#if this song has 10000 fans im one of them. if this has has 100 fans im one of them. if this song has 0 fans im dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
uniquezombiedestiny · 11 months
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Cloudy skies, muddy waters, and the paint of black.
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hyeizwon · 3 years
(gp999 friend) hi there! I hope you’re doing well ☺️ man this episode was a bit up and down but the songs were all really good in my opinion! 😁how did you like all the songs and performances? I hate to start out negatively but something that kind of ruined the episode a bit for me was how much mnet clearly tried to portray some of the prominent Chinese trainees in a negative way. Like in the Utopia team the masters kept repeating how it was the most difficult song to perform, but then heavily criticized Huang Xingqiao for not being incredibly fast to learn it?? They also seemed to try to portray that her smiling = her not taking it seriously? As if in earlier episodes we didn’t see her smiling when getting criticized but also working extremely hard behind the scenes to keep up and perform well 😐 (also the masters are so dramatic, I would definitely laugh when they’re on their “if you can’t perform at 10000% all the time and be perfect in everything you don’t deserve to be here” bs 🙄). I felt bad for Chaehyun too - her not doing well with that one note was clearly nerves and she’s such a good singer. I do wish we got to see more of the judges praise for Yurina, yeseo, and especially bora because those three managed flawless performances for a really hard song. 💗 all of them did really well tho - if it wasn’t for minor mistakes (that honestly could’ve been fixed if they had more than a little over a week to learn everything) they definitely could’ve won 🥲 Speaking of teams that could’ve won, I am extremely emo about team shoot and main vocal yujin 😭😭 they all did so well and yujin was literally amazing. I’ve been a CLC fan since they released high heels, and seeing yujin’s growth over the years up until she’s literally able to take main vocal and leadership positions made me cry for a bit I can’t lie 🥲 Also my eyes were drawn to Manami a lot!! (Whoever that fan was with the manami stuff on their car is a legend lol). The vocals, dance, and everything was super on point with this group and even tho I loveddddd the u+me=love team, I lowkey wish there could’ve been two winners because the shoot team did amazing too 😭💗 (1/2)
hi <3!!!! i feel so bad for Huang Xingqiao, her edit about her lack of dance skills took a 180 in the past few weeks :(( she seems like such a hard worker to be at the level she is now and im worried for her tomorrow ALSO yeah lmao i couldnt take it seriously, also apparently a balloon fell from the wall while she was being criticised which. would 100% also make me laugh. Chaehyun has proven herself to be incredible on the show and i hope she gains her confidence back before the finale (i hope shes still top9, as that would make her feel really happy) but it did feel like only utopia's bad parts were aired when those 3 did SUCH a great job, those 3 have been consistently great throughout the show espeically Bora. the team was so stacked i thought they were definitely going to win, but mistakes happen :(
Shoot! was incredible, Yujin did SUCH a good job as main vocal that it made me emotional aswell lmao ive not been a CLC fan for as long as u have but god ! she proved her skills and why she deserves to debut while also leading the team. Manami is such a fun performer and i loved that fan's car so much but the person who drew my eye the most in shoot was ruan, which really surprised me bc i never saw the 'star power' that got her the pass until now, but im even considering voting for her if the finale is 3-pick voting. overall it was such a clean performance that also had personality and was def the 2nd place that only had a 1.something difference behind u+me. i think it was the most consistent group overall when on stage
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signs-of-the-moon · 6 years
Random misc facts
Some info about the development of my fan clans throughout the years as well as "cringey" shit I've done in my years of being in the Warriors Fandom
I've had these clans for years. Probably about ehhh...8 years? Basically since 5th grade or I guess since I was 12.... Im almost 20. There's no escape from cat hell
I began creating my clans with literally no knowledge of Warriors except for what I saw in AMVs and AlliKatNyah's WOTF. I didn't even know it was a book series until about a year later
My ocs used to be based on my stuffed animals because I didn't know how to draw. One cat was named Loveheart he was white with red and pink hearts on his pelt and a pink mane. Another was a light pink and white cat with blue eyes named Pinkfrost, she was a medicine cat. I think I also used a beanie baby doberman as a cat named Dogtooth.
