#this upcoming wednesday i’m handing in my 2 weeks too :)
acrosstimeandspace · 2 years
oh yeah i’ve updated and edited my f/o list a bit! major changes include adding ningguang and another gi crush, and taking off some romantics and moving them as platonics
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wolfjackle-creates · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
Enjoy another snippet of the fic about ghost Robin haunting Jason! I really need to think up a title. Maybe I'll brainstorm some ideas and put out a poll to see what everyone likes.
Part 1 is here
And onto part 2 (1.2k words)!
Looks like he was breaking his promise to Jazz to not do any ghostly business tonight. Of course Jazz’s boyfriend would be haunted by a ghost that needed help. Why was he even surprised? He adjusted the strap of his backpack to hold it more firmly. Hopefully something he’d brought would be enough and it’d be just a matter of getting Robin alone for a few minutes.
Jazz let go of Danny’s hand to take Jason’s as he led them down a hallway. Robin tightened his grip on Alfred before letting go and giving Danny a sad smile. Both Jason and Robin would point to objects and rooms as they passed. Danny paid extra attention to the items Robin pointed out that Jason ignored: a crack in the wall, a mark that had never been painted over, the chandelier he decided to hang from for a few seconds.
Voices echoed out of one of the upcoming rooms, and Jason slowed. Jazz leaned over to whisper something in his ear. Robin had the opposite reaction and shot a grin at Danny and flew to the doorway, waving him to come inside.
Danny couldn’t help but smile back at his obvious excitement. Jazz caught his expression and narrowed her eyes at him. Oh, she was not going to let this go.
With a deep breath, Jason entered the room, Jazz and Danny right behind him. “Hey everyone, this is Jazz’s brother Danny.”
Inside, too many people were gathered on a collection of chairs and couches. One man was sitting upside down on a chair, his feet on the back cushion and head inches from the ground. He grinned at them and did a flip that somehow ended with him on his feet and halfway across the room in the space of a breath. Robin cartwheeled to him.
“Hey, Danny, I’m Jason’s older brother Dick! Glad you could make it. Jazz says you’re always busy.” He held out his hand to shake, unknowingly passing it right through Robin.
Danny couldn’t help but look at where the arm passed through the ghost, but did have the wherewithal to shake Dick’s hand.
“Dick? You really use that by choice?” The words were out of his mouth before he could think. Embarrassed, he slapped his other hand over his mouth at the same time Jazz hissed a warning at him. “Shit! I mean—”
Only to be cut off by everyone laughing. Dick waved off his apology. “My parents were immigrants and it’s what they called me. After they died, I decided to stick with it. Don’t worry, I’ve heard all the jokes.”
“He’s made most of them, too,” added another black-haired boy. This one looked to be close to Danny’s age. “I’m Tim. We’re glad you could make it. Jazz mentioned you’re usually busy with work?”
Danny rubbed the back of his neck. “Uh, yeah. But I spent the last few weeks making sure I could get tonight free with minimal chance of interruption.” Not that it worked, his eyes flicked to Robin who was now hugging Bruce Wayne, the only person of the bunch he recognized on sight. And, what was that feeling radiating off Bruce Wayne? It was like liminality, but not quite. Had he died?
“Welcome to my home, Danny,” Bruce Wayne stood and came over to shake his hand with a wide grin on his face. “I’m Bruce and these are my kids.”
“Oi! Don’t call me your kid!” protested a blonde girl. “Hey there, I’m Steph and I’m just here for the food and to give Jason a hard time.” She also felt strange. Not a ghost, but the touch of death lingered. What sort of family had Jazz gotten involved in?
The rest of the group introduced themselves. Both Damian and Cass were liminal as well. So, out of the ten people he’d met tonight, three of them had died and two were as liminal as Sam, Tucker, and Jazz.
Completely ignoring the fact that Danny was trying to come to terms with all the death in what was supposed to be a normal rich family, Robin was doing even more antics to get his attention. He greeted Dick just as warmly as he had Bruce and Alfred. Cass, Tim, and Damian were the other three he seemed to like the most, though they didn’t get hugs. He didn’t react at all to Steph or Duke. He sat on Barbara’s lap for a minute, too, before returning to Dick’s side.
No one noticed the ghost desperate for their attention. Not even Jazz.
Barbara took the time to point out where the drinks were located and Danny looked over the selection of pop before grabbing a coke. He closed his eyes at the satisfying sound of the tab opening and sighed at the first taste.
One of the boys laughed and said, “You’re acting like you haven’t had a coke before.”
“Nope. I’m acting like I love coke and haven’t had any pop at all in ages.” He plopped down on a couch next to Jazz who ruffled his hair.
“Have you been traveling that long?”
Danny shrugged. “How long ago was our last phone call?”
“You don’t remember? Last week.”
“Grandpa had me doing favors for him. He dropped me off this morning.”
Jazz huffed in the way that indicated she was very annoyed. But it’s not like Danny could just not do the things Clockwork asked of him. Besides, his most recent trip was fun. He’d gone to another planet! He couldn’t wait until he could tell Jazz all about it.
Jason looked at them curiously. “You’ve never mentioned a grandfather before, Jazz.”
“Oh, he’s not really our grandfather. Just someone who helped Danny out once and decided to stick around. They’ve gotten close over the past few years. He’s fond of me, too, but we don’t have the same relationship.”
“Grandpa’s great. If infuriating at times. But favors for him are always interesting.”
“Next time feel free to invite him,” offered Bruce.
The image of Clockwork in Wayne Manor caused Danny to snort into his coke. “I don’t think he’d fit in here,” was all he said. Though maybe Robin would appreciate another ghostly visitor.
Dick did a cartwheel and landed upside down on an armchair. “What, too uptight for the likes of us?”
The last prank he and Clockwork had played on the Observants played in his mind and he smiled wider. “Not at all. You just come from different worlds.”
“I’ll have you know I grew up on the streets in Crime Alley.”
“I was a circus performer.”
“I was raised a rich kid through and through, but I hardly spend times in the upper echelons of society.”
“My dad’s in prison.”
“I’m a librarian.”
“I’m a foster kid.”
Danny held a hand up and laughed. They were still from different worlds, but he couldn’t explain he meant Earth versus the Infinite Realms. “I get it, I get it. I’ll let him know next time.”
“If he’s still in the area, you should invite him,” said Dick. “Alfred’s food is to die for.” Robin was hanging upside down next to Dick nodding solemnly.
Danny tried to stop himself, he really did. He even managed to keep from saying he’d been there done that, but he couldn’t keep from laughing so hard he couldn’t breathe.
Part 3
And for the tag list!
@addie-lover-of-stories, @justwannabecat, @gin2212, @amercurio, @regonold, @overtherose, @readerzj, @sjrose1216, @echoednonny, @deeterzz, @blu-lilac, @number-one-jew
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zoeysdamn · 1 year
Bloodied petals - Xavier Thorpe x reader | Part.4
Summary: You remember memories of your childhood with Xavier, hoping to get some courage from it to talk things out with him. Wednesday starts to suspect something, and Principal Weems isn't happy with either of you.
Warnings: angst, mention of blood, underage drinking, swearing. IMPORTANT: the last part of the taglist had made my tumblr bug so hard so it didn't work, I'm sorry for those who hadn't received a notification while being tagged. If the problem continues for further parts, I'll consider deleting the taglist bc fuck I just lost 40 minutes re-editing this chapter 3 times before finally achieving to post it
[Masterlist] [Part.1] [Part.2] [Part.3]
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Xavier had been your first kiss. You doubted he remembered it but you definitely did. When your aunt had dropped you at the Thorpe manor for the first time, you were just turning 6 and had that funny haircut that almost hid your eyes. Your aunt Cordelia wasn’t so fond of this hairstyle, but things had been hard for you since your mom’s passing less than six months ago; taking care of the birdnest you were calling hair could wait for the situation to settle down. 
Aunt Cordelia had explained to you that you were going to live with a dear friend of hers for some time because she couldn’t take you with her to an upcoming witch congress on the other side of the world. Couldn’t or wouldn’t you didn’t know, to you the only thing that mattered was that you were going to a foreign place, and your mom wasn’t here anymore to comfort you. 
“You’ll be fine here,” had assured your aunt while your luggage was taken out of a car by the butler. 
“Can’t I come with you?” you had asked again with a wobbling lip and watery eyes. 
“You know you can’t pumpkin,” said Aunt Cordelia. “Mr.Thorpe has a son about your age, I’m sure you’ll become friends very fast.” 
And just like that, she left, and you found yourself alone in a manor you didn’t know. 
Mr.Thorpe had been intimidating but the good thing was he hadn’t more time for you than your aunt did, and as soon he introduced himself to you he left too. So you had fled to your new room and hidden in the closet to cry. You didn’t want to be here, you didn’t even want to be raised by Aunt Cordelia ; you wanted your mom, but that was impossible now. 
Then, you had heard the creak of the closet’s door being opened and you had timidly peaked up from behind your hand. A little boy was crouching down to your level, looking at you curiously with his big hazel eyes. 
“Why are you sad?” he had asked with his childish voice. 
Taken aback by his question, you had wiped the tears on your cheeks, “I’m not sad, I’m just lonely.” 
He had looked at you curiously; then he had raised his little hand to brush away the hair that was obstructing your face. The gesture had made you flinch a bit, but he was gentle and somehow, you had felt like you could trust this boy. He had beamed, exposing the gap left by a missing tooth. 
“You have pretty eyes!” he had exclaimed. 
“Thanks?” you had said unsure, still sniffling. 
He nodded vigorously, his smile plastered on his chubby face. Then he extended his hand to you. “Wanna get out of here? I know where the cookies are hidden, we can search for them together, it’ll be fun!” 
This brought a small smile to your face for the first time in weeks, and you had taken his hand. Within the next few days, you had your hair cut. That’s how you met Xavier Thorpe. 
From there, your friendship bloomed. Aunt Cordelia tried to spend at least six months a year with you, and you lived at her house for that time. Well, she tried, and sometimes you found yourself dropped by the Thorpe manor more than intended. This didn’t bother you, you enjoyed Xavier’s company, and you were best friends after all. And considering his own father was also absent frequently, he loved when you were there. When you turned 12, your aunt brought you along on her trips to make a sort of pilgrimage around all the important sites of witchcraft around the world. According to her, it was time for you to learn more about your history and soak up their energy. The trip was so long, you didn’t see Xavier for two whole years. And when you came back to the Thorpe manor at 14, the both of you had changed a lot. Gone was the little boy with scraped knees and round cheeks, the teenager you met at the door was lanky and definitely taller than you now. 
“Hey,” he had greeted you with a lopsided grin. The twinkle in his eyes though hadn’t changed the slightest. 
“Hi,” you had smiled back. “You’ve let your hair grow,” you noticed. 
“You lost the braces,” he counter-attacked, not losing his smile for a second. 
He opened his arms and you didn’t lose a breath before diving into the hug. Oh, you had missed him. You had thought that everything would be like usual, but since puberty, you definitely noticed that things had indeed changed between you two. Your aunt asked a little more about Xavier when you went home, and you didn’t look at him the same way. He was more…attractive somehow; you loved the long hair. The same week you came back, the two of you went to a party with some of his friends from the normie school he went to. This wasn’t the first time any of you had alcohol, but it definitely was the first time you got drunk. A silly game was suggested and in your already advanced tipsy state, you and Xavier had thought this would be fun. You remembered vaguely the rules being to spin a bottle and then kiss someone or drink to avoid it, or something. To be honest most of your memories of that night were kind of blurry ; but when the bottle had pointed in your direction and your eyes had met Xavier’s, you distinctly remember your heart missing a beat. Maybe you had thought about protesting or something, maybe your mind had been too cloudy to properly ponder whether or not you should do this. It didn’t matter, because the next thing you knew then, Xavier had leaned to you and had pressed his lips against yours. That’s how you got your first kiss, by kissing your best friend during a drinking game. 
The next day the hangover had been so hard, Xavier didn’t remember half of the previous evening, not even your kiss. But you definitely did. Over the years you had forced yourself to push it down, thinking it was only a silly teenagers game and that you shouldn’t get too excited about this. 
Thinking about this now, you thought that you had been in love with Xavier for far longer than you imagined. You should have seen it coming, and yet here you were, with flowers slowly growing in your lungs because of your feelings. 
You were wandering in Jericho as the other Nevermore students were dispatched in different areas for Outreach day. Principal Weems had reminded you that everyone’s presence was requested for the inauguration ceremony at the end of the day – that yes, even you miss L/N are to attend this. Then she had let you free for the remainder of the day, and you were glad she did. You had a few things to buy at Jericho, this could be the occasion. But while you were making your purchases you were starting to realize that you were only postponing the moment when you’ll eventually have to talk with Xavier. 
He had left the Nightshades’ crypt quite upset, it pained you even more to know that he was mad at you. You needed to fix this and fast. So you ended up pushing the Weathervane’s doors  open, eyes searching for familiar hazel hair. Enid had texted you where Xavier had the displeasure of working that day and reading the coffee shop's name had made you wince. Hopefully, Tyler won't be working today. 
“Hey L/N,” you heard from the counter and you cursed internally. Turning to the counter, you narrowed your eyes at the curly-haired boy. 
“Galpin,” you greeted him half-heartedly as you came closer. Ever since what he and his friends had done to Xavier on last year’s Outreach day, you despised him. 
“Do you, uh, want to order something?” he asked. 
God, the way he acted all innocent and kind made you want to punch him in the face. On any other day you probably would have, but right now you were just drained. 
“Sure,” you finally let out, “I’ll have a large cappuccino with two shots of espresso, please.”
“Coming right up,” he said before starting to make your order, and you find a seat next to the window. 
For a moment, you put your face in your hands like it would give you some peace for a while. Everything had escalated so quickly, you didn’t even know if there was going to be an actual end to all of this. 
The sound of a mug being dropped in front of you on the table made you look up, and the sight of Xavier surprised you. 
“Tyler mentioned that you had ordered something,” he explained to your surprised expression. 
Glancing to the boy awkwardly standing behind the counter, who tried to look like he was busy and not looking at the two of you, you gave him the slightest nod of the head as a thanks. Xavier sat on the opposite bench, arms plopped on the table nervously. 
“Look I–”
“There’s something–” you both started at the same time. It made you chuckle nervously, “Go on,” you pressed him gently. 
He passed a hand through his hair nervously, “I- I’m sorry I’ve been such a dick yesterday, okay?”. The guilt in his eyes was evident and you were relieved to hear that he had calmed down. “I shouldn’t have called you a liar.”
“No, that’s on me,” you muttered, playing with the still untouched mug. “I’m…not feeling well these days,” you finally admitted. 
Xavier’s eyebrows knitted together in worry. To his knowledge, you never had any serious health issues. The flu once in a while maybe, but nothing that sounded that bad. He leaned closer to you over the table, a serious look on his face. 
“What’s going on?” he asked in a hushed, yet gentle voice. 
Suddenly, all the courage you had built up vanished. You had been so confident that you were going to tell Xavier everything, that this was the only way of making things right. You felt like you owed him that, after all, he had everything to do with your condition. 
But as you were about to expose the truth to him…something stopped you. 
The feeling of a warm hand on your trembling ones made you snap back to reality. Xavier’s face was fully painted in worry now. 
“You okay?” he asked. “You zoned out for a second.” 
You nodded slowly, gulping. No need to lie to yourself, you knew exactly what was stopping you from telling Xavier everything. The fear of losing him. Deep down you were afraid that if you told him about the Hanahaki disease, and what – who – caused it, he would end up leaving you. And you were far more afraid of losing Xavier than you were of coughing flowers. Because without Xavier, you feared that you'd end up alone again. And you never wanted to ever feel like that again. 
Licking your lips, you wondered what you should say to him. So you lied again. 
“I’m ill,” you blurted out. “I got sick around a week ago, that’s why I’ve been so distant lately.”
Technically, you weren’t really lying to him. It had been more than a week since the first symptoms, but the rest was true. You simply choose…not to disclose everything. 
“Shit,” he swore under his breath, “are you feeling okay? What is it?”
“I’m fine,” you squeezed his hand in reassurance, “I had no idea of what it was until recently so…”
“Is this serious?” he inquired again. 
Flashes of the pages mentioning the inevitable death of patients appeared in your mind. 
“No,” you finally let out. “I’ll get better at some point I’m sure. Bought a few things to make a potion to ease the symptoms.” 
Xavier glanced at your bag and nodded. Whether or not he believed you, he didn’t press the matter further. 
“I should have been honest with you sooner, it’s just…it had been a couple of rough weeks,” you said with a weak smile. 
He nodded in understanding, still you could see he was still worried about you. “Yeah, I get it…between that, Wednesday's arrival and the whole monster thing it had been a little bit crazy, right?”
You slightly frowned at him. It wasn’t it, he was misreading the situation completely! As you were about to say something, you suddenly became very aware of faint whispers around you. So did Xavier apparently because the two of you whipped your heads around at the same time. Glancing behind your shoulder you noticed a group of normies teenagers throwing glances at you, whispering and giggling among themselves. Some of their words reached your ears.
“...think…’re together?...”
“maybe…freaks…from Neverm…”
“...kinda cute…couple…”
You felt your face burn. Not in shame, but for the first time in the possibility of what it implied. Many people had mistaken Xavier and you as a couple before, but it was the first time you truly felt flustered by the idea of it. 
Then Xavier pulled his hand off of yours and the sudden loss of contact made your heart drop. He sank into his seat further, putting more distance between the two of you. Eyes flickering to him in disbelief, you only met his sorry expression. 
“I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable,” he muttered while casting his eyes away. 
You wanted to protest, to say that it didn’t make you uncomfortable at all, but words were stuck in your throat. As were petals. 
“I should probably go back to work,” said Xavier while getting up. “But I’ll finish in an hour, if you want to wait?”
“Sure,” you mumbled. 
Tears started to burn behind your eyes. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go at all. The light ring of the doorbell made both of your heads turn to Wednesday who had just arrived. Her sole presence, usually not unwelcomed, was dreadful to you and you felt like you were becoming lightheaded. The burning inside your chest bloomed and the whole coffee shop felt suffocating. Raising from your seat abruptly you gathered your bag and vest without a word. 
“Where are you doing?” asked Xavier lightly touching your shoulder. 
“I’m- I’m not feeling well,” you excused yourself, which made Wednesday raise her eyebrow as she came to your side. “I need some air.” Feeling Xavier’s worried eyes on your back you squeezed the hand on your shoulder. “We’ll talk about this later, okay?” you whispered to him. 
He seemed to hesitate, but between your pleading eyes and the intense bored expression on Wednesday’s face, he finally conceded. 
“Okay,” he said softly. “I’ll see you later.”
You smiled weakly at him before rushing to the exit, head low. Walking rapidly through the streets you hurried until you found an empty alley which you immediately rushed into before throwing up in a garbage can. The flowers and blood mixed together regurgitated from your sore throat, as quickly as they had appeared within your chest. Tears flooded down your cheeks as the last petals left your mouth. Coughing fits were getting more and more unpredictable. You choked on your own breath, mouth tasting bitter and throat ablaze. If you didn’t do something real quick, you were going to die. But for now, you just felt so, so tired. Weems and the inaugural ceremony be damned, you were going back to Nevermore to sleep your problems away. Then, you’ll take it from here. 
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In the end, returning to the school to sleep and avoid facing your problems gave you more problems. A few hours later you were standing in Principal Weems’ office alongside Wednesday, getting a lecture about setting Crackstone’s statue on fire. 
“For the hundredth time, I didn’t set fire to that statue!” you pleaded to the principal. 
“And what evidence of your innocence do you have, miss L/N?” snapped Weems back. “Should you have attended the ceremony like you were supposed to, we wouldn’t have this conversation.” 
“I attended this ridiculous ceremony,” noted Wednesday out loud, “yet you’re suspecting me too.” 
She shot a deadly glare at your impassable roommate, “And I have every reason to miss Addams. The two of you had good motives to set this statue on fire, and miss L/N had mysteriously disappeared just before the ceremony.” 
“I wasn’t feeling well that’s all,” you tried to defend yourself. “Do you really think I’d brand myself a witch in front of all of Jericho? Those people hate my guts, I don’t want to have anything to do with their shitty town!” 
Weem’s hand hit her desk with force, “Mind your language, young lady!”
Wednesday only rolled her eyes at the whole ordeal. You on the other hand, were pretty sure she had something to do with it – but unlike you she had a solid alibi. And surprisingly, she stepped in your defense. 
“Y/N is right about not feeling well these days,” she interjected, making both Weems’ head and yours snap to her. “She sometimes coughs in her sleep, this is very unpleasant.”
Principal Weems narrowed her eyes at you, “Is that true, miss L/N? Have you fallen ill?”
You nodded slowly, “Just small flu. Must’ve caught a cold during the Poe cup.” 
The principal looked pointedly at the two of you, breathing hard through her nostril. Then she threw an accusatory finger at your pair.
“I want,” she articulated slowly, “the two of you out of my office. Now. And I don’t want to ever hear about you either.” 
None of you needed to be asked twice. Once in the corridors and far enough from Weems’ office, you turned to Wednesday. 
“Thank you for having my back with Weems,” you said quietly, “you didn’t have to do that.”
“No I didn’t,” she repeated. “I was right, you do cough at night and it is unpleasant.” 
That made you frown slightly. None of your roommates shouldn’t have been able to hear you, you still casted the silencing spell every night. 
“Since when?” 
“About a week,” she said, while narrowing her eyes. 
You started to think hard. It had been far more than a week since you had started to cast the spell. This was basic magic, a simple but efficient spell that you had been practising for years. There was no reason for you to fail it. The only logical explanation…was that your magic was weakening. The natural reaction for your mind would be to list every reason for it not to be possible, but then you thought about the sudden stop of your spell during the Poe cup, which had made your boat stop dead in its tracks; and so it added up. The disease had not only damaged your body, but it had also consequences on your powers. This was definitely concerning. 
“You are indeed sick, aren’t you?” asked Wednesday. At the surprised look on your face, she quickly added, “Don’t think I care, I’m just readjusting your position on my suspects' list by considering all the parameters.”
You scoffed in disbelief “I’m on your suspect list? No shit, Wednesday?”
“It is perfectly plausible,” she said plainly. “With your powers and knowledge in potions, you have the ability to increase your strength I suspect, and you know the school’s grounds by heart,” you heard her listing, “you’ve spent more time alone than usual for the past weeks, with no one to testify of your presence elsewhere than on the crime scenes, and when I started to suspect Xavier you immediately fled to his defence without proof, like you knew for sure he couldn’t be the monster. So tell me Y/N,” she continued while looking at you dead in the eye, “why couldn’t you be the killer?” 
Struck by her question you could only blink in disbelief. What. the. hell? 
“Excuse me what?” you articulated after long seconds of silence. 
“You should be honored,” she said flatly, “it requires some skills to be added to a potential suspect list.” 
“I don’t want to be on a fucking suspect list,” you spat, “you’re delusional Wednesday.” 
“My observations and suppositions are rarely wrong, I’m not the one burying herself in denial.”
Stepping closer to her you gritted your teeth together. “I can’t be the monster, I literally can’t.” 
“What proof do you have of that?” she retorted. 
Fuming, you tried to not play her game. But staying calm in front of her insolent lay back behavior was starting to be incredibly harder. “Drop it,” you spat. 
“You’re just proving me right.”
That’s when you lost it, “I CAN’T BECAUSE I’M FUCKING DYING OKAY?” you roared at her. 
For a moment, nothing but echoes of your words resonated within the corridor’s walls. Your ragged breaths contrasted with Wednesday’s neutral expression, unfazed by your scream. Only after a few seconds of a mortifying silence did you realize what you just did because you had lost your nerves. Shutting your eyes tightly you internally prayed that no one around heard you. 
