dewey so just flying a plane normally isn’t enough and he wants to Dewey it instead and do all the fancy stuff. He wants to be special as is usual for him, not realizing this is how you get to being good as his mom or Launchpad. And he’s 12 so that makes sense just on the basic level.. but it also makes sense on a comparison level: Dewey’s done a LOT of impressive stuff over the course of the series: rattling it off because why not, and this is just things he acomplished himself: he found the Lost Jewel of Atlantis (Getting it home was still a team effort but he is the one who identified it), is a golf pro better than his uncle whose played the game for centuries at this point,   defeated Don Karnage in a sword fight with little to no sword training, was crucial in beating Magica during the Shadow War, travled through time, by accident or not, consulted on a major motion picture, defeated a Gandra, even if she was going easy on him, BLIND, and biggest of all defeated the World Serpent Jormunngandr, by himself, a GOD that’s fought Scrooge evenly for decades. AND FINISHED HIM WITH A PILEDRIVER. To reitirate this was ONLY the stuff he did himself. So I get why he’d think just flying a plane when his mom and best friend have done so much more with it is boring and that being a pilot when two people he looks up to are already one is just.. boring. I’ts not special or unique and given his family name is built on the two, I can see why he’d chafe under this. 
Della for her part isn’t doing things wrong entirely, she wants him to start with the basics, the fact he can DO those basics at such a young age with minimal training shows he has a true knack for it, and it takes experince to pull off death defying stunts. The First Adventure backs this up as while Della was so talented as a kid she could land a plane herself.. that was all she did. And it’s still incredibly impressive a ten year old landed a seaplane with no real world training or hours in a full on flight simulator. The issue that’s never really adressed is while she’s mostly doing it right she dosen’t get that despite his talent, Dewey just dosen’t find this INTRESTING or get how impressive he is, and that dressing it up a bit migh’tve helped. It’s an understandable mistake though, teaching someone something in any context is hard. It’s one of many, MANY reasons like currently horribly hazzarodus conditions, long hours, having to buy their own suplies at times, that teachers are badly underpayed. 
Before we get into why their headed to Cape Suzette at long last, there is one notiacble absence in this episode I can’t really ignore: Launchpad. While he has been absent in every episode since Let’s Get Dangerous, not counting “How Santa Stole Christmas!” as the two holiday episodes were made to fit in anywhere story wise and timeline and production wise take place before the rest of Season 3 , which takes place during Spring given both the March note on Boyd and Huey’s photos in Astro BOYD, and Forbidden Fountain taking place during spring break. At most it’s currently running into Summer. I put too much thought into this with someone i’ve lost contact with. 
My point, I had one trust me, is that Launchpad has just been gone for the second half of the season . And up till now it wasn’t necesarily a bad thing: He was a major part of Let’s Get Dangerous and wasn’t really needed for any of the episodes so far: The Manor side of things in ImpossiBin was purposfully intense and while he would’ve had some thoughts on Beakly’s actions, it just worked better with him gone and the only other adult in the house at the moment busy doing other stuff for their protection till the climax. Split Sword was kid focused, New Gods didn’t really involve him at all, though I am sad he and Storkules never met as far as I can tell, The First Adventure was a flashback, Fight for CastleMcDuck was about the family unit more, and Beaks in the Shell is the only one so far I think he could’ve been included in at all and again shoving him in would’ve just cluttered things up. Like a lot of character ballance issues of the series, there’s a good enough reason.. this is just the one exception in the last batch I think would’ve been improved by having him. He’s Dewey’s best friend, he’s been there for him, he would’ve been a good counterpoint as a teacher and it could’ve been intersting having both he and della have constrasting styles but valuable things to teach and I would’ve loved to see him interact with Kit. It also just feels really weird to be down a pilot in the episode about the franchise about a pilot. \
The fact Dewey ends up crashing while landing after Huey applauds him on his safe normal landing, which ticks him off because he dosen’t want to be normal, hammers in it in a bit as he missed his buddy’s first crash. I get leaving him out as Kit is just as irresponsible and the episodes just as much about Kit if not more so as it is about Dewey, so I understand it but it dosne’t make it feel like any less of a lost opportunity. 
As for why their in the cape at last, it’s unsuprsingly another missing mystery, the stone of what is which can combine two things, the stone seen in the intro. Kit loosing it turns out to be a good thing as it meant FOWL didn’t get it, and they can find it, and are in town to find him. They pass the hire for hire offices which have a ton of notices on the door, and Dewey is entranced by the idea of cloud kicking, aka sky surfing, aka that thing kit did in the original. We also get to see updated versions of Baloo, Kit and Molly. Sadly no Rebecca. Can’t win em all. 