Leopardroar was a webkinz signaturd clouded leopard (which I still have), Berryfrost was originally some weird mostly white with pink lemur beanie baby that made a weird noise when you strangled squeezed his belly
Tinystep is based on a beanie baby I had (and still have) named Scat by the TY company lord why. that's a terrible name. Her original backstory is that she stayed apprentice size because she sprained her spine from a fall after jumping after a hawk that was carrying away one of her littermates when they were apprentices (this is still kinda canon but the injury will be more realistic when I eventually write out the scene)
When I got into drawing I sketched up all of my cat stuffed animals and put the allegiances on loose leaf papers then stapled them together. They have long since become lost
Whitestar has stayed the same all these years design wise. She was based on a siamese stuffed animal I had. she's always been leader. She's also always been mates with Tigerfang. I hadn't known about the Tigerstar and Sasha mangas until maybe 2 or 3 years ago so its 10000% coincidence that I made those two mates despite the uncanny physical similarities to the canon cats
Swiftheart has always been a protag however she used to go by another name. Her name was originally Skunkpaw and later she was named Skunkheart. I think I gave her that name so she didn't seem too sweet or because skunks were the only things in the forest that I could think of which are black and white or smth. Yes she was based on a stuffed animal. She also used to have a regular tail but I thought making her a Japanese Bobtail would be cute
Grassclan was my first fanclan. They used to have different customs than they do now as well as a different territory. For instance they lived on a plateau with a river running through it, separating their land from the "Outskirt lands". At the end of the river was a waterfall which signaled the "edge of the world". They also had a custom where they would put their deceased on a piece of driftwood and send them down the river as the leader, medicine cat, and family threw flowers after them as the body floated away with the current and eventually over the waterfall.
I believe my first drawn oc was a cat named Angelflower, she was pure white with blue eyes and 100% hearing. I only remember making an amv on flipnotes for her and two other cats (some random Broad Shouldered Dark Brown Tabby Tom(tm) and a calico she-cat) to some evanecense song. I think Angelflower was singing about how she saw the tom kill the she-cat and abused her in their relationship after the other she-cat was dead or smth. Either way its so embarrassing
Oceanclan was originally called WaterClan. Maybe I should have kept the name?
I had written another warriors oc fic once upon a time. It's still up on another Wattpad account that I dont use anymore (the book is discontinued but Im thinking about going back to it for ironic purposes because it was That Bad but people still took a small interest in it. Maybe it could become Starkit's Prophecy infamous someday if I keep writing it) if you wanna hear more about it hmu
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starkniall · 7 years
Answer them all haha
do you have a favourite sweater? idk i think it’s more a hoodie than a sweater lmao but yes it’s a disney one, with mickey’s ears and it’s kind of lilac and it’s soft and warm and i love it
what’s your middle name? paola :/ 
do you still talk to the first person you kissed? if u mean like, a kiss on the lips...i have never done that and i never ever will
do you get on with your grandpa`? i did :( my mom’s father was the best person i’ve ever ever ever met and i miss him so much everyday
what was your favourite cartoon as a kid? rugrats omfkg
what’s your favourite cartoon now? i dont watch them anymore tbh i dont watch tv anymore
do you read the news paper? sometimes, when things happen but it’s not a thing i dutifully do everyday nope
who was the last text you sent to ? my sister
what does the last text you sent say? ‘thanks u asshole’ lmao
if you could have any hair colour what would it be? i dont think i’d ever change my hair color tbh i dont think i’d look good in anything other than black
do you like nature documentaries? yeeeeess
what is your aesthetic? i....dont think i have one tbh....this is a very especific thing but i like concert pics where the artist looks tiny and u can see the crowd and the lights and the stage and it’s in HQ and i can set it up as a wallpaper lmao
when did you last pet a dog? like 2 minutes ago :’)
whose friend’s parents do you like the most? i dont have any friends in real life so i dont know anyone’s parents
have you ever been on a road trip? eehhhh yeah kind of? we used to go to a lil town called ‘anapoima’ and it was a 2 hour trip.....that’s it
tell me about someone you know called emma in real life? u dont find emmas in colombia so idk
are you reading a book in english class, what is it? im not taking an english class like the one you’re probably talking about but i am reading a book, well, re reading tbh, the all for the game series by nora sakavic 10000/10 would recommend
do you have a favourite aunt? yes, sorta, my aunt marta, she used to be my fave and #funfact she was the only one who could get me to sleep when i was a baby but she has her own kids now and we see each other like once a year so yeah idk
baths or showers? i have never in my life taken a bath so i’ll have to go with showers.....also i kind of dont understand how baths work??? do u just....sit there with soapy water??? how do u get the soapy water off??? with a shower??? i dont see the point of baths i have actually never seen a bathtub in my life
skiing or sun bathing? i’ve never done either of those so idk....also i hate the sun bc i get sunburnt in 2 minutes and skiing it’s basically impossible in a city where snow it’s...not a thing....so yeah
do you kill spiders? I WISH I COULD, that sounds mean but i hate spiders i know they are harmless and most of the time they are more scared than i am but i just cant physically get close to a spider, they scare me so fucking much i cant ever kill them so they always run away and i live with the endless anxiety of ‘where are they now? do i have lil baby spiders living with me now?’
