#this natsuki is so fucked up i love her
uniquezombiedestiny · 11 months
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Cloudy skies, muddy waters, and the paint of black.
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selfawxre · 1 year
posting separately as to not hijack flowers' post but realising that some of you guys may also not be as into ddlc and not know all the nuances and random tidbits about it and specifically monika. like, for example, the fact that monika's piano playing is a metaphor for her hacking the game/changing the code, the fact that every time one of the girls is acting particularly out of character she isn't present in the room, only to rush back in like "oh what happened? i had nothing to do with this!!", the times where she gets absolutely steamrolled in act 2 by yuri and natsuki and is so clearly taken aback despite the fact she's the one fucking with their codes to make them aggressive enough to do that, etc.
also just, all the lines in act 1 where she's so blatantly talking about her sentience but that you wouldn't pick up on unless you already knew she was sentient. like she is not even trying to hide it from the beginning, you just know when she talks about her "epiphany" she's giggling to herself like "oh they're never gonna believe what i mean by that"
#📁 : // ⦗ out of character ⦘#📁 : // ⦗ musings ⦘#monika doesn't really have anything as funny or jarring as the piss poem or any of yuri's uh. quirks. but she's so interesting to me#like when u pay attention to her specifically while playing ddlc#the amount of out of pocket jokes she makes even in act one#of course we all know “you really left her hanging”#but throughout the week she's like “oh it would be a SHAME if something happened to sayori aha ha ha”#and of course her jokes and jabs in act two are a lot more overt#still i love her and her fucked up sense of humour#i also didn't pick up on the times she's late being her actively messing with the other girls until recently#like the day after the argument between yuri and natsuki in act two she's specifically late bc she's making natsuki forget the argument#and of course there's all the times she makes yuri and natsuki do scares while she's “off-camera”#like you'll notice she's never present when the really big scares happen and by the end of act 2 she's almost constantly late into the room#also the fact that she messes with the girls to make herself look better but is still clearly hurt when they take it out on her#one could argue she's making herself sympathetic on purpose but like#she doesn't even get a CHANCE to interact with mc once yuri's at her worst#and she always says she's not the best coder so i fully believe she's like “oh i fucked that up” and bit off more than she could chew#anyway she means everything to me <3
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vulturevanity · 7 months
The people who complain about Natsuki DDLC's grumpiness wouldn't survive watching a single Haruhi episode
#been thinking about the show post-binge and I actually really like Haruhi's toxicity and why it developed#she's exactly what would happen if a 7-year old had a mid-life crisis#of course she's angry at everything. she's still a hormonal teen who thinks she's insignificant and wants to change that#normal teen angst#it just so happens that she also has literal godlike powers and people have to walk on eggshells around her so she won't blow up reality#which is why she can't be called out for her horrible behaviour#and why it's such a shock to her when Kyon gets so mad he tries to punch her#she cannot conceive of him not going along with her. that's unthinkable. he always complained but he was her most reliable follower#she's a horrible person because no one ever confronted her about it. that's all#and sometimes she managed to do something nice and every time people thanked her for it she was like “??????”#she's so used to being served unconditionally that she doesn't recognize the joy of being actually rewarded for her actions#i fucking love haruhi man. i would hate her if she was real but she's such a good unlikeable character#the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya#meanwhile Natsuki is lashing out due to being an abuse victim and basically drops the act pretty fast in both acts#i also like Natsuki but for different reasons#she doesn't recognize just how badly her situation has warped her#she's hurt and curling up into herself and biting every hand that comes close because she doesn't know if it'll hurt her this time too#and sometimes she hurts others and spirals into self-hatred and “why am i like this? ehy is this so hard? am i the problem?”#it's so sad#doki doki literature club
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suffarustuffaru · 6 months
why the emilia camp thinks otto is their most threatening member 👍
i see some people being confused on why the emilia camp collectively seems to agree that otto is the biggest threat there for some reason and like. yeah. i get it.
but let me explain real quick why i think it makes sense for the emilia camp to think that :O !!
otto though is disarming because. well okay look at him he doesnt look threatening at all. he has the looks and personality of a wet cat. hes whiny. hes cringe fail. he gets stressed out with paperwork. he looks like you could just smack him around like a bug. he HAS been smacked around like a bug. but that makes him unpredictable because apart from roswaal, he is the Most Amoral one there. you can expect roswaal to be trying some shit, but youd never know when to expect otto is planning something. his moral compass is just “does this benefit me or my loved ones in some way? if not, then its gonna be gone 🥺”.
sure, he does nice things sometimes out of the goodness of his heart. he genuinely means well a lot of the time.
but also then you read the shit hes thinking in his internal dialogue and its like.
“should i go save some girl i dont even know from bandits??? hmm lemme think for a couple minutes. im the only one that can help rn… some guy claiming to be her dad is begging me to help his daughter, but also hes kind of annoying… but i dont even live in this city so why should i help… or Care. actually. but i feel kinda bad about this girl… but also this is gonna put me and my profits in danger… but if i reject helping then im forever gonna be known as the guy who abandoned them and then i wont be able to make any sales in this city anymore :<<<< ……anyway im gonna help them then lol im so smart.” and then he gets captured by the exact same bandits anyway so hes like “well okay now me and this girl might be sold into slavery so i might as well save both of us or ill feel bad ☝️☝️”
(yes. yes this is genuinely ottos thought process if you read through the Otto's Bittersweet Peddling Log side story.)
except all the back and forth Calculation he does in his head Stays In His Head and doesnt match up with his outward appearance most of the time. which means that sometimes his words dont match up with his actions. “dont be surprised if i leave at the first sign of danger,” he says, right after risking his life and writing a suicide note over a dude hes known for like four days. “ahah thanks for giving me a vacation to see my family…” he says, damn well knowing he cant go back home yet otherwise he’ll get sniped by assassins. “im gonna give you some of my own money bounty money to help you BUT BUT BUT DONT THINK THAT IM NICE OR ANYTHING I NEED MOST OF THE MONEY FOR REPAIRS OK YOU CAN ONLY HAVE A BIT :<<<“
this also means that whenever otto says or does something Particularly Questionable, all his friends are still kinda blindsided by it because otherwise otto seems Mostly Fine in comparison to whatever the hell everyone else has going on. hes just a wet pathetic cat of a guy ahah. theres nothing more going on with h—
“if everyone in vollachia dies but rem and natsuki-san live, then we’ve won. if everyone in vollachia lives but rem and natsuki-san die, then we’ve lost.”
um otto can you repeat that. what the fuck did you just say.
otto looks Mostly Normal, Just Stressed Out or Somewhat Chilling the vast majority of the time, and then he whacks you over the head with a steel chair. like can you imagine being garfiel and learning that this pathetic rag of a man is actually pretty brave when it counts. youre like “oh cool lol we kinda beat each others asses and i was Annoyed but now that thats all over i got some newfound respect for you!!” and then you read through his diary and hes got a suicide note in there, which is like. okay fine whatever hes kind of a clown just like my New Captain lol but hes dedicated to his friends, ill give him that. and then a year later you find your now brother figure (whos also lowkey highkey an alcoholic) with a broken hand after punching a wall because he couldnt do his Lets Abandon 50 Million People Plan and youre just sitting there going
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and okay dont get me wrong—subaru is Batshit Crazy. in Multiple Incomprehensible Ways. if the emilia camp (or Anyone. At All.) knew about all the shit hes done and been through with rbd, subaru would INSTANTLY be skyrocketing up the Most Threatening People list. but at the same time subarus less threatening than otto in the sense that subarus Always going to want to do good. hes Always going to want to save everyone. hes Extremely forgiving, on top of that. he goes along picking up friends everywhere he goes in his own Incomprehensible Unhinged Way and hes fond of All of them.