“I don’t think you’re lying,” simply said Wednesday. 
You let out a scoff, “I’m not, trust me. I’m sick, and my health is deteriorating every day. If you don’t want to believe me that’s fine but leave me the fuck out of your stupid list.” 
She raised an unimpressed eyebrow at you, “Until you’re blessed with black plague, I doubt you’ll die because of whatever sickness you have.”
“God, can you stop being that infuriating for once?” you snapped bitterly. “I’ve done every possible research on the subject and I know I’m doomed, okay?” 
A silence took place between the two of you. You whipped away tears that had gathered at the corner of your eyes. It was the first time you had admitted it out loud ; it hurt more than you thought. 
“I’m sorry to hear about your condition,” said Wednesday quietly ; and now matter how surprised you were by her words, you still thanked her quietly. “Does a cure exist?”
“Not that I’m aware of,” you muttered. “It…healing doesn’t depend on me.” At her frown, you lightly shrugged. “Flowers are growing in my lungs because of unrequited romantic feelings,” you explained quietly. “Eventually, I’ll either die from internal bleeding or choking.” 
This time, it was her turn to scoff, “You’re plagued with a deadly disease because you have feelings for someone? You just gave me the final proof that feelings are indeed useless, thank you.”
“I don’t fucking need your sarcasm,” you seethed, “if you want to be a stone-cold bitch that’s on you, but no need to mock me for having actual feelings. I didn’t choose this.” 
She looked at you closely, like she was trying to figure out something. Which she apparently did rather quickly: “It’s Xavier, isn’t it? He’s the one you have…feelings for.” 
You turned your face away, licking your lips. Wednesday was really the last person you wanted to have this conservation with. 
“You’re getting weak and you’re losing your powers because you have feelings for a meaningless man,” she repeated. “I thought you were better than that.”
“Fuck off Wednesday,” you cried, finally reaching your breaking point. “I’m not asking to understand, I’m not even asking you to be compassionate but shit, for once in your life be respectful of someone’s privacy.”
With that, you turned away and rushed into the corridors. You didn’t want to hate Wednesday, she had done nothing to you ; even regarding Xavier’s feelings, you were confident that her arrival hadn’t triggered your condition. Maybe it had accelerated it, but sooner or later Xavier would have fallen in love with someone else, and you would have been doomed anyway. So yeah, you didn’t want to hate Wednesday Addams ; but she definitely didn’t make things easy. 
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A little less than an hour later, you found yourself walking through the school’s woods. The heated discussion with Wednesday had strangely given you enough courage to go and find Xavier, and finally explain everything to him. Weakened by your feelings? My ass! you thought. You were going to tell what was going on with you to Xavier, and to hell with the consequences on your friendship. 
You soon reached his artist shed in the middle of the woods. Its reassuring aura made you a little more at ease than the very public space of the Weathervane. Knocking on the door, you waited for Xavier to answer you. When he opened the door, you let out a loud gasp at the wound on his neck. 
“Holy shit, what happened to you?” you asked while pushing him back inside immediately before coming in. You immediately went to take a look at his bleeding jaw, carefully tilting his chin to the side. 
“Just an accident with a painting, nothing too bad,” he tried to reassure you. 
“Nothing bad? Xavier, you have claw marks bleeding on your neck, this isn’t some small scratch!” 
You could see that he was trying to brush it away, but you forced him to sit on a stool while you inspected the extent of his injuries. It didn’t look so bad, you could probably do something about it. Carefully dragging your fingers on the outlines of the claw marks you whispered a healing spell. The bleeding gradually stopped, and the cells of the skin started to slowly repair themselves. Though it started here, and the marks were still here looking like fresh scars. You gritted your teeth in frustration. With the full extent of your powers, you could have probably healed him completely. 
“That should do,” you muttered with a small smile. 
“Thanks,” he smiled back. “So,” he said after a few seconds of silence, “guess we need to talk, uh?” 
“Yeah,” you chuckled awkwardly, “guess we do.”
You fidgeted with your sleeve, toying with words in your mind. It was always more difficult to launch a subject when the time had come. 
“I’m not doing well,” you said, trying to resume the discussion where it had been left out back at the Weathervane, “and I’m not sure if I can really get better…on my own.”
Xavier leaned forward, fully focused on the matter. “How can I help you?”
You almost wanted to cry. He wanted so much to help you while having no idea of how bad the situation was. 
“This is…kind of complicated to talk about,” you hesitated. But to your surprise, Xavier gently took your hand into one of his bigger ones. 
“Hey,” he called softly, “you know you can tell me anything, right?” 
After a slight hesitation, you nodded slowly. Yet words didn’t seem to come out of your mouth. You started to open your mouth to finally confess, but something caught your eye. A large canvas hung on an easel, all in black and white tones. Like pulled by the invisible force of curiosity you slowly approached it, your hand slipping away from Xavier’s. As you approached and noticed who was painted you felt your heart sink into your chest. The painted figure of Wednesday playing her cello was taunting you, and it painfully reminded you of that night in Xavier’s room, when he had started to sketch it. It reminded you that you had no chance. 
Xavier called out for you from behind. But when you turned back to him, he was met with the look of your teary eyes. 
“You see, that’s why I can’t tell you,” you whispered sadly, “I can’t spoil this from you.” 
“What are you talking about?” he frowned. 
“This,” you said, gesturing at the portrait, “I can’t ruin your happiness with my burden, Xav.”
“Y/N please,” he said getting up, “please tell me what’s going on.” 
You shook your head, defeated. “I can’t,” you whispered weakly. “Sorry I- I got to go.” 
Before Xavier could react you slipped away and rushed outside of the shed. Tears were running down your cheeks but you couldn’t care less. It was clear that you could never interfere in Xavier’s feelings for Wednesday, so why bother saying anything to him at all? You heard him call you as soon as you had crossed the door but you didn’t dare to turn back and face him. He managed to grab your wrist when you were barely a few meters away from the shed. 
“Please don’t shut me out,” he begged you. You still couldn’t face him on your own, so he gently tucked on your hand, turning you to him. “Please Y/N, tell me what’s going on with you, ‘cause I can guess on my own.” 
Hesitantly, you looked up at him. Even though your eyes were blurry because of tears, you couldn’t help yourself but lose yourself in the admiration of his face. His brown eyes, so deep and full of compassion, his sharp features framed by soft hazel eyes…you wanted to print this image in your mind for however long you had still to live. Just like that night in his room, your eyes flickered to his lips. This time you didn’t hesitate, and you leaned forward and pressed your lips against his. 
He flinched slightly, for the first second. But then he surprised himself thinking how soft your lips felt against his own. 
You stayed like this for long seconds. Keeping your eyes closed and savouring the moment, you then realized that Xavier wasn’t moving at all. Biting back the bitter feeling within your guts, you slowly parted from him. Xavier simply stood up there frozen in place ; not understanding why you had kissed him so suddenly. At his lack of reaction and dumbfounded expression, you wanted to cry again so badly. Instead, you looked up at him.  
“I wanted to do that at least once,” you whispered. No matter how you had tried to keep them at bay, tears were flooding down your cheeks now. 
Still stuck down in place, Xavier didn’t know what to say. But the face of his best friend, teared apart by pain and sadness, was already too much to handle for him. 
“I- I’m sorry Y/N,” he muttered, “I don’t…I like you, I truly do but…but not like this.” 
Through your tears, you tried to smile ; it was a pathetic attempt. “Yeah…I know,” you whispered weakly.
It would have been easier if you had the ability to vanish away on the spot. It would have made you avoid moving away from Xavier and returning to the school painfully slowly, each of your steps burdened by the weight of your broken heart and the knowledge that Xavier hadn’t even tried to stop you. It would also have saved you from running into Wednesday once again, and hearing her asking Xavier out for the ball in the distance. It would have. 
But you couldn’t vanish, instead, you were here shedding every tear you had along bloodied flowers, not even trying to stop either of them. 
You just had your heart shattered into a million pieces and the confirmation that there was no hope for you. You were doomed, and the flowers growing inside of your lungs would soon reach your body’s breaking point.
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A/N:  Thanks everyone for your incredible support, I hope you enjoyed this part ♥
Hope you’re all doing okay, take care of you ♥
(no need to ask at every chapter, you're added once, and you're added for the whole fic :D)
@apocalypticnovaa ; @libdarkheart ; @ameliabs-world ; @certifeidlovergirl ; @aeisnoa ; @cat-loves-music ; @coolchick333 ; @eringaitskill  ; @sweaterxav ; @sssleepless ;
@l4venderia ; @persipeoni ; @coldheartedmar ; @chaosfrisur ; @littlebabyk  ; @pinksirensong ; @nushy ; @raribella ; @igotanidea ; @ali-r3n ;
@cafeaueva ; @queenofshinigamis ; @xxhospital-for-soulsxx ; @imtherealslimmoony ; @one-oblivious-nerd ; @amphitritesangels ; @valckenaux ; @aliciahlewis ; @lilsunshine1092 ; @ell0ra-br3kk3r ;
@hershey2813 ; @ahmya-4 ; @katkoosik ; @maggie-da-rat ; @hopelessnessforthehopeful ; @mk-the-great ; @neenieweenie ; @steviesbergthuis  ; @rayliz793 ; @poison-ivy-737  ;
@katiemrty  ; @vanillaarr ;  @corpsebridenightamare ; @ghswlz ; @siriusblacksl0ver ; @poppyalice2001 ; @mypsychoticlove ; @jointherebellion215 ; @siriwhitewolf​ ; @miinnttyy​ ;
@teaganthemorningstar ; @oblivion-void ; @fandomstoryreader25 ; @darkdaydreamer ; @engenelxver ; @maddiechapman15 ; @hannahnikohl ; @pajerita19 ; @i-like-trains ; @tinafuentes ;
@slngarza ; @lqveharrington ; @honethatty12 ; @users09 ; @honestlyka ;
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Plz tell me if I’ve forgotten you in the taglist (or if you wanna join!)
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nerdieforpedro · 4 months
WIP Wednesday/Thursday
I saw @secretelephanttattoo upcoming one shot series she’s doing on quiet moments 👀 It comes out Saturday’s people. So I figured I’d put together a little something. I was also tagged by @pedroshotwifey she has a deviously dark Javier Peña series weekly on Fridays as well. The end of the week is stuffed full of content it seems. 😎
1. Still working on Javi G. So far, very sweet, I have 2 chapters done and I’d like to thank @linzels-blog for beta reading for me. 🤗 I'm going to name this thing eventually. And maybe then I can share a chapter with you all.
2. Somehow, despite most starting to write for Tim Rockford, I’ve stalled in my second chapter of Roc & Doc. I’m mad at myself though I know inspiration wanes at times. 😭 But I'm still mad. I want more bad cop jokes.
3. Me being, well me. Now I’m gonna try sandwiches so I made a Double Feature Masterlist where there will be two Pedro/Oscar/other fic character and a female reader. Fics for this one are pending. But there might be one on that list by the time I post this. 🫡
4. Still working on both Dave/Santi and Pero/Jack for M/M.
5. More Weddings 101 with Dieter will be coming. Likely later in the month.
6. Next month, because again I’m me and a sponge, 🧽 I’ve decided to do a daily March prompt dealing with spring prompts from @creativepromptsforwriting I'm not used to using prompts. I was inspired by @trulybetty ‘s daily February valentines. My ideas pop up, very strange but hard to grasp. So I wanted to try and be more focused.
Despite all the smut I put out, I have my fluffy moments. 😚 Here's a fluffy moment from my Javi G fic:
“Gracias (Thank you) Javier.” Abigail smiled shyly, placing her hand over Javi’s on her hat. They were warm from the sunlight, he brought a hand to her face to cup it, but let it hover. “Is it alright if I touch your face Señorita Abigail?” Javier questioned softly, she nodded and dropped her hands, letting them rest at her sides. “Only if you call me Abigail or Abby rather. Señorita is a bit too formal.” A smile graces her face as his sun-kissed hand cupped her face with his thumb outlining her soft cheek. She couldn’t resist reaching for the hand still at his side and holding it. The moment appeared surreal as they stood, the crashing of the waves behind them, with another soft breeze in the air. “Señ- Abby, did you want to come to lunch as you are now? Or travel back to your hotel to change. I find myself fine with either option you choose.” The chocolate haired man explained, leaving Abigail to decide. It would be best to freshen up before going to his home which looked to be enormous. A squeeze of his hand and a nod confirmed that she heard him.
I quite like how this is turning out. A much different flavor that 'Weddings 101 with Dieter'. These two kids are going to be a cuteness overload.
Thanks for reading if you got this far! 💜
NPT: @lady-bess @megamindsecretlair @mysterious-moonstruck-musings @maggiemayhemnj @trulybetty @magpiepills @rhoorl @gemmahale @alltheglitterandtheroar @laurfilijames @undercoverpena @goodwithcheese @fhatbhabie @agentjackdaniels @pamasaur @perotovar @saturn-rings-writes @ladamedusoif @soft-persephone @soft-girl-musings
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shemakesmeforget · 6 months
wip wednesday thursday
hi y’all i swear i’m alive lol thanks for the tags this week friends @wellbelesbian @prettygoododds (and to everyone that’s been tagging me lately 🖤)
so i’m still writing baz’s diary fic and what i thought was gonna be a silly cute short thing is getting out of hand because it has a plot and now it somehow got smut in it and the word count keeps going up so yeah, anyway here’s a little something from it:
I lean forward a bit and see Baz change his breathing pattern, it's getting faster and shallower. I move my hand up to his face, and I feel his smooth, cold skin under my fingers. Merlin, it's electric. Every punch and every light touch we ever shared in all these years has been like this, but today it has tenfold.  “I won't crack,” Baz says, almost too quietly. “Oh, I know, you just had this." I show him the eyelash I caught with my thumb. “Make a wish,” I say to him. I move my hand closer to show him, and he grabs it, gently locking eyes with me while he blows the eyelash away.
tagging for yesterday or the upcoming six sentence sunday lmao love u: @papercut271 @otherpeoplesheartachept-2 @ileadacharmedlife @bookish-bogwitch @cutestkilla @confused-bi-queer @toonysart @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @cath-sith @aristocratic-otter @letraspal @dreamingkc @martsonmars @palimpsessed @ivelovedhimthroughworse @rimeswithpurple @facewithoutheart @stardustasincocaine @captain-aralias
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shrivelfigstudies · 3 years
university studying tips
i’m returning to university after taking a year hiatus, so here are some study/uni tips that i discovered the first 2 years of uni/wish i had implemented more often
study every day for at least an hour
write down study notes + lecture notes
rewrite these - both by hand and typing - as often as possible
seriously. rewrite your notes. have them down somewhere so that they’re legible, but then handwrite your notes as many times as you can, even if it isn’t legible
repetition helps with not only memorization, but comprehension as well
say notes aloud as often as possible
if you’ve safe access to a library, take yourself out on a date
make it a habit 2x-4x a week at specific times going to your library and finding a spot and just studying for 3-4 hours
i would always go tuesday, wednesday and thursday nights from 2pm-8pm. this is when i would get my homework assignments and reading done for most of the week/get ahead where i could
grab yourself a coffee and a snack and remember to take breaks in between!!! every 45 minutes, take a 5 minute break <3
use gum, perfume, or [**diluted**] essential oils as aids during studying, and remember to repeat when taking exams 
if you’re studying for an exam and chewing peppermint gum, by chewing the peppermint gum during the exam, it can help trigger the memories of what you were studying 
plan ahead
mark out in a planner or calendar when all of your weekly assignments are due, quizzes, exams, and papers
set time aside each day of the week where you are able to work on upcoming projects
for papers that are due in, say, a month
as soon as you have the topic picked out, spend a few moments each day finding academic sources 
when reading the material that will be pertinent, highlight/bookmark as you go along. this will help you in the long run (especially if you are using secondary sources and need a quick quote or citation)
send rough drafts to your professor or your schools writing services for thoughts and additions; it can be super nerve-wracking at first, but i promise it helps a lot
you don’t need to color coordinate, but it can help
keep it simple, too much color can and will distract you. but highlighting vocab words, dates and other important things like that can help a lot if you’re trying to find something specific in your study notes
take breaks often, but don’t procrastinate or get distracted (i’ll write another post soon on how to specifically avoid distraction and burn out)
know that grades do not define you. i promise, they don’t.
speak to your professor or advisor if you are falling behind in a class or multiple classes and need aid or extensions. they are there to help you and to teach you. they are your biggest resource. use it. 
if you need someone to talk to, i’m here <3
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astrid-potato · 3 years
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pairing:sunghoon x fem!reader
genre:fluff, slight angst?
warning:some slight cussing
a/n: this is kinda based on “to all the boys i loved before” but i’ve actually never watched the movies😅 so i hope this is okay<3
“what’s wrong?” your friend sophie asks while poking your cheek. “my ex won’t leave me alone and it’s been like two weeks since we broke up.” i groan, placing my head down on my desk. “through text or-“ “mainly just at school. it’s like he’s trying to piss me off anymore than i’m already am.”
looking out the window, i can only pay attention to my own thoughts. “y/n, y/n..Y/N!” i jumped at the sudden outburst of my name. “the bell rang like two minutes ago.” “oh”. grabbing my stuff, i peacefully walk to my next class. not realizing what class period was next, i walk in to see my ex laughing with his friends.
not even seconds after i sat down, i see someone standing in front of my desk. looking up i see my ex smirking down at me. “what do you want?” “well aren’t you in a bitchy mood today.” “i wouldn’t be in mood if your ass would just leave me alone.” “if would just respond to my texts, i wouldn’t be standing here.”
as soon as i was going to speak, i see the classroom door open revealing a group of boys walking in. having an idea, i get out of my seat and walk over to one of the boy before he could sit down. “hey babe” while hugging the boy. the boy looked at me startled and confused, “just go with it.” i whispered while nudging my head towards my ex. “ohh”.
the boy finally catching on, hugs me back while staring directly at my ex. “you’re dating sunghoon!?!” my ex exclaims while everyone else in the room goes silent. “she is and who are you?” sunghoon asks. “her ex”. i look at my ex and couldn’t tell if he was pissed or upset. “well it looks like you didn’t end on good terms” “that’s none of your business” “it’s also none of your business of who y/n is dating now so if you can just leave us alone that would be great.”
“fine..it probably won’t even last that long anyways” my ex states while going back to his desk. “thank you” i whisper. “no problem”. going back to my seat, all i could think about is how sunghoon was holding my hand the entire time.
“Y/N” sophie screams while running towards me. “what?” “you’re dating sunghoon!?!” i looked at her confused then realized what she was talking about. “how the hell did you find out and no i’m not dating him.” “wait what” “my ex was bothering me during class and decided just to find someone and act like he was my boyfriend, that’s all.” i shrugged. “THATS ALL??, y/n, sunghoon is like one of the most popular guys in our school. do you know how much this could possibly hurt you? i mean everyone in school already knows about you too and some of the girls are not so happy about it.” realizing the severity of the situation, i pull out my phone and go onto to see everyone talking about us. “oh shit” “yeah oh shit is right”
“y/n you might want to turn around.” “huh” looking up from my phone, i see sunghoon walking towards the two of us. “hey we need to talk” “uhh okay” i wave bye to sophie and walk with sunghoon to wherever he was taking me. “where are we going?” “to my car” “ohh”. getting in his car, i felt a little uncomfortable with the close proximity of us being in the car together. “so what do you want to talk about?” “about this whole ‘relationship’ “ “look i’m sorry i didn’t mean for this to happen. i was just trying to get my ex to stop bothering me and” “hey it’s fine, i totally understand. we just need to go over some rules” “rules?” raising an eyebrow at him. “yes. now first we can just fake date for the time being but there needs to be rules.” “okay” “1: your allowed to hug me whenever. 2: only kisses that are allowed are on the cheek. 3: i have practice at 3-7 on the week days and i’m only really free on the weekends. even if we are fake dating we still have to act like a couple or people will realize that we’re not actually dating and that really wouldn’t look good on your end.” “what does your practice have to with this though?” “ohh you have to come to those sometimes” “what why?!” “because that’s want good girlfriends do, they watch their boyfriends practice for their competition and games~” sunghoon says poking my cheek in the process. blushing slightly at the use of the word ‘girlfriend’ i turn my head so he wouldn’t see. “is that all?” “yeah i think so for the most part” all i do is nod. the car fills up with silence after that. “would you like to come to my practice today?” i look at the clock to see it was almost 3, looking at sunghoon “sure i have nothing better to do” “okay then off to the rink!”
“it’s been about 3 weeks since the whole fake dating thing has happened and for the most part it’s been going okay. there’s only been like two girls that tried starting shit with me but other than that nothing else has happened. even my ex has been leaving me alone. thank god.” “how long will this go on for?” sophie asks. “i really don’t know to be honest. sunghoon never really said anything about how we can keep this going.” “i mean shit who knows, maybe you’ll actually fall in love with each other.” sophie says while grinning. “uhh yeah no.”
walking out to the common area outside, i see sunghoon talking with his friends. walking over to them, i place my bag down at sit next to jay which is currently talking about what he did during the weekend. “hey guys” fake dating sunghoon meant becoming friends with his friends which actually wasn’t that bad. everyone is so nice and really enjoyable to hang out with, and the guys never mind when i’m around which is nice. “oh hi y/n. how are you?” jake asks. “i’m good, just a bit tired that’s all.”
upon hearing that, sunghoon pulls me over to and pushes my head to rest on his shoulder. getting comfortable, i listen to the boys talk about sports and how jake has an upcoming soccer game on wednesday. “y/n are you going to the game on wednesday?” “uh i think so, sophie said she wanted to go but she doesn’t want to go alone so i guess i’ll be there.” “okay cool! well anyways i have to get going, i have to finish my homework and then go to practice. bye guys” jake says while getting up and walking out of school grounds. “yeah we have to leave too.” sunghoon states while gathering his things. getting up, i grab my bag and wait for sunghoon. “bye y’all” waving at the rest of the boys.
getting in the passenger seat of sunghoons car, i wait for him to finish putting all his stuff in the back of the car. “what is all that?” “just stuff for a project i had to do.” “ohh okay.” “i don’t have practice today so do you want to go to a cafe orr” “umm yeah that would be fine i guess” “okay cool” starting the car, we had into town and find a parking spot(a/n: you know like the parking spots on the side of the road and you can just park there and then walk around the city and stuff). sunghoon gets out of the car and puts money into the meter. walking to one of the cafes near the center of town, we walk in and sit down. looking at the menu while waiting for the waiter to come, i could feel eyes on me. looking up i see that sunghoon is staring at me. “what? do i have something on my face?” snapping back to reality before sunghoon could speak, the waiter comes over to our table. “hi how are you today and what could i get for y’all?” “ could i get a piece of strawberry cheesecake and water please” “okay and for you?” “just a piece of chocolate mousse cake. thank you” “okay i will get that out in just a few minutes”
“one piece of strawberry cheesecake and one piece of chocolate mousse cake. and here is your water ma’am.” “thank you!” grabbing my fork, i get a small piece before eating it. “omg this is so good!” “i’m glad” sunghoon says while smiling a little. “here try” holding a piece in front of his mouth. sunghoon looks at the piece of cake then looks at me questionably before open his mouth and eating the cake. “wow it is good” “see i told you!” while eating i could see sunghoon starting at my plate. “what’s wrong?” sunghoon doesn’t say anything except grabs something from under the plate. “what is it?” all sunghoon does is crumbles the piece of paper and goes back to eating the rest of food. looking at him i could tell he was a little upset. paying no mind to it, i finish the rest of my cake and just wait while looking out the window. “okay let’s go” looking at sunghoon, i get up and go to grab my wallet before feeling a hand stopping me. “i’m paying” “uhh no, last time you paid so i’m going to pay this time.” “no you’re not” not interested in arguing about who’s paying, i let him and wait for him outside the cafe.