Our trio find Kit whose asleep, clearly having no customers and trying to pass it off like he does. It turns out he knows Della, as they went to flight school together, though she only vaugely remembers him at best. She does remember Molly though, wouldn’t be suprised if that’s another ex of hers either, and wonders what happen to her.. and not just because htere’s always room in Della’s harem.  Kit dodges.. and it’s likely in large part because it’s clear to anyone looking despite his statments he’s kinda stalled as an adult. It’s very clear from his surroudings, him being a pilot for hire, and him eagerly taking Dewey on as a sidekick when Dewey shows intresting in Cloud Kicking, that he’s trying to be Baloo. This idea was, according to Frank, the brainchild of the episode’s director, and one of it’s writers and storyboarders, Tanner Johnson. Tanner pitched “What if Kit never outgrew his Baloo fanboying?”. 
It’s an intresting idea: while it is sad we don’t get to see the old boy at any point and I do wonder where he is now and what he’s up to in his retirment, probably just flying about free as a bird would be my guess given how he never liked working to begin with, I applaud them for doing something unique with the Tailspin cast that fits into the themes of the season rather than just have them show up. By making it Kit instead of Baloo cargoing them, it gives us more of an arc to work with character wise as Kit has become so obessed with becoming his dad, he never stopped to consider if he was even good at it or enjoyed it.
  Using Della is part of what makes this work as she too grew up with a larger than life mentor and adopted dad.. but unlike Kit, she grew up a bit and saw the flaws in her dad. His greed, his selfishness, his tendency to hog the glory, his ego.. she stopped putting him on a pedestal. She still loves him, still wants his respect and admiration to this day, but she gets he’s not perfect and not who she wants to be.  Kit clearly never got this message. He never grew out of putting Baloo on a pedsteal and wanting ot literally be him instead of his own man. So he ignored the many flaws in how Baloo lived: Baloo started Talespin having lost his plane because he was so obessed with freedom and doing what he wanted, he didn’t bother actually paying on it and chafed under actually doing work half the time. He’s talented, fun to be around and a hell of pilot bar none, he honestly outclasses Della, but he was entirely irresponsible. Kit’s found himself in the same position Baloo was in: living alone, having not a lot going on, and on the verge of loosing his plane. Not only that he’s worse off because Baloo at least, while lazy, had enough talent. Kit.. isn’t a good pilot as we’ve seen and will see again, and clearly not only dosen’t have a knack for it, but is only doing it because Baloo did. He’s so obsessed with being who he THINKS baloo would want him to be, he never stopped to think that the actual Baloo would just want him to be happy and has probably told him this, or was probably too proud of what Kit was doing to realize what he was doing to his life. 
But Della dosen’t have time to get him a therapist, they need to find that stone before FOWL, and Kit offers to take them.. if they hire him. Della scoffs at this and insults the Sea Duck
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Yeah Della your fantastic.. but you do NOT insult the Sea Duck and your very, VERY lucky it’s not Baloo you were dealing with as he would’ve turned you down out of principal. The Sea Duck is fucking awesome, and a national treasure. Thankfully Kit instead points out the Sunchaser isn’t in a better place after Dewey Dewed what he dew, so they really don’t have a choice. 
Della does draw the line at letting Kit fly as she eventually realizes he’s not good at this, mostly letting Crowby his crowbar do all the work, and finds he has a map to where he dropped the stone, so he dosen’t even have that leg to stand on and throws him out of his own cockpit before he gets them all killed. Okay that time on her side. Kit takes this time to try and train Dewey on cloudkicking... but despite being encaustic at the idea of it the reality leaves Dewford scared shitless.. and doubles up on bad things as Don Karnage and his crew are closing in on the island. FOWL hired them to get it for them, though why FOWL didn’t do so themselves I don’t know. Don’t get me wrong i’m happy to have Jamie back and it really wouldn’t feel right ot have a Tailspin ep without Don Karnage, I just find it odd Bradford would hire outside contractors for this given he has a full staff and not at least send Heron or Steelbeak along to supervise.  Regardless, Don puts pleasure before buisness spotting Kit.. and fully commits after finding out Dewey is ALSO involved. I also find it hilarous DEWEY outranks Kit on Don Karnage’s enemy list. So naturally he goes after him, int he personal plane he used in the series which also showed up in the cold open, and with Dewey not having the skill to take Don on, Kit is forced ot step in. He also calls him “Little briches” which while another sign of how much he wants to be his own dad.. is still too awesome not to apricate. Don cuts the line but thanks to Kit’s fancy footwork, they make it out alive and wash up on an island. Della soon joins them, thanks kit for saving her kid then rightfully slaps him for putting him in danger in the first place. Dewey also has to stop her from punching him when he explains he had no idea the stone ended up on this island, which granted she is justified in but Dewey , of all people, rightly saw this means they don’t have to drag a  unconcious bear around who probably hasn’t showered in a while. I mean the smell will be there either way but there’s less chance of accidnetlly inhaling too much while he’s conconcious. They also find out what the Stone’s been doing: combining the wildlife leading to rhino monkey hybrid trying to murder them. So at the last minute Frank also squeezed in another disney aftenroon show but one tha’ts not streaming and most don’t care about: the wuzzles, a bunch of hybrids of various animals... Frank couldn’t do much with that as is and just decided to rightfully play it for horror. 