otto? yeah his opinion of you could shift on a dime and you could end up in his personal shit list unless youre one of the *checks list* *clears throat* maybe like ten people he cares about. and even if youre on the I Care About You! :) list, he could still get pissed enough at you to, i dont know, punch a wall over you? and spiral into obsession? and even if hes not upset at you hes still gonna mansplain manipulate malewife his way to his goals <33
and yeah of course subaru is also Mansplain Manipulate and Gaslight Gatekeep but at least he has way more good intentions AND his attitude about it is gonna be like "sorry :<<< i just gotta do this for your sake :<<<<<< :((( haha dont worry about it". subaru would never ever want to do anything big to hurt his loved ones (except for rbd). while otto doesnt even bat an eye. everyone can be manipulated if he has to. he goes down his list of Things I Need To Do and goes "yeah that had to be done. oh well. anyway i got more shit to do (like maybe kill a toddler lol)"
also lets talk about roswaal's perspective really quick. post-arc 4 hes like "well subaru-kun is always gonna want to save everyone and hes doing a pretty good job of things in general so whatever lol. i can still keep him in check by killing everyone if even one of his friends dies :)". so its like. YEAH subarus an Unhinged Wildcard. roswaal knows that. but right now subaru is more predictable and also again, roswaal knows he can keep subaru in check by making subaru have to reset if roswaal really needs to.
but otto? yeah ottos second in line for being an Unhinged Wildcard. but whats even worse is that otto is Basically Subaru but More Calculating and with a moral backbone thats Near Nonexistent. roswaal was genuinely concerned for otto in arc 8 for once and there was still Literally No Stopping Otto from being a stubborn little shit whos hell bent on all the maladjusted insane mentalities hes got floating around in his head, half of which he doesnt even say out loud, and all of which he thinks is Completely Right and that theres Nothing Wrong with what hes doing.
and also otto being underestimated and Not In The Tome was a big help as to how subaru got the win over roswaal in arc 4 👍and then otto Continues to try keeping an eye on roswaal after arc 4, to the point of getting roswaal's tome and actively trying to investigate roswaal's actions, so roswaal is Very Aware that otto is. a bit of a threat. roswaal of course is smarter and more powerful than otto though, but that still doesnt change the fact that otto is still capable of being a threat if roswaal doesnt Also kind of keep an eye on otto back. because roswaal kind of lost to otto already in arc 4!!
but okay, on top of all of this, no one knows the full extent of whats going on with otto, not even roswaal (though he has his Suspicions), and most definitely not subaru yet (whos Still a bit of an otto apologist anyway), and otto is already a bit menacing even without knowing All of that. and the rest of the emilia camp are already a bit more lenient with roswaal (as hes seemingly chilled out after arc 4 + they all need him still). that, and you can easily Expect roswaal post-arc 4 to be suspicious and Probably up to something. you wont know what it is, but you wont Exactly be surprised when it happens.
and also roswaal isnt publicly batshit crazy like otto is. otto of course isnt as Openly Weird as subaru, but otto is still Openly Unhinged and Pathetic. just look at him declaring julius and anastasia, HIS CAMP'S ALLIES, as enemies right to their faces alsdfjlsdjfl.
and with subaru, there is Zero doubt in the emilia camp's minds that subaru wants the best for them and everyone around them.
otto though? yeah he also wants whats best for the camp. he Cares about them, he really does. but hes so obviously Questionable by the time you get to arc 8 to the point where the entire rest of the camp starts eyeing him like this:
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theres also the fact that ottos dp allows him to have eyes and ears Everywhere so long as he doesnt overuse it. that paired with his Intelligence, Stubbornness, and Lack of Morals or self-awareness/sometimes guilt/regret over his actions is dangerous. theres a reason why gluttony if subaru decided to flood The Entire Surrounding Area Around Otto. the flood took away the potential army otto couldve made out of the animals and allies otto had in the city, and once you do that, whats otto going to do against someone like shaula? all of ottos power regarding his People Skills and Animal DP was stripped away.
but if that Isnt stripped away... well honestly otto can do whatever the hell he wants the moment he figures out a solid plan to try and get what he wants. his biggest ability at the core of what makes him dangerous is his ability to quite Literally be in the background. so long as hes underestimated, so long as he still has secrets, no ones gonna know the full extent of his bullshit!! you cant stop him if you dont even realize what hes going to do, and hes Good at doing that!!
and if gluttonybaru hadnt taken out otto, subaru would be skyrocketing right to the top of ottos shit list after subaru literally just killed All of ottos (and previously subarus.) loved ones. otto wouldnt stop until he figured out how to destroy subaru. its to the point where im pretty sure if otto had to choose between destroying half the world vs kill gluttonybaru once and for all, otto would certainly choose one of those options in a Heartbeat.
anyway. if youre an emilia camp member, and you see the dude whos in charge of the Vast Majority of the factions political affairs, the guy who you Know is very intelligent and competent and determined when it counts, say shit like "if everyone dies in this entire country i wouldnt even give a single flying fuck as long as our friends get back safe and sound :) it would be such a loss if the entire country lived but our friends didnt :<<<" OF COURSE I WOULD BE LIKE YEAH THAT GUY IS THE MOST DANGEROUS ONE HERE. HE HAS THE SKILLS AND THE MOTIVATION TO BACK UP THAT STATEMENT AND I WONT EVEN KNOW WHEN ITD HAPPEN. he also has the Mental Instability to back that up too, given the amount of times he spends drinking and Raging and Being Terribly Anxious over Every Little Thing.
youll be sweating buckets being wary of otto while ottos casually standing there with his wet cat looks and a knife in your back.
and otto has, for the most part, some of the most normal trauma compared to a bunch of people in this cast (not to discount ottos trauma and pain or anything but its true lajdsfls sorry otto. but also im not sorry because arc 5 was partially on you T^T). he doesnt have rbd, he doesnt have some weird family drama bullshit going on like the astreas or emilias family or the segmunts, he hasnt been erased by gluttony, etc etc. but hes still like this. if you put him in subarus position and gave him rbd, he would get even worse than he already is.
yeah so anyway thats my quick rambley psa about why i think it makes sense that the emilia camp's voted otto as the most threatening one there 👍
but the fact that we (the audience) (or at least some of us!!) keep questioning why the hell the emilia camp thinks otto is the biggest threat there is means that otto's funny silly guy image is. Kind of Working??? just a little bit.
because. granted. of course i think subaru is easily the most threatening person there with both His Flavor of Insanity and rbd. subaru is an eldritch horror in every single way. but at the same time - hes an eldritch horror who thinks friendship is the best magic of all T^TT !!! he FORGIVES PEOPLE WHO'VE KILLED AND TORTURED HIM. hes not threatening in this sense - the fact that hes kind of just way too nice in this sense!!! granted yes, he IS abusing rbd and Terrifying and Threatening in a multitude of ways, but i'd rather take my chances with mainbaru over main otto right now HAH T^TT at least subaru will apologize and start bawling his eyes out if he stabs some random innocent civilian and stranger in the gut for Some Necessary Reason!! otto would feel a bit bad and then completely Eradicate that feeling of guilt with "i had to do it. it was them or me so no regrets <3".
because otto..................... yeah otto is the Worlds Most Pathetic Yandere to his whole camp.
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zeivira · 1 month
How do you think Emilia and the others would react to the concept of dreaming in No Rest for the Wicked?
“If I’m honest— sleeping isn’t even that bad,” Subaru starts, rubbing his eyes. He woke up an hour ago, but he still feels pretty sleepy— and how could he not, when Otto decided that the first thing he needed to do in the morning was discuss taxes with him? “You get to dream every night, which is pretty cool if you ask me.”
Subaru lets himself sink deeper into Emilia’s office couch. He loves it when she lets him watch her work.