have you ever made an ice pop? im not quite sure what an ice pop is so im gonna pretend it’s like...making a paleta so yeah i have
are you wearing shoes right now? nope, just fluffy socks
tell me about you favourite primary school/elementary school teacher i didnt have one
who was the last person you hugged? i havent hugged anyone in literal months so i dont remember
do you wear glasses? nope
do you have a cat? nope
do you have a favourite pair of underwear? yep
what was your last tweet? a response to niall’s knee tweet: lmaaaao this is the most me thing ever. did 20 minutes of cardio last tuesday and my knee's achey and swollen. also my hip hurts.
do you still use facebook? ehhh....kind of. to see what my high school ppl are up to i guess
do you like birds? yeah they’re cute
who was the last person you called cute? ......the birds of the question before this one? does that count? if not, probably my dog.
who was the last person that called you cute? idk it was probably years ago 
how did you meet your best friend? i dont have a best friend
escalators or elevators? it depends, there are days when elevators give me anxiety so i’d go with stairs then, but there are days my knees hurt a lot so i’d go with elevators then
are you named after anyone, who? nope
what was your first url? horan-nialler lmao
autumn or winter? idk i have never been through those
do you win at scrabble? ....i have never played scrabble
put your ipod on shuffle , who is the first song that comes up by? slow hands by niall horan lmao go listen to it on spotify and buy it on itunes
have you ever drunk from a mason jar? what is a jason bar?
can you draw? i can try
what was your first profile picture?i dont remember lmao
favourite tshirt? dont have one
best tumblr friend? i probably dont have one tbh
when did you last run? in my cardio class last tuesday
do you like to paint your nails? not really
did you ever do something as a kid that got you into loads of trouble? not smth super big that i remember
who is your favourite dog that isn’t yours? i only know by lil baby dog
have you ever been drunk? nope
have you ever done something you regret while drunk? go back to question 50
do you want to kiss anyone right now? nope. never. digusting.
do/did you like you math teacher? nope
do you often ride the bus? e v e r y d a y
do you have a fireplace in your house? nope and if i did i’d move out 
are you violent when you’re angry? nope
do you cry when you’re angry? ehhh...nope, i’d have to be way too angry and even then im just quiet
favourite Harry potter book? i havent read the books, just the movies
can you remember your last dream? yep, it was more of a nightmare tbh
do you go to bed early or late? depends if u consider 3-4am late or early
do you speak a second language? yes
who was your first ever best friend? i have never had a best friend
have you ever had an operation? yep, a tooth 
tell me about your favourite cousin i dont have one
do you have a piece of clothing that doesn’t even fit you anymore but you can’t bare to throw away? nope
have you ever been in a musical? nope
do you have a porch? nope
how many times have you watched your favourite movie?like 1 million probably
what do you order at mcdonalds? idk how to say this in english so: un combo de cuarto de libra con coca cola sin hielo y papas agrandadas
do you get on with old people? yeah i’d like to think so
science fiction or romance? a romance in a sci fi universe
do you take naps? nope but i wish i could
how many classes do you/did you take in high-school? like 20
when did it last snow where you live? it has never snowed but with the weather as it is i wouldnt be surprised if it started snowing one day bc climate change it’s a real and scary thing
does it ever snow where you live? see question before this one
how many months until your birthday? 2 i think
how much charge does your computer have right now? 100%
what is your favourite disney channel movie? hsm
the city or the sea side? sea side even tho i’ve only seen the sea once in my life
what is your least favourite colour? yellow
do you have homework to do? yes my thesis lmao
are you still friends with your first best friend?
do you have/are you the gay cousin? i am the gay cousin
do you own dungarees? nope, but i did when i was like 10
do you like to play sport? nO
what was your favourite ever christmas present? a polaroid camera
how old are you? 21
what is your mum’s name? angela but in spanish so anhela lmao
do you ever use internet explorer? nope
have you ever had blonde hair? NO
is their a play park near your house? yes but it’s a scary place, u go there, u get mugged
when did you last see the person you have a crush on? i saw niall horan on the 25 of april 2014 (im kidding i dont even have a crush on niall idk what a crush is tbh)
who did you last talk to on the phone? my uncle maybe
pants or dresses? pants
do you read fan fiction? it’s all i do
what is you’re favourite blog? @dailyniall
do you write poetry? nope
drama or comedy? drama, i love angst
have you ever had a hickey? no ew
Your own question that you want me to answer is niall horan coming to colombia on 2018? he fucking better
woooooooooow that was a ride odngkjdfg lmao THANK U that was fun!
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