“what did the paper say?” “it was nothing” “sunghoon don’t lie to me, i can tell that you are lying.” “ i am not lying thank you very much.” “yes you are. so are you going to tell me what it says or am i going to have to pry it out of you?” i question. “and just how are you going to do that?” sunghoon looks over at me while stopping at the red light. getting closer to his face, his eyes widened “okay okay, it was the waiters number” he says the last part in a whisper” “sorry i couldn’t hear you, could you repeat that for me?” “it was the waiters number” “the guy from the cafe?” my eyes look back over to sunghoon and i could see i light tint of pink dusting his cheeks. “sunghoon, are you jealous?” “what no, what are you talking about?” “i mean you could’ve just told me it was the guys number in the cafe but you didn’t. why?” “because i know you wouldn’t care and besides that how could he not tell we are ‘dating’. i mean to me it was clear as day” “you are jealous!” “am not” “is to”. looking out the window, i see that we’re outside of my house. not wanting to farther upset him, i grab my bag and get out the car. “i’ll see you tomorrow” “yeah..” “goodnight sungie”
“come on y/n or we’re going to be latee” “okay okay hold on i have to make sure i have everything” grabbing my bag me and sophie walk out of her house and make our way to the school. “i wonder if jay is going to be there?” “of course he’s going to be there, jake is like his best friend.”
arriving to the school, everyone was just hanging out before the game. seeing sunghoon towards the back of the field bleachers, i walk over to him. “hey” sitting down next to him. “you look good” sunghoon was wearing a pair a black jeans with holes in the knees, an oversized red hoodie and a black beanie. “thanks, you don’t look to bad yourself.” “well thank you” “eww” sophie says while acting like she was going to throw up. “i’m going to go get some snacks” sophie says while getting up. once she was gone, i look over to sunghoon “i’m sorry about yesterday, i didn’t mean to pry into it nor say you were jealous.” “no it’s my fault, i should’ve told you. and no you were right i was kinda jealous.” “why though? we’re only fake dating so why be jealous.” “i don’t know really” “i’m back!” sophie exclaims while plopping a bag in my lap. “they had some of your favorite snacks so i got some for you” “ohh you didn’t have to, thank you though”
while watching the game, sunghoon gets up and walks off. not thinking much of it, i just pay attention to the game. getting a ding from my phone, i see that sunghoon texted me.
hoonie💕: meet me by my car
you: okay:)
getting up i tell sophie that i’ll be right back and make my way towards the parking lot. i see sunghoon leaning on the front of his car. “hey what’s up?” “i need to talk to you.” “okay what do you need to talk abou-“ because i could finish my sentence, sunghoon grabs me and pulls me closer to him, kissing me in the process. my eyes widened and before anything else, sunghoon pulls back. “i umm what was the for?” “y/n just listen to me for a minute. i know this was only supposed to be a short term thing, i really do. it’s just after spending so much time with you, i realize that i actually liked you more than i thought i would. the day we went to the cafe and the waiter slipped his number to you, it made me upset. i didn’t like the fact that somebody else could possibly like you. it made me realize how much you truly meant to me. i really like you y/n and it’s okay if you don’t feel the same way. i just really needed to get that off my chest.” shocked from sunghoons words, all i could do it stand there and process everything that just happened. “sunghoon look at me” sunghoon looks up at me and i could tell that he nervous. “sunghoon the day i hugged you i never thought it would come to this. i love spending time with you or going to your practices. i realize that i might of had a small crush on you from the beginning but at the same time i was scared because of the way things ended with my ex. i was scared to get into a relationship and even if it was just fake dating, it still scared me. but after spending so much time with you, i realized that i truly did liked you. you are always so kind and caring to me. it’s just i really like you too sunghoon and to be honest i’ve liked you for a while now i guess.” “well i mean do you want to be my actual girlfriend?” sunghoon asks while grabbing both of my hands. “yes” i say before pulling him closer to kiss him.
“i love you y/n” “i love you to hoonie”
a/n: omg this took so long to write but it’s finally done!! i really hope this is okay and there might be a few spelling error here and there or grammar errors as well. i literally wrote this weeks ago but never actually typed it out. i’ve been really busy with school and i’ve been dealing with some persons things as well. y’all can send request in if you would like or you can just talk/ask me questions if you would like:)
have a good day y’all<3
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coeurdastronaute · 3 years
Essays in Existentialism: Plus One, Ch. 2
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Previously on Plus One
It oscillated every other minute between being an amazing idea, but also being the worst idea of all time, and Lexa was mostly exhausted of bouncing back and forth. It might be easier, she decided, if she just got herself on board with it being a good idea, but a deep, gnawing hole seemed to manifest itself in her gut at the very thought of seeing her ex. 
As she went through the motions of finishing the day, of doing inventory because it was Wednesday, Lexa tried not to distract herself with the thoughts of her impending trip. In just forty-eight hours, she’d be face to face with Costia, who she hadn’t seen in months, who she avoided before occasionally running awkwardly into each other at mutual friends’ events. She’d come face to face with her ex who was getting married. 
And she was going to do it with a complete stranger on her arm. 
With a heavy sigh, Lexa tossed her clipboard on her tiny desk in the storage closet and plopped down in the squeaky chair, tipping it back with a wail. Her sister was the worst. 
It was quiet in the shop, closed for just a handful of hours, Lexa always took a day to inventory and repair the damage of the week. She enjoyed the late evening work, when her workers were gone, and the shop was empty and full of dreams. No one knew how the cabinets stayed so clean, or how the scratches on table tops got sanded and fixed, or how the wobbly table by the window was miraculous cured one day, or how the ceiling fans got dusted, just that it all happened, and Lexa was off, meaning she didn’t come in until at least ten, the following morning. 
But Lexa sat in the chair and let her brain do the same mental gymnastics it always seemed to do in the new quiet she found herself craving. She opened her laptop and ignored the awaiting spreadsheet, and instead opted to look over the answer Clarke had given her to the “Know your partner” quiz Clarke googled and made them both do. A mix of basic information and Newlywed Game style innuendos, Lexa filled hers out after a bottle of wine and anxiously waited for Clarke’s. 
That was what started the daydreaming. She scrolled through Clarke’s answers and furrowed, doing her best to memorizing all that she could, as if she’d be tested on it all, as if it’d be impossible to believe she could be happy with someone like Clarke. 
And when those thoughts started to seep into her brain, Lexa leaned back again and dug the tips of her fingers into her eyes. 
In a week it’d be over. 
And with that and a deep, heavy sigh, Lexa looked at the screen again and went about learning Clarke. 
She started professionally, of course, looking at her corporate page and resume, because this was, if not anything, simply a business transaction and Lexa thought it was easier to parse a person if she didn’t actually have to fall for her. 
A graphic designer at Anya’s firm, Clarke held accolades and a long list of references. The link to her work showed a wide range of commercial campaigns and a certain amount of talent evident by her list of upcoming projects. A graduate of a small, private, liberal arts university, her academics leaned heavily scientific, which was a surprise until Lexa read some of the answers in the survey about a degree in physics given up for art. 
Lexa promised that she wouldn’t have looked at Clarke’s Instagram if Clarke hadn’t requested her first. She wasn’t someone who lurked, or at least she thought she wasn’t. She didn’t want to be someone who snuck around, digging through someone’s past, analyzing every filter and caption like a private investigator. But then Clarke appeared. 
And there were pictures of Clarke with friends getting drinks on a rooftop. And then the one with her laughing and baking. Or the Christmas party where she was on a corporate Santa’s lap, smiling so wide her eyes were shut. Despite herself Lexa found herself smiling along with the girl in the pictures. The one who went hiking with a pack of dogs, and the one who seemed to always be eating something. The one who had a lot of friends and enjoyed making them smile and laugh. The girl who posted storie about her morning run, and the girl who seemed to have a healthy work life balance. 
Lexa closed the webpages and stared at her inventory for exactly two seconds before curiosity won again and Lexa started looking at Costia’s account. There were the standard pictures of her pre-wedding planning. There was Costia working out. There was her new bride-to-be, happy and smiling at a gift for her birthday. 
And then a throwback that made Lexa’s stomach drop as she stared at a familiar image of Costia smiling in a bikini on a beach. It was from the last trip they took. Lexa was the one behind the camera. 
Three weeks after that picture was taken, Lexa walked in on Costia and a girl in the middle of the afternoon. Right in their own bed. Only to then discover it’d been going on for months. And it wasn’t the first. And then, Lexa didn’t remember much except that she moved into the apartment above her coffee shop and woke up one morning alone on sheets that weren’t familiar, in a room full of boxes. 
It seemed even more difficult to start inventory after that shot to the gut. 
But her phone went off, and Lexa leaned back in her chair after shutting the laptop again, wondering if that sinking feeling ever went away when it came to someone you love, or loved, or once loved, even for a moment. She didn’t have anything to compare it to, and she didn’t have any idea what love really was. 
It felt like a deep wound was scratched open, the scab pulled back, and a burning numbness gnawing at the bottom of her spine. It felt like it would swallow her whole, and Lexa hated, more than anything, giving anyone the power to do anything as such over her. 
Hey! Do you think this will go with your outfit?
An image came next, of Clarke in a dressing room wearing a very pretty dress, with very messy hair with her tongue sticking out. Lexa didn’t notice the gnawing feeling disappear. 
We don’t have to match completely. 
We do! Don’t you know how to date?
Not really. 
Another picture of another dress came a moment later. Clarke was pretty. She was happy and silly and kind. It felt oddly normal, for as crazy as the whole scheme actually was. 
I like that one, Lexa wrote, making sure to add a heart-eyed emoji to emphasize her point. Maybe that was flirting. Maybe she was allowed. She definitely needed more rules. 
Good, I do too. It matches your tie, you know? And these heels will still leave you a little taller than me. 
Sounds good to me!
Kind of excited. I guess I’ll see you at the airport tomorrow. 
I’ll be the one at the bar. 
I’ve heard it’s possible to find your soulmate at the airport. Something about the crossing of paths and time and space. 
If my soulmate is a bottle of wine, then I reckon I might. 
A love story for the ages. 
Lexa smiled once more at her phone before tossing it to the side and letting her head drop to the desk. With a groan she growled into her hands and broke it down. She just needed to make it seventy-two hours. That was it. She could sleep for about twenty of those. She could drink for another twenty or more, if she really tried. 
But this was it. This was the end. 
And regardless of the weight of everything else, there was something satisfying about knowing it was almost over. 
The airport was absolutely teaming with bodies and people, weaving their way through the swelling crowds, loading and unloading the terminals at a constant, steady thumping rate, so regular one could set a watch to the heartbeat of the building. 
Clarke adjusted her bag on her shoulder and tapped the ticket against her thigh as she moved through the security line. The nerves were coming for some reason. That was why she was at the airport three hours before the flight. She was anxious and needed a stiff drink and a few moments to catch her breath. She needed to escape the whirlwind she’d allowed herself to create. 
Carefully, she made her way through the airport, checking the boards and finding her way to a seat in the empty waiting room. Not even an attendant waited at the kiosk. 
Once again, she let herself awkwardly scroll on her phone, learning everything she could about her future date and weekend plans. 
Lexa was nearly non-existent online. She didn’t have any pictures of herself. She rarely posted anything on her personal account, and when she did, it was just a book or a coffee or from a trip. She wasn’t one to enjoy being the center of attention, but when it came to her shop, she made sure to post almost daily, highlighting her employees and their recommendations, she made share to highlight events, she made sure to be as active as possible. 
Anya had already warned Clarke that her sister was devoted to her work. She’d poured all of her effort into being successful and part of the community, and Clarke admired it, she just wished that there was more for her to see. 
And so, once more, she flipped back to the long line of questions they’d filled out before giving up and gazing out the window at the planes coming and going. 
For a moment, she allowed herself to think that she was doing something nice and good. It was an act of charity. It was the shake up Clarke needed and was selfishly trying to package as benevolent. 
“You beat me, and I’m usually the first one here for a flight,” Lexa observed, walking up to Clarke, stealing her from her reverie. 
“I like airports. Just waiting for true love to stroll up and introduce themselves.”
Lexa shoved her hands in her pockets, her bag balanced on her shoulder as she cautiously looked around, surveying the empty terminal slowly. Clarke watched her look around, smiled at the innocence of it. Enjoyed the way she ran her hand through her hair, mussing it up a bit and tossing it to another side. 
“No one likes airports,” Lexa shook her head before taking the seat beside her. 
“I do. They’re romantic.” 
“You can get onto a plane, and a few hours later, you’re hundred of miles away, and it’s different weather, and it’s a different time zone. You can go to sleep in a different state. How can you not be romantic about that.”
“It’s a tin can filled with recycle air.” 
“But there are peanuts.” 
That did it. Lexa cracked a smile to herself and relaxed a little. 
“I was going to be the first one here. Surprise you with coffee, but you beat me to it.” 
“You are quite a good girlfriend. Someone clearly trained you well.” 
Lexa shook her head, somewhat bashful, somewhat reserved. There was always something right there, just below the surface, obfuscated by a kind of resolve to never give anything away, not at any price. Clarke read it between words in their texts and emails, a glaring finality in the simple pixel of a period. 
“Can I get you a coffee? Two creams, two sugar right?”
“You don’t have to--”
“It’s early and I’m trying to be charming. Allow me to somewhat repay you for this whole endeavour.”
“Sounds good. Thanks, darling.” 
With the term of endearment, Lexa nodded, grinning into her chest as she stood and made her way across the terminal in search of sustenance. Clarke watched her take out her phone, texting her sister no doubt. 
Once more, Clarke resumed the digging on her own, scrolling on her own phone at old pictures on Lexa’s profile. She was ready for fun, and she was ready to crack at that facade. 
“I don’t know if this will help,” Lexa sighed as she sat down. “I didn’t sleep a wink last night.” 
“Oh this won’t be good for me either,” Clarke said as she took a sip. “I’m a fairly nervous flyer.”
“And yet you let me get us both coffee.” 
“You made a good point, and I’m prepared to be paid back all weekend.” 
With another grin, Lexa leaned back, her arm going on the back of the chair that Clarke inhabited, naturally, with ease, with a level of comfort. 
“Are you ready to tell me the story?” 
“Which one is that?” Clarke turned to look at her date, returned from an absent moment. 
“How we met.” 
“How we met,” she nodded, her smile bordering on mischievous. “That’s simple. Don’t you remember? It was a very blustery Tuesday, and I was trying to escape the wind and rain. I almost tripped coming into your coffee shop, but you happened to be sweeping, and were kind enough to catch me.”
“You’re severely overestimating my reflexes.” 
“Fine. I ran you over and we both ended up on our asses in the middle of the coffee shop. Coffee everywhere.” 
“Sounds pretty likely.” 
“And I knew right there, I was hooked. Those eyes, all angry and annoyed at me for not looking where I was going, despite my persistent defense that I’d been assaulted by the weather.” 
“Why do I have to be the angry one?” 
“Wouldn’t you be though?” Clarke returned, daring her to be contradicted.
“Maybe,” Lexa agreed over the lid of her cup, fretting with it nervously. 
“So I crashed into you, and you bought be a coffee. I turned up every day after that until I finally asked you out. You took longer than I would have liked to answer me, but I accepted it anyway, and we’ve been madly in love ever since.” 
“And when was this?” 
“About eight months ago.” 
“How’s it going so far?” 
“Splendidly. I’ve already met your sister, who it happens that I work with, which is super convenient for everyone.” 
Quietly, Lexa sat there, going over the story, going over all of the past eight months of apparent bliss in her head. Clarke watched her furrow before softening, her eyes not seeing, but rather looking through the window as a plane took off and another landed. The softening of her features was soon met with a perplexion, a slight, gentle contortion of the brow and the lips, a tightening as a kind of confusion overtook the ease of the entire story. 
“Is it that easy?” Lexa asked quietly, turning her head toward her date. Clarke cocked her head, waiting for more. “Is all of it… just… a wind? Waiting for someone to just ask you out? Is it that easy? Does that happen to people?” 
“It can. How does anything happen in the world? It just… does. The universe is just a series of things happening, all of the time, right?”
“But is it that easy?”
To her credit, Clarke thought about it. She flexed her jaw and took a deep breath before slowing letting it go as she wondered if it really was. 
“I don’t know. Maybe it can be.” 
“I guess there has to be a balance to making things happen and letting things happen.” 
“I don’t know if I’m good at either of those things,” Lexa confessed. She sat up straighter a moment later, afraid of her honesty, and surprised more by how easily it came out. 
“I think you can be.”
“That’s probably too kind.” 
“We’ll see.” 
Clarke rubbed Lexa’s shoulder, rubbed the middle of her back between her shoulder blades until she reached the collar of her shirt, where she massaged her neck. She tensed before relaxing, and Clarke didn’t stop, just rubbed there gently, slowly until she knew it was enough and she trailed her palm back toward the seat. 
It was right there, they just didn’t know it.
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ghstandpucks · 3 years
Cutting Edge ~ Nathan MacKinnon Ch. 9
Hi everyone! I hope you are all doing well! Sorry this chapter took forever! But I hope you enjoy it! I have the rest of the series planned out, and it should be about 6 more chapters. I’m excited about where it is going and I hope you are too! Stay healthy, safe, and enjoy! Let me know what you think! Tags are open!
Prologue Ch.1 Ch.2 Ch.3 Ch.4 Ch.5 Ch.6 Ch.7 Ch.8
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The following Wednesday you were at practice. Bednar had the team gathered in a semi-circle as he informed them of the upcoming schedule before the holidays. “Oh and Coach Y/L/N. In case you didn’t know, we are playing Anaheim this Sunday,” Bednar turned back toward you.
           “Oh yay!” you said, clapping your hands together quickly. You couldn’t help but be excited to see some of your friends on the Ducks again. As soon as you said that though, you had many unapproving looks shot at you from the team. “I mean, oh no?”
“Who are you really rooting for Coach?” Tyson called out.
           “You guys, obviously,” you stated flippantly. “I know how they skate and I know how their skating coach skates so we got this.” Bednar chuckled.
           “I was going to ask if there is anything we should know about your time with the team?” he asked, and you looked at him questioningly.
           “No?” you said, confused at where he was going with this.
           “Just asking. Hockey players make comments and I would like for us to be prepared if they say anything about you,” he explained.
           “Oh,” you said, and thought for a second. “To be honest, I was mostly just around them for a quick showcase, charity events, or galas that they had. I have a few good friends from the team but I don’t think they would really say anything. I was more like everyone’s little sister when I was with them,” you said and everyone nodded. “Oh! If you hear the term ‘little dove’, that’s me.”
           “Little dove?” Gabe asked, and you shrugged.
           “A few called me little duck at first. But then after a showcase at one of their events I had performed in this greyish-pink dress and Getzlaf started to call me little dove. The rest of the team just followed along,” you explained. You caught eyes with Nate, and he smiled softly. You had just told him about that nickname last week when he saw a comment on your Instagram post from Hampus Lindholm. You had posted a funny picture from practice of Tyson laying flat on the ice and you doubled over laughing at him because he had seemingly tripped over nothing. You accompanied it with a caption of how the team always seems to brighten your day with a laughing emoji. Hampus commented “We feel so betrayed little dove.”
           After practice that day, Nate was over at your apartment after having gone to the store to get stuff for dinner. You wanted to cook that night, so he thought it was only fair if he bought the groceries. Since the two of you had started dating, you tended to stay in at his or your place, not wanting to fuel rumors. A picture of the two of you dancing at the gala was posted recently, the media team not thinking much of it, but oh boy did it spread like wildfire. While your fans thought it was cute, Nate’s fans were a mix. You were starting to see how vicious some hockey fans could be.
           You were finishing the shrimp for shrimp scampi when Nate came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. “I have a question,” he mumbled into the hair at the top of your head. You hummed, encouraging him to go on. “What do you want for Christmas?” he asked. You smiled, forgetting that it was already December.
           “Nothing,” you said simply.
           “There has to be something,” Nate stole a shrimp from the pan and you batted his hand away. He chuckled and kissed your cheek. You finished the dish, turned off the stove, and turned to face him.
           “Well, there is something,” you smiled up at him. Nate smiled back at you, raising his eyebrow in question. “A unicorn.” Nate’s face fell and you couldn’t help but laugh.
           “Seriously Y/N?”
           “Actually, in all seriousness, I want a unicorn that poops rainbows. But I know those are hard to find,” you laughed as Nate rolled his eyes at you. He maneuvered you away from the stove and lifted you onto the counter, standing in between your legs.
           “Why are you being difficult?” Nate asked, humor in his voice.
           “Well what do you want for Christmas?” you asked, smiling widely at him. Nate shrugged.
           “I don’t need anything,” he said.
           “It’s not about what you need. What do you want?”
           “Nothing.” Nate smiled mockingly at you.
           “You can’t say nothing and expect me to tell you something!” You laughed. The conversation went on like this for another 10 minutes, neither one of you giving in. You kept up with wanting a unicorn, much to Nate’s dismay. He knew he wasn’t the most romantic, and really wanted to get this right with you. Since he wouldn’t tell you anything though, you didn’t budge either. It seemed like you had both met your match when it came to stubbornness.    
           A while later, Nate had just got out of the shower and you were finishing putting the dishes away from dinner. As you turned your lights off and made sure your front door was locked, you looked out the window and immediately smiled. It was snowing. Running into your bedroom, you started to grab your big coat and a beanie, shoving your feet into a pair of boots. “Going somewhere?” Nate asked as he walked out of the bathroom, highly confused.
           “It’s snowing outside! Let’s go!” you squealed, throwing his shirt and sweatshirt at him.
           “This isn’t the first time it’s snowed since you’ve been here Y/N,” Nate chuckled, but continued to get dressed to go outside.
           “Yes, but it usually happens when I’m sleeping or at the rink! I haven’t been out while it’s snowing yet!” You bounced around your room, continuing to check the window to make sure snow was still falling.
           “It’s just snow,” Nate said, finally finishing putting his shoes on. You grabbed his hand and pulled him to your front door.
           “Yes, but I’m from Southern California! I always had to drive to the snow. I want to go outside while it’s coming down actually!” You grabbed your keys and left your apartment. Nate allowed you to drag him along, silently amused at your excitement. Luckily for the two of you, your apartment building had a secluded courtyard in the middle so you didn’t have to go out front to the main street. This allowed Nate and you not to worry about being seen together this late at night. That would definitely be the source of more speculation.
           Once outside, you giggled with excitement and ran to the middle of the empty courtyard. Looking up toward the sky, you stuck your tongue out to catch the snow as it came down. Nate walked up beside you and grabbed your hand. You took out your phone and had Nate take a picture of the two of you, realizing you really didn’t have any. What better way to commemorate your first snow in Colorado than with Nate? After spinning around all excited for a moment, you walked back over to Nate and wrapped your arms around him, burying your face into his sweatshirt as your nose was starting to freeze. Nate held you close to him, looking down and tilting your chin up so you met his eyes. He chuckled softly at your red cheeks and nose, leaning down and fitting his lips to yours. The two of you stood there for a moment, lost in a blissful bubble you had created.  You pulled away slightly and shivered, the cold starting to get to you. Nate smiled softly and kissed your forehead. “Let’s get you inside before you freeze,” he muttered, taking your hand and leading you back up to your apartment. Once back in your apartment and in your pajamas, you crawled into bed and over to Nate who was already laying down looking through his phone. You cuddled into his side and weaved your legs with his.
           “Jesus babe! Your feet are freezing!” he jumped slightly, putting his phone down. You laughed but didn’t move.
           “Poor circulation from tying my skates too tight over the years. Sorry,” you giggled. Nate shook his head, but didn’t bother moving. If being with you meant dealing with cold feet, he didn’t think that was a bad price to pay.