He doesn’t usually like talking about sleeping much, not after all the trouble it already gave him— but today he dreamed he had momentarily traveled back in time to when he was eight years old, and was able to hug his parents one more time. Waking up hadn’t left him fatigued, on the contrary, it left him much better rested than usual. At least until Otto decided to be a pest, of course.
“Dreams?” Emilia raises her gaze from the papers in her desk and tilts her head to the side. “What are dreams?”
“Dreams are, uh…” He blinks. How could one describe dreaming? “It’s like traveling to another world—” no, that doesn't sound right, “—except the world doesn’t really exist ‘cus it’s merely a product of your imagination.” He crosses his arms. Did that even make sense? “Do you not do something like that when you are unconscious?”
People from Lugunica can still faint from blood-loss or other wounds. They surely had to dream then, right?
“You travel to another world when you sleep?”
Ok, maybe that was too much. Subaru blushes at the wonder marrying her voice. “Well, not literally. They are just a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep.”
“Natsuki-san, are you implying that when you sleep you… hallucinate?” The reason for his current nightmares —Otto— opens the door of Emilia’s office with a sack of papers in his hands and turns to stare at him.
Subaru pauses and rubs his chin, deep in thought. Can dreams be considered hallucinations?
“Hallucinations?” Emilia repeats, voice distant.
Otto sighs. “Indeed, when people are in agony, they sometimes see things that aren't there."
Subaru starts laughing, then stops when he realizes what Otto actually meant. “Wait— what?” Oh cmon, this can’t happen again.  “I already said I'm not in pain when I sleep.”
“You say many things,” Otto glares. “But Lady Beatrice said you often squirm or wake up crying.”
Emilia gasps.
“You know that?!” Subaru stands up, then raises his hand to hold his head at the whiplash from changing positions so quickly. His own words finally sink in as his eyes widen. “I mean— I absolutely do not do that.”
Otto squints at him. He hadn’t missed his slight headache. “You should have told the healer about the hallucinations when he visited last week, Natuki-san.”
“They aren’t hallucinations.” Subaru blinks.
“Your description sure matched them. What is the difference between hallucinations and dreams, then?”
Emilia interrupts. “Are dreams another symptom of Subaru’s Partial Sleeping Beauty, then? Should we make sure he doesn’t dream?”
Otto shakes his head. “The only way to make him stop dreaming would be to make him stop sleeping, and the doctor said we shouldn't.”
“But that’s…”
“Time out!” Subaru raises his arms, crosses them and forms a stop sign. “The squirming is completely unrelated to the dreaming. I like dreaming, It’s relaxing.” Unless he is having a nightmare, he knows better than to address that topic.
Emilia’s purple eyes fill with tears. “Is your condition so bad that you prefer spending so many hours in a fake world rather than real life?”
What the fuck.
“No, absolutely not! I love real life is just—” Subaru groans.
He should have learnt to shut up by now.
(Some hours later:
“I wonder if Heinkel-san’s wife dreams,” Emilia says during dinner, after calming down. “If she has to sleep for so many years, it would be nice if she were to hallucinate that she is in a world in which her family is safe and sound.”)
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heartbeatbookclub · 2 days
hey just saw your headcanons for high dokis which made me curious if you have any for drunk dokis
sorry if you’ve already covered this btw
*violent coughing* aaAAAND we're back!
I'm gonna try and separate this from my thoughts on them smonking a weed, because while the experience is similar, it's definitely different. And rather than describing the entire experience of getting into it like I did on that one, I'm just gonna start talking about some miscellaneous stuff.
I feel like Natsuki would generally prefer to remain sober due to personal issues with her father, among other things. I feel like she probably had an experimental period with it, only to realize that she was quickly losing control of it, and that scared her more than anything else. Under other circumstances I'd say she's the girl who showed up tipsy to class and had a water bottle full of vodka, but I think she'd be too stubborn for that, especially with a support group like the Literature Club.
This all being said, I think that though she'd like to be the designated driver, she'd probably end up saying "fuck it" and doing a few shots for the fun of it. She loosens up in general when drunk, getting simultaneously cattier and kinder. She kinda just opens up and says whatever's on her mind, which lends itself to a lot of more open discussion about how much the Literature Club really means to her.
She has a tendency to get really giggly, which immediately makes everyone else in the room very giggly, until they're all rolling on the floor about nothing in particular. I feel like she'd get testier while drunk, but be more prone to burst into tears than to start a fight, which is immediately off-putting. Her tolerance is okay, but she is the smallest, so it's not over the top.
Monika's a bit of a curious case. I think she'd generally like to keep her wits about her, but as long as she's with friends and having fun, she doesn't mind having a few drinks to use as a social lubricant. I feel like she'd be quick to try and keep herself under control, but as the night goes on she'd go from "I'm not gonna drink THAT MUCH" to "wait, wait, how many--how many shots was that...?" pretty quickly. Of course, the others help her to make sure she drinks plenty of water too.
She attempts to keep some level of decorum as she drinks, but progressively, that falls apart. Has a tendency to prattle on about subjects she's interested in but has no real moment to talk about. The most common word which falls out of her mouth while drunk is "love", whether it's talking about how much she loves her food, your top, this song, or her friends.
She's usually very embarrassed about the entire thing in the morning (and hungover) but she's still happy to do it. She gets the sense that it brings them all closer together. Her tolerance is decent, but she has trouble noticing when it's starting to hit, so she ends up deeper than she expected.
Sayori enjoys drinking (though she really hates the taste), because it gets everybody to loosen up more, and it gives her a sense of security knowing that everybody's being more honest. And even more so that while everybody's lost a lot of capacity to lie, they're all just closer friends, and all honestly enjoying each other's company. She also finds everybody hilarious and adorable. Ironically, I think she'd probably be the most responsible while smashed.
She'd probably find it really funny how shit her hand eye coordination gets, and try to do a whole bunch of stuff to test how rough it actually is, invariably falling on her ass and laughing. Sayori while drunk is really just Sayori sober but a lot more sluggish and slurred, which makes the things she says sound a lot sillier.
She's the type to drunk text you at 2 AM saying exactly how much she loves you, and how much you mean to her. She feels incredibly embarrassed about it in the morning and gets slightly annoyed at her drunk self for putting her into this situation, but it almost never goes poorly. On the subject she loses any sense of fear talking to strangers while drunk, and just randomly includes others in her conversations with people for the fun of it, which is simultaneously hilarious and embarrassing for everyone else involved.
Sayori is the one person among them who ends up miraculously without a hangover (if she does everything you're supposed to when you drink, which isn't always...she tries to make sure she has a full stomach, at least) and although she has a pretty solid tolerance, she likes to act drunker than she is just for the fun of it.
Yuri likes other people having fun drinking, and doesn't mind getting a little tipsy herself, but knows full well that she's going to do a lot of embarrassing things while drunk, and is thusly very anxious to actually go any deeper than that. This doesn't stop her from occasionally indulging a little more than necessary.
She ends up talking a lot more than normal, though it's more often just little comments and one-liners that you wouldn't expect out of Yuri, which makes them funnier. She ends up pretty fluidly able to explain things that would take her a whole lot longer to actually enunciate while sober. This frustrates her slightly, but over time she's able to work out exactly why it is, and working on letting go a lot of the anxieties holding her back in that sense.
Yuri gets blatantly weirder, but also pretty clearly more affectionate with how she acts around everyone else. Drinking makes her bolder, and though it'll be embarrassing for all of them in the morning, it's pretty clear that Yuri would be a ladykiller if she had that confidence while sober.
Of course, it's all among friends, so it's okay...right?
Yuri ends up with less of a headache and nausea and more of a general sluggishness that pervades her for at least a day afterward. She prefers to avoid it, so doesn't suggest drinking herself. Her tolerance is around the middle, but when it hits, it hits, and she tends to get over it slower.
MC typically gets called when they need a ride to or from some place. He keeps a bottle of vodka handy and is not above daydrinking alone, but the others do frequently invite him to go drinking if they ever go out. Natsuki sometimes gives him shit for ordering girly drinks, but it's all in good fun.