Our heroes find Don, whose found the stone.. and is simply throwing most of hi crew  at it rather than doing anything productive, with them turning into just.. utterly horrifying combinations. Hands for heads and everything, bug legs, a non-anthro parrot head. it’s pretty tough to watch and I question why the episode did this as Don’s crew did not deserve this and this episode is mostly lightearted before and after this. A tailspin tribute episode episode should not pair well with the song no spill blood.. seroiusly you paid for all I do is win, and rightfully but you couldn’t get this?
Regardless the kids and manchild are told to stay put while the slightly more functional womanchild takes care of Don. Dewey and Kit naturally don’t, which is fair: what did della expect, the sugared up rabbit in a small duck’s body and the incompitent but charming manchild she’s insulted repedadtly to listen? Naturally they both beef it as Dewey can’t board and while Kit does get Don’s plane, he ends up crashing it instead of doing anything productive. I mean even Launchpad would’ve at least got back to the seaduck.. he would’ve crashed into it but still. Look when you make Launchpad look compietnet you really need to rethink your life.  Della has bigger problems though as it turns out the thing they were on.. was a coocoon.. for a butterbear. Oh no. Thankfully this goes better than you’d expect as she’s able to ride the thing and it tangles up some rope, taking the stone of what was with it and Don takes off after it with what pirates he has left. 
Our remaining heros return to the Sea Duck. Dewey and Kit plan to do the same thing again and expect diffrent results but Huey.. has some words for them. 
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He’s fed up with this and points out they need to swap jobs. Dewey CAN fly, and Kit really is good at cloudkicking, it’s in the name, and he needs to return to it. While Dewey balks again stating anyone can be a pilot.. Kit finally admits that’s not true and he’s just not good at it and Huey finally snaps them out o fthier neurosis, Kit a bit late but better late than never given the state of his life, and points out the episode’s aseop: YOU make something special just by doing what you like to do and are good at well. I’ts been hard making these reviews, but I feel i’m getting the hang at it and it’s what I was meant to do, I just had to find it. It’s not always easy to find your calling but when you got it, go for it instead of some version of you you think you should be.  So we get pured distilled awesome for the climax. Besides Della again riding a bear that’s also a butterfly, Kit, also a bear I did not miss that gag, proceeds to finally spin it and begin again it as he tears through them with Crowby and easily deispatches the planes finally earning Della’s respect and finally back in his element, using his newfound size and strength combined with his still inherent acrobatics to easily take them out and land on Carnage’s plane and beat him. 
So the day is saved: The stone lands on the plane and our heroes properly secure it. Della releases her bear fly but it’ll find it’s way home i’m sure... so majestic. Or it’ll eat all the world’s seagulls. Good news either way. 
Back at the bay Kit packs up the stone safetly and gives them the bill. Which Della grumbles at but whiel he didn’t fly he did save their asses.. after endagenring them but still and does have a buisness to run. Plus he has to save his plane. 
But it turns out someone’s already bought it. And you can probably guess who. 
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No not you sweetie.. though he is an investor for the person who DID buy it: Molly, whose taken being danger woman from a 4 year old’s play time to her career running an air stunt show. This is the other thing that cemented the whole aged up versions of these guys working for me: HIstory Repeating itself. Once again an enterprising young woman with a lot of ideas has bought the seaduck from it’s incompitent owner and hires the former owner to work for her.  But things are warmer this time: Kit wasn’t happy doing what he was doing, and it’s clear unlike Rebecca, who just bought the first plane she could get and hired baloo because he was who she could afford, they became friends with time and patience if not more but that’s still vauge... Molly did this out of love. She knew Kit was struggling and probably has as many fond memories of the sea duck and baloo as he does and didn’t want someone else to get the old girl. Her air show seems to be going fine, she apparently has a full crew, fans and enough money to purchase another plane on a whim from the bank to expand the show.. she wanted her old plane back and her old brother back. And wheras again Rebecca offered Baloo the job because he wanted to keep his baby safe from some half assed pilot she could afford and she knew it and thus could manipulate him with that. Plus he worked cheap so there. Here Molly just admires her brothers skills and hires them on it and he’s frankly more comfortable being a sidekick than the main star anyway. 