~ ~ ~
           Sunday had arrived and it brought with it the Ducks. You were currently standing by the bench with the other coaches as the team was warming up. You had just finished talking with Bradie Tennell, the skating coach for the Ducks. The two of you were on the Olympic team together and had become good friends. She let you know that the team had been good to her so far, and that made you happy. You were leaning against the board when Ryan Getzlaf skated up to you.
           “How are they treating you, little dove?” he asked, and you smiled at the familiarity of the name. The question didn’t surprise you; he had always been protective. You were young and talented when you first started to skate in Anaheim, and some of the rookies took interest in you. Being so focused on making the Olympic team though, you barley noticed. The captain announced one practice that you were off limits, and they complied. After that it seemed the whole team had become extra protective of you.  
           “Good! They’re a good group. I like it here,” you answered honestly. He nodded and looked back out over the ice.
           “Is that why it looks like I’m about to get in a fight with 29 tonight?” Ryan smirked at you. You found Nate on the ice and smiled at him, and the tension in his jaw seemed to release as he went back to what he was doing. Nate knew you were friends with the Ducks and figured some may go talk to you; but he couldn’t help but feel a twinge of jealousy that they could talk to you so openly and no one would question it while the two of you had to date secretly.
           “He’s just protective like you are,” you tried to laugh it off, but Ryan gave you a look that said you were not fooling him. You smiled sweetly and he shook his head.
           “Whatever you say little dove,” Ryan said and skated off.
           “Be nice!” you yelled after him and he let out a laugh.
           “Will you stop fraternizing with the enemy Coach?” Tyson asked skating into the box.
           “Just for you Tyson,” you winked at him.
           Later, the third period had just began and the teams were tied. The whole game had been a back and forth with scoring. A few times when one of the Ducks would skate by, they would say hi, wave, or wink at you. The winking seemed to happen only when Nate was on the bench, and you were wondering if Ryan had said anything. You needed to work on being a better liar.
           Nate was on the ice when Hampus Lindholm skated by before a face off. “You know, we were all sad when Y/N left us to come here. I would think she’s a good coach,” Hampus judged Nate’s reaction. Nate side-eyed him, but didn’t say anything. “She’s cute too,” Hampus pushed a bit further. The Ducks’ captain had said that chirping about Y/N was off limits, but he had also said he felt it may get under MacKinnon’s skin. When you talked about being friends with some of the Ducks, Hampus was one of them. He didn’t want to be disrespectful toward you, but he thought it would be fun to see if he could push the center’s buttons. Nate took a deep breath and continued to ignore him. “You know she was my date to a charity event once,” Hampus continued. Nate did know this; you had told him you went as friends since you were going to the charity also. He knew it was nothing, he knew Lindholm was trying to dig at him, but that doesn’t mean that it didn’t bother him. When the puck was dropped, Nate threw himself into the defenseman, promptly flattening him out on the ice.
           Nothing was called and the play kept going, but you stood behind the bench with wide eyes. What had just happened? You were so distracted in your own thoughts that you hadn’t realized the buzzard had gone off, signaling an Avs’ goal. Turning your attention back to the team celebrating at the end of the ice, you saw them all gathering around Nate. Of course you had missed it. That was the only score of the third period, the Avs winning 3-2.
           After the game and interviews were done, you had said bye to some of the guys and Bradie. Nate had asked if you wanted to stay at his place that night, so you made your way to his apartment. You texted him that you were there, and he told you the front was unlocked. Upon walking into his apartment, he called you over to the couch where he was laying down and pulled you down on top of him. You gave him a quick kiss, then settled your chin on his chest, looking at him expectantly. “So,” you started. Nate knew where the conversation was going.
           “You really did just go to the charity thing with Lindholm as friends, right?” he asked, furrowing his brow a little.
           “Yeah, that’s all it was. Why?”
           “He said you were his date,” Nate shrugged and started to play with your hair, twisting and untwisting a strand around his finger.
           “As friends. I have no feelings for him whatsoever,” you explained, then realized why he was asking you to clarify. “Is that why you hit him so hard during the game?” Nate averted his eyes from you, slightly ashamed he let what Lindholm had said get to him. You giggled, knowing that was the issue. “Nate, babe. There was nothing there, nor will there every be anything there. And that goes for the rest of everyone. Don’t let it get to you okay,” you said, kissing him softly. You pulled away and rested your palm against his cheek. “Plus, he’s not my type.” That perked Nate right up.
           “So, what is your type?” he wrapped his arms around you with a smirk.    
           “Big, burly, 6-foot Canadians with blue eyes who are just as stubborn as I am,” you smirked at him. Nate rolled his eyes, but laughed and pulled you in for another kiss. He flipped the two of you so that your back was to the couch now with him hovering over you. Nate started placing quick kisses all over your face and you giggled as his stubble tickled your neck. The two of you stayed like that for a while longer before ordering take out and getting ready for bed.
~ ~ ~
           The holidays fast approached, and you were thankful the team had four days off for Christmas. You had already booked a flight back home for the morning of Christmas Eve, and would be flying back to Denver on the morning of the 26th. For you, going home was easy as it was only a two in a half hour flight. You had booked it when you first got the schedule back in September. You were starting to feel bad that not everyone on the team would be going home though, Nate included. If you had known that you would have been in any sort of relationship, you may have opted to stay as well. When you brought this up to Nate, he told you not to worry about it, and that he would even take you and pick you up from the airport.
           On the 23rd, you and Nate had just got back to your apartment after having dinner with everyone who was still in town. Since there were multiple people going, you figured nothing would come of it to be seen out with Nate in public. The two of you were still keeping your relationship from mostly everyone on the team, so it was easy to act like you had been at practice. To anyone who didn’t know, it just looked like you two were good friends.
           You showered and put your pajamas on, setting out your present for Nate on the coffee table and finding a movie to watch while he showered. You had settled on watching a Hallmark Christmas movie, because who doesn’t secretly love the cheesiness of it all? Nate sat down next to you on the couch and pulled you into his side. Placing a blanket over the both of you, you settled into watching the movie, pointedly trying to ignore the Christmas gift bag he had set down on the coffee table next to your gift to him.
           After the movie, you turned the tv off and just enjoyed being in each other’s company. The only lights on were the Christmas lights from the fake tree you had set up, and other Christmas lights you had decorated with. Your apartment looked a bit like Christmas exploded in it, but it made you happy and Nate laugh. You made some hot chocolate, and sat back down facing Nate. Handing him his, you took a sip and set your mug down on the coffee table, in turn picking up your gift to him. “Present time!” you sang, handing him the gift. You weren’t sure what he would think of it, realizing it was difficult to buy for someone who seemingly had everything he wanted.
Nate unwrapped the gift, and smiled upon taking it out of the box. It was a wooden watch, one that you had found on Etsy. It was a dark stained wood that you had engraved on the back of the watch face. As Nate turned it over in his hands, he smiled wider and chuckled. You were able to convince the designer to engrave a hockey skate and a figure skate. Above the skates read “Merry Christmas” with the year, and both your initials. “I know you already have a watch, but I thought the wood was neat and I was excited when the person said they could engrave the skates on it, and…” you were cut off from your rambling by Nate pulling you into a sweet kiss.
“It’s perfect Y/N. Thank you,” he whispered, placing a kiss on your forehead and admiring the thoughtful gift. He set it down and handed you the gift bag. You smiled while you took the tissue paper off the top, feeling fabric at the bottom of the bag and took it out. You laughed, seeing the familiar burgundy and blue. Holding it out in front of you, you saw the 29 on the arm, turning it around to see ‘MacKinnon’ on the back. While you unfolded it though, a smaller box fell into your lap. “I know you can’t wear it to games, but I wanted to get you my jersey,” Nate explained as you slipped it on over your pajama top.
“Thank you,” you said, blushing slightly and turning your attention to the box. Opening it up, you saw the most beautiful, small and delicate figure skate charm you had even seen. It was gold with diamonds encrusted into it. Taking it out of the box, you noticed it was attached to a delicate gold chain as a necklace. You turned it over in your hand, feeling something on the back of the charm. You giggled, noticing a ‘29’ engraved onto the back.  “Nate, it’s beautiful.”
“I thought you could at least wear my number to games this way. If you don’t like it we can go get you something else,” Nate looked at you unsure, and you shook your head.
“Help me put it on?” you asked, and turned around. Nate deftly clasped the necklace together. “How does it look?”
“Perfect,” he said, and you grinned at him.
“I love it, thank you,” you said, and leaned in to kiss him. What was an innocent gesture quickly turned heated as Nate pulled you onto his lap, you straddling him. Your fingers carded through the hair at the nape of his neck as his hands pushed the hem of the jersey and your pajama shirt up, gripping your hips. You pulled back after some time, needing to take a breath and maneuvered yourself to where you were sitting in Nate’s lap and leaned your head on his shoulder. Nate chuckled, kissing your forehead.
“Maybe it’s a good thing you can’t wear my jersey to games. I don’t think I could concentrate,” he mumbled. You giggled and pecked his neck, the both of you settling back down.
The following morning Nate drove you to the airport. Thankful for his tinted windows, you kissed him quickly before anyone would figure out who the both of you were and grabbed your bags. “Merry Christmas Nate,” you said, slipping out of the car.
“Let me know when you get home, okay?” he said with a soft smile, and you felt your heart tug at the thought of leaving him for a few days. It struck you that this was the first time since September you wouldn’t be around him almost every day.
“I will,” you returned his smile. Nate quickly reached over the center counsel for your hand, bringing it up to his lips.
“Merry Christmas Y/N,” he said lightly, realizing the same thing you were. You grabbed your bags and smiled, waving as you shut the door and headed into the airport. Nate made sure you were inside the building before he took off, not being bothered by the honks he was receiving from annoyed holiday travelers.      
Tags: @bqstqnbruin​ @avsfans95​ @comphybiscuit​ @calesykar​ @andreiaafaria​
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lovelucybradford · 3 years
I Pretend You’re Mine-2
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Chapter Two: We Learn to Live with the Pain (Mosaic Broken Hearts)
A/N: Thanks so much for all of your support on Chapter One. I’m so excited that you love it as much as I do! Please let me know if you’d like to be added to the tag list for this story. Also, not sure how I feel about this one. Be warned: I hate Jennifer Blake.
Derek and Rose’s ‘engagement’ was supposed to stay a secret between the four of them. So, naturally, all of her friends knew about it. Even if she tried (and she really, really wanted to) Rosalie couldn’t push the thought of the upcoming ruse to the back of her mind. Her friends wouldn’t let her.
It started out innocently enough. A ‘Hey Rosie, Derek looks hot, don’t you think’ here or a ‘Friends to lovers is the best, right Rosalie’ there. Rosalie was used to it. Ever since she returned to Beacon Hills and became close with all of Lydia’s friends, who had somehow become Derek’s in the span of years, they’d been relentless with their teasing of Derek and her.
The joking she could handle.
It was when they used Rosalie’s feelings for Derek for their own amusement that it really started to bug her.
Wednesday had been the day from hell. It all started in Rosalie’s first period class. One of her more bold students, captain of the lacrosse team, had greeted her not with his normal, ‘What up, Miss H?’. No, the boy strutted right in, stopped at her desk, and said, ‘How’s it going, Mrs. Hale?’ with a shit-eating grin. Alex Layhue was normally the last to arrive to class, right before the late bell rang, so, of course, all of Rose’s other students had heard him. And began to refer to her as Mrs. Hale. Which had spread like wildfire, and then all of the kids called Rosalie by Derek’s surname.
 It only stopped once she’d threatened detention. By the time eighth period was over, Rosalie was fuming and ready to stomp right out onto the lacrosse field to give her good friend, Assistant Lacrosse Coach Scott McCall, a piece of her mind. Instead, Rosalie raced out the door as soon as she was allowed to leave, forgoing her normal after-school visit to Derek’s classroom.
Rosalie’d reached her apartment, eternally thankful that the shitshow was over, when she had spotted it: a poorly taped rose on the front door, with a sign next to it. A rather crude sign.
Congrats on the D(erek). Love, Isaac. The words were bad enough. Isaac had to go and include a rather accurate drawing of Derek as a, um, d.
She had ripped the sign off the front door, threw it into the wastebasket under the kitchen sink, then punched the damned thing a few more times for good measure.
Then, Rose had called and screamed at Isaac. She couldn’t remember what was said in her anger, but Rosalie knew that a few choice words were thrown in, along with ‘obscene’, ‘tasteless’ and ‘terrible friend’.
Isaac showed up at the woman’s front door an hour after the ‘conversation’ holding a bottle of wine in one hand and takeout in another, a guilty smile on his face. Rosalie forgave him. Eventually.
That night, she’d had a very vivid dream about Derek’s dick. Rosalie woke up the next morning, covered in sweat, and knew that if she saw Derek she would spontaneously combust, and, well, other things that she didn’t want to even ponder.
So, Rosalie spent the rest of the week eating lunch in her car, leaving right after the final bell, and basically avoiding her best friend at all costs.
Until today. Rosalie had been waiting all week to watch this movie, and she would be damned if the deafening bang of construction across the street from her apartment building would keep her from Peter Kavinsky.
The door to the loft slid open, and Derek sauntered in, hands full with grocery bags. He paused at the sight of Rosalie, his face contorted in disgust.
“Get that shit off my TV!” he grumbled.
Rosalie paused the movie, looking up at him with a sharp glare. “It is not shit, Derek Sebastian Hale. It is romance. You wouldn’t know romance if it bit you in the ass.”
Derek scoffed. “Oh yeah? Remember, my senior year, when I showed up in front of my ex’s house all John Hughes-like and quoted Shakespeare at her like a total douche?”
“Mmm, yeah. And that went over swimmingly, didn’t it, Romeo? I specifically remember having to clean the cut on your forehead from the rock that she threw at you.” Rosalie snorted.
 Derek ignored her, hauling the bags into the kitchen and shoving items into cabinets. Rose joined him, grabbing a bag of refrigerated foods. As she pulled out the milk, a slip of paper flittered to the ground. She reached down to grab it, stopping short when she found that a phone number was written on the back of the receipt.
“Elena Soto gave you her phone number?” Rosalie asked Derek.
Damn. Rosalie suspected that Elena was after Derek since the day that the new Spanish teacher started at BHHS. Two weeks ago. Girl had game, Rosalie gave her that.
Derek put down the box of noodles in his hand and scratched the back of his neck, looking everywhere but at his friend. Rosalie could see a hint of pink on his cheekbones and wondered if the man had actually gotten a sunburn after years of making fun of her for her lobster-tone skin in the summertime.
“Yeah. She, uh, asked me out to dinner next Saturday night.”
Rosalie straightened herself back up and busied with putting food in the fridge. She feigned nonchalance, asking, “And what did you say?”
“I told her thank you, but I’ll be in Hawaii… with you.”
The woman hid her smug smile in the inside of the refrigerator. Serves Elena right. “I thought you’d forgotten. Since you haven’t, you know, even brought it up since Disneyland.”
“I didn’t forget. And it’s not like you brought it up, either.”
True. Rosalie was avoiding that discussion like the plague. She knew that she’d be able to pull of fake fiancée. She’d had feelings for Derek that were successfully repressed since she was sixteen. But Derek… he’d made it very clear that he felt nothing more than familial love towards Rosalie. How could he convincingly play madly in love with her?
“I’m sorry I cockblocked your hot date with Senorita Soto,” Rose confessed, tone sounding more harsh than intended.
She pulled her head out of the fridge and shut the door. The BB-8 magnet her  niece bought him at Disney was displayed proudly towards the top. Rosalie studied it as an excuse to not look at Derek, lest he catch onto her jealousy.
She was losing her touch. Rosalie had built an excellent poker face over the years, and she let her friends’ suggestions and one bold woman break it. Rose had to up her game.
“Rosalie, you know I didn’t mean it like that. It’s why I didn’t bring Elena up. You’re my best friend. You know I’d do anything for you.”
Rosalie smiled deviously up at him, all thoughts of Elena Soto gone and replaced again with Peter Kavinsky. “Does that include watching my romcom?”
Derek rolled his eyes with a playful smile. He eventually gave in after Rose told him she would buy them a pizza.
 Rosalie tried to enjoy the movie, but one thought plagued her mind like some annoyingly catchy song.
 Fake dating contract. It was so cringey she didn’t want to bring it up. But she did anyways.
 “Hey Derek? This sounds so stupid, but since you and I are two adults playing pretend, don’t you think you and I should, you know, come up with rules for our charade?” Rosalie shoved pizza in her face to distract herself from any comment that would come next.
Derek laughed. “Yeah, ok, Lara Jean Comey.”
“It’s Covey, not Comey… and I’m serious, Der. You and I have both been shit on by our significant others. Don’t you think it would be good for us to come up with some kind of guidelines, so this doesn’t get out of hand and neither of us get hurt?”
Derek sighed, putting his plate down on the coffee table and giving Rosalie his full attention. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
Rosalie bit her lip, thinking. When she came up with nothing, she asked, “Do you have any dealbreakers?”
“I’m not making Drew jealous,” he swiftly announced.
Rosalie’s eyes shot up to his. “I’m not in love with Drew anymore, so there’s no need to make him jealous.”
“Thank God. What about you?”
She ignored the former comment. Rose did have a dealbreaker. She knew it would sound totally prudish on her end, but Rosalie knew her limits.
“No… No kissing.”
“What do you mean no kissing? Like, I can’t kiss you at all, or no tongue? Because I sure as hell know that we won’t be believable if I can’t kiss you.”
“And how would you know that?”
Derek pursed his lips. “I remember having an in-depth conversation with your brother about how gross you and Drew were together.”
Rosalie gaped at him. “And you didn’t stick your tongue down Jennifer’s throat at your engagement party?! It was like witnessing some messed-up porno. And, in my defense, Drew initiated every public—”
“I did not have my tongue down Jen’s throat!”
“Then why did Laura tell you two to get a room?”
Derek scowled. “Moving on…”
“Ok, rule 1: yes, to kissing. No tongue.” Rose ticked on her finger. “Two, no checking out other women. Like, at all.”
“You think I would do that when I’m engaged? I’m not a total dick.”
“I know that Derek. I’m just saying, when you were younger—”
“When I was younger. I’ve matured a lot since I was eighteen.”
She smacked his shoulder playfully. “You sure about that, Mr. I-throw-a-tantrum-every-time-I-lose-to-Scott-at-pool?”
“Shut up.”
“You can’t deny it, Hale. I know you too well… anything else to add?”
“No sex,” Derek said so suddenly that Rosalie about fell out of her spot on the couch.
“I…” She started, but couldn’t formulate a sentence, so she just nodded her agreement.
They sat in silence for a while, Rosalie processing what the hell happened.
“Let me warn you now. I don’t know how to be a good fiancé,” Derek added so softly that Rosalie might have missed it if she wasn’t so in tune with him.
“Derek…” She looked up to meet his green eyes, full of turmoil, of ghosts of past hurts. A haunted look that Rosalie knew too well. Only because she wore it too, late at night when she was alone with her demons.
Rosalie’s heart broke for him, and she pulled him into a hug. Derek was rarely vulnerable, preferring to keep those emotions locked tight. Rosalie was thankful that he opened himself up enough to let her see that side of him.
“You were a good fiancé, Der. It wasn’t your fault, that it ended. Jennifer was a bitch… I knew she wasn’t good for you,” Rosalie whispered into his shoulder, squeezing him tight so he knew that she meant every word.
Derek’s hot breath fanned over Rose’s neck as he spoke. “Then why didn’t you tell me?”
She pulled away from him, leaving her hands on his shoulders. Rosalie set him with an unimpressed look. “Would you have listened?”
Derek shook his head, a small smile overtaking the once hard line of his lips. “Nah, probably not.”
Tags: @wolfarrowepz​
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word-scribbless · 4 years
Smile Again Part 7
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Aaron hotchnerx female reader
Masterlist | series masterlist
They finally kissed last chapter! Now what?
Y/N was awoken the next morning from a very sweet and slightly steamy dream about a certain G-Man by her phone ringing with a call from JJ.
“Tell me you kissed!” JJ greeted as soon as Y/N picked up.
“Hello to you too Jayje” she laughed, blushing a little at her cousin’s question.
“What’s the news!?”
“Aren’t you hung over? Why are you so loud?” Y/N teased.
“Ugh answer me dammit!”
“We kissed” Y/N squeaked out.
“YESSSSSS” Jj yelled so loud Y/N had to move the phone away from her ear. “Ow that hurt! I guess I am hung over.”
“Aw poor baby I should let you go then” Y/N joked .
“Don’t you dare hang up that phone before you tell me what happened!”
“Your boss is an incredibly good kisser.” Y/N joked
“Ew when you put it that way it’s weird!” Jj laughed
“Oh okay I won’t tell you about it then.” She joked
“STOP IT!” Jj whined “who kissed who!” Her cousin asked, suddenly sounding further away and Y/N knew she was most likely talking to bother JJ and Will now.
“He kissed me” Y/N said
“I knew it!” She heard Jj shriek.
“But I told him to” Y/N admitted
“Ha” she heard Will yell while she heard JJ say “dammit”
“Okay Stop betting about my love life and take me off speaker phone now please!” Y/n said with a chuckle.
“Okay done” JJ said
“Jayje I really like him.” She admitted shyly.
“Well I’ve never known you to kiss people you didn’t like!” JJ joked and continued when y/n laughed. “I’m really glad you let him in Y/N/N”
“I’m still a little scared, but I don’t think I’m ever going to get tired of being with him.”
“Eeeeee” Jj squealed before groaning about her head again.
The rest of the call was spent talking about their night after they had parted, and their plans for a girls day that Sunday.
Later that afternoon, Hotch was standing on the sidelines at Jack’s soccer practice getting grilled by none other than Dave Rossi in much the same way Y/N was by JJ.
“So you drove her home?” Dave asked.
“I did” Hotch answered before directing one of the players on kicking.
“They know how to kick Aaron stop stalling!” Rossi said turning to face him.
“ What do you want me to say?” Aaron asked, not looking away from the field.
“Have you kissed her yet?” Dave asked and watched as Aaron looked at him and then away with a telling smirk.
“Attaboy Aaron” he said patting him on the back before turning back to the game.
Aaron could barely focus on the rest of the game as he thought about his upcoming night with y/n and his son.
That night Y/N showed up to the Hotchner house as usual. They settled in and snuggled up a little closer than they had before. They were each on either side of jack again, but this time Aaron’s arm was over the back of the chair and Y/N and Jack were both tucked up under his arm. Jack didn’t seem to notice the change, and if he did, he didn’t seem to mind too much.
At the end of the movie, Jack and Y/N got up and were dancing around the room to the music that played with the credits. They pulled Aaron up with him and he quickly spun them both around in a silly dance move. Y/N was laughing and smiling so hard her face hurt. She scooped up Jack who giggled and said
“See Y/N, I told you that my daddy would be one of the people who made you smile again.”
Y/N couldn’t help but smile and blush a bit. “You sure did buddy, and you were right. Your daddy hasn’t stopped making me smile since I met him.” She said with a smile to a slightly flushed Aaron before tickling Jack’s sides “and neither have you mister!” Jack giggled and wiggled around in Y/N’s arms and Aaron joined in the tickle fight that lead to a full tickle battle.
When the tickle battle settled down Jack curled up into y/N’s side on the couch.
“You make my daddy smile a lot too! Even if he’s just talking about you.” Jack whispered, still loud enough for his father to hear.
She looked up to see Aaron with a small blush and a wide smile.
After a few more minutes of cuddles y/N and Aaron walked a sleepy jack back to his bed room to tuck him in. They each read him a story and kissed him goodnight. Before he fell asleep he triple checked that Y/N was going to come watch his soccer game in the morning, a plan they had made a few days before on the phone. After Jack was sound asleep the adults went back out the the living room.