We now return to your regularly scheduled programming.
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orangelemonsstuff · 1 year
so you guys know in ddlc that there's this one scene where monika forces the player's mouse to move down to choose her? yes that. BUT MAKE IT TWST AND SELF AWARE!!! (meaning the game didn't code Malleus/Monika to do it)
Leona as Natsuki, Azul as Yuri, and of course Malleus as Monika.
warning: Horror themes since its inspired by ddlc
You've been playing a visual novel for about 4 hours now.
you can't help it it was just so enticing, the characters, the plot, the artstyle and pacing. its so good
Choices aren't that much special to this game as you heard there's only one ending but the cgi's are completely different between route of choices. its no matter to you though, you save a choosing point and then after reading that route you'll reload again to read the other
as much as you knew some people do this recklessly to just see the CGIs, you on the other hand is wisely thinking of whom you'd choose first to see their scenario and then second, and then third, so on. as if you consider their actual feelings
it felt like it isn't any of your typical visual novel, you feel as if the characters are actually talking to you behind the screen and actually cares about the real you, especially that one specific character.
his name is Malleus
He's one of the mysterious type of character, he plays the violin, he likes ice creams and apparently dragon statues. you choose him first everytime you come across a choice event and practically you always see his special events and scenarios too
but sometimes you can't help but feel it
you are alone in your room but you can't help... feel the feeling of being watched. something whispering. something's or someone's presence together with you in the room
and whenever you'd look behind your back to see no one is there then turn back to your computer, you'd see an enlarged Malleus up to your screen staring with those with light yet emotionless smile and eyes
you could be imagining it. but when you checked the reviews for the game it doesn't say anything about Malleus popping up like that, yes some bugs about the game dialogue or settings but it doesn't relate to what you're experiencing.
your headphones was still in your ears so it definitely surprised you when the bright music stopped and the dialogue sfx chimes in
"What are you looking at?"
well that scared you, you must've clicked a button to proceed the dialogue.
Malleus backed away but it still nerved you when the music stopped altogether. it felt creepy
you close your phone and decided maybe it was just all your imagination or the game being buggy, you would say this in the review later so the devs could fix it
you return to your game and proceed with the dialogue smoothly, the current situation was a festival apparently and the main character of the game was supposed to be one of the managers of it
"surely I'm the most fitting to help ____ to this festival, I'm the most efficient here."
you click.
"Didn't i say I'll do it? won't that be a convenient for you Octopus?"
You click again but with a chuckle this time
"what a lovely sound"
Huh? what was that? did you just hear someone speak?
you rewind the game to Azul's dialogue again, you must've missed an voiceline easter egg...
you didn't.
you rewind it over and over again but there's no voiceline or anything. huh must've been just a one time thing
wait, there shouldn't be any voiceline in this game... there shouldn't be, it didn't come with a voice sound setting after all.
okay this is really weird.
you sigh, clicking the dialogue bubble again. you'll need a meal, a bath and sleep after this, you must've been really tired that you are hearing things and seeing things
"Just let ____ make the choice okay?"
"Okay, fine... Fine."
"Jeez... ____, i know how fed up you are with these two by now. we can jus-"
"Azul, shut your fucking mouth and let them decide for themselves"
cli- wait hold on woah, did you just read that right? this game isn't supposed to be having strong languages, you were sure you checked the labels alright so why...? maybe it's part of the coded dialogue? you can't blame the devs adding some spice isn't so bad either
"You shut you mouth!"
"Oh great seven, this is never going to end. just make the choice okay?"
the choice buttons shows up tallying from Azul next to Leona and then Malleus. you think about it carefully and as you think you might be showing a lot of favoritism towards Malleus, maybe its time for a little bit of change no worries though you'll save it and load for la-
that's weird
why can't you click the save and load button? you repeat your excessive clicking for a whole 2 minutes but you can't get to click the save button at all
was this game really buggy?
frustrated, you decide in your head to choose whoever except Malleus for a change but when you were about to pick Azul.
the mouse
towards Malleus
what...? how is this possible? yeah your actual literal mouse within you isn't moving but the mouse on the screen is
is this supposed to be part of the game? no... this isn't... you have to check you have to
competent, you move the mouse again to pick but it kept moving down in its onw accord, you struggle to move it up after few tries but with timing you click on Leona with swiftness
a pair of green irises appeared on a white screen, familiar ones. the same eyes that looked to you earlier, a little too close for your liking.
a eerie silence waft around you, and the whirring of the computer can be the only thing heard outside of your headphones
you shake with fear, you gulp the tense in your throat, your eyes hurt with dryness not daring to take your eyes off the green eyes staring right at you and to see if this is real, you don't know what to do or what to believe.
you tried clicking your exit button more times than you can count but it wont exit the game, the cord connecting from the computer isn't far but you fear that even if you move a little or look away for a second, someone or something would jump out of the screen to god who knows what it'd to you
courage or curiosity, whatever it is, it made you click the blank white screen with floating irises to at least something would happen to just make this all stop.
an eerie endless dialogue sfx was blasted into your ears as a multiple choice boxes of the name "Malleus" appeared in your screen
your ears felt like bleeding and nausea came over to you, you feel like throwing up right there and then, pass out, die. anything to make it stop
with a strained shaky hand you click Malleus as the screen turned back to the game normally again as if nothing happened
"Im happy you picked me."
sweat drips from your temples as you exit the game and pull the plug of the cord and stepped back from the monitor not even bothering to save the game or your discarded headphones
you try to steady your breath few times to calm down the loud thumping of your heart from horror and shock, you sat up to your bed trying to wipe off the nervousness off of you before standing up and sprinting off the door.
maybe you didn't thoroughly checked your game settings or code files, or maybe you did, you just didn't paid that much attention to it
you pulled the plug at him, stepped back with horror and ran away not even bothering to save the game or take a listen at your discarded headphones
the headphones played the same bright music from earlier.
Auto Saving....
Saving Complete!
Tip: This game loads where you left at.
AN: this was out of the sudden burst of inspiration btw. (i mean none of my fics aren't lol) But hope ya enjoyed it, i rlly loved DDLC, i did copy some of the dialogues i hope its okay since i have no idea what to make them say lol but DDLC stays original for me.
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Controversial Character Tournament Round 2: Natsuki Subaru from Re:Zero vs Clara Oswin Oswald from Doctor Who
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(remember that these characters are fictional and your fellow tumblr users are real. i will block you if you harass others in the notes, please consider sending your unhinged harassment to my inbox instead)
Propaganda under the cut, may contain spoilers:
Natsuki Subaru:
LOVE: - "look his only crime is being somewhat annoying and starting on that incel mindset at the beginning of the story (he gets better, but I won't deny his view of women in the beginning is bad). But he's also a fucking kid going through so so much, and actually being really heroic and growing as a person and unlearning all that toxic shit and learning to love himself and interact with others in a healthy way to build good relationships and he's doing his best ok! He's endearing and wonderfully kind at heart and if you hate him your wrong, ok?"
Clara Oswin Oswald:
LOVE: - "Clara is a brilliant character because she is an immensely flawed person. Yes, she is kind and smart and generally trying to do the right thing. But she is also vain and self-righteous and overconfident and incredibly selfish when it comes to people she loves. And the thing is, it's not only her, but she rubs off on the Doctor, too, making him selfish in turn when it comes to her. There are a number of people who hate her character because they describe her as a 'pretty lady who can do anything and thinks the show is about her' and you want to shake them and say 'that's the point! You fell for it, now see that!'. Because 'pretty lady who can do anything' is exactly what Clara thinks she is. And she also thinks the show is about her. But it's not who she is. Yes, she is good, brilliant even. And yes she is very much like the Doctor (if only because she is just as good at bullshitting). But she's still human and humanly fragile to go with it. And that's her downfall in the end and God this character is just brilliantly executed and extremely consequent (at least series 8 and onward) and you could technically tell where she will end up from the beginning but you can't because she blinds you. Like, I don't even know whether I LIKE her but I want to put her under the microscope and study her like a bug. She's fascinating." HATE: - "I just don’t like her"
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joyflameball · 4 days
Few things:
This is according to who the main character should end up with, not who your favorite girl is. Which relationship do you think is the best?