He TRIES to brush it off but gladly accepts. God another possible spinoff.. please make this Disney.. and if not at least Reboot tailspin I miss it. Still it’s a very satisfying ending. But what of Don Karnage? Well he’s lost everything as a result of this, unable to get back to his carrier, his crew mostly gone, and FOWL sure to be gunning for him. This is seemingly the end for him.. until he finds a chunk of the stone. “Or the start of an encore”. Wether this was a setup for a possible part of season 4, a possible spinoff or is going to come back in the finale.. we’re just going to have to wait and see won’t we?
Final Thoughts: I really liked this one. It’s not the best of the season: Kit’s arc is kinda telegraphed and Dewey’s arc while intresting isn’t focused on enough to really be that engaging. But the ideas at the core are solid and fit into the series well, the idea to age up our kid heroes from Talespin was really clever and paid off and as usual Adam Pally is a delight and as I said at the top was pitch perfect casting. Couldn’t figure out who played molly and the credits cut out on me, so let mek now if you do but yeah I enjoyed this one> It wasn’t the series at it’s best but given the last two are liable to get pretty intense it was a nice breezy break. And it got me wanting to watch Talespin again and there’s nothing bad about that. 
NEXT WEEK: In our penultimate adventure, Ducktales reinacts that one episode of Batman the Animated Series where all of Batman’s foes put him on Trial, as Scrooge’s Rogues put him on trial with Doofus as prosecuter and Louie for the defense. Well at least it’s not Lionel Hutz. 
This Week: Lots of Ducks! The lena retrospective continues as we take a detour for some comix, and we begin the Della arc as we go back to the start. It’s finally time to talk about Woo-Ooo!. 
If any of this sounds appealing follow my blog for more. If you like these reviews head over to my patreon, patreon.com/popculturebuffet, and become a patreon. At the 5 dollar level you get a review a month and even a dollar helps get to my stretch goals. I’m up to 15 a month so 20 is next and that means a darkwing duck review every month! And if you really like Talespin like I do, 25 nets you a tailspin review a month and a review of the pilot. Ohohohohohohoo. See you at the next rainbow. 
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meimi-haneoka · 3 years
I just realized that Sakura hasn't been in costume mode for a very long time. But I guess that's what happens when you are creating cards left and right without warning.
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It’s true! Momo did dress her up at the end of chapter 50, but the fact that it lasted so short, and it was technically a “borrowed design” from Tomoyo that was still unfinished, didn’t make it very special....
You also raised a very interesting point that I would like to emphasize, because I don’t know if many fans realized about this or not...
Do you know that, story-wise, only 3 months of time have passed since the beginning of Clear Card?
On my Discord server @panicula outlined a possible timeline of the events in the Clear Card story that looks very, very plausible. When she’ll be ready to share it with the world, I won’t miss to reblog it and show it to you all (especially because it’s an outstanding research work!). Right now we should be at the end of June - actually possibly the beginning of July. Before Syaoran’s birthday, anyway. Basically, if you look at that timeline, there were days where the world happened. The monthly serialization makes us feel like these events take forever to happen, but that’s actually not the case. For example, at a certain point, Kaito rewound time TWICE in the matter of THREE DAYS. Or how for a period Sakura fired out cards one after another literally every day. That gives you a pretty good idea of how stressed and pressured she must have felt. Especially in the beginning, when she didn’t know she was the one creating the cards, you can really feel how much her power is out of control. Or, referring to more recent events, do you know that only less than 48 hours have passed from Akiho’s confession up to Kaito running away and upsetting her like that in ch.52 ? Just imagine the rollercoaster of feels. One night you open your heart to the person you love, they seem to opening up to you, the next day you faint without any apparent reason, and the day after that same beloved person bruises your heart, interrupting and running away at your attempt of establishing a connection.
Back to the costumes talk, at this point I think the next costumes we will see will be the one for the play, and the one for the final battle...if this has to end within volume 12, we don’t really have much time left! 2 chapters for volume 11, and 5 for volume 12?!
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