Aaron poured them each a glass of wine and Y/N found them a TV movie to watch, this had become a habit after the first time. Aaron came to sit next to her, placing their glasses on the coffee table and taking her hands.
“He’s right you know, I smile a lot more since I met you” he admired with a smile.
“Does it scare the team?” She joked
“Only Dave and jj have caught me so far.” He laughed “well at least they’re the only two brave enough to call me out on it.
“Has Dave asked about us?” She asked curiously.
“Only every day” he huffed playfully
“Is he pro Y/N and Aaron or con?”she asked as she picked up her wine.
“You’re kidding right?“ he turned to look at her again.
Aaron laughed and admitted “He’s been trying to get me to make a move since the day we met.”
“I have the best friend approval.” She cheered softly
“Yup” Aaron’s said and he leaned over to kiss her head
“And the son approval it would seem.” She continued
“Oh yeah, no doubt there!” He laughed
“Good.” She smiled before curling up into his side to watch the movie.
After a few minutes her head popped back up, “since I have everyone’s approval does that mean you can be my work out buddy like promised!” She asked
“I’ve been waiting for you to ask, join me on my run Wednesday? I have an early day Monday so I’m skipping” he smiled
“Wednesday is perfect” she smiled and kissed his cheek before snuggling in Closer.
Y/N must have had a long week because with in 15 minutes of snuggling up to Aaron, he heard her softly snoring against him. He smiled and relaxed next to her, falling asleep not long after.
A few hours later Aaron woke up confused, quickly smiling as he realized where he was and who was snuggled up next to him.
“Hey sweetheart.” He whispered as he shook Y/N softly.
“Hey,” she said groggily as she woke up. “what time is it?”
“About midnight, I fell asleep too. I was hoping you’d let me talk you into staying here, I don’t want you to have to drive this late.”
Y/N Nodded, smiling at his thoughtfulness “yeah, you have an extra comfy couch, I’ll get my go bag from my car.”
Aaron raised his Eye brow at the mention of a go bag.
“I started to carry one since I never know when jj will need me to take the boys” she explained.
“Smart, I’ll got get it.” He said as he took her keys to retrieve her bag.
When he came back in with her bag, she went to change. She came back to Aaron making up a bed on the couch.
“Thank you handsome, this looks so cozy.” Y/N said coming up behind Aaron and hugging his waist from behind.
“Mm-mm this is for me, you take the bed.” Aaron argued, turning around to hug her back.
“No way!”
“Yes way” he smirked “what kind of gentleman would I be to have you sleep on the couch?”
“The one with a son who would be rather confused if he woke up with a nightmare to find me in his fathers bed instead of him.” She said smiling.
“He’d be fine.” Aaron assures.
“I really don’t want to take your bed Aaron, you take your bed and I’ll be cozy out here. maybe I could borrow a sweatshirt though? I forgot mine? If I get scared I’ll know where to find you.” She smiled.
“Good” he kissed her head. “I’ll grab you a sweatshirt. And Y/NI’m serious about that though, if you need me come get me okay?” He asked as he pulled her close.
“I will, it’s nice to have you so close” she smiled, “I could get used to it.”
“Me too” Hotch whispered as he kissed her head.
“Good night Aaron, I really really like you” Y/N said as she pulled him in.
“I really really like you Y/N, good night sweetheart.” He leaned in and kissed her sweetly.
Aaron brought her a sweatshirt that she slipped on. She snuggled up with a happy smile and fell asleep wrapped in the scent of the man she was quickly falling in love with.
Y/N was not a stranger to nightmares, neither was Aaron. That why when he heard her sniffle in his doorway at about 2 in the morning he knew exactly what was wrong.
“Nightmare?” He asked
She nodded and shuffled closer to his bed.
He scooted over and lifted the covers before she climbed in.
She snuggled in close to him and took a deep breath as he wrapped his arms around her. She opened her mouth to apologize, tell him she felt stupid for running to him like a child, tell him he deserved better. Then she thought about what he’d say, that he wanted to be there for her, he cared, he wanted her. So instead of saying she was sorry she turned towards him to and wrapped her arms around his wait, settling her head on his chest before looking into his eyes and whispering “Thank you Aaron”
“Always Y/N” he answered and kissed her softly before they both fell into a more peaceful sleep than either had in a while.
She woke up early the next morning to Jack poking at her face.
“Daddy said to wake you up for breakfast!” Jack whispered, very close to her face.
“I didn’t tell you to poke her in the face bud.” You heard Aaron chuckle from the hall.
“That’s okay, I’ll get him back” she laughed as she lunged forward to scoop him up and tickle him.
“DADDDDDY! Helpppp!” He squealed
“You need help?” Aaron asked sarcastically as he came over and started tickling them both.
“Is this helping?” He joked
“Nooooooo” Jack giggled
“STOPPPP” y/n squealed
“Okay okay lets go eat breakfast goofballs” Aaron smiles rolling over and taking jack with him.
“Mmm that sounds good but firstttt...” she leaned over and whispered into Jacks ear.
“What are you two up to?” Aaron asked laughing.
“GET HIM” Y/N yelled as they both lunged at Aaron tickling his sides as his laugh bellowed through the room.
“Heyyy! Okay okay! Breakfast is getting cold!” He giggled as he pulled away from them and kissed both their heads.
He smiled as he watched Y/N scoop up Jack and carrying him to the kitchen laughing. Oh yeah, he could get used to living like this. To be honest he already is used to it, he was officially in love with this woman. He knew they had to go slow but he couldn’t help how he felt.
The three of them ate breakfast together, laughing and talking about Jack’s upcoming soccer game.
At the game, Y/N stood on the sidelines cheering and routing Jack on as Aaron and Rossi coached The team to victory.
“You’ve got yourself a keeper there Aaron.” Dave said looking over at Y/N cheering loudly.
“I don’t have her, not yet at least... but you’re right, she’s definitely a keeper.”
“Do you see that girl?” Rossi asked.
Aaron smirked “can’t stop looking.”
Dave laughed “it might not be official Aaron, but you definitely have her... and she has you.” He said before walking away to help the team parents to set up snacks. Aaron couldn’t help but think about what he said, he did have her didn’t he? God he loved that thought.
Y/N went over to the snack table to help Dave and Aaron while the kids all rehydrated and celebrated their win.
“Hey great job today coaches!” She smiled as she gave Dave a hug.
“Hey tesoro” Dave said “glad to see you.”
“You too Dave”
“Hey you” Aaron said as he walked over to her, followed by a blond who didn’t look too happy when he hugged Y/N.
“Hey Aaron, great job today.” She said, leaning in to kiss his cheek.
“Thanks, Jack was playing extra great for you.” He smiled before they heard the blonde lady clear her throat behind them.
“Oh Y/N this is Margret James, Jack’s friend Liam’s mom.”
“Hi it’s nice to meet you” Y/N said as she reached her hand out.
Margret looked at Y/N and weakly shook her hand.
“ Hi” she turned quickly to Aaron “so are you and Jack in to come to our house Friday?” She asked flirtily as she touched his arm.
Y/N turned to look at Dave who rolled his eyes and shook his head as if to say ‘she’s annoying don’t worry about it.’
Aaron moved away and said, “sorry we aren’t free Friday, thank you though.”
Margret walked away dejectedly as Aaron turned to take Y/N’s hand to go celebrate with Jack.
Dave smiled as he watched Aaron and Y/N scoop Jack up in a hug, he couldn’t remember the last time he saw his good friend so happy.
@violetclifford @diesinspanishbcimhispanic @badassbitchqueen
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hobicomeholla29 · 4 years
Cuff me if you can - Part 1 - KTH
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Pairing: Dad! Street Racer! Taehyung x Judge! Reader
Genre: Fluff/ Slight angst/ Crack
Word Count:5k
Warnings: Mentions of domestic violence/ Cursing/ Mentions of bribing/ Probably incorrect use of legal terminology/ Incorrect legal procedure/ That’s all for this chapter. Oh! unedited!
Rating: PG13
A/N: Well hello again beautiful people! Thank you for taking the time to read this! This sieres are part of BTSghostie writer event for the month of september. Dynamite Dads!
Summary: Kim Taehyung and yourself, live your lives on the opposite side of each other. Yet that doesn’t mean that you can’t meet in the middle.
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Getting out of your car, the cool morning breeze caressed what it could of your exposed skin. The walk from the parking lot to the courthouse wasn’t long, but the chills that ran through your body made it feel like it took a little over the usual 5 minutes.
The sun shined like every morning, yet today it felt different somehow.
Maybe it was wishful thinking, but it felt as if today would be the beginning of something new or different, and that was a lot to say for someone like you.
“Morning judge y/n!”
Your job placed you in a position where you were always in the eyes of criminals and felons that were either angry, moody, violent, sad or careless  ­—and any other word you can come up with, when thinking about wrongdoers who are finally facing the law­­— forcing you to try seeking for positivity in other aspects of your life.
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 Since you were a child, you always had an itch that annoyed you every time you had to be in the presence of an unfair or unethical situation and couldn’t do anything about it.
 It is positive to say that you got it from your mother's strong moral views on righteousness, honesty, and integrity.
 And so a dream came up to you, a dream you had expressed to your parents at the tender age of 5 while watching cartoons one cold morning, your parents discussing the latest incident on that morning's newspaper on the other side of the room.
 "I want to put all those kwiminals in jail"
 There was something fulfilling about being able to help people get justice for the wrongs that were done to them, something about making the corrupt, nefarious, and unlawful pay. Your dream never wavered, the sole thought of what the future would hold made you buzz with excitement during your teenage years and still did now in your adulthood.
 It was present during your entire life, you weren't afraid of speaking up when a witness was needed in an unfair situation in school, whether you were putting yourself in a position against a classmate or a teacher, all that mattered was that the problem was solved in a fair manner.
 Yet, even though you kept steadfast loyalty towards your beliefs, it sometimes got you in trouble, as not everyone sees good in someone openly voicing their wrongdoings. Leading you to sometimes being labeled as a snitch —and no one wants to befriend a snitch—.
 Nevertheless, you pushed through, finally meeting people that shared your views in college.
 It was nice to be able to have a conversation with people with the same mentality and strong feelings towards justice as yourself —not saying that you didn't encounter people who were walking this path just for the money.
 And finally, after graduating from law school with two of your closest friends by your side, you decided it had been way too long of a peaceful ride for the evildoers and it was time to get with it.
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 "Good morning Y/n!" A voice spoke loudly from behind you.
 "Morning Guk! How was your weekend?" It was always nice to see Jungkook 1st thing in the morning. For some reason, his cute bunny teeth always gave you life.
 Jungkook was one of your friends from college AKA best friend #1. He had the face of a baby with the wisdom of a 70-year-old man –who would have thought.
 His words towards you were always of encouragement or offerings of helping you with anything you needed –just like in college.
 He was methodical with his work, always studying his cases with a careful eye and with discipline. Some hated it, stating he took way too long to make final judgments, however, there wasn't a ruling that Jungkook had ever issued where the victim had been left to suffer the mischief without the guilty paying the price.
 "Pretty calm actually, taking into consideration that I had the Kang case on Sunday" The younger of your friends exhaled "That man has got to get a grip on his life, this is his 3rd showing" He made a pause as if bringing up some memories from the case, however, he quickly returned to the present "How was yours?"
 "It was quiet; abnormally so, thus my wild guess is that this week I'm going to be assigned as many cases as possible."
 "I know that feeling. The impending doom crawling towards you in the shape of Jimin dropping them on your desk."
 “Yep…” You sighed bracing yourself for the upcoming day.
 Briefly talking about other uninteresting subjects and your mundane lives –like, when was Seokjin going to invite both of you out for lunch— you both eventually parted ways to your own chambers.
 "Good morning Judge Y/n"
"Morning Jimin, you look refreshed!"
 Jimin —your perky judicial secretary— was the earthly version of an angel mixed with a dutiful fairy, you sometimes wondered how he even managed to hold up that 1,000-watt smile all day while dealing with you.
 You had been working together for 3 years now and every year they decided to rotate the secretaries, you prayed they wouldn't change him for someone else.
 "I am! Thanks for the days off, they really helped!"
"Don't mention it bubs. What do you have for me today?" You asked as your heels clicked on the tile making your way behind your large rectangular Victorian style oak desk, Jimin quickly trailing behind you with a stack of folders in his arms.
 "These four are for today and these four are for tomorrow" he said as he divided them into two groups in front of you. "I'll have the ones for Wednesday and Thursday ready by tomorrow" he concluded with a small nod and a smile of accomplishment on his plump lips.
 "Thanks, Jimin. What would I do without you?" you smiled up at the younger man, who smiled wider and turned to leave to his own desk a couple of feet away from yours.
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 Finally, mentally prepared to start your day —after mindlessly scrolling through your phone for 20 minutes— you unlocked your computer and began reading through the files that Jimin had left on your desk labeled ‘Monday’.
 "Another asshole, who thought he could get away with a hit and run..." you muttered to yourself, as you reviewed the first case.
 The following trials were for a domestic violence case and 2 robberies.
After reviewing the files, you began transcribing some of the information on your computer, adding personal notes based on the evidence that had been collected for each case and saved it all for its intended use in the next 2 hours.
"Since no one likes a slacker, I might as well go through the ones for tomorrow as well."
As expected, there was another case of robbery, one for theft, a case for assault and last but not least a misdemeanor for street racing. 
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After an hour of transcribing that called for a well-deserved break, you stretched your arms above your head, sighing softly as the tension was released.
 "Judge... would you like some tea? I'm on my way to the Cafe"
"Ugh Jimin, I love you, why are you so sweet, I'll come with." As you both picked up your belongings and were about to head out to the small cafe across the street, an unforeseen visitor arrived abruptly, startling both you and your secretary.
"Oh, so you're both slacking off now. I thought that was a Y/n thing?"
"I- No judge- we-" Poor Jimin couldn’t even complete a sentence, his mind still in a jumble as a result of the sudden barge into your chamber.
"Seokjin, shut up.” You cut your eyes at his comment. “We are going to the café. You either come with or move out of the way." You laughed a bit while pushing past your best friend #2, making your way out.
Oh, how lucky were you to be able to have them working near you.
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 Back from the cafe and ready to face all cases for the day, you walk to your chamber accompanied by Jimin who helped you wear your black robe, both quickly headed to the courtroom for your first trial right after.
Monday had gone by smoothly; all cases being addressed as they should and all sentences set in place.
Tuesday was a better day, the morning had been less chilly than the day prior and you could read a bit before your hearings of the day, since you had proactively  reviewed the cases of today, yesterday.
After the third time hearing it today, a fourth was just unnecessary, however entering the courtroom for the fourth time on that day, you heard the bailiff announcing your arrival.
 “All rise. This court is now in session.” Shuffling could be heard, a sign of everyone in the room getting on their feet. “Honorable judge Y/n L/n Presiding.”
You took your seat and announced to everyone that they could do so too. You took the files that the bailiff handed you and began reading the case.
 “Good morning everyone. Today's hearing is for case 3476, the city vs Lee Simon, Kim Taehyung and Jean Reynolds” you announced.
 “Lee Simon, Kim Taehyung and Jean Reynolds, all three of them, age 26, accused of trespassing private property, injury of a third party and driving over the speed limit, while being timed against each other. All of it initiating from 25th avenue to Map of the Soul street.” You concluded.
“How do you plead?”
“Innocent” “Guilty” “Innocent”
 Internally, you wanted to laugh, but you knew your position required for you to remain serious and focused. It wasn’t the first time a group of friends split due to being involved in a situation they weren’t expected to be in, and it wouldn’t be the last.
 “Seeing that you have different views, let us review the information presented.”
Videos and pictures from street cameras were shown, as well as footed from a dash camera in a hidden police vehicle.
 “Evidence shown so far, seems to portray all three of you as guilty, and the witnesses are yet to come in, excluding the owner of the vehicle you crashed into while running against each other as well as the owner of the private property you drove through.”
 You watched all three of them carefully as you gave them a run through of how this case was going on for them. Two off them looked indifferent, like someone who has done it before, did it this time and will probably do so again.
A chance was soon to be given to all three of them to express why they believed they were innocent, however another piece of evidence was brought in.
“According to this report sent in about your record, you are all repeat offenders, meaning that your options are limited; paying for the legal fees and community service, paying for the legal fees and 1 year jail time or paying for the legal fees, suspension of your driver’s license, a fee of $10,000 and a possibility of impoundment of the motor vehicle used in the crime.”
 "I am going to admit I was there, but I did it for a specific reason, your honor."
"And what reason could that be?"
“Can I approach the bench?”
“Permission granted." The man in question slowly approached you, eyes never wavering from yours.
"I needed the money your honor. I have a daughter..."
"Says here, that you have been detained before and gave out the same reason, so why should we let you off easy Mr. Kim?"
 “So… there is no way we aren’t paying the legal fees -I take it?” the one with the tiger-like eyes spoke up, a small smile playing on his lips as he did so.
“No” the frown on your face was so pronounced, that no area was left for more of his attempt to banter.
“Do I get the easier outcomes if I plead guilty.”
“That’s a possibility...” Now you know why he pleaded guilty. He’s not new to this.
“I have a daughter your honor… I can’t go to jail” He said before you were able to add to your previous sentence.
“That’s for me to decide, however, can’t she stay with a family member?”
“She only has me…” his eyes turned gloomy as he directed his gaze to the floor Infront of you. Should you even trust that action. It could be staged for all you know.
It annoyed you the way how the immediate mention of a child felt like a tool he was using to soften the blow of your possible verdict. However, it still got under your skin and you felt your hard-exterior crumble, allowing your feelings to take over and think about the poor child that would have to deal with an uncomfortable situation.
“How old is your daughter Mr. Kim?”
“four” His demeanor changed entirely the moment he found more time to speak about the hypothetical child he had.
“Who is she with at the moment?”
“A friend”
“Everyone back to their seats…”
You were so predictable. Jungkook would have never softened for something like that.
He would have given him 2 years in jail, taken his car, taken his driver’s license and custody of the child as well, for not being a suitable parent. But no, you had to be like Seokjin, soft hearted and taking people’s feelings into consideration. Bleh.
 “Based on the evidence collected. I am ready to provide a verdict for this case. Lee Simon and Jean Reynolds you are sentenced to serve 6 months of county jail time, pay a fine of $5,000 plus all legal fees and your license will be suspended for 6 months. Kim Taehyung, you are sentenced to a fine of $3,000, suspension of your driver’s license for 6 months, paying the legal fees and community service for 6 months.” You stated re arranging the documentation on your desk and setting them aside.
“Please take them. Mr. Kim shall be escorted to the officer’s department in order to have his rules set in place.”
“Thank you.” A voice said to you right after. You didn’t have to turn to know it was Kim Taehyung, however you did so. He was flashing you a large square smile. It wasn't 1,000 watts like Jimin’s but it was still warm and different, even a bit playful if you looked at it for long.
“That daughter of yours better be real.” You muttered before collecting the final documentation and exiting the room.
But not before hearing.
“Didn’t know they had such pretty judges in here, I should get arrested more often.”
You should have put him in jail. Or maybe not.
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It’s funny how you haven’t been able to get your mind to stop remembering his cheeky squared smile and that aura of a playful child in a large man. It's been 2 weeks now.
Yet you can’t forget him walking up into your courtroom with all that confidence, as if he owned the place.
“Everything ok?”
You gasped loudly, not having heard Jimin enter the chamber as you mindlessly rolled your mouse around and thought about the man who you sentenced to community service a couple of weeks ago.
“You nearly killed me Jimin!” you voiced a little louder than you should have, the fright still showing in your tone.
“I'm sorry" poor kid, all he did was be nice all day.
“You're fine, I just didn’t hear you come in” you answered, returning to aimlessly move your mouse and stare at the open word document on your computer screen.
“Oh! I see. Well in your favor, I was trying to be quiet. Anyways, what are you doing here so early judge y/n?” leave it to Jimin to always worry about others.
“I thought I could… focus on something else by working a little, but the chambers triggered my distractions even more…” You tried internally to not bring it up, but you knew you had to tell someone about it.
About the fact that maybe you might have an itty-bitty tiny crush on a man you barely saw for a span of 40 minutes and convicted for a crime. You are so lame.
Jimin moved around his desk -you assumed- arranging all of his documents for the day and bring his computer to life.
“and what is it?” he asked you after a couple of minutes of comfortable silence.
“What is what?”
“The distraction that's caught your attention, what is it?” his eyes stared at you widely, they looked so earnest and kind. Just wanting to help you with whatever inconvenience you were having.
“Um… well… you’ll probably think it's dumb"
“I promise I won't” he answered so fast, it felt like he was expecting you to decline opening up to him.
“Well…. I… kinda-have-a-small-crush-on-a-man-I-barely-know-and-could-be-a-scofflaw.”
Your sentence had come out abruptly and in such a rapid fire, that you could see the cogs turning in Jimin’s head as he connected all the things you had said and laced them together.
“Did you just say scofflaw?”
“Is that all you caught from my sentence?” flabbergasted, that's what you were with his reaction.
“No, but… really? scofflaw? Not even judge Harry who's 78 uses that term anymore.”
“Not the point Jimin…" frustrated at the weird turn the conversation had taken, you pinched your nose bridge, trying to figure out the young man's train of thought .
“Ok, ok. But is it one of the guys from a couple of weeks ago. The street racer ones?”
“How do you-"
“Eva from the reception said that, Joyce from finance told her that, Hyerin from chamber 5, saw them being called in on their hearing day and that they were all —her words, not mine— as hot as a super-sized bag of flamin hot Cheetos.”
 Now that’s stuck in your mind. Jimin was definitely not helping.
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 “Curse you, procrastination!”
 Grocery shopping should have been done weeks ago. But you were tired, and sleepy and distracted and everything in between that could keep you from doing the boring task that  buying your own food was.
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 Walking through the aisles in the grocery store, you could hear a little girl talking her —probably parent's— ear off.
 Not paying too much attention to her, you were barely able to catch a couple of words here and there as you walked around picking up what you needed.
 "Fishies would be a good pet because I can't hu't it if I hug it awound his house"
"Why can't I see my own eyes?"
"Can we get vanilla this time, stwabewies we'e yuck!"
"How do clouds float? Why don't they fall?"
"Look! Look! A toy!"
 She sounded so excited and the little lisp with her R's was the cutest, you thought.
 You were almost done with your list, only missing some meat or poultry and a pound of potatoes, —'cause you've been craving gratin potatoes for a while and you were done living a life without them.
 Making your way to the missing items, you could once again hear a conversation going on between the little girl and the other person, but this time the adult with her spoke. It was a grave voice, very deep and somewhat familiar, yet not enough to put a face to it.
 "You are not having a pet, until you understand the responsibilities that come with taking care of an animal" The voice answered the little girl sternly. You could imagine the man's face voided of any emotion and trying to maintain a serious visage. Probably trying to teach his daughter a lesson.
Again, the voice sounded familiar, giving you a tingling sensation in the back of your mind. However, in your distraction, the links that attempted to connect in your mind remained ignored.
 You continued rolling your cart, hastily turning around each corner; ready to pick up what you were missing and bolt home to make the delicious meal you have been craving for.
 However, you were suddenly stopped by another cart that crashed right into yours as they rushed towards you from around the corner.
 "Oof, My bad" - "Oh no! I'm so sorry!"
 You both said in unison.
 “Oh...” Came the immediate reaction from both of you, as you noticed who the person you had bumped into was.
 "So, the whole you having a daughter wasn’t a lie after all"
 "You offend me your honor." Was his reply as he chuckled a bit to himself "But I guess I am not a good example of what a decent human or father should be like..."
 "Oh Hush! We all make mistakes. Even some that land us in Jury or court" You giggled a little trying to soften whatever thought had him thinking he was the worst human ever to walk on this earth.