This is according to their Act 1 selves and those relationships. In Act 2, Yuri becomes completely possessive and obsessed with MC, Natsuki is The Struggler the entire time and trying her best, and Sayori is fucking dead
Monika is not a choice. This is mainly because she doesn't have a route, and also I JUST KNOW that if she was a choice, it'd skew the results. (Monika love I am so fucking sorry, ily)
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yokakaiju · 5 months
i got bored and made a tierlist based off who smokes the most weed
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justifications under cut
so like i made this cause its funny first and foremost, but i did put like somewhat actual thought into this. not much, but synapses were firing in my brain putting this together
also im not tagging everyone, ill just like pick 2 or whatevs
okay so first up is chidaruma. dude prolly invented weed ngl. you know he's smoked everyway imaginable: blunt, pipe, bong, can, apple, vape, synthesized, edible, hotbox, blower; you name it, he's done it. he's kinda over it, but he's still up there just cause like... idk he is and won't take criticism
haru is a beautiful weed smoking gf thats literally it
13's entire schedule is probably wake up, smoke, jerk off, sleep, eat, smoke, jerk off, eat, smoke, repeat. he also would probably kin jesse pinkman
ton is a bitch and smokes all the cross-eye commanders weed. like they'll save up for MONTHS to get like 5oz (one for each of them :3) and he'll be like, "woah! a bag of weed!" and smoke it ALLLLLL in like an hour. he's like a truffle pig for weed, they can try to hide it but his ass always finds it and smokes it all. he would prolly also call it za or skunk or some shit like that
ebisu isn't quite in the high 24/7 catagory, but she could be. dawg loves weed, like she is also 100% a fucking master at rolling blunts she rivals chidaruma at it. rolling blunts is like a sport for her tbh
aikawa's gotta cope dawg. like if he aint at school or currently being possed by demons his ass is smokin that shit bruh he needs a minute to chill. also he's got crazy money (kai's money but shhh) so he might as well spend it on his pookie <3 (risu)
noi may be controversial being up so high, but hear me out. weed smoking gf? i think yes B) mogs at you
asuka also has to cope, but its cause shes a blackpilled femcel (her own words i stg)
chota would smoke, but he hates the smell and doesn't want it to ruin his clothes and shit. he prolly wears like silk gowns and dances around to madonna while trippin off like 10g. he's livin the life tbh
OKAY HEAR ME OUT HEAR ME OUT HEAR ME OUT johnston. fucking johnston is only i repeat ONLY UP HERE‼️ because kasukabe gives him those little non thc thc pills people give to dogs with anxiety and agression issues to keep him calm
poor dokuga cant share with his besties so he's been condemed to eating edibles alone... also smoking/inhaling smoke makes him drool a bit so like a bit deadly for everyone around him to even try. i like, debated on putting him in never, but tetsujo prolly cooks smth up for him so he doesn't feel left out <3
natsuki is only at the top of sometimes because she probably would more if she had money. also she sucks in a blunt rotation cause her ass ALWAYS WITHOUT FAIL tries to hold it in and always coughs like a mfer and taps out after like one hit
vaux just makes sense. he looks like an average 30-40smth nu metal oldhead, theres no way he DOESNT smoke at least a little. id put him in 100% but he's also a fairly responsible doctor so liek idk
kasukabe doesnt as much anymore, mostly only when he's with haru, but he still does sometimes for funsies cause he's just chiil like that :3
tetsujo doesn't thattt much cause it fucks with his already dog shit depth perception super bad, but sometimes if ton or the others dont find it he shares it with dokuga and they like yuri pose and eat edibles together or smth idk
ik kaiman is gonna be controversial being so low, but listen. 1) his ass is too focused on socerers and shit to care 2) he's dirt poor. he simply cannot afford it 3) how tf is he gonna smoke with no lips? that blunt would just get chewed to shit. like genuinely he would maybe get one singular edible if nikaido or vaux were feeling nice, but other than that its like, idk almost never for him
i would but shin in never, but ik noi is like "boss!!!! come take hits off this bong with me!! its gonna be so sick omg you HAVE to come smoke with me RN!!!!" and he'd be like "sighhhhhh... anything for my weed smoking gf ig..."
ushishimada is only so low cause i feel like he's too mothery to smoke a lot? like, he's too responsible, but not responsible enough to outright say no. also they're poor asf and ton always smokes it all
fukuyama would get his ass kicked by tanba if he found out, but ik dawgs gotta take a load off sometimes tbh
now again, controversial take but i have reasons. risu is so fucking poor. like, genuinely he is too worried about his tuition, bills, and groceries to give af about it (also cause aikawa is a bitch and makes him pay for everything cause "i forgot my wallet oopsie :3c"). now aikawa does supply him tho and he hooks him up with the primo shit ong. so at least when he does smoke he smokes that good shit (also they yuri pose as well while they smoke)
again, saji is too mommy to smoke that much weed (also another case of being too poor). bro doesn't want his clothes and needlework to smell like shit, which i respect
ai 100% would if his ass wasnt so busy with his damn self expiramentation bs. like, he wants to smoke so bad tbh, but he's like "sigh i gotta work on my plans to rebuild my body from the ground up.. maybe tomorrow" stares longingly out the window imagining how cool smoking weed is
again, kai's over here fuckin "i have to go to work" like he genuinely just doesn't care or have time. he's never even thought about it tbh, like you're tellin me this mfer has had a single thought outside of total domination in his entire existance??? HELL NAH HIS ASS DOES NOT THINK HE HAS ZERO THOUGHTS IN HIS HEAD I STG
now this may also be controversial. why isn't by beautiful coquette cottagecore angelcore babe out there rolling and smoking the fattest blunts known to man? turkey just like doesnt feel it. its not for her tbh. she tried smoking, she tried edibles. she just wasnt a fan tbh. like, she'll cook up some of the tastiest edibles you've ever had if you ask, but she just aint a fan
kirion also just doesn't feel it tbh. again, its not for her and thats alright
wow surprise surprise another controversial take. like, before you get mad just think abt it for a sec. like, she's so fucking business first and always has been that i think she would just see it as a major hinderance on her job performance, as well as the performance of her employees later down the line. now im not saying she's a narc or hardass about it, im saying she just doesn't feel it. the high she gets from people enjoying her food and making money is enough for her tbh. also she does do edibles sometimes, but mostly like when it rains in hole to make it a little less miserable and painful
en is about the same. like, he def has. he's just like, idk. he doesnt wanna. its not for him anymore. he doesn't care if anyone in the family does it, but they better not sacrifice the quality of their work for it. like if he catches you high on the job its prolly like some sort of repremanding, but off the clock he dont gaf
genuinely copy paste nikaidos shit for tanba. he's too worried about his business to even consider smoking weed
now... kawajiri is a fucking narc and a half. his ass would be like "erm ☝️🤓 well actually" and then give a big long speech about how weed is bad blah blah blah whatever no one cares dawg stop fuckin yappin. but like, he's just pissed cause no one will smoke with him or share their weed with him cause he's such a hardass
fujita is kinda weed smoking gf coded, but like ik his ass would be like "EN! EN! I SAW EBISU SMOKING A BLUNT THE SIZE OF HER OWN FOREARM AND TRYING TO SHARE IT WITH KIKURAGE!!! YOU NEED TO STOP HER RN!!!!" but hes only like this cause when he was in a blunt roation with shin, noi, and ebisu they all told him holding it in made you higher, but he ended up puking and they all laughed at him and made fun of him for it because hes a fucking idiot. so now he's an evil little narc who squeals to en when he even catches a whiff of a skunk like scent
curse is a bitch and ik his ass is like "RAAAHHHH‼️ I GOTTA GO KILL THE CROSS-EYES BOSS RAHHH‼️ I NEED TO SEEK REVENEGE FOR MY MURDER RAHHHHHH‼️" like dawg chill tf out be so real rn. he's too focused on revenge and shit to smoke and like, i think if he did smoke and kai also smoked they'd have beautiful hot sexy yaoi, thats just me tho
kikurage is literally just a dog dawg. her ass dont even know what weed is
store crow mauler is like... idk man. idk how it would smoke weed or if it even knows or cares what weed is. whatever, its kinds like a pet so whatevs
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rainstops · 6 months
hi! it's friendsoup! this is my main ^^! just thought i'd pop in and give a request!
could you do hcs for the ddlc girls with a trans masc s/o who binds and gets misgendered a lot? super self indulgent ik :] have a happy holidays~!
ddlc headcannons
summary: how do the ddlc girls act with a reader who gets misgendered a lot?
a/n: HEY PAL!!!!! tysm for requesting, this was a little tough to write, but I enjoyed this sm and I immediately had some ideas! I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it! If I made any mistakes or said anything wrong, please let me know, I have never written anything with a trans reader before
also i wrote this in the middle of the night so my grammar is probably a little fucked
sorry to tell u this but monika has not met a singular trans person before she met you
that does not mean she is not supportive! but she might not know a lot
so she reads every book she can find to learn how to help you!!
more utc
if she is around while someone misgenders you, she carefully lets them know what they did
what if your parents are not supportive?
believe me when I tell you that she will arrange a meeting with your parents to talk to them
if you’re okay with it of course
whatever struggle you’re going through, she will do everything in hee power to help you (or even beyond her power)
will always love you because this is a part of you
and as long as it’s you, she will try everything until you’re happy
Has witnessed you getting misgendered once and got super confused in a ‘wait those aren’t your pronouns’ way
you explained to her that some people misgendered you, most of them on accident
she is not entirely sure how to help you, scared that she’ll do something wrong
so she asks monika what to do when someone misgenders you in front of her
monika suggests to politely try and correct the person
sayori takes monikas advice, but she can only imagine how you feel after getting home and being misgendered a whole lot
she wishes she could do more than just correct people who misgender you
so she tries her best cheering you up with kisses, hugs, gifts, sweets, anything you can think of
she doesn’t want you to feel uncomfortable, so she will try her best to undo what has been done by others!
probably has met the most trans people out of all the four
and although yuri knows all the right things to say, she cant bring herself to confront someone who misgenders you right in the moment
so when she feels you tense up she quietly takes your hand in hers and gives it a light squeeze
probably will hold your hand until either the conversation is over or for the rest of the day
yuri is a very non confrontational person, wether or not she will talk to you about it later i will leave up to you
but its not like she entirely ignores how you get misgendered
but shes so scared to say something wrong, she prefers to comfort you more with hugs, a little like sayori
shes ur silent supporter and comforter
thats literally her
will not hesitate a second to let someone know they misgendered you
im not kidding no one will never misgender you again after they met natsuki
i am convinced she tries to help you like this, because shes not really sure how to comfort you else
on especially bad days she probably hugs you and says 'im sorry'
but she really doesnt know how to comfort you over this
although she does have one way to cheer you up
after a bad day, she spends as much time as she can find making cupcakes for you
cupcakes are her love language after all
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ddlcbrainrot · 18 days
re: Monika Bad Person Something I think about alot with Monika is how, fundementally, she is a good person but good people are capable of being bad, as we see in base game. I do think though that Side stories shows us where are actions from base game came from, that they werent from nowhere but rather its her natural flaws taken to their extreme in an extreme situation. Like one of the biggest flaws about Monika is her need for control, we see this plain as day in side stories. While we know she means well there, Respect shows how her need for control and for things to go with her vision can end up causing issues. She also in general has a "oh I can fix it!" attitude that can clash with Natsuki and Yuri. And I think whats so fascinating about it is the fact that those traits are also in base game. But the problem with base game monika is that shes in a completely different situation and thus the flaws she so typically falls back on are used in even greater effect. She needs to control the situation so she can escape and just be the ONE for once. She makes a plan and follows it and thinks that itll 100% work in her favor because it HAS to. She "fixes" things in a way that SHE thinks is right. Another thing with her issues with control is how she feels the need to 'control' how others feel about her, in the sense that she is VERY good at hiding her feelings and her thoughts and putting up a mask. (Honestly it what makes her such a great foil to Sayori but thats something else) I think a thing is when writing Monika is alot of stories are post game, so post when she realizes she fucked up BIG time. But even then, I think that when monikas flaws should still show up. Shes someone who sticks in her own head and goes with her own plans, and in a post game setting it can appear as her thinking shes helping the others, but she just isnt because she refuses to just talk or ask. Actually one of my favorite examples of a post game story that shows Monika still being very flawed, and shows how her trauma can manifest is on tumblr! Doki Doki Literature Girls has such a good Monika because even though she trying to do better, she still has that nihilism from before, she still tries and do things her way, she still yearns for love from the outside even tho she knows it can never happen. But theres now her acknowledging that she cares about the others and thus theres alot of learning for her to go through.
This is a long ass ramble, I just love writing Monika and her mindset, shes so *shakes her like a soda can*. Also wanna say your art is super good, thank you for the gay people. (Also side thing because I wanna be silly, Total if you see this cause this will probably pass your fyp, hiiiii, you know who this is :))
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this is a comment i made a WHILE back, crazy how you start this ask with such a similar opinion
the base game is basically giving a control freak peefectionist the power to control the entire universe. Or, the illusion of control anyway. I think the reason she is more chill in Act 1 is bc she herself thinks she is in charge. The more time passes, the more she slowly understands that even if she can control every part of the game, she cannot control who the player chooses. And not being in control of the one thing she wants, talking to a real person, kinda pivots her to Act 2. Also, she does in fact think that she knows best in every way. Very arrogant of her, but while i do think it is kind of her ego talking it also mostly again falls under her need to be in control of situations. Monika's relationship with control is so interesting and complex that i can't talk about it without slowly going "hhhhhsggggghh monika character cool :("
Most fics do take place after the game so i get that, by this time, Monika has had her character development so her acting shitty towards the girls doesn't really make sense. I will say though becoming a better person takes time, its not as simple as "Wow, something showed me i was being an asshole, i won't ever act like that again". So, having her accidentally fall back into her previous attitude would not be that out of character. Plus, her being way harder on herself bc of the guilt? And maybe do some self sabotaging little moves? Yeah.
Haven't seen doki doki literature girls, but i have heard good things about it. Maybe I'll check it out!
Thank you for the compliment, i try my best lol. And thanks for the ask too btw, im always down to talk about Monika
( well i might have an idea of who you are too, if it is you then you seem super cool. Also, Total (im assuming you mean TotalFormage) you are super cool too )
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leonawriter · 3 days
A probably unintentional side-effect of making all of the best detectives of the series non-police even if they're affiliated means that the rate of arrests where the wrong person is brought to trial is... probably still quite high, as long as none of those same detectives show up at the crime scene, or gets involved.
There are STILL going to be false accusations, and people with criminal records for things they didn't do - up to and including murder.
In fact, there's a fair number who are brought up within the series itself.
The irony is... if you look past the shiny veneer of "look how amazing Conan's police force is! How nice and good they are!" they're still the same people who will just say "we have enough evidence, this is clearly [suicide/not done by the actual criminal]" and they just... let people walk free.
They're still people just doing their job.