 Of course, he had made a mistake —a couple of them at that—   but it wasn’t murder, and he was attempting to make an income for his family.
 "What's her name?" You asked him as you both watched her eyeing the fish tank you assumed she saw the fish at before.
 "Yoonah. But she prefers to be called Nah-Nah" His voice mellowed. You looked at him with a smirk on your face, but all you got was the sight of a man watching his daughter with the fondest of gazes. So much love could be found in his eyes, he was proud and filled with warmth. The small smiled that decorated his features said it all.
 “Is she your only daughter?”
 Your question brought him back to the present.
 “Oh, yeah – she is” Was his curt answer. The tone he used made you feel a bit guilty, as if you were way too into his business, so you decided to cut it short.
 “Well it was nice meeting you outside of court Mr. Kim –and little miss Yoonah as well.” Were your final words as you waved your hand swiftly and left to finish your shopping, missing entirely the smile that graced his lips when he heard you address his little girl.
 For some reason, you hoped to see them one more time before you left the store, just to make sure they were ok —even though there was nothing dangerous at a grocery store.
After so much fussing and so many tantrums, Kim Taehyung was finally tired out.
It could be seen from a mile away, just by watching his shoulders slightly slump and Yoonah grinning up at him with a content expression.
 Naturally, the best view of your day was Kim Taehyung walking out of the grocery store with four bags on one shoulder and a small plastic bag in his right hand, filled with water and two gold fish swimming peacefully.
So much for the sterned voice he had back there.
 You lingered a little more on your way to your own car, head turning slightly to your left, just to watch him interact with his daughter. You are sure you look like a creep, but it was so endearing, you couldn’t help yourself.
He kept her close by while he loaded the trunk with groceries and tickled her sides while placing her in her car seat. N sight of a father that didn’t care for his daughter or an irresponsible parent. Yeah, that was going to be your excuse for staring longer than needed.
 Yet what was a little more time for you, was enough to give him a full view of you watching them both with something in your expression that he couldn’t read, but whatever it was, had his heart racing a little more than it should for somewhat of a stranger that could put him in jail.
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You’re not sure if it’s one of those times where once you meet someone one time, you end up seeing them everywhere.
How is it possible that on a chill evening in the park, while you were enjoying a slow-paced stroll and a hot chocolate in your hands, you see him again. You are about to start thinking that maybe he is following you and in addition to committing his past crime, he is also a stalker.
But he couldn’t be. He’s not even looking at you. From your short distance from him, you can see his eyes trained on something else. A fond smile decorated his lips as if whatever held his attention was above everything in this world.
From this angle you could appreciate his profile. A very handsome man you should say.
His eyes slowly crinkle into smaller half-moons in favor of his now growing smile taking more space. His teeth now baring and the apple of his cheeks flexing.
Oh! what a sight.
What would it feel like to poke them? you thought to yourself.
Yet, your legs had other plans and were already in action. Your brain had already sent signals to your arms and fingers to poke all soft parts that it came into contact with.
You are a judge, for goodness’s sake, touching someone without their authorization is battery. What are you doing?
 Yet right before you were able to do so you heard her.
“Daddy!” The soft giggles that followed filled the air that surrounded you. You turned your head to the direction of the sound and just in time you caught the sight of a little girl running from the playground into Taehyung’s arms.
Before you even turned to him, he was already catching her, squeezing her tightly in his embrace.
“Did you see that daddy? I did it!”
“Yes, you did princess! And you were amazing! Best cartwheel I have ever seen!”
The little girl giggled and squealed as Taehyung blew raspberries everywhere around her.
 When she finally calmed down, her eyes met yours and her head tilted in questions.
“It’s the groceries lady daddy!”
Turning to look at who his daughter was pointing at, he met you, only 3 steps away from him.
“Jud- Judge Y/n?”
“Hi again Mr. Kim, seems like we keep bumping into each other.”
“So it seems.” Today his smile was a careless one or was it a content one. Either way they were still that remarkable boxy smile.
“Nice to see you again miss Nah-Nah.” You greeted the little girl that had noticed you first and a hearty giggle left her body in return.
“What brings you here?” Asked the man that you had somehow forgotten was by your side or maybe you were just trying to ignore the strong tiger eyes that bore into you by entertaining a conversation with his cute daughter.
“Daddy, can I go to the big slide?”
“Not, without supervision Nah-Nah.” He answered so seriously, it reminded you of the voice in the grocery store.
“But daddy, I am a big gu’l now”
“Daddy…” he sighed so loudly; you couldn’t help but laugh at his odyssey.
It was Deja vu from the grocery store and fish all over again. All that big father talk for nothing. He was so whipped for his daughter.
“Ok, let’s make a deal…”
“You can go to the big slide, but if you get an ‘owie’, I want you to get up and dust off just like big girls do. Ok?”
“Yes, daddy.”
“Ok, princess. Go on”
Not a second went by after his sentence and little Yoonah was already off to an adventure with the rest of the kids in the park.
“She is so precious”
“Thank you”
You both stayed in a comfortable silence, staring into the distance in the direction Yoonah had left of. However, that peace was cut by the man standing near you.
“So, are you following us now your honor?” That playful smirk of his was back, alerting you quickly that he was just attempting at a friendly banter with you.
“Hmm, maybe I am, but I’ll never let you know.” You said winking at him.
He laughed so loud at the action, that you could not hold back a laughter of your own.
“So you do have a sense of humor” He stated after calming down.
“I do, when I am outside of my line of work.”
Once again, a comfortable silence fell between you both as you watched his daughter running around filled with glee, playing with other children.
“So, who were the ugly judges you encountered before me?” Now it was your turn to start the conversation and again he laughed. Who would have thought you were this funny.
“So, you did hear that.”
You definitely did and deep within you hoped he meant it. Even though it wasn’t the time or place for his flirting.
“I meant it… just in case you were wondering.”
Yes, you were!!!
“Oh! I- umm… Thank you.” You could feel your face heating up, however you refused to end the eye contact you were keeping up since your conversation began.
“Anytime… Like honestly. Any. Time. And every time. I’ll repeat it every time I find it necessary.” He said his smile growing with each word that he sent your way. And you, well you weren’t one to back down on a flirting challenge.
“And how is that possible, if we don’t see each other all the time?” you asked, acting coyly.
“I might have a solution for that, your honor.” Welp. Now you got yourself into something.
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Two weeks had gone by since that day.
Two weeks after Mr. Kim had asked for your number and invited you for ice cream with Yoonah, under the excuse of a thank you for not sending him to jail. Needless to say, you quickly corrected his statement to not have him think this was a favor you had done for him, but a decision you had made based on evidence and circumstances surrounding the case.
It had also been a week since Mr. Kim changed from that name to Taehyung.
The mocking that came with you saying his given name for the first time was endless.
“Awww, so no more Mr. Kim?”
“Shut it Taehyung!”
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82 notes · View notes
iyatsumu · 3 years
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Word Count: 2.9K
Trigger Warning: Mentions of blood and abuse
Author’s Note: Hello everyone! It’s been so long since I last updated the blog but I’ve been so busy with classes and moving into a new house that I simply couldn’t squeeze this into the schedule. But I have a Shoto fic for you all. This is a repost because I realized there were too many confusions in the story. Also, in this story, Shigaraki will be a tad bit older prolly around his early 40s. Enjoy and please remember to take care of yourselves!
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"When will you get it together Shoto? Stop making a fool out of me and my name!" You were all too familiar with the booming voice on the other side of the door. Knocking on the door, you pushed it slightly to reveal a man who was surrounded with flames of fire, his back facing you. In front of him was a boy with dual-colored hair. His head was hung low as his father whipped his head back to look at you. "I'm very sorry to interrupt, but Sir Aizawa is looking for Todoroki." You said, trying your best not to sound nervous. As much as you'd love to deny it, Endeavor's presence always seemed to shake you to your bones. Endeavor turned towards Todoroki once more and sent him one last glare before leaving the room. As soon as the door slammed shut, you looked at Shoto. He was frowning, rage was evident in his eyes as he stood up and glared at you. "What?" He asks, venom lacing in his voice. "Don't give me that attitude Todoroki. Your hatred is not towards me but instead to your father, and I didn't come here to save you from his stupid lecture. Sir Aizawa is requesting your presence in his office." You said and threw a shirt at him. 
You turned around and directed your attention at the burnt marks on his wall, probably caused by his outbursts whenever his father comes around to threaten him. Endeavor and his hunger for being the best always drags him into Todoroki's room to scold him whenever he loses to Bakugo or Midoriya. The rivalry between the three most powerful students in your grade started during the first year of high school. You had just transferred midway through the school year with a recommendation from a number of Pro Heroes whom your mother worked for. In the span of 6 months, you had managed to climb into the high ranks of the year level with your outstanding performance in academics. As for the field of physical traits and using your quirks, you tried to stay in the sidelines. Doing just the bare minimum in order to avoid getting in between the rivalry of the three boys. Despite trying to hide your quirk, the teachers and some students like your close friends such as Momo and Uraraka, admit that your quirk is very powerful, even on par with 75% of the Pro Heroes in the country. However, you never let it get to you and you had always tried your best to keep it down, afraid of exposing your true identity, and possibly putting your friends and other people at risk. "I'm done. What does Sir Aizawa need?" You turned to face Todoroki who was now fully changed into something more casual and cleaner. He stood up and both of you exited his dorm room. "Not sure, he simply told me to get you from your room and we had to head to his office." You said and walked alongside Todoroki in silence. --- "Ryota, Todoroki. Take a seat." Your teacher, Sir Aizawa instructed as he walked over to his table. You and Todoroki made yourself comfortable on the plush sofa of his office. "I called you both here because as your teacher, I thought the two of you would be best suited to represent our class in the upcoming competition to be held a few weeks from now. The event is for a pair, male and female, of each class per year level to compete with other pairs. The B class has decided on Itsuka Kendo and Neito Monoma. I understand that you might be confused as to why I have decided on both of you. I have no doubt that Midoriya and Bakugo have potentials to win, however it is dangerous to put Midoriya out for he still has no control over his power and Bakugo's competitiveness could harm other contestants and without a doubt, also his partner. Todoroki, I trust that you can control the limit of your quirk and Ryota, I want you to showcase your quirk." Shit. "Is there no one else that could substitute me as Todoroki's pair?" You asked and Aizawa stood from his seat. He knew how you felt about your quirk and he had expected you to decline the idea. However, majority of the teachers have seen only glimpses of your power and they asked Aizawa to let you on the field some time. "I would've paired Todoroki with Yaoyorozu. But she insisted that you would be far more suitable compared to her." He said, patting your back. "So, what do you say? Are you both okay with this?" "Yeah." Todoroki answered dryly. He had never seen a good glimpse of your quirk, and this was a good chance to understand it and see how powerful you really were. Todoroki always had a hunch that you were far more powerful than what you seem to be. He admired the control you had over your quirk, how you were able to manipulate it to hide its destructiveness. No ordinary person would get into UA with multiple recommendations from Pro Heroes. Aizawa turned to look at you, hoping for you to accept the idea. You sighed and stood up, "Fine, but I am not missing classes just to train." You spoke. "Both of you will have special schedules wherein you are excused from hero training, just for this competition." Aizawa said and with that you nodded. "Now, with that aside, make sure to train well and you may now leave." He said and ushered both you and Todoroki out of his office. You huffed the moment the door was closed, and turned to head into your dorm room. "Hey where are you going?" Todoroki asked, following behind you. "It's Saturday, I'm going to my room and sleeping. Good bye." You said and continued walking. "Sleeping? Aren't you going back home or doing anything else?" He asked, still set on following you. "My mom won't be home until Wednesday, so I have no reason to be home and no, I am taking this moment to isolate myself from Bakugo's booming voice and hopefully from you as well." You turned and smiled sarcastically at him. "Your mom is Maki Ryota, right? The well-known researcher who studies quirks and how to manipulate them." He asked and you stopped walking to face him. "Yes. Look Shoto, I really need to rest so if you would, please leave me alone." You said and left him standing at the hallway. --- "Todoroki, Ryota. Get changed into your training uniform and proceed to the training grounds." Aizawa's voice rang through the speakers inside the classroom. Bakugo's eyes widened and sat up straight on his seat, clearly curious as to why you and Todoroki had training. "Training? For what?" He asked, his gruff voice did nothing to hide the curiosity in his tone. "Shoto and Y/N will represent our class in the Year 2 Duo Competition." Momo said and Bakugo slammed his hands on his desk, igniting explosions from his palm and fingers. "Ha? Why Half n' Half and the brat?" He shouted, Todoroki shook his head and grabbed his uniform from his bag. "Your attitude towards this proves Sir Aizawa's point as to why you were not chosen." You said and was about to walk out when Bakugo shot out a blast of his quirk towards your way. Feeling the heat coming towards you, your hand extended out and opened up a black hole with purple linings that sucked in Bakugo's explosion and the hole dispersed into nothing once more. Everyone was shocked at the situation that unfolded in front of them. No one had been able to withstand Bakugo's explosions without stumbling back, and with such quick reflexes. "Holy shit. Who knew Y/N could be so manly?" Kirishima yelled in awe as he fisted his arms in the air. "Damn you, you brat!" Bakugo shouted and sent an even bigger blow towards you. Before you could react, a huge shard of ice appeared in front of you. You glared at the boy who was beside you, an annoyed look played on his face. "Enough of these childish games, let's go Y/N." He said and dragged you out of the classroom. "When you get back here, let's duel Y/N. Fucking brat!" Bakugo's voice echoed through the hallway as Todoroki kept his tight grip on your arm. "Hey let go, your fingers are cold, it's causing bruises on my skin!" You writhe and Todoroki finally let go. You rub the bruised arm and glare at him. "Why do you even try to fight with him?" He asked, and places his hand on your arm once again. He regulates the temperature of his finger, the heat kissing the pain away from your skin. "I don't. I was simply stating a fact and defended myself after he tried to blow me up." You answered as both of you entered the training ground. In the middle of the cemented ground was Aizawa and Present Mic. "Welcome youngsters into your first training, we will try our best to shape you into your best selves before your competition. Are you both ready?" Present Mic greets, using his quirk to enhance the volume of his voice. "We're supposed to do what exactly?" You asked and Present Mic laughs at your question. "We know both of you are more than ready, so you and Todoroki will try to defeat me and Aizawa." He said and you stare at Todoroki in shock. "Start!" You were startled when Present Mic announced and suddenly Aizawa's binding cloth unwrapped around him and made its way towards you. You jumped out of place and landed a few meters away from Todoroki who already set a barrier of ice which protected him from Present Mic's voice. "That won't do! Present Mic's quirk can shatter even your ice." You told Todoroki and pulled him out of the way. "How do we avoid Present Mic's quirk and be out of sight of Eraser Head?" He asked, trying his best to keep composure. You scratched your head and peeked out from another barrier Todoroki created. "This is going to take a toll on my body but fuck it." You said and grabbed his hand. You created a big hole that was enough for both of you to pass through and shoved Todoroki into the hole. "Where are we?" He asked and you raised your arm to feel the air. Both of you were in darkness, pure nothingness.   "Welcome to Abyss, this is my quirk." You said and pulled him along, continuing to walk around in the darkness. "Abyss? I thought your quirk was sucking up powers?" Todoroki asked. "No, my quirk is somewhat like a portal that leads you to a different dimension. I pushed us in here because this was the only way to escape Present Mic's quirk. In order to counter his voice, you must be layers apart. Now I need to locate Sir Aizawa and pull him down here." You said, feeling around the darkness. "What good will that do us if you pull him down here?" Todoroki asked stumbling on his feet. "In Abyss, your quirks are rendered unusable. Only I can use my quirk in Abyss." You explained and halted at a certain point. "Here, I can feel Sir Aizawa's presence just above this point." You said and concentrated in creating another hole underneath Aizawa's feet. "Wait, even if we pull him down here, he still has his binding cloth." Todoroki grabs your hand before you could fully create a hole. "Great fucking job Shoto Todoroki. Now Sir Aizawa is aware of the hole I created and is moving away." You huffed and wandered around again. "It's not my fault you are being reckless Y/N." He defends and follows behind you. "You may think that, but there's much more Abyss has to offer other than being a quirk nullifying dimension. Now stop fucking getting in the way and just trust me." You snapped and stopped midway. "I have no choice but to make the ground a huge hole." You said and sat down, concentrating on your plan. After a few seconds, Present Mic and Aizawa dropped into Abyss, clearly confused at the foreign place. Present Mic, being unable to use his quirk, could be heard calling out to Aizawa from the distance. A white cloth seemed to extend forward and wrapped around Todoroki's leg before getting dragged away. Before Todoroki could be within Aizawa's reach, a slash came and tore the binding cloth. "What the hell?!" Aizawa shouted in disbelief and tried to come forward again with another cloth. The slashing came one after another and soon enough, Aizawa was exhausted. "Let's get out of here Todoroki." You grabbed him and opened a hole that led back to the training grounds. "What about Eraser Head and Present Mic?" Todoroki asked the moment you both landed back on the training ground. You sat down and touched your hands on the ground. "What are you doing?" He asked. "What I meant by my previous statement, is that Abyss can be controlled by me. I can alter whatever happens inside the dimension, an example is sending troops from abyss to attack the people who are trapped in it. I could also blow the place up." And with that, Present Mic and Aizawa appeared back on the training grounds with burnt marks all over their bodies. You smiled and walked towards them. "Are we done now?" You asked and Aizawa groaned. "Well done students. You may now rest up and be back for your afternoon classes." Aizawa said and stood up to exit the training ground, his arm resting on his bruised stomach. --- "Another failure Shoto! How could you lose to a low-ranking Pro Hero? And a girl protected you? This is not how I raised you. I didn't raise a failure who relied on a girl for protection!" Once again, you could hear Endeavor scold Todoroki in the corner of a hallway, isolated from other students and teachers. You had just gotten out of the bathroom to wash your face after your training, and the rumors of your training with Todoroki spread across the school and Pro Heroes quickly. As soon as Endeavor heard that he was not able to do much against Present Mic and Eraser Head, he immediately made his way to UA and give his son another stupid lecture. You didn't want to get in the way of their conversation but you really had to get to class. Hanging your head low, you tried to walk past them, but oh was the world mad at you. "You're the girl who beat Eraser Head and Present Mic huh?" Endeavor says, his voice deep enough to drown you. You stopped in your tracks and turned to look at him and nod. "You lost to this girl right here Shoto? What a disgrace!" He fisted his arm and tried to land a punch on Todoroki but your reflexes were far quicker and you caught his fist in your arm. "Oh, what is this? Look Shoto, a girl trying to defend you? Pathetic." He tried to apply more force into his fist but you didn't waver and gripped his fist. You could see the fabric of his gloves turning into ash. Endeavor thought that this was similar to someone's quirk. Tomura Shigaraki's Decay. "It seems that the rumors were true. You are the daughter of an abomination, Tomura Shigaraki's child. Y/N Shigaraki. Your mother fell in love with a damn villain and had you." You shook at his words and activated Abyss, his hand getting sucked into the dark dimension. You manipulated Decay on your foot and kicked Endeavor, causing him to stumble away and an evident bruise on his stomach. Your Decay was something a little different to your father's, whereas you could manipulate it to work on different parts of your body that could make contact with someone else. Grabbing Todoroki's arm, you pulled him out of the training grounds and away from his damn father. "I don't need your pity or your help." Todoroki said and pulled away from you. You stared at him in disbelief and scoffed. "My father was right. I am a failure for having someone like you protect me." He spat and you felt tears prick your eyes. This was the reason why you never wanted to show your quirks to anyone. Chances of them finding out that you were Tomura Shigaraki's daughter would stir trouble. No one would ever want to be friends with someone whose father was a murderer and villain. "And I was wrong to think that saving you from your father was a good idea. Both of you are alike, fucking jerks." You said and left him standing in the hallway. You walked quickly into your room, trying to ease the burned skin caused by Endeavor's fist surrounded with fire. A droplet of blood escaped your mouth as the after effects of Abyss chased after you. Todoroki was just like everyone else. He was a jerk whose pride was far more important than his emotions and friends. You were foolish to even think that you could be a good pair to represent the class in the competition. You hated him. Very much. As you bled out in your room, a certain someone was left motionless in the hallways. Tears stung his eyes as he realized his mistake. As you tried frantically to ease the burnt skin on your arm and wiping away the blood from your lips, Todoroki tried his best to compose himself and apologize. But he knew that by doing so, you still wouldn’t forgive him. May luck simply be on his side during the competition.
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hetacon · 4 years
Prom Queen: Chapter 2
First || Previous || Next
Word Count: 1,900
Pairings: Endgame Prinxiety, Platonic LAMP, more could be included at a later point
Warning: Swearing, food mentions (Let me know if I missed anything, this one seemed fairly tame!)
Summary: He missed Roman. High school had been, in the grand scheme of things, largely without his best friend.
(Make sure to read the notes at the end if you want to hear my thoughts on the chapter! As always, feel free to let me know if you want to be added to my taglist for this story or just my art and writing ones in general! Enjoy!)
High school wasn’t great but it certainly didn’t seem to be terrible either. That’s what Virgil was gathering from the whole experience anyways. It definitely didn’t hold as much of the awkwardness in terms of trying to find himself and who he was as a person like middle school had brought about.
But still, there were still a fair share of complications. Roman’s popularity throughout the years had started to become one of them.
Neither of them had honestly expected it really. Theater put Roman in the spotlight, both literally and figuratively, that was where part of his newfound popularity came from. With that little bit of exposure, people started to take notice of him.
First it had been Roman running late to English a few times when they started out freshman year.
That expanded to Roman joining some clubs Virgil was content to stay out of for a couple days in the week.
More interaction with more people meant Roman got to talking with some interesting people from student council through his Model UN club meetings, including a familiar face from theater serving as their stage manager in the upcoming fall production.
“Hey guys, there’s someone I’d like you to meet!” Roman said excitedly as he dragged along a guy that looked around their grade, firm hands on his shoulders. Roman beamed as Virgil and Patton looked up from Virgil’s phone. “This is Logan!”
Patton smiled at Logan and held out a hand. “Patton Hart, it’s nice to meet you Logan!”
At the sight of Patton’s hand reached out to him, Virgil noticed Logan visibly relax, reaching out to shake Patton’s.
“Hello Patton,” Logan merely said with a nod.
“And of course, Logan, I’ve told you about my best friend Virgil,” Roman’s voice cut through, Virgil’s gaze flickering over to the impossibly widening grin on Roman’s face at that little detail.
Logan nodded once more. “Ah yes, Roman talks about you often.”
“Nothing but bad things I assume?” Virgil snorted, smirking at Roman’s mock gasp of offense.
“No, he speaks rather highly of you, Virgil. Oftentimes it gets in the way of things such as letting him running lines and letting me work on my own work for his play,” Logan commented, giving Roman a pointed look towards the latter half of his statement.
“A boy can’t talk about his best friend? Harsh, Specs!”
Patton laughed at the two of them bickering. “So how’d you and Logan meet?”
“Model UN, he’s done a much better job than I have! He’s trying to show me the ropes but he’s definitely much smarter than me at it!” Roman said with a chuckle, sitting down with Logan doing so as well.
“He says that but he isn’t doing too poorly, honestly Roman,” Logan sighed.
“Yeah yeah, but not as good as you. Now hush and let me tell them my story!”
Roman considered joining student council by the end of freshman year but decided theater was already a large commitment.
Sophomore year rolled around before Virgil knew it and Roman was cast as the lead role for the fall production as well as getting on the sophomore homecoming court.
Homecoming carnival was fairly nice as Roman practically dragged him and Logan along. Virgil didn’t have half a bad time though he admittedly just stayed by Patton who was working at one of his club booths. Roman was surrounded by too many people at one point for Virgil to really want to follow him anyways.