The best cases are people like Takagi, Sato, and Shiratori, of the Tokyo PD, and the Nagano trio, who all seem to be actively trying to get to the truth, some with a good head on their shoulders as well. The detectives of the Nagano trio were able to solve a crime at their intro with barely any help! Shiratori probably figured out the cinema cherry blossom killer without any extra help, too!
But... so often we still see either "I just want to do my job and go home" or even Yamamura's "Clearly it was [wild theory that holds no water] and THAT person is the culprit!" which... is going to get an innocent person's life RUINED.
Also, yes, I am totally going to judge Shinichi when his own actions caused Yamamura, who he himself calls a "hack," to be promoted because of "solved" cases as a Sleeping Detective, who will then have even MORE power to... arrest the wrong people.
In short? DCMK's police force is full of people who either want to be good cops but aren't quite able to solve a complex crime on their own in a matter of hours, or who by inaction or incompetence have likely left a trail of cold cases and wrongful arrests in their wake.
Which reminds me of something that I've wanted from the series ever since I've gotten into Persona 5, which follows someone who lives with a criminal record for something he didn't do - what's it like for the person who's affected after that?
What about criminals who have gotten out of jail, and who don't want to do crime anymore?
What about criminals who wanted to go clean, but something drags them unwillingly back in - how are they seen? How kind is the world to them? How forgiving are the police and the justice system? It sends people to jail, but does it care about making sure they can break free?
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Sera was based on Natsuki Koshimizu because Gosho couldn't use her again due to her being a "sympathetic murderer" as the tropes say. I'd love to know if he meant that in the sense of "there's no way she'd get out of jail before they're supposed to have already finished everything" given the floating timeline means it's still under a year having taken place, or "I cannot make a main character who has killed someone and who is not part of the FBI/CIA/PSB/etc, and therefore does not have the hazy legality of being able to. Criminals other than Kaitou Kid who does not kill are not meant to be protagonists."
If it's the former, that makes sense. If it's the latter... what the actual fuck.
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teddybearty · 1 month
Hey all time for more of me talking about anime!!
This time is School Babysitters and Chibi Devi! Now I technically watched both shows in like 2017-2018(?) but I never finished them! It was only recently that I sat down and actually finished both shows so here goes!!
Spoilers for both under the cut:
School Babysitters is pretty good! It made me ADORE Ryu and Kotoro’s bond! And the kids are so FUCKING CUTE THERE ARE ALL MY KIDS AND I LOVE THEM SOOOOOO
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The other student characters are alright! I like Maria and her whole deal but I didn’t really like Yuki mainly since she just??? Liked Ryu??? Which seemed like her whole character????
I liked Nezu but his friend (whose name escapes me) I didn’t care for either. The joke that he gets a nosebleed when he squishes little kids’ cheeks is…a choice.
Also Saikawa is best boy enough said.
Now going into Chibi Devi I was surprised that it came out in 2011 with the style it has. I could’ve sworn it was early 2000s
Also that it’s SEVENTY-FIVE episodes?!?! LIKE WHY?!? But then I figured out that they five minutes long and I was like nevermind it’s fine.
And I liked it! At first I thought “Yeah I think I’m gonna like this less than School Babysitters” but then the children started growing up and displaying more of their personalities and I’m like “Actually no I like this more than School Babysitters????”
Honoka and Shinda (Mao’s parents) are so silly and sweet especially with their son. And the fact that they didn’t really get together in the end (especially since it was because Shin didn’t really understand romance) is just kind of nice I dunno why…
The other kids Karin and Rai are great too!
I find it so funny that Karin is this cute little girl who is so rough around the edges and a bit of a tomboy. There’s episodes where she would just be fighting things (like a mosquito and their substitute teacher) which were fun! Her also fighting with Itsuki (Natsuki’s brother / Karin’s “papa”) is always silly to watch!
Rai meanwhile is just kind of a kid who cares about the fun of everybody else. Which is really sweet. Also when he pulls pranks he has this old man laugh which is HILARIOUS!
There’s problems with the shows namely I didn’t really care for Chiyo and her whole schtick of wanting to be married off to a boy for some reason even though she’s just a little kid. Also I don’t like the principal’s design??? Mainly because his mustache is white and his hair color is purple.
Also Pepe? What is he? They never explain apart from him being from the Underworld????
All of the design issues that I have I might just??? Redesign them??? Honestly I was gonna do that for ALL of the demon characters because why not. It would be fun to make them look a bit less like humans with accessories you know?
I’ve talked WAY TOO LONG ABOUT A SHOW ABOUT DEMON BABIES BUT whatever! I hope you guys like this little segment!
I’m currently rewatching Sweetness and Lighting because I adore that show but y’all are free to give me other anime / shows to watch if you want! I’ve been having a good time with it!
Thank you and good day!! 💜
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ddlcpoly · 10 months
*Natsuki is cuddle up to Yuri after a few drinks while Yuri is reading a book*
Natsuki: Yuriii
Yuri: Yes Natsuki?
Natsuki: You’re like really hot.
Yuri: oh! Um, thanks.
Natsuki: Like, no dude. You don’t get! You’re like sooo beautiful and elegant. It’s barely even believable, like fuck.
Yuri: I, um, I thank you for your, again, why are you saying this.
Natsuki: Because I want to, and it’s true, you’re so fucking sexy dude. You cannot
*Natsuki grabs Yuri’s boobs and begins groping them*
Natsuki: believe the amount of time I spent in the club, just looking at these amazing mounds of yours.
Yuri: Ah, Natsuki, please stop.
Natsuki: Sorry.
*She stops*
Natsuki: But like you get the point man.
Yuri: I guess I uh do.
Natsuki: I love you, y’know?
Yuri: I love you too.
*Natsuki leans forwards and kisses her, Yuri reciprocating it. It was only a bit more than peck before Natsuki passes out*
*Yuri looks at her, smiling. She pats her head and holds her closer, continuing her book*
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suffarustuffaru · 1 year
ram for the ask thing
YOO RAM :O i gotchu anon. and yes this is gonna be kind of long again bc i have a lot of thoughts (yes i wrote a whole essay on ram/roswaal alone).
A ship I have with said character: ramilia and ram x fred are so cute 🥺🥺🥺 ramilia has their moments in canon already and ram x fred have their canon sickfic side story akdndn (its cute!!! fred takes care of ram!!) and i love the like mix of emilia and fred’s sweet personalities with ram’s sharper one pfft. that and ram x fred would be so fucking funny when you factor in garfiel. like yeah garfiels ultimately a good kid and he’ll get over the fact that his childhood crush is now dating his older sister eventually. and he’ll be very happy for both of them and he trusts ram with his sister too!! BUT LIKE the hilarity of garf wailing in despair (metaphorical and literal) over their new relationship is gonna be so fucking good. ottos just there awkwardly patting garf on the back and going “hey its not so bad seeing your sibling get together with someone you potentially couldve been with” and garfs like N O O O O O. O O O. i just. the comedic potential of it all. ram gets otto and subaru to babysit garf while she goes on dates with fred.
also. ram x fred comes with the benefit of BOTH OF THEM GETTING OVER THEIR TERRIBLE TASTE IN MEN…. (roswaal and clind)
as for ramilia—can you imagine how unhinged and messy it would get if you factor in wrath if… the same person (natsuki subaru) trapped and betrayed them… and in the aftermath of ram killing him, emilia goes to kill her in retaliation for that. ram, the girl who despises subaru with her whole being but has depended on him to live bc he’s locked her up all alone in a dark room. emilia, the girl who’s grown to have stockholm syndrome for subaru and has been locked up in a complete white room bc of her father figure and subaru agreeing to do that to her. i just think wrath if ramilia would be so fucked up and im so curious about it….
A BROTP I have with said character: this one tends to be a little overlooked but like. ram and otto are great. and like in general ram CARES about more people than just roswaal okay. like she DOES give a shit i dont understand all those people who think she doesnt. like with otto she GOES OUT OF HER WAY to make him tea and bring it to his room when hes working. and then theres the fact that ram and fred and otto are the only ones who drink alcohol in the mansion (other than. roswaal.) but ram-fred-otto drinking buddies moment when…???? also ram and fred of course 1000% know otto and subaru are garf’s older brother figures now. theyre all in the garf protection squad.
also. of course. ram and rem’s complicated relationship with its ups and downs all the way from their backstory to (SPOILER IG??) them reuniting in arc 8…… good shit. i enjoy seeing them together.
A NOTP I have with said character: ram/roswaal for obvious reasons but i will explain in Depth. because okay they have potential in the sense that there is a time and a place to show toxic unhealthy relationships in fiction with nuance and complexity between both characters. like roswaal has So Much influence on who ram is and also they have all that history together. there is So Much to explore there. like its fascinating with how roswaal plays a role in the destruction of the oni village, and then roswaal brings rem and ram to his mansion and roswaal threatens rem's life in order to put ram into a contract to serve him iirc? and ram LOATHES him bc of all that until. until gluttony erases rem and now ram has no reason to hate roswaal as much. now shes got like an Increased Complex Obsession with him thats now significantly less hate-love. like it is a full on cycle of abuse (in a Romantic lense) from echidna to roswaal to ram complete with Significant Age Differences??? like this is ALL so fascinating. and it sure would be in line with rezero's self improvement themes if ram grew to move away from her roswaal obsession and learn that she deserves Way Better than him.........
EXCEPT. EXCEPT IM GONNA BE REAL. most of the time it really feels like ram and roswaal's relationship isnt taken as Seriously as it should??? or theres like just not as much weight to it EVEN THOUGH we see shit like. ram in season one of the anime bringing roswaal's clothes and his goddamn underwear to the baths so she can DRESS HIM??? like i know shes a maid but its like fucking creepy when roswaal practically raised her after he brought her and her sister home after standing by and letting their village get destroyed. like are we not gonna talk about that bc even Without knowing all the context i winced seeing that shit in the anime when i first watched it. and then theres ram's insert song in season two which IS beautiful ngl. it very wonderfully shows all of ram's affections for roswaal and the reasoning behind her burning the book of wisdom. BUT ITS LIKE.... with the way ram/ros are now that song makes ram/ros feel just a tad bit romanticized. and like logically, i know theyre not bc so many characters comment on how bad ros is and how ram shouldnt be so affectionate for him, AND ALSO HE LITERALLY PUNCHES A HOLE THROUGH HER TO KILL HER, etc etc but LIKE. ARE WE.... ARE WE NOT GONNA INTERVENE WITH THIS... ARE WE NOT GONNA ADDRESS THIS SOME MORE... RAM/ROS IN CANON FEELS LIKE WATCHING YOUR FRIEND BE STUCK IN AN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP AND NO MATTER HOW HARD YOU TELL THEM THAT ITS BAD THEY JUST. DONT SEE IT. THEY WONT LEAVE :(((( like at this rate i have doubts on whether ram is gonna develop out of this shit. when will roswaal face more consequences than just being punched by everyone in the camp.
i am so sorry anon my rage flowed out just then lajsldfj but like im serious. like. and then theres all the people in this fandom that think that roswaal giving ram her mana treatment is sexual in nature. im so tired. LIKE YEAH thats what i thought too when i watched the damn anime. but it is NOT SEXUAL. GOD.... and the fact that its depicted in a way that vaguely makes it look sexual kills me inside. friendly reminder that she is SEVENTEEN/EIGHTEEN. EVEN IF YOU REMOVE ROSWAAL'S 400 YEARS OF BEING ALIVE HES STILL LIKE. WAY TOO FUCKING OLD FOR HER. ON TOP OF BEING A PIECE OF SHIT. LIKE IM NEVER GONNA FORGET ALL THE SHIT HE'S DONE. AND I AM TIRED, TAPPEI. T^TTTTTTTT i think i heard somewhere that tappei said that he doesnt intend to develop ram that much. which. idk how true that is but either way ram is more of a static character compared to say rem. and its like. tappei. she NEEDS development out of her relationship with roswaal in some way shape or form. we need closure for this. and I WILL punch tappei (metaphorical) if the closure isnt ram saying bye bye to roswaal's bitch ass in some way. (also quick disclaimer i do like stories with darker themes and exploring dark characters and relationships and showing their nuance While Condemning them. and its like yes roswaal is interesting. but ram/ros as of rn in the story feels very. glossed over. as ive said earlier hah)
anyway. my other ram notps are ram/subaru and ram/garf. the first one is bc i feel like its just. stale. bland. and also theyre more like siblings to me. ill make an exception for wrath if ramsuba though bc the TOXICITY and TRAGEDY of it all fascinates me…. and also ram/garf bc. yeah shes literally too old for him. and garf/mimi is SO MUCH BETTER GUYS…
A random headcanon: so like… we barely know shit about wrath if. like at all. but we do know iirc that ram and subaru disappear from the mathers mansion at the same or around the same time. and ram tried to kill him and then he managed to smash a rock on her head. and then when we see them like Later in wrath if, ram’s been locked up all alone, subaru is the only one who knows shes there, and subarus been gathering mana crystals all this time just to keep her alive. like???? how did ram and subaru go from point a to point b, you may ask???? HONESTLY i have no fucking clue but the two options i liked to go with are:
option 1. subaru ran away from the mansion out of fear and paranoia after smashing rams head with a rock. and then ram followed him in order to kill him.
option 2. subaru, still afraid and paranoid, smashes ram’s head with a rock in self-defense. and then he immediately feels absolutely terrible and decides to bring ram with him in an attempt to help (or “help”, depending on how you see it) her bc hes still too afraid to actually go back to the mansion.
ANYWAY i have a many thoughts on wrath if ramsuba. bc its like…. ram was growing a tiny bit fond of subaru in arc 2, u know? and then from her pov subaru goes and KILLS HER SISTER…. meanwhile subarus been betrayed and rams trying to kill him and then subarus punished for trying to defend himself. and then subaru takes it too far and becomes purge king and kills a ton of people while imprisoning ram and emilia. wrath if drives me insane man. rams been locked up and subaru being the only one that knows shes there, along with the fact that ram and subaru disappear from the mansion at the same time, imply that ramsubas had a lot of time in private with just each other. subaru depends on her bc shes in color. rams life hangs in his hands. ram went from being trapped with roswaal to being trapped with subaru. its a whole MESS. i am fascinated.
General Opinion over said character: RAM IS GREAT AND ALL THOSE PEOPLE WHO SAY SHE DOESNT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT ANYONE ARE SO SO WRONG. I LOVE HOW SHE IS AN ASS (I SAY THIS AFFECTIONATELY) BUT ALSO SHE CAN BE SO KIND AND SOFT, ACTUALLY. she also is so fucking funny i adore her. her insert song is so so beautiful like GENUINELY like her voice and then the lyrics are so wonderful ;-;;; BUT ITS ALL WASTED ON ROSWAAL…… GRRR…. anyway she is an absolute queen in my eyes. i love her so much. i hope she gets away from roswaal fr. she deserves everything ;-;;;;;; i still havent read all her side stories but i gotta!!! esp the ones on her backstory!!!!!!! and i would love to explore her and roswaal’s relationship in a fic someday bc it is So Interesting to me….. and i NEED closure on those damn plot points….
OK ALSO ADDITIONALLY several several months ago i bought a blind bag rezero keychain irl and GOT RAM so like she is proudly going on all my adventures with me. ram my beloved.
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here she is
and also. i cant fully articulate all my feelings on how her backstory has shaped her (and i want to make sure i am AN EXPERT on her backstory first akdndn) but like it is very very interesting. and she IS a strong person in fact!!!!!!
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