Spring semester of sophomore year was pretty uneventful aside from Roman somehow getting even more popular. Virgil could barely get a word of conversation in with him after their school’s spring production of Beauty and the Beast, despite him going to nearly every night of the show’s run. Patton was good company during one of the nights though and the two went out for milkshakes afterwards.
“Virgil! Gosh, I really don’t need you seeing me cry,” Roman laughed as he scooped Virgil up in a tight hug before pulling away. “You didn’t have to come for closing night!”
“I wanted to, you know?” Virgil asked. “Also holy shit are you hot.”
“Oh trust me, I know! My sheer beauty is truly a thing to behold!” Roman teased, only for Virgil to shove him with a snort.
“Congratulations Roman, you did a great job!” one of their classmates said in passing.
“Thank you Cissy!” Roman called after her with a proud grin on his face.
“No, you know what I mean, you must be dying under the lights,” Virgil chuckled.
“Oh, that-!”
“Roman, you did amazing, look at you!” another person said, coming over to give Roman a hug.
“Thank you, and thank you for coming!” Roman replied.
“How could I not? You did great!” the woman said. “Hey, have you seen Chloe around? I’ve been trying to find the poor girl for ages, she might’ve been swamped.”
“I think she might’ve gone to go change, I think she’ll be out soon!”
Virgil zoned out a little as Roman continued to make conversation for a little longer.
“Ro, you down for going to get ice cream after you free yourself from your wire prison?” Virgil asked once he thought Roman’s attention was finally back on him but a hand was clapped on to Roman’s back.
“Hey dude, awesome job, how’d your voice hold up?” one of the other actors, Justin if Virgil remembered correctly, asked.
“My throat is honestly totally killing me, I can’t wait to drink my weight in tea when I get home,” Roman laughed, wincing for emphasis.
“I feel you, I think I’m going to head home after I change,” Justin said, running a hand through his hair and fixing his glasses. “You planning on going out with the rest of the cast afterwards?”
“Nah, Virgil and I are going to get ice cream and then I am going to sleep like there’s no tomorrow!”
“Fair, fair, I’ll see you on Monday!”
By the time that Roman was finally free, a dozen people had asked Roman for picture and Virgil, with a quick text, told him that his mom had to pick him up unexpectedly.
Logan started to hang out with Virgil and Patton during lunch by the time junior year came by, only skipping a portion of Wednesdays in order to go to student council meetings.
By this point in their time in high school, lots of changes happened but some things still stayed pretty consistent. Roman decided against auditioning for the fall play but still seemed to remain as busy as ever with the theater competitions he was now taking part in, fitting in clubs in seemingly any place possible. Logan had become the junior year president for student council, still taking part in Model UN and a few AP classes definitely keeping him busy. Patton had been the one to change the least aside from Virgil himself. Virgil was happy that both he and Patton were both taking AP studio art. Apart from that, the two of them just focused on trying to stay sane.
Prom came up during their junior year as a topic of discussion (seeing as only the juniors and seniors could go on their own) and the four of them decided to go together as a group. It was a disaster in Virgil’s opinion and he had to leave early when Roman was asked for a dance by one of the popular girls in their grade. He felt sick to think about it.
Virgil stared up at the ceiling for a while the night of prom after he’d gotten back home, trying to figure out what was even happening at this point. A girl had asked for a dance, Roman accepted.
Except suddenly, Virgil remembered just how many times Roman had arrived late to lunch, how many times he’d sat down only to realize he’d had club meetings, how many times Roman would be preoccupied with rehearsals and homework and conversations in the halls before English. The study sessions at Roman’s house had become minimal and Virgil’s interactions with Roman’s brother Remus were more frequent than the interactions with Roman himself.
He missed Roman. High school had been, in the grand scheme of things, largely without his best friend. It still didn’t feel right, like he was missing something with the realization he’d come to.
As soon as he thought of Roman asking him to dance and kissing him though, he knew.
Virgil cried for a while that night.
Suddenly after prom, Roman dropped most of his clubs.
“Why’d you stop going?” Patton asked during their current conversation, taking out his lunch. He offered Virgil a cookie who took it reluctantly.
“Eh, I don’t know, I’ve just been so busy you know? Wanted to see if it helped,” Roman offered as explanation, shrugging. “Oh hey Logan, did you finish studying for our APUSH test today?” he added as the aforementioned took a seat at the table, finished with his student council meeting.
Logan nodded and wordlessly handed his notes to Roman with a roll of his eyes. “I knew you were going to ask.”
“You know me well Specs! I swear, he’s really going nuts with AP test prep, huh?” Roman asked, flipping through the neatly written notes.
“Teachers tend to overprepare us for AP tests, I promise it’s worth it.”
Patton sighed and turned to Virgil, letting the other two talk over their test next period. “Hey Virge, do you want to come over to my house today? I got some new paints I wanted to try out but I’ve been waiting for you to come over,” Patton tried, smiling hopefully at him.
He really didn’t have anything better to do that afternoon so he nodded. “Yeah, sure, do you want me to bring anything?”
Patton shook his head. “Nope, just yourself!”
Virgil nodded.
Summer came around and Virgil started to spend less time with Roman. His family had dragged him on more than one trip so luckily he had a good excuse. Roman certainly didn’t seem very available either so it wasn’t exactly hard for their schedules to conflict.
With a week until senior year started, Virgil went to help Patton walk his dog.
“Hey Pat..?”
“Hm?” Patton asked, looking to him with a smile.
“What would you think if I wanted to... I dunno, change my style I guess?” Virgil asked, tugging at the sleeves of his sweater.
“Hmm... Well, what are you thinking about? Like, just a little change? Starting from scratch?” was Patton’s response. “Not for any reason, I’m still supportive no matter what you want to do!”
Virgil thought on it as they continued walking. “I don’t really know yet, I just know I want to change it I guess?”
Patton nodded. “Well I say do it! You can always change it back!”
With that, they moved on to other subjects. Patton was excited about school while Virgil ruminated on Patton’s questions.
The day before senior year started, Virgil knew what he was planning on, staring at the hair dye in his hands.
Hey hey hey, we are finally going to be getting into the actual conflict! Gosh, I’ve been waiting for the chance to do so, the next chapter will definitely be interesting!
I will say I had a bit of trouble with this one. The last chapter starts off with the first day of freshman year but I just felt it was a good way to set up the dynamic. I wanted the story to be set in either junior or senior year though mainly due to the maturity level at that point. It feels more comfortable and lets me have more room with what’s to come! I tried to get there without just saying “Look, here’s a time skip, wow!” I really hope I did it well, it feels a little clunky!
I hope you guys liked this chapter and as always, feel free to chat with me in the comments! I love hearing your guys’ opinions!
Taglist: @artissijules, @virgils-paranoia, @its-the-cat-queen, @myyoutubecorner, @marshmallow-the-panda, @anotheregofanficblog, @tssidesfamily, @shapa-likes-art, @isabelle-stars, @falsemood, @prinxiety-shipper101, @katlikethesword
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moonbeambucky · 5 years
Know It All
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader [College AU] Word Count: 5300 Warnings: fluff, minor angst
Summary: Your grades and patience are tested when you’re paired together for a class project with the one person you cannot stand, Bucky Barnes.    
A/N: This is my submission for @jaamesbbarnes​ and @sgtjbuccky​ Milestone Celebration Writing Challenge. My prompt was “Looking for trouble, are we?” I cannot thank Sam @buckyofthemyscira​​ enough for being a wonderful beta and helping me get on track when I was so lost with this and to Allie @all1e23​ for her help with a plot conflict. My mind was working against me on this one but I hope it turned out well. gif source (x)
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The brisk air of autumn winds fill your lungs as you stepped outside, energizing your body faster than the coffee you finished not long ago. Coffee was practically a requirement as a college student, a must for an early Monday morning class, especially when that class is calculus, taught by the nice but a little stiff and robotic Professor Vision.
Leaves crunch under your boots as you walk to the building for your next class. It’s a short distance away yet still you pick up your pace, huffing as you rush towards Lee Hall so you could get a good seat for your next class which happened to be your favorite.
If there was anyone more excited than you about American History it was Professor Coulson. You had first taken his introductory class a few semesters back and found he had an excellent way of bringing out new details to a subject you thought you were well versed in.
Naturally, when he was teaching another class you needed for your requirements you jumped on the chance at signing up. As you walked into the large lecture hall you glanced to the left, greeting Professor Coulson with a cheerful smile, a smile that dropped the moment you noticed someone was in your seat.
You stomped your way up the steps to get to the fourth row, stopping dead center at the incredibly annoying person you knew was testing your patience.
“Move Barnes, you’re in my seat,” you huffed, arms crossing over your chest.
A sly smirk spread across the face of Bucky Barnes, a person you could sum up in one word, slacker.
“I don’t see your name on this chair, doll.” He winked; a simple gesture that made your anger boil over.
Class was about to begin so you sat down, leaving a seat in between so you didn’t end up in part of MCU history as the girl that strangled a classmate during class.
Bucky was the only damper on an otherwise perfect class. He didn’t take notes, he didn’t participate and he didn’t ever study. If Professor Coulson called on him it was like Bucky had no idea what the class was even doing. He would always stutter as he tried to catch up, turning towards you as he sighed after successfully bullshitting his way through another question; which pissed you off even more, because despite an open lecture hall with plenty of seats Bucky Barnes chose to sit next to you.
It was obvious you were a smart student. Your hand raised every time to be called on, you took amazingly detailed notes and aced every test, which is why you had a feeling a certain someone decided his new spot would be beside you. Cheater.
If he only studied and gave a shit about his grades he wouldn’t have to try to copy off you. Well you made sure he couldn’t. During tests you hunched over your desk, curving your arm around your paper to protect the answers you spent countless hours studying for.
Throughout class you tried to ignore the eyes you felt on you, seeing Bucky’s goofy smile through the corner of your eye. He was not going to succeed in distracting you. Nope.
You were going to continue listening to this lecture about World War II and not at all think about the way Bucky’s bright white teeth stand out against the scruff of his face. He’s probably too lazy to shave just like he’s too lazy to study.
Bucky let out a chuckle when he heard you humph under your breath. His audible laugh caused you to whip your head in his direction, flaring your eyes at him before they rolled back into your head.
“By Wednesday I hope everyone will have read pages 346 to 403 just in case something pops up,” Professor Coulson said, smiling to the large hall.
Grabbing your laptop you placed it neatly in your bag, tucking away a small notepad you kept out just in case and made sure your pens were capped tightly before they went into their own separate compartment.
“Wow, you’re such a nerd.”
You looked up disdainfully at Bucky’s large frame standing over you.
“The world won’t end if you misplace a pen, you know.”
You don’t respond. Tossing your bag over your shoulder you walked down the steps, calling out to Professor Coulson with a big smile as you waved him goodbye.
“Later Phil,” Bucky said as he left.
You rolled your eyes again at his boldness. Sure Professor Coulson said you could call him by his first name but it still seemed inappropriate. Of course Bucky didn’t care.
As you continued walking down the hall, you felt a presence beside you.
“So, are you going out for lunch now or are you going to head to the library like always? There’s plenty of time in the world to study, you could take a little break you know.”
Your lips scrunched together as you frowned, picking up your pace as your feet took you faster to anywhere that was away from Bucky.
“You just gonna ignore me?”
Your fists tightened so hard they were shaking, itching to feel release if you could only punch the smirk off Bucky that you knew he had.
You spun around immediately, pointing a finger in his face.
“I’m not your doll so stop saying that! Why are you bothering me? We’re not friends. Just stay away from me Barnes.”
Bucky remained in his place as he watched you turn the corner, huffing with anger. His lips stretched out flat, an uneasy smile that gave way to a small frown, wishing things were different.
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Professor Vision rambled on for an extra five minutes and would not let the class go, meaning now you had to run to Lee Hall if you were going to be on time for your next class.
Beads of sweat ran down your temple as you finally got into the building, panting as you raced up two flights of stairs. Your heart was pounding like a drum against your chest as you attempted to catch your breath during the power walk to the room.
It was bad enough you were probably going to be late, with eyes on you as walk through the door, now everyone was going to see you looking like a sweaty mess on top of it.
As you pulled the door open expecting the worst you were surprised to find that no one was looking at you. Professor Coulson was addressing the class as he was discussing something he had put up on the large screen.
Even though you wanted to see what it was you needed to take your seat which was surprisingly open. Bucky was sitting in the same row a few seats away but he had left your seat open.
He couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face, watching as you anxiously got yourself in order. It was unlike you to be thrown off from your usual precision.
“Incredible Bucky.” Professor Coulson admired the photo. “Where was this taken?”
“After the Battle of Azzano.”
Your head turned towards Bucky as he answered, with a wide eyed stare of disbelief having never heard him speak in class before, not in a real class anyway…
Before your mind wandered somewhere you didn’t want to revisit you straightened up, finally looking at the screen. It was a black and white photo of a group of soldiers, arms thrown over each other smiling despite some visible injuries; a bandage wrapped head, cuts and scrapes along their faces.
“Can anyone tell me what happened in the Battle of Azzano?” the professor asked again.
Your hand naturally shot up, smiling widely as you were called on. “About 200 members of the 107th infantry were captured by the Nazi’s, with their Captain leading an unsanctioned rescue mission to free them.”
“Correct. It nearly got him a dishonorable discharge but instead his superiors believed his actions in saving lives of not only U.S. Military but British and French soldiers who were captured as well should be awarded with a special medal, the Shield of Bravery.”
Again you felt Bucky’s gaze on you and turning your head your suspicion was confirmed. His smile was soft as he stared at you, his eyes expressing a strange aura of... Joy? Pride? You’re not quite sure and honestly you didn’t want to find out. Your head stiffened as you set your own gaze forward to begin taking notes.
As promised Professor Coulson “surprised” everyone with a pop quiz, one you know you would have aced regardless of the day you spent studying.
“Okay class, time is up. Pass your quizzes forward.”
Rustling paper echoed throughout the hall as you added your quiz to the pile you were given, walking it over to the person that sat in the row below you a few seats to the left.
“I’m gonna let you all leave early…” the Professor’s sentence was interrupted by a roar of cheers. “...but first I want to give you a heads up for an upcoming project. The details are posted online. Let’s say it’s due in 2 weeks?”
A wave of groans echoed from the back of the hall.
“Alright, 3 weeks.” He smiled as the new date went over a lot better. “Let’s make this simple, whoever you’re sitting closest to is your partner, if anything is uneven just join the nearest group. See you all next Monday!” he said, closing his laptop.
Panic flooded your body like a tidal wave, crashing down and dragging you under. It was hard to breathe, realizing the one person you wanted nothing to do with was going to be your partner for this project.
Bucky wore a smirk that made you roll your eyes and groan.
“Looks like we’re partners.” You didn’t respond.
With deep breaths you put your things away and got up, exiting the room and savoring your final moments of peace. Bucky shrugged his bag over his shoulder following you out.
You pushed open the door to the stairway, a forceful shove as a final act of letting out the anger you felt for being partnered with Bucky.
“We might as well get started,” you said, as you began descending the stairs.
“Get started?” Bucky scoffed, “It’s due in 3 weeks. We have time, doll.”
You shook your head. Of course Bucky wants to be lazy and save everything until the last minute. Well, that’s not how you do things.
“Don’t call me doll, and just because it’s due in 3 weeks doesn’t mean we can’t start now. Plus I want to get this over with.”
Bucky skipped ahead to hold open the door for you. “Uh huh, you mean you don’t want to spend more time with me?”
His tone was light and playful as his face became almost cherubic, batting his eyelashes, his lips pulling into a sweet smile that was almost convincing if you didn’t already know him.
Your face twisted incredulously. “Why would I want to spend time with you?” You shrugged your long knit cardigan closer over your body as you passed him, stepping outside into the chilly air.
Bucky scoffed again, his patience beginning to run thin. “Please doll, you’d be lucky to spend time with me.”
“Yeah right!” you chuckled, walking aimlessly beside him. “Your little act didn’t get passed me today Mr. ‘I’m going to kiss the professor’s ass with an old picture I found because that’s a great way to distract him before a quiz.’ You know it would be a lot easier if you just studied!”
Bucky’s smile soured into a sneer. “Oh like you, Miss ‘I’m scared of letting loose and actually having a good time so I’ll drown myself in studying as an excuse to be a stick in the mud,’” he mocked with a higher pitch in his voice.
“You don’t know anything about me!” you snapped, stopping on the walkway to yell at him, ignoring the looks of curious students as they passed by.
Cocking his head Bucky smirked, “Actually I do. Maybe you pushed it down but I remember you. Drama 101 with Professor Laufeyson two years ago.”
His words carry you back to the open room, where a black tiered platform with more chairs than students sat across from a stage. It wasn’t very large but the burden of stepping on it sat like a boulder in your stomach.
You remember it vividly, standing in the center as the bright lights burned away your confidence. The words of your monologue became a scramble of alphabet soup in your mind. Terrified and shaking, you stood silent in front of the class until a meek apology croaked its way out.
Head hanging low with disappointment as you sat back in your seat, watching as the rest of the class did what you couldn’t do. You hated how acting came so easy to them; to be a different person, to let go. Bucky did that with ease.
You envied him and his ability to be free and act silly or speak with a weird voice. He could do whatever the role demanded and you hated it. You hated not being good at something, hated that you couldn’t get over your insecurities, and you hated that Bucky could do something you were too afraid to do yourself.
“He was begging you to break out of your shell but you couldn’t. Guess you can’t study your way to an A for everything.”
Tears burned their way to your eyes at the sharpness of Bucky’s words. “You’re a real jerk, you know that?” You had no other comeback, you couldn’t fight the truth.
Before you gave him the chance to say anything else you took off. Feet pounding on the pavement as you raced to get as far away from Bucky Barnes, the biggest asshole you’ve ever met.
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Bucky didn’t show up the following Monday. It was a relief to not have to face him after the way you left things. Not because you cared about him; you were more concerned with hoping he didn’t see you cry.
His absence didn’t stop you from thinking about him. While trying to pay attention to the lesson you cursed Bucky out in your head. Cutting class… what are we in high school? What’s the point of paying for college if you don’t even show up? But he doesn’t care. He doesn’t care about anything.
On Wednesday Bucky strolled into class just as it began. He trudged up the steps stopping at the row in front of yours. You expected him to move towards the center in front of you but instead you watched him shrug off his backpack, slouch into the chair and pull out his laptop.
Throughout class you kept glancing over towards him. His screen remained blank, turning black after neglect as Bucky rested his cheek against his palm, elbow propped up on the desk. Go home if you want to sleep during class!
When class ended you saw Bucky waiting for you at the door. With a deep breath you prepared yourself for whatever he was going to say.
“Hey,” Bucky said with much less enthusiasm than usual. You stared at him, giving a silent acknowledgement with a raise of your brows. “I need your number.”
Your response denying his request shot out like a speeding bullet. You didn’t even have to entertain the idea. Giving someone like Bucky your number would be an invitation to middle of the night calls, pranks or worse.
“How are we going to work on the project then?”
“Work on the project? That’s funny,” you laughed dryly, shaking your head.
His brows furrowed and just as Bucky was going to speak again you cut him off.
“Forget the project Barnes. I’ll do it myself and you can slap your name on it. Let’s be honest, I’m sure that’s what would have happened anyway.”
Maybe it was a harsh truth but it was a truth you knew from experience. It would be easier to complete the work on your own and have Bucky stand up there when it was time to present. He shouldn’t complain anyway, this would be an easy A for him.
“You’re a real bitch Y/N.”
Your jaw dropped open as you turned to face Bucky. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed, jaw clenching tight as his ocean blue eyes were set ablaze.
“Excuse me? How dare y–”
He lifted his hand as he began to talk over you. “All this time I’ve tried to be your friend, since Drama! I say hello, I ask how you’re doing and all you do is ignore me.”
As Bucky ran his hands through his hair he turned his head away from you for a moment and you could swear the light reflected a watery shine in his yes. “You hate me for whatever reason and I don’t know why I kept trying but you don’t know shit about me!”
He began to walk away before coming back. “For the record, that picture was of my grandfather. His funeral was 2 days ago but I guess you’re too much of a selfish know-it-all to give a shit.”
Bucky stomped away this time for good, leaving you alone in the hallway feeling like absolute shit.
After finally motivating yourself to move, your feet took you to the library. Setting up your laptop you decided to do a little studying, but instead of academics you focused on researching something unknown, Bucky Barnes.
Finding him on Facebook was easy. Last year you made friends with Peggy Carter during your shared anthropology class and she happened to be dating Steve Rogers, aka Bucky’s best friend. On Steve’s profile you searched for “Bucky” and surprisingly nothing came up. When you searched “Barnes” you saw his profile, James Barnes.
Well that was something unexpected. How did you not know Bucky’s real name was James? A quick glance of his profile doesn’t show much information seeing as the most recent post was a meme someone named Sam tagged him in over a year ago. Great.
Looking at Bucky’s friends you were more successful in finding the profiles of his family. His father George rarely posted anything except for some comments on baseball and a sweet picture of what had to be Bucky’s sister. Dressed in a cap and gown, she was surrounded by her parents and Bucky, holding a diploma in her hand. Must be high school. She’s definitely younger than Bucky.
His mother Winifred’s page was a goldmine of information. It was George’s father who passed away. Henry James Barnes, a decorated World War II veteran who earned a purple heart after losing his arm in battle.
She posted several pictures of Henry throughout his life; some with his wife and the large family they had, a newspaper clipping of him with his oldest son Charles at 1955 World Series when the Brooklyn Dodgers won and the one Bucky shared with the class.
Every picture told the story of a loving husband and father who became a grandfather many times over. And there it was. Henry sitting on a floral couch holding baby Bucky against him. It made sense, clearly Bucky was named after him, and based on the other pictures posted they were very close.
You felt compelled to learn more about Bucky, going through his mother’s old posts and photos to see what you might find and what you uncovered seemed unbelievable. Student of the Month. Honors Society. The Dean’s List. Bucky was… a good student?! No, not just good, he was an excellent student.
You sat back against the hard chair wondering why you judged Bucky as hard as you had. He had never done anything personally to you for you to hold a grudge, and as you thought about what he said earlier he was right.
In Drama he tried to talk to you, tell you it’s okay, to shake it off your nerves and go for it, but you brushed him off, twisting his kindness into a condescending lecture. Even in History, when he saw you had class again together his eyes lit up. He sat beside you, asked how you’ve been and you gave him the cold shoulder.
Everything you thought you knew about Bucky Barnes was wrong and you needed to find him to apologize. You walked around campus hoping to run into him but that was useless. Now you regret not exchanging numbers.
The need to speak to Bucky grew as the days passed. Studying was nearly impossible. You couldn’t think about anything except him. Then you felt it, that aha moment. You were looking for Bucky in the wrong place.
It took a bit of digging to find Bucky’s Instagram (thankfully Steve still had his connected to his Facebook) but there it was, his life on display through vibrant pictures. Coney Island at night caught your eye, from the bright lights of the rides and games against the dark midnight sky, to other pictures of the Brooklyn Bridge with a beautiful sunset glow.
Your lips tugged into a smile while looking at Bucky surrounded by Steve and a few other friends but when you came across an old picture of him obviously drunk your smile grew into a large grin that stretched across your face.
Bucky was a mess, with glossy eyes that didn’t quite focus, long messy hair sticking to his sweat covered brow and yet he had the brightest, cutest smile ever, all while clutching a Kermit the Frog plush.
The most recent photo was of him and his grandfather with a touching caption that made your heart do a funny flip in your chest.
The circle around his profile picture turned pink and suddenly you wondered if you should click on it. If you do, he’ll know you were stalking his page but there’s a chance his story could tell you where he is. If you don’t you’ll have to wait two more long and torturous days before you can apologize.
You wanted to stop, to let it all go and begin studying for the weekend but you couldn’t. You were wrong and needed to make things right.
It’s a photo of a beer bottle with condensation dripping down onto the counter top, a faint glow of red from the lights behind the golden bar. Thankfully he tagged the location, Starks.
Quickly you changed out of lounge pants and threw on some jeans and boots, grabbing the nearest jacket and wrapping a scarf around your neck. With your phone in hand you headed out to the bar, hoping Bucky would still be there.
There was a small crowd beside the entrance, people you would normally feel intimidated by but you pushed on, passing them without hesitation as you were determined to find Bucky. Rock music blared as your eyes scanned all the people sitting at the bar but Bucky was not one of them.
A man behind the counter with dark eyes and finely sculpted facial hair made eye contact with you, flashing a big smile. You nodded back, smiling but moving along. Drinks were the last thing on your mind, although if you didn’t find Bucky you were seriously considering drowning your sorrows in whatever libation would take your guilt away the quickest.
You were nearly ready to give up until you heard it, the sound of Bucky’s laughter. You followed it towards the back, seeing a row of pool tables with Bucky on the end. He was accompanied by Steve and someone with a contagious laugh and gap-toothed smile.
Watching from afar you were happy to see Bucky happy and joking with his friends. Apparently you hadn’t blended into the crowd well enough as Bucky lifted his head and caught you in the gaze of his blue eyes.
“Well, well,” Bucky began. Since there was no point in hiding you walked towards him. “Looking for trouble, are we?”
Your heart began to race and you weren’t sure if it was from the flirtatious tone in his voice paired with the smirk he would not stop staring at you with or the fact that he looked damn good.
A simple grey sweater has never looked better, stretched across his muscular frame you never quite paid attention to before. Dark jeans stretched over thick thighs that made your mouth water.
Swallowing a nervous gulp you asked, “Can we talk?”
Bucky turned towards his friends, giving a silent look they must have understood. Grabbing their drinks they left leaving you and Bucky alone at the pool table.
“Bucky, I–”
“Hang on,” he said, walking around the pool table to grab the sunken balls from the pockets.
You waited a little impatiently for him as he racked up the balls, wanting to get your apology over with.
“Okay doll, you want to talk and I want to play so we’re doing both.” He smiled, grabbing a pool stick off the wall and handing it to you. “So what’s on the line?”
Confused, you asked what he meant as you chalked up the end of the stick.
“Well, we have to play for something, doll.”
All you wanted to do was talk to him but if he wants you to play this game literally, then you would.
“Fine. If I win, you have to stop calling me doll.” You smirked, watching his face sour with dismay.
“Really doll?” Those big blue eyes became even bigger as he pouted feigning sadness.
“I said stop,” you warned.
He dropped the pout, pulling his lips back into a sly grin. “You didn’t win anything yet, doll,” he said, winking at your unamused face.
As Bucky chalked up the end of his pool stick he mulled over ideas in his head. “Now if I win I promise to leave you alone...”
Your brows knit together with confusion. Why would he leave you alone? It should have felt like a relief and yet for some reason it upset you.
“... but first you have to give me a kiss.”
All of your worries flew away with his finished sentence. “Excuse me? No. Don’t be creepy Barnes.”
“Okay, okay, relax doll.” He held his hands up defensively. “I didn’t say it had to be on my lips alright. A peck on the cheek is fine. Deal?”
For some reason you agreed, probably because you really wanted to apologize to him. Despite Bucky’s stipulation you felt really bad for how you’ve been treating him.
Walking past Bucky you took off your scarf and jacket, throwing them on top of his familiar leather jacket. You set yourself up to break, leaning over the table to adjust the position of the cue ball and Bucky couldn’t help but stare at your backside.
“Need me to teach you, doll?”
He pictured himself leaning against your body, his hands gently sweeping over yours guiding the pool stick in the proper position. The thought got him a little too excited and thankfully you couldn’t see the way he adjusted his stance, shaking off his desire.
“You’d like that wouldn’t you?” you asked rhetorically, hitting the cue fiercely and sending two balls in.
Bucky’s mouth was agape in surprise.
“You don’t know everything about me either,” you smirked playfully as you set yourself up to hit the solid balls you claimed.
Leaning against the wall, Bucky tried his best to hide his proud smile as you nailed the next shot. This game might be over way before he expected and quickly he thought about asking for best 2 out of 3 to keep you there longer. He didn’t even care about the kiss, he honestly wanted to keep hanging out. Thankfully you missed the next shot and Bucky took his time figuring out the best angle to try for with the cue’s current placement.
It was now or never you decided, wishing you hadn’t walked past the bar because liquid courage would really come in handy.
Clearing your throat you finally spoke up. “I’m sorry about your grandfather.” Bucky picked his head up from the table, his face dropping to a solemn expression. “It seemed like he lived a great life.”
A simple chuckle and Bucky smiled again. “You stalkin’ me doll?” His tone was light and then he dropped it again with a more serious thank you.
Bucky took a shot and missed but he didn’t care about the game. “I should apologize too. You’re not a bitch or a stick in the mud.”
Your lips pulled into a lopsided smile. “Thanks. Well I might be a stick in the mud,” you admitted.
Walking closer to you, Bucky leaned against the pool table. “No,” he disagreed, shaking his head. “Maybe more like a twig.”
He was happy to see you burst into laughter at his joke. This was the side of you Bucky had been waiting to see. He knew it was there, buried under the layers you built up in your quest to be a perfect student.
You continued to play, talking through the game as you got to know each other for real for the first time.
“I was so jealous of you in Drama. You were so carefree. I guess I twisted that in my head to think you didn’t give a shit about anything. I’m sorry.”
Bucky aimed to sink the next ball. “I do give a shit,” he said, striking the cue. “I study, but I have fun too.” He grimaced as the ball barely made it towards the pocket.
“I could probably take notes on that,” you replied.
“You would take notes. Where’s your laptop and your precious pens?” he teased.
“At home,” you chuckled. A wide smile spread across your face as you set up to take a shot.
“You look cute when you’re all smiley like that.”
The warmth of your cheeks intensified at his comment. Feeling your whole body begin to race you completely messed up the shot.
“You did that on purpose! You’re distracting me!” you grinned.
Bucky smirked, dropping his voice to a much lower octave, “Maybe I really want that kiss.”
You swallowed a lump that formed in your throat, urging him to continue playing. Things were close but a bad miss on Bucky’s part allowed you to hit the final solid ball, calling the 8 ball and sinking it.
“I’m gonna miss calling you doll,” he said, dropping his head down as his lips pulled into a frown.
“Considering I won I think I’ll let you continue calling me doll.”
His head picked up at your words, seeing the smile you wore that truly did outshine the sun.
“Oh, look at Y/N. She’s out having fun and breaking rules!” he joked.
Shaking your head, you chuckled, “Shut up Bucky.”
“Hey, I think that’s the first time you’ve ever said my na–”
You caught him off guard by pressing your lips to his but as soon as Bucky realized what happened you felt him smile against your lips, parting his own to kiss you back. His arms wrapped around your body as he pulled you closer, deepening the victory of his loss.
The crowd seemed to disappear as you lost yourself in the kiss, thankful that Bucky was holding you because you felt like a feather blowing in the wind. When you parted for air, you did so slowly, not wanting to separate your lips from his.
It may be true that you’re a bit of a know it all but now as you proudly fail at holding back a wide grin you realize there’s so much more to learn about your new favorite subject, Bucky Barnes.
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linssikeittomies · 3 years
The Place Between Here And There - Chapter 10: ...And Happiness In Private Life(cont'd)
Masterpost AO3 Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7  Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 9(cont'd)
I've finally updated the status of the fic to ABANDONED, I was going to do that way earlier but I didn't want to admit defeat, and then I just kind of forgot... Time really starts flying by as you get older, it totally doesn't feel like 2 years passed by^^' I'm still writing scenes for later on in the fic, and I've had the general outline of the story planned for a long time, but I haven't been able to write complete chapters for any of my projects for over a year now, it's very annoying. Anyway, this is the rest of chapter 9, not my best work but at least I like the part with Toris. He's noticed Ivan's small efforts of being nicer and wants to encourage them. Thanks for everyone who read this story and sorry for not being able to bring it to conclusion for all of you who were invested!
Ivan sent Fredya home until Wednesday – claiming it was so he could concentrate on work, but he was sure Fredya could tell he was just fretting about the upcoming meeting. Ivan was terrified Katyushka would get carried away, and that was closer to certainty rather than possibility, and then Fredya would walk out of his life. He had known from the start that the time would come sooner or later, but he had much hoped it would fall on the later end of the spectrum. This was a wholly different case from that of his first girlfriend - the one he had been with all of three days before Katyusha started talking about weddings. She had left him the next day, not surprisingly, and he hadn’t really cared one way or the other - she had been far too practical to occupy his thoughts when she wasn’t in sight. But if Fredya left as suddenly, and he was certainly impulsive enough to do so on the spot, then... Obviously it still wouldn’t be the end of the world,of course it wasn’t the worst thing that could happen, losing a home for example would be far worse than losing a companion, it really wasn’t that big of an issue when you thought about it – there was no reason to lose what little will to live Ivan had left over something that insignificant. No reason.
So Ivan would not worry about it – he slammed the door on the thought, and worked hard to put all his concentration on his notes. He had not yet studied Rogers enough, his files on the computer had sat abandoned for too long. Opening his folder, going over the routes again, verifying time codes, Ivan fell to a comfortable, familiar routine, cup of tea beside him growing cold. Rogers didn’t have much of a routine, which made observing him a challenge and data collecting a thrill. At least this was an activity that Ivan could still lose himself in despite whatever non-turmoil was boiling in his gut. Comparing coordinates, discovering overlaps, identifying patterns, data was something Ivan was good at. Data had no emotions, so it was easy to handle. Data didn’t mind his extracurriculars, didn’t judge him for his jealousy, didn’t snoop into his past. Though it also didn’t text him at 3 am to tell him about a silly dream it had. Even less it cared about whether he was coming home for the night or not. It not wanting to watch brainless, cliched superhero should have been a positive, but in the dark, the brain gets sentimental. Ivan suddenly wished he had a file on Fredya. Ivan certainly had enough data on him, though so far it was all in his brain and a few lines in his notebooks. One photo on his phone, a selfie Fredya had sent some weeks ago. It was taken with one of those filter things, Ivan wasn’t familiar with the apps so he couldn’t tell if it was instagram or snappychat or whatever others there were. Fredya had cartoon glasses on his nose, on top of his real-life glasses. He was doing a victory sign, and there was a badly drawn pink heart floating in the lower left corner, not anchored into anything. The composition of the photo was bad. A large dead space occupied the top left, a pile of dirty clothes was poking into the frame from the bottom right. The lighting was scarcely better, the only diffuser was the dust inside the light fixture. Fredya’s artistic ability was nil, though he did make for an attractive subject, harsh shadows and all. It would be nice to have proper photo of him, before he got out of reach. With a reference to guide him, it might be possible. Ivan quickly scanned his bedroom for inspiration.
Perhaps it was too much effort for 2 a.m., but Ivan rather liked the end result. The handful of stars drawn on the wall to form a suggestion of a halo – however wrong it looked on Ivan – and hands posed to form a heart on the chest, and some minor lighting adjustments on photoshop, he thought it near perfectly captured how Ivan saw Fredya. Bright, innocent, center of the universe, unashamed of his affections. Fredya wouldn’t put as much effort in to it, even if he did take his own version of the photo as Ivan had requested, but that was also good. It wasn’t in Fredya’s nature to try too hard at something he didn’t feel like understanding - such as art other than of the moving pictures variety. Together, the photos formed a piece – the fantasy and the reality. It was a commentary on expectations. Fredya may or may not look at the photo when he inevitably got up to go the bathroom sometime soon, but he wouldn’t take his own until afternoon if ever, so Ivan finally went to bed. He only had a few hours before his shift started.
Fredya had sent an emoji Ivan didn’t understand the meaning as response to the photo, followed by hearts and something that seemed to be an abbreviation, Ivan didn’t research the meaning. It likely wasn’t important. Ivan got coffees for everyone again, and Amanda gave him a incredulous look. It was getting suspicious, Ivan acting nice. He should dial down on the social interactions for the next few days. It would be good practice for when Fredya left him, anyway. “Oh, thank you for going through the trouble”, Toris commented smiling. Ivan studied the smile, trying to map out proportions and gauge timings, but again he failed to replicate the gesture. It kept coming out as sarcastic. He would prefer if both would just shut up and their coffees without scrutinizing his intentions. Let a man act civil to fellow humans beings in peace. “If everyone is done sitting around, we need someone to go interview Fowler’s parishioners.” Predictably, Amanda volunteered for the task. That left Ivan and Toris at the office, reading through statements, comparing alibis and viewing security footage, the same draining and pointless sinkhole of never-ending choppy black-and-white footage that glared a print of the screen in your soul, so that in the end when you lost everything else to dementia and cataracts, you would still see that stinging bright rectangle staring you in the eye, smirking gleefully, taking pleasure in removing everything one used to take joy in, and replacing itself in place of loved ones. That metaphor ran a little wild at the end, there. In all fairness, it could be intriguing work when results could reasonably be expected, but everyone and their mother knew the only thing learned from these particular ones would be just how much time were wasting on them. Even Toris, being his professional self, couldn’t resist glancing at the clock every few minutes. He would of course try to make it inconspicuous, just letting his eyes dart to his wrist and back again, but it was noticeable enough when one was more concentrated on the coworker than the work. It came to Ivan’s mind that perhaps this was another aspect of Toris he should try to simulate, rather than keep studying, his work ethic was excellent. Surely that was something most people would approve of. And Fredya did often complain Ivan was rather lackadaisical about his work, he would appreciate the effort. “How do stay so focused?” he asked sincerely. It was admirable, really, how Toris could throw himself at something so tedious. Toris blinked at him in confusion, probably surprised to see his colleague who was supposed to working beside him blatantly ignoring said work. “I’ve practiced it for years, there’s really no easy trick for it.” “Ah. Shame.” “I find that meditating regularly helps. And a good diet.” Well, that was already two things Ivan would not be trying out. “I could send you some articles  if you’d like.” “You should spend your free time on yourself. You work too much.” Ivan went idly back to his files, not really feeling like working, but deciding to at least give it a shot, but feeling Toris’ curious eyes still fixed on him was too much of a distraction. After several seconds of silence he couldn’t take it anymore. “Yes?” “Thank you. That was considerate of you.” Ivan didn’t know how to answer that. It had been such a banal thing to say. Not warranting any response, really. Just a stock phrase, however true of some people and situations - such as this particular specimen. Toris must have heard the exact same statement hundreds of times in his life, knowing that he had an actual social circle who cared for him. Ivan was outside that circle, and people rarely care for the things outsiders say in matters like these - surely Toris should feel nothing particular about anything Ivan said. There was no need for him to smile like that, it was just embarrassing for a grown man to get so giddy about faint praise. Ivan scoffed and went back to his work.
U maek a habot of drawning on walls huh Outside of his brief childhood, Ivan had only ever drawn on walls three times - once in a drunk, misguided bout of creative frenzy, once to write his number on an intriguing man’s wall to annoy him, and once in an attempt to save a relic of happier times for the future. Mostly when you are involved, it seems. Perhaps you are my muse for wall-related artistry It had been a while since Ivan had drawn a portrait, but now might be the time to dust off that skill set. Ivan considered himself more of a photographer, but there was also something appealing about creating from scratch. Although... he would need to keep the portrait hidden, it would raise questions and pity later on. Ivan wished he was better at abstraction, that way it wouldn’t look like Fredya to anyone else, but his mind seemed to be too observational for it. It could only make sense of things that connected together in realistic ways, it couldn’t create anything out of feelings alone. Perhaps he simply didn’t have enough of them for that kind of art. The dinner with Fredya and his sisters was a few hours away, but Ivan was already nervously ironing his clothes. He once again pleaded Katyusha to control her romantic impulses, and of course she promised, but Ivan knew that meant little. She had very bad self-control. Tasha’s picking me up, we’ll meet you there Natasha was coming? Nataliya was coming?! Fuck - what was she - this was bad news - why hadn’t she said - oh god, forget about Katyusha ruining everything if Nataliya Grigorova was coming! She never mentioned wanting to come along That sneaky little girl, she told me you said it was okay, haha He would not survive this night sober. He wanted to make a good impression. He did not want to be drunk when the only three people who mattered to him were all in the same room. He wanted to be fully conscious, to enjoy an outing with his family while being fully genuine, not just sedated into calmness. But lord knew he would not survive the night sober.
Remembering the fit Fredya had thrown the last time Ivan had driven not-strictly-drunk-but-also-not-sober, he was glad that they had arranged beforehand for Fredya to pick him up. Because he was observant in the most inconvenient ways, Ivan had been sure Fredya would notice something was off, maybe a smell or the slow movements to counteract the unsteady hand-to-eye-coordination, but fortunately he was too stoked about meeting Ivan’s sisters again, officially, to notice Ivan’s oddly calm demeanor. He babbled excitedly the whole way there, and was halfway across the street before Ivan had even fully exited the car. “Come on you snail! They’re gonna think we ditched them!” “It’s only a few minutes away, you can afford to slow down”, Ivan chuckled. Fredya was so adorably excited, he resembled a puppy on a walk. “Being overeager is as bad as being late.” “Beg to disagree! Pick up the pace slowpoke!” Fredya sped up ahead, Ivan kept his leisurely pace. He missed the re-introductions, but it seemed like he hadn’t been needed for those at all - Fredya and Katyushka already looked like old friends, while Tasha regarded him with a haughty look, but nary a nasty word. She raised an eyebrow at Ivan, as if saying really, you chose this clown over me?, and he simply smiled pleasantly at her. As they waited for their food to arrive, Fredya and Katyushka were unsurprisingly the only ones to hold up conversation. They had found a common ground in Star Trek - in that Katyusha had heard a lot about it, but had never watched an episode and was interested, and Fredya was an expert in all the series and films and liked talking about them. They went through the pacifistic ideas on the original series and how it sometimes contradicted itself on it, analyzing the casting choices for the remakes, some more things that Ivan had no interest in.  When their plates were brought, the were in the midst of trying to speak klingon - the attempts of both of them were saddeningly hilarious. Or perhaps they were both surprisingly accurate. Ivan had no way of knowing, the franchise being something he had never taken an interest in. Of course he liked space, but he was more fact-oriented than a fan of fanciful fiction. “You seem so young, it’s almost like you’re still in college”, Katyusha giggled, and Ivan could not agree more. The youthful energy Fredya exuded was refreshing, at least most of the time. “Never went to college, I went straight to work from high school”, Fredya explained, crumbs flying. That was the one habit that Ivan never found charming in Fredya, it was just plain disgusting. Tasha made a small chortle of contempt that passed Fredya by. “Our brother is a very intelligent man”, Tasha commented sharply, and Ivan knew exactly what she was going for – he had come to the same conclusion, himself. And truthfully, neither of them had been wrong - Fredya really was stupid. “Oh, tell me about it”, the insulted man chuckled, not understanding what was being implied. Ivan would have liked being able to defend Fredya, but the thing was that Fredya was not intelligent – intellectually or socially, and attempting to claim otherwise would have been pointless. He might have been considered smart in some useless areas, such as entertainment trivia, but faint praise is just as damning as admitting faults. Trivia! There was the opening Fredya needed to impress Tasha! “He has a master’s degree in movie trivia and celebrity gossip, if nothing else. Just give an actor’s name and he will tell you every movie they have ever been in.” “And not just that! I can also tell which year each movie came out!” Fredya exclaimed proudly. Ivan started with an easy one - Tom Cruise. Tasha did look reluctantly impressed as the titles and dates kept on coming, but refused to admit defeat. She tried her favorite actor, someone much more obscure. “Ken Foree?” “Hmm… The midnight man, 2017… Rift, dark side of the moon 2016, Cut slash pri- no wait, I think he was in Divine tragedies, 2015, Cut slash print 2012 –“ However, since
Tasha’s obsession with her brother refused to give way to respect for her perceived enemy, she realized that to claim victory she could simply ask about any non-American film star. “Anastasia Zavorotnyuk.” “Anastasia who?” Of course he pronounced the name the American way, but Ivan was still mildly impressed he could tell Анастасия and Anastasia were the same name. “Zavorotnyuk.” Tasha allowed herself a malevolent smirk as Fredya racked his brain for the name in vain. “A true expert wouldn’t limit himself only to Hollywood”, Tasha hmphed in triumphant malice, believing to have proved her superiority over him once and for all, despite not showing an ability to counter his. It seemed the point had only been to prove Fredya was not omniscient. In Ivan’s eyes, it was enough to be merely well-versed. “He does hate subtitles to the point where I thought he might be illiterate”, Ivan joked. “Hey, at least I speak the language of the country I live in!” “Verily, my darling, thou speakest with the most biting of tongues. Shakespeare himself would envy your prowess.” “The guy lived like hundreds of years ago, who gives a shit? Ivan Drago was famous in the 80’s.” “Ivan can sound almost native when he tries”, Katyusha said, trying to diffuse the argument, not knowing the workings of their relationship well enough to tell it was all said in jest. “I haven’t tried in years, I doubt I could anymore”, Ivan thought. He had tried training his accent away in high school, so he would sound less foreign in job interviews. Having a foreign name was bad enough in an application. He had never achieved a smooth, natural accent, he had to concentrate very hard which caused the words to come out very slowly and robotically, and still there was always a hint of foreign phonemes. Combined with his attempts to deepen his voice – an incredibly embarrassing failure on its own – had made him cringe, even back then. Tasha had encouraged him, of course, because in her mind anything and everything her dear brother did was the right decision. Excluding taking romantic interest in someone other than her, of course.
The rest of the evening went by in much the same fashion. Fredya and Katyusha got along swimmingly, Tasha made snide remarks about Fredya, Ivan defended him in mean ways, Fredya played along. It was all very pleasant. Finally the staff started dropping hints that it was time to vacate the table, so they got up and parted ways. Katyusya was enchanted enough to not wait long enough to be out of earshot before starting to gush about her baby brother’s relationship, which made for a perfect opening for eavesdropping. “Don’t you think Vanechka looks so much happier than usual?” Katyusya said, nearly clapping her hands in excitement. “Idiocy might be contagious”, Tashenka grumbled in response. “I never imagined he’d go for that type, but I guess it goes to show opposites really do attract!” Katyushka squeed. “It’s only for the moment. That American moron will start getting on Vanya’s nerves soon”, Tashenka claimed, not sounding too confident herself. Ivan had expected that to happen as well, in the beginning. “I hope he won’t, I think Alfred is good for Vanechka. He’s come out of his shell.” What did she mean by that? As far as Ivan was aware, he had never been shy around his sisters. Or other people, for that matter. “What’re you frowning about?” Fredya asked. “I’m eavesdropping. Katyusha likes you, and Natasha doesn’t despise you.” “Well that’s good news isn’t it?” Fredya smiled, and tried to hear the women. “Man, you got great hearing. I can’t hear them at all.” Yes, it did take some practice to achieve Ivan’s level of spying on other people’s conversations. And by then they had gotten far enough that Ivan couldn’t hear then anymore either, actually. “Your eardrums must be damaged from the all screeching you do.” “You’re walking home, asshole.”
Tasha + Katyushka = affectionate nicknames for Nataliya and Yekaterina. Tashenka + Katyusya = one level more intimate. Ivan is being drunk and sentimental so at the end of the evening, the way he feels about his sisters is something like most people do when seeing tiny kittens. Thanks again for reading! Maybe in like 10 years so I'll add a final "chapter" describing the rest of the plot, but I know myself and won't make any promises. I have some more snippets on the masterpost if anyone wants to frustrate themselves with a story that will never be finished